The Sevan Podcast - #418 - Stop Blaming Guns

Episode Date: May 26, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Yeah. Bam, we're live. So the event is in a hockey arena. Which event?
Starting point is 00:00:37 The Mackin Syndicate. Okay. So it's in a hockey arena. So it sits at like probably 50 degrees all the time. And so all of us last week were just sitting in the dungeon, the underbelly of the hockey stadium, and just freezing our asses off. And then the only people who had any sort of like long sleeve or hoodie or like any thicker clothing was Mayhem.
Starting point is 00:01:00 And so all of the like medical staff and everybody walked over to the Mayhem tent and bought up all their hoodies. Oh, I love it. love it oh dope what a good excuse to own some mayhem shit i was thinking like it's weird that i don't own any mayhem stuff i know i'm surprised you didn't have a nice little goodie box or something show up to the house yeah you get the athlete package i i uh austin i set my phone down and my glasses down and my keys and my wallet in the same place every day, like religiously. Like, man, it's crazy. And yet I still lose them every day. I do that, too.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I set them in the same spot every single time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But then what happens is my. Say that again. You guys have like a dump dish. Like you just have like a dish.
Starting point is 00:01:43 You just like throw. I have a dump counter. I have a dump counter like you just have like a dish you just like throw i have a dump counter i have a dump counter that makes sense i don't i don't think that you could even imagine how many pairs of glasses and headphones i have it's um it's i don't know how my wife handles it and everything needs charging that I own. Everything. I'm just a robot. Yesterday. Oh, Caleb, could you mute yourself when you're not talking? Because there's. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:13 It's weird. I have a dehumidifier in my room. I have my door open and my neighbors got some like well pump going on always. And I never. Do you guys ever hear anything come from my mic? No, but I don't really hear those other sounds either that you hear because i don't have headphones i need to get some headphones oh okay i gotta i gotta up my game yeah me too where are you where are you caleb i'm in the like underbelly of the hockey arena the civic auditorium oh shit okay so it's getting real for you the semi-finals are getting
Starting point is 00:02:40 real for you again yes yes they are i had to come through and um get everything tidied up for the medical and the recovery staff uh everything's kind of just getting laid out for the athletes to do it like a little tour um and yeah getting everything ready i uh even though it is it even though it is hot uh already in california or nice you know like we're getting 70s every day um i do have socks on and i and i still plug in my heater every morning because i like to do the podcast with the door open even if it's noisy outside just for fresh air i'm a fresh air guy like i'd like to sleep with my windows open all that shit yesterday i was at the beach minding my own business not really minding my own business i
Starting point is 00:03:22 stare at i stare at the bodies i stare at the body but but but mostly minding my own business i stare at i stare at the bodies i stare at the body but but but mostly minding my own business and i i get a text message from this dude i've been fucking with lately uh named andrew hiller and for those of you who don't know the the the the vernacular the the phrase fucking with that's like when you um it's like a courtship phase like you could be like you could say like yeah i'm fucking with that girl like when you um it's like a courtship phase like you could be like you could say like yeah i'm fucking with that girl that means like you just started dating or like i'm i'm i fuck with that place like like you just started visiting like a coffee shop like a little bit and that's kind of the phase that i'm in with hillary like i'm fucking with them like i'm test
Starting point is 00:03:59 like i'm i'm kicking the tires pushing the hood, you know, like seeing if he is, you know, I'm going to the top of Everest. And at the top of Everest, there can be no zipper failure. Not even because if the zipper fails on that jacket, when I'm at Everest, I'm dead. It cannot fail at the top. So I'm fucked with the zipper the whole time. I zip up over some shit. I pull it down. I yank on it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I'm doing everything I can to stress test it. Stress test it. Good morning, Athena. Good morning, Mr. Get With The Programming. So that's the phase I'm in. I'm fucking with Hiller. And we had him on the podcast. We fucked with each other in the DMs.
Starting point is 00:04:49 We exchanged phone numbers. I had him on the semifinal show. And he's passing every test with flying colors. He is equal part man of humility, but man. He's man, man man motherfucker goes hard so uh and and he'll also it seems like if if your zipper for some reason did failure at the top fail at the top of everest he'll let he might let you climb into his jacket with him but he's kind of past check i'm checking all the boxes and yesterday he sends me a link to a video that he's going to put up uh this morning and it it um as my wife said shit it almost made her cry
Starting point is 00:05:30 now i know what you're talking about and it it it rocked me too because the video that he he digs into something that um was a pretty crazy moment in my life that I never went and revisited. And the New York Times wrote an article about me and it was in regards to an interview I did with Stacey Tovar. Let me rephrase that. The New York Times wrote a hit piece on Greg Glassman and they were kind enough to put an article in there about me. And instead of referring to me as the greatest chief marketing officer who ever lived on the fucking planet, they were, they referred to me as a fucking deputy or general of Greg Glassman. And in that article, they said something and I never went back and even revisited the video that they talked about because there was true funny huh not funny yesterday hillar sends me a video
Starting point is 00:06:32 where he plays a section of that um a video where i interviewed stacy tovar that the new york times misquoted mischaracterized took took out of context. And if you go back and look at that interview now, I watched it for the first time since I ever, I'd never watched that interview before because I lived it. And you see what I asked Stacey Tovar. I did fucking all women on the fucking planet a fucking huge favor. That interview alone should have fucking made me a fucking trillionaire.
Starting point is 00:07:10 If you're a fucking female games athlete and you haven't watched the interview I did with Stacey Tovar, you're not a fucking real female games athlete. I've been fucking dinged to you for that. She says in there, in that interview, she says that the birth control she was using affected her ability to perform at the fucking highest level. And she realized that at the after she retired there's no mention of that in the article it's crazy i'm so nice to her in the article the article paints me as some sort of scumbag i can't believe how nice i am to her you you watch the hillar video today you're going to get to see the clip it's nuts it's how you would want your me to get to see the clip. It's nuts. It's how you would want me to talk to your mom or your sister or your daughter or your wife.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I believe – I didn't ask him, but I think it's pretty obvious that the video was inspired by the fact that I interviewed the great Annie Thor's daughter yesterday, which I really enjoyed hanging out with her, and Katrin's name came up a few times. And the reason why I got so upset at Katrin is Katrin reposted that section in three posts where the New York Times slams me and paints me as some sort of fucktard. Which gives it some validity within the community, right? It's like a hit piece from a random outside publication. And then now you take one of our star athletes and then she goes, hey, guys, I'm putting my stamp of approval on this and blasting it out to you. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:37 That's what the biggest deal is. Exactly. Exactly. Thank you. She takes and do you know what I've done for Katrin David's daughter? Someone should ask her. Someone should ask her. You don't need to ask her. You can see it.
Starting point is 00:08:51 All those fucking people. All those fucking people. Yeah, it's their platform, man. My job was to glorify them. I glorified her. And you did it great. You built them an audience and you built them a fan base. I genuinely loved her. I loved Annie. I loved Josh of all those guys who would fucking bring let me come into their inner circle and fucking film them and she like these same idiots who are fucking talking shit
Starting point is 00:09:14 about guns right now same exact it it's it's it's unconsciousness i shouldn't call it adc i should call it what it is i know what it is it's when you go unconscious they go unconscious and they get swept by the wave and she thought it was okay to attack me and man uh i don't i just saw a rough draft of what hillary wrote but he's so nice to her he's so he's so he's so nice to her. She then reposts that. And then when Greg sells the company, Eric Rosa sees the article in the New York Times, speaks to Katrin, and tells some other executives, is that guy going to step down? Never goes back and looks at the Stacey Tovar video himself, never talks to me nothing and now it's so funny um you know in in one year and i say this with all humility i could single-handedly fucking have the leadership capabilities to turn crossfit around make it profitable and fucking huge again and and i bet you uh uh 51 of the staff who used who
Starting point is 00:10:22 not not the current staff but the staff who are the old staff know that, you know how they know that. Cause they watched what I did with the company from 2017 to 2018. They've been around the last two years to see what's not happened. And it's nuts. It was, it was nuts that what that video did to me that Hiller made when I went back and watched it.
Starting point is 00:10:40 I can't wait to see it. I haven't seen it, but I'm, that's really cool of them too. And all he's doing is just showing the truth, right? It's nuts. It's nuts. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:10:50 I called him and I'm like, dude, that almost made my wife cry. You know what's crazy? And he goes, you've never gone back to watch it? And I said, no, I've never. No, sorry. Sorry. Go ahead, Cesar. I would say I just was reading the article up here.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I had pulled it up and was just refreshing myself on the New York Times article. And the same stuff that was written about the Stacey Tovar podcast, you could take that all out of context and talk about it from yesterday's podcast with Andy, too. It's the exact same interview. It's the exact same interview. It's the same interview. That's so funny. And Hiller asked me if I did that on purpose.
