The Sevan Podcast - #447 | Strength in Depth & Atlas Games Pt. 3

Episode Date: June 12, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Crazy. He was just swinging his balls around. I don't know if we can say that on the air.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I don't know if we can. I don't know if you can say that on the air. They have a fucking, they have a fucking flag that represents people in front of my kids, elementary school that represents genitalia. I'm in front of all the fucking elementary schools in California. And you're worried about Patrick Vellner talking about swinging, geese swinging his balls around.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I hate it when someone interjects his politics. It has nothing to do with politics. I'm a dad. I'm a dad. I'm a dad. It's just, it's just my kid's elementary school. It's education. What's the genital flag,
Starting point is 00:01:10 the LGBTQ flag that they got in front of all the elementary schools. That flag signifies that you like people with the same genitalia that you have. That's all that is. That gay just means that like my, I'm a dude, I got cock and balls and I want to rub them all over Hiller's face and so that flag means that it's a great thing for hillar to have on his garage door so i know to drop over and catch a cold one on saturday night i don't
Starting point is 00:01:34 want in front of my kids elementary school and it's not politics hey it's education hi brian and so what i'm saying is i'm perfectly okay With Vellner swinging his balls around That's the least of my concern Did he say that? He talked about Guy's balls And Guy does have some big ol' balls Savan, just so you know, I'm only here to see Taylor And the comments
Starting point is 00:02:00 And the comments Ladies and gentlemen Day two J.R. Ladies and gentlemen, day two. J.R. Howell was right about Joel. We will get to that. There was no reason to get excited. He is not the hottest commodity on the planet. It's still Colton Mertens and Tudor Magda.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And Phil Toon. Phil Toon. And he cannot grab Phil Toon's pubic hairs. I take that back and just rip a handful out of his pants that was not long lived that nicholas joyale god what an alpha move just grab a hey did you guys ever do play sports where you showered with other dudes i never got i never got to do that that must have been fun there must have been some crazy shit that happened the people i got woken up by a bare butt cheek fart on the face.
Starting point is 00:02:48 After a football two-a-day, I was laying on the bench sleeping, and one of our linemen walks up to me, pulls his pants down, puts his butt cheeks on my cheek and farted. What if he would have sharted? I probably would be dead. I love that word, sharting. The other day, my son's like, do girls shart? I'm like, uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I've got a buddy who tries to convince me every time this comes up that everybody does it. And I always tell him that I've never sharted, ever. Wow. I've never had an accidental poop fart. Wow. But have you ever shit yourself? Hey, all that means is you don't take risks, Hiller. All that means is you don't take risks.
Starting point is 00:03:30 That's all I hear. You don't take risks. So you're telling me that my buddy's right and everyone in the world has shat themselves on accident at some point. With the exception of toddlers where that's always the caveat is that you can't control it when you're that old. I don't remember. Yeah. that's always the caveat is that you know you can't control it when you're that old yeah um strength and depth uh barbell complex shall we start there uh christoph and who day two biggest lifts uh both in heat to uh willie george with the second one one in heat two okay thank you one in heat one one in heat two that means they suck
Starting point is 00:04:01 and uh willie they sucked on day one it could be the opposite of joya correct in fact it basically was opposite of joya for a day oh joya uh i'll be running the back end until the lovely matt souza comes i apologize for my slow clicking of screens um i mean taylor's asking the questions yes let's look at what happened here is um is willie george the real deal um the commentators are saying that he's uh uh possibly top 10 material at the games uh mr self i think he i think it'll all depend on his shoulder previously like when he came onto the scene in 2018, I believe, with bicouplet one and two, I remember he smashed those two workouts.
Starting point is 00:04:50 He did really well. What was his overall placing, Brian, in 2018? 13th? At the games? Yeah. He was top 10, right? He won bicouplet two. I think he was 10th. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:01 So he's for sure top 10 threat. It just is a matter to me how you know it's tough coming back from injury and it takes time so it's just a you know if not this year then for sure next he's an extremely fit dude very athletic he's 29 does he have a next year yes all right sam briggs is 40 i know and and you know what did that i think that era of that kind of athlete is well shit i'd like to see someone else try that i cannot believe she's well i guess it's still early i cannot believe that she thinks that it's going to be possible to go with a 65 kilogram complex and then sit out for two. I mean, if that happens,
Starting point is 00:05:48 I'm joining the women next year. I'm doing it. I'm training up and I'm entering the women's division. She only did it to get the points because there's women who've withdrawn from the competition. So she had to record a lift. She gets 10 points for finishing last, but they didn't even start the competition. Actually, it just wasn't a full field. And, uh, why, why stress her body on the last two lifts if she's not going to beat anyone else when she's got three events that she could do well on coming up? I hear you. I have some arguments to that. I'll tell you once we see the rest of the numbers. The rules specifically say that you do not have to make three attempts. You have three available opportunities to make attempts. I'm okay with
Starting point is 00:06:21 that. It's just the minimum. What was the next lowest lift irrelevant it's a point system z square would address this issue but what's the next lowest lift 178 which was how many kilograms 176 um i'm not sure about the kilograms it's listed in pounds on the website and what did she get it's 33 pounds 43 okay so she would have had to gone up a lot just to beat the next person. I'm not arguing with her tactics. I just can't believe that that's going to work. It's not any worse than Colton Merton's taking second to last on a RopeCon event, and he made it to the games.
Starting point is 00:06:57 He's exactly right. It's just a matter of how big could she go on these next two workouts she said she would come on with emma quaid by the way tomorrow oh she did yeah yeah emma mcquaid and her will both come on yep close our eyes and you can't tell them apart when they talk you know i was noticing this is an interesting thing kind of a sidetrack, but who's the girl, Taylor Howe? Her accent is so like, I wonder what the kind of like nuance between like someone who's from London and someone who's like from the country or like different parts of the UK. Because her accent is so fucking different. I wonder if she would be like the redneck of Europe.
Starting point is 00:07:43 And that's not derogatory. I'm a redneck. Of the UK. not derogatory i'm a red of the of the uk it is distinctive yeah i had a chance uh after i'm a redneck i can say redneck i went up to north to north uh united kingdom with um with a friend from over there and very very different so so north is like where it's where they sound kind of so hard to understand kind of like boston gotcha okay she's from wales they're saying interesting we don't even know what that means here in the united states is that a different country a different state like does that mean you bow to a different king like we don't even know what that means sorry somewhere in the middle of the ocean yeah I'm pretty sure it's not. You're on the same island.
Starting point is 00:08:26 It's still cold and rains a lot. Who day? 19th, 8th, and then like you said, man, he did it. He did the Joy-El move, a first and a second. Are we surprised that he got... I know we're not surprised at his first. Are we surprised at his second? Taylor. I am.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I'm not too surprised at that second place in that workout. There was a lot of strategy that goes into that, and I really do think Andre Houdet is an incredibly smart competitor, and he's very high skilled. So, no, I'm not very surprised at that. JR? I just thought it was'm not very surprised at that. JR? I just thought it was really impressive that he did that, not racing against the fastest guys, not racing against the Heat 3 guys.
Starting point is 00:09:13 It was pretty impressive. But also, too, just something good to note, that if he does qualify for the Games, this wasn't what I would consider a long workout. However, this style of workout, comparatively to workout one, where it just wasn't a good one for him, is his capacity more so in classic CrossFit, or can you translate that over to monostructural workouts?
Starting point is 00:09:39 I just want to say something here real quick. Houdet won the bar complex with 330 pounds of strength and depth. The next that we're talking about i'm i'm shocked i mean i don't know what his weaknesses are but it was it was dumbbell deadlifts handstand walk box jumps and toes to bar and then some of that shit all over again uh what was it in the first workout that crushed who day he might be a bad runner he's a deceiving runner he looks amazing when he runs he has like a perfect form he seems like he's breathing well but he's not actually that fast relative to the other guys and i wonder if that's a pain tolerance i mean what do you think brian do you think it's a pain tolerance thing you think he just does not have good running capacity
Starting point is 00:10:17 typically when you see someone and that's what that's what pain that's what well that's what throws me off when i when you watch someone run is when they look so smooth that typically translates to you being a really good runner i wonder if i wonder how often he runs on the air runner relative to outside because he does he looks better running outside i know he has an air runner i follow him he trains on it quite a bit or at least it seems so so is that is that what we're saying his weaknesses it's the right so to kind of compare this to gee gee we've said it's it's just it's everything that goes long but with who day it's specifically running remember it's all compared to this field of athletes i think brian alluded to it yesterday that he was surprised by several of the athletes performances on that workout specifically.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Give me an example. Give me another example. What you mean? Mr. Howell, can you give me another example? Oh yeah, sure. So he did, he did that performance on event one against this field of athletes. If this field of athletes, um, like at the field athletes at the Mac or the syndicate had this this workout at the beginning, and Houdet was in that field. He may have gotten 10 spots higher because relative to the field, he wasn't as weak on that workout. Okay. We're going to see the same thing with the women in inverse lifting in this field. I feel like I'm missing the point with what Jr saying,
Starting point is 00:11:45 because what he's saying is this field is good. Very, very good at that particular workout and compared to other semifinals, like, like possible. Yeah, potentially, but they're not,
Starting point is 00:11:56 but they're not, it's an example, but it's not a true example. This field sucks. This field does not suck. Okay. Okay. I don't respect them.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah. Well, they're not American not american well that's probably right all right but they're very good they're just not as strong as i thought they would be uh let's go down to mr yannikoski um are we scared he has an eighth place he has 276 points if you guys start talking about him oh, he's good for the last chance qualifier, that's bad. That's so annoying, too. I hate the last chance qualifier. Are we talking last chance qualifier for Janikowski already? Or are we like, no, no, he's good. He has 26 points to crack the top five.
