The Sevan Podcast - #422 - CrossFit Semifinals | MACC Day 1 Recap

Episode Date: May 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam. We're live. It was a little weird.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Where's James Sprigg? James Sprigg is coming. He is on his way. Stefan, what are you doing over there? Are you getting your swerve on? Pretty much. I'm just chilling. i got tired of this game shit wanting to visit some friends okay guys well welcome here we go the end of uh day one event two right off the bat jr let's start with you is there did anything jump out at you were you surprised by anything let's start with
Starting point is 00:01:02 the teams um no not really i think everything kind kind of panned out the way I saw it. I do defer a little bit to Andrew on some teams. Some of the teams that I know personally seem to do pretty well on the lift. Shoefly was there, did pretty well. Obviously, we know about Mayhem doing well, but I definitely want to get to that event too, which is I know kind of like maybe a hot topic we want to discuss with the possible appeal for the result of workout two. The chest of bars you're talking about, right? Correct. Yeah, those were not very good.
Starting point is 00:01:37 And I mean, my point of view is it's really easy to fix that. Just don't count them, right? And I just don't understand like right and i don't understand i just don't understand like what the judge is doing in that situation where they're letting those things go i mean every single competition has some sort of sync or something and chest to bar is rather common or toes to bar and then all you do is say no no no and then wait wait tell me sorry guys sorry to interrupt andrew i didn't i didn't watch any of the events i just got off that last podcast and just started pouring titos and soda what so so what happened well what's the issue
Starting point is 00:02:10 i'm i'm sensing some hesitancy when i heard jr say um he's gonna defer to hill or i've been like oh shit that means that there's a lot of no reps that need to be called out james good morning what's up gentlemen how we doing james hey james how are you i'm doing all right boys what are we up to today you know we're just about to talk about everything you want to talk about what's up with you let's go well my last five days have been just eating lots of candy and uh and chilling out bro i don't have any choices what what's the candy of choice dude i have a lot of things i go those nerd gummy clusters i do these uh scandinavian swimmers from trader joe's you're gonna need to be careful seven's gonna kill you i was gonna say
Starting point is 00:02:49 dude you pressed it here we can't be screwed around while i'm on the watch here we don't know i know i asked the question and then i nipped it in the butt i was like oh so so hillary we've run off sugar hillary what were those bats about at the last one? You were getting a ton of them. You just started on the team event. What's going on? Yeah, I have a feeling that as we were broadcasting that event, that was what was happening because I needed to backtrack a little bit. So I bet that in that exact moment in time, the – and you know what? I know that's factual because I had a screenshot of it sent to me
Starting point is 00:03:20 so I can go back and look at it. The Robins are in full effect. The Mayhem team and team what was it uh camo athletics crossfit camo athletics crossfit was getting a handful of synchronized chest to bars to count that shouldn't have been counting and at one point in time they stopped and right as they stopped it appeared that the male athlete wasn't unable to do a chest to bar so the judge finally called a no rep, but three or four of the reps previous to those also did not count,
Starting point is 00:03:49 as well as the ensuing two or three reps that they did after the break. And that allowed them to apparently, and you don't really know for sure, but it does appear that they then took the event win over Mayhem Independence. In the grand scheme of things may have independence is still winning they have what they won the first event they took second on that event so does it really matter no but when everyone's watching it it looks really bad savann's raising his hand what's up explain this to me so what you're saying is that they were doing a synchro event and angelo what's the what are the ladies name alexis and
Starting point is 00:04:25 and luke parker their chests weren't touching the bar the independence team the independence team was good to go it was the opposing team that beat them that was having the issues and what does that look like describe that to me what does that look like when you're not synchro in your uh in your chest when you're going synchro the pull-ups look like this and when they're not going synchro it look it endsups look like this. And when they're not going synchro, it ends up looking like this. It's like pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. And it's very easy to see. Yeah. Yeah. I mean the chest, the chest, we're making contact alternating, not even close to synchronized.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Correct. How would you even count those then? Well, that's the issue. They shouldn't have counted. You would think that anybody with eyes would say, no, those don't count. That's the issue at hand. I'm sending you guys a link, and maybe Susan can throw it on the feed, and then Savannah will know exactly what we're talking about. So that will come through eventually. Not if it's going to get us one of those strikes.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Good job. Who ended up winning? They did. The team that was getting the no reps. Everybody got capped. They were capped plus seven with the victory. Mayhem Independence was capped plus eight finishing second. So they got one
Starting point is 00:05:38 more rep over Mayhem probably because they were given those reps that they shouldn't have been given. James, did you see that event? I just watched basically the final female heat and then a couple of the guy seats because I have a bunch of friends and the guys – I don't know if you just saw Nick Thomas. He's going to be sitting like third after day one,
Starting point is 00:05:59 but he's a guy I trained with here at home in Washington, and he's like shocking everyone on day one. It was pretty cool to watch, but I didn't see the teams. Was he in heat two, and he was, like, shocking everyone on day one. It was pretty cool to watch. But I didn't see the teams. Was he in Heat too, and he finished real well in the over-the-squad? Yes. Yeah. He actually just – this is, like, his first year back in four years,
Starting point is 00:06:14 and he kind of has a similar story to Ricky, and he's coming back. He's such a humble dude, and, you know, like, it's really cool to see him back out. I'm super pumped for him. Wait a second. Let me see if I understand what's going on here we were just talking about teams i asked james if he watched him he switched it to the male individual and then told us about one of his friends who got busted for getting juiced up and now he's doing good did i did i follow that right that way basically that's basically wow but that's why this show is number one on all networks, on all ratings.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Nick is a humble killer, man. Nick has come so far. What was the substance? Do you remember? Do you know? Do you know the substance he was caught for? I don't know, but I heard the story, and, man, he's a really good dude, and it's just hard to fathom what happened, but you never know.
Starting point is 00:07:03 What's the public story get him hillar he had a pretty crazy crazy uh girlfriend that kind of no shit oh she spit she spit tented semen semen into his mouth like that girl from berkeley who got busted do you remember her do you remember that yes i That's a great question, but all I know is this man has been putting in work over the last four years, and he has not backed down to adversity, and I'm freaking excited for him. Good. So he's like a B-list Ricky Garrard. We don't know his name, but it could end up being a really good story. Hell yeah. All right, Nick Thomas, right?
Starting point is 00:07:41 Hey, listen to this. Squeaky clean James Sprague is backing this dude up. I give him a pass. I give him a pass. I swear on my everything I've trained with this dude enough to know he's very legit. And he's helped me a lot in my journey too, man. I've competed with him at little competitions the last couple years too. And he's just so strong mentally. It's been cool.
Starting point is 00:08:06 He's rubbed off a lot on me. James, don't let him rub off on you. Don't kiss him or his girlfriend on the list. I'm telling you, buddy. Not too close, not too close. So let's put a bow on this team thing real quick before we move on to the individual. JR, do you think that there is a chance for them to appeal what happened and then Mayhem will end up taking first in that event? The information I'm gathering here on site is saying that there is no way to do that.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Really? Because it would mean that they would go back and essentially take reps away. And then if they did that, I just don't see how they would do it. I'm actually going to make a video on this, but Ben Smith was talking. Yeah, you don't say gonna make a video on this but ben smith was talking yeah i don't you don't say i think they don't fucking everything but the ben smith most recent podcast he was talking about the panchuk thing and it was him and panchuk wandering around trying to get the rope taken care of and they were there at 7 30 in the morning because they were told that they did not show up so the event was at 7 30 a.m and then they the briefing the event
Starting point is 00:09:06 was five hours later so they didn't want to wake up but they were told that they didn't wake up to go to the briefing they would lose the chance to appeal an event and that's something that we've all heard but ben smith makes it rather clear that at no point has there ever been any sort of an appeal that will then be granted to them so like why did they why would they show up and they didn't show up the next day every athlete who's been in a crossfit space who has tried to make an appeal has never been like given any sort of an inch with the exception of like maybe cara web overhead squatting on that 2223 interval i think that there was an adjustment made on that after the event but other than that there's really been nothing yeah i mean i think the same can be said for for online competition the only one i know of specifically is cedric's correct yeah add something to that yeah it's it's
Starting point is 00:09:58 pretty crazy they actually have an appeal process for like how how many scenarios they could change things and they just choose not to. So I'm like, I agree with what Smith and Pancheck did, like not showing up. Like it's like, you're really not going to get anything out of it. You can get like three more hours of sleep and nothing changes.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Right. It's not, I mean, you know what the workout is. It's just down and back, climb the rope. What are you going to miss out on? They're trying to shorten it and they didn't shorten it until this week.
