The Sevan Podcast - #436 - Granite Games Event 3 Recap | Pat Vellner, Anikha Greer, Brian Friend, Townsend, Hiller, Howell, Self

Episode Date: June 5, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. I had so many great DMs and people talking about how the show is just flowing with all the chaos. And I'm just so proud of that. Bam, we're live. Can we make Will Plummer scream big, Sousa, and the rest of us
Starting point is 00:00:46 tiny? How do we do that? Ah, Will Plummer scream. Crowd is not pretty good. It looks like a beautiful day, though, and it looks like a beautiful venue, and it does look like a beautiful setup. Well, how did it look 20 minutes ago, I guess?
Starting point is 00:01:02 This was full right here. And then over there was pretty decent. It looks like everyone's cleared out because they're setting up for the teams right now. I mean, people are just missing out. I mean, if you're a CrossFitter and you like CrossFit competition, I mean, I don't know if I personally would go to it. But if you like that stuff, I mean, this is perfect. Is it expensive, Will?
Starting point is 00:01:21 How much did it cost to get in there? I think for the weekend it was around $ 50. Okay. Is that what you paid? Are you media? No, I'm not media. Not real media. What happened? Oh, okay. We lost Susan and, uh, Caleb there behind the scenes. Um, what, what, at the end of that, um, uh, watching that workout, we saw Chandler Smith doing some pretty crazy heaving yeah uh some pretty crazy heaving and then in the final heat we actually saw fikowski take a knee yeah so chandler had two people uh he was the last one off the field from his heat he had two medics on his side basically
Starting point is 00:02:02 walking him up here i'll show you the stairs here. Let me flip my camera. The stairs right there. So this is where the athletes enter and exit the field. So they enter on that side and then they exit to this side. So he had two medics basically on each side, carrying him up the stairs. And then right about there, Brent Bukowski, after his event, had to stop and held onto the railing for about 15 seconds okay sorry i got confused let's go back a second are you saying that chandler smith had two medics help him up or fikowski did uh chandler smith had two medics he was the last one off the field for his feet and then fikowski basically just had one of the uh like athlete handlers or whatever next to him.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Okay. He was in better shape than Chandler. No shit. Okay. Caleb, can you play the video that Will got of Fikowski eggs? I'm not sure if it's worth it. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Don't play it to the end. Just play the part where he's at the stairs, please. But I like the end. Caleb, can part where he's at the stairs, please. But I like the end. Caleb, can we get that video again? Brian Friend, hi, how are you? Pretty good. We have two people on site. Will, anything else that you saw that was just crazy? It's a wall ball standard.
Starting point is 00:04:24 So it was about 50 50s um some people were going to the blue line and some were showing the white uh of course we got the easier line but it was it was about a 6 to 12 inch difference okay okay and and which line was the official line, the higher line or the low line? I don't know. I couldn't tell you. I was asking, I was asking the people around like, Hey, do you know what the standard is? And they're like, no clue that it was hit or miss Chandler was throwing to the white line the entire time. And he was getting some pretty good, he was getting a lot of no reps, then matt delugos was throwing barely to the blue line every time uh it's a trina made the comment what standards
Starting point is 00:05:13 that's a line from the 2008 documentary every second counts matt merski uh screams that what standards great do you know that line hillar is that in your movie repertoire? Oh, Hiller, you need that. It's my favorite line from any movie ever. Oh, good. Okay, good. I've seen that movie. I got the DVD. It's for sale on Rogue. It's like 10% off on Rogue. I have a box of like 400 of the DVDs somewhere. When they cleaned out the office, one of the employees. What happened? Brian ditched us? Apparently. when they cleaned out the office one of the employees what happened brian brian brian ditched us apparently yeah okay brother well thank you very much uh keep up the good work thanks for all the insights uh and uh thank you have fun yep see you guys uh i am um i want to apologize right away for the shots uh i took at thinking that it was going to be silly to do two
Starting point is 00:06:05 of those dumbbells and then walk up two steps it actually ended up being brilliant and i thoroughly enjoyed it and when we saw we saw phil toon and i mean i mean having fikowski dropped to one knee a specimen like him a guy who's crushing it and then phil toon passed through really puts everything into perspective right correct uh i think that when we were talking about it initially we thought it was one dumbbell and it ended up being two dumbbells which made a difference a big difference especially in the earlier heats it was really beating people up in the earlier heats what do you think do you do you want what's the word the is it repentance what what do you think mr howell did you like it yeah i mean i think I mentioned when Ben was on that it was two dumbbells.
Starting point is 00:06:47 You did. And I think the response was it should be two 100-pound dumbbells. Right. Obviously, after all that shoulder fatigue, it ended up really mattering. And then you see one no rep really being the deciding factor between who won the event. Okay, point Granite Games. 1-0 Granite Games, 0-7 on podcast. I mean, I really enjoyed that event.
Starting point is 00:07:09 What happened to my homeboy, Travis Mayer? But before anyone starts talking that shit, he's still in sixth place. What happened to Travis Mayer? I mean, really, this was his workout, right? They have it. Oh, yeah. You would think it would be his workout.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Yeah, in the past, those are workouts that are rather good for him. High rep wall ball workouts. Have you heard the story about how he did Karen Unbroken with a 30-pound wall ball? Yeah. Yeah, but I think he's probably better suited for Endure the Sled, but we'll see when that gets here. Well, both of them, really. Well, generally, you'd think it would be both of them.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I don't know if I'm feeling better. I don't know if I'm faking it or if I feel better. I don't know. I feel like shit, and I'm sweating like a pig, but thank you for asking. You sound like crap. Okay, good. Thank you. Something else everyone should know about this show, this is the home cooking show.
Starting point is 00:08:04 What does that mean, home cooking? That means we love who we love because we love them for our own subjective reasons but we try to bring objective talk to our subjective love that's why that's why the people get unfair um and people who love the show are welcome to come on at any time that's why they come and go and we had rebecca on and brian on and danielle on and rich on and james on it's just it's just a love fest but there is some there is some home cooking uh no i don't need any vagisil thank you though uh okay um going back to one of yesterday's topics before we talk about this event uh did you see the picture uh that i sent you guys to our thread i think i sent it to the thread that in
Starting point is 00:08:46 weightlifting competitions they provide rosin i did see that okay um what are your uh maybe we could even upload that caleb do you have did i send that picture to oh thank you brother um what are your thoughts on that because i got a lot i got some nasty dm saying oh um the the athletes aren't responsible for the extra long rope but they are responsible for shit on the platform and that they were saying there's an inconsistency there but but rosin could have been i'm assuming rosin something sticky right i don't even know what rosin is i just like saying it it's like the shit baseball players put on their grips the baseball bat it's like it's like a pine star pine sap type thing they have it on like a pitcher's mound and all that the pitchers use to help grip the baseball and they're throwing it so it's the opposite of vagisil yeah you wouldn't
Starting point is 00:09:35 take it because you're being a baby which is what you said you'd need that for uh okay well i just wanted to throw it out there um i just want to throw it out there i don't even know if that's true if they really do provide that at weightlifting competitions but if we're going to do weightlifting events at at the crossfit games maybe maybe it's important also to follow that that pattern also and offer up some rosin maybe i think the biggest thing with all that is with with the rope and the length of it it's just something that a lot of people know when you walk into an affiliate so you look at the rope on the's like, Oh, don't roll your ankle on that thing. It's something you'd go over when you're going over.
