The Sevan Podcast - #420 - CrossFit Semifinals | MACC Pre-Show

Episode Date: May 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. You weren't even there to defend yourself, Susie. You got fucking toe up from the flow up. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Welcome, everybody. You got toe up from the flow up. I want to start off by saying hello to Mr. J.R. Howell. Cora. No, actually, that's not correct. I want to start off by making a correction about a show that I said where the CEO was not, the CrossFit CEO, Allison, was not announced to the staff first, but they had to find out through the the morning chalk up which was incorrect what i meant to say and i apologize for that and i own that and i'm willing to like punch my throat
Starting point is 00:01:10 punch myself uh later what i meant to say is is that crossfit didn't notify the affiliates the affiliates had to be notified through the morning chalk up which if you already accept that the morning chalk up is basically owned by andrewstein and CrossFit, then, then, then actually, then what I'm saying is a moot point. And they were actually notified by CrossFit. It depends on what you think of the morning chocolate, but if you think of the morning chocolate as an, as an ancillary or separate business than CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:01:36 then the affiliates were not notified by CrossFit Inc. They were not messaged by the mothership that they pay all this money to. They were instead had to find out through Andrew Weinstein to Justin LaFranco too. I have a quick question on that. Was that, was that posted first on the money to. They were instead had to find out through Andrew Weinstein to Justin LaFranco too. I have a quick question on that. Was that posted first on the website and then the Morning Chalk Up reported off of that? Because I made the post.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Then I would have to apologize again if that were true. Well, because I made the thing about Scott Panchik in the rope and in my video I had like a little blurb where I brought up the fact that the Morning Chalk up was reporting on it and i was unfucked by them telling me that they were taking something off of the games website reporting on that and the thing is i just saw the morning chalk up thing first but the game doesn't put anything out there it's just kind of like buried wherever they post their shit on the games website susan did you get an email from from CrossFit HQ saying that there is an affiliate owner or Mr. Howell, did you get an email from the,
Starting point is 00:02:28 okay, so you did not, you have to find, okay, and then today I received this DM. I am a Flowmaster of seven years and I had no idea there was a new CEO except from your podcast. Now what's fascinating about that, if you don't know what a Flowmaster is to CrossFit, it is the pinnacle position you can be in every way.
Starting point is 00:02:48 If you had to pick like the most important position at CrossFit, CrossFit could exist only with someone from the seminar team moving forward. So if everyone died but one Flowmaster lived, CrossFit lives on. The DNA lives in there. Not in the CEO, not in the head of media, not in um uh whoever you know it lives in one of those guys and for them not to find out be the first to find out a bizarre okay uh the syndicate and mac uh i want i want i want to say this i just learned this the other day i want to say something amazing that will uh wilson pock has going on at these two events at the finish line of these events,
Starting point is 00:03:28 there is something I've never seen before at any event. They have a section where the family and certain media can get into if your family is competing in the event and they rotate you in and out based on who's competing. It's awesome. And what that does is that makes it very appealing to the athletes you get a lot of good athlete happiness and family happiness but it also makes for great moments because that way when justin madaris finishes across the finish line you know like his little
Starting point is 00:03:54 cousin is there who has like cerebral palsy or whatever and you get to see them hug i made that up they don't really i'm just saying i'm just i'm taking it up and i'm afraid to laugh after no no no it's great i just last show i say what i want to say gotta raise your eyebrows and and i think that that's brilliant and i think that all the uh events should um yes raise your eyebrows i think all uh i think all the events should um pick that up from uh wilson and the syndicate in the MAG. I think that's a great addition. I've never seen that before. Can we start with just my boy Colton Mertens? Have you guys seen this?
Starting point is 00:04:33 Being strong as fuck? Yeah, and just everyone gets to weigh in for 15 seconds on what the fuck is going on here. Colton Mertens posted this on his Instagram the other day. He will be competing at the Granite Games next week, which we will be covering like no other event has ever been covered. By then, we will be a fine-tuned machine. Susie, can you pull that up?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Yes, sir. Thank you. Do we want the music? How much is that? This is $335. $335. Oh, of course, he's squatting everything god damn it's nuts it's nuts look at him hit the hole and just like rocket the fuck out of there
Starting point is 00:05:19 uh jeez i wish my legs were that short oh not necessary taylor not necessary oh straight hey i never saw anyone do that did you guys ever see anyone do that come out of the last uh front spot ben smith 2013 or 14 no no I mean this year. No, not this year. He's a strong motherfucker, Colton. Taylor has spoken. JR, any thoughts? That's not even Colton's final form. That comment is funny as fuck.
Starting point is 00:05:55 My thoughts are I think Taylor only hits seven more pounds than that for a one rep max clean in the other total. Wow. Hiller, thoughts on Colton. Does it affect your thoughts on how he's going to do at the Granite Games next week when you see that? No, I think he's going to totally dominate the Granite Games next weekend.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Wow. Do you? Wow. With three running events. With three running workouts. He lives on a farm, man. How do you think he gets around out there? He just runs. He just runs everywhere. He only gets in the, man. How do you think he gets around out there? He just runs.
Starting point is 00:06:25 He just runs everywhere. He only gets in the truck to pick up Wi-Fi. I thought he rode his pigs. No, he runs from his pigs. Run, Colton, run. Okay, so we look forward to next week, and the show is supposed to be about this week. But before we do that, let's also go back to last week. I would like to show you a video uh gentlemen and
Starting point is 00:06:46 ask you what you think about this um uh we have we have uh uh someone waiting in the wings but can you play that video uh uh susan this is a fantastic little gem uh that has been brought to my attention uh involving um uh scott tetlow and mr uh uh how fisher Fisher. This is so good. Here we go. Now 10th in the event, 1330.08 seconds. Now Hal Fisher. So, I don't know if you caught that. It's very, it's very, it's so quick. It is so quick. But basically you have Sean Woodland talking about the event and you have him, Sean Woodland telling us that Hal Fisher is getting off the rower and he comes across.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Now, one of the people who beat Hal in that was the great Scott Tetlow, who had been putting on a little bit of a show there. And he's waiting like like a good CrossFitter should. And he goes over to fist bump uh uh mr how let's play it one more time and so watch one scott tetlow goes to fist bump how fisher and listen very carefully at the end of what mr uh fisher uh says now 10th in the event 13 30.08 seconds now how fisher so it appears we'll play it one more time it appears that tetla is going to fist bump them you know as the winner should when they're up there and how says to him bad words that that sometimes even come out on this podcast okay one more time let's go let's go one more time now 10th in the event 13 30.08 seconds now how fisher ladies and gentlemen i present to you scott tetlow
Starting point is 00:08:33 dude thank you so much for coming on i don't know i don't know where hal is he got cold feet or something so he'll be here can can you tell me so so just build up a little bit you what event that was and tell us like you finish and just kind of how that played out like what was going on there yeah you're even you look you look like a stud look at you that square john shit mike thank you i appreciate that yeah they've got just fresh for y'all yeah you know uh yeah so that was jackie style uh that was the thousand meter row 50 thrusters with the barbell 60 chest bars then the uh 50 thrusters with the barbell and then finish it up with a thousand meter row and uh and yeah i ended up going out
Starting point is 00:09:18 on it and end up getting the winning time for that event so for day three and then i'll stand at the uh the finish line waiting and Hal comes along. And, you know, me and Hal, I would consider ourselves, you know, we're good CrossFit buddies. We compete together and we like to talk shit to each other. So I go give him the high five and he shows the ultimate sportsmanship by the good old fuck off. And what are you thinking when he does that?
Starting point is 00:09:46 Does he even have a thought? I walked away laughing because I was like, okay, he's probably – because he told me backstage before that, he goes, all right, my goal is to keep up with you. Like if I can keep up with you on the thrusters, then I'll be all right. And that didn't happen. So I thought maybe that's why he told me to go F off. And I DMed him before I DMed you you and I go, Hey, what happened?
Starting point is 00:10:08 He goes, well, we went in the back and a Tetlo told me if I fucking mouth off to him like that again, he's going to pile drive me. Is that true? Did you guys have a little chat in the back? Yeah, we walked, we walked back there. I mean, I wouldn't have back there smiling. He was laughing about it. And I was just like, dude, do it again, man.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I'm a dog pile your ass to the finish line awesome uh is that um you know there's this kind of like oh um everything's hunky-dory and everything's great between the competitors and peace and love and like everyone wants everyone to do the best and you guys all um is but is that is that are there subtleties like that that are more common that we don't get to normally see uh i don't know it depends it depends on the athlete and who's back there i like to go back there and have a good time and joke around with everyone there's some people that are just so locked on focused uh that you know you can't really joke around with and then there's others like pal here who, who you can kind of push the buttons a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:07 You never know what's going to come out of Hal's mouth. Can we play that one more time? Welcome to the show, Mr. Fisher. Can we play that one more time? Now listen carefully at the end here as these two bond over at the finish line,
Starting point is 00:11:16 please. Now 10th in the event, 1330.08 seconds. Now Hal Fisher. Where'd he go? Where did he go? Where did he go? He left. He goes, I'm embarrassed now.
Starting point is 00:11:33 That wasn't me. I'm dying to know if even Hal was like, holy shit, I can't believe that came out of my mouth. Because you know that wasn't planned. He's pissed he couldn't keep up with him. Like, ah, fuck you. you know that like wasn't planned he's pissed he couldn't keep up with him everybody knows that feeling though when like you're the last you're like finishing up with the workout everybody's all pumped and they're already done and you're like the last one you're like fuck this how what's up buddy what's up man thanks for making a little connection problem yeah had a little connection problem i have a quick question here before we lose you. When you're lying there and he comes over, would you – two questions. Would you have said that to anyone or was that special for our friend Scott Tetlow?
