The Sevan Podcast - #470 - Jaguar Heart

Episode Date: June 30, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. You say you hear me? Bam. We're live.
Starting point is 00:00:34 How you going, man? I always feel, I don't know if inauthentic is too strong. I don't know if inauthentic is too strong. I always like the first words that we say to each other, the actual people who are watching to hear them too. That's why I don't say hi. It feels like, bam, we're live. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Cool, yeah. I'm like, how are you going, mate, which is very Aussie. Oh, where are you? I'm in Byron Bay, Australia. Do you do time in Californiaifornia um have i been there no but do you have a home here or something or do you do any time here no no none okay at all okay the reason why i asked is because um i watched the two podcasts you did with those cats um that um speak the truth or something podcast and here for the truth. Yeah. Here for the truth.
Starting point is 00:01:25 And, and, and are those guys in the States? One guy's here in New South Wales where I am and your Rasmus he's in Canada, I think. Oh shit. No shit. Yeah. That's like home for him. Yeah. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. I think he's still there. How did you meet those guys? Um, those guys found me on Instagram and then I was the first guest on their podcast. Yeah. And Joel, who's one of the guys, one of the hosts on there, we've done some work together, and we're in sort of the same, not circles here, but same sort of group, you know, the ones that are awakened, so to speak.
Starting point is 00:02:02 I don't really like that term, but we're in the same circles, you know, and I've seen the stuff you post. So we're, you know, aligned on that level. So we were fairly outspoken here in Australia over a year ago, even 18 months ago around all this stuff that was going on. So yeah, that's how we connected. All of a sudden I got a serious popping coming from your mic. I'll just take headphones out. It just came out of the blue. It was weird. It wasn't there the first, I don't know, a few sentences. Thank you. How's that?
Starting point is 00:02:34 As they say in America, the audio is jacked. Thank you. Let's see. Cool. Oh, no, it's still fucked up. I wonder if it's your mic or if it's our connection. Is it? I think it's – hey, could you just log – could you log out and then re-log back in? Let's see. Yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I'll leave and come back in. Please. Thank you. It's a serious pop. Hey, I'm going to have to ask you to – I wonder, is that like equivalent to like, hey, your shoes are dirty. You got to go back out. You got to go outside and dust your shoes off. Excuse me. You walked into my house with muddy shoes, dirty. You got to go back out. So you got to go outside and dust your shoes off. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:03:06 You walked into my house with muddy shoes and now you have to come back in. No, it's not that bad. It's not his fault. It's not his, uh, it's not his doing. I,
Starting point is 00:03:17 we had this with one other guest. I'm trying to remember who it was and they had to log in and out like five times before we got it. Right. Give you a thousand dollars for anyone who can remember who that is jamie vindicate look at my new my new plan no plan b shirt can you see it bam so pumped on it so pumped no plan b sign up for the newsletter, guys. Go to the Sign up for the newsletter.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I think we put out like 20. Oh, it was her headphones. You mean his headphones? I don't know. When he unplugged the headphones, I think we still had an audio problem. Good night. Is it that time? Where are you?
Starting point is 00:04:04 Where are you, Yash?osh are you in india or something how's that it's good i i was i was remembering we had a guest one time who had to come in and out like five times until we got rid of the pop and we never got i never figured out what the hell the problem was yeah okay yeah i'm happy to do that so it's yeah it's no issue on my side just as long as i can't hear any pop from your side um so okay we'll just do what we need to do that so it's yeah it's no issue on my side just as long as i can't hear any pop from your side um so okay we'll just do what we need to do i uh in my dms a listener said hey you got to check this guy out so i cruised over to your instagram jaguar heart um i spent about three seconds on it and i realized yep i don't even fuck around anymore i just send over and part of the reason is is i uh i i almost want to get the commitment from the guest first and
Starting point is 00:04:52 then start doing the research yeah and and i and i want to have people on of all of all mindsets and And I, and I feel like, but, but man, we, we are, we, we seem so aligned after I slept since your last almost two aligned. I'm like, Oh my goodness. I mean, even, even, uh, Krishna Murthy, uh, profound, profound impact, uh, on my life, enormous impact. i actually went to school in santa barbara and uh his center in um i'm at a loss but but the town that the town where he ended up moving to with his brother when he when he left india or england wherever he left from and ended up coming to the united states um it's a huge avocado town just inland from santa barbara california and he has a huge center there you know what's fascinating why did you like him who gave you that book by the
Starting point is 00:05:50 way so i'm going to tell you guys something this guy knows a lot of stuff and the in the most important thing that jaguar knows is in my mind as deep as i can see is that he knows that naming is the origin of all particular things as lao tzu said he knows that words are casting spells and once you know that uh you kind of can go anywhere in your brain except for the places you're afraid to go so uh so who knows where this conversation is going to go but together we could probably explore some some pretty interesting dark dark crevasses okay how did how did you end up with – and sorry if I mischaracterized you. Would you say that that's a true characterization?
Starting point is 00:06:30 You are aware of this word power? Yeah, I mean words are a vibration. Vibration is physics. So this is one of the big things that's been missed in healing is we look at Jungian depth psychology and things like that, and in masculinity there's king warrior magician lover which is a book out there which is pretty big and we look at the imagery of it which is very subconscious and appears in the dream state and in our collective unconscious but we need words to be able to even identify with the light with the visual language right so we
Starting point is 00:07:02 can't label a king or a plant or a cloud or anything unless we've got the word first so it's like in the bible said in the beginning there was the word you know the vibration the tone of the universe in more of the vedic philosophies is om that was the sound of the universe so vibration is first what happens is when we speak that is a vibration and so what we speak into existence comes from, which comes from the origin, which is vibration. So whatever you're going through in the subconscious mind, which automates our thoughts through these programs, which I found through my work, you're going to be attracting the same things in again and again and again, because you're having a conversation with yourself, which is then showing up in the external world via the mechanism
Starting point is 00:07:45 of language. Okay. There's a book called that, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover? Yeah. So it's a book on masculinity. And I work a lot in masculinity at the moment because I feel that masculinity is really under attack in a big, big way and has been since the 60s, since the sexual revolution, which was the attack on the family unit and the feminist movement, which was the attack on masculinity
Starting point is 00:08:08 directly. And this book is really good for just basics of masculinity. From the stuff I do, it's not as deep as I like to go. It's quite surface, but it's great for men out there that want to start to understand the archetypes of the king warrior, the magician and the lover. to understand the archetypes of the king warrior the magician and the lover why i use oh and the lover sorry king warrior the magician and the lover yeah okay okay so it's not the magician and the lover of the same person no no okay okay so so they're archetypes but why i refer to this as a comparison is because these archetypes you, there's this goddess culture and the priestess culture and all this sort of stuff that's more on the feminine side, but the masculine side doesn't really have an equivalent. And when I look at that, a lot of people buy into these archetypes, these visual archetypes. But what's really been fundamentally missed is that
Starting point is 00:08:58 we need words and language to describe the archetypes in the first place. So language is the precursor to the visual language that we see in the subconscious. And so in the dream area, we'll see things in visual metaphor, but in the waking state, it's linguistic, direct linguistics that are showing up through words. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And what were you saying about the subconscious there too? After you said that later down in that first thought, you were talking about the subconscious? Yeah. So the subconscious mind, we see a lot of people out there, you know, working on limiting beliefs and change your subconscious patterns and reprogram your subconscious. And I don't agree with any of that. Beliefs aren't necessarily true in the first place. You know, it might be like, I'm not pretty enough. I'm not tall enough. I'm not strong enough. I know you do a lot in the CrossFit world. So it's like, it might be like, I'm not pretty enough. I'm not tall enough. I'm not strong enough. I know you do a lot in the CrossFit world. So it's like, it might be, I'm not strong enough. Well, I mean, relative to what? You know, the beliefs can be challenged fairly easily. So beliefs are usually extensions
Starting point is 00:09:54 out of these programs that are in the subconscious, which are founded in a form of negation. This is what Krishnamurti really spoke to me when he was talking about the mind. The mind is formed in an area of negation. So if I say to you, Savant, don't think about a red car, don't think about a yellow balloon. You know, you start thinking about a red car and a yellow balloon, but you're not thinking that, oh, Jag said, do not think about a red car. You're probably visualizing a Ferrari. So in these programs, in the subconscious mind, it'll be like I'm not enough as one of them or I'm not worthy. Now, we can sort of hang out there all day if we want and do. Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You're popping. Am I? Not this kind of popping. Yeah, not pop and locking. I'll try and take out my headphones. By the way, which was very masculine. I love fucking popping. That was great.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Let me try and take this out and see what sound we can get. Okay. That's what I told my wife last night. How's that for you? Can you hear me? Yeah, still popping. Still popping. I appreciate the attempt.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Please. Sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm not sure if there's any other way to deal with it at this point. See? This guy knows some shit. The timing is so perfect. Because I'm reading this Bob Rotella book, Championship Mindset.