Starting point is 00:12:38 He's not going to crack Andre Houdet and Guilherme. Oh, no. I don't make the hard calls. That guy, i don't know man that guy he's a brick shit house he's got it looks like an athlete that has a big weakness and i bet it i bet he gets exposed what's his weakness which one wait who are you talking about before you say before who are you talking about what's so funny brian there's no r either what do you think of guillame briant i love it yeah well you're saying it way way more respectively than yeah there's no r yeah sorry there's no r whatever guillame he's a brick shit house and
Starting point is 00:13:10 he's not being taken down by yonakowski maybe reggie fossa the only the only outstanding question for for guillame is the legless rope climb workout i mean if you look at the things he's done so far on this single modality test, the long monostructural, the weightlifting, those have been bad. And now we have basically a gymnastics test in isolation. On the other CrossFit-style workouts, he's been good, and he's generally good in open quarterfinal-style stuff anyway, so we'd expect that. So I think he'll do fine on the last workout.
Starting point is 00:13:39 So I just got to see whether Taylor's right about an implosion on the legless or not. I predicted 10th and a third. Oh, he's 207? I predicted 10th and a third. Oh, he's 207? I predicted 10th and a third. For who? For Briant? For Briant? Or for Janikowski? Briant. He has a 10-3, a 10-3. Oh, shit. Nice. Nice.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah, yeah. It'd be wild if that happens. Thanks for explaining the good jokes to me, Taylor. I want to show you something, taylor um mr howell in reference to yesterday um we were looking just now at uh who day who has a 19th and a second and we're we were speculating that maybe it's running look at him and then you can kind of see that same thing with willie george right there's quite a difference fourth and 11th and then uh look at um henrik hapa lanin hapa lanin let's just call him henrik yami's guy he's got a first and a fourth in those two workouts
Starting point is 00:14:34 so so and we know that this guy comes from a triathlete background right so just super engine is that we're seeing there was a henrik who had a triathlete background? I think he's talking about Ludwig Hansen's marathoning background, but, you know, next time on the show, it's us and I. I'm glad I helped you. Ludwig Henrik, whatever. Oh, my goodness. That's what Brian's laughing at.
Starting point is 00:14:57 He's just laughing at our pronunciation. So what's going on with Henrik here? What are your thoughts on this first event? Stefan, if I told you that Henrik has guaranteed another event win tomorrow. Would you pick the Legos rope climb or the thruster burpee and biking workout? He takes big shots on the echo bike, doesn't he? I'm going to say thruster. What was he?
Starting point is 00:15:19 What was thruster burpee? What echo bike? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, man. That's about. Yeah. How long is that one?
Starting point is 00:15:24 What's the time cap on that one sure it's longer than the rope climbs i'm gonna give i'm gonna say that one i'm gonna say that one that guy that guy looks like he's gonna be amazing at nine minute workouts of just work nine to 15 minutes which one which one's he gonna take first on brian well guess we'll see but it is you cannot do that you got to make a call i have heard that he will be in contention for the win on the rope climbs wow right yeah because i was remembering he didn't he didn't uh ping my radar at the rogue invitational when they had that 24 20 workout and that's kind of what it reminds me of. And he was in that field.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I think at that point in the season, it seemed like he didn't come into it with a ton of fitness that he was trying to carry through the games. But I specifically remember not seeing him. From talking to people who know him, it sounds like the Rogue Invitational was actually kind of a turning point for him. He felt like he learned more in that competition than he did at the games and he's refocused his training since then and uh it feels good about the progress he's made in the areas he's targeted coming off a rogue leading into this part of the season so so let me just ask you this before i go down i want to go down to um and talk about christoph horvath but are we saying that
Starting point is 00:16:43 yana kosky is not going to the crossfit games through this i'm not saying that yeah i think everyone down to ninth is that is well within reach right now yeah the good thing about tomorrow's workouts and potentially the most detrimental thing about tomorrow's workouts is that they're very very narrow margins of error and they're both for the guys probably going to be seven minutes or less definitely the legless and then that 21 15 9 workout has a nine minute cap for both male and female so those times are going to be a lot faster for the male so you'll see tons of separation like every 30 seconds on both of those workouts and they're both pretty pretty cross-fitty workouts too the first one's kind of is it can be a bit of a specialty one. And we talked about these guys have referenced that this is a deep field.
Starting point is 00:17:30 There's a lot of guys that can pop up. So if you are just slightly below average on this one, instead of taking a 10th, you could take a 15th and that could be too many points gone. What do you think about the body composition of some of these guys, Brian? There's a lot of guys. Do you have someone specific? And you're about the body composition of some of these guys, Brian? There's a lot of guys. Do you have someone specific?
Starting point is 00:17:47 You're asking the wrong person. You got to either ask Savant or me about the body composition. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Brian has never even seen a body. Everyone just looks at ones and O's to him. Why are you asking Brian? Because I just wanted to hear what his take was on it. He gives a very technical take, and I didn't want to hear Savant call anybody fat.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Look at P.D. Savage, 15th, 14th, 15th, and i didn't want to hear savant call anybody fat look at pd savage 15 14 15 15 you want to hear brian say it are you suggesting all the men in europe are competing with a healthy amount of body fat it's interesting i mean do you did you not notice that i didn't notice that alex alex i did notice alex kudelis's body though what's a healthy amount brian well enough yeah brian what's a healthy i'm not depleted before the competition begins who who would you say is a fat boy taylor who'd you see as a fat boy i asked turn it on him i asked brian what he thought Can we please get an answer? Willie George looks like a fucking special forces nightmare. G.I.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Willie, dude. He's the only one. I mean, who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? Can we put Taylor on the back and then you go back to asking the questions? Okay. Yes. He wanted to talk about P.D.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Savage and his even finishes. But I want to talk about Kristoff and then I want to move on to the women. Kristoff here, just because this is the home cooking show, he's a friend of the show. He's always been good to us. 14th, 26th, Brian said he needed good finishes. Are these good finishes, Brian, this first and this fifth? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I don't think he would have expected to win with that number out of the first heat today. So I think he's probably thought he could have a top five. But to get the win there is probably a little bonus for him. And if we're being honest, it really looked like Houdet could have gone for that right win. He moved that bar up pretty well. And then the fifth place is great. Again, he's coming out of the first heat. So he doesn't have that opportunity.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Neither did Houdet to necessarily race against the other guys. And fifth place out of first Again, he's coming out of the first heat. So he's, you know, he doesn't have that opportunity. Neither did who date and necessarily race against the other guys. And, uh, fifth place off for a seat. Oh, always good. He took 180 out of 200 available points. I don't know what much more he could have asked for.
Starting point is 00:19:53 He could do well on the Legos rope climb. He's a big guy, but, uh, the last workout should be good for him either way. So we'll see, uh, the last workout being the echo bike thruster burpee.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Legless run. I thought legless run was event six. No. Okay. Either way. Is that Alice has it as event six. Got it. So he can crush it.
Starting point is 00:20:13 He can crush the bike. Right. And he can crush the thrusters. It's, it's, it's just the burpees that were, is going to be Christoph's the question. Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:23 That'd be the worst of the three things for him, but I think he can manage those just fine. What are we talking about Christoph Horvath for? He's in 12th. He's going to stay down there. Friend of the show. Friend of the show. This show is not fair and balanced. I want to talk about Reggie Fossa, who's sitting in 7th.
Starting point is 00:20:39 He's ahead of Yonakoski. Is he fat, Taylor? Is Reggie Fossa fat? Hold on. I don't know. Do you think he is? I don't even know. I can't even remember what he looks like. You guys, all right. He doesn't look like freaking Willie Georges. I'll say it.
Starting point is 00:20:52 God. All right. Now let's talk about him possibly making it up. It looks like I look right now, and I haven't worked out in a month. That's awfully rude. He's performing better. He's killing people. I know.
Starting point is 00:21:03 That's what I'm saying, dude. It's crazy to me. Yeah, he's doing real well. Is that the one you's what i'm saying dude it's crazy to me yeah he's doing real well is that the one you want to talk about i'll bring him no not only him all right well brian however his fourth and his sixth like stacking up for him possibly making a push is it gonna happen this is good this is uh this is the kind of the best he's ever done in one of these situations he is um like from my perspective is just getting messages from people relative to what he's done in the past he's the most overrated person i've ever seen but i do think that he's got a lot of potential he's very good on certain styles of workouts and
Starting point is 00:21:33 by very good i mean like has a potential to have worldwide wins in some workouts in an open setting even um fourth and six is good he hasn't had a really bad finish yet i think it's all going to come down to the rope climbs for him. I think he'll be fine on the last one again. Yeah, I have a big question about the rope climb. He seems like a guy who just, he was at Guadalupalooza, and he seems like he just has a really good ability to hurt bad, which I think is what a lot of people like that in a competitor.
Starting point is 00:22:01 So when they see somebody who can hurt so bad, they're like, oh, this guy's going to be fucking sick. But the rope climbs, I have a question mark about. He looks like he could be in the mafia. Yeah, he just looks like a kid who grew up in the Southie of London and was just like beat the shit out of people. He looks like he fell out of The Sopranos. He looks like a gangster, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Yeah, so gangster. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, there you go. What do you think, Savant? Yeah, no, I don't think. No, gangster, dude. Yeah, so gangster. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, there you go. What do you think, Savant? Yeah, no, I don't think, no, no, no. Peaky blinders, like, Peaky blinders. No, he looks good. I like him.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Peaky blinders. I like that body. And look, he got the skull on his chest. He's fine. I ain't saying shit. Yeah, he'll kill you. He's in the mafia. I ain't saying shit.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I ain't saying nothing. He'll qualify for the games and then kill you. All right, how about the women? Hey, let me ask you this, Taylor. Let me ask you this. Do you think that if he lost five pounds, it would help his performance? Is that what you're saying? No.
