The Sevan Podcast - #424 - CrossFit Semifinal | MACC Day 2 Recap

Episode Date: May 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. What's wrong with you? Cheese crackers. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Hiller, we can't wait for you every show. Motherfucker. You're right. Next time I'll be here on time. Just immediately throws him under the bus. Hiller was shirtless and I tried to go live and he's like, no, no i don't want to be topless scrambling to cover up his titties you know if you were here on time you would have heard about the pump session that was going on before you got here who was getting pumped you wouldn't you like to know that girl on the bed behind taylor
Starting point is 00:00:59 i'm just trying to understand what's going on. You're muted. I'm just trying to. That's my girl. I'm in the same room as JR. So I'm trying not to echo. Ah, wow. JR looks like he's in a much nicer room. Maybe it's just your mustache.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Why is one dark and one's not dark? I like it because I'm sitting in front of the window. That lady looks good. Let's get on you. I, um, That lighting looks good. Let's get on you. Sousa, there is a comment on one of our YouTubes from yesterday. Sorry, guys. I don't mean to bother you with house cleaning, but there's a comment on here that needs to be erased.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Did somebody call me a creep again? Yeah, kind of. They said – Chase got a couple crossfakes you made jr left but i can't find it they said something about you being better than me when you host the show because you don't interrupt if you could erase that promptly deleted promptly deleted uh uh sydney mickalician clown that went out uh let's say that again she just got crushed her running looked so bad well that's what that's what savannah was saying on the last show yeah well it's interesting that i'm still proud of her she's a beast but uh i just i mean i want to jump way ahead here real quick is that going to be problem at the games
Starting point is 00:02:26 running depends on who's programming well in years past running is a huge issue with games like like especially last year is that that's like almost some like the kind of holes gee has right uh i mean we'll see when he does uh when he does a semi-final it seems that he's probably tightened those up a bit more um she's a lot younger and man she is a unit too just watching her on the runner was a lot younger than who just a lot younger in general period a lot younger in general in period yeah he's younger he 21 how old is she no i didn't take it that way that he was saying that i thought i think he was just saying she's young younger than the pack and then that uh that she has a lot of
Starting point is 00:03:17 room to hey can you fix that can you fix running uh jr at 22 can you can you make someone can you turn someone into a Lazar Jukic? I definitely think every athlete has some kind of essence. Are they twitchy? Are they faster twitch? Are they more slow twitch? But running is definitely something that you can get better at. It just takes some time. Not as long as some would argue that it takes
Starting point is 00:03:42 to get strong, but it definitely takes some time. How does Amanda Barnhart run? Very similarly. Yeah, that's what I would think. That's what I would think, right? I mean, who said it? Someone said she's a unit. And that's like when I think of Amanda Barnhart, too.
Starting point is 00:03:58 She looks like she's just brought out of the Matrix. Why hasn't Ben Bergeron fixed her running yet? Who? It's all his fault. Oh, amanda's over there at the at the um she's been for some time everyone would say look at cole sager he's a good runner so doesn't ben bergeron be good runners it's like no cole sager has always been a good runner just like amanda barhart's always been strong just like chandler smith has never moved well bergeron doesn't much. I think to clear up kind of some of my previous statements, I just think different coaches have different flavors.
Starting point is 00:04:30 You know, we heard James Townsend earlier talking about how he focuses on the mental so much, whereas from what I hear with Matt, I'm sure he focuses on the mental to a high degree, but it also seems like he's super focused on the minutia of movement efficiency um and so i just think you get different perspectives with different coaches i wasn't saying earlier you know ben's a bad coach i don't know him at all and i've never been coached by him so what the fuck do i know oh you got your peepee slapped you got your peepee slapped between the show and last show someone
Starting point is 00:05:00 someone told you to fucking watch that fork tongue ears no no i i just think different coaches are different i i have my coach and i love him um and i don't want any other coach i think i think they're just different coaches are different and i would you know i would be really interested in in seeing the dynamic of a one-on-one coaches i wonder how rich coaches hayley or i guess tasia's her one-on-one coach but that would be an interesting dynamic well we heard i don't know if it was on this show or it was after one of the shows but someone basically said and we could have hayley on and ask her um but that uh she she she kind of refuses to start with strength training she starts every day with
Starting point is 00:05:41 like a metcon which isn't the coach's fault so when when you say like oh hey um i don't know if that's true that's just the word on the screen who said that who was there who said that i don't remember well if i was written in a bathroom stall somewhere i was written in a bathroom i heard a rumor well to that to that point it's like you know for james for james townsend who i'm sure he's got a high degree of confidence in himself but say like oh can you fix Haley? Well, if it's just technique and she's coachable and she wants to fix that technique, then sure.
Starting point is 00:06:10 But I would make the assumption that she's probably on some really good strength programming. She probably has some very fit individuals who move very well coaching her on efficiency, and it's probably, to a degree, how much of a step back is she willing to take to get stronger? Sorry, I'm a little slow to the game. But Amanda and Sydney are both with Comptrain. Oh, so maybe Sydney does have a running coach and a running coach is Amanda Barnhart.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I don't know if they coach each other, but you're on to something. OK. I lost my notes unfortunately uh well it was oh no it was a technical or i was a you're up i no susie just lets you guys talk uh alexis um uh johnson did you guys see her throw her belt i'm going back to the teams uh back from this morning event for she gets off the pull-ups she does it was it 10 or 20 was it 20 20 pull-ups 20 20 pull-ups for the team and then she goes over to where the dumb tank is and uh she throws her belt and it flies in the air and goes two lanes over. Did you guys see that?
Starting point is 00:07:27 So first let me ask you this. Why would you need a belt in that workout? Is that for the shoulder and the D-ball or the sandbag? Are you talking about the individual event? No, sorry. I'm talking about the team event. This young lady here, when she got off the pull-up bar, she had a weight belt, and she threw it, and it went flying 20 feet in the air as high as the rig, 15 feet in the air, and landed two lanes over. Did you see that shit?
Starting point is 00:07:50 Like if her competitor would have been there, what is this? And Rich was commentating, and he was dying laughing. He was like, oh, she's never going to live this down. And then one of the other commentators, I think it was Sean or Tonya, was like, hey, isn't she going to need that belt? But she just left it. Did you guys see that? If you could find that, Sousa, that little section. Oh, you're going to try to play it?
Starting point is 00:08:14 Ah, fuck. Are you going to risk it? Never mind. Is that worth it? No, no, no. We don't want to. Oh, yeah. You just have to mute it.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Just mute it. If she slapped somebody, it might have been worth it. But I don't know if a belt toss is worth that strike. Rich was commenting the team event. I thought he did a damn good job, and I thought that Sean and Tonya Wagner integrated great with him. By the way, I love Tonya Wagner. I think she's great at what she does.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Do you guys listen to her commentating? Yeah, she's amazing. Fantastic. Yeah, you like her, JR? Yeah, I think she's really good. And her and Sean are seamless, and they brought Rich in really well, too. Did any of you guys even watch any teams?
Starting point is 00:08:50 Be honest. I won't tell anyone. I watched Mayhem towards the back end, but I missed the belt toss that you're talking about. Yeah, I didn't see the belt toss. So we should probably bring it up on the stream. Yeah, if we can. If you can find it.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I'm poking around for it. I'm poking around for it. Okay. Just post it on on your instagram story and everybody who wants to go see you can go click on your instagram story i i need the god that background for you is so good taylor with the black and just how fucking albino you're almost translucent i can see take the head off even better can someone explain that team event to me like when does the next guy get to go it's four people do the exact same workout but i couldn't figure out for the life of me when the second the person behind you gets to start going i believe you're talking about the the synchro. Nope, never mind. Okay, I'm not caught up on that workout.
Starting point is 00:09:46 The workout was you ran, and then you did wall balls, and then you did pull-ups, and then you pushed the torque tank, and then you did the D-ball, the shoulder, sandbag shoulder, and then you jumped across the finish line. But I couldn't figure out when or why or what triggered the next person to start. Did you have to cross the finish line was it just when you turn no no no i believe they're water falling the runner yes and in one of my comment sections froning spoke about how there should never be a waterfall workout in a competition like this what does that mean waterfall so that means it means that after the first athlete completes the run then the next athlete starts the run. And when they finish the third athlete starts the run.
Starting point is 00:10:29 When they finish the fourth athlete starts to run. You're basically at the mercy of the person in front of you. Go ahead. Go ahead. You're at the mercy of the person in front of you on the runner. So you want to get them way out ahead and pray to God that they're keeping ahead of the person who's second, who's third.
Starting point is 00:10:44 And then you want your ringer at the end to be able to keep up as close as possible to the third person that's usually how a waterfall workout works like this who brought the guys who brought the torque tank back but there's no torque tank on that workout oh there wasn't on that one no okay okay that's why i'm so confused with what you're saying i thought you were talking sorry sorry sorry i'm conflating i'm conflating the two workouts okay all right great well i enjoyed the event i thought it was cool uh they had uh um once again sasha nieves uh do the the ringer as uh hillar called at the end uh she touch and go she did singles for the first six reps with 145 clean and jerks and then she touch and go the last four and uh and blew across the finish line it was pretty cool
Starting point is 00:11:31 and you know we saw yesterday she said for the complex 200 pounds was light so you could imagine 145 was um nothing for her uh i don't know who i'm going to ask this question to um but is schmoozing the refs important? Yes. I think, and I don't know that schmoozing is the right word, but when you, when you walk up to him before an event,
Starting point is 00:11:57 you introduce yourself. And my, my favorite. And then you threaten them with their life. Like, like Ryan Fisher. I like to say, I like to say, I really appreciate you guys being out here and doing this. Thanks for doing this.
Starting point is 00:12:10 And then go over the workout with them. Does everyone do that? Everyone goes over the workout with the – I don't think everyone does that. I don't go over the whole workout. I just go over a couple of the movements like, hey, can I do this? Can I do that? Small logistical things that they don't always cover in the briefing um and sometimes they change
Starting point is 00:12:29 things after the briefing so i just like to uh i wouldn't say schmooze introduce myself thank them for being there and for doing this because they're volunteering um and then go over the little things eye contact oh yeah handshake yeah slap on the butt yeah it's all good only if it's a dude you think you think you got you think you ever gotten any bro you think you ever gotten any bro reps because your kindness uh i i feel like aside from some really heavy like near like sub maximal lifts i move really well. So I don't really, I typically, typically I'm not concerned with no reps unless I'm doing a movement that I'm
Starting point is 00:13:11 pushing to failure. Like I don't, I don't typically have no reps in their love workouts and like, in like pretty common movements. So I don't really worry about that. Is that you too? Common, common movements. Have you ever had Hillaryary's your judge well when i say common movement i mean like okay if i am going to get a no rep it's going to be because i fail a jerk at like 345 or i'm not going to get no repped a lot on wall balls i'm not going to get no repped a lot on muscle ups i'm not going to get no rep don't pull ups and shit like that for
Starting point is 00:13:40 squat speaking of no reps did you guys pick up brooke wells on that event? I don't know if we want to go into that yet. I saw a lot of hers. You're talking about the wall ball? It appears as if she lost that event due to her inability to cooperate with her judge. On which movement? Why do you disagree? The sandbag.
