The Sevan Podcast - #429 - Hunter McIntyre

Episode Date: June 2, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. I never get sick. I never get sick.
Starting point is 00:00:40 I'm one of those people who says that shit. I'm like sick for the 15th time in the last three months. I've been sick more in the last three months than I've been sick. Last three years. Yesterday, five rounds, 12 deadlifts at 225, nine burpee box getovers at 40 inch. Oh, wow. Wow. 12 deadlifts at 220 so you did uh was that 60 60 deadlifts at 225
Starting point is 00:01:11 wow i got i i didn't i hadn't done a i hadn't done a clean and jerk i don't know probably two years it had been forever and then uh a couple days ago i did um 10 calories on the assault bike one clean and jerk with 95 10 calories on the salt bike two all the way up to 10 and i did the 10 on broken 10 clean and jerk with 95 pretty good for not having done that like in two years and someone came up behind me and was like pushing down their thumbs on my traps i wanted to fucking punch throw throw, punch them. Hi, sweat bands during this podcast, because the aggressive amount of,
Starting point is 00:01:50 are you like an aggressive for a sweater? I, I wear these for the opposite reasons. Because you want to create sweat. Yeah. Yeah. I'm trying to, they're super thick by the way,
Starting point is 00:02:03 the seven CEO sweat bands are on their way. These are – so it's a little cold in here, and I put these on to stay warm. I like that. And that's it. Yeah, I don't use sweatbands to – I overheat really easy. If I put a two-rubber – Just some light reading for this morning. Hey, stupid.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Stupid. just some light reading for this morning hey i'm stupid stupid um listen if you want let me tell you something if you want to get strong throw that in in fast and know how to fuck yeah throw those books away uh hunter forward slash training. I'm kind of joking, but like not joking at all. Right here. I had a world-class designer create that, AKA my roommate. And we do it. We do it big. You just missed out.
Starting point is 00:02:57 You could have gotten shredded this summer. We had this lean and mean challenge where we're basically kind of like, it's an athlete summer camp. We're taking everybody through this special experience. And I didn't see your name in the signups when does it start it started on monday is it at the cabin no this is a virtual summer camp you know the thing is we do real real summer like summer camps with athletes but i just get these like dms constantly from people they're like how do I get involved? And I was like, I'm going to try and do something virtual. And it was the most successful thing
Starting point is 00:03:28 we've ever done with our company, which is awesome. But, uh, wow. Hey, you know, who's killed, you know, who's, who's killing it virtually too is street parking. Yeah. It's unbelievable. You know, people love their platform too. It, it, it is nuts that yesterday two people, two old people told me they signed up for street parking because they were on my podcast. So do you guys want to know what I do with my team? I'm you bootleg street parking. Your whole summer camp is bootleg street park. You just steal the,
Starting point is 00:03:56 I basically I'm like, I'm like, guys, here's what I want you to do. I want you to go out and I want you to sign up for every single platform. And I want you to find out what these people are doing to create growth, a community, whatever it is, because why are we here? And they're there. Right. Come back to me with information. Yeah. I only have great things to say about the people who create street parking because they're helping people.
Starting point is 00:04:23 They're doing amazing things. But we went into their Facebook group. and it makes no sense it's people like hey i have a toothache does anybody know a good doctor around here like i couldn't figure out what the heck was going on super community super community it was a community it wasn't a fitness group it was just like people were like yeah you, my sister and I are fighting. What do you guys think? It was, it was super interesting. Like that was the most interesting thing I saw about street parking. It was more of like a, it was a chatty Cathy club more than like a workout club. was going to let's say have a um gymnastics coach for my kid or a dentist or uh someone do the uh like you know install solar panels on my roof they would be at the 51 yard line if i just found out they were a crossfitter oh you mean like just you immediately would be that much more pumped yeah yeah i i just i would find i find so much value in that, in that lifestyle and that behavior.
Starting point is 00:05:27 And I think the street parking community is the same way. Like if you're, if you're, if you're a street parking cat and you find, well, look at this, the Hunter Academy of Strength. If I know someone went to that and, and, and they're like, and they're doing like the electricity on my house, like I'm stoked. I know that that – You feel comfortable? I know they give a shit.
Starting point is 00:05:48 You are somehow hooked up doing the training of one of the fittest human beings who's ever walked on the planet. I can chat with him about how you just set the world record at the High Rocks. And there's an accountability responsibility component that the dude who belongs to – who has the season pass to disneyland i don't i don't have yeah the dude has the season pass at disneyland is gonna eat all my fucking ding dongs in my fridge you got a good point man when was the last time we did this i feel like we haven't seen each other on this platform for gosh knows how long two three four weeks it's been a long time. I want to admit something to you. Is this a breakup? Hardly. Um, do you know when you, do you have a dog? No. Well, when you have a dog and you come home, um, dogs get really excited. Yeah. And that's how I feel when you come on the show. I feel like I'm a dog and like my owner just came home and I get all excited.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Like my tail starts wagging so hard that I can't like it. It affects like my whole body. But I told my bands on today. I told myself just be cool. And then people complain because I'm talking too much and I'm not letting you talk. But really, it's just like I'm just in a frenzy that you're here. It's enthusiasm. Give me a second. I got to close the door. refuse you gotta what we should do is you should bring
Starting point is 00:07:10 my roommate brock on your show one day we're complete opposites complete complete opposites this guy i'm athlete wild man always moving a million miles an hour. Brock is monk, meditator, artist, all this kind of stuff. Probably one of the most intellectually evolved human beings I've ever met in my entire life. Wow. Yeah. You know, like the raw guy that you had on. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Similar kind of style, like a modern day guru. is he sunning his bong hole like that guy brock's probably had his butthole in the sun a couple times all right but he's he's so smart he's so so so smart um so like anytime i have something that i'm thinking about we'll just sit down we usually we have these kind of like spreads in the in the house where i'm on the couch and
Starting point is 00:08:03 he's on the couch he's maybe standing in the kitchen and we'll just, we'll go at it for a long time. Not like at it, but just kind of more in and out of it. Um, and we have such different perspectives, but we also respect each other's perspectives. Uh, it's a game changer, very smart dude, kind of 10 day silent meditations. Oh, is he Vipassana practitioner? Hey, Brock. Vipassana with a V. Vipassana? Vipassana practitioner.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I wouldn't know. I wouldn't know. He meditates like an hour or so every single morning. This is your only picture from the championship? No, no. there's a couple there's a couple like slow motion things and uh is that your dad that's my dad that's pa dukes that's uh dougie fresh this were you surprised to see him there well that's the first time he's traveled in three years since covid to go up if you go go up, that's, that's LA high rocks. Um, that one right there, that's the finishing hitting the gong. So that's right there. You set the 55 minute world record.
Starting point is 00:09:12 No, that's not the world record. This is the world championships in Vegas. That's what I mean. But, but, oh, and it was the week before or a couple of weeks before in Dallas that you'd set the world record. Yeah. You can't, um um i think it's almost impossible to set the world record in the world championship format it's called the grid um it'd be like doing like imagine if you set up fran in your gym you put the barbell like three millimeters behind the um the pull-up bar there's world championships right there that one you got your cursor over. Um, you can see, so we run outside in the stadium and we have all these people lining up the, uh, the outside of the circuit and you can get people handing you water and stuff. And that's Teddy, Teddy Graham. He,
Starting point is 00:10:01 uh, had to follow me with the camera the whole time. That's Xander right there. That's Chris Woolley. That's my friend from Australia handing me the water. Really good crew. So once you go inside, what you're not being able to see is the rock zone. And typically the rock zone is kind of built like a puzzle. There's sections that lay on top of each other to have the perfect zone. In world championships, they do what's called the grid where it's kind of just like, um, the competition floor at the CrossFit games where
Starting point is 00:10:30 it's like these succession lanes where there's like a barbell here, and then you have to move up 20 feet to the next barbell and do, you know, 15 reps there and then move up 20 feet and then do nine reps there. You can't set the record, but it helps people see who the leader is. So it's kind of makes fitness racing, racing. Um, I'm going to address that in a second. Uh, listen, listen, someone needs to make a list of the seven ones, top five man crushes. Where would listen? Hunter's not even on the same planet as rich riches on his own planet. I would, so I would soap Rich down.
Starting point is 00:11:06 I would have dinner every night with Hunter, but Rich, I would lather him to try to compare you to Rich Froney. My first love. It's crazy. You know what was crazy? I went to First Form. Have you heard of this company? No, but I've heard of this one, Paper Street Coffee. There we go. Let's do a little virtual cheers.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I want to talk about it. It's strong as shit. I want to talk about the grid thing. Okay, good. Tell me about First Form, and then I want to talk about Christian a little bit. Are you going to compete at High Rocks anymore? Because this conversation could go sideways. We should probably go to your direction before mine because if i start going into this the first form thing it will blow blow our both of our minds i didn't know a company like that existed okay uh christian is the i had him on the show uh fantastic man uh german uh he is
Starting point is 00:11:59 the creator and founder of high rocks um he's also created a bunch of other sporting events and then he ended up selling them. He, I got the impression he's, he's done some pretty amazing shit and he's very successful. And he, I think he was basically,
Starting point is 00:12:12 he worked at basically Europe's IMG. IMG is the big sports Academy that everyone from, I think Kobe to the Williams sisters, his kids went to. I think, and I went to, I think he was a part owner of the one in Europe. Yeah. Okay. Now, when I asked him about the two things, when I asked him about the different, the courses, he said they were
Starting point is 00:12:32 identical. And kind of what I was getting at is, is I'm sure they're identical, but, but those nuances that you were mentioning about how different when you're an athlete and you're trying to set the world record, there's nuances that aren't nuances anymore. Number of turns, you know, temperature inside, where they hand you the water, where they don't, this grid layout versus blah, blah, blah. And it was interesting that he didn't mention those because he really wanted to – because those are the kind of details I was kind of interested in in regards to the world championships because I was wondering, like – I just like that kind of stuff. i like it that they're all the same but but i like it like go ahead go ahead well you know this just as well as i do if you created something and you
Starting point is 00:13:13 believed in it really fully you don't want anybody to mention the kind of incongruencies that could kind of somewhat dismantle your your baby but it makes it kind of attractive though too right i find Right. I find those things. I find those things attractive that there's those subtle nuances that people are spotting. Well, it makes it interesting. It makes it a good topic of conversation between the athletes, but the reality is, is like there's marathons over all over the world. Everybody goes to set the world records at Berlin. Berlin is the best course that is like really, really ratified as like a marathon course.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And everyone goes to set the records there. There's a reason why it doesn't happen in Boston, Chicago, New York city. It's also the same reason why there's certain courses in high rocks. Like the fat, most of the fastest times have happened in Texas at this Dallas location. And this is a new location. So I don't really know why this location was best, but it's odd that the fastest times in
Starting point is 00:14:11 the United States have all happened in Texas because for some reason, the way that the two venues that we've used have been really good. Um, uh, what am I trying to say? Europe, um uh what am i trying to say europe europe they definitely use different equipment from us so they have very different they have different times than us and we've been saying it for years when you say different equipment what do you mean the rope is a different texture the the sled is a different thickness where you grab it um the judges are wearing a shorter skirt so it's hard to stay concentrated. Later. Later. Hosen.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah, I love a later. Hosen. Tell me some of the sleds. It's mostly the sleds. And for some reason, they're rock zones, which is the transition period. So it's inside that area that I told you about tends to be a lot shorter, but I don't know how that makes any sense because they use one of those wheels that measures out the distance. But the sleds makes a humongous difference. They use a different sled actually, and everything is about surface space. So if you think about it, like if I drag a finger across a carpet versus three fingers across the carpet, there's just three times more volume of creating friction.
