The Sevan Podcast - #423 - CrossFit Semifinals | MACC Event 3

Episode Date: May 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Andrew Hiller put out a video the other day showing my interview with Stacey Tovar, and I actually hadn't seen that. I never went back and saw it after the New York Times wrote that article mashing me. And then David Katrin's daughter reposted it at the New York Times, said about me in regards to that video I made.
Starting point is 00:00:50 And when Andrew reposted it, I'm like, holy shit. I'm a fucking hero. In that video, I asked Stacey Tovar about her period, and thank you, Andrew, for pointing that out to me. Andrew Hiller posts it in the section he posts. And he asked – Andrew Hiller posted in the section he posted, I'm asking Stacey about the pill that she's on, and she says that she thinks she would have performed better if she wouldn't have been on that pill based on what the other athletes told her, that they got significantly stronger when she got off that pill. It's a fucking gem. Not only should every female athlete should see it. Every male athlete should see it.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Every man should see it. Every woman should see it. Anyone who's in the world of fucking procreating, anyone who has genitalia should see that video. Yet I lost my job because of it. I don't know if because of it, but the CEO that used to be here, Eric Rosa, said that when he saw the New York Times article, which was based off of that video, he said Sevan should resign. Yep, he said that. But I want to show you what I saw yesterday from the LGPA. Someone sent me this. and it's interesting. This is once again because Andrew dug this up.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I think that's the golf, the women golf thing. LPGA. You said GPA. No, maybe you said it right, and I heard it wrong. It's the one with the stick and the little ball. Can we play this video? The reporter is asking, I think, one of the top ladies in the field, hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:02:07 Why are you playing like shit? And this is her response. I'm going to come out and give you a little physical therapy as well. Is that a concern moving forward? I hope not. It's that time of the month. I know the ladies watching are probably like, yeah, I got you. So when that happens, my back gets really tight and I'm all twisted.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And it's not the first time that Chris has seen me twisted. But it felt a lot better after he came. So, yeah, there you go. Thanks. I know you're lost for words, Jerry. Ironically, that was the same reason why Jason Hopper did so poorly at the games last year. He was also having his period. But that's not my point.
Starting point is 00:02:53 My point is I did an interview with Stacey Tovar. New York Times painted it like I was doing something bad. Katrin David's daughter reposted it because she didn't fucking fact check. Or she hates women and their menstrual cycles being talked about who the fuck knows. But I just thought it was great that it was like kind of like dug up and brought up to the, to the front again by Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:03:14 And thank you. It gets good. Got me all riled up. It makes me realize why this podcast is going to be bigger than all of CrossFit Inc. And less than all we try to do is get you riled up. That's all we want. Thank you. Brings out the best. I love being riled up that's all we want thank you brings out the best
Starting point is 00:03:25 i love being riled up getting all pissed off i absolutely loved getting up this morning at six o'clock and watching the teams i loved watching um angelo uh the chico and uh oh could we send angelo a link i'm at i love watching angelo and luke parker uh angelo to chico luke parker Parker, uh, Angelo DiCicco, Luke Parker, Sasha Nieves and Alexis Johnson. Johnson. Thank you. Uh, Jr. I loved watching them know that we got up early to watch them and therefore they put on a show for us winning in the final seconds, which we also got that same show just now in the men's rope climb event. Uh, we also saw that, um, Sevan is even amongst all these brainiacs in the sport. He couldn't be more correct with Sydney McElishan. She is –
Starting point is 00:04:15 Yeah, I'm pumped. Did you guys – have you guys had a chance to watch everything that happened today that transpired today of course let's start with uh the teams then uh mayhem went into mayhem independence went into this morning's event event number three in sorry susan i know you're juggling stuff can we see the leaderboard for teams uh they went in second place and now they're tied for first is that what happened the mayhem team they were tied for first they've been in first the whole time i believe oh okay i i didn't check the board i thought i thought i heard them say that they were five points behind uh the um crossfit squadron no i don't know yesterday when you were getting all crazy
Starting point is 00:05:08 at your party we were trying to tell you that they finished second on that one workout due to those chest of our pull-ups from the other team likely is that what you're talking about you heard that they finished second on that no i thought i thought i heard uh either sean or tanya say that today on the feed but but I probably was wrong. No, it's okay. You can be wrong sometimes. You're right about Sidney. So these guys are in.
Starting point is 00:05:33 These guys are going. Bar some sort of crazy accident, no one can knock these guys out of the top five. Is that correct? It would appear so. Are you impressed? They're on fire. Are you impressed, JR, with these guys? Or are guys or are you like yeah of course it's mayhem yeah i mean it's definitely the performance i expected from them um any signs of angelo not being the athlete he used to be he was injured
Starting point is 00:05:58 uh and sort of this is this is his first kind of foray back into the game right i think he was individual at the mac last year if i'm not mistaken i think he finished seven individual at the mac last year yeah i want to say in my head i'll check it real quick was he in the last chance or maybe one spot out of the last chance he finished seventh yeah that was good nice job man repent on the back and then yeah what do you do with the last chance do you know i don't know okay so so in my head i was thinking that this is him just kind of dabbling again feeling it out but that's not the truth we have a guy who is a world-class kids uh crossfit games athlete came back last year i did extremely well and now and now he's gotten on a team okay oh who, I don't know anything about Alexis Johnson.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Has she ever gone individual? Is she a good athlete? Yeah, she's been at the games before. She was with Misfit for a long time, but she's a veteran. Okay, so this is a legitimate team. This isn't like just something, oh, look at these guys. They just kind of fell together and um and and and are getting lucky this is this is a world-class team but they just don't get the recognition they deserve because they're next to uh that the rich guy i would have to say
Starting point is 00:07:15 yeah they're probably looked down just a tad because they're next to the mayhem freedom team but they're they're a world killer uh and they said in the show that that time and workout three of 1155 21 was, uh, the second fastest time so far that any team had put up, uh, in that event. I guess that was one of the, um, events that was required by CrossFit this year of one of two events. And the only team that's beat them so far was a daddy's team, richest team, man, freedom. Daddy.
