The Sevan Podcast - #443 | HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: June 11, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. You're out of storage. This show will not be recorded. No shit? Kinda.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Well, it means that they can only watch it one time. Bam, we're live. Shoot. Sorry, Will. I screwed this all up. Darn it. Darn it. Darn it. Darn it darn it darn it darn it darn it darn it uh you know the scene in the movie with the the bombs and the they're cutting the wires yeah no what what movie and any movie where there's like yeah oh yeah yeah yeah they gotta like
Starting point is 00:00:59 cut the right wire my mouse just died and i was like trying to hook up the freaking microphone and i clicked the button and the mouse died it's almost like the right wire i had that happen the other day before one of our shows my mouse died isn't that terrible because then you just have to plug it in it's useless here here's what well at least you have a mouse pad is that what you're doing now because you're on the laptop no i got nothing I got nothing. I'm good for nothing. I can't do anything. It's so charged. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Okay. Well, I have two other mice here. I have like an old school one that takes batteries. No way. That's because you're from like the 1970s, man. Right, right. And then I have another one here. It's got a little ball on the bottom.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Yes, yes. It has a little ball. No way. No, no, no. I'm joking. But then I also have one that's plugged in with the wire here and neither of them work. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:01:52 There's a wire. A mouse with a wire. A mouse with a wire. I have a wired mouse. Do you like my shirt? I love your shirt. That's a great shirt. I have two mice and a bag of weed. I have three mice in a bag of weed. Say that again, Hiller. Sorry. I got my original shirt on the one that has too many letters for you.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Too many words, too many words. You know, I, you know, I may, I got the no rep shirt for you, right? Because it's less letters. Yeah. You didn't want the words. I liked it. How you told me that my videos were too long in the day and now you're like it's common for you to put out a 20 minute video too it's what do you mean common i say that again what do you mean common it's common it's common it's common i put out one and you know what did you watch that one the one that i sent you that i said i was gonna put out
Starting point is 00:02:42 this morning because i didn't end up putting it out this morning oh i did watch it i did watch it the the judging one yeah i watched the one the shoot i watched the castro one and the judging one the castro one oh that was the one i put out this morning or last night which counts as today. Go on, I'm listening. Anything else? Oh, no, I put out the, well, I was going to go to sleep last night, and then I couldn't because I had to make my Castro video. I got the itch, and I'm like, all right, I'm going to go in the garage and make the Castro video.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And I just, would you feel about that one? Isn't it interesting how, like, weirdly i used to just sit there and talk and i'd look around and i'd talk and i'd look around and i'd talk uh i whoa is that normal yeah something doesn't look right look how it just goes into infinity i did a screen share you see that someone wants to go does anyone know what td and td cdo stands for the dave hold on the dave Someone wants to go. Does anyone know what TD and TDCDO stands for? The Dave. Hold on. The Dave.
Starting point is 00:03:50 She was already out of control. You've got a plan, right? What? You've got a plan? I've got something I've got to say really quick. Go ahead. No, go ahead. I was just responding to a comment,
Starting point is 00:04:04 so I didn't get to go take my morning poop because I was going through the comments on my YouTube and someone's like, you need to make an apology for Tommy Tillman. You did the master's video and all of his reps were measured to a different line on the tape. And I'm like, all right, so let's say that they were measured to a different line on the tape. First of all, it's been said, I don't know where, but it might've been for last year's semifinal workout. There was a tape line that had to be put up for the wall balls. And they recommend that when you put the line up, that you make it so that when you throw the ball, it clears the tape line, not gets into the tape line. Does that make sense, Yvonne?
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah. So if you were to put up a piece of tape, you don't want to get it into the tape. You want to get it over the tape. It makes it very easy to see when they're going to do the review video. So I'll go ahead and say, honestly, I didn't look. I just assumed that everybody knew that. Let's say that in this video, Tommy Tillman measures the other way. I went back and watched it and the idea behind it still stands, which is that he should not have made it through the round
Starting point is 00:04:58 of 25. That's what the entire video is about. It's a death by workout and people shouldn't have been making it through the round of 25. i will not be making an apology video i'm doubling yeah hey are you trying to get a whole let's do some house cleaning here real quick are you trying to get hired at hq yeah whatever you want you want to you and what would that job look like what do you mean you're trying to get hired at hq i didn't know that I'm just starting to learn that from your last three videos. What job do you want over there? Well, to be entirely honest, I think that it's just ridiculous that they haven't offered something at this point.
Starting point is 00:05:33 So I'm sitting here in the garage and I'm making videos and it's getting more traction than anything that seems that they do anywhere. And if anything, I would just say, hey, come do it over here and start talking about some stuff we want to talk about. And I would just say, say okay but i'm not going to do any sort of biases that's the only ground to work that you could offer and i might do it but i'm not going to change my perception of things i'll talk about other things if you'd like me to maybe i can make two videos a day because they'll pay me and i don't have to do a full-time job and you know that sort of deal I'm trying to think
Starting point is 00:06:05 what I would do with you if I was um I'm trying to think what I would do with you if I was uh if I was running CrossFit um media right now hold on I want to show you something real quick let's see this uh here we go here we go You know what I do want to do? Sorry. Max, what do you want for dinner? Max, what do you want for dinner? Is that a little boy and his mom? Max, what do you want for dinner?
Starting point is 00:06:40 Max, what do you want for dinner? It's Benjamin Button.jamin button listen guys don't treat your mom like that i'll come over to your house and kick the shit out of you i'm not joking i don't like that have you seen that movie yet what uh the new batman movie you don't watch movies it's a stupid question no it's also but i will if you say it's good if it's good i'll go watch it i watched watched Unstoppable, Bethany Hamilton's documentary two days ago. I cannot recommend that enough.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Okay. I thought you meant the movie with the train. There's a movie called Unstoppable with the train that can't stop. Oh, like a Nick Cage or John Travolta movie or some shit like that? How do you feel about Nick Cage? You love him, don't you? I used to.
Starting point is 00:07:22 He's completely lost his shit. Listen, this is what I want to say about him I gotta tell you it's called Willy's Wonderland you gotta watch it I'm gonna tell you it's called Willy's Wonderland he doesn't say one word in it and it's his best movie oh is that the one I'm sure I saw that is that the one where he works
Starting point is 00:07:38 at the it's the fuck he works at a like a Chuck E Cheese no it's a carnival and he like his car breaks down out front. It's new, right? His last five movies are fat shit, crazy LSD fucking nightmares. It's a horror movie, right? It's a horror movie, kind of.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah, I saw it. But it's so good. I so regret that I watched that shit. Shut up. I've seen it like three times. It's like that movie that you just turn on and it's sitting there while you're not doing anything. You have issues. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Okay, so I want to talk to you about David Lucas real quick real quick i want to tie this into andrew hiller here real quick the i believe in like kind of absolute personal responsibility and accountability and uh i was thinking about the deluge delugos thing i was in this is going to be a little bit all over and these things aren't perfectly connected and i'm aware of that but it's okay. I was watching the Olympics one time and there was a, it was an ice skating finals or something. And there was this chick out there, this black chick.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I don't remember what country she was from, but she had no chance of winning. And so she was, the scores had already come in and her shit was already fucked up. So she was skating backwards and she went onto one leg and she did a back flip and landed it on one leg. And it had never been done in competition before. And actually in the Olympics, it's not, it wasn't allowed to be done.
Starting point is 00:08:51 They told you, you cannot do that. Wasn't, it wasn't a scorable thing, but it had never been done on the ice before. And she fucking did it right there. Bam at the Olympics, like, fuck you. And I thought what I was just like, I wanted to date her. You know what I mean? Like, it just, I thought what an alpha move that chick's awesome. Like fuck the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Like I'm just doing a backflip here while I got all the cameras on me. Never been done on the ice skating rink. Oh, a single leg backflip. So then you, um, then you, I just think that when you have someone like DeLugos, who's doing pull-ups in the bars too low, like, is he going to innovate? What, what could he have done differently to take full responsibility? Now, I'm not saying he did any of the blaming or anything. I never talked to the dude. I totally understand that his coach is upset,
Starting point is 00:09:33 but I had a guy on the podcast the other day. He was the worst interview ever. It was, I was fucking off the chart. Amazing. But you know what? How could I have been better? And you know what I should have done? i should have broken my own rule to be nice to everyone on my podcast like i'm nice to everyone i should have told him hey you fucking buffoon you're a jackass get the fuck out of here and i should have kicked him off just for fun even though i wouldn't have been really upset i had a guy on and he couldn't stop looking at his phone and smoking his vape pen and his mom would call it was the most bizarre and i immediately clicked off to it yeah i clicked on it and he was doing this and i'm like oh fuck
Starting point is 00:10:11 that i don't want to listen to this guy okay yeah he just sucked and part of me was like okay part of my tactic is okay just give people enough rope to hang themselves but like a part of me was also like hey i should have just like like i would i wouldn't have been really mad at him, but I should have played that act. I should have just been like, hey, fuck off, dude. Get the fuck out of here. And just started fighting with him on my podcast. You guys would have loved it. It would have been funny.
