The Sevan Podcast - #425 - CrossFit Semifinals | MACC Final Recap

Episode Date: June 1, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. There's already $5 from Matt Reynolds. Spending money for the people at Granite Games next week. Next week we'll be doing blow with that money, Matt.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Oh, you think I swear too much huh and then oh you're in the comment section i saw you get toe up for talking shit about me i saw you get toe up no no no what do you mean let me read that let me read the uh the comments that came in after you you ambushed me good to see you guys good guys you know also in the comments he doesn't talk oh uh um taylor i'm glad for you that you're taking this broadcast seriously and that you're in your car it's cool how professional uh and and serious you take this you know we just got paid five bucks right it's five dollar studio right there just mute the fucking thumb it's all rude at his ass his ass. Coming in hot.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Coming in hot. A for effort. He's like – Look at him. He looks like a cop. He looks like a – oh, he's in the parking garage. He's stuck in the parking garage at the Mac. He can't even get out.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Is that – okay, fine. We'll unmute him. Where are you? Can you hear me? Unfortunately. Is the audio any good? Right now it is. Are you driving or are you just.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I turned, I turned wifi off, so we should be fine. Oh, cause you're sharing it with 10,000 other people. No, I was on my girlfriend's hotspot, but I don't think that's better than my data.
Starting point is 00:01:57 So I think we're good to go. Uh, where are you? Are you there? I was in the parking garage from the Mac waiting for Jason Hopper to finish his buddies. And then we're driving back to South Carolina. This is not a family show. Before we start, I want to thank Andrew Hiller from Hiller Fit.
Starting point is 00:02:20 You guys all know who he is for doing this this whole week. He's been freaking awesome. You guys all know who he is for doing this this whole week. He's been freaking awesome. The guy who kind of drove this and has let his alpha seep all over us and kind of almost borderline bulliest Taylor Self for the weekend. But someone has to kind of make sure the ball keeps rolling. And, of course, the executive producer of the 7-1 podcast, Matt Souza, who sends us all the schedules and makes sure everyone shows up on time.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And, unfortunately, we don't have J.R. Howell here, who is prioritizing driving with his kids than being with us. And then all the guests, of course, that we've had on during the week, Dave Castro, James Townsend. Who else is there? Rich Froning. Scott Panchik, Rich Froning, Angelo DiCicco, James Sprague, the whole crew. You guys have – and then all you guys at home.
Starting point is 00:03:11 In all honesty, if you guys weren't listening, we would not do this. If we had three listeners, I'd be like, fuck this. Are we live? We are live. No, no. I'm just rehearsing. You never said shit. I didn't do the Bam! We're Live.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Batman We're Live. Oh, now we're live. Batman We're Live. You can get your TD CEO shirts, yes, at Vindicate. By the way, all of these shows, also, if you would like to get blood panel work and start exploring what it's like to be on TRT, you should check out California Hormones. We have a really exciting year coming up for you. Tomorrow on the podcast, we will have a guy who's embarking on the TRT program.
Starting point is 00:03:56 He had severe COVID, almost died. He was in a coma for 80 days. We're going to interview him tomorrow. He also has a little, what you might call, cartel experience, which will be fun to talk about also. Oh, look it. Taylor's taking some deep breaths. He doesn't like the cartel.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Looks like he fights against the cartel. Do you want to start at the beginning or just be like, holy shit, Spencer's in? Yeah, kick it off right there. Okay. We'll work back for his time.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah, yeah, and then we'll go back and talk about Mayhem, what they did early this morning when I should have been asleep. Holy cow. So basically, Spencer's – that's not fun, right? Spencer's destiny was controlled by Tyler Cristofal why is that not fun what's not fun about that I mean for Spencer I mean for Spencer
Starting point is 00:04:55 it's how it is at the end of every weekend though isn't it there's always going to be somebody I suppose who's going to be in control of somebody else's destiny and all Spencer can do is finish as high as he can. And hope that the other guy falls back. And he didn't just fall back. That was the best judging performance of the semifinals thus far.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Are you shocked when you see someone as seasoned as Tyler Christofal and Brooke Wells make that same mistake at the finish line to put the bar down from overhead before they lock out and have control at the top there? At the beginning of the weekend, I think Taylor and I were going back and forth about Tyler's overhead and how the complex was going to be an issue, not due to the cleans or the front squats, but due to his to push it out shoulder to overhead so approaching that bar i don't think that very many of us were surprised that that was the issue for him which was keeping the bar overhead on the lunges and then what you were saying was is it something as season i think brooke put it down
Starting point is 00:05:57 she knew she couldn't finish i think tyler lapsed mentally no really you so you i think uh brooke lapsed mentally too you think they both stepped over the yellow line and then uh uh before they had control fully standing up it came forward you're saying brooke didn't have a choice she lost control um and tyler his was just he was trying to rush across the finish line i think it was i think they both made the same mistake. Taylor, what do you think? Are you driving? I'm good. I think Brooke took a lot more time and was a little more poised in terms of sitting and waiting until she had it. It seemed like Tyler had several sections of the lunge, especially at the end, that he was at failure and failed right at the last second and it cost him big time we're talking specifically at the very last rep both of them stepped over the line and i'm suggesting
Starting point is 00:06:53 that both of them uh had a mental lapse uh and andrew is saying only tyler had the mental lapse and brooks was a physical uh bad positioning fatigue type issue and we're going to you for the tiebreaker is that true i hear that right yes i think i had more i think tyler had more of a mental lapse because he failed that last section several times you can see him shake his head too like he was like and i think why is because he knew what was going on. I think in that moment he knows. He knew he lost his spot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:31 But also it looks a lot like the rope climbs. You see the athletes? So it's like, go, go, go, go, go. And they're trying to get up the rope too soon. In my opinion, it almost looks like they just try to do the lunge too soon. Like they're, they lost gas and their ability to hold the bar overhead or complete the lunges. Mason Mitchell,
Starting point is 00:07:44 Mason Mitchell is suggesting that Brooke also the next time she came through, she failed. ass and their ability to hold the bar overhead or complete the lunges uh mason mitchell mason mitchell is suggesting that brooke also uh the next time she came through she failed i didn't see that i didn't see that i think she's i didn't see that with the second time i would also say too i mean it go ahead i was gonna say what happened to brooke and tyler were both very similar and i was surprised to see brooke and forth i thought she was surprised to see broken forth. I thought she was close to dropping out. Um, at least that's how it felt when you were in the arena.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Um, watching that go down. Um, are you saying there was a tinkering on the leaderboard? Man, it didn't look like it made sense. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:22 She, she, she helping, helping like tinkering on the leaderboard dude this isn't fucking the united states this isn't the election for the united states of america there's no tinkering the crossfit games are a legit and transparent this isn't fucking georgia did you pay for that documentary no no no? No, no, no. But I read the article. The article had come out a month earlier.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Don't buy it. It's not worth it. It's not worth the money. So wait, what's the confusion with Brooke across the line? What are you guys saying? That she didn't get that rep and then they gave it to her and then the leaderboard is being tinkered with now? Is that the – No, no.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I was just saying – yeah, I was just saying that you were holding your breath because she was so behind in that heat. And it was like, man, if enough of these girls pass her, she's not getting in. Hey, let me tell you how close it is. Let me tell you how close it is. Kelly Clark did everything she had to do. On the push press, she timed it to the last one. She put the bar down. Then she finished the last push press. And then she lunged to the last one she put the bar down then she finished the last push press and then she lunged across the finish line she never dropped her bar
Starting point is 00:09:29 i mean she's a set she was a savage she didn't beat daniel brandon no that's you're right you're right uh she has kelly clark you ready for this taylor 441 points rebecca of fusliay fusliay 442 brookwell's 443 so you're right it is i mean uh if kelly clark would be daniel brandon uh she would have jumped up in the fourth place and it was tough it was tough to watch her i met her in aromas at the ranch and she was a super nice girl and she moves so well it was awesome to watch her on that workout and fucking gosh one point heartbreaking master's athlete going for it that's tough how did she do with the pig um i didn't see her on the pig i was the only athlete that i saw busy underneath it yes yes i saw my own taint.
Starting point is 00:10:30 The stench from his own ass while being smashed under the pig was too strong to see any other athletes. Taylor Williamson looked pissed when they announced Brooke even though her husband works alongside her, but it might be because she has constant rb jeez louise jeez damien jeez damn i can't believe i even started reading that
Starting point is 00:10:50 i was waiting for you to start reading it so i'm not surprised um jeffrey birchfield the rep is credited this is going back to and i still don't not sure if taylor understands what we're talking about hillary because he keeps like trying to address it directly but the rep is credited when the athlete gets both heels across a solid line that was the yellow line with the barbell in the overhead position and is standing tall with hips and knees fully extended per max standards i agree and jeff the thing is is andrew is saying that tyler christophal um rushed it and put it down before he got to that position because of a mental error his whole body was tilted forward and brooke was tilted forward and couldn't get in that position because of physical limitations and she got tired or whatever
Starting point is 00:11:35 the reason and i disagree with andrew i think it's both they both had a moment of tarnation yeah you're right i saw brooke sorry i was i was confused um i saw brooke fail and i also was standing right in front of Tyler Christoffel. He didn't let it down before he just stood all the way up. He was trying to stand it up and his elbows buckled and he dropped the ball. Oh, it was, it was subtle. It was subtle, but it was a for sure physical failure. Oh, so Andrew and I are both wrong on Tyler.
Starting point is 00:11:57 That looked different in person. Okay. He was, he was standing it up. He was standing it up and his elbows were like, it was like a quarter inch of buckle. And if you were to try were to try to like if you were if he was trying to straighten his knees out another inch his elbows would just fully give it and he just threw the bar ahead of him because he couldn't stand it up okay and miss wells what would you say about so as we're both oh and oh and one on tyler what about brooke no it was the same thing for brooke yeah it was a physical oh shit she just pushed it to the push it to for Hiller Fit. Win for Hiller Fit. They have to redline.
Starting point is 00:12:26 They have to go through it there. And think about how loud it is inside their head, right? They know that this is it. They have to make it in a certain thing to qualify. They're going to completely push the limits. There's no reason to be conservative. It's an all or nothing approach. And we've seen these type of just utter failures right at the line with the lunge events all the time.
