The Sevan Podcast - #456 HillerFit Review Show | Is Hiller a Bully?

Episode Date: June 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. There's two comments on Instagram, on my Instagram that I wanted to read.
Starting point is 00:00:38 One of them I wanted to hear your opinion on. Let's see. I was listening to your, it took me a while to get through that hunter one i would just listen to like 20 or 30 minutes at a time yeah and you love you love the comments you like get in there and you like review people's profiles and then you comment on them so you got a little bit uh something to the comment i thought it was funny i've put together like whole like attacks on people like like they write something negative and i do a whole like i can spend like 35 minutes like
Starting point is 00:01:11 looking into their instagram account and all this stuff but then i always i never do it i try to make it funny the funniest part of course i love the people who make fun of me but then i go into their account and i see like pictures of them getting the shot and wearing masks and just doing participating in the fucking the tardiness you've got by the way by the way those of you who are offended by the word retard or tard it's not an offensive word it's it's not an offensive word if you were if you were to let's say um uh plant some things in your backyard and then you were to step on one of them which i've done before and you break the stem but it doesn't kill the plant and it starts growing off in a direction you've retarded its growth i i i don't even find
Starting point is 00:01:54 that word in the slightest bit offensive or in when was the first time you ever were approached having used that offensively like someone looks at you differently or only only in the last 10 years here's a guy drew henderson uh because he's upset because i use the word retardation it's like like quiet quiet just because your vocabulary doesn't just because you for fair burn books for a living just leave me alone there's someone in here i was sorry sorry i wish i would have um i wish i would have been more prepared for this. I promise you I'm prepared for a bunch of other stuff. But there's a guy in the comments who's basically saying,
Starting point is 00:02:33 oh, here it is. Okay, here it is. Ready? The games could be better, but all this CrossFit hate is very concerning. It's like we chastise the mob mentality. We label the CrossFit games as a failure. All this complaining and toxicity is not going to make them better because of the negative videos and bitching we are going to see a steep drop in open participation next year this is going to limit revenue for the very
Starting point is 00:02:54 things the bitching is about better judging better training well i agree there's been some big mistakes is the toxicity now he's he you've used that word twice now now i'm getting the woke vibe is the toxicity and seemingly vengeful complaint now he's, you've used that word twice now, now I'm getting the woke vibe. Is the toxicity and seemingly vengeful complaint, now he's analyzing me as being vengeful, really supportive of the better CF games experience for both the fans and the athletes? I do not have the answer, but there are some big names that could be out there helping this cause,
Starting point is 00:03:19 making the games better without just throwing daggers at the people running the games. Absence of Dave. It's still an awesome experience. It's still an all-inclusive. It's still CrossFit. And your immediate take is? Mr.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I know that's on my account, but I'm going to pretend that was for you, too. No, that's what I want to know. What is your immediate take? My immediate take is. That's not about me. That's about you. No, I think it's about what we're doing together i suppose um i very largely take that personally because i don't know if i should take it personally because when you take things personally all of a sudden you're on the uh
Starting point is 00:03:57 defensive and i'm not defensive about it i just don't understand i made a video once speaking about my swim team history and when when I was on swim team, I remember they would give you a rainbow ribbon. It's like, oh, nice job. You participated in this event. And it's like, I don't want that. And then they would give you, it's like, hey, here's your handful of rainbow ribbons. And it's like, all right, where's the blue one for first place? That's the only one that I want. And when I hear people using a bunch of that verbiage, what I hear is, oh, they're doing everything they can. It's a good job. Here's a bunch of that verbiage what i hear is oh they're doing everything they can it's a good job here's a bunch of rainbow ribbons it's like but really i think that they should be
Starting point is 00:04:29 shooting for the best like which is what i was accustomed to which is where most of the fuel for what i come from stems from which is they would always be trying to do the best and i think you put up that thing with dave at the press conference. It was 2012 or so. And it's like, hey, we'll be ready for 2013. We'll be ready for this. We'll be ready for this. That comment is from that post. Is it?
Starting point is 00:04:51 Okay. Yeah. And right now, I don't know if you want to talk about the press conference yesterday at all, but it doesn't seem as if they say, we'll be ready for this. We're ready for that. It seems as if they say something this way, and then they say something this way and and what they do then is they sit in the rainbow ribbon world um i want to play the intro of this to you um so i'll just make a quick response to it oh no i guess i don't i guess i don't care that if i'm being negative it's not my intention to be negative but someone sent me that video i think hillar was also on the thread in my dms
Starting point is 00:05:30 that video from 2013 and it just made me realize that like hey none of this is true anymore i know that like dave says in there all the stuff that that we did under greg's leadership we weren't concerned with growth we were concerned with doing what's right we weren't concerned with chasing money we were concerned with doing what's right. We weren't concerned with chasing money. We were concerned with being excellent. And there's just all of these things he said, and those things are non-existent anymore over at CrossFit. That's not the way it's run anymore. And I think it's totally fair. I said that. And if it upset you and it's negative, I, I hear you. I hear you. I, I, I hear you. And if what you were saying is valid, I hear you, and if what you were saying is valid, if there was some – Yeah, I hear you.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I don't want to just be spewing venom. That is absolutely not what I want to be doing. And you're only one comment out of 120 that were like, good job. But I'm not a consensus guy anyway. Maybe the other 19 people just like negativity. So who the fuck knows? But I would do – so straight back to the negative i want you to hear this this is the this is the they call it the crossfit semi-finals press conference it was definitely 100 not a press conference so it's a disingenuous name and it just
Starting point is 00:06:34 opens up with a lie here we go today if you think i shouldn't point that out i don't know what to tell you i know what a press conference is i've been to plenty of press conferences i've been to plenty of crossFit press conferences. I watch press conferences every week from other sports, specifically the UFC. This is 100% not a press conference. This is a propaganda conference. The biggest difference being loaded questions. They recorded it to be put out later.
Starting point is 00:07:03 That everyone's not welcome that that's real and that the real press isn't welcome and that it was in that it's being announced um i don't know if this one was announced on morning chaka but how was anyone how could you not how could you did you receive an email inviting you yeah i denied it oh you did no i'm kidding i didn't get one no i got you though no of course they didn't invite me they didn't invite you they don't they hate us yeah they have our email and i want to tell you i want to tell you something else too very very very clearly there was a time there were two people well i'm gonna tell you one thing about justin lefranco
Starting point is 00:07:43 justin lefranco had a newsletter and he wanted to come to the CrossFit Games as media, and I was the media director, and he contacted me, and I invited him, and I got him in there with the best VIP access ever that you could get, basically. And this was before morning chocolate was like anything. Not that it's anything now, that that's what that that that that that's how i handle it flash forward a few years and when when um um the meme wad guy and um armen hammer were just on full blasting just just attacking dave like like fucking psychopaths they um there was discussion on whether they should be allowed to come to the crossfit games and there's people in the current administration now and one guy
Starting point is 00:08:31 that's been fired that some of you think has been promoted um who told dave and and um no they you can't stop media just because you don't like what they say about you but either way this all like please take no i am not upset that I didn't get invited. I'm actually happy because it's just more fuel for content. But, but so, you know, this is a lie coming just straight out of HQ. And it really sucks that my friend Adrian Bosman is, is on the face of such a bold lie. They're taking a man with great integrity, great character, someone I really like who I know has no peer in how hard he works and using him as the face of such a bold lie. They're taking a man with great integrity, great character, someone I really like, who I know has no peer in how hard he works,
Starting point is 00:09:08 and using him as the face of a lie. If I was him, I would be like, hey, you got to change the name of this video. I don't want to be on a video that just opens up with a lie. But listen to what fucking comes out of Justin Berg's mouth right here. This is fucking just garbage.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Here we go. Semi-finals press availability, as we've talked about in the past. That's Andrew Weinstein, by the way. That's their PR guy. CrossFit, we never had anything. We never had PR guys when I worked there. You didn't need PR guys. If someone needed to know something, the CEO, Greg Glassman, would fucking speak to the world. Directly to the fucking affiliates. We didn't have a PR guy. How did that work out for you? Well, he's rich as fuck and the rest of us are stuck with fucking Justin Berg and Andrew Weinstein.
Starting point is 00:09:59 That's how it worked out. That's a good question. I will open your line so your mic will be live. As many folks as possible. The last press conference I was at was at the CrossFit Games in 2018, 19, 20, something, 18, 19, something like that. There were fucking 300 people there. Now this is just. I'm itching to hear what this is actually about.
Starting point is 00:10:21 What are we waiting for? This was like every single person they call, half the people they called, and this is from the morning, Chaka. Did you hear they called Brian Friend from the Savant podcast? Yes, I did. That was nice of them. Okay, here we go. Welcome, guys. This is part of our commitment that we started at the beginning of the year to make ourselves more available at a regular cadence to the press. More available to the press more available to the cadence therapy no no actually you're completely unavailable to hillar and i and um
Starting point is 00:10:50 and and we are the press so so lie number one god i wish we had one of your little counters um and other members of our community and and other members of our community so this isn't just a press conference this is for press and other members of our community well they did put it live this time for everyone to see 6 000 views it's almost got one-fifth of my latest video um where they're all here to see adrian by the way i want to start is by kind of framing where we are so we're excited we just wrapped up four weeks of semi-final competition And we're now seven weeks out. God, it's such a fucking joke. The people I heard who were there,
Starting point is 00:11:33 Brian Friend was there. Tommy Marquez was there. Kat from the Clydesdale podcast was there. Some guy from something called Hotbox or Hot Crocs or something. Some other guy named Joe. Katie Gannon from Morning Chalk Up. That guy who has the Native American last name from morning chalk up pillow. I'm someone named Presley Presley Hirsch from morning chalk up.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I'm a good bub. Fikowski got to ask a question that you probably didn't make it to the end of the video Hiller. But at the end, Fikowski asked Emma McQuaid a question. I was like, what was the question? Fuck. Um, do you want to move to Canada and get married to me? I don't fucking know interesting it was fucking it was it was nonsense it was nonsense i can't stay i don't i don't like the athlete portion i mean you you have these guys here and it's like hey thank you for making yourselves available to us and then they cut themselves off at 20 minutes like hey ask the
Starting point is 00:12:20 athlete some questions like well they have instagram messenger for that they answer people all day i I'm sure. I know people personally who have spoken with Brent all the time. I don't know anybody who's spoken with Adrian or Justin. Let them talk for a full hour. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly let them talk for a full hour. And also have it live just like this.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And then have a comment section. They'll just sit here and they'll just answer some questions. That's the way they should do it. I think I could be biased in this, but i'll throw it out there i think they're less available than ever i think crossfit is less available than ever i think we're here why do you say that what was it like before i mean i don't ever remember there being um difficult to getting access to to me i mean some fucking dork named lefranco reached out to me and fucking i got him into the crossfit games everyone was welcome fucking hunter mcintFranco reached out to me and fucking, I got him into the CrossFit games. Everyone was welcome.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Fucking Hunter McIntyre got to go to the CrossFit games. He didn't qualify. I think it was always way more available than it is now. Way more transparent than it is now. It's fucking on lockdown now. That's what Andrew Weinstein's job is. Yeah. I think there used to be incredible access and i don't think it exists anymore
Starting point is 00:13:28 there's this one line in here i want to read and then and then um justin said that there were inconsistencies from one event to the next but it did not affect the overall results from the event and i hear what he's saying he's basically saying maybe at one event, the ropes were longer. One event, the bars were higher. One event, the shuttle runs were longer, whatever they were.
Starting point is 00:13:50 But at the end, it didn't affect the competition at that event. Unless your name was Scott Panchik because the inconsistencies at the event are who? Matt DeLugos. Matt DeLugos. Unless you were him, probably arguably one of the best uh top 20 best crossfitters of all time the inconsistencies at the inconsistencies at the event actually
Starting point is 00:14:11 did affect him they fucking ended his career shit yeah because the way that i heard that is they were trying to have it so each athlete at each semi-final had an equal opportunity to qualify for the games within the realm of the standards put there. I didn't hear it the way that you heard it, which is interesting, but you're also right. Which was, oh, you mean what I just read? Correct, yeah. How did you hear it? But yeah, the way that I heard it.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So if, let's say, Matalugos was at strength and depth where they had switched the bar heights apparently per their conference what they said like they upped the bar heights yeah then delugos would have if they had had the same workouts at granite games had a greater opportunity to qualify through strength and depth oh if he had to do that workout that's how i heard it which is interesting that's also that's not true because if you put that granite games workout with a higher bar height, all of a sudden the likelihood of him qualifying increases. So that's a false statement he's making. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:14 That's how I heard it. Justin said we allowed the organizers to be accountable of movement standards and safety. I'm going to read that one more time. I, Justin said we allowed organizers to be accountable of movement standards and safety is that is that so basically at that point i think he's just putting all the blame on on it's a piece of shit on the semi-finals you think it's a piece of shit oh my god could you ever imagine uh god everyone's like oh you love dave so much and he'll be on your show later that's pretty cool however could you ever imagine saying that like yeah it wasn't our fault no that's why it wasn't our fault
Starting point is 00:15:50 fuck those guys the guys who uh paid us money to put on these events for us they do pay they pay crossfit money to my knowledge are you not aware no i don't know i don't know i don't know how i need to put crossfit on their event yeah i don't know how that works with the with the semi-finals and then i yeah yeah okay uh tommy marquez asked a question i didn't understand the question i sure as fuck didn't understand the answer i just the the one thing i kind of plucked from it was that justin liked strength and death because it had more than elite competition which he thinks he added to the greater community event i think what he's saying is that they maybe had like adaptive division or age divisions there and that and that helped the community event. I will say this. I've never seen such empty crowds at any regional sanctional event like I saw this year when we used to do the regionals.