Starting point is 00:10:32 But 51% of you would have been like, hey, I know Sevan's just fucking around. But 49% of you would have thought it was real. And that guy would have probably thought it was real. But that would have been taking responsibility and accountability instead of me saying, hey, that guy sucked. And the reason why that podcast is that guy sucked. Fuck him. Why am I, why am I letting him dictate? So why is DeLugos letting, why, like what, what could, there's a time to innovate. There's a time to get better. And I also say that cause I want to bring it up with this damn Hillar video like fuck the um uh uh he's got uh hillar's got this video where he's saying that the um judges should be paid has that
Starting point is 00:11:10 one been released yet not yet oh okay i'm gonna put that one out tomorrow yeah fuck you don't judge if you want to don't judge if you need to get paid we can still talk about it though you've seen it and everyone's gonna be ready to watch it so yeah i know those things aren't like perfectly comparable it's not as good as my ice cream and gun murder um comparison that one's brilliant but yeah i just there's a time when it's like hey just don't blame don't blame so how do you tie them together david lucas i understand the lugos they're just things that are fresh on my mind. They're actually just all things that are fresh on my mind, and they really don't tie in well together.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And I just remember that girl doing the backflip this morning. I just remember that girl doing the backflip this morning, yeah. I've seen a couple comments roll by that were kind of seconding, which I did. It's like the Lucas podcast. It's like, yeah, I couldn't watch it. Now, in that case, everybody there, there i think is like a justin kautler they're like seeing it and they're getting some sort of an emotional reaction because they're trying to up their guy right they're seeing this like yeah fuck that and then they sign off of your podcast
Starting point is 00:12:18 and in this case yes he was a shit guest and and delugos got a shit bar okay we agree yeah you were delugos right and your guest was the bar your guest was the bar thank you thank you thank you and look at hillar bending the mind to try to help me so i don't look like a jackass on my own show thank you that's what i got uh okay and in this case in the middle of show, you didn't do what you wanted. And you are also you are the whiny complainer and the judge and CrossFit's the one not paying you for your judge. You're there volunteering your judge work, your judging time while you complain that you're not getting paid. I don't think anyone's complaining. I'm complaining for them in this upcoming video. Now, now, this video hasn't
Starting point is 00:13:05 come out yet and i know that i can talk about it and i can explain it but the big thing is i spoke to a judge who's been kind of here there everywhere high level head judge semi-final regional level online looks at the freaking online submission videos and sends them up the ladder if they see something wrong with it so he's been around the block um now with this judge the big thing that came out is that not only do the judges not get paid it's that they have to pay their way to get to these places so this judge did not live where these semi-finals regionals were taking place they had to travel they had to pay for their travel and then they had to also then pay for their room and board and their food and all that and there's food i understand it's expensive but but they chose it for some reason like like like those are the same people who paid
Starting point is 00:13:54 for those are the same people who paid for sex those are the same people um who pay for friends and now they paid and now they pay to play the the floor at the CrossFit Games. You're comparing prostitution to pay? Yes, yes, yes. Oh, my God. I don't know if you know this. I did a survey, and eight out of ten judges at the CrossFit Games frequent brothels regularly. I thought you were going to say I was a prostitute.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I don't know if you know this, but I was a prostitute. No, no. In this metaphor, the games are the prostitute. Got it, Got it. Why are you picking on that? Like if they want to pay ā€“ well, let me ask you this. What benefit ā€“ let's say they did pay the judges. Do you think the judging gets better?
Starting point is 00:14:38 I would say that's actually hard because I, in the video, counter that. I don't think that it ā€“ I think that the bottom comes out, you know, because I think that right now they have a stable of judges. And I should say this right now, I'll just give out the entire meat of the video. And I've been informed by the person on the phone call. And actually, somebody created an Instagram account, and it's just called burner account. They just sent me a bunch of information. So I have this from two sources, both of which said that they wouldn't be upset. There was a wedding this
Starting point is 00:15:09 weekend by one of the judges. And what do you do when you go to a wedding? It's like you invite your buddies, right? Where are your best buddies? Usually with the thing that you love to do the most. So what do they do? They invite the other judges and I don't blame them. A judge invited the judging friends and they went to go have a wedding. So when we were noticing that the Granite Games level of judging was worse than it was at the Mac and at the syndicate, there was good reason for it
Starting point is 00:15:35 because they were missing most of their top level judges. And I do all of this. I'm saying this. And why was that? I missed that. Why? Why was there a wedding?
Starting point is 00:15:43 They love each other. Oh, the wedding, right? Okay, sorry. Okay, go on? Why? Why was there a wedding? They love each other. Oh, the wedding. Right. Okay. Sorry. Okay. Go on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:47 So there was a wedding. I remember when we were trying to like map out this, which are a waste of money, by the way, which are a total fucking waste of money. But I hope the wedding went well. Me too. Right. Don't you? Happy wedding.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Go get it. By waste. I mean, it's great because you create jobs for other people and then all your friends have to spend gas and that keeps the economy rolling. But take that $20,000, put it in a fucking mutual fund. It'll double every seven years, and when you're seven years old, you'll be a millionaire. Don't be fucking stupid and have weddings. Go on.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Sorry. So if you were to pay the judges, the thing that happens is the bottom comes out. Like the ones that are making the terrible calls, they're less likely to happen because there's probably a higher floor. Who we got? I can't tell you. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. You think we get better?
Starting point is 00:16:37 I can also see that. I see what you're saying. I've never agreed. How many judges do they turn away? Do you think they turn judges away? That's what I've been told about Granite Games. They turned away zero because they needed judges. You could have walked up there and never done a fucking thing in your life,
Starting point is 00:16:51 and they would have accepted you as a judge of the Granite Games. They wouldn't have had you on the elite athletes because there was a filtering process, but you would have been judging. So we need to know that. This is from my two sources, by the way. Oh, like the Morning Chalk? I've my two sources by the way one of which was like the morning talk about two sources about the dave castro thing yeah so i'm actual media now i got just
Starting point is 00:17:11 as many sources uh bradley if you are going to agree with me you can speak if not i'm don't oh come on man don't be like that okay fine uh what's going on guys i'm good what's up brandy i'm so excited to see hillary at 7 17 a.m 9 7 17 he's he's 9 17 here uh central time zone so it's not that bad all right yeah so just real quick i wanted to call in and because y'all are talking about paying judges. So I 100% think that if you pay judges that are L2s or higher, the quality of judging is going to rise. And I've judged regionals. I judged regionals in 2010, 2011 at the Jacksonville Regional, the Mid-Atlantic, and the South Central Regional.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And you can see the difference in quality of judges that are just there, not even level ones, versus individuals that are level twos, that's done the coaches prep course, that's done the level two course and everything like that. They pick up things, they see things a little bit different. So I think the quality of judging 100% goes up. I had a question for both you guys, and I'll start with you, Bradley, and then I'll let
Starting point is 00:18:25 Hillary. Why do you think, what do you think is the biggest shortcoming of judges? A lack of confidence to make the right call? Go ahead, Bradley. I think it's lack of confidence, 100%. I think when you have individuals that are in that coaching aspect, if they're coaching an affiliate and they're able to judge that and they don't care, right? They don't care if they're coaching a mom, they don't care
Starting point is 00:18:51 if they're coaching a high level athlete. If they're not moving well and they're not doing full range of motion, that coach is naturally going to go over there and tell them, hey, you're not doing the reps correctly. Let's get it up, right? Let's make sure you're locking out overhead, whatever the issue is, whatever the movement is, right? And I think it's the confidence that you build as that instructor that rolls over into that judging, right?
Starting point is 00:19:13 I want to hear what Hiller says, too. Do you agree with him, Hiller? Do you agree? What do you think the biggest shortcoming is? Because I'm trying to figure out what the connection is, is why an L2 would make a better judge. And he just explained it. He basically said, people who care more about coaching have a better eye and are more strict about movement and therefore that translates better judging. Is that your thought too, Andrew? I think that when you accept anybody the way that I said that the Granite Games did right there,
Starting point is 00:19:36 you end up bringing in people who are there to be close to the athletes, which would then lead to you having some sort of presupposition to not make the right call does that make sense yeah so the same way they were traveling around they do it because they love it they do because they want to do the right thing which leads to them then doing the right thing but when you have people who you're just kind of roping in that's less likely so and if you're gonna have a high level judge like a level two they're gonna go ahead yeah so i'll take you back to 2000 and i think it was 2010 right um i'm at the jacksonville regional i'm judging um guido trinidad uh or guido uh i'm judging uh russell burger i'm judging yeah like that's who i have pictures of me judging these guys right like and and one of the greatest I'm judging, uh, Russell Berger. I'm judging. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Like that's who I have pictures of me judging these guys. Right. Like one of the greatest movers ever to be in the game, by the way, Russell Berger moves like a fucking it's, it's kind of unbelievable. Yeah. So I'm judging these guys and I'm looking up to these guys. I've been following these guys for forever. Right. Like you hear about them, you're watching videos, you're, you're reading, uh, journals that are coming out by russell but you still have your job right like i was brought in and they said hey like this is it like this is the movement we're doing and it it has to be that way who gives a shit who the athletes are right and you know russell's got
Starting point is 00:20:59 a uh concealed carry permit too so you're intimidated a little bit too. Right? Yeah. So I don't care who those athletes are, right? If you're there to be closer to the athlete, then you're there for the wrong reason, right? You're there for one reason, and that's to help make sure that what we're doing is we're putting the best athletes and making sure they're following the movement so we get the quality of judging that's going to allow us to make the sport a better sport for people who want it that way and that's what it comes down to so i think if you if you're l2 right and they're going to say hey it's going to take you uh it's going to cost you this much money to fly from louisiana to wherever um we're going to reimburse
Starting point is 00:21:41 you for your flight we're going to reimburse you for your hotel room and then maybe Noble gives you three shirts and a pair of shoes I'd rather fucking be punched in the gut than get a pair of Noble shoes can I get something else I'd rather be circumcised at 50 than get a pair of Noble shoes if we can go back to where we
Starting point is 00:22:00 if we can go back to where we were wearing Reeboks that would be a different thing but now yeah but here's the thing you know now everybody hey and if they can't afford that if they can't afford that by the way we can give them something else too we can give let's say crossfit can't afford it um hillar said something really smart to me last night on the phone because like we fought a little bit about this on the phone and he goes hey dude if nothing else they've had 10 years to start working on a plan and and like, yeah, like, why didn't they pay him $5 the first year? And now it's up to $50, right?
