The Sevan Podcast - #453 - Shenanigans with Hunter McIntyre

Episode Date: June 14, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Heidi, good morning, Heidi. Heidi, Heidi. Jamie, good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Good morning. You going to get all juiced up, Jamie? Heidi? Oh, nearly. Brandon, what's up, brother? Good morning. Kyle, hey, yo. Yo, yo, yo. I, um, I sent Hunter the link late, so I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Maybe he's not even awake. I'll put my headphones on anyway. What if he does come in? Great show last night. What a day. Two podcasts in one day. That's always hard. It's fun, but it's kind of hard.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I guess the hardest part is just being away from just all the other stuff I want to do during the day. Like pull weeds, pick up dog poop, play with the kids. 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time on the west coast of the United States of America. This lady hit me up in my DMs the other day. And she goes, hey, I went to school with, I'm best friends with one of the girls you went to high school with. Someone you went to high school with. I said, who?
Starting point is 00:01:54 And she tells me the girl's name. The girl's name is Gina. And I was like, oh yeah, I know her. And it was my girlfriend in high school's best friend. Hey, good morning. No, that's the way I like to start my mornings. That's so nice. Dude, you know, I'm all hopped up on, this is not a promotion at all, but, uh, you're,
Starting point is 00:02:19 what is it? Black street coffee, paper street coffee. Yeah. Holy shit. I'm like, that's good's good dude i got this little thing did you snort a line or did you drink it i pack a little bump right here yeah yep and i got this thing called cap uh bietoletti it's like this like big tin metal thing my mom used to make with it when we were younger and i tried to get it super inefficient takes like 10 minutes to cook like a six ounce pour i burn my fingertips on it all the time but once i get it it's so good
Starting point is 00:02:50 oh i'll show you how to do this hold on hey that sounds like most of life yeah you get your fingertips dirty but once you get it but once you get it it's good you got to get one of these classic things. I think I have one of those. Those are amazing. Are you at your cabin right now? No, I'm at Kate's place. Who's Kate? Kate's my girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Hi, girlfriend. That's really cool that she has one of those. Your cabin needs one of those. The cabin is great. One of these days, you're going to go and visit. It's going gonna be nice i really want to go there hey how is the internet in your cabin primo primo it's actually better than my place in malibu malibu is one of these kind of weird like twilight zones it's like the bermuda triangle
Starting point is 00:03:41 like it seems like it should be the nicest place in the world with all of the access and all the amenities but it's like stone age um the cabins berkeley's berkeley california is like that too all the richest fucking um uh liberals in the world uh hate hate black people hate uh and poor people think they're the most superior people on the planet and yet they have no like fucking fiber optic or high-speed anything there. Just fucking stone ages. Yeah, they hate cell towers too. Yes. Fuck these people.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I hate cell towers. I don't think I like cell towers either. You know what happened? You know what happened to the real estate market there? I wonder if something like this happened in Malibu too. All the expensive homes were in the hills and then in the last like 10 in in the flatlands were like where you know like where all the shitty homes are you know where all the minorities lived yeah where i grew up and uh um now it's the script has been flipped no one wants
Starting point is 00:04:40 to live in the hills because it's too far of a drive to the airport it's 15 20 minutes each way even though it's only two miles you know so so so every day you spend 40 minutes in your car just getting to the freeway and back i actually like that yeah okay well i mean i think yeah i would like that too because i don't get in my car i do my whole world from fucking computer but for these these people most of these most of these libs have to commute to the city and they work like a genentech they work at Genentech. They work at pharmaceutical giants and shit like that. Well, that's kind of what's going on here in Boulder.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Boulder has become this entire tech hub, and it's definitely a very interesting group of people. I don't know what's going on. Do you think you're going to get pussified there? Let's just face it. Let's cut through the crap. The men there are so trippy. I'm sick of it. Dude, I passed somebody on my bicycle yesterday.
Starting point is 00:05:30 We're on bicycles. And she's inside the bicycle lane. And I went around her and I said, on your left. And she didn't hear me clearly enough. And she got upset with me by the way that I passed her. By the way, that was a man. By the way, that was a man, by the way, that was a man. Probably was. And I just, I keep on like,
Starting point is 00:05:49 I have been in more altercations here as an adult than I have been. I'm from New York city. Like you get stabbed on the subway for taking somebody's seat. If you don't, if you sit down and you don't let the woman sit down, like that's just the politics of the subway. Like there's that kind of action down there. And I don't have physical, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:09 altercations in New York city here in Boulder. I've been in verbal fights, cuss outs, like just so much shit. Well, you just know everyone there's a pussy. So you feel like a tough guy. It's really your fault.
Starting point is 00:06:20 You just want to fight people. Cause you know, you can win all the fights there. I had a verbal text fight this morning too. It was nice. I told you a little while ago when I was promoting one of my programs, I did this side-by-side image that I just Googled on the internet. It was like endurance runner versus sprint.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I still am getting messages from that. That was over a month ago. And I just, I just ripped this dude, a new one. Psychological warfare is if there was actually like a job that was involved with psychological warfare, I would crush.
Starting point is 00:06:58 And I also would probably be, you remember the movie, my cousin Vinny. Yes. Great movie. Love that movie. We just watched that this weekend i was like that that's me i don't even really need a law degree so um it's probably pretty hard to argue
Starting point is 00:07:11 with um with you about which body is better and performs better hold on look at that zoom in right there there's your old friend those are two athletes right there world champions oh yeah yeah here we go yeah oh look and you're making fun of him for how short he is he made fun of me first though he had it coming he made fun of me he was making fun of me because my cash prize was so low he's like i don't get out oh wow wow yeah wow and then i height checked him yeah that's wow that's fair wow damn you're high rock shit. I couldn't even fucking buy a pair of new fucking slave made Nikes with that.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah, that's right. That's right. And and then you're like, yo, you're so fucking short. I couldn't get pussy with that body. And that was it. I'll admit, though, guys got some good banter. That's what it takes to be a fucking champ. He does have good banter. Yeah, dude, he to be a fucking champ. He does have good banter?
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah, dude. He's clever. He's clever. Oh, that's good. We've only worked out together once, and the whole time he was talking shit, and we were going back and forth. Oh, that's fun. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I didn't know he was cool like that. I had no idea. I mean, I only met him once in that regard, and it was a good time. I only got respect for him. Some people just... Is this your girlfriend here? Is this Kate? No, that's and it was a good time. I only got respect for them. Some people just... Is this your girlfriend here? Is this Kate? No, that's like a decade ago. That's Cassidy.
Starting point is 00:08:32 That's some other random chick you got your arm around. God, look at your hair there. I know. Shaved it. Bicked it. Hey, so what ended up happening in that you basically posted a picture of yourself with a guy who has a different training regimen than you and been like, hey, do you want to look like this or do you want to look like me and it was a picture with your shirt off and people like took shot like hey asshole why do
Starting point is 00:08:51 you got to put down other people blah blah blah yeah and it wasn't it nothing was really directed at insulting him but there was a compare and contrast kind of thing be like hey this apple is red this orange is you know orange it was one of those kind of things it was very much so like a factual statements like you could either be like this or you could be like this because i was promoting basically our off-season like you know strength program for endurance athletes let's get big this summer and i talked about it and i was amazed man like i can literally go into my ds right now and I can still show you hundreds of messages from this group of people because it got picked up by some kind of like runner's blog. And they were very offended.
Starting point is 00:09:34 If you're a man and you're a runner and you have an eating disorder and you think it's cool the tighter the clothes you wear the better and you like getting pegged by women. There is a city for you. It's called Boulder, Colorado. Just move there. You'll fit in perfectly. Portland. Portland. But Portland, they're not even in shape, though. At least in Boulder, like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:55 At least in Boulder, they can run. Portland is just zombieville, man. But it's really interesting, dude. If you see the people running on the trails here, they look like Smeagol. But it's really interesting, dude. If you see the people running on the trails here, they look like Smeagol. They've lost so much physical presence from the position of running like this all the time that they've started to kind of like contort their bodies into a small being. And I'm not saying it's all like that, and I'm not trying to insult runners by any means, but it is pretty crazy to see the athletic body that's out here. You know what's super impressive
Starting point is 00:10:25 i ran with this guy sam long he's like the american he's basically like our our great hope for america to be good at triathlon again i competed with him not competed we worked out because we have the same sponsor dude's a beast you should get keep an eye on this dude is sam long his like motto is yo yo yo and dude i think that was keen and ivory waynes they had a show and that was their motto anybody who likes endurance you should follow this guy i'm hoping that he takes the title back because america used to be very good at triathlon and now they're just pussies. It suits Europe. Well, it's Australian Europeans, dude.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Australian Europeans have it all. Yeah, I could see Europeans. I wanted to show you something. I want to show you a couple of things. I saw a couple of things that I thought were interesting. Can I ask you something about CrossFit real quick before I forget? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I thought were interesting. Can I ask you something about CrossFit real quick before I forget?
Starting point is 00:11:24 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know how, did you notice that a lot of like that most high-end CrossFitters, like old CrossFit champions and podium athletes, didn't qualify for the CrossFit games? Do you think that with the new programming and stuff, that CrossFit's changing or athletes are just getting better and these old ones are getting out? I mean, that was the whole kind of this last weekend we were kind of watching that. You mean like so Janikowski took seventh or eighth.
Starting point is 00:11:50 He's the fucking last. Janikowski, Briggs. Briggs is a little bit older, but she's still such a savage. We got Sigmund's daughter, Catherine David's daughter. There's just like a handful of people's names you're like, yeah, that should be a shoe-in. Yeah. The big ones were Catherine and Janonikoski for sure i
Starting point is 00:12:06 don't know what's going on i don't know what's going on i mean the we're seeing there we put up a bunch of videos of girls who are 14 years old who are not like big girls and and they're clean and jerking two two, 200 pounds at 14. It's freaky. Yeah. And they're just look, they're just, they just look like just normal kids.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And, uh, it's, um, yeah, something's happened. And now these kids are like 17, 18,
Starting point is 00:12:34 19. I mean, have you seen that, that girl, Olivia Kerstetter that trains with Josh Hefner? Dude, that's a girl I was literally just about to bring up. I don't know what the hell is going on over there.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Five, six years ago when she was still just a little girl and she wasn't allowed to compete in the open because she wasn't of age. Yeah. Her sister was a savage. And, you know, I would go over and do open workouts with Heppner, and this girl was just there doing her thing. And, you know, much like you go into many gyms, there's always going to be a couple kids in there doing their thing.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Right. And now this girl cleaning jerks like 255 and and like knows how to talk talks good and like makes eye contact and stands up straight and like her dad's a fucking beast too um i didn't look him up but all these i this uh girl um emma lawson who won one of the semi-finals she's 17 and i mean people in the comments are like dude i couldn't talk like that when i was 25 i mean it's just nuts they're just they're just seem like great kids too you're just trying to say crossfit's better than all other sports well it is yeah no can't help that just even the people walk around you have 10 women walk into a room, and five of them are CrossFitters,
Starting point is 00:13:47 and five of them do some other sport outside of maybe like gymnastics. The CrossFit women will completely stand out. No one walks into a room like Danielle Brandon or Nicole Carroll or you know what I mean, or even Annie Sakamoto. They're like upright creatures. We were at the GoPro Games this weekend, which is like one of the biggest outdoor festivals gopro is still in business they didn't go out of business why does everyone keep on saying that i
Starting point is 00:14:09 said that to somebody else and they were like gopro's still in business it's massive good okay i'm glad i like them i like them i'm glad to hear that they're a cool brand but they released that drone and it fucking it was a disaster they released a drone and it was it was a fucking disaster and there's so many people now in their space the action camera space but okay i'm typing up gopro games where was it it was in veil did you know that do you know that amazon tried to launch a cell phone a while ago like companies that are successful can make mistakes all right um what's gonna say though there's all pro mountain games gopro mountain games veil so so that's a good sign that it's in veil that means they're they are rich as shit and they have money to
Starting point is 00:14:47 burn dude i paid 500 a night for a hotel room that was basically a harry potter closet fuck veil why did you go uh i did this single speed mountain bike race kate did it too um and we just went to watch all these athletes just go beast mode you couldn't get a sponsor to fucking take care of that for you i'm lucky enough that i have sponsors that like monetarily support me so you know i should take some of the budget that they give me to spend on actually showing up ah okay okay yeah okay okay sorry go on so you went there you went to the gopro mountain games well i was just trying to make a statement about CrossFitters. There was all these endurance athletes walking around being endurance athletes. And then there was a couple of CrossFitters that
Starting point is 00:15:30 were walking around and they walked around like this. Is that what I look like? Cause that's embarrassing. That is what you look like. I like they literally walk, look, walk as if like, if there was a door that wasn't six feet wide they wouldn't be able to make it through i don't want that in my life i kind of want to be like key man master universe meets like a slender beautiful like gaston from from um beauty and the beast that's me i want my girl strong i want to tell you something standard when i look at the comments i see your post i right away just thought it was spam i don't know if it's your logo or what but um hey y'all someone posted in the gym owner's facebook forum about pukey the clown and our general perception
Starting point is 00:16:16 of it what do you think lapson's perception was they told him that a puking clown could never be the mascot of a successful company and like any fucking genius he said eat a fucking fat dick and he fucking pushed it like no other and people if when they work out every human being in their life should experience at least once every year that they worked out so fucking hard that they want to fucking puke and if you're not doing that you're not fucking living your life to its most and everything else is just a bunch of pussies and and and if you're like 207 like my mom maybe it's not puking but but on a regular basis i'm sure my mom has these thoughts oh fuck is my heart gonna pop or am i gonna have a stroke or is one of some fucking clot in my artery gonna fucking slip and fucking get stuck in my medulla oblongata and i'm gonna have a stroke
Starting point is 00:17:05 if you are not training like that at least once in a while you're fuck you you're not living your life and that's what that pukey but you've thought about it you felt sick many a time right i actually have a throw-up test workout at my house that's guaranteed to make people throw up see it's okay you should feel if you if you have an assault bike and at least once a year you don't get off it and don't feel good for like 30 minutes you're not you're not who are you and i don't want to hear about any marketing or perception or none of that fuck that all that noise okay let's let's have something waiting for let's have something fun waiting for um for uh hunter when he gets back i really like this okay here we go trying to get some fuel for the morning uh is that a coke let me see that
Starting point is 00:17:53 mexican coke fitty athletic brewing in a bundle of bananas we're gonna get through this oi oi you're gonna you're gonna hell. I really don't think that's true. If we live on the essence of what you were just discussing, you were like, you need to move your body so hard that there's this primal shift where you're about to throw up and your body needs to adapt to muscle fibers and its hair tone to be ready. Yes. Is that me? No, could be.