Starting point is 00:16:38 It would be packed everywhere. I went all over the world, all over the United States would be packed. I will ask Dave today when he comes on the show why he thinks North American. I'll tell you why. Yeah, tell me. You want to know why? The other night after we did our month-long binge of episodes over the course of the weekends, I sat on the couch. I turned on 2018 regionals, and they were loaded.
Starting point is 00:17:02 They were super freaking crazy. I was there. I remember what it was like. It was loud. I was there. I remember what it was like. It was loud. It was crazy. I remember sitting there at the end, waiting to hear the teams called because we were right on the cusp. And all I could think of is this.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I watched every single second of semifinals to do our coverage. And not one time did I get the same sensations that I got watching that on that Sunday night after having seen everything. You look around and every single- What do you think the difference is? What do you think the difference is what do you think the difference is I'll tell you the difference is the fact that I was from Lombard we competed in Tennessee and it was an eight hour drive and no less than 30 of my members came out to watch us yeah um all the semi-final all the regionals I went to is tons of affiliates there massive affiliate that doesn't account for like
Starting point is 00:17:44 my teammates family members so there's probably 15 attendants for my team alone at that point in time and then you also have to take into account the individuals on that side and their work community events so the thing about wadapalooza you go there it's packed it's because everyone's fucking competing but everyone's going to support everybody at these regional events back in 2018 and it was wild everyone was super invested in it too. Dude, CrossFit Invictus in San Diego, when the regionals would be there,
Starting point is 00:18:10 they would, they would take up a whole fucking section of the stands. It's wild, right? Does that happen anymore? There'd be like 300 people there. No, first of all,
Starting point is 00:18:18 they would do this thing for Josh Bridges, the entire Invictus, like group crowd, CJ would organize them and they would all hold they would make a tunnel and hold hands and they'd call it a love tunnel and josh would run through it before and after events sometimes and they would tell him how much they love him it was fucking intense that's sorry go ahead i mean well and it was probably easier for him to do that because it was closer to the affiliates they were working out of right oh yeah yeah i was right down the fucking street so let's let's say my affiliates
Starting point is 00:18:48 in san diego just like like just bam they're all into it too yeah and let's say we were in san diego let's say my affiliate in 2018 was there but then i had to go compete at the mac i maybe two people come out with me because it's an expense to get there not a trip not like a weekend drive trip it's like hey we're gonna go hang out and we're gonna go like number one was support the people you want to support number two vendor village was sick yeah vendor village was always sick at all the ones i went to everyone always like what walked away with a bunch of shit from rogue and whatever like apparel companies that sponsored my team like they had booths there and that sort of thing so it was just different and better.
Starting point is 00:19:27 And I wonder if Dave will say the same thing, if it had to do with the proximity to the affiliates back then. You know what else was cool too? They did the San Diego Regionals at a horse track. So it gave it a real cool feel. You know what I mean? It felt like you were at a like a state fair. It was, it felt more familial trying to think all the ones that weren't in stadiums,
Starting point is 00:19:51 the ones they did say did some in Northern California, like at like places that look like farms with a lot of hay and shit. And it was always felt more familial, like a cool place to bring friends and family. Are you saying that's different today? I mean, everything's seen. All the ones ones I've seen now are indoor stadium events. Like it's trying to mimic this, like it's trying to mimic ball and stick sports. Ball and stick.
Starting point is 00:20:16 You used a baseball hater. Yeah, I am. What do you think about this? I think Justin said that athletes have popped for steroid use i think that's what he was implying to what it sounded like but i really have trouble understanding when he talks i think he uses eight times as many words as necessary he must have never coached a crossfit class before because you could you only out like two minutes to get the everything across before everyone gets anxious again.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Did you hear that? That people popped? Did you? Yeah, it sounds like they're going through their B sample. Do you know how that works? No. Let's say you qualify for the games. You pee into the cup.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And then they take two samples. Like there's two cups. And they test the one. And then they're like, hey, Sevan, you got D-ball in your urine. And you're like, no, I don't. Try it again. And then they're like hey seven you got d ball in your urine and you're like no i don't try it again and then they try the b sample and then he's like uh it was in both of them it wasn't a mistake and then i say but i it's because i was french kissing hiller or because someone tainted your cheeseburger don't say don't say taint someone put taint in my taint tainted frank dubac uh you know what else was cool savon was real media back then thank you
Starting point is 00:21:27 thank you i'm i'm actually only real media now uh adrian said that we are uh hypercritical we are in a hypercritical moment but there isn't an increase in incidents i'm assuming he was talking about bad judging and reps in general. Every statement made is just incredibly weak. And while I like to give credit for, they've taken steps in the right direction by making that public. Like we could watch it, right? The last one we weren't able to watch. We had to sneak our way into it.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Everyone can see this one, so that's good. It doesn't mean that what they were saying did anything. So I put out a video yesterday about how they don't do anything they don't say anything and oh the video yesterday is brutal i got some notes on it i cannot are people going to the crossfit games who didn't qualify for the fucking games in a way you can't say for sure in the same way where like you don't know how the leaderboard was supposed to look after that shuttle run workout, workout number three of the quarterfinals, you don't know because they didn't do their job.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And the same thing happened again, but this time the implications were there are athletes at the games because of it. Maybe shouldn't be, but we don't know. Isn't it funny that they were patting themselves on the back in the press conference about how good they've done for adaptive athletes and masters. They didn't even know what the fuck was about to hit them because I hadn't put that out yet.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And yet there's the, the master's qualification is, is, is, um, is broken. I mean, people,
Starting point is 00:22:56 after watching your video, I'm like, holy shit, some dudes are going to the games who Hiller showed fucking, they half their reps were ass. And it's so easy. Like there are only 10 people in each division going it's like you you know how we i understand the erroneous score thing from there's hundreds of there's almost a thousand people scores they've had to check on either side but there's literally 10 people's workouts you've had to check it would take one
Starting point is 00:23:20 guy an hour to look through the videos and say oh yeah you shouldn't have made it through this section of this wall ball workout. It would have taken two minutes to see it, and they didn't do fucking anything. Let me go to your YouTube account. There's two videos. If you haven't seen them yet, you may want to take a peek at. I watch all of these while I ride the assault bike. You know what?
Starting point is 00:23:44 As I'm editing them now, I'm like, oh, this one, he's going to be pissed. This one's 30 minutes. It's going to be a long assault bike ride. It's a long one. This one, where is it? The first one. Is it the judges? No.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Where's the one with Tim Tillman? Tommy Tillman? Tommy Tillman. That one would be the double down, 8.7K. So that's the second one I made. The first one was, we have a problem. That's the one with the counters on them.
Starting point is 00:24:09 The one right underneath it to the left of Adrian Bosman. Who thought this was this one? Who, who thought this? Yeah. Yeah. So this one, who thought this was a good idea?
Starting point is 00:24:19 It has Adrian on it and Dave holding a snake if you want. So watch that video and then realize that none of those issues that Andrew pointed out were fixed and they're not a joke. They're not. I mean, it's dudes who are doing wall balls who are not, they're not squatting. They're just throwing the ball.
Starting point is 00:24:37 You could say that. Correct. So one of them wasn't hitting depth on the majority. One of them wasn't getting the ball over the target on many. And then the guy in the middle was doing a little bit of both. That's the guy that I made the second video on because it's like, Andrew, you didn't take into account where he put his tape lines. Like, well, there's a spot you're supposed to put it, but let's say it was in this spot. It still doesn't matter because the heart of the video, which is what I kept on saying, was that he shouldn't have made it to the point of the workout in which he made it, which led me to the third video because it didn't matter.
Starting point is 00:25:10 They didn't fucking do anything. They didn't look at the workouts. They didn't look at the videos. I don't agree with Adrian that it's always been this way and that and that now people are just hypercritical and that there's just increased. I do believe that there's increased incidents. I do believe it is a complete shit show this year um but that being said i i do want to acknowledge that he has better optics than i do um but uh either way i don't i i don't understand that as i don't understand that as a response. So you were getting raped at home. And so we put you in a halfway house and you get raped in the halfway house.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Oh, but the response is, well, you were getting raped at home anyway. No, you went to the... Jesus Christ. I know, I know. It's brutal, brutal simile. But you changed leadership and you have these massive problems that have completely invalidated the competition. Brian asked about the names of the games is CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Is it CrossFit finals or CrossFit games? Yeah, that was, that was a good question. He was kind of ticked off. It seemed like I was told that Justin, I was told that Justin, part of the things that how they,
Starting point is 00:26:21 they took away CrossFit HQ and they took away pukey and they took it with all the, and they changed it from crossfit training to crossfit edu and there's all these things that rosa was doing to try to instead of um uh uh we'll mess you up or um uh forging elite fitness they changed it to happiness smiles and and whatever the fuck their new motto is i heard that this thing thing that Justin chose CrossFit finals to try to change it from CrossFit games because he wanted it to feel more like a professional sport and take away from what Dave was doing.
Starting point is 00:26:53 But I have no proof of that, but I heard that. That was the rumor. He was trying to put his stamp on the games by changing it to finals. What do you think their vision of all of this is? Do you think they have one? No.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I bet you Justin's written out a fucking 50-page manifesto that only he's read or understands, yes. Okay, well, that's good, I guess, because it doesn't seem to me like they understand who they're speaking to anymore. Or maybe they know who they're speaking to and they're trying not to lose the other half.
Starting point is 00:27:29 You know what? I'm'm gonna keep on probably relate as i just have this at the top of my mind but you're talking to hunter and you're talking about like matt switching training platforms to put his product on yeah yeah the scary part of that is whether or not he's going to lose half of the credit cards because people need to switch their credit cards over yeah and part of me wonders if at the games level, Justin and them are like, we're switching this over and we're terrified of losing half of our customers. So they're still trying to dabble in both of them. And half of us are all fucking pissed off
Starting point is 00:27:55 because we know that you're trying to switch over our credit cards, but you're not telling us. Right, right, right. You want us to switch platforms? Does that make sense to you? Yeah. That's why we're all so upset. This is what You want us to switch platforms? Does that make sense to you? Yeah. That's why we're all so upset. This is what we want.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Are we switching? Tell us. Maybe we'll come with. Maybe we won't. But you're not telling us anything. Or what's better? Well, so the best question I heard, the most precise, the one that's like not pussyfooting around,
Starting point is 00:28:21 the one that wasn't ambiguous was from a man named Chase Ingram from the Get With The Programming podcast. He's also a commentator for crossfit semifinals been around forever chase asked who had the final say on the risers bar height and rope length like he fucking just asked it like thank you thank you yeah just just like oh he pointed at some shit some objective shit some real shit and then the answer was answered the question i think the directors i think the directors of the semifinals had the final say but the semifinals directors were looking for guidance from hq and at one point i don't remember who it was i think it was justin even put some blame on bill henniger at um because he said we also um uh checked in with the equipment manufacturers
Starting point is 00:29:15 powerful man of fitness yeah the most powerful man of fitness i think that they they were kind of spreading the blame around a little bit like smith like you know like when a bird shits on your windshield and all you have like a shitty like wipe and you wipe it to try to wipe it off and instead it spreads it everywhere i think it was kind of i felt like that that that's what that press conference was just smearing the shit around so yeah here's the issue and here's the same thing we're not going to tell you about just like we always do so i think that was just like a waste of time. Yeah, I think. Well, the yeah, I didn't walk away.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I didn't feel walking. I didn't walk away feeling like really hyped about the games, which I think you should have. You know what they said? I've been to I walk away being like, fuck, I can't wait for tomorrow. Really? Yeah. The UFC press conferences. I'm fucking pumped that they ask a question. They go this way.
Starting point is 00:30:03 They go that way. And then by the time the question is over you're like what was the answer yes yeah is that how you felt about everything and then and then you're also like okay so you realize there's a problem but you're not telling us the answer so it's either what was it or oh there's something in the works when the fuck are we going to hear about that or are you just waiting for us to forget right they're waiting for you to forget yeah we won't forget i got time we won't forget we we rise at dawn hey what did you expect you don't think we were going to watch your your your propaganda conference there's no plan b i told you it's just full speed ahead you think they watch this and they're like god damn it
Starting point is 00:30:42 no we're trying to do no you don't think they watch this no they're like, God damn it. No, we're trying to do. No, you don't think they watch this? No, they can't anymore. It's too hard for them. You're sharing your screen, you know. Oh, I am? Shit. Thank you. FYI.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Oh, yeah. How's that better? I mean, HWPO. There was nothing in there anyway. It's just that's all my draft. Okay. These are my notes from the Hiller podcast. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:31:03 And away we go. Am I a bully? Hiller Fit and Review. Oh, we'll get there. First, I need to show you something. I don't know if you've seen this. I've seen everything. I don't know if you've seen this.
