The Sevan Podcast - #454 - Vision Twins, Kalvin & Angelo

Episode Date: June 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Man, we're live. All three of us. Hello. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:35 What's up, dudes? Doing good, man. Doing good. Bright and early today. You guys are in L.A.? No, we're in St. Louis right now, actually. Oh, how'd you guys end up there? For some reason, I thought you guys were in San Diego.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Didn't you drive across the border and visit Pops? Oh, yeah. Well, we move around a lot. Is St. Louis home now? For the summer, we're just moving out of the summer. There's a supplement company that we're sponsored by, so we're out here for the summer to do some uh do some promotion and uh get some work done out here oh that's awesome congratulations who'd you
Starting point is 00:01:12 guys get as a sponsor so it's called first form so he's got his shirt right here first form by andy yeah yeah good uh good people right i have been hearing so much good stuff about what's the Andy Frisella. Yeah. Good people, right? I have been hearing so much good stuff about, what's the guy's name who owns the company? Andy? Andy Frisella. So he actually has a podcast called The Real AF Podcast. It used to be the MFCEO Project up until a couple years ago.
Starting point is 00:01:39 But it's basically about entrepreneurship and getting the right mindset to crush a business. That's his whole thing. Then he started doing supplements, I think, in 2009. When the internet hit, he just attacked. You guys moved there to be closer to your sponsor? Right. Wow, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:02:02 That's some authentic shit. That's cool. That's some like I mean, that's some authentic shit. That's that's that's really cool. Yeah. The main reason why we came out here, too, is because we want to obviously, you know, grow and just learn to get all the sauce while we can, you know, learn as much as we can while we're out here. Because we've been, you know, been in Florida, been in California. And we think it's just better if we, you know out here, get it, and then really learn it. And then once we're ready to go, we're out of here, and then we'll be back in L.A. in the sunshine. You know, it's kind of interesting. So as I was looking into you guys and looking more and more, I'm in California too.
Starting point is 00:02:36 And when I think of Los Angeles and the times I've been down there, it's kind of tragic what's happened to Los Angeles in the last couple of years. it's kind of tragic what's happened to Los Angeles in the last couple of years, but what's really been exposed is just kind of how fragile the people are down there and their mindset, just this kind of whole lack of personal accountability and personal responsibility. And I, and I'm, I don't, I don't mean this to like to shit on your generation, but maybe it's just always old people always do that. Maybe that I should shit on myself. But when I see two guys like you who are like, fuck this, we're taking
Starting point is 00:03:08 control of our lives, our ourselves. Um, are you guys outcast amongst your friends or are you, um, trendsetters or are you role models? Like how are your friends when you're around people? I guess it could be any age. Let's scratch the age thing. When you're around people i guess it could be any age let's scratch the age thing when you're around people who who you hear making excuses um what what's your go-to do you have a go-to line or uh uh do you try to fix them yeah well i mean i mean to hit that age range that you were talking about you know we were people we work with people older than you, so there's not necessarily, we're 23 and that's, that's, that's the thing is it doesn't really matter what age you are. There's people at any age that's going to make an excuse for themselves as to what they can accomplish or what they can accomplish and really are, you know, our business model and how we
Starting point is 00:04:00 present ourselves is, you know, who doesn't have a family member that's overweight or obese, you know, mind you, a twin brother who was in the same position as you. So, you know, that's really our demographic. The, I guess you could say the lower income, single parent, dad in prison, you know, those are the people in the generation where I guess we have plenty of reasons, plenty, everybody has plenty of reasons to like, like, Oh, this is why my life sucks. And then they give you a whole spreadsheet of why and who did it to them and where it happened at.
Starting point is 00:04:29 And for us personally, to say, are we outliers among our friends? I mean, growing up, we were just really close together, honestly, even through high school, middle school. We had a good group of friends, but they weren't close friends. We knew not to attach ourselves to our friends, if that makes sense. We always knew like, OK, these people are going to fall away eventually. We've heard it growing up, like your friends that you have in middle school aren't going to be in high school. Same friends in high school are going to be the ones in real life. So we kind of just knew that in the back of our mind.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And then we would see people for the way they are and see the way I think people moved. And for us personally, it was like, OK, well, now that we're at a high school, we're overweight and obese. Like, what are we going to do? Like, there's no point being 350 pounds, 330 pounds, not playing any sports, not doing anything. And so that really like made us realize, okay, well, we have to attack the first thing that's on our list and that's losing weight. Most people have a big list of things that they can get done, but you know, they don't get it done. And so that's where weight. Most people have a big list of things that they can get done, but, you know, they don't get it done. And so that's where we realize that we can't really hang around those type of people that work a regular job. And, you know, and no shit against a regular job, but like because we work jobs, too, before we even did social media.
Starting point is 00:05:38 But we realize that's not what we're, you know, your question as being those outliers. You know, most of all of our friends growing up work a regular job or want a career and you know we just are choosing a different path and there was a quote i heard yesterday that said uh you calling me extraordinary is letting you off the hook ah i love it yeah and that really got to me yesterday i was like wow because what i'm doing is something that i should have been doing i shouldn't have been 350 pounds at 17 years old. So it was just kind of a lesson to me, like, okay, I just needed to get this stuff done. And that's really what it is. Angelo and Calvin, Calvin with a K. That's right. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Do you know how your mom, why your mom named you that? Why your mom and dad named you that, where you got your names from? Yeah, well, I'm actually, I'm named after my dad dad so i'm a junior mark calvin saying my first name is mark m-a-r-k calvin sanders jr and then social security number i'm angelo obviously so my mom uh had a bite or not a had a miscarriage. And so I was supposed to be named like Michael or some shit like that. And then she ended up, my grandma said, it's an angel. Like God gave you a blessing.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Now I have two babies now because she had the first one. So I got hit with Angelo. Awesome. And you guys were born in Los Angeles? Born in Sanelo. Awesome. And you guys were born in Los Angeles? Born in San Diego. Okay. They're born in San Diego. For those of you who don't know, San Diego is just the, it's the town, basically almost
Starting point is 00:07:14 right on the border with Mexico. And it's about a hundred miles South of Los Angeles. So, so tell me, tell me about that growing up because that is like, seems to be, it's a big – it's a big thing that I push to people. I think one of the strongest correlates for any problems you have in life is if you don't have both parents around. There's a guy, a 90-year-old man named Thomas Sowell. I don't know if you guys are familiar with him. He's an economist over at the Hoover Institute. And basically all the stuff that they always say is because of you're black or because you're Chinese or because whatever you are, he says, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:07:55 The strongest correlate has nothing to do with anything except having both your parents in your life. If the highest rate of cancer, people who only have one parent, highest rate of prison, people only have one parent, highest rate of obesity, people who only have one parent. Highest rate of prison, people only have one parent. Highest rate of obesity, people who only have one parent. I mean, you can draw that correlate to almost anything. And he goes, that's the strongest one. And there are people like, you know, you guys and myself and tons of examples of people who come up from divorced households. But but we even know that, hey, it's not ideal, right?
Starting point is 00:08:24 I get it. Nice to have. It have been nice to have both our parents together. Yeah, it would be nice. But, you know, there are people who want to do what we want to do and what you want to do who have started off with way less. I started off with no parents. So really, what is our excuse when it comes to having both parents in our life and wanting to be successful? There really is no excuse. No excuse. No excuse. But you guys do talk about how your dad went to prison quite a bit. It's part of like what you want to share with people that you guys, hey, we had this unfortunate situation,
Starting point is 00:08:55 we were able to pull through it. How old were you guys when you realized your dad wasn't in your life? Well, so I mean, our dad has been in and out of our life our whole life. You know, when we were born, he was in prison for four years and he got out when we were five or like four or five years old. So we didn't really even understand that we were alone with our mom at five. So obviously we just grew up as kids. And then he comes home, puts us in soccer as our coach for a couple of years. You know, we're living life with our dad until maybe we're like nine ten years old and then dad messes up again and then he goes back to prison and from there at that time he got really hit with like six years and or five years or something like that so we had our dad for a cumulative maybe five years out of our life and he was
Starting point is 00:09:41 you know a great dad while he was there but he was loving he was inspirational he was, you know, a great dad while he was there, but he was loving. He was inspirational. He was everything that we would want, except for the fact that he sold drugs and, you know, carried guns and was known around the city as the guy not to fuck with. And like, you know, that's just something that we kind of like you said, how you are single parent families or whatever like that kind of hit with the most problems. single parent families or whatever like that kind of hit with the most problems you know growing up we were like we were loved by people but we were also very like not aggressive but like we just had this defense mechanism against us like and don't call me fat don't do this and so you're like ready to you know lash out against people so you never really learned how to deal with those emotions our dad was trying to make us lose weight as kids you know he would take us to the park go running we fucking hated it and he'd be like you know this is something that's good for you
Starting point is 00:10:28 i'm benefiting you for the future and thankfully like i'm so thankful that he was the one that kind of showed us to be fit because he put us in sports did all those types of things in the short amount of time that he was there and that really just benefited us for our future because we could have easily just sat back and played video games all day and ate chips and soda and you know lazy shit our whole life but we realized you know we got this background if our dad could be freaking eight pack ripped you know all these types of things coming from a third world country being malnourished why the hell can't we get in shape you know did he get is did he get deported is that why he's living in tijuana right now he can't make it he can't come a few times even after you have kids in the united states you can still get deported so that's kind of
Starting point is 00:11:14 tricky about that actually so he's in he's in jail now and we're not going to really go over the full story why he is now wait wait a second in in the united states or back in tijuana he's in jail here in the United States. Oh, fuck. I'm so sorry. I just watched that video yesterday of you guys hanging out with them in Tijuana. That was like a year ago. Yeah. So, I mean, he's getting out in like a few weeks from now, but he actually has this like thing with this case where, like you said, he had kids in America and he messed up one time, like whatever, 15 years ago when we were kids, like I said, and then went back to prison. You're actually supposed to get like a one chance rule. You can mess up while you're here and then you don't get deported.
Starting point is 00:11:54 But he got deported right away. So they're looking into his court case right now. Hopefully that they can kind of wash away anything that happened afterwards because he wasn't supposed to be deported. He was supposed to be brought back to America after messing up the jail. You don't just get sent back right away. There's this thing with this case that we've got to look
Starting point is 00:12:11 into, but hopefully he could be back in America. We've just got to go through those documents and whatnot and present it to a judge and everything. Where was he born? Honduras. What is he? What's his makeup? Where was he born? Honduras. So he's Honduras. And what is he?
Starting point is 00:12:27 What's his makeup? So it's Afro-Latino. So his descendants are from Africa. And then all the blacks out of my family speak Spanish. And my mom's white. So the Atlantic slave trade brought over from Africa, brought to the Caribbean, brought to the Central Americas. Obviously, black people stayed and mingled with the natives there. And he spoke, learned how to speak, not that he's that fucking old, but learned how to speak Spanish and everything. So that's black and Spanish, basically.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And you said when you were young, you remember you remember receiving a lot of love. And I'm guessing that's that that's that Honduran culture. Oh, for sure. Yeah. I mean, it was, it was awesome growing up. Being having that our family base was really cool. You know, being a cultured black, white, and speaking Spanish. It's like you're the best of all. Yeah. And it's, it's enough. I think about it because I see your dad,
Starting point is 00:13:23 your dad reminds me of my, my dad and my uncles too. Like I grew up in a, I'm Armenian and man, it was like, I wish no matter how bad shit is in our culture, everyone's so affectionate and so loving. And I just, I remember just all the kids always felt really loved. Like the adults were cool. Like you could trust the adults. You could trust the adults that I grew up with. A hundred percent. That's awesome so armenian you said yeah you got a lot of them in la a lot of them yeah i've heard so so then you your dad you you don't get a lot of time with your dad but you love your dad and and it must have hurt you guys no one wants to see their dad taken to prison. That must have been some painful shit. I mean, at a young age, at a young age, I'll say nine or 10, it really affected us.