Starting point is 00:14:01 So she went out so hot. She had quite a bit of a lead on danielle brandon i know if you were to ask me and i don't have an exact number it looks like she got seven or eight no reps on that sandbag what she she how did i not notice that yeah i didn't see that either that's what round are you talking about in the third round when danielle passed over the over the course of the workout okay okay all right all right maybe it was more like three or four no reps on the sandbag but it ended up like really kicking her back she was like giving her judge a hard time not giving her judge a hard time but like what are you talking about and then also on the wall ball she would pick it up and then she'd get a
Starting point is 00:14:40 no rep and she'd put the wall down she'd She'd approach it, not even do a wall ball, put it down. You guys missed all that? I saw that again. I saw all of it. Most of that happened during her fourth round, but also over the course of the workout, she'd get a no rep here or there. I just saw her after the workout and it looked like her soul was in Mars.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah. On Mars? Yeah, she was. If she wasn't given those no reps, I believe she would have still been ahead of Danielle Brandon. No, I think those no reps were going to happen because she was just so blown up. I just think she went out too hot. So you think that there are no reps as a result of just being so fatigued she couldn't control anything that was going on? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:21 It looks more like me. Because she one time. Rose was spiegling some reps she she did one wall ball i think on her fourth round she like did a wall ball and on the way down she caught the ball and it like pushed her back and she like caught it and took a couple steps back and that was a 13 pound ball so i saw that too it was messed up and what was interesting was underneath their lanes like danielle brandon's lane in brooks lane they had the markings of like where their feet go did you guys notice that like they came up in chalk and stood there did a few reps and then they marched where their feet were at and i looked and a lot of the other women didn't
Starting point is 00:15:52 necessarily have that at least not to what i saw so she knew her feet were supposed to be planted it's not like she lost it so i just think that was just utter breakdown at the end of the uh workout for her. Which, and I'm not talking shit at all because I blew up at Grand Games, but I think that's why she lost the workout, not because of the no reps per se. I think the no reps were a result of her losing control of the throttle, so to speak. Yeah. J.R., what do you think?
Starting point is 00:16:24 Yeah, so it was really interesting before that workout where you're trying to figure out where sticky part is right in a 25 minute workout where can you lose it where can you win it and although we saw no reps on wall balls all the way around the board every heat male female everybody was getting them some athletes more than others we can all agree that like we say not all reps are equal like a double under and a clean and jerk at 225. Not all no reps are equal either. If you get no rep on a wall ball and you're like, dang, and you just keep going or you drop for a second, you pick it right back up. You get no rep on a sandbag clean, depending on the method that you're using to do it. That's not just a one to two second penalty, but that's also the time it was going to take you to rest and do the next one.
Starting point is 00:17:05 So now it's compounding. And we saw the separation in the workout be for a lot of heats who was able to go touch and go, but go touch and go because of their ability allowed them to, and not because they were just trying to get a lead in the first two rounds. Because when you saw Mitchell Stevenson, he was able to hold touch and go two sets all the way through three rounds. He was able to do that and hold on to that. And we saw Saxon do the same thing. And we saw some athletes start out touch and go
Starting point is 00:17:37 and then rest for 15 seconds before the next rep. Which round was, which he was Mitchell Stevenson in? He threw. The second. He too, i'm sorry second to last he touch and go to all of them i so i just want to i just want to know me and jr we're talking about this we were watching uh mitchell stevenson do this workout and i think jr said he moves up to eighth and he's currently in a points tie but sitting in ninth so he's in
Starting point is 00:18:01 a points tie with louise oscar more for eighth and ninth um so that was really spot on and i think going he was in the second heat but i think going into the third heat we thought that it was going to be pretty tough for anyone to touch his time and man is saxon panchik impressive and i would really like to ask scott what he thinks about how his brother's looking because he just looks like a different athlete yeah totally freaky okay so let's go back to a couple of those things we talked about before the lines were mentioned that were on the ground the commentators uh on the play-by-play were saying that they those lines were um a technique athletes use when there's not a wall because when there's a wall in front of them you can get a visual of how far you are from the wall but since there was no wall and it was just a target up
Starting point is 00:18:44 ahead they went out ahead of time and drew lines. JR, have you seen that before? Is that common practice? Yeah. What I think of when I see that is something most people do on bar-facing burpees. When they do them for lots of reps, a lot of times you'll put two Xs on either side of the bar so that you don't get too far away from the bar, but you also don't get too close to the bar to where your head is on top of it because generally that's a no rep. So maybe you saw some teams at my gym did that for their line-facing burpees on the team of four just to make sure their hands are in the exact same place
Starting point is 00:19:17 every time. So that's smart to do on a wall ball when there is no wall because depth perception plays when you've got that clear target you're going for. Good visual clue. Yeah, and we talked about depth perception plays when you've got that clear target you're going for. Good visual clue. Yeah, and we talked about depth perception this morning. It can get weird if it goes sideways. Daniel Brandon, when you were saying all no reps weren't created equal,
Starting point is 00:19:35 that was a great description, but I was also thinking of this. The difference between missing your target when you throw the ball versus not getting enough depth. I don't know what the implications are of that, but there was no question ever that, uh, Danielle branding got depth. I was thinking the same thing. And with Brooke, like I, um, I mean, I, as a ref, I wouldn't have no Raptor, but I didn't see a single one that went a little parallel just from the angle
Starting point is 00:20:03 of the cameras. I mean, I'm not down there. So what do you mean you want to know Raptor? I brought up the fucking rep the shit out of you. So you're in again. So you're a bro rapper all day. He's just a counter. Not a judge. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Yeah. I judge your smile, not her death. But it doesn't from from the camera angles. We see that there's and, you know, we used to see that with josh bridges and the truth is is you see with a lot of people it's i don't know if it's a they it has to do with their hips or whatnot but it looks like their hamstrings like hitting their cabin they're they're they bottomed out but daniel brandon's figured it out and god knows she must have calves and hamstrings that are in the way like everyone else part of it has to do with ankle flexion so
Starting point is 00:20:45 if you have a great ankle flexion you don't have to rely on hip depth as much to feel like you're going deep in the squat even if your heels stay on the ground um but if you want to ensure you're hitting below depth you need to sit back into your hips when you squat so so what do you guys think do you guys agree with me what what did you what did you guys see yes our view was yes like our view was from from the back of the athlete so the athletes were facing away from us when they're doing their wall balls from our vantage point right so we were seeing them from the rear right and i can just say there may have been one or two and all the heats get no rep for death but what it appeared like was that everyone was getting no rep for ball height.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Okay, okay. So either we couldn't see clearly from our camera angle, or it just wasn't one of the stronger pieces of criteria. But at least there was consistency, which I do appreciate. Okay, here we go. I want to talk about the dumb tank for a second. That's something I thought of. So this different, that the grass may be wet, the grass may not be wet. It may be more sticky here. Something may get caught on a mat here. Sleds push differently, right? That was one of the arguments why you use it because you would have a consistent weight across the line. I mean that's not the reason why I think it's dumb i think it's dumb
Starting point is 00:22:26 because you're not rewarded for your effort and it's not a competition piece but have we ever seen these things be calibrated is there some kind of caliber i would calibrated meaning uh i know calibrated means but i don't think that they have ever been used long enough to need calibration slash they have that little lever on them you know there's a there's a lever i understand that but you want me to trust that all of these things require the same 15 pounds of press to start getting them to inch forward one centimeter at a time or whatever the i'm just making that up you sound like someone but i but i don't trust the fucking grass in um at the stadium in carson no fuck you think... This is fucking ludicrous. It's ludicrous to me.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Do you trust that the weights are all the same weight? I do, but this is a machine that I know nothing about. The pieces are inside. Don't get me wrong. I bet you they are all right. But once again, you're putting these things into... Let's say one of them wasn't calibrated right. Let's say one of them did take an extra 15 pounds of pressure. We'd never fucking know. We wouldn't, but we we also don't know the sandbags have the same amount
Starting point is 00:23:28 of weight in them either some look smaller than the others you know i think but they could easily weigh those they could yeah you're right so if you say how do you calibrate those i know how those are calibrated yeah how do you calibrate yeah i'd like to know the dumb tank how do you how do you i know how. How? How? Well, I don't think they're calibrating the magnetic resistance, but it's tire pressure. So if there's anything off, in my opinion, for any of those, I don't think it's the resistance in the sled. But if you see some going a different direction or veering more to one direction, I think that's likely due to tire pressure and not to the magnetic resistance.
Starting point is 00:24:07 do the tire pressure not to um the magnetic resistance if i'm holding on to both of my boys each with one hand like this and they're trying to run away from me and one of them starts to cry for cry i don't be like oh i'm squeezing this one harder with this hand than this hand i just look at him and go you're a pussy and then what do they say but how am i supposed to know i don't have my hands calibrated i'm just saying it's a competition and the arguments around this thing this thing infuriates me as far as like you're really pissing me off that i'm watching such a great event with such a fucking moronic piece of equipment right in the fucking middle of it i was i was talking to susan before we came on that it was almost down to the torque tank in that final event for the men. They're fortunate that Saxon was able to get through and finish, but it was almost like a,
Starting point is 00:24:48 who's going to inch the torque tank that doesn't even matter? Right. The finish line. It is interesting, though, because if it's off-calibrated and one of you has five more pounds of pressure on it and you add it up over the whole entire way you've traveled, you've moved that much more pounds per feet. I don't know how they calibrate it all though but i see
Starting point is 00:25:05 the point you're making savannah's trying to say like how do you know they're all pushing the same go ahead i was gonna i was just gonna make a science reference there are probably a lot of things that you don't understand that work and that are real but just because you don't understand them doesn't mean they don't work but but savannah understands everything but i I can, at least in my own head, be like, hey, I understand that this sled moved faster because the grass was wet there. I have no idea what's going on inside that fucking metal box that's out there. And it's just – I don't like it. Are you claiming like a Tom Brady Deflategate deal where Saxon Panchick actually went out there and tampered with his machine until he beat everybody? actually went out there and tampered with his machine until he beat everybody.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I saw Scott fucking hobble out there and fucking take WD-40 and fucking super lube the inside. And then he also like to the air pressure. What's really going on is TorqueTag's going to see this and they're going to be like, you know, we're going to prove them wrong. Let's send them three. And then three
Starting point is 00:26:00 TorqueTags are going to show up and you're going to see the branded on the bottom and then you'll know why we've done this. I'm not hating on it as a training tool. Who's the moderator? Get this fucking guy, Ethan, out of the comments. Who's Ethan? What is he saying? I don't even...