Starting point is 00:07:48 By 35 seconds oh 35 seconds i guess that's the difference between the two times wow wow okay i thought i heard five seconds um angelo and luke they they passed the guy in the final rope climbs. Is that – and we saw that play out in the men's event too, the men's individual event. Is that a strategy that every athlete should pay attention to? That right around – like if you know you're going to make all the rope climbs to kind of just stay right behind the guy, to set a pacer. And if you know you're strong on the rope climbs just stay behind them because on the ninth and tenth they're going to start to hurt and you can pass them i think we were talking about the chico coming down the rope right was that where he did it is that is that do you think that's where he got his speed it's totally a factor
Starting point is 00:08:42 the people who know how to come down the rope definitely had the upper hand. And I remember listening, I keep on referencing the Ben Smith podcast because his podcasts are so good. But in the Ben Smith, he was talking about the fact that it became how risky are you going to be coming, jumping down off the top of the rope more so than it was either a running or a rope climb event it was a how much of a risk are you willing to take to throw yourself to the floor as quick as you can do it to then get down the floor to either finish the event in this case or to round after round increase your likelihood of winning let me ask this do you does the descent also affect the fatigue yes if you know how to yeah if you know how to just barely squeeze with your thighs and slide and then maybe make one contact with your hands on the way down it makes a huge difference because you have to have seen it right they have like that one grip at the bottom after they tap they have like one grip and then their legs kind of pop out and then they're off to the races um danielle was already struggling on the seventh rope climb and she you know that that tent that tenth rope climb that was a nail biter she didn't go up any faster than we saw um brooke wells go up when brooke
Starting point is 00:09:57 wells failed i mean that was something it's cool that that's like one of the best parts of the sports it's what isn't it so uncomfortable uh watching a superstar like brooke just have to sit there and wait like as a fan you're as a fan you just want to you start wiggling around in your seat and shit i think this is part of what we were talking about it was a good event for the females not so much for the males go ahead jare because i think it's really cool too to watch the different styles and the way people attack workouts and when you think of danielle you think of like a killer hills go ahead jr i was gonna say i think it's really cool too to watch the different styles and the way people attack workouts and when you think of danielle you think of like a killer someone that attacks and she went out on her first few road climbs like she was going for a world
Starting point is 00:10:33 record and she just said you know what the fatigue is going to come i'm just going to let it come as it's going to when i have to slow down i'm going to slow down but then if you watch sydney and you watch dallin especially the pace just was clear from the beginning. This is my pace. I'm going to do the first shuttle run in the first leg list. Like I hope to do the 10th. Yeah. Uh, good, good point. We'll, we'll come back to down. That's a very good point about how Dallin ran that and ended up doing fantastic. Right. And in the last five seconds, the whole story changed in the men's heat. Shelby Neal, devastating. A character out there that I'm sure everyone was slowly starting to fall in love with.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Easy to just love. So cool. She got that red hair. It's all tied up tight. She looks so young out there. And then basically on her knees at the end when capped and chest heaving, right? Like you could see like crying like a, a baby. Uh, that's hard. That's very interesting to me. It's interesting because in very much like,
Starting point is 00:11:36 you thought you call it the circle of death, like the sharks are now swarming around and they're cheering for the athlete at the end. And I mean, I mean i i if i were in that situation this event in particular you kind of know how it's going to play out right so she finished fifth she finished third and then she finished 30th and it would be very hard for me to believe that she had anything outside of that being an expectation and sure i'm sure it's still hard in the moment to deal with but you said she's heaving she's all upset it's like i don't really understand the upset because you could do this event every athlete has probably done it once or twice to
Starting point is 00:12:08 know what it's like get the transitions under control and she probably should have known that it's likely she wasn't going to finish and at which rate i would be super pissed off like get the fuck away from me i know that i wasn't going to do too hot like cheering me on is not going to get me up this fucking rope uh jr you think she knew ahead of time that this was going to be a bad one for her? I do. I actually talked to her just for a second briefly in the warm-up area right before she went out and just gave her a hug, congratulated her on an awesome first day. And I said, you're killing it. And she looked at me and she said, yeah, so far.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And when she said that, it kind of gave me that look. I was like, okay, like I know now that something coming is not something that she's super excited about, whether it's this workout or the next workout or the last workout. But, you know, athletes know, and athletes, most of them are pretty self-aware as far as how they are stacked up to a field. But I will say when you have everyone down there holding, you know, cheering you on, if they're doing anything but telling you to rest more, they're not helping. 100%. Because I saw, I saw so many athletes and all the heats go way too early, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:18 and then I would see an athlete in round nine that would rest a little bit, get up the rope, go do their shuttle run and come back and get ready to go up again. And I'm saying to myself, wait, wait, wait. It's been 15 seconds since the last one. You just took a minute to get the ninth one. So you need to be resting almost two minutes to get this one. But it's so tough. I mean, I know 10 seconds feels like 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And then again, you see Tia Toomey in the crowd where they're wasting one of the camera angles i'm sitting there yelling at brooke wells to go they're like come on brooke come on brooke just drives me nuts piggybacking off what you're saying like don't tell them to go and yet tell them to slow down like make sure that the climb they take is worth the climb they're going to take do you look more stressed than brooke climb they take is worth the climb they're going to take do you look more stressed than brooke she's like let me do it for you i'll put you on my back i'll climb you up the rope for you uh what what place is kelly clark in uh currently in in the women's division here i don't even see
Starting point is 00:14:18 her in the top 11 where is she oh great okay is she so is she gonna be fighting at that bubble all week you guys have any thoughts i think brian had her in this top five that she's going i don't know very much about kelly clark i asked about her she's a local girl for me i went to her fundraiser for the semi-final i bought the raffle tickets my kids won the backpack uh the backpack. She's a phenomenal specimen as a human being. She's got great support staff around her. Oh, she's 35 too. Is she the oldest in the top five? Yes. Yes, I would have to say so. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Oh, yeah. By like 10 years. Yeah. Even more, right? Yeah. 10 years. Yeah, even more, right? Yeah, on some level. 13 years. Yeah, 26, 22, and then 35. Well, she's got good finishes, 7, 11th, and 8th. And how about this lady, Rebecca Fuselier?
Starting point is 00:15:20 Fuselier? Fuselier. Did any of you guys have her in your top five? No, but that might change quick. We did that top three to start off the weekend, and no, I don't believe any of us had her in the top three, let alone the top five. And Brooke Wells didn't fall that far down the standings.
Starting point is 00:15:42 She is still only 10 points out of uh qualifying for the games is that are you guys surprised that a 23rd place finish uh would only put you in sixth place after three events no i'm not surprised because the top she has a first place finish with two of her 100 and it's one of those where the top but having a first really kind of counteracts having one of those that low as well what were you gonna say taylor yeah i was gonna say it doesn't surprise me at all because she was sitting in first up for the first two events uh there were some nice camera angles in the beginning there where you could see danielle and cindy uh mccallish and running side by side they don't they don't it doesn't even look like the same creature danielle so so light on her feet so light on her feet like almost effortless on her toes and cindy mccallishan more has like that annie thor's daughter kind of like lumbering
Starting point is 00:16:35 uh run did you guys notice that yeah yeah but cindy's rope climb technique was awesome. Her declines were nuts. She was one of the few females that actually reach with your right knee, pull with your right arm, reach with your left, pull with your left. And it was really in sync like she was walking up the rope. You spoke about Danielle almost struggling on rep seven, but her technique with using her hips wasn't nearly as fluid i feel like danielle had more like a side to side uh kip whereas uh mickalicians was driving straight up and her her her descent was nuts i would have to say that piggybacking off of your she runs lumbery and danielle runs like she's light on her feet it's almost the the side to side sway movement is a more athletic indicator so danielle appears to be more of an
Starting point is 00:17:31 athletic type person and micklelition appears to be a brick shithouse who can just like haul her ass up the rope and you'll you'll see it kind of all the way across the board with anybody where they go hand in hand just like athleticism is something that's born in you. And maybe Danielle has that. And the collision is just more of a brute, which is okay. It works for both of them. Um, Sydney seemed to win,
Starting point is 00:17:53 uh, easy, uh, using that pacing that, uh, Jr talked about in the beginning, she stayed in her game. That's what she did.
Starting point is 00:18:01 She didn't deviate, but she, it actually, you know, Noah finished across the finish line and he looked like he had just done Fran. He was exhausted. Sydney didn't even see that. It was just like, like maybe even she had, she left some in the tank.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Like she didn't even leave it all on the floor. I never saw her at the end of the rope climb workout. No. Yeah. Yeah. It's very, I don't, I don't understand that at all do you guys taylor do you understand i mean you're you're like peak shape right now for the most part right could i did the workout even get you anywhere near gas i did it a few times and every time i did it
Starting point is 00:18:37 at the end like in round nine i felt um i felt gas, maybe, maybe less windy. It was more of like a lactic threshold workout where like, I just felt like I was pretty full of lactic acid, but also definitely breathing hard. It's not like you're not breathing hard. You're doing, if you think of doing two minutes straight of shuttle runs and you're running as hard as you can in terms of getting back to the rope, obviously without, without having run so hard that you can't make a rope climb, but you're running as fast as you can at that capacity for two and a half, three minutes. Yeah, for sure. It doesn't surprise me that a lot of them are gassed.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I've got a little insight into that, which is, did you do the Wadapalooza qualifiers, Taylor? I think the team ones are different than the individual. I did not do qualifiers. So the qualifier had an event where it was a max set of toes bar into a 2K row into a max snatch. And when I first did it, I had done something like a month where I was trying to really keep my carbs low. I was just trying to play with the diet a little bit. And when I did that 2K row, it was like a 6.49. And I felt like, no, the first one was a seven-minute 2K row, and I felt completely smashed. And that was like a very bad and i felt like no the first one was a seven minute 2k row and i felt completely smashed and that was like a very bad 2k row for me i've done a 2k as quick as like 634
Starting point is 00:19:51 and i was like what's going on and i realized it had to have been the carb so i redid the workout a couple days later after intaking a bunch of the sugar that savann hates so much and the difference was 10 seconds or so so i took a bunch of time off of it felt way better about it and the entire time i was going about it i was waiting for that terrible feeling of just death that looked like noah olsen at the end of that finish right there and the entire off season all noah's been talking about was is like trying to drop the body weight tinkering with his diet so what i'm getting at with all this is i think that it's very possible that the tinkering of the diet might very well be playing into his performance this weekend.
