The Sevan Podcast - #467 - HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: June 27, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Did you see what I just made? Bam, we're live. No, you just posted it?
Starting point is 00:00:34 Yeah, I had a feeling. Actually, no, I kind of wanted you to not see it. It's just on there. You'll see it later or now if you want. I want to, before we dig in, man man what a great show we have damn you made so many videos did you make have you made still been making a video every single day every day no matter what that was hilarious when you showed your first video yeah right that's the one that you hated oh is that because i use your clip and i use froning talking about steroids and yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:01:03 you're wearing shorts again oh god damn you're pointing out all this shit which brings me to my first thing you are a bit of a you i you fancy yourself as a movement expert and and and i fancy whoa whoa i don't think i ever said that i don't think i fancied myself as a movement expert i fan i it's just a scratch take two i fancy you as sort of a movement expert a connoisseur a connoisseur how about that okay that's more fair yes i don't even know what the fuck that word means hold on making me use big words connoisseur we're all alone it's just us no sea beaver and no an expert in matter of taste. There you go. Okay. In matters of take you, you, you have, you have thoughts about you have, you, you'd like
Starting point is 00:01:49 to think about movement and, um, kind of as the, uh, as the great, uh, uh, Romanoff, the running coach Romanoff says you're interested in sort of the end points. Like, do you know about pose running about how it has, I took, I took the CrossFit endurance course. I was running. Yeah. Brian McKenzie was the guy at the helm of it when I took it. Did you like that class? Yeah, it was great. It was all pose running, which is Romanoff. Yeah. He's a, he's a smart dude. I really liked the way he thinks. I think it's different now. I'm not sure how it changed up, but I know it changed after I had
Starting point is 00:02:21 taken it, but it was like a two day course. It was pretty cool. I want to show you this video and I know that you're more about. So there's two questions I you to do is to pass judgment on whether you think this was intentional. So by that, I mean, I don't I think. Well, here's a good question. Do you think that Brooke Wells intentionally clasped her legs together around the rope? I'll go first. I think no. I think it was a some sort of automated neurological response.
Starting point is 00:03:05 OK, what do you want me to? Oh, yeah. some sort of automated neurological response. Okay. What do you want me to, Oh, you said you're going to show something, but we all know what we're talking about, right? Which is, well,
Starting point is 00:03:11 I'm going to show something totally different from CrossFit, but it's a different movement standard. But what do you think about that? Normally you don't, I don't feel like you pat, you don't pass. I usually just say, Oh,
Starting point is 00:03:20 she didn't clamp her legs. And we all go, or you say, Hey, she clamped her legs. And we're like, Oh shit, no rep. But now I'm asking you to go one step further just friend to friend do you think she the step further that i like to go is you saw my video maybe the instagram reel with
Starting point is 00:03:35 travis mayer talking about the muscle ups and he understands that what he does blows him up and the question is does he move away from his perfect muscle-up repetitions to do what the field is doing or does the entity that be that crossfit judges adrian bosman and company level up the playing field so that they all match travis mayor in my opinion you force everybody to match travis mayor because did brooke wells do that on purpose we saw at the end of the workout that she was struggling quite a bit with the rope climbs. And I think that there's something kind of, did she do it on purpose? No.
Starting point is 00:04:11 But I think that subconsciously or there's just something like built into her that is going to cause her to make each and every rep as easy as it can be. Does that make sense? So did she do it on purpose? Probably not. And does that make sense? So I did it on purpose. Probably not, but it probably did make it just a touch easier so that each ensuing rep wasn't as hard.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And she was trying to avoid blowing up, which is the exact same thing Travis Mayer was talking about. The answer, if you see females who are really trying to not touch the rope with their legs, it looks very different. It looks nothing like Brooke Wells. And I've actually been sent a couple of high level females.
Starting point is 00:04:44 It's like, this is what it's supposed to look like. And their legs are about as wide as they can get to make sure that they don't get no reps called on them. They are in it. In that instance, doing what Travis mayor does. The women keep their legs open as wide as possible in order to get a no
Starting point is 00:04:58 rep. I just want to make sure. In order to not get a no rep. In order to not get a no rep. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:04 So does that all make sense it's a friend of mine this girl i know um her husband's this giant man and uh he's giant he's he's like six five and she was saying because he's so broad she was telling me that fucking is like awkward because like god i gotta get a picture of the mountain with his wife or fiance no but i gotta get her to explain that to me again does is he a giant compared to her do you know the mountain yeah yeah yeah the world's strongest man he deadlifted like 500 kilos yeah that's thor he beat up my friend devin lorette yeah i remember okay yeah his wife or fiance has to be 5'2 at the tallest and maybe 110 pounds.
Starting point is 00:05:45 She said something about how it's hard on her hips getting them around his body. Anyway. You never had that? You never had anyone tell you that before? No. Not yet. No, no, not yet. Not until you go on California Hormones.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Not until I start banging midgets. until you go on california hormones and not not until i start banging midgets um you're you're just gonna get so big from california hormones that your wife's gonna be you know what this hurts my hips now i i am pro-choice and i will not be getting on california hormones amen okay uh i i want you to i want you to try can you see this yeah okay i want you to watch this video and there's a woman in blue here do you see her there's a woman in blue i see her and then next to her there is a child which looks like a young girl there's two children right yeah which one we're talking about the one that's directly next to her now i want you to watch um and tell me okay what did you just see right there tell me what your child okay i want you to watch the woman in the blue one more time here we go in a reg in slow motion she's like
Starting point is 00:06:58 kind of hitting the girl it looks like okay keep watching keep watching what do you see here okay all right there's the arrow again oh she shoves her is that what you see hillar let's watch a couple more times it's a woman who's 80 some odd years old and blue what did she do there it just looks like she's brushing her away i feel like i'm being set up it looks like she's got her away. I feel like I'm being set up. It looks like she's got her arm and she should... There's no trick here. It does seem that way, right? Does that look intentional to you? Does that look like that's on purpose to you?
Starting point is 00:07:36 Or is that an accident? It seems as if the person in blue, who I don't know who that is, is so caught up in what she's doing that she's like, oh, this thing's in the way. And that thing happens to be a child. Yeah, yeah. That's exactly how it turned out.
Starting point is 00:07:51 That's an 81 or 82-year-old lady who the world knows as Nancy Pelosi. Her husband was arrested for drunk driving just up from my house. I know that name. A couple months ago. Now, look at her push this child. Now, I want to show you who this child is. Am I going to get a whole bunch of shit for not knowing who Nancy Pelosi is?
Starting point is 00:08:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry about that. Who is she? You're going to take an ass-pounding that's worse than the mountain's wife takes. But this is fucking incredible. So so this and i needed you to to show to i needed a movement connoisseur in order to uh explain that that is that nancy pelosi i believe is the speaker of the house she's the she's the she's the number three person if joe
Starting point is 00:08:41 biden died and kamala harris died that person becomes the president she's like super democrat super democrat right okay when does she start doing squats that i can start talking about now she now listen this is this i'm gonna get you off this real quick i'm sorry i'm gonna i'm gonna cut you loose here in just a minute and we'll get to the to the real stuff it's okay let you do your thing i'm just fucking with you this is the five-year-old girl six-year-old girl she pushed this six-year-old girl what you were just looking at what you were just looking at was the um swearing in of the first mexican american woman in congress if you give a shit i don't i just like it that she's a fucking republican but some people care that she's a fucking republican but some people
Starting point is 00:09:26 care that she's a mexican american woman she cares supposedly the democrats care and she pushed this fucking girl's daughter at the fucking inauguration at the swearing-in ceremony oh man it's fucking is there any sort of backlash about you know what you would do to hillary if someone do you know hillary what you would do to someone if they did that to? Do you know what you would do to Hiller? Do you know, Hiller, what you would do to someone if they did that to your daughter? I know what you would do if someone did that to one of your boys. Yeah. I've always been told that once you have it, have a child, you have a completely different headspace about it. So I don't even think I could imagine what I would do.
Starting point is 00:09:58 But I'd probably fucking kill her. I wonder if my mom would, if that would be enough to push my mom to become to stop swearing to the allegiance of the democrats to see well it's because what it looks like to me is it looks like they're all just staged there right and it's like oh let's put the kids up there and then like you're not maybe you don't want to do it but maybe you're doing it for a public image the kids are up there and then she shoves your kid although you may have not wanted to put your kid there in the first place and then you lose your shit i would love it if a fucking elephant came in the room and just grabbed nancy pelosi by with its trunk around her waist and drug her outside oh no my mom says it's not enough it's
Starting point is 00:10:34 not she's still a long look oh she's here hey rosemary all right well that's your girl um miss pelosi shoving a five-year-old Mexican-American little girl, shoving her. God, I wish she had a punch. I wish she had a punch on the crotch. The girl? Yeah, or pulled off Nancy's wig or something. Who were you just talking to that said, was it you or was it someone else where they were talking about, there was Chase on his show,
Starting point is 00:11:03 and he was talking about how when he was a kid, his dad told him to punch a kid in the nose and he did it the next day and then he went to the office and he's like dad's like all right now you got to control it that girl needs to have that conversation and next time she gets shoved she's gonna punch someone right in the crotch yeah yeah and you heard it here first okay uh i got another video here the man in the red here, Hiller doesn't know I have this video. The man in the red here is Andrew Hiller, and the guy in the blue is CrossFit Inc., and I got this from a security camera here. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:11:40 It's not good. Wearing a helmet doesn't always work, guys. Look at this shot. Look at the first shot. He wearing the helmet doesn't always work guys look at this shot look at the look at the first shot he pops the helmet open and the second shot he gets it in the helmet in the helmet this dude is unloading on this man this is awesome what is where is this that's a uh i don't know i just saw that and i thought oh my god that's hillary and poor crossfitting whenever i see like hard colors like that red and and blue, I always think about the Power Rangers. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 00:12:10 How old are you? I'm 30. Power Rangers were my thing growing up. You're a good dude. Okay, this is how the show was supposed to start, ladies and gentlemen. And then this morning I saw Nancy Pelosi pushing little kids and I was like. I was kind of always wondering when you were going to start talking politics with me.
Starting point is 00:12:25 And I'm going to be like, I don't give a shit, man. I don't give a dick. Okay, here we go. Listen to this. The,
Starting point is 00:12:31 the best two videos, in my opinion, the Andrew Hiller put out are up now. I don't know if it's his most recent one, but it's definitely from yesterday and the day before. If you have not seen them, you should go see them. Even if for some,
Starting point is 00:12:42 if you love them, you're really going to like them. If you've been watching it from the beginning, you're you're gonna lose your mind he really puts all the dots together you're gonna feel good that you um stuck around with him for the last year and if for some reason you ever um were soft like me and you were kind of like judging andrew for being too harsh you he will uh unfuck you if you see these two videos okay but this is on his instagram and this is sort of a preview explanation of how these videos work. I was dying
Starting point is 00:13:08 laughing when I saw this. Okay, here we go. The HQ got it. They reviewed it. This is Danny Siddell, by the way, old school CrossFitter, showed up on the scene. Everyone thought she was going to be the next big thing and she wasn't, but still an amazing person. That's not a dig at her. And there was five
Starting point is 00:13:24 bad reps, so they disqualified me she got five bad reps and she was disqualified that's a video that andrew hiller showed us from 2013 she got did five bad reps and got disqualified okay i'm not going to interrupt again five two thousand years later okay i gotta interrupt sorry what's wrong with these rips tia is it the filming angle because we don't see her from the side it's that when she hits the ground everyone will make the oh but at some point in time there the bar has to be on the ground on the bottom and the extension it doesn't it's not that it has to be on the ground on the bottom and the extension. It's not that it has to remain level, but that whole bounce bounce thing, they've never fixed that. And people bring up Frazier at the games in 2020 when it was online.
Starting point is 00:14:14 You can go see that Frazier was doing it. And it's likely that him, Shane, and Tia do deadlifts this way because they know that they're easier. Isn't that a stretch to put that in there, though, because that's not illegal? It's illegal because if you were and everyone's like, you it down what is it going to do in real time when it's online the judging team can slow it down the weights are not on the ground at the same time that's one of the rules the weights are the weights are kind of like a team they have to be synchronized touch the ground to come off i almost kind of beckon it to when you're doing dumbbell snatches both heads of the dumbbell have to be on the ground at the same time. And if that's a rule,
Starting point is 00:14:46 yeah, you can't touch one head of the dumbbell to the ground on a dumbbell snatch. That's in the CrossFit rule book right there that you can't do that with a dumbbell or with a barbell with a barbell. With a barbell. It says that you, it doesn't specifically say you aren't allowed to do this,
Starting point is 00:15:01 but it does say that it has to go from the ground to extension simultaneously oh well then she should have been dq'd that year that's this year by the way that's this year oh you guys won't be seeing tia in the games this year i think they're going to uh have to review everything hours later when it's time to party we will party hard a few moments later Party hard. A few moments later. I waited till tomorrow starts. Tonight, it starts.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Three days later. I knew you were trouble when you walked in. 12 seconds later. You're here. I almost feel like I should be telling you what these guys aren't doing since it's so small, but basically what you're seeing is a montage of people. So there's been a lot of criticism around the accuracy of judging. Ten seconds later. There's always been criticism of judging both online and in person. I do think that we're in a hypercritical moment right now.
Starting point is 00:16:18 A few minutes later. And so I don't see this season as being particularly different than others in terms of rate of incident. But eventually. OK, that is a complete dismantling. The I think and I could be wrong. I haven't spoken directly to Adrian or Justin, but. The story is, is that this has always been like this with Dave gone. There's an angry little dwarf Armenian man complaining. Um, and Andrew Hiller, a guy who's fucking so thirsty to maybe relevant on YouTube
Starting point is 00:16:54 have decided to make CrossFit the, uh, the focus of their, um, desperation. And so, and this has always been happening. And, uh, it was, it was an interesting uh thing uh response um dave you know when i interviewed dave dave basically said hey i wouldn't have used that response even if it was true basically like that's not the response the leader gives but now it's all a moot point m-o-o-t moot i want to look that up for you guys a moot point a moot point mom was an attorney that's how i know dumb words like that a subject to the dispute a subject a subject to debate dispute or uncertainty having little or no practical
Starting point is 00:17:31 relevance yeah now um typically because the subject is too uncertain to allow for decision well that's not why it's moot it's moot because what andrew just showed completely squashes that if you go look at those videos he's showing people who did five fucking reps wrong who were tossed. He shows us affiliates who were told they couldn't judge, judges who were told they couldn't judge for like just five or six reps being wrong. Hello, this is CrossFit HQ.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And not only that, CrossFit HQ puts out the articles from their media department. Thank you. She's reporting that, hey, if you're an affiliate and you judge shit wrong, we still love you, but you won't be judging for the rest of the year. If you're judging, you judge shit wrong. You won't be judging for the rest of the year. And if you're an athlete and you fuck up, you're out.