Starting point is 00:14:11 But then, you know, growing up, it wasn't really anything that we thought about. But we knew our obesity stemmed from obviously not having a dad that was going to push us in sports or push us to be a man or teach us what it took to be a man. So that was, that was, I would say painful, you know, first nine or first eight to from eight to 12. Yeah. Learning how to shave, just doing all this stuff that you really don't even look over as, you know, being a man nowadays that is so common, certain things that we just weren't taught how to tie a tie, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:42 just all those things. But. Todd M says i was over 400 pounds five years ago and now i live around 225 awesome and excited to hear your story today wow that's crazy man congratulations todd you guys said so when i was when i was probably 16 years old i was in high school as a sophomore and some kids started making fun of my nose and i remember being like what are they talking? And then going home and looking in the mirror and being like, oh shit, when did you get here? Like, fuck, you weren't here yesterday. But at nine years old, I can't remember which one of you it was. One of you was like, and then I
Starting point is 00:15:19 remember like being 16 and telling my mom, Hey, I want to get a nose job. My mom's like, oh yeah, absolutely. I'll get you one when you're in your twenties. And she wasn't, she wasn't going to, she was just kicking the can down the road till I matured and fell in love with my nose. Right. Which was smart. Um, my dad did the same thing with motorcycles. I said 14, I'm like, Oh, I want a motorcycle. Oh, for sure. Get you one when you're 16, I turned 16. I want a motorcycle. Oh, for sure. When you're 18. And then I got over it. Right. Um, so yeah um so uh that that's some like benevolent line but at nine one of I think one of you was already asking for gastric bypass surgery can you tell me when you guys realized that you guys were fat that you were like and how you realized it because
Starting point is 00:16:01 like I didn't realize it till someone made fun of me. And I was like, what are they talking about? I mean, we always knew, I mean, we knew it, you know, after, you know, third,
Starting point is 00:16:10 fourth grade and our dad was in, dad was solidified in prison. It was like, yeah, like this is, you know, we're, we knew that we were going to end up continuing to get bigger.
Starting point is 00:16:20 And when you, when you start going to your friend's house and like, first thing you look for is their pantry. Like, cause they have different snacks that you didn't have you don't care about their toys you don't care about their you know you don't care about their video games at all you just care about what's in their their pantry so cringy and embarrassing like some of the stuff we would do as a kid i can't even imagine being our friend's parents and like seeing these kids like run in and like they're good kids but like they just wanted to eat and like we're just like eating up their snacks like couldn't have couldn't have
Starting point is 00:16:48 made us happy with any video game that's yeah no toys nothing excited us no no uh motocross bikes no trampoline it was where's the food at wow that's kind of like being in college and your friends come over to smoke your weed like they're just like they just like walk right past you straight to your bong and like open up okay so and then you knew and and then kids started saying stuff oh yeah i mean it wasn't until maybe like he said third fourth grade where you started realizing you're bigger than everybody kids are kind of like waking up a little bit and you know starting throwing the insults in a real way and then that's when i guess you could say like fourth grade but i would say we never really like we were always popular amongst you know our age group and our cohort like people you know our friends and those kids
Starting point is 00:17:39 were respectable i would say more respected us like we were good at football. We've always played football, always kind of always played sports, but there was still that factor that we were big, but most kids kind of overlooked that because they knew we could, you know, score on them in basketball or score on them in football. So they kind of overlooked those things, even though we were, you know, we weren't just pushovers at all, you know, at that age. It sounds like you guys had a good work ethic too i would say what you know when i definitely when it came to whatever we were doing on the court or on the field you know it was we definitely we played basketball
Starting point is 00:18:15 you know school basketball team you know football in high school didn't didn't miss practice didn't like try to cut laps short like you guys you guys maybe this kind of run where you're like pumping your arms really hard and then and then when you were when you were nine one of you asked for gastric bypass surgery yeah that was me. Isn't that amazing that a nine-year-old would even know what that is? Well, we knew what it was because our mom had gastric bypass surgery. When we were like three or four years old, our mom had gastric bypass. I remember her pulling up to kindergarten, our kindergarten graduation in a wheelchair because she had like some post-op surgery that needed to be done.
Starting point is 00:19:03 So we knew what it was you know by nine years old and we knew that we were big yeah we knew it was the lose weight surgery like that's what you do lose weight um less than 24 hours ago you guys made a video and you put it on the vision twins youtube channel and i was watching it and it's a pretty brave video you guys made. And I bet you, you guys will keep talking about it as you get older. Basically you guys talk about gastric bypass surgery. And I just want to throw a couple of things in there about that. First of all, anyone who says it's like cheating or any of that shit,
Starting point is 00:19:37 fuck them. Like, fuck you. Like no one should be judging you for cheating or not cheating or anything. First of all, and you guys don't, didn't get gastric bypass surgery.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I want to be super clear about that. You guys did not do it. The thing that scares me is that you guys talk about the mechanism in your, in your mind and the trauma that you had that led you to food for comfort. This gastric bypass surgery one, and you guys expressed this in your video, like, Hey, what happens if you get it and you gain the weight back? We have some concerns there, right? But, but the other thing is, is everyone I know that's gotten it. I shouldn't, I shouldn't say everyone. I've had some people on the show who got it and who are really happy, but there's been ends up being lifelong complications that they didn't know
Starting point is 00:20:20 about some pill that they have to take the rest of their life some damage that was done some some fat cells that they lost so now when they put fat on it attaches to their organs instead of their um waist and i just i thought you guys handled it with a lot of tact like hey we're not judging you but like hey make some efforts along this path maybe first um because because because it's i'm sorry say that again calvin showing what's possible you know what i mean because yeah you could easily continue to get bigger and say i'm going to get the surgery you know and at 17 we decided to lose weight you know at our biggest our heaviest weight and we could have said you know in five years and seven years you know we'll decide to we'll decide to look into surgery but we we said, fuck that, you know, we're going to go get to it and we're going to run our ass off. I was like, I was like Forrest Gump, like when they said,
Starting point is 00:21:12 how long are you going to keep running for? I don't know. So I'm tired. Like that's, that's what it was for me with weight loss. I was going to keep running until I lost weight. You know, I was going to keep exercising in the house. And so we lost a lot until I looked like I was never overweight or obese again in my life. And lost until I looked like I was never overweight, overweight or obese again in my life. And that's something that like, you can't replace that with anything. You can't buy that. You can't, you can't do anything to get that experience about like what's possible for yourself. Because most of the time, like, it's unfortunate. A lot of people look for the easier way out. And what I'm not saying surgery is the easier way out, but like even in school.
Starting point is 00:21:46 No, it's not. That's the illusion, right? That's the illusion, right, Angelo? They think it's the easier way out, but it's not. Yeah, it's probably harder. What happens when you cheat on a test? Like, okay, you get the big exam at the end. You've been cheating on all the tests leading up to it, and you didn't learn anything.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And now you're about to bomb the exam, the final exam. And you, cause you never took the time to study anything. So like, that's what happens when you cheat. That's not cheating, but that's what happens when you take a shortcut. Cause the shortcut's going to get you there quicker. Yeah. But like what happens when everybody else has finally caught up and now they have double your knowledge, double everything that you've done. And they've pretty much probably looked better. They've got more, like, you know what what i'm saying what can you teach somebody else after that test you know i have a guy coming on next week i have a guy coming on next week really fucking good friend of mine and uh he was he was pushing like 300 pounds and i got him into crossfit and he lost 100 pounds
Starting point is 00:22:42 then he gained the weight back i did i got him back into it and he lost 100 pounds. Then he gained the weight back. I got him back into it again. He lost the weight. The second time he lost the weight, he had all his skin cut off. Now I talk to him like about a month ago and I go, hey, what's up, man? And he goes, hey, I'm gaining weight. And I go, okay. And he goes, and something really fucked up is happening. And I go, what?
Starting point is 00:23:02 He goes, you're born with only a certain amount of fat cells because I had my skin cut off. The fat has nowhere to go that I'm putting back on and it's attaching to my organs. And I'm just like, oh, fuck me. So I'm, so I'm working with him now. I'm working with him now. We got him back on the straight and narrow and this guy's dedicated. This guy's a beast. But yeah, there was a shortcut, right? He made a decision. And a few years later, there's a cost for it. That's another great thing you guys do.
Starting point is 00:23:36 That's important. You guys have the, hey, no shame, no insecurity kind of pep talk before your workouts that you do. Hey, take your shirt off. Who gives a shit? Get at it, boy. Exactly. Yeah. And that's, I didn't even think about that. Like after you lose weight and you get the surgery, cause we've been very adamant, like I can get the surgery. I probably not even ever, but like right now it's not even our, our focal view. And I never even thought about that. Like if you do gain the weight back, you're not really allowed any room to gain weight because now you're going to be holding the fat in different areas, which can obviously kill you. And, like, that just kind of really put a clear mindset on us about that loose skin thing and, you know, not being insecure about your body.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Might as well just live with what you got because the surgery and anything else, procedures, is going to fuck you up. That's crazy. I have twins. i have three boys i have two five-year-olds and a seven-year-old and and um i i guess maybe i guess maybe i'll start here um so i'm married i have a wife and if my wife's in a bad mood um it affects me it affects me deeply or like if I saw my wife sad or scared, it like affects me deeply. And most of the, most of the world, anything I'm, I'm, and I'm really good at not being affected. I'm really, really fucking a centered person, but I've given myself so much to my wife emotionally and mentally and spiritually that I am connected to her.
Starting point is 00:25:04 and mentally and spiritually that I am connected to her. I've lost myself in my identity as being mixed with her. Probably not the most ideal thing, but it happens, right? And I'm okay with it. We're a unit. It's love. And it'll go away when we die, I guess. That being said, if I yell at one of my boys,
Starting point is 00:25:25 my other two boys start crying. If one of my boys falls down and hurts himself, the other two fucking start crying and they run over to him and grab him. Yeah. If someone if someone if we're at the park and my boy gets off his skateboard and another kid comes and grabs it, one of the other boys will come on, be like, yo, put my brother's skateboard down. I mean, it's like they're one person and how they move around together and how they hug and how they sleep and just everything that they're doing. It seems like you guys must be like really connected emotionally, the two of you. Yeah. I mean, that's something that we've kind of learned how to manage over the last couple of years because it's led us into good things. And it's also led us into trouble where it's like okay one of us has to be the clear-minded person to be able to be like yeah right both you can't be losing your shit at the
Starting point is 00:26:13 same time like if you read something that upsets you on the internet your brother has to stay calm he can't feed it and the same thing on the other side right 100 yeah i mean one of us is like i would say excuse me he's more of like a i'll say a business mind and then i'm more of kind of like a not to not to brag but i'm kind of the pretty face of the of the group but um no he there's definitely one of us that or there's one of us that excels better in different areas but but also it's like this like um i i have friends who like they'll be at a bar and someone will bump them and their wife will like instigate them to fight and i'm like man i would never want to be in a relationship like that i would want my wife to keep me calm or let's say i get mad at my kids my wife stays calm we don't both team up on
Starting point is 00:27:00 my kids or if my wife gets mad at my kids i stay calm we both don't team up on my kids or my wife gets mad at my kids. I stay calm. We both don't team up on them. And I feel like you would have to be in that you guys have to like, one of you always has to stay conscious. Both of you can't fall asleep and be angry. Right. Right. Yeah. The yin and yang to it, I guess you could say, man, that's, that's what there's a benefit to us being twins is that there is two of us. So like, well, if i can't handle one thing he's probably much better at communicating with women in a certain way or if i'm better at you know getting on a guy's ass and telling him pause telling him you know get his shit together or
Starting point is 00:27:35 whatever like i can do that without feeling any like not sympathy but like understanding but i'm not gonna sit there and you know compromise with you and feel sad for you. Like there's a certain time for, you know, hardened and there's a certain time for softness. What if something comes up between you two? And that's the problem. A lot of couples have, someone will just keep swallowing it. Like, just be like, I'm not saying nothing. I'm not saying nothing. do you guys have a communication technique or like okay hey we need to take space for 15 minutes or hey we need to sit down and talk
Starting point is 00:28:10 about this i didn't like what you said on camera here and you put you're alienating this group of people or how do you guys manage if you start judging each other it's pretty funny like we just we kind of just talk throughout the day and like if something comes up like see like yeah when you were talking about that and then like we'll kind of discuss it right there and be like yeah that's true like and then we'll go out and then you know handle our business the next day or whatever with that knowledge that we kind of already discussed it yeah even though we love each other we never take anything personal if that makes sense there's yeah i mean you got that's the way to succeed to excel yeah there's no room in our business for us to be getting mad at each other because
Starting point is 00:28:50 there's somebody else that's grinding right now and they're hoping in new york they're hoping they're hoping that we're that we're beating each other's ass and, you know, fighting and doing dumb shit. We've grown past that. We've learned, like, we're just slowing ourselves down every single time we argue or fight, yeah. So there's no point in it anymore. We know what we want to do. We haven't fought since, I know the day, it was September 20-ish, 2021.