Starting point is 00:31:17 So you know I'm kind of a hater of the machines, especially the Skier. I haven't seen this. It's a sold-out house. You know I'm a hater of the skier dude i think this i think we're going to see this at the crossfit games i think this is going to be justin berg's solution to fucking um swimming in e coli is that no olsen look at this fucking thing this is a swim it's a it's a swim it's a swim machine seven if this enters the crossfit games i exit the youtube world this look at this is ridiculous
Starting point is 00:31:52 look at no seven this is a trainer oh i hope it's a trainer no there i'll show you there's a guy i'm doing butterfly on it like for a workout i need to find let me see if oh this is it this is it here we go oh no this isn't it yeah so you think this is just a trainer you don't think this is like well i don't know that's a what the guy in the pool was doing is a drill and it looks like he was demoing the drill on the trainer the vezzo whatever the hell this thing is as a trainer look at this looks like that at crossfit gym look at you see the dynamax ball and it's a shot through the ring yeah 2012 shot through the ring yes yes hey guys uh this will be in the crossfit games this year mark my word
Starting point is 00:32:46 shut up there's no way if it is it is it is it is this is the realize that the skier is training basically the same pattern that like the butterfly would no but that there is a video in here of butterfly wait wait wait click on that click on that monitor go up go up go up here the wait, wait. Click on that monitor. Go up, go up, go up. Here? The one on the left. What does that monitor show? Because this would be, is it similar to the C2? Does it have a distance?
Starting point is 00:33:15 Objective feedback on stroke rate, time, power output, force production. It's coming. Okay. All right. Now that I've seen that, you might be on to something. I didn't know I had a monitor that's giving you feedback. Coming to the CrossFit Games near you. And semifinals are going to be filled with them next year.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I hope not. I don't think it was smart that Justin pointed out that gee is a um that they're going gee's like superstar status in brazil and helping it's going to help crossfit grow he gave gee way too much leverage there i think that that that statement he said is going to backfire him the last thing fucking uh happens need is fucking the director of sport or whatever he is jerking him off in a press conference like that. You know, LeBron James,
Starting point is 00:34:05 he just totally brought up the NBA in North America. And now all of a sudden LeBron James is more powerful than, than the NBA. As you're saying. Yes, yes, yes. Is that the most powerful statement made by Justin Berg in the whole
Starting point is 00:34:17 press conference was in relation to Guy? Probably. It was the only thing I, well, that was the only thing I understood. And the thing he said about strength and depth, those are the only two things I understand. I, so there was a guy at CrossFit Inc who,
Starting point is 00:34:31 there's these people who just are amazing workers, but the second you put them in leadership positions, they start draining the rest of their team. Every time they get up in front of the team, everyone feels exhausted. My friend Travis Bajent told me this. There's two kinds of vacations. There's vacations that are too short and vacations that are too long. There's no such thing as a perfect vacation.
Starting point is 00:34:52 So you always want to leave when it's just a little bit too short. So that way you have good memories about it and you want to come back. If it's too long, the whole fucking thing is ruined. And leadership, if their vacation is too long. Yeah. Why? I don't know. It's just the way it works.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Don't ruin my story. Leadership is the leadership is the exact same way. If you get up in front of your team and they fucking, everyone's like rolling their eyes and been like, fuck, I should have got a fucking coffee before this started. And, and, and I, and I think that that's what they i think that's what they have at uh crossfit inc with justin berg and and here's the thing i know some of you who are on the boat as i throw rocks at it are pissed i get it i was fucking so irritated with andy stump when he was
Starting point is 00:35:35 fucking launching nukes at us while i was still on the ship but i know a fucking shit ton of you who are on the ship are like holy fuck i'm glad someone's saying this i'm so glad someone's saying this when's the last time you took a vacation i don't take vacations i don't compartmentalize my life i'm on vacation right now look at do you know how excited i was to wake up this morning and know i was going to see you and get to do this this is dope i wouldn't do it i was sitting here and i'm like yes the link and then you were at your chair i was like where the fuck is this guy i was in the comment section sitting here and I'm like, yes, the link. And then you were in your chair. I was like, where the fuck is this guy? I was in the comment section talking to people. I'm like, he's late.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I've been waiting for this all morning. Shut up. That's just the way it works. Don't ruin my story. Thank you. That's the story of the show, eh? By the way, if there is that stupid swimming machine at the games before there's a VersaClimber or a Jacob's Ladder. Yeah. Ridiculous. Do you know's a VersaClimber or Jacob's Ladder.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Yeah. Ridiculous. Do you know what a VersaClimber is? Yeah, they're nasty. Yeah. My watch is talking to me. The VersaClimber is nasty as fuck, right? It can be, especially if you're really getting after it.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And every second counts. I remember John Welborn almost killed his brothers on it. Every second counts. I don't Welborn almost killed his brothers on it. Every second counts. I don't remember that part in that movie. It's been a while since I've seen that. Okay, here we go. We're back. You will not be able to see the interview I do with Dave Castro today
Starting point is 00:36:59 unless you're signed up for the Sevan newsletter, because you will only be able to get the link through that newsletter. So you better fucking go over to my website and sign up that's not true i just that's not true you finally did it no it's not true but but i but i but don't tell anyone uh don't tell don't tell anyone that it's not true everyone can see it's just gonna be live on my youtube hey um so okay um there's this video you you make of um uh the guy tommy it's the one it's it's uh is it which which one is it it's green it's in the middle wait a minute there's there's three of them it's this one though no the one from four days ago responding to tommy tillman's relatives here's in that video you say this is not my job yeah but i think it is your job you've made it your job also yeah okay
Starting point is 00:37:49 okay so i just want you to make yeah you're correct you're correct like i just hate that when people are like um it's not my job i'm just doing this no fuck that i i would say that I've given myself the ability to explain myself in a way that most people cannot. So did you know I went on the Coffee Pods podcast yesterday? No, is it? I recorded it at least. Is it? It'll come out next week. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:17 And in there, we were discussing about the possible danger and pressure that comes with doing what I'm doing, which is I say, and I don't mean to like throw away the entire episode, but in there I break up the fact that my fiance took three days to put a post together and I shared on my story and I was like, Hey guys, can you go like this? It was really important to her.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And she got a thousand likes on it, which is huge. Like her biggest post ever was like 80 likes. And I was like, Oh, that's cool. But it's also kind of scary. Um, but through
Starting point is 00:38:46 doing what i'm doing which has been the plan the whole time which was like rise my platform to a point where i say something people can at least hear what the hell i'm trying to say this video is the perfect encapsulation of me now explaining what i was trying to say in the first one which apparently they missed and what they missed, this is our freaking brother, coach, relative, whatever. How dare you try to slander him? And I'm like, hey, I got eyes. And everyone also watching this has eyes, and they can see that I'm not trying to slander him. Maybe I missed something, but I'm going to now explain myself and show you that, all right, the point of the video remains the same. And it's something that
Starting point is 00:39:25 if i hadn't been doing what i'm doing i wouldn't be able to do and explain myself and i think any of his friends walked up to him and were like hey dude your reps really were shallow uh it would be it would be interesting i i hope that would be the case or maybe he said it maybe he's like guys leave hillar alone he fucking nailed it i think Or maybe he said it. Maybe he's like, guys, leave Hiller alone. He fucking nailed it. Maybe he said that. Maybe that guy said that. I'm sure you've run into these people where there's types of people in the world.
Starting point is 00:39:54 And there's people who will accept criticism. And there's people who are just like fight till the day they die with their own opinions. And then they'll be dead one day having lived without opinion. It would be interesting. I'm very curious to know what happened as a result in his life because I haven't heard anything yet. All I know is he's at the CrossFit Games. He is going.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Correct. And should he be there? It's hard to say because they didn't filter that workout, and that's the point. When you made the video about the guy um the the first master's athlete what was his name hip and steel he reached out to you have any of these guys reached out to you just his relatives okay quote unquote which is what i call them because i assume they're close to him so that's me being kind of funny i think i I'm being funny. Right. It is funny. I like it. His mom, his dad, his sister.
Starting point is 00:40:46 So, I mean, I had Hip and Steel tell me, and I posted a video on that, that say, hey, can you bring that down? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You don't know what it's like to be me. And I'm like, well, how about everyone else? How about it? Also, here's the thing. Bridge it off of that.
Starting point is 00:40:59 The guy in first place, I would say, let's imagine Rich Froning does Fran. He does it in two minutes, right? Okay, you're assuming and you know that he probably did the movements right, shunned over the bar, squatted to death, locked his elbows out on the thrusters, two minutes. And then the guy in 14th place did it in a minute and 30 seconds. And you're like, all right, what the fuck is going on there? That's what that leaderboard looks like to me.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Yeah, if you guys want to see that, you can see that in the video he put up yesterday, by the way, this one, this one right here, there's massive discrepancies. There's just things that stand out that don't make sense between the scores of people who are in 14th place versus first place.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Yeah. The guy in the guy in third place has 114 reps. And the guy in first place is like 48 reps. And you're telling me, and I understand that there are people who are really good at wall balls it happens but it's also unlikely that he got that much further than the guy who won the division and that's the point it's like it's you got to filter these workouts it's your only job it's like it's like going to the semi-finals and doing exactly what katrin's doing but worse because you didn't even have someone there watching the workout you know you know what
Starting point is 00:42:04 i mean because it's a semi-final it's the qualifier for the games it's like katrin go do the workout by yourself we trust you but everyone else you gotta judge um bullies punch down if hillary's going after those just starting crossfit and they can't do proper reps that is bully if we're talking about games athletes that is not punching down yeah i think um i i think that's one of many reasons and i think that's a great one. Thank you. You use the word bully a lot. Me?
Starting point is 00:42:28 Bully. No, that's how you say it too, bully. Bully, bully, bully. Now, when you use it, I feel like you'd be the perfect one to give your sense of how it's used as an adjective. Now, would you say that what I'm doing is bullying? Because there's so many different ways to describe words and rationalize what it is the hell you're doing. And I can do it and people can do it for me.
Starting point is 00:42:50 And that's the scary part. People will back me up. Here's, so I think what Michael said is true. And I want to say one other thing, and I was going to save this for later. Here's the irony and the preposterousness of anyone getting upset at what you're doing. They may not like your delivery. It's none of anyone getting upset at what you're doing they might not
Starting point is 00:43:05 like your delivery it's none of their fucking business at all zero but but but fine okay um you're judging p first of all it's a sport so it's it's predicated on needing judgment and guidelines and rules that without that it's not so in there you fit in perfect the second thing is you're going to an event to judge someone and yet you are butthurt when andrew judges you the irony in that is fucking bizarre you could apply that to social media too you say something on social media and then you get defensive when someone comes after you yeah like you just put it like if i got mad when people like talk shit about me i'm like no as i did it in the first place and and i'm not yeah so so i i it's um and you're not you're not you i don't you've never incited the mob you're never like hey let's well the one thing you do say
Starting point is 00:44:03 fuck it i'll just skip to the end you say something at the end of that video that's fascinating to me let's just let's just get rid of judges all together oh okay yeah i have said and i and i really fucking like this this is the so one way you can go is pay the judges the other way is let's just get rid of judges yeah now all of a sudden what we've done now all of a sudden what we've done now all of a sudden what we've done is we've let everyone on the internet we've given them carte blanche to attack you for your reps which would be sick so it would be savage dude michael helpin put up a comment on my video which completely he says like this is how you fix the internet for the online competition. I agree.
Starting point is 00:44:45 It's a well put out thing. Adrian Bosman, Justin Berg would look at it. There's your $100,000. You're welcome. Michael did it for free. Again, he saved CrossFit. What is it? Where can I read this?
Starting point is 00:44:56 This thing, how been put out? I want to say it's on my most recent video. I pinned it. It's the first comment down there. Okay. Okay. But then also. So although I'm glad. Yeah. Dude, I was kind of sad during this video. recent video i pinned it it's the first comment down there okay okay but then also so although
Starting point is 00:45:05 i'm glad yeah dude i was kind of sad during this video someone messaged me and they're like are you want a bunch of pain meds i go no i'm just really sad that nothing's being fixed uh click read more uh oh yeah okay okay so this is michael halpin fixed in three steps that help promote CrossFit athletes, promote L1 and cause zero to CrossFit HQ. And he's got a three-step process. Submit it publicly and have all the videos public. Once you reach the quarterfinals, semifinals, you have to have someone who's an L1 as the judge. You have to reopen the ability to put it through the affiliate manager, which is something they took away this year, which we infer it was because of COVID. And we understand why they may have done that,
Starting point is 00:45:49 but they need to bring it back because it was very important. It's like the bridge. Do you remember that? If you put a workout in, it wouldn't populate the leaderboard right away. You had to go to an affiliate, have the affiliate manager. Yes, yes. It was like one layer that was very important that they removed. Videos are visible through the deadline for community review.