Starting point is 00:10:08 You have a rope climb workout in the class. It's like, all right guys, when you're coming down the rope, make sure you don't roll your ankle on it. Or you cut the ropes. Same sort of deal with the, the no,
Starting point is 00:10:17 no, no gym that I've ever been in has had a rosin bag there to keep the floors dry. When you're doing any, usually you try to keep the floors as clean as possible. You don't throw shit on them to keep the to like keep yourself from slipping you know what i mean it's almost like a commonsensical hey 12 000 wrongs don't make a right hillar that's not that's not like that's not some sort of logic i'm gonna jump on
Starting point is 00:10:36 um every girl in the world loves you instead of me so you're better looking than me no i'm not that's just just no no i don't follow that one i know i didn't really follow i didn't follow that one either i didn't follow that one either you're off i am i am uh in uh heat number one when sydney wells went uh chase mentioned or joel mentioned i can't remember that she has a full-time job and i was wondering if any of you guys knew what her full-time job was i thought that was freaking impressive yeah i caught that but i don't think there was a full-time job sydney wells um shit do you want me to find out yeah you think it's like some sort of job like she's like it's like some part of me wants to say nurse but i could be wrong. Wait, you just go to ADP?
Starting point is 00:11:25 Oh. What is ADP? Oh, okay. Wow. It's like an online payment. Wow, so she has like a real job. The comment section wins again. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Richard Margerine. Did you see this guy's name, JR? Richard Margerine. That's a real job, man I know, you would know Speaking of real jobs There's Annika Greer Hi, what's up? Annika, do you have a real job?
Starting point is 00:11:57 No, I do not have a real My only real job was coaching At my affiliate, if that even counts Because that's so fun Can you believe Sydney Wells is doing as well as she is And she has a job My only real job was coaching at my affiliate, if that even counts, because that's so fun. Can you believe Sydney Wells is doing as well as she is and she has a job? I mean, she's on Lincoln with a word like district manager or something under her name. Those are big girl words.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Uh-oh, someone's got a YouTube or a radio or a TV. Someone's got something on. Uh-oh, someone's got a YouTube or a radio or TV. Someone either James or Anika. Oh, James, James, James. I'm going down. Okay. Hey, uh, James, I want to, I want to go back a second. We were talking, someone mentioned to me that at a weightlifting competition, James meet Anika, Anika meet James. I think you guys know each other. I'm a big fan. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Anika had CrossFit Games aspirations, and then they crashed and burned. We did a whole show on it if you want to get caught up on it. When at weightlifting competitions, someone said there's rosin available for the athletes to prevent that slipping. Is that something that ā€“ Yeah, under the chop. Yeah. Is that something that they should be providing you think at Granite Games?
Starting point is 00:13:07 No. Okay. Fine. Why is that? Why not? Because how many times, you know, at Granite Games or any CrossFit event are they using a platform? But, I mean, just because they are doing it, and it is being done at a high level, right, that you would want to to to mitigate the chance of injury or at least politically wise, stop to take responsibility off yourself and put it on the athletes. I guess the athletes could bring their own rosin, right?
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah. What is that? You wipe it on your shoes or on the ground? wipe it on your shoes or on the ground no it's it's it's like it's like when you go ahead you're chalking up and they have this big stand and you know on the front of your of your lifter the it like dries up or or gives you the bottom of your lifters grit okay so you go ahead and do your jerk you don't slip out so you put it on your shoes on the bottom of your shoes on the sole your shoes right have you ever used it annika no i actually have never heard that word in my life until right now taylor have you used it you've never had resin um no i could say it's rosin rosin
Starting point is 00:14:16 i never i never well i'd use it in baseball but i I didn't know they used it in Olympic lifting. It's just like my car. Mr. Hiller? I have never used it, no. Mr. Howell? No, I mean, I've heard of it in baseball. That's it. Okay. Time to grow up, Russ. I swear it's rosin.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Everyone's saying resin. I think it's rosin. Can we go with the Google Translate thing or the pronunciator? You smoke resin. You do. In a pinch. Only in a pinch. I know about that, too you do in a pinch only in a pinch i know about that too only in a pinch
Starting point is 00:14:47 uh impressive impressive that uh sydney um has a job what do you think what do you think jr can can someone who has a full-time i mean if she quits the job does she do her chances grow or no not not yet listen uh i mean you to eat right i don't know what her situation is like financially and she may not have that option right now if presented with that option in the future i would think that being able to focus the hours she spends working be it remotely or an on-site job she could probably use that time to uh train more and recover did you work taylor do you work uh i i coach and okay and work you know a lot in an affiliate manage ish and affiliate on anika what how do you make ends meet and train how do i what sorry how do you make ends meet and train
Starting point is 00:15:41 well luckily i have only been an adult for a year. So coming out of high school last year, I mean, I didn't really, I wasn't financially independent by any means. Um, but now it's mainly through sponsors and I mean, coaching, um, a bit, but when I'm like full season, I don't coach as much cause it, it takes a lot out of you, honestly. Um, so yeah, just sponsors. Yeah. Good on you. And James, you and james what do you what do you tell your your top guys is is it a conversation you have with them like hey we got to figure out sponsors for you oh i just saw uh tutor signed with um a new agent correct yeah yeah um i i try not to you know given my uh my last outing i try not not to, uh, um,
Starting point is 00:16:26 harp on that too much for my athletes. Cause I don't want them focusing on it. Um, you know, to, you know, once, once you get big in this sport, it can get to your head and, and make you, you know, care about the money instead of, you know, focusing on the task at hand and staying humble. So I try not to focus on that and good thing tutor, you know, he doesn't really, you know I try not to focus on that. And good thing, Tudor, he doesn't really ā€“ he has good morals and values, so the money thing is not a thing for him. So it'll just come.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Put in the work, assign it to someone you trust on your team, and let it come. That's it. Okay. Fair enough. Yesterday we had Daniel Brandon on the show for a short minute, and she showed her ferocity as a competitor. And I didn't see the comments, but I guess there were some comments where people took some shots at her. Hey, look. Hey, look, man. The fact that you care means that you are a fan.
Starting point is 00:17:15 The fact that you're saying you're not a fan means that you are a fan. And we all know that. And we know she's adding value to the game by those shots she fired because she got you to react and make a comment. So just sit back, enjoy the show, get angry, get angry, but accept the fact that you're angry and it's fun. Enjoy it. Stay in the big picture and just realize she's a fierce competitor and we have a new character in the game. Annika, she's a character, right? Facts.
Starting point is 00:17:45 What did you say? I said facts, yes. 100% is. Facts, yeah, yeah. And there was, I'll tell you a little story. Daniel Brandon is a giant wave. If you stay close to it, you're safe. If you stay far away from it, you're safe. If you stay far away from it you're safe if you stay in
Starting point is 00:18:06 the break you're fucked up so either get on the daniel brandon train or fucking run for the mountains but if you're one of those if you're one of our competitors you're in the break and like you're gonna there's gonna be there's gonna be violence there's gonna be waves breaking is tia in the break uh no not yet tia's has run off. I don't know where Tia's gone. Tia's surfing the top of the wave. Tia's surfing Danielle. Did you see the little thing I made that kind of cut that and made it so everybody could see it? What?