Starting point is 00:22:30 But they could also, they could get them, they could give them a discount on their next, on a seminar too. So if you come there and get 50% off on a seminar, they could do something like that. Well, in 2010, when I showed up to the Jacksonville Regional, after I did the Mid-Atlantic and after I did the regional, I mean, the southern regional in Tomball, Texas, right? I had fucking nine shirts at the end of the three weeks, right? That's what I had, nine shirts. I still have those nine shirts. I still have those nine shirts in my dresser that I like, in my dresser, um, that I, I like to show my friends, like that's what I showed a half for, but at a time things were a lot,
Starting point is 00:23:10 a little bit different. How old are you? How old are you? I'm 36. Okay. Don't be bringing any more of your grown friends into your bedroom and opening your drawer and showing them your shirts that, that window a couple years ago. You'd be cool, man.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Don't get all weird. You know, you know how it is. Sometimes you just got like, Hey, old school stuff right here. You be cool, man. Don't get all weird. You know how it is. Sometimes you just got to like, hey, old school stuff right here. This is the OG stuff. I show off my fronting shirts in my closet on Instagram at least once a month. I totally feel you.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah, but it's been 10 years, right? So as a sport has developed, like 10 years, something has changed. We've seen this issue. It goes back to the standards with the Matt DeLugo issue. I have been saying that issue at regionals. I judged Asia
Starting point is 00:23:49 Bartow and his brother at regionals in 2010. They were hitting their feet while doing bar muscle-ups in Tomball, Texas, and I simply said, this is an issue with these guys being 6'6 in 2010. We're still dealing with the
Starting point is 00:24:07 same issue then so it's it's one of those things like it's either like the individuals that are ahead of it they don't want to hear what what needs to be addressed or it's just one of those things like well hopefully we just don't come across that ever again right or they don't give a shit or they think we're wrong. Yeah. Well, we're not wrong because y'all did the, y'all proved it, right? If Matt DeLugo doesn't, if Matt DeLugo has his rhythm for doing 72 chest-to-bars
Starting point is 00:24:33 like Colton did and like those other guys did, right, his rhythm's gonna allow him to what, 20-something seconds? Now he's going to the cross-reference. Well, he should innovate his pull-up is what I'm saying. Oh, come on now. I know just say i just i just believe in accountability have you ever had to innovate your pull-ups evan you don't know how hard that never when i when i could finally do one pull-up and didn't have to do the flex arm hang with the girls i thought
Starting point is 00:25:03 fucking it was the first time i started thinking there might be an actual God. So, Hey, thank you for calling. Thank you for calling. Oh, no problem, man.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You'll have a great day. Bye. Are you stimulated? Oh God. I had so many things to like, all right. Thing. Number one that I thought of during that,
Starting point is 00:25:23 he said something and it kind of made me think about, which I know you love so much, the schooling system. So like you go to high school, you go to college, you get a master's, that whole deal. And as you move through those things, usually there's a monetary outcome with whatever occupation you end up taking. How about like you have a level one, you can get paid this much as a judge. You get a level two, you get paid this much as a judge. If you're level four, then you're all of a sudden in contention to be one of the top paid judges. And it's just like A equals B. Just makes sense to me. That's a Dr. Seuss right there. The other thing was, there's a comment somewhere where someone says, hey, how about they were giving athletes a free
Starting point is 00:26:01 level one, right? Why don't they give the judges the opportunity to get a discount on whatever next level of education they have at the seminars? Maybe not anything crazy, but like 25% off. So if you're a level one, 25% off towards your level two. Or 50. You really are investing at that point in them. Correct. Yeah, because then it's not only giving the judges something to work for. It's like, hey, you're working for it's
Starting point is 00:26:25 basically 500 bucks free now it's what 575 free uh that's what you're getting you're being paid 575 and and then um you're also just upping the level of education so it's a it's a win-win yeah and it's and it's it is a win-win you're right and it's probably a wash it probably doesn't cost them anything at that point correct yeah and i. And I mean, like how many judges are there? It's not like they're going to freaking lose their ass on judges taking over the freaking level two or whatever. And then the other thing that I thought during that was, and you get more people. If there was a 50% off, you get more people. If there was some sort of benefit to being a judge, monetary benefit, you'd get more people wanting to do it. And then you could turn people away. I feel like until we start turning people away we can't even have the discussion about improving the quality of
Starting point is 00:27:09 the judging because it's it comes down to supply and demand right i just think it makes way too much sense mr mr smith hey good because i had another thought. Okay. Go. You know, those booths, there's booths everywhere. Every, every which, what booth they come from over the freaking seas and whatnot. And I know that at the booths, people will work there. And then at the end of the weekend, they'll say, Hey, send us your information for your gas bills, your hotel and all that. And then they'll get reimbursed. And these are the companies that just have booths surrounding the freaking venue. You would figure that CrossFit could do something like that for their judges as well at the bare minimum.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Be like, hey, you judged. Send us invoices on your whatever the hell you spent to come here. Maybe you don't pay them, but you cover travel and shit. Yeah. I think you have to have like just for just for streamlining. It's got to be just like one thing just for everybody. Yeah. A thousand bucks or 500 bucks or a discount those two things would go such a long way level levels of education and paying for whatever people get turned away from judging there we go i was speaking about Granite Games in particular. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Do you know this guy? I don't know. I don't know. Maybe he's the burner account guy. I don't even know who that was. But the burner account was there so that the name wasn't apparent. Right. Mr. Martinez.
Starting point is 00:28:43 What's up, Devon? How's it going, Batman? how y'all doing great hi hi hey i just wanted to interject one thought on this because uh that's along the same vein with the judging um i was thinking because i've done a lot of local competition and when you go to local competition compared to the games obviously and the regionals and the standards of like the open you look at that the standards that local competitions are even more twirly and so all the model for local competitions is always they use volunteers and so there's no like criteria for the judging standard and it seems like if there was a higher level of standard even on a
Starting point is 00:29:24 smaller scale obviously y'all are talking about the bigger scale. But I'm just saying, like, do y'all think that there's any issue with that? Like, because I know with like sports like baseball, you know, there's there's different leagues and different divisions. And that as you improve and grow, then you move into another division so i just want to interject that idea about because i've seen a lot of judging standards really bad at uh local competitions and um haven't really been happy with it too a pwe level umpire gets paid like a hundred dollars a game or more no shit yeah i know that because i had a buddy growing up who was just making fucking bank going going from a game to game like two hours he'd make 200 bucks yeah and who was just making fucking bank going, going from like game to game, like two hours, he'd make 200 bucks.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Yeah. And he was just judging a bunch of 10 year olds as a high schooler. So your friend was in high school. Yeah. Yeah. In high school, you're making 200 bucks for a fucking day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:16 That's awesome. We take all three of your girlfriends. You'd make like six to 800 bucks as he'd do a couple of games on a weekend. It'd be good to go for the fricking month as a high schooler. Yeah. That's awesome. He was like, yeah, that's kind of the point i was just wanting to throw out there but i appreciate your time i won't tie up the conversation but uh devon appreciate what you're doing guys and uh just wanted to throw that out there because that was something that i've always been frustrated with on the local competition because to get to the next level up it takes even more discipline and, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:45 you got to have some of the skills and attributes to do it. So, um, I figure if maybe they could standardize the coaching or the judging, you know, cause, uh, you know, a lot of other sports do it and they find a way to do it. So that was just my thought guys. Thank you. Thanks man. Yep. Take care. I just like it that you call and make it seem like the show is popular. I don't think paying for hotels or food would work.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I'm paying over $2K for a hotel during the games, volunteering for the equipment team. That's for a married couple, not including travel food or travel. So here's the thing I always want to be clear about. These people are volunteering to do this. They want to do this. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Okay. volunteering to do this they want to do this yes okay okay so uh with i can bridge this off that call i don't know where you're going please nope nope go i'm just gonna suck myself off go ahead please do that we'll all watch you remove your ribbon everything right you're right yes yes all right all right so in the video i made about the judges i'm giving away the entire video, which is entirely okay because it's good for this. He was talking about on the phone call right there, the local competitions. And in the video, I talked about my time as an affiliate owner
Starting point is 00:31:54 and how my business partner really wanted to put on a competition. Let's do it, bro. Let's put on a competition, bro. And I was like, yeah, sure. Let's put on a competition. Love competitions. I'll be able to write the programming. I think that we'll have a lot of people coming in because our affiliate
Starting point is 00:32:07 was one of the biggest names in the state. Everyone would be all about it. Cool. We'll charge 150 bucks a person and then it'll be, we'll have a hundred people. We'll make 15 grand. And I'm like, I don't really think that that's the way that we should be doing it. The intention shouldn't be to make a giant profit. I wanted to put on a competition for the members, for the community. I wanted to write a workout. I wanted to get our name out there. What do you mean, bro? I'm like, all right. So how about we pay the athletes like the prize per stick?
Starting point is 00:32:31 Why would we do that? We'll just give them free protein powder, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, all right. And all of a sudden I was moving away from wanting to run the competition. Yeah, we'll pull a five grand each and then we'll. And I'm like, how about we paid the judges? Like, why would we pay the judges? Nobody ever pays the judges.