Starting point is 00:26:15 I don't see an Ethan. Oh, I saw Oh, he said Taylor looks skinny. Oh, you were so serious, Taylor like holy shit this is gnarly okay so i agree with you ethan so jr is just uh has proximity bias he is thin right he looks he's he's he's like a saltwater fish he turns sideways you know what jr's gotta do is i take the computer and tilt it over at him so we can see Taylor from a different perspective real quick. Brooke Wells comes off of the pull-ups, jumps on the torque tank first.
Starting point is 00:26:54 And when she does that, I'm thinking there's psychological implications there. Because once you get on the torque tank, you're telling everyone behind you, you cannot pass me until we get to the bag right did you guys think did any of you think that it was important as a psychological piece to make sure you got on the torque tank first it sure seemed that way like everyone's like get my get on the torque tank do the chest of ours unbroken so i get the torque tank first and then like also finish up the sandbag clean just start moving doesn't matter how tired you are at the end of either the sandbag or the chest or the chest of bars. Just start moving the fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:27:29 It did seem that way. And she held on for three rounds. And then at the end of that third round is where Danielle Brandon passed her. And it doesn't look like Danielle Brandon changed her technique. She still did onesies on the shoulder in the sandbag. But it did look like Brooke was breaking down. I think Brooke started doing some onesies on the uh shouldering the sandbag um but it did look like brooke was breaking down i think brooke started doing some onesies there too she had to do 50 of them um do you think it was a mistake on her part to go touch and go the first two rounds
Starting point is 00:27:55 anyone did you notice how she was doing them touch and go like she would touch the ground and if my hand didn't appear as if her knuckles were touching the ground and the judge actually no wrapped around one of them. So when you do the sandbag touching go, you've got to get underneath the freaking thing and the sandbag almost arguably doesn't even touch the floor. You can see Saxon was using the same technique
Starting point is 00:28:15 and it was touching. Saxon was good, yeah. You tilt the bag a little bit and the bag hits the floor. Brooke was not tilting the bag and the judge actually no record for it. I was watching them like, let's don't look at their touch in and then he know up the next rep. And then she put it down and started doing onesies.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Like Savannah was saying, I'm telling you, she fell apart on the sandbag from the no reps, man. She didn't like it. No reps for those. She planned to go out unbroken the whole way through. And then the second that she had to alter the way she was doing them,
Starting point is 00:28:43 she was all out of sorts. So what is the rule? Does your, um, does the bag have to touch or do your hands have to touch anyone got confirmation on that i think the bag has to touch but i don't know for sure that would either way i am certain she got a no rep on it for that that fact i'm certain about that but from the camera view you can't tell whether or not it's because just her hands touch or nothing touched. I like staying quiet a little bit and seeing who talks first sometimes. Not often. I like to just keep on talking. I'll keep on talking.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I'll do it. Jeffrey Birchfield says the rule is the bag. I don't know how he knows that, but he's usually right. You know, Jeffrey, I think he's the head usually right you know jeffrey i think he's a head judge out there so yeah the bag is the touch i'm not i'm just kidding uh also what happened in the men's event also in round three is when saxon passed cole sager also on the bags no sorry or cole sager passed saxon on the bags in round three And then I looked away for a minute and that's when, and,
Starting point is 00:29:46 uh, and Saxon had taken the lead back. And that's when I text you guys. And you said, Saxon took the lead back on the run, which brings me to this question. They were interviewing Matt Torres on the side and they said, Hey,
Starting point is 00:29:56 uh, what do you think about this event? And Matt Torres was saying, this is not a running event. Um, that most of the time is not spent on the runner. But, but if, if Saxon's passing Cole on the runner, then couldn't it be argued that this is a running event?
Starting point is 00:30:13 This seems like a JR question. JR take it. Yeah. So I think when people say that workouts are insert movement workout, a lot of that is dependent on what athlete is doing the workout. If you asked all the athletes what their limiter was in that workout, I would venture that maybe a third of them would say just their overall base capacity. Like my heart rate just skyrocketed after the first round and I couldn't get it back down.
Starting point is 00:30:39 And then some athletes might say that their low back started blowing up, going from the tank to the sandbag, back to the tank, back to the run, which is a lot on their low back started blowing up going from the tank to the sandbag, back to the tank, back to the run, which is a lot on the low back. And then you might have other athletes say that my legs got blown up from the wall ball. So by the time I got to the tank, my legs were burning. And when I got to the sandbag, I didn't want to pick it up. So in a workout that has that many movements, I think what a lot of people are saying, this is not a running workout, meaning for the most part, your ability to run is not going to be what loses the workout. But if you're so messed up from the other things that you may not be so good at,
Starting point is 00:31:15 then the running becomes a factor. Correct. Well, so, so, so for, uh, Cole Sager, it's, it's just not true. It was, uh, for Cole. I don't think it wasn't a running workout. I think he kept up with Saxon because the three individuals that touch and go and were able to hold that the most did the best. Cole, Saxon, and Mitchell Stevenson. So I'm not going to say it's a sandbag workout, but I think it's a CrossFit workout. And I think a lot of the movements, I think, if anything,
Starting point is 00:31:43 the workout was most importantly decided on the sandbag and the run. I think the wall balls and the chest-to-bar were negligible. I mean, clearly a part of the workout and mattered, but people weren't making passes or moves on the wall balls or chest-to-bar. They were making moves on the sandbag and on the run. So Mitchell Stevenson is a good runner also? He seemed to be able to hold his run which to me means he's a good runner i didn't think he was increasing his pace i like i saw doll doll in at the end down at the end push the last run um but he looked like he was recovering
Starting point is 00:32:19 back to kind of whatever his baseline was on the runner while holding the same pace um which is good and that's what you want to work out like that to piggyback off of what you guys are saying of whatever his baseline was on the runner while holding the same pace, which is good. And that's what you want to work out like that. To piggyback off of what you guys are saying, I always hear, I mean, of course, it's the workout your weaknesses deal. And then the workout like this, where there's a couple of different things, like you could skyrocket your heart rate doing chest to bars. So if you come out in the first round, do your 20 chest to bars and broken, then you might be in trouble with the rest of the event.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And then when I look at someone like Saxon, he didn't look like he was too badly out of sorts at the end of that workout so what you think is he can control his heart rate he's probably in incredible aerobic condition and none of these things were like too big of a weakness for him if he has any at this point and then you look at someone like frazier he never attacks something so hard to the point where it kicks him in the ass on something like say the runner quote unquote so it's just like that make sure you have no weaknesses again yeah and it's like so athlete dependent right so we're talking about like time per movement time per rep so if you go to the sandbag and you say okay i'm gonna do two sets of five touch and go like mitchell did and that's only gonna take me 45 seconds then when he gets back to the run he can use the run as recovery because he's chosen to spend less time on the sandbag.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Or he could have gone to the sandbag and done 10 singles. Then he would have had to run harder. And he probably would have been able to run harder because he didn't spend himself enough on the sandbag. So at the end of the day, he probably uses the same amount of time to do the workout. It's just a different strategy. I'm going to say this is a running event then from everything I'm hearing. Basically what I'm hearing is the three guys who we were on the show. It's a CrossFit event. A one mile run is a running event.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Right. And the three guys that did well, we're impressed with their running. We, we, we, we, we, we, we have great things to say about what they did on the on that running machine on the assault runner. Do you want to know what I think is really cool? It's just completely off topic, but the comment section, as a result of the last show, everyone was now pointing out that they're spending too much time showing Tia in the stands. They'll show Tia in the stands, and then it just litters.
Starting point is 00:34:19 It was like, get the camera off Tia. We want to see the athletes. It's so funny. I don't think they put the camera too much on tia but those comments were fucking hilarious did you notice that yeah and the irony is is that those people spend more time reading the comments than watching the fucking event they're complaining about the camera being on t it's like fucking knuckleheads i've seen more time typing than than watching the event i was dying looking at that. It's like, oh, there's TIA, and there's 30 comments in a row.
Starting point is 00:34:48 In the – I haven't seen it in a long time, but in the 80s, there used to be this brand, and it was just generic. They even had, like, generic beer. It was just yellow, and it had a barcode on it. And they had everything. They had generic gum, generic dog food. Do you guys remember that? Did you say the 80s?
Starting point is 00:35:03 Yeah. Anyway, those Assault Runners gave me that vibe with those yellow handles and stuff. Um, are you allowed to hold the handles? No, no. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I saw a couple of runners doing, I believe there's like a two second leeway. Oh, that's, that's from my experience of being on a runner in competition. And Taylor may have something to say about that, but every time it's always like you can get yourself started on there, but as soon as you're moving,
Starting point is 00:35:27 you're not allowed to touch them anymore while you're moving. Yeah. Taylor. Yeah. Well, I think they put them on there because they just wanted them on the low handles. Oh, are you talking about the runner? Are you talking about the torque tanks? No, no, no. Sorry. I'm talking about the runner. I saw some athletes holding the handles while they were running, but not, not for long, but I had never seen that before.