Starting point is 00:18:36 It brought up the conversation that we're talking about where it's like she ā€“ Daniel kind of like put her foot in the ground. It's like, here I am. She kind of like made her voice heard. I think that's what we're talking about isn't it she pissed on the carpet no the thing with the no reps i hope i want to see the big girls get no reps or something wasn't it that yeah okay no so no no mine was in relation to the hair you were talking about the hair okay i misunderstood the the one you were oh yeah that one was good too oh so rebecca made a rebuttal to that no i just kind of brought it up and they were they were talking in the comments on a reel that
Starting point is 00:19:09 i made on instagram and it was cordial it was good stuff they understood that like what was going on and it wasn't like screw you fuck you okay good mr friend hi sorry about that no no no i thought i thought, I'm glad you're trying. I got a phone call. How is Mr. Brent Fikowski? He had a tremendous run. I mean, what a push. He looked like a beast out there. But then we saw some video of him going up the stairs,
Starting point is 00:19:37 and he looked wounded, to say the least. It's a tough workout. I mean, you heard what Phil Toon said, and he looked good finishing, and still said he felt terrible. So I think that's a tough one. Everyone mean, you heard what Phil Toon said, and he looked good finishing it and still said he felt terrible. So I think that's a tough one, and everyone knew that about Granite Games. These middle three workouts are really, really going to be high demand on the athletes. We also ā€“ Will Plummer reported to us that Chandler Smith had to be helped by two medics off the field.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Is he okay? I haven't heard anything yet, but that didn't look good. I mean, obviously I saw him quote on the workout, but I think it was more than that. He didn't look like himself yesterday. Not just his performance. He just didn't seem to have the usual excitement or enthusiasm that some people sometimes he's had.
Starting point is 00:20:22 So I don't know. I just don't think maybe he's not feeling well to begin with but then you start having bad performances and even if you've been around so i just hope he's okay but i wouldn't be surprised if that's the last time we see him no shit like that i don't know we'll see um you know this next event's not that easy either if he's not feeling well like i don't know and he's already. Um, you know, this next event is not that easy either. If he's not feeling well, like, I don't know. And he's already,
Starting point is 00:20:47 you know, he's probably not in a contending position. So it reminds me of what happened to Ricky Garrard, but that was, you know, that was a workout one. He still had a good finish. So we had a reason to come back and fight for it.
Starting point is 00:20:57 If Chandler feels like he's out of the fight and something's wrong at all, maybe he will not risk it. Uh, I don't, I, uh, Travis, he didn't get carried. he didn't get carried off.
Starting point is 00:21:07 He didn't get carried off. He was just, he just had two medics help him off. Help him off. No, no, no, Travis Brault. Just some random dude on here. Where's your good headphones, Brian? Did they get left in your other bag? headphones brian did they get left on in your other bag uh no i just this is what i have when i'm walking around right now okay when uh when we talked about this workout we we well we this
Starting point is 00:21:38 this show is just i have these guys on my show are just always talking shit about workouts and just talking shit about the events and blah, blah, blah. I don't want to name names. I think those guys all have to eat crow. I think that was a brilliant workout. And even I thought those last 10 reps would be stupid. And I thought that was brilliant. And the fact that we're seeing people like Phil tune,
Starting point is 00:21:59 hurting Fikowski down Chandler Smith, getting KO and yet still finishing in the time cap. I'm loving it. I'm loving it. Do you have any comments? I don't know. I like both the workouts today because I think there's a good balance between, you know, strength.
Starting point is 00:22:17 You know, you can excel at the wall balls and the dumbbell stuff, but what are you going to do when you come to the muscle in this afternoon? Same thing with the barbell. I actually watched some of the masters athletes do this, uh, workout this morning and you saw people exchanging the lead. Some guys would touch the barbell and just come to the stop on the pull-ups and then,
Starting point is 00:22:34 you know, see how they hang on in the back. So I kind of like the workouts like that, where you get a little bit of gymnastics, a little bit of weightlifting, the best of management. Taylor, would you argue that there should have been a 20 minute time cap?
Starting point is 00:22:46 So that would have made you feel better? No, no. I like the workouts by themselves. The whole point is that there's only six workouts and four of them are the same. Fair, fair. Okay. Okay. Fair, fair. That's a generalization. And that's why Brian's laughing because I'm making a fast generalization, but. But I understand what you're saying. It's in contentization, and that's why Brian's laughing, because I'm making a fast generalization.
Starting point is 00:23:06 But I understand what you're saying. But it stops my point. It's a great rebuttal to my point. It's not the workouts in particular you're against. It's just them being used to determine who goes on to the games in conjunction with one another over these three days. What does Annika think about that? Thanks, Brian. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I think this last workout was a big medley of movement. I kind of looked at it at first. I was like, so what are the testing other than pain? But, I mean, I can agree with Taylor. When you only have six workouts, you have to do what you would want to test. six workouts what you would want to test um i'm not incredibly familiar with like the rest of the weekend to be honest but so i guess i don't really have that valid of an opinion if i don't really know the rest of the workouts but i do think this last workout was definitely just kind of a medley of a lot of movements and it was just kind of like who can hurt and yeah 10 wall balls
Starting point is 00:24:06 yeah like that's a that's a lot of movements yeah i mean i think it's a it would be like a good workout to do i'm sure it's really hard but it's kind of like what specifically are they testing there yeah i i don't even understand that question but that's a question that what specifically are they testing there? Yeah. I don't even understand that question, but that's a question that these guys like J.R. Howell and Taylor and Hiller throw around a lot. What are they testing?
Starting point is 00:24:32 I don't know. Who can do the most wall balls the fastest? Capacity. And then also there's 30 muscle-ups in there, so there's definitely some gymnastics skill. Right. But they're also testing. Why do you insult J insult jr by grouping him
Starting point is 00:24:47 in with those guys it just happens it just happens it just happens so there's uh you know there's shoulder interference in every single movement other than the ghd they went overhead in event one they went overhead in event two they went overhead this event and they're going overhead again with the snatches for 32 reps so in general i mean the first four workouts being really really shoulder intensive it's going to be interesting to see how the snatches go for a lot of those guys and then workouts five and six don't have anything overhead i mean seven i got one more one more question if you want, then I got to go. Otherwise. Are you happy with Colton Mertens?
Starting point is 00:25:29 Very happy. I think that he did really well on that workout. The men's field is tightening up a bit, but he's right in the mix. So I think he's probably going to be good on this next one. And then it's all going to be about the last day for him. So I think he'll be happy with that too, probably. Okay. And can you check in on Travis Mayer? I'd like to know if something's
Starting point is 00:25:45 wrong. That was surprising. I thought he would have a top five finish at worst on that workout. I think he finished 14th or something like that. It's not terrible, but I don't think he can afford another one that bad. Okay. If I get a chance to talk to him or Max, I'll let you know. Okay, tell
Starting point is 00:26:01 Chase and Joel they're killing it. We're loving it. We're loving it. Thank you. Will do. Yep, loving it. We're loving it. Thank you. Will do. Yep, thanks. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Fuck. What were you going to ask him?
Starting point is 00:26:12 Please no swearing on the show. Yeah, of course. No swearing on the show. Has he changed his opinion on Phil Toon yet? Does he think he's going to beat Justin Medeiros at the CrossFit Games? No. Hmm. Dude.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It just depends on the... There's running and swimming. And riding a bike. And there's running and swimming and riding and there's phil toon and phil toon man he looked good he looks good he just beat brent fukowski and a chipper when are you guys how bad is phil toon swimming taylor how bad is it i'm so broke but i would have i would take out a big bet against you andrew on justin versus phil at the games fine i gotta have i gotta have odds though, because Justin already won once, and Phil Toon's coming out of nowhere. Who's better, Patrick, Patrick Vellner, or Phil Toon at swimming?
