The Sevan Podcast - #430 - Jack Della Maddalena & Justin Medeiros

Episode Date: June 3, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Did you send them the links already? Bam. We're live.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Yeah, I sent the links. Austin Hartman. Justin, Sevan hates people on the East Coast. You know, I was thinking about the East Coast the other day. And when I went there as a little kid i got a great story the first time i was in new york someone tried to mug me i was i was like in the seventh grade and a kid another kid tried to mug me i was walking around the bronx but i didn't know i was being mugged but that's a different story uh the east coast always there's a uh it just doesn't feel as free as the West Coast.
Starting point is 00:01:06 All those toll roads and just the way the city was set up and Jersey and Baltimore. I always thought, wow, this – it feels like Europe. Like London doesn't feel like you're in a free country. It's weird. I got tagged with a toll the other day, and I didn't – Are you on the – you're not on the East Coast. Where are you? I thought you were in Iowa.
Starting point is 00:01:27 That shit feels free as hell. Yeah, exactly. No, I live in Virginia right now. I went through a toll bridge, didn't realize it, didn't pay the toll because I'm from Nebraska, and we don't have that. Got another letter in the mail from a debt collector saying I owe like $80 or more. It was a $5 toll. Now I owe like $90. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 00:01:51 See? It's fucking crazy here. I saw this great thing the other day. They were saying how, you know, it kind of stopped. But about five years ago, there was like a 10-year run on like just the craziest anti-smoking campaign. Right. And I remember thinking, man, this is kind of harsh. This is like almost like Nazi shit. Like you can't, you're not allowed to smoke outside your house. You're not allowed to smoke in some cities. Like they told you, you had to stand in the street to smoke. And like, I don't want to defend smoking. I know smoking's bad for you. I know
Starting point is 00:02:22 I don't want to breathe in secondhand smoke, but just the way if you're if if your neighbor still smells you smoking, you can press charges. There was just a bunch of stuff and it was like starting to get more and more intense. And. Now, we can't even keep homeless people off the streets in California, like we did this huge push to get rid of smoking. It's just, I don't know what's going on with this, with this hierarchy of ideas of what's important. Those homeless people were crazy in Knoxville. Oh,
Starting point is 00:02:58 what do you mean crazy? There's so many of them. Oh really? Oh, cause the weather probably, right? Yeah. It's great weather over there and they're just,
Starting point is 00:03:10 there's hideout and bus stops and i found like needles and a bunch of bushes places yeah drug addicts for sure yeah yeah i'm gonna stop using that word homeless let's just call them drug addicts the drug addicts are out of control here it's it's nuts it's hard to watch ufc on the east coast because it's on so late. I know. I always wonder about that. Everything, right? Even like all the sports. People on the East Coast aren't that special.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Someone hates everyone equally. Inclusive. Thank you. Yeah, so this guy told me, this friend of mine texted me and said the last two shows weren't that good. I mean, I am sick. I'm definitely sick. Today i was feeling so weird that's like it was the first time in a long time today i think it was this morning no no last night i had to go pee in the middle of a show because before the show started i drank a pint of water with like 4 000 milligrams of vitamin c i've been drinking so much water.
Starting point is 00:04:09 About 3,900 milligrams of that's going to come on your piss anyway. Thank you. Someone asked me if I hated the Rob Forte, Jay Crouch, Brian Friend interview. I didn't hate it. I just haven't figured out how to get Jay Crouch to like talk in full sentences. I was glad Rob Forte was there. I just, I just want to have a conversation with people.
Starting point is 00:04:37 He has a nice smile, but I was working, but I was working. There's some pot. Like I didn't work this morning with Hunter McIntyre. You don't have to work. I actually – when I look at this picture of Rob and Jay, I actually have fond memories of the podcast. It was cool.
Starting point is 00:04:53 It was great that we got Brian on too. I'm pumped for this weekend. Last weekend was like this – the whole CrossFit thing is cutting into all my UFC love. Yeah, how are you going to watch it? It's like three events on three different time zones for you. This week coming up, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah, that's driving me crazy. Oh, shit. So UFC 275 is not even until the following week. Okay, so we got this guy early. We got this guy 10 days early. Man, what a card. What a card.
Starting point is 00:05:33 They had Robert Whitaker on it too, who we talked about with Rob Forte yesterday. Yeah, it got cancelled. Why? I don't know. That's a good question. question let's ask jack hey dude boys bam jack's here all right steve on how are you good that's i can i could hear that booming over a stadium as you walk in jack is here oh my goodness hey could you can you make your walkouts oh shit what happened hello oh oh did i go away for a second hello no i saw you oh wow my computer turned off for a second uh can you
Starting point is 00:06:16 make your own um walkout song like could you have a dj yeah you can oh yeah i think you can't i think you can make whatever wow can't you imagine you're in that giant center and in australia fighting for the championship and like you hear these godzilla footsteps and then a voice goes jack is here and then come on you can that sounds awesome i might do that. Thank you. He's not very good with making music. Oh, no. Someone's just got to love you and do it.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Someone would do it. Yeah, like some DJ who loves you. Hey, are you influenced by your fighting style by Nate Diaz at all? Not really. I sort of have watched a lot of Nate Diaz fights and sort of try and take some things from him. He's a pretty good fighter to watch. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I like the boxing sort of style and his style of boxing. Maybe a little bit similar. Yeah. When I was going back and watching all your fights again last night, I saw you doing this thing. I think it's with your right it's it's it's a bitch slap but you keep your hand closed it's like i felt like i was seeing like a nate diaz slap but you keep your
Starting point is 00:07:33 hand closed yeah right like you you came straight with the left and then this thing just comes across and just kind of bitch slaps the guy yeah it looks horrible to get hit by it looks horrible yeah slaps the legit weapon i reckon it's sort of if you get them right on the ear it sort of stuns them for a bit then you can try and put that shot on behind it but yeah i definitely stole that from nate you did yeah he does that a bit and i think it's he does it i think it's sort of like for him it's people like to see it but i think it's actually effective technique. It was like you were caught.
Starting point is 00:08:09 With you, it's more like a club. His is a slap, but I saw yours is kind of like a club. Yeah. Man, that last guy you fought. Caleb, can you pull up? I want to see that guy's name. That last guy you fought took some shots from you. Yeah, I landed a lot of jabs.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Just my lead shot just sort of popping in. There weren't like massive shots. Just a lot of them. Yeah. So this guy, sorry. Was this the last guy or was this two guys? No, that was my second last fight. Yeah, this guy took some shots, dude. He took some big shots.
Starting point is 00:08:45 He took some real big shots. Do you have a parrot or someone tied in the basement? That's actually my dog. Oh. You got married. Married. I'm a married man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Was that just two months ago? It was March. So three or four months ago. Yeah, about four months ago. Why did you get married? I don't know. I felt like I just found the right woman and wanted to lock it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Do you feel a sense of relief or excitement about the future or both? Yeah, a bit of both. I'm excited about the future. I think I found a good woman. Yeah, I found everything I need in a woman, so I feel like I just made the decision. But yeah, I'm excited for our future. They make her look cool in the videos.
Starting point is 00:09:44 They make her look cool in the videos they make her look cool in the videos yeah that's the most important thing hey do you tell her too like hey when the cameras are here no matter what we cannot fight no slip-ups just perfect honky dory nah to be honest all the um you have to reduce like when they're videoing us we have to redo stuff and then it's quite it feels real awkward because yeah quite to be honest a lot of the videoing of us is quite unnatural because they say oh that was nice can you do it again and then it's quite awkward from that point on hey you got to be like you just got to tell them hey motherfucker you're looking at the future welterweight champ you get that shit right the first time we hit that shit on mark i don't know our next time i'm
Starting point is 00:10:29 gonna do that yeah yeah yeah you have a great sense of humor but you should just uh mix that with your uh bullying i will this guy um oh yeah so your picture isn't black and white did we get to the bottom of that if If you, if you guys, if you type in UFC schedule on Google, a beautiful schedule will always pop up. If you use the Safari browser and, um, and you can see all the fights prelim early prelims main card.
