The Sevan Podcast - #455 - Alex Stein Pt. 3

Episode Date: June 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Damn, a minute late. That passes fast. Loving all the stunts Alex has been up to lately.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Looking forward to this one. I'm delaying my workout to listen. I got bad news for you. I got bad news for you. Alex is going to be 30 minutes late. Maybe you can work out and then come back. I'm delaying my workout to listen. I got bad news for you. I got bad news for you. Alex is going to be 30 minutes late. Maybe you can work out and then come back. I'm so sorry. I am so sorry.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Cross-functional fitness. I am sorry. Hello, Bruce, Heidi, Austin, Amanda, Eric, Alan. Did, um... did um no that's not what i want let's see i've been uh taking some shots i don't know shots is the right word but i've been coming on pretty strong like just making fun of europe and canada and australia
Starting point is 00:01:28 and people have gotten really not a lot of people but a handful of people have gotten really angry about it like fuck you you fat ugly americans you guys are assholes and you're fat and your country sucks and you have guns that kill people and just really just angry. Really angry. I just want to put something into perspective. for people who don't understand you could say i mean there's these types of things can be put in perspective just all over the place there's towns in china that have more people than most countries on the planet towns in china that have more people in them than most countries around the
Starting point is 00:02:26 world. So when you know that, and then you're from one of those countries and you want to talk about populations or understanding social movements or understanding civilization, you have to realize like you have a massive blind spot. We have cities in the United States that are more diverse than every country on the planet, including the great UK and London and Sydney and wherever. And so there's a huge blind spot for you.
Starting point is 00:02:57 The landmass of the United States is 3.6 million square miles. To put that in perspective, the Netherlands is 16,000 square miles. You, that country is one giant concrete jungle compared to our country. Even the most outreach far places you could go in the country where you think you're in the country still relative to the United States. It's the entire place has been paved over relative. And so when you speak from those places, you just have these enormous blind spots, enormous blind spots.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And I'm sorry. I know, I am sorry. Some of the stuff I say is divisive and I don't mean it to be, I just get, you know, I, I take it. It's not fair. You know, a couple of people from New Zealand two years ago are telling you, telling us how stupid we are because we're not handling COVID right. And we know the whole time that they're completely fucking up their protocol. And two years later, they're having the worst widespread COVID the world's ever seen. Same with Australia. But two years ago, they were bragging what they were doing was right. And so when I see that, I just can't help it, but be like, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
Starting point is 00:04:14 And so I'm sorry. It's not cool. It's not mature. I'm not mature. I'm not, I'm not like overly mature. That's, that's, uh, Mark, hi, good morning. Sorry, Alex said he's going to be 30 minutes late. You know what else is even scarier? He sent me a picture and he's in his car. He's in his car. So that makes me think that he could be stuck with me for a while
Starting point is 00:04:41 and when he does come in, I'm not sure how great the connection is going to be. I was watching some Peter Boghossian videos last night. You guys remember him? He's the guy who does all the videos on Defining Woke. Man, oh, yeah, this is, wow. So Dave Castro has fired up his YouTube station. Someone, I had no idea he did this. I wonder how long before he has more subscribers than me. He's got 7,000 subscribers.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I'm going to, hold on, I'm going to pull over Dave's account. Let me see what's going on here. Let me see what's going on. Let's see if we can listen to this together. What's going on? He reintroduced me, and then I talked for a few minutes to all of them. And then Saturday I'm going down to slow. Tomorrow I'm training some more snipers.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Some snipers from down south are coming up and then Saturday I'm going down to slow. I'm gonna speak to- So someone told me at the end of this video, he said something about coming on my podcast. So, and I haven't heard it yet. Group of affiliates in that- That office right there, by the way,
Starting point is 00:06:07 looks like he's at the ranch to me. Is that a sewing machine in the background? Maybe I don't know what room that is. From that area at Bill Grumbler. Does that look like a sewing machine to you guys in the back there? See this? If you can see where I'm pointing my arrow, is that a sewing machine? I don't remember a sewing machine being in that room.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I thought that was the war room, but it looks so different. And also Friday, I'm going to hop on to Sevan's podcast and shoot the shit with him. So that'll be fun. Do you guys have any, yeah, he just said it. Did you hear it? He's coming on my podcast tomorrow. It, it, when he, he doesn't like to do them on, he does not like to do them using stream yard. I know he's going to want to do it in person.
Starting point is 00:07:00 So that means I'm going to either have to go out to the ranch or he's going to have to come over to my house. And that means we probably won't go live. And that will be my fault. I don't, I don't know how to go live in person. I mean, I, I mean, I could, I could, I could rig it, but it could be pretty janky anyway, unless I have some time today, like to practice and, and run some test runs. All right. Well, dang. I'm excited to talk to him. No wonder this morning I woke up and my DMs were full of people saying, hey, will you ask Dave this?
Starting point is 00:07:35 He said, oh, here we go. Corey says he said to send any questions you have for him to Sevan. Yeah, shit. That's cool. Let me see what else he says. Hold on. Let's see. Questions you want him to ask cool. Let me see what else he says. Hold on. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Questions you want him to ask me, hit him up or, or hit me up. Oh shit. Look, he's got a little TDC logo in the bottom right-hand corner of his video. Do you see that? For checking it out. Once again, I'll probably do these once a week or something like that. Especially when I have stuff going on just to give an overview of what's been going on. All right. Thanks. Oh shit. Oh shit. Wow. Wow. Wow. So he's gonna, he's gonna, so we got Hiller doing daily videos.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Now Dave's going to start doing weekly videos. I always think of this. There's only so many minutes in the day that people have, right? So we're all competing for the same minutes. So all the people in the ecosystem are all competing for the same minutes. So, you know, I have some, I have Dale Saran, the former general counsel of CrossFit coming on in a couple of weeks. I have Dave coming on tomorrow and you know who else I have coming on is,
Starting point is 00:08:51 um, I think, I think it's scheduled. I think we have Lauren Khalil coming on. Let me see. She's been just going nuts over there at the Morning Chalk Up. I want to go over and see their YouTube. Morning Chalk Up YouTube. Pause this. Let's go look over here. Share.
Starting point is 00:09:18 How do I share? Share screen. Let's see what she's doing. I mean, this is, look at this video. This is, this is pretty,
Starting point is 00:09:29 will there ever be another Matt Fraser? And it has 9,000 views already. And she's got Ben Bergeron and Jason Kalipa on there. What, what that some fucking, that's brilliant. That takes some balls. She's going hard.
Starting point is 00:09:43 What a great idea. I wonder who came with that. Then she got Daniel Brandon talk over here. What happens to the team's division if Rich retires? I mean, look at all these. Are these all her? Let me see this Rich one. Oh, no, that one hasn't happened yet.
Starting point is 00:09:59 That one's scheduled. Oh, look. Okay, so here she is with some dude who looks like a young version of me, like Humpty Hump. Oh, she got that dude again over here. Then she got Brian. Looks like a werewolf. Look at how busy she is.
Starting point is 00:10:17 So three days ago? No, no. Oh, my goodness. Yesterday. I better hurry up and get Emma Lawson on before she's getting everyone then she got look at this is one day ago three days ago three days ago
Starting point is 00:10:35 three days ago three days ago four days ago four days ago four days ago five days ago five days ago she's releasing three videos a day I lose I can't win all right fine fuck it I'm not going over there and looking anymore. Fucking depressing. Still waiting for Rosa to come on. Oh yes, Greg soon. Greg soon.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I think Greg will come on soon. I was just actually texting with him. I think it's only a matter of time. He always says he'll come on. And I think once he does come on, once that like I cross into that, I think I can have him on like a lot. I think maybe he'll enjoy himself and he'll come on a bunch. Yes, but you're underestimating how many hours people watch YouTube a day.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Oh, meaning like if I think that they're competing, it's like, man, I have a lot of time to compete for. So it's irrelevant. Yeah. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe. Yeah. I guess just send your questions to my DMS and I'll try to get through them by tomorrow. I better write down all this to get through them by tomorrow. I better write down all the shit I have to do tomorrow. Charge all the cameras. I haven't filmed anything live and that's not using my phone in a long time. I've been really hyper-focused on a couple ideas lately.
Starting point is 00:12:10 The no plan b thing i was just yeah i've been really focused on that thinking about what that exactly means and what the implications are and i've been really focused on um kid stuff lately for some reason all of a sudden out of nowhere i used to get a ton of questions about kids and then all of a sudden in the last month a ton of people are asking me about raising kids again i don't know happened. I don't know if like nine months ago, a bunch of people were banging and now the kids are popping out. The thing with kids is this. It's just, someone said this the other day. I can't remember. It doesn't really matter what you do with them as long as you're spending time with them. And part of me kind of thinks it's, it's, it's kind of that easy. So if you spend time with them and you're, and you're not beating them,
Starting point is 00:12:50 you know what I mean? If you're being nice to them, you're engaging them. If you're showing patience with them, then it's, then it's all going to work out. And the other day I made that post also about just, you know, try to treat them like they're sacred. What does sacred mean? Treat them like they're the greatest thing ever. Like, like, like they're God, like they're sacred. What does sacred mean? Treat them like they're the greatest thing ever. Like they're God. They're judging you based on how you treat them. Treat them with no exception. You would never give your favorite something Coke.
Starting point is 00:13:19 It deserves better than Coke. You would never give your favorite something a pair of Nobles and be like, squeeze these things onto your feet. Give yourself something, give it something better. Try something new, set it free. And as long as you spend time with your kids and it's not, it's not, I don't want to say it's not easy because it is easy but but you're gonna screw up a lot like i've man i leave my temper every day with my kids for sure every day there's someone doing something back there punching someone in the balls throwing something you know the other day my kid was uh had a sharpie joseph had a sharpie we have a wall in the house where you
Starting point is 00:14:04 measure how tall you are and then write the date down. With a Sharpie, he was measuring his He-Man doll or something or his Elsa doll. We have all these little lines now with permanent marker on our wall for action figures that have been measured. I wanted to kill him. I'm like, dude! He's like, what? Then I caught myself. I'm like, dude, he's like, what? And then I caught myself. I'm like, dude, um, that's only for human beings are to be measured on the side of that wall. Not, not dolls. It's crazy how much shit I used to buy my kids. I went through a phase where like, I was proud when my kids were born, I didn't buy them anything.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And then they started getting into stuff and we and i ended up buying them so many like dolls by dolls they're like action figures you know like iron man elsa spider-man just any movie they saw they wanted them they immediately disrobed elsa actually they disrobed they disrobed all of them. They must be naked. I made a post. I made a couple posts yesterday. I guess they were kind of harsh. I don't know if harsh is the word. Poignant? It stirred the pot. It wasn't my intention. I was just inspired. Someone sent me a post of Dave Castro giving a talk back in 2013. You guys want to hear it? I'm going to play it.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And my, my intention, my intention wasn't to be an asshole but um you know sometimes it just happens i'm going to uh i'm going to play this piece for you right here okay so some girl's talking and she asked a question. I'm going to skip past. I'm going to answer Dave. He probably knows the process of games. He can't do the reading. Here we go. Dave's going to answer the question.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I don't think it matters. Not getting distracted. Not letting others tell us what to do. You know, people think that some of our sponsors maybe run the games or tell us how to. They have no input on how we're conducting the games. And they never will. No one ever will. And the games are all us.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And we're going to put on a great event. We're not going to let other people tell us how to put on our events. And it might piss people off. It might not be the PC thing to do. But keeping it core, keeping it CrossFit, keeping it true to us, true to our values, and not getting distracted by other forces. Not letting people tell us how it should be, which direction to take it, how traditional sports are run. If we would have listened to all those people, I don't think we'd be where we are with this event. And not seeking bigger growth, not going after, we need this thing to do this thing.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Do you hear that? Do you hear that? That was the part that really finally was like, all right, I've heard enough. I'm going to play the rest for you here in a minute. But he said, we're not going to seek growth. the rest for you here in a minute, but he said, we're not going to seek growth. Do you know that's how every great person, that's how every great thing happens? It's weird. I was interviewing those kids the other day and I liked them, the Vision Twins,
Starting point is 00:17:43 but they keep referring to themselves as a brand. Or I have some people helping me with my Instagram and they'll be like, oh, I'll stay true to your brand. And it's okay if they talk like that, but I can never talk like that to my brand. Try to do growth. That's not how things happen. That's not how good shit happens. That's not how sustainable love happens. I guess that's what I was saying.
