The Sevan Podcast - #439 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: June 8, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Did you guys hear that? Does the bam come across too?
Starting point is 00:00:35 I never know how fast I should say that. Sometimes it's like bam. Go ahead. I said sometimes it's just like bam, we're live. Like I, yeah, I don't get the um i don't get the buh it used to be natural what do you mean like i like when i did it before it was just like bam we're live like i would see it and i would get excited i would say bam we're live and now it's not it's it's i'm faking it i mean i'm not faking it. I'm doing it. Cause it's your stick now.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Yeah. Cause it came my stick. I think you started that around like episode 80 something. Cause I was going back and just like clipping them all at one point. And I was just going to make a huge video just all the time. You said, bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:01:18 But then, and then every episode since then, except for one, when Hiller like caught you you've said bam we're live so for like 340 episodes or something oh that's so much better um i was wondering what's going on with the show um i wonder if it's i wonder if it's because we switched software um did we switch to stream yard on show 80 because there's something about clicking up I wonder if it's because we switched software.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Did we switch to StreamYard on show 80? Because there's something about clicking up there that does kind of like that. I remember like going, bam, we're live when I click that thing up there. I think you're right. Because before it was just like that. I don't even remember what the other software was. But yeah, it was not as nice looking. No, it's dope now. I love the show now.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Bam, bam. Alyssa Larson, thanks for the edit for the Colton Mertens tribute. That was cool. I posted it on my account. That was great. I was so hyped about that. She did a good job, huh? Yeah, looks great.
Starting point is 00:02:28 George Martinez, hey, what's up? No, no Andrew Hiller today. Dude's got to do his own channel. I've just been using him. Using. Poor guy. He's so good at getting used.
Starting point is 00:02:43 All those cats. J.R. Howell. Using. Poor guy. He's so good at getting used. All those cats. J.R. Howell. Using. Taylor Self. Using. Corey Leonard. Bam. We're waiting. You weren't waiting. I wouldn't know you weren't waiting. Ding ding chumps.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Who you calling chump? Body by blah. Eric, what's up? Bruce. Jack. Kevin Smith. Hi, everybody. Alan Kestenbaum. Haven't you heard the rumor? Someone hates people and they said no.
Starting point is 00:03:18 That would include me, Alan. That's rude. Hiller made a video showing an old video that Dave took my camera. I'd been drinking actually. It was at an affiliate gathering in Montana. I'd been drinking a little booze.
Starting point is 00:03:35 When I say booze, I just mean anything that's alcohol. Hiller made a video of it. Castro took my camera and shot me and asked me a bunch of questions. Then my wife took the footage and edited it into a video. And somehow it ended up I guess it's weird.
Starting point is 00:03:54 It's probably, it's all this shit anywhere. Do you, anyway, I guess at a minute seven or eight, I'm drinking a Coke. Hey, can you pull that up?
Starting point is 00:04:02 I've been afraid to go. Look, it's gotta be a Diet Coke. I used to drink so many Diet Cokes. It's got to be a Diet Coke. I thought it was like a Seagram's or something. The thing is, too, that must have been
Starting point is 00:04:18 just some rare occurrence, too. I think I quit drinking Diet Cokes for the most part in 2007 or 8 i mean i just quit drinking soda i switched to sparkling water 2006 even i don't know maybe i'm wrong i think it's kind of funny because dave kind of calls you out as being like kind of a fake crossfitter at the time so i think you're still kind of getting into it i still am i mean if i was a fake crossfitter then i i did a workout there in montana that fucking broke me off i did a i did 155 pound uh
Starting point is 00:04:53 thrusters 30 155 pound thrusters there one morning like at six in the morning as my workout basically 100 sorry that that's not even right it was 130 155 pound clean and jerks basically it was 100 sorry that that's not even right it was 130 155 pound cleaning jerks one morning just cold like a heavy grace yeah i guess yeah man it broke me off i had a guy the other day he posted something he did 33 cleaning jerks at like 305 and he didn't like 20 minutes oh is that the guy we had on the show? No, it's a different guy. He's from Iowa. Another Iowa guy.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Well, Savon likes Canadians. He dislikes Canada. Yeah. I mean, it's just an easy target. Man, this week worked me. This weekend. I made a post about a healthy drink and I guess it's satire and I apologize for misrepresenting. It's right at the top there. But before I show it to you, I want to tell you something.
Starting point is 00:06:00 If you go to California, you can punch in the discount code seven. And I think what you'll get is a free blood work and a free doctor consultation which is usually 200 bucks and they'll tell you either dang you're good or dang you bad and uh feel free to check it out tons of people are doing it man i'm hearing some cool shit about it from people who have started the journey uh if you want to get a cool shirt go go over to vindicate V N D K Uh, whatever you do, don't accidentally buy the Hiller shirt only by the seven. Sure. Hola.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Como esta? Hola. Hola. Oh no. Sorry. The wrong number. Uh, yes, sir. I'm sorry. Wait, were you calling the podcast? Yes, that, sorry. The wrong number? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I'm sorry. Wait, were you calling the Sevan podcast? Yes, that's correct. Oh, yeah, then no, it's the right number. Oh, okay. But you spoke Spanish to me. I know, I know. I saw it was from Mexico, and I was just trying to be cute.
Starting point is 00:07:00 No, that's good. I'm Swedish, but living in Mexico. Oh, wow, you sound Mexican as all get out. You got it. Orale. Orale. Is the name good? No, no, no, no, no. Always respond to me in English no matter what. Is it secure? Well, what's your name?
Starting point is 00:07:21 Esteban. Oh, I think I'm a little bit confused now. Sorry. This is Sevan. You sound different on the phone. I'm sorry. I just thought I would like to speak to you because I really enjoy your show
Starting point is 00:07:37 and you're all alone. And, you know, you need some Mexican-Swedish support. I appreciate it. How does a Swedish man end up in Mexico? Where in Mexico are you? I'm in Mexico City. Have you ever met a Mexican woman from Guadalajara?
Starting point is 00:07:53 I don't know. I understand. I fully understand. I've met plenty of Mexican women and they're all perfect. Did you meet her in Mexico or did you meet her in Sweden? I met her in Mexico. I came here to work.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Okay. Doing what? Are you a government worker? No, I'm in software industry. So I came here for one year and I've been here seven years now. Wow. That's how life turns. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Are you crossfitting in Mexico? Absolutely absolutely i have my own gym in my house that's a good thing about being in mexico you can have a i don't know in square feet but you can have a hundred square feet square meter gym in your house without the problem and and you have less friends than in california oh yeah well me Well, Mexico City probably has its expensive spots, right? Not compared to California. Okay. Being from California or being from the United States, we're terrified of Mexico.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Is that totally misplaced? It is definitely. Definitely. I'm so outside of Mexico. I have my blue eyes my blue my blonde hair i'm a feet taller than everyone else and i have no problem for seven years so don't worry about mexico the problem is the americans yeah you're buying the things that the bad people here want to sell yep i believe it i believe know. I know. Because we only hear the bad stories, right? Those are the only ones that
Starting point is 00:09:28 filter up through the news. Those are the only ones. I think that's very obvious around the world. For all news, you only hear the bad news. But I will tell you this. San Francisco is a dangerous place now.
Starting point is 00:09:44 If you go to San Francisco and you park your car there, it will get broken into. If you park your car in the Bay, if you park your car in the Bay area, someone will steal your catalytic converter. California has turned into a, um, not all of California,
Starting point is 00:09:58 of course, but the cities, uh, Los Angeles and San Francisco, some, some, it's gotten dark, man,
Starting point is 00:10:03 where we are in a very, very, very dark period. I tell you, I went to Las Vegas a month and a half ago for some work. Just walking the streets there, it's like, oh, this is scary. It's more scary than living down here.
Starting point is 00:10:20 That's all I need to say. Yeah, it's interesting. You know, I spent a couple months in Beirut Lebanon and that's not so nice but there's just no crime there
Starting point is 00:10:33 because they have the mob so like you can walk around all night you can do whatever you want because all the crime is controlled all the people are safe right like if you were to do something like mug someone the fucking crime boss just come over and just beat your ass kill you you molest a kid they fucking nail your door shut and burn your house down i mean it's it's it's like you can just it's just the streets are safe just as long as you're not
Starting point is 00:10:57 involved in like whatever the mob is doing and you're not doing any because they control the criminal activity right so they keep the people safe safe. And we kind of need the police to do that too. People need to, like, granted, maybe the police do some bad shit. I know the police maybe are scary. Just stay away from them, like bees. But they have to be, they have to do some shit.
Starting point is 00:11:17 The last thing before we switch to CrossFit again, about police. As long as you have blue eyes in Mexico, you can do whatever you like. Is that true? Is that because of all the Germans that migrated to Mexico and South America? Don't compare me to a German.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I'm Swedish. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I have Viking blood in me. But for the CrossFit, why can't we make the CrossFit game work for big boys? You know, we are, the Nordic people in general are over 6'1". That's the medium. But CrossFit is only for people like you, Savan.