Starting point is 00:15:23 So if it's the same way, it creates more friction. Oh, I like that. Great explanation. Yeah. So, and then also for some reason, I know this sounds silly, but the poles, the poles inside of a sled push, the lower it is down, the lower your center of gravity is. And for some reason it just changes your trajectory and also the amount of output of power that you can have. Yeah. Um, so it's the same way if you were standing, running, you know, flat on a road and I put you on a hill, that different pitch just creates a different kind of muscular tension. So that's different too. So much so, and I'm not talking shit, but they, they brought europeans here and they changed the handle so
Starting point is 00:16:05 that they felt more um uh more in their comfort zone which is inclusivity inclusivity yeah now here's the craziest part they pulled the whole fucking plate off the the um the sled we have never raced a race in history where they pulled a plate off it was world championships the one we just competed in they had to pull off a whole sled because they were i think they were too worried about the discrepancies in times because they didn't want the backpack of the field to do so poorly against the front pack of the field okay now i got a problem yeah well i don't want to talk shit because i don't want to talk shit either but you can can't, you can't, um, if the sled, if the sled is, I even, I interviewed both you guys in, in, in, in, in Kristen, uh, Rugglosky, Rugglosky, Chris, Chris, Chris, Rugg, Rugg, it's Chris Rugg, Ruggie, let's call her Ruggie. Uh, and I thought the sleds, like there's a standard weight for the women the women a standard weight for the men you're saying that they changed the weight of the
Starting point is 00:17:07 sled for the men this year at the for some reason never happened in history never happened in history i showed up i don't understand i don't understand i don't understand that's like i don't understand how i don't understand if they've been working for the last four years why change it right before an event this year i don't know you don't know i showed up and i found out that this was going to happen and i was like 45 minutes out from the start of the world championship and i just said oh and actually that that helps other people not necessarily you because you're a bigger athlete you don't mind a little you got a little junk a little pork on the stick yeah yeah i just said fuck it man
Starting point is 00:17:47 i said fuck it was 165 you don't that's fine yeah there's nothing there's nothing you can do by the way are we live always fuck i always forget that there's this chat going on here and these people it's good it's good to forget it's good to forget you know if i i i have someone like uh i'll have someone like jason kalipa on you don't even have to interview him i just kick back and he just reads comments and answers them he can't even like stay out of them it's like crack yeah it's like it's like yeah it's like me walking around at the beach just like the whole time all i'm trying to do is not stare at anyone just looking down you got to get those shades i have shades that flip down the stare at anyone just looking down you got to get those shades i have shades that flip down the regular glasses and then flip down and they're shades on top
Starting point is 00:18:30 that's what you need here we go here we go fuck let him talk i don't think that we have this kind of um i don't think we have an imbalance amongst our conversation, but long story short, long story short, who gives a shit that they took off weight. I mean, in reality, if you're prepared, you should compete at the highest level. And I, they could have taken the sleds out completely. And I would have won at least in my mind. I'm such a baby. Are you no i'm not hurt but like when they say that i just want to just stop talking all together how yeah look at that body that body like add a plate next time yeah dude
Starting point is 00:19:16 here's the thing here's the thing hunter if they would have added a plate people would have fucking lost their mind yeah what are you gonna do i don't know why in our sport they they they change things constantly and it almost never seems to and i'm not saying specific to high rocks just i'm saying in the sport of like obstacle course racing fitness racing and stuff like that the people who seem to be running it tend to just do shit on the fly where it seems like you guys come from a military background, Dave Castro, very strict. Oh, we, we, no, we changed it too. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:55 We changed it too. Maybe I didn't notice it, but it's happened a lot in ours. Oh, this company can't sponsor me. Well, maybe they can. I don't know. I have to assume they're woke. Speaking of woke, are you following what the hell's going on with Noble? No, what happened?
Starting point is 00:20:11 They're fucked. What'd they do? They're fucked. They're fucked. They're coming out as – they're fucking women haters. What? I mean, from what I see, it looks like they're going to start pushing women to be competing in – it looks like they're going to start pushing men to be competing in women's sports. It looks like they're going to get behind that movement.
Starting point is 00:20:35 I don't think that's going to fly in the CrossFit community. In the trans? You're talking about trans action here? I don't know what it is. I don't know what the words are, but I just know that like, you can't like that. There's women's sports and men's sports for a reason. And I don't know what, and they're dropping,
Starting point is 00:20:50 but I'll pull it up in a second. Let's talk about first form. And then we'll go over and talk about noble. It's so, it's so, it's so I've talked about this before. If you have, if someone had,
Starting point is 00:21:00 if someone's anorexic, you don't, you don't, you don't help them out and send them to a doctor and get liposuction. It's a fucking – it's a mental illness that needs help. What does that have to do with this? It doesn't. Well, this is why First Form would never sponsor me because I talk about stuff like this that everyone's afraid to talk about. So what is First Form?
Starting point is 00:21:24 They sell bars. I like a bar. I is first form they sell bars i like a bar i don't just sell everything i mean they're starting to get into the crossfit space and they sponsored the go ruck games and i just they invited me out to come see their campus and when i say campus it's literally a campus this is like the biggest building it was bigger than the rebox headquarters where is it is it? In Boston. St. Louis. Were they nice? The coolest people in the entire world. Are these the people who have that jalapeno drink you told me about? Jalapeno? No, no, no, no. They don't have a spicy, they don't have a beef stick that I ate like a hundred of on my hike. It was fricking incredible. What is this stuff? Is this just
Starting point is 00:22:05 protein powder? Oh, they got everything, man. I just was, I didn't even know companies of this size existed in our industry. It's probably like the equivalent of rogue. It was massive. It was incredible. The structure, the offices were like some of the nicest offices I've ever been to. And I, you know, I live in a finance family where we go around to these big fancy offices in New York City. It just was crazy, man. Look, they sell diuretics. This is stuff that makes you poop. I like that.
Starting point is 00:22:36 There's a bunch of CrossFitters that are involved in this thing. I just think if you're always trying to bring on interesting people and interview them, you should somehow get on. Jesus, why am i going to screw this up andy forsella the ceo of this company mind-blowing you gotta get it then you love to talk about the stuff that you're into dude hardcore dude do you know hunter how you spell your last name m-c-i-n-t-y--E. Let's see if we can get a response out of these guys. Leave your email. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:23:11 I don't care. Do you know Hunter McIntyre? Why are there so many people on the... Thank you so much for reaching out. I once sucked Hunter off on the back of a school bus in high school. Wow. That's a typo. so he knows you he does oh shit they don't know you tell me about what's in your cup and i'll tell you about what's in my cup okay um so but so are you sponsored by these guys no no i got my own supplement company i just wanted to go out and see what these guys were doing because they're the top of the um you know they're the top of the food chain i take this creatine that you get it just comes in a bag and it's pure as shit and
Starting point is 00:23:53 it's just like and this arginine yeah i mean that you can't that's what basically that micronized creatine is i would never eat anything that says it's micronized i'm not i don't want anything small at all they they found out basically that um there's no there's no like higher form of creatine you know getting the base level creatine versus like the highest purest version of creatine is basically one of one these days do you think this guy's juicing in this picture no i think that's natural dude that's all natty jeez so i think you're just casting a little bit of shade on these guys because you wish you had that beautiful kind of bod well i do definitely you're right and i didn't mean to be casting any shade i i'm open to all sponsorships and drinking
Starting point is 00:24:43 any of your shit except that i can't do diuretics i already i already poop like a like i just put stuff in and it falls out what are you drinking i'm drinking strong coffee you ever tried that stuff yes i actually i drink that stuff all the time it's good it's good yeah the um the black i do you know the black yeah the black one i don't even know what that one's called there's like morning fix and then there's like crack. Yeah, they have some ones that are, which one are you drinking? They have some that are like a delicacy. Are you doing that one?
Starting point is 00:25:14 The one in the red bag? I've got like cafe latte mocha laca chica. Yes. It's delicious. I'm not going to lie. I walked away from it for a while. I was like, I don't need you. And then I saw it in the store and i was like fuck i need you so i bought it you know who's the owner of that yeah adam adam valrath but wow i would have never been i just know him as vaughn
Starting point is 00:25:38 yeah and uh and oh and sam dancer yeah sam's big and beefy loves coffee blind as bat wow you do know sam really well really well most of these guys like you know once you ever shoot up with sam you ever do you ever take the needle in the butt with sammy dude every time i try to get into these bones right here i i never did steroids i did heroin instead those kind of needles the fun needles savannah just sent you their adaptive athlete info i've asked this derrick uh weida to come on the podcast a couple times mr lawrence is derrick weida the guy who's missing a leg he is that dude's a beast that's what my body should look like you want to miss a leg but you want to no no no minus the the missing leg do you have like a fitness routine or do you just
Starting point is 00:26:31 just a guy who just gets after it yes in what way both if i'm going to tell it to you then people are just going to make fun of me in the comments i mean they already know these people already know my routine so last so today i have today i have jack de la madelena coming on this evening he's a ufc fighter he's fighting the ufc 275 so i get home at eight o'clock at night and i just start researching the shit out of them right what's the name uh jack de la d-E-L-L-A. And then third word, Magdalena. Magdalena?
Starting point is 00:27:13 Anyway. I can whoop the shit out of this dude. Man, he is so tough. And so. He's a fucking buff. He just, the dude's got great head movement and he can punch so hard. Uh, anyway,
Starting point is 00:27:29 he, um, I just sit on the assault. I, so I sat on the assault, but I did 10, uh, a hundred calories in the assault bike in 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Good. Then I do 10 calories on the assault bike, 10 sit-ups, 10 leg lifts, and then another 10 calories in the assault bike, 10 sit-ups, 10 leg lifts. And I do that for 10 rounds. Then I rode the assault bike for another 10 minutes. Then I did some like a clean, uh, curl and press with some assault bike. And I'm doing that the whole
Starting point is 00:27:54 time while I'm watching, uh, studying him on YouTube, different interviews and stopping to take notes on my phone. That's a really typical workout for me. That kind of, you know what I mean? And I do a lot of negative, I do a lot of negative work. I do a lot of negative muscle ups, a lot from bar muscle ups with a weighted vest. It's kind of a new thing. Yeah. I think once I kind of cap out on this whole competitive exercise thing, I think I'm just going to chop wood wood dig holes and pick up rocks that's it and some fucking bodybuilding and i like biking bodybuilding's fun bodybuilding is the best thing for you like i don't understand why more people don't do it if you you could do crossfit like once a week i'm talking about traditional crossfit and then bodybuild for like two or
Starting point is 00:28:40 three days a week you'd be. Or just do bodybuilding fast. True, true. I think they call that high intensity bodybuilding. Yeah, just, I mean, I did that even before I found CrossFit. You do, you know, you do bench press and then you do some, you know, whatever, some lap, a shitload of lap pull downs and then something else, some skull crushers
Starting point is 00:29:04 and you just do them in a certain in a circle fast you know i try to convince people of that but they just don't listen i have the reason like the whole when i do that i get the most compliments on my body by the way i could be doing crossfit every single day and i do that like that for a couple weeks and be like oh you look really great i'm like um i'm sorry to pop up a little bit your shoulders yep well if you want dude you should just join our challenge we got a lot of cash on the line oh form that's body you give away money for you for more than street parking i heard street parking is giving away a million dollars to the best street parker really no i made that out wouldn't that be awesome
Starting point is 00:29:41 dude i fucked up so i started like top of the food chain, giving away as much stuff. Like last year, I gave away a car. Wow. Such a huge mistake. I ran two charity events back to back for our sport. And I gave away first year $50,000 in cash and tens upon tens of thousands of dollars and prizes beyond that. And then the next year, I was like, we did well.