Starting point is 00:10:24 And then they shortened it. Hey, thanks guys. I'd like to just chime in one final thing sorry susan one final thing on this that rope thing and the more and more i think about it that it does not fall on anyone in my opinion other than crossfitting whoever's in charge of crossfitting of the crossfit games is at the end should stand up and man up and be like, hey, this is a workout we told them to do. This is a CrossFit sanctioned event. This is our responsibility. We've been doing these events for years.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And just so you guys know, that's currently where I stand on this 100%. I'm not like, I've thought about it enough. I've heard it up to the sides. That's just my opinion. I wanted to throw that out there. All right. So the appeal process basically doesn't matter to throw that out there. Alright, so the appeal process basically doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I haven't uploaded that clip for you.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Do you want to show that? And at the end of the day, here's the thing too with Mayhem and that team. That's not that team's fault that the judge fucked that up. At the end of the day, the Mayhem team, we've talked about this ad nauseum that at the end of the day, you have to win the event.
Starting point is 00:11:26 You have to beat the judges. You have to beat the other people's judges. Mayhem did what they needed to do, and they're probably still going to win the event. But now they've got a second place on their record. They're no Tia Toomey. Okay. So, no, I won't be able to show that clip because I'd have to convert it and, like, upload it here. So maybe we'll have to circle back around to that later so let's start with the uh women's um the women's individual
Starting point is 00:11:49 event two here uh james any big surprises for you anything jump out at you um just a couple of the the girls that are up and coming from the teenage division um i think shelby o'neill and then rebecca fuse fuse liar i don't know how to say her last name, just a couple of young studs coming up and crushing it. That last event, I think it was a fourth and a fifth place for those two. Faith Ferguson as well, can't leave her out. She's ahead of Daniel Brandon. Yeah, honestly, Brooke Wells coming back off her elbow, story shocking everyone, but two events today
Starting point is 00:12:23 that could have been detrimental on an elbow, but she rose up and crushed yeah jr how big was this event for brook wills coming back we see a lot of overhead work the handstand walk the overhead squat was this kind of a comeback for for her in the sense of getting back with that elbow yeah i mean i don't think there should be any reason to believe that she's not heading into day two with the most confidence she could possibly have going heavy overhead and then holding the bar overhead for let's face it probably two plus minutes of time not counting the time under tension on the hand stand walk she's got to be feeling great about the way her elbows holding up to this point yeah hillar what do you think about that did you uh speaking of the no reps did you catch that
Starting point is 00:13:05 daniel brandon no rep right at the very end with the handstand walk there looking like it may have cost her the event win it cost her the event win but it should have because it was a good call on the judge's end correct yeah so what happened i mean she put her hands in front of the line and the judge called her back and the judge should have called her back that's that's all we're asking for, because that would have happened on the team end of things like we were talking about. It's likely mayhem would have moved ahead, just like Brooke moved ahead of Daniel Brandon here. And it's always I mean, it's the judge's job to call out things and they see things going the wrong way. And I would bet you that Daniel Brandon is not upset about it because she'll look at it and go, oh, yeah, that was the right call. Now, looking at the leaderboard here in the top five with these women, is there anybody that's here now that will not be here at the end of the weekend?
Starting point is 00:13:56 Should we ask James? James, let's start with you. Oh, man. I can't tell. You can never tell anything from day one. You can't tell crap. Obviously, you're looking at who's consistent. That's a good sign. But also, the events tomorrow are completely opposite of the events today. We got no weights tomorrow, no barbell, a really short
Starting point is 00:14:18 one, a really long one, while today's were just a lift and kind of time domain like that 8 to 12 minute um but i i really don't think that you can tell anything yet i think that these two girls in third and fourth are legit and they've come a long way and i would love to see them stay up there yeah especially those two young ones shelby neil and faith ferguson that you were saying there is this going to be their coming out party so to speak it sure It sure could. It sure could. I mean, they haven't really had – I think both these ladies have been at semifinals last year, but I think it was just their intro year, kind of like my year last year. It was like get the feel for it, understand what the comp floor is and feel it out.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And then once you have that confidence under your belt, it's like you can really take off. Yeah. JR? I got a quick question, Susan. Can I jump in there? Absolutely. you can really take off. Yeah. I got a quick question, Susan. Can I jump in there? When you mentioned their names, you mentioned, was it Shelby? And you mentioned another girl. I don't know who it is. And JR kind of pumped his fist. Who was that? And what's the deal with that, JR? Why do you get excited about that second lady?
Starting point is 00:15:21 Well, yeah, I mean, it's just really cool to see girls like Shelby who, you know, have come and do my competition. She won this past year when the thumb took the victory and just getting to know Shelby a little bit over that weekend. She's one of the most humble and just real athletes I've really ever been around. And she actually told me after that competition, she wasn't sure what her plans were as far as this season went. She didn't know she was going to do the Open. She was possibly considering entering the military. So just seeing her decide to compete as fit as she was when I saw her in person, it's just really cool to see her progress.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And who was the other lady? Who was the other lady? Shelby Neal? No, there was Shelby Neal and there was one more. Rebecca at 11. Rebecca Fuschwiller. Do you know her? J.R.? Fuschier?
Starting point is 00:16:09 No, I don't know her. Okay. She has probably the best content I've seen on Instagram. She works – she's at the gym like 14 hours a day and she like – she posts her and her dog are like best friends and they do everything together. I bet they rack in some sponsor money that dogs her main source income. Who is that again, Sprague? What's her name? Number 11, Rebecca. You know, growing up, I knew somebody whose dog had like 50,000 followers on Instagram and they would get money from it and free dog food for other dogs and shit.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Wow. The real thing. That's funny. That's heartwarming. Hiller, anything stand out for you with these top five women here? Yeah, I got to bring this up is that I said that after the first two events, Brooke Wells may be in sixth or seventh, and she's in first. And I knew that was going to be the case watching her do the clean complex.
Starting point is 00:16:56 So I should go ahead and retract that statement saying that she looks totally dominant. She's going to end up doing real well this weekend. Does she come out of that first place spot i don't think so james what do you yeah i mean tomorrow is a completely different story and you know brooke brooke's been just so consistent in a lot of workouts over her career so i don't count her out of anything you don't count her out of the first place spot or you don't count her out of contending uh the contending i you can't say anything's locked up after the first day you're right yeah sydney mickleysh looks like a fucking tank yep she's the future baby she's the
Starting point is 00:17:36 future savon you really like her god i love her she's great. She she she presents herself and performs on the field. There's a I don't know. Symmetry is not the right word. But, yeah, she's she's the real deal. She puts in the hard work. She doesn't have the distractions in her life. You could say you could say she's the James Sprague on the female side. she's the james sprague on the female side and james sprague is a male version of her good-hearted uh uh young human that's really nice i don't know if you'll remember this you actually uh you actually mentioned her name on our last podcast and it was pretty funny i was probably trying to set you guys up yeah that was that was uh that was pretty funny jr what about you one and two here with brooke and
Starting point is 00:18:27 uh sydney's are those spots moving at all in your opinion yeah i think there might be some movement after tomorrow remember the legless rope climb workout is looming and we should all kind of just hold our breath to make sure that none of the ladies i would even say like in the top 10 don't have a major glaring weakness that could kind of shift the leaderboard. I don't really expect it from Brooke or Sydney, but I guarantee you there'll be someone up here towards the top that takes a big hit on that. If history serves, the people we should be looking for to move are possibly the people that finished the highest on the barbell complex or the people who finished the lower on the barb complex in the top 10 so you
Starting point is 00:19:07 see a lot of movement sometimes with that being the lowest placing finish for an athlete or the highest placing finish for an athlete like just thinking about last week at syndicate um you know uh mrs mcclellan um doing really really well day one, day two. And then something just happened day three and she ended up falling back. Yeah. Jerry, you at the event? Were you there? How was it? How was it?
Starting point is 00:19:31 What was it like? How was the attendance looking today? I will say comparatively to all weekend last weekend, there seemed like there were a lot more people here today. And then for a Friday, that just tells me that there's probably going to be a lot more tomorrow and Sunday. Something that I'm not sure you guys could see, talking about Daniel Brandon's no rep, the judges are really, really tight this weekend.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I know last weekend, talking to Jason and some of the guys, the judges were pretty tight on some specific movements, like the wall ball reps, maybe the GHD reps, but on the overhead squats, heats one, two, and three males and females. I mean, lots of athletes getting no rep high, high level athletes, big name athletes. I mean, no name, all of them. Yeah. Hillary, how much of that box that they had to stay in during the overhead squats? How much do you think that that affected them? Because I saw some people where they would power snatch it up and trying to balance that heaviest last bar. They would take a step right out of the box and immediately get no rep or have to have to take a couple steps back. And it seemed like it was throwing off a few of them towards the end.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Are you saying they were power snatching it because they were afraid of squat snatching it and the box would become an issue? Or are you saying that they're getting no reps because the box is too small? Box is too small. I think the box is a good size and i think that that might play into accuracy coordination component of the sport so like not only do you have the overhead squat bar which you know you need to keep yourself in one spot and actually do the overhead squats the way you should but now also you aren't allowed to move around and i remember one of the things that was an issue in early day crossfit was people catching a lift and running around with it
Starting point is 00:21:06 and still having it count where Olympic weightlifters look at it and say, oh, that doesn't count. Like, that's so stupid. That's probably a step in the right direction. And it's also great that the judges are calling it, which, yeah, they are. They're calling a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I had in the comments section, it was like super, super. And I mentioned this last week and it was very steroid-y where everyone's like, these people are all on steroids. I was like, all and i mentioned this last week and it was very steroid where everyone's like these people are all on steroids i was like all right guys just watch the fucking event and then when i clicked on there it seemed as if from the point in time that the team event went on all the way through like heat two of the individual females everyone's like the judges suck the judges suck and i'm like you not see how many no reps are being called
Starting point is 00:21:43 you're so caught on that one instance and it's like that was one judge who made a mistake yes and they shouldn't have done that and it's good that it's being addressed but like once it's addressed and it's out there i'm sure the judge is going to be they're probably going to see it on the internet they'll go fuck i completely ruined everything so they're never going to do it again ever they won't they'll never make that mistake again that's the idea. But where was I going with all this shit? Yeah, the comment section needed to clear up a little bit. So I wonder what's going to happen next week. What's the thing that I'm going to see?
