The Sevan Podcast - #435 - Granite Games Event 2 Recap | Danielle Brandon, Rebecca Fuselier, James Townsend, Hiller, Howell, Self

Episode Date: June 5, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Andrew Hiller, Matt Souza is back in the house after working all day across the Livermore. Joe Howell's here. Got a baby in the house.
Starting point is 00:00:44 And we're stoked to have James Town townsend on all day today all day all day yeah me who's on my deathbed i'm in washington i couldn't tell if i was going to poop or vomit all day but i'm here i'm sitting on a toilet and you look good on that shirt thank you thank you it's a one-of-a-kind travis even said you get that shirt you look good sick so that's a plus thank you um you want to start with the drama let's start with the drama obviously uh i'm getting word from uh some some real media that's on scene that um that there's some controversy about the platforms we saw that that guy. I'm trying to forget. I'm trying to forget.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I'm trying to remember his name. He was the guy with the man bun, and they said his dad won the Masters competition in I think it was the fittest man at 55 years old and older or something. I can't remember his name, and I didn't get my phone out in time to take the video, but basically this guy's foot slipped forward while he had something big overhead, 330. He was in a split.
Starting point is 00:01:46 He was doing 330, and you saw his front foot in the split slide forward. There was speculation from Chase Ingram that it was possibly moisture or those little rubber pellets that real athletes know about and I don't know shit about. JR, any thoughts? He wasn't the only one that I saw slip or at least look at the platform as if there was something slippery on it. Yeah, he turned around, right? Disgruntled? Yeah. What's the deal with that? Is that just part of the game or is like, no, no, you can't do that. That can't happen.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Well, it's definitely something that you want to try to prevent if possible. Mr. Hiller? It's part of what happens when you have an outdoor event like that. They set up the platforms, and I mean, it's something that he could have taken care of himself. Just make sure there's no turf on your freaking platform. You're about five minutes standing there, clean it off. Everyone else could deal with the same thing. It's probably going to be a new
Starting point is 00:02:45 protocol um james have you ever have you ever been to any olympic lifting competitions oh yeah okay right i assume and they're all indoor right none outdoor yeah all indoor and you've never in a hotel or a convention center and have you ever seen that problem um unless it's unless it's a girl you know peeing on the floor which is which is normal but other than that never like heller said you have five minutes four or five minutes to clean off your your platform so i mean so it's the new protocol now all the coaches are going to be telling their athletes hey if it's an outdoor event go out there clean off the platform it's just common sense though. All the coaches are going to be telling their athletes, hey, if it's an outdoor event, go out there, clean off the platform. That's just common sense, though.
Starting point is 00:03:27 That shouldn't be something you need a coach to tell you. If you're looking down and it's wet, clean the fucking thing off. Well, JR works with Jason Hopper and Taylor Self. Is it common sense, JR? I would assume that when you're out there, if they were given the opportunity to be out there and warm up then they would know that ahead of time but going out there in their first attempt being pretty heavy maybe they don't know until the first attempt but after the fact i mean sprinkle chalk on the platform do something
Starting point is 00:03:59 it was that guy's i think final attempt he did have a pretty strong uh position on it i don't know if you guys remembered it looked like i mean he had a good chance of standing it up and then his foot came forward so you're saying that's on the athletes that's not on uh that's not on uh the organizers yeah that's on the athlete i mean i don't i mean when i'm on the platform i don't even like to lift when there's chalk. You know, because going into a split jerk, I might slip. So it's common sense, like Hillary said. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:34 All right. Well, that's good. That's one off of the people who organized that event. That's one thing that they don't have to, right? One thing they don't have to worry about. I'd be too fired up. You go out there and you're, like, nervous and it's your first lift. Like, I don't know. You guys said it was common sense, but I feel like I'd be the one dude that would not do that. Yeah. But let's say you're slip, Suze. Afterwards, you'd be like, damn it.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I should have known to check the platform. Yeah, that's probably just my total lack of experience of competitive CrossFit. I haven't been to regionals, so, so, you know, and it's probably the, it's probably the coaches and managers who are feeling like that. They have to do their job and they have to say something. So they probably feel like if they don't say something or if they're not
Starting point is 00:05:15 upset, they're not doing their job. I think the afternoons get slapped around by the coach a little bit. If he's making that kind of an excuse. Well, once again, it comes down, it's consistent.
Starting point is 00:05:24 It comes down to personal responsibility and accountability uh how stoked was is uh is justin kotler just uh he is the most excited um coach out there did you see how excited he was when piece of golf he hit that 200 justin's the man i like he's the man I like Justin what do you like he um you know I've known him since uh 2014 since you know we we tried to do the grid I don't know if anybody remember great sure do yeah and um you know he you know he always come up and talk to me and talk about my lifts and stuff and what I'm doing and my kids. He's just a great guy overall, man.
Starting point is 00:06:10 So you're not surprised at all when you see this amazing camp forming over there with Underdog Athletics? No, because his team was like the top team that was winning it every year during grid. So he clearly knows what he's doing i heard dan airs hell hair purple he's the one who made him do it i scrutinized uh mal o'brien's last lift i put it in slow-mo and I looked at her feet and I think it's questionable did anyone else look at her feet?
Starting point is 00:06:50 I think it's questionable whether she had control in that final lift did anyone else take a look at that? you're a foot guy eh? well here's the thing her feet did go flat for a moment she did that kind of twisty leg thing in the back there do we have a video of that?
Starting point is 00:07:04 yeah we do have the clip of it. I worry about the length of it. And so the whole time I've been uploading these things. I'm like, and here's the thing. I mentioned it to a friend and the friend said, Hey,
Starting point is 00:07:16 it's not her fault. It's the rest of all. And yeah, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not saying it is her fault. She can only do that much, but it didn't,
Starting point is 00:07:22 it didn't stick out to any of you guys to look. I mean, she was doing some crazy footwork as she stood up one of her back feet it looked like she was just punch drunk for a second did you see that back foot like as it came up it was doing the onesie twosie and then and then it finally came forward and then she came up on her toes and the bar came down no okay no i know exactly what you're talking about and it looks like she ran out of platform correct she was approaching the sign on the front end of it. And then she like did what she could to try to stay there.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And she got the call from the judge at the last second. Almost what you're talking about is the call from the judge. Correct. Like the judge call it too early. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe not. But the judge did call it.
Starting point is 00:08:00 So I haven't seen the clip. What Simone is talking about is her back foot definitely does slip and slide around a little bit show us a little show us a little suza show us a little show us a little be cool just show us give us a taste here we go and so what she does do is she comes forward and she gets flat-footed and then she takes a step forward again and but when she takes that next step forward she's up on her toe so what liz cave calls it stanky leg okay fine fine fine brad brad says I saw it. Someone, it was close, but she got the rep. Okay, fine. You're the new,
Starting point is 00:08:48 you're the new Hiller of the podcast. Yeah. In that instance, you don't blame the athlete because the athlete did exactly what she was told. She's the judge gave her the sign to put it down and she put it down. That's all. I mean, if anything it was on the judge for giving her a sign too early because she didn't have control control at the end of it and that happened a couple of cases over the course of the lift like i mean especially on the final one where
Starting point is 00:09:15 they're struggling to keep it what about too early what about phil toon we saw him get a 335 that was a good lift and then we saw him do 335 again. Did we ever get clarity on that? What happened? Saw him do it again. Yeah. Didn't he do 335 twice? Did you guys see that?
Starting point is 00:09:31 He went 05, 25. 25. Yeah. Oh, okay. Well, something happened there. Then maybe when I saw him there, it said that his last lift was 305. I think something weird happened there. Nope.
Starting point is 00:09:44 You guys didn't follow that either. Am I the only one who watched this, or am i just making shit up because i'm fucking so sick well the guy that was lifting with him well you know the guy that was lifting with him bunton uh chase it thought that maybe he got a no rep on his second complex for some reason but he went up anyway and then hit 345 right he did on his 335 jerked it. And then when I saw him put it down, he looked at his ref like this. Really? That was on the second lift. Yeah. On the second lift. Correct. And then he went up and hit the 345 anyway. Yeah. I think what everyone was talking about on Phil's lifts were that little launch off of his shoulders, which what looked like before he
Starting point is 00:10:19 completed the lifts. And what we talked about in the show this morning was over in the far East, the judge was telling them when they could move the bar off of their shoulders and i think that's a big miss on well shit because i i have people who are telling me that they're given crosses handing out a handbook on the workouts that were standardized and if over in the far east they're pointing at each other said that you think that was part of the things handed out by crossfit to these events like indicate when the rep is complete but the far east was the only group doing that and that would have fixed that issue with bill at least yeah and he did pop the bar off his off his shoulders correct is that correct one of the times he did do that someone said in his first
Starting point is 00:10:59 lift he was popping the bar off the shoulders uh brendan waddell i get on people when they're doing things within the online competition because it's both on the judge and the shoulders uh brendan waddell i get on people when they're doing things within the online competition because it's both on the judge and the athlete in that instance and when you're in a live competition all the athlete's doing is listening to the judge go bullshit yourself yeah brandon uh seven is delusional with all the meds no actually i didn't i haven't been on any meds today i'm gonna take them all right before i go to bed what do they expect malibu brian to do in that instance? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I don't think it's on her at all. Take back my 225 lift. You're right. I didn't have control. No, there's no way. Get out of here. The downside rule is given. It's a good.
