The Sevan Podcast - #446 | Strength in Depth & Atlas Games Pt. 2

Episode Date: June 12, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I was like, we're not doing this anymore. Bam, we're live. Who's Steven Jones?
Starting point is 00:00:34 What happened? Steven Jones is actually a guy I know. He's out of Iowa, and I think he's south now. Actually, I'm not sure if he's from Iowa, but he's one of those guys that I know locally who qualified for Atlas Games, had everything set up, and he ended up not being able to make it because his flight got canceled. I like the last minute and he's a med student and he had a bunch of tests that he couldn't reschedule or study for. And he had tried, similar to a bunch of other athletes, to get into a semifinal closer, either syndicate or the Mac.
Starting point is 00:01:02 And of course, they said no no but they did say yes to mal o'brien wait but but why couldn't you make it to can't oh so he didn't know he didn't get stuck at the border for like having a dui or something no i think it was issues with like the last minute his flight getting canceled and it ended up being too stressful when it wouldn't have been anywhere near as challenging like a lot of the other stories just a slightly different spin on it first even wasn't like because he looked like bin laden i don't think that was the issue he looks like me with blonde hair all right he looks like taylor self with blonde hair he looks at jr blonde hair i
Starting point is 00:01:36 woke up i went i stayed up so late have you ever i'm embarrassed to say this it was it was 9 46 last night and i'm like okay i'm gonna answer as many dms as i can and then when the clock turns to 10 i'm just gonna fucking jump into bed 1202 like two hours and 16 minutes of answering dms how many did you get through i don't know what's fucked up is i have so many accounts that like by the time you clear one account and then you go back to the other account that they've started trickling back in again and you kind of the people send me good stuff it's not like people like people and so it's kind of like important to like you know what i mean like they
Starting point is 00:02:20 like hey look pillars done porn before and this it's a link to it and i'm like wow someone sent you that yes yes fuck you're kidding my wife and i watched it last night at midnight yeah i i saw the leggings conversation going on in the uh comments um it's always funny to me when people are making fun of the guys wearing leggings and then some guy gets on his high horse and he's like imagine complaining about leggings and then i want to be like someone needs to say imagine complaining about people complaining about leggings and then i just i feel like it's like you know like when you put a mirror in front of like a camera and it just goes on to infinity i always it totally just depends like some dudes just wear them because they like them and that's cool right no lucas parker yeah and i swear to god he swung those things well i don't have opinion on it
Starting point is 00:03:14 however however you're going to perform best i think you should do it basically i the most important thing to me when i go out is that there's my pants aren't my underwear is a good underwear so i don't have any fucking unnecessary attention drawn for me to my cock and balls like i don't want to wear something that that fucks up my car i don't want to pay attention to my cock and balls well during it was the biggest thing when it came to competing on the team is that i swear to god the entire team there was one individual in particular that was like what are we gonna wear what are we gonna wear we got a match we got a match it's like shut the fuck up we're gonna wear whatever it gets in
Starting point is 00:03:48 the way the least like whatever we're used to just choose or just choose something for us and we'll wear it so cockles and then the other thing is i can't have a shirt that's like stuck to my to my to my gunt because i hate doing always doing this so i i i just get my muffin can't have my shirt hanging on it so it's got to be something that it can like hang off my shoulders and pass my fucking. That's it. That's all I care about. Other than that, I don't give a shit. JR, do you worry about your cock and balls when you pick your apparel for working out?
Starting point is 00:04:18 Of course. No, I think I've worn the same like compression for the past eight years. Oh, so you do wear leggings. Compression is just like a term for leggings when you're afraid of the word leggings shorts with shorts over them compression shorts with shorts atop so he wears a girdle he wears a girdle i used to i used to uh i used to in high school i used to wear long Johns and then when shorts over them and I'd go to school like that. And I remember one time walking home from school and there's this girl and
Starting point is 00:04:49 I was friends with her and she was a goth chick. I don't know if you guys know what that is, but, and I was like fucking just ripping her, just talking mad shit about her, about how she looked like a vampire. And she's like, look at you motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And I look and I got these orange long Johns on in a pair of shorts. I'm like, Oh God. And what does that classify you as? I'm such a tool. I was a tool. the fucker and i look and i got these orange long johns on and a pair of shorts i'm like oh god and what does that classify you as i'm such a tool i was a tool she's she schooled my shit i loved her michelle edwards she was like my girlfriend in the second grade and then in high school she was goth she was fucking cool you left her because she was goth no she just i just i don't know what happened just second second grade's a little early to commit to something long term uh who is this guy this matt fraser hard work pays off
Starting point is 00:05:33 fucking greek god looking joel joel no grips fuck you to the grips he doesn't even he doesn't even kip uh toes to bar he's got it looks like more like a swim stroke who is this guy are we seeing are we seeing innovation by the way in those movements go ahead hillary number one it seemed like he had never been interviewed before so he's like hard work pays off yeah i love it that's kind of the vibe i got maybe he's just from the heavens maybe he's a titan and he's half man half god and he just came down is he a gymnast yeah i just scrolled through his instagram there's a picture of him he was a gymnastics dude which makes sense as to why he wouldn't be wearing grips all right
Starting point is 00:06:14 or maybe he would be wearing them because he's been using them longer than everybody but the grip strength could have come from his gymnastics days rings um think of that physique uh he's stout dude he he's a good looking dude he looked he looked great um oh i don't know enough about gymnastics so you're telling me that real gymnasts don't use grips that that's a that's a gymnastics by crossfitters depending on event, they do use grips. And actually, the gymnastics grips are a bastardization of the actual gymnast grips. Okay. The ones with the hooks that keep you on the bar?
Starting point is 00:06:53 It's a little wooden dowel. Okay. Oh, right, right. Yeah. How do I get my stash to say black? What the fuck kind of question is that? Same way I get your mom to come home with me from the bar it just happens okay sorry um uh yeah i'm sure i'm short today i'm short every day um uh do we like him what was that what's that kipping thing he does
Starting point is 00:07:21 that non-kipping thing he's not swinging his his his um his heels never look like they go beyond beyond behind his midline or whatever that is like he's just doing like this stroke like this yeah that's a technique that a lot of people will do if they're trying to do a set really really fast you typically don't see people do it for four sets of 24 and a workout uh too many no that's no i mean you shit it it it usually it usually will just fry you to the point where you cannot do them that way anymore so you're impressed that he that he did it with for with 96 toes to bar in in in totality um and he was able to to win the event correct yes it's what they do in the grid league. So when they had to do quick toes on the grid,
Starting point is 00:08:09 you would see people doing that like reverse circle almost. Someone in the comments goes, it's just a no kipping kip toes to bar. It's not that groundbreaking. I don't know if it's, I wouldn't call that kipping, would you? It's probably why it's more challenging and more impressive because it does require a little bit more like of your core to do it for rep after rep which is why it's quicker which is why people don't do it for as many reps like gr just said uh and this is exactly what i
Starting point is 00:08:34 was thinking um what christine said all core powerful can you pull that picture up from him that is what's unique about his body is something's going on with his core right i mean he that that that trunk is gymnast shit doesn't look that much different than pat's ah good point great point and same thing right we got another gymnast and pat a little circus circus monkey okay right yeah well good observation yeah um like pat what what how big is this cat how what how big is this guy do we know his height and his weight he is 70 inches 200 pounds wow okay so 510 so he's a big dude uh 510 um do we know about him jr is he are we surprised to see him just all of a sudden on the scene
Starting point is 00:09:24 what's the deal i've never heard of him before tonight i have i always see his name at the top of the leaderboards on like these online qualifiers i think he was just at wadapalooza and usually that's where i recall seeing his name usually i know the names sometimes i don't have faces to put on him but you know he's always been good how old how old was he caleb 20 28 oh shit he's old okay maybe it's maybe it's not worth knowing too much about him uh he won the first event and uh i think that we've decided that he passed pat velner in the in the final in the final seconds there he won the second event i think we can agree we'll go back and circle back and talk about how he passed pat velner there um he uh he did not use the typical kip on the toes to bar uh he does hard work pays off we know that about him that's matt frazier's uh the greatest you know male crossfitter in the
Starting point is 00:10:17 history of the planet if you cross the games it denotes that um and he's doing his programming um and uh in his interview he said he never misses a training day i don't miss a training day and i believe him oh and andrew hiller knows him because he sees him on leaderboards but no one picked this guy tell me how someone like this slips through the ropes is this normal is this because we're not doing our job um how does someone like this uh i mean he wasn't he wasn't even anyone's uh um dark horse it probably slips through the cracks the same way i can't say that about jason hopper though because he was younger and he was just like coming up and nicholas has been around for a long time
Starting point is 00:11:02 and it's very possible these first two workouts are good for him and he's not, he'll he's always been on the cusp. So in these qualifiers, I'll always notice that he's in like the top three of the qualifier and then it doesn't connect at the actual event. And that's probably why many people know his name. And, and maybe it's possible he's got some wheelhouse workouts here and he'll be
Starting point is 00:11:21 on the cusp again, but I figure he'll probably finish fourth or fifth at the end of the weekend. That's my take. I so wish he was a Ben Bergeron guy. God, that would make the conversation so much more interesting. JR, Hiller's already given this guy a spot to the games. What do you say after two events?