Starting point is 00:12:14 Was that a special gift? Hey, fuck off. I would have said it to anyone. I mean, honestly. He's not special. He's not special. Anyone could have gotten some of that. No, he's not special at all.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Absolutely not. Yeah. He only destroyed that workout and um and when that came out of your mouth were you shocked were you like oh man i can't believe i even said that i don't really think about it it's just in the moment i just didn't feel like fist bumping someone after i've lost a workout i don't want to be body body with him good uh have you have you has that ever happened before for you where you're at the finish line and someone tries to give you a little like you know some of that superficial you know yeah good job good good job buddy and you're like every competition right okay so we could find more dudes who you've said that to all that
Starting point is 00:13:02 yeah do what we could find more dudes that you've said that to yeah do what we could find more dudes that you've said that to 100 i know a lot of people probably think i'm some asshole but i'm like why do i want to hang like hug you after you just whooped me i just want to go you know run off in the corner somewhere and not talk to anybody yeah i hear you have you ever had the um the the the circle of doom uh come around you like you're the last one out there and all the dudes are doing that oh yeah and have you have you given it to them there too uh 2018 in the regionals when i was on the true form running there throwing up on myself i was the only one left on the floor and you know afterwards everyone's like man you did great and i'm like no i didn't i was
Starting point is 00:13:45 throwing up on myself out there and everyone saw it you're the one that threw up in the true form yeah holy shit we were talking about that what three episodes yeah yeah yeah it's my claim to fame you know they they posted it on their Instagram page, and the announcers are like, oh, what a savage. And I'm like out there. I felt like I was just on death's door, and everyone's just like clapping for me, and I'm just like, I just want to get off this.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Wait, so you're on the true form, and you throw up, and it just starts getting just ground up in there? It's like. Oh, well, no, the judge behind me, the girl was standing behind me me and it went on to the true form and flung back right all over her. Like, I mean, she was I think she just switched. I think she had another judge come out there, like to finish the workout for me because I I thought I felt bad for her. Actually, that was hey, it would have been great if she just just threw up to like just came along the side to put her hands on hands on the bar just threw up on you yes oh no way oh my goodness it happens again yeah it had in that video yeah it happens a couple times and they're just like on me the whole time. And honestly, at that at the syndicate, I started dry heaving on the GHD sit ups and the camera runs straight up to me right in my face. Just like I could tell he was just waiting for it to happen. And I was like, man.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Oh, you got her. Scott, he deserves all of this right yeah yeah i feel more i feel uh bad for the judge actually i was behind that or the next person i had to run on it you're you're like how you know no wonder you throw up because you're dick you fucking tell people to fuck off you get to get what you deserve buddy hey uh i truly want to tell you guys that for people like us who just sit around and fucking talk shit, for the two of you to come on, awesome. The fact that you guys are fierce competitors and yet can be so lighthearted and fun, we really appreciate it. It's things like this that are the only things – it's only things like this that are going to push the sport forward and get more people's attention. So thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:16:03 No problem. All right, guys. Thank you. say that again yeah absolutely i said i think crossfit needs a little bit more of it yeah absolutely gets everyone fired up all right guys thank you all right thanks guys yeah wow that was fun i can't believe he's the one who threw up in the treadmill that's oh hell yeah that's so funny what are the odds yeah i just dm'd those guys both last night and they're like yeah well come on holy shit look at the power you have hey all that is is people just that's just community sourcing that's like someone just saying hey you should have jr howell on great he fucking killed it last week someone's saying hey have you seen this video of this guy telling
Starting point is 00:16:48 this guy to fuck off yeah great and then and then this power of social media where you can just reach out to anyone and just knock knock knock hey can you come on my show did you reach out to tommy yet marquez no he just hangs out in the comments oh how tall how tall is ted low i don't know but um i was chatting with brian friend yesterday and he told me that there's a girl competing this weekend named marissa flowers who's 4 10. that was like 5 4 marissa flowers tetlo is yeah good he needs to be punished for something man he looks like he looks like he fell out of a magazine. I cannot believe how handsome that dude is. Before we start in here even more, before I give up the floor completely, Mayhem has released something called Welcome to the Mac. It's on their media.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Shoot. Do you have Rich Froning's phone number, Sousa? Yeah. Will you send him a link yep just chum the water maybe get him on here for a second we just need him uh uh and it's it basically shows those guys showing up at the mac it's cool i like it it's what i'm gonna follow pretty seriously this weekend because i'm very curious to see if that uh if angelo and um speaking of angelo he's in the comments he is in the con he is oh he wants to know why you never invite him anymore send him a link to send this motherfucker a link to
Starting point is 00:18:12 call his shit out yeah i'll send him and rich a link right yeah yeah yeah yeah um that that's the story to follow this weekend for me and the team i normally don't give a rat's ass about the teams but have do we know um uh if has an affiliate ever sent three teams before from one box i think that two was the record but i don't have anything to back that up other than the top of my head i don't think there's been three jr do you know of any i'm pretty sure it's never been done before uh taylor yeah never heard of it are you guys impressed by it or like so what someone's so what no it's impressive for sure
Starting point is 00:18:52 yeah i think it's impressive that i mean you could argue that at least one of those teams is 100 homegrowngrown. There were no – That's what I was going to say. I'm with you, JR. Keep going. I'm just agreeing with you. Yeah. I mean, you know, it's impressive that you can have people with prior games experience kind of all coming together like Angelo and Luke and Sasha Nieves, you know, and Alexis Johnson coming together for the second team.
Starting point is 00:19:24 But that third team is the one that's really impressive to me it kind of shows you what uh training around fit people will do for your fitness uh hey there's still they're still playing within the rules would you guys say hey angelo would you say i'm about to slap these guys around angelo i'm sorry you have to see this uh would you say that you're um that uh luke parker is homegrown in what way from tennessee or homegrown like just homegrown in your affiliate like there's this there's this thing that people anytime you want to give like any affiliate team credit there's this mention that like well anyone could do that as long as they as long as they had uh six months notice
Starting point is 00:20:02 um but luke park Parker's been there forever. Would you guys consider him homegrown? No, I wouldn't. I would say he's an implant, but I would say he was not an implant to be on the team. He was just an implant because he wanted to move here and train with everybody. And how long has he been there at Mayhem? He's been there a while. A year and a half, almost two years now.
Starting point is 00:20:32 We'll have zombie comment uh jr would you say does he where does luke fall in is he is i i give him a pass i say he's homegrown once you're like past the year mark once you like like once you get an electrical bill there or something right i mean it just depends on what you consider homegrown do you consider homegrown like they started CrossFit at that gym, or do you consider them homegrown as in they've shown the most progression throughout the course of their career when they've gotten to that destination? And I would argue that for Luke, that's definitely been the case. He came to Crucible year one, 2020, and finished somewhere around 15th to 20th in a pretty competitive field.
Starting point is 00:21:04 This past year, he came up and crushed it, finished like sixth overall. So, I mean, the strides he made in a full year after coming from TTT to Mayhem was enormous. Fair. Yeah, I agree with that. I would like to see a time domain on it. Even if they do the January 15th date, I think that it's good to go. Homegrown.
Starting point is 00:21:26 It's not necessarily homegrown, but you're playing within the rules. And I think that Luke would definitely be considered a mayhem guy at this point. He's been there for a long time. Do you guys make it on the podium, Angelo? Today or this weekend or the games? This weekend. Because the answer for both is yes. Great, great, great, great.
Starting point is 00:21:46 It's good money. Yeah, it is good money. Taylor, is Angelo delusional or is that realistic? Them being on the podium? Yeah. Oh, for sure realistic. Hiller? Oh, yeah, they're going to win.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Mr. Howell? Yeah, I would say if they don't win, it would be a big upset. Wow. Wow. That's some pressure. No pressure. No pressure. Angelo, in that video that you guys released this morning,
Starting point is 00:22:16 Tyler Christofal looks like he put on 40 pounds. Good weight or bad weight? I don't know. We're about to find out. Is he huge? No. Or is that just because he had his shirt tucked in all funny i think he had his shirt tucked in and made him it probably added about 20 years on him maybe not 40 pounds okay that that's what it was that's just the confusion there yeah it was age older not weight that's what it was um you go when is your uh first event today what time it's like uh well we i guess we
Starting point is 00:22:47 we get corralled at right at one and we get on at like 112 okay that's when we go on and and what is that uh first event is it super short snatch ladder yeah because they're running the whole field in 30 minutes yeah yeah and and so and sort of the story there um which you mentioned in the video from the mac is that sasha nevis her max snatch is 45 pounds over the final bar yeah that's accurate she should go for it yeah just that wicked jump at the end she is she's our uh she's definitely our anchor if we have any problems she's gonna come in and clean up for everybody and what is that what is the final bar for the men in the team snatch 275 and and what is your max snatch have you ever sn snatched that? Yeah. I think I've hit 275 three or four times. I've done 280 twice.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Luke's definitely got that. Yeah. Luke has 305. He snatched 275 last week, and it was like a toothpick. Damn. Who's the biggest head case? Is Luke the biggest head case in the group? Not in the normal sense, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Not in the normal sense but yeah yeah not in the normal sense but yeah okay like uh like he doesn't like freak out and panic he just kind of um loses focus i would say sometimes like just too busy signing autographs signing signing topless women okay yeah exactly too much distraction. Is Rich there this weekend? No, not yet. I think he was at One Valley doing like a workout with Rich thing. He'll be here soon, I believe.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Okay, so he is showing up. Yeah. Okay, call us back when he's by you. We're done with you. See you guys. Thanks, brother. Bye. Love you. Damn, the show opened strong all right who else you got to pull in love me some angelo
Starting point is 00:24:51 did she go nothing i just wanted to make sure that my my first two bits were done in case i get summoned to go to breakfast with greg this morning i want to make sure my my shit's my shit's out of the way bring it bring him on the call. That would really set the thing off on a kick. Who, Mr. Froning? Mr. Glassman. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yesterday, I seriously thought he was going to call. Can you imagine the views on this episode? I thought he was going to call in yesterday.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yesterday, I sent him a link to the show. I thought for sure he was going to call in. I didn't want to tell anyone, but now it's. Do you think he'll come on this weekend at all? No, with us in the game shit? No, just on your podcast. I don't know. Anything's possible.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I would say no. I would say no, though, if I had to guess. If I was a betting man, I'd say no. Will you beg him for me? Yeah. He bought it. He got 100 pounds of lobster and showed up to his house in Santa Cruz with it. Yeah, he drove down to Morro Bay to get it. He got, he got a hundred pounds of lobster and showed up to his house in Santa Cruz with it.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Yeah. He drove down to endangered species, Morro Bay to get it. I hope so. More endangered now. It's a hundred pounds more endangered. Dude, I'm going to need so much lobster in the next three days.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's going to be supposed to be fasting. I fasted an extra day in the middle of the week this week. So I can eat on Sunday. Nah, bank to fast. Uh, finally, I'd like to say,
Starting point is 00:26:13 um, the Bailey rail is also in that video does she look 40 pounds bigger too no she looks fucking incredible they must i didn't they must be the most beautiful couple alive they were more beautiful when he had longer hair uh she says at one point in the video this concerns me a little bit she says at one point in the video she's just going to surrender her flesh fleshly desires this weekend and i you did hear that right yeah and i think she was referencing something having to do with the competition but that's not where i went with it that's not where i went and i and for tyler's sake i hope that her fleshly desires come back but But fuck, who am I? Are you saying she's a cannibal? Yes. Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 00:26:48 That is exactly what I'm saying. That's what you thought, right? Yes. No one's saying, like, look out if you're going to take a bite out of someone's leg. Me and JR were talking about cannibals this weekend, this past week. Ladies and gentlemen. I'm a superhuman. We are going to get to the events one and two, and we are going to hear from J.R. Howell and Taylor Self and Mr. Hillerfit and Matt Sousa about what they think, who's going to win, what are the big stories.
