The Sevan Podcast - #437 - Granite Games Event 4 Recap | Justin Medeiros, Justin Cotler, Matt Dlugos, Townsend, Hiller, Howell, Self

Episode Date: June 5, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. It's about time. There is a position at CrossFit Inc.
Starting point is 00:00:42 that is the highest position, the position of the most integrity, the position of the most integrity, the position, the most respected position of all. And it's called the CrossFit red shirt. The CrossFit red shirt are the people who teach the CrossFit level one. I would argue if you haven't taken your level one, that you're maybe not even a full,
Starting point is 00:01:01 full blooded CrossFitter. It's been life changing for me. It's been life-changing for 99.9%. Every thousand people who tell me it's life-changing, there's one person who says it's not. It's easy to go on the internet and find out, find someone who says that these two days that you spend taking your CrossFit level one or better than four years at a, uh, uh, getting a kinesiology degree
Starting point is 00:01:25 from some big, great university. From someone who has both, I can second that. Spoken by Andrew Hiller. Kinesiology degrees. Are you trying to cancel? And I'm invoking emotional appeal here because I don't understand what uh what um alex parker is doing i have no clue i listened to her complaints i have no clue she's upset
Starting point is 00:01:51 because he talked about a dude who had some cool hair dye and because chase doesn't want to live in philly alex nobody wants to live in philly i talked to her on instagram you've done something horrible in your past life if you live in philly or san francisco or portland or canada you're trying to cancel a red shirt you're trying to cancel a guy you're trying to cancel a guy who was a crossfit games athlete in 2010 he went to the sectionals he won every single event first place in every. He went to the sectionals. He won every single event. First place in every single event. Went to the regionals three times. Went to the games.
Starting point is 00:02:29 He's coached two regional teams. Sorry, he's coached four regional teams. He's been on the regional teams twice. He coached a Masters Games athlete. He's been an affiliate owner for nine years. Did I mention he's a he was a fucking red shirt? He disseminates the DNA of this society,
Starting point is 00:02:48 of this culture, of this lifestyle that saves people's lives. Have you done that? Were you on the team? I'm not sure. I know you were on the demo team. I don't know if you were a red shirt. I don't know what happens to red shirts
Starting point is 00:02:58 who turn in other red shirts like that, try to cancel them. He owned an affiliate for nine years. He owns an affiliate. He's on seminar staff as an L1 guy. For seven years, he went around and shared this knowledge. He saved, he has saved people's lives. I'd be willing to bet your life and your partner's life on it.
Starting point is 00:03:22 He literally has pioneered how broadcasting is done for the crossfit games have you ever gone over to espn you compared him to golf to like fuck that you compared him to golf analysts are you out of your fucking mind next you're going to compare him to the olympics hey that doesn't invoke like oh my god he he must be so wrong because he doesn't do it the way the golf guys do it please a couple people don't know that's ridiculous i'm sorry say that again a couple people don't know what you're talking about yet you can go over to her instagram account she's trying to cancel chase hey if you had any balls if you had any integrity any dignity any pride any self-worth any caring when you saw whatever he did that upset you because he said something about a city or about someone's hair
Starting point is 00:04:18 color you would have dm'd him in instagram he's so accessible only 15 people list in the world listen to his podcast you can just address him on his podcast thank you i thought that was good too why do you have to why why would you start a a petition to fire him to fire him you know he's a dad and he has two kids we don't care about that oh my opinion all we care about is that he says the right things on the nice tv show yeah fucking ridiculous you you are you are you are invoking a mob to attack a guy you know who else has done that right that's like witch hunt shit you you know that lgbq flag won't they shouldn't tolerate that shit right you don't like something that someone says so you invoke the mob to come after them?
Starting point is 00:05:08 It's cowardice. It lacks integrity, lacks dignity. You have no soul. You have no heart. It's brutal. It doesn't matter what he said. Address him in his DMs first. Give him a fucking chance.
Starting point is 00:05:31 He said should too many times. I or he did he did allegedly that's what i that was one of the complaints this woke bully crowd stuff will never be tolerated by anyone on this oh shoot did i send james a uh well someone i didn't send james towns in a link i heard he's not showing up because his guy got beat by my guy. Oh, shoot. Hold on. Hold on. Who was your guy? Who was your guy?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Anthony Davis. Anthony Davis. Fucking AJ. Oh, shoot. Because I don't have him in my computer. I only have him in my phone. Damn it. My dick shit the bed for me. Right in front of my monologue.
Starting point is 00:06:01 See, this shit never happens to real media. All right. Well, I don't think a lot of people still know what's going on so i think her name is alex parker put out a post about chase ingram commentating on the crossfit games and he's been doing so and he's been doing this for a long time and he has a lot to talk about and i think a lot of people like to watch my youtube channel because i come from a perspective of someone in like the Taylor self type position. And for the most part, these people don't have time to do so, but Chase Ingram is a former CrossFit games competitor. And Sevan just told us all about that. And she's saying an affiliate owner and an L one shirt and L one trainer, a red shirt, all of those things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yeah. Um, so he has a bunch of perspective to speak from and if anybody should be commentating on the games, he should be doing so. And a lot of people don't understand how hard it is for people like him to do the things that he's doing and saying the things that he's saying as he's doing it lifetime. And I think he does a pretty damn good job, man. Everyone kind of hates on him and they don't understand that he's got a
Starting point is 00:06:56 balance. I don't think a lot of people hate on him. I don't think, I think it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a vocal minority. I guess it's probably,
Starting point is 00:07:03 yeah, the vocal minority. Yeah. And I wrote it in the, the, the vocal minority. And I wrote it in the petition. So there's two petitions. Should we bring that up? Break down the petitions. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:13 There's two petitions. There's the petitions that Alex made that they should bring. Oh. Go ahead. What's up? Sorry. Yes. Just so you know, and that's the only reason why I'm bringing this up.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Because CrossFit will fucking bend the knee to a fucking idiocy like this. Oh, and that's kind of where I did everything. We're run by this. It's like we can't lose what we are. I mean, Chase is part of the good ones. I mean, right? Would you guys argue anything different? Dude, he's given his life to it.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I fought with Chase many times. Tons of people have fought with Chase. just call him up and fight with them he's a fucking just like don't don't like start a petition to get the dude canceled he's one of us like is that what you would do to a family member i mean alex you're in this family you and meredith are in the family why are you doing that he's talked plenty of shit to me so yeah he talks crazy shit yeah he's talked a ton of shit to Hiller and I I guess the only thing is like Tom Brady to sign a 375 million dollar contract over the 10 years and upon the entry the exit of his NFL career and it's because he can speak from experience and nobody else is going to be able to speak from experience that
Starting point is 00:08:24 they would possibly replace him with and that's one of the biggest issues i think i've heard simon talk about that before too it's like do you want some random commentator coming and try to like guess what a pull-up looks like and try to commentate on it that would be the worst case scenario terrible well and that's the thing you can do oh shit intruder alert anyway okay so here's the thing Hiller started a pod uh link I don't know why it's not pinned to the top up here but it should be pinned up it is it's it's pinned up you just can't
Starting point is 00:08:55 see it on this side it is on YouTube oh okay oh beautiful we're good to go thank you uh and uh so if you want to just, we're just doing it kind of, it's part of joke, but to build a wall,
Starting point is 00:09:09 please go over there. Take two seconds to go over there, sign it. I just don't tolerate this. I, I don't want to cancel. I don't want to kick anyone off. I want to cancel Tommy or Sean,