Starting point is 00:11:24 I absolutely didn't do that on purpose. No, I mean, having a, having a child, her first child is a huge moment in her athletic career. I mean, she even said it's a fork in the road. You guys talked about how she knows that she could have her child that never come back to anything athletic ever again. So if you're talking to a female athlete of her caliber and she's having a child, that is a huge, huge milestone. And all the things that lead up to that with her partner and those decisions being made that so many other women can benefit from, just like with the Stacey Tovar one, when you were talking about competing and the things that women, you know, their bodies do and how they react during competition and what
Starting point is 00:11:59 other people can learn from it. That's why would you not talk about that? It's the same thing with the birth control. Like people don't want to talk about birth control because they feel like it's taboo like oh everybody everybody just thinks oh i should just be on birth control like no we have this conversation at work all the time you don't don't need to be on birth control there are other ways to do it you can like it's it's you don't have to fuck with your body with all these different hormones just to exist right like people just think oh i need to do it it's not the case and having a conversation is helpful thank you elisa elisa elisa they gotta do they got they uh anyway please watch the andrew hiller video i. If you're interested in knowing more about this, I don't want to beat a dead horse, but it really riled me up.
Starting point is 00:12:50 It was like, imagine a pond that's just clear, beautiful water. And then someone dug out, stirred up the bottom, and now it's all stirred up. In a good way, though, I like it. I love it. I love the story. And I love where it's all stirred up in a good way though. I like it. I love it. I love the story and I love where it's going. I love the story and I love where it's going. I am the kind of person that if you, you want as a neighbor, it doesn't matter if you're, if you're the most woke motherfucker ever who ever lived. Like if you think that we should shut down colleges and only let black people go to them, you would still love me as a neighbor. I'm a good neighbor. Can you say that about yourself?
Starting point is 00:13:41 I would never let my – if your trash cans weren't out the night before and I put mine out at one in the morning I'd go over and pull yours out if I see a coyote in front of your house I'd text you right away if I have extra room in the dumpster I'd call you and say hey you got some shit you want to throw away I'm I'm you have a good neighbor
Starting point is 00:14:08 no no I have to close it for him oh oh oh you're a good neighbor I'm thoughtful and I'm situationally aware if you are a situationally aware person those of you the hardest thing to do is hang out with people who are not situationally aware.
Starting point is 00:14:30 It is nuts. It is nuts. I don't know if you guys remember that cartoon Mr. Magoo. Yes. But especially – this is going to be horrible. Especially if you're a female and you have a boyfriend who's situationally aware, like 90% of your problems in your relationship is the fact that he's, he's just struggling. He's,
Starting point is 00:14:49 he's struggling with the shit that he sees you're doing. That's making your life fucking inefficient and making you a bitch. And it's, it's the same with dudes too. I mean, don't get me wrong. Like a lot of times, like dudes are just not nice to other people sometimes.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Well, but just that's the, that's the, that's the biggest thing. There's this lack of dignity from people who aren't situationally aware to all of humanity what do you mean by situationally aware like you go into a room and you're noticing everybody who's inside of it your kids are at the fucking skateboard ramps skate in the bowl and there's garbage in the bowl and you don't go down there and clean it out yeah it's like those those no woman's own i would give up my i would cut my
Starting point is 00:15:37 balls off for my kids i i think a one like I think – like – and I can't look where they're going and help. I mean if they hit one of those cans or that piece of garbage or that McDonald's bag in the bowl and hit and land on their face, they're fucking – my prized possession is toast. It's like the – I'll tell you what's situationally aware. My coffee cup, my Paper Street coffee coffee cup i'm out of focus my my paper street coffee cup um it's out there poor hayley if i see hayley's cup next to her computer and it's at an angle where if the cup falls over it's going to pour directly into the keyboard you're yeah i i i lose my fucking mind there's why would you even risk that why would you even understand um you drink you drink something out of a can and you put it in the fridge to save it for later now now what you have there is if that can spills in the fridge you have two hours of work why would you do why are you
Starting point is 00:16:44 risking that pour it into a glass jar and screw a lid onto it or something if you need it it's just it's this um it's all the same people who ran who thought covid was dangerous there was no risk assessment there was no evaluation it's it's it's it's fucking retardville those are the those people killed people quarantining people killed people i can't wait we're having jay crouch and uh and uh um rob forte on i have so many questions about australia i don't think they're gonna talk about crossfit no can you imagine um uh the it's it's and quarantining is anti-science you can see it all over the cdc website you never quarantine healthy people inside is where people get sick that's that that is where you get sick Quarantining is anti-science. You can see it all over the CDC website. You never quarantine healthy people.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Inside is where people get sick. That is where you get sick. You never, ever quarantine people. The governor of Pennsylvania and New York forced old people inside and killed them by the tens of thousands. But you're worried about a school shooting? You are out of your mind. It's all, once again, risk assessment and calculations. 108,000 people died last year from fentanyl overdose. Do you know how many are going to die this year? How much you want to bet that that kid who went into
Starting point is 00:17:58 that school shooting place was high on fentanyl or had done fentanyl or his parents had been high on fentanyl while he was in the womb? And you worried about guns i mean you people are batshit crazy yeah i think that was a deal with his mother right she was a drug addict you see someone who smokes three packs of cigarettes a day who has a cough and you give them a lozenges as as the cure a mask oh let me give you let me give you a vix lozenges to help that cough. You guys are – you're morons. You're emotional, unconscious morons. And I mean that with peace and love. You are so – you are adding to the problem.
Starting point is 00:18:39 You are adding to the problem. Your fix is making it worse. You quarantined the old people. And of course, you're talking about the general public here, not our lovely audience. Do you know how many people rifles killed last year? Not even 500. Not even 500. Like a hunting rifle?
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yeah, just like these assault rifles that our idiot politicians are talking about. It's crazy. We live with such dumb people. And the connections that people are making are idiotic. Someone said, I'm glad our kids are protecting our Second Amendment rights. Like they're making this connection that – I'm not even a gun guy, by the way. Not at all. But people are making this connection that we should um they think they're being cute by saying
Starting point is 00:19:27 we protect our second amendment over our kids like they're they're leveraging the death they don't realize what scumbags they are they're leveraging the death of their kids to make this connection that's not a fucking logical connection to say that that that um so so the the people on the right can have guns hey who do you think does all the killing? Where do you think all the killing happens? In what cities? What do you think that those people are? That kid who did those killings, that tranny,
Starting point is 00:19:52 that Latin tranny, because I know you guys love labels. What do you think that guy was? You think his parents were Democrats or Republicans? You know what the fuck they are. Okay, I'm getting out of control i think the grandma was a like a drug addict and then of course of course yes living with her and then yes yeah and with the mom right i don't know gone or something like that like i don't know i don't know any of it
Starting point is 00:20:18 and i can tell you they're democrats and they're drug addicts i i ran some i ran some it's a go ahead sorry caleb go ahead tell me you can tell me the facts but we already know that we but but i want to hear like the whole thing was just like entirely an unstable like living situation because the son was living with the grandma and the grandma was a recovering addict who was also trying to evict his mom from the house that she owned perfect so it's just it was, everything was all over the place. And then they passed that law. I think about,
Starting point is 00:20:47 uh, like recently I've let, letting 18 year old, like letting 18 year old individuals to buy rifles, um, in Texas. And then he just went and bought one and attacked his grandma and then ran into an elementary school.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Oh, he, grandma got capped too. Yeah. Shot her first. I haven't, I haven't been, uh, I haven't yeah he shot her first i i haven't i haven't been i haven't been looking at um i haven't watching any of it because i know it's going to be all fucking just just bullshit it's and i think some of the things that you're talking about has to do
Starting point is 00:21:17 with short-sightedness too right like people just they don't see past the first either solution they're thinking of or the trash in the skate park. So they just see the trash. They go, well, it's not my job. They aren't able to see into the future. Like, Hey, dude, I don't even think they see it. I don't even think they see it. They don't even know how to care about their kids. They don't even know how to be situationally aware. Let me tell you the classic situational awareness that maybe a lot of you have seen. The first time you see it as a kid, one of the things you see. You pull up to your house, you're five years old, you get out of the car and run to the door and you don't know where your mom and dad are
Starting point is 00:21:50 and you look back and your mom's in her fucking suit that she's been in all day, working her ass off, but she's at the curb in her high heels picking up some trash in the curb, two cigarette buds and a fucking styrofoam cup. And you're like, oh. and it clicks in your brain oh mom's picking up trash in front of the house that's interesting and me and i never did that now fuck that i'm running inside to get a sandwich but now as an adult i do it i sure as hell do it i do a lap around the house i want to
Starting point is 00:22:22 make sure my i want to make sure my house looks nice for me but for my neighbors too. I'm responsible for that little section, just like I'm responsible to wave to police officers, just like I'm responsible not to park my car in front of the mailbox so the postal lady – if that postal lady doesn't have to get out of the car, she can just stick it in the mailbox. I'm responsible for pulling over when I hear sirens coming behind me so that the ambulance can get to help my, my fellow citizens. These are all deals we have with humanity. 12 black men were killed. Unarmed black men were killed by cops in that one year, 2020,
Starting point is 00:22:56 whatever it was. That means nothing. That just means that they didn't have guns or they didn't find guns on the scene because of that, because of That just means that they didn't have guns or they didn't find guns on the scene. Because of that, because of the response to that, that the woke community took, thousands of extra black men were killed this year. That's what the response led to.