Starting point is 00:27:18 But I have one more. I keep saying I have one more, but this one's – I think this really is the last one. Let's see. have one more but this this one's uh i think this really is the last one let's see uh this is from someone who has thrown some super duper high level events through crossfit during the regional era and still throws a massive event in the crossfit space i could not believe what i was seeing at lowlands knee sleeves. One year when I was running an event, about two minutes before we go live, this was a CrossFit event, I was told to strip everyone of knee sleeves and to check their heels for tape
Starting point is 00:27:59 because tape on the heels can help you slide up and down the handstand push-up wall. On that plexi. And the knee sleeves can help you hide squat depth. The athletes were pissed, but we knew it was the fair thing to do. So I bring this up because were you guys able to follow that story? They basically – the athletes were lined up just about to go out for Heat 1. They checked everyone's heels and pulled the tape off the heels, and they had everyone take off their knee sleeves to make it equal.
Starting point is 00:28:31 What they were concerned about is this year at the Lowlands, what they saw were people wearing knee sleeves, and someone even during pistols was wearing lifting shoes. Have we gone backwards? Have we gone backwards have we gone backwards by allowing all of this yeah has the sport has the sport gone backwards oh well do you know what knee wraps are seven basically knee sleeves but you wrap them instead of pull them on they're they're the ones that power lifters will throw on before just about every single set they do of squats and some Olympic lifters will as well. And it gives them that little bit of a,
Starting point is 00:29:09 I shouldn't say a little bit of a spring. It probably adds 10% to the certain individual's ability to squat. And do you know what a squat suit is or a bench shirt? Yes, sir. Have you seen those? So when you put on a bench shirt, it's basically a pair of jeans. It's made of denim and it puts you here.
Starting point is 00:29:24 So when you're benching, you need to pull the bar down and to an extent i would say that the knee sleeve is on the spectrum of those things not like the 10 or like a bench shirt where it might add 20 or 30 but i would say that these sleeves might give you a 1%. And I guess I could see the argument there, but I also understand why a bunch of people wear them. The question is, are people wearing them because they need them? Are they wearing them because they think they give them that 1% or that hiding of depth, if you will, that you're talking about? What do you think? What do you think, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:30:02 I don't know. I'd be interested to talk to this person about it it seems uh i mean some things yeah should be to a degree off limits like i think the knee wraps are definitely a stretch and they actually don't allow you to use them but i would it'd be like telling wide receivers in the league you can't wear gloves i agree yeah i think you should be able to allow them. In your squat bench shirt. There it is. Yeah, you're like this. JR, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:30:35 Just to level the playing field, be like, hey, no knee sleeves. No, I don't really agree with that. What I do think they should probably do is tell you either what millimeter knee sleeve you can use. I do. Right. Is it a four? No, it's up to seven. I think it's up to seven. And then also, Radhri Mora's comment here,
Starting point is 00:30:55 according to the rules of PFFA, one pair of knee sleeves is allowed, but on the Torian Pro, people were using two pairs. Now, I just specifically remember them saying you could not double up. And I guess the only way to really know that if you wore like a five millimeter under a seven is that you said, hey, pull down your knee sleeve real quick. Let me make sure you don't have a second pair. It turns your knees into a set of springs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Dude, that's brilliant. That's not even cheating. I would say that putting on two pairs of knee sleeves, trying to boost your performance on a squat-centric workout is indeed cheating. But I also know that if you put on a pair of knee sleeves that's too tight, it occludes your lower limb and it makes it impossible to move. And run. Like a cock ring for your knee.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Exactly like a cock ring for your knee. God, you're right. I just don't see how that levels any sort of playing field because anyone can fucking wear them. So if you think that they're giving someone else an advantage, wear knee sleeves. I agree with that as well. I can have four knee sleeves on and I'm not going to squat nearly as much as those people are. I would say that if you're going to try to take away knee sleeves, you should also try to take away lifting shoes. And belts.
Starting point is 00:32:07 You're not going to do that. And belts. So I think that that's exactly right. You're allowed those things. And grips. You can't wear grips anymore. Thumb tape. Just go out there.
Starting point is 00:32:16 All you can wear is a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and then rock. No chalk. No chalk. No fucking water. I had a coach who was like no chalk you can't use chalk no fans cheating no fans no music no fans like no fans like last week at the syndicate yeah fuck your fans you can't no tickets no tickets go our howl go on so you know talking about grips um you know this year they said you couldn't wear grips when doing like a barbell
Starting point is 00:32:46 workout right for the first time in the deadlift burpee but also for the age group qualifier they have farmer's carries with 70 pound kettlebells which no grips which you cannot use grips for either so it looks like they are kind of wising up to the idea that grip should only be worn when hanging from a bar or rings and that's it hey wow man he he didn't get the memo collared shirts only sorry sorry i'm glad we've got this grip thing figured out but we can't figure out rope length i'd hate for people to cheat using the grip but hey i'm rich did you see the video where you actually land on the rope too and your fucking knee buckles in? I think you sent it to me.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Oh, good. I think it was just my ankle that buckled though, but I have no ligaments or tendons left in my ankle, so we're good. No shit? I don't know. That's right. They click and pop all the time. So here's what it is. Did you feel do you remember that moment that you landed on the rope and were there many of them? No, I have no earthly.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I could not tell you when that happened. So you're just jamming, just jamming, man. Yeah. I mean, it's I hate that it happened. And, you know, yeah. If we can eliminate any. Any chance for that to happen, I'm 1,000% for it. But then also as an athlete, you almost have to take, if that is the situation, you've got to take a little bit of responsibility for, hey, you know, if I don't want to trip and bust my ankle, that's on me too. So I 1,000% think they should have been cut. But also, if they're not cut, not cut then you know risk versus reward did you tell hay there there's a story um i don't remember where i think hayley said it but that she wrapped her ankle before that event is that some advice you gave her or well so she's got a that ankle issue from a couple years ago and really you know coming down on those
Starting point is 00:34:41 mats sometimes you can catch it weird you know know, they're soft mats. She was wearing running shoes. And, uh, I tried to talk her out of the running shoes because the run was not, um, was not the part, you know, it's not enough to do any type of damage. So, um, I, I was just like, Hey, make sure you tape the shit out of your ankle and make sure you're good to go. So we have AJ, um, he's an athletic trainer, uh, with us. And so he so he taped her up pretty good i mean it's rock tape does rock tape actually support anything but hey um hey uh there's also talk that were you in that athlete briefing uh i believe we were so they did teams first and then they kick us out and get us out of the way because, you know, who cares about us gross teams? But I was not in there when Scott and Ben went up to, I guess it would have been Wilson.
Starting point is 00:35:33 So I missed that. And did you say anything in your briefing? Man, I can't remember yesterday. I don't remember if I said anything. Right. Fair enough. I know, neither can I. Someone asked me who I had on the podcast yesterday. I'm like, I can't even remember if I saw my team yesterday. i feel like my kids are taking a piece of my soul slowly every day but that's that's what's supposed to happen that means you're good yeah yeah you're
Starting point is 00:35:52 doing good right you're gonna be pretty fit then rich has has any affiliate ever sent three teams to the crossfit games that you're aware of uh i'm i'm not a real history buff but invictus might have uh some i'm sure we have a fact checker somewhere that can tell me i guarantee somebody in live comments will let us know we're wrong um that's if you were going to guess someone that's that's who you would guess right that's who i would guess would be invictus they always have some pretty strong you know and they're also like satellite affiliates um i don't know about the same from the same facility, if that makes sense. Right, right. Totally. I mean, do you have any I mean, it's going to be interesting. The number of people who go to the games this year who do mayhem programming, it's going to be nuts, right?
Starting point is 00:36:35 We want all of them. All right. I understood. All the people shoot for the moon, even if you miss you're in the stars. Come on. Come on. Come on over. Come for the moon. Even if you miss, you're in the stars. Come on. Come on. Come on over. Come to the dark side. Yes. Do you expect the boys and girls to get on the podium this week?
