The Sevan Podcast - #442 - Live Call in Show

Episode Date: June 11, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Oh, shit. I'm not, I'm just totally not 100%.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Whatever that means. I just don't feel normal. Brain feel like mush still? Not mush mush mush is a little bit much but uh i mean i've been sleeping i i used to never i mean before i got before a couple weeks ago before i got sick i never used to sleep more than like six seven hours a day and then it took like a 10 or 20 minute nap during the middle of the day. And, uh, like now the last, I don't know. That's a few nights whenever I'm, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I mean, even during the semifinals, I was sleeping like 10, 11, 12 hours. I never do that. I can't even believe that 12. I never slept 12,
Starting point is 00:01:17 but 10 or 11, a few times. Wow. I don't think I've ever slept more than seven hours before. Um, it's been hours before. Um, it's been a while. Oh, the seven podcast is called out in the morning.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Chaka particle. What morning? Chaka particle. And what, what's called out mean seven is getting off the ass bike. Well, I got off 30 minutes ago. It's hot here,
Starting point is 00:01:44 dude. It's hot here. It's like a hundred degrees like 100 degrees here oh not that hot i was talking like 78 78 hot oh god wow where are you again you're in oklahoma virginia virginia yeah it's hot as shit and then we had a fire drill today so we're all standing outside sweltering hey have you have you always lived in Virginia as long as I've known you? Yeah. But for some reason, I just can't figure it out? I think you get Will and I mixed up sometimes.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Oh. But he's all over the place. Will's in one of the Carolinas. Yeah. Yeah. 702. Got my super diluted coffee. Tomorrow's
Starting point is 00:02:32 skate park skate park dealio is all set up. Have your kids watched the Tony Hawk documentary yet? No, I keep meaning to do that shoot have you seen it just finished it good incredible wow okay i really like it okay i'm definitely gonna have to check it out oh what's the show about today tomorrow morning i'm having hillar on i was gonna have him on tonight but he had like a softball
Starting point is 00:03:04 game or he had something to do and he couldn't come on. And then he called back and said his shit got rained out, whatever the sport he plays is. And then by then I was like I wasn't really ready to do him. So he'll be here tomorrow at 7 a.m. I'm excited. I got a whole list of notes. It'll be fun.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I'm going to poke fun at him for a bunch of the stuff he's put in his videos. Man, he just made a Masters one that was 28 minutes long holy cow that's too long i know you could talk about master's athletes for 30 minutes you can't two of them two of them died during the show that's how that's how long the show is oh yes oh yes oh yes off to a good start jamal what's up brother what's up, brother? What's up, Siobhan? How are you doing? I'm great. Mr. Beaver, you doing all right?
Starting point is 00:03:51 So good. How are you? I'm doing good. So, Siobhan, what I was thinking about the other day, I forgot what podcast you were talking about, but I was comparing Justin Kotler and Matt Fraser in my head,. And I was thinking about how Matt Frazier to Mel O'Brien, it's almost like Nick Saban. Like all his players have like everything they need. He knows exactly what they need to like win, win the college championship. But then you have a coach like Justin Kotler where he's like that elementary coach where automatically you have a kid,
Starting point is 00:04:30 say you have a kid that's late and his parents are coming home late or whatever. Justin Kotler is a coach that take you home, like stop somewhere to get you something to eat. Like he just shows how much he cares in a different way. Oh yeah. And I feel like that. I said,
Starting point is 00:04:45 who is the guy you referenced? Some college coach, Nick, who, what, huh? Nick Saban. Oh,
Starting point is 00:04:50 I don't even know who that is. Alabama football coach. No, never heard of him. Sorry. It's all right. All right. Oh,
Starting point is 00:04:58 good. Good conversation. Nice talking to you. Oh yeah. No problem. You're a good dude. I love you. Don't,
Starting point is 00:05:03 don't ever call football football stories again all right well all right just one last oh okay oh one last thing please uh daniel brandon is the alan iverson of uh cross oh oh okay okay now you're talking i know a little bit of basketball okay i feel you okay all right that's it. Okay, that's good. Good redemption. Last minute redemption. Dave Castro is coming back to CrossFit. Dude, that's two weeks old. I told you that two weeks ago. Didn't you see they referenced our...
Starting point is 00:05:36 Oh, Northside Champs. He just came from the other side of the galaxy and just realized it. Yeah, I live under a rock. That's how long it takes for travel to New Zealand, I live under a rock. That's a lot of takes for travel to New South Wales. I live under a rock. Because I don't know about Alabama's coach. I'm not doing football. Okay, where was I?
Starting point is 00:05:56 Oh! Alex Stein next week, too. He started the whole California hormones protocol. i think gary roberts has started i think paul uh this guy paul who's we're supposed to have had on like three times and keeps canceling he started uh we got two ladies who um have started their blood work i'm excited to tell those stories if you want you can go to sign up for a free blood work doctor's consultation use the password seven and the ball will start rolling
Starting point is 00:06:33 oh should i read it should i read the quote it's been a while do it when your parents are alive you might wish they behave different when they're dead you will wish you behave different pretend your parents are dead now listen don't get in my dms and shouldn't be like what was that quote blah blah blah no just rewind the show and listen to it uh who's the tony hawk of crossfit rich how about how about how about calling someone in one of those videos that said Who's the Tony Hawk of CrossFit? Rich. How about calling someone in one of those videos that said Annie Thor's daughter was the Michael Jordan of CrossFit? And then I think you titled our video that I had to change that.
Starting point is 00:07:16 That was blasphemous. Will said the same thing. That's blasphemous? Yeah, he did not like that I said that. Yeah, yeah. To make it better, I did put a question mark after it just to be like hey but you took it from someone else right it was i think i took it from brian yeah it was in a video somewhere and it's just like crazy it's a little blasphemous i agree yeah it's lovely though she's great i don't know if we have a Michael Jordan Not yet I mean if we did I would
Starting point is 00:07:46 Oh hello Miss Cox hi Nice to see you Thank you What a woman I know the show is off to a great start Dang Sarah Dang If
Starting point is 00:08:01 If you talk shit about me For example Or if you do something i don't like or you do something that's aggressive or whatever and and i have to um uh smack you around on my show a little bit and then you want to come on my show and use my platform to save face for you uh-uh it doesn't work that way just so you know if you come hard me, if you do anything that's mean to me and then I and I defend myself on my show and then you get your feelings hurt. I'm not letting you come on my show and then to say to save face. Does that make sense? Does it? You know, I'm like like I wish I could give you that. I wish I could give you an objective example. example, um, just if you were to say, if you were to, I mean, this is, this is totally fabricated,
Starting point is 00:08:51 but, but just those guys, those guys over talking to eat fitness, we had our little beef with them. And then let's say for some reason they wanted to come on the show and talk, which they don't, they haven't said that at all. I'm just making this up. I'm not interested in having them on my show to talk about it and have them say face that I'm'm not you used to go say face on the platform you started talking shit on me about that's it would you prefer them like approach you in person and talk about it that part doesn't matter that i don't mind i don't mind that either way but i'm not interested there's something becomes disingenuous if you want to come on my platform after you got fucked up after you hit me you know what i mean like like you punch my window and break your hand and now you want to come to my house and have me bandage you up i don't think so go over go somewhere else and get bandaged up wasting supplies yeah it's like
Starting point is 00:09:35 yeah i i'm not uh i'm i'm i'm not opposed to being friends with everyone and loving on everyone and doing everything good no no no not Katrin Katrin I'd do that just for ratings I'd do that for ratings but I got wound up again I thought like when I had Annie on things were like settling a little bit
Starting point is 00:09:57 and then Hiller made that video and it just showed just how fucking despicable what she did was what video was that he made a video showing the actual interview I did just how fucking despicable what she did was. What video was that? He made a video showing the actual interview I did with Stacey Tovar, where Stacey Tovar says that, hey, if you are on this kind of birth control and you're a woman,
Starting point is 00:10:18 if you get off of it, your performance will be better. And that's what I got in trouble for? for i remember having conversations i mean obviously i work i work in a hospital so like i i have these ghost kind of conversations regularly and when you had the conversation with annie i was like this is exactly the same as conversation i have with people at work you mean just about uh just uh uh birth control and menstrual cycles birth control like women's health stuff like it's normal like yeah and it yeah and then i was uh talking to my wife about it she goes yeah this that interview sounds exactly like the interview you did with stacy it's almost identical yeah except stacy's we got some really good that was some valuable information she gave.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Oh, certainly. Yeah. Crazy valuable. Not that Annie didn't give valuable information, but I have a friend, an acquaintance, a loved one who lived in a city and this city is terrified. The people there in general were terrified of getting COVID. The lockdowns there were real. People actually listened to them. This friend of mine was terrified and they had two kids. They took their two kids and the husband and wife and as a family unit, they moved a thousand miles
Starting point is 00:11:40 away to a small, 800 miles away to a small quaint city that they thought would be safer or COVID couldn't come. And they bought a home there. They started their life there. They got the vaccines. They got double boosted. They got triple boosted. They got their kids vaccinated. They wore masks. They wore more masks. They wouldn't see us if we saw them inside. They only saw us outside. They wanted us to get masked. They wanted us to get tested. They quarantined. They zoomed. They kept their kids isolated for two years.