Starting point is 00:32:46 The big thing with what I do on my YouTube channel is I always give your buddy my phone number. Him and I think alike. Ah, you son of a bitch. I'm off. I'm signing off the podcast. You can deal with that. So, so yeah, it's not very often that talk about like that end of my time over there,
Starting point is 00:33:02 but there was always that where it's like, I didn't want to feel as if I was sucking the soul out of my members. I didn't want to feel like I was pulling them for everything they were worth. It's like, hey, we're going to have apparel. And just like this shirt, which was $13 at the time, I didn't want to make any money on it. I wanted everyone to have the shirt. I wanted it to stand for something. And just like the event, I want to put the event on for the people. I didn't want to charge them $150 to compete. And then I certainly didn't want to have to have my members like waste their weekend, even if they wanted to. I know, I just know that if I asked them to do it, they would do it because they love the gym. They like to help blah, blah, blah. Just like the people with the games are
Starting point is 00:33:36 like, we love CrossFit. We want to get better at it. But just like the coach at the gym that coaches for free or coaches for a membership, everybody, I guarantee you has heard of that person who it's like the membership at the gym is 150 a month. And you know, the gym that coaches for free or coaches for a membership. Everybody I guarantee you has heard of that person who it's like the membership at the gym is one 50 a month. And you know, the coach that works for free, or maybe they clean the bathrooms over the course of the weekend at a certain point in time, that individual needs to move on.
Starting point is 00:33:55 They need to go forward with their lives. They can't just like fucking work for free, no matter how much they love it, no matter how good of a coach they are, they end up working at a bank or something because they need to make the bills. They need to pay the bills. So that's what's happening in my opinion with the judges is that they love it.
Starting point is 00:34:09 They'll do it until the day they die. But eventually, they're going to have to move forward. And that is what happened to the person on the phone call. It's like they loved it. They did it for a long time. Is it a who knows who? Is the whole judges scene like a really clicky event? who knows who is the whole judges scene, like a really clicky event. Like if I've judged like for the game for three years,
Starting point is 00:34:26 am I more likely to get a fourth year unless someone doesn't like me or I said something inappropriate or is it, or is how do they choose? Is it, is it pretty, I'm not sure I can speak to that. That's not something I got from my guy. All right. Well, so I'm sure someone will call in and tell us, I bet you it's funny. I never even thought of that uh seven uh the seven on podcast the only reason i'm following the game season i know i'm not the only one um you know what's interesting about this whole games coverage we're doing i really don't want somebody just
Starting point is 00:34:52 texted me it says super clicky okay um i i really don't want to do this you have to know i really really don't want to do this i really would rather spend time with my kids and i'm doing this just like um i'm doing this because it's work i mean i'm having fun once i sit down with with uh hiller and jr and the gang but like i don't want to do it i'm doing it because it's just pushing my youtube channel forward i'm doing it for all the wrong reasons like what hiller like i'm selling the shirts to make money doing the opposite of hiller that being said i was at jiu-jitsu class the other day my kids jiu-jitsu class not me taking it and a father walks up to me and goes hey i have no interest in crossfit and i'm like okay like what do i care fuck off and he goes but i'm watching
Starting point is 00:35:34 all your crossfit coverage because it's so fucking good and i and and i've learned about people like fukowski and shit and now i care about some guy named Fikowski that I never cared about for. And that really, there was a show on NPR called the clicking clack brothers. And they, it was the biggest show in NPR national public radio history. And it was a show about two guys and people called in and told them the problem with their car. And then they gave them feedback. What was wrong with their car?
Starting point is 00:35:59 It was the biggest syndicated show in the history of NPR. And people would watch it who didn't even give a fuck about cars because of these two guys and and it kind of it warmed my heart it warmed my heart it was like wow maybe i mean i do give it my all i mean you guys do see i'm giving it my all hillary's giving it his all jr's giving it his all but like i would i seriously would rather be at the beach so when you say you're a liar no i'm not uh so when i see stuff like this this like tickles me i and i i can't tell you how much i appreciate it i'm glad that like someone's um yeah i i don't i always feel good when i'm done doing it i don't mean to like completely shit on it and yeah they fucking owe us um beyond hillary what do you, what do you think is happening?
Starting point is 00:36:47 I know, that was cool. What do you think... This is supposed to be a... I'm supposed to have your YouTube channel up and be talking about all your videos, but instead I have a question for you. I want to ask you a question about... I'm ready. Hello?
Starting point is 00:37:00 Siobhan, what's up, dude? Hi. Yeah, just going on top of what you uh what you said earlier about like uh being invested and how people that don't watch CrossFit are invested because of your show and I was thinking about it this weekend uh when I was watching Granite Games like I would have never been that invested in a Colton Mertens had we not let him go and it's the same thing going on with like when you did behind the scenes you know it made you emotionally invested in the athletes and it's something we've been missing across for a long time oh that's um you know it's cool you say that because that's
Starting point is 00:37:33 like one of the i i had to get into someone like colton or travis mayer or phil toon in order to make the weekend tolerable for me do you know what i mean by that like i'm so happy there's someone like colton mertens that i can just fucking like hold on to he like carries me through the whole weekend yeah no i totally get it like well said if march madness is going on like and the guys are getting together to watch it like i have no interest in some of the games like i'll lay down a small like 10 15 bet on a game yeah so it'll have a to keep me interested yes when i was first starting out across it like i kind of like i didn't know where to go and i found um you know all the behind the scenes and you're missing that for a really long time i think that your shows brought that aspect back to it cool well thank you everyone in the comments is just like yeah yeah, this guy's so spot on.
Starting point is 00:38:26 And you are. You're right. Text me some pictures of your girlfriend. Thank you. This is Jim, by the way. Thank you, Jim. Nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:38:33 No, Jim. What's up? Oh, Jim. Oh, Murph Jim. Yeah. Oh, good to hear you, buddy. Murph Jim. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:41 You know who I thought you were when you first called? I thought you were Taylor. You sounded like Taylor. I thought it was Taylor. jim what have you been doing since murph have you been doing anything similar to it or are you just getting ready for whatever's next yeah so i've been getting ready for the hero 365 that i'm doing and then um i wanted to this goes along with like kind of some on shows so like taylor self posted um he was gonna start programming and like i love the guy i wanted to support him so just kind of some on shows so like taylor self posted um he was gonna start programming and
Starting point is 00:39:05 like i love the guy i wanted to support him so just kind of gave him my money because of the show to be honest that's awesome programming the last week because you know i feel bummed about his knee and wanted to show some support anyway i said to a good dude yeah he is a good dude taylor did a workout the other day he sent it to us maybe it was on his story 50 cal assault bike 25 power cleans and that's the type of workout that i think is awesome and we don't see anymore but it's that thing where who is the strong fate guy there's a strong fake guy he said all of you crossfitters are missing the anaerobic power type of workouts where you just want to lay on the floor and die afterwards and he's damn right we don't really have any of those anymore we're really missing
Starting point is 00:39:44 them and taylor's like yeah i did the 50 cal assault bike in a minute eight and then finished the workout in three something like low threes like three oh something and i was like god that had to hurt so fucking bad that's one of the biggest things we're missing right now at these semi-finals by the way so good on you for doing this programming if he does stuff like that that's what i'm saying yeah dude his programming his programming has been fucking me up the last couple of days just like you said like intense like semi-short tippers that just take your soul so he got on the assault bike rode as hard as you could for 50 calories and then as fast as you can you grab a how heavy was the clean i think it was 155 power cleans for 25 reps wow yeah we had a different one that was
Starting point is 00:40:27 like money i don't give it all the program away but it's basically like great but with 185 pound barbell with assault bike sprints in the between damn it's just like that power output that's why you see him just totally dominate those events at the like semi-final level like he won that flip start man he's got a crazy ass motor. No, nobody understands. Awesome. 50 cows in a minute.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Eight. Yeah. That's basically what's the RPM on that? You think like, like 90. Oh, it's gotta be just like that dead out sprint that you kind of hold on to the best you can at the end of it. And it ended up being a minute eight.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I don't think it was any sort of sustained effort i like your question though because i'm i'm addicted to the rpms that's like just that's all i that's the only place i'm looking to like figure out what my i don't think i don't think 90 would have got him there if he was going to hold something it would have had it would probably been 98 and it probably i'm more i'm thinking it was probably starting off at like 110 112 and it dipped into the not into the 90s and the 80s at the back end hey so is that something you can't do on an echo bike you have to do that on an assault bike because of the well you can because they just had the echo bike challenge and there was 50 for time i think somebody did that in like 32 seconds okay yeah i do think it's harder yeah i think it's
Starting point is 00:41:43 harder because you don't get the runoff on the dead time on the cows. And I don't know. I don't think it ramps up as quick, but it's definitely harder. But like what you were just saying about holding, that's insane, those numbers. If people aren't familiar with the Assault Bike, like looking at RPMs, like go out in your garage and try to hold 85 RPMs for a minute. Just 85. That's so hard.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Some people will be like, I can't fucking do do that how dare you ask me to do that my head starts doing some weird shit at over 80 i start running like chris spieler but i'm on the bike they should send you an assault bike savannah that's what they should do you should have one of each like a regular one a pro and an elite model i should i know okay thanks Thanks Jim for calling. All right guys. Talk to you later. Okay. Bye. Talk to you Jim. When they, when they have, when they have something like the torque tank, sponsoring an event and we're doing a show and we're just talking nonstop
Starting point is 00:42:39 shit about it. I was, I was figuring the math on this. If there, it lets it let, and I have no idea, but let's say torque tank paid him $500,000. And let's say torque tank makes $500 for every unit they sell. That means they need to sell a thousand units to make their money back based on the $500,000 sponsorship. They paid the CrossFit games. Trust me on the math on that guys.
