The Sevan Podcast - #449 | Strength in Depth & Atlas Games Pt. 5

Episode Date: June 12, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. All right, I'll be honest. I didn't catch a lot of the mail heat for Event 5. We're live.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I just wanted to tell you that before you say something crazy. Bam, we're live. Didn't say anything crazy. You didn't catch what? I didn't catch a lot of the mail heat for Event 5 as i was plugging together my catcher and david's daughter thing i just like it when you say excuse uh guys uh i'm gonna start the show with something that's um uh off topic uh but who cares it's my show and um those of you who follow the show know that i'm always all over the place i've been i've been on my instagram i've been taking some jabs at europe and canada and follow the show know that I'm always all over the place.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I've been, I've been on my Instagram. I've been taking some jabs at Europe and Canada and Australia for, I don't know, two years now. Love you guys. Just fucking with you guys. Everyone take a chill, but I want to tell you something that you guys have confused over there that three people brought up to me today. You guys talk about universal healthcare and, and, and, and how great your countries are because you have health care for everyone you have to understand something there's different ways to think about stuff and
Starting point is 00:01:30 when you're given when the media gives you a way to think about something and you get stuck thinking about it you're blind and i'm going to explain it to you like this and some of you are going to be really excited and don't if you're european or canadian or australian don't feel bad most americans don't understand this either they're tricked tricked also. It's just word trickery. It's just word fuckery. It happens to all of us. Okay. In this country, prior to Obamacare, everyone in this country had free healthcare. Not free, it's not free, but everyone had healthcare. Our hospitals in the United States will never turn anyone away. We had healthcare for everyone and anyone. turn anyone away. We had healthcare for everyone and anyone. We had what you guys call universal healthcare and we had it for everyone. Those of us, we have nothing. They call it health insurance that those of us have, but it's not health insurance. It's a misnomer. They've tricked you into thinking of the world like that in the United States. And most of the citizens in the United States have fallen for it too. And you guys have fallen for it too. No one in this country has
Starting point is 00:02:28 health insurance. What they have is asset protection insurance. All of our healthcare has always been provided for all of the citizens in this country at no cost to them. But when you own a home, you have to get health insurance. They call it health insurance. It's not really health insurance to protect your assets because that way, if you have a hospital bill, that's like $50,000, they won't take your home from you. You understand what I'm saying? It's a misnomer. It's not health insurance. It's asset protection insurance. And because you believe what the news tells you and how they word things, you think that's the way it works. But it's only recently with the advent of something that they called Obamacare that poor people started having to pay for insurance.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Now, if you don't have health insurance, poor people are, you're now fined at the end of the year by your taxes. But it used to be free for everyone. You have to know that it was free for everyone in this country and it always has been. And just people who own homes, we would get health insurance that way. Like if we got in a car accident and then in the bill was going to be $3 million for a new lung, we wouldn't have to put a lien against our house. We had insurance to get, we had asset protection insurance. That's all it is. It's a complete misunderstanding to call it health insurance, but you fall for it or you fall for this stuff because you listen to the news and you listen to how they word stuff. But I just want to let you know, three, three, three of you from Europe and Canada and Australia have been using that as an argument. No one gets turned away in this country. It's only recently that the liberals
Starting point is 00:03:56 have made it that poor people have to pay health insurance. Up until then it was free for everyone. Okay. Now we've established that you got a little lesson. It's not health insurance, it's asset protection insurance. Understand? Everyone? Make sense to you? I don't get it. You have to do that all over again. Alright, Atlas Games.
Starting point is 00:04:17 No, no, no. I got to understand before we talk about the Atlas Games. What the fuck was... He's trying to prove asbestos poisoning um i will just come in hot here and just say that um uh you guys are wrong about the stepping over the barbell it's so fucking dumb we're not no it's not dumb it's not dumb it's why is it not dumb tell us why it's not dumb you probably think not dumb. Why is it not dumb? Tell us why it's not dumb. You probably think jumping pull-ups are dumb too.
Starting point is 00:04:48 No, I love jumping pull-ups. Because you call it scaling, but it's not scaling. It's a different stimulus. It's just a different stimulus. Dude, I think step-up burpees, or sorry, step-up pull-ups would be fucking dumb. If you just had to step up to another box to get your chin over the bar that'd be dumb just so everyone in the freaking comment section knows in the world that's watching this right now i see the step up burpees and i'm like watching it and the first thing i do is i shoot a text message i'm like guys i'm so fucking pissed off about these and i guarantee you what
Starting point is 00:05:19 savannah did is he goes i'm gonna say they're not dumb just so i get them all pissed off no he thinks they're dumb i know he thinks they're actually dumb why are they not dumb you haven't said anything yet no i just told you it's a different stimulus you guys are being tricked there's people in the comments say it's scaling and what's the stimulus what's the stimulus that they're unfit move backwards get worse listen listen i'll tell you what it is the jumping doesn't change the workout that much and what it does is it fixes the judging problem completely. Now the judges only have to worry about the person getting on the other side of the bar. You know whose fault that is?
Starting point is 00:05:51 Whose? CrossFit's fault. I disagree. The way the two-foot jump. They're like, you can do this, you can do that. You can kind of jump. They're moving the wrong way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:59 And here's the other thing. You think they're dumbing it down? You think they're going to the lowest common denominator instead of fixing the problem i think the problem wasn't really the jump over the because how close one foot was to the other to leaving at the same time is not as egregious as your fucking chest not hitting the floor oh okay okay so um jr do you want to weigh in on this thing to step over do you have a problem with it yeah i would i would first like to weigh in on the room that i'm in because everyone seems to be moving so hold on one second the monster sign was there it's because he didn't pay for his health insurance people he's in a local penitentiary everybody what is this wow wow he's in a zoo
Starting point is 00:06:37 what is that do you do you rub that to get your t count up what the hell is that? Do you rub that to get your tea count up? What the hell is that? Do you know what a herd of rhinos is called? No. It's called a crash. A crash. Hey, look what Casual Center just said. That's where CrossFit Crash came from. I am not in a bathroom. I am in the lobby.
Starting point is 00:06:59 All right. The lobby of what? Of my gym. Nice. You have a lobby. Wow. The lobby of what? Of my gym. Nice. You have a lobby. Wow. And I was in the kids' room, but some children came in there, so I left.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Someone said, JR got a rhino in his toilet. Yeah, I would like to just say that, yeah, me and Jason were training training and i showed him the video of people doing step overs and i said i don't care if you're allowed to do it if you do it i will never let you back into the gym if you step over who will you never let back in the gym if they step over if they do that dumb dumb reason oh because he was stepping No, just because I think it's silly. Okay. But what about... I can maybe understand in your gym
Starting point is 00:07:51 setting, let's say. I'm like, okay, fine. You guys win. Okay, I'll back off that one. It looks fucking ridiculous. It looks so bad. You turn on the Fitness on Earth competition and you see this. It's like watching the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Every once in a while, it's like you click on. Yeah, walking in the Olympics. You click on, you turn it off. You're like, they're walking for speed. That's exactly what it looks like. Okay, let's move on. This curling is kind of comical. You want to move on?