Starting point is 00:22:54 He'd be leaned up? Because I do see that in some athletes. I think, oh, you probably could do better. Justin Medeiros doesn't compete super lean. I think you look at someone like Noah, and you could make an argument for him competing too lean um but i think it's just it's dependent so dependent from person to person and just like what what naturally your how your body likes to carry
Starting point is 00:23:15 weight and i mean look at fraser fraser was like a fucking hairy teletubby uh i don't know that's the other thing is there were some times where matt didn't look so lean and then there were other times where like in 2018 he looked leaner than fucking noah like he looked like he was ready to fucking like straight out of prison uh noah said he was too heavy at the games not long ago you think he competed too lean then uh you think he would have had to have gotten bigger than like a 225 noah no no i don't think he needs to be heavier i just like look at noah it just, like, look at Noah. It just looks like he has a lot of energy.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Seth, what do you think about the 2021 games version of Howell? Was that a good amount of leanness? JR. JR. Get a picture. Pull up a picture. JR doesn't eat anything but red meat, fruit. That's it. He's shredded.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I've been on a processed food diet. Hey, guys, do you guys want to talk about this? Do you guys want to talk about this? Go ahead, Brian. Sorry. Go ahead, Brian. No, I just wanted to bring that up as an example. Different things work for different guys.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yep. And I think that when you – I think I just saw Townsend say he eats McDonald's, so that works. No, but I think Noah has still not reached his goal. And so year to year he's trying to make adjustments to refine things to maybe give him a chance to do that so to compete lean one year and a little bit heavier another year makes sense when you're trying to just break into the upper upper echelon when you're already established as a games athlete
Starting point is 00:24:38 dude look at this guy's profile pic by the way i definitely have body fat inhibiting my testosterone production but hey dude you got to dude, you got to switch that. You got to switch that profile pic. Do you have a DME? I'll get coach you through that. I'm actually reading something about how people who abuse PEDs and give out diet plans tend to give diet plans with too little fat in them. Because when you take PEDs, all of a sudden you don't need your body to produce testosterone. I'm getting on a rant here.
Starting point is 00:25:03 So all of a sudden they forget because it's their bias towards a low-fat diet, and you need to eat fat to produce a healthy hormone profile. That's the gist of what I'm saying. Yeah, fat is good. Fat's awesome. One day, like 300 grams of fat, and I felt awesome. Mr. Townsend says that is true. I think he might be talking about the mcdonald's thing though oh um let me uh seven you always say that we've chatted several times on ig oh so i haven't
Starting point is 00:25:36 given you any advice all right um uh morning chalk up reported yesterday um in two separate articles that strength and depth did make some adjustments to the ring height for the athletes. We love that, right? Yeah, thank you. Even if everyone tells you no, do the right thing, right? The right thing is always the right thing. Do you want to caveat that with the Atlas game saying, fuck you, we're not moving anything? But we will throw athletes at the rings.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Let's leave that uh till tomorrow tomorrow we'll do some uh bashing uh do we want to talk does anyone want to talk about say anything about this documentary that they keep pushing next generation i i just want to say one thing about it okay go ahead i want yeah i want brian's thoughts i thought what he said was fucking perfect and i want to i want to hear him kind of get a little deeper into that delve a little deeper i don't want to spend too much time on it you could say one thing i already said what i wanted to say okay i want to see what brian has to say go over to his instagram account um yeah it's not dave's not even in the fucking commercial well i don't care i don't care about
Starting point is 00:26:43 that um because i'm not worried about dei shit there's probably other mexicans in it but uh this thing how it starts in the beginning with tia to me justifying um her her how much she trains and that she's a professional athlete is a fucking embarrassment it is an embarrassment to the sport tia doesn't need to justify anything to anyone about how much she trains. I should, they should just have her be like, Hey, I'll go against anyone,
Starting point is 00:27:10 anytime, anywhere. Fuck you. Let's do it. That's what, that's what the five times champ says. Not I would put against my training against anyone else's training because I think I'm a professional app.
Starting point is 00:27:22 No, no, no. no. Yeah. The narration was just kind of, it's so defensive. It's like, we have nothing to prove. And the other part of it, no one wants any of Tia, nobody. We all know that nobody go ahead. Sorry, Taylor. What was what, what I kind of like laughed at was when Sean Woodland,
Starting point is 00:27:43 no offense to Sean Woodland, I don't know. But when he was saying like, Oh, you can't really do it part time anymore. It was like, they, they literally took that line from a previous documentary and it was one from like 2016.
Starting point is 00:27:55 And I was like, this is just the same exact thing we've heard year after year. Can you just create something new, please? The best thing is when Tony in 2008 and every second counts as this shit could kill you. That's it.'s it yes good it's fucking hard no one wants any of tia no one wants any of matt there's nothing to prove just show us these guys grinding and going to war did they show a slow-mo replay it's beautifully edited the audio is awesome i hate to take a shot at it it's
Starting point is 00:28:23 beautiful i mean it's just absolutely beautiful but but. But I'm embarrassed for Tia every time I hear that opening thing. I truly am embarrassed for her. I get up and walk away. Just tell me how great you are. I don't need you telling me that you train as hard as anyone. Just tell me how great you are. train as hard as anyone just tell me how great you are i do think it's pretty ridiculous that they have shots of people testing workouts at the ranch and and the person who programmed the 2021 games is not featured at all interesting yes oh you guys want to hear what brian said about it i don't know if you watch the same thing that's been out for as many years it's the exact same freaking thing every single year yep if you watched him consecutively you'd be bored out of your mind after the second one because it just like oh here's an event here's i don't know i like it 2016 2016 and then the 2017 documentary were really cool back to back um i thought the 2018 like the missing documentary that they just
Starting point is 00:29:21 came out with i didn't like that one um some of the newer ones have just been trash right you care if we play a little bit of this brian i'll just talk about it okay go ahead you now you'll talk about it you guys have got me fired up by continuing to talk about it so let's fucking go and accomplished i guess no i just think look if you look, if you think about the documentaries over time, they've always really been about the top person or the top two people. And so this year in general with the semifinal coverage, you know, one thing I've been trying to do is to create more coverage for more people. So the documentary, in theory, the next gen is probably doing that where it's focusing on the next wave that's coming in. probably doing that where it's focusing on the next wave that's coming in.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I just think it's maybe a year or two early because I'm, when I'm looking back at last year's CrossFit games, I think I actually misspoken at Instagram video. I said five of the six, all six of the podium finishers from last year have finished on the podium previously. So there's no one in the next generation in that regard that busted onto the scene last year and did anything great. You have to go down to seventh place.
Starting point is 00:30:23 It should actually be old pregnant lady takes third. Or old injured professor takes third. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that'd be awesome. But the point is there's, it's very obvious during this semifinal season that the next generation is
Starting point is 00:30:41 coming, but we've, we've by putting this title out there, we're kind of jumping the gun on it because i think what you're going to see from a big wave of athletes this year that are in the for the women down to 17 years old and for the men maybe from 20 to 25 years old is an influx into the top of the leaderboard i still don't know if they're going to be able to crack into the podium though and so i just feel like it was a little bit early for that title unless they only follow around the people in seventh through twelfth place
Starting point is 00:31:11 and then they have like mal o'brien i'm a carrie gee and is the movie out can you see the movie is it out i think it's just that preview right that's what we're talking about seven you should do like a patreon podcast with Dave about what he thinks about all of the semifinal programming. And I would pay $50 on pay-per-view for that fucking show. And then if we say anything bad and people get upset, we'll be like, well, it doesn't matter. It was behind the paywall.
Starting point is 00:31:36 We can say whatever we want. Dude, people would pay so much money for that. I want to say something else too, by the way. I just saw in the chat, people were talking about diversity and stuff. I don't know what states you're from or where you're from in the country, but if you ever went to a regional in California, people who look like Taylor were the minority. It's always been like that in CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:31:56 If you ever went to the semifinals or the regionals or any of that shit, anywhere in the state of California, it was like a fucking melting pot, a complete melting pot because it was because it was actually an affiliate event event one of the regionals so there'd be affiliates just showing up with all Mexicans all black people all Filipinos all what like and they would just be just staking their claim and it was cool as shit um I want to talk about speaking to next generation I want to show this uh clip uh Sousa could you pull it up it's of Emma Lawson at 14 and I don't know which commentator said it
Starting point is 00:32:26 but they said uh emma lawson started crossfit at the age no lawson emma lawson started crossfit at the age of four at seven and she was a competitive dancer until the age of 13 or 14 at which point she turned all of her attention to crossfit hearing this this makes sense about what we were talking about yesterday. We were critiquing everyone's movements, and then when we came to Emma Lawson, everyone's like, Joel Gaudet, by the way. Was it Joel Gaudet? Okay, thank you, Joel.
Starting point is 00:32:53 I mean, she moves, no one has any criticism for her movements. Can you pull that up, Sousa? It's clean and jerk. Yeah. Big. Big breath. Yes. JR, what do you think about that at 14, 195? Buttery. Buttery. Buttery.