Starting point is 00:42:57 So let's say they sponsor all these events for CrossFit. They gave you $500,000. They needed to sell a thousand, which they thought was a slam dunk, but we're sitting here talking shit about it being the worst fucking implement ever. And that you should really just go to rogue and buy a fucking $200 sled. Um, when, when they only sell half as many because of that, I'm, I wonder if there, if anyone's noticing that and maybe I'm making that up, maybe we don't have that impact, but if we do, is that why you want to be hired?
Starting point is 00:43:25 Is that why they should hire you? So they can be like, Hey, can you please not talk shit about our sponsors? Like, because if that's the case, then they should have paid you $25,000 a year. So it'd been like,
Starting point is 00:43:33 Hey, we don't care what you do. Just don't smash our sponsors. That would be so smart on their end, but 25 isn't enough. You can still make whatever you want. you just can't talk shit about the sponsors oh god but then i can't say i mean there is an amount of money where you can think about what i do right i know i know you too i'm just i'm wondering what would be way more i'm wondering
Starting point is 00:43:59 where we add value and where we take value away obviously um doing the things of like obviously the shit talking about fukowski and the loving on colton mertens and and and all the phone calls we do and the crazy shows like obviously that's all helping crossfit whether they like it or not whether their egos are being offended or not like it's not fucking rocket science to know that the louder the voices are in the room the more attention it's going to get no publicity's bad publicity but on the other hand like that torque tank thing we gotta have had to fuck them up that because that really is the kind of thing that you buy you need a good friend to tell you don't buy that that thing's fucking stupid and
Starting point is 00:44:38 it's gonna and it's gonna sit in your garage and you're gonna wish you didn't have it and and it's it's it's it's like owning two gh it's worse than owning two ghds oh fuck it's bad having one ghd i know it takes up your whole fucking garage okay sorry no it's always the streams have like the best the top i think i saw it was like 32 000 people at granite games so let's say like a high amount of viewers is 30 000 28 000 right uh your view your your coverage videos i think have about 7 000 on average following the events which means that one quarter about of the people who watch those just shuttled on over to your videos and it's going up every week this week it's going to be even crazier every week because people are a lot of people don't know about it and now people
Starting point is 00:45:23 are finding out about it yeah because you don't know how to use fucking youtube figure it out algorithm algorithms comment if you like the freaking video do that crap um but one quarter of the people now are not going to be buying torque tanks because they listen to that or what that means that 7 000 people are less likely to buy them which is if you said they had to sell a thousand and that they're losing that many people's opportunity to do it and the people listening to our show are fucking wackadoodles those are the kind of people who would buy that those these are the kind of people like we could sell them a piece of wood and tell them it's working they're the type of people who are like i'm gonna watch four hours of crossfit on their page i'm gonna watch two hours of people talking about crossfit so yeah they're gonna be the ones to buy it
Starting point is 00:46:02 yes caller what's up from the United Kingdom? I love it. I feel you're talking about me there. Wackadoodle. Wackadoodle. Yes, Savannah. It's Clive here. Oh, Clive. What's up, brother? Good to hear from you. Yeah. Yeah. I'm Hiller. Good to meet you, buddy. A big fan. What's up, man? How are you? I'm good. I'm good. i want to see what your guys thoughts
Starting point is 00:46:26 are this is something i often uh complain about to my friends uh wall balls um just when we were talking about the height of the pull-up bar and stuff like that um at the weekend um i i don't get wall balls and the scale for male and female it Tell me, is the weight difference not enough? I mean, what really is the average difference in height between males and females? Have you ever, Savan, have you ever taken a lighter wall ball and threw it to a lower target?
Starting point is 00:46:58 It is completely different. I prefer, I don't even, I never, I quit using the men's weight wall ball when i was when i hit 40 i think the men's weight wall ball is fucking absolutely insane for someone who's not like want to go to the games i used to use the 20 and um you know when you used to order a dynamax ball a 20 pound ball this is true 100 true you would go online you'd go to their website you'd order the 20 pound dynamax ball. They would then send you an email in return and say,
Starting point is 00:47:28 we need you to make sure that this is the right size ball because we don't recommend a 20 pound ball. I swear to God. They would tell you, you don't want it. You don't want this ball. They would tell you that. yes,
Starting point is 00:47:39 that it was too heavy and dangerous. And it would got really contentious between the owners of a Dynamax and Greg. They thoughtreg they thought that they thought that it was just stupid to sell 20 pound balls but yeah i prefer a lighter ball i don't know what the question is but yeah the women's ball is perfect for you minus 10 pounds i have a four pound ball i actually own a four pound dynamax ball i know it's embarrassing go ahead so obviously in competition you're not going to be competing against females but for
Starting point is 00:48:03 regular gym goers and stuff you know there's that little bit of box competition between whoever's next to you. And I just think when it comes to wall balls, the females have a lower height and a lesser weight. And also their cycle time is much quicker to the ballhouse. Less distance to travel. Have you, but you know why, you know why?
Starting point is 00:48:23 Have you ever seen a penis on a woman? It's like this big and it's like hidden and it's got a name. It's called a clit. Of course they have to use a 14 pound ball. It's tiny. We have a big one. We have a big one. I think, I think the steal should be about creating the same stimulus.
Starting point is 00:48:43 My argument is that the stimulus isn't even close i think i think girls are recovering on wobbles and boys are you know probably spiking the heart rate depending on how fast they're going ouch now we're gonna get canceled i thought that i thought the click comment i thought the click comment was harsh this is crazy i've already counseled wow i've never heard that i've never heard that what do you think about that the click comment no not that one that one's just brilliant comedy uh what do you think about the fact what he's saying he's saying all right i agree chase and bill on your favorite other thing we won't mention the name of the thing is yeah with the programming okay we will mention it i thought you didn't like when you mentioned other pockets anyway i just do that i'm here with the
Starting point is 00:49:27 programming every single time there had ever been a 10 and a 9 foot target they just get on it they're like why are we still doing this it's been however many years and i agree like they should just be both going to a 10 foot target and then the 20 and the 14 pound wall ball and they did it they've been doing it at the semi-finals this year they're all going to a 10 foot target it's like probably the best thing that's come of this year is that it seems as if the females are now going to a 10 foot target right it didn't it didn't go too well for brooke it didn't go too well for brooke is that what you're saying typically she's accustomed to recovering on those no no i i guess it maybe did the shock to their system perhaps although i'm
Starting point is 00:50:03 sure the athletes probably are. Clive, Cat Teal, a woman is commenting in the comments, Cat Teal, and she's saying it's not true at all. I mean, I don't think just that women are resting on wall balls using a 14-pound ball to a 9-pound target, where Colton Mertens is throwing a 20-pound ball to a 10-foot target and getting just... That is so crazy different.
Starting point is 00:50:24 The work Colton Mertens is doing compared to Amanda Barnhart is insane. It is interesting. Any exercise where it is more obvious than comparing Colton Mertens with a heavier ball
Starting point is 00:50:39 to the higher target compared with Amanda Barnhart. Hey, they should let Colton step on a box. They should let Colton step on a box. All right. Well, they already do for pull-ups. So wouldn't that be great if he stayed on a box? Here's the way that I look at this is that I,
Starting point is 00:50:57 for as much as I've never liked to talk about it. I love like looking at workouts. I love programming. I like it looking what the intention is, is for the athletes. And the thing that hasn't been anywhere near as abundant as it has been in the past is the benchmarks and karen is one of those and i know that a lot i've brought up that travis mayer can do karen i've broken the 30 pound wall ball and i don't know very many people who could do that
Starting point is 00:51:18 and i don't know i have no internal knowledge of females doing Karen to a 10 foot target. And I'm sure they've done them, but in the past with the programming with like the open workouts, when Castro would write them, you could see Karen kind of implemented into those open workouts or something close where it's like, Karen was the heart of that workout. And then you can kind of pull and extrapolate how would this female had done on Karen using this weight and this wall ball.
Starting point is 00:51:43 And then you could then on the next year, see whether or not you should move up the target or maybe give them more wall balls and say maybe 150 isn't enough within this workout to this height so we're going to increase the height or maybe instead of 150 we'll give them 180 does that make sense look at what sam demeester says he's agreeing with you clive i think he's partly joking but um my girlfriend beats my ass on wall ball workouts and then then he posts, she can't be that. It can't be because she's fitter, meaning he kind of agrees with you. Hey, what a great move. Hiller just brought up the 30-pound ball, or someone did.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Hey, why not have some girl out there needs to do that? Some girl needs to take a 30-pound wall ball to a 10-foot target and do Karen Unbroken. I'm telling you, that'sā€¦ There's a girl named Lauren Gonzalez. She's the one to do it. She did 1,000 ā€“ or, like, something like 20 wall balls on the minute for an hour. She got a power bottom, just a huge caboose. She's, like, a normal-looking chick, but, like, a normal-fit-looking chick.
Starting point is 00:52:41 No normal-looking ass is doing Karen with the 30 pound ball. Travis Mayer has a huge ass. What? Sorry. Go ahead, Kyle. I'm going to go. I'm going to go and get my wife to feed my phone bill. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:54 But listen, really love you, Dan. I've enjoyed all the semifinal coverage. Hiller's a great ass, Dad. He does have a great ass. I agree. Thank you. I don't. Bye.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Bye. Bye. I think someone broke up with me once because my ass. I agree. Thank you. I don't. Bye. Bye. Bye. I think someone broke up with me once because my ass is too small. Wow. Now it's fucking huge. That's how that works. I have genetically big quads, though, so they always disproportionately make my butt look smaller.