Starting point is 00:11:41 Well, knowing what we know about the program design for the rest of the weekend, being pretty dense in gymnastics, i don't see someone like him struggling at all with legless comparatively to the field i can't see him struggling at all upside down if his midline is this robust you would think that's a big advantage on the workout with 100 ghz and even if he does take like a bottom 15 on the lift based on what we've seen far, we don't know if he has other holes. I wouldn't think it's very far fetched at all to say he would stay in the top 10. But, you know, we had we had Gabby McClellan that everyone was like, who is this girl? And then after day two, she was still in the lead and number one.
Starting point is 00:12:20 And then the last day came around and she ended up falling out of the top five. So we should probably still reserve right to make that call a beaver um can you pull up his instagram again let's see if we can see him lift like what if he's got what if he's not strong what if he's got like a what if he's gonna get have a 245 complex does he look that strong to you he looks strong as shit to me i'm just saying maybe. Maybe there's going to be... Oh, my God. I think he's got a 600-pound belt lift. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. 495 by 10.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Hey, and he's not even touching going. He's drawing from a dead standstill each time. He's doing it the real way. And those socks got to be reducing his T count. I don't think so. My goodness. You're saying he'd be reducing his T count. I don't think so. My goodness. You're saying you'd be stronger with a different socks.
Starting point is 00:13:10 He's got 600 for one. Let's see. We're looking at Nicholas Joyel. He cannot say pop and forget the smoke. How did we know that that's 600? How do we know that's 600? I don't think that that is his 600 because there's another lift that it says 600 on it. I can't believe the 495 by 10.
Starting point is 00:13:33 That was... Jared, does that make sense to you? That's... I think it's one of the yellows, yeah. That's really impressive. Oh, jeez. I can pull... I pulled 615. I could not pull 495 for 10.
Starting point is 00:13:47 That's just... That's a weird correlation. That's why it was easy. Hey, let's watch that one more time. Look at this. What do you think about this little bend he gets in his arm before he pulls, too? Savage, right? That's why he doesn't use grips on toes to bar. He's got strong arms.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Look at that. Oh, my goodness. That's a bicep tear waiting to happen that's what that is uh it's interesting okay double okay uh let's see if we can scroll let's scroll down a little bit more let's see i want to i just want to let's let's pry into this guy's business a little bit more who's that guy he's there with um by the way the jason hopper reference is interesting because one of the commentators said he could be having a Jason Hopper weekend, I think referencing Jason's blowout at the MAAC last year. Okay, skip that. Okay, skip that.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Is this guy Canadian? Yeah. Oh, that sucks. Or it doesn't sucks. Water polo, there you go. Yeah, so we haven't seen any of his Olympics. What year is this? We haven't seen any of his Olympics.
Starting point is 00:14:54 That's 19 maybe. I did this event. I think I took fourth on that event. Oh, is his post back when that virus was still a joke? I might like this guy. No, this was like right before it was a joke. Oh. This is a crazy event because those are all steel plates
Starting point is 00:15:15 and that stage was shaking like crazy. It wasn't really meant to be doing that. Okay, so that's a, so he doesn't post very much. That was two years ago. Scroll back up. Okay, so we don't post very much that was two years ago scroll back up okay so and we so we don't see any recent work from him i don't see any uh but but he's definitely doing um hard work pays off he said it he was wearing the shirt and right when it started he took it off all right it's exciting it's exciting when you get some new meat in the in the class
Starting point is 00:15:41 like this right we'll say sylvester stallone yeah hey if if he beats if he beats velner continuously here i think velner looks good by the way i can't it's not like what's going on over um at atlas games where we're looking at katrin and we're like okay um you know she doesn't she doesn't look like the best catcher never i think that i think we kind of agreed on that and velner looks great doesn't he he does best catcher ever. I think that, I think we kind of agreed on that. And Velner looks great. Doesn't he? He does. There are two events.
Starting point is 00:16:09 He does. Jr. Yeah. I think we need to calm down a little bit. All right. All right. About what? Right.
Starting point is 00:16:15 About this guy winning the whole, I said he was going to finish fourth or fifth. Seven. I'm so excited. I'm getting, I'm getting on the bandwagon. I think he's going to. I think he's going to grab a handful of pubes
Starting point is 00:16:30 out of Phil Toon's pants and just throw them in the air. This guy does what he wants. This guy gives zero fucks. Just rip. Give me those, Phil. I don't think so. Yes. That's not how I feel about that.
Starting point is 00:16:46 That's how I feel about Joel. He just can rip out a handful of cubes. He's the new man. You think Joel is going to go up to Madaris and cut the mullet off and take his spot at the podium? No, no one's doing anything. Madaris' feet don't touch the ground. Okay, can I see the leaderboard?
Starting point is 00:17:00 Let's talk about Jack Farlow. The young man had an incredible first event, and now he struggled on that second event. What's crazy is, did you see how much he had left in the tank at the end there? He was flying with the bag. Is that just bad calculations on his part? Sounds like maybe just a grip limitation. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Good call. Is the grip all, is that bag doing any any any uh fatigue on the grip or it's all it's all the um it's all the toes to bar or both 20 20 20 years old i think that like at that age and his size with his strength grip is something that i mean you've probably heard of old man strength right and one of the biggest things is like their ability to like hold on to or squeeze or just use their arms in general and i think there definitely is a correlation between age your like sporting history and your forearm strength and it's very possible like you said he looked like he had something left and what jr said is his forearms
Starting point is 00:18:04 were shot. So like every bit of him could go, but he couldn't hang on to the thing needed to go on this event. And when you do the sandbag clean, it's a incredible amount of forearm strength too. It's a lot of people don't put that together, which is probably why the event was so cool in the first place. Excited to see Jack Farlow hit the complex 20 years old with 400 pound
Starting point is 00:18:24 clean. So you think the jerk's going to be his limitation? JR? I don't know if he has any limitation at all. I would say no based on, I mean, it's very different with the parallette handstand pushup, but it is a very high demand tricep intensive shoulder intensive movement for 45 reps. It does take into account a little bit more as body weight versus the external load.
Starting point is 00:18:48 But I wouldn't think that if he did that well on that workout, he's going to have a shaky jerk, but I don't know. You think it's going to be shaky based off that workout? I think it's not going to be shown based on how he did. Okay. You're saying you can't say, I was going to agree.
Starting point is 00:19:03 You can't tie the two together. Yeah. No, Hiller didn't say I have old man strength i never had to do right no i never had a growth spurt i don't and i never had old man strength i've my fucking life got my parents fucking jit me on both that i don't have that my gene pool sorry they can't take old man strength from you they did sputtering muscle ups I didn't have a growth spurt either. I just grew an inch every year until I was like 16 and stopped. Sucked. Did they have Malibu Grand Prix where you could drive those go-karts?