Starting point is 00:26:54 Oh, shoot. Vellner's better than Toon, and that's what I'm saying. That's the whole point. That's such a good dude, but, man. What does Anika think? Anika, who's going to win the game this year? Oh, please. Justin, I mean.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Thank you, Anika. I know. I know. I just like to take a stance that isn't quite the typical. I think in the next couple of years, there'll definitely be some guys that will be pushing for it, but I don't think they're quite there this year. I think Danny Spiegel is going to beat Tia Toomey.
Starting point is 00:27:28 King of the hot takes. You really? No, I don't. Did she say to you, really? I want to ask you guys all a question. What is, if I say, how many pull-ups can you always do? So if I said, hey, you have to do pull-ups for 20 minutes, or let's say 30 minutes, and you had to choose a set
Starting point is 00:27:52 and just keep doing that set for 30 minutes with little breaks, what sets would you choose, Taylor? What kind of pull-ups? Skipping, strict, chest-to-bar. Just pull-ups, just pull-ups, any kind, any kind. You got to be more. Okay, let's say strict. Let's say strict pull-ups. Strict pull-ups. Five. Four yeah any kind you gotta be more okay let's say strict let's say strict pull-ups five four two ten are we trying to get as many as we can in a half hour no yeah
Starting point is 00:28:12 yeah yeah five four i would do triples every 30 seconds for a half hour yeah i'd probably do something like that too i'd do three four or five definitely not ten anika how many i said one but one okay fair fair uh jamestown said i heard malo because that comes out of my mouth sometimes like like you could wake me up hit me with the bat as hard as you can and i can do three pull-ups like there's just i do three pull-ups for my grave you could dig me out three pulls are just nothing and when she said in her post interview i broke my miss mallory o'brien said this i i can always do five muscle-ups i was just like yeah i get that you do get that yeah no tell me tell me james go it's something i mean that's that's clearly something, you know, I always like to say to my athletes is that, you know, you can do five.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yeah, that's amazing to me. Always know you can do five. When you're on ring muscle-ups or bar muscle-ups, you can always push five. Like, five is that comfortable number that you can do. So you tell her that. So if you had an athlete who said three, you'd be like, no, you can always do five. You put that in there.
Starting point is 00:29:28 You make them believe you can get to five. Yeah. That's impressive. What do you think, Annika? What were you going to say? You can always do five muscle-ups too. I a hundred percent. Like if I have a big set of muscle-ups,
Starting point is 00:29:39 I don't know why I'm more confident in my ring muscle-ups than I am strict pull-ups clearly. But like, I just, if there's a big set of muscle ups and I start with something big, like I know I can always go back to fives and I'll be fine. Like if it's sets of fives in a workout, I'm like, like, that's basically rest. Cause you only have to do five. Like it's five, such a comfortable number. I do.
Starting point is 00:29:57 I guess I don't, I don't, I've never done kipping muscle ups. So I guess I don't know, but man, that just seems nuts to me. How many, how many do you do? What would you, is five sound like a lot to you hillar can you always do five five muscle-ups oh yeah yeah oh yeah i could probably do them right now and i can't even straighten my arm um mr crash cross so you guys you you had none you guys are impressed by that you're not impressed by that either jr it's just like yeah you got to be able to always do five yeah mr self well fuck thanks for ruining the show okay um danny spiegel strong work pardon me you getting text messages is that you oh yeah sorry no it's okay i'm just curious what yeah yeah yeah sorry sorry sorry i love this
Starting point is 00:30:40 shit you're always people are texting me telling me that i look like I'm going to die. People are texting me telling me I look like I'm going to die on the show. Thank you. I appreciate it. I don't know what I should bring up. Don't remind me. Don't have me look at my text messages again. Danny Spiegel looked strong. Danny Spiegel looked amazing.
Starting point is 00:31:02 She came back so strong. She did what she needed to do can i see the um the women's uh placement um but none of her reps look good to me not not none i'm exaggerating half her reps don't look good to me i had to say but same with fikowski now i'm not on the field i'm open to someone tell me to shut the fuck up but the wall balls from her and fikowski it's just like i i are any of you seeing that are you talking about the the wobbles the overhead squats the muscle ups what part of there are you looking no the wall ball specifically for her and fukowski i'm really impressed she goes
Starting point is 00:31:34 wall balls you can only see like i said in a post i made six of them it's almost as if the crossfit games were strategically trying to avoid looking at her doing wall balls by showing the freaking crowd. And I'm not saying there's any sort of conspiracy theory going on here, but of the ones that we saw, they didn't look good. Yes, I am. No, they didn't look good. And you can see that in the little video I put together. You can go to the clip within the stream and see that they don't look very good. And you can see that the judge did give her a couple of no reps,
Starting point is 00:32:05 but then you don't know what the rest of them look like. And you have to assume that the judge was doing the right job, but from the ones we saw, it's looking like it's not probably the right call for the, for the majority of them. And the way she's go ahead. I was going to say, I did notice,
Starting point is 00:32:19 I saw Danny and Brent squatting. You know, it's tough to see on, I think it's tough to see on camera depending on the angle. It looked close. What I noticed that I thought was really interesting was Mal O'Brien seemed to be the only athlete that touched both heads of her dumbbells to the ground on the dumbbell. Yeah, I did notice that.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I just thought that was really weird. I just thought it was weird because it's definitely an advantage when you can angle the dumbbells down and touch the bottom head so i wonder if her judge was making her do that or she was just you know fucking packing it in even more than just beating everybody by a minute how come everyone's talking about fukowski's wall balls i don't think that i noticed fukowski's wall balls looking all that bad but his overhead squats it didn't look like he was extending at the top of his initial 20 that's what i noticed with the cows ski i mean it's hard to tell none of them look below parallel to me if the if the line is to go below parallel none of them look below parallel neither did neither did danny's and somebody made
Starting point is 00:33:18 the comment if it was too parallel spiegel still don't look good i agree i agree like if they were power lifting standards and savannah i know i agree like if they were power lifting standards and savannah i know you don't know much about power lifting but all they have to do is hit parallel that not break parallel which is the crossfit standard they don't look good on spiegel's end so so look yeah yeah she did yeah something um chandler smith asked to grass correct malory o'brien ass to grass correct it makes the other people look even worse yeah and they're and they're right next to these other people and you're just like yeah it's just screwing everything up go ahead i mean i don't know i mean i get what you're saying but at the same time she's taking what the judge gives her right right okay we said
Starting point is 00:34:01 that yesterday about mal and her jerk as well and i would be a hypocrite to say that so yeah this one would be on the judge for as much as i've tried to be on the judge's side this week and those are some bad calls on the judge um we'll go ahead sorry go ahead so with danny like just because she has those huge legs like and i noticed this when i like power snatch because i have like big hamstrings. You can get away with hitting parallel and looking like you're hitting depth because your hamstrings dip under like parallel, but your hip crease doesn't. So like she can hit parallel and hitting full depth. Cause I, that happens to me when I wall ball, cause everybody's trying to like not go full depth on wall balls. You don't have to, full depth but you know not like ass to grass wall balls because that's like
Starting point is 00:34:47 so much more effort than you need to with a 14 pound ball but you can kind of ride that line if you have these huge hamstrings and they look like you're going yeah like see right there that's good day those are my hamstrings but that's mouse work i never heard that before that's good that's good but here's the thing your hip crease is below your knee yeah there it is if you put a if you put a quarter on it's rolling down yeah oh i don't know i don't know the hip crease is below the knee yeah close uh go back look at the top of the knee The hip crease is below the knee? Yeah. That's close. Go back. Look at the top of the knee.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Look at the top of the knee. I probably was lower. It's just where that picture was taken. That wasn't where I was. Yeah. Yeah, I think the judges, I thought that too. I don't know what that is. I thought the judge was being tricked by the hamstring also. Her hamstrings basically touch the ground.