Starting point is 00:46:07 And if anything, you're getting praise for doing the right thing, which is something in Michael's position. He's like, hey, I can strive to get a couple thumbs up for doing a good workout. It's like, hey, look how good of a mover I am. I got 28 likes on my open workout. Interesting. So do you think that would really work? know it sounds preposterous but just get rid of judges and and and basically like just everyone in the crowd gets like rocks and tomatoes
Starting point is 00:46:33 and shit and if you see like um a catcher not standing up all the way you just throw shit at her the thing that it would possibly do the huge negative to it is that it might ruin the spectatorship of it. Do you understand? Because instead of people just enjoying the athleticism, they're going to be scrutinizing the. Well, no, no, no. What I'm saying is it's like you say they have 10 people. And again, let's use Fran. They're doing Fran.
Starting point is 00:46:58 And let's say someone in the middle of the workout forgets how many reps they've got to do wherever they've got to do it. Then that person's competition is fucked. Sometimes the judge helps them direct where they're going uh you can circumvent that by having the field laid out in a certain way the other issue becomes let's say katrin is doing fran amongst nine other females and she finishes first and then retroactively has 30 seconds added to her score for not getting her chin above the bar. Everyone's like, wait a minute, what happened there? It ruins the spectatorship to a degree,
Starting point is 00:47:32 but I think the biggest thing that it does is what you said, and it almost makes them do everything better on purpose because they don't want to lose that. Yeah, I just love the idea of the fans just having fucking like it's like let's see if they're really accountable you are now responsible what w w w e w w f yeah wrestling thing the fans there are rowdy they're into it they're like let's fucking go it could be they start booing your name if you're not fucking standing up all the way i they could do that already minus the rock throwing hillary you come off way better during conversation than you do in your vids i
Starting point is 00:48:18 wonder what way that means am i i don't think the judge was influenced by so here's the thing people always say about the judges being influenced by the crowd. I'm having trouble relating to that. I can't imagine being a judge and being influenced by the crowd. Not because I'm above it or below it. Like, how would that work? There was a story last weekend that there was a judge being directly influenced by a coach. Did you not work on that with me?
Starting point is 00:48:43 I don't know, but let me add this wow wow i just thought of something if they there was a judge who judged the rumor is is that there was a judge who judged katrin hiller made an instagram video and pointed out that katrin's reps weren't good and that judge didn't show up the next day now but i guess that in itself is no difference that judge was influenced by the crowd so maybe it's good that that judge left he was influenced by one crowd member in specific andrew hiller super fan and so and so if he could be influenced by andrew hiller that means he could be influenced by the fact that he's judging katrin interesting wow you're you're so deep man
Starting point is 00:49:24 i was good at that thing when you're a kid and you got to connect the dots one two you draw the lines between the numbers okay so there's the proof right there i was looking for okay now i can kind of relate to it okay so he kind of outed himself he kind of outed himself yeah i could be influenced by hillar i could be influenced by catrin maybe it's a good thing he stepped down people are saying be influenced by Katrin. Maybe it's a good thing. He stepped down. People are saying it was a mean thing, but maybe it's a good thing. He's just not, he's like, you know what? I'm not qualified. Or she only, the only sense in which it would be a mean thing is if the guys hurting
Starting point is 00:49:54 because of it, because that's never the intention. It just like, dude, if you're not supposed to be there, you shouldn't be there. Like if you've had a job to do, you signed up to do something. I don't know. Let's say your job was to filter the water for entire community people and before you know it the entire community is poisoned because you didn't do your job it's like well that was your fault are you going to feel bad when everyone's pissed off at you or are you going to say you're right i didn't uh put that chemical in to make
Starting point is 00:50:17 sure everything's yeah you should feel bad you should you would be yeah and in a sense maybe he should have a sort of if you're a human being, if he's a healthy human being, you should feel bad for fucking up. Amen. And hey, here's the thing that Hiller points out and doesn't point it out enough. It's not Katrin who's being hurt. It's the person in sixth place
Starting point is 00:50:40 and in seventh place and in eighth place. How do you feel about him deleting his Instagram, possibly uh whenever i see people delete their social media i just immediately think batshit crazy oh fuck i just think batshit like you're batshit crazy like chill you know what um just now when you said you told people to go like Instagram posts, I don't use social media. I don't even know how to look at likes on my social media. I wouldn't even know where to look. You're just mad because you're shadow bandy. You don't get any likes.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Well, that's probably true too. I just like comments. I like comments, good or bad. I just like, I'm a comment whore. But I guess there's people out there who kind of live and die by this stuff, and he felt, yeah, I think batshit crazy right have you i mean did you i mean this is totally off subject but what what do what do people do in this day and age like when you have you have all these photos on your instagram of your girlfriend or boyfriend and then you break up with them like do you do erase those like i
Starting point is 00:51:47 would never want to post anything that i would want to erase later well and that's why we need someone like dave castor at the top because he spoke about why he doesn't have any photos of anything he wouldn't want to have seen by anybody right yeah yeah you mean like his family he's just a forward-thinking person everything he does makes sense and same thing with what you just said and if you don't want people to fucking see it don't put it on the internet you idiot have a little bit of foresight that's the thing people don't think about him erasing his instagram account i just think that that means someone had a mental breakdown there's always something behind it it's never as simple as oh they deleted it feel bad for them there's always a reason and. It's never as simple as, oh, they deleted it. Feel bad for
Starting point is 00:52:25 them. There's always a reason. And I put people into boxes. So when I'm talking to somebody and I have like these ideas of people, it's like, there's, let's say 20 different types of people. And the second they do something, I'm like, oh, all of a sudden you're close to that box. You're going to have to do something and move yourself out of that one into this one. And I can chalk guy up to the same did you see the guy on instagram who did murph and i made a video about it and it was a reel that i made and he was doing murph and he was half repping i think it was the day after memorial day and this person is it on your instagram correct yeah it'll really piss you off it pissed off a lot of people oh yeah yeah yeah i remember i remember i remember i commented on his video i was like dude what are you doing and then i put
Starting point is 00:53:09 the reel up and then after an hour his post had like 200 comments and that was probably the worst of something i did on accident which was a mob mentality thing and it's not what i was trying to do yeah i actually thought who cares if someone's not doing murph i i mean oh come on i don't give a fuck i i'm i'm okay with you well no i'm okay with anyone who's just working out i don't give a fuck about what the workout is if it's murph or not murph the only time i care is is when you do it at the um events other than that i'm leave i just say leave everyone alone but go ahead unless it's it's for comedy. Unless it's for comedy. I hate no, you do you. I'm not judging you for it.
Starting point is 00:53:47 You do it. I'm just saying it doesn't interest me. Let's say that it has nothing to do with working out then. And let's say that you wanted to go out with your family, but it wasn't about going out with your family. It was more important that you show the world that you're going to hang out with your family. So you go out out you go to like chucky cheese or some shit i know you never go there but let's say i used to love that place
Starting point is 00:54:10 as a kid guys take a picture with the mouse take a picture over there and go to the ball pit we'll take a picture and then that your kids are fucking suffering because like you're more you care more about the pictures and the stuff you're gonna put on the internet and then the next day everyone's like oh look how good of a time savant head with this kid's a chucky cheese. And in the meantime, your kids are all like, you know, my dad didn't even talk to me. He was too busy editing photos the entire time. Okay. I hear you. How does that parallel to doing an ass Murph? So he had a, his, his Murph post was 10 pictures long and the camera was in different angles and different positions. And it's like, look at where my pull-ups look like here and let's see how my run went here and i was in the basement over here
Starting point is 00:54:47 it's because he had his phone moving around and he had more of a importance put onto the idea that everyone would see him doing murph than he was actually doing murph it was like hey i did it it's up a little bit we're getting a little bit back i know now i'm just now i'm just i'm just this one's good this one's. This is one of my favorites. One of my favorites too. That's Alexis. There's the fiance. Hey, this was just.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Wait, wait, don't turn it off yet. This was, I'm not, I'm not. Yeah, yeah. Hey, this is just some, this is just some rando you saw on Instagram and you went at him for his Murph depiction. Somebody sent it to me, but yeah, it was a rando. That rope climb one is good. I've never seen anybody do this before. I bet Liver King could do it.
Starting point is 00:55:33 You're all juiced up. I'm super juiced up. Yep, that was a month or so after semifinals last year. Hardest part's coming down. The second hardest part is being afraid that when you accidentally fall you're gonna die because you're gonna catch your nuts on that plate i'll i'm gonna try that uh way to rope climb yeah don't hurt yourself i won't promise i promise have you ever done one before they got the weight vest or anything
Starting point is 00:56:01 no that that 55 pound plate was ridiculous it was it was nothing like it i've never i was i did not expect it to be that hard i was actually gonna go heavier i'm like nope i'm gonna die hey imagine if something did go wrong there you could have your fucking balls pushed up into your ass i uh probably would have broken my tailbone like i just imagine like coming down on that thing oh god that's charles oakley oh that is no who is uh he played for the bulls so a guy that i work with you know it's charles oakley we put him through a training session one day his nice hair he said that every day when he wakes up he just uh hops on the stair master for an hour still and he's 67 i think charles oakley damn he looks good hell yeah he's that guy standing next to him who's that in the blue shirt before i say something mean about him his name is john
Starting point is 00:56:57 he's he i work with him one-on-one uh um did matt fraser really say in one of your videos you say matt fraser told people hey don't post your fucking big lifts your training lifts did he really say that where did he say that similar to people who are listening hillar said it in reference to um he was going back and looking looking at gee's old lifts to show you that, Hey, he was actually about to go for the jerk and he was using Guy's own footage to, to portray that. And at that,
Starting point is 00:57:31 he goes, by the way, Matt Fraser warned you guys don't post all your fucking lifts. Similar to froning. I've just kind of listened to everything Matt's ever said. And it just kind of stews up there and it pops out when it needs to pop out. And that was an instance. He said it at least twice. Like, Hey, why does anyone else need to know what i'm doing i'm not going to give them any
Starting point is 00:57:49 sort of insight into my training and what do you think about that do you like do you think that's worth it um to not post it but then to not build the hype around yourself we were on a show with maderos and you asked him what his mile time was and what he tell you no same idea he doesn't he doesn't want people to know because let's say you're end of end of the games and it's first cut and you're doing a run and everyone knows that your mile time is this mile time they can all of a sudden extrapolate a expected run time for you and it's just information that doesn't do you any justice at the games level like like giving them information on you. People are smart.
Starting point is 00:58:26 They'll remember shit. My favorite post that Matt's ever done by far are the ones where he showed the building of his barn. I actually watched all those. I thought those were fucking cool. I like those two. That's not easy. How many gyms have you put together?
Starting point is 00:58:43 None. One. My garage gym. It's like not terrible it's just work it's actually kind of idiot proof it's like giant legos but it's they're heavy as shit and the stall mats aren't fun to move i've probably done a dozen gyms at this point moving things in and out i know other people have done it too because everyone likes to help everyone move gyms around yeah they love it it's a good good way to hurt your back don't do it uh i don't know i i don't i don't know what i was saying here in my notes but i'm kind of ripping on the sponsors i think the only cool sponsor crossfit has is rogue agreed you don't like monster no it's stupid i'm not red bull at least red bull would be cool cooler i think when i think of monster i just think of like i told you before i think of tang
Starting point is 00:59:33 i think it's just like the ass of energy drinks like it's lowbrow energy drink you don't like tang and when i think of whoop and noble I just think of them as like companies that probably had their name before their product. Like there's no, it's just, it's just soft. In 2014 or 15, I had a member tell me about Noble. It's like, hey, this is going to be the next big thing. And I'm like, that's a stupid name. Hasn't changed. So yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:04 In the video you did with katrin you talk about yourself for the first two minutes talking about your elbow there it is was that inspired by craig ritchie were you like oh i'm gonna do like craig ritchie and make the first part of the video about me you know i figured since he's got almost 350 000 subs that i gotta learn something from him right you're a good dude no no fuck fuck you first of all i i uh first let me get this off you know how many do you know how many yeah yeah get that every everyone asks like hey how's your elbow doing it's like all right this is the best way for me to get it across let's try to blow this out in two minutes so this freaking
Starting point is 01:00:45 computer situation i'm going to do a recap on a video put out by jason cf media elbow which was just blocking look at this guy showing his elbow that's not my elbow that's a former part of my elbow the little bone in there was not allowing it to do what i wanted to do so annoying okay so a shitload of people were asking, so you're just like, all right, fuck you guys. I'll tell you what happened. And I felt like I did it in a way where it still got everything out across,
Starting point is 01:01:12 and by the time I was done with it, you weren't bored to death. I just wanted to attack Craig Ritchie. I actually thought it could be its whole own video where you talked about your elbow. Yeah, but that's me talking about myself for the point of talking about myself for the point of talk about myself and i hate when people do that i don't know the bone spur and for the i
Starting point is 01:01:29 think a lot of people have bone spurs and they'd be interested in that um it is something that i'd never seen personally i mean i i know people who lack range of motion and they go to the same people that i went to and they're always hearing that it's like oh this is tight and that's tight but in reality there's a mechanical blockage and it's a bone it's a bone spur yeah it won't let you do it it was it was the worst dude there is a section in this video where you use a metaphor um and it is so fucking good you talk you talk about color coloring in the lines i know you're gonna say because i've had a couple people say that like that one no caso instead of picasso no a no caso if you tell someone to draw if there's a circle and you tell someone to color it in red and and they get it perfect you're a picas. If you paint outside the line, it's a no-caso.