Starting point is 00:11:21 I highly recommend this book. I'm not even reading it. I'm listening to it. I got it on Apple. Oh, no, the mic. I'm not even reading it. I'm listening to it. I got it on Apple. Oh no, the mic. I know. Don't worry. Don't worry. We're going to get through this and we're going to learn a lot of shit from this guy. So when you say when you negation mindset, the red Ferrari versus don't think of the red car, go on. Yeah. So that's what the mind and the ego forms itself and is a form of negation. Okay, so if I'm not enough, that's the subconscious program.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Now, the subconscious structure is like, let's say you're sitting in the roof of your house. Underneath it, and let's say that the roof is the conscious mind, that's where thoughts, feelings, behaviors, results, and experience show up. Underneath that is the subconscious, which is the normal house. In each one of these rooms is a program in the structure, but you're in the roof and you don't know that these rooms are underneath
Starting point is 00:12:11 you. Okay. So like, I'm not enough or I'm not worthy of sitting there in the subconscious, but it's going to give rise to thoughts. Like I'm not enough will be, I'm too old. I'm not pretty enough. I'm not tall enough. I'm not strong enough. You know, I'm not competent enough. And so the ego, which is in the subconscious, which is like the inner child, is going to provide mechanisms so you can't see these programs underneath it. Because why it does that is because it wants to survive. It wants to maintain its existence. It wants to be right about its limitations because its whole structure is formed in separation. So it wants to keep separate from the soul. And when I was looking into Krishnamurti's work, it wants to keep separate from the soul.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And when I was looking into Krishnamurti's work, he talks about negation of the mind. So the way that we counteract this in personal development is affirmation. Affirmation is just a reaction to a negation. But why it doesn't get anywhere, because if I'm writing I'm enough 500 times, what it's doing, it's reinforcing the deeper belief that I'm not enough or the deeper program that I'm not enough. Because if I really i'm not enough because if i really believed i was enough i wouldn't have to write it in the first place like we're not getting up every day writing my name's jaguar i'm a human being i'm savannah i'm a human being every day you know it's it you just don't have that conversation you know and so krishnamurti was very profound for me in that when i saw that around negation
Starting point is 00:13:24 that was when i saw it and i was like oh my god everything that we really me in that when I saw that around negation that was when I saw it and I was like oh my god everything that we really attract in that we say that we don't want is because of the world of physics is attracting it in because that's the conversation that we're having that we don't even know about which was profound when I saw this and then I started to investigate each one that I started to look at that was common amongst everyone that I was working with and also in the investment industry when I worked in that world too. I'm reading this book, Bob Rotella, The Championship Mindset. And it's everything that you just said. And I'm assuming that's why you and I are meeting too. It's all just where I'm at in my life, where I'm at in my thought, the shit that I'm manifesting. It's so cool.
Starting point is 00:14:07 at in my life where i'm at yeah the shit that i'm i'm manifesting it's so cool uh when when those of us who know the mechanisms of the brain and how they work like you said it's it's painful to see things like people wearing masks because we know that those masks are telling everyone subconscious that something is wrong yeah and that's one of the biggest programs. They're not telling everyone, hey, don't worry, you're safe. We're all wearing masks. They're saying, oh, fuck, something's wrong.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And I tell people this all the time. Everything is contagious. When I light up a cigarette, I'm telling everyone around me it's okay to smoke. Yeah. I'm telling their subconscious. When I walk through the halls at the mall
Starting point is 00:14:44 eating a cotton candy or or when i'm 37 years old and 300 pounds overweight and i'm riding in one of those carts i'm telling everyone it's okay yeah i'm telling their subconscious it's okay to get 300 pounds overweight and ride in a cart i'm letting their ego i'm i'm let and and those are the benefits of the ego you should have an ego that you can leverage to prevent that bullshit from happening right yeah leverage that ego right yeah absolutely the ego is there to keep us safe so and this comes down to a matter of perspective right so what's good for you and i won't necessarily be good for someone else you know
Starting point is 00:15:20 like as an example the serial killer actually derives pleasure and joy out of exercising power over someone. So their frame of reference is this is actually enjoyable for me. Now, from a moral perspective as a human being, for us, that's not going to do anything to us. If anything, it's going to repel us. We don't want harm amongst other human beings or to inflict pain amongst or onto another human being. But these people that are walking around like that, there's a lot of virtue signaling. Now, the difference where we get to it is I look at- What is that?
Starting point is 00:15:48 What is that? I hear that term all the time and I just go with it. What is that? I don't even understand that. So it's gaining a sense of self-righteousness by following the crowd. You know, it's I'm better than you because I'm doing something that's good
Starting point is 00:16:00 for the greater good, so to speak. Can you give me an example of something that I probably do that's virtue signaling that I don't know? If it comes up in the podcast, I'll let you know. Like maybe it's like if I go out with my friends and I want to buy my kid a cookie, but I don't because I want to signal now. It's like social justice warriors.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I understand that. Yeah, I do. I just, I don't see it's so far away from i don't see what so they really believe that wearing a mask is good and therefore they're a little bit better than me they're doing their part a hundred percent yeah because they're scared they don't than me. They're doing their part. 100%, yeah, because they're scared. They don't realize what it's doing to people subconscious by screaming to the world that, hey, there's something wrong here, a danger. Correct.
Starting point is 00:16:54 It would be like if I walked around like this, right? Correct, yeah. And everyone would be like, fuck. Yeah, so virtue signaling, right? I'll give you a good example. My sister's partner said about getting jab was like well i'm just saving lives it's like what are you talking about like it's this thing isn't really killing people anyway that doesn't have 4 000 comorbidities underneath it anyway
Starting point is 00:17:17 healthy person might die from this so that's virtue signaling it's like yeah well i'm out doing my thing i'm saving lives but there's no quantifiable data that you're actually doing that. You're buying into a narrative in order to make yourself feel better. You know, so when we look at things objectively, it's like the masks as an example, they don't do anything, right? And all you got to do is look at some evidence and go, okay, let's look at this and break it down. You know, I don't mind if I'm wrong about something. If I look at it objectively, a lot of people ask me how I stay so calm when I get a lot of ridicule online, mainly from feminists, and I'll show some of the messages that I get because I'm very well versed in what I talk about.
Starting point is 00:17:52 So I'm going into a debate highly leveraged in my information, and so I don't need to get emotional about it. The minute someone starts to get emotional about something, they're in a state of defensiveness, which means they're not in control which means they're not confident in their position so that's why most people are very reactive when they wear the mask when they're onto something because they're fighting for something they don't really believe in does that make sense yeah totally you're pop you're popping again sorry look at bruce popping i know sorry i'm so sorry i'm so i apologize I apologize. If this is your fault, fuck you. If this is my fault, I'm so sorry, Jaguar. He's chill. He seems chill. Doesn't seem irritated by it. Doesn't seem irritated by it.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Great time to bring up abortion, right? It's kind of like having the truth on your side or being able to admit. So I'm 100% pro-choice. I am 100% furious with – or not furious. I see the idiocy and pro-choice people who refuse to admit that it's killing babies. Not a single one of them will admit it.'s like yo yo yo it's a horrible thing to do and then so so people can't put me in a box they're furious right because i make all sorts of comp but but i i think that it's it's a tough choice but no one's um no one on the left is like oh my god the people on the right are so brilliant i so see their point killing babies is wrong because it's a like i want those people to be my neighbors
Starting point is 00:19:32 yeah that's that's who i want to live with even though i'm pro-choice i want i i'm happy that these motherfuckers are like yeah don't kill babies thank god there's people like that yeah and there was a there was a good post that went around you probably so i think you might have posted i can't remember this guy's name dan levine or something he said right we need to make vaccines mandatory and then it's like no how dare anyone tell us what we can and can't do with our body in the next tweet you know what i mean it's like they gaslight themselves these guys you know they say one thing and then they do the opposite so there's a beautiful saying
Starting point is 00:20:05 which you probably would have heard by sun tzu which is never get in the way of an enemy while he's destroying himself right and that is i i want to go down that i want to bring you back to your point you were saying that when you're debating people that's why you can stay so calm or when people are coming at you the other thing also is is um being humble enough just to be wrong like someone will be like how can you be pro-choice it's against women's it's killing babies and i go i know i'm a piece of shit i get it yeah i fully fucking get it yeah i don't want to do it yeah i'm not perfect sorry yeah and you own it and there's humility in that right? Because what most of the left is doing is they're using their shame, right? Shame will attract in situations of humiliation.
Starting point is 00:20:51 And shame, when we defend it, men and women operate differently. So when people are triggered with shame and they're humiliated, people will either attack and defend or suppress and deny. So when we start to hit on this shame button or this humiliation button, we're going to attack and defend it. So what these people do unconsciously, they take up a social justice issue to feel better about themselves, to mask the fact that there's a deep sense of shame and humiliation underneath it. So they can attack and defend someone else because then they get to feel righteous and superior, which makes them feel powerful because it's an adaptation to them actually feeling powerless.
Starting point is 00:21:27 That's why they get so offended so easily. Oh, you just yeah, you just described, you know, you're almost too smart. You remind me of Paul Saladino. You're so you're so far ahead. Do you just describe the entire Black Lives Matter movement? Yeah, everything they've done is hurt people with melanated skin, and they're the most racist people I've ever met. And yet they do it because of some sort of shame they feel towards colored people, including colored people who feel shame for, I guess, being colored, melanated. It's fucking – and once you see what's under the roof in your own house, you can see what's under the roof of everyone else's house, right?