Starting point is 00:08:18 I'm not ready to move on. Six years ago, you turn on ESPN, and you see these badasses doing all this crazy shit. And this year, it's like, you know what? There's this live stream I'm going to click on. And you see these badasses doing all this crazy shit and this year it's like you know what there's this live stream i'm gonna click on and you see like walking around a barbell it's like okay i'm gonna turn that off yeah they're doing med ball ghd's in the fucking desert of california and now they're stepping over a bar my mom does that when she my mom doesn't even do that my fucking 62 year old mom jumps over the bar that's not safe uh let's say you're saying it was a safety issue let's talk no i'm just saying i don't have a problem with it like you guys do i think it's great i think what it did is it fixed the judging
Starting point is 00:08:54 problem and you guys can't be happy you guys cannot be happy that that's not the but here's the thing they created i'm sorry to attack your character i know it's not it's it's it's it's unbecoming of me i apologize i get what you're saying but i also think that the feet leaving the ground at the same time or a little bit different was never that big of a judging problem i think when they yeah i don't know i mean there was a lot of the first time it was a problem was 18.2 when it was 10 to i think it was that 10 to 1 and then they did the heavy squat lean afterwards and everyone was trying to rifle through those burpees and you would click on the internet you'd see people posting their burpees and everyone was doing that like shuffle
Starting point is 00:09:34 jump it's like are their feet really taken off two at a time and i think that was the advent of everybody trying to not two foot take off two foot land and that was that backwards slowly since then yeah but even if you watch those videos it's not like that that's like he's shirt excuse me he's shirtless all right excuse me yeah i what i was gonna say is i think the worm burpees are way worse hopper is that true that you step over the bar in um when you do a bar okay okay okay thank you fucking hairless cat uh let's talk about let's talk about the chest let's talk about the chest um touching the ground at first i wanted to ding katrin for that but it's so hard to tell i i slowed it down and made a little post about it if you want to check that out okay can
Starting point is 00:10:26 we can we see that caleb it's kind of annoying because i put in all these little clips but it's also funny because i put in all these little clips wait before you start i want to ask do you think it's hard to tell taylor i thought it was pretty obvious that her chest was not touching the ground uh jr did you think it was obvious i can't say that it was obvious yeah me neither at first i wanted to say it was but then i just kept watching i'm like i don't know i don't know what's going on here yeah real quick before you started i want to say something about about the game of tennis sorry sorry one more thing in the game of tennis in the game of tennis the the line there's there's no judges except when you get to the higher levels and the line judge is the person whose side the ball comes on to and if you're not a hundred percent
Starting point is 00:11:10 sure um it's uh um of the call you always give it to your opponent basically if you're not a hundred percent sure okay so so um if you're not sure if it's in or out and it was close it's it's it's in it's in like or you're not paying attention and it goes in or out and it was close, it's in. It's in. Or you're not paying attention and it goes over your head and it was even out by six feet, but you didn't see it, it's in. And because you have that consistency, as long as people are honest, it always works. Because it's just one thing.
Starting point is 00:11:37 If the ball touches the line, it's good. If you're not sure, it's in. That's basically it. So I work with a girl who plays pickleball. I work with a guy who plays racquetball. And I know people who play tennis. And when people cheat this, they're almost angrier than anyone I've ever met. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Cheating runs rampant in that sport. They get so pissed. It's the biggest group of cheaters you've ever seen, tennis players. But my point is that the policy that they have in place is bulletproof if people tell the truth. If you don't know, it's in. You know, at the end of know it's in, um, you know, at the end of my post too,
Starting point is 00:12:07 I asked catcher and I go, did you feel your chest touching the ground? So it kind of parallels what you're saying right there. I just wish we had something like that in CrossFit. So we could just be like, Hey, if we don't know, we,
Starting point is 00:12:16 we, we default to the, to the, Bruce said something like this in the comments. I think he said, if you have to slow it down, you have to give it to the athlete. Like if you have to slow the video down, then you have to give it to the athlete. If you have to slow the video
Starting point is 00:12:25 down, then you just give the rep to the athlete. What about the NFL though? That was my counter argument when I had that in my head. I said, what about the NFL? Soccer's doing the same thing now. Baseball's doing it now. Define chest because if chest is ribcages
Starting point is 00:12:42 down here, then I guess you can give them to her. If chest is rib cages down here, then I guess you can give them to her. If chest is like chest. Okay, let's watch. Let's watch. I know that's the thing. That's the thing. Let's watch. You made Hiller feel bad because he slowed it down.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Yeah, I slowed it all down. That was a no rep. That was a no rep. That was also a no rep. See, maybe it's just an optical illusion. Maybe her chest is... No rep. No.
Starting point is 00:13:10 God, you don't think the breast of some of the fatty titty of the lower part of the breast is touching the ground there? I mean, that's what we're talking about, right? Do her boobs touch the ground? That's what we want to know. No. They look exactly like Spiegel's. That's what they look like. This is one of the worst. That's what we want to know. No. They look exactly like Spiegel's.
Starting point is 00:13:27 That's what they look like. This is one of the worst. Yep, that's the worst one of them all. Yeah, that's pretty bad. I mean, yeah. The guy from Office Space is having a meltdown. That's the guy. That was my favorite. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I'd need to see her do it topless to know. I can't tell. Of course you would. I can't tell. I can't tell. JR, do you have an opinion on this one? I just think it's a shame that at this point, and you can't even program burpee bop jump overs.
Starting point is 00:13:54 It gives me the same thing. I feel like you're going to have to start doing hand-release burpees. Wow. Do you know where the ā€“ do you see ā€“ yeah, I've seen that comment a lot, but do you see where the referees are, the judges are sitting? They're sitting in a position where it makes it challenging to see and i think that you have to you're gonna have to tell the judges they have to be on one knee and then you're gonna have to tell them they have to be doing this but i mean otherwise you can't see it uh wad zombies got the other great point that you always hear and this one's always hard to fucking fight back on watch rich froning jr do reps and win championships there is no question
Starting point is 00:14:30 with his reps the fact that we have to wonder is bad i know what that says taylor said a couple episodes back where he was talking about how he would watch froning and he'd watch other people to try to dictate how he would want to do his movement based upon body types. But the thing that you learn after you watch all these people is that you know what good reps look like when they're doing them. It's like the burpee looks like that. So the first thing that makes you even look at Katrin is the fact that she's trying to gain some sort of advantage out of the technique that she's using. So once you see that she's doing them weird, you're like, okay. And then it draws your attention to the fact that she's not even doing them because she's not doing them the way that everyone who does them right does them
Starting point is 00:15:07 in the first place and so just to be clear the fact that you're saying that she does them differently most of us who do burpees correctly our whole body like especially men ideally your body comes down perfectly at a plane parallel to the ground then as you get weaker and more tired you start worming and your hips come and then your chest comes but what we're seeing catrin do is give this illusion that her chest hits first and then then her fucking groin hits the ground it's kind of this it's a trip it's almost like you're watching burpees in reverse yeah i was gonna say if you watch someone who's tired do burpees and they're worming they're going in the exact opposite kind of crotch first then titties exactly okay but you can see the chest touch it's
Starting point is 00:15:45 like boom their chest touches and then they're coming up 95 percent of people do it the right way and then five percent like the catrons and the danny spiegel's of the world they you notice it what about the fact that you know when i start getting tired doing burpees and i'm doing them for speed i i almost i like having my chest chest hit because I kind of get a bounce. I slam myself down and get a little bit of a bounce. Go watch Chandler Smith do burpees. They look fucking good. Yeah. His chest, it's like, it's a trampoline. So he does that too. He's bouncing, he's bouncing off the bottom. Wrestlers do it really well. They hold a lot of tension in their midline. And when they hit the
Starting point is 00:16:23 bottom of the burpee, it's just like a springboard springboard i mean the more rigid your body is the more the better transfers energy i mean that's kind of like just one of those universal truths that we just know in crossfit well i i man okay well since we're on katrin uh crazy impressed with her performance on her final workout man just just me okay bam yeah pop yeah that's rigid no question yep he's a little spring little spring man uh do you guys do you guys like her final performance the poster on the thrusters i mean this is just classic katrin right this is just classic Katrin, right? This is just classic CrossFit grind. No. No love. I feel like I always talk first.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I wait for them to talk, and then there's this dead silence. I'm fired up about something that happened at Atlas Games, but we just got to wait until we get there, I guess. Is it in regards to her? No, it's got nothing to do with Katrin. She was a strength in depth, dude. They're just the same to me now at this point. It was so, this morning was such a fucking shit show in my brain,
Starting point is 00:17:33 going back and forth between the events. What a fucking mess my brain got. Yeah, that was not so great. Katrin and her finish, it's like, I guess you just had to have done more on the rope climb. And, of course, they're going to make comments like, you know, eight years ago, she didn't even finish this workout. It's like, yeah, it's eight years ago.
Starting point is 00:17:49 She's also won the games two times since then. So, okay. Let's hit, let's let's stay on her a little bit more than, uh, let me ask you this then, um, event five, the rope climb. It's what kept her out of going to the CrossFit games in 2014. I think she went in 2013, then in 2014 at the regionals, that workout kept her out and she still got 18th on it. Is this a, is this a problem? She got 18th on another workout. Oh, what place did she get in that one? 18th.