Starting point is 00:18:23 So I'm sorry, how are you going to fit a bottle of fucking a recycled dirty bottle from mexico that's clean with piss um how are you going to fit that into like the importance of working out so hard you almost puke you just shunt that straight in your body and get stronger you're out here gourd okay listen type in nutrient timing by dr john ivy read any of this stuff you'll be like oh wow it's so interesting hunter okay uh hunter um is looking for a coke sponsor okay ready here we go hey crossfit has the lamest sponsors whoop noble and coke or monster whoever i was just thinking about that yesterday there's such weak brands whoop bs noble so weak so it's so woke it's so sad you guys could actually spend
Starting point is 00:19:09 the same amount of money on getting a watch that tells the time and tracks your distance you run and it will give you basically all the same exact metrics that whoop does but also i'm just gonna let you guys know that keeping something on your wrist right here with the amount of arm hair that you have and the tightness of all the ligaments and bone structure and muscle down there and vascular restriction that happens when you move your wrist gives you guys inaccurate reads and basically means that the thing's a POS. But if you guys want to keep on spending $24 a month on something that gives you information that first off you don't don't need, and second off, isn't accurate, I will let you all continue to spend that money. There's a reason why the most high-end athletes in the entire world don't wear them, and everybody else who wants to be a high-end athlete wears them. I'm done with my spiel. Mike Trout. Bam.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Mike Trout. Oh, but LeBron uses it. But does LeBron get paid a fuck ton of money and probably hold equity in the company? LeBron also used to put chalk on his hand and run up and go like this before every single fucking game. So that guy doesn't make all the best decisions. And he sells spray.
Starting point is 00:20:16 The standard, ha-ha, not spam. I hadn't heard that story. All right, then we definitely train like that. What's the throw-up test? No, no, but before you say the throw-up test, I want to show this. Listen to this. Listen, here we go. Let's get some callers in here here we go can you hear this
Starting point is 00:20:29 i can't oh darn it darn it darn it darn it darn it good amateur move are made from genetically modified cotton repeatedly treated with synthetic substances chem chemically bleached, and are presented as safe products to women who have no idea what they are putting into their most susceptible area. Companies add well-known endocrine disruptors, including phthalates, parabens, plastics, and fragrances, without any information about potential risks. All the named substances worsen your periods and correlate with androgen imbalances, including a severe state of estrogen dominance.
Starting point is 00:21:12 The female private area is made of sensitive and perfect... He's talking about the vagina. Good information. Okay. ...permeable tissue. Therefore, what you expose it to matters. I just want to say that i mean in the translation that's not your private area that's your vagina your private area is um not the private one i'm
Starting point is 00:21:34 around i don't know what your private area is mate but it's yeah and um i want to tell all women this no good man is freaked out at all by anything having to do with your vagina. They're not freaked out by your period. They're not freaked out by yeast infection. They're not, they don't give a shit. They're cool. And they don't want you to use it.
Starting point is 00:21:56 They don't, they don't want you to use anything that's bad for your vagina ever. And they'll fucking run to the store and get you whatever you need. And I'm just telling you like i like that this guy's saying this don't find what's perfect and and make sure you do it don't do this is fucking nuts that the same people who make fucking chocolate bars are making stuff to put in our girls vaginas okay yeah yeah this one's from caspar s-z-u-l-c my friend posted this is it about vaginas no no no it's even better okay since then whoa whoa whoa there's better things in the vagina the
Starting point is 00:22:37 thoughts that are about to come out of hunter's mouth are his own yeah hold on this is this is basically the thing you just posted but it's about sunscreen this freaked me the fuck out since the introduction of sunscreen with oxybenzone now in 70 percent of sunscreens skin cancer rates have risen by 200 percent more people are diagnosed with skin each year in the u.s and then all other cancers combined 97% of people tested with oxybenzone are in 97% of these people tested have oxybenzone in their urine. Now
Starting point is 00:23:11 this could be corollary with the fact that we've just gotten better at testing some of these things but how fucking scary would that be if the chemicals and sunscreen really were causing that many problems Hey really were causing that many problems hey i don't i don't know what i don't know what the percentage is but is she walking around naked no oh um i don't know what the percentage is but so much of what we know the opposite is true
Starting point is 00:23:42 so much of what we know the opposite is true. So much of what people think is. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest, would you? It would suck. Because you've worn so much? I try not to, but like my face is always so sunburned and i don't understand it's like what are my options if i don't put it on do i just get wrecked by the sun constantly you have some it looks like you have fair skin yeah uh oxybenzone is a cornucopia of
Starting point is 00:24:20 has a is a cornucopia of nasty side effects. It's considered a hazardous eye irritant and as an allergen is also known to cause skin allergies. It's a hormone disruptor to corral. I don't know what that is. It also causes hormone disruption in humans, affecting estrogen production, particularly in women and testosterone. Oh, my goodness. This woman's trying to say that I need to stop eating seed oils and I won't get burnt. I don't think I eat seed oils.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And then there's this other person saying that there's someone who's about to sell an animal based sunscreen. What the fuck does that even mean? Also, if there's anybody who's like an Instagram influencer and they start a business, which I kind of falling into that category now, which is unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I don't trust them because they usually just look at marketing trends and then they just slap their name on top of it and basically sell shit, which is not good. You shouldn't trust people that you see on the internet with six packs. I'm just saying they probably are lying to you. Hey, same with the blue check marks. Hey, maybe it's, maybe if you just took poop and rubbed it on you,
Starting point is 00:25:22 it would block out the sun. And if it's like poop from a horse, it wouldn't be bad. And that's what they mean by animal-based. Well, I try not to shower, dude. I think when you don't shower and like I just jump in the pool. And if you don't get things that break down the oils on your skin, I think it's way better. And I get people. People say like, oh, man, you should shower more often.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I was like, nah, bro. I mean, sometimes I get a little bit of that stank but other than that i don't think i've washed my face in 30 years yeah i think we're so scam i did so crazy like if you go down to like africa and you see those people down there they have like the whitest teeth and most beautiful skin and there's out there in the sun all day long doing their thing usually when you go to third world countries they all like look if they haven't like got like the sugar and all that other shit in their diet they usually just look amazing and they live outside in the sun all day long and they don't shower yeah i have showers okay I want to read this to you. This is from someone called Tulip R. And this is another, I'm just kind of public service announcements with Sevan and Hunter.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I want to tell you, I want to tell everyone what they took from us, what irreversible really means, and what that reality looks like for us. No one told me any of this, what I'm about to tell you now. This was a boy that transitioned to, this was a man that transitioned to a woman. These are some of the things he'd like to make sure he shares with you. Okay, you ready? I have no sensation in my crotch region at all. You could stab me with a knife and I wouldn't know. The entire area is numb like it's a shell shocked and unable to comprehend what happened even four years on. No one told me that the base area of your penis is left, meaning he had his penis removed but there's still something there. It can't be removed, meaning you're left with a
Starting point is 00:27:08 literal stump inside that twitches. When you take testosterone and your libido returns, you wake up with morning wood without the tree. I wish this was a joke. And if you do take testosterone after being post-op, you run the risk of the internal hair in the neo-vagina. Imagine dealing with internal hair growth after everything. What a choice. Be healthy on testosterone and a freak or remain a sexless eunuch. And that's something that will never come back and one of the reasons why I got the surgery. My sex drive died six months after HRT and at the same time, I'm glad I got rid of it.
Starting point is 00:27:40 But now 10 years later, I'm realizing what I'm missing out on and I won't get it back. I got rid of it, but now 10 years later, I'm realizing what I'm missing out on, and I won't get it back. Because even if I had a sex drive, my neo-vagina is so narrow and small, I wouldn't even be able to have sex if I wanted to. And when I do use a small dilator, I have random pockets of sensation that only seem to pick up pain rather than pleasure. Any pleasure I do get comes from the prostate that was moved forward and wrapped in glands from the penis, meaning anal sex isn't possible. It can risk further damage. Fuck. Then there's dreams.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I dream often that I have both sets of genitals in the dream. I'm distressed. I have both. Why both? I think I tell myself to wake up because I know it's just a dream and I awaken into a living nightmare. And those moments of amnesia, I could wake up and it goes on and on and on. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:28:28 It's too heavy for me. Here's the thing. I'll wrap it up. Here's the thing. Do not, if you, if you want your genitalia removed, take a deep breath and think about it for five or 10 years. I'm telling you 99.999% of the people who do this end up regretting it. Because the reason why is there's no happiness there.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I don't even know how you brought this up. We were talking about sunscreen. No, we were talking about influencers. I guess you're right. Do not have your genitalia removed. I don't know. That got heavy. I don't know if I'm comfortable having these kind of conversations.
Starting point is 00:29:11 You're not. That's why Matt Fraser doesn't have a show with me anymore. You'll be next. Don't worry. Because you guys brought that up so often, this is getting deep. No, because he was smart. He got off before I brought them up. Okay. Okay. We're ready. I brought them up. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:29:26 We're ready. Round two. Here. This one's really going to make you uncomfortable. Which one would you rather have? All right, I guess. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Neither. Neither? Seriously. This is courtside ticket. Does that change your mind? No. No. Would you rather have a ticket to a WNBA game or $1?