Starting point is 00:22:04 Yeah. To an extent. And you're like, oh my goodness, how are they ever going to see under their roof? What if they wait? And I guess the further they get down the social justice wear path, I guess they're getting closer to the truth, but at the same time, it's getting scarier and scarier. Yeah. Well, they have to use some kind of identification. Identity feels separation, right? So identity is going to need to hold on to a set of ideas. And then what happens is when that identity gets challenged, it's going to usually defend itself. So the defense comes in the form of fear, okay, when it gets challenged. Fear generates the anger. Anger says, stay away
Starting point is 00:22:44 from me. It's a boundary setter. Stay away from me feels the separation, which has reinforced the identity, which it's trying to get away from in the first place. And so when we're in conflict, there's a conflict loop. It's like a closed loop electrical system. So the person that has shame and is the conflict generator will attack and defend. They'll attract in the person that is the conflict avoidant, which suppresses and denies. And so both of them get to use those mechanisms, suppression and denial, to stay away from someone so they don't have to open up and be honest. The person that attacks then pushes the person away so they don't have to open up and they can stay in the same spot
Starting point is 00:23:18 anyway. Neither of them go anywhere, right? So when we see these mechanisms that the human condition generates, it's shame brings in situations of humiliation that humiliation is responded to through suppression or denial or attack and defense the attack and defense which is most of the left they get to be angry about something the anger says stay away from me and then i get to feel self-righteous and superior to you which is a false form of power because true power is the absence of needing to demonstrate any power whatsoever. It's just being calm and cool and stoic. And then what happens is from that, it's a compensation to the fact that they are actually very powerless because a powerful person
Starting point is 00:23:56 doesn't need the validation or to get everyone to call them Z, Z, Zim, fucking walla walla, bing bang, whatever fucking pronouns you want to call yourself, right? Like you don't need to force that on someone. You just don't need to, you don't need to have that conversation. So once we understand these deeper codes of the programs that are running the idea of themselves in the subconscious and why we do things, then we can start to actually move past it. And that's when, when we get into debate, then we can remain cool, calm, and collected because it doesn't matter what's going on around me because i'm solid in my position when when you're born you you're given a name yeah and then you it's like then your whole life you're trying to make sure that this name this person exists and it's he's constantly in flux right he's constantly in a earthquake pieces falling off identities coming pieces coming in
Starting point is 00:24:53 you're armenian you're a jew you're a blue belt you're a brown belt you lost a finger in a chainsaw accident you're you have a girlfriend who cheated on you you have a mom who's the most loving mom and you're this identity is just in flux right dad cheated on you. You have a mom who's the most loving mom. And this identity is just in flux, right? Dad cheated on your mom. Just whatever the fuck is going on. And you're trying your fucking best to hold this illusion together. Yeah. Fighting for survival.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah, of the ego, of the identity, of the whatever we'll call it. Then in one of the pieces of identity is what you just described. This – your identity becomes this thing that gets – sort of has its identity in discomfort. Yep. Okay? And survival. Okay. How do those people wake up?
Starting point is 00:25:44 And that's all taking place on the roof. Yeah. How do those people wake up and that's all taking place on the roof yeah how well it's it's it's coming out in the roof like when we project onto the world projection are the parts of us that we shame repress deny and reject okay so whatever we project out into the world we go looking for it so there's this beautiful story that's like about the seven deities, right? And they go sit by a river. And there's the deity of Hellfire, and he sits by the river. I think it's a Tibetan fable. And he sits by the river, and all he sees is, he doesn't see running water, he sees fire. So then the deity of Winter sits by the river, and all he sees is snow and ice. And then the important one is the Hungry. The hungry ghost just sees a river of pus and blood. But as the awareness comes around to the
Starting point is 00:26:29 gratitude that what he's seeing in the river is just an extension of himself, the gratitude and the awareness that the river isn't actually pus and blood, it's water through the expanded awareness of the hungry ghost, then he starts to see that it's water. He starts to drink from the river and he starts to become human. Why I use this is because what happens is in the unconscious aspect of our being, the subconscious then drives our perception, which our conscious mind projects into the world. And then we go looking and filtering for the very thing to prove ourselves right about the thing that we say that we really don't want underneath that. So as an example, one of the deep programs is I'm not wanted. I'm not wanted generates abandonment. So what happens is we go out into the world,
Starting point is 00:27:09 and then we don't honor ourselves, which is a form of self abandonment. So then someone doesn't leave us. But what will happen is that person will leave us because I'll know we're not authentic because of self abandon anyway. So we're reinforcing the thing that we say that we don't want. And this is how we operate. So the people say they want inclusion and they want to be included in things and they want to be tolerated, but they're not including and tolerating the people that say they don't include and tolerate them. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:33 This, did you see the safe spaces movie with Adam Carolla and Dennis? No, I haven't seen that yet. No safe spaces. Oh my goodness. You have to see it. It's, it's, it's so good. It's so healthy. It's such a, it's a see it. It's so good. It's so healthy. It's a healthy dialogue.
Starting point is 00:27:49 It's beautiful. You're popping again. I'm so sorry, Jaguar. Well, do you want me to say that to him? Do you want me to say that to him? Do you want me to say that to him? I'll say it to him. Let's find out because I have a feeling he's going to have a similar response that I would have. What about these people that identify – that have their life wrapped up in Christianity?
Starting point is 00:28:20 This man, Sean Sullivan, is saying not if your identity is in Christ. It was still an identity. And just by virtue of the comment, there's still some sort of need to be able to project that on to say, no, you're wrong. It's still the same thing. That hasn't actually gone anywhere. The outcome of which they may be loving and accepting, I don't know the guy, so with all respect, I don't. But just even the need to be able to project that out is from a form of identity, right? The only way that we know Christ existed was through a set of books, through a set of words in books. I've never seen him. I've never met him. Some people might have had a transcendental experience and he may have come into it. What I
Starting point is 00:28:57 see with the word Christ is more about, you know, I mean, if we look at even ancient cultures in Egypt, there's similar stories around a similar sort of deity that walked the earth anyway, throughout multiple ancient cultures. So unless I can break apart everything to an objective, finite level and say with absolute certainty that that story is 100% accurate, I just look at it as a projection of the human consciousness in order to derive some sort of deification within. So Christ consciousness, be loving, be accepting, hold that energy in your heart. Great. But I see it. I just look at words. And in that very comment was not if you identify with Christ, we're talking about identity. Identity is the ego.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Identity feels separation. That even in that comment, there is a sense of separation there because I haven't identified with Christ. I tell people who want to debate the God thing with me that you don't ever have to debate the God thing. Yeah. There is something you can do. Are you familiar with the mathematician P.D. Ouspensky? No, I'm not. You are familiar with Madame Blavsky, right? Yes. Yeah. The secret doctrine. with Madame Blavsky, right? Yes, yeah, The Secret Doctrine. And she, it was her and,
Starting point is 00:30:09 not Gurdjieff, but it was her and, I forget the guy's name, I forget the guy's name, but they're the ones who raised Krishna Murthy to be the second coming. Have you read his biography by Mary Lutens? L-U-I-T-E-N-S? Is that the woman that lived with him? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yeah, no, I haven't read that yet.? Is that the woman that lived with him? Yeah. Yeah, and I haven't read that yet. It's on the list. It's on the list. I mean, basically, and you maybe know this already, they raised this fucking,
Starting point is 00:30:33 I mean, he was the eighth child, right? I think, and Krishna was the eighth child. So they, so they, they believe he's Krishna.
Starting point is 00:30:40 It's Krishna speaking again. And then, and then this, and then this society finds him madame blavsky society i forget what it's called and they say this is the second coming that krishna murthy is christ and he gets a huge following right of tons of these fucking bourgeois motherfuckers from like france and and i don't mean that in a derogatory way uh from rich people get it get it uh from france eng the United States, and they keep making these pilgrimages,
Starting point is 00:31:06 which are hard to do, to come to India to see him. This is at the turn of the century, right? And, you know, everyone's coming to see him at that point. Well, not quite yet, but eventually, you know, Bruce Lee, Khalil Gibran, Charlie Chaplin, everyone and their mother is fucking coming to take a peep at this guy. So he gets the whole group in front of him,
Starting point is 00:31:26 and they're like, hey, Christ is going to speak through him today today i can't remember how old he was he was like 30 or something and he gets up there and he says you cannot find peace through me and solitude and he doesn't tell any of them he's gonna do that he undermines the whole fucking operation yeah yeah i love that about him he was and he fucking runs to california yeah yeah he was amazing in that aspect you know neil i think it was neil boers who was einstein's apprentice or understudy what's the guy's name tell me his name i think it was neil boem or neil boers i can't remember what the name is okay and he was actually going to leave einstein to go study with krishnamurti. Wow. That's how profound Krishnamurti was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Yeah. To leave Einstein to go study with him. And so he was a huge influence on my work, the way that he saw the nature of the mind. I sort of looked at it and it was the first book I ever got. I was 39 now and I was, it must have been 24, and I walked in and I saw a book called What Are You Doing With Your Life? And it was just on the shelf and I just picked it out. I was like, huh. And it stayed with me for years. And I just would pick it up and I'd read a bit and I'd put it down. What year was that? About 14 years ago, 15 years ago in Australia, in Australia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And it was just on a bookshelf. So what are you doing with your life? And I was going through a bit of an existential aspect in my life then. And I just started reading it. And I just put it down, I pick it back up and put it back down and pick it back up. And then over the years, it just kind of seeped into my consciousness. And then when I really started to have a look at him, it's just the way that he describes things, the way that you really got to look at each word that he presents, because nothing is wasted in what he says. You know, he's a perfect system in the way that he presents things. And even in the way that the humor that he brings in, you know, people would clap up, stand up and clap when he would talk. And he's like, that's enough to sit down.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Like he was more frustrated with people doing that while people deified him and people love to deify people they love it that's why celebrity is so prevalent in our world i mean celebrity is such a ridiculous fucking thing man it's so absurd that it's like people say i love brad pitt i love tom cruise it's like you don't fucking know the guy that's that's how diluted and worthless the concept of love has become that we can project that onto someone who plays a role that's fake that you don don't know, and you say that you love them. That's how willing you are just to love someone for someone that they're not even real. What is the right way to say it then? What is the – I admire that person so much or I'll watch any movie that guy's in.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Like the guy who plays James Bond, the English guy. Every time I see him. Daniel Craig? Yeah, Daniel Craig. I'm just like, yeah, he's the man. He's brilliant at his craft. Yeah. That's about it.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yeah. He plays, he's convincing. He's a convincing liar. He's a convincing liar. Mr. Jaguar, you are popping. popping i am so sorry i'm so sorry i don't know why i'm sorry i don't want to keep saying because i just you're i'm i'm saying sorry because he's a guest in my house and i'm i'm happy to have him i'm saying i'm sorry because you're a guest in my house and I feel like I keep having to ask you
Starting point is 00:34:48 to go back outside and wipe your feet, but it's okay. It's okay. There's nothing on your feet. Okay. It's all good. No need to apologize. Jaguar, are you familiar with Eckhart Tolle?