Starting point is 00:11:37 There's no question about it. What is wrong with people? Judge made the call. I'm going to get all your freaking people off the show, Sevan. Cut me off. Talk about something else. Don't show me those comments. Are you triggered, Hiller. Talk about something else. Don't show me those comments. Are you triggered, Hillard?
Starting point is 00:11:47 Don't be triggered. Don't show me those comments. Who's bringing those up? Is it Caleb? It's me. It's me. Hey. It's you.
Starting point is 00:11:54 It's Caleb. It's Caleb. Get him. I was watching Samuel Quant today, and I realized that the games that I was working in behind the scenes, his rookie year, I think he won heavy DT. Heavy or double. It was one of the two. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:13 It was a barbell complex. And so I started tripping, like, okay, maybe his sickness really did jack him up, and we're watching a miracle in front of us. But does cycling a barbell translate to being super strong no no and how is that i mean sometimes you would think someone like anthony davis would have an upper hand but usually it's just efficiency of movement uh uh and fatigue and fatigue and then also sometimes someone like anthony davis when he has all that muscle mass it might require more oxygen fatiguing him quicker over the course of a barbell cycling movement jim's like yeah i know hey do you call bullshit on that on that um i'm just out here
Starting point is 00:12:57 working out i'm just i'm just out here having fun i mean you know he knew he was going to work out he it was his thing to grab so you know it i would have thought it would have been okay that he was like you know what this is my one workout that i knew i went for sure so you know i was going for it but you know he did good he did great he said that on my podcast too and i believed it but now that i see him out there and he's on the tv set in my living room i'm like there's no way this dude takes this shit lightly i call bullshit i sent him the video too maybe if he responds i'll send him a link and we'll ask him do you think he trains his ass off oh yeah yeah oh yeah all right so we do call you know he cycles a lot too he cycles a lot of heavy weight
Starting point is 00:13:40 you know if you watch his videos i think last week he was doing like 315 or 320 he did like 315 for 10 you know what um um full i think it was out of four hey i think it was full full squat oh geez yeah hey you think we're gonna see him i get time capped on the uh rope climb no i would bet that he's probably going to jump halfway up the rope. And he's a pretty good runner. I think he did really well last year, if not won the running event with the Thrusters last year at the Granite Games. Did we watch this earlier?
Starting point is 00:14:16 Is this the one he cycles? We have not seen this yet today. Wow, look at that whoo we don't know how much that is do we i think that's 45 yeah 45 interesting someone wrote 400 or we riot. James, is that day coming? What? We're going to see someone do something like that at the games with 400 pounds?
Starting point is 00:14:56 No. No? No. We'll never see that. No. Not in our lifetime? We're never going to see a 400-pound anything at the games? Well, there'll be a 400-pound deadlift.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Well, yeah, yeah. It's complex. What do you not think we'll see 400 of, James? Power. Power clean. Power clean? Power clean. So, Tola could have been close one year when he was on the team.
Starting point is 00:15:24 He could have been close. I think he did, like like 375 or 385 But it looked like he could have went heavier But yeah How about the California Hormone Games 400 pound power clean Yes for sure Do you know about this games I'm doing
Starting point is 00:15:40 James I'm doing an event like in a year uh with the five hundred thousand dollar first prize and uh um no testing it's just gonna be just a copy of the crossfit game but it's called the california hormone games and i think still think justin's gonna come and win but we're gonna see some weird shit like killer said that was such an awesome story so someone's gonna someone's gonna clean 500 pounds and blood pouring out of their nose. There's an old video of Dave talking about the future of the games, and somebody would have a sub-five-minute run and a 400-pound clean,
Starting point is 00:16:14 600-pound back squat. I don't remember exactly the numbers, but I think a 400-pound clean was totally in there. And it wasn't power, which is what you're saying, James. But I think he probably has a 400 pound clean right now don't you think oh yeah yeah he got oh he got about 415 wow yeah um you think he's gonna go over 355 i guess he doesn't have to so he won't yeah he doesn't have z scoring uh there was a comment that travis mayor made that i thought was interesting regarding um longevity
Starting point is 00:16:48 um he said that travis mayor chase ingram said it travis mayor is the only athlete from the class of 2013 at the crossfit game still competing meaning he showed up at the 2013 crossfit games and he and no one else who showed up that year still competing um what is the what is the life cycle of a games athlete do we know can you say jr is it fun is it thankless that you know what they did also they they compared they compared travis mayor cole sager and no Noah Olsen all to each other. Did you hear that in the commentary? It's kind of like never getting enough love.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I thought that was – I mean, I agree with Travis Mayer, but I think Cole Sager and Noah have gotten tons of love. How many followers does Travis have on there? Like 30, 40,000? 6,000. 80. That's pretty good. Just say 6,000.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Less than James' girls. And almost eight. Less than James' girls. And almost eight times less than James' girls. And the guy's good, and he's beautiful, and he's a family man, and blah, blah, blah. And blah, blah, blah. It's like, holy shit. Doesn't stop with him.
Starting point is 00:17:58 He's a good dude. He is. He is. And he's doing incredibly well this weekend thus far. And he will. He'll continue And he's doing incredibly well this weekend thus far. And he will. He'll continue to. Yeah. So what do we – there's Berman. So what do we think?
Starting point is 00:18:10 What is the – has anyone ever looked at that, broken that down? Like most people only last two years. Then it just gets fewer and fewer until there's only like two people at the top. Is it that? That's an interesting stat. Yeah, I mean – The sports team. Yeah, exactly. I mean I think they're too young. until there's only like two people at the top is is it that that's an interesting stat yeah i mean yeah exactly i mean i think they're too young you know you can look at the nfl and james can speak to this way more but i think the average um average career is what two years maybe like on
Starting point is 00:18:35 average three years three years it's it's it's been it's been a sport for long enough that we can actually look at that stuff i feel like it's probably going to take another 20 years for us to say with the average average age coming in and average age going out as far as when you don't make the games anymore. Okay, let's come in through a different door. Why? We had Ben Smith on.
Starting point is 00:18:55 He said he's the fittest he's ever been. He's a former games champ. He's been in it since 09, right? Yes yes so he's the fittest he's ever been he's a former games champ and he's not going to the he didn't go to the games last year either right no and two years before that did he go no didn't he get the he got the wild card in 2019 so he got the wild card in 2019 2020 didn't go 2021 wild card in 2019, 2020 didn't go, 2021 he didn't go, and 2022 he didn't go, but he's the fittest he's ever been. So I'm coming at it from another angle. Do you sort of see that?
Starting point is 00:19:32 Like, why not? Have other people gotten that much fitter? He says he's the fittest. You guys were here. Yeah, I think these guys and girls are just getting better. These guys and girls are just getting better. You know, I personally believe the teens, they got a cheat code to where they can get comfortable and used to training CrossFit for so many years. And then, you know, peak early, you know, at an early age, you know, from Mal, from Emma, then Tudor, and now Dallin and James.
Starting point is 00:20:04 It's like... Alinea Kerstetter? I mean, she would have destroyed the complex. You know? I mean, man, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:20 When you say that they're coming in earlier, do you think that means they're going to be leaving earlier too? Or do you think we're going to see longer careers? I think that depends on the coach, on how well the coach grooms and manages their training, their competition level. I think what Olivia did is smart to where she said, you know what, I'm not going to put my hat in the elite just yet. I could go ahead and still, you know, um, keep the, keep the numbers on, on my life cycle for CrossFit as a CrossFit competitor for so long. And rather than, you know, hopping into the elite and, you know, tearing down my numbers or you know beating up her body early
Starting point is 00:21:06 but that was that was a 395 deadlift it was a 40 pound pr who does a 40 pound pr i'll tell you who teenagers yeah someone's still on their way up that's what james just said they had a cheat code jane uh don't don't are you sitting down hillary you're gonna start swooning you're gonna you might even feel a little movement in your pants when i ask james this james you think the sport is clean at the top you know i'll put it like this there's an exception for exceptional players you know that's it's and that's where I come in, where it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:46 if you're the top and you have so many followers and this and that and you're building, you're able to attract so many people to the sport and contribute, there's an exception made for you.
Starting point is 00:21:59 If you don't have that following and, you know, you make it to the games or whatever, it's easier to go ahead and just. That is not true, Hiller. What he is saying is not fucking true. What he was saying just clicked and I was like, oh. Here's a whistle and his head turns. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I don't think there's anybody there. But, you know, in the sport of football, there's an exception made for exceptional players. So if you're the top-tier guy. He's saying there's favoritism. He's saying there's favoritism. That's a no-brainer. That's a no-brainer.
