The Sevan Podcast - #441 - Bethany Hamilton

Episode Date: June 10, 2022

Professional Surfer. Story of her young life told through the movie Soul Surfer, and now through the documentary Unstoppable. Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Corey. Alyssa. Elise.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Elise. Alyssa. Elise. Corey. Heba. Hey, guys. We're back. You know what I should have done yesterday after the david lucas show i should have stayed on and just complained i don't want to do anything weird to my guest but that one i was like you know sometimes you
Starting point is 00:00:59 have to just try some shit that's like just not like like if you're building something and it requires a screwdriver and a wrench and you're like, ah, maybe this is just going to require a hammer. Like maybe I should have just brought out the hammer on David Lucas yesterday. Like, yo dude, what is going on? Are you out of your mind? You know, this is a live podcast, right? You goofball. Maybe I should have gone toe to toe with him. I think I could roast with him. I think I could roast with the best of them sharp quick i was uh i was gonna save this for my live call-in show
Starting point is 00:01:33 i was looking at one of the comments in youtube and there's this there's someone said something about me being a q-non guy or or i see an alex jones comment every once in a while and first of all i don't know exactly who alex jones is i just know that he got kicked off of uh youtube and i a QAnon guy or, or I see an Alex Jones comment every once in a while. And first of all, I don't know exactly who Alex Jones is. I just know that he got kicked off of YouTube and I don't know anything about QAnon, but you know who does know about Alex Jones and QAnon? I realized people who watch CNN.
Starting point is 00:01:57 So isn't that kind of funny? You watch a network that talk to you. Ah, look, there's Bethany Hamilton. Hey, the husband is here adam adam how are you doing good good are you are you in the jungle where are you belize pretty much yeah why kawaii is pretty much jungle but yeah maybe we just go with the theme and create the background. Yep. Great to see you, dude. I watched Unstoppable last night, so me and you were tight.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Oh, right on. So you know the story. Great. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What a great climax. So fun.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I think we both kind of tear up every time we see it. Holy cow. We're stoked on how it all turned out and it's it's incredible i don't mean to geek out on the camera stuff but there's that drone shot at the end and the drone is sitting on the beach and it's like a one minute shot and you're like where's this going and she's a dot on a wave and then it gets closer and closer to her i'm like yeah how did they do that it's incredible it was actually the first time this guy did that he was in a helicopter and they had this like it's called like a shot over attachment like a red camera at the bottom of a helicopter okay makes it they just had a radio this radio up hey she's going on a wave like
Starting point is 00:03:18 go and they just like timed it out like a real helicopter like when you sit yeah yeah it just sits on the cliff there like that yeah they were just like hovering cruising waiting for the wave to come and they was like it was it was really cool and does she even know that's going to be the shot when she's riding it i don't know maybe it's in the back of her head but i think the adrenaline was just pumping she's focused i don't know it's such a i re her head, but I think the adrenaline was just pumping. She was focused. I don't know. I rewound it like two or three times. I'm like, there's no way they got this in one take.
Starting point is 00:03:52 There's no, oh, they did. They did. Yeah, it was pretty insane. Hey, we'll reschedule Bethany for next week. We'll just interview you right now. Do you have 90 minutes? So where are you located at? I'm in Santa Cruz. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Yeah. We were just over there a week ago or 10 days ago about. Yeah. In Santa Cruz or down further south, Santa Barbara? Oh, yeah. We were in Santa Cruz. We did an event at one of the churches over there, had Bethany come speak
Starting point is 00:04:25 at the church for an event. Wow. We were there for like two days and then jumped back to Hawaii. I can't believe you guys do that. Three kids, right, Adam? Yeah. Seven, four, and one.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Travel. We were on the road for five weeks with the three boys and it was uh yeah pretty incredible uh anyway you ever seen anyone else on tour uh breastfeeding no never so she's the only one i don't know if it's ever yeah maybe so dope I just love that. I would go to, I would go to CrossFit events. I remember in, in even, even recently, um, you know, I don't remember seeing it actually at the world championships at the CrossFit games, but at the one right before that, the semifinals, I would see women doing that. I would see women, uh,
Starting point is 00:05:19 compete an event at this crazy high level and then just run off to the side and pull out a boob and feeding time. I'm like, wow, crazy high level. Yeah. And then just run off to the side and pull out a boob and feeding time. I'm like, wow, that's incredible. Yeah. It's hardcore, right?
Starting point is 00:05:30 It's so hardcore. It just puts most of us to shame. Yeah. And I love it too. What are we even doing? I'm like, that kid's so lucky. What a great story.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Bond he has with his mom. I know. It's so sick. So sound, video, lighting sound video lighting look you look handsome and you sound even better dude i'd say the same about you thank you thank you thank you well i better go grab the little one or one year old make sure he's not tearing apart everything just want to be the tech guy make sure everything's all good and um yeah roger that's good okay thank you thank you thank you for giving us a few minutes your wife's time appreciate it
Starting point is 00:06:11 no adam come back i know i'm like we just finished a speaking tour and i'm like, we need to tell the people to just let Adam come in for half of the event. Dude, girl, you scored. Yeah, I did. What a cool dude. I watched Unstoppable last night and man, you guys are killing it. Thank you. How do you say your name? Is it just Savon? Yeah, Savon. Okay, cool. well how do you say your name is it just savon yeah savon okay cool um when i'm uh
Starting point is 00:06:53 no there'd be there becomes a point in your life when you have a name like savon like you don't even it doesn't even matter yeah you know what i mean i mean i appreciate it that bad yeah yeah or like i'll have friends for who i've had for friends for like two years and they're like i thought you said your name was savon i'm like it years and they're like, I thought you said your name was Savon. I'm like, it is. And they're like, why didn't you correct me? I say Savon. I'm like, dude, I can't correct everybody. Savon, the arms are looking pretty defined today. Yes, it's a small shirt. Thank you. And I just worked out and got really bushy eyed and bright eyed for Bethany. I'm not letting her pull any fast ones on me. I just woke up and barely made it here. So, well, thank you. And what you're, you're in Hawaii. Yep. We're in Hawaii. We just got home like four days ago
Starting point is 00:07:38 from a five week trip. So yeah, we're super happy to be home. And Adam said you were in my neck of the woods. I'm in Santa Cruz. You were in Santa Cruz? Yeah, we went through Santa Cruz at one point. I had a couple events there. But we darted all around the U.S. I think we went to seven different states. And then we also went to Costa Rica just for a quick like decompress after all the chaos travel do you
Starting point is 00:08:07 train seven days a week whether it's in the water out of the water are you doing something physical no I'm not at this point I'm kind of in a season I would say like off the water like minimalist training and then in the, just as much as I can get in there. And it's definitely more surf dependent. Like if the waves are really good, then I'm stop, drop and surf. But if it's kind of average, now my six year old like surfing, it's like, we just went on a vacation to Costa Rica. And it's funny, because I'm at the point where I go surf and then I come in and then now my seven-year-old wants to go surf so if I want to surf twice it's literally like go go go like non-stop um plus like getting the other one boogie boarding and the youngest one
Starting point is 00:09:01 flashing around so it's pretty full on. I'm definitely, but I don't know, I've just kind of been on a health journey, I would say. And so I think part of that is just moving less. I would say I was like, kind of just maybe doing more than my body was wanting and I wasn't fueling enough. And so yeah, I'm just kind of slowing down lately and it's been a weird adjustment, but I feel fine. The exact opposite of what the vast, vast majority of the world needs. Yeah, I know. The majority of the world needs to move. Whereas I'm trying to move. Like I'm not trying to move less.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I'm just not working out and surfing quite as much. So I'm still like moving all day long and living a healthy lifestyle. But it's just, yeah, I just kind of after I had my second son, I just wasn't feeling good. And so I started problem solving that. And yeah, it's just been kind of a journey, I guess. Was the third one the only home birth? I did three home births. So yeah, we're pretty like hippie out here. My mom did home births. Both my sister-in-laws did home births. did home births. Both my sister-in-laws did home births. So yeah, my parents have about 11 grandchildren and they're all healthy home births, like not one complication. So that's pretty cool. Like, of course not. Of course not. Yeah, of course not. Hey, was Adam, was Adam home birthed? No, he wasn't. Did the in-laws trip that you guys home birth? Because I know for
Starting point is 00:10:46 people who don't home birth, that can be a little bit unsettling. Yeah, I think it was a little uncomfortable for his mom, but I think she kind of rolled with it. She's like, well, what am I going to do? And I mean, we had a doctor and like a midwife at the birth. So it wasn't like we were just free soloing it, which some people do that and all respect to them. But I was just like, yeah, I don't know. We just kind of prepared a lot for birth, both Adam and I. And so going into it, we felt good about it and hoped for the best. And yeah, everything went good. Three times around. All in that same house in Kauai where you're at? Yeah, kind of. We moved locations for one birth because my midwives couldn't get to me. The
Starting point is 00:11:34 island's so small and most of the island has two lane roads. So at one point there was this crazy car crash. So we had to get across to our midwives. That was like the crazy first birth. And so I literally was like walking across a car crash to get to my birthing location. Oh, wow. So like, you know, they always have these weird policies. So no driving across the car crash until they like document it and all so we literally had to walk across this like car crash zone to get to the other side which we were then picked up by our midwife while you're having like braxton hicks and contractions and all that like full contractions not not no man crazy hey um that kind of uh the the coolest part um we did home births also we have three kids
Starting point is 00:12:29 my wife and i we did one we had one and then twins but the coolest part was i mean at least for me what do i know but that we didn't have to go anywhere yeah so like the baby comes out and your wife can just kind of like sit on a nest. And I always trip on the fact like, how do women move after they give birth? What in your mind makes it think it's okay to put a baby in a car 24 hours after it's born? It never made any sense to me. But you didn't kind of get that leisure in your first birth. You had to move, right? Because you had it away from your home and then you had to go back home. And that's what was so cool about like going into the birth. We were so prepared that like things don't always go as planned and we were mentally ready for that. So it was kind of like, well, we're still doing a home birth style, just not at home. And so,
Starting point is 00:13:22 yeah, I remember actually after we had our child, we ended up driving home at like one in the morning because we're like, oh, let's go while there's no cars on the road. And while it's super mellow out and we were kind of super alert and just felt like charging. So, but it would have been nice to not have to do that. Is that- Can I pause you for one sec? I hear my alarm going off. I am paused. I am paused. Stop, drop, and surf. I know. I love it. I think she was raised that way. I was just watching Shevchenko's mom as the Muay Thai president of Kyrgyzstan. Yeah, I pretty much do whatever I need to do to get in the ocean when the waves are good. It's kind of like a weird thing, like surfer mentality. My parents basically taught me how to surf first, work later. Like the opposite that most parents are like, work first, then play.