Starting point is 00:29:40 $1. There you go, man. Which one would you rather have? All right, I guess. All right. Thank you. Neither? Seriously. This is courtside ticket. Does that change you rather have? All right. Thank you. Seriously. This is courtside ticket.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Does that change your mind? No. Would you rather have a question for you, Hunter? Would you rather have $1 or a courtside ticket to the WNBA? Well, did you just look at your girlfriend? No,
Starting point is 00:30:04 she's going to have to door probably the dollar. Did you just look at your girlfriend? No, she's looking out the door. Probably the dollar because I think about, one, I'm not going to go to a WNBA game by myself, so I'm going to have to buy somebody else a ticket. And then I think about the time it took to get there. Even if you gave me tickets to a regular NBA game, it'd be questionable if I went oh come on really okay well that's fair that's fair i'd love to go to a real one i'd like to go to a woman's one too if it was like just like 10 feet from my house dude whatever happened to that female basketball player that just got kidnapped by russia like i feel like it like kind of came up people were like where is she help and then yeah that's a great question she supposedly
Starting point is 00:30:46 is like the michael jordan of female basketball kidnapped russian basketball player hey um so did you end up having fun at the gopro world championships dude it's amazing it was it is amazing i know you don't like to leave your bubble but there there's a few things that are more exciting than CrossFit, and I feel like you've only experienced CrossFit. There's real sports out there that you can go see, like Doc Dogs. It's pretty amazing. What's Doc Dogs? There's a ramp, and you throw something out into the water,
Starting point is 00:31:21 and the dogs sprint and jump, and you cover the most distance. That's dope. Yeah. It's Russia. Russia wants prisoner swap between, uh, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:31:34 uh, uh, Russia wants prison swap between merchant of death and WNBA star, Brittany Griner. Who's merchant of death. This sounds cool. Victor bout was arrested during a sting operation in Thailand in 2008 and sentenced to 25 years in prison in the U.S. for multiple offenses.
Starting point is 00:31:50 It must be that guy, Victor Bout. On the same day, WNBA star Brittany Griner appeared in a Russian court at a scheduling hearing that was moved up six days that resulted in another 30 days added to her pretrial detainment. So I guess she's still there in jail. She probably did something. Like, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:32:15 Well, supposedly she had weed crumbs in her bag. Oh, the old weed crumbs. Oh, so she is here. So 16 hours ago, State Department officials meet with mercury over britney griner's detention in russia officials from the state department met with phoenix mercury on monday about britney griner who's still detained in russia she had it coming it's unclear what specifically happened in the meeting or who attended but the state department confirming
Starting point is 00:32:41 the meeting to the associated press and said it involved officials from its office that deals with, isn't it nice that you're just kind of fringe famous and a fringe athlete, athlete, and you can just let shit just pop off your mouth like that. Like she deserved it. Like imagine if LeBron said that, and I'm just a fringe podcaster. Doesn't come from somebody who's been arrested a bunch of times.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Like, I know how it goes. Like if you do something that is illegal you're in trouble they should just be happy we're talking about it if someone were to be like i can't believe hunter said that what are you talking about the whole thing is is there like no one 90 of the people who are fucking listening right now had never even heard of her so hunter said she deserves it at least now these people heard of her it's been 115 days since she's been fucking detained oh here we go here we go hunter they found a vape cartridge with hashish oil listen everybody luggage at the moscow airport
Starting point is 00:33:35 the state department has classified her as wrongfully detained citizen russia is reportedly open to deal with wood release grinder but wants to exchange her for notorious arms trafficker victor bout also known as one time the merchant of death when i was flying back from miami i got on the plane and i checked my pockets afterwards when i got home and i had a bag of cocaine in that like that little condom pocket that's like in the upper right corner of your pocket yeah yeah yeah and if i had been caught with that and been arrested i wouldn't be like you know and also a couple years ago in thailand something similar happened where a kid where um no it was north korea they detained that kid and they basically beat him to death and by the time
Starting point is 00:34:23 they gave him back, he was dead. An American? Yeah, it was American. It was North Korea. You got to understand, you can't be playing. Why are you even going to Russia, first of all? She's probably making deals, bad deals. Supposedly you can make more money over there playing basketball.
Starting point is 00:34:39 But listen, you can't be in other countries carrying drugs. I know that. I ain't stupid. I've been detained in other countries carrying drugs. I know that. I ain't stupid. I've been detained in other countries. It sucks. They don't play nice. I was detained in Egypt. Why?
Starting point is 00:34:56 I had a camera. I had a big camera. And I guess you're not allowed to bring a big camera. And I was filming Desert Runners, that running movie where they run the 100. You got to carry all your shit with you and run the 100 miles in the desert. No. Fuck, it was like four hours, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I talked to 20 people. Was it fun? No. It wasn't bad. Like, no one diddled me. You think it's because of the way you looked or because of culture? No, I fucking fit in perfect
Starting point is 00:35:25 they didn't like my camera they kept asking me if it was a movie camera or a news camera dude you know it's a big deal i know there was a right answer go ahead what's a big deal i was traveling for this show um way back and we were we were basically like told by the production team like just say when you get there that you're there for vacation just makes things a lot easier on us yeah so i get to the border of scotland and they're like so what are you here for on vacation like what are you doing i was like i'm gonna do a race and then one of the guys on my team got in the like a couple of them ended up getting in line behind me and they're like wait a second you know, you know, those people. And I was like, yeah, we're traveling
Starting point is 00:36:06 together. And they're like, I thought you said you were here on vacation. I was like, yeah, I am on vacation. They're like, what are you doing here? And one of the guys is like, we're filming a show. And I was like, Oh fuck. This woman went nuts on me. And they brought like this whole troop of people pulled me aside and everything like that were accusing me of trying to like lie to them. Yeah. Yeah. Guys like doing a race like i'm here on vacation we're allowed to film it they're like no you're here for work and blah blah blah blah and they were getting ready to detain me and it was just nuts i was like it was it was around cameras so did they let you go yeah they let me go but it was this woman just having a power trip just being a total jerk
Starting point is 00:36:44 Yeah, they let me go, but it was this woman just having a power trip, just being a total jerk. Hey, it's, it's, um, I went to Canada one time to film with, uh, uh, James Fitzgerald, OPT. And I went with my, with my partner at the time, a camera guy, partner, a film partner, not, not fucking partner, uh, Carrie Peterson. And we got, and we got taken into secondary, which was fucking hilarious because it was during like oil week in edmonton or something so all these we're on plane the whole airport is full of dudes in business suits every everyone right and then we get shuttled off to secondary and it's me and carrie and then just fucking women with fucking habibi habibis on like ninja women you know what i mean big fat women covered in black sheets and that's it there's like 20 of them in there and me and carrie and they're digging through all our shit and i and i then all of us and i and i and uh they think we're bringing steroids in i have no idea why we say i think we said we work for crossfit and they thought they just immediately so
Starting point is 00:37:39 all of a sudden i look over and there's these two women look just fucking, just your classic fucking, I don't know. I don't know what you call it, but just fucking just chip on your shoulder women. And they're looking through Carrie shit. And I look over and they're holding a bag of broccoli in a plastic bag. And she's yelling at my friend,
Starting point is 00:38:02 Carrie, do you not take our, what we do seriously? Didn't I ask you if you were bringing any food in? Didn't I ask you? And she's screaming at him while she's waving a bag of broccoli. It was fucking nuts. How true is this?
Starting point is 00:38:16 This is true. What country? Oh, Canada. Oh, dude, Canada sucks. Canada. Do you not take our rules seriously? Didn't I ask you if you had food in your bag? You have to understand, though, there's like literally nothing going on. And he's shaking. He's shaking.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah. He's 6'2", and she's like 4'9". What? There's nothing going on in Canada, so broccoli is a big deal. I used to travel a lot through Canada, and it's tough. Worst airport in the, in the world, Toronto. Uh,
Starting point is 00:38:47 you know, which one is also pretty bad. Pretty scary is, um, the one in South Africa, Johannesburg. It looks all nice. And there's Gucci cause they'll fucking the,
Starting point is 00:38:55 the, the workers there will mug you. They tried to mug me. Why? Cause they're fuck. It's crazy. Cause it's fucking Africa. It's South Africa.
Starting point is 00:39:03 It's a fucking awesome airport. Most beautiful ever. You know what I mean? It's fucking gucci store and the louis vuitton store and all the shit but when you start going through the fucking security man those motherfuckers are trying to mug you dude and these two chicks tried to fucking mug me and they're tsa people you gotta you gotta travel uh whenever you go to other countries you just got to give like one or two really big beefy guys like 50 to 100 a day to follow you around and just fucking thug out. Yeah. I've done it a couple times.
Starting point is 00:39:30 It's not bad life. No, when I traveled with Greg, there were places like that. There'd be great security. It was awesome. What do you think Greg does nowadays? Do you think he just sits back and just sits there and rubs his hand together watching what's going on with the crossfit industry or do you think he's upset no no neither he has this room right it's a room it's a 10 by 10 room and um there's fans blowing around in there and he just walks in there for like 15 minutes 20 uh 15 minutes to 20 minutes a day and they just drop a
Starting point is 00:40:01 million uh dollars and ten dollar bills just sit in that room and he turns and he turns the fan on and just lets them just kind of like flutter around them it's it's called the million dollar fan room i kind of do the same thing uh no uh he he's he's working on on a curriculum for uh schools and he's working on a um a lecture and he is working on a movie all around broken science. He's completely over the fitness thing. I mean, basically, he took science and brought it to fitness. Constantly varied functional movement, executed at high intensity, measuring power output, defining fitness. He did whatever you're supposed to do, but he took the scientific method and applied it to exercise. I've told you basically if I had some of the conversations that you and I have about how exercise is more important for health than the health industry itself.
Starting point is 00:40:57 If I had that conversation with my family who are all doctors, know cornell medical school fucking all sorts of harvard medical school they would they would cut me in half they are so say say it again it what i think you miss said what if what the conversation if you said what if the topic of conversation kind of what greg's producing oh right this idea that exercise is better for health than the health industry is better for health oh well medical health industry here's the fuck so so now he's moved on to the biggest picture of all he's basically showing that they're they're you know there's something called the replication crisis you can look it up on wiki and basically half the things that are in medical journals can't be replicated and if they can't be
Starting point is 00:41:45 replicated i mean that's a huge fucking problem and i'm not just eatable all that kind of shit yeah hey dude the um the like 58 of the 64 main fucking scientific studies that all of fucking oncology is fucking built on the the cancer research cannot be replicated and bayer bayer fucking tried to hired someone to try to replicate them they can't be replicated it's all horseshit it's so scary once you just scratch the surface there's no science there our son our medical and those are the thing basically if you inflicted it on yourself and you go to a doc and you and you think a doctor is going to cure it for you that they're not you need a doctor if like you fucking fall off a horse or you get shot by a gun or if you get caught leaving
Starting point is 00:42:36 miami with cocaine and the police beat you with billy clubs that's the only time you need a doctor yeah it's acute health versus chronic health and what's it called acute yeah i like that word yeah what you said the united states is built on chronic health problems not acute health problems like in the third world country you don't get chronic health problem support you get acute health problem like you got bit by a fucking tiger yeah yeah try to like help you out they're like oh i ate too much sugar and my insulin's off. They're like, what? We don't have support for that, you fuck. Get out of here. And they can help you with some induced stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Like if you took that Coke bottle and shoved it up your ass for prostate stimulation, they could probably help you get it out if it got stuck. Dude, it's pretty awesome. One of my closest friends. But if you drink too many of those Cokes, Hunter, they can't fix that problem. Can't get that out. One Coke in the butt, out. No problem. A hundred Cokes down the throat, can't fix that problem can't get that out one coke in the butt out no problem down the throat can't help this this cannot be saved science i'm just telling you right now my life will change
Starting point is 00:43:38 after i stop exercising at this level but until that day coca-cCola is still part of the play. Don't be upset. I want to see. It's still recognized real. That's how thugs interact. Game recognized game. I don't know. I would say that what Greg's probably doing is the right thing to do,
Starting point is 00:44:06 but I bet you it will be received by less than 10% of the curriculum in the United States, if even that's possible. He doesn't care, though. It's the same thing with CrossFit. CrossFit was received by less than 1% of 1% of 1%. It's fucking tiny. No one wants to do it. The truth fucking is hard. It can be hard. This is my favorite court case of all
Starting point is 00:44:22 time. My child spilt my tea. Got this dick from Thailand. She had a bigger dick than me. This is my favorite court case of all time internet just a just a just an incredibly creative place it is kind of fucked up though that that court case um that court case like stole the internet with all the things that are going on in the world like that stole the internet and became like this, like cultural, like, you know, meme, meme paradise is weird. It is really, really weird, but I don't think it's going to shift any of the legal legality and structure of how, you know, there can be female abuse on men. I bet you it will be like a hubbub for like two seconds.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I just, i just think the internet's a creative place i just love how creative it is okay uh i don't even remember putting this on but i think this is really appropriate for a show that you and i are on together so we did we did um we did the tampons and we did don't remove your penis talk or your vagina talk and we did um don't drink coke but shove it up your butt yeah okay and then this is this is something i found uh heath ledger who we know died right i think he he died he od'd right drugs the drug ass drug us i like the way you gesture that drug us uh heath ledger had an incredible response to a reporter who said people found Brokeback Mountain disgusting. I didn't see that movie, but it was a movie about two cowboys who I think loved each other.