Starting point is 00:20:26 So he's trying to get his body weight down. Maybe he's not taking enough carbohydrate. Does that make sense to you guys? 100%. I've never had that issue. I think a lot of athletes, you've heard Matt talk about it, but he talks about trying to gain weight over the course of a competition. Correct, yeah. And I've always tried to be that way.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I've always, in sport, I've always tried to eat a lot around my practice. I don't really have issues with, like, competing or training with, not like I'm, you know, bursting, but on a full stomach, I'm okay. And so I always try to have a lot of carbs. And I think that's exactly what I've always thought about Noah, is it seems like he's too lean for his own good, and he's maybe not fueling as well for performance as he could I'll tell you it was just unbelievable the difference
Starting point is 00:21:11 between like two days and like kind of a carb load if you will and it was basically just a bunch of Gatorade and it made everything feel way better finish way quicker didn't I mean snatch better and Noah just looks like he's probably depleted. And then imagine training on that carb intake for a month leading into competition as opposed to, like you said, being tinkering with his diet and probably not having that. Yeah, look at this fucking guy. You can see the separation in his pec minor major right there. It's incredible. Yep. The vascularity in his fucking arms.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Yeah. He needs to drink a glass of water. He needs to drink a glass of water. He needs to drink a glass of water. So you think he's dehydrated? Yeah, he looks like one of those guys who went through a movie dehydration cut. Gosh, it's good for the clout, though. He's fucking ripped.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah, he's a gym shark athlete. He's got to keep up the appearance. It doesn't matter how he performs. He's got to look the part for for the pictures somebody put a comment in here and just said he's just going after all that camera time for his gym shark sponsorship so maybe that's it just look look good as shit get out in front get that camera time and get paid baby he could just be getting old too man what about just getting old no way no no way he looks almost as lean as jr yeah well that's coming from the guy who missed the games this year so he's got to hope that um you can keep going when you're old
Starting point is 00:22:30 yeah well i wouldn't have missed it but uh yeah and what about what john george says uh he always looks ripped oh shit maybe it's all that monster he's been drinking he's been drinking the sugar-free monsters he needs to drink the sugar monsters yes yes listen you fucking knuckleheads i was at a party last night here we go i was at a party last night after doing some staying up i i hardly sleep at all i went to a party last night at whatever did this interrupted my party started doing the podcast i was exhausted and i and i poured my i filled up a glass with ice fancy ice made from this expensive fancy freezer i put there was a monster energy drink in the in the fridge i poured a little in there because i wanted the caffeine i put a little titos and
Starting point is 00:23:20 sodas in there i put sparkling water in there and then one of my jackass friends who's at the party goes oh let me see that pour some in there let's do a little stunt and freak people out i thought we were your only friends i think it was more than a little tito's the way you were acting last night on that podcast well it's maybe more than little tito's but it's just a little bit of monster and i drank it for the caffeine yes guilty fuck and i've never and i've never talked shit about the sponsorship i've always said everyone should get all the money they can, but you should not let them make you lie about the drink. You should still be able to say, yes, I'm sponsored by Monster,
Starting point is 00:23:55 but I would never drink that shit. But lay off. I needed some caffeine. I'm crying out loud. Do as I say, not as I do. Yeah, you did four podcasts. And it was a joke. You think that someone caught me? That was a joke. Sons of bitches. Can we see the guy, Asuzu? What? JR, I would
Starting point is 00:24:16 like you to study this footage very closely. We can play it as many times as you want. Give me your best thoughts on what the fuck happened here. This is like something you see see deer do like on Instagram, like trying to jump over a highway or something. Oh, I saw this kid. The sheriff took a look over at Stevenson.
Starting point is 00:24:34 The sheriff is going to hold him off. He gets in. Stevenson finishes in second. Oh, my goodness. I would just say depth perception is way off. Hey, so, well, you bring up a good point. Colton, that's not funny. So I want to play one more time, but do you think,
Starting point is 00:24:56 you know how they say you're not supposed to wear black when you're competing because then it's hard for the judges to see whether you're getting a little parallel. So do you think that those curtains, is that another safety issue we've just we've just discovered those curtains are black do you think that's what happens i thought it was i thought it was there's no idea where the corner of the stage yeah yeah it is yes yes it's because it's all black there's something in photography called um shit what's the word i wish he was here so i could ask him he would know or jay vera fuck what is that word but it's basically how how much you can see into the shadows of a picture so you know like when you're when you when you uh when my kids pee in the car and little toilet in there they
Starting point is 00:25:36 they don't understand that people outside can't see in because it's sunny outside right you only have such a range to see between brightness and darkness and that's what happened there that black he couldn't see where the corner is can we play that again susan you compared the stage to your child peeing in the car i tried it was a fail i know oh he's lucky he's not hurt. Yeah, for sure. Took a shitter. So I was trying to connect to Wi-Fi in the venue, and I'm walking backstage, and Jason and O'Keefe are sitting there talking to each other. So I walk up.
Starting point is 00:26:20 I'm like, hey, guys, what's up? Hey, O'Keefe, do you have the Wi-Fi? And he looks at me and says, who the fuck do I look like? He big-timed you. He big-timed me. I felt kind of bad because I didn't say what's up. I was just like, hey, what's the Wi-Fi? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:26:35 What if he's like, who the fuck do I look like? Then he's like, it's Hotel 563. Oh, I wish. I'm the guy who can talk the best. This is not real hey hey uh that's just not real that is real that is of course that's dave we have fukowski dave and tommy marquez they they love this show um what about um what about the guy speaking of uh matt oKeefe and Jason Hopper, what about the guy out there in the event – in this last event, the rope climb event, event three, who is out there struggling with the last two rope climbs with the HWPO shirt on? At some point, does Matt just walk out there on the floor and just rip the shirt off him?
Starting point is 00:27:24 Like, sorry, buddy. Like, just seriously, like just walk out there and just rip the shirt off him? Like, sorry, buddy. Like, just seriously, like just walk out there and just tear the shirt off him. No. I wonder – he just has to follow the program, right? And then he's like representing my program. He doesn't work with Matt directly. No, he had another coach in the coach's area, and I forget what – he looked familiar. That guy is the guy that James was talking about.
Starting point is 00:27:50 He knows him rather close, and he's coming back from his PED suspension. This guy, Nick Thomas. Nick Thomas, correct. I looked it up. It was Osterine he took. And from James, he said that his woman tainted his supplements. Oh, yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:28:10 The old crazy ex-girlfriend story. Right. I would be so fucking pissed. What did you do? Hey, we need to find out how that happened. We got to get her on the show.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Him on the show? No, to get her on the show. Him on the show. No, I want her on the show. I want her on the show. Hey, do you think if I dated that chick, I could put on some muscle? Hell yeah. You'd get a Gymshark sponsorship. This thing would take her to the podcast The Moon. What do you think she's thinking when she slips Osterine into his cranberry juice?