Starting point is 00:35:45 I guess I had also maybe never paid attention. No, you don't want to watch. The runners are yellow because they're custom. Oh, fuck me. They have like a custom Mac. Is that what we're talking about? The runners? I'm wearing this shirt.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Are you allowed to hold the handles on the runner during the competition? It depends on the competition. A lot of them will say you can push off, but if you touch the handles, it's a penalty. Some don't. Some are like, you can touch the handles on the runner during the competition it depends on the competition a lot of them will say you can push off but if you touch the handles it's a penalty some don't some are like you can touch the handle you've had competition say they can't touch them at all oh jrs no that is incorrect that is no no that is incorrect in both years of our competitions the rule has been you can have your hands on the handle for a one one thousand count and then if you do not release the handle you get added 100 meters to your distance 100 meters yeah fuck me right why i've never run that far in my life yeah i'm trying to really incentivize you not to use that
Starting point is 00:36:38 is it because you could get it pushing and get it moving quicker easier what would be the advantage of putting your hands on the thing resting just allows you to rest while you're running are you i use it as like a fucking propeller like the nas and fast and furious it's like you like get yourself going um tommy marquez wants to know can you grab on to the judge's love handles wait a minute if we're talking about touching things and in the did you notice that on the rope? So I'm just grinning a little bit, touching things.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Anyway, the rope climb event where they're doing the circle of death. I couldn't believe that an athlete went up to the athlete who was trying to finish up their ninth or 10th round and like touched her. Like, can you imagine like any other sport or any other event where you're, if this kind of hard to see you throw in the belt, like they're touching the other athletes while they're like,
Starting point is 00:37:24 Oh, come on, get up there noah was fucking like directing traffic while nick thomas was trying to fucking finish his event he's like swerving into nick thomas's lane and shit it seriously it looked like it was about to break into a rave i'm like noah you might scoot out of his lane a little bit adrian conway just put up a post about that what do you guys think about it and then they are Sam Dancers like get the fuck away from me Noah also said something in there Which was like I'm just trying to
Starting point is 00:37:52 Yeah I get it Only one person can go Only one person can touch you when you're competing Who's that? Noah, Noah Olsen The rest of you get the fuck away Noah's a good dude, he can do what he wants You're going to say something more creative than that No no the rest of you creeps get away Noahah's a good dude he can do what he wants something more creative than that no no the rest of you yeah just only noah's the only one is allowed to i agree um
Starting point is 00:38:11 okay uh yeah there you go there's a comment sam dancer worst nightmare i mean but but but you know what like that's the reason to do it then just just to go fuck with him. But the touching or getting in their way is just nuts. Chase Ingram, hate that. Been that guy. Oh, Chase. Chase, you haven't competed since 1974. Pipe down. The fuck you know.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Jared Stevens, rather get his head cut off. I agree. It's like when someone beats the shit out of you, do I really believe that you want me to do better? Like you wanted to beat the shit out of me. This is what you fucking wanted. Don't cheer me on. I was talking to Alexis about this.
Starting point is 00:38:53 And what I think was there was one point in history that this was okay. And that was the first time it was ever done. And after that, everyone probably looked at it and goes, you know what? That was a really good look for that athlete. I also want to have a good look like that. And it became ingenuine at that point with the exception of Noah Olsen, because I actually think he wants to be doing it. But every other athlete is like, all right, guys, chill the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:39:15 That's the L1 culture, though. Yeah. Are you telling me every athlete is an L1 athlete? No, but if they're not, they should be put down. When they still had frame as the workout there you'd have the last guy come and everybody would like crowd around them and stuff and they would bring people in on purpose for that yeah who's a level one who really surprised me if everyone hates it why are some still doing it good comment jason's a level
Starting point is 00:39:39 one hopper's a level one he he got his level and that makes sense i i got i got something to say about hopper but but uh i want to go back uh i want to finish talking about kelly and oh one more thing about the handles so why uh why doesn't taylor know the rules at your competition uh because i don't put my hands on the fucking runner i run ever yeah but but you were so adamant in saying that you could do that at jr's competition no i said i said that you couldn't put your hands on the runner because you get a penalty after you start yourself like that yeah but but but why don't you know the rules of jr of jr's competition you said you cannot put your hands on jr saying you can for one one thousand what i was speaking
Starting point is 00:40:23 in absolutes and he corrected me on the minutiae i meant that like if you touch the handles while you're running you get a penalty so i should have i should have been i should have clarified i didn't there's probably real loud uh it was nice it was a nice demo um kelly uh kelly clark and brooke wells both did what they needed to do there um the the commentators that were sort of presenting it that just from the narrative of what Brooke needs to do, which shows their bias a little bit, and I get it, I get it.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Brooke's a big name. But Kelly Clark was also able to stay in the game by taking fourth. Kelly Clark looks good. She's looking good. Do you think she's going to finish the weekend in the top five, Kelly Clark looks good. She's looking good. Do you think she's going to finish the weekend in the top five, Kelly Clark? She's a master's athlete.
Starting point is 00:41:11 She's a master's athlete. Two more events. Two more events. Turbo Tunnel and Hardcore Parkour. Man. So Shelby Neal didn't do well in the rope climb workout, and that last workout's muscle up. So I guess the only other person I would figure that could overtake Kelly Clark or take that fifth spot would be Shelby Neal didn't do well in the rope climb workout, and that last workout's muscle-up, so I guess the only other person I would figure that could overtake Claylee Clark or take that fifth spot would be Shelby Neal,
Starting point is 00:41:30 but it has to come down to that muscle-up thing. I think Shelby's good at muscle-ups. She's good at muscle-ups, so not rope climbs? It's possible. Legless, yeah. But usually there's some sort of correlation, right? Yeah, but she's also—look at her other finishes. I mean, i think we'll know a lot after this fifth event right now she's 35 points out of overtaking uh kelly clark so i
Starting point is 00:41:54 think i mean anything's possible in two workouts i don't she's not safe kelly clark is not safe uh hillary you should do a workout live on the seven no he should not stupid idea thank you though um it's gonna be way too loud then it echoes like wild doesn't it we just have to meet you hold that thought oh yeah that would be nice uh taylor really all i can do is bike and run right now so when we go over workouts uh five and six uh we'll kind of use kelly clark as our kind of our guinea pig to see how she's going to it's going to shake out um one of the things we noticed last week when Jason Hopper – you guys are going to love this. When Jason Hopper was pushing the dumb tank, to give it new direction, he stopped pushing from the end he was pushing on and would go around to the front and adjust it. I didn't see one, and that took like five seconds.
Starting point is 00:42:41 And I didn't think last week that that was weird, but the girls this week made it look like a complete fucking retard. They just were pushing it, and they would just shift it a little bit. What the fuck is wrong with Jason? Yeah, Matt Frazier is training his head right. That's what he's doing. And the show, like the show two shows ago. Fucking ridiculous. How he looks over every GHD set to see where everyone's at every single time and now you're bringing this up goodness it's not it's not looking good he's
Starting point is 00:43:10 gotta go back to training with taylor yeah come on hopper the girls were just moving it budging a little bit you lost four seconds you switch it three times that's 12 seconds you lost a place on the workout and then we we got some 60 pound girl just like taking it just like shoving it did you guys see that yeah i know yeah i was like oh no it was right because they saw that it was almost set off a little bit at the beginning so they would almost push it partly at the back tire out of the lane so then that way it went back and straight for the length of it it also looked much more taxing on this workout the torque tank it. It was a lot more. I think the distance was just so much greater. When I work out at home, there's this kind of this thing I do.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I put on like a shirt and a sweatshirt and even like if I want to take it off halfway through the workout, I don't. I wait till the very end and it's kind of like the treat to take it off, right? You made it to the end. You get to take your sweatshirt off and you're cool why did noah start that workout with his shirt on and wait till round uh three to take it off do athletes do that kind of stuff too is it like a reward is it a gym shark shirt i didn't even notice that's interesting but that was just me saying that he's sponsored by gym shark but i doubt that's why he kept it on. Oh, well, some athletes do it for certain events.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Like, I mean, you remember it was 15.1 and 15.1 a and Brody put his shirt back on so that he can put the shirt so he could catch that clean without it possibly slipping. And on this event, maybe they're wearing a shirt for their chest to bar. So it's blurring whether or not their
Starting point is 00:44:45 chest is actually touching that's something that some athletes do i put on the double xl yeah i like that i like it i approve and if he took it off after around three he's figuring maybe he's done enough work and he can just take the thing off but other than that thoughts anyone no one gives a shit yeah i mean i would say yeah i mean i would say like if there's a movement with sandbag cleans that's one of the i mean i would say yeah i mean i would say like if there's a movement with sandbag cleans that's one of the movements that i would think always put a shirt on for just in case you get super sweaty and the bag starts to get a little bit slippery in a workout that's really short with sandbag cleans you could probably get away with leaving it on because
Starting point is 00:45:19 usually you're not or leaving it off because you're not going to really start to sweat until the workout's over this workout being 25 minutes and I'm a sweaty dude would definitely be one that I would say shirt staying on. I like to get that bag kind of slick, usually being in like this first or second heat. So you got to mess it up for the later heats. They don't dry those. That bag can get so sweaty.
Starting point is 00:45:41 It gets slick. It can get soaking wet. Yeah. So I, I was going to also say, Can a bag get so sweaty it gets slick? It can get soaking wet. Why don't you lose it? Oh, good. I was going to also say I noticed something about Luis Oscar Mora. Not his shirt, but he was wearing these Nike running shoes that were so cushy. It looked like every time he pushed the torque tank, they would just go from a two-inch sole to a one-inch sole.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Great transfer of energy. Great transfer of energy. He wore those for the run, great transfer he wore those for the run though he runs for the run though yeah i know i just think you're better off i uh i agree i'm just talking to you on yeah well just because of the 40 sandbag cleans too like those things are rolling all over the place and it just looked ugly uh aaron you always you always donate money i really appreciate it you're a good dude aaron Pat node. Did you guys cover anything on Zach Watts? He plays bottom of the pack and he qualified through the Mac last year.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Any thoughts on, on our boy Zach Watts, who was a guest on the show? Programming suited him last year. I agree. Well, cause then he not finished so hot at the games last year either. I think he was 38th or 39th. Yeah. That's about what I have to say about Zach. And that was, it was all machines last
Starting point is 00:46:46 year right that was with the mac that's why a lot of people said hopper did as well as he did was it was machine based but also clearly hopper's good at everything at this point it was but maybe that's something zach watts is a little bit better at because he was uh six feet tall right six feet tall and a little bit heavier i think he's six feet 205 he's a big dude i think if he competes at syndicate like last weekend he does a lot better overall i still don't think he qualifies out of that field it's the total cliche story if you look at his points first place in the lifting event and then just everything else that required an engine just well he finished he finished 30th he beat colin merton by one spot seven
Starting point is 00:47:26 in in where last year game last year the games uh colton went to the games last year shut the fuck up okay um uh are you kidding yes he did i believe you i believe you uh you gotta believe yourself you gotta know these things he's your boy you got the one and only trading card i do where is that thing it's right here thank you yeah can't you go on website and buy it it come it's so nice it is nice and one time i opened it online and suza fucking reprimanded me like i can't expose it to oxygen what did that mean oh is it you and it's got a it's got a stand my wife my wife won't let me my wife will let me keep this in the bedroom i got to keep in my office because when it's in the bedroom all i do is stare at it i had to take it off my nightstand bring it in my office mike alpin in the conference talking about nick thomas
Starting point is 00:48:21 withdrawing for the rolled ankle is that what happened him? I saw him limping on the runner, and I was wondering what he hurt. Yeah, it was his ankle. They said so on the rope line workout. Can you check his IG, Sousa, Nick Thomas, see if we can get any update on that. On this donation is to get Matt back on here instead of settling for hillary oh it's not come on matt is on here what do you mean you mean brian you got your your short-haired typical white-looking dudes all what does tpa even stand for i mean suza um uh if brian friend and rj rj pj
Starting point is 00:49:00 kj howell whatever his name is they could could all be the same person. Just pick whoever you want. I'm fucking unique, though. Yes, you are. Don't they know Brian's business? What is TPA? TPA. Good time to bring up Nick Thomas. Did Nick Thomas get lapped?