Starting point is 00:22:36 You're saying someone like LeBron James in the NBA will never pop. Never. Why? That would damage the brand he brings he he literally him not being in the in the playoffs could drop ratings like i just read that comment yeah that's all that that's all good you know okay i'm only gonna ask you one i'm only gonna put you guys on the spot with one person jr is travis mayer clean yes hello is travis mayer clean yes james is travis me because he person. JR is Travis Mayer Clean. Yes. Hiller is Travis Mayer Clean. Yes. James is Travis Mayer Clean. Hey, because you don't got enough followers
Starting point is 00:23:08 on Instagram to be dirty? You guys are crazy. I'm telling you, I used to work there. These guys don't listen to these guys. Oh my goodness. JR, JR, before I switch the subjects, I got to know. I really wish I wouldn't open this can of worms, but I can't stop. It's like my athlete's
Starting point is 00:23:24 foot. Would you agree with Hiller and Townsend? You think that there's a, there's special love for people at the top? I'd like to think that there isn't. Good boy. Good job. Good job. I always chalk it up to your, your born. You have a certain threshold. You can train to the threshold. And for some people, the threshold is higher than others. than others like no matter how much training and how perfect you do everything you'll never beat that person based upon their birthright and performance enhancing drugs alter that james what do you think about that oh i agree i agree well i mean i can't wait till we When I have James on I'm having you on too
Starting point is 00:24:08 So you guys can just You guys can just whoop my ass You guys can just educate me You go look at the NFL and let's say There's Tom Brady and let's say he's a genetic elite And he's completely clean We never know but then there's someone like Ben Roethlisberger who's good
Starting point is 00:24:24 But was never as good as Tom Brady to win as many Super Bowls. If he's on performance-hasting drugs, it brings him to the level of a Tom Brady. But let's just say they're both clean and they're here and here. Now they're here and here. That's how I've always looked at it. Is LeBron on? Is that why he got so big like that? Do you think he's on?
Starting point is 00:24:42 He's just an outlier. He's the 1% of the 1%. Yeah. I never even think of basketball players as doing drugs. It's usually the recovery drugs because of the type of sport they're playing. Do you watch UFC? Any of you guys? Oh, yeah. If we're going before I've seen drugs, I know everything about that in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:25:11 That's that line that Colby covington used to always use the ceo of epo hey um you do do you watch every saturday james oh yeah yeah i used to train ufc fighter wow anyone anyone i know um don't don't click taylor in don't click Taylor in. Don't click Taylor in. You ever heard of Black House Gym in Torrance? As soon as Taylor comes in, my mic starts echoing. They're all on steroids. And then he signs off. Taylor, we got an echo with you, buddy.
Starting point is 00:25:48 I'll fix it. Thank you. So that's where Leoto Machida and Anderson Silver and all of them used to train out of. Okay. One of my close friends. In L.A.? Torrance, L.A.? Like Torrance, California? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Okay. Yeah. One of my close friends, James Mutaseri, used to fight fight in UFC. So I used to just train him in boxing. I got this show that I've started doing for UFC the day before UFC. And I got the 171 pound welterweight Darian Weeks, who's my cohost and Justin Nunley, both super popular guys. Justin's like a TikTok sensationok sensation all he does is make fun of us the whole time and then darian says smart shit i'd love to have you on friday
Starting point is 00:26:29 want to come on with us sure cool awesome okay well the show's over thank you for coming i gotta go prepare for the ufc show soon as we all pretend to log off just come back on soon as taylor's off wow hey did you uh did you guys talk about rebecca fuselier's comment yet oh let's do that now let's do that now that what a great uh do you want to pull her up suzer do you want me to do it you'll pull her up okay yeah that's great give us the backstory give us the backstory on that taylor what happened i forget i thought it was a hillar jr who said it but it was you you blamed it on hillar because he's usually the controversial one but i think i was actually being pretty controversial it was i rescind that i don't
Starting point is 00:27:13 think it was controversial at the time she proved me wrong so i was we were talking about ladies that could qualify her name came up because james craig mentioned her and i was like oh that's the girl who does all those ridiculous TikToks and reels. I don't think that's what you said. I think you need to re-quote yourself. It was a little different. What did I say? You said she's only popular because she has gained traction through TikToks.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Whatever, dude. Fuck that. She should have tagged me and it would have been way cooler. She schooled your shit i love it i love it that comment i said who would say something like that oh no i missed that but hey rebecca the greatest part is is that taylor just outed himself for trolling your account it's like we had daniel brandon on one time and she's just telling us all the dudes who troll her account because she could see them in her story. It was so good. Some great stories.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Is she too small? Let's tear her up a little bit. Is she too small? I mean, she looks like Mallory O'Brien 2.0 maybe or 0.5. Too small for what? For CrossFit. To put 315
Starting point is 00:28:21 over her head. She just qualified for the game. Clearly, she's doing just fine, right? All right, cool. That's all I got to say about that. Maybe next year. We'll see. Because you don't want her making a TikTok video about you? Smashing you?
Starting point is 00:28:32 Yeah, make a TikTok about her, Rebecca. Come on. The shortness is good, right? Unless she has Bergeron. Let's talk about that for a second. Do you think that we're going to see the women get bigger t is tia the perfect cross-fitting size for a woman or she even she's a little small you think she's perfect size i think she's perfect and what is she she's like 5 5 150
Starting point is 00:28:56 no she's like 140 the game profile says 125 no i think she's like 135 140 right now it did yeah probably 140 can we go over to the torian pro and look at that up her shoulders are 125 she's she's yoked uh of course it's 58 kilograms i don't know what that is and 163 centimeters what are you what are you talking about it's like that's 130 one one it's 128 right 58 i'm doing it right now so it says she's uh it says she's five three 63.7 inches and And the kilogram conversion? 58 kg pounds. Wow. That can't be, right? 127.8? That's what I said, almost.
Starting point is 00:29:55 It is. It is. I'm going to give it to you. Thank you. James, what do you say? What's just wrong? Just more stats that we can't get because we're not a professional sport? Yeah. Basically. Well, I would have never guessed you. I would never guess you was under 130. say? What's just wrong? Just more stats that we can't get because we're not a professional sport? Yeah, basically. Well, I would have never guessed you. I would have never guessed she was under 130.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Never. I bet that's her weightlifting weight. Is that what she lifted at when she was doing the whatever, the Olympics? The Olympics, yeah. She just plugged it? I'm going to text Shane. He never responds, but I'll text him. How much does your wife weigh?
Starting point is 00:30:32 How much does your wife weigh? Yeah, I put that. How much does your wife weigh? I put that. Yeah, that's good. That's good. How much does your wife weigh? That's good. Speaking of which, Sydney Wells, where did she shake out are we are we impressed i mean i'm impressed that she's just there actually i think i think she took fourth on the handstand walk for us to work out can someone translate for her so she's like 10 maybe okay so she has a fourth and a 22nd so she she could be she could be that she could be that lady who has to dig herself out of the hole well you never know
Starting point is 00:31:16 you know the last last two weeks we've seen the lift sometimes is the best finish of the weekend or the only low finish of the weekend. That's the Jr stat. Say that one more time. Jr say that one more time. She may have top tens the rest of the weekend. The lift is just the outlier. A lot of times you'll see the lift is the one top 10 finish for an athlete or the lift is the only bottom 10 finish for the athlete.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Yep. Yep. Kayla Stefano. You guys know about Kayla Stefano? No no tell us yeah she's won she's won like multiple years in the teenage divisions and i know she's out of a gym in florida crossfit hype and she's gonna be a force to be reckoned with i've been waiting for her to kind of make a push into one of these things because she is younger and she did win all of those like years in the teenage division so i this could be the year you like working with younger athletes or older athletes james younger jr
Starting point is 00:32:15 younger just because a lot of them don't have as many bad habits or as much as you know yet yep and what do you what do you mean what do you mean many bad habits or as much as you do yet. Yep. And what do you, what do you mean? What do you mean by bad habits? Uh, just, you know, this is the way I've done it since high school type stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And you're 10 years removed from high school and you're trying to break habits that are ingrained 10 years. It's tough. Can you give me an example of one diet, nutrition, movement patterns, uh, boyfriends sleep.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Uh, I would say more movement patterns. James? I agree. I agree, movement patterns. You ever get anyone who's super talented and just isn't going to do it? Going to do what? They're just not going to do it. They just got something else going
Starting point is 00:33:05 on they're just not gonna do it you know i have a really good buddy of mine we went to regionals together way back in the day and he said this one time he said the ones that the ones that have it don't care enough and the ones that want it don't have it and the ones that want it don't have it. So like the most talented ones, the most talented ones oftentimes the ones who just don't care and they don't want it bad enough. And the ones that want it so bad have no talent. It reminds me of that phrase. Youth is wasted on the young. There's a parallel there. It's a cousin there to that, to that,
Starting point is 00:33:43 to that statement. Jaron, that's so true though. And Sav a cousin there to that, to that, to that statement. JR, that's so true though. And Savannah, you're right. Thank you. But JR is exactly how I feel like running the affiliate and the affiliate that I was an owner of.
Starting point is 00:33:55 So many people wandered through it that were going through the exact same paradox. Like there was people who would run through a goddamn wall to get into the CrossFit games, but they didn't have it. And then you'd see some people who were about the same level that would do absolutely nothing right and would perform at the same level as these other people and better while uh kind of drinking and partying all the goddamn time it was insane it would drive me insane because then you explain to the some people why some people could do better and why
Starting point is 00:34:24 they never got there. It's like, ah. Yeah. I think that's why greatness is so rare because it's when both of those things intersect. It just doesn't happen very often. But when it does, you get people like T.A., you get people like Matt.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I'm going to play this video. Colton Mertens, tell me what you guys think here. There was that double breath. But he popped it right up into a good jerk what do you guys think strong guy what about that lean forward normal he's arching you mean just him arching his back a lot of people do that when they go overhead let me play one more time there was that double breath but he popped it right up into a good jerky okay so he's arching it just looks like he's leaning to me because i'm looking he's got a big arch because of shoulder mobility and then he i mean and then he rushed it you know that double, you know, that double bounce.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Is that good that he rushed it, James? Me being a weightlifter, you know, I would have to say no because, you know, with us, you know, standing up from the clean, you know, you embrace yourself, you breathe. You do the Valsuva maneuver and then you're more tight, right? You're more secure. And then, you know, you have a more secure jerk but when you're doing the CrossFit way, I guess it's, you know, I guess it's easier.