Starting point is 00:53:21 I'm going to bring up your... Let's start the show now. Let's start the show. I know what a power bottom is at least well we figured it out last night on the show i didn't even know i had to figure it out you didn't know what a power bottom was no i had it totally you of all people i didn't know i had no idea i had no idea uh listen listen you said someone broke up with me once because i had a small butt and this in malin writes i bet he regrets it now oh he sure does it's fucking huge oh my goodness uh thank you i laughed so hard last night i needed to hear that because i go into the kitchen and i look at my wife and I got in
Starting point is 00:54:05 trouble for, for, I got in trouble saying for the thing I said about January 6th. And so I hope at least I made some people laugh. Someone wants to know whether or not we talked about Castro. We're probably not doing that. Are we? I mean, we can. I mean, I wanted to look at, we don't, we don't know anything. That's basically what my video said.
Starting point is 00:54:22 You I'm back. You freaking idiots. Okay. Listen, isn't that funny? Look at that. Where? Yeah. I'm back, you freaking idiots. Okay, listen. Isn't that funny? Look at that. Where? The little thing of Eric Rosa. Oh, fuck. He's like running over the freaking crowd. I wanted to look at Hiller's YouTube.
Starting point is 00:54:36 So basically what I wanted to do, the point of this show, and we haven't done it. 14K, it just hit. We're supposed to. I wanted to do a show where I review all of hiller's videos every week and um because he puts out so much content i thought it would be fun to have him on for like an hour and a half and just like talk about stuff he says in there hey so i just want to go over some of my notes here and then i'll throw these notes away and we'll start over again because you've put out so many videos this is like two weeks old and one of the videos you said you
Starting point is 00:54:58 used to have a lisp is that true yeah and i actually caught myself doing it the other day too so it's not completely eradicated. When you drink, does it come out? I don't drink. Oh. I haven't drank in a long time, not for any reason other than the way that I'll put it. And I actually have a video tapped up to talk about alcohol because everything's about the affiliate, man. If my time in the affiliate, I would just get so pissed off. And I would hear people just drink their weekends away because my opinion of drinking is that if you have a drink
Starting point is 00:55:28 on Friday, you all of a sudden ruin what you did on Friday. And then you are going to ruin what you'll be doing on Saturday. And the older you get, the more that stretches out. So let's say Friday night, you have a drink. You're no longer recovering from Thursday or Friday, and you won't be able to perform on Saturday or Sunday as a 40 year old. And let's say you drink as a 50 year old. All of a sudden that stretches a little bit further. And I'm not saying a drink, I'm saying like you get drunk. But so these people would like have a really good training week and I would spend all this time with them. And then I'd see him on Monday and say, Hey, how was your week? It's like, Oh, I got trashed on Friday and Saturday.
Starting point is 00:55:59 I'm like, motherfucker. Now Wednesday is going to be your only good training day. It would just drive me fucking nuts. And then they would never see any progress. And I'm like, motherfucker. Now Wednesday is going to be your only good training day. It would just drive me fucking nuts. Then they would never see any progress. I'm like, stop getting trashed on the weekends. Dude, you're such a pansy. Live a little. It's like, no, I'm never going to live. Never.
Starting point is 00:56:15 I just don't drink. All the most successful. I know very few really successful people who drink a lot. Yeah, name one. No, I'd rather not. See, you can't do it. can name one um and here's the other thing too uh what's interesting i don't know any like really like and everyone i know who like smokes too much weed they're like the least cool people i know it's coming from the
Starting point is 00:56:36 guy with a pound of weed behind him they're just in there they're inappropriate in their cadence of discourse back and forth how do you figure like? Like you talk, I talk, you talk, I talk. There's like a friendly banter. People who are stoned, they just suck. They kind of just take over the whole situation. They take over. What do you mean they take over? Do you have any friends who are stoners?
Starting point is 00:56:58 Yeah. Yeah, they just talk too much. And they say dumb shit. And they laugh inappropriately. Oh, you know what I call that i call that the vortex you get stuck it's like they have a train of thoughts and there's nothing you're gonna do to break it and it's terrible oh god yeah there's two types of stoners savon i know a couple of them there's the one that's super chill and it's like yeah i love this guy being around her girl
Starting point is 00:57:21 and then there's the one you're talking about. It's just like, here, stop it. Stop. I don't talk anymore. I don't see Joe Rogan do it, but I don't think Joe Rogan looks healthy at all. He looks hypertensive as a motherfucker. He looks like you could pop him like a booze. That's not from the weed.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Oh, alcohol. No. He admits to it he's not he's on some stuff yeah or at least he's dabbled in some things he's a isn't he a mushroom lsd kind of guy he does everything it's not how did you get rid of your lisp focused on it i just i'm very attentive with the things that i say believe it or not when i talk i don't just spew shit uh did you it was one of my first videos you can hear me saying i would say power queen it's a power queen oh i love a power queen see i would say it all the time and then someone pointed out i didn't it's when you have a lisp you don't know that you're saying it or when you have like a speech impediment you don't realize that you're
Starting point is 00:58:27 just talking and you think you're saying what you're saying so you got you got it when you were a little kid and it just never went away well no i never knew that i had it and i also don't pick up on other people have them until they're pointed out so i have a buddy who will say some stuff and he's had it and it's really bad but until somebody pointed out that he had the speech impediment i I never heard it. Wow. I almost just don't look for things in people that are bad. Oh, you're a good dude.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Wow. I try not to or look for their flaws. I have a buddy who's got a tick. And someone pointed it out. And I knew the guy for fucking 10 years. And I'm like, oh, wow. No way. Same thing with the other guy who's got a speech impediment.
Starting point is 00:59:05 It's like, oh. So when I had it, someone, no way. Same thing with the other guy who's had a speech impediment. It's like, oh. So when I had it, someone pointed it out and then all of a sudden I would notice and I would say queen, queen, queen. So I stopped saying it. I'm like, all right, it's a power clean, clean. And I'm very attentive when I say the word clean now. Just a thing.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Yeah, that's a trip. That's awesome. Good job getting rid of it. I think that takes work. It's like when people who are German come to this country and they got that strong German accent and then all of a sudden they don't i'm stupid german you are you're german german and polish hillary and you're armenian i am armenian
Starting point is 00:59:34 um i don't even know what this note means because my notes are so old i apologize um uh who's clay clay used to have an eyebrow ring uh uh clay hamilton he's the guy the old guy ink that blue one right in the middle in the bottom he made a video on me about how he didn't like that i was being all aggressive and saying crossfit is fucked up oh yes and then he went on and made a video about how crossfit is fucked up he's got the cool voice yes yes yes how was that so a guy made a video talking to talking some smack about you he's only got like 500 subscribers on youtube and then you make a video back about him the cool thing about the the the circle that i've got going is people will send
Starting point is 01:00:17 me stuff so like somebody sent me that i think i actually got it from a couple of people did you see this and then i watch it and i'm like oh you know what i can probably just make a response to this because there's things i agree with there's things i don't agree with and at the bare minimum i'm getting a video out there and the outlook of it would be to get him a little bit of exposure and actually get some stuff across that has some substance to it and that's the goal in every video i make is to it's to be as far removed i commented on a craig ritchie video yesterday because the title of the video I make is to be as far removed. I commented on a Craig Ritchie video yesterday because the title of the video was, we have to talk about this, another one of those.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And I commented on it and go, I came here looking for what you want to talk about and I'm still looking. Did you comment that on his account? Yeah, I haven't gone to see if he's responded or if anyone's responded. And usually I like to go back and look and see what he's responded or if anyone's responded and usually i like to go back and look and see like what people have said because usually it's kind of funny
Starting point is 01:01:08 he won't respond he won't either way i i commented on a chandler smith thing the other day he put up like his response and i i kind of reiterated the things i was saying all weekend which was i think you need to move on from comp train man man. You're a really good dude. Like you're too good to not be doing this. And he deleted it. Oh shit. Yeah. Or at least it wasn't there last night when I looked. Well, good. I'm glad he deleted it.
Starting point is 01:01:33 That shows that he's sticking close to his boy, Ben. My comment has seven likes on the Craig Ritchie video. And the first comment says, I came here and I also don't know what needed to be talked about. the first comment says i came here and i also don't know what needed to be talked about i'm always i'm always i'm always um shocked and crazy impressed at how much how many views and how many people watch this stuff i it yeah i'll leave it at that uh this it's just it's just vapid there's just nothing there for me i it's almost like people are going there because they're like you're just really trying to await uh waste your time okay i really like this montage right here can you hear this when i hit players trying to waste their time
Starting point is 01:02:15 but i really like this montage right here uh i do really like this channel watch the whole video i cut this thing up a little bit it deserves to have a full watch could you hear that it deserves to have a full watch yeah okay here we go i like this montage here i really like this go get it yes did you think you were so funny when you were making all these usually when i make these things i think i'm pretty funny i tried i giggle as i'm making it and it's like totally worth the 45 minutes or so it took for me to throw those things into the video i'm like i watched it twice i'm like oh hillar is so proud of himself i was made yes well that that wasn't like i'm like do i really want to do this and then i'm like yeah i do i really want to put these things in here because i understand it's going to take me some time chandler smith
Starting point is 01:03:44 comment is still up. Somebody said, by the way. So if I just missed it or didn't see it for whatever reason, I thought I looked through everything, but I guess it's still up there. Uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:03:54 I thought the Bethany interview went great. I mean, just cause she talked, that's Hawaii. I mean, just cause she talks the way the information is transmitted. So slow. It's like one fifth,
Starting point is 01:04:03 the speed that Hiller transmitted transmits information. She's just a surfer chick. Yeah. It's like one-fifth the speed that Hiller transmits information. She's just a surfer chick. Yeah. She talks like, yo, man, oh, you know. She lives on an island. Cowabunga. It's a ninja turtle. She was cool.
