The Sevan Podcast - #448 | Strength in Depth & Atlas Games Pt. 4

Episode Date: June 12, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. I feel like I'm bigger than usual. What's going on here? Bam, we're live. Oh, shit, your internet's all fucked up, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:00:39 What? No, it's coming a little clearer now. You were fuzzy at first. Excellente. Tall vodka at first tall vodka is a fun you don't know what tall vodka is you don't even know what you're talking about tall vodka only one time was I drinking
Starting point is 00:00:56 on the show that was like last week sometime that was a good episode the one Sousa ran so thisff birchfield guy i'm gonna make him a moderator look at ad moderator hey you know what i was thinking about every time we do that that's like a status symbol it's like a blue check mark in our own little community you know like they get a little blue wrench next to them and people know
Starting point is 00:01:20 that they got this in the chat i wish i I could change it to a to a eggplant. That'd be cool. Cain's too far up. I just adorated a bunch of people. He's adorated a new word. Where's Bruce? Is Bruce one of those? He needs to be one of those. I thought he was.
Starting point is 00:01:42 He is. He is. Okay. Wait, what's this? Did someone give money already? No. Oh, this guy highlighted my name. Why is not having someone on more... Have MWGA on the set? There's a lot...
Starting point is 00:02:00 Okay. Alright. Oh, and Heidi's one too. Oh. I wonder if I can make will brandster what if i just made everyone one well then you take away its exclusivity and now it doesn't matter no no no exclusivity you said right yeah i thought i heard you say inclusivity would be added inclusivity no no um why why am I just noticing fractional plates? Why are not more people using fractional plates? What's going on? I don't fucking know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Does anyone know what's going on? How could I be so stupid and people are dumber than me? It's frustrating when I'm the dumbest guy in the room and then there's still people dumber than you. Okay. Who is the dumbest out of all of us? Probably me. Me.
Starting point is 00:02:47 It's definitely not JR, and I don't think it's Sousa, so it's a battle between the two of us. The battle of the dummies. JR, how come I'm just – why am I just noticing fractionals? I think you've probably noticed them at the games before. It's just a shame that – I mean, here at these events. I mean, with the complex the last few weeks.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I mean, everyone wants to cross-compare all the semifinals even though the lifts are on different days at all of them and in different orders. So that's already difficult
Starting point is 00:03:14 to compare. But now we have events that can only go up by five or ten pound increments and then we've got this competition. So it makes it even harder. Oh!
Starting point is 00:03:23 So wait a second. Are you telling me this is the first semifinal in the complex where they've allowed fractionals? That is exactly what he's telling you. It's pretty fucked up, isn't it? This doesn't even make any sense.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I'm so fucking confused right now. How can that be? It's a... Who do we know who knows what's going on do we know seriously do we know anyone who knows like who would we talk to is that a crossfit ink think or is that a um well first of all let me ask you this jar how do you know this is the first one um that fractionals have been allowed because it's the first one you've seen them yeah the first one i've seen i think when kilos are used sometimes it can make you think that they have fractional plates but actually do think they had fractionals maybe i don't know what's even more fucked up about all this is that australia was using pounds they were using pounds and then wait one of the europeans
Starting point is 00:04:18 was using pounds and then the other one was using kilograms and then uh g is using kilograms and someone at atlas is probably like we got to give our athletes a shot to beat him by half a pound give them the fractionals at the last second that's what it seems like i mean i like the fractionals because of the gamemanship of course you'd like the fraction yeah well the fractional you get to game it way more you're looking over everybody's sneaking up a pound at a time makes it more more interesting yeah and it's nice to i have six or seven athletes tie 325 i agree with all of that yes i mean that was awesome when uh farlo so so far they'll put one and a quarter what are those the little little white ones no what color are those ones uh
Starting point is 00:04:59 the white ones so they put he put he put the little he put the little white ones on there, one and a quarter. And that's what got him to 247.5? Oh, yeah, because they're 1.25. I got some of them. Look at Hiller with the props. He's a good dude. I didn't see. Here's the thing with Farlow, man.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I didn't see any footwork. Like, oh,ow, man. I didn't see any footwork. Like, oh, okay, yeah. Okay, yeah, I got those too. Those little tiny ones. Yeah, so that's why it's 0.5 on there because you put one of these on each end and it adds 2.5 pounds, which is this guy. How clean was his footwork?