Starting point is 00:18:18 You got to go somewhere. Oh, and then the affiliate, the athletes at that affiliate have to go to another affiliate to complete the workouts now. Yes. Thank you, mom, as opposed to me. me mom you're so smart i i will tell you this i um all the horrible things my mom uh did to me she always loved me and uh my mom never did anything horrible to me i love that in the gazon interview my parents still love me i was like yeah my parents still love me too thank god for that can you imagine my my poor mom are you this isn't going to resonate with you but she's i was raised just as hardcore democrat now she's got me talk about fucked up i thought i thought you were a democrat no i'm i'm in i'm in uh what's that called when purgatory i'm in rehab i'm in
Starting point is 00:19:02 rehab i don't understand i'm being them i'm being fixed by the indo rehab I don't understand I'm being fixed I'm being unbrainwashed ah and that's what you're trying to do to everyone else have them join your unbrainwashing journey I suppose thank you Mr. Hiller dot connector
Starting point is 00:19:20 that's me yes the dot connector I'm going to pull up. The biggest thing from that first video. Yes. CrossFit HQ said that no longer the affiliate pulled their, the athlete name was pulled off the top of the leaderboard and they couldn't compete anymore that year.
Starting point is 00:19:37 That was Danny Siddell. That was, well, that was both of them. That was both Danny Siddell and Josh Golden. Okay. Both of those videos, Friday's and Saturday's video.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And then in Friday's video, Josh Golden, because the affiliate said it was okay, they had their ability to okay the rest of the affiliate's members taken away. That's something that was gone this year entirely. It's something that I knew probably 8, 12 months ago, and they made that announcement that there was no longer the need to have the affiliate and you could just upload videos to the internet. I knew it would be an issue. It's like, how could they not have figured that out? So that was a thing through, I believe, 2020, maybe 2021. And then this year is the first year they removed the affiliate.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And then also the judge was removed from their judging capabilities. Do you guys understand? I want you to explain that one more time about when you when but last year when you turned in an open video or in the past when danny siddell turned in an open video i want you to walk us through the process of that okay what's different today this is really important people this is this is another reason why it makes no sense what they're saying out of HQ right now. And I think Brian Friend sums it up really well. Brian's like, hey, you and Andrew are kind of stuck in the weeds pointing out the problems. The real issue is leadership. And I think in these two videos, Andrew connects that, but go on. So what's different? The year is 2018. I'm at my affiliate. I have the affiliate of registry as my name, so I can go in there and I can say whether or not the.
Starting point is 00:21:09 What was twenty point one? Do you remember twenty point? Let's just say it's a hundred burpees. Who cares? All right. Let's just say it was a hundred burpees and a hundred burpees. Everyone has their score. Let's say you said I did in five minutes. You go on to the CrossFit Games website. you submit your score of five minutes, and it just sits there. At your affiliate, let's say it was CrossFit 7, and I'm the guy who has to hit okay, it will just sit there until I hit okay. So you're like, okay, I'm at CrossFit 7, I did my five minute 100 burpee score, and now I'm waiting for Andrew to validate my score as the affiliate
Starting point is 00:21:42 person on the registration. So that's the third checkpoint. The athlete does the movements. That's checkpoint one. The judge checks the movements. That's checkpoint two. Now you have two people saying that the video and the movements are good. And then the third is the affiliate owner. And then he hits the button and then it gets sent to Justin's computer. It was typically the workout would be announced on Thursday evening. And then Monday evening, you had to have your score in as the athlete. And then by Wednesday evening, myself as the person who validated scores at my affiliate, that was the point. Now, what would happen is I'm sure everybody who is around then would know.
Starting point is 00:22:17 It's like, well, where's Rich Froning's score? Where's Rich Froning's score? I want to see what he got on this 100 burpee workout. You wouldn't see it until like either minutes after that or until whenever after Monday evening, because he didn't want anybody else to see his scores. And it was almost the game that the affiliate owner played as it's like, all right guys,
Starting point is 00:22:34 when do you want me to have all of your scores go live? Some people would say that they don't give a shit. Some people are like, we want to wait till the absolute last minute, but there was always the affiliate owner sitting there validating the scores for the affiliate. sitting there validating the scores for the affiliate and that was and you knew that since they didn't have that final and so and so when danny siddell fucked up her workout all three of those people there were um ramifications for them
Starting point is 00:22:56 there was some athlete was told they couldn't continue the affiliate was told they couldn't judge anymore for the rest of the year and the judges told they couldn't judge anymore for the rest of the year. And the judge was told they couldn't judge anymore for the rest of the year. That's right. And this year, and this year, tell me about the process about open work. No, tell me about the process. As long as you,
Starting point is 00:23:15 as long as you have an affiliate to your name, your score would immediately populate the leaderboard. So let's say it was Friday at noon. You did your a hundred burpees. You go on You sign in, you put your score into five minutes right away. You can see where you stack up on the leaderboard. And in every year past, you had to wait for me to validate your score. But Hey, Andrew, when are you going to validate my score? It's like, well, either a, when I see your video or B when I feel like it, which might be Monday night or Wednesday night.
Starting point is 00:23:45 It's nuts. It's nuts that they took out that rung. I wonder what year they did that. I think it was, I think it was 2022 was the first, um, it could be 2021 because it kind of coincided with COVID. And I remember chalking it up in my head to say, the only reason that they would do this is because people are still not going to the affiliate and they don't want to like ding people for not like wanting to leave their houses. I'm going to skip to the last video. This wasn't supposed to come until the very end,
Starting point is 00:24:19 but in the, in the, in the very last video that, uh, that I watched that Andrew made, it's called to Study History Means Submitting Yourself to Chaos. I don't understand the title. And that's the video that went up 21 hours ago. But in this video, Andrew proposes this idea. If you didn't do the majority of the movements correctly, quote, there has to be a point of no return. Exactly. Does that make sense to you guys?
Starting point is 00:24:43 I thought that was very well said when he said that. So here's the deal. We know Siddell. What was the workout? Do you remember that her five reps were? Yeah, it was a 10-minute AM rep of five-shouldered overhead, 115.75, 10 deadlifts, and 15 box jumps. And do you remember what her total was? 10 deadlifts and 15 box jumps. And do you remember what her total was? 420 reps. Okay, so that five reps that she didn't do wrong is just over 1% of the reps she did poorly.
Starting point is 00:25:15 It's minuscule in comparison to the amount of repetitions that were completed on that workout. The parallel we can draw is you see the Tia Toomey workout, which I believe is 110 100 220 reps or it was 100 deadlifts and 100 burpees so it was 200 reps and every single one of those deadlifts in my opinion does not count because she's doing that side to side and what about what about the hip and steel and danny spiegel were those over one percent of the hip and steel doesn't even complete a movement correctly he does the pistols which he wasn't supposed to do i show the muscle ups in that little blurb
Starting point is 00:25:48 and those didn't count the danny spiegel video the thing that i keep on bringing up is that on the the penalty page given out by crossfit it's like the huge list it says on there that majority of muscle ups did not reach extension and that does not reach hip extension on the pistols and then all of a sudden you're reading it it's like what did she do right on this workout and then way back in 2013 you see that one percent of the repetitions were no good and that was cause for invalidation and present day you're like okay so apparently she did 150 ghd setups for time and they're giving her a minor penalty a major penalty so you guys i wish i could provide you some facts i don't know but two things i'm trying to as andrew says all this i'm asking
Starting point is 00:26:32 myself what has changed what has changed what has changed the only thing i can think of is justin berg's at the helm and it was dave and i and i would argue that that's a that's a stretch of the word helm it's fascinating is there something is there something above him so that like because apparently 2013 in those articles you see he's the one to be saying we've removed the scores and now it's 2022 and apparently he should have more power but does he have more power or is there someone saying you cannot remove these scores? No, no, there's no one. There's no one like I would I'd be willing to bet. I don't know. I'd be willing to bet one of your testicles that that Justin answers to no one.
Starting point is 00:27:21 There's no there's no one. Yeah, he's not answering to anyone. to no one there's no there's no one that yeah he's not answering to anyone roger that i i'm hoping that next year that they just they don't need to say shit this year but next year they have to have like this huge like commandment list it's like these are the things that we're going to change this year as a result of last year and then that'll be good i just wish they would start saying things like they do in their little write-ups it's like we removed andy saddell's score that's one instance and they wrote about saying things like they do in their little write-ups. It's like, we removed Andy Sadella score. That's one instance. And they wrote about it.
Starting point is 00:27:47 They don't do that at all anymore. Something happens and we'd never hear about it ever again. Right. Yeah. I, I, I, I don't think,
Starting point is 00:27:56 yeah, I agree with you. So I want to go to something. Ryan Jevning called in on the last show that I think, no, Hiller wasn't on it. It was a live call-in show, and he called in and said that he was concerned that I was being negative and Hiller was being negative, and he took it even further saying that. Oh, that was Ryan?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah. I heard that bit. Okay. I want to be very, very, very, very, very clear. Very, very, very, very clear. To call Andrew Hiller negative would be like to call someone who reports on the Armenian genocide negative. He is, I would say he's more of a historian and an anthropologist in the CrossFit space than someone who's negative. Go ahead and reread the title of that last video. You said it already.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Yeah. To study history means submitting yourself. Sorry. To study history means submitting yourself to chaos. What are we saying right now? Yeah. Justin Berg said that direct quote from Justin Berg. That is.
Starting point is 00:29:02 No, I'm kidding. Oh, I was like, holy shit. He's taken it in the he's he's manifested his own reality who did say that i have no idea i literally just like i'm like i'm gonna go look up some historical quotes and i i would misquote it begins with an h but but but i but i
Starting point is 00:29:17 see what you're doing there you're basically saying yeah you're you're saying that i'm a historian anthropologist and yeah and you're studying history. That's it. Look at what they did and see how it goes. And he's putting context and relativity to all the workouts, to the movements, to the scoring, to the judging. It is – if this is a sport, there have to be rules and boundaries. There just have to be, or else it's not a sport. It's not the cornerstone. It's the foundation of sports. How do you like that one? If you don't't know history it's as if you were born yesterday if you were born yesterday then any leader can tell you anything yeah someone wrote that in the
Starting point is 00:29:55 comments it's just like the top thing that i put in the description oh oh yeah again from who i just i just like it in relation to the point i was trying to drive across there. Howard Zinn. I think Howard Zinn is the founder of Starbucks. No, I'm joking. Hell yeah. So a smart man knows all the details, but a capable man who doesn't have to be smart puts them in context and relativity, and that's what Andrew's doing. I think it's crazy to say that it's negative it probably feels negative if your name's justin berg i mean you're just getting just exposed at every turn it depends on whose shoes you want to put yourself in right yeah so if you if you if you just constantly think it's like well how do you think justin berg
Starting point is 00:30:40 feels and it's like well he has a choice to how he wants to feel he's the only one who has a choice so when i when i hear like hey you're being too negative it's like well i don't think most people think so and if they do it's probably because they are they feel bad for justin berg and why i feel a little bad for justin berg uh why just because you can give me an answer just because of um no i never want to see any of my fellow humans um even the worst of us the people who've done the worst i have some uh i don't know if sympathy is the right word but i don't want anyone to like i just wish everyone could be better at what point is there a point of no return to which you start you feel bad for people none like none even even even like
Starting point is 00:31:23 even fucking hitler like a part of me is like yeah that sucks he had to go he did that is unless they unless they hurt your kids well even then i feel bad then i feel really bad for them someone hurts one of your boys you feel you can feel bad and sympathy for the person that did that to your kids i just feel bad for them as i don't want to go into what what the the details you feel bad for the fact that you'll probably murder them for your boys pour gasoline on their pubes yeah and then you feel bad that their dick fucking got lit off uh you have it you have a video it's called to be a hammer um and and you say in there you want them to say your name and it's kind of a theme that you
Starting point is 00:32:01 have um throughout all your videos why do you want crossfit to say your name why do you want them to recognize you i know i don't whenever you say that it catches me off guard feels like a scratch on the record a scratch on the record like i'm like whoa where did that come from it's just kind of been the thing the entire time it's just like a driving force so but there's a hierarchy to this there was a point in time where almost i wanted you to recognize that we were on the same team and then there's a point in time where almost I wanted you to recognize that we were on the same team. And then there was a point in time where I wanted the Talking League Fitness chases to recognize that the things that they were talking about, they were only talking about because I brought them up in the first place. Right. And now the next peg on the totem pole is CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And the only reason that he says the stuff that he's saying on the press conference is because of my videos and our conversations, yours and mine. They should be talking about us. Oh, yeah, I saw that video. And it's like, what is it? Not professional? Are they too cool? Like, what happened to CrossFit again? You know, very, very well said.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Invalidating a score is not like committing a crime don't feel bad him not holding athletes accountable is worse than athletes poor standards but i hear you george and i agree with everything but the feel bad part is i even feel if it's like a hunter even isn't um uh i think even a piece of a hunter is as he drops a deer um doesn't feel good but but you feel great because you're bringing food home to your family say that again yes yeah they kill the deer because they're trying to feed their family and everybody understands why it's being done the way it's being done but but but but but as a but as a uh sentient being you see another sentient being dropped to the ground and
Starting point is 00:33:40 and you and you don't um that part that part's not ideal sentient being uh that's like a conscious a being that um is aware of itself unlike computers me and seven dm multiple times about andrew hiller way before having him on seven didn't want to talk to him because he thought he was just a steroid guy well thanks steven you asshole i don't even know who he is he made that up that's not true i never dm'd anyone about you look at how forgiving you are though i was the steroid guy right you saw that video you're a man of uh you you look back and you change your mind uh team please ban steven pillar uh from all of our uh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no need something this one doesn't go all the way to the end i watched that one too how would you like that one i do not want that one uh yeah yeah we're gonna talk about that i do not want you guys to uh
Starting point is 00:34:49 say my name do not say my name you guys are gonna anytime any one of you says my name i will unleash the fucking holy hell on you do not say my name i do not want you guys talking about me. And I promise you I will. If you say my name, I will unleash holy hell on you. I do not want to be a part of any of your fucking lies and low integrity bullshit. I'm not here for the same reason Hiller is. Hiller cares and is trying to make things better. What are you here for? What's up?