Starting point is 00:12:42 They make for the best drama, especially that overhead position, right? because there's so many great events hard to go around so i thought it was a really great event but i mean i think it's a combination of just that mental everything is so loud and then physically you're just red line so we see those bars come down yeah i think that also the thing to point out with both of them, where they were both in kind of a bubble qualifying position, and both were so far behind in their heat, I could see them both in their head are thinking like, fuck, you're losing it, you're losing it, you're losing it. And that just cyclical negative talk going in your head, making you pick up the bar a little too quick and not so opposed. Taylor, can you turn your turn signal off and from here on out only use hand signals? Yeah, sorry. And please don't use hand signals from here on out.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And, Hiller, while I'm criticizing people, please no drinks with ice while on the show. The snorkeling sound is kind of erotic, but the ice is not so good. Okay. Will you go back? I spoke to RJ, J.R. Howell. He is driving, but there was something he wanted to point out to us that also Brian Friend mentions quite a bit. Can we go over to the men's leaderboard? Brian's always talking about how the – not always, but he'll mention that the men's CrossFit Games competitions, the male athletes are a little more um along the progression the evolution
Starting point is 00:14:05 it's getting maybe you could say it's more competitive right that would be the way and one of the telltale signs is if you look at the top five here and you look at the lowest anyone placed so you have spencer i think is the lowest anyone placed oh no no even no olsen has a 19th so the lowest you have placed is a fourth place finisher, Noah Olson, with a 19th placement. Now let's go over to the top five women just to test out this theory, just to see what's going on. Let's see what the lowest placement here is of a woman in the top five just to see where we're at. 19th. 19th.
Starting point is 00:14:41 24th. 19th. Oh, you do see a 24th? Brooke Wells. Oh, Brooke Wells. Yep. Okay. Okay. 19th? 19th. 24th. Oh, you do see a 24th? Brooke Wells. Oh, Brooke Wells. Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Okay. So it's kind of fascinating. Had anyone heard of this Rebecca Fuselier before this event? James Sprague. James Sprague talked about her a little bit on the show. Aside from that, she's kind of like, you know, she has like a big instagram following for like reels or stuff whatever like little tiktoks or things she makes but aside from that i didn't think athletically so i'm about to be on that train too she she's a fucking tiktok legend let me see how many followers she has
Starting point is 00:15:21 30 000 okay uh those uh those uh uh red white and blue shorts those would look nice on you taylor absolutely man you could rock the shit out of those well handstand walk action and those bad boys same cut i want to see i want to see you swimming those at wadapalooza next year those are some adrian conaway approved ghd setups when she hugged kelly clark she like the top of her head came under kelly clark's head and then i saw kelly clark hug one of the competitors out there and her head went underneath that competitor's head i wish she knew which competitor that was there was a giant woman out there you guys did a giant woman yeah but i didn't recognize but I didn't recognize her. I didn't recognize her. Tall.
Starting point is 00:16:07 She was in the final heat. I wonder who the tallest lady was who was in the final heat. Let's find out. Well, my wife was asking me, so Kelly Clark still has a chance because she goes to the last chance qualifier, but really, I mean, the last chance qualifier is just savagery, right?
Starting point is 00:16:24 I mean, it's just... That's the hardest way to go right i mean there's so many good athletes and only two go well taylor was there last year how tough is it i think there's an argument to be made that it's i mean it's it's different you don't have the best games qualifiers there because all of them qualified to their semi-final but you You don't have the best games qualifiers there because all of them qualified to their semifinal. But you also don't have the slapdicks that are 20 to 30 in all the semifinals. You have the guys that are 6, 7, 8, 6, 7, 8, 6, 7, 8. So it's tough, but it's… You arguably have some of the greatest outliers in there, though, also,
Starting point is 00:17:02 which is a problem. Yeah. The outliers are, I think, what make the last games so tough. I'm not saying a problem yeah the outliers are i think what make the last year you call them the sweat you have a lot of those yeah i just like that term you you have you have the guys that can hit home runs in those specialty events a lot of them in the last chance and that's what makes it really tough like i think last year you had those guys like papadopoulos that greek dude who deadlifted like 700 pounds for three. I don't know. Not that much, but a lot.
Starting point is 00:17:28 With one arm. With one arm. 5'85". 5'85". Good gosh. Yes. So you have guys like that in there. You have guys like Alex Kachoulis, who is going to win 100 burpees.
Starting point is 00:17:42 You have home run hitters. And very rarely do you have an athlete that's extremely well-rounded or, I mean, the guy, I think the person who's the most well-rounded, um, is, is the guy who wins the last chance. Same with the girl. And I think you saw that last year you saw Roman Krennikoff win the last chance. And he's was clearly the best athlete there in that field. Um, well that, well, that gives hope to Kellyark because she's definitely well
Starting point is 00:18:05 rounded 7th 11th 8th 4th 14th and 2nd dude tyler's going back there too tyler was there last year took third i think that's once or no he got to the games didn't he after that didn't they backfill that or no no no back going that because roman didn't go they didn't backfill it they didn't backfill he asked they asked to backfill and they told him no kickbacks jeez that's unbelievable yeah uh rebecca's five two oh yeah tyler yeah go ahead taylor sorry taylor no i was just gonna say he he it was uh roman alexander coron and Tyler, and then me in The Last Chance. So Spencer goes and Saxon goes,
Starting point is 00:18:54 and we have mom and dad kissing and crying, and the whole family's happy, and it's intense to watch. And of course, my homeboy Jake Berman doesn't go. That sucks, but I am happy for Spencer. But Scott, who could have gone, isn't going. I wonder if that's just extra salt in the womb for Scott Panchick. Oh, for sure. For sure.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I mean, think about it. That would have been the first time the three of them at the games, especially we know Scott, this potentially, well, now what the injury is is last year. who knows if he'll be able to make a comeback from that and so it would have been his you know his kind of hoorah at the games with the two brothers there which just would have put a nice bow on the pancheck story and now there's no bow and crossfit fucked it up oh hey darren he would love that he would love to be wearing a batman no joke i have one from high school i've been looking for it i gotta find the picture i'll put it on i'll get in there hillar don't let the comments in the chat um uh when when you said that i swear too much and
Starting point is 00:20:02 people started bombing you telling you you talk too much, affect you. You talk away, buddy. Don't hold back. No, no, no. This is your show. Remember, I'm not going to say a word. I'm just going to speak in sign language this whole time. Don't let that shit get in your head. That'll bring the show to the next level when I just sign the whole show. It'll bring you a whole new audience.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Can we... Where did William Leahy finish? Oh, 10th. He was in the top two in the final. So I was listening to another show, and I don't like talking about those, and there was an analyst speaking on this other show. Give me a hint.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Khaleesi. Oh, Khaleesi. You can always tweet about anything she does. Go ahead. All right. Well, on this show mr friend was talking about mr william lahey and i believe he goes by bill saying that he had similar stature to brian and then i looked up his profile and he's almost 200 pounds but it's a wiry 200 pounds so i don't know brian's gonna stand next to him. And he's like, we share very similar body attributes.
Starting point is 00:21:08 And then Brian goes, if anyone's ever seen me, I'm a little bit thinner. And I'm like, are you trying to knock down Mr. William Leahy? I'm a big fan of Leahy. Brian and Bill Leahy don't have similar bodies at all. Yes, you summed up my one minute rant right there thank you uh but me and colton merton's very close very close uh so this makes sense he's 21 years old what do you guys think about him is is he is he going to be next year's uh is he next year's uh magda tudor tudor tudor Magda, 21 years old.
Starting point is 00:21:46 He has a – Well, dude, if it weren't for the first two events, he was there. I mean, he has an event win. Yeah, the 19th and the 22nd. I mean, but look at after that, first, seventh, fourth, 13th. I mean, he cleans up those first two. I mean, really that second event, the midline sadness is really what kind of put him out. Remember what Panjic said yesterday.
Starting point is 00:22:06 This is actually pretty cool. Panjic said that midline sadness was the GHD setup workout was the indicator of who would finish where, and the top five spots were the top five finishes, not in order, but they were all within the top five on that workout. Yeah. That was a great take on his end.
Starting point is 00:22:22 And the females are pretty fucking close too, with the exception of Shelby Neal. I'm looking now so you have saxon panchick so all those people are in the top five down pepper noah olsen spencer cole sager wow yeah holy shit he nailed it that's that was a one of the best calls in the history of calls. He kind of knows his shit. Females, too. Wow. In the fifth event, this is a little obscure and abstract. They had a close-up shot of Saxon Panchik.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Do you guys remember that? Right before the bell rings. And he does something with his throat. Do you think he was going to throw up? Did you guys, do you guys remember that right before the bell rings and he does something with his throat? Do you think he was going to throw up? Did you guys notice that it was a closeup of him and he kind of like convulsed. Did you see that? I wish you would have thrown up.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Yeah, that would have been awesome. Um, I didn't see that. No, but I have made mention of most of the movements he does under some sort of duress. He goes in the middle of,
Starting point is 00:23:25 you ever noticed that Saxon? Correct. Yeah. Usually it's on a clean, like when he's doing a clean pull, it was like white and anything under stress. And I always wondered why he does that. Makes it feel easier.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Whatever. Do it. Yeah. Isn't there like some technique about, um, taking in air that like, I think, I think Sam, do should do that too.
Starting point is 00:23:46 You saw Greg DeCalce do it on the 21-15-9. Like you're trying to gulp air? I must be on a delay. Maybe that's why we haven't gotten to the next level yet, Taylor. We need more air. The TIA cam count, 4,590,389. Rich, three. I actually hired that guy to take a stats, statistics on that.
Starting point is 00:24:11 So thank you, Darren. Darren's in cahoots. I am looking over here to see if any of the people we have asked to come to the show. Have responded? Yes, have responded. Maybe we should start digging deeper into the bullpen yeah they might be popping champagne right now huh that would be great to get spencer on i'm dying to hear i'm dying to hear what he thinks i'm dying yeah uh fifth event uh tyler christophal was hauling on those dumbbell um uh snatches did you notice
Starting point is 00:24:47 that he those guys are so strong and so talented he he drops it into his other hand there's a moment where it's free falling you guys do that yes do that too taylor oh i i drop it from overhead and then catch it in your other hand and yeah i switch like right here wow one of the worst judging things ever and this is kind of what i was trying to get at with the entire ghd placement idea was that remember in the open where they said you had to like control it below your head before you switch it just adds too much abstractness to the movement i thought that that was one of the worst additions into the history of crossfit movements yeah where was that rule that was the rule of the games i think they started in what the 2018 or 19 open
Starting point is 00:25:36 yeah that's i remember the first year the dumbbell workout came out it was okay like you do whatever the hell you wanted and most people at that point in time were still like taking the 50 pound dumbbell for the males and switching on the floor and that open announcement with mckowski and melner you can see mckowski actually does the whole workout that way you think that was a safety thing i can't think of any reason to do that unless for some reason they thought it was a safety issue that is complete stupidity to try to put that as the affiliate owner what do you think suza well mean, you're talking about two different categories of people here. The people in my affiliate, yeah, we're going to go for safety over speed, right?