Starting point is 00:33:27 She is. Put JR on 15 minutes timeout, Sousa, for using that term on this show, please. Thank you. Saying it was smooth would not have done that justice. Yeah, I know. Taylor, what do you think about that movement? I mean, it's great. She's 14. That's crazy uh mr hiller i think that when i was that old i couldn't back squat 135 and it's impressive as all
Starting point is 00:33:53 i didn't do it i couldn't do that much at 18 so that's at 14 that's awesome that's nuts i didn't i don't think i ever squatted with a barbell until I was like 18. Mr. Friend, is she being completely overshadowed by Mal O'Brien? Is it a huge mistake not to be like Emma Lawson's the just? I mean, obviously she's good, but, you know. Is she better than Mal? No, I don't think so. I don't think it's, you know, but she also hasn't had the opportunity yet. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:34:29 It's a sport. We're allowed to talk about it. It's okay. It's a sport. We're allowed to talk about it. We can say who's better. Yeah, can we say that? Because that's what I was thinking with her.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Like, we're watching her just, you know, kind of beat up the Atlas games. And then over the Granite games, we kept saying how it was the weakest female field. So that's why the games are going to be so cool now that we know all the fields let's rank the female fields from one to eight and where atlas falls and then where granite falls oh that'll be fun let's do that next week that'll be great i think i would say okay we could do that next week but i would like to say i think torian's obviously the hardest field for relative to the number of game spots available yes i'm parlaying my joelle energy lowlands is the deepest one to ten lowlands was deep for sure
Starting point is 00:35:12 that's yeah um i want to talk about this stance with these kettlebells that everyone used um almost their feet touching some people with their feet touching uh brian is this uh smart stance is everyone was doing it that's how i do it yeah uh taylor you like that stance that's that's pretty much how you do a kettlebell deadlift man taylor taylor if you think back to the first time you saw kettlebell deadlifts at the games you you would see them all doing them that way. And it's just kind of the way that they're going to hang from your shoulders. It makes it easier. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I will say there were some guys that looked fucking butt ugly on that movement, like slinging the kettlebells back and forth. Did you not see any of that, Hiller? Yeah, that's annoying. I don't like watching that, but it is what it is. It just looks so bad. Yeah, it just looks. That's what happens when you do kettlebell deadlifts of things under 200 pounds of kettlebell though yeah they can they can kind
Starting point is 00:36:09 of maneuver them with their shoulders and it's not a good look no now this guy yosh gami says i mean look at his name but he says he stands with his feet six inches apart yeah i just i i just couldn't have my feet i just wouldn't feel comfortable with my feet like that. It'd be pinching my balls. Seven seconds or less. Here's the thing. You have to stand with the kettlebells. You have to stand with the feet stance narrow enough to where your kettlebells can rest at shoulder width distance.
Starting point is 00:36:36 And the fact that the handles are at shoulder width and the bell gets wider and pushes into your legs, you just physically can't widen your feet out unless you're holding the kettlebells out gravity you're saying it's gravity that was i'm saying nash got me has skinny ass legs if he's standing uh mr howell you agree several just shut up that's the way it works yeah if you think about when you do a conventional barbell deadlift the weight is in front of you so it's in the front of your shin when you're doing kettlebell deadlifts the waiter is going beside your feet so if you don't stand with your feet like that and bow your knees out you're just going to beat your shins to death um on that note can we bring up andrew hiller's a video i don't know how you have time to make this shit kudos to to you. You're a boss. I'm becoming efficient
Starting point is 00:37:26 and I was going to work out, but then I couldn't pass it up. I had to do it. I am so pissed off. I forgot to press the captions button on Instagram and I found out a half hour later. Andrew Hiller is going to get as chunky as who is the guy from the mafia? Me.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Price Taylor self. Well, that's good. Can you pull up that Hill hillar's instagram and show us that um catrin david's doter video uh earbuds says catrin's judge brain blood was in his boner oh my goodness my goodness his brain blood wasn't his boner i can't see i lost all the blood of my eyes can we say that okay uh so this is a post from andrew hiller's instagram account it says for everyone who asked no i didn't see katrin um deadlifts i'm not sure how her judge did either i think that's like some sarcasm basically saying that she didn't do any uh and then he quotes something that was said by one of the commentators when she needs to she can really ride the line here with these deadlifts she is so aware of that as well i think maybe
Starting point is 00:38:35 you took that out of context is that out of context go ahead and listen he'll hear it okay here we go position before 50 kettlebell deadlifts here. When she needs to, she can really ride the line here with these deadlifts. And she is so aware of that as well. Pushing the pace. Catcher David Sautter, 50 reps unbroken. Catcher really riding the line there with those deadlifts. Okay, pause this.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Pause this. Oh, not get rid of it. Pause it. What don't you like about that? Is her hip not opening all the way? If we're being entirely honest, I was plugging clips together so that you can hear what the judges are saying in a certain way. And I wasn't grabbing the worst of the deadlifts. And I didn't put a segment in there where you can see that she's clearly not extending her knees or her hips. And it's usually the knees that look weird.
Starting point is 00:39:23 And the judge just does not appear to be looking at her at all he's just like yeah whatever have a great day carry on at 50 oh yeah i'm sure you did 50 you're catching david's daughter move away that's that that's just the vibe i'm getting from the judge and what's up why don't you get off her back she's with yami tinkin and she's not even with ben bergeron anymore why can't she just like slither away it's got nothing to do with bergeron at this point this is just nothing i mean okay there you go there you go when you see it you'll shit bricks you ever go to that website that was one of my favorite websites it's like when you see it it's like there's the no rep jr do you have a problem with these with these reps? It doesn't appear like the hips and knees are reaching full extension.
Starting point is 00:40:09 All the judge had to do was say no rep one time, and I'm sure she would have opened up her knees and her hips more. And it's the shoulder position that makes it appear worse because a proper good deadlift position, you kind of look down a little bit. It makes everything look worse, but that doesn't mean that she's extending her knees and her hips either. But that was the Josh Bridges fisheye camera excuse back in the day.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Like, yeah, CJ Martin standing right there and we're looking at him doing a bunch of deadlifts. And because he's hunched over the top a little bit, it's how you deadlift when you're deadlifting efficiently. But still here, you can't use that excuse because you can watch your knees and your hips not like snap open taylor do you have a problem with this should the judge have said something uh you know gotta trust the guy on the ground but i do think we should be paying judges and needs to be professionalized okay uh brian do you have any comments on on this range of motion
Starting point is 00:41:00 i'm with jr blind as a bat what jr's blind as a bat what did jr say he said she's not reaching knee or hip extension okay good it doesn't appear from the camera angle it doesn't appear that she's reaching near hip extension okay he's right and i'm saying she isn't that not that it appears that she isn't and it's binary a movement standard sorry jr no i mean it's the movement standards binary yes or no can somebody in the comment section whoever sent me the the post that i sent to set on to play with the athlete dropping the barbell and then they decided to play it back in slow motion where did that come from i'm going to show you guys something that just happened at the atlas games uh if you
Starting point is 00:41:41 are squirmish you do not want to see this. Oh, it's bad. Hey, you guys saw it already? Yeah. When did this happen? Five to ten minutes ago. My goodness. It's fucked. My goodness. Roll it. I'm trying. I'm trying to do a screen
Starting point is 00:41:59 share. Oops. Share. Share screen. Okay. Here we go. And action. Action. Oh, it whips. And they
Starting point is 00:42:20 slow mode it, which is, oh, man. This is from the event, eh? Yeah. Alice Games team snatch letter heat one, yeah. What is it? What is it, Brian? Alice Games team snatch letter event amends heat one. That reminds me of my skateboarding accident in 2019.
Starting point is 00:42:43 How does this remind you of a skateboarding accident in 2019 how does this remind you i don't think accident because that's exactly what my knee did in 2019 oh i'm like you did oh my goodness that is just fucking brutal it was bad yeah that looks just like uh blair chattin and granite games last year his was the first event i watched his and it didn't look that bad. It didn't have like that whip. Do it. No, his like fricking, it was like,
Starting point is 00:43:08 let me, uh, let me say one more thing here. I don't know if this, let me say one more thing here to you guys. I don't know if this is true, but we're also hearing a report that something similar to this happened at Copa, sir.
Starting point is 00:43:17 And that the reason why he didn't do his second lift was because he saw that, that he was out of respect or just out of just like keep getting his head clear. Man, brutal. I hope that dude's okay. I hope that dude heals quickly. I'm trying to think like, yeah, that's not a good spot for your arm.
Starting point is 00:43:33 All right. The kind of stuff that you only get live on this show. Let's talk about this girl from Iceland, Solveig. Strong, strong. Oh, she also works out. let's talk about this girl from Iceland, Solveig. Strong. She also works out. Let's talk about Patrick Vellner. Mr. Vellner. Hi.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Can you guys hear me? Yes, we can see you, which is even better. More fun to look at than listen to uh did you did you take a risk or is that just you were you just cruising out there uh you're referring to those muscle ups just the whole yeah that for sure but the whole shebang every rep that you went on um yeah i think that was uh it was kind of like the first workout where you just had to do something you had to do whatever you were going to do on those muscle-ups and then you had to deal with the consequences so i'm pretty good at muscle-ups so i figured i would go kind of
Starting point is 00:44:34 aggressive and try to get out ahead bank like three snatches before anybody got there and then just try to hold everybody at arm's length and that's kind of how it played out you cracked a joke yesterday um when i said for you to come on the show you said you couldn't come your wife wouldn't let you because you didn't win the events um but i'm guessing there was a a little bit of truth there like not like whole truth but the spirit of that was there was something there um obviously it's true now he's one and he's here i think by the time i saw my phone it was like late because we didn't we finished late here like between events now we actually have a big gap because we don't wait left till like 9 p.m
Starting point is 00:45:13 um so were you a little annoyed it's late it looked like you could win both those events yesterday it looked like you probably could have won them like if it was a game situation you probably would have pushed them to get them maybe there's a couple nick was really good yesterday frankly i actually is that what you call him can we call him that is that what you call him or is what is that his real name yeah i'm sure okay we call him joel on this show but okay, Nick. If you want to be more accurate, it's Joel. Joel. Not L, Al. Al, Joel.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Joel and Samuel. But yeah, he was very, very good yesterday. Like I actually had a really good day. There's not much to be disappointed about in the second and the third place finish. I really expected in that first workout uh we kind of came out at the same time on the lunges and he broke at 30 feet and i was kind of breaking every 30 feet each round so i expected because he broke at 30 feet that he would break the next 30 feet and then again which is what i was going to do because my shoulders were tired but i was like
Starting point is 00:46:22 oh just get on the back on the bar fast. And then, um, you'll get on the bar faster than him and you'll win. And then, so I got, I got to the second to the 60 foot section before him and I dropped it, took a quick break and then he just didn't drop it. He did 60 feet on broken, which I could not have done. So, uh, props to him. He was fantastic. And that was a great play. He was really, really good on the handstand pushups. You hit it well, you hit it well, you the handstand pushups. You hit it well.