Starting point is 00:35:19 Just to find out about, I want to know about God. Scorched earth motherfucker. Yeah, I just want to know. I want to know about where I came from before I was born and where i'm gonna go when i die in the meantime i'm gonna try to make some money off of andrew andrew hiller's hard work to uh pay for jiu-jitsu classes you know my deal dude your car was stolen hey dude that story you told about your car being stolen so resonates with me you wanted you you wanted a car that no other dipshit had ever pushed the gas pedal down all the way to the floor oh my god you wanted to know it's only been pushed down 18 times
Starting point is 00:35:51 this door has never been slammed and then your shit gets stolen and it's like someone fucked your girlfriend with a venereal disease it's like it's so fucking bad don't get me fucking riled up man i get so frustrated about this yeah it was sitting on the i remember i went to the car dealership my car was all fucked up and i'm wandering around i'm like all right what's this car worth and i walk out there and i see this car that i've always wanted and i was like this is it this is the moment i'm gonna get this car and then i'm gonna put my i'm gonna like put everything in high gear so that i can afford this car yeah yeah yeah and i'm like can i test drive it. And like,
Starting point is 00:36:25 we don't even let people test drive it because they beat the shit out of it. It's literally got four miles on it. And that's from driving it here. Yeah. Yeah. They pulled it off the truck. Right. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:34 done. I'll take it. I'm buying it. And I'm like, I can't get to use one because of what you just said. I wanted to make sure that he said they beat the shit out of it. Everyone who has them, that's like almost the goal.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I wanted something that I could take care of. And then it was stolen a month after I got it. Did you ever find out who stole it? It's kind of one of those things where you almost don't want to know. You don't want to piss them off. I know of a group that kind of does this stuff. I know so much about this. There's a page in illinois it's
Starting point is 00:37:05 like chicago area auto theft and it's got 30 000 people and that's how i knew that my area got hit all at once it's like hey do you live over here it's like yeah all of our jeeps got stolen at the same time there's like a look it's almost like a gang and they're like all right we're gonna hit this area take all these cars like gone in 60 seconds it um uh when i lived in uh at berkeley there was like a uh a three-month period where everyone who had a toyota pickup truck had their catalytic converter stolen because there's a piece of metal in there you could trade for a piece of crack the cops came and told me they're like yeah every single one's being stolen yeah there was a handful of things i didn't want to do i didn't want to park the car in the garage because it's the gym and i didn't want to beat up the floors and i didn't want to get someone's
Starting point is 00:37:49 used car and now i have to do both damn they stole it from the driveway the front of your house correct 4 a.m and go ahead no you go ahead i i have cameras everywhere like you know it was weird i had it stolen i made a post about it. You know, you know, it drives me insane. It's like someone does something cool. Like it's a new job. And it's like, I'm proud to say that I accepted this job as a nurse at blah, blah, blah. It's like, all right, cool.
Starting point is 00:38:15 You got a new job. I'm glad I'm happy to say, and I never wanted to be the person that'd be like, Hey, look at my car. This is so cool. And then like, once he got got stolen then i was like all right guys what the fuck it's like how i got this car it got stolen i don't really know what to think about it they found it so the car that you have seen in the videos is the same one and then i got it back and it's kind of it'll never be the same just like you said it's like someone
Starting point is 00:38:41 banged your girlfriend with venereal disease and it's like well am i gonna get it this time and right now it's in the shop because it's like someone banged your girlfriend with a venereal disease. And it's like, well, am I going to get it this time? And right now it's in the shop because it's got to get the brakes fixed because I've never seen a car this bad at 8000 miles. God, I hate it when someone bangs my girl with a venereal disease. That sucks. That's happened to you quite a few times. No, never. But I would hate it. Not that I know of.
Starting point is 00:39:04 To the grave. Kenya, my car was stolen about 10 months ago. No, it was stolen about a year ago, and I got it back about 10 months ago after they fixed it up and fixed it up. Ask him what they found in his car. They found a couple AK-47s, a drum gun. They kidnapped somebody. They robbed a bank. i know about everything that happened in the car they found guns in it they found a drum gun just like one of those i don't know how many bullets
Starting point is 00:39:35 but it's like 50 plus bullets in it plus a couple ak-47s it's it reeked of weed and like those grape vape pens just that marijuana the devil's pens. That marijuana, the devil's weed? It smelled like the devil's weed? It smelled terrible. It was so bad. I bought an O3 generator and I had to put it in there. So it just completely eviscerated. What does that smell like?
Starting point is 00:39:58 I'm listening to your story and I'm smelling weed at the same time. So I feel like I'm there. It's like one of those interactive Disney things where like you're on the magic carpet and they blow the smell of whatever at you. I had a guest the other day who showed me, while we were on the podcast, he had a gun on his desk. What was the purpose? I mean, I'm assuming it's cool that he had it. Just in case someone comes in, they take one in the culo.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Yeah, so they had those guns. I can't believe you guys have guns in your country they're so dangerous your country's so messed up there's guns everywhere guns guns i got into it in the dm i kind of drag you down that okay uh 300 000 people signed up for the open i don't know what year i don't know. But you talk about that. And and and basically you said, yeah, and soon there's going to be three hundred thousand. I'm conflating videos now and I apologize. And soon there's going to. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. My favorite country, Spain. Hi. Speaking of banging women with venereal diseases. Welcome to the show. Yo, Devon. stefan hi hey i'm actually saying your name
Starting point is 00:41:07 right stefan yeah will you say hi to andrew too i know i'm the big deal here but he does have more subscribers on me than youtube he passed me up what's up andrew how you doing what's your name my name's connor hi My name is Connor. Connor, hi. Hey, Devon, are you really stopping at 500? No, no. I don't even know where I'm at, but no. 492. That was a that was just, I think, just a
Starting point is 00:41:37 psychological, a psy-op I was operating on myself. You know what I mean? Because I came into this doing this, kicking and screaming kind of, but now I'm like, I'm addicted. Yeah yeah because it used to be the race to 500 and i haven't heard that in a while the race to 500 you don't know you don't know what number you're at no what do you mean what do you mean by that is that i think that maybe you cracked a good joke but i don't get it oh no you you legit used to say that like a long, like a year ago,
Starting point is 00:42:08 you were saying the race to 500. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that kind of was it. I thought actually it would take me two years to get where I'm at right now. But like, I'm just, I'm, I'm cut from the same cloth as Andrew Hiller. I'm just completely bonkers. Every, everything I do in my life is like podcast material now. So, yeah, I was getting kind of sad because on the weekends that the semifinals would happen you would rack up like 10 episodes oh yeah my team said those don't count game shows don't count flats i know no they they count oh okay good yeah well it doesn. Well, it doesn't matter now. It doesn't matter now, but I had a theory.
Starting point is 00:42:46 I had a theory. You were going to go out hot after the games and that was going to be 500. Yeah, no, I'm, this is it. I'm going to, I,
Starting point is 00:42:53 I, I think I fancy myself now as the world's greatest podcaster and comedian. And like, I'm really, I really have a crazy narrative going on in my head now. So I, I'm just going to do it. But I'm glad you brought it up.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Are you in Spain, Connor? Yeah, I live here. Oh, wow. What are you doing there? School? No, military. Okay. There's a
Starting point is 00:43:23 Yeah. No, go ahead. There's a what? Oh, there's a yeah no go ahead there's a what oh there's a base here so i'm stationed here for it's been like over a year okay did you see andrew hiller pop onto the scene um i mean i kind of first heard about him when y'all had some beef and you didn't want to you didn't want to admit that y'all had beef and then y'all kind of became like best friends. Yeah. I hate it how that played out.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Did you like that meme? Well, I think... My comment on your lyrical living meme. I think it's good quality stuff. Oh, is that what that was? Say that again, Connor. And then I... Say that again.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Oh, I just said I think it's good quality stuff. What you and Andrew do. I listen to you guys all the time. Cool. Thank you. Hey, what branch are you in? I'm Air. It's really confusing.
Starting point is 00:44:16 I'm Air Force, but I'm on a Navy base in Spain. Okay. Well, thank you for your service. I really, really, really, really fucking mean it. I used to ask you for good dudes and then you wouldn't reply oh shit what an asshole hey send me DM me your address
Starting point is 00:44:36 and I'll now we have really strong coffee we have paper street coffee and I'll send you out a bag yeah you've been on the paper street gang okay i appreciate it for sure brother all right see y'all bye bye oh is that what did you do on the on the lord now i get it you see that i courted lauren khalil the same way i courted you like pretend like i'm scared and like you you saw my. I see. You're not that easy to figure out, man. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I have one playbook. I'm a one-trick pony. Yeah, once you figure out the way someone operates, it's easy. Hey, pull up the reel I just made. You're going to like it a lot. Okay. Just humor me for a second. I love your reels thanks i think that they're uh rudimentary and that's the appeal and you're um i just can't be i mean
Starting point is 00:45:37 your output is nuts what's that mean just i make a lot of them yeah you're sure output uh-oh I make a lot of them. Yeah, your sheer output. Uh-oh. It's at almost 500. Here we go. I'm already not liking it. I'm already not liking it.
Starting point is 00:45:52 You're going to love it. Well, plan B, full steam ahead. I was watching Andrew Hiller's video that came out today. Can you believe how much better he's gotten? He shows a clip from his first video. Just from making a video every single day, this dude has become a staple's not he's not one or two or three or four times better he's a whole new character he's a whole new person just dedication just putting it in meanwhile i hate that it's live i love that it's live it keeps you accountable i cannot handle it i can't stand it one debt to society later bam
Starting point is 00:46:23 we're live bam we're live bam we're live bam bam we're live Bam we're live Bam we're live Bam we're live Bam we're live We're early We do whatever we want Do it And you're not gonna stop there No what are you waiting for
Starting point is 00:46:38 Do it Yes you can Just do it Stop giving up There's just no plan b fools what um what uh do you see that whole thing before you make it or is it kind of like you get started and it kind of is unfolding before you're seeing it for the first time as it unfolds before your eyes i'll get an idea and i'll start doing it and it does develop like it it evolves after the idea and I'll start doing it. And it does develop like it, it evolves after the idea. So I'll just be sitting here clicking around and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:47:08 Oh, that'll be good. Oh, that'll be good. Let's add Shia LaBeouf to the end of it. So it's, but at first I was, I,
Starting point is 00:47:13 I, I see that little clip of you early on with Dave, you know, God, I hate going live. And now all you ever do is go live. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Bam, we're live. We do what we want. Bam, we're live. You know, same same same deal you however long ago didn't do what you're doing right now and you'll probably admit that you're much better at it right yeah it's pretty wild i interrupt more finally i don't like when people
Starting point is 00:47:37 are saying dumb shit i just interrupt same what are you wearing on your ear you have sweatbands on dude i'm coming out with Sevan podcast sweat bands. Do you know how excited I am? Do you sweat a lot when you do these? No, this is to keep me warm. This is to keep me warm. You live in California. These are, I know, but in the morning here, there's fog.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Fog means cold, eh? So you want to get, you think because there's, and I like this, I think I'm going to jump on this if you don't mind. You think because 300,000 people signed up for the open that you should have 300,000 YouTube subscribers? Well, I understand that there aren't 300,000 people who will be on YouTube. And that also something like only 10% of the people who watch my videos are subscribed, which means 90% of the people who watch just kind of come from wherever or don't want to click the button. I'm sure it's the same on your channel, actually. Why don't people subscribe?
Starting point is 00:48:28 Hey, I don't even know if people know this. Oh, wow. How come some sites... Oh, I have a question for you. It's weird that... I wonder why everyone just doesn't subscribe. If you watch the videos, you should subscribe. But isn't there normally like a bell here that you can click and get notifications to?
Starting point is 00:48:46 There is. Yeah. Why is there not? Maybe you have to subscribe first. Try it. Oh, okay. Yeah. So click the bell.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Yeah. And then. Okay. Hey, you know what I realized? You can do that on Instagram. I basically click your account and I make it so i get notifications and then i get notifications for everything all live all posts all you can do that on instagram too really no they stole that from youtube it's pretty fucking cool i wonder if i know where uh
Starting point is 00:49:20 the funniest thing i'd ever seen was I made a video called you have a small wiener and somebody had like the notification set up for my channel and they took a picture of their watch and it says, Andrew Hiller as a text message, you have a small wiener. So everybody that got that video just had a message from me saying, you have a small wiener. I thought it was so funny.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I love it. So yeah, hit the notification bell uh yes always the size of your penis um you made a video let me see if i can find it what the fuck is going on here i went for you to dig into my gw video what's gw 501516 the title of the episode oh the contaminated supplements one it's your show they're your notes i'm just here for the ride when i feel like i get closer closer to the screen like and then i scoot back what what i'm trying to understand my notes.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Maybe you can help me here a second. This is why we can't have live competitions. Was there a video called that? See, here's the thing about my titles, is that I make them, and I don't know what I call them anymore, so I couldn't give you an answer. People are like, I literally just try to get creative for all of 10 seconds and usually i do
Starting point is 00:50:45 i'll look this is why i don't have oh yeah the red it's just red it's red and it says you guys are freaking idiots oh yeah yeah yeah okay i see it okay i see it this this is one of my favorite videos of all time by the way it's not like my most well produced but it's just straight up rage it's this one right here yep this is why we can't have on okay so um tell me why you like it what the premise of this video is i try to pick a maybe like a 20 to 30 minute chunk of my day to go into the comments and answer as many as i can and when i was in there i noticed that on the brookwell's leg clamping video that i had gotten
Starting point is 00:51:26 more negative feedback than I had gotten in any other video. And typically I'm a big fan of negative feedback, but that's if I think that it's justified negative feedback. When I was reading that negative feedback, all I could think is it's like, oh my God, oh my God, nobody sees what's wrong here. They're trying to say that it's not a big deal. How can you say it's's not a big deal because you're saying it's not a big deal that's the whole reason for everything falling apart in the first place and then it's like the only people who are saying that it gave me uh these will also be the people in the gyms who are like i guess that squat was close enough i guess that that lockout yeah yeah yeah and it's like so it's just the the slow slow burn that is the degradation of the movement and like oh if this if this isn't a big deal then when does it become a big deal
Starting point is 00:52:12 it every single thing that's even slightly wrong should be a big deal and i kept on throwing in like the dress is too short don't wear it to church on sundays if you have to ask then you know the answer already so the fact that people are even looking at it and saying that, oh, you know what, that's not that big of a deal means it's a big fucking deal. Right. It's funny. Someone made a comment in my comments on my Instagram the other day, and they said, you always take everything so literal. And then recently I was talking to someone about the constitution. They're like, well, it's the spirit of the constitution. And it's like, if I tell you to meet me somewhere at four o'clock it's literal okay it's literal
Starting point is 00:52:50 there's there's you just have to have some you have to understand why and when it's important for things to be literal and when it doesn't if i tell there are different types of people though right i think that other in other countries like that means like within 10 minutes of four o'clock and that's just a cultural norm or or some cultures like in japan you can't even say no to someone hey can you or you can't even say i don't know hey do you know where the closest starbucks is and they'll just make up some shit because they don't want to be rude and say they don't know all of a sudden now they've wasted an hour of their life it's not over there you're right. So what was your point about that?