Starting point is 00:19:35 No. But you had to be 4'4". By the time I was 4'4", I had my driver's license. I was like, fuck you guys. 4'4". You could still go a malibu pre and drive them what is uh what is kotler um what is the thank you colton i appreciate it i appreciate it well you you fucking don't need old man strength so pipe down over there i'm feeling sorry for
Starting point is 00:19:58 myself big ass forearms uh what is kotler telling all Scudds what what a great turnaround right they go to bed tonight can we see the leaderboard the women um Caleb um what is Mr. Kotler telling Scudds after that uh good showing on the second workout so I picked you to take the podium and you're nowhere near it get going uh they're pumped right I mean's hope. If she had taken another 16th, tonight sucks at the Scuds camp. She's in seventh right now. Oh, wow. Impressive coming out of Heat 2. It made everyone in Heat 2 look like they didn't belong.
Starting point is 00:20:34 That's for sure. Did you get that feeling at all? I was watching Heat 1, and it's like, all right, somebody over-programmed this for the men. And then on the feeling with Event 2, watching the females, it's like Ellie Scudds, she's in a different league. She belongs in the final Heat.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Oh, yes, Hillary. 100%, that's what I was thinking. I thought so. I knew it. So Scudds is still in it. She can still climb up, be top five, doesn't have to worry about the last chance qualifier we don't have to worry about her what what's the um what's fifth place how many points does fifth place have how close are we 168 so she's and you scroll a little bit caleb for us nope other way thank you okay so oh so the wow okay so that's
Starting point is 00:21:23 not good they're already putting they're pulling away. The top five are already pulling away. Scuds cannot let any more space. Oh, come on. Hey, dude, that's a lot of points. That's 20, 30 points after two events? Yeah, but the workouts tomorrow, the first one starts with 30 muscle-ups, and then you got the barbell complex, which we know usually catapults people or kind of starts their descent on the leaderboard. What does this tell you about Paige Powers, the fact that she took seventh in this, first in the first one and seventh in the second one?
Starting point is 00:21:59 Paige Powers, I don't know all that much about her, but I do know that I've seen her doing muscle-ups before, and they don't look so hot, so you should also worry about that workout coming up. I mean, it's because she's a younger athlete. I mean, these younger athletes, especially on the female side, definitely on the female side, they're going to struggle on the muscle-ups because they haven't had the time to accrue the upper body strength required to do the movement, so they end up just, like, kipping their way through it. I think we kind of saw that with Katrin. She's never really done the work to get the upper body strength required to do the movement so they end up just like kipping their way through it and i think we kind of saw the catcher and she's never really done the work to get the upper body strength yeah you know for the uh through the first two workouts and we know she's from mayhem we know there are certain movements that you think of when you think of mayhem uh andrew's done a lot
Starting point is 00:22:40 of research into their program design i mean that second workout looked like an interval workout that was programmed probably yesterday. Five sets, 24 and 12, rest one-to-one. Like, it's like, it just looks very mayhem-like, that workout in general. And then they do a lot of parallel handstand push-ups as well. So, like Angelo said, through these first two workouts, I'm not surprised at all to see her where she is. But you would have think she would have been higher on the second one based off that, no?
Starting point is 00:23:10 Maybe so. Yeah. I mean, they showed her a lot. I mean, it's good. Seventh isn't bad. Yeah. I feel like they showed her a lot too early on. So I don't really know what happened if she started breaking into bigger, smaller sets on the toes to bar.
Starting point is 00:23:22 If she slowed down on the sandbag, I think people kind of started to pull away from her and then I didn't really see anything else. It kind of became the Emma Lawson show. Yeah. We've got to talk about my cousin a little bit more. Who's your cousin? Ellie Hiller. Is that really your cousin? Yeah. I told you that. You didn't talk about it at all. No, I didn't listen at all. It's not cousin but i'm gonna call her my cousin oh i have no idea who this is but she was in the first heat and uh she's in sixth after day one after starting in the first heat had you ever heard of her before yeah not not any longer than like the past year i bet you 10 i bet you 10 bucks she doesn. I bet you 10 bucks. She doesn't, I bet you 10 bucks. She doesn't go. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I bet you 10 bucks. She's not about her, but I bet you 10 bucks. She's not even in, she doesn't make the last chance qualifier. Oh, I'll take that one for sure. She's in.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Okay. 10 bucks. If you're not heard what Jr said, if you're good at one event, you're good at every event this weekend. It's like, you don't listen. Hey, it's like, I don't listen hey uh it's
Starting point is 00:24:25 like i don't listen um go up to emma lawson let us look at emma lawson here so that girl we were just looking at page powers is only 19 emma lawson is 17 we got emma carrie down in florida we got mal o'brien um is we got c got Cindy McAlishan. She might even be old compared to these girls. Is Emma Lawson just like, are we not praising her enough? Is this just a freak show we're seeing? A 17-year-old girl who's in first place after
Starting point is 00:24:55 day one at the CrossFit semifinals? I mean, did you look at her skin? She's so young, she doesn't even have pores she looks like she's made of fucking porcelain i mean she's she looks actually incredible i agree i was looking at her and it's like from the shit from the neck up she looks like what you're describing from the like neck down yeah like she's almost catherine david's daughter yeah turn the tv off and r-rated
Starting point is 00:25:21 movies coming on go to your room that's her right like she can't just see an R-rated movie is coming on. Go to your room. That's her, right? She can't go see an R-rated movie. Yeah, I mean, she's literally. But out there, I don't sense. But I mean, her performance, you don't see any of it. No, she's awesome. Is this her first elite female individual competition too? She freaking won the division.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Yeah, she won her division last year. Yeah, and I think as soon as this season started, she's like, I'm going to go individual. Without a doubt, we're going to see what we can do. Let's be clear. You're saying that last year she won the CrossFit Games in the 16-year-old division? I'm triple checking that, but yes, she did. She had 825 points and the next closest at 780, which isn't that big of a gap, which makes this even more impressive. Yeah, it's impressive.
Starting point is 00:26:07 She's been able to make the jump within a year, which I mean, maybe. So last year we had Emma carry a male O'Brien not go in that division where they could have because they were still of the ages. She went and won it. And this is what she's doing this year. She's Canadian zero skin pigment.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Understood. Now I won't judge her for her zero skin pigment or men who want to wear. I don't give a fuck what you wear, actually. As long as your cock and balls are comfortable, it's on you. JR, do you think she's too young? Do you like this path she's taking at 17, already getting in the mix? Yeah, I mean, she clearly made the right call of not going for the teen division this year. It seems like she's definitely ready.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Was she ninth or tenth at one of the major offseason comps? Was it Waterpalooza? Okay, that's what I thought. So, yeah, I mean, we talked yesterday about maybe this not being the strongest semifinal field and how there were tons of backfills to get us here. But Freya we know is really good. There are still some heavy hitters in the field, and she looks really impressive.
Starting point is 00:27:15 So the last time that she competed on the same field with Emma Carey and Mal O'Brien, Emma took first. Emma Carey took first, Emma Lawson took third and mal took fifth this is in 2019 they were all 15 wow i think she was in the virtual atlas games last year what did she finish at atlas last year online i'm on it i'm checking um jennifer uh n, Nicole is saying she competed Dubai last winter in the RX ladies. Is this girl strong too? We're going to find out tomorrow. I don't think she's, she's, she's, uh, if my mind remembers, I think she's going to hit about a 210, 215 on that complex, which is pretty strong.
Starting point is 00:28:00 How's your movement guys? Have you seen any flailingailing anything weird in her muscle ups if you have any criticism of her absolutely nothing not so far it looks awesome looks about as good as it can get especially the uh the parallel handstand push-ups for her looked awesome she was able to hang on to pretty large sets on that and she's she's proportioned too you know we were talking about page powers looks like her back's as big as Iowa. This one looks a little more streamlined. How tall is she? Is she tall?
Starting point is 00:28:31 One second. I'm now checking Atlas Games. Chad says she was ninth last year in the semifinal field. And that was a really short one. She's 5'5", 140. Crazy. So it's the perfect size. It's the perfect size female crossfitter, right? She's 5'5", 140. Crazy. So it's the perfect size. It's the perfect size female crossfitter, right?