Starting point is 00:14:32 So do you compartmentalize? You said you went on vacation. I was kind of surprised to hear you say that. Is your, cause like my life isn't compartmentalized and I just didn't picture your life. When I watched the, just the little clips clips on YouTube your life just seems like one life it's just this life under God you know I guess I put a word to it because that's what most people would call like what we did a vacation yeah but for us it's more of like a surf trip and just exploration um we really love Costa Rica and like the wildlife down there is so cool. And the place we stay, it's like there's no restaurants. You're just in the boonies. We're cooking all our own food. We as a family consumed like 120 coconuts in a week. Wow. We all got waves and just kind of adventured. So it's really, really a fun time. But yeah, we're kind of just
Starting point is 00:15:26 a family unit on the go, whatever it is that we're doing. We're usually together. And yeah, it's a really fun lifestyle. I like bringing my children into my world and my life and think they're learning a lot. So it's pretty, yeah, it's special. It's unique and we're having fun. When you said that the birthplace was going to get changed, right? So you're at home, there's this plan here, but then you know life can throw you curve balls.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And so it's like, okay. Did your accident losing your arm, has that kind of been a point of that? Well, that happened on that day and I made it through that. So like, I have a baby over there on that side of the island, no problem. Yeah, I think a little bit of that. But I also just think my mom kind of raised me that way too. We were very like free flowy, adventurous, like change the plans
Starting point is 00:16:26 real quick. So I kind of grew up with that kind of approach to life and just roll with it. And, and so, yeah, in hindsight, like if that had been my second birth, I probably would have just stayed home and, you know, if the midwife just done it, right? Yeah. Well, it's just it is what it is. But I don't know if my husband would have been super stoked. But I'm like, hon, you're so amazing. Like you could handle it easy. But our most recent birth, he I feel like the weight of birthing children like hit him. He was like, whoa, that was heavy. Like, I don't know if I want to do that again. I was opposite. I'm like, yeah, we can do it again. Um, that like, I feel like what happened, why, why, why, why did it take three? What
Starting point is 00:17:18 happened in the third birth? Do you think they kind of shook him? I don't know. I don't know I don't know I really don't know I mean there was one moment I did faint um and you know there was nothing alarming like and he caught me so I was fainting and he caught me so I guess that was pretty intense um but I mean he caught me so we're all good. But it could have been a danger. But I mean, that could have happened anywhere. But and I have a tendency to faint, like I usually faint at some point while I'm pregnant. So now I'm like more aware of it and just try to sit down as fast as I can if I'm like feeling that, that sensation coming on. that um sensation coming on but yeah that's the only thing different otherwise our births went really smooth they're like the intense part was less than two hours um you know babies were all healthy and came out with like a good cry and ready to just enter the world so I don't know. You'll have to ask him. In the videos that I've watched about you, you talk about meeting Adam and he was first, he showed up on the scene for the rest of the world at your brother's wedding. And that was the first time your family had seen him. But could I hear the story about how, where you saw him and met him?
Starting point is 00:18:45 family had seen him. But could I hear the story about how, where you saw him and met him? Um, it is, it is a unique person to be with any professional athlete. It requires a very special person to be with, with greatness, let alone someone I think who is as free flowing probably as you are. Like if you don't, if you can't, if you can't do that, then you're destined for failure. So can you tell me how you met him and did you see these traits early on in his ability to accept this life? Yeah. So when I first met him, we had been set up by friends. So the friends that kind of got him to move out to Hawaii, they just loved him And they're like, we want him to stay. So let's find him a wife. And he had been there a year and had just committed to another year. He was working with a group called Young Life. They're just like, it's a youth ministry, I guess.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And so we got set up on a blind date. We met up at a beach. And when I first saw him, I was like, whoa, he's like a Spartan. Because he's just a big guy. He's 6'4", built strong, really handsome. And we ended up just going for a cliff jump. So we jumped off a cliff into the ocean. Was he ready to do that? Because he was from Kansas, right? I don't know if he was ready.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Because once we entered the water, I was like mermaiding circles around him. you ready to do that because he was from kansas right i don't know if he was ready because once we entered the water i was like mermaiding circles around him because i'm just like such a mermaid fish and he grew up in kansas which he was landlocked so swimming was very kansas-ish style but no he was he was down for the adventure, I think. And yeah, we just started to get to know each other. And honestly, I don't think he really realized what my life was prior to marriage. And but he just is a really genuinely like, kind, sweet, just amazing human. And even though he didn't really know, I would say he didn't really know what he was getting himself into. Like, God knew that he was right. And, you know, it took a few years, I would say, to adjust. I don't think he really loved the first few years of our life together and just adjusting to like what it is that Bethany faces and deals with and not just faces and deals with there's so much good and beauty.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Like there's so much fun and incredible opportunities, but there's also a lot of like, just weight that comes with it. And so what do you mean? Like hard work? Weight? What do you mean weight? Yeah, just like, I don't know, meeting people all the time. Just kind of, you know, we chose to continue doing a lot of the things that I was already doing, like motivational speaking and, you know, just traveling. And that's not for everyone. Like, not everyone would enjoy our life, I would say. There's very much like on the go and a lot of
Starting point is 00:21:53 attention. And it's funny because, you know, how you got to meet Adam right before I jumped on. I always notice that like everyone's so excited to meet me and then they meet Adam and he's like, he ends up being the star of the show. So it's really sweet because I don't really love the attention. And so it's kind of cute. Like he ends up kind of just being able to be the family representative. Oh, he's great. He's great. He's great in the mood. He's great and unstoppable too i watched
Starting point is 00:22:25 unstoppable last night we really wanted to portray our life really honestly in that and you know you kind of see him wrestling with like just you know being my husband and i would say i don't know i can't it's hard for me to put words to it, but it was just a season of adjustment, I would say. The first two years. The first two to three years. And my alarm's going off again. You can.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Feel free. Do what you want. It's your show. It's the Bethany Hamilton show. Your alarm. Get a glass of water. Go go pee do some jumping jacks maybe you might have to unplug it it was my alarm to like come and say hi to you oh good i was scared i wasn't gonna make it i'm glad you did um but yeah like it's been just I mean our marriage is really amazing and I really I'm so grateful for him and it just like for me as a child I really hated all the attention I
Starting point is 00:23:35 didn't like fame I didn't want any of that but I had a heart for people so there's this motivation because people were writing letters from all over the world saying like if you got back on your board I'm gonna get back on mine like that sort of um emotion and what's the right word like uh inspiration yeah just inspiration encouragement to you know face their challenges and I'm in a I can do it sort of way. And so, um, yeah, it's just been really cool to kind of fast forward now being we're coming up on nine years in August and we're just such a unit. Like we just teamwork everything and he has his strengths.
Starting point is 00:24:22 I have mine and we meld them together and work together. And it's pretty cool. What do you think that your friends saw? Do you think it was the Bible connection, the Jesus connection, the God connection, where they're like, okay, because his parents are pastors, right? His dad's a pastor?
Starting point is 00:24:39 No, his family is not in the church in that way. But yeah, I definitely think like sharing faith was huge. And I honestly don't know. My friends had a little girl who had met me in a physical therapy office because she had been run over by a car. And so we had interacted there. And it was cool for their daughter just to be around me and just see like me taking care of myself and she was having to do some rehab for her body so I think the mom just gravitated towards me and was like oh my gosh like they might be perfect together I don't know exactly and then
Starting point is 00:25:20 also him just being so tall and me being tall. I'm like close. I'm about 5'11". Wow. Yeah, I just, I don't know. I guess I just thought maybe. So the boys are going to be big. Yeah, I think our boys will definitely be at least six feet, maybe as tall or taller than my husband.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I don't know. How is that with four boys in the house? Well, we have three boys. Um, but you have him too. I included Adam. Oh, four boys. Yeah, I know. I'm definitely the only girl. Good thing I'm a tomboy and ready for adventure. Um, yeah, it's awesome. I always wanted to be a boy mom. Um, I'm not gonna lie. I was like anticipating maybe a little girl, um, for when Micah arrived, but Micah is just the funnest little dude ever. He is so cool. And just our little firecracker screamer. Um, the one that's just like, I'm out of here. I'm going outside and you either come with
Starting point is 00:26:27 me or I'll be on my own. So it's been really cool just having three boys and I don't know, we'll probably go for four. So maybe we'll have a girl in there. When you took Tobias on tour and you were breastfeeding and was it just like for you is it just like duh and for other people was it like whoa no one we've never had a pro surfer in between sets or i don't know what you call them in between runs uh come and feed another human being yeah i know for, it was like relaxing and just I love breastfeeding. So it was kind of like a really cool way to decompress in between heats because, you know, there's so much adrenaline and blood rushing and just like emotions going on and just drive. So to kind of like have that space to slow down and just like take your mind off like the stress
Starting point is 00:27:28 or the determination of the moment. It was kind of really nice actually. But yeah, none of the girls, I don't think any of the girls even have children on the tour. So I think it was really fun for them to have like little ones running around. And the event, one of the events that we were at was in Fiji and we're all staying on the same island together. So it's kind of fun just like throwing the children in the mix.
Starting point is 00:27:55 And all of a sudden I have like 10 other babysitters on hand. But yeah, it's definitely different, like nursing and taking care of children and finding your focus in that moment. And, um, yeah, just kind of finding the balance. There's all of this stuff. It's, um, all this talk about glass. Okay. We need, we had a first vice president woman.
Starting point is 00:28:22 We need a president woman. The CEO of this company should be a woman like, oh, we have our first NASCAR woman. We need a president woman. The CEO of this company should be a woman. Like, oh, we have our first NASCAR woman. And there's just all this stuff like that. But the real cool thing is just a woman doing what she really just wants to do, has no relationship to whether she's a woman or not. Yeah. And then she still can do her
Starting point is 00:28:45 woman shit at the same time, which is feed the baby. That's that for me, that's the, that's the greatest impact. That's more powerful than, than being a, um, the first CEO of, of some huge company as a woman. It's if you were a CEO of that company and in the meeting you were breastfeeding your child, then I'd be impressed. Yeah. Then I'm like, now, now you're, I mean, it's so, when I saw that and I loved it in the movie, how it's not even a big deal, but I know it's a big deal. Cause my wife breastfed and like, and then you start seeing, like some people think it's like a big deal. You're like, what do you mean? It's not a big deal or the home birth. Some people think the home birth is a big deal, but it's not. It's just like the actual big deal is, um, do you ever think about what it would be like to have a, uh, does it scare you to have the thought of having
Starting point is 00:29:33 a baby in the hospital? Oh, because I'm always like, those are the brave people. They think you're brave doing a home birth. I mean, I wouldn't say they're necessarily brave. I would just say that they don't really, they haven't done their due diligence a lot of the times. Not all of them. There's some women who are going into birth no matter where they're birthing their child very thoughtfully and with like a lot of intention and plan and just they have a good grasp on what's going on.