Starting point is 01:02:26 And it's like, do you want to be a Picasso or a no-caso? And he does it so much better than I just did it. And you talk about the reps. Yeah, reps are meant to be fucking judged. That's the whole reason we do. That's what the games are about. They're made to be judged. We can parallel everything to everything. know that right yeah and i'm sure you've experienced this where it's like you walk
Starting point is 01:02:52 in there or like maybe you see an art museum and everyone's like oh look how awesome this is and you're like that's a bunch of bullshit yeah yeah the thing about what we're doing is it there shouldn't be arbitrary like you shouldn't have opinions on it. Like if you look at it, it's like that is red. That is blue. That is green. That is yellow.
Starting point is 01:03:10 That's a woman. That's a man. Everyone's trying to say the Mona Lisa is the best painting ever, but that's opinion based. And it shouldn't be, I don't know. Is it? Yeah. Who the fuck knows?
Starting point is 01:03:23 But, but to be, to be critical of you for judging something that absolutely has to be judged in order to exist. It is the foundation of competition. Really strict rules and guidelines so we can fucking pick a winner. Super well defined. You know what's been driving me nuts is uh and i know i've done it before too so maybe this makes me a hypocrite is the constant comparison to other
Starting point is 01:03:52 sports because yeah i think i think that what you wanted to bring up in the 2013 press conference with dave was that there is no comparison between crossfit and other sports. It is its own thing. It's kind of coming from its own place and stop trying to make it look like these other things and stop trying to say, well, in the NFL and in the NBA and then blah, blah, blah, blah, bullshit. Fuck you. Like what's wrong with being your own thing and being fucking awesome. Yeah. Take, take what they've done, learn from it and make it better or don't.
Starting point is 01:04:23 But, but it's your own thing. You don't have to follow their rules of what they do just like the the california hormone games there'll be no testing fuck you no testing was that happening when's the date on that no testing no testing soon another i'd say we're a year away interesting okay mark your calendars. It's the 17th, right? Who is the most powerful man in fitness? Yes. You like that? I think you nailed it. I wonder how many people really know his influence.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Maybe more after. Almost 13,000 more, hopefully, after watching that video. I want to read some of the comments here i haven't looked at any of them uh i used to try to answer all of these and i i can't it's so tough i sit there and i'm just like see how many i can nail out god do you have to wear your bra when you do these? Damn. Someone said that? Yeah, and it's someone named Hannah. I'm always impressed when it's girls who go hard in the comments. I'm so sexist. I just think that women don't do that.
Starting point is 01:05:33 How do you like this one? Oh, that's nice. Did you get that free? I think it was like 10 bucks, but I'm a sucker for Costco branded stuff. I got a sweatshirt too. Costco. I've never heard anyone being a sucker for Costco branded stuff. I got a sweatshirt too. Costco. I've never heard anyone being a sucker for Costco branded stuff. First time I've noticed the Hiller battle.
Starting point is 01:05:52 There's nothing in here about Bill Henninger. I want to hear some of what people think about Bill. I was thinking that Dave and Bill would partner up and to make rogue invitational bigger and better a way to keep Dave involved in the process space. That'll make an impact on helping affiliates. Since most affiliates purchased 90% of their equipment from Rope. Man, he is the man.
Starting point is 01:06:11 You won't catch me saying anything bad about him on this show. That being Bill. Yeah, or Katie. Yeah, Bill's the man. I think I wrote it maybe in the comment section, which is that he almost has more influence than somebody like the rock. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Yeah. It's, it's different, but I think that it's on the same level as, because the rock can come out with that energy drink and everyone's going to buy it. But if bill does want to pull his equipment out of the games, he could put an entire fricking world under the water.
Starting point is 01:06:41 If he wanted to. I mean the rock, I mean mean you can make a post on the internet but does he have that kind of power i don't think he can put an entire company that size of crossfit under if you wanted to there are some fucking amazing things that rogue has done and its reach is crazy whether it be into nfl teams whether it be into NFL teams, whether it be into universities, whether it be into the U.S. military, its arm is fucking long. And, yeah, it's no joke. And I think Bill's kind of like Apple Computer.
Starting point is 01:07:25 I think Bill's a very frugal man, and I think he sits on an enormous pile of cash. I think that from what I know, Rogue has zero debt. What do you think he's going to do with it? And that they're their own manufacturing plant. Well, you pointed out that one thing. He's notorious, I think, for just buying up companies, right? He's like a tech company, and that website really is. That Rogue Fitness website is the Amazon of, um, fitness.
Starting point is 01:07:48 And he don't look into that company at all. That goes strong company. No, no, no. It's interesting. The main thing that I think I would try to say, I bet you will had that. I bet you bill had the money to buy that in his wallet. Shut the fuck up. I'm serious.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Maybe. Yeah. Go ahead. The couple of layers of that is like, why do you buy it? And then once I clicked around on a couple of the socials, you would see that the owner was going through a tough time. And I think that his parents were both sick and he was getting run down and he kind of approached bill and he's like, Hey man, I have this company. And bill, I think saw the company and saw this one thing,
Starting point is 01:08:22 which is a J cup with the ability to roll the bar laterally and i think that it was a kind of a mutual helping decision so i bill's like yeah sure i'll buy your company it also helped this guy out and it's one of those things that powerful people can do yep with probably without even uh dick butter bills too big of a pussy to sponsor this podcast, though. I hope he sees that. Maybe he'll put you out of business. All of a sudden, my internet connection. He buys the block I live on. Maybe this is just folklore, but I'll just tell you just how crazy it is.
Starting point is 01:09:02 The city of Columbus fucking loves him, where he's based, uh, the city of Columbus fucking loves him where, where he's based and Columbus, Ohio. And they basically gave him fucking some sort of probably insane tax break on buying a couple blocks of the city. They were completely fucking dilapidated and he built a massive fucking manufacturing plant there in the fucking rogue headquarters, something crazy,
Starting point is 01:09:23 like 600,000 square feet fucking put in grass and i think next door next door to it on another city block he built like a little stadium it's all there you can go look but there no but i've just seen pictures and hurt you've been there oh yeah yeah so he refurbished a whole section of town brought fucking a thousand fucking jobs there a thousand and then this fucking guy starts buying all the shit home crack homes in the area that are probably anywhere from like ten to a hundred thousand dollars and starts fucking making it fucking a habitable place i mean he did a complete what's it called redevelopment project around his fucking business in the united states i mean there's really nothing better you can do for humanity when you start just
Starting point is 01:10:07 giving people jobs and self-worth and self-respect. I mean, the only thing you could do better, you're right, would be to sponsor this podcast. That would take some cojones. You're right. Rogue is constantly hiring.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Everyone I know that does anything, constantly hiring is looking at like rogue positions like just trolling their website like hey what can i do over at rogue yeah they're also usually crossfit minded people um in the video you put very in the video i mean his fucking wife is a stud uh i'm katie henniger um 2008 crossfit games champion you say say that when Dave got fired, Bill, like, immediately, there was a Dave Castro shirt popped up on the website. It was in, like, a week. It was just, bam, we're shirting.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Yeah, that's like, so it wasn't like that when I was fired. Just so you know. When I was fired, everyone was like, get the fuck, get him the fuck away from me. It was like I was fucking made of fucking radiation. You were COVID. Yeah, like if you got next to me, you were going to die. Patient zero.
Starting point is 01:11:11 It's a great Tommy Marquez says persona non grata. Oh, gosh. That's the other thing about the press conference. Instead, he gets fired and fucking Bill Henninger gives him his own shirt, which is like a fuck you to CrossFit. Oh, Bill. He can do what he wants, right? What are people going to say to him?
Starting point is 01:11:31 Apparently he has his own little town, you just said. He's like that episode of Family Guy where he creates his own city and everyone just like surrounds him. It's like, all right, leave him alone, Vittoria. He just poke a finger in CrossFit eye yeah go away crossfit season 15 gentrification you know what that means uh gentrification gentrification it's it's one i think it's one of those um bullshit words it's like it's like when good things are happening in a neighborhood and they want to blame white people i think that's what gentrification is oh uh so and then and then in the video you
Starting point is 01:12:13 suggest that bill pressured crossfitting to bring dave back and at first i thought i i was i was intrigued by that because but he does he has since he's been fired. I think he's been out to Bill's ranch in Texas at least three times, and that's a very special place to Bill. Did you like that part with the rock? No. Tom, Dick, and Harry, you're only invited there if you really mean something to Bill. Average Joes don't go there.
Starting point is 01:12:41 I probably am not even allowed in the state of Texas. Bill probably has a room that I can't go there. I love am not even allowed in the state of texas bill probably has like i can't go there i love comparing things to movies as you know and that very much is like the guy who's sitting at that table just waiting to give his speech to the godfather thank you for letting me come to your wedding it's like that's how important it is to be brought out to texas yes and that it's like thank you and everyone's like is that guy talking to himself it's like dave was probably talking to himself getting ready to go see Bill Henninger. And then kisses the ring, puts the rock on the little statue. Everyone's like, what's up with those rocks out in Texas?
Starting point is 01:13:12 And to be honest, I don't really know what the deal is. Do you know what the deal is with those rocks? There's some really difficult running course. And every time, I thought it was every time Bill ran it, he put a rock there and i was a little disgusted to see that dave castro put a rock on bill's pile i was like oh so he ran bills he ran bills it's like putting a notch on another man's bed post it says no just because you fucked in his bed doesn't mean you get to put a notch on his bedpost he ran the course that bill ran and then uh and and then put and then put a put a rock on bill's pile i didn't like that at all i whenever bill
Starting point is 01:13:51 posts that pile i always like to think wow bill's run that course a lot of times now you're wondering how many people have run his course yeah exactly how many people have slept in that bed? Shit. But, but, but, and then, and then I don't know if you saw Dave put out a week in review video of his life a couple of days ago. I think Dave got heat stroke on that run. He say that in the video. Yeah. He said he fucking wasn't the next day. He was fucked up. He said he overheated on that run and something happened. He didn't feel so good for a few days. You ever had heat stroke? and something happened.
Starting point is 01:14:22 He didn't feel so good for a few days. You ever had heat stroke? No. Sevan is the dumbest mark on the internet. He just says shockingly ignorant shit while in the midst of enlightening conversation. Damn right he does. You got a problem, P. Sterling? No, but look at his profile picture.
Starting point is 01:14:43 That's the face you make when bill henninger puts two fingers in your ass without licking them first and that would be the shockingly ignorant shit that you say in the midst of the enlightening conversation ironically that photo mr sterling you were getting it i can't that was great uh do you ever think that though you're like damn i'm dumb but i'm also so smart because that guy's on to you he knows you well better than he thinks he does i don't ever think i think i'm dumb all the time but then i also think i'm so dumb because i only think of one thing i there's usually only one like a dog chasing cars it's like oh there's another one
Starting point is 01:15:27 there's a car there's a car it's like but it's always a car it's like it's crossfit it's like oh there's a car there's a car i think you do the same thing but it's different the the only reason why i'm not dumb is because i'm open and so you know someone will be like fuck seven you've completely you know someone will post something You've completely lost your way. You fucking are so close minded and you don't accept anyone. And, and, and I, and I'll be like, huh. And I'm open to that. Like shit, I need to, I need to, you know what I mean? I just feel like I'm pretty open. That's my only my saving grace, but I'm definitely not smart.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Like I couldn't tell you, I, I don't know what the periodic chart of elements is that I took chemistry. No, I took chemistry for a year and I still don't know what a fucking mole is. Chemistry is the worst subject ever created. I don't understand why it's a subject. So, so I have a feeling they're trying to figure out who needs to be chemists.
Starting point is 01:16:18 People don't know if they don't know. I'm an, I'm an alchemist. Explain. Just, I don't know. I just like, I just want to be an alchemist. Explain. I don't know. I just want to be an alchemist. I turn bad situations into funny moments. You do do that.
Starting point is 01:16:33 You sure do do that. Accepting everyone. I mean... Bring me your weak. Bring me your straight. Bring me your gay. Bring me your dogs. Bring me your straight. Bring me your gay. Bring me your dogs. Bring me your cats.