Starting point is 00:05:40 It was clean. It was nuts. Are you trying to say it wasn't clean? No, I'm trying to say it's super clean. It was nuts. Are you trying to say it wasn't clean because it was, no, I'm trying to say it's super clean. I saw a lot of guys pushing it there, you know, pushing,
Starting point is 00:05:52 I mean, uh, Guy's footwork wasn't that clean. Not, not that it was bad, but, but a lot of people, you don't see that clean footwork and his footwork was really clean.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I mean, Velner looked amazing too, but, um, I feel like Jack, we don't know what his max is. Like there's more in the tank well if you say that i feel like we don't know what any of their maxes are i feel like i feel like if you just gave them a clock and said work up to a heavy complex we would be closer to like
Starting point is 00:06:17 what their maxes are if that makes any sense yeah because it's three lifts and there's playing with it's like i think I could do this, but maybe they could do more. Can you make that a little bigger? Um, Susie, it's, it's a little,
Starting point is 00:06:31 uh, it's a little grainy. Uh, we have 40 minutes and I'm going to fly out of here. Did, did any of you guys buy UFC two 75? I bought UFC two 76. Oh,
Starting point is 00:06:43 is that the one that's tonight? I'm fucking with you. Oh, you asshole. You had a couple people in here saying they wanted to tag along while you watched the fights. So pretty soon you'll just have a camera on everything you do commentating over it. I'm so quiet when I watch the fights.
Starting point is 00:07:01 There's one or two guys in here that I probably shouldn't say their names, who are crazy UFC fans that I text with. Can you make it bigger still? I want to be able to see their names. I can. I'm just having trouble finding a medium. Can you put them in the order of strongest to weakest
Starting point is 00:07:20 and rank them by that final event, that fifth event? I want to hear what Hiller and JR think that there's any surprises in here. Okay, here we go. Jack Harlow, 347.5. Oh, so that was a three-way tie? No. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:07:39 It's just showing guys aren't there. That didn't perform. Yeah, for whatever reason, when you go by a workout, it brings in the people that are okay uh drake drake lewis at 335 um uh jack rosema jeffrey adler josh workman patrick velner alex vigno okay let's start there with alex vigno he was so excited it doesn't look like he uh had all that much confidence in his numbers and that i mean from what i remember he doesn't look like he uh had all that much confidence in his numbers and that i mean from what i remember he isn't the strongest olympic lifter but he's a very brute lifter he's got a great deadlift a great back squat and not the greatest press so i think he's probably just
Starting point is 00:08:18 excited to hit the lift yeah that was great for him too because i'm pretty sure he failed his second lift at 315 and so he actually went up and then made that that's probably why he was as pumped also and um it was interesting because that was one of the guys we were talking about uh before we broke away from the last show we were saying that there's three guys that are guaranteed in and it was basically velner adler and i think coron and the debate was whether it was vigno or not and brian said yeah vigno can be you know pretty much guaranteed in two and so you see i mean brian obviously believed in his lift maybe even more than um alex did how bad was his lift uh his 315
Starting point is 00:08:55 miss i missed it you know he looked a little frustrated afterwards like maybe it was just a technical or timing error so okay i don't think he would have gone up had he thought that he missed it because he wasn't strong enough to hit it. Did you guys see? I think it was Caron held the bar in the front rack position too long and then just decided not to go up with it. I missed that part. Yeah, it might have got a little lightheaded
Starting point is 00:09:18 or just knew that it was too much time under tension to be able to drive out of it. I don't know who it was. I think it was Adrian Conwayway but adrian conway said this isn't a snatch when you're at the when you're at the bottom in the hole you got you you can't you can't be fooling around you got to come straight up explain that to me the difference in in the weights relationship to the midline i'm guessing on why it's so important to come out of the hole quickly in a uh in a clean in a squat clean versus versus a squat snatch or do you not agree with him
Starting point is 00:09:55 i'm gonna say that i've seen more people hang out in the bottom of a clean that i've seen hang out in the bottom of a snatch really okay jr i mean maybe not in this complex but in general i i definitely think of froning i mean froning catches a clean every time you would just hang out down there and they'd pop up like a pause squat yeah yeah yeah some people get down there and make sure the weight's where they want it some people can use like a double or triple bounce to get out of the hole but But I think probably what he's referring to is the fact that in a snatch, you can stay in the bottom because the load on the legs is typically a lot less. And as long as your shoulders are locked in, you're almost using the earth to support the load, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah, that's exactly what I was going with. Because stability, a lot of times too, if you rush out of the bottom of the snatch and it's a little bit off and you don't have it set in, you'll miss the lift just because you stood up too quick and dropped the bar. It's just basically not pushed back far enough into your throat. No, I'm talking about why you would hang out at the bottom of a snatch a little bit more often than you would a clean. No, but I'm saying why – but the only reason why it would come out is, it's not pushed back far enough. The only reason that would make a clean, I'm just, I don't understand this thing that JR is proposing that it's the earth
