The Sevan Podcast - #417 - Annie Thorisdottir

Episode Date: May 25, 2022

Stoked to have Annie Thorisdottir on the show. Annie and Sevan's relationship goes back to the earliest days of the CrossFit Games when she first competed. Through the years, Annie has always been som...eone who has been a star in Sevan's behind the scenes films from the CrossFit Games. He has always had a huge amount of respect for her as a human. They talk about their past, Annie's birthing experience, her relationship with Fredrick, her current team, and more. NEW TDCEO Shirts: Sevan Podcast — VNDK8 EQUIPMENT COMPANY Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- #TheSevanPodcast #CrossFitGames #CrossFit Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Fuck, why'd I do that? We're live.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Okay. We're live. Okay. On Saturday nights, I stop eating, and then I start again on Monday morning. So I basically – on Saturday night, I go to sleep. I don't eat all day Sunday. I go to sleep again. I wake up.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I start eating Monday. This particular week, next Sunday, I am going to a party where I heard there's going to be 100 pounds of lobster. 100 pounds. So I was like, well, shit, I can't be fasting next Sunday. That would make no sense. So I fasted again. So then I didn't eat Sunday. Then I, and I have to do this every week, one day a week. I'm like obsessed with doing it.
Starting point is 00:01:27 I guess obsessed is the right word. And I've been doing it for over two years now. So yesterday I didn't eat – what was yesterday, Tuesday? So I didn't eat Sunday. I ate Monday, and then I didn't eat Tuesday so that I could eat Sunday. I think one time I remember hearing eat Sunday. I ate Monday, and then I didn't eat Tuesday so that I could eat Sunday. I think one time I remember hearing a story. Oh, maybe I should give Annie my phone number in case she's having problems. My tape is working, right? Maybe I'm just nervous because Annie is coming on.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I heard a story that Nicole Carroll, I think this is correct. I heard a story that Nicole Carroll, I think this is correct. She's the director of training, probably the most influential woman in the history of my life for sure in fitness, maybe human. I mean, she definitely belongs on the – I don't know if Mount Rushmore is the right word. But she definitely – her contribution to fitness is insane. And health, more importantly, health. One time she did this experiment where I think she ate every other day for a month. So in 15 months, she fasted 15 days and ate 15 days every other day.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I wish I could remember what she said about it. I promise you if she gets fired, I'll get her on the show. If she agrees. Maybe before. Maybe something will happen there and there'll be some sort of love in. Maybe there'll be some sort of love in and I will. I mean, shit, Annie's coming on the show, from the,
Starting point is 00:03:09 from, I know, I know being an athlete's a much different, role, than being the director of training for CrossFit Inc, but, in some ways, she's,
Starting point is 00:03:21 Nicole's equal, but just sort of in the athlete category, not in the, not in the other category, not in the other category. Let me see this. I'm trying to see where I sent her an email. I'll send her my phone number in case there's a problem. What if I sent her the wrong link?
Starting point is 00:03:38 Yeah, I'll resend it. And here is my phone number, 505-2524, oh, don't say that, okay, send, sometimes,
Starting point is 00:04:00 maybe last night's wasn't clickbait, this one is clickbait, sometimes with these international uh cats um we get a uh a time zone issue like it's just too much math for us although she she's not she's not like around the globe or anything it gets really weird when it's like australia right they're like it's like you start having to shift days and stuff there's this uh i've noticed there's this thing midnight in melbourne australia but staying up for annie thank you wayne i recognize so many of your names ken seven already for you yeah i know i know is it that obvious sorry okay uh one two three oh three is like i'm a little nervous four is like i'm really nervous five is i'm i'm freaking out and i have
Starting point is 00:04:55 six pages i think the most pages and notes i ever had was uh was seven i can't remember i think that was maybe patrick bet david i can't i can't tell if i think that was maybe Patrick, but David. I can't, I can't tell if I'm nervous that she's coming on or I'm nervous. Cause, uh, or, or something's going on in my heart. Cause I'm not yet. Cause I'm a, cause I have an eating disorder, eating disorder. Good morning, Jim. Yeah. Yesterday, Jim, I wasn't sure if I, I couldn't remember if I liked you or not. Like in my mind, I like you because I was going through YouTube and making people moderators. I was like, I think this dude should be a moderator. Because I was expecting yesterday to get kind of wily in the comments. So I was just like, oh, we don't have any moderators. So I just, oh, I should have made Heidi a moderator.
Starting point is 00:05:42 There used to be a dude in the comments named Yolo all the time, just commenting just nonstop. And think uh wad zombie is a moderator and booted him that's the only person i know who ever got booted step on don't interrupt her every six seconds like you did with raw the other day in fact have him on again and shut the fuck up and let him talk processing can you tell can you tell caleb i'm processing that comment i'm just like don't react don't react oh yes craig white you should definitely be a moderator oh here we go i think she responded to the email. Let's see what's going on. Oh, she says she's coming.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Ah, she was in the middle of cutting her toenail. She'll be here in a minute. where is that comment you don't understand the show if you think i'm interrupting people and i've said this before if i'm not talking that means the guest has interrupted me and it's your favorite show isn't that weird oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot shoot shoot uh susan if you're watching you weren't supposed to reach out to jay crouch yet sorry shit uh i think we're gonna start a group thread with uh um uh wait wait wait wait well we're gonna have uh jay crouch on uh i think we're going to start a group thread with – wait, wait, wait, wait. We're going to have Jay Crouch on. I think we're going to have him and Rob Forte on at the same time.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Darn it. Darn it, darn it, darn it. That was totally my fault. We are going to start a group thread with Rob Forte too. There's like – I don't want this to be a CrossFit show. And there's like 20 CrossFitters. I want to fucking have on a mess. I'm a conflicted man.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I am a conflicted, conflicted man. Hey, how about she come on the show? So I can interrupt her. Thought about that. thought about that you're the kind of guy that worries about where you're going to take a girl before she even said yes to dating you she's not going to date you yeah thank you thank you scott thank you the
Starting point is 00:08:19 raw show is great of course it was sometimes if i notice that the the guest is getting nervous i talk so that they don't get nervous. I thought there were a lot of uncomfortable silences in that show, a lot of them. Hi, Annie. Hey. Hey, how are you doing? So good. So good.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Hey, did we have the time right? Yeah, we had the time right. Okay, good. Good, good. I just, I always just want to. That was on me. It's like, it's like leaping over oceans and stuff that somehow we got like the day or the time, right?
Starting point is 00:08:53 Especially like Australians. You're not in Australia. You're in the Island in the top, the Iceland one, not the Australian one. I'm in the Iceland one. It should be like pretty easy with me. I lost your audio. You lost my audio? Hold on. Okay, perfect. plan one it should be like pretty easy with me actually oh you lost my audio hold on okay perfect i got you back okay cool cool yeah no i should be easy i'm gmt zero uh so it's like
Starting point is 00:09:17 fairly easy to calculate freya just needed a little bit of attention she's not at daycare today so i couldn't just run away if at any time you need to um bolt please do i'm good frederick frederick has her so we're all good how did you just like yeah gets excited about her potty training so she really wanted me to be there when she would pee in her potty and i couldn't just like look. It's like, clap for me. How old is she? She is just over one and a half year old. She was born in August.
Starting point is 00:09:56 In the U.S., kids don't get potty trained until they're seven. In Iceland, they do it when they're 18 months. Seven. Honestly, I'm not like potty training her. I just bought a potty and then she got excited about it. And now she just lets me know when she needs to use it. It's like, I didn't really have to do anything. It's pretty nice.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Yeah. She's like, what's that over there? Oh, you're peeing it. Okay. I'll give it a try. Yeah. She's like, and when you clap for her, when she did it the first time, she got kind of excited about it.
Starting point is 00:10:23 And then it's like, oh, and then we flush it down into the ocean. It's the same as mommy and daddy do. So it's kind of exciting. So I didn't really have to. Thankfully, it was a pretty easy one for me, this one at least. Yeah, I think girls are better at that, significantly better. I've heard that too. I think we feel it better when we need to go.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Oh, I didn't know I'd think that too. I think we feel it better when we need to go. Oh, I didn't think about that. But yeah. I mean, yeah, my wife will feel when she's ovulating. So feeling to go into the bathroom, like you probably get a two-day notice. Ah, I will be peeing tomorrow at 3 p.m. Is it the set of schedule? How did you meet Frederick? I met him.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Frederick or Frederick? Frederick. Frederick? Frederick. Frederick. Yes. I actually, I met him and what was it called? Semi semis, maybe back then or regionals in 2010 and homestead. Where's homestead? It's in Sweden, right outside of Copenhagen or Denmark.
Starting point is 00:11:28 And can you tell me about that first encounter? Well, he was competing there. I was competing. We didn't really like know each other, but we had a mutual friend. And then after the competition, like we, me and everyone from my gym went to Copenhagen and went to dinner. And his friends, like my mutual, our mutual friends were at dinner at the same place. And then we got introduced. Then we just like started talking after that.
Starting point is 00:12:01 But we didn't start dating until like a few months later or a couple of months later so we started being together like end of 20 uh 2010 um did was did you know when you saw him were there were there sparks oh there were definitely sparks for sure otherwise i wouldn't have wanted to bother with this like continuing to talk with him but I never planned on having so this is gonna sound weird uh but like I never planned on having like a foreign boyfriend because uh my roots are Iceland and I knew that I wanted to live in Iceland and raise my kids in Iceland and I didn't really think that anyone outside of Iceland would want to live in Iceland. So I never planned on having it become anything serious.
Starting point is 00:12:55 But obviously, like when you feel like you meet the right person, it's just the right person. And yeah, we've been together now for, yeah, what is it? 11 years? Are you guys married? We're not married. No. 11 years. It took my wife and I, I think, 20 years to get married.
Starting point is 00:13:16 And then we had the twins. I think she was pregnant with the twins when we got married. So you went a little bit of a European route. I feel like people don't understand that in the states it's like we do it quite a lot here in iceland or in europe you're like might have kids and then you get married me and frederick are the same as married like we're just as committed to each other and we've talked about marriage i just don't feel like doing it while i'm competing on crossfit because i feel like it's going to be like, I'm, I don't know. I want to just have time and enjoy it and enjoy planning it and not have it like a
Starting point is 00:13:50 stress factor. Um, so then I'll do it when I'm not competing as much anymore. Is it, do you, um, pardon me, kind of liked being like the renegade and not being married and having a kid, like, kind of like, hey, I'll do shit my own way. Don't tell me what to do. I've never really thought about it that way because I don't really feel like people can tell me what to do. So I'm not bothered by it. Well, your mom said from a young age you were a determined person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:21 From a young age, you were a determined person. If you, from, from, from when you were as far back as she could remember, if you could, if you made a plan, you were going to act it out. It was going to happen. That's pretty true. Yeah. I would say that's true. When I, when I really set my mind to something, I would make sure that I, I wouldn't quit.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I wouldn't give up on it. I would like have it go that way. Frederick couldn't court you through Instagram. There was no Instagram then i don't was there social media no so he had to actually ask for your phone number facebook okay way to facebook we can like see messages from each other like way way back in time through facebook which is really cool to see now wow and then and and then when did you know um when did you know did he when was like the first like real commitment like where one of you and i guess i'm defining commitment as one of you actually traveled to see the other one where you get on a plane and go well i was coaching i was on level one staff uh when we were starting to see each other.