Starting point is 00:09:22 or I don't want anyone. I don't want anyone. I don't want to kick off James Hobart. I'll tolerate him. Just to do that to a red shirt, it's just gross to me. We're having a guest on. Everyone be cool.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Act cool. Hey! Hey! Hey! How you guys doing? Good. How are you? I'm fucking annoyed. Tell's what I tell boy. They cut the rope. Someone's in the picture. They cut the ropes. Here's the deal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:52 If you're short, you're allowed to have a riser, right? Yes. Yes. But if you're six foot four, you have to fucking do pull-ups on a 92 inch bar where your feet hit the fucking ground. fucking do pull-ups on a 92 inch bar where your feet hit the fucking ground every single rep i saw that you know what at the end of the day you try that you try set yourself up on a pull-up bar that you literally that your elbow goes up to and try to do 72 butterfly pull-ups okay and see how your fitness looks. That's all I have to fucking say. Uh, Hiller does,
Starting point is 00:10:28 uh, Mr. Kotler have a point. I had a teammate back in the day who is six, three. And the issue that we had was that everybody had the same distance bars. He had the issue that Justin's bringing up, which is that one is too short. And two,
Starting point is 00:10:40 when he's that tall, I need to do synchro pull-ups. There's no room for both people. So, yeah. And they don't, they've never taken into account the taller athletes i gotta be honest with you it's brutal and i you know brent and i had a conversation and brent's been trying to get it changed and last year actually at west coast they made a couple of concessions they they they moved maps who's right right here, by the way, Maddie, Maddie
Starting point is 00:11:06 DeLugos, um, uh, the tall one. Yeah. They, they moved his rings up six inches. Now this afternoon's workout, he was hitting his feet on every rep in the rings. You can hear it skimming now they're at 96 inches. So at least it's tolerable, but these bars are at 92 inches and he literally can't extend his hips so when he's trying there's no kip there's no leg whip there's it's and by the end he's just blown up in a workout that is so good for him and so frustrated i mean you guys saw what he did in
Starting point is 00:11:41 quarters with those power snatches and he was in first place going to the fucking chest of bars and i hate to be this guy like it really bothers me i've never seen you like this actually no it's frustrating man but i'm gonna stick up for my guys i'm always gonna stick up my guys and at the end of the day it's just it's not it's just not cool like it's not cool you know and and if that's what i'm saying if you if you're vertically challenged you get to have a riser and in some cases you get to have two risers, but when you're, when you're his height, you know, and, and so it's like, what do I say? You know what I mean? It's like, what do I say at the end of the workout? Cause we practice on a short ish bar, but this is, I've never seen anything like what I just saw. And I got guys standing or Shane or or came up to me he doesn't have skin in the game came up to me after the workout was like that is so fucked up what i
Starting point is 00:12:28 just watched like it would be so frustrating to have your feet hit the ground on every single rep so i'm gonna ask you to explain why the body mechanics of it for the for those of us who are not as smart not don't understand kippy like we still do strict pull-ups but i want to ask taylor something really quick and jr and hillar and suza if you guys can we know where else is there something comparable to this where they're inflexible with the equipment that height or weight or some body mechanics actually um uh makes a difference is there anywhere else is there precedent anywhere else where this happens how about how about let me ask you this have they ever used a short bar and a snatch and in the big and it messes with the big
Starting point is 00:13:10 guys has that ever happened no um they at regionals 2018 but i don't think it messed with the big guys it was a light enough weight i don't think there's i don't think there's anything uh yeah this is so this pull-up thing because this has been going on forever, right? This is since day one of CrossFit It's either the rings or the bars There's always been someone who's Not too tall, but taller than what's ideal For the setup Well, the problem is, what he's saying is
Starting point is 00:13:35 If they give someone like Colton the riser Then they gotta make the concession for someone like Matt Absolutely If you don't give Colton the riser, he can't reach the fucking bar And then he's dead And there you go But if Matt can't, if they're not gonna raise the bar for him They shouldn't give Colton the riser, he can't reach the fucking bar. Correct. And there you go. But if Matt can't, if they're not going to raise the bar for him, they shouldn't give anyone a fucking riser.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I mean, then you're leveling the playing field. If you have standardized bar heights and standardized ring heights, then you shouldn't allow risers if you're going to penalize the tall guys. Hey, the place riots, though. You don't give Colton a riser and the place riots. People come out of stands that's probably it's because no one loves your boy delugos that they didn't riot for in fukowski i mean i do you know all right all right all right boy and you're rioting and you are right
Starting point is 00:14:15 so tell me what the mechanics are that i mean basically the feet hit the ground right he can't do every single rep his feet hit the ground. And also. Hey, that sounds dangerous, actually. Oh, it is fucking dangerous. There's no question. He's done that on a muscle-up last year in warm-ups in West Coach. This is actually why they changed it. He hit the ground on a kip. And you could easily hurt yourself.
Starting point is 00:14:37 You know what I mean? So, it's. Guys, you know. I mean, we can go on to a different topic. But I'm just. I'm fired up because it just happened. And it was so frustrating to watch. Because it was one of those workouts. Listen, he's, you know, he's, he's an 11th coming into the workout and you're right in striking distance. You're 36 points from eighth place, which is last chance qualifier. And it's a workout
Starting point is 00:14:57 he should be able to eat on. And you just, you know, you got to deal with that. And it's just hard when it's not a level playing field. That's all. That's all I'm saying. MLK 5240 says you can fuck your back. Oh, yeah. You can fuck a lot of stuff. Hip flexors, back. You can hurt a knee. There's a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:17 You could break your fucking foot, honestly. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Think about it. Yeah. I got a back that's been fucked for like five years straight. I don't like it at all. But not because my feet drag the ground on some pull-ups um how do you suggest they do justin yeah can they just unscrew the side and raise it the the the i mean what did you see the race am i still on yeah you're still on yes yeah um what i think honestly if they raised
Starting point is 00:15:45 if they raised a bar six inches and prior to the competition could they have done that right then and there let me ask you that could they have just done that was there a place where they could just unscrew a couple bolts and do it they can do it so easily it takes five seconds
Starting point is 00:16:00 it literally takes five seconds hey Justin they can give Danielle Brandon her own fucking lane for some fucking The rings are clipped too. It literally takes five seconds. Hey, Justin. Hey, Justin. They can give Danielle Brandon her own fucking lane for some fucking mystery virus that no one's ever seen. But they can't fucking raise the bar for this fucking dude. There you go. I'm glad I thought of that. I'd have been angry if I was in bed tonight and didn't get that in. Realized I didn't get that in.
Starting point is 00:16:21 That was great. Nailed it. Crazy. What do they say? What do they say? Are they compassionate? Are nice does justin berg even listen to you or is it just like is it the same nonsense we hear him doing the in the um it's the same it's so far it's been the same nonsense yeah just words falling out of his mouth i can't even understand what they mean it's just they don't really they don't really listen you, I want to ask your opinion on what we see happening or what we saw happen to,
Starting point is 00:16:46 um, uh, Chandler Fikowski and not quite the extent Travis mayor, but not in this last workout, but two workouts ago, we saw Travis not do nearly as well as like anyone would have thought he'd done. We saw Fikowski have trouble exiting the stadium.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Um, and we saw, uh, we, we heard that Chandler Smith smith needed uh medical assistance getting off the field what it was that the workout the heat can you give us any ideas definitely wasn't the heat it's not hot here guys okay no it's not the heat um i mean i think it was a bit of a workout and you know possible i mean i don't know it could be nerves it could be
Starting point is 00:17:19 hydration it could be nutrition who knows i mean i'm not in those guys camp but chandler definitely wasn't right like you could see it he was pretty fucked up actually reminded me a little bit of what ricky went through and for ricky it was because he was vomiting all morning and and uh i wasn't able to keep any nutrition and literally vomited everything out like 20 minutes before that first workout but uh that's what it looked like to me on Chandler. Fikowski looks okay. I mean, you know, he looks fine. He's got to be top five, doesn't he? He's still top five.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Yeah, how's he doing? What's the shakeout after this? I think he's in third. I think he's in third. Yeah. Was DeLugos planning on going to the games this year? Is that the plan? I mean, listen, that's always the plan, right?