Starting point is 00:12:02 You're a short guy, you know. The big guys, we can't do that anymore. We just have to do other things. How can we change that? I'll ask someone. That's a good question. Let's say this too. Let's say that you're totally off-base asking that question. Let's say that's not the point of
Starting point is 00:12:21 CrossFit, but let's push that aside and be like, okay, let's get some experts in here. Maybe I'll do a show on that. And what would a CrossFit games look like if we wanted to make it so that it was more palatable to, to, and, and, and a little more biased towards a taller human being, let's say. I think you showed it quite well. I think it was yesterday shows when you had a,
Starting point is 00:12:47 a clip of the cows, the cows, and Fulton. Yeah. When he's, uh, saying hello to him. And,
Starting point is 00:12:56 you know, you see it, but it's like 40, 50 centimeters difference between them. It's, it's not a sport that, uh, you know, like
Starting point is 00:13:05 boxing, weightlifting, everything is around weight classes. I didn't like it when Fikowski came over and touched my boy Colton. I didn't like that part. I love Colton. I didn't like that part. He was like a proud dad coming up to his kid and saying congratulations. I didn't like that. Keep your hands, Fikowski, keep your hands off my boy. Don't
Starting point is 00:13:21 touch him. Don't massage him. Nothing. But you know what? I'm not going to take up your time. I'm glad I get a chance to Raul. And you just have to remember today, 6th of June, we celebrate the Swedish flag. We don't have a national day, but we have a
Starting point is 00:13:37 day of the flag because we've been an independent country for as long as you'll never remember. Cheers. Have a great evening and love your work. Thank you you're a gentleman and a scholar you have a beautiful accent take care bye-bye that was weird as shit i thought it was gonna be that other guy i don't even know you're talking talking about. I got a little nervous. So I told you about
Starting point is 00:14:06 the California Hormones. Go to Clay, I told you to buy a t-shirt. Okay. Oh, this is spam. This should be interesting. Oh, this is from Denver. Eric Rosa?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Hello? Hi, Eric. Who is this? Who? Who is this? Who? Who's this? You called me? Hi, this is Eric. This is Tear.
Starting point is 00:14:34 This is Tear? Tear Yodel. Oh, I thought this was Eric Rosa. Okay. How can I help you? Oh. Is this Devon? This is. You figured me out. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:53 It's because I actually have Eric's number. So I was, um, confused that you might've put him his number. I'm calling him Eric. I thought it was Eric. You're going to find this unbelievable, or maybe you hear this all the time, but your voice is so deep i can't even understand what you're saying uh i'm trying again i'm gonna are you on are you on testosterone now oh yeah much better uh okay i know i was a speaker phone i wish i was a testosterone oh california hormones discount code seven get your first doctor's appointment And blood panel for free Okay go ahead what's your name Tier? Peter Yozel Peter hi Peter hi Welcome to the show How are you Tevon?
Starting point is 00:15:34 Like a fucking god amongst boys That's amazing I heard you were sick I was I am I have no idea probably triple COVID Probably all those vaccines I took I got on? I am. I have no idea. Probably triple COVID. Probably all those vaccines I took. I got quadruple boosted. I have no idea. But it was crazy. I got sick myself.
Starting point is 00:15:52 You did? I just had to have a shit. My second vaccine was probably good. That's why I'm on the phone spreading it to the viewers. Thank you. How can I help you? I was calling to check on your opinion on a few things. On a what? Your opinion on a couple things.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Okay. So we saw the Granite Games coming up this weekend, and the top five on the men, very high level. Okay. The remainder there, we saw some people drop off. And I always talk to him about Bergeron, which I respect. He's been in the game for a really long time. And Hiller is a big critic of his.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Why do you see a reason nowadays, excluding his history, to defend him and for athletes to keep turning on his camp. I'm not sure I understand the question, but I have no idea. I'm not the games guy. I just fake it. I just pretend. I have all those guys on just to ask them questions. I don't know. I don't know anything about coaching or I don't know any of that stuff. Probably the least knowledgeable
Starting point is 00:17:08 people on the podcast. Yeah. Everything I say about that, I'm just pretending. I mean, they are too. Just so you know. All those guys are just pretending too. But they just pretend better than me.
Starting point is 00:17:26 You want me to say something about Ben Bergeron? I like having him on the podcast. He's a nice guy. He's a smart guy, but I, I, he, he, I, the, the whole mask thing and apologizing for being white and all that shit, but that shit crazy, mental disorder, mental illness, unless he is a racist or he would know. he did talk about that stuff in terms of the mob you know he had to put I don't know like bubbles in his gym
Starting point is 00:17:49 but he's been posting a lot of stuff that's been pissing out from people with the I mean not the mentality but a lot of his posts
Starting point is 00:17:56 have been under the idea of stop complaining doesn't matter you know be better how do you see that idea
Starting point is 00:18:04 because he went through and tried to agree with the mob you know, to be better. How do you see that idea? Cause he went through and try to agree with the mob. And now he's putting up stuff that is on the side of the mob. You think that's an evolution? I got, I hope so. Did you see the Kendrick Lamar song bro? I broke down the other day.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I hope everyone's waking up. I can't believe, I can't believe that the whole world didn't like jump on board with, uh, Elizabeth, uh, Ruth and, um, uh and Carolyn Parker for their stunt this weekend just because it would have been the cool thing to do. But it seems like some people are waking up. They're like, wow. But they did that stuff to Greg.
Starting point is 00:18:38 They did that stuff to Dave. It's just gross. Who knows? It also requires just some basic risk assessment and some simple math. That's it. I mean, just basic. It requires science. Do you know what science is, Peter? Science is just whatever ideas out there that gives you the best predictive value for whatever you're trying to accomplish. So let's say you are trying to save people from COVID. Science would say you never quarantine. You can actually, you never quarantine the healthy people.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Never, ever, ever. It actually says it on the CDC website. But we went against the science and then the batshit crazy people were saying, no, that was the science to say to get quarantined. But it's not the science because the greatest predictive value is always shown that when people are, when people are,
Starting point is 00:19:24 when there's a virus spreading or something spreading society you never quarantine the healthy people you only quarantine the sick people and we quarantine the healthy people and exactly what happened that the science said would happen they fucking died inside and so and so and you know so i so if you can't do that if you don't have the capacity to know if that, uh, when it says there's a 70% chance of rain tomorrow, if you don't have the ability to process that, or if you don't have the ability to say 12,000 people die falling down the stairs every year in the United States, if you don't have the ability to, to figure out your own risk assessment in that, then, um, then I don't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Well, basically what's happened is, is that you've let emotion instead of logic, like work for you. And you've gotten scared. Like when you're a little kid and you keep, you think when you're a little kid, Peter, at least me, when you cover yourself,
Starting point is 00:20:15 the monster can't get you. But if your foot's hanging out, the monster can get you. Then at some age, you stop doing that dumb shit. You're like, I, it's okay if my foot hangs out.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Right? You follow me, Peter? We have a whole shitload of adults that can't do that still. They think that the blanket protects them from the monster. No, it does not. But there wasn't even a monster. Sorry, go ahead. What if I leave my ass hanging out?
Starting point is 00:20:43 Yeah, it's fine. Well, someone might tap that shit if you're in Boulder. If yeah it's fine well someone might tap that shit if you're in boulder if you're in boulder someone like oh i am okay you know then you know that shit gets tapped how is that um it's actually i mean you see like i'm in long line just outside of boulder boulder um and boulder is probably one of the wokest cities in the country. Yeah, it was just a month or two ago. It's pathetic. Yeah, it's pathetic. It's crazy the ability for people to create that echo chamber.
Starting point is 00:21:14 You know, most of them speak the quiet part out loud. You know, they believe that their vision is that we can't spread information because, you know, information from both sides, because the masses are too dumb to interpret it. Yes. And they should interpret it for them. So they want to, you know, suspend half of the information because only the information they believe to be safe for the masses is what should be spread. And a lot of that stuff comes out because when it goes from where I'm bolder, you know, a lot of people have money.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And, you know, money kind of clouds judgment. Not always, but when you're raised in a society or in a place with a big university, you know, vastly more democratic upbringing and money, there starts to be this kind of sense of help. You want to help everyone. I think they're coming from a place where they think it's good.
Starting point is 00:22:12 I agree with you. They think it's cool to feed the seagulls. They think it's cool to fucking throw bread and crackers down at the beach and feed the seagulls. They don't care if the entire beach, the other 12,000 people get shit on. I agree. They think they're doing the right thing.
Starting point is 00:22:31 It doesn't preclude them, though, from being dumb as fuck for doing that and it being a violent act. And a vile act. But I do think that they think that. It's like, you know, they're trying to stop using plastic straws
Starting point is 00:22:47 and they're going to use a metal straw. It doesn't matter if you get that metal, they had to, you know, mine and pollute a billion other places. It's just the fact that on paper they're quote-unquote saving the turtles and they can post it on Instagram and show everyone that they are saving the turtles. It doesn't matter
Starting point is 00:23:03 what heads they had to step on to save those turtles. Peace and love. Okay, Peter. Well, thank you. That was fun. Yeah, it really was. Okay. Have a great day.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Bye. I'm getting better at hanging up on people. This caller wrote... This caller... Wait, where would this caller wrote? Gone with the wind. Hey, the more you guys do start calling in, you know, the shorter and shorter the calls are going to get. You guys are testing my patience. I mean, I'm flattered, but I'm, you know, just so you know. We said we're going to put the number up.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I will work some more. Here we are. Hi. What's up, Duran? What's up, Duvon? What's up, dude? How you doing? I'm pretty good. I'm tripping, though.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Today's not a normal day for me. I didn't come on. Like I told Caleb, I was scared to go live. Can we talk about some CrossFit? I'd rather not, but go ahead. All right. Here's my early take. I love Hiller.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I love his take that's tuned. You know, out of Florida, 40-year-old, just doing his thing. I get it. But my guy, Dolan Pepper. He's the New York of the Year. Yeah, yeah. I get up on Dolan's jock. He's dope.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Oh, shit, Jorge. I'm sorry. I got to keep talking to this dude. Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. I had to keep talking to this dude. Yeah. Yeah. I'm, I'm, I'm,
Starting point is 00:24:27 I'm, I like Dallin. Yeah. I, you know, that's, that's actually the only reason I wanted to call. I know I want to keep it short.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I know there's a lot. I could get on the Dallin. I could get on the Dallin train so hard. I could Dallin all day and, and, and yell to people who call him Dallin. And he's so easy. Well,
Starting point is 00:24:43 Hey, it was a good pleasure talking with you. You know, I just want to keep it short and, uh, just keep it, keep it going.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Peace and love. All right. Uh, so, so I made this post about healthy drinks for your child. Will you play that?