Starting point is 00:30:05 I want to give back more. I was like, I'm going to give away just as much cash and a car. We did not make our money back. So now like I just do fitness challenges. I'm like $1,000 to each winner. That's it. That's the extent of my charity at this point. How did you, how did you, I know, don't, I'm not a fan this point. How did you – I know.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I'm not a fan of charities. How did you prepare this year? So you won the world championships. It's huge, right? I mean, it's big, bigger than anything I've really competed in a long time. But psychologically for you, there's some closure there. There's closure. I think's let's backtrack to like 2019 i just had come off the back of the games you know i really wanted to go back into
Starting point is 00:30:54 being competitive because right now i was like the lowest man on the totem pole who showed up to the crossfit games so then i went and i competed in high rocks the first time and i beat the prior world champion world record holder by like four minutes. And I was like, oh, whoa. I was like, there we go. There's that taste again. There's that flavor of being a fucking badass again. Literally like a couple months later, I set the world record.
Starting point is 00:31:21 I set the world record again. COVID hit. Boom. Dropout out now there's just nothing to do so and when you say drop out you mean events that you wanted to compete in um we're just gone okay so basically um it started to pop back up again but it was popping up with such infrequency and like the cash prizes had dropped a bunch. I was like, I'm not going to do this stuff anymore. I'm going to go focus on other stuff. And I kind of had one foot in, one foot out.
Starting point is 00:31:53 And I went to World Championships, and I got my ass handed to me. The guy, Toby, that had taken third at World Championships two years ago, beat me. I took fourth. I never even lost a race up into that point so can i ask you a question about that yeah when you saw when you saw him cross what year was that 2021 when you saw toby cross the finish line did you see him cross from wait from your vantage point on the course yeah do you remember that feeling i knew the feeling like the feeling was in my stomach when he passed me halfway through the race i was like i'm fucked i don't even know why i bothered showing up here because i did not put the work in i knew it like as i was being passed i knew that i hadn't put the work in i was just
Starting point is 00:32:43 like this sucks. And he's getting supercharged as he passes you and you're getting super drained. He's having an, yes. Oh yeah. He's getting a psychological. Okay. Go on.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Sorry. So yeah, the same thing happened to me in the next race too. So I was the second way. Wait, before you go there, how about the second guy that passed you? Is that even like,
Starting point is 00:33:04 Holy. Cause you said you took, you never not about the second guy that passed you? Is that even like, Holy, cause you said you took, you never not taken first and three guys passed you. It was shitty. I beat that guy by eight minutes earlier that year. The guy who took second place eight fucking minutes. I mean, that's a lifetime.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I could have taken a nap. Yeah. And then he just beat me by 30, 40 seconds at world championships. And then another just beat me by 30 40 seconds at world championships and then another guy beat me this guy he's um ding dong joe ding dong joe basically ding dong joe he's not a bad guy by any means i just can't even remember his name but then he passes me and i was just like what the hell i go home i'm pissed you didn't even make podium you didn't even make podium no i was so pissed.
Starting point is 00:33:45 It wasn't such a bad mood for a long time. I became this cranky little fucking bitch and I hated everybody. And I started putting, I put post-it notes up on my wall of people that beat me or things that disappoint me. And I just leave it on my wall. And it's like, Ryan Atkins made you look stupid.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Ryan Kent made you look stupid. This person made you look stupid. And I just you look stupid. This person made you look stupid. And I just sit there and look at it every single day until I kill those people in kind of a competitive sense, not a physical sense. So I just look at that every single day, and I looked at that every single day for like October, November, December, January, january february march april may eight months just built grind i lost again you know this i lost the second time no where i went to national championships in january and i got beat by dallas uh no chicago oh and i never lost now it's two losses in the fucking row so now it's just like it's who is that guy who beat you ryan kent he's good he took second at world championships he's a
Starting point is 00:34:51 super stellar athlete but i've competed against him for eight years and he's never beaten me once right and then get this it gets even worse so i go to a spartan race which i don't do anymore it's like not my thing it's like you know crossfit CrossFit or going to an Olympic weightlifting contest if they used to lift like, you know, a decade ago. And then Ryan Kent beat me in that. I was like, what the fuck? So I had three losses against people that I was competitive against in a row. Is that Ryan Kent right there? No, that's Jared Newberry. But I basically did that to Kent at World Championships. Good. A little physical domination through male mounting.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Hey, so when this event just happened last month in – oh, here's another thing about Christian. So when this event just happened last month in – oh, here's another thing about Christian. Christian told me he's super proud of his kids because they go to college and because they're vegetarian and that it's the healthiest way to eat and it's good for the planet and shit. I don't believe that. And I said to him, well, I hope your kids, when they went to college, also learned to stay open-minded in case that the path they've chosen is wrong these kids live the coolest life ever that dude i'm sure i'm sure i'm sure but to really get to know that guy you need to crack open like a half dozen bottles of chianti worth five hundred dollars a pop oh he he seems great but when he said that i'm just like it i i it's fascinating i know he's your home that, I'm just like, it's fascinating. And I know he's your homeboy, but it's fascinating to me that anyone thinks that you get an education anymore in college.
Starting point is 00:36:36 That's not that's not a lie and biased. I mean, I'm not saying that they all are. But but you have to you have to automatically go there now. there now it's proven that that's like the vast majority i mean the the ceo the former ceo richard smith 30 years at the american journal of medicine or british medical journal i forget which one says that more than half the articles in the journal are lies yeah i mean i think what the fuck college though to get Pussy? True. But I didn't. Me too. Me too. I got COVID for the 37th time. I got the monkey pox variant.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Yeah. I think you got to go to college if you want to become a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer, but anything else beyond that. Yeah, but it doesn't make you smart. Doctors aren't smart. No, I'm not saying that by any means. Right, right, right. That was my point. You can be filled with just tons of dumb shit and his kids were filled with tons of dumb shit and it's just sad to see someone who's so smart not know that well i quit i quit the team
Starting point is 00:37:34 because i was like wait a second i want to study to be the crocodile hunter you don't even give that degree right then you want me to go to english class you want me to go to you know history class you want me to do all these things have nothing want me to go to, you know, history class. You want me to do all these things that have nothing to do with my passion. And I'm still paying you guys money. There's these group of people that are always, they believe in this fallacy of logic that, oh, these people are educated and these aren't. You know, you can get a PhD in weightlifting in Russia. But it's probably more valuable than many of the degrees that we give in the United States around medicine. But that's what I'm trying to say. I bet you, I bet you,
Starting point is 00:38:08 I don't really study it deeply. I'll show you a book. It's worth like $600. Check this fucker out. Hey, it really has come down to the point that doctors are great, but that's another example. Hunter, if your doctor doesn't do how's training the Hunter McIntyre training system or the Greg Glassman training system, or they're not involved in some sort of training that really shows what are the real maladies, that word maladies, on the planet today, then they're not a real doctor. True. Well.
Starting point is 00:38:36 They're not. I don't go to doctors for a reason. This book right here is a. Well, if you got shot with it by a gun, you'd go. Let me see. Soviet what? Let me see. Training and recovery methods so my grandfather he this dude right here he went to the masters
Starting point is 00:38:51 olympics and was very very competitive i think he took bring it closer viscous dude look at that beast yeah your whole family's just a bunch of just studs but so he had all these books and he was a doctor too so i stole all of his books over time and i have a lot of them in here but this is where i get this is where i get all my information from if i got bit by a rattlesnake or shot i'd go to a doctor but for nothing else i go to a doctor i also haven't been to a dentist in seven years. That's probably something that I might need to check up on. But for the most part, fuck them. But my family's all doctors, my brother, my stepmother, my grandfather. And whenever I talk to them about like my opinions, they are rip shit piss. I bet you Baxter will somehow find out that we had this conversation
Starting point is 00:39:45 today and he will fillet me who's baxter that's my brother baxter valentine allen um he's a fuck they're they're they're they're docents of death for the most part what do i mean by that there is a cure for type 2 diabetes and instead they help you live with it that's true it's like if you it's like if you had a chain with a ball tied to your ankle and i had a pair of bolt cutters or i had a cart and i just gave you the cart so you could throw the ball on it and push it around it's like what an asshole move it's unfortunate like this grandfather and my grandmother both had type 2 diabetes by the time they were in their 70s. And instead of people suggesting that they exercise and maybe change their diet a little bit,
Starting point is 00:40:32 they just took insulin every single day until the day they died. Doesn't make sense. No. Fucking with insulin. I don't know which oncology is different to emergency surgical yeah i'm not sure exactly what you're saying there but oncology is a fucking joke athletes work way too hard oh dude here type in insider hunter mcintyre go to google is it gonna be a picture of your belly button no it'd be hot though that'd be hot insider hunter
Starting point is 00:41:03 mcintyre please type that in and then go to the first article can you talk about like your athleticism and like the struggles and like something deep or like we can do that i'm so tired of people saying i don't give you a chance to talk or i haven't pried into you listen i i have hunter on i'm trying to we're trying to find out if he'd be if we can like be good co-hosts for each other. Look at that booger I got going on. Yeah, that's nice. He's not a guest.
Starting point is 00:41:30 That's the thing. You guys have him confused. He's not the neighbor's dog that ran over. He's my dog. Dick Butter wants me to go to a dentist. And so you guys expect us to have a certain show a certain way, and that's not the kind of shows we have. You need to type this in so that we can start a fight because I know this is going to piss you off.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Just type in Insider, Hunter McIntyre, real quick. Insider. I read the – I read Laptop from Hell. I'm almost done with it. Like probably 15 minutes left of listening. Insider, Insider, Hunter McIntyyre i think i spelled your name right camping athlete diet is heavy oh you're a scumbag you are you're gonna read that and get pissed you are a real douche dude this is a hand on my
Starting point is 00:42:19 heart truth i go to mcdonald's almost every single morning. We just finished hiking the PCT. The first thing I did when I got off the trail was ran to McDonald's. Look at that Ripley Peterson body. I know. Your body is so nice. And your hair. And your hair. World champion athlete Hunter McIntyre said Ronald McDonald's PB&J, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. For those of you who live on fucking Mars and don't know what that stands for.
Starting point is 00:42:53 And cereal fuel. Oh. My grandparents had diabetes. And cereal fuel, his workouts and recovery. God. And please tell me you at least drink milk with that when you do that. Every day. I can't have peanut butter and jelly without milk. High Rocks champion Hunter McIntyre eats up to 7,000 calories of mostly carbs and sugar each day.
Starting point is 00:43:17 He eats a lot of sugary cereal. You're such a douche. Why don't you just say Ch uh chunky's peanut butter to say which shit brand you eat um chicken potato rice steaks he told us their sports dietitian jessica spendlove who also milks hunter's prostates on the weekend said healthy fats can also provide energy for training i didn't say that which part that's their dieticians i didn't say that hey i want to see this this this um i want to see this girl's picture that is an amazing last name hold on let me open another uh if i if i go over here is it gonna oh no okay let me see what
Starting point is 00:43:59 happens if i go here jessica spend love dude these comments that are coming in, people are getting rip shit dot pissed. You need to let people know that 99 button, 999999, people who eat McDonald's don't look like that. Shut your mouth, Kyle. You don't know that. Okay, here we go. Hunter McIntyre is world's champion athlete and fuels his training with carb-heavy
Starting point is 00:44:22 diet, he told Insider. Hey, all the CrossFit athletes, right right when they're it seems like i shouldn't say all a ton of the crossfit athletes that i speak to or videos i see about them right when they're done eating they put in 70 fucking grams of carbs or done training between events they just immediately carve back up i mean what's his name was saying that yesterday jay crouch and uh I mean, what's his name was saying that yesterday? Jay Crouch and Rob Forte. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:44:49 J.R. Howell just. I hit 80 to 150. Dude, if you look up like any of the best athletes, go look up like what like Ocho Cinco does or like these guys do. Did that guy kill himself? No, I think he's in trouble, though. I'm not sure he's so broke. I got this new guy helping me commentate the games, and his name is J.R. Howell. Do you know who that is?
