The Sevan Podcast - #427 - Raghunath "Ray" Cappo

Episode Date: June 2, 2022

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Starting point is 00:01:02 Bam, we're live. Raganath. Oh. Oh. Oh. Maybe I had it sp. We're live. I got not. Oh, Oh, maybe I had it spelt wrong all along. I'm not even saying it right. I only listened to it a hundred times before I came on yesterday. I still can't get it.
Starting point is 00:01:20 You got it. Oh shit. You got the memo to wear these glasses awesome are these problematic no they're perfect they're almost identical to mine i feel like except your dots go uh horizontal minor vertical what's up dude how are you guys oh so good great so good i woke up are you in california i don't have any friends even with the name close to yours i have to practice how about ragu like the tomato sauce are you in californ New York. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I woke up this morning. I'm in Santa Cruz and I woke up and it was sunny. And even though I got this crazy sore throat this morning when I woke up, I was like, oh, it's still a great day. Still a great day. Hey, thank you for coming on. This is really cool to meet you. Pleasure, man.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Thank you. We won't dilly-dally. We won't dilly-dally. We won't dilly-dally. I'm going to paraphrase this thing that Gandhi said. I apologize. You can't separate church and state because when you walk around, your life is your religion. That is your religion. You are your religion.
Starting point is 00:02:44 You are the living manifestation of your religion. You are the expression is your religion that is your religion you are your religion you are the living manifestation of your religion you are the expression of your religion and i heard you express it in a different way that i really loved don't give up what you're good at take what you're good at and spiritualize it and i was like yeah yeah i'm digging it yeah um you know i think as far as vedic dharma or sanatan dharma or what we know in the west as hinduism which is a misnomer there's no such thing as hinduism in all reality it's a made-up word by the greeks or by the persians someone made it up you don't understand something you give them some words, some pejorative. And after a while, because you're such a powerful country, the people that you're giving the word to just start identifying themselves with that word as well.
Starting point is 00:03:35 So you can go to Columbia University and get a degree and PhD in Hinduism. But there's no word Hindu. It means people east of the Sindhu River. And it's all different people on a quest, on a quest for spiritual life. And the spiritual life isn't separated from life. It's not like I, well, I have my church on Sunday for about an hour and 15 minutes, and then they go back to my material existence. Life is spiritual existence, and we can't disconnect the deity or the concept of God separate from nature, not like Christ is the deity and everything else is some type of mundane backdrop. There's spirit in every plant. There's spirit in every animal. There's spirit in every tree. There's spirit in the earth itself. And it's trying to develop the vision that everything is actually spirit. Even my biggest enemy is actually a spiritual being. We may see things completely different, but we have a lot
Starting point is 00:04:40 in common. And, you know, I wish it's like the left, the left and the right could see this as well. People generally, for the most part, have good inside them, but there's just ways they think that the ultimate good will be served. And then we just start going at it and creating others and creating massive divides. But the idea that spirit is everywhere and we are spirit is a nice set of lens. And therefore, in the Vedic culture, the Sanatan Dharma, the idea is that everybody's on a path. We see some Christian or we see a person worshiping Allah or a Jewish, we say, oh, nice, they're on a spiritual path. It's not a win to convert somebody from one path to another path. We're all on a spiritual quest.
Starting point is 00:05:37 A win for me as a teacher of Vedic Dharma, yoga philosophy is, hey, this person is getting serious about their spiritual life in their tradition. Great. Good for them. Whatever brings you closer to that revelation that we're all connected beings instead of finding others or boogeymen to go after. We have our own boogeymen we have to deal with. And a big part of yoga culture is stop trying to change the world if you yourself are stuck in the mud, if you yourself are in the gutter. Start putting the microscope on ourselves. How can I uproot these things that all spiritual paths talk about?
Starting point is 00:06:16 Uprooting greed, desire, envy, fault finding, criticism of other people how about shining the light on myself a lot of self-work and i know that as a parent of five kids if i want my kids to eat better to behave better um you know to treat uh women or men other people their friends better then i have to start being that example for them i don't have to preach to them to eat healthy i gotta just eat healthy it's that's isn't it our teaching huh i this is matt souza the executive producer by the way of the show and i'm several matosi and the guy who sits in a room in santa cruz great to meet you common and hot uh it's what you said about the left and right. I've heard you talk about also before. And I definitely noticed that growing up being raised in in Nazi Berkeley, there was a our whole identity was based on the opposition. Sure. And now as I as I wake up, it's important to I don't do the same thing from the other side. Right. I stood on one side of the room and said, I am not that.
Starting point is 00:07:27 And now I don't want to go to the other side. At some point, I am not that and build my whole identity on the opposition. I think it's a lot. Oh, you look good without glasses. I mean you look good with glasses too, but man, you have nice eyes. It adds a whole new level of personality with the glasses. Yeah, off they're both good do iq points higher um you know i think for me it works much better in life and in general and perhaps just culture could top this to see what we have in common and what are our differences like what do we have in common with these people it's a
Starting point is 00:08:03 it's a bad way to go into any relationship is what are our, what do we have in common with these people? It's a bad way to go into any relationship is what are our differences? What do we have in common here? What do we want? Do we want to raise happy, healthy children? I got a feeling a lot of people do. I got a feeling right down to the snakes and the hawks and the pigs, and they want to protect our children for the most part. Some gerbils will eat their babies.
Starting point is 00:08:25 But on the side note, we have a lot in common, and I think the focus should be there. Yeah, the praying mantis eat each other. Yeah. In a pinch, you'll do anything. Did you ever read that book, Mouse? It's a graphic novel, comic book. No, I didn't, but I know what you're talking about, though. Yeah, it's a trip. There's some stuff in there that I didn't even expect, but that component's in there. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:56 It's a philosophical comic book. Well, it's supposed to be – it's about – it's using mice and rats and pigs to tell the story of people escaping Nazi Germany during World War II. But you see that everything changes when you're – if there's 50 people drowning in a pool, you kind of – people will step on top of people to get out. Really interesting, isn't it? Yes. It's fascinating when we're put in these very tough situations. I mean sometimes it doesn't have to be Nazi Germany. Sometimes it has to be you lost your job. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:32 You get canceled. You get canceled. Right. I'm recently going through a divorce. It's unofficial. And I found it to be like super tough, super tough emotionally to deal with. I was married for 17 years, raised five kids.
Starting point is 00:09:52 And my teacher just gave me beautiful advice and said, you know, you just got to cut it swiftly and don't act out of resentment, anger, spite or revenge. And I was like, and I've kept it with me through the whole process. And it's had ups and it's had lots of downs or times where I feel like I have every right in the book right now to be resentful, angry, spiteful, et cetera. And with that advice, it kept sort of certain guardrails that it wouldn't cross. And then when I did cross them, I felt the ding, sort of the scrape of the side of the car on the guardrail.
Starting point is 00:10:34 And I thought, no, I can't keep it like that. And really, all these instructions, and this is back to spiritual things too, all these ideas, you know, they don't use this word sin so much in vedic thought because the idea is it's not like some evil guy or some sadistic god is there to punish you for some crime the idea is there there are parameters or rules of the road that we follow for our benefit not not not not because the higher power is sadistic, the higher power is love. And so why are there rules within that? For our benefit, so we don't suffer. And that can be seen like if I don't eat right, let's take it back to eating. If I don't eat right, there's rules about
Starting point is 00:11:19 overeating. You can eat as much as you want, but there's rules. If you overeat, if you eat on top of undigested food, et cetera, then you're going to cause indigestion. The whole system is going to break down. It's going to have a ripple effect, problems in your overall health, vitality, et cetera. So this concept of sin, we don't quite accept it so much. It's just like it just means it's self-harm.