Starting point is 00:29:23 So it's coming up on a year you know in a couple months but that was the last time it really got down and it was like always over some stupid shit you can't even remember why you did it but I saw the video you guys put out where one of you punches the other one I'm not gonna lie as a father that like broke
Starting point is 00:29:40 my heart like when I see my boys do that to each other it fucking breaks my heart uh oh i lost yeah it's dude it's so dumb and like that's what that is like all right you want you want to do that look how fucking dumb you look doing that let everybody see you do that and like tell me what your opinion is if you want to keep doing that shit and like that really got to us right there because it's like why are we hurting each like why like in that and it stemmed from a lot of bullshit online honestly like a lot of bullshit you see online you'd like that we didn't know how to handle emotionally at that point yeah in the beginning it was fine we were not really serious but as you kind of get established in what you're doing you turn that off yeah um
Starting point is 00:30:27 following and people recognize you with all the things but once they start to understand you and they start pointing out your flaws you get offended by it and then you're like now we realize people are going to say whatever they want online like at the end of the day people are going to literally bash you for the dumbest reasons and so that just teaches us like okay we cannot get upset about not anything online and anything between each other because we can't we can't be one of those commenters to each other you know talking show your hair looks like this you know we can't be one of those the same thing that we're that we're you know experiencing a lot yeah i i noticed a technique i like to use is i like to lean into a lot of it so if like someone makes fun of me i like to lean into it
Starting point is 00:31:15 and like own it i i also see people like the liver king um you know who just exploded on the scene you know climbed in six months to 1.6 million followers on Instagram. And he doesn't even address the haters or if he addressed them, he just addressed them in the most positive fashion. Hey, buddy, we know your juice to the fucking gills. And he just responds with, hey, I've been I follow the nine ancestral tenants and I and I work. I've been working out for 15 years. Talk to me after you've done that. And if you don't look like me, then maybe we can talk about the juice. Or you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:47 It's just – and that's it. No fuck yous. No – I'm always impressed. But I also think he has a pretty good team insulating him too from the negativity. Are we good yeah now we're good yep go ahead say that again sorry of course there's gonna be people that think like even i'm not even like i'm not even the biggest guy ever like how could i possibly but just going to discredit everything you do. So when I guess just knowing your truth and owning your truth, then you can really, it doesn't matter if anybody says it to you because you already know what's the truth, you know? of like let's say someone saw you um eating ice cream somewhere instead of being like uh coming up with some excuse be like yeah that was really stupid i own that yep i should have never done
Starting point is 00:32:50 that just lean right into it like i um i i made a little i always talk about how you should never drink sugary drinks right and then one of my friends made a video of me i'm using some monster energy drink with some titos and soda at a party and And I was like, fuck yeah, I did. I was fucking going hard those two days. Like, now what? Like, once they got you, like, once you own it, you own it. Just own it. Just own your shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Absolutely. Damn, our connection's getting really squirrely. If you look on your computer, is your connection ass? Mine says mine's good. I think ours might be the problem right now. We just moved into an apartment, so we've been running off our cell phones and hotspots, but it's all good.
Starting point is 00:33:35 I think it's still pretty decent. Have you guys ever talked about the Island Boys? You know, what's funny is we were going live i think about a month ago and they came onto one of our live streams and requested to go live with us so we went live with them yeah so it was just random and we went live with them we talked like kind of shared stories and you know it's cool because when they first started popping off a lot of people would like tag us in their videos and ask if we're the Island Boys. And, you know, I thought it was it was just cool. I mean, they're not really our niche whatsoever, but, you know, it's cool to talk to them.
Starting point is 00:34:13 It's cool to see twins doing the thing, I guess. It's a really it's it's tough. It's tough for it's tough for me. It's fucking once again, I'm just being the old dad shit. It's tough. It's tough for it's tough for me. It fucking once again, I'm just being the old dad shit. But I see two guys like you who are being vulnerable and and working on yourselves publicly. And what's crazy is I think they're doing the same thing, but they're fucking taking a really they've gone a're like good they're gonna they they're still going the wrong direction before they come back around you know what i mean like i see them smoking those vape pens and that fucking breaks my heart here's two fucking boys who should be virile as shit right they should be doing what you guys are doing they should be visiting their dad they should be i'm working out hard they should be just getting strong and healthy and instead they're fucking
Starting point is 00:35:03 they're doing doing irreversible damage to their fucking beautiful pink lungs. And it just, and I like it that you talk to them. I think that's fucking great. Like they need friends like you, you know what I mean? And they're getting so much feedback from the outside world that it's probably hard for them to, um, to change, right? It's hard, but like you have this addiction to movement and they have this addiction to social media and vape pens and it's just uh yeah it's it's hard it's a um it makes me happy that you guys that you guys um interacted with them it's it's such a different path of how you know you you guys are trying to to let your DNA express itself in its finest way.
Starting point is 00:35:46 So you become healthy men and they're fucking they're pouring water on their fire. Yeah, it's and that's the thing with the Internet, too, is like if you blow up quick, you usually come down pretty quick, too. And that's something that we we got caught up in in the beginning, you know, comparing yourself to other success. And, oh, what are they doing over there? What we but then you realize like there's only one us you know what i mean as many twins are on the planet there can only be us two vision twins the vision twins you know i think that's the best name i love that name like that's yeah island boys whatever you want to call it the next twins that are coming up like the vision twins i feel like is i'm so honored and grateful to have i feel like it's the best at name on the internet and that are coming up, like the vision twins. I feel like is, I'm so honored and grateful to have,
Starting point is 00:36:26 I feel like it's the best at name on the internet. And that's just how I feel. You know, do you know about the Winklevoss twins? Are those the, the, the, the Vinky twins?
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah. The guy, the guys who bought 1% of all of Bitcoin when it was $7 a coin. Oh, are they? Oh, no. Oh, no. I never heard of them. They're the founders of Facebook. And then Mark Zuckerberg basically stole it from them.
Starting point is 00:36:55 They're amazing. And they were Olympians. They were rowers. You should look them up. There's a book called Bitcoin Billionaire written by some guy named Mesrick. I had him on the show. He also wrote The Social Network, that movie. But he wrote a book about him, and it's really cool.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I think you guys will really like it. They're just two guys, and they had an idea for Facebook, and then Zuckerberg took it from them. But then when Bitcoin was really cheap, they bought 1%, they bought 1% of all of Bitcoin. And you can only imagine how fucking rich they are now. And they're Olympians and they're hard workers and they're twins.
Starting point is 00:37:33 And they sound like you guys kind of like inseparable, like two dudes who are just, you know, just living the dream together. Yeah. That's freaking shit like that makes me inspired. I'm not really, I don't
Starting point is 00:37:45 what happens on the internet like i think it's cool that people can you know just turning life into success like that's what gets me motivated that's what and now i want to go learn more about bitcoin and do these types of things have any women ever come between you guys yeah i would say from the age that was quick yeah not as the twins no not as the vision twins but 18 to 21 and then we started doing vision twins at 21 years old when covid hit two years ago um but no 18 to 21 i was definitely living with another girl in San Diego and paying rent back at our apartment. So, you know, there was that. But, you know, as the Vision Twins know. It could never really get started because he was always with his girlfriend, basically. So when we finally pulled him out, he ends up having to be in this relationship oh
Starting point is 00:38:45 good he ended up having to be in this relationship and our connection is jacked jacked there we go you froze no can you hear me no i see you I can see you I just can't hear you you guys turned into the Transformers uh oh Frank says this is a tough listen
Starting point is 00:39:33 oh my word there we go we're back Frank now you just oh they're gone bye bye that's a bad connection come on guys come on come on calvin and angelo you guys are youtube stars fucking get that connection right boys um really cool story the world needs more like more, more guys like these two. The world definitely needs more guys like these two.
Starting point is 00:40:12 All right. How are we? How are we? We're back. All right. Come on, Frank. Come on, Frank. I do see, I do see that weight gain and and health is sort of being the sort of collapse of civilization. I think that everything that's going on, whether it be global warming, sickness, COVID, I think it's all bullshit because all I see is happening is people consuming more and more and creating more and more of a problem. You have people who I go to Disneyland and I'm looking at people who consume five times as much as me. I don't want to hear shit from them about how they care about the planet. I just saw them use five plastic cups for drinking diet Coke. I didn't drink one. I see a, I don't want to hear shit about COVID when 80% of the people who died were obese in the hospital. Like I, like, like like i just it's this um bad thinking this
Starting point is 00:41:07 if you can't run and jump over a fence um like every 50 year old should be able to do then your whole mindset the way you look at the world is different than mine because i have this ability to do things you can't so you play the victim and i see just a fence that i can jump over and get away from the problem and so when i see people do say that again, I'll say no. And you're just like a perfect outlier. Like you're just the most magnificent person out there that they wish they can be like, but not very difficult. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that there's all these people who have opinions about the way the world is running yet. And yet they haven't cleaned their own house up yet. Like,
Starting point is 00:41:47 of course you're scared of global warming and COVID in this. You can't even fucking climb the fence into your neighbor's yard. If a fucking robber comes in, you're fucking completely shit on your whole body. You've shit on yourself. You can't even, you can't even run away from a 12 year old boy. You're a 12 year old boy could beat you up.
Starting point is 00:42:03 And it's like, of course you're going to be afraid of all of these other things so i kind of when i see people like you i'm like wow they're really being and i think the only thing we can be is good role models be an example being undeniable yeah being an undeniable role model yeah like so if the three of us went to mcdonald's let's say and they were like and they were like um and we went with a crew of 10 the three of us might take off our top piece of bread and fucking throw it in the street to the seagull and just eat the burger open face and like that's all we i feel like that's all we can do and then hopefully one of the guys like what are you doing and be like hey man there's no reason
Starting point is 00:42:36 for two pieces of bread right now like we're going to be sitting in the car for another five hours like what do i need two pieces of bread for? That's the funniest part is like trying to explain that to people like, because we've gotten, you know, we've told many people before on the internet, like, you know, you don't need to eat bread. Like, that's just like been one topic, like, of course, you don't need to avoid bread. But like, you know, over consuming bread like that, where there's two buns, and like, you can just enjoy the burger. It's like, you're just trying to fill your stomach. That's all you need to do. You don't need to sit back and feel bloated. You know, and that's something that we try to teach people, especially with losing weight and getting in shape. It's like you don't have to go from zero to 100 right away. It's just throw that top piece of bread off.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Maybe don't put ketchup on there and mayonnaise, like just eat the burger plain, like maybe take off a slice of cheese. Like just doing that type of stuff can lead to great results. a slice of cheese, like just doing that type of stuff can lead to great results. But to people that don't do anything, it seems like you made this gigantic leap from nothing to something. And then all of a sudden you became this fit person that has abs and had to figure it out their whole life when really it's like, I was probably worse than you at one point. And I just started doing one thing at a time and realized, oh, this works for me. This doesn't, this works trial and error, but most people works for me. This doesn't. This works. Trial and error.