Starting point is 00:45:12 I don't know. Let me look him up. He doesn't talk unless he's called upon. He's like the opposite of me. J.R. Howell CrossFit? He looks like a model. Yeah, he does look like a model, but he's such a trip.'s he's like a statue sometimes i think his camera froze but it didn't i can't believe he's not getting people love him but i can't believe he's not getting torn like i if i was watching the show i'd be just making fun of him the whole time i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:45:36 even pay attention to what anyone's saying he's so still and why do you talk to him is he interesting oh he's smart as a fucking he's so smart yeah everything but you have to call on him he's like a he's like one of those things that chucky cheese you got to put the quarter in it and it starts going but if you don't i mean he's he's a parent's dream he probably never interrupted as a kid mcintyre goes to the gym in the morning three times a week but he doesn't eat beforehand oh like um what's her name the greatest female fighter alive right now outside of kayla har Shevchenko, who fights this weekend. She always trains on empty stomach too.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Instead, he consumes coffee. This morning he's drinking strong coffee. Sam Dancer and Vander – Vanderbutt. Vanderbutts. Vander – Vandersloots. Instead, he consumes coffee with two to four tablespoons of honey or maple syrup and one dollop of mangu, otherwise known as baby batter. He said he prefers to feel light while training and eat more as the day goes on.
Starting point is 00:46:36 After training, McIntyre said he eats a landslide of food. He eats a ton of cereals such as Froot Loops and peanut butter. Oh, man, dude. Froot Loops. We have lots of – we do like oatmeal. a ton of cereal such as fruit loops and pita butter oh man dude you got a bad loops we have lots of we do like oatmeal and cereal all sorts of stuff hey do you think you're going to give that up as you um as you come back on your training probably the best i've ever felt it doesn't necessarily mean from like a training perspective because i just eat like meat and apples oh yeah tell us
Starting point is 00:47:07 you told me that one time on the phone that was amazing tell me about that the steak and apples diet yeah i just go to costco and i buy six ribeyes that come in that case and that will last me about two to three days and and then you get these big apples in a box where you get about two dozen of them and you're eating about a, you know, almost a dozen apples a day. And just the digestibility of it all just is super easy. Um,
Starting point is 00:47:32 I think the extra, the fiber from the, um, apples help, helps put out, push out all that meat and shit. I mean, the fact that you're honest,
Starting point is 00:47:40 how many days in a row would you do? Would you, you would do that for like a week? All you eat is steak and apples. Weeks and weeks and weeks. Never felt anything wrong with it whatsoever. No alcohol on Sundays? Not a glass of wine on Sundays?
Starting point is 00:47:53 Nothing. I mean, how strict do I have to – would I get your body if I did that? I got a lot of muscle under here. would i get would i get your body if i did that i got a lot of muscle under here i would bet you you could see a very visible six-pack and muscles in your arms and chest within a month and i'll put a cash number down there you go you got some arms if if you did it for 30 days wow yeah but you can't eat other things and you can drink as much booze as you want. Steak and apples and as much alcohol as I want. I really like – have you ever read the book Greenlights about Matthew McConaughey?
Starting point is 00:48:36 No, but I want to hear about that one second. You know the problem with getting your carbs from – about doing the alcohol, as much alcohol as you want, is your body starts conflating wanting to be drunk versus chasing the carbs like sometimes i think i want to drink and i just have a piece of fruit instead and and and then the desire to drink completely goes away like i don't even really think i like drinking at all i just start craving like it's a it's a physical action and and i want to i'm trying to get chase the sugar in it i drink those non-alcoholic beers at nighttime now. Stupid. Go on. No, no judgment.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Fuck. That's dumb. Listen, I just drink it at nighttime and it's easy and I don't need booze. It's more of an action. Like I have wine at nighttime just to sip on it and watch trashy television shows. Like I don't really need booze. Trust me. When I want to get fucked up, I get super fucked up.
Starting point is 00:49:32 By the way. God, you must be fun. You must be so much fun. I ate some mushrooms on the trail while we were hiking. We lost our minds. Like I ate a small amount and it was truly an elevator to outer space. When was this? Two days days ago three days ago hey aren't you afraid doing that while you're like running a business like will alter your course like you're gonna see like some native american hiding behind a tree and then you're
Starting point is 00:49:56 gonna change your whole life to realizing that like your home's on a native burial ground and you're gonna want to like dedicate your life to saving native american lands or some shit like you know what i mean like the whole reboot from psychedelics like oh shit i just get knocked off your path i've been doing this for such a long time like since i've been 14 so you got to figure that's almost 20 years and i'm just in tune with it i don't do this stuff as like a recreational person i either do it to be like completely blow my mind off the face of the earth and then kind of reconfigure it. Yeah. Or I don't do it at all because I used to do it to just to get high and stuff like that and have fun and party with it. And also I'm pretty in tune with myself.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And then as far as like the business side of things, I've got a pretty grounded team. So if I did lose my mind, they'd probably take care of things until i sobered up all right if you say so uh i know the morning chocolate called carnivore diet a privileged diet it's a fucking idiots a privileged diet does that mean you have to be wealthy enough to to receive it it's so stupid don't even try to figure out you'll become dumber if you try to figure it out. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Meat's pretty cheap. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Even Oregon meat you can get for super cheap. It's what it is. It's people who insist on arguing other people's limitations for them. They think that they're being helpful, but it's their way of just keeping people down by talking like that. And you should see the girl who wrote it. She's the fucking coolest chick ever. I've had her on the podcast, super fucking hot, cool fit, nice. But some of the shit she says, I'm just like, God, if you like, I know she means well, but if she just fucking thought about the mechanism the true lever she's pulling when she says stuff like that it was i don't it was meredith root it was meredith root meredith root
Starting point is 00:51:56 i agree where is this chick she's not she i don't want to bash her i really like her anything i really like her and Anything? I really like her. And her girlfriend's dope as shit too, Alex Parker. I had them on the show. I kind of love them. They'd be great neighbors. But I just, oh, holy shit. I ate deer meat for eight months out of the year. Killed and processed all to meet myself.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Nothing privileged about that. Hey, look at this dude's Instagram account. Do you know who this guy is who just commented in the comments? I'm going to show you something. This is going to blow your mind. Jim, is this the guy who did 300 Murphs? Dude's a savage. Savage.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Savage. We send each other sweet nothings on Instagram. Aren't you a cop? Yum, yums. I think this guy, how the fuck, how come I can't imagine if you got pulled over by him and you tried to get away,
Starting point is 00:52:50 how bad of a day that'd be for you? Well, you, he put on his weight fest and chase you down, chase you down, pushups on top of you. Hey, Hey,
Starting point is 00:53:00 I, I think, I think Jim's going to have some issues. What? Over training center. I don't know what the thing is, but like, I don't's going to have some issues. What, over training syndrome? I don't know what the thing is, but, like, I don't think you can do – God, he is a savage. I don't think you can do –
Starting point is 00:53:14 He's got a big God body. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, he's a statue. I wonder if he has one of those little tiny penises that also, like, the statues have. Sick. that also like the statues have sick uh uh jim 365 consecutive days of mirth rx humbled by the amount of people reaching out telling me how an average guy working out in his garage inspired them you're far from average thank you for the amount of people who know now know lieutenant mike murphy's story and why we honor him going to take a week or so off than attempting 365 days of hero okay he's fine he's gonna do
Starting point is 00:53:46 365 days of hero wads now because he he's gonna go through withdrawals i don't think so you just gotta pick something else you just gotta pick something else take a couple weeks off chill the fuck out that's the most important thing after doing things like this is you need to take dime down and then reconfigure yourself. Find another true north. You know what's interesting though? You have no clue how many people I know that did MRF and have contacted me and showing me videos of them not being able to straighten their arms. We basically, I don't know, we glorified a workout that is the fastest way for people to get muscle damage beyond
Starting point is 00:54:26 their means and it's pretty amazing how many people I know that get massively fucked up by this workout I think it's awesome it's a great pinnacle workout it's a great message but damn there's so many people the guy Ryan who works for me he had to like take the whole day off yesterday because he couldn't move excuse me brother danny we'll come back to your rabdo story in a minute bro i know so many p i have done mushrooms a few other things in my day i know so many people who had their open doors that they wish they could close and that that's all i'm saying thank you uh i think it's okay to get a little well i'm not gonna say that if you've never been so sore that you can't straighten your arms at least once in your life maybe you're not you didn't try hard enough how about that good point i i don't like i don't like andrew hiller picking on someone for like
Starting point is 00:55:28 not having full range of motion on their reps for murph when they're just doing it for their own personal yum yum lito yeah fuck you andrew yeah yeah i'm trying to get andrew on tonight with uh he used you for some clickbait i think too did you see that in the picture of one of his videos recently yeah he's always doing that using my hot body for cash hey jim congratulations it's crazy it's uh uh seven's right dude it started already today i was mentally messed up yeah he needs it like just go into a room and just masturbate yourself to death for the day room and just masturbate yourself to death for the day hunter's lucky you called if no one would have called in today i would have never had hunter on again savann what's up dude hi hi jim please say hi to um mr mcintyre what's up bud hey what's up big dog oh it's jim jim it's it's murph jim yeah yeah what's
Starting point is 00:56:27 up playa not too much man um yeah but what you were saying earlier it's pretty spot on um woke up this morning and like immediately was like pretty pretty bummed out um i don't know what that's about uh but yeah not having the mur merch to look forward to today definitely affected me right off the right off the jump you've got hey um i you should have seen we had hunter on after he won like some high rocks thing like that that evening and i i thought i i immediately put him in touch with some dude who like helps athletes who are like could jump off a bridge like hunter totally relates to what you're saying i'm not joking he was fucked up you just gotta you gotta chill out for a bit what happened i took first place in one what's wrong i just told you you just gotta chill out man take a little
Starting point is 00:57:16 yeah i'm taking like the next week or so and just kind of move in doing the class workouts and stuff, and then starting the Hero 365. Hey, what about this? I'm not saying this is a good idea. I'm just proposing. What about something outside of your... So when you work out, the effort is gone, right? You're expending energy you sweat energy come i guess you're you're spending the energy as as the goal has succeeded what about making something what about turning that energy into like knitting or like um making sculptures with a chainsaw or um or building a wall what about building a wall in your backyard just like learning how to
Starting point is 00:58:03 you know build a wall out of brick and mortar. I thought you were going to say maximum. It doesn't do it for me in the same way. It's really weird. It's like, I don't know. We've talked about it before, but like fucked up mentally. Like my way of just, I don't know. I'm not happy unless I'm physically hurting that day in some way.
Starting point is 00:58:25 And once it's done, I really, I don't know. I'm not happy unless I'm physically hurting that day in some way. Um, and once it's done, I really, I don't know, man, it's, it's like euphoric and it's a total high and I chase it every day and I don't know what I would do without it. Okay. How about you, um, you build a wall out of a brick and mortar in your backyard, but also before you start every day, you tie with a piece of dental floss uh two bricks to your penis and let it dangle while you do the work and you'll get some sort of painful dental flaws you'll get some sort of painful stimulation okay how about this bruce wayne wants to say what about marathons does that interest you no i'm not really into it man it's um like running like if somebody challenged me to do
Starting point is 00:59:05 a marathon with them like i'd probably do it like but it'd have to be like the day i'll be like fuck it let's run a marathon yeah um i'm definitely into like the um this stuff hunter does like i just i don't know i like lifting shit too so just running seems kind of boring to me have you ever done one of those high rocks events no No, no. They look dope though. One final thing for you. How did your diet change from when you started Murph on day one versus, uh, when you get to doing it 365 days? Yeah. It's so I talked to you like middle of it.