Starting point is 00:18:07 We don't need it to be that big. We're happy with how big it is. It's enough to give anything some authenticity or some presence. Wow, you look young this morning. I look young, do I? Can you hear me? I hear you great. did you just shave or something no i'm just in the car with my backwards hat i'm leaving the blaze tv studios i gotta freaking i'm
Starting point is 00:18:32 going to houston right now for the republican convention you'll like this okay so in texas they have like the the biggest state convention or whatever for republicans right and uh they have this rule where if the male is the if the president of the convention or whatever is a male then the uh hold on i got some old duct tape for my phone setup then the vice president has to be a female so i am running as vice president of the uh of the what's gonna call it of the convention as Alexandria Stein. So all these people are tripping out because it's going to be insane in the membrane, as they say.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Hey, are you a Republican? Kinda, not really. I'm more of a populist, but I'm definitely not like a liberal freak anymore. Not that I ever really was a super liberal person. I'm just saying, because of the Overton window, I would be considered probably a conservative now. But I'm more of a populist. really was a super liberal person i'm just saying because of the overton window you know i i would
Starting point is 00:19:25 be considered probably a conservative now but i'm more of a populist what's it what's it what wait what's that mean what's the overton window so that's like because what happens is the left has moved so far left right so yes say that you're like don't want a nine-year-old to transition their sex you're considered like conservative like bill maher have you seen how it's i so is that a term i could look up to overton window yeah look it up right now overton window overton window look it up is that like do you know do you know the term jump the shark yeah well i mean i love the term jump the shark?
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yeah. Well, I mean, I love the term jump the shark. Yeah, of course. So that's what kind of the Democrats did. They jumped the shark. Basically. Yes. They've gone so far left that if you don't agree with their crazy ideology, you're like a right wing bigot. I mean, yeah. Cause look at Bill Maher. But we were all, we were all liberals. And then, so we were okay with a were all liberals and then so we were okay with a little bit of racism like we were okay with affirmative action right and and then they just and
Starting point is 00:20:32 then they just took it too far and they're like fuck whitey i hate white people and it's like oh shit you it set press we thought we were being nice by like like by doing a little bit of racism you know just to make everyone happy but you can't even do a little bit of racism, you know, just to make everyone happy. But you can't even do a little bit of racism because it sets precedent. And now all of a sudden it's just open season on white people. When before it was just to let some black people into college. Well, and that's the thing. This shows you too. There's people that get in trouble for saying,
Starting point is 00:20:58 for pretending to be an ethnic group in order to get into college. Have you heard about that? We're like a white. Yeah. I put Asian on my college because I'm Armenian and Armenia is in Asia to get into college. Have you heard about that? We're like, yeah, I put Asian on my college. I, cause I'm Armenian and Armenia is in Asia. I put Asian.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Well, so that, well, Asian actually, they say is a, cause they have such high scores. If you put like, if you put like native American,
Starting point is 00:21:19 if you put like you're black, you put, you know, some other thing that actually helped school so that kind of shows you that is that is that racist towards white people i don't know i mean that's for you to judge that it's harder to get into school if you're white yeah yeah that's that is that is for sure racist for sure yeah i know but you're not there's no such thing as racism towards white people as they defined it it can can only be racism towards other classes.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Like, any racism towards white people is called prejudice. Did you know that? You can't be racist to a white person. You can only be prejudiced to a white person. Right. So I heard that, and I asked— Oh, you broke up. I heard that, and they said it because um black people never have had power but
Starting point is 00:22:06 i was like and then i said to the person well what about lebron oprah um barack obama and i started listing off all these people and they said no they never had any power and i was like oh i know the three is like it's tiger woods lebron james and michael jordan are like all billionaires of black guys. But yeah, they all believe that we live in a racist place. It's just kind of crazy how. Well, I'm not saying racism doesn't exist. Like, I kind of want to be in the middle.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Like, I think there is racism. I think everybody has a grandfather who said the N-word. You know what I mean? But that doesn't necessarily mean that. Saying that word doesn't make you saying that word doesn't make you racist. Exactly. And that doesn't mean, but,
Starting point is 00:22:48 but Hey, but saying that, but saying N word does make you racist. Wait, say that again. So saying it doesn't, if you say, if you actually say the word,
Starting point is 00:22:56 you're not racist, but when you say N word, those are all the racist people. Like you're racist because you said that. And the reason why is for some reason you think that word has power that hurts black people. And so therefore you're holding them down. Out of out of feigned kindness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:14 How about that? How about that for some logic, motherfucker? Well, I tend to. Yeah, now we're playing logic games, but I also tend to do this. You know, my family, we're in the bail bond business. That what my dad is i have my lot the what business but when you look at like this the bail bond business we get people out of jail i talked about this before it's like that's why the world is going so it's why it's just like eroding in new york and los angeles and chicago because they have what is called bail reform where they don't they don't have a bail bonds
Starting point is 00:23:43 it's not responsible for getting people out of jail because they think it's based in racism when really and truly if if you don't have a family member if you don't have like a loved one a wife or girlfriend that's willing to bail you out of jail that means you burned every bridge you know it's very rarely does somebody like not have one person that would help them out it's usually because you've been to jail multiple times but in those cities they have the same form that you signed to get a public defender. You can now sign to get an ROR bond. It's called Release on Unrecognizance. And you just get let out of jail.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And the reason why that's bad is because nobody's responsible for them going to court. So the reason why that makes sense is the reason why that's a big deal is because when these people don't go to court, they're not held responsible for their crime. So they just commit more crimes. So they know, oh, well, I'll go to Chicago because if I get arrested, they're going to let me ride out. And nobody's they're not even able to rearrest me for not going to court because they're so overwhelmed. So all these criminals are very opportunistic. And that's why in New York, there's a guy that rubbed feces on a person on the subway, was let out the same day. There was a guy that stabbed a 23-year-old UCLA grad student in West Hollywood at a high-end furniture store that had 17 prior arrests.
Starting point is 00:24:50 The guy should have been locked under the jail, but he was free to go and he murdered someone. So we're going to continue to hear stories like that where people are let out of jail for domestic violence. And that's a big one. People get let out of jail for domestic violence and then they go back and they go and kill their wife or girlfriend that one's actually way more common than people think why is that why i thought that that originally started happening because of covid and they and they just use that as an excuse to open up the prisons what what's happening no that no that's not see that's all bullcrap too sorry my my phone not being kind of funny but this is this is a thing let me take this. Oh my gosh!
Starting point is 00:25:26 I had it all set up and then of course it messes up. This is the problem with the social justice and letting people out of jail. Hold on. Sorry, it's kind of a shite show. No, no, I like it. Oh, what's that picture up there of you like in a suit? That's nice. Which picture?
Starting point is 00:25:41 Which picture are you talking about? It was on the roof of your car it was on your advisor there's a picture of some man in a suit oh yeah that's my business card yeah pull it out yeah that's my that's my card uh god you're so professional i remember when i remember when you were just a young man with no professionalism now you have a business card unreal i know now i'm now i'm rolling in the dough as they say oh gosh, dude. I just totally broke the phone mount. I'm going to have to duct tape this now to my... What a pain in the ass!
Starting point is 00:26:11 I just broke the whole thing trying to bend it backwards. Hey, maybe you could put some tape on the back of your phone and then stick your phone to something. That's what I'm going to do. That's what I'm doing right now. And I got all the time in the world. I got a three-hour drive. So that's what I'm doing. I'm going to gonna freaking do that it's such a pain in my mr stein i want to ask you another question about um so we have one question open i want to ask another question someone in my dms was saying like hey it's so disappointing how far you've swung to the right and they said and they said all you're um you're against vaccines and you're um or the
Starting point is 00:26:49 other things they said they said a bunch of stuff but i realized it's it's not that i'm it's interesting how they couch it it's not that i'm against vaccines i'm against forced injections on adults and kids and there's a huge distinction there and i'm also i i don't think i can be republican because i'm okay with terminating. Well, I'm not okay with terminating babies, but I'm more not okay with putting laws on women's bodies. And so, and I don't believe in God. And so, like, I'm missing, like, some of the, don't I have to be totally pro-life to be Republican? Yeah, well, kind of.
Starting point is 00:27:22 But this thing, I bet you're more pro-life than you think, because this is what they say, that people that are pro-choice believe there should be a limit, like there should be a limit, you know, whether it's the first trimester or whatever trimester, you know what I mean? And so I bet you're more pro-choice than you think, because I'm sure you don't believe that, you don't think, do you think a baby should be aborted, like, up until birth, up until five minutes before birth? Or how about seven days after it came out? Like in California, they're trying to do. That's what they're trying to do in California. There's no way you vibe with that.
Starting point is 00:27:52 No, that's insanity. But I think the reason why is that people get upset is because I do post a lot of stuff that talks about how abortion is murder. Because I do think i do think that terminating a fertilized egg i do think that there's some it's not a it's not a good thing no way that's a good thing how is that a good thing for anybody and they're saying oh it's women's health what about the baby's health it doesn't make any sense it does it doesn't make sense i literally makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:28:30 And in like the few times there's incest or rape or something, yeah, I mean, I can see why you'd want an abortion for that. And I think that they'll probably leave that open. But at the same time, it's like, well, I'm saying if you were a rape baby, you'd still want to be born. I mean, it's. Well, yeah, that's that's the interesting thing, too. They bring that up like it's charged and you're not going to want to talk about it. But God forbid, but if my wife were raped, I would raise the baby.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And maybe I wouldn't feel that way if I had never had a baby before. But I have three babies now and babies need to be taken care of. They shouldn't be harmed. they don't they shouldn't be like they shouldn't be harmed well this is but i still don't want to put laws on women's bodies which i think makes me i can't be a republican say it again sorry go ahead well i'm just saying i think it comes down to the simple fact that even if you're pro-choice you do i think most people when they poll people there should be a limit we shouldn't be able to abort a baby up until like the last trimester or up into seven days after birth like they're trying to do in california even people that are pro-choice don't believe in that so it's almost sick and satanic
Starting point is 00:29:34 that they're trying to get these laws where you can literally abort a baby after it's born it doesn't make sense most like the majority the populist opinion of that nobody agrees with you see what i'm saying so it's just yeah but i don't really care about the why do you say that the populist opinion like i don't care about the populist opinion i don't think in the united states things shouldn't be done meaning i care about like i care about like liberty so if the entire country wanted to make it so it's okay to be racist against black people, I wouldn't jump on board with that. I don't, I don't, the populace as an excuse to, say that again? That's not based in reality.