Starting point is 00:46:45 You hit it well. You looked zero fatigued. You hit it well. I mean, you weren't candelabring or? My front rack didn't feel very hot by the end there. Your front rack looked marvelous from where I sat. Your front rack looked good. Yeah, and that second one.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Both those workouts yesterday hurt pretty bad. Like that second one too, I came out aggressive. And that's kind of been the plan this weekend is to be a bit aggressive and just kind of try some things. I don't think I have a really big risk of not making the game. So, you know, we don't get a lot of opportunities to practice game time skills and pressure situations. So it's kind of a good chance to, when the lights are on, like see how you can perform with aggressive plans and strategies.
Starting point is 00:47:22 So same thing on this muscle one, I was like, you know, we talked about being more conservative and I said, forget it. Like let's go 2010 on muscle ups, get off around two minutes and then try to just hold everybody off. And that's what we did. So it's fun. It's fun to do that. But yeah, like I said, second and third yesterday, it was actually quite good. The more annoying things is like the fact that the same guy won both workouts was annoying, but not something you can control.
Starting point is 00:47:46 And it was also annoying that Jeff finished right behind me in both workouts. And I haven't had anybody middle him. And then he did the same thing again today. And he's probably going to knock my block off on the weightlifting tonight. So I'm going to lose a few points, I think, this evening. So I got to do what I can on that weightlifting. And then, you know, I'm gonna uh flee from tomorrow for all the points i get well um there was there was an interesting moment um yesterday um you were doing handstand
Starting point is 00:48:13 push-ups and and you're you're in a pretty tight confined area where it looks like you could actually put your hands out and touch both the handstand walls it's's like a prison cell. It was worse than it looked on camera. Did you get pissed? I was like, kind of just like dumbfounded. It was unbelievable. You didn't even flinch. We showed it on this show. You didn't even flinch.
Starting point is 00:48:40 How close was the lens from your nose? If that was my nose, would it have hit it? I would probably stand, like picture if you're standing like you're going to kick kick up on a parallette you're standing like two feet from the parallette yeah so that's what i'm where i'm standing and he walked between me and the parallette and it was like the first round like i did a quick set of six and then i was gonna do two three quick sets of three so i came down took like two breaths And I was about to kick back up I was like leaning in And he just like panned by And I had to stop and be like I don't know how you didn't murder this man
Starting point is 00:49:11 Dude, the whole screen was your face My 90 inch TV was just Pat Vellner for a second I was like, holy shit It was funny, I almost laughed I was like, this is cannot be happening He just You can't train that composure I got a nice slow pan Shot coming by I was like, this is cannot be happening. He just, you can't train that composure.
Starting point is 00:49:26 A nice slow pan. I got a nice slow pan shot, uh, coming by. And then I just kicked up and did my, you had to, um, we watched it in slow motion. We watched it in slow motion and you, or we watched it several times. You actually had to pause for a second, a half a second to let him go by. Yeah. Until I could kick out, but for sure it was, uh, anyway, I don't think I've ever had a camera person. Like you get some camera people pretty close to you sometimes. And like,
Starting point is 00:49:54 you know, when I was walking, lunging in that workout, I got like four feet from me backpedaling as I was walking towards that way. It was kind of annoying. Um, but people get close to you sometimes. And you gotta just kind of ignore it. Some competition floors are really tight and you just sort people get close to you sometimes and you gotta just kind of ignore it some competition floors are really tight uh and you just sort of get used to dealing with that claustrophobia but i've never had someone walk in between me and the equipment i'm using and that was like wild like imagine if you were doing like imagine today we're doing those singles
Starting point is 00:50:22 on the snatches and you go one two and then a cameraman walks between you and your brother like i was just like it was like yeah i was shocked like i maybe looked like composure but i just like i didn't even know how to react and it was like you didn't flinch you didn't flinch whatever anyway it was uh and these are these are the little these aren't the little cameras like that i use or the buttery boys use this is like a big fucking rig that's like sitting on this guy's shoulder it's like a fucking monster right yeah i mean i was trying to really i just but it's crazy it was funny i i know exactly what you're talking about i've had a lot of people
Starting point is 00:51:02 asking about it and it was hilarious my michelle my coach was fucking screaming out because where they were like the it was like the ski the handstand push-up and the coaches were allowed to stand right at the gate behind the ski so here it is like 10 feet away right and like afterwards it's funny she even she's like did you notice that camera guy walked right in front of you it's funny. She, even if she was like, did you notice that camera guy walked right in front of you? It was like, he almost touched me with his camera. I was like, yeah, I know. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Wow. Yeah. He must be zoomed out too. He must be zoomed out. I would have thought that was like a full nose shot that he got. Anyway. Yeah. And you're like,
Starting point is 00:51:43 there's not a lot of space there like that's like the width of like the length of my torso it's like how much space there was for him to walk through is michelle there can we see her hey um yeah she's back behind my seat probably she's wearing a white shirt in it when you're on the skier she's holding a cell phone up um for you to look at what's on that cell phone is that i didn't ever actually see you look up at it, but is that just a timer? So you know how fast you're going? Yeah, it was clock. Okay. There's only one clock at their venue and it's right in the middle of the floor, like flat to the floor, basically,
Starting point is 00:52:19 I guess you'd say like parallel to the lanes. So you can only kind of see it if you're in the middle of the floor and you look, cause it's a TV screen, like parallel to the lanes. So you can only kind of see it if you're in the middle of the floor and you look because it's a TV screen. It's not a clock. So if you look at it from down the floor, like where the skis are, sometimes you just get glare. So you can't really see where you are. And even in that workout, it's hard to like look at the clock except when you're lunging or if you're on the ski, but on the ski, you're facing the other direction. So it's just kind of a rough idea to know if you were being a bit too aggressive or not
Starting point is 00:52:45 and we had switched the plan up a little bit from what i did in training so i was curious what the first round time would look like relative to what i did in training so she just like she said she'd time it and she would send me over show me the phone what did you change in your plan something that would make it fat you faster yeah i mean i didn't have a good setup to test that when i just when it came out so i did a couple rounds of that workout with uh trying to do the lunges unbroken just to see what it would feel like and it didn't feel good um it's like you just it it taxes your shoulders too much spending that much time under tension uh then you come back to the handstand pushups and you're just flat. Like it's way better to, to take short breaks.
Starting point is 00:53:32 That seemed to be like the best strategy. Save yourself for those handstand pushups. The handstand pushups also weren't as deep as I would train them. I think I actually did them at 14 inches when I did them in training. And then they were, it was more like 11 in the competition. Alisa bone says, can I just say, I love that Pat is taking time out of his major competition to chat.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I don't have to do anything for like three more hours. So when you finish, when you cross the finish line on this last workout, there was an exchange between you and joy. I joy. I, um, no, sorry, sorry. No, there was an exchange between you and Joyal. Joyal. No, sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:09 No, no, no. Between you and Mr. Adler. I just wanted to say Joyal's name. And I think you said something to him along the lines as, well, we did that one differently. Yeah. What did you say and what were you referencing? Just that you guys both came out hot? No, actually he didn't he didn't come out at all we talked about it and we were like in the corrals and i don't know guys were like people ask me what i'm gonna do and i'll usually
Starting point is 00:54:36 just tell them because i don't know i don't really care like what are you gonna do what are you doing the muscle-ups i was like 20 and 10 and 10. And they're like, no way. Like, yeah. They did two sets. I'm going to come off at like two minutes. And they're like, well, I'm not going to be racing you. Jeff was like, I think Cedric kind of did that in the heat before us, actually. He was off the box at about four minutes, which is blazing fast. Faster than I was.
Starting point is 00:55:02 And he fell apart. He didn't actually fall apart in the snatches. He missed one and he moved a little slower. It took some time to get to the first bar. But we watched that and then we kind of came back and I looked at it like I'm about to do that exact same thing, knowing that that was my plan. And Jeff was kind of like, that was dumb.
Starting point is 00:55:21 And I said, I don't know if it was. You know, I think you can get to that barbell pretty fast and then the first couple reps will feel weird from all the pressing but i think you'd settle in and then you just kind of move through it consistent um and he's like well i'm gonna be uh going slow through the muscle ups and burpees and i said okay i'm gonna go fast we'll see who wins and i won your your overhead position looked better in this workout than at least i've ever seen it is your snatch and feel any different this year it looked amazing i've actually been working a bunch on my overhead stuff um i've just like had a bad shoulder for a
Starting point is 00:55:59 long time and i finally accepted the fact that it's not just going to spontaneously resolve itself anymore so i'm spending more time dealing with shit like that the um we didn't have the we had the like stubby bars the c70 bars they told us we were going to have the short collar bars the like c70s ones um so those for me snatching with those short bars is very awkward. I have to do, like, I bend my arms to, like, almost 90 degrees to hit the hip crease. Like, it's a really narrow overhead position for me to hit on those stubby bars. So I'm a little concerned about it going in. But at the same time, as long as you get under the bar, that narrow overhead position is pretty stable. So you can kind of, like, press yourself to the bottom and get up
Starting point is 00:56:45 and it sort of made your your shoulder position feel less wobbly um after the muscle ups like i don't know i was just collar to collar and i'd be like pressing into the collars and felt all right yeah it felt good i mean i thought after all the pressing from yesterday and the muscle ups the snatches might feel shakier than they did but they went pretty well your your hands were pushed to the outside to basically touching they were they were you had the widest grip you could use on that short bar correct yeah yeah i would have gone wider if i could uh how much wider is your grip sorry for the series of loaded questions you're about to get but how much wider is your grip on
Starting point is 00:57:19 a regular bar than that um i will basically grip collar to collar on a standard bar wow like if you if i like spread my hand and my pinkies touching the collar and then i grab that's basically the grip that i use wow holy cow okay because here's the thing i don't know how much wider it is but it's probably at least like an extra hand width and a bit. You know, there's been this whole thing about the pull-up bars not being high enough at some of the venues for some of the guys. And I was trying to find out if there's any other implement in CrossFit where it's unfair like that. Unfair in quotes. I'm just, for lack of a better word.