Starting point is 00:10:54 And if you go to the main card on June 11th, UFC two 75, you'll see it's Glover to share and Yuri. Prochaska. And, uh, and then if you scroll down, everyone's in color, except Jack, de la madalena yeah why is that it's weird hey maybe you're a vampire maybe you don't photograph in color
Starting point is 00:11:17 yeah maybe i was just a bit ill that day a bit of cold i don't know who is this dude ramazan amiv hey sorry before you tell me who he is does that piss you i was watching all the interviews you've done so far and like some of the guy from like heavyweight mma he's like telling you about him he's like well he's got a good jab and what you should probably do is this and like he do you know what i mean he's he's like your coach you handled it well and you're humble as shit, but I always wonder, I wonder if that's getting it bothering Jack. No, I just listen. Everyone has their own, like, things of what they think I should do,
Starting point is 00:11:54 so I just sort of listen. And maybe they have a good idea that I could take from them, but sort of got my idea what I've got my idea what I think I need to do for the fight and that's what I'm going to try and do doesn't piss me off too much no do you like it even um I don't mind I just sort of listen to it and sort of see what I what they say and if I think it's good I'll take some stuff from it otherwise i just to be honest it's annoying when a lot of people do it when some when you speak to some random person they say you need to do this this and this i go okay thank you for that yeah like if your brother does
Starting point is 00:12:35 it it's all good right yeah yeah yeah for sure you're like yeah let's go for a walk and talk about it like you get excited, right? Yeah. Yeah. It can be annoying if the, if the wrong person does, it can be annoying, but I just sort of just take it. Like if your mom's like, Jack,
Starting point is 00:12:53 just pull his hair and hold them on the ground. Jack, just pull his hair. That's it. That's actually a good one. He doesn't have much hair though. This dude is so awesome. I DM him after
Starting point is 00:13:05 the first episode and he actually responded i'm a huge fan future welterweight champ dylan val dylan thank you dylan legend um i've you know i've i've seen just about it all we saw aljermaine getting eaten the head while on the ground we've seen dudes get kicked in the nuts i haven't um ever seen anyone get their hair pulled on purpose. Have you ever seen that in a fight? No, I don't think I have. I haven't even seen it. I don't see the girls do it either. There's not a lot of dude fighters that have long hair.
Starting point is 00:13:35 When I think about it, I could be wrong. That guy Glover's fighting has that little thing on the top. Glover should grab that thing. I would grab that thing. That'd be perfect. So who is this dude uh ramazan amoeb ramazan's a russian man he's pretty well-rounded fighter he's got like a strong majority of the russian fighters have like a pretty strong wrestling base so i think that's sort of his go-to is sort of the wrestle try and hold me obviously that's what i need to try and avoid don't let him grab me and just stick and move and try and damage him and um you know when israel fights i noticed it's kind of i know
Starting point is 00:14:22 i know your um styles aren't the same, but, but bear with me here. I know you're, you're different fighters, but you move a lot in Israel moves a lot. You strike a lot. Israel strikes a lot. Someone, someone tries to take Israel down. He stands right up. Yeah. Is that the plan? Like the second they take you down, you just like, you don't like assess the situation. It's just like, hey, get the fuck up. Yeah, basically.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I think just having to, if he does get me down, it's not the end of the world. Just get up straight away and just get. It takes a lot of energy to grab someone, hold them down, and then they get straight up. It takes a little bit more energy from the person that's the offensive wrestler, if that makes sense. So he'll shoot on me, and hopefully I can just get get the idea is just get straight back up and continue to work and that would take drained him of some energy i don't want to spend too much time on the ground i just want to be standing up smashing him
Starting point is 00:15:18 yeah i like the way you say that people in your interviews people like what's your plan you're like well just just do a lot of damage to them yeah just do a lot yeah that's honestly if during the fight i see space damaged i feel like i'm doing the right thing uh the plan is being executed um uh and you have this um and maybe all fighters have this but you also have this um uh uh also from nick diaz colby covington mighty mouse your game is the pressure game yeah i try and make my opponent uncomfortable and just try and damage them a lot so i'm just trying to hit him heaps and no no resting time no assessment no dancing around no just like hey dude like the bell's gonna ring and my and you're in your i learned this actually from you from our last conversation part of your defense is your offense while you're punching like that's part of your
Starting point is 00:16:15 defense too right i think you're saying for sure every time i hear i'm trying to have my head off the center line and just yeah basically is if i'm hitting them they probably aren't hitting me so i may as well just keep trying to hit them do will you knock him out this guy out i'm gonna try i'm gonna try my best i i feel like i can if i put the right the right things together and i make the right decisions i definitely feel like i can knock him out so that's what i'm trying to do it's just about um making the right decisions at the right time and i think i can get it done yeah we'll do breakfast right after this we'll be done in 14 minutes and we'll be done in 14 minutes and then i'll see you guys out front what are you gonna have for breakfast have you started your weight cut um i'm eating pretty good no i wouldn't say i've started i'm eating pretty good i'm just sort of
Starting point is 00:17:09 not eating as much as i'd like to eat but just eating enough that i'm just sort of constantly just getting a little bit lighter but having enough food that i can still have a good push in training last two interviews i saw you had black eye and now I see it's kind of healing up. What happened? Yeah, I shouldn't have it. Yeah. It's still just trying to train hard, just trying to keep the head moving. So we're just still working. I got probably one more hard session today and then the intensity of sessions sort of drops after that little bit less impact stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:46 That a video that they made on you, if you type in Jack de la Madalena Contender Series, they put together a 20-minute video of you. Yeah. It's beautiful, right? It's a cool video. Yeah, it's pretty cool how they did it. I liked it.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I don't really like watching myself on video too much. Unless I'm fighting. I don't mind watching myself fight because i can but yeah on watching myself talks a bit strange but it was a very cool video the way they did it was awesome and and they were there when your um gym had its 10-year anniversary what's the name of your gym again scrappy mma there is there yeah we had our 10-year anniversary and they came along which it was a cool little we never ever do stuff like look cool we're all in suits and stuff but we've never done anything like that before so it's just a bit different to get out of the gym gear and see everyone dressed up nicely.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yeah. The two things that I was really impressed by is that your mom was there. Yeah. That's cool. You brought your mom. Bring mom along. Would you have done that even if the Contender Series wasn't filming? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:02 She was actually keen to go. When I said we're doing like a – mom likes to get dressed up you know if there's any opportunity to put on some not getting getting some nice clothes she would do it so yeah she was excited to come and she's sort of been yeah she's helped me out a lot so she wanted to come and celebrate the gym and celebrate the fighters yeah she looked great she looked happy and then they had a montage of dana white talking about you in front of all your colleagues all your peers how was that yeah it was cool it was really cool we had a couple of awards and i got i can't remember what the award was but yeah there was a little video of that, which is cool.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Yeah, it was good. You know, everyone – it's exciting for the gym. Everyone in the gym works really hard and just I'm the first one to get over to the UFC. I think there will be a few more after me, but, yeah, it's cool. It gives everyone else the reasoning that they can also get there if they yeah put the work in and work hard and jack you're that dude you're that dude that the other people at the gym are saying i work out yeah yeah your mom looks great your wife looks
Starting point is 00:20:19 great look at you you even look handsome what a fucking cool thing. That warms my heart to see you with your mom and your wife like that. Yeah, it was a cool day. And good job, Caleb, just getting a screenshot so we don't get caught. That was smooth, dude. You're the guy now that people are like, well, Jimmy worked out. You know, the one where jack works out it's cool you know what i mean it is cool yeah it is cool it's cool you there's a lot of good fighters in the gym and everyone at the gym is cool there's no big egos there everyone just wants
Starting point is 00:21:00 to get better and perfect gym for it's a perfect gym that i would want to be associated with uh when when when i met you um and it's a story that never gets old you had lost your two fights and then you won 10 in a row and i'm rushing through a really great story but you know you lost your first two and you and your coach said, Hey, let's win the next 10. And you did it, which is just nuts. And if you go ahead, sorry. No, no. I was just going to say we made it. Yeah. It was a goal that we set. It was a pretty big goal, I guess.
Starting point is 00:21:38 10 wins in a row. Ridiculous, ridiculous goal. A matter of fact, you know, most people never thought you would even do it it's ridiculous definitely definitely i think when i was oh and two and i said i'd get to 10 two people would probably find that ridiculous and now you're in your mind something you make it happen yeah and and now you're 11 and 2 you've won 11 fights in a row and you're fighting this russian dude i it's um i mean he knows he knows your story you know for sure yeah it'll be a good fight he's's a tough Russian. Yeah. He's a tough Russian man,
Starting point is 00:22:25 but a person's a person and yeah, it all comes down to that 15 minutes. Dude. I haven't seen too many. I haven't seen too many people in my life tougher than you do. You are a tough fucking man. He's, he's,
Starting point is 00:22:40 he's 35. He's 35. When's his last, and he lost his last fight. I think, I think I looked. Yeah. He lost it, Danny. Yeah, that's right. And he lost his last fight, I think. I think I looked. Yeah, he lost to Danny. Yeah, that's right. Sweet decision.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Danny Roberts lost. So I keep hearing a lot of the guys who are like the real interview guys, they're always saying to you stuff like, hey, he hasn't put someone away in seven fights. When you hear that, what is your what is your reaction i don't know i just from my perspective i think um ramazan's pretty well-rounded he's pretty well-rounded he's not extremely dangerous anywhere but he's well-rounded enough that he can win the fight just mainly by i think he he's good at winning the fight, grabbing a hold of someone and just sort of winning on the judges' scorecards. And I think, yeah, he's not extremely – I don't think he's at the elite level.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I don't think he's going to finish many people in my opinion. But, yeah, I'm just going to try and do what I always do, stick and move and bust them up yeah bust them up how how is um what is what is the word confidence mean and is it still growing does confidence grow yeah i think confidence does grow you get confidence from wins and you sort of get into the i think like winning is sort of a habit and you just get in the zone and if you believe that you are going to win. I think a lot of fighting does come down to confidence on the day.