Starting point is 00:35:54 You do what maneuver? The Val who? Never heard of the Valsuva maneuver? No, no. No, it sounds like something, go ahead, say it. Valsuva? Valsalva. Valsalva maneuver.. It's the deep breath. Valsalva. Valsalva maneuver. Valsalva, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Valsalva maneuver, yeah. That's interesting. Chase says two very interesting things here, but I don't know if I caught it or if the clip's too short, but he says something about how he takes a double breath. And when you see someone take a double breath, Valsalva maneuver is a breathing method that may slow your heart when it's beating too fast. To do it, you breathe out strongly through your mouth while holding your nose tightly closed. This creates a forceful strain that can trigger your heart to react and go back into normal rhythm. That's a different one, Valsalva, than we're talking about, right? I was thinking Heimlich maneuver.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Chase says he takes a double breath, and when he sees that, he normally thinks people are going to fail. I don't know if you're going to see it at the head of this clip check it out there was that double breath but he popped it right up into a good jerk okay why why can't we just be like brilliant he used the momentum and the bar that's right that's what i think he's probably doing i feel like for colton he's using the whip of the bar a little bit with the double bounce and you know he's smart if that works for him and he practices a lot great right i think what chase was referring to was the double breath before the jerk before not not before the second front squat okay it's kind of an ass backwards way of saying he spent too much time in the front rack. In the rack, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Well, that's the justification for using that quick jerk that Chase gives to reduce the time under tension. There was that double threat. But he popped it right up into a good jerk. So now you're kind of saying the opposite, Hiller. You're saying it caused him to hold the bar too long. I don't think that's Chase saying that. Is it the other guy? It's the other guy.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Yeah, that guy. I don't think that was Chase. Yeah, they were saying that Colton takes an extra breath before he goes into the second front squat because he's going to go right into the jerk and not wait. But they were talking about DeLugo stopping after the second front squat, taking a breath setting and then taking another breath and going and that if he sees a double breath in the jerk
Starting point is 00:38:11 position it's probably not going to be a make lift i know nobody here watches american ninja warrior but i'm going to talk about american ninja warrior you'll be watching this thing and they'll be going doing the entire thing like this and the commentators will keep on saying, you'll see that 90 degree bend in their arm. And that's the most important thing. And then there'll be an individual who gets the entire way through an obstacle course with an extended arm. And they'll go, I can't believe he did that without the 90 degree bend in his arm. And that's exactly how I feel. And I kept on hearing him say the double breath. It's like, that doesn't mean he's going to miss. And there's's like no correlation between those two things it's just something that the commentator stuck on that now the entire world is hearing and there's nothing like all that wrong with it it's just kind of
Starting point is 00:38:52 annoying it's like kind of like when i talk about fukowski yeah like you say he's not gonna win and he's sitting in seventh after the first day uh he is a he he's a human crane i cannot believe how far the bar moves with him take a shot of having hillary clinton american into war is is um can you pull it can you pull up the men um that's funny are there any are there any are there any travesties are there any train wrecks yet in the men have we seen anything is there anyone who's just completely like we're just shocked and they're completely out of contention? Chandler Smith.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah, I'm pretty – I don't know about. You don't think he's out? I think he's sitting in a good spot. He's not out. 14th is a good spot? Well, Haley was lower after day one. I'm messing with you, James. Haley was lower on day one, I thought, at Syndicate.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Oh, yeah. She was. She was, what, 19th, right? Yeah. She was in the second heat on Saturday. Yeah, that's tough. I mean, he could definitely still make it. I was a little surprised.
Starting point is 00:40:05 With the field that's ahead of him? We'll see. Is there room with these workouts? Is there room for him to – you think he could capitalize? The speed chipper he's going to do great on. The guy is a fucking monster snatcher. I think the Minnesota mashup will be another good workout for him. Top five, though?
Starting point is 00:40:24 Top five? He needs top fives, right? I think the Minnesota mashup is a top five. The speed chipper is probably a good workout for him um i don't five though top five he needs top fives right i think the minnesota mashups the top five is speed chippers probably top three for him i don't know about the sled in the regional of that five i don't know how it gets longer what he needs is phil toon colton burdens travis mayor nick matthew tim paulson brenfikowski and also sam quanta all have places worse than the places he's already gotten. So they continuously get like top sevens and they don't get a 19th like he already had or 18th and a ninth like he has. Then he's screwed. And that is named off seven people ahead of him. And everyone underestimates Nick Matthew. He's a monster.
Starting point is 00:41:00 We'll see. You're right. Look who's at the top here. Phil Toombs, mean, when you, but we'll see. Look, who's at the top here. Phil tunes, Colton Mertens, Travis Mayer. Would you say both of these workouts? Um, I know, I know JR spoke to the fact that, you know, it's, it's, it's, um, I don't know what the word to use, but a specialty workout, but the other one's a bit of a specialty workout too, right? The thruster handstand walk. That's pretty crossfit. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:31 When Colton said that his worst event was going to be the last event, his worst event is going to be the last event, I sort of started having a panic attack. And it caused your sickness, right? Yeah, probably. Because I just started thinking, like, we're going to go into that final workout and he's going to be like in third place we'll see that's why that workout's very very well placed um i forget what you guys said is anthony davis going to meet the time cap on that workout on event five on regional event five no uh the very last event the rope climb it's 11 minute time cap
Starting point is 00:42:06 if he doesn't if he doesn't meet the time cap and it's an 11 minute time cap has anyone not made it yet he's a good dude man i like them i like anthony so i just don't even want to consider that as a possibility you want to hit the shut the fuck button to me shut up 11 minutes i don't think he gets capped if he's smart he's gonna finish it in four minutes and then make a reel about you like who's selling he's gonna make a reel about me he should make one about savannah i'm sticking up for him that's what yeah but you're even considering the fact that he's going to be close to 11 minutes he's going to finish it in like three and a half. He'll be great. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:42:50 A big guy like that gets stopped in the seventh round and shit gets weird fast. The minutes start clicking by. Yeah, you guys forget. He'll freaking squat clean his ass up there and touch the freaking pole. He'll squat clean. What did you say, Taylor? I'm just saying you've been around a lot a long time a lot of times you act like you don't know what you're talking about but you've seen a lot of
Starting point is 00:43:08 shit a little bit um so so we like this this is a fun day i like that all the men we like um are are here uh doing well we know brent fukowski's only going to get probably better as the week goes on right we're gonna we're gonna see him climb back up into the top five if these next four are so good for him they are oh every single one of these last workouts every every next one of these four workouts for sure and does he know that too is like he going to bed tonight like a smile on his face i would be yeah he probably is all right after he got finished with event one, he, he looked really,
Starting point is 00:43:48 really pumped with that finish. Like he saw where he ended up that fourth place finish. And he looked like that may have been the only one that was a question mark all weekend. Cause he's so long range of motion on the thrusters is so much different. He's probably not the fastest handstand Walkerer as far as like speed goes so i mean if that ends up being his lowest finish of the weekend that's super impressive well he took a ninth in the next one yeah but i see what you mean but like out of workouts right wow well yeah if that's the lowest i mean he's gonna end up in first place for sure which we told you he would
Starting point is 00:44:23 god i hope you guys are wrong he's going to end up in first place. For sure, which we told you he would. God, I hope you guys are wrong. Have we talked about the chicks at all? No, let's do it now. If Brent doesn't do better, he'll get evicted from his tent behind the barn. No, no, no. Rich is cool as shit. There's all sorts of has-beens back there. Did you not see Tyler Christopher last weekend?
Starting point is 00:44:41 He's still going to be in the barn. I love Tyler. Tyler's a good dude. Poor Tyler. David posted himself practicing on IG. He looked good on the ropes. Great. Okay, go ahead, Hillary. Let's check out the women. How'd you feel about your girl, Amanda, getting beaten by Danny? At what point did you know you were screwed? That, what, what'd she do? 220? She 220 yeah i was like what why do you think that is she she's working on her engine
Starting point is 00:45:15 yeah she's working on her engine and and yeah i mean amanda barnhart yeah here's the here's the deal she still took second yeah she took second but i feel like with her i don't know i think this is speculation for sure but she moves so well it seems like sometimes she stops herself short of breaking any sort of like mechanical fault that she probably has some in the tank but she's not willing to sacrifice how. I agree. I agree. I agree. Hey, Shane or text me back. No, we didn't. I'll tell you this.
Starting point is 00:45:51 She is not 127 pounds. So take your guesses. J.R. Howell. How much is Tia Toomey weigh? 143. Oh, Taylor self. 142. Mr. Townsend. 132. Mr. Townsend.