Starting point is 00:11:11 supporting it. All I can think is is that if you're in a front rack and you don't have the way, basically it should be sitting when it's sitting, when the bar sitting over you in a snatch in a perfect world, it'd be sitting on the same plane as where it's sitting in the front rack of us clean. Correct. Do we agree? Yeah. Yeah. in a clean it's coming forward it's easy well i guess not not if you don't have shoulder mobility shit what do i know okay that's it just stabilizing it a little bit more okay so we don't necessarily agree with uh adrian conway i i just would like
Starting point is 00:11:43 to know where he's coming from with that because i think you're going to have differing perspectives on that and i just saw in the comments that somebody some people were agreeing with me and some people were not agreeing with me so i think that's just adrian throwing his take on the stream for everyone to hear on what they prefer uh we had been talking in that other show about uh showed Emma Lawson doing 195 at 14 years old. And someone sent me a video. I don't know if it's in my notes. Oh, yeah, it's in my notes.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Can you pull that Instagram up, Sousa? It says 15-year-old. I think that – was there an event called the European Championships? Was that one of the semifinals? No. One of them didn't have that name also? No. This is a 15-year-old girl named Lucy.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Let's just call her Lucy. You're incorrect. Get out of here. Go ahead. Go ahead and play this. She's 15 years old. This is 200 pounds. This is nuts.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Or so they say she's 15. Allegedly. Allegedly. And this is 39 weeks ago, so I think she had just turned 15. I mean, I know it's hard to tell because it's from the back, but their form looks amazing also. Yeah. That's incredible.
Starting point is 00:13:13 That's incredible. Do you think the numbers are just going to keep going up every single year? You think that the next T is already amongst us? I think there's a terminal load, just like there is a terminal mile time or a terminal number of ring muscle-ups unbroken, to where if you exceed that, you're going to have to let other things suffer
Starting point is 00:13:42 because you focus on that one thing so much. I think weightlifting is probably the same in that regard. It's interesting you say that one of the final comments, uh, I think it was who was, who was commentating with Adrian Conway. That's Joel, Joel, Joel, Joel said that, um, no, no, it was Adrian Conway. It said, I guess he had a Adler on his, uh, podcast and he told Adrian Conway, yeah, I don't need to get any stronger. Like I'm just trying to maintain my strength because I guess there's a cost for him to get stronger. Right. And so that there's a, and there's a cost to benefit. So if he wants to win the CrossFit games, there's a greater benefit to working on another ship besides the strength. Yeah. Especially if your strength is already at the level that it needs
Starting point is 00:14:25 to be like if you're able to move the weights that are on the field already and you could already know where you're going to place amongst all the other athletes like in terms of like your max loads and you're already there check the box and go work on some other things that are going to vary like especially if you go into the games you're running hold on to your shorts guys but i think it was ben bergeron who said that you have to be strong enough to pay to play. And I think he was talking in specific the ability to snatch 265 for the males back in like 2018 or 19 to qualify for the next stage of competition, which would have been the sanctionals at that point. Ben Bergeron props, and I agree with that. You've got to be strong enough to get to wherever it is
Starting point is 00:15:05 you want to be so if jr comes up and he goes hey i want to make it to if he's a 25 year old dude and he wants to make the sanctionals that year he goes okay can you snatch 265 if the answer is no you got to work at it and if he can do 295 then why waste time snatching all that much like if he can't do other things exactly that being said the strongest guys at the crossfit games always seem to win and what do i mean by that maybe there's one or two guys who are stronger than rich in in one or two lifts the years he won the games but but it was it was only him and tommy hackenbrook who went for the 400 pound overhead squat i remember that and then frazier go no he hit he hit the 375 and so and no one and no one's going to say