Starting point is 00:15:26 So he would come and see me when I was coaching anywhere in Scandinavia, Sweden, Denmark. Then he would come and Norway, like come and meet up with me that those weekends. And when I was competing as well, he would come and be there. So that was like those months uh leading up to the end of the year and then in december he like officially asked me like do you want to be exclusive like we're a couple and i'm like in 2010 december of 2010 yes and then beginning uh 2011 like january 2011 he came to iceland um for the first time and i still lived at my parents place so that was kind of like a big big step because he came and i didn't stay at my parents place and like meet the whole family and do the whole shebang but
Starting point is 00:16:22 yeah then i was like now we'll see if this is like, if everything works. And it was a great trip. It was like a week of us training together, getting to know each other and him getting to know my family. And I would say after that trip, I was like, yes, this is, this is really real. Yeah. Crazy. And now, now he's family. Yes. Like if he's at your house, he would just open the cupboard and pour himself his own glass of water yeah he started doing that very early on though it's um i went through i went through your entire instagram last night i mean i mean not really post for post but i scrolled all the way back to the beginning.
Starting point is 00:17:05 And it doesn't go back to the beginning, you know, like what I think of as the beginning. Because the first time I spotted you, the first time I saw you was obviously in Aromas. Yeah. And you've basically been with Frederick your whole CrossFit career. But in my mind, there was a huge chunk where you weren't with him because just when I met you there was no Frederick yeah no absolutely me and you go even further back yeah it's crazy yeah that's pretty crazy no he was there when I won the games for the first time uh but I feel like my CrossFit journey started definitely sooner than that.
Starting point is 00:17:49 It was emotional for me going, uh, looking through that, to be honest with you. It was actually funny for me too. And now it just, um, so I went to the pool, uh, to swim, uh, before this podcast and I was by myself at the pool. So when you're swimming, you have a lot of time to think. And I was thinking about this podcast and I was like thinking about just like some of the interviews and the things we've done together and how much I know about you and like your past and now like been following you on Instagram with your kids and family it's just like it's kind of funny I feel like because I've known you since like so so far back when I had such a hard
Starting point is 00:18:27 time speaking English and I feel like sometimes you took a little bit of maybe advantage even after that but uh into now like even though it's been a while since we like really sat down and talked together I feel like I know you through social media. So it's been, I feel like it's been a journey, you know? I haven't, I probably haven't talked to you in four. I don't know. I'm just making this up four years, maybe longer, maybe 2017. What would that be? Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:19:00 I, I know you're, um, um, uh, not yet, not, not yet. Uh, Brandon close, not yet. Um, uh, I know you're, you're a beloved friend, um, um, uh, Katrin, and I know that Katrin and, um, and I, I was very, um, aggressive towards Castro. I have been very aggressive towards Katrin and I know she's your best friend. And I, and, um, I was actually really surprised you would come on. Uh, and I, and I really appreciate it because I know you're fiercely loyal to her. And, um, I know she's, I know she's an amazing person. Um, some people are surprised how much nice things I say about her and also how hostile I can be towards her. So, so, so I
Starting point is 00:19:52 appreciate that. Cause I know, I know we have a very, I know we have a very long history, but I know she's like one of your, um, most cherished relationships that you've had in your existence on planet earth. And so I appreciate that also. I really appreciate that. Absolutely. I feel like we have we have a long pass on and I didn't. Well, obviously, I thought about it. But if you were going to bring it up, I also know that I was I would always take her aside. So right. You can just expect that too. Right, right, right, right. The determined and unwavering Annie Thor's daughter. So I always feel like I'm just, I'm a very, very honest person. And everyone, like now obviously going team, I've gotten to know a few more people that like have come in almost like as a family. And I feel like once you get to know me you get to like really know me and then I started hearing that I can be brutally honest and I'm like oh man does it somehow sometimes come out like harsh I don't mean it at all as like I
Starting point is 00:20:59 don't ever want it to come out harsh but I feel like I'm just being honest I'm never trying to be like rude or anything but I tend to just want to say my side but then I'm always happy to hear someone else's side too what what do you think because of that honesty how your life the implications of that um I think it makes my life simpler I think it makes my life easier I think it makes my life simpler. I think it makes my life easier. I think it makes my relationships easier. Because I can also handle honesty straight back. Like I would rather someone just comes and tells me if there's something bothering them
Starting point is 00:21:40 or if there's something up. And that's something that I've kind of always appreciated about you too. You just tend to be honest about what you think but then people can also have different opinions sometimes you think they're stupid when they have different opinions and that's also fair but at least you seem to like be open to it and that's I think it makes communications and relationships easier if you don't like what you get then we just don't need to spend as much time together if that makes sense totally well said uh wait wait uh hold on this one uh kyle stopic
Starting point is 00:22:16 sevan getting in some ass kissing well thank you nice do you think you were taught that i i wasn't always honest i used to be nice i think you can be honest and nice i would like to look at myself as a nice person i don't say things just to say them i don't say things to try to be mean to others i don't think say things when it's not going to have any positive outcome uh because then i feel like it's not going to have any positive outcome because then I feel like it's not necessary but if there's something that has that I feel like could make my and that person's relationship better or if it's something worth standing up for then I'll be honest about it but I don't think I don't think it needs to be done in a bad way and I hope that I don't do that but I um yeah I think I've always been like that I think my mom taught me
Starting point is 00:23:16 that I can always be honest and not get punished for it if that makes sense so it's like being able to just like live guilt-free i guess in the circumstance where you where you couldn't be honest it's also extremely uncomfortable right for you it's not it's not you don't you don't want to manage you don't want to manage that shit it's it's kind of it's it's you know do you know what i mean by that like yes and no but i'm not gonna be like if i think that someone is doing something stupid i would be like well that's stupid if it doesn't have any if it doesn't have anything to do with me or any positive of course i can definitely step back and be like you do you you know of course i mean like i'm gonna just make up this example. There's no truth to this, but let's just say.
Starting point is 00:24:07 So let's say you and Frederick are somewhere, and maybe that's a bad example. Maybe that's a bad example. I just mean, like, even little white, like, once you go embark on that journey of just absolute honesty, and you're right. You don't have to say it all, but you're honest with yourself. By. I mean, you don't take action to lie or to mislead people. Then going the other way is almost impossible. It like hurts. Like if you, if you had to, let's say you had to kill someone and bury them in your basement, you could never do it. I could not do that. It would rot away at you. That secret. You couldn't hold that secret. it would rot away at you that secret. You couldn't hold that secret.
Starting point is 00:24:49 So when I was a kid, um, I was still in elementary school, me and my best friend, we went to a bingo. Um, it's called bingo in the States as well. Right. They call the numbers and then you put them on the page. Yeah. Yeah. And then you win something. Yep. Old people do it in little kids. Yeah, we did it. And then then like one we hadn't won anything and then one of the times it's like so many people won at the same time and the woman was like all right we're just gonna believe everyone we're not gonna check everyone's cards we just uh believe that everyone's going to be honest here so everyone that has um like a winning card just come up and we're like oh my god let's do it so we went up there and we didn't have a winning card and we won like a winning card just come up and we're like oh my god let's do it so we went up there and we didn't have a winning card and we won like a flashlight and a cap or something and we didn't
Starting point is 00:25:33 even tell uh our parents that we won i took the flashlight and she took the cap and then we hid it in our closet dude i couldn't sleep't sleep that night. That's awesome. The day after I woke up, I like when my mom woke up, I was like, oh, my God, mom, like we did this. We stole this. We didn't win it. Should we go back and give it back or something? Like show her the flashlight. She's like, Annie, it's OK.
Starting point is 00:26:02 But like, yeah, so no, I don't think I would be able to kill a person. You're like spinning a narrative constantly to protect your lie. What am I going to do if this person sees the flashlight? What am I? Yeah. Yeah. Sucks. It sucks.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Yes. I think people, my wife told me one time that people lie to avoid discomfort. So let's say you cheat on a test in school you do it because you don't want the discomfort of the f later that yeah i think i would not be able to live with the guilt yeah obviously there's different scenarios and me the way i was as a kid like this is way too extreme obviously i should not have had to felt that horrible about what we did it It was a very small thing, but it was just something that I don't,
Starting point is 00:26:48 I didn't feel good doing, and I don't think I would feel good doing. So I, I make sure that I don't get into those situations that just don't do it. I'd rather not win, you know, um, lesson learned.
Starting point is 00:27:01 How old were you? I was in elementary school. I would like to say I was probably like 11, 10, 11 years old. And how old are you now? Now I'm, how old am I? 29. I'm turning 33 end of this year. Wow. And I've heard you multiple times say you're the fittest you've ever been now.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Yes. I would say so I I went back and I watched that original so I was scrolling through looking for podcasts you've done and one of the first videos that popped up was the video that I made with you when I came to Iceland in 2011 I think and I never go back and watch my stuff I can't remember anything that I've ever gone back and watched. And I was like scared to even watch it. And it has it had 1.3 million views. It's on YouTube. And I watched it. And I think you were 21 at the time. Yeah, yeah. And you said, you basically said that, I'm paraphrasing, but that if you train properly, you'll be able to do this for a really, really, really long time. Yes. I can believe that I would say that. I don't think I believe that I will be able to do it for this long though. Yeah. You were questioning.
Starting point is 00:28:19 It's interesting. Good memory because you say, Hey, this isn't CrossFit. Like if you just do CrossFit, you can do it forever. What we're doing is, is, is a little bit beyond. And, um, but then you said, and then you stopped and thought you go, but there are some older ladies doing it. And you probably meant, you probably meant 33 year olds, right? Yeah, probably. Yeah. When you're, when you're 21, a 33 year old's old. Oh it but yes i think i i definitely did not think that i would be doing it for this long and i have gone into the games multiple years thinking this is my last year this is my last year i never say it because i don't think it's really cool to say this is your last year and then you come back not saying that you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:29:06 But like I haven't wanted to do that because I never know what decision I'm going to make. And I never want to walk into the games being like, all right, this is my last year. More like, all right, I'll make a decision after this year if I'm doing this again. There's no pressure on me to do it again if I don't want to. I didn't think my body was going to hold up when I had my back injury, 2013. I didn't think I'd make it back from that. To be honest, I thought missing that one year, uh, would be enough for me to just like, not be able to catch up with the girls again. And I would have thought that too. I would have
Starting point is 00:29:41 thought that too. Yeah. Right. Why did you think that? Was it because, was it because of your injury or because you knew how fast the sport was progressing or both? Both. Yeah. Yeah. So when you were injured, you were really down. You're like, fuck, I'm like this forever. This will never get, never get better. You probably, have you ever done acid or any drugs? No.