Starting point is 00:49:21 Did him and Mora get lapped by Saxon panchik in that last workout i think it was close i i mean nick thomas has not not an excuse but shit you roll your ankle and it's bad it's kind of hard to run and push a sled okay what about mora no excuse hey that's i don't think that suited him that's a big dude nick thomas 5 8 193 how tall are you how tall are you how tall are you taylor um 5 10 and how much do you weigh um i'm like right around 200 right now 198 200 wow would you do you compete at that yeah pretty much oh i had no idea you were that big all right you're not skinny you're a little thick you have a thick core yeah This guy has an Instagram either.
Starting point is 00:50:05 I thought he was thin. He was until just now. Mora is kind of headed down the Zach Watts path. Have we seen the last of him this weekend? Are we done with him? He had his few minutes of fame, and now he's carrying a torso the size of a fucking gorilla. Isn't conducive to six events?
Starting point is 00:50:29 I don't know. I mean, he did pretty well on what you would consider a pretty high power output workout with the legless rope climbs. His legless rope climbs were really fluid and strong, fast. And we know that that last workout is moderately heavy for pretty much everyone. We know he's strong and he's a good upper body puller so we can expect he'll probably do well in the final with the muscle ups bar and ring okay all right good some hype hype around so so so he is still a problem for spencer and noah
Starting point is 00:50:58 no no okay and if james townsend j Townsend weighs what I weigh, then I'm just going to go fuck myself. That's crazy. Wait a minute. Where are you reading that? In the chat. He's in the chat, baby.
Starting point is 00:51:13 He's a freakazoid if that's the case. How tall is James? How tall is James? 6'1". I can't wait to talk about how Raptors beat adams and how griffin earned his place to the games i can't wait to see what this week holds for the z score is he talking about crossfit is this this is this is tyler's analytics on everything the raptors that's an mba team 600. Damn. Going back to the runner, Cole did say in his interview that the anchor of his performance on that event was pacing the run.
Starting point is 00:52:06 So making sure that you, I guess you didn't come out too fast on the run or go too slow that people uh passed you i was just told i talked too much i'm waiting for something i think to what jr said in terms of each athlete uh managing the workout differently uh you know you look at Cole's strategy and he touch and go virtually all of the sandbag cleans. So I think he, he ran a little slower to save himself in order to do that. And so he thought that's where he was going to make up his time. And I think that was a pretty good strategy because Mitchell Stevenson, Saxon and him all did really well in the workout by doing that. Did any women finish that event no no what are your opinions on that last event before we move on to tomorrow on that last event and and also uh that only one athlete finished it did did they know did they make something that would be impossible do you think that they had
Starting point is 00:53:02 anyone test this um you think uh wilson uh poock had anyone test this who passed it, who finished it? Taylor? I'm sure he had people test it. I don't know that – I don't think he had anyone test it that finished it. I think it – He had Hunter McIntyre test it. He finished it in 19 minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:21 I mean, I'm sure he had someone test it and I don't have any problem with a tight time cap, especially in a workout like this. If it's a workout where like, man, because the time cap was so tight, you missed seeing the athlete's ability to test a skill or to test something really vital in the workout or a part of the test. And I think the time cap is really important, but I think in a long grinder like this, you just don't want to be out there for 30 minutes, but you want to make it hard. And, you know, plenty of athletes got back to the sandbag in the fourth round. Plenty of athletes did 30 sandbag cleans at 150. I think the test tested exactly what he needed to. I love the time cap.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Yeah. I mean, I was just thinking about the discrepancy between the male and the female scores and something we can we can consider really a couple of things. between the male and the female scores and something we can, we can consider really a couple of things. I think at this point, a lot of people would argue that a 100 pound sandbag seems to move easier for higher level females than it does for males. Okay. So that's kind of like advantage female, but also I think until this year, at least talking to some athletes, not a ton of people train 14 pound ball to a 10 foot target,
Starting point is 00:54:23 maybe not as much as they should. We saw it in quarterfinals be something that's was kind of a big separator on the shuttle run workout and also i just think that if you look at the breaks on wall balls the no reps on wall balls it seemed to just demoralize some athletes comparatively to the males that just took their no rep and kept moving boys boys are cool uh hillar uh but for and then scott will ask you the same question uh hillar what what do you what did you were you okay with the time cap you're okay with only one guy finished i i have i have a conspiracy theory
Starting point is 00:54:55 okay it's that they uh got a last minute sponsorship by torque tank and the event was actually supposed to be done without the torque tank push and they're just like fuck where we throw this in and they put it in right there and the event would have all been done under the 25 minute cap and all they would have had to have done is jog to the sandbag and jog back to the runner but that's more running who knows conspiracy theory it's probably not true i like it i'm going with it uh scott scott uh what did you think about that last workout you You loved it. Your brother finished. Yeah, that was cool.
Starting point is 00:55:28 It's just special watching both those guys in the same heat. Very difficult being a spectator, I will tell you that. That's new. I don't have a voice. It was not trained and prepared to scream as much as I just did. Scott, I didn't get as much love from these guys from this genius analysis that I gave earlier today. Maybe you can give me an attaboy for it. We saw your brother come out and lift heavy. Check.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Check. We saw him then grind. Check. And then in the third workout from yesterday, we saw the competitive, super competitive edge of a side of them. All the, all the boxes check. Now it's like, there it is. That's that thing that like you see that Vellner has, or that Medeiros has, like he, he, he three 25 chase down anyone in, in a little bit of a grinder, longer Metcon. And then in the sprint, Hey,
Starting point is 00:56:22 I'm no matter what, i'm crossing that finish line ahead of you if i'll sacrifice my body are you i'm sure that you you've known he's had it but are you seeing it come together um more than ever this year what are you seeing when you look at saxon panchick yeah i'm really proud um and i'm just seeing the pieces coming together and i think that uh he's he's always been a very smart Uh, he's like a sponge anywhere he goes. He is just, he's a great listener and, um, and you can see it like we, even when he talks and we go through some of the events and we're talking
Starting point is 00:56:57 through things and he actually gave me some tips, uh, last week and was talking to me about some of the, uh, events that I had and just things I could just tell that I know he was hearing at times of just like coaching cues or just things to be mindful or like watch out for the rope okay never mind sorry but but are you really impressed like like I'm really impressed like we're all like shit. Like obviously we have proximity bias right now because we're watching him, but we're like, Oh shit, he's going to get on the podium this year at the games.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Like we're already feeling it. Yeah. I mean, that's great that you're feeling that. I don't think he's thinking much more than the next event. At least that's what, what I'd, I'd be putting into his mind right now is like any moment, like someone wants to take your, take your spot and take that away from you. So I think anybody that has stood on that podium or been close knows that like,
Starting point is 00:57:53 you got to take it one event at a time and you can't look past, you know, what you have in front of you for the day. Is, is it the foundation he got from watching Scott growing up with Scott Panchuk? Is it the foundation he got from watching Scott growing up with Scott Panchuk? Is it the, just his hard work or in, in his young age, or is it going and training with the greatest CrossFitter who ever lived
Starting point is 00:58:17 Tia Toomey? What's the, what are we seeing? I think it's the last one that you didn't mention. It's just kind of like all of the above. Ah, yes, yes. That one. Yes. Oh, the monster energy sponsor he got. You mean, is that, I don't know. I just think, I think there's a lot of factors that, um, that go into making an app, making an athlete, you know, from just the mental side and just along with the experience. And I think the experience is one thing that I just see. I see just a different athlete each year that he's taken the floor where there's just more composure. Maybe that's part of being a dad now for him,
Starting point is 00:58:55 or maybe it's just, you know, the years that he's put in and the repetitions he's done where like, there's certain things I think as an athlete that when you're new and brand new to those moments, you're thinking about those things and when you catch some momentum like he's catching this weekend you don't you're not thinking about those things you're thinking about one thing only and you're thinking about winning and when that's the only thing that you need to really focus on
Starting point is 00:59:17 it starts to it almost starts to take a little bit of stress away but you know the people that haven't been on a competition floor before or maybe it's their second time on the floor, they're thinking about the things that they've done in the past. They're thinking about events that maybe they're thinking about them too long that maybe went well or didn't go well. And I think it's really important. One of the things we've always talked about is just having short-term memory. Like, take a moment, enjoy the win um get over the loss
Starting point is 00:59:45 and it's time to move on and you take it one vent of time and i think that's just that's just the mindset he's at he's he's got a really good head on his shoulders and it's it's kind of not kind of it is showing this year when when uh whenever anyone will give one of my son i have twin sons and i have and i have an i basically what – I have what your parents have. I got one boy and two others. You call them the twins? The twins, yeah, the twins. The twins.
Starting point is 01:00:12 The guys. I call them – there's Avi, King Avi and his training partners. And King Scott and his training partners. And so if someone were to give one of my boys, let's say, a quarter, the first thing out of their mouth would be to the person, thank you. Could I get two more because I got brothers? They're always thinking about their brothers. It's nuts, right? You think if my brothers both make it, I could ask for a spot too?
Starting point is 01:00:44 And they really don't want to do anything ideally they will but separate from the three they're they're like so tight so if you get mad at one one of them will even come well you can yell at me too if you want like they're they're always got each other's back and a couple weeks ago or was it last week when we saw um luka uh jukic struggling, we could tell that it was visibly bothering Lazar. Even when he won, you could tell he couldn't enjoy it. He was struggling with that. Is there a component of that with Saxon? Spencer's doing poorly at all, but that he, um,
Starting point is 01:01:27 that he's just not, is it, is it hard for Saxon to enjoy it all together when he has to like keep an eye on his brother too and vice versa and the same for you? Like, is there like a, do you guys feel that? And you kind of have to push it away. Is it, you have to always battle that. Yeah, I think maybe early on, and this is, again, comes back to like just getting repetitions and you get repetitions in with your brothers on the floor. We've been at regionals together before.