Starting point is 00:24:13 If whoever is more confident that they will win probably has a better ability to execute their style of fight. So confidence does grow from each fight and i think it's very important when it comes to fight fight day if you're confident you you can win then nothing can really stop you that feeling when you walk in there is there something you're looking for like some super on switch like i'm here is there is there something you tell yourself is there is there a suit of armor you put on is there something you throw away is that you know what i mean is that or is it just just the same jack you just yeah i guess you sort of do when you walk out not so much the walkout but when you enter the cage it's sort of when you get your you get your face vaselined up
Starting point is 00:25:01 and then you sort of say you just give your coaches a high five and you send in. And at that point it's sort of. No, no. If you're Brazilian, you give them a French kiss. Yeah. Okay. You do that in Brazil. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, we're in Australia. You just slap it up and you get in there. And then when you enter the cage, it's sort of game time. You go, you know that it's ready to go. You see your opponent and then yeah i guess
Starting point is 00:25:25 all well you're sort of at that point in the zone nothing else really matters except what yeah getting the win and fighting what if you don't go in the zone like could you be in there and like it's like three two one go and you're like fuck did i turn the oven off can that happen or or or my gloves don't feel. I reckon if you were in there and you were thinking about whether you turn on the oven or not, I think you've got to check your priorities because it's the least of your worries if the oven's on. But, yeah, I see what you mean.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Like, if you get caught up in something else, then you're not fully in the zone and you probably won't make the right decisions at the time so what do you do you just i think it's more has that happened to you have you got in there and been like oh shit i'm not ready when's jack gonna show up okay yeah i have before i have one of my fights i got i was just sort of just all over the place and then i got kicked in the face early and it sort of sat me down and then that was sort of the wake-up call what i needed it's like oh yeah you could cross the face and i thought oh shit yeah now i've got a fight so
Starting point is 00:26:37 sometimes it does take a little bit of a kick in the face to get you going but most of the times i've once i enter the cage i feel like i'm ready to go and i'm fully in the zone and nothing else to me really matters do you like it it's a good yeah that feeling of when i like that feeling when i'm in the cage he put up a poll. Did you turn your oven off? Look, 100% people say you're going to win. 100%. Yeah, how good is that? Do you like it? Like?
Starting point is 00:27:20 Like, you go to an amusement park as a kid, and you're're excited and you get on the ride and you're like yeah like when they say go is there kind of almost like even though you're it's tense as shit and you got to kill a dude and dude's trying to kill you is it like okay finally let's do this it is i think it's one of i think the reason i really like it is one of the few sort of moments you really are like present fully present you're not actually thinking about the oven or what else like what you're gonna have for dinner tonight you're pretty much just fully in the zone and i think any anything that you do where you're fully present it's going to be something that you enjoy doing you're gonna i don't know why but yeah i do like it it's a one of few times in my life where you're fully present
Starting point is 00:28:06 and you're not thinking about anything else except task at hand. I had this dude on here, Alexis Landlot or something. He's an urban climber. There's only like five in the world. Basically, he climbs skyscrapers. Yeah, Jesus. Just like barefoot and shit. Yeah. Yeah yeah beautiful young man
Starting point is 00:28:27 you know what i mean just a virile fucking 20 year old savage beautiful french man and but what the fuck man and that's what he said he said it's the only place like there he is he's like yeah this is the only place i feel like oh yeah alexis landot he's like it's the only place I feel like, Oh yeah. Alexis Landot. He's like, it's the only place I feel like I'm in total control and present. I'm like, dude. Yeah. Yeah. It makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I feel like I would never do that at all. But yeah, I don't think you'd be thinking about the oven when you scaling a building like that. When you've been Spider-Man. It's so it's, it's the same thing um though yeah in a way right he's in a very dangerous position and you're in a very dangerous position yeah and i think you realize that your next moves could be obviously in his in his endeavors it's
Starting point is 00:29:21 if he slips up he's dead yeah for me it's more if i slip up i could be knocked out or put on my back or that sort of thing but yeah it's sort of different in that regard but yeah same thing you just have to be extremely present and you can't be thinking about much else sort of like quite meditative in a way and no one's trying to stop him but someone is but someone's trying to stop him. But someone is trying to stop you from doing what you want to do. Yeah, I guess he's probably focused a lot more on himself where I'm probably just focused entirely on what my opponent's doing and what the other person in the cage is doing.
Starting point is 00:30:02 You see the punches coming, Jack? Yeah, definitely. You do see them. The ones that you don't see coming are the ones that are gonna are gonna be the damaging shots so you just gotta yeah the eyes are very important in the fight game keep the eyes open and you just gotta trust that you don't want to flinch too much you want to keep the eyes open and you want to be able to witness everything coming so then you have the time to react necessarily do you remember the first time you started seeing punches like not really but i definitely i threw even the first few of my fights he didn't it was a lot more like flinching and then like street fighting in the beginning yeah definitely even the training it was but at some point you after what maybe
Starting point is 00:30:47 a lot of punches thrown out you start to see him and start to sort of trust your ability to see them and then move or see them and then react correctly what a remarkable shift that must be yeah well as soon as you have the confidence to see shots coming and yeah to react and that's a that's a shift that you know you are making the right moves forward and you are starting to get more in touch with the game when um when jose aldo and um conor mcgregor came across the ring at each other, and they both – I think Jose also connected on him, and Conor's connected, obviously, and knocked him out.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Did either of them – they didn't see either of those punches? I think, yeah. I think McGregor sort of – from what I've seen, I think McGregor sort of knew that was what Aldo was going to come at him. I think McGregor pissed him off enough that Aldo was so tense that he was just going to charge at him and try and knock him out. I think McGregor is one of those athletes that is so calm in there under such big pressure, and he was able just to keep the eyes open
Starting point is 00:32:04 and slide back and put the left hand on aldo i think aldo was the one in that fight probably shutting the eyes and trying to swing for the fences and mcgregor was the one with the eyes open and calm and in the moment man that must be that must be a trip for Aldo. Just one moment completely changed the course of just everything, of the entire fight game. Yeah, pretty insane. He was such a dominant champion as well. Yeah, that was one of those fights where I think really resonated with me.
Starting point is 00:32:37 That was pretty insane to see that happen. That was the most wow moment I think I've ever seen in the sport. I want the Monkey King to put it to Paddy the Baddie. Have you seen that matchup? Yeah. I haven't seen too much of the Monkey King. Have you seen his UFC debut? I've seen the twerking video.
Starting point is 00:32:59 That's it. I haven't actually seen the fight. You have to see his UFC debut. He knocks this dude out in a way that's so savage. He started crying, Jack. Yeah, right. I'll watch it. The Monkey King, Jared Levitt, started crying. That's how savage the knockout is.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Wow. It's so savage. I'll watch it. It is crazy. He either picks the dude up in a double leg or the dude tries to do a flying armbar on him or something and he basically slides his hand in front of him onto in so it's his forearms on the dude's throat and then jumps in the air and dives on him so his forearm lands on his trach and the dude just fucking yeah right like a slam knockout it's um it's up there with
Starting point is 00:33:47 what uh happened to tony mr ferguson yeah that was nuts right yeah that was nuts that was that was out of nowhere that did not look good he was out for a very long time virtual tell him tell him four minutes you're going to breakfast in four minutes just tell him to hang tight bacon all that all that good shit for me i've actually already had brekkie oh earlier how um how how is uh have you and your brother ever had any you see i didn't realize you were so close with your brother have you and your brother ever had any – I didn't realize you were so close with your brother. Have you and your brother had ever any distance between you? Like have you ever been apart for a year or ever had a fight where you didn't talk or anything like that? Never, never. We definitely had fights.
Starting point is 00:34:35 We fought a lot when we were younger. But no, we've always been lucky enough just to sort of punch each other a lot. He's translating for us Americans. Thank you, Brecky. Yeah, no, we've always sort of had fights and then just gotten over extremely quick. There may have been the longest probably day where we were a bit upset with each other
Starting point is 00:35:01 and then lucky enough we just sort of get on with it what do you do with what did you guys do about girls so i have three little boys and there's already i can already see like a girl like i'm like oh how are they gonna like you know like a girl will come over and they all like her now we were never really had that issue no everyone like if you if you caught a fish it's yours if he catches a fish it's his like respect yeah respect the the fish catching is um is is that his what does he have a different job besides being a fight trainer nah that's his full-time gig fight training so we're both pretty much fully delved in the
Starting point is 00:35:45 the life of martial arts he trains i sort of do i fight and he trains people full-time crazy yeah crazy yeah i wonder if your mom and dad ever thought that they would have two two uh professional fighters a professional coach fighting coach and a professional fighter no i don't think they would have never never when we sort of when at a younger age when we started asking them if they could take us to a mma gym they both thought please don't because we know you'll both want to compete. But yeah, we basically just loved it from the get-go. I saw you doing some juggling. Is there any value to that, to honing that skill as a fighter? I think it's good for the eyes and the hands
Starting point is 00:36:45 just to be in sync. But I don't do spend too much time juggling. But, yeah, I definitely think anything that you can get there. The eyes are, I think, probably one of the most important things in the fight game. Any sport, really, when you're reacting to something, I think the eyes are important. So I think anything that you can increase the,
Starting point is 00:37:06 your, um, eyes strength and speed, I think it's going to help you. Um, uh, what do you, what do you think about that ball with the string on it?