Starting point is 01:04:16 You went into a Chipotle once, and it was a Chipotle you frequent on the regular, and they gave you a free Chipotle because you frequent on the regular, and they gave you free Chipotle because you were so... I got free Chipotle for like a year. Because you're so positive. It's very interesting. So I'd be the affiliate, and the affiliate owners probably know you go back and forth. You spend the morning there, you go home, you spend the night there, or you just spend all day there. And I would, I would say like four or five days a
Starting point is 01:04:49 week when I would go back and forth, I would stop at Chipotle and it would just be rice and meat. It's like the perfect meal for anyone who's trying to be a high level exerciser, eat rice and meat, carbs and protein. Um, and my goal when I go to these places is I try to treat the people behind the counter as nice as possible and just like talk to them as much as I can. That's it. And they ended up just like giving me food, like three out of the four days a week.
Starting point is 01:05:15 They're like, it's on us. It's on us. It's on us. And I'd be always like, no guys, I want to pay. Like,
Starting point is 01:05:19 they're like, you cannot, we will not take your car. Get the fuck out of here. And then that, I think, I think that's the kind of stuff the fuck out of here. And then that, I think, I think that's the kind of stuff that happens to hot chicks. What do you look at and look at and look at what they look at?
Starting point is 01:05:31 Look at Hillary. Such a hottie. That was, that was ironic, huh? Yeah. It's like, it's like you plan that you're like at the one hour and five minute mark. I need you to make a comment. You, you, you paid Lindsay.
Starting point is 01:05:43 I know you did. It is. Anyway, it's cool cool was it a girl who did it was it a girl or was it a guy who saw you it was like it was like the entire freaking blind of people i knew everyone that worked there because i would go there so often um hillary one of their names was so like one of the girls name was sonia and then uh and there's a guy who the manager's name was greg so but this was now like five or six years ago and i remember i was i qualified for regionals that year and i go hey guys do you sponsor athletes like can i get a sponsorship to go compete at regionals they they actually reached out to corporate they're like no we don't sponsor athletes and then at wadapalooza two years later they had a booth i'm like those motherfuckers and i think matt fraser got like a lifetime gold card at chipotle or something like he can eat
Starting point is 01:06:30 there for free his whole life or something all they do is be honest and tell me i wasn't good enough no they're they were they were awesome though i love those people hey is the is the eyebrow is the attention your eyebrows get new to since you started becoming on youtube or did you used to get attention for your eyebrows even before just youtube yeah it's cool what what a blessing you must be stoked i i don't know i mean it's good it's cool to have something because i usually watch i watch these people on youtube and usually they've got something like they have something about them the derrick guy i know i've talked to you about derrick more plates more dates it's his shoulders so everyone comments on like the size of his shoulders and i'd much rather have like a giant muscle group be the attentive part of my body but the
Starting point is 01:07:12 eyebrows were too yeah yeah a giant part of your body that's what i'm known for yeah your your your giant head your giant nose yeah yeah my giant nose not your penis you finished 49th in the open correct what year was that 2021 in the united in the united states in the world dude yeah best year ever and it was also the one of the least open workouts that's crazy yeah it was uh well there's a couple like layers to that number one is that the open doesn't matter so i do feel as if the there are a handful of athletes that didn't put as much of an emphasis on it anymore it's part of the reason why i hate that the open doesn't matter anymore because it was always something that i was trying to do was i wanted to see like how i stacked up against the entire world so previous to that my best finish was like
Starting point is 01:08:08 190 something maybe 192 yeah that was in 2016 when i qualified for regionals and then a couple years when i was in the 200s and then there was the year where i had i got lasik so i took the open kind of really really easy and i was in like the 500s maybe a thousand i remember i couldn't even do a workout really i just couldn't sweat because i couldn't get sweat in my eyes and then 49th was the 2021 and i said that this is my last year because i'm like getting older i'm no longer at the affiliate i just really want to make a push yeah andy cheated i made a video on that anybody can go watch that that was your open workout you were critiquing correct that was my final open workout there was a video going around on instagram and it was a month i thought i had it in my notes shit where
Starting point is 01:08:55 is that i need to show that lasik is a ped where is damn damn damn damn i had a video of you of a video is going around on ig of your uh snatches which ones from 2013 to the present it was like someone had put together a montage of all your snatches somebody put together a snatch montage of me yeah you haven't seen that yeah and it shows how your your snatches have improved from 2013 to the present interesting and your body and your body changed like crazy like like like you could totally be accused of juicing hell yeah yeah that's cool i i always say if you're not getting accused of juicing it means that you're not doing anything right. You made a video. It's called Athletes.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Is it called Athletes or Not Your Friends? Yes. And then on the front of it, it says, I will fucking kill you. Okay. I wanted to defend Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet. In there, you say that she doesn't press right why i think you're talking about a video that i made of my snatch montages oh you made it yeah is it on my instagram oh i don't know oh look why alexis just pointed that
Starting point is 01:10:17 out why why can't she did nothing wrong when you think of someone cheating in the press, you think of either a knee bend or a hip ā€“ a closing of the hip. Yes. That's ā€“ and because she gave it a ā€“ You don't think she cheated on that press? No. No, I don't. I think that's fucking innovation. I know what you're trying to do here. I think that's innovation.
Starting point is 01:10:41 What video is that? I want to pull that up. I want to pull that up. And I think you're being too harsh on people she stayed within the rules and i don't think a judge there was qualified to say that's not legal i don't know what they mean they're level one seminar staff they're the most qualified no that's why they're there here's the thing because you don't like the innovation it was like when mursky bounced the bar yeah she bounced the bar off her shoulder I agree where is that
Starting point is 01:11:10 where is that video which one was that are you talking about the strict press video I didn't post that I don't think no no it's in it's in a series that you called the athletes are not your friends shoot I will fucking kill you left next to Murph under your face this series that you called the athletes are not your friends where is that it's it's uh i will
Starting point is 01:11:25 fucking kill you left next to murph under your face your job oh this one i know with cat sheer deadlift bar yes told the judge that he was going to fucking okay here okay now look at this well brandon one of the things that i noticed was that she pushed the bar up we can see that she pushes the bar, gives herself a little bit of daylight under it, and then allows the bar to bounce off the shoulders. I'm good with it. I'm good with it. No.
Starting point is 01:11:52 No. Sevan, no. You sound like my wife every night around 930. Sevan, no. No. No. I'm good with it. No knee bend. no no no hip bend and if they want to change the rules
Starting point is 01:12:08 the next year on her and be like hey you can't do that but i see that as innovation that's what delugos needs to do that's what delugos needs to do not that he's complaining he needs to come up with something all right what do you mean he needs to come up with something i had somewhere i want to go but i need to dive into what you just said there what does he needs to come up with something i had somewhere i wanted to go but i need to dive into what you just said there what does he need to come up with he needs to come up with some she came up with something she came up with something that's not that the rules tell us she can't do you know she thought of that she's like okay you can't bend the knee you can't close the hip okay needs to be strict pressed from from the bottom boom all right. All right, here's what I got for you.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Oh, Carly, you're a hater. You know you're a hater. Somebody directed me towards a guy who had covered that. It was a video that had like 100,000 views. The guy had 800 subs, a video with 100,000 views, and it was covering this topic right here. The number one pinned comment was by Brent Fikowski, and he said that in the briefing, they were told that that was allowed.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Yeah. I don't like doing this for you. I don't like doing it, but, but, but they were told that was allowed. Good dude. More free Chipotle for Hiller and his eyebrows.
Starting point is 01:13:20 More free, a lifetime supply. And then in the middle of the event, the head judge came over and disallowed it for future repetitions to then in the middle of the event the head judge came over and disallowed it for future repetitions to her in the middle of it so wow public watching it it doesn't look good hey could you send me to that video could i find that uh yeah uh give me give me two seconds to click around it's in my youtube history i'm sure oh it's okay fucking no it was it was literally from yesterday so it shouldn't be too
Starting point is 01:13:45 hard to find well wow that's why this show is so good I knew I was like okay we've done enough it's time to go I gotta take my kids skate park this is so good see guys I've dug something up oh you son of a bitch oh I found it that was quick heller I dm'd you my attempt at the age group semi-finals workout five yesterday two things one i have i had to have no rep myself 20 times 11 foot standard is plain stupid you dm'd you dm'd me with your attempt to the age group sorry i was sending you that video i wait i oh my god yeah the 11 foot target is hard uh what age group jeremy that's something i want to know shoot another comment in there how i know the age group because i do agree that like want to know shoot another comment in there how i know
Starting point is 01:14:25 the age group because i do agree that like as well here's the thing about the 11 foot target is that i didn't know whether or not they were trying to keep the volume lower but then i looked at the 35 to 39 age group and they were still doing 200 to 250 wall balls across the board which is just fucking devastating go to the first comment so this is so i'm gonna i'm gonna replay we're playing so i brought up uh there's a hillar made a video where it shows camille in a strict press at the crossfit games uh bouncing the bar off her shoulders in order to get it i was poking fun at hillar and saying like hey you know she didn't bend her knees and she didn't close her hip and all you guys agree with hillar that it's a no rep. And then Hiller was kind enough to say, well, I did find this on the internet.