Starting point is 00:26:10 Dropping a 50-pound dumbbell from the top of your head down to try to catch it. Are you saying there should be a safety over speed division, Suza? No, I'm just thinking that the standards when you go to the open should favor it a little bit more
Starting point is 00:26:21 than when you're doing it in a live competition like this. Can you pull up Dave's Instagram? instagram hey i just looked over at susan i got like the ben bergeron effect do you think susan kind of looks like ben bergeron right now he's in the baseball cap i got you look like my cousin you look like my cousin susa is it the headphones i don't know you actually look less like my cousin with the headphones on. Well, you pull up Dave's Instagram. Let me see this thing. Shots fired from Dave.
Starting point is 00:26:48 What are you talking about? I'll decide whether it's shots fired from Dave. We'll be good. I'm happy Noah went to the games, but did you see an Event 5 Noah going over the box? I saw an Event 5 Noah going over the box well. You did? You thought that was well? Compared to the other Noah going over the box. Well, you did. You thought that was well compared to the other athletes going over the box. What do you,
Starting point is 00:27:10 what are you making note of? Uh, Dave Castro, Scott Pancheck. I heard about the knee that sucks. Heal up and come back stronger. You're a fighter. Oh,
Starting point is 00:27:19 nah, I don't know if that shot's fired. That's just a little love. Yeah. Even Scotty little love there. Yeah. It's just a little love, just a little love, but, but I'm glad you brought it's shots fired. That's just a little love. Yeah. Giving Scotty a little love there. Yeah, it's just a little love. Just a little love. But I'm glad you brought it to our attention.
Starting point is 00:27:29 That is, it's interesting. It's worth noting. Do you think it's shots fired? The only way it could be shots fired is if he was trying to make a post and the CrossFit Games hasn't made a post directly about it yet. And have they? Well, in the past, Dave Castro would have made a post about it you know that was kind of his thing he would speak out to the situations like this on his personal instagram
Starting point is 00:27:49 something a lot of people didn't like very much yeah but had a lot of help at that point in time yeah i mean don't get me started on that thing uh i i thought i thought he looked slow and clunky and you know why he looks slow and clunky because You know why he looked slow and clunky? Because he's tired. They had to keep their feet within the freaking box. Yeah, what did you think about that rule? You've got to go within the box. Let's talk about that.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Any part of your appendage left the box, the whole movement becomes easier. Well, then I didn't see a single good rep from anybody. Exactly. Noah had good reps. There were a lot of athletes that were getting no reps on that. And also a lot that realized that if they just put their feet to the other side of the judge, that they could do whatever the fuck they wanted. And I thought that the standard was stupid.
Starting point is 00:28:34 It's a get over. You're jumping over a fence. Who fucking cares where your feet are? The box is too fucking small. Noah could do it. Barely. Exactly. It's not easy.
Starting point is 00:28:50 There was nothing athletic about it. There was nothing athletic or functional about it at all. I see the argument being made, but the thing is they were supposed to keep themselves within the realm of the box. And at least like Noah was doing it well. Even if the tip of your shoe went out the outside, it should have been a no rep. Yeah. Then I saw hundreds of no reps.
Starting point is 00:29:13 The worst case is like your girl, Cindy. Basically half of her knee and everything else was outside of the box. And I think what Taylor said, she figured it out, keep it on the other side of the judge. Hey, will you pull up the um the three plane brothers instagram yeah and look what i just posted the movement's made much easier by what when you're allowed to go around it it untacks the hip flexors like you got to get your hips a little bit higher and it makes you pull on your hips a little bit more challenging way to get over the box i think though i think what makes it a lot easier is you don't have to fucking crawl over the box like you're a baby if you can just jump over the box like it's a fact you just don't like that it looks stupid oh i agree it does look stupid it does look so dumb it didn't what it is what it was
Starting point is 00:30:00 what it was it does look stupid bigger box i Bigger box. I agree with Siobhan. I agree with you. Yeah. Stupid. The first time we've seen something like this was that wall in 2013, 2013, 2014 at the end of the games. With the obstacle course? Oh, no. The wall. No, it was the snatches at 165, and then they did the burpees over the wall.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And I think that that's the way to go because if you have that small it's it's mostly just about the design of the piece of equipment you're using right so if you just squished all the boxes together made a wall for them you say the mac needed a wall sponsor they need a whole bunch of carpenters to sponsor the event come out build a wall or just double up on the boxes go to boxes so that way what is the reason why would they do that what is the reason for keeping people on the box without going? I just told you it's harder. I don't think that's why. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:30:51 I think at a lot of athlete briefings, you have the phenomena of the stupid fucking question. So I think when so many athletes ask so many stupid questions about so many potential uncommon movements. The judges are like, oh, well, we better implement a standard that keeps people from making it easier. When in reality, just say, get over the fucking box. Both hands have to touch the top of the box or the torso or the center of your body has to pass over the top of the box. But when people ask you like, oh, well, can I swing a leg around or do I have to touch with both feet or do i have to wear a belt or should i wear underwear i mean you sit through an athlete briefing and tell me oh my god it's miserable to sit through those briefings but you remember 2018 regionals i believe that was the final where they had to
Starting point is 00:31:43 hit the bike really hard and then they they had to do the sandbag cleans. And in between those two movements were the box getovers. And they were burpee box getovers where you had to have both hands, both feet touch. So you just said both hands touch. And I think that they should have told the athletes instead of getting legs over, both hands, both feet have to touch the top of the box. Yes, that would be way better. Yes, that would be way, way better.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Makes it cut and clear that way. But Taylor still thinks it looks stupid that way better yeah that would be way way better makes it cut and clear that way but taylor still thinks it looks stupid that way but it would have fixed everything well here here's the thing from that overhead camera shot you could see that no one no one i mean none of the fucking reps were good no no was nah were his even good they were gooder good well then they were the goodest then that sucks that he was the guy who played by the rules he still won didn't he yeah but he was going slower like tyler christophal was doing uh three for every time noah did two and he and tyler was also getting no rep on that one true true good point good point well there's there there's a way to
Starting point is 00:32:43 do the burpee box get over that allows you to just touch one foot and keep your body in the width of the box and go really fast it's like if you press even on those high boxes though one foot on top of yeah yeah what i don't think you can do that when it's that high what taylor's saying yeah you can you can't is it just like that yes yes What Taylor's saying. Yeah, you can. You can? Is it just like that? Yes, you can. Your leg hangs off the back, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Is that what you're talking about? Your rear leg hangs off the back, and you kind of tuck the knee and shoot that leg through. It's almost like, yeah, that's how I do them. And I've done them on boxes that are pretty wide, and you just wait. I honestly don't know why any of the athletes were doing that there. I thought the most athletic burpee get over was danielle brandon's but she wasn't swinging both over she was just
Starting point is 00:33:29 jumping all the way onto the fucking box and off yeah she was hauling ass hey i don't i don't believe you've done a burpee box over with the box that high how high was that box? Was it a 48 for the guys? No, it was taller than 48. Was it? I don't know. It looked fucking tall. It was tall as Foussier. That's how tall it was. It was 4'10". You ever done it with 48 inches, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Yeah. Okay, fine. You would have jerk blocks, usually. You just stack up a bunch of jerk blocks and then you yeah yeah i use jerk blocks thanks austin hartman and mike m 48 seven oh that is it okay the the wall of meat known as oscar mora uh struggled on event five we basically saw him kind of uh fade away is that is that just all body type issue is that uh there's definitely body types that will be more conclusive to being better at the events for sure and you saw it when he finished higher on the first event winning
Starting point is 00:34:40 and you see the pan chicks do better on the crossfit type events and you see the pan chicks do better on the crossfit type events yeah well which it's funny you say that look how good cole did pan chick did uh uh noah did on that that last workout and that last workout was uh was across oscar remind you of anybody savon in the past like crossfit athletes who comes to mind? I got one. Who? Kalipa with smaller arms and less neck. Interesting. Kalipa had bigger legs too, though, right? But if you think of someone like the Pancakes,
Starting point is 00:35:19 all of a sudden you just named a handful of athletes that look like the Pancakes. So I think all of a sudden you've got like an opposite out of the spectrum Fikowski sort of player here in Oscar where he just kind of is an outlier guy. I don't think his body type is that different to say he's an outlier. Really? What do you mean? You don't think he had the most unique body out there,
Starting point is 00:35:38 body type out there of all the men. I'm waiting for Taylor. I think he does have, Oh, we lost taylor he doesn't want to give his input here i think he's got the most unique looking body type out there for sure i mean the exception possibly the the brian friend look alike i mean he's he's so top heavy he's so top heavy hey uh there was a good question here i saw in the comments. I'll start here with this. We saw another element of Saxon's greatness in that final event. Basically, three event wins, and even Medeiros, Froning, Fraser, Tia. Who do you think was more impressive at their regionals, Saxon Panciuk or Justin Medeiros?
Starting point is 00:36:36 Justin Medeiros. Why do you say that? Well, I think that Saxon was impressive for exactly what you just said but we also just got off the phone with his brother telling him that the talks that they were having were to leave no points on the field so perhaps that was a mindset he went into going i had to finish as strong as possible but when you look at the madero's field i would say his biggest competition was hopper and then you have a couple other games qualifiers in there but the rest of the field wasn't as i'm also his finish over hopper was more impressive than his finish
Starting point is 00:37:12 over the rest of the field for saxon i i kind of started to talk the wrong direction there i tried to backpedal hey good because look at saxon saxon had more competition than Justin, right? Yeah. Saxon had more competition, yes. But I would say Hopper. And I only say Hopper because of his performance at the MAAC last year. Since the MAAC, he's been kind of high middle. As Taylor would say, he's a dick slapper. He's a slapper dick. Slap dick.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Slap dick. No, I think he meant slap dick was 10th and lower in the semifinals. Uh-uh. Sorry, Jason. You're not a Slap Dick. Hey. Jason's higher than Slap Dick. I think Dallin will beat Jason Hopper at the games this year.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Mm. Dallin Pepper. Buddy said that. That's a hot take. Instagram reel right there. Yeah, that's what I was exactly saying. You're just feeling it? I mean, I...