Starting point is 00:11:42 It's not projected as some sadistic being who's there to punish you for inappropriate behavior, like some nasty school principal. We're punishing ourself. At 14 years old, Raghunath was in, I think, New York City, formerly known as Ray. I think New York City, formerly known as Ray. And he saw the band. I forget their name, but what you guys all know is the Beastie Boys. He watched them perform.
Starting point is 00:12:16 He went home like any good 14-year-old boy. He said, shit, I think I can do that. He called some friends up. They got creative. They started banging on instruments. And it was the birth of a musician. God, youth is wonderful, isn't it? It can be.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Yeah, right, right, right, right, right. It can also be horrible, treacherous, fearful, anxiety-ridden. Right. Depends what situation, but there was a nice time in my life where I felt like, you know, I'm just going to go for it. I can do this. In his scene, there were a lot of – just like I guess all the music scenes, there was a lot of alcohol, drugs, partying. And he ended up – would you say developing being the foundation of this sort of this hardcore scene but what you guys called straight edge where you guys were like, your music was hard, but your lifestyle was. Very clean, very clean. Yeah. Or your lifestyle had equanimity.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Your lifestyle was to best channel this, this hardcore music. Yeah, it was, we were into our message of anger was sort of internal. Our own self-discipline. We didn't drink. We didn't smoke. We were vegetarians. And I didn't coin the phrase, but I was a big – I wasn't – who was it?
Starting point is 00:14:00 Adam Smith. But I might have been – who was the guy that started the mormons i wasn't the first i was i might have been the brigham young perhaps okay okay okay i wasn't maroney the angel that appeared to them you weren't jesus you were like paul um but anyway um yeah runaway scene was really uh messing with you know you know people died people were it was incredibly violent it was underground you know is the early early 80s so there was just it was just like a it was a freak show and i loved that freak show because i was one of the freaks so back then there was mainstream arena rock you know the cheap
Starting point is 00:14:45 tricks of the world and the you know rush and um jay guile's band and then there was like a weird you know even even when hip-hop was underground and punk was underground even madonna was hanging out in that scene and um we were just like sort of like you play in weird crappy places and then all of a sudden sort of took a little bit more root um and it just then it became very normal and and normalized um but back then to shave your head or to you know dress peculiar or dye your hair you were considered a psychopath even to have a tattoo nowadays oh yeah yeah tattoos were wild the guy is serving you the latte as a tattoo on his neck yeah we're legal in new york city in the 80s you had to go into somebody's house and you know they have to tattoo you with a gun
Starting point is 00:15:38 this lady i know got a tattoo of a giant fly on her neck. Really wealthy, successful woman. Got into drugs and got a fly on her neck. There's no point to that story. I just think of a fly on your neck. I just thought it was a bad choice. I just wanted to mention. I judge her. I judge her for it as a bad choice.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Back then, if you were to get anything even on your forearm, you were considered, okay, your career is over. You will have no career. Little did they know how the culture would shift i don't have any tattoos yet now you're the most punk punk rock person out there yeah do you know what thought precedes getting a tattoo um it could be um my my daughter just saw my hand tattoo i got the shelter chakra it's a uh the weapon of lord vishnu on my hand it was our band's logo and my daughter and i posted a picture before my daughter saw it and she goes did you get a hand tattoo i was like i'm 56 years old it doesn't matter anymore. I can do whatever I want.
Starting point is 00:16:46 He did my hand tattoo. Raghunath, I have two five-year-old boys and a seven-year-old. I've always wanted twins. And if they come home with some shit like a gauge in their ear, a tattoo or something i'm gonna i'm gonna go straight to the store i'm gonna make them watch and i'm gonna get a uh a prince albert and make them watch it i'll be like oh you are my you are my van gogh you are my uh sistine chapel and you just put that hole in my sistine chat oh Oh, cool. Will you love me? Let's see how you like it if I put a hole in my penis. That's the current plan.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I just show them. Yeah. Put a hole in your ear. Size of a fucking roll. I got an earring when I was 16, high school. And my father lost his mind. I love your dad. Is your dad Jewish? are you do you got jewish or italian dad was italian he's not alive any longer but uh he uh i sort of gave him a run for his money in the last years of his life sadly um guys i'm we're gonna jump all over because that's what i do uh
Starting point is 00:18:03 there's a great story with his dad. His dad was in coma for three years, which is fan. And when we say great, we mean horrific. But but I want but I want to go somewhere else before we there's so many doors open. Are you training? Did you train at 10th Planet in in Los Angeles? I was there when he opened it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Oh, damn. Can you just tell me how you got into martial arts how i know joe rogan because joe and eddie and a handful of others we all trained with uh jean-jacques machado and i got my purple belt from jean-jacques machado but a group of us were really into not fighting with geese and it's before no gi fighting was popular at all this was whatever 19 when was this 2000 maybe 2001 or something so we used to train at this um uh what was this place in hollywood called the bomb squad that's not legal, putting your belt around a dude's neck like that. That's for fun. Wow.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Yeah, bomb squad. Yes. I was quite amazed at how Eddie made this thing take off. It was quite impressive. But you know what? Some of the traditional jiu-jitsu I started getting a little bored with. I started getting bored. I mean, I was a yoga teacher.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I did an hour and a half, two hours of yoga every day. The warm-ups drove me crazy sometimes in these jiu-jitsu classes.. And you know, it's not bad. It's good to warm up, but I was just like, can I just drill, please? Can I just drill? So I love the way how Eddie just started the class. You take a move and you drill it. I don't know if it's still like this, cause I haven't gone to one of those classes in a while. You take, you know, you take three moves and you drill them all month long. that's how we did it back then and i was like i like this way and then you start to own these things otherwise you learn a move you learn three moves a day and then you do you forget them by the next day unless you work them
Starting point is 00:19:55 you know it's just like with any technique that you do even typing you do the same thing every day and you get good at it and i like that that. I like this type of approach to learning. So Eddie had like this whole parallel thing going on with Brazilian jujitsu. And I'm glad it took off. And he was a great teacher. And we had similar bodies. We were both flexible and small. And so it was good for me to have to when you have that disadvantage of being small, but you have an open mat and you have to fight against big guys, you can't rely on your weight. You can't rely.
Starting point is 00:20:28 You have to rely on technique. So it was good. It forced me to expand myself, my, my, my, my martial education. Why did, why did you do that? Why did you get into, how old were you? And why did you, why, why did you take step into a brazilian jiu-jitsu dojo um you know it was when ufc one and two first came out yeah i saw them i was like i gotta learn how to grapple i was doing a little bit of kickboxing at the time i was like i have to learn how to grapple
Starting point is 00:20:59 uh you saw that skinny you saw the same thing i did ufc one the guy got his tooth kicked out the sumo wrestler but we saw that skinny guy from brazil same thing I did UFC won, the guy got his tooth kicked out The sumo wrestler But we saw that skinny guy from Brazil win the whole thing And we're like, what? UFC won the whole thing, how would that be like that? I think that's what was going through everybody's And there was hardly any schools at that time And so, unfortunately, I got into it
Starting point is 00:21:18 And one of the first guys Yes, there they are Early UFC God, I remember I paid for that I was in college I'm 50, by the way You're yes, there they are, early UFC. God, I remember I paid for that. I was in college. I'm 50, by the way. You're 55, 56? 56, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:29 56, okay. So this was a great time to get into jiu-jitsu because there was no – I mean, all the Brazilians just came over. Even the first place I went to was Henzo Gracie, and I started studying with him. And my first day there, Matt Serra, who's another big UFC fighter, just got his purple belt that day.