Starting point is 00:23:19 They just weren't killed by cops. They were killed by other black men. Thousands, hundreds of thousands of people were killed during this pandemic and and millions more will die because of the side effects because of the emotional response and not the intellectual and logical response that was given to it and that same thing it's not going to happen here because the people who – there's enough smart people who know that we have to have guns. Also – If we just went through – sorry, one more thing. If you don't see what just happened in China, Australia, and Canada and the UK in the last two years, and you don't – you're not happy your neighbor has guns, you need to fucking check yourself.
Starting point is 00:24:01 You need to really sit down, take a few deep breaths, and have someone you need to you need to really sit down take a few deep breaths and let and have someone explain it to you okay go ahead sorry Caleb so also just imagine trying to so let's just say we do ban guns and imagine oh wait wait sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry one more thing hold that thought Caleb hold that thought sorry sorry and right right I don't even care about the color. I was just saying that kind of as a joke. I really don't. The color thing is idiocy.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Skin color means nothing except how the sun affects you. But thank you for saying that. I hear your point. Okay, caller, hold on one second. Caleb, go. Guns, Caleb. Yeah, just imagine trying to get rid of all the guns for one and then on top of that now that they've been created like there's no way to get rid of it just because
Starting point is 00:24:51 the technology just because you say hey nobody can have guns anymore doesn't mean that somebody's going to find a way to create it like you took away guns and you took away knives in england and guess what people are still getting fucking stabbed in england what do you expect is going to happen like bad people are always going to find a way to do bad things. It doesn't matter what you try to do. You can say, oh, we can't – we're going to outlaw terrorism. Guess what? Terrorists are still going to find ways to blow up fucking buildings. But the point is this. We just watched 100,000 people die of fentanyl last year. We're going to watch 200,000 die this year. They're mostly fucking young people.
Starting point is 00:25:33 We just watched the government kill 500 fucking thousand people because of their fucking COVID response. Okay, caller, go ahead. Hey, guys. I just have two quick things. I won't be that caller that interrupts the show a ton. Too late. too late. Shit. All right, well, my first thing is,
Starting point is 00:25:50 so with the whole guns thing, you know, my dad and my mom are huge, massive CNN watchers, totally, completely bought in. And my dad would always draw comparisons between Trump and Hitler and saying how Trump is trying to take over just like Hitler did. And I can't get over the fact it's like Trump wants us to keep our guns. Like that's the end of the discussion in that as far as I'm concerned.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Like if you take away the guns, that is so much worse than anything that Trump could have done to try to take over the country. Imagine this real quick. I want to add this on there too, James. Imagine this. Trump had no control over the media. Guess who has complete control over the media? Biden. Has control over the media, the social media, all of it. Trump can't be Hitler. Trump can't Yeah, yeah. Trump can't be Hitler. Trump can't be a king. Trump can't be a communist.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Those people have absolute control over the media just the way the left does. It's nuts. But go on. Our parents are batshit crazy. What they are is they're unconscious. They refuse to wake up. They think the 49ers are the greatest team ever, and there's no one who's going to tell them different. Yeah, I mean, their unconscious
Starting point is 00:27:07 is so true because they're fantastic people, but they're just totally closed. And here's my second thing. I know you don't like when we talk about CrossFit, but I'm a swim coach by trade. I want to say it's not swimming. I've heard this a bunch. Swimming is not a good test of aerobic
Starting point is 00:27:23 capacity for these CrossFit Games athletes because it is so extremely skill-based. Okay? I could destroy the marathon runners. I was a college swimmer, not even a very good one. But I could destroy any marathon runner in a 500-meter swim. I guarantee it. But their VO2 max, every metric of aerobic capacity that they have
Starting point is 00:27:46 is a million times better than mine um james james but how about this how about this two thirds well i believe the earth is round still so sorry that's what i'm going by but two thirds of the earth's surface is covered with water like it seems it seems like it's an important thing to test just like running is an important thing to test just like running is an important thing to test and if we used your logic there we could just fucking develop some sort of machine and put people on it for 15 minutes and be like that's the fittest person in the world well i like it as a skill-based test yeah yeah like why why not what about the gymnastics too like you're gonna say that muscle- ups are the most skill-based things in gymnasts. Yeah. James.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Yeah. What are you talking about, James? Come on. All right. All right. Fair enough. But I do like hearing this.
Starting point is 00:28:34 It's an important contribution. I just don't think that, um, it means you take swimming out is where I went with it. Are you suggesting that, that we take swimming out? Cause I am the CEO. Um,
Starting point is 00:28:43 I guess, no, as long as we are categorizing it as, as a skill test and not an aerobic test. Okay. Just like you would categorize a gymnastic as a skill test but not a strength test. I'm not dating her because she's hot. I'm dating her because, and pick another reason. She's situationally aware. Yeah, I had had to translate into how i understand the world
Starting point is 00:29:06 thank you james anyways all right thanks guys have a good day i'll see you later bye you're a great call i'll give you a b plus b plus he was good he was like he had two things bam hammered him out he had a nice voice too kind of like you gotta remember that it sounded like plumber oh uh he sounded like he could be in a Western or something to me. You always have to remember the most powerful thing, entity, is always going to be the media. And the pen is always going to be mightier than the sword or the gun. The new CEO for CrossFit. What if I cut your head off?
Starting point is 00:29:43 What? Who cut whose head off? What? You could stop me, but if I got media on my side, my message carries on. It's true. Oh, man. So someone put together – I want to talk about the new CEO of CrossFit, but someone put the numbers together for like all the people in the CrossFit space. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yeah, we doing good. And you know what's really misleading about the numbers is we do these shows. Like we did a show with Ricky Simone, who's an insane UFC fighter, and the show just tanks. And I'll keep doing them. But when they figure out – when they were in the rankings where they were – this thing that was ranking all the different media forms in CrossFit. One, it was only using youtube as the um platform they were looking at but we dominated but also they didn't take into effect that half our shows are non-crossfit related so it was man now i understand now i understand why we're kind of scary why it
Starting point is 00:30:36 could be scary if you can't control us mr weinstein i understand oh we are uncontainable we are hey why wouldn't you? Why would you try to? Why would you? It's not even David and Goliath, Mr. Weinstein. You know that, right? It's what is the matchup? I don't know, but I can tell you what it could be. It could be flatlined if he gives you 500K to start.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Yes, yes, yes, yes. It's so crazy that we're controlling your narrative more, not only more truthfully, but even if we wanted to lie, we could lie. We could manipulate it. So now you just talked about the point I just made that the media has the more powerful influence than anything else. But we're not the media, so I guess it doesn't count. Right. There is a new CEO, which we announced weeks ago. She is – she is – she's a – she – if I were to go through a six-month like gender – sexual – I don't know what it's called.
Starting point is 00:31:42 If I went through a six-month transformation, the best I could hope for is to look like her. Man, she's young and attractive. Allison Andreozzi, she is smart? I mean, look at the position she's in and the companies that she's working for. I would assume, this is an assumption though, that she's a very intelligent woman, at least when it comes to business.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Well, she's smart and she did CrossFit. It sounds like she's working out with Spieler for the last business. Well, she's smart, and she did CrossFit. It sounds like she's working out with Spieler for the last 10 years. She's like Rosa. She did CrossFit. She's attractive like Rosa. Rosa had a funky voice. I need to hear this lady talk. It is weird that they didn't make – when they say interim,
Starting point is 00:32:19 I'm not even sure what that means. Is that really my temperament? It's like all the CEOs with CrossFit. What? It's like with all the CEOs with crossfit what it's like with all the ceos of crossfit it's just very well if you look at her what what the thing is is all of these people that they're bringing in they're all serial executives yes like i was looking at something the little bit they did say about her they were trying to give her street cred saying
Starting point is 00:32:40 she was a ceo somewhere else for 10 months and a ceo for somewhere else for 20 months this is bad this is like no one should look at that and be like oh she has experience that's bad yeah that's what i was gonna say that's really bad that's like a ding on the record that it just seems like she's moving from place to place pretty quickly yeah and uh i i i i'm tripping that they're not giving that uh position to uh nicole carroll or dave castro but maybe they are maybe they're just maybe they're just prepping she's just an intern interim interim but uh the intern if i were to judge a book by a cover she looks awesome so i i did uh she does crossfit and um she was the cfo right she was so is there a new CFO or is she just kind of doing both?
Starting point is 00:33:28 That's a tough question. And here's the reason why I ask that. It's because we've talked about before that the next CEO to CrossFit needs to come in, needs to be a leader, needs to be inspiring, needs to have to create that vision, needs to create some sort of tangible goals that we could all follow and get behind, like a message. One that might already exist in the methodology, mind you, but a singular message that we could move towards. And when you're a CFO, your mindset or your framework of thinking is a lot different. Usually in most companies, the CEO is always at odds with the CFO because the financial person wants to save money, wants to make money, cut expenses. And the CEO is like, no, screw that.