Starting point is 00:12:20 They drove by the grandparents' house and waved through the car because they didn't want to kill the grandparents get this week i found out they all have covid the entire family i'm just like you could you could take all the precautions you want you're still gonna get it probably how did how do people how are they processing that how are people processing that i have no idea i i had this exact same thing happened at work everybody got vaccinated everybody is like they were super like wearing masks and 95s at work around their family like all that shit and then like within the span of probably six months all of us ended up getting it how about how how do they justify so uh the two do
Starting point is 00:13:06 do they say that we would do they say that they we would be sicker they would be sicker if they wouldn't have got to that is that okay so that's that's the argument the argument so they tell themselves that yeah the justification every time is like well it could have been is there truth in that is there any truth in that or we don't know i've um i'd have to look a little deeper into it but i've been talking to a doctor friend of mine and that's, that's essentially the reasoning behind getting vaccinated is that you're, you're mitigating the severity of the, of the symptoms you would get from COVID itself. But then my argument in return to that is like, well, a lot of these people are so far on the sickness side of the sickness, wellness spectrum wellness spectrum that well it's like putting a
Starting point is 00:13:46 band-aid on an open fracture and i just i have a tough time agreeing with like oh everybody needs to get it just because these people who have these severe well that part still doesn't make sense that that part still doesn't make sense that everyone needs to get it just that part still doesn't make sense agree so okay so that it. Just that part still doesn't make sense. Okay. So we'll give them the benefit of the doubt, I guess, and say that maybe it reduces their symptoms, man.
Starting point is 00:14:13 It's so weird that vaccines are supposed to prevent something. And now with this one, it just reduces the symptoms, but okay, I'll go with it. And, and then the other excuse I think that they say is, is that we didn't know. We didn't know.
Starting point is 00:14:23 We were just doing what's right. You're an asshole. And so, no we didn't know. We didn't know. We were just doing what's right. You're an asshole. We did know. We did know. The science did know. John Iannotti at Stanford did know. That voice just got shoved to the side. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:39 The scientists knew. Sevan, can you please address the rumors about CDC? What rumors? Oh, I haven't. Will you go to morning, Chaka? Will you go to the CrossFit newsletter? The proxy CrossFit newsletter. The letter by proxy?
Starting point is 00:15:03 The organization by proxy? I don't even know what proxy means. I should stop saying that. What do you think about monkeypox? I don't know anything about monkeypox except that it has the word monkey in it. Okay. Scroll down. I don't know who Joe get. Wait, let me see. I don't know who Joe getting in is pillow. It sounds like a native American name piece. My tribal tribal elder and Justin LaFrancoco i know who that is they wrote this on
Starting point is 00:15:26 june 8th it's june 8th it said uh on today there's dave castro um scroll down a little bit though this is that looks like me he's talking to who's that no i don't wear my sunglasses like that the other day at diablo crossfit so it just looks like he's at diablo Cross. I mean, I announced he's coming back two weeks ago. That's all I know. Let me see a little bit. What did they say? Dave Castro is returning to CrossFit HQ five months after being fired from his position as general manager of sport.
Starting point is 00:15:53 They confirmed it through two sources who attended an affiliate gathering with Castro on Monday with approximately two dozen attendees. The news comes after several weeks. Speculations surrounding Castro. It was first made public. Okay. Fair. Fair enough. Yeah. uh the news comes after several weeks speculation surrounding casper it was first made public okay there fair enough yeah i i i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i i just assumed that i mean that's what he does he's always been going to the affiliates i don't i don't this is i
Starting point is 00:16:19 mean two weeks ago he was with affiliates in palo alto he posted a picture and then before that i think he was with some affiliates in Boulder and before that at Colorado. And, and before that, I think he did a shooting competition in Georgia. I think during that whole five months he was with affiliates. I think we're just getting excited. Maybe, maybe he took, maybe Dave told some people there he's coming back. I don't know. I know that affiliates are being told that at the semifinals or they were told that. So I don't know uh
Starting point is 00:16:49 but i but i presume he's coming back i just don't know what they're waiting for for the net for the announcement i don't i've and i could speculate but i have no idea and it's not good speculation it's just stupid shit what do i think about january 6th i don't know a lot about january 6th but what i do know is that it wasn't uh whatever they say it was i know that it was there was no attack on the capitol building how do i know that because everything is relative in life and i watched what happened in ferguson and it was 760 million dollars worth of damage and starting fires and burning police stations down with police inside. I know that they took over police stations and city blocks for fucking over a month, like in Seattle. I know what that looks like. That's a full on attack. Watching dudes walk in and hanging out with the security and no fire. And that the president, the former president
Starting point is 00:17:38 before I read through the transcripts, I went to all the liberal media outlets. I went to and I got their transcripts and Trump says, Trump says to march peacefully. And I just know that $30 million worth of damage on a Capitol building is not, um, an insurrection. It's just that it's, that's just fucking crazy talk.
Starting point is 00:17:55 And do I think that maybe the FBI and there were people there and people like trying to stir the pot? Yeah. All that shit. Sure. But, but that was just a fucking protest of a bunch of people. Now here's what I,
Starting point is 00:18:04 yeah, it was a guy to tour the Capitol. Yeah. But here's what I yeah it was a guy that toured the capital but here's what I do think you guys aren't going to like this I think that if you throw a Molotov cocktail at a fucking police department the police department should open fire on you self defense
Starting point is 00:18:19 I don't think that any of our public servants should be put in harm's way I think if you storm the fucking capital and fucking AOCs in there, they fucking put you down like a fucking dog. I do not think you can storm the Capitol. I don't think you, I think if you fucking twitch too fast at the White House, there should be a sign.
Starting point is 00:18:37 You can take a tour of the White House. Twitchy people shouldn't do it. I think if you twitch near the president within a mile of them, they fucking behead you. I think our public servants deserve the utmost in fucking defense and respect, including our police. The utmost.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I don't think you get to fucking walk up. I don't think you get to push the gates open, break the windows and go into the Capitol building. I don't. I think you get shot. I think you should be shot. Especially if there's senators in there. go fucking burn down a school or something go go start a park on fire go protest somewhere else stay away get get 30 times the amount of protesters and surround the building and lay down you do not get to fucking storm the building. You cannot, but you also can't call it an insurrection when it's fucking,
Starting point is 00:19:33 this looks like the fucking Muppets are in there and they're just sitting around and they're FaceTiming their mom and they're sitting, they're talking to the cops. I mean, it's embarrassing. It looks like furries. It's embarrassing. So that's how I feel about it. I just, it just just uh i don't want to use that term here it comes though common sense it's just common sense
Starting point is 00:19:50 tie yourself to the net at a tennis tournament yeah yes exactly or or you know have a million if you're pissed off and you want to make a statement, have 500,000 people get around the Capitol and lay down and don't let anyone in for fucking 48 hours. The whole world will look. Cool. But the fact that they didn't even start a fire there. Good sense and sound judgment and practical matters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I mean, what we saw, the BLM shit is a full-blown insurrection attempt to take over the fucking United States government. That's what that is. That fucking whole thing is fucking crazy and how it's funded and who it's funded by and the people and the brainwashing. And so, but, but I, but I don't, but I don't excuse anyone hurting even Biden or AOC or any, no, I don't, I don't, I don't think, I don't think they should even be in a situation to be threatened. When that
Starting point is 00:20:47 fucking neighbor of Rand Paul's fucking punched him out in his front yard, that dude should have been fucking brought to fucking the White House and put in one of those things where you put your hands and your head in it, and they should have let little kids throw fucking tomatoes at him. The stockade.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Oh, is that what that is a stockade um will you pull up this uh epic times article this is tripping me out i think it's uh i think it's good news i i hope it's true it looks like it looks like maybe California is waking up. San Francisco voters oust progressive Soros-backed district attorney in recall election. Keep going, please. On California Governor Gavin Newsom's recent recall election, Bo Deen didn't face any opponents on June 7th. San Francisco voters were simply asked to answer yes or no to the question, shall Chesa Bodine be recalled removed from the office of district attorney? With more than 61.3% of the voters selecting yes, San Francisco Mayor London Breed must now appoint an interim district attorney until November 8th when a permanent replacement will be elected.
Starting point is 00:22:03 appoints an interim district attorney until November 8th when a permanent replacement will be elected. Bodina, former public defender backed by left-wing billionaire George Soros, I don't know if that's true, came under fire for failed progressive criminal justice reform policies that have led to a sharp increase in drug overdoses, deaths, homeless, and thefts, including smash and grab robberies, car burglaries, shoplifting, and other property crimes. The Apple store in Berkeley by my house, it was robbed 12 times in three months. Finally, the police department just set up an outdoor
Starting point is 00:22:32 police department in front of it. It stopped it. That's bad when they have to park themselves there. Here's the part that's really hard for people to get their head wrapped around, but, but here it is. The most valuable thing you have in your life is your time. And what that does is that makes money tantamount to human energy.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Money equals human energy. I give someone $50, they come and work in my backyard for two hours. I'm using their human energy. I'm using their time. I'm using their time. When people steal, they're stealing your life. They're stealing your human energy.