Starting point is 00:21:49 You got to meet all these great people back then and train with these great guys. It was a great time to get into it. Now it's amazing how much... It's not amazing, it's understandable how much it blew up. I know so many people who are uh accomplished
Starting point is 00:22:06 at brazilian jiu-jitsu now and are you still a practitioner you know i just i just messaged my friend about training tonight but i can't say i'm like what i was when i used to i went when i uh i haven't done i used to do it incredibly seriously. And then when I got married and had kids, it's completely put a, put a, this is my excuse, but I'm not blaming anything, anybody but myself, but I just couldn't adjust to raising kids and the wife and all that stuff. But now that I'm divorced and I have that more time because the kids are with her and the kids with me, I'm thinking here's my chance to get back into my passion.
Starting point is 00:22:44 How old was your youngest child? It was a child passion thing where my youngest is eight okay uh it was a passion thing that i purely did before i was married and uh with something not something where i'm teaching it's something where i'm just shut up and learning um so yeah. Now I'm really interested in, now I'm really interested in, uh, sea lot and Filipino stuff. That's where my sort of brain is going towards. So what's that sea lot? C-L-O-T? S-I-L-A-T. I don't think I've ever guessed how any word is spelled correctly in my entire
Starting point is 00:23:23 life. I'm, I'm. I have a perfect record. While Matt pulls this up, you talk about the six pillars of bhakti. Yeah. You know so much about me. I stayed up last night studying. You know, when someone says to me, I may only have a half hour, I think,
Starting point is 00:23:56 I leverage my ego and I say, I will create a room of love that he cannot leave. I will seduce him. That's the opposite of ego. At the 30-minute mark, he will be begging me for more. Six Pillars of Bhakti, I will not criticize. Check. I am tolerant.
Starting point is 00:24:46 No problem. Let the cockroaches crawl over me. I lean into discomfort. I will take no offense. Well, of course. Well, of course. I would be embarrassed. My ego will not let me show being offended. I would leverage my ego and hide it, bury it, push it down. Even if I had to, I think people who are offended are weak. I do not wish to expose my weakness to the world. I wish to fight with it alone. I am quick to apologize. Oh, I got a problem with this one. I got a real big problem with this one. Can we come back to it in one second? I learned these from you last night.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I see the good in others and i let them know it oh man man you have nice nice eyes ragunath thank you my friend and uh and oh i ran out of room here on the page um don't tell me uh number six i am grateful for my blessings and i keep a tally holy crap i look out the window and i see the sun is there and i'm thank you i scream in my heart thank you to the heavens for another beautiful day where the grass is green in my backyard simple powerful stuff yes this apology one really really is something that uh i'm struggling with these days because of this reason. And I'll use your friend Joe Rogan as the example. Sure. When he apologizes for using a word that offends other people,
Starting point is 00:25:56 what he is doing is validating their weakness, validating their right to be offended. There's a Taoist saying, argue your limitations and you're yours. Sure. I think it is one of the most bizarre things that we keep enforced on planet earth, that Jews are born into the world and there's a word waiting for them, kike, that they are supposed to be offended by their entire life. And when we say sorry, we reinforce at the most fundamental levels of the human brain how it works and how words work, that we are insisting that they be offended and i see us as plantation not curators um uh um uh i don't know what the other words are but but enforcers of the implantation you must be offended by those words i insist and i and i get concerned that an apology is at the root of that.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Did you feel me on that? When I see them, when I watch my own mind, I see how that may. Oh, seven. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I said that I'm short guys. Don't get pussy. When a girl tells me that all I hear is, is that she meant it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:19 Like I'm five, five. It's like, uh, yeah, I, I, I struggle with that one. Number three. Raghunath. Number four. I'm five, five. It's like, yeah, I struggle with that one. Number three, Raghunath. Number four. I'm sorry. I'm quick to apologize. Yeah. You know, seven. I appreciate your point. And I fully understand. I fully I fully at least philosophically understand that nobody can hurt me. Like I can only hurt myself. I can choose to be hurt, et cetera. And, uh, that's, I looked up the word, sorry, by the way, too, to make sure that I understood it. Right. And I think I do. Yeah. Um, quick to apologize. So I, I understand that
Starting point is 00:27:56 I'm not going to take offense. I'm not going to let, I'm not going to let people, I'm not going to hold on to those resentments. I won't take that offense. No one can hurt me. At the same time, I have to be sensitive because I tend to be obtuse. And that apology is to sort of clear me from my obtuseness or shorts. It doesn't mean I wallow in it and I live in it, but I'm going to hurt people. Of course, they may not be at the place where they won't let people hurt them, but I have to be sensitive. I have to be sensitive. I have to be sensitive. I understand that also everybody's got their karma they got to deal with and they have to relinquish also and get to that point of a little bit of a thicker skin to even survive in this world. They have to they have to be sort of bulletproof in one sense.
Starting point is 00:29:03 And I don't think we should pander to it. But for my benefit, I should be sensitive because everybody's actually got God in their hearts. And therefore, even a person like yourself, if I said something that could be construed as hurtful, even though you have personal governance for yourself and your emotions, because you are a child of God. God takes offense. Like God is sensitive. Just like, like for example, you can say whatever you want to me,
Starting point is 00:29:33 but if you like rough up my kid, I'll lose my cool. You know what I mean? Because the thing is, I love that person. I love that child. And therefore, I become a mama bear, a papa bear, etc. And the same sense, you might be cool. You might be like, hey, you can't hurt is all love and loves every living being. I have to be sensitive and just treat each other with dignity. Now you might go out of your way. Some people were looking to be offended. Never meet people like that. You could say, Hey, I see him on TV all the time. I love your shirt. And then you're like, well,
Starting point is 00:30:21 what's the matter with the shirt I wore yesterday yeah what do you mean by that i said i love your shirt today so they're looking to be hurt and i i will say those people are going to have a lot of problems in their life but that being said i should be sensitive and just treat each other with an appropriate type of dignity and be sensitive because I tend to be a little obtuse, short-sighted, et cetera. But I do hear what you're saying. And yeah, I don't know if that was useful, but that was my answer. Peace and love. Peace and love. Are you familiar with the artist Kendrick Lamar? I'm not.
Starting point is 00:30:59 The rapper? Okay. I'm just going to tell you this in case it crosses your your uh plate because i think it will now that i mentioned it to you in the next uh you know whenever he called in 2008 he's a famous rapper in 2018 he called a woman on stage he had her sing a song a white girl this is a black rapper kendrick lamar he had a white girl come on stage less melanin in her skin i I think, is the reason for that. And he had her sing a song.