Starting point is 00:22:13 All right, guys, chill out. Yeah, James, were those boxes a factor at all? I mean, we talked about it with the tour tank and trying to stay in your line and how that threw some people off trying to get it back. Was that as much as a factor with these with uh with with the boxes for you um you know there was no event where it was like really tight um the the floor and your lane was pretty big for every event um you know the only one i had an issue with was on the lift like my i came i came off my platform that was just a personal mistake and i like i missed my my last split shirt because my foot slipped off um but i i don't think that like everyone trains that can train in a tighter box or
Starting point is 00:22:50 a tighter space and you shouldn't be moving like like five feet in front five feet in back so it's you know it's not actually that big of a box i think that it shouldn't have like affected too much so before we move on to the men is there anything in the women we want to add here hill are you raising your hand are you just checking the broken elbow this is this is the good elbow oh it's the good elbow yeah this one's the busted elbow i gotta point out this comment where it says this looks like an episode in the future when savan has dementia but still demands a video feed it's pretty good. I know. Oh, that was pretty good. Thank you,
Starting point is 00:23:27 Mike M for that comment there. Okay. Jr. Anything else before we move on to the men here? Anything we want to add anything we didn't cover with these women in the event too. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I think we should probably just stress that Bailey rail that 13th have a feeling is going to by far be her lowest finish of the weekend. Don't be surprised if like, maybe she climbs up into by far be her lowest finish of the weekend don't be surprised if like maybe she climbs up into into two by the end of the weekend is that what you were getting at with the lower end of the lift probably scooting up okay for sure i thought so and danielle as well so we're looking for bailey rail and danielle to start making their climb in day two. All right, so we'll move on to the mid now. Let's start there. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Sorry, sorry. One question. I can't see because I'm on my phone, but what place did Danielle Brandon take in that? Second. The first one? The second workout. Second. Second.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Okay, and that's what we expected, right? She's the handstand walking master whether it's male female she is she's the top of the food chain in that in that movement is that correct yeah it appeared like in that workout where brooke really made her move was on the ghd cycle rate okay and brooke took first because we know it was 270 feet of handstand walks. Is that correct? In total. Yes. Sounds right.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Okay. And what we saw her do at the games was just ridiculous, right? I mean, she basically just ran away from the rest of the field. Yeah, she's good on her hands, that's for sure. That being Daniel Brandy. Yeah, they said that a bunch in the – it was pretty funny. It was like, this girl can run on her hands hands it didn't end up looking like it played that much into it look when i say something about an athlete and i'm asking for affirmation about their movement
Starting point is 00:25:13 and matt suza answers before you howl you sprague or you hillar that means you three are fucking up won't happen again shit guys sav guys. Savant's drunk. He's getting angry. He's getting angry. He's getting angry. If you guys thought Daniel Brandon's handstand walks were fast, you should see Tudor Magda's from last weekend. I don't know if you watched Event 4 from the Syndicate. He can run faster on his hands than a lot of guys can jog on their feet.
Starting point is 00:25:41 It was impressive. It was impressive. Crazy. Do you guys remember Matt Rittay? Mighty Mouse Matt Rittay. Do you remember how fast that motherfucker was on his hands? Savant's missing it. We're finally talking about what he wanted to talk about.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Do you guys think Brooke Wells absolutely destroyed those GHDs because for a while that's all the movement she had to practice? Yeah, likely. She just did like 1,000 a week and now it's nothing for her to practice uh yeah likely she just did like a thousand a week and now it's nothing for her to do 121 minute workout yeah i got that same thing that like you could still do ghgs apparently with uh while you're healing from an elbow injury so i think a guy in mayhem actually did a thousand in a workout and then that was very strong he did 20 a minute for an hour didn't he do that with wall balls too? He did that 1500 or something? Fuck, that one I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:29 That's so nuts. There's an athlete named Lauren Gonzalez who did this crazy month where she would do things like that. It was like 1,000 wall balls, 1,000 thrusters, just things like that. I never understood how. Wow. Yeah, that's nuts. The original person, Jenny Orr back, this is Hiller,
Starting point is 00:26:50 you were still in your dad's scrotum, 2008 or 9, there was a lady on the L1 team. She's still on the L1 team. I think she's a flowmaster now named Jenny Orr. And I remember she would be busting off like a thousand air squats, a thousand wall balls, shit like that. So let that so the next thing needs to be like a thousand deadlifts at 315 colton's on that colton's on that colton's on that colton will be doing that yeah it'll be a daily practice so moving on to the uh to the men here unless you guys had anything else
Starting point is 00:27:20 to add for the women no we're good clear okay so individual men uh james let's start with you your boy second place there oh bro i expected nothing less is that what we expect from a old dalen pepper there is this just just the beginning for him for his weekend i didn't expect his lift to go that well i thought i knew he'd hit 320 but i didn't i didn't know if he had that 325 in him homeboy has been much more consistent. He's not just strong now, so he can do a little bit of everything. He's right behind me and running and in the pool now too, which is really scary.
Starting point is 00:27:55 It's pretty nuts to see his consistency. He tied me in training on workout three, and I did pretty well on workout three at Syndicate. Expect a really good finish from him there tomorrow too um so you know I wouldn't be surprised if Dallin comes out of this with a dub um just knowing how consistent he is and you know he he plays his game so well on the floor it's it's pretty cool that's JR what do you what do you think about that Saxon number one. Dallin Pepper, number two.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Are they just going to be trading blows this whole time? Are they moving out of those spots? Yeah, I think there's probably going to be a little bit of movement. But I don't know. I mean, both of those being top fives to start the weekend is pretty impressive to me. James can probably speak to this a little more. I don't know specifically D um, Dallin's so-called strength and weaknesses. If, is there going to be, um, a workout that he's not really
Starting point is 00:28:50 looking forward to, or perhaps like a damage control workout later in the weekend, based on what I saw at Wadapalooza, it doesn't look like he has any of those kinds of holes. How are his rope climbs? Well, he tied me in that rope climb workout. Like I said, like he, he's really good at that stuff. Like the only one that like, I'm excited to see him get redemption on his workout for, cause it's long cardio aerobic. Like, you know, it's not that he sucked at that stuff in the past,
Starting point is 00:29:14 but he's gotten a lot better at it. Like if you just look at like the quarterfinals where the long workout with the wall balls, shuttle runs, rope climbs, like similar to that, like he, he like was like 10th in that and the quarterfinals like and i'm like dude you should never be getting 10th in that and um so he's he will do well and everything here i watched him test that workout five in training it was insane psycho to watch um yeah i really don't think there's anything slowing him down that's he still has his lock screen as his sixth place from last year, which I did the same thing with mine already.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I was just like, I need to change this. Let me see if I can pull it up. But I'm just like, I need something to get me some fire fuel for next year. So I put that up there. And just like defining moments, he has that stuff on his lock screen. So he's hungry. James, I know we don't have Dallin on here. We should probably ask him himself,
Starting point is 00:30:08 but you hear these stories of someone like Matt Fraser who did a run and took last place, and then all he did for the next year was he joined a high school track team and runs his ass off. Or you hear Miko Stahler locking himself in a closet every morning and just hitting the fucking rower. Or you hear people getting on the assault bike and selling their soul every morning and you train with dallin down there with matt torres and that brute strength crew did you see any of that um uh like almost insane ocd type of shift in dallin like okay i'm gonna build this engine and then the second part to that isn't
Starting point is 00:30:42 that interesting you have dallin who's built who looks like superficially like a tank, a brick shithouse like the Hulk, who's at the top of the heap here. And you have Saxon who looks a little more svelte. I mean, he's still yoked as shit, but, I mean, he's putting up 325. What do you think about those two different body types? But first, what did you see in Dallin's training? What did I see in in dallin's training um what do i see in dallin's training i mean you know he's always trained really hard and and showed up and and and never really you know he doesn't really have bad training days which is insane like i've seen
Starting point is 00:31:14 in the like five years that i've known him and trained with him um obviously we haven't been together every day but i've seen like one or two days where he's like had a really bad day where a lot of competitors like will have like a day every couple of weeks where they're just like shit the bed on everything. And they feel like the world's falling apart. It's because Dallin is so locked in to CrossFit. Like he, this is an example. Like if I ever asked him to come over to my house in Florida, it's like,
Starting point is 00:31:40 nah, dude, I'm comfortable in my house and I recover better here. So he'll never come over. And like, that was a tough thing for me as a friend because i'm like damn he just doesn't want to hang out but i'm then i'm like as a competitor i understand it because i'm like he he only recovers well at his house so i'm like that's that's something like he's just very in this sport to be good now you have to be selfish and you have to like that's why a lot of people like don't want to hang out with crossfitters and um like i tell my girlfriend this all the time like how do you how do you put up with my shit like i'm like this would be so annoying like like me going to bed early and me like skipping dates
Starting point is 00:32:14 to go to the gym like it's like like he does that and he is the how do i say like he's he's the epitome of sacrifice he's dialed in yeah put me a sacrifice he's he's, he's the epitome of sacrifice. He's dialed in. Yeah. Put me a sacrifice. He's, he's really good at just like putting everything else to the side and saying, this is my one focus. And he did that all year this year. J J R. Is there anything else on this? The leaderboard here between Dallin and Saxon that we need to know any surprises that you think will jump out at us from anybody else on this top five?