Starting point is 01:16:47 I fucking killed a mole in the backyard yesterday with a shovel. A gopher. Fuck. Why? What was it doing? Eating your avocado trees? It was in my vegetable garden. And I saw him digging and my kids called me over and I just got the shovel and I killed him.
Starting point is 01:17:03 And I thought it was going to make my kids cry, but they were of proud of me were you kind of fucked up about it like oh no i didn't feel good about it i didn't feel good about it i i did not feel good about it but you know i don't see you as a murdering type of person no i did not feel good about it but i've 30 of the shit i plant i lose to gophers and I've lost fucking thousands and thousands of dollars in fruit trees. And it's just like I just can't. I've never seen a gopher. You haven't? No.
Starting point is 01:17:32 What do they do? What do they look like? I've seen possums. Do you have those? I'll show you. Yeah. Possums are. Are gophers.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Are they dangerous? No. They just fucking live in the ground. Would it be like if you're in California and I'm in Illinois, would that be like a squirrel? Are they dangerous? No. They just fucking live in the ground. Would it be like, if you're in California and I'm in Illinois, would that be like a squirrel? Are they that common? Yes, yes, yes. They're fucking everywhere, but no one ever sees them.
Starting point is 01:17:53 You just see the holes they make, and they eat the roots of things. Oh, it's like a prairie dog. Yeah, kind of, but not cool like that. Prairie dogs are way cooler, unless you own cows. What do you have in your house hey dude so see this see this this it's a squirrel dude see that dirt yeah so i have the i have thousands of those all over my property what's wrong with your property why do they like it there because it's because i plant so much shit because i have so many trees and stuff it's like an all
Starting point is 01:18:23 you can eat buffet it. Can't you get an exterminator? Oh, is this the guy's podcast you're on? Coffee, Pods, and Wads. I don't get chemi. Don't get chemi. I got nothing. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 01:18:39 I think that's chemistry. If you're good at chemistry, you can call it chemi. I wanted to see if Mr. Sterling... Look at Joe. It doesn't matter if you kill him it's just i don't know i feel like there's something that you can do to keep them out no you can't you can't do they burrow under underground to get there hey dude I have this fucking two pretty big vegetable beds, right? It's a raised bed made of wood.
Starting point is 01:19:10 It's a four by 10 feet. And I have two of them are six by 10 feet. And on the bottom is fucking layers of wire so that when it sits on the ground, the gopher can't come up yesterday. There's a fucking gopher in there. Like, how the fuck did you get in there?
Starting point is 01:19:24 My mom's like, how'd you get in there my mom's like how do you get in there i'm like i don't know i'd be so pissed it sucks and you spend hours planting shit hey dude like i've gone i've gone to the store bought a fucking 500 tree like fruit tree come home so that's an hour and a half of my time dug a hole that's three feet by three feet that's another hour and a half of my time make all the soil mixture perfect lay the hole inside of it with wire to protect the roots so the gophers can't get it and a fucking year later the fucking thing's dead and it's like falling over like this because the gophers fucking ate it all the way to the stem fuck those guys i see the next shirt being made right now and it's gonna be you dressed up as bill murray on
Starting point is 01:20:05 a golf course candy shack style blowing up your backyard sometimes it's hey sometimes it's like that there's just i'm walking around out there with a shovel do you just get pissed as fuck do you just get so angry you see one and you just go red you see you only see red no when i when you see there's things like that when i see the holes i get angry when i see the gophers i get excited i'm like happy i'm like oh you're gonna do you own weapons yes do you use the weapons yes good the the best thing to do the funnest thing to do is when you see them and they're in a hole i have these things they're smoke bombs these huge fucking gopher smoke bombs and you light it and you put it down there and you cover
Starting point is 01:20:48 the hole and you know they're getting fucking just gassed oh my god i know this is it a dark side of several you know what i do i take a hose and i try to drown them i'm like get out of my fucking house i do that with chipmunks though i'm like get out of here oh this is i've heard this before use juicy fruit gum for moles put it at the opening of their holes no more moles do you chew it first is that guy trying to be dr seuss or what the hell is going on here no that's true i've heard that before what does it do it just it kills them i'm assuming i heard it's bad for birds too You're not supposed to throw a gum out your window. Cause if they eat that shit, they're toast. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:27 They explode. Really? I think that's a joke, but I know they can't handle it. I think the joke is that they explode. Um, what video comes out next? What are you putting out next?
Starting point is 01:21:42 Is something coming out today? You know, I've actually got one on tap that I have created, and I don't know when I want to put it up because right now I'm on a CrossFit roll. I was just clicking around on the internet, and it was just random stuff that I thought was funny. I'm sure, do you have a Facebook?
Starting point is 01:22:02 No. All right, so I do, and I've had it since 2008 or whenever the hell I opened sure. Do you have Facebook? No. All right. So I do. And I've had it since 2008 or whenever the hell I opened it. And recently I started getting a bunch of friend requests. I'm like, oh, cool. I'm just going to accept everybody. Yeah. Of course, with that comes messages and in it, someone offered me a bunch of money and I was like, all right, I'm going to play along with this guy because clearly he's not going to give me money, but I'm going to start messing with him. Yeah. So I actually made but I'm going to start messing with him. So I actually made a video about how I was messing with him.
Starting point is 01:22:33 So it's a scammer and you engaged him. Correct. Yeah. So I took 20 minutes out of my life to create a random ass video. And I'm like, I wonder how this will do. It'll like bridge off the CrossFit stuff. It'll give me a break because really the stuff like the one i made yesterday i was actually kind of messed up about it like this sucks um i don't want this isn't fun right now like they're not even doing anything to help themselves out so i need to chill out and do something else i don't know if i'll put that
Starting point is 01:22:58 up the masters are really bummed do you think they see that and they're really bummed not not only not only for the reason that dudes are going to the games who don't deserve it but just that there's a lack of effort on crossfit's part put into their their their competition i'm sure i mean everything i ever do it always stems from positions I've been in, knowing how I felt, and then wondering what these masters feel like or wondering what the Jor-I-Dra millions of the world feel like. Right. They're sitting right there where there could have been something that would have changed things. And the entity that is just disregards it entirely and says, fuck you. We do what we want.
Starting point is 01:23:43 And after a while, it's like, all right, well, why don't they do anything about it? Why don't they tell us why they don't do anything about after a while it's like all right well why don't they do anything about it why don't they tell us why they don't do anything about it and it's upsetting i would be very upset i was upset i was upset and i'm not even the person in that position but like imagine the guy sitting 11th right now in the master 65 he's sitting right there and he's like could i have been at the games this year and the answer is maybe probably look at his score probably that's what i keep thinking too i'd be so fucking bummed i put in all this effort to participate the badass answer to the question is if you're that guy next year you want to be so fit that it doesn't fucking matter like what happens right arbitrary like oh let's say something goes
Starting point is 01:24:24 wrong it's like you can beat the cheaters too correct yeah like matt frazier would never worry about any of this shit and that's the badass answer but the real answer is like crossfit do your job and like what if it happens again and then it happens again let's say you're tyler christophe allen every year in the qualifier and you're like half a spot out and this is on him but let's say it wasn't on him how many years in a row can you take it you're just like right there and that's like all right another year all right another year and uh after a couple years you think crossfit would figure the fuck out hey you know you know some um um some coaches like if someone in your camp's doing
Starting point is 01:25:01 steroids they kick you out i've heard about this yeah what what if someone got kicked out for doing bad reps what if like kotler was like yo danielle you're fucking bad for the under underdog athletics name you're not squatting below parallel in your open video do that one more time you're so this happens at the affiliate level you know right no what if there's if there's bad members they get booted oh yeah yeah yeah i've heard of that now in relation to repetitions it's usually not that aggressive but i bet you it's never happened i bet you it's never happened no one no coach has ever kicked out one of their well well it's basically such a shitty mover right it depends on the way that you go about it the the people need to have like the
Starting point is 01:25:52 ability to look at situations objectively and like if there's someone in the corner who's just like coming in to like fuck around me i think you say this a lot too and they're just they're doing their own thing they don't want to do all the reps they're not squatting all the way down but they're getting a good workout and they go home it's like but they're also not bugging anybody like let them be to an extent to a degree like they could be 60 years old that's the first time they've ever worked out before they're doing the best they fucking can and it's not like they walk up to everyone after class they're like oh you know i just did that workout and i did it in this amount of time and everyone around them is then like but you didn't do the workout yeah those are the people that tend to then edge their way out of crossfit gyms slash are kicked
Starting point is 01:26:31 out of crossfit gyms and i'm saying that everybody like donald trump jr's murph a lot like donald trump jr's murph he's like guys i did in 31 minutes like fuck you you didn't do it in 31 minutes yeah it just it just depends on the way that you go about your activity And it's like, fuck you. You didn't do it in 31 minutes. Yeah. It just depends on the way that you go about your activity. Wait, what is this? What is this right here? You always hope that everyone knows what. Our owner denied Fikowski working out at our gym because he didn't want
Starting point is 01:26:58 athletes taking up space from the clients. Wow. That's a good owner. That's because Fikowski. I'm sure Fikowski also understands. that's because i'm sure he also understands that's because fukowski's 6-4 if he would have been colt mertens he would have been allowed because he was only would he would have taken up less space adam blinks he goes if they aren't putting their score up on the leaderboard marking rx nobody cares which i would say is most of the
Starting point is 01:27:21 way there but there are there are usually people who care about everything all the time. People always care. Uh, but I would say that the person who like puts RX in the workout and everyone knows they didn't do the workout the right way. Do you know what I'm talking about? Have you ever been like a tracking app? Yes.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Yes. We keep on using friends. Let's say you do friend and you put in there that you did three Oh one and everyone's like, okay, so I'm scaled it. And then everyone goes in at night and they're and he pressed the rx button but he used 75 pounds that piece of shit yeah rx everyone's like okay savon's using 75 pounds he wants to get more
Starting point is 01:27:54 intensity and we understand and then the the rage that comes when they see that you press the rx button like did he do it on accident we don't fucking know if he did it on accident that fucker's a cheater he He does this all the time. You're right. It really is like that, too. It really is like that, too. Are you going to get kicked out of the gym for it? It depends on the toxicity you might be bringing to that environment.
Starting point is 01:28:16 At HQ, I would fuck with people's shit. Like, if they wrote their score on the board, and then later on I saw, like, you know, like, they didn scaled it you know what i mean like there'd be i would go right scaled next to it or fuck with them or fucking add time to it change their time you know just like fuck you they uh they probably took it the right way as well right they're like oh fuck i messed up my bed i don't know i to the truth i i i probably did stuff like that um like i was i don't know. I, to the truth, I, I, I probably did stuff like that. Um, like I was, I don't know, frequently. And, uh, I don't ever remember interacting with anyone about it. Dude, it was savage working there. Um, there was like, if you, people would, people, so there were like, let's say a hundred of us who worked in the office. who worked in the office. And it was funny because it was mostly people from the games department who would do this,
Starting point is 01:29:04 but like it would be someone's birthday and they'd bring in like a whole fucking platter of fucking homemade cupcakes. Right. And they'd be sitting in our cafeteria. And then someone from the media department would go in there and be like, Hey dude, there's a platter of cupcakes. Come in here with me.
Starting point is 01:29:18 And I'd go in there with them and I'd hold their phone and video. And they just walk over to this person's whole platter of cupcake birthday cupcakes and just dump them slide them into the trash that's awesome and then post a video like on slack or something so everyone can see it was fucked up people would be pissed that would be a good planet fitness video you know how they do like their pizza fridays you go in there and you just like start throwing out pizzas like this is a fucking gym what is wrong with you people no i haven't seen that they do that something like that they've got
Starting point is 01:29:48 like a friday pizza or bagels on monday i don't where the fuck did you see that that's on youtube no it's a real thing like planet fitness is you know planet fitness yeah i heard of it but i'm just wondering how you know that you're too busy making videos and hanging out in your garage you know i've had a life before the life all right you know just like you you sit there and you make videos all day you're talking about your previous experiences all right i used to i used to play with insects i know i put that up you should you should one of these days you should do a review of all of your insect shit hey look hey look at this picture of this bug like did you know that this bug melts the insides of other bugs and eats it what did that say i don't i don't know i
Starting point is 01:30:26 sometimes one of my favorite comments ever i so like people ask hey andrew how do you address people who are cheating in the gym and it's like you just do it so my favorite ever was i came up with this guy and i was like hey uh i see that you didn't do all those snatches or maybe you weren't locking them out all the way and like do you know he goes man if you ain't cheating you ain't trying and i was just like dumbfounded like holy shit this guy knows and he knows that i know and he doesn't give a fuck and i'm like all right dude but here's the thing i'm like all right dude i like that you're super straightforward at this what you're going to need to do is stop it cut it the fuck out or like work out on your own because you're driving everyone insane like don't put your workouts in like you're i know you want the intensity of everything so you
Starting point is 01:31:10 know what he did he started working out on his own yeah he's like did you lose him as a member did you lose him as a member no oh it was wild some people just know like that's the thing about all this is like maybe that's something that i've understood is that a lot of the time people know watching like do you know your chest isn't touching the ground i think you know there was a guy at um crossfit when i worked there uh big strong guy and and he looked fit as shit but everyone knew well i didn't know but everyone would whenever he was fucking um when he'd be done, everyone would fucking congregate and be like, he cheated. And what's kind of amazing to me is, is when I'm working out,
Starting point is 01:31:51 I can't really pay attention to anyone else. Like I'm just trying to fucking survive, but there's people like counting his reps and shit. And he just had a reputation of being a cheater. He just had that reputation. I was listening to Chase the other day. He was a good dude. He was a cool dude.