Starting point is 00:34:06 We've got to reinvest into the business. We just need to grow this brand. We need to push the vision, the vision, the vision, worry about the money later. So when they're one and the same person, I'm curious as to how that's going to play out. I wonder – no, I'm not even going to speculate. I'm not even going to speculate. I'll just leave it at that. I kind of want to leave her alone.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I don't want to just say anything. What was her name again? She looks cool. I want to leave it as she's pretty and she does cross it. Yeah, what was her name again? Andrea. Andrea Rosie. Andrea Rosie.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Allison. Allison. Allison with one L. If you believe this spelling. Allison, we are your friends and allies please up here at the podcast yes you're always you are always welcome on the podcast we would love to have you for the first interview softball questions all day i will laugh at everything you say just come on the show so i i i will td ceo bailey ke Keller. Thank you. I will say this. From what I've heard and I've asked around quite a bit, the staff were not told that there's a CEO by CrossFit Inc. They were told by Morning Chalk Up.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Well, first they were told by me. Yes. Yes. I know. I know. It's almost, I have it in my notes and I'm like, should I, do I even want to go there? We all already know that Morning Chalk Up is basically owned by CrossFit, right? You have to know that.
Starting point is 00:35:40 That's how the staff there. Well, first they come here and then they go to, um, first they come here, and then they go to morning chock up, and that's how they get their information. It's – you guys, someone at the top has to explain how demoralizing that is. It's those little things. There's no homeostasis. So if you just would have sent out an email – and maybe you did, and my sources are wrong wrong but if you would have just sent out an email a little beforehand how many people work for crosser right now do you know offhand i don't but i but i just but i i hear that the uh rosa went through a massive hiring frenzy and those were the things when when we had staff executives come on who would do massive hiring frenzies it would really fuck with the company.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah, you don't. It seems like a really good response to it, right? You're like, oh, there's a lot of stuff that's going on that we've screwed up. You know, we're going to do we're going to hire five people. They're not going to do anything, but we're going to have a committee now and they're going to be responsible for communicating. When that falls apart, we'll look into the matter. We're going to hire another committee. And so now your spending's out of control you have all these people that work for the company and nothing's getting done nothing productive is happening and nothing's being bettered it's just like what are you hiring for it's hard on the old staff too
Starting point is 00:36:58 uh i want to see this really quick where is this what is this is this lincoln or what is this this is on linkedin all these jobs were posted like saturday yeah six days ago it said it on there oh they're hiring more man they need to director director of marketing sport oh it's mars logan sign the head off a cow you hear no yes we can hear everything but your voice. What a good dude. Took one for the team, just grabbed his ankles and jumped. If we believe in freedom, what about abortion rights?
Starting point is 00:37:39 Yeah, I think that it's a great question. I think that there should be my personal belief. I would never put laws on a woman's body. And I would also never encourage anyone to get an abortion. I would never, ever support that. I would do everything in my power to try to be present and create space around a woman so she could think clearly about what the implications are of killing a baby. That's what I would do. But I would never put laws on a woman's body. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. That's a great answer you just gave right there. Yeah, thanks. I don't, but I don't, it's the same thing with sending boys away to fight. You think you're sending boys away to fight to protect your country, but what you're doing is you're sending boys away and they're coming back killers.'re coming back murderers that's what they are we send them
Starting point is 00:38:28 over there to kill people and so you have to think very clearly about doing that and so when a woman has an abortion and there's these women just speaking so cavalier about it then women have to what if they wake up for those of you who've woken up for those of you who are born again christians for those of you who've seen the light for those of you who are born again christians for those of you who've seen the light for those of you who've been red pilled what happens when you're on an unconscious being you have an abortion and then later you become conscious you have to deal with that i hate to say such abstract shit like that and stuff that's like in the ether that hippy dippy shit but that but that's the summation of it and so and so when we get behind it and we normalize it we're put we're we're jeopardizing the mental health of of our of our women yeah you already
Starting point is 00:39:13 said to give them enough space so they could and be present so they could clearly make the best decisions for them i mean that's that's such a good answer i don't know one person ever who's had a kid and wishes they didn't have the kid. Not one. And people on the left say this crazy shit. And you can never say stuff in a vacuum like this. You can never be like, well, it's because the kids are going to grow up poor. They're going to grow up in a bad environment.
Starting point is 00:39:38 They're going to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They make all these excuses to justify the killing of a baby. I don't want to hear that. I don't want to hear. I don't want to hear that. I don't want to hear. I don't want to be stupid in my justification. I just want to say I know it's wrong, but I'm still not going to put laws on women's body. Enough. Done.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. Oh, okay. Mars, hi. Please tell me something funny. Hey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Well, hey, is my audio any better? Dude, I, I, I, Oh, you sound so good. I sound so good. So good. I should call you earlier in the morning. Be a little more sultry. Just get my voice. So good. Mark. What do you got Mars? Well, I got thoughts. Okay. Uh, I agree. Okay. We don't need to put any more laws on a woman's body um however uh until we could acknowledge that there's more going on than just a woman's body
Starting point is 00:40:39 i don't think anyone ever i don't think this conversation is ever going to end. Well, yeah, that's the problem. That's it. So that this is the exact same issue that's going on with the Scott pancheck thing. There's two things going on here. The left doesn't want to admit the truth because they're afraid that it causes them to lose all their legal and ground. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And that's the same thing with the Scott thing. There's two things going on at the end of the day. This is ultimately all on Scott. It's his fucking life. Right. And that's the same thing with the Scott thing. There's two things going on at the end of the day. This is ultimately all on Scott. It's his fucking life. Right. Yeah. But those jackasses should have cut the fucking rope. Someone should someone. Hey, you know how like some events have like someone run run across the field naked and the titties are all bobbling or the cock swinging around. or the cock swinging around. This event should have had someone run out there with some shears. On the same person? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Thank you, Mars. This event should... Hey, we haven't had that yet, have we? That would be awesome. Would that be awesome? Oh, my God. Would that be like, we've made it, and now everybody can calm down with the flag?
Starting point is 00:41:40 Have you ever been to a porn site and they suggest that for you, like a tranny video? Like it's a hot chick with tits, but she's got a dick too, or it's a hot dude with tits. And I've never clicked one of those because I'm like, what if I like it? I'm always afraid to click that one. So curious. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:41:59 What? I don't even want to watch the preview. What if I get hard in the preview you know like they like they scroll like a few seconds i'm like oh i like i scroll by it i'm like in denial no no no no i i have i haven't thought i haven't thought about how uh the left treats gun compared to how they treat abortion okay brandon Brandon, go get 50 burpees, 50 burpees, 50 burpees. Go on. So, you know how a lot of people are afraid of getting on a plane?
Starting point is 00:42:34 Yes. People are afraid of flying. And statistically, they're much more likely to die in a car crash. Right? Yeah. more likely to die in a car crash. Right? Yeah. People are much more likely to die in a car crash than an airplane crash. But car crashes aren't cool.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I mean, they're kind of cool because, you know, Big Bang, you know, people take videos, people watch compilations of them on YouTube. But not as cool as a plane crash. So people substantialize the crap out of plane crashes well this is this is like where republicans are are coming from they're saying abortions are a 100 death rate it's a hundred percent but actually that's not true i uh this lady i know went for an abortion well we don't really know what happened but this this lady I know went for an abortion, and they told her they got the baby, and then she still had the baby. So now we're thinking, like, maybe she had twins.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Crazy story, right? It's a really good friend of mine, like someone I fucking would, like, I'd love to death. Okay, we'll say 99%. But go on, yes, okay. Ah, failed abortion. Oh, you get the kid. Well, and can we also acknowledge that people that grow up in hard
Starting point is 00:43:45 situations end up often but not often statistically probably not that often but like the people that you hear on podcasts today had like the successful ones oftentimes had a horrible upbringing so like think of all the successful people and i'm not wishing you know horrible upbringings on lots and lots of children but it beats the death beats the crap out of getting torn apart in the womb. Is your point – God, you talk fucking slow. What are you, from fucking Iowa? Listen, is your point that – which makes you a great Sean Woodland. um uh your is your point that cars some people die in cars even less die in airplanes yet people are more afraid of cars and yet you want to make abortion legal and everyone dies yeah i i maybe my maybe this point is really you know this point is great to be made in front of
Starting point is 00:44:39 an audience live while you said my name and wait wait estrogen titties wait wait hold on about that estrogen titties produce retracted penis in fact guys it's gonna have to be a woman who gets a dong attached even better god giant dongs are awesome well let's let's circle back around to giant penises go ahead mars what about what about my i ripped on you and what were you gonna say about that i'm gonna let you get on with, and what were you going to say about that? I'm going to let you get on with your show. No, no, I want to hear what you said. I think you were going to compliment me. What were you going to say?
Starting point is 00:45:13 I was going to compliment you? Yeah, well, I mean, I was listening to the Annie podcast yesterday, and I haven't even finished it. Every time I listen to it for 20 to 30 minutes, you go somewhere else, and you're just diving in questions that I don't think other people would ask. I know people haven't asked.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And it's actually, I thought it was crazy that she had such a terrible birth experience and no one had ever talked about it. But anyway, that's all. Hey, love you guys. Bye bye. Love you too. Adios. Love you too, big guy.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Thank you for the call I think Sevan has said he's been to like over 100 of them 100 what? Porn sites? No I've never even subscribed to a porn site Did you see this link right on the top Of Justin Trudeau this is this is
Starting point is 00:46:09 we can you play that please thank you anytime now it's at the very it. Here we go. We have as a country, and we enjoy as Canadians, need to be defended, need to be protected. Nobody should feel endangered or harassed because of their support for one political party or another. That's something I think we all need to be vigilant about, and that's certainly something that Canadians are looking at very carefully at all orders of government right now. Fundamental freedoms
Starting point is 00:46:53 we have as a country, that we enjoy as Canadians, need to be defended. This guy is nuts. Seriously, he's not as bad as Biden. I'll tell you that. But he is really bad.