Starting point is 00:36:54 And can you tell us some of the stuff you've talked to them about? I think 1,000% they have the fitness to do it. And I've said 1,000% a bunch in this. Sorry about that. I guess that's my word of the day. But I think they can do it from i've said a thousand percent a bunch in this sorry about that um i guess that's my word of the day but i think they can do it from a fitness standpoint hopefully from a um if if angelo can take charge a little bit and they've got a lot of chiefs and not enough indians if that makes sense and um if they can can clear that up am i allowed to say that anymore sorry
Starting point is 00:37:22 no no no no different metaphor. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. That's a leg. It's an Indian style. I was about, I was about to use a, a, a CrossFit one, but I won't. Anyway. So they're capable. They're capable. And then if they can just kind of stick to their, stick to their guns and if somebody can kind of take charge, you know, that's the problem. I think with a lot of teams is they need somebody out there that has kind of a little bit of field awareness, which I feel like Angelo over the years has. If there's one thing that I've imparted on him, that would be just, you know, paying attention to your surroundings.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And so they can do that. They'll be fine. Are you trying to say that they're all trying to take charge? You said there's too many chiefs. They're all trying to take charge you said there's too many chiefs they're all trying to take charge you need one person you're like overpower okay like when like when rich and matt were both in the same gym hey um you cut out a little bit there someone uh jay i know that spotty here sorry yeah you don't even know how hard it was to say it. Like four times I was like, don't say it, don't say it. Don't do it, don't do it. JR, do you have any questions for Mr. Froning here before we let him go?
Starting point is 00:38:34 Yeah. I know Luke and Sasha came down last year. I'm going to ask until he says no to get some more of his teams to crash this fall to compete. This fall, maybe. Maybe. What's the dates this time uh first weekend in october and we're just doing uh mixed gender elite and then individuals so it'd be awesome i like that yeah i like that i'm i'm all for some pair stuff or uh some team stuff so maybe we'll see uh first of october if we're not somewhere getting lost in elk country uh we'll try to make it out there. Mr. Self, do you have a question for Mr. Froning before we let him run?
Starting point is 00:39:13 No, man. Just just appreciate you look up to you a lot. Yeah, I appreciate it, man. Thank you. Hiller. My question was, you've come down on the crash pads at the games, the red one, and there's clearly a rope hanging down on those crash pads when that happens. I was trying to make the argument with a couple of people that that is different than coming down onto a rope on the hard floor.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Would you agree? Yes. Yes. And no, I mean, I think it comes down to at some point as an athlete you've got hey what's the what's the risk versus reward and you know being smart but yeah it's definitely your it absorbs more into the mat than it would on a on a hard surface um we are coming down on those um those dolomer mats
Starting point is 00:39:59 too so they're a little unstable but it is what it is and i'll go ahead and take the credit for the innovation on the crash pad. There's several froning rules. You now have to go over the bar. You know, you can't throw the bar over and go under. The crash pad is also mine, and you can't ghost ride the bar is also mine. So, you know, just call me an innovator, but it is what it is. Susan, do you have a real question um uh taylor kissed his ass
Starting point is 00:40:28 uh jr howell tried to manipulate him and coerce him into coming to his event can you say anything along the line of hillary that you would like to ask mr froney yeah would you like to introduce even a new concept no i'm going to do a little more um little more ask us here and just make sure so if if I want to win everything, this is where I go, right? I just come here. That's, I mean, that's the dark side. I love that. It's a good place to go.
Starting point is 00:40:52 We get here. It looks very informative. I could sign up and just start absolutely crushing these competitions with you guys. Yeah. I mean, there's a YouTube channel too that has a lot of that stuff. I think it's called CrossFit Mayhem on YouTube. You know, there's a bunch of, I will give a shout out to our media team they do an incredible job of making us not look like total jackasses um you know scott has pretty free reign to do whatever the hell he wants to put in
Starting point is 00:41:14 there but for the most part he leaves uh makes us look good yeah great hey dude thank you so much uh awesome guys yeah yeah i'll drop back on feel super fortunate to have you thank you hey i uh i think i might actually be on uh the show um commentating later i don't know if it's uh tomorrow or today so we promise we won't judge the shit out of you come on this one do it show i'll come on are you guys stealing the stream again no fuck no not happening again not happening again no no no I got slapped around too much we'll do that on the mayhem channel
Starting point is 00:41:50 we'll steal the stream there yeah they'll give us some strikes but whatever alright brother love you bye thank you Ish alright who you got next what else you got up your sleeve that's it let's we have the TDC coming.
Starting point is 00:42:05 No, I'm just kidding. Look at Taylor's just on. He's just on cloud nine. He's like, man, I can't believe I'm a part of this show. This is so fucking good.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I'm going to contribute Taylor time to contribute. Um, okay. Taylor event, uh, event number one starts today. It's team – no, sorry. Individual event one, the barbell complex. We're on the Mac here. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Let's start with the men in each. You just say a little bit about that event and who the men to look for for event number one. Event one for the men for sure i think main guy to look for is zach watts um he's a crossfit conjugate guy so and he also won the snatch last year at the mac i don't know what his capabilities are on a cleaning jerk but i feel like he's a safe pick i would also put for sure ty Tyler Christoffel up there. I think the jerk might limit him a little bit. And then another guy who I have an inkling that is extremely strong is
Starting point is 00:43:13 Philip Musparella. So I think those three guys are on the men's side. And of course, Dallin, Dallin Pepper. But I think Dallin is more of he's a really strong dude. I think more than that raw strength, he moves so well and is extremely well-rounded. I don't know that he wins that. I think the event winner is Zach Watts of event one for the men's side.
Starting point is 00:43:41 JR, moving to you, same thing, event number one. But not the question for you who is the um winner going to be but who is this going to be the make or break event for who who are like i don't want to pick on hayley adams here but who is the who's the one where like hey they're not known as necessarily a strength athlete and they but they they have to do well here well you know i think a big question is whether or not this is going to be the year Spencer punches his ticket. You know, he's been trying to make it for so long. His brothers are a lot of games experience.
Starting point is 00:44:13 People say all the time that he beats them all the time in training. He actually beat them both at Guadalupalooza. So for me, the athlete that I'm watching is Spencer Panczyk to see if he can at least finish upper middle of of the pack because, you know, he's going to do great on all the fitness tests. And what number what if the last bar? No, sorry. I'm conflating the two events. What what number do you think he has to do in the complex here? What would be a great number for Spencer? I think he's got to be between 315 and 325.
Starting point is 00:44:43 It seemed like last last week at Syndicate that 325, and that may have been comparatively just a little stronger field, but that was a top 10 score. So I feel like that's probably where he needs to be, 315 to 325. Your thoughts on what both of these men just said. Go ahead and judge the shit of them. Is Taylor right about his picks with Zach Watts, Tyler Christofal, Phillip something or another, and Dallin Pepper? And is Spencer Pancheck, is that the make or break guy? I agree with all of those things, but the guy that I want to look at is Jake Berman. I think if Jake Berman does anything special
Starting point is 00:45:23 or anything even middle of the pack on this one, he's setting himself up for a good weekend because he's not one of the stronger guys. But if he does at least damage control pretty well on that one, then he'll end up finishing close to a qualifying spot. And I agree very much with Tyler Christoffel on the jerk. He doesn't have the best overhead position, but I bet if it was just the cleans of the front twats, he'd be like 365 on this. And then it's the jerk he doesn't have the best overhead position but I bet if it was just the cleans of the front watts he'd be like 365 on this and then it's the jerk so the question is is he going to be able to throw up a jerk at 335 340 I think the answer is probably Cole Sager always is kind of surprising on these I know down pepper is a strong snatcher which I think is what Taylor said and then Spencer always is rather surprising. But my most recent memory of Spencer doing any sort of a clean complex is at the end of 21.4.
Starting point is 00:46:11 And that one didn't look so hot. So if he's worked on it since then, which I'm sure he has, then everything JR was saying, I also second. But I think the big guy to look at is Jake Berman. Hunter Holyfield is my guy to freaking win it. But he just pulled out for our informant. Do we know why he pulled out? No, we just have a text message saying he pulled out.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Okay. And let's move to the women for event one. It's the barbell complex. You get three attempts. No, you don't get three attempts. Yeah, you get three attempts. Sorry. You get three attempts at three get three attempts sorry you get three attempts at
Starting point is 00:46:45 three cleans two front squats one shoulder to overhead and you have to do it in a minute with a four minute rest uh we just you heard the the men picks uh let's go uh mr howell who do you who do you pick to to win this i think kalarina key is a really good guess of who's going to win this. She's got, I want to say a 275 clean. I mean, she's, she's probably the strongest woman pound for pound in the field. Would you say that the jerk's been the most limiting factor from what we've seen from the first week? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:47:19 For some people, it won't be for Jake Berman. Like Jake has an over 400 pound jerk, but it's going to be the pull from the floor and then the squat and yeah it's crazy i still think it i still think it is the jerk but for some people it's the jerk because of shoulder positioning and shoulder strength but i think for someone like jake he's probably going to squat all five reps before the jerk so the jerk is going to be limited by his legs having enough drive. Jake Berman, that's the cat that trains
Starting point is 00:47:50 with Noah, right? It's arguably what makes it a pretty good complex because you've got someone like Christoffel who's got so much strength from the floor. You've got someone like Berman who's got so much strength overhead. It's almost like you're bringing them into the middle with this complex. How about that 4'10 girl? that 410 girl 410 girl yeah the girl i mentioned at the beginning of the show can you how is she gonna do what was her name i already lost my notes about her
Starting point is 00:48:16 marissa flowers thank you marissa flowers how is she gonna do on that i just can't believe that there's someone out there who's 410 besides", besides Colton. Don't know much about her, to be honest. Should we pull up her Instagram? Is that something we can do? Always, always. Daniel Brandon's going to push jerk it. You know that, right? Whenever she hits, it'll end up being a push jerk, and I don't know how many of those we've seen.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Why do you say that? Because she doesn't split jerk, period? Because some of us do our research, seven. Gotcha. I'm kidding. I heard her talk about a podcast earlier today and on the podcast, you,
Starting point is 00:48:52 I mean, we've seen it before. I think she can hit a two 65 push jerk and that would take her over the top immediately. And she says that she hasn't split jerked in years. Just basically because she never needs to, and she feels unstable in the split jerk. So she um just basically because she never needs to and she feels unstable in the split jerk so she'll end up push jerking i don't think we've seen a high number there
Starting point is 00:49:10 with a pusher oh this chick has a kid it's almost as tall as she is oh yeah she looks normal she looks she looks normal so she's a normal 410 she just she's she could be like you can't tell from her pictures that she's 4'10". I don't know. Is that a female barbell or a C70? All right. I'm totally kidding, by the way. I didn't hear what you said.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Look how tall she looks when she's sitting in her car. Look how tall she looks when she's sitting in her car. That's that little mouse car. What is it called the the e-car uh taylor who is the same question i asked jr about the men who which woman is this a make or break like if they do well here we're going to see him on the podium if they don't it's going to be a long weekend and miserable for him uh i think bailey rail i think this is going to be the big event for her that she, again, kind of has to do damage control. She's self-admittedly one of the weaker females in the field,
Starting point is 00:50:10 but I think some of the other workouts set up pretty well for her, potentially, so she just needs to do damage control. Yeah, my pick. And how much do you think she needs to do? On the women's side? Yeah. Yeah, my pick. And how much do you think she needs to do? On the women's side? I would say, for her, I would think that anything over 210 would be pretty solid. Hiller signaled you 205. That was meant to be a two fives.