Starting point is 00:31:32 And in that song, there were lyrics that white people aren't supposed to say. And he called her out on it, even though it was his song. And since then, I didn't like that game he played with her. Called a stranger onto stage and then call him out. Anyway, he has a new song that just came out it's called auntie's diary and it talks about how his uncle no sorry his aunt is now his uncle and went through transition and about how that process has changed his perspective on things. And I think it's fascinating. And I was curious if you saw that,
Starting point is 00:32:11 if you thought that he was becoming enlightened and realizing the power of words and suggesting that any man can say anything, their tongue is free. Or if he was going the other way, if he was saying, no, you can't say that word, that word. If he's adding a word to the list,
Starting point is 00:32:21 I'm having trouble understanding the song and I just need someone to talk to about it but someone's like get him on the show i don't think i can get him i'm unfamiliar with it all right fine um fine fine you'll have to ask him you're the wrong guy to talk talk to about kendrick lamar i'm a little like culturally culturally illiterate culture. And I'm okay with that. Yeah, me too. Did you ever think that you would get a divorce? No, I didn't. Never even in a million years? Never.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I didn't have a great marriage. I'm not going to dwell on it too much in my personal life, but I didn't have a great marriage. Um, not going to dwell on it too much of my personal life, but didn't have a great marriage, but I just believe that there's a ripple effect of problems that come with divorce. And basically we should try to like figure out what's not making us happy and figure out how to be happy.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Yeah. But at the same time, anyway, I'm going to keep my private life a little private, but I didn't, I didn't plan it. I don't like the idea of it, but I'm trying to keep my private life a little private, but I didn't, I didn't plan it. I don't like the idea of it, but I'm trying to find the, I'm trying to find the light in it as well. I do think there's certain times that it is appropriate to do it. But for the most part,
Starting point is 00:33:36 I think children benefit from having a family. It was a very weird thing when I was growing up. If you were divorced at my age, maybe at your age, you remember, I didn't know that many people that were divorced and then became very, very normal. And I think it has a ripple effect of problems on culture and kids and abandonment, et cetera, like that. But then again, abusive marriages also, I'm sure, have a bad effect. I think the fact is we're all going to get some trauma in this life and how we, how we teach our kids to react to trauma. That's going to help them. And we react to how we react to trauma is the, is what we're going to teach them.
Starting point is 00:34:13 So, yeah. Is she, is she ice on spite, revenge, et cetera. Is she a practitioner? Does she have a practice?
Starting point is 00:34:20 Not, no, not like we originally, but I think her thing was not my thing. Her cup of tea was not my tea. So I think she had to find her own way. It would be very – Let's get her on the show.
Starting point is 00:34:36 It doesn't have to be an overt practice. Let's get the ratings up here. But a practitioner needs it helps to have partners it helps yeah it can be totally different practice they can be playing hacky sack but they but you have to have a practice you have to have right right right yeah that's a good point yeah i know people who are different spiritual faiths and yeah successful marriage it you to, it might not be easier, but sometimes it helps you see persons in a deeper way. And I think that's a big part of life.
Starting point is 00:35:10 How can I see people in a deeper way than their surface, even their surface behavior sometimes, learn to love people that are different than me. That's huge. Huge. That's huge. Are you familiar with the Vipassana? Yes, I am.
Starting point is 00:35:29 For those of you who aren't familiar with Vipassana, I'll just break it down like this. It's a place where you go. It's free. You sit down. You don't make eye contact with anyone or talk for 10 days. If you make it past 10 days, you could be invited back for 30 they send you home with an envelope you can send money if you want you don't have to it's not denominational it's for christians satanists buddhists the whole anyone can go there and that's a little bit of a simplification for it
Starting point is 00:35:59 they don't just set you down and plop you down but there's a little bit of structure to it you could stand up walk around there's a guy uh forget his name you can do you remember the guy's name go like go like a go like a help helps you through some of the the common uh sticking points i guess they they require an injection now known as a vaccine to participate in their program. Oh, really? I didn't know that. Interesting. For known contact or talking? To attend their locations now,
Starting point is 00:36:44 you must have be vaccinated. I'm trying to be serious about it. You have to do what Bill Gates says to go to the boss in and out. I'm
Starting point is 00:36:59 as I look I don't see in stillness that I don't see in stillness that action anywhere I know that's really abstract maybe my ego Stillness, that action, anywhere.
Starting point is 00:37:27 I know that's really abstract. Maybe my ego is twisted into it. Do you see that in stillness anywhere? Do you see, if I told you you had to lie down and guard all thought and movement, not to stop, but to be aware of all thought and movement, not to stop, but to be aware of all thought and movement, all sensation, as if you were trapped in a room with a king cobra. Would there ever be an action out of you that would say to go get the injection? Can you see that in stillness? I don't see how a practitioner of that could get moved to do that, let alone enforce it. I could understand how a community with people in close quarters could –
Starting point is 00:38:12 Yes, sir. Who's trying to maybe not get shut down could instill that rule. I could see – I could understand that. But that still had to come from a thought, right? Like I asked you, what thought precedes the tattoo? There's also a practical thing about how to open a church, a synagogue, a yoga center, etc. There are certain rules that you have to follow if you want to have your doors open. Do I think it's a necessity to get a vaccine on a spiritual path?
Starting point is 00:38:46 No. Do I think it disqualifies a person on a spiritual path? No, I think there's great souls who got vaccines and great souls who are completely anti-vaccines. I'm not even going to give you my personal opinion about it, but my opinion is that you can be a great soul and have you know get swept up in the vaccine uh in the back i agree you know and you could be and you could be a great soul and be like no i'm not going to put that into my body but but that's the thing there's it's it's not i'm not going to put that into my body in the essence of that teaching in that stillness, like when I said what thought precedes getting the tattoo, the – it's an action that you could watch your mind and see its origins. And I'm just wondering what thought – i don't see a thought about a practitioner a
Starting point is 00:39:49 person who's running that vipassana center well shit i i hope the person who's running it's a practitioner but but maybe not no no i'm saying they i'm sure they're practitioners of what they're teaching i don't know enough about the organization itself i know i just use them as an example yeah it's it ultimately comes from a Vedic teaching of Mona, which means you stop speaking when you stop, when you control what's coming out of your mouth, a lot comes up in it from the heart to the mind, and then you're dealing with your mental issues. And, and, and also it has a lot to do with what we're putting in our ears. because what we put in our ears affects the mind and spills out of the mouth. Right. And so it's a type of cleanse because we exhaust ourselves by what we speak.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And very often, you know, it's interesting. It's like, I don't know why. If I put a match under a piece of paper, it lights on fire. I don't know why it does. Can't quite explain it. Somebody could, but I can't. I don't know why if I put that same match under a stone, it doesn't light on fire. You know, or if I put it on a piece of metal, the metal over time will turn and have it take on the same qualities of the match. It'll turn, you know, bright red. So I don't know. I don't understand these things, but I do understand that there's sound vibrations that when they come out of the mouth, say vibration of criticism, a vibration of cruelty, a vibration of finding fault with other people or gossip. It's something happens to Matthew or Savon when I speak like that,
Starting point is 00:41:18 where we feel a little gross, a little dirty, a little soiled, right? Defiled from just speaking gossip we just feel and there's certain things if i start to appreciate you appreciate there's appreciative sounds that when i hear them they affect my mind in a positive way and the vedic teaching is there's also transcendental sounds there's actually mantras that don't have material qualifications, both good or bad, and they affect the consciousness and can take this jiva, the soul, right out of the body. I don't know why all three of them work, but they do, at least in my laboratory, which is me trying all three of them on a regular basis and leaning away from the ones that really defile the consciousness. So sound coming out of your mouth is affecting the consciousness.