Starting point is 00:18:16 She has two 18th and an 11th. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I see what you're saying. I mean, this is a problem, right? This is, this is like eight years later and you still, I mean, we saw Rich Froning couldn't climb the ropes and problem, right? This is like eight years later, and you still ā€“ I mean, we saw Rich Froning couldn't climb the ropes, and he fixed it. This is a serious problem, right? In my opinion, again, similar to the muscle-up, I think maybe ā€“ and you have no idea whether it's coaching or what, but it would seem to me that she maybe believes
Starting point is 00:18:43 that the legless thing is a capacity issue, but with how strong she is, it's not as a technique thing. And even in something like a legless rope line, there's a lot of technique, um, and how to efficiently use your body getting up the rope. And I just don't think she has had that's clicked for her. So yeah, either way, it's a big problem, but it's not like she just couldn't gain capacity over eight years. Do you see any major failure there, JR? Would you say it's failure in coaching, failure in her
Starting point is 00:19:10 training, and her failure in personal responsibility, accountability? I mean, do you think that this should have been fixed in eight years? Well, I refuse to believe that her and her coaches haven't known that they needed to address it since 2014 so i think the major issue here is that even if she is improving on it every single year the amount that everyone else is improving on it is still a little bit greater so she's always playing that game of catch-up so okay let's say this to defend it's always in comparison to the field let's say this to defend her too really quick if the time cap i don't know what it was in 2014 was 10 minutes it was still 11 it was the same okay so then she did she improved her time by over six
Starting point is 00:19:55 minutes so i guess she's a fucking beast all right i would also like to bring up there's an old clip of bergeron in one of the documentaries talking about how she did really bad at like a pegboard or maybe a legless it was she did one yep yeah she did one peg yeah he so i guess she she did really bad at pedal to the metal right she dnf she didn't finish the workout she still won the games and there's a clip of ben bergeron bragging about how they did about how they only did one pegboard the whole year after she couldn't even fucking do any of the games and bragging about it. Well, she won the games because she did that on that one.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Well, no, no, no. I know what Taylor's saying too. Taylor's right. No, it's true. Absolutely. It is true. He said, you know how many pegboards we've done since last year? One.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Because all we did was strict pull-ups. Brian, we were just talking about how um what an amazing uh performance katrin had you just have to put it in context uh in 2014 she couldn't finish the workout in 11 minutes and now she did it in five minutes and although it still wasn't enough to um to to get her to the games it is a massive improvement that needs that should be recognized. Yeah, I wrote about that. I don't think I've done the audio right here. It's too bad, too, because I really wanted to trash her,
Starting point is 00:21:12 but there's no trashing. No, but I also just wanted you to know I finished up with the Khaleesi, and now I've moved on to Yusef. Oh, well, I understand the pecking order. I fully appreciate it. Feel free to walk away and use the bathroom or do whatever you need to do during this show how many views did they get?
Starting point is 00:21:31 feeling better Taylor that's nice I'm not sure where Froning said it and it might have not been Froning it may have been his training partner at the time who said it but they were going through a spree where they weren't so great at strict handstand pushups so they did them three days a week in various like rep schemes with various
Starting point is 00:21:45 movements. And you know what, who do you think is one of the better people on the planet at strict handstand pushups? It's going to be rich froning and whoever widers through the barn. And then you've got Katrin who does one pegboard in a year. Or you hear Matt talk about rowing and how much he fucking rode. Cause he sucked at rowing.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Yeah. And those are the stories that, you know, I wonder, I wonder if Katrin has those stories about a rope climb. one a year that's the story brian where do you go next get with the programming oh man come on i gotta go watch the atlas games finish up and cover that one uh it's i love chasing bill they know that uh um we saw j saw Jacqueline on the third climb. She was already pausing.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And on the fourth climb, she started kipping. And on the one kip at the top. And on the seventh climb, she started using two kips to get to the top. Whereas Helga didn't start kipping until the fifth rope climb. And I never saw her use two kips. By two kips, I mean, you know, when they start climbing and then they get stuck. And then they start getting the kips in. So do you think any of these girls should and whereas catchin was kipping from the beginning right which which you could say the parallel is um
Starting point is 00:22:53 she was doing push jerks from the beginning never using the speed who are you talking to anyone anyone i love caleb yeah caleb what do you think about that i have no idea i'm trying to do other things uh the interviewer at that event um bibba bibba bibba daughter wow i i she's weirder than me and I approve. Just keep using her. I just like her. Did you guys like her? It was just so awkward and weird and I'm like, fuck, I love that. She's like
Starting point is 00:23:33 a new announcer? She's not even from this planet, dude. I mean, usually Lauren Smith would do the strength and depth, but her commitment with Red Bull this season interfered with when strength and depth was able to get that venue location. So Bibba was the next choice up. But I think she got more confident and comfortable as the weekend went along. Yeah, I like her. She seemed confident to me, but just weird shit was coming out of her mouth,
Starting point is 00:23:58 and she speaks at a weird cadence. And I just like seeing the athletes. I like Sam Briggs, just doesn't even faze Sam. But the rest of them are kind of like, huh? You know what I had the feeling of was that she was like applying either tone or the way she says things. That's like funny and Icelandic, but not necessarily funny in other places. I think we can do that as a being from the United States at times too. And where other countries are like, what are you talking about? Like where we're from. And some of them didn't go over that well with the athletes from all over europe there was
Starting point is 00:24:28 some stuff that was like lost in translation i think just like speaking of which um this guy joel uh good at uh he he has a personal story about everyone yeah because he calls the athletes and asks them what should i what should we know about you he's a beast i yeah when i uh when i left the granite games last week and i told him i said your level of preparation for these things is unrivaled american ninja warrior today brian friend was in the was in the public restroom at the airport and he got a stall that had no toilet paper i was just talking with brian about that earlier in the break room uh so you don't like it i love it actually i think it's cool i think i think it's super cool I was just talking with Brian about that earlier in the break room.
