The Sevan Podcast - #450 | Atlas Games Finale

Episode Date: June 12, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Oh, shit. You do see him. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Bam. We're live. Bam. We're live. Bam. We're live. Bam. Bam.
Starting point is 00:00:35 We're live. Bam. We're live with Andre Houdet. Bam. We're live. Hey. Hey, guys. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:00:41 What's up, man? Thanks for having me. Did you pass the drug test? I hope so. I just came out of it. Last man standing. Oh, why so long? Why so many hours?
Starting point is 00:00:52 Because I'm a gentleman. I let all the other ones pass first. Oh, I think it was they went by penis size. They started at the smallest. Hopefully. But it went fine. Where are you right now? are you outside the venue?
Starting point is 00:01:09 yeah I literally just exited is there anyone around you? any friends or family? well I'm going to a celebration dinner that I'm a bit late for don't worry they won't start without you you are the celebration so yeah I'm going to meet a lot of friends who came to support me.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Isn't it crazy? We just watched you for a whole weekend kicking ass, being a superstar on our TV sets all around the world, and at the end of the day, you had to pee in front of a cup, and when you're done, there's no one out there waiting for you. Well, they are waiting pretty close by, but, yeah, it was a little bit anti-Clemax to sit there for four hours and waiting. It's a lonely and cold world at the top.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Yeah, but there was a lot of other athletes. They really drug tested a lot. I think we're 28 athletes drug tested. Oh, everyone knows that you guys aren't really drug testing, and the drug testing at CrossFit HQ is a complete joke. I'm joking, Andre. I have no clue. It's very serious. I'm joking, Andre. I have no clue. It's very serious. I'm just making fun of Hiller because Hiller wears a tinfoil hat.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Do you know what the wizinator is, Sevan? It's a fake cock. A fake penis? Well, Sevan has one, but it's not a wizinator. It's the one that doesn't whiz. It's just a fake cock. Just a dildo? Welcome to the show, Andre.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Andre, do you remember the weekend? Do you remember Friday, Saturday, and Sunday? Yeah, I remember everything. Awesome. So here we go. How old are you? I am 28. And this is your...
Starting point is 00:02:42 How many trips have you made to the game? Is this your second trip? It's my second trip as an individual, but I qualified through a team in two 20. Um, so it would essentially be my third if COVID wouldn't have happened, but second individual. And, uh, in, in your background, is it Olympic lifting? No, it's in American football where we never did any olympic lifting but i guess it's just uh i've had some pretty good coaching on that luckily and what do you it's more than coaching you're such a beautiful mover when people talk about
Starting point is 00:03:16 the best lifters in our space it's always you know gee and yourself your names that come up what what is it about um those lifts do you do you love them and why do you think you move so well i don't know i think maybe i've always had a narrative where it's like the other guys are fitter than me and better than me and stronger than me and all these kind of things so i always kind of told myself i needed to be better than them than moving and i needed to be i don't know like just just have that intangible which is moving well and really just trying to maximize that so so that i could compensate for perhaps lack of um genetic strength and yeah size um is that a that lift that match has showed us is that on the second floor?
Starting point is 00:04:06 No, that's on the first floor. I live in like a country, countryside house where we have like the houses kind of split into three somehow. It's, it's all connected, but it's like three parts. It's a typical countryside home. And one of the kind of lengths of the house is just one big gym, which is 150 square meters. Susie, can you pull up the finishes for this weekend? When were you the most nervous? When were you like, uh-oh, did doubts creep into your brain like I may have shut the door on myself?
Starting point is 00:04:41 Yeah, for sure. After the first event, I finished 19 19th and that was a bit of a shocker uh i thought i was gonna do better because it went it went as good as i had imagined and it went to the plan that i had planned for and i was the last one off the runner the last one off the rower the last one off the double unders and pretty much the last one off the runner again in the end and I kind of that kind of made me doubt a little bit my my training I coached myself and have been for the past like almost three years so and I trained by myself in the middle of nowhere in the countryside all year long so so that was a little bit tough because in 2018 was when I was at regionals it was triple three that was my worst event so I in 2018, when I was at regionals, it was triple three.
Starting point is 00:05:25 That was my worst event. So I really had hoped to kind of make a statement for myself and show that I've been working on it. But clearly I had not been working enough on it. And so that was a little bit of a tough, tough start to the weekend. But I'm happy I just stayed in my zone and, you know, I kept pushing and ended strong. When you took, oh, go ahead. Was someone going to ask something? Yeah, I was going to ask, do you think it's the running
Starting point is 00:05:52 or is it just the longer time domain in general for you? I think it's the longer time domain. I think genetically, perhaps I'm more like a power athlete, even though I really don't look like it. But perhaps because american football is my background sport uh perhaps the training we've been doing in the off season has been more just power output based and i have never really been you know the guy who does long runs and those kind of things but i've been working on a lot but not enough and i think that just also tells me
Starting point is 00:06:23 that i need to outsource uh coaching for for that section to someone who really knows what they're doing, perhaps more than me. And so I can get some help. Go ahead, Taylor. Go ahead. No, I was just going to say, I was nervous for you, too, after the first event, actually, on one of the earlier shows. I was worried about a couple of these other workouts after that but it was pretty surprising especially seeing you on um the legless or not the legless workout the echo bike burpee workout yeah i was pretty surprised too i'm not gonna lie on the on the second workout you end end up taking eighth place.
Starting point is 00:07:07 And so that wraps up day one. Does eighth give you ā€“ when you got that eighth and you go home that night and you're in bed, is your confidence back up a little bit or are you still shaken? Yeah, I think it was back up. I mean, I just ā€“ I think I'm a very methodical guy. And I really just try to stick to my plans. I have a little black book with all my notes and game plans. And I promised myself before this weekend that regardless where I placed in each of the events that I would just stick to my plan and, and trust my paces and strategies because I don't have anyone that I train with.