Starting point is 00:30:02 But I think a lot of women nowadays are just kind of like along for the ride and they don't even really realize what's going on. Their preparation is very like, they don't know what's going to happen after birth in the hospital. And so, yeah, I would not be content in the hospital. So that's partially why I birth at home. I just don't like hospitals. And I think for birthing, you really want to be comfortable. So for some women, like birthing at home, they would be so stressed and worried and
Starting point is 00:30:34 just scared. And so I don't think it would be good for them to birth at home. I think they need to go where they could be at ease and peace. In an ideal world, it'd be cool if they have like really peaceful, beautiful birthing centers, like right next to the hospital for a lot of women, I think would be super neat. And just creating like an environment that feels very homey, has like, you know, flowers and plants and candles and like things that are just like heartwarming. plants and candles and like things that are just like heartwarming. But yeah, back to your kind of like touching on just like the modern day woman. Yeah, I think just doing what we want to do is
Starting point is 00:31:14 cool. But I think a lot of women chase success for so long. And then they're like, wait, actually, I do want to have a children. And by that point, it's a lot harder. And their health might not have been benefited from their lifestyle going into that time. And so it's kind of sad, because I think there's this missing conversation of like, wait, actually, it could be better to have your child while you're younger, and you could still pursue some of the things that you want to do. But I also think there's so much beauty in just being mom and not pursuing all the things and pursuing motherhood and being there for your children and not like pursuing things on their at their expense. I really pay attention to my time throughout the week. I try not to do so many things under the sun that like I'm away from my children for many, many hours.
Starting point is 00:32:14 And so that's partially why we travel together as a family and we do everything together. And the beach life surfing is really cool because I can bring the children to the beach and it's like the best playground ever and like learning environment it's just so healthy for us all to like get away from like the noise of the world um but yeah there's so many different ideas and opinions and I never want to like attack anyone, but I just wish people had this conversation more of like, well, do I want to have children? And when is the best time? I had my first at 25. And in hindsight, I'm so grateful I had my first at 25. on your body. It is a lot on your being and your physical and mental state and being in a more pliable stage, I think is so important because it is a high energy, high giving position. You're just constantly giving, giving, giving. And so making sure that you're in a healthy place to give, I think is so important. And not saying, I mean, I'm maybe, maybe I'll have a child when I turn 40. I don't know. But I just, I wish there was more open conversations as to there's different options for you young girls. And you don't have to necessarily
Starting point is 00:33:40 pursue everything under the sun to be happy in life. I feel like, yeah, there's just these missing conversations. And you didn't plan your, your first baby wasn't planned, right? No, he was just kind of on the fly, a little semi-accident. I had been doing family planning method, which I'm still doing to this day. And I think it's actually amazing. And if you're in Is that where you just count days, you're just watching your ovulation or, um, I mean, if you're doing it correctly, you're paying attention to your temperature, um, your body fluids and whatnot. And so if you're doing it correctly, you should be able to maintain, um, um, whatever fertility you want, either to be pregnant or not. Um you're healthy you know so yeah but then
Starting point is 00:34:27 i was traveling and i don't think i fully had a grasp on how to properly do that who teaches you that who teaches women that um there's women out there teaching it but it's pretty yeah um i just read the book and i'm winging it. So I never like, that's not it. Um, but I'm still, and you have three kids, ladies and gentlemen, I, the second two we birth or we conceived when we really wanted to. Okay. So it was like, we're ready. Okay, let's go. Um, but yeah, just being able to maintain intimacy too without like you know necessarily getting pregnant if you don't want to it's really cool and there's no side effects so that's the best part that's the best part um i mean the side effects could be a child if you
Starting point is 00:35:18 don't do it correctly um but that's a pretty cool side effect, I guess. But yeah, I love that there's no side effects. And I've done like some other methods in the past that I kind of like wish I didn't do them. So it's okay, though. We live and we learn and we move forward. Were you married when you had your first baby? Yeah. So we had been married about a year and it was actually mid filming of unstoppable and so when I found out I was pretty pumped because it was like we had just kind of
Starting point is 00:35:53 like gotten going and I was like are we gonna keep doing this film like there was just so many unknowns I wasn't like super confident that I would want to go and like, rock it and charge it in surf, even though I think I really knew deep down inside that I would. And it's funny, because my mom, after she had me, she not funny, but it's kind of sad, she stopped surfing. And so I would say like the 5-10 years after she had me, she just kind of slowly let it go. And like, her focus was so much on her children that I'm like, mom, I wish you were out there surfing with me, not just like watching from the beach. And so before I had children, I was like, I am going to take the time to make sure I get my body back and I get in the ocean
Starting point is 00:36:38 because in the long run, like I want to be surfing with my children. So now my seven year old is a total surfer boy. Like he gets grumpy if we don't take him. So I got, um, I know I'll be getting a lot of surf time in the next 20, 30, 50 years. Your mom's a bit of a pioneer in the sport. Yeah. So she grew up in San Diego and her and her sister got a surfboard when she was 13. And at that time, surfboards were big, huge logs, basically, and very heavy. So they shared their surfboard. They had to teamwork carrying it down because it's so heavy. And then they would take turns surfing. And so yeah, she was super rad. And some of the stories she shares with me are just super cool. Like she'd bike like 50 miles to go surf a certain wave up north, northern San Diego and just total charger. And surfing is what brought her out to Hawaii where she met my dad. And so
Starting point is 00:37:40 yeah, they were she was just a a mermaid loving her time in the ocean. And eventually both of them shared that with my brothers and I. Have you seen the movie Surfwise? Surfwise? Yeah. No, I don't think I have. It's the family that lived, the San Diego family. 10 of them were raised in a bus, Volkswagen bus.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Oh, I've heard of that. It's intense. Yeah. of that it's intense yeah oh it's so great i'm gonna write it down i gotta write that down because i think i want to see that you have to you know what you know what's fascinating is the father was a physician and he was the head of the hawai Foundation. He was the American Hawaii Medical Foundation. Anyway, and he's like, you know what? I'm done being a doctor. And he moved to San Diego, found a girl, moved into a van.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And all they did is just surf every single day. And they had like 10 kids. Wow. Yeah, it's crazy. And they would like venture down to Mexico and stuff. With no money. Yeah, that's so crazy. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I think my mom or dad knows some of the family in that film. I'm sure your mom does if she was in San Diego. Yeah. It was a small scene back then. I'm sure you guys have run into them. Yeah. Both my parents lived in a van at some point especially out here in Hawaii they lived in their van for a while so they moved out here in the 70s and so they're pretty early as far
Starting point is 00:39:12 as like Caucasians moving out to Hawaii and living here and so there was definitely some tension of cultural you know cultural differences when they first started living out here when i meet people from los angeles i'm from northern california i'm in santa cruz they don't they seem so different to me than than me so different even if we think we're aligned on ideologies i see some behaviors and some, some things that like are just different. Like maybe they're a little more, maybe they're around more people. So they're more standoffish from people, right? Like there's 472,000 people per square mile in New York. So like they can't, they don't smile at anyone. Whereas if you're walking down a dirt
Starting point is 00:39:59 road in Kauai, you smile at everyone you see, right? Yeah, at least I had not. But there's a lot of people out here that aren't from here, too. So it just kind of depends. Right. Do you feel your enormous cultural difference to mainland because you're a Kauaian? Oh, it's so different. Like, especially when you go to certain parts of the country, like, I'll never forget going to Michigan and just feeling the cultural difference was just very different. And just like the fast pace of life is very like alarming. When I go there, I'm just like, Whoa, this is too much. I always feel so stressed and like ready to get out of there by the time I'm done. But yeah, I definitely love- What's in Michigan? Why do you go there? Oh, I did some motivational speaking. And I just, there's this one event in particular that I was way too Kawhi-ian for them. Like I was i just needed like i needed to speed up myself and like
Starting point is 00:41:07 prep myself up a bit it was just so interesting um they were sweet but like it was just cultural tension cultural differences i i was i don't remember what year it was but one year I was on I was going to Kauai my friend who was the um founder and owner of CrossFit he had a home in Kauai so I was flying out there to see him and you came on the plane and I saw you holding your baby and I was telling your friend um it's Greg Greg Glassman Greg and Maggie Glassman because I know a lot of the CrossFit guys out here. I saw in your movie you were working out at CrossFit Poipu. Yeah. Yeah. We have a cool, like a lot of the CrossFitters are just so rad and nice.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And specifically my foundation, Beautifully Flied, we do retreats for women with limb difference. And we do retreats for women with limb difference. So every year in San Diego, we've had a lot of CrossFit people come and just just remind the girls that they can and just explore movement in different ways with them. It's been really fun. And just like, I really appreciate their heart and the energy and the community aspect like it's been so cool to have that and the girls a lot of the girls love it like we've had a lot of very athletic girls and I feel like it's like a boost in there but to like no I'm not gonna let this hold me back like I'm gonna go and charge and move in the way that I want to move. When, when the, when the executive producer of the show, Matt Souza was speaking to your manager, your assistant, your assistant asked, what should I tell Bethany the shows about or who the audience is? And Matt and I were like, maybe we should tell her it's a lot of CrossFitters. And they go, no, tell her it's people who care about personal accountability and personal responsibility and we were we were so excited we came up with that and those are the
Starting point is 00:43:08 words i like it yeah i mean like the community aspect is so cool what you've like what's been created is just yeah it's special i think a lot of people need that and um they don't get in other aspects of life so being able to have it through movement and like share that camaraderie is so special i'm trying to remember our mutual friend we have a bunch of mutual friends um i'm so embarrassed right now and i don't get embarrassed what is the name of the owner of crossfit poipu. He does the Hawaii Trail Run. Do you know his name, Sousa? I should know it. Yeah, they do the Hawaii Trail Run every year.
Starting point is 00:43:51 This is pathetic. Who is it, Sousa? Uncle Hoffie. Hoffie! Hoffman. No, it's funny because I should know Hoffman's name before you do. Yeah, they're super cool guys. Oh my God, love that guy.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Yeah. And then we have another mutual friend who's been on this podcast before, Logan Aldridge. Oh yeah, I was going to mention Logan. He's like my inspiration in life. He's so gnarly. Can you believe he, yeah, he is gnarly, right? Him and I met when we were like little teenagers
Starting point is 00:44:25 i'm not sure how much older i am than him but i remember it really stood out to me meeting him because i took him surfing and he took me wakeboarding because he like had a wakeboarding background i can't remember if that's how he lost his arm but he's no no no no something something bad it was like a lawnmower accident or something it was something crazy it's something crazy yeah yeah logan's amazing um his body strength is mind blowing and just like some of the stuff he does is crazy so sorry you were gonna say and how did you meet him where did you meet him someone he was in in Hawaii or? Logan, I'm not sure how we met. I think just people connected us.
Starting point is 00:45:09 And so I took him surfing and then he took me wakeboarding. And so that was really fun. I remember wakeboarding, it's a painful sport because you're going so fast. And when you fall, you're just like slamming in the water. So you feel like you got a little whiplash every time. Is that the one when you run and you throw the board down on the beach and you throw the board down? No, that's skim boarding.