Starting point is 00:42:12 I understand the principles behind Goenka and those teachings because they're Vedic principles. Stop speaking. You're causing so much negative ripple effect by what's coming out of your mouth. But the next question is, what are the positive things? I think you are going more towards, hey, what has this got to do with vaccines? I don't think it has anything to do with vaccines. I think the guy just tried to, they think they're doing a good thing. They have this thing that really affects you in a deep way. And so they're figuring out how they can keep the doors open. That's my speculation of their organization of how they run it. But I don't know if it's an international thing.
Starting point is 00:42:49 If each one is their own private thing, maybe one has doesn't couldn't care less. Particularly maybe one is in Texas and one is in New York city. You know what I mean? I don't know the politics. All I know is the politics of, uh, vaccination destroyed one of my yoga studios I owned and left everybody out of business teaching online. But, you know, there's politics of every state. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That sucks. Oh, yeah, it was a crazy year. Everybody. Divorce was high. People, anxiety, alcoholism sex addiction drug addiction all these things
Starting point is 00:43:26 went through the roof and we really did some deep psychological damage on on people but um we're going to look back at this as a very peculiar time in history i think but anyway mine isn't in my contribution. I feel like in this world isn't to give some political analysis of stuff, but I can teach of like my own self-governance and how that can be like useful or problematic. And sort of that's what I do. I just sort of teach by my own shortcomings or teach by my own where I think I made an appropriate choice. But I don't know i can't comment on why they did that or who i can teach the benefits of shutting my mouth like which is what 10 days of shutting my big mouth up no eye contact
Starting point is 00:44:17 yeah i matter of fact i have two people that listen to our podcast um that you know we do a podcast we don't use stream yard like this but we got we're you know we're an apple podcast and all that but we do do it live on zoom because it's fun because sometimes we have interaction with the audience and wisdom of the sages every morning at 5 30 a.m yeah actually we're doing it 6 a.m new york time now we okay change it up sometimes and it's the study of Vedic philosophy, but sometimes people come on the show and we get to know them by face. And two of the people met in a Vipassana training. They did have eye contact.
Starting point is 00:44:56 They broke the rules, fell in love, and there you go. my my my uh after every uh vipassana that my that um that my wife's done someone will come up to her and talk to her about what they witnessed from her and i always think that's funny too i'm like i thought they're not supposed to look at my wife what stop witnessing my wife yeah yeah i think you are witnessing my wife um uh ragunath have you have you met um michael singer the the author of living untethered no do you know that book i don't sorry that's okay i like the name of the book though yeah you got to read this book okay you got to check this book out hey that going back to that kendrick lamar song here's another fascinating thing at um in the beginning he takes a soundbite from Eckhart Tolle which just completely blows me away interesting yeah uh you know what I feel
Starting point is 00:45:51 no matter what music scene you're in whatever gender you're in no matter what gender preference you have no matter what race we are truth is truth love is love right we hear that a lot love is love. Love is love, right? We hear that a lot. Love is love. And hate is hate. And so those, I don't care if a person is a Christian or so-called Hindu or Muslim, truth is truth. If it resonates with your heart,
Starting point is 00:46:18 like, yeah, that makes deep sense. No one's got a, no one church has a monopoly on God. That's nonsense. Everyone loves the harmonium. The harmonious harmonium. I heard when I went to school at UC Santa Barbara and Ram Dass came there with his homeboy. Who's the guy who plays the – Krishnadas? Is it Krishnadas plays the harmonium?
Starting point is 00:46:45 Krishnadas, yeah. And they were there. I think it was after Ram Dass' stroke. That was a little – My buddy's with Krishnadas. He lives up here near me. Oh, you know him? Very well.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Do you guys jam? I've hung out with him in India a couple times, and he's come. As a matter of fact, I think he might be coming here next week. Oh, my goodness. Tell him I said hi i will anyway that the the harmonium's awesome that that was the that actually i've seen him twice i saw him once in san francisco too i think i've seen like three concerts in my life ice cube and krishna das twice by the way if people don't know we're talking about harmonium is a very it's it's used in sort of Indian classical music. It's a pump piano the size of a bread box. And, you know, it's interesting because classic Indian, these ancient you know there's steps between the uh you know a a sharp b b sharp like that you go you're going up a scale there's half steps and whole steps but in indian music it's not
Starting point is 00:47:53 like that it's like ah it's like sort of a gong has no steps you hit a gong it's bong so these and it has a deep cellular effect. But for some reason, this European instrument with a European keyboard, which had legs at one time, you might want to Google that up. You mean like it actually stood up or you mean like it was getting notoriety? If you can find one of those on Google Images. It got shipped to India like in the 1700s or something you could probably find the origins of it on wiki and the legs snapped off or they broke the legs off and it somehow got incorporated in now into indian classical music oh and funny yeah it's but it's actually
Starting point is 00:48:38 european because it's got those steps but now when it's even when it's used you'll hear the singers sing over the half steps hey that's how i drive by the way i can't stand i can't stand that driving when people like do it in steps driving is flow driving's like surfing wow that is nice with the stand wow i've never seen that that's got foot pedals these are all classic ones these These are super cool. Hey, send Raghunath a link to that. I bet you he's $3,000 poorer five minutes after the show is over. I'll take it. It's in stock. I kind of can't believe it's only three grand.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Crazy. Did you ever get into the Castaneda books, Carlos? A little bit. A little bit. Super interesting. Yeah. Super interesting. Carlos.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah. I had a – those were the first – when I was reading those, I was in Santa Barbara, and I was homeless at the time. And that was when I first started really seeing some powers of manifestation or thought. Well, I always, you know, there's, are you manifesting or are you telling the future? It's kind of the same thing, right? Like, are you bringing that stuff to you or are you telling the future? But it was fun. I really enjoyed those books.
Starting point is 00:49:59 They were, I mean, I'm kind of glad I got away from them, but man, they were neat. I think they were true. Did you get into psychedelics because of it or were you into psychedelics? No, not really. I mean, I, I, I think I did, I've done LSD like less than a dozen times, probably less than a half dozen times. Um, I fucked around with, uh, MDMA, um, probably like for uh no clue what that is a month or two uh ecstasy oh okay uh ecstasy it's kind of like yeah you did you ever play with drugs uh you know i did uh mushrooms once and i had a very profound spiritual realization from it um And that spiritualization drove me deeper and deeper into my bhakti path. And I brought up, you know, I had a mentor at the time. He said something very sanguine
Starting point is 00:50:53 and very beautiful to me. And I said, I said, well, what do you think about mushrooms? Because I took mushrooms and it, you know, I had a very, very deep spiritual experience. As a matter of fact, it's what got me into this ashram in the first place, because at that moment I started to realize the temporality of material existence and all my hopes to like redo my apartment or buy furniture or paint the things. It's also petty in the massive extreme zooming out of my existence of my life is so tiny and short. And I, it's sort of like trampolined me or slingshotting me on my spiritual path. Why are you so, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:33 why would you be against taking these useful, you know, doctors, so to speak, or, or healing me. And he said, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:42 never mistake. It was a great, it was a great one-liner he said don't mistake the flute for the player of the flute oh i thought i like that he said basically there's some higher source behind the instrument that you're using and um if you give all the credit because he goes for, you could also take those mushrooms and have a horrible trip. And people do, or have a horrible experience. He said, so there's ultimately, you don't need a external source. They might help you and give
Starting point is 00:52:20 you some realization. But on this path, you're not going to need to go out there it'll all come from your deep connection with source uh but by the way they're not and they're and you can't expect deep spiritual realizations to be sort of like a gum machine where you just put in the court now i want my realization now i want my realization you got to work for it also you got to put in your time, your devotion. How do people fall in love in this world? You can't just say, start, love me. You've got to, just like if you're dealing with a beaten dog and those beaten dog, you learn to love those dogs by loving them. And then eventually they develop trust and they start to reveal themselves to you. And you can have actually an intimate relationship with someone who's been damaged and were damaged. And we're trying to reclaim a relationship with
Starting point is 00:53:10 source and it can't be cheap. You might get a taste for something cheap and it might be like the trailer to the movie, but you're not going to get the full movie. It's not like these great transcendentalists from the past were like, yeah, we need to do tons of psychedelics to understand spirituality. I think they can serve a purpose, but I think they have to be letting go. And then we have to take in and take full responsibility for our spiritual life. What do you think about that? Me? You know.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I like the way you wrapped that. And what do you think about that? I think if you want to expedite spirituality, just lay down and die. If you want the rocket fuel. I'm not quite sure about that, actually. I'm 100% positive. All you need to do is lie down and no matter what, even if you have an itch on your head, don't itch it. Fully surrender. Take complete – just completely surrender and lie down and die.