Starting point is 00:07:42 So I'm always by myself. So I kind of have to just focus on what I can do because I never really have anything to compare with. But I wasn't feeling great after day one. I was a bit doubting maybe the work I'd put in, even though I felt the preparations for this competition had been better than pretty much anything I'd ever done. And I've been super focused, no social media, no posting for whatever,
Starting point is 00:08:10 20-plus days, and just really try to do all the small things. What do you do out there? What's your gig out there, out in the country? I'm a coach. I have a company called No Shortcuts Training where we provide online coaching similar to, yeah, a lot of people like Mayhem and Phrases, Hard Work Pays Off and those kind of programs. So it's a generic training program where there's three different options based on the time available for the athletes. And we have a pretty big community here in Europe and yeah so that's
Starting point is 00:08:46 that's what I live off can you pull that up Susan no shortcuts training and are you the are you the founder creator of that yeah yeah I've been I actually coached before I started like pursuing my athletic career and I really love coaching so when I'm done competing one day then that's what I'm gonna to do full time. So I, I dream to be in the space for, yeah, forever. Um, Andre, that's interesting. Cause I was wondering what you have for accountability and responsibility. And I guess you have your community, right? You might not have a coach. You might not have someone right next to you, but you have your community. And I bet you feel some pressure from that. You don't want to let
Starting point is 00:09:22 them down. Yeah. I, you know, there's always, when you coach yourself, I think people have expectations that if I don't do better each year, then maybe my programming is not working. And, and so, I mean, maybe I put that pressure on myself, but I think there's just an expectation of, you know, you have to prove that your service or your programming works. Um, so, so happy to see that you know it did work this year again uh as you finished the the the last workout and um did you know you'd made it yeah yeah i i was really surprised that i was ahead on on the stations um the strategy had paid off so i just kind of paced even though my body
Starting point is 00:10:06 was dying i felt like my mind was pretty clear throughout the workout so i could have an overview over where the other guys were and i just needed to do just enough uh to make sure i finished first in that event do you have any criticism for him hill Hiller? Do you hate his coach? He's got the worst coach I've ever seen. Well, I wanted to know what you think you could have hit on that complex because I have a feeling you cut yourself off because you took the victory. Am I right? That's about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I don't know how much heavier I could go. If I had another attempt, I think I could go. I definitely like, if I had another thing, I would put one 55 on. It would be, so that would be 42. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Okay. I don't have like in my training, I've never done a lot of complexes, so I didn't really have an idea. So I estimated based on what I saw in the other regions. And I didn't want to play too risky especially after a poor day one so so i needed to to get a secure lift on that one and 150 felt really good so i was i was happy with that and i was also in the second heat i wasn't in the final heat which then made me
Starting point is 00:11:24 you cut out we lost his audio oh he muted himself on accident i think you muted yourself come back you muted yourself uh on andre jude you have to push the mute button. Do you see it? I can't unmute you. Close. You unmuted yourself for a second and then remuted. That's a good word, remuted. Just touch it very gently.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Caress it harder. Caress it, Andre. Can you just barely touch? Oh, I can't unmute him. Yeah. I tried to as well. He has to do it himself. He has barely have to touch the button.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Andre, do you see the mute button? You did it once. You figured it out once. He has to figure it out on his own. Cool dude. That's the first time I've talked to him. What a cool.
Starting point is 00:12:20 He just left like that. No, he's back. He's back. Yeah. Sorry about that. Somebody just called me. Oh. Are you at the restaurant where your friends and family are?
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah, actually I am. Okay. Final question. Hi. Hi. When will you come to the States? Sorry, not final question. When will you come to the States? That's going to be last minute because my wife is giving
Starting point is 00:12:44 birth one week before. So it's going to be a bit tight. But father on, Ray. Let's see. All right, brother. Hey, great meeting you. I really appreciate your time. I really, really appreciate your time.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Thanks for coming on. Thanks a lot for having me. I appreciate it. We'll be in touch. Have fun. Thank you. Take care, guys. Bye. Take care, man. appreciate your time thanks for coming on thanks a lot for having me i appreciate it yeah we'll be in touch have fun thank you take care guys bye take care man hey uh taylor is that is that is that real um what he said uh he got off social media for 20 days as part of his you know discipline to build up like as like he uses that as part of his proof that like hey i'm taking this seriously social media that big of a distraction for some of these athletes
Starting point is 00:13:31 fuck yeah it is i think for some people i think for some people it's a big distraction um what does that look like they're on the assault bike and instead of warming up they're fucking like looking at their phones doing their social media you taylor i'm sure you know the people out there that come to mind when you think of they're doing a workout and they're almost more considering where their camera is facing their workout than their actual workout that's a good point yeah i didn't even think about that because i never film myself when i'm training and my coach actually is like hey can we get some stuff on video i'm like yeah yeah um i didn't even think about that i was thinking more of what what seven says yeah just like just
Starting point is 00:14:11 like you feel like you need to get back to your peeps they finish a workout and they're just like fucking on their phone scrolling i'm like dude will you like hang out on the flip side i know athletes that'll record movements of their workout after they've done their workout. So let's say they were doing Fran, they would do Fran, and then they would record some thrusters and pull-ups afterwards and say, hey, look at me doing Fran. Yeah, that's better. That sounds smarter. It's a love-hate relationship because they've got to build their brand. They need to have notice. They need to have a following. But at the same time, they need to get their job done.