Starting point is 00:50:42 So we were saying this exact same thing. Mr. Hiller, what about these three that I have here on my list? Daniel Brandon, Cindy McAulishan. McAulishan? I say McAulishan. Taylor says McAulishan. And Kira Napoli. All right.
Starting point is 00:51:05 So I'll admit I don't know much about Kira. So maybe you can direct this at somebody else if it's a question of the three of them. But what's your question of the three of them? No, let's just go with the two. How's Danielle going to do and how are Sydney going to do? Do they have any chance of winning this, you think? Danielle Brandon's going to win. It's going to be a runaway. Oh, you mean the event?
Starting point is 00:51:22 Are you talking about the event or the lift? The lift. Oh, runaway. Oh, you mean the event? Are you talking about the event or the, the lift? The lift. Oh, the lift. Daniel Brandon is going to be competing with the, uh, what's her name? Cal arena.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Okay. For sure. It'll, it'll be right there. Um, Daniel Brandon also in what I was listening to earlier, hasn't been prioritizing her strength as much. So she's worried about it,
Starting point is 00:51:40 but she's strong as shit. So it's kind of one of those deals where there's so much in the tank and it's not really going to go away so long as you're keeping up with your fitness it might be dampened but even dampened she's going to be putting on quite a number in it doesn't really matter she's going to be at least top five and definitely fighting for the top spot i'm sorry it doesn't matter what you think! Gotcha, right. Yes. And what about Sydney?
Starting point is 00:52:10 Do you guys think Sydney's going to make it to the games? Do you think she's going to qualify here? Yes. It's very likely out of this field, I think. I would also say yes. I don't think it's the strongest field. Would you guys agree with that? I mean, I'm not trying to be a dick.
Starting point is 00:52:26 I just don't think it's the strongest field would you guys agree with that I mean I'm not trying to be a dick I just don't think it's the strongest field Mr. Howell I would say she takes the 4th or 5th spot here this is going to be huge for her if she makes it to the games what's going to be huge about it I mean other than the fact that it's huge in general because she's a really really really
Starting point is 00:52:42 promising athlete who has all the tools. And if she gets some games experience behind her, I think it's going to skyrocket her. I put a premium on, I think some athletes, for most athletes, getting games experience is like, it's the turbo boost to their career. And she's been training on site for the past year at Comtraining, right? Mm-hmm. I'd like to put, say- She has a crazy head on her shoulder too we had her on the show there i don't ever remember interviewing she's never gonna make it no way she's out uh frenchie does uh scream mental illness but um but we did have her on the show and uh and man for a young lady uh or a young man
Starting point is 00:53:27 just anyone her age i just i was just blown away at how cool she was she was just cool as a cucumber she's she's built for it too and she's committed and when we will i remember talking about distractions she has in her life and she has none she's done she's just done an amazing job uh someone will plumber says uh kira uh, 230-pound clean on CrossFit Games leaderboard. I don't think Kira Napoli's the other to look at. I think Kyra Milligan's the other athlete to look at in the complex. Kyra Milligan from Underdogs Athletics, one of Justin Kotler's girls. She's also strong as fuck.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Aiden Murillo's a name that's been around for a while, and she's pretty strong. I don't know if she is top five strong, but she's just a name that I know of. The, the second event. And don't worry guys, we'll circle back around and, and we'll talk about each people that each you guys want to talk to.
Starting point is 00:54:16 I just want to get through at least the first two events here. The second event is the individual elite to midline sadness. That's a pretty cool name for it. 50 GHD, 30 foot handstand walk, 30 over – oh, thank you. Overhead squats, 60 handstand walk, 40 GHD, 60 foot handstand walk, 20 overhead squats, 90 foot handstand walk, 30 GHD sit-ups, 90 foot handstand walk, 10 overhead squats. So, you know, that's what I hate about these events is that why does it have to be like that?
Starting point is 00:54:49 What usually what ends up happening is you're looking at it on the floor and it looks pretty neat and you understand why it's written up this way. But imagine, I mean, maybe that's also part of it. Being an athlete, you're going to go out there and you have to understand what the hell is going on. But does it take out of the fitness component of it? It's a fitness event it's also an event event so that's just a little bit of a quick take by me i don't want taylor and jr to say i appreciate it i don't want you guys to dig into that quite yet though because we can spend i don't want the show to get lost in criticizing this we can we can circle back
Starting point is 00:55:20 around though sorry to cut you off taylor i want to say this will plumber sent me his notes and they're so fucking awesome it but to cap on what hillary is saying it's 120 ghd's it's 270 feet of handstand walk and it's 60 overhead squats in total um jr uh who with a 14 minute time cap who who's gonna win this is is there someone you look at and you're like, oh yeah, this person's got this one? Yeah. I would be shocked if Danielle Brandon did not win this workout because I would say she has the best overhead position in the sport. And that's over everybody, anybody. What do you mean by overhead position? So her ability to like what Andrew was saying, her ability to push jerk and to get in a completely stacked position with wrists and shoulders all in line with no deviation of the midline, it's just super impressive. So anything where there's any kind of overhead stability involved.
Starting point is 00:56:16 In this, obviously there's a lot of midline, but I see handstand walk into overhead squat back into handstand walk. Handstand walk into heavier overhead squat back to handstand walk. And someone like her is not going to have to break the overhead squats. She's going to be able to be aggressive in and out of those transitions. And I just don't think anyone has a chance of beating her on this workout. Uh, how, how, and, and Brooke Wells, how will she do? It'd be very interesting to see with her return from injury.
Starting point is 00:56:42 She's not going to be doing too high after the first two events. Hmm. with her return from injury. She's not going to be doing too hot after the first two events. What do you mean by that? You think her elbow is going to flare up? No, I don't. I just think that she probably doesn't have as much time under the weight because of it, and I think that the overhead squat is going to be a limiter, especially after the handstand walk. Okay, so you're just going to say she's going to be digging herself out of a hole
Starting point is 00:57:06 after, uh, she'll probably be sitting in fifth, which isn't bad because she's still Brooke Wells, but she's not going to be as high as people would think if they're six. So I should say the hole is a, it's a shallow hole. Uh, Taylor, who do you, who do you think wins that event? Danielle Brandon. And, and do you think a? Do you agree with the whole Brooke Wells thing? I agree with the whole Brooke Wells thing.