Starting point is 00:58:02 There's some that I don't like. Like that one, that one I don't like solely because we have another bar that eliminates that disadvantage. But it wouldn't fit in the lane, right? I mean, that's a lane issue. Because those bars, there's two versions of the short bar. One has a short bar section that you hold on to and standard length collars so you can fit more plates on it so if you were doing a deadlift save it would be really good you can put more plates on it it doesn't really matter what width you grip at but there's another version that actually has a standard width middle and short collars oh that sounds smart on it okay you can grip at a snatch
Starting point is 00:58:40 grip at the same width as a normal Olympic bar. So we have those bars and they just like, they don't provide them. So if you're tall and long, and we actually have quite a few tall athletes here and there, a lot of them are very strong competitors. So everybody's kind of looking at each other like, well, this sucks, but at least we're all in the same boat. But you know, I know guys that can snatch at their normal snatch grip with those bars and that's a serious advantage
Starting point is 00:59:05 um so you know i i don't love that there's things like that for sure and everybody has little things but when we have the ability to fix it and like the equipment exists the pieces are there it seems silly not to um and that that's that always like bugs me a little bit. But the bar one's annoying. It's annoying because it seems like nobody can have any consensus on what the standard is. All the events and then people keep saying, well, we got to keep it standard. We got to keep it standard.
Starting point is 00:59:35 And then an event in Europe raised the bars and they keep saying, well, we can't lift it because we're not allowed to use two six-inch risers because it's dangerous and then lowlands are not lowland strength and depth they were using two six inch risers and a couple people in our first heats yesterday were using some two six inch risers and they just like it feels like there's a lot of saying one thing as an excuse to not do it and then those things happen anyway so i don't know hopefully at some point i think it's a problem for next year, but hopefully we can get it, get it solved.
Starting point is 01:00:08 We thought we had done what we could to make it better this year, but it seems like it was ignored. And you know, it seems like there were consequences for some athletes, which is unfortunate, but we'll hopefully be better at that in the future. Currently the standard is 96 inches for rings, 92 inches for pull-up bars, but it's not a standard in any established rulebook. It's just a common practice that was determined arbitrarily 10 years ago that we just continue to do because everybody else does it. And I think that's not a good reason when we have data and we know we have a better way and uh we're just refusing to do it
Starting point is 01:00:46 and that's it's a bit frustrating but i don't know i i raised the point at the beginning of the atlas games and then i uh they talked to crossfit and then i decided on thursday evening that i was done dealing with it until i was done competing smart wasn't willing to invest the emotional energy and time into talking about it smart uh hillary do you have any thoughts or uh um questions for mr velner i was listening to the broadcast which i know that you can't hear and they were talking about how joyelle isn't used to being in first nice isn't used to being in first place and he couldn't sleep well and then all i was thinking is velner did that on purpose because he knew he wouldn't have a good night's sleep and now he's gonna take him the fuck down
Starting point is 01:01:27 man well like welcome to competition i don't know many people welcome to the real world buddy during competition i like i didn't sleep great last night either so it's it's don't tell anyone that i'll tell you that like and i'm and i'm sure he's uh you know that's pressure man that's competition pressure it's weird it's a different feeling i think not a lot of people it's really a privilege and a joy to walk into a competition anonymously and just be able to do what you can and then uh that's it and i feel like i haven't really felt that since like 2016, everywhere you go, there's like this expectation of, Oh, you're going to do something amazing. You're going to win every event. Right. Right. And like, it's hard to just like, be like, man,
Starting point is 01:02:12 I'm going to try, I'm going to do what I can, but like, you know, like, I'm sure like some, maybe the events yesterday were frankly great for him. He's really good presser, really good toes to bar, really good posterior chain. Like the events were great. It looked like he wrote them. And I'm sure he showed up yesterday knowing it would be a great day. Probably maybe not thinking it was a two event Wednesday, but then probably, you know, went to bed last night. Like, Holy crap.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Everybody's talking about me. And I know tomorrow, I don't have the same mojo as I had today. And that's stressful, right? And it's like, it's hard. It's hard when people start to poke at you. It does mess with your psyche a little bit. I'd like to say you get used to it, but I think you just get... You learn to manage it. It doesn't ever get like...
Starting point is 01:02:55 It never goes away. I thought I was pumped for Nick because I think he didn't do great in that last one, but I think he finished. Probably couldn't have been that bad. He finished last in your heat. Yeah, but the first heat nobody finished, I don't think. He finished 24th.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Oh, really? Okay. He shit the bed. My point being two event wins goes a long way to the cause for qualifying for the games. And he's one of the strong athletes in our in our region here like in our our semi-final so i think it's going to be interesting like cedric made a good push back in the last two events um he's had a big bonk so you know nick might end up in that same conversation with like cedric and maybe jack farlow who right now have
Starting point is 01:03:43 like at least one big bonk and then a couple of really strong finishes. Those guys will be in a fight for finishes for sure. I was kind of surprised by Cedric's finish in the parallel handstand push-up workout. Did that surprise you? Not at all. What did he take? He's bad at them?
Starting point is 01:03:59 It was characteristic. No, it's not. This is going to sound bad. What place did he take 24 um cedric is someone who you know how noah rides like emotional waves very high he's like that like he's liable to come out really fast when he's excited and uh make mistakes he did the exact same thing at west coast classic last year first event came out got a bunch of no reps on thrusters legless rope climbs a workout that he should have been probably a top five and he ended up in last place and then like dashed his hopes of the games he's so fit he's got lots of skills he just he needs a plan and he has he struggles with it with competition uh composure
Starting point is 01:04:47 and i think that that's the biggest thing he just i think his his head gets a little messed up when there's pressure um and then i mean then he after the first event went poorly and he had a little bit of pressure off him performed super well and he was in he's in the second heat today but performed super well i think that it's it's a little bit of that i think that he just you know when when the lights get bright he sometimes gets a bit frantic and a workout like that where behaving that way causes failure that's hard to come back from um is difficult and the same thing with the legless rope and we're gonna do last year so he's a guy that i i want him to make it
Starting point is 01:05:25 because i he's fit enough he's certainly fitter than some people who've made it to the games but he's i think he makes sometimes poor competition mistakes actually regularly um he'll make at least one major major mistake that will usually keep him out so it's it's tough it's hard i it's hard to watch i i sometimes like it hurts you hurt for him um because that sucks to see because i think he's got all the tools and he just hasn't quite been able to put it all together yet but um so them says you make a good look point that's a good one but i think there's some people who like are gamers and when it matters they just like figure it out and make it work. Like you look at sometimes guys like Cole Sager,
Starting point is 01:06:08 the comebacks he's put up over the years, Will Moore had this year, like some guys just make it happen. And then some guys kind of, they get shaky when the, when things get stressful. So I think he unfortunately has fallen into the second category in the last couple of years,
Starting point is 01:06:24 but you know, he's still in it. Like that fifth spot is still very up for grabs in, uh, in our competition here. I'm not sure what the points look like right now, but my guess is that, uh,
Starting point is 01:06:34 Jeff and I are ahead. Probably Alex Caron is in third. And then Alex Vino is probably fourth, fifth ish. Nick's probably fourth, fifth ish. Something like that. Do you have anything you'd like to ask him, Brian?
Starting point is 01:06:49 Mr. Vellner? Have you had a chance to watch the girls at all? In our event? Yeah. Yeah, I have been, actually. Because Freya's working with Michelle, so I've been watching the women in lieu of warming up most events.
Starting point is 01:07:06 It's been fun to watch them we were just talking about earlier trying to figure out how good Emma Lawson is we speculated before this weekend started that this isn't the strongest women's field but she's been really good against this field so I was just wondering if you've seen anything um
Starting point is 01:07:23 I don't know she's good she's smart she does some good some competition savvy things um she's aggressive and she relies on her strength very heavily i would say um so i think once she has a little more time to polish certain things to become a little more well-rounded it'll be really good i think like think, like, say, yesterday, she was very aggressive on the Tosa Bar in that workout, and then she almost fell apart in the last round of sandbags, and she had, like, a minute and a half to do the last set of sandbags, and she almost lost to the previous heat time, beat it by, like, five seconds or something.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Because she just, I think she went a little deep or just sort of lost focus on that last set. I'm not sure. But, you know, the muscle-ups, the handstand push-ups, the toes-to-bar, like so far all of her gymnastics has been very sharp. She's been strong on the barbell. She looks like, it's funny, I feel like when I saw her here, I expected her to be smaller.
Starting point is 01:08:18 She's bigger than I thought she was. So I think she's going to be, I'm interested to see what she lifts tonight. I think she's not weak. She's pretty strong for her size. And I think that she's going to be I'm interested to see what she lifts tonight I think she's not weak she's pretty strong for her size and I think that she's going to be pretty good you remember how old you were when you clean and jerked 195 pounds for the first time I bet you I can tell you
Starting point is 01:08:36 23 probably we just watched a video of her doing it at 14 nuts but I probably did my first muscle up at like eight oh right right just depends what your sport is i guess right uh but she's been very good she's been very impressive which is nice to see i think i was actually having this conversation with michelle yesterday um because of how well nick did uh we were like i feel like the women in canada right
Starting point is 01:09:09 now there's starting to be another generation coming up you know you've got emma you've got freya uh there hasn't been there's been a bit of a lag in the men's field for like new faces and everybody was very like who the hell is nick Terrell? But I've been competing with Nick at regionals since like 2014, 15. Like he's been on the circuit here for a long time. People just aren't really familiar with him. And we don't have that same group of like 20-year-olds coming in yet on the men's side. Like Jack Farlow is kind of there.
Starting point is 01:09:40 There's maybe a couple that just aren't, you know, maybe not shining the brightest this weekend yet. But we've got a lot of uh old season competitors here it's the same faces from 2014 15 jeff's probably the most recent one um so it's cool to see the the young ladies doing well i mean in general even the american girls page powers like we've got a pretty young women's field even the american girls easy buddy easy i'm just being like the young the young women here are like are holding it down like the uh the mayhem empire the mayhem empire sent page powers up there to keep you guys in fucking check yeah how's she doing she's doing
Starting point is 01:10:16 great second place um yeah yeah the long arm of the cookville the long arm of the Cookville, the long arm of the Mayhem Empire to reaching up until the Atlas games. I mean, a bunch of our French Canadian guys are on the Mayhem train too. But I'll tell you something, they're not winning. Hey, is, hey, is, uh, is Madaris been, uh, texting you at all this weekend? No, I've heard from him a little bit. Probably since like... How about Matt?