Starting point is 01:01:48 We were at Wadapalooza in January together. I think when you get repetitions on the floor, it almost becomes a second thought, those types of situations. I think this year and this event specifically, I've really noticed maturity from both of these guys where they just seem laser focused on what they need to do. And that's something I'm really proud of, even more so than like the performance. Like I know they both have the physical capabilities to be an elite athlete. But at this semifinal part of the season, a lot of it is just comes down to execution and just having that clear mindset going out on the floor. And that's what I'm seeing is, and I, and I'm especially seeing
Starting point is 01:02:29 it with Spencer, um, because I'm working closely with him this weekend. So I see that, I see that like change. That's a whole new athlete than, uh, than he was last year, um, out at the West coast classic. And I think I see the same thing from Saxon as well as just this evolution of who they were last year. And I think as an athlete, it's really important to continue to evolve, not just with the sport physically, but in your mental preparation,
Starting point is 01:02:59 your demeanor and how you carry yourself off the floor, on the floor floor and everywhere in between um can you pull up the the men's leaderboard there was an event where spencer um dives uh or does a baseball slide and on one hand you can be like it talks to what you're saying it's like holy shit there it is and in he uh and he beat uh good example i'll give you a good example. He, he, from the West coast classic, he slid across the finish line, West coast classic with Cole Sager had the chip on his left foot. And this time he had it on it. He made sure they put it on his right foot.
Starting point is 01:03:36 So he knew what foot that was on. So it's just like little details like that over the course of a weekend make a really big difference, especially when everything's all said and done and you look back and you're like, man, if I would have had one more point, look at Will Morad sneaking in last weekend. One of the things that him and I have been talking about this weekend, I'm just like, listen, in every event you have to fight for every point. It's not just about who's winning, who's in second, who's in third.
Starting point is 01:04:03 You've got to fight. Sometimes you might be fighting for a 15th or a 20th and that could be the difference between you moving on it's not i think a lot of times people are like oh i need to fight like to win and and be in first but like there's going to be events that go well and there's going to be events that don't go so well and in those moments moments of the events that are not going very well, that's, that's what's like, that's the separator between the people that I believe go to the games and the people that don't is like, this is a moment right here. Like this is an athlete that is ready to go to the games. And I believe it's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Man. That's an incredible picture. That is, I don't know who took that but that is awesome yeah that is really cool who who is that is that mora next to him diving who did he beat by that split second that's i think that's mora hey what's more look like in in person and on on tv he looks like he's just like a torso of a 400 pound man on a pair of sticks he doesn't look like a 19-year-old, I can tell you that. I didn't look like that at 19. Man, he is yoked. 23 on his profile.
Starting point is 01:05:15 I was like, holy hell. Oh, is he 23? Okay, someone told me he was 19. Does he look like he's 23 at least? When you come into the sport at 19, you stay 19 for a long time. You're just like a teenager forever. I was just talking to my brothers about that.
Starting point is 01:05:30 I'm like, how old are you guys now? They're like 25. I'm like, what? I still see you as two little kids I used to wrestle at the same time. The torque tank, do you have any feelings about it? Do you have any thoughts about it? Yeah, they're paying paying to get into event i don't know it's it seems it seems silly to me because when you push it harder it gives you more resistance so you get punished for pushing it harder which just doesn't make any sense like name me one thing that you go faster in
Starting point is 01:06:01 and it doesn't benefit you like that does not make any sense to me whatsoever antithesis of competition right it's the antithesis yeah training tool yeah i mean and it's you know it's kind of it makes me feel like one of the other things i don't really like a lot are amraps and there's nothing like that this weekend but like you get punished for being fitter like i just it just doesn't make sense to me That might be the only thing I can think of that would be, you know, a comparison. And I feel like with the events,
Starting point is 01:06:33 especially at semifinals, I mean, that's the only way they get sponsors is to have, you know, you get big sponsors and torque tank. I'm sure they sold. I tried to get one last year and I couldn't get one. They had sold out afterwards.
Starting point is 01:06:46 So they're paying money to get onto TV and get into these events. And we as athletes just have to figure out how to use the tools. But I had never seen a torque tank push on the main site, which to me, that's not a CrossFit thing. So neither, I've never seen a devil press either. So I'm going to go ahead and say that one. Cause I'm, you know, you're not a big fan of the devil's press. No, I mean, I, if you want to put it in fine, I think I can, you know, manage to do what I need to do, but I've just, until it's on,
Starting point is 01:07:21 I it's, it's not, that's what I always thought. What devil's press is just the burpee with dumbbells in your hands, right? Correct. Yeah. Plus the stash. It's like a weighted burpee. So the closest thing that we've done to a devil press was a burpee sandbag clean over the hay at the games. Like that's kind of a similar movement.
Starting point is 01:07:49 It looks a little more functional. And when people do it, they don't look like idiots. I just feel like it's just – I watch people do it in affiliates. And I'm not trying to be mean to people. It's just like I just don't think it's a safe movement to be doing for everyday people and i just got i don't know when's the first time you ever saw the devil's press when's the first time you ever saw the devil's press in competition or qualifier anywhere that wasn't like in your gym but maybe handed down by another competition yeah yep a lot of palooza took it and they let a bunch of people program the event
Starting point is 01:08:26 um which 2017 qualifier or something like that yeah yeah straight parking is who who developed it but i guess my whole thing is is like i always thought like the cool thing about us being on the floor was like, these are things that people could look at and, and, and relate to, you know, most people aren't going to have a torque tank or, um, you know, even a devil presses. I don't see it on the main site. There's no, there's no, uh, benchmark, like name me a benchmark workout that has a devil press. I'll wait. I might see Gregreg tonight i'll
Starting point is 01:09:06 ask him what he thinks about they just came out with those new ones too it's not in there it's not in there yeah there's some dumbbell movements in there and i'm very familiar with the the new ones that they came out with and i've you know done them and practiced them and they have a very elegant layout to them and um and i just got a little outside of that you know i've always trained and followed a lot of what's on the main site i've lived in couplets and triplets and it's been a big part of why i've been successful in the sport but as you add more elements into workouts you're starting to just focus on you're not really uh testing anything besides just maybe like overall work
Starting point is 01:09:46 capacity in some ways you know if there's not something specific that you're like hey i want to see who can do this the best and these other things are in there to really kind of um just add add some some difficulty and maybe a called sexiness to the event. But, uh, the focus, like, I'd love to know, like what the focus is on each event. Like if you went through, what would you say is like, what are you truly testing? And I could go through games events and I could tell you exactly what they're testing. Um, which I don't see that from a um from a programming perspective are you communicating do you talk to dave scott uh i've like not regularly but um do you have his phone number in your phone
Starting point is 01:10:37 i do yeah so you could test him you could text him like you could text him you Mike. You could text him. You want me to tell him to get on? Can you send him a link, please, Scott? Have you heard any of those Ben Smith podcasts he's put out recently? Yeah, I didn't listen to the first one because I didn't want to go in with a negative mindset at all. Yeah, good call, good call. I was just like, you're going to do it. It is what it is. But I listened to a second one on the way down here, and I thought he made a lot of really, really great points and how the programming has changed and evolved a bit. And my training has changed and evolved to try to keep up with what they're testing and doing. And I've honestly I have been doing a lot less lifting and a lot more machine work, which I think has allowed me to keep a lot of my strength.
Starting point is 01:11:26 machine work which i think has allowed me to keep a lot of my strength but um the machines it's just like the the power output on the machine has just been that's what ben was talking about a bunch on his podcast right was that he did an entire year of machine training he didn't see himself get much better and it was almost like he was he was ruining what he was good at which was crossfit to get better at the machines and then he didn't get that much better at the machines. Is that kind of similar for you or no? I wouldn't say it's ruined me. I think it's my programming. Well, clearly it did ruin you because you're a monster still.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Yeah, there were some other things that did me in there. But, you know, I think that the programming has changed, I think that the programming has changed, and I think the athletes even that you're seeing are changing alongside of it. And we kind of saw a shift, and Dave's talked about this before. I've heard him talk about how he's gone. Everybody was like – everything was really heavy early on, and he was like, all right, now we're going to go light and long. And there was kind of this shift I felt like in the season.
Starting point is 01:12:24 light and long and there was kind of this shift I felt like in the season but we never really got outside of like who CrossFit really is like I you know there might have been a few events that I like thought were a little too cute but for the most part we were still testing and you're seeing things that are measurable and repeatable and we've seen in the past and evolutions and and couplets and triplets which you know like i said you start adding in i felt like the machines just had to be in there over the course of our weekend especially uh just felt like it was not needed and you know if i was to break down our weekend you know you look we started with a lift which you know i look at the lift and we weren't allowed if you missed a rep early in the uh in the complex you were able to do another clean if your clean was bad you were able to do
Starting point is 01:13:20 another squat if your squat was bad but you weren't allowed to do another jerk. So like, that's just like, seems a little inconsistent. Like if the bar drops on my chest and you can, and I can hit it, then, you know, let me hit it because you are letting other people hit a clean in a front squat. So I don't know, just like a little consistency there, but you know, I look at, Hey, that's bizarre. That doesn't even make sense. Yeah. I heard that was different amongst the regions too.
Starting point is 01:13:46 So like we all saw Tia do a fourth clean, which was allowed there, but at the syndicate, I was told by an athlete competing there that they were not allowed to continue if they received a no rep at any point. Yeah. We were told, we were told that if there was a no rep at any point, you didn't, it did not count. And then I sat in the briefing with my brother, and they said the first part. So, like, the consistency there is weird.