Starting point is 00:30:14 They're not going to be like, like, that's why we had a civil rights movement. Oh, Mr. Stein, we're living that. That's the kind of shit Elizabeth Warren says all the time. The majority of people want pro-choice. It's like, I don't care what the majority of people want. I want what's right. I want what our liberty and our constitution protects each and every human.
Starting point is 00:30:32 No, that's fair, but it's like, what do you think about the Second Amendment? Do you think they should take away our guns? Fuck no. Exactly. I mean, duh. As soon as we do that, we're screwed. And that shouldn't be based on populist choice either.
Starting point is 00:30:48 That should be just that that's the problem. No one can think logically or rationally. Of course, you know, just because no one wants to have an honest conversation about it. All they want to do is be like, hey, kids were killed in that school in Texas, and they want to invoke some sort of emotional response, and they don't want to talk logically. 100%. And then you have Justin Trudeau in Canada. Because, you know, in Canada, you don't even have the right to defend yourself. If somebody's coming out with you a gun, you don't have the right to shoot them back.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I saw him. I saw that video of him saying that. What the hell, dude? That's the logic they want us to accept. Like, that makes no sense you don't even have the right to defend your life i want to see if i can yeah i want to see maybe if i have that video um google it can't uh trudeau not no right to defend yourself with a gun it'll come right up probably a thousand copies of it that's how that's how absurd we've gotten. We're not even allowed to defend yourself.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Are you working right now? Are you headed to work? No, I'm headed to Houston. I'm on the road trip right now to Houston. I told you. This is how it works. We started talking about politics. This Republican convention, and this is why I'm not even super Republican in this sense.
Starting point is 00:32:08 So how it works is the president of the convention is a male. So that means the vice president has to be female. So my alter ego, my social Sasha fierce, you know, I'm gender fluid. So I have Alexandria. Like when I went to that city, I'm gender fluid also. I'm nice to see there's other ones. Yes. And so I was Alexandria. So I'm running. If you pull up the website right now, Stein for Texas dot com. And then you'll see this website. This is my campaign website. I'm running for vice president as a woman, as Alexandria. And it's going to be I don't know if it'll be national news, but it'll be like, oh, gender fluid troll is trying to shake up the GOP party. And yeah, that's basically what I'm doing. I'm going there to cause a big disturbance.
Starting point is 00:32:50 And Dan Crenshaw is there. I'm going to call out Dan Crenshaw. I know and being a globalist. See, that's the problem, dude. Whether you're on the right wing or the left wing, it's all cliche. Both wings are on the same bird. But we're being sold out to the globalists to these people that actually want they care about the world more than they care about america so all those people that have
Starting point is 00:33:10 basically demonized you to say if you're a nationalist that is considered a racist you're considered a racist if you have national pride and i think uh jack pacific i can't even say his name said a very good thing he talked about how when he went to the Ukraine, everybody in America has a Ukraine flag in their bio. You drive down the street, these car dealerships have them. When he was in the Ukraine, he didn't see one American flag. Not one American flag. So think about that. We gave them $80 billion.
Starting point is 00:33:43 They don't even put up one american flag because they have national pride and it's not illegal for them to have national pride but here in america if you have national pride if you are proud to be an american you're considered a racist some people even consider the american flag a hate symbol so that is how far as a society we've we've devolved where we have to hate our own country in order to be socially acceptable to other people that is the clown world that is disgusting that is probably one of our biggest problems is that we don't we no longer have national pride and all we can and the socially acceptable thing is to have national hate i was raised that way in berkeley california the national pride is bad really
Starting point is 00:34:28 comes out of is comes out of these institutions these schools they're the global leaders in the globalism movement i mean it's like all these intellectuals they're the ones that are the marxists the socialists and that's why like when you constantly hear this equality equality equality well the only way we can have an equal society is if we have a communistic And that's why, like, when you constantly hear this equality, equality, equality, well, the only way we can have an equal society is if we have a communistic society. That's the only way. So I'm not saying that I don't want to have equal rights and I don't want things to be fair, but people need to realize the world is not going to be a fair place. You are not promised the same as somebody else. Sadly, that was never how it's going to be happening there's the people that haves and the have-nots and if you have nothing you better go get something because if it's ever going to be equitable or equity equity or equal that is communism there's no
Starting point is 00:35:17 other way it works a jail jails are jails are equitable everyone has the same sheets the same shoes well not necessarily because people that have money are able to go to the commissary and buy stuff. And then you can buy that stuff and trade it. So if you have money in the jail, you can have a much better life than if you were. Right. But it's pretty, but it's pretty close. I mean, it's as close as, and that's what, and that's what they're trying to do in Canada. They're trying to make it one giant jail.
Starting point is 00:35:42 100%. 100%. They're literally trying to make it a jail. If you don't have a vaccine, you can't travel outside the country. You can't do anything unless you, and I didn't realize that like as a kid, I always kind of thought Canada was like a good place because the government helped him because I was kind of liberal. Like healthcare seems like a good place, but dude, then you come to find out all that free stuff you get you know there's there's a caveat to it yes yes i've been digging into all the health stuff and all the
Starting point is 00:36:12 europeans and canadians are like d in my dms don't believe the hype it's a it's all bullshit and they tell me about all the money they have to pay and how long you have to wait and then they finally all abandon sustain the same thing and the rich people don't have to wait in those lines. And yeah, it's the same thing in the United States. Yeah. And, and,
Starting point is 00:36:30 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:36:30 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:36:30 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:36:30 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:36:31 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:36:31 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:36:31 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:36:32 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:36:33 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:36:34 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:36:35 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:36:39 and, and, and, and, and, and, and like them but i think it shouldn't nothing that's not privatized sucks dude it just it just attracts lazy flies well and i'm saying if we should have a free health care it's gonna suck dick but people shouldn't have to be scared and calling ubers to go to the hospital because they don't want to pay
Starting point is 00:36:55 a three thousand dollar ambulance fee so whether that's like some sort of medical cap on health care which i'm pro or even having a socialized medicine for your basic general needs, like a broken arm, like an emergency situation, because people are afraid to go to the doctor because they financially can't afford it. That's that's bad. Like, that's not my conservative side. I can't buy with that. How about this, though? How about this, Alex? Before Obamacare, anyone could go to the hospital anywhere and get service and not be denied. Let me just propose this idea to you we call it health insurance but it's not health insurance do you
Starting point is 00:37:30 know the only reason why i have health insurance is so that if i get injured no one takes my house it's actually asset insurance so if i didn't so you know you can't just lose your ass but then medical debt i mean there's so many people that have medical debt. You just don't pay it. I don't know if they can come take your house. Why aren't those people on Medicare or Medicaid? I don't know. I don't know. Maybe they didn free. Now with Obamacare at the end of medical was always free. Now at the end of every year, they have to pay in their taxes a fine because they didn't sign up for insurance. Yeah, I know. It's ridiculous. I mean, it's just. I don't know. And it goes to these big pharmaceutical companies.
Starting point is 00:38:22 You know, America is one of the few countries they're even allowed to advertise like in europe they're not allowed to have commercials for antidepressants of people jumping around a fire and being like oh this is so good they're not allowed to do that crap that's only in america that they can they sell that because these are for-profit businesses do you think these insurance companies and these in these uh pharmaceutical companies want to keep you healthy no they want to keep you sick so you're a perpetual customer. People don't realize that. Like, if they really wanted to heal you, they would probably have,
Starting point is 00:38:51 they probably have, and this is my conspiracy tinfoil hat, they probably have cures and, you know, cures for a lot of stuff that they probably keep in wraps because they don't want a bunch of people healthy. They don't want people living that long.
Starting point is 00:39:04 They want people sick constantly. And you might call me that a total conspiracy, but I really do believe that like they don't. I don't know if they want them sick, but they're making money off from the sick economy is the biggest economy in the world, at least in the United States. This is why I say that is because there's so many people that suffer from depression. Right. But they never tell them, hey, go get exercise. They never tell them, hey, go get some vitamin D. They literally, they never like give them any of these like easy things. Instead, they'll literally just, you know, prescribe them Lexapro. Their general doctor, their psychologist, you go to any doctor, they have the right to give you an antidepressant.
Starting point is 00:39:36 On top of that, they can give you multiple antidepressants to try to equal it out. So if you're taking an antidepressant, one of the side effects for that is suicidal idolization. So you take a person that is saying, oh, I'm depressed and suicidal, and you give them a pill that makes them more suicidal. How is that a good decision? Like, how is that justifiable to anybody? And anybody that I've ever seen that takes an antidepressant and say it works for them is either insane. Like, I've never really heard, oh, I was depressed and I started taking Prozac and my life got so much better. Their life still sucks.
Starting point is 00:40:09 They just think it's better because it has that placebo effect. They take that pill. The placebo effect is almost as strong as any other effect, if that makes sense. Lexapro is a drug that's taken once daily for depression, anxiety. Xanax is benzodiazepine that can be taken three to four times a day. Yeah, but Xanax is poison. You've taken Xanax before. It's the strongest drug. And this is why Xanax is a great drug in this sense. You can be scared to death of flying and you take a Xanax
Starting point is 00:40:37 and you won't even care if the plane crashes. Now that is a good, like I'm saying, it has a very potent effect, but the more you're on the xanax it it detaches you from reality it makes it so and then and then the rebound effect when you come off it you have immense i mean you have immense anxiety your anxiety is 10 times stronger because your body doesn't have the medicine it needs to try to fight off that it's been used to using as a crutch so all of these drugs that they prescribe, yeah, they might work, but they oftentimes have a rebound effect, a hangover effect that makes you have to take it more.
Starting point is 00:41:10 And then on top of that, Xanax is one of the most addicting drugs on the market. So we're giving people drugs that are incredibly addicting as well. So, dude, okay, all you got to do is look at the opioid epidemic. I mean, the Sackler family, they made billions of dollars getting people hooked on opiates. And now we're having a fentanyl epidemic where young people are dying left and right. Over one hundred eight thousand drug overdose deaths just this year alone. The most recorded American history in the government. Joe Biden won't even mention it.