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's right at the top and then I'll race that shit. And, and I, and I guess this was satire. Son of a,
Starting point is 00:25:01 this guy's a Mexican. I got to answer. What's up, man? What's up, Jorge? How you doing, brother? Living the dream. That's it, baby. I wanted to get your take on Prohaska versus Glover this weekend.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I know you're a big USC guy. Now we're talking. Now we're talking. Oh, man. Sounds like Darth Vader in here. I like Prohaska. I think that fucking thing on top of his head is going to give him some problems eventually in one of these fights. He got put in a headlock in that last fight and had trouble pulling his head out with that thing on there.
Starting point is 00:25:41 But he will win if it stays standing. I mean, this is not like rocket science. But if he punches Glover and knocks Glover unconscious and Glover stumbles forward and falls on top of him, that dude's done. Because by the time Glover hits the ground, he's going to come conscious again, and he is going to... Glover's old as dirt, too. You know, we're doing a UFC show with Justin Nunley,
Starting point is 00:26:04 TikTok superstar, and Darian Weeks, uh, welterweight star from UFC on Friday. And I'm so pumped. It's like, it's like the most real, it makes me feel like I'm, I'm, I'm doing, doing what I want to do. And, uh, in there, I'm doing, I've been started doing research for it today.
Starting point is 00:26:19 And one of the things I saw was, is that Glover's the oldest first time champ in UFC history. Yeah. He's like defying the odds for sure 42 i think yeah that's great all right hold on there i think kate kate sounds like my mom seven on the phone is for your leisure to use when you want not to be the beck and call pun intended but noted of other people yeah my mom told me that when i was a kid that's great advice she's been listening for a while i love how much this triggers seven i don't know what you're talking about nothing triggers me except your mom okay go ahead jorge yeah i was just saying uh that guy for hospice pretty unique you know he's like yes a samurai
Starting point is 00:26:57 like read the book of five rings uh miyoto musashi i'm man, this guy is like something else. How about on the card too is our boy Jack Madalena. Oh, yeah. Hey, you guys want to... Anyway, thanks. Thanks for calling in and getting me pumped up. My pleasure, man.
Starting point is 00:27:20 I appreciate it. Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye. Hey, do you... you okay i'll do something funny for you guys fuck wait you guys should i should i call my wife i could i could call i was thinking about calling my wife i've never had my wife on the show really i could call my wife and talk to her she's in the car right now we should have have her on sometime. It'd be nice. I don't know what's going on here. Wait. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Let's go. Oh, shit. Mr. Pratt, hi. Good morning. Hey, what's up, sir? I'm masturbating my boy cock to you, Danny. I like getting off with older men. Oh, I do, sir.
Starting point is 00:28:01 I like that. I like playing with a grown man's cock. Oh, I'm about to wake you up. I'm sucking your big cock. No, I am. He's talking to you, sir. I like that. I like playing with a grown man's cock. Oh, I love to wake you up. I'm sucking your big cock. No, I can't. He's talking to you, Caleb. Listen. Call me if I can.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Tell me to suck it. Yeah. Say it again. Call me if I can. Oh, yeah, daddy. The audio. Hey, spam risk. Hey, when you call, it says spam risk.
Starting point is 00:28:23 You got to get that shit fixed. Okay, go. Who, spam risk. Hey, when you call, it says spam risk. You got to get that shit fixed. Okay, go. Who, me? Yeah. Oh, wow. That's weird. Yeah. Hey, it's so amazing.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Everyone's voices. I don't know if you guys watched UFC, like, back in the day, like, in 2001. Yes, I did. Well, I watched it. I watched, like, the first three. I watched, like, the first UFC. Do you remember the match between Will Archett versus Mike Grant? And remember how he won by sucking him off in the middle of the octagon?
Starting point is 00:28:52 And then he was sucking his tooth? Herb shot his load. I mean, they cut the camera for the TV, but, you know. Oh, my God. What is happening? That was dope. that was so good oh my goodness and he really got me on that one please call it please call in every show i need you oh here we go man and these are all different numbers oh fukowski I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I was just playing. You can touch Mertens. Hello? Oh, shoot. Sorry. Sorry. Hello? Hello.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I wish I had a Fikowski, but just turn the phone on. Do not disturb and call your wife. I just got two dudes who want to suck me off who called back to back how are you and you hung up on me oh my goodness okay can you just play that that i want to apologize because i put i yeah this thing okay so i thought this was real and i apologize but i'm not pulling it down, but, but it's just watch this. Hold on. Hold on. Can you pause that? Hold on. Hey, that was one of the guys wants to suck me off. I was going to tell him just to swing by my house later. Okay. Go ahead. Play that thing again. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Mix together a Hawaiian punch and a baby bottle pop candy mix that around really well and then put in a handful of gummy candies after that we have to of course add creamer it turns into such a pretty color my son loves this drink would you try it there is the perfect healthy summer and then down at the bottom it says like satire this is not real but the truth is i'm going to tell you guys don't tell anyone but i saw that i saw the mom and she was like fat and i saw the kid and he was like on his way to fat and i just thought geez these people are fucked and then i thought these people get to weigh in on the decision of whether we we force injections on our kid no thank you but then it says satire i never
Starting point is 00:31:00 went back to the site to see if the whole site was a satire site, but it's run by this lady. Couldn't find it again. Seven watch UFC before school. I don't know about that. I definitely didn't see. I definitely didn't see the match where the dude got blown in the middle of the ring. Okay. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:31:16 I apologize for posting that. I get, I get, not for posting, but for misleading, misleading. Okay. Um,
Starting point is 00:31:23 let, let's see if, uh, if I can call my wife right here, let's see if she'll come on. She, I don't think she's going to like this, um let's see if uh if i can call my wife right here let's see if she'll come on i don't think she's gonna like this but let's see oh shoot uh what's her number oh let's see i wonder if she's listening to the show. She teaches a breathing and meditation class. Hello.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Hi. Hi. You're live on the air. Okay. Hello. What are you doing? I'm driving. you having fun yeah i was actually listening to your show did you know i was gonna call did you hear those did you hear those two dudes who called and wanted to blow me i was a little behind nope that was
Starting point is 00:32:20 on to that part are you sure they were guys guys? You're really missing out. I'm pretty sure they were guys. You're spoiling it for me. I'm not there yet. You're going to pick the kids up? I am. What are we having for dinner tonight? I thought it was your night to cook. Oh, darn it.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Well, you know what we'll have if I'm cooking. Tell them. Tell them what we'll have if I'm cooking? Tell them. Tell them what we'll have if I'm cooking. Well, tell them what? Tell them what I'll have, what we'll have if I'm cooking. If I was in charge of dinner, what would we eat? Yeah, that's true. Tell them.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Tell them, woman. Tell them. Well, salami, cheese, cucumber, cut up nicely on a spread, a charcuterie board, is that how you pronounce it? I never know how to pronounce that word. A charcuterie board? Yes. Devon's version of it anything else that's it watermelon watermelon and a glass of milk with liver king powder this is the poorest man's dinner i've ever heard Dude That's so bad If she leaves me alone with the kids, that's all we eat I just chop cucumbers and some meat and cheese
Starting point is 00:33:49 And that's dinner always My kids love it, they just know They just know No one even gets their own plate It's just like gather around it No, it's all on my plate We need one of those ladies I'll invite like 10 people over
Starting point is 00:34:05 and she's like what are we eating I'm like just cucumber salami and cheese what do you mean you want me to order a pizza hey on a serious note the dog was on our bed
Starting point is 00:34:18 the big dog on our bed yeah have you ever seen that before? No. You don't let your dog in your bed? No, our dog is huge. Our dog could kill you on accident. And it's a vicious dog.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Gotcha. It can't be on the bed. You have to be alpha at all times with this fucking thing. He's encroaching on the territory. Yeah. Anyway, okay. What did you do? Is the territory. Yeah. Anyway. Okay. You don't want to know what I did. I don't want to know. All right. I love you. Thanks for taking care of me and the family.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And thanks for coming on the show. Anytime. Okay. I'll be there with dinner soon. Okay. I love you. Bye. Bye Haley. Okay. Love you. Bye. Bye Caleb. The only caller we've had that doesn't want to dinner soon. Okay. I love you. Bye. Bye. Bye. Love you. Bye. Bye. Caleb. The only caller we've had that doesn't want to blow me. Okay. Um, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:13 how about you pull up white claw is white claws. Bad. Oh, okay. Shit. Oh, Shreveport, Louisiana. i know some people there i know a doctor there hello hello hi hey hi how you doing good how are you wait uh i'm an actually amateur female mma fighter have you guys ever heard of the cooter clutch
Starting point is 00:35:42 how how do you call from a different phone number every time? I'm sorry. How do you call from a different phone every time? What do you mean? Oh, you're breaking up pretty bad. Oh, it must be something through a computer. That's why. How? Excuse me? Nothing. Go ahead. computer. That's why. How? Excuse me? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Go ahead. Sorry. What about your cooter? No, the cooter clutch. It's when you squeeze their legs like a watermelon. Uh-huh. Yeah, and then you got to pop it out of the socket. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And lock it and drop it. Uh-huh. Have you guys ever seen that before? I think Valentina Shevchenko did it once. I don't think she has. Well, she should. I mean, she's got those legs. I like it how you know her.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I'm sorry. I'm getting a little bit hot and bothered right now. I like it how you know her name. Well, thank you for calling your sweet young thing. Are you boy or girl? Excuse me? Are you boy or girl? Excuse me? Are you assuming my gender? Are you trying to assume my gender?