Starting point is 00:53:26 You said you're too literal. I don't know. It's just interesting when someone uses that as an excuse for their inability to like what they really should say is I personally don't mind if Brooke Wells only's only squats um uh below parallel half the times like they should own it they should own it hey i really don't care if you show up to lunch 30 minutes late but you should care yeah maybe yeah yeah exactly but instead of putting it on you instead of putting it on you saying it's not a big deal it's not it's none of their fucking it it's it is a big deal to you and it is a big deal about it is a big deal the person who's not going to win the three hundred thousand dollars at the games because someone else um didn't follow the
Starting point is 00:54:13 rules on your last episode you talked about putin and how he can show up anywhere from 30 to 30 minutes to four hours late right yeah who said that i remember that yeah it was it was you who said that i believe no i i heard it was you who said that i believe no i heard it i heard it someone else said it too i didn't okay maybe it was your guess was it suza i thought it was you and suza anyway you said it was said and it's like that's a power move by him just showing that yes do whatever he wants and no one's gonna say shit right the same thing cannot be applied here it's like somebody has to step up and be the powerful force and it just has to be the crossfit judging hierarchy i think next year they really are going to do something
Starting point is 00:54:51 i would hope so they have to right okay yeah that's just a joke i'll get to that okay i'm going to burn through some of my notes here and then we can get to some of that uh because those are the last two videos you made and they're the best ones i mean they're all great this is why we can't have live competitions um brooke royal squeezes the rope with her legs um do you ever feel do you feel bad for her at all i know i've asked you this before but when you make that video and you're showing that do you feel bad for her 1.6 million followers on instagram you can't worry about me okay um what do you think about the judge was if someone out there is making fun of lebron james michael jordan do you think he cares right that's well that's the equipment that i always draw right okay like has she blocked you no no that's nice of her yeah not yet she shouldn't block probably shouldn't block you hopefully she just understands
Starting point is 00:55:42 it's like yeah if anything she sees it and she gets the feedback the right way. And if anything else, she's like, well, what the fuck? I have 1.6 million followers. I'm not going to listen to you. And you haven't said anything negative about her. I haven't. Not that I have thought of. No. That shouldn't count. How is the judge supposed to
Starting point is 00:56:00 see that if he's standing behind her? That's the biggest part of the video that I just didn't address because this one's going to be a operations of things like you swap i'll look for it oh the judge standing behind her yeah yeah yeah how the fuck is the judge supposed to see i i've heard that it's because of the production of the media and they can't there it is yeah there's the judge back there how is he supposed to see uh he's not so he is he's and and and if and if you say well he should have been standing on the other side
Starting point is 00:56:34 well then she could have turned around and well i guess everyone wow everybody's going that way because of the the way the event's set. So that judge is on the wrong side. Well, he's not on the wrong side. He's on the side that CrossFit put him in. Yeah, I'm not putting it on him. I'm not putting it on him. So we've got the fact that I've heard that they're given locations to stand in, and I heard it's because of the broadcast, but then we also have broadcasters who are intervening with pat velner's handstand push-ups
Starting point is 00:57:06 yeah that was great i'm actually okay with that i stand by every judge make sure you're out of the way because we need to be able to see what we need to see but also the cameraman can go over the fuck he wants dear crossfit on behalf of andrew hiller thank you for putting the judges in the wrong spot so he can make a video and get 10 000 more views and 633 likes wow that's a shitload of likes hey um thanks no problem um that that's a that's an i think you can put that in the error bucket buddy the error bucket the error e r r o r error number 172 this year put the judges on the wrong fucking side one it's a legless rope climb why are the judges like uh someone who does too much meth would come up with think that that's a conspiracy that they did that on purpose that's a fucking joke dude that is a fucking joke
Starting point is 00:58:02 the biggest issue that i had is that i get so frustrated when people just don't understand what it is i'm talking about and then they feel the need to like put their comments and it's like i don't know how to put in my head between your ears like i that's what i try to do in my videos it's like i want to give you perspective i want you to understand what it is that i'm talking about and everyone's like this didn't matter even did clamp her legs, it's like, obviously you don't know the effect that this is going to have on someone like Brooke Wells. And if she was given a no rep on this first round, which it looks like she probably should have been given, which I understand that the judge is in the wrong spot and maybe he can't
Starting point is 00:58:37 make the right call, but let's say he was in the right spot, made the right call. She gets a no rep all of a sudden how she was failing at the backend of the workout. She's failing even worse because she doesn't have the capacity clearly to keep up with the rest of the field and then the next person closest to her Andrew was 30 seconds behind it's like yeah she might have been time capped if she was held to a standard given a no rep on the first round it's the same thing with the Travis Mayer muscle-ups he's every single rep it's it's 15 extra seconds of work time but it's also all that extra time of like a static hold on top of the rings. It's like he's had all, that's like the hardest part of the rings.
Starting point is 00:59:10 You feel like the chest contract, you feel the triceps contract, and you're doing that for an extra 15 seconds where no one else is even worried about it. And it's the trickle down effect of the whole thing. On a one to 10, when you see travis mayor saying that ten he's a bitch for saying it one he's fully fucking in the right for saying that what would you say he is no one does what i do right no one's really done this whole deal yeah did you get any bitch vibe from travis is what i'm saying zero good okay zero not even one he said
Starting point is 00:59:45 fuck your rating seven i'm giving him a zero it's the thing that everybody thinks about but nobody wants to talk about okay uh this is not the event organizer's fault though this is the event organizer's fault not the athlete or judge obviously not the athlete or the judge's fault i don't think and i don't think it's the event organizers fault. I'm gonna put it square on Justin Berg. It's just the fucking leaders top at the fucking top. And I'm going to tell you this, the fucking 10 or 11 years that I went to a million regionals and games, they would be there on the fucking floor,
Starting point is 01:00:16 stalking like a fucking cheetah. If you talk to me, tell you to get the fuck away. And if he saw something like that, he would just be like, move all the judges to the other side. He would be refining that shit in real time. And I'm not blaming the event organizers anymore.
Starting point is 01:00:29 I'm just going, everything's Justin's fault. He's the fucking leader. Sack it up, boy. Sack it up. Scorched earth. Yeah, he's got to go. He's already got to go. They're idiots.
Starting point is 01:00:41 You hired Dave. Put him fucking in charge of the games. Shut the fuck up. You're a fucking idiot. You have you you're but you're at daytona 500 you're at daytona 500 you have a daytona 500 and you have a you have a porsche 911 you can run on the track or you have a honda civic and you're running the honda civic you are clueless you said the i word what was that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm in big trouble with my wife probably for that okay back to the andrew back to the andrew hiller uh home page dark side seven is the best seven uh the athlete in 11th oh yeah you talk about the masters yeah um our last episode we talked about
Starting point is 01:01:28 that a bit but we didn't have the context that was tommy hackenbrook and his athlete yeah master semifinals fourth video of the masters uh debacle um this is the fourth video andrew hiller's made where the basically the's competition has just turned into a complete shit show uh it's a farce tell me about the red flags this is the point that's come up over and over i believe that brian friend talked about this with other workouts when you start seeing red flags on the leaderboard tell me about what you see in the leaderboard that makes you go, uh-oh, we have a problem, Houston. The workout is workout five. The workout was a death by a wall ball workout. They had to complete a certain number of wall ball repetitions within each window.
Starting point is 01:02:13 The person who won the division had something like 43 repetitions on this wall ball workout. They had to take the 20-pound wall ball. They had to go to an 11-foot target. This guy, winner of the, the bracket top 10 people, he got 40 something repetitions. The guy in third place has 114 repetitions on the same workout.
Starting point is 01:02:35 That's a red flag. It's like, Hey, we did Fran in two minutes. And it's like, okay, I can see that. And then the person in fourth place did friend a minute and a half.
Starting point is 01:02:43 And you're like, wait a minute. How did he even move that fast? And then second did he beat rich right right let's say it's 2012 and everyone's like oh rich is no one's going to beat him on anything ever that that's the correlation there so then we look at not the 114 guy but there's a handful of repetitions in the 70s those are the words that i highlighted in my first couple of videos, which were the athletes in the 70s. I had their videos, I showed the repetitions, and you can see the issue was they weren't getting below parallel or they weren't getting the ball above the 11-foot target,
Starting point is 01:03:15 which means that they had no right to be in the sections, the chunks of the death by that they were in, accumulating reps that they should have never accumulated, that then hurt the 11th place person and likely took them out of a spot that would have sent them to the CrossFit Games. And this is all because the CrossFit Games didn't even look at this workout. But I... When you say didn't look at this workout, didn't look at the videos of it? Well, it's interesting because I can't say that because Tommy Hackenbrook said that his athlete in 11th had two no reps given for him.
Starting point is 01:03:48 This is Tommy Hackenbrook, right? Yeah. And he, from his verbiage, said that he was rather harsh on the standards. Like he was trying to hold his athlete accountable in 11th. And then you can go look at the video of mine and you can see the three athletes. I don't know what they were being held to, but they were not hitting standards. I was giving as many as 15 no reps on their first set of 25 wall balls on their first set. So if that was 2013 and 14, no question they had been fucking kicked from that disqualified.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Correct. Their game season would have been over. And mind you, that was the open. This is the semifinals leading to the games. So the implications on that were Danny Siddell and Josh Golden shouldn't have won the workout in the overall leaderboard. But the implications here are these people shouldn't be going to the CrossFit games. It's nuts.
Starting point is 01:04:44 I just don't understand it it there's only 10 people whose workouts you have to look at and the biggest thing is i don't know how the guy in 11th had his repetitions looked at and like altered but i don't know how the athletes in 7th 9th and 14th did not maybe it was 4th 7th and 13th So another thing that I was critical of Andrew about was – and a lot of people, they would be like, we need to know why Dave got fired. Fuck you. You don't need to know shit. Rosa can do whatever he wants. They don't owe you shit of an explanation.
Starting point is 01:05:19 And then Andrew would be like, well, we need to know what's going on. We need more transparency. And Brian would say it too. And in my head, I'm thinking, fuck you guys. They don't have to say shit. It's theirs. Until he shows you these videos from 2014 and the precedence already been set and everything ran smoother when everything was more transparent.
Starting point is 01:05:38 I was wrong again. Look at you just admitting things. Anything for more subscribers. You're just a whore for the subscribers whatever yeah watch i need you to watch them too so you're saying that they should have said things because well they said he uh sent the athletes into the lake and they shouldn't have but that was the morning chalk up right and then they also retracted that article they did oh god you know you know i hope that whole story comes out sometime i want to really know what i think i think uh the nfl doesn't make many statements about the nfl correct yeah usually it's like an espn or
Starting point is 01:06:23 cbs sports or Fox sports or whatever. They're the ones reporting on the NFL events. And at which rate I could see that that's how CrossFit is trying to go about it. It was one of the biggest criticisms of them for a long time, which was you're reporting on your own stuff, but doesn't it almost seem like what's your answer to that? Do you know what i'm talking about here yeah totally here's the thing here's the thing and i want i want to talk about your videos but
Starting point is 01:06:51 so so crossfit is a is a lifestyle and the sport is ancillary it's our party it's just a fucking party that's all it is that's what the crossfit games are whether you like it or not it's our fucking annual party and the more you start to realize that the better off you'll be, let the athletes take it seriously. Let Andrew Hiller take it seriously. But, but, but the real thing that's going on is the affiliates and the lifestyle. And because of that, it was really, really cool that we had our own ecosystem with our own media pushing this. So Pete would drive people to affiliates and we could control the narrative. That being said, there was this other narrative being spun by the jackasses out there in the community. And I won't say their names because I like some of them, but they would say that CrossFit was exclusive and didn't let people,
Starting point is 01:07:32 other media people insert. That's not true at all. That's fucking not true at all. It's more inclusive than it's more exclusive than it's ever been. Not only is the media more exclusive than it's ever been, everything is clamped way the fuck down 10 times more than it's ever been not only is the media more exclusive than it's ever been everything is clamped way the fuck down 10 times more than it's ever all those fucking people the arm and hammers that who complained the lefrancos they had they could get all sorts of crazy access that they can't get now the two biggest people in the space me and andrew the one the most potent maybe biggest isn't the right word the most potent we we don't have access and and you know what if they gave us access do you know who would benefit the affiliates they don't give a shit now but now i'm losing my way so um you ever had anyone crossfit needs its own media team not a marketing team you own media team, not a marketing team. You don't get it. Not a marketing team. You need a media team. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Say that again. No, mine's irrelevant, but I like what you just said there. Yeah. They need a media team. They're, they're, they're, they're just rudderless. They have no leadership, no media. Hey. And when Greg, when Greg got rid of the media team in 2018 and the CEO that he had in place, got rid of the media team, it left i'm completely impotent it's like showing up to an orgy with no cock it's like you you can do nothing you will not participate
Starting point is 01:08:52 you can do something just not quite as much as everyone else is this title brooke wells has too much power clickbait because you don't go i i was i i got right away you triggered me because i guess because i don't like the idea of you claiming that athletes are running the show um but but what is the kelly clark situation is pretty crazy in that semi-final the scores for four fifth and six were 441 442 and 443 kelly clark was one point shy of making it there. And if Brooke Wells would have been called on that, it's not, it's not.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Okay. It's no, she does. And it's not her fault. Would you call what she did cheating? I wouldn't call it cheating. I would say that she's just doing with the exact thing that Travis Mayer is considering, which is trying to make the repetitions easier
Starting point is 01:09:46 and getting away with it so um i'm not saying he's considering it because he doesn't want to do it but it's almost like if you're gonna play in the space it's what they're allowing which is the worst fucking part that's that's why that's the cause for all of this so that you don't put people like travis mayer in a position to like degrade his standards or or even brooke wells but here's the part why i think it's clickbait what you said and unfuck me please the judge would have gone his whole life without knowing that she clasped her legs if that video hadn't come out which is amazing we'll talk about that that she dimed herself out which is just nuts um so so so in that i feel like there's an admission that it's not it's not that she has too much power it's just that the judge was in the wrong place when you say brookwell's has too
Starting point is 01:10:34 much power you're you're you're insinuating who was interviewed at the end of the competition seven i don't know competition who who won that competition uh the women's field I can't remember Daniel Brandon okay who was interviewed I don't know who Brooke Wells okay where'd she finish uh fourth fourth barely barely she could have even been sixth, by one or two points. Right. Right. What does that tell you? So you're saying that because she's so much more popular. I'm stealing this. Okay. I'm stealing this from Max Elhaj, I believe. Train Think Tank.