Starting point is 00:41:40 All they do is talk about a vaccine. All they do is talk about whatever bullcrap they can use. Ukraine. Young kids get off smack. It's really sad. That's one of our biggest problems. I heard yesterday a stat that 300,000 drug overdoses this year were from legal drugs that led to death. 300,000 overdoses from legal drugs, and only 34,000 from illegal drugs. That's fucking, I can't even fucking believe that. Yeah, because illegal drugs aren't even that good. Like, you can't even get that much. Really, cocaine, like, keeps your heart beating.
Starting point is 00:42:22 So a lot of times people that take opioids, if they take the cocaine, it'll keep them up um so i'm not saying cocaine's good i'm just saying that that in the sense that like they might not die from that illegal drug marijuana you can't really overdose and die from and when they call the legal drugs they consider fentanyl one of those drugs because that is a technically illegal drug that's you should never do methamphetamines alex you would explode you would explode and i've done it all i mean i was prescribed adderall as a kid and i hated it uh because i'm already i'm already wired i don't really need a drug that's going to make me even more you know i don't need that hey did you end up getting blood work from California hormones?
Starting point is 00:43:07 I did. I did. I haven't heard from the woman, but I had my session with a doctor and she said that this is a problem. If you get testosterone, it can it can hamper the way your body creates sperm and make it where I, you know, I might not be able to have a baby. So they describe me. So I don't know if I should take the Clovid. My testosterone was like 390. Wait, what's Clovid?
Starting point is 00:43:31 She said it's Clovid or something. I don't know. It's mostly, it's what you take to get off testosterone, but at the same time, it's what you can boost your testosterone. Oh, I don't think you should. If you want to have kids, then I don't think you should fuck. Oh, I don't think you should fuck with that. I agree.
Starting point is 00:43:47 I didn't know it affected your reproduction that much. Clomid is a medication used to treat infertility in women. It works by stimulating. You're not a woman. You're gender fluid. I'm gender fluid, yeah. That's what they wanted to prescribe. So, yeah, I don't so yeah i don't know i
Starting point is 00:44:05 don't know what the deal is and i mean i just i don't want to i don't want to mess up my ability to have kids that would make me sick don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do you get juiced up later get juiced up later well that's cool that you got your blood work done hey i want i don't know shit but i don't know if 380 sounds low to me. Is that low? It's supposed to be like 800. I don't know. It doesn't seem that low. But I'll tell you this one, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I have been freaking tired. And I don't know if it's because I'm just always on the grind. But I feel like I just always need a nap. I can't even survive a day if I don't get my nap around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. That makes me sound like a little kid. But that's my favorite thing. I plan my whole day around getting crap done so I can take an hour and a my nap around like three or four in the afternoon. That makes me sound like a little kid, but that's my favorite thing. I plan my whole day around getting crap done so I can take an hour and a half nap. Hour and a half? Yeah, if I can, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I do 20 minutes. Do you sleep on your back? When you nap, do you sleep on your back or do you go into a little fetal position like a little baby? Both. Sometimes I can't sleep. You know, sometimes I like to lie down. Sometimes I hug the pillow and kind of go into the fetal REM sleep. I don't know what Google knows, but here it says,
Starting point is 00:45:13 normal testosterone is 300 to 1,000. Yeah, well, according to the blood work, I'm in the normal range, but she just said it's low. You know, I would have more energy if it was a little higher. So I don't know, dude. I don't know. blood work i'm in the normal range but she just said it's low you know like you know i'd be i would have more energy if it's a little higher so i don't know dude i don't know is it i'm not i'm not gonna take this testosterone though because she said it could stop my ability to produce you know good sperm so i'm like man i just gotta wait i'll maybe in a couple years i gotta knock some chick up though sooner than later but at the same time dude were we talking about this my parents were divorced got remarried to other
Starting point is 00:45:48 people and then got divorced again i'm so like i'm so jaded on the idea of marriage i don't even know if marriage is i think marriage is kind of a scam i always thought marriage was a scam and and and i thought only people who got married and and kids, they were just tools of the man. Like you're just a fucking pawn and you're just doing the game and you're just being shoved down the fucking chute. And then I had once I had one kid and my wife was pregnant with the twins. And by then I was like 45 or something. I just thought, oh, shit, if I die or she dies, I want to make sure that it's just easy for all of our shit to just go to one person. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Wait. So when did you become a father? How old are you? I'm 43. I'm 50 now. But that's so, see, that's great. I mean, you wait and see, I want to wait too. Like I'm not in a hurry. Yeah. Yeah. And then I got married, but just so you know, to finish the story real quick, I got married and I'm super happy. I got married. I got married in a courthouse and like it did change something like psychologically. It's like the difference between calling an abortion abortion versus what it really is.
Starting point is 00:46:53 It's you're killing a baby. It changes your perspective. And so now I'm married to her and it like it's better. But I'm glad I waited and I'm glad it happened kind of organically. But like, I'm happy that she's my wife now. You know what I mean? A hundred percent. And that's the thing is like, you're kind of me and I'm sure you're kind of the same. It's like, I kind of started from a little bit of a rest and development or a lot bit
Starting point is 00:47:14 where I'm a little immature emotionally. Like, I don't know if I've even fully matured emotionally or if I'm even ready to be married, but probably when I'm in my forties, hopefully I will be. feel like I still I still kind of the mindset of an 18 year old and that's not I'm not saying that like a good thing but that's just kind of the real realistic mindset that I have I'm emotionally I'm very mature I'm intellectually fucking stunted I'm i'm a fucking seven-year-old but emotionally i'm like i'm like i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm a fucking rock but but but that is interesting and uh i always told my mom i was like a sunflower and the sunflower like all the other flowers in the summer blossom and the sunflower still hasn't even shown its bud yet you know i mean i mean it just grows and grows and
Starting point is 00:48:03 then finally one day it opened it's like yeah, yeah, I was late. I was late in development to everything. All my friends' kids are like in college and leaving and my friends are like retired and shit. And I'm just like getting started. I know that's what they say. Like Howard Stern, I obviously don't like him anymore, but he always tell you whenever you have like a celebrity, I can't think of like what celebrity, but there's a bunch of them that have a kid like in their forties, fifties and sixties. He'd be like like why would you do that now like you're too old to have a kid you can't keep up with them but the people that were old and had it like no it's the best thing ever like I'm happy I have a kid so I guess it's just kind of like you know it's different strokes
Starting point is 00:48:38 are different folks like you see all those people that had their kids young now they can retire but when they were young they had to do all the bullshit you had that time to do whatever you wanted so it's just and then now you're doing it now so it's just it's just i don't know i guess that's a lot of words to not make a huge point but it's just how it works out like you don't necessarily have to be a young kid to be able to raise kids i guess it's my point um someone wrote seven you're five four you're physically stunted too i'm five five um but. Um, but like yesterday I took my, yesterday I took my kids to the beach and I had a, they did jujitsu in the morning. Then I took them to the beach and we were at the beach all day and I took them out surfing
Starting point is 00:49:14 and I don't even surf and I put them in wetsuits and I took them out into the ocean and I bought them a surfboard. And for an hour and a half, I pushed them around surfing in the water. And then I played Frisbee with them for an hour and a half. And I don't see any of the other parents right and left of me doing that shit. So I'm not even all juiced up. I'm just a normal dude. Yeah, but you're a little more than normal.
Starting point is 00:49:39 You're a little extraordinary. I'm extraordinary. I use caffeine suppository. Is that a real thing? No, I don't know. I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised. Well, did you ever hear like, did you ever do drugs where they'd be like, oh, if you put an ecstasy pill up your butt, it works 10 times stronger.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I never tried that one. But do you ever hear that one? No, but I've been it. I've been it. This is a little off, but I've been at, this is a little off, but I've been at house parties and someone's like, hey, the Coke dealers, get your money ready. The Coke dealer's going to be here in 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And fucking like dogs, Pavlovian, everyone starts taking shits. And within 10 minutes, all the toilet paper's gone in the house because everyone thinks the Coke is. Oh my God. Well, you know. Yeah, I've seen that. It's pretty crazy. It works on me.
Starting point is 00:50:25 It would work on me too. Coke dealers come and I just run and take a shit. You have to. You have to. There's laxatives in it. For the people playing at home, you guys might not know that. I didn't know that either.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Is that why? I didn't know that. That's why you shit when you do a line of Coke because there's laxatives in it? That's what they say. Yeah, that's one of the things they mix it with, laxatives. Yes, baby laxatives. Wow. that's what they say yeah that's one of the things they mix it with laxatives yes baby laxatives wow uh this is last time i facetimed with seven he answered with no pants that's true
Starting point is 00:50:52 that that i get that is true but why what's the point of pants you don't need a bunch of pants no i and you do that on your show right you? You'll just have your suit on and, but no pants on all the time. Duh. Come on, man. They can't see the bottom. They can't see that part of you. So why, why do you have to have the freaking pants? And that's just comfortable. A lot of times I have boxers on though. Cause you know, your butt cheeks sitting on a leather chair. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't like being naked too much. I like underwear.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Yeah. I'm an underwear man myself. Yeah. But I'll just have on my like sliders, my whatever, my, yeah. I don't like being naked too much. I like underwear. Yeah, I'm an underwear man myself. Yeah, but I'll just have on my, like, sliders, my whatever, my, you know, my, whatever you call them, my underwear. They're kind of, they're briefs, but they're kind of not briefs. They're like basketball. Oh, like Mark, like Marky Mark made famous. Like Mark Wahlberg made famous. Those Calvin Klein ones. No, I mean, kind of.
Starting point is 00:51:42 I mean, they're like these sport ones. They're like, I don't know if you guys can see like here like this like these they're kind of like this you know yeah yeah i'm telling you before before i was um i'd never i mean this is fucking i don't know 20 years ago but before him i don't think i'd ever seen these you see these kind of underwear yeah those yeah they're the't think I'd ever seen these. You see these kind of underwear? Yeah. Those are, yeah, they're the best.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Yeah. I'd never seen those. I went back to tidy whiteys about five years ago. Oh, wow. So they're kind of nut huggers is what we call them. Yeah. And I, and I, and I'm kind of fastidious. I changed my underwear two or three times a day.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Not that they're ever dirty, but I just like fresh underwear. And then once it starts, like I'm in for the night, then I put on boxers or three times a day. Not that they're ever dirty, but I just like fresh underwear. And then once it starts, like I'm in for the night, then I put on boxers and a pair of sweats. I respect that. Wow. So you got like business, you got your business underwear.
Starting point is 00:52:35 And then you're, I just like these because they kind of keep everything, you know, concealed. They're stretchy. They're comfortable. Uh, I wear these,
Starting point is 00:52:43 I sleep in these. I have like, I bought probably like literally like 50 of them. Cause they I wear these, I sleep in these. I have like, I bought probably like literally like 50 of them. Cause they come in packs of like 10 or whatever. I think I bought five packs. Uh, I like the same underwear, like the same brand. The one that I like. Me too. Me too. Yeah. I got, I wear the ones that I like. Hey, do you sell merchandise? Do you sell Alex Stein merchandise, like Alex Stein shirts and shit?