Starting point is 00:35:53 From a land far, far away. We have two Canadians. Where all the homes are built of wood. Holy shit. Were you just trying to explain how you cheat depth? Are you in a sauna? No, I'm just in a wood house.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Feels like a sauna on a hot day, though, because there's no AC in this bitch. You're strobing, so either we're on LSD or you're on LSD. Hey, is that yours, James? You got another one? Yeah, it's my first son. Oh my goodness. What's his name? Azarai.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Azarai. Azarai. Azarai. Azarai. What's up, little man? Patrick, did you get a chance to watch any of the work being done today? They've just done one, right? Yes. Today, yes.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yeah. Yeah, I've seen that. I watched that. A little bit, you know, I don't know. Drop it. What do you got? Some questionable things going on out there. Well, I don't want to sewer anybody, but there were some soft lockouts on those clean and jerks. And I do think dumbbell overhead squat
Starting point is 00:37:06 with single arm is... It's asking for trouble, frankly, anytime that's in anywhere. It's hard to get uniform judging on that movement, so I don't know. You're talking about the team competition? No. No, the individuals did.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Dumbbell overhead squat is just below pistols as far as asking for trouble in my opinion it's tough it's like and i mean everybody you get a little cockeyed you get a little twisty and then it's just like it's tough frankly like i move reasonably well and i it's hard it's a hard movement um so it's that chipper was gnarly though i think it was hot some people looked messed up did you see uh we should we uh in the beginning of the show we talked about how chandler had to That chipper was gnarly, though. I think it was hot. Some people looked messed up. Did you see, in the beginning of the show, we talked about how Chandler had to be taken off the field by two medics and not carried off, but escorted off.
Starting point is 00:37:54 And then someone sent us some footage of Fikowski. There's some stairs you have to exit the stadium on, and he had to stop and take a break. I was shocked to see Fikowski, like, four reps from the end drop to one knee. I mean, that's pretty uncharacteristic of a champ. I mean, he went hard in the middle there because the muscle-ups in that workout is where he needed to work harder than anybody else. And he did everything he could to stay even with the leaders and then try to pull away on the wall balls. But at that stage, if people are going unbroken on wall balls, you can't buy a few seconds from anybody.
Starting point is 00:38:24 But at that stage, if people are going unbroken on wall balls, you can't buy a few seconds from anybody. So, I mean, I think he just pushed it to like almost a red line point. He was doing like doubles on the muscle ups to finish and then had to just ride that red line for the next fucking 10 minutes. So I am not surprised to see that. I think it's going to be interesting to see how people perform on their next event tonight. Because I'll admit, I have been in that situation before where I can only take about 10 steps off the competition floor and then I got to sit down again, but usually it's on the last event of the day. So, you know, there's gotta be a serious regroup that happens now. I will say,
Starting point is 00:38:57 I saw the finishes for most of the heats. I watched like the men and heats two and three men and women go, I'm sorry. I didn't watch you on, but, uh, Anthony Davis, he's finished, broke my heart. That was one of the hardest things to watch ever. Was that in the second heat?
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yes. Yeah. Yes. She was leading to, she had one clean and jerk left at the end and it took her about two minutes to finish. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 00:39:26 It was the, yeah, it was very difficult to watch and she needed that finish too i think points wise to put her back in contention so that's always hard she still took sixth did she okay i didn't actually check the leaderboard afterwards i just she got beat in that heat and i assumed at least a handful of people in the next heat would still take her. So that's good. Yeah. Hey, if I would have told you that Anthony Davis was going to beat Travis Mayer in that workout and I wanted to bet you $100, would you have taken that bet? I would have taken that bet. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:39:56 That was very surprising. And he came in right ā€“ he almost beat Colton Mertens. Anthony Davis came in sixth. Yeah, I mean, obviously, obviously has really good uh wall ball capacity good aerobic capacity it's just again it's same as brett like i'm i want to go back and they weren't showing him but i would love to see what his 30 muscle-ups look like because that's where that's impressive for him he's a big boy he he like they showed us a bunch he was killing it he did great he may have been the first off the muscle-ups he may have been the first off the muscle-ups
Starting point is 00:40:23 that would i that would surprise me. What do you guys think? I think he came off one or two. No, no, no. Phil was, and then he came off like two seconds right after Phil. Okay, okay. Did you notice Bukowski's wall balls, Patrick? What about them?
Starting point is 00:40:43 There's a bunch of people who are trying to say that they were no good and I'm watching them right now and they look fine by me. Should ask Annika. He's got big ass hamstrings. Hey, they're a, um, I,
Starting point is 00:40:57 yeah, I think his wall ball, I've seen him do wall balls many times up close and they are generally well below parallel. So I would find it surprising to hear that they were not good um i do think in a workout like that with 150 knowing he's a big body like if you watch his overhead squats it's the same like he goes to parallel but he's not really dipping it down as low as he can like he's cutting off his range of motion to try to not move triple the distance of some of the other athletes on the floor. Right. So in order to be competitive,
Starting point is 00:41:26 I think I wouldn't surprise me to see he did a wide stance and things like that to try to keep himself from doing like an extra six inches every wall ball. But yeah, I mean, also, if you've got a rep taken away, he'd, he'd probably fix it. I know he lost a few on the overhead squats and he started squatting a little deeper. So that's a competition for you, baby. packing yeah i had to munch your all tomorrow morning what do you think about the uh workout so far alice has released uh i think they're over programmed but is what it is i think that the first event is, is actually funny.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And then beyond that, it's like, you know, I just think there's pieces that don't need to be, I don't know. It looks like it's trying too hard. I'll say that. Like something like the chipper that we have, the mini chipper, that's like 30 muscle ups, 25 burpee box jump over is 15 squat snatches. Like that burpee box jump over doesn't really need to be 30 inches it just sort of slows people down for no reason the squat snatch is going to be on a short bar at 205 and that's probably not that necessary i don't know it's just like it feels like it's a bit much and they'd like that handstand push-ups is like it's 45 deficit
Starting point is 00:42:42 handstand push-ups for time like the rest of it's a little bit uh you know it's going to be a grind but the guy who has the best deficit parallel handstand push-ups at 12 inches will win the workout uh patrick i want to apologize someone someone in the comments was so rude they said i would be packing too if i lived in canada i'm sorry i just want to apologize for that as in they would be leaving or they would have a weapon? Both. Oh, well. That's topical.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Do you have any concerns, Patrick? Are we going to see you at the games? Are you feeling just, you know, like a million bucks? Going in there, whoop some ass, come home, hug the baby, kiss the wife? I never really feel like a million bucks, you know? But you do what you can with what you got. I think... She's 32 old? Are you old?