Starting point is 00:45:30 So wakeboarding is towing behind the boat. So you're going at really high speed. So then when you fall, you're going so fast. When you fall, you're just whiplashing every time your body feels like it got hit by a truck after, which sometimes surfing can do that, but surfing isn't quite that high speed how about how about at the end of the movie when you when you're when you're when you're out there um i'm really trying not to swear when you're out there tangling with jaws
Starting point is 00:45:58 you can be yourself when you're tank no no someone said what it's one of my listeners is i have such potty mouth one of my listeners is like hey such a potty mouth. One of my listeners is like, Hey, seven, my daughter's going to listen to this show with Bethany. Oh yeah. That's a good call actually. Let's keep it clean. Cause I might bring some family to listen to. And this is, I mean, this is, I mean, this is just indicative of just probably the excessiveness in your personality that all great people have you say you come in from your first kind of uh shot at jaws I think you're back on the boat before you go out a second time before you're gonna paddle in and you say I feel
Starting point is 00:46:37 like I just need to get pounded out there like like you want a crazy wipeout like this girl's a little bit yeah this girl's nuts it's like you know you haven't served jaws until you get like completely obliterated by a wave hey so there's a shot at the end of that movie and it's over a minute long and there's a there's a drone but adam told me it's actually a helicopter and it's sitting up on the cliff. And then it comes in, and for like 50 seconds, it's getting closer and closer to this speck on this huge wave. And then finally, you're like, oh, my goodness, it's Bethany. How do they set that shot up?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Is that real? That's real? Aaron Lieber, the producer and director of our film who was like our best friend um as well and he had envisioned that shot at some point um while create working on the film and so he hired a team who he thought was the best um you know filmers out here in Hawaii surf surf photographers and yeah he just helped direct the shot and they nailed it the first time like that one session they got the shot and it was just yeah pretty like legendary and no other like big names had um gotten that similar of a shot and so after they saw it they're all like mind blown like red bull is like reached out to the photographer and was like hey can you go and get this and he just like told them no he was like no i'm not gonna do it for you
Starting point is 00:48:19 oh like hey we want it now with this surfer. Yeah, with a different surfer. I mean, I'm sure they've gotten it by now. Yeah, it was a little moment of glory for our film creator because he's just, you know, he worked so hard. How do they do it? Do they tell you? How many waves did you catch before that? Like, I don't understand. Like, I live in Santa Cruz,
Starting point is 00:48:42 so I see the boys just going out and catching wave after wave after wave. But somewhere like Jaws, is it like, okay, we make it? Jaws is crazy because it's out there. And so timing is tricky and just being patient to go at the right time. And I think I surfed about six waves that day. So it wasn't like a whole lot of opportunity. And so they really had a short moment of time to be able to nail it. And, um, yeah, they, they nailed it and they just had walkie talkies. Someone out in the ocean on a jet ski was communicating with the guys up in the helicopter so it wasn't
Starting point is 00:49:27 a drone it was like a full-on helicopter and i forget the type of camera but it was like one of those nuts crazy cameras that was attached to the helicopter not like someone holding it right um so it was the helicopter was a camera the helicopter is a camera. The helicopter is a camera. I wonder, I'm like, I wish I could name the filmmaker. I know him, but it's kind of similar to like earlier. I just, he's at the tip of my tongue and I can't. Mike Prickett, I think it was. Yeah, I think it was Mike Prickett.
Starting point is 00:50:04 And he had a crazy like diving accident. So his legs don't work anymore, but he's still like rocking it in the film, film space. I'm there. There were two guys who they introduced late in the movie, by the way, go see the movie, by the way,
Starting point is 00:50:21 this movie unstoppable has, it's funny. So last night i was gonna watch soul surfer or unstoppable and i'm like i'm watching the documentary and i'm so glad i did yeah you are i'm so glad your children might like soul surfer though but the children even like i've had a lot of young girls be like i like the unstoppable better like i cried when i watched the soul surfer uh trailer yeah a couple days ago i was on the assault bike and i was watching i was like god i suck on the assault bike crying that's yeah
Starting point is 00:50:51 i'm like this is ridiculous but but this movie unstoppable is not a story about um a lady who lost her arm in a shark attack this is not what the movie is about this is uh several tales going on simultaneously and that's just like a speed bump in it that's just like there's all this stuff in a shark attack this is not what the movie is about this is uh several tales going on simultaneously and that's just like a speed bump in it that's just like there's all this stuff i'm so it's so textured it's if you're first of all your documentary fan you should see it's an incredible piece of um uh film work but also it's got a great narrative great characters and there's two characters that they introduce at the end of the movie that really warmed my heart. And I wish I thought I wrote their names down, but they're the guys who you're with. They basically help you get on the wave at Jaws, whether you're paddling or jet
Starting point is 00:51:35 skiing. What are their names? Like DK and... DK and Sean Walsh. They're like, they're gnarly. Yeah, yeah. DK and Sean Walsh. These guys are the guys that are like teaching um like navy seals like ocean safety and they're just like the like most well-known names at jaws i would say or up there you know they're just they know the ins and outs of the waves so i kind of had one as my coach just helping me get a grasp on the lineup because it's like no other wave I've ever surfed and and then we had um the other brother there for safety so if things go south like they're there to rescue me um so yeah those guys are so cool though they're just like your quintessential Hawaii like Hawaii vibes like but super serious at the same time and like ready to rescue like
Starting point is 00:52:27 they're the guys you want to rescue you if things go bad yeah they're like they're like caricatures you know like in some mood they're they're unbelievable characters in the movie it's almost like you think like if you went there right now like if we went there me and you just thought we were doing it went there they'd be there they might be like yeah like you can't even imagine like free diving out there like looking for some dinner you can't even imagine like those guys like ever going home like that's all like they are so part and parcel with that ocean and that scene it was crazy um do you another part that i thought was fascinating about that is people see you and they think you're the most amazing surfer ever or they see a kelly
Starting point is 00:53:12 slater and they're the most amazing surfer ever and then they hear the store and then they see you guys at jaws and both of you are like like hey this is a different beast eyebrows lifted like yeah like even you guys are humbled by this wave yeah even even kelly's like yeah she's crazy i don't know why she's doing that no yeah jaw like i feel like the way i like to explain it is big wave surfers are just their own genre and there's a little bit of craziness like i wouldn't quite put myself in the big wave surfer department even though I love surfing big waves and I I'm energized by that I kind of like I like doing everything in the sport even small waves big waves barrel riding aerial surfing like I just love it
Starting point is 00:53:57 all but like big wave surfers were crazy and they are crazy like there's it's nuts what some of the guys and ladies are doing out in the big waves lately like they're surfing like 80 60 foot waves waves that like if we were even like in the channel we would be like peeing our pants, you know? It's wild. It's just the ocean is so incredibly mesmerizing and humbling and just talk about fitness in mind, body, and spirit. Like these people have that. Like just to be able to put themselves in these high intense situations is pretty wild.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Have you ever not gone out because, have you ever not done something since you've had kids because it's just not appropriate now that you have kids? Yeah. I mean, I definitely would say my desire for big waves isn't as strong as it used to be, but there's also like this, you know, if I get the opportunity, I would kind of jump on it. So it's kind of a weird, like, if I don't have enough time to think about it, I might just jump
Starting point is 00:55:09 out there and go for it. But yeah, there's definitely this hesitancy. Like I envision myself surfing like Nazare and Portugal. It's a pretty crazy wave. It's like Jaws, but I don't know. I almost feel like there's more death risk out there. One girl almost died this last year. There's this huge cliff, and if you end up getting swept towards it, you could die. I think there's probably a few lives that have been lost out there but yeah i would say i don't know i do still charge i mean i surfed some big waves this last winter but yeah there's a scene in the movie where he has to do a couple passes at you to get you at least five yeah he comes to get you you can't get on a wave comes he's got got to leave again. And basically you're in the break and someone's trying to rescue you and it's nuts. It's tense. Yeah. It's like high crazy levels. So, but at the same time, like going into that situation, you're so prepared. Like I was so
Starting point is 00:56:17 prepared. Not only did I have a lifetime of preparation, but like years of just mental, physical, even though I did have the baby six months before, but there's still this lifetime of preparation going into that and just wave knowledge and like breath holding capabilities. I have like a really incredible breath hold. I think my static is like 420. So just kind of like there's this buildup of different aspects of preparation. And in hindsight, I think there's always more you can do and more preparation. And so you learn as you go. But yeah, I always want to be ready for a good swell.
Starting point is 00:57:04 How are you on time? I'm okay. Okay. You have to say like, Sevan, stop. Okay. Just stop. Just leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. Your four minute breath hold.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Is that, did you, I know someone just wrote. I haven't gone for a four minute lately so i don't know where i'm at like today right now but i have had like a couple four minuters in the past and so on purpose right on purpose not on yeah yeah like that's just static so just laying there focusing on holding your breath whereas when you're out in the surf, like usually your wipe out is less than 10 seconds. A really bad one would be maybe 15 to 20. And obviously it's different because you're being like thrashed underwater. So it may feel like a 10 second hold down feels like a 40 or a minute. Especially if you exhaled before you went under on accident.
Starting point is 00:58:02 So you can't always control exactly like in that moment where your breath is at. So that's why it's cool when you're trying to train, like sometimes doing sprints and then holding your breath after. I've done like a few exercises with the young girls. It's really fun to kind of see them like challenge themselves. Like you do a beach sprint and then you like stop and hold your breath and see how long you can go for i love that i'm gonna do that stuff like that like kind of like challenging yourself in different ways but also just laying in the like finding your calm
Starting point is 00:58:34 like not doing any movement just like holding your breath you could do it while you're watching tv or um laying in bed i don't recommend doing breath holding in the water alone ever because that's why if you pass out on the couch, you're fine. So don't do it while driving or in the water. But if you do it in the water, you're just with a group of people. But yeah, there's cool ways to challenge your breath and build that up and
Starting point is 00:59:06 you can definitely get better at it so it's cool to kind of um work at that actually i probably should be like getting back on that and working on it a bit more again When you tell the story about the shark attack or surfing Jaws or giving birth, do you tell the story from your memory of telling the story? Or do you tell the story from the memory i actually don't tell the story anymore oh i haven't done it in years um but it's it's pretty like amazing like my memory is very vivid like i remember everything pretty, pretty like intensely or like clearly. Maybe some aspects are a bit blurred, but it's cool. Well, I don't know if it's cool, actually.
Starting point is 01:00:14 I always think I have like my memory is not amazing for the most part. Like I forget names and faces and that sort of thing really, really fast. and faces and that sort of thing really, really fast. But I definitely remember that day very vividly, but I don't really talk about it anymore. I'm kind of like beyond that. I just like to talk about like the beautiful aspects of life and the comeback and the adapting and the making the most of what I've got. Like just feel like there's so much more enrichment out of that side of the story,
Starting point is 01:00:49 and I enjoy that. I love talking about Jaws because that day I paddled out there, my first time ever paddle surfing on my surfboard with my one arm. I got caught inside before I caught a wave like i got so caught inside by the biggest set wave of the day what does that mean you got caught inside i got sucked over the falls with so i'm literally trying to paddle as fast as i can and make it up over the wave and then i just go back over with it and get like ragdolled like a doll in a dog's mouth and then how does that i always think that that doesn't happen to professional surfers i guess
Starting point is 01:01:30 no it does there's a lot of incredible surfers like they're all getting pounded every single time they go surf like that's why like i this is probably like not a healthy subject but like a lot of guys do like mushrooms and stuff like that they're like doing weird things to like mentally cope with the like fear factor and the intensity of it um so to all the surfers that are paddling out clean in the big waves i'm like okay you definitely have a bit of crazy in you but But yeah. I can't imagine mushrooms helping. I can't imagine mushrooms helping me be braver. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:12 I don't know all what they do, but there's a lot of guys that do weird things. And then you come up after getting pounded and you look out the back and there's like five more set ways. And I'm often like, I do motivational speaking. So I always start my a lot of my talks off with this moment I had at Jaws where you got so pounded. And then you look out the back and there's five more set waves coming. And I feel like life's like that. Like we have these awful moments where life's just crazy and hard and challenging.