Starting point is 00:28:44 She wants him to go she wants him to go to the games hey here's the craziest thing it was one of those rhino pills from the gas station she didn't realize there was a acceptance is that true no one of those blue hornets horn of joey dude i took a whole bottle of that one time and blew your knee out you took a whole bottle that blew your knee out i was like 13 his hair fell out oh did you really did that make your dick painfully hard uh i mean i was 13 it was always painfully hard right yeah i remember that as as as brooke crossed the finish line i want to give mad props to tia uh tia grabbed her
Starting point is 00:29:30 and forced her into kind of this bear hug like basically what i saw there is just taking any of that negativity that she might have carried over the finish line away from her like hey i love you it doesn't matter you did great and then and then when they came out of the hug, the first face that Brooke saw was Tia smiling, relaxed face, no wrinkle, no furled brow. I thought it was just this great moment, um, of, of, of fantastic parenting is the way I saw it. I guess other people would see this fantastic coaching, but, but took the weight off of her, right? Like, Hey, we can mourn about this later. You did great. You finished. Let's keep going. I mean, that can be devastating, right? A 23rd place finished be standing out there. You're a world-class athlete and fucking, uh, um, Bailey rail just fucking put a clinic on you.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Have you seen the Michael Jordan documentary? Yep. The Last Dance, Simon? No, I haven't. I heard it's awesome. It is awesome. And the reason I bring that up is because it's just very interesting that there's two types of people in sports. And there's this, which you're bringing up, which is Tia's trying to say, oh, it's okay. And then you got people like Jordan in his sport. And basically, if something like that happened, he would have done he would have attacked it differently. Let's just say that.
Starting point is 00:30:47 But but but maybe she will attack it differently with Brooke later. But now I thought she handled it perfectly and she didn't even say anything so much as what she did. The way she forced her into that. I just like she wasn't going to let like for all she knew, Brooke could have. And I don't know. I don't know, Brooke this well, or I don't know what would have happened. Brooke could have like finished and pouted. Right. But, but Tia didn't even allow her to pout.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Just like, let's get through it. We've got three more events. Well, you never know this too. You, you, you never know over the last month since they've known that workouts coming out, we have no idea what the expectation was on that event if you've ever heard an elbow or you've ever done too many rope climbs like an idiot or pegboards like an idiot taylor you know that if you overdo it on certain movements your elbow is the thing that gets the most painful we don't maybe oh you guys hurt this thing doing that pegboard stunt? No, I'm not. Maybe this workout was the one of all the workouts this weekend
Starting point is 00:31:54 she was the most concerned about being able to do, being able to finish, being able to perform well because of pain in the elbow. We don't know that. I mean, that's very likely. That's a good point. That's a really good point. That's a really good point. So, Ron, you've had a bummed out elbow?
Starting point is 00:32:08 No, it's not bummed out. But when I used to do a shitload of pegboards, like a shitload. And sometimes this thing would flare up right here. That's where I'm all fucked up. Yeah, that thing would flare up. And I could make it flare up if I start fucking around with certain movements. But it's like tennis elbow or something. It's whatever's attached to that bump right there.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And I wonder if that had to do with the – Golfers. Golfers, golfers. But the embrace with Tia too because maybe Tia was kind of like giving her the like, hey, this is what we were afraid about to JR's point. This is what we were afraid about. We knew this was going to be a possibility. It happened. Shake it off. Let's move let's move on because i mean think about the
Starting point is 00:32:47 high to the low right you had the handstand walk overhead squat event yesterday she takes first crushes it that could have been an issue with the elbow then today coming into this event and now we see her in a 23rd at the end of this one so you have a real high and a low there so maybe tia was just kind of minor like stay focused we knew this wasn't going to be our uh our event here correct that's i like that i'm you people in the comments on the games thing too stop making fun of nikki brazier dude who's making fun of nikki there's people on the side yeah people on the side are just ripping her for questions like dude she has she's in front of the entire fucking stadium it's on it's being streamed she has she has one minute to ask these guys some questions half these guys
Starting point is 00:33:31 can't even talk and they talk oh my god the things they say they don't talk so good some of them they don't give her a break for fuck's sake i have mad sympathy for uh for nikki brazier out there because if you noticed my foul up when uh mr tdc came on out of all the questions i asked i go hey dave what do you think about these events hey you had a lot of compliments i saw on youtube you did great yesterday oh did i i avoided it i avoided it daddy was there drunk daddy was there drunk fucking taylor's fucking dropped the ball and didn't show up uh i mean i thought you did killed it thank you how would you like this thing oh my gosh that trippy law see that savon i did i did that was amazing somebody that was that was mad the whole
Starting point is 00:34:19 time uh speaking of dumb questions uh let me let me uh open with this really stupid question that fan uh fantasizes me uh fantasy is it part of my fantasy no what uh it's fascinating to me jeez talk about freudian um why why are the dudes shirtless in the rope climb um event that seems just hairball slowing them down baby they're flexing i i get the flexing it's fun i want them to have their shirts off but what about rope burns and all that shit i get it on my belly when i do like this like when i slide down his right that's what that's what he's saying and you're skinny too and you're thin too it's not like you have a belly that protrudes taylor's not thin he's like he's thinner than you think would you say you're thin
Starting point is 00:35:05 he's thinner than you think he looks stout but when he takes his shirt off like he did at wadapalooza he's he he's a he's a runner swimmer guy he ain't no fucking mora he ain't no mexican mora dude my upper back is easily as big as louis oscar morse he just doesn't have a neck and he's five four uh jr is he thin jr when you bathe taylor before you put him away at night is he thin he's no he's actually thicker than you think he is he is i think i think taylor's a thick dude um aren't you 200 pounds right now yeah yeah so so it is a dumb question it is a dumb question you guys are saying it's a dumb question people just. It's a rope climb with the shirt off. It's not a big deal. I do every workout with the shirt off for the most part.
Starting point is 00:35:50 That might just be how people are more comfortable working out. To sell damage. I like that. Here's the other thing I was thinking about. I was just thinking about this because I was walking around backstage asking everyone for Wi-Fi. They were like, no, fuck you. It's for real media, but I was just thinking, you know, the place has a lot of spectators for sure. But I wonder how much work goes into the media and the production side to make that event
Starting point is 00:36:16 look so much cooler than it actually is in person. Is it not that cool in person? It's cool. And I'm sure it's cool for the athletes, but I'm thinking if you're going out there as an athlete and you make a lot of money on your sponsorships you're probably doing everything you can for uh for your photos for your for your product that you're pushing like like painting half your eyebrow pink exactly shaving a little line in it like a killer god she looks good like i can't stand hair dye and makeup and fake titties and that shit but
Starting point is 00:36:44 damn she looks good. I don't know how she does it. We're not all created equal. Life is not fair. I was criticizing the camera angles from the front on one of the shows that when you see the athletes from the front squatting, you cannot see depth. And today I saw Angelo DiCicco and Luke Parker from the worst possible fucking angle being shot, and it's so obvious because they're great movers that they went below depth. There's no fucking question that they went below depth. Do you guys know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:37:19 It's that front head-on shot, and you're never like, hmm, is that questionable? And it just goes to show you that – I mean I have to guess that that's just the Rich Froning, hey, we have full range of motion. No doubt. Yeah. When you're looking from the front, if you can see the taint pass below the crotch, then you know they've hit. Swollen taint. Swollen taint. That's the official.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I just took a mental note on that one. Every single time I look at a squat, I have taint below the crotch. Okay. Check. Check, check, check. Hey, that's straight from the L1 guide. I have a little bit of a follow-up on a couple of these things from yesterday, actually, if we want to talk about some stuff from yesterday.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Please. Can I just tell you one story real quick? No. Thank you. Yeah, go ahead. I want to tell you a story yesterday that came to mind about Dave. It's a little off subject, but I think you guys will like it. All right. This is a good one.
Starting point is 00:38:10 So we went to Dale Saran, the general counsel at the time of CrossFit Inc., and Greg and I went to Houston. I thought it was Cape Canaveral, but that's in Florida. But there's – it's a famous Kennedy Space Station. We basically went to Houston. And they wanted to – there was an astronaut there who wanted to do CrossFit in space on the space station. And in the space station, there's some issues. You can't – you couldn't masturbate on there. You couldn't have sex on there.