Starting point is 00:37:17 I have played around with them. I think that's similar sort of thing. I think it definitely can, it can help your eyes. Hand eye coordination is important. I like that thing. That thing's, similar sort of thing. I think it definitely can help your eyes. Hand-eye coordination is important. I like that thing. That thing's fun. It is fun.
Starting point is 00:37:31 You can get stuck playing with that thing for a long time, I think. Yeah. Are you talking about the ball? The ball. Oh, yeah. When you said you could get stuck playing with that thing for a long time, my mind started wandering. So when I do that, since I'm not a fighter, you get stuck playing with that thing for a long time my mind started wandering um so you're when
Starting point is 00:37:46 i do that since i'm not a fighter i always wonder too if that thing's creating bad habits oh i don't think so no no what would it no i don't believe so i think it's just it's good for the eyes and you are always punching you need to punch straight you just got to make sure that thing doesn't hit you in the head when it comes back yeah but i like that thing i don't actually have one but there is one at the gym you don't have one i even have one of those jack i even have one if you get one i'll send you one if you win yeah please, please. Your fight is on Singapore on June 11th. Yeah. Easy, same time zone, I heard you saying. Same time zone, five-hour flight, so it's pretty easy.
Starting point is 00:38:35 There won't be any issues with traveling. Will your wife go to it? She is going to come. She's going to come along. Are you dabbling in any crossfit these days um a little bit you know we do strength and condition i do strength and conditioning workout once a week and the guy that runs that is um yeah he's bing johnson he's a good crossfitter and yeah it's pretty much a crossfit workout basically probably one once ason he's a good crossfitter and yeah it's pretty much a crossfit workout basically probably one once a week he's a good at setting up um do you punch boxes
Starting point is 00:39:13 um i want i want to work out i want you to i want you to meet a uh friend of mine well i don't know if he's a friend of mine, but he's a dude I know. What's up? Justin. Justin Medeiros, the fittest man alive. He is. I have actually watched him many times. And meet Jack DeLaMadeleina, who's fighting in UFC 275 on June 11th on the main card.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Dude, what's up, man? How are you, Justin? Nice to meet you. Dude, doing awesome. You from Australia? Yeah, Australia. Oh, heck yeah. What do you mean, you know that? You've been watching the show for the last hour. What are you talking about? Dude, I've been training. I just got home.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Nice. Where are you from in America? I'm from the West Coast. I just kind of bounce around a bunch. But I actually just got a new training partner. She's from Australia. Oh, sweet. in america um i'm from like the west coast kind of bounce around a bunch but i actually uh just got a new training partner she's uh she's from australia oh sweet yeah all from adelaide oh hell yeah what a spot oh yeah i need to make a trip out there one of these days jack thanks for coming on dude no pleasure you're the man i'm so pumped that i that i've
Starting point is 00:40:23 jumped on the the jack train and uh we'll be rooting from you here in the states oh yeah i appreciate it enjoy guys that's me justin all the best man have a good one dude best of luck to you good luck in the future ciao hey hillar didn't get to meet him yeah you didn't bring me in on time hey justin dude what's up man how are you sir doing awesome how long have you been sitting there for five minutes oh okay in with the justin notes hey that video of you missing the rope is awesome. I try to try to make fun out of a shitty situation, man. I was pissed about it,
Starting point is 00:41:12 but it was so good. How did you get that footage? Uh, I had a guy out there for, um, uh, for my YouTube channel. I came up with a, I released a video about the whole weekend and he was sitting there video videotaping that workout. And I was throwing a little pouting fit after that workout. And he's just sitting there on his computer and then walked over and showed me that video. He thought he was freaking hilarious. How much of a difference do you think that made? Oh, well, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Before you go into that, that's actually – hold on. This whole video is going to be about this video. Dude, it's going to – yeah, I don't want to talk about that. Oh, we're going to talk about it. Can you go to Justin Medeiros' YouTube page, Caleb? Hey, do you know what else happened there, Hiller? What else happened there? I think I know.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Okay, because I didn't know until I went to Justin's YouTube station and watched the video. And missing it was only like half the problem. He got it. He got another big problem too, which is, which is just savage. What he did. On that exact role plan or a different role plan. That one. It was that one, right? Justin, it was the same one, right? No, I think it was a rep or two later. Oh, okay. Okay. You know, Hillary, you know it was a rep or two later. Oh, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:42:26 You know, Hillary, you know. I did know what you were talking about. That was a rough workout, man. I was really pissed. But, yeah. Let's just start there, and then we'll go back to the beginning. By the way, congratulations on the YouTube station. It's dope. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Trying to get it going. Do you edit those? No, not me. Not me. That's the one, right? Yep. Okay. Can you rewind that?
Starting point is 00:42:55 So for those of you who don't know exactly what's going on, basically the first one was he jumped and missed the rope, which is just awesome. Because I was actually asking what that actually looks like and then two hours later bam there it is on justin's instagram but this one here justin walk us through what happened here if you can well i mean i uh i got flustered after missing the rope i was uh i went into that workout i guess my workout to win and uh this had that mistake in a workout that cost seconds and then got into that
Starting point is 00:43:26 rope climb and it was so loud that i couldn't like i couldn't hear my judge and i went up to touch and i just like nicked it like just barely touched it and i was like shit like what if she no reps me and i come all the way down and i have to climb all the way back up like i'm screwed if that happens so like i nicked it came back down i'm like screw it go back up and touch one more time clear so then i went up and touched it again and yeah i mean after freaking yeah missing the rope on the rep number five and then on six or seven that happened man i was just like i was pissed i like crossed the finish line i was like i freaking got fourth in that workout like i was just so mad my coach gave me like 20 minutes to throw a fit that passed and i looked at the
Starting point is 00:44:11 leaderboard and i got seventh and i was like what in the f and you look at the times and i was two seconds away from winning i don't know it was just i was very mad i think there's more than two seconds of mess up there i could be wrong but uh i think i could have done a lot better in that workout but that's part of the game you know in a workout like that like you got to be able to execute it and i did not it could have been worse right you could have just come down and gotten the no rep and then yeah yeah i mean i didn't know what my judge did going back and watching it. It looks like she didn't even see it. So, uh, that's, uh,
Starting point is 00:44:45 it's on me to like, make sure that like, it's, it's my job to make the judge's job easy and I don't want to give them a reason to know, right. Me. And,
Starting point is 00:44:52 uh, yeah, I just, I just, I nicked it and wasn't sure if she saw it. So I went back up and touched again, but yeah, I was,
Starting point is 00:44:59 uh, I was pretty irritated and somehow my lead extended after that workout. And I was just, yeah, I don't even know i get this joke i've been saving my singles for justin he like like you're a stripper justin there's this story i've told several times about a professional arm wrestler i know named travis bajan and uh he said when you arm wrestle there's two people you have to beat you have to beat the
Starting point is 00:45:22 referee and your opponent and this is fucking fascinating this is going to be a story that i think all commentators all pundits should remember forever he got the rep but to make sure that he got it because the stadium was so loud he went up and hit it again whereas i think other athletes would have come down and fought with the ref and you didn't do that it's like this ultimate uh personal responsibility accountability i think it's uh that is that what do you think hillary is that or is that more just yeah he's i would say it's more data that he's the champ i would say it's kind of ingrained in you at a certain point. So when running the affiliate, you would see people doing workouts.