Starting point is 00:47:13 The problem with Biden is we just don't know who's controlling him. Teleprompters control him. I think it's ironic that Stefan is the biggest supporter of the L1 but has never taken the L1. Wow. The Morning Chalk Club is now taking applications tyler you would fit in perfect over there goofball never taken the l1 i've never taken the test i i've read the test a thousand times i can't take the test i fucking read the test i've been to a hundred fucking l1s at least i went to the i went to some of the earliest l1s where they they were three days long
Starting point is 00:47:48 the whole reason why i'm into cross is i took the l1 and had my brain blown exploded open when i went to my l1 greg did the entire l1 so there take that that's when they have nicole carroll do the uh 95 pound overhead squat yes it versus like the navy seal or ufc fighters yes and she would crush them crush uh but can you play i saw bruce wayne working out today can we give him a little love on the on the that's the second clip i should cross these out man the fentanyl i met another guy yesterday who had a relative die of fentanyl that's like uh i can't i'm losing count i think that's five people now i'm one degree of separation away from that's died of fentanyl that's more than like any other kind of death that i've known in my life it's crazy yeah especially since i went through the aids and
Starting point is 00:48:32 cancer pandemics okay let's check it out uh get in that ass quick fast like ramadan at 40 at 40 um okay good at 40 at 40 i could i remember whatever the 2009 crossfit games that were 36 37 30 i don't know how old i was but i remember they had that 155 clean and jerk and i could do 10 of those i could do 10 of those in a row touch and go now i don't know how old I was, but I remember they had that 155 clean and jerk. And I could do 10 of those. I could do 10 of those in a row, touch and go. Now I don't think I can do one. 155, 10, 10. Oh, good on you. And then that would be it.
Starting point is 00:49:12 I would do onesies for the next 20. Do you know what I mean? Of course, but still 10. That's good. Yeah. Yeah. I had my moments. Peak, Peak fitness.
Starting point is 00:49:25 There is a – I want to just pull up some stats. I don't know if these numbers are accurate, but they're just off of Google. But it's not the numbers that are important. It's that you understand how things are worded. There's 20 million drug addicts in the United States. 20 million drug addicts. I think the number is higher than that. But there's 20 million drug addicts in the United States.
Starting point is 00:49:44 How do they classify them as addicts? I don't know. Don't ruin my story's 20 million drug addicts in the United States. How do they classify them as addicts? I don't know. Don't ruin my story. 20 million drug addicts in the United States, 552,000 of them, their drug addiction has led to them being homeless. Now, let me tell you another way I could have told you that stat. There's 552,000 homeless people in the the united states and now you have a total different misunderstanding you have a total misunderstanding of what's going on you think that i just told you there's 552 000 homeless people that's like telling you that there's um 30 million americans uh who have a uh who have lung cancer no no there's there's there's 60 million americans
Starting point is 00:50:21 who smoke two packs of cigarettes a day, and half of them have lung cancer. Like one of them is the symptom, and one of them is the issue. I saw a stat that 92% of all homeless people are drug addicts. I'm like, no, no. Drug addicts become homeless. There is a hierarchy of shit that you should have in your life. Breathe. Breathe. Important.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Eat and drink. Also important. Shelter. Check. Fuck. Now, fuck can move around. I'm open to slipping fuck around anywhere after breathing. If you do 25, it's above breathing.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah, yeah. Just as long as it stays above breathing, fuck can move around. Oh, what is this? Oh, what is happening? Maslow's hierarchy of deeds is exactly what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Okay. I don't see fuck in there, but I'm a little smarter than most. It goes under belonging and love. Yeah. Now, some people put God in there, which is pretty funny because when you see God in there, you should – I don't know if I want to go there. It could be too long of a conversation. But let's just throw God in there with breathing or you have a mental illness. I think most people who throw God in there somewhere have a mental illness, but you could also throw God in there with breathing. You do have to have God. What kind of mental illness are think most people who throw god in there somewhere have mental illness but you could also throw god in there with breathing you do have to have god what what kind of mental illness are you describing uh the same one it's it's the relative of the one that thinks that
Starting point is 00:51:52 there's multiple genders it's your it's when you're matt you're conflating reality with thoughts it's when your imagination like when when you know there's the there's the i don't know where it was but they say man was created in the image of God. But then, you know, the script was flipped and says God was created in the image of man. Most men, anyone who says I believe in God, you should, that should set off a red flag for you. They're either not a deep thinker or they've created God in their head. Because there is no belief that's real. We've already established that. Every smart person knows that.
Starting point is 00:52:22 There's no scientific. every smart person knows that there's no scientific, we pick the thing that's most effective in getting through our day-to-day life until something better pops up to help us get through our day-to-day life. And some people have put God in that spot. Okay. I get it. But when you know something, when you're on the alert for something you could possibly know, you start to transcend belief. And those are people who might know God or walk with God, experience God. Or as I like to point out to my closest, dearest friends, Mars, no thing. I stole that from my cartole. No thing, not nothing. Okay. Thank you. So these drug addicts are – these drug addicts, what happens is drugs get in that hierarchy. You start smoking so much weed that you start spending your money on weed instead of food.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Then you start spending money on weed instead of your rent. And now you have something that's kind of gotten into the hierarchy of what you really need to just stay alive as a human that's searching for enlightenment. And if something gets in there, like fentanyl, heroin, alcohol, weed, you get all screwed up. And one of the things you lose is you lose shelter, you lose shelter, and you lose food. You start eating worse. And then when people be like, well, it's a mental health issue. No, you have it wrong again. You're looking at the symptom.
Starting point is 00:53:49 It's not the issue. You have it all out of whack. And when you try to fix a situation when you're not actually fixing what really needs to be fixed, you're creating a bigger problem. So I'll give you an example. I'll give you a metaphor here. You have a thousand dollars and your car breaks down and it has something to do with the engine, but you use that thousand dollars to fix the tires. You are now a person with a thousand less dollars and still broken car. And do you know what happened? Happens all the hyenas come out and all the vultures and maggots
Starting point is 00:54:27 come out to steal your new tires the part and and and those of us who are healthy who have no fucking like a moral compass we see that fuck up and we pray on it we start selling everyone tires. Not bad. Not bad. Uh, Dylan vowel, one of our, our listeners. Um,
Starting point is 00:54:49 he had his second amateur fight. Caleb, do you think we can play that knockout without getting dinged? I would, I would hate for Jonathan Haynes and his girlfriend to report me for this. Emily, I would hate, I would hate for them to report me.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Don't report me. God, I hope someone dings the fuck out of you guys for all that copyright music you guys are using in your live shows that I hear on the stream. I hope you guys get fucked hard for that. An eye for an eye leaves the world blind. Prince Hasim, welcome to the show okay he hung up it said united arab emirates so i put on my best racist uh
Starting point is 00:55:34 he said prince hasim well really offended over the call before it started uh i still want somebody to call and like do the number accidentally like they're calling like like their auto body shop or something but they call here and then you just keep completely go off on like um some tangent so sorry susan i missed that uh i was homeless for six months before before due to housing affordability and paying for education gym membership for showers libraries open to 10 and so so paying for education, gym membership for showers, a library is open to 10. And so, so this is interesting. He was homeless for six months,
Starting point is 00:56:07 but if we ask Colin, when you, cause I did that too, you buy a gym membership so you can shower and work out and, and, and just fucking get some shelter. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:56:16 the thing is, is you meet other homeless people who are doing that too. And, uh, that this is a different kind of homeless. This is a very small percentage of homeless. This is, these are grinders by the way,
Starting point is 00:56:26 best days of my life. Two years of freedom. Maybe more. Three, four, five. It was insane. So, it was so fun. As long as you didn't get hooked up in drugs. Okay, Dylan Vowell, his second fight. This is last month at the Aries Fight Series 7.
Starting point is 00:56:42 He's fighting Stephen Kent. The fight has just started. We're 30 seconds into the fight. Action. Oh, get a head kick there. Oh! Oh, my gosh. Field by Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Wow. Wow. Hey, you know what's crazy too he threw that right like i want to say like seven times before before uh he threw that right like seven times in a row okay caleb you're gonna get us haynes turn the show off emily turn the show off call her hi how are you hey man how y'all doing i'm doing good how are you doing great oh pretty good hey man y'all got new them tires uh for sale uh yes i do actually actually i do my friend you're a good dude, man. Hey, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:57:47 What are you doing? Is that your real accent? Is that your real voice? Driving down the road. Is that your real voice, or are you calling in doing the character? No, no, this is it. All right. And where do you, let me guess where you live.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Alabama. Alabama. You're right. And where do you let me guess. Let me guess where you live. Alabama, Alabama. All right. And you are driving a pickup truck. That's right. And you would be wearing your overalls. But yesterday when you got bucked off the horse, they ripped. And so you're wearing just regular jeans today. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:35 And discrimination and prejudice lives strong on the seven podcast. I mean, y'all doing a good job. I love you. Thank you thank you hey what's your name oh please don't hang up Richard hey thanks for calling what are you doing today I'm just working hey hold on one sec oh shoot there's a guy um there's a guy who keeps calling from the United Arab Emirates it would have been great to pull Prince Hasim on and Richard on at the same time.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Diversity. So sorry, Richard. What are you doing today? Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. I'm going to bring this guy in. I'm bringing Prince Hasim. Hold on. Let me see what happens.