Starting point is 01:10:49 How about Matt? Is he all up in your text messages? Fraser? Yeah, Matt Fraser. I talked to him like a couple days before we started. Just about nothing related to competition, but I don't know. No, I don't know. People have been leaving me alone. All right. Well, i'm not leaving you alone yeah i get that get that vibe uh does anyone else
Starting point is 01:11:11 have anything else they'd like to say to the great pat velner yeah i got a question for him please mr howell uh so not to look too far ahead to tomorrow but tomorrow's got the chipper workout on paper it seems like it's supposed to be three to four minutes for the four sets of 100 double unders the three sets of 100 foot handstand walk the chunk of 100 wall balls and then 100 ghbs you think it's going to end up being a lot like skiing with karen and the separation is just going to be um who can cycle the GHDs and manage those the fastest? I think that workout will be determined in the wall ball, handstand walk, GHD, handstand walk. Mostly in the handstand walk, GHD, handstand walk. And that'll be, the separation will happen on the GHD
Starting point is 01:12:03 to see who has some capacity to continue to move the difference between finishing 100 ghd's in like 4 45 versus six minutes is just insurmountable um when on that back bit once you get to those double unders in the back of the back bit after that last handstand walk it's the workout's basically over um it's going to be hard to catch people there unless you just have really high power output on the bike. My plan is to not be in a race on the bike at the end. But I think it's a pretty smooth chipper. I think you can move through it pretty consistently,
Starting point is 01:12:39 and that's probably the smartest way to do it. There's a couple guys here that I think would be very strong at it. Alex Caron would be really good at it, I think. A couple of those Mayhem guys who do a ton of GHDs I think would be very strong. But yeah, I think, I don't know, hopefully they are because I could use them to middle Jeff. Patrick, thank you. My pleasure. Always great to have your insight. Say that again? How's Europe doing? Patrick thank you my pleasure always great to have your insight
Starting point is 01:13:06 how's Europe doing it's okay it's very competitive boring I wouldn't say it was boring catch up on it later well yeah enjoy the way you left it tonight we'll see if Jock can
Starting point is 01:13:23 hit 400 pounds and if Jeff power cleans the house. Willie George is winning over there and Jacqueline Dahlstrom is winning over there. The women's competition is actually pretty good over there. Is Yana still on the outside? He is. Yana, Katrin, and Sam Briggs are all on the outside
Starting point is 01:13:42 with one day to go. Don't tell anyone this. Yana Koski is not going to the games this year. Doesn't look good. They have what left tomorrow. They have rope climbs and then bike, thruster, burpee, what have you. Right. That'll be exciting.
Starting point is 01:14:01 I'm glad I don't have to do that workout. All right, brother. Talk to you soon. Thank you. You're you soon. Thank you. You're the man. See you guys. Bye. We're the luckiest people on earth.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Keep Taylor big. Big thumb. Big thumb. Big thumb. What do I got here? Interesting perspective. got here um interesting perspective you know those the the workouts at the atlas games look very challenging and brutal to me and he's grateful he doesn't have to do that echo bike workout i think yeah it's interesting i to me that to me the workouts at atlas so far that have been
Starting point is 01:14:41 challenging are in that like 8 to 12 minute time domain that is really painful but if you have a good crossfit motor or they just don't feel the way that echo bike thruster burpees kind of feel where like you you feel the lactic burn before you feel it catch up aerobically and then you finish the workout and as you lay on the floor it gets worse and worse and worse and worse for like the next 10 minutes i think that's what he doesn't want and i don't blame him i want to bring something up here about uh uh what we saw the refs doing but not only the judges doing but what we saw one of the coaches doing today i don't know who saw it but i'm in a text thread with y'all
Starting point is 01:15:23 and someone said that they saw one of the athletes being helped up on the rings by a judge uh what who i didn't see that but why why does that happen aren't there risers out there there's been an issue apparently with the two risers and because one riser isn't enough for some athletes they need one riser and a boost the thing that i noticed from it but why not use two risers then sorry taylor i think it was a safety issue they're claiming it was a safety issue and this the girl who received the help it was not even the shortest girl in the field so it was just strange to me that she was requiring or asking or having her judge kind of assist her up onto the rings as
Starting point is 01:16:06 she jumped i just thought it was kind of ridiculous that we're in a competition testing the 30 of the fittest women in north america and she needs help to jump up to the rings yeah that's a travesty all of a sudden maybe maybe uh tia does need to justify how hard she trains when there's Maybe Tia does need to justify how hard she trains when there's dipshit stuff like that going on in the sport. How about this also? I saw a coach. You know how the coaches are just like six feet away from the rings where they stand there during the competition? atlas games i think it was heat two actively arguing or having a discussion with the judge while the judge was supposed to be judging the athlete throw them out yeah i do i do think that the coaches need to be told hey you're not allowed to say a fucking word to the judge no matter what
Starting point is 01:17:01 you know they call that in baseball right cause for immediate ejection tell me tell me if you argue with balls and strikes then they can throw you out just like that ejected from the game it could be the coach it could be a player could be anybody right i just i how how is the judge supposed to do his work if the coach is talking shit to him what and yeah that's justpees what a fucking asshole that coach too like dude do you not understand what's going on right now did you guys see that yeah the hardest thing i think about being a judge in that is like so say you're doing the chest of bars and say we're talking about the synchro chest of bars that we all saw and you can see that they're
Starting point is 01:17:42 not lining up the hardest part for a judge would then being one knowing which repetitions were no reps and then two keeping track of the number that they're actually on and now if there's a freaking someone yelling and then they're after dealing with it hey shut the hell up wait four five six uh no rep three four five so yeah it's bullshit if i'm an athlete i don't want that either i don't think i want my coach jumping in and getting in the mix with my judge terrible look for you people are so weird horrible look people are weird all right uh before we take off here um the next event's going to start at 3 35 that's 33 minutes from now i'd like to go go over to – what do we got? Let's start with – oh, no. It's the only Atlas Games left.
Starting point is 01:18:30 So Atlas Games, individual event for – oh, it starts at 4 p.m. Okay, 57 minutes. Can we look over there? Can you pull up the leaderboard at the Atlas Games, Mr. Souza? 57 minutes. Can we look over there? Can you pull up the leaderboard at the Atlas Games, Mr. Souza? California Hormone Games, BYOJ.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Bring your own judge. Bring your own juice. What is event four here? It's the complex yep okay um how what what what are we gonna see what shake up are we gonna see in the top five is this where we're gonna see carolyn prevo take a pretty big hit uh i don't know that you see her take a pretty big hit uh i don't know she's a fucking amazing deadlifter. We'll have to see how that transfers. Brian, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:19:29 You're going to have a better answer than me. I don't know much about Carolyn Prevost and her Olympic lifting. I think she's going to get somewhat bailed out in the same way Katrin did here, where her lift probably won't be that impressive relative to the world, but it might not rank that poorly against this field. Yeah. Uh-oh. My wife just sent me a text that says, don't kill me. I wonder what that means. The dog is on the bed.
Starting point is 01:19:55 No, she probably fed the kids a cookie or something. I'm pissed. I'm out of here. Brian, is there going to be any shakeups? Is this going this gonna be a deal breaker who here in this female list at the atlas games is like shitting their pants right now is like oh my goodness i gotta fucking get my shit together here i can how about allison scud she's sitting in seventh 191 points she's gonna take a hit on the lift for sure i don't think so i think she'll do just fine on the lifting relative to she looked good she looked good with her snatches, man. She looked good. She's a good lifter and she's gotten stronger this year.
Starting point is 01:20:30 I think that overall, I mean, this is about what I expected. I was overlooking Paige Powers a lot coming into this competition. Outside of that, the other four that are in the top five are the ones that I thought would be up there. I thought Freya would be doing better relative to what she's done. Obviously, she's in fifth, which is okay, but i think she might have had higher expectations also so maybe she's feeling a little bit of pressure being further down than she thought she'd be you know the lift is one of those things uh you have to execute it you know you have to go out there and hit a lift and we saw even a couple guys in london today who missed the first two lifts and
Starting point is 01:21:01 that's a lot of pressure coming on the last one. So I think that if she can navigate a lift, she's still in a good chance to make it, but I don't think she's as happy as she wanted to be through three events. Who takes that lift, Brian, on the female side? Any bets? I want to say Powers probably will. I mean, her shoulder strength is incredible, as we saw at the handstand push-ups, and that's probably the limiter for most of these women at the top end.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Does anyone make a big move here? Does anyone, you know, does Molly McGrady win this and put on 100 points and climb up into fifth place, sixth place? I call Molly McGrady. Yeah, I'll take your page powers, and I'll raise you with a Molly McGrady. Do you know who that is, Hiller? I just made that up. No, I just think she's going to win the lift.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Oh, geez. She said her name. Well, just to put it in perspective. What do you mean? Hiller, just to put it in perspective before you make that bet. The heaviest lift from this woman's field in open workout 21.4, that little lifting complex, was 216 pounds, and Molly McGranny did 185. Oh.