Starting point is 00:35:02 I am, yes. The Power of Now. And in The Power of Now, he speaks about sort of a death experience and sitting on the park bench and what is this other voice? And he walks us through his awakening, becoming, I guess, aware of his subconscious. And then later on, he tells people you don't have to go through something that harsh in order to be awakened yeah i i don't believe that my awakening was extremely harsh yeah i embraced death i looked death at the in the fucking eyes and said bring it yeah and that's why i think the debate of god and jesus and all of that shit and when people
Starting point is 00:35:42 try to talk to me about it i appreciate appreciate it. You're praying for me. But what I did took fucking balls of steel. Yeah. I said to myself, I read PDO scan. It was, it was spent. Oh,
Starting point is 00:35:52 I was spent. He's book. Uh, he's a mathematician that circled in the groups with Krishna Murthy. And he basically said, you're just a bunch of I statements. Yeah. And anytime one of those I statements fucking rilesiles up you have to appease it in the outside
Starting point is 00:36:06 world i'm hungry i'm thirsty i'm horny i'm happy i'm sad yeah and it's and it's looking for validation of that identity in the outside world but if you were to lay down and not react to any of them you could see what you are yeah and i thought well fuck i really want to die i'm done with this fucking life but i can't harm this body so i'm just gonna lie down and i'm gonna do that yeah and through that process i saw i saw the last eye i experienced the last eye the final eye i am yeah completely sober yeah i I just lie down and die. Took a long fucking time, by the way. Yeah. And scary as a motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:36:51 So scary. Like acid trip, bad acid trip scary. Terrifying. This thing does not want to die. It doesn't. And it will fight for its survival. And what that does, it will actually send its survival and what that does it will actually send images up and thoughts up into the mind to kill yourself yes that's where suicide ideation
Starting point is 00:37:10 comes from well well yeah yeah in in this because i was taking the lead it started telling me that if i kept doing this i was going to die yeah like absurd shit like a bear's gonna come in the room like it was it would make up anything the delusions of grandeur yeah but then it can't survive if i don't fucking acknowledge it on the outside if i don't if i don't give it life exactly so i just kept watching it the ego is a collector of programs that's the and so you see you end up at the i am that's one trunk but the other trunk is all i'm not something you know it's like i'm not satisfied. I'm not hungry. I'm not rich enough.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I'm not safe. I'm not wanted. I'm not going to be okay. All these things are in the I'm not something. That's the ego. That's what we repress, deny, shame, get away from. And that's what we want to satisfy in the outside world. And so like a good example, like with the power of now,
Starting point is 00:38:00 now exists beyond the idea of who you think you are. Okay. So who we think we are is what we design. I'm Jaguar, I'm a healer, I'm a therapist, I'm Australian, I'm blah, blah, all this bullshit. But everything needs the opposite to exist. Okay, so if one side doesn't exist, the other side evaporates.
Starting point is 00:38:18 My nose is only big because yours is small, Jaguar. It's your fault. It's comparison, right? Yeah, yeah, it's all my fault, right? Yeah, yeah. It's all my fault, right? Yes, yes. So if we're looking at like, I'm not enough as an example, right? Like if we do a blood test on you, Sivan, and it's like, okay, look, there it is. There's magnesium, there's iron, there's oxygen, you know, there's this, there it is. I'm not enough. It's part of your genetic makeup. Are we going to find that on a blood test? No,
Starting point is 00:38:44 right? So if we look at the, if it is a true aspect, right? We question the validity of the truth of the I statements. So I'm not enough. Is that actually true? Yes or no? No. Okay. So then if that's not true, I'm enough needs to exist by virtue of the fact that this must be real. So if this isn't true, that means it's not real. It doesn't exist. What happens to I'm enough? Oh, shit. I'm the greatest living podcaster who ever lived out here.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And I'm the funniest man who ever lived. And inside, I'm terrified. And I try to explain that to people. Before the show starts, I'm freaking the fuck out. Is that the same with Conor McGregor? He's the toughest fucking man in the world. And inside, he's a scared little boy. Could could be because they have to exist together yeah coexist right but once one dies off so if i'm not enough is gone right i'm enough goes with it so what's left
Starting point is 00:39:39 freedom 100 presence and that's the power of now wrapped up in a pretty simple sentence yeah freedom he's fucking remarkable how he points at no thing it's an incredible concept no and that's what i am is and that's that and that's what made me all of a sudden be able to go anywhere and do anything in my headspace because all of a sudden I realized there is something that's no thing yeah it's immeasurable I I experienced no thing yeah so my question for you was Jaguar do you think that there's a way to see that without fucking charging death like how did you wake up do you know how you woke up mine was through I started to reverse engineer my own behavior. So I looked at what was going on in the outside world.
Starting point is 00:40:27 And I'm like, okay, this is my experience of life. So what are the results that are generating the experience? And then what comes before results? Well, results are predicated by behavior. And what's behavior dictated by? Well, my feelings. Feelings are an awful indicator of fact. They're usually wrong.
Starting point is 00:40:45 High emotion, high feeling is low intelligence. So what comes before the feeling? Well, there's a thought because if I'm not thinking about something, I'm not going to feel it. What about a sensation? What about a sensation? Same thing. Feeling, sensation, emotion, they're all kind of different. Sensation is no judgment towards it. so it's just pleasure and pain go out the window when it's just a sensation it's just energy that wants to move an emotion is an unconscious reaction so sadness grief guilt fear shame there's got a stigma to it so it's an unconscious reaction feelings are something we go on in the moment that we start
Starting point is 00:41:20 to process i'm feeling heavy i'm feeling you know tense i'm feeling constrict, I'm feeling heavy, I'm feeling, you know, tense, I'm feeling constricted, I'm feeling open, I'm feeling joyful, right? The feeling is going to be something that's a little bit more consciously creative. The conscious creative aspect is like an upward spiral. It's a virtuous cycle. The emotions are the vicious cycle. It's a downward spiral that leads you into negativity. And so if we're just looking at a sensation, everything's a sensation. Every feeling that we have is just a sensation. Then we get to sort of experience the texture of it without the judgment,
Starting point is 00:41:49 and then it just bypasses through us. It's not good, it's not bad, it's not wanted, it's not not wanted. It just is. That's all it is. And thoughts dictate our sensations. Like if we're in anxiety, that can't happen without us thinking about something.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Like in going through heartbreak as an example, if we're not thinking about the person we're upset about, we're not anxiety, that can't happen without us thinking about something. Like in going through heartbreak as an example, if we're not thinking about the person we're upset about, we're not going to be upset. So thoughts have a frequency that are up to 20 times stronger than a feeling. So thoughts inform feelings. But thoughts are automated out of these programs. And once you start to reverse engineer and see the deeper parts of this, and that's what I did, there's a release that happens because there's awareness this is called the unio mentalis which is the unified mind right this is what the alchemist used to call the great work you know hermes tres majestas he would talk about
Starting point is 00:42:37 the great work which is the unification of the conscious and the unconscious carl jung said it till you make the unconscious conscious it'll direct your life and you will call it fate. So we have to make the repressed. I love it. Yeah. It's beautiful, right? So all the unconscious is the machine that produces everything that happens in our lives. Those are the things we say we don't want. So when we actually look at the things that we don't want on some level, we actually want them desperately. There's some sort of, and if you look at this, on some level we actually want them desperately. There's some sort of, and if you look at this, fear is the same chemical as excitement.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Excitement produces desire. Desire produces arousal, and arousal is a turn-on. So the things that we fear are actually creating some sort of arousal, which turns us on. And when you feel it, it will be in the lower centres, like you call them chakras or energetic centres, which are some form of sexual arousal. Now, it may not be the same as if you're laying with your partner in bed and being intimate, but it is still the same feeling of anticipation of arousal that is happening in the body when
Starting point is 00:43:34 you're scared versus when you're with your partner. And when you tap into that and feel the sensation, which was a great word you picked up on, you'll see that it's almost identical when you feel it and you lose the perception via the story and just happen to the feeling it's the same thing and this is what the unconscious produces uh you're popping again hey wait wait before you before you go are you on a computer no you're on a phone ipad do you have a phone yeah you want to try your phone? Yeah, I can try my phone. Okay. Do I need to send it?
Starting point is 00:44:08 No, I've got it on text. I've got it on text. So you can just pop your phone. Yeah. Let's try your phone. Yeah, I'm so sorry. I know we're traveling and to have to keep on interrupting you is lame. I do like – so the cool thing with the Daniel Craig thing is it was cool.