Starting point is 00:38:08 yeah that's what i was exactly just feeling it i mean i there are some guys out there who are in the in the sport right now who every minute are getting better i don't know who they are but there's a lot of fucking young guys out there and a lot of people working hard and for some reason i just think that guy is everyone who trains with him is kind of like like down in awe of him yeah they're all in awe of him yeah you heard james talking about him yeah he's that guy well james is also in uh in awe of uh nick thomas poor nick thomas yeah he busted his foot up though right he had ostrean spit into his shaker bottle. Okay, we talked about feet breaking the plane to the top of the box. What the fuck is that rule?
Starting point is 00:38:51 We all agree, stupid. Stupid. Stupid, okay. They could have fixed that. Easy. Both hands, both feet touch. Jake Berman, still in it for the last chance qualifier, said something very interesting that I thought was great.
Starting point is 00:39:04 I'm curious what you think about this as a training tool he had done event number five twice before and he used a heavier dumbbell in practice and when he so when he went out there he knew that it would feel a little bit lighter you like that technique that's something i remember heppner used to do before the regional competitions was he would just level up and i don't know how i feel about it oftentimes but in certain situations it makes a little bit of sense i remember like vividly there was a situation where hefner did an overhead squat that was 20 heavier than the workout but it was only for 10 reps at the end of the workout so he's like hey if i can do this i
Starting point is 00:39:38 can do this yeah that's what he did here that's what i think too you got to swing the weighted bat because if you in about 20 sounds about right because if you start to go too heavy, you're almost changing the workout in a sense, right? Like if you slow that dumbbell down or if it changes the stimulus a little bit. But I think swinging the weighted bat is always good, if not for anything, just mentally, right? You're like, hey, if I did this with a 70, now I got to go do it with a 50. It's going to feel a little lighter.
Starting point is 00:40:01 It's going to move a little quicker. So I think it's a good call. James Townsend does that as well with his athletes. And you know what? It seems to be working for him. Yeah. And you know what? It seemed to work for Berman as well,
Starting point is 00:40:14 and it seemed to work for Heppner back in the day as well. So maybe that is the way to go, Sevan. Hey, if you're going to do some sort of workout, let's say you were going to do, I don't know, just make it up, 10 cleans, 10 burpees, three rounds. 10 cleans, 10 burpees, three rounds. Okay. What are the weights? And let's say you were going to use 135 on the time.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Okay. Wouldn't you, before you did that workout deadlift at some point in the warmup, maybe a set of five or a set of 10 with 225 before you just grabbed that 135? No. No? I'm saying no. I'm saying no right off the bat. Why would you do a deadlift? So that when I do grab that 135 clean, it's almost like I'm grabbing the deadlift full of helium.
Starting point is 00:41:03 So it explodes up. And I always put it on the outside of the collar right before i go so right before i'm going to do like high cycling cleans i'll put like a 25 on each side of it and do some deadlifts with it and then just yank it off really quick before i go so how about like doing a heavier clean and jerk by like 10 instead why wouldn't you do that no you might do that too but you can get away with doing a lot more heavier of a deadlift so i might put 10 on each side for doing the the clean and jerk but for the deadlift i could put on 25 35 45 whatever i'm gonna get you in touch with oscar mora and you're gonna be his coach for
Starting point is 00:41:35 the next year it's like i need you to warm up this kid and jerk event with deadlifts you know what that reminds me of a little bit wait jay look at james is even look at james's hate mr townsend knows i it reminds me of like the local competitions you go to and there's a 135 and your example seven of like you know 10 10 uh power cleans at 135 three rounds and you got these guys back there like clean and jerk and 245 before they go out to dma and i mean to me it's almost just just a waste of energy a little bit and the reason why i said no right off the bat to your deadlift versus power clean is just because it's a different movement you're going i mean the setup's different the the pool is going to be a little bit different um oh yeah for me it's not it's identical so maybe that's
Starting point is 00:42:18 why i'm all fucked up maybe that's what's up with your back and i'm gonna fix that this afternoon for you yeah thank you i'm still getting oscar more in touch with you though he needs some help he's gonna warm up for his clean complex next year with deadlifts and you know going back to your hot hot take with hopper real quick i don't want to beat this too much but based off what uh mr james sprig told us the other day he was saying that dalen pepper does better with more events and if you it's dalen it's ah it's like in the second grade motherfuckers when you hear ass jackass dalen what did i say what did i say everyone's got a dalen everyone's got a dalen even even mr woodland's got a dalen it's dalen okay dalen yeah it's it's james townsend it's dalen pepper you know like i'm calling mr pepper from now on it's when's when I played with dolls until I was 17.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Okay. Dallin does better with more events here. And you can see that he's been super consistent. And it's like if this trend stayed the same way with his fifth, second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh, and you just kept stacking events and he was able to stay right into there versus if we look back at Hopper, I think he fumbled a little bit. Whoops, I into the women here and that's a harsh suze is going hard in the paint here well he's got a he's got a 12th here right so we saw a little bit of a drop off with that which we didn't see with dally that's that stupid ass workout um well regardless of
Starting point is 00:43:40 the workout and your your agreeance of it it's still just it is what it is where they're placing so i don't know you know no wonder you never made it to the games yeah i know hey hey but the the takeaway isn't there is suz is claiming that dal and pepper will do better over 15 events at the games and jason hopper i think i heard some insinuation, if not a call-out on that. Any proof of that? No, that's just purely based off of these last two weekends. All right. Well, if that's the case, then Hopper's in big trouble.
Starting point is 00:44:15 If he's on a freight train to the freaking moon, he's going to take everyone down. Who? I'm a team savant. Dallin Pepper's on fire. I'm a Dalton. Dallin Pepper's on fire. Yeah. And I'm a Dalton. Dalton. Dallin Pepper is Samuel Quant 2.0. He's going next weekend.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Are we going to talk about next weekend, or is this just the finals here? Oh, no. I can't wait to see how Sam Quant does next weekend. I have to go to Greg's house in 45 minutes for the big – All right, I'll be there. Huge party. Four hours. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Are you going to that Susie? Yeah. I'm actually a partly a dress for that. And I even shaved. So I'm getting off of this. You look like Ben Bergeron. I got Ben Stiller in the comments. We'll stick with Ben Stiller.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Better than Steve-O. I don't know. Stiller and Zoolander. Definitely better than Steve-O. Not only did Saxon Panchick win three events, Better than Steve-O. Stiller and Zoolander. Definitely better than Steve-O. Let's see a blue steel. Not only did Saxon Pancic win three events, but Daniel Brandon won three events. The last three events, right?
Starting point is 00:45:15 She put a stamp on this fucking weekend. How can anyone... Well, let's be totally fair. Let's be totally fair. Okay. It's not a strong female division. It's not strong. What about your girl, Sydney?
Starting point is 00:45:33 I mean, that's the thing. It's not strong. We have these really weird characters who are in the top four. Really weird. What? What do you mean? Define weird. Okay, okay. I'm gonna tell you you have you have bailey rail a
Starting point is 00:45:48 total surprise fucking walk on last year at the games i she was on the she was on a pretty high level games team every year before that okay four oh and seven i think that they also podium both of those years she was on the team okay fair fair uh motherfucking monster a little a very unique um still a physique that doesn't it's an amazing physique to be quite frank i mean yeah to be quite frank i just i i just think she she she i think she's a little she she's not your prototype CrossFitter. You have Brooke Wells who came off a fucking serious injury. Yeah, I think she's a top of the league. So when you say that you've had a unique group of characters, I imagine that show we did with the McDonald's characters and they're just kind of all washed up.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Oh, no, no. They were all picked up out of the garbage can. It's like, oh, they used to be clean, but here we go. I'm just saying like them all this isn't um those those um those guys in the in the in the men's class at the mac these are household names we expect all of these guys to be at the games noah saxon cole sager i mean it's just it's the fucking who's who it's like if you buy the box set of the dolls of the crossfit characters for your kids actually it's those guys these are a bunch of these are a bunch of uh uh beat up no names that's exactly what i just said you said no
Starting point is 00:47:11 oh oh sorry sorry i was picturing uh i was i started visualizing metallica or kiss sorry i'm sorry um and then and then you have sicky that's sicky you have syd McAlishan, who – Is your pick to win the games? I want to get on her bandwagon. I'm glad she's going. I want her to fucking win the games. I want her to be the next Laura Horvat. But we don't know because no one here was to test her.
Starting point is 00:47:39 And then we have Danielle Brannan, who the whole thing was kind of set up for her to be our queen. You know what I mean? I agree. This this is a weak ass field for the females that's a hot take i'm saying tia toomey would have swept this field oh yeah she would have got first second and third and i also think mal o'brien is gonna sweep the field next year because i saw someone in the comments ask that like do you think mal is in a sweep it's like yeah and then everyone's gonna be like who's gonna win mal or to me and then to me's gonna sweep the field next year because i saw someone in the comments ask that do you think mel is in a sweep it's like yeah and then everyone's gonna be like who's gonna win mel or to me and then to me's gonna sweep the games i mean i liked it don't get me wrong i'm not knocking these chicks i liked it uh it's fun i'm glad i think all five of those ladies deserve to go well based on what you're saying and danielle brandon in this field here i mean she kind i
Starting point is 00:48:21 mean a second a fifth and then three first in a row to stamp the uh stamp the weekend so even if it wasn't necessarily her hardest competition out on the field i mean she still absolutely crushed it so that's that's saying that even even if there was a little bit more tougher competition out there like she would still do relatively well i mean i take that back about mal sweeping the field she's not going to a clean just gotta make sure i'm unfucking that sorry record uh bailey is a freaking unit yeah there's no doubt so and and to what suza was saying turbo tunnel she beat sydney uh mickalician by uh 50 seconds almost and sydney put it to bailey rail beat her by 40 seconds same thing with the hardcore parkour um danielle basically won by a minute and then sydney beat bailey by another 30 seconds i mean there's a
Starting point is 00:49:11 gap between these athletes it's just so hard to tell how good everyone is with this kind of mix-up yeah that might go to the programming again away from that programming damn it no you get two minutes what do you mean yeah i know last know. Last night I wanted to close. No, no, no. I don't want to get into the programming. We've done that enough. I just don't think that the programming, like the best always comes out on top. That's what they always say.
