The Sevan Podcast - #438 - Granite Games Finale | Alex Gazan, Justin Cotler, Mayer, Hiller, Self, Howell

Episode Date: June 6, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:00:38 Bam, we're done. Turn it off. Turn it on. Turn it off. Turn it on. One, two, three, off. Protocol. Protocol. Protocol.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Sevan has to be hard as a rock with how the leaderboard shook out. If I could pick any dudes, that was a pretty good group. I'd like to see Anthony Davis in there, and it would have been perfect. I mean, I'm really happy for quant i'm really happy for him i'm stoked it must mean a lot to him i wonder if he's got you know why that happened right no tell me why i've i heard he switched training camps this off season oh geez oh geez he must it must be so emotional there must be a crazy story right i'm guessing that there's some sort of story back there.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Like some bad shit happened to him. Like he had to drop down to one knee and pray to the heavens, like that he doesn't die or something. I mean, it's gotta be something wild. Back where? Back where what? You said he had to do some shit back there. We're talking about Tanner? No, no. Quant. I mean,
Starting point is 00:01:42 like all we keep hearing is that he got some crazy sickness. He, no, Quant. I mean, all we keep hearing is that he got some crazy sickness, and he's back, and he's now competing at the highest level. And he competed, you know, what Colton said is the hardest. Is that true what Colton said? This is the hardest semifinal to qualify at? If you're a dude, say yes. Yeah, if you identify as a male. This is one.
Starting point is 00:02:04 JR, you're here. What do you think? Hardest field? I was just thinking, I think Atlas game is really top heavy. I mean, five or six of those guys are really good. So I don't know about depth. I mean, maybe this one was a little bit deeper, but Atlas is good. Who does Atlas have?
Starting point is 00:02:22 They have Patrick Vellner, Vigneault. Caron. Caron. Adler. atlas is good who does atlas have they have uh patrick velner vigno coron adler oh yeah cedric yeah oh yeah it's a train wreck over there awesome spencer's good connor doughty dylan pettit yeah both vignos are there right both vignos i think his brother's pretty good carrie me and alex well there's a lot of established names in both of these but you really all can you make that bigger matt sorry taylor go i'm just gonna say all four north american semifinals are fucking brutal unless you're a girl this one wasn't so hard right go ahead wait what wasn't hard uh this this if you're a female this is the one you wanted to be in the granite games yeah um i've i've spoken to female athletes attending atlas and they seem to
Starting point is 00:03:18 think that they have a good shot because the field is weaker at the top there as well. Let's see. Go to the female side of this. Hey, do you know who the MVP is of this? Caroline Connors. Who do you think is the most impressive person who came out of this Granite Games, male or female athlete? Who would you give the MVP to? Ooh, good question. Give me a second.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I know. I think it's Spiegel really mvp i mean it does really no i mean she didn't do but i wouldn't even put her in my he's great but who mal's got four event wins i mean i know it's the easy pick but it's the easy pick because it's the right pick okay probably phil toon there you go i would still give it to phil lowest place finish was 12th that's that's mal's lowest is fifth yeah but mal finished one at the games last year phil was last year's qualifier and then he goes from that to a second place finish in semis it's pretty strong i give it to who do you did everyone say so we got a phil tune we got a mallory we got a you've got two phil tunes two phil tunes uh asuso who do you got
Starting point is 00:04:34 oh is it colton mertens colton mertens i'm gonna go like the guy i'm fair home this is the home cooking podcast uh i'm gonna go with Alex Willis. Kazan? Here's why I pick Alex Willis. She had to take first. Second place, and she'd have gone four points. If Emily, right? She had to take first. Well, she had to take second,
Starting point is 00:05:03 but it was a little bit more dependent upon Chloe's performance, though. She needed help, for sure. Okay, so even if she would have taken first, oh, and Emily would have played. No. She could have gone down two spots and still made it. Because that would have been eight points. No.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Should have been a tie? She could have only taken eight points. She could have only had taken, yeah, eight points. She could have done that. Tie. Yeah, so she finished two points, two spots lower. It would have been a tie, and she would have gotten a tiebreaker due to a second. Second place. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I mean, that's just beast mode. That's just taking control. It's too bad we didn't get to see Colton perform more. He was basically getting lapped right off the bat. Second round, someone's lapping him. It was nuts. He just paced himself, or he was slow on the rope? Did anyone see him struggle?
Starting point is 00:05:54 Did he get no rep, or he was just slow and steady? He was just struggling. Did you see him struggle on the rope? Colton's very, very good at handstand push-ups, and we've seen that. And he's also good at pull-ups. But when the rope climb comes in, it's like a reach issue. And it appears as if he had to take more pulls up. I think we were talking about that yesterday, and maybe Taylor said it.
Starting point is 00:06:22 17 pulls to get to the top for Colton. Yeah, and after 10 of those they kind of add up and the ones that i remember pretty uh vividly were the rounds of six and seven you can see i'm like doing one of these like hand over hand up the rope yeah this is interesting uh rushi vias from uh from uh bengali i don't know if that was a country. I noticed on the last rope climb that Colton touched. Did he tap with the back of his hands? Yeah. He smacked it like that.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Cause he was, I think he, I think he was in a position when he was at the top where if he had pulled this bottom hand out and touched, however way he was just going to miss the top. And so he grabbed it with his top hand and smacked it with the back of his hand yeah that was hairball yeah and he looked like he hit the the underneath not the front like not the face of it under yeah i don't know i know he hit the knuckle that the rope hangs to or the eyelet whatever you want to call it and uh jr
Starting point is 00:07:20 what are the implications are that are you suggesting if he didn't if he did hit it on the bottom it's no good? Because I was ā€“ No, no, it still counts. Yeah, he got a rep. It was just like ā€“ it was just fucking sketchy. Yeah, he got a rep, but the way JR is saying it is that you had to hit the side. And I saw what JR did too. He hit the bottom.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah, but that counts. I think you just have to touch metal. I think that's what they say. You just have to touch metal, and that's it. Just got to touch wood. Okay. Do you think that was the hardest part of the rope climb for it, for him?
Starting point is 00:07:46 Like that little gap where you have to climb high enough up and then reach up with one hand. Cause I know that slows a lot of people down. Like if you're not accurate that, and you can't get high enough up the rope, then it also screws up your descent, right? Because you're so focused on that.
Starting point is 00:07:58 So I wonder if during the rope climb, that little bit was the hangup for him. That last stretch. I don't think that, I don't think that alone was the hangup, but it for sure contributes i think the hang-up is that he's got so many pulls to get to the top yeah colton finished that in 356 the person behind him so he finished 27th and 28th was joe piero at 504 and he would have only had lost three points. So no matter what, he had his placing of fifth locked up and we didn't even know that.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Who did? Colton did? Colton had fifth place locked up no matter what going into that event. I wonder if he knew that. No, I don't think that's true. I guess you can't know that because you don't know how the field's going to shake up. But after you look at it right now, Nick Matthew would have had to have gotten third in order to have passed him oh okay i see what you're saying wow yeah yeah so he almost got last on that with the field who
Starting point is 00:08:55 was competing hey going back to your question susan i don't think anyone in this group and i would be you know to tell me different has ever seen anyone tap the top like that? That was fucked up. Like when you saw him swing with the back of his hand, it was kind of out of desperation. Yeah, I have before. You have? Well, those last couple of pulls are the hardest, right? Like right when you're at the top there and you kind of like you're no longer using as much as momentum if you can't get your legs going on it and you get to that last little portion. That's when it gets gets sketchy.
Starting point is 00:09:26 You've done that, Taylor? Is that what you're saying? I saying i did it on one of the rope climbs at jr's competition and was it was it out of desperation i was pushing it to the limit yeah i mean it wasn't like i was pushing it i was pushing it to the point where i'm right at the point of failure they do well in legless rope climb workouts when there's a few of the guys who are really good at legless you got to push to failure to the point right before failure and i want to say that i almost saw i saw colton the one time that they showed him coming down the rope that i saw he was out of control slack was building the rope he could look like he came down too fast he did not i mean he he looked like he was pushing it. They didn't tell you you needed to show control. No, yeah. Well, that's funny you should say that.
Starting point is 00:10:13 He actually offered to wear one at this event, but for some reason 22 days wasn't fast enough to get him. Wow, they fucked you, buddy. I know, I know. I know. I yelled at them, too. That's not Travis Bellinghausen, either. Thanks for making that differentiation. Yeah, Travis is the shit.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I got my Pride CEO Plus shirt coming. So I asked for it like two days ago. I think it'll be here tomorrow. I can't wait to show it off. CEO Plus. Yeah, for Pride Month. What is it? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Oh, my God. Yeah, yeah. I got it in white and black. It's my first white one. Um, a couple of things I, I, I noticed when I, when I printed out my notes for today, for this show, I missed this, the last show. And I just wanted to, um, here's some things that I forgot to bring up in the last show. Um, someone sent me a DM and, uh, it was a coach and he said, I stepped out onto the platforms. We swept all the pellets off and they were still slicker than owl snot. So some of you people, you know, it all who are like,
Starting point is 00:11:10 there were no pellets on there. Well, this is a coach who was telling me there were actually pellets on there. And then even after sweeping them off, um, uh, it was still slippery shit. Here's the thing too. Like how hard is it to just provide rosin? I don't think it's not hard, but i don't think it's not hard but i don't think it's something that many people would even think of yeah have you ever even thought of that i mean it's something someone pulled out of the woodwork as a result of it having happened
Starting point is 00:11:35 no but that's not an argument that's an argument for even i could use that as an argument for even more um just ignorance like hey this is clearly a tool that's using this professional sport that you're fucking stealing these lifts these lifts from these movements from at least follow the fucking protocol they have rosin on there for a reason right you have a point well thank you um uh jamie uh hagaya um she uh pushed the sled and she also did a rope climb. And I would like to start a petition on, I don't know. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:10 This is not about Jamie Higaya. How dare they show her climbing the rope and pushing the sled? I'm just joking, Jamie. I love you. I love you to death. Did you say the Ellis Parker link? That was my favorite rope climb uh um uh i already thank the granite games for using the the pig flip sled push thing that thing was cool uh amanda barnhart does not run like a robot
Starting point is 00:12:39 did we talk about that big Big, strong girl, beautiful runner, right? Correct. Just because you're a big, strong female doesn't mean you have to run like a robot. We haven't talked about the rope climb yet. Sorry, guys. I found a page in my notes that I didn't bring up from the last event, so we're going here. And we have JR with us. JR, during the 27-minute event, which is called?