Starting point is 01:11:15 But in his episode. Those fucking guys over there. Some guy on Max's show last night said that Justin Medeiros is not going to win this year or some shit like that. You better stop doing podcasts drunk and stoned and high on crack. Madaris is going to fucking toss the whole fucking team, sorry Travis, out the fucking window.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Justin's unbeatable. Don't even look at first place. He's better than fucking Tia. Okay, go ahead. Sorry. I'm trying to, it was actually good as I'm trying to wrap a good way around this for you to understand but let's say you're watching conor mcgregor and whomever else is fighting him and conor mcgregor gets knocked the fuck out and they're just standing over him like okay uh we're gonna wait for you to wake up because everybody likes you more
Starting point is 01:11:58 and then and then they don't even go interview the guy who won right daniel brandon won they should be interviewing her. Let's say it's a Masters event, and everyone knows who Tiger Woods is, and he just made a big comeback. He got in a car accident, and let's say he's in sixth place, and at the end of the competition, Rory McIlroy wins. They don't interview Rory. They interview Tiger Woods.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Right. And now what does that tell you? It says they don't do that in the PGA, and they would never do that for Conor McGregor, I would hope i would think but they're doing that in crossfit brooke wells she came back from her elbow injury what does this mean to you and it's not her fault she's just playing her life uh but but but you're you're making a leap there aren't you that just because she was popular enough to get interviewed that they gave her a pass also on her reps aren't you making a
Starting point is 01:12:53 little bit of i mean that's a strong that's a strong um i'm not saying they gave her a pass on the reps because we've already dictated the point that the judge is in the wrong spot and that they could okay okay you're not saying that all right there's way more to there's way more to this than just that event because we also have the sandbag event where i had like this is the best judge in the mac and he was giving her no reps but there were a handful of other reps there that also should have been no reps i don't even remember it's uh look at andrew's not sure whether he wants to fight the fight or not he's like should i let this one go or should i fight with someone should i let this one go should fight
Starting point is 01:13:29 with someone oh go ahead i would say that together i think i stand them all right yeah talk talk caller hey it's patrick hello patrick um so regarding the interview, it is Patrick Clark. Hey, how are you? Fine. What's up, Andrew? What's up, Siobhan? Hi, welcome to the show. Oh, well, thank you. I mean, you asked Lauren to come on the show, but you never asked me to come on the show. I didn't, I didn't, I didn't ask Lauren. I, I lured, lured. You did. You did. Because she was asked, she, when it was first presented that she came to me and was like, hey, there, Siobhan's sliding my DMs and asked me if I'd come on the show.
Starting point is 01:14:15 I'm like, yeah, of course you should go. You know how Hansel and Gretel got tossed in the oven, right? They laid out the popcorn, line of popcorn, and then they went into the house. And then next thing you know, they're being. Mark Fuentes. It doesn't matter the injury she came back from. It who won the competition daniel brandon won the competition you interview her mark all right so so savan might have a better uh uh of course i do i don't even know what you're gonna say but of course i do all right all right so it comes down to a broadcasting thing you know if you you wanted the compelling storyline.
Starting point is 01:14:46 The compelling storyline was Brooke sitting at the finish line crying. She barely made it. He is there. It's almost a home crowd. I mean, I mean, that's what you're going to do. I mean, it happens in every sport. You don't necessarily, you know, interview the winner every time you interview the broadcast decides who to bring in that will bring in ratings or whatever. It just comes down to that. It's the broadcast that decides that. It wasn't CrossFit that decided that.
Starting point is 01:15:14 I'm just wondering just really quick. This looks like a pretty compelling storyline to me too. I don't know if you can see this. Why do you say that? Just because if you're choosing who you're going to interview, they, they passed on this young lady, miss Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 01:15:30 And, and they went with brick walls. Hey, boxing doesn't hide it at all. Patrick, it's to kind of agree with you. The Ryan Garcia, the,
Starting point is 01:15:40 the boxer from California, even when he had, I think now he's got millions of Instagram followers, but even when he had 500,000, they were basically, they would say on the, on the shows on ESPN, the, the, um, boxer from California, even when he had, I think now he's got millions of Instagram followers, but even when he had 500,000, they were basically, they would say on the, on the, uh,
Starting point is 01:15:48 shows on ESPN, Hey, he's getting these fights because of how many followers he has on Instagram. And I'm not hating on CrossFit for that either. She's got 1.6 million followers. Fuck. And it's going to help propel everyone forward. Use it.
Starting point is 01:15:59 But I don't think that's what they're doing. Well, for all we know, Danielle, Brandon was in the bathroom right patrick i mean seriously uh i think at the time she was actually she was actually i think having an interview with us okay but with us you mean the morning chalk up and uh you and lauren correct yeah okay so but what i mean you think you think, do you think Hiller's on the conspiracy train too much?
Starting point is 01:16:26 It depends on what the subject Matt subject is. Like, I don't know. I think he might be onto something when it comes to some athletes having certain, you know, some power, but I don't think they have as much power over judges as some people would think. Like the judge that he brought up in the video. I know that guy. He's actually a really good judge. He doesn't judge a game. He's actually on the scoring team during the game. So, but I won't say his name, but he, it's one of those things judging,
Starting point is 01:16:56 especially for a legless rope climb where their place. And I think I made a comment about it earlier. It's like he wasn't put in that place. He's put in that place for a number of reasons, one by the broadcast and also for safety considerations as well. Because if he was on the other side, judging to see where if her legs clamped or whatever, he's going to get a lot of rope in his face too.
Starting point is 01:17:17 He's going to get slapped in the face. He could have worn a mask for that. What are those called? The 1950, the CD 50. What are those called? The 1950, the CD50? What are those masks? N95. N95.
Starting point is 01:17:28 He could have just put on an N95 and a pair of goggles. Probably. I should be running events. You should. You should have your own Savan classic. Oh, the California Hormone Games. Yes, there you go. With the money we save from testing justin madaris will be taking home
Starting point is 01:17:46 yeah but um hey i i i by the way just so you know we weren't blaming the judge at all patrick we 100 okay okay good yeah i was just mentioning because i know some people in the comments obviously it's the comments but they say stuff like that like uh the judge signed up or you know or there's no conspiracy theory. I, in my opinion, knowing being at the event, knowing the judges, knowing the organizers, there's no conspiracy theory there. I mean, uh, in my opinion, like I said, I mean, you know, Andrew can do, he does great stuff obviously. And, uh, people are interested to see what he says.
Starting point is 01:18:21 And me and him have many conversations about this, but when it comes to judging, I really don't think there's a cabal of judges who are trying to get certain athletes to the game. I think, for the most part, the judges are honest and
Starting point is 01:18:37 they're doing the best they can, especially considering the environment that they're in now. I think Andrew agrees with that. I agree with that. That they're doing the best they can, but, um, okay.
Starting point is 01:18:49 I don't want to fall down that hole. I do, but I just want to find out, is this video, what's, what's the title of this video mean? Is Andrew Hiller saying that, um,
Starting point is 01:18:58 that, that Brooke Wells gets away with shit because of who she is in the broadest sense. Does she have too much? Yeah. In my opinion, I think. And he already admitted it's not her fault so we're not putting her her we're not blaming her i think i think she does i think there's history kind of dictates it i think it goes back to the whole capacity you know the whole capacity yes the whole capacity statement you know and i think that kind of yeah and wait we have to make point
Starting point is 01:19:28 who was at the head of everything at that point mr dave castro so unacceptable dave unacceptable dave uh is that is that the type is that his uh nickname back then unacceptable dave unacceptable dave no capacity dave capacity capacity dave but um yeah it just kind of set a bad precedent i his nickname back then, Unacceptable Dave. Unacceptable Dave. No, Capacity Dave. Capacity. Capacity Dave. Yeah, it just kind of set a bad precedent. I remember when that statement came out, it kind of like, you know, it really upset some judges. It really did. I mean, I was one of the judges.
Starting point is 01:19:57 I was actually one of the judges that actually got to see that video and sent that video up with some, you know, with some markings and stuff like that. And then three weeks later, the capacity statement comes out, and that's one reason why I stopped judging. I'm like, why am I doing this? What people are trusting me to do, and it's no longer happening.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Are you saying you were on the back end, and you were just reviewing reviewing videos and that came across your desk i was the first line on the back end when it came to the video review and it just watered away and you were like nope this is no good pretty much interesting yeah okay patrick well thank you very much for calling pleasure to talk to you. Please call back anytime. Great having you on the show, bro.
Starting point is 01:20:47 All right, man. Okay. All right. Have a great Sunday. Bye. Good talking to you, Patrick. We have another one coming in? We did.
Starting point is 01:20:57 I hung up on him. Sorry. From Loveland, Colorado. Very primal. I know that person. You do? No. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:21:04 I don't know people in Colorado uh there's a video i'm not going to talk about much but it is pretty funny it's called i hate internet scammers and there's a back and forth that andrew has and it is very funny and i highly recommend uh you watch it great video to watch while you're i couldn't believe somebody went all through all that for 30 that was it they wanted their 30 and i was like haha i'll fight i'll fight you it's a great video uh review of the fittest so what's fascinating about that movie there's a video that andrew makes here uh it's called uh contaminated supplements dave knew this whole time uh crossfit open less than 101 reviewing the fittest nearly a decade later well i don't see it where it's got the red bat logo with gee doing a jerk dave knew this whole
Starting point is 01:21:53 time oh that's it oh shit i don't even know okay yeah okay so this was two days ago it's called reviewing the test of the fittest this truly is an amazing piece of work. And it was made by Ian Wittenberg, which I think is the only employee that I fired other than when I had to do the mass firing, when I was told to fire everyone on the team. He was the only one like we just couldn't get along. A fascinating story, mine and his relationship. I hope I should tell it one day. I wonder if he'd come on the show and we can talk about it. I failed Ian as a leader. Wittenberg?
Starting point is 01:22:35 I failed Ian as a leader. Dude, hardest fucking working dude ever. Basically lived in the office. I wonder if you can get him on the Savant team. No, I can't have him. I can't have him he's he's too he's too he's he's i can't have him he's too big time now no not that he's not no no no he's too everyone's too little time it's just he's a um he's a he's a uh he he's he's he has i don't want to i don't want to i don't want to bash him but an amazing hard worker extremely talented super creative He made a good video.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Nice enough. Anyway, I hired him and dispatched him. I failed him as a leader. I was unable to lead him. But he made this video. This was the same year that the Rich Froning, Fittest Man in History came out, I believe. And I believe, if I recall correctly, we were just trying to make one documentary that year. Heber and Mars were just trying to make one documentary and Ian Wittenberg.
Starting point is 01:23:28 And I think this one came out the year before. Okay. Yeah. When we got, we got so much footage that we realized that we could make, uh, um, uh, Heber, I think Heber led the, the, the, the crew on that. We got so much footage that, um, heber decided we'll just make a separate rich froning documentary and so ian released a fittest on earth and then a year later the froning doc came out pretty crazy right it split it was one it was one movie and then it split into
Starting point is 01:23:58 two this 30 minute video had 2.7 million views. 2.7 million views? Yeah. And I can say that I probably watched that 30 times. It's so good. It's so good. And my video about it is just about that last three minutes where they kind of bring up in 10 years, people will be doing this. Someone will be doing this. Someone will be doing that.
Starting point is 01:24:21 And that's what I thought was the cool part about it was back then I was sitting there thinking i wonder if people could be able to do that and it's already happening a lot the historian and anthropologist andrew hiller specializes in crossfit has a phd in the subject matter once again watch this video it's uh dave knew this whole time and he goes through this old test of fitness and shows you what the how the sections of the movie that are we're predicting the future it's really cool i've been sitting to adam clink i haven't spoken to him no yeah me neither i i've always wanted to have him on the show he's uh that was awesome his back squat in a mile it was so cool insane i uh my best mile is close to that and my best back
Starting point is 01:25:07 squat is close to that and i just it's just oh to do them both to do them both yeah you said i bet how in this in this video you say i bet half the athletes hang on guys everyone's gonna love this uh hillar and i are about to go to war i bet half the athletes at games can't do oh you sorry sorry you say that all the athletes at the games can do fran in 215 i don't think half of them can do it in 215 why i just don't is this an anthropometrics thing like their limbs are too long they're too tall no no no i just don't think the layout of the floor look like i i just don't think that those guys practice fran like that i think that i don't think i don't think you can do a 215 fran unless you practice it for the vast majority of people including the games athletes what's your best friend uh i don't want to tell you i better do i better do it 100 bucks
Starting point is 01:26:00 i bet hollis malloy it was either 50 or 100 $100 that I would have a sub-three-minute Fran someday. Seven. Not even close. I never even got close. Did you see the field of people at Granite Games do the thrusters and handstand walk event? You did. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you see how fast they're moving in that barbell?
Starting point is 01:26:21 That barbell is heavier than the 95, 65-pound barbell. Yeah. What was it? I think it was 115 75 or 115 80 maybe that at granite games and they were flying i would bet that 95 of the athletes at the games can do for an in 215 now they can't have 95 percent of the individual men and women at the games, 60 people. As long as it isn't like a Matt DeLugo is always too tall to do it that fast. I understand. I understand.
Starting point is 01:26:52 I'm not going to do anything tricky like fucking put Oxycontin in their protein in their podium before they start or lower the bar to like three feet high. Okay. I wish Caleb was here so we could make a poll. I wish Caleb was here to make a poll i wish caleb was here to make a poll this is this is horseshit people this is if you have like the bar the pull-up bar right there i bet that they can all do it hillar loves the athletes so much and believes in him so much and uh it's it's caused him to have uh um cognitive i thought you were going to take the route which was they don't train that time modality as often you're saying they don't practice but sure sure time modality those
Starting point is 01:27:32 movements i just think to get below a 245 fran you have you you have to be like you have to be working on it like i like there's i think that i bet you i bet you half the field hasn't done fran in a year when they show up to the games yeah but they don't need to because it's just so easy for them i i yeah i don't think that's i don't think that one that's true you don't i i hope the first workout this year is fran i hope me too i hope everyone goes sub 215 and then one person's like 216 you go go, I told you so. Me too. 216, that's all I need, 216. You need a single 216.
Starting point is 01:28:09 I know that's really fast. I would say under 220, 100%, under 215, close. Wow. There's no reason they can't. It's 45 pull-ups. You know, they can do that all on the road. What's your fastest, Fran? 211.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Wow. In come the comments saying he probably doesn't lock out his elbows but yeah 211 no not probably does not one of them only only it was like this this is how he does it yeah how's this doing by the way we can see it fuck oh my god you need another surgery i know and then that's the other way. Name names. Who do you think can't do it in 215? DeLugos can't do it in 215. How about that? Just right off the bat.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Boom. Oh, but he hasn't made it to the games yet. He hasn't made it to the games yet. Fikowski. He would struggle, but that's because of his height. Fikowski cannot. I already said that doesn't count. I know.
Starting point is 01:29:02 I said it, and I go, someone's going to say it. Jason Hopper can't. Jason Hopper can't. I would bet he probably could he cannot all right jason hopper a million dollars do it under 215 i bet this one does this one's really gonna hurt dalen pepper cannot why it hurts james sprague cannot they just can't they're fucking fucking giants. They have world-class Fran times. Don't get me wrong. James Sprague, 249. Dallin Pepper, 301.