Starting point is 00:23:35 They're stealing your time. So those people go in, they grab, they smash and grab a Walgreens, and everything in the store now goes up one penny to pay for that. We all pay for that. Those people took our time, our money. That dumb shit when they say that they're going to make something free, city college free, it's not free. Someone else pays for it with their human time. It's your time. It's your life they're spending. Would you rather Elon Musk hold the pile of human energy
Starting point is 00:24:13 and let him spend it on building rockets, electric cars, all these things that create shit tons of jobs? Or would you rather give it to Nancy Pelosi? Do you want to give your human energy to those people who sit in that public office and just push papers around? I'm going to say I would rather give it to an innovator, an inventor, someone who's creating jobs. It's not, it's nuts that people don't see that. It's not, uh, Sam,
Starting point is 00:24:53 did you get your, um, Sam's the guy who wore the, uh, seven podcast shirt at the semifinals. Speaking of free, did you get your free coffee? I hope you did. I just got a shitload the other day oh that's good it makes me happy it's stoked um what is this thing gun is this oh yeah we already did that one okay fine um sean g new day let's check it out oh oh one more thing oh suze is here Sean G, New Day. Let's check it out. Oh, one more thing.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Oh, Suze is here. Shit. Oh, this is perfect. Oh my goodness. Hi, Matt. Hey, what's up, guys? What's up, Caleb? Hey, how's it going? Good. Also waiting for my TDC CEO shirt to come in. Oh, yeah. Did they say they're sending that to you? If not, send me your...
Starting point is 00:25:44 DM me your address. I'll make sure you get one. You guys are going to love this story. You're going to love this story. What number is it? Uh, there's no, there's no, it's just something I'm going to read. There's nothing, no number. What do you get? What are you guys chatting about? I'm coming in blind here. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Ah, the usual. This is a, I got this DM the other day thank you sarah here we go from a crossfit affiliate hey seven i'm an affiliate owner in alabama and this amazing experience happened yesterday i thought i'd share with the ceo who cares the power of a crossfit affiliate yesterday around two o'clock a man walked through the door and asked if he could work out with us. I told him we didn't have another class until 4.30 and he was more than welcome to come back and try it out. He's never done CrossFit before and doesn't even currently work out. We talked a little longer and he began telling me how he was a little depressed and just felt like he needed to work out to get some steam off. At this point, I could tell that he really just needed someone to talk to, and I felt that if he left, he wouldn't come back. So I invited him to work out with me.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I had snatches, deadlifts, and accessory work to get done, and he hopped right in. The whole time we just talked, he told me about some troubles he was having at home, where he worked, and about his daughter, and a little bit about his past. Two people, two completely different backgrounds, and none of that mattered. We worked together and sweated. The whole session took us a little over an hour to get done. At the end, he told me thank you,
Starting point is 00:27:18 because if he didn't stop here, he might have ended his life this afternoon. This shook me to my core we cannot get caught up in the workout and the scores we have to constantly remind ourselves of the bigger picture damn it was joe biden who came in by the way dang that's a great story isn't it yeah that's crazy oh i was wondering what happened what like goes through people's minds like the day prior to them like committing suicide like if somebody were like something like that could
Starting point is 00:27:52 have completely changed their life changed their mind entirely like it i don't know that's the psychology of it is just bizarre very similar to like what con was talking about or he's just like he wasn't thinking he was just on autopilot like if this guy wouldn't have pulled that that man out of autopilot he would have just continued oh oh yes i hear you interesting yep i hear you yeah hey love have you read any malcolm gladwell books fake story oh not fake it's like one of those reddit stories somebody just wrote in your fun at parties just like called it out okay check that one off the list like um outliers is that you're talking about suza yeah he's he's written a bunch of weird like like things about things about that and one of them was
Starting point is 00:28:43 on suicide and like the different like how it was popular in pockets and places it was really it was really weird which one is that i haven't read that one yet i can't remember off i'll stop my head sorry that was a build-up for nothing there sorry anyone who want anyone who wants to know about cancer and metabolic disease and wants a book that's totally palatable it's called tripping over the truth by travis christopherson tripping over the truth by travis christopherson and um even a knucklehead like me reads it and understands it and uh it's a fascinating read and you can even listen to it you know you know basically talk to you about how they basically barked up the wrong tree looking for the cure for cancer i mean now a lot of people know that thank you mw super cool thank
Starting point is 00:29:32 you nice hair uh where i wanted to show oh 156 honey nut cheerio honey nut cheerio Honey Nut Cheerio. Honey Nut Cheerio. Even my dad saw it. He was stoked. Okay, here we go, ladies and gentlemen. Male bees die after mating. That's basically their life honey nut cheerio british humor honey nut cheerio all right i thought it was cute that's great that's good thank you for that. Thank you. More dad jokes, please.
Starting point is 00:30:32 How about 152? How to treat police? Man, these are old. I don't even remember what these are. Be scared. Be scared. Sousa, be scared. I've always got a sweaty palm going when we're bringing these up. Here we go. What is it this time?
Starting point is 00:30:48 Five weeks ago. Five weeks ago. Hit him. Hit him. Hit him. Okay, you can pause this. Can't stand the only one this is just nuts i just can't imagine treating police like that why are you doing that why are you taking that out on them just leave those guys alone that guy has a gun in his hand and those people are
Starting point is 00:31:47 screaming at him it's because they feel safe it's because they feel safe yeah it's stupid it's stupid i i don't i'm not okay with that they're backing up the police i'm not okay with it imagine imagine living in a place at a time so well that you could treat the police like that because you feel safe and entitled enough to treat the police like that because you feel safe and entitled enough to treat the police like that yeah and the other time you would have you would approach people like that other countries stuff they'd shoot you dead right there on the spot yeah they don't even do it and why do you even want to treat the police like that don't you want your police to feel confident and loved and to be able to go around and protect and serve
Starting point is 00:32:22 yeah it's not seen as brave that's for sure those people don't look brave doing that or i bet they feel it they probably feel so ballsy well yeah i mean when else would you go over and start pushing somebody with a gun and you don't have one what you're you have a death wish anywhere else think about it so obviously you feel some sort of entitlement and safety enough in this country that's provided by that to feel that self-entitlement to go and do that. I'm not pushing you with a gun. I'm leaving. Me too. I'm out. I'm going to do whatever protest I was there to protest. 148, Paul Saldino has a girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:32:59 That's a great point. I'm sorry. That's a really good point. They were there to protest something and the police show up and they just started antagonizing the police. Why don't they just continue with their protest? Yeah. That doesn't make any sense. Oh, these people are so stupid. You think some of those people are planted in there like they...
Starting point is 00:33:17 Oh, sorry. I don't want to go. Info wars. Paul, I'm sure they are. I'm sure they are. Paul Saladino has a girlfriend. I interviewed Paul on his podcast and he didn't have a girlfriend and now he's got one. So let's see, let's listen to this. This is kind of old too. Yes. My answer is absolutely yes. These foods are the most sought after foods, the most nutritious food
Starting point is 00:33:45 for humans on the planet. Women thrive on this type of diet. Most women, when they include more protein, more animal protein in their diet, they get better skin, hair, and nails. When they include organs, they have better energy, better libido. More animal foods for ladies often equals weight loss, fat loss, tons of improvements. When ladies eliminate vegetables and get their carbohydrates from things like fruit, the least toxic plant foods, I have so often heard about GI gas and bloating improving. My girlfriend eats an animal-based diet of meat, organs, fruit, and honey, and she literally kicks ass on them. She's seen benefits with strength, endurance, and performance. She's incredible. Cheers, babe.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Cheers. insurance performance she's incredible cheers babe cheers oh i just got this weird i just got this weird uh feeling that like maybe it's not really his girlfriend why do they look more conspiracies what do you think you just did halfway through that were you like shit paid actor i don't know i don't know i don't're like, shit, paid actor? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I'm not. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I'm trying to keep it funny. I hope I'm being funny. Oh, man. I need to take my socks off. Literally just put them on. Okay. Well, I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I come in here when I'm so freaking hot and I put socks on because I feel naked without socks, but then it's just too hot for him. Okay, Paul Saladino might have a girlfriend. That's, I don't know. Low budget liver king. Yeah. Remind me to tell you something I heard today about the liver king. From a really good source.
Starting point is 00:35:24 from a really good source. It doesn't really matter, but I know it doesn't really matter, but, but it, uh, uh, okay. This is kind of a, this is, this is old too. Sorry guys. Uh, click on this, this, this tripped me out. I didn't, I, I don't understand people. We click one 44. This is so CrossFit has this program. It's called the cap program. I don't know what it stands for, but basically affiliates, I think can buy programming from CrossFit. And then with it, you get a beautiful detailed outline of how to run the class. So, you know, from minute one to minute 60, it says, you know, say hi, warm them up, cool them down. It's the whole thing. I guess it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:09 And I know we used to do something like this for free, and it was really amazing. But it's just a shitload of work. I don't have a problem with them charging for it or whatever, whatever they want to do. But there's a line in here that you guys got to read that's just idiot talk. Wait, go back to the top. I think it's at the top here we go okay hold on now listen now this is morning chalk i'm saying this so i don't know if if crossfit's this stupid or morning chalk was just portraying the stupid but here it goes they're selling this program they're selling a program it's called the cap program and it says
Starting point is 00:36:41 for the past several months cap and daily programming has been aligned. But in an effort to increase the exclusivity of CAP, that will no longer be the case. First of all, who chose those words in this woke environment? You fucking knuckleheads. I mean, you guys are retarded. Maybe Monique Chakam did it on purpose just to show like, hey, fucking we hate CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Like, fuck Seval and he doesn't know what he's talking about. But on top of it, that's how you're adding value by making it more exclusive? Like, that's how tits are treated. We're going to cover them up and now everyone wants to see it. I have to pay to see them. Yeah Like that's how tits are treated. We're going to cover them up and now everyone wants to see it. I have to pay to see them. Yeah. That's how tits work.