Starting point is 00:32:43 I mean, just one, maybe not a surprise, just something that really made me raise an eyebrow today during event two. And maybe this is something like we talked about this morning. What does being in the open? What are you guys talking about? Hey. Hey. What sport are we talking about?
Starting point is 00:33:01 Hydroxycut games? Hydroxycut games. Hydroxycut games. What are we we talking about? Hydroxycut games? The Hydroxycut games. Hydroxycut? What are we looking at here? Dave, what do you think about these semifinals so far? What's your take on all this? What's that? What is that?
Starting point is 00:33:15 The events today. Have you been following? Is that the online qualifier? No, this is the semifinal. The mech. Well, good talking to you guys. I had fun. I'm going to give it back to your ringleader. Damn. Nice talking to you.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Thanks, Dave. Do you guys just hang out, Zavon? I had my one. No. No, I don't even know what the fuck he's doing here. Someone call the police. That was cool. See you later, Dave.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Thanks, Zavon. Now, do the same thing with Greg. Just, like, throw your neck thing on Greg. It could be. It could be. It could be any second, actually. Now do the same thing with Greg. Just like throw your neck thing on Greg. It could be. It could be. It could be any second, actually. It could be any second. Okay, I apologize.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I apologize. I defer to my leader. I defer to my leader. Go on. Go on, Sousa. Have at it. Throwing me off here. Okay, so, Hiller, what about you?
Starting point is 00:33:59 Any surprises on this leaderboard? Are we surprised to still see Luis Oscar up there in the top five? You know, I was just going to bring that up, and it'll be interesting to see where he's at after the next one and then after the next one and then after the next one and then when the weekend's over because he finished first and 12th isn't that far off and like if you look at the top times he's right there i mean if he would have taken seventh he'd probably be sitting and he'd be rather close to down if he would have taken seventhth, he'd probably be sitting and he'd be rather close to Dallin if he would have taken 7th. 7th was only 30 seconds away, so he's doing pretty good.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I really like commenting on the comment section because I'm just in there reading them all. Everyone's talking about how Noah's washed up. He took 3rd on the second event, and he just missed a couple of lifts. I don't know why people are all like,ah's washed up no i don't think so i think he's probably gonna finish top five on the rest of the workouts and everyone's gonna you know nobody everyone's gonna eat crow as they say he'll be right there towards the top when it's all said and done jr what's your take i saw some people in the lovely comment section saying noah noah came out too hot do you do you agree with that or do you think that was a good event for him?
Starting point is 00:35:07 No, I mean, definitely looked like a good event for him. I'm pretty sure his 50 GHDs were minute 21. Very, very, very fast. However, you know, obviously he's used to doing them that speed in training. Where I was a little bit surprised was how early he started breaking up the handstand walk. That's kind of where Saxon started making his move. He did the 90 foot unbroken.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Noah went 30, 30, 30 before that barbell. And that's where we kind of saw the end of the workout take shape that last round. James, have you ever done a hundred for time GHG setups? I did.
Starting point is 00:35:43 I think I've done 150 and i it was like i did right around like 33 to 35 a minute i don't remember my time though yeah so you would have been pretty close to a minute 20 dude no that cycle speed no that's rather i i did hear that they standardized the ghd setup this weekend or like the the seat the hip placement on the ghd wait wait explain that to me hillary what do you mean so adrian conway put out a post the other day about and you can go look at people like uh who's the train and think tank female athlete where they're if this is the ghd pad and this is where your hips are supposed to be like it per the level one seminar her hips were not on top of but they were over here on this
Starting point is 00:36:26 pad so that essentially your torso leans over the top of it and it's like you're doing a glorified gh glorified advanced setup and there was a bunch of ruckus about how much easier those are and i would agree that they are easier but the thing that i was trying to tell everybody is that as long as you're touching the ground or the pad and and then you're touching the foot pads, then it's a repetition. But apparently this weekend, they switched this standard where you're not allowed to have your hips on this side of the pad. You have to have them on this side of the pad, but I haven't had more clarification than that thus far, other than you weren't allowed to have your hips over here, arching your body over the top of the bed, which I do think is probably all for the best. James, what do you think of that? Does that make a difference in your training?
Starting point is 00:37:07 How do you train? You can do them both ways and they're both going to tax different muscles. It's like, okay, what's another movement you can row leg dominant, or you can row lat dominant. Like you can change up the way you row and based on what the other movements paired with the workout are. Um, like if you're involved in crossfit and you know what what is coming up at hand in the workout like honestly like it doesn't make the ghd sit up easier it's just going to tax a different part of your body um because i've done both versions it's not like the ghd just gets easier um i think having your knees bent and like that kind of like yeah the more flexion position,
Starting point is 00:37:46 like I don't know how to describe it. It makes it a little bit easier on your core and harder on your legs. So like if you have a combo where you need your core more, like I would do that kind of like knee flexion bent position. And if you have a workout where like you need to save your legs a little bit more and your core doesn't matter, then you can kind of be more extended, but you know, I think it's cool. Whatever they decide to do with it, make a standard. Um, but I do think they've been really tough with the no reps on those GHDs. Like I got, I got like 12, no reps on those GHDs.
Starting point is 00:38:18 What were yours for? Uh, they said my hands were going outside the line of the poles. Um, they said my hands were going outside the line of the poles. That's common, yeah. Yeah. And I looked back at the video and some of them that I know repped, they were inside the poles. And then some of the reps they gave me that were good were outside of the poles. So it was just inconsistent.
Starting point is 00:38:40 And like, Hilbert, I sent you a video of my friend Dex's muscle-ups where he was just completely all down. Yeah, that was bad. Dex Hopkins. Yeah. And it's just,'s just man it's never gonna get better until i feel like they start paying the judges i don't know but it's just it's ever since i've been in a sport it's only i've been in a sport for a short time it's just hasn't been consistent yeah jr what do you think about that with the ghd any opinion you
Starting point is 00:39:01 think it's a good call yeah i mean i just wish they would make it the same for all levels of CrossFit competition. So whether they do it in quarterfinals, semifinals of the games last year at the games, they told us if you could envision imaginary point at the top most part of the pad, you had to be sitting behind that line. And that's the only way you can do it. And ours were ball ghd sit-ups so you know it i know they told jason the same thing at the game so i just wish they would do that at all levels just consistency um looking at the leaderboard here tyler christophal what are we thinking is this is he going to make his move tomorrow um do we like him in the fourth place there are we surprised by this i think if he has all top sevens he's going to qualify you know if he if seventh is his lowest finish then i don't i don't see where the guys
Starting point is 00:39:50 you know behind him are going to win multiple events and i don't see that the guys you know in in front of him are going to do anything to to change that yeah i actually go ahead james the math oh sorry go for it matt no no you go you go you did the math i was doing the math last year um kind of like a brian fred analysis it was uh of all the semis like what did you have to take on average in each workout and it was something like 8.5 so you could take an eighth in each workout and still at all semis this was for every semi um that had took five people so the europe and the um the north America, and you could take 8.5. So if you're an eighth, you were great.