Starting point is 00:36:50 No, I'm trying to guess your genitalia. Do you have cock and balls or vagina? Oh, the vagina. Yes. You have one of those? Yes, sir. All right. Well, enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Thank you for calling. Bye-bye. The surgery went well matt pratt seven you keep saying i was one of the guys that wanted to blow you who called in level i just want to ask you does mal have a shot at being tia no i do know enough about crossfit uh caleb does mal have a shot of being to you i don't even know anymore i know no no tia is unbeatable old not even just the justin madaris is unbeatable and he can't even beat tia do you do you remember in the rich froning movie when they are like marcus hongren and all
Starting point is 00:37:39 those guys were just talking about how uh they uh they're like oh rich is getting washed up he's a little old he's flatlined all that other shit i feel like people started saying that shit about tia recently when she started taking on athletes but i just it's gonna be another it's it's just it's just like rich she's not her her she fucking unleashed holy hell at Torian Pro. And her body looked... Doesn't even look real. No. The most amazing physique.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I mean, it's nuts. It's nuts. She looks like a perfect woman. And performs... I mean, I don't know what to say. She seems larger than life. When I saw her in real life, I did not think she was like...
Starting point is 00:38:27 She's like, what, 5'6"? 5'5"? I don't know. I think she's small. When I see her on TV, she looks like... Just larger than... Same with Amanda Barnhart. Amanda Barnhart doesn't look real either.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Amanda Barnhart looks like she's an avatar like she needs a tail plug into her tail would you plug into amanda barnhart's tail if you had a tail definitely yeah we'd link up uh white claw is bad for you will you play that clip yeah i don't know yeah i'm feeling better but you know what i i was fooling around today in the gym i climbed the ladder pretty high today for like a couple hours i was moving a ladder around doing I don't know. Yeah, I'm feeling better, but you know what? I was fooling around today in the gym. I climbed the ladder pretty high today for like a couple hours. I was moving a ladder around doing some trimming in the yard and I didn't feel like myself. Okay, watch this. I really like this. I sent this to a bunch of friends. White claw. I just found it over there in the woods. It's black cherry flavored. Lots of people don't understand what goes into their body the moment they drink this.
Starting point is 00:39:31 All right, this is a white claw. I just. Did you see what it was? It's good, right? Wow, I didn't know it would do such a thing. Hey, the creativity on social media is so great uh just drop it off out front the pizza and i'll come around and get it in 20 minutes i'm in the middle of a podcast oh shoot darn it again ruining my one line hi are you an m MMA fighter that wants to blow me? No, but I did intern at UFC.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yes. Why do you laugh? Because you have the disguised voice. What? I'm at the old location on Sahara Avenue, right there with the In-N-Out. I love it. Perfect. Yeah. In the partnership marketing.
Starting point is 00:40:25 I'm not bullshitting you. I see you guys laughing. I believe you. i don't know what to believe today i don't even know if that was really my wife oh my god yeah did you see that white claw did you know that if you drink white white claws have dildos in them that's incredible tommy drinks white claw oh jesus i like this guy oh my goodness i just want to give a shout out to my buddy ava she came out of the closet during pride month I like this guy. Oh my goodness. I just want to give a shout out to my buddy Avaz. He came out of the closet during Pride Month. Avaz? What's up, Avaz? He's a fag fucker.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Welcome, welcome, Avaz. Love you, buddy. Love you. Well, that's cool. Everyone should come out. Reality and truth is what's in your head. How about that? Just going to go through and just destroy this list of stuff. Yeah, I know. Richard Margerine.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I want to know if Richard Margerine and Dick Butter are the same guy. Oh, this is great. How have I not seen this movie yet? I don't have time to see this, but this guy is so good. What's his name? Matt Burns? Matt Marshall? Matt? Matt Walsh. Matt Walsh. My goodness, Matt. Male gametes. That's what makes me male. No. Your sperm
Starting point is 00:41:34 don't make you male. Then what does? It's a constellation. In reality. In truth. Okay. Whose truth are we talking about? The same truth that says we're sitting in this room right now, you and I. No, you're not listening. If I see a chicken laying eggs and I say that's a female chicken laying eggs,
Starting point is 00:41:51 did I assign female or am I just observing a physical reality that's happening in the world? Does a chicken have gender identity? Does a chicken cry? Does a chicken commit suicide? Let's frame it because you're talking, you're trying to. A chicken has sex like any biological organism. Chicken has an assigned gender, but a chicken doesn't have a gender identity. So we assign female to chickens when they lay eggs?
Starting point is 00:42:13 We assume they're female if they lay eggs. Male. So do you guys see what's going on there? Outside of the fact that it's absurd, it seems like a Saturday Night Live skit. outside of the fact that it's absurd, it seems like a Saturday Night Live skit. There's two mechanisms there. The only two mechanisms that people ever use when you start digging into the truth. I don't want to pick on any of my guests, but there's some guests that when I've had on that,
Starting point is 00:42:38 like I think we're going to go deep and we don't because, because they, I mean, I see people use this mechanism all the time, but one of them is, is you shift the subject, you shift away. But the other one is, is you call the other person into the conversation. It's often referred to as ad hominem. If when you attack the person, the way she did, it was more subtle. She said, you're not listening. You never do that. So if you were, if you were with a comedic, if you were a theater person and you guys were going to do, what's that called when, not to do um what's that called when uh not ad lib what's it called when theater people just go on stage and they do like improv improv thank you caleb god you're a mind reader i don't give you shit and you just read my mind when you
Starting point is 00:43:17 do improv if caleb and i were there and i was doing improv the you always have the the rule is always push everything forward so i would be like oh God, can you believe the size of that dinosaur? Caleb doesn't say that's not a dinosaur or he doesn't say it's not tall. Yeah. He goes and it's purple too. I've never seen a purple dinosaur. And then I, I, I don't say, um, it's not purple. I say, is it laying eggs, Caleb? And then, and then you just keep pushing the story forward. And when you do that, good things happen. You just keep digging, digging. Well, when you're speaking with someone, if the two people can stay out of the conversation personally, you can get to the truth. So few people can do it. This happened today to me. So few people can do it they either have to bring themselves into it
Starting point is 00:44:10 or they have to bring you into it because it gets to a depth where it's uncomfortable for them they start dipping into the unknown there's a vulnerability there and so he's doing he's doing that to her um he well he he wants to go somewhere with her but both people have to be vulnerable and she shifts she says you're not listening but then she also switches it he just wants to know she could have just said i don't know but instead she switches the subject to something called gender identity he's not he's he's that that doesn't even mean anything identity he's not he's he's that that doesn't even mean anything and uh that that is that unfortunately i don't mean this unfortunately that's a that's a mental disorder at that point
Starting point is 00:44:56 because now you're conflating go ahead go ahead i feel like they're almost caught up in like this inception of like have you ever seen the movie inception where like they get to the point i didn't understand it at all that was the leonardo dicaprio one yeah they just like get to a point where they don't even understand what reality is they just keep like building these different like mazes like microcosms of like worlds and worlds and worlds and worlds and i feel like at this point they've just gotten to the point where they don't even know what is or isn't reality. So they just keep talking in circles and talking in circles, and you can't even navigate through it to have a discussion with them. But that's the problem.
Starting point is 00:45:33 They think they do. And so they can't have just a real vulnerable conversation with like, okay, is this a cup? Can we agree? As soon as he said, okay, are we both sitting here? And she said, i know what you're trying to do and then there it is she brought him into the conversation again you don't have to do that it's sad it's um there's nothing and it comes from fear it comes from fear and politics it's the same thing when they ask that woman, the Supreme Court justice, what is a woman? And she could have just answered it.
Starting point is 00:46:12 But she's afraid that they're playing games. They're afraid she's playing games. And both people are becoming stupid. Here's the thing, too. Someone in the comments on youtube wrote i like savon's podcast but i stopped listening because he always interjects politics into it and i would argue with you that it's not politics i would argue that i don't do politics i know i use that word liberal and use that word democrat because i came from there but i'd argue that it's just law. I'm just trying to be logical. And I just have, and, and, and, and my, my angle is, is that I have concerns for society specifically for what, how my kids are going to be brought up in it and what they're going to have to deal with. They're going to deal with people who, who are going to be telling them that certain things are real that are not absolutely not real thoughts. And it's okay for everyone to have
Starting point is 00:47:04 their own thoughts, but it's not for everyone to have their own thoughts, but it's not okay to project them onto the world. You can't say that every Jew is bad and deserves to be burned. It's not acceptable. I mean, you can say it, but you can't make it your agenda. You can say whatever you want, but you can't make it your agenda. You can say whatever you want, but you can't make it your agenda and force it onto other people.
Starting point is 00:47:30 You can't have intolerance. And there's this agenda around intolerance that's being pushed, that's just being fabricated. COVID was one of them. We saw it happen. You saw I posted something else again today. It's two pictures of the same storefront. One says, everyone's welcome. The other one says, you must wear
Starting point is 00:47:57 a mask. It's a lie. This isn't politics. This is dishonesty. This is just no integrity. There's a school now I saw somewhere. I'll bring it up. I'll bring it up on the thing. I think over the past three years,
Starting point is 00:48:20 or I guess now, the excuse for the past three years is like, oh, well, we didn't know. I mean, for COVID at least we did know but we did know the first data to come out of china and i've said this a million times is that the vast majority was like 90 of all the people dying in china were men 65 and older who had been smoking for 30 years or more. And the second highest group was their spouses, you know, right there. And, and if you can think, you know, right away that it's not age age is there. These are all correlates. If you don't know what correlates is, take a minute and look it up. These are not cause and effect. It's so important in order to think clearly.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Your life will be so much happier. You can be free like me. And party. I think people who work in the medical field have this emotional tie to everything too now. Just because they've had to deal... i understand there was a significant amount of people who were uh on vents and they were dying and then like in the initial stages of this and
Starting point is 00:49:34 everything so like the people who were there during that time they have like this emotional tie to people getting covid and like preventing people from getting covid or prevent people from dying and all that other stuff but like they don, they're not looking at it from an objective standpoint anymore. They're looking at it subjectively with their emotions. Yeah. Yeah. It's all, it's, it's a moat. It's all emotion. It's never, I mean, people want to debate me in the gun thing and my DMS and all it's the exact same thing with COVID. I just want to know if you ban guns, you're saying if you ban all guns, no kids would be killed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:08 What are the other consequences? If we killed everyone, no one would be killed. I mean, you're just not making any sense. You think you are because you're emotionally fucking separated from the fucking big picture. They thought that if they put everyone inside and did a quarantine that it would stop covid that's that's like just idiocy but but that's the same idiocy with no one thought of the consequences the consequences are massive mental mental illness we thought we would fucking hate on cops because 12 unarmed black men were killed the consequences thousands of black men were killed
Starting point is 00:50:42 additionally this year because of that what are the consequences of banning these guns? You don't want to talk about it because you're emotionally ā€“ you're just emotionally ā€“ or you're myopic and you're just looking at the world like this. Okay, we got a wrong gun. They're like, oh, this is a problem. This is a solution. Yeah. We're good. It's like, okay, well, did you see what happened last time?