Starting point is 00:13:04 Endure the Sled. Endure the Sled. Endure the Sled. There was a moment that Marissa Stapp ran past Emily Rolfe, I believe it was. And Chase pointed out that she was just pacing her and then ran by her fast. And that that's actually strategy runners use to deter the person from behind you trying to keep up with you.
Starting point is 00:13:25 I thought that was fascinating. Did you hear that? What do you think about that? Yeah, for sure. If you run outside ever and there's any kind of hills involved, you'll hear people say, push the uphills. And if you can see someone on an uphill, make sure you pass them. Because if you pass them on the uphill, it just kind of demoralizes them. And it works, right?
Starting point is 00:13:43 I think so. Yeah. You ever done that to taylor yeah no problem pass me pass me on what a workout i'm running up a hill no he's never passed me running up a hill it's a metaphor for it um uh someone, someone was telling me that, uh, Amanda Barnhart was spending a ton of time looking at, uh, Mallory's, uh, monitor rather than her own when they were on the bikes. That, that could be demoralizing, right? Yeah, it could be demoralizing. It doesn't mean that it has to be, it could be insightful. How fast do I have to go to keep up with you? Or maybe she's got the power to go much faster and doesn't want to do too much so she can push the next run
Starting point is 00:14:28 oh i see that you're at uh 300 watts i'm just going to stay there because i know i could do 340 so i'm just gonna have it up her hand and you go into the next run i like it or it could be moralizing like oh fuck that's 400 watts i can't do that she only weighs 125 pounds oh no is there a benefit as like a practice for that all the time like jr if you're gonna coach somebody with it and you're looking are you going out there and saying hey observe other people's monitors is that just athlete dependent because for me that that would screw me up i'm so slow on those machines that i would look over and be like oh shit they're going that much faster than me i I'm working this hard. Yeah. You know, it's interesting. If
Starting point is 00:15:07 you tell, if you tell someone who's good on that machine to look left and look right, it could make you feel really good about yourself and it could almost give you more juice to keep pushing. But if you're not someone who's very strong and you tell them to look left and right, it's just going to make them feel like they're defeated. By the way, Sarah Cox sent me a message telling me I'd look like shit the last two days, dying on the... I think you look like Zeus. Fucking amazing today.
Starting point is 00:15:38 What are you talking about? Look at this asshole, Mark Phillips. Imagine Sevan passing you running up a hill, talking about wanting to quit. Quit life. Asshole. asshole mark phillips imagine seven passing you running up a hill talk about wanting to quit quit life asshole uh what's your favorite comment in the side i saw i saw one um no i saw one uh i saw one earlier to just as i was coming in did you guys see if your favorite comment in the chat today during the live stream i was watching on the tv all day today i was out of the comment section oh you can have the comments run on the tv i have them run on the tv what yeah i saw how do you do that there's you
Starting point is 00:16:12 just you kind of just scroll up from the bar and and then there's some choices of shit you can choose and you can choose chat what if your tv isn't 80 inches big can you still do that yeah all the tv i think i think as long as it's uh post 2004 anyway right right i was coming in here i was i'll probably laugh for five minutes straight someone wrote is phil's tune supposed to be white that's good oh my goodness oh my goodness um all right someone called me out i wasn't there for a couple seconds i actually i popped in expertise he was in and then i was out
Starting point is 00:16:53 uh brent fukowski phil toon travis mayor samuel quant colton mertens um anything surprising here taylor anything like holy shit or like yep that's the way it plays out the way it's supposed to I would say Sam Kwan I'm not a surprise but you know wild card he was a big wild card going in so I think it just speaks to potential that he's back we want to see how he does at the games um and it seems like he typically performs best in that longer event format with more tests anyways so can we pull up brian's uh instagram pics for this we'll know that'll give us a pretty good insight as to like i mean i usually think his pics are pretty close to spot on chandler smith was way off tim was in the top three well so
Starting point is 00:17:44 that's what i was going to say let me let me ask you this hillar of those five i think we all expected that of course samuel quinn's health is the question but the only two people that we would switch out were number eight tim paulson and number 11 chandler smith if those two would have been in and in two and let's say um uh uh colton and samuel were, we still wouldn't be surprised, right? It was those seven, and we got five of those seven, right? Yeah, I would agree. Okay, then what's this saying?
Starting point is 00:18:12 I like these. Yeah, he was a little off on this one, though. And then the new guy who proved himself is Matt DeLugos, right? Correct, yes. He totally did work this weekend. Well, because remember, I don't know. Did you guys say much about him? All I said was that I remember watching him at Guadalupalooza
Starting point is 00:18:31 with Con and James Newberry, and he was performing really well on the team. And then he followed that up with his performance on event five of the quarterfinals by dominating it. Does he go if he's in another semi does he go if he's in another uh semi or he's just not quite games games ready yes in north america was it the syndicate machine super final oh he would have done really well delugos yes? Delugos, yes. Did you notice how much time he picked up on the echo bike and the end of the sled?
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah, he's great on the machines, but I still don't think that he makes it at Syndicate just because of ā€“ I heard they would have moved the pull-up bars for him there too just like they take out the ropes. Do you think that played that much of a difference in him going or not that one specific event and the thing that's going on with the pull bars because i've seen i saw even a couple comments coming in here people saying delugo got robbed well here's the deal every year dude every year competitors each fucking competitor nick matthew matt delugo's tim paulson anthony davis probably
Starting point is 00:19:41 those four guys all have something that they could look to and say, man, if I had been a few seconds faster here, a few seconds faster there, if I hadn't made that fucking mistake, I'd be going to the games. Yeah, but how many of them were dependent on the equipment with that comment? That's true. What workout was that?
Starting point is 00:19:59 Is that the Minnesota mashup we're talking about? No, that was a speed chipper. He still took a 10th there. He still took a 10th there. He still took a 10th there. I'll tell you. He got 12th and 12th with the barbell complex and the Minnesota mashup. I'm going to put the DeLugos question to rest here.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I'm going to bring it right back up. Go ahead. Okay, I'm going to put the DeLugos question to rest. What's the most generous amount of time if the pull-up bar was an issue? He has 8.32. Okay, you listening to J.R. Hiller and Taylor? Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:20:29 He has 8.32 in that workout, and he took 10th place. The fastest time, the other data point I'm going to give you is 7.26. That was Colton Mertens. So it's ā€“ What was sixth place on that workout? It was exactly ā€“ it's exactly one minute, more or less, behind the winner. What was sixth place on that workout? It's exactly one minute, more or less, behind the winner. Let me interrupt you.
Starting point is 00:20:53 You would have to go back and watch how long his chest-to-bars took to give an accurate statement on that. Okay, since you have it, let's just do it. It seems like a good topic of a video for me to make tomorrow. Yeah, it does. How many seconds do you think he could have made up? Well, this is what you would have to do. It depends on how long it took him. You would have to trust him on his word and say,
Starting point is 00:21:13 hey, what was your plan going into this? When you practiced it, how many sets did it take you to do your chest to bar on both ends? And if he told you three sets and you go back and you watch the video and you see how many sets it took him to do those in person. And let's say he's taking a five second break in between, just add those five seconds together. And then that'll probably give you a roundabout
Starting point is 00:21:34 estimate of how long it would have taken him. Yeah. Probably had to break a few more times than he normally would have, you could assume. So call it, say 20 to 30 seconds at least. Okay. Let's get a huge benefit of the doubt say say 20 to 30 seconds at least probably 20 to 30 seconds let's get a huge benefit of the doubt let's say 30 seconds faster yeah that would have put him at eight minutes and two seconds which would have put him in fourth place for this workout yeah it would have taken fifth and would have increased his amount of points by uh six places which is 24 points and then let's go back to the to see how he did 24 points would have put him at 448 and he'd be going to the crossfit games
Starting point is 00:22:13 oh shit well you asked about that question about syndicate and i thought back was there a pull-up bar movement and there was that chunk of 60 chest to bar so same situation you would have had one workout where the pull-up bar came into play and was that chunk of 60 chest to bar. So same situation. You would have had one workout where the pull-up bar came into play. And the last workout probably would have been a little challenging for him. Not to mention the handstand walk speed. That was such a, and the GHGs that were such a big deal in that long event. Do we get to Lugo's on this call?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Probably. He's not the, everyone else I sent links to is in drug testing. Probably. I don't know. I don't want to talk to us right now. Do you want me to send a link to my 6'3 former teammate and how much of an impact the short pull-up bars have? No, no, no. I didn't think so. You're going to send it to Annika Greer again. You're just going to send it to Annika.
Starting point is 00:22:59 To the 5'2 female athlete? You have two phone numbers on your phone, mine and Annika's. How do you know? Because I just know. Small circle of support. You think he's got a shot in the last chance, Matt Lugos? That's what I was wondering, too. How did he do?
Starting point is 00:23:16 Some online format. He can hit home runs, but then he's just got some things online that are so tough for him, it seems like. Sevan, yesterday you asked a question about times that equipment had failed the athletes in the past or hindered their ability to continue the workout. Noah Olsen's wheelbarrow, remember that? Was that 2014? Oh!