Starting point is 00:46:05 139. Hiller Fit. 138. He said, Mr. Orr said between 140 and 142. It says, I'm going to give you exact. 140-142 period. I'm going to give you exact 140-142 period. So what made me think of that to look at my text messages because that's 20 pounds less than Ms. Barnhart at 160.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Damn right. She is so strong for how much she weighs. Crazy. Wow. Did you do that, Matt? You like that? I did that another tiktok oh miss rebecca good to have you on thank you for having me thank you thanks for putting taylor self uh otherwise known as the thumb in his place we appreciate it
Starting point is 00:47:08 and the best way to do it was with a ridiculous reels that was funny Mr. Hiller is in the red shirt James Townsend in the black shirt with the beautiful headphones on is J.R. Howell and I'm Sevalon did you watch today?
Starting point is 00:47:25 I just finished catching up on the Granite Games or just the show JR Howell and I'm Sevalon. Did you watch today? I've just finished catching up on the Granite Games or just the show. Okay. And anything stand out to you where you're like, oh, I'd like to have done that or oh, I'm glad I wasn't there or oh, they fucked up. Big lifts. Yeah. Freaking huge
Starting point is 00:47:40 lifts. We were just hearing how much Tia weighs. we were guessing how much she weighs and shane told us she weighs 140 and i was like man maybe rebecca's too small to do to win the games and these guys all were telling me to shut my mouth how much do you weigh 127 at the moment okay and and what's interesting is those that's the same weight that tia weighed when she came into crossfit because that's what her profile says. It still has that on there. Yeah. I haven't updated mine.
Starting point is 00:48:12 My bed. Go ahead, Taylor. I was going to ask, are you, is that something you're trying to do? Yeah. Big time, big time. So that's the only thing I feel like is really like outside of like, I'm very happy for the numbers that I'm hitting. Just being at this body weight. I think they're pretty, pretty big for being at this body weight, but definitely, I mean, that's been my plan this whole time. This is actually big for, I mean, I'm pretty petite as it is, but, um, but I still, my goal is being the mid-130s. Eat, eat, eat. How old are you?
Starting point is 00:48:47 22. Oh, my goodness. James, for me personally, I'm thinking she doesn't need to worry about putting on weight, right? She should just train. Does she? Yeah, not right now. She's still young. That's the good thing about being young.
Starting point is 00:49:09 You don't need to worry about your weight right now yeah just i mean i'm proud of like to have the coach that i have right now because we're just building a solid foundation and this past couple years like my numbers have exploded so i'm on the right track and you're a savage man do you um what do you what do you i mean you have no quit in you quit is not my books but we're fighting to the we're fighting to the very finish obviously on that last event and where do you get that from do you know uh probably a competitive gymnastics background which is a pretty savage sport where every you have teammates but everybody's kind of out for themselves on and and that and that kind of out for themselves in that. What level? I was a third-year level 10.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Okay. Cool. Yeah. Is that good? You could do a backflip or something? Cartwheel? You should do a couple. What is that in Dragon Ball Z level?
Starting point is 00:50:02 Dragon Ball Z level of gymnastics. Super Saiyan 3. Crazy. James, what do you think when you hear a 22-year-old who weighs 126 pounds in the CrossFit Games, if she just trains regular, just keeps training her ass off, keeps eating, I mean, she turns into a woman that's 10 pounds heavier than that, right, over the next five years?
Starting point is 00:50:17 10 pounds of more muscle? Yeah, I'd say a little bit less than that. Probably, you know, she, her and her coach keep it going. And I mean, like I said, she, she doesn't have to worry about the weight right now, you know, cause she's young and, and like she said, she's hitting the numbers that she, that she can hit at her weight. So I wouldn't even worry about putting on weight. Who's your, who's your coach?
Starting point is 00:50:43 Matt McCraney. He actually coached Cassidy Lance who's now Cassidy Lance McWhorter um when she was still competitive for all the way through 2013 to 2017 I want to say I got that her career right right there yeah how'd you know you wanted to compete at this level how'd you know that you could compete at this level? How'd you know that you could compete at this level? Competing's in my blood from gymnastics. I've known competition my whole life. So when I ended my gymnastics career, I jumped into CrossFit and immediately wanted to start competing as soon as possible in that. And I think the, everyone around me did a good job of like guiding me in the right direction, because I immediately like wanted to jump in to as many competitions as possible. But it was
Starting point is 00:51:31 learning building a strong foundation. And that's what we're all about around here is building that strong foundation. And we actually just had a recent conversation about it as just like, the numbers will continuously build up. I mean, obviously, I want to get stronger, maybe put on a little bit more weight, and hopefully that comes with building a little bit more muscle mass as I get older and everything. But building that strong foundation is most important, and I feel like I'm doing a good job of that. I still got a long ways to go, though, and those numbers will keep going up. I think being a gymnast is the perfect athlete for CrossFit when they're done.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Perfect. It's not even like the physical side of all of it. Obviously, gymnasts are very strong, and we have a lot of body control and everything. But the biggest thing I say I take from gymnastics is the discipline that comes with it. I know how to work my ass off, and that's what we do. And how many days a week is that? off and that's what we do. Oh, and how many days a week is that? Uh, I have the like kind of traditional CrossFit route of Monday through Wednesday rest slash active recovery on Thursday train Friday, Saturday, full rest day on Sunday. And what does that active recovery look like?
Starting point is 00:52:37 Uh, either just machine work or I do a lot of coaching and personal training that keeps me on my feet all day, man. And you seem to have a good head on your shoulders when, um, when, uh, Taylor said that, you know, you could have gotten all snotty and offended and instead you, you, you know how to play the game. Uh, is that something your mom and dad taught you? Hey, just be cool to people. Just play the game, have fun, enjoy life. Or no, I think I got a little bit of an attitude, a little bit of fire that comes with this. Oh, well, that's good good you're probably going to need that I can get a little bit feisty sometimes but I try to keep my head pretty level did you think you were going to make it to the games this year
Starting point is 00:53:16 you're only 22 I will be honest about it was in the cards this year I felt it in the cards this year and it just everything I went into knowing that everything had to run, I had to execute all of these workouts perfectly for it to happen. And we did do that. Honestly, my plan in the future was probably rolling like games in two to three years, just because of mainly it's my numbers like my strength and it's coming around you can see it in metcons it's the one that maxes the heavy the bigger lifts like that that usually knock me out and that's why if you look at my quarterfinals uh scores i'm really really proud of them you'll see that the thing that set me back the most is that total. Like all my other scores are right up there.
Starting point is 00:54:07 What advice – so there's always a story like this. After day one, you were 19th, and you had to fight yourself, fight your way out of a hole. What's that like after that first event what do you say to yourself what does your coach say to you well the good thing is that you have like they lay out the events in order for you right we knew all the events we actually had them pretty early this time that whole like week almost a week and a half in advance actually yeah a week and a half and just looking at that order it was
Starting point is 00:54:46 more or less for me the stress was like get through event one hit event one as best we can and then i was ready to just have some fun leading up to there and i told people people were asking me how i feel about all of them and i was like i'll be in a hole after that first event but now i know how to dig myself out of that hole when it comes to those maxes and everything. What was 2004 Regionals Individual Event 5? The rope climbs. Where have you been? Oh, shit. Okay, sorry. I got confused because I was looking at the last event thinking it was this.
Starting point is 00:55:23 So you beat Daniel Brandon in that in that event yeah i mean that's gotta feel good to beat the girl who took first i mean that's always got to be like okay there i promise so here's something that uh everyone keeps asking about that last event right where i end up dropping the lunge and everything and almost lose it right there but that one event, the fifth event, actually gave me confidence because I looked to the left when we started the shoulder to overhead and I saw bright pink fiery hair and I go, oh, oh, that's right there. And then so that was a fun feeling. But that's been exciting.
Starting point is 00:56:01 The rope climb regionals event has been exciting to watch because if you don't run your race in that one, you kind of screwed at the, and you can put yourself in a, in a little bit of a hole. If you get to the end of those rope climbs and don't have anything left in those arms. I think Anthony Davis is going to have anything left in his arms. She just liked it because she is a gymnast. We do a lot of rope climbs as gymnasts i know you do
Starting point is 00:56:26 uh anyone have anything that they want to share with uh miss rebecca before we um thank her and and tuck her in she's only 22 it's bedtime it is bedtime we actually have to do murph tomorrow because my gym's a week behind because we were at semis straight through Murphy all week. Everyone put it on hold, huh? How are you doing? That's pretty cool. I'm not,
Starting point is 00:56:50 I'm going to have to hold off on it now that the season isn't over. Oh, meaning you're not going to do it. I might use it for games prep in the future. We might do a little breakdown of it in the future. Well, go ahead. Sorry, James. No, go ahead. I have an eight-year-old that is a level seven gymnast. Any advice you could give me that I could give to her? Yes. Keep having fun with it because just like any sport, as long as you're
Starting point is 00:57:23 having fun with it and um keeping your head at that I'm doing this sport because it's making me better keep it that way because I definitely towards the end of my career I kind of got into this is a job and it feels like a job and then your body takes a toll and then your mind takes a toll so just like any other sport that's why I love CrossFit so much now. It's fun. When you keep it fun, the best of you comes out, and you can build off of that. Great advice.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Thank you. Rebecca, you're always welcome. That's so cool that you came on. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Yeah, you're awesome. All right, I'll see you guys.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Thank you. Ciao, bye. Nice to meet you, Becca. Wow. You sent her a link taylor yeah i was messaging her on instagram sorry good dude nah that's so funny what a great surprise what a great surprise were you tripping susan when you saw her pop up i thought i thought you said that you were just messing with me was it till i saw taylor's text afterwards yeah Yeah, I was tripping. That was great. Oh, so we're just sending out links now, huh? All right.