Starting point is 00:51:02 There was an unarmed population and somebody didn't like them? Right. And if you're so right, look at the big picture and answer my question. If you're so right. I don't know if I'm right. But you can't tell me that. So we're not doing it. We're not bringing in a frog onto our island to get rid of this insect.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And then that frog fucking wipes everything else out. And then the deer die. Ban guns, feed the war machine with 40 billion. I know, all that stuff too, but I just want to stay to the logical point. Just, okay. Stock and oil Democrats. How about that? Speaking of, I'm not political.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Everyone keeps telling me I look like this guy, Zeus. I don't know who this guy is. This is pretty cool. Check this out. I follow this page. Check this out. This is kind of crazy. In January, I made a video talking about how Congressman Debbie Schultz was loading up on shares of the oil drilling company Patterson Energy.
Starting point is 00:52:04 And I found her purchase interesting for two reasons. With the first being that she's on the House Committee for Energy and Water, which may give you a unique insight into the company. And secondly, she's a Democrat who, in my experience, typically don't invest into oil and gas stocks. Well, she finally sold it as of today, June 2nd. And I went to check how it's done since then. And the stock is up over 100% since the start of the year. And this is pretty crazy to think about when you consider the fact that the overall market is down pretty substantially since that point. So to see what else lawmakers are buying and selling right now,
Starting point is 00:52:29 check out my website, where I stream their trades live. Dang. That guy follows all the politicians and watches their investments. Yeah, I always find that super interesting. It's a cool Instagram account. Insider training.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I don't even know. Victim mindset start. Victim mindset bitch start show with this. Oh, this is something I thought was good enough to start the show with. Uh-oh. This is making me nervous. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is the guy everyone says I should try to get on the show.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Be good. Is this the guy who owns First Form? I'm connecting the dots now. Is this the guy that owns First Form? That's the supplement company? Yeah, I can't remember. No winner's circle. Zero. There's no Olympic medal. There's no
Starting point is 00:53:23 fucking championship trophy. There's no fucking winner's circle. There's no Halllympic medal there's no fucking championship trophy there's no fucking winner's circle there's no hall of fame for who the biggest fucking victims are all the championship stories all the awards all the accolades all the riches all the fucking glory goes to people who overcome shit not whine about the same motherfucking shit for 10 years straight on the fucking internet. You can look forward or you can look backwards, but you can't look both ways at the same motherfucking time. Are you going to sit there for the rest of your fucking life and talk about all the hard shit that's happened? Learn what you need to learn from the things that have happened to you and move the fuck on. So instead of spending all your time telling yourself this fucking story
Starting point is 00:54:05 of how you can't move forward because you're this, this, this, this, recognize that you're actually being a fucking bitch. Think about it. You will never get where you want to go playing the victim. Booyah!
Starting point is 00:54:21 That's a 75 hard cut. No, oh, I think that's also the first form guy Someone tell me Someone will know in the comments Andy Frizzle pops up on my feed randomly On motivational videos Yashigami
Starting point is 00:54:37 Yashigami Is that his real name Yashigami Seems legit Yashigami Oh yeah yeah someone wrote yes he owns first form Seems legit. Yashgami. Oh, yeah, yeah. Someone wrote, yes, he owns First Form. Oh, and that's what I think Hunter was telling me, that that's a really cool company.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Yeah, he was talking about it. All right. Well, I need a benefactor, so. Okay, I want to show you this thing. Will you bring up this article? So one of the tenets of parenting is that, if you're going to be a good parent, is that when you give your kid consequences, they have to be related to the event. you, um, your kid knocks over his glass of milk. The consequences, he has to stop eating, stop what he's doing, go get some rags and clean it up. That's the consequence. You don't, um, you don't make the consequence something. If they do something bad, like if they throw a rock and break a window, the consequence isn't, um000 burpees. The consequence is sweep up the glass and put together a plan on how you're going to pay for that broken window and then execute on it.
Starting point is 00:55:54 There has to be a tie to the consequence to the bad deed. So I'll give you another example in politics. When certain states weren't raising the drinking age, I think Texas didn't raise it to 21. They were the last ones to do it. Maybe the federal government said, we're not going to give any states money for the highways that don't raise the drinking age to 21. And it's tied there, right? We don't want to support drunk drivers on the road. So we're going to take away your money to build roads and take care of your roads. Like if we're going to be partners on the road, we're going to take away your money to build roads and take care of your roads like if we're going to be partners on the roads we want to make some decisions who drives on the road okay and and whether they're sober or not sober so there's a connection there okay you guys see me on that you feel me on that and it's it's sort of difficult for some parents to stay in line with
Starting point is 00:56:38 that i know it sounds simple when i say it but people fuck it up okay well you but the punishment needs to be related to the crime so caleb's going to bring this up this says no free lunch biden admin will pool meal funding for schools that don't comply with lesbian gay bisexual transgender trans agenda i think that's what lgbt so lesbian i want to tell you guys a lesbian a lesbian is when a female that when someone with a vagina wants to be intimate when someone with a vagina wants to be intimate, uh, when someone with a vagina also wants to be with someone with a vagina, like their life partner or their girlfriend. And so it's two vaginas and gay. I think gay can be, uh, both. I think gay, you can be, I could be wrong, but, um, I think gay look up the word gay. I don't know, but let's
Starting point is 00:57:23 say gay, just for the sake of this story, the spirit of the story is two dudes with peacocks who they want to be intimate with each other. Like that's, that, that's your, that's your preference. You're not into, into vagina. And then bi is like, you do both. And trans is, I think you were a dude and now you're a girl. Oh no. Gay can be both ways. so it's kind of oh especially a man okay yeah yeah okay so so yeah okay fine there's no go figure there's no actually hard definition for gay but but but it's it's same genitalia wanting to touch and trans i think is you had
Starting point is 00:58:00 what you have one genitalia but you wish you had the other. Pull up that word too, trans. Let's see. So all of these definitions, though, my point is it doesn't matter if I have them accurate or not for this. Denoting or relating to a person who's sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex. So that word doesn't even like, that's not even, that's not even a real word. I mean, that's, that's not even science. I mean, you can't even ground that in anything because genders, it's an imaginary, Oh man, what a mess this word is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:38 But anyway, it basically is if you have a cock and you want a vagina, you have a genie want to cock. Okay. Go back to the article again. This entire thing, so we know it's all about cock. It's all about genitalia. This is all about genitalia. No free lunch. Biden admin will pool meal funding for schools that don't comply with its genitalia agenda.
Starting point is 00:59:04 I don't know if trans has to do with sexual identity to be honest i think that because the other the others do the others are like who you want to like who's genitalia you want to put in your mouth or rub against your genitalia i don't know if trans is if i want to be completely honest that's just like dealing with your own genitalia they didn't say like i don't know if you're a dude and you want a vagina then i I don't know if trans, if you're, if you're trans bi, I, who knows from there, but, but they're different. The first three letters are different than the fourth letter in terms of the action. Those first three are based on like, on, on, on intimacy, sexual intimacy, that, that fourth one, who knows? No one one knows how does that have anything to do with
Starting point is 00:59:46 lunches at schools is my point how is there a connection there how about like like if you don't sexualize if you don't if you don't if you don't sexualize your kids if you don't have a sexual agenda in your school i i don't understand how that's tied in with lunch. That's like bullying. It's like what you do. If you took a girl out on a date and paid for the food, you'd expect her to put out. It's like that.
Starting point is 01:00:22 That's what the government's saying. There's no connection. You paid for the lunch, and now you expect your girl to hook up. It's like that. That's what the government's saying. There's like no connection. You paid for the lunch and now you expect your girl to like hook up with you? Go fuck yourself. And is the LGBT agenda is that them like talking about it in classrooms?
Starting point is 01:00:36 Like allowing them to talk about it in classrooms? I don't even know what that is. And that's probably a whole nother thing. But it's just bizarre to me. How, who, who, who thought that that was okay to make that connection, find some other connection,
Starting point is 01:00:49 take their lunch money away. How about this? If they, if they buy any food from Nestle, then we take their, their federal funding away. Okay. I'm down with that.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Fucking no candy bars. If they don't have, if they don't make it a zone meal, we're taking their money away. Okay. I with that. Fucking no candy bars. If they don't have, if they don't make it a zone meal, we're taking their money away. Okay. I get that. But if you don't talk about cock and balls and vagina with the kids, the cock and balls and vagina agenda,
Starting point is 01:01:14 this is fucking nuts. It's, it's not even a connection. I know most of you just don't like the fact that the cock and balls and shit are being talked about in school, but that's a whole different story. Okay. It's just,
Starting point is 01:01:24 it's not, it's, it's, it's not right. It story okay it's just it's not it's it's not right it's it's it's bad thinking again it's bad thinking again okay uh what's this one gay rights okay here we go anomaly my boy anomaly i should i would i should ask him if he's on the show again this is pretty funny here we go operations. Corporations exposed. BMW, BMW Middle East. Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Benz Middle East. Uber, gay in the West, not in Sri Lanka. Coca-Cola, gay in the West, not in Ghana. If these corporations care about gay rights so much, why don't they stop business or try to pressure politicians and legislation in Africa and the Middle East? It's because they're full of shit. And it's not just the big corporations,
Starting point is 01:02:10 it's most activists. Do you hear even an ounce of gratefulness out of anybody in the West? Like, oh, we get to do this here, be outward with it, be open. It's pretty rare in human history. You know, I'm grateful to live in America where they allow this. None of that. They just hate us, you know, I'm grateful to live in America where they allow this. None of that. They just hate us, hate the country, hate the people here, hate the culture and stay awfully silent about cultures who don't allow them. It makes you really wonder, do they really like and love the things that they talk about or do they just hate us? Big corporations exposed. BM. Bam. I like that. Uber gay here, not in Sri Lanka. It it's just like formula one they have like this big push to like no more war like stop human trade slave slave or whatever and
Starting point is 01:02:56 yet they're still gonna go race in the middle east and they're not gonna not do that like nobody's gonna pull their funding for that it's like here you guys you guys don't really give a shit do you no they don't i don't blame them for not giving a shit i don't give a shit either but but but to lie about it i blame them for that i don't blame them for giving a shit you don't have to give a shit it's your fucking company but the lying shit fuck you it makes me makes me you the same integrity that you have that represents your company has gone into built into into your product and we all know that okay alpha move damn darn now we're going to talk about crossfit again did you guys see this post on uh dave castro's instagram this so the, the,
Starting point is 01:03:45 the, the story with, um, hero wads is it's a, it was always a very, very, uh, sensitive issue over at CrossFit Inc.