Starting point is 00:59:14 This is the power of the internet. This is the first. Prince Hasim, hi. Hello? There's no Prince. Sorry about that. I was trying to call earlier, but I kept getting cut off. Oh, a British accent and a Southern accent mixed together. This about that. I was trying to call earlier, but I kept getting cut off. Oh, a British accent and a southern accent
Starting point is 00:59:27 mixed together. And what's your name? Can I be anonymous? Sure. Anonymous man with a sexy British voice. Please meet Richard from Alabama with a cool country music shit-kicking voice. Meet each other, please. Say hi.
Starting point is 00:59:45 How appropriate. Let's call me please. Say hi. How appropriate. Let's call me Ali. Why not? Ali. Ali. Yeah, let's do that. Let's do that. That sounds good.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Okay. Ali, Richard and I are listening attentively. Go ahead. Sorry, I know you guys are watching that fight. I think I just left the room so that I could leave it playing. you guys are watching that fight, I think. I just left the room so that I could leave it playing. I saw that you guys had a title up about the gun debate that's been raging on in the news in the last 48 hours.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Ah, yes. And so I just find it really funny because a lot of people out here are commenting about it that aren't American, and the Americans that I do know that are out here are very apologetic for what's happened. But it doesn't seem to go the other way around when it's my people that might do something. Not my country, but say something happens. It's an Arabic person or a Muslim person. I find it's a little controversial that everyone's willing to stand up for one type of people and not the other.
Starting point is 01:00:47 And that's just my opinion. I was wondering what you thought. I'm not sure I understand your point. You're saying that people are standing up in this situation because they were a little Mexican children killed? No, no, no. Oh, no. I just think it's really easy to dogpile on to Americans about gun issues. Oh, yeah. But if it's i just think it's really easy to dogpile on to the to americans about gun issues oh yeah those those people are else yeah those people are those are unconscious sheep who look through the world
Starting point is 01:01:13 through a straw that's how much of the world they see that's the situational awareness they have and the reason why i say that is because no one seems to care no one seems to care that our border's been wide open for a year and a hundred thousand people died last year from fentanyl and i guarantee you that somehow fentanyl played a role in the death of those fucking kids and and how do i say that because that that that person who killed those kids was high as fuck on some sort of fucking drug it was some sort of fucking tranny that doesn't happen to you unless you had a shitty, shitty, shitty upbringing that involved a lot of involuntary anal swabs or fucking a lot of methamphetamines. And everyone fucking knows that.
Starting point is 01:01:55 And so you take guns off the street and all the fucking – Because I'm foreign, you can – What? Go ahead. Yeah. You just have to excuse me for being foreign. You can actually blame me for this. But my understanding is this kid had been brainwashed quite a bit by like sort of Reddit and 4chan and all this kind of stuff online during COVID when there was lockdowns and stuff. And so it kind of radicalized him.
Starting point is 01:02:18 And yeah, maybe there were some drugs involved as well. But I believe there's a few other steps along the way that might have pushed them over the edge but yeah i would say that we're oh yeah it's a perfect cocktail it's that we're watching it in real time around us those of us who aren't participating in the cocktail uh we're watching it in real time and and here's another thing that shit's happening in almost all predominantly liberal cities who've been taking the same action against the problems now for 50 years that we're watching them and what's the good thing is is more and more liberals are waking up and realizing oh shit we're causing the problem we're causing the problem through our efforts to try to make it better it's insanely
Starting point is 01:02:59 i think now that it's becoming abundantly obvious and with social media making things become a little more exasperated and having people talk about it, you're hoping for change, but we'll see what happens, right? Yeah, Richard, yes. Richard, do you have a gun in your truck right now? No, not right now. What's wrong with you? He certainly has freedom in his truck. Yeah, what the fuck is, Richard, why don't you have a gun in your truck right now what's wrong with you he said me that's freedom in his truck yeah what the fuck is richard why don't you have a gun in your truck right now i'm i'm working what are you doing what are you doing i mean like well i'm just riding down the road right now what if what if you see a rattlesnake or something
Starting point is 01:03:44 i gotta i gotta shovel like a killing wind all right yeah you don't even with a rattlesnake or something? I got a shovel I can kill and win. All right. Are you beefing with some rattlesnake? Rattlesnake and a rattlesnake. You shouldn't be beefing with a rattlesnake. There's so many there. There's so many. Rattlesnakes are expensive.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Hey, I'm Arab. What do I know about rattlesnakes? Yeah. This gentleman in the comments says AR-15s are the problem. Guns in general aren't. No, that's actually not true. Rifles, like, I just looked up the stat tonight. Rifles killed like 400 or 500 people in the last year. It actually has nothing to do with guns. It has actually nothing, absolutely nothing to do with guns. trying to think of a good metaphor of how you're looking at the wrong you're looking at a 400 person pound person with a with a jewel in their mouth die
Starting point is 01:04:31 and you're saying they died of covid you're you're you're fucking batshit crazy that person did not die from covid they died because they have 300 extra pounds that they carry around with them every day. And they're sucking down a fucking carcinogen like it's oxygen. By the way, I'm going to have a guy on Monday who smoked like two joules a day and was 100 pounds overweight who spent 80 days in a coma with COVID. And now he's getting on the California... You lost 187 pounds, Siobhan? You're 187?
Starting point is 01:05:03 No, I lost 187 pounds. Oh shit wow yeah yeah richard how much did you lose when you're kidding so how much did you lose how much weight have you lost richard uh no okay okay i'll really go on i just want to give richard equal air time no no sorry sorry i'll get off in a minute i was just gonna say that like uh it's amazing what happens when your kidneys fail cheeseburgers and loneliness you know what i mean wow hey i would love for you to call back again sometime and hear that story sure man thanks a lot for all the content and i appreciate you guys
Starting point is 01:05:42 okay don't steal anything over there. They'll chop your hands off. Talk to you later. Oh, I don't know. See you later. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:05:53 What'd you think, Richard? Sound like a good dude. Yeah. You're driving down. Uh, you're what, what road are you?
Starting point is 01:06:01 Are you driving down a dirt road or is it paved? Uh, it's a paved road. Oh. Yeah. What road are you driving down? A dirt road or is it paved? It's a paved road. All right. Well, nice talking to you. All right, man. I appreciate it. Yeah, please call back again.
Starting point is 01:06:16 All right. Y'all are doing a good job, man. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks, man. I know you guys, some of you might find this hard to believe, but when someone just says that,
Starting point is 01:06:28 like Richard's like, you guys are doing a good job. Like it, it goes all the way in. You know what I mean? To give you the warm and fuzzy dude, like just that dude in a pickup truck, listening to the show. And he says that
Starting point is 01:06:43 like later on today i'll uh i felt my tear ducts turn on uh later on today i'll be somewhere and i'll and i'll remember that god so fucking great what a great life uh short ridge uh domino's pizza you were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago with my pizza now where the fuck are you yeah i was hoping to get on before all the gun pocket and things went went real wild oh yeah please talk about sex well i wanted to talk about first off paul i've followed uh your kids page the three brothers playing and love the page thank you so much by the way all you people who say that you don't like the live calling shows when people call in,
Starting point is 01:07:25 this is the greatest show ever. Eat a dick. Okay, go on. I'm sorry. Thank you. Yeah, it's a cool page. I wish the podcast has taken so much time away from my video production on that page,
Starting point is 01:07:34 but thank you. I love those boys. They're my life. Yeah, I actually first got connected with your content during one of the game documentaries where Matt said he couldn't see the clock because you were in the way ah sweet and uh and then just slowly kind of got onto
Starting point is 01:07:51 your podcast with uh matt and josh and just kept up even though even though uh the momentum has died off with with those two and then now here i am calling in the middle of a work day well well well i i appreciate it uh what do you what do you think of matt's new role is um there's a video out that uh hard work pays off has put out on their youtube station of him and hopper it's like 19 minutes long i haven't watched it yet i do want to watch it um have you have you seen it what do you think what do you think about matt's new role sort of in the community, in the scene? Man, I got so starstruck when I saw Matt this weekend. I was at the Ascendant Crown, super bummed that I didn't get to see Scott perform.
Starting point is 01:08:37 I showed up Saturday because I had to work Friday. I showed up ready to watch an event, and Scott's lane was empty. And man, I was so bummed out and then later on realized that he'd withdrawn for the the rope incident oh man i'm so bummed out but anyway um yeah matt matt's role looks great i wish i could get a hard work pays off flash crossfit mayhem uh collaborative shirt because i feel like i love both of those programs and I just think they've done so much for the community it's great to see both of them still just really present they were both at syndicate which I was hoping to see uh a post with both of them but didn't happen I guess
Starting point is 01:09:15 I got my hopes up for nothing oh you mean like like them like a picture of the two of them together yeah I mean they're just it's they're such big influences in the community and for they were both there not for coaching and obviously mayhem for competing and it's just it's wild that two you know two of the leading the leading uh athletes in the field are just it's like they coexist but you know it's like not not a collaborative relationship which i understand it's kind of like when you're a kid it's kind not a collaborative relationship, which I understand. It's kind of like when you're a kid and you kind of want to see like the DC comic and the Marvel comic and the same thing. And that's when you realize that it's all just fake bullshit because it's just business and you'll never see them on the same comic.