Starting point is 00:46:09 And a lot of the stuff that I do comes from character of people. And Justin's got a character. He's like, okay, he's going to leave no stone unturned. He's going to get his ass up there and make sure that he's not leaving it up to chance. And then you kind of also see when people, when push comes to shove, they'll argue with the judge or if they're in a gym setting, they'll shave a couple of reps and they're like, oh, no one's going to care. But the only one you're really cheating is yourself. In his case, he was just trying to help himself out.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Like he could have gotten template, I just said, but he got fourth. And it's still not as good as it could have been. But also because of his character, he ended up being on top after everything was said and done. Hope that made sense. Yeah, I did did you're a good dude justin thanks man you won't be the subject of any of andrew's uh videos what did you think when you saw the video i put up on you i gotta ask i was hoping that you said that i was like i was like i want to see what ground this guy has to stand on you know like this is clickbait he's gonna say i'm on it everyone says people at the top's on it i was like i want to make a whole video about it like i want to see what ground he has to stand on and i was like okay i mean i actually might like this guy like so like half half of the fun in
Starting point is 00:47:20 making those is like i've gotten pulled out by tommy marquez for like not reaching out to people it's like hey you don't do your due diligence and ask the sources i go half the fun in making those is like I've gotten pulled out by Tommy Marquez for like not reaching out to people. It's like, hey, you don't do your due diligence and ask the sources. I go, half the fun is making the video and then imagining what they think when they see it. So I imagine you wake it up and you're like, oh, my God. I had tons of people send me that video. And then I heard you say another one. I was like, I want to see it. And as like the first couple of minutes, i was like i want to see it as like
Starting point is 00:47:45 the first couple of minutes i was waiting for you to like take a stance and you really didn't and then finally you took your stance i was like okay like let's see where he has to stand on let's uh let's go through this thing it was like what two-thirds of the way through i think i actually said that i thought you were natural yeah something like that your mom messaged me and she's like thanks for making a nice video on just i'm like i thought she was like oh my god i'm gonna kill this guy yeah oh yeah dude my mom will let you know she watches everything yeah dude his dad was loading the pickup truck with guns he lives in illinois we'll find him dang right when when why did you start the youtube station when did you start it me yeah uh so it's actually pretty cool i don't if people haven't watched it they should go back
Starting point is 00:48:35 and watch my first like real youtube video i did that it's good huh i did that it's pretty good yeah maybe i watched the second one it's a Wadapalooza qualifier. Well, yeah. So I have those videos back on there that I just posted for qualifiers and stuff like that. And then I have a video on there that's called In the Hunt. Oh, okay. Are you standing there in the shadows? Like you're all shadowy?
Starting point is 00:49:03 Yeah, I think so. I think it's that one. And so, yeah, and it's a documentary of the 2020 games of Stage 1. It was my first ever CrossFit Games. Adam right there, he's been in the games 10 times. It's been like a crazy, like he knows what the games are. Like it's just such an experience. And my first ever games was going to be held inside the affiliate, which was really cool.
Starting point is 00:49:29 I mean, it's a unique, but like, I mean, it's not the CrossFit games, you know, like you're not out there and in front of like fans in the stadium or everything else. So he wanted to make that special for me. So he surprised me actually, and hired some video guy to come out there and make like a five to 10 minute video for my family. I mean, none of us thought I was getting top 10, let alone top five, let alone top three, you know. So he came to make the video. It turned out to be a really cool story.
Starting point is 00:49:57 He made a 35 minute like documentary about it that turned out to be really awesome. And then we posted it on my YouTube. And from then it was like, you know what? Like, uh, let's actually try to make like some videos. So kind of since then, that same guy has,
Starting point is 00:50:10 uh, been helping me. And we brought some other people on the team too, to kind of help with them. But, uh, yeah, just like by chance,
Starting point is 00:50:15 Adam wanted to do something cool for my family. And it turned into a, a whole story. So you had, so you had two video guys fly out to syndicate. Uh, no. So I, where were you at? Were you at the Mac out to Syndicate? No.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Wait, where were you at? Were you at the Mac or you were at Syndicate, right? I was at Syndicate. But Salvi's the guy that kind of helped me get the YouTube off the ground. And I have another friend named Dallas. His schedule's a lot more flexible. Long-time friend, always on video work. So he came out there and videotaped it and then sent the stuff back to Salvi that edited it so we can get it out quicker. I'd like to say this to Salvi.
Starting point is 00:50:47 There's this kind of filmmaking. It's called verite filmmaking, and a lot of people have left it. Basically, it's called truth filmmaking, and it's just fly-on-the-wall filmmaking. And I just really liked your video because it reminded me of that style. It's just like the truth. It's not like hyper polished. It's edited very professionally, obviously, with a lot of quick cuts and like the story's moving and the music's great. But it was real.
Starting point is 00:51:13 And there are some real lines in there. I like the part where I like seeing yours. Here it is. Terms of cinema verite and direct cinema are often used interchangeably to describe a style of observational documentary style filmmaking that feels real impromptu not scripted and so much of the stuff we get from our uh crew now is so polished and scripted um it's nice to see it kind of like a one-man team kind of do that uh go back to this old school real feel but like when uh adam i like seeing yours and adam's relationship that's like my favorite part and i like it when he's pulling the uh
Starting point is 00:51:51 the knee sleeve off you yeah and and there's there's a great those are kind of small aren't they yeah yeah they're a little tight you know well how are your legs that big what are they mediums yeah they're mediums yeah is that on purpose is that on purpose you're too cheap to buy the largest or you like them that tight no i like them that tight yeah we were talking about that in the last show how they're a slight performance enhancer the knee sleeves they're they're allowed don't get me wrong like where i mean you could say the same thing about a belt. Yes, you can. That's what we were saying. What was the competition,
Starting point is 00:52:28 do you remember? There was some competition where they weren't allowing knee sleeves. Oh, it was at the regionals one year that a regional director had sent me an anonymous email basically saying that one year we made everyone take the tape off their shoes for handstand pushups
Starting point is 00:52:43 against the wall because it helped them slide on tape off the heels and um and uh and and pull off knee sleeves and then someone said that they had been at competitions where someone had put on these super thin sleeves were the only ones that were allowed so some competitors would put two pair on yeah that's that's weird i mean i don't know i mean i think uh like obviously yeah there's like things that helps i mean grips for pull-ups belts knee sleeves weightlifting shoes i mean to an extent it's all loud that you do helps like uh what was that thing panchik did at the games last year where he put water on the ground for something what was that i'm not sure was were there monkey bars or there was somewhere he put water on the ground? Well, I think it got on the pegboards for some people and fucked up their pegboards for them, made them slippery.
Starting point is 00:53:29 I don't remember that at all. I don't know. That's the type of weird stuff I'll remember too. Okay. Um, so you get, you get the YouTube. No, I'm not making up that you get this brain so little. Um, you get the YouTube station started and then who and then who decides that you're going to film at the syndicate? Do you say, hey, guys, turn on your cameras.
Starting point is 00:53:53 We're going to syndicate. Or does Adam, or is it something that they're like, hey, we want to come make a piece? How does that work? It's kind of mostly, I think, on me. I mean, obviously, they're always willing to kind of help me out. But I kind of think those are kind of the cool things to kind of storytell. I mean, everyone gets to watch the event. I think people like seeing kind of like behind the scenes how I act with just me, my friends, and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:54:20 And that's kind of the part that I want to highlight. You can go and watch the events, and I don't want to make that like the the focus point of the channel just kind of i want people to like learn about me what i do like in between training sessions and stuff like that and obviously we're going to show some highlights of training but you're not going to go to my channel and see all my workouts all the highlights and stuff like that like it's just kind of see like how i am during my training day and how i am during competition and in between workouts so it's kind of on me. And obviously like Dallas, he's the guy that kind of comes with me.
Starting point is 00:54:48 He's like a long-term friend. So it's super easy. Like he knows when to like back away and when to like, okay, like I can talk to him now. And he's a friend. So it's not like it's a, like he stayed with me in my hotel room. So it's not like it's a bother or anything like that. And that, and that's the important thing. If it was like a video guy that I didn't know, like, so it's not like it's a bother or anything like that. And that's the important thing. If it was like a video guy that I didn't know, like then that would be like more of an issue, you know?
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah, it's – it's – it's – Sevan, when you were watching that, did you at all get like – I don't get to – I don't get to – I don't get time to say it. I'm cutting you off. Yeah. I'm cutting you off. I'm cutting you off. It feels easy. You feel normal. Well, I just saw Brian Friend called, and I wasn't sure if I should answer that or not.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I didn't know if it would be rude to just bring him on to the show. Fuck it. Okay. He really wants to talk to you. Yeah. You have to tell him he's on or else that's illegal. Yeah. Brian, I'm live on the air, and you're live with me.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Sorry. Should I send you a link you want to come on with us no one wants to hear what i'm about to tell you call me when you're done okay bye which means everyone wants to hear me bring it back wow get them back out demand it um intense that was intense right that was intense he doesn't do you get phone calls like that often from him he's a very serious man I like if I got that phone call from anybody like you know what guys I gotta go you know like I gotta go see what this is about uh you seem very comfortable in front of the camera that's all I was gonna say okay sorry go go ahead Mr. Hiller oh I just wanted
Starting point is 00:56:22 to say that and I want to see your opinion of this on is if you when you were watching this youtube video if you had any sort of frowning documentary vibes because you remember the frowning movie the best parts of that in my opinion because it's kind of what i was into and still am into were the training pieces and the little bit like the little glimpses of the competition and justin what you just said was that you didn't want to show the entire thing but you want to show like a little glimpse of it and what was going on around it for you and yourself and i thought that was pretty cool really well done by the guys who did the video for you heck yeah i appreciate that um caleb at 155 uh he calls uh jason hopper this is
Starting point is 00:57:00 this is one of the highlights in the video um No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Jason called me. I never talked to him, and I'm sitting there the night before competition. I'm like, show it to Dallas. I'm like, look who's calling me. What the hell does this guy want? He wanted to steal your shoes. And did he FaceTime you?