Starting point is 00:58:28 I got some. Oh, well, that was, that was, come on, man. That was a special story. I know. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:58:34 It was so perfect. It was so perfect. Uh, tomorrow morning. No. When is the show? When does it start tomorrow? Tomorrow. Oh, if I'm still alive.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Tomorrow, uh, Granite Games. So what happened here, Taylor When is the show? When does it start tomorrow? Tomorrow. If I'm still alive tomorrow, uh, granite games. So what happened here, Taylor, with the schedule we were supposed to, we were going to commentate. Did we just have the schedule wrong or did they change the schedule?
Starting point is 00:58:53 Uh, I don't think they changed the schedule. I just remember we were going on at 10 30. So I just, I was just late. I was late to the party. No, no,
Starting point is 00:59:01 no, no, no, no, no, But what I'm saying is, is their event with event, uh,
Starting point is 00:59:04 two was supposed to go till, um, 11 o'clock, 7 56 PM. No, no, no. But what I'm saying is, is their event with event two is supposed to go till 11 o'clock, 7 56 PM. And it actually finished it an hour earlier. I think we just, there's a typo on the schedule. It's okay. It's fine. It would be my fault. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Whatever. It's fine. Good. Okay. All right. What are the, what are the big storylines for tomorrow? What do you got? Well, I want to watch for Kowski.
Starting point is 00:59:21 I want to see what he's going to do. I want to watch Colton Mertens. I want to make sure they don't trade places. That's what I'm very interested in personally. Go over to the women. And, you know, I'm not that interested in the women. Yeah, we know you're not interested in women. in women i'm just not interested in women you know what you know what this is gonna sound maybe just silly but i i really um sydney wells is the most interesting story uh emily rolf too emily rolf i'd like to i'd like to see sydney wells and emily rolf uh get up there and fight for that number five spot that'd be cool what do you think what are the stories for you hillar um how's danny spiegel gonna do on the minnesota mashup and then endure the sled later on but
Starting point is 01:00:06 that's tomorrow minnesota mashups tomorrow um on the men's side it's the chandler smith story how's he gonna do oh what's he got in the tank i was crazy impressed with with uh danny spiegel by the way the 245 was i mean she has more in the tank, right? Way more. So did Tia, though. That's why a Z score would be cool. Man, it's nuts. And then they'd push it. Yeah, so I guess those are the stories. To Chandler Smith and Fikowski and Colton Mertens for me,
Starting point is 01:00:39 of course I'd love to see Travis Mayer stay in there. I'd like to see Phil Toon stay in there. Yeah. I'd love to see Travis Mayer stay in there I'd like to see Phil Toon stay in there yeah it always brings a smile to my face when I see Travis roll onto the screen hey he looks like a superstar when the camera goes on him he looks yeah he looks like JR yeah he looks like JR
Starting point is 01:00:59 he looks like a superstar I'm still rolling with my guy Mark Wine yeah he's going to he's gonna need to be top five for the rest yeah is that is that just coach's belief or do you really think he can do it that's a tough question i'm asking i think he could do it i mean he he hit a switch this year so so uh me not not being used to seeing that switch turn on on kwan he turned it on this year so so um me not not being used to seeing that switch turned on on kwan he turned it on this year so we'll see missing that 320 was a big one yeah yeah yeah you know i was talking to him
Starting point is 01:01:34 uh in october at my competition and he kind of went into it and he was talking about signing up for it and thought you know i do want to I would like to do an off-season competition just to kind of see where I'm at, but I'm not interested in beating my body up because I do want to make one last run. So, you know, I would, I would like to come down there. You know, he knew the field was going to be pretty deep with a lot of semifinals levels guys, just to kind of get his feet wet back into competing again. But when it was all over, he was like, man, this is all I needed. This is perfect. So yeah, I hope he does it. How'd he was like man this is all i needed this is perfect so yeah i hope he does it how do you do uh finished 10th okay and but but he said he was going to sort of temper his oh yeah like he he he said he didn't you know didn't do any crazy build up and peak for it he was just seeing where he was at james you train him no, he comes out to my camp.
Starting point is 01:02:26 He helps me with the camp. What camp? TBO training camp. What is that? I host a camp. Basically, I host a summer camp and then I do a mini camp
Starting point is 01:02:42 and then I do another camp before the Open. Then I do a mini camp and then I do another camp before the open then I do a mini camp before semis and then you know so it keeps going like that so now we have the the summer camp coming up July 7th through the 10th and so it's for basically it's for um for everybody novice intermediate elite you know just just anybody that's willing to come and learn um you know I like to keep it honest I like to keep it you know transparent um you know I anybody that's willing to come and learn um you know i like to keep it honest i like to keep it you know transparent um you know i like to you know put myself out there and give my expertise and my education on how i think people can get better as a competitor and as an everyday gym go so how how many hours a day is it and how long is it? How many days? It's four days, Thursday to Sunday
Starting point is 01:03:26 And it's from 9am to 4pm Dang It's like a real summer camp Any kids in there? Yeah, we get a lot of teens We get a lot My guy Dylan Martin went to that one year Said it was awesome
Starting point is 01:03:40 Yeah, yeah, yeah Is he competing or no? No, I think he's done this year. He had a couple back injuries, and he's moving on a little bit. Who knows, though? I remember him saying – Yeah, he came out to my mini camp, too, and I remember him saying he was going down to Mayhem.
Starting point is 01:04:02 He was up, down, and around for a while and the injury took him out yeah okay he was always like ready to make a freaking crash onto the scene and then he'd have a tweak and he would not do so out of the competitions yeah yeah how many people at the camp uh so uh first year we had uh 22 um so so uh this one coming up would be 4.0. So second one we had 37. Third one we had 45. And then now this one is over 50, which I said capacity.
Starting point is 01:04:34 You know, capping it at 50. And now I just let four on today. So 54. So it's growing. Yeah, that's crazy. That's awesome. I'm stoked for you. Manny Serrano, kudos to one of our coaches at next level crossfit tyler ingerman 13th place beast oh strong someone told me asked me in my dms to give a shout out like to their 35 year old wife or some shit damn
Starting point is 01:05:00 well you kind of did it right there shout There you go. Shout out, wife. Tyler Eggerman, he doesn't like me. I remember one time he sent me a message. It wasn't super nice. What did he say? Which guy? I'd have to look. Come on, man.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Drop the juice. Let's hear it. Give me a minute. Talk about something else. I'll find it. He did the last chance last year. Did he? From the, where was he competing being qualified out of mac i think it was out of mac that he i know he's really strong
Starting point is 01:05:32 he wasn't the mac what are you doing the last chance let's see uh oh he didn't like that i blocked mel o'brien well you didn't know brian she blocked your ass. Yeah, everything he was saying was completely justified. He's like, stop hitting on our muscle-ups. Those were a bunch of pictures and I'm like, so? I really backed myself up when I said that.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Tyler's a good dude. He didn't compete or he didn't compete in the last chance. I think he just didn't register. Oh, shit. The Far East is already Brian. Everyone quiet. What's up, Brian?
Starting point is 01:06:10 Look at the cat drug in. Yeah. Like a five minute walk. I can give you guys five minutes. Okay. Brian, I'm hearing that the, the,
Starting point is 01:06:18 the boys here say that the cleanliness of the, of the, of the, of the platforms is 100% on the athletes. But what I was hearing is that the coaches and the athletes were upset with the event organizers. But Mr. Townsend, JR, and Hiller, I don't think Taylor was here for this conversation,
Starting point is 01:06:34 say it all falls on the athletes, that they need to know better. They may have even said it was obvious. It's like a no-brainer. Seems like they've already covered that. Ask something else. Brian has to be there another two days. He doesn't want to step into that one. I can't believe you said that, Brian.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Brian, Brent Fikowski, was that just mitigating damage today? Brent Fikowski had a perfect day of execution. I knew he was going to say this shit. Handstand walking is amazing for him, and he didn't miss a lift. That's all you can do. What do you think about Chandler? Chandler Smith did not have a perfect day of execution, and he's going to have to make up for it tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Do you think he can make it still? Oh, yes, I do. But he can't have another mistake. One more mistake, and that's it. We saw this happen with Adrian Von Weiler in Europe. Even even if you're good even if you experience the field's too deep now you can have one bad mistake like that that's it what have you seen in chandler's path past that makes you think that he can pull it together it's four workouts um i mean he's look tomorrow's a totally different day you have to do 30 muscle-ups in the middle of that workout.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Your midline's going to be a little bit beaten up from the GHDs anyway, and then you have to come back and do 70 chest-to-bar pull-ups. There's going to be people that struggle with that. That's got Chandler written all over it. And he's going to capitalize on it, is what you're saying? He has to. What about Colton Mertens? Sitting in second place, he told us that if if he has any concerns it's the final event yeah uh i mean look i think that uh he's not gonna do as well
Starting point is 01:08:16 tomorrow as he did today but uh he did exactly what i expected him to do today two-thirds hillary what's up? The mushrooms are kicking in? What are you doing? It's Brian. He's here. I don't believe it. Is he really here? No, I'm reading the comments. Danny Spiegel only
Starting point is 01:08:37 follows followers. Yeah. You're laughing at that too, James. Sorry, Brian. He's only here for five minutes. Brian, did you get a chance to speak with – go ahead, Taylor. Go ahead. I was going to ask, speaking of Danny Spiegel, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:08:52 Do you think she qualifies, Brian? I picked her fourth. I'm going to stick with that. What about Travis – She'll qualify. What about Travis Mayer, a fifth and a third, Brian, sitting in third place behind Phil Toon and Colton Mertens? I think he'll stay in the top three the whole weekend.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Who did you speak with today that told you something shocking? I didn't speak with a lot of people. I was up in the booth, not down on the floor, so it was just a very different kind of day. Did either Joel or Chase have any bad gas? Did it smell in there? Was anyone farting? booth not down on the floor so it was a just very different kind of day um did either joel or chase have any um bad gas did it smell in there was anyone farting uh they had a guest on the podcast i might have but that was about it okay um phil toon um looking savage Can he win this? I think maybe.