Starting point is 00:25:06 So you don't like it? I love it, actually. I think it's cool. I think it's super cool. I like him. I'm getting warm fuzzies from him. I hear popular stories, and I do dislike when people say they don't like him because they don't understand how hard it is to know those things, and he's actually trying really hard.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Yeah, he's killing it. He's doing a good job. So-and-so's mom owns a candy shop and they do handstand push-ups when they go grocery shopping with their mom i was like wow fuck he knows everything uh so so i approve of him and uh him joel and uh and in bibba um i don't approve of o2 uh that that that that stuff is not drinkable i don't i don't i thought i heard adrian conway say he loves it have you guys ever drank that uh yeah i have this entire thing about those drinks so does if that if they just carbonate your shit i'll drink anything i'll drink just a bucket of shit is that what their stick is they carbonate some uh competition questions oh yeah sorry sorry okay yes yes christmas how go ahead taylor no i'm just so impatient do it do it go taylor let's do it
Starting point is 00:26:10 let's get to let's get to atlas games what did you see over there you want to talk about go ahead brian i want to ask if you saw the whole jeff adler ghd thing go down oh with patrick velner describe it to us taylor so what i noticed is that velner gets the GHD four reps ahead of Adler or or Adler begins his GHDs and Belner's four reps ahead um at one point Adler takes a long break takes his shirt off Belner continues to go unbroken and then around the 50 rep mark Adler's judge's hand goes up and it's a set of 100 not a set of 50 there's like five four and then he shakes his head and puts his hand down the judge does and then you count maybe 20 30 more reps adler takes another long break atop of his ghd takes his feet out and just sits on the pad velner's continuing to go
Starting point is 00:26:58 unbroken adler continues his reps and then a minute, they both get off the GHD at the exact same time. Like it's like Vellner gets off the GHD and Adler's judge is like, okay, go. Yeah, the commentators were talking about it too, that something was a little. Have you gone back and counted the repetitions? They didn't stay on him the whole time, so I couldn't count all the repetitions. And the other thing that really annoyed. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:23 And Adler won that event right yes and velner took third i think adler at best without that could have potentially still have beaten pat but i but you could see pat's frustration when the judge threw their hand up on the ghd pat like still on his face he's like what the fuck and then he just keeps going and then after pat finishes his bike he just is walking off the floor he's like you could just tell in his mind he's thinking this is fucking bullshit um i don't know just to me it seems pretty crazy and then adler's interview after the workout it just was a little frustrating too but whatever uh what about what about it just that you think he should have said something like hey i got sure i didn't have to do all my ghds i don't know if he should have said something but they asked him where he thought the workout was one and i think
Starting point is 00:28:06 the announcer was like you know did you win the workout on the ghds and he like thought for a second he's like no i think i actually wanted on the double unders you know the workout went the way i wanted and i was like well yeah i don't always want to do all the reps either that's what i thought which is funny because i feel like everybody does double unders at the exact same rate so it's like, I know that there's like, there are faster people who did, there are people who do double unders faster,
Starting point is 00:28:31 but I feel like if you're going to make up a lot of time, it's on the GHDs essentially. Yeah. You're not going to make up that much time doing double unders. I agree. I don't think you make up enough time doing double unders. There are workouts where that matters for sure, but I don't think this is one of them.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Taylor, I'm curious what you think is the solution to this problem? Because you, as on the floor i don't think you're allowed to appeal another athlete's score and jeff's obviously not going to appeal his own score absolutely so if the judge lost count in the middle of that workout and i brought this up i brought this up on a previous show and i i i didn't put a lot of thought into it but i floated the idea of what if each athlete going into a competition had something like a challenge rule like they had in the NFL you have one challenge you can use to appeal another person's score and then of course you can appeal your own score but once you use that challenge it's it's done and and someone was like oh well
Starting point is 00:29:21 what if they just use it for a personal vendetta? Well, you look in the NFL. A coach can challenge whatever he wants, but if he wastes it, he wastes it. So if you're using a challenge ā€“ But if he gets it right, he gets another one. Exactly, but that's what I'm saying. So it's ā€“ So should gone be gone or should you be able to get another one in your proposed format? I think you should get one challenge. I don't think you should ā€“ I don't think you should ā€“
Starting point is 00:29:42 if you get your challenge right, you just get another one and then another one. But I think that if you give each person the challenge, I don't think you should, I don't think, uh, you should, if you're, if you get your challenge, right, you just get another one and then another one. But I think that if you give each person the challenge, I don't know, it potentially can keep things like this from happening. Jake Kelly says, look at rep for rep. Mr. Self Adler's GHD cadence is faster than Velner's. He rolled his eyes at you, Jake. Sorry. Yeah. You just, he rolled his eyes and his eyes were closed, but i still saw them roll behind his eyelids he was going faster at the start and he takes two enormous breaks and velner didn't break in the ghds i don't know what else to say other than that oh so many my notes are all over the place uh how happy are we with uh who who day who day i think you know, look, you have Hapalainen,
Starting point is 00:30:26 who day and Yorgos Karavis, all of whom are going back to the games for their second time. They had very different weekends, the three of them, both who day and Hapalainen had these kind of ups and downs. There was ultimately good enough. And these are these guys that, you know, I think we are going to see at the games that can on certain events can once again, factor into those, you know, top five seven spots, throw off the points a little bit.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Ultimately, I think 10th to 15th is going to be a good finish for these guys. I think this games field is pretty deep, but both of them looked pretty good. And I think Houdet even said he was really bummed about that first workout, but after that, he was pretty steady. So overall, impressive. He surprised me a lot. I'm impressed too. I was surprised too, especially in that, he was pretty steady. Overall, impressive. He surprised me a lot. I'm impressed, too. I was surprised, too, especially in that last workout. Willie George is the freaking man,
Starting point is 00:31:11 though. He is. I'm one of the strongest male fields, wouldn't you say, Sevan? It's a deep field, but at the top, it wasn't that strong. I wrote some nasty shit about some of these fields. Oh, Brian, just something you missed earlier. I think the step over burpee is just fine.
Starting point is 00:31:32 It's easy to judge. It's just a different kind of stimulus, and it does nothing to diminish the competition value. It definitely eliminates the judging error. That's true. I think that it diminishes the fitness component of the movement you know any one of us who've done a crossfit class you know very very well that it's a lot harder to jump over the bar than it is to step over the bar that's why
Starting point is 00:31:57 they have you have that scaled options for for people and when they ask in the classes we say if you're stepping over the bar that's a scaled scaled workout. So it's, it's a uniform playing field for the athletes. Obviously they all have the option to do either one, I guess, but, um, I I'm not a huge fan of it. I'm really kind of not a huge fan of the way CrossFit's handled the burpee in general this year. And I think it's the perfect example of why we just need a communication. These are the movement standards for this movement for this year. And once we communicate them to you, once they're not going to change at different stages of the competition you know what there's got to be like a noah's ark sort of situation where they take the good people like the rich fronings and they say all right you're going to pave the way for the
Starting point is 00:32:37 new world there should be a giant flood that takes out all the bullshit that's been happening the past couple years there's no burpee like this There's no burpee like this. There's no burpee like that. And then they're going to have like rich froning emerge from the arc and say, this is the burpee. And then there's going to be a couple of pigeons. It's like, those are, those are how you do double unders.
Starting point is 00:32:54 That's what has to happen. Here's the other thing about that. That's how you fix everything. The hand release burpee doesn't get rid of, uh, the jump over the bar thing. There's too much. No shit, huh, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:33:07 No, but it does ensure that the chest touches because what Brian said about it eliminates the judging error, it eliminates it by stepping over only if you make sure the chest touches. It eliminates the fitness component when you lift. It makes everything slow. And the fact that we're having this much of a conversation about how burpees should be done is so fucked. You know what else you can do to fix the burpee
Starting point is 00:33:30 thing? When you jump over the bar, you have to still be facing the bar, and you have to have your back to it when you get over the bar as well. You can't do that turn over the bar bullshit. Here's the thing that's most disappointing about what happened with Katrin's burpees and not getting no reps on
Starting point is 00:33:45 those there is that in a lane nearby her is sam briggs and at the last rep of of sam briggs thrusters it's really close you could have given her that rep and no one on the floor knows at that point because most of the field got time capped how important that rep could end up being she ended up 10 points out that's probably another four points if she gets that rep and that puts her six points out i mean, it starts getting real close. And that judge gave her a no rep. Happened to know that that judge is very experienced. She's judging Sam Briggs.
Starting point is 00:34:12 She loves Sam Briggs as a fan of the sport, but she was in her element. She was and she gave the no rep when she needed to. All the judges need to do that. Obviously, the problem is that we don't have enough judges to go around to all these semifinals every week that are that experienced and that professional to make the right call when it matters the most. So what would you think about ā€“ I didn't really get any feedback from you on that challenge, Will. JR's in the bathroom taking a shit. He's had explosive diarrhea all morning. Cut him some slack.
Starting point is 00:34:43 We're not talking about his diarrhea anymore. Check out the whole first part of the show. That's not wrong. And he has, he doesn't have health insurance. He has asset insurance. Yeah, he has asset insurance. What were you going to say, Hiller? What were you going to say?
Starting point is 00:35:00 The judges are terrified because of Hiller. Let's face it. It's ripping through. I'm kind of joking, but I'm not not joking that's kind of not really the goal the goal is just to make it all better it's not the effect that i intended to have i don't want to make everyone terrified do you get your invite to be a head judge at the games this year i might be in my junk mail oh actually i think they said they wanted you to do heat one athletes from beginning to end. Masters division only. Oh, hey, worked my way up from the bottom, eh?
Starting point is 00:35:31 I want to ask you guys a trivia question. What athletes have you seen out there ever who wear prescription glasses during competition? False. The answer is false. Brian Hernandez. Yeah, you saw that? Yeah, every event. I love that guy.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yeah, he wore his glasses, and I was just like, holy cow. Are Chandlers not prescription? Some of the ones he wears? They are. I'm pretty sure they are. He doesn't wear them for every event, depending on what they're doing. I'm pretty sure this guy wore them for every event. Hey, dude, Hernandez's look like they're like glasses like you wear to school.