Starting point is 00:44:26 And in all the bond movies, it was always girls coming out of the water. And when he came out of the water in those shorts, I thought, I did think that was cool. I was like, he's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:44:34 I'm the man. I, it's, it's hard. I'm, I'm so excited and stimulated by this guy. It's hard to stay on track. It is extremely hard to stay on track. He reversed engineered. That's how he was able to spot. How are we going next? how are we going next great if it pops now now it's all my fault so i i hear you in your explanation of reverse engineering can you give me more i'm not i'm not i don't want to
Starting point is 00:45:15 say i'm not buying it but there there has to be i feel like there has to have been something else there has to be like a seismic shift. You can't just be analytical and be like, oh, behind that wall, there must be a dog because I saw it run behind that wall. So are you asking the question about my awakening? Yeah. Yeah. So that kind of came in layers. The biggest part was actually earlier this year. So I sat with some plant medicine last year. And what was happening, it was I did it with my partner. And then after the experiences, I started to go into spontaneous deaths,
Starting point is 00:45:52 much like what you were talking about. In shamanism, they call it the hollow bone. And it's like being pulled through a hollow bone. And I'd start shaking violently. I'd start, this world would collapse. And I'd be reliving other things, other lives. I don't know if it's other lives, cellular memory, whatever'd start, this world would collapse and I'd be reliving other things, other lives. I don't know if it's other lives, cellular memory, whatever it is, where it was, you know, I was being crucified. I was being disemboweled. I was being buried alive. I was killing my current
Starting point is 00:46:14 partner in another life where I was strangling her and going through these intense visualizations. And I'd end up on my floor trembling and shaking. And what happened is I got to the seventh one, sometimes it'd go for eight hours. And I got to the seventh one. And the seventh one was where I was surrounded by demonic forces. And they said, we're taking your soul to hell, you're done, we're going. And I surrendered, I said, I can't do this anymore, take me if you need to. And then it stopped. And it was like going through that hollow bone process, which is like being pulled through the bone and stretched. And what I realized in it is that when we die, it's not the body that wants to die. The soul wants to leave. And that was the most profound thing about it where I surrendered to it. And I just said, all right, if this is me and I need
Starting point is 00:46:58 to go, then I need to go. And that was my most profound. It was an initiation because I, at that moment, I was completely okay with death. Yeah, it's very interesting you say being pulled through a bone. So as I – when it happened in cycles for me, at the moment that I became I am, my intellect died, and I felt my emotional brain turn on and tried to protect project understanding on what was happening yep and as that was happening it literally was like i flew through the sun and it just fucking killed all that shit it like burnt it off of me like fire and i thought i was dead and then i came out the other side and then all of a sudden there were two of me there was this clean slate of me and then i was looking at Sevan, and Sevan was just a bag of tools now.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. I was like, oh, shit. Yeah. And then slowly my ego built back up, and I was – and at the time I didn't have meditation experience. I didn't have self-awareness. I didn't have the skills to maintain that deep of an identity or that much – not that deep of an identity, that much freedom. So it started rebuilding.
Starting point is 00:48:13 But you know what I did? You're going to love this. I got rid of – since I didn't have the skills to maintain that, I realized that I could get rid of everything I own. Yep. So I have nothing to defend and become a homeless man and ascetic. And then I could fucking like really like get my ego in check because like if my windshield broke, I didn't have a windshield to break. I didn't have a girlfriend to break up with me. I didn't have like – I didn't have anything.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yep. And I was just me. It was just like do I have a broken fingernail? And so I did that for seven years basically. Yeah. And built the skill set to come back into the regular world as nobody. Yeah. Nobody, no one, no thing. And then I had kids. Do you have kids? No, I don't. Oh, I didn't, I didn't have until I was 43. Good age, good time to do it. So, and that's important because when you, when you dissolve,
Starting point is 00:49:09 I've had that dissolution experience where it came on spontaneous. I was just walking on the beach. This was 18 months ago. And I just, I dropped out into dissolution and I was just connected to everything. And I just, you can't operate in the world like that. You can't operate in this world like that. So I know, and it lasted for two weeks. And by- Oh shit. Yeah, by two weeks. That can get weird.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Yeah. It was just like, I was walking across roads and I'm like, it doesn't matter if I get hit by a car. It doesn't matter if I'm drinking this coffee. It doesn't matter if I'm smoking a cigarette. It doesn't matter if I'm making love to my partner. Just none of, nothing matters. smoking a cigarette. It doesn't matter if I'm making love to my partner, just none of nothing matters. It's all just a game. It's just, it's an illusory game, all of this. And when you really see that, then you start to break through the illusion of it all and take it so seriously. And it's like, well, how do I want to play the game now? That's, that's the really important question. What game do I actually want to play? Cause it's all a game and nothing means anything, but everything means something on some level you know and why share it
Starting point is 00:50:05 why share it why why do we have to um do you think that that's our ego um because we're not even buying it like why why do we have to share why don't we just do you think that there's do you think there's people who know what we know and don't share it and they're just fucking fully immersed in the game like sometimes are you you like, oh, this motherfucker. Well, we don't even know that we're sharing it. Like I don't know that I didn't dream you up. I don't know that I haven't made all of this up. So am I sharing it from a human level or am I just trying to satisfy my own self by thinking that I'm sharing it? But you're just this holographic projection of light that I need to see in front of me right now in order to satisfy my own existence.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Not to get solipsistic about it, but I can't prove that I didn't make you up and vice versa. You know, I, I, um, I had a guest on the other day, uh, who, who I thought was, we were going to take this type of talk and this type of journey. Um, and we didn't. And one of the questions I asked him is i said do you know what thought you had before you got that tattoo and that was my way of just sort of testing to his awareness right and um he didn't even want he just i i you know from from where i sat it looked like he didn't even understand the question yeah uh because below that thought where you got the tattoo right there was there's some something in the subconscious
Starting point is 00:51:29 yeah right and i explained and from there i was going to tie it to like there's nothing when i'm sitting that would arise that would say go get a vaccine yeah there's nothing in the brain that would do that that um that well it would do that but but but as a as a watcher of the mind i i could i could watch it and watch it transform into something else i guess what i'm saying there's nothing real there's nothing that would move me to do that if i didn't want to yeah and that's witness consciousness and most people don't live in that space like you can witness the thoughts and go well that's bullshit like it's like a cloud in the sky as they talk about in a lot of meditation circles. It's like thoughts are automated.
Starting point is 00:52:10 If I'm not listening to the thoughts, it's like, you know, I'm in my body. My body's an avatar, but I can just witness things going around. But most people think like, you know, they're the driver of the car, but they are the car. It's like I've got a Range Rover, but I'm not a Range Rover. But most people are in their bodies acting as though they're the Range Rover. Yes. Yes. You know, the window breaks and they're pissed. Yeah, exactly. Right. And so this is, this is the way that most people think. So they believe that their thoughts are real. And so by going and getting the jab and by going and wearing the mask and all that sort of stuff, you know, there's that saying by Mark Twain,
Starting point is 00:52:42 it's easier to fool someone than to convince them that they've been fooled. And so the cognitive dissonance is going to move in really strongly because if they admit that they've been lied to about that, then the onion starts to unravel and you're going to have to look at everything that you've been lied to about. And then you wake up and go, okay, I'm on the other side of this and it's a difficult experience to walk through. That is a form of awakening we're talking about before that's a massive death that you've got to go through um you said something that's just a huge uh in the 500 podcast i think i've done now it's a huge theme people conflate their thoughts with reality yeah yeah and the example that I always use is red does not mean stop. Yeah. We've just agreed upon it. So we fucking don't crash into each other. Yeah, exactly. And people think thoughts, I mean, thoughts create reality because they're a vibration and by virtual physics, but back to what I said earlier about the hungry ghost, we're going to filter for that. We're going to look for that. If we think that people are going to reject us, we're going to filter for the aspect of rejection. If we feel that everyone's the enemy or everyone's sick, we're going to look for sick
Starting point is 00:53:52 people. If we feel that I feel powerless or I don't feel safe, then we're going to look to defend that in some way through the nature of thought, whether our body's going to respond, then our behavior is going to fire up, then our results are going to be very repetitive. Unconscious, our patterns are the result of unconscious desires. And so our desires- Say that again. Patterns are what? Are the result of unconscious desires. So what that means is we're filtering for certain things to look out into the world to confirm our own existence and our own survival if if you're oh hi my wife just told me oh hi thank you that's where krishna murthy went oh hi she must be yeah that's yeah yeah yeah thank you thank you hayley um i'm lucky
Starting point is 00:54:39 because my wife is a uh a vipassana practitioner i don't know if you know what that is yeah i know the passion yeah and you know what's fucking crazy about those fucks they this is a non-denominational no eye contact no talking 10-day retreat they don't collect money yeah and these motherfuckers are requiring a vaccine these are sitters wow these guys are now requiring an injection to go to their no eye contact no talk sit still for 10 day fucking camp i'm like oh shit that's that's crazy i didn't know that that's bad shit crazy right Hey, there's got to be something happening. I witnessed it when the World Trade Center got smacked. There's got to be something that's about in this vibration thing you're talking about that happens, that sweeps over people, that even can scoop people like me and you up who there must be something that um like like just like you know
Starting point is 00:55:47 like like we're all we're we're we're all at the beach you know and half of us are the greatest swimmers in the world and half of us can't swim but a big fucking waves come and we're all dead you know what i mean there's got to be like it does there's got to be like this thing that just comes by that even like the greatest practitioners just can't stand up to. I'm guessing. I mean, shit. Rapture, maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:13 What was the word you used? The rapture, you know, where like the end of times, revelations, things like that. That might be something that's just too overwhelming for our consciousness to bear. Right. But I don't know. And that's the great mystery of it all. You know, that's the fun overwhelming for our consciousness to bear right now but i don't know and that's the great mystery of it all you know that's the fun part of it but i think once you go down to a point where you learn to healthily question everything through objective analysis as opposed to subjective confirmation you have a much healthier view of things and at the end of the day and this i'm
Starting point is 00:56:40 not sure if you realize this it's a little secret we're all gonna fucking die anyway you know we're all going to so when you embrace that and you're defined and define die for me please leave the the final particle liberation of the body into the ocean of consciousness right there's going to be some dramatic shift that's so massive that you're not going to get to keep your body anymore pretty much yeah and that's going to be some dramatic shift that's so massive that you're not going to get to keep your body anymore. Pretty much. Yeah. And that's going to happen anyway. It just depends on how much we do with the avatar until that time comes. Get hit by a car or get so old that the pieces break off and stop working.
Starting point is 00:57:15 We're all headed there together one way or another. Yeah. You know, so when we see that, it's like, okay, well, I'm just going to try and love as best as possible. And it's a fun game. The awakening game is fun. It's fun for me. I like waking people up. I like waking people's minds up. I like making them aware of their own bullshit, their own patterns, their own stories that they tell themselves.