Starting point is 00:30:03 No. Well, there, there's this common theme when people who do psychedelics that somewhere in the trip, they're like, Oh shit, this is never going to end. And injuries are like, you're saying that's how I felt. Yeah. That's how I felt. Injuries are like that. Yeah. Yeah. Like when you get up, you're hobbling to the bathroom and you're like, there's no way this can ever go away. This is so bad. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. And honestly, that's how I felt also after I had Freya. I was like, I am never getting back from this. And then I started thinking about it as an injury instead of postpartum, just like, it's just an injury and i'm like you know what i can make
Starting point is 00:30:45 it back from an injury that's something i can do so yeah it was yeah i definitely had that down but no i don't know how it is to be honest and i haven't even tried like i've never even puffed a cigarette no one's even even offered me one you know i haven't even gotten a chance to be like, no, no, no, no, no vape pen. No, nothing. No, no marijuana gummies. Oh my gosh. No, I don't think I would ever dare to do that. Uh, no, no, no cocaine. I know it's big in Copenhagen. No, no. You and Frederick just go out in a night of just ecstasy and cocaine. No, no.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Just checking. You're very honest lady. Uh, I do want to talk about Freya, but I want to go back to Frederick here for one second. Yeah. When you met him, he spoke English and what do they speak over there? Danish? Danish. Okay. And you spoke English and Icelandic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:43 English, Icelandic, and. English, Icelandic and Norwegian. Oh, okay. Because your grandmother was Norwegian. Yeah. Okay. I'm just showing off that I've done my research. Just showing off. You absolutely have.
Starting point is 00:31:57 But yeah, so we spoke English together. I think I would have been able to go into Danish. We just felt like it was kind of an, I don't know if like unfair is the right word to use, but like to be able to express ourselves properly, he would be able to express himself so much better than me. So that we decided just to stick with English. I wanted to get better at that anyways. And then my Norwegian has gradually disappeared
Starting point is 00:32:26 and Danish has kind of like taken over. So now I speak neither one. I speak a mix of Danish and Norwegian. I think I understand almost everything in Danish now. But now Frederik is finally learning Icelandic as well because Freya is obviously speaking Icelandic too. So she's getting three languages as a gift. Wow, that is a gift.
Starting point is 00:32:51 It's fascinating that the Danish people – do you know Mads? Yes. Is he Danish? He's Swedish. No, he's Danish, but he lives in Sweden because I think Jenny is Swedish. Oh, no, no. He's Danish, but he lives in Sweden because I think Yanni is Swedish. It's amazing that those guys, when they speak English, it's very hard to tell they're not from America. It's the only country where I've heard people who can speak English and they sound like they're from the States. Like Frederick sounds like he's from the States. I know, but Frederick
Starting point is 00:33:22 is also really good at it and matt's really good at it too but you it's really funny uh you notice danish people they have like a they have a fairly thick accent when they do english oh yeah they used to have the danish people on the muppets right other muppets i don't know yeah there were some muppets that were danish that's before your time the muppets that's that's before my time, the Muppets. That's before my time. Yeah, I don't know those. But you can definitely tell. Also, Icelandic people, thick accent.
Starting point is 00:33:49 And it's pretty frustrating. Me and Fred are traveling. People ask me where I'm from, but I just assume he's an American. I mean, I would assume that too. So when you're with someone who speaks a different language, are there things that still reveal themselves about them that couldn't have been revealed before because of the language barrier that over the years that you've learned about him that you didn't know that you thought the language barrier was either hiding? No. No. And are emotions international? Do we all have the same? Are those, are those, uh, yes. Do you know what I'm saying? Okay. Because language is totally
Starting point is 00:34:34 different. You're saying, cause I think, uh, different cultures can be, that's why I think you'll be, um, I think harder for me to be with someone from I don't know an Italian for example or um a Russian or something not that there's anything wrong with Italians or Russians but like I think our cultures are so different that we might have like um different ways of expressing ourselves and different things that are maybe okay that i'm not okay with if that makes sense but denmark and iceland are so similar like even our christmas is almost exactly the same like some of the weird traditions we have so i think like we go back like our ancestors are have been very similar uh so we have we think very much alike
Starting point is 00:35:28 uh so i think that would be a bigger bigger thing to deal with if you were with a foreigner from from some of the other countries but i don't think we need to deal with that a lot because our cultures are so similar um but frederick, Frederick is very blunt too. I, when I think of people who criticize CrossFit, I think of him as like sort of being the pioneers of that pioneer of that. Oh my gosh. Yeah. He, he was the, he was the pioneer of, of like, wait a minute, this is wrong over here. He isn't very much there. I'm like, no, it's fine. I pull him back. Actually, I don't like I think it's OK that we say our opinions and everything. I think that's very important. And we talk about it. But I don't feel like I need to express everything on my social media or when I talk, because I also.
Starting point is 00:36:21 We're also still learning and we don't know what the right solution is every single time and I don't I don't love it when people just criticize to criticize like I feel like we need to have a constructive criticism like how to make things better than and Frederick has a lot of ideas on what what would be a lot of cool systems to do when everything, and like his brain goes so far that I'm like, wow, I can't keep up with it. But I don't think maybe the world is ready for all of that at the same time, you know, but he enjoys thinking about it. And he really expresses him when things bother him,
Starting point is 00:37:00 but sometimes a little bit too quickly as well. Was Freya planned uh yes you were like okay i want to get pregnant yes do you remember do you remember the the origins of wanting to get pregnant did you want a love child i I'm sorry. I thought about it for years. Like it's obviously just so difficult when you're on, when your job is what my job is. Like I'm a professional athlete. That's how I make a living. And not only that, it's so, it's such a big part of how I identify myself. Um, so it was really difficult for me to try to think back to like, what am I after I have a kid if I'm not an athlete anymore? So it's just like a very scary decision for me to make. But I've thought about it for years.
Starting point is 00:37:56 And that was one of the only reasons I've sometimes thought like, okay, this might be my last year because maybe I'm going to have a baby. This might be my last year because maybe I'm going to have a this might be my last year because maybe I'm gonna have a baby this year but I've never felt ready for it and then we went on this family trip to Florida um quite it was then 2019 I guess yeah yeah 2019 we went on a family trip to Florida with my brothers and both of them have kids and spending those like 10 days with them and with their kids and like how old are the kids uh a lot of different ages but they're the oldest one is 14 or was 13 at that time 13 14 13 and then all the way down to six okay and when the youngest one just like this girl just they're all incredible and I had so much fun with all of them playing with them and getting to know them properly you know it's different when you are spending time together in one house
Starting point is 00:38:58 and I was like doing her hair and then she like goes up and hugs me and tells me she loves me. And I'm like, I need to have a serious talk. And then I had a serious talk with Frederick. I'm like, I'm not competing at the games this year. I'm getting pregnant. And he's like, what month was that? What month was that? That was in April. April of what?
Starting point is 00:39:21 Of 2000 what? 2019. And Frederick's like, Annie, like any calm down like let's uh he must have freaked out because like we already established when you make plans they happen he must have been like oh shit well he's been ready to have a kid yeah we had a small scare 2012 and he was like oh they'll be fine that's fine I'm like hell no it's not like shit I it turned out it was fine I was just like late but yeah so we were like okay we need to talk about that and he kind of like convinced me like a after after talking that I'm in a really good shape and maybe I just like finished this
Starting point is 00:40:06 year at the games and then then we can get pregnant so we finished that year at the games and then we started trying soon after that what contraception were you using um i use it's like a ring just like a new new year ring that i use you put a ring on and you can't get pregnant that sounds like no no no no no no no it's a ring that you put inside of you yeah i like and you put it in your vagina so so it's like a diaphragm it's like a diaphragm yeah yeah almost can i see that thing caleb a novia ring so there's no camp that you don't do anything biologically to your body there's no um it's not like it's a physical barrier like plastic thin plastic ring that you take out and you put in um that thing has a hole in it yeah it's just like a circle. Can you imagine that? So what I'm guessing, look at that.
Starting point is 00:41:05 So when I think of the sperm approaching the egg, I think of them as like swimming in a sea. But they're probably not. They probably just like go along the wall, right, of the inside. Yeah, so it is. And that ring is supposed to stop them like from passing? No, so it isn't like a diaphragm. It's not a sheet or anything in between. It's just like it sends – it is hormones, but it's just more localized than taking like an oral pill.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Do you have to pull that thing out or does it dissolve? No, I take it out, and then I just throw it out when I want to start my period. Wow. Do you recommend that? So I would recommend it because it works really well for me um i had no side effects from it uh but obviously different things work for different people i just have a really hard time imagining taking pills right right i feel like that's that's stronger uh i've heard that the copper liquor, I don't know what it is in English, like the copper thing you can get put up in there. I've heard that's supposed to be the best one to use. But you might also have stronger periods and more side effects from like cramping, but less. Yeah, exactly. But it's going to affect you the least.
Starting point is 00:42:27 That thing looks like it's like for finding water. That looks like like a divining rod or something. I love that we're talking about this. I'm like, I'm very open to talk about this. I had no idea that you were into talking about that stuff. Well, I'm so old school. Like me and my wife, we just used a condom forever. Really? Yeah. and then she wanted to get pregnant and it was like the three three years of four years of the best four years of my life it was it was amazing okay that's so funny yeah but i'm but i'm 50 i didn't even know there was a a a ring a gasket you can put in there yeah there's a lot of different ways that you can work with right now. So then you did that. So then you, when did you, did you plan it to the day where you like, okay, we're going to, so that you could only miss one season?
Starting point is 00:43:27 Like, did you look at it on a calendar and be like, okay, we're going to start, we're going to stop using contraception this month, hopefully get pregnant this month, miss this games and then come back? Was there or was it like, hey, man, fuck it? Well, yes and no. It was like a little bit difficult because obviously, like you said, it's like you're kind of on a timeline and it's difficult to what am I going to tell sponsors or why am I not doing the open or like, do I do all of that or do I maybe if it's not working to get pregnant then maybe I need to take like down some of the volume in my training so obviously I thought about all of these things but then it kind of came to that like if I wouldn't be pregnant by Dubai so in December then I would compete there and then like we wouldn't tried for that month and then start trying again in January. So like, yeah, it was pretty structured, but obviously it doesn't work this month. One, it worked month three.