Starting point is 00:36:08 They're not like sports glasses. They're not like. Those shits are Rexpecs. Those things are thick. Yeah. Caleb, you find them yet? Yeah, I'm pulling them up. I want to say, because I'm always taking shots at the sponsors.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I want to say that cold tribe tub looks dope. It's also like $8,000. Yeah, I know for a fucking bathtub, but man, it looks nice. Yeah. Look at this guy.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Okay. This guy's the real deal. Look at him. Poindexter. They stay on his head too. That's crazy. He doesn't have a strap on the back. Uh,
Starting point is 00:36:40 I don't know, but whoever the cameraman's just keeps filming his cock and balls the whole time. What's going on? Have some croquis on there? Submission videos are funny. All right, Hernandez, good on you. Okay, good job, Brian.
Starting point is 00:36:53 I can't get anything past Brian. I also want to say one positive thing about the city of Madison if you're considering going to the CrossFit Games this year. You need to know that the city of Madison has less crime in five years than the city of London has in one day. Madison is a good place. It also has less crime in five years than the city of Amsterdam has in one day. And 10 years for how much crime happens
Starting point is 00:37:20 in South Africa in one hour. So Madison's a great town. Did Joel Gaudet send you those stats? No, I was just thinking of mean shit I could say to Europeans. It's almost as nice as Chicago. You just happen to throw South Africa under the bus? It's almost as nice as Chicago.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah, and if you land in Chicago, don't worry, you'll get all the crime you need for the next 10 years. I think O'Hare's where a lot of people come in, so from overseas. Oh my goodness get the hell out of there as soon as you can um can we pull up uh miss oh one more thing about willie george you guys talking about grady's brian uh jr taylor hiller does he finish top 10 at the
Starting point is 00:37:56 games 11 through 15th okay not fucking around from jr i think that's fair why do you say that jr what's he missing why why not top 10 i don't know if it's anything he's in particularly missing i just think that there are at least 10 other guys that are going to fish higher that's can't say it any better it's an infallible argument when you're asking this question that's what you need to do you need to look at the guys who've gotten in. We have almost all of them known by now and say, are there 10 guys in here I realistically think you can beat? It's going to be
Starting point is 00:38:32 tough. I think that eighth is the best you can do. That would be a perfect weekend. I just played through all of the semifinals and I agree. Good call, JR. Yeah, man. There's going to be a lot of good dudes there. Hey, okay. Let me ask. Yep. Good call, JR. Yeah, man. There's going to be a lot of good dudes there.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Hey, okay, let me ask you this. One more trick question. You ready? James Sprague makes the last chance qualifier, goes to the CrossFit Games. Does he beat Willie George? James would do really well at the Games. James would do really well at the Games, I think. I think he would do better at the games in a smaller event semifinal
Starting point is 00:39:05 because I think really it's mainly the big lifts that hold them back. And when you have 11 or 12 other events that don't, I don't know. I think he would do really well. He's,
Starting point is 00:39:16 I think top 20. JR? Hypothetically speaking, Sprague makes it. I mean, if it was the same programmer this year, I would be confident in an answer. And since that's not the case, I am not confident. Fair.
Starting point is 00:39:37 What would your answer be? Get him, Taylor. Yes, because I think he's the closest thing to a rookie for Caliphe we've had since a rookie. Wow. Wow. Wow. That hurt Brian.
Starting point is 00:39:50 That's like gut-crushing Brian. Wow. No. No, I mean, I don't think Brian would disagree because one thing Brent did his first year that he hasn't done since is win, what, three events his first year? Four events his first year? Wow. year at the four events his first year james has that kind of specific capacity on certain things that unless you're you know did some rowing in college did a lot of swimming blah blah blah you don't have the ability to hit those home runs but his strength is much like brent's in his early
Starting point is 00:40:21 years where he just took big hits on that james Sprague, hashtag Rookie Fikowski. Yeah, that's good. That's some good shit. Brian's struggling with that. Brian's struggling with that because he loves Sprague, but he fucking Fikowski's a god. Anthony Andrews says, Sevan lives in Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 00:40:37 He can walk outside on the sidewalk and take a dump and he would be celebrated. I'd be fucking elected mayor. What are you talking about? Sevan, just to your question there, I probably would not rate him as highly as those guys have in this game's field. I would consider him more of a Jordan Trojan type that would still have those home runs. Wow, Jordan Trojan is kind of the Vanilla Ice of CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:41:01 kind of a one-hit wonder. Two-hit wonder. But he finished 20th and 24th those years. So because he was able to have those really high finishes, the hits he took on strength events, of which there's not just one at the games. There's maybe one max lift, but there will be three to five events
Starting point is 00:41:16 where you have to be strong to be competitive. And I think those would drag James down this year if he was in the field. Troyan was even better at swimming than Janikowski, right? That was his whole thing. You just put him in the field, Troy M was like the, even like better at swimming than Yonakoski, right? That was his whole thing. You just put them in the water and he wins. Is that,
Starting point is 00:41:29 was that his thing? It is about what he was a D one swimmer. So yeah, he was, he won most of those, all of those good runners, the bar muscle up workout in the pool he won. And then he won the workout the ensuing year,
Starting point is 00:41:43 man. It would have been cool if he did well. Hey hey do any swimmers ever succeed at the games do we do we have any like do we have any swimmers that like yeah tia is that what she heard but she has a swimming background she used to just follow the background people that were swimmers previously i was just saying she's a great swimmer yeah but he's the best example i think so this so there isn't because i mean troy and troy and koski did one swimming event against each other at the games troy and took first koski took second troy and beat him by two minutes it was a 30 wow yeah wow and then koski beat the rest of the group
Starting point is 00:42:15 by 15 minutes right i mean uh bridges was 25 seconds behind that con porter was another uh 10 seconds behind that okay hanging out great so yeah and I don't know if you consider it swimming, but Noah was college water polo before he started. That's not swimming. Oh, but that's grit. That's great insight. That's grit. It's a lot of capacity.
Starting point is 00:42:35 It's a lot of being in the water. Special treading water. And having people fucking try to fucking rip your balls off under the water too. Yeah, I think 50% of being good at swimming at the games is being really comfortable in the water because you you have the mass starts people are fucking pulling you all over the place but okay uh so we talked about willie george i wanted to go over and look at where what uh it's atlas can we look at atlas games women that um we have event six left today guys for the atlas games both men
Starting point is 00:43:06 and women then after that that event we will know everyone who's going to the crossfit games oh except for the last chance oh thank you seven when is it too early to put out the the games rankings we'll do that show tonight uh standard something I learned, someone sent me a DM, is that Emma Lawson here has the same coach as? Jack Farlow? Wasn't that the Buffalo or whatever? What was the name of that program? Mammoth?
Starting point is 00:43:40 Mammoth maybe? Oh, yeah, yeah. I got a link to it. Hey, what do you think about this Instagram account? It has like nine posts and he's got two amazing athletes. Does that mean this guy looks seven posts. It's coach coach Josh Woolley. When they interviewed him and asked him about his coaching, he wouldn't even talk about himself or his coaching. He just refers to it as the gym. It's like, he's so, he's so humble. I mean, he's crazy humble, Like almost over the top.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Sounds like the complete opposite of Bergeron. Jeez, jeez, Hiller. Yeah, that's what he would do. Is he wrong? Oh, God. Come on. I'm going to have Ben Bergeron next week just to... Please. He'll tell me I need to read a book.
Starting point is 00:44:21 And I'm going to schedule it when you're not watching the show and you're not in the comments. Coach Josh Woolley, this is cool, right? Two amazing young people from a coach in a gym we've never heard of. Has anyone ever heard of this guy before Emma Lawson and Farlow Pop on the scene? No, not me. Nope.
Starting point is 00:44:46 I think we talked about it the other day too. We'd never heard of him, right? And then we clicked on it. And I think that I also was reached out to saying, it's also M Lawson's coach. And I clicked on it and thought the same thing. It's like, wow, there's only nine posts and never heard of this guy or his program.
Starting point is 00:45:01 And they're killing it. Is there any poaching that goes on between the coaches? Do you think there's any like active poaching? I think there's a, there's, there's one at least, right? Come on. I don't know. I don't, I don't think there, I, I, I don't, do you ever hear of any poaching Brian, or do you think it's just people having their, their, their feelings hurt and they just go straight there?