Starting point is 00:37:29 They're just made more exclusive by covering them up. I mean, it's just crazy. It's crazy. I want to read the details for the past. Everyone's cap and daily program has been aligned, but an effort to increase the exclusivity of cap that will have in an email crossfit explains due to desire to strengthen...
Starting point is 00:37:45 It gets worse. In the email, CrossFit explains the change. This has got to be out of context. They can't be this stupid over there. Due to a desire to strengthen the value of CAP, we want to increase
Starting point is 00:38:02 the exclusivity of our program. It really is what you do to tits it's like what you do to boobs somewhere in time they've decided to put shirts on women and now that's we walk around that's all we want to see oh that's funny i wonder i know this was a while ago but i wonder if it was because they they were also including all the other stuff like the lesson plan. Go back there. Go back there again. You know what I mean? I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Because there was like a whole minute-by-minute thing. It doesn't matter what they're doing or not doing. It's just that wording, right? Yeah. I mean, I hope you're right. Due to the desire to strengthen the value of CAP, we want to increase the exclusivity. It's like your kid's about to take a bite of an apple, and then to increase its value to the kid, you hold it up here. It's like, okay, you made it a little harder to get to, and now it's more valuable.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah, because that's hard to do. If they had the features before, like the lesson plan, the video demos, that type of stuff, and then they gave them for free for a while, then removed them, They should have worded it and said to continue to receive those other services. You know, we're going to ask you for X amount of dollars. We need to make it more valuable. So we're just going to make you pay for it now. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Right. No, it was already like, I get it if that's what you're doing. Don't say that part out loud. Sorry, man. They're making bad coaches. I mean, your coaches need coaches need i mean you want people to want stuff
Starting point is 00:39:26 because there's added value not because it's hard to get i'm sorry man they're making bad coaches i mean your coaches need to know this stuff not have crutches all over the place uh don't they have to start somewhere though don't they bill i i actually agree with that because uh one of the things i agree with bill yes because we have and I've had different coaches do this, but we have our Google Doc for the programming. And then the coaches actually go in and write the drills and the warmups and stuff like that. And so that way,
Starting point is 00:39:52 when we're incubating new coaches through, we can have them start by building their own warmup so we can see, okay, did they get the intent of this? Do they understand what's going on here? And you could see that in the warmup that they kind of choose to do with the workout. So if it's all provided and you're just kind of handing a cup cut and kate uh paste copy of it you're kind of like taking apart the away for them learning it on their own
Starting point is 00:40:13 they have to start somewhere though right i mean yeah but what if you did what if you did this program like every other day for six months i mean as long as you were going through and you you were still learning with them and not just saying here's the program and walking away from it you think it's like a comedian and all they do is read other people's jokes yeah they don't stretch out their brain and work on their own shit yeah that's nailed it yep yep yep and you could start with that to your point but eventually you have to have some sort of path off it and you're if you're the owner of the affiliate and you're just kind of
Starting point is 00:40:46 doing that because maybe your time is being delegated elsewhere, you still need a process for that coach to learn. It's weird to see Bill Grundler in the comments because every time I ask him to come on the show, he's too busy, but now he's in the comments watching the show. It's easier to pass it that way. It's easier. Giving him the out.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Plummer, what's up brother what's up guys is TAP the start of CrossFit turning to Orange Theory oh oh or sort of franchising it up a little bit making the
Starting point is 00:41:21 I never thought of that that's weird it seems like a no-brainer. It seems like standardizing the programming for no reason. Yeah. I don't know. I think CrossFit's attempt here was just to try to give more tools to the affiliates and then the affiliates
Starting point is 00:41:40 kind of got pissed off because then it was really just something to sell them. So they were just trying to get more money. increase it does increase value there uh they just went around it wrong but i don't think that that would be the key to franchising the model i think there'd be a lot of other things that would go into it other than just kind of having a standardized program um although i can see your point with that if every gym is doing the same workout but um unless they enforce it with rules it it wouldn't be a franchise so you could still do your own thing and that's a whole different conversation about
Starting point is 00:42:09 them franchising but i don't think that that would be the start to it yeah hey uh i i all i know about john brzenk is that he lost that match to devon and then i and i haven't been i haven't talked to him since then um and i haven't talked to devvin since then. I did see Devin's about to pull that giant guy. By the way, if you want to, Devin Lorette, if you're into arm wrestling, or even if you're not, he's about to arm wrestle a dude who's like, basically a fucking. Is he the dude that just fought Thor? No, this is another guy.
Starting point is 00:42:40 This guy, if you could go to Devin Lorette's Instagram, you'll see it. This guy's basically a science experiment this guy is and i really mean that this guy is something else and uh it's like uh oh yeah that's his name levon saganasvili that is a real human being look at his hand yeah that's not photoshop is he on the california hormone uh yeah yeah he got two plans he doubled up wow the man and the woman he that guy ate um the liver king and his family and it went straight to his forearms good job finding him yeah this guy's anyway Devin so I think Devin's gonna arm wrestle this dude I don't think that dude's like I think that dude like beat Superman
Starting point is 00:43:31 last year in an arm wrestling match and that guy's gonna arm wrestle Devin's gonna arm wrestle that guy like in 15 days it's gonna be gnarly yeah he's on he's on all the hormones yes oh do you think Devin Devin's gonna get getting crushed man Yeah, he's on all the hormones. Yes. Oh, do you think Devin's going to get getting crushed?
Starting point is 00:43:48 Man. I mean, yeah, that's like absurd, right? I mean, that was 220. That's 220. That's 100 kg dumbbell. Orisco. 220. Oh, it's doing it. That's a 100kg dumbbell. A wrist girl. Wrist extension. 220. Oh, it's so silly.
Starting point is 00:44:10 That guy's fitter than Tia. At least for that movement. Okay. What's up, Plummer? What you need? Are the hormone gains still going to happen with Castro going back to CrossFit? That's what everyone wants to know. And you said it CrossFit? That's what everyone wants to know.
Starting point is 00:44:25 You said it out loud. That's what everyone wants to know. That's the question. Let's ask Alex Stein. He'll be on on the 16th. We'll ask Alex Stein. Who's that? Prime time Alex Stein.
Starting point is 00:44:41 99. How about Will? Did you see that comic I had on the other day that he David Lucas I don't think I was listening to him earlier what's wrong with him I don't know you think I should have tried to made something
Starting point is 00:44:57 viral like I was at one point I should have been like dude you fucking suck as a guest and just seeing what happened and been like I mean just like that's like kind of like a hail mary to try to save the show hey you know what also it was go ahead well go ahead it was just like it was so he was too standoffish the whole time and you kept trying to you keep bringing stuff up and you'd be like, oh, so like, is there an exit plan for vaping? And he'd be like, nah. No. When the doctor tells me.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Actually, that was pretty good. I don't know. Are there famous people at the Equinox? No, not really. How about when you quoted him his own quote and he was like, nah. And you were like, okay, you said that. and he was like nah and you were like okay uh you said that and he was like oh yeah i agree oh man i still think there could be a funny uh real where you
Starting point is 00:45:55 just ask questions and then we just splice it with him looking at his phone in silence that might how about how about he's like can we pause the show? I think I'm too nice. I think I'm too nice. Not that I need to be mean and like it be real, but it can be like mean and be fake, like I do to Katrin's daughter or something. You know what I mean? Like I just have to just be like, all right, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Like if your feelings get hurt, that's okay. But like I'm going nuclear on you. One of the coolest things from his story though, that you pulled out was how his girl said, Hey, I'm going to cover the bill, but you need to make content every day. Yeah. I think that's like a unique opportunity that not a lot of people will get. But when you get it, you have to take it.
Starting point is 00:46:38 She's a real one, huh, Will? She's a real one. Is that what he said? Is that what he kept saying? I don't know you talked about that I did the did you bring up the point that
Starting point is 00:46:52 no no no no no no what Sousa said back to you it's a real one Will it's a real one I was like is that what Lucas said yeah alright brother well thank you thanks for calling see you guys have a good thank you well that was a good dude all his contribution at the grand game stuff was cool
Starting point is 00:47:11 oh yeah hey you know what would be funny if that ever happens again when someone looks down at their phone for that time you should just kind of have your headphones like ready and then just walk away so when they look back up and it's silent, you're just gone. And then just let them hang there for a little bit. Yeah, he'd probably hang up. He'd probably just start taking calls. I'm going to get that ass one day. You'll see.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Yeah, worst episode yet, David Lucas. I know. So Ray, you think I should have saved it and just fucked with him? You think I should have just gone toe-to-toe with him? I think I could roast with the best of them. I could have fucked his mom and his dad and his whole family. That's how you roast people.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Yeah. 127, confidence level 10, please. Was he too cool? I just thought he was too retarded. I don't know what he was. He did say at the beginning that he wasn't a morning person, so I felt thought he was too retarded. I don't know what he was. He did say at the beginning that he wasn't a morning person. So I felt like he was still waking up.