Starting point is 00:44:12 So I did get pregnant by December. Meaning you took out the ring and then three months later you were pregnant. Yes. Okay. Did that seem quickly to you or were you nervous? Were you like, hey, shit, this is taking too long? Or were you like, just Oh, dude, I was already like, not nervous, but I'm kind of to your point. It's like, I'm pretty structured. I like, I like knowing, you know, and then it's like, well, I'm not gonna wait for six months if it's not working in six months, and then go see a doctor and see if everything okay so after month one and I wasn't pregnant I went to see my gynecologist and I'm like can you check
Starting point is 00:44:51 if everything's okay and she saw everything was fine so I just waited like month two and then month three I used this like to see exactly when I'm ovulating and then it works. But it like odds, the odds are really low when you start trying and obviously me having trained so much, but I do feel like I've been on top of that whole, like making sure that I am having a period and making sure that I am like, I try to think about making sure I'm fueling properly. So I don't think it's had a lot of negative side effects, all this volume and
Starting point is 00:45:31 training that I've had. But obviously you start thinking about some of these things. And for so many people I know it's taken a really, really long time. So I wasn't going to wait for that and then get assistance. If we need assistance, I would want to get it soon because otherwise my season is starting again, you know? There's so many things to talk about there. It's so interesting too. People think that it's just this amazing life you live. The thing that really jumped out at me there is you wonder what your sponsors are going to say. And this is a hard life, people. The pressure that's on these people, especially someone like Annie, is crazy. what your sponsors are going to say and this is this is like this is a hard life people she the pressure that's on these people especially someone like annie is crazy
Starting point is 00:46:09 it's it's you first of all you're putting all of this um faith in the body like yeah it's your money tree yeah the the body i mean it's it's, um, you're, you're an adult grown woman, obviously fiercely, fiercely independent. Um, as far as any standard of any human being goes fiercely determined. And yet you have to wonder what this sponsor might think if you get, if you get pregnant, but, but it's real life. It's real life. It's not a day. It's just fucking real life. Everyone has to deal with that shit, yeah at the same time i when i started feeling like that and i when i said it out loud um to frederick he was like you know what if a sponsor drops you because you get pregnant are those people that you actually want to work with right and i was like yeah you're right like of course well if they're bought if they just
Starting point is 00:47:05 bought me a new house maybe let's talk about this Frederick well depending on the price but no I think that's one of the things where I've actually been like also quite lucky especially in the later years to be able to choose the people that I do want to work with and he was right when he said that it was the same as when I got injured. And I felt like people were turning their backs on me that I'd had my back for so long and been so good friends. And I'm like, wow, they're not interested in me anymore because I'm not the best in my sport anymore. And then it's like, you know what? Those are not the people that you need around you in your life. Your circle is very tight. I noticed that from looking at your Instagram,
Starting point is 00:47:44 your circle is very tight i noticed that from looking at your instagram your circle is very very tight i got a really tight great circle yeah the fact and and i and i got a bunch of questions about that what it was like integrating new people um going back uh to the pregnancy so you get so you get you plan it out. You get pregnant. The gynecologist tells you there's no problems, right? He's like, no, relax. You're good. Just keep doing. And then you time the ovulation. It's crazy that human beings even get pregnant, right? I mean, the window is so small. Yes. Frederick, wake up. It's time. It was almost like that. I'm like, dude, right now. Yes, I get it. And then so you get pregnant.
Starting point is 00:48:30 And did you have any miscarriages? No. Wow. I'm fortunate not to have anything like that. Wow. Incredible. And then so you get pregnant. And then do you have any thoughts creep in right away? Or do you know that, hey, I'm in bar, this could,
Starting point is 00:48:46 this, what this fork in the road here could make it that I never come back to this one. Yes, absolutely. But I was ready for that. You were amazing. I just knew that this was what I wanted. And that's, that, that was what got me through so much of this as well. It's like, is there anything that I would change? Like, would I want to take any of this back? And you know what? No. Even if I would not have been able to compete ever again, no.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I would still choose my daughter over that. I have had years where I've gotten to experience that. She is by far the coolest thing that I've ever experienced is having her so I wouldn't change anything for that um and that was also what got me through like the toughest times and while I was pregnant I only had like I don't know less than handful of moments where I was like oh my my gosh, I'm going to have to like push her out at some point. And I feel like shit and so heavy and uncomfortable and all of that. And it's like, you know, when it's all worth it, did you have her vaginally?
Starting point is 00:49:59 Uh, yes, I did. I'm not having a vaginally. Um, I do feel like it was a wrong call that they made at the hospital because I had a horrible birth. Pretty traumatic birth. I lost a lot of blood. I went really badly. I was. I've never heard that. With contractions. I've never heard someone say that they wish they would have had that.
Starting point is 00:50:21 I've heard the other way so many times. Like, hey, they pushed me into the C-section.'ve never heard that they don't do that in iceland they wait as long as they can um and they so obviously i'm happy that i managed to finish it like that but i think the call should have been made probably an hour and a half sooner to take her the other way because I went through a lot of damage and ended up being like quite dangerous for for all of us they were monitoring her really really well though and I think because of all the training that I did while I had her like she was fit like her heart rate uh it was amazing how well to recover between all the pushes and everything but yeah it was um let's just say it's unlikely that i will give normal birth again because of that how many
Starting point is 00:51:14 years were you how many how many hours were you in labor i was in labor for three days holy shit yeah and active labor like pushing for over three hours okay so you were having contractions for three days yeah um but not the what what are those other there's there's one like called the braxton something contract oh that was not it i had already not my water okay i have braxton hicks for it dude i had that for like 15 weeks that was crazy um but yeah and so and so she was she was and did you breastfeed yes did that for six months wow you did the whole mama thing yeah did the whole mama thing. Yeah, did the whole mama thing. And then after six months, I stopped. I think that was way harder for me than it was for her. Stopping.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Stopping the breastfeeding. Yeah, my wife would be still breastfeeding if, yeah. Yeah, it was just, I wasn't recovering properly. It took me like a very long time to uh start healing up properly both my core and my pelvic floor so after six months i stopped and when my hormones got like a little bit more normalized again i immediately started seeing such a quick recovery again so that was wow fascinating yeah have you gone back and looked at that video you made it's called it's such a quick recovery again. So that was the right call. Wow. Fascinating. Yeah. Have you gone back and looked at that video you made? It's called, it's called a day in a life
Starting point is 00:52:51 with Annie and you're with your baby. I mean, you look that, I think that's why women have trouble stopping breastfeeding. I mean, you look like you're high on like ecstasy and Oxycontin. I mean, you look like you're on another planet. You see that in yourself when you watch that? You're like, oh my God. I mean, you're like an angel. Oh, thank you. Do you see that when you watch that video? Yes. Yeah. Like you're like, you're something like, you're just like this. It's just me and my baby in the world. It is like the coolest thing in the world right and then you look at this human being that you're breastfeeding and she's growing into like first off when she's born it's like i made this my body like created this obviously you guys give the sperm but like
Starting point is 00:53:42 you grew it i built it you grew it yeah yeah inside of you yeah nuts and then if you breastfeed then you're also like this person is living off of your nutrition and what you're doing um for months and growing and growing and growing and man did she grow she was really big when i had her but she's she's a big baby yeah is there another one uh in the are you thinking about another one oh absolutely hopefully two more and would you think that do you think those will be the that that will be after your career as an athlete i don't know i didn't think i would make it back um after having freya and i did and i don't there was no pressure on me to have to make it back after having her you know it was just me wanting honestly it was me wanting to find myself a little bit again, because I was pretty lost.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Just like, I felt, I just didn't feel like I knew my body. And after knowing my body so well for so many years, it was like I wasn't just in touch with it properly. So it was more that that I wanted to gain and the strength like I like being strong and feeling that I am strong. So I wanted to get that back again. And qualification for the CrossFit Games was just like the perfect motivator for me to have a goal towards. After another kid, I don't see why I wouldn't be able to make it back from that. I do think that I could, but I'm only going to do it if I want to. And that's what I've done for ever since. Yeah, probably ever since 2015. I've thought about it only if I want to.
Starting point is 00:55:44 When you say that you were lost, I don't think like 99% of the people understand what you're saying. I think a lot of women can relate to it that have had children. Okay, then maybe 99 of men i almost think like a man would have to like lose his leg to understand what you meant like in a motorcycle accident or something yeah it's like just this feeling when you're pregnant that was easy like that wasn't that difficult for me i thought it would be really hard but it wasn't that difficult for me would you say you enjoyed it? Um, I was definitely ready to be done. Okay. Um, but there are certain, I would never want to miss it. Like I, I enjoyed
Starting point is 00:56:36 the experience. Yes, exactly. Exactly. Um, and you are creating something, you have this big belly for a reason. You can feel movements and life being created in there. It's, it is an incredible, like what your body is doing. Like I respect my body on a whole new level after this. Um, but then crazy to hear that coming from you. Crazy to hear that coming from you. I know it's nuts. But after you have the kid kid i like looked in the mirror
Starting point is 00:57:06 and it was just like i still had this big belly that was just empty and soft and i didn't know my body like big breasts i'm not used to having huge breasts and like just a very unfamiliar body to me. And I, I was obviously very messed up after my birth and had such a severe blood loss that I couldn't really take care of myself either. I like need assistance taking a shower and. Wow. I didn't know that it was like that. I was really messed up. So on. Um, so I think that you have to take blood. Did they give you a, um, I don't know if it's called an infusion. What's that? Sorry. Hold on. I said no to it. Okay. What's that called when they give you blood, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:57:58 Just an IV. Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. Uh, so I said no to that. I should have said yes. I don't mean to wake you up. So I said no to that. I should have said yes. I don't know why. It just felt weird to me to say yes to having someone else's blood put into me. It's a little weird. But I got iron.
Starting point is 00:58:13 I just got like a lot of iron at the hospital before I went home. So it took a while to build up that blood volume again. And I didn't. Yeah, transfusion um I didn't really know how long that would that it would take this long to feel decent again like I would have wanted to be able to go out for walks and stuff but there was just like nothing I did for almost a week so me being active throughout my whole pregnancy feeling so good being able to train and move around into just like not being able to do anything being a new mom paranoid about how she's doing not sleeping it was like
Starting point is 00:58:54 a pretty darn tough time so i think i the reason i wanted to start being able to just like go out for a walk or sit on a bike like the feeling when I sat on a C2 bike for the first time after having Freya was so good. Like being able to. How long was that? How long was that? I need those endorphins. It was like five weeks, four or five weeks before I could sit on a bike. But yeah, it was like missing those.
Starting point is 00:59:27 I obviously had the endorphins when I had Freya with me, but that was the only time I felt really happy. I just had to have my baby girl with me at all times. So I think that's why I needed that, like, to feel a little bit of getting a little bit of control of my life again, I think. Would you, would you, would you, would you train breastfeed and then go back to training? Like, would she be there? And maybe like you do like some like gentle Tabata squats, then breastfeed and then go do some, was it like that? No, she was never, it wasn't like that.