Starting point is 00:43:48 But most people are too afraid to fail to even learn something. And there's these people on the internet. There's this guy, Dushay or BioLane or even Steph Cohen. And they're always arguing like, oh, don't listen to these people. They don't know what they're talking about. You can't eat bread or you can't eat sugar and what they don't realize and it's and i it's they're such fucking pretentious assholes because what they don't realize is this there's a the vast majority of people are addicted to sugar like heroin like what they might be saying might be true sure a little bit of sugar for you is okay you're all fucking juiced up on steroids i get it you fucking work out five times a day you've had your shit
Starting point is 00:44:32 dialed for 15 years the rest of us we we need to move away from that stuff we need a whole fucking reboot we need we we're fucking addicts we can't we're not in the a little bit of i can smoke two cigarettes a day i don't know if you guys ever smoked but like there's these people who can smoke two cigarettes a day and 99 of people can't do that nicotine is so fucking addictive it's mind-blowing and there there's this um instead of trying to understand where you're coming from they try to say what you did was wrong. And yet you are the role model. You guys lost 360 pounds together between the two of you. And it should be just all kudos for you guys. You guys cracked the code on it. It's weird how you said sugar, man. I made a video probably a couple months ago now, but it was a video of me just eating some oatmeal
Starting point is 00:45:22 with my protein in it. And on the top of the words, it said, sugar is the devil. And man, I'm being honest. When you're trying to lose weight, sugar is seriously the devil. Of course it is. Of course it is. It's really not. People can say whatever they want about what, you know, can I put peanut butter in it? You can still eat donuts.
Starting point is 00:45:42 You can still eat candy. Go eat sugar then. Go eat sugar and lift up your shirt and tell me how you and and show me you know because sugar will fuck you up and and and that's the other thing too they think they're being so smug um you know steph cohen walking around or i don't know if you guys know who she is but they act so smug and like they're walking around eating a donut or something and they're like everything's fine meanwhile you have 25 world power lifting records um you've been accused of doing steroids your whole fucking life you have a fucking whole team of people working out with you
Starting point is 00:46:14 you've switched to becoming a professional boxer we know you work out fucking eight hours a day like you accept the fact that you're on a different path than the vast majority of people who really can't eat ice cream anymore. Not even a little bit. They've had it their whole life. They've, they were the ones when they were working out, you know, for that 15 years,
Starting point is 00:46:35 whatever they were eating donuts and eating ice cream and sitting back thinking it was, it was cool. Yeah. It's, it's really disappointing to me that instead of being supportive and realizing that they're the outliers that they kind of push this um i'm right okay fine you're right you can eat a little bit of sugar and lose weight great but most people can't
Starting point is 00:46:58 no no that's we what we did man to get started losing weight was we removed all triggers anything that could have triggered us in the house. I remember we went in the cabinet one day and this was the day that we decided to lose weight. Saw all the sugary seals, brought them out, threw them away. Grabbed all the donut holes and the hot Cheetos and the chips and the sodas and the fruit. Boom, throw it away. We had this giant trash bag of unhealthy food. Our fridge looked like it was a barren wasteland, like there was nothing in it.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Like, what are we going to eat now? And that's what really taught us, like, holy crap, is most of the stuff I eat in the day junk? Like, I eat junk shit all day. No wonder my body is like trash. If I just ate what's in my fridge right now, which is probably like a few apples, some lettuce and some eggs, some ground beef. Like that type of stuff will literally cut you up and make you look so good and healthy versus saying, oh, it's OK to have these donut holes in the cabinets. Go in there when you only want them at a craving time.
Starting point is 00:47:59 OK, you're going to have a craving every fucking day. Like you're losing weight. Of course, you're going to want to eat the unhealthy food. The whole point, like we said earlier, not to take that shortcut, is learn how to live without it. Then you can go pick it up later on. Most people have that problem with losing the weight, gaining it back because they never learned how to live without it. They were avoiding it completely and saying, this is terrible for me. I cannot do this. I'm going to die if I do this. But really you should be like, you know, maybe 75, 80% of
Starting point is 00:48:28 the time I should avoid it. And then I'll learn when that 20% can come up. But if that 20% is every day, you're eating fried foods and hot dogs and carnival crap and like all this bullshit, you're going to get terrible results and you're going to, you're never going to learn anything. shit, you're going to get terrible results and you're going to, you're never going to learn anything. Uh, yeah, yeah. Yash, I'm not a hater on the vegan diet. I'm not a hater. Don't, my only issue with the vegan diet is, is if, if you are just eating shit loads of sugar and pasta and stuff, instead of just, you know, trying to eat healthy. I personally, I, although I try to stay as carnivore as I can, I flourish with vegetables. I don't have any, I don't have any of those problems with my, my stomach. I can just eat as much vegetables as I can I flourish with vegetables I don't have any I don't have any of those problems
Starting point is 00:49:05 with my my stomach I can just eat as much vegetables as I want my stomachs I have no issues but but I do try to be corner carnivore hey do you guys fuck with raw meat at all um raw like eating raw meat yeah you guys it's kind of the thing right now it's like all over Instagram people are doing it the liver king does it I had a raw meat guy on and I start, you know what I started doing? I started taking a pound of ground beef and then I take a third of a cube of butter and then two dates and I put it in a food processor and then sprinkle salt on it and eat it. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:41 You should have seen Calvin's face. I thought, thought calvin's gonna be like oh i'll try that he's like i think it's more sorry i can't i can't do it that's not me it's more polarizing than it is popular rise if that makes sense what is the the raw meat stuff yeah explain to me what you mean explain i think it's more attention grabbing than it is people actually doing it. Oh, Oh, you know what I mean? Meaning some like,
Starting point is 00:50:09 meaning there's people like liver King who like really do it, but then there's other people who are trying to jump on the bandwagon and show themselves eating some liver to try to get the, the follows. Yeah. I'm like, personally, liver's hard,
Starting point is 00:50:19 man. I'm not going to lie. One of my friends killed a duck and then, and then basically, and then brought it over to my house and ripped it open and pulled the liver out and fed it to me. Fuck dude. That was hard.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Duck killer. Duck killer. Yeah, man. I could not, no way. Would I be enjoying where I've never, no,
Starting point is 00:50:44 I don't even like seafood so like there's what about sushi you guys don't fuck with sushi at all i like he's the seafood guy and everybody what about sushi what about crab what about fried shrimp no like no it's just i there's food that i'm willing to avoid for the rest of my life and seafood's one of them the cool thing about sushi is um uh soy sauce and wasabi. Do you like wasabi? That shit's fire. That shit's fire. Yeah. Yeah, that shit's awesome, right?
Starting point is 00:51:09 It's kind of like going for a max bench press or something. How much wasabi can I put on there? You know what I mean? It's like... Yeah. It's tough. It's good food, but like, oh, no. That shit's fire.
Starting point is 00:51:22 You ever have a dream that you that you got fat again and that people on youtube saw our shit like and like you wake up and you're like oh fuck i've had like it's like a nightmare that's that's my type of nightmare nowadays i don't have nightmares where i'm getting killed or murdered it's more of like holy crap i didn't do that like i didn't graduate high school or i didn't lose the weight and certain shit like that that's my only nightmares that i have it's pretty so i'm like i'm glad that that's my nightmare it's not me getting murdered and shit like that but yeah when when i quit smoking cigarettes for like a couple years it was like that i would have
Starting point is 00:51:59 dreams where i'm smoking and i would wake up and i'd be so disappointed with myself because I smoke again. No, no. Fuck. It was a dream. Yeah. You don't have those. You don't have those, Calvin. No, I mean, as of recently. So ever since we moved out here to St. Louis, Missouri, you know, we were we were living in Florida at the time.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Northwest Florida, which is called Panama City Beach. It's a big vacation spot. There's Destin out there. So we were out there from about March to June 1st, March 1st to June 1st. And we were smoking weed like a lot, like heavy up until a couple of weeks ago. We moved out here with basically everything on our back, didn't know anybody out here. So we moved out here with basically everything on our back, you know, having no, didn't know anybody out here. And we came in to our apartment with just, you know, our luggage and, you know, just a dream, man.
Starting point is 00:52:54 And since we got here, we actually quit smoking weed. And I've been able to dream, you know, to add to the dream. I've been able to dream now. So last night I had a dream I was snowboarding and, you know, I was doing some, some crazy some some crazy tricks and shit so you know i've been able to dream as of recently and i can attribute that to to uh not smoking weed and i just haven't felt the urge to very clear i would say very clear like you just wake up with the clarity like you don't forget what you're thinking the next day like if you learn something it's like still on your mind you just feel like you're a continuous streamline of energy which when you smoke that goes away man that like you really like it's it's cool to
Starting point is 00:53:29 experience it in the moment but it's like that delayed satisfaction versus the instant gratification it's just knowing like tomorrow i'm gonna wake up feeling so much better ready to attack the day versus taking an hour or two to like fog out and like wake up in the morning just it's it makes a huge difference when you don't do it versus when you do do it but although smoking weed did i can attribute smoking weed to helping me lose weight though because i would smoke weed at 17 18 and go on a five six mile run you know so yeah so it's i would just get put into a different zone and just and just go so you know i can say smoking weed definitely did help me out a lot when i first started losing weight but it was the one you replaced one habit of eating and then replacing you know smoking and then being a little bit more productive which is
Starting point is 00:54:13 kind of counteractive with most people but i wasn't doing any business i wasn't you know it was just should get this fat off you know what why did you quit smoking because you started getting paranoid or you didn't want to leave your house no as of recently i quit smoking just because i needed to be more clear you know i wanted you know more attention to what i was more i guess you could say care as to what i was doing and there's not any time for i'd rather put my time into giving back to somebody else than to you know being you know self-gratifying in the moment and you know take an hour to smoke when i can take an hour to you know reply to as many dms as i can and you know help people out right i um when i i quit smoking basically because i stopped wanting to leave the house like i just wanted to play video games and even when i wanted
Starting point is 00:55:01 to leave the house i was afraid like someone would talk to me and they would know i was stoned and so i just remember being in my 20s being like fuck that i'm not doing this anymore this is a nightmare yeah man you have probably done it since your 20s have you or no i mean maybe like i i think maybe like once i'm 50 now i could think one time i smoked once again in my like late 30s and i hated it i think maybe in my 40s i ate an edible somewhere when i was starving that really fucked me up that was a huge mistake that was like doing acid edibles i couldn't no i did one when i was like 17 and there's a thing when you get called greened out where you just get too high and like i was like wanting to throw up like and i was like i will never get to this point again like when when it comes to, cause it was just over consuming,
Starting point is 00:55:45 like knowing one's enough is enough. You don't need to do one, one, two, one, three. Like, this is like when I was obviously a young stoner,
Starting point is 00:55:52 we were like, you said, play video games after high school, man, we'd come home, go get a bag of chips and fun. And play video games until about six o'clock in the evening, just smoking,
Starting point is 00:56:01 having a good time. And like, they're good old days. Yeah. Looking back on it. It's like, it was such a chill time, you know, thinking about the fun just smoking having a good time and like they're good old days yeah look back on it it's like it was such a chill time you know think about the fun times with our friends coming over and being lazy fucks but then like all right now you got to do something like you can't just do this forever and i'm the people that we used to hang out with still kind of do that stuff and so we separate like you say we're being outliers we're being different it's just
Starting point is 00:56:22 getting our shit together you know not not waiting until you're 30 years old to figure this out. I hear stories all the time about people that fucked off their 20s and fucked off their 30s and then started in their 40s or started in their 30s. And, like, we just don't have time for that. Like, we got family in jail. We got mom at home. Like, you know, she loves her life.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Like, we just got people. We got to want to do things for these people. We want to have big goals. Like, it's on us if we want anything done it's in the backyard the other day picking up some dog poop pulling some weeds and i started thinking about just like all those videos like david goggins videos and joe rogan talks and jordan peterson and just all these like great like little motivational snippets and reels that you see all over and they're cool. And I was like, I wonder why that shit never really moves me.