Starting point is 00:14:43 So it would be easy to get sucked into that if you're always worried about making content and everything else versus your training. So I actually like the finish and then just do a few movements for something, for content. It's compartmentalizing almost. I hear people hate that,
Starting point is 00:14:54 but it makes a lot more sense if you ask them. It does, yeah. No, fuck you. If you want to see me do thrusters, you're going to have to see them non-authentic thrusters. You got to subscribe to someone's profile. I like thrusters. I like Andre's method.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Just turn it off for 20 days. Yeah. Yeah, fuck it. I mean, yeah. There's you know, you have followers, you have fans. I was just reading that.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Savon, you stated that Medicare was free for everyone. That didn't make sense. This has never my career medicine american i apologize uh it's absolutely free you can anyone can go into a hospital anywhere anytime and get treatment i don't know what you don't understand about that and it's always been like that and it's only recently since they passed obamacare that poor people have to pay for it and not that and let's not let's not speak in misnomers nothing's ever been free. Nothing is free. That's fuckery. That's word fuckery. And I apologize if I use the word free and thank you for calling me on it. And the second thing, my main point was, is that health insurance is
Starting point is 00:15:54 a misnomer. It's what people who have assets get in the United States to protect their assets so that if they do fucking get hit by a car or something and they need a fucking heart transplant, they would get it. They would get it it for it would be covered by our government but if you have a house they'll come take your fucking house that's all i'm saying and it's the same thing in fucking every country they just guise it as something different not every country but the good countries what do i mean by the good countries where you don't die from a bee sting where your kid doesn't die from a bee sting that's a good fucking country that from a bee sting. That's a good fucking country. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Anthony Andrews, a homeless person. And let's not also forget that in this country, the United States, I can't speak for the other countries. It's probably not like this in the great country of Sweden or Switzerland. But in this country, 86% of that healthcare expenditure is people who are complicit in their demise. They are fucking the rest of us because they've chosen lifestyle choices that make it so that they're consuming fucking all
Starting point is 00:16:51 the resources because they have to drink three cokes a day or because you got fucking idiots like fucking bio lane and those other fucking idiots who think it's okay to drink eat donuts three times a week oh but it's okay if you count your macros go fuck yourself okay where were we uh 600 live listeners just caught your social media social media so why not just um i wonder if camps have that i wonder if like you go into the think training camp um and uh and max elhaj is like okay everyone you have to leave your phones at the door like you can't bring your phones in here like it's this is phone off time you know there is a point in time in the gym where i was gonna have like and thank you gsi gotcha i love you i love you you're a good dude and thanks for listening to me get all wound up i just i've been just
Starting point is 00:17:30 battling with europeans in my dms and i love the europeans too but they need to get their dick stepped on a little bit okay go ahead i'm so opinionated about the cell phone and the social media thing that when i was at the gym i was gonna have everybody everyone download an app that would track their time and everyone's got it and i think it's standard in the iphone now that there's just a tracker for how much time you spent on whatever the hell app you're on and i was going to have like some sort of initiative sort of planned at the gym like they have the weight loss plans mine was going to be a detox of the social media and cell phone time i never ended up doing it but the reason behind it was because everyone's wasting so much goddamn time on their freaking cell phones and i actually know what do you mean wasting though i
Starting point is 00:18:11 really like my cell phone what do you mean like give me an example of an athlete who is something an athlete if you saw behavior from one of your athletes that you'd be like hey man that's that's impeding your ability to perform at your highest level i just told you oh the athletes that like to you'll see them doing assault bike intervals and they'll be changing around the the angle of their phone so they can put together a really cool clip for their social media later it's like focus on the fucking assault bike intervals and then you know what happens every year they shit the bed or when it comes when push comes to shove because they haven't been prioritizing the workout and then they can make a social media post because they have more followers who will all listen to their sab story i think that's an interesting
Starting point is 00:18:50 thing though because they're i struggle with that too like the you know wanting to be a person who experiences the moment in the physical world in life be away from the phone but also we're in we're in uh this weird state and time period where all that shit is so important. Well, seemingly. Seemingly important. It's how these people are making fuckloads of money. So I don't know. It just begs the question, is it actually a waste of time if Danny Spiegel can take a picture of her ass and make however much money off of it or go win an event at a yeah it's a tool it depends on how
Starting point is 00:19:26 i'm gonna get crushed for that comment yeah social hey it's not it's not you who's paying to see your ass why would you get in trouble it's hillary hillary hillary hey hillary her 100 000 subscribers at five dollars a month i've been wanting to check this out everyone brace your hillary are you sitting down brace yourself for him not no i've been lunging this whole time what's up this is gonna be the meanest thing i've ever said to you ready oh interesting that katrin didn't make the games this year she's probably should have stuck with ben bergeron how did she do last year? I don't know. How did she go?
Starting point is 00:20:06 I don't remember, actually. I like Yami. I hate using that as a ā€“ Yami's a great coach. But I just ā€“ using that because you're like ā€“ that's the same argument. People are like, hey, Chandler Smith should switch. And it's like, hey, we'll look Katrin's switch and nothing happened. Got worse. I'm looking into it.
Starting point is 00:20:21 How did Katrin do last year? I don't think she made it. Send me a box of chocolates and I'll stop picking on you. This wasn't top 10, I don't believe. Maybe she did. She was at the game. She was at the game. She finished 10th, yes. Hey, I'm thinking about getting on the Emma Lawson train,
Starting point is 00:20:39 like really hardcore. Maybe I have this Colton Mertens. No? Not get on the emma lawson train no sorry i'm mad at myself for not knowing where she was at last year i was emma lawson is incredible i know what you guys are gonna say it's what brian said and it's jr said hey look who she was competing against but still i'm um man she must be so proud her parents must be so proud. Her parents must be so proud of her. That's super bad-ass. She won.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Has anyone done that before at her age? One, is she the youngest person? I know she's the fourth youngest ever to go to the CrossFit games. Uh, but has anyone her age ever won a, uh, competition? This,
Starting point is 00:21:19 this significant. Mel took second last year, right? At Granite games. Yeah. And she was 18. Hmm. Yeah. totally the youngest. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Hey, and someone in those lame-ass comments said something really smart. They said, if I would have been doing an interview at 17, I'd look like a deer in a headlight. I agree. She's well-spoken. They said, how do you feel? She says, I think my smile says it all. It's like dang
Starting point is 00:21:45 you sharp you sharp you talk good you don't know what i was thinking i was thinking imagine being a 24 26 maybe even a 30 year old athlete and then you see this girl come on in just wipe the floor with all of you and then like how she can do the games let's say she does like a fifth place finish at the games it's like what the hell are you gonna do as a 25 to 30 year old who's like probably trying to win the crossfit games maybe you're like oh i'm gonna go beat tia next year and then you see emma lawson coming up at 17 you're like oh well fuck me right yeah just wipe the floor with everybody for the next decade yeah Yeah, it's emotional. It's got to be emotional head fuck for those who are older and around her. It's kind of like I was going to make fun of Taylor's knee,
Starting point is 00:22:37 but it just wasn't going to come out right. Yeah, it's got to be brutal. I mean, look, they asked Carolyn Prevo in her exit interview, what's it like being the grandma in the bunch? And it's like, hey, man, it's, it's, it's gotta be brutal. Um, I mean, look at, they asked Carolyn Prevo in her exit interview, what's it like, you know, being the grandma on the bunch. And it's like, Hey man, it's a real deal. This girl can get the, while this girl will get better between now and the CrossFit games, some athletes will get worse. It's just going to skew younger as it goes on and on.