Starting point is 00:18:03 Yeah. It's a pretty stacked field. I mean, we, that's, that's always the plan, right? Um, you know, it's pretty stacked field. I mean, we felt really confident. We still feel confident. He's got two workouts tomorrow that are very good for him. Um, and there's no fucking pull up bar muscle up. So that's beautiful. We don't have to worry about the height thing.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Um, but yeah, I mean, he'll still be in striking distance of last chance. Um, you know, so right now we just want the season to continue. So we're, we're going to work hard there. And then obviously on the women's side, we got a young buck right now is in the top five, um, who I think is finally getting some due. Um, and, uh, she's starting to believe, you know, I, I knew about six months ago that she was good enough, but it takes time. She's only 20 and, you know, she's improved so much in a short period of time and sometimes all it takes is for an athlete to believe and you've got to be able to convince them that they're good enough to hang and that workout early this afternoon where she took third in that chipper
Starting point is 00:18:56 um i think she believes and and i think uh she's got a great chance tomorrow her her best movement or legless rope climbs she could easily win that event. She hangs in that next event and does well. I think she's got a great chance to punch her ticket, which would be fucking awesome. Oh, sorry. Oh, shoot. Oh, yeah, wait. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:16 There's a message. For anyone who needs some naked HD cheap fuck, make sure you check the comments. Okay. Oh, wow. HD cheap fuck. Make sure you check the comments. Okay. So Alex Willis, that's the young lady you're talking about. Yes. Yeah. And how long has she been with you?
Starting point is 00:19:36 She's been with us now right after West Coast last year. Man, how big is this stable? How many athletes are there at, uh, underground, uh,
Starting point is 00:19:48 underdogs, uh, athletics. We've got like in house, we've got, uh, 12 or so 15, but listen,
Starting point is 00:19:56 man, we're, I still like, I look at us, we're still the little engine that could, you know, like our brand is just over a year old. I've been coaching for fucking ever,
Starting point is 00:20:03 but the brand's just over a year old. And, you know, we've got, uh, what do we have like about nine semifinals elite semifinals athletes around the world. And we've got a bunch of masters and we've got some teams and stuff, but you know, we, we're, we're kind of new and, and, and we just, you know, we've gotten a lot of visibility very quickly because of how well our athletes are doing. Um, but in general man you know it's we're still we're we're very uh popular visibility wise but we're trying to catch up you know to all the monsters um like the bay heads and the peruvians and the hard work pays off and stuff
Starting point is 00:20:37 oh stop being stop being humble stop stop stop no no i i just thought in general that there's you know we're proud of what we've done it's just you know trying to try to keep up and travel our coaches and do all that shit it gets it gets challenging but man i'm blessed it's fucking awesome i love doing this this is like you know it's a labor of love for me man like my favorite thing is game day coaching and you know getting the most out of my athletes on game day, having them reach their maximum potential, firing them up. It's exciting. We're two for two.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Ricky, week one. Danielle, week two. We're trying to go three for three here. Then I go to Atlas next week. We got Allie Scuds next week, who I think has a great chance, too. That would be huge for her. That would be huge for her. Justin, I want to interrupt you a second.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Sorry, because Taylor and I have been having a little bit of a beef today, and we got Justin Medeiros on the phone to unfuck this beef. Taylor, is there something you wanted to ask Justin? You just can't stop talking about it, so I thought I'd invite Justin on so you could ask him yourself. What's my question? About Phil Toon? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Oh, a lot of guys. This is the Hiller hot take, Justin. The Hiller hot take. You're going to pass this shit off on Hiller? Now that Justin's here, you're passing this shit off on Hiller? That's just Hiller's thing. Dude, I said he couldn't do it. I said he couldn't swim good enough.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Do you think, dude, are you worried about Phil? Is he going to beat you this year at the games? Me? Dude. I'm worried about 39 other guys out there, man. One of those guys is being Phil Toon, isn't it? For sure. See?
Starting point is 00:22:10 You got to give everybody respect. I mean, I came onto the scene my very first year, and I got third. No one had any idea who I am, so, like, why couldn't that happen again? I mean, same thing. Brett Schakowsky came onto the scene his first year at the games, and I'm pretty sure he got second or third his first year. So you never know who's going to be a contender. There's always someone that does really good that you had no idea,
Starting point is 00:22:32 and there's always someone that was supposed to do good that doesn't. So it's kind of got to watch and figure that out. Have you ever had – did you see what happened to Chandler today? Have you ever had that happen to you in a competition where you, where you go down and medics have to, uh, to mess with you? I don't think so. Not that I remember. I think if, uh, I mean, I, I don't know what anybody's going through, so I don't want to
Starting point is 00:22:54 comment too much on that, but, uh, I think, uh, you got some serious issues going on. If you're getting medical, you know, like, I think it's gonna be pretty hard to continue with competition. Like if you're getting medical help, like going down it's gonna be pretty hard to continue with competition like if you're getting medical help like going down helping off the field i think you're gonna uh especially if you're getting medical help i think it'd be hard to compete yeah have you ever had that taylor have you ever had any um needed medical assistance because i was thinking he doesn't um you know if your car let's say you're a race car driver and your car breaks down and you get a problem with it, you get to do some laps before the race starts.
Starting point is 00:23:26 But when we see Chandler go back out there, he has to be taking analysis in real time, right? They say go, and did you notice he was – I mean he won his heat, but he was also the slowest runner off the go. It's like when you crash your skateboard at the park and you're laying there and you're taking inventory of all your shit. Are your fingers still there? Is your ankle on straight? How's your head? It's got to be a scary thing. You asking me? Anyone. I just wanted to make it an uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:23:58 silence. I was just seeing how quiet we could get. Yeah, for sure. Obviously, you're going to be a little bit shaken up, but yeah, he came back. Hiller, do you think that Phil Toon has any chance of beating Justin Medeiros at the Games this year? I've said it a couple of times, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:16 If only because of exactly what Justin just said, you don't ever know, and he's kind of coming out of nowhere. You mean like Justin getting in a plane accident on the way there? What do you mean you never know? Jesus Christ, that is not what I meant. What I meant is, I mean, he kind of popped onto the scene, and then he did real well last year. And if the trajectory continues, he could totally challenge Justin.
Starting point is 00:24:36 You think he's the number one contender? You think he's knocked down all Pat and Brent and all these guys? I like to say I think he's the number one contender. And as of right now, I'm 2-0 on my picks, so he would just be my overall pick. What does Justin Collar think? Yeah, that's what I want to know. What does Justin Collar think?
Starting point is 00:24:52 And don't be name-biased and shit either. We want an honest opinion. I'm not name-biased. I like Justin Poderis, who I adore, by the way. He's fucking shit, but that's all I have to say. I got a chance to watch Justin live in person. Justin Poderis, who I adore, is fucking fit. That's all I have to say. I got a chance to watch Justin live in person when we were in the bubble together. Obviously, I love Adam. But he's gotten fitter and fitter and fitter.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I still think that Justin's the guy to beat. I watched Phil this weekend. He's very impressive. I've watched Phil this weekend. He's very impressive. But we know Justin has been through the gauntlet of games programming for a couple of years and done fantastic. We've seen people crush semifinals, go to the games and not do extremely well with games programming. So I think the verdict is still out on someone who would be a rookie talking about dethroning a champ. That's some pretty high praise.
Starting point is 00:25:52 And listen, obviously everyone's entitled to their opinion, but in my opinion, you know, Justin is the champ, and somebody got to knock him off before I'm going to say that he's not the favorite. I would take Justin's opinion over mine by the way. JR? Yeah yeah no I you know I agree with Justin I I still kind of go back to kind of the old guard that for the past few years now people have been assuming are going to drop off like Pat in particular and until someone goes to the games and goes through that many events and proves that they can still hang and finish second multiple years i still think someone like
Starting point is 00:26:29 pat is is the biggest threat me too i think it's pat too actually i think it's villner too but but that could just be proximity because we just had him on the show okay justin thank you i just wanted to squat i will not tolerate this this madaris bashing. I mean, you're welcome to stay on. All right. No one's bashing Medeiros. Well, just if you say his name without, like, dropping to a knee, I won't tolerate it on this. Well, I got space.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I got space. Here we go. Dropping to a knee. Justin, you were wild at last week's event with Daniel Brandon. I mean, just like the camera would pan to you, and you were just wild. And then same with – and I thought maybe it was just the Daniel Brandon energy, the DBE. But this week we see the exact same thing from you. You are a calm, collective gentleman on the two-hour podcast I do with you.
Starting point is 00:27:25 We talk about singing and love and kids. And then out there, you're one of the most vocal. I mean, it's like you're cheering on UFC fighters. Yeah, I know. I've kind of washed myself back. I don't know, man. It's just I'm passionate about it. And I also think, like, I don't know, man. It's just, I'm passionate about it. And I also think, like, I don't know any other way.