Starting point is 00:23:37 Also Camille's Rower. Camille's Rower and the Assault Runners in the regional where they did the triple three. Those were three times. Let's start with the wheelbarrow. Didn't he flip the wheelbarrow, though? Yeah, but he didn't flip it, though. It broke. And then the next time they repeated the workout or no.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Yeah, it just broke on him. Did he have a new wheelbarrow on who? No Olson. I remember that. I think it broke. I think it broke on Brandon Phillips the first time way the very first time today I think Brandon Phillips will be broke or dump definitely some people like like like broke broke oh that was before they had the rogue one
Starting point is 00:24:17 and then it was broke as well I'm I'm 95% sure I actually didn't check that video Chad backs me up right here. Look at Chad's comment. Brandon Phillips, wheelbarrow broken 2010. What does Chad know? Chandler Jones did really good on that last workout too. Chandler Jones.
Starting point is 00:24:33 He, he almost made the last chance. Chandler Jones, the football player. No, the guy in the, uh, the guy who was underperforming all weekend,
Starting point is 00:24:42 he finished in 11th. Oh, here's another one. If you can say this guy's name, I'll give you a handy, Hiller. Noah's bike. LeFue Harderson. Is that Half Thor? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Did Noah's bike break in Madison the first year? The wheel popped off. Not the wheel, the pedal. Okay. Yeah, those clipped-in those pedals here's the thing with these examples great examples thank you guys these are all things that were like completely out of anyone's control yeah but but this bar that we're talking about delugas is in the you want to know the difference between those two so for everybody who tried to say oh back when back when Dave Castro was there, they wouldn't have cut the ropes either.
Starting point is 00:25:26 One, it was never addressed before the event. And two, in every single one of these examples, they had a contingency plan. So when the pedal came off the bike, they had a backup bike. They had them stationed every so often. The athletes were briefed, like, hey, go pick up your bike at this spot on the course if something goes wrong. And then the wheelbarrow, new wheelbarrow. Yeah, but the only exception to that is
Starting point is 00:25:45 when camille's rower fucked up it kind of was like she was there crying and they're like can't do anything hey i i will tell i don't know if it was that year i think it was that year but i'm not sure but one year on the ground uh in in the stadium i can't remember if it was camille's bike or rower but the battery stopped it must be the same story the battery wasn't working and she starts crying and travis bajan's on the floor and he's the in-house commentator and he just walks over to her and he goes when i tell you to get off the bike get off the bike like when he saw a couple other girls go he told her to get off and that's how the problem was fixed just some random dude awesome yeah just taking control just alpha shit yeah and no one's like travis you can't do that everyone's like all right good seven do you ever remember when asia bartow was competing he's
Starting point is 00:26:36 rough what six three six four was was were the pull-up bars ever an issue for him i could ask him right i could ask question that's a great question i don't know and he's the tallest guy i can think of previous games he's a long man i feel like i've heard of the problem being around forever and and here's the thing back in the day i kind of agreed fuck you it's crossfit like suck it up nothing's fair but now we've reached a point where they're going so fast and we keep talking about i am concerned someone's going to get injured they're going to hit their foot on the ground they're going to throw their back out they're going to fucking break an ankle they're going to break a toe i'm concerned someone's going to hurt themselves and at that point it's like hey
Starting point is 00:27:12 the the fair fairness part i don't really care about too much for some reason but the injury part i do care because life's not fair crossfit's never been fair it's not fair for colton Mertens. So, I don't know. That's a good question. I'll DM him. Maybe he'll respond. Maybe he'll get comments. In his game profile, it says he's 6'5". Asia's? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:37 He's a big dude. Asia Bartow. And how tall is Fikowski? He's 6'2"? Yeah, I think he's got 74 inches. Listen. How tall is that guy who just came out of the Far East? That's all I care about. Oh, did your feet hit the ground?
Starting point is 00:27:58 Did your feet hit the... Oh, Jamal's calling. Did your feet hit the... Jamal, can you just... It's not even a live call. Hold on. Sorry. Jamal, this is like one of our biggest shows of the year. You can't just call in.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Who's Jamal? Oh, is he not connected? What's going on? Are we going to bring up the final there? Jamal, you can't call in. This is a big shot show. We have J.R. Powell on. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:28:28 Hey, man. I'm just saying. I'm just one time for the Colton training. Okay, fine. That's okay. I'm going to clutch at the last second. Alright, fair, fair, fair. Alright, and my only other thing I wanted to say is, going back to the pull-up bar situation,
Starting point is 00:28:43 if, none against Colton, but if there is a shorter athlete that's able to get a riser to go to a pull-up bar, do you feel that it's the same situation for an athlete who's too tall to have a pull-up bar that's short?
Starting point is 00:29:00 I love you. This way, I can't turn this into the whole show. I love you. Let's do this on the live call. You're the best Jamal Levin you talked about that yesterday whole debate let me see I'll video he's a good dude let's see if I can get Asia Bartow
Starting point is 00:29:15 damn I look good are you just videoing him right now yeah I've never done that on Instagram you just video chat someone on Instagram did you pull up that clip of Zeus that I sent you you look just like Zeus is that a real dude yeah it's a real dude i don't think those things are comparable by the way giving giving colton a
Starting point is 00:29:31 booster i don't agree with jamal and kotler used that same example yesterday i used the example why don't you agree yeah it is the same it's exactly the same. No. No. Why? I need to think about it. Let my big brain come up with a metaphor or something for you. If you're adjusting for height, you're adjusting for height. Why do human beings cannot make themselves taller nor shorter? Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:30:01 If you're using something to help somebody shorter to make them taller, why can't you use the same exact logic? Okay, then let's lower the pull-up bars another... You know what? Fuck, you're right, Delugos. It's not fair. We're going to lower all the pull-up bars another foot instead of raising them. I'm saying all
Starting point is 00:30:17 rows they come out with is one of those things where it's just like an easy clip extension to make the pull-up bars adjustable for next year. Yeah, quick little pull-up. It's going to be be an 800 add-on to every rig for every section and it's gonna take off and everyone's gonna buy it and all my members are gonna ask me when we're gonna get them exactly sorry jr and you're welcome seriously that's good what's it bill bill h. And you're welcome. What's it, Bill? Bill Henninger? You're welcome, Bill. What do we... Let's go over...
Starting point is 00:30:50 And congratulations to Brent Fikowski. You're still the man. Hats off to you. Does anyone want to say anything nice about the guy? I mean, fuck, man. He's consistent, just comes back at the end and just whoops ass and makes me... Can you believe he took almost a minute
Starting point is 00:31:04 off of his time from 2014 oh he's just unbelievable yeah that's six years ago i believe that and yeah he took a minute off and it's a different workout yeah this is what do you mean this is a different workout than it was in 2014 oh because they don't have to move the pieces it's like 100 yards shorter or something like that have we talked about that 10 times and they don't have to move the pieces it's like 100 yards shorter or something like that have we talked about that 10 times and they don't have to move the pieces yeah and i think he's like four inches taller isn't it that weird number because they factored in the piece moving back and forth and that's why it's 170 or whatever instead of 100 because technically all those people did move those extra feet to move that chest piece i don't think it's farther i think it's just shorter
Starting point is 00:31:42 in general i think we talked about that in a show like a month ago. Touche. Where's Halpin at? He was in the comments. Oh, he was camping. Mike Halpin's camping. You guys have anything to say about Fikowski? Any surprise?
Starting point is 00:31:59 Do you see any signs of him getting old? His skill set waning? Anything you want to say before we switch over to the women? Any love, hate, you got fucking lucky? He crushed it. Yeah, he just crushed it. Pekowski does what he does every single time. I wonder what the stat is on that.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Chad Schroeder, Tyler Watkins. How many times has Fikowski won an event in the last event? For a little bit, he was missing it in regionals. You remember that back in the day when he kept missing the game spot by like one point?
Starting point is 00:32:37 No, 15, 16. Typically, all those workouts were a form of thruster and rope climb back then. And it was like that. Go ahead, Dan. I was going to say, I don't think he has very many competition wins. He's got Dubai CrossFit Championship, this one. Or maybe the question needs to be asked different.
Starting point is 00:32:58 How many times he's moved up in the rankings as opposed to moving down in the final workout? A few. Because, man, he's clutch. i'm cruising over to the women we have no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Hi. Hi. Hey. Thank you, Mr. Kotler. You're a giant. Alex, did the pee flow freely from you?
Starting point is 00:33:34 Yes, it did. What? She just got drug tested. You were just drug tested, correct? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, and that's the most I've seen J.R. Howell laugh in three lifetimes. So I'm glad that worked out. Hey, um, what it's that loud there? Uh, it won't be in a second. They're just, they were announcing some stuff. Okay. Hey, tell me, um, when the, when the weekend started, what was like the, what was in your, in your deepest,
Starting point is 00:34:06 darkest thoughts or your brightest, biggest thoughts? What were you thinking about this weekend and how it would end? Not your mantra, but what the free Alex Gazan was thinking. Before the weekend started, I had no clue what was going to happen. Like, of course I wanted to do better than last year. And like, I went in with the goal of top 10 and then justin was like think bigger think bigger think bigger and like i don't think i truly believed that until i started doing good and how how many events in did you think you were doing good probably after the minnesota mashup the third of it when he tells you think bigger um do you even do you just immediately
Starting point is 00:34:49 push that away or do you even consider it how do you stay present to hear that from your coach um i don't push it away i think it's just more of like teaching myself how oh my goodness sorry hold on hold on Kazan. I'm sorry to interrupt you. Ms. Kazan, do you see these two knuckleheads also? Look to your right and left. Do you see these guys? He's all on you. Try this. You've grown, man. Look at you. You've got so many people listening to you. Wait. Hold on a second, Travis. Hold on. A lady's speaking.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Hold on. Hold on. Go ahead, Nisqy Zahn. She's literally right there. Hey, congrats. Travis, I'm going to bug you in a little bit. I just got to talk to Alex here. I got a beautiful face. Okay. Bye.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Thank you, Brian. Hey, he's going to pee. Are they taking blood? Say that again. You don't push it away, but, but what was the, what did you say? How did you, how do you process it? Oh, more just like learning how to apply it. Like how to actually not just like stay that,
Starting point is 00:36:05 but actually believe it. And how do you do that? Practice? I don't know. Do you surround yourself with people who believe in you? I'd say so. There's one. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:36:20 Who's that guy? My husband. Yeah. How old are you? 20. And you? 20. And you're married. I got married at 18. Holy cow.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Hey, why'd you get married? Because I was in love and I am in love. Hey, I asked guys that and they're like, I don't know. And just for you, you're like like i'm in love just boom yeah um that last event how close i want to know everything about it mentally and physically but how close were you to failure not close yes so fast or. Dude, I held her, like Kiefer and I held her way back. She was dominating it around eight. I knew if she wanted to go about 30, 40 seconds faster, she could have.