Starting point is 00:23:00 That just, I mean, you have the background of CrossFit now. She started when she was seven, right? Like it's, you're going to have a bunch of other athletes that are gonna have that same thing so their pedigree is gonna be growing up in the gym growing up with crossfit and they're just gonna have more repetitions than some of these older athletes and as they get older like savon said they're it's just gonna be tougher on their bodies harder to recover not gonna move as quick you think it'll look like gymnastics yeah or like i don't think it'll ever start in their teenage years yeah i think the 17 to like to like 20 in the next couple years will be the the sweet spot and you'll see more and more top five uh people in this yeah the strength i don't i don't know i mean that's not room for them but don't speak taylor then
Starting point is 00:23:43 don't speak no i'm just saying i don't know that I agree with that at all. This is a show for only know-it-alls. Okay, go. But do you see what I'm saying? I mean, she's going to get better in four months. Here's the other thing. So she has been doing CrossFit since what? She was seven years old, they said?
Starting point is 00:23:57 Yeah. So she's been doing CrossFit for the same period of time that someone who started when they were 15 and now they're 22 or 23 or 24. So they have the same amount of accumulation of reps and potentially her body is going to last a little bit longer. But at the same time, I just don't see how her starting younger equates to her having so much of, I mean, you just look at other professional sports. Just because a kid starts football when he's seven. For sure, for sure. Burnout and all that stuff. But she's made it past that though. But she's made it past that. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I agree with what you're saying, Taylor, but we're, we're looking at one example that's kind of, I mean, she's made it through her, cursed at her. Right. I mean, right. They've made it through the worst. The burnout. She's 17. How has she made it through the worst the burnout she's 17 how has she made it to the burnout this girl ain't gonna burn out what what you need what we need to wait and see is what is she gonna be like when she's 25 26 27 because you see yeah she's gonna beat everybody forever she's calling it you and brian do this thing where it's like you know we're gonna see it in 35 years we're gonna say that she was the best ever.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I'm like, no. I think she's going to be great forever. Who, Hiller? Hiller, are you talking about Emma? Emma. Yeah. I think that next year she's going to be like maybe possibly better than Mel O'Brien. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I don't think she'll take her on this year. This is the other thing. We're never going to see this kind of thing in the men's field. Oh, shit. Really? Yeah, I agree with that. It's so biologically different. Okay, there you go.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I agree with that. I think the guys will always skew a little bit older, for sure. When do we fucking catch them? Because it's like that with my friends who have six-year-old daughters, and my son's seven and a half. They run circles around them. They can talk him into anything. The girls are just more advanced.
Starting point is 00:25:49 This might be a good time to go back to what we were talking about yesterday with the Fittest documentary, The Next Generation. Remember when you were trying to talk about Tia and how she said something along the lines of, what is it that she said that you didn't like, Sevan? Right, right. Let's play it real quick. Will you play the beginning of that is it that you should that she said that you didn't like so right right let's play it real quick will you play that the beginning of that trailer for me i don't like the fact that she has to justify even for one second that she treats this like a professional sport it's like and i have something i want to bring up in relation to that by the way okay so we can play
Starting point is 00:26:18 it first if you want okay are you gonna say like what carolyn prevo was saying that how she's a school teacher and how someone else was saying that the Italian chick was saying that she does Photoshop and shit like that? Is that what you're going to say, Hillary? What I want to say is that she brings up the professionalism of the sport and how this is her full-time job. She trains her whole life. And I just brought up gymnasts. brought up gymnasts and i don't know if taylor or seven or suze if any of you guys know but i definitely know people who basically from the time they were four years old their parents were pushing the shit out of them becoming like professional baseball players sure and i don't
Starting point is 00:26:55 think that someone like tia had that sort of an upbringing i don't know for sure but i don't know of any of the crossfitters who like they were born and from the time they were born it's like oh you're gonna work with the best coach for this. And you're going to be on this sort of a training regimen. And I know that there's Olympic gymnasts and like the, like America level at the Olympics. It's pinned in the game's Instagram. I have it.