Starting point is 00:49:33 And that's always the worst argument, just the easy way out. But I think that the argument that we're all having with the females here and they're stacking up against the other females might be different if there was a better program to that. And that's all I have to say about that fair enough one thing that i think was cool that i can't remember if it was if it was a dave kasher that talked about this but he was always saying that there was a and if it wasn't dave forgive me but there was there was a moment for each athlete that is going to win when the momentum changes during a specific workout and i think for danielle brandon that was the mac Mack mile when Brooke Wells was way out in front and then she just kind of crept by and then just crushed it. And I think for Saxon Pancheck, that moment was during the midline sadness when Noah Olsen broke on that handstand walk and he just strutted right on by. And so I think those were two notable
Starting point is 00:50:18 moments for me on the men in the women's side, because once that momentum shift changed and whether it's a mental thing or whether they're just reaching their stride it really it really took off for both of them that time what are you laughing about over there the comment by anthony tpa he thinks frasier gets more camera time at the granite games yeah because where's the guy that i hired to do the the tia tumi camera exposure i need i need you to also do that with frasier at granite games they did to do the the Tia Toomey camera exposure I need I need you to also do that with Frazier at Granite Games they did they do the notable mention where they covered a bunch of the athletes that were there did you guys see that where they gave them like a call out it reminded me of like the Super Bowl when they're like oh check out this celebrity we have and check out this celebrity there was a moment of that I do remember that yeah that was kind of cool and
Starting point is 00:50:59 you know what I was thinking I brought this up at some point kind of tying it to the American Ninja Warrior events where you have the hey this is the athlete and here's what they've done here's where they're coming from very much like the road of the games I used to do yes I think that they should do that in the intermissions that everyone just sit in there talking in the comment section imagine like a one minute plug for a handful of athletes imagine imagine us there and we bring them on and we do a short little interview with them and capture all the main stuff that's there and then they move on I got one better for you you know how they put the helmets on the nfl players and the quarterbacks are talking in the huddle just put a little ear
Starting point is 00:51:31 bud in their ears and you can say they ask them what they're talking about and they can just chuck the ear bud right before the event we're talking about chuck the ear bud uh in in all fairness uh heber and mars and mariah and crew get most of the credit for the road to the games. Can you pull up the belt throw from yesterday? Yes. I can't. So it's even funnier. It's even funnier now.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Hiller, have you seen this yet? I haven't. No. When Alexis Raptus, Alexis Johnson, Alexis. Johnson. Johnson. So this is what this is yesterday she's one of the members on the uh in the mayhem independence team i thought she was so now it all makes sense
Starting point is 00:52:13 before you hit play here i want to show you what's happening you can see she has her belt in her right hand and what she's doing is she's trying to throw it down court so that it's there for her uh when she does the she shoulders the sandbag now watch this throw watch this throw this is why your parents tell you not to throw shit look at that's just crazy i i like the judge too like no one says anything and then when she crosses i think sean or tanya start busting up laughing or rich is she gonna run back and get her belt she doesn't right she just she just does the bag without a belt can you rewind that again and look at that look at this you guys look at this look at what in the hell is going it lands two lames over it looks like a softball toss
Starting point is 00:53:03 doesn't it just they can't throw anything. That's what I was going to say. The last time you saw a throw that bad was Jason Kalipa in the 2011 games there. Softball toss. It's not aerodynamic, dude. You can't just chuck it. Well, it's funny, too. I wonder what her thought process was because she peeks up at it,
Starting point is 00:53:22 and she sees that it goes way over to the left, and then she's just like, well, screw it. I'm guessing we're doing it without the belt. It would have been better if she would have run and gotten it. Like, oh, fuck. And goes and gets it. In one of the team events today, they started off on rowers, and then I forget what they had to do next. But basically to get past the rowers, each rower – The dumbbell cleans.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Okay. Each rower had to have 60 calories uh completed on it and what i saw what angelo did is he went over to one of the rowers of his uh sasha's rower and he rode some calories for her while she was doing something else and then he came back to his rower and rode his calories have you ever seen an event like that where there could be that kind of strategy you're jumping from rower to rower i don't have recollection of a crossfit sanctioned event like that before but i know that local competitions have done things like that before for sure or you got a couple of machines maybe uh i'm thinking maybe team series when that was a thing and not team series but i'm thinking uh
Starting point is 00:54:20 the the the where the countries were battling and they they had like Rich Broening and Khalifa on the same team. Oh, right. What was that called? That's like the – Wasn't that like the Rogue thing they did? No. They got rid of it in like 2015. It was a very cool thing, I thought.
Starting point is 00:54:36 If you had something that went on in the middle of the night, you'd wake up and the whole thing was done already because they had it overseas. Yeah, shit. What was that? I forget what that's called. The Invitational? Yeah, it's Invitational. you know what's fascinating about that when we did that in the states we didn't get a lot of people but when they took that thank you jordan when when we took that overseas like when we did that in europe it was crazy it was like dangerous for the athletes at the venue they would get mobbed
Starting point is 00:54:59 seriously it was nuts yeah that was very cool and i think back then that's one of the only times i've seen something like that. They have a couple of machines. You've got to get a number of calories and you can have whomever do it of the four athletes that you've got. And then, yeah, the male athletes always end up doing more on the machine. So if you've got two males, two females, just save the females. Have the males work at their 80 or 70 percent, which would end up being the females 100 percent. It's usually why you do it that way um i i want i want to show you one more thing before uh because i only have 30 more
Starting point is 00:55:32 minutes 34 minutes and there's a video here i want to show you also from yesterday and i can't believe i didn't see yesterday i want to know if you saw this i don't want to say anything about it i just want to show this to you hillar and su, and tell me what you guys think is going on here. Do you have it, Sousa? It's a Brooke Wells getting off the runner yesterday. Yes, it's going to be a little poor quality, but we do have it. Here we go. Probably Daniel Brandon was on the back half of the set.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Now Brooke Wells is getting to the wall ball for the final time. Final couple reps for Danielle Brandon. And she will head back to the pull-up bar. Brandon is looking strong. Well, he did take a big break after that run. Susie, can you turn off the volume and can you make it smaller so that it looks better? Basically, I don't know if you guys saw this,
Starting point is 00:56:23 but it's Brooke Wells getting off the runner, and something's wrong. Something is, like, really wrong. Like, she's having heat strokes. She looks like a boxer that just got punched in the face and can't walk. And then if you see, she wobbles onto one leg before she starts her wall balls. Did you hear anything about that yesterday? About her not being all there yeah like she was basically like either she didn't eat enough food she was dehydrated she had a high temperature i mean something was wrong there i think they
Starting point is 00:56:54 mentioned she was dehydrated from that because at the end they said that when she got back uh into the hotel they focused a ton on her uh recovery and hydration oh yeah see bruce wins on it okay that's what i heard you should play the one i sent you to she had heat issues i don't know if you can even see that well yeah it's hard to get them in here because of the way that they're sent um well no did you send it to me i can stream here no it's on stream yard you should there's a play button for you guys oh yeah yeah okay yeah yeah so this yeah this was a little more obvious uh what uh what hillary's gonna show us here this was a little more obvious that uh something was wrong with her here yeah this should have been a telltale sign when we
Starting point is 00:57:35 saw this yeah that's bad that's bad that's pretty obvious something's wrong with her yeah they should have got her medical attention right there i agree oh my gosh i i think i think i have the other one too if you want this one she comes off the runner that'd be great but i think honestly the the story of brooke wells through this weekend was amazing because she had even said like nine nine months ago she had reconstructive elbow surgery and here she is competing at the highest level just punched her ticket to the games for the ninth time i mean that's incredible right in i mean we were saying that the women's field wasn't as stacked as it as it could have been or as it is in some of these other um semi-finals but nonetheless to come back from an injury like
Starting point is 00:58:19 that and punch your tickets to the games is is phenomenal i thought the female class was definitely ass stacked but um okay uh high hydration and overheating are two different things just so you know you're not you if you're overheated and you just start drinking a shitload of water it doesn't fix it it does sean said hydration issues when did Sean say hydration issues? I think that's probably what I heard when they were just talking about her coming back from at the beginning of the day when they were saying she, you know, I didn't, maybe they had tea or something, but somebody came on and they were just discussing a ton about her, her hydration. And I mean, in a longer workout like that, if she was, is under recovered coming in, she came out really hot at the beginning. She was doing the touch and goes with the,
Starting point is 00:59:04 with the bag. She was really pushing the pace and it's going to be a 25 minute long workout so if her hydration or the recovery going into the event that wasn't up there to where it needed to be for the level that she was pushing you're just going to see her red line i mean you see this in um longer events all the times where people just and crash out because i think that's what ended up she overheated so someone said hydration and then tia said she overheated yeah and you know those are easily confused by those of us who aren't scientists well you want to tell us for for you who is the scientist i don't know which one it is i don't know which one it is but they're not but they're not the same thing and they have
Starting point is 00:59:43 different remedies this is why we need taylor on the show because he is indeed a scientist well he's he's a journalist he could get us the facts the facts he could get the facts um which was more emotional for you when she made it or when um spencer made it when did you feel your tear ducts turn on stronger? Are you talking to me or Sousa? You go for it, Hillary. Whichever one of you has like,
Starting point is 01:00:12 I'm not, I'm not very, I'm not very emotional. Like I, like I, like I try to say, yeah, I can give three fucks actually.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Like what I say, you see what I did to that old man in the, in the, in the master's qualifier? Do I seem like I'm someone who has feelings? Once people start working out, they turn into pieces of meat with names attached to them. Like I don't really have much to them other than that. I think I've said that before.