Starting point is 00:37:15 And we were just like, you're going to win this. It's not necessary. Let's just calm it down. We did this as she was running over. Take your time. Make sure you win. Make sure it's all clean. She had another, I would say she could have pushed another 30, 40 seconds if she needed it.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Did you feel pressure from Fi? Be honest. No. Sorry. No, no, it's fine. It's fine. I knew, like, that people would probably be fast for the first, like, two or three reps. I knew like that people would probably be fast for the first like two or three reps. But with rope climbs, like anyone could probably do three to five and then it goes downhill.
Starting point is 00:37:53 I think the truth is, I mean, I don't know. I haven't spoken to Fi yet, but I think you probably helped Fi. She's great. She's a really phenomenal athlete. We talked after and like it was nice to have her next to me because, you don't want to get complacent and like just be slow. So like she was a good push to start and she's been a really good competitor all weekend and she's so supportive, like on and off the field. So I have absolutely all good things to say about V.
Starting point is 00:38:17 What skills do you have? All these boys that I'm with are all going to hate on me. They're going to tell me this is dumbest question ever, but I love it. What skills do you have that make you know you're so good at running and rope climbs? How did you know you were going to be so good at that? I don't know. In practice, I do well. Were you a swimmer?
Starting point is 00:38:37 I was able to keep up with them training, so I figured if I can keep up with Danielle and Carrie, that I could keep up with these girls. Go ahead, Hiller. What was your sport growing up? Lacrosse. Interesting. Yeah. Why rope climbs? No gymnastics?
Starting point is 00:38:56 No swimming? I wish. I wish my mom would have put me in that stuff. It doesn't matter. While you're on the 7Con podcast Bash your parents a little bit It's what I do That's what all my live calling shows are about
Starting point is 00:39:09 My parents are great They didn't put me in any of that Is this now How many games do you want to do? How many games? Yeah, how many games do you want to do? How many do you want to make? How long do you want to do like how many you want to make how do you
Starting point is 00:39:25 want how long you want to do uh until like a long time i don't know i haven't been to one yet so i assume i'll enjoy it she's gonna hate it never want to go back i don't think so i feel like it'll just be like this but bigger i was joking you're a you're a, you're a, um, that's, I'm trying to figure out if you're, are you a hobbyist or would you say you're all in? Is this just life? Life. Like, I mean, I feel like I value balance
Starting point is 00:39:56 and like, I think it's important to have like relationships and like, don't go to bed thinking about everything, but like dedication is also important so like she'll be top 10 at the games within the next three years there it is no pressure are you comfortable practicing your week working on your weaknesses do you enjoy that do i enjoy working on my weaknesses i'd say so i mean we've been working on snatches
Starting point is 00:40:21 three days a week like i don't complain about it i mean sometimes it's frustrating but like i am more motivated to get better than i am to like deal with a shitty piece of training why did you choose um uh underdogs athletics as your uh training camp i got really lucky i left so i lived lived in Oregon before Vegas. And when I got married, my husband moved to Vegas with his family. And when I was in Oregon, I had like Reagan Huckabee and Karen McAdam as like training partners and coaches. And I really did not want to move. Like I was like, nope, like I'm really lucky here. And anyway, I moved. And a couple of months after I I moved like that's when Carrie and Justin moved um and at that point like I wasn't confident enough to like go and be like hey I'm Alex like
Starting point is 00:41:10 can I train with you um but I knew they were there and then probably like I don't know when it was but my friend at the gym was kind of flirting with one of Carrie's friends and was like hey I have a connection to Carrie Pierce and you should go train with her. And so I kind of let like through the grapevine, I was getting introduced and I fell in love with Carrie. And then I got to meet Justin and they accepted me into the gym. Yeah. Crazy. Is that when you knew, well,
Starting point is 00:41:47 is the belief that you are a game's caliber there now? Yeah, it's there. Yeah. Good. Do you have any questions for her, Mr. Howell? I do, yeah. And you have to forgive me if this is a different athlete, but it's kind of engraved in my head, so I'm pretty sure it was you. There was a moment, I want to say it was on day one. And I want to say it was after the lift. But they panned to you and you were pretty much in tears of joy.
Starting point is 00:42:10 You could tell it was tears of joy. And it really stuck with me. And I just want you to kind of talk to that. Was that just, have you really been focusing on strength? Or was that just one of those moments that you realized that you belong? Probably the later. I feel like anyone can say like yeah I belong I belong I don't like false expectations and I don't like to say it if I don't mean it and so
Starting point is 00:42:34 like that was like a moment for me where like okay like I do and like I can't hang with the girls it was just it was I didn't know if I could hit 230 and after I jerked it, it was like, okay. No, it was awesome. Like, Justin's reaction as pure and like unbridled as that was and then you kind of like in tears was, it was special. It was cool.
Starting point is 00:42:56 That reel will be like, I'll probably watch that video when I'm like 50. That's awesome. Taylor, any questions for Miss Kazan? No, congratulations. Good job. that's awesome uh taylor any questions for miss gazon no congratulations good job thank you so much thank you uh mr suza no just congratulations really cool excited to see you at the games mr hiller yeah when are you going to change the name on your profile to gazon can you ask crossfit because i have they don't like They don't like to talk to me.
Starting point is 00:43:26 He'll make a video. Okay. So the leaderboard says Willis, but if you click my name, then it says Gazan on my profile. Gazan. I emailed Granite Games and CrossFit before I came here. They responded, but didn't really give me an answer. My athlete badge, like the credentials that you need said willis my name on the field said kazan so i don't know i just kind of been rolling hiller are you
Starting point is 00:43:51 fucking surprised come on oh i'm not surprised i'm not surprised hey um caller can you hear this yeah so we have a bona fide monster on our hand. She's 20 years old. She has a 230-pound complex, and she has a first in a sprint rope climbing event. This is almost like both ends of the spectrum, and then you just got to build some fluff in the middle, and this one's ready to fucking get on the podium. You didn't get to see her best movement this weekend, strict deficit handstand push-ups. Oh, my goodness i mean listen guys like here's the deal she last year was
Starting point is 00:44:30 last person i think just about last person in out of quarterfinals in the semifinals um and the improvement in the last year has been astonishing and like i said to y'all yesterday it's it's um it's a matter of i i kind of knew that she was at that level but i don't think she believed that she was at that level and i think this weekend will go a long way towards it this whole weekend we've been talking about belief you know this whole weekend we've been talking about the fact that she belongs and i think that chipper that chipper on on on day two was was kind kind of like that light just went on moment. And I really do believe ā€“ I mean she's strong as fuck.
Starting point is 00:45:12 She's got so much room for growth and potential. She doesn't really know how to lift yet. We had to teach her how to lift. And we can improve her movement patterns I think immensely. And she's nowhere near a finished product uh she's gonna get a ton better on machines and and endurance wise and you know it's just exciting but the the the most the most exciting thing about it is she's genuinely like the nicest fucking person in the world and and like carrie immediately texted me and she was in tears and you know it's just so cool
Starting point is 00:45:46 to see good things happen to good people man that's that's the thing that i'm excited about god you're cool she's crying a little bit hey hey so i don't want to fall into the weeds here but um when when you do get the belief now you believe you're going to the games you're excited you're going to the weeds here, but when you do get the belief, now you believe you're going to the games, you're excited, you're going to the games, you believe you deserve to go there. But there's this thing that happens in the second year with athletes, I feel like, or in the third year, where they start to question it again. Is that just a battle athletes always have, Justin? They're always wondering in the off season, do I belong? Yeah, I think there's moments of that.
Starting point is 00:46:23 And I think some of that just has to do with periods of time in the year, you know, depending on what their training looks like, depending on what their life looks like. But, you know, this is our second year with Danielle. And obviously, I mean, I think she's taken incredible strides. And Alex is so young and we've talked about it for a long time, like not just not overloading her with volume and really thinking about longevity for her career. And it's crazy to me to think like it's been maybe about a year or so. September was when we really started. Yeah, September of last year where we had a conversation and she was just like, you know, well, I don't expect to make the games for a few years. And I just, you know, what do you think I should be working on? And that, that was before we even started working together. And I'm, I'm a
Starting point is 00:47:08 big believer that engines win championships. And we talked about building a championship engine and you know, it's, it's, I mean, it's just a guys, I can't, you know, kind of at a loss for words in the sense that I just can't believe how fast the transformation has happened. It's, I just can't believe how fast the transformation has happened. It's, it's pretty amazing. Um, there's a comment here.