Starting point is 00:59:39 And, um, I was doing like sugar and, um, that, that diet from the crazy lady. Um, cause my wife has done it. Oh, yeah, yeah. She's batshit crazy. Yeah. I'm glad you called her that. Yeah, that whole food 30 lady is fucking a nutter. I think she's like Oprah rich because of that.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Yeah, yeah. You're probably right. But it's made her batshit crazy. Her life looks like it sucks. Go on, Jim. Yeah. You're probably right. But it's made her bat shit crazy. Her life looks like it sucks. Go on Jim. Sorry. And then it's like, dude, I just did not have the energy to do all this shit I needed to do. Or I don't really need to do any of this,
Starting point is 01:00:14 but all the shit that I wanted to do throughout the day, like all the workouts, I just, I didn't feel it. Like, and, and I just, I hate to say it, but like progressively, like my diet got shittier as it went on. Yeah. Like I felt like I had the fuel to do shit. Like two days ago, I went in my house, like three Chick-fil-A sandwiches. Oh, the truth comes out, Siobhan. I was like, this is a chiseled statue of beauty and brawn.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Oh, yeah. Look how nice. Human design. I know. I see it. I see it. I see it. I see it right here. Hey,
Starting point is 01:00:47 um, you did, I mean, you did get so fucking swole. Dude, Murph makes you jacked. It was the most muscular I've ever been. I mean,
Starting point is 01:00:57 look, look at, I mean, you look like a savage here. Dude, Hunter's looking huge right now. Big and beefy, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:04 I'm going to get, I'm going to start bodybuilding this summer.'m gonna get fucking massive hey did you ever do any of the any of the silly stuff hunter was doing were you eating fruit loops and and and shit like that um i mean if my kids had it here like we i try to keep them off of sugar that's like the one thing that i like they're not active so like i do i am trying to keep them off of sugar but like if it was here like fuck it man i'd eat it well hey the truth is this that what you just showed your kids is uh something most parents i mean no other parents probably ever going to show their kid i mean you just showed your kid something gnarly that's going to stay with forever i would look at some world records The amount of volume that you just put in is probably such a good base for you to try to set a world record for most pushups in an hour.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Most kettlebell swings in an hour, most Turkish get ups in an hour. Cause you have a base that's stronger than almost any human being on the planet right now. And there's people that are trying to knock out world records that are kind of gimmicky all the time. But if I were you, dude, I would basically just go up there and just snatch a couple of those easy ones have some fun not to say that make light of your training by any means but you've got enough volume where you could probably set some amazing world records wait dude yeah let's uh maybe carve out a weekend or something like that and try to get after some records. All right. I fucking hate Guinness Book of World Records, but I will do anything with you.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Hey, Jim, any secrets you learned about like recovery, um, best time of day to work out any like things you're like, holy shit, I learned this. I would have never learned this if I didn't embark on this.
Starting point is 01:02:39 I wish I could like sit here and be like, Hey, this is my recovery secret or anything. But like, honestly, man, I just did like the standard shit, like roll out and stretch. And I think it was probably because my body, like there's gotta be a genetic handling volume too. And then also the
Starting point is 01:02:54 adaptation of the body. I didn't really have to do that much. And like, if I was in pain, like, I know that's not the answer that people want to hear, but I just feel like, fuck it, dude. It's a one mile run, 100, 200, 300, one-mile run. You can do that pretty much every day. You heard it. You can pretty much do it every day. I didn't do anything crazy. The mental
Starting point is 01:03:15 gains were definitely there, but other than that, I didn't do anything crazy for recovery. I wasn't dunking my head in glacier water or anything. Just regular shit. Were you excited when you woke up a couple of days ago to do three 65? Yeah, I was because my wife was going to come do our first cross at workout. Oh wow. Yeah. Pretty awesome.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Was that sort of the deal? No, no. I just, I've been trying to get her to go for two years and she finally agreed to go on three on day 365 yeah and she was like talking about how i might do this i might do half the reps and i was like no you come to the hero why'd you fucking finish this i don't care if it takes us four hours wow and she crushed it of course she did look at her husband all right dude thank you so much i appreciate it you calling
Starting point is 01:04:05 so good to hear from you world records most hardcore fitness records ever you could you could get some of these easily let's do it dude all right let's crush that shitty company all right they uh reason why i hate this book of world records is because i tried to get them to verify um the murph world record i also tried to get them to verify the fastest um marathon record over 200 pounds and they turned down both of my submissions and like let me just type in i i made a whole video about this and i never posted it because I just didn't want to – it would spark up the internet, but I just didn't want to throw too much shade. Marathon records. So they would not verify a 200-pound marathon record, by the way.
Starting point is 01:04:55 They just wouldn't. But look at these ones that they allowed. By the way, the reason why they allow this is because these people paid $5,000 to have their things verified. Fastest marathon dressed as a star. Well, that makes a lot more sense than a 200-pound marathon. Fastest marathon dressed as a male elf. That makes a fuck ton of sense. Fastest marathon in the sea.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Let me add one thing real quick, Hunter. Let me add one thing real quick, Hunter. To all those people saying stuff about the world record, like one partition not close to Hunter's, like Hunter is 100% the world record. Go back and check this guy who's claiming to have the world record and count his reps. He missed 10 push-ups. So Hunter still got the world record.
Starting point is 01:05:40 The thing is, I'm not saying that what I did was the best in the world, but I think when you go and test these records, you have to have it in a certain kind of environment where there's people really judging. He just went and did it at the Murph challenge. And it was a minute and like 30 seconds slower than my time, but he trained a whole year to set this new record. Yet he was almost two or three minutes slower than his old record. I'm like, I'm just trying to put these two together how all of a sudden when you have like really hardcore judging and everything like that did you fall three minutes off the record i did three 31 minutes in my garage but then all of a sudden
Starting point is 01:06:16 when i did it in front of all these judges i was two minutes two and a half minutes slower so i mean it's a whole different thing. Yeah. So I think we were going to try to come up with, I don't know, people get very sensitive about this because of the name Murph and what it's tied to, but we were going to try to have like a,
Starting point is 01:06:35 a Murph championship for charity and we didn't end up deciding to do it. But I think that should become something that maybe could be a really fun aligned event for people in the future. Yeah. Hell yeah, it should. I mean, I just, I know, I know that like the whole point of it is, you know, honoring Mike Murphy. It's just like,
Starting point is 01:06:52 how many people do you think learned about who Mike Murphy was because I started posting about it and doing 365 days. Like the cause is there, like it's for a good cause. Word. I agree. All right fellas, I'll let you guys get to talking. See ya. Bye. cause is there like it's for a good cause word i agree see you bye i'm doing the uh california hormone games and and i and i'm and i'm pretty sure at the california hormone games it'll be men and women competing against each other you can chop your penis off you can grow a penis you can be juiced to the gills you could be uh you could be a man who thinks you're
Starting point is 01:07:31 a woman who wishes she were a rabbit like i like you're all welcome have you i'm gonna hug i'm gonna hug every single one of you and love you have you seen the video um that south park made a couple years ago with macho man showing up to the women's competition i'm i'm looking at the noble site man they i just can't believe how batshit crazy the world has become like i'd love first of all your shoes are the worst shoes on the planet everyone knows that now i don't think i've ever heard anyone say anything good about them the only people i ever see wear them are the ones who have to or get them for free people are getting paid and but but through what you're doing all you're doing is alienating people
Starting point is 01:08:15 in the in the in the in the uh guys in feigning to be to be welcoming and it's so amazing what do you where's where where's all i don't even want i don't even want to bring it up because i don't want to even start in on them it's so fucking negative all the shit they do it's so fucking it it's um it's the wolf dressed it's it's the lamb dressed as a wolf it's people who have no fucking inner peace just vomiting their shit shit on the world is so bad yeah i i just i i just i can't believe i can't believe the the the the the gay meaning dudes who like other dudes genitalia in the lesbian community tolerates this shit i just can't believe they don't want to just break their letters off and leave that group i think they're all pretty under intertwined i used to work at a gay bar everybody mixes pretty well well i i yeah i mean
Starting point is 01:09:10 i mix pretty well but the thing is is you just can't have dudes in fucking women's sports you just can't there was a big thing that came out uh or you got to do it like the california hormones games where you just do and everyone, there's just one division. Well, or just World's Strongest Man. Everyone can show up. Yeah. Do they got World's Strongest Girls? Is there World's Strongest Girls? Probably.
Starting point is 01:09:33 It's definitely not as, you know, advertised. It's not as exciting, I think. This is going to be fun to see how. I think that this, they say that, I think that what noble is doing is they, they've basically posted all of this stuff. Um, Oh, I got a question. Yeah. How do you feel about what sock us soccer just did where they're basically one-to-one paying male and female athletes go. Yeah, I don't, I don't think, well, I don't know what the determining factor is, but I think capitalism should like drive everything. So if women's soccer is made –
Starting point is 01:10:07 Women's soccer is stripped. Sure, sure. So like the NBA probably sells more tickets and has more advertising dollars behind it. That money should be distributed. It's the same thing with you plant a fruit tree in your yard. I plant a fruit tree in my yard. If my fruit tree gives more fruit because I took care of it while you were on vacation or surfing and your fruit tree dies, I don't give you my fruit. Or you plant 30 plum trees and I plant one nectarine tree and now nectarines are more valuable because there's less resources.
Starting point is 01:10:38 I just think you just allow it to compete. I don't think you force anything. What do you think? I'm very aligned with what you have to say dude girls in crossfit i think make more money than men do not on the competition side but from the sponsorship side i think a lot of those girls are getting paid more just because they bring it bring in more eyes and more attention um so it's not like it's impossible in any situation but there's a reason how about women how about women's gymnastics yeah dude nobody gives a fuck about guys gymnastics like men's gymnastics has been shut down 20 years ago was basically shut down in colleges all over the
Starting point is 01:11:14 country while women's was fucking juiced to the gills with with loot yeah so and you're telling me what dudes do in gymnastics is any less than women? Well, it was Title IX, dude. And so someone might say something like, well, you have to do that because there's been this oppression against women. You have to do that because there's been oppression against backs. You have to do that because there's been this oppression against people who like to play with the same genitalia as their own. The problem is this. When you fight racism with racism, the winner is racist.
Starting point is 01:11:47 You have to go bigger picture. The mindset that makes you think it's okay to distinguish people by the color of skin doesn't go away when everything's equal. It stays. You know what's a great movie that I just watched last night?
Starting point is 01:12:01 I'm going to throw some things your way. Matthew McConaughey. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, go ahead. Yes. way. Matthew McConaughey. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry. Go ahead. Yes. Okay. Matthew McConaughey.
Starting point is 01:12:07 We got him in there. We got Samuel L. Jackson. What movie? It's a court case in the South in Mississippi. Okay. You're not picking up on this, are you? I mean, it sounds familiar. All right. Let me get the name of it.
Starting point is 01:12:26 I think it's A Time to Kill. See if anybody can get it. Guess it. Yeah, A Time to Kill, 1996. This movie right here, awesome. It has something to do with what you were saying, racism and such. You should watch it tonight, do research, you're ready for our next podcast. Just saying.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Okay. You saw it? It was incredible. I'm trying to go back in time and get some better um better film in my life here you want to make the world a better place noble get behind this get behind this get behind this i actually have in my notes play this for hunter okay you guys ready? Here we go. They caught all the wild children and put them in zoos. They caught all the wild children and put them in zoos.
Starting point is 01:13:11 They made them do sums and wear sensible shoes. They put them to bed at the wrong time of day. It made them sit still when they wanted to play. They scrubbed them with soap and made them eat peas. They made them behave and say pardon and please. They took all their wisdom and wildness away, and that's why there's nothing worse.
Starting point is 01:13:29 They caught all the wild children and put them in a cell. They made them do sums. That's the world we live in, buddy. That's why you guys got to move with me to Crestline. I have this mountain village where we don't play by the rules. My wife will not be allowed anywhere near a man of your virility.
Starting point is 01:13:48 I'm too insecure. You can have your own cabin in the back. We drive monster trucks through the mountains. We eat raw meat. We act crazy. It's a blast. Truly, I'm trying to find a way to get further and further outside of society. I am going to come up there. I am. I am going to come up there. I was bragging to Chris
Starting point is 01:14:09 Roglosky. She's like, I've been to the cabin. I'm like, yeah, well, he said I could stay there all summer. Boom. Yeah. I think it's kind of unfair that you took up your billionaire benefactor old lady in Newport, but you won't take on my offerings. I just want to say one thing. She is not an old lady. She is just ripe. Oh man. She is. She's something.