Starting point is 00:57:30 I think Danielle Brandon also wins it on the women's side. I think I'm looking at Noah for the men. I feel like this just falls right into his wheelhouse pretty handily. Do you think more so than Dallin Pepper or cole sager cole sager is the one i want to talk about first cole sager first well i saw a video i think of noah overhead squatting 300 for 10 um wow and then yeah it's on his instagram somewhere he's got a bazillion big weights so you gotta you gotta dig but and that's pretty recent so that he's a freak on the ghd's and also has insane handstand walk speed so i just yeah i love this
Starting point is 00:58:13 event for noah i think i think this is one of two events that he has the capacity to destroy everyone if there's a if there's a part of the workout where we can watch it's kind of the sticky point i would keep an eye on after the 40th ghd so they've done 90 they're going 60 into 20 into 90 so they're going 150 feet with the 20 overhead squats in between and a lot of times like most workouts that have three rounds which to what andrew was saying it's kind of busy but basically it's three rounds it's the middle round that the hardest. So that moderately heavyweight for 20, I think is going to be significantly harder than the first 30 and the last 10. Yep. Agreed. That's a great point. Yep. It's going to be right there.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Sorry, go ahead, Hiller. No, I just, are they slowing down and keeping the pace or are they speeding up? Because there will be athletes who are trying to speed up. Do they finish this? Do people finish this? Yes. Yes. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:59:14 And I guess another. Oh, just because there's 14 minute time cap and we've seen other events where a lot of people don't finish. But what about isn't it also going to be determined by where you get pushed back on the handstand walk like if they have it so you fall anywhere in the 90 feet you have to start from the beginning that's different than just going back to the last line if the lines are incremental every 10 feet right or it doesn't matter for the top guys well they've got to do minimum unbroken 30 sections so i don't think that's going to be an issue for any athletes at this level. I wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Oh, sorry. I didn't read that on the bottom. Okay. I got something to say about all these is that the handstand walk, I mean, we saw the pirouette at, what was it, Lowlands last week, and the handstand walk is just kind of a throwaway. It's a tossaway. They might as well be doing a shuttle run at this point
Starting point is 01:00:01 with how proficient everybody is. I think that they should be throwing in that ramp or something they completely did away with the handstand walk ramp after like maybe 2019 wadapalooza uh that's another thing to say someone is saying that the the workout has changed i think someone sent me a text last night saying that too and i just don't remember they changed the unbroken lunges on event six i wasn't under the impression they changed anything on event two uh dennis alari says whoever's great at ghds will win do you have uh thoughts on that guys no really real no it was great on ghds too yeah so i think yeah so i think in this workout similar to the 10 20 30 40 50 um last week at syndicate mean, I know I was looking at the ski to be somewhere where you
Starting point is 01:00:47 could either lose it or win it because so much more time is spent on the ski, but it ended up being a handstand walk speed and a GHD efficiency workout. So in this one, you could argue that if there's athletes like Jake Berman, Noah Olsen, both the pan chicks, we know they're really stable overhead and that the squats aren't going to be an issue or the handstand walk. It's probably going to come down to who has the fastest cycle time on the GHG. Uh, JR, uh, where the fuck is your new headset? Uh, it is, it is behind me on the table. See it. Yeah. Why aren't you using it? Because I have two kids and I have not had time to link it to my computer yet.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Wow. JR has the fanciest and most expensive set of headphones on the show. Once he puts them on, hopefully they'll make a – What are they? They look nice. Are they Apple? No, they're Jabra. Jabra.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Jabra. Jabra. They have a noise-canceling mouthpiece. They're really nice. And I assume yours haven't come either, right, Mr. Self? No, neither. they have a they have a noise canceling mouthpiece they're really nice and i assume yours haven't come either right uh mr self yeah those are nice looking jr should just faked it like had him on the whole time hey uh um we were talking about uh off offline um we were talking about topics that we'd like to bring up and things we'd like to mention.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Um, and, I'd like to go through some of those topics right now. Uh, we'll start with, uh, Taylor and, uh,
Starting point is 01:02:11 Taylor, you want to dig into, um, to Saxon here and, uh, and, and your thoughts about him training over at proven. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:18 I'm, I mean, you look at Saxon over the past couple of years and just extreme consistency towards the top and he's climbed higher and higher and higher. He won the open granted. He had to redo a workout to do that. But I think somebody with the physical capability to win, not just the semifinal,
Starting point is 01:02:38 but also the games Saxon is someone to look at. He's just, he doesn't have really, he doesn't have a whole, and if he did, it would be more machine and more long endurance stuff, which I know he's been working on with proven and potentially his mindset. You know, I would just like to see from him as someone who wants to threaten the top
Starting point is 01:02:58 spot on the podium is someone who wants to fucking kill people when he's out there. He's such a good dude and a really nice guy from the little interaction I've had with him. But I think if he can, you know, if some of Tia's killer instinct can rub off on him with all the training they're doing together and him being improving, I think he's a massive threat to win not just the MAAC but also potentially the games. I also think if he wins the MAAC, he might not even win an event.
Starting point is 01:03:25 He might not have an event win and still win the Mac because he's just so consistent. And you even said that you think there's games winning potential for him. Absolutely. Are you kidding me? Look at, he just is, does not have, he is so good at so many things. He just needs to, he just needs to take the training wheels off and be aggressive. Hiller, do you have anything you want to tell Taylor to go fuck himself, or did he nail it?
Starting point is 01:03:49 I think he pretty much nailed it. What I always do when I'm deciding who's going to win is I always try to look at the people in the teens and say, all right, who in the teens has a chance at finishing in the top, like taking the fifth and the fourth spot? So I don't really look too much at who's going to win, but I do agree that Saxon's probably going to have a shot at winning. It'll be him versus Noah versus Dallin.
Starting point is 01:04:09 And I keep on saying, yeah, Dalton's going to win. Dalton's going to take the top spot because he's one of those young guys who's coming up and he's strong as shit. And if he just kind of shored up those little events. But as far as Saxon goes, my first experience with him was, I think, Wadapalooza 2018 i remember he was on a team with his two brothers and they all snatched 285 and at that point in time he was like 17 years old i was like what the fuck how and then you stand next to him and he's
Starting point is 01:04:35 this narrow the how in the hell is this guy so goddamn how narrow is he show us again he's like this narrow he's like that's about like, that's about 10 inches. That's about 10 inches. They were this big. And then when they turned sideways, they, they almost disappear. And I'm not saying that. Matt Sousa,
Starting point is 01:04:51 Matt Sousa, Matt Sousa is like a fucking, like someone just took a cheese grater, sliced off a piece of cheese. He looks all broad. And he turned this way. He's like one of those fish. And then the event finale that year,
Starting point is 01:04:59 he came off the floor after having just snatched 285. I was like, how in the fuck did he do that? It is truly an amazing athlete. It's incredible how strong he is. And he's gotten stronger and fitter. And he's probably also, what Taylor was saying, going to have a chance at pushing Medeiros at the games,
Starting point is 01:05:14 which is awesome because someone's got to fucking do it. I hate to critique you on your pronunciation, because you do say my name right, very few people do uh andrew but but uh it's it's not dalin for christ's sake it's dalin it's dalin pepper get it right dalton okay we're gonna call him on this show dalin pepper until he comes on and says otherwise okay uh i have a rumor that i heard a rumor his name is Dalton and he doesn't like to go by Dallin. It's his middle name is Dalton. Actually, it's Dallin Dalton.
Starting point is 01:05:54 And Mr. Howell, these guys are pretty high on Saxon Panchuk. And they're curious what's happened with his time with Tia Toomey over at Proven. What do you think? Yeah, I completely echo those sentiments. I'm really interested to see if training over with Shane and, you know, just around Tia is really going to make a big difference. It's hard to say that in six to eight months, we're going to see a big change in fitness level. But I think sometimes with those athletes, the fitness levels are so close.
Starting point is 01:06:18 It's just confidence in execution. Isn't it amazing that in a split, in't that amazing in a split in a split second and thank you thank you mr pepper oh mr pepper can you dm me your phone number i really want your phone number i was trying to i was trying to court you in your dms and you haven't responded i was trying to court you last night it was late um i had been drinking down uh isn't it amazing that in six to eight in six to eight months you can't make your career maybe better but in a split second it can fucking be over taylor okay um let's move on to uh to dallin uh the word you have in there is redemption can you paint the picture for me taylor where
Starting point is 01:06:59 why why do you say redemption what happened to dallin last year dallin i think is somebody i like that word with him, and he has kind of what I would like to see or I'm hoping to see from Saxon this weekend. He has kind of that – he gets a little resentful, I would say. He gets vengeful. Last year he had a big slip-up on the final event, kind of fumbled the D-ball a bit, and it cost him his spot at the games,
Starting point is 01:07:23 and I think that's probably eaten him alive over the past year and has made him angry. He had a really, really good performance at Waterpalooza, which I think sets him up well. And he seems really healthy and fit going into this competition. And I'm sure he's probably quite a bit thinner than he was in January. So he's,
Starting point is 01:07:40 he's looking to take some, some revenge for him. I hope he has ripped someone's fucking head off. That's the type of person he strikes me as, which is what you need to win. It's what you need to win. He does have that? He does have that? Oh, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Where did you see that? Because we had him on the show and he was like almost no heartbeat almost. Well, you can tell in the corral. And I think it depends from event to event. Some events guys are a little more relaxed going into. some events the same guy might be not so relaxed going into and i could see that in down um he does he does kind of look like ferdinand do you know that show i have kids he's got that ferdinand uh vibe you know what ferdinand is the ferdinand the bull the disney do you know the disney no yeah i mean i could see it he's definitely not a dude you'd
Starting point is 01:08:25 want to fucking get he's he's quite the man he's got quite crazy stature so you're saying you've seen down in the corral and it's it's it's fucking showtime in some events the events that i noticed like i just look around i'm looking around for people who have that attitude because that's who you're thinking you got to worry about in a workout um are people who have that kind of attitude going into event and then the people for the most part that are really kind of joking around not you think dallin would tell tetlo to fuck off if he uh tried to fizz bump him no i don't think he not not in that way i think uh i think most of his uh angry drive is internal. Okay. Thoughts, J.R., on Dallin? Are you pretty pumped for him too?
Starting point is 01:09:11 Is that the guy to watch? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, seeing him at Waterpalooza in person, you know, against Jason and Taylor, I can definitely say how impressed I was seeing him perform on events that I just wouldn't assume he would perform well at. He did really, really good in the row swim run that Taylor won. James also doing really well on that,
Starting point is 01:09:35 but Dallin hung really tough on that. I expected that to be an event he would take a hit on at Waterpalooza just because of his stature. Wasn't the case. And then that final, he absolutely dropped the hammer on the 55 double presses. It really just showed me the kind of raw capacity he has i was really impressed so you don't expect him to be amazing at burpees like full body weight uh calisthenics like the like the devil press is that and and running swimming uh rowing and since he is you're like fuck that's i mean that's pretty much the holes that big guys was had would the holes big guys would have and he doesn doesn't have those. Correct. Yep, makes sense. Is he going to get on the podium, Mr. Hiller? Is Dallin Pepper going to the CrossFit Games this year? I just sent out a list to you guys, and I said I think he's got a chance to win.
Starting point is 01:10:18 Chance to win. But that is what I also preface with the, I like to go after the lists that people don't typically. So you go around and you're like, oh, look, Saxon's going to win. Noah's going to win. That's kind of what you see. So my list is like Cole slash Dallin at the top just because I like to be a little bit controversial and hope that that's the thing that's going to happen this year.