Starting point is 00:28:46 She's strong. At least she's a good snatcher. She got 46 reps on that snatch ladder that the Masters did this year, and those have some heavy snatches at the end. Scroll down. Let's see if we can find out what she did before. That's when she was 16. Oh, training.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Do we know what her training program is? Did we say that? Mammoth Training Methods. Click on that. Let's see who that is. You heard of them, JR? Mammoth. Did you click on it? What is it? The page is not available.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Oh, okay. You clicked off immediately. I was trying to switch tabs. Four underdog athletics athletes have qualified already and the hope here is that scuds will be number five um man that's the real deal over there i i feel like kotler has like a um is like the metallica like it's it's it's this really you know it's the motley crew you know it's the what are you what are you trying to get at it's quite the mix i mean i think that each of the camps i feel have their own i mean you you have this when i think of ben bergeron i think of like
Starting point is 00:29:56 these people who shower three times a day like cole sager chandler smith and catch and they just in amanda barner they all like have this cleanliness to them. You know what I mean? Like this veneer of polish. And when I think of Kotler's group, I think of them as more like a rag tag crew. Like they're the orphans. They're the fighters. Like they, like, like all those people have a pocket knife in their bag and get stopped at the airport. You know what I mean? They have cigarettes still in their bag for when they used to smoke.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Like that's how I think of kotler's crew no i i i i needed to disconnect from emma lawson for a minute because then you were saying we're talking about the other crew the day there's a different vibe that goes of the world okay yeah there's a kid that camp over there has a um it just feels like there's a more of a street fighter grit to it punk rock yeah i agree i 100 know what you mean they're all pretty badass yeah or you maybe you've tried everything else and that's the last place you fit in uh maybe that they just know that's where they want to go that's kind of what i was saying about kotler last time he was on the show he got off and i'm like god how can anybody not
Starting point is 00:31:01 want to work with that guy and it it's almost like they're cool kids. Yeah. And I guess that could be a Metallica of, what, the 90s? Metallica was just what was cool. Yeah. I mean, not to me. Of course not. What is the ā€“ where do we start tomorrow morning?
Starting point is 00:31:21 We start at Strength and Depth. What is that first workout tomorrow morning at Strength and Depth? Can we see that, Caleb? Don't they have the lift? No. They do. They have the lift first, and then they do the chipper. The chipper is? The kettlebell deadlift, handstand walk.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah, 50 kettlebell deadlifts, 88s and 70s, and then 150-foot handstand walk, 50 box jump overs, 75 toe-to-bar, 50 box jump over, 150-foot handstand walk, 50 deadlift. Okay. And can you bring up the women's for strength and depth? We'll give you guys some people who we think you should be paying attention to tomorrow, where tomorrow is kind of a a make or break day for them they need to hang in there they need to make my favorite talk this is my favorite part of the conversation uh it's saturday the two events are the complex and a chipper uh fighting down in fifth and sixth place we have soul saverman's daughter nicole beer okay so fifth place has 156 points then 148 140
Starting point is 00:32:28 and then amy kringle down there uh oh and then and then and then katrin katrin um what do we need to see from katrin tomorrow jr the most well-executed complex she could possibly have and then like a top three finish at least on the chipper what's the highest you think she can place in this complex i don't know enough about like i would say the the pack bottom 15 competitors to know how strong she is relatively yeah but i would say if she takes like a 10 10 to 15 i think that would be really good but i'm i'm not sure okay and then scroll back over to fifth place do you do you um do you picture any in fourth place oh so so hillar who is gonna shit the bed tomorrow on one of these workouts like is sam briggs gonna
Starting point is 00:33:17 drop um is she gonna take a 25th in the complex tomorrow like who there is gonna drop the ball and help um katrin uh david's daughter are you trying to softball me a question here because i think sam briggs might take last on the complex no shit that could happen that could totally happen um i i have a lot of like vivid memories of her just kind of scooting her way through lifting events i'm sure jr does as well and i don't he said i don't know the field but she would be trying to stay as far away from last as possible that would be her goal sam briggs that isn't me talking shit about sam briggs that doesn't mean saying that she isn't
Starting point is 00:33:56 strong and she's done everything she can to get strong but she's also one of the older competitors and that tends to be her weakness is her strength and jr this is really bad what chad schroeder's saying catcher's front squat is not good it's bad because it's the last two lifts before the most technical part that the jerk um and maybe not the most technical part but a technical part and if your front scots are weak your head's all fucked up. No? Well, I think it's just the not so typical reason that people fail that complex. I think most people are limited by their jerk. In Katrin's case, we kind of saw the same thing with Tim last week. It was that the front squats were taking so much away from his leg drive that by the time he got to the jerk, he didn't have enough pop to finish it tim paulson yeah yeah it just looked like it looks like typically the the front squad
Starting point is 00:34:52 is not the limiter for most athletes but it chad is saying in this case that is hers and and and third or uh helga daughter she's not known for her strength either right no not necessarily she's a good mover and strength either, right? No, not necessarily. She's a good mover, and that usually gets her through some of the more technical things, but this is less technical. Do you think anyone in this top five will take top five on that lifting complex? Emma McQuaid.
Starting point is 00:35:20 She will? She'll get top five in the complex? For sure, top seven, I would say. That's not really that big of a stretch, but I don't want to say top five for sure. I'm not that positive. Hey, guess who the first person, top-level CrossFit female, that I remember seeing snatch 200 pounds?
Starting point is 00:35:40 Lindsay Valenzuela. Is that your remembrance? No, I'm just guessing. You're just guessing? It's Katrin David's daughter. And I keep on referencing the CrossFit Invitational, and I believe it was 2014 she snatched that much weight. And a lot of the negativity that I spew towards Ben Bergeron is I remember
Starting point is 00:35:58 seeing that, and then she coincidentally won the games right around there, and all we've seen is her get weaker and weaker and weaker and regress and i don't know what else is going on because we don't know everything but i remember seeing her do something like that against people like tia against people like sarah and it makes it kind of upsetting that we're looking at this and saying that she's not at this point in her life that she's not going to be doing better at the lifting event so you're saying she's got to do damage control you're saying that there used to be events where she set herself away from the pack and now she's not she has not there's not been innovation evolution i'm saying that people like rich froning in the sport he evolves like he can go and he can compete with the justin madaris's of the world and like many people could argue that maybe he couldn't but i think that most of the
Starting point is 00:36:49 people would say yeah he would jump in and he would be a contender for if not the podium the top spot and he's been doing it longer arguably even more than katrin has to the outside eye looking in and then we got katrin who is in the top percenter like the elite of the elite doing things like snatching that much and now she can't do anything near that i think what did she snatch at the games last year jr do you know is it like 185 on that ladder and it was close yeah that sounds right like 185 190 i think this is the this is one of the occasions that we can definitely say the programming does matter for athletes if this workout was just a snatch or a snatch complex, we wouldn't be having this conversation about catching compared to lead in the field. And I also need to add in that, yeah, the snatch and the clean don't totally line up,
Starting point is 00:37:34 but it's just like a requisite strength. Here we go. 202, 16. Okay. Wow. Good memory, Hillary. That's heavy as shit. And she won in 15 and 16.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Is that right? Or she won in 14 and 16 is that right 14 and 15 uh 15 16 camille won in 14 so this is right in between that is that her second attempt in the same window yes jesus see yeah that's that's no fucking joke that's the year she won wow uh jr why did you say that if it was a snatch we wouldn't be having this conversation because the front squat because of what Schroeder said about the front squat she's a really good snatcher
Starting point is 00:38:13 and snatching is almost never limited by your leg strength okay I did try to say that too thank you you probably did I'm just slow I tried to safety net myself with everyone is going to go. They don't fucking matter. Like,
Starting point is 00:38:27 all right. Uh, let's do the same thing with the boys. Uh, Mr. Beaver, can we go over and look at the boys and, um,
Starting point is 00:38:34 decide, uh, who, who were, so, but so anyway, let me sum up the girls real quick. Tomorrow is an important day.
Starting point is 00:38:41 They do. They do have a chance. It's not like the people in front of katrin um are the world's greatest lifters and and it is a chipper and she could do good in it but it's going to be up to her but those people aren't going to be outside of emma mcquade i mean those people aren't aren't dominant in the uh in the lifting event so she does and she has sam up there which is a gift sam's in fourth and if sam last place, that'll let everyone else move up a little bit. Correct?
Starting point is 00:39:08 You got a nail on the head. Okay, let's look at the boys. Is Jacqueline Dahlstrom, is she strong? Do we know? JR? That's what we need Brian for. I don't know enough about her. Okay, boys.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Tom Train is taking a hit this year. Scroll down a little bit. Let's look who's in fifth, sixth, and seventh. Oh, so we have Lugvig. Oh, okay, so we have a straight war here. Okay, is there any doubt that Janikowski is going to the CrossFit Games? I would say no doubt at all. JR?