Starting point is 00:38:33 You can't do anything that has like a steady rhythm because those – and he was telling us this. This was his story because it has those giant solar panels on the side, and if those things start going to any like steady, consistent movement that's in the space station, they'll start moving to that beat, and they can just snap off. I was like, wow. So they had a bunch of equipment out there that they wanted to show Greg that they had developed so that you could work out on the space station and so that this guy, this one particular astronaut could do the open. No shit. And it was some – I'm telling you it was some ghetto shit. Like the solutions were like giant steel yeah yes yes it was like that duct tape and springs and just like it was like you know when you're a kid you open up a ballpoint pen you're like this is what's
Starting point is 00:39:15 inside this spring pushes this and clicks that and that's it and you're like wow it was like that but anyway so dale and i both tested out some of the equipment, and it was cool, and it was pretty funny. And so they decided that they're going to do the open there. And so we come back home, and they're going to – we're at the Home Depot Center. And not only are they going to do the open there, but they're going to start the CrossFit Games that year from the space station. We're going to have a satellite feed directly to them live, and the guy is going to go 3, 2, 1, or welcome to the CrossFit Games, 3, 2, 1, go. And NASA says we'll do it, but we will not say the CrossFit Games because we cannot say a trademark name. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:40:08 Just because it's a government agency i guess they like they they won't you know what i mean the same reason why matt fraser won't take a picture of sitting on a motorcycle unless the company's sponsoring them i don't know right uh they refused and so guess what dave told nasa go fuck yourself go fuck yourself We don't want you then. And guess what NASA did? They fucked themselves. No. They're like, we'll do it. Really? And they said it.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And they said it. The fucking space agency stood up to this fucking guy and said, we won't do it. And this fucking guy, our leader, our SEAL Team 6 operative, who defended our freedoms to speak, to say whatever we want on Twitter, who programmed the games for us, which made us know that it's someone really fucking cared and had the highest level of integrity, told NASA, go fuck yourself if you can't say the CrossFit Games. NASA's like okay we'll say it savage savage what year was this tdc ceo i can't remember get your shirt now vindicate i think that was a great commercial for my brand i made up the whole thing none of that's true no no that's a true story oh you're wearing the shirt right now i just noticed that you're wearing that shirt right now thank you thank you anyway that's wearing that shirt right now. Thank you. Thank you. Anyway. That's good.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Anyway. I could tell, even though JR didn't even flinch, he liked that story. It was a cool story. He was just taking it in. That's a very cool story. He was just taking it in. Mr. Hiller, what developments do we have from yesterday that you wanted to bring up? All right.
Starting point is 00:41:42 So I have a source over there. It gave me three things to talk about one in actually two are kind of in relation to the, they're all in relation to the broadcast. So they're all things that you can see on the broadcast. The first one to talk about is Cole Sager. And just the, we brought this up where you kind of don't know what's going on. It was in relation to last week, somebody was finishing where it was.
Starting point is 00:42:04 It was Will Warad who had finished the event and you didn't know he was in first place. And then all of a sudden he catapults into fifth and it was actually a pretty big moment that wasn't caught on camera. And in the handstand walk, GHD sit up workout yesterday, Cole Sager was in a certain spot where the judge should have had their hand in the air, which is what they do when they do the last five to 10 reps of the movement. And the judge didn't have their hand in the air. Then the announcers didn't know to then be talking about it. So the cameras weren't on the judges and Cole Sager ended up finishing in a spot that kind of had some effect on the leaderboard. And there was a little bit of talk about that at the event, how that judge missed that. And that's something that you wouldn't really think about, but it's something that is worth discussing.
Starting point is 00:42:50 That was one of the things, not the biggest thing. So I suppose I should get into the second part. Wait, so the point there Hillers is that we're missing some stuff the same way in the 2008 CrossFit games. I missed Jason Kalipa winning and fucked the whole movie up every second counts. Correct.
Starting point is 00:43:02 So apparently the broadcast team will look for the judges to be raising their hands in the air so they know which athletes to feature because the judge missed raising their hand in the air for the final repetitions from sager they missed him finishing on that event okay in relation to the field that is so he crossed had no idea he was crossing i saw i saw one of those today and one of the hits too by the way and one of the heats the guy who won they didn't announce it until he was up on the stage i can't remember but go on uh the second one is tyler christopher in that same event he was given a no rep on a handstand walk and he just kind of did what he was supposed to do the no rep he was given was an unjustified no rep and this is happening on a couple of sides of the spectrum but he was i believe the judge said that his hand had touched the line.
Starting point is 00:43:47 So they sent him back to the beginning because they had to be done in unbroken segments. So rather than arguing with the judge, he just did the entire event, finished it up. And on the feed, you'll see that he finished at 10.22. And then if you go check the leaderboard right now, his time is 10.07. So what happened, and we talked about this yesterday, was the appeals process. We talked about it yesterday was the appeals process we talked about it with the rope climb so because he went to the briefing saw the event he had the right to appeal his workout and they took time off of his score because you can see yeah you can see on
Starting point is 00:44:15 the workout that 15 seconds they gave it back to him for just kind of doing what he's supposed to do and because he was given a no rep that shouldn't have been a no rep i've always loved the leadership at crossfit the integrity the class the fairness i've stood behind it well you guys sit here and poo poo it i will not tolerate it anymore do you think that's uh james townsend's in the chat do you think that was that's that's not james townsend just like that that's not tommy marquez just like that's not fikausti thanks uh we don't we don't think that's the real no that's not the real jamesown no that that is him oh it is how can you tell by that vein on his forearm exactly that one vein you think that was well processed do you think that was CrossFit um it's hard to say but I would I'd have to say it's probably CrossFit I don't want to give him
Starting point is 00:45:04 all that much credit but I have to I guess have to say it's probably CrossFit. I don't want to give them all that much credit, but I have to, I guess, if it seems that it would be a CrossFit move. Um, and then I could piggyback what I'm going to say. Let's ask him that was Tyler. That was, who is that again? Tyler Christofal. Let's ask him. Yeah, that was Tyler. And that's a mayhem athlete. So we have a couple of sources over there. Correct. I'll get to the bottom of that. Oh, maybe we can send him a link now. I have his, I have his i have his
Starting point is 00:45:25 number okay go on all right so that was an example where an athlete was given something unjustly and then they got time back which we don't hear very often and then we also talked about yesterday was the chest of bars and the team event how everybody and their freaking brother can see that they were not synchronized the judge was giving them reps that weren't supposed to be given to them and in that situation the only teams that would have been upset would have been the teams like mayhem independence which finished second due to it and the only appeals that you can make are on your own score you can't make appeals on other people's scores correct so in this instance everyone's like they got to do something about it but the only people who could then do something about it would have been the team that won that event and
Starting point is 00:46:11 like why in their right mind did they ever go back and say yeah don't give us those reps we shouldn't have finished first that was team uh camo camo athletics so like they're not going to go and say hey take their score down and may have independence can't say anything about another team saying that they should have won. And that's just kind of it makes sense because then you have teams everywhere saying, hey, they did this, they did this. And it just opens up a whole can of worms that the entire thing is saying that the judges are basically doing a pretty good job this week. Am I pretty good? I mean, there's a couple of instances where they're, they're blatantly not doing it right. But 95% of the time they've been doing a good job this weekend. And I'd like to see if you guys agree that you,
Starting point is 00:46:53 you see a lot of no reps being given out, like do no reps, the right, no reps. Uh, do you get credit for that? I don't think I get credit for that. No,
Starting point is 00:47:03 I think that the, I actually think at this level the judges do a pretty good job and again the same source says that these judges are now six to 12 year veterans and some of which have come from the tory and all the way over here on their own dime so they take it rather seriously and it's unfortunate to an extent when you see that chest of art thing going wrong because that's one judge and everyone's now all caught up in it. And I brought up the comment section yesterday. The comments was riddled for like an hour after that happened.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Like everyone just kept on talking about that. But in the meanwhile, every other judge was doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing. And it was just one judge's mistake. I was going to say, I think it's also so hard to judge some team movements and think about, you know, to a degree, a judge's ability to get the experience judging team workouts versus how easy it is to sit in your affiliate and judge a single individual. Again, I think you solve the
Starting point is 00:47:58 problem if you pay them. But overall, I think at this level, the judges do an amazing job. And I was also wondering, what if you gave each athlete one challenge, kind of like they do in other sports? If you go to your workout briefing, you give each athlete has one challenge over the course of a six-event weekend. And if you want to use that for the guy you fucking hate, so be it. Oh. I like that idea. Did you just come up with that
Starting point is 00:48:28 or someone yeah you like that yeah yeah exactly you can challenge yourself you can challenge a score on yourself or someone else um but it doesn't but it's not your appeal so like you have your appeals for your own scores and your own discrepancies and you also get one challenge kind of like timeouts versus a challenge in, uh, in the NFL. You know, if you appeal a bad score on your own workout, but then you see someone else in a prior heat to you is like not touching both heads of the dumbbell to the floor.