Starting point is 00:43:31 Not 32 yet. I'll be 32 at the games. Well, I'm looking at the game set. It says you're 32. So you probably are. I think they just go based on whatever. Yeah, 32 is super old, but I'm not 32 yet, so it doesn't matter. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:48 When's your birthday? July 14th. I expect a gift now from all of you. Yes. I'm putting it on my calendar actually right now. I already made a video for you. That was your gift. Perfect, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:01 My head. Yeah, Atlas will be good. The men's field is quite strong at Atlas. I think it's not the deepest, maybe. I don't know. Lots of people. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:09 So we'll see what happens. I know our, like the kind of general, those Quebec guys are really strong. Like Adler and Vino Caron looking at the events. I think there's, you know, Alex Caron,
Starting point is 00:44:19 I think we'll say it. We'll have a very strong competition. You can't not show up. I think if I show up and I perform well, I'll be fine. But I'm expecting to go back to the games, yeah. Did Vigneault make it to the games last year? Yes. I think he finished ninth or something like that.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Okay. So it is a strong ā€“ you're with a strong group of guys. There's at least five really strong guys there who are going to do well at the games. I think so. Yeah. It depends. I mean, there's guys that have had success. Like Jeff's been very successful at the games, and then one year, like,
Starting point is 00:44:57 I think he may have got cut last year, but it always just kind of depends what comes up, and cuts can kind of mess up systems like that. So they're all very strong and you know in a six event competition like they'll all be good you know caron had a strong performance at waterpalooza like jeff was very good at rogue this year like those guys have all a good strong competition pedigree and i expect them to not make a lot of mistakes is it an indoor venue yes i don't yeah yeah it'll be all indoor we have all our events up now and they have like a track and stuff next door and stuff like that but looks like we're not
Starting point is 00:45:32 using any of that stuff i'm i'm i'm uh i'm looking um i'm looking through i think did i call brent the champ and someone's having a tizzy about it because i would love to retract it i apologize it's my fault i should never have called brent the champ i'm sorry i'm wrong the champ and someone's having a tizzy about it? Because I would love to retract it. I apologize. It's my fault. I should never have called Brent the champ. I'm sorry. I'm wrong. The champ of what?
Starting point is 00:45:50 I don't know. Who cares? I just called him the champ. He's fucking great. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But I retracted. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I really do retract it. I think you said a champ. Yeah, I regret ever saying anything nice about Fikowski. I was wrong. Sorry. I really do. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Pat, I was going to ask what you thought about
Starting point is 00:46:09 Phil Toon. That's what I was going to ask. Do you think he's going to beat Justin at the games? Oh, stop asking that. Hey, who's the worst swimmer? Let me ask some questions. Fucking ask if who's going to beat him. No one's beating Justin ever. Who's the worst swimmer at the CrossFit Games? Who's themer you or phil tuned oh me for sure oh that's not what these
Starting point is 00:46:29 guys say phil they say phil phil couldn't pass you in a motorboat that's absolutely not what i said they said phil's so bad he would get in the he sunk the titanic he got in there and just put a hole in it he said they said he sucks i heard never mind i didn't hear that yeah phil looks good though i think um i was very impressed with that chipper from phil although i will say it's not entirely unexpected phil has really really good shoulder endurance oh yeah i think that was a very big shoulder endurance chipper so um it was great because i think in you know the past that i've been aware of him, he's struggled with some longer events, generally with high volume pulling, though. Anything pressing, he's a fucking monster.
Starting point is 00:47:14 So it's good to see. It was a sweet finish, and he looked off Bukowski in that last little bit, and it was awesome. So he's looking good. I think we'll see what happens in the next couple events i think looking at the way people hit the field at the end of that workout it might be a war of attrition and you might see some people starting to fall apart with like three events left two events left and just like not recovering well and and not looking like themselves like i would say even in that event like looking at guys like chandler even guys like travis that just like a couple times you're like really like looking at
Starting point is 00:47:50 some of the breaks travis took on wall balls it was like uncharacteristic so sometimes that's how competition is man uh you get out there on the heat on the field and it's like it can for you so if you look at phil's tan he's's obviously been working in the heat a lot. He lives in Naples. He's crazy dark. I don't think it's going to affect him. I know. It's hilarious. He's so dark.
Starting point is 00:48:12 It's unreal. It looks like he's 40. Oh, man. Hey, I used to say that to him all the time, and he kind of put an end to it. Yeah, he put an end to it. Like he said something to me. He's got that rattlesnake skin. I love it.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Yeah. He looks like a Buick seat. Careful. You're going to piss him off. He's going to take you down at the games now. he put an end to it he like he said something to me that rattlesnake skin i love it yeah he looks like a buick careful you're gonna piss him off he's gonna take you down at the games now yeah dude i told him i want a blue though and then he's got the sandbag five times and took last in the dolly event he oh he's got he's got a little bit of that thug life look and he also looks like yeah he looks like he's got a hundred years of life and a 22 year old man's body i mean he yeah i like the senior he's good stuff but uh it's so i think it's like he's so tan and i'm like not at all right like we're just we're like ebony no no when you get off we'll talk about how white you are don't worry it looks so funny so i just like
Starting point is 00:48:59 him the palest dude could possibly stand next to him so in miami we were having a good laugh about it have you ever pulled out of a competition no why not i never had a good enough reason good question well i thought maybe like uh oh i guess that's probably about as good of an answer as you could have or you were just going to finish no matter what what's the worst thing what's the closest you've been then if there is uh twice i was pretty close 2016 regionals i tore my bicep in the first event of course and they they were like pretty close to medically withdrawing me and i kind of like talked them out of it. And then the games in 2018, after that cargo net was the same thing. I like bruised my lung.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I had to go to the hospital and get like a scan and stuff. And I had big, bad lung, lung contusion. So they almost forced me to withdraw then as well. But I talked them out of it again. Every athlete who's pulled out for like something weird that those are extreme in my opinion and you
Starting point is 00:50:06 didn't pull out like that should be a clip that most athletes have to hear and i'm not saying that every athlete should just like go on no matter what but lung confusion and torn bicep no matter what i know i know that's why i said not no matter what but you know i think sometimes people are looking for a way out i will say that hey most guys who have a torn bicep automatically really want to be pulled out because they don't want to be drug tested after that one that was pecs i think you got but uh both both and that was what that was the next year but yeah i don't know i think sometimes like if things aren't going well there's also like oh i think i'm stubborn in that sense probably beyond reason
Starting point is 00:50:45 but it's not it's also maybe because I've like I've had some pretty sweet comebacks in my career so I'm always just like hey man dream still alive fucking um but there is a good reason like if you're you hurt your back and like I have two events left I'm in seventh is the risk of like making this significantly worse you need to make reasonable decisions for your own longevity that like all right um does it make sense for me to like fight tooth and nail maybe hurt myself worse and then like finish one place higher like maybe not like if you're in a podium hunt maybe you want to risk it and it's worth it for you um you know maybe you'd rather go back to the drawing board and put three solid months of
Starting point is 00:51:27 training in instead of being nursing an injury. Like that's kind of generally, you have to weigh that out as an athlete and nobody can make that decision for you. Like the bicep tear thing, I basically looked at them like, is it going to get any worse? They're like, no, it's fully torn. And I said, well, then like, let's do this thing. And same with the lung contusion. I was like, is it, does it get worse? So they're like, no, do this thing. And same with the lung contusion. I was like, does it get worse?
Starting point is 00:51:47 They're like, no, the impact's over. Like, it's not going to get worse. But you might have hurt other organs or things and we just can't be sure. So I said, well, you know, like, can we check in after every event? And like, if I feel anything weird, I'll let you know. They're like, yeah, and we'll be watching you very, very closely. And that one was kind of like, I was coughing up blood and shit. So they're like, eh, like, if we see see anything if you like come off the floor and run to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:52:10 we're in 2018 games you were coughing blood from that from that netfall and he's still finished yeah what place did you take in the in the games that year but anyway those are like it's just not and i'm not saying that's the right thing to do because i don't know if it is. What place did he take? What place did you take in the games that year? 2018. Second.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Yeah. Hey, Pat, if you took Pat, if you could win the swim, you win the game, right? Pat,
Starting point is 00:52:40 it's that easy, right? For you. Yeah. You know, if you win all the events, you win the games. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:45 But that's what I hear. But just that one if you win all the events, you win the games. Yeah, but that's what I hear. But just that one, you just fix your swimming and you win the games. Maybe. Depends what all the other events are. Can't you just lock yourself in a closet and swim for nine months? No, you're good at all the other shit. You're fucking savage. I'm good at all the other stuff because I practice it a lot, though, too, right?