Starting point is 00:27:18 I have it up. I just don't know. But Hillary, we do know that. We do know that she, we do know that she had a Tia had Olympic aspirations before she became a CrossFitter. And I think it was in how much it's like. But, Hillary, we do know that she had Olympic aspirations before she became a CrossFitter, and I think it was in track and field. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I wonder if she was brought up for that, then. That's kind of what I'm saying, though. It's getting younger and younger. She's got to have it up there so that we'll stop talking. Oh, okay. Well, I just don't know how much of it we could play here. That's my, you know, my... It's Instagram.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Play the whole team first part. No, this is YouTube. Hold on. Oh, yeah. Play it. Either way. Either way. first part. No, this is YouTube. Hold on. Oh, yeah. Either way. Either way. Go ahead. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Go ahead. Fuck it. Let's play the first 20 seconds. Craft as a profession. Go. Start again. I would... There we go.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I go to the gym every single day. I treat my craft as a profession. gym every single day i treat my craft as a profession i would argue the fact that i am just as professional if not more than another athlete that is going to a sport that has been around for that what the fuck is she even talking about that's what i want to say there's no way there's no way she said someone frank and bit that together i just can't see her saying that shit but that's what i'm talking about that's what i heard that i was like uh i know people personally that aren't that aren't as good as she is that took it way more seriously when they were being brought up she doesn't need to say that she doesn't need to say that either
Starting point is 00:28:41 that's yeah i agree 100 with you savon and you get there's experience all or at least examples all over other sports of fucking shithead pro athletes that just clearly don't take their job that professionally i put her against any fucking human being on the planet you randomly pick 10 things out of the hopper you get you can pick a dude i don't care like she she i mean just embarrassed for her that she says that and that means it comes out like that she is a she's the gold standard there's there's no second place in her in her world or even even in the even in the adjacent worlds yeah you know sorry go ahead hillary i think we're saying different things but i do agree with what you're saying oh and what are you saying sorry i'm getting all fired up go ahead what are you saying no i just agree with what you're saying oh and what are you saying sorry i'm getting all fired up go ahead what are you saying no i just agree with what you're saying but what i was saying was that she's saying that
Starting point is 00:29:27 and yet is not as professional quote unquote and has been doing it as the other athletes have oh or what i was trying to say through their upbringing to what i know which i suppose isn't that much no you know a lot you know a lot i appreciate it. No, you know a lot. You know a lot. I appreciate it. And we know you know a lot. Can you pull up the leaderboard again, Sousa? Going to Patrick Vellner, I heard, I don't know who it was. It was either Joel or Mr. Conway say that he missed his first rope jump, like the same thing Medeiros did. Exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:30:03 I got to log off here in a second guys did you guys see that yes it didn't send that far behind though at first so and he kind of laughed about it pat kind of laughed about it check his head as he ran back off too did you see that well what did you think about the fact when he grabbed his truck and he dropped it and he went back for it and lost another second? I think Vellner. That's just kind of what he does. I actually think that was more of a hang-up than the missed rope climb at first for him right there.
Starting point is 00:30:31 It threw him off his rhythm for sure on that run. I got to head out. Where are you going? Taylor, you don't have to. You can stay, buddy. Stay. You can stay. I got dinner with my mommy, man.
Starting point is 00:30:40 She's leaving tomorrow morning. All right. Thanks for coming, buddy. Bye, dude. Later. And then there were three all right hopefully we get someone to call in who we got i call in connor doughty i think that uh i think that he was pissed when that finished i think he really wanted to win that i think for sure yeah you know what my biggest pet peeve was and is is that the
Starting point is 00:31:03 females and it's fine because they can do it, that they can put chalk in their freaking bra straps. Well, you could throw it in your pocket as a dude. Not on that workout, not really. Yeah, I guess they're going to go in and out of their pockets over and over again, and I guess you can't really compare the males to the females. You could wear a strap on your arm.
Starting point is 00:31:19 You could wear a bra if you're a dude. No one's stopping you. I think it was Marie Robin at Strength and Depth. Yeah, okay, yes. I actually think was Marie Robin at strength and depth. Yeah. Okay. Yes. I actually think that Pat Vellner getting second place this weekend is going to make for a scary Pat Vellner at the games. Like, I think,
Starting point is 00:31:33 I think he's going to go back and, you know, he's a veteran in it too. So who knows where he is in his training program. And you know, how Frazier would always say that he's not even peaking. So he shouldn't be winning some of these things. Maybe patch training is somewhat of the same there too,
Starting point is 00:31:45 but I think it's going to fire him up coming into the games. Like the taste of the second place. Hiller Hiller said that it's, it's classic Velner. And this guy is giving some examples to back up what Hiller said. He missed the rope. He steps on the line. He falls off the rope ladder.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Still doesn't know how to swim. He's basically saying like, this is every one of the conversations. Like we're a sports bra you put it by your dick hey maybe there's a million dollar idea there for men uh something where men wear something on their arm where you store chalk hello chalk holder yeah yeah like a fanny pack that's what they call it there joseph joseph medina all right oh and it could be called the bro it's called the bro and it holds your chalk hey where's my chalk bro god i bet you dick butter's such a funny person in real life i bet she's so or she sorry she or she said don't assume they they splash them are funny uh you so so we do agree that pat was pissed he did it wasn't enough him to go. He wanted to win it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yeah, for sure. Nicholas Joyal ends up doing what he needs to do. 23, 24, 25 points over Austin Spencer. Took third in the rope climb. That's just a dude handling his business, especially since Austin Spencer got sixth. Only three seconds behind him. Austin Spencer is a good dude.
Starting point is 00:33:07 He's been around a while and he's very fit and he's always right there, sixth through tenth as far as qualifying. He was close. He's almost like a Nick Matthews sort of guy. He's just right behind Colton Mertens at every competition. I've been watching too much
Starting point is 00:33:23 CrossFit when I start knowing the BKGs and the Scott Panchecks of the semi-finals i do not want that information getting stuck in my head look at this one the chalk blocker uh i would like to say this hillar um one of uh someone dm me and and said hey you have to let the burpees go for women slamming the titties on the ground hurts I guess I can't speak to that so I don't know I have plenty of female athletes that I know don't complain about it though
Starting point is 00:33:56 so yeah and they all hit their chest on the floor Coach Hiller has spoken oh I want to show you guys something can you bring up the Vindicate website can you bring up the Vindicate website you have any new shirts coming out Hiller has spoken. Oh, I want to show you guys something. Can you bring up the Vindicate website? Can you bring up the Vindicate website? Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:09 You have any new shirts coming out, Hiller? Yes. Okay, we'll go over and look at your shirts right after this. I'm not sure it's up yet. I don't think it will be. We have two, actually, to my knowledge. Oh, we got two also. All right, we're going to have to battle it out.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Oh, the CEO plus shirt is out, if you would like the CEO plus shirt, it is available for pre-order and for your 4th of July, the CEO American shirt. Oh, fuck. And for some of you, for some reason who are confused,
Starting point is 00:34:40 um, I am, I've always been a huge fan of, uh, pride week and the Gay Pride Parade and all that shit I loved doing all that stuff growing up and partying through college and high school and as I got older
Starting point is 00:34:52 my only issue with those fucknuts is they know how to party, I love them to death that shit does not belong anywhere near kids like nowhere near it what doesn't belong near kids? Fireworks? Fireworks and Pride Parade and Pride shirts and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Fireworks and Pride Parades don't belong to your children? No. I'm missing your point. Sorry. People get confused. They conflate the issue. They think that just because I like to party at the Gay Pride Parade that I think it's okay for it to be at my kid's elementary school and it is not.