Starting point is 01:00:38 It's like, all right, is that piece of meat getting below parallel? Like, oh yes, no, maybe so. So I thought that it was probably coolest that the repaired piece of meat made it into the crossfit games then yeah i mean spencer making it was pretty cool i did like spencer making it so i guess with the entire storyline that is this year having scott not able to participate any longer and then having his brothers participate that one seven this is just a hard question man because it is hey were you emotional when you didn't make it did you cry when you didn't make it when i didn't make it no suzy yeah you oh i i've never been i've never
Starting point is 01:01:17 been in a position quite that that substantial but oh you know what i have been in 2018 our team finished sixth uh colton merton's beat. I remember they beat us by something like eight points. And we were sitting there. Yeah, that's got to hurt. You look over and you're like, which team beat us? And you're like, that team only has three people. And then you look down and there's Colton. It was actually rather similar. I remember it was Colton. I remember we were probably 30 points out.
Starting point is 01:01:41 And they were ahead of us. And they were really struggling with the worm lunges. We were watching them. They were quite a bit back and we uh thought that we had a chance so yeah when you don't end up making it this is more of a tyler christopher ending because we ended up not making it and if we would have made it yeah it would have been quite emotional so in the situation of did you cry did you cry no i was. I was down. Did anyone on your team cry? I am very much like Chownson always says. I try to hammer in the realism of things and try to make people heady about it. We're not criers.
Starting point is 01:02:17 We were never criers. Hiller doesn't need to go to therapy. He just changes his batteries every six months and he's good to go. Yeah, that's right. Pieces of meat and batteries. Wow, wow. Tyler hugging Rich for 30 seconds at the end. Wow.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Yeah, that's what I was going to say, too. I think probably the most emotional thing, I mean, not for me personally, but I think it would end up being the story with Tyler, because a lot of the Mayhem athletes had made it, right? They got three teams through Bailey rail, made it like, was he the only one inside that camp that will not be participating with them at the games now? He is last chance qualifier material. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:02:56 You're right. You're right. You're right. Six, seventh and eighth go to the last chance qualifier. Is that correct? Yep. Yep. Okay. I finally got that file uploaded by the way. She was like, do you want to play it finally? Oh one, but one but right before you play it i just want to say this real quick uh matt uh i would i i would uh what i would trade going to the games to be able to hold rich in my arms for 30 seconds you're also the one who says he texts you once a year and you cry so you're yeah yeah yeah getting a fetal i don't open it for a week yeah i, I'm on the group text that I see, and I pretend it's just to me personally, even though I know it has nothing to do.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I, like, show a few people and try to cover up the other names in the text. Okay, did we want to play this thing with Brooke, or do we still want to? Yeah, yeah. Let's play it. Let's see. I don't even know what it is. Let's see what it is. It's the one that you wanted to show.
Starting point is 01:03:40 It just should be clearer this time. But it'll be better and hopefully not as loud. Cover your ears just in case. Daniel Brandon was on the back half of the set now brooke wells is getting to the wall ball for the final time there we go oh yeah this is good okay yeah captain jack sparrow yep okay one more time play that one more time watch her get off so that's really bad right before she picks up the ball but play one more time watch her get off the rower here this is nuts right the rower uh the look at look look at her legs yep look at her legs they're in right here she doesn't have control she doesn't
Starting point is 01:04:14 yeah she doesn't have control she just got punched in the face that's what the fight looked like last night on esp right there right there she almost lost her balance right there too one one more time please really look at her legs and her hips there's some sort of disconnect as she gets off the uh runner hold on let me pull it back oh i'm sorry we're all fucked up now right here oh damn yeah and then watch as she goes to turn around right here so she turns around and then look she almost loses her it loses her balance to her left r right right there and then and then hunkers down on the knees dude she's a beast how did she push through that yeah and i mean think about it as far as like the training time and stuff is considered too again going back to you were talking about what's the what's the most like emotional piece
Starting point is 01:05:02 of it for me it was definitely her story of her coming back and then making it to the games because people think, yeah, you know, she made it back from that, from the injury, from the reconstructive elbow surgery, but look at all, like all of these women were training that whole entire time. And I mean, she was going through it, not only physically coming back from that injury, but mentally, I mean, the first time she's snatching that bar with any significant weight on it, the stuff that's going through her head, she's thinking, okay, am I going to go into competition and get the first overhead squat for this midline sadness and push and have something go wrong with my elbow? And boom, I'm out for the whole entire season again. So for her to battle back from not only the physical side, but the mental side of it for me, that was kind of the emotional story for the weekend.
Starting point is 01:05:42 That was kind of the emotional story for the weekend. When you look at her holding, so there's a picture of her on Instagram, just like holding a barbell overhead. And you can see that her entire body is kind of offset a little bit around that shoulder, the side of the injury on it. And I only pick up on that stuff because I kind of noticed it with myself right now with my bummed out elbow,
Starting point is 01:05:59 like everything shifted incorrectly. I don't know. I don't know if you guys noticed that there's a picture of her during the complex, just standing there with a bar over her head. Everything's just a little bit not symmetrical. Yeah, just that protectiveness. Although they fixed the elbow, I don't know if they fixed everything else, which is something to
Starting point is 01:06:15 think about. I don't know what this is in reference to, but too many monsters and Tito's. Not too many. That's not in relation to you. You're just a little self-conscious, so you think it's in reference to but too many monsters and titos not too many that's in that's not in relation to you you're just a little self-conscious so you think it's in relation to you it's got brooke brooke waddling around is what he's talking about oh right i'm so insecure good call everything's about secure uh i don't know why i have this here in my notes but but but I think they were interviewing
Starting point is 01:06:46 Rich maybe and I saw him say this but I think he said that they have the best he's so cocksure what is he? Rich F. Junior of course he is he's just like we have the best women in the game we just have the
Starting point is 01:07:02 we're going to do good we have the best women in the game he knows. Three teams to the games, man. Yeah, he should be pretty cocksure. That's incredible. All right, breakfast talk. I'm going to the doctor on the 6th, all right? I'm going to...
Starting point is 01:07:15 I was trying to fix it. I'm finally getting imaging done, all right? Happy? So Colton's girl qualified to go to the CrossFit Games in Madison? She's a monster. I didn't even know he went that way. I didn't even know he did girls. Oh, it was just pigs, huh?
Starting point is 01:07:36 Just farming. This is amazing. Farming and lifting. Was he there? Hey, I was at this competition, I think. I was, yeah. So colton was there at the event uh that i don't know i i don't know this isn't that was not at the event that picture because we didn't see any uh we didn't get any camera time of colton mertens
Starting point is 01:07:59 no we didn't yeah but he's not tia to me they're not going to pan the crowd and find colton they should but they wouldn't. Hey, does she have another name besides Colton's girlfriend? Scroll over and let me see. Yes, she does. Allie Zerk. Zerky? Zerky.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Let's just call her Allie Mertens. Didn't she have a podcast with him and he was talking about her in the podcast? Yeah. Yeah. You know how good I am at listening, Hiller. You know how good i am at listening hillary you know how good i am you're just waiting for your next opportunity to say something yes thank you uh well congratulations to her that's really cool i would suspect he what he wasn't there if it would affect his training at all he he made it seem like she's so freaking supportive of him um yeah it's cool it is the same team that beat my team yeah uh get colton and his
Starting point is 01:08:48 girlfriend on the podcast no i'm not sharing uh colton uh with her but thank you i was like that good suggestion but no yeah uh when we saw uh sydney mccallishan do anything besides running she was great so you're saying there's a chance she's gonna take down tia i'm it's just uh she was the first off the toes to bar i mean she she's strong she's strong in the lunges she was strong in the shoulder overhead she's not athletic um well do you think that that's you that's indicative of her swimming background swimmers are usually kind of athletic i think it's like i we talked about this the other day i think it's kind of just something born in you will you guys be doing this time yeah i don't
Starting point is 01:09:37 know harvey savon's going to the games he said yeah i'm going to the games james and i are going together in a bus hey james uh, we need you for the games. Do you have good internet, James? That's the only requirement. And that you don't look like a thumb, like Taylor. We already have the thumb position taken care of. If you have good internet, we'd love to have. We need another dude. It would be nice if you were a girl, too, but we'll take another dude. Let's get a stacked panel.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Yeah, especially someone smart like him. Yeah. Oh, he's going to be at the games. He's going to be at the games. He's going to be busy coaching. Yeah. Yeah. He doesn't coach.
Starting point is 01:10:14 He's just going to pray over him. In between events, Tudor Magda is just going to lay on the ground. James is going to like put some ointments on him. Just tell you what, Tudor ends up podiuming, and then you're going to blame him. You're going to be eating your words if they end up podiuming. That was the method. I'll be in the RV section. See, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:35 We're getting close. We've kicked around the idea of doing some shows out in the RV area. Hey, you know what I did? I did that on Airstream. Who does? My dad. I want to go there with just 3,000 CEO shirts and just give them away for free and just carpet the place. Travis, you hear that?
Starting point is 01:10:56 Rating CEO shirts. Get a t-shirt cannon. We had talked about yesterday. We were critiquing the workout of the toes to bar workout and the the topic of discussion was is that it wasn't enough toes to bar now that you saw the workout run do you do you think you and scott and taylor were probably wrong on that no what that damn they basically did them unbroken and the entire event was dumbbell snatch and burpees over the box the the toes to bar the the difference between somebody who
Starting point is 01:11:33 was really good on toes to bar and not so great on toes to bar would have been 15 seconds at the absolute most i mean it was the difference was some people went unbroken and some people broke once right well on the second on the second round, I think Brooke even came down twice. All right. Well, that's twice. Sivanis was one person he was watching. Yeah. Well, that's all you can watch if you're watching the feed.
Starting point is 01:12:01 That's true. I thought the toes were in there because you were saying it was the dumbbell and the burpee box jumps that matter. I guess you just got to know exactly what they were going for. So were they supposed to matter? That's what Scott and I were saying. It's like, were they supposed to matter? Because if they were, then it doesn't matter. But if they were just supposed to be like a place filler,
Starting point is 01:12:20 which I don't think there really ever should be a place filler movement within a workout. But if they were supposed to be that, then they did their job. Well, if it just taxed the midline enough to affect those other movements that they were really making the workout about, then I think you really think they did though. Do you think they affected these athletes midline? I mean, I think it did. I think it did not, not in a massive way, not in the point that the GHD did in the midline sadness, but I think it was just a little bit of a burn on the grip coming into the dumbbell, just a little wear and tear on the hip flexors in the midline. There you go.