Starting point is 00:45:23 you ever hear of any poaching brian or do you think it's just people having their their feelings hurt and they just go straight there in these situations um from my experience it's always just depends who you ask and you can ask two people involved in the same thing from different perspectives and get very different answers so i don't know enough about what's actually going on to make an informed comment on that good me neither um but i don't think there is if i had to guess atlas games women um let's look at fifth place carolyn prevo she took 18th place in that last workout i'm shocked i guess i don't i guess i don't know the sport very well because i think of her as a grinder with one huge weakness in her game that you do know about the double unders With one huge weakness in her game that you do know about. The double unders?
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yes. Man, they were ā€“ talk to me about those double unders. Those look so rough. JR, did you see them? She was, like, cantilevering over. Her head was, like, folding down. Yeah, it's an interesting thing that probably only a handful of athletes we could think of have self-individually said were like a problem for them. And after all the work that they had already done, especially the 300 feet of handstand walking, if your shoulders are blown up, it's just really hard to stay calm.
Starting point is 00:46:39 I mean, we saw Pat trip a few times, which probably only amounted for about 10 seconds. We saw Pat trip a few times, which probably only amounted for about 10 seconds. But in a workout with 400 of them, if you do them on broken at a decent speed, you're right around four minutes. But if you're stopping and resting 10 to 15 seconds between sets of like 25 to 50, I mean, that just adds minutes to that movement. in in uh in the ufc um if someone gets knocked down and then they get they get up the commentators would be like hey even that person having to stand back up takes a little something off of them takes a little something off them does it take a little something off of every the athletes when they trip up on the um on the double unders like slowing the momentum down you mean slow the momentum some add some
Starting point is 00:47:25 added extra energy and get it going again some mental fatigue maybe for someone like her but if you're a proficient double under and you miss you're just like ah shit what the hell and you start up again okay that's annoying i feel like i get angry when it happens because i always whip myself and then i just get angry then you could say it's taking something off of you right if you get angry yeah so i guess if you're not used to it then sure and i want to bring up this factor about that that last workout there is the rope climb uh shuttle run right that's number six that we're about to see which i think is and we agree that it's really cool to have this as the last event, right? I think I'd like to, I think if it has to be an event,
Starting point is 00:48:08 it's best place is the final from all, every perspective, except for one, which is scoring for Colton. Okay. So why is that Brian yesterday? Because this workout has had more scoring disputes than any other workouts or at semifinals.
Starting point is 00:48:23 And when people are expecting a fast turnaround with the podium announcement coming, it just puts a scoring team in a tough situation. What do the scoring disputes look like? What are they talking about? Because you can only dispute your own score. So it's the athletes who are. Yeah, the problem in this workout is that if you're disputing something, usually what you're disputing is a no rep on a rope climb. And two things can happen. They can say that was a no rep and your score stands that doesn't take a lot of time
Starting point is 00:48:48 but if you dispute that and it's determined that you did get a no rep on a rope climb all right speaking of disputes and trying to assess an appropriate penalty for that is pretty difficult sam sam briggs what's up girl hi you you uh in your exit interview you're passing the you're passing the baton to the great emma mcquade huh yep no time for the uh last chance qualifier just got to get uh just got to keep uh emma emma on point yeah definitely put all my chips in emma now um sam um we did you know that they were going to do that tribute video to you Yeah, definitely. Put all my chips in Emma now. Sam, did you know that they were going to do that tribute video to you? No, they surprised it on me.
Starting point is 00:49:37 And the hard helmet and I've got an engraved axe. Oh, the axe was engraved. You know what I thought when I saw it? I was like, oh, shit, they didn't get her any presents. So they just grabbed an ax and a helmet that was sitting around. That's totally what I thought. Oh shit, that's good. So it's engraved. I've said this on my show many times before, and I mean this with absolute sincerity. Any event you've ever been on where you were at where you didn't win the Spirit of the Games Award is a fucking crock of shit. Of all the years I did the behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:50:05 You are the coolest fucking cat I ever met down there. I would put you in the, I'd put you in there with Josh bridges like you, the two of you. Um, it was just, it was just, um,
Starting point is 00:50:16 the athletes have are, uh, it's their honor to know you and be around someone who just acted like there was no stress on them. You were dope. And they'll never forget that year where athletes were dying as they crossed the finish line in murph and you were helping girls with their vests off and that was nuts it was absolutely nuts so kudos to you thank you thank you yeah and i and i don't mean it in some cheesedick way i
Starting point is 00:50:39 mean i really meant it like just being down there like i saw you i saw you in action you're fucking you're cool as shit. Yeah. Don't worry. I don't ever think that you're being cheesy, Siobhan. I know that you keep it real. Okay,
Starting point is 00:50:50 good. Um, how good is, um, Emma McQuaid? Um, just fair weather fans like me had never heard of her until Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And now I'm starting to think about getting on the bandwagon. Should I get on? Uh, yeah, I've been training with her since, uh, 2016 and she's been training with her since 2016 and she's been kicking my ass since then. So it's just taken
Starting point is 00:51:10 a while to actually reproduce that onto the competition floor, which she's finally doing now. So pretty awesome to see because I've known that she's been careful of that since we started training in 2016. Emma, what is your...
Starting point is 00:51:28 Oh, look, Willie George got out of prison. Look at him. He just broke out. Crazy. Emma, what's your relationship like with Jacqueline? With Jacqueline? Yeah. Yeah, no, that's your relationship like with Jacqueline? With Jacqueline? Yeah. Yeah, no, that's really good.
Starting point is 00:51:47 You want to jump in, Jacqueline? Were you friends before this? Yeah, we were friends before, and I think we're still friends after. What's it mean to you guys? Sam, maybe you should go to the bathroom. What's it mean to you guys that you guys put it to the former games champ, Sam Briggs and, uh, and Katrin. Those are two crazy, crazy talented, uh,
Starting point is 00:52:11 athletes and you guys pulled it off this weekend ahead of them. Is there a, is there a rush in doing that? Oh, no. I just think like for me, like me and Jacqueline are very similar athletes, I think. Um, so I think just the workouts were good for us. Just all fell our way, I think. When you go to the Games, is the number six events here at something like this and, you know, like 15 at the Games, does that even phase you? Or is it just another day?
Starting point is 00:52:40 For me, more the better. I think it's the same for Jacqueline. So, yeah, hopefully the games is 15 plus this year it'll be good when will you make your emma when will you start making your journey to the states will you come soon and start prepping here whenever whenever coach sam wants me okay sam where are you living are you living in london sam uh no i am ohio okay oh wow okay i didn't know that so so when you say you're going to become a fireman a firewoman you were a firewoman already in the uk and now you're going to do
Starting point is 00:53:11 it in the united states yeah that's correct so uh i have my interview on thursday uh for the fire academy so fingers crossed wow you're not screwing around. No. So when will you come, Emma? So will you come soon? Sorry, I didn't hear you. Jacqueline was talking. Tell her not to do that again. So when will Emma come? She'll come train with you?
Starting point is 00:53:36 She preps for the games now? Yeah, like I said that I'll keep training. I'll take a week off, same as her, and then I'll keep training so that she can come out acclimatized and i'll push her uh where i can do on uh on the workouts and get her ready for for the games wow that's awesome good job emma i'm so stoked for you man great to see people like you just crushing it in in in showing consistency after Waterpalooza. It's really cool. Brian, do you have a question for either of them?