Starting point is 00:57:38 It's just a story. It's literally we're all just walking conversations. No one has any problems. They're just thinking about something. That's it. Stop thinking and all just walking conversations. No one has any problems. They're just thinking about something. That's it. Stop thinking and all your problems will end. Yeah, correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Just don't listen to your thoughts. Don't buy into your feelings. You know, this is one of the things I was posting a lot about online is that healthy masculinity is the answer to unhealthy masculinity, not femininity. masculinity is the answer to unhealthy masculinity, not femininity. Women shouldn't be telling men how to be men because another little secret, they don't know what it takes to be a man. They have no idea. And I had all these women saying, you know, femininity is the answer. What meant to be more emotional, more vulnerable, more of this, more of that, blah, blah, blah. And it's like, yeah, that's what you've been doing for the last 40, 50 years. You've gotten that. Now you're asking where are all the good men, right? You're going to go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah. So it's like, then they're saying,
Starting point is 00:58:32 where are all the good men? So it's like, well, if you want a girlfriend, listen to a woman on how to be a man. But if you want to be a man, listen to a healthy masculine figure. But these are stories at the end of the day, we have to start to tap into what's true for us and what feels right from the deepest place. We don't want to buy into a narrative like you know it seems to be that everything in the world the cure-all for everything is femininity and the wrong for everything is masculinity which i don't agree with whatsoever you get mature healthy masculine that's a really powerful energy that's on this planet that's very lacking at the moment we wouldn't be in this position if there were mature healthy masculine in the world and there are enough of us
Starting point is 00:59:07 uh do you know who uh nikki rodriguez is from b team oh i know that name i know the name a jiu-jitsu practitioner he showed up on the scene as a white belt oh yes it was trading yeah gordon yeah so so i had him on the show and i was like hey dude how do you train and like and have time to chase women he goes excuse me i was like well how do you chase he's like dude look look at me i dudes like me don't i just straight yeah just straight serious as a heart attack dude look at me uh uh i don't look i don't chase why would i what like it was completely foreign to him because there's he's a man yeah he's a lion yeah and what's a lion have yeah he has one fucking yeah this line has one girl that's just yeah and uh and i go does she ever interfere
Starting point is 01:00:06 no if she interfered i like like does she ever interfere with your your goals and your objective and your purpose no if she did i wouldn't have her yeah and it's this um and then and i've interviewed you know other champions and whatnot and none of those guys do that none of those guys are are worried about women it's like uh I'm going to tell you a story. I think you're going to love this. I'm going to try to say it fast. I was dating this girl, and we met one of her friends, and her friend went to Harvard or was a Harvard grad. I couldn't remember.
Starting point is 01:00:36 I think she was an attorney. And we went out to dinner with her, and she told me this fucking story, the lady who's a Harvard grad. She had this guy, and she'd been dating him for five years, and she fucking loved him. And she thought they were going to get married. And she said to him, uh, Hey, I really want to peg you. That was like something she wanted to put a strap on, on a fucker dude. And he's like, no, no, no, no. You're not fucking doing that shit. Right. Finally, about like a month before they were going to get married, he says, fine, I'll let you do it. Yeah. Then like about like about like you know two days later he asked her hey do you want to do that again and she's like okay and this goes on like this for about like three weeks he's just asking for it and she's fucking completely
Starting point is 01:01:14 fucking disgusted for him and tells me she lost all respect for him yeah fucking and they didn't get married i'm like and when i heard you talking on those podcasts today, I'm like, I got to tell Jaguar this story. This is like. It's massive. People are like, what's normal? Men do men shit. And you know what normal is? Normal is you put a seed in the ground and you put the pot in your windowsill and the plant starts growing towards the light.
Starting point is 01:01:41 And then you spin the pot around to fuck with the plant and the plant bends like you ain't fucking with me and it starts going there is normal people want to act like there's no such thing as normal there is normal yeah there is there's a normal man yeah and that balances out right like women through the feminist movement have become much more masculine and then they denigrate and belittle and control and dominate men they do the very thing to men that they say men had been doing to them. So they haven't actually gone anywhere. They haven't graduated or broken out of the prison that they're in. They're not happy women either. Those aren't happy women. No, they're not. They're not. They might seem satisfied, but satisfaction is very different to feeling joyful, right? And it's usually satisfaction from a sense of self-righteousness
Starting point is 01:02:24 because they get to play the victim and then they take aim at the enemy which is men i had a i went in a back and forth with a woman in comments recently and she said and it was my post around healthy masculinity creates uh is the answer to unhealthy masculinity and she's like oh masculinity so outdated feminism is the answer and i'm like yeah and you're the problem with society yeah you know like she went after me she's like thanks for your mansplaining thanks for you know that shit is crazy that shit is crazy yeah it's so ridiculous and i started to talk to i'm like feminism is an arm of communism for starters and it uses the tactic of subversion this is yuri besmanov from the kgb talks about this. And to go back to what you said earlier about the Twin Towers, there's four stages of subversion, which is demoralization. Then the second stage is destabilization. Then there's crisis,
Starting point is 01:03:15 then there's normalization. That's why we hear the term new normal around everywhere at the moment. The first thing was the Twin Towers. That was demoraloralization destabilization was the gfc crisis was what's gf what's gfc what's gfc the oa global financial crisis oh okay okay that was the destabilization and then the crisis has been the last couple of years and now we're in the new normal normalization of it to bring in a communist regime and feminism is an arm of that to create equality between everyone that everyone has exactly the same thing that's the guise of it but really it was to destroy the family and destroy masculinity like it's so obvious once you see it but women keep going you know in this
Starting point is 01:03:54 aspect of female empowerment and they should have equal pay they should have equal rights all of that's fine but they want to do what men are doing which only reinforces the inadequacy relative to men because they're still banging on the door of men to make them equal. They're not going anywhere. You know, it's just absurd that it keeps happening. And it's like men and women are built for different things. That's biological. And this woman, she was like, oh, masculinity is outdated. I said, well, I didn't realize that you were in charge of the universe and that you created the electromagnetic forces through male, female, masculine, feminine, positive, negative, north, south. Can I ask for a few things? Because seeing as you know better than the very force that created you, maybe you could give me some
Starting point is 01:04:36 advice around a few things. It's stupid. You're telling nature that you know better than it. The force that created you, the DNA strand, the planets, the celestial bodies, every force, every ecosystem on the planet, and through the transgender and feminist and all other movements that are going on, you're saying that you know better than it. It's such a ridiculous conversation. It's fascinating. I would like to put these people in a situation where it's – I'm being swept down a river, and there's two people standing – and I have my baby, and there's two people standing there. A blue-haired man with a fucking gunt.
Starting point is 01:05:17 I should be nicer. My wife's not going to like that. Take two. There's two. I'm being swept down a river, and i'm holding a baby and there's a man with blue hair who's with a with uh 50 pounds overweight yeah and there's you jaguar and you're in your in your partner yeah who do i throw my baby to exactly like but but the blue-haired guy is my is uh me and him have been best friends since the fifth grade. Me and him saw Top Gun together for the first time together.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Me and him on a double date and got our first kiss. It doesn't fucking matter. Yeah. And I would throw him to you because my kid – at that moment, my kid has to survive with the strongest – it's the same thing with – I ask – my boys are homeschooled and they do jiu um, uh, jujitsu, you know, whatever, five, some MMA, jujitsu, striking, all that shit. Five days a week. They do skateboarding, uh, tennis. All they do is just movement and math and English. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Do you want your daughters dating my sons going to the movie to drive in with my sons? Or do you want it going with some the blue-haired boy yeah exactly exactly this is biological you can't argue with that women know what they're attracted to and even if the identity and social engineering might convince them otherwise they're still going to at the deepest level do what their biology tells them is attractive you can't fight biology there's male and female sex organs for a reason there's not 500 different types of sex organs for a fucking reason you know they're it's biological like don't argue with biology that's nature you know it's it's it's so obvious you just boil it down you can go you can get reductionist
Starting point is 01:07:00 about it if you want but it's like what's that mean what's that mean reduction you just reduce it down to the scientific facts right that's the way i want to do it there's only two sexes so here once again i tell people gender is what the left has and god is what the right has they're both your imaginary friends i don't care but but but i i don't care and i don't judge you for them don't don't make me go inside of your head and live your imaginary world there's only men there's only penises cock and balls and vaginas exactly that's it now i don't care if you want to identify as a as a fucking packet of peanuts like do it if you want do it yeah go for it you can still come to my house it will come to my house and we'll and we'll watch ufc together it's totally cool yeah like do that that's fine but when it's when it creates something that everyone must adhere to this and forces people into that that's
Starting point is 01:07:53 where i start to have a problem with it and they're giving kids puberty blockers and that they shouldn't go through puberty till they're old enough to understand you think that's really happening i keep reading that too have you seen one of these kids i haven't seen it firsthand but i'm only going on what the narrative is at the moment because it seems to be out there you know i'm in denial i cannot believe a parent would allow that i'm in denial i keep reading i've had messages online from people saying that they've got a five-year-old that you know they are gender they have gender dysphoria and it's like they're fucking five like they're five years old you know and i just i think you know if you put me as a five-year-old i would have wanted to be optimus prime or something like that you know or sonic
Starting point is 01:08:35 the hedgehog when i was growing up like that doesn't mean i've got gender dysphoria or anything like that it's it's a really sensitive topic at the moment because I just don't think adults with those impressionable minds should be influencing the children, let alone the state fucking raising them. And that's what really this is all about. The state wants to raise the children. And a teacher saying that it's okay for you to be a little girl or a little boy when you're the opposite and then you can go
Starting point is 01:09:00 on puberty blockers if that allows them and that the state has the influence to raise the child, I've got a real problem with that that i don't think that should be allowed and i don't think some teachers should be allowed to influence my child at all in any way shape or form do you know uh what that is also is that's once again you you you you had a different term for it to me i call it meditation but um we live in an area an era where there's so many unconscious parents and they're, they're just, their minds just react. So the child says, I want to buy that dress and they feel like they owe their kid an answer. So I 99% of parenting, good parenting is watching your own mind. Yep. That's it. And it's not reacting. My kid, one of my sons would say, Oh, can I buy that dress? I just keep walking. There's no,
Starting point is 01:09:44 not reacting. My kid, one of my sons would say, Oh, can I buy that dress? I just keep walking. There's no, I it's, it's just, it's just shit coming out of his mouth. It's just, and I lead him the way I reward him for the things that can I have that candy bar? I don't say, I don't even say no. His mind is just jumping. Yeah. I, my mind doesn't jump. I'm in, I, well, my mind jumps, but I watch my mind. I have a developed consciousness i don't have to react to my mind my phone rings and someone texts me i'm not obligated to text you back this is for me yeah this is not a leash for the rest of you motherfuckers my brain is also not a leash the worst thing i can do is react and and that and that's what we're seeing with parents but my child said he wanted to wear a dress and and I said, which one, pink or blue?