Starting point is 00:46:14 It's a pretty great movie. It is? Dude, just cinematography alone, for somebody who just appreciates camera work, it's nice. I think I can see his penis in his pants right there. Can you see where my arrow's circling? That's's a sock oh well it's supposed to be his penis don't ruin it for me it's like fake that's like fake titties but fake penis okay here we go uh let's see if we can that uh this is disgusting oh, I don't know. I think
Starting point is 00:46:46 it's a real shame. Well, I think it's immature for one, really immature. But I think it's an incredible shame that people go out of their way to discuss or to voice their disgust, I should say.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Or negative opinions about the way two people wish to love one another. I mean, come on. At least voice your opinions on how two people show hate and violence and anger towards each other. Isn't that more important? I think so. So, I don't know. It doesn't really concern me. I think it's a shame. But I also feel that... I also feel like it'll surprise people. It's not a... It's not particularly...
Starting point is 00:47:36 This is disgusting. Oh, a story. I mean, it's obviously about two men in love and it's obviously gay themed and it's very easily labeled but unfortunately people bring this out life to label something that they're uncomfortable with the pure fact of it is it transcends a label it's human it's a story of two human beings two souls that are in love it's like get over the fact that there's two men that's the point yeah the movie is not a story about an epidemic or yeah virus or something that can be cured in hospital yeah it's we're showing
Starting point is 00:48:11 that love between two men is just as infectious and emotional and and strong and pure as it is with heterosexual love um and if you can't understand that then just don't go see the movie yeah you know we don't care um yeah it's like deal with it in your own private i don't know why i brought it up are you just trying to get a little bit of share out there for dude love i guess i'm just going through i have this whole list of things of things like i like just to that i won't want to show you in the world i just like that i just like that i thought it was i thought it was a nice answer he didn't get all riled up i would get all riled up yeah i'm not really good at containing myself i wasn't the hunter mcintyre fan man you must hit let's talk about i wasn't
Starting point is 00:48:56 a hunter mcintyre fan until today when he said canada sucks i knew he was one of my people it's so it's so weird the other day i had someone on my podcast um who you guys all know and he he was basically telling me off the air i don't care what other people say about you like like they think like there's this whole world out there that hates me and i feel like people do that to hunter all the time like you're in our dms and you're like oh my god i just want you to know that i don't hate you. I understand you. You're misunderstood. It's like, fuck off. Everyone loves me. It doesn't help.
Starting point is 00:49:30 No. Yeah. Dude. Other people think you suck, but not me, but not me. Yours isn't that bad, James, by the way, yours isn't that bad. I get it. Cause I, you know, I was in that boat too. And I, and I explained myself. What was I going to say? I told you. So morning chalk up featured that i'd won the world championship last week and the amount like other than the fact that oh i went on there and blasted people did you see that no but i'm just saying other than the fact that they post about uh dave going back to like crossfit i got
Starting point is 00:50:00 like the most engagement and it's all hate people like fuck you you piece of shit you can't do CrossFit and people are just like what I don't know if I can still hate me I don't I think I have them blocked I wonder if I can unblock them for a second so I can pull that up dude I have a really long block sheet morning darn it I think I do have them blocked. Morning. Morning. Morning. Chalk. See?
Starting point is 00:50:33 And it doesn't pop. Darn it. You blocked the morning chalk up? Years ago. Why? Because they were just writing haterade? I think the guy who owns it is a complete fucking douchebag. Justin? And I feel sorry for the people who work there who a complete fucking douchebag. Justin? And I feel sorry for the people who work there who have to deal with him.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Yeah, he's just a goofball. Yeah, like this trash. I actually know Justin because he used to come work with us at Hefner's, but I haven't heard from him in a long time. I think he lives on top of a mountain. He's into mountaineering now. I don't even think he really works for Morning Chalk Up anymore. Oh, it says this account is private.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Everything you need to... They might have... Oh, it's called morning chaka wait morning i know i i clicked the wrong one i uh morning morning chaka this account is private too what the fuck is going on morning morning's chaka oh so there's all these fake ones am i spelling it wrong i want to see if this can we can actually get a phone call in here i'm gonna post and see who this guy's talking more shit to me where i can't see it this is okay so i'll read you this is from this is this is this is what happens this is uh still about like the the people are body dysmorphia guys he goes other motherfucker aren't you i said you
Starting point is 00:51:50 still butt hurt because you're skinny he goes better than being a fucking giant ugly chin motherfucker you still your chin's not that big like he's saying like you got the jay leno chin hey that's called the man jaw you jack jackass. You still butthurt. You never made it in a real sport. Although by the looks of it, I'm guessing you prefer to stick to some made up loser sports that doesn't test for pads. And then I write back. Oh, I like that. He got you there though. He got me. You are juiced up. I know it. Any little fingers must be struggling to type these big sentences mine are big and strong because i take pads and then he goes strong because you spend so much time fisting your fucking dad oh my god he's completely lost his shit he went off he what's
Starting point is 00:52:38 that called he jumped he jumped the shark like he went too far like it's like no like i'm not like you might be on peds but you're definitely not fisting your dad you know what i mean he took it to like absurdity land now it's like not even offensive anymore yeah i mean the guy the guy goes on you shit eating maggot he um he also told me i've got what other kind of maggot is there i don't understand that one either you shit eating maggot dude how low blow is this he told me i've got what other kind of maggot is there i don't understand that one either you shit eating maggot dude how low blow is this he told me i have calf implants which is it nice because he must be looking at my calves and pictures uh l1 flow master texted me the other
Starting point is 00:53:17 day and told me i look like i'm working out pretty hard again who's the flow master can't i don't want to say anyone's name because i don't want to um um i don't want to i don't know i know that when i get to a certain movement beyond that point no one can ever catch me i was really confident in that hunter mcintyre let me see if anyone responded to any of the so this guy said who won the men's division like to rip on you oh yeah that's pretty clever and i said all that mask wearing done damage your brain because i went over to his account and saw that he wears a mask oh yeah shit dude that's fierce that is fierce um he someone said is he the fittest on earth i said everyone's the fittest on earth hashtag woke fit hashtag equitable so you really got in there yeah i'm like you're not gonna fuck
Starting point is 00:54:11 with my boy hunter i'm gonna come in there and mash your titties smash that shit up all right i gotta run and take a piss because i've been drinking so much of this stuff but did you notice that we're overalls it's the only thing that sucks about this is how hard it is to take it off but then i know that's why i don't like to put them on my kids. Because all of a sudden, all my shit's really involved. Runners look like meth heads that traded their drug addiction for an exercise addiction. Well, there's a lot of truth to that. Right, James?
Starting point is 00:54:37 A lot of truth to that. Which I'm not hating on. Okay, so we did Love Between Men. Oh, this is a fascinating one. I wonder what Hunter's going to think about this one. This one is fascinating. Let's see, I'll pull this on the screen here. Okay, Hunter, come back.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Ready? This is about Claudette Colvinvin do you know who that is hunter claudette colvin no man i'm not really this is such this is such an amazing story okay so so so um she's an american pioneer of the 1950s civil rights movement in a retired nurse age on march 2nd 1955 she was arrested at the age of 15 in montgomery alabama for refusing to give up her seat to a white woman on a crowded segregated bus this occurred nine months before the widely known incident in which rosa parks rosa parks secretary of the local chapter of the national association of the advancement of color people helped spark the 1955 my covid sorry sparked sparked the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott.
Starting point is 00:55:45 So this lady refused to get off the bus nine months before, but she wasn't affiliated with the fucking NAACP. Colvin was one of the five plaintiffs in the first federal case filed by the civil rights attorney, Fred Gray on February 1st, 1956 as Browdler versus Gale to challenge the bus segregation in the city. And, you know, and it goes on to say that they didn't, that the whole Rosa Parks thing was a giant setup. That this chick was actually pregnant out of wedlock.
Starting point is 00:56:12 So they didn't think she, what? Yeah. And that she was pregnant out of wedlock or something like that. And so they didn't want to use her as the poster child. So they told Rosa Parks to go on and the whole thing was a fucking scam. It's kind of like suntan lotion. You know what I mean? Like, like once fucking scam it's kind of like suntan lotion you know what i mean like like once again it's like like you don't even know what the fuck is true well dude have you ever listened i think it was revisionist history with markham gladwell and some of the pieces that he does and just like kind of misinformation
Starting point is 00:56:37 hold on before you before you go on claudette thank you for fucking your civil rights fucking pioneer and you're a fucking queen thank you okay go on yeah um go if you i think it was revisionist history with mark and gladwell and you listen to some of the whatchamacallit um just some of the misinformation about what really happened in history yeah there's this i can't remember if it's through his podcast but basically there's this statue um of what seemed to be a civil rights statue where there's like this dog kind of going after the small uh black child and it's meant to be seen that like you know this was a moment of attack but it was basically just some kind of information that they put up there to kind of completely spin and manipulate what was going on actually in that town. And you see stuff like this,
Starting point is 00:57:25 like that basically this woman was the first person to do it. And then all of a sudden they had somebody else planted. So there'd be more of the script and it's sad, man. I, I, I don't, I feel like I don't trust history,
Starting point is 00:57:38 but you, you should also know that you can't trust history when you recognize that back in the day, when you conquered another place, they would burn all the history books of what happened in that place and then rewrite history that's what's happening right now they're burning all our fucking history books which ones though all of them we're kind of in it we're in a fahrenheit 451 fucking era did you see this video just Bieber put out where he has – The fast-paced faces play?
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yeah. And so I posted that, and like 50 people, no shit, have fucking DMed me and been like, hey, dude, I reposted that, and this is what happened to me when I reposted it. And all of them got fucking strikes and warnings from Instagram saying stop spreading misinformation. He doesn't even say in there allude, ins insinuate or anything that it was from the vaccine well it's scary dude i mean if you i'm surprised you've never had your stuff taken down with the stuff that you talk about i do sometimes it does get taken down have you seen the new justin bieber um um doll no no you have jb dolls doll? No.
Starting point is 00:58:47 You have any J.B. dolls? They got a new Justin Bieber doll. I'll show you. It's pretty cool. I don't feel like rule one to communism is rewriting history. That's not what communism's about. Matt Burns. It's owning the media is what it is. But that's not about communism. Yeah, it is. It's owning the media is what it is. But that's not about communism.
Starting point is 00:59:05 That is. Uh-uh. It's a correlate. How's that? Because the two biggest countries that actually have communism do that kind of stuff? Yeah. Okay, look it, look it. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:59:19 It just means if you're going to stack your cards and you want to have absolute control, you start with communism, then you rewrite history. We're talking about pocket aces. Look it. There's the new Justin Bieber doll. That is pretty fucked up. Poor guy. It is really weird, though, how –
Starting point is 00:59:35 Oh, no. I'm sorry. That's the Pfizer doll. My bad. So many people I know are actually having Bell's palsy. Like, Eddie had Bell's palsy. Thor had Bell's palsy. My buddy Jeremy had Bell's palsy. Now, J-Beam's got's palsy like eddie had bell's palsy thor had bell's palsy my buddy jeremy had bell's palsy now jbebs got the palsy but they call it different yeah i don't know who jeremy
Starting point is 00:59:51 is but i know the other three all have one thing in common tiny dicks what no but this happened before oh okay you know eddie when we first when this all happened eddie wouldn't even see me eddie would like sit at the other side of the street and talk to me that's how much he didn't like me as a friend he was scared asshole and now he invited me to his kid's birthday party tomorrow where they're going to have a kegger and stuff. And I accuse him being super spreader. Do you feel, do you feel, do you feel, oh, let's talk about this. Speaking of Matt Fraser.
Starting point is 01:00:33 God, I've had this up. I've had this forever. So far, conspiracies. We'll get back to Eddie having the birthday party. So, so this is, so HWPO, this is Matt Frazier's training thing was in bed with hybrid performance method. That's the girl that, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:51 the, the girl has the 25 world records, right? And like, she's going through like some identity crisis. Are we going to have, are we going to have like a fucking, this is going to be good.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Let's hear it. Hi, you're on with a Hunter McIntyre. How can I help you? Mr. Hoffman, you're a Jew. Thunder Johnson.