Starting point is 00:54:10 No, I think it was really impressive. I was impressed with all the women over there. Did either of you guys get a chance to learn anything about Elisa Fuliano? We don't know much about her. She's here. She is there. Hi, Elisa. Excellent job this weekend she likes pizza are you guys are you guys in the drug are you in the um drug test room yeah that was one of my questions so that means you've made it if you're in the drug test room
Starting point is 00:54:38 that's a good sign right the more you get drug tested that means the better you are i spoke to a friend of mine over in italy he says that you don't you are. Is this your first? Go ahead, Brian. Go ahead, Brian. I spoke to a friend of mine over in Italy. He says that you have a full-time job on top of training for CrossFit. Yes, I'm a digital designer. So I train in my box, in my gym at the evening with very, very, very, very a lot of people around me. And yes, so I cannot believe
Starting point is 00:55:06 I did it because I don't know. Right, yeah. It's a sport right now where most of these women are investing their whole days and everything into training. Was this something you thought was possible this weekend
Starting point is 00:55:19 or did you completely surprise yourself? I was hoping, but it's a big surprise for me. Well it's pretty cool and we saw another guy from Italy Enrico did this in low lens and now you've done it here. Oh's oh he is awesome yeah well this is really great for your for you guys and for your country here for italy because um no one ever uh went to the crossfit game so um in one year two of us so it's amazing pronounce your name again for me sorry pronounce your name again elisa elisa elisa wow souliano wow so you're the first
Starting point is 00:56:06 Italians to go congratulations I guess since you weren't sure if you were going to come or not do you know now are you starting to think okay I'm going to come to the United States in the next two weeks or three weeks how are you going to pull it off
Starting point is 00:56:19 what are the plans I don't know yet I still need to realize this. I don't know if I'm dreaming or not, but I will see. Hey, Sam is so nice. You could easily squeeze in with her. Sam is so nice. Totally take advantage of Sam.
Starting point is 00:56:36 I'm telling you. Well, very nice to speak with you. Nice to meet you. Thank you, guys. Pizza. well very nice to speak with you nice to meet you thank you guys pizza um you guys are eat don't as professional athletes don't you guys have to like not put stuff in your mouth where you don't know where it's been like that could be a tainted pizza or something well i gotta say i'm offended by that pizza that pizza's offensive I'm from Chicago what did you say Sam? sorry Andrew Hiller interrupted you again
Starting point is 00:57:10 it's my thing thank you so much for calling in you guys made the show I'm really happy would you tell Willie to look at his DMs I gave him my phone number maybe Maybe he'll call me sometime. Okay. Awesome seeing you guys.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Congratulations on all your success, guys. Thank you. Bye. Good job. Who sent that? Taylor, right? Damn, Taylor, you're good. Damn. Damn, damn.
Starting point is 00:57:46 But the only reason I got that chance is because I brought to light that conspiracy that someone else sent me about her and the strength and depth programming. We talked shit about it. We talked shit about it. And she dimmed it. And she was like, actually, that's not how it is. I was like, oh, shit. I had to tell him that pizza looked fucking gross. I,
Starting point is 00:58:07 uh, I'm trying to figure out, I'm trying to figure out if I have a source on, if Adler did all his reps, he did. Ah, what? This is just an opinion,
Starting point is 00:58:16 right? Because I didn't see, you can't see him doing all of them. You can't count them because the camera pans away. Um, but you can use as much logic as possible and watching all of the reps that he's done and it appears that he does not do 100 reps all right well i don't blame him for it by the way send adler lincoln damn katrin got beat by someone with a full-time job mike haplin is she the italian colton mertens
Starting point is 00:58:47 man it's no she's way hotter than colton brian what do you think it is when you see someone like koski and katrin um potentially someone like ben great question who have who have been the best they've won the games um And now kind of like this guy coming, they're getting beat by people with full-time jobs. I look at it and I feel like, wow, is it a hunger thing? That's where I go. I think in the case of all three, it's just, it's different things. I mean, I don't know what, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:20 I don't know how healthy Koski is coming. He had surgery in the middle of the fall, it seemed like. And it seemed like, you know, a decent't know how healthy Koski is. He had surgery in the middle of the fall, it seemed like, and it seemed like a decent amount of time rehabbing from that. He came within two points of making it despite having surgery less than nine months ago, and that's pretty impressive. But the fields are getting tough, and, you know, you can't have those mistakes. And if you're not 100%, it's really hard. I think in the case of Katrin, she just hasn't improved her upper body pulling.
Starting point is 00:59:44 There were two upper body pulling dominated workouts out of six, and that was enough to keep her out. And with Ben Smith, I just think, you know, Ben's not that bad. I just think the men in America have gotten to be that good that he's, you know, he's just slightly behind, and that's enough to keep you out. Did you see his post where he posted on his story 2K row PR? No. He tested the strict Nate too and he did a PR on that too.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Well, he posted his 2K row PR and it was 647. This is Yonikoski? No, Ben Smith. Oh, oh, oh. That's 647. That's not that good. I know. That's what I thought was pretty surprising.
Starting point is 01:00:25 I've done 657 and I am not that good. I know. That's what I thought was pretty surprising. I've done six. I am not that good. You think Catherine Link? Yeah. Is that cool? Yeah. You do it. I got one of Taylor.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Did that fucking video down? I swear to God, if she comes on, I'll be be so fucking nicer if one of you guys are mean to her i'm kicking her off kicking you off okay uh can i just go through some things here that are on my list and you guys just take shots at them if it's if you guys don't want to talk about we'll just move on to the next erin erin uh just much stuff uh erin o'donnell withdrew. How come? Do we know? Arm injury, I believe. After a lifting event.
Starting point is 01:01:11 And that's at the Atlas Games, right? That's at the Atlas Games? Yeah. And if people are not familiar, that's Erin Vanden Dreisch, who was the Italian Showdown winner in the first sanctional year. So she has been to the Games, although I think she only did one or two events that year. And she was really the closest person to flirting with the bubble at the Atlas Games.
Starting point is 01:01:31 The women have kind of strung themselves out in the top five pretty good. So taking her out of the conversation just kind of decreases the drama even more on the women's field up there. So it did make a difference. She would have probably she would have gone to the last chance qualifier, I think. OK, I talked about the cool tub look cool. We talked about John Woolley. Is it Josh Woolley, CrossFit PSE? Is Emma Lawson's and Jake Farlow's coaches?
Starting point is 01:01:56 Paige Powers. Another Mayhem phenom, hard worker. She made a statement. And then we got Carone also coming out with Mayhem phenom, hard worker. She made a statement. And then we got Carone also coming out with Mayhem programming, who has the largest tricep I think I've ever seen on a CrossFit Games athlete. His tricep is nuts. She said that she does two workouts a week that have 150 GHDs in each of them.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Coming from someone like me who doesn't do any GHDs, is that a lot? Is that just crazy? I mean, I haven't done GHDs in 10 of them. Coming from someone like me who doesn't do any GHDs, is that a lot? Is that just crazy? I mean, I haven't done GHDs in 10 years. Sounds nuts. Well, let's ask Taylor. Is that a lot for someone who's trying to make the CrossFit Games? Because it's a lot for all the rest of us. I don't think that's a lot for someone who's trying to make the CrossFit Games. I think some athletes train them more than others.
Starting point is 01:02:41 For me, 300 a week is probably pretty standard. But I'm also really good at ghts i know athletes that don't do that many and they don't like doing them they're probably trained by james fitzgerald too damn well i mean i know brent i know fikowski doesn't like him or at least he made an instagram post about like when i finished crossfit I'm never doing GHDs again. Well, I think it's a pretty common thought in general that GHDs or the GHD machine is a really good training implement, but maybe not the best.
Starting point is 01:03:15 It wasn't originally designed for competition. I don't think, yeah. And it for sure wasn't originally designed for sit-ups. It's opposed to your device. But I do, yeah. I think it's one of those things you have to pay to play. And if you don't do something like 300 GHDs a week, then you're going to pay for it in the middle of a workout
Starting point is 01:03:34 where you've got to do as many as they just did in a row. I like Mike Haplin, 300 lifetime. I'd like to say one more thing about Paige Powers. I asked you guys one more question about her. I'd like to nominate her workout five with a finish time of 1623 is maybe one of the greatest performances we've seen in the 2022 semifinals. She took first place 1623. It was crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Any thoughts? I could give it to you. I'd say it was up there. I need to have a quick history refresh and everything else, but totally, it was impressive. It only won the event by 12 seconds. So there's someone else that's pretty close. And who was that?