Starting point is 01:02:43 But like the thing is, there's like five more still coming. And so just being mentally ready to handle that and adapt and just find your gratitude and just get creative and with your community and your people to help you push through those major challenges that will come. It's like, I feel like we're setting ourselves up for failure if we don't recognize that like life's not perfect and there's going to be hard things. I mean, the last few years has no doubt put a lot of tension and pain and challenge in a lot of people's lives and just dealing with fears and anxiety and like coping with like world leadership and all
Starting point is 01:03:27 these different things like what however you view the last few years like everyone's had challenge and stress and just pain and so finding how we can better like navigate that is so important and just being mentally prepared and, you know, having your community. And for me, like I look towards having gratitude and, you know, I live a life of faith. So I'm praying through like my, a lot of my challenge and just, you know, figuring out how I can make the most of what I've got. Like, cause doing the opposite gets you nowhere. Like just being grumpy and angry or like being in a perpetual state of fear and, um, you know, just staying in these States won't get us anywhere. Did anything in the last two years scare you?
Starting point is 01:04:21 Anything in the last two years scare you? Did you have any COVID fear? I was more concerned about like world leadership more so than like the sickness. Just because I'm like very aware of my health and health as a whole. And like I just if I didn't surf, I probably would have gone into holistic health like that. It's just like such a passion of mine. So you didn't have virus fear. You just lived your life.
Starting point is 01:04:52 No, no virus fear. Just more concern of just like basic freedoms and basic rights. Like when they start closing the ocean, you know, that that is to me like a major overstepping of boundaries um did they do that in hawaii i know they tried to do it they didn't do it in hawaii thank god i think people out here would have had major riots no matter what political side you stand on because everyone out here is just like ocean not everyone but everyone's ocean people like if you told the uncles they can't go fish like they would straight lose their minds and like riot you know so yeah there was definitely things I had to work through the last few years like just anger and frustration and fears of like what's the world gonna become and it's nice kind of fast forwarding now I'm like
Starting point is 01:05:47 kind of we found our peace like you can't let like everything out there hinder your joy and your just your I don't know your love for life and my husband and I both have like talked about this a lot and just like turning the noise down a lot more and like not paying attention as much like not being completely passive about it all but like just not letting that noise like come into our minds all day every day do you remember a few years ago in kawaii they sent a uh-oh i got an echo a few years ago in Kauai, they sent a, uh-oh, I got an echo. A few years ago in Hawaii, they sent an Amber Alert to the entire island saying that North Korea had launched a nuclear weapon attack on the island. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 01:06:37 Yeah, we thought we were going to die maybe. We were like, we woke up, we just kind of cruised on our porch and drank some coffee and figured if it comes it comes we said a little prayer as a family you did you did say prayers a family yeah we said a prayer as a family and my brother-in-law was living on our property with a friend too and they were like up on the roof like waiting for it susan can you look that up that That was crazy. It was really a wild mental experience to wake up to that alarm. And apparently it was just like an official in Honolulu made a mistake. So you're like, okay, this is like, wow, our government is doing a really great job. when when uh um greg glassman's uh the the owner and founder of crossfit his father-in-law was at greg's estate in hawaii watching this state and he's like they're gonna nuke us what should i do and greg's like just chill go make yourself a drink and chill by the pool yeah well there's
Starting point is 01:07:39 nothing you can do i was like the only thing i thought was like maybe they would aim for pearl harbor and so at least we're on kawaii so but i mean there will be some sort of repercussion so yeah for y'all if you didn't hear about this like we all woke up to like a ballistic missile alert emergency sent to our phone saying like basically there's a missile on the way and it should be there any minute now and this is not a drill it was wild ballistic missile threat inbound to hawaii seek immediate shelter this is not a drill what some a lot of our friends and family went to a local hotel that was made of marble and i think my parents even went there, but we just like stayed at our property because we figured, I don't know what are you going to do? Hey, that's 38 minutes. You know, what's interesting about that too, Bethany,
Starting point is 01:08:35 Bethany, when things like that happen, um, you get to see how you would react. So like one time my wife told me that she was pregnant, but she wasn't, it was on April 4th. And so for like, like for an hour, I like replanned my whole life until she told me. She must have really enjoyed that. And I was like, wow. I said, that's really cool. Like I got like, it's like, it's like doing drugs, but without doing drugs, you didn't have to do drugs. it's like it's like doing drugs but without doing drugs you didn't have to do drugs but i got to do like some live in some alternate universe right yeah i guess we handled it pretty well i think like it was interesting because if i think if i was no not a mom it wouldn't have affected me as much like i would have been like oh what the heck like we lived our life well um but like just
Starting point is 01:09:23 knowing that like your children would experience something like that I don't know like no parent wants to see your children like go through something that crazy are you um are you homeschooling your kids yeah we are we kind of always envisioned homeschooling from like before we even had children so and then the last couple years I think kind of like inspired us to um stick with the plan and yeah I mean we travel a lot too and like the schools out here aren't amazing like even the private I just don't know so my husband has a teaching degree so we have that that going for us. Yeah. And I don't know, that's the plan. We'll see how long we last. And if we like pull through. But I mean, there's always like so many options. And I think the last two years, so many people switch to homeschool that like the programs and the creations that are coming out are just so rad. And so I'm like, by the time my children are in middle school and high school and like, you know, a lot of the learning is a little more complex. And just, you know, you want them to get the best they can get.
Starting point is 01:10:38 I think it's going to be really good. Me too. And I really don't like my boys being on computer screens or any kind of devices so right now in these elementary years it's really nice just being like free learning and doing more like nature learning and I don't know I feel like they're thriving so it's pretty cool like just seeing them creating all day long is just mind-blowing like my son I don't know I mean every parent thinks your child's like a like superhuman but sometimes I'm like whoa you're a superhuman you're teaching me your kids basically do no screen time yeah no screen time really like
Starting point is 01:11:20 we'll look up some YouTube learning here and there like depending on like if we want to look up animals or you know we'll look up like last week we were looking up like what's the strongest metal and so we watched something on like strong metals and just like random things like that but yeah there i am thinking of doing some like um language learning so we might bust the screens out for that. Do you trip when you see other kids who, you know, spend a lot of time on screens? I do. I do. I really do. I mean, my generation was the last generation to grow up screenless, basically. I mean, actually, I watched a lot of TV growing up,
Starting point is 01:12:01 but like, deviceless, I would say. And my childhood was so rad. Like we had so much fun. Like we were my girlfriends and I were adventuring the like Lava Rock coastline diving for shells, riding turtles, like doing the coolest things like using our body all day long every day. And so I want the same for my children I don't want them growing up gamers and on screens and like missing their childhood um basically is how I view it so yeah I mean I don't have any regrets like not having my children on screens like I don't know I just there's nothing I don know. I don't feel like they're missing out on
Starting point is 01:12:45 anything. So yeah, it's fun. They're really thriving too. Like the way they interact with other children and adults is really cool. Like they're very like conversational lists with, with adults and children. So like, I just feel like we're doing something right as far as like how they interact with the world and um yeah they're really happy um you're describing my kids to a t-tube incredible with adults incredible with kids obviously the no screen time there is they're calmer than other kids they're better listeners they're better focused they're better athletes they're just better at everything but the one thing these other kids like when we go to jujitsu and i see the other kids they're the ones who would go to school every day and i know the ones who have their twitches and all their
Starting point is 01:13:33 switches and nintendo all that stuff there's like a sophistication to them that my kids don't have it's really interesting like so i the kids gathered around an ipad the other day and one of the kids who's like this seven years old is like are there any naked pictures of your parents in there and i'm like oh my god like you know what i mean like my kids don't even like and there's just like a level of um it's weird they're definitely they're ruder they're i mean i mean they they're just they're not good kids for the most part. I would say they're, they're not like by good kids. I mean, you know, like, um, you see these dogs in Hawaii, like a dog you can just take everywhere. And you're like, man, that guy got
Starting point is 01:14:12 a cool border call. He just leaves them in the Jeep and he waits there. That's how you want your kids to be too. You want them. So like when you go to the grocery store, you take them with you, not like, Oh, can I do it and not have to take them? No, let's take them. Yeah. It's fun. They're well-behaved. They're going to say yes. yes and please but do you ever think that maybe they're missing out like they lack a little bit of sophistication or no like the teachers i think they're meant to be children like so i think that sophistication is probably something that will come at some point maybe whatever it is that you're kind of like logging logging onto computers like my kids don't know how to do that and there's like six year olds at the jiu-jitsu academy academy who know how to like to log on like they know they're
Starting point is 01:14:47 kind of not worried like because i know that like i'm not avoiding the fact that we live in a tech world so eventually they will get like very tech savvy and um i'm not gonna like totally avoid that i just think while they're young and their brains are in full developmental stage, like just not being on blue light screens and like revolving our lives around screens is so good for them. And just letting them kind of have, I wouldn't say it's not like immaturity, but it's like this childlike essence that it's just this innocence, I guess I would put it. And yeah, I don't think they need that anytime soon. And then no doubt, I'm like, well, at one point, maybe we should do like coding classes. And I definitely want them like savvy with tech but i just think picking that time at the right time is important so yeah uh what's it say the average three to five year olds got two to hours and 28 minutes a day of screen time on average during the crazy nuts yeah nuts absolutely nuts do you guys live on the beach or walking we're we're tucked away
Starting point is 01:16:08 from the beach but we have like three acres so the boys are romping around the yard and having a lot of fun and we actually have a little skate bowl too we had as we were building our house we had this natural like inclination that was like a kind of almost like a half pipe. And I was like, Oh, let's, let's pave that. And then we started digging it out. And they like turned into this full on little skate bowl. So that's cool. Yeah, they have a really fun, like backyard life. And it's pretty special. I'm always like, I don't know how like when we travel. I'm like, I don't know how we do do it if we lived in a city like my baby was like trying to get out of the hotel room when we were there he's like let me out and um so I'm grateful we have access to nature at our fingertips all day every day it's really
Starting point is 01:16:59 special but I also like know that we chose that and we um you know I didn't move away and even if we didn't have the property we lived like wherever we live on the island would be really easy access to nature so yeah I love that I like just being able to let the children ramble and I'm definitely not a park mom I rarely go to the park with my children I almost have park guilt because I don't, yeah, riding turtles. I don't like going to the park, so we go to the beach a lot more. And it's just really fun to see them getting creative in the sand and ocean. Are you going to, I try to you know you know we lead by example you know like if you if you walk if you're going into a coffee shop you hold the door open you let all the other people
Starting point is 01:17:52 in first same thing you know you wipe the seat off if you pee on it and like you do these things you need your kids to see and you you know you pick up trash if you miss the trash you go pick it up and extra nice to, you know, old people, stuff like that. Um, is there anything that you're preparing to tell your boys? Um, how to treat women? Are you preparing or thinking about, about what you're going to tell them about women and how they should be respected? Um, yeah, I mean, I haven't talked about that too much or thought about it too much, but no doubt we will. But there's this theme my husband and I have been talking about. And so I've been doing a mother-daughter course, 90-day mentorship program.