Starting point is 00:40:30 So you're saying he's still got a chance. James, James, James, this is your first time on the show and you don't do anything like Brian. So pipe down with that. I'm not Brian. This is my second time. Savan, did you get our memory? Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. I have dementia. I have dementia. I'm so sorry. This is my second time, Savan. Did you get our memory? Yeah, yeah. Sorry. I have dementia.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I have dementia. I'm so sorry. This is your second time. I apologize. Compare yourself to Brian all you want. My bad. I retract that. Save your phone number, man. When you texted me, I was like, who's this hillbilly in my... You asked. This hillbilly. You saw the California area code
Starting point is 00:41:04 and you panicked.'re like what the fuck the commies are coming 805 is california yes yes i thought that was a scammer man i've been getting too many scam calls i've won like 20 free cruises so far man jr using your uh lifting analysis spencer's on the way up too so like he finished 16th in the lift and then fourth on the midline workout. So is he going to be one of those people who's going to inch his way up? Yeah, I mean, honestly, honestly, I look at seven, eight, nine and 10
Starting point is 00:41:33 because Jake Berman. Yeah, I look at, I look at, I look at seven, eight, nine, 10 and I look at those finishes from 11th to 19th and knowing what's coming for the rest of the weekend. I think all those guys have a big potential to climb. You know, I don't know Nick Thomas, like James does.
Starting point is 00:41:51 I know he's vouching for his fitness and everything. Um, and obviously I don't know Louise very well at all, but I do expect those guys from, from seven to 10 to climb. Do you guys think, uh, Louise will be Matt's Matt's new guy. Did you guys hear him over the commentary where he had skipped class to come and train with him? And he was kind of catching some attention by Mr. Frazier there. James, what do you think? Do you think he's going to take him under the wing?
Starting point is 00:42:12 I don't think Matt has time for any more people. I was at dinner with him on Sunday night, and this guy is so busy. It's crazy. But he still makes time for everything he loves. It's crazy. But he still makes time for everything he loves. I would be surprised to see him take any more people, like, under his wing that he, like, trains in at his home or, like, has even remotely close to him.
Starting point is 00:42:34 But, you know, it could be. It would be in his best interest to keep picking up these young guys and build HWPO for the future. But if he were to pick someone up i think next on his list is uh tutor magda i think he strictly uh recruits out of james townsend's gym oh my gosh okay they actually i think they got along james townsend and matt frazier right i saw they did they had a little talk someone sent me photos but hey man tutor tutor that that kid, man.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Hey, you know, I trained with him. I started CrossFit with him here in Issaquah, Washington. And the first thing I ever saw him do was 100 ring muscle-ups when he was, like, 12 years old. And I thought he was, like, superhuman. Oh, my goodness. Yes, yes. Nuts. And he's that strong, huh?
Starting point is 00:43:24 I didn't know he could do that, but I knew he was strong. He snatched 300 like two years ago. I remember. Oh, yeah. And like we've just – he's like one of my best friends. The kid is awesome. And he's like calling me after this competition. He's like, what is an agent?
Starting point is 00:43:39 What do I do these for? And I'm like, trust me, you need an agent, bro. You're going to the CrossFit Games. And it was really cute because he's like so clueless about all this i'm like dude you're big time now let's go jr were there a lot of other athletes that had competed last weekend that were there this weekend like did you see scott pancheck floating around was he there with a pair of like hedge trimmers to get the ropes just in case uh anything was going to miss this weekend yeah i did see him in the vip but i saw a lot of athletes i saw saw Christine Kohlenbrander. I saw obviously Tia's here. Yeah, there's a lot of athletes that competed last weekend. And Tia's already back in the United States. Correct. That's quick. What do
Starting point is 00:44:16 you think they're doing there? What are they doing there? They got athletes there. They just like to hang out, intimidate the other ones going through competition. Yeah mean i think tia's even told us that her and brooke's relationship is pretty special they have a pretty close bond and obviously they're training partners so you got john colty you've got brooke i mean you've got um saxon so you've got really all of her daily training partners i think it's cool that she wants to show up and support them yeah hillary what do you think about that is that too much pressure on them too much pressure on who the The athletes. They got everybody else walking around.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Oh, no. I think they spent a little bit too much. So, like, similar to last week, how we were talking about how they spent too much time panning the crowd and not watching the athletes. You got Rich Froning breathing down your neck while you're over there. You know you're the third team. They want to go three teams to the game.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Oh, no. I don't know. I think that i think that the pressure would almost be in showing up every day keeping up with the mayhem team every single day i think that they're almost just used to it at this point like there is basically working out somewhere else with broding still breathing down their necks but what i was bringing up right there is that they showed tia for half the event sitting in the crowd with Shane while everyone else is working out. They have two cameras, right?
Starting point is 00:45:27 One of them was showing Brooke and the other one just showing Tia standing there laughing the entire time. They got to get their money, dude, because those are the views. Yeah, they got to get their money. Everyone's got to get their money. Got to get those visuals. James, what's that? I was impressed. I was impressed.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Sorry to interrupt. I was impressed. At one point, I clicked on the men's heat, and there were 24,000, 25,000 live viewers. What was the highest number of viewers you guys saw? Did you guys ever look at that metric? 21. So you beat me. Yeah, I saw 24,000, 24,500, I think.
Starting point is 00:45:57 At which rate? Do you just think it's fake? Do you think it's conflated? Do you think people are just kind of – they're paying for their viewers? No, no. I think YouTube is actually one of the only honest ones i think yeah yeah okay james what's that mean for you when you're competing to have to have everybody in your corner oh man yeah i couldn't do without my people i think that uh my dad's been at literally every competition with me so it's like
Starting point is 00:46:19 when i hear i don't hear much while i'm competing besides his voice, which is like, I can pick out his voice in the stands. And that's like about it. But I think that like at this level now, you need people who understand what you're doing and will respect your downtime and just keep you grounded when you're going through emotional highs or emotional lows. going through emotional highs or emotional lows like it's it's it's pretty big time in the sport just knowing like you have people to fall back on and hold your bags or um feet make your food or or put you to bed like a mama who knows but um Susan I think it's a double-edged sword I think on one hand James is uh extremely fortunate to have one of the sounds like one of the greatest and just from the little bit i know fathers who's who's walked on this planet just seen the relationship from the little bit that i've gleaned is is amazing and and and i hope to have that with
Starting point is 00:47:18 my sons but on the other hand the pressure on james no matter how much he says it's not there to please his dad is, uh, it's, it's crazy, right? I mean, it's, it's like, uh, no matter, he, he could say he's doing it all for himself. He could say it doesn't affect him, but at the end of the day, if James ever stands on that podium at the CrossFit games, he's going to just walk right off and hand that medal to his dad. And, uh, it's a, it's a double-edged off and hand that medal to his dad. And it's a double-edged sword, I think. What do you think, James? You know, me and my dad have such a competitive spirit with each other that it's like, he's just like, he's been to three CrossFit Games now, and I've been to two. And he's like, my goals always stay one ahead of you. And he's
Starting point is 00:48:01 like, I always want to have a lift that's stronger than you so he's been like doing like 20 rep maxes on every lift lately and he's like you think you could hit this thing you do this and it's i just love the competitive spirit that we have because it drives me it's just another extrinsic thing that drives me to be better and um he's the one who showed me the sport too and like got me introduced into this and got me hooked and you know uh showed me how to find pukey the clown um who was you know it was weird seeing that guy at uh the the competition i didn't even know that existed but um having having oh shit really really you didn't you didn't know pukey existed until this year no i had no clue and it was this actually after my fifth event was the first time i've really thrown up truly from anything crossfit
Starting point is 00:48:45 so it's kind of ironic oh that was hey hey this is this is wild here this is gonna be a whole another show but that is basically what's happened to crossfit do you see that yep yeah right right oh it mess you up remember and it had like yeah that was all that was all crossfit mess you up remember and it had like yeah that was all that was all crossfit was throw up don't get rap though and uh and uh and and salute your soldier man we've it's a whole nother show incredible jr anything else jump out of you on this leaderboard here um before we kind of transition talk a little bit about the event tomorrow for the guys cole s Sager's lift, man. That was nuts. I didn't think he'd get over 300, 300. Dude, I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:49:29 He's dude. He's not as strong. Like he's not as strong at the huge lifts. Like as you would think, doesn't he kind of surprise you every single time he does it to the point where it's like, all right, you expect a little more than 300.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Oh, I don't know. JR, what do you think? Like Cole Sager there in that spot were you surprised by that i think jr is frozen i mean if you look at the wata palooza if you remember wata palooza he almost took like dead last with me in that lifting complex it was like cleans and jerks yeah that was the worst workout of all time you're talking about that that clean
Starting point is 00:50:02 and jerk madness right it was like seven reps five reps three reps for the death yeah and like the yeah only like the the biggest baddest motherfuckers on the planet made their way through it uh-huh what do you guys think you think we'll see two panchecks uh on the uh podium by the end of this weekend here jr are you back with us i i depend it depends i mean of course everything freaking depends but i i would think that spencer still isn't going to find his way in there because i think there's going to be a couple other names that are going to filter their way into the top five they'll totally finish it in like the last qualifier if i were to give it a percentage i'd say 25 chances in's in the top 5 75 chance he's in the six and seven spot james what about you you got an opinion on them uh i think saxon's for sure got it i think spencer
Starting point is 00:50:51 is he was in the the last chance qualifier last year and um you know he doesn't want to be there again obviously it's not a not the best spot to be but also it's another fighting chance um this field's really good it's really good good, and especially with all the, like, the gymnastic-y things that are coming up, you have to see that it's not – from here on out, it's not really heavyweights. It's who can move a lighter barbell, who can move well in free space with gymnastic stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Yeah, I don't – I can't tell. Like I said, day one, it's weird. Do you – James, is a younger athlete, kind of have this thing where you want to take down the older athletes? Oh, it's like, it's like you're on a team now with Spencer. I mean, Spencer's 26. He's got a couple of years on you. I thought he was younger. I really enjoyed beating Jason Hopper and everything.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Cause he has this football mentality of like, like, I'm going to crush this fool he's nothing and then he'll look over at you every rep like it's like like when you're doing ghgs it's one rep over one rep over and you're just like bro you're taking away seconds from your workout um and he's like one of my good friends i love jason he's so you don't think crazier's telling him to knock that shit off like stop looking at spring at spring. I don't know. But, yeah, it's pretty fun, like, getting to push with him because, like, I just – he was one of the guys I looked up to most last year and, like, being like, oh, I'm out next to him. And same with Justin.