Starting point is 00:53:05 I just have one shirt, but I have so many merch companies who reach out to me. I got to get on my merch game more. I really got. That's like one of my things. I got to step up. You know, I just freaking I just haven't. I've just been lazy when it comes to signing merch. If you go to Conspiracy Castle slash merch, I have a shirt on there.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I have like two shirts with my logo on it but i need to like come up with more creative because i have ideas for stuff i just haven't you know this is why i need to sell more t-shirts but you only make like four or five bucks per shirt so it's not yeah yeah yeah it's definitely not a money it's definitely not a money um no everybody thinks it's such a money generator the only only person that makes money is the shirt distributor. Hey, what's your, what's your, um, I see conspiracy castle on YouTube, but I don't see though. Is there a website? Well, it's conspiracy or dot live slash merch.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Okay. Okay. I see. Hey, this is your YouTube station. Yeah, that's my YouTube. How many YouTube stations do you have? And I got that one. I think I got like four or five because I got so many backups. And then my main one now is the Alex Stein. Use Google Alex Stein.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Go to that channel. That's the one where I had all my. That's the pimp channel. Oh, shit. When I met you, you had like 5,000 subscribers. Then a couple weeks ago, I had you on, you had 109. Now you have 158. Dude, I'm grinding.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I'm blowing up, as they say. But dude, now YouTube sucks, bro. Because it used to be like you could go viral on there, and there's a good community. But now there's so many other competing social networks, social media companies like tiktok instagram they all have videos compared to what it was like four years ago because i'm a i have a buddy cassidy campbell that has a million subscribers dude his views your way down you just don't get as many people on youtube they used to be like stuck on it all day
Starting point is 00:55:00 now they're stuck on all these other apps so there's just oh it's still the biggest and the baddest like it's still good in the sense that it's like the best you know video service but there's just so many other options for people to watch crap when people's attention span is so short they don't watch these long podcasts as much i don't think i don't it's all i know because it's because i just started doing it a year ago you You know, we have to have used YouTube. I'm not saying we don't do it, but they say a few years ago, like three or four years ago, when they kicked off Alex Jones, that's when they say it went downhill. Hey, why did they kick him off? What was he saying?
Starting point is 00:55:37 Oh, the Alex Jones. I mean, he got kicked off while Trump was president. So that shows you that Trump really should have helped him out because that gave them the rights to platform Trump. Like these people. Right. Right. These people in Berkeley, like where you're from and, you know, Northern California, the technocracy, they have these strong political beliefs that if you're speaking out against them at all and you're effective, they take you out. Like, have you seen how they're having like a weaponized coordinate? Did you see that video of me going to the drag queen event or the drag queen for children event? Yeah, that was nuts. That was
Starting point is 00:56:14 nuts. Hey, I want to say one thing before you dive in there. Every time I watch these drag queen events and now they're just all over Instagram, right? That showing, I always think this, Now they're just all over Instagram, right? Showing. I always think this. If that was a straight woman, the left would lose their mind if a straight woman was dancing like that in front of kids. Like it's a man shaking his boobs and putting his butt in little kids' faces, but it's okay because it's a man dressed as a woman.
Starting point is 00:56:40 If that was a woman, the left would be losing their mind. It would be pornography. I just don't understand how they don't. I don't understand how they can't just think logically for a second. Can you imagine letting your boy stick money into a grown man's like bikini underwear? Dude, they would love it. Not only can I imagine it, I saw it. And that shows you you like it's not
Starting point is 00:57:06 even the drag queen's fault really i mean they're a part of it because they're like letting kids tip them in a sexualized manner and like insinuating a strip club but dude it's these parents and when i was at this event it was called drag your kids to pride and it was a drag show at a drag at a small gay dive bar i wouldn't even call it a big gay bar. It's like a dive bar. Probably doesn't hold 100 people. And one of the signs on the wall, it says it's not going to lick itself, which is like a sexual innuendo for a blowjob or whatever.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Yes, yes. And so they had kids in there. And this is why it was more sinister than like the drag queen story time that they have at libraries. Now, that's still weird that they're having library drag queen story time. times but at least there there's like it's kind of out in the open you can kind of see what's going on at this event dude they had a clear they had a clear door so like let's say you wanted you were like walking down the street you could look into a bar i guess it's just you know how you know how a normal bar is but dude when we went there and we're protesting
Starting point is 00:58:03 it they put paper over the door like the 2020 election like you know what i normal bar is. But dude, when we went there and we're protesting it, they put paper over the door, like the 2020 election. Like, you know what I mean? They had, they literally got paper and covered it up. So they didn't want people to see what was going inside, what was going on inside. So everything going on inside is totally kosher and fine. Why are you hiding it? Why are you putting paper over the windows?
Starting point is 00:58:22 Like, it doesn't make any sense. Look at, look at this. It's a, it's not going to lick itself. And it's a little boy walking out with, I mean, I don't know if that's a man or a woman. It looks like a woman to me. It's got titties, but the boys and the boys wearing a gay pride shirt, which is, which is a sexualization shirt.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I mean, the gay flag is really just telling you which is it's genitalia talk it should be called the genitalia flag it is it's it is i just don't get how this is real and dude i'm not even look how uncomfortable that kid is dude look how uncomfortable this poor little boy is oh my god look at his body posture i it's supposedly he was trying to play on his handheld video game his nintendo ds and his mom grabbed it and said no look at the drag queen watch the show watch the show yeah and dude i don't care if you're gay or straight at all, but why, why are you, why does your sexual orientation,
Starting point is 00:59:25 who you'd like to sleep with have to be your whole identity? Or why does it don't even talk to kids about it? Period. Exactly. What's up, Mr. Martinez? Say hi to the great Alex Stein, because in a couple of years, he's going to be too big. He'll never be on the show. And so you can say, you can say hi to him now. I know Alex, man. I'm a, I really am a fan of your stuff, but I wanted to tell you guys, did y'all get to see first off the,
Starting point is 00:59:53 I forgot the name of the guy, but he did the, what is a woman documentary? Did y'all get to see that yet? Yeah. It's great not only not only did um alex see it but he fucking can't sleep at night because he wished he would have done it he's like he's such a fucking competitive workaholic he's like that motherfucker yeah yeah well yeah and i saw um some guy that's like you know know, a liberal channel talking about, because I was like freaking appalled by that, it's not going to lick itself.
Starting point is 01:00:31 But some liberal channel was saying that that's not like, it wasn't for what we were thinking it is, like some innuendo for like gay or like sucking dick, but it was more for an ice cream place. That if you look up this Calderon ice cream or something like that, that their slogan is, it's not going to lick itself. Hey, and do you know, check out the,
Starting point is 01:00:53 check out how lie, what a bunch of bullshit that is. Even if that is true, that ice cream place is using it because it's a sexual innuendo, you motherfucker. I agree. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:01:04 I agree. I know. I know. I know. And just the insanity. I just thought I'd share that with you guys. Just crazy where the world's going, man. You made a great point. There is an ice cream shop that has that, but that just shows you how dumb these people are.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Just like you said, that is literally a sexual innuendo at the ice cream place. But this wasn't an ice cream bar. And there's other people here saying, oh, well, you can bring your kid to the bar at Chili's. Well, this wasn't a Chili's bar. This is a K-bar with a drag show. They try to make these comparisons that aren't even the right comparison. They're just apples and oranges.
Starting point is 01:01:43 And that's where we're at. person you know they're just apples and oranges and that's where we're at it's like people have lost touch with the reality in order to try to make their narrative sound like it's palatable or okay what's scary is you think that you would have kids and at all costs you would protect them like you would be like you'd be happy that there's a world that has this stuff so if they ever want it when they get older they can partake in it and party and do whatever. But why would you introduce it to a seven-year-old boy or a seven-year-old girl? Why not just leave them alone? Why aren't they outside catching lizards? Why aren't they, I just don't, I don't get why you're taking them to something like this. I saw a lady, I saw a lady the other day in, um, in, in that Mount Walsh, a little video in the Matt Walsh clip.
Starting point is 01:02:23 And it's a, it was a, it wasalsh clip and it's a it was it was a transgender person it was i think it was a dude who is now a chick or something i can't remember um and i don't even like using that word transgender it's like i don't like using the word abortion i just want to say what it is it abortion is termination of a baby uh fertile fertilized egg and uh this was a woman who's now a man and um they and they were telling matt walsh that they were watching anime and a wolf ran across the screen and they realized they were a wolf what the fuck yeah what is that i was on lsd watching red and stimpy and i thought i was a mouse all of a sudden like the origins of your identity came from a television set?
Starting point is 01:03:08 I mean, that right there just shows you how fucked up it is. Yeah, and I'll tell you one more thing. I had an argument with someone the other day. Yeah, just someone arguing me about like, hey, so you're so worried about transgender but what about you know taking your kids to chili's or not chili's hooters or wing house or something isn't that over sexualization of women yeah yeah i'm not taking my kids to fucking hooters either actually but go on yeah yeah i just like give me a break that's totally different but but this is telling
Starting point is 01:03:43 kids but but but the lady at hooters also shouldn't be fucking reading at the library with the fucking top on and her tits pushed together reading to my boys. I don't want that. Like, I don't care if we walk down the street in New York City and they see that. It's not like I'm trying to hide it from them. I'm just not taking them to reading hour to see a fucking stripper. Yes. And I want to make this point too when you when you see the drag queen and a young kid is sexually attracted to it because they see a thong or they
Starting point is 01:04:11 see boobs and it looks like a woman because their natural hormonal response might be i'm attracted to that it has sexual imprinting on their mind they're like later on they're like why was i attracted to a trans person so it makes the kid confused sexually. Like it's not just, at least when you go to Hooters or something, you see that, well, that's kind of a heterosexual implanting. Not that that's a great thing, but that's more normal than the implanting of a trans person, you know, gaslighting you as a woman when they're actually a man. That creates all kinds of sexual confusion later on in life. So it has a different effect on the brain than the natural sexual
Starting point is 01:04:47 imprinting of a heterosexual woman at Hooters. I'm not saying you should go to Hooters, but it's just different. It's a totally different thing. It's like this weird lie and scam where a kid might not know the difference. And then they're, they're affected the rest of their life.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Absolutely. Well, all right, guys, I'll let you roll. I got to get back to work, but I just thought i'd share that with you thanks alex thanks savann always a pleasure man thanks dude alex i'm
Starting point is 01:05:10 actually christine this is gonna blow you away alex is actually on the moon right now he he didn't believe that a man went to the moon and so alex stein has um gone to the moon this might be better. Is the audio better? I mean, now I'm starting to get in the boonie. So it looks like my service might be getting worse now that I'm closer to nowhere. Can you hear me? Yeah, you sound great.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Are you? Okay. So when you do this Republican convention thing that you're going to do and you're going to go as Alexandria Stein, do you have backup? Like, do you have a friend there who with you or a bodyguard or a cameraman? I do. Yeah. At this thing I do. Yeah. I got some buddies there. Uh, so we'll see. But a lot of times I don't have backup. I mean, I might have a cameraman, but dude, I mean, dude, it's a one man wrecking crew when you're going full speed,
Starting point is 01:06:03 nobody can even keep up with me. And I'm not saying that like to brag. It's just, dude, I can't. I'm not. Nobody can. I can have personal security, but that would just slow me down, dude. Yeah. So are these all your own?