Starting point is 01:18:44 We launched it in January. And so we're about to start our third round this fall. And it's been insanely cool, a dream come true. But the heart of the mentorship is like bringing mothers back together with their daughters to be their number one mentor. And eventually, we're going to launch a father son program with my husband, kind of leading it and finding other different like minded fathers to help raise our young men, or our boys to become men. So I think a lot of men or a lot of boys go into adulthood, but they remain boys. So empowering them to like step it up and to become a man. And so I guess, like, obviously, my husband and I have so much to learn when it comes to parenting. And we're still so early on. Our oldest is only seven,
Starting point is 01:19:48 but we're going to just charge and do this thing because I just think there's such a big need for coming alongside our young boys and helping them to become men and just be a part of their life in a more meaningful way and just supporting dads because I just think dads don't have the support they've needed to raise their sons to like become men. And so we're just gonna like put our super brainstorming, like brains on my husband's been brainstorming a lot, not me as
Starting point is 01:20:21 much, but I always just am there to support him and like give him feedback if he wants. And so that's kind of like on our horizon, just to create more opportunity to come alongside of fathers to support the men or the boys to become men and just talk about all these things like being kind to women um the responsibilities that you're going to be stepping into and just how to like interact with the world with technology with just everything so yeah no doubt we will be having well at least my husband will have a lot of conversations with our boys and um yeah i'll just be like loving on them but i think a lot of conversations with our boys and, um, yeah, I'll just be like loving on them. But I think a lot of that husband's shoulders. So that'll be cool to kind of
Starting point is 01:21:12 support him in that journey and just be mom along the way. Yeah. My mom, um, my parents were divorced, but my mom definitely gave me the talk throughout my younger years. I remember being young, probably seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, every year, somewhere along there, there would be some sort of talk. And sometimes it was as simple as, Hey, when you're walking down the street, you, you walk on the side where the traffic is. And, you know, as I got older, I realized it's not, you don't just do that for women. You do that for kids. You do that. Um, and, and, you know, always hold the door open for women. And, you know, then as you get more evolved, you realize, no, I should hold the door open for women. And then as you get more evolved, you realize, no, I should hold the door open for everyone. But these were things my mom taught me, the umbrella, just the
Starting point is 01:21:50 simple things, but then also more about tone with women, being aggressive towards women. All of those things are completely unacceptable. I love that. I love that she was intentional. And I think it just comes back to like having the more intentional conversations. Like, right. Maybe the generation that my parents grew up in was more of like quiet parenting. Like you didn't say as much. Right. There's kind of a theme of like a lot of fathers like really didn't say much. And I think it's because their fathers didn't say much. And so, I mean, not obviously, like, it's not a blanket statement, because there was probably a lot of great dads out there that really spoke into their children's lives. But yeah, I think just getting intentional with conversations, but also, like you said, leading by example. Yeah, yeah. Just in a small thing to a small note too like a perfect example is is how you treat your wife obviously your boys are going to see but if your kids all if your kids see you fight then they also need to see closure yeah so you know even just simple
Starting point is 01:22:57 things like that like you guys get in an argument that someone bleached their clothes with something that they weren't supposed to it's just to you it's nothing you know what i mean but to the kids who watched it is and then you might it's as simple as to circle back around hey i shouldn't have spoke to you like that i could have brought a different yeah you know i mean even if you don't meet it say it like let the kids see no i'm big on like either apologizing to them or yeah bringing it's and since you're just like, my husband and I don't have a whole lot of conflict, I feel like if we do, it's ā€“ we probably should show our conflict in front of them a bit more. We usually save it for after we put them to bed just because, like, that's when we like to kind of decompress and converse about, like, when things didn't go smooth. Right. press and converse about like when things didn't go smooth.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Not that I'm not saying we don't like share our conflict. Cause I'm not big on like hiding conflict and I definitely am an apologizing to my children here and there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Of course. But yeah, I like, I like your intentionality there. My my wife does this thing with the kids um every day or five days a week at least it's um circle time and it's basically you sing some songs and then and then you sit you have a meditation pillow and you sit and you set a timer and you sit and then today afterwards they were giving her she they were giving her feedback on her parenting and i just
Starting point is 01:24:21 i was just cracking up is this too much to ask like what was some of the feedback oh they were just they were they were mimicking they were saying she's they were saying she's mean and they were standing up pretending like they were her but my wife's the furthest thing from being me it was like it's stuff they're just like honest they're probably nitpicking the one moment oh it's crazy I went in there i told my girl you guys better pipe down i'll show you mean they were uh and they were having a blast like pretending they were her so every morning so she has she does school with them every morning and breakfast every morning with them at this tape at this countertop yeah and they just start all chirping at her like she
Starting point is 01:24:59 brings them a piece of bacon then they want a napkin then they want this and she'll just you know just tell them hey wait your turn don't talk for five minutes like or something like that you know what i mean like just something that's like totally like like like if you ask 13 questions in a row you're on a five minute like just deal with your own shit for a second but yeah and they're like they were just riding what's some of y'all's um favorite books you or do you like reading books or have you had any major influence um in your life as far as parenting because i feel like i have so much to learn and i'm kind of like still figuring it out majorly you know so but i'm having a lot of fun and it's like the joy of my life for sure do you
Starting point is 01:25:37 do um the thing my wife did with them is she started do you know what kuman is i feel like i've heard of it but no no, I don't know what it is. It's a program developed by a Japanese guy, K-U-M-O-N. It was developed by him in the 50s. And he basically made it for his kids to study. And it's basically like it's reading and writing, and then it's also math. And it's basically anywhere. I feel like I've heard of Kumon Math, maybe.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Like I had some friends that had their children doing Kumon Math. And we started our kids on it at three. And you just basically, it's anywhere from five to 15 minutes every single day. Yeah. And my kids, since they've been doing it, they just know. They wake up first thing in the morning, they go get their Kumon bag and they start it. And it's basically just worksheets. And my wife just helps them. You get them going on it and then they do it. Are they really like energetic on learning? They are. They're pretty, they're pretty darn. I mean, they have their hiccups, but I'd say 90% of the day. I think everyone does. And it's really, um, it's, you know, so when it starts, it's just how to hold a pencil and draw lines. I mean, it's such baby steps, but by the time you're a sophomore in high school, it's,
Starting point is 01:26:44 um, you know, differential equations, calculus, it's diagramming sentences. But this thing just walks them through it. Cool. I'm into it. Yeah, come on. Check it out. I would say we're still like we've bought a couple of curriculums that we didn't end up liking. So we're still trying to kind of figure out what we want.
Starting point is 01:27:04 And I don't know, I feel like these youngers developing healthy habits is so important. And so that looks like it's very habitual. But I also want to like, I bring in a lot of the free flow, like, blow with the wind of like, what's their interests and like trying to have fun with it and like propelled by their things that excite them, which I feel like they're pretty excitable about everything. So it's pretty easy to please them and like get them excited to like look into something. But I was tripping. My son built this Lego truck yesterday. It looked like a real life truck, It looked like a real life truck, like a little like out back, like Jeep truck.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Like it looks like real. Like if you made it life size, you could genuinely drive it. I was like, whoa. And he just like took the pieces out of the box. Oh, it's not even like a kit. He just made it up himself. He made it up himself. Like it wasn't a kit and he took the random pieces. He made it up himself.
Starting point is 01:28:01 It wasn't a kit. And he took the random pieces. And literally, if you blew it up to life size, it was genuinely drivable. Except for I don't think it had the steering wheel because I don't know if we even had that piece. But I was pretty mind blown. I was like, whoa. How do you... If I tried to do that, my Lego creations are very... They laugh at me.
Starting point is 01:28:24 They're just abstract bobs. Look, I stuck two pieces together and you look all proud of yourself. When I make something cool, every now and then if I get a compliment, I'm like, woo, I did good. Do you have professional teachers for them anywhere? Do you have a piano teacher or a surf coach? We started doing music a little bit. we just got home from our trip so we need to get that going again but they've actually been doing skate lessons and that's
Starting point is 01:28:53 been really fun and the the skate uh teacher who we're working with i feel like he's like a life coach like i love that the boys are just with him like if skateboarding wasn't involved like he's just a super rad human and the way he treats them is really beautiful so i love that they're just learning from another adult in like a healthy environment and they love it that's another thing that i would always people think so my kids have a lot of professional instruction and they think that i want my kids to become good skaters or good jiu-jitsu. But, but really what I want is them to have the interaction with these adults. I just love that. You nailed it. Yeah. Yeah. That's how I feel. I mean, my son is way better than I was
Starting point is 01:29:40 at surfing at his age right now. Um, he's, way better than me. But like, there's no ounce in me. I mean, maybe a hair tinge of me that wants him to go pro. But like, I really am not pushing for that at all. It was just kind of happened. Like, I mean, of course, I'm a surf mom. So I put more effort towards that department than most parents would. Because if you're not interested in surfing, you're not going to like really want to push your child to surf. But yeah, it's pretty cool. Like he loves the ocean and riding waves. The way he reads the ocean is mind blowing.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Like he sees a wave from forever away and he like positions himself to catch that. And if any of you have surfed before and you're not good at it, like understanding the ocean is the main battle. Like being able to read the waves coming at you and the timing of like catching them. It's pretty crazy seeing him do his thing. But I don't want him to be a pro if I can help it. But like I wouldn't hold him back. I just I don't want him to be a pro if I can help it, but like, I wouldn't hold him back. I just, I don't know. I think he could do a lot of cool things in life and be really happy and
Starting point is 01:30:50 surf really good too. Did you have pressure from your parents in, in the, in the movie? Your mom said something fascinating. She said everything we've been working for, I thought was gone. And I was like, Oh shit, there must've been a lot i thought was gone and i was like oh shit there must have been a lot of pressure oh is that the first time i swore um there must have been a lot of was there a lot of pressure on you you know or did you just not even feel it it was your life i think i was very self-driven and motivated and that also comes across by the way in the movie that also comes across but they
Starting point is 01:31:25 definitely like encouraged me a lot and i think they loved being like that i loved it so they're all in for it yeah but yeah i mean when i think about my parents and my resiliency after when i lost my arm the thing that stands out to me is just the amount of time they spent with me. And I feel like that gave me such a great foundation for just being a confident human. Like, I think they love surfing. And so they naturally wanted to get me in the ocean. But just the amount of time they gave me. And nowadays, I recognize that our society is so busy. And a lot of parents are very busy and are away from their children for so many hours of the day. And naturally, like, I understand that not everyone can just like spend a lot of time
Starting point is 01:32:18 with their children. And the average working American, it's really hard to get by. And so I have a lot of compassion in that sense. But like, when you're off work, like just being present with your children and spending that time, I think will give them such a good foundation for just being confident as a human. And yeah, I look back on the amount of time my parents gave me and I'm like, wow, yeah, I look back on the amount of time my parents gave me and I'm like, wow, they didn't necessarily work the jobs that they wanted, but a lot of their jobs kind of like allowed for them to be with me. And yeah, I'm just so grateful. And that definitely inspires me and my parenting is just having that quality time with my children. And I think that will definitely propel them forward in whatever their passions and desires in life are,
Starting point is 01:33:13 or when challenge comes their way, they'll have like sure footing. They know that they're loved and that they have worth and value. And so they'll, I trust that they'll be resilient when challenge comes their way um and i'm just so grateful like even though i wouldn't say okay like i love this the analogy of soccer parents like super psycho ones like my parents were like soccer parents but not the psycho ones they drove me everywhere but they didn't fight with the other parents. And like spent a lot of time and like just gave me the opportunities,
Starting point is 01:33:50 but like not in a like aggressive way and like a pushy, like you got to live up to my expectations sort of way. So yeah, I like my dad was just so mellow and easygoing, but like so supportive and like cheering me on you know and still is to this day he's like the exact same way and it's cool now he's like filming his grandkids when I take them out surfing he'll come and like post up on the beach and film them because like video analysis is so key and like you're propelling, getting better at your surfing sport. So it's kind of fun seeing fast forwarding to them. But do you after you had kids, did you start reflecting and play moments in your life back and see, oh, my God, how did my parents deal with that?