Starting point is 00:47:27 It's a, uh, thank you, uh, Alexis. Um, hopefully we can, uh, do a long form podcast someday soon.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Oh yeah, for sure. Awesome. Nice to meet you. Uh, Mr. Kotler. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:47:37 buddy. Uh, the, the, the, the comment here is fucking ask about Delugos. I don't think it's that aggressive towards you. I think it's towards me.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Like shut the fuck up already and ask about Delugos. What's going on with Delugos? I don't think it's that aggressive towards you. I think it's towards me. Like, shut the fuck up already and ask me about DeLugos. What's going on with DeLugos? How impressed are you with his finish? I mean, you guys saw what he did today. I mean, I'm not going to fucking say what I'm going to say, but you give the guy a fucking pull-up bar that's 98 inches,
Starting point is 00:47:59 and he's on the fucking podium. Okay, so we did a little bro math here between the five of us, and we said if he would have cut 30 seconds off that workout, he'd be going to the CrossFit Games. Do you think with the proper pull-up bar he could have cut 30 seconds off? I don't think that's a question. He knows it, too.
Starting point is 00:48:19 He's taking some alone time right now. I have a question. Did that get addressed before, like during the athlete briefing or no? No. No? Okay. How come? It's just totally ā€“ I mean, the whole thing is about that, honestly.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Like, it's just so frustrating. So frustrating. And I know it's so frustrating for him because it's like, you know, listen, I mean, he did phenomenally, obviously. I mean, to move from 12th to 7th, he got a fourth and a first today. We knew today was the day, but we also knew that it was the last three events for him. The last three events. He needed to manage the first three.
Starting point is 00:48:56 He needed to crush the last three. And that, you know, that was the plan, you know? And when you're taken out of a plan, I don't know if you guys watch the broadcast, but Chase said it. It was not a fitness issue. It was an equipment issue. And when that's the case and it's not a level playing field with a kid like that, it's, you know, it's hard. It's hard as a coach. Like right now, obviously, he's got to get ready for the last chance.
Starting point is 00:49:20 And I'm proud of him. Extremely proud, guys. I mean, let's think. I mean, a fourth and a first is pretty fucking solid on the last two events. It's also a safety issue. I want to be very clear about that on both fronts. It is a serious safety issue. Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 00:49:32 So it's frustrating because I know he's taking it pretty hard right now because I think he felt like he had a really good chance. And even Brent, you know, Fikowski came up afterwards and was like, dude, fucking great job today. Now let's see if we can get you a higher pull-up bar and higher rings. He actually said that to him. So, you know, we're going to fight with it. I mean I spoke to Brian this morning and, you know, I kind of asked his opinion on what he thinks I should do.
Starting point is 00:49:57 And, you know, I know they're trying to work on it. But, you know, what's frustrating to me is I heard this last year and we're still in the same situation. you know, what's frustrating to me is I heard this last year and we're still in the same situation. And now I honestly believe, I fully believe that it cost him a game spot, which is, which is really challenging to address as a coach, because it's not, it wasn't a fitness issue. But then again, there are a couple of things he missed a lift at three 30. If he would have made that there's a chance, you know? So it's just frustrating. It's my personal advice to you. Um, no one's listening, right? Okay. Um, uh, send an email to my buddy, uh, Dave at Hey, great seeing you. Thank you. Always love your cooperation. Thanks so much for letting us talk to you guys. Thank you. Thank you. I want to,
Starting point is 00:50:43 I want to do a preemptive strike on any idiots In the comments who are going to be like The coach shouldn't talk Why did he take the phone from her I sent him a link I know no one has said anything yet in the comments But I know you idiots out there I see the comments
Starting point is 00:50:54 Not people listening to this podcast But the people who watch the games feed Sometimes the comments are like a competition To see who's the biggest rock But I asked, I sent him a D a text and I said, Hey, can you take your phone over to Alex?
Starting point is 00:51:09 Cause on, so we can talk to her. And he was nice to do it. So I don't, I don't want anyone to say anything ridiculous. Okay. Sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Can you imagine being an athlete who may not be hitting their potential? And I'm not naming any names. And then hearing the way Justin Kotler speaks about his athletes, the way he does, and how much belief he has in them, and how much effort and energy he puts into them, and not considering going to work with Justin Kotler, if you are possibly a disgruntled or underperforming athlete right now. Not to name any names.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I feel it too. Go ahead, Matt. No, I was just going to say his passion as a coach is like unmatched you could really tell that his camp and the talent that he's cultivating underneath him especially the young talent that's coming up he has an eye for it and he creates a great atmosphere so he's definitely going to be one of the premier coaches i mean he already is now but i think for a long time to come as well somebody in here said justin madero's kotler for the for the win it's like you guys are out of your mind justin madero's clearly has a good uh pattern working with adam and that dude's no joke and
Starting point is 00:52:10 kotler no everyone knows adam adam's no joke 10 times to the games as a team so no stupid comment and adam's the freaking man but if you're a disgruntled athlete and you might need a change up and you hear justin kotler on a show like this for a five-minute section where he's just going off about how much he works and loves his athletes, oh, that was good. Well, let me just interject one thing. Do we know Chandler's disgruntled, or do we get any confirmation? I wasn't naming any names. What are you saying Chandler for?
Starting point is 00:52:38 We know who it was about. Come on. Taylor's getting specific. Come on. Well, I'm just saying. God, you just like to stir the pot, don't you? Do we know that he's disgruntled, or are we able to confirm that he's disgruntled? We don't know that he's disgruntled.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah, did you guys discuss it? Was there anything that came out about his performance or his health or anything? I will say this. He looks like a supermodel. They gave us some close-ups at the end there. Man, you could just stare at him forever. Remember when they called him Trevor Mayer and not Travis? Who did?
Starting point is 00:53:12 Well, they called him Trevor because that was his alter ego. Maybe Chandler Jones is Chandler Smith's alter ego when he's underperforming. Oh, is that what the joke was? I kept seeing that comment. Someone called him Chandandler jones it was a comment yeah it's good times it's fine taylor to answer your question no i don't think that we know that he's disgruntled for all i mean that's entirely speculatory um i did hear a rumor there's more rumors swirling um about dave that's why i cracked that joke so what are the rumors no i did it last week i did that
Starting point is 00:53:45 they're coming i'll tell you guys off the air i mean you gotta check your dms they're in there everyone's talking i gotta check the dms anyway taylor the way um can i talk about what i was gonna talk about now or no what did you say i want to ask you our question about gazan all right it's still in there. Go ahead. Oh, would you send me ā€“ could someone send me a link? Could someone text me a link? People are asking me for links to the Chase ā€“ Oh, yeah. It wasn't pinned up in our comment section. I thought that was already ā€“
Starting point is 00:54:16 Is it pinned up there? Let me double check. No, I don't see it. Could someone send me a link to the Chase ā€“ what is that thing called when you love Chase? Petition. Chase Petitioned. JR, she's 20 years old. I hear that and I just think that the glass ceiling must be so far away.
Starting point is 00:54:40 See or no? See. See. see or no uh see uh i would say um so listening to justin and listening to alex one thing seems very clear the trajectory is crazy steep in the upward direction right now and that's a scary thing she he said she was like one of the last in last year out of quarterfinals to semis. And this year she's punching her ticket. She's obviously got some things that some athletes spend their whole careers trying to attain strict upper body pulling being one of them strict upper body pressing from what he said is her best movement being another. any athlete, especially females at the games, that can be a massive differentiator. So the fact that she's getting stronger, that she's that young, I'm sure she will continue to get stronger. I mean, I have no reason to not believe that she'll continue to improve and he'll make a profit out of himself saying top 10 in three years. I think it's sooner is what I'm saying. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:55:52 I think we got to wait until any rookie does 13 to 15 events at the games and deals with that pressure. I mean, her saying, I don't know what it's going to be like. I assume it's going to be like this, but bigger. Everyone feels it their first time, I'm sure. Deficit handstand pushups can run. that's one of my best movements legless and legless i mean i mean pulling pushing running those were the three you said yeah in a strict manner being a big separator yeah it's nuts it's nuts hey was she on your guys radar before today or before this week Yeah, it's nuts. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Was she on your guys' radar before today or before this week? I don't think she was on. Yeah. Sounds like she was on the Kotler's radar. I know she was on the radar of a bunch of other people's radars. I remember seeing her name kind of spewing around in our comment section. And I remember I was just thinking, I'm looking at the leaderboard. I'm like, this person isn't even competing at the competition because all I saw was Alice Willis.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Is she the one who bench pressed 235 in the quarterfinals alex willis uh alexis sent me a instagram post during the quarterfinals of a younger athlete and i think it might have been alex who bench pressed an absurd amount of weight are you looking for that? Uh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Susie's on that quarterfinal. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:08 So, um, Mallory O'Brien, Amanda Barnhart, second, Danny Spiegel, third, Alex Willis,
Starting point is 00:57:13 fourth, Emily Roll, fifth, um, Chloe Wilson, uh, Fisa Goffey and six and seventh Kelly stone with the best hair, um,
Starting point is 00:57:21 of all anyone in all the semifinals combined. Did you guys like that? Those two round things like the radar, the Mickey Mouse ears. That wasn't really the Princess Leia, is it? Kind of. I mean. Princess Leia's are down like this. Hers were up like this, like radar.
Starting point is 00:57:36 That was more like the Ronnie Teasdale, the Raw of Earth. That played out exactly like um we thought right everyone else was a long shot from uh sydney wells to um i guess the only person that that may have we could we may have thought would be fisa goffy would have been higher right fees goffy yeah yes i think she would have been higher it was just a lift man that's the only thing that kept her out the 200 pound complex other than that eighth sixth fifth seventh second it shows you how good hayley adams is she got the same hole and she just crushes this is it so this isn't her one of the quarterfinals
Starting point is 00:58:22 but this is a set of four at 215 because but the quarterfinal weight you just have so this i gotta get props to alexis good job alexis she remembers it there yeah wow yeah that's pretty crazy yeah so i'm guessing she did 230 for one right that's the lugos right there yeah that's the lugos i wonder what ethnic i wonder what she is i wonder what her ethnicity is. Is there a bench pressing correlate there that we don't know about? I mean, just what are her genetics? I mean, that's freakish.