Starting point is 01:09:48 I was very impressed with him today. Mostly his composure. Not only did he recover from that no rep on a handstand walking, but just the way he was communicating with Matt Torres after his second lift before his third. He wanted to go for 340. Matt told him 335 and he said okay and he looked confident doing it. So his composure
Starting point is 01:10:04 on the floor is the most impressive thing today, even more so than the results. Did something weird happen with his second lift? Not with his lift. It was with Zach Bunton. Thankfully Zach hit the next lift anyway. So I didn't have to investigate what the hell happened there. Okay. Okay. All right. Tim, Tim Paulson, he's got a first and a 12th.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Yeah. The commentators, Chase and Joel seem pretty excited about him. They say his commitment is high. Tim, like Brent, regardless of where he's sitting, did everything he could have done today. Obviously, an event win is as good as you can do. And hitting that 320 was everything for him. The next lift was almost irrelevant. Last question. Is Phil Toon going to beat Justin Medeiros this year at the CrossFit Games?
Starting point is 01:10:51 No. Go ahead, Taylor. Brian, go. Hey. Thank you, Brian. Do you have anything you'd like to share with us, Brian? Anything crazy you saw? Any fires? Any fights? A lot of people smoking weed in, Brian? Anything crazy you saw? Any fires? Any fights? Any people, a lot of people smoking weed in the stands?
Starting point is 01:11:10 Like, what'd you see? Anything good? Any nudity? There's a party going on in the ballroom over here. Is that Mertens? Hey. All right. See you guys. Okay, bye. Dick Butter. Is it too late for Chandler to go team? My goodness. Be nice. I just want to answer that about phil toon i love phil i just think if they're swimming at the games and it's going to be tough for him can he not swim he might can now he might he might can now
Starting point is 01:11:39 he couldn't okay fuck you might he couldn't he couldn't at guadalupalooza i would love to i would love to teach him how to swim but at guadalupalooza. I would love to teach him how to swim, but at Guadalupalooza, he didn't do great there. We don't even know if there'll be a swimming at the games this year. Who's programming? Oh, there's for sure swimming. By the way, you run and swim good, Taylor. Man, you look good at Guadalupalooza. Holy shit, you looked amazing. Really good.
Starting point is 01:11:59 I was actually blown away, impressed. James, this is going to be a tough one for you. Ready? Is Medeiros Tiatoumi incarnate with a cock? Cock and balls? He seems good, man. He seems good. How do you know he has a cock?
Starting point is 01:12:18 I don't, but I'm going with it. I was just about to say that. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, you know, having an athlete at Syndicate last week. Hey, that's a good answer, though. For him, that's a good answer. Like most people, it's like, hell no, are you crazy?
Starting point is 01:12:35 But just the fact that you can say I don't know is like a huge, it's huge, right? Having an athlete at Syndicate last week, me being a coach, I did. I played the fifth so uh because that guy that guy is uh something special i think he's got what he's doing over there in washington and kind of isolate and tutor's doing the same thing with you i think it's smart to do that kind of just isolate yourself with a coach uh bring a girl in who's like high level like he's got ellie in there to to grind with and uh man uh i think the only chance that uh justin or that the world has is bill toon uh jason hopper uh took a page out of that book too he brought taylor in some guys bring
Starting point is 01:13:19 in girls that jason brought in taylor and i like how they i like how justin and his coach adam i like how they carried themselves too man like i had to go up to him like man you inspired me like you know you're very professional and and you know you talk to tutor you talk to me your coach he's always talked to me and they great man they're great uh adam i always say his name wrong it's adam nefer right or adam knifer i think knifer never i think it's nefer i gotta ask him i'm gonna ask him to come on tomorrow yeah he's a good dude call him adam n um do we know what tomorrow's workout is uh we know it starts oh two questions for you guys do we want to talk let's talk a little bit about tomorrow's workout the first one uh event uh individual event number three, it starts at 1 0 4 PM Pacific
Starting point is 01:14:09 standard time. It's knifer. It is knifer. This is JR's favorite workout of the weekend, by the way. The Minnesota mashup. JR told me earlier today that he's looking forward to this one the most. Okay. So we already talked, we already talked some mad shit about this this workout so let's try not to talk shit about it and let's uh let's
Starting point is 01:14:29 just say what let me ask you some questions what's the worst colton can finish on this what what where do you think like first like what's the you think you think i'm gonna what is no no listen to Hiller just ignore Hiller I'm telling you he ate mushrooms or something he's on a different planet right now what's the worst
Starting point is 01:14:48 you mean what's the lowest he can finish like what's the worst you think Colton will do no what's the worst you think he'll do like do you think he could take 17th on this
Starting point is 01:14:56 no way there's no way the hell he takes 17th honestly he'll be top 8 without a doubt yeah I think he's top 8 without a doubt too yeah
Starting point is 01:15:03 okay Bruce Wayne just yelled at me to be productive he'll be top 8 and a doubt yeah i think he's top eight without a doubt too okay bruce wayne just yelled at me to be productive he'll be top eight and and are we gonna see um phil toon travis mayor and fukowski uh battle it out yeah those three for sure but i also think chandler smith's gonna be in there yeah yeah i'll just give a say to you chandler and why chandler what which which of these movements is Chandler's? All of them. All of them? All of them. He's a grinder.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Yeah, he is. He's a good grinder, but he's also really good at gymnastics. And he's just – yeah, I like Chandler there. It's a good time domain for him. Tim Paulson is just so shocking on some of these events. The only thing I'm concerned about with Tim is his muscle-ups. So we'll just have to see what those 30 do to him in the middle of the work. And you'd say the same for Marquand, too.
Starting point is 01:15:48 I mean, all the questionable guys, too, right? They're going to kill it, and then we're going to see these 30-ring muscle-ups come, and that's going to be the gut check. Oh, my goodness. It's nonstop. Brian, you're back. Am I imagining things? Brian, is that your sister?
Starting point is 01:16:05 What's with the purple? Dang, don't do me like that. Hey, Danielle. What's up? There's this fighter named Israel Adesanya. He's the 185-pound champ, maybe one of the greatest fighters who ever lived. And he was fighting. He was about to go into the ring and fight a guy, and his hair was dyed red and his dad said hey you gotta dye your hair black he just took me out and his dad said
Starting point is 01:16:33 you have to dye your hair back to black and he said why and his dad said because when you're when you beat up your opponent he can still punch the red blotch. This is the longest question ever. But listen, we had a girl on today, Rebecca Fuselier. Fuselier. Oh, yeah, okay. And she said from the corner of her eye she saw your hair, and it fucking supercharged her because she knew she was fucking going one-on-one with your ass. When was she ever going one-on-one with your ass?
Starting point is 01:17:04 What? Burn! I don't remember that. Okay. Okay. God, you're good. That was crazy. Daniel Brandon energy.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Daniel Brandon. DB, Daniel Brandon. The Daniel Brandon experience. What did you think of Granite Games? The first day? Yeah. It was dope. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:28 It was cool. Yeah. I can't wait to see the big girls get wrecked on the engine work, though. Do I dare? Who are the big girls? I just hope judges are calling reps. That's it.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Yeah. Here, I'll put you next to Hiller. There you go. Who could you be talking about? Nice to meet you. Hi, how are you? Your mom and I talk on Instagram all the time. Damn.
Starting point is 01:17:55 A lot of no reps tomorrow. Yeah. A lot of no reps. On the wall ball specifically, James? Yeah. Because they have that white line, and they say you have to aim over the white line. Yeah. So, yeah, it's going to be a six-man.
Starting point is 01:18:12 It happens. What did you think? So are you rooting for Fisa Goffey? Absolutely, yes. That's your girl? Is that like where all your energy is? Who else you guys got there? Amanda and Alex.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Oh, and Alex is DeLugos? No, I think she's Ghazan. Oh, yeah. Okay, yeah. I got all my names scrambled. And you have Matt DeLugos there. He's there.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Well, it was nice seeing you. We can't hear shit. Oh, sorry. No, you're the best for checking in well maybe i can come on tomorrow i'll keep sending you links i have a better time yeah no this is a perfect time oh good all right girl we'll see you later bye guys bye you're the brian deserves a raise brian no she didn't get me flustered i just she's at a bar she's having fun cut her some brian brian's big dick in us now dude nah look what i can do no no no no no no no you got five minutes. Nah, it's good. All just, just humility, humility, humility. How about when James asked Rebecca for some advice?