Starting point is 00:54:13 You have to take a piss or a shit, do it right there in your pants. Die. Commit to the path of death. Do not move. And at that point, you also see something else. I don't know if we're going to get into this but you also see that the illusion of willpower and you'll see the illusion of freedom of choice sure yeah and that's a fascinating one but um and it's so easy it's a whole thing to unpack yeah it's at your fingertips our our choices our karma puts us in a little bit of a box and there's a way to enhance more freedom.
Starting point is 00:54:47 But we do have a certain karma that we're riding out and that we have to deal with and we have to face up with because no motion in my life, no activity in my life is within a snow globe. You know, it's not, doesn't exist on an island right everything i do has it's gonna it's gonna affect somebody and something else and it's also gonna affect my future choices you know in in this movie from the from the i think it's from the 80s there's a movie called terminator you're not gonna believe this but i i've never seen that movie. That is a very famous movie. That's very hard to believe. I'm very, very movie illiterate. I'm not proud of it. I'm not showing off. I just, even today, it's just,
Starting point is 00:55:34 today's even worse because every time I sit down to watch a movie, I'm asleep in the first four minutes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm serious. Could have been the, could have been the deal breaker of our marriage. The last 50 times I've sat down to watch a movie with my wife, we end up, she should never give me the remote. Cause we watched 20 trailers and then I'm like, I'm going to bed.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Preview everything. Watch this movie. This is where I did watch. It was seven years in Tibet recently. What was the name of it? Cause that's one of my questions for you. What was the name of the movie you watched? Seven years in Tibet. You know, the name of it? Because that's one of my questions for you. What was the name of the movie you watched? Seven Years in Tibet.
Starting point is 00:56:06 You know, the one with Brad Pitt. Oh, okay. Hey, have you seen that movie? I'm trying to think if it's like a Korean movie, some Asian movie. But it's called like Winter, spring, summer, fall. No, I really don't watch that many movies. Can you try to find that Susan? You have to see this. You're going to love this. Okay. I'm giving you two homework assignments. This movie. What was the other thing? There was another homework. Oh, untethered by Michael Singer. The reason why that stuff, Matt, please. Yes. Yes, Matt. I apologize for being so hard to get a hold of no you're not what are you talking
Starting point is 00:56:45 about you're easy you gave us your phone number like when we have ufc fighters on phone number i just never respond to them um in this movie terminator um he's a robot that comes from another planet and anytime someone says something he gets like five choices so like you say something and then it'll be like no yes what's your name and oh this the uh i need to double check that i need to yes oh no it's that one it's that one summer autumn it's that uh it's that one sorry summer autumn see the one on the left there this movie by the way. No, go – yes, that's it. Spring, summer.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Yes, anyone who sees this, you'll have your brain blown. Oh, is it okay? Yeah. Yeah, you absolutely have. You will be so tickled. In one of the podcasts I saw you doing, you talk about the importance of what you put in regarding food, music, visuals. I think you will be absolutely tickled by this.
Starting point is 00:57:52 This was so good. I have sort of parameters of what I put in. So there is this... Do you watch UFC? Yeah. Not regularly, but here's the deal.'m i'm not against fighting i think fighting has a place in in culture and society um and so nothing is good or bad depends
Starting point is 00:58:14 how it's used and just like dancing is an art ballet is an art music's an art fighting's an art what about horror films i i'm not i I'm – I don't consume them. But do you think that they have a place? I mean, not that I would outlaw them, but, man, to me, they're like back. Yeah, I don't consume them. But I'm just saying as far as like fighting, I was speaking in terms of fighting. I get scared in horror movies. I would be – I'm scared still at 50 years old.
Starting point is 00:58:42 It's like true crime podcast. I don't need to hear that stuff now it doesn't mean like detectives or people are in law enforcement shouldn't hear that stuff but you know i've had like for example you're gonna be a surgeon you gotta be able to deal with blood you know yeah there's people they see blood they faint they break their teeth you know there's certain people that you know when they there's certain people who are dealing with you know crime they have to understand the mind of criminals they have to take all that stuff in but they have to be able to make all that stuff they have to have the mind for it
Starting point is 00:59:13 there's certain people that should lead they're good leaders and meant to lead and so they have to learn diplomacy and they have to learn uh you know how to deal with rogue nations or start to know when you're being a rogue nation, stuff like that. The dharma of a person who's a politician is going to be different than a dharma of someone who plays the guitar. Who's Ben
Starting point is 00:59:39 Dallas here? Who's this guy? Very unexpected way to start the day. Normally watch for exercise related content but here we are ray has such a profound impact on so many for me since i was a teen almost 40 now who is it who is he famous oh yes yes yes he was the first man to step foot on mars no no just to listen i don't know i don't know i don't know who he's just another handsome lad on the planet we're live sorry i don't know if you knew that i didn't know you're alive okay yes um so in this movie terminator he always has this list of like six things to say and the famous scene is is that someone says something to him and you see him going through the list and one of the
Starting point is 01:00:20 options is to say fuck you asshole and so arnold schwarzenegger's character the terminator says fuck you asshole and it's this famous moment and when i explain to people uh mindfulness i explain that you are the exact same way but we are more primitive that we don't see our five choices simultaneously they pop up one at a time. And meditation, one of the elements of meditation, one of the aspects of meditation or ways to meditate is to see these roll in. And the most famous example that I give or most constant example is someone cuts you off and your first choice, which you probably don't see because you're not a meditator, not you personally. You're not a meditator 24-7 like the great Savant. You just act on it and flip them off back. But if you watch the mind, you will see this one come, and you'll see the next one come. And the next one is almost identical for me always.
Starting point is 01:01:15 It's to wave at them. Fascinating. The first one is fuck you back. The second one is to wave. Sorry. Just in that order. And then a third one comes, and then a fourth one comes, and then a third one comes and then a fourth one comes and then a fifth one comes and until like a fly on shit your mind travels to something else yep and this
Starting point is 01:01:33 is sorry ready to beat a dead horse this is what i'm talking about when i ask who the hell in the vipassana program chose at which point to choose say say, get an injection to come to our damn, your whole thing is to watch your mind, you jackasses. Okay, sorry. I can't help it. I can't help it. I'm like a boy with a box with like rocks. They might not have had the, I don't know the situation.