Starting point is 00:15:47 that Fraser wasn't one of the strongest every year right? okay I'm feeling it out I'm not fighting with you I'm just feeling it out how about Sam Riggs the year she won right
Starting point is 00:15:58 okay hey that was just shitty programming let's go let's go to a programmer review of the 2014 games as i say remember back in the day there's a guy named rudy nielsen he used to do the outlaw crossfit like programming the competitive stuff and he had this theory that like whoever the male was that had the the max like the highest snatch was the predictor to win the crossfit games and if you guys remember that old video where uh what's his face uh it's that five-time champ's name again oh yeah frazier he snatched that 315 without his shoes tied and rudy nielsen kind of
Starting point is 00:16:37 made the call there and said this will be your guys's next crossfit game champion what do you think about that wow like does it correlate that much i don't know what is i don't know what is max well then tola would also be a contender then too who tola morquino oh well so davis um uh scott panchuk was on the show and he said hey um whoever wins this workout right here is going to win this semi-final yeah the midline sadness not only not only did um that not only was he right but they placed seven in a row first through seven were first through seven in the at that semi-final that was pretty crazy and i think the defining piece in there that scott was most locked in on was the overhead squat
Starting point is 00:17:19 yeah just like the all-encompassing movement yeah shows that you're mobile strong well pieced together skills what do you think jr do you have a favorite a favorite um you got to say something before people start making fun of you you got it you got it you got it you got a favorite movement snatch overhead squat that you like to see as some sort of defining factor yeah i mean i think we Collar on once and he said if there was one movement he could pick that you could just say someone is a machine, it would be a really, really heavy overhead squat. Because if one thing is off, you can't do it. And people were talking a lot in the comments about being surprised at what Adler hit. And then, you know, Adrian chimed in and said, you know, I talked to me, said, I just need to be strong enough in order for me to be fitter. I can't get any stronger. If anything,
Starting point is 00:18:09 I just need to try to maintain my strength or be somewhere close to that. And thinking back like to 20.4, you know, you think about performances that are like the most impressive things you've ever seen in CrossFit. A lot of people would say Fraser's friendly Fran. I would throw people like Dakota Ragers 18.3 in there, just like the most jaw dropping single performances that you saw. If you remember Jeff Adler on 20.4, how fast he did that clean and jerk ladder, 315 looked like 225. It was nuts. Just power clean and push jerk, all of them. And he doesn't even do more than that in this complex until his last lift. And he doesn't even do more than that in this complex until his last lift.
Starting point is 00:18:48 So clearly he's been prioritizing training in that way. That's the dude. And Adler's also the guy with the 400-pound deadlift on his first day of weightlifting. Right? Isn't that one of the stories that they told? I think so, yeah. Crazy. But, I mean, he hit that 335, and he didn't look very fatigued from it. It it looked like he had more in the tank but he knew that was probably what he needed to do and that was it
Starting point is 00:19:09 yeah they are sitting in second i saw a lot of good lifts i feel like it was the best lifting i've seen at any of the semi-finals just from just a casual okay yeah and and most of it i'm putting just on the on the jerks because we saw a lot we've seen a lot of funky footwork on the jerks throughout this last three weeks. What's up with that? People doing the onesie twosie. They're just pushing their limits. It's the fact that they're using the wood platforms and they never use those at their everyday training.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Everyone trains on rubber matting of some sort. It might have a little play with it, but also too, as you guys know, that complex is just super heavy on the legs. Can you pull up Dave Castro's Instagram real quick? I want to show you guys know, that complex is just super heavy on the legs. Can you pull up Dave Castro's Instagram real quick? I want to show you guys something. The importance of giving
Starting point is 00:19:49 people attribution when it's appropriate. It's a picture where Dave's celebrating that it's good to be back and it's a picture of him and the great Nicole Carroll and that's Gary Gaines there. He's the new guy on the team who's running the affiliates.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Excited to be back in the fight with CrossFit and leaders like Nicole Carroll and Gary Gaines. I'm here to serve the CF team, the CF community, and the amazing methodology that Greg Glassman created and changed the world with. Let's do this. And then he gives the photo credit to eric rose of fall 2021 just thought that that was a really class act and i and i like dave with the mustache you like dave with the mustache jr i'm a fan of it yeah me too hillar top top gun look yeah yeah it's you know miles gives me a clint eastwood um, no, no. Miles. Western look. Yeah, it's a little cowboyish.