Starting point is 01:06:18 Is this for Blaze you're doing this or for your YouTube station? This is for me, my YouTube station. I'm going to call out Dan Crenshaw. Now I have a big blaze sign because I have a booth there where I'm going to do meet and greets because there's, you know, I'm going to have some fans there. So, you know, like I'm, I'm a blaze contributor. Like I signed a contract with him. So I have to kind of mention them. That's part of my contract, but this is just strictly on my own, but they know that this is probably going to, I dude, if, if, if everything goes to plan i will go viral
Starting point is 01:06:46 this weekend too when i call out dan crenshaw forget about the alexandria stuff when i call out dan crenshaw for being globalist that'll be that'll go 10 times more viral what what why is he globalist i like him he's the navy seal with the eye patch that says nice things about that that beats up on democrats on his instagram yeah well he's also for red flag gun laws that he said on uh joe rogan's podcast and he what's that mean what's that what's that mean that means if you have a red flag law like or if let's say your ex-girlfriend says oh well my husband's crazy you need to go take away his guns they'll literally go take away your guns because like it's a it's basically a doctor doesn't even have to consider you like mentally ill and dude every single human being has probably
Starting point is 01:07:29 had some outbreak where they could be considered mentally ill so they it's just it's just like a loophole where they can take away your guns and uh and the reason why crinchall he voted to give 80 billion dollars to the ukraine yet he won't do anything for the Texas border, where it has terrible sex trafficking, drug trafficking. I mean, these people are bought and sold by political action committees that are donated by multinational corporations. So that's why they don't care about America, because these companies like Pfizer, Moderna, Apple, they have factories in China. They sell these phones all over. So if they can get a better deal producing them in a different country, they sell out our own country in order for them to have a bigger profit margin. So they don't care about us. That's why they buy and sell these politicians.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Look at Nancy Pelosi. When she got into politics, she was worth $500,000. Now she's worth $100 million. Why do you think they always win in the stock market? They have insider tips. So it's all rigged against the common man. And that's what bugs me the most is these globalists, when they get in position of power, they realize that they have to stay in that position by fundraising. That's the most important job that they do in order to have money to run their campaigns. And these companies are the ones that donate all the money. So that's why they do anything for them. They won't do anything for you and me because we can't help them out financially like a company can. So is Crenshaw on the take?
Starting point is 01:08:51 They're all on the take. Yes. Yes. When you vote to give the Ukraine 80 billion, why are we fighting a war? Why are we giving them all of our money when you can go outside right now and see how bad the homeless crisis is? I was just in Los Angeles and I was just in New York recently. I'm not saying New York's doing great, dude. I would say Los Angeles is doing worse than New York when it comes to the homelessness, when it comes to the inflation, when it comes to people trying to make it. You say Los Angeles is worse than New York, is that what you said? Yeah, I think the people- Way worse, way worse, way worse, way worse.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Yeah, I got the vibe that the people working and stuff were more stressed and there's a there's definitely really rich people in california that are probably living fine because their family inherited money or they have some great job but dude the disparity of the middle class i didn't see any middle class in california it was either like a shitty 1992 honda civic or somebody in a brand new like corvette or something like i just you could just kind of tell by i'm in the car business i could kind of tell by the makeup of cars that people are doing and you can just see people and they're just overwhelmingly like crappy cars trying to make it and it's a little different in texas a lot of people have newer cars and i know that's not just a you know the
Starting point is 01:10:00 best litmus test to tell how an economy is doing but i just get the energy in california that people are really really struggling and like because of that they're stressed and and dude you look at the parking situation you know they'll give you a parking ticket in two seconds like nobody cares in california like they're all just trying to you know rob peter to pay paul is the saying uh fox news tackle car Carlson mocked Republican Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw as he discussed his support for Ukraine, dubbing the congressman a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye while fighting in Afghanistan. Afghanistan. I patch McCain.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Yes, and listen to this. I love Tucker Carlson. I'm going on his show next Monday. So I'm a big, you know, I'm serious. Yes. Yes, dude. Yes. Are you going to wear pants? I have to, I have to, cause I can see you from the bottom down. I wish I didn't have to, but yes, I have to wear pants. So I'm a Tucker Carlson diehard. I ride and die with Tucker.
Starting point is 01:10:57 What is, um, what, what's the nature of your visit to see Mr. Carlson? He's doing an interview about primetime 99 Alex Stein. He wants to talk about how I got started. How did I become a viral sensation? How am I shaking up the whole political narrative of our country, dog? I'm not even trying to pat myself on the back. He just, he wants to shine a light on me because he thinks I'm doing good work.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Yeah. Well, cause he has a sense of humor. That's the thing is he has a sense of humor. A lot of these people don't have a sense of humor. They've taken the fun out of funny. I mean, and that's what sucks. Like you look at Saturday Night Live. We talk about all the time. Dude, it's not funny anymore. That used to be the best show. And they could very easily be funny. One of their best sketches was talking about how the lockdowns were, you know, ridiculous. But, dude, they can't do that. They can't speak against the narrative.
Starting point is 01:11:45 So they'll never be able to be funny because the mainstream narrative is not funny because it's too afraid to hurt people when the comedy is supposed to, it's meant to hurt people, make fun of people. That's part of it. You know, and we don't want to necessarily be mean. You want to do it in a comedic aspect that, you know, highlights the absurd parts of every person's culture, but because now all they can do is make fun of Trump, it sucks. Have you been on, you've been on Tucker Carlson before? Yeah, I have. I have. And then he played my clip last week too. And so that's why they invited me to come on the show.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Do you actually go to where he's at? Well, normally no, but for this show, yeah, I am. I'm going to do an in-person interview. And where is that? I got to go to Maine. He lives in Maine. I don't even know where in Maine, but he has a studio in Maine that he does, that he goes in the summer because it's so nice out there.
Starting point is 01:12:36 What? Yeah, bro. Big deal. It's a big deal. Holy field, dog. What? Yeah, I'm grinding. Primetime's grinding.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Hold on. Let's hear what he... I may have shared the screen wrong. I want to hear what he says about you here. This is so good. This is so good. And mom probably doesn't like it that I'm showing Tucker Carlson.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Oh, she's pissed. She is pissed. You have to show Brian Stelter. He's a citizen, but they were not that interested, so he decided on a new approach. Alex Stein adopted the alter ego, primetime number 99 Alex Stein. He became a lot
Starting point is 01:13:18 more voluble, and in the process showed us how unhinged... Alex Stein, it's great to meet you. How did you start doing this? Holy shit, you're twins. That's what we say. He's my dad.
Starting point is 01:13:32 In the interview, I go, you're my biological father. Go to the end of the interview. Go to the end of the interview. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Go to the last 25 seconds of the interview. On purpose, in my opinion, Tucker. So you're not going to be on YouTube long, obviously.
Starting point is 01:13:50 So I would just recommend to her. No, I'm not. No, you're not. I'm baby Tucker. So if you're willing. Oh, here we go. You're a hero. Hey, Tucker, one last thing.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Everybody says I'm baby Tucker. So if you're willing to submit to a DNA test and prove you're not my father, I would appreciate that. Because we're both good looking. We're both funny. We might be related and you're my hero. Thank you, Tucker. Again, I don't think I'm holding up, but I appreciate the comment. Oh, bullshit. That dude's like 104. He just looks like he's 37. I'm telling you, he's fucking been around forever. Black don't crack, Alex. Black don't crack.
Starting point is 01:14:24 I know, but that's because he started he got hired he really is young i think he's like 49 or 50 he's not very old he's your age my goodness yeah he's a young man main wow he is balling you look great there by the way well there i looked good i know i looked good in my suit and tie i need a dude i'm telling you man i i've been this vegetarian. You always make fun of me. All I do is eat cheese pizza. I got to do something about my diet.
Starting point is 01:14:49 My diet has been so freaking bad. I just. Oh, it makes me feel so terrible how much I've been eating. Hey, why don't you do something? Well, this is the thing. I don't do drugs. I don't smoke weed. I don't drink.
Starting point is 01:15:01 So food is like my thing. I can't wait to eat sugar. I can't wait to freaking. I don't drink Coca-Cola either. I don't even weed. I don't drink. So food is like my thing. Like I can't wait to like eat sugar. I can't wait to freaking, I don't drink Coca-Cola either. I don't even drink any drinks that have sugar in it. Like I just, I just eat bread. Like it is going out of style. I eat muffins. I eat whatever the heck I can, cookies.
Starting point is 01:15:19 I eat the worst sugary crap. I got to stop with the processed sugar. Hey, you should do just raw meat for 30 days. No way. I see people doing that. I don't even if I was eating meat, I don't like tuna tart. I mean, steak tartare. I don't like raw meat. Do you really like that vibe? The raw meat vibe? I'll tell you what my wife makes for me. She takes a pound of ground beef and she puts in a third of a cube of butter and then two dates and puts it in a food processor.
Starting point is 01:15:50 And you eat that? And I eat that with a spoon. And I put salt on it. And why? Because since it's not cooked, you get all the animal shit? I have no fucking idea, but I eat it throughout the day.
Starting point is 01:16:03 She puts it in the fridge and I just eat it throughout the day. Like, like a dog that just keeps returning back to my bowl. And in the days I do that, I feel amazing. I feel like legitimately full and I feel amazing. And you can just snack on it throughout the day. And it's great. Well, one of the reasons why I stopped eating meat is because Hillary Clinton, now this is just conspiracy. I don't know if it's true but supposedly they like adrenochrome
Starting point is 01:16:27 the adrenalized blood of children now that might not be real but this is what they say is when they when the cow sees its best friend get killed they have an adrenaline rush they're crying that's why they try to leave the factory so you're eating the adrenalized blood of the animal so you're eating that's when i come that's why I like the vibrational energy of stuff. When you're eating that meat, it's very low vibrational because that cow didn't want to die for you. And so they had this, you know, hormonal response. So that's kind of why is I think eating meat.
Starting point is 01:16:56 What about Twizzlers? What's the vibrational frequency of Twizzlers? They're high as crap. I love Twizzlers. I was just on the plane. I ate a huge value pack or whatever, the family pack. Oh my gosh, do not even talk love twizzlers i was just on the plane i ate a huge value pack or whatever the family pack oh my gosh do not even talk about twizzlers i haven't been able to dump since i ate it i'm so full of wax candy i can't even go number two who's gonna watch your cats when you
Starting point is 01:17:16 go to maine dude i'm sick and my dad has to go to my house and he did he goes there once a day and then i have another friend that goes by there my cat cat, oh, dude, dude, oh, it makes me sick. I'm nervous about my cats right now. I know, and this is what they do when they're mad at me. They pee outside the litter box. So I come back to my house, and they'll pee in the kitchen. They'll pee in, like, four different places because that's their message to me, like, F you, you shouldn't have left me alone.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Oh, God, I would fucking die. If I had, oh, I just can't have pets peeing in the house hey um do you have a girlfriend i don't i don't but i got a few honey dips on the side i got a few side pieces two chicken mac nuggets that i got but yeah i mean i need to date but dude ever since i started becoming a content creator whatever you want to call it dude i'm so narcissistic because i'm always busy. I'm always like filming something, doing something. When you date, the girl is usually your hobby. Like you have a job and then dating is your hobby. I don't have any freaking free time.