Starting point is 01:14:10 So weird. Not good. And when Boz was giving the briefings back in the regional days, they were very thorough, and, you know, your questions were answered. So I don't know if that's just like a miscommunication or, or what, but you know, the, the second event then was obviously our, our biking torque tank. I was really proud of my efforts getting off that thing with the, with the guys. And, uh, I'd been working all year to, to, to get off that first 30 calories
Starting point is 01:14:42 fast enough that I didn't get crushed. But, you know, again, then you, you, you have this torque tank in there and I don't know, maybe, maybe I'm mistaken, but I didn't think that was very fun to watch. I can't. Dude, if you can't, if you can't pass another competitor, I don't want to watch it. And there's no, do you know what I mean? Like every, every movement I have to, someone has to be able to pass someone or else there's no point in watching it. Well, let me ask you, do you remember when Rich mean like every every movement i have to someone has to be able to pass someone or else there's no point in watching it well let me ask you do you remember when rich and i went against each other and i sprinted my last bar to catch up for the bar facing burpee
Starting point is 01:15:14 or front squats and burpees and it was just like regionals 2014 those are fun yeah when you see somebody just like just out of nowhere you, guns blazing, you know, hustles back to the bike, rips out 10 cows and then goes like, I think that workout would have been great without the torque tank. Like I think, you know, it still was, and I think it would have been fine with just a burpee deadlift all the way through like 30, 20, 10 cow bike burpee deadlifts. And I think that would have been fun to watch. You move down the floor, you want to put a little run in and it's a couplet and you're testing, oh, you know, a
Starting point is 01:15:52 weighted burpee, which is unique and different. And I still think it doesn't look crazy silly, like a double press does. And I've seen burpee deadlifts on the main site. So like, that makes sense to me that that would be a good test um can i ask you a question about sorry go ahead so no i want to ask you a question about i'll just keep talking man i'll hijack this yeah i do want to hear all this i do want to hear all this but we have to we want to talk about tomorrow's workouts but i want to ask you one question to close this loop. Are you working closely with Spencer now because you're out, or have you been working closely with Spencer all along this last training season? I've been working closely with Spencer since Guadalupalooza. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:43 we've been getting together and training and, um, just talking more and our friendship has definitely grown like a ton since, since January, which is pretty cool to reconnect with him in that way. Yeah, that is really awesome. Uh, and, and just, just briefly about your future. Are you just in hurry up in weight mode now? Just the, the, the just sort of like Taylor himself? Taylor tweaked his knee. It's just the healing game now? Just who knows what's going to happen?
Starting point is 01:17:13 Yeah, I have no idea what's going to happen. Yeah, just off into the unknown. Okay. Would you be willing to stay on for a few more minutes and talk about tomorrow's events with us? Sure, absolutely. Okay, okay. What is the first event tomorrow does anyone have that pulled up or can i say one that is completely pointless that's not exactly what i was looking for hello but okay
Starting point is 01:17:38 well you're here scott this is well is scott still here no taylor left okay what is the point of this workout scott what What's, what's the hard part here? You tell me, what are they trying to get done here? You tell me. So the two kilometer echo bike is just like a trap. 15 minute time cap, mind you. Yeah. Um, like the two, two K bike is a trap. They want you to like push the echo bike, but you know, the, the difference between but you know the the difference between you know 400 and 500 watts on the bike is you know maybe a couple maybe a few seconds it's
Starting point is 01:18:14 not going to be anything significant i think you'll see most of the guys get off the bike pretty close you might see somebody hammer it and then pay for it um and then you got a bunch of stuff testing your midline i would say i would argue that's what they would tell me is uh you were gonna we're gonna test the athletes midline through some gymnastics and a moderately heavy dumbbell but the problem is is i'm not really sure why like the rep schemes are the way they are, because I don't know if you're necessarily testing toes a bar in a set of 30. But you put 30 in and you go to your dumbbell and you're back to the bar. And it's just like, I feel like everybody can do 30 toes to bar in the bike. So now I'm on a dumbbell and the dumbbell moves every 10 reps.
Starting point is 01:19:07 So as far as I know, and I might be wrong, I haven't gone to the briefing yet, but they're going to move it every 10 reps. So that kind of forces you to have to break it up every 10 reps. So it's just going to look like a bunch of people. so it's just going to look like a bunch of people. And then you're on a burpee box, jump over there at the end, uh, which can only be so fast.
Starting point is 01:19:31 So I don't know if that's going to be super. You're not a fan, Scott. You're not a fan. I hear in your voice of the work. Um, yeah, not,
Starting point is 01:19:40 not totally. I'm not sold on how, how, how would you, so now my next question is how do you think that it should have been done with the same movements if you even care to give that opinion because i have i have a take on it what i would have done is i would have gone 50 cal bike 50 total bar or like some some like some sort of chipper where you just kind of chip your way
Starting point is 01:20:01 through it maybe throw the burpee box jump over at the beginning and throw the calorie bike at the end. Or like a down and back with the bike in the middle I think is a good test. Do you know what that looks like? Did you compete at the Mayhem Classic? I did. I did do that. Remember that down and back chipper with the box jump overs in it? It looks a lot like that, but instead of the toes to bar,
Starting point is 01:20:24 there were bar muscle ups in the middle. Yep. And I think that, but instead of the toes to bar, there were bar muscle ups in the middle. And I think that's one way it could have been done better. And also this year you were a lot of Palooza individual, weren't you? Yep. Did you do that workout where they had to do the devil's press? It was like 50 hotel bar, 50 devil's press and every single person basically did the toes to bar in a minute and a half, meaning that the sets of 30 here are irrelevant right yeah and that's like a perfect example and well done on on your side that's like i think sometimes i look at it i'm just like man am i the only one seeing it this way but yeah i'm i'm a weird man i think if you had it as a that 50 cal bike in the middle and i think calories like i don't know why you got to get cute with kilometers it's just like that's just you're you're trying to be cute there's no there's no
Starting point is 01:21:12 way around it um but have you ever and why do you say that because no one does that calories has always been the metric that is the metric it's just again it's just it's like the torque i don't know what they're testing. Like, what are you really testing? Like, yes, you can get off a few seconds earlier if you push it really hard. And it's just, I think it's just more of like, hey, like, these guys might not know how to do this. But I just have a big problem because I'm like, showcase the athletes. Why do we want to give them things that they're, like, maybe not, like, sure.
Starting point is 01:21:45 athletes why do we want to give them things that they're like maybe not like sure i'm like we've you know you standardize everything but like we as athletes are always getting things that are like and that's what the games is for the games is the platform where we should be getting those you know on a real bike instead and you're on kilometers okay that makes sense to me but you know why are we not just keeping things simple and and elegant i think that was the word somebody uh maybe it was ben smith it was using he's just like we've gotten a little away from you know simple and and elegant in that way i think people need to go back and read the journals yeah i was gonna say it may have even been greg glassman who said it that's what i was gonna say i think greg glass was going to say. I did say this here.
Starting point is 01:22:27 I did say this about this weekend. I said, yeah, my prediction, I told Tommy Marquez this, I said, my prediction was the people who took the top five in the overhead squat, handstand walk,
Starting point is 01:22:38 GHD workout. I said, and this was before we started. I said, I think the people that take the top five in this workout will be the top five to go to the CrossFit games. So we'll see how I do. But I felt like and this was before we started, I said, I think the people that take the top five in this workout will be the top five that go to the CrossFit Games. So we'll see how I do. But I felt like that test was, that was a test.
Starting point is 01:22:51 So far, so good, man. I thought they did a great job on that workout. Sousa, can you pull that up? Can you pull up the leaderboard and rank them by that? And then we'll go into the final workout. But let's see how close Scott is. So far, so good. Does that cross both sexes, Scott?
Starting point is 01:23:08 You're talking about men and women, that kind of thinking? Does that work for both men and women? I was on the floor before the final heat of men, and I said that for the men. But I would argue the women too because you can't fake it until you make it in something like that. Yeah, that's pretty good. With the GHDs over like overhead squat you want to see someone get exposed let's put them on some overhead squats and by the way it's interesting that Logan Collins is in this uh um semi-final someone pointed out that originally he was at the Atlas Games
Starting point is 01:23:39 and then we had him on the show and we whined a little bit about it and he got moved which is really cool he lives in southern Texas I mean it's insane that he would have to go up to the Atlas Games okay let's see the women damn Saxon's good can you rank us? Oh yeah thanks Sousa yeah wow wow you kind of know crossfit scott you kind of know crossfit okay let's look at
Starting point is 01:24:12 event number but but let's talk about that for a split second before you go okay yep yep please you look at it and it's like it's what we're talking about is like they are testing an overhead, like overhead stability, like on a lunge or I'm sorry, on an overhead squat and on a handstand walk, like you, you, and your midline is crushed. Like there's, there's no way around it. And that is what they're testing. Um, and I just didn't, I didn't feel like that was the same across the board for a lot of the other ones. What if they would have made it 50 toes to bar? I think, I think 50 toes to bar,
Starting point is 01:24:50 but like, like I said, trying to maybe put those in there. Um, can you pull up the workout? What about 50 toes to bar and raise the dumbbell to a hundred pounds? And then get rid of the bike and the burpee box jump overs. That'd be a cool event.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Well, so the thing you have to look at too, if you really wanted to figure out how to tweak this, I'd look at the final of that because, you know, you, you gotta kind of play, play around with,
Starting point is 01:25:19 with all the different components, like what we did tonight, obviously with them going long and there were a lot of moving components and that was a that was a bloodbath i watched those guys take on that event tonight and i was that was tough there was no you had to be a fit dude in that workout and the worst guy in the field never stopped moving is brutal yeah and scott crossfit when when you first started, it kind of wasn't a race. Yeah, our endurance workouts would be like 100 wall balls, 100 pull-ups, 100 pistols, and 100 dumbbell snatches at 70 pounds. And there were places you could hide and rest.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Now there's nowhere to hide and rest ever. People are just flying. Yeah. Well, that's – and the athletes are continuing to evolve. I think that's a little bit it, but one of the questions that I've had is, you know, this is the most important part of the season, right? So what's the qualification to program these events? You know, think about going to your level one, your level two is your level three like i look at the people that programmed for the open and the games in the past and those are people that have been around the sport for a long time that know the methodology and the energy
Starting point is 01:26:41 pathways and i know i've sat through course after course and taught course after course and that's without doing the repetition you either need to do the reps or you need to sit through some stuff and really be knowledgeable in the sport and i'd just be interested to know like what the continuing education is and why we are allowing the most important part of the season to be programmed by someone else. Because this is the most important part of the season for us as athletes, but we're going to hand that programming over to someone else. I don't know of any qualifications.
Starting point is 01:27:17 I don't know of any hoops. I don't know if you have to prove anything. What did you think of the online semifinal for the age group, Scott? I thought it was unique. I thought it was classic CrossFit, and I thought it was well done. Yeah, I thought the Open was well done. I thought quarterfinals was well done, and it's changing, and I think that's one thing that people need to realize
Starting point is 01:27:41 is that the Open is changing, and it's not a direct path to the crossfit games anymore and it used to be um and now it is like it's about bringing our community together and creating workouts that are accessible to meet the demands of any person that walks into our affiliates which i think they did And it made people excited and empowered people. And it brings communities together. And then you go to the next stage. And now we're in quarterfinals.