Starting point is 01:09:57 You're like, oh, fuck. Yeah. My heart's broken. I hear you. I hear you. I've been riding the Rich froning train pretty hard uh he's been super generous with his time and with and all the mayhem athletes have been just wonderful to me over there um so i've been riding that that train pretty hard lately um and well i'm excited to get hopper back on uh too
Starting point is 01:10:21 and uh and i think mal o'brien should be coming on in the next five minutes here so oh my gosh i gotta get out of the way from now but i want no no i'm joking that was a lot fake news sorry i was reading the morning chalk up it says coming on the seven podcast today mal o'brien i just want to tell you that's not true oh shit caleb just took out an earphone i think someone's down man down wait doesn't he look serious right now? He does look serious. Oh shit. Oh.
Starting point is 01:10:49 And he's out. See, that's how shit breaks here. Wait, did you read the private chat, Stefan? No. Maybe it had something to do with that. Maybe, maybe, uh, maybe there's a call to action. Oh, oh. Wow. Okay. Wow. That made me, that made my stomach a little woozy. Not John Woosley. Woozy. Yeah, I was at the, I do have a question, but I was at Cinecube this weekend, and I was listening to you guys talk about how the camera coverage did not show Will Morad virtually at all during the last event, which was a tragedy because of how he absolutely had to crush that event in order to close that gap from eighth to fifth. And he ended up doing it by one point. It's just, I'm thankful I was there,
Starting point is 01:11:49 but I felt so bad because I saw and read that so many people just didn't even know what was going on because of the camera work. Right. Right. I mean, that's the story. Eventually someone will crack that code and figure that shit out. But unfortunately, I want to say
Starting point is 01:12:03 it's fucking the new regime's fault or I want to blame someone there, but that shit's been going on forever that was going on when i was the media director it's it's it's just a fuck up i wish i could tell you i fixed that problem but i didn't i was too busy doing the behind the scenes being selfish okay thanks for calling in take care thanks for having me bye wow uh that um the the way caleb got up there so fast that's like when you're trying to get a girl pregnant when she tells you she feels herself ovulating that's how fast you have to jump up yeah you're handling some business bro that window that that window is small to get them the wife's ovulating you know uh uh as i mentioned the beginning of the show i want to say one more
Starting point is 01:12:48 oh how how have you not gotten your td ceo shirt yet how have you not gotten that get them while they're in by the way allison please send me uh your address or have your secretary your assistant send me your address and i will send you a ceo shirt not a td ceo shirt i'm assuming you're yeah but for those of you this this this this how how how do you not have this oh yeah i don't oh it's a girl we hope sometimes they use the wife's phone or that girlfriend's phone hi person, person with a womb. Hello? Oh, darn it. Hi. I knew it. Hey.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Hey, what's going on, Savant? I was hoping you had a vagina. I was really hoping you had a vagina. No, unfortunately, no. I know. If you did, you would be in serious trouble with that voice. Quick question for you while we're on the topic of media yes for someone for someone like yourself that like um stood in the crossfit media for so
Starting point is 01:13:52 long do you see like the outside media sources do you think there'll ever be another crossfit media team or you think it will only be outside source media um for like the rest of the process. Kind of like, uh, if they don't, if they don't do that, um, they'll, they'll never succeed.
Starting point is 01:14:12 But basically I have to, I have to assume from what, from where I sit that they're spiraling just fucking straight down the toilet bowl right now. Everything is really bad there. I always say that, but it's just worse and worse every day. The shit I hear, the shit we're seeing,
Starting point is 01:14:24 the mood, the movements we're seeing, the chess pieces we're seeing move around on the board pieces falling off the board if they don't get immediate so this is how i know this first of all is they're fucking forever second of all i care like it changed like i've said it before like everyone in my family like has in all my friends have embraced crossfit it's changed all of of our lives, you know, but the thing is, is that we have it and we can walk away with it. But from 2000 to 2000, from 2017 to 2018, more or less, that's rough. We did something with the media team there that changed all the metrics at CrossFit HQ. They all started skyrocketing except one affiliate retention, but affiliate growth, seminar growth, games growth, everything was reaching new levels and new peaks. Journal sales, everything.
Starting point is 01:15:10 And I know what we were doing there with the media team at that time. It was just this huge shift. And the truth is, if you want to, the real truth is it came 80% from Greg Glassman's vision and 20% from Dave Castro's vision. I basically did things. I just listened very carefully to what they wanted and I executed on it. I wish I could take credit for it. I like that also.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Now there's no there hasn't been a media team for four years and it's in a spiral. They're doing stuff like contracting shit out. It's a huge mistake. It's the corporate way. It's a huge mistake. They need people's the corporate way. It's a huge mistake. They need people like fucking Heber and Mars who will fucking, and, and, and the crew that used to be there, I can name off a thousand people, um, that will just work their ass off because they
Starting point is 01:15:57 found God and they want to share it with the world. And those people will make really authentic, genuine shit and affiliates will go crazy over it, and the growth will begin again. But the plan is very simple, but it's not the corporate way. So no, if they don't get a media team, they're fucked. I mean they will be owned – in the next five years, this thing will be called the Curves CrossFit Games. I'm telling you, someone like Curves is going to buy this shit or F45 or orange theory. Like they are in fucking trouble.
Starting point is 01:16:29 You fired your fucking seal team. Six guy, the only brand value you had left. Fuck tards. Okay. Sorry. Go ahead. No,
Starting point is 01:16:41 but I was also going to mention, I know that you're a big, like you're a massive advocate of them reopening the journal and did you notice i don't know if you saw this the other day i did they've been using journal they've been using journal journal articles like the email of the day um someone over so what i think is happening i have no proof of this complete uh what's the word conjecture they i believe that there's so many pieces falling off the chessboard there that the survivors are now doing what they know. And that's why we're seeing stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Yeah, that was awesome to see the journal article come back. Yeah, they posted it the other day. That's so amazing. Conjecture, an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. Yeah. I mean, I clearly have incomplete information i'm just on i'm just although i i do think i'm the loudest voice in the brand louder than theirs and louder than all the other people combined and oh i think and here's and here's the truth too i could not do it without all the people dming me all the shit
Starting point is 01:17:40 those of you who are going to the um events and sending me pictures of matt fraser and james townsend talking and and justin berg picking his nose and and caleb pulling his underwear out of his butt and like that shit i'm i cannot believe the shit you guys are sending me please keep doing it it's it's so it's so crazy i'm dying and i try to respond to all of you and thank all of you by the way if for some reason I didn't respond to you, at least with a double tap heart, that means you fell off my screen and it was not intentional. I'm trying to nurture all those relationships. Sorry, caller. Well, you're killing it. Keep it up. I got to go. Okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Bye. I'm reading YouTube comments you have pictures of me taking my underwear out of my pants no I made that up that's a total lie hey think if I fill out this host in L1 at my affiliate for like the third time you think they'll go for it this time though yes yes you have clout now
Starting point is 01:18:42 I did see some really nice pictures of you and matt fraser that people sent me which was cool i that that kind of warmed my heart a little bit when i see stuff like that um not like in a in a strong way but then i kind of wish i was there and then i think about traveling there and i don't wish i was there a lot of fun yeah excuse me um there is this uh link it says crossfit is not the games it's not a sport to me to or to most people can you play that link caleb are you applying for an l1 at your gym right now yep oh in real time wow in real time
Starting point is 01:19:20 i think this is from the coffee wads and pods podcast and this is torn okay before you play this real quick so this guy right here was one of the filmmakers i used to work with at crossfit his name is torn simpson he's he's there's there's a ton of guys there who are the best so when i say you know i'm like that's the hottest chick in the world there's 10 000 of them but this guy is fucking good man everybody says that about him too for like this years yeah this guy will make up new gear to get a shot that he needs he's he's kind of he's he's he's dope i i i mean and he was he's he's a giant man and he's and he's worked with all the best people in the world you know like from the the crossfit team which i think is one of the best in the world to the to nfl teams nba teams i think he's done some olympic stuff but here he is with uh peter
Starting point is 01:20:09 on the coffee pods and watch podcasts by the way i he sent me one of their t-shirts it's a nice shirt i wore it the other day on the podcast okay go ahead let's play for crossfit that all they care about is like helping people and getting people into crossfit and helping change lives and that's what that content was doing right the whole point is you watch a 20-minute piece about someone and then they say and it gives them the courage or the motivation to walk into a crossfit gym and change their lives even if it's one person i don't think they're doing that type that type of content right now like the games used to be a big commercial, right? That's how I found CrossFit. A lot of people would say, oh, I saw this on TV and I was like,
Starting point is 01:20:50 oh man, I want to do that. But for a lot of people, the games, it's terrifying. Now we have to say this is CrossFit, but it's not CrossFit. This is almost its own monster most of the what crossfit is most of what people do is is nothing like what you're seeing on at the games the games is like formula one driving and then the rest of us are like quite good at parallel parking and there's a lot of people that work for crossfit that all they care about so what what what tornin there is referencing is – so that was one of the things I was saying we did from 2017 to 2018, and this was Greg Glassman's vision. And we got a lot of pushback, and I executed like this. I paid people like Torin, which they deserved more money than this, and I realized that we would pay them $10,000. And what we would tell them is go out and make a video of how CrossFit transformed
Starting point is 01:21:47 someone's life. And he would go out and do it. So he'd find someone who was running with a kettlebell and their back went out and they were in a wheelchair and they were told they would never walk again, but then they used CrossFit to fix their life. He would show a guy who was 150 pounds overweight and he went to CrossFit and it changed his life, and now he has a girlfriend and two kids. And we put those stories out every single week. I miss that. And they were all transformational pieces, and we did that. And we used to never do stuff quite like that.