Starting point is 01:02:00 They might not have had the opportunity to even open the doors unless they did that. Man, I need a friend like you who Man, I need a friend like you. That's true. I need a friend like you, Ray. Ragonas. Yeah. Sorry. I just have an itch.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I have athlete's foot, and I scratch my feet until they bleed sometimes. And you just see that, right? Like I just can't stop. I get it. I get it. I get frustrated. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Okay. Shake it off. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Shake it off. Shake it off. Did you like that Brad Pitt movie you saw? I did. Okay. I'm going to watch it. I mean, it was horrific.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Went on in Tibet, but I liked the glimpse of it. I liked the story. And I think it was an interesting time in history this interesting time in history problematic time in history my my listeners are a lot of the people that in our group um we're big on uh listening to people on how to move how to take care of your body and what to put in your mouth but we but what's fascinating is you did say that about movies and i was curious you should i think you should have a movie list or could you tell us some other movies that you think are are good for consumption anything pop up right away i hate to let you guys down i'm not a movie guy yeah i'm not a movie and i'm not a and um
Starting point is 01:03:18 yeah and i don't know a lot about popular culture um So one movie that sticks out in my head that I really like is... Twins, Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Your kids could watch it as well. It was called Contiki. You ever watch Contiki? No. They should see it. It's a great movie.
Starting point is 01:03:42 These guys figured out, norwegian professors figured out there must have been travel because we found these tikis these deities in south america that were very similar to indonesia or something like that and so they figured out well no no one could cross the ocean back then and um they found the oldest books on how they built boats in those days. And they found these streams. What did they call these Gulf streams? There it is. Contiki. Get the original one. Get the original one, Contiki, in black and white. And it's like a biography. They might have made a dramatized version, but actually it was a documentary of them crossing the ocean. Everyone thought they were going to die. And they did it just like on a balsa wood tree.
Starting point is 01:04:31 They built a boat at a balsa wood and they thought, well, there's no fish in the middle of the ocean. Well, I'm nothing to eat. There's no water to drink. And they just figured this out and they crossed the, crossed the ocean. and it says something about um told me something about sea exploration and what people were people could do in previous ages when we thought well people just you know no one traveled so much and no one uh knew how to you know read compasses from being aligning the celestial bodies and no one could understand um maybe this wasn't the book you were looking for or the movie you were looking for no i am i'm gonna let my i like that you said my kids can watch it my kids can watch and you can watch it it's quite fascinating is it black and white or
Starting point is 01:05:15 color i'm seeing two original one i saw was black and white i've never seen the color one by the way i didn't even watch i didn't even read i didn't realize that people were listening to this i just clicked on comments and see all these comments sorry i didn't mean to ignore anybody i apologize for the guy's name in their dick butter he's a he's a regular he's a regular listener sometimes you get a name sometimes you get crazy parents just get names out like that yeah yeah the old dick butter name it happens um during the pandemic you uh you you you biked a lot yeah i did i totally forgot that i did but i did yeah you biked like and uh did you did you listen did you use headphones i did and what were your favorite headphones oh god were they wireless? I think that I had the wireless ones, the ear.
Starting point is 01:06:07 The AirPods? I think that. I might have just had the ones that you string on back in the 2000s, maybe before I got the EarPods. EarPods. You used wired headphones. I'm not sure. Does it have to do with this question?
Starting point is 01:06:27 Well, I'm just curious. I heard you on your bike a lot, and then I got the impression you were listening to stuff while you were riding. I'm like, oh, I wonder what you're – I'm kind of – I love headphones. I'm tech zero. I'm going to bore you. I'm really boring in a lot of regards. I'm okay with that. Do you have emf here
Starting point is 01:06:45 what is emf okay i won't even tell you never mind there's no reason to spread there's no reason to spread shit around like that i just i won't tell you it's a fear spreader yeah i don't want to be okay you talk about uh you mentioned about another subject that's dear to my heart about um do you have to go i do sort of have to go today okay fine i'm finishing a book and i have to do the read the entire thing from beginning to end because the editors just went through it is this your first book this is well not really but it's the first one that's i had one i just printed years ago it was printed 5 000 copies it sold out you can't really find it what's the name of it it's called in defense of reality
Starting point is 01:07:32 and what's the second book called this book i don't know the name of this one but it's sort of my life story oh that's it hey that's a great name for it right there my life story no it's sort of my life story sort of my oh okay yeah i'm gonna write that down so that is good i'm very open to it oh dick you are a world-class asshole he wants to know what kind of shampoo you use how dare you how dare you oh dick butter dick butter. Okay, fine. I'll ask him. Raghunath, what kind of shampoo do you use?
Starting point is 01:08:15 Okay. Okay. Thank you. No, no, he doesn't. He refuses to answer. I'm sorry. Your Honor, the witness is being hostile. Look at him. He's just been enamored by the – hey, that guy's name down at the bottom, Will Plummer, Bill Plummer, that's his real name. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:42 That sounds made up as shit too, but I know him. Thank you so much for coming on. Hey, thank you, my friend. I'm going to put you into Google Alerts when your book comes out. Great. I'm going to harass you. I have your phone number. You can't get away from me. I know where you're training jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 01:08:59 So thank you very much for coming on. I loved having you on. I love you. You look like we could be brothers yeah we could be we got that gray silver fox beard and uh we are brothers and we are brothers yes and thank you so much and if you if you care our podcast we do a spiritual study it's fun because we do a lighthearted, but very serious. Like today I went from laughing hysterically to crying,
Starting point is 01:09:30 like actual crying out of, out of sadness on our podcast this morning. But if you want to check us out anywhere, you get podcasts or YouTube wisdom of the sages. Wisdom of the sages every morning, 6. A.M. Eastern time.
Starting point is 01:09:48 That's if you want to join us live on zoom. But otherwise it's you just get it wherever you get podcasting binge. Listen. But I think it's important to have podcasts where people can relate to. And I think it's, it's a whole new revolution of edutainment entertainment um and i love the fact that we can just do it ourselves instead of waiting to i want to get a television gig you know i love the fact that people are just making podcasts it's beautiful it is cool except
Starting point is 01:10:18 i did see you get invited onto a podcast uh that i watched and i felt sorry for you oh really yeah that's why i don't do do too many other people's podcasts. I mean, the guy invited you on it. English was his second language. I think I may even saw you get a little irritated. Maybe. I could get irritated. I got a little bit more tolerance, didn't I?
Starting point is 01:10:39 Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Anyway, thanks, brothers. I appreciate it. Thank you. Peace and love. Thank you so much It's my newest thing
Starting point is 01:10:51 Instead of ending the podcast and talking to them To kick them off and talk to the I know but unfortunately I have to go too Fuck I know I gotta make it out to Hayward What time you gotta be there About 9 fuck. I know. I got to make it out to Hayward. What time you got to be there?