Starting point is 01:18:14 I can't tell you how many girls text me. Oh, I want to go out. I want to do this. But I have X, Y, Z I had to do. And so it kind of turning me into fucking a eunuch or whatever. Like I'm not I'm not taking advantage. You think, Oh, Alex, now you're well known. Now you have a hundred thousand followers. And girls do throw themselves at me, but a lot of them are girls in other States, but even the girls here in Texas that text me, Oh, let's go out. I don't drink either.
Starting point is 01:18:38 So that hurts me a little bit because every bitch wants to go drink. Excuse me for calling a bitch, but. That's gangster. It's gangster. It's loving in the, the in the rap vernacular i took it as you love them yeah i mean i love it but it's like oh let's go get a drink let's go get a drink i'm like okay and then i go to the bar and i order iced tea and they're like why is this guy not drinking so they think like i have some sort of problem because i don't want to get drunk so that's kind of annoying and i don't use the dating apps the dating apps are terrible they're like the most stiff that's why society is devolving as well because you have these apps where you're just swiping left and right on people because they have their best picture but you're swiping left
Starting point is 01:19:12 because like they have a Ukraine flag or because they answered a question in a weird way so I always used to think when I did the apps and this is before I was well known I was like man I'm probably swiping left on my soulmate all because she has a picture with like some stupid, you know, thing. You know what I mean? She has some stupid because of some innocuous thing that I'm like, is this her whole personality? When really it's not because you can't really get to know a person digitally by looking at six pictures of them and how they answer like these, you know, survey questions. I do want to visit talking about vagina in your life but but someone just texted me a doctor just texted me and said uh 380 is low but clone will increase his testosterone levels
Starting point is 01:19:56 without affecting his fertility that's what they said so i'm willing to take it if that's the case. Huh? Interesting. Yeah. So I feel better. I feel better about that. I feel much better. And then I'm going to get all testosterone and be all horny. And that's the other thing is, dude, I make so many bad decisions when I'm horny. Like I just can't tell you how many times I take off the condom or I, you know, get weird. I'm just saying, not that I shouldn't, but in this day and age of me too and luckily the
Starting point is 01:20:25 girls i hook up with i kind of have steady girls multiple steady girls not like saying that no just girls that i've seen for years that i've had relationships with kind of off and on um why can't you just have how old are you 35 yeah hey i will say this. You better have regular, intimate interaction. Or else, like, you'll start getting, like, scared. And, like, it'll become, like, all this weird fucking tension and stigma and weird shit will come up around it. Well, it's not going to get weird because I'm already weird. Trust me. The sex, I'm not afraid or weirded out by sex.
Starting point is 01:21:03 Well, actually, I do say that. I was actually at a comedy show, and this girl came back to my hotel room, and I refused to have sex because she wanted to have sex so bad. We did have oral sex, whatever that is. But I'm almost afraid of getting an STD as well. So when you do talk about fear, I do get that. Wait a second. You're afraid to get an STD, but you went down on her?
Starting point is 01:21:22 Well, she went down on me. I didn't go down on her. That actually causes throat cancer. You ever hear about that? You about that they can get from that yeah i don't believe it well that's what michael douglas said i don't know if they have hpv you can that's what they say is that a knife no it's the part of my phone case that broke off. Oh, this is a doctor calling. Mr. Phillip, is that true that you can get throat cancer from eating, from putting your face down at the Y, from eating lunch at the Y? It's just HPV.
Starting point is 01:21:57 I wouldn't be surprised. Damn. Damn. All the good things in life have been ruined. Yeah. How can I help you, Mr. Berger? I have a quick question for you guys, and then I'll hang up. Alex, can you share what you know about the planned breast milk shortages, fake milk shortages, and how Bill Gates already has
Starting point is 01:22:25 so much money in the companies that produce the synthetic breast milk. 100%. Did you see they just had to close, Gerber just closed another factory down today in Atlanta for undisclosed reasons. Yeah, dude, another factory closed.
Starting point is 01:22:41 And there's only five factories in the country that even produce baby formula. Dude, I mean, listen, I talk about this all the time. And in like the drag queen story time that I went to, dude, there is an attack on children because they want to like destabilize, demoralize and attack children because they're the most vulnerable. They're the easiest target. And then they have a victim for life. So the fact that we don't have like the fact that there is a shortage of baby formula should be an a huge alarming uh warning for we're about to have a shortage for everything we're gonna have a food shortage we're gonna have a already even the water you get from the tap is
Starting point is 01:23:17 covered in fluoride so i'm just saying anything the government that's me being a tinfoil hat but i'm just saying that all the stuff they give us they want us to make us sick they don't want to make us healthy we don't even have stuff to feed our babies that should be like the first thing we don't run out of and so i'm just saying you see did you see in in uh in uh kansas over 2 000 cattle just died pull that up so i saw i saw i saw that a friend of mine did say though that there's a crazy heat wave a A crazy heat wave. Yeah, but they looked at the temperature. The temperature wasn't that hot in Kansas, dude. It wasn't even hot enough to kill them. Look at those 2,000 cows and tell me how the heck did they all die like that?
Starting point is 01:23:54 Pull up those 2,000 cows right now. It doesn't even make sense, dude. Hold on. The Abbott Laboratories in Planton, Michigan, which was at the center of the nation's baby formula crisis, has stopped production again. Yeah, in michigan i thought it was hey yeah michigan this is really gonna upset people this is really gonna upset people i'm about to say if you feed your if you listen to my show and you feed your kids baby formula you yeah it's terrible yeah you're you're
Starting point is 01:24:22 you're not listening that's the nicest way I can say it I almost think it's better to take your kids to drag than feed your kids baby formula you are fucking that shit crazy look at how the body processes high fructose corn syrup it is so fucking nuts
Starting point is 01:24:40 you're doing permanent damage to the body every time you consume high fructose corn syrup you're doing something damage to the body every time you consume high fructose corn syrup you're doing something you're 100 right it's so fucked up it's so fucked up okay what am i looking at what cows cows where yeah cows dead in kansas well i mean listen but but listen like a bus flipped over in peru today and 21 kids died you know what i mean like like like why i just feel like it's so good apples and oranges fuck about 2000 okay okay okay okay have you not seen all the food plants that are on fire another food plant just caught on fire i know but i'm in denial i don't i think it's a lie i think it's a lie i'm in denial i don't know you're in mean, very, very. Have you been to the grocery store?
Starting point is 01:25:26 I try not to. Why? Is it getting weird? I know food is very expensive. I know food's very expensive. And dude, peanut butter. Peanut butter is out gone from a lot of the shelves. There's multiple.
Starting point is 01:25:37 How do they not have peanuts? Peanut butter is like on short demand. All the jelly you want. All the high fructose corn syrup you want. Not enough peanut butter. And that's like a that's we could like live off peanut butter for a long time if we got in a pinch that's not a good thing to live off of either no but i'm just saying dude if there is a food shortage you can have storable peanut butter rice beans uh you know stuff that dude
Starting point is 01:26:01 there is going to be a food shortage it's just going to be like the pandemic there's going to be something and they're going to say oh well it was just a you know it was that dude, there is going to be a food shortage. It's just going to be like the pandemic. There's going to be something and they're going to say, Oh, well, it was just a, you know, it was an accident. We didn't plan on this.
Starting point is 01:26:10 We didn't think it was going to happen. Just like the baby formula. Oh, we didn't think this was going to happen. We'll just fly in some food from Germany, but they're going to be short on food too. Like it's, it's all meant to control us.
Starting point is 01:26:20 That's why they're going to like, and then they're going to be able to ration food. So you're going to have to get your vaccine to go, be able to go to the food pantry. hey it's gonna be bad someone gonna get in trouble for this for what for letting 2 000 cows die like why didn't someone go give them fucking water it wasn't the heat that killed him dude look at the temperature it's not the heat that killed there is a guy right now and this is conspiracy that owns a chicken farm and this is a leaked text message screenshot i
Starting point is 01:26:49 don't know how you'd pull this out but this guy said that he's getting paid double if he euthanizes his whole entire chicken plant instead of selling it you know it's he's having a more he's that he's having a moral uh crisis he doesn't know whether to do it or not. In Wichita today, in Wichita at 2 a.m., it was 101 degrees. Yesterday at 2 a.m. I don't know. Is that where they died in Wichita? I don't know. But that's when I type in Kansas weather.
Starting point is 01:27:20 That's what I'm getting. Well, all I know is I'm in Texas, dude. It's 104 degrees yesterday i'm looking at a cow there's no they're fine i mean they live in the hot i mean i don't know how would all 2 000 of them die that seems unusual not one of them's gonna live dude i wonder how many like okay how many how many cows in the usa there's 30 million cows in the usa there's 30 million cows in the usa probably so yeah dude i killed 600 million sperm yesterday just let them fall into the floor
Starting point is 01:27:57 well all i know is listen and guess what i have 30 billion more loaded up by this morning. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. But you're looking at a number on the internet. That's not necessary. That might not even be true. You don't really know how many cows you have. And dude, these evil people will buy the cows and not give us the meat.
Starting point is 01:28:17 So just because the cows exist doesn't mean that your access to them won't be restricted. Okay, you're going to like this. There are 30.1 million beef cows in the United States as of Jan 1, 2022, down 2% from last year. The number of milk cows in the United States decreased to 9.38 million. U.S. calf crop was estimated at 35.1
Starting point is 01:28:36 million head, down 1% from 2020. Oh, how many cows are in China? Oh, 60 million cows. Well, dude, it looks like you're going to have your raw ground beef for a while, I guess. There's so many. I know so many people that have cows. I just go over there.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Well, and if you if you have if we just have there's 350 million Americans is that they say. So how many cows that per American? One thirtieth, one thirty fifth cow per. 350 million Americans is what they say. So how many cows is that per American? One 30th, one 35th cow per. So how much meat is that? One, one out of 10, one out of 15 people has,
Starting point is 01:29:13 that's one out of 15 people. And one cow does feed a person for, feed a person for an entire year. Easily, easily feed three people, not one person, two people get like, but that's not right.
Starting point is 01:29:25 I'm saying, yeah, but if there's 350 million humans in America and there's 30 million cows. Yeah. So we got to split the cow one. You're right. You're right. That's not good. It's not good.
Starting point is 01:29:39 We need another 100 million cows. Yeah. Actually, we need hundred million cows. Yeah. Actually, we need 270 million cows. I wonder what the turnaround time is on the cow. Hey, how come there's no one behind you? Did you pull over on the side of the road? No, I'm stuck in traffic, dude. I'm stuck in total standstill traffic.
Starting point is 01:30:01 It's fucked. I'm trying to get over to the right. Of course. How come there's no one behind you? It's because I'm stuck in fucked i'm trying to get over to the right of course how many how come there's no one behind you it's because i'm stuck in this left lane trying to get i wasn't paying attention and i gotta get over to the right i don't know if you guys can see can you see all the cars yeah yeah yeah what kind of car is that let me see uh this is a forerunner and i did i can drive any car um and this is my mom's 4Runner that I bought her. And I've just kind of been driving it because I like the nostalgia being in her car.