Starting point is 01:29:30 I mean, I'm telling you, they're good. They're good enough to win the games, these guys, at some point. James. Do you know who does? Do you know who does have a 215, Fran? Saxon Panchik. Justin Medeiros. I hope he's watching this. Yeah, would yes that is correct eric thank you and colton merton does have a 130 that's true too you know what we can do they
Starting point is 01:29:54 did fran 2011 2012 the finale it was that three-parter and i can pull up the leaderboard and check that out do you have that can? Can you, can you share it? You haven't given me the powers yet, but I'm going to, let me check to see if it's accurate first on the leaderboard or maybe help. And I'll say, nevermind. Don't do that. Oh, Kenya. I got it. That would be dope if you could. Yeah. Yeah. I bet you. I, yep. Let's, let let's go let's throw tutor on there too tutor can all right so that year froning hit us hey um you know who else can uh uh mal o'brien can
Starting point is 01:30:33 she certainly can yeah stop take one of the 241 friend that year who did saxon scott in 2000 and 2012 it was and And every actually, well, so it was a three part workout. It's not like it just said, Hey, go do Fran. It was Elizabeth,
Starting point is 01:30:50 Isabel, and then Fran. So they had done three workouts already. And then the third workout was Fran and they were doing nuts. That was cool. I liked that. They may have their friend on their games profile. Ooh, that's a good idea.
Starting point is 01:31:06 I wonder if... First of all, the games profile, that's unfair. I mean, that's in my favor of the argument. The games profile is just pathetic. All right. Jason Hopper, oh my God. Seth, I need you to do something for me really quick. Yes.
Starting point is 01:31:23 On a tab, type in Jason Hopper CrossFit and pull up his games profile. Just like Google Jason Hopper CrossFit. Click on the athlete. You're going to lose your mind. And his friend time is 215. Aha. Jason Hopper games profile. Holy.
Starting point is 01:31:39 You got to share your screen. This is good. Wow. Wow. Wow. I had no idea what you're talking about incredible hey he he's very batman-esque i'll get here isn't that wild that's so funny yeah that's a beautiful games profile wow and then and then scroll down for me yeah scroll down even more keep going keep going it's almost like we planned this it's right there stop friend okay so let me explain
Starting point is 01:32:05 this fran time jason hopper's fran time i'm gonna give you my theory on this this was uh two or three years ago when he was obsessed with crossfit and when people get obsessed with crossfit in the beginning all they do is fran and helen fran and helen oh grace i found grace i'll start doing grace grace grace grace grace grace grace isabel fran fran isabel isabel Fran Fran Fran and one time he got a 216 and he took one second off when he looked at the clock he figured he did it one second faster that's my theory
Starting point is 01:32:32 hey Hopper Sevan's talking shit I'm not I'm not I'm a I'm a thinker he's got that picture on there Fakowski doesn't have Yeah. He doesn't have, he doesn't have a friend listed.
Starting point is 01:32:47 I love that Batman thing right there. Yeah, that is, that was funny. I didn't see that coming. Oh shit. How are we on time? You good?
Starting point is 01:32:56 I'm good. Uh, at least 50 minutes, two 20, 2023. We're moving to the video. That's 2023. CrossFit open less than 100,000 signups.
Starting point is 01:33:12 Did you like the intro to that one? That one I try to get clever with. I'm trying to find it. That was the one that opened up with... Dude, it's second to the top right. Oh, right here. Yeah. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Great opening. Great opening. Yes, great opening. Which is basically getting riled up, riling up the troops for the war. Yeah, that was a great movie. Who are the troops that's in the open? You put up a poll and got almost 6 000 people to vote on it where did you put that poll up instagram wow isn't that wild it's like holy
Starting point is 01:33:55 shit this is so cool that's a massive poll when we put up polls on this show it's like we get like 80 people in one column and like 62 in the other. Well, but that's like the live call-in show. I would wonder what would happen if you put one on Instagram like that. Well, 6,000 people don't ever even see my account. It's crazy. 56% of the people in the poll said they're not going to sign up for the open. So I knew that might be the case, but I also thought that maybe they haven't been signing up for a while. So I made the next next poll which said that they won't be signing up specifically because of what's going on this year
Starting point is 01:34:29 when what and what is that specifically what's going on 57 times crossfit is fucked up crossfit doesn't filter the leaderboards for workout number three crossfit sends the wrong semi-final masters athletes to the games the lack of integrity around the sport the shit show the fact that it's not a sport and there's no controlled rules or guidelines or boundaries final masters athletes to the games the lack of integrity around the sport the shit show the fact that it's not a sport and there's no controlled rules or guidelines or boundaries yeah and i think the big thing i try to drive home here is that there's no guiding light they don't like really give us anything to say and all i wanted them to say was the point of this video was if they tomorrow were to say hey we're going to open up the leaderboard we're going to let every the
Starting point is 01:35:03 the judges kind of dictate the leaderboard whoever We're going to let the judges dictate the leaderboard, whoever takes our judges course that we make you pay $10 for, that might sway a lot of these people. I think I had like 600, 700 people say that they would not be signing up next year because of this year. That's my little profile that had a slight amount of votes. If you extrapolate that up, I would have to say that they're probably in like the 30 to 40 thousands of
Starting point is 01:35:29 people who aren't going to sign up, which is a bunch of money they're missing out on. Yeah. It's half, half a million to a million bucks with 40,000 people at $20. That's a, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:42 Okay. Uh, and all they gotta do is make a statement about doing the right thing uh some people might say it sounds like uh andrew hiller's being arrogant when he says he knows stuff but i want to tell you the truth he does know stuff when you make a video every single day and you have a community start building around you, you start collecting massive amounts of Intel. That's actually wild. Intel that could never fucking get into anyone at HQ because in there, they're in an isolated echo chamber.
Starting point is 01:36:20 But when you have a leaderless community next to you, the people in that community will then start feeding Andrew Intel too. So the amount of Intel that comes into him, you can't even – he can't even keep up with it. over here never liked crossfit this person here took the job because of this i used to be this person's boyfriend and he did this i mean it it pours in how do i know it because it pours into me too you can't even keep up with it all you know and i disregard 99 of it by the way like most of the shit that people think i care about i just don't i don't care if so and so has three fucking illegitimate kids but that vid that information is pouring into him because people are coming out of the woodwork like crazy go ahead andrew sorry you're in a similar position as i am and you i had a video where you're talking to dave about you were afraid of going live and what part of you afraid going live is that you might say the wrong thing and everyone's going to hear it you can never
Starting point is 01:37:22 retract that thing is that correct the first show i did with you that was what i was most afraid of because what you just said is you get a lot of information which i have in my head and if i'm editing a video i can take that out that oh shit that can't be that's like not public knowledge that incriminates me here or there and there is a lot of stuff as for as much as i'd like to say a lot of these things you just can't and i'm sure you're in the same boat right yeah yeah but yeah i know some stuff and you know a lot more than i do and i don't want to paint a dishonest picture too like sometimes it's tempting like to be like okay i don't want to say that because i don't because like uh like what we said um uh the capacity thing you know uh when when Brookwell said she had enough capacity and that was under Dave's realm.
Starting point is 01:38:08 I don't I don't like saying that. But being honest and having integrity trumps everything. Yeah, yeah, it has to. You have to. Yeah, we can't just say Dave's the best, the best, the best. It only means anything if you also say things like that. I think people want to support CrossFit. That's half the reason they pay for the open correct that's why they pay affiliate fees too but with
Starting point is 01:38:27 the fuck ups the silence only releasing to morning chaga vague guidelines make them not want to pay um seven why are you so blackfold from crossfit why didn't they hire you back after the bleep show? I don't know what the bleep show is, but I had the most popular man in all of CrossFit, I would argue, on my show a couple days ago. So I don't know if Blackbold is the right word. Interesting. But I understand your question, and I am kind of playing a game and avoiding it. Not avoiding it because I don't want to say the answer because I just don't want to get into it. I want to go dig into Andrew Hiller's videos more. The help says that DeLugos has a 245 friend, by the way.
Starting point is 01:39:15 Yeah, that means it's once again 246, but then when he looked up at the clock, he gave himself a second because that one second takes to turn his head. You think Gee got a pass because he's oh gee you think he got a pass because he's famous uh i think all right this is by the way i'm on a hillar fit youtube station we're talking about the 2023 crossfit open less than 100 that 100 000 did i say he got a pass because he's famous i don't know i don't think I said that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:46 Because I don't think it's ever crossed my head that that's the reason why. Okay. I do, however, see the correlation between what you would see as famous and Guillermo Heros being the strongest person in the community. He had just gone to the games, won the sprint. He won the snatch at the 2021 games. He's going to compete in his home country, which actually looks like a well-run competition with a whole bunch of
Starting point is 01:40:08 people around. It looks like an amazing competition. It looked like it was crazy. Yeah. And everyone's waiting for him to do this event since the second that the CrossFit people that may be put these workouts out. And here it is right now. I don't think it's because he's famous.
Starting point is 01:40:24 I think it maybe might be some sort of correlation between that and famous. But there's just a lot of pressure on that judge right there who's a volunteer to make the call that would have shut all that down in half of a second. I was on Jason Ackerman the other day, level four, and he judges at the CrossFit Games. And I go, you're in that position. What do you do? And he hit a little bit of like, ah. I'm like, Jason, you're the man. You're the level four guy.
Starting point is 01:40:50 There are only 50 of you in the freaking world. What do you say? He goes, well, it's a no rep. I'm like, that's it. That's the whole thing. You just told me exactly what I needed to hear. Right there, you're in that position. You call a no rep.
Starting point is 01:41:02 And he said, yes. Jason Ackerman, level four CrossFit coach. One of 50. On top of that, Justin Berg admitted that Guy's a needle mover. Where did you hear that? No, Justin said it. He's a needle mover. He moves the fucking needle.
Starting point is 01:41:24 He is the entire fucking ecosystem. Oh, you're right. No, not that kind of needle. He's a needle mover. He moves the fucking needle. He's he is the entire fucking ecosystem. No, not that kind of needle. Yeah. Not Justin. Not that kind of. Basically, Guy is huge in Brazil. But the videos I'll tell you something that I hate sharing this kind of information. Any videos I do with Guy on YouTube, I think I've done. He's been on my show twice. They're the ones that make the most money not only because they get a lot of views not close not not the most necessarily not definitely not the most but because the click-through rate and the money you
Starting point is 01:41:54 get paid for people watching youtube in brazil is so much higher than it is in the united states i think and he fucking moves the needle by the way i don't understand why he blocked you you didn't even say anything bad about him that might be the first time it's public knowledge oh yeah i'm sorry you ruined my ability to make a video see this is why we can't go live oh yeah fuck sorry sorry it's okay don't worry about it like yeah he blocked me and i realized it when i was making what video was i making oh the uh reviewing the test of fitness video. I wanted to go pull a video of him doing a lift because he was the one that I wanted to use as the guy who can clean and jerk 400 pounds and run a sub five minute mile. And I'm like, wait a minute, he, I can't
Starting point is 01:42:35 find him. And then I had to figure out that he blocked me, man. I'm thinking that there's another way. Like if I'm Guy, I may be, um um after you make the videos that show that i go back to my garage and i say this one's for you hiller and i make a heart and i and i clean and jerk 350 or something you know what i mean so something like that yeah just for fun just for fucking you know or he clean and jerks a dog or a giant dildo he clean he clean and jerks a giant dildo and says this one's for you hiller instead of blocks you like you know what i mean like get the ball rolling i everyone makes it so personal and i guess it's hard to not make it personal because it literally is a picture of him record or no rep and i'm talking about his thing which is super cool for him but he's just in a
Starting point is 01:43:20 position to be talked about and like you're saying like, like lean into it, like come back at me. Let's go. Hey, Patrick Clark says athletes from South America, South American countries said there was a lot of bias and favoritism shown by the organizers. Then you mean for him? Well, I was watching a high rocks event and their world record holder is Hunter McIntyre. And I remember seeing in one of the videos he went to go do the wall balls and his judge handed him the fucking ball i was like what the fuck what the fuck i gotta scratch on my i gotta itch on my tank can you scratch it yes sir yes my goodness uh and kenneth says that he applauds that i'm not afraid to get blocked and i think that he's
Starting point is 01:44:05 not afraid but he doesn't want it i don't think you want to get blocked i mean there's no hate there's no everyone respects the fuck out of gee i think everyone respects the fuck out of brook wells i competed with gee in 2019 at wadapalooza and i thought we were cool i guess i guess things change um we were the same heat same division talked in the warm-up corral and all that stuff in 2008 at the crossfit games matt murski was doing clean and jerks with 155 and he would be dropped the bar from the top and let it bounce and catch it yep yep yep and i thought it was fucking brilliant and dave stood over that heat about 15 feet above them on a mound of dirt he gets on the megaphone and yells at murski that's a fucking no rep even though mercy's got his own judge how uh how excited were
Starting point is 01:45:10 you to bring that up i mean i was so upset i thought i thought murky should have been rewarded for it but i bet you you agree with dave like listen motherfucker i made a i made a video at one point about there is a reason that crossfit is so cool and it's because i always would fight to the day that i die saying that the person who wins their crossfit games is the fittest person on earth and it's because i know things like what you just said someone like dave cash or sand over the top like that isn't the way that's supposed to fucking look stop doing that yeah right in the middle of the competition starts yelling at him i'm like oh fuck and that will lead you to the fittest on earth it's like everyone's doing the same thing the same way the same intention yeah no one's getting away with anything yeah that that is the you you right there that's the the root of all of
Starting point is 01:46:02 this you i walk into a globo gym and you look at this person, you go, okay, that squat wasn't below parallel, but I don't know what their goals are. Maybe they're a football player. Maybe they are taught wrong. I don't know. I don't know what their intention is. But when you have someone like Rich Froning doing a squat,
Starting point is 01:46:17 you know their intentions to be the fittest on earth. You know that they're supposed to be doing things a certain way, yada, yada, yada. Every single person up and down the entire leaderboard is doing the exact same thing. You take someone like an Adrian Peterson or a Saquon Barkley, who people are like, if they dabbled in cross, if they would blow everybody out of the water, like, yeah, okay. But all of a sudden they got to play by the same rules. So, or I said, maybe they play football, that quarter squat that Saquon Barkley did at 700
Starting point is 01:46:44 pounds, that doesn't count. Why? Because there's standards. Because there's rules that everybody else plays by, and your 700-pound squat doesn't count. Saquon Barkley, was he in that movie, The Wire? No, he's a running back on the New York Giants. But he's like a specimen of a man. I think he hit like a 4.05 clean as a 17-year-old in high school.
Starting point is 01:47:04 Wow. And it looked like dog shit but it's that that shows you how strong he is like if he would have been into olympic weightlifting and refined his technique he's got like 500 pounds in there as a 19 year old which is ridiculous but he plays the sport where he makes all the money and everyone makes the argument that you know if crossfit had 30 million dollars people like saquon barth they would be interested in it. And they might be, but they would have to play by the same rules.