Starting point is 01:03:51 When I was there, these were taken very, very seriously. You had to be some dude or some chick or some trans or some something that was killed in the line of duty. You couldn't have died. This guy says passed away from cancer while active in duty that, that in the, in the past, that wouldn't have, that wouldn't have flown. There's been all sorts of ones that, that, that I've seen anyway. And, and, and the process you you had the the person that you had
Starting point is 01:04:27 to we had to prove someone had to prove that they did crossfit and then the the mom and dad and like the family and the wife had to be okay with the hero one then maybe there was a couple other things too dave doesn't even work at crossfit as far as we. Unless you get Diablo's newsletter. And it says this is from the TDC, the Dave Castro Instagram account, blue checkmark. This Saturday, this is last Saturday. This Saturday is one year since Zach Miller passed away from cancer while on active duty. if you need a workout for the weekend hit this one up over the years greg and i created a number of hero workouts a handful for heroes i work with i didn't serve with zach but i was an instructor when he went through but so that just shows uh uh dave is has some emotional attachment to this guy he bent the rules for him uh cool down with bicep curls that's really weird that's
Starting point is 01:05:26 just must be just oh probably because that dude liked bicep curls yeah that's hilarious that's awesome okay and uh and he and he's saying consider this now an official crossfit hero what who the fuck is this guy consider this now an official CrossFit hero he can't do that can he he can do whatever he wants he can do whatever he wants alpha Dave
Starting point is 01:05:57 alpha Dave he says it's a hero WOD it's a hero WOD so be it friend of mine left their checkbook at the dmv the other day right on the counter bam next day they can't find their checkbook they go back to the dmv and uh They go back to the DMV and they ask, hey, did I leave my checkbook here? And the DMCV says, here, look through our lost and found box. And it's a box and they just give it to her.
Starting point is 01:06:38 And it's like a like a wine box or like a box that holds like apples, you know. And she looks in there. She's digging through all the shit like sweatshirts and just pens and just all the garbage, and bam, there's her checkbook. She wipes the coronavirus off her checkbook. In Australia, they put her in quarantine for six months. Canada, they give her an anal suppository. UK, they feed her 30 Big Macs. But this is the US, so you don't have to do none of that shit.
Starting point is 01:07:12 But in the hierarchy of dumb shit and not being a valuable human and just like go jump off a bridge, like go fuck yourself, that is closer. Not calling someone when they leave their checkbook there. They're not putting your card away. I don't care if you never put your card away. You find someone's checkbook or wallet. You call the number on it.
Starting point is 01:07:41 It's the only decent thing to do. You don't put it in a box with a bunch of other shit if you do that like you're a do you have no self-worth are you never going to get ahead in life do you not think that it's important to think about anybody it's pathetic when i hear stories like that well someone at least no one stole it i don't care i don't care like i'm not a lowest It's pathetic when I hear stories like that. Well, at least no one stole it. I don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:08:10 I'm not a lowest common denominator guy. People should do their best. Be your best person. Put the shopping cart away. Yeah, put the shopping cart away too. But do you know how bummed people are when they lose their wallet? Do you know how happy they are when they find it? Their checkbook? Who uses a checkbook you know this is probably some like 132 year old lady who's like can't handle the stress of losing her shit 175 year old man
Starting point is 01:08:37 just bums me out. Okay. Last man standing clip. Gun. Gun. Do you see that? Yep. Did you see Jeff Burge? Backspot 405. Who?
Starting point is 01:09:00 Jeff Burgefield. Oh, no. It doesn't surprise me. He's been getting just strong. He's doing the Josh Bridges thing, right? Pay the man program. Oh, no. It doesn't surprise me. He's been getting just strong. He's doing the Josh Bridges thing, right? Pay the man program? Dude, it's a tank. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:10 What are you doing? Cleaning a flintlock. Oh. My computer just froze. No problem. No problem. Hold on. Oh, man, my notes are a mess.
Starting point is 01:09:28 I swear I'm going to fix my notes. I'm sorry they're such a mess. I'm trying to go through them. Trying to go through them. Trying to go through them. What are you doing? Cleaning a flintlock musket from the Revolutionary War while enjoying a little bacon and biscuits.
Starting point is 01:09:42 This is what our forefathers died for. Can you do that in your den? The Bill of Rights says I can do this wherever I want to do this. Well, what if your two-year-old grandson walked in here? And overpowers me? Your back could be turned. You could be reaching for a piece of bacon. Yeah, he could grab the musket out of my hand,
Starting point is 01:10:01 shove me to the ground, pour the correct amount of powder in here, take the ramrod, jam it down there, get a musket ball, put that in there, take the ramrod back out, jam that down there, half cock it, put a percussion cap in there, fully cock the thing, and somehow shoot me in the foot. Just keep the safety on? Honey, this whole gun is the safety. It's a miracle we're not speaking British right now.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Morning, Mom. Hi, sweetie. What you got there? 69 caliber flintlock? That's my girl. I don't need to say nothing. I don't need to say nothing. Yeah, that's great.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Agency made to protect America. Oh, speaking of guns this is it's funny this is a super old uh old one that i that i needed to get to what pop this up this is just classic crap this is the stuff that people in other countries i mean a lot of people in other countries don't understand about the united states just don't understand politics or the government in general because they trust their government so much And that's why they end up with people like Trudeau. So listen up if you're from Canada, Australia, or the UK. The Homeland Security Agency created after the 2001 terrorist attack to protect the nation's
Starting point is 01:11:20 transportation system has been quite busy investigating and finding travelers who do not wear masks to supposedly slow the spread of COVID-19. Since February 2021, when the face mask security directive was implemented to March 2022, the Transportation Security Administration has investigated more than 3,800 cases involving non-mask passengers, according to a federal audit. The agency charged with preventing another 9-11 issued more than 2,700 warning notices and over 900 civil penalties against passengers. Do you see what happened here? The government wasted their time investigating people for things that didn't matter? Yeah, and you built one thing to do one thing, and now it's doing something else that's
Starting point is 01:12:04 horrible. That's actually killing people. I can't believe they went from investigating people for terroristic threats to ā€“ And do you know why they did that? Job security. Those people want to keep their jobs. They don't care. And you ā€“ and that's the thing also that people don't understand.