Starting point is 01:10:26 And they don't even realize that they're programming their fucking kids to be like that. They think that it spontaneously happened. Yeah, and the child's programming them too. Yes, yes, well said. Yes, totally. And that's so true. And what you're talking to is what you have is awareness. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:44 And there's no greater tool in this life than awareness. It's the most powerful tool. And so when we talk about people getting triggered and stuff like that, that's where they're emotional. So they're not really living in a state of awareness. They're living in a state of lack of awareness. And this kind of thing, it's just this new social norm. I'm sure trans stuff has been around.
Starting point is 01:11:02 And the people that are adults that are genuinely going through it, I have compassion for you. Go do that. Like live that life if you want there's no judgment i don't care if that's what you want to do go do it but when the influence and the focus is on kids that they should be anything other than who they are yeah and that should be celebrated by someone whose brain the logic and reasoning aspects in the prefrontal cortex the neocortex isn't fully developed. The limbic system isn't fully developed. The vagus nerve is probably not fully myelinated either. And it's like, what the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 01:11:33 We're giving these kids their choice to be able to do that when we have a duty of care as adults to nurture them into a happy, healthy, unified being, not send them down a social programmed narrative, which is so the state can raise your kids and influence them. Like that's the sinister part behind it. And once you say that it's, you know, you can't unsee it. And that's what concerns me about the whole thing. It's there. You said their kids are influenced or training them to, yeah, they're casting spells on their parents.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Yeah, absolutely. It's a new cool thing to be part of the woke agenda. It's cool. It's new. It gives someone a reason to identify with something else. My seven-year-old said he wanted a Barbie and I thought that was so sweet. And I, so I took him to target and I'd let him pick out two Barbies. And, and I just really liked it. The fact that he's exploring this feminine side and I'm like, Oh, I'm like, Holy fuck. And that's one of the fact that he's exploring this feminine side. And I'm like, holy fuck. And that's one of the problems is that we're in a society that thinks that femininity is the answer to absolutely everything. I saw a meme the other day around the abortion thing.
Starting point is 01:12:34 And it had what they want from us, which is the handmaid's tale, and what they're going to get, which is like Wonder Woman and like the warriors from the Black Panther and all this sort of stuff. And I'm like, this is the delusional aspect of it. When I was talking last year, about 12, 13 months ago, I did a post saying, where are all the real men at? If the real men stood up, this world wouldn't be in lockdowns. This bullshit wouldn't be happening. It would be over in fucking two hours. It'd be done. And one woman wrote to me and she said, what we need you to do is drop the mic and stand aside, let the women handle this. And I said, okay, let me put this to you. Like I've done jujitsu. I wanted to be a professional fighter 14 years ago. I'm trained. And I said, two military and a doctor rock up at your door and they're going to take your kids to a concentration camp. They're five and seven years old. And they're going to take you unless you get vaccinated with them.
Starting point is 01:13:25 And you don't want that. And I stand aside and say, oh, it's cool, babe. You handle it. You got this. I'll drop the mic. I'll just hang outside while you sort this out. When it comes down to having to use force, which I hope I never have to, I will do what it takes to defend my partner and her kids. I will.
Starting point is 01:13:41 And if that means taking a couple people out to try to take them away if that happens, I'm okay doing that. I don't want to do that. I don't encourage that by any stretch. But the fact that women are thinking that this is okay to even sit there and start talking about that as though they've got it handled. I had another friend of mine that was a single mom and she was like, there's no greater force and stronger force on the planet than a mother protecting a child. And I just said to her, I go, I could take your child from you right now and there's nothing you could do about it. Like drop that delusional bullshit. It is.
Starting point is 01:14:10 It's delusional. Men are stronger, bigger. They've got bigger muscles, denser nervous systems, thicker bones, bigger hands, stronger jaw structures for a reason. We're protectors. We're meant to protect. And the fact that they've got this like women are warriors, it's like, no, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Like they might be warriors on the inside and they have a lot of beautiful, strong attributes that men don't have. But when it comes down to the physical fight, the woman will lose always. They're not going to stand up. The men need to. That's what I keep encouraging. Men need to stand up and speak their truth and become strong and powerful again in their truth
Starting point is 01:14:45 be virtuous have integrity protect the women and children that's what we're here for that's part of our job there um there's two two thoughts i i want to um i wish i could remember the exact i was saying that lao tzu said i'm going to try to find it here real quick but when I see people like The Rock, for whatever the fuck it's worth, he's half black, half Samoan. He's got people – his people, based on his skin color and this lie of an identity. But let's play with it a little bit. They're the ones who are dying of type 2 diabetes, the Samoans and blacks. They're the ones who are being completely fucking overrun by sugar uh it's destroying them it's it's clouding their thinking it's making them weak it's making them obese um and yet you have people like lebron james selling sprite
Starting point is 01:15:35 and playing the victim mindset you have the rock uh selling out during the pandemic selling alcohol energy drinks and i think uh like um some pancake batter or some other – just shit that's horrible for his people, for all of humanity. Yeah. And he's the biggest influencer on Instagram, and I don't see he shadow banned. Yeah. I'm not surprised. Why won't he stand up? Doesn't he – but maybe he's just so wise. Maybe it's like Lao Tzu has this statement, if you stand up to evil, it only grows or something like that. It's like if you build a seawall thinking you're going to stop the ocean, everything adjacent to it erodes faster.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Maybe he's just wiser than us. Yeah, or he's getting paid a lot of money and he doesn't give a shit about it let's just sort of tell it how it is you know like they do these false philanthropic you know um i can't believe he's that bad jaguar why why can't lebron just be like i people i know that we come from this victim mindset i know i know it's hard but i'm telling you if you drop it and just work your ass off you can have what i have look at obama look at oprah like how come how come it's same with armenians i'm armenian and there's this victim mindset about them like the turks killed us and
Starting point is 01:17:00 like we're raised with it yeah like and we're always apologizing for something that happened fucking hundreds of years ago yeah yeah you know because people love to play the victim but you and i have made it to the top yeah in our own way yeah we're financially secure yeah we have love yeah we're happy as fucking fuck yeah two kittens in a box. But we know we can speak up now because we have a little bit of security, right? I mean, you don't even have kids and you're speaking up. I think if I didn't have kids, I wouldn't I would be fucked like, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Let this bitch burn. Yeah. And I mean, I do that. My partner's got three kids. And so, you know, but nothing's going to stop me from standing in truth around the ridiculousness of this. I'm quite outspoken against the feminist agenda, the real roots of the feminist agenda, not the equality and stuff. That's all good. But the real part underneath it, you know, I'm very outspoken against a lot of these agendas that are going on. You know, like, I think it's really important. And yeah, I've got security, but true security is not needing any security at all. I've done the thing where I've been a minimalist, everything I own fit in a suitcase. I had nothing. And I was a multimillionaire that lived in the most expensive suburb in Sydney. And my nickname in Sydney was the Wolf of Wall Street guy. That's the life I used to live. And I went through my process. So I could go live in the bush. I might not want to, but you can take everything away from me. You can't take this away from me. And that's my power because I don't give a shit about the rest. It's like, I will stand up because
Starting point is 01:18:33 I want to get through this. And if I have children or if my stepchildren, whatever, I want them to know that I stood for them at a time when they couldn't stand for themselves. And if that means I die during that process, I'm cool with that. I'm going to die anyway. I might as well do it for something that's noble and that's true because I'm not going to let the world go to shit and be silenced or stood down because I'm too scared to speak up because I might get shadow banned or I might, you know, lose access to something. Fuck that.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Like the divine intelligence looks after me and guides me in the right way. That's not God, that's not whatever. It's just, there's a divine intelligence to all of this. The hand of divine intelligence plays a role in this. I do believe that I've seen it many times. Uh-oh, you froze, you froze. But I don't just blindly follow him. Yeah, got you. You're good, you're good now. You don't You froze. But I don't just blindly follow in. Yeah, got you.
Starting point is 01:19:25 You're good. You're good now. You don't just blindly. Yeah. I don't just blindly follow or give my power away to something because someone's told me a story. Like I feel into it and then I co-create by the world of physics what I want to create. It's why I haven't been shadow banned.