Starting point is 00:48:54 And you want to challenge their score because it affects your time. That's a fucking great rule. The only question is just, just real quick, uh, James, uh, please check your,
Starting point is 00:49:04 uh, DMS. I just sent you a direct message. Would that cost money to do that? No. Well, how would it cost? I don't know. It would be exactly the same as them looking at Tyler's score and saying, here, you get 15 seconds.
Starting point is 00:49:18 So the other day I wanted to – basically just so people don't do it for that reason to be vindictive. But here's the thing. If they do it to be vindictive, they still have to approve it. So if I hate some competitor and I'm like, fuck that. I'm going to challenge their time, but they move well. My challenges are relevant, and I just wasted it. Right, okay. But if I'm doing it to be vindictive and it gets approved well then he must have been doing something moving in some sort of way or
Starting point is 00:49:48 scurrying some sort of standard for it to be approved so it doesn't matter how you use it they still have to approve it hey shit and then we can just get rid of all the judges and everyone just work out on the uh on the uh honor system no one hey judges mr towns mr james townsend what's up brother hey james do you know everyone on here in the yellow shirt andrew hillard the guy who looks like a thumb with a mustache is uh taylor self yeah the only handsome guy on here is jr howell he doesn't smile and the guy with the big old smile is matt susan what's up guys what's going on how are you what's up, guys? What's going on, dude? How are you? What's up, man? Where did you get this guy? Where did this guy come from, this Mr. Tudor, Magda Tudor? Tudor Magda.
Starting point is 00:50:31 I saw him at the 2018 games when I had a teen athlete competing in the games in the 14-15. And then I saw him at Pitt Fitness Ranch. 2021? No, 2020. And he won it there when I was training Mal, coaching Mal, and then she won it. So then he had the West Coast Finals last year. He placed 21st. And then last August, he hit me up. He's like, hey, I like what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I love your face. I want to connect with you. So let's do this. And I was like, all right, cool. I love your face? He said, I love your face? Your face. Face. Oh, your face.
Starting point is 00:51:17 I was like, wow, okay, yeah, I like that too. Okay. Yeah, yeah, okay. So he, you know, I just put it plain simple. I was like, look, I'm going to give you me. You know, I don't need to be in the forefront. This is not about me. I don't need no money, anything.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I give you me. All I ask is that you just give me your effort. Where did he live? University. I mean, he lived in Seattle, Washington. And at the time, he was in school for mechanical engineering. And then where's home for you? Des Moines, Iowa.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Holy cow. So he moved to Iowa. Yeah. He put school on hold and came to focus on this full time. Is that the only way someone can train with James Townsend is they have to move and be in your presence? Nope. No. They can do online too. Yeah. Well, well you saw one of my athletes, uh, Jalen Franklin, you saw him do that two 90 snacks. Hmm. I worked out. Yeah. Yeah. James, what do you say to people that would say, Oh, if you go train with James Townsend, you're just going to get strong and
Starting point is 00:52:22 your, uh, your cardio, your cardio and your cardio and your metabolic capacity is going to suffer. Just look at my resume. I mean, there's an athlete that I coached that got seventh in the games last year. James, in the comment section the other day, I brought up the fact that you're likely, or not likely, but there's a very good chance that you're going to be the first coach to have back-to-back rookies of the year, and it's looking that way at this point. It's a very good chance, man. I mean, you know, I tell my athletes, and I told my athlete this last year, I was like, you're not going to the games to participate.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Fucking right. You're going there to compete. You know, everybody, you know, put on that, oh, I made it to the games, and I'm thankful for me. No, scratch that. You're coming there to compete. I like how serious your eyes get. Is that the thing?
Starting point is 00:53:11 Some people say that you're too hard on your athletes. Is that where they get that? No. No? No. Where do they get that? Have you heard that? Have you heard that chatter?
Starting point is 00:53:20 James is too hard on his athletes? No, I never heard that before. What I heard is James is too soft on his athletes no i never heard that before what i heard is james is too soft on his athlete good good good good because the thing is is like you know i didn't like coaches you know being hard on me like football coaches you know grabbing your face mad screaming in your face and anything i didn't do well with that you know i had an angle problem coming up so i i would get mad at that so So by me being a parent, I don't even talk to my kids like that. So when I'm training an athlete,
Starting point is 00:53:51 I don't like to use any foul language. I don't like to scream or nothing, none of that. You know, if you don't give me an effort and I see that you're not giving me effort and you're pouting, all I'm gonna ask is that you leave the gym. Leave the gym for that day clear your head out come back in i'm not gonna do no screaming no nothing because there's there's
Starting point is 00:54:10 there's no room for that off subject a little bit but are your kids homeschooled no well my my my eight-year-old p she's she's on the verge of having to be homeschooled. Congratulations. Yeah. I think that's best. Do they see... You have two daughters. Do your daughters see these parade of world class athletes roll through? What's the name of your
Starting point is 00:54:38 gym? The Brave One Gym. The Brave One Gym? Yeah. The Brave One Gym and then Lion Bravefit is is the affiliate uh do you and your kids get intimate exposure to this parade of just insane athletes that roll through there oh yeah yeah we started off um when i got into crossfit in 2014 i started at Dogtown CrossFit. So we saw Sam. We saw Ruth Harrell. Noah. Who's the owner of that gym?
Starting point is 00:55:10 Is that Dusty Highland? Yeah. Yeah. Cool. You're a California dude? Well, I moved out there in 2010. Just to train there? No, no.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Basically just to, you know, i was done playing football so i needed to find my identity as a person so i needed to leave home and um and my my wife she's a financial advisor so she was moving out from uh minnesota to california so i followed her out there very good dude um when you say um say, what kind of name is that? What's his first name? Is this, I use whatever name, is his name Magda Tudor
Starting point is 00:55:50 or Tudor Magda? Tudor. Tudor. What kind of name is that? Romanian. Cool. Does he have an accent or is he born here?
Starting point is 00:56:00 No, he moved here when he was two. He has somewhat of an accent. It's pretty heavy. But I mean, you wouldn't really know until you really talk to him and listen. His parents have an accent. His mom and dad do, but it ain't true to call it on to the American lifestyle. on to the American lifestyle. God, I wish he was Armenian instead of Romanian. When you say he was attracted to you because of your faith, what does that mean? Like he saw like stuff that you wrote on Instagram, the way you treated your daughters.
Starting point is 00:56:37 What did he see? How did he know about your faith? Your faith in God, like you're a Christian. Yeah, right. No, I'm not a Christian. No, I try to stay away from them labels. I just, you know, I have a personal relationship and you know, I, uh, I wear my heart on my sleeve the best way I can. So, um, you know, and, and I like to, to be transparent, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:59 I like to be transparent about my faith. You know, I mess up, I get upset, I curse, I get angry. You know, I'm not a fair weather quote unquote believer faith you know i mess up i get upset i curse i get angry you know i'm not a fair weather quote-unquote believer you know so he uh he appreciated that he liked that i i was um always praying for my athletes you know i don't know if anybody saw that last year but you know i just i pray for my athletes you know that, that they go in there with confidence, that they come out to be the best that they can be, and then what if they do bad or good, they learn from it, you know.