Starting point is 00:35:24 It is not. Just like fireworks aren't okay at my kid's elementary school. And it is not. It is not. Just like fireworks aren't okay at my kid's elementary school. Thank you for pointing that out, Hiller. And for those of you who are conflating that, and by the way, for all the gay people who fucking DM me and support me, which is all of you, it's like not one of you has been like, hey, you're an asshole. You get it.
Starting point is 00:35:40 And I appreciate you and I love you guys for that. And let's party naked. Okay. When my kids are away at summer camp as they should be thank you um oh and and so hillary your shirts weren't there i only talked about my shirts they're not up yet no but they're they'll be coming out before the games there's a games twist to them do you have to be 18 of 8 yes both shirts you have to be 18 or older there's a there's a waiver you gotta fill out that's awesome that is a fucking great idea my pride shirt should be 18 plus travis 18 plus for that one have like a box check put it in the description yeah it's the sex
Starting point is 00:36:19 shirt it's the genital it's the genitalia shirt and i'm gonna change i'm gonna call it the pride it's the genitalia flag as a married gay woman i appreciate what you're saying about gay pride stuff seven thank you oh and you're a fucking cop thank you from my family and my boys and my kids and everyone i love who needs the street safe thank you hey seven if you keep talking about this stuff remember i got a couple guests for you to bring on possibly i know i'm gonna have that i started following both of them i'm pumped i know they told me they were excited okay uh i i want to go over and look at the women at atlas also uh before i go to my kids tennis today boom hillary i have to we have to get scheduled for next week for the hiller review show. We don't have it done that either. I don't think I have anything scheduled
Starting point is 00:37:07 for Friday. I don't think you've ever scheduled one of those for me. You're just like, hey, dude, you're free in 10 minutes? I'm like, yeah, sure. Let's go. Hiller, how dare you? I'm in the middle of something real important. I call Hiller. 9 o'clock
Starting point is 00:37:24 my time, 11 o'clock his time. And I'm like, you want to do a show in six hours? He's like, okay. Whatever you want, mister. Emma Lawson, Paige Powers. Love Paige Powers. Huge fan. Caroline Connors. I didn't give her much attention this week. I saw her. I think I can pick her out of a crowd now.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Freya Mooseberger. Congratulations. Your name is awesome. Carolyn Prevo does what she has to do takes eighth um i'm excited to see all these go all these ladies go i would have really liked to have seen i know i didn't mention her name much but she's someone that i've known around the community forever tori dyson although she is young she has been around forever and it would have been nice to see her go um and and thank you to all you guys for putting on an amazing show page powers uh oh that's what i wanted to ask who day i wanted to
Starting point is 00:38:11 ask who day about the 150 ghds twice a week i wanted to find out if what he thought about that kind of hung up on that i think you need to ask every athlete you have on the show about that i will oh you're not joking right it's a good question right no i'm dead serious you should ask everybody yeah because i'm not because i i am knowing that the opex methodology doesn't like that and i think that it's totally necessary that they do a certain number of ghd setups a week what do you mean they don't like it? Explain that to me. I know that they had a number that they had to hit, and I think it was 100 to 150. And that was only when it was approaching competition season, quote-unquote.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I know that they had them kind of planned out to an extent. Susan, don't you have an OPEX cert, or is that Brian? No, I don't have an OPEX cert, but I'm familiar with it. That's Brian. He can probably speak to that better than I can. What's a NARP? You rat on somebody? No no that's what this is um uh susan how many ghds do you do do do at your affiliate do they do ghds every week at least some or no no no no no we have literally one ghd and our average class size is like between 11 and 15 people so do you remember the the backlash from last year's quarter?
Starting point is 00:39:25 Hold on one second. Hold on. Hold on one second. So, so that Gigi's only accessory work. Yeah, exactly. And there's a few people that have,
Starting point is 00:39:32 you know, competitive aspirations and they kind of get it off to the side just because if you're going to compete, you do have to build some capacity in the GHD, but it's not, I mean, that's the number one and two thing that you get Rabdo from, right?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Uh, eccentric pull-ups and, uh, GHD sit-ups. Like he could really jack yourself up from them and anybody that's done a bunch of them without any capacity knows that that's the thing right there everybody's got a ghd story right like the first hey i'm not joking i can go into the gym after not doing ghd and just do five and the next day be so fucking sore it's not even funny I'm not even joking. And in all seriousness, when people go,
Starting point is 00:40:06 Hey, and they ask about it and we show them, you know how to properly do the GG. The first thing we say is like, do three sets of 10. It's going to feel like you didn't do anything at all until like two days later. And then you're going to be real happy.