Starting point is 00:57:24 Yeah, he FaceTimed me. The dude is, yeah, he's my favorite dude to hate. Okay, so this is the night before the syndicate. You're in your hotel room with your filmmaker, and this is what goes down. Here we go. Not this. What are you going to open up with with the complex? I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Probably like 315. I want to give myself a shot at 400. You're going to hit like 352. Probably. Tie what I did at Rogue.
Starting point is 00:58:02 That's what I was thinking. I know you suck at skiing too so we'll see how much you improve on that too i know man it's gonna be so much fun dude skiing wall balls freaking rowing pretty much i suck at everything this weekend like if you if you if you don't if you don't beat me you should be worried? I mean, you beat me last year, and you saw what happened at the games. And if I beat you this year, it's like shit. You're going to outlift me. You're going to smash me in the thruster workout.
Starting point is 00:58:33 You're going to beat me in the last workout. He's videotaping you now. Be careful what you say. Hey, I can't wait to see Justin on the echo bike. We're going to put a little icon right here that says Justin's best friend. Right there. BFF. We'll see how it goes.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I think I'm going to have something for you at the end of this weekend. I got a little something for you. I've been thinking about you. Don't you worry. It's good. Hey, at that point, did you know what you were going to give him at the end? Oh, for sure. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:59:05 You did know. Yeah. I don't want to tell you guys what. You guys got to watch the video to see. Justin does give him something at the end. It's pretty good. You got to go watch the video. So you never talked to him before that?
Starting point is 00:59:20 That was the first time? You've never spoken to Jason like that on a phone call? I mean, he's a funny dude. That was the first time you'd ever spoken to Jason like that on a phone call? I mean, he's a funny dude. You know, like after the games last year, we spent like a week in Miami together. We like went there to film for Wadapalooza. So like we spent time like that, but kind of bantered with him a little bit at Wadapalooza. I actually laughed at the 400 comment. I was watching the video and i giggled out loud this guy's like taking over to go out there give him
Starting point is 00:59:52 my whole freaking strategy and everything man i'm like he gave you he gave you his i know yeah what are you telling me for it's like what is frazier teaching you this is this this is why you stick with knifer you you know jason's watching this too he's gonna go back and watch this oh he's gonna be like this motherfucker yeah and you did open with 315 you ended up opening with 315 you yourself yeah yeah giving him a chance at 400 dang right yeah and you say in the video that you were willing that you were prepared that day to do uh 345 is that for real yeah yeah i mean you wanna i wanted to open like yeah i don't need to talk about too much but uh yeah i went 315 went to 330 and that that's a 15 pound jump so that allows me to make another 15 pound jump if i wanted to. Like couldn't go to 350 or 355 or anything like that after.
Starting point is 01:00:48 So 15 pound jump was prepared to make another 15 pound jump. Me and Adam were talking like or not talking, but trying to communicate a little bit about what I needed to hit. 330 was a solid lift. Kind of take the points, hit 335, beat the people I needed to beat, you know, and, uh, kind of move on with the rest of the weekend. And I, and I, and I think, I think after hitting three 35, there's definitely a lot more in the tank there. Um, I felt like, uh, felt really strong during that lift too. So good way to walk away from the weekend through. Is there, and then, and then there's a line in there that Adam says, I think it's Adam who says it, we open with a lift that we know for sure we can do, or maybe
Starting point is 01:01:26 you say it, one of you says it, but what if you don't make that lift? What if, what if you catch it too far forward on your shoulders and you don't make it? Is there a plan B? Do you guys even talk about a plan B? Uh, I mean, no, I mean, like, like you, like you said, like we open under weight that we know we're going to hit. And, uh doubt in my mind that that weight's going to happen. I think that's just the weight that I got to get through. Once you get that weight, it's all downhill from there. Seven, I'd have to venture to a bet for Justin. It'd be like you wandering in the garage to go pick up 205 on the deadlift.
Starting point is 01:01:58 You just know it's in there. No, I don't. You can do it. You know you can do that. It's the same thing for him. Wander in there, warm up a little bit. The thing I want to talk about with Justin and all this is that you do an ungodly amount of stretching. Every other clip in that thing is you stretching, which I think is awesome.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I mean, you're very mobile. You can tell that you work on it, and it's clear in the video. But a little bit of stretching, and then you're out there, and you're hitting 315. So, Sevan, to go back to your point. I just think that it's, he, there was no doubt in his mind. He was going to hit that. And that should be the point for a lot of the athletes. You see it's the case in the final heat, but in the first heat, that's the only one where some people were missing with the exception of Oscar,
Starting point is 01:02:39 the, the, the big guy with no neck who opened at three 35. Yeah. Did you see that? That made no sense to me. What watching what he did. I mean, he was going for 400 actually. He was dude. What did you think about, um, what did you think about, uh, Tudor Magda his performance? Uh, yeah, dude, honestly, to be honest, I mean, I, I honestly haven't heard about anything about him before Adam Uh, yeah, dude, honestly, to be honest, I mean, I, I honestly haven't, uh,
Starting point is 01:03:05 heard about anything about him before Adam had, uh, I was talking to Adam kind of going in and now we're just kind of trying to like feel out like, okay, like who's the people here that are going to like kind of hit some big weights. And I had some people in my mind that thought we're going to do pretty good in the event. And Adam said that, no, dude, he's a strong kid too. and Adam said that no dude he's a strong kid too and I didn't know that uh he was working with uh Townsend or anything like that but I was honestly really impressed with him off the weekend obviously he had a big lift and I think honestly like last year I mean Jason opened up and he snatched 300 I was like oh okay like I mean we still have five more events like he's probably gonna taper off you know and uh Jason didn't he ended up winning that last year and i think that kind of the same thing for me about like tutor i mean
Starting point is 01:03:48 he hit a big lift but like he held his own the rest of the weekend i was super impressed obviously he's 19 years old like that crazy that's insane he moves well and i think he's uh i think he's got a bright future i got a great question go go after that. So we keep on talking about Haley Adams and how the big thing she's missing is her strength. And we're now talking about Townsend as athlete tutor. And we're talking about you. And I remember one of the first things that I remember about you that really stuck out was your fun squat in the online qualifier for the games in 2020. And that was the video that we all just saw. And where do you think that your progression
Starting point is 01:04:27 and strength came from and where do you think it may be lacking in something like Haley is it a genetic component or is it something that you and your coach work on quite a bit and is it something linear that you've seen happening or how do you feel about all that I mean I think he's clearly missing it a bit yeah no I it's definitely something that I've worked on I mean, I think he's clearly missing it a bit. Yeah, no, it's definitely something that I've worked on. I mean, you went back and kind of went through my Instagram and I've kind of always like lifted weights. I mean, I remember the reason why I started CrossFit in the first place, I joined football and my mom wanted me to like be strong.
Starting point is 01:04:59 So she joined the CrossFit gym. Okay, I think it'd be good for you there. And I remember like I did like my first football like weightlifting thing and like they're teaching cleans and then I joined CrossFit a couple months later and like CrossFit was telling me to like make contact with my hip and I was like what the heck does that mean like in weightlifting like football they're just like reverse curl you know I didn't know what that was and uh I think going like when I first tried to CrossFit that was like one of the main priorities was strength. And my coach before Adam, I mean, I got that.
Starting point is 01:05:29 I was like one of the strongest I've ever been my freshman year of my sorry, my senior year of high school. Like I didn't beat my front squat PR until 2020 games from my freshman year or senior year of high school. So you said prioritize and that's just kind of the way you look at it, right? So she prioritizes Metcons. Yeah. And I think obviously there is a genetics component to it, but I don't think that's like a make or break. I definitely think, I mean, if you have a, if your mindset is that, oh, I'm just genetically
Starting point is 01:06:02 bad at this, I'll never be good. Then you're never going to be good. You know, that's why I'm saying, that's why I asked asked because I don't want to say that that's what it is. I mean, clearly, it's going to help a bit to an extent. But if you were prioritizing it for four years in high school to the point where your senior year, you were kind of topping out. And then only, what, four years later, you're beating a PR from your senior year in high school. It's something that maybe she should be prioritizing it a bit. No, for sure. Who's to tell her what to do?
Starting point is 01:06:27 My argument to it is there's no world where Matt Frazier should be good on the machine, in my eyes. He's 5'6". If you're short, you're bad on the machine. That's just what people say. The dude gets top five in machine events. It's like, okay, so why can't that be
Starting point is 01:06:44 reversed to stretch it? Haley know? So there's a, he was going to hear that. Yeah. Justin, after the rope climb, you, you, you said something here. And I think some people take it tongue in cheek, but you said, uh, your coach gave you 20 minutes to feel sorry for yourself. And then you had to get over it. But in the video, it appears you may have even set a timer. Is there an actual timer he sets and you look down and you say,
Starting point is 01:07:09 there's three and a half minutes left. Yeah. Wow. And it cues you, the alarm goes off on the iPhone. You're like, all right, that's done.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Yep. There's, there's no more. I mean, obviously I'm still thinking about a little bit, but it's like, I have that 20 minutes to talk about it, complain about it, act like a little girl and just fr uh like i have that 20 minutes to talk about it complain about it
Starting point is 01:07:25 act like a little girl and just freaking bitch and complain for a while and then uh and then after that 20 minutes it's just like all right like get over it but right when that timer went off i was i shut up laid down looked at the leaderboard and i did a lot worse than i thought i did and then i needed another like 10 minutes, but like, wait, what you say, you looked at the leaderboard and you thought you did worse. I thought you said you took seventh and Hiller said you took fourth.