Starting point is 01:47:29 And the rules are the ones where you've got people like Dave Castro shouting down at the person doing the clean and jerks the wrong way. Yeah, that's not right. You see Saquon Barth, they do a 700 pound squat. Everyone's like, oh, yeah, that's so cool. It's so heavy. And Dave's like, yeah, you didn't get low enough. That didn't count. The 500 pound rep counts though hey you would love that part of the movie because then i go over and interview matt murski who i really like great guy and i was
Starting point is 01:47:54 like oh um i said something to him like hey what happened you got in trouble for the standards and he goes what fucking standards there are no fucking standards it's a great line is that every second counts yeah okay he's got that video i found on dvd i wonder how i can get it onto my iphone uh contaminated supplements video uh it was finally it was published four days ago as 23 000 views really quick you know that you uh craig Craig Ritchie, Nate Edwardson did that, right? We're now at an hour 45 in, and this is what the video is titled.
Starting point is 01:48:29 And we're finally getting to it. What do you mean? It's like, we got to talk about this. And then like, they talk about it way at the end of the episode or like, uh, you'll never believe what Rich Froning said.
Starting point is 01:48:41 And then like 15 minutes into a 20 minute video. Oh, he said this. And then no, no, no, that's a, no, no, my i got no no no you're trying to compare no no no i will not tolerate that mr hillary savon nate edwardson matosian all right carry on i'm sorry i cut you off that hurt uh i took a bag of supplements. A guy really said that? Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:49:09 There's one more thing I wanted to. Sorry, I want to go back to this other video. 2023 CrossFit has less than 100,000. Somebody on their IG asked. Oh, so on the CrossFit Games IG, someone wrote. You talk about this in the video, and I wanted you to contextualize this. Have you, someone from CrossFit who runs their Instagram account wrote, have you seen the press conference? You remember that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:32 Can you contextualize that for me? Are those guys fucking complete morons over there? You said echo chamber, right? Who runs the CrossFit Games Instagram? This is fucking complete idiocy. First of all, you guys have never had a press conference. Never. Not this year.
Starting point is 01:49:50 You have not had one. Stop lying to yourself. When you say shit like that, you're going to confuse people. There was something called a press conference. Oh, my goodness. But what you're saying is that it wasn't a press conference because we weren't invited. Not just us invited. Anybody.
Starting point is 01:50:06 Yes. It's closed. Correct. It's a, it's, it's, it's the echo chamber. I can't,
Starting point is 01:50:13 I can't believe you brought that up. Cause I kind of forgot about this. Yeah. There's like a post. They put that, that lift up, right. That's the new email heroes lifting.
Starting point is 01:50:20 And I write, you might want to take this down. That comment gets like 400 likes and there's a hundred responses underneath it. A hundred responses to, you might want to take this down that comment gets like 400 likes and there's 100 responses underneath it 100 responses to you might want to take this down and at the ass end of my comment is the crossfit game saying hey uh we decided that it was a re-rec and have you seen the press conference we address things like that and this is a week later one week later they've decided to finally jump aboard and say hey have you guys seen our press conference it's like where the fuck have you been where have you been this is old news this is this is so last week come on it's it's like the worst kind of comeback too it's like um you you
Starting point is 01:50:59 shoot someone in the head and everyone's telling you what an asshole you are and then you post a video of you walking an old lady across the street. But did you see this? I did over here. It's like, they're so bad. So, so maybe,
Starting point is 01:51:14 maybe Scott, that's why I'll never be coming back because of that. You've heard too many people's feelings. They don't want you next to them. I think that there is, I have to guess that there's a chance that someone there who's invested the 50 million or a hundred million or whoever the big investor is, is going to be like, how did this company go from 2006 and seven to 300 affiliates to 15,000 affiliates in 2018 on all seven continents.
Starting point is 01:51:39 And they're going to be like, Oh, that guy, Seba Motosi was in charge of everything forward facing. And it's more important that we get our money back than worry about him being an asshole and hurting people's feelings. I have to guess. But by then, at the rate that they're going, this show will be bigger than all of CrossFit Inc. At the rate we're going. I looked at Social Blade yesterday.
Starting point is 01:51:58 You're on track for 300,000 subscribers in the next three years. Oh, that's awesome. By then, I'll have 350, years. Oh, that's awesome. By then, you think? By then I'll have 300, by then I'll have 350 though. Oh shit. Ricardo, say something nice to me. Say something nice to me.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Hiller's beating me up. That's funny. It comes up Ricardo Morica. This is Blade. Oh, hey, what's up brother? What's up?
Starting point is 01:52:21 What's up bro? I actually wanted to touch in on the, uh, Gmod Hedl snow rep. Please. And, I want to make, I want to make it clear. I'm, I'm reaching here. brother what's up what's up bro i actually wanted to touch in on the uh gmail headless no rep please and uh i want to i want to make it clear i'm i'm reaching here but it but it is a possibility so the first time i saw it it was an obvious i was like this motherfucker just do like a quarter jerk and re-rack it but then but then when they ran it back there was like a low camera angle and that angle tells me is like the closest to what the judge's angle would be.
Starting point is 01:52:47 And it's the angle where you could only see his upper body. And it does look like a re-rec. If you're on your knee, I don't know if the judge is standing or whatnot. You could check that out. But if you're on your knee and you're just looking at his upper body because you're not really checking the athlete's footwork during a jerk. You're looking for lockout and re-establishing position typically hey um uh hillar can relate to this perfectly because his fiancee thinks he has a nine inch dick but it's only a four inch dick and it's all perspective it's four and a
Starting point is 01:53:16 half but so so i think i think you might have something are you down there are you up here? Yeah. Yeah, so from that low angle, I'm just wondering if it happened quick and then by the time he might have even realized something, he's like, oh, fuck, well, he already got it overhead. I'm definitely not. I don't want that smoke. And so, yeah, that's just my two cents on the matter. But who knows? I may be reaching.
Starting point is 01:53:42 He might have seen the foot and just decided not to. But it is possible from that low angle it just looked like a re-rec hiller yeah i think that that's a very valid response and i i would i think that next time you have a client and you should drop down on your to where that ref was or even ask uh alexis to do it you have a great athlete there and see alexis comes from weightlifting kind of what she did crossfit she had crossfit weightlifting crossfit and then she was one of the most agitated by it she's like that's not what a fucking re-rec looks like and i'm like but yeah but this angle thing i think i think although he he said it might be stretching i think it's legit we know that the judge for brooke wells was in the wrong spot we know the judge so he couldn't see the leg clamping maybe this judge is in the wrong spot being on his knees down in the front
Starting point is 01:54:34 like that what did jason ackerman say well he saw he saw the video what blade saying is is that he saw it you know what let's get the judge on send the judge a link all right and there's actually so so there's actually already a video of that low angle i'm referring to i think it's the one like the one crossword poster where they're like and and they talk about his uh complex and so that's what made me think because i knew his foot moved and even though i knew that when he re-racked, I thought, hold on, did he re-rack or did his foot move? And I knew it did.
Starting point is 01:55:10 And so I was like, if that's the angle that I'm looking at, maybe it just happened too quick and his feet are the last thing I'm worried about. And it just snapped right there. I'm so soft on it. I want to jump on that bandwagon. I'm so soft on it. I mean, you have me like, I, like I, I want to, I want to jump on that bandwagon.
Starting point is 01:55:28 I'm so soft on it. I'm the opposite of the Hiller. Anthony Davis did not do that. That's why you guys are great. You guys are balanced. The yin and the yang. Thank you. Like,
Starting point is 01:55:39 no, fuck that. Yeah. Oh no, no, let him. I only want to know how big it, I just want to know how long Hiller swings. That, oh no, let him. I only want to know how big, I just want to know
Starting point is 01:55:46 how long Hiller swings. That's the only thing I care about. I want to know the truth. Long enough. Four and a half inches. All right, y'all. Well, I'm out. I'm going to go
Starting point is 01:55:54 and keep watching, keep doing what you do. All right. Thanks, brother. Bye. All right, peace. All right. Anthony Davis didn't do it.
Starting point is 01:56:02 That's true. He caught it here. Which is allowed and the rules say it's allowed. He did. The rules said it wasn't allowed. So impressive, Anthony Davis. Caller, if you agree with me, speak. If you don't, move on.
Starting point is 01:56:18 I do agree. Okay. I actually do. It's the one. Oh. So I was a judge last year at the games. And I want to talk about this whole rope climb thing because they put the judges on the field, right?
Starting point is 01:56:39 So they're not going to go around to where many times the athletes are facing. We're on the rope, right? Because one, you can't, they've got these gigantic pads. So you can't like,
Starting point is 01:56:53 there's no judge on the other side either. So you can't just traverse the pad, go to the other side and start like looking at legs to the rule needs to be better phrased because you can't have like what no, if it's a legless, right. You can't have any leg touch the rope. Like what, what constitutes clamping? Like how much pressure, how many pounds per square inch is clamping versus just kind of straddling the rope, that kind of thing. It doesn't, it doesn't, it's too ambiguous the way it is now for someone.
Starting point is 01:57:27 I actually kind of give that judge a pass for Brookwell. I don't think it was his fault at all. I don't think really the organizers could have anticipated that there's actually someone that got a clamp like that when it really isn't standard practice anywhere, even at the games. I never saw that one. You giving the Brookwell's leg clamp a pass because again the rule does not anyone that knows about anybody that sees the rule or
Starting point is 01:57:57 legless rope clients has one thing in their mind and one thing only and it's watch the feet if they're pinching in any way that's obviously not legless but that's not what the organizers have that's not what CrossFit had in mind did not look at oh what if they're clamping between they're like what if they're just destroying their pelvic area with the rope like no one's thinking about that so that little pinch at the top I don't think anyone actually saw that as an actual advantage at all yet. What you're doing is you're playing with the intention of whether or not
Starting point is 01:58:31 she was doing it to garner an advantage, and the answer is it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. CrossFit doesn't know yet. CrossFit doesn't even realize it's an advantage. And therefore, it's not something that judges can say, hey, I need to really
Starting point is 01:58:47 watch for this because they're not even included. Again, I've never seen there's one girl that did it at a local competition that I judged. Dude, she was wrecked. She wasn't wearing any long shorts or anything. She was just wearing these tiny little booty shorts. Oops. And she, oh my God, she was wrecked.
Starting point is 01:59:03 She didn't know how to clamp at their feet but these are like teenage girls and brooke is not going to do that on like the way up or down she's just going to do that for let me ask you this caller we do i just want to ask you these two questions and i want to agree with you um was that we all agree that it was supposed to be a legless rope climb right yeah do you think she did it leglessly? No, not technically. Okay. But again...
Starting point is 01:59:29 Then how are we ever going to win Andrew when we can't answer that question? How are we going to beat him? Because I agree with you too. I want to win something from Andrew, but it's not a legless rope climb when she clamps her legs. He wins.
Starting point is 01:59:40 All right, but then you'd have to define what is clamping. Right, okay. Okay. So how many... Or define what a legless rope climb is your your your labia majora down to your knee cannot touch the rope well there you go then that has to be an explicit rule before you just say legless and think everyone knows you're talking about you can't just say like well you just say like it doesn't touch your legs at all or there's like some sort of like we need to define a woman we also need to define a legless rope climb there you go i understand they did they have defined it though i'm gonna tell you
Starting point is 02:00:16 something i'm 99 sure brooke wells is a woman i'm i'm more i'm more sure than that i think all right seven i sent you a couple dms you. You need to go pull those up because it's in relation to what we're talking about right now, if you don't mind. I don't know if you have the power to do that. I don't know if I do. If they send you to Instagram or their Instagram DMs. How do I go? But, Hiller, one thing I know that I'm, like, the judges are never going to try to, like, people spin on the ropes. They're never going to be in the people spin on the rope they're never going
Starting point is 02:00:45 to be in the right position the entire time correct they can't they can't circle around the athlete as fast as the athlete yeah correct oh yeah i agree with that 100 percent okay we're talking about like oh they put them on the wrong side. Like there is no right side. Well, hey, this is the final question I'm going to ask you. We both agree that she didn't do a legless rope climb. All three agree that it was a legless rope climb. But the problem we're having here is they didn't define legless. Never mind. Let's watch this video that Andrew sent really quick.
Starting point is 02:01:27 Andrew sent this video to me. There's two videos he sent just now. Let's play this one. Watch this one. Here we go. Why is it in slow motion? It's not anymore. That's what it's supposed to look like and essentially another one too the other one's
Starting point is 02:01:48 funny do you know who this athlete is by the way savon no but her body's insane she was on your team for the uh for this competition that's jessica schwartz oh i picked her yeah i picked her in my fantasy league that's awesome good job girl representing representing so you can see that this is the difference i mean there's clearly no leg contact and this is what i was talking about earlier in the show where like certain females will go the extra mile to make sure there's no question the same way travis mayor goes the extra mile to go make sure there's no question do i want what you want to notice something else interesting by the time she gets to her lock she's facing her judge yeah that's what we were talking about oh you were okay sorry sorry yeah the other one up there too or is this is that too challenging no no no i will
Starting point is 02:02:35 i will give me a second second greedy fuck but you're just saying if the legs just don't come together what like that's one thing you're gonna have to define what angle of the legs just don't come together what like that's what i'm saying you're gonna have to define what angle of the legs in relation to each other would be illegal in relation to the rope line so and that's that's what i'm saying is gonna be impossible like if you so in the meantime why are you gonna give her a pass in the meantime like why why do you give her a pass like you already agree that it's not legless. Yeah, I give her a pass because I don't. Because she's Brooke Wells.
Starting point is 02:03:12 Just say it. Because she's Brooke Wells. Just say it. Because she has more power than I'll ever know. Hey, now we get it. So the things you see in these videos, exactly what I talk about, which is the thing they talk about in the back when the head judge is sitting there and they go the order of operations is you're climbing you're climbing you're climbing you touch
Starting point is 02:03:32 you re-grab the rope and then your legs can touch to clamp on the rope it's touch do you agree or disagree with it do you agree or disagree that that the touching of the whatever the target was and the clamping were simultaneous i think no on brookwell's she clamps first she clamps then touches and really she's two orders of operation behind because she has to go remove hand touch beam replace hand then clamp and she goes clamp with both hands still on the rope touch beam hand while she's clamped the entire time. Okay. All right. At which rate, it is all quick and it is all like,
Starting point is 02:04:12 it doesn't matter if she's getting, she just can't do it. Yeah. Again, I just think it's possible to make the rule, like to look for that specifically and not just say legless. I think it should be, because none of us, none of us judges were looking for that. And none of us, even in the briefings were told to look for that. Never.