Starting point is 01:14:33 We're not live. Are we? We're not live. Are we? Let's talk about this. Let's talk about this weird post. What happened? This is the Daveave castro's instagram account and it says um i'll explain
Starting point is 01:14:53 that well so he doesn't work at crossfit right now hunter right and the other day he got fired and then the dude who fired him got fired it's a whole drama it's fun it's like a whole thing right and and so he got fired and then and then and then the dude who fired him got fired and then the community was in an uproar and then and now the the games has been a complete shit show this year i mean like beyond shit show it's not it's not even a legit competition in my mind some of the absurdities that have happened in it but anyway and and then the a couple weeks ago or at the semifinals that were happening in Australia and England or sorry, Australia, Amsterdam and the United States, affiliates were DMing me saying Dave Castro is coming back to CrossFit. And I'm like, how are you guys hearing this? And they're like, people are talking about it at the venue.
Starting point is 01:15:38 So I did a whole podcast and I posted a handful of the DMs where people are saying, yeah, we heard that Dave's coming back. and I posted a handful of the DMs where people are saying, yeah, we heard that Dave's coming back. So, and I asked Dave and he's gone dark on me, but Dave posted this today. This Saturday is one year since Zach Miller passed away from cancer while on active duty. If you need a workout for the weekend, hit this one up. Over the years, Greg and I created a number of hero workouts a handful for heroes i worked with i didn't serve with zach but i was an instructor when he went through buds buds is like where like dudes go to become navy seals can i raise my hand ask a quick question mr mcintyre uh in the back please take your hat off and uh go ahead ask the question this is not meant to be it could be construed as a sensitive subject, but are the Hero Wads just for heroes or have you died in a heroic action?
Starting point is 01:16:31 You have to – it's just basically for American military and I think first responders who died. It doesn't matter how you died, but you just died. Just want to clarify. Yeah, dog bite. Dog bite turns into an infection and you die, but you served fucking as a gunner in Iraq. Hero WOD. But you also have to be a hardcore CrossFitter, and we have to – there's a bunch of things. There's a whole checklist of things to become it.
Starting point is 01:16:54 But those are – that's some of the criteria. Now it says this. Listen to this line. This guy doesn't work at CrossFit, right? Consider this now an official CrossFit Hero WOD. Oh, Hectorctor talk to me what do you mean he edited the last part what did he edit when you got those big juicy plums hanging down between your legs he might not even work for crossfit anymore and he just asserted the fact that it's now a crossfit workout. That's what I want to know. Is that what he did?
Starting point is 01:17:26 Say that, say that one more time. Say that one more time. I was saying when you got those big juicy plums hanging between your legs, sometimes you just have to take action. Yeah. Yeah. You're in an inactable situation. He doesn't work for CrossFit anymore, but he just asserted himself and said, this is now a CrossFit standard, which I like hunter mcintyre is saying that the giant balls that um dave has hanging between his legs um that shadow his his penis uh have made it so he has to make posts like this you're saying there's just too much alpha on him he can't he can't help himself but sometimes people got to stand up against tyranny how about this cool down
Starting point is 01:18:03 with bicep curls like i can't even believe dave wrote that that shows either a sense of humor what the hell is going on with this post it's heavy oh is this a repost is that what he's saying that this isn't even god what is going on here with this post maybe he didn't write this oh no but it says uh maybe he didn't write this oh no but it says uh maybe okay okay maybe I'm seeing this wrong maybe this is he reposted this from
Starting point is 01:18:38 a guy named make okay let's click this guy's account let's click this guy's account nope oh wait Okay, let's click this guy's account. Let's click this guy's account. No. Oh, wait. Now I'm starting to see it a little differently. Repost from this guy. oh no no sorry that is dave dave is declaring from the fire position and you know it's crazy everyone in the community including myself will agree that it is a hero what is it a good one i didn't i don't even i i don't care i only ride the assault bike the original post the original post was better he edited that part it can't be seen. Which part?
Starting point is 01:19:25 I know, but tell us which part. I'm planning on doing the Chad workout in the fall, and I'm going to try to set a pretty stellar time for that. Some people may not like the idea of making these things competitive, but I do. I do too. It's radical. These people are fucking savages.
Starting point is 01:19:43 It'd be cool to have somebody. If I passed away today and I had a workout named after me, I just found out that people around the world were motivated by the idea of something that represented who I was as a person, I'd be rolling in my grave being like, fuck yes. You like challenges, right? A ton. Yeah, it's my favorite. Well, I'd like to show you this feat of strength right here. This is a woman, supposedly. Wow.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Just – Look at that. That did not just happen. Yeah, yeah. Look, the umbilical cord is still attached to her vagina and the baby. Wow. And look the way the nurse grabs the baby. And that's how the baby would come out head first.
Starting point is 01:20:27 It's a white baby. Well, that part is weird. Just ignore that part. Wow. No fucking way. Maybe it's just so pale. Look it, look it. Did you see the umbilical cord attached to her twat?
Starting point is 01:20:43 What type? Look at her smile. Wow. That's a good mom. That is a great mom. Yeah, he's a good dude. Justin comes on here sometimes. Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Yeah, she just pulled a baby out of her pants. She just pulled a baby out of her pants. You won't see that on Joe Rogan. I don't think you can. I think Joe Rogan has somewhat been castrated by mainstream media as well. Eventually, you're going to build up to be so big that mainstream media is going to come after you too. God, I hope so.
Starting point is 01:21:32 You're like a small bud of a flower that's about to blossom. You kind of got a little Alex Jones in you, a little bit of, you got a little- I don't like that so much. My mom's not going to like that Alex Jones comparison so much. I'm a nice boy i just i work out he's fat i know i actually just saw a doc on him he's a totally misunderstood guy he's an outspoken person we'll leave it at that he's very nice he's he's a gentleman you know what the crazy thing is i think he's probably younger than
Starting point is 01:22:02 you but he looks like he's in his 60s or early 70s. I do CrossFit. Let's see here. Alex Jones age. I'm going to show you one more thing. You have to see this. Come on. How old are you?
Starting point is 01:22:16 50. 50. He's 48. He looks so older than you. Wow. Wow. And if I shave, dude, if I shave, dude, i'd look like i was like 47 okay you have to see this this this this just i just love this i just love this okay ready here we go ladies and
Starting point is 01:22:41 gentlemen get married you have a kid you might want to marry a republican woman because they Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. Let's try that one more time. Let's try that. You have a kid. You might want to marry a Republican woman because they actually want to be with the kid and raise it. You know, that's good. It's fascinating, right? It's fascinating.
Starting point is 01:23:22 If you're going to marry a woman and you want to have a kid, you may want to marry a Republican woman because she'll actually want to stay home and raise the kid. What are you guys? We're dirt twirling hippies. That kind of just surfed around the room. That thing just traveled like COVID. Yeah, you got a vomit right there. What? You got a little comment
Starting point is 01:23:47 and a blue checkmark. I didn't know you were verified. Yeah, yeah. Is it true? It's a little true. It's a little true. Look, it's a little true. It's a little true. I'm just saying, look, I believe in a lot of progressive causes and all that, but you got to understand the type of headache you're
Starting point is 01:24:03 in for if you marry a progressive young girl, you know? I mean, can you imagine you got to understand the type of headache you're in for if you marry a progressive young girl. Can you imagine marrying AOC, the kind of headache it would be? Even just breastfeeding the baby, she would breastfeed it for a little and then she'd be like, okay, now it's your turn. You breastfeed the baby. Did you take your estrogen pills? Did you grow your male nurture tip?'re just gonna be walking around with one tip like this i mean i mean when i see stuff like that i'm just like yeah that's like for all you people who keep like looking at like um uh if everyone had if everyone had a mom and dad at home who raised them fewer people would have died from covid fewer people would
Starting point is 01:24:45 have died from gun violence hunters peeing there'd be fewer robberies there'd be fewer like that's that that's that's the fix right there start fixing the family start focusing on the family fix it fixes everything it fixes everything i i wonder that too christ Christine. I cannot believe that I still exist on, on, on a Nazi gram. I just, I can't believe they haven't kicked off a dirt twirling, loving, accepting, all encompassing, hugging person like me. I'm the embodiment of walking love. and yet I still exist on that hateful. Can we ask a quick question to the audience? Please. When you guys run out of toilet paper, what are your guys' options? Because I've been out of toilet paper for like two weeks maybe.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Wow, that may be the greatest question ever asked on the internet holy shit i'm gonna type that in and ask yeah let's see what we can get here wow that is brilliant i can hey hunter is going to give away fifty thousand dollars to the best answer and a Toyota pickup truck. Brand new 2024. Wow. What to do when you run out of toilet paper? I, I, I was going to judge the shit out of you, but I pushed it down.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Well, you can, you can, um, you should put that up on your guys posts for this header and see what you guys can get. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:24 That's brilliant. I've been using body wipes. Um, put that up on your guys post for this header and see what you guys can get wow yeah that's brilliant i've been using body wipes paper towels tissues which are the worst don't use tissues why what's wrong with tissues they're just like those thin shitty tissues and you paper roll that's fucking savage oh god coffee filters dick butter i like oh that's that's gangster god you'll probably burn in hell for that but but but i approve wow duct tape tampons wet hands i mean i i'm i am a world-class poop shower guy sponges sometimes i jump on the pool and i scoot my bottom on the bottom my butt on the bottom oh double down mom and dad of hunter on the chlorine of hunter comes over to swim what are the best alternatives to toilet paper oh it's a covet 19 article this is crazy baby wipes yes
Starting point is 01:27:32 a bidet sanitary pad reusable cloth do you want to hear the worst poops hey why don't you go out and buy some i just been traveling so much every time i come home i forget that's one thing you're going to notice about me is my brain's all over the place so i forget i could probably just order it on amazon that'd probably be the best you're one of the um most egoless human beings i've ever met so i'll tell you guys this fucked up story i'm in chile and i'm there for a hundred mile race and the highest, driest desert in the world,
Starting point is 01:28:08 Atacama desert. Yes. I filmed a movie there. We're in the Atacama desert. I think we're in Santiago, Chile. It's basically this, like where all the water kind of pours into the center of the lowest point of
Starting point is 01:28:19 this high desert. What year was that? 2015. Oh, someone's internet went down 2000 what 15 2015 okay so the race is starting at 4 a.m it's like pretty much dark out with a little bit of light and the race is starting there's probably got to be about 100 to 200 racers there. The whole town is shut down. I'm about to start this 100-mile race, and I was like, I got to shit so bad, and we've got the camera crews there and everything, and I can't disappear and then show up late to the start. They're like, dude, you got to be ready for this thing. It's
Starting point is 01:28:58 got to all go off at the same time, and we're in the middle of chile and nobody really speaks english the whole town shut down boarded i one guy hears me talking he speaks broken english he goes come with me to my hostel i go in there and my racing partner comes with me he's got a shit too we both sit down and you know when you just like get to the toilet finally you sit down you don't have any thoughts except for the evacuation of what's inside your bowels. Yeah. Yeah. Like it explodes out of your ass. Yeah. It's a fucking gangster release and happy June one, by the way. So thank you.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Oh, here, here, here. Travis solved the problem. Use a noble shirt. Perfect. So I sit there and now like I've come to,
Starting point is 01:29:44 I've sobered up. I'm like, whew, that was crazy. It was like a sweat shit. And I look around, there's no toilet paper anywhere. Race is going to start in less than five minutes. I then look to the right of me and they don't flush toilet paper down the toilets there. So there's just a basket with used shit paper. Oh, I think I've done this before unfortunately and i'm like dude what
Starting point is 01:30:07 do we do turbo and he's like he's like i think we got to do it so i start sifting through this bag looking for the paper with the least amount of poop on it i just dab back there i'm like tap tap tap tap tap tap i hit a couple taps yeah and i get out of there and i start the race i had to pull my underwear off about 14 miles in i had the worst ash rash in my entire life because i was all over my butt running uh but still to this day i i gag thinking about that experience yeah wow so not only did you use recite or use to once use toilet paper but but it didn't even affect. No, no, we can have Ben. I love Ben Bergeron. We can have him on whenever you want. Why? Is he a noble guy?