Starting point is 00:39:48 Agreed. And do you think he could still climb up and even take first? Five-minute friend, let's go. Hey, hey, is Jacqueline Dahlstrom going to hit on that snatch? Or the clean complex, sorry. You're asking me? Yeah, let's go back to look at those girls real quick one more time, Beaver. Let's let Brian take a shot at this. I'm going to hit on that snatch or the clean complex. Sorry. You're asking me. Yeah. Let's go back to look at those girls real quick.
Starting point is 00:40:07 One more time. Beaver. Let's let Brian take a shot at this. Brian, we're trying to figure out what, what needs to happen tomorrow for some, for like someone like Katrin to move up. And we're wondering if Jack,
Starting point is 00:40:16 Jacqueline Dahlstrom is going to is strong. Jacqueline. Well, she top seven in the, in the complex. Thanks. Help helping the main. I don't, Jack and Top 7 in the complex Thanks Halpin The main I'm not really sure how strong the field is Relative to her there's some women over there
Starting point is 00:40:32 That I don't really know about but I think she'll put up Just somewhere between Maybe like 215 something like that And it'd be you know 10th place or something Okay So that's good for... That's good for Katrin.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Let me know what happens tomorrow. 315 for 10th place. Brian, look at where Katrin is right now. Oh, here's one of the interesting things, by the way, before we look down at Katrin. I said, Hiller, how bad is Sam going to do? And he said, I wouldn't be surprised if she took last. Are you in that same boat, too?
Starting point is 00:41:04 Could you see her being all the way down there in the bottom? Bottom five probably. Wow. Okay. So does, can Katrin so basically earlier we were talking about how there's four events left and two of them they're concerned about for the complex because Chad Schroeder was saying
Starting point is 00:41:19 she doesn't have a good front squat, etc, etc. And the rope climb and Hilary was talking about how she doesn't have a lot of pulling power. So in these other two events. Oh, they didn't see her muscles today? Man, they did a whole session on that. Who said they didn't have pulling power? About Katrin.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Weren't you guys concerned about her pulling power? I'm more concerned about her upper body strength in general not so much her pulling power okay so they're basically saying that the complex and the rope climb you have to she's not going to make up ground on those so she basically has to take first or second hillary went as far as to say first on both of those i think what are your thoughts maybe taylor said that yes that was yeah i think yeah i think ketchumrin's chances of making the games are looking very bleak after day one. We've seen people in worse positions make it. But, you know, there's still a couple of, you know, most of the people that were in worse positions that when we looked for, we were able to say that the worst is behind them.
Starting point is 00:42:18 And I'm not sure if we can say that about Katrin or not. There's, you know, I think I talked about it coming into the week. There's two, maybe three workouts here that are big question marks for her and if if uh you know so far there's been some women that are less well known that have had pretty good performances and if they keep stealing more and more points then there's not gonna be anything she can do to to get back in it it's weird to see well it's weird it's weird to see you at home i keep thinking i'm like wow you took your painting with you to the atlas games man i'm kind of sad i'm not there just because oh yeah pull up nick
Starting point is 00:42:52 joyelle's instagram account again uh brian so we got this guy he's a hwpo guy he didn't kip the toes to bar he used some swimming technique he doesn't use grips he's got a 495 pound deadlift for 10 he's got a 600 pound deadlift um he worked out with his shirt off uh and he doesn't miss a day of training and he looks like he's part you know he looks like a greek god he looks like a like he part prometheus who's this and he's and he's got this as jr pointed out he's got this rotund upper body like um like uh velner what do we know about him are we surprised how did this guy slip through the He's got this rotund upper body like, um, like, uh, Belner. What do we know about him? Are we surprised?
Starting point is 00:43:29 How, how did this guy slip through the cracks? No, it's not that he slipped through the cracks. So he, the last time that I saw him compete live competition was Wadapalooza 2020, took seventh place there. He had several top 10 finishes. And I think even, uh, maybe a second and a fourth place finish on a couple workouts and the workouts he did best time were generally the like more traditional crossfit style workouts couplets and triplets and chippers and stuff like that so a semi-final weekend should be pretty good for him the thing is i haven't seen him in two years last year he did the online semi-final finished 14th and you know i don't really have
Starting point is 00:43:58 any like i don't know what to say about how people did on the online semi-final last year and when they're finishing middle of the pack and uh but but that thing that you mentioned that he mentioned about being able to string together consistent and healthy training over a long period of time when someone who was you know relatively competitive in a pretty good wadapalooza field a couple years ago if you add two years of good training to that without a lot of distractions this is kind of maybe the product that you get um do we know whose training partners are trains by himself uh he's canadian he's canadian he's been he's like he's been he's i think he's 31 or two years old now
Starting point is 00:44:36 he's been in the mix with a lot of these guys for a few years maybe he's a little younger than that 20 28 i think okay i was confusing him with tyler lee another guy who's but 28 still old but they've been uh no but he's been like in competitive competitions with him in canada over the last five or six years i think it's just that we haven't seen him on a stage like this do something like what he did today which was incredibly impressive okay so um mr jr the owl howl um came out of his tree and said, you know, poked his head out from the little hole in the tree and said, Sevan, calm down, calm down. He thinks I'm getting too excited about this guy's potential. No, I was telling you maybe getting a little too prematurely excited about him beating Pat.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Yeah, you're still an owl. I still think you're an owl. Yeah, yeah, exactly. about him beating pat yeah you're still an owl i still think you're now uh yeah um yeah exactly that's what that is what mr owl howell said he said why zombie sticker right now just a jr sitting in a with some little owl legs sitting in a little tree little hole big eyes and not smiling yeah he's telling me to settle down i want to get excited about something i want to get again he's telling me to settle down tell him he's wrong brian tell him he's he's he's telling this is what i said i said listen pat's having a great weekend this has nothing to do with pat's skills decreasing pat's a stud we're seeing a stellar performance
Starting point is 00:45:59 we're just seeing a fucking great creature fucking pop up on the scene jr's telling me to do a lap around the field and settle down. Put some ice on my back. Who's more likely to push Justin Medeiros this year? Nicholas Joyel? You asshole. Or Phil Toon. Oh, I said he could reach over and grab a handful of Phil Toon's pubes
Starting point is 00:46:20 and just rip them out, and Phil Toon couldn't do shit to him. Just look him right in the eye and just be like, what? That's how good I think this kid is. I got to know what Brian thinks thinks that that's how we're gonna see how good joelle is right now yeah how good is he brian well i think we're gonna find out tomorrow because the workouts oh i want to know now i haven't seen enough from this guy yet and the workouts tomorrow at that at dallas games i mean obviously he has to lift and that'll answer some questions i think he'll do fine on that but this workout that has 30 ring muscles it's just a sprint chipper in theory but it's you have to manage it well 30 ring muscle ups 25 burpee getovers and then 15 squat snatches like i want to see how he does on that when the you know barbell cycling after
Starting point is 00:46:58 the high volume ring muscle ups caleb can you bring that workout up it's um Atlas Games uh workout three yeah that's incredibly likely that he's going to be I'm not he Pet Vellner will be in first after that event okay yeah something else to add to that so we were we were looking at you know what competitions has he done and how has he done in them well last year the online competition for semifinals strength workout was the snatch ladder workout that they repeated for the age groups this year. He finished 25th in that, got 37 reps, the one that ended in 45. But Mr. Joyal does not have to snatch heavy this weekend. He does have to perform 15 snatches at 205, I think.
Starting point is 00:47:40 So, yeah, there it is. So unless those 15 snatches, you know, slow him down. One of his other lower finishes in the qualifier last year was the long workout with like three K of rowing, like 15 legless rope climbs and a lot of handstand walk. He was 13th. And then I'm pretty sure that Gretel was the last workout there and he was 14th um so i mean he had pretty solid finishes otherwise but that heavy snatch was the only one and he doesn't have to do that this weekend and jr velner is going to eat this one for lunch right this is like written velner's name all over it right the 30 ring muscle-ups 25 burpees over the box and the 15 squat snatches this is a joke joke for him. I think anything similar to Brent, who gets all the love for chippers, Pat is just as good at any style of chipper.