Starting point is 00:58:52 She doesn't even look that ā€“ I mean, she looks strong. Don't get me wrong. That's five pounds over your deadlift max right there, Salon. Ten pounds over. No, I think ā€“ well, I've never done 215 for four, that's for sure, but I've done 215. Two, five, six, seven, eight. That is an absurd bench press for a female.
Starting point is 00:59:09 It's absurd. It's absurd. Her body weight, it's incredible. It's absurd. I've never seen that. J.R., have you seen that before from a female? Dude, that's very impressive. That's the type of weight that I,
Starting point is 00:59:23 every single time I talk about bench press with the females, they're like, oh, that's too heavy, that's too heavy. Like if a male can bench 300, I say a female should be able to bench 200. And every time the female is like, oh, that's too heavy. But look at this shit. Yeah, she's a stud. Taylor, what do you think? It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:59:42 The bench press is crazy for sure. You've never seen it, right? Are you a good bench presser, Taylor? I's crazy. The bench press is crazy for sure. You've never seen it, right? Are you a good bench presser, Taylor? I'm a very average bench presser. What's your best? You did the quarterfinals. What did you hit this year on the other total? I did not hit my best.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I hit 287. 287? So that would be like a female 190-something, 190, 195? So Alex is a lot better of a bencher than I am. That'd be like you bench pressing god 330 335 for four wow yeah and if she hit that 230 it'd be like her bench in 355 or something like that it's awesome is this true she did a 165 strict press? Oh my gosh. So why is her snatch bad? I'm curious. Typically you have
Starting point is 01:00:29 a good squat, a good bench, and a good strict press. Dude, she's awesome. Okay. I disagree. I have a good bench press and my strict press is dog shit. No, I'm asking her what her... She was saying snatch was her weakness
Starting point is 01:00:46 i wonder why if it's just a maybe it's because she's such a good bench presser usually like having a really good bench she'll tighten up your the front of your body like your pec minor and it's a tough position there's an athlete what i heard once coming out of misfit i think it was his coach didn't allow him to bench press anymore because it was hindering his ability to get an overhead squat in a snatch position. Makes sense. And that's why I miss it is that's why I miss fits. Not a, Oh,
Starting point is 01:01:17 we found it. We found Taylor's. We found Taylor's thing. Is there anything we want to, is there anything else we want to say about these, about these events here about who won? It seems like everything just played out like it was supposed to any anything you want to point out any shocks any uh jr pointed out that she was crying i thought that was a great um anything else that you saw in these final two events men or women that shocked
Starting point is 01:01:38 you before we move on to the next thing here i always got something i'm just waiting for someone else to say something because I talk too much. I would like to take us over to the Atlas games, but tell me, what do you got? Do you have something? I think this, I think I'm, I want to applaud the Granite games. I think they did great. I think everything turned out. I'm happy for everyone.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Can't wait to see everyone go hard. Anyone? Travis Mayer's going to his eighth CrossFit games. That's very cool. Very. Colton Byrne's going to his second. You know, you fell off of the travis mayor bandwagon what's up with that i just i only have so much bandwidth i'm only i mean i love i
Starting point is 01:02:10 love travis now i was just i was just showering it with uh mr merton's if you get your get your get your colton merton's baseball card in hard plastic and then you can pull it out but but don't do it when hillar's watching because he'll yell at you. And it comes with this case and everything. It was 10 points away from becoming a collector's item, Sevan. And you could get this at the WAD Zombie website. One thing that stood out for me was definitely Chandler. Obviously, we've already talked about it, but Chandler Smith at 11th here. I mean, going into this thing at the pre-show and everything else,
Starting point is 01:02:41 he was kind of somebody we were watching that thought for sure to get inside at least that last chance qualifier and sit in 11th. So it would be interesting to hear the story, or if there even is a story, maybe it just wasn't his weekend. But I'd be curious to know what was going on there and learn about the weekend from his perspective. Him and his fiance both finished in 11th.
Starting point is 01:03:02 That was the plan, maybe. Tie each other. tie each other. It's very cute. I like it when you cross the finish line. He looked really tense. I mean, he looked beautiful, but he looked tense and she seems so calm and that, and that's,
Starting point is 01:03:18 you know, she, they seem like they would like, she seemed like she was doing the right thing, you know, for her competitor, her husband, who was probably pretty wound up in that final event.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yeah. And I mean, the best outfit of the weekend. That's always gotta be a little strange too. When the story that we had with Bailey rail and Tyler Cristobal, right. Because like one makes it, the other one doesn't. I mean, obviously there's still the last trans qualifier, but like, what do you, what do you do that night? Do you go out to have the dinner? Or do you just sit at home and take the call, the quiet car guy home? You know, like what is, uh,
Starting point is 01:03:47 it's kind of tough when you have one that makes it a one that doesn't, it's gotta be. Um, I'd like to move over to the Alice games. Are you okay with that? Hiller Taylor, uh, Mr. Uh, how, okay. Um, the, if you look at the Alice games, you'll look at a scroll down, you'll see Tori Dyson. That is the original muscle hamster at five feet tall, 140 pounds. It is.
Starting point is 01:04:10 It is. Yeah. I think that is the original muscle hamster. And you'll also see that Meredith root and Alex Parker competing here at the Atlas games. Is that right? Where? No,
Starting point is 01:04:24 no, I'm joking. Oh, shit. I didn't look at the names. Old school competitor, Danny Horan. Holy cow. Wow. Emma Lawson.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Carolyn Prevost. What about Paige Powers? She's a... Yeah, she's got potential for sure. Yeah, that's what I was wondering. What do you guys think about her top five finish i like her odds better than allison scuds oh hot take coming from the demo team partners okay buds weren't you weren't you uh is that the year you were over there or no
Starting point is 01:05:00 i was well i wasn't on the demo team i didn't make the cut are you were you over there doing some stuff was was she not around there then no she was she was okay she was the one who lifted the pig off of taylor okay let's switch over to the men wait a minute uh top you're obsessed with that story oh it's just so it was so good your response though was good, too, to me. It was good. It's stacked. The men's field is fucking crazy. Okay, let's pick our top five here. We can re-pick them again next week.
Starting point is 01:05:36 I won't hold anyone to the fire. We're doing a top fiver right now? Yeah, let's talk about this. Let's do something we can all agree on. Let's do something we can all agree on let's do something we can all agree on Patrick Valner at the top yeah man I like him Pat thinks they're over programmed
Starting point is 01:05:55 and I is there anyone who goes up for a split second yeah yeah let's, yeah, let's pull them up. Standby. Alex Vigneault.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I like Jr's take on these workouts. Jeff Adler. Uh, Jeff Adler's taken second. Jeff Adler's taken second. Yeah. I think, I think,
Starting point is 01:06:18 I think Velner Adler. And then I think Corona. Then I think Alex Vigneault, not Jeremy. I think Alex Vigneault. And then I think Caron then I think Alex Vigneault not Jeremy I think Alex Vigneault and then I think man you always want to take a gamble on Cedric but he just seems
Starting point is 01:06:31 like he fucks up the in-person competitions yeah because he doesn't hold himself to accountable on his movement standards oh damn he blocked me on Instagram he did? I called him out for doing muscle ups that that were shitty, and he just blocked me. He's got some tough movement, but he is super fit.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Where is it? I think he let the trucker stay in his gym when they were doing that. Dylan Pettit? The Freedom Rally. Give him credit for that. Yeah, he's a good dude. I just wish he didn't block me. The fifth spot is tough.
Starting point is 01:07:05 He's going to have to do more than letting the Freedom Trucker sleep in his gym if he blocked you. I wouldn't say he's a good dude. He's halfway there. Yeah, I know Brian speaks really highly of Jack Farlow being one of the strongest athletes in that field. So if he wins that complex, who knows? Complex. Who knows? I think some of the capacity workouts and then some of the skill workouts are way too tough for that kid, but we'll see.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I might eat crow, just like Rebecca Fuseli made me eat crow. I think this is a bit of a different story. We'll have to see. I think these are easy picks. I think we did it. Well, you got Pat. Yeah, Pat, Jeff, Caron caron vino but i don't know that five is an easy pick and we're not picking cedric because he blocked hiller let's
Starting point is 01:07:51 it's like between cedric dylan pettit uh fucking who else peter i don't know oh you're picking dylan pettit hey iit, hey? I'm not. Actually, no, I'm not picking him because of the parallel handstand push-ups. I don't pick him. He's a big boy. Yeah, he's a big guy. How about Gene Simmon Roy LeMurray or however you say his name? He's a threat.
Starting point is 01:08:17 I also think Nicholas Hoyal, Connor Duddy. Connor Duddy, oh, yes. He's done some things in the past but again this is so stacked hey so americans there's no americans that have a chance except for is it jordy gremlin is he the only one who has a chance no connor duddy he's not by the way jordy didn't get in he couldn't beat atlas remember i i well maybe you don't i made a giant hour-long conversation with them you think connor duddy knows how to fight he's that sounds like a fighter's name dude he'd been in a lot of fights he used to work out with uh in virginia beach with the smith
Starting point is 01:08:59 when your last name's duddy that's all you did from second to eighth grade it's just fucking fight motherfuckers how about jr you had a you had a fun name to play with howl yeah i got a lot of like dog like you know howling at the moon references and stuff yeah it's like the only thing kids have here we go jack farlow's jack farlow's in the comments baby there he is we will have to see oh damn make me eat crow dude eat the crow i like crow okay so next week this shit starts on a friday on friday i want you guys to know that i'm all i'm more excited to do my u show with Justin Nunley, TikTok superstar, and Darian Weeks, UFC
Starting point is 01:09:47 fighter. We're going to do a show for predictions for UFC 275. I'm going to have to fit that in on Friday while I got to do this show with this group of studs. And then isn't there something else besides Atlas Games next week? What's the other one?