Starting point is 01:30:48 If anybody tries to literally bad mouth me for not being an environmentalist, I want you guys to know that I'm so gangster that I use other people's poop paper. I won't hurt no trees. Yeah. I can have the CEO of Noble on. It doesn't even, like, I'm a lover. I love all those – I would give the most vile creatures in the world a hug. But Ben's not vile, by the way.
Starting point is 01:31:12 I love him. But no sponsorship of some fucking confused fucking woke company is going to stop me from having my homeboy Ben Bergeron on. Please. I had the most awkward dinner of my life with the two founders of Noble and Brookwell's one time. Woke Bull. How was it? Why was it awkward? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:32 You know me, dude. Like I'm free-flowing, conversational. Yeah, yeah. Cool. Well, they have so many rules of words you can and can't say. Being woke is like navigating a fucking maze. It's like someone tore out half it's it's the it's like uh it's like living a um it's like someone tore out half the word pages in the dictionary but you don't know which ones
Starting point is 01:31:50 have been torn out it's fucking a mess yeah i don't know is that why because you just felt like there was this like etiquette that was like on impossible etiquette they just like dude i'll put it to you this way rhode island smallest state in the country so small like if you had like someone was born there's 90 chance you guys have 50 percent shared a like dna if you guys from the state of rhode island i'm from rhode island and i this guy who's one of the founders is from rhode island and we're just like i'm like hey man like this place in this place like i did this like did Like, did you do this? And he was like, yeah. I was like, so you just, there's no connection whatsoever between us. And we just sat there, come somewhat quietly for about an hour at a
Starting point is 01:32:35 Mexican food restaurant in New York city. And to this day, I was like, just one of the most awkward dinners of my life. So there was no intimacy? No. I mean, I could know zero about you, and I could sit down with you at a restaurant and at least make it through the hour with some kind of reasonable conversation and connection, even if you're from the opposite side of the world and couldn't speak English. Are these the dudes? They're not anything that I thought that they would look like. The founders? It's a blonde guy and a taller, thin guy with a shaved it's not a black dude i don't think so are you sure you're not talking about the founders of whoop no no bull are those the are these them yeah that's not a black guy he's a
Starting point is 01:33:18 white guy he's just tan i don't i mean you're telling that you don't think that guy in the middle is a black dude i don't think he was black, man. I'm severe. You're making me look. The guy with the cowboy hat is telling me. I see. I see. I see an old German guy, a black dude and a Greek dude.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Not racist. I'm I'm so sure he's white, man. I hung out with him is uh yeah that guy yeah there was this one kid in our modeling agency when we were younger that you couldn't tell if he was like part black mexican italian chinese he was like completely you know he could blend into any environment maybe he's like that the the ultimate the ultimate, the only, the only, um, the only thing that's privileged, the only activity that's privileged is people who are offended. If you are offended by stuff, it's your, you're showing your privilege.
Starting point is 01:34:16 That's it. That's the only, that's the only, that's the only, someone cuts you off in a car and you get upset and you're offended by it it's because you're privileged look at this time pain says hunter sees no color thank you i know i know i'm a scumbag shut it shut it brad shut it patty brad patty that dude's black as fucking night dude i think you're you're kind of mistaken but it's okay okay okay okay okay look at i just found another picture i just found another picture of them you know you found another i just want to buy some noble shoes and torch them i just found they're too expensive to play that game i guess you have a good point oh shit i can't close. Okay. Okay. Look at this. Look at this picture.
Starting point is 01:35:09 I typed into Google, is the owner of Noble Black, and I didn't get an answer. But that's not a black dude? I don't think so, dude. I think he's probably from the Mediterranean part of Italy. Those dudes are black then. You know Jesus was was black i did of course he was okay so differently in all the churches where i'm from republican women make good moms uh okay how about this one okay this is the last one no one's even gonna get this one so do you have people send you tons of free stuff oh oh no you mean like condoms and like
Starting point is 01:35:54 creatine and no no no one no one wants me no one wants me who can't tell the difference between a sicilian and a black guy repping their product i got too much love you have to and this you have to be woke to represent something these days i'm a lover i just love they send you tons of stuff no no that's what i mean no one wants me in their shit i'm too i'm too i'm too inclusive i'm too inclusive i feel like you have such a high level of engagement and you're so well known that i'm surprised like your whole life isn't sponsored i know me too podcast is absolutely killing okay okay look at look at this uh look i just love this this i don't even get this but i just like it because some ethnicities are offended when people attack them i'm just happy when someone recognizes mine like you could say anything like
Starting point is 01:36:44 there was this joke someone told me this what's the shortest book uh in the world and and i said what and they said armenian war heroes and i and i was just happy that there was a joke that made fun of armenians you get that joke because like that we were slaughtered in a genocide what's the shortest book in the world armenian war heroes get it like armenians are hard as fuck whenever i met armenians when i was younger i was terrified good you should be okay uh how this is the asian guy saying okay watch this watch this you're the armenian baby how do you name you're the armenian baby
Starting point is 01:37:19 how do you name you joke against armenians and when i say racist i don't mean in a mean way it's just got a rate it's about race but he's basically saying is you throw the hood of a dog down the stairs and whatever sound that makes that's that's that makes that's, that's, that would, that's an Armenian name. And it's kind of like,
Starting point is 01:37:48 you know, like, like an Armenian name is like hood. You know what I mean? That's like, but, but it's just funny. Like,
Starting point is 01:37:53 cause you know, you would, you would think like the other joke would be just throw down a handful of silverware down the stairs. And that's like a Chinese kid's name. Have you, you know, if you've been friends with,
Starting point is 01:38:03 I laughed at one of my fucking posts, go ahead. Sorry. Have you, have you been friends with Armand Hammer at all? You laughed at one of my fucking posts. Go ahead. Sorry, go ahead. Have you been friends with Armand Hammer at all? No. He's an Armenian god. I know.
Starting point is 01:38:14 I know he's an Armenian god. I know I should be. I'm probably just intimidated by him. Well, you guys should become friends. I feel like you guys are super aligned. I wish that podcast still existed with the original cast. Is eddie ifs is that eddie ifs podcast now he's just a curmudgeon single soul he called me by the way while we were doing this you should have answered he's not black but doesn't have white privilege either is mike attacking you what a shit bag
Starting point is 01:38:46 i don't know but i like it whatever he just said i like it i'm gonna show you one more thing how many of your viewers do you think like you and how many of your viewers do you think hate you they all love me let's be honest though how many people do you think actually stay in touch with you to to throw shade at you because i would say it's probably like 70 30 70 of the people that follow me follow me because they like me and 30 of the people follow me because they want to badmouth me you mean like do i think like there's someone like from the woke crowd who just like watches my shit so that they could go report it to other people and like like why would someone watch me if they didn't
Starting point is 01:39:28 why would someone watch this if they didn't like it it's just our culture sometimes they just want to be up to date on the people that they really dislike are they trying to like me what if they accent what if you're following me and you hate me and then you just start liking me i'll put it to you this way so when i went to the crossfit games how much did you keep in tabs with what i was doing at all not at all i was too good i was too good for you i hated you well it's too good for you i tried to pretend like it didn't even happen good point but i'm different but i'm different i have a huge ego that i leverage what you're a true hater.
Starting point is 01:40:05 You just hated me and you genuinely didn't want anything to do with me. Then there's this other color of hate, which is like – You were the new guy at school that started dating all the hot chicks that I'd been looking at for four years. And I was like, fuck this dude. Yeah. I'm just saying. There's a lot of people that dislike me. Hey, do you think that they follow you
Starting point is 01:40:25 because like but why would they do that why would they have that in their life um i don't know man they want to feel pain or they want they want to i'm not the kind of person that like posts on other people's page i don't get the idea of that unless it's like a friend of mine i'll be like that's awesome but from the sense of hate i don't get the idea of that unless it's like a friend of mine. I'll be like, that's awesome. But from the sense of hate, I don't get those trollers, the online trollers. Like I really like I've said, I don't like the buttery bros and I'd like to fight them. And I'll say an open forum so that I can have a good time. And then I'll even say it to their face. So that's the way I would troll somebody.
Starting point is 01:41:02 But then the people who just like tap like you suck. But then there's no way. Do you follow the buttery bros? No, not really. And I don't really have any hate for them that much anymore. Even though I think that Heber Herber guy is kind of a cock. He's definitely a cock. And I fight the fuck out of him.
Starting point is 01:41:24 Oh my goodness. Yeah, but... Why do you think he's a cock? I don't know if I... I had to stop and think if I really want to hear the answer to this question. They were dicks to me when I got into CrossFit. Like the first time I ever witnessed them, they bumped into me at the...
Starting point is 01:41:39 What is it called? The Granite Games. And they're like, don't you think it's unique that you're here? And you're here because their motto is earned earned not given and I was like we earned a spot here on a team I don't know what you're talking about and they were just sassy about it kind of you know whatever trolling me and had their cameras out then they were made rude statements about me going to the games then when I was at the games they were rude and then they tried to film me and i just grabbed their camera lens and i was like i don't want
Starting point is 01:42:07 to be fucking filmed and then you know we we worked together at the spartan games they were there and they get paid to kind of like jump around and they're and be like yeah that's the way that they kind of make their content now and i was like i don't understand what this beef came from like i don't even know you guys. And you certainly have made me a target because of your ties with CrossFit. Like, let's have no beef. And I shook their hands and I had a good time talking to one of their wives. And then the next day after we squashed the beef, that Hebrew guy came up and fucking jabbed at me again.
Starting point is 01:42:40 And I was like, that's it. You know, we had our man-mens and we did something. And then you came at me again. And I was like, that's it. You know, we had our man-mens and we did something and then you came at me again. And I was like, that's it. The way people in society used to handle these things is they hit each other. Right, right. Hit each other and it was dispersed. The anger was dispersed through physical contact. And then it was over. The man who won or the woman who won was basically discrepancy was canceled. And that person walked away as the superior of the two. They used to shoot each other and stab each other dueling. If I said, Savant, your wife's a cross-eyed whore. You'd be like, I want a duel. And I would either have to
Starting point is 01:43:17 apologize for what I said, or I would have to accept the duel. Now you can say whatever you fucking want. And because of the laws and the way that the world views everything, you're not allowed to have physical contact to basically back your opinion. And that used to be the way that we used to be able to kind of really jock for position in the world. Even if you watch, just watch Nat Geo and watch the way that like lions will fucking kill each other to have sex with a girl rather than being like well hunter's a little bitch and i know that he fucking has herpes or something you don't want to hook up with him and i'm like oh i don't have herpes and now that you said that i'm gonna chop your fucking face off that's how i handle it in the jungle so that's
Starting point is 01:43:59 why i don't like those guys and i'd fucking literally split his face in half i even offered to do both of them in the ring at the same time, because I have two fists and two reasons to kill them. I offered to do both your sisters at the same time. Hey, um, what, what was that?
Starting point is 01:44:17 Well, after you guys, um, do you remember after you guys went, um, uh, uh, mono a mono after you had your kind of like loving with them.
Starting point is 01:44:25 And then they came back the next day and poked at you. Um, do you remember what the poke was? You don't have to, I'm just wondering. I'm really trying to remember it. Honestly, it was Hebrew though.