Starting point is 00:20:49 I like the corner. It's the best. Who's Miles? Who's Miles? He's an actor, or he's a character in the new Top Gun movie that everyone's talking about right now. Oh. But we know you haven't seen Top Gun. No, I want to.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I want to so bad. It's probably the best movie ever. You know, it sat in the can for like almost two years. Yes. I didn't want to waste it on a time where no one could see a movie in theaters. Crazy. Um,
Starting point is 00:21:13 let's talk about, let's talk about geese lift earlier. Um, it was something that we didn't speak about earlier. I, there, there's a, uh,
Starting point is 00:21:22 I think that we've seen a lot of different angles. I really liked the most recent angle i saw i think i included it in my notes susan where you can actually see the refer the referee the judge telling him to come forward the judge is actually scared he's going to fall off the back um from all from all of these videos i was thinking that the platform was fucked but actually it's gee who's fucked right why is Why is he standing so far back? Why is he way back there? Why didn't he roll the weights up? Just too excited to do the lift?
Starting point is 00:21:49 A lot of times lifters will do that if they think that if they're going to fail the lift at all, it could be forward on the jerk, and it just gives them a little bit more real estate to walk it out and still stay on the platform. Okay. And it really is, it's not a very good jerk. I mean, it's a horrible jerk, actually.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Go ahead, go. I mean, he's just strong as shit. The first or the second one is horrible. There's only one jerk. I don't think he's also jumping a little faster. Got me, Hiller. Sorry. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful positioning.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Everything's beautiful. He's moving's beautiful he's moving quick he's moving quick oh it's not as bad as i thought okay it's not as bad as i thought it's not as bad as he gets his leg back there and and and the trip the trip here is is that people are tripping because he took a double stab at it, and that's against the rules, right? It's against the fucking rules. Yeah, here's the thing. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:22:55 That judge would have been murdered on the spot, though. Here, let me tell you what I heard. Let me tell you the story I heard. I heard that he did his first lift, and then when he went to go do his second lift, just prior to doing his second lift someone got injured and the guy was screaming and rolling around on the ground and the only person who ran over there was gee and gee ran over there the best gee gee ran over there to talk to this dude make sure he's okay and during that time missed his second lift and then came back with only 20 seconds spare to get his third lift
Starting point is 00:23:31 really what do you think jr i don't even know what this is not that he really needed it but i think it's impressive that he could let his mind go away from the task at hand and then just come right back to it and be like okay yeah i gotta hit this 357 now hey dude it's just like if you're getting it on with your wife and the dog wants to come in the room and you hear him scratching on the door and you got to stop and go open it it's no different don't act like it's some great thing he did fair sorry hillary to put how on this place sorry sorry i i mean i mean three babies doing that move uh jr i made three babies doing that move having to let the dog in and out of the room just to make it last
Starting point is 00:24:11 a few more minutes a few more seconds the only time that works out is in the movies when you're like trying to take care of your competitors it's like oh look at the heroes and i go help out his competitor and then the competitor like ends up fucking with him so that he can like take advantage of him by trying to oh look i broke my ankle i can't stand up and the guy picks him up and then he like throws him out of the ground and he finishes the race in front of him and then the hero ends up like somehow coming out on top after everything it only works in the movies never in real life have i seen like you wouldn't see conor mcgregor like take it easy on somebody right there how do you feel about that someone i mean i have we have seen we have seen people we saw glover to share a beating of anthony smith and look at the referee and go what the fuck we
Starting point is 00:24:54 also searched george foreman do that you know 15 20 years ago 30 years ago in a match in a heavyweight match he's punching the dude and he like stops and he's like ref like what um did he then get knocked the fuck out because no no both those guys won both those guys won um well it works out other places than the movie what what is what would his lift have been what was his first lift what he won the event with his first lift yes oh wow okay so i don't care take it away from him what do i care damn right yeah what do i care he shouldn't care either that's awesome hey he should turn himself in he should he should make a video where he's turning himself into the police department down
Starting point is 00:25:29 there in brazil hey guys to the police department yeah wherever he can use the video i put out tomorrow as evidence he goes hey watch this and arrest me um jr we're at the crossfit games it's the final event 2022 and it's a lifting event. And Guy wins the event and beats Justin Medeiros by five points. And it was the exact same thing that happened that we just saw happen there. Hiller's got hard. Hiller got hard. You get your turn get your turn too buddy what do we do what what do we do at that point the rep the the judge let it go the judge has a fantastic explanation that's within the rule book he's not giving him a pass he thought it was a bar adjustment which is allowed
Starting point is 00:26:21 right yes a re-grip is allowed, but not a re-rack. So at that point, you have to go for the next call. Yeah. Okay, so whatever he did or not doesn't matter. I'm just saying what the judge said. So let's say the judge said something that makes it so it falls within the rules. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Then you got to go with the call on the floor. Well, look how high it comes up right there. And D would be the champion with the capacity to beat him. It's not like he cheated, but it's still not within the rules. If you play the capacity game, anybody can win. Well, what qualifies as it like lifting up? Like does it have to – like if it's over your head, is that too high? Because we did see him do like a readjust in the front rack