Starting point is 01:12:52 You said hip flexors. You know where else I was saying hip flexors was on the required points you were supposed to be doing the box jump overs. Correct. More hip flexors when you need to actually get your hips over the box. If you can keep them lower. So perhaps they were supposed to do just enough, but then they also released most of the athletes from holding them accountable on the hip flexor part two, being a box jump over. Yeah. So that's what I thought. I thought that, you know,
Starting point is 01:13:16 obviously the toes of our weren't a huge factor, especially for the athletes of this caliber in that workout. But I did think in going back to your point with being over the box, especially if we started to tax that hip flex a little bit more and we needed that to meet the standard that was required or wasn't required, that that would affect it even more in that last section of it. So I just think they were just a little enough to put a little burn on those on that midline. I want to know how Savannah warms up for toes to bar. Hey, were the were the female and male box heights the same? They were different. They were different.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Yeah. 40 inches for the females. Wow, man. They looked high also. In the transitions there, Danielle was in first place, and she still ran to her box. Is that the only way the best in the world would do that? is that the only way the best in the world would do that? It's the only way the best become the best or like would end up making a difference if you've got other people. So you said the field was weak, right?
Starting point is 01:14:11 Yeah. Uh, no, you said the field was weak. I wanted to say it. I didn't have the balls to say it. I danced around it. But I said instead, uh, Bailey rail had a unique body. I said they looked like McDonald's characters. And then you said Bailey had a unique body, like a unicorn or something. But I think that if you had more like the Laura Horvath of the world, Tia Toomey there, you would have seen a handful of more people like moving off of the
Starting point is 01:14:34 Toadstool Bar to the box. Like you saw Brandon do. Yeah. But those are the kinds of things that when you see that transition, you're like, okay, that she's different. Like she's there to win. She's not pacing anything like this is yeah i think it's also i think it's sending a message to the other competitors i think when she was out like that she runs to it and she and she's attacking the
Starting point is 01:14:54 workout that way if they're starting to feel that fatigue and slow down and then you look over in your lane and you're like fuck she's sprinting over there to that box and getting the work done that's gonna be a big mental edge for danielle And it's going to slow a bunch of the other people down a little bit mentally if they're feeling fatigued. Did you guys read Frazier's book? I didn't. I bought it. In Frazier's book, it's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:15:15 It's worth reading, by the way. In his book, he talks about the trail run in Aromas where they had to go back. Castro sent everybody back. And he said there was a bend. And he back castro sent everybody back and he said there was a bend and he said that he saw the bend and he was feeling some sort of way and he said that in his training he put himself into a hole on purpose so that he could mentally break his competitors so it's him and madero's they're going and he said that he took the bend and took off so that when madero's looked he was nowhere to be seen and when you do that sort of thing madero sees him goes oh shit i'm not even gonna try anymore but in fraser's head he goes this is a risk but
Starting point is 01:15:50 the only reason he knows he can take that risk was because he's trained to take that risk and when you see someone like brandon like scooting over to the box as quick as you can she might feel like shit for all you know but she's trying to put the competitors in a hole the same way fraser was trying to put Madero's in a hole. And that's the game this point in time. If we remember, if you remember talking to Scott yesterday, the game back then was,
Starting point is 01:16:11 he said the aerobic workouts were the hundreds and everybody could find rest. It was basically who could keep moving the best they could. And at this point in the game, everyone's looking for every inch and every advantage. And you saw it with Brandon, you saw it with Frazier. And what do you think about that, Siobhan? I was, it made me think of what I, and every advantage. And you saw it with Brandon, you saw it with Frazier. What do you think about that,
Starting point is 01:16:26 Sivan? It made me think of something I crossed off the list that I wasn't going to mention earlier. I think that that was the opportunity that she took and made a statement, not just there,
Starting point is 01:16:39 but to the whole world who was watching, hey, I win the last three events. I'm here to fucking kick ass. Mayhem Independence missed that opportunity opportunity i think that they won but i don't remember it they skittled into the finish line they they didn't put the nail in the coffin a few times they they did that they should have just really fucking hammered the and they probably tried to um they oh well
Starting point is 01:17:03 shit look at first second first first first seventh yeah and that second on there should have been really should have been a first look at look at mitchell god i'm such a dick it was that it was that seventh workout it was that last workout where they took seventh i just think that they you think they came off the gas pedal a little bit they throw it i just think that you can't i just think that you have an opportunity and there's nothing to nitpick about these guys. I mean, they were amazing, but, but, but I, it is fun to see them just really like send the message. We're unbeatable.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Yeah. And you know, what's interesting with that team, Mayhem Independence, and this is going to happen across, especially with justice. And it's going to happen into the games. We're not even comparing them to the field. We're comparing them to the other Mayhem teams and that just shows how good they were because if we were talking about them isolated as just the team here not attached to the mayhem name we would be like holy shit these guys crushed are they going to give mayhem a fight for their money at the crossfit games but since they're all part of the same camp we're almost almost treating them at a higher much
Starting point is 01:18:01 higher standard comparing them to rich's team rather than the field that they're competing against if they would have taken first in that and we have a first second first first first first reading them out of much higher standard, comparing them to Rich's team rather than the field that they're competing against. If they would have taken first in that, and we have a first, second, first, first, first, first, we can be like, holy shit. Yeah. Like, they were untested. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Programming. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But, you know, we're just talking about that, that, that very last year. I mean, you're, you're,
Starting point is 01:18:27 we're, we're comparing that, that mayhem independence team, which they're, they're given the scraps, right? Rich, rich in that,
Starting point is 01:18:33 um, a freedom team takes the best and we're taking the second or third best team there and comparing to something that was in Matt Fraser's book. So in the end, it's a compliment. Yeah. I mean, right. Definitely. Go independence. Um, to something that was in matt frazier's book so in the end it's a compliment yeah i mean right
Starting point is 01:18:45 definitely go independence um i i should i'm gonna i'm gonna listen to his book next the reason why i haven't listened to it or read is because i know there's no fucking way he'll come on the podcast wait a minute is that the first time you've ever said that publicly well i mean i don't know i thought i thought every time you you talk about it, you say there's a chance. I mean, there's a chance. There's always a chance. I just don't – I know that there's like 50 authors out there that I could get on the podcast. So if I read their book, I want to have them on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:19:13 I don't want to like read his book and then he comes on. It's a short, easy read. The thing is, did you get the Audible or did you get the book book? Both, but I would listen to the Audible if I were going to listen to it. Why don't I listen to Rich's? I know he'll come on. I can send you my copy. It's good.
Starting point is 01:19:33 It's a little sticky. That was just a fun joke. All right. We have nine minutes. What would you like to uh to bring up or would you like me just to keep bringing up these silly notes i have we have nine minutes well you said you already said you don't want to talk about granite games and all that's its own show probably with i don't mind talking about them let me say this then real quick since you didn't jump on it there's two shows that hillary and i are going to do this week at least uh justin madaris has a youtube station um if you want to we're going
Starting point is 01:20:08 to have justin on and hillary and i are going to bust his balls about this video it's a really good video it's a fun video it's the build-up to his win of uh syndicate i think his youtube station is justin madaris we were going to do it tonight but i think justin said he's going to like a putt-putt golf thing he's going to top golf and he invited you but you had something to do it tonight but i think justin said he's going to like a putt putt golf thing he's going to top golf and he invited you but you had something to do instead is that miniature golf yeah no no no no it's like oh it's like oh it's nothing like golf or it's nothing like putt putt except for the fact that the sport's similar okay and then uh and then and then we will be doing i don't know where we're going to fit it in but we're going to do uh a review of the last five or six videos uh that uh hiller has made
Starting point is 01:20:51 on the hiller fit uh youtube station and that's kind of like something i want to do every week but i'm we've i've been a little overwhelmed so it keeps getting pushed back so those are two things that uh we have coming up that we're doing together. Okay, let's cruise over to the Granite Games. Let's do it. Sweet. There's so much meat on the bone here, huh? Yeah, but my favorite thing to talk about is that the team workouts only have one worm. One worm workout.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Oh, we want to talk about the athletes. Okay. We want to talk about the programming. Yeah, let's talk about the athletes. Matt, let me pick just this uh daniel brandon's um colleague over at uh underdogs athletics matt delugos does he have a chance like a good chance are you talking about suza you said suza yeah no i said hiller oh you said they said hiller i thought you said suza and i was thinking about a drink, but then you told me there's too much ice in there, so I looked at it to see if it melted, and it hadn't. You can let your rocks juggle around.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Don't worry. Delugos, I see he was at Guadalupe, and he was on the team of the Australian guys, and they put out an amazing show there. And it's always really hard to tell because you've got Con Porter on that team, and you also had Newberry, and they're both very accomplished athletes on that
Starting point is 01:22:06 team for the team of three male elite. I think that they won Guadalupalooza. And if not, they were in the, on the podium, but my, my memory is slipping me there. They were,
Starting point is 01:22:15 they were doing really well. And DeLugas was on that team. You saw him do very well in that final quarterfinal workout. He ripped the shit out of the rower. Very powerful dude at the granite games it's very fieldy i've competed there a handful of times and i've competed as an individual and everything they do is and since they've changed the program a bit but at its spirit it's very back and forth you're using the course you're using the field and is his competition with the Australians at Wadpalooza going to carry over to this
Starting point is 01:22:45 Granite Games competition. It'll be a toss-up. So I would say, looking at the programming, I don't think he's going to qualify. Keep going. Keep scrolling. Hold on. Stop, stop, stop. Phil Toon, on the other hand, is going to totally dominate.
Starting point is 01:23:03 He is? Yes. And I see Travis. on the other hand is going to totally dominate he is yes uh um uh and i see travis you know where he comes from he comes from the dell and pepper james sprig camp yeah yeah our what what rp strength and matt torres is what are they not rp brute brute strength with matt torres hey this this guy this guy that uh james Townsend just said, Marquand Jones, this guy might be old as dirt. I remember that guy. 32.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Come on, James. Come on. I remember this guy. Marquand, he's a good dude. I filmed with this guy in Albany one year. Albany, New York. He's a really good dude. He's a specimen.