Starting point is 01:15:07 And this is David Gora's YouTube channel. I don't know who he is. And this is a video going back to August 5th, 2018. By the way, this guy doesn't even have enough subscribers to monetize his account, which is too bad. Okay. And this is pinned at the top. And this is what Hiller,
Starting point is 01:15:23 God, I can't believe you found this. Hello, y'all. Brent Fikowski here. I pinned at the top and this is what hillary god i can't believe you found this hello y'all brit fikowski here i competed at the games oh do we think that's really fikowski um yes okay um uh athletes were told in the briefing prior to the event that this type of press was allowed so camille decided to do it this way because she can lift more using this style of press then after camille's heat finished they told us it was no longer allowed tell me thank you for clarifying also i know in the grand scheme of things it's just fitness much respect on stepping up and speak it's not just fitness it's 350 000 much respect on stepping up and speaking the truth on the situation for someone who's truly there way more people should be doing what you're doing love it's uh love it's not anyone's place to speculate at the end of the day it was
Starting point is 01:16:16 corrected and we all moved on with our lives if you weren't there you can't judge yeah shut the fuck up okay uh next well here's the thing give that a thumbs down judge whatever the fuck we want this is the type of stuff that in the athlete briefing i can't believe it was told it would be okay and then if it was told that it was okay i can't believe that like oh it really is fikowski yeah i told you like why don't you ever listen to me i did i listened i'm just i'm getting a second um second whatchamacallit. What I was going to say was shit. You were distracted by your girl.
Starting point is 01:16:51 I know I was. Why wasn't everyone allowed to do it? I mean, why wasn't everybody doing it if everybody was allowed to do it? Because people are afraid to innovate. Because people are afraid to innovate. They didn't want to try something new. They're scared. You're telling me Camille was the only one who was like, Oh yeah, this is easier. Everybody knows that that's easier. If you're going to go do a heavy set of five or a heavy set of 10 on the
Starting point is 01:17:10 press, it's much easier to go straight back up out of the bottom every single time than it is to do it from a dead stop. Like, let's say you can press a hundred pounds for five from a dead stop. If you use a little bit of a rebound, you can 110 or 115 for a set of five word i hear you uh let me clarify this real quick was that video that you showed of camille doing that was that from the 2018 crossfit games it was well precise brandon so brent's comment was in reference to 2018 not that no that's not correct it was actually in reference to the video i i showed same thing this guy's saying that it's two separate videos yeah same thing no it's the same thing i mean it's yeah
Starting point is 01:17:49 same thing you're a worse listener than me brandon i think yeah i mean yeah yeah yeah look look you can even see in his video you see there it is same one yes yeah come on now come on now. Come on now. Smoke it, boy. Smoke it. Okay, so we brought that up. Camille did nothing wrong with the press. We all agree there.
Starting point is 01:18:13 We all agree. Everyone agrees except Andrew's eyebrows don't agree. My nose agrees and Andrew's eyebrow doesn't agree. You know what I read? I read comments about my eye and I've never noticed it. Just like I don't notice things. But why isn't it open all the way one of your eyes is a half moon and one of them is a full moon yeah what is wrong with me nothing it's just nothing it's my thing yes yeah i got two things now uh okay um cat sheer is that her name cat sheer said that in that video, the athletes are not your friends,
Starting point is 01:18:46 that she had never taken a photo with any athlete except Danny Spiegel. At an airport. Yeah. Because it was removed from the event, which is a big thing to talk about there. I give her a double ding because she took a picture with Danny Spiegel.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Don't you dare do that. Never take a picture with Danny Spiegel. It's like trying to take a picture of a vampire. It's impossible. I don't know what this means. I don't know what this means. It says something about people who sniff panties. The 850,000 people who follow Danny Spiegel are panty sniffers.
Starting point is 01:19:23 That's what I have in my notes here. I can guarantee you that was something you thought of and not something that i said i get i i know i know you're a good dude you don't talk like that i'll i'll i'll talk about it it's just not the thing that i think of oh okay good we talk about sniffing panties but i don't think here's what i don't understand is i don't understand how that video can get so much traction. Like I put the video up and it just explodes and it's approaching probably 30,000 views at this point. But then she puts up a picture and everyone just like you did so great. And nobody's telling her what she's doing.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Nobody, nobody on her Instagram. I'm not trying to be a bully, but like what? Because they're because they're because they're because they're panty sniffers and they can't think straight with the with the odor of her panties they can't they can't think straight the main comments that i remember reading on and that's not her fault that's not her fault she attracts panty sniffers okay go on sorry all right i got two things number one is that you're you're reading the comments and people are like how did you do last weekend and it's like oh these are the types of people that follow her they don't even know what the fuck she's doing and then number two is why is it that i'm getting shadow banned on instagram for saying like a swear word here or there where i'm like oh this
Starting point is 01:20:33 bitch and i'm talking about like the client that i work with and i repost it's like this bitch got a pull-up this is super cool and i guess have you seen some restrictions on your account your instagram account i got in strikes for that because i think there's people that like don't like me but they won't say it to my face they'll just like report my freaking shit and then like oh like i had a client get a pull-up and then she she put up a video and i reposted like this bitch got her first pull-up and it only took a month and i'm like speaking it's a it's like a term of praise even and then i get a strike from instagram for it and i had a couple of those where someone one of my other clients in my comments goes, that's how Hiller does his pushups.
Starting point is 01:21:08 And I go, I'll fight you. That's what I said. And I got a strike for that. Yes. Yes. I said something the other day, like my wife would kill those banana muffins and I got a fucking,
Starting point is 01:21:16 I got it pulled down and a strike for it. Yeah. And then you look at Danny Spiegel stuff and you can basically see the fucking butthole. And I don't understand how that's okay. What do you mean? Like she posted her butthole. No,
Starting point is 01:21:29 no, you it's, it's a figure of speech. You don't, you can't actually see it, but like there's, it leaves very little room for the imagination. I swear,
Starting point is 01:21:38 but I can't say, but I can, I can see through people's clothes. Sometimes I can see through people's clothes. Sometimes that's a, that's from a movie. I have x x-ray it's like a mission impossible thing i i knew you did so yeah i just don't understand the inner mechanisms of instagram and why it's okay for that but not for me there was i'll fight you i i think um danny spiegel and mallory o'brien
Starting point is 01:22:02 were wearing the same top and mallory O'Brien had a shirt underneath that top. So she had two shirts on and the one Danny Spiegel was wearing. I seriously cannot believe how, I don't, I don't understand how clothes work. I was looking, I don't know how that shirt stayed on her. I had the same series of thoughts. I was like, why is this shirt a thing? It's like the weirdest looking thing ever. That's what I thought. Well, I thought it looked good on Mallory O'Brien cause she she had another shirt underneath it and so it kind of i like that two-tone like i like that it's it's like you know like when lululemon or certain even um dudes pants pants they have like stitching that like separates your body into pieces and i just kind of like that
Starting point is 01:22:37 that is kind of cool yeah it like emphasizes areas right yeah but um but i i was watching danny and i'm like how is that shirt on like i couldn't even it was it looks too small yeah and it makes it makes the athlete's physique look weird like when a giant person wears one of those little backpacks don't do that yeah exactly don't wear the big ass backpack anyone who wears a small backpack pretending it's a purse, you got something going on. Yes. Okay, I'm done. That's all you got?
Starting point is 01:23:11 I got three pages of notes, but we're an hour and 22 minutes. You got somewhere to be? Yeah, I'm taking the kids to Sunnyvale to go skateboarding. Hey, I'm trying to organize a show tonight With To talk about
Starting point is 01:23:28 That was games Yeah, so I need to figure it out What do you need to figure out? I'm assuming you're going to call Brian Friend and I did, I tried to call Brian but he couldn't do it I called JR and he can't do it I called Brian and he couldn't do it
Starting point is 01:23:44 So I'm your last resort then it's maybe i know you're i'm not into i'm not go i'm not that deep into the i'm not that desperate yet ah you know but let me ask you this let me ask you this let me ask you this what are you doing today what are you doing today i got well over the course of the entire day or as we get closer to the evening, what are you doing at six ish between six and midnight. I've got, I've got clients that will be over at six 30 tonight. That's my time. That's four 30 year time. So six year time is eight my time and I'm completely open then.
Starting point is 01:24:19 All right. I like that. I'll be in touch with you. We need, I know I want to do one with Daniel Brandon. That'll be good. Yeah. I can be in touch with you. We need, I know I want to do one with Danielle Brandon. That'll be good. Yeah. I can have Alexis come in here. Hey Alexis, we're doing an advice show. We had, we had one scheduled and this is going to sound unbelievable to you guys. I had a, uh,
Starting point is 01:24:37 like a love line show all worked out with Danielle and then I had to cancel it. That's like the, I know, I know it's, it's, it shows how, how I'm not perfect. It's probably something stupid too. Like I had to take my kids to like soccer. Oh, they don't even play.
Starting point is 01:24:52 They don't even play. John Young. Yes. Everyone's like, where's John Young? He can talk workouts, right? Bring John Young in John Young and Jr.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Bring John Young back. Alexis Kowalski advice show would be epic says travis that is that is that her last name kowalski yeah polish all right the polish german super couple you know what you should have your wife is this ben smith's brother is this zane smith one of the one of the is this this is one of the, one of the, is this, this is one of the Smith brothers? Yeah. No. Zane. I don't think there's a Zane.
Starting point is 01:25:31 There is a Zane. There's a Zane. Why don't we, why don't you contact Mr. Ben Smith? That would be a great host for. Oh, Dane Smith. Dane Smith. Yes.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Why don't you have on a, if you reach out to Mr. Ben, Ben bensmith oh for like a show to no i haven't that would be a that'd be a very good one i kind of want to talk here's the thing i kind of want to talk about the athletes and their performance and i don't want to so much i don't want to like get into hating on the programming or the um or the event i don't mind a little hating but kind of just somebody goes if you i don't think jason's key i don't think jason keeps up to speed on that shit okay go ahead sorry hillar this one this comment it's funny someone hasn't seen hillar's best video about castro picking savon's brain go see it it's the best one ever it is pretty good but it's like really not my video my wife's video it is your wife's video she did a great job you did a good job
Starting point is 01:26:32 don't talk about my wife like that i'll talk about your wife and on that note me and hill are done thank you to the last show we ever do together

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