Starting point is 01:00:01 I had her with me. So she would be sleeping in the stroller outside like when when i was starting to train properly i wasn't able to like train at the gym for two months right um but yeah then she would be sleeping so the kids in iceland sleep outside in their strollers so she'd be sleeping outside i'll be training and then when she would wake up that's when my training was done and then i would like feed her soon after that in the in one of those videos you said that um uh your baby monitor also had a thermometer on there and i'd never heard of that before is that because it's i is that because it's iceland and like temperatures could drop is that an icelandic thing no okay i was like shit they gotta worry about their babies freezing there no okay but we definitely use it like i use it for that so if it was like if i saw
Starting point is 01:00:53 that the baby monitor was getting i would say below it would peep it went below seven degrees celsius um and i was like in the stroller then um then i would want to go check and just feel her cheeks um but yeah kids sleep outside even if it's full of snow they sleep so good like we sleep good in a colder tempered room with comforter over us they had their hats and she's sleeping on a fur it's like it's so cozy it is cozy yeah i should have been an icelandic baby my boys are always sweating is freya sweating a lot my boys are like just dumb she runs warm yeah she definitely runs warm definitely a run swarm um there's a video here uh caleb there's a video here where i uh it's early on oh it's a it's a it's a i'll never forget the shooting this i don't remember what year it is at the games you posted on instagram i never knew that you posted it i was running from one it was
Starting point is 01:02:03 in carson in the soccer stadium and i was running from one event to another event somewhere to film some behind the scenes stuff. And I saw this and it fucking rocked me. Oh, my God. I know. It was so cute. And it really, really rocked me. It was nuts. There's no one around these kids, really. They're in a section of the soccer stadium where it was empty. And I just couldn't believe I was witnessing these two, this boy and this girl wearing the froning and, uh, Annie Thor's daughter shirt, um, snuggling like that.
Starting point is 01:02:42 So cute. And I was so happy when I saw it yesterday that you posted it because it was one of those posts that I made that no one paid any attention to. But for me, normally I don't care if anyone pays attention to my post. But this one, I was so proud of myself that I witnessed this. And I was late to where my next appointment where I was going, but I was like, forget it. I'm shooting these kids. But you still shot that. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's adorable.
Starting point is 01:03:06 it i'm shooting these kids but you still shot that yeah yeah i think it's adorable and and now i heard you say something that really um uh i was happy to hear because i never know for those of us who are around in that era there it really was about you you and rich there was this there was it was so but we don't know anything about your guys's relationship really like we don't and maybe there isn't much of one there you guys are friends but but i mean you're obviously on different continents but i heard you say that you're excited as a team to get back out there with rich um is that because it's nostalgic or is it because he's the best or why is that or a combination? Combination. I think it's also because it's like nostalgic.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Like. I really enjoy competing with him. Obviously, I never competed against him, but he was like the start of my career. And we traveled so much together, both with Reebok and I love Hillary. I really miss her. So you did have a relationship with him. I didn't know that. So you did have a relationship with him and his family.
Starting point is 01:04:13 You know him. Yes. Oh, absolutely. Okay. Absolutely. And I've competed with him also in team series. Me and Kat competed with him, him and Josh. So in team series, me and Kat competed with him, him and Josh.
Starting point is 01:04:29 But yeah, it was, I think it's like, I'm, I think it would be fun for the two of us to be on the competition floor at the same time together. I'm kind of excited for that. And obviously he's like the best on the team now. So that's like something that you're striving to beat as well. But like, I don't know. I thought it was kind of cool to have Annie and Rich competing again. It's very cool. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:05:00 But I have so much respect for him. And I like, there's no, that's why I think it's kind of funny when people are trying to like get that, like etching against each other, taking down race. Like, hell yeah, I want to beat him. But I also want to beat. You also want to beat who? And she's one of my very best friend. I will still always want to beat her. But she can.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Who did you say sorry the volume went out did you say katrin yeah yes oh yeah yeah okay yeah like she's one of my very best friends but i'll still always want to beat her but i want her to be like right there in second place with me and it'll be the same with rich i'm striving to win but i want him and his team to do really good and just be right there in second place behind me good job rich yeah I know it's like I know it'll be hard they are definitely one of the best teams out there they are the best team out there and have super athletes and we have the work cut out for us but like it's it was also like I'm competitive I want to win. But I also think this is really cool that we maybe make the team competition exciting again.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Is there something – is the froning effect real? Are you familiar with this term, this concept? There's this idea that when you get – wherever he is, just shit gets better, the Froning effect. Everyone just gets better. Everyone lives up to their potential in Rich's presence. It's not to take away from his coaching or his programming, but that there's something called the Froning effect. And there is – it's a two-part question. Let me ask you that.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Do you think that that's a real thing? Oh, I can believe that that's a real thing. I think it's the same as when there's a person in class rowing and the coach comes behind you and just looks at your monitor. You immediately go faster. Being in his presence, maybe you want to push harder to impress. Or just not embarrass yourself. Is there an Annie thor's daughter effect do you think you're having an effect on the on the team like that your presence i definitely think i'm
Starting point is 01:07:11 having a good effect on the team for sure i think we're all affecting each other in a good way um but i think i'm taking them in as a family in a way that I will give them everything that I've learned throughout the years and try to make them the best athletes they can be. and Andrew, like they get access to a team that I've built up around myself for the, for the past decade. Um, and then I, I will push them. I will, I will make sure that they do their very best every session. every session there is this when i see them sitting around and waiting to for their turn at the semi-finals this froning team this mayhem empire team there is a a sureness to them they're already they already won they're just sitting there that that that beautiful nistler girl the beautiful williamson girl the beautiful froning man the the beautiful uh um corn y a man and they just sit there like statues almost and then and then they're summoned
Starting point is 01:08:38 and they perform and then they come back it's almost like they know already right and and they talk about that in like business and i feel that way even in my own podcast. As I get in my groove, I already feel like I'm a thousand times bigger than I already am. I'm already like five years ahead in where I stand. Okay. Yeah. Does your, do you sort of see what I'm saying? Like you've, you've already, you've I've already won. They've already won as your team. It seems like the team that beats them is also going to already have to know that it's not going to be enough just to be better than them. They're going to have to be, I don't know, maybe they, I guess, I guess that you could call it swagger, but, but it's not swagger. It's not, it's not forced. I mean, you definitely have it. And
Starting point is 01:09:31 that's what I think sort of the froning effect is. Yeah. You're sort of just already there. You just have so much belief. I don't have that. No, maybe not on the competition floor. You don't have that. But in all these videos, when I see you with your team, it's it's so obvious you're the leader. You you don't you don't think they can do it. You expect like when you're talking to them, you have expectations and they and they better live up. I think that's a different thing, though. Well, maybe what you're meaning, I'm understanding it differently. Maybe what you're meaning, I'm understanding it differently.
Starting point is 01:10:09 But me as an individual, when I compete, I have full belief in myself. And I know the work that I've put in. And I know what I'm going to be doing out on that floor. I still get nervous as I don't know what. And that will never go away. Or if that goes away, that's when I know it's time for me to quit. Because then I feel like I don't care anymore because you never know. Yeah. I'm nervous before every podcast. I know what you mean. Yes. Yeah. I think that's an important feeling to have. Uh, however, as soon
Starting point is 01:10:39 as the three, two, one go starts, you get into a completely different zone that's where you're just that's where you're doing the shit that you know how to do that's where you perform that's where you're gonna lay it all out there and that's also where I feel like we are as a team and getting better and better at as a team uh we used to have workouts that we do and I'm like, this was sloppy. That was sloppy. This needs to be fixed up. We can't go faster here. Like here we can show you how seconds. And then we're looking at like, what you said is not, I just don't want, I don't want to just be mayhem. I want to be the best in the world.
Starting point is 01:11:17 I want to be every single team at every single event if possible. I know that that's going to be out of my control, but that's what we're striving for. We're making sure that we're putting in all the work that we can put in to be the best that we can so that when we go out there, we know that we put in the work that we could. We're not going to have in the back of our mind like, oh, but we did skip that session. Oh, but we didn't go as hard here. It's like, you know what? We're committing to this and we're doing this 1000%. And when you've done that, that's when I think you have that feeling and that calm over yourself. When you start the workout, you know that you've put in the work and that's where you
Starting point is 01:11:57 just get to perform and show what you've been doing. And getting to do that with a team is pretty cool and that requires every single person on the team to have the same mindset and the same effort when you go training and that was one of the biggest things for me when I made a decision that I was ready to try to be on a team, I don't have to have the best people on my team in the world. I have to have like-minded people. I have to have people. You have to have what people?
Starting point is 01:12:34 Like-minded people. I need people that are willing to put in the work and the effort and lay everything out on the floor. Like if you're the best at something but you don't push yourself like that's what I love about TS you might be winning an event but you'll still continue to go hard you're not gonna just back off to back off you know obviously you shouldn't kill yourself but you should do what you can do in that moment, you know?
Starting point is 01:13:05 And that's what's important in training is that we do everything that we can. And in competition, I want that person to like, I want us to be fighting to do the shittiest part of the workout, to be the person that kills themselves on the bike or the rower or runner, whatever it is. I want us to want to step up and do that.
Starting point is 01:13:24 And that's what I want from teammates. All I can ask for is that they do everything that they can in every session, that they feel properly, that they take care of their sleeping and hydration. And then I'll be happy because we are doing everything that we can do. But I don't like having someone that's gonna be sloppy about it,
Starting point is 01:13:46 not put in full effort in training, even if they might be a better athlete. There's, um, there's something that you say, I'm never going to find it in my notes. It's a, there's something,
Starting point is 01:14:00 uh, is there an Annie Thor's daughter effect? Yes. Oh, that's, there we go. 96% say yes. I think there definitely is.
Starting point is 01:14:10 I love seeing this side of you. I would have never thought that I would enjoy seeing you go team. I would have never in a million years, but I'm thoroughly intrigued by it. Really? Yeah, yeah. I'm fascinated by it. There's something you say that's very Taoist, and I can't remember where it is, but basically you say you're in control of your own happiness. Oh, it's in your reference – something you say about Yami. Who did the morning chalk-up interview with you over in Iceland? Is that Patrick Clark?
Starting point is 01:14:38 Patrick, yeah. Yeah, I watched that yesterday. Great job. I'm just like stealing from him left and right and center. There's something you say in there, I think, that you trust Yami. And there's this thing I learned from Ben Bergeron where things grow at the speed of trust. It's a fucking – it's a brilliant line. And you trust Yami. So boom, point A is there. We're going to grow fast. We trust each other but then you say at the basically i'm
Starting point is 01:15:05 paraphrasing at the end of the day my happiness and my choice to use him or to listen to him or do what he says is all on me yeah you take this ultimate accountability and responsibility and i know this is going to be controversial but but even in the scott pancheck thing everyone wants to blame the the the venue and i agree there should not be extra rope on the ground but at the end of the day when scott looks at himself in the mirror and he's all alone it's his life yeah the resolution to all our issues and problems are with our own personal accountability you're in a fight with your mate at the end of the day it's can you make yourself happy why does frederick have to make you happy why does freya have to make no it's like you're saying you say it like then as much as i trust you on me i take full responsibility
Starting point is 01:15:49 and accountability it's this super high level fucking like it's super high level uh what i for spirituality i would say that being said you're with the team now and you just said you'll be you you're putting your happiness in their hands a little bit. You're surrendering some of your self-power and happiness because I need something from you guys. I trust you. You'll do this. Yeah. It's freaky.