Starting point is 01:07:50 What did you take? I took seventh. So, Oh, I thought I heard you say you took fourth. Okay. So there was a, there was a time from the previous seat.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Did you hear Hiller? Fuck that up. Did you hear Hiller? Fuck that up. I did. I don't want to make a video on that. Yeah. I don't want to make them sound bad,
Starting point is 01:08:04 but me neither. I'm glad I got it. Take your punches. pull them yeah i know but i i knew the guy from previous he beat me and then uh uh sprague beat me and then i think it was tutor that slid past me and i was just i was super pissed that tutor beat me and i was pissed that i messed up in the event and i was like like, I got fricking fourth place, like super irritated. And then I went back and looked at the leaderboard and I got seventh and the workout that I thought I was going to win, like hand in hand ended up being my worst finish of the weekend.
Starting point is 01:08:35 So it's always a great, it is. It must be frustrating. Like someone who's James Sprague, who hasn't even finished going through puberty beats you. That's dude. It's gotta be, I know. And it's just like, it's not. That's dude. It's gotta be, I know.
Starting point is 01:08:46 And it's just like, it's not even a fitness thing. It's a poor execution thing. And that's like the worst feeling ever. Like James, James is a beast. I'm just busting his, James is a monster. He's a great kid, but he does. Yeah. But yeah, but he does seem so, I mean, he's just got just young, such young energy, uh, at 10 at 10 20 um can you pull that up caleb in the video i see you talking to the judge how um tell me about your interaction with your judges when you first walk up and is that important like the eye contact shake their hand schmooze them you know or do you have a protocol for um for your judges i mean i definitely i mean i wouldn't call it a protocol but uh i mean those i mean i volunteered at the games before and stuff like that and i know it's
Starting point is 01:09:30 it's pretty like shitty i mean i did it once it didn't go back the next year you know it's like it's uh it's a lot of hard work and stuff and obviously you get um like it's obviously a really cool experience and i encourage people to do it but like i mean those guys are out there volunteering their time. Like, and, uh, I mean, to go out there and just like shake their hands, like, Hey, like pretty much I walked up, shake them the Cape. Thank you. I'm Justin. Uh, if I mess up, be really loud, like tell me what I'm doing wrong so I can fix it. And that's about it.
Starting point is 01:10:00 And if I have any questions about the flow of the event or anything, that's like my last chance to be like, Hey, can I do this? Right. Like, or, or, or whatever question I have. And I was, I don't know if you'd go back and watch. There it is right there. Like, what are you saying to her right there? Do you remember? I was trying to tell her about, she was trying to communicate to me. I wanted her to tell me what round I was on.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Cause they told us in the briefing that they're going to say nine. And that means you're on your last round like you're never no i think that's something hitler said that's like take the jews to the uh to the train nine yeah and then yeah so then i was running back on the rope climb that i i missed the rope and i was going like this because i was like she's about to say five right i was like in the lead or like really close to it i'm like all right time to like push for it now and then she said four she's like no four and then i was like in the lead or like really close to it i'm like all right time to like push for it now and then she said four she's like no four and then i was like what and then i was confused i
Starting point is 01:10:50 missed the rope i ran back and she said six and and just so you know justin i used to have a deaf girlfriend and this doesn't mean five it means you want you want the back of my hand bitch back just so you know just yeah so be careful with how you're how your nines in your hand. There's other languages out there. To your left is the best judge of the semifinal competition right now. Yep, there he is. Bald dude? Oh, yeah, that's him.
Starting point is 01:11:16 I believe that's him. No, it might not be him. Now that I'm looking closer. Sorry. Okay. And have you had any... are you happy with the judging? Me? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Yeah, no, for sure. I mean, I think – I mean, like I said before, it's our job as an athlete to make the judge's job easy. And if you give them a reason to give you a no rep, then they're probably going to give it to you. Like, it's your job to make it clear. And if you're riding that line, then you're risking that as an athlete for them to no rep you. And I think that's, and I've been on the shitty end of that, you know, I think, uh, going back and watching the Mac in 2020, I got no reps on a countless number of wall balls because I wasn't hitting depth. And I think all my wall balls look the same, but I was right at parallel.
Starting point is 01:12:06 So they could all been no reps and they could all been reps. And I think that's, it's, it's something that me and Adam talk about. I mean, just go below parallel. Don't give them a reason to no rep you. So,
Starting point is 01:12:14 uh, I think, uh, obviously there probably is a lot like bad situations of judging, but I think a lot of them can be fixed by just doing your job as an athlete. Like if you're riding that line, then they gonna like and they call it like i don't know like it's it's and you're not gonna argue with your judge out there like just do what they tell
Starting point is 01:12:34 you to do and then figure it out after the event if you have a problem with it can you make it they should clip what the crossfit game should clip that segment as spoken by the game's champion from last year and like just play it for the semi-finals and i think there's an adrian bosman quote for back in the day where he's talking about if you do a rep 99 of the way that means you still didn't do the rep the right way yeah for sure and uh crossfit just so you know if you do clip that and post it i i won't report it. I let it go. It's awfully nice of you. One love. And then it's also,
Starting point is 01:13:09 if you leave it up to judgment, expect there to be a judgment call. For sure. I think that was another one. Is it unrealistic? I think the only time that like it's hard is when, and like, if it's not clear before the workout,
Starting point is 01:13:22 you know, and I think that's the only time that things can get confusing. But other than that, it's like, it's do your job. Is it is it unrealistic to think you're going to go to an event like Syndicate or the games and not get a single no rep? I mean, I think that would be pretty awesome. I mean, that's always the goal. I mean, I I think I don't think I've ever done an event that, and not got a no rep, but, uh, I wonder if anyone has. Yeah. And I think, and I think that's like your kind of job as an athlete.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Like I'm going to push that line and hopefully my judge calls it to me. Like if I'm, my judge is not calling it, like, then like as a judge, if you see an athlete that's doing a bunch of no reps, like in a competition and the judge isn't calling it that's not the athlete's fault in my opinion that's the judge's fault it's the athlete's job to ride that line for sure and and they're gambling you know like you're you're rolling the dice and you're gonna push that line hard as you can and it's the judge's job to hold that line and i think uh if you see an athlete that's doing a bunch of no reps they're not getting called then i mean I mean, obviously I'm going to be frustrated. I'm like, damn, why didn't I do that?
Starting point is 01:14:27 Or kind of whatever. But it's the judge's job to kind of do that. And you kind of push it. Okay, I'm not getting no rep. Like, I'm going to kind of push this a little bit further. And hopefully then my judge will be like, usually the judge will give you a warning and then no rep you. And then you fix it. Speaking of pushing the line,
Starting point is 01:14:45 are you the most dominant cribbage athlete player on earth? You're not even a cribbage. Isn't cribbage like – what the fuck is cribbage? Cribbage is the best game ever. And yes, I'm the most dominant player on earth. Do you play? Do you play? Yeah, Matt Fraser plays too.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Okay, fine. Are you the most dominant cribbage player on earth? For sure. I'm going to take the title, you know? If anybody wants the title, catch me outside. And also, how long have Ellie and you been in a relationship? Not been in a relationship. I think you asked that question.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Right down here it says, says oh it says make sure you ask justin this justin what did you say last time your mile time was i missed it last time you were on hi dude you have to go back and look at that i don't remember what i said 523 that's all right that's 523 there you go i find it a hard. I'm really trying this year to like really break that six-minute mile mark. Did you even – were you even going to let it slip for a second, Justin? No. Do you judge the programming? There were some athletes who were saying like, hey, it's not even worth like watching these –
Starting point is 01:16:02 anyone complain or say anything about the programming because we're going to have to go out there and do it and judging it and complaining about it isn't uh helpful to the performance i mean it's not helpful for performance but i think it's fun okay i like that like i like looking at it being like oh well this is super biased or whatever it is i mean it's not like i mean i think i think it's like the same thing people like oh why pay attention and try to guess the open workouts like it doesn't help you perform i'm like well but it's kind of fun like i want to brag if i get it right like like i called that shit you know so um i mean it's obviously not i mean every athlete i feel like says that their semi-final was the hardest or we had the most toughest athletes or whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:16:47 I mean, I think that's – Were people saying that at yours? Huh? Were people saying that over at yours? Yeah, I mean – That you had the best athletes at your semifinal? For sure. I mean, everyone was like, oh, yeah, we had the strongest athletes here.