Starting point is 00:40:16 You only did 30 of them when you're starting to like cold drafts. I mean, the 150 in the quarterfinals last time, you remember that? 180, 180 people up. Yeah. Is that what you were going that 180 180 people up yeah is that what you were gonna say hillar is that what you were gonna bring up correct yeah and i remember all of the i don't want to like throw get with the program under the bus but they were like super against it
Starting point is 00:40:35 and i know tf was super against it and i was like this is fucking awesome this is gonna throw all those people who don't do enough ghd setups under the bus into the freaking ringer and they're gonna learn their lesson real quick yeah and then they're probably also all gonna go to the hospital so i understand why they were saying it the first gym i ever worked at the the owner i remember when i met him he had just gotten back from the hospital from two days oh shit yeah it's like the immediate rhabdo in dunes or if you do too many too soon yeah it's the eccentric piece because you're always in contraction, so you're always contracting, and at the same time you're going backwards. Same with the eccentric pull-up.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Everybody gets their biceps jacked up with eccentric pull-ups a lot of times. It looked like he was pregnant. His stomach never looked the same ever again. Oh, you know, I've heard stories of that happening at the old Santa Cruz gym in the early days, people's stomachs getting so bloated and fucked up afterwards. And they never look the same. Paige Powers was exposing her training on GHDs in front of Emma Lawson. Never share a training program to anyone.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Always don't downplay what you do to your competitors. I think that mayhem thing is just so known, but good stuff. Okay, can we cruise over? If you need to go to the hospital, it's free. Let's cruise over to strength and depth. Yeah, at least if you need to go to to the hospital it's free let's cruise over to strength and depth yeah at least if you need to go to the hospital it's free yes not free free for you but not free for everyone else depends on how old you are jacqueline dalstrom uh we saw her in the in the drug drug tank along with emma mcquade and sam briggs they were nice enough to
Starting point is 00:42:00 call us earlier uh we got to get Helga daughter on the show. I'm so crazy impressed by her. Yeah. Oh yeah. I was listening to another podcast talk and do you know how many times she's been to the games? No, no.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Can you click on her profile? Scroll down. She pulled up for everybody. Wait, or is that a little tag up there? Yeah, six times. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Yeah, right? I know she made the final cuts the one year where they were doing, they cut down to 10. And I remember that was the first time I was like, how many times has she been here? And she's been there a lot. Look at that picture of her. She's one of the prettiest women in the world,
Starting point is 00:42:41 but that picture doesn't show it. The one that came? I want to know who chooses those pictures. Did they choose those pictures? It looks like I chose it. You can tell she chose her profile picture compared to that one. She looks great in the profile one. I wish I was going to both of them,
Starting point is 00:42:58 but not exactly the most flattering post. Look at that, 2012. Yeah, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21. It's pretty awesome. Wow. Top 10 finish in 19 19 that was the year of the cuts yeah crazy okay uh let's go back over to that leaderboard poke around and as we get down there the big story obviously is uh catcher and david's daughter taking um place, going last chance qualifier. We know Sam Briggs isn't going to do the last chance qualifier.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Do you think Katrin even tries the last chance qualifier, Hiller? You do? You do think she does? Yeah. Are you kidding? Yeah, I'm kidding. I see her as being too prideful. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:43:48 No, she'll be doing the last chance qualifier i think it's just briggs who said so far that she's not doing it out there right just like right away did you think she would just be like okay i'm gonna buckle down and start working towards next year i'm not fucking around with this last chance qualifier yeah she might do two pegboard climbs this offseason oh my gosh oh man if she doesn't go in this year is this is that the is that the downfall you think that's it you think she ever recovers from that comes back to be a serious contender at the games it'll really speak volumes to seeing what she can do a year with another coach because she's only been out of there for what six to eight months and she had such a long time where it doesn't appear as if they were working towards making a better version of katrin
Starting point is 00:44:27 yeah oh man oh man the comment uh katrin no rep doter the last stand you know what i really like i like the capital n capital r in no rep it's like its own little thing it's like crossfit but it's it's nice people are picking up on it no record i was i was i was i was hearing some pretty vicious rumors uh coming out of there from strength and depth i can't get them verified so i shouldn't say them but it does not sound like she was in a good headspace it does not sound like she was in a good headspace you don't want to say them you can you can't say them and i need them verified i mean i can i can tell you i can tell you that she sounds like she wasn't in a good headspace. You don't want to say them. You can, you can't say them. And I need them verified. I mean, I can,
Starting point is 00:45:05 I can, I can tell you, I can tell you that she sounds like she wasn't in a good headspace. I'm super over it. Like she just, she just isn't in, she doesn't have the same fight she used to. She's not hungry for it anymore.
Starting point is 00:45:15 You mean? Uh, no, that there was some entitlement issues going on that just weren't, didn't seem like the healthy, like stuff that, you know, like a hungry warrior doesn't have,
Starting point is 00:45:23 um, this, uh, I am super impressed with her, like a hungry warrior doesn't have, um, this, uh, I am super impressed with her, her final workout. She took first place. It's exactly what she had to do. And I think it shows championship, uh, um, championship mindset. Hillary, give her some love sled dog.
Starting point is 00:45:42 All righty. And I'm going, and so Hillary, you say she's going to try last chance qualifier i say no do you so do you think she's going to make it or are those workouts conducive to someone of her if they look like last year she could be taken out of it by the lift alone depending on what it is because it was so tight at the top last year and they would take the top two. And like, we keep on hearing, it's not as shoe in by any means with all the athletes that are in the, I mean, look at, look at the athletes. You have the last chance qualifier.