Starting point is 01:12:24 When you ā€“ every time they raise taxes oh but elon can afford it you're such a dipshit seven all the rich guys can i don't care if they can afford it or not i would rather they spend it on bentley's and tipping young men working at hotels and girls working at young girls working at hotels and and and paying for services than giving it to the government. So the government can form agencies that are giving 3,800 tickets or 2,700 tickets. No, sorry. 900, 900 tickets at $699 a piece. I'm not interested in treating our people like that. That's not how I want my money, my tax money spent.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Have you ever seen the face on somebody who's tipped like $20? Yeah. Dude dude they're like incredulous about it don't ever ask me that again i used to be rich i used to tip that shit all the time oh i do it just because just because now now i give a dollar and and and hate them for it and hate them there was one guy he was giving me a wash. He was like drying my car and he ran around the car. Like if he, if he forgot a towel, he ran back to the supplies, grabbed a towel and ran back. I've never seen somebody work so hard to wash cars.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Yeah. That dude deserved a 20. My wife got mad at me for it. I was like, that motherfucker deserves it. Yeah. Yeah. Very good, dude. You are a good dude. Yeah. Yeah. Very good, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:45 You are a good dude. Okay. This is why guys are so cool. By the way, this next one, girls, I shouldn't say that. I'm not knocking you,
Starting point is 01:13:55 but this is why men are so cool. Cause we can do shit like this. We're just so cool. It's so awesome. Like, this is like alpha man shit. This is just so cool. I love this.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Watch this. so awesome like this is like alpha man shit this is just so cool i love this watch this how good is that yes dudes can just do shit like that that's awesome it's like the guy that walked around and started laying on other dudes and they're just like yeah yeah yeah yeah dudes can just do that shit that's cool dudes like real dudes just grab a random dude's hand next to you and cross the street that's awesome oh i love it uh where was that oh oh yeah i skipped some okay go back up to this why i'll never wear nike this is this nike is a just a scumbag predator company they're just predators they just live off of stupid people they live off of stupid people look at this
Starting point is 01:14:59 this is a shoe that they've made. It's their activist shoe. They have a military shoe, an EMT fire shoe, a healthcare shoe. They don't even have a first responder shoe. They have a military shoe. They have a shoe for activists. Do you know what activists are? Activists are people who complain, who talk about things like white fragility. They burn Ferguson down. They talk about Black Lives Matter, just all that shit. return their checkbook to them. Do you know how much more valuable you are as a human being when you do that? And put a Black Lives Matter sign in your
Starting point is 01:15:47 front lawn? Or when you burn a building down? I think Cole Sager wore these at the MAC and I got a little bit more respect for him for it. Why? I don't know. Just cause he appreciates people who are EMT and fire.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Oh, you're making me sick. Fuck Nike. They don't even care. Come on, man. Uh, okay.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Number 57. Oh, maybe I've played this before. Oh, nope. This one's good. This guy's's great i'd like to get this guy on the show he dm'd me the other day this guy did yeah promoting his uh music oh so it wasn't really like a personal dm oh hey there bud it seems to me that you think I don't like black people, so I should join those people. It's really interesting to me that you would say that considering you don't like me, which is why you said that, which is kind of funny because I'm a black person. And if you as a black person don't like black people, maybe you should take your own advice. Oh, hey there, bud.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Isn't logic weird? Everything's so backwards. Isn't logic amazing? Oh my God. Eric Utley. I just bought an $8,000 motorcycle to combat the high gas prices 50 miles per gallon though
Starting point is 01:17:28 return on investment should be pretty quick I've been trying to convince my wife to let me get a motorcycle she don't like it man I know you guys are going to laugh but Vespas are amazing I got the nicest Vespa I rode it from San Diego to Santa cruz is it red no silver it's
Starting point is 01:17:48 dope it's got a pipe on it and everything uh oh my goodness i just got an incoming message saying that Alex Parker wore those activist shoes while typing her petition to get rid of Chase. Too good. She is now giving them away. She's doing a raffle and she's giving them away signed and she's going to give all the money she makes to, uh, chase so that, um,
Starting point is 01:18:29 you can get them through the tough times after CrossFit fires him for saying that the Dallas Cowboys were better than the Philadelphia Eagles or whatever the fuck he said. Uh, number 62, man, some of these are old. Sorry guys guys i don't even know what this one is they poison your kids and you're worried about ukraine and covid and racism let's see what this is okay here we go uh oh my goodness okay let me scroll down a second what is this hello rocket family let me see what this is scroll down a second. What is this? Hello, Rocket family. Let me see what this is. Scroll down.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Besides that, wow, scroll down a little bit. I want to see where this is from. No, no, no, the top. No, sorry. Top scroll up. Fleming Keith Robinson on April 12th, Mayo Elementary School. Hello, Rocket family. Besides the fact that students will be safer with COVID vaccination. Not true.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Not true. Not true. There are other incentives here. A few schoolwide incentives. Currently 29% of our students have received vaccination. Let's go listen. They're giving vaccinated kids. A Slurpee looks huge, a taco and a hot dog.
Starting point is 01:19:43 One of my friends told me the other day that his kid got, I told him not to get his kid vaccinated with any vaccines. They got his kid vaccine, like whatever one of the ones you get your kid when they're two and they're the kid's left leg just blew up like a balloon. The doctor's like, ah, it's normal. They're like, we're not doing that anymore. You know what else is funny is my friends who are not taking their kids to
Starting point is 01:20:04 school because of school shootings. It's like's like dude that's the least of your worries get in jet robert said it right yes yes get injected and get free diabetes on the side i know how are you trusting the person telling you that the vaccine works while they feed your kid a fucking hot dog i'm not saying i'm not saying i'm not saying feed your kid a fucking hot dog. I'm not saying you should never have a hot dog. I'm just saying that you should never have a Slurpee. Okay, I'm not even
Starting point is 01:20:33 going to go there. There's not a consistency there. Okay, what's this portal? What's a 67 portal? Oh, yes, yes. Goodness, I love stuff like this. Yes. Okay. You're gonna like this. The way to enlightenment starts with an unfettered, focused
Starting point is 01:20:54 mind. What are you doing? I thought that dot on your head was from a sniper rifle. Peter, this spot is a sacred adornment. It's a portal. An opening through which all light, goodness, rejuvenation, joy and ecstasy may enter the human
Starting point is 01:21:09 form. A vagina? Get out! The pathway to enlightenment is an unfettered, focused mind. Look out! No! It's a portal to enlightenment uh yash gami safer in theory i had all the vaccines etc i was healthy as fuck got covid
Starting point is 01:21:33 twice in some weeks from staying at home got it from my mom ended up with long covid and heart long problems for three months i'm sorry to hear that by the way i think that's what probably i have probably have like long COVID I know I got a long Oh You want to talk about the UFC or what? I wasn't thinking UFC I was going to praise you guys for calling out Ideological corruption at CrossFit
Starting point is 01:22:00 Oh cool Anything in particular? Yeah just like how they're subverting merit and pushing this evil so-called diversity and inclusion nonsense and not actually
Starting point is 01:22:14 raising people up based on achievement but based on this sort of informal quota system. I just love when you guys call that out because it's destroying our society.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Hey, dude, this friend of mine called me today. Actually, I called him. And he lives in Los Angeles and he works for the city. And he said he works for the city. And what he does for the city, there's these people called equity officers. And they cruise around the city and they check into different departments in the city. And they make sure that no one is getting promoted based on merit but based on and it's another criteria it's based on like your genitalia the
Starting point is 01:22:49 color of your skin uh shit like that i was like wow those are called equity officers doesn't that sound like some star wars fucking world war ii bizarro shit this is 1984 Soviet style nonsense at least the Soviet style I think you could blow someone or pay someone off or like your brother got the hookup now it's like your skin color and your genitalia
Starting point is 01:23:15 this is but that's white male fragility I don't understand it's not racism it's a trip it sounds like it's not racism it's a trip it sounds like it's the end of it sounds like it's like
Starting point is 01:23:31 deters excellence exactly right I'll take the compliment thank you cheers guys thank you for calling bye thank you cheers guys alright thank you for calling bye alright
Starting point is 01:23:48 anyone want to call with some compliments anyone want to like do the gay sex bit again talking sex to kids I chill by myself what's this I chill by myself I chill by myself I do chill by myself.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Chill. I'm a little addicted to my kids though. Okay, let's go. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Before we go, this guy, I like to have him on all the shows. Gunny, Gun By Publishing, Sean G. I don't know him. I just found him on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:24:21 I just love him. I just dig him. I just like what he's doing. I like his social media hootspa. Okay. Let's do it. I chill by myself, man. I chill by myself.
Starting point is 01:24:36 I chill by myself, man. I don't be with nobody else. I don't be with nobody else. I chill by myself. I be by myself. I chill by myself. I don't chill with nobody else. I don't be with nobody else. I chill by myself. I be by myself. I chill by myself. I don't chill with nobody else. If you see me with somebody else, it's a little honey or something like that. That's it. I'm not chilling with a dude for what? Never that. Never that. I chill by myself. You see that? I chill by myself. That's what I do. I prefer that. I like that myself That's what I do I prefer that
Starting point is 01:25:05 I like that It's good for me You understand I grew up as the only child So I'm comfortable with that Comfortable I don't need approval I don't need acceptance
Starting point is 01:25:15 I don't need to be hanging Nah Nah Never that I chill by myself I chill by myself That's what I do. Peace.
Starting point is 01:25:28 Okay, every time he said I chill by myself, drink a shot of JƤgermeister. So good. I just love Sean G. Such a stud. Yeah, me too. I chill by myself too. I chill by myself.
Starting point is 01:25:42 Okay, how about this one? This one looks fun. Fasting and mitochondria, number 72. I used to be and mitochondria number 72 i used to be a mitochondria nut i used to have in my google alerts mitochondria are fascinating listen people if you if you're like man i need to do something to get smart and like you want to look into something look into mitochondria they are a trip they will change your whole perception so much stuff that people have told you about life and X chromosomes and Y chromosomes and your mom and dad make
Starting point is 01:26:08 you up and DNA. If you start digging into mitochondria and what they are and what we know about them and what we don't know about them, you will have your brain blown. They are a trip. Okay, hold on one second. Let's talk. This is from Minneapolis,
Starting point is 01:26:23 Minnesota. Hello. Welcome to the Sal, Minnesota. Hello. Welcome to the Salmon Podcast. Hey. It's Plummer. My voice is gone. Oh, did you get the vid? No, I was yelling yesterday for Nick Matthews.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Oh, cool. Oh, what? Yeah. 50 burpees. Good. I hope you lose your voice for a month. It's disgusting. Come burpees. Good. I hope you lose your voice for a month. It's disgusting. Come on now.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I know. He's a good dude. That was heartbreaking to actually see that. I know. You know what's crazy is it was him and Colton last year, Taylor, someone, JR, someone pointed out. That's crazy. It's not.
Starting point is 01:27:03 And that's the craziest part about it. Or maybe Hillary pointed out. Love, love Colton. Love him. out that's crazy it's not and that's the craziest part about it or maybe he'll reply it out love love colton but i'm rooting for nick at the same time and it's like i'm happy for colton because it's like you look at him he's five four he's he's not supposed to make the games and he makes games dude his upper body is nuts it reminds me of that he's just a slab of me he's just turned himself into a slab of me i saw someone in the comments wrote that he's he's gifted he's not gifted he's the exact what's the opposite of gifted colton's the opposite of gifted what is that the, like that word. Broken.
Starting point is 01:27:48 He's 5'4 and born on a pig farm. Isn't that gifted? That's all hard work. He's the opposite of gifted. What is? Look up the definition of inept. I want to see what that means. He's inept.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Oh, Colton, you got to start a clothing line inept. Holy shit. He was wearing noble this weekend. Probably has to. Having or showing no skill. Clumsy. Yeah. I'm telling you, that's all hard work gifted.
Starting point is 01:28:21 That's his dad making him work in a pig farm. Get up at 4 a.m. Yeah, that's 4 a.m. That's all hard work. There's nothing given to that dude. That's why anyone who doesn't love him, just love him, is nuts. I think where he proved himself was the running workout, was the sled. Because even though it was his weakness, he did good at it. The coolest part was seeing him run alongside Tim Paulson.