Starting point is 00:27:48 You know, I'm just, like, it just gets to, you know, seeing them perform and seeing them do as well as they're doing. I just get caught up in everything. I don't like to hold back. To me, it's just, I feel like that's what I feel. And I just let it go. And, you know, what you see is what you get, kind of thing. Yeah, it's exciting. I mean, DB was so fun.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I was so proud of her. She's grown so much as an athlete. You know, physically, she's always been my main thing. Just one of the best. She's now emotionally and mentally like what she did last week compared to last year west coast if you could see what west coast was like last year it was a rollercoaster she's just gotten so much Justin your audio is so bad brother I don't think we can do you unless like something happened all right all right yeah thank you I don't think we can do you unless something happened.
Starting point is 00:28:45 All right. Sounds good. Yeah, thank you. I don't know what happened. It just went bad in the last 90 seconds. Tell DeLugos we love him. Thank you. He's going to get angry again.
Starting point is 00:28:56 You guys too. Okay. Ciao. Mr. Friend, welcome to the show. Taylor, did I upset you doing that? No. Oh, okay. Sorry upset you doing that? No. Oh, okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:08 I didn't? No. You sure? Yeah, I don't care. You didn't get picked on or anything? Okay, I thought it was funny. I was excited about it, but you were just kind of like, eh. I was excited. Look at Sousa. Look at Caleb. Look at, look at, look at.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Just like, they just laughing back there i'm i just like nobody saw what i said to jason's comment jason's comment you put it up and nobody saw what i did to it i know what you do you drew a penis on it i was like i i was doing that because that's what he was doing to justin mr friend hi hi holy cow it's. It's a star-studded cast. He's always walking. I got like five minutes. Okay. You headed to the bar to meet Danielle.
Starting point is 00:29:52 We know. Ask your questions, Sevan. Go. What are we, Anthony Davis, Colton Mertens, I mean, stealing the show, stealing my heart. Can you pull up the leaderboard, Mr. Caleb or Sousa? Tell me about these guys. Tell me how surprised you are about Anthony Davis.
Starting point is 00:30:12 How pleasantly surprised I am. Yes. Totally different Anthony Davis from last year. And those event finishes today are more impressive than anything else I saw. And he's not, he told us he's not training to be a pro athlete, but he's totally transformed himself in the last year, and he's able to do things that he wasn't close to being able to do last year. So he was the most impressive person for me today.
Starting point is 00:30:36 It is a heart. Let me see who's in fifth. Can we see one through five? It is a heartwarming story. Look at these people who um in the top five here let's scroll back the other way it's heartwarming for now but it's gonna be heartbreaking tomorrow night ah okay well god i hope because they can't they can't all get in right they can't all get out and i'll tell you this you know uh there are about half these guys in the top eight that are not safe on that last event.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Wow. And they know it. Wow. I'm looking at a guy like Nick Matthew that no one's been talking about, just lurking and sitting right there. And if these guys struggle on that rope climb event, he's able to have two top five finishes tomorrow, he might steal that five spot. Nick Matthew's the only one who ran
Starting point is 00:31:26 his ass off on that final sprint did you notice that no one else was like hauling he went after it hey his cross across the finish line was it was violent yes he attacked he he wants it nick is the man by the way yeah no one's talking about him no one's talking about sam quant because there's a lot of people that talk about i I mean, it's hard to focus on everyone, but those guys are sneaking right there. And I know that not everyone's excited to have that rope climb last, and I think those guys might not be too worried about it. God, I would be so awesome if Sam Quant made it. Brian, can I ask a question?
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yes, please. What do you think is going on with Chandler? Do you have any insight there? No, I haven't been able to find anything out. I haven't tried too hard because I've been up in the booth. But I thought Chase did it really well on the air. Like, he looked dead and gone after the, you know, I haven't said it. I don't know if we're going to see him again.
Starting point is 00:32:20 And he comes back and has definitely his best performance of the weekend. And I never understand. You guys, some of you are way better athletes and possibly can explain that. But that surprised me. He wasn't missing anything on the first couple. He just looked like, I think to Brian's point, he looked like he had some physical issues on the earlier workout today, the first workout of the day.
Starting point is 00:32:45 And I think that's what was concerning Brian the most. And he was shocked to see him come back from that physical. Yeah. I know. I mean, it wasn't like a ton of time and that what we saw him do in the last event today is kind of like, that's what the kind of channel we expect to see,
Starting point is 00:32:59 but we hadn't seen it for four events. Hey, there's always this talk about, um, about things that might hurt the athletes the bar being too low delugos hurting his feet uh the rope being too long the stadium being too hot blah blah blah blah blah well what about this what if the programming was just so damn gnarly so damn good and these athletes were it was set up so that these athletes were able to
Starting point is 00:33:24 push themselves to redline because don't forget it wasn't just chandler paszkowski was seriously so damn good and these athletes were it was set up so that these athletes were able to push themselves to redline because don't forget it wasn't just chandler paszkowski was seriously wounded too so maybe it was maybe it was just the layout of the programming that caused that and i don't mean that in a bad way i think if anything it just looked like chandler went out a little hot because he was a little probably frustrated with the first day and he blew up. But what about Fikowski? No idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:54 If you have that happen to two guys, and I'm assuming it happened to more, then I'm going to say it's indicative of the workout and the time cap. JR, Brian wanted to know if you had a question for him, like where he gets his razors or anything like that. No, I do not have any questions for Brian. All right. Seven. One more, maybe.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Will Colton be going to the CrossFit Games? He is in first place right now with 368 points, and sixth place has 291. He is in first place right now with 368 points, and sixth place has 291. He's 70... 77 points ahead of the next guy.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Of the sixth place guy. These two workouts tomorrow are the two workouts that I was earmarking for him as being the ones that would be the deciding factors. So I think he's done as good as he possibly could have through these four events. I think he will make it, yes. It is crazy impressive that our boy from the barn in Iowa
Starting point is 00:34:59 has a full-time job diddling pigs. He's going to the CrossFit Games. It was great. I mean, that's not yet. But I think he's done enough on these four workouts that he can do it tomorrow. You know, he said if he finishes top 10 in the morning workout, he'll be happy with that. And then I think if he's able to get a top 10 finish, even if it's 10th,
Starting point is 00:35:23 that it'll be fine going into the final. It's been a really impressive four workouts, and it was great talking to him today. He's always a pleasure to talk to. He's just a good dude. He doesn't talk. Can you talk to me? Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Is Anthony Davis going to get in there? No, I don't think so. But I think that's okay. I think he'll still be like really, really happy with what he's been able to do this weekend and this year. I think he goes, Phil Toon's going to win and then AJ's going to take Tim Paulson's spot for number five. Oh, you think Tim's going to fall out tomorrow? Well, I just know how much you like him and I'm trying to, you know, get you going a little
Starting point is 00:36:03 bit. No, Tim is one of those guys that's eyeballing that last event hello alfonso and he knows that that's the one that's uh that's gonna be the make or break for him but i think tim will have a pretty solid event in the morning um i want to be surprised i want to be surprised if i want to be surprised if tim's uh on the outside looking in by a few points at the end of the day but he's the kind of the guy that i think could go either way um i got a question for you brian uh doesn't cindy mickalician i wish you could see that i'm staring right at you hiller doesn't cindy mickalician and you taylor a train with comp train yeah isn't she just a remarkable specimen and a remarkable athlete didn't she just melt at the end of the weekend showing tremendous potential i thought i thought that uh two or three years ago
Starting point is 00:36:54 water palooza yeah yeah you're a good dude all right who is she working with two or three years ago she was working with her uh just her local gym up there in rural Canada. I shouldn't start fights I can't finish. That's why we need Brian on the team. Brian needs to be here because he knows everything. Hey, Brian, can you confirm what kind of sled drag they're doing with the flip sled? Are they using the same attachments they used last year in the interval style event, like a reverse drag with handles, or are they doing a forward drag?
Starting point is 00:37:28 I think the first thing you said, but I'm only like 90% on that. Okay. Are you at the airport? What's up with all the planes? I don't know, man. The airport's nearby. But I did see Dan Bailey test that workout two days ago, and it looked pretty devastating.
Starting point is 00:37:44 He has, he has a tendency to make things look devastating though. And he's old. Whether or not he does really well, they always look devastating. It was great seeing you guys. Yes. Great seeing you too,
Starting point is 00:37:58 Brian. Thanks for checking in, buddy. You're awesome. Okay. Have a good night. Thank you. Bye Brian.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Um, it is too bad. James Townsend isn't here. I a good night. Thank you. Bye, Brian. It is too bad James Townsend isn't here. I'm telling you. I sent him a link. It was because AJ beat Mark Juan, and he doesn't want to face the music twice. Okay. We'll ask him tomorrow. I think it was Joel.
Starting point is 00:38:18 First of all, I want to ask you this question. Sorry for the loaded question. All three of you, let me know. What is a hitch again? It's an early pull? A hitch in the Olympic race? JR, take it, JR. I know you want to.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Generally, when people say there's a hitch, like in the clean or the snatch, there's a point at which the bar is almost stopping and not continuing fluidly. The most important thing you can do is put your, put your son to sleep. Forget this dumb ass show. Well, we're going to have, well,
Starting point is 00:38:51 you'll be on first thing in the morning with this James. Love you. And you have the link. If he falls asleep, come in anytime. Sorry. One more time. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Guy, what is a hitch? I would say it's like a, the point during a poll, whether it's like the first or second poll, when the bar almost stops moving. And yeah, almost to use the word in the definition, a hitch. So I can't remember who it was, but I was criticizing someone's clean because it looked like a deadlift and then a hang clean.
Starting point is 00:39:22 I can't remember what it was a couple weeks ago. Do you remember on the show? And then you guys were like, yeah, that's a hitch. Yes, yes. I remember you saying that. Who was that? I don't remember the athlete. I do remember you talking about it, though.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Okay. I don't want to get – James, turn this part off. I'll bring it up again tomorrow. You don't want to hear this part. It was McElishan, I believe. Was it McElishan? Yeah, that needs to be fixed. Well, this is one of the people said and i'd love
Starting point is 00:39:46 to hear james's take on this tomorrow ask me again that one of the commentators said i don't know if it was joel or chase that the that mallory used to have a hitch she did and then when she and then when she went to matt he fixed it he's an olympic weightlifter junior olympian i would also say that did we notice it on the weightlifting because it was something that was very apparent when she was lifting heavy particularly snatching that's her clean and snatch so yeah i didn't pick up on it on the clean which means it just might be gone because i didn't taylor did you take oxycontin tonight what the fuck is wrong with you dude i'm up and ready to go i'm up and ready to go that's all right i was on mushrooms
Starting point is 00:40:26 yesterday yeah no i it's it's not there on the snatch at least on the 120 pound snatch we haven't seen her snatch heavy and it's definitely not there on the queen complex uh but but you think it used to be on there you think matt cleaned that up i don't think i know it used to be there okay uh jr do you agree are you a mallory uh i really haven't seen her lift a whole lot until this year i was gonna go check her instagram then i realized i can't ah you didn't you didn't start watching her lifts until she was 18 like a gentleman, JR. Correct. No hitch there. Just a little in front, though. Just a little. And how old?
Starting point is 00:41:10 That's 120 weeks ago? Okay. So that's two years and four months? The thing that you see there is that horrible lower back position. All right. By the most dominant female athlete at the granite games right now just like you know but two and a half years ago she's 16 there right yeah and it looks like it was close to a match max effort too looks good there but it's from the hang and usually you don't see too much of a hitch from the hang right that is usually where it gets caught up right as it passes through that
Starting point is 00:41:45 point correct okay all right uh second um i know what you're trying to do there by the way you're trying to say mr frazier has fixed i am not trying to say i'm trying to i'm i want to wonder i wonder i wonder i want to hear what uh i'm curious since we have uh james townsend is regular i'm surprised you didn't notice is her feeding her whatever he was feeding her at the end of that snatch event. Well, I actually have it in my notes here that Will Plummer said that she receives a cookie at the finish line from Matt. Uh-oh, there he is.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I'm almost watching these things, and I'm like, I wonder if Siobhan's noticing that. I actually didn't. Will Plummer's like, oh, dude, Matt gave her a cookie as she crossed the finish line Hey that's how all That's how you treat kids You give them a cookie
Starting point is 00:42:29 You give them a cookie For anything good they did Mr. Townsend hi What's up I hate to just ambush you like this It's where we're at in the show One of the commentators No no no
Starting point is 00:42:39 I was listening I was listening Alright When I first got her So So So when I first had her, she had a hit. Like I said, if you go to my profile, you look at her cleans.
Starting point is 00:42:52 She never had a hit after I fixed it. When we got onto the snatch, fixed it. So, you know, like I said, man, I mean, you know, everybody could go ahead and try to, you know, change the narrative, change the narrative, try to, you know, dethrone what I did for her for the whole two years. Proof is in a pudding. If you want to look at it, you can look at from two years ago from where she was at to where she has now.
Starting point is 00:43:23 So everybody could go ahead and make their own conclusion. And we did. And we pulled up a video from 120 weeks ago and no one here said that they saw it. Alex, it's the exact opposite. It's the exact opposite.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Shit. Shit, where is it? It's the exact It's the exact opposite james uh got to get off they're talking about my mouth no no he got to get on because we're talking about my he ran on here he's a man he's like i'm facing this shit hey so what do you guys think you saw you saw from 120 weeks ago that it wasn't there maybe it comes back just when she's doing certain lifts, fast repetition, heavy lifts. Does a hitch ever come back for an athlete?
Starting point is 00:44:12 I think that the absolute worst thing that they keep on talking about is how Matt Frazier is her coach. I can't stand that they keep on talking about it. We all know that, and we get that. It is what it is. That's his athlete. That's her coach now. Why don't you like that?
Starting point is 00:44:32 Why don't you like that, Hiller? Why do they got to keep on bringing it up? I mean, like, why is that the most important thing that you and everyone have to know while they're commentating? You know why. He's the most dominant athlete the sport's ever had. It's like, what if her dad was Tom Cruise? They'd be saying that, too. I mean, you know, like I said, when they first announced it, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:54 Amorna Chaka, may they find success. And I really mean that. You know, it is what it is. Like, you know, Tudor punching his ticket, killed that. So if anybody saw my, my, um, um, you saw that video from, from the, um, what's the movie? With Russell Crowe.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Yeah. Are you not? Yes. Yes. That was a great. So, so the head chopping scene, that was a reference to what happened in the past is the past.
Starting point is 00:45:24 That's over with so if anybody ever had any doubts about who i am as a coach or whatever you know that it is what it is that's his athlete now that's the past so may they have success and she's killing it i knew she was going to do that anyway she was only i put her on that trajectory to do what she came there to do so yeah and if i was if i was her i would want going to do that anyway. I put her on that trajectory to do what she came there to do. Yeah, and if I was her, I would want people to know that Matt Fraser was my coach. Anything to help my trajectory to fame, stardom, selling shit, whatever. There you go.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Oh, so that's what they're doing. I don't know what they're doing, but people are excited that he's there. No, I mean, I don't think he's in cahoots with the commentators. Okay, okay, I'm done. I'm done. I'm going to fight with you on another show. Let's keep going. Unless you want to get the last word. Go ahead. You can throw one more punch. Hell no. Let's talk about the events. We haven't done that yet, have we?
Starting point is 00:46:15 Anna Valadares from the Women's Seat 1 went down at the end of the Speed Shipper event. I got my Mark Horan shirt on. I had to put it on to see if he was gonna do something but i want to talk about that in a second but um did do we know what happened to anna um validares from women's heat one uh she dropped the bar on herself i should have asked brian that when he was here medics had to come tend to her anyone see that hear about that no No, I did not see it. Yeah, let's talk about Anthony Davis.
Starting point is 00:46:48 And I was watching Heat 1. How did I miss that? I know, I missed it too. How are you talking about it? Oh, there she is. Superstar. What's up, girl? Hi, everything's good. Hi. What are you doing up so late? It's 10 o'clock. Getting Twizzlers?
Starting point is 00:47:04 No, getting marshmallows. Oh! What did you doing up so late? It's 10 o'clock. Getting Twizzlers? No, I'm getting marshmallows. Ooh! What'd you have to do to earn those? I just sneaked them. Well, Dad's doing his stuff. I'm just blown away at Anthony Davis. 24th, and then a first, sixth, and a third. It's a tough crowd he's in.
Starting point is 00:47:29 He's supposed to be a one-trick pony. 2017 Open, Sevan. He wasn't a one-trick pony last year. How did he do last year? Talk to me. He had a lot of good finishes last year. He just had a couple that were really bad for him. I think he's going to do something similar this this year i think he'll be top 10 i think he'll probably be last chance i don't know how the last day shakes out for him you know it's a lot of
Starting point is 00:47:55 running and a lot of endurance but he's a big dude so the machines could be good for him um and then it's just a matter of how he can do on the legless. Seven is shorter than Fikowski, but the same weight. Seven, I need you to hear this. Okay. 2017 Open, when it mattered, he finished fifth in the world. Wow. Come on, man. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Did you guys know that? No. I've been waiting for Anthony Davis, AJ. He goes by AJ, to do some stuff like this, and he's doing it. It's not a surprise. Well, yeah, it's not a surprise. Let's see where he's at at the end of the weekend. I think same thing.
Starting point is 00:48:32 He's extremely fit. He just has like two things that hold him back. Here's the thing that you and all these people do is they're like, oh, we'll see how he does at the end of it, and then I'll make my claim to fame. He's going to fucking do it. You think he's going to? You think he's going to?
Starting point is 00:48:44 I agree with Taylor. Taylor, we here. I like that. I like that. make my claim to fame like he's gonna fucking do it you think he's gonna you think he's i agree with i agree with taylor taylor we here i like that i like that yeah what were you gonna say though you were gonna say something about him before i interrupted and said he's five nine i mean are we surprised that you know he's doing good because he he's a bigger dude like if he is have there been a crossfitter his size that made it over to the game before or bigger? Not – I don't think – not 5'9". He is thick as fuck. And he did 72 chest-to-bar pull-ups and still just hammered that workout with some of the greatest living CrossFitters alive.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I mean, the thing is, is he's great, but he's like – he's messing with Titans here, and he's beating them. He's putting them down. I mean, it's nuts. His biggest weakness is the handstand that it's over with. How did he do on that? What happened? Did he fall, or he was just slow? He didn't fall.
Starting point is 00:49:36 He was just taking it nice and easy. And nice and easy for him was a great finish, which was 24. It was four minutes, which for him is quick, because 2018, where they had the deadlift and handstand walk repeat workout um it took him quite a bit down the leaderboard but he would have had another good finish that year as well i think it was 0.4 18.4 they repeated it go ahead i was gonna ask do we have any legless workouts from him on the books like any workouts that's actually what i was clicking around looking for
Starting point is 00:50:10 right now there was last year's granite games workout but that was only three legless and they were kind of i don't i don't want to say they were relevant they were kind of irrelevant um what's going through marquand's mind right now he's sitting in he's got 200 points 204 points sitting in 14th place i mean bad shit has to happen for him to get into the top five now does he still go as hard as he can on five and six do these guys in the bottom still just give it all they got i mean you want i mean what's what's the point spread from 8 to 14? Oh, from 8, good. Okay, 82 points.
Starting point is 00:50:53 I mean, you still got to finish. And we did see in one of the weeks in the final event, there was a 70-point change between a couple of the athletes. And he has two workouts to do it in. And I wonder what he thinks about these next two workouts. And same with Chandler Smith. He's not in too much of a better position. I mean, he only has 25 more points, 24 more points than Mark Juan.
Starting point is 00:51:18 I mean, I guess he could pick up, you know, maybe 196 points on a rope climb and make something up here on, uh, on workout five. I mean, just got to finish, you know? Um, were you guys, did you guys watch a Colton Merton's post, uh, post win interview? Yes. Were you surprised?
Starting point is 00:51:42 He said, I took risks and was reckless? I didn't see that in his workout. I was shocked to hear him say that. You don't think that the 36 unbroken pull-ups were reckless and maybe a risk? I don't know. I don't know. You tell me. I seriously don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Because I was just focusing on the snatches, and he seemed to be really pacing them. Yeah, seriously don't know because i just i was just focusing on the snatches and he seemed to be really pacing them yeah i don't know they said on the broadcast that he said going into it his plan was on broken pull-up so maybe that second set the plan was to break once but he looked strong the whole way through it and he didn't look too blown up when he got to the snatches i think that was his risk and i think he said that just because no one else in the field did the chest of bars unbroken and so in his so in his mind, he was taking a gamble on that. It paid off. I didn't see any squat snatches. I saw one of the back end of female event two.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Sorry, he two. He two. The final one by Emily Rolfe, I believe, was a squat snatch. That's right. Yeah, it was really close. Hiller's petition has more signatures. If you haven't signed the petition yet, go over there. Sign it, please. Just leave this podcast.
Starting point is 00:52:52 It's hilarious. 421 we're at right now. Go over there. 424. Oh my goodness, we're going to get to 500. Yay. Hoorah. Yeah, go over there. Sign that shit.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Try to cancel our boy Chase. Good luck. Chandler's last reps. Chandler's were not. They were low powers. Oh, you're referencing something in the comments? Yeah, somebody's saying Chandler's last
Starting point is 00:53:23 reps were all squat. They looked like low powers to me when you read read the question it takes up more time and it burns more time in the show I like it uh there was a guy out there there was a guy out there and the commentator said this dude models himself after Conor McGregor and his hair matches his shorts I don't know who that is but they showed him and I really like I just like him now because he models himself after Conor McGregor just for just speaking of reckless oh it's this guy right leo leonel franco yep okay and his hair did match his shorts that was some daniel brandon stuff daniel brandon had like half her eyebrow matching her hair matching her shorts go ahead you don't like that i don't like the conor mcgregor thing unless you're the best in
Starting point is 00:54:06 the world well you got to start i mean you got to start somewhere right i mean he's working his way up he's 20 conor mcgregor is still kind of a greger but he's not the best in the world anymore right no oh that's a horrible picture of him but he's proven yeah go back go back yeah he's a pooping dog man that's my favorite front squat position it looks like a pooping dog man that's my favorite front squat position it looks like a pooping dog um jr you watch anthony davis come out and do six unbroken snatches do you what be honest do you think dumbass or genius uh neither i think that's just his capacity but what we saw really late in the workout was there wasn't a whole lot of separation on the back half of snatches. It was all the back half of chest to bar. So there wasn't much change from the time people got to the snatches from when they got off the second set of snatches. mayor and I think maybe Anthony Davis going into the last 16 and he finished two reps ahead so you just don't you just didn't see a whole lot of ground being made up after the second set of
Starting point is 00:55:12 Chester Bar and well before we go there I want to ask James the exact same thing James what did you think did that make you nervous when you saw Anthony Davis do that? Yes and no, but by him being an Olympic weightlifter, I'm pretty sure he's very confident in his barbell movements. Taylor, smart? Do you think it paid off? He did great. He finished
Starting point is 00:55:40 third in the event. Do you think that was a good opening move for him? I probably think it was just similar to what Colton did. He capitalized on what was best for him he was apart really well so he's just gonna snatch a little bit quicker and colton was great on the chest of bar so he made his time there mr hiller couldn't he saved his energy couldn't he just done onesies really fast followed the bar down done onesies the first round and then maybe string some of those together at the end or no okay perfect that's exactly how i like you you did who muted me you did it i did not i did you totally did it the host uh tell me tell me what do you think you think that you think that like i mean that's could
Starting point is 00:56:22 he have taken second could he have taken first there, was there a different plan he could have used? I bet if Rich Froning were his coach, he would go faster on the back than he would have at the front. True. Really? You know that about that's the mayhem way. That's how Rich always moved. That's how his team moves. They're always better on the back half.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Interesting. Okay, good. You know, when, when they were were doing singles the barbell was bouncing pretty high and like all over the place a lot i saw him fly into poor travis once yeah poor travis by the way james i told you to pick travis remember yeah you did yeah i said it was a bad choice i'm like aj's probably gonna win and if he doesn't, you should pick Travis. And we would have both been wrong because Colton came out with it. I picked Phil too on that.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Going back, I don't know if it was JR or James who said it, but Colton got to the second bar, the final set of snatches first, and the commentators said, colton's taken a huge break and then three seconds later they said oh everyone's basically taking a huge break and at that point i kind of that that gets to your point there was no passing and as long as everyone stayed steady there no one was passing anyone right they were all fighting to just hang on at that point right james said it that bar looked heavier for the guys than it did for the girls. Are you,
Starting point is 00:57:50 are we happy with the weights now that we've seen it? James is happy. So five more for each of them, five more pounds for each of them. I mean, I mean, workout three just killed them. I just think,
Starting point is 00:58:03 you know, everybody didn't have any juice left after workout three, man. I mean, workout three just killed him. I just think, you know, everybody didn't have any juice left after workout three, man. I mean, you know, Quan came out running fast and I was like, OK, you know, he took my text messages pretty serious. And then when I saw him bending over and had his hands on it, I was like, all right. Yeah, that workout got to him. I feel like I hear the space shuttle taking off. Do you guys hear that? I have juice to spare.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Let's go. That's right. Fresh as a daisy. Can we pull up tomorrow? Oh, let's go over to the girls. Let's go over to the ladies real quick. Make sure I didn't miss anything there Super impressed with Danny Spiegel Crazy
Starting point is 00:58:49 As impressed as I am with Anthony Davis I want to hate on her I can't She's just kicking ass Second, first, fifth, second Yeah she's not an FN Yeah Can anyone say anything? Does anyone want to take a dig at her? Fifth, second. Yeah, she's doing a thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Can anyone say anything? Does anyone want to take a dig at her other than she's just a savage and a beast? Did you expect this from her? Once again, the 72 chest-to-bar pull-ups, the snatches, the running. I didn't expect her second after day two. I thought she'd be a little bit lower. I thought Amanda Barnhart would be doing a little better. And definitely thought Amanda Barnhart would be ahead. The field just doesn't look very strong.
Starting point is 00:59:38 We said that before, that the female side didn't look as strong as the male side. It's sure looking that way. Absolutely. I'd like to propose this to you, too. In the top 10 there, the best runner is Emily Rolfe. And what we saw there for her is she turned that into a running workout, meaning she ran the fastest, but she also got the most rest while she was running. Thoughts on that, Jer?
Starting point is 01:00:02 Yeah, I would have to agree with that and she was still able to come back to the bar and do uh 10 8 7 6 5 i think so she did the last 32 chest of art in five sets and still finished third how do you know that it was not in the final heat how do you know that i just watched it How do you know that? I just watched it. You weirdo. Yeah. You weirdo.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Thoughts on Emily Rolfe, and what's it say about running, Taylor, as a fellow runner? What's it say about running? What does her finish say about running? Yeah, just about good runners. You're a fitter. I've always had this thing about like i think i was watching the female event at the crossfit games with the toes to bar and the running and i remember watching them all run to the finish line and the ones who were doing well
Starting point is 01:00:57 and ended up doing well overall the crossfit games appeared to be athletic runners and you can see it very much in this event as well that the females uh the ones who are doing better who are also athletic looking while they ran the ones who didn't they kind of like shuffled around had no idea what they looked like they were doing and i was do you guys see that as well or is that just me no i see it definitely see it i mean i think you also brought it up with uh daniel Daniel Brandon at the last event where she looked like she was light on her feet as she ran, just like she knew what she was doing. Especially compared to Sidney McEllish. I mean, she runs like she's a steamroller.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Yeah, like the Tin Man. Everybody wants me to talk about Danny Spiegel. I love the comments. Hey, she killed it. There's nothing to say. She's a savage she killed everything including the imaginary wall balls the ones that we couldn't see we talked about that earlier though didn't we didn't we talk about that earlier i don't remember but she's she's a
Starting point is 01:01:55 complete savage hey who's fisa goffy's coach she was at panchuk's gym for a while but now i think she's uh oh is she with she with uh matt yeah matt torres yeah she's a brute yeah did she move to florida yeah wow okay um i interviewed her i don't know a year ago and and i don't know if it's just because she's working out but she looks like she's putting she's looked like she got thick she i mean when i interviewed her she did not look like a girl who could do the complex with 200 pounds and now she's holding her own doing that she took fifth with all those snatches at 120 she was my call to squat snatch them and she did not end up squat snatching them which was impressive because she is a smaller athlete but it says 135 so she's bigger than tia to me no don't know no i think really is 135 i think t is 140 um here's the thing here's the thing to push my emily rolf
Starting point is 01:02:51 narrative a little bit more the importance of just being a good runner amanda barnhart is i'm guessing let's say is better than her at the snatches right amanda barnhart yes yeah and maybe even better at the at the pull-ups no no not better than p but that whole work no no no no no i'm not saying fee i'm saying uh um i'm comparing amanda and emily rolf remember when you didn't ask me about about like the uh my take on the workout like hey how would you have your athletes do it hillary and i was like fine don't ask me so i don't do it the whole workout was 32 snatches for time whoever was the best at doing 32 snatches while being able to manage the chest of our pull-ups was going to win that workout well that's my point i think emily rolf turned it into a
Starting point is 01:03:39 running workout because she's a runner and then people are going to say but colton won and colton's a great snatcher. Well, you can turn it into whatever you want if you're a smart athlete. What was his snatcher at Granite Games last year? I don't think he's a great snatcher. He's a great 175 snatcher. If you asked him to go do Isabel at 175, I bet he'd beat everybody. With the exception of Davis. Hey, but he earned that right, though.
Starting point is 01:04:01 That's not an easy snatch for a dude who's 5'4", man. He earned that. No, he's a good snatcher. He works real hard at it. We's not an easy snatch for a dude who's 5'4", man. He earned that. No, he's a good snatcher. He works real hard at it. We've seen him cycle the barbell. He's a monster at barbell cycling at the moderately heavy weights. When they get heavy, heavy on a snatch, they kind of catch up to him a bit. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Colton just texted me. He's going to comp train next week. He was a good snatcher. That's trash uh 335 complex this year that'll be 315 next year can you pull up the women's uh the women's um uh the leaderboard and can we see can we see like the top eight i'm gonna i want to ask uh all these guys a question here is there any way to see that, all eight at the same time? No. Darn it. Oh, yeah. Go ahead. Make it smaller. Even smaller. Okay. You need your glasses
Starting point is 01:04:51 out, James? That's Fia, eight, right? Yeah, Fia. So we got... Who's going to... Is there anyone below this mark that you think is going to be in the top five? Scroll down just for one second. Show us eight through 16
Starting point is 01:05:06 just for a second. You got Fee Sagafi, Caroline Stanley, Kylia, Chelsea, Jess, Chloe, Carano, Carissa Stapp, Ashley Shoemaker, Sydney Wells. So I'm going to scroll back.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Who do you think is going to be in this top five after tomorrow? Go ahead. You first, Mr. Townsend. I got Mal, I got Danny, I got Amanda, Alexis Willis, and Emily Roth. Yep, that's who I got to. Yeah. Okay. I have Roth winning the legless
Starting point is 01:05:49 Rope climb workout You don't think the ropes Are going to stop her? No She's 152 pounds, okay She looks heavier, she looks tall Tall, yep How come she's in centimeters and pounds canadian oh okay
Starting point is 01:06:07 uh jr um he had mal danny amanda alexis willis and uh emily rolf so do i who do you got for your top five yeah i like that same five but i think uh amanda and danny switch at least danny possibly drop into four uh and based on what Justin said, Kotler said, I think Alex Willis may win the legless workout. Oh, man. It's so hard to bet against Mallory.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Why would you? I don't know. Cause you got money to waste. Mr. Mr. Self, who are, who are your top five?
Starting point is 01:06:46 Roughly the same. Although I think i think yeah i don't think anyone i don't really know much about chloe wilson but i don't i i don't think anyone other than golf or willis are going to move up and to push anyone else out uh here's an interesting comment we'll address that soon as hillar tells us our our top five let's come back to that uh hillar did you go yet did i ask you i can't even remember yeah i went i was the first one to go oh you did no james was the first to go and i was the second no i was second all right it was i think it's gonna go mal amanda then Mal, Amanda, then Emily Rolfe, Danny Spiegel, Chloe Wilson. Wow, Chloe Wilson, not Alex Willis. Chloe Wilson's a monster.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Okay. And a firefighter. She's going to go up and down the rope like a motherfucker. Dale Van Wagner. It seems like a smart thing he's saying here. This guy's proven Mr. Smith has proven to be good at the online stuff. Last chance qualifier.
Starting point is 01:07:58 We don't care, but it's something that maybe he should hold on to so he doesn't cry himself to sleep. 2020 games was his best finish. Can we check that real quick? You guys might not be allowed on shows past your bedtime anymore. He finished sixth. He also had, I think, a 19th or an 18th worldwide open finish in 2019.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Do you have that up or did you just know that off the top of your head that was good? I just know that off the top of my head. That's when the Open mattered. Yeah. The Open really mattered that year. It was one of several things that mattered. Yeah, if you were top 20, you automatically qualified to the games that year.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Can you look at 2019 Open? See if I'm right. Oh, shit. I can't wait for the Open to matter again. Will it ever? It doesn doesn't matter that's the goal oh it does matter this matters what do we got what do we got oh i was way off wait a minute this is the wrong year this is 19 isn't it yeah that's what i said 2019 I thought he was top 20. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:09:05 So AJ was better then. The one year he was better. We need, like, background music, like Eminent Doom. Every time you guys talk, I think that the show should just end. Or I got it. Okay, good. Hey, will you pull up tomorrow's first workout before Taylor passes out? Shut up.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Thank you. Tomorrow's first workout before Taylor passes out. Shut up. Thank you. It's actually pretty nice. You're going to get us another ding. Okay. So I don't know. What time does this start tomorrow? Can someone tell me?
Starting point is 01:09:43 I don't know my schedule with me. I'm sorry. Yeah, let me pull it up. So tomorrow, the first workout... Thank you, Taylor. Grade 3 starts 11.05 Pacific Standard Time. So it would be 1.05
Starting point is 01:09:57 Central. Okay. So at 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, 2 p.m. Eastern Time, 50-yard sled push, 30-lane facing burpees, 50-yard sled push. What are the sticking points – and it goes on and on, and it's got a 20-minute time cap. What are the sticking points, JR, for Colton Mertens? Is this sled the end of the small man? Is this sled the end of the small man? Probably not the sled, but like the speed chipper and also like the standard chipper,
Starting point is 01:10:32 probably the back half is going to be the sticking point for most people, the bike into the run. If Phil Toon somehow beats Vukowski and this one as well, oh, you guys are all in trouble. I'll bring Justin back on. You better watch your mouth. I will. I'll double down.
Starting point is 01:10:51 I'll tell him to his face that he better watch out. Mr. Olsen, you're the kindest Mr. Olsen I've ever met. Thank you for constantly supporting the show. Love you, dude. Seriously. Insane. Thank you. Mr. Townsend
Starting point is 01:11:05 who wins this Phil Toon or Brent Fikowski Fikowski by a lot is Toon still on the lane facing burpees and Fikowski is finishing up the sled drag yeah I can see that I can see
Starting point is 01:11:21 Phil Toon getting into the sled while Fikowski is finishing up. We have a bidding war. Who will sleep with me tonight, Sarah Cox or Mr. Olsen? Who made this meme? Oh, my God. Can we pull that meme up? That is awesome.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Why Fikowski? Just because you're not sure and you're going to go with old faithful well i mean he's he's pretty proven in in uh in these type of workouts you know anything that's aerobic um you know he's just good i i can remember watching him and uh you guys remember the oc throwdown oh yeah yeah yeah in 2015 that's when he first came on the scene and you know and kenny leverage was a good friend of mine well still is a good friend of mine and he just blew kenny out of the water we were like who is this guy and you know he had the engine and everything and that's my pick so So another $10 on the line. Another $10 on the line. You just woke Hiller up.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Hiller's eyebrows are going to sleep. You just woke Hiller up. Yeah, he's picking Fikowski on the Fikowski-est workout I've ever seen in my whole life and giving me the feel. Dude, it's your boy Phil Toon. He's unbeatable. Hey, can you put the workout back up? Okay, I'll put 10 bucks on two. I'm up 20, so we're good.
Starting point is 01:12:47 I think what Pat said earlier, though, makes sense, is that last chipper was so shoulder intensive and so much shoulder endurance. And historically, that's one of Brent's weaker points or at least something that he's worked a lot on. And it seems like historically, that's one of Phil's strengths. Oh, my God. Taylor, I have a news. a lot on and it seems like historically that's one of phil's strengths oh my god taylor um uh oh my olson i'll put it on clean sheets um taylor uh this is i kind of feel like um uh um this is a make or break for anthony this workout because I think he is going to struggle
Starting point is 01:13:25 but I've been wrong about everything I said about this he's going to totally dominate this workout I should actually take him over Phil Taylor how is Anthony Davis going to do what he needs to do in these next two workouts to push Tim Paulson out on the next two
Starting point is 01:13:42 I don't think so no you know there's only two workouts left and then and then it's over yeah i don't think he's doing i don't think he's doing enough to push tim out on either of those how about travis mayor no i don't i think travis is even less likely uh how about uh brent fukowski even less likely oh shit it's not looking good so you don't think anthony davis i um okay so hillar talk to him talk to taylor you want to take a bet with him what's going on why isn't why isn't taylor why doesn't taylor understand that anthony davis is going to dominate this taylor just doesn't like anthony davis that's not true i like what you said earlier no he's a nice
Starting point is 01:14:21 guy he's a great dude i just i mean he probably sucks at swimming and taylor judges all the and can you imagine him pushing that sled can you imagine him running 2 000 meters do you remember him in that running workout at the granite games last year first event he's a good runner that wasn't a running workout it was uh it ended up being a running workout no that's why he beat everybody he was running better better than everybody. Okay, JR, will you settle this dispute? How's Anthony Davis going to do? Is he going to beat any of these guys above him? You better
Starting point is 01:14:52 not say Colton. It's just really tough because Tim Paulson and Travis Marificowski, they're all monsters at the exact same things. But I think Tim Paulson struggles on the legless. We're waiting for JR. We're waiting for JR. I'm waiting for JR. No, I was just letting them go.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Tell me, Anthony Davis or not, are these guys right? Do these two know what they're talking about? I don't think he's pushing the top five out. James Townsend. No. Oh, my goodness. He's a good dude. He's a great – Anthony Davis is a great dude.
Starting point is 01:15:24 You're saying it's all in the run. You're saying the run and the burpees he's toast. I think the workout is the run echo bike run. Yeah. And then, and then how can you, how can you push the other three movements after going fast on those? Can we assume that the run is just like around the field in circular fashion and not on a runner and then
Starting point is 01:15:47 also can we assume what the sled weight is do we know any of that because that's gonna matter yeah but if it's it doesn't matter how heavy that sled is do you think he's pushing travis mayor with his big ass fucking legs brent fikowski is definitely strong on a sled and tim paulson yeah no i'm just curious, I'm just curious. Yeah. I'm just curious what kind of run it is. And I'm also too, if they're doing a true reverse drag, you can just put your body weight into it and it's a lot easier leaning back and just driving. Now, I don't know how it's going to feel going into the 30 burpees. Maybe that's a place where some people can make up time, but I don't think the 30 burpees are going to matter that much on the back half all right uh should be interesting um i'll see you
Starting point is 01:16:36 guys tomorrow is there anything else you want to add uh taylor i'll be over in five minutes to tuck you in just leave the door unlocked sweet. Hiller, good luck working on videos tonight. Do a line of math and get back to work. JR, you're a good dude. Love you, buddy. James, sorry for sending you the link late. Thanks for letting your daughter come on and say hi, brother.
Starting point is 01:16:58 No, you're good. Thank you. In case anything weird happens, you'll see the same five of us and an all-star cast of surprise guests tomorrow. It'll be sometime after 11, 15 a.m. I don't know. Caleb will be putting up the schedule soon on YouTube. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:17:15 It's been a blast. I can't wait till this shit's over.

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