Starting point is 01:16:18 And I think that's something that is one of the hardest, hardest things that I have done. To do that. I've never been on a team. And to do that, because like you said, I've always looked at my career and what I do. I am responsible because it's ultimately my decisions. And it's me when the 3 three two one go comes it's me on the floor that needs to perform and do what I what I can do now I have a team and we need to go out there and perform and it is difficult to put that kind of trust on someone it's it's the kind of trust that you I feel like you have with obviously with your spouse and with like your family and
Starting point is 01:17:16 obviously I have crazy amount of trust in Yami and Andrew and like my inner circle, but it has always just been me competing on the floor. And it is very, very different and very difficult to do it with more people. But I'm also going to say it's, I'm learning so much from this. And I think not only am I going to be a better athlete after all of this, I think I'm going to grow so much as a person. And I've already have, uh, throughout these few months learned so much, uh, that I wouldn't have learned if I wouldn't have tried going on a team. So I think I'm going to be a different person after all of this, continue to grow.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Continue to go outside of my comfort zone. You say in that interview with Patrick Clark in the morning chalk up that when you saw Lauren deadlift, you started feeling competitive towards her. My words, not yours. I'm paraphrasing. And you quickly caught yourself. You were able to – you had enough awareness to watch yourself and be like, oh, that's not the right mindset. I need to tweak that and be happy for her, and I need to make that shift. And you claim there, and I want to call bullshit on this, that you've already done that with Katrin.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Yeah. But I can't believe it because she's – I know you love her. I she's your best friend but but how how did you how did you catch it with Katrin what happened between you guys do you guys have a kid somewhere what happened between you that you let her in that barrier it seems it seems like if if I'm it seems like a weakness why are you letting a competitor in there i see i understand lauren yeah i understand he's on my team yes because i need to perform i know what you're saying how did you how did she get in there what happened did you guys kill someone and bury him in the backyard now you guys have to be twins forever that is the secret what happened
Starting point is 01:19:22 that she made it inside there or Or are you not telling the truth? To a certain extent, I guess you could say bullshit on it. But not really. Yeah, I mean, I believe. At first, when I used to see videos of you guys, how close you are, I was having trouble. But I do believe it, to be honest with you. I just don't understand how she did that. in here said annie is cutthroat it's so funny that you it's true you are cutthroat it um it sounds bad it's not but you have a um
Starting point is 01:19:56 you're on a mission like you're like hayley's comet that's your path yeah and until you burn out you're gonna keep going and somehow um somehow you've allowed katrin you you guys have allowed each other i mean i haven't spoken to her obviously i don't know what her uh rules are but somehow she got in there i think we doing what we do i don't think there's a lot of people that understand i was i have notes on that too there's no way anyone knows what yeah i agree i agree and she does yeah and we can talk about everything i can i can tell everything. We have that kind of trust. She can tell me everything. When her grandma passed away, I was there. When I get a heat stroke, she's there.
Starting point is 01:21:01 When I'm down, she will pull me up, even if it takes some of her effort to do so and I will do the same for her because I know that we're going to be stronger together like we are making each other stronger and she's helped me through a lot and I've helped her through a lot and I think that gives you a certain amount of trust as well like at the games this year when I lost my grandma um she was there like I lost my grandma and I found out right before um snatch events and I was like I was a wreck and obviously Frederick was there for me but Kat had gone through the same thing and competed and pulled me up and knew what to say and I I feel she's genuinely happy for me when I do well. And it makes you be genuinely happy when she does well,
Starting point is 01:22:06 if that makes sense. I feel like she's my sister. I think that's the kind of relationship this has developed into. She's my sister. Do you have, um, are you a forgiving person? Not forgiving. Do you, do you, go ahead. I think I know what you're asking here. Like if she burned you – like so – like I had a friend who I played Frisbee with for six years. I lent him $4,000. He never paid me back. But I'm – everyone's like, how could you still be friends with him? I'm not throwing this relationship away over $4,000.
Starting point is 01:22:41 No, I'm going to talk to him about it. Like, hey, dude, and that's it. But this is like my my friends I've invested six years in this relationship but I think most people just they have this they have this expectation of their friendships that's unlivable and this level of trust that's unlivable and they think friends are disposable when really those are just opportunities to work through no they're fucking not your friends are not disposable even if they steal from you they're not disposable no but if someone would do that to me, I would need to get an explanation and I would need to talk through it and then I'll forgive.
Starting point is 01:23:13 I think that's when it comes to me, honesty is one of the most important things in a relationship with me. You telling me before I find out maybe somewhere else so if I find out somewhere else then I will give you the opportunity to explain to me why this or that went down and I've had to have that kind of conversation with Kat many years back where there was something that like I felt like she hurt me and I was like I don't want this to ruin our relationship, and I just sat down with her, and I told her what it was, and then she was able to explain herself, and she hadn't even realized, and that's it, and it just made us closer.
Starting point is 01:23:56 It's inevitable in a relationship, right? It's inevitable. You will never, and that actually made your relationship better and deeper, correct? Yes, exactly. And if it would have never happened, you look back, and you're like, wow, we just went over a mountain together. Absolutely. And I think something that I've also learned throughout the years is. To love people as they are, not as you want them to be, is very important. want them to be is very important and that has fixed my relationship with not this is not something maybe with like my closest friends because I do love them just as they are um and they are
Starting point is 01:24:37 most of the time than the way I want them to be because they are my closest people but some of the ones that are more your acquaintances or people that you're like starting to get to know it's like we keep on wanting to change people and make them into something that we just want them to be instead of just taking them as they are and our relationship is going to be so much stronger if we do it like that and just accept each other as is. Did you, did you see Frederick turn into a dad? Oh my gosh. Um, I expected him to be really good dad because I've seen him with kids, my brother's kids, uh, and his uncle's kids, but he is a super dad. Oh my God. He's amazing. Yeah. It's a trip, right? So he was a
Starting point is 01:25:30 young man and then he turned into your, I mean, you know, you know, lack for a better word husband, but you know, your, your mate, your, your life mate. And then, then you saw him turn into a dad. Yeah. Like this whole, it's, it's like three different people. It's kind of weird. People are like, how could you be with someone for 20 or 30 years? You're not with someone for 20 or 30 years. You're with this giant evolution. I like that. I like the way
Starting point is 01:25:56 of thinking of that. Absolutely. That's also where you see people then grow together or start growing apart. Right. Right. Does the team – what do you call your team?
Starting point is 01:26:12 Is it the Reykjavik team? Reykjavik, yeah. Reykjavik team. Do you guys have a mindset coach? No, we don't. No. We don't. But we work with – we've just taken those like, yeah, me is very good to talk with. And I think we have, we're pretty good at, I'm throwing my honesty on them.
Starting point is 01:26:36 Yeah, yeah. same back we are able to talk about what can be better and not just in training but also just to make communications better and our relationships better i think we click really well together as people like i chose really well uh these guys they're they're incredible human beings um and we get along really well i couldn't have i couldn't have hoped for this even um but we do have like after training sessions especially hard days then we like try to talk about things like everyone mentions things that went well in training and just like make sure that we keep things positive and then we can bring things that need to be better as well um there it's four people you have this very intimate relationship obviously with katrin
Starting point is 01:27:34 you have this very intimate relationship with yami and these four new people come in sorry three new people yeah and they need your attention yeah it's hard yeah is there any um jealousy or cattiness or speed bumps from yami and uh katrin because you know like there's i i've started i've started a new friendship with uh hunter mcintyre do you know who that is yeah and i spoke to him yesterday i was like hey i don't have time for you i can't't make, like, I know we want to be friends. I, I, you don't fucking fit. I don't know where to put you. My day's full already. Yeah. How am I going to make this work? Like I want another friend, but there's no room for you. Like I have already two friends. Like who am I? Yeah. Is it, is it, is it hard? I mean, I know that, that, um, is that hard? I would especially
Starting point is 01:28:24 think it's weird with the with the girls i'm being obviously sexist here but i would think it's especially hard with the girls or maybe even with con because he's um he's so intimate too you know i would think that like does cat ever feel like she's being catching her feel like she's being left out because there's these other people that you're being intimate with no because i bring her in she's a part of the group like we have i try to make sure that we try to do something outside of the gym too so we have game nights at our place and that's where we can like let loose a little or just like get to know
Starting point is 01:28:56 the other side and talk and be friends um khan is actually not difficult at all either because he is so open. I meant, I meant he's not difficult. I meant the other people in your life. Oh, I think it's more, uh, because he can get close to someone quick he can get close to someone quick he has that yeah he can he has that capability yeah um but yeah i think the hardest thing was in the beginning was me finding a balance um because i um no matter what we say i'm direct I'm honest I also really really care how people are doing I'm I really want them to be happy I want them to feel good I want them to be taken care of I want to make sure that they're having not just becoming better athletes but also having a good experience and like enjoying being here um so I was I was almost getting into a role like taking
Starting point is 01:30:08 them as my kids like how like how is everything how are you sleeping like how is this here going their car is getting stuck I'm like oh I'll come and I'll like help you shovel your car out and then I'm like okay I need to take a step back right now because I don't have like I don't have this many hours in my day and like in my head like this is going to start affecting mine and Frederick's relationship because when I come home from training that's where I want my quality time with Freya that's where I put my phone to the side and I'm just like enjoying that's where I refuel a little bit um and then when she goes to sleep that's where me and Frederick get even more quality time where we can have our like conversations what like deeper conversations and um enjoy just each other's
Starting point is 01:30:57 company which I think is so important as well but all of a sudden so many of our conversations were about the team and how they were doing and what to do better and how to fix things and settle things and Frederick trying to figure out this or that and like I was getting the apartment like there were just so many things to handle at the same time as personalities getting to know each other and Kat being there as well and training sessions being super super long and it was it was a lot to deal with in the beginning of things that I hadn't expected to deal with because I really care it wasn't like I just wanted them to come here and then we turned together and it's like
Starting point is 01:31:36 all right done like I'm in out you know I wanted I wanted this to be as good for everyone and as high quality for everyone as possible um but i think i found a pretty good balance and when everyone settled in as well it's like easier now this summer is here so it's also i was worried about them during the winter in iceland man there's a lot of people that get the best year it's like we had snowstorm after snowstorm after snowstorm we've never had this kind of winter so i'm like they're also getting like the worst winter in iceland um but yeah i feel like we found a really good balance for it and uh just making sure that i have some some time just
Starting point is 01:32:19 because i am very much um quality time with freder Frederick kind of person, just like neat, chill time with family. And just making sure that we get that in made the world of a difference. Did I even answer your question? Yeah, I've managed to work with all of these personalities. You drew a picture. I don't know if you answered the question, but you drew a picture. You drew a picture. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:45 Thankfully, Lauren gets like really picture. You drew a picture. Yeah. Thankfully, Lauren gets like really well along with Kat as well. Like we all fit pretty well together. So we can have a lot of fun when we're training together and make each other better at the same time. Khan, we've learned to work with that. He needs a little bit faster going through things.