Starting point is 00:57:09 I like them. And then I realized, and I'm super driven. I'm fucking insanely driven. And I realized, oh, it's because I have no plan B. I'm like, I don't know if you saw the movie Forrest Gump, but he just runs and he doesn't know why he's running and when he's done, he'll stop. But until then, he's going to run. And I was like, that's
Starting point is 00:57:32 me. I'm like a fucking dumb dog that chases a ball. I just have no fucking plan B. And I go, wow, I'm so lucky that I don't have a plan B. I'm all in. It's this either podcast is going to fucking work or it's not. Yep. Yep. And like, and I'm going to die trying's this either podcast is going to fucking work or it's not. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:46 And like, and I'm going to die trying. Yeah. That's a hard hill to die on too. Cause you, you set your goal up there and you're like, man, I just,
Starting point is 00:57:57 I'm willing to die for this and people will understand like trying to explain. And I'll be okay if I die on it too. I'll feel satisfied. That's the thing. I won't be failing. If I die doing it, that's as good as, well, I'm either going to die doing it or I'm just going to die. Oh, I'm if i die doing it that's as good as is is well i'm either gonna die doing it or i'm just gonna die oh i'm gonna die doing it no matter what
Starting point is 00:58:09 i feel you man i'm that's how we came when we first came like we first moved here we had a couple grand saved up and like people think like you do social media all the time like we were doing free shit for so long like it's all free shit it's all it's so like we come here with a couple grand and like the first night we didn't even have a like we went and bought a mattress like an air mattress but didn't have a fucking pump to blow it up so like i'm sleeping on the floor hungry as shit all the stores are closed i'm like i'm willing to die on this floor sleeping on the ground not having anything to eat knowing that it's gonna pay off it's gonna work out of it like this is this is what the shit is i'm living for like i would much rather do this be comfortable in having mom pay for
Starting point is 00:58:49 everything and grandma pay for everything living in a king-size bed sleeping on a king-size bed and like just feeling like it was handed to me like i would much rather do it this way than any other way it's your it's your story too dude you would have never remembered that night if you came in there and your apartment would have already been set up with all your shit but now you'll never forget you'll never forget that day uh-uh yeah my back still fucking hurts man um it's it's it's it's 8 30 at night and maybe one of you um hasn't you guys don't feel like you got your workout in yet or something. Do you guys do some pretty crazy shit? Will you guys be like, hey –
Starting point is 00:59:29 well, one of you look at the other, and it'll be 9 o'clock at night and be like, hey, fuck it. Let's just go run around St. Louis for an hour. Let's go on a jog and just talk. We would if we had to, but we kill ourselves during the day. You do. Okay. We teach workouts, film workouts. So we kill ourselves during the day. You know, we teach. You do. OK. We teach workouts, film workouts.
Starting point is 00:59:45 So, you know, we we kill ourselves during the day. If we had to, though, 100 percent, like we're doing 75 hard. Hell yeah. We'll, you know, go get that outside workout in. Or like if let's say you let's say we're going to go to Europe or something and you had to travel for 24 hours and you guys got there and it was three in the morning checking your hotel. You guys be like, fuck it. Let's just run around London. It's not you. It wouldn't surprise you guys if you did that
Starting point is 01:00:07 oh we definitely would do that oh yeah 100 yeah that's you guys are so fucking cool it'd be it for us it's like fuck it what are you gonna do go ahead and sleep like you've already been up for 24 hours like go get finish off of the workout and then go to sleep and then like you feel accomplished and you got everything you wanted to do done um one of you tells a story about buying saving money to buy a computer and a camera and um i was homeless and i um saw that apple was going to come out with this is in like 2002 or 2003 and i saw apple was going to come out with a um final cut pro some it was editing software the first ever editing software you could use on a computer and a laptop and i was homeless at the time and i was like fuck i'm gonna buy that and i'm like fuck how am i gonna buy that and then
Starting point is 01:00:56 so i bought it and it took me two weeks just to load the 10 dvds in and there was no internet then so you had to be on the phone like like with like, uh, customer support for hours. It was nuts, dude. And I was like, Oh my God, I just spent every fucking dime. I had $6,000 on a computer and this software. And I had it plugged into a cigarette lighter in a car. And that's where I would learn. It was fucking nuts. But, but eventually, um, you know, within a few years I was was making movies and I was fucking I ended up, you know, 20 years later, I got rich. But I just kept my head down the whole time when you but it was scary buying that computer and that camera. Were you were you which one of you did that? Were you terrified?
Starting point is 01:01:37 Were you like, fuck, what am I doing? That's funny. That's a crazy story, man. Like, honestly, because my stories look like crazy. I thought my story was crazy, but that's really crazy. man like honestly because my stories look like crazy i thought my story was crazy but that's really crazy homeless and did all that i mean they need to make a bow they need a movie on that show i would watch the shit out of that and there was no one doing it at the time i like literally the day final cut pro came out and the
Starting point is 01:02:01 and the g5 macbook pro came out it was a black clamshell. I went to the student union at UC Santa Barbara as a homeless guy. And I used my girlfriend's credit card at the time and a big pile of cash I had. And I bought it. I lied to him and told him I was a student there and got the discount. And then I bought a shitty fucking car for like two grand. And I would just plug it in my computer into the cigarette lighter and edit all night and learn. It was fucking. And I thought I would cry and cry to myself. Cause I would be like, Oh my God,
Starting point is 01:02:26 I just wasted all this money. I'm never going to be able to learn this. I don't even know how to use a computer, but I figured it out. I would just war went to war. Yeah. That's incredible. So those stories,
Starting point is 01:02:36 like I'm going to get back to your question in the beginning about our story like that. Yeah. Type of things are what built you to, like you said, no way, like learning shit, like it's going to be fucking hard to learn it.
Starting point is 01:02:46 You're going to want to quit so many times to learn something or get it done. But you realize, what else am I going to do? Am I going to go resell the laptop and then go fucking work a job? Buy weed? Yeah. Then go buy weed. What else can I possibly do? And that's, I think, the most honorable thing is to like
Starting point is 01:03:06 take that leap whatever it is just take the leap yeah about like our story how we saved up so uh i was working at a storage facility and i was also going to school getting fafsa money and so i would work and that like that 1200 or whatever i made 1800 a month would survive my rent my food and i would uh i would not put any work in on my car my car was getting trashed every month and just the brakes never put brake pads on there like just kept it really shitty and live low and then i ended up spending like i think three grand or it came at different times i bought the laptop at with two where it was like two grand at one time. And then the next time I got my fafsa check, it was another two grand.
Starting point is 01:03:50 And then I went and bought the camera. And from there it was just like, all right. And were you tripping when you did it? Were you just like buying it being like kind of like sweating being like, what am I doing? No. Cause I was like, I'm not like, I intentionally saved all my money just so i'd have just enough to where there'd be zero dollars in my bank account after i bought it and so yeah that's
Starting point is 01:04:12 what happened i bought it and there was zero dollars so it's like all right you have zero dollars but a macbook and a computer what are you gonna do i'm gonna figure this shit out i'm gonna i thought you get a camera and you buy a macbook and the video goes from the camera to the laptop. I didn't know. It's all good. I didn't know what it was. I was like, oh, shit, I got to go get adapters. I got to go get hard drives.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I got to go get something. I'm just like, well, look, I guess I have to wait again to do this shit. So it was all a process. It's not like it happened overnight where you just put film cameras and then the video goes up, edited and cut and perfect. And then you're viral on Instagram. Yeah. I'm a camera laptop. I should be viral.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Like, it's not how it works. But so that really got me going. And then like my brother, we first launched our first video in 2018 of like starting Vision Twins. And we had this date, like for some reason it was like August 28th or something like that. And we had no reason to have that date either. There's no reason. It was just, it was a hard ass day to get it done. That's why I picked it. Cause it was like that Monday we announced to our friends and family that we're
Starting point is 01:05:20 dropping a video on Friday. And like, it was Wednesday and we hadn't filmed shit. We hadn't learned how to edit at all. So then we go out and film that Wednesday come back home and I'm like all right I'm gonna do it tomorrow because how hard can a video editing be like how hard can it be my first try so then I did oh man what software did you use it was Final Cut oh god so it was a steep ass learning curve steep ass learning curve and once you get not okay to do it yeah once you know how to do it it's like the biggest blessing to be able to chop up you can get the video done in 20 minutes or 30 minutes but like this is rookie rookie rookie like experience level 70 year old grandpa like not knowing how to do this right and so it's friday
Starting point is 01:06:02 morning i'm like all right well fuck i guess might as well start editing the video oh shit we didn't buy the software let me go buy this really quick 300 bucks boom it's done you got the software on there all right it takes seven hours it takes four hours to upload oh shit or download okay let me wait under the four hours and then like it's now six o'clock at night on a friday or no thursday and the video's supposed to come out friday morning yeah and uh like oh shit six o'clock on friday all right now it's time or no thursday and the video supposed to come out friday morning yeah and uh like oh shit six o'clock on friday all right now it's time to start thursday excuse me fuck six o'clock on thursday it's time to start editing and then so plug in the camera get it all done get all the clips on there now the the laptop has four gigabytes of data storage to edit on
Starting point is 01:06:42 and the video is going to obviously be about i oh man it's so fucking hard to even explain this i know exactly what you're saying about it's just the steep learning curve of figuring out how all that shit works i know exactly what you're going through yeah all the clip of the file was like 25 gigabytes at the end i didn't know how to render the file in a certain way so i'm just like it was weird the video should have came out two gigabytes comes out 30 gigabytes i'm yeah yeah editing at three in the morning and then the laptop just imagine i just shut the laptop off just close it just black screen all i'm like i'm like having a mini heart attack like everybody's asleep knowing i can't tell anybody about it everybody's sleeping right now and it's i'm like fuck it's on me like what am i's sleeping right now. And I'm like, fuck, it's on me. Like, what am I going to do right now?
Starting point is 01:07:26 Then I open up the laptop. It says you have no space to do anything on your disk. And I can't even move the cursor to show anything. Like, I can't even move because the laptop is just broken at this point. Like, it's a brand-new laptop. I'm like, what the fuck is going on? Like, this is not supposed to be happening. And so I'm like, well, fuck.
Starting point is 01:07:45 I wake up my mom. I'm like, mom, like, my video is fucking broke. Like, this is not supposed to be happening. And so I'm like, well, fuck. My mom, I wake up my mom. I'm like, mom, like my video is fucking, it broke. Like, I don't know what to do. And she's like, go to bed. It'll be all fine. And I'm like, fuck you. Like, no. I'm not going to bed without the shit's due tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:07:57 I got to do it. And so that was where you realize like, holy shit, if you want something done, it's on you. You've got to get it done. And like, I'm staying up until now it's 8 a.m. the next day. And the video is at like 97% uploading on YouTube. And I'm like, oh, fuck. Yeah. Like, that was probably the most proud moment I think I've ever had.