Starting point is 01:11:09 In about nine. I try to get there before nine and traffic's just crazy. I leave the same time every day. And sometimes I get out there 10 minutes ahead of time. And sometimes I get out there 10 minutes late. It's nuts. The station I'm at right now is all the way on the far side of Hayward from Livermore though. God,
Starting point is 01:11:24 I lack humility. The next, why do you say that? I just, I'm just a savage. I just, I, I, I'm, I'm, I just, I'm, I'm a savage. I was driving home some points. I wanted to drive home some points. Yeah. I don't think he wanted to go there though. I, or, or, or he couldn't he's wonderful i love him i wish he was my there's so many guests i wish were my neighbor i had i should have asked him what his greatest spiritual moment was meaning when the most uncertainty the deepest he's he's delved into the unknown but there's this
Starting point is 01:12:00 i had this experience and now my at a young age and my whole life, every question I ask, whether it's to fucking Annie Thor's daughter or to fucking the guy behind the counter is going to lead to me wanting to know, have you seen that? And I just can't get there with anyone. Why not? Why not? Because I have to go to that place myself, and I kind of have to get myself in a frenzy and work my way down into that deep, deep, deep spot. And I just want to lure people down there and be like, hey, do you see this? Do you feel this? Do you feel like in order to go that path, you have to feel that connection first?
Starting point is 01:12:39 It's almost like you're kind of – No, no, I just – it's kind of like – it's almost like kind of I hang out down there in the bottom of this well, and I'm just shooting up flares or a beacon. Seeing who sees it and comes down? Yeah, like, hey, you want to come see this? Or are you already here? Like, it's dark down there. You can't see. I don't know who's even there or not there. I mean, I could tell that you were trying to lure that conversation to go there a little bit with it but i don't i don't
Starting point is 01:13:09 feel that he was um well maybe he doesn't even know it exists i'm pointing to it if you don't know that place exists that i'm talking about then you don't know exists like you can't even fathom it exists i mean i'm pretending i know it exists i don't know i know i appreciate but i've heard you talk about it i feel like i've heard you talk about it enough times to where like, I'm like, okay, okay. He, he, there was a, he, man, he's got some great lines. I meant to ask him about this one. This is a beautiful line. Raghunath has, he says, I'll leave you with this one, but before we all go,
Starting point is 01:13:40 he says that every man has a hole in his heart that shaped like God. And he spends his whole life trying to fill it. But only one thing can fill it, and it's God. And I thought, wow, that's cool. That's like a great visual, right? Yeah. You put pussy in there and money in there and kids in there, and you just keep trying to fill it with food. There's only one thing. Yeah. There's only one thing.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Yeah, there's only one thing that. Interesting. Yes, I do. Mr. Butter, I do pee in the well. I mean, it's kind of the all equalizer, right? Like sometimes we get caught up in social status and like all these different things where we put each other on these different levels. But at the same time, fundamentally, you could go to, you know, even the richest people in the world and go to Elon or something like that who has the most social status. And you could say, hey, where did we come from and where are we going and what are we doing here?
Starting point is 01:14:30 And we all just kind of sit there and stare because nobody actually knows or has the answer to that question. So it just puts everybody on an even playing field. Right. Even the smartest people we know, they can't answer that. Their guess is as good as yours. It's an equalizer. We have someone on tonight that I've done no research for.
Starting point is 01:14:56 It's the CrossFit guys, right? Yeah. Rob Forte. Yeah, I'm looking. Oh, yeah. They said they have something to chat about, so I don't know. I don't think they do. You could just do one of these. All right, gentlemen, welcome to the show.
Starting point is 01:15:10 The floor is yours. At 6 p.m. tonight. I don't know how I'm going to do that. I have to take my kids to tennis. I'm going to be late. I'm going to have to maybe adjust that. We could push them. Push it back because they're on Australia. I don't to have to maybe adjust that. We can push them, push it back.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Cause they're on Australia. So I don't know if I've ever spoken with Rob Forte. I really like both these guys and man, Jay Crouch was crazy. Impressive. Maybe Brian will come on this and carry the, I hope he does. He said that it was a possibility for him.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Carry the, uh, I wonder if I can call Brian and ask ask him um oh maybe let me see uh brian i'm texting right now you can go if you want sorry i don't mean to drag you through this nonsense yeah i do have to run now though okay all right are you gonna stay on for a minute yeah i'm gonna stay on i'll call you when i get off brian will you bye come on please brian nice to see nice to see you susan thanks for joining me will you come on tonight with rob and jay And J. Let's see what he says.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Oh, it says Brian. It says Brian has notification silence. And then it asked me, do you want to notify him anyway? Like, like I get to decide that I get to bypass that. Oh, that's good. I'll write that down in my notes. J one Torian. I watched all that shit too. I just can't remember any of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Um, uh, uh, can you call me now and come on the show for two minutes. Wait, wait, uh, but you don't have to,
Starting point is 01:17:13 let's see if Brian will come. Oh, maybe I'll just send him a link right here. Oh, hi. oh hi hi you're live on the air do you just want me to come on the stream like regularly or just talk to us everyone can hear you all 40 people listening what do you want to know i want to know if you're coming on tonight to do i just finished a show and i'm trying to advertise uh the show this evening and i'm wondering if uh you're going to come on with uh rob forte and jay crouch and if i can say
Starting point is 01:17:56 and special guest brian fred uh i'm intending to well we'll see how I feel I have a lot to do today do you have COVID? no okay I wouldn't be doing anything if I had COVID that was terrible I think I have it
Starting point is 01:18:14 well you're tougher than me alright okay well I'm gonna bug you throughout the day and remind you sounds good okay you're a good dude thank you Brian
Starting point is 01:18:24 yep bye okay Brian's coming on sounds good okay you're a good dude thank you Brian yep okay Brian's coming on I'm pretty sure I heard him say it you know what I need to do I'm trying to do I'm trying to become friends with the Lauren Khalil so that like I have like a whole different like if Brian's busy
Starting point is 01:18:42 or if she's busy like I have other people I can just draw from you You know what I mean? Trying to build a friendship with her. To use her. Man, did you see all those pieces she did on the morning truck? Up crazy. Okay. Guys, that was a great show. Love the guest. What a dope dude. Had him for an hour and nine minutes. I feel like that was a great show. Love the guest. What a dope dude. Had him for an hour and nine minutes. I feel like that was successful.
Starting point is 01:19:13 There's some big time shit to get Brian on with 30 seconds notice. Yeah, thank you. That's what you were supposed to see, actually. You want to know who's going to be on this week let me tell you it's crazy oh we got the granite games you know i at some point this week i think for sure i will get colton mertens on too by the way i just i kind of just have to i need to i need to talk to him it's been too long uh on wednesday not uh on wednesday morning we have hunter Hunter McIntyre on at 7 a.m. Then in the evening, we have Jack Dela Maddalena.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Do you guys know who that is? If you don't, you need to. He's a UFC fighter. I think he's 11-2. He's fighting in the main card on UFC 275. I'm so pumped. Then on Thursday, you know that dude Victor that you fucking knuckleheads keep sending me his post from Instagram? He's on a team and he couldn't come on to CrossFit Games, wouldn't let him compete.
Starting point is 01:20:11 He's coming on. He's going to tell us his story because it's too long. His post is too long. And then maybe after that, you know what I need to do? I need to see if Justin Medeiros wants to come on. Like that should only be like a half hour where we talk about the team that couldn't make it to the games, right? I don't want to dwell on that shit. And then in the evening, we have David Lucas, a comedian
Starting point is 01:20:30 from Kill Tony. That's going to be awesome. I actually need to confirm that. And Friday doesn't... Oh, and then Friday, Saturday, Sunday, we just go just blast into the Granite Games. And I think that there's one other event in Europe. Not the Syndicate. strength and depth.
Starting point is 01:20:45 That's what it is. On that note, I'll see you guys this evening. I'm excited to speak to the Aussies. Love you guys. Bye-bye.

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