Starting point is 00:57:32 So that's – and that's what he was attracted to. I guess he didn't get that before from previous coaches, but it's what allowed us to gel and for him to do what he was able to do at Syndicate last week. Are you at the Mac right now? No, no, no. I'm at my gym. I have a teen athlete. I have two teen athletes right now in the 14, 15. One is in eighth place, Mel, and the other one, Kaya. She's she's in 24th and she got to do her fourth and fifth workout today.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Will you be going to the games with Tudor? Yes. Yeah. Is there anything that you can do in this short time that can make him better? It's more, you know, I find myself being more of a mental coach um i always say if if i can make you mentally and emotionally better the physical is going to come you know it's not it's not you know anybody can go ahead and train the physical all day but once that mental kick in and and if you can't handle that
Starting point is 00:58:46 then you know it's lights out for you game over but but if i could make you at least one to two percent better mentally and emotionally every day sky's the limit what do you mean if you can't handle that you the the mental training yeah yeah so so so i tell my athletes like not only are you training your physical but you need to train your mental too you know you need to be able to push you know when you know when you're feeling uncomfortable you know you know when that pain is creeping in are you going to go right and persevere over it or or are you going to go left and be like man i can't do it. This hurts. I'm tired. You know, we all felt like that before.
Starting point is 00:59:28 But can you persevere over it? Can you push through it? When Brooke got, I don't know if you were watching, but Brooke Wells took 23rd in the rope climb event. She got stopped on the 10th rope climb. Then she made a second attempt and she failed that attempt. Did she made a second attempt, and she failed that attempt. Did she make her third attempt, guys? She did. She made her third attempt.
Starting point is 00:59:50 When she crossed the finish line, what would you say to her as a coach? She took 23rd. I would let her know. It's probably somewhere to where she she uh probably had a problem with going into training so so you know i would tell my athlete you know this this is something that we expected you know um something that we need to work on you know going further on our pull strength and and most importantly just just being able to to handle those failures in that moment you know i mean you're you're allowed you know i tell my athletes you're allowed to be frustrated
Starting point is 01:00:34 but only frustrated for a short amount of time because in football if you miss a pass or something or or you don't get a first, you got to have short-term memory because there's still more plays to be made in the game. Right? So it's kind of the same thing in CrossFit. Hey, short-term memory. Let's learn from this. Let's take it off. Okay? There's more workouts to be done.
Starting point is 01:00:58 It's interesting. I think that's what J.R. Taylor was also saying. We don't know what she knew before she coming into this and probably she knew right my last question for you is if someone when you look at an athlete
Starting point is 01:01:14 like Hayley Adams she has fucking everything except one tiny tiny thing yeah could you fix that for her? Could she come to you? You like this, Hiller?
Starting point is 01:01:30 I know I started chubbing up when I thought of this question. Could she come to you and be like, James, I'd like to put a few pounds on my front squat. Absolutely. You know, I tell people it's all about the technique, man The better your technique is In Olympic weightlifting The more weight you're going to lift
Starting point is 01:01:50 Is it too late for her? Is she too old? No No, not at all It comes down to the technique And it comes down to the program Do you guys have any questions for Mr. Townsend? Don't be scared Hey, hey, Hiller
Starting point is 01:02:09 I need a gray No joke So we were talking in the comment section yesterday, right? I talked to Travis right away I'm like, alright, James says he needs a gray shirt Gray with what lettering? Black, no red Gray and black
Starting point is 01:02:23 Like a Heather Gray with a black no red Can do, alright What lettering? Black. No rep. Gray and black. Done. I'll let him know right away. Like a Heather Gray? Like a Heather Gray with a black no rep. Can do. All right. Come on my podcast and ask for a t-shirt from a guy from another podcast. James Townsend, you are a giant amongst men. I love you, brother.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Thanks for coming on. Yeah, thank you, man. Awesome to talk to you. Thank you. And then once the season gets done away with, I would love to come on your show. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you, man. Awesome to talk to you. And then once the, the season get done away with, I would love to come on your show fully. Yeah. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Yeah. Hey, tell Tudor good luck. Yeah. Tell him we love him. Tell him we love him. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Thank you. Bye. He came on your show. So what do you think? Finally, we got him. I've never even come on your show, Sevan. What do you think? Finally, we got him. I've never even come on my show. Yeah, your head.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Oh, my goodness. I'm tickled. With what? I'm tickled. I just can't believe we had James Townsend on. I'm tickled. Dude, James is the man. I want to save you, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Did you see the amount of good dude comments that came in on the side here? So many. Every single person's like, hey, you need to have him on again, and he's the man. He got good vibes. He got good vibes. I love when he talked about the mental side of that, because oftentimes we've seen a lot of these athletes that just crush it in training or these different things,
Starting point is 01:03:39 and they just can't seem to put it together on the competition floor. Then I particularly remember that first time that Tia had a lot of exposure. I forget exactly if it was behind the scenes or one of the movies. She was probably the least confident we've ever seen her. When she was wearing the leader's jersey, she's like, it won't be all long and saying all these things. At some point between that year and the next,
Starting point is 01:03:58 as her confidence got better, her mental game got stronger. She just catapulted to the top and has sat there ever since. Hiller was talking about stuff yesterday and one of the things also that we should uh point out that happened yesterday is daniel brandon did pr her complex yesterday so some people were saying they were disappointed in what she lifted but i did hear that that was her pr asuza could you bring up the team events it looks like we were talking over team event number four. Maybe we can see the placement.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Leaderboard is not updated yet, but you guys can take a guess at who won that event if you want to just take a guess. Kota CrossFit Iron View. I'm guessing Mayhem Independence won. That's just the team that I've been following all weekend. that's one that was that's just the team that i've been following all weekend i've also got a lot of messages about uh colton merton's girlfriend is on one of these teams crossfit kilo kilo two yeah i didn't know that merton's girlfriend that's my new favorite team they're in sixth right now all right we'll pit your team against my team they're right next to each other. Kota Krasa, Iron V versus Kilo 2.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Before we leave, let's talk about how the men's rope event finished. Mora was, I think he went from basically first to fifth. It was extremely close. We kind of learned something there about Scott Panchick. First, we realized he's strong. Then we realized he has an engine. And in event number three, we realized he's a super competitor.
Starting point is 01:05:33 We're seeing all the pieces of him come together. Are you saying Scott or Saxon? Well, both. Sorry, I'm saying Saxon. Did I say Scott? I apologize. I mean Saxon. We also did see Spencer pull this shit together too at the last second
Starting point is 01:05:45 there. But what we're seeing from Saxon now is something, the whole package, he's putting it all on display with us. Do you have any thoughts on that, JR? Yeah, it's, uh, I was thinking about this, watching that event. You know, if, if, if you just had to make three events, right. And it was like three events, like really old school at the ranch, three events for total fitness. And you're going to have like a classic triplet kind of like event two you're gonna have a classic couplet like maybe with a gymnastics limitation like the rope climb and then you're gonna have a strength event and through these first three like saxon looks really really
Starting point is 01:06:19 fit in all aspects oh taylor andrew did you hear that it almost sounded like jr was complimenting the program almost and i had a hard time saying thinking anything other than he's right yeah i was just yeah i mean i'm just talking about this from a um from a standpoint that if you did have to do only three and you're like all right all right, well, we need something gymnastics. We need classic CrossFit and we need a lift. You know, Saxon's really kind of showing that he doesn't have a hole. Like what Taylor said on the, on the preview show, you know, he's like, that's what he kept saying. Saxon's going to win it. He just doesn't have a hole. He just doesn't have a hole. And the other thing that I am really happy to see is that the one thing I was wondering about him
Starting point is 01:07:04 is that he take the next step mentally in terms of being aggressive and fighting he clearly showed that on midline sadness the event two yesterday and he showed it again today um racing with Luis Oscar Mora I think he came out way hot and Saxon was like fuck that I'm fitter than you you can go out hot and I'm still gonna beat you from the start okay so that's one thing that's one thing too about yesterday's event too we didn't really get to talk about it, but it was watching the race between Noah and Saxon. And you're watching them side by side. And we were wondering if being at Proven was going to make a huge difference.