Starting point is 01:01:06 No, Mr. Hoffman you're a Jew Thunder Johnson no Mr. Hoffman hello oh hey how's it going I'm good I can't speak for Hunter I just got a question for him about like so basically I've been writing my own training and stuff but it's kind of
Starting point is 01:01:23 just been like linear. So something I'm doing this month, I'll be doing like six months and it's kind of like endurance and lifting. I just have a question, like how he probes his training for like period, periodization. Is that the word? Well,
Starting point is 01:01:44 you got to look at, do you need more work on endurance or more work on strength? And then you need to start with a block purely focusing on your weakness and then start to go further and further away from that point for about six to nine months
Starting point is 01:01:59 and then restart the cycle. You get what I'm trying to say? Yeah, I hear you.'re if you're weak you start with a strength block and then the next block which is about eight to twelve weeks you do about 30 50 strength 50 endurance the last block you do about 75 endurance and 25 strength and then restart over again and you'll be a fucking champion just like your boy what are you training for uh mr hoffman yeah what's up bro uh uh wrestling oh how old are you 17 dang let's get to the core of this thing are you the strongest guy in the room are you the um are you basically the least fit guy in the room what's going on no i'm the
Starting point is 01:02:45 most fit every single time like i'm stronger than all of them but they also all get fucked too quickly they all get what quickly yeah state champion regional and a world champion what do you want to be world champion obviously oh man then if i were you if you want to get to the world champion level i mean technique is super fucking important obviously but at that high high level you probably need to be able to double body weight every single one of your your strength core strength numbers and if i were you i'd spend more time doing grip strength than anything else and core strength, and you'll fucking do it, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Go smash those bitches. Take on the Russians. Hey, Hoffman, did you see the interview I had with David Taylor? No, I didn't. I know him. You do know him, yeah. We were talking about MMA fighters and he was, I mean, basically his entire game. Obviously he's good. I'm not, I don't want to fucking say shit about his fucking skillset.
Starting point is 01:03:53 He's a fucking Olympian. But, um, he's, he said, it's just, I think you're on the right track. He said, it's just, you have to be pressuring. It's just fucking pedal to the metal. Doesn't matter whether you're winning, losing, transitioning, what the fuck is going on it's just pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure and you see that in mma too right with the great guys um yeah for sure like bo nichols is absolute savage he's knocking motherfuckers out and he's a wrestler and no one's even taking him to the ground yet yeah dude jayden cox has a very interesting
Starting point is 01:04:25 approach to wrestling dude like he almost doesn't take any points he just is like such a fucking tree trunk and i think bo got lost to jayden didn't he i don't know but bo nickel's a hot trophy he's got a hot trophy wife what'd you say no bo nickel won hot trophy in college now he's doing mma he's like two and oh and has ko two people oh damn yeah i mean dude you got khabib murgan men off murgan men mob those guys have a wrestling base and uh what's the campo what the fuck is it called when you wrestle in box what's i don't know i'm looking looking. I don't know. But if I were you, dude, keep on following that game plan, and you should basically be a beast.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Follow that thing where you start with your weakness and then build out and only get about six to nine months away from where your weakness was and then restart the cycle, and you'll be good. And lay off the caffeine. You're a little high energy. Nah, I don't take caffeine. I know. It was a joke. It was sarcasm.
Starting point is 01:05:34 He's just being a dick to you, bro. Mr. Hoffman, I'm just being a dick. Alright, dude. Thanks for calling. I appreciate it. Later, bro. I don't take caffeine. And no shit. motherfucker uh so hwpo training that's matt frazier's hugely successful training program and then he was with hybrid performance method and then something happened and where's the trash come on where's the nitty-gritty give it to me
Starting point is 01:06:03 i but i don't know but this screams volumes this is old this is from may 6th but so so they separated and matt moved to another platform which is always fucking scary i can only imagine that that fucking rocked his shit because when you switch platforms and everyone has to re-put in their credit card number and that's fucked because half the people are like fuck you i ain't paying like oh i was paying for this and you know what i mean and they don't re-sign up have you ever done that switch platforms yeah i did i lost over 50 of my clients yeah it must have fucking rock map but listen this is from fucking steph cohen's website the the print is so fucking small this means that they got into a fight and lawyers got involved.
Starting point is 01:06:45 See this print so far? Someone told, I'm guessing someone told Hybrid, hey, you got to post this. No one posts anything. When you post something this small, this means fuck you. Yeah. Morning Chalk Up did this when they apologized for the article that they did on Dave and the E. coli. Did they get sued?
Starting point is 01:07:03 I cannot speak on it i wish you had more nitty-gritty stuff dude you're supposed to be the behind the scenes bro well i don't even know why he even bothered partnering with them if you think about it it's just like i don't know why why bother selling it'd be like nike going to dick's sporting goods and be like hey take part of our revenue share for people they got kicked to the curb like i got kicked to the curb who did i just joke no no yeah yeah i'm just joking because i used to have a podcast matt hwpo and hybrid performance method wish to provide the following update concerning their relationship hwpo matt fraser and hybrid performance method have recently ended their relationship then, we understand there may have been some confusion surrounding the
Starting point is 01:07:47 party's ongoing relationships, which we would like to clarify. First, I'd like to know what the problem was. For the avoidance of doubt, Hybrid will no longer be offering any HWPO, Matt Fraser programming or resources. Those programs are now hosted exclusively by the HWPO training app. More information. So what I'm guessing what happened is they broke up and hybrid probably tried to do something to make it look like that. They had something still there that was tantamount to what Matt was offering. And Matt wanted clarity that like, Hey, it's not, but just the fact that they wrote it so small is just like, it's bad.
Starting point is 01:08:19 That means that there's, it's just a fuck you like fuck off. And the lawyer, I know the lawyers made us do this and they're just checking the box you want to sue us go ahead so i just thought that was interesting intellectual property uh lawsuits they're tight now that i'm starting to get a little bit better business i'm all lawyered up you gotta have that shit i'm gonna show you one more thing you would you know you know who Andrew Hiller is? Man, we've talked about him like 15 times. Don't be rude.
Starting point is 01:08:51 There's no reason to be all fucking hostile and shit. I'm just checking to make sure that you don't have short-term memory loss now that you have COVID. I definitely have short-term memory loss. Look at this video here that he just put out this morning. Who do you think would win in a boxing match, Cohen versus Frazier? Steph would fuck him up. I think so, too.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Yeah, she would fuck him up. A little Venezuelan piston? He might be goofy. He might be goofy. What does that mean? Just because he's super fit, he might be goofy. Oh, mean just like like just because he's super fit he might be goofy oh you mean just like doesn't have skill yeah like he might not he might not be an athlete when are you guys gonna i need you people to vote so that i can fight the buttery butts
Starting point is 01:09:35 the buttery butts oh the poor they don't want to fight they're they're film they're artists dude they're artists do you understand artists don't't fight. Okay, listen to this. Oh, shit, I can't hear it. Damn, rookie move, rookie move. Went to CrossFit and made them an offer that they couldn't. Okay, here we go, sorry. Like, Bill, went to CrossFit and made them an offer that they couldn't refuse. I'm going to make them an offer they can't refuse.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Bill Henninger goes to CrossFit and goes, hey, you're going to have to let Dave Castro back into the fold, or I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. Bill Henninger goes to CrossFit and goes, hey, you're going to have to let Dave Castro back into the fold, or I'm going to pull all my equipment out. This is a video talking about Bill Henninger, the most powerful man in fitness. This is the owner of Rogue?
Starting point is 01:10:18 Yeah. Do you know him? No. He is the most powerful man in fitness. That's for sure. I just love it that hillar made a video on it he and and that he's he's a quick oh fuck killer's gonna have more followers than me more subscribers than me fucking any day now fuck that guy i'm never promoting him again fuck that dude oh so he writes here i think bill henniger has more pull than any single person in the fitness community i think he meant to say tantamount he's paramount to arnold in the 80s and 90s and
Starting point is 01:10:48 possibly actors like the rock yeah he's the i mean he's the man i mean it's basically the amazon of fitness like if you need something do you sell any shit through him you need to it's interesting i mean they definitely got dude i remember talking to a couple of fitness companies at the beginning of covid they told me in the first quarter of the year that they had made more money in the past two years of their businesses um if if i i don't want i don't want to get into too much detail but let's just say bill at the beginning of the the, had 500 employees. Now he has over 1,000, I bet.
Starting point is 01:11:27 I mean, and I'm not just making that up, just whoopie-loopie, poopie-doopie. I don't doubt it at all. I mean, I guarantee the majority of it went into customer service and welders. Another one of my friends who had a fitness business, his revenue went from $ million a month to 11 million a month in during covid what kind of product is i can't tell you that don't be a dickhead why would you even bring that up i hate when people do that kind of stuff they're like yo man i know this thing about this this and this and then right when you want to get to like the juice of it all you cut me short i'm sorry who's the person whose schedules are um the conversations we have there's someone texting
Starting point is 01:12:07 in between us and i get so confused that's matt suza that's the producer of the show executive producer of the show so somebody how does this all work because i don't think that you just log on to this thing and then everything kind of goes out after the fact does he like edit things up and no no no this is live right now it's like there's 218 people watching it live now there's probably been 500 who've come and gone throughout the show and by tomorrow it'll be 10 000 people or 5 000 people and then sometime in the afternoon today it'll go out to spotify and itunes and then there'll be you know thousands of more people i don't know 20 30 40 50 000 more people will listen to it there just blink aggressively if you want me to stop asking questions but how much does it cost to produce a uh a episode
Starting point is 01:12:55 six dollars seriously no you mean cost wise like i mean so you obviously have to pay somebody to do some of this stuff or you do it all on your own uh the so the street this software costs 500 bucks a year stream yard and then i just got a bunch of fucking just jackasses like you who just love me so fucking much that they help and the rest is just help dude last time we were up that people donated like a lot of money dick butter just gave us 99 cents. I need 20% of that. No, that's a fake. That's a fake.
Starting point is 01:13:29 That's just, he's just faking. That's not, he didn't really give it. He just made wrote, type that in. Look at you. Dick butter.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Like, like, like, like, like here, here, here, look at,
Starting point is 01:13:40 look, someone just gave us a hundred. Look, someone just gave us a hundred bucks. My God, the seven podcast just gave us a hundred look someone just gave us a hundred bucks my god the seven podcast just gave us a hundred bucks oh dang dang 20 all donations no no and how many of these episodes are you doing a week uh seven oh it's it's but but hey let me tell you something it's it's a it's a it's a loss there's no money being made it's a diminishing return yes yes dude danny just donated 10 000
Starting point is 01:14:13 oh shit was that when you know it's fake because it should be point zero zero i was gonna give some money stop bitching you know what you should do though is you should create like an exclusive only fans for the guests that you have on there, and people will actually give in money. I think that one's $5. Is that true? Yeah, that one is true. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:39 I knew we were going to pull this thing off. What's the end game here? Oh, shit. Look at this shit look at this look at this someone donated your mom that's awesome wow that's pretty legit wow uh seven play my video of you talking to chuck carswell from the games oh i can't show that would take me fucking 10 minutes to pull that up right now sorry or you uh did you tag i think you text it to me right i don't know where that is sorry you deserve you deserve more for five dollars there's so what's the hosting on the hosting of the podcast costs a couple hundred bucks a month too because i make so fucking many and I go over my
Starting point is 01:15:25 allotted limits and what's the end game here though is there are you going to start a television show no no no no basically the end game is to just take over to be you know bigger than Howard Stern
Starting point is 01:15:42 or Joe Rogan combined. That's it. That's it. My GF, who is that? It's Daniel Brandon in a bathing suit. Winning. Winning.
Starting point is 01:16:03 I listen to Howard Stern daily. Still? Still? I love Howard Stern. That's the only way I get any kind of media, even though it's manipulated. Please, please tell me you don't still listen to him. I love Howard Stern. Dude's an 11. He is not. He's an 11. What do you have against Howard Stern other than the fact that he is a COVID guy?
Starting point is 01:16:24 He's not a COVID guy. What do you want against Howard Stern other than the fact that he is a COVID guy? He's not a COVID guy. What do you want to call it? What do you want to call it? He's pretty fanatical about COVID. He's a fucking, he's a spreader of fucking fear. He's horrible. He's fucking horrible. I don't need anything more.