Starting point is 01:10:40 So if I were to pick people who have an outside shot at the top i would say yes dylan and cole also won his event last year the west coast classic and i think everyone's forgetting i think he beat noah there as well so i don't know why everyone's missing cole sager he always ends up just totally dominating everybody and there's you know the events stack up rather well for him uh let me ask you this andrew uh before we move on to Taylor's final topic. Who is more likely to go to the game, Sydney, Michael Asian or Dallin pepper, Dallin pepper. Yeah. Taylor saying down for sure. I disagree. I disagree. I love down, but I think Sydney,
Starting point is 01:11:18 give us some rationale about the disagreement. Just everything you've already said about her when she was on my podcast. Oh, Dallin's been on here, right? Didn't you not like him i did like i did actually like him there's absolutely nothing not to like but i just like your bias of info basis of info yeah uh um i definitely like him i definitely got to have money but i but i was teasing him because it was a rather uh it was a very chill podcast i think he just refilled his oxycontin or something um when you say taylor when you say that um cole can cole stay alive in your notes i think that when i read that i think big picture is this cole's last year he has been around since fucking
Starting point is 01:11:59 buggy and carriage are you suggesting that like he needs to go to the games this year or else it's over uh that's kind of that's kind of my that's kind of what i'm alluding to i don't i don't know you know i don't know him very well personally at all so i don't know if um it's that dire for him but but if he doesn't go we're going to stop talking about him this is the last year to be on this show it just it just seems like over the past couple years he's kind of had you know not the trajectory that he would like like andrew said he has the potential to fucking kill it at the semi-final level i think he won at the west coast just because he's so out-rounded and they had the run event and they don't have an event like the go ruck this year at the mac and so i don't know that he challenges noah saxon i think he won by 40 or so points though so or even christopher you have christopher as a threat to cole yeah i think yeah i think uh
Starting point is 01:12:53 i think that's what we need to see is is he still hungry and angry enough to to say fuck that i'm not going anywhere. Okay. I'm not going to ask you guys. Yeah, let me get a quick opinion on Cole Sager here, JR. JR, what are your thoughts on Cole Sager and him going to the games this year, the importance of it for him, for his career, for his future? He's been kind of steady for years now. I really don't think he's shown any signs of drop-offs as far as not being
Starting point is 01:13:25 able to qualify for the games. Semifinals and regionals do usually seem like the time where he can shine. I actually expect him to be a sleeper on the legless rope climb workout. He tended to always punch a ticket to the games on a thruster legless workout in years past. I mean, I think he has a potential to win a couple of these workouts i don't think it's going to be a question of whether or not he qualifies well whenever i see taylor uh start reading the comments it's like a girl with he reads him like a girl with big boobs just walked in the room and he's trying not to look it's like uh the show's over here buddy dude i always look forward to the first day of these competitions so
Starting point is 01:14:08 much because of exactly what i'm saying like i hope there's going to be somebody who pops out of nowhere it was kind of zach watts last year at the mac right like he kind of came out of nowhere and kind of we wiggled his way into the fifth spot and this year like who do you think i was trying to say would be hunter holyfield but he ended up not competing i guess per whoever reached out to us and said so and that's why i also think like i'm hoping dylan does something special and comes out of nowhere and has a story i think also jason hopper did it last year like that was very cool to see and i'm always waiting for that person and then when it doesn't end up happening like oh it's just gonna filter it's
Starting point is 01:14:43 gonna go noah section cole and then maybe like a spencer and happening, like, oh, it's just going to filter. It's going to go Noah, Saction, Cole, and then maybe like a Spencer. And it's like, oh, all the same old names. I kind of get like a little bit of a down trickle. Oh, okay, same old stuff. But I'm always hopeful. I always almost appreciate the beginning of the competition more than day two or the final day. At some point in the show earlier, we were talking to Jr about Daniel Brandon's, um, overhead position. Uh, and, and for the, for the more you see you, when you say you called her, uh, in your notes,
Starting point is 01:15:11 a gifted, no, no, sorry. You quoted Justin Kotler is saying she is, uh, uh, one of the most gifted athletes he's ever seen. I just want to be clear about this. Um, that's a term that we throw around talented gifted i don't and i and i really like justin kotler and so i don't think he meant it exactly like that i when he says gifted she earned everything um she has and not to get too much into her story you can go back and watch the podcast but she basically became an athlete to get out of, she was escaping some, from some bullshit, you know, some shit around her, her family life. I mean, she, uh, she was working hard in order to make sports of the avenue of escape for her. So she earned all that shit. I think what Kotler means is,
Starting point is 01:15:55 is she's crazy. Well-rounded. She's a fucking track and field athlete. She was a fucking pole vaulter. Uh, she's, she's just, she, she was a, got a scholarship. That's why she would always go to the regionals and not then continue on to the games or maybe she didn't even attend the regionals because she had to deal with her scholarship stuff for several years. What are your thoughts, candid thoughts, JR about Danielle? What are your, what are your, your hopes for her? Yeah. I, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:19 I think everything is being set up to for us to show us, you show us whether or not she is the real deal. Last year at West Coast Classic, she was out there basically with her entire training camp, and Bethany kind of stole the show. She performed so well and ultimately wasn't given the opportunity to compete at the Games. But then you go to the Games, and you have the situation with Danielle where she's not really able to compete alongside of her fellow athletes like she wants she's had justin kotler vouch for her about being so physically gifted and so talented being able to do things he's never seen anyone else be able to do is this the time where we kind of see her go to a semi-final and win it convincingly so that then we can kind of bump her up and start talking about her as someone who can put it all together at the games and possibly podium uh to to be i want to
Starting point is 01:17:11 be completely frank with you guys all right frank she walks into the stadium and and and i hear that the cheers at the stadium in madison were louder for her than any other athlete i heard it was fucking off the chart now you could argue that it's because of the whole covet thing and that she was having to you know she was the ostracized one you know and so everyone was like giving her love for that for being a tough gal and put it through you could argue also argue that it's because everyone wants to breed with her men and women she transcends everyone wants to fucking go skinny divvying with danielle brandon she is a fucking she's the best animal in the fucking zoo there she's got it all yeah yeah i mean she's she's a fucking powerhouse she exudes
Starting point is 01:17:58 just everything that you want to be around i mean she's a tribal leader she's the fucking sorry lauren khalil she's the fucking khaleesi um is that a distraction for her to have the commitment to to to continue at this space it seems like her life would just be full of all sorts of fucked up distractions yeah well let me just put it this way i think this is way simpler put okay thank you but i did like the way i painted it you're probably going to say it's simpler, but it was nice the way I painted it. Is this the year that her performance will match her popularity? Because she's, she's,
Starting point is 01:18:34 she's no doubt probably, I would say top five, most popular CrossFit athletes, period. Not, not just for the women. Right. But she hasn't reached that level,
Starting point is 01:18:44 that stratosphere yet as far as performance at the game so will this be the year that they both come together yeah and and for anyone who's gonna be like well she's not the one top five most popular her instagram only has 500 000 or whatever she has here's the thing man she can activate on those people those of us who are on the dbe dbe train like we like her like danielle brandon's like like we like she she's actually cool she's yeah she's cool and she's the underdog and we're watching her process a lot of hard shit in real time like you can tell like she's got fucking baggage and she's managing it like we're rooting for her okay uh yeah yeah if she won that'd be sweet everyone would be pumped if she won
Starting point is 01:19:21 yeah and she has a vicious the potential to win and you're kind of rooting that it actually happens. You hope the pieces come together. That's what we're all saying, right? Yeah. Does she have any massive holes? Her mental game. It is? I think admittedly, so self-admittedly, Ann Kotler said it a couple of times. So she's strong, she's fast. She's endurance. She's explosive.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Like, let's just go there. Vellner. Like, if Vellner wins the swim, he wins the games. I don't think there's an event per se like that for Daniel. But I don't know. Okay. I don't think last year was a good representation of her potential for obvious reasons. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:04 She was working out in a fucking corner the entire time. Yeah. Like for all we know, she could have won it last year. Right. That's, that's my quick take on that. But yeah,
Starting point is 01:20:15 I think she's going to do awesome this year. I think she's going to beat Tia to me. She's, she's not, that's me being a little bit too off the cuff. That's not going to happen. Maybe second or third podium i i think tia toomey will have enough points this year to it'll be like that year matt like had enough points to be on the podium like three times or something i think
Starting point is 01:20:35 i think he's going to do something crazy this year he's going to win every single event yeah like if last year wasn't crazy enough yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be savage is it your last year we don't know um uh no no olsen um i think that there's i i think i i strongly believe that there's more hope for noah to be on the podium or win the crossfit games than i do cole sager but i but i mentioned him and Cole Sager together because they are the two, um, old stallions in the field. And it feels like for some reason that any year could also be Noah's last year. Um, what are your thoughts on Noah Jr? What do we need to see from him this year to, to think that he's going to be a threat, um, for any time to come?
Starting point is 01:21:23 Yeah. You know, for so many years, it seemed like Noah shined brightest at the regionals. He would show up at regionals and win. And last year, a lot of people want to point to Cole beating him, but they forget, you know, within a month of semifinals last year, he had a kidney stone that required a penile catheter for him to walk around wearing he wasn't able to train a lot on the lead up and then after that you know leading up to the games his training wasn't where you would want it right so i actually think this is going to be the year that he kind of reasserts himself yeah as still kind of the top dog one of the top dogs to be and still one of the best in the sport whether or not he wants to continue to do it he's mentioned i think a of times how much fun he's had competing
Starting point is 01:22:07 with like Chandler and Travis at team competitions and how maybe in a couple of years he'll move to the team side. But as far as ability goes, everyone's been nicked up. You know, he's had maybe a little shoulder thing here and there. He went through some huge transformations physically this past off season where he lost, you know, like 20 pounds and he put had maybe a little shoulder thing here and there. He went through some huge transformations physically this past offseason where he lost, you know, like 20 pounds. He put back on a little bit of weight. So I'm interested to see how he's moving and if the recent change in body type kind of affects his performance positively. Seban did not forget about the penile, the kidney stone. He did not forget about it.