Starting point is 01:34:40 Your dad says in the movie that the shark attack was the hardest thing he ever went through. And your mom's response was a little different i'm glad she didn't die but yeah but i i was in a bike accident and i almost died as a kid and i remember thinking soon as i had like now that i have kids i'm like how did my mom do that yeah no how did she make it through that week i would have i would have lost my shit yeah do you know like anytime i watch unstoppable or soul surfer the parts that like make me ball cry or like when i see my parents talking about yeah life and going through that and man it must have been so hard on them and my mom mentions at one point she's like yeah my husband and I would take turns going to cry
Starting point is 01:35:25 in our bedroom, like the weeks to follow. Cause they just have like breakdowns. But like my mom said, she is, we're so grateful that I was alive. And that, cause they got to blame themselves a little, right? Like, I mean, not that none of it's their fault. Obviously we all know that. Yeah. Or like, but, but, but you can't even imagine. I mean, they, they were, they played every option in their head. I should have taken her to get food. I should have done this. I should have bought her this. What if I would have done this as a parent? You're just like, yeah, it's your, it's your masterpiece. You, you, you, if you think the perfect wave is what you want, there's nothing a parent wants more than just their kid to be healthy.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Yeah. My, well, not all parents want that necessarily nowadays. I just, yeah. So I think there's a lot of lack of thoughtfulness with parenting, um, in the 21st century but a lot of parents do want the health of their children and the night before I surfed the same wave that I lost my arm with my best friend and no adult so Alana yeah are you still and then the next day we paddled out again but this time with her dad and brother and so like thank god that her dad was there because if the same thing had to happen the night before like no doubt i would have died oh really just blood loss and toast yeah and just not having that her dad her dad basically rescued me were there cell phones then? There was, yeah, there was cell phones. So her brother had darted in a HUD and like called 911. And, um, yeah, I'm still good friends with her. She,
Starting point is 01:37:14 we both are moms now. She has two little boys and, um, did she stay on the Island? She is like a nomad. So she travels a lot. a lot her partner um is also a pro surfer and so yeah they just like nomad i think they're in indonesia right now and we actually own properties like her house is two up from me so it's really fun and so when she in hawaii yeah so when she is home, my boys and I are always walking over to her house. And yeah, they're... How old are her kids? Her oldest is the same as mine. We are pregnant together.
Starting point is 01:37:54 Oh, you're stoked. And then her youngest is a little younger than my youngest. So yeah, our boys will kind of grow up together and um yeah it's interesting like kind of fast forwarding and we live such different lives but we have that same connection for the ocean and i'm always like i haven't really babysat her children for her to go surf but i'm like i will i love her little her yoga is so cute and like i would just snuggle him but nobody leave your kids with bethany because if the waves are good she's going out we already established that in the first five minutes of the podcast
Starting point is 01:38:38 no it's funny like there's a couple waves that are my favorite waves in the world and i schedule them into my calendar. So I'm like, I checked the, like probably one of my number one apps is a surf forecast checker. So I'll check the forecast and be like, hon, my favorite wave is going to be breaking these days. So you're on full daddy duty. Oh, that's your bowl? Yeah. So that's at your house? Yeah. Wow. It was like a lifetime of babysitting investment, I would say. Oh, you skate too?
Starting point is 01:39:15 I'm like a lighthearted skater. I've broken two bones and both of those were broken skateboarding. So it's a love-hate. Oh, but that's good. Cement is harsh. I think i'm pregnant in this video here it looks like i'm pregnant or i'm postpartum i'm pretty sure i'm pregnant though you do um do you do any one wheel i don't i've tried it my cousin had one but i think you think it's reposers my friend who's awake all my all my surfer friends in santa cruz are like i wouldn't get on one of those in my life depending god you're kind of funny like for a hardcore surfer
Starting point is 01:39:55 you're kind of like oh those are cute but it's funny my friend in florida he's a former professional wakeboarder and he just rides his one wheel everywhere on his property. I'm like, dude, you need to endorse this one wheel thing. But I think he's too dangerous on it. So the one wheel couldn't actually utilize any of what he does on it. The crazy stuff he does. Because he's just like carrying kids. He has the children on.
Starting point is 01:40:23 He's carrying all his gear. He just like goes around his property on it because he's just constantly going. He's really cute on it. I was like, oh, you make me kind of want to get one of those. I'm seeing the guys in Santa Cruz more and more. I'm seeing them. They put a lawn chair on it instead of stand on it. And then they sit on it.
Starting point is 01:40:42 And then they got like a cooler and then like a surfboard or something and then they just they're cruising along the beach with it it's pretty funny i feel like for certain environments those sort of things come in handy like but the way our like location is designed i could see us utilizing an e-bike because there's a few spots i would go to that i wouldn't normally go to with just my time windows. But yeah, I don't, I don't know. Like I, I don't have an e-bike for my children or electric things. Like I want them pedals. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You see that, you see that in Santa Cruz. Yeah. I'm kind of like, like using my body and and want my family to just use our body.
Starting point is 01:41:25 I'm so glad I never got the electric scooter when I was little and I was always biking everywhere. Bethany, I've kept you an hour beyond what your lady said. Yeah, I gotta go here. I got one last question for you, okay? Fun, easy, I promise. Does your fame and your skill level um does it get you into just amazing spots like there's this crazy legendary surf spot just north of santa barbara that i always hear about that um uh like james cameron and all these rich people own that beach in that
Starting point is 01:41:58 area down there like so yeah i know what you're talking about is that is it is it fun being you because you get access to all these waves and beaches? And like, do you have benefactors? Like, do you have people like this? People who just be like, hey, we're sending over the G4. We're bringing you over to like, what's the island there that's owned by the Oracle guy? One of those islands, the Hawaiian Islands is owned by larry ellison now he bought like 97 percent of it it's right off of kawaii what's the little island a little niihau
Starting point is 01:42:32 with all the windmills on it oh i don't know niihau doesn't have windmills on it there's four seasons yeah my husband went there or he's been there a few times now. He goes deer hunting. It's like some of the hardest hunting in the world. He does the bow hunting. You can do gun or bow. It's pretty gnarly. So has it been nice like that?
Starting point is 01:42:58 I like surfing because since I was only 13 years old or even younger, like I've been traveling to honeymoon destinations. So like Tahiti, Samoa, Indonesia, Maldives, like some of these amazing spots for, cause the waves are just so good, but I feel like I get offered to go places like everywhere under the sun, but I don't always say yes. I'm, I don't know. I'm not like the networker type. I feel like I actually wish I would like write things down and be like, Oh, maybe we will connect with you at some point. But I, I don't know. I just kind of pursue things on my own when I want them. And so like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:43:46 I guess Oprah doesn't bring you to Montecito. No, but I have been to that private community up above Santa Barbara because one of our good friends owns property there, but I never scored waves, but it is a pretty cool spot and it's um really peaceful and there's really fun waves there but yeah my friend he's the founder of um have you heard of that organization natural high they're kind of like the replacement for um dare the drug don't oh okay yeah it's like they're replacing dare i'd say but doing a better job okay um but he's a super rad human like just not you're like it's like kind of like wealthy i don't know he's just more like really down to earth and like just has such an insane heart for the youth yeah the whole thing on fentanyl is gnarly. Like, fentanyl is so crazy.
Starting point is 01:44:46 I've been meaning to kind of put that out there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, you know, so I grew up in the Bay Area. I grew up between Richmond and Oakland. Never had a friend who was shot. Grew up during the AIDS era. Never had a friend die of AIDS. Grew up in a cancer area.
Starting point is 01:44:58 I've never known anyone died of cancer. But dang, I know a bunch of people who've died from fentanyl now. And it's crazy. I know it's crazy. And what's crazy is it was FDA approved. And I feel like we use the FDA to like approve things in life. Oh, it's insane. It doesn't make sense. No, it's insane. Like if something's FDA approved, then maybe question it. It's a hundred percent insanity yeah so um but yeah i i don't really chase the flashy things as much i chase nature more so so i just you know i just want to be in nature like my version of like a vacation is going camping off grid with my family and just like adventuring so
Starting point is 01:45:46 i love doing things like that and just chasing waves and um just chasing the life we want to live i guess you're awesome and helping people along the way so me too thank you for all your time. Thank you, Siobhan. Nice, nice. Okay, I was nervous there. Bold. She surfs Jaws and she attempts hard names like Siobhan. Thanks for letting us
Starting point is 01:46:15 play with you for over 90 minutes. Tell Adam, thank you. I hope our paths cross again. You are a beautiful human being. Yeah, if you come out to Kauai hit us up
Starting point is 01:46:27 okay aloha bye aloha I'm in the dark over here my COVID is just like just like coming out now I think I'm like coughing it and snorting it and snotting it. And I'm gonna go,
Starting point is 01:46:47 I'm going to the beach. Right. Are we still alive? Yeah, we are. Oh my gosh. This guy wants, this guy wants to know my,
Starting point is 01:46:54 the stuff I use in my hair. It's like go to Amazon and type in like mud, Amazon. Um, it's expensive. And it's the only stuff I've ever found that, um, uh, I,
Starting point is 01:47:06 that. He also thinks you dye your hair. Who thinks I dye it? The same guy. Oh no. But you know what? People have come up to me and been like, Hey dude,
Starting point is 01:47:19 it's so obvious you dye your hair because of, and then they tell me why. And I'm like, Oh, okay. I just say, Oh, okay. The product's called mud.