Starting point is 01:16:42 I don't need it. I don't know. Well, and he's a fucking Biden lover. He thinks he thinks that it's OK to spread racism on his platform and fear. And meanwhile, meanwhile, and reward people for fucking weak behavior. Meanwhile, he's fucking one of the richest men fucking alive on the fucking planet. And he only got there through fucking hard fucking work and fucking insane dedication and zero fear.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Yes. Yeah. Right. Same thing with like LeBron, you get to the top and then you fucking pedal fucking lies. Like if he were like this, if he were like, listen,
Starting point is 01:17:20 you can never be like me unless you do this, this, this, and this, this is the lifestyle you have to live but he doesn't he promotes he he promotes uh he promotes a fucking weak fucking lifestyle that is not what fucking got him where he's at if you took away just the fact that he doesn't like covet if you just take away that, what else is against him? His politics. He used to love Trump.
Starting point is 01:17:47 I know. I know. I know. Because what's happened is all the closet racists have been exposed, dude. I don't think he's racist. What would you say? Help me out here. There is a – oh, shit, my fucking office door has been open this whole time? Your kids have heard this whole thing?
Starting point is 01:18:07 There, so, here's the thing. He's part of the victocracy. He believes in the victim mindset. He believes, and he wants to support that. He wants people to argue their limitations. I don't think about that do listen i'm just gonna say i'm a howard stern fan you don't have to be a fan no i'm mad at you now the whack packers classic here we go howard stern is part of the machine but he still thinks he's edgy and anti-authority
Starting point is 01:18:42 yeah i mean he's fucking he he's he's blue pill as a motherfucker yeah but you know just as well as i do that if you're in that position you're probably getting paid no not me 50 and 100 million dollars a year you would shut your fucking pile no dude i'm just gonna cut you that check and just say, hey, listen. You'd conform a little bit. Here's the thing. Let's say I was really scared of COVID. Let's say I was terrified of it.
Starting point is 01:19:17 He should fucking own that. Instead, he's basically said, he's basically said, if you don't fucking want to take the shot, fuck you. We should fucking corral your shit up and fucking ship you to fucking Auschwitz. He's all but said that, dude. He fucking hates fucking people who aren't fucking vaccinated. Yeah, dude, I'm not going to lie. Like my family says the same shit.
Starting point is 01:19:38 I've just had. I understand. I understand. But your family's not at the fucking your family's not preaching that from fucking the 78th story of the Empire State Building. I know, but there's – if you basically have – And by the way, I bet your parents aren't saying that anymore. No, they definitely are. My dad hasn't flown in three years. My dad flew for the first time in three years to come see my world championships.
Starting point is 01:20:00 They're getting in a car, and they're driving to go visit my grandfather for um for father's day 10 hours isn't it amazing that you could get all that educate that people think that that education actually made them smarter when really it was in indoctrination why imagine teaching your kid about climate change instead of climate science. Like what idiot does that? It's 2022. Why would you indoctrinate your kids? And then if you want to go even deeper, why not? Why teach them about climate change? Why teach them about climate, climatology? Why not teach them about what is science?
Starting point is 01:20:40 What is it? The essence. I think they, they kind of do that. Everyone in school is everyone in school um what have you just taught people to be nice to people i don't think that ever really works i mean you know what's funny is the fuck it i mean the fuck it does go ahead watch children and dogs at the park before they learn like these degrees of separation anxiety fear attacking it's pretty awesome doesn't matter what color you are sex you are any of that kind of kid kids just sprint across the park from each other not knowing who each other are and just have a great time right i'm just wondering at what point that shifts and why it does when you start talking to your kids when you start
Starting point is 01:21:26 talking to your kids about black kids and gay kids and straight kids and and when you start talking about all that all of it all of it shifts there's no reason to fucking put any of that pollutant into their mind you just treat everyone fucking good hey and that does work hi hi caller hi hello hi good you called it a good time hunter and i are about to go to blows yeah i know i uh i'm listening in and here's the thing. The ego is what changes. What do you think about that? Keep going.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Tell us more. Yeah, let's go. Come on. Well, you get to a certain age and you start comparing yourself to others. That's your ego, right? Yeah. So now you're comparing yourself to others
Starting point is 01:22:24 and you want to be a like other people but you see other people as also a threat you know the first time i ever noticed that was playing kickball in elementary school and this kid andrew dunkelberger i hope you hear this could kick it further than me. Like I was now second in line and I was like, what the fuck? Like who the fuck is this guy? Wow. And I'll never forget that day.
Starting point is 01:22:54 I'll never forget that day. It was like the first time I ever was like, do I see myself as less valuable because I can't kick as far as this kid? That was probably the first time I've ever actually thought about my self-positioned in like my community is a value. Caller, is that what you're talking about? Yeah, kind of. Because then that can spin into like resentment for that person.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Cause you're like, Oh, I'm not as good as this guy. And you're not thinking that right. A dog doesn't think that like you're talking about Or a kid doesn't think that until a certain point Now you're thinking oh I'm not as good as this guy Ah screw this guy I never That's interesting
Starting point is 01:23:34 This is a little off subject Thanks for And I apologize But you know why I don't like Howard Stern I resent him for the fact that I got hurt by him. Because I saw him as a freedom fighter. And I saw him as a man of run down the street naked. And I'm all about, I have no boundaries.
Starting point is 01:23:57 And I thought he was a no boundary guy. And I liked the, go ahead, Hunter. I'm not trying to cut you off. When you're done talking, I'll say my piece about it. Go ahead go ahead you know when it shifted american fuck america's got talent that's where it shifted for him where he's kind of sold out he sold out he went from his private ecosystem which he was the king of into all of a sudden like super mainstream media like when you go from being a radio guy to the fucking big screen guy on the most popular show in the world
Starting point is 01:24:29 i guarantee it that's where things shifted for him big time like it should be okay everyone everyone should be treated equal everyone should be made fun of equally everyone should be loved equally everything should be fucking equal and i felt like like he was the, the kind of the, the, the gold standard of that because he would make fun of everyone. And he would even say, Hey, fuck you. People would get upset because you'd be making fun of Targe. And he'd be like, fuck you. I give these people jobs. They're on my show and it's who they are. And like, we're just going to roll with it. Like it's your, you're uncomfortable with it. And that's why you hate me for it. And he embraced them and loved them for who they are and ran with them with what their strong suits were and i love that and the black jokes and the gay
Starting point is 01:25:10 jokes and it was all just embracing fucking all of these cultures with humor and love and then he fucking turned he became a put and that requires such courage to do that to have that kind of freedom fucking dumple burger and uh and uh and and he and he and we lost him as our leader there as he he had like the moral high ground oh you rolled your eyes at me you didn't roll your eyes but you did the face down below that goes with the eye rolling but there's someone's got to take the torch now you can't well i'm here i'm fucking here here i am take the torch i am do you remember imus did you ever listen to imus in the morning no what you never listened to imus no
Starting point is 01:25:53 he was the original he was even crazier and i even think i even think rogan like someone's commenting about rogan now um rogan's making a shift too, dude. Once you get that big, big money and you realize the role that you play, it's like, hey, I'm in a hot air balloon above the world. And if I keep on talking about this, someone's going to pull this air out. Yeah, it's stupid. It's not true.
Starting point is 01:26:17 They're wrong. Yeah, but money, you know that tons of money doesn't create freedom. It creates more attachment to what's basically facilitating that money yeah that's true nobody nobody even the richest billionaires in the entire fucking world have absolutely zero power like you saw it happen basically when all of a sudden this stuff happened in ukraine these russian billionaires and stuff immediately got
Starting point is 01:26:39 chopped down and lost all their resources supposedly you're supposed to be fucking like the freest most easy person in the entire world when you're a billionaire. No. Elon, like, dude, even think about like Jeff. Hey, oh, hey, let me say this real quick. Sorry. Let me, let me say this real quick. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:26:55 You ready? Yeah. Are you listening? Let's go. Yep. When, when, when, when, when Howard Stern fucking loved Trump, I fucking hated Trump, but I still liked fucking Howard Stern for it.
Starting point is 01:27:08 I still appreciate him for it, but I fucking hated Trump, but I never fucking judged Howard Stern for it because it was all about love and accepting everyone. Do you get my point? I just whooped your ass, Hunter. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:27:24 I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I hated Trump, and I love Stern still, but now he hates Trump, and I fucking fuck you, Stern. He's closed. He closed. He was open.
Starting point is 01:27:46 I hate Coca-Cola. I don't hate you for drinking it I love you Hunter There you go I don't like you any less Even though you're all fucking bruised up and shit From me fucking I'm bourbon licking Go ahead caller
Starting point is 01:28:03 Do you think Like in regard to Rogan and a lot of people who get super wealthy and kind of super powerful with their word, do you think it's less? It can be less due to wealth and more due to the more eyes and the more people that are commenting on what they say and what they've done. and the more people that are commenting on what they say and what they've done. And, you know, like Rogan will say something now, whereas I remember listening to him, you know, 2017, 2018, and no one cared what he said. No one really cared what he said until kind of this year, last year time. I think it's the money.
Starting point is 01:28:40 I've sucked dick for money before. It's hard not to. I'll give you guys an example, though. You guysesse the body ventura yeah yeah he was a i think he was a governor or senator movie star wwe wrestler oh yeah yeah that libertarian that dude finally had made the shift where he was completely against the narrative of the mainstream did not care about the money and the power at all anymore and he moved to mexico go listen to some of the interviews. Did not care about the money and the power at all anymore. And he moved to Mexico. Go listen to some of the interviews about him. Dude, fucking, he used to be part of the United States government.
Starting point is 01:29:11 He used to be the face of like, you know, basically the media. And action and all sorts of shit in the United States. He was basically like a, you know, a poster boy for the United States. And the dude just fucking up and left. You don't hear about him at all anymore. How about Arnold who wrote, fuck you, who wrote,
Starting point is 01:29:28 who said, fuck your freedoms. Oh dude, that, that I think do you literally, I know people that like literally spray painted and painted over. I think they took down his images in gold's gym and shit, like fucking places that literally he was an icon and he was statue or like the face and
Starting point is 01:29:46 total ethos of uh the bodybuilding and kind of like that rough and tough guy uh image they they cut him out dude what a tool what a tool i i got on arnold because i like this one because i've heard a lot of people kind of shit on him and i think i have a little different perspective and this is coming from someone who isn't vaccinated and who has gotten covid and like you know has been fine with this because i'm healthy but i think some of that what he said was a little bit taken out of context and you know he's just expressing his opinion on it and before i think before that he said before screw your freedoms he was like kind of let's work together on this and i think that was more of his perspective of it not like i haven't heard that before but okay you know like it wasn't like okay everyone just listen to me it was more so everyone kind of worked together and
Starting point is 01:30:44 he's thinking that and he's saying kind of from the perspective of like you know you get these vaccinations when you're a kid you get all these vaccinations you never have a problem with and now this one you're having a problem with because you're making it you know more so left versus right but that's just bad thing i hear you but it's just bad thinking anyway. All those people who say, oh, I saw you drink a Coke today and you had this vaccine and you had this injection and you got fake titties,
Starting point is 01:31:11 but you don't want to take the COVID vaccine? Fuck you. Hey, wherever anyone wants to draw the line with what they don't want to do is fine. To use all the other shit against them, it's bullying. It's not a logical argument them it's it's bullying it's not it's not um uh a logical argument it's just fucking bullying everyone has the right to fucking draw the line wherever they
Starting point is 01:31:31 want i don't know i would have to go back and listen to it i hate taking people out of context but to be a part of anything where you're forcing people to get an injection and then you're saying it's for the good of man and two years later it's fucking clear that it fucking absolutely did nothing except hurt people yeah fuck you fuck you do you know ever you see so i started again on my instagram talking about the vaccine and i've received in the last two days about 200 people say to me that they were injured by the vaccine and what's so funny is some of my fucking doctor some of my doctor friends are like, oh, that's just anecdotal. The entire fucking study from Pfizer is anecdotal. It's like, you fucking idiots.
Starting point is 01:32:12 These are doctors telling me this. It's like, I, it's bad. It's bad. And you can see people injured all over the fucking internet. The sad one that came out yesterday was from Canada. I don't know if you saw that guy, but he's fucking lot. It's used of his fucking hands.