Starting point is 00:53:02 All right. If all I did was swim, I don't know if that's how it would work would work anyways it's not to say i've been swimming a lot i swim like a couple times a week at least nowadays and you know it gets better but i still don't think i'm ever going to win the swim event but we'll make it better if you need any tips on how to shorten your range of motion for squatting um annika will tell you uh i'll get you her phone number after the show i appreciate that does anyone have any questions for patrick before we let him go back to his packing for atlas jr uh yeah pat how many uh how many photos do you have to be asked to be taken before the competition starts before you become very disgruntled uh before i'll take all the pictures you want before during i sometimes get a little bit
Starting point is 00:53:52 uh uh cold but i swear i'm a nice guy if i've ever looked you off on a photo please understand that it was a bad time for me yeah you are one of the nicest warmest gentlemen i've ever met uh in at a games event i will totally vouch for that i appreciate that but you know sometimes you're just locked in and it's like hey i'm not i'll be in the photo but i might not smile yeah you don't owe taking a picture of the fucking anyone you're not trying to sell protein powder uh You know what, though? I think that you do need to take stock sometimes and realize that the things that I get to do are very cool, and we're pretty lucky. And the reason why anybody gives a shit is because people want to come take photos and that people are watching and they like what we do.
Starting point is 00:54:40 So you do need to check yourself. What if you just had the reputation of being the guy that just told little kids like to fuck off well you can sell something you can sell you can sell kettlebells with like horns and shit then probably i'm sure you'd get on some podcasts might just might not be the ones you want to be on right maybe this one right right all right buddy uh i okay um uh oh yeah here we go um so we asked uh we took a poll have you ever pulled out and uh 37 of the people said yes and 63 said no so that's all it was have you ever pulled out yeah that yeah that was the poll what You think we forgot something in the verbiage? Your stats might be skewed a little bit. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:55:30 All right, Velner. I love you to death. We'll be bugging you next week. Thanks for coming on, dude. All right. I'll catch you guys later.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Okay. Bye. See ya. How much do you love that, James, the, the lung and the bicep story and just keep going. That's like some NFL shit, right?
Starting point is 00:55:46 Yeah, I was about to say, all you got to do is put deer antler on. But was that the ring dip one? When like five guys? It was a year before. I think he tore it on a snatch ladder. Did that compromise him? Does anyone know? Like, how is he still so good?
Starting point is 00:56:08 I don't think he had that thing reattached. You don't need that thing? It depends on which part of the bicep tendon you tear, but for most parts. James is shaking his head. It's in the eyebrows, Hiller? It's all in the eyebrows. You can't even see his eyebrows.
Starting point is 00:56:21 They're so blonde. No, it's in his freaking head man i want to um he doesn't even consider leaving the competition i want to play you guys a clip that um someone sent me and they said what the fuck is this and you come can you play that clip it's chandler smith uh uh wiped out chandler smith just looks white and these are important points if you're even with edgerman so come on what did you guys what did you guys hear him say no he didn't though he said i heard him say the first time i heard someone sent to me and he goes did he just say chand Smith looks white but white yes
Starting point is 00:57:07 yes yes wiped out he looks wiped out yeah okay yes I know he is good um
Starting point is 00:57:23 before we go we have to also talk about Marquand. Speaking of home cooking, clearly our buddy James Townsend has some love for this cat. And he kept himself alive, didn't he? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I sent him a text earlier this morning. And, you know, I'm not his coach or anything, but we're pretty tight.
Starting point is 00:57:47 And he's like, any tips or help? And I just told him, one event at a time, man. You put in all this hard work. Believe in that hard work that you put in. You're not out there just for shits and giggles. You're out there to compete. So one workout at a time. Now we got workout four, So let's focus on that.
Starting point is 00:58:06 And can we, and can we bring up workout four? He has to finish top three to have a chance on this workout. And let's see, let's, let's talk about whether this is a good workout for him. Well, he's got last chance qualifier. That's still a chance. Right. Agreed. Okay. I didn't know we were thinking about that. And what is that six, seventh and eighth eighth place this isn't the next workout yeah this yeah the next workout's the snatch one with the chest speed chipper speed chipper i believe it's called and what's the weight on there the weight on is 175 120 175 i believe it's a short bar they're
Starting point is 00:58:41 probably just gonna load 185 on a shorty. Oh, man. Maybe. I don't know. 120-yard shuttle run, 16 snatches, 36 chest-to-bar pull-ups, 160-yard shuttle run, 36 chest-to-bar pull-ups, 16 snatches, 120-yard shuttle run. Anika, is this a sprint? Are there breaks? How do you attack this? How do the best guys attack this? What does Marquand have to do to take third? Sorry, did I interrupt a TikTok? Who, me?
Starting point is 00:59:14 Yeah. Absolutely not. Okay, good. That was the last thing you'll ever catch me doing. I'll tell you that much. Good for you. Yeah, no, that ain't my vibe. I'll tell you that much. I'm on my phone, so I have to look like a,
Starting point is 00:59:28 like this close. So I hope you enjoy this close up, but yes, yes. It's great. I, this is a tricky workout because you could get tricked into going on broken on the first set of chest to bar if you're good at them. Um, so I, but I would not, I wouldn't do that. I think smart breaks and literally no transition time, you know, like if you're doing single, like at one 20, you could do one 20 is such an awkward weight. Cause you can easily cycle that, but is it worth it?
Starting point is 00:59:58 Um, I've never seen this workout before. Sometimes it takes me a while to process these. While you think about it, let me ask, let's, if she, if she did bring up some interesting points, it is an interesting weight. How would you coach someone to do this, James? I think on the back half, depending on where they're at in the leaderboard, I would say start off with singles. Hold on on the chest of bars. We'll have a game plan. So if I say we'll split it up in 18-18,
Starting point is 01:00:29 but if you feel good, you make the executive decision to go unbroken. But if you feel as if that you can't go unbroken, stick to the game plan, 18-18. Long strides on the shuttles. Same game plan. If you feel good, you know know on your chest of bars stick with it all right now we got to go on the snatches fives you know
Starting point is 01:00:53 three sets of five or one set of six and then touch and go touch and go yeah touch and go and then sprint on the shuttle uh jr how how would you how would you recommend uh if you were telling taylor to do this how would you recommend you do it well if i know taylor's doing it i know he's a really good snatcher and he's good at chest to bar pull up so i don't see any grip issue on those first 52 reps i think the workout starts to take shape after the 160 um who's who's doing the 160 with a purpose and who's just using it for a break in between 72 chest to bars. So you have that chunk of 72 there. People that are really good at chest to bar, I still think you may see go like 18, 12, six, because you can take a three, two, one break on
Starting point is 01:01:37 a chest to bar. But when you get tired on snatches, you're resting more than three seconds. So I think when you get to those 16 snatches, who's going to be able to go 11 through 16 i think i would probably try singles the whole way on the snatches some smart breaks on the chest to bar then you got a throttle run edward taylor um so if i don't like to ask me what i would do on annika if you are doing singles on these are you following it down like like no break right like you drop from the top and you and it's still bouncing and you're like trying to get it exactly i was just thinking i was kind of sometimes i have to like go through rickets in my head to kind of get the feel for how i break things up but i'm kind of thinking for me at least myself as an athlete when i start to
Starting point is 01:02:17 do touch and go sets because i'm still working on like barbell cycling i will take too long of a break between sets so i'm almost better here to play to my strength of chest. Like I'm quite good at chest to burst. So I could try to do both of those unbroken and do singles on the snatches the whole way and not worry about my grip there. Like I can recover my breath doing single snatches at 120. So if I can like push the shuttles, catch my breath doing singles, like catch people doing the chest of our unbroken same kind of thing like maybe if i get to the last couple snatches and i'm like all right i feel good i can bang out some touch and go but if i can hold like the 236 chest of our pull-ups unbroken like kind of shake out my arms while i run i think that would like like play to your strengths on this
Starting point is 01:02:59 one if you're a better barbell cycler play to to that. If you're better at chest to bar, play to that. James, let's talk some shit here so we can apologize when we come back at 7.15. Is there anything wrong with this workout? Is the time cap wrong? Are the rep schemes wrong? Are the weights correct? The weights? No, I don't think the weights are correct.