Starting point is 01:19:39 I haven't been taken down, you know, and I've been very outspoken for about 18 months. Other people's accounts are getting shut down left, right, and center. And mine just doesn't. So it's like, and I'm quite outspoken. So it's about just honoring your truth. Cause I know in truth, regardless of what happens, I'll be okay with it because I'm acting with integrity. Yeah. Can you define integrity? That's one of my favorite words. Well, integrity comes from the word integer, which comes from the root word entire, which means wholeness. So when we're out of integrity, like an integer is a whole number, a number that isn't whole is a fraction. So when we're not in
Starting point is 01:20:17 integrity, we become fractured internally within ourselves and we become fragmented. And so we operate in parts. So when we become whole we operate out of integrity and integrity is the unfiltered truth that's all it is for what i stand for which is i'm against certain movements and i stand for unified like the union mentalis to go back to that unified mind unified consciousness unified society where everyone's taken care of everyone's looked after that's not a communist or socialist aspect but from the aspect of internal integration and in that place i speak my truth from there for what feels right for me and no one can take that away from me yeah i i even for me um on it on a more i don't knowman level, integrity is, and I think it fits nicely into what you just
Starting point is 01:21:06 said is honesty. So if you, instead of, let's say we had a podcast scheduled and I couldn't do it because I needed to take my kid to a tenants class. Instead I said, oh, hey, I have a business meeting because I didn't want you to think that I was like, I just feel like even those little things in your life, your integrity is waning. all the time. It's like making excuses. Like I can't make it. I'm not feeling well, rather than just saying, I don't want to do it. Yeah. Just say you don't want to do it. Yeah. Just, I can't make it. You like, you're not my priority. Maybe not that harsh, but like, you know, you can say, I can't make it. You don't need to give an explanation. No, is a complete sentence. Can you do this? I can't. Sorry. Give me another time. You don't need to offer up an excuse to everything. That's just a way to maintain
Starting point is 01:21:48 connection. And people really like are attracted. I mean, at first it's hard for people, but they're really attracted to people with integrity. Yeah. And boundaries. Like, I mean, it's attractive to someone that says, no, I'm not going to do that. Yeah. You know, especially because that's integrous. It's in truth and it's honest. And someone values themselves that says no. You know, like if someone asks me, I just go, no, don't want to. And I leave it at that. And that's how I operate.
Starting point is 01:22:15 You know, I don't need to over-explain anything. I could, but I don't want to anymore. I used to do that a lot, but I just don't do that anymore. It's like, oh, can you come over tonight? Do you want to hang out? I'm like, no. That's it would you say you're happy i don't really like the word happy because the written like to start the conversation that we did today happiness comes from the root word hat which means luck or chance so when i'm in that vibrational construct of happiness I'm searching for happiness right and that means that I'm trying to get lucky I prefer the word joyful which is
Starting point is 01:22:50 comes from the root word joldier which means basically internal experience of sensual delight and so do I feel joy yeah I do I'm a joyful person part of that took a long time for me to come back because I was very defensive for a long time and protective of myself but as i've started to open up and eliminated the shame and the things that i grew up with and the difficulties and the traumas a joy has come in which is just presence you know there's a loving joy that i emanate through the world not 100 of the time but i don't search for happiness what i do is aim to experience the joy which is an ever cascading fountain that's available to me 24 7 if i choose to operate from that place and and when you wake up in the morning um do you feel are you excited like your eyes crack open you're like fuck yeah yeah like i would
Starting point is 01:23:41 say i'm quite joyful when i wake up right like i'm not like yeah let's fucking get that bread or whatever it is like that rise and grind mentality i'm not like that i wake up and i'm just quiet peaceful and i'm joyful and i get up and i'm like ah another day and that's the way that i operate does it creep does that creep in do you have that yeah let's fuck like after you've been up for an hour let's get yeah today i've. I have this list of shit and I want to fucking get it. Yeah. Yeah. I still have that. Like I've still got that fire in me. You know, I love to do things. I love to create and I love to like be directional and I like to use, you know, some fierceness in the way that it comes through. It's like, yeah, let's fucking get it. Let's do this like that.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Like that's still a big part of me. I like that. that it's not all the time but i you know it's still there for sure uh the is our purpose here to have babies like do you need to have a baby to be complete does a woman need to have a baby to be complete if they're doing it to be complete they're doing it for the wrong reason okay so and a lot of women do want to do it for that reason because they're looking for some sort of external validation to propagate their life through purpose. My belief is that purpose is we come here to reconcile the ego and our fears and limitations so it can be free from suffering. That's what I believe. I just, I believe that's it. It's to remember, I was talking to my partner about this last night. It's what I believe. I just, I believe that's it. It's to, to remember,
Starting point is 01:25:06 I was talking to my partner about this last night. It's not about, you know, becoming truly loving. It's about remembering that you're already love anyway. Yeah. And then we take that out into the world. I believe we just come here to transcend our fears and limitations so we can be free. So we can be free. Do you think that there's nothing in the biology of a woman and man. That's also connected to this having kids and that being part of sort of the expansion of the consciousness, this, this, or there's some like biological experience that you have that gives you the
Starting point is 01:26:02 lessons spiritual lessons? A hundred percent. I think that one of the most amazing things, if not the most amazing thing you can do is to create life. I did a post a little while ago. I said, the most valuable thing a woman can give away is her body. And the most valuable thing a man can give away is his life force, his semen. And one woman was like, how could you say that? You're objectifying women, blah, blah, blah. She's got more value than only her body. I said, that's not what I said in the post. I said, the most valuable thing is her body. Why? Because that's the creative matrix to bring a child into this world and navigate a spirit from the unborn dimension into the physical dimension. Tell me
Starting point is 01:26:40 there's nothing more precious than that on this earth. I know it's crazy. It sounded like the greatest compliment in the world. It's funny that someone could even take offense to that oh they just look at it through the prism of their own trauma see what they want to see like hungry ghost the river of pus and blood and then they get to confirm the narrative and be right about their own bullshit you know and it is a compliment so a man's greatest life force is his semen that's why porn is free so men can continually sacrifice that at the altar of that satanic program and give it away. So men become weak and, you know, have no discipline and they can't transcend that. And in the school, schoolyard of Tindergarten, that's what I call people that get
Starting point is 01:27:18 on Tinder all the time, Tindergarten, because it's a bunch of adult children running around sleeping with one another with their childhood wounds completely activated for some sort of validation. And so we've got all these people that are dumping grounds for trauma that are just in a cyclical nature where they don't actually ever get to transcend and experience their divine nature. Do you abstain? Do you abstain from having sex? Not at the moment. No, i'm with a beautiful partner who i love very much but i have before in the past i did 18 months of celibacy and abstination no no ejaculation for 18 months none yeah wow you got to circulate the energy though it's not just
Starting point is 01:27:58 like it's hard it's difficult it's very challenging but you have to have ways to circulate the energy through breath and you know muscular movements and things like that i wouldn't recommend it for everyone because it's very difficult but i recommend every man should do it after a breakup for three months at least three months uh and tell me why what are the what are the advantages of that because you start to retrain your chemical function in the body porn changes your chemical function and it changes your hormonal structure. It changes everything about a man. They can't get it up. Their identity in the subconscious around how they see women is different. It's a really, really toxic thing. It's one of the things I say, if you want to be healthy, get rid of that stuff. And so it'll start to
Starting point is 01:28:40 retrain the chemicals in the body. The way you associate with women will be different. You'll start to respect women and not objectify them anymore. You'll start to honor chemicals in the body, the way you associate with women will be different. You'll start to respect women and not objectify them anymore. You know, you'll start to honor women in the right way, which I'm all for. You know, I'm all for honoring women and treating them in the right way, just not from the simp aspect where you're manipulating them to get sex, from the noble aspect, which is the gentleman, which is the masculine man that is the protector and the provider and the presider. And so I think that it's important for a man to be able to exercise discipline over himself and control his urges and his desires and do it for three months. It's not a long time. Don't watch porn, get away from that, get off the dating apps
Starting point is 01:29:13 and do three to six months of what I call a feminine cleanse, where you just cleanse yourself of feminine energy and be on your own and learn how to do that. It's very powerful for a man to do that very powerful um in college i i had these 220 i went two months or four months i can't remember but basically how i did it is i put two 20 pound dumbbells next to my bed and if i woke up at any time i had a fucking hard on i'd just start fucking doing shoulder presses yeah just. Just work out. And my theory was like, even at like three in the morning, you know what I mean? Like, like I'm just fucking ready to just fire one off.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Uh, do, and that, and when I was 20, they didn't even have porn. Right. I mean, it was like,
Starting point is 01:29:55 they had magazines and shit. There was no like internet, but, uh, and my theory was, is that it would take the blood out of my cock to my shoulders and it worked. And then that thing would go away and i'd go back to sleep i've lost you froze you still frozen he's frozen can you hear me mr jaguar
Starting point is 01:30:18 i think you froze did i lose you completely oh? Oh, here he comes. Here he comes. You're back. Gotcha. Yeah. And, and, and my dad told me if you don't, and I told my dad this and my dad's like, Hey, if you don't use it, you'll lose it. Yeah. No, that's not the case. No, you're still works fine. Yeah. Yeah. It made me stronger there actually. Right. Like, you know, I don't really talk about, you know, my intimate practices with my partner out of respect to her. But, you know, like, you know, a normal sort of intimate session with us is two to three hours. Wow.
Starting point is 01:30:56 One hour at least, yeah, because I can, I have got self-control to be able to last as long as I need to, you know. And, you know, 30 to 40 minutes would be a short, short session, you know, and that's what men do. Most women that I've worked with, I've worked with thousands of women now, and the average sexual experience for them is six to 11 minutes, you know, like, I mean, if you learn how to touch a woman properly, you should kiss for three times longer than that. And if you learn how to touch a woman properly, you should kiss for three times longer than that.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Yeah, I have a feeling that you're a crazy outlier in that. Yeah, well, I've trained myself to do that because there's making love and there's having sex. Having sex is what everyone else is doing, and making love is where there's involution, which is spiritual descending, and evolution, which is physical ascending. So the two forces go from the top up and they meet in the heart.
Starting point is 01:31:45 And that's what making love is. And that's an energetic experience. And that's very different to having sex. Very different. Do you practice, do you use contraception? No. No. No. she just times her ovulation. Correct. Yeah. I don't believe in any of that. I think it's really unhealthy for a woman to be on the pill. And I think condoms, I mean the microplastics in it as well to have that experience
Starting point is 01:32:18 and, you know, inside the vagina and on the, on the man as well. It's like, it's loaded with chemicals, you know, just do what's natural. And if a baby comes along, then that's what's written for me and we