Starting point is 01:10:03 Strength and Death. Do we watch that one or do we just... And Copa do Sul. And Brazil. Isn't there something else besides Atlas games next week? What's the other one? Strength and depth. Strength and depth. Strength and depth. Do we watch that one or do we just ā€“ And Copa do Sul and Brazil. Strength and depth will be good. There's four next week, did you say? How ā€“ Three. Three.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Oh. Strength and depth, women's field, Sam Briggs. Helga Doter. Emma Quaid. Amy Tringle. Amy Tringle. Emmaoter. Emma Quaid. Amy Pringle. Emma Tull. Emma Quaid. Oh, Katrin.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Katrin. I can't wait to see Sam Briggs compete. Taylor Howe. I was watching Sam. Oh, did we ever talk about that comment they posted on their Instagram? Which? So they came out, they come out with the programming and then strength and depth tag,
Starting point is 01:10:48 Sam Briggs and goes, are you happy now? Oh, dude, did you not get that? And then you look at the workouts, look at the strength and depth workouts. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Let's talk about this. I D you guys are out of your mind with all this shit. Let's talk about this shit. Let's do this. What do you mean? We're out of our mind. They are. they're written for her other than the complex they are written for her it's crazy really and it was just a very no no suza do not get on this bandwagon get on the fucking wagon let's go pull up the strength and depth website
Starting point is 01:11:22 no it's tagging it do you remember which hey so can you imagine sitting at your keyboard we showed we showed that young girl we showed that young girl benched 215 four times and I look over in the comments and someone said something about roids it's like dude that's like how did like even
Starting point is 01:11:40 if I thought that I wouldn't fucking type that like give it a second let it breathe what other thoughts do you have? The next question is, do they have a face attached to their profile? Or is it just one of those blinkers? So why can't it just be playing with Sam Briggs? Why does it have to be like the first event? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:02 So first event, look, look. First event they announced, 1K run, 2K run, 300 double unders, 1K run. Sam Briggs will come out. I don't think Sam will do really well at that workout. I'm kidding, by the way. She smoked that workout. That's good for her. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:12:17 So that's one good workout for her. You remember her in Amanda 45? She's amazing at muscle-ups. She's the smoke dad. Yep. Three ring, this one's got three rounds, amazing at muscle-ups. She's the smoke dad. Yep. Three-ring muscle-ups. This one's got three rounds, 12-ring muscle-ups, 30 all the way. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Let's go to event two before you talk about it. Can you switch the slide? Okay. Thank you. Okay. So event one is good enough for her to qualify for the CrossFit Games. Okay. Event two.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Do you agree with that, JR? Event one is like a games. That's the kind of stuff she wants to see? Yeah, for sure. Okay. 100%. This one too. Yep.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Yeah, cool. Remember the Rogue Invitational? The power snatch workout at Rogue Invitational? She destroyed everyone in it. She fucking annihilated people. And she's good at muscle-ups. Maybe the pistol squats are a question, but she's going to destroy the muscle-ups and hang snatches. So bar cycling, she's good at muscle-ups. Maybe the pistol squats are a question, but she's going to destroy the muscle-ups and hang snatches.
Starting point is 01:13:07 So bar cycling, she's good at? Well, she's got, you know, if we look at the workout and we think about, like, seconds per repetition, hang power snatches, there's only 27, 90 pistols, 36 muscle-ups. Most time is going to be spent on the pistols if you do the ring muscle-ups unbroken, which we assume she may be one of the only females that do it unbroken i don't know looks like a good one for her oh yeah another good one for her next workout hey top five top five both of those oh yes top three probably event win on the first one maybe competing with jackie dalstrom okay tough work this is tough for her she's not even in the top 10 right this is tough for her. She's not even going to be top 10, right? This is terrible for her, but it's CrossFit's event.
Starting point is 01:13:46 It's CrossFit's programmed workout. Okay. So we can't consider that. Okay. Hey, but that's not their fault. CrossFit took the strength component. I'm just saying that. I'm just saying that.
Starting point is 01:13:55 But they can't do anything about it. Yeah. Yeah, they can't do anything about that. But you can also counter it and say the other CrossFit program event is also going to be really, really good for her. The run legless. This one, hinging. Hinging, hinging, hinging. I have a source who just reached out to me saying that Sam's response,
Starting point is 01:14:12 or them saying that asking if they were happy was in response to her asking when they would release the workouts. So they're saying, are you happy now? Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah, take that. All right. That's going to be from our source on the ground at Strength and Depth that I told you about earlier.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Andrew, you're the one who says there's no such thing as coincidences, so let's just keep schooling these workouts. Talking about the thing that makes me most excited I've ever seen Taylor on the podcast, and I'm a Stan. Because I don't know whether I believe this conspiracy or not, but it has some... We're processing it. Hey, that's look at this workout. That's how misunderstanding occurs, you guys. They were responding to what she was saying. Jera, what about this workout?
Starting point is 01:14:54 100 deads, what is that going to be? On the kettlebells for her. At 64 kilograms, that's going to be like one... That's beefy. One fifty. Well, yeah. I mean, if that's per hand,
Starting point is 01:15:07 which I assume, I assume that's per hand, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Per hand. We have to assume that,
Starting point is 01:15:13 right? Or is that a couple of 32s? Cause that makes sense. 32 key. Yeah. I would like kettlebell. Yeah. I.
Starting point is 01:15:20 32 kg is a 70 pound kettlebell. That's probably it. It's probably 70 pound bells. That's a hundred deadlifts with, it would be a 315 for women basically, or 275 for women. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:35 So it's two 32 pound kettlebell deadlifts. Is that how you write that normally? How would that be written on main site like that? I would have written two times 32 or two times 40. Yeah. i think that's kind of how they did it on main site too or at least there'd be something where it's said at the bottom hey if you want to know the pg version of what happened between chase and and um and and well it's not i shouldn't even say chase do you want to know the pg version of um alex parker starting a petition and trying to get chase fired you can go over and watch this guy's video his name is jason cf media he has a
Starting point is 01:16:12 video on youtube it's so nice he's the guy who sent me that insight seven yeah he okay he's like too nice but he's extremely uh articulate well-spoken, beautiful video, easy to watch. But, man, I mean, he plays it so fair for Alex and Miss Root. So if you want to go over there, you can see. All right. Okay, sorry. Go on. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:39 So let's vote. Is this top five for Miss Briggs also? It's hard to say, but it's not a bad workout for her. There's nothing in there that I'm like, damn, she sucks at that. Yeah, she'll do well at that. Oh, wait, Mr. Howell? Maybe the handstand walk. Forearms and grip get a little break on those box jump overs going into the 75.
Starting point is 01:17:03 So unless she crashes and burns on the toes to bar, which I think she's too veteran to make that mistake, it still looks like it's pretty good. And she's fixed her handstand walk since that year. She didn't make the games for that. I don't think that 300 feet in a workout when presented that way is going to cause too much of a disruption, even if she's one of the last ones off the handstand wall.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Okay. Okay. Next. Great for her. But she can't control it. So next. Get the fuck out of here. Tell me this isn't. This should be named after her.
Starting point is 01:17:44 This should just be called Sam Briggs. Event 6, Sam the event five they named it twist they should have named it sam briggs wasn't there a workout a couple years ago at the games or last or whenever she was last at the games and she was supposed to crush it she fell apart it was the run workout she had to leave for a long time. The girl who was in today's event, Emily Rolf. The total bar workout? Yeah. Five or six people passed her at the end, right? Maybe more.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Correct. Go back to that first workout. That's a long time domain. Maybe we'll see her. Is that first one wrong? No, it's all machines, dude. You're not going to see her crumble on that. She's going to crush this field. It's semifinals. You're talking about the games she had some people see her. Is that first one on? No, it's all machines, dude. You're not going to see her crumble on that. She's going to crush this field. It's semifinals.
Starting point is 01:18:27 You're talking about the games she had some people pass her. This is not the games. Hey, how do you finish an event on a 1,000-meter assault runner? Very anticlimatically. Oh, yeah. This is what you do. This is what you do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:43 You test it, and you make sure that those caps are right because it is going to be a nightmare if people finish on a certain number of meters getting capped. You know what you do? You have them get off the salt runner every couple hundred meters and move it forward. JR, explain that again. That's really important. That's kind of hard for me to understand, but I know what you're saying is super important. Say that again that's really important that's hard kind of hard for me to understand but i know what you're saying super important say that again okay so if uh me hiller and taylor all on runners and we're coming up to the time cap and we're all within seven and eight hundred meters and when three two one stops is the judge just gonna look and see what the final meter count was that he saw on the screen at zero? Like that's, I mean.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Or does someone push you off your runner? It doesn't matter. I mean, no, but I mean, it doesn't matter. I mean, you can't stop the screen on a certain meter. You can press stop right away at the cap, but the belt still keeps moving and it'll just restart as far as I know. What's the protocol on that in the past? How do they do that? I don't know that. I don't, I don't know that that's ever been in meters to finish a workout.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Triple threes is the last one I can remember finishing on the runner. Hey, how long does it take to run a thousand meters on an assault runner? Nothing, nothing blazing. Four ish. ish yeah about four okay and then how many minutes to uh row 2 000 meters for the females probably about eight okay 12 and then 300 double unders about three uh 15 15 minutes and how many for the last thousand meters maybe 20 or 30 seconds slower than the first one so it's gonna be an 18 to 23 minute workout okay so maybe they set the time cap did they set the time cap so everyone
Starting point is 01:20:31 can finish because you're bringing up a good point and i don't know how you end that is really a shitty event if if have you ever seen an event at a crossfit event where the event ends up and they're on the runner yes yeah triple three 2018 regionals also guadalupalooza this year but that wasn't a crossfit sanctioned event man it just seems anticlimactic like you don't get to see them come off you didn't you didn't no i think at guadalupalooza you finished on the runner and then you still had to go through that the gauntlet yeah you had to run around 30 runners. Yeah, but at least you had that. To your death.