Starting point is 00:46:12 There's so many great athletes in there. Cody, this isn't Katrin's first relationship. She, her, and she was celebrating pretty, pretty openly that street horner was putting it to her for a while and there was a ton of good posts um they look beautiful they look like a beautiful couple together and now she is with the uh the hockey dude the retired hockey player but but not her first relationship i think they anyway just thought i'd let you know street's the most like unspoken about male athlete ever in the sport of crossfit i believe i would like to know i would like to
Starting point is 00:46:51 hear a tell-all story of his and catcher's relationship if he wants to come on i would really write a book i would really like that i would i seriously would really like that there's that that in a few things interest me more, maybe, maybe health insurance. Okay. Um, let's cruise over. Oh, so is that it? Did we do the men in,
Starting point is 00:47:09 um, can I go take my, can I go play tennis now with my kids? It would just want to hit them in real quick and just peek at it. Yeah. And then just be good. We had two topics. Oh yeah. We already looked at these guys.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Oh, I'm excited about this guy. Guillaume a Briant. Oh, and man, I'm going to tell you that shit. When people like him, don't make it. guy. Guillaume Briand. Oh, and poor Yann Kostny, man. I'm going to tell you, that shit, when people like him don't make it, it makes me feel old as shit.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Changing at the guard a little bit, huh? He's only 27, man. Aren't you twice as old as he is? I am, but I am exactly twice as old as him. But he's a staple. And so when you see him, that means just him not making it and Catra not making it. You know it's just coming to an end of an era. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Mm-hmm. I agree. Yeah, but Sam Briggs almost made it. Hey, dude, Carolyn Prevost could be Emma Lawson's mom. She was probably dropping eggs at 14 or 15. That's one way to put it. I mean, that's what's mom. She was probably dropping eggs at 14 or 15. That's one way to put it. I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 00:48:07 that's what's happening. That's what's happening in the sport. 32 to 17. I mean, yeah. All right. Whatever. I guess she could be as a world.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I mean, I haven't done the math, but there's probably, she probably could have birthed two of those girls. The only type of math, you know how to do, right? Yeah. Birthing math yeah birthing math birthing math uh is there anything else you would like to talk about before we get off give me a second
Starting point is 00:48:35 cross-strait norfolk original sixth oh are those the guys we had on the podcast yeah okay so after all they missed it by five points oh and that was and they had the guy on there who was who's just like the the substitute they had to take the substitute dude correct damn i'd love to find out how much he impacted their their shit like if they'd be like yeah oh my goodness interesting look who took the the team that took first there they cleaned house oh that's badass they pulled the mayhem how the hell did i miss that awesome could you click do we see who's on their team shows on the profile right oh wouldn't that be awesome if it actually showed who's on the team
Starting point is 00:49:27 yeah if it was easy to find right here's our competitors here do you recognize any of those no oh you do see him okay that's good yeah he's gotta go brian would brian would pop oh and now we see our sponsors monster hydro oh two all of savann's favorites hey that i do want one of those cold tubs ingrid hoden hodenmeyer is that a dude or a girl oh it's a girl let's see set of games appearance two regionals man they slayed it brian i bet brian knows like everything about him where they were born what they ate for breakfast and here i am just not doing anything about it oh okay go so uh atlas games has a seminar staff on their um apparently the two girls on this team were teamed up with kristen holte and won a lot of palooza
Starting point is 00:50:18 against the mayhem girls so that's a big deal oh that is a big deal okay they beat they beat andrea nistler and taylor williamson and was it hayley on their team too yeah yeah that's a big deal. Oh, that is a big deal. They beat Andrea Nistler and Taylor Williamson. And was it Haley on their team too? Yep. That's a big fucking deal. Let's go look at Atlas. That's huge. Let's go look at Atlas games real quick.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Uh-huh. Oh, okay. Is this the team? Yep. And click that CrossFit Omnia Black. Let's see if Pete Shaw is on that team. Do you know there was a while where they were going to make it so anyone who works for crossfit
Starting point is 00:50:45 hq couldn't enter the games and i was totally against that oh mary k i know her i don't see him she's a chicagoland former athlete i must be looking at the wrong uh must be looking at it wrong guys uh tomorrow morning just so you know uh jordan levette will be on the show at 7 a.m who is jordan levette he's a ufc fighter he's been on the show two times before coming up in ufc 276 he's fighting patty the baddie if you don't know who patty the baddie is then you're probably not a ufc fan he is the biggest thing coming out of fucking europe they say he's going to be the next conor mcgregor but he is going to go up against the 7-1 podcast favorite Jordan LeVette. He's also known as the Monkey King. He's the only male in the ring that I've ever seen twerk and do all
Starting point is 00:51:30 sorts of other fun stuff. He is a wild man. And Jordan LeVette is a knockout artist, a submission artist. He's a very special man. So he will be on the show tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. to talk about his huge fight coming up at O2 Arena in London. And in the evening, scheduled for the 47th time, we have a guy, a fucking cartel motherfucker who spent 80, major fucking drug kingpin motherfucker who spent 82 days in the hospital with COVID unconscious, lost 50 pounds, 60 pounds when he's in there. And now he's getting juiced up on the TRT program. And, uh, he's already got the pellets on his hip. He's 38 years old, almost died from COVID. And I'm dying to know how his progress is going.
Starting point is 00:52:16 How long has he been doing it for? How, when do you get a couple of weeks, couple of weeks? Interesting. Okay. Yeah. Uh, here he is. This jordan levette this is coming on tomorrow yeah look at him interesting one day there will wait let me see that one day let me say one let me see that one day there will be an openly gay male ufc fighter i know jordan i think you are it no i'm joking he's not he's not uh look at i commented smash patty oh 203 likes suza you see that shit oh damn look at you 11 replies yeah play not bad hell yeah not bad uh jordan looks like he's from chicago no you mean madison madison you got your cities up. Oslo was second at the games last year. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Okay. So Santino is saying that they are the threat. It's not. They're the threat to make. What are the odds that they beat the Iceland team? High. Right now, high, right? I can't speak to that, but I just hope they do.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Oh, shit. Look on the bright side. Catcher won't get to make another but I just hope they do. Oh, shit. Look on the bright side. Catcher won't get to make another I'm out IG post. Holy shit. Dick butter is ruthless. It's pretty good. Holy shit, that is good. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Don't anyone cry. I will get Hiller scheduled this week to do a weekend review with Hiller. I think that will be on Friday. We'll probably have some surprise guests Wednesday. We have Hunter McIntyre. a weekend review with hillary i think that will be on friday we'll probably have some surprise guests wednesday we have hunter mcintyre um and uh i will beg uh some other cool people to come on too peace and love

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