Starting point is 01:08:15 We're like, you went through all that shit and you finally got it at the end. And you're like, oh my gosh. Like, yes, it was hard. Was it that hard? Like, was it unbearably can't live my life hard? No yes it was hard was it that hard like was it unbearably can't live my life hard no but like was it fucking hard yes like but i'm so glad that i went to that because that was i'm like watching the video the next day fucking it says file format like the the video didn't upload an image on there so it's just a red picture of like the file didn't upload
Starting point is 01:08:42 correct i don't even care like the video is up on youtube like i fucking did it and if i'm no later fuck it yeah it's um being a video editor uh is gnarly i've had a thousand nights where i'm supposed to go to bed at 11 o'clock and i saw the sun come up yeah it's just fucking nuts just i just remember eventually i upgraded i bought like a 1977 motorhome so i could actually sit upright you know but yeah i made all my first movies i made shows for espns i did all that shit while i was homeless and i just saved shit loads of fucking money and i did all that for my fucking car and commercials and i did it just like you and you just have to practice right you just have to practice, right? You just have to keep grinding.
Starting point is 01:09:27 It's cool now, though, too, because you can just go on YouTube and type in what you want to learn, and there's some fucking 10-year-old kid who will teach you. Yeah. He's like, ah, do this. You're like, oh, fuck, great. How do I invest? What is this guy saying? Someone talks shit about San Diego. sure why not in the covid coma
Starting point is 01:09:46 podcast intolerable i'm taking my sticker off my truck now no i don't know what you're talking about i don't know he loves san diego man i love san diego just the people in southern california have lost their mind actually all over california you're what you're santa barbara you said i'm in santa cruz now i went to school now. I went to school in Santa Barbara. I went to UC Santa Barbara. I was born in the Bay Area. I was born in Oakland. And then I was raised in sort of the East Bay.
Starting point is 01:10:14 The whole Bay Area has fucking lost their mind. I went to Berkeley recently. I mean, they're still completely covered in masks and they stay 12 feet away from you. They're completely psychotic. They're completely broken souls. It's bullshit. I know.
Starting point is 01:10:29 They don't believe that they're brainwashed. It's like getting the hardest thing to tell someone like you've been lied to, but there's no way. What they told me is true. Hey, do you guys ever fuck with Officer Tatum? Do you know who that is, Brandon Tatum? No. I hate when people ask us if we know these people
Starting point is 01:10:47 because 90% of the time I have no idea who he is. Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry. You're good. Yeah. I had him on the show. He's cool. I'll send you a link to his Instagram account. He's a really cool dude.
Starting point is 01:10:57 He blew up during the whole COVID thing. But he's a straight shooter. He talks straight, and I just dig him. Yeah. Um, when you, when you went to Tijuana to visit your dad, your, um, you hadn't seen your dad in two years. Yeah. About two years. Yeah. Um, how do you, who who who comes up with that idea there must be some sort
Starting point is 01:11:28 of like combination of like hey this is going to be great and it's going to be fun but we also need to use this for content because because people will like it and it adds value people will see us vulnerable and they'll see us like how do you guys do you guys think that out well every day is content you know our life is is content we knew that like he hadn't seen us since we were overweight so like a couple years before that we were fat you know obese and like that's what he last saw us as so then he like across the border on the internet losing weight and doing all these things and we're like well shit let's go see him and turn it into a video we saw him a couple times when
Starting point is 01:12:04 we have lost weight we already seen you know this i'm talking about for tiktok obviously but for tiktok it was a different story that was a little bit of fabricated we did see him like maybe two or three times before that but there was a good span of like four years where we he lived right across the border but we just never went and saw him just because we were living we had to get our stuff done you know and then and then so i didn't realize that so in that no wonder he's so proud when he sees you he's so fucking proud yeah and and did that feel good to make your dad happy even though you didn't you hadn't seen him in so long um i think it was cool like for him to like see that we got in shape and like now what we should
Starting point is 01:12:47 have been doing what we should have been doing he always told us like he sees it in us and we didn't see it in ourselves but i think he's a lot more proud of us than we are what we've done because we felt like we should have done it but he's like yeah like now we're kicking his ass and workouts and like that was our goal like i was like i like, I want to be able to outrace my dad. Like there's no way this 45-year-old man should be. I'm 17 or 18 and I'm getting more winded than him, you know. As when you're young, you really look up to your parents. You think they're amazing.
Starting point is 01:13:22 And then there's some point in life, I guess, where a lot of us start to resent our parents. And then we get older again, and then we're like, oh, fuck, life's hard, man. They just did the best they could. Why the fuck was I so hard on them? Why did I resent them? Fuck, they went through some shit. Have you guys had that journey with your mom and your dad where it's like, I love you. Fuck, why'd you do this?
Starting point is 01:13:44 Oh, fuck, of course you did it because of that like i could have fuck you were raising two boys can you tell me about that you're yeah i would say i didn't beat my ass i would say angelo has always been kind of more of the bitchy complainer out of both of us towards our parents as opposed i i was kind of always just like you know i love you god i love you mom i love you dad i was always the more loving one he He was always... My mom would be gone from 6 a.m. in the morning to 6 o'clock at night, 8 o'clock at night.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Single mom fucking working hard, working her ass off just to support us. I'd come home. She'd come home and be like, Mom, what's for dinner? Bro, she just fucking worked all day on her feet, selling glasses, driving from here to Riverside to Hemet to all the back and then back to San Diego all in the same day to fucking make sure you have a roof over your head.
Starting point is 01:14:35 And you're pissed off at her because she didn't bring home in and out. Like, bro, fuck you, bro. Like, that's what I really think about myself as a kid like we gave her such a hard time like you're a terrible mom like oh my gosh and like i just um i don't even yeah yeah it's it's a trip there's this quote here that i read on the show a lot you guys will probably like this um when your parents are alive you might wish they behave different when they're dead you'll wish you behave different pretend your parents are alive, you might wish they behaved different. When they're dead, you'll wish you behaved different. Pretend your parents are dead. Yeah. And I tried to, yeah, there's going to be a day when they're gone,
Starting point is 01:15:15 and we're going to just look back and be like, fuck, what was I tripping on? Absolutely. Yeah, your parents, your kids kids i heard a quote uh this week kids will never fail kids will never fail to not listen to their parents so the kids will always not listen to their parents but they will never fail to emulate their parents yeah they're gonna be they're gonna be shith hardheads, and they'll not listen, you know, the teenage years. But they will still, once, you know, they're 18, 19, 20, 21, they will start to emulate exactly who their parents were. And, you know, it's interesting looking back at us.
Starting point is 01:15:56 We were, you know, fat shits growing up and, you know, didn't want to work out. But then come to find out we're extremely fit now. You know, our dad's 45 years old. He's still more cut up than we are. Like, you know, so there's still work for us to do, but you know, we're emulating our parents, you know? Right. Yeah. Yeah. It's a great quote. It's a great quote. Are you guys like really proud of yourselves? Do you ever think, Oh my God, this is like, when we have kids one day, this is exact. Like I I'm helping the
Starting point is 01:16:28 world. Like I'm, I worked at CrossFit for 15 years and I was so proud when I worked there because I was like, man, I'm saving the world. I'm saving people's lives one day at a time. And it's something that spreads like fire. And I, and to this day, like I have no problem giving myself a pat on the back. Holy shit. I'm like really doing really contributing to humanity. Do you guys, do you guys ever look at yourself and be like, yeah, this is exactly,
Starting point is 01:16:49 when we have kids, we can tell our kids, this is what we did. We saved lives. I would say I love what I do. I'm proud of the 21 year old me to start social media. I'm proud of him for getting on and, you know, getting verified on Tik TOK and, you know, there's still goals that I still want to get verified on all platforms. But, you know, I wouldn't say I'm necessarily proud of myself right now because there's a lot of things that I still need to learn and that I know I need to hammer in on on the business end of things that I personally want to work on. But I'm proud of the 21-year- old kid for going out there and busting his balls every single day in the middle of the summer while covid started and you know just inspiring
Starting point is 01:17:31 these people to lose weight i'm proud of that kid but as far as the business aspect i feel like there's more things that i could that i can work on so i'm not necessarily proud of myself right now but and that's the thing with me too i think i differ in that sense because i was your net like especially coming from i'd love to hear your perspective on this too is like you don't want to wait until it's too late to tell yourself that you were proud of yourself for what you do because at this time in my life like i've realized no one's gonna let or like support what i'm doing right now more than myself yeah i'm not my biggest fan and if i always feel like i have some shit to do some shit to work on then nobody's really going to accept you at at work what you want to be accepted for right now
Starting point is 01:18:09 where you're at you know that's true so it's just mindset of me like oh i gotta grind all the time work all the time like that's kind of already known for me now like i know i'm supposed to work hard i know i'm supposed to do these things it's time to like understand and be proud of like okay the more i'm more the more i'm proud of myself the more i'm willing to learn and start working versus like thinking about why i fucked up by not knowing this shit already or like i have to i have to have all my shit together now like i'm just more except like you said proud like i'm glad from where i've come from but i'm still long right where i want to go but i'm proud to say like, I'm here at this point now for sure.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Do you guys have any fear of getting kicked off of Tik TOK? I feel like so many people like, like who didn't even know that they were fucking up, got just kicked off of Tik TOK. This, this guy I have on the show regularly, Justin Nunley. Do you guys know who that is?
Starting point is 01:19:02 He was, and there was another guy had on the show both of them talked about like getting to like two million three million people on tiktok and then getting kicked off and having to start over again and they weren't even doing crazy shit like they weren't doing like vaccine talk or none of that shit you guys is tiktok is scary like are the rules hard like and we have a manager that like runs our account and like who we were talking about getting verified with last year you know she had a point of contact with tiktok so like i feel like i'm not worried about like if there's ever any reason why we got kicked off it'd be really petty and i don't think
Starting point is 01:19:36 like i think we've got a good name for ourself to where like we can just go to her and i mean that's what he's like he said we have a point of we have a point of contact so it's not anything i don't think anything petty could even at the end of the day it's fucking tiktok like i like tiktok is literally it's a kid's app like i i'm not really tripping off of it it's a good way to make business you should have one but like i'm in no way want to be 25 years old still making tiktoks like that's and i'm 23 so like i hope to not be on tiktok but i hope i'm doing bigger things by then i don't fuck with that at all just because instagram already takes too much fucking time i mean i love i love social media i love instagram but like i just can't get
Starting point is 01:20:16 lost in another i don't do faith i don't do any of the others i don't do twitter or facebook or tiktok i just do instagram and i just basically just the only three and I use Instagram just to find, um, guests. So I got a blue check Mark. And because of that, people will respond to my DMS. And so I just like, I saw you guys, I'm like, Oh shit. And I do like a weight loss story, um, at least once a month on my, uh, YouTube. And, uh, and I, cause I think it's important. I think those are the great, I think, I think the world needs weight loss stories more than ever right now. And it's a small, it's a market that thankfully we've been able to become the face of, I, we feel like, and we hold ourselves a standard to as, as the face of weight loss. And, you know, it's, it's a market that's going to take off,
Starting point is 01:21:01 you know, within the next 10 years. And we're glad to be, you know within the next 10 years and we're glad to be you know early pioneers in in the internet weight loss for sure in the space yeah it's funny because you get on tiktok and like tiktok is where you go to die i feel like like sometimes like you want to be on because you can see the most positive loving video on tiktok and you think the comments would be like oh this is awesome and then it's some like 13 year old like oh fuck that like pussy bitch shit i'm just like oh my god like i could and then you think like everybody's like that but then you just like you see it so much and it's just too toxic at times that's why no one should get a no one should all the coolest kids i know and i know some cool fucking kids they none of them had cell phones until they were 15 16 17 they had like really strict parents all the kids that i know that are kind of like scattered and shit they got phones too early
Starting point is 01:21:50 it's like a it's like a strong correlate yeah it's the weirdest thing like people are like the boldest people on the internet because they have this this idea of distance but like man if you like we know if anybody ever was to try to do something to you in person it's gonna be a little bit of an issue for them versus because i like you know but on the internet you're you're safe you're protected yes yes you're not you're a face that oh it was just a video but like okay yeah yeah that it brings out the dark side see how i'm going in this conversation i'm already talking about, you're already thinking of two people who need to be kicked in the balls.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Yeah. I'm already thinking about, and that's where I just got to check yourself and be like, okay, it's the internet. Like let them say their stupid shit. If anything, it's helping you. Like, so what's your take? Have you guys done any videos or talk about, um, um, body positivity that this kind of this insanity that's going on, it's, they show someone who's a 200 pounds overweight and they're talking about how they love themselves, but deep down, but, but you know, fuck this person makes a weekly trip to the pharmacy to get their fucking insulin and their type two diabetic.