Starting point is 01:22:18 The transformational pieces we used to do back in the day was like you were an operator, a Navy SEAL. You got shot with a gun and you used crossfit to rehabilitate your hip you know what i mean or remember the old school pitchers that used to be next to the workout of the day and you would see this guy doing like l pull-ups in his uh hospital bed because like both his legs are blown and i mean just super inspirational stuff on there all the time so so that what torn is saying that is one of the pieces but you have to you have to hammer like this podcast hammers. CrossFit would have to do one – so the budget for that is $520,000 a year because you and they make those transformational pieces and and ideally i would say every single one should end up where we give those people a free l1 and we end the story with
Starting point is 01:23:10 them taking their level one and by that it's also the tool to be like look anyone can take the l1 when we did that we noticed a massive spike um in uh in um affiliates uh in l1 sales but also the calls started pouring in from affiliates. Holy shit. We're getting people into our affiliate for the first time who are a hundred pounds overweight because we showed, we showed that anyone can do CrossFit. So that's one of the pieces. And thanks for Peter. And thanks Torin for showing that. Okay. I have seven minutes. I want to get through some of this stuff. Do you want to say something mad about that? Sorry. No, I just completely agree. And I also just finished my application here. I put put i applied a few times in the past would love to host the l1 and l2
Starting point is 01:23:49 someday i believe crossfit can make a massive comeback in the path to that comeback is through the l1 in the affiliates wow so the implication when you say massive comeback is that it's it's it's wounded i mean clearly i don know. You're definitely not getting it. It's implied. I probably won't get it. I was told by some people there that I am now toxic. Oh, that kind of compliment. Great.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Can you play number two? I saw this picture of this man dancing, and I seriously, part of me thinks that this could be me in 30 years. It's number two. Look at that guy. You talk about men who are trapped in women's bodies or women who are trapped in men's bodies this is this is young yeah that that's uh yeah that's an old dude trapped in in like a five five-year-old's body that's like the real deal like trying that's the real deal um man it would be nice if i could get through just one page of my fucking notes.
Starting point is 01:25:07 I went to this – can we do this in six minutes? When I was homeless, one of the things I noticed that if you want to get anything you want in life, don't tax other people. If you want people to like you, never tax someone else. Don't tax them. Don't ask anyone for a cigarette. Don't ask anyone for a piece of food. Don't ask Don't tax them. Don't ask anyone for a cigarette. Don't ask anyone for a piece of food. Don't ask anyone to get up. Don't ask anyone for anything. And you will start to have more friends and better relationships. And that is really the secret to moving along smoothly in life, just to give and wait till
Starting point is 01:25:43 things are given to you. And through that, you will become very popular and people will like you. No one wants to be taxed. Nobody. And so some of my friends think it's okay to tell their kids, to teach their kids to ask for stuff. So I would be at the park and there would be a kid riding around on a scooter and my friend, my friend's kid would be like, I want to ride that scooter. And my friend would be at the park, and there would be a kid riding around on a scooter, and my friend's kid would be like, I want to ride that scooter. And my friend would be like, oh, go over and ask that boy if you can ride it. No one wants to do that. No healthy person wants to share their shit. It's not like that.
Starting point is 01:26:21 A healthy person doesn't want to be taxed. I know some of you are going to want to push back, and you're going to say, no, it's important for kids to share. There's a nuance there. We were at a birthday party in Los Angeles for a little child, Sousa and I, and there was a bouncy house there for kids. And a man came over and said, hey, can my kid go in the bouncy house? I would never do that. I would never walk over to someone and ask if my kids can tax their kid's shit. But it's okay. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:27:00 Then a few minutes later, I see this kid running around with the bubble guns that were provided at the party and just holding the bubble gun and consuming all the juice. Now this kid is taking… And they never asked for that too, by the way. The bubble gun wasn't asked. That kid is now taxing the system. Then a few minutes later, the kid's eating donuts and cake there. there and there there's just it reminded me of this um like when i go into a stall in a bathroom and i'm going to use the bathroom i get a bunch of toilet paper and i wipe the seat off in a public
Starting point is 01:27:38 restroom i i i leave places better than when I went in. 90% of the time. There's times I've been in a rush and missed a seat and peed on the floor and ran out. I'm guilty. But you've given more times than you've taken. Yeah. It's just amazing how many – I don't understand that mindset of just taxing the system of just take take take take tovar is wonderful stacy tovar is wonderful i agree and the other thing okay go ahead it's it's so it's so same i get that same vibe from the person
Starting point is 01:28:23 um who who asks the there's there's there's an ice cream vendor, and they're pushing their cart, and they have three flavors of ice cream. And someone comes up and goes, can I taste the chocolate? Like go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. You fucking can I taste ice cream at the ice cream shop, people? I think like not putting your card away. Like a lot of people complain that not putting your card away is a bad thing. I don't mind it at all.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Push your card up on the curb. It's someone's job. Let them pick it up. I'm not a cart person. I do put my card away sometimes. It's convenient. But I never leave it in a parking spot or let it roll away. But a lot of people like – I know when I was with Matt and Josh, they would dig on the people who didn't put their car away i don't really care
Starting point is 01:29:06 the car i just i used to collect carts i fucking it was a great job i loved it when the manager be like step on get the carts i'd be like gone for 30 minutes where'd you go oh two blocks over i saw one down the street but this thing where you're taxing small businesses and taxing other people's shit. You're like the dude that shows up to the party empty-handed every time. You know, you get invited to the house and everybody brings a couple of beers over or beverage or something to kind of eat. And every single time you show up to those, you come empty-handed. Yes.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Slowly your invite disappears because you're just expecting that everybody else will provide there for you. There was two examples with the thing on Sunday. I know you got to go and make this brief, but the first one was there was a dad and the daughter there, and the dad was breaking up a conversation. What thing Sunday? The thing that we went to in Newport.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry. The bounce house at the park on Sunday, weeks back. And he was there, and he was talking, and he was striking up was trying to have a conversation with all the adults. And his daughter was kind of playing on the lawn next to the thing. And if I remember it correctly, I think it was one of those situations where somebody was like, oh, does your daughter want to go into the bounce house after he'd already been talking and kind of
Starting point is 01:30:17 communicating with all the parents there? And he's like, I don't know. Did you want to go? They're offering it to you. She's like, okay. By the way, your boys were super sweet when she came in because she was super young. And they were like, stop, everybody, let her come in and like helped her in and then had her jump. And they kind of like stayed low key to not bounce her off the wall. Side digit. But then there was the other gentleman who just came in and asked and took right away. And so sometimes if you add value, just in your presence, your positive presence could be a value added to other people. So then as people come in and they just unload their problems on you, how's your day going? And they just vomit all their problems. Right. But if you're the person that people
Starting point is 01:30:52 enjoy to be around and you're adding value to the situation, you'll find that people will just want to give because of your personality, your positivity gives value to them. So it doesn't always have to be a physical thing too. Right. Right. Right. Totally. Totally. And then stick around when the party's over and he'll pick up all the trash. You're totally right. You're right. There is a way you can contribute and get in. There is a way. There is a way. You have to do it expectation free though, because if you do it with an expectation, if it doesn't come back to you, so you have to do it just because that's your mentality and that's the type of person you are you want to show up and give value and add positivity to any situation you're in word because that's who you are uh caleb is at
Starting point is 01:31:36 the mac we have plans this week to with taylor self uh i don't know who the team is going to be um i i uh yesterday i spent the day with greg glassman i to be. Yesterday I spent the day with Greg Glassman. I'm going to try to spend the day with him again today. I don't know if I'm going to be able to tear away. My priorities are to hang with that dude. You're going to be stuck with me. Say that again? Are they going to be stuck with me all weekend?
Starting point is 01:31:55 Yeah, you might be stuck with Sousa all week, but we are going to figure something out. We're going to be repping hard. Sousa has to be there to make sure those knuckleheads don't pull up any uh footage on the screen so crossfit gets reports me again by the way i got my strike removed i went to copyright school did you did you yes i went to copyright school and got the remove booyah make sure if you see uh jonathan haynes and his and his and his girlfriend Emily traipsing around that joint, you let them know that I got my strike removed.
Starting point is 01:32:32 And I will see you guys soon. Love you guys. Great show. If you think that we did too many calls today, yeah. I thought you were going to say fuck.

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