Starting point is 01:03:22 But the time cap seems fair to me. How are they incorrect? The 175 to 120? I mean, I think it should be 185, 135. Well, it is kind of cool, though, James, what Anika said, right? It's like this weird weight. There are some girls who are going to see that who think they can cycle it, right? Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:45 girls who are going to see that who think they can cycle it right right right right if i wasn't see that if i was to see 175 i would feel as if i could cycle 175 but then but then again when it's 185 i'm like you know it's just it's different i think anthony davis is going to win this workout if you're an athlete and you're smart, you'll go watch the 2018 regional workout. $10. Let's go, Hiller. $10. All right. Who are you going to take over him? He can't be in the top five right now, and I'll make that bet. He can't be in the top five.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Who's going to beat Anthony Davis? You can't tell him. You can take Travis Mayer. Fuck, don't do that. He's sixth. Oh, that hurts hurts taylor you asshole you can take the lugo they are well these guys fight i want to ask you the same question i asked james do you have any problems with this i mean i'm really excited to see it go especially after
Starting point is 01:04:34 hearing monica so so you're taking you're taking anthony davis solely on the on the barbell chandler almost won that quarterfinals workout both years with the 185 bar. Yeah, but... Yeah. All right. Hey, Sam Kwan's going to do good. If Mark Kwan can move the bar,
Starting point is 01:04:57 he's going to do good. I got Anthony Davis. I hate betting on people because it's all just about who shows up. There's no predictability there are those snatches gonna hurt Colton I know it's a short range of motion but man it's heavy Colton's strong as shit man
Starting point is 01:05:14 I gotta log off guys okay bye JR any critique of the workout weight rep scheme time domain anything in there that's just bugging you that later on we can apologize for and be like, no, you guys did it. Perfect. No, that's fine. Like I was talking to Brian about this earlier, you know, people,
Starting point is 01:05:35 we've mentioned the fact that you've got three, one running workouts and two of them that have shuttle runs in it, but you know, it's, it's, it's, it's at the Vikings practice facility. It's out on a field. Maybe that's just the field that they want they want you to use the field and and use it in different ways whether you're progressing down the field or whether you're doing a lot of running between movements or whatever so no i mean i actually like um that the chest that the 72 chest of ours are kind of like one set of chest of ours and not the 160 is separating the 32 snatches i actually like that the snatches are on the front and the back end because i do think you'll see the people that win will probably be able to rip off a chunk of those 16 to finish the workout so i think like
Starting point is 01:06:20 someone like chandler smith or delugos could possibly be someone that could also push this one with Anthony Davis. For sure. I agree with Matt. Yeah. Hiller, I have a question for you. I love your questions for me. What do you got? And then just asking.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Are you going to ask me how I would do the workout? No, no, no. I don't give a shit. No, no. But I want to ask you this question because I'm hoping the three other people would jump would jump on you say wrong are we going to see any um squat snatching towards the end there people getting desperate or in the in the final in the final heats meaning are we going to see squat in the final heat of the men and women i'm sure we're going to see in the early heats but in the final heats of the men and women um do you think we're going to see some squat snatching
Starting point is 01:07:02 like people just at the athletes right now and maybe if he said gothi got moved into the final heat perhaps but other than that i don't think so uh anika i think we're gonna see some squat snatching um i'll tell you one thing if i was in granite absolutely you would because i am a much much much much better like squat anything or than power so for me uh we pull up james townsend's uh training camp it sounds like we have a new member for it i am like if i were to keep my cycle speed up i like i can squat forever but i can't pull forever so like eventually i can't pull it high enough and i just end up getting under it and that keeps my cycle speed up like the past two years of quarterfinals workouts
Starting point is 01:07:51 with the power snatches i ended up squatting almost not all of them but like the end of them i squatted them just because i could rip like get it off the ground quickly and i can get under it so if i'm like in a race with someone like and i can't power anymore a hundred percent i'm gonna be squat snatching it's not hard it's easier for me i think we need to talk i think if you would like to uh have james townsend uh bust you up straighten you out whatever you need he can do it both break you down build you up uh make sure you check out uh the website tbo training camp volume four um uh mr jr howell are we going to see squat snatches is that the way maybe is the are we going to see the winner do a squat snatch uh i think they're going to do everything they can not to squat uh after thrusters complex with
Starting point is 01:08:44 heavy squats and 190 light squats today i i don't think they're going to be i think they're not to squat uh after thrusters complex with heavy squats and 190 light squats today i i don't think they're going to be i think they're going to try to do everything they can not to but you may see one or two depending on the heat phil toon colton mertens brent fikowski uh timothy paulson nick matthews those are your top five sitting on the outside is Travis Mayer, Zachary Bunton, and Leonel Franco. And on the women's side, oh, someone's breaking up good. Hey, look. Yo, what's up? His phone.
Starting point is 01:09:13 And on the women's side, we have Mallory O'Brien, Danny Spiegel, Amanda Barnhart, Alex Willis, Chloe Wilson. Someone's phone's fucking up the something. Kelly Stone, Emily Rolfe, and Chelsea Nicholas. Anything else you guys want to say before we run away and watch um event four go ahead james i'm taking mark one yeah i'm staying with my guy it's the home cooking it's the home cooking podcast all right podcast he's trying to even up with me over the course of this weekend if uh just so everyone knows if uh mark one uh beats Anthony Davis, James gets $10. If Anthony Davis beats Marquand, Hillary gets $10.
Starting point is 01:09:48 We will see you guys. It'll be up $20. That was a hot topic in the comment section on the other one with the liftoff. Yeah. Everyone was talking about it. We'll see you guys at 7.15. That's two hours from now, a little less than two hours, 7.15 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Anyone else want to say anything to anyone before I log off? I got Mike Juan Jones, too. I'm playing him for this event. I'm with you. Okay. Mike Juan Jones. I don't know how to take one. Pick one.
Starting point is 01:10:19 AJ or Mark Juan? Mark Juan. Anthony Davis. I got Anthony Davis, too. Just remember, I'm one and all. Mark Juan. Mark Juan. Anthony Davis. I got Anthony Davis too. Just remember, I'm 1-0. Mark Juan. Mark Juan all day. JR, now that we're doing it.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Mark Juan or Anthony Davis? Mark Juan. Caleb. Mark Juan. Sousa. Mark Juan. Four Mark Juans and two Anthony Davis. Caleb. Mark Juan. Mark Juan. Sousa. Mark Juan. Okay. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:45 You already said it. So four Mark Juans and two Anthony Davis. All right, guys. Who else said Anthony Davis? You did. Okay. Seven's on my team. I knew.

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