Starting point is 01:22:59 And they could be sending the wrong message. Do you guys, have you guys weighed in on that or thought about that? Yeah. I mean, that's the thing too i completely understand loving yourself at a bigger bigger part but like to say that that's okay is not what that's or to say it's hell or to say it's healthy right i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna be honest like i feel like this idea this subject this kind of podcast talk subject i feel like it like it's brought up about overweight people becoming models or whatever. And I've seen – I actually did see a commercial about it recently. I think it was during the NBA playoffs. And I saw this big girl doing yoga and she was like the main subject of the commercial.
Starting point is 01:23:44 and she was like the main subject of the commercial. Although this idea of, I think it's counterintuitive how we talk about big people that should feel healthy or should feel good in their bodies. Although I don't really see too much of that advertisement anymore. I would say it was more like maybe five, six years ago where we saw a lot of those types of advertisements of big people kind of being the subject of health. The plus size model thing.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Yeah, that plus size model thing. But I think over the past three, four years, it hasn't really been – it's kind of been resurfaced About six months ago, Vogue or something put out five issues with five large-bodied people on them, which I found actually the women very attractive. It's not an attractive issue. And it said healthy. Let me see if I, it was very, it was pretty recently. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:24:42 And I just haven't really seen much of it recently. You haven't? So I just feel like it's just a topic that's being resurfaced and kind of something to talk about as opposed to something that's actually happening. I hope you're right. Man, I hope you're right. When I was obese, I knew that I was lying to myself saying, like, I'm healthy, I'm in shape. Like, I was just doing that to be the sheltered person. That's too afraid of criticism, but like knowing that, okay, there's something you could get better at that should drive people to do it. But nowadays
Starting point is 01:25:12 it's like, if you call, if you say that to somebody, you're the bad person. Let me show you this. Fuck man. That ad is huge. How the fuck do I get rid of that ad? the fuck do i get rid of that ad look at this this is no no no um to um to uh calvin's point um this is two years ago and i'll pull up the vogue one that was like but this is really bad this is really really bad healthy teenager Healthy teenager. You know this boy's 400 pounds, right? Look at his ears and his eyes. Dies of this is this is the kind of shit I'm totally OK with. Like, like, it's not my business whether Sports Illustrated put someone obese on the cover or not. Like, what do I give a fuck?
Starting point is 01:26:03 Like, it's your magazine or vogue do it but then to write healthy on there you're a fucking liar what in the 90s in the 90s if you put a magazine said healthy teenager dies of covid suddenly what does the kid look like and i had that picture what does the kid look like in the 90s a healthy teenager yeah he looks at that he looked he looks like nothing like that like that was like one-fifth that size yeah i would imagine and like t-shirt got like summer body kind of guy help yes i've never we all know why that kid died of covid it's because he's obese and it's very like it's not funny that the kid died no No. He was fucked up and they put that as the title. People Magazine used the same picture and the same headline.
Starting point is 01:26:50 That's telling... By the way, also, this is the most fascinating thing. What I also see that as is a crazy manipulation of all the young people, but also young black men in the world. You're basically telling young black men who identify with that photo that, hey'm healthy if i'm this big it's a fucking it's a total from these same assholes who claim that there's racism in the world they're the ones perpetuating the the the fucking vile talk like he died because he was overweight like why do we have to lie behind that what do we have to lie behind that? What do we have?
Starting point is 01:27:25 Like, what are we hiding? Like, what are we hiding about that? He's clearly overweight, clearly maybe not the healthiest person. Like what, like, why are we trying to say he's healthy? What are we trying to protect? What are we, we're trying to keep people overweight, slobs, lazy, uneducated, undisciplined.
Starting point is 01:27:44 We're trying to, cause it's easier to control people in that position where they where they just oh but i'm healthy the government tells me i'm healthy like bro go step on the scale if you're afraid to step on the scale you're not healthy i was i was or if you're on or if you're on medication right even i've we've seen people that have lost weight with us that literally got off their medication so like right right right of course like they literally were you know taking heart medicine and now they don't take it oh shit oh so so this was the one that blew up of uh i'm trying to see if i can see the date on it cosmopolitan put out this whole series of fucking covers yeah what year is that that's a february 2021 okay and and this this is um this is just nuts to use the word healthy
Starting point is 01:28:30 because i know she gets she goes to the pharmacy once a month to pick up her medication for her obesity i think this is awesome like the fact that she's doing it would be much more motivating and much more indicative of what she's doing like Like, this is awesome. Yes, she has yoga pants. She's, you know, clearly trying to work out. But, like, to say that that's the healthy standard and that's the beauty standard, like, not even that there's a beauty standard, but, like, being a healthy overall human being and not getting tired when you stand up, like, you can't say that's healthy.
Starting point is 01:29:01 And this one doesn't say she's healthy. This chick's hot she got the big old titties and she looks like she'd be fun to fucking go to the bar with and you if you're fucking 25 years old and party with and it doesn't say she's unhealthy and if that's your style of what you want to bang then i'm all for it but this one over here saying it's healthy no this is this is lying to people and this is lying to people this line yeah i mean me personally that's not something that i even really give two shits about or like like we say we're not interested in none of that yeah we're more focused on what we got to do and you know good on you as good on you sorry sorry to drag you into the mud then
Starting point is 01:29:42 you're good man it's just there's a certain time where like, before I would have not said anything. Cause I'd be like, Oh yeah. But like now it's like, you know, I know where I'm at. I can say, I know what I stand for. No. Like, okay. If you want to go bang her, then yeah. But that's not something that like, I'm not interested in that topic, but that's just personally. Are you, are you guys are pretty religious? We would say we're faithful, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:08 We meditate, you know, read the Bible. I have the Bible right here, actually. And who introduced you to the Bible? I think it's just a book that I've always just never read, but knew that there was knowledge in it. And I just read it for the knowledge of what it is. And, you know, older mentors as kids, you know, kids around the neighborhood,
Starting point is 01:30:27 definitely we grew up in the church a little bit, you know, kind of Sunday school, you know, we did summer camps growing up, kind of went away from it during our teenage years for sure. But, you know, around 20, 21 is when we kind of started to pick it back up. You guys have a theme in the videos where you talk that sort of love is the way that you guys would, just like in this conversation,
Starting point is 01:30:51 you guys want to take the high road. You want to stay focused on what you know, and you want to take the high road. And there was a video you made, I guess you had some issues with someone who was working on the back end with some of your publicity, and you guys had a breaking up. And even that was like, hey, man, just so you you know no matter what you say we know hard feelings from our end yeah that's actually fun we that conversation comes up a lot because it's like people want you
Starting point is 01:31:15 to be like the lasher like get back at somebody and like argue with them over the internet but like that's the last thing i ever felt like doing was making a response video to like argue with somebody on the internet and at the end of the day we know who we are and like the people that know us know that that is completely a fabricated like made-up story and just i was reflecting on it some of the stuff that he was saying he was calling himself like the lebron james of our brand like a vision but he was complaining how we didn't give him merchandise for free like why does the brawn not pay for his lakers jersey you know and i'm just like this kid's fucked like the lebron james with us like what do you mean like like i
Starting point is 01:32:00 didn't get it was so that just told me a lot. Like, okay, this kid's clearly hurt, clearly going through something. Like, I'm not going to. Yeah, he's hurt. He got hurt. We responded out of anger, which probably wasn't the smartest thing for us to do. But, like, for the longest time, we just ignored it because it was, and it went away. Like, nowadays, people still kind of, like, hang on to it on the internet. But, like, that's TikTok.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Like I said, it's the place you go to die. talk like i said it's the place you go to die so um i i know i anytime i've ever responded to someone negative negatively i always feel i that night i feel dirty i never feel better you think you were gonna feel better but you don't you really don't yeah you're better off just going running five miles that's we actually um so i know it's probably too late to cut short but we have a meeting now with one of our people for first forum perfect you demand you demand hey i loved having you two on thank you so much no thank you for having us seriously it was a lot of fun yeah cool yeah it's just good on here. Having some real talk.
Starting point is 01:33:07 We have each other's phone number. Stay in touch. I don't sleep by my phone. You can text me 24 hours a day. The funnier the shit, the better. And I'll see, and I'll see you guys around. Thanks so much for your time, gentlemen. Yep. Yep. For sure. Keep doing the good work bye you got it booyah kasha tommy and shawnee thoughts have on no no no no i didn't no i didn't i didn't feel bad for any of that i didn't feel bad for you i didn't feel bad for that or any of the catcher and stuff the only time I, the,
Starting point is 01:33:45 the, the, the, I'll tell you which one I was thinking about when I did the video where I got really angry about Dave being fired. And I was saying, I said some things about some people in that video that I wish I wouldn't have said the Tommy and Johnny stuff and the catcher stuff.
Starting point is 01:33:57 I just see it's just storytelling. It's it's, it's, it's, um, I think unfortunately, if anything, I feel bad because I think maybe some of that stuff hurts them or frustrates them.
Starting point is 01:34:07 But for me, it's more like comedy, unfortunately. Maybe I'm a sociopath, like they said, or whatever. Susie Tell, $20, 7 on Great Show, very inspiring. These kids are fab. Yeah. You know what's interesting, Susie? I'll tell you. I saw them on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:34:23 I was into them. Then as I started researching them last night, I saw them as being kind of bitter and angry. And then today when I interviewed them on the show, I didn't see any of that behavior from them. And it made me happy. I think they went through some hard, I think they, I think there's just some hard growing pains being that young and kind of growing up with social media being your, your portal to the world.