Starting point is 00:48:30 And I think he's going to know exactly how to break this up. I was actually talking to him a few days ago, and he did mention that this is kind of like an event, a workout, excuse me, Brian, that was recycled from a couple of years ago where they didn't have this competition and i think it was like five snatches 15 burpee box jump overs muscle ups in the middle and then back down so it's almost like an iteration of that workout that they brought back all right so we gotta wait until after tomorrow to see if he's any better than phil tune okay so yeah i'm convinced tomorrow's gonna be a great day guys tomorrow you had atlas games event number three uh we're gonna see uh pat velner um test this kid one more time joelle and uh
Starting point is 00:49:15 and then we'll come back and and no it's worth what's worth noting is his it wasn't just the winning it was the way that he won both those workouts. He was where he saved something for the last round. And I mean, those of us that have been doing CrossFit for a long time or coaching CrossFit, we always talk to people in regular CrossFit gyms about doing just this. Don't blow it out in the first round, build into it, find your pace in the middle
Starting point is 00:49:39 and save a little something for the end. Have a nice finish to the workout. He did it twice in a row. I didn't,'t when velner dropped that lunge i was like oh damn no one's gonna be doing this lunge in these huge sets and he just went right past and then he got off you know he did that last set of toes to bar pass pass pat by and he pulled away from him on the sandbag cleans so that's what i want to see tomorrow's workout it's a little bit different style the time domain looks similar it might be a little bit faster for
Starting point is 00:50:03 some of the guys than today we'll see and uh if he's able to manage that one in a similar way then we're talking about three really difficult workouts with great execution back to back to back and that's then i'll say yeah this guy's it might be the real deal all right uh let's go caleb can we go back over to uh strength and depth um hillar hillard derailed us or re-railed us with bringing Joyelle back, which was fine. Good job. Good job railing us, Hiller. I re-railed us.
Starting point is 00:50:31 I got another one. I got another one for Brian. Everyone loves a good railing. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead. Zach George. How impressive was the day one for Zach George? You can keep that up, Caleb, so we can look at it,
Starting point is 00:50:41 because he's over there at strength and depth in the men. Okay, go ahead. My favorite part about watching Zach today was the running. I mean, he looked really good on the air runner and I wasn't expecting that, to be honest. I thought that in general, how he looked and moved today, that he would be a little bit higher up on the leaderboard, but I think he gave away a lot of points on the second workout. He started too fast on that one out in the front and then he faded to the back especially in the last round i don't think this is a field where you can afford to do that i mean we saw a woman last year or last week and chloe wilson take nothing but seven place finishes or better and not make the games nathan the 13th is pretty good
Starting point is 00:51:18 i thought he looked really good in terms of his movement quality and and he just looks healthier all around and i've seen him in the past but i don't know if these performances are good enough on on those two workouts so i do look forward to the lift for sure and then that final event i think that he's going to make a push for fifth with those workouts in that regard i think that he got a pretty tough draw in semifinals because there's a lot of big strong strong guys in this field. So the things that he's best at might be mitigated against this field compared to what he might have done in a low-lands field, for example. Sorry to take it back to Joel real quick. He was invited to the Rogue Invitational in 2020?
Starting point is 00:52:00 Sounds right. Wow. I think he was one of the ā€“ I had a qualifier back then. Okay, okay, okay. That makes sense. Okay. I think that had a qualifier back then. Okay, okay, okay. That makes sense. Okay. I think that's how Colton made it too.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Through the qualifier. He made it through the qualifier. Both years, right? I'm not sure about one or two of them, but I think it's one of them for sure. Oh, how sweet, Jesse. You're just here for Brian in the comments. Cool.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Well, me and Howlin' Hiller will go fuck ourselves. Thank you. You're such a cool dude, Jesse. Everyone just like for Brian in the comments. Cool. Well, me and me and Howlin Hiller will go fuck ourselves. Thank you. You're such a cool dude, Jesse. Everyone just like peek out of the camera. Honey, when this show's over, I want to get a new avatar and take a picture in front of the minivan with my arms crossed. It's such a cool photo. Jesse Hartel uses it as his avatar picture.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Can I do that for mine? OK, I love you. I'll be over there in a few minutes sorry okay sorry i didn't know what you were talking about for a second i mentioned the movie avatar the giant blue things i'm like oh you mean his profile pictures him in front of his freaking car what are those called does that make me old what are those what do you call those isn't that your avatar picture yes it's just a freaking profile picture profile picture remember that one guy we found from asia that did the same pose in front of his jeep oh yeah we had him we talked about him and
Starting point is 00:53:13 and we had the wrong guy's instagram account for 20 minutes i couldn't find that guy again if i tried smile make you famous uh let's go back up to the top of the men here brian what we were doing here is is we were wondering on what that we in general who who there's five guys here who get to go to the crossfit games right what do they need to do to stay in and what do the people below them need to get in and we were just looking at one or two people so that people can kind of be excited tomorrow and see who they should be watching go ahead hillar yonakoski how's he gonna do yeah. Yonakoski, how's he going to do?
Starting point is 00:53:45 Yeah, exactly. Yonakoski's in seventh, Brian. Is that too easy? Is that not fun because he's guaranteed to go? Should we pick someone else? I agree with what Hiller said when I first came on. I don't think Yonakoski's too worried about being in seventh right now.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Yeah, but his overhead, isn't that an issue? He didn't have a shoulder injury on that jerk and then yeah i mean coming into this weekend those are the big questions surrounding koski and also willie george how well have they recovered from uh whatever surgeries they had on the last month or a year or so but you know they've both showed up to this competition feeling very confident and I think they wouldn't have done that unless they thought that they could do everything that's required of them. So I think it'll be fine. In a show earlier today,
Starting point is 00:54:32 Savant said that he is beat down from his years of training. I tried to say Janikowski was old. They're like, he's not old. Yeah, but he's like a set of tires. He's got a lot of wear and tear on him. It's the mileage, not the years. like, he's not old. Yeah, but he's got a fucking lot of... He's upset at tires. He's got a lot of wear and tear on him. He has to say it's the mileage, not the years. Yeah, it's the mileage. I know we can have Brian on to say that
Starting point is 00:54:50 likely isn't the case, but I am worried about him on the lift. Yeah, like I said, it's a big, strong field. There's a lot of guys that are going to put up big numbers here, I think. So he might take a hit on that. I think the rest of the workouts on the weekend are really good for him.
Starting point is 00:55:07 All righty. How about Alex, the cat below him from Greece? I think he needed to do better on these two workouts, honestly. I thought these would be some of his better ones. Seventh and tenth isn't that bad, but it's going to be tough. It's going to come down to a couple points, and I think he might have used 10 to 20 more points even today. Has anyone from Greece ever made it to the games?
Starting point is 00:55:30 I mean, like a legitimate game? Yeah, the guy that's in fourth place made it last year. Let's see. Third place, excuse me. Tied for fourth. Or tied for third. He is in fourth. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Look at that. Look at that, JR. That's what we were ā€“ man jr was just nailing this earlier we were looking at the women look at um third henry and and uh georgos first and 11th and 11 and first nuts wow yeah you guys you guys talked about that yeah so. So, you know, what I'm looking for here is scroll up for a second. Is these guys. Fourth and second.
Starting point is 00:56:08 That's what you want to see on these workouts. Consistent performances. Yeah. Willie. And that guy's going to the games, right? Willie George. Barring an injury for sure. He looked great today.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Okay. All right. So we don't have anything exciting to tell you about this. Maybe we'll look in tomorrow. Hopefully, Janikowski won't make it tomorrow in so that we can be excited about him on the final day. No, we can. Let's scroll down. Where is he?
Starting point is 00:56:35 He might be like in 14th. He's hurting, Brian. Very impressive, Savant. He's in exactly 14th. Yeah, yeah. He's hurting. He's hurting more than I'm hurting. Look at his points. 106 points. And look at the guy who's in exactly. Yeah. Yeah. He's hurting. He's hurting. Look at his points.