Starting point is 00:52:14 It was pretty dang cool. And now that I, like – I don't have, like, this fanboy mentality anymore. It's more just, like, I want to crush them. So you got the hit list at home. You said there were some athletes more than others there. Do you list them out? Are they, are you thinking about them and crossing them off the list?
Starting point is 00:52:29 I think I think about them more at night, but you know, it doesn't matter if I beat Jason in four workouts, cause I got to get strong and consistent. Like that's why I keep saying it's not over till it's over. Cause I had like a 55 point lead and then home, like it's gone. You're taken out by an old guy.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Yep. Well, more, that's why he wants to take them all out it's like a billy madison hit list you know that's have you seen billy madison i have i have you know the lipstick guy yeah savannah's like stop it with the movies okay so tomorrow we got event uh what do we got number three the legless road climb event. Let me bring it up. On the women's side. What's that workout look like? I don't know what that workout is.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Yeah, right, right. There hasn't been enough discussion. We haven't seen it enough yet. So who do we think on the women's side? Hiller, who do you got for this? Who's winning this event? Bailey Rail. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:20 And why do you like her? Because she did really well at the – she's got a history of doing well at polling events, and the one that really sticks in my head is the pegboard event in 20 2019 i believe it was it was like the 10 round workout with the pegboard the double unders and is it 21 okay 21 yeah so yeah she did real well at that workout did the upper body pulling that she's got she's lighter she's really good at muscle-ups. She's my pick. Did you see the semifinal in Africa?
Starting point is 00:53:58 The top time for the guys was like 20 seconds slower than the top time at the syndicate. Wait, wait, wait. There's a semifinal in Africa? They didn't even cover the swim workout. I wanted to see it. They didn't have a leaderboard of the fittest in Cape Town. It's still not rocking. The leaderboard's still gone.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Wait, wait, wait. It got updated. I saw it. It's up now? Yeah. Oh, it is up now. What are the odds there's someone watching this right now that's like, these motherfuckers haven't talked about Cape Town yet? Okay, well, let's take a
Starting point is 00:54:25 look at that here so we can talk about the two well jason smith who wins every year is winning and he's 38 he's been winning it every year forever and in the women it's probably uh all bez and that's not in first michelle bez and a what is that other flag there's two oh there's a third flag there Is there different parts of South Africa? No, just different countries on the continent. I'm sure it's just other countries on the continent. Gotcha. So anything notable out of this?
Starting point is 00:54:53 Hey, wait, wait. Sorry, sorry. Before we jump there to Africa, what was this? Can we talk about the second workout real quick? Did you talk about that, Sousa? It's the rope climb, and then what was the second workout tomorrow? I'm going to bring it up. The Mac Mile.
Starting point is 00:55:08 They're doing that long one. It's running, torque tank, sandbag cleans, torque tank, chest-to-bar, wall balls, everything. Yeah. And what's the time limit on that? It's 25 minutes. Okay. All right. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Sorry, Susan, to derail you. No, you're good. They won't? It's a 25 minute. Okay. All right. Sorry. Sorry. They won't. There will be a, my guess is eight guys that finish it. Hey, tell us about the torque tank. Is the torque tank just complete horse shit? I'm like so anti torque tank. It was, it was good for my event because it, the way they had it, it taxed your lockout. So you had to be locked out into the thing. And then with doing double dumbbell snatch and a doubles press, it really was hard. So it was more upper body than a… But, James, it's a competition, and we never see anyone pass anyone with the torque tank. So if you're doing muscle-ups, we see a pass. If we see a run, we see a pass.
Starting point is 00:56:00 If we see… We never see a pass on the torque tank. And so I'm like, this is a training tool, not a competition tool. I think that they make it way like the, obviously the distance for the torque this year was way more than the torques for last year's events. Um, so they, maybe, maybe the programmers and the, the parameters for CrossFit were like, in order to see a more of a change, we need to program it for longer. And, you know, it did affect like people slowed down with the, we need to program it for longer. And, you know, it did affect, like people slowed down.
Starting point is 00:56:26 We had to push it like 400 feet for ours. How much volume is this? 700? No, they're at a total of 160 times 4. 720? 640. 640. Yeah, so that's more than mine.
Starting point is 00:56:40 You're going to see a separation on that. I guarantee it. No, but no one passes anyone on the torque tank is what I'm saying. It's because it's going to be like a five-second at most deviation for 80 feet, like between every guy. You're right. So it's just not worth it. It's just not worth it to go hard there at any point.
Starting point is 00:56:57 What if I told you, James, hey, the torque tank is ridiculous. Just use a real sled where people are rewarded based on how much effort they put into it. Yes, I think that'd be beautiful. You know, the granite games too. You just lost your torque tank sponsor for all of Root Strength. I'm sorry. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Well, Emma already got us one of those, so we're okay. Oh, okay. I'm not the one who pulls in the sponsors. I'm the broke one. Jared, what do you think about this event? Yeah, so when I look at this event, although I do agree with Sevan and everyone else that I don't think you're going to win or lose on the tank itself, what I do think is going to happen, though, is the transitions in and out of the tank are going to be crucial.
Starting point is 00:57:46 out of the tank are going to be crucial. So going from finishing the tank to the first clean, and then going from the 10th clean immediately onto the sled and back onto the runner are going to be the most important transitions in the workout. I don't think you're going to see a ton of separation on the 30 wall bars or 20 chest to bars. This also isn't a running workout either. Like there's running in it, but it's, it's 25 minutes. And the 1600 meters of the workout is like, what is it? That's like one, one fourth, the workout. Right. What is it then? What is it? It's a, what I want to see if you think about the transition times. It's, it's all about the transition times. Okay. So, so you and JR agree on that. Can you, JR starting with you and then move to james what what does a bad transition look like and what does a good transition look like specifically
Starting point is 00:58:30 okay so let's say you start pushing the tank after the chest of our pull-up and you cross the yellow line do you immediately put your hands on the bag and get your first second and maybe third clean before you take a breath or do you push the stand up, tighten your belt or put your belt on, chalk up your hands, and then get it clean? Yeah, agreed. Or like James would do, James would run over and get a hug from his dad. In the middle of an event. Anything that's an excuse to rest.
Starting point is 00:59:02 So true. Yeah, this is, I honestly honestly i can't tell if i'd rather do this one or the one from the syndicate they're the 10 to 50 the skiing with karen or this one they're both gross but this one is more you can find places to to kind of rest and recover like i know it's like like wall balls for some guys are pretty hard and and running is pretty hard but you don't have to push the runner crazy hard here. You don't have to go crazy on the pace with the tank because it's a stupid reward if you push harder.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Yeah, it's really just keep moving. There's not going to be guys dying so bad at the finish line is what I'm thinking. So, Hiller, with it coming down to the transitions, and I'm assuming you also agree with that as well, is this going to make for a tighter workout at the finish line? Or will we see some big separation in the rounds two and three? On workouts like this, I think that they're rather capacity-based. So, if you were to throw someone like James in there, I think he's going to come out on top.
Starting point is 01:00:05 based so if you were to throw someone like james in there i think he's gonna come out on top because when i look at someone like james i think he's got a pretty high capacity uh and i think that yes the transitions are important but i think that it's going to be a combo of who is able to kind of knock out the chest bar pull-ups the quickest while getting onto the runner and maintaining a decent running pace and then of course moving the sandbag at a better clip than other people are going to be moving it. The 10 sandbag to shoulder every single round can look very different for a bunch of different people. And someone like James,
Starting point is 01:00:36 I could see him moving it much better than some other people. There will be a lot of touch and goes with that sandbag too, on this. I could see people doing like a six and a four or a five and a five. it's not it's not like you have to do singles i mean it's a 150 bag for some guys is kind of light and for some guys it's not light at all exactly so i think that that's going to be eating up a lot of a couple more people than we think what do we think looking at the women in this event here jr do you JR, do you have a favorite for this? Who are you looking at and thinking, we'll run away with this event? Well, I mean, based off the fact that I do think there's going to be more separation
Starting point is 01:01:12 than you think in that tank, sandbag tank. I really like watching Danielle last year. It's a completely different workout, very fast power output workout. But the way that she went touch and go with the D-ball was pretty impressive. I think for most of these women, you're going to see a lot more touch and go technique than you see with the men. So that being said, as long as Danielle doesn't blow up on the run, I really like her to kind of grind, head down and grind on this one. We haven't talked about the true form, not being the assault runner either. It's a different runner.