Starting point is 01:34:45 We try to hide that from my kids as long as I can. I mean, I, I personally love it. I think it's fun, but, but, but I wasn't, I mean, they didn't have the fucking internet when I started CrossFit or they barely did. They didn't have videos. They didn't have YouTube. Okay. they didn't have videos they didn't have youtube uh okay tomorrow who do we got who do we got who do we got let me see i think we have alex stein tomorrow i feel like such a big shot when i'm like, who do we got? Let me see. Let me see. Let me check our guest list.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Tomorrow at 7am Alex Stein. That should be fun. I'm actually surprised he's doing 7am. Then on the 17th, we have a live call-in show. Oh, then this Saturday we have Gary. Oh, I can't believe I can't even say his last name. Right. He's the only only he's in the g league for the nba and he's armenian he's the only armenian in um he's only armenian in the nba and he's in the g league i've been wanting to have him on the show forever so that's cool i didn't realize that was this saturday good job fuss who's like fucking kicking. And then it doesn't look like I have any of anyone
Starting point is 01:36:07 scheduled on Sunday. You know what I need to do? I need to reach back out to Yevgeny. And then on Monday, oh, on Monday we have Matt DeLugos. That's fucking awesome. I had no idea. I thought I was avoiding doing any CrossFitters.ters guess who i guess who i reached out to oh maybe i shouldn't say it yet maybe i should just wait till it pops up oh we have alex gazon on thursday i reached out to lauren khalil of the morning chalk up and asked her if she'd come on the show and i and i think she's going to come on I'm pretty excited I'm just so impressed by her work ethic during this whole last couple weeks months during whatever that whole semi-final thing was
Starting point is 01:36:52 man she was killing it shit was just so much shit was coming out from her and I would kind of like taunt her in her DMs I'd send her DMs like hey you need to take the week off you need to chill what are you doing you're working too hard i don't i i seriously i have no fucking i know nothing about monster if i were to drink an
Starting point is 01:37:14 energy drink i would never go in and buy a monster never ever ever i would go in by a little small can of red bull or i might buy a bang because it says the word creatine on it but i have no the only i was just at someone's house and they had, there was a, it was in the back, you know, when like someone has a drink in the back and it's like old as shit and you know, it's been there forever. There were four monsters in the back of this fridge in the garage. And so I just took one and I poured it like a little tiny bit. I opened it, poured a little, it was a fucking huge can, put a little tiny bit in the bottom of a cup full of ice and then poured in
Starting point is 01:37:46 some Tito's and soda and then filled the rest of sparkling water. And I had probably like four of those. And that was just cause I was so fucking exhausted. And up at 6am did semifinals. And then I went to this party at night and I just wanted to get my swerve on and get a little caffeine Joel, but I don't know. I don't even know any monster.
Starting point is 01:38:04 I don't know any of their stuff. I think their logo is horrible. I think the whole thing does nothing for me i think it's a joke same with gatorade i think gatorade is pathetic just when i see it yeah do you know are there any brands that you just think are just pathetic like you don't even want to be associated for them even if it's just like superficial reasons that's how i feel about gay like i feel like it's below me i'm too good for gatorade or um i feel like gatorade. I feel like it's below me. I'm too good for Gatorade. I feel like Gatorade's like Tang. It's like for scumbags.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Same with Monster. I feel like that about energy drinks in general. If I drink an energy drink, I drink it in the closet. I'm embarrassed. Yeah, like Reebok. Unfortunately, yeah. You asshole! I love my Nano 2s. But yeah, there Reebok, unfortunately. Yeah. You asshole. But I love my nano twos, but yeah, there's just like, you know, when you see someone like a Louis Vuitton bag or a Gucci bag and you're
Starting point is 01:38:56 like, you can't afford that. It's like that. But I, when I, it's the opposite. Well, if I have a monster, I'm just like, people can tell that I like, I'm not from, I'm just like people can tell that i like i'm not from i'm not like missing teeth like i have people in my life that love me why why am i drinking that garbage i mean that's literally how i feel i would be embarrassed embarrassed oh okay 8 40 a.m thanks, for checking in. Great show. Great to meet the Vision Twins. Bums me out. The connection was such ass.
Starting point is 01:39:31 Yeah, Nano 4s are good, too. And, you know, I'm willing to get behind brands and help them if they're ass, like, or get behind. Man, I was going to use an example, but it's going to be taken wrong. Let me think. There's things I can get behind to help that I don't necessarily think everyone has given a chance and get behind them. And that's how I felt about the Nano, Nano 2. I don't think it's embarrassing eating tofu. I like just taking a block of tofu and dipping it in soy sauce and wasabi and eating it.
Starting point is 01:40:04 tofu i like i like just taking a block of tofu and dipping it in soy sauce and wasabi and eating it there's i mean there's things that other people might think are lame but i just think monster monster energy is just ghetto like i feel like maybe even like like when i think of their cans i think of them as just being dirty inside you know that's how i feel like gatorade too i feel like there's probably someone pissed in there like at the factory that they just don't have, you know, just in my mind, the factories would probably be dirty and gross. Just like it, just like when I think of like Nobles, that whole entire brand, I think of their shoes as just being made of just cardboard junk.
Starting point is 01:40:41 And I feel like anyone who, I feel like you're being duped and if by liking their brand people tell me their t-shirts are nice but but all this oh look at that's from shaving look at all those hairs on my shirt i feel like i mean the only people who can wear noble shirts are people who have like really nice bodies because it's so thin and it has to hang on you just fucking perfect but i find the whole brand just wimpy it It doesn't, it's insane with whoop. Like I think anyone who wears a whoop, you're either paid to wear it or you're a fool.
Starting point is 01:41:09 I think it like shows that you're not smart. Like you have low IQ. These are the things I think associated with those brands. I think if you're noble, like you're being duped, like you just have to have the trendiest shit and it doesn't matter how shitty it is. And when I think of whoop, I think of, um, uh, like you're noble like you're being duped like you just have to have the trendiest shit and it doesn't matter how shitty it is and when i think of whoop i think of um uh like you're like you're a fool like
Starting point is 01:41:30 you're distracted and and i and i think of men who wear whoop as being weak now that i'm just like, I don't, there's a, like, why do you care? Why do you need all this stuff? Maybe like for a week or two, wear it, get the data, see it, feel it out. That's how I feel about the Apple Watch too. And I own one of those. I've owned like 10 of them. I've owned like every one. And the same thing happens every time.
Starting point is 01:42:03 I wear it for two weeks. I'm like, this is so lame. This is stupid. I'd rather not be distracted or pulled away from what's going on in here by this thing. Wait, what does it say? Seven, who's shitting your cereal no one I don't eat cereal cereal's for bitches that's another thing I think if you eat cereal you're a bitch
Starting point is 01:42:34 what are you going to talk about with the Khaleesi her work ethic I just don't like those brands I like the Khaleesi brand I just don't like those brands. I like the Khaleesi brand. I just don't like that. I'm not trying to be mean.
Starting point is 01:42:53 I'm not trying to be mean or negative. What are you talking, why did, why does she work so hard? How does she work so hard? Why did she come from TV to the internet? Does she like the internet better? What does she like talking to the athletes? What's her favorite kind of athlete to talk to? What's her least favorite kind of athlete to talk to? Does she wish she talked to people outside of the CrossFit space? And then, you know, just let, let shit go from there. Who's better to have on the show,
Starting point is 01:43:20 Tommy Marquez or Brian friend, you know, the tough questions. Um, when did she get her first muscle? How did she find CrossFit? How much money would it cost for me to pay you to come do shows on the seven podcast instead of the morning Chaka? No, you could do them on both an open guy. Those are the questions I'm going to ask her. Hey, here's the thing. I don't know about that. I worked, I don't, man, the amount of, and here's, yeah, I don't know, but man, she works hard and I'm, and I want to be around people. I admire people who work hard like that. She's not, she's not fucking around. And I fuck with her a little bit in her DMS and the way she handles me. I'm like, all right, And I fuck with her a little bit in her DMs and the way she handles me.
Starting point is 01:44:08 I'm like, all right, she's a beast. TD CEO fits way better than any Noble shirt. Someone actually wrote a review that their shirt fits better. That their shirt fits better? Someone actually, that the Noble shirt fits better than the TD CEO? These shirts fucking fit great. The shirts you can get from Life is RX or Vindicate, I'm not just saying that because I wear them every day and i would never wear a shirt that didn't fit nicely on me i have nice shoulders they hang nicely on my shoulders and then they don't they don't stick on my like my egg muffin
Starting point is 01:44:33 or whatever this thing's called my muffin so they hang down and look at look i look buff see it's a beautiful shirt highlights my titties and my, um, my nice chest and my shoulders, my lats, but doesn't stick to my stomach. That's it. That's all you need. Yeah. But, but I, I hear you. Yeah, yeah, for sure. For sure. I, for sure. I have no peer. I'm the greatest interviewer of all time, but she only has like 10 or 15 minutes. Her shit is short. And I think she has rules. I think you could let her off the leash and she might tear it up.
Starting point is 01:45:18 Have you burned any bridges with old friends since you started this podcast because they don't agree with what you talk about? Man, that's funny you say that there's there so man that's that's it's a great question sounds like the gardener's here can you guys hear the gardener uh not that they've told me to my face here's what's interesting too i have some friends who are like like really i have a lot of friends who are like really overweight and some of them have talked to me and some of them i haven't lost any of them i'm a very loving kind generous person when I'm in your presence. I'm not quite the fucking stick in the mud asshole that I am sometimes on the podcast,
Starting point is 01:46:12 right? I'm not as wild people and people always know that it's fun to come to my house and I'm very welcoming. And I really, and it's, and I just love all my friends. I feel very fortunate to have the circle I have. And half my friends are fucking vaccinated to the gills, right? But there are a couple really good friends of mine that I know have been avoiding me now for a couple of years because I've heard it through the grapevine because of some of my opinions. And specifically, these are people who on the, I'll give you an example. These are people who are really disappointed that kids are being allowed back in the school system, five, six, seven-year-old kids without masks until those kids, until the
Starting point is 01:46:59 vaccine, until all those kids are vaccinated. So these are my friends who have such strong belief that the vaccine works to protect kids or, or I don't, I, to be honest, I don't even know what their, what their thought process is to be honest, but they don't think kids should be allowed back in school, kindergarten, first, second grade, um, without masks until all kids are vaccinated and forced to be vaccine. And I have some crazy strong opinions about that, right? I don't, I don't think that any kids should be forced to take any of those COVID vaccines or any drugs, to be honest, that the parents don't agree on. And I don't think any kids should have ever been asked to wear a mask. And, and I think those things are outright abusive and cause will cause
Starting point is 01:47:41 a law, a lot of trauma forever for those kids that they will never get better from. I think, and I'm being very gentle with how I feel, how I'm expressing now. So yeah, I think some of those people have stayed the fuck away from me, unfortunately, Kelly. Keller? Keller Moore? So, yeah. And they've done some other things with their kids too. These are all, you know, you know, I have parents who think that, uh, I have friends who think that my kids, that there, no kids should ever do jujitsu cause it makes kids violent. They think that it's crazy that I have fight nights at my house on Saturday and they don't come over with their kids because they don't want their kids to see that. And yet, um, all of those things are, um,
Starting point is 01:48:28 I've done, uh, 200 fight nights at my house and I've never seen a kid come even like walk up to the TV while we're watching the fights there too. I live in a kid's heaven. I have a massive backyard that's completely, um, uh, fenced in. I have i have a um with a hundred fruit trees and jungle gym and all that shit and i got a massive jiu-jitsu toy playroom with the tv in it and then i have a fucking kid's garage gym there's no kids coming in and watching the fights wait what did my mom say you were you were true you are a very different person yeah i don't know if difference the word but but i express myself for surely different this is more the um temper tantrum version of me
Starting point is 01:49:17 and i and i come here to be funny. Crack jokes. All right. And if you want to, none of that's okay. I'll see you guys tomorrow with Alex Stein. That show is going to be wild. He, I think he has like,
Starting point is 01:49:35 you know, you guys know Alex Stein. He thinks that the, we never went to the moon. The earth might be flat. He, he enjoys conspiracy theories and stuff. He also just signed a deal with blaze TV. He's kind of, he's exploding right now. Um, he's been very vocal about, um,
Starting point is 01:49:51 trannies and kids interacting. Um, and, uh, and I like that. I like anyone who stands up for kids. All right. I'm going to go party with trannies right now. Speaking of which, I love you guys.

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