Starting point is 00:56:45 106 points. And look at the guys in fifth place. I think it's 160, 50. 160. Okay. It's 54 points out. You know,
Starting point is 00:56:55 we've seen 80 point swings in semifinals already in one, one workout. We know it happened to Colton Mertens last week. He took 10 points to DeLugos is a hundred on the last workout. This is not a, a weak field of men. There's a lot of depth, and there are a lot of guys that can influence points throughout the course of the week. Andre did not get off to a great start today, but he's pretty strong.
Starting point is 00:57:18 I think he'll have a good bounce back day tomorrow, and he'll be within striking distance for the last day. So I don't think his chances for the games are over. Wow, listen to Jerry. Houdet will make it, Koski will not. Is Jerry smokes the wacky tobacco? He messes with the marijuana? JR, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:57:40 Houdet in, Koski out? No way Koski's out. think who day in koski out no way koski's out i think i think who day is gonna gain a lot of ground after the lift because there are some guys even far close to the top that are not strength athletes that are very aerobically gifted like on that first workout that i think are gonna are gonna fall pretty drastically after tomorrow do you thinkki's going to go up because of the lift? I don't think he'll move much at all because of the lift, but I do think that Houdet will jump a lot. Sir, am I a joke to you?
Starting point is 00:58:17 Yes. I really liked that first event. I was a big fan of their first event. What is going on over there? Let's just go look. Just real quick. Caleb, can you check the leaderboard? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:58:28 Last I checked, it wasn't updating. It wasn't updating. Oh, okay. I can tell you that Guy won the first event. You're not going to find it here. You have to go to Competition Corner, and you can be able to find the women's and team's leaderboard that are updated. I don't think that they've resolved the issues with the men's event 2 yet.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Is that true someone got attacked by a shark there a similar way only true in this podcast what kind of shark was it a bull shark yes whatever kind of shark you want just make the fucking story up who who knows that um i think they had their cameras go down right and they they streamed the whole thing on instagram and we probably should have pulled that stream and streamed it live for them i mean we still can tomorrow i'm not sure crossfit should have done that for them too do you know how easy that would have been they could have just pulled the stream and the instagram stream and just run it straight to their YouTube page. So this has, this does have an update leaderboard for the second event for the men. I'm not a hundred percent sure that it's actually accurate and resolved.
Starting point is 00:59:34 They were, there was definitely a problem in the middle of that workout and I don't, I don't know if they fixed it or not yet. I talked to a guy about an hour ago and it sounded like it was not resolved. So I would take the men's leaderboard on strength and depth with a little bit of hesitancy tonight, and hopefully tomorrow it will be definitely resolved. Those numbers look competitive, by the way.
Starting point is 00:59:56 It didn't look like Guy's blowing them out. I mean, the first workout seemed a pretty significant win, but the second one looks competitive. That's a long workout. Yeah, but he competitively won he did he did competitively beat the entire field but you want to see that you you want to see you want to see people keeping up with him well we were talking earlier about whether or not he would have done well at the wadapalooza workout with the swimming and the rowing and the
Starting point is 01:00:20 running and top 10 would have been impressive i think a one over a field over there would have correlated to a top 10 at that wadapalooza field looks like he's improved if what you said is true well for what for what did i say that wasn't true i don't know just saying that was actually all taylor by the way um i forgot who it was but they compared jason cleaver in 2013 when he met hinshaw and his cardio got better to Guy joining Mayhem Empire. Wow. Let's see. I mean, I'm not ā€“ I'm sure ā€“ first of all, I don't know if that workout is ā€“
Starting point is 01:00:53 actually, if that's how it was scored. I've heard a lot of conflicting things, including that Guy didn't do very well on the workout. So we'll see. But if this is how he did and he did actually win the workout, I'm still not ready to say that he's definitely improved in this domain. I need to see him place better than 20th at the games on a workout that takes more than 15 minutes. Angelo said he's better.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Okay. Against what field? I know, I know. I don't believe Angelo. Heads up against Rich Froning. That's the field. Yeah, I don't believe it. An endurance workout?
Starting point is 01:01:25 Yeah. Angelo had just put. An endurance worker? Yeah. Seems like it. Angelo had just put in a huge gob of wax into his mustache, and I think the fumes were fucking up his thinking. Yeah, that wasn't Froning. That was someone else. Okay. Anything else? Any stones we left unturned that you want to visit anything you want to
Starting point is 01:01:49 talk about Brian before we hit the road I think we did a pretty good job and you really just polished us off you know what I mean you like the way that that sounds I do are you coming on tomorrow I don't know
Starting point is 01:02:04 your commitment is amazing you went from 5 minute friend to I don't know it's tough everyone wants to do something all at the same time right we should all do it together like a giant media orgy
Starting point is 01:02:19 so how did let's talk about Christoph just for a second I know Christoph is a friend of yours. What's he doing? Is he, does he have any hope? No, I don't think so. Not to make the games he did. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:31 On the first workout, I think he ended up finishing 14th. There was some pretty impressive men in that workout overall, like guys that surprised me, including Zach George, um, that guy Ludwig that you guys are talking about when I first came on, I didn't realize how good he was at all. Uh, he was very impressive today. And then the second workout, I think, you know, there are always going to be two workouts in this group that were going to be tough for him. Ring muscle-ups and pistols is a bad combination for him.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And so, you know, that was just always going to be that way. I think he'll do well on the lifting. What else do they have tomorrow? I think the rest of the workouts will be better for him than today, but probably gave away way too much to have a competitive chance against these guys. Mike Alpert. I mean, he'll be at the game similar to Tyler
Starting point is 01:03:17 Cristofano. It's good. Yeah. Yeah. Everyone's got a hot girlfriend. He's going to the games. What's Brian's thoughts on Kat catrin we already hit that up um yes he is related brian's in whether or not she was gonna make it he said it's gonna be tough for her he said he was concerned about her i don't think she's gonna make it at this point no it doesn't look favorable that's for damn sure took a lot of heat for ranking her fourth everyone thought she should be higher and then i'm over in the comments after her first event going,
Starting point is 01:03:47 she's going to win the whole thing. Okay, guys, I'm going to sum this up for you real quick. Go to the men in ā€“ who is this? Where are we? Strength and Depth? Let me see the list. Is this Strength and Depth here? Scroll back up to like five or six.
Starting point is 01:04:03 So tomorrow what you want to watch here is you want to watch Zach George just because he's beautiful and he's doing better than we thought and he's a big man and he's a good mover and it would be fun if he made it. He is Great Britain's national champ from a couple years ago. We got old faithful Janikowski in seventh. He's an amazing athlete. In his young days, people thought that he probably could even win the CrossFit Games, but he's had some injuries.
Starting point is 01:04:24 And he might be someone you want to watch tomorrow uh for some excitement and some drama and see if he uh pulls through anyone else here you guys want to suggest to watch oh and who day sorry and who day uh we're hoping that who day makes big moves tomorrow on the lifts and make some big jumps and uh he's a former crossfit games athlete and that's another guy he's currently sitting in 14th. Brian pointed out that he's only 60 points out of fifth, which does make it an exciting journey for him back. And we've seen much bigger jumps.
Starting point is 01:04:54 You guys don't have anything here. Let's switch over to the women. Money. Good job. The women here, the, it's just like what Brian said said something with the with the girls at the top and what tommy and patrick and they were saying over at the morning chalk up earlier emma
Starting point is 01:05:10 mcquay jacqueline dolstrom um uh helga's daughter sam briggs but tomorrow is going to be interesting for sam briggs because she has that lifting event and it could be uh could she could be all the way down at the bottom of the pack and if she does do that if for some reason she does take last and she also qualifies to the games that'll be a remarkable journey i mean that'll really knock her down quite a bit could she take last you guys and still go to the games jr uh with how good she could potentially do with the other three. Yes. Wow. Hey, that's kind of indicative of fucking like Sam's whole career.
Starting point is 01:05:51 If anyone could do that, it would be her, right? I mean, we're talking like top three on the leg list, top three on the chipper with 75 toes to bar and top three on the echo bike. I mean, we're looking at a games champion who didn't get back to go back the year after she won because she couldn't do handstand walk.