Starting point is 01:32:07 I liked the dude. Chase the other day said something similar, where when you're coaching a class and you have like 12 to 15 people in it, you're looking around and you know when reps aren't right. It's like when you've coached for long enough, it's like it doesn't take very long to see that there's something wrong. That's the biggest issue is that the entire CrossFit industry is full of people like that, that they can see it like that. It's like, it doesn't take very long to see that there's something wrong. That's the biggest issue is that the entire CrossFit industry is full of people like that, that they can see it like that's not right.
Starting point is 01:32:29 And why can't the judges see that? And to build off of that, the same thing happens with repetitions. If an entire room is opening up with 21 thrusters on a workout and one person's 10 seconds faster, but you can notice that the cadence of their thrusters wasn't quicker than everyone else. All of a sudden you're like, all that didn't person didn't do all their thrusters and now you're counting yeah yeah okay yeah so that's you i mean that's from the coach's perspective but you also think about it you're like okay if that person did his thrusters faster than me i'm gonna get to the bar at the same time i'm gonna match his cadence and he puts the bar
Starting point is 01:33:00 down before me i know that he didn't do all the repetitions this is the type of stuff that drives these people insane so i'm on no no no one likes a um i i guess i guess no one likes a cheater i guess it's it's a bad look i was at the beach uh two days ago and there was uh i forget what it's called it's a summer program um what's the lifeguard program called in california you're asking me i've never left illinois i have but i've never been to california i can't believe anyway our beaches are full right now with these with these summer programs and it's kids who are just basically running on the beach and swimming in the water if you go to the beach you'll see them they're there every day shit loads of kids on all of our beaches shit loads it's called um yeah it looks like bay watch what the fuck is that program called i can't i was
Starting point is 01:33:50 gonna say bay watch junior guards it's called junior guards and so yesterday yesterday or two days ago i was at the beach with my kids and there's these 13 year old boys a crew about 40 of them running and they're running back and forth between cones and there's two boys who are letting people lap them and then they're running in and they're giggling and they're laughing. And I can hear one of the boys telling the other boy, Hey, they're going to see that we're cheating. And the other one's like, no, no, they're not. And, and I, and I used to do shit like that. And I was watching them and I was like, fuck man, they're only, they're only cheating themselves. They're like at the end of the day, all those other kids are getting more fit.
Starting point is 01:34:24 they're like at the end of the day all those other kids are getting more fit i did it though because i was embarrassed of how shitty i was you did what if you were embarrassed like i cheated in pe because i was embarrassed how shitty i was you know what i mean like they'd be like go out and run a mile and i knew i was always going to be last and i was doing it to avoid the discomfort of being last interesting so you want uh-huh you know what i mean like they would do the pull-up test the presidential pull-up test and all the boys would be here and all the girls here and i'd go with the girls because i could do one people are so interesting because you never because i couldn't do one pull up what what'd you say people are interesting because you don't really ever think about that like they're just embarrassed of being last yeah You don't want to be seen as like.
Starting point is 01:35:05 Usually. And in this case, people are cheating because they want to be first. Right. So that is interesting. Yeah. I think that's the only reason why anyone ever cheats or lies. They're avoiding discomfort. Well, that's accurate.
Starting point is 01:35:18 Right. You cheat on a test because you're avoiding the discomfort of getting an F later. I was listening to who. And you didn't want to do the work to get an A. Yeah. I was listening to something the other day about the ability to like switch your mindset into something. And it was in relation, I think, to the big thing about it was like when you hear criticism, you want to start liking it. You want to hear it. You want to try to dive into it a little bit harder.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Yeah. liking it like you want to hear it you want to try to dive into it a little bit harder yeah and it's something that a lot of people don't have but i think may have been more prominent a decade two decades ago it's like they hear things it's like okay criticism thank you more and i think that there's a lot of people who still have it but it's been people call it being soft and i don't know i I don't like the general words people throw around. Like you say woke, people say woke, people say soft. And I'm like, I don't like to jump into those,
Starting point is 01:36:12 but I do think people used to be much tougher and they used to like dive into criticism and they used it to get better. And it's like what you were saying. It's like you possibly were trying to take the easy way out because you didn't want to be last. But then there's also a whole subset of people that were like, okay, so I got last on this. The way that I get better is I'm going to go run shuttles on my own.
Starting point is 01:36:33 So the next time I got to run with all these people, I don't take last. Right, right, right. I don't like talking about myself. But I remember in wrestling, we were doing this down and back thing in college, first day. And he didn't like what we were doing so he took us out to the field house and he goes you're running 200 meter sprints until you throw up when you vomit you can go home and i remember people like shoving their fingers down their throat because they're like if i throw up i go home and it's like fuck you guys it's like run harder i've never thrown up before and before
Starting point is 01:37:04 you know it you're vomiting in a tub because it's like all right this is never grown up before and before you know it you're vomiting in a tub because it's like all right this is how i go home and i'm not trying to like say that was too tough it was just is it is what it is and a bunch of people quit after that i didn't i didn't learn that lesson until i was in my 20s what you said i was in my i was about 20 yeah i was in my 20s and i and one of my friends was really into frisbee and I could not throw a Frisbee for the fucking life. I couldn't even throw it five feet. And he would, and he insisted,
Starting point is 01:37:29 you know, we would always, it was, um, and he would, we were, we were going to junior college. Maybe we were in our late teens.
Starting point is 01:37:35 And he basically at night when we were done partying, like on Saturday nights or whatever, we'd always go to his house. We'd be like hung over and he would always make me go out into front of his house. Like he lived in a cul-de-sac and throw a frisbee with him and fucking a after a fucking while i got better and then i got better and then i got better and then i could throw a frisbee fucking better than anyone i knew but it fucking and then i was like holy shit and it was just on accident
Starting point is 01:37:58 and i wasn't that but i'd never been are you saying that you compete with brian friend and frisbee uh i don't know if in that, I don't know. He plays a Frisbee golf. I just played like, like ultimate Frisbee and throw Frisbee. And there's no, there's no way Brian can throw a,
Starting point is 01:38:14 I don't know about an ultimate Frisbee, a disc golf Frisbee, but there's no way you can throw an ultimate Frisbee as far as me or as accurately as me. No fucking way. I get hit a fucking fly from 20 yards. Oh yeah. See is this is the type of content people want to see seven they want to see you murdering flies i would be really i can really throw a fucking regular like 170 gram frisbee like
Starting point is 01:38:37 like no other morning a fly just sitting over there and i'm in here i just whip my frisbee at it i can't whip my arm i won't think twice about that one time i was at the there and i'm in here and i just whip my frisbee at it i can't whip my arm one one time i was at the beach and i was throwing a frisbee really really far like as far as i could back and forth and there was probably like 100 people at the beach like watching and this fucking old guy walks up and goes hey anyone can fucking anyone can throw far but can you throw accurate and i'm shit you not there's a girl 20 yards away from me. And I go, Hey, look at that girl.
Starting point is 01:39:06 And I fucking threw the Frisbee just hard, hard as fuck and fucking tag. I killed her in the back of the neck. She started crying. It's just some random bitch just at the beach. And I just fucking like, it was like, and the guy's like,
Starting point is 01:39:21 why'd you do that? I'm like, why are you talking shit? Like, you know what I mean? Like he fell, it was crazy. the guy's like why'd you do that i'm like why are you talking shit like you know what i mean like he fell it was crazy it was fucking nuts i was probably like a 12 pack of natty ice deep you ever see the water boy with adam sandler i have but not in 20 years it's a scene where he like throws the freaking thing out the window hits the professor in the neck he's
Starting point is 01:39:39 like that's what i imagine the chick was like he hit her in the neck and she's like yeah she started crying and i did feel bad but also it was like one of those moments i'll never forget like fuck you i just like just grabbed and just just struck someone from rando from 20 yards and at that moment you're like i've been training my whole life for this since the moment i couldn't throw a fucking frisbee and now we're here yeah yeah now we're now i'm talking about it on the internet a random bitch at the beach yeah yeah so i'm random bitch at the beach knock her out you asshole yeah i hit that one girl out of the hundred people standing there and got her real good well people go through that all the time like yours is with the frisbee mine was with baseball i remember like you want me to put a baseball glove on my non-throwing hand and catch it it's like that's impossible but over time you
Starting point is 01:40:33 figure it the fuck out yeah how old are you uh maybe eight or nine a little bit later than some people learn how to play catch but it's like you want to catch the ball with your right hand because you're a righty and then they put in the left hand you're like this is weird but now if you ask me at the age of 30 to put a glove on my right hand and catch a baseball that's weird like you just get used to shit yeah you're a good frisbee man now and i can catch with my left hand now and some people are ambidextrous and everyone's got to fucking learn how to do something it just like depends on who this is like a parenting thing almost right like my dad was like here baseball club figure the fuck out i'll throw the ball at you if you don't catch it it's gonna hit you i'm like all right um a couple days ago i we went to the tennis
Starting point is 01:41:18 courts jade street tennis courts and this thing happens when you go to tennis courts there'll be people playing so you have to wait? You have to wait your turn. And we're there waiting. And there's a baseball diamond right next to us. And this dad and his son come out and they start playing Frisbee and, and they're good. They're good. And my son goes, Oh,
Starting point is 01:41:36 he's better than you about the dad. And my son seven. And I just turned like, are you out of your fucking mind? That guy's not fucking better than me. I fucking lost my shit. And my wife never never jumps in she's always like defending the kid she's like he's not better than your dad and i'm like yeah even your mom knows it was so good he's like no he i saw him he's flicking it forehand he's better than you i'm like he's not better than me
Starting point is 01:42:00 and he wasn't he wasn't better than can we send brian a link this is the conversation he's got to be in he'll break down your frisbee technique and your but like there's so many things you could say you're better than me at and i'd be like yeah you're better than me at it but not but i just but not but not the frisbee not the frisbee taking picture of insects and frisbee yeah even that even that skill may have eroded a bit and going to a bar and getting girls brian's nine a hundred thousand times better than me just daniel brandon anyone he can i go to the bar i go to the bar and meet dudes someone's like i had a great day in college and people like you have that dog just to meet girls i met like 7 000 guys and one girl when you have a great date like guys come up to you the best part about being in a committed relationship is that you get
Starting point is 01:42:52 to completely remove that part of your life like you just said that and i'm like god i'm so happy that i don't have to fucking do that anymore and like even worry like go worry about the other sex yeah yeah do you i listened listened uh joe you don't even have to wipe your butt anymore just take a shit and then get back to work and i gotta go i got a girlfriend like what that's that's right the joe rogan podcast there's one with do you know derek more plates more dates i know of he's the guy with the shoulders big ass shoulders yeah yeah i know yep so he was i like of all the angry haters i like him the most i can't stand the fucking other haters
Starting point is 01:43:31 angry haters like the bio lane guy i can't i can't stand that oh derrick isn't a hater guy okay i mean i i think in that douchey the douchey guy i don't I'm not a fan of his hating to either. Go on. Okay. Well, on the Rogan thing, when Derek was there. The more plates, more dates guy can get kind of into hater mode, can he? I think anybody can, same way you can, and same way that I can. Right. I don't like that part of me.
Starting point is 01:43:58 I don't like that part of me either. That's everyone's favorite part of you, though. Everyone's just like waiting for you. Everyone wants you to turn on the episode and just have you tear into whatever the hell you're thinking oh that sucks my mom won't like that oh maybe she didn't make it through the hour 45 but anyway derrick and rogan on that were talking about how the most important thing in their lives was having the female that so that they didn't have to worry about it because when it comes to it it takes a lot of out of your time like imagine if you didn't have your wife yeah you'd have to
Starting point is 01:44:29 take care of your kids you wouldn't be able to be on the podcast she does a lot not necessarily for you but as a male sitting in that chair right now you would probably be wired to be looking for somebody oh right so it would just take so much away from what you're doing so the only reason you can do what you're doing and they do what they do is because of the fact that they're already spoken for, quote unquote. God, I like to think that if for some reason I didn't have my wife, I'd be a monk. But you're probably. I don't you think so? I mean, I want to.
Starting point is 01:45:01 Is she in the room with you? No, no, no. Good question, though. Good question. I would be a monk. Good morning, gentlemen. Have a phenomenal weekend. Mr. Olson. Thanks, Mr. Olson. And the boys.