Starting point is 00:48:11 It was 11 a.m. Oh, okay. Why hot white girls love astrology? I figured out why the hot white girls love astrology. I figured it out. It's because things go their way so often that on the rare occasion they don't, they've decided to blame outer space. Could you imagine that level of confidence? Just walk it into a bar like the only thing that could cock block me now is the universe.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I would love that. Get rejected by a girl like, no, no, I get it. Jupiter. I'm at a event a while back. This is a couple weeks ago, a month ago, two months ago. And there's a bunch. There's like 10 people there. We're at a fancy hotel bar.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Fancy hotel, I don't know how to describe it. Bar, fine, bar. And there's like 10 of us around a couple tables, and the drinks are flowing, it's really nice. And this girl starts telling me this story about dudes at her work who used to sexually harass her. And I'm listening and I'm, I'm pretty like, like, like wanting to know, like, what does that look like? What's that mean? You know? And, uh, and, and, uh, I, uh, so, so I asked her, I said, were they good men just to see what she
Starting point is 00:49:42 would say? And she said, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But they were just always sexually harassing me. And I go, okay. And then I go, what does that look like? And she starts touching me all over. Like your shoulders? Just all over. Like my titties and my stomach and my back and my butt. And just like touching me all over
Starting point is 00:50:05 not mike hawkins yeah she go for a cup checker no okay uh-oh my wife just texted me i'm a little nervous oh she she probably my wife saw me editing this story because like as i was telling her i'm like i don't know how much of this i should say uh oh oh oh she didn't she didn't like it she didn't she didn't like she she didn't like it when i was talking about january 6th wow i said if you storm the capitol or threaten any of our public servants you should be put down like a dog when she didn't like that she says it's uh that's too gnarly a little abrasive that's okay but i used it to even protect the Democrats. I just don't think public servants, I don't think they should be, I don't think you should be in the Capitol building and have to worry about rioters.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Oh, fuck that. So I'm in the bar, so I'm in the bar, and she starts, and I'm like, wow. I asked her about how she was sexually harassed and now she's touching me like that it was just am i getting sexually harassed yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what happened hey but all i'm thinking of all i think and women i'm telling you just listen a whole time all i'm thinking is god i hope she doesn't think i'm fat when she's touching my body right now that's it that's it the flex like yeah it's up and flex if she goes to touch no but i'm trying to act cool like i don't care but i'm like oh man i hope i hope i should just start
Starting point is 00:51:39 tensing up every muscle in your body a little bit i hope she's just not like oh that was weird a little rook time yeah yeah that i thought yeah so that's all but but i just thought it was interesting that i that that she i she gave me the treatment and i don't know her that well like i don't know this girl i mean i know i know her i know of her we know of each other and i've known her and i've known of her for i don't know 10 or 15 years but i never never said more than 20 words to her before that night yeah i mean that's kind of a weird line right like she's labeling it as sexually harassed like harassment sexual harassment but she touched you like it. She touched me good. It was like a 20-second rubdown.
Starting point is 00:52:29 It was a little scrub and rub, huh? If I could have enjoyed it, it would have been nice, but I couldn't because I was too thinking that I was gross. Were you uncomfortable? Was it going to make you feel uncomfortable? Just because I just thought, oh, my body's probably grossing her out. This poor girl accidentally touched my body. I wonder if that's the deal. Maybe it's not something that's terrible, but she's just like, this is kind of uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:52:52 She assumed I would like it. I mean, maybe, yeah. Maybe she saw you as a peer. Maybe she thinks I'm gay. That's another thing. I think girls feel really comfortable on gay dudes. For sure. Maybe she thought I'd take the cock or give the cock oh shit speaking of taking the cock and giving the cock
Starting point is 00:53:11 who was i talking do you know what a power bottom is i've heard of it a power bottom don't look yet caleb don't look hold on we're gonna discuss this yes are we gonna have me guess yeah yeah guess what a power bottom i bet look at caleb don't look hold on we're gonna discuss this yes are we gonna have me guess yeah yeah guess what a power bottom i bet you can't guess in a fucking million years i thought i fucking 100 understood what a power bottom was i i'm just so wrong okay i may be completely off base here so don't make fun of me if i if i am but is it like a pair of like underwear or something that gives you a bigger butt wow like a padded like wow oh my god wow okay i've fucked you you're way out way off
Starting point is 00:53:51 i was like there's no way we're gonna laugh i'm like shut the fuck up i'm not gonna laugh at you dude that is wow wow i told you it was going to be way off there, but you know, I don't know. I thought, I thought a power bottom. I thought a power bottom was just a dude in a relationship. I thought it was the dude in a,
Starting point is 00:54:16 in a gay relationship who just, just that's all he did. He just got fucked in the ass. That's it. Oh, now I know what you're talking about. Oh, here we go oh man we'll be back we'll be back to power bottom in a minute but i i'm sick it's use discount code hey what's up brother hey big fan gotta say the destiny podcast earlier today was awesome oh thank you thank you hey do
Starting point is 00:54:46 you think i kept it pretty clean um one of the regular listeners was like hey my daughter's gonna be listening can you not swear and i just i was like yeah i put a rubber band on my penis before the show started like three or four times hey i only have two uh you said i think you said sit. Okay. Not bad. Not bad. So you did good. And hopefully she tuned off. Hopefully the family tunes out after, because as soon as she was gone,
Starting point is 00:55:13 I went off on some tangent. It all bubbled up. Yeah. Is Castro back? That's true. Did I miss it? I'm late to the party. Well, I announced it two weeks ago. He's back. And that's all I know.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And then I know that, I know that, um, he was, he posted some pictures at, um, Diablo CrossFit a couple of days ago, hanging out with affiliates, but he posts pictures with affiliates all the time. He's done that like for the last five months. So I'm not sure what the, why that would be. Significant. Yeah. Like I, like, I don't know, like, do you know what I mean? I'm going to try to go,
Starting point is 00:55:50 he's going hiking on Sunday and he invited me to go. This was like months ago and it's coming up this Sunday and I hope he's still going to let me go. And when he goes, I'll try to talk to him. Cause he doesn't talk much. That's probably why he invited me. I think he wants to do 50 miles and he's going to ruck it with the 50-pound pack. Him and Thomas DeLure are doing it, believe it or not.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I'm going to go and not wear a pack. He's a badass. He is. I'll ask him a million questions. I probably won't be able to tell you the answers to any of them, but I'll ask him. Hey, that's all I can tell you. I appreciate it. Thank you. Yep. Hey.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Hey, Kelly. Keller. Yeah. Do you know what a power bottom is? A power bottom? Yeah. Sounds like a strong ass. Strong piece of meat is that what it is? you can see my power bottom
Starting point is 00:56:49 alright well thank you for your guess I appreciate it alright thanks bye so I thought a power bottom was just a dude who just like he just always gets fucked in his ass like he's the bottom and he's like of the two men i don't know what you call him but he's the dude who takes it and and and he's like solely that's all he does is take it do you want the definition yeah but but that's not what it is a power bottom is a person particularly a homosexual
Starting point is 00:57:21 man who dominantly or energetically plays the receptive role in intercourse. Oh, how about how I would love to know how you dominantly play the receptive role. I'm not looking that up. Pull up a video, Caleb. There's probably some call to actions going on there. Dominant. It's so weird. it's such a weird term okay i don't know who i was talking about with that yesterday i was me and someone got in an argument about what it is and they looked it up and yeah that's what it was it was it's it's like it's like you're dominant but you're taking it i don't think it works like that all right pete caleb's browser history oh dude i have to flush my cookies every once in a while
Starting point is 00:58:19 i don't know Will you pull up Dave's Instagram The Dave Castro show TDC What's up man You know what a power bottom is I want to comment on the power bottom Alright
Starting point is 00:58:41 Oh boy I'm all ears I'm pretty on the power bottom. All right, please. Oh boy. I'm all ears. Uh, I'm pretty sure a power bottom and the way it's being described would be the same as like when a girl dominates like a dude and just like, I don't know, throws them on the bed and just jumps on top of them. I kind of,
Starting point is 00:58:59 I guess I kind of get that. I guess I kind of get it. I just don't see the anus is having that kind of power. The vagina, the vagina is a magical, the vagina is a magical hole. Yeah. But wouldn't Ronnie Teasdale tell you otherwise,
Starting point is 00:59:14 or raw of this one, whatever his name is, that the anus is a magical hole too. Yeah. The, the, the vagina is a, is a great orifice that draws.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Draws. God, you let me down. I'm trying to channel something brilliant here. The anus is not a great orifice. It's not a great orifice. It's not a great orifice that draws. The vagina is the great magnet of the universe. It draws.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Literally every man watching this had a notepad and pen out. I mean, it's just funny. I just, I know, yeah, yeah. I've seen the vagina just dominate. Yeah, I've seen the vagina just dominate Like
Starting point is 01:00:06 Yeah I've seen the vagina dominate I hear you It's not the fact that the vagina takes the penis That I'm saying It's not the fact that the hole gets The hole gets pounded By the penis that makes it not be able to be dominant It's just that the anus doesn't seem
Starting point is 01:00:23 I guess I just don no i'm no anal expert that's the thing i'm not even i'm not even a beginner i'm not even a beginner i'm just way in the deep end i don't even know what i'm talking about okay fine have you ever have you ever dominated a man with your with your anus um outside of the gym? No. God, I love CrossFitters. We are so cool. It's awesome. You got a huge ass. What's your back squat?
Starting point is 01:00:57 My back squat? 4'10". 4'15". Nothing too crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's good. Also, side note, super excited Dave's coming back. Fun fact, I used to do games testing for him.