Starting point is 01:23:40 If he performed as good as he looked, he'd have won the games. Have you ever seen Horrible Bosses? That's a stupid question. Carry on. It's got the guy from Ozarks in it. It sure does. You've seen it. I don't know if I've seen it, but I really like him. I would like anything he's in. I love him. It's got the guy from Law Abiding who says Jamie Foxx.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Every time I see Mark Juan Jones, I think Motherfucker Jones. Okay. Okay. No, over my head, over my head. Okay. So Travis Mayer. Yeah, Mark Juan Jones is an awesome athlete. Keep scrolling down a little. Oh, Anthony Davis.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Another good, yeah, strong dude. So the clean complex here is going to be awesome with Colton Mertens, who we've seen hit 335. You've got Anthony Davis and you've got Phil Toon. Phil Toon, yep. You've got Travis Mayer, who's got an almost 400-pound clean. That's going to be something. So let me tell you some of these names.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Brent Fikowski, Chandler Smith, Samuel Quant, Phil Toon, Colton Mertens, Travis Mayer, Anthony Davis. Chandler Smith. Chandler Smith, yep. Someone with a big name is going uh to the last chance qualifier yeah very good chance of it i mean just the numbers alone right phil t and colin merton and not to mention what maybe maybe marquand jones yeah or oh shit tim paulson oh my goodness oh my goodness yeah two two guys three guys with
Starting point is 01:25:04 big names are going to the last chance qualifier. Yep. Not to mention, we don't know who the Sydney, uh, Michael, Michael is in this group. Bill June.
Starting point is 01:25:12 Second place. Behind who? Fikowski. No. Fikowski. I think Fikowski is going to have a tough time here. Have you seen the events? No,
Starting point is 01:25:24 I haven't. Okay. Fikowski is going to win. Tyler time here. Have you seen the events? No, I haven't. Okay, Fikowski's going to win. Tyler Eggerman's going to be a force to be reckoned with as well, I think. Why? Give me in a nutshell. Can we see the events? Have you seen the events? Pull them up if that's possible.
Starting point is 01:25:39 There's a lot of back and forth. Like I already said, you see there's a lot of back and forth. There's the madness that is what should just be wall balls and muscle ups but they have all those random movements thrown in between them that's something you would have never seen castro do but again when you see it on the field it's going to end up making sense because it'll be back and forth and hey no canadian is coming to this event and winning that's uh that's, that's for Kowski. Oh, me. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. He's not Canadian anymore.
Starting point is 01:26:06 He's a, he lives behind the barn. My bad. Okay. What event is this? I don't think I've seen this yet. Yeah. So the first two events we already are very well acquainted with are going,
Starting point is 01:26:15 uh, back to back here, the barbell complex followed by the rope climb workout, um, heavy handstand and reverse Fran. This workout is, why do they call it that 9 15 21 9 15 21 reverse reverse uh reverse numbers of fran and uh it's got thrusters
Starting point is 01:26:38 arbor thrusters i think fran has a thruster in it and uh handstand walk instead of pull-ups pull-ups yeah i actually think that i would have really liked this event if they had called it that this is just i'm trying to get too cute they should call this event three and then i would have liked it but it's a good event it's a good event yeah i like that i like it it's gonna be fast hey i see uh i see colton merton's doing uh uh whenever i see these events i just think colton learns i think second place uh on the barbell complex yeah 15th place uh 21st place in the rope climb and then and then that and then that reverse fran uh i see uh another second place i see a first place on that one you do yes good one for him barbell complex i
Starting point is 01:27:27 think it's more like a fourth i agree with your bar your event five and then this one he'll be top three for sure okay how about this one where's he gonna finish on this one minnesota mashups it's a good one for me wall balls oh it says in small print down here uh colton mertens does not have to do wall balls he he may do pistols oh that's awesome it also says colton mertens has done enough wall balls to for this competition they just have to do them anymore a thousand for time you may do air squats so so this is the one where you see it's 10 20 20, 30, 40, 50 wall ball. So it's 150. You've got the muscle ups in there, right? Yeah. Right in the middle. It should have just been like 75, 30, 75, because that's really going to be the whole workout. All the rest of it is busy work ends up being 25 minutes. And we know about the bumpers that they're putting on, putting on the event. So did they say there had to be something that was 25 minutes? Cause we've seen three 25 minute workouts and if so that's in my opinion the only reason that they have all that madness in there actually i believe that was a jr take i should give jr because he's the one who told me that first and then i just very much agree with his
Starting point is 01:28:34 opinion on that one it's busy work are those wall balls gonna just destroy mertens no he's done so many with the 30 pound ball you can remember he would do like i know but each throws an extra four seconds of hang time for him no he's gonna dominate it okay good i mean he's gonna win that one you think the cows the cows he's gonna win that one traditionally does really well at the longer events like that like he has year over year over year so i would definitely say it's his to lose um i don't know phil toons gonna win this one why is that just because i think phil toons is gonna light this competition on fire this is this is his weekend dylan pepper was my was my pick for this uh last weekend and he took second so i think it's an itch you're good okay keep going keep going keep going i got shit i got a party to go to uh speed chipper
Starting point is 01:29:21 oh that's a legit shuttle run 120 yards wow it's not just 75 pounds 36 chest bar pull-ups then the shuttle run 106 yeah wow yeah yeah yeah wow a little bit in there again again there's your shuttle run fukowski or this is essentially it went for chandler Smith in my opinion, but every time I see Chandler Smith, he underwhelms me. Well, I was expecting for him to like make that, that down pepper leap. We saw the down pepper leap this year. He finished second behind Saxon. And I keep waiting for Chandler Smith to just blow everybody out of the water. And I think that it's a, I keep on hitting on Bergeron.
Starting point is 01:30:01 I think it's a Bergeron hold back. Constance text me. I'll swing by your house and pick you up no problem no problem i like the carpool i'm green thank you god what if she was serious that'd be like the first girl i've ever like picked up to go anywhere uh number two endure the sled 50 yard sled push 30 lane facing burpees 50 yard sled push thousand meter run oh okay yeah damn this one looks more You're the sled. 50-yard sled push, 30-lane facing burpees, 50-yard sled push, 1,000-meter run. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:30:28 Yeah, damn. This one looks more like the Cassian. Listen, he's not going to win. He's not going to win. But when he's on the bubble, when he's on the bubble next week, Hiller, this is going to be a great one for him. I will tell you that. When he's in sixth place and down by 12 points, this is going to be great for him. How in the hell do you think he's going to be down by anything?
Starting point is 01:30:44 He's going to be in first and then Matt Frazier it and shove it down their throats. Let me tell be great he's gonna be down by anything he's gonna be in first and then shove it down their throats let me tell you why he's gonna be by being fifth place there Samuel Quant, Phil Toon, Colton Mertens, Chandler Smith, Travis Mayer, Anthony Davis, and Tim Paulson and just because James Townsend's in the comments I'll say Marquan Jones there's gonna be yeah there's gonna there could be a big shuffle of the points i mean all those people you just named are capable of doing really well in these events and if points start disappearing and that race becomes real tight tim paulson's a gamer i'll give him that for sure like tim paulson yeah sam quant he's got
Starting point is 01:31:19 some proving to do after last year go to the go to the girls real quick and then then i gotta go uh um what if i had a q in my name what a great letter to have no torque tank that's a good comment they should have gotten rid of the shuttle run and put a torque tank in there definitely whose event is this who's throwing this hey that's a great question i have no idea uh she's in there's so much hype around mal o'brien it's so great i i hope she's enjoying it uh mal o'brien and then i don't see anyone else i recognize keep scrolling down you'll see someone jesse harper she's good sydney well brooks sister she's got she's got a lot of – Taylor Stefano is a stud. Amanda Barnhart.
Starting point is 01:32:07 Barnhart. Danny Spiegel. Danny Spiegel is going to win the complex. Definitely not as stacked as the guys, though, I would say. You think Danny Spiegel is going to beat Amanda Barnhart? Oh, yeah. In the complex? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:20 I don't think so. Danny Spiegel could do it without warming up and beat Amanda Barnhart in the complex. Do you think Danny Spiegel, before she does those cleans, will do some heavy deadlifts like she heard the show and she'll do that? I think you should check your DM. She reached out to you to ask you how many deadlifts she should do before the complex. Emily Rolfe. So this is a weak women's class too.
Starting point is 01:32:43 This is – I don't think it's – Oh, FISA Goffey. FISA Goffey. This isn't weak in the same sense that this past weekend was weak. I don't think – Well – Any Bailey Rails in here?
Starting point is 01:32:59 You have anybody's – anyone just look unique to you here? Just a unique unit? Mm-hmm. I mean, I think there's going to be a lot of pressure. Softball pitching, yeah. What do you got? I think there's going to be a lot of pressure on Sydney Wells. I think there's going to be a lot of pressure on her.
Starting point is 01:33:15 There's going to be a lot of eyes on her. A lot of eyes, yeah. It could be fun for her. I mean, she's coming in with a big name. She's going to do well. She is going to do well? She's got a track background. Did you just see the events?
Starting point is 01:33:27 It's a lot of moving around. She's so new to CrossFit. She did well last year. She was in the teens with her finishing last year in the semifinals. God, that would be impressive. What would be more impressive, if Sydney made it to the Games
Starting point is 01:33:39 or that Brooke made it to the Games this year? Sydney. Yeah, I think that's exactly. It would be crazy if she made it to the games this year. Sydney. Yeah, I think that's exactly. It would be crazy if she made it to the games. 100%. Okay, guys, I am trying to put together a show tonight. Hopefully, Justin Medeiros' putt-putt partner will have explosive diarrhea and get sick with food poisoning.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Not that he dies, but just enough to where Justin's like, okay. He's got to cancel plans. That's all. Yeah, yeah. Justin has to cancel. Are you worried about Justin playing putt-putt at this point in his game season? We're worried about him not coming on the show. That's what our main concern is. Alright. Alright, alright, alright. Yeah, I am worried. I am worried.
Starting point is 01:34:20 I am worried. I'm always worried about Justin. Thank you guys for listening. I apologize if we didn't have any special guests I apologize that the thumb wasn't here I apologize that J.R. Howell was here I will say that Sousa really stepped up his game today Apologize that I'm here too I went for it I was no longer going to sit in the background
Starting point is 01:34:38 I was like you know what this is it Yes sir get out here And you're watching mine and Hiller's bromance grow with every minute And I appreciate you guys chaperoning this On the worldwide Web

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