Starting point is 01:01:44 It's very slightly different different but it has a different is it harder than they saw a runner what do you mean by different what is i remember when a salt came out everyone was talking about how it was lighting up their hamstrings and the true form runners is a different feel to it and i always wonder like how many athletes have gone completely a salt runner and will not have very much true form experience because they're like same same but different james you do you know about have you used true form versus assault do you notice the difference yeah the only time i used the true form was at sam quants garage and uh i basically run this 400 meter thinking it's a 400 meter but it was like a it was 400 feet and
Starting point is 01:02:21 i thought i like set a world record on it i'm the best runner in the world yeah that's the only experience i have on it i haven't been on it much i don't run a lot in my training for a good reason because i'm weak as shit um and good at running but uh yeah we'll see how it affects them so jr i got a question for you a little off topic here totally off the record since I think no one's listening anymore give us your true opinion on this JR would Taylor have qualified last week
Starting point is 01:02:55 if he would have been healthy yes 100% so the thumb if it wasn't for his injury would be going to the games this year correct what about you guys you agree Daniel Brandon for this as well If it wasn't for his injury, he would be going to the games this year. Correct. All right. All right. What about you guys?
Starting point is 01:03:09 You agree Daniel Brandon for this as well? Hiller? Oh, who do I think is going to take this out of the females? Who do you think? Who said Daniel Brandon? JR. JR said Daniel Brandon. You know what? I'll go with Sylvain.
Starting point is 01:03:23 I'll go with Sydney. James, how about you? I don't know the woman well enough to know who's going to do well on this, but I know that if there's like the grittier, the better on this. That's all I know. I know the men's pretty well. I think that Sager and Pepper will be up there fighting for the top two spots here. Sydney looks like an angry motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:03:45 She looks like she's gritty. Is that what you picture for her? You think she's got the grit for this one? I'm just trying to piggyback off of what James just said, that someone gritty. She hasn't looked very happy since when I've seen her. That's a good thing sometimes. Turn on that evil face.
Starting point is 01:04:01 JR, what about for the men's side of things for this event? Who are you looking at um i wish there was someone in the field that's like i see and i just think of as like a runner like a long endurance athlete um but i'm actually going to go on a limb and say that spencer panchuk performs really well on this me too me too yep that too. Yep. That's exactly. I'm going out on that too. That's exactly what I'm doing. Spencer too. I just think he knows the urgency is there to make his move and to climb back up closer to the fifth.
Starting point is 01:04:31 And he's not going to wait until day three. You know, I think he'll do well in the legless workout. And then I think he'll go out and perform well on this one. I pick Cole Sager. Sager. Yep. Why?
Starting point is 01:04:44 What do you think about that? He's a fucking monster at running. He's a great runner. And the sandbag isn't going to be an issue for him, and he's trying to get back to the games. You know how they have mayhem workouts that are like, if you think of mayhem, you're like, GHDs, handstand walks, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:05:01 When you think of comm training, you think of these movements. So you think he's just more well-versed in this particular event. It's just his event. It's his event to lose. Yep, I think so. I think Saxton goes right to the finish line and then stops and goes over and helps Spencer cross, and then Saxton crosses right after.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Helps and pushes Torque Tank. I wonder if the tank rules against that. Helping your opponents to across the finish line? Yeah. Go and sit on theirs to make it harder. Right. I bet there would be some sort of appeal process that wouldn't be followed through, so they couldn't do anything.
Starting point is 01:05:37 They would just have to let it go. Jason Hopper tried to appeal one of my events and try and get one of my scores uh taken uh pushed back because he was mad i beat him is that is that your story is that your story yeah i think the story is i actually i think the story is that jason and james had a gentleman's wager before a workout whoever one owed the other one the other one owed money james was under the impression that jason beat him jason told him that he beat him but in fact he did not so james sent jason money this was a lot of loser it should have been the other way around is that true james is that very true yeah he came up to me after and
Starting point is 01:06:18 he's like he's like here's my venmo i was like oh shit okay it was it was late at night we competed like 10 30 i'm just focused on like going out having a good time i'm moving to florida the next day so i'm like i'll send him his money then i accidentally sent him more too so i sent him a 50 additional dollars and he's like i'm not going to send it back and i was like no way you better send me that money and it was it wasn't a big amount but it was pretty funny so can you imagine being conned by Hopper? Holy shit, James. You can never tell that story again. That's why he was staring him down at that last event and wanted that win.
Starting point is 01:06:51 That's why he's on the top of the hit list there. Yeah. It doesn't matter. I could beat him in four out of six, and he still got second, and I got sixth. He's consistent. So looking at the event, we already talked about it for the women. It was pretty much a unanimous Bailey Rail. I think, JR, that's right, when your internet connection started to go out.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Women here, is anybody, who do you got for this event? Are you on the Bailey Rail train too as well for this one? I like that pick, yeah. Just, you know, Mayhem does legless once or twice a week for sure. So that's the second time I think you guys have noticed. So are we thinking these training camps in the way that it's programmed, it makes that big of a, big of a difference between the two. Like, shouldn't they all just be training all well-rounded, but yet this event is a little bit better for mayhem.
Starting point is 01:07:33 The last event was maybe a little bit better for people in comm train. Jared, what's your feelings on that? Like, is it just. Yeah. I mean, I, yeah. I mean, I think every training camp probably has a little bit of their bias. You know, some really, really, really like to do heavy machine work, whether they do it at the end of a long session with like a Z2 with one machine or whether they do like 30 or 40 minute EMOMs on multiple machines. And then you have others that like to train skill work, not under fatigue, just to accumulate volume. You have other camps that like to train skills under fatigue. So, yeah, I mean, I think that they're all going to have their own flavor.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Who do we got for second on this? We're all unanimous Bailey Rail, but we got to get somebody else in this mix. Do we really get someone to say? Okay, for second place on the regional workout from 2014, I am going to go with Jessica Schwartz. Damnartz damn no i've seen her do rope climbs i can't pick jessica schwartz i i still i spoke earlier about how she was on our team she she does that kip thing immediately she's gonna see this and be like you motherfucker how dare you say that about me good things about me but hey you do do that kip thing uh i will pick daniel
Starting point is 01:08:43 brandon for a second it It'll go Rail Brandon. Which is, you know, really going out there, Andrew. Yeah, I know. Who we got on the guy side for this? Just so you know, I hear all of that. What?
Starting point is 01:08:59 Because I listen. I just can't have it. Rail Brandon. Like I hear everything. I hear everything i'm just it's i'm from a tortured soul rail brandon okay go on r-a-i-l and then the dude's name right brandon yeah i don't care i'm just telling you i'm a listener i'm a good listener james you got your boy on this one dallin uh yeah i got i got my boy on this but then also there could be some guy we're not this is an event that some guy that we have no clue could do well could come do well um so you
Starting point is 01:09:31 really can't guess here so it could be the same for the not as same for the woman but all guys 10 leg rope climb at this level is gonna affect them pretty similarly as it just comes down it's an execution workout not really James I have a question for you how in the hell did you avoid the rope on the floor oh man it's it's as easy as if you need to go slower go slower if you're worried about it like go slower you heard it here first guys look out for the rope and did we get confirmed are the ropes cut now did that they are cut yes did they use scissors like you hillary uh no they're not as high tech as i am oh god they're still over here somewhere yeah there they are i still have them jr who are you looking at on the men's side for this event who do you got i actually think saxon
Starting point is 01:10:16 is probably going to win this one saxon for this why is that i've just seen him on a lot of work climb workouts i actually wanted to pick sp, but I already thought he was going to be a good one. Redemption for his brother. Well, you were talking about before if they're pretty low on event one, relatively speaking, that this most likely might be a better event for them. So wouldn't Spencer kind of categorize underneath that there because he did get 16th in the first event? Yeah, I think he would. And actually seeing him at Wadapalooza um james correct me if i'm wrong
Starting point is 01:10:45 but didn't he win the uh bayside chipper at guadalupalooza that had the rope climbs with legs uh that was velner and then it was perrone and me okay yeah but that was uh that was uh i don't even know how to describe that workout that was a shit show with those stepovers didn't come down to those yeah i was just thinking specifically about the road climbs yeah as they were oh for sure for sure so i feel you the volume here you know it's for for this workout you just have to be if you're in a good spot like in round eight just be more conservative in rounds nine and ten like people for the guys it's like can you finish the workout it's not like oh starting the workout's gonna be hard everyone's gonna be fine through round six like for the guys at least but yeah was that even hard for you uh it was a good point yeah so you could say it wasn't hard you also just said that
Starting point is 01:11:38 you slowed down and took what second i i slowed down on that last rope climb because i was afraid of the same thing happening at West coast to me the year before where I got, I hit barely and they called a no rep and I couldn't get back up. So I was just like, dude, get a good rep on your belt. Who cares if you take second rather than first,
Starting point is 01:11:55 like that's still a great placing. Yeah. Cause a misrep on that event, you're done, right? Like if you have to go back up that rope a second time, you're pretty much being lapped at that point. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Yeah, for sure. Hiller, who do you got for this? Were you also saying Saxon? On the men's side? I like Noah. Noah for this one. Noah's short, really. Yeah, I just think that Noah, he has to, you know. I really like Cole.