Starting point is 01:32:31 He's a crab now. And he's a fucking 30 year old boy, young man. People. And I just asked myself this one question. I know I have to run off in the wrong direction with this. I just asked myself one question, how many lives were saved and whose life was saved that
Starting point is 01:32:46 was worth that 30-year-old boy being fucking crippled the rest of his life? My grandfather's gotten COVID twice now, and he's had all the vaccines, and he's in his 90s. That's awesome. He's a gangster. You can't take him down. No. He survived
Starting point is 01:33:01 the vaccine and COVID. All right. Well, thank you for calling. Yep. the vaccine and COVID. All right. Well, thank you for calling. Yep. Thank you, guys. Another call? I know we're trying to get... The show's over.
Starting point is 01:33:13 Hello, Mr. Samuel. How can I help you? The show's over? No, not really. I mean, it should be. So I wanted to ask you about something to everything that's going on. I want to know your opinions on gas prices right now.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Fuck you, man. I just bought a 700 horsepower truck and I can't fill up the tank. So that fucking, uh, designer hat you got, it's probably worth. Right now.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Hey, you know, it's so funny. You know, it's so funny. You say that is I got in a fight with someone in my dms who i've been fighting with for like five years um it's just an it's the only guy like i swear at in my dms and uh i called him a dumb fuck the other day because he says that
Starting point is 01:33:56 biden has nothing to do with gas prices and i just i just can't even believe how fucking naive people are but i don't really i don't really care for some reason how expensive gas has gotten that's can't even believe how fucking naive people are. I don't really care for some reason how expensive gas has gotten. That's not my fight for some reason. I did reduce the amount I drive. I significantly reduced the amount I drive. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:18 $200 twice. My kids suffer for it a little bit. I do less with my kids and well i don't know if suffer is not the right word i still they still get to play at my palatial estate but so i live in louisiana where like have all the refineries and all that stuff where like oil is going through and like even in hackberry louisiana where we have the world's largest oil reserve and we're almost at five dollars a gallon so it's fucking ridiculous like
Starting point is 01:34:46 i just like i'm in the texas national guard so i it's a it's like a good six hour drive for me to do it i spent almost 200 and just fucking gas and i have a toyota tacoma almost two almost 200 in gas for a fucking lesbian truck. I have a lesbian, I have a lesbian truck too. I fucking love it. Gutless piece of shit. But man,
Starting point is 01:35:11 I love my forerunner. Oh dude, they're awesome. I mean, but it is slow. And when you get on the freeway, you're like, come on,
Starting point is 01:35:18 come on baby. Come on. I hope Hunter doesn't run me over with his truck. I'll be like in the fast lane. I'm going like 85 miles an hour and I'm like okay I'm fucking moving and then I have some fucking Ford F250 coming behind me I'm like god damn it now I have to get in the fucking Slow lane all because
Starting point is 01:35:35 Fucking V6 just doesn't want to move But that's all Hunter huge fan I did Actually want to ask you a question. How do you feel about, in my opinion, I feel like you did really well at the CrossFit Games. I think you're probably one of the fittest people in the world, too. But you also had, there was a lot of animosity about you going there.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Do you feel like you're fitter than... I hated him for it. I hated him for it. It should have never happened. I still don't think it should have ever happened. Do you feel like you're fit than them with that placing was? I mean, it would have been nice to live out the weekend rather than two workouts, but you know what?
Starting point is 01:36:14 That's speculation. I think I would have done fantastic if I had done the whole weekend. I'm going to start a little rumor here. Listen to this. They put the cuts in to get rid of Hunter. The entire games were changed just to wax this motherfucker. And rightfully so. I mean,
Starting point is 01:36:32 if you want to, it's their game. I'm just a player on the board, but dude, you see that 20%. That's one buck in my pocket. Thanks, Sarah.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Hey, do you want to know the only money I've ever really made? Sorry, I'm going to let Hunter answer. The only really money I've ever made on this podcast is that woman right there has a fucking, the most insane house on Newport beach. And she let me stay there for two weeks and I could have never afforded
Starting point is 01:36:55 that. And I'm going back there for another two weeks in August. That's the only money I made. Not, not a four 99 Hunter trying to get my money. Okay, go ahead. Do you money okay go ahead do you do you think you're fitter i'm i you know someone sent me a dm the other day saying he destroyed fukowski in the first workout and it was there were snatches in it do you remember what the workout was hunter
Starting point is 01:37:15 400 meter run three legless rope climb to 25 feet and eight snatches i think at 185 or 10 snatches, I think, at 185 or 10 snatches at 185. It was a big round, wasn't it? Yeah, it was great. I'll admit, dude, my biggest mistake, and I should have just – I'm a really diligent person, and this is why I feel fucking stupid about this. I never did any workouts on turf, and I couldn't snatch on the turf. I couldn't handstand walk on the turf. That was my biggest mistake. The first two workouts were done on turf, and I never done a workout on turf and I couldn't snatch on the turf. I couldn't handstand walk on the turf. That was my biggest mistake. The first two workouts were done on turf and I never done a workout on turf one day in my life before. That was the biggest thing. Anybody, if you go
Starting point is 01:37:54 to the CrossFit games, do some workouts on turf and get used to that feeling. Well, it's like football in that aspect. Like when you go from playing on real grass to turf, it's a whole, it's a whole different game. Like you when you go from playing on real grass to turf, it's a whole, it's a whole different game. Like you would think it's not that big of a difference, but like when you watch dudes cut, like when they're, when they go for a juke or even their straight line speed, like. Can you say that? Can you say go for a juke? Is juke legit?
Starting point is 01:38:19 Can you say juke? Oh yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Just cancel me now, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Just cancel me now, Siobhan. Just cancel me now. All right, all right. Yeah, but it was a game changer. That was my biggest mistake. And I feel stupid about it because, like, I sit back here,
Starting point is 01:38:36 and the same guy who coached me for the CrossFit Games coached me for my world championships, and we've just, like, had these conversations. We were like, damn, dude, you remember that fucking time? So there's that feeling. But you, damn, dude, you remember that fucking time? So there's that feeling. But you know what, dude? I've got to go toe-to-toe with these guys again a couple other times after the fact, and it's been nice to go up against them and put the smash on them.
Starting point is 01:38:56 But that doesn't mean that I'll beat them at their game. But I do wish that I got to do some more stuff against them. I wish I had another attempt to get to go against some of these big, big shots and some other events, but I don't think I'll ever go back to CrossFit just because of the amount of time you need to put into actually being good at CrossFit versus everything else in the world. Like I just showed up at the GoPro games and took third in the single speed division and I didn't really train for it, but just because I'm so fit from doing other stuff outside, I could just show up and do random things and feel amazing. But when I was training for CrossFit, man, I basically was like a, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:39:32 I was like a turtle on my back when it came to any other kind of sport. Damn, damn. So specific. That's harsh. Turtle on your back. Yeah. Yeah. It's an african word it comes um black dudes used it first juke all right fine i thought it's really cool to see like you as one of the best like overall athletes in the world
Starting point is 01:39:57 so like and like seeing matt fraser and what he's done is fucking phenomenal like even castro didn't believe like he would ever do that after a race. To see you both two on the same turf, I thought was pretty neat. It would have been cooler if I guess you were able to put in the time and really give it a go. He put in the time. Don't let
Starting point is 01:40:18 him lie to you. He put in the time. He was trying to get strong. I believe that. I'm saying putting in like the years of dedication like we all know what he's focused on and he's focused on he's focused on obstacle course racing and all that stuff
Starting point is 01:40:33 like if he'd have been actually like a Matt Frazier where all he did was live and breathe it like it would have been cool to see like that matchup go because like people always talk about Ricky Garrard and Matt Frazier. My opinion, that was never a competition. Like Matt Frazier always would always have his number,
Starting point is 01:40:49 but Hunter's the one guy that I feel like would actually push him to a different limit. Hey, let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. Do you think if we gave Matt two years, let's say right after Matt won the fifth games, if we gave him a year to beat Hunter in high rocks,
Starting point is 01:41:04 he could do it what would hunter not compete in high rock no no i'm saying like do you think look fuck it do you think right now if we may put a million dollars on the line and had hunter go against um matt who do you think would win in high rocks and we gave him a year to prep for it Matt, who do you think would win in high rocks? We gave him a year to prep for it. I think Hunter. Me too.
Starting point is 01:41:31 Like, because it's... And let me tell you something, and I think that's more of a... It's a fucking amazing test, man. Yeah, it is. What if you took out... I think you could take out half the runs and Hunter still beats him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:42 I think where Matt really excelled was, and I think most people don't think about this. Maybe they do. But he excelled in Olympic weightlifting so much. Like, he was just... Motherfucker is strong. Strong. Strong as could be. Like, all he actually had to work on
Starting point is 01:41:58 was his aerobic capacity. And he did that. And he did it like no other, right? I mean, the fact that he came back and won the runs and and all the rowing shit he got good at it was mind-boggling and that's that was what's cool to see with matt frazier he was humble enough to be like i'm gonna go run with these high school track athletes and they're gonna kick my ass but i'm gonna come back every single fucking day and keep doing it to get better and but like when it comes to this like he had 15 plus years
Starting point is 01:42:28 experience olympic weightlifting when all these people were just getting into it because of crossfit like he had had all he had had 10 times a year of strength training in the most technical strength like the most technical strength events you could ever do, like snatching and doing the clean and jerk. He has 10 plus years of experience in strength cycles for that. Right. So like, I think that's where he dusted people is he already had the most solid thing.
Starting point is 01:43:01 Sorry. Just, sorry. Sorry. I think a thing I recognize though, and you have to study this like if you want to get good at sports the same way tall people are good at basketball short people are good at crossfit and you'll notice that with like fukowski does really well at the games but then in the open if you're really tall like you're threading the needle on that kind of stuff. And I'll admit, short throws some big points out there.
Starting point is 01:43:26 And I recognize from early stage on that I was at a severe disadvantage. And I think it would take me two to three years to ever even become close to Matt. And it would take the utmost biased programming whatsoever for me to really contend against Matt in the sport of CrossFit. Yeah. Well, then do you think better in your favor than you are a taller athlete? Well, yeah,
Starting point is 01:43:50 because it's just, it's just raw capacity. Um, and even though like, sure, like as far as like the squats go for the wall balls, it's kind of in my favor, not in my favor,
Starting point is 01:44:01 but in reality, just capacity based movements. I i i do great in anything that has a range of motion type stuff it's not so good so in reality um i'm not going to say i was ever going to be the best crossfitter in the world i just wanted to fuck people up and have a good time so i'll concede i'll concede in the way that i'll I will say I am not fittest on earth in the bias of CrossFit. Yeah, well, that's another thing I like about you, and it's another thing I like about Matt.
Starting point is 01:44:33 I feel like you two are kind of like villains of CrossFit. I know Matt's a games winner and stuff, but he had such a chip on his shoulder. To me, he kind of came off as a villain. He's like, I'm here to fucking kill people. And you had to take that attitude, and you went in in a different way, whether people liked it or not. Like, you still got the chance to do it and placed in top 65.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Like, I think that's top 65 fittest athlete in the world in a sport that you don't even fucking do. Like, not many people can say that. I'll never be able to say it. And I think there's just a lot of haters out there. But I like both of y'all's attitudes and, like, whenever you called
Starting point is 01:45:16 that dude out for fucking shit. Hey, do you think I fucked him up earlier with the whole Trump, um, Howard Stern thing? He wasn't listening. A little bit. A little bit? Yeah, good. A little bit. A little bit? Yeah, good. A little bit. I think I fucked him up a little bit, too. He's going to have sore ribs and shit. So,
Starting point is 01:45:32 the one thing that you're the best at in the world is fucking asking tough questions and talking shit to people. Thank you. If you were an athlete, I think you would fucking destroy everybody with the entire mental game. If I ever had any self-esteem when I stepped out of my office, I would you would fucking destroy everybody with the entire mental game. If I had any self-esteem when I stepped out of my office,
Starting point is 01:45:48 I would be fucking dangerous. Alright, love you, buddy. Thanks for calling. Alright, bye. Wow, Hunter just fell out of his chair. Hunter, I'm sorry. Come back. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that. I didn't dot your I and cross your T. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that. I didn't dot your I
Starting point is 01:46:06 and cross your T. I'm so sorry. Please come back. Okay. I think maybe he went and peed again or something. He kind of just fell off to the right of his chair. I'm going to play something for you guys. This is an oldie but goodie. This is always good. I've been crushing this.