Starting point is 01:06:05 I tell you what, I see Haley Adams at 40. Wow. Ouch. That's a little messed up. I'm sorry. Anyone else scroll down just a little bit more, Caleb? Anyone else here that's... Two women to watch tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:06:20 The Taylor Howe and Sylvia Garcia Esqueda. Both are pretty strong so they probably move up the leaderboard after the morning event and then sylvia actually really impressed me today she did a little bit i know the uh performances don't look great at a 13th and a 10th compared to some of the women ahead of her but she'll probably be in the top five on the lifting and um and i and the final event also i think she'll do really well on so she's she looked better on the cardio than I thought today, and could be a sneaky one on the chipper tomorrow
Starting point is 01:06:47 to maybe move herself back into contention. All right, let's move over. Thank you, Brian. Let's move over to the Atlas Games. As far as Copa de Sur, don't worry. There's nothing to watch over there. It's like the moon landing. It never happened.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Somebody was trying to point out that there was someone cheating on the swim event and i went and i checked it out and it was literally just one of the spotters people just don't know what they're talking about no it's one of the freaking people on their paddle boards and i gotta look the big story here is Nicholas Joyel, who J.R. had never, ever, ever heard of. The owl had never heard of. And Andrew Hiller claims he had, and Brian proved he had. And then we also have Patrick Vellner, Jeffrey Adler, Alexander Caron. We have the usual suspects in the top four. Tomorrow's going to be a very interesting day.
Starting point is 01:07:43 We will be scrutinizing Joyel very closely to see if he's the real deal. Brian did point out that he passed Patrick Vellner in the final minute of both of those workouts. And he's keeping things interesting and he's showing us he's got a high fight IQ also. Can you scroll down a little bit, Caleb? Also, Tyler Lee, I have no fucking clue who that is. But Alex Vigneault. bit caleb uh also uh tyler lee have no fucking clue who that is but alex vigno uh tyler lee was eighth place in the uh east regional in 2018 so he's wow he's been old all these before but he hasn't competed he didn't compete in any sanctionals i couldn't find any record of him on a team
Starting point is 01:08:17 uh from the second year or as an individual in either year so i haven't seen him in a while wasn't at semifinals last year, but he has been around. So he's not a stranger to competition. But I wasn't expecting him to be this good on these difficult workouts. Did you see Justin Bieber today? Where did you see him? Did you see what happened to him? No, what?
Starting point is 01:08:42 Do you know what happened to him, Brian? If it wasn't disc golf or CrossFit, I don't know about it. Yeah, well, you guys should go look it up. Start talking about it in the comments. Hey, same thing that happened to his chick, Haley. I have no idea what it was. Can you pull up that leaderboard again? Wow, JR is going to go big here.
Starting point is 01:09:01 So I only have six people, which is going to make this very difficult to pull off but i think it's possible that this could be the first semi-final we have that someone doesn't finish outside of the top 10 on all six workouts and does not qualify for the games you think it's going to be oh i'm looking at the wrong leaderboard. Wow. And what does that say about this? Uh, semi-final, uh, Jared,
Starting point is 01:09:29 does that, does that say, can you say that makes it the toughest, the hardest? I think that the competitively speaking, the top is, I don't mean in terms of the athletes are the best, but in terms of as,
Starting point is 01:09:41 as being the most competitive, can you just say that if you didn't even know who the guys were just doing the math, hey, everyone in the top five, no one got worse than a 10th place finish. That means that's some close shit. Yeah. The way to look at that is from 18th to 27th combined, all of those guys had two workouts in the top half of the field. And they were in the top two places out of 27,
Starting point is 01:10:02 which means they're barely in the top half. So the top half and the bottom half are totally different caliber athletes, is what JR is saying. Okay. Okay. And then, okay, so go back down to 15th place there. Then what's that say about this guy? He's riding the line right between them.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Yeah. Oh, my goodness. But the guy that I'm most excited to see tomorrow is Jack Farlow. A lot of people were high on him today. He had a great start to the day, really bad finish to the day. He's very strong, so we should expect him to do well in the lift. But he's got another long workout to navigate and manage tomorrow. He can't really afford to have another finish of 21st like he had today,
Starting point is 01:10:39 especially given what we just said. So he's a young kid, and the reason I'm excited to see him is to see how he responds mentally to ending the day with a performance that I know won't sit well with him. If what JR says is true, let me tell you some people who are not going, if that prediction is true, and it definitely looks plausible. Can you scroll up a little bit, Caleb? Cedric LaPointe, Jack Farlow, Jeremy Vigneault.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Yeah, man. Okay. So basically we're looking at the crew then. But, you know, Brian's laughing, so I'm sure he knows that one of the guys in the top six is not going to take a top ten on the lift. And the lift is always throws people. So I don't know that much about those guys.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Like the Tyler Lee and some of those guys to know if there's something coming up, that's going to be something that hurts him really bad. No, no. But the main thing about this field is I don't think anyone was expecting Vellner, Adler,
Starting point is 01:11:34 Caron or Vino to give very much away. And through the first day they haven't, I know Vino is in sixth, but he's fine. 10th and seventh. He's fine. He's going to be pretty steady on everything else. That means there's one spot available. And when you're talking about one spot available and some
Starting point is 01:11:48 guy comes in and wins both events, for everyone else in the field, that's not a good thing. Now you're forced to take some risks to try to get back in the fight. Vigneault's in 6th and he's 60 points away from first, as opposed to what we were looking at over at strength and depth. The person who was in, I forget who it was, was like in 14th or something. Oh, it was Houdet. It was Houdet. Houdet was 60 points out, and he was in 14th. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Go ahead, Brian. It's 48 points from fifth to 14th here, too. It's still tight. There's only been two events. But you look at the guys up there at the top, and you know who these guys are. They just don't give a lot of points away. No.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Connor, do you want to? I think Vellner could have won both those events. I just want to say that. What, you don't want to? Is that what you're saying? It kind of looked like it. Come back. It kind of looked like it.
Starting point is 01:12:54 I just didn't see. I just think he could have won. He's saving himself. I didn't see a collapse. I didn't see anything that looked um like the wheels were coming off the bus what do you think jr you think you could have won him i think if you ask pat he would probably say that the risk was not worth the reward to win those workouts right uh this is did velner get a no rep on a sandbag that's a great question
Starting point is 01:13:20 because i thought at one point he was only one or two behind and then all of a sudden he was like three behind adrian conway said something about it right at one point he was only one or two behind, and then all of a sudden he was like three behind. Adrian Conway said something about it right at the end. He's like, I think he might have done an extra rep there. But that's one of those things where unless you're on the floor, sometimes it's hard to tell if they got a no rep or what it was for. It looked like one of the ones towards the end may have come off the side of his shoulder and not gone over his shoulder. But it was really hard to tell.
Starting point is 01:13:42 The problem there was they were only showing Joyel and Velma and caron snuck in for second place so you never saw him at all is the that's the problem in terms of asking a question like that because we couldn't no one could do what jr was doing last week that you were impressed with which was counting the reps to see oh yeah velner did do seven reps in that last section so he must have got a no rep because we couldn't really compare him to Caron. Well said. Mike Halpin, Adler won the total against Fraser in 2020 and had a 360 on the Rogue Bella Complex in October.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Crazy. But Jack Farlow is's gonna take him down farlow strong uh farlow strong calderon is strong there's i don't think it's a dylan pettit strong dylan pettit strong as shit he's got like a 275 strict press wow oh damn that's Hiller's strong No I don't have a 275 Strip press Yes Pat did get at least one no rep On toes to bar and at least one on the sandbags If you believe Frank
Starting point is 01:14:54 Baguette Alright Thank you Frank Chad Schroeder Conway with the great commentary debut today Thanks guys uh chad schroeder conway with the great commentary debut today uh thanks guys we will see you tomorrow we don't have a schedule we don't have a schedule for tomorrow yet but uh we'll have it soon i just gotta keep saying it because he's gonna take
Starting point is 01:15:19 that fifth spot connor dutty no what are you talking about? Brian, tell her what he's talking about. Connor Doty. Connor, he's a sneaky guy. He sometimes does pretty poorly in events that he enters into, but other times he's lurking up a little bit higher on the leaderboard than you'd expect. I think that he's a threat for last chance golf. I don't think he can make the games.
Starting point is 01:15:39 JR. I don't think he's going to climb in. Yeah. I do. All right, Savannah, I'm done talking.

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