Starting point is 00:27:06 when he came out of that front sky. It's his foot goes back, Sousa. His foot actually goes back in that first one. I did see that. I did see that. Hey, when I release my video tomorrow. Hey, Hiller won't speak on it. JR doesn't want to speak on it until he sees your video.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Sorry, JR. Go ahead. No, I was going to say, it's strange because it doesn't want to speak on until he sees your video sorry jared go ahead no i was gonna say just it it's strange because it doesn't look like he attempts to push under the bar but his foot does move which makes it really odd looking let's see one more time the motherfucker moves so fast that it's hard to tell and then of course i cut it down to like 25 speed and you in a hundred percent looks like he's going for a jerk there's no doubting it and then the other thing that i try to point out in the video is that when he's doing these complexes it looks like he's trying to get him over as quick as possible if anything because it looks
Starting point is 00:27:53 cooler and maybe it's time under tension maybe it's just the way that he goes about doing these things but it is what he does he tries to get off his shoulders get it over with like oh look at how easy that was for him and it looks like it was trying to be what he was going for it's like look how easy that has destroyed the record and then he's like oh shit the bar's a little bit in front i need to save this that's what it looks like to me and i break it down it's all slow and nine minute mark in the video if you don't want to waste your time on the first nine minutes uh karina rain catrin and the other chick in the same heat, kettlebell devils, please tell... Oh, we talked about that in the last show. Karina. And Hiller made
Starting point is 00:28:30 a video on it on his Instagram. I think that we were questioning her reps. Mr. James Townsend, thank you. It's McDonald's and Oreo money. You'll get abs like me. Oh, geez. Hey, you gotta go buy some now. I'll never, ever.'t made it in the kitchen you ever had to make flurry before no i'd like to they're they're you gotta mix the
Starting point is 00:28:55 oreos with the m&ms and i like i like all oreo shakes um let's pull up joe joe joy joyal is that patrick joyal and let's talk about whether he what's going to happen to him get your guys's Let's pull up Joe Joyal. Is that Patrick? Joyal. And let's talk about what's going to happen to him, get your guys' predictions for his future. Is he going to the CrossFit Games? I think he's washed up. I think it's all over. You do?
Starting point is 00:29:20 It's going to be close. I think I said on the first day that he would have finished in fifth or sixth, and he's in sixth. I think Brian said the same thing, and you were the only one who thought he was going to totally dominate Vellner and Adler. Thanks, Hiller. So, JR, I guess the data that we have here is that we're going to compare him
Starting point is 00:29:42 to Spencer, right? And we can see he took first in that workout, and Spencer took a 16th, then an 8th, then a 1st, and then they've kind of flipped the script on the next two workouts. So I guess the question is, do the next two workouts favor Austin Spencer or Nicholas Joyal based on what we know about those? I mean, we kind of know what they're good at now, right?
Starting point is 00:30:11 To an extent, yeah. I mean, they both had to do the same test they both had to deal with pretty big chunks of gymnastics they both had to deal with lifting under fatigue and they both had to do a one rep max complex the one thing that we can say is that there will be no more barbell and joy's worst finishes have been both workouts with barbell, one being the max lift and then one with the 15 snatches under fatigue. I don't have any reason to believe he's not going to excel at legless rope climbs and that he's not going to excel at handstand walks, GHDs, and wall balls. So unless there's just a capacity issue, which we might see in the longer time domain because this will be the long workout,
Starting point is 00:30:43 then I wouldn't think there'd be a reason that he wouldn't slide into five oh bill grundler's gonna hate this um and any any any chance that we could see the grundler effect on either of these guys that's where you're amazing for one or two workouts and then you shift because you're old i'm just talking about grundler and towards the end of his career at del mar we would see him come out first first day smoking, the second day stink like Bengay and shit the bed. Honestly, I like –
Starting point is 00:31:09 What you were talking about, is he going to blow his knee out on the rope climbs? No, no, no, nothing that bad. Bill in the comments section, he's going to kill you. Bill dropped his cane from the top of the ropes one year, and they don't allow canes going up anymore. I really like Cedric's point the point actually over both of those people oh oh you do okay let's go back to the let's go back to the leaderboard let me see uh he's probably still within striking distance yeah for sure he is totally within striking distance
Starting point is 00:31:36 let's see um okay he blocked me on instagram i think he's gonna probably take fifth over those two guys well uh what what about what about far what about farlo uh rope climb no go my opinion uh go down a little bit more let's see who's in ninth connor duddy okay yeah he boned himself by not hitting that second clean and jerk oh i, I hate it when I bone myself. Oh, really? I thought you'd love it. No, not Jerry.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Why do you think Cedric's in a tank? Are you kidding? Have you ever seen him? He, every year in the open, he's in the top and this next workout is all capacity. And then that last one, I,
Starting point is 00:32:18 I like his chances over both Spencer and joy on the rope climb, especially because every single year he misses it. Either he's got the fire to hit it, or he's going to tank out like he does every year. Those are the two options, and I think he'll take fifth. I'm going to go with Patrick, Adler, Caron, Vigneault, and Joy Al. Go ahead. I'll let Sousa go next. Sousa, have you been watching these?