Starting point is 01:28:13 And we're starting to see some things show up. Still not everything that you would see at semifinals. But you're going to start seeing some things. And the right people make it through. But then you get to semifinals. And it's just like, OK, well all gonna do different tests which doesn't make much sense to me because you know what is the design the design is like by the time this whole thing's over we're gonna crown the fittest on earth but like i always love going back and seeing like the unique layout of like here was the open
Starting point is 01:28:46 here was your um regionals and you could see like all the different things tested amongst those three now you don't you don't get to see that and i and i think they're missing out big time because um we used to bring who's they who's they um the events crossfit everyone i think that i think i think they're missing the regionals um i'm a big believer in regionals i thought it was a great back digital yeah we used to bring 50 people from our affiliate probably maybe even more than that because we had you know my brothers and fee and you know we had a team and we'd bring 50 people and now i was week one my brothers are week two fees week three uh they got rid of teams it was super teams now it's no teams and nobody wants to do team anymore and um now they can't go to one they don't go to any so it's it's it's evolved it's
Starting point is 01:29:46 changed a lot in that way people keep sending me stuff from the rule book at the syndicate showing that coaches have to pay to get in so that basically you give have you guys seen this in the rule book yeah so no sorry not the syndicate sorry strength and depth is which which one is left is it strength and depth that one is left? Is it strength and depth? That one is left, yes. Yeah, okay, sorry. It's always Granite Games. Someone showed me in the rule book that it's strength and depth.
Starting point is 01:30:14 You have to – you get a coach's pass. Each athlete gets one coach's pass, but the coach can't pick up his coach's pass until he shows his validated purchase ticket. That seems batshit crazy to me that your coach has to pay to get into the end so it's to pay to compete you know so times are tough they're also making the coach pay everyone's inflation it's inflation it's just going up everywhere i'd pay i'd pay more to compete if we were treated professionally in a lot of ways. I'd pay more for a better experience.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Do you think anybody would be upset if they're just like, okay, we're going to do it just like 2018? Do you think there'd be a soul on the planet that's like, oh, that's a bad idea? I think people are going to complain. Nobody likes change. I think a lot of people would be happy as well. You don't hear the you don't hear about the people that are happy you only hear about people that are complaining good call let's work it let's look at number six before i get on that's an affiliate owner you
Starting point is 01:31:14 always got to look at like there's 155 people that like it and only five people that complain to me so i'm doing good yeah that's right i remember those let's work out number look at workout number six before i start complaining uh wait hold on check this out i just made some money seven no i'm not giving that to you uh this is for me 18 ring muscle ups 15 front squats 45 foot front rack lunge unbroken 12 bar muscle ups nine shoulder to overhead uh 45 foot um overhead lunge unbroken i believe they changed the unbroken oh i mean it's just no longer unbroken at all i believe so yeah i i have also heard that thoughts mrs, Mr. Howell, on this workout? You like this?
Starting point is 01:32:06 Yeah, I can confirm the unbroken part. Yeah, I mean, I think in this part, the guys who are in any contention at all or know they want a spot, they're going to do the muscle-ups unbroken. The front squats, maybe they do unbroken, but no one's going from 15 right into 45-foot unbroken, I don't think. So I think you'll see a lot of athletes rip off a big chunk.
Starting point is 01:32:25 Maybe they'll break once. Maybe they'll choose to break at nine and then do six into a chunk of the lunge. Or maybe they'll do 14 straight if they're really confident there. At that point, the muscle-ups will probably start to hit them a little bit. They'll pick it up for their 15th squat
Starting point is 01:32:38 and then probably try to go into the lunge unbroken, transition to the bar muscle-up, which should be unbroken. And I think for a lot of the guys, that last lunge is going to be a deal breaker. Do they do nine into, into 45, if they're really feeling it or they're racing someone or do they game it, break the shoulder overhead in half and then do the last couple reps into the
Starting point is 01:32:57 lunge. That's a 205 pound front rack lunge. That's the same weight. Oh yeah. Scott, have you ever done that? What's the most front rack lunge that's the same weight oh yeah scott have you ever done that what's the most front rack lunge you've ever done 2013 185 wow and how many feet was that with an axle bar well also i think you did it last year at the games right yeah how heavy was that one that was 185 i think at the game 185 back rack then front rack then overhead so 205 is just insane that'll be hard that'll be a was that the finale last year yeah how does that feel
Starting point is 01:33:39 uh honestly i was more in the moment of just like taking it all in because at that at that point i just remember looking up they had me on the jumbotron seeing my wife and my baby in the crowd and kind of as a whirlwind of emotions but it was uh after all the pull-ups it was definitely challenging but like those pull-ups, that's, that's a good example of like what I mean by you're testing some gymnastics, like the row wasn't the test. It was just worrying you out to make those pull-ups challenging.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Yeah. If you don't do it, I'm broken. You drop the bar, then you have to do a power clean to get it back up in the front lunge. I think we're going to see whole heat. Do you think like the first heat we were just gonna see just dudes just get stopped just like right off the bat like no one in the first seat will even be able to do those last 45 feet the last dudes are good the last 45 you only 165 my bad okay 45 feet oh it's 40 feet i was just told
Starting point is 01:34:50 they changed it to 40 feet oh but it's still unbroken i don't know if it's unbroken but i know they also took 90 feet at handstand walking out so um the consistency of what it's actually gone online and what they're doing is a little different. Will we see someone finish this, JR? Yeah, for sure. I'd say we're going to see 75% of the field finish it, if not most. They raised the time cap, too, from 10 to 12 minutes. minutes 100 of the field is going to finish this i think that's important that's good that they raised the time cap because i think that uh
Starting point is 01:35:34 you know making everybody finish workouts is that's what you kind of want to see in some in some ways and something like this especially when it can be really affecting the leaderboard in the final workout. So it's nice to see them making sure that someone starts failing reps and really falling off. They get exposed in that way. I think you're going to see people send it on this one, depending on where they're at on the leaderboard. I think you're going to see people send it on this one,
Starting point is 01:36:04 depending on where they're at on the leaderboard. That'll be what allows them to know how big of sets on muscle-ups. I think you're going to see people fly and die. You're going to see somebody hold on and do something incredible. What about Noah? Can you pull up the men's leaderboard? I want to hear Scott's thoughts on Noah. What do you think is going on with Noah?
Starting point is 01:36:25 You've known Noah forever. What do you think is going on with Noah? You've known Noah forever. What do you think is going on with him? I think Noah is an athlete that when he gets some momentum, he's tough to beat. And I think he hasn't had any momentum yet. Oh, that's a good point. That probably the the best way i can say it like if he came in and that lift you know obviously was heartbreaking and then you know you go and sell it and then back into the rope climb doesn't go that well and you know he's not in a bad spot there's two events left you know he's he's not in a bad spot you know if you were sitting in i mean look at will
Starting point is 01:37:07 more at where he was sitting that's where i would venture to tell anyone that's sitting just outside the top five you know anything's possible and you just got to keep it taking it one event at a time and know somewhere that someone that's been there before and um i mean on day three, I can tell you that. I mean, basically, basically there's,
Starting point is 01:37:28 uh, there's, there's two spots available, two or three spots available. And there's, uh, five guys going for it. I mean,
Starting point is 01:37:35 Dallin and Saxon are pretty, pretty, pretty up there, but you got Cole, Tyler, uh, Logan Collins, no Olson and Spencer,
Starting point is 01:37:42 all, all fighting to get in there. And only five can go in there and there's seven and there's how many dudes uh or there's three open spots and there's five dudes man spencer's never been to the games huh nope man he's he hungry as shit? Yeah. Yeah? Is he right next to you, like just chewing on his arm? He's sitting on the couch eating. Good.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Literally hungry. All right. Does anyone have anything else to say? I just ran out of energy, and I need to rest to get ready for tomorrow, the grand finale. And, Scott, thank you so much for coming on, man. You the man. I appreciate you being backlit um we were a professional show until you came on thank you i got one i guess it just has to do with what we were already talking
Starting point is 01:38:34 about with the whole ben smith talking about the changes do you see any different what's the big difference between you kind of remaining at that top level where you it looked like you were going to qualify and then ben smith is sitting in the teens for the past couple of years what do you think that's all about any any input on that or um I you know obviously I can't speak about what what Ben's got going on in his life and what his training or anything looks like I can tell you that my my training has changed every year that I've come back from the CrossFit games. And I really believe that if you're not coming back and changing a few things, you're going to end up getting the same results or you're going to get left behind.
Starting point is 01:39:13 And part of that, it can be from just changing a little bit of nutrition, or it could be changing the way that you're programming. And the biggest thing that I changed in the last few years is I've asked for more help in areas that I don't feel maybe the expertise is there in specific energy pathways. So getting some help in those things has really helped me, I think, in the last two years. getting some help in those things has really helped me, I think in the last two years. And I think a lot of athletes don't ask for, for help because you're vulnerable in that moment.
Starting point is 01:39:50 But, uh, you can see that as a strength and just know that, uh, it gives you the opportunity to take a step forward. Then it's the right move to make. You wish you would ask for help sooner in your career. Um,
Starting point is 01:40:03 maybe a little bit. I i the sports just always it's it's just always been kind of changing and um and evolving in some ways um i don't know who i would ask though because the people that i trust are far and few between yeah yeah i didn't have that trust in anyone. And I think there's been more people coming onto the scene that have worked really hard to become experts in certain areas. And I think early on, I didn't see anyone that was an expert. The only people that I believe were experts were the people that were on the floor doing it and the people that were teaching us in the level two, level three, all the level three, you know, all the way up through those were the experts. Uh, and I don't, I didn't trust someone like, you know, the first athlete I ever trusted to, or person I ever trusted to do any of my programming was rich, you know, and rich has proven that, you know, he's beaten me. So yeah,
Starting point is 01:41:00 I trust you, rich. You can go ahead and tell me what to do and I'll do it. So, um, I didn't have anyone like that though. Hmm. Good thing your brothers have you and everyone else, right? They got all the help they need showing. They got, they got some great people around them for sure.
Starting point is 01:41:17 Yeah. Uh, I don't, someone said you should be the CEO. Someone said, I don't think Scott wants, wants, or has the time to clean this up.
Starting point is 01:41:24 Oh, let me tell you, Scott has plenty of time okay uh thank you everyone for coming on he has plenty of time hillary what are you doing shaking your head he's got plenty of time you have plenty of time he's just chilling chilling uh thank you everyone for coming on the show taylor uh mr howell suza scott panchick and myself. I thank myself. We'll see you guys tomorrow morning. Shows will probably start bright and early, but we will post the schedule very soon.

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