Starting point is 01:30:34 And where do you park this thing? you mean and dude in texas we got plenty of places to park i did parking in california i was only there one full day two nights dude i had to pay four dollars because i had to park in garages constantly i mean dude in some places didn't have a garage i couldn't even park like dude it was insane i don't know how a normal person with a job making 22 an hour can even afford to live there if you're making 200 a day that's a thousand bucks a week if you're working five days. Yeah, it's nothing. To rent a two bedroom house here is like 4,500 bucks a month. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:31:15 So I went and spoke at the Compton City Council meeting. I spoke at Culver and I spoke at Long Beach and fans came to the Culver City one and I couldn't believe it. The guys, I was like, oh, you live right by here. Walking distance in downtown Culver City. Super nice. It's like next to Sony Studios.
Starting point is 01:31:29 It's really nice. I was like, what is your what's your rent? Like twenty five hundred bucks a month. He laughed at me. He's like, it's forty five hundred bucks a month. I was like, holy crap. For one bedroom. Forty five hundred bucks a month.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Obviously, he's in a nice building because i remember i had the crappiest studio ever in uh in west hollywood and that was at the time in 2011 2012 that was 1200 bucks for a studio with like the kitchen out you know what i mean it's literally like a efficiency studio not not even a bedroom just one room what why why did you do the thing so now because I'm a pimp on a blimp. I know that. I was there for a day. Well, just because the meetings, how it was going on. I wanted to speak at LA, but I didn't have time.
Starting point is 01:32:14 The meeting wasn't going on. I was there for Babylon Bee. So during my Babylon Bee interview was the Los Angeles City Council. That's the one I really wanted to go to, but that's why that's why I went out there for this, this interview with them. So I, after it, I had to go to the smaller, like the bigger, the city they have morning meetings and then the smaller places usually have night meetings. So I was able to go to Culver city, Long Beach and Compton. Is there a, is there a, a message you're trying to drive when you go there?
Starting point is 01:32:44 Like, I know you sung the song. I watched it. You did the rap song. It was about you crack the jokes about getting the vaccine. But is there a message you're trying to send to those city council people? Or are you just working on your rap skills? Oh, a little bit of both. But I mean, I'm just trying to be, this is what people always don't realize,
Starting point is 01:33:04 is when I go to these meetings, they're like, oh, Alex, why do you act like a goofball? Dude, always so far. I mean, there's some people that hate it, but dude, people love it because those meetings are extra serious. They're extra serious. So people are always on edge. And when I go up there and act like a goofball, it takes away a lot of that anxiety in the room. The other people that are going to speak, then it's not as serious. So really, I'm just trying to make a joke of something that's serious. I'm trying to be the class clown in a place that's ultra serious. So I'm not trying to virtue signal, but I purposely want to go there and be a goofball because I would speak at these meetings seriously and they wouldn't even notice. But the crazier and goofier I got, it actually has an effect. Now,
Starting point is 01:33:41 all of a sudden, people aren't worried about looking stupid because i i was already i'm the one that got look stupid so then they feel comfortable so in general it actually helps the meeting in the long run and after this dude people loved it and compton they came up to me after oh dude i want to meet you and now i'm getting all these messages from people that are in the fire department people in the water department they're like i can't believe you're in compton i'm such a fan oh that's so's so cool. Please come back. Please come back. I can show you the Instagram messages. So people like this because everybody has this self-righteousness, self-importance about themselves. We got to be we got to be able to be self-deprecating and make fun of ourselves more and joke. and these council members that think they're so important. We need to troll them and make fun of them and make fun of their job a little bit more so we can connect with each other,
Starting point is 01:34:29 so we can get on the same level field instead of these being non-playable characters where we can't interact with them because they're way more important than us. We got to tease them and bring them down to our level. Yeah, this lady sitting behind you is loving you. Yeah, dude, come on. Yeah, she was loving you.
Starting point is 01:34:45 What's up, Mr. Jarg? Hi, this is Kate with Senior Benefit. How are you doing today? Oh, Mrs. Kate. Hi, I'm good. How are you? Great. It's a robot.
Starting point is 01:34:56 It's a robot. I'm good. Thank you for asking. Are you a robot? I'm calling you about a new low-cost final expense insurance that has just been approved in your state. Wow, isn't it amazing? How they can make it sound like it's not, that is pretty good. I'm calling you about a new low-cost final expense insurance that has just been approved in your state. Wow, isn't it amazing?
Starting point is 01:35:09 How they can make it sound like it's not, that is pretty good. How good is that robot? Hey, that's deceit. Isn't that deceit? I don't know, but she got your Google Voice number? No, it's not Google Voice. It's a phone number, just a phone number I have. Wow. These people are no joke, dude.
Starting point is 01:35:27 They're going to call you and try to sell you crap. And dude, I like this one guy, his name's Kit Boger or whatever, and he like, he trolls the people that do the phone scams. You know, they're like, oh, your Windows 95 is out of order. You need to give us your IP address. And they're like hacking to elderly people's computers. The only people that are victims are like people that are senile that don't know what's going on and believe,
Starting point is 01:35:50 you know, some Indian guys trying to help them. But I like how that guy trolls them. There's so many phone scammers. Hey, no, you should know that. Well,
Starting point is 01:35:59 let's do a PSA here. You should never believe any email. No bank would ever have you click on an email that takes you to their account you should never trust giving anyone who calls you anything my favorite is the one there's a town south of me from named watsonville and i get a call there from like every i don't know two years saying that there's been a case filed against me in the courthouse there yeah and the first time i got it it scared the shit out of me i remember it was like it's probably like six years ago and then i was like i started asking some questions and they started getting like hostile and i was like yo motherfucker you call me bitch and then i finally realized it
Starting point is 01:36:34 and i called down there to the courthouse and they're like yeah it's complete scam yeah yeah that happens in california like crazy or they say they're the fake irs and you gotta do all this i mean and you'd be so stupid because a lot of times they want to want you to go buy a Google play card or like a gift card and read them off the information off the back. Like if anybody is that stupid enough to go buy that and read them the information, you almost deserve to be scammed at that point. You know, if, if Amazon sold everything, then an Amazon gift card would be ubiquitous, would be the same as cash, I guess is what I'm saying. It basically is, though. It's cash, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Because you can order dry food, canned food, all kinds of food off Amazon as well. I think that's how I've heard how the dark web works, how you buy illegal shit. You basically buy, you, you buy, you give them your Amazon gift card code number and that's how you, and that's how money exchanges. Yeah. I'm not surprised, but I also thought it was Bitcoin, but whatever. Yeah. I mean, dude, these scammers, they'll take anything. They can turn, they can turn anything into cash. I thought Bitcoin went away. Is Bitcoin still around?
Starting point is 01:37:44 Yeah. I mean, I think it's taking a dive i'm not a huge bitcoin guy i have some because i get paid on this website in uh ethereum but ethereum's taking a hit i mean dude the stock market everything's taking a hit right now so it's like we can't even survive at the rate that we're going like everything's going to crash there's going to be a housing crash there's going to be a serious we're already in a recession i wouldn't be surprised two more years of this crap with a shadow presidency a guy that's like doesn't even make not even making the decisions you know america is going to go into the shitter dude i hate to say that i'm not trying to scare people but it's like do you remember you remember the housing crash of 2008 right i do yep yep
Starting point is 01:38:23 and that and that brought on occupy wall street and now all those people that were like anti-corporation anti-big bank are all the people that are pro-corporation and pro-big bank and pro-pfizer yeah so within 10 years 12 years they were able to convince all those people but there's going to be another crash like that i mean i hate to be the bearer of bad news there's gonna be some sort of whether it's a housing crash whether it's a stock market crash whether it's like a currency inflation where it's gonna cost you know a hamburger mcdonald's is gonna cost 25 you know that something like that is gonna happen i guarantee it uh elisa that was that was some ai shit that thing heard me say
Starting point is 01:39:03 something i forget what it responded to but it responded to something I said. Like I said, how are you? And it said, I'm fine. That was like some fucking crazy AI shit. And at that point that they're doing that, it's just deception. And they know they're doing it. They're trying to trick me into thinking I'm talking to a human. Well, hey, it's funny that you say that.
Starting point is 01:39:21 So there's a thing called the uncanny valley where they can't make a robot look exactly like a human. And they actually have a computer software where they try. And this is why I'm not too worried about the artificial intelligence taking over. I'm more worried about them putting like guns on those fake robotic dogs and shooting us. Oh, we lost you. I'm not sure what happened. Uncanny Valley. While he fixes that, I'm going to show you this real quick.
Starting point is 01:39:52 No, we can't hear you still. Uncanny Valley is a common unsettling feeling people experience when androids, humanoid robots, and audiovisual simulations closely resemble humans in many respects but are not quite convincingly realistic. That's how I feel around people who've had Botox or too much plastic surgery. I start feeling like I'm talking to like, um, uh, like they don't look real to me.
Starting point is 01:40:18 The face starts to look plastic and I start tripping a little bit. I settled down. I eventually get become numb to it. But when I first see people like that, or their lips are really big, I feel like I'm talking to like a, like a character off a comic book or like a Batman movie. I'm like, well, is this real person? I wonder if a lot of people feel that way. All right. Well, that was a great show, Alex. Thank you for coming on. Thank you for leaving so abruptly. You're a good dude. He'll probably click back on and I won't be here.
Starting point is 01:40:50 Hour and 40 minutes. Hope you guys had fun today. That was a pretty casual show. Maybe one of the most casual we've ever had. 842 AM Pacific Standard Time. Tomorrow's show will be fun. I don't think tomorrow's show will be live. I think where I'm interviewing Dave, there is very poor internet.
Starting point is 01:41:08 And then a bunch of shows lined up I'm excited about. Let me pull that up real quick. Come over here. No, over here. No, over here. Here we go. Bunch of live shows bunch of live shows i don't know if you guys know this but the main reason why i i went live i ever went live was because dave said i should do it and i'm pretty stoked i did uh, okay. We have coming up, uh,
Starting point is 01:41:46 people we have on the list. We have, uh, uh, I have a Hiller Hiller fit review show coming up. Um, I have a show with Gary, uh,
Starting point is 01:41:55 Chick, Vakyan, um, the guy, the only Armenian in the NBA and the G in the G league. We have Matt DeLugos coming up. We have Lauren Khalil coming up with Alex Kazan coming up. I'm having coach Grandy back on.
Starting point is 01:42:07 He's the father of the Grandy twins. I Brittany Schmidt, a comedian coming on. I have Nicholas Joyal coming on. So we got, we got quite the crew. I think there's a bunch more too. Like I mentioned,
Starting point is 01:42:22 Dale Saran, Saran, the former general counsel of crossfit inc uh dave castro and uh i don't i don't have a date for greg yet but hopefully soon all right guys thank you for listening kind of a unique show today love you guys bye

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