Starting point is 01:01:15 I heard next year... This year, I heard rumors that he's not any part of the games, but next year... I heard Dave's a power bottom. Oh, God. Oh, shit. You should ask him on sunday yeah yeah ask him on sunday he's 100% all right thank you very much no problem i'm glad i could help educate the masses you did
Starting point is 01:01:42 you threw a wrench in it thank you you. You're welcome. Bye-bye. Adios. All right. Fine. Fine. He's comparing the holes, the vagina orifice to the anal orifice. I'm going to have to think about that. What is this?
Starting point is 01:02:03 Dave running. 3.4 miles. Is it Bills? Someone asked, these are what? Oh, run at Bills. Okay, yeah, he is in Texas. Okay, that answers your question. Got the rock thing next, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Oh my goodness. Oh, wow. Okay. Oh, he's allowed to put a rock there too? What's the meaning of putting the rock there? Yeah, those are ā€“ I thought that was just how many times Bill had run that. I got to ask Bill that. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:02:42 So every time he runs that, he sets a rock there? Yeah, there's some course out there, and every time Bill runs it, he sets a rock out there. I think that's what it is. Oh, that's that. Interesting. So every time he runs that, he sets a rock there? Yeah, there's some course out there, and every time Bill runs it, he sets a rock out there. I think that's what it is. Yeah. I thought I was hoping it would be. Tyler's a power bottom with a smile. With a smile.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Well done, Tyler. Hey, are we official media since we got quoted? Weren't we like the source of new news that makes us maybe sorry guys i didn't mean to cough into the mic there um can you type can you put in um 120 that's 120 now we're going through we're going through this stuff man there's so much old stuff hidden here let's see what this is did I tell you I have Hiller on tomorrow? yeah I put it in the calendar too
Starting point is 01:03:36 are one of you guys going to be here? I won't be you guys have real jobs? unfortunately we got a new sponsor today. Did I tell you, Susan? No. What? Sorry. I should have.
Starting point is 01:03:52 I meant to. How can I not tell you? I called you fucking... Three times at least. Three? Three? Three times afternoon and three times before noon. That makes me feel good that you only think it's three. That's good. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Go ahead, Kev. Being offended is something privileged people do. It's very exciting. Now, in the West, you've had privilege for years. You've taken offense to another level. Like, Americans can get offended on other people's behalf. It's a very American thing. I'm offended for you.
Starting point is 01:04:28 What you went through is so stressful. I'm going to take the day off. But you're very proactive. You're all about justice. You see something wrong on the streets, you take your phone out and you film it. What you're doing, you say, is wrong. You're going to go viral.
Starting point is 01:04:46 There are going to be consequences. Every time an American films a hate crime in the background, you can see an Indian just walking to work. I didn't see anything. I don't have my green card yet. Getting offended. There's a my dad sent me this thing and it says you think who runs the world
Starting point is 01:05:12 and it was the list of the CEOs of the biggest companies in the world and dude Indians are crushing it crushing it is that work ethic crushing it it's that work ethic crushing it uh number 97 crossfit would never do this because it's a community
Starting point is 01:05:34 but wait the athletes want it to be a professional sport number 97 there's this thing that people like to do we saw it done this weekend they were comparing chase Ingram to like, what do golf commentators do? Or in the past, what would the Olympics do? Like you act like that's people who say that you act like that's like some sort of form of authority.
Starting point is 01:05:55 And it's, it's, it's such faulty logic. They are not forms of authority. They're sellouts. There has been, there are people with no integrity who are willing to sell McDonald's hamburgers on the backs of their athletes and Reese's peanut butter cups. We know what they are. We know what they're capable of. And you're worried about the rules and what
Starting point is 01:06:12 they do and how they treat flags. Wimbledon bans Russia, sorry, Wimbledon bans Russian and Belarus tennis players from events. And so all you people who want CrossFit to be professional, from events. And so all you people who want CrossFit to be professional, is that what you want Krennikoff to do? You want CrossFit to ban him? Stop using that argument. It holds no water. So-and-so went to Harvard. It doesn't mean anything to it doesn't mean anything it doesn't mean anything I would love to take a dude who went to Harvard and a dude who grew up in the hood
Starting point is 01:06:53 and pull up 10 real life situations for them out of the hopper how come the people in the hood knew not to take the vaccine but all the educated people didn't know and they said oh but we're educated it's the science it's nuts wimbledon bans russian and belarus tennis players how about fuck you i would be i would be so bummed if crossfit did that it would be so bummed if CrossFit did that. I would be so bummed.
Starting point is 01:07:26 What? Formula One did the same thing. Yeah, screw those guys. We should be thankful that our sport doesn't do the dumb shit that they do. Krennikoff on podium to get a podium sponsorship deal this year. No, not even top 10. He doesn't even. He's all hype. He's all hype.
Starting point is 01:07:47 It's a hype train. You heard it here first. It's just hype. I like him. Just like everything else. It's just a hype train. Number 84. This is a woman who... I think this is supposed to be clitoris art.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Yeah, see if you play this. So let me read this first. At Crave, we believe art is the highest form of self-expression, which is why we work to share and celebrate works of beauty and daring. Best known for her viral project, Clitorisy, Wallace is interested in the ways that people assign females at birth are denied self-determination through the weaponization of their genitalia i don't know what any of that shit what i don't know what that meant but this this clitoris is what my penis looks like so that's why i'm so fucking confused by it. That's why I put this piece up. Play this.
Starting point is 01:08:47 My name is Sophia Wallace, and I'm a visual artist based in Brooklyn, New York. What's up, girl? For the last 10 years, I've been working on a project called Clitoracy. It looks at the subjectivity of the clitoris that has been completely ignored in art history, in medicine, and in pedagogy.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Can you pause it when it's close? Look it. That's my penis if it was a man. That's not clitoris art. That's penis art. That's an uncircumcised penis right there just peeking out. And she put legs and arms on it.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Looks like he's going to walk around the city and break buildings down what the fuck all the guys cannot even see the video jeez i waited a clitoris the art she got a mask on it's because i can't find the clit is that why kat? Fucking knucklehead. Excited to announce a new drop. It's called Swan Series. And it's a series of cast ceramic sculptures in terracotta and stoneware. Hey, hey. It takes its inspiration.
Starting point is 01:09:55 When I jump off the bed onto my wife on the floor naked, I call that the Swan Series too. So me and this girl are like, we're just eye to eye okay go on i mean do you see this thing the clitoris series go on and it's but it's a penis for sure go on and from the strength and grace and swans i was really inspired by the way that this creature occupies its body and the shape of its body. I'm telling you that's... That's the elegant way. I was also looking at...
Starting point is 01:10:37 That was... Wow. That's what my wife says too. That's what my wife says too, Pete. That's what my wife says too that's what my wife says too Pete that's what my wife says too anyway she's just confused that's a penis but anyway with arms and legs
Starting point is 01:10:55 I just thought I'd share that with you guys 84 done number 74 oh sugar talk we haven't talked about sugar have we talked about sugar today my favorite subjects not yet okay fine sugar let's do some sugar talk wait hold on a second
Starting point is 01:11:19 this is better than racism talk right penises and clitorises right Susan more comfortable yeah you're killing it I feel very comfortable This is better than racism talk, right? Penises and clitorises, right, Susan? More comfortable? Yeah, you're killing it. I feel very comfortable. Power. Hey, if there was ever a time to not know the definition of a word, it was power bottom.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Well done. Just being honest. I hope you're going to call us afterwards and be like, dude, that's my nickname in high school, motherfucker. Man. Call me PB. Fucked up. Now you know. Now you know.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Okay, what's this guy doing? I don't remember this. What's this guy doing? I think my profession has done a disservice to obese people by thinking it's a willpower issue and it's a strategy issue. I think of the John Cougar Mellencamp song, which says, I fight authority, authority always wins. Obese people fight physiology and physiology always wins. So it's not that the I don't think obese people are obese because they overeat. I think they overeat because they're obese, because they have all this stored energy that they can't
Starting point is 01:12:34 get access to because of the diet composition that they're consuming. So they are genuinely hungry. So that's why I am so intrigued by the ketogenic and the carnivore because you are allowing the participant, the patient to get access to their fat stores because you're keeping insulin low, which releases the fat, the stored fat. Okay. All right. That's cool. Okay. I was, I was, I wanted to hate on him, but I'm going to give him a pass. That's good. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:12 I thought it was faux sugar for some reason. I wrote something on there, yeah. So that was an interesting experiment with myself because I was like, okay, where's the part that I'm going to disagree with? And I was like already looking for it. Yeah, yeah, me too. Never got there, and I was like, oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, me too. Never got there. And I was like, oh, okay, yeah, cool, cool. How did someone I like get on my list?
Starting point is 01:13:30 What's going on here? Yeah, slipped by. Oh, this is a good one. Number 90. This is just here. Canada. I should always have a Canada story. This is just absurd. This is so crazy.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Today in Canada. Yes. This is kind of old canadian health agency mistakenly tweets porn link instead of government covid data perfect due to a situation beyond our control a link that so do you see that that's canada just right, exonerate anyone of any blame or responsibility due to a situation that God created. God tweeted from our account. We had no control over it. It's like when somebody hits reply on email.