Starting point is 01:46:23 40 knots of fluids. I've always liked this is 40 months of fluids I've always liked this Hunter and I just if you've heard it I'm sorry but I've always loved this and I think it's worth sharing on the show even even though okay you recognize the clip yet
Starting point is 01:46:39 oh I love this one I just watched this the other day yeah great clip. Okay, here we go. You get up $2.5 million. Any a**hole in the world knows what to do. You get a house with a 25-year roof, an indestructible Jap economy s**tbox.
Starting point is 01:46:56 You put the rest into the system of 3% to 5% to pay your taxes, and that's your base, get me? That's your fortress of f**king solitude. That puts you for the rest of your life at a level of f*** you. Somebody wants you to do something, f*** you. Boss pisses you off, f*** you. Own your house.
Starting point is 01:47:13 Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink. That's all I have to say to anybody at any social level. Did your grandfather take risks? Yes. I guarantee he did it from a position of, fuck you. A wise man's life is based around,
Starting point is 01:47:29 fuck you. The United States of America is based on, fuck you. You're a king. You have an army. Greatest Navy in the history of the world. Fuck you. Blow me.
Starting point is 01:47:40 We'll fuck it up ourselves, which we have done. Beautiful, fuck you position, lost forever. You get up $2.5 million. How much do you think it is now? He's saying $2.5 million. What do you think it is today?
Starting point is 01:47:55 What do you need? Can you have $3 million and just kind of like sustain yourself somewhere in the United States forever? Can you, can you do something with that money and just, well, 5% interest, 5% interest on $5 million is 250,000. And let's just say you have a mortgage of $5,000 a month. Let's just say for some reason you have $10,000 a month in expenses, family, cars, everything like that.
Starting point is 01:48:29 So now you're down. So you're left with about half that and taxes and stuff. You basically need to make $5 million and have 5% interest. I think so. And then you could live with a family of four, but you might have to live somewhere like next to Colton Mertens in Iowa or something. Well, dude, $5,000 a month in a mortgage and home expenses is not that crazy. It's probably like a four-bedroom home at just under a million dollars.
Starting point is 01:49:00 I mean, Nick says $10 million. I mean, yeah, $10 million. Now you're getting there. You know, I'm trying to remember, do you guys remember where Daisy Fresh is? The Heath Pedigo? It's somewhere in Southern Illinois. It's south of Chicago by a couple hundred miles. Anyway, when I saw that documentary about those boys who do jujitsu there, I thought, oh, maybe I wonder what it would be like to live there so i started going on truly and looking at homes where like uh god i wish i could remember the name of it but basically for five hundred thousand dollars you could have like a 20 acre property with a fucking little pond on it and a seven bedroom home and a fucking shop that was 20 by 60 so it kind of matters where you live right you can't have shit where i live you cannot buy anything where i live for 500 000 nothing nothing where you live either no uh you need 500 000 cash to fucking put a down payment on a small condo where you live
Starting point is 01:49:56 i'm in boulder right now and i i fucking i kind of hate boulder like the homes are shitty and the prices are through the roof and like at least when you buy a home in Malibu, you're buying a nice home in like the pinnacle of existence. Boulder, I do not consider the pinnacle of existence. I consider it to be like a strip mall town that a bunch of like Google, Twitter companies have moved to. And like, dude, the room that we're in right now like i could push my hand through the wall into the neighbor's room without even really trying very hard these homes are built in a shitty
Starting point is 01:50:31 way but i guarantee this is probably about a 1.2 million dollar house that i'm in wow yeah that's crazy so it's dog shit it's totally dog shit and I, I just think that I'm hoping this cracks dude. Like I don't even know how people I'm just, I'm booking tickets right now to go a month out to go see my family on the East coast. And it's $450 to get the ticket. And then it's the extra hundred dollar to pick where your seat is. And it's already the lowest level. Like just everything is so expensive. I'm moving to the mountains though. I'm moving to the mountains way up and people won't be able to find me. Oh really? Yeah. You kidding me? So fucking stupid. I'll be self-sustained. I'll have ducks for eggs. I'll have honey, um, honey for carbs with my my bees i'll kill bears and stuff on my property
Starting point is 01:51:26 um i'll eat people that's like you know wander onto my land oh eat people that sounds that sounds hairball i would not be opposed to eating people and i'm not a fucking weirdo oh shit i looked at this house fucking i looked at this house two years ago it's still fucking for sale in mount vernon Where's Mount Vernon? So look at, so this is a house in Mount Vernon. Why would you want to live there though, dude? Look at, look at that three car garage and it's got like a, it's nuts. It's a fucking castle.
Starting point is 01:51:57 It's six bedrooms, eight baths. It's on seven acres for $500,000. But do you ever think about the society that you surround yourself with? Like, what kind of people do you think are in Mount Vernon? Do you think your children will have a good experience of growth, intelligence, worldliness? Hey, if this... I'm going to answer your question in one second. Sorry. This staircase
Starting point is 01:52:16 here, if you wanted this built in Hunter's home in Malibu or my home in Santa Cruz, this staircase would cost eighty thousand dollars to build what do you think hunter what i i can't see the staircase and all you can't oh oh oh shit that's weird uh is it is it like a like a road is it like a spiral staircase is it uh hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna pull it up again that's why i don't understand how are their home look at this look at oh yeah i mean the city would charge you five thousand
Starting point is 01:52:50 dollars for a fucking permit to build that that's why you want to be in san bernardino county where my cabin is it's like you know basically mad max beyond the thunderdome this staircase is in a house that's 500 000 we like in california we just you can't even imagine that like that thing if that thing's real wood that thing would cost you 100 grand to have that built in california have you ever like have you ever looked at homes down in costa rica or like you know down there and it's like 300 000 to have a home on the water five bedroom with an infinity pool do you ever think about the people you surround yourself though, with where you live?
Starting point is 01:53:28 I don't, I don't necessarily want to, I don't want to raise my kids in Malibu. Be a bad idea. But then, Oh shit. You're having unprotected sex. Sometimes.
Starting point is 01:53:41 Hmm. Did you have your tubes tied? No, no. You haven't heard my whole fucking rant on that no i'm not having the viscosity of my semen changed ever you want to be able to fire out the real ones anytime yeah i just think that i think i think that it's a perfect mixture of fucking baby batter that's part of the sensation and part of the thing that makes you a dude is that, I think. Maybe I'm just a superficial, shallow knucklehead.
Starting point is 01:54:11 But I'm not changing the load chemical makeup so that I can fire more with less stress, although it does sound fun. fire more with less stress although it does sound fun so through the arc of a conversation like this since we've been like talking about like trump and howard and crossfit and penises coming off and coming back on and then load viscosity how many people do you think have stayed with us and how many people do you think will continue to come to the next one the show is fucking every show you're on gets bigger and bigger. And the show, since we started an hour and 54 minutes ago has only put on followers. That's awesome. We're killing it.
Starting point is 01:54:52 I know it is. It is pretty, it is pretty interesting. Say that again. This is the truth that people need to know. I'm going to, I'm going to tell you how many, if it's a good show already.
Starting point is 01:55:03 Uh, I did the last night show fucking killed it. Oh, yeah. No, no. Wow. Wow. How can that be? Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:14 The show's killing it. The show's killing it. The show's killing it. Who'd you guys do last night? This show right now is killing it. I did this guy, Paul. I don't know Paulul paul samson and basically he was we didn't get into it too much but he's a successful uh businessman who
Starting point is 01:55:32 is also fucking hardcore drug runner drug dealer uh he's 38 has four kids and basically he was in a coma for 30 days and in the hospital for 80 days with covid so glad yeah so gangster fucking like just just sucking down fucking uh vape pens with nicotine and then got covid was like 80 pounds overweight had been smoking crack and meth you know on and off for fucking 10 years of his life god speaking of smoking crack i um i read uh night laptop from hell hunter biden's book no it's good oh god scared the shit out of you scare the shit out of you well if you think everything is so not true and everything's misinformation then Well, if you think everything is so not true and everything is misinformation, then why would you trust that that book's real at all? So basically what happened – because you can just go and – I'll give you the big picture and then I can drill down.
Starting point is 01:56:46 Two years ago when they fucking said the laptops were real, the New York Times said that laptops were absolutely not real, that they were just fucking Russian disinformation. A couple weeks ago the New York Times was like, yep, that laptop's for real. How do these media companies not get in trouble? So basically this guy, the
Starting point is 01:57:02 president's fucking son took a stack full of laptops to a fucking repair shop, left them there for 90 days and didn't return. But it signed a form. If you leave your shit here for more than 90 days, the shop owns it. So the shop owner fucking took the laptops to the fucking FBI. took the laptops to the fucking fbi and the fucking when you see what's on those laptops you will fucking you can't even believe it i mean you've seen the videos right of of uh hunter smoking crack and all that and no uh it's i mean it's all over instagram you just don't follow the right accounts dude that's nuts though though. What a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 01:57:46 Oh, it's so bad. If you see the stuff on there, it's all the Ukraine, the whole Ukraine war is explained on there, the shit going on with China is explained on there. It's all on there. And it was all just so Hunter could make money to smoke crack. It's as bad as you could ever think. It's just a dude who needed fucking money to smoke crack, and that's what this whole – You'll be so fucking disappointed.
Starting point is 01:58:05 It's nothing sophisticated. The world is so retarded. We live with fucking retards, dude. How does anybody not get in trouble for that? Is he in trouble for that? I don't know. Well, I think there's a bunch of... I think that there's obviously a bunch of shit.
Starting point is 01:58:21 He's got really good fucking lawyers. He's got fucking... His dad's the president. Hey, did you see the guy? Do you know about stem cell research? The godfather of stem cell research came out of Harvard. Did you see what happened to him
Starting point is 01:58:35 a couple years ago, last year? All 30 of his fucking papers around stem cell research have all been proven fraudulent. He lost his job there. The entire fucking stem cell thing is a fucking fraud. You can just Google it. Stem cell research have all been proven fraudulent lost his job there entire fucking stem cell thing is a fucking fraud you can just google it stem cell research harvard so what are they saying is fraudulent about stem cells that they basically like you know putting them into a site where like let's say i have a torn tendon here putting stem cells there
Starting point is 01:58:58 doesn't basically i don't know but he did he did 30 30 if the but he did 30 studies. Maybe it's not fraudulent, but all the research behind it is fraudulent. Basically, the 30 studies he did that fucking got stem cells so much notoriety and popularity, they were all fraudulent. They proved them all to be – that he knowingly made them fraudulent. You just got to Google Harvard stem cell research. And even – go ahead. I have something to pose to you. Who's worse.
Starting point is 01:59:26 Trump jr. Or Hunter Biden. Oh, there's no comparison. So who's your choice? Who's worse. Yeah. Hunter Biden is,
Starting point is 01:59:38 is a listen, you, you would love to go camping with your family, with Trump jr. Anyone who has kids, like, like there's not going to be any drugs being done there. There's going to be swimming, and there's going to be fun activity, and it's going to be like a healthy environment for kids. Kids are going to be playing.
Starting point is 01:59:58 You go to fucking Hunter's house, and he's going to be upstairs fucking whores, and Lyft drivers are going to be coming to his house dropping off fucking vials of cocaine. Oh, you did good. She's hot. Good job. Nice. All right.
Starting point is 02:00:16 Well, it's our two-hour mark. You guys, if you want to donate money to my GoFundMe for Hunter just getting more creatine and stuff for your boy, donate money to get Savan Nyquil, tip below. Look it, Hunter Biden is a million times. Yeah, there's no, there's not even, I can't even believe you asked that. I just wonder because you don't like Trump. And then he got
Starting point is 02:00:45 hunter biden i'm just checking in man trump juniors just the people who don't like him they don't like him because he's fucking wild and crazy on the internet but like anytime you see him in an interview or you see his lifestyle he's a crossfitter just a dude just trying to fucking make ends he's just a humble monk in the world world trying to get his nut bye this is true this is true Michael Preston Don Jr. lied about his Murph time fuck Trump Jr. I would rather do coke with Hunter Biden
Starting point is 02:01:15 oh what a day dude okay everyone wave to your computer and say bye to Hunter McIntyre

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