Starting point is 01:21:06 To your death. Not to not slip. Yeah, this is also the kind of workout, too, that you want to make everyone finish it. Like, you want them to feel this whole workout because you know it'll affect the whole weekend. So it looks like these time caps are really generous for a reason. So it sounds like they're good. And Alex Parker would crush this workout. That is true. heard craig ritchie's competing at this an engine sam briggs programmed it sam briggs programmed it anyways
Starting point is 01:21:37 yeah i agree taylor they look they look very good for her i agree with you and that comment just made it suspicious it's like you see the comment and you see the program and you're like whoa i'm not saying she has anything to do with it but dude how fucking cool would it be also isn't she like 39 or 40 uh someone just uh sent a message and said craig ritchie was 42nd thousandth in the open so i sucks at CrossFit. I don't think he'll be at the... She's 40 years old. I just saw like eight people in the comments
Starting point is 01:22:11 say, Craig Ritchie, Craig Ritchie at Strength and Depth? No, I... He'll be there with his camera and his oversized t-shirt. Yeah, he's not going to do it. And he doesn't suck at CrossFit. I suck at CrossFit. Please don't give him my title. Thank you. He can't do muscle-ups like you can. Yeah, dude. And he can't ride the assault bike
Starting point is 01:22:27 like you can. Oh, that's awesome. Thank you. You guys are warming my heart. You're welcome. But you also can't snatch 300 pounds like he can. What is... So after this week, we'll know who's going to the CrossFit Games. It's all done. All done. Damn right.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Okay. And then we really start do we think they're going to be leaked workouts from the games this year of course i already know them wow i knew him i knew him a couple months before last year and it was a cool feeling um any any closing words guys any closing words susan you want to say before we reconvene thursday or friday no you guys did a great job all you guys the panel's awesome we had a lot of cool people on here everybody's input was awesome mr hiller yeah i kept on trying to bring it up but you wouldn't let me go ahead the the mail finale was the exact same back-to-back years at the granite games it was just colton and-to-back years at the Granite Games.
Starting point is 01:23:25 It was just Colton and Nick Matthews standing there, but this year they had different haircuts. And it was the same outcome. Colton took the fifth spot. And the announcer. Well, the announcer fixed his shit this year. He didn't do that. I was about to kick him in the nuts last year.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Last year was so bad. Hey, I didn't stop you from bringing that up. I'm glad you brought that up. That's great. I didn't stop you. How did I stop you? You didn't. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Okay, good. I was like, I haven't uploaded them and everything. Nick Matthew, by the way, if anyone wants a Nick Matthew story, I competed him at Wadapalooza one year. And at Wadapalooza, they were just changing up the event schedule on the whim. And I remember we were waiting there for, we were in the lines and I was texting him like, Nick, where are you?
Starting point is 01:24:06 You're supposed to compete. He's like, I'm getting coffee. Like you didn't see that. They updated the schedule. It was looks like I'm not going to finish the weekend, man. Cause a lot of Palooza is just really well run event.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Damn. Damn. No one's safe. Fuck that. No one's safe. It was, it was really bullshit because he would have done really well. Uh,
Starting point is 01:24:24 Jr. Don't you have an event? Yeah, my event's not until October. And what's it called? It's tight. Crash Crucible. And what state is it in? South Carolina.
Starting point is 01:24:37 And do you ever change the schedule of the workouts last minute while athletes are getting coffee. No. You're not doing that. Okay. How many years have you done that for? This will be the third year coming up. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Go ahead, Ted. I'm sorry. No, that's it. MWGA said you blocked him. Yes, I did. I blocked him. I blocked him. He got angry. I blocked him. Yes, I did. I blocked him. He got angry.
Starting point is 01:25:08 I blocked him. I'm about to block you too. Paper Street Coffee wants to ask if we need any vendors for your next one there. Oh. Yeah. JR? I would love some. Okay, great. We'll take 3%.
Starting point is 01:25:24 7 on Media LLC will take 3%. Semon Media LLC will take 3%. Semon Media LLC will take 3%. Do you guys not want to bring up Guy? Because everyone likes to hear about Guy. Before you bring up Guy, Taylor, do you have anything to say? No, I've got to run in a couple minutes. JR, is there anything you want to bring up before Hiller brings up Guy? No, I just already think the last chance qualifier field is going to be really fun to watch.
Starting point is 01:25:47 I mean, there's a lot of people who are pulling for James Sprague and, you know, these athletes that barely missed out. Matt DeLugo, you know, for different reasons. And at the end of the day, not many of them can get in. And that's just going to be it's going to be interesting to see what the programming is that comes out this year, comparatively to last year. Also knowing like the age group workouts and stuff, how they kind of choose some different formats and tried some new things as far as like 11 foot wall balls and like a death by workout format, which they haven't done before since like those open workouts with the thrusters and chest to bar until you fail
Starting point is 01:26:25 i think 13.5 maybe so it's just it's going to be interesting to see how that all goes and we still have one more weekend left yeah when is that week when when does last chance qualifier happen two weeks after atlas games taylor do you know that last year was the first weekend in July. So I thought it was a week following the final event. Wow. That's what I thought, but I wasn't the week. They had a week. They had a,
Starting point is 01:26:52 like Alice games had a week and then it was the next fall. They had like 10 days basically. Yeah. That's about what I was. I guess that's what I was trying to say. Where's that schedule. Are you talking about the list? Do we know the top score on that wall ball workout? How many wall balls did they have to end up doing?
Starting point is 01:27:10 Did it end up being into the 200s? Jared, do you know? I want to say I glanced at that leaderboard for like two divisions, but I didn't add up the reps to see what that total score would have been as far as what round they got in. Yeah, first weekend july so they have a two-week break are there any are there any sure sure sure winners like like you can look at um the last chance qualifier already be like yeah james preggs is going for sure and
Starting point is 01:27:36 this girl's going for sure or it's not like that it's just so it depends on the workouts yeah and you just don't know yet there's it's not all the field is in full. Okay. You know, like if they recycle that workout in some capacity that they had the Masters do, where it was a death by wall balls into a max clean and jerk. I mean, you've already got James Sprague and Matt DeLugos, who are two really tall guys. If they go to that 11-foot target, that already gives an advantage to the taller athletes. But how are they going to offset that? You know, last year they had 100 bur burpees for time to that 12 inch touch. And then they also had like a really fast rowing at a rowing workout that was like super high power output. So it'll be interesting to see like how many tests they do. These age group workouts basically test strength in different
Starting point is 01:28:20 capacities twice. So they tested a snatch ladder and then they also tested a one rep max clean and jerk so two of the six workouts were you know strength by so it'll be interesting to see if they do the same thing those clean and jerks were wild after that workout too all right i gotta head out guys okay bye um jr just got me kind of excited or exhausted because basically that's just more shows we can do i guess we can talk about that too i guess last chance qualifier will be fun and it'll be easy to get those guys on too because everyone does that shit at home right that's all virtual yeah oh yeah that'll be a blast maybe even someone will do them live for us
Starting point is 01:28:57 he doesn't say we should talk shit to him get a bunch of them as it leads up we should get a bunch of them on here and interview them and and uh get to know how their training is going into it. How many people go again for the last chance call, Farah? Can you remind me? How many people are they sending? Two, I think. We could do an entire thing on the freaking age group semifinals too, just so you know.
Starting point is 01:29:20 And that probably would be huge. Every time I see talking to Elite Fitness, the Masters should get just tons of views. Do you know Masters stuff, JR? Yeah, he made the games at Masters. Don't you listen? He is the Masters. No, I don't.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Real well. Hey, you want to talk about Gi? Is that what we call the South American semifinal? The Gi semifinal? Just call it Gi, yes. We don't even call it Copa, sir. Copa, sir. What do you guys want to say about him?
Starting point is 01:29:49 I got to pee. What do you guys want to say about him? The big question is if he's going to set the max complex, and I'd have to say no. That is unless there's somebody even anywhere near close to him. Pablo Shafoon, that's a big name. Anyone else? Anderson Primo, I know that he he uh did really well on that thruster
Starting point is 01:30:08 chest of our workout i remember is he a rogue athlete i don't think so i don't think so either the only way he's gonna break the complex record is if bill calls him up and says hey break the record and i'll give you a 10k or something like that you know is that how that's been working i don't think so but you know you know more than i do pablo chalfoon you think i recognize it's a i won't even go there all right okay get in there no no god what are you scared i've told you the story before about rich the rich froning swimming pool in 50k right yeah okay and rich wouldn't do it he wouldn't go he was an individual right go individual i'll give you a pool if you guys are wondering what we're talking about you're gonna have to dig through 400 podcasts
Starting point is 01:30:54 i tried to do that because the other day when froning said that that was his actual youtube i tried to go through so many different episodes of yours looking for him admitting that because nobody believed me that that was his actual youtube account that was commenting on my videos i'm like it's fucking froning he said it one time on sun hot yeah he did i can't remember which one yeah couldn't find it i looked for like an hour going to the bathroom the entire time i was just looking guys everyone thank you for sticking with us uh um the whole entire weekend I think we did a perfect job. Our only shortcoming is we couldn't get more words out of JR. I'll take full blame for that.
Starting point is 01:31:30 Love having you here, brother. Hiller, you are a godsend. He is a TYR athlete. You almost make me a Christian and believe in God when people like you are brought into my life. Sousa, executive producer of the Sevan podcast, thanks for making me do all this shit.
Starting point is 01:31:46 We will see you guys very soon. Love you. Adios.

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