Starting point is 01:12:20 So I would say Cole, and then because you made me take a second place on the last one, I would take Noah for second. Those are going to go Cole, then Noah. And then Saxon Panczyk is going to take 10th. So Noah really has to make his move tomorrow if he is going to get back himself up. No, I don't think he's got to make a move.
Starting point is 01:12:37 I just think he has to keep on taking third, which I guess you could classify as making a move. He could, by the eight and a half theory, he could probably take fifth or sixth the rest of the weekend and be fine too. And even now, JR, what are you thinking about Noah? Is he going to make that move tomorrow or do you think he'll just stay consistent
Starting point is 01:12:54 and finish on top at the end of the weekend? I actually think he's going to make a big move on Sunday. I like his ability to do the toes to bar and the dumbbell snatches, possibly unbroken with the 70. And I think he's going to do really well on the final with all the muscle ups, um, and the lunges, um, going back to the legless workout we talked about this morning. And I think I mentioned about Cole seemingly always punching his ticket to the games back
Starting point is 01:13:21 in the day on the legless rope climb workout, maybe with thrust. Yeah. That's why I choose Cole. Yeah, so that's a great call with Cole. And he's just really athletic. He's been doing shuttle runs his whole life. I do expect him to be able to cover maybe a little bit more ground on the jump on the legless and to actually get into pulls every time.
Starting point is 01:13:41 So, yeah, I think Cole's a really good call for that one. Did you guys see the picture that uh greg sent us you see that is that the hundred pounds was that the hundred pounds of lobster and some lobsters so anything else before we wrap this up i don't know if you guys even want to touch the uh should we just scan over the um fittest in cape town leaderboard real quick i mean really there's only two athletes to watch uh that's awfully rude you're gonna get canceled for saying that comments that are made so starting with the women we already talked about it briefly here um we have double michelle for one and two at the top there uh double michelle do we see this changing or moving at all yeah i'm
Starting point is 01:14:26 gonna choose michelle beznett because i know the name and i have a feeling that she'll finish over michelle who i don't know they are what about you what are you feeling yeah i'll go with that she's a crucible alum she was on the podium year one at at crash so i'll stick with her james any thoughts on the females at the fitness in cape town i have no clue i've never i've never really watched any of them so you're under the uh matt burns here skip them yep yep jason smith is gonna win and then he's not gonna do so hot of the games because that's usually how it works 38 year old is still winning over in uh his former regional now semi-final he's 38 wow that's impressive yeah that is that is are you 21 no i'm 20 i just turned 20 last week so he's 18 years older than you he is a whole legal child older
Starting point is 01:15:19 than you and that's way to put it i i gotta take some on spot in this i gotta point out the stuff like that say things like yeah he could be your dad he could be my dad yeah is anybody from either either these two men or women said if the qualify they're gonna make it to the games are they're gonna be at contention for a top 10 finish or a top five finish? No. What do you think? No. No. I think that you could take a lot of guys from the North American semis, like they got sixth, seventh, or eighth, and they would go beat Jason. Oh, I think you could take some guys in the teens
Starting point is 01:15:54 and they would go in there and beat Jason. Not trying to be a dick to Jason, but I think you were being a little nice. All right, well, before we just hammer on Jason here, we'll go ahead and move on past that. He doesn't take last at the games. Let's just put it that way. So he does bad.
Starting point is 01:16:07 He's, he is good. He's strong as fuck too. Yes. Yes. He had a two 90 snatch, not too many, maybe last year,
Starting point is 01:16:14 the year before. I mean, at 38 years old, that's, that's crazy. That's insane. Okay. Gentlemen,
Starting point is 01:16:21 I appreciate anything else before we, before we wrap up here, James. Oh man. Thanks for having me on. I it'll be uh cool to watch it all play out and it's it's weird to be on the other side of things right now yeah we'll see you tomorrow at 8 a.m right hey i'm back let's go i'll be back for sure tomorrow i'd love to wrap some stuff up with y'all oh perfect i've seen a couple of people saying get james on here more so let's go yeah there's actually quite a few comments that came in that came in about that and i've been a big fan of james's i got to spend a little time with his parents at the restaurant at waterpalooza uh in between events and great kid great family so
Starting point is 01:16:57 thank you guys i appreciate it i'm i'm blessed to be able to come on here and share a little bit i know uh you guys are all pretty smart and analytical, so hopefully I can just bring some laughs. Yeah. I got to tell you that I have from my affiliate back in the day, there was a girl athlete. She was, uh, 16,
Starting point is 01:17:15 17, 18. And she was a big fan of yours. Hey, sweet. That's really coming up. She's like James spring. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Thank you so much. She was, she would fangirl over you for sure yeah oh my gosh that's so cool i uh yeah this is the heartthrob that is james spring this this last week has been crazy because it's like man it's been like a lot of really positive attention but i'm also just still like frick like if someone tells me i did a great job i'm like i appreciate that but i don't feel like i did a great job. Like I still have a lot. I was actually pretty pissed off at how terrible you've done that last workout. It was trash. I'll tell you, I'll tell you the story if you
Starting point is 01:17:52 want to hear it real quick. But, um, event five literally did me in worse than any other workout I've ever felt in my life. And, um, and I, I came into that last workout just going, holy shit. Like you are feeling it, bro. And there's no in competition. Everyone's feeling that way. I just I just remember like throwing up everything I tried to eat, having no fuel in my body and then getting out there like, whoa, OK, you're calling a big audible right now. Let's see what happens. Will you adjust anything in your training with that?
Starting point is 01:18:21 Definitely going into semis. Like knowing that like there could be a really crazy event for like the beginning event. And then you go right into the next one. You have to like start your warm up right away for the next thing. And I've never done that in training. When I do a really hard piece in training, I'll usually go rest like three, four, five hours after. But now that I know that can happen in semis before like the six eight weeks leading up to semis i'll definitely change that and like have at least one or two days a week where i just do something terrible like f up my body and then
Starting point is 01:18:53 go and try to do something else man the future looks bright for you jr any uh any parting thoughts sir yeah i mean i'm you know i'm really excited to see him in the last chance qualifier i know maybe he's not wanting to think about training right now with all the sugar on his stomach. It's actually fuel. Next week, I'm sure he's going to be getting back after it. For sure. All right, I got to make mention because I think Travis might kill me,
Starting point is 01:19:16 but we made patches for the no rep patches. So they're available on Vindicate. Yeah, so they go on the vest. And we're also watching the shirt. So I got to point out the shirt. It'd probably be easier if I did this. Hillary, it was parting thoughts, not plugging all your shit, okay? I don't know what the hell is going to get us from this, bro.
Starting point is 01:19:35 No, no, all right. He's a non-profit. Savant never watches his own shows anyway, right? Yeah, yeah, you guys are going to get me fired on Dave. I already fucked my question up with Dave. I should have asked him, how does it feel? Is the rumors true? Is he going to come back and on Dave. I already fucked my question up with Dave. I should ask him, how does it feel? Is the rumors true?
Starting point is 01:19:48 Is he going to come back and save CrossFit for us? You should have. Why didn't you ask it? Were you starstruck? I didn't know he was coming. I didn't think about it. Then I panicked. I've been panicking the whole time.
Starting point is 01:19:55 My palms are all sweaty. My heart rate's been at 200 since I saw him. I was going to say, you've been a little bit quick with the words. But you've been doing great. I think if you grew your hair up with the glasses on, no one would have even know the difference. You also need to get like a weird-ass chair in the background, and all of a sudden you look like Simone. Well, I'm going to stack my papers here. Gentlemen, anything else before we jump off?
Starting point is 01:20:16 We will be coming on tomorrow morning and discussing the first events. We're not 100% sure on the schedule. We'll be getting up for you guys pretty soon here. Anything else before we go, gentlemen? I got nothing. All good. Alrighty, guys. Thank you so much for joining us. We'll be seeing you tomorrow. Don't forget, go buy some
Starting point is 01:20:33 Paper Street Coffee because they are awesome and they help us out with the show. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Someone might kill me for that one, but it's going to be what it is.

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