Starting point is 01:33:06 More, more structure around it uh but then he'll have his alone time and then uh tola just works with whatever you know he's he's pretty chill yeah he is pretty chill he seems chill he's the best dancer is he con is also really freaking good who con oh i just thought he was so i thought he's the best dancer is he khan is also really freaking good who khan oh i just thought he was so i thought he was the best and you were the second best i thought i'm khan was great i really khan definitely is putting in the effort but but but tola is the best because he's not putting in the effort do you know what i mean he's just saying i'm like i just need to like channel my inner toll i just do everything like small just like he's just he's just chilling hey do you think that um do you think that katrin would come on this show i don't know are you being honest annie yeah i don't know okay fair fair fair that's between you and her that is you're very right i'm sorry to drag you into drag you into my mess um you said your parents would wish
Starting point is 01:34:15 you missed married an icelander i actually have that on there did your parents wish you married well you didn't say sorry you didn't say that you said that it's sort of culturally expected and that's culture i'm armenian and they culturally expect us to marry armenians and they um jews expect jews to culturally marry jews is that the way it is in iceland too is that what you're saying no okay i misunderstood okay okay anyone you want all cultures everything i feel like there's a lot of international relationships actually it was more just me being worried about no one wanting to move to iceland because it's so dark and cold here during the wintertime. So that was me being stressed that if if me and Frederick would start being together, that I would have to move somewhere else and I just wouldn't be ready to do that.
Starting point is 01:34:56 I'm OK with going somewhere else during wintertime for sure. But I have such a close relationship with my family, uh, that I can't be away. Are your parents retired? No, they're not. Yeah. Um, I, I have very, very fond memories of your parents when I came out there in 2010 or 11, uh, they invited, yeah, they invited myself and, uh, Haley into their house and we had dinner with you guys. It was cool. Yeah. Yeah, your mom's cool as shit. And your dad, I think, was there a pull-up bar in that house? Like in the staircase or something?
Starting point is 01:35:36 There's a pull-up bar right outside the door. Right outside the door. Yeah. It was weird watching that video. Oh, Caleb vanished. He had to go somewhere. I want to show you one more thing that I was so excited that I saw on your Instagram. Oh.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Oh, before I forget, you wrote a book with Katrin. I wrote a book with Kat. Yeah. How did that go? How does that happen? Well, we've always wanted to do something together um we want to change the world no we want to try to do something good spread spread spread good things um and we've always wanted to do something with children um and i feel like we talked about a lot of different ideas that we were gonna do
Starting point is 01:36:27 uh we do have a lot of different things that we are going to do in the future as well but when this opportunity presented itself to write a children's book we were like yes it just felt like an immediate no-brainer for both of us to do what do you mean opportunity did someone ask you to write it so we had talked about writing in and the funny thing is then lamilly uh the publishing company reached out and asked if we want to write a children's book and we're like oh my god like this is like meant to be because we have been talking about making a children's song um and then writing a children's book and so yeah so we jumped on that did that there were so many things that we wanted to come across like so many ideas that we had and we had to cut it down into this book um which is about obstacles and challenges in life. Like that she's just going through and the animals that are her friends.
Starting point is 01:37:35 That's like the three different pillars in our lives. That's like our parents, our coaches, and then our friends. Each animal represents like those three. That's cool. parents our coaches and then our friends uh each animal represents like those three um that's cool in our life and she's going on this journey and getting all these challenges where she's doubting herself and it's afraid to fail and afraid to look silly and all of these different like battles inner battles that we have as well and it's just about how she tackles them and how her friends help her tackle it and how we want to share that journey because that's something that me and Kat have talked about so often as well is that everything that we've gotten to
Starting point is 01:38:15 experience like we've gotten to experience so many things doing what we do but none of it would be really worth it if we didn't have our friends and family with us. Like, I've thought about winning the CrossFit Games. And I don't remember exactly how I felt standing on top of the podium. But thinking back, I remember exactly how I feel when I walked through the tunnel and saw Frederic Yami and Carl Paoli standing there. and saw Frederick Yami and Carl Paoli standing there. And then when I walked out of the stadium and I saw my parents, like those are the feelings that I remember.
Starting point is 01:38:50 So like these are the people that you take on your journey and remembering to enjoy that process as well. Not always just the end goal, but like actually enjoying the journey that we are on instead of always looking forward. So like there's a lot of deep things in there. What's the name? Oh, what is the way of deep things in there. What's the name? Oh, What is the Way?
Starting point is 01:39:07 What is the Way? What is the Way? And the main character's name is Freya. Did you write the book before she was born? No. Well, we started it. We started it. But we finished it.
Starting point is 01:39:24 We decided the name after freya got her name how did you find the illustrator so we got a few illustrators like um samples from a few through lumilli and then we chose caesar um to work with us after seeing some of his uh illustrations that was like the theme that we wanted is he icelandic no no i think he's an american and you can get it on amazon um i actually don't know you can get it on lamilly at least but maybe on amazon as well i guess i should know that. It's at Target. Yeah, it's at Target. It's at all
Starting point is 01:40:13 Target stores, I think. You've arrived. You've arrived. Yeah. You've arrived. It's a good book. Why is it not on Amazon let me see i don't know because it's in target but you're right right right right oh here it is here it is here it is it's okay it is okay good it is i have i have found it
Starting point is 01:40:41 i have found it and then and then you did found it. And then you did headphones. Yeah. And then we did headphones. I would love to do headphones. That's the dream. How did that happen? Is that, who did that with you? That's actually also really funny.
Starting point is 01:40:58 That happened with me and Kat complaining about headphones. I was complaining that they always pop out. So I sing along when i'm like running and then when you smile at people or something they like pop out like when you smile your gets smaller and they just like pop out um and then cad and frederick were complaining because frederick has ruined i think three beeped headsets with sweat and cat has burned through two um and we're like that's like expensive to just like burn through because you sweat that much right um and cat complained about them falling out and then she talked about it with a friend of hers
Starting point is 01:41:39 um and he has connection to this company structs that had made some headphones and he has connection to this company, Strux, that had made some headphones. And he's like, why don't we just make a headset that you guys like? So we just went through the development with him, set the things that bother us. So these are 100% waterproof. You could go for a swim with them, but Bluetooth doesn't work in the water yet.
Starting point is 01:42:04 But we're working on actually the next generation of these headphones. We're working on having the music integrated in the headset. That's never been done before. Well, what does that mean? What does that mean? What does that mean? So that means that you can like when you connect the headset to your phone, you can download a playlist to your headset and then you can leave your phone at home and go out and run. Oh, so there's a
Starting point is 01:42:25 little bit of memory in there yeah that holds oh that's sick that's pretty cool right oh yeah i hate sometimes running with my phone sometimes i'm like why i don't and then and then you're like okay i'll just run shuttles because that way i don't have to go too far away from my phone and like then your phone's like controlling you but yeah yeah yeah i totally get that it's awesome so yeah that was brilliant other things so there's like all of those knobs that are with it so you can get like the perfect fit for your ears so it does not fall out 100 waterproof so you're not going to be able to ruin them and then we're working on getting the music integrated and that also means that you can swim with them and listen to music because then you don't need to have the Bluetooth access.
Starting point is 01:43:05 But yeah, for us, it was like the freedom, the freedom of being able to just run on the track or run up Asian or something and not have to have a clunky phone with you. Hey, Annie, I wonder if you could also go with the angle this whole do you know, are you familiar with EMF, this whole EMF fear that's like started up? it's like started up well basically it's just it's just i don't know if it's real or not but basically what people are saying is that your phone has emf electronic magnetic frequency someone will write it in the comments okay and airpods are so bad for you people are because of the bluetooth and the transmission so people have been just saying how bad it is for you we don't know what the long-term effects are, but I wonder if that's another angle, why the daughter, uh, headphones would be better because you can disconnect it from the, you can just download what you want to hear your audio book and then go for a run and you're not connected to Bluetooth. Yeah. Tell your marketing team that. Interesting. Yeah. Definitely got to
Starting point is 01:43:59 talk about that. Thank you. Thank you. Million sold. I was. I was actually thinking, you know what I wanted to develop is so that I didn't have to use Bluetooth at all. I wanted a headphone set that attached to that. You know, the new iPhones out has a magnet on the back like you can stick stuff on the back. I wanted something where you stick it on the back and you in the headphones just plug into the bottom and you just pull it out like an extension cord and plug it in your ears. So it's attached by a cord so that you don't have to deal with any of the Bluetooth signal frying your brain. Oh, and then you, and then you pull it and it retracts back in like a tape measure. But then you're going to have a cord though. I know,
Starting point is 01:44:36 but then it just winds back up and say, Oh yeah, yeah. When you're working out. Yeah. Yeah. You still got the cord. You're right.
Starting point is 01:44:40 You're right. Yeah. Oh, where can I get a pair? Uh, you can get a pair a pair on just daughter daughter we've also won multiple awards for these headsets really yeah red dot award was the first one but there's like four or five more that we won on the top of the uh list of wireless headsets. I bet you these are on Amazon too,
Starting point is 01:45:08 but I'll show you. If you just type in D-O-T-T-I-R audio dot com and if you get it wrong, don't worry. Google will fix it for you. And it's a nice case too. Yeah, right? Yeah, it's totally nice. I'll send you a pair. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:45:28 I have had you on for an hour and 45 minutes. I'm so happy this went swimmingly well. I really appreciate your time. Yeah. My pleasure. This was fun. I didn't realize how anxious I was until about 10 minutes before it came on. But I thought I was hiding it pretty well because usually my wife will be like, are you freaking out? I'm like,
Starting point is 01:45:47 nah, I always be like, nah, nah, I'm good. I lie. Um, thank you so much for coming on. Congratulations on the amazing team, uh, the baby, uh, the, the long relationship with Frederick, um, beautiful family. I mean, it's all, they're all just huge crowning achievements. I know. I know life is. Yeah. I could say the same to you. Congratulations with your life, Savant. Thank you. Oh, oh yeah. Let me show you, let me show one more video just for, just for fun. Let me show one more video. Let me see this. It's up here towards the top. Where's Kayla when you need them? I was expecting you to give me some like uncomfortable questions. I tried. I tried.
Starting point is 01:46:32 I was like ready to be like, someone, no comment. You're too comfortable and you're too wise and too comfortable in your own skin and too honest to – I have nothing for you. Let me see. Share. This one, I remember – After the overhead squad. Yeah. You jumped up and kissed Frederick, and I see Russell Berger got the photo.