Starting point is 01:22:16 You should have taken the bet before telling me that. Hey, so you're saying these are a bunch of shit lifters. These are ass lifters. The heaviest lifters on that complex were Caroline Prevost and Emma Lawson. And Emma Lawson was even younger then. Oh, wow. Yeah, she moves very well. Wow.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Let's just talk about how Joyelle's going to deadlift 600 pounds and throw it overhead. Chad Schroeder's in the comments. Alexis, oh Oh good call Alexis You don't even know her He does know her Okay wow really Who has
Starting point is 01:22:54 I had that girl on the show Alexis Oh That's her girlfriend You don't remember having them on I do I do remember having her on i remember what she's she talked shit about point nine uh christian harris the other day too was that just after wadapalooza you had both of them on the show around then no this is a while ago i think before wadapalooza yeah this is like last year they competed with she's one of those people if
Starting point is 01:23:21 you have carolyn on like she's like like as soon as you start texting carolyn this chick starts texting you too like she's like they're like one person they're like one person you know people like that like that's like uh uh jr howell's wife every time i text jr she calls me what do you what are you bugging him for easy what are you bugging him for easy uh okay let's um let's go over to the men here at the atlas games you know the women's field is really weak at the atlas games i feel like i'm just realizing it but but i like it i'm still having fun watching it i'm having fun i'm having fun emma lawson just beating him up it's not the weakest field but it's not super deep. I mean, it's... Well, as long as they keep doing a
Starting point is 01:24:06 semifinal in South Africa, you can always say that. Patrick Vellner, Jeffrey Adler, all safe, right? Alexander Caron, safe. Alex Vigneault, can he make a move here? Is he a big, strong boy? There's not a lot of drama for the top four guys here. The top four are the top four, a lot of drama for the top four guys here
Starting point is 01:24:25 the top four are the top four and everyone's fighting for the fifth spot you think top three four yeah I think there's a gap on the points I see that but
Starting point is 01:24:40 I'm not sweating Vino he's just been kind of sneaking along there. I haven't – and I think he'll be just fine. Connor Duddy. What do you think about him? He's going to make his move. That's his guy. No, he's not going to make his move.
Starting point is 01:24:58 He's just going to slowly creep his way into the five spot. No. Yesterday, Taylor was saying Dylan Pettit is is strong and just imagine if he won that'd be a hundred points that would that would that would shake that whole leaderboard up he's gonna strict presses uh overhead because he can that guy he's like 240 pounds wow no offense to zach george but that was an ugly miss when he missed that one jerk. It was just like right there for so long. Looked tough. I hear you're allowed to re-rack it though now.
Starting point is 01:25:30 So he should have just re-racked it and done it again. Who are we watching here, guys? Who's going to win between Austin Spencer, Connor Duddy, Cedric LaPointe, and Nicholas Joyal? Number 5, 6, 7, and 8. I take Duddy.
Starting point is 01:25:46 I'll take Cedric. Out of six, seven, and eight. And five. And five. Five, six, seven, and eight. Someone told me Joyal's got the four rep at 355 and a 600-plus pound deadlift, i'm taking dutty i i probably take dutty too i just can see i can see cedric having a mistake on this event how about this tyler
Starting point is 01:26:13 he's got 195 also no i've just seen some of cedric's movement on his page and maybe maybe that i'm just full of shit but some of his movement just seems like with everything that's going on with these judges at semifinals, especially in the lifts where they're like calling rep. If he gets one, no rep and then all that complex, he's fucked. And I can see that happening with him.
Starting point is 01:26:33 I heard tie dye lowers your T count. Is that a double blind study? Yes. Uh, I want to go over and look at one more thing sorry i want to go strength and depth and look at the women one more time we this was something we talked about that we never looked at i want to go all the way i want to look at um sam briggs real quick she's in currently sitting in ninth with 246 points and she has a third and ninth a 27thth, and a seventh. Yeah, she's awesome.
Starting point is 01:27:06 And I also called that last place finish, by the way. What she needs... Fifth has... You did. Fifth place has 288 points. I just want to hear what you guys have to say. Taylor, you first. Is Sam Briggs going to the CrossFit Games this year at age 40? Man,
Starting point is 01:27:21 the last two workouts are so good for her, but I – She's got a mountain to climb. She's got 42 points to gain in two workouts. I mean, she's better. The girls ahead of her, I think she's beating – It's possible. It's possible.
Starting point is 01:27:42 I can't be definitive. It's for sure possible uh hillar does sam briggs go to the crossfit games this year at age 40 she's 40 points out with two workouts left jr i make all the hard calls your jr i want to make it a little more complicated too jr i want to ask you does does she go and does katrin go or no no only one of them will go i'll tell you katrin's out i'll tell you that much i don't think katrin's going with the legless workout i think sam goes because i believe at least one person above her probably two will have a bad a poor finish on the legless workout so katrin's gonna help sam get there maybe possibly four for what women have a poor finish on the legless workout. So Katrin's going to help Sam get there.
Starting point is 01:28:25 Maybe. Possibly four. For what? Women have a bad workout. Possibly the four women immediately in front of her could. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm thinking. Look, realistically, she needs to hit fucking bombs on both those workouts. Just think about it.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Let's say she takes third on that workout, which is reasonable. Fourth, 88 points. If the rest of those four women average 50 points, which is like a 12th to 15th place finish, then she's right back in the lead or four points out of a game spot with one workout to go that has a biking, burpees, and thrusters in it. She can do that. And we know, I believe we know Solveig, Katrin, will have tougher workouts with the legless.
Starting point is 01:29:11 I think Taylor Howe is potentially in that group as well just because she's a bigger girl. And I don't know about Elisa. I don't think Amy Kringle has an issue with the legless, but I'm not sure. Brian? I've actually reached out to the same guy who helped me learn about Zanoni to see if I could learn about Fuliano. And he said he actually doesn't know too much about her either, so he'll be getting back to me. Gotcha. Speaking of Legos rope climbs, did you guys see he actually did that weird butterfly rope climb, Kip?
Starting point is 01:29:37 In what place did he take it in the workout? I can't confirm, but I think he won his heat. I think he was third. Third overall. Gosh, I just hate that. It's just so... 324, third place. Wow, that is crazy. That would be
Starting point is 01:29:54 like 20th place or worse in some of the North American summits. That's terrible. So slow. The rope climb? Oh yeah, that's slow. Obviously, it's not really the same test because of many different variables. But just to put it in context, if he'd done that workout at Syndicate, he would have placed 19th. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:30:17 It kind of highlights the field. What was his time again? 3.24. I think eventually Halpin will have a comprehensive for all of the semis even though they're a little bit different yeah he would have been 23rd in the lowlands but lowlands did it first so they were of course going to be a little bit
Starting point is 01:30:34 a little bit faster probably wow that is and you know at least with him I think it just comes down to the fact that that speed up the rope is so slow doing that technique. I just don't get why he would do that with ropes that short. He would have done 14 of the grand games they did as the last workout.
Starting point is 01:30:56 I don't even know what you guys are talking about. Just his little – he does like a butterfly. Talk about short people. You should know. You pull it up on the Instagram. He's got a video of it or he did. Okay. While you pull that up, the instagram he's got a video of it or he did okay um while you pull that up i'm gonna ask you one question we're gonna look at butterfly thing and then we're getting the fuck off hiller are you ready i'm ready tell me how good or bad with no censorship censorship patrick velner's muscle-ups were when he did that 20 and 10 great they were great
Starting point is 01:31:31 they were great what'd you like about him he left no room for doubt on them uh no matter what angle i saw them from they didn't look too bad bad at all i should say because he said no spent no censorship and if i say anything arbitrary it leads room for doubt they look great i can't say the same for many other athletes where they leave room for doubt and you would have loved it if he fucked up because then you could have made a video about him and it would have got a shitload of views and help the algorithm on your youtube station i don't think a video on patrick velner doing shitty muscle-ups would have pumped the algorithm there's that there's there are certainner doing shitty muscle-ups would have pumped the algorithm.
Starting point is 01:32:09 There are certain athletes doing shitty things that pump the algorithm, but Vellner, that would have sped the wrong way. So I'm glad that he left no room for doubt. And the statement is, when you leave room for judgment, expect to be judged, or a judgment call made by the judge. So watching Vellner, you don't see any of that on anything really. And that, that's his biggest thing is he's always moving really well. Um,
Starting point is 01:32:30 Susie, could we see, uh, this Kip on, they're saying it's on, um, on, you don't see it on geez.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Uh, Instagram. I was totally expecting you to tell us about geez lift, by the way. No, it's stories or something. Okay. Let's talk about, let's talk about geez lift to fuck it Gies Lift, by the way. No, is it in his stories or something? Okay, fine. Let's talk about Gies Lift, too.
Starting point is 01:32:48 Fuck it. Oh, you didn't want to? Well, I was going to save it for tonight, but let's do it. Let's get it out of the way. Let's do this. No, we can save it for tonight. No, keep going. Build the anticipation.
Starting point is 01:32:56 That's not a video. I mean, you can still see what he's doing there. God, he looks young. Yeah, that one. That's it. Gosh, that's so stupid because it's slow it's just dumb i don't i don't know i mean whatever again i go back i go back to my opinion and we talked about this when we did the semi-finals preview talking about programming or i think the climbing along with running are probably two of the most like basic
Starting point is 01:33:30 human athletic movements you could do going back to you know just being able to move across land human beings have to run and climb and i just don't like it when people are bad at climbing i think it looks great okay uh i'm gonna uh were there were there any other videos besides the gee one that we didn't show um suza nope that was it yeah that was it remember when you said there was enough drama going on this weekend wasn't that you said on i was just trying to you know dramatize the weekend for you i'm just putting a big note here let's talk about gee's. That'll give us something to talk about. Cause we only have one event left.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Um, and we're going to start at six 10 soon as that, that thing's over so that we can be done by seven and watch UFC. Yeah. I don't know if this matters too, but I pulled up while I, Pat was talking about it, the different lanes.
Starting point is 01:34:20 So the, the total length of the bar, not just the inside, but the total length of the bar is 69 inches for the um c70 and then um the full length uh the full length of the rogue like olympic weightlifting barbell is um 86.6 so that's a difference of 17.6 inches uh across the whole entire barbell not just inside inside, but the whole barbell as itself. So it is quite a bit smaller. 69 inches, and Hiller doesn't believe in coincidences.
Starting point is 01:34:51 They did that on purpose. I got pink-eyed 69ing once. Wow. And we're off. Hey, that's the only way pink-eye happens, by the way.

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