Starting point is 00:32:43 Not as closely as I should, but I don't think there's going to be too much of a shakeup. I agree with Hiller here. I think Cedric is going to sneak in. Jerry says he chokes. That was half of what I said. And the smartest guy in the room, what do you think, Mr. Howell? We'll make it two to two. I'll go with
Starting point is 00:32:59 Jor-El. Okay, good. Sevan, you just missed a dogfight in the first round of the fight that's going on oh and don't worry i'll go back but but the main event doesn't start for the main card doesn't start for 13 minutes don't do that to me don't do okay let's go to the girls really quick the ladies and then i want to go back over and visit uh strength and if we're being honest i also choose austin spencer over joy al at this point you dickhead uh um this is my question for you guys so if we saw emma lawson do 195 oh but that was a single that was a single clean and jerk at the age of 14
Starting point is 00:33:38 does um she looked so good at 212.5. I think she can do more. But is that her coach just being smart and being like, man, she's 17? Is there any of that? Is there any like just really, really just keep it just slow and steady? Well, I don't think there was this much of a cushion before the lift. But if you look at the cushion now between her number of points and being out of a qualifying spot, it's almost 100. So there's probably no need to do it just for ego
Starting point is 00:34:14 or just to say you hit five pounds more. Emma Lawson, 376. And in sixth place, I can't read the name, but it's Vander Drieschen-Schiegen-Aaron. And Aaron has 288 88 points yeah so jr saying that that she's in it she's in it okay in that fifth spot with uh carolyn prevo and i and i and i it kind of ate my words i'm kind of surprised how well carolyn prevo did with that 210 pounds i always just think of her as being weak as a bird and just all engine basically then uh the new sam briggs but um i think it's
Starting point is 00:34:48 only upward and onward for her from here right the new sam briggs you know she's been in the game for a while who carolyn prevo i know but she's eight years younger than sam i guess when you put it that way uh so so so i i think that those i think that's So I think those are our winners right there. I don't think anything changes. What do you guys think? I think that you are correct, sir, especially with that 50-point gap. This is also very similar to what Brian's predictions looked like, I believe. And if you look at these names,
Starting point is 00:35:22 you have no reason to believe that they're going to be overtaken. No. Here's the thing. The best person down there, the best finish down there below them is Allison Scudds. She took second place in event two. She's the only one that shows us any top of the food chain performance. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Sabrina Gordon in 26th is the second place finish to her name. Let's see go down it's probably the weight lifting i bet you is it if it's the weight lifting that doesn't count yeah it's the weight lifting yeah yeah all right i'm just walking with you um so i guess we'll see is there a chance scuds could take first place um on the rope climb and someone in this top five could uh pull a colton mertens she has to make up more than 100 points or just under 100 points what's her point she has to make on the rope climb and someone in this top five could pull a Colton Mertens. She has to make up more than a hundred points or just under a hundred points. What's her point total? She has to make up a hundred. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:11 A hundred, 101. I don't think there's that many athletes in the field. Are there, are there, are there 30? Cause if not, if you finish last,
Starting point is 00:36:18 you still get what? 10 points for like a 27th. Yeah. 30. All right, Allison. I'll see you at the bar tonight, Allison. Yeah, I mean, there's just not enough points on the board, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Okay, let's head over to strength and depth. You sure you want to do that? No, I know I don't. Well, I do, so I'm happy we're going. Okay, so we're going gonna start with the girls here uh jacqueline dollstrom emma mcquade uh helga daughter um sigurda solvig uh alisa and uh are the five alisa fulano uh brian says that he doesn't know who she is and he was trying to get some information on her do any of us know who she is nothing susan does actually i do no you said you did he dated her in high school