Starting point is 01:16:59 And it was a strength-biased weekend. Well, in your video – we keep talking about your video you uh brought up the bike the echo bike workout how that was exclusively a biking workout whoever wins the bike wins the workout still feel that way after having done it because i think you said it before and it was an edited video yeah no i i i definitely said that before i mean i mean going into that workout i mean uh the tank push i mean long as you don't stop, you're not really going to make up time anybody on that. I think for the most part, the dumbbell work, the reps take what they take. There might be a couple seconds variation between athlete to athlete, but when someone beats someone in that workout by 30 seconds, it's not like they did double press 30 seconds quicker you know like
Starting point is 01:17:45 they they bite quicker you know and i think that was kind of the deciding factor so now that we're talking programming could you just say make it a 10 minute am rep for bike calories and then call it a day like the leaderboard would have filtered out the same way then right did hopper win and hopper would have won and you would have been like top four as well? I think Sprague beat him. Oh, he did. And I called that. I forgot about that. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Sprague would have won, then Hopper. I think Sprague got Hopper in a couple workouts and it was kind of fun. Hopper's pissed. Yeah. Hopper's like – It was good. Hopper's getting soft. I don't even understand this comment.
Starting point is 01:18:24 How many reps – how long could Justin rep my last tip video I posted with? You process that. I can't process that. I think he posted a video. But thank you, Zachary, for the dough. Try rewriting it again. Yeah. how many try rewriting it again yeah hey what did that berry remind you of in knoxville strawberry oh what i i need to go back and look at the comments because i it looked like a baby i don't know what what it was but it was everywhere in the grass like people from tennessee got to know what kind
Starting point is 01:19:03 of berry that was oh Oh, you were asking. Okay, I thought you were saying it looks like and then it blocked out because it looked... Yeah, what is that guy doing? Banded hip thrusting. He's getting that booty work, you know? You do a lot of those, Justin? Dang right.
Starting point is 01:19:21 There was a part in the video where you said, hey, you were meeting christy aramo downstairs do you guys have the same manager or something yeah we do daniel daniel daniel matt o'keefe oh okay and is that why you were hooking up with her she's okay okay because at first i was like are they like it's she's like what it's one of those athletes i mean not like uh like daniel Matt work with a bunch of athletes But Chrissy is one of those people That I've gravitated towards
Starting point is 01:19:50 I think she's awesome Yeah she seems cool Something to get along with Easy huh Hey there's me Oh that's what you bought with your prize That's what you bought with your Fittest man in the world prize money.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Yeah. A little bite right there. Justin, between now and the games, will you just kind of stay hunkered down in one spot and just tend to training and eating and sleeping? Yeah, pretty much. One of my coaches is up in Vancouver, Washington, Jesse Bufano.
Starting point is 01:20:27 So I'm planning on going up there for like a week. I've honestly never been to his gym before. And it's pretty funny. I mean, I've worked with him for a year and a half now. I know him like hand in hand. We do three sessions a week together and we FaceTime for every session they're two hours long and i've only met him once in person do you do you know uh miranda and julian alcaraz
Starting point is 01:20:52 i mean not personally but i know they are yeah they're up there in um they're up there in vancouver by the way yeah they're good they're good people i'm i'm sure i'm sure your coach has a place to train but i bet you they have a place a pretty crazy place to train too so if you need to reach out to someone they're really cool people yeah they're the founders of street park yeah yeah and they're up there and they got a ton of resources so while you're up there and they're they're awesome people they're easy yeah i've heard so many good things about them yeah so if you if you were up there and you reached out to them it might even be just a fun thing just to
Starting point is 01:21:24 have breakfast with them or connect with them they're cool people though for sure not you hillar um all right i just got friend requested by i think it was julian so oh damn all right so we know each other i want to ask are you going to go to golf justin golf you you you ditched us the other day for top golf which set on has no idea what it is so i have to be the one to ask you if you're any good at it um i mean i'm better at crossfit all right well obviously you're the best i mean it'd be like it'd be like hey tiger woods you any good at baseball and he'd be like well i'm pretty good at golf i'm better at golf what is top golf what golf? What is it? Is it like miniature golf? No, it's like a driving range, like a glorified driving range.
Starting point is 01:22:10 There's a couple levels to it. It's probably like three levels. And there's like bays that you can get that are kind of like similar to like a lane at bowling. There's like couches, a lane to like hit your shot off grass they have clubs for you you can order food and drinks and stuff like that if you're into that but uh yeah like you can it's like kind of like bowling but for golf you like you buy around there's games there's a bunch of different like uh uh flags and stuff that are different sizes and different distances away and you like you make them in you get points i don't really play any games let's try to hit as far as i can every time did do you at all look at this as a
Starting point is 01:22:48 method is training for the games considering it's hard to get any sort of twisting method twisting training in and just everything's so in a boxing class you know they say it's in the one plane so when you're going to golf are you doing it with the plan to get a little bit of an adaptation out of it or you're just going to have some fun, probably to have some fun. I mean, we'll probably have some fun, but like,
Starting point is 01:23:09 uh, obviously I do CrossFit, but like, I kind of like pride myself being an athlete. And I don't like when people are better than me at things. And like, I hate when someone's like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:23:17 let's go do this. And then we go do it. And I suck. So like, whatever it is, I try to be pretty competent and like, whatever I do. And who knows what's going to come out of the game this year?
Starting point is 01:23:33 What's Justin's mom time. Sub five. Sub five is cooking. Hey, so top mark, top, top golf is like trade. It's like Kmart.
Starting point is 01:23:44 It's like, well, it's like McDonald's. It's like Kmart. It's like McDonald's. It's like Tiffany's. It's a trademark. There's a chain of them? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:51 I heard it costs $10 million to put the satellite up in the sky to have the Topgolf balls tracked. So now everyone knows. Wait a second. Wait a second. Your balls are tracked? There's a little tracker in the golf ball. You hit the golf ball, and it goes at the targets. And there's a little screen where you can see the golf ball going at the targets,
Starting point is 01:24:12 and that's how you play. So Justin's like, all right, I'm aiming it. Yeah, so Justin's like, I'm going to hit it at the green target. And he tried to aim at the green target, and depending on how good he is, he'll either get it there or he won't. So there are special balls there. All the balls there are like special balls. Yeah special balls yeah shit yeah they are little trackers normal but they got little trackers in them it sounds like a place for people just an excuse to just eat um buffalo
Starting point is 01:24:35 wings fries and get drunk you got that right some funny videos of people pretty wasted there yeah falling into the nets are there are girls there or is it just dudes? I think it's just like there's groups of friends, so just like everybody. Like bowling. Hey, so Justin, you're competitive and you're there. Do you get just enraged when you'll be playing with people and you'll hit a pretty good shot and you'll just barely miss one of the targets that's a little bit downfield? And then you'll be playing with someone who's completely dog shit.
Starting point is 01:25:02 They'll barely hit it and they'll roll barely into that one net up front and get a bunch of points oh yeah my god doesn't count it just drives you insane oh my god yeah you're like here i'm just gonna like chop it into the ground and the girls go oh my god i get it i did it or they slice it and it goes to the like the one being competitive you're yeah oh yeah all right What else? Go to the next topic. We're done. Top golf. We're done. Actually we're done. I just am so done. All right. Back in the top golf. Okay. I'm, I'm so glad you came on. I'm pumped about your YouTube station. I just really liked the video. So I wanted to bring it on, give it some love,
Starting point is 01:25:39 break it down, dig into some of the scenes. I knew a Hiller would like doing that too. We had both been talking about the video we both liked it so i appreciate you coming on and letting us uh uh go go deeper into it tell the boys that they did a fucking killer job and making it and are they are you making one for the games too yeah no i think i will pretty sure all right sweet today about it so i think it'd be good do you have plans for after the games go home go to lodi or lodi california hang out there for a while see some family and friends and kind of relax i'm like i mean obviously it's my first season training without school so like this is my first off
Starting point is 01:26:17 season without school so i'm kind of pretty excited to kind of like actually decompress hey what are you going to do when you win the games? And someone says, Hey, I'm a CrossFit fan. I have a, you know, a $10 million mansion here in Aruba on the beach. You know, you can, you can use it for two weeks. Are you probably buy some tickets and go to Aruba? Right, right. All right. Good. Good. All right. I think I'm going to manifest that for you.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Yeah, put it out there. Guys, tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., who do we – oh, tomorrow at 7 a.m., we have Victor on. Victor is the guy – you're on that show too, right, Andrew? Yeah, so is Justin. No, Justin's not on the show. No, but I am, guys. Andrew Hiller will be here and so will Brian Friend and we're going to talk to that team from I think Germany right
Starting point is 01:27:10 yes or somewhere I don't know where they're from but basically Sweden I got over 100 DMs people reposting this guy's stuff about how he got screwed by the CrossFit Games tomorrow we'll get to the bottom of it and find out if they really
Starting point is 01:27:26 did get screwed see you guys all later

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