Starting point is 01:14:20 We say that again. It's like when somebody hits reply on email, like, Oh my bad. Or actually it's due to situation hits a reply on an email like oh my bad or actually due to situation beyond my control yeah no it wasn't everybody got this email yeah due to situation beyond our control link with inappropriate content was posted on our inappropriate just say what it is that's another thing that that's ambiguous woke bullshit i don't need you to tell me whether it was inappropriate or not shut the fuck up due to situation beyond our control a link from porn hub was posted to our twitter
Starting point is 01:14:50 we're looking for the cause and we're sorry if the inconvenience you're not looking for the cause you just told us the cause it's beyond your control you fucking idiot it's just stupid talk it's not okay it's just stupid talk it's like uh no no that happened to me one time i was gonna say i was gonna say it's like talking to a woman who's pre-menstrual but i'm not gonna say that because that'd be inappropriate yeah one time i had to make a uh not had to but i volunteered to make this video for a middle school and it wasn't even really it was just basically like a slideshow of photos so i went to the middle school i took all the photos of the kids and like groups of kids and everything and it was gonna just play on a cycle as they were doing like this award ceremony at the community it was like a real slide projector no no so that
Starting point is 01:15:40 became the problem right so i took all the pictures and like the little videos and put the whole thing together and edit it and i burned it onto a dvd but then i had a problem with trying to get it to loop so it only played through the original 15 minutes and then it would stop and it needed to play for close to an hour so i took it to like this dvd place out in dublin and it was a little sketchy with the amount of uh pornography that they kind of sold behind the counter but he had this whole thing to burn the DVDs. Go figure, right? And so he goes, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:09 So I go down there. So he burns the DVDs. So I go back to the house. And I'm in, I think this is like my senior year of high school. And so I play it. So I'm watching it. And it goes through a couple of loops. And I just kind of have them back.
Starting point is 01:16:18 And I go, cool. And I turn it off. And then my parents go to this award ceremony thing for the graduation. And it's playing. And at about 45 minutes in. No, no, no fucking way. So I got a bunch of missed calls from my dad. And he's like, hey, your video just cut to porn across this.
Starting point is 01:16:42 And they had a big like projector and stuff there. But by the time that it did luckily like it wasn't all attention on it it was just kind of playing in the background and one of the parents was like oh and they were like ran over and scrambled and like turned it off and you know they don't believe you that it was someone else no but the only thing that i lucked out from is i couldn't get out there to go pick it up so my dad had to go to the place and like grab it from the the place that burned the dvd for me and he was like uh i like the little weird did you watch this and i was like yeah i watched like you know 15 20 minutes it was playing when
Starting point is 01:17:13 i was doing a bunch of stuff but i didn't watch it as far through and apparently they were just they layered it over oh my god so that played across the uh east Livermore Middle School. Wow. A situation beyond my control. Hey, in some situations like you had gone to jail. How old were you? Like 16. Yeah, in some situations you'd probably been
Starting point is 01:17:39 a sexual offender or something. Predator. So you'd be on some list. I don't doubt it. What a mess. God, I wish I had been there. That's hilarious. Yep. Number
Starting point is 01:17:55 14. I'm glad I waited to do this until Matthew Souza was here. He is a huge fan of Sean G. Oh, yeah is a huge fan of Sean G. Oh, yeah. Ladies and gentlemen, Sean G. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Looking slick. Yeah, man, listen. You got to believe in your abilities, right? You got to believe in your abilities. Why would somebody else believe in you if you don't even believe in you? You have to demonstrate that you believe in what you can do, that you've got confidence in self, right? That you understand that you can perform. And when the light come on, you got to perform.
Starting point is 01:18:40 See, the best players play when the light is the brightest. Anybody can play during the regular season, the preseason, and in practice. But what about in the playoffs, right? Then the division series, then the Super Bowl, the World Series. That's when it come out. That's when the endorsement deals get made. Whoever perform when the lights is the brightest. Always believe in yourself No matter what
Starting point is 01:19:05 It don't never stop The podcast was sold Sean G you see what it is It don't never stop Peace Peace What podcast? He's talking about
Starting point is 01:19:15 Yeah he has a podcast I haven't seen it yet But I've seen it I've heard him talk about it before Did you see the one where he sets up in the grocery store? Yes A podcast in the grocery store yes a podcast in the grocery store no no no one of those videos that he does oh yes yes yes and he says the same word over and over
Starting point is 01:19:33 about i like about like uh i'm a loner i'm alone or i like to chill oh i like to chill by myself i chill by myself i chill by myself like a dad and his kid are just walking by. They're like, what the fuck? Yeah. It's like, this dude, my boy Sean D. We talked about Dave already. I told you two weeks ago, he's coming back. And then he's been going around to affiliates like he always does.
Starting point is 01:19:59 And for some reason, when he went to Diablo CrossFit this week, it caught Justin LaFranco and some Native American guys attention. They did an article on it and now it's gotten more attention from you guys again. Because you guys are a sucker for real media. I'm a sucker for TDC. I just want to know
Starting point is 01:20:18 TDC shit too. I don't think Dave ever left. I think he's been in charge the whole time and nothing is as it seemed. That's deep, Eric. Deep, Eric. I don't think Dave ever left. I think he's been in charge the whole time and nothing is as it seemed. Ooh. Ooh. Deep air. Deep air.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Sean G. I sent this to some friends today and they told me it's bullshit. Go ahead and play it. The gene therapy. Do you see that one? It's been fact checked and they say it's bullshit it's right above number 13 right below california hormones it says gene therapy instagram no okay hold on i'm gonna send it to you in a private chat i was thinking about erasing it because it was uh it was fact checked and and and a friend of mine but when i go to the fact-check, it's in Spanish.
Starting point is 01:21:06 So I don't know. You interpret this how you want. You interpret this how you want. We'll talk about how the three of us hear this differently. Go ahead and play this. Don't read what it says. Just play what he says. This is the ā€“ wait, wait, real quick.
Starting point is 01:21:22 This is the CEO of Bayer. Okay, go ahead. Us as a company, Bayer, in cell and gene therapy, which to me is one of these examples where really we're going to make a difference, hopefully, moving forward. There are some, ultimately, the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say, if we had surveyed two years ago in the public,
Starting point is 01:21:46 would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body? We would have probably had a 95% refusal rate. I think this pandemic has also opened many people's eyes to innovation in a way that was maybe not possible before. We're really taking that leap, us as a company, Bayer. Absolutely. To sell a gene therapy.
Starting point is 01:22:11 So it's weird, and I appreciate the person who corrected me on this. The first time I heard it, I'm basically hearing him say, and I am reading into it, I am reading into it, I'm hearing him say that the vaccine actually is gene therapy. And we didn't, we didn't tell people that because we didn't want to scare them away, but that isn't what he's saying. It might be what he's saying,
Starting point is 01:22:36 but it's not what he is saying for sure. And so, um, well, see, here you go. Uh, the MR and he's got,
Starting point is 01:22:44 this guy's his arm crossed to MRNA is experimental gene therapy drug. Actually, that's here you go. The MR, and he's got, this guy's got his arm crossed too. mRNA is experimental gene therapy drug. Actually, that's not made up. Laugh out loud. Why do you get an LOL that shit? That's the thing. It lightens the mood. What?
Starting point is 01:22:56 It lightens the mood a little bit. I was talking to my wife about this. She's going to go on a podcast in a couple of days. And I was like, Hey, whatever you do, don't use laughing as punctuation. Do you guys know what I mean by that? Like this right here where it says,
Starting point is 01:23:14 LOL. Yeah, kind of, but that's different. This is right. But, so today I took my kids to tennis. God,
Starting point is 01:23:23 I love doing this podcast. Susan, I'm excited about our new sponsor. And there's people who do that, right? Yeah, David Dobrik. They laugh for punctuation. And it's not good. It's not good. I think it's a bad habit probably.
Starting point is 01:23:49 I understand if you're new to speaking and you're new to talking and you're uncomfortable, but you're better off just working on being really comfortable with uncomfortable silences. Maybe get at sales with that too. Uncomfortable silences? Yep. Yeah, because whenever you're trying to sell something usually people like freak out and they'll be like oh it's it's a hundred bucks and they sit there for a moment and they can't stay in the silence so they're like but we could but i could probably do it for 50 and like you start undercutting over talk yeah there was a tim ferris thing like a while back that i used to do and used to suggest other people do but you go into like starbucks or
Starting point is 01:24:20 you know just a regular store and then just go hi hi, you know, my name is Matt. Can I have 10% off? And then just sit there in silence and like, let them have to tell you no, essentially just to get comfortable with that uncomfortable kind of interaction as like, you're asking a question that, you know, they're going to say no to. So how do you just deal with it? Yeah. It was interesting. A friend of ours the other day. Yeah. Yeah. I like it. A friend of ours the other day asked me for something and it was A friend of ours the other day asked me for something, and it was a yes or no question. And I said no, and they freaked out. They're like, but, but, and then they started going, it was crazy.
Starting point is 01:24:55 And I'm like, hey, hey, stop. You asked me a yes or no question, and I gave you no. If you weren't open to both those answers, don't ask me a yes or no question. That's true. Number 178. How do we fix this? Hey, we got our, I wonder how come there's not a big hubba loo about CrossFit CEO being a female. Oh my God. Oh female. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Well, probably because it's a huge slap in the face to Nicole Carroll. A huge slap in the face. Oh, you think so? I don't know. You want me to go off on that? I was actually thinking about that the other day.