Starting point is 01:04:14 Who got 12? Elena Savage. Yeah, okay. That's the kind of workout I need to see Tia do now. Agreed. And I would just say in general, obviously. Agreed. And I would say, I would just say in general, like obviously Emma and Paige have been dominant this weekend,
Starting point is 01:04:29 but who are they beating? Right, right. I understand. I'm not, I don't want to take anything away from their performances. There have been phenomenal, but when,
Starting point is 01:04:38 if you're trying to assess how great of a performance, something they did, there is all time or something like that. I think you might be yeah i mean they're competing against grandma carolyn prevo and um and and uh and they don't call it that they call her single under prevo oh you know what speaking of which when taylor brought up the fact about the athletes being i'm not as lean there is a i think that really is important by the way i was joking around about it but the
Starting point is 01:05:06 more and more i'm looking at these athletes i think the the the best athletes win i mean no one ever wins a marathon if they're not dehydrated the guy who finishes the marathon at the new york city marathon every single year is dehydrated and i think these people part of peaking is being carrying the least amount of weight you can without it hindering your performance i mean for sure i mean gymnastics is huge wrestling carrying the least amount of weight without it hindering your performance the key word is without i think you need to finish the event fucking depleted you need if you're going to be a champion you finish the event depleted i don't know i i disagree i think if you look at if you hear
Starting point is 01:05:49 matt fraser talk about the way he competes he talks about gaining weight across the weekend but he tries to tries well he tries to for sure but at the same time he goes in as lean as he can possibly be without hindering performance and then across the weekend he can afford to gain weight if it so happens that way. But he fucking tries to, I don't, I think there are a lot of athletes that when they get that feeling after an event and they're like, man,
Starting point is 01:06:10 I just can't stomach this food. They don't eat. And then you have athletes like Matt that no, it doesn't fucking matter whether you can stomach the food or not. You shove it down. Like if you're a girl and you have an extra five pounds on you and you, and you expect to win that road climb event, go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 01:06:23 You're not like you need to be light. climb event, go fuck yourself. You're not. Like, you need to be light. You need to be light. We're seven minutes away from... Athlete to athlete, for sure. We're seven minutes away from Atlas Games. Let's talk about the bubble starting back up in the final event. Let's talk about that bubble.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Carolyn Connors, Carolyn Prevost, and Calista Lang. 389, 369 336 do you guys see anything happening here do you see carolyn prevo i mean basically it's hers to lose right they're doing that rope climb event and when it comes to the women you know i've seen some talented women that have struggled on this some women who've looked really good early and not finished strong. Um, if I'm sitting in any of the qualifying spots here, my main objective here is to know my plan and not worry about what anyone else is doing. Cause you can totally derail yourself if you do. You mean basically finish and hope like someone like a Carolyn or, uh, uh, Caroline or Carolyn basically gets stuck looking up at the rope.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Yeah. Regardless of what, I mean regardless of what i mean if you're if you're on the outside you might have to take a little bit of a risk but if you're in the inside right now all you have to do is make sure that you finish that workout no no reps at whatever pace you've decided with your coach and see where it places you who wins between emma lawson and page powers four points separates them with the legless event to go? Yep. Emma Lawson, I believe. Emma Lawson. Yep.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Hey, Brian, you any athletes on the female side that are just like going to dominate the workout off top of your head? No, I don't think so. I mean, for the women, they've already done heat one, heat two is going now. And no, I don't think there's going to be any like crazy performances here. My cousin's very wild this weekend. She was six 10th and then almost last, last fifth. Your cousin. Uh, no, no, it's not, but she's got the same last name. And I hear her, I hear her name all weekend, but she's got a six to 10th and then basically
Starting point is 01:08:19 last, last, and then another fifth. And she's in 13th. Let's cruise over to, the men jeffrey adler patrick velner um four points apart that's going to be fun to watch who's going to win um the final event between those two jeffrey and uh mr velner mr velner i'll take pat on that one okay uh does vigno stay in is he going to the crossfit games he's in fourth place with 388 points yeah he's i mean he's 48 points ahead of joy al joel's got another 13 on austin spencer but the guy to watch is hillar connor duddy why he got hell yeah this is a good ryan is on a
Starting point is 01:09:00 connor duddy train finally i've been saying his name at the end of every episode for this whole week. So if Connor Duddy finishes five places ahead of Joyal, we got a problem. Five places is 20 points, depending on where it is on the leaderboard. Yeah, it's not a problem. This is a good problem. The guy in eighth place, Jeremy Vigneault, is also one of the tallest guys in the field. Tall guys have generally done well in this workout.
Starting point is 01:09:24 He's only five points behind Duddy. I would say that. And then there's a guy in 10th, Boulanger. He'll be in the last heat. I don't think he's relevant for the game spot, but he is a guy who could mess some stuff up for someone who doesn't need those points being taken off the board. When I was a kid, I used to eat at a place called Boulangerie.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Boulangerie. It was a chain that sold like cro a place called boulangerie boulangerie it was a chain that a chain that sold like chris croissants boulangerie what do they sell on the back boulangerie you know what they sell on the back boulangerie oh yeah all right taylor what happened to cedars the point oh in that last workout or what happened yeah no no no whatever i guess both because that last workout's not something where i would have figured he would have done as poorly as he did is it did he do what he hit what you thought he was going to do was he kind of exploded i just that's what you're saying he kind of sees red and then he just doesn't perform anymore that's well that's what pat was saying i
Starting point is 01:10:20 was saying i think that he has some he does some really crazy things on Instagram and he does some really crazy things in online competitions. And that's really all I know about him. I think anytime you see a hundred GHDs in a workout, you're going to, and they're straight through, especially in the middle of a chipper, you're going to expose people who are. This is one of those things where, you know, I didn't, I didn't actually get to watch most of this event because there was so much happening across the world at that time. But, uh, 200 wall balls in this workout, he got a ton of no reps on thrusters last year in the first event at West coast classic. And, you know, if, if you start getting in a situation where you're getting no reps for whatever on the wall balls and those start adding up and adding up and already keeping in mind what Taylor says, how maybe his head or Pat says that maybe his head can be a problem for him sometimes. And we probably didn't have enough footage to see whether something like that was a problem, but just knowing some of the things in the past, you know, it's possible something like that happened too.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Should also go look at that picture that we sent to the group chat of his knee sleeves during the lift. John, what, what, uh, what evidence do we have that Katrin's has done well online? This is the evidence. Oh, sorry. I missed that. Didn't pull ahead time. That's what I was going to say. I got a quick question. I thought this event six was supposed to start at 1250,
Starting point is 01:11:40 and I'm watching it right now. It's already started. You might be looking at the the final heat or the men's event because this is women's heat two is gonna end then they'll probably have men's heat one men's heat two hopefully they'll do women's heat one and then men's heat one to finish it okay just so you guys know our next show is scheduled for 240 there's no way we're waiting that long this shit's gonna be over probably by 140 that's not true they have to do four more heats and they're 11minute heats each with reset time in between. So it's probably going to be an hour.
Starting point is 01:12:10 And then there might be time if there's any scoring disputes, et cetera. An hour would be perfect, 150. Like I said, one hour sooner. Oh, excellent. Listen to Brian. The one thing is some of these events today have had these big gaps like they'll just there's no real reason for it they just have like 10 or 20 minutes off so just you'll be back when the competition ends yeah that's true um just so you guys know they
Starting point is 01:12:36 keep running these l1 commercials i highly recommend everyone take their level one there is unfortunately a commercial that comes out of australia with uh kate and some redheaded guy on there and they keep referring to uh crossfit as a platform crossfit is not a platform i have a question and i meant to ask this on the last show yes please it regards this for some reason i always remember hearing crossfit inc and now it's an llc yeah when did that happen uh when greg sold the company they changed it okay sorry that's good fair good question uh and and and i saw one of you said you're a pediatric cardiologist and you don't understand how health care were used to be free well what's your question i was wondering if you saw that. You speak English? I do.
Starting point is 01:13:26 I'm open. I'm open. Tell me. Tell me. Where the fuck did Brian go? I just realized he wasn't here anymore. He mentioned L1. He bailed. He bailed. He wants a job with CrossFit. He's got to thread the needle. He doesn't want to promote the L1. He's like you. He's like you. He wants a job with CrossFit. He thinks it's going to be fun over there. We're taking very different routes.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Biba, keep up the great work. We love you on this show. We'll see you guys in an hour or so. Bye.

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