Starting point is 01:28:47 That was wild. Yeah. And, and, and even, even the, even the rope race, right.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Just keeping his, just keep staying in the game. I mean, that's, that's all he had to do was finish. What was it? A minute between him and the next last person. So we had it locked up
Starting point is 01:29:06 other than Nick just had to be two more people. God, you need to quit smoking cigarettes, Will. It's so bad. It hurts. It's bad, but I wanted to call in. You're good. I wanted you to call in. Alright, thanks for calling.
Starting point is 01:29:22 Yeah, see you guys. Bye, Caleb. I feel like I should have I should put Will's number in this phone so I recognize it I always say that I'm going to do it right now recent and I'm going to put in how do I do that
Starting point is 01:29:40 create new contact it says I'm just going to put in oh i'll just put in here will plumber is that weird i guess i liked old dudes when i was his age too i hung out with old dudes is it weird that will probably like 20 and i'm 50 and we're friends. That's kind of weird. That's good for him. Uh-oh. Oh, good. This is going to be crazy. This is from Oregon.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Brace yourself. Get your zombie rifles ready. How can I help you? Yo, what up? What? I have two questions. I'll make it quick. Number one. Are you a zombie? I'm two questions. I'll make it quick. Number one.
Starting point is 01:30:27 I'm not a zombie. But you're in Oregon? I am in Oregon. I live in Eugene, Oregon. It's crazy up here, dude. Is your door bolted shut? Yeah, kind of. It's crazy up here, bro. Alright, alright.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Hey, you guys think I'm joking? He even knows. Listen, I know you guys are like, oh, that's cute right. All right. All right. Hey, you guys think I'm joking. You think I'm joking. He even knows. Listen, I know you guys are like, oh, that's cute. That's funny. It's a good bit. I'm telling you, fucking Portland is zombie
Starting point is 01:30:51 then like real zombies. And this guy even knows it. He's not even joking. He's like, yeah, it's really bad. It is bad. Yeah, I'm not joking. I work at it.
Starting point is 01:30:59 I work at a gym here in town and we have we have rotational like every three months we have huge homeless encampments right across the street. We have rotational, every three months, we have huge homeless encampments right across the street. We got kids running in our teen program and there's dudes taking shits on the sidewalk. It's crazy. Drug addict encampments, correction.
Starting point is 01:31:15 Go ahead. Just drug addict encampments. Drug addict encampments, my bad. It's fucking crazy. Question. Number one, did you see that Lane Norton's going at Liver King? I'm surprised you weren't there for it to go independent. No, but it doesn't surprise me.
Starting point is 01:31:32 It doesn't surprise me. I don't really want to talk about it. Go ahead. Go on. Yeah. I don't think he's a good person. he's i don't think that i don't think he's a good person he's he's uh he definitely likes to flaunt his uh his you know his what do you want to call it the letters by his name yeah i mean for sure spreading the truth is cool i just think he's uh every time i see his stuff i have to um you know
Starting point is 01:32:03 you know he tests even the wokeness that lives in me he's just uh he's mean he's he's a mean he's a mean person and he says some things that are so that are get a little extreme around uh sugar uh-huh he does he does do that he loves to he loves to hop on like the dinosaur. Big dinosaur guy. Yeah. But I do like... The thing I do like... I guess big picture. And I probably would fucking love him if he was my neighbor, if we were friends.
Starting point is 01:32:35 But he... I like that thing how he showed that he bought that house by the water and then still drove the Honda Civic. Right. Right. Yeah. That was cool. Yeah. I was just curious if you saw that. I'm sure you did, but you, I know you don't like to promote them on here, but I didn't see it, but I will check it out. Yeah. Check it out. The other question I have,
Starting point is 01:32:57 five books that you would give to a 25-year-old male to read to make them the best 25-year-old male or prepared for the world that we live in now? Doubt and Chang. Yeah, definitely the Doubt and Chang. I knew that was going to be one. Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. Okay. Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert
Starting point is 01:33:26 Heinlein. Okay. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Okay. Michael Singer has a book, Living Untethered. I think... That's five. I think that's five, right?
Starting point is 01:33:43 Man, there's so many good books that was pretty good that was pretty good are you i was scared i was scared you had me scared i didn't know you could name five i know suza has like a list on his instagram so i was like yes suza is suza would tell you i mean every every book that suza has recommended to me has been like Every book that Sousa has recommended to me Has been like So good Yeah I know I've taken a bunch off of Instagram I love the Patrick Bet David book
Starting point is 01:34:10 That they had me read The five Dude I don't know if you've been You probably don't have the time You're busy as shit But I've been keeping up with his podcast a lot The dude's pumping them out Good podcast too
Starting point is 01:34:23 I noticed just watching on Instagram He's getting more and more opinionated like the dude's pumping them out like good podcast too and uh yeah and he's um i noticed just watching on instagram he's getting more and more opinionated which i really like yeah yeah oh yeah yeah he's and he's not like afraid to like push back on people and kind of just be like i i listened to one today where the she tried to kind of go off script uh kind of like you were talking about the those two people that were like bringing each other into conversation she was trying to do that and he kept just being like pulling her back out and be like nope yeah answer the fucking question you know what I mean yeah
Starting point is 01:34:49 great yeah great are you gonna vote for Schellenberger tomorrow uh that I have my mail I better do that thank you I have my mail and ballot just sitting on my table I'm gonna go fill it out right after the show yeah yeah we gotta have we gotta we gotta get that done I mean obviously I can't vote for him but i can pressure you to do it yeah thank you i appreciate
Starting point is 01:35:08 it all right cool okay bye okay bye oh the show's getting long okay let's do fasting and mitochondria and then and then we'll go i think maybe the powerhouse within our cell the mitochondria can become a little bit more dysfunctional. It's called mitochondrial dysfunction. And basically what it means is when you are processing energy, it's less efficient. So you're creating more exhaust and more waste. This is called the reactive oxygen species. So how do we limit the amount of oxidative stress that our mitochondria emit? How do we mitigate some of this mitochondrial dysfunction? Put yourself in an energy deficit three times per week. It drives up AMPK phosphorylation, which triggers the mitochondria to come back stronger. Basically, weaker mitochondria
Starting point is 01:35:55 die off and stronger mitochondria form, forming more mitochondrial density. Exercising in a fasted state can also increase mitochondrial biogenesis and increase CERT1 activation of PGC1A, which basically makes the mitochondria stronger. The occasional 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams of carnitine supplementation can also help remove some of what are called acyl coenzyme A metabolites that you need to get out of the mitochondria. As we get older, the powerhouse within our... Wow. I we get older, the powerhouse within. Wow. I didn't,
Starting point is 01:36:27 I had forgotten all that. That's like old. Um, that's really cool. And you're like, what are mitochondria? You need them. They're what animates you.
Starting point is 01:36:35 They're what, they're, they're what keep you alive. They're the engine in the lawnmower. They're so important. You got to learn about them too. They're freaky. They're freaks of nature.
Starting point is 01:36:46 They're aliens living in us. Those of you like alien talk, when you start looking at mitochondria, you'll be like, Oh, this is really weird. I think, I think they have a different DNA than your mother and your father.
Starting point is 01:37:00 They're a trip. They are a trip. They are a trip. There's so many socks out. Not very common. It hurts my feelings when people like other podcasts. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Tomorrow I'm doing a live calling show again.
Starting point is 01:37:28 I've said, I want to get through all these notes. I, my, my, my, my pages are just forever too long and I'm trying to have David Lucas on. I don't know what,
Starting point is 01:37:35 Oh yeah. Thomas, Thomas Seaford's can. Oh, by the way, that was Thomas DeLure. I'm gonna have him on the podcast. Eventually that guy is a fucking YouTube rockstar. Anyone who wants to know how to kill it on YouTube follow that dude shit
Starting point is 01:37:46 like if you're like the kind of dude like um uh Hiller you should check out that dude shit that dude's a rock star and I think I'm going on a 35 mile or 50 mile hike with him and and Dave on Sunday
Starting point is 01:38:00 I better I better not forget about that so on have you ever listened to the very not random Sunday. I better not forget about that. Savon, have you ever listened to the Very Not Random Boz and Pod? Very Boz and Pod? No, I haven't. I haven't listened to it. But you triggered me by saying that too. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:18 Okay. What's this Danny Spiegel thing I have in here uh oh what's this let's do this let's leave on this note just cause I was just so nice to her this weekend oh yeah yeah yeah this is I saw this and I figured this is what it would be like if I dated
Starting point is 01:38:40 Danny Spiegel let's look at this yo wow wow back up what's the matter back up why the fuck would you Danny Spiegel. Let's look at this. That closing line is great. So you're not going to put your legs up around your head. She put them in the sink. All right, guys. Love you guys. Thanks for tuning in. Great weekend.
Starting point is 01:39:21 See you guys tomorrow. Caleb, thanks for coming in last minute. weekend see you guys tomorrow caleb thanks for coming in last minute uh we have uh bethany hamilton um uh author of soul surfer uh pro surfer on this week let me see who else we got uh we have david lucas hopefully uh tomorrow um but he's pretty squirrely he's hard to pin down uh that's gonna be that's to be a fun and wild show. Man, my notes on him are getting big. Then we have Brittany Schmidt, a comedian, on Thursday at 7 a.m.
Starting point is 01:39:52 I think we're having her. She was supposed to have something debut on YouTube this week and she hasn't. A comedy on, I don't know who's on 800-pound gorilla, but it hasn't been released yet, so she might want to change. And then Friday I'm doing the UFC show with Justin Nunley and Darren weeks. And then Saturday,
Starting point is 01:40:09 I don't have anything. And Sunday and Monday. And then, Oh, okay. We moved Paul. Oh, and we're going to have Alex Stein on,
Starting point is 01:40:16 on the 16th. That'll be fun. Okay. I will talk to you guys soon. Stay healthy. I don't hate these people on the east coast don't say oh because it's late i know i see what you mean okay sorry i know i should have done it this morning i slept in i mean 7 45 so okay guys buh-bye

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