Starting point is 01:47:05 You see him up there? And I got the video. Russell Berger got the still photo. And I was so happy when I saw that happen. I was like, oh my goodness. And I quickly contacted Russell. I'm like, did you get that? He goes, of course I did.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Yeah, that was really cool. It was a good moment. I've had a lot of very good moments, very good memories from the games. Yeah. Eric, thank you. Annie was absolutely pleasant, and I'm ecstatic. I'm going to be high from this for the rest of the day. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:47:42 And I'd love to bug you again. Please wish the team well. Wish Lauren well. Wish Katrin well. Tola, Yami, Mr. Porter, Frederick. Is there anyone else on the team that I'm missing? Is there anyone else who's trying to go to the games who's in your circle? Just BK.
Starting point is 01:48:00 Oh, I had a whole page of questions about BK. How wonderful is Björgvingvin okay this is the final question is he the most one he seems so wonderful there's not he is the cutest he's like my so cat is like my sister he's like my little brother he's definitely my little brother you know you have to take care of him um but he oh my he is, he's a very, very good person. Yeah. He seems like a wonderful human being and, and, and like, almost like a pleasure to be around, like beyond the pleasure to be around.
Starting point is 01:48:34 Yeah. Like, if you're like, Hey, we don't have any more room in the car. And because like, okay, you're like, no, no, go ahead. Get in. He's the kind of guy you let squeeze in. Right. Yeah. He's cool as shit.
Starting point is 01:48:44 He is so great. Yeah. He is. He's the kind of guy you let squeeze in, right? Yeah. He's cool as shit. He is so great. Yeah, he is. He's fantastic. I wish people would be able to get to know him the way I know him. Like it doesn't come properly through always on camera or. I had him on my podcast. I felt like just like going out and getting drunk with him right away. Like, I just I love I love him. I just I'm just like, oh, he and getting drunk with him right away. Like, I just, I love, I love him.
Starting point is 01:49:06 I just, I'm just like, oh, he's so fun. He's so crazy. He is also, I have to say, he is a very fun person to be with when celebrating post competitions. Yeah. What about a team? What about a team of you and Katrin and Bjorgvin? And then, and then, and then we raffleaffle off we raffle off the other place for like five hundred thousand dollars you could be on that team and and you just go fucking put it to rich and those monsters that would be that would be definitely definitely a very fun team to be around as well.
Starting point is 01:49:46 Who would the fourth boy be? Do you know? If it was you and Björgvin and Katrin? Like, ideally, it would be Frederick. Oh. But not realistically. Because he'd be holding the baby? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:00 It's like, we made a decision it would not work, the two of us being on a team together with a baby is like, who is the one that gets to sleep a little bit longer? Or if she's sick, is at home and who gets to train? Like, yeah, it's definitely a little bit more complex. But I don't know who the fourth guy would be. He's a good dude. He just sucks it up and takes care of the kid, Frederick. We're a team. Yeah. Not suck it up. We make decisions together. If the way I do with my wife, it's kind of chaotic, but but we both let each other lead.
Starting point is 01:50:38 Like if she's like, hey, you got to have the kids right now. I just drop everything I'm doing and I do it and she does the same. But but we're not trying to be professional athletes either. No, but if you would say that, then I'd be like, yeah, yes. Then I will have for you. Yeah. Yeah. So, all right. Well, thank you. Um, all right. Thank you. You have my phone, my baby girl. Good. You have my phone number. Uh, text me anytime, 24 hours a day. Um, I would love to have you on again because I don't sleep have my phone number uh text me anytime 24 hours a day um i would love to have you on again because i don't sleep by my phone so i always just tell anyone i because you're you're in a different country so i always tell these all my friends
Starting point is 01:51:12 in different countries don't worry like i like i don't sleep you have time for me as a friend though uh in text i do in text i would make some room for you in text i'd squeeze i'd squeeze you in between hunter mcintyre and uh matt souza oh thank you you're welcome privilege um so so please stay in touch and i'll and i'll bug you again after the uh um this uh this as we get closer to the crossfit games sounds good okay thank you annie all right thanks take care say hi to your wife or me and your kids. Okay. I will. Bye.
Starting point is 01:51:48 Bye. Let's reflect. Sometimes the shows just end. Like I just hit end and it's over and we both disappear at the same time. Not this show, not this show. Tell me how great I am. What?
Starting point is 01:52:14 Uh, thank you. Oh, what, what is this? Naked HD, fun webcam, girls,
Starting point is 01:52:21 boys. I don't think that's how you spell gay. I don't think that's how you spell gay i don't think that's how you spell gay uh thank you i think it was crazy too how fun i i had i had a really i had a really cool so me speaking this is not anyone else's opinion besides mine. No one else's opinion besides mine. This is just me. Oh, only three F-bombs? Wow, thank you, Ken.
Starting point is 01:52:51 I took what you said to heart yesterday. This is just me speaking about Katrin and Annie. This is not their opinion. I have no idea what they think. So don't get this twisted. But in my mind, I had such an amazing relationship with the both of them. Like I was so excited. I mean, I was so excited to see a lot of the athletes, but I was so excited to see them.
Starting point is 01:53:12 They were always so nice to me at the CrossFit Games. They would both, Katrin and Annie, they would like take me in. Like they would let me, if they were sitting somewhere, they would welcome me. I mean, in the same way Josh Bridges or Rich would. They would just, they would, Travis Mayer. They would just let me in. They were sitting somewhere, they would welcome me. I mean, in the same way, Josh Bridges or Rich would, they would just, they would, uh, Travis mayor, they would just let me in. They would like, well, Noah Olson, they just welcome you to their group. Like you can just, they made room for you. You weren't, um, you know, when, you know, when you make room for someone.
Starting point is 01:53:40 So if Annie and catch one, like in between events or in the back, they would make room for me. It's something more – it's not like they would wave me over, but if I got close to them, you just felt it. They opened. There wasn't – there was no wall. Sam Briggs was amazing at that too. Sam would maybe even like wave you over. Same with Kara, Cara Saunders. But those two particularly, um, I had, uh,
Starting point is 01:54:09 I had, um, those two particularly I had a great relationship with. It's, it's, it sucks. Um, kind of the way it went down between Katrin and I, I'm not, not kind of sucks. It does suck. Maybe it's, maybe it's good. I don't know. I call Katrin. I don't know. I call Katrin. I don't know. I'm not there yet. Maybe she's not there yet either.
Starting point is 01:54:31 I mean, man, I was pretty wily about that. But it's a fun story. I mean, it would be fun if somehow it took a twist. Maybe we ended up... Like, she... I mean, I would be nervous as shit if she came on the show. Just to rehash that whole thing. It would be done...
Starting point is 01:54:56 I was going to say it would be done strictly for show, but probably not. I would have to, like, really sincerely want to do it. And she'd have to sincerely want to do it and she'd have to sincerely want to do it it couldn't be just like some sort of stunt man there was some nutty shit that happened there was there was one year I don't know if it's last year the year before that I wanted to do the behind the scenes at the CrossFit Games even though I'd been fired and I was told that the reason I couldn't do it is because Katrin didn't want me there because she was crying to Eric Rosa
Starting point is 01:55:28 because of something I had said about her. I don't know if any of that's true. That's just like shit that filters down my way. I think CrossFit Inc had all is having an all hands meeting today. I want to say it's happening right now. I wonder how the staff decided what to do, watch this podcast or go to their meetings. I know arrogant. I know. I know. My wife tells me all the time, chill out. Don't assume, Sevan, maybe she's ready. Maybe I'm not ready.
Starting point is 01:56:14 I don't know. I wasn't ready for this. I knew it had to be done, though. These are like my, these are such unique people in my life. The relationships are real. Man, if I went to the CrossFit Games, I would become such good friends with Colton Mertens, I bet. I would fucking ride his jock so hard. It would be so fun.
Starting point is 01:56:46 God, I hope he makes it to the games. That's how it was like with Ronnie Teasdale. I just see these cats here, and I'm like, oh, I'm getting him. Same with Josh Bridges. I'm getting him. I'm going to be friends with that dude. I was never like that with girls. I was terrified of girls. Oh, yeah. I just girls. I was terrified of girls. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:07 I just saw. I did. Okay. Which semi is Colton in? I think he's in a hard one. I don't know which one. It looks horrible. It looks so hard.
Starting point is 01:57:18 It looks so hard. Okay, guys. Tomorrow, we have David Lucas on from Kill Tony. That's going to be crazy. Then Friday, we have Athena Perez on. She wrote the book Lifting the Weight or Weighting the Weight, Weighting the Lift. She's on the DEI Council. She's been a friend of mine forever. She has a seminar. She was on the CrossFit podcast. She has a seminar that she's working on on how to work with larger body people. Uh, she was on the CrossFit podcast. She has a seminar that she's working on and how to work with larger body people. Uh, you guys all know that's a huge passion of mine to get people, uh, obviously healthier. I love, uh, love weight loss stories. I love stories of challenge like that. Um, and then on Saturday, Oh, I don't, I don't see anyone scheduled for Saturday. oh i don't i don't see anyone scheduled for saturday oh my god monday show is gonna be insane i i asked tia to come on all the time i i i i i i don't know i can't do anymore i can't i like the like i've rolled the red carpet out to her front
Starting point is 01:58:19 door and to shane's door and i love them and they're always welcome on and i i really didn't know and he was always quiet so i usually talk to sh, uh, he was never rude to me, but it was the exact opposite of, of Katrin and Annie. The door was closed, but Shane always had it open. I could talk to Shane and that's fair. Um, Tia was focused. It's, it's nothing negative to say about her at all. Uh, but, but I, I do, uh, tech every four or five texts i send to shane he'll send one back um and i would i would love to have either one of them on yes the td ceo shirt you have to get one of those i have a feeling at some point there won't be any left you're gonna be so happy you had it have it had it have it there's gonna be a whole shitload of colors eventually, too. It's such a funny shirt. It's so cool. I think it's cool as shit.
Starting point is 01:59:08 I have like 10. It's not true. I have like 20 rich frowning shirts, 10 from one year and 10 from the other year. And I just wear every day at some point during the day, I wear a rich frowning shirt. And when I get these CEO shirts, it's going to be tough. I don't know what's going to happen to all the frowning shirts. Oh, I hope he's not listening. I'm reading funny texts. Okay. I, uh,
Starting point is 01:59:36 uh, you guys are great. Thank you so much for everyone, for all your support. Uh, thank you for the constructive criticism. Uh, whoever that douchebag was in the beginning who said, Sevan, I love you, but don't interrupt Annie, you fucking prick.
Starting point is 01:59:48 I hope I made you proud. And I will see you guys tomorrow morning unless for some reason. Oh, let me see where that, let me see. Unless for some reason, the website's like Vindicate, Iicate td ceo unless for some reason i have to do an emergency show unless for some reason i have to do an emergency show uh tonight for some reason like if there's some breaking news then i then i won't see you guys tomorrow but you never know you never know we're we're in a in a world of – look at that. I'm telling you, these are going to be even better in person.
Starting point is 02:00:29 They're going to fit nice around the arms. And they're expensive. It means you can feel better about yourself when you wear them. You can be like, yeah, I'm a baller. We should charge $60 for these. Okay. Love you guys. See you tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:00:45 Bye-bye.

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