Starting point is 01:44:38 It was Herbert. It was not Mars. Mars has never really given me a hard time. He's actually tried to like mend things to me twice. The little hairy fuck. That's the guy given me a hard time. He's actually tried to like mend things with me twice. The little hairy fuck. That's the guy I got to really. Hey, I can punch like I would fucking split him in half. Literally, it would just be rib cage and nothing left.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Just fucking bones. He would just splinter into a thousand pieces. Good God. Listen, it's hard for me to get on that bandwagon because i was like i was a for no good reason a hunter hater too and and when i wanted to have you and when i had you on the podcast um like i did it i i just kind of picture myself as a hunter. Right. And I just shoot shit and then mount the heads on my wall. Right. And so like, I didn't, it didn't matter to me that I didn't like you or didn't, or wasn't going to eat you. I still wanted to shoot you and put your head
Starting point is 01:45:36 on my wall, Hunter McIntyre check. And then you came on the show and I ended up fucking falling in love with you. And I was like, damn it. Deep it deep passionate bond i don't really have a lot of drama with people unless i will come up to somebody head on and be like what's the issue what's the issue there's a guy i used to work with it at high rocks and i literally told him i was like explain the issue or we have to hit each other wow another athlete no he used to run the head of development um for the american market you could look it up and find his name but i don't need to bring up his name but i think a big handsome guy big handsome guy yeah so i literally didn't i saw him interview wait hold on i saw him on a podcast
Starting point is 01:46:15 with uh christian who's who's the crossfit games athlete that I had on? Black guy. I think he's black. Yeah. Christian, he rapped on my show, Christian. Oh, shit, I knew it. My mom heard the Alex Jones comment. You asshole. Did she?
Starting point is 01:46:36 Yeah, she just commented in the comments. As the one person, I didn't want to hear that. Okay, sorry. Okay, sorry. He didn't want to hear that. Okay, sorry. Okay. He didn't mean it. Oh, Christian Harris. Christian Harris. So that guy.
Starting point is 01:46:52 Okay. So the guy who worked at, he was on Christian Harris. What? It's not Christian Harris. No, it's not Christian Harris, but the guy you're talking about was on Christian Harris's podcast.
Starting point is 01:47:01 He used to be a CrossFitter. I can't remember his name either. Okay. So a guy who worked at High Rocks, you rocks you're like hey dude um we have a little bit of a a beef here do you want to talk about it or should i just fucking throat punch you kind of i didn't make an ultimatum i was just like we either have to settle this or we have to beat each other up in the parking lot okay that's how i approach things that's a big dude having this like constant rain cloud over your
Starting point is 01:47:26 life with other people so you think heber should walk up to you and be like hey uh we either have to talk about this or fucking we take it out into the fucking parking lot done what if i said that to you i was like hey hunter we got to fix this or take it out to the parking lot and you're like uh let's take it out to the parking lot i was you're like, let's take it out to the parking lot. I was like, well, hold on a second. I didn't mean to give you two choices. I haven't hit somebody since 2011, January 1st. But I would. It wasn't Chris Rock, was it?
Starting point is 01:47:58 No, that'd be hysterical. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Tom. Yeah, I agree. I agree. I haven't spent any time watching him i'm on the total liberal hate train when it comes to alex jones but i did start watching a documentary that he's in and man he was a thoughtful sweet man man he was a thoughtful sweet man i think that's the first time i realized that that um like mass design of like these companies like Google, Twitter and Facebook were dangerous because I had a conversation with a friend and he and I grew up together.
Starting point is 01:48:32 Literally very close friends, quality, super quality guy. He worked with YouTube and he came to me to say we were having dinner amongst friends and he was just like, I think we're going to have to take Alex Jones off the internet. Like he's going to get banned. And I was like, I don't know if you could really do that. Like you guys are one of the biggest like freedom of speech, you know, platforms that kind of puts the hands in the power of the people rather than like the mainstream media companies. And he goes, well, you know, we, we disagree with his, um, and I'm and I'm paraphrasing this. I'm not trying to say my friend did anything wrong or right, but I was like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:49:09 And then all of a sudden they took away all of like Trump's social media. They take away a lot of people's social media. And I was like, whoa, this is kind of fucked up. I think that's why most tree huggers are now flipping the script. Even if you hate even if you hate trump you can't take away his twitter even if you even if you love even if you're like me and you're you love a fucking tranny you can't you still can't have them in women's sports you're like you just you just you can't have a dude in women's sport i mean and so people are
Starting point is 01:49:41 like flipping the script right like all of a sudden I'm standing side by side with people. I never thought I'd be standing side by side with. That's why everyone, people are like waking up. I'm even okay with this. Can I play this for you? Yeah. I'm totally okay with this. Look at, look at, look at his back.
Starting point is 01:50:00 He maintains a flat back the whole time. I don't know why people are hating on this. I think that's just a loop dude no he drops it at the end one two i think it's a loop if you look at his arms and the way that they move it seems consistent every single rep If you look at his arms and the way that they move, it seems consistent every single rep. Look, he drives with his head. I don't think that's supposed to be your first movement to throw your head back. Either way, the only problem I have, I just have a problem with the mass.
Starting point is 01:50:37 That seems ridiculous. But I'm okay with a fucking deadlift dribble. And it's off. He needs to be dragging that along his shins, right? Dude, the Chinese can do whatever the fuck they want. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Because they're fucking savages.
Starting point is 01:50:52 Thank you. Anyone to critique that, that's white privilege. 100%. Hey, have you ever seen a deadlift bounce like that? And that's the hardest bounce I've ever seen in a deadlift. Literally, a good friend of mine did the same exact thing yesterday and post it and i just wrote savage i didn't have the guts to let him know yeah it's good it's good like like who are we to judge are we gonna start are you gonna give me 20 of the income that comes off no no no no heavy no no ten dollars shit yeah no dude where is this i expect a venmo transfer on the asap
Starting point is 01:51:30 no no no katie thank you katie uh guys uh please uh let you uh oh never mind i i have to i i i'm having trouble making ends meet i need this money money. Don't take from me, Hunter. I support you. Thank you. We should get you some more sponsors. Could you list your like five celebrity sponsors? What would be your best sponsors? If you could pick a couple.
Starting point is 01:51:59 California Hormones. Fuck yeah. Listen, listen. I got this guy coming on. I have so many good things coming down the pipe. I have this guy coming on Thursday. Is it the hormone testing company? Yeah, I have this guy coming on Thursday.
Starting point is 01:52:17 His name is David Lucas. I'm going to show you his, I'm going to show you this video really quick. Yeah, I'm going to show you his – I'm going to show you this video really quick. Yeah, I'm going to show you this real quick. Hands in hands. I feel like I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself by sharing this. Oh, I just went to YouTube and it popped up Buttery Bros. David Lucas. Dude, they're fucking listening.
Starting point is 01:52:42 David Lucas. Okay, I want you to see. Okay. Okay, you ready? Mm-hmm. Okay. So this is about, you were talking about sponsorship. Okay.
Starting point is 01:53:03 So this guy, David Lucas, is coming on the show. You're about to, right here. yeah hope he's a porn star okay ready to do that again we need him and david lucas in uh a challenge and the winner challenge it's a winner the winner gets a hundred thousand dollars i love this channel we'll do it on this podcast. It's a great challenge. That's it. The winner gets to go. Definitely on hormones. Listen to his big, crusty, like, mahogany voice. 60 pounds lighter. And to give him four months to do it.
Starting point is 01:53:31 You have four months starting now. Those guys, those two will get in cahoots with one another. They'll be like, let's split the money. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're going to bring in a doctor, and we're going to, like, one person loses five pounds the other person loses three no it's gonna be like one of those things like uh no until you're below 60 pounds right once you get below 60 pounds 60 pounds lighter and to give them four months to okay so hey what up this is boy david so so joe rogan challenged this guy in red band to uh
Starting point is 01:54:12 to see who can lose basically the most weight i guess in in the next uh four months i'm not sure the exact challenge so what's the sponsorship thing so thursday he's coming on i'm gonna hook him up with it and we're gonna talk i going to hook them up with it. And we're going to talk. I'm going to hook them up with a doctor from California hormones. They're going to do a blood panel on them. And they're going to, if his testosterone is low, they're going to get him on testosterone replacement therapy.
Starting point is 01:54:32 And that's going to fucking expedite his weight loss. I'm just so excited for him. I'm so excited for you getting on the sauce. No, no, I do. You want to, you want to know what my,
Starting point is 01:54:44 that's actually pretty good, dude. Do you want to know what my that's actually pretty good dude do you want to pretty good testosterone score was last time i got it tested this is freaky probably 15 million no 666 666 wow that is scary creepy right i got that devil cock i bet you yours like fluctuates all over the place well yeah dude when we get in these suppressed states like i bet you yours like fluctuates all over the place. Well, yeah, dude, when we get in these suppressed states, like I bet you right now I'm fucked because I just haven't been sleeping. I was just hiking. I just got off a big shelf, all bodybuild all summer. And I bet you'll meet me mid July and my T scores will probably break most screens.
Starting point is 01:55:18 I ring out my underwear after every workout and drink the sweat to keep my T count up. Damn. Do you ever get to that point where you train so hard that you're you're you're close no no no let's start another question like that you ever trained so hard go ahead you ever trained so hard no no no no good point i have i have three minutes and then i have to get on my work call i just want to say i'm grateful. I'm grateful. Okay, let's finish with this guy because he's funny. Let's see. I don't even know what this one is.
Starting point is 01:55:52 Let's see. Do you like it when I share the Instagram clips? I'm kind of insecure about it. I like it a lot. Okay, good. I'm more of an inquisitive person than I got. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha kind of person. Yeah, you haven't really laughed at anything.
Starting point is 01:56:12 My one problem with the body positive movement though why is it that you can't make fat jokes anymore because that's body shaming but mr five seven up here still hear short jokes all the time i think short jokes are way more offensive than fat jokes i really do because i get that that was i've been telling that joke forever i've been doing that forever that guy still left I think short jokes are way more offensive than fat jokes. I really do. Cause I get that. That was, I've been telling that joke forever. I've been doing that forever. That guy stole that from me, by the way,
Starting point is 01:56:30 when you were watching that, I saw you pull an Andrew Hiller. Andrew Hiller is like, not only do his eyebrows do fucking all sorts of wild fun shit, but his eyes do different shit. Like one, like a normal human being. Like we blink at the same time together.
Starting point is 01:56:42 Like you fucking like Asperger motherfuckers. You guys do stuff like this camera one camera two like just one eye just closed when i get like those things that like chuckie cheese you're just like you're just like i'm like huh one eye a one eye blink when i get really tired this left eye closes before the right one all right this one that's how hard you see how i study hunter just study brett you need to take more uh protein in you're having to take more bcas and no i'm not talking about the lazy i think he got some other shit going on too hillary hillary's like a a robot almost like he just he it's just like every all his movements are like so perfect like i respect that guy because he's got nice cars other than that i
Starting point is 01:57:31 don't know enough about him he was actually the guy that came to me and was like i want to get deep and dirty about the podcast involving hormones and i was like and we talked for a while and then i decided that it's not worth but um oh yeah he told me i said you and hunter come on here i'll stand up for my crossfit brethren what do you mean that's not that needle hanging out of that guy's ass isn't steroids how dare you they're by mistake all right well let me know if i should invite hunter back on again no no. Let Hunter know that he needs to be a regular in the comments. Be like, Hunter, you have to come back on. Savant talked over you again.
Starting point is 01:58:11 Please, please come back on. I'm ready every Wednesday. Guys, tonight we are trying to get – tonight we have Jack Dela Magdalena. Jack Dela? Yes. we are trying to get tonight we have jack dale dala magdalena yes and then and then uh that's at six o'clock i think and then afterwards at uh 6 40 right after that back to back we're going to try to have justin madaris on uh justin has a uh we haven't got that 100 scheduled yet but justin has a um oh no it just says justin's in oh shit awesome okay okay if justin's in i'm in oh no no justin hasn't responded yet basically what we're gonna try i want to talk
Starting point is 01:58:52 to justin about his youtube station he's got a new video up about um his trip to the uh syndicate and i want to talk to him about that and uh and and just check check in on the champ he's a good dude and uh so it should be a good show and and Andrew Hiller will be joining me on the second half of that show with Justin Medeiros. I'll talk to you guys later. Bye-bye.

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