Starting point is 00:37:12 yeah he doesn't want to talk about it though so go on to the next athlete once again once again once again um i think it's pretty certain that those top three girls are locked up right uh agreed yes sigmund's daughter she's always just like uh as far as as long as i've ever known her she's been an instagram name and a possible contender and this is the first time i think i remember her being in contention and actually up there and i'm wondering whether or not that lift is padding her numbers a little bit that's just just me speculating for the sole sake of speculating, but it'll be interesting to see how the last day goes
Starting point is 00:37:48 if she can keep herself up there. How big is she? What's her size, Sousa? 5'1". Oh, I thought you were talking about Elisa. Elisa's 5'1". 177 meters, 150 pounds. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Any thoughts here? Any big movements? Anything you think is going to happen? I guess the question is, is would be Sam Briggs. I think, I think Sam Briggs can put a stick in it. I think she, or whatever, a fork in it. I think she's done. Yeah. I disagree.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Okay. I strongly disagree. The last two events are that, that rope climb event and the bike event. She could go like three three on that no problem okay and that would get and then you have someone like sigmund's daughter who like we just saw that she's a very weight lifter and typically the heavy lifting events don't go well with the body weight running events and that is just a stereotype and it'd be cool if she can overcome that stereotype okay 42 points um what do you think? Uh, I'm voting Sam's out. Hiller says
Starting point is 00:38:45 Sam's in Sousa, Sam in or out 40 freaking points. Are you kidding? And two events? Yeah. And I think the, the last two events to favor her pretty good. So actually, yeah, I take that back. And now that we're looking over the point spread, I think, I think she does have a shot. I think she's going to have too much Metamucil up tomorrow morning and her throat's going to close up. Should we just lower? JR, Sam Briggs in it? Is she going to the CrossFit Games or not? Yeah, I said in earlier today, so I'll stick with it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:10 But not Katrin's daughter? No, out. How do you think she does in that rope climb one? Out. She's a champion, Hiller. She's a two-time Games champion. She knows how to win. You can use that exact same excuse to say why
Starting point is 00:39:26 Briggs would make it. You're saying she's out. She beat Tia. She beat Tia. No comment. JR, Katrin beat Tia. Yeah, that's probably before Tia was Tia.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I think this is a dig at Hiller, so I'll bring this up. Eyebrows is confused. That means Hiller's confused. They're saying Hiller's confused. Is this your first episode? They're always doing that. Oh my goodness. Dude, you need an eyebrow shirt.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Someone said that. Turn the bat into wings. Eyebrow wings. That'd be ridiculous. I don't know how I feel about that. Anything else you guys want to bring up? We talked about ghee. We talked about fractional plates.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Jack Farlow, we talked about how strong he is, how young he is. He's only 19. Oh, that was an interesting tidbit that Joel gave out too, that Freya was lifting against Emma Lawson, and they said Freya was a competitive dancer, which was kind of interesting because Emma Lawson was also a competitive dancer, unless he got his wires confused.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Paige Powers. Powerful. As the announcers would like to say. Super corny. Not incorrect, though. She's going. Oh, hell yeah, she's going. Look at that cushion she's at
Starting point is 00:41:00 over freaking sixth place. 100 points almost. Alright, I got nothing. CrossFit Noric Originals in seventh. We interviewed that entire team almost. And because maybe they're missing their top guy, one of their top guys, they are 10 points out in strength and depth.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Just worth noting. Tomorrow, we... Frank. Frank. Frank. Get the fuck out of here. Tomorrow we will be on twice. We're going to let the first three events go by.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Then we're going to jump on in the early afternoon. I think it's around one 30. We'll get it scheduled up soon and then we will do the final event and then we'll come on and I will hit up a shitload of athletes and try to get them. I think a lot of them will be doing their drug test, piss test. If anyone knows Emma Lawson, she's 17 and her, I'm not allowed to DM 17 year olds. So have her DM me or one of the guys on the team.
Starting point is 00:41:57 If she'd like to come on the show, we'd love to have her on a huge fans of a miss loss and she's impressed all of us. And I will see you guys tomorrow. Bye bye.

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