Starting point is 01:47:24 Yeah. I typed. Yeah. I know I'm, I'm doing, I'm probably wrong. Hold on. me why and i'm i'm like oh okay i just say okay the product's called mud in amazon i typed yeah i i know i'm i'm doing i'm probably wrong hold on i'm going to my subscriptions this thing no no no thank you though um let me see oh no maybe i go to orders your orders i go to orders and then i type in mud excuse me she was cool man what what a difference from yesterday yeah yeah yesterday was rough today was nice what if i put in great hair mud what if i put in hair oh no clay it's clay it's clay not mud okay yeah okay it's called baxter of california clay pomade firm hold matte finish and i don't dye anything dude do you know how hard it is for me to spend three minutes i've first of all i haven't combed or brushed my hair in 40 years. This is all hand shit. I just wake up. I don't
Starting point is 01:48:28 have any time for anything. When I'm done pushing it in my hair, I put it in my beard and then I put it in my mustache. Lately, I've been trying to pull my mustache out a little bit. He's impressed. Thank you. Baxter of california clay pomade
Starting point is 01:48:48 firm hold matt finish on amazon 27 or something it was gone forever hey um i was just thinking the other day um i started the show with this about how someone was saying like i like seven except for his q non or his um john mackinrow stuff okay not john mackinrow i've seen people put that like i feel like i'm watching info wars oh yeah yeah yeah info wars and who's the guy's name who does info wars john alex jones no alex jones okay i don't know info wars i don't know alex jones i don't know q-non and the reason why you do know that stuff is because you watch cnn so can you imagine you watch a network that that thought that the virus was real and by real i mean that it was a threat to the global population it was worth shutting down the planet for two
Starting point is 01:49:37 years you you you watch that network and you believed that when anyone who could do third grade math knew that there was no there was no there was no there there for that. All you had to do is third grade math. You had to stop listening to Wolf Blitzer. And that's how you know what QAnon is. And that's how you know what John McEnroe and Wars Info is. And that's how you know that stuff, because you're the one who watches the dumb shit. And they tell you to say people who sound like me watch the dumb shit
Starting point is 01:50:07 because you're the dumb fuck. I mean, it's, it's, it's marvelous. You think you watch the network that supports the people who don't know what a woman is yet. I'm the guy who,
Starting point is 01:50:19 who, who does the Xenon and, and the Mr. Jones show. What? It's just a knucklehead. You knucklehead. I know, you're so brainwashed.
Starting point is 01:50:32 Trying to discredit you. Hey, I'm not suggesting guns are good or bad. I'm not suggesting that ice cream is good or bad. What I was suggesting in my post, that if you really give a shit about kids dying, you wouldn't be focused on guns. You'd be focused on ice cream because if you, if you were to take
Starting point is 01:50:51 the number of days lost of human life caused by ice cream versus guns, it's ice cream wins a thousand times to one every single time, but you're triggered by it because of some massacre that happened in texas i get it but don't project onto me that like i can't do simple math you're the retard you are a fucking retard hey you're doing so good with uh keeping in the lines with this one was that just bottled up for the last well i was just thinking about it in the shower i'm like how how am i the how am i the dude how am i you watch cnn to be told that i'm some sort of weirdo that i don't even know the weirdos are you can't let them get to you like that you know
Starting point is 01:51:29 but it gives me material they gotta get if i they don't get to me i ain't got no material i ain't got no material no no no no you still got you still got the material still got the discussion still valid i got i want to see i i was just i thought it was funny because i had all those same thoughts. And where I went to it is I went, OK, go back and then find me the conspiracy theory. Find me the conspiracy theory that we talked to. That's where my head went, because I know the comment that you're talking about. It's on Hiller's thing, right? I don't know where it is. Or how about this? How about this? You you were just involved in a planetary drug experiment. You were just involved in a planetary drug experiment under the guise of protecting yourself from something called COVID.
Starting point is 01:52:10 I mean, you are tarred. And yet I'm the QAnon guy. And you did it because CNN and Wolf Blitzer and fat dudes told you to. I mean, you're not wrong, but it's just funny hearing it that way. but it's just funny hearing it that way. I was thinking about just how hardcore my street cred is. What do you mean? I've been homeless and lived out of a dumpster for two years. I've flown in a G5 to Kauai and I'm rich.
Starting point is 01:52:41 You got receipts. I've been to a hundred countries. I was the only white guy in an all black neighborhood for four years four years spent months in africa i've been all over india i've been to the hundred probably poorest locations on the world i've been to all seven continents i was a republican i was a democrat i was like like like like get off the worldwide fitness brand like don't don't don't talk shit about me get Get on my jock. Ride my shit. I know. That means subscribe and like, please. Subscribe and like. I got this greatest street cred anyone you know.
Starting point is 01:53:15 Thank you, Mr. Dunlop. I think that comes through a lot in the depth of the conversations that you have and the ability you're willing to go. How about she shut down the shark talk? I can get that, though. That's like. I get that, though. I get it, too, but I thought I was slick in how I brought it up. Oh, it was good how you brought it up. I thought I had her manipulated to talk about it. She talked about it a little bit with the best friend. Yes, she came back.
Starting point is 01:53:35 Yeah, that was nice. Those are like outside details that probably aren't done. But it's like when you get that hit single, like you're that one pop star that got the one hit single. Ice baby. baby yeah and then that's everybody just went say the thing say the thing i know but i stayed away from it i stayed away from it because i didn't i really was more interested in about raising kids but yeah but i thought it was a brilliant angle do you tell the story from your memory or your that was interesting that wasn't interesting because it's like are you telling it from the time
Starting point is 01:54:04 recalling the other times you told it or you were calling back to the incident like i was actually wondering if the shark ate the arm this morning like full-on ingested it yeah like did it did it eat it or did it just like tear it off and like it just went on yeah like or does she have it and if she did like does she have the arm back if i had my so they show a picture of a shark in one of the videos and you can't tell if it's really that shark or it's just B roll, but it's a dead shark hanging 14 foot tiger shark. And like, if a shark tore my arm off and they got the shark, first of all, I would say, don't go get the shark. But if they got the shark, I'd want my arm back and i would have it in my house like like the
Starting point is 01:54:46 like not taxidermied or nothing but i'd have like the bone and the i'd have it i'd have it and i'd fuck with people you know what i mean like on this podcast if i was her i'd have like just been like you know like how'd you lose your arm you reach back and grab this arm yeah i didn't lose it it's's just not attached. He's so good. I keep it over here. Oh, taxidermied arm. I liked her more than I thought I was. I really started. And her husband's dope.
Starting point is 01:55:16 Yeah, that was cool. Four pages of notes. I didn't really touch anything. And she's a professional surfer. What a life. What a life. logan aldridge we talked about that cat what a stud i looked through the notes i thought you i thought you clicked all all of them that were sent to me okay good all right fine like i when i was scanning through i was like reading it as i was trying to catch up because then i was gonna like read through the notes and then
Starting point is 01:55:40 here and where you were which is kind of a crap shoot anyways because i could read all these and you could be nowhere near them the whole time too. I wasn't sure if it was actually going to catch me up to the show or not. But then as I read through them and you were going through it, I thought you checked all the boxes. Checked all the boxes. Excuse me. Okay, good. Thank you. Yeah, but I got to get rolling. I do have to get back to the gym now.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Okay, fine. That was my cord falling. I can't see that video. I can't see that video. I kind of want to do a show tonight, a live calling show. I was thinking about inviting Hiller on tonight and just doing a show, seeing what's going on on his YouTube station.
Starting point is 01:56:18 But I have that show with that comedian tomorrow morning. Yep. Pretty Schmidt. Oh my goodness. And you've seen people who think I'm Xenon and Mr. Jones. You also think Eric Rosa got a promotion.
Starting point is 01:56:46 Part of that camp. There's gotta be nobody out there that still thinks he got a promotion. He's been gone. You guys were involved in a drug experimentation that made the richest people on the planet richer. And I'm the conspiracy guy. You fucking bats shit fucking lunatics
Starting point is 01:57:07 no my my favorite thing is i have friends now and by the way i have friends of everything like like i got tranny friends straight friends gay friends everyone likes me i'm cool shit i'm fun people who don't like me it's because they don't fucking hang out with me and know that i just accept everyone i don't care like one of my friends just called me the other day and tell me about her new titties she got. I rip on fake titties all the time. But you know, if someone pulled them out right in front of me, I'd just probably chub up. I'd be like,
Starting point is 01:57:33 I hate those things. Oops. And the lie detector test determines that's a lie. I can't believe women have those. Seconding that vote my goodness
Starting point is 01:57:51 I didn't participate someone find out if someone is faking faking what about what she'll be 1 million times better than David Lucas I know she was oh do you mean tomorrow Brittany Brittany Brandon Waddell you mean tomorrow? Brittany, Brittany, Brandon Waddell. You mean tomorrow, that Brittany Schmidt chick? God, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:58:10 I have comedian fear now. I'm always funny. What are you talking about? I'm always funny. Always funny. CEO shirt. You get these CEO shirts. Look at, look at.
Starting point is 01:58:22 Sousa wants, Sousa's having, Sousa hasn't had this much fun in like 72 hours. And he has to go somewhere, but he just can't get off the show because it's too fun. Well, I was waiting for you. I figured I'm not just going to baited you on here. Okay. So let's look at the, okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:58:37 I'll go fuck myself now. You don't have to. 20 burpees. Don't fuck yourself. How about, okay. How about we look at the schedule and then we get off. Okay. Bethany Hamilton Hamilton we did today
Starting point is 01:58:45 We have Brittany Schmidt tomorrow And then Friday we have the UFC show I need to do something with like Like JR I need to just like I don't want to Someone said in the comments Someone goes oh it's nice that you have a non-CrossFit guest on
Starting point is 01:59:02 I'm like oh I want my show to be Oh it's nice for you to have a CrossFit guest on once in a while in due time it's just been these last four weeks too if we're doing semi-finals I mean it is what it is right it's a lot of CrossFit content
Starting point is 01:59:16 that's why we won't have that I don't know if you're doing anything else on Friday or planning to but we're going to roll right into the last weekend where what oh this weekend yeah so it's pretty much filled up I don't know if you're doing anything else on Friday or planning to, but we're going to roll right into the last weekend. Where? What? Oh, this weekend.
Starting point is 01:59:27 Yeah. Yeah. We'll do something. It's pretty much a show that, Oh, that's what I was getting at. Okay. I'm going to see if I can do a live calling show tonight.
Starting point is 01:59:35 Are you going to be around tonight? Not until after seven. I coached that new intro class from five 30 to six 30. Okay. I'm going to ask Caleb if he can do it. Okay. All right, guys, I will to 6.30. Okay, I'm going to ask Caleb if he can do it. Okay. All right, guys. I will see you guys later. Peace and love. Bye. Adios.

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