Starting point is 01:07:35 You know, being around Shane, being around Tia, and it's about the little nuances of things, right? As small as loading plates. Now, after the set of 20 overhead squats noah got done maybe one or two reps ahead he started loading plates saxon got done he started loading plates saxon had loaded his barbell and was trotting down to start the handstand walk ahead of noah from that point he never relinquished the lead and he didn't yeah just just loading plates five to ten seconds faster like he got that lead he kept it on the ghd's and then he finished out the overhead squats so it can be
Starting point is 01:08:11 something as small as that sometimes where you make your move and he also saw noah breaking the handstand walk was like i'm gonna walk right past him yeah um so i love it i think we're seeing that killer that killer instinct from saxon and man i think he probably picks up another win potentially two on the weekend yeah that was the moment for me is when noah broke halfway through that handstand walk coming back and shook it out and saxon just kept on going right past him that was definitely that was the shift that was his workout and i think that confidence will bring him to a uh first place finish at the end of the weekend too as suzaza, when you were making that analysis, I was cracking open my second monster and mixing it with Tito. So I appreciate you giving me a heads up on that.
Starting point is 01:08:53 You had not one but two monsters. Well, actually, I probably didn't even have a half, but I opened two cans and someone took them. It was for promotional purposes only. cans and i was and someone took them it was for promotional purposes only uh the i want to go back to what you were saying about about him and mora so the the general conventional wisdom we hear from crossfit athletes is stay in your own game that's what we saw that's how sydney mccullishan won there is a chance what we saw with saxon i can't remember if i think it was taylor's analysis was fuck you i'm fitter than you i don't need to stay in my game i'll just go and i and i like that that's like fraser froning tia stuff right right? Yeah. I was going to say,
Starting point is 01:09:45 there's only a handful of people that are fit enough to do that. And there are a lot of guys at the games level who are fit enough to do that in particular workouts. Um, but there's, there's a handful of people that are fit enough to do it often. I think Rich is one of them. Matt's one of them. T is one of them. Um, and we will see this year if, if Saxon is one of them, Tia's one of them. And we will see this year if Saxon is one of them. I think in that event, Saxon knew what he could do, and he probably could have started a little slower
Starting point is 01:10:11 and still ended up with the same result and pushing the later rounds. But he saw that guy going out hot. At least I like to think he was thinking, fuck that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We know that's what you're thinking. You said that with the Phil Muscarella on that thruster workout, it's like, fuck you. You're not fitter than me. I thought that was hilarious, but I wasn't how I made a mistake there.
Starting point is 01:10:35 He wasn't fitter than me cause he blew up way worse, but I, yeah, I should have stayed in my lane. You would go ahead, Joe, where you can say something say something no okay uh i'd also like to point out maybe two other athletes that i think maybe sam briggs had that in her youth that maybe she lost a little bit as she got older but also how about carl saunders she even if she can't keep up she fucking crossed the finish line at the crossfit games unconscious yeah fuck me i'm not fitter than me yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean she augured in she she doesn't i mean like like uh like like like one of those planes like in a god in a godzilla movie or king kong movie that just just just plows into the field
Starting point is 01:11:22 fuck me yeah i'm fitter than me i mean thank you guys thank you i get one okay uh so so so we are we're we're tickled by saxon right i mean this is yeah he's crushing it um do we do we uh do we do we all see him now? I guess we have to see what happens now at the Granite Games. But Saxon's looking at one of the – this is so far, I know we're only three in, but one of the most promising athletes we have in the field now to sort of challenge Medeiros, right? Dallin Pepper. Okay, great.
Starting point is 01:12:01 I think Dallin at the Games as well in that format 15 events these dives that these guys are doing these foot first dives that like we saw dallin do to take third place and beat mora oh yeah i fucking hate it and spencer do we like we do hate it we hate that oh it's so stupid i put the buttons out there i mean i guess guess there's also a risk with the buttons. I was a fan of the buttons. I don't hate it. I don't think it's that risky. Also, they're sliding into a goddamn metal fence.
Starting point is 01:12:36 They're doing a baseball slide into a metal fence. Yeah, but if you've ever played baseball, I mean, you slide into the base, and a lot of times you slide into the base and pop up. So I don't think that – These are CrossFitters who can't throw a baseball. They don't know how to baseball slide. Well, I will say the Panjiks know how to baseball slide. They do it really fucking well.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Well, that's two feet long. And you've got the guy who's taking out the front end of the stadium with his foot because he's messing with the stage. Is there a reason to practice that? Do you think – Taylor, do you practice that at all? Do you get get your you're the foot where the chip is on across do you slide like i played baseball my whole life i played baseball my whole life so i don't need to practice it but i don't i don't know that i would think uh yeah i don't know some events have button timers and it's something that well i mean you never also you didn't also really ever see Matt do it either
Starting point is 01:13:25 because he was beating people by enough time where he didn't need to slide across. Saxon, I would say Saxon, yes, last year at Granite Games, made really good use of that slide. He did it almost in every finish, and he's just – you have guys like that that are – the little things add up. So potentially it's worth it to practice. I also don't think that you need to spend a lot of time on that in your training. Sousa, can you show that clip again of the guy who jumps early?
Starting point is 01:13:51 He also wasn't sliding. He was jumping. I know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what's – He's doing a Sherwin-Lennon tank. Sherwin took a little over at Stevenson. Sherwin is going to hold him off.
Starting point is 01:14:01 He gets in. Stevenson finishes in second. Yes. I also just don't – what's the platform there for? Why do they have to have the – They want it like the games. I know. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:14:17 Why have it raised? Is that what you mean? Yeah. Well, because someone said it's a baseball slide into a three-foot platform. So why do they have a three-foot platform? That wasn't something they had back in regionals. Here we go. Andrew's talking about regionals again.
Starting point is 01:14:29 It was just a freaking get out of the finish mat. Yes, time. And you know what was after the finish mat? I don't know, 15 feet of clear space. Yeah, that's a good point. This guy also asked, do you get to pick which ankle the chip timer is on? And you do. You just stick whichever ankle you want it on up to the volunteer who's strapping it on your leg and they put it on
Starting point is 01:14:48 they don't tell you which leg um so you so you can choose um but i also think the the buttons are better especially man someone uh posted a video of these i don't remember what company it had but they had these live chip timers that had your live time on the pylon. It had like a little screen on the pylon. It was a company that came out with these, and I thought those were sick. With a button? Yeah, with a button. It basically had a master device that controlled all of them.
Starting point is 01:15:18 So 3, 2, 1, go, and all of these pylons have the times on them, and they all start. And then as soon as you get to your pylon, you hit the button, your time stops. So not only does it feed it to the leaderboard, but the judge can also see it on your pylon. It's so simple and so easy. It's almost like they should do it. It's not trying to use the Ironman thing. Exactly. Or they're using their legs the whole time.
Starting point is 01:15:39 So it makes sense that the leg would be the indicator for when you're done. the leg would be the indicator for when you're done. We are about to start a grueling three-hour session of workouts. I think the time cap on these is 25 minutes. It's individual event for the Mac Miles. Probably a good time to run back and watch the team events for. We will be back at 1.15 p.m. standard time uh thanks everyone for checking in james towns and thanks for uh poking your head out that was really awesome good dude taylor jr hillar suza adios uh enjoy are you guys all going to be back at 1 15 yes

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