Starting point is 01:19:33 That was cool. Yeah. Okay. So should we go over to the women and kind of talk about them in event number three? And what did she mean by that? what did she mean by the big girl? What did she mean by the big girl? She's just saying that they're not going to have the engine. Isn't Daniel Brandon a big girl?
Starting point is 01:19:53 What did you think she meant by that, Hiller? I think you meant Danny Spiegel. I mean, look, it just says 168, guys. I mean, that's not 127. No. Yeah. So that girl, she's 30 pounds more than rebecca that's that's 20 pounds heavier than i wrestled my senior year in high school i was a 140 wrestler in high school do you think she'd clap that ass if she was
Starting point is 01:20:20 you and you and her kicked my ass in high school. She just, yeah, fuck. I couldn't even swap my body weight. I was probably 200 pounds in high school, but I was probably 5'5". I was all fat. All right, we're getting into origin stories now. Okay. I think he also means Amanda Barnhart. She's 160, so she's got a 160 on there.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Matt O'Brien's going to do well because she's 135 on her profile you can just look at the numbers i mean my games profile says 248 so how about let's talk about sydney wells let's talk about sydney wells and emily rolf sorry to cut you off hillar art can they they're sitting in 10th place in 11th place emily rolf is a as a games athlete who's maybe even won a games event um can they climb it's tomorrow it's tomorrow their climbing day i think emily yeah i think emily rolf maybe wanted to run total bar total okay yeah the run total bar i believe jr any thoughts uh jr can sydney or emily climb up are we gonna or or not can they are we gonna see Yeah, I think they'll both climb tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Sydney, I mean, it's been a full year. And I know one of the things that people keep harping on are her ring muscle-ups a lot better than they were last year. I'm sure they are. She's been improving for a full year. I think she finishes top ten on both those workouts. Matt, do you know how to make a poll? Make a poll, is Danielle Brandon a big girl? And then get Brian to bring her back in after the results are up.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Yeah. Oh, my goodness. In the normal world, in the outside world, outside of the CrossFit community, we get destroyed for that. But in this world, it's fine. All you got to do is look at numbers and then look at the average weights in the field. That's all it is. And I mean, here, she might kill me. She won't kill me for saying this.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Alexis, my fiancee, she did Murph this year. And she's 10 to 12 pounds lighter than she was when she did it last year. And she PR'd her Murph. And she's not in as good a shape. And the only thing that's a big difference is that she's lighter. And this workout is, like, there's just a big difference when you're heavier so we're gonna see listening to so we're gonna see sydney wells get stopped on the muscle ups you're gonna say no no i think sydney wells is gonna do well on this one okay all right because that's sort of what i'm interested in
Starting point is 01:22:39 i'm interested to see them climb i'm interested to see if danny spiegel can hold that top spot i'd love to see Amanda Barnhart go. Do you think Mal O'Brien starts putting the wins back up on the board tomorrow? Sorry, who's going to put wins on the board tomorrow? Mallory
Starting point is 01:22:57 O'Brien. She'll win the Minnesota mashup, and I think Danny Spiegel will win the Speed Chipper. It's too bad you can't just click on those and see what they are the speed chipper is 120 yard shuttle snatches 16 at 115 125 for lady one 175 125 i think okay and then and chest to bar a hundred, a longer distance shuttle run, 36 chest to bar, 16 snatches finished with a shuttle run. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:31 I'm going to give you the same Anthony Davis remark for this. Will Danny Spiegel get time cap for event number six? Oh, the legless. I don't think so. No. 11 minutes is again, it would be, she's a games athlete.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Really, it's a rope climb a minute. Even less than that. It has to happen. It's a rope climb a minute and it ain't even 15 feet. I want to go look. Can you go to, Matt, can you go to Granite Games? Sorry, can you go to the Mac and see if any women time-capped that workout? Let's see that. Shelby Neal did.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Oh, that's right. That was her only finish out of the top five. That's fucking crazy. No shit. Yeah. Oh, these are the dudes. Can we check the chicks? How come the dudes only went to 20?
Starting point is 01:24:23 Oh, no. Okay. Yeah, there was only one cat wow wow oh my goodness she's a savage dude she's so good i mean it broke my heart to watch that that was tough yeah oh shit she didn't make it to the games yeah by one point or sorry not by not by one point but i mean nine wow that's just yeah and she just posted that it was uh it was all or nothing she's gonna go into military officer training school she's not doing the last chance qualifiers what i'm saying oh wow uh check out uh let's check out torian let's check out torian i want to see i want to see um how crazy this is what i'm saying
Starting point is 01:25:10 check out the torian women if any of them didn't uh if uh they got time cap thank you suza okay okay well by the way this also goes against something that brian was saying he's always talking about he's always talking about how Australia deserves more people going to the games, but this is pretty glaring compared to what we just saw over at the MAAC. They had one girl get capped, and she's a beast. It's such a bizarre circumstance. She may be the top 10 fittest woman on earth, to be honest. I mean, she's a beast.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Here they got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Yeah, but I think Brian's argument is more so go look at the top seven females and look at what their lowest place finish is of the weekend. And then go and look at other regions and look at the same. So he's saying that – He's looking at one end. I agree. Yeah, the depth at the top is just much better you cannot have one mistake whereas maybe in other semifinals you can
Starting point is 01:26:10 have a 15th or 16th and still qualify you can't get away with that in this region yeah look again syndicate oh syndicate more okay let's check lowlands this is interesting yeah that was that was brutal to watch you're right now it's starting to come back to me through my okay so none no oh oh yeah okay all right so maybe maybe just uh the mac just the mac was just one girl wow so shelby ne, if she would have been in another semifinal, she's going. I mean, I think if she finishes like 28th or 27th, she's going. Yeah, so for sure.
Starting point is 01:26:55 It's crazy. All right. Do we want to come on tomorrow before the event? I don't think we need to. We have individual events. We should go after the event, right? We're kind of all caught up on this stuff. Okay, so it's
Starting point is 01:27:09 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time tomorrow. That's when the show is or that's when the event starts? That's when the event's over. So we'll start the show at 4.15 Pacific Standard Time tomorrow. Cool by me. It's late, right? It's probably going to end late today like today though too right today we ended late so they and oh yeah they end at 402 it says here pacific standard time
Starting point is 01:27:38 tomorrow event three is happening right now isn't that how that works? Right now, Far East is going individual event one is 6.55 Pacific time to 8.35 Pacific time. I want to tell you something that I thought of. I watched the Far East yesterday. I watched it this morning when I woke up. Individual event one or two. I watched the whole thing. I watched. I just watched. It when I woke up. They have no one or two. I watched the whole thing. I watched, I just watched.
Starting point is 01:28:07 It's, it's a beautiful venue. It's got some, it's got three or four or five cameras locked off, but it's got no one commentating. And that's all ego and zero fucks given from CrossFit games, media from CrossFit HQ. If I,
Starting point is 01:28:23 if I was running CrossFit HQ, CrossFit Games Media, from CrossFit HQ. If I was running CrossFit HQ, I would make heads roll because they could ask us to commentate it for free from our computers like we do here and steal the show. Are you looking at our fucking numbers now? But the egos are so big over there that they can't do it. And they got no one commentating you got you can see all the money spent by whoever in korea that director is it's a beautiful event with locked off cameras we would
Starting point is 01:28:52 kill it if they let us commentate it we would give them 10 times the viewership we'd be saying the funniest shit ever we'd be talking about anthropogenic body proportions oh i just i just saw that and i'm like what a shame what what a waste progenic body proportions. And the false salvo. Oh, I just saw that, and I'm like, what a shame. What a waste. Susan, you're the executive producer of this show. Why didn't you get us that job for free? They still haven't even answered my L1 application yet.
Starting point is 01:29:19 I don't know. You're an affiliate. Yeah. Toxic. Okay, guys. 4.15 tomorrow tentatively. I'm going to double-check tomorrow tentatively i'm going to double check this schedule because um uh the or i'm gonna ask the thumb to double check it and um and then uh and then we'll stay on for about an hour and then event four will come on at 5 36 and be over at 6 58 if everything goes according to plan and we'll come back on at 7 15 p.m. Tomorrow we'll send out more links to all of you guys,
Starting point is 01:29:45 from Rich Froning to Rebecca to Daniel Brandon to Angelo, Colton Mertens. I cannot believe you guys all came on the show today. I honestly am just sitting there on my couch like honored. James Townsend, J.R. Howell, Taylor, Hiller, Sousa. Seriously, guys, what a cool thing we're doing. You know you're a game champion on tomorrow, right? Because you've had three days in a row of the game champ on. Froning?
Starting point is 01:30:09 Medeiros. Oh. And then you had Smith, and then you had Froning. So tomorrow, who do you need to get one? It doesn't matter who. We'll try. Oh, oh. Shit.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Will. You're muted. Who's that guy? Will. You're muted. We can't hear you. I came in here. I thought you guys were done yet.
Starting point is 01:30:27 I just had to get in before the show closed because I wanted to say something after. Okay. Good night, everyone. You won't know what Will says. Bye.

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