Starting point is 01:45:13 Hey, I heard Hunter saying you're giving 20% of that to your guests. He's full of shit. I'll be gladly accepting my $4. $3.98. Thank you. All right. At 10 a.m., what are you going to be doing at 10 a.m andrew uh eagerly awaiting your release of the dave castro episode are you shitting yourself are you nervous i know you say you get nervous sometimes or is this just your guy and you don't give a hell uh no i'm nervous i'm nervous do you have all your how many notes you got um 48 pages
Starting point is 01:45:50 no no no i don't have that many here's the thing here's the thing i don't i don't want to he's the kind of guy who's gonna be like hey ask me whatever the fuck you want you know know what I mean? And I'm in a space that's like, I don't want to say, I don't want to fuck with them. Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:46:11 Like, I love the dude. So you're then. So, but he'll be really disappointed if I don't fuck with it. Like, if I don't like, like he wants to fight,
Starting point is 01:46:19 like he's going to want to fight. Like he's going to, he likes to wrestle. He's your friend who comes over to wrestle. And like, if you're playing video games, he's like, what? wrestle he's your friend who comes over to wrestle and like if you're playing video games he's like what that's pressure man so i want you to wrestle with me but i want you to wrestle but if you hurt me i'm gonna be fucking pissed i want to sit around and drink beers with him and he's gonna want to fucking
Starting point is 01:46:38 fight and it's gonna be like okay like i i'm just i'd rather just like fool around but so but i gotta i'm gonna have to go hard in the paint you're the man for the job i hope so the the best podcaster on the planet so thank you oh but have you have you ever listened to you're wearing shorts i know don't i was thinking that the other day i wonder if people ever wonder like what you're wearing underneath but not i almost always wear pants so i feel more professional sorry say that again like people i always wonder like i'm wearing shorts right now but i wonder if people wonder what we're wearing that aren't our t-shirts yeah sometimes almost always wear a t-shirt
Starting point is 01:47:20 do you normally wear pants no i'm I'm usually wearing shorts. I'm always wearing compression shorts, which I hear is bad for you. For your legs or your cockings? Cockings. Oh, I don't know. They don't really compress. They don't really compress around there. You know what? This might be a lot.
Starting point is 01:47:41 So, you know, after a long time, there's like the elasticity to your nutsack right and i think if you wear compression shorts too much you lose their ability to recoil so i got a lot of ball skin why would that affect your the ability to recoil because all this your compression shorts are doing it for them they're like it keeps them up right so your body loses the ability to keep them up there and again i don't know who the hell wants to hear this but there was a day where alexis is like what the hell is going on and i was like you know i've been wearing compression shorts for like a decade you think your balls hang lower because you wear compression shorts um yes no i think it's got to be the opposite do you wear compression shorts every day no try it out see what happens actually don't because you don't we don't want
Starting point is 01:48:32 this light this isn't what you want hey listen hillary has saggy balls make the real uh here's the thing um the difference between the way balls dangle on a hot day versus a cold day is is like if i go swimming in the ocean it's like i don't even have balls okay now still the same applies yeah but now imagine when it's hot there's even more to it yeah when it's hot they're like fucking dangling between my knees well that's because you're 58 years old. Now, here's the thing. When I'm – you're 50. I know you're 50.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Now, if I were 50, that's 20 years from now. Who knows? I'm going to have to, like, change it up. They're going to be down by your calves. I guarantee you there's a product up there that's out there to like, you know, tighten up your. Wouldn't holding them up make them so they dangle less because you're not stretching this? It's not the pressure of the skin. No, man.
Starting point is 01:49:34 Do you not understand that your entire body is a feedback loop? So if you're telling your body that there's nothing, there's no need for them to sit up, you're going to support them your entire life. They will lose the ability to support themselves. Okay. Okay. That's the support themselves. Okay. Okay. That's the feedback loop. Okay. So when I, when,
Starting point is 01:49:48 when I used to grow marijuana, they would say you should keep a fan on the plant that blows the plants around. Because what that does is that causes the stocks to move back and forth and then makes the stock stronger. That makes sense. Yeah. The feedback loop.
Starting point is 01:50:00 Otherwise they'll fall over. Yeah. They'll fall over because they don't understand. So you're saying so is it like that with titties too that if you wear a bra the titties will sag more because over time you're not getting the feedback loop of getting bounced around so and here's the thing about that is you've seen like national geographic tell me the thing about the titties i don't know i think gravity just affects titties more so than
Starting point is 01:50:26 they affect nuts because they're heavier oh crying out loud you can't have it both ways hillar do you just my does my reason feedback loop but the titties are on gravity they're heavier like they're heavier right no all right all right does that not make sense i don't know it does it does it does i just feel like i feel like you're selling me um snake oil who's the uh who's the female we can call on the show and ask about this they need to speak uh the batman can do the ultimate batwing that's fucking right do you know that's from that's from uh uh waiting and maybe that's called the that's called the goat you turn around and you like pull your nutskin across.
Starting point is 01:51:08 So like if you were to walk into the garage and I were to be sitting right here, I'd be like sitting in a certain position and it would expose you to the goat. I'll send you a clip of it. Okay. It's called waiting, yeah. Bring Alexis in. Man, that's amazing. I don't think my wife's ever commented on my scrotum. Why not?
Starting point is 01:51:29 It's like that'll be my question. So I'll go into the kitchen right now when this is over. I'll be like, Haley, have you ever commented on my scrotum? And if she says no, I say. You'll never guess what we were just talking about. No, no. I'll say, why not? Andrew Hiller wants to know why not.
Starting point is 01:51:51 So I have a question. That's great interviewing, right? A question and then a follow-up question. So you're interviewing your wife about your nutsack. Yeah. And what are you looking to get out of this? Why she doesn't care about your balls anymore no just we've been together for how many years you've never even thought once
Starting point is 01:52:10 about my nut say hill or sometimes i just want to have intimate conversations with my wife that's it but you have them with me instead for everyone to hear about well how do you think my speaking intimate conversations i got i asked lauren khalil if she would come on intimate conversations yeah i don't understand the parallel there. How did that go? She said yes. Okay, when? That's a good question. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:52:35 I'm going to look on the calendar now. If you give her a link right now, we've got a question that males can't answer. I think I need to build up with her before i ask her something like that i can't just go hard do that uh so she on june 21st i am nervous about that more so than dave yeah i will i'm excited about it excited about which both her I'm excited about both. Nervous is like maybe not the, I was maybe nervous with. Yeah. Someone says,
Starting point is 01:53:11 throw a fan under your desk and straighten the stem. What's the goal of having Khaleesian? Say that again? What's the goal of having the Khaleesian again what's the goal of having the coliseum you gotta have like uh oh i can't really tell you that that's a great question though okay so you gotta normally so normally i don't have goals for having guests i just want to have them on and i want to have a good conversation and i want it to be intimate and i'd like to explore some subjects no that's not true you have a goal goal. What? You want to peel away the layers of the guest.
Starting point is 01:53:48 You always say that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You want to pull something out of them. The goal is, it's kind of like, you're right. So usually with the goal, it's like, it's something abstract and I just want to go deeper. Yes. I just want to go somewhere deep with them and have some intimate conversation. I just want to go somewhere deep with them and have some intimate conversation. But with the Khaleesi, I not only want to do that, but I kind of care that she has a good time.
Starting point is 01:54:13 And I'm really curious if we're going to hit it off. So, and here's the reason why. It's almost like a trial. It's a trial. Yes, yes, yes. Because I have all these people on the show. Yeah, I shouldn't have said that. I've gone too far now i'm gonna tell the reason why i'm gonna answer your question so we do these shows like for the semi-finals and we have all these people on and we had james
Starting point is 01:54:34 townsend on and it was awesome and jr and you and brian and rich and angelo and just all these people that come on who are kind of regulars to different levels of extent but i was thinking it would be cool to have her on for that and so i like that's kind of why i wanted to interview her because i want to see like what happens if the two of us are on at the same time and kind of feel that out you know what i mean that would be interesting because usually she's the spearhead for conversation yeah yeah and i kind of liked at that time that i was just i was i was sitting in greg's driveway just drinking a fucking tito's and monster and suza fucking did it i kind of like that yeah so you were drunk yeah so so if i could do a show where she's fucking manning it and i just get to fucking talk shit that would be interesting
Starting point is 01:55:22 that's why i like it okay technically you're the one you're the one manning this i i enjoy this because i i think you kind of direct you're directing the conversation you're steering the ship and i just chat about whatever the hell you want to talk about yeah that's kind of what i want to do you want my freedom that's what i want to do i'm getting better i've only had covet for a month i'm getting better i've only had it for a month i you should have gotten the injection man what is it and then i'm getting and then i'm getting off i have to prepare for dave what accessory work do you do that would surprise people?
Starting point is 01:56:05 Stairmaster. Oh, do you, where is it? I have a membership at like a globo gym. And also the guy who you're talking about in the blue shirt earlier, I actually got him one that I'll like occasionally use. And it's just like sitting on it for 30 minutes to an hour and just climbing the stairs.
Starting point is 01:56:23 It's terrible. And what do you do while you listen to audio? But what do you do while you're doing it? I try to, I put a headphone in and I just catch up on whatever I need content. I might not have caught up on. Can you watch TV while you do that? I don't like watching TV while I exercise. I think it takes away from the exercise.
Starting point is 01:56:41 It does. It absolutely does. And how often in a 30-minute session how often will you trip uh never stumble never no it's what i'll try to i'm very focused on like what my feet are doing as i climb up the stair master i don't know usually when i'm doing things i i try to think about the way in which i'm doing them like what's being activated where i'm putting pressure in my feet like what part of my calf is working as i'm so it's very hard for me to trip when i'm so attention focused on my legs as i'm doing do you do curls i do i love doing curls you do this arm is significantly smaller than this arm because hey and when you do curls do you do have them like this and you and you turn
Starting point is 01:57:25 like this i'll do them both i read there's that there's a or hammer curls or do you think hammer curls are lazy i think hammer curls don't work the bicep muscle people think it's working okay i think it hits a little bit more forearm than people are familiar with or think that it's working so when you do that curl up it's the supination of your arm will give you more of a bicep peak and i guess you're training sorry did you do sit-ups with a dumbbell on your chest like froning in 2010 yeah you saw that yeah 100 pound dumbbell yeah he stationed his feet underneath that rack. He took that video. I was fucking nuts when I saw that. I think that it's very important that people do weighted core exercises for sure.
Starting point is 01:58:12 I think it's totally missing. And I think that the reason that GHD messes people up as much as it does, because they only, for the most part, do calisthenic type core exercises. And when you see Rich, I don't have any reason to think he still does those but adding weight to your core it's something that bodybuilders don't do because they don't want to add the mass to their to their midsection they're all about the aesthetic they want big shoulders big hips and a small waist it's like the x frame when it comes to uh crossfitters you want a little bit more in there. Like the bigger your midsection, almost the better.
Starting point is 01:58:46 I bet you're rich. Those. I bet you're rich. Still does those send them a link. We'll ask sit up sit ups with the, uh, I should have done that earlier. Uh,
Starting point is 01:58:56 so yeah, stair master is probably the thing that I do most often. That is unconventional for what we do. How about laying on a bench and taking, how about laying on that bench that's back there and taking a dumbbell and putting it over your head? It's a pullover. Back to your chest.
Starting point is 01:59:13 You can probably see a video of me on Instagram doing that. Do you still do those? I do. Not currently. Actually, the thing that I was doing recently because I couldn't extend my elbow, I couldn't bench press, which is my favorite exercise. I love I love the bench press I always have I would be doing like pec flies because like because when you do a pec fly elbow stays slightly bent which is where my elbow was
Starting point is 01:59:34 and it would just light up my chest and I realized I hadn't done them in a long time and I'm like there's a lot of there's a lot missing that I could have been possibly use utilizing to get better upper body endurance wise that I haven't been doing through a pec fly. Bodybuilding is very important. People forget that. Are you going to get a Vaza swimmer? I already have one. I ordered it when we were talking about it earlier.
Starting point is 01:59:59 I got to stay ahead of Fikowski because I know he probably ordered one, too. He's always watching the show. Guys, thanks for joining us. Weighted pull-ups. Weighted pull-ups. Oh, weighted pull-ups are great. I did do those, too. Stairmaster, and then that's like tier one.
Starting point is 02:00:14 Bench press weighted pull-ups, two and three. And then little bitch legs. I'm going to suggest you should do negative bar muscle-ups. I've done a 40-pound strict bar muscle-up before. Wow. That's one of my favorite things I've ever done. A weighted ring muscle-up. It's probably why my elbow is so fucked up because I love benching and pull-ups so much that it just took a beating for a decade.
Starting point is 02:00:41 But a weighted VASA. Is that what this is all about? Did you get a sponsorship? Hiller out. Hiller out. All right, guys. Thank you. Two hours.
Starting point is 02:00:56 Shut it down. What a great morning. Love you guys. Everyone be good. I'll see you guys in an hour with the TDC. Thanks, Hiller, for letting us play with your videos this morning. Play with me.

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