Starting point is 01:22:44 But here's the thing. the penile the the kidney stone he did not forget about it but here's the thing i don't know if jr is accurate in his uh description that what he was doing is he was doing the worm in a celebration and he went over the hell told you he didn't forget about it and he damaged the and he damaged the helmet he may have also had kidney stones too but i think the i think the catheter was because he damaged the helmet doing the worm and it's a fascinating story and uh you should go back to my podcast let's do it it's actually uh whoever makes our reels jen if you could make a reel from that that would be great uh of him doing the worm yeah you can or no just just that part you can see the worm somewhere on his instagram you can see him doing it and you can be like oh yeah that
Starting point is 01:23:19 would definitely break the helmet uh yeah that looks like a helmet breaker hashtag helmet breaker um do you think that this so you know what's interesting you say that when i when i had annie on jr we were talking about who could be on a team with her and katrin and bjorgvin carl goodmanson and noah's that guy if noah got on that team i think they might put it to mayhem yeah i think if you're gonna have anybody with a team that can challenge them it's got to be four athletes that could qualify individually and do well we've seen that in the past though they still don't even challenge them the year where there were super teams yeah but katrin and annie and noah and carl carl bjorgvin, Carl Goodmanson?
Starting point is 01:24:06 Yeah, that's what I call him. All right. Well, we got Carl and Dalton coming in hot. No, I don't think anyone's ever beating Mayhem as long as Rich is on the team. But it would be sick. I'm not going to deny that. No pun intended. You're batshit crazy.
Starting point is 01:24:19 No pun intended. All right. Well, we're speaking abstracts here, but I think it would be a good competition. Better than the one this year. I don't think that the Iceland team this year has a shot, but your abstract team has a good shot. I would say much better shot. Thank you. Mr. Hiller, very, very bizarre notes. I don't know what you were doing last night, but the topic here is who would win in a fist fight?
Starting point is 01:24:47 So just imagine Daniel Brandon and Noah Olsen in the warm-up area, and they both walk over to the GHD. And Noah gets there a little bit before Daniel, but Daniel gets on, and Noah rolls his eyes at her. And she says, excuse me? And he says, well, I was here first. And it turns into a shoving match. Who wins that fight between Danielle Brandon and Noah Olsen? Go ahead, Hiller. Can we talk about why that would be interesting first?
Starting point is 01:25:20 Because she's kind of like the you know dominant female presence in the field like you were just saying like everyone wants to talk about danielle brandon and then we had no olsen who's a piece in love but he's also still a specimen of a male and i think that it would just be like i mean maybe it's a wrestler thing and if taylor did you wrestle i know you guys wrestle yeah so when you when you are like when you're weighing in you're always like walking up and you kind of size the guy up next to you and you're like okay what kind of what are you throwing down right there like how do you look is there any sort of is there something about you and it would just put out i i said that in one of my videos once like something that the crossfit field needs is what you brought up at the beginning of the show which was the get the
Starting point is 01:26:02 fuck away from me don't talk to me after the event when I was trying to beat you. Leave me alone, man. And I it's just part of my notes is like there needs to be something like that. Possibly not the Daniel Brandon Olsen. But I think that there would be a pretty good fight between the two of them. Only because Daniel Brandon seems like a fighter and no Olsen does not seem like a fighter. You're crazy. Noah would fucking put her on a spigot and put her over a fire and eat her.
Starting point is 01:26:26 I take Noah is the type of guy who hasn't hit anybody his whole life. And I take Daniel Brandon as the individual who has done a strike or two in her life. I feel like- Or play for Daniel. Or play for Daniel. A little fist fight. A couple of elbows in the freaking face.
Starting point is 01:26:40 I feel like Noah's the guy who giggles as he's giving you a noogie. Like, that's what- So, yeah, you could also see that. He'd just, like, overpower guy who giggles as he's giving you a noogie. Like that's what – So, yeah, you could also see that. He's just like overpower and then he'd be like, come on, leave me alone. Leave me alone. Exactly. I think Tia's way more killer than Danielle instinct-wise.
Starting point is 01:26:57 I would like not want to get into an altercation. So you're saying a better fight would be Tia versus Danielle for the top spot. It's going to be the final day of the competition. It's like washed up. Tia's going to win. She's won every single event. But hey, fight for the victory. I think the only woman in the CrossFit field that would challenge Tia and maybe beat her is that MMA fighter who was at Syndicate this last weekend.
Starting point is 01:27:21 That MMA fighter girl. Frick. You didn't have her on the show. i can't remember her name but she was like seven's over there like who is it she was an mma fighter yeah she's a pro mma fighter turned crossfit athlete i remember i i looked her up yeah uh i i do think this though if tia wanted to get into fighting i think in six months she could like she i think you could turn her into a fighter very very very, very, very quickly. That would be awesome.
Starting point is 01:27:47 I think on the men's field, there's less. Maybe Matt used to be, but I don't know any of the men in this field that I would be like, hmm, they'd be... I would like to take note that everyone in the comments section says that Daniel Brandon would win in a fight, by the way. They have to say that.
Starting point is 01:28:03 They have to say that. Madison McElhinney. Yeah. Madison McElhinney. Madison McElhinney. Yeah, Madison McElhinney. That's her. Yeah, my neighbor. Guys, we are going to wrap this up with one final piece here, and then you guys should all run over and start watching the team events
Starting point is 01:28:18 and check out Angelo and crew, Mr. Parker, Sasha Nevis, and who's the fourth one? Alexis Johnson. Sorry. Sorry, Alexis. Parker, Sasha Nevis. And who's the fourth one? Alexis Johnson. Sorry. Sorry, Alexis. Alexis Johnson. No. Oh, yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:28:31 I'm sorry. Let's finish this with this. Give me your top three men, Hiller, to win to win the week here. Noah Saxon. Oh crap. I, I, if I had to actually give people who I think are going to win,
Starting point is 01:28:51 it would be Cole, Noah Saxon. Cole. And then in that order, in that order, uh, let's go. Saxon,
Starting point is 01:28:59 Cole, Noah, in that order. One, two, three. Saxon, Cole,
Starting point is 01:29:03 Noah. Um, uh, you, uh, Mr. Howell, you, Noah, in that order. One, two, three. Saxon, Cole, Noah. You, Mr. Howell? You. Noah, Saxon, Dallin. Noah, Saxon, Dallin. I like that.
Starting point is 01:29:16 I really like that. But, man, you guys got me so pumped on Saxon. Is Spencer going? You think Spencer's going to the games? Oh, no, no. Is Spencer going? You think Spencer's going to the games? I think he's, I think there are three guys who are fighting for that fifth spot or three guys, three guys that are in the fifth spot conversation. And for me, it's, it's Cole Spencer and Tyler Christoffel.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Oh, okay. So who do you have in your top three? My top three is Saxon, Noah, and Dallin. That was mine. Oh, mine was – Dallin. You're Saxon, Cole, Noah. Correct. I will say this.
Starting point is 01:29:56 No one will be happier than Dallin when he makes it to the games. He is going to be so fucking happy. I just feel it. Did I just, I just, I just feel it. Did we send James Sprague a link? Yes. He's unavailable right now, but he will be available later today and tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Oh, hell yeah. Okay. And then finally, let's do the same. Could you pull up the women? Can you go to the leaderboard, Sousa?
Starting point is 01:30:20 Yes. And finally, JR, top three women. It wasn't up. It wasn't, yeah women it wasn't up I have it on Instagram it's still not working you went to their Instagram
Starting point is 01:30:30 and just pulled up the MAC Instagram and I just pulled up that post of their semifinal athletes do you even know three women who are competing JR this weekend oh yes can you tell me your top three women I'm going to go. I think J.R. Froese.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Danielle Brooke. Can you read that? I don't know the athlete name. Oh, and do you pick Brooke because she's just a winner? I mean, obviously she's an insane athlete. No, no. No, I mean, she's got a ton of experience, which no one really talks about at this level, but especially for some of those females that haven't competed a lot,
Starting point is 01:31:18 just experience can get you 10 spots on some of these people that just go out way too hot on workouts or don't know how to warm up properly or aren't used to warming up and then standing still for 15 minutes. I mean, she's been doing that for forever, but I honestly think that she's proven it from the open to the quarters that she is healthy enough for sure to make it back to the games. I would go Danielle, Brooke, and then Bailey. I'd like to see Brooke and Sarah Sigmund's daughter. Point. No, just when this is all – I just want to see them in a one-on-one, head-to-head competition. Really?
Starting point is 01:31:55 I think Brooke wins. How come? Just because they're both coming back from injury. Just when I heard JR saying that, something he said made me think that. But Brooke's significant it's amazing because brooke went brooke went through a really gnarly injury and she's coming back strong yeah you know danielle's taking some time off here and there because of her back so she's had that lingering back issue oh her too right no uh you didn't you didn't choose um uh well i'll let all of you pick first before i mention it
Starting point is 01:32:27 taylor um who do you have as your top three women he had danielle brooke and and uh who's third sydney oh bailey rail i have the same exact top three for the women okay i'm gonna flip uh bailey Flip Bailey Rail and Brooke Wells. So it's Brandon, Rail, Wells. Okay. I'm going to put Sidney McElishan in there in third. How come no one picked – what's her name? Schwartz. How come no one picked Jessica Schwartz? I know Jessica Schwartz.
Starting point is 01:33:02 She is on my fantasy team. I chose her so that I could get the diversity award for my team this year. I've competed on teams with Jessica Schwartz before. No shit. You were on the same team? Not the CrossFit team, but I've done local competitions with Jessica Schwartz. Her dad owns the affiliate next to me. Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:21 He owns FTX CrossFit. Shalom CrossFit? FTX CrossFit Shalom CrossFit FTX and actually when I reference the best run affiliates he runs one of the best affiliates that I can know of for sure definitely the area this show is a success
Starting point is 01:33:39 I don't know what you're trying to get at with that one huh Savan you got me again this show is a success. J.R. Howell laughed. And with that, guys, we will see you. Sousa, when do we come back on live? We come back on live?
Starting point is 01:33:53 2.50. Pacific Standard Time? Pacific Standard Time, correct. Just after the team event, too. Go enjoy the show. Thanks, everyone, for tuning in. We will see you guys soon. Thanks, guys.

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