Starting point is 02:04:27 Also, they changed that then because that's what I've been accustomed to. Okay. All right. Thanks guys. Thanks brother. Thank you, man.
Starting point is 02:04:37 Brooke Wells killing the show today. When you watch the two videos I sent you in relation to that video, you see the difference, right? Yeah. It's almost like the pushing away on the ring muscle-ups versus like an adamant lockout on top by travis mayor one one is easier one is harder one is clearly harder but they're doing it because they don't want to be given a no rep and if you don't understand what andrew and i are saying on this show go over and check out the CrossFit press conference.
Starting point is 02:05:08 You will be 30 IQ points dumber, and then none of this will matter to you. Everything you said made me dumber. I give you zero points and may God have mercy on your soul. Back to where we were at contaminated supplements. I took a bag of supplements. A guy said that that recently one of the athletes said in an interview podcast he saw on the clivesdale podcast he was on is that out of context why would he say that he told cat sheer that no cat wasn't on the call uh but yes that that is what he said and actually i got it first through jason
Starting point is 02:05:48 cf media i had to go back and reaffirm that that was what was said it's like you took a bag of supplements and now you're saying you took a contaminated supplement it's like no you didn't you didn't take a contaminated supplement you took a bag you just said you took a bag yeah you took a bag of supplements and the guy who gave you the bag said oh this worked for me it made me uh my endurance shoot through the roof i passed all my tests and i hear you're in crossfit this will help you man i don't know what contaminated supplement i took like the one that says that did the things that the fucking thing that does idiot yeah you gotta be careful if you're going on a show because people are looking for
Starting point is 02:06:25 details not ambiguous shit if you're like yeah i just drove i drove i went to the street corner and some guy hand did he say who gave him the bag of supplements somebody that i for this isn't 100 for sure but i believe it was somebody with him on his military base i don't want to conflate that but that's the way that i remember it because like he was doing all of his pt testing he took the stuff and then he gave him the stuff because it helped him that's how i remember it it's been a while since i listened to it i was getting so mad i didn't even want to talk about it because i was so mad by the things he was saying i'm like do you not realize you're ratting yourself out and then jason cf media covered it i'm like okay so i'm not
Starting point is 02:07:03 the one who realizes it it's like guys you guys are all so stupid to believe that everybody just, oh, it's always contaminated. You bring up a story. You show a video where Matt Fraser says to Joe Rogan that there's a lawyer that calls people. It's an ambulance chasing lawyer that calls people as soon as they pop and gives them a menu of seven things to choose from. I call bullshit on that story. Did you never hear that before? That's the first time you've heard that? I mean, I, I, I, I must've heard it when I heard that podcast, but I just don't believe that you believe it. Do I believe about the lawyer? Yeah. I've got two sources telling me that now. So yes. Wow. Same lawyer. I don't, I don't have the lawyer, but in that I referenced the guy that I went on a call with.
Starting point is 02:07:47 I have a couple of these people, and I would just pay them so that I could listen to the things that they had to say because there isn't much to grab on the internet, and they also don't put this information out for everyone to hear. So I paid him a bunch of money, and that's something that he said as well. Any chance that Fraser and this dude could have the same source? No. Wow. Okay, fine. Fine.
Starting point is 02:08:13 But that's why I'm not real media because I can say this shit. Right. It's amazing. I mean. It's easy money for the lawyer. And I know that thing exists with duis too right there's there's lawyers who specialize in dui wouldn't there why wouldn't there be lawyers who specialize in getting you off of um popping for illegal substances did you understand
Starting point is 02:08:35 the the trickle down that i made from that point though which was that in 2017 2018 this was big and that's almost probably likely where fraser was speaking on it from that season with the clint buter all in the tainted meat and present day the way that i think that it's happening is people saw that that worked so then they're going to just say that blindly without having the lawyer behind them backing them up oh right they didn't get the playbook they didn't have the seven spread options they were just like i saw that work back then so i'm going to say that too without realizing that they're also going to follow it up with saying i took a bag of pills right the lawyer would be like don't say
Starting point is 02:09:14 that don't go on a podcast don't do anything stupid in the meanwhile all they're doing are things that are stupid oh what jayden's agent dropped him after that perfect so is that the dude's name who was on the show who ate the handful of supplements the jayden franklin yeah is he an individual or a team guy team he's on shoe fly that's the name of the the gym shoe fly it's the name of the team um i believe the people the other athletes names names are Danielle, Nick, and Sheila. Is this the – okay, no, no. Grover Beach is where Josh Golden was from. Correct, yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:54 Okay, I got my Jim's up. Okay, so this guy popped recently in CrossFit, called him out, and then he went on a podcast to be like, hey, his defense was I took tainted supplements and someone gave me. The way I'm hearing this, it was just a random bag of supplements. He just says someone gave him a random bag of supplements. I'm just picturing this bag of pills that are like orange, blue, and red. I don't envision it that way because I've been in the past. Like ZMAs, you know those.
Starting point is 02:10:30 I used to carry around my ZMA pills, like magnesium, B vitamins in like a Ziploc baggie. And I would have them in my wrestling bag. I'd pull them out and never be like, oh, they're your steroids. And it's like, yeah, but that's how I envisioned it, which is like a bag full of white pills. But does your average everyday looking pill things? day looking pill things it's in a way it's kind of the story it's similar to the story that ricky gerard took to um but he didn't deny he didn't deny he didn't say he got tainted supplements he said someone just gave him some shit but he didn't say that it was tainted he he also said that he took him at the regional level actively during regionals and they didn't pop him during that time yeah jalen didn't talk to his team or his affiliate prior to talk you know him is he a cool dude is he is this like is do i know jalen yeah i've heard he's not a cool dude oh that sucks i i don't know him and of course i'm speaking now through the now through the back end of the DMs.
Starting point is 02:11:26 Yeah. Well, he's probably freaking out too. Should I blow up two of my videos right now? I think I could give you something. There was a GoFundMe for this team, the Shoefly team. And apparently, J-Lynn either has a portion or has the money or the access to the account. And he's gone MIA and the rest of the team is trying to redisperse that,
Starting point is 02:11:52 that game's money for the GoFundMe because they're of course not going to the games. Oh, they should start another GoFundMe to return the first GoFundMe. I donate to that. Or no fund me to ref. Wait minute that makes no sense a lot of things don't make sense i don't understand what your point is that it doesn't make sense i'm pulling this up here one of the athletes on the team put up a story i would give money to that i promise you if you guys start a gofundme page to give back the money to the
Starting point is 02:12:23 first gofundme page because you know what you know why i GoFundMe page to give back the money to the first GoFundMe page, because you know what? You know why? I don't give a fuck that Jalen stole the fucking money. You gave that money to GoFundMe. Fuck off. You gave it. Shut up. I don't care if he buys whores with it, if he stole it to fucking get heroin.
Starting point is 02:12:39 You gave that money away. But I did it with the intent of him going to the games. Shut up. I he shut up. I don't care. Seven. Don't be attached to your shit. Give your gifts freely. If I find out that Andrew Hiller has been having an affair with my wife, I'm not going to go back and erase all of the videos that we've done together.
Starting point is 02:13:01 He knows. He knows. He knows. I don't care. I'm not saying what he did is right i'm not saying what he did is right don't get me wrong i just not sure i'm not gonna judge people for that shit i just don't one second what is kenya saying and i'm not against you making a video about it either i just don't judge the dude for it. I just don't. I had lots of people steal money from me. I don't judge them for it.
Starting point is 02:13:29 I've never lost a friend. I've never lost a friend who stole money from me. And I've had people, a lot of people steal shit from me. I've never lost a friend. Homie, homie, homie, homie. Yeah, yeah. Morally superior than you assholes who do that. It's way cooler being my friend than your friend.
Starting point is 02:13:43 How much are your jiu-jitsu right how much are you how much are your jiu-jitsu lessons they're fucking expensive now what if the guy just didn't show up oh it's happening or what if he started like teaching him fucking ballerina dancing or something you're like wait a minute this isn't what i gave my money to you for but i don't ask for it back i just i just um i just move on okay i you come to my house i give you i give you fucking uh four thousand dollars worth of weed you sell it and then you bring me the money after doing that for like six months one day you come back to my house and you're like hey the cops were following me and i and i threw the weed out the window and i don't have your money but i go okay and then you go okay
Starting point is 02:14:21 can you front me some more weed so i can sell weed again i'm like no you're now a pay first client it's that easy okay i but but i but i still think the video is good i still i love this i love this idea of making this video of showing that hey a guy started to go funding page and there's people upset who didn't get paid i'll probably still make it i'm gonna make it i love it don't get me wrong i love the idea of the video too. The fact that we're having a discussion about the fact that I think that they should give the money back and you don't is the entire reason to make the video in the first place. Yeah, and you'll be in the – you'll be in – well, no, no. And also that, I think they should give the money back too. I agree with you there too.
Starting point is 02:15:01 I think you should make the video, and I think you should give the money back. But the fact that he doesn't doesn't make me hate him. At all. Like, I just think, oh, that's what that dude did. Take it on the run, baby. Especially like. I don't know. I was going to talk about fans only. This games athlete, this fucking CrossFit fucking elite level athlete has,
Starting point is 02:15:30 has a fans only page that he's been talking to me about my DMS. CrossFit games athlete. Yeah. Not, not individual. That's cool. And I was like, so people,
Starting point is 02:15:43 I go, so people call you up and they're like, so, so people would DM you on your fans only page and be like, Hey, here's two. And I was like, so people, I go, so people call you up and they're like, so people would DM you on your fans only page and be like, hey, here's 200. He's like, he makes custom videos for them. I'm like, oh, so someone sends you, someone says, hey, will you make a video of your girlfriend sucking my dick and I'll give you 200 bucks. And the guy responds to me, goes, dude dude they think blowjobs from women are disgusting it's just dudes wanting to look at my butthole do i do we know this person do i know this person i don't know i haven't shared i haven't shared i haven't shared his i mean his name with anyone i'm trying to get him on you don't have to
Starting point is 02:16:22 you just have to put the dots together it's like hey I think these people know these people I think he's gonna come on the show oh that'll be cool yeah it's a it's a fascinating stories and some of the best detail I mean that's just it's it's crazy I can't what a what a trippy age we live in yeah right I've got like four minutes okay sorry sorry okay. Sorry. Okay. A tainted supplements. Um, Oh, should I take Carterine? What was the takeaway on that? Yeah, you should take it.
Starting point is 02:16:49 Yeah. It'll give you cancer. It does give you cancer. All right. There's a bunch of studies done on that. And the idea is they gave, they gave these rats way too much of it. So they shut down the clinical trials on it and they did that because it was
Starting point is 02:17:04 giving them cancer, but there's a suggested dosage you're supposed to take with it and they were apparently giving the rats four to five times that dosage for like 10 times as long as you're supposed to take it so does it give you cancer yeah probably how likely is it probably 10 chance okay no card no carterine me. Don't take Carter. Did you see, did you hear about the other one that I mentioned? GW seven zero four two. Yes.
Starting point is 02:17:30 That one. I don't believe is on the lot of band list. It's supposedly 200 times more effective than GW five, zero five, one six, one five, one six. And you could take it.
Starting point is 02:17:43 You could reap the benefits of the 200 times as effective as Carterine, and you wouldn't pop on a drug test because they don't test for it. Wow. But your heart enlarges within 24 hours. Okay. I'll pass on that one too. It was just like my point. I like to bring that one up because like they don't test for it.
Starting point is 02:18:02 You'll reap all the benefits and then some, but it's bound to kill you. So don't take it. You don't think CrossFit is shielding people. I don't. That's awesome. I totally had you read wrong for that. I thought you did.
Starting point is 02:18:13 I think a lot of people do. And every time I'm like, no, I don't think they're shielding people. If I found out it happened, I wouldn't be surprised, but Oh fuck. I was wrong,
Starting point is 02:18:23 but I am in a camp of i think that the athletes are smarter than people give them credit for well that's good because because of the stuff i choose post people think i'm pro-life but i'm actually pro-choice i think women should get to choose i just don't think it should be lied about and andrew hiller doesn't think crossfit is is uh shielding their top athletes like um protecting them from from drug tests oh james town said really hillar yeah i know i know i know james it was that show i remember james we'll have you back on and uh and and what me and you and hillar will have a slugfest that'll be fun um uh athlete so what are we gonna do we how many minutes do you have two or three okay here's the deal
Starting point is 02:19:06 i gotta start driving at 25 your best two videos i haven't gone over yet they are completely and i have a page and a half of notes two pages notes we will reschedule uh for the in the next couple days would you do that with me of course okay thank you um and uh and we'll go over these if you haven't seen these videos you you need to see these videos. I just want to show you which ones they are real quick. I promise you, you will be so happy you saw these, especially if you're a Hiller aficionado and you watch all of this. You want to watch this one,
Starting point is 02:19:38 Athlete, Judge, and Affiliate Removed from Competition. It's from one day ago. It has 25,000 views. It has the SpongeBob guys in the front. It's so good. And uh 25 000 views oh my god and then this one to study history means submitting yourself to these last two videos just go watch these now it's so worth it it's so it's this is like really anthropological historical um going. This puts everything into perspective. You'll get to be like, oh, yeah, Justin is a fucking horrible leader.
Starting point is 02:20:08 Or you'll be like, no, they're totally wrong on that. I mean, you're going to get to put some shit together. He connects. I mean, he says he's the connect the dot dude, and they're all connected. Anthony Andrews thinks I'm getting soft after the Castro interview. And I think he's saying that in relation to me saying that I don't think CrossFit shields them. That doesn't mean that I don't think that people are using them anthony andrews that means i don't think crossfit shielding them andrew i think that uh you think that i think that and james townsend thinks that and so i think that they're um we smell we smell i smell softness
Starting point is 02:20:40 how come batman in the movies talks like that why Why doesn't he just use it? Andrew Hiller, I smell softness on you. You can't. Everyone can't be Clark Kent, you know, walking around. We got Kenya Clark in here. Clark Kent. I'm imitating a voice so no one knows that I'm the Batman, that I'm really Bruce Wayne. You know, if you put a mask on and ran around, nobody would know who you were. But everyone knows what your voice sounds like. They'd pick you out put a mask on and ran around, nobody would know who you were. But everyone knows what your voice sounds like.
Starting point is 02:21:05 They'd pick you out with a mask on. Testicular cancer is no joke, Mr. Hiller. I've had it twice. Holy shit. I was trying to say it wasn't you. I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. I know, I know. Don't take the drugs if you didn't get that.
Starting point is 02:21:20 Don't take either of those. I am not your doctor. Brother, thanks for coming on. You da man. Have a great day. I will reach out to you very shortly to reschedule. Keep up the good work. Your content is not only awesome and it's creative and informational, but it's a huge inspiration to me.
Starting point is 02:21:40 I don't want to think that you work harder than me, as a wise man once said. Good luck.

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