Starting point is 01:25:38 I was like, holy fuck. I didn't think about that at all. She's one of the most influential women in the history of the fucking planet on fitness. By far the best orator who works It's one of the most influential women in the history of the fucking planet On fitness By far the best orator who works there By far the most real She got all the fucking pedigree She may be one of the only people who can control Dave
Starting point is 01:25:54 And And Yeah She runs the financial engine Of the fucking company Everyone knows Everyone with that brain Well it's not everyone with the brain she runs the financial engine of the fucking company everyone knows that the the everyone with that brain well it's not everyone with the brain everyone with the insight knows it takes more than brain power to know i think but the l1 shirts i mean the people that she
Starting point is 01:26:16 her hive she's the queen bee that hive is the the honey maker no it's not but there's affiliates Devon, and there's the games. No, no, no, no, no. They all come out of there. Every 10 people that take an L1, one of them opens an affiliate. It's the L1 that generates the interest to the game. I mean, you're looking at a clock and thinking that the hands are the most important thing. We can throw the hands away and still figure out what time it is.
Starting point is 01:26:44 These same people people you are confused about gun violence too in that exact same way that's how simple you are because you know you refuse to look at the big picture nicole carroll needs to go to barbell jobs they're not our sponsor anymore that guy that guy ended up selling that thing for coin yeah good for him yeah i wonder who bought it that's a good question i wish they still i wish they i wish they still paid us be nice maybe she turned down the ceo job you're right oh yeah excuse me um okay did we uh oh 178 how do we fix this sorry here we go oh yikes
Starting point is 01:27:30 go to sonic and get you an ice cream it is so good good ice cream either the baby's eating the ice cream. Go to Sonic and get ice cream. Is that real? Do you think those are real people? Do you think they're acting? That's hard to tell. That guy was like David Lucas. That guy was like my... Can you play that again? That guy was like my guest two days ago about the exact same personality
Starting point is 01:28:04 and energy. Watch the guy. Her husband. It's so good. Good ice cream. Either the baby's eating the ice cream. Go to Sonic and get ice cream. What's this mean?
Starting point is 01:28:22 What's LARPing mean? Live action role playing oh tell us more caleb it's when people dress up in like medieval armor and fucking fight each other with swords they did that at the games a few times yeah yeah that was crazy i think somebody said they did it at a rogue invitational or something too. Oh, did they? It was like a little sideshow that they had like the strong man stuff, but it was people in fucking shields and chain mail. Uh,
Starting point is 01:28:54 one, one, one 92. This is how we end up like Canada. If we're not careful people in the United States, this is how we end up like Canada. If we're not careful people in the United States, this is how we end up like Canada. Oh, I already showed this.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Nevermind. Nevermind. Throw it away. Throw it away. Thank you. I want to apologize to all the Canadians. Um, I,
Starting point is 01:29:20 I had said that Meredith root was from Canada and that's not true. She's one of ours. We'll take her. We'll take her. We'll take her. Unless you guys want her. Unless you guys want her. Okay, so we had our first female CEO.
Starting point is 01:29:41 You know what I realized today after watching, having Bethany Hamilton on? Here's the thing. It doesn't the days are over. It doesn't matter if there's a female president. It doesn't matter if there's a female vice president. It doesn't matter if there's a woman who breaks the fucking two-minute mile. It doesn't matter if the strongest person in the world is a woman.
Starting point is 01:30:04 It doesn't like, fuck all the woman stuff. I'm over it. Go fuck yourself. We're equal. We've been equal. Like, shut the fuck up. I really, that's where I am. And those of you who be like women power and all that shit, like go fuck yourself. Like my mom's always been strong and I always respected her. And my sister's a badass and my wife's a badass. And every time you say that, you're just, you're just, you're just, there's just fucked up people and there's not fucked up people. It has nothing to do with like women and men. Like just stop it. I'm done.
Starting point is 01:30:31 But, but there is a special woman out there and it's the regular woman. It's the woman that does her life, but then still is a mom. These cross-fitting women who compete and in between heats, they're breastfeeding. Bethany Hamilton on the pro world circuit, surfing those waves and then coming back and breastfeeding her baby. That shit, that shit.
Starting point is 01:31:07 I bend the knee to. Now you're doing women shit that only the strongest women in the world can do. Raise a child while they do their fucking job, while they pursue their passions. They don't ask anyone anyone they don't give a shit she's just there i asked her i was like whoa is anyone else on the tour ever brought a baby she's like i know actually no she just she's brought her baby on the tour you're damn right she did she's a woman that's what women do they bring their babies out into the fields to work they bring their babies to the white house that's what they do they do women's shit
Starting point is 01:31:52 those are the women those are the women that that i that i like just the ones being regular women who haven't got caught up in all this bullshit. Those are the fucking women. The ones who are just doing the women shit. Those are the women I love. Those are the women I want to hold up. I was so proud of her. I was proud of myself to be the human. That there's women like her. My wife did that.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Not on that level. She went to crossfit oakland hold the baby did murph on memorial day came back stress fed the baby didn't even get this didn't even get water herself yeah we have people pregnant in the gym doing it you know it already it already starts there yeah yeah. It's like just badass women. Yep. Smashing shit. Yeah, especially think about all the single moms.
Starting point is 01:32:50 You're talking about it from the highest level, like a pro athlete or doing that type of stuff. But even think about the single moms that are killing it and holding down two jobs and everything else. That shit's crazy too. Yeah, and still make ends meet and still make the holidays happen, Christmas happen, all that shit. And still out there trying to live their life and have some sort of life of their own outside of it. It's crazy. Loving their kids.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Yep. So, Savon, what are the difference? So, Savon, what are the difference between the women I'm talking about? Because anyone can become a CEO of McDonald's. Doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. That's just all fabricated bullshit. Anyone can do that. And I don't think women are being, I think it's just bullshit the way they say women are being held down.
Starting point is 01:33:39 We're past that. Now it's that talk of them being held down or it's great that you did that as a woman that's just gotten fucking old you know what i meant to ask her to she was nominated for like best disabled athlete at the sbs and she with and she withdrew from that she didn't want to be part of that regular athlete yeah it's a regular fucking athlete and like part of me like i don't care if she would i i i i don't think it's wrong That she was labeled A disabled athlete but I also don't think it's wrong That she pulled out But I sure as fuck wouldn't want to be labeled
Starting point is 01:34:14 I did this and it's cool because I did it as a woman I'd rather Because it's her I'd rather say hey it's cool I did this because I was with baby Now I'm impressed Because it's her. I'd rather say, hey, it's cool I did this because I was with baby. Now I'm impressed. Because men can do it, women can do it, so what?
Starting point is 01:34:32 Men. But men can't do it with the baby. But they can. And when they do, fucking hats off to them. You're a beast. You're a role model for all of humanity. And you're probably going to be a great mother. So it will never end.
Starting point is 01:34:48 That's just the nature of the female. What? Just them just having babies? God, I hope so. You know, I think, I forget. I think it was Sapiens. But they talked about why there hadn't been through history like a dominant woman role in leadership or something like that throughout time. And they're saying that because it was especially hard to have kids do the, you know,
Starting point is 01:35:07 way back when we were just rubbing sticks together for some fire. So they were more bound to having to almost slow down a little bit to make sure that the kids and everything else survived. But think about trying to do it back in way back when, when there wasn't this advancements and all these luxuries that we have here. And you're also a mom doing day-to-day life and having, trying to have your kids survive.
Starting point is 01:35:30 You know? I'm with you. I don't think, I don't think, and that's why he was, that's what the argument was in the book, why there wasn't any dominant women leadership throughout history. Yeah. I,
Starting point is 01:35:46 I, women leadership throughout history yeah i i um if you really want to have kids and you spend time with your kids it will be rewarding beyond any um you can ever imagine. There's no Academy Award. There's no amount of anything. Obviously those things, if you're a good parent and you're a disciplined human being, and if you have resources, things can become even more fun. But man, to overlook the fact, to think that it's a sacrifice to raise a kid especially in this era when we have so many opportunities and you can have your phone with you and you can be creative in your in your in your person and we have all these tools to raise our kids and still like participate in humanity man if you if you have a chance to have kids and actually raise
Starting point is 01:36:41 your kids and spend time with your kids you'll'll be completely blown away. It's the best thing. I mean, if you want to do it, it is the best thing. There's nothing better. And someone will be like, oh, someone that's subjective. No, not really. If you're going to be present with your kids and you're going to be a good parent, there'll be nothing more rewarding. It's just a nonstop well of rewards coming your way. It's cool. But I will, but, and if you're also creative, you know, you can do stuff like make a cool Instagram account that follows your kid. If you're able to do that while you do, then more power to you. Or if you're able to like make, um, uh, you know, clothes with, for your kid and then start a clothing business, more power to you.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Like if you can, if you can manage that, um, then, then you have your cake and then start a clothing business. More power to you. If you can manage that, then you have your cake and you're eating it too. Or just find a rich mate. I mean it. It's an option. Find a wealthy mate. It's tantamount to finding a strong man who will protect you from the bears in the cave.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Right. I don't disagree. Yeah, just find a rich man. Like Elon. Okay. Thank you. 7 a.m. tomorrow with Andrew Hiller. Great show. Sorry. I know Bruce Wayne was saying I hate people on the East Coast.
Starting point is 01:38:02 This was kind of a last minute thing. Came together. Our show tomorrow with Brittany Schmidt got canceled. She got booked in Portland and I'm so happy for her. That's always good. We're lucky we have a super flexible show. I'm lucky I know people like Andrew Hiller who will come on and entertain us for an hour and a half.
Starting point is 01:38:22 I will see you guys tomorrow. What's the guy's name on the bottom down there. Caleb C. Beaver, Matt Souza. I'm seven.

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