The Sevan Podcast - #437 - Granite Games Event 5 | Hiller, Self, Friend

Episode Date: June 6, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I'd love to be talking about Colton Mertens and his incredible performance at Day 2. Yeah, me too. Something else caught my attention.
Starting point is 00:00:38 So this is Chase Ingram. Ah, yes. You don't recognize this handsome face. Oh, my goodness. Can you pause this, Caleb? This is Hiller versus... sing group ah yes you don't recognize this handsome face oh my goodness his voice can you pause this caleb well this is hillar versus why why can't it be why can't it be uh just uh battle royale across it why do you get the publicity why can't it just be infighting hey i want to say something go ahead hillar go ahead no, no. I got nothing. I want to say something to Miss Parker.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Just so you are very, very clear. If anyone would have done this to you, we would have fucking came at your defense too. We would have gone to bat for you too. Has nothing to do with anything. It just has to do with the fact of just woke cancel culture. Just being a fucking crybaby. And then the cry baby and then
Starting point is 00:01:25 the name calling and then the racism and your fucking wife jumping in and like basically exposing your pathologies like your attack shouldn't expose your weaknesses but anyway we love you guys we do this for you but you can't you can't just cannibalize one of us just right in front of the fucking whole group those days are over the rebellion has begun you canceled so many of us now that we don't give a fuck and we're just not going to let in we're not going to let you cannibalize other people for just no reason he's got dms going to his dms uh let's uh let's have a group party watch of this um can you pull that up one more time beaver who is this cat he's got foreigners getting in it now j Jason CF Media. He's real media. It says so right there.
Starting point is 00:02:10 He looks like so many people want to know what's going on. I don't know if this guy got it right, but he can't have it any. Wow, that's a nice mic. He can't have it any more wrong than me because I have no idea what what her issue is. But soon as they started saying stuff like call it bearded males, like it's like now you want to oppress me because the hair grows on my face. I don't want to fucking look like I belong to the Taliban. I'm born this way. She put me in a box. Jason Sam media is in the chat, by the way.
Starting point is 00:02:36 He said he titled it because it's petition versus petition. Taylor self doesn't want to look like a thumb. Yeah, come on. Taylor can't help being so fucking hot And comparing himself to Batman Oh Appreciate that Okay enough of this nonsense I would love to do a show on this whole thing
Starting point is 00:02:56 It's so funny It's just Fucking goofballs So just stop Just stop Meredith and Alex just go away let it drop stop being haters I think that they are trying to backpedal a little bit you saw that she's already
Starting point is 00:03:12 changed up her petition a bit she took it off a chase she needs to do more than backpedal she needs to realize that that race if you I'm not okay welcome to show numbers we're on the final day i can't believe it marty dready next week that's so rude but but this but it is i mean
Starting point is 00:03:37 granite games whoever's putting this on kudos to you one heat oh yeah dude thank god dude thank you thank you to flip sled for sending 30 sleds oh i didn't know they had that many no i want to spend three grand on a sled i i also i'm angry at you guys i didn't get to see teal once in B-roll. You guys complain so much now we don't even get to see her. I like seeing Mal. I am not with these guys who don't like seeing Mal and Fraser. I like the old champs. I like the current champs. I'm okay
Starting point is 00:04:16 with blowing up coaches. I'm okay with jerking off the coaches. I like it. I want to see Ben Berger on there. I like that. If the Kardashians were there, I'd want to see them too. on there i like that i like seeing if the kardashians were there i'd want to see them too yeah just do it in between heats ah i am not the smartest guy in the room okay fine good comeback did i send did i send adam neefer uh okay okay i sent some who's all wey? Is that you, Sevan? Are you beeping? Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:48 James Townsend is doing some family stuff today. J.R. Howell is getting his nails done. So you have the four of us. I loved everything about the event. I thought the commentators did a great job while they were
Starting point is 00:05:05 running that was kind of slow but i think they did a great job pumping that up and making that interesting um the assault bike obviously was long also but i like the talk there did you guys have any um was there any part during the the workout that you guys were pouting yeah okay tell me no i wasn't pouting i actually think i enjoyed having matt frazier on because he came on right during the run i believe he said good shit too yeah it was a good matt frazier time yeah so for once i said take the camera off to you and like stop pumping out matt frazier i actually enjoyed that bit of him uh yeah i it was the best i'd ever heard matt i thought he was great they queued him up with some great questions and i think he hit him out of the park taylor sorry hey was that a naked man yeah i got interrupted at my gym this fucking naked guy just
Starting point is 00:05:48 walked in that's awesome have you ever had anything like that a naked guy uh no we've had some weird uh no we've never had anything like that it's probably an episode of itself weird stuff you see on the cameras at the gym we had a kid we had a kid steal a body armor out of the fridge and it was like dude they're two bucks oh that's the worst you've had oh man not uh you got a good gym tell me wait let's come back to that tell me do you have a problem with it did you have a problem with this workout or the way we we watched it uh taylor no i the workout. And I actually thought that the flip sled was pushing it. One, it was a lot better visual. All 30 athletes and the fact that it was just such a long distance
Starting point is 00:06:34 and all of them on the football field, I thought it looked pretty cool. It looked like the sled was much more ā€“ there was variance in terms of speed and and technique in terms of it actually playing a part in the workout clearly played a part in the workout um as opposed to like you know the torque sled um man i just wish they would have flipped it a few times it's a flip sled that's the only thing i actually i was thinking so we saw colton made one of those, right? And we saw him flipping it. And this almost reminded me a bit of Dave Castro, where he used to give us a little hint,
Starting point is 00:07:10 and then the athletes would try to do what they were going to do with it. And then it ended up being nothing to do with the flipping of the sled. So they were pushing it. I was like, that's actually good on Granite Games. Nice job. Has anyone ever done that? Could you do that, Taylor? Could you push 10 yards, flip 10 yards, push 10 yards, flip 10 yards?
Starting point is 00:07:25 No, you can't flip it with the big ring attachments on it. Okay. Yeah. Okay, well, that is... Go ahead, Caleb. Did they change the weight on it, too? I thought it was supposed to be 90 pounds for the men. And there's only a 45-pound plate on there.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I was talking to JR about that. And I had a hard time following because he was unaware of the type of sled they were using. Apparently, there's a 1, 2, and 300 model. And this would have been good to have him on the show. And this is the middle one, wasn't it? Yeah, this is the 200 model. It's a little bit lighter. But at the same time, so I was talking to JR on the phone. And he was talking about how the sled being even less relevant because it seemed like the weight was kind of
Starting point is 00:08:08 they missed the mark on it but man watching them and the pace that everything else was performed at and how long the distances of sled were at each time like when you're pushing a sled 60 feet down and 60 feet back you can you can make it heavy because you get that natural break and transition from turning around pushing it the other direction, this going 50 yards straight at a time. That's quite the hall. So I don't think they missed the mark on the weight after watching the event. It looked, it looked right on. Hey, I think we do need to see that.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Someone needs to figure out how to do that, where you do have a flip push altering every 10 yards. You have to be brief on how to take the pieces out and assemble it again you're giving you're giving a wrench like changing a car tire that'd be part of the fitness test uh mal o'brien uh danny spiegel i mean i mean i mean we're just seeing i couldn't even believe how good these women are. How is it that we follow them every year, every month, every week, and they still blow my mind?
Starting point is 00:09:11 Were you guys blown away? By which one? All of them, but especially Danny and Mal. Danny and Mal is crazy blown away by. Are we going to go back to our picks from yesterday? Because as of right now, my female thing is stacking up perfect, I believe. But I think I had Chloe Wilson and Emily Rolfe flipped. But Emily Rolfe is going to destroy that rope climb workout.
Starting point is 00:09:33 No, we'll do that the next show. That's the next show. That's the next show. I'm stoked on Colton and how he's doing. I'm honestly ā€“ Oh, wait. Can we stay with the women? Let's stay with the women.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I promise you we'll get the men. Sorry, sorry. Let me just get you guys under control here. Don't talk about your picks. Don't talk about the men. We're talking about one of our favorite women in particular. And you want to talk about Amanda Barnhart. Let's talk. We'll get to Amanda Barnhart, too. Mal was doing burpees 2-1, 2-1 and 3-1.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Next to Emily Rolfe. Yes. Emily Rolfe caught her in on the sled and then mal o'brien just turned on the burners on the burpees i thought emily rolf would be able to catch up catch her on the sled too but then mal just kept going thank you as long as you stay on subject you can talk as much as you want caleb over these guys do you guys have thoughts on that on mal's burpees and did rolf play that wrong i was impressed with Mal's bike and her burpees. She was,
Starting point is 00:10:26 she said something about that yesterday in her like post event interview. They're like, what are you looking forward to tomorrow? And she's like the 70 Cal bike. Everybody thought she was joking. And if anything, it was just to show off how much better she's gotten at it. Taylor,
Starting point is 00:10:39 does that mean, does that mean people need to start shutting their mouths regarding the bikes, a big boy, big boy toy? No. Who was saying that? You know who told me is a freak on the Echo bike? Jason told me Mal is a freak on the Echo bike.
Starting point is 00:10:58 He said he was doing a workout with her in Vermont, and it was a bike workout, and she beat him in it. And granted, it was the female equivalent on calories, but he said she's really good on the bike. Those are from his lips. One of the secrets that Matt always shares is he would wake up in the mornings and sell his soul on the assault bike.
Starting point is 00:11:19 A cat like me never does that. It's happened two or three times on accident and I never want to go there again. If he's doing that shit every morning, he's got to have her doing that shit every morning too right and this goes back to what you guys have all been saying that just makes me ill is that the machines are just an amazing training tool and then when you put them in the uh events the people who are the best at them are winning. Yeah. Brian's kind of, kind of argued like going faster on the machines hasn't doesn't like,
Starting point is 00:11:51 you'll just kill you, kill yourself later in the workout or on different portions. But I don't think that's necessarily been true for these, for these ladies today. It's like running. It's like running. When we talk about running in a workout, if you can push the bike,
Starting point is 00:12:03 if you're a guy and you can hold 400 Watts for all those 100 calories across the workout and not be punted, you're going to have so much more of an advantage over everyone else in the workouts. It's the same thing for ladies. If you can hold a certain wattage or a certain RPM that's better than everyone else and get off and be just as fresh, how is it not to your advantage to bike faster? So, I mean, and here's the other thing. The bikes are a good test of fitness because work capacity needs to be tested. And when you're testing just aerobic power, work capacity and conditioning, the Echo, it's hard to beat the Echo bike. It does depend on size, but.
Starting point is 00:12:41 When you say Echo, you mean exclusively Echo and not Assault? Assault bike too two to a degree but the assault bike you can coast a little more the echo bike if you let off on the pressure at all it stops you it like pushes against you almost and it's it's just because the assault bike is chain driven so there's slack in a chain and once you get it going you can maintain a certain rpm a little bit easier and the echo bike is belt driven and there's no slack like there's no slack in a belt driven motorcycle or chain. And Matt was also talking about, Frazier was talking about the fan's bigger,
Starting point is 00:13:09 so it slows down quicker. Yeah, yep, fan is bigger, much bigger. Mallory ran, even when she was in the lead, when she finished her burpees, it was just a 10 or 15-foot trot to the sled, and she still ran. Killer instinct. No slouch. Well, we talked about that last week a little bit right that was the difference between the females who are going to have the top tier times and the ones who are just kind of there to be there almost survive you almost kind of saw it
Starting point is 00:13:38 when when danny was doing the handstand walk and mal got no rep she like stopped halfway and then mal caught up and just went on broken the entire way through um can we see the women's leaderboard now yeah it's actually amazing seeing these events and then seeing the females like mal compared to the other females who are incredibly elite as well but she's differentiating herself from those females quite a bit on things like that. And then the only time you're really going to see a competition
Starting point is 00:14:10 is at the games when she's up against the Tia Toomeys, the Laura Horvaths of the world. I asked one of the people we have on the ground there, I said, hey, what's the vibe like between the Proven camp and the Hard Work Pays Off camp? He said during that event they were on opposite sides of the field tia was on one side matt was on the other so they'd taken different strategic placements during the event uh they had also said that um they don't seem to be talking
Starting point is 00:14:35 to each other but they did see tia cheering uh mal on uh as mal ran by clapping for uh which i find interesting just because of the fact that, you know, Mallory and Tia, that's going to be one of the big stories going into the games. Correct. You say how Castro always used to big dick people, right?
Starting point is 00:14:55 Do you think that's a big dick and move by Tia? It's like, Oh, good job. It doesn't matter. Oh, when he used to tell me he's proud of me and I'd be like, he's digging me. I'm'm proud of you, son.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I don't think it's a big dig move. I think she's generally cheering on Nell, but I think she's so confident in herself. Tia's almost like a mom. I noticed that when she was at the MAC. She was very motherly of all of her athletes. It wasn like just super out of control it was very like i don't know just she seems like a mother to all of them now that that guy whoever posted that comments on drugs yeah i will say this from the little bit i've seen and we don't see much at home i'm not seeing any of the leadership from any of those girls there after the event any of that like
Starting point is 00:15:45 dominance that alpha shit that you do see from annie thor's daughter katrin david's daughter tia to me meaning when they finish sam briggs when they're finished and they're at the end and people cross they give them some love i'm not i haven't seen any of that kind of camaraderie have you been seeing it no and i would venture to say it's probably because a lot of the veterans there that should be doing that are probably feeling a little insecure about getting their fricking tails waxed by an 18 year old. Okay. And I'm glad you bring that up about an 18 year old. I do not want to pick on Emily Rolfe. I'm so impressed by her. And I know this is just nitpicking, but in her interview, she cracked a joke and it was lighthearted. Yep. And she said,
Starting point is 00:16:22 she was, she, uh, she was beat by, uh, she's made the joke. Oh yeah. said she was beat by, she made the joke, oh yeah, so I was beat by an 18-year-old doing burpees. And it was fun, fun and games. But we're in a thread together and one of the smart guys in our thread said, yeah, let's not forget she was also beaten on a bike by an athlete that's 15 pounds less than her. And a few inches shorter.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah, but I also think- Do you think that it's okay for her to even joke around about that not publicly but for her own mindset i love emily rolf i'm not judging her publicly for it at all kudos like who cares but mentally is that a bad place to go i think i was using humor as a deflection on her insecurity about getting beaten by an 18 year old okay and i'm i'm psychoanalyzing probably too much but i mean no it's good do it you don't, but I mean. No, it's good. Do it. Dude, you don't want to.
Starting point is 00:17:07 It's self-deprecating humor. I mean, that's exactly what it is. You're just like, oh, yeah, I fucking suck at burpees. Gotta be an 18-year-old. But it also fucking sucks when you're there and you're like, damn, I've been grinding for however long, and this fucking girl who's 15 years younger than me just clapped me. Not a good feeling. Clapped. Every time you say that word, clapped,
Starting point is 00:17:25 I picture someone twerking. I picture two butt cheeks coming together. That's what I think. It's supposed to elicit a vulgar self-visualization, so I'm glad that's... I was Phil Toon, one of our... Phil Toon. Will Plummer.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Look at these guys' names. Will Plummer, Phil Toon. How plumber, look at these guys named will plumber, Phil tune. How am I supposed to take these guys? Seriously? Uh, well, plumber,
Starting point is 00:17:51 one of our guys on the field sent me a picture. Do we have it uploaded by any chance? Caleb? It's of Sam Demeester, the greatest athlete on the field that has gotten no attention. Um, uh, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:18:02 Hiller, have you seen any, no rep shirts on the field? Uh, today? I haven haven't was he wearing one good no sir he was not oh okay whoa so why do you ask well let's see ah okay ah seven podcast shirt thank you you should ask him how long how long it took him to fucking get it he probably ordered it 2018 yeah but we don't know in fact that was supposed to be a ceo shirt right not only did he order that 2018 but he got the
Starting point is 00:18:35 wrong shirt sam sam you win the prize of all the people there wearing the shirt on the field today i choose you as the winter please as the winter as the field today, I choose you as the winner. Please, as the winner, please DM me, and I will send you your prize from Paper Street Coffee, the official sponsor of the 7-On podcast, and we'll send you out a bunch of coffee. Seriously, dude, you're the man. That warmed my heart, tickled me, tickled my tush, and warmed my heart. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Tommy Marquez is wearing a no-rep shirt. Don't worry. Tommy's a good dude. Mark Fleming, do you all think Chandler Smith needs a new coach? Come on, Mark. He just started there. Okay, I'm going to give you guys. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:19:17 He did not just start there. He's been there over a year and a half or two. But he just got out of the Army. This is like his first full year out of the army and he's actually like training full-time you gotta give you guys one minute to fight this out but here's the other thing is in 2020 he had his best finish ever so what's happening two years later 2020 he's six of the games online format yeah but he's still fucking beating people who are really good the other thing i think is there are rumors going around that and i hate to you, give a breathe life to anything that's unconfirmed, but they're,
Starting point is 00:19:47 apparently there's something up with them and we don't know whether that's injury or sickness or something, but apparently not. Or girlfriend or girl or fiance. You know what I would say? I wasn't having a, a, a, there's, there's two ways to attack you. Either just say that you're not doing that well, or you come out and you say you have some giant excuse. Yeah. Yeah. I'm, I think on his part, yeah. say that you're not doing that well or you come out and you say you have some giant excuse yeah
Starting point is 00:20:05 yeah i'm i think on his part yeah good on him for keeping it under wraps and being like fuck it's not an excuse for whatever's going on but it's i'm sure you know you know the thing about chandler smith is every single competition i expect him and a lot of people expect for him to do a certain like how good are you going to do and every post he makes either following the competition or right before it is well let's see how it goes or, Oh, that went that way. It's always like,
Starting point is 00:20:28 Oh, well, whatever. Yes. Always. He always, it's always self-deprecating for him. I've had this pointed out to me a lot by a lot of different people.
Starting point is 00:20:37 And if you go look at his posts surrounding the competition, he never owns up to anything. And I'm not saying that's an issue, but I would say, Hey, did they win at Wadapalooza? Sorry the guy being ben bergeron who's supposed to be the master head coach of the entire sport should have some sort of insight to help him get around that no yeah i know i agree i think i think chandler it seems like he's missing
Starting point is 00:21:00 a little confidence in that regard he's he's missing maxwell high do you think do you think there's like a barrier though between like what he's posting on social media and how he actually interact like how he is internally you know what i mean like sometimes people's that's just like their theme on their social media is just self-deprecating humor like shitting on themselves and then mentally they're just like i don't know i think one thing that is pretty well known or at least he has vocalized before is that when he first came in he just you know didn't believe he belonged at all and it took a couple go-arounds for him to be competing with the top to kind of feel like he kind of belonged so you know i know at least initially he kind of struggled with that so
Starting point is 00:21:37 maybe it's just residual you know lack of belief to a degree, not a large degree. He's clearly one of the fittest in the world. Who knows? Max Elhaj. Okay. You think he's the answer? I think he was much better while he was around him. Mr. Olsen, good morning.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Good morning. Good to have you, brother. Good to have you. I slept better last night knowing that your money was in my bank account. Thank you. I thought you slept with him last night. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I'm just trying to, it's code. It's code. Chase Ingram says Colton Merton moved up 26 places in the first set of burpees. Thank you, Chase. Mistake smart, well-played.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Necessary. Yeah. He played to his strengths. And I also think that's, that's saying it in that way makes it seem way more aggressive than it really was like i'm sure he got to the burpees a couple reps behind but he's just you know like he moved up 26 places in a set of 30 burpees makes you sound like you fucking blew up and he didn't really blow up he just went faster than everybody
Starting point is 00:22:40 else he's just faster than everybody it's the same thing with his chest to bar yesterday. He's going to hit his max effort sets of chest to bar because that's what he can do. And he'll do this quick singles on the snatches. He's a fucking savage. He's doing so well this weekend. Unbelievable. It's awesome watching that. We will finish the show talking about how scary it is where he sits.
Starting point is 00:22:59 He does sit in a scary spot. It's his to lose, but he's already told us he's concerned about this next workout. That's one thing you don't like to hear when you hear somebody voice concerned about a workout it's he's got a 50 something point cushion well let's let's finish with that everyone everyone get your chub ready we're just edging with colton mertens right here we're not we're not letting it fly yet uh quant runs nice he had an early lead he runs nice amanda barnhorn runs nice mal o'brien runs nice uh even danny spiegel's running nice all these people are running nice that is not what i saw from cindy mickalician can cindy mickalician learn to run nice i love her i want her to do
Starting point is 00:23:35 field running like they were doing though it was a different sort of run yeah but she still runs like she's a block of brick dude quant was running like daniel brandon like all up on his toes and shit you can teach running technique i don't think a lot of people do it i think a block of brick. Dude, quant was running like Daniel Brandon, like all up on his toes and shit. You can teach running technique. I don't think a lot of people do it. I think a lot of people have you run intervals and you know, Oh yeah, it's how much you should be resting. This is your pace.
Starting point is 00:23:53 You'd be holding on this 400, but not a lot of people talk about actual technique and running where you're putting pressure on your foot, how to breathe, how you're swinging your arms, how you hold your hands. So she could, I'm sure she could learn that from somebody who's smart.
Starting point is 00:24:06 It makes me sick to my stomach when people keep referring to Brent Fikowski as the professor, but we saw it, right? He paced us with Travis Mayer and Phil Toons and he's the smartest dude in the pack.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Let me guess, Brian, you got five minutes? I mean, he's the smartest dude in the pack. Let me guess, Brian, you got five minutes? Literally exactly five minutes, yeah. Brian, how smart is Fikowski? Is it just luck, or is he gaming all of that? Was he just gaming Travis and Quant and Phil Toon in the beginning?
Starting point is 00:24:43 I don't think he's worrying too much about him i think i mean it looked almost identical to what mal did which which was just uh you know say stay right where you need to be and then make the move on the last sledding the burpees really um fraser said that the first half of the workout is a trap i believe him but there's a paradox there because the winners fucking came out fucking hot and pretty much kept the lead at least in the top five the entire time. Not in the top two. Okay. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Thoughts on that, Hiller? I'm sorry. I'm actually looking for a clip right now. No, no problem. Thoughts on that, Mr.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Self is, is the first half a trap or, uh, I think it'll work out like that. It's depends on how fit you are. A lot, a lot of the fittest are going to be able to go out at a pace that probably scares some other people and hold it across. You saw that from Mal and Emily.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Um, and then some people just can't do that. And so for them, it's a trap. Brian, we're hearing rumors that something is medically wrong with Chandler Smith. Can you confirm any of those rumors? I was hoping that you would ask about what's going to happen in the final. What is going to happen in the final? Here's the thing. Colton Mertens has 428.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I wanted to wait to the end. I was waiting for everyone to get nice and nice and rigid. But why don't we do it here while you're here? Colton Mertburn says 428 points and Samuel Quant in fifth place has 374 points. And what about sixth place? Tim Paulson, same thing.
Starting point is 00:26:14 372. Fifth and sixth are basically the same amount of points. I think we can go with the men. I think that this is probably the worst workout of the weekend for both Tim and Colton. Colton's been incredibly men. I think that this is probably the worst workout of the weekend for both him and Colton. Colton's been incredibly impressive. I think that he's done enough already that he'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:26:32 And I think that Juan's going to end up getting an overtime. What do you think about Anthony Davis? Wait a second. Sorry, Taylor. You don't think that there's a good chance that Colton could lose 50 points on this workout? Taylor, you don't think that there's a good chance that Colton could lose 50 points on this workout? Dude, he's, I mean, he has answered every question so far. I know he's not looking forward to this one relative to the others, but I think that he can still finish like 12.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And how many points does that give you if you finish 12? Four times 12, less than 100. 48, okay. I have one one question about that might not be enough go ahead you just you just said he needed to hold on to 50 yeah 48 is close right i'm we're estimating lose 48 so that yeah we're estimating so you know it could be close but i'm not expecting either of those guys to win it which means they're not going to get 100 we're doing the best we can with only five minutes brian. Go easy on me. What do you think about
Starting point is 00:27:27 Colton voicing his concern about that workout? Is that a bad look to you? Does that give you butterflies a little bit when an athlete voices concern about a workout? No. I think he's the only athlete who is knowing where he's supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:27:44 He said that he would be happy with a 10th place finish and he finished 11th on the sled workout. Yeah. And when I talked to him yesterday, he said like, look, I want to win every workout, but I, you know, I have to be realistic as well because if I go in with that mentality and blow up on this, then I'm not going to finish where, where I can maximize my points. And then at the end of the day, he just wants to make it to the games.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Good. Don't believe anything Brian says. Remember when he thought Noah could win the games over Fraser? I don't remember that. No, no. He's talking about 2019 based on the points, but let's just never bring up 2019. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I like that. What did you see over at the women? You said, okay, we started with the men. Oh, so sorry. I cut you off. What were you going to say about Anthony Davis? Was it you, Brian, or Taylor? Is that something about Anthony Davis?
Starting point is 00:28:36 I want to know what Brian thought Anthony Davis was going to do on this workout. Me too. Is it going to be a better workout for him or a worse workout for him? Compared to who? Those guys? His last one. Oh, I think it's going to be kind of similar to these last couple where he's in that 8-12 range. I mean, I can't overstate how impressed I've been with him.
Starting point is 00:28:57 His running looks so different than last year, just the way he is carrying his body and hanging with some guys that you'd expect to be better runners than him. So I think he'll be all right on this. I don't think it'll be enough to make the games, but like I said yesterday, I think that when he looks back at this weekend, he's going to feel really good about what he's been able to accomplish this year.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Let's cruise over to the ladies. Yeah, this is going to be crazy because uh you gotta basically i mean look danny spiegel looks like she's pretty safe here but uh a lot can happen as we know in one event and this is one of those events where you can't you can't afford to blow up so she needs to just not make a mistake and she'll be fine and make the games i've told you guys alex kazan should be i would think at worst the top three in this event and i think that with the three women right ahead of her there it'll be fine and make the games. I've told you guys Alex Kazan should be, I would think, at worst the top three in this event, and I think that with the three women right ahead of her there, it'll be enough for her to go to the games.
Starting point is 00:29:51 So if Dani doesn't blow it and Alex does what I think she's going to do, that leaves one spot for Chloe and Emily. Outside of Emily Rolfe's lift so far, both of those girls haven't had anything worse than a top seven finish. Chloe's been very impressive to me, but I don't know. I'm tempted to give the edge to Emily on this one. So if I was going to make a pick here, I'd say that Chloe ends up missing out just barely.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Are Alex Gazan and Alex Willis the same person? Yes. Okay. Everyone has changed it to Alex Gazan, except for the CrossFit Games leaderboard. Okay, great. How impressed were you with Danny Spiegel's burpees in that last event?
Starting point is 00:30:31 She made up ground on the burpees. I would have never, never expected that from her. Yeah, look, she died a little bit at the end, but she was struggling with the sled. But I think that, you know, we know that the long running is never going to be great for her. And it was a lot better than the long running event last year. Like her or hate her, she's had a good weekend so far.
Starting point is 00:30:50 And like I said, I think she's in a similar position to Colton where she just can't make a mistake here and it'll probably be enough. I don't like her or hate her. I love her. I love her. Love her, like her, hate her, or otherwise, whatever otherwise whatever okay she killed it super impressed by her teams are on the field so i gotta get going okay bye thank you bye brian so the clip i was looking for you started getting on sam kwan's running technique and what i noticed while he was running was his physique is completely
Starting point is 00:31:25 different than it was last year during the mac did you guys notice that at all or no he just looks leaner yeah less muscular less no i wouldn't say less muscular i would say it looks like he's dropped about five to six percent body fat oh i remember watching him at the mac last year as he was putting out a very unimpressive uninspiring performance where he ended up missing and there was that issue that he said he had with chronic illness. Right? I don't remember what that was. Taylor, I know you brought it up recently. We don't know what it is, though. No one's told us what it is.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I think it's just some autoimmune disease or something. Yeah, there's something going on. He needs to eat raw meat. Maybe that's it. But he looks way better this year. Hey, he was, when he came to the games, he was a big boy. When he was a he was when he came to the games he was a big boy like when he was a 19 year old kid he came thick he looked like that like like that marcus hendron type when marcus you have the clip of him running i was looking for it i couldn't find it i kind of
Starting point is 00:32:15 felt like i was gone for too long so it was during the day and i remember just like watching him during the back he just looked soft but here's the thing about the Mac also is last year, it wasn't like you were going to do bad if you had a higher body fat percentage because there was virtually no... I think you might be missing the point though. Okay, Dean. Okay, Dean. 20 burpees for that shit. What happened? He's...
Starting point is 00:32:37 Jesus Christ. So you know what? He did rid himself of that disease. Tell me. Yeah, that's true. Well, make your point then. I guess lay it out in dumb, dumb terms. I'm missing it.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Well, no, the point wasn't that being soft wouldn't allude to a good finish at the MAAC. It just looks like he's in a better place in general, body composition-wise. Fitness-wise, okay. Or, I mean, you never look at Rich Froning and say Rich Froning looks soft, and then he also conveniently has one of the worst competitions in his career at the same time. Yeah, that's true. But also, I think of someone like Justin Medeiros, who's not as ripped as half the field. I agree with that. I don't say A equals B.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I say he looked much different than he had in the past, and it lined up with his performance. much different than he had in the past and it was and it lined up with his performance uh well also um you know i'm no uh i'm no sam quant or rich froning but i had the flu for like three days like four years ago or something and i posted a picture of myself sitting on the ground in front of like some just somewhere and someone's like oh you look great you've really leaned out keep doing what you're doing fucking yeah i need't eat in four days you jackasses that's horrible uh dan lujo uh thank you thanks appreciate it so what i'm saying is maybe sam's sickness is what made him lean out interesting uh that didn't align with what i was saying all right so opposite i love a good semi we know malin we know
Starting point is 00:34:05 okay pardon me so is that the same as edging yes no a semi is when your penis isn't quite fully erect yet ah yeah okay thank you hitler and edging is when you're like you know seven what's edging i'm not telling all right so it's a kind of it's a kind of a uh urban dictionary pull that up prophylaxis it's a it's a what's the stuff what what is uh what are condoms in the pill and prophylactics what what are contraception contraception um who's the guy that followed behind the phil toon um uh uh look-alike who came in behind Fikowski. Norman Woodhull. Yeah. Who's he? Where did he come from?
Starting point is 00:34:49 He's an old-ass dude, but he always crushes the endurance events. He did really well in Triple Three 2018. He's also a big dude. I think also one of his better workouts, I think he posted some crazy fucking score on 19.1. The wall ball row, 19 minutes, 19 score on 19.1. The wall ball, the wall ball row,
Starting point is 00:35:06 19 minutes, 19 cows, 19 wall balls. It's kind of like a Jason Hopper with tattoos. Yeah. I'm probably cooler. No, no,
Starting point is 00:35:15 no. He's Phil, he's Phil tune, but he's legitimately 40. How old is that dude? He's 32. Man, Norman, the whole race. I was watching it and i'm like oh look at phil toon staying close i wonder why they're not talking about him okay there he is oh he's a family man
Starting point is 00:35:35 he's a big dude that dog does not like the family they found that dog yeah hey, get our picture, dog. I don't know if I had COVID. I'd have to be tested, but it's been like, I've just been snotty and just beat up for what seems like six years. I think it's a monkey pox. Pardon me? He thinks you have monkey pox from all the edging.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Good, I hope so. From, from edging monkeys. Precisely. Uh, he, uh, Brian thinks that Danny Spiegel is safe.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I don't, I don't think Danny or Colton are safe. I think that if you, I mean, Danny's, I think safer than Colton. If, if, if we didn't think safer than Colton. If, if,
Starting point is 00:36:26 if we didn't have knowledge on Danny Spiegel, having a pretty good, I think she was a gymnast at one point, meaning that she's probably got pretty good upper body pulling. So everyone will say, look at her body weight on her profile saying one 68. And that would lead you to think she might struggle with a legless row climb,
Starting point is 00:36:41 but it's kind of a balancing act with how much is that going to really affect her when she has a good upper body pulling background. Let me, let me put it like this. Something can happen in this workout. That's outside the control of the athletes. Like the rope could be too long. No,
Starting point is 00:37:01 like, like, like there's a sniper in the audience. No, meaning you can, you can get muscular fatigue and you just can't go up like we saw with brooke wells yeah the thing is is justin kotler mentioned himself that he thought alice kazan was going to have an amazing finish in this workout we know emily rolf is going to do really well there's not a lot of evidence to say that
Starting point is 00:37:21 willson is going to do bad. And I agree with Savan. I don't think Danny is safe. I don't. I agree. I also, I also agree. I didn't see that coming. I didn't see that.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I also, I also agree. I don't think she's safer. And I also would say, I don't think she's safer than Colton. I, I, I don't think Colton's necessarily safe.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Um, they have both been very impressive this weekend, both Danny and crazy impressive so man it's yeah there's not a lot to be known um about how this is going to play out for them which is exciting exciting to see nerve-wracking uh this uh i don't even i don't smoke this you think this is like making me sick just sitting in here? Yeah, dude. It's causing mold. It's a bag of weed, dude. No, it's so fucking dry in here.
Starting point is 00:38:09 What are you talking about? You have a... What is this? No way. Dude, I have so much weed. You don't even... I got so many bags like this, you don't even know. You couldn't even imagine.
Starting point is 00:38:20 He just squeezed his pants, dude. You pulled that bag of weed out and he squeezed immediately. I'm like a cartel member over here. sent you that i used to grow weed i fucking but i don't smoke weed i just don't know what to do with it i have jars of just fucking weed soaking in alcohol that like my wife sprays on like back pains like if she gets some her knee pains for old people at our house send me a jug of that maybe that'll fix my acl okay i will i will Send me a jug of that. Maybe that'll fix my ACL. Okay, I will. I will send you a jug of it.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I have to put it in styrofoam or something. I can surgery in four days. What'd you say, Hiller? I was asking if Taylor had surgery yet. I'm getting surgery Friday, and I can't wait to commentate all weekend with no painkillers. I'm going to be fucking on it. Wait, say that again before we go back to Danny and Colton.
Starting point is 00:39:03 When are you having your surgery? Friday. It's a two-part surgery. I'm having the first surgery Friday. What time? Uh, the surgery center hasn't called me, but I should definitely be out of there by the afternoon, probably four or five o'clock. And you can't have painkillers cause you're a former drug addict. It's not that I can't, I just did my last ACL surgery without him. And it was, it was like the more painful one the more painful bone patella bone graft and this one's not supposed to be as bad so i'll feel like a pussy if i take him this time so you have sober sex with your girlfriend too yeah i don't relapse fuck you
Starting point is 00:39:34 have a weird life fuck you have a weird life did you have a surgery on the same knee already yeah so it's in 2019 he's not lucky lucky like Scott Panjik in Switch Between Knees. I don't know if that means he's lucky or unlucky. Hey, it's going to make for a great watch because we're going to be wondering the whole time, you know, round six, can Danny still go up? Round seven, can Colton still go up? Round, you know, I mean, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I was hearing people say that this guy's going, I think it was JR. This guy's going up the rope in two pools. Yeah. That's the thing about Colton saying six pools. Well, it's just a mat. It's just, it's again, it's about the speed of contraction. So if it's six poles are really fast, one, two, three, four, five, six, not a big deal, but he is shorter and he's got more distance to cover.
Starting point is 00:40:23 So I think shorter, he is shorter and he's got more distance to cover so i think shorter he's shorter i think what it comes down to for him is the people behind him that are knocking on the door i don't think anthony davis has a good enough finish and i don't think tim paulson has a good enough finish to really threaten colton whereas on the women's side i think the ladies sitting in like six and five are a lot better at that workout than danny if that makes okay and you know who else is probably gonna smash that workout is the guy sitting in place number nine yeah oh he for sure will but he's now gonna make up fucking gosh oh i guess it's only 53 points i still don't think he makes up 53 on Sam Quant. Nick Matthews. Nick Matthews. Crush it.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Nick Matthews, the man. He had another awesome finish. I love Nick Matthews. Yeah, he's a savage, right? Just throws his body to the wind. He's been a savage. He's always wearing that crop top out there, too. It's hard to miss him. I gotta be honest. He seems like a great guy,
Starting point is 00:41:24 but I do not like the male crop top me neither it's not my vibe it's not my style i know i know what i'm wearing next show i prefer jordan i prefer ronnie teasdale's jorts over the crop top i'm gonna turn this into a crop top right now you should yeah do it do it i like i like their shirt no this is my shirt. What does it say? Oh, okay, okay. I didn't see that. Move like Hiller would. It's off the hard work pays off. That's it.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Just like my no-rub shirt. I don't know what that looks like, though. Wow, Jan Clark. Money so someone can get the monkeypox vaccine. What is that increment? Is that pounds? Yeah, that's a lot of money. Probably 20 bucks.
Starting point is 00:42:05 That's a lot of money. You can bucks. That's a lot of money. You can go buy a Lambo. This is fair. Only Khan and James are allowed to wear crop tops. And Matt DeLugo's when he's on their team. Who's James? Townsend. Anyone can wear them. You're just going to look a little weird to me.
Starting point is 00:42:21 James Townsend is not wearing a crop top. Newberry. Anything else you guys want to throw out there any any any any i'm excited i'm excited for this i think i think uh jr was right i think they're gonna make him proud um yeah is it weed illegal in california those are the people don't nothing's illegal here dude you can rob stores now as long as you don't steal more than 950 dollars worth of shit it's just a free for all right free for all come join i'm just i'm just still caught up that you have a giant bag of weed sitting back there uh anything anything else you want to talk about any concerns i mean it looks like it looks like
Starting point is 00:43:00 we know it looks like it's going to be uh for. Well, how about Travis Mayer? Is he secure at 396? Travis Mayer is secure, yes. Yeah, he's ā€“ I don't think he's secure in fourth place. I think Quant probably passes him in the workout potentially. But I don't think he's falling out of the top five. He'll be top five. Colton Burns is going to stay top five. Hiller, you're going to love this.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Oh, yeah. Sitting in first place, we have Phil Toon with 440 points. The youngster from Florida. Crazy. With Matt Torres, he's only 24 years old and stands at 5'10", 195 pounds. Don't think he's staying in first, though. Only four points behind him.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Arguably one of the greatest crossfitters, definitely in the male crossfitters, definitely in the pantheon of best male crossfitters who ever lived. Brent Fikowski, old as dirt,
Starting point is 00:44:04 31, standing 6'2", 220 pounds. Phil's only four points ahead of him. If Phil beats him in this workout, is this the official decline? The waning, as they say, in astronomy? I would be shocked if Phil beats him. It's a waxing it's waxing no waxing is going up waning he's waning he's waning phil toon is waxing i was just showing you that i knew the difference thank you thank you uh or show me that you didn't know the difference uh so uh taylor taylor you go first since you've already started and then we'll uh hear what what what
Starting point is 00:44:43 hillar fit thinks uh i just i don't think phil beats brent in this workout and i think brent you go first since you've already started and then we'll hear what, what, what Hiller fit things. Uh, I just, I don't think Phil beats Brent in this workout. And I think Brent beats Phil probably by more than two places. Um, so I think Phil's gonna take second safely, but I think Brent's Brent's gonna win. And if he only beats him by one place, he gets the tie.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Uh, is it, is they go by second highest finish, or do they go by the most recent event win in terms of a tiebreaker? Because they both have a second. They both have a first. They both have, I guess, I don't know. I don't know what the tiebreaker would look like there.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Blasphemy Taylor self before I go to Hiller Fit to ask him. Matt Fraser was in the booth with Chase and Joel, and he said, Bill Toon is very impressive. Yeah, he's good. He's just not going to be Brent on a legless rope climb workout. He didn't say shit about Fikowski.
Starting point is 00:45:35 You're going to get what Matt Fraser says. Mr. Hiller is Brian friend going to be pointing to this event for the next 50 years as the decline, the waning of Brent Fikowski. I think this is going to put Fikowski into for the next 50 years as the decline the waning of brent fukowski i think this is going to put fukowski into retirement this event right here hey when girls start ripping hold on hillar when girls start ripping on the dudes i just that's why this podcast is so good it it filter looks like my 56 year old aunt for me because i
Starting point is 00:46:02 don't even think of women i'm so sexist i never think of women as having good comebacks like this this is you guys are just schooling my shit okay with the exception of the first event being the handstand walk event i would say that the remainder of the granite games have shaped up to be very good for Fikowski. And the fact that Phil is still above him and has a chance to be above him shows you how on pace Phil is to push Justin Medeiros to the game. And I keep on saying he has the potential to do. And do you guys know how Fikowski did in 2014 on this workout? Although that was eight years ago. I disagree with the rest of the weekend shaking up to be
Starting point is 00:46:45 really really good for him i think some of the workouts are i also think i'll go back to the shoulder endurance thing for brandt other than the the handstand walk what's what's not good for him well i don't i i think the minnesota i think putting into perspective how bad he has been in the past and shoulder endurance and how well he did in the Minnesota mashup is kind of an example of not necessarily Phil overtaking him, but Brent masterfully mitigating his weaknesses. You call that a shoulder endurance workout, the Minnesota mashup? Dude, 150 wall balls, 30 muscle ups, the dumbbell cleaning jerks. It's all shoulders.
Starting point is 00:47:24 I like it when you guys fight i i would say the wall balls are one of brent's best movements and yeah i can see how it would tax your shoulders but i wouldn't call it a shoulder endurance workout uh not limited by the shoulders but that's just me uh mike m throws in brent's worst event is the interview. God, it's ruthless. So, Hiller, did you make an opinion? Or is Taylor, do you want me to mute Taylor? He does not let you get out your choice. Oh, shut the fuck up. Who is going to win?
Starting point is 00:47:53 Phil, this event, Phil Toon or Brent Fikowski? Not this event. Not this event. This semifinal. Typically, I like to put a stake in the ground and say this person or this person is going to finish better. And of course, I've said a few times, I think that Phil is going to win the Granite Games. I think that if he beats Fikowski on this workout, it does speak volumes much more than you guys think. No, I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:48:19 No, no, no. More than Taylor thinks. More than Taylor thinks. Don't say me. You can throw Caleb in there, too, if you want to bury Caleb. Not me. I'm going to caleb in there too if you want to bury caleb not me i'm gonna throw susan in there fine uh so so you're so you don't want to say but you you we are in agreement that this could be a big turning point this could be something we hear brian talk about forever brian and in in chad schroeder and and whoever are the
Starting point is 00:48:38 other the geeks are taylor if you taylor who's what are the top three in this workout, and then six for the males? The top three for the workout? Not in order. I think Matt DeLugos, Brent Fikowski, and ā€“ Travis Mayer. No, not Travis Mayer. Do you think that this is like a Travis Mayer workout? I think Marquand Jones, that's a hot take, but just ā€“ No, that's a hot take, but just.
Starting point is 00:49:06 No, that's a good one though. Hey, I want to throw this in there. Can I have one question? I need this answered for me. Is this the real Tommy Marquez in the comments? Yes. It's all, all the people are real in the comments. What do you say?
Starting point is 00:49:18 We're Tommy's here. Wait, hold on one second. I want to say this real quick. And then, and then, and then you still didn't answer a question, Taylor. I have a view and neither of you, but answer this for me. I think I know what Will's talking about. When Phil came off the sled and we saw him run across the finish line, he looked horrible.
Starting point is 00:49:38 You can't judge his running on that. No, you can. He runs like he just. No, because his ass and quads and shit were all blown up. You were judging other people off of that run. All right, fine. Phil runs like he just rode a horse for 1,000 miles. He gets off his horse. He's got to work on his running.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Not 800 miles, but 1,000. Yeah, dude, he just drove a bunch of cattle across Australia. Phil, we really do like you. It just sucks that we struggle to express that we love you. I just talk so much shit about everyone. Phil's a great guy. I know. I know we love him. The boys want to know
Starting point is 00:50:11 why Andrew Hiller is always on the podcast. They like him, but said his hair is weird. Those are my boys who are watching live now. Avi, Joseph, and Ari want to know why you're always on. They like you. I don't know why he's always on. I have his phone number, probably. Are are they in the chat what's the deal no my wife just text me is your hair weird dude is your hair weird i don't know i i don't really
Starting point is 00:50:34 care too much about what kind of product do you use the hair over his eyes is weird everyone knows that yeah like do they where do they take the hair from are you saying i need hair implants oh you want my hair yeah yeah hey how about taylor's hair that's some weird hair it just grows under his nose hey get your boys in here we'll tell them their their hair looks awesome that's the thing thing. They got that long, awesome hair. They got Armenian privilege. This guy, Kenneth DeLapp, says Phil wants it more. He gets my vote. I do think I love Phil's hunger.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Dude, he's hungry. Travis Mayer, 2014 on the rope climb workout goes 352, and Brent Fikowski goes 402. But that's also in 2014. You can't really compare those two. Wow. Look at this poll. Damn.
Starting point is 00:51:30 That's what she said. We've influenced people on what they think. That's fucked up. No, we have not. Hiller can't get off Phil Toon's jock, and yet people still, the whole weekend, and he can't support him in this, I guess. I guess if you see Hiller who lives for phil toon and thinks he's the next uh tia to me um if he can't get
Starting point is 00:51:52 behind phil in this workout you guys can't either i guess there you go fuck that vote for phil i changed my mind 142 votes wow we like underdogs here on the savant podcast um we don't want to follow the narrative of the crossfit game saying that kowski's gonna win oh yeah mel bryan's gonna win i think danny spiegel's gonna take the podium on the female side actually this is brutal listen to this listen to this oh wait oh i don't hear that again hillary but listen this phil too looks like that guy that calls other dudes gay for drinking white claws but orders it truly at the pool phil we love you i swear please come on the show we'll be he's been on your show before i know yeah and he's a gentleman that's if that's funny though uh yeah i've been going you want me to to ask one last hard question before you go? You guys are going to hate me for this.
Starting point is 00:52:49 If you have to choose one, this might be a great poll too, Beaver. If you have to choose one, who's not going to make it, Danny or Colton? Danny. Why would we hate you for that? I don't know. I think it's tough because I think Danny has a better chance than Colton. I disagree. I think you're out of your goddamn mind. I think you inhaled too much of that weed. I think you guys a better chance than Colton. I disagree. I think you're out of your goddamn mind.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I think you inhaled too much of that weed. I think you guys are being emotional. Can we talk about one thing before we get off? This is a comment I want to know if it's true. Apparently, Roman Krennikoff said in his semifinal interview that he is 100% winning the games. Hell yeah. That's what we need. I fucking love that. I actually wanted to bring that up.
Starting point is 00:53:25 We haven't talked at all about that. He won. And the female. This is actually like fucking rocky, dude. Hey, and I want to say something. I want to tell Alex Parker one more thing, too. Can you bring up the guy's picture who took second at the Far East? She said something about.
Starting point is 00:53:42 No, no, it wasn't Alex. I think it was her girlfriend. Meredith said something about white, like being racist, white dudes and sexist, referring to guys, but then threw in beards. Let me tell you something. You don't want to, you don't want to be flying to the United States from Dubai with this dude's beard. I had a, like every time I come back to the U.S., it's fucking horrible for us motherfuckers. You think it's fun coming into the U.S. like that? Fucking eat you.
Starting point is 00:54:08 It looks like he could snap your skull open with his inner thighs. Let me tell you something. You can't even see his mouth. Let me tell you something. You want to talk about privilege. Two lesbians coming to the United States, nothing happens to you. I come into the United States, I get taken to secondary, and they fucking want to know how many years I'm in the Syrian army. Every time.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Can they put anything in your butt? They try. And this guy, this guy, let me. Every time. Do they put anything in your butt? They try. And this guy, this guy, let me tell you something. What's going to happen to him? He's an attractive dude. That guy is fucking. He is attractive. But that beard, that beard is going to get him into secondary and third dairy and fourth dairy.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Do you know who Giga Ched is? Giga Ched. Hey, with muscles like that too, they'll accuse you of being on steroids. Just so you know too, they do profile. You will get checked for, they'll ask you of being on steroids just so you know too they do profile um uh you will get checked for they'll ask you about uh bringing in uh steroids into the country when you come in like that too that guy's a special i'm not joking yeah he's like that guy yeah if you have big muscles and shit or you're going to a fitness event you get fucking you get the triple take what does that say solid right oh oh the caption no idea solid hey they keep calling him the wwe dude is he really
Starting point is 00:55:09 a wwe wrestler can we bring up a picture of giga chad just like google giga chad and pull up a picture because that is what that guy looks like guys g-i-g-a chad i can still get it look at this guy when you got a name like ma, that means hair in Armenian. Sorry, Taylor. I feel you, Sevan. I'm the same way when I fly in. Yeah, like that's some Middle Eastern dude, Maz. Sevan and Maz came and got their anuses checked in Miami
Starting point is 00:55:35 when they flew in. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's it. It's Giga, Chad. He's supposed to be the perfect male. Look at the picture on the right side second row down look at that yep no dude click the picture where he has three legs i like that one where he looks like he's always is that his cock yeah oh my goodness i love this narrative that's what roman had to compete with so i think he's
Starting point is 00:56:06 at a chance that's what i'm saying i love this narrative we're all talking about phil threatening just in the games and we're just not even considering roman this is his first time at the games it's gonna be fun he just beat giga chad hey dude i here's here's why i love roman oh yes he did do a stint with wwe okay con, here's the deal. We saw Ricky Garrard put on a fucking running clinic in Dubai. I mean, he torched those guys in Dubai. And so that kind of ā€“ he made Krennikoff human. I'm sorry. I don't think Roman ā€“ Krennikoff beat him in Dubai. He won. Not in the, not in the, not in the, not in the Metcon shit.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Right. But no, he Krennikoff beat him. And I think all of the workouts, except for the two snow workouts, the ski, the ski run, and then the run.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Yeah. I, I, I just, I think that that's enough. I think that's enough to show that he's human. I don't think he's going to finish. I don't think he's coming top 10. Roman. You don't think he's going to finish. I don't think he's coming top 10.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Roman? You don't think he's going top 10? That's a hot take. No. 11. All right, we'll see. Giving him 11. Someone goes Phil Toon on Tiger King.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Hey, there's three dudes. And here's another thing. We've never seen him go 15 workouts. There's three dudes in this at the Granite Games who are going to beat Krennikoff. Who? Phil Toon. Okay. Brent Fikowski.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Brent Fikowski. No. No. No. Who was your third? Who was your third? I was going to let you guys pick the third. I was going to be generous and let you guys pick the third.
Starting point is 00:57:45 You said you had three. No, I said there are going to be three, but I was going to tell you two, and I was going to let you guys pick the third. I think you're underestimating Roman Krennikoff, man. Do we know if he can even get back into the country? Has that ever been squared out? Yeah, he's got to be. He's coming from Korea.
Starting point is 00:57:59 That wasn't an issue because he couldn't get into the country in the first place. It's not like he's going to Russia. That wasn't an issue because he couldn't get into the country in the first place. Well, no, the issue was him leaving Russia and getting a visa from Russia to the United States, but he already has that visa, and he's not going back to Russia. He went to Korea, so I think it's not an issue. Okay, okay. But I could be wrong. Fingers crossed we see him.
Starting point is 00:58:19 That would be cool. Who doesn't go to the games, Colton Mertens or Danny Spiegel. If you had to pick one, Danny Spiegel, 77% a Colton Mertens, 23%. So I'm assuming you guys think that, um, that they're both about 50 or 60 points,
Starting point is 00:58:31 uh, in the safety zone. So they would, one of them would have to get stuck looking up at the ropes to not make it. And you guys think that's more likely to be Danny than Colton. I hope they both make it, but interesting take, uh,
Starting point is 00:58:43 Aaron says, I think Roman will get better with more events if that's true then yeah then i'll be eating crow our local middle eastern guy who can relate to me with the funny name maz i can't be clean shaving my hair grows as i shave it takes me seven hours in the airport to get into the country. Oh, shit. I feel you, dude. Oh, my goodness. JT Watkins, one of the smartest guys in the biz. We will know in the first five events at the games if Roman will win if he gets back here.
Starting point is 00:59:19 I agree with that. Roman is a big motherfucker, guys. I don't think we will know that he's going to win in the first five events but we'll know if he can win in the first five events he's like anthony davis with a four minute mile yeah but he's also quite a bit taller than anthony anthony davis is shorter than me he's like five eight five ten five eleven i know know. I was exaggerating. This weed over here. He's not that great of a runner. I'm a better runner than Roman, but he's amazing on the machines.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Get that out of here. You're going to go to jail, man. You can't have that. Have you ever smoked pot? Not in 20 years. I was talking to Miller. Oh, yeah, I have. I didn't until I was 29, though time i waited a long time
Starting point is 01:00:08 really good as a kid oh shit i smoked weed for the first time when i was 12 and then what do you do it often that's what was wrong with me no i haven't smoked in a really long time but i was i was that's what was wrong with you what do you mean that was so yeah i didn't at all it is it is 1 19 p.m pacific standard time at 205 that is in 46 minutes the final event will start can we pull up that event just to be clear i know we've talked about it ad nauseum let's give everyone who's uh who doesn't know exactly what it is it is a throwback from 2014 this is what I wanted to ask you guys. Did we find out how Fikowski did the last time he did this event? Yeah, 4.02.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Okay, and is that good? That was average that year. What's the world record this year? The top times that year were like 3.32, and 3.40 was very good. Okay. The workout is one legless rope climb, 15 feet, a run 170 feet, two and three 40 was very good. Okay. Uh, the workout is one legless rope, climb 15 feet, a run 170 feet,
Starting point is 01:01:09 10 rounds. It is going to be very fast from what we've seen. The winners of this event. Um, there is no break. It is full throttle. Just run, jump the rope,
Starting point is 01:01:21 jump down. I mean, it's a, and it's a shuttle run, right? They basically run out 85 feet and come back 85 feet? Correct. They don't have ropes on both sides?
Starting point is 01:01:34 These two think that in this final movement, Brent Fikowski will pass Phil Toon and win this event at Granite Games. I think this is the best workout of the weekend. I take back how confident I am in Brent in this workout. The thing about Phil is he moves so quickly. He just contracts so quickly.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Taylor, Taylor, Taylor. I just don't fucking know. I just want to watch it. You're fired. Dude, we have you on this show so you can make outland, say outlandish shit. Okay, I just want to watch it. You're fired, dude. We have you on this show so you can make outland, say outlandish shit. Okay, let's go to the women. Who wins this? How can you bet against Mallory O'Brien? No one said they were.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Okay. Mallory O'Brien's probably going to, oh, you know what? With the exception of Gazan and Rolf, I think that they have a chance to push her, but you can't bet against O'Brien. There's no way. Rolf, because of the run, or she's good at the rope climbs, too?
Starting point is 01:02:38 Wasn't it O'Brien who said that she's going to have a good showing on this, and I just always think O'Brien's on it. Chad Schroeder uh also one of the smartest guys in the biz let's just say the smartest guy in the biz uh top times 233 for the men 321 for the women this is a brian's daddy for anyone who knows and tyler's daddy there are some guys doing rope climbs in my gym right now and they're not even going to the 15 foot mark and it's it's tweaking me out you better get out there hey can you pull that can you pull
Starting point is 01:03:03 up chad schroeder's Instagram account? If you're into CrossFit, you've got to follow this dude. Oh, does he have an Instagram account? If you're geeky as shit and you just want to know, and he's geeks out on UFC too. I try to talk to him about UFC too. Hey, Kenneth DeLeft, do you know him, Taylor? Right now he's trying to back you up, and I'm not dogging on you. Oh, yeah. No, Hiller's not dogging on me not dogging me and hillar i feel like have the healthiest disagreement and dialogue that makes the show great good now that we got that out there i
Starting point is 01:03:32 can disagree we're dogging we're dogging on hillar i can dog on me too this guy right here c s what's it let me see the uh c s c S C H R O E D E R one 11. It sounds like, Oh, he's an engineer. Duh. Now it's all making sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:53 He's also Legos and he's into star Wars. I, he can't be perfect. What? God. Former U S air force. Uh, U S air force.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Caleb, do you, um, uh, are you into star wars yes oh shit he's into legos like what ask ask chad what kind of legos like his kids legos or like does he have no he dude i'm telling you this he is a full-blown geek he's fully into legos he's like profile picture looks way different than how he looks now hey seven do you like insects i love insects interesting how did you know that no no reason what kind of insects you went back
Starting point is 01:04:36 and looked at you think you think insects are geekier than star wars uh no i i don't say that okay i think that they're on par with uh star wars please yeah space hey space is the furthest i mean it's either way up there or way down there i'm a biologist insects are real star wars is like escapism you don't think aliens exist this show's taking i wanted to pull up uh my favorite person who's into Legos on Instagram. Her name is do you know who I'm trying to pull up? The redheaded girl, Caleb Kiora.
Starting point is 01:05:11 I put her in the live call-in show. She's the redheaded chick who just does all the crazy shit. Oh, here she is. Kira Rose. Here, I'm going to send you a link to her. This is Chad Saving Grace. This chick's into Leg legos if you don't know this girl's account oh yeah look at here it is aliens are us from the future holy shit
Starting point is 01:05:35 he's probably right he's probably definitely right this girl's dr rogan talk about it this i just sent you a link to her account uh i grew fungus under my toenails astrobiology yes okay guys uh we will be back at 3 50 p.m uh you want to start watching if you want to know understand like half the shit that we're talking about you need to start watching at 205 on youtube at the crossfit games channel at 205 watch till 336 then go get a i don't know something to drink and then come back to your computer or your tv someone's got a question for taylor i don't think it'll affect the results being being on the turf uh if they have the adequate i don't know i don't the turnaround on that turf will make a difference yeah if they have but i was gonna say if they have the adequate, I don't know. I don't know. The turnaround on that turf will make a difference. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:27 If they have, but I was going to say, if they have adequate footwear, it wouldn't make a difference, but then coming down from the rope, you get a little hairy with like spikes or something like that. So I don't know. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Okay. I got a question for Sevan actually. Okay, fine. Do you think that we actually landed on the moon oh shit uh you know i'm having alex stein back on that's why i asked yeah i'm having a do you want to be on that show you want to talk to him about that shit dude i love it flat earth the moon landing it's all good the sasquatch monster we can we keep going what about alex
Starting point is 01:07:01 jones did you see alex stein went to that uh that that bar where they had the trans person singing to the kids no oh you gotta see it it's fucking amazing okay let's leave on a good note uh caleb can you pull up this young lady's account chad schrader i'd like you to meet kiera rose uh she is also into legos holy shit it's just a story she has up oh no this is a i know i know this is a highlight Legos. She is also into Legos. See? Holy shit. Is that just a story she has up? Oh, no. This is a...
Starting point is 01:07:27 I know this is a highlight reel. Whoa! That's a fucking... Go back to the owl. That's sick. Holy shit. I'm going to buy that shit. Dude, I honestly don't understand Legos one bit.
Starting point is 01:07:40 It's just something, you know... It's actually a giant waste of time. Good job finding her story, dude. Good job, Caleb. I don't mean to hate on people's hobbies, but
Starting point is 01:07:50 that's a Lego typewriter. Okay. That's actually pretty cool. All right. I changed my mind. That's cool. I'm dying to know who she was. Titanic? All right. I changed my mind. That's cool. Pretty dope. I'm dying to know who she worked with in Lego.
Starting point is 01:08:08 All right. Sometimes they just send people stuff. If you're a pretty big Lego person, they just send it to you. The inside of the Titanic? Yeah, that's fucking cool, right? It is. That's pretty dope. This is awesome. I changed my mind on Legos.
Starting point is 01:08:22 I'm going to go buy some. What I really want to watch her do is just fucking throw one of her projects on the ground and watch it crumble, though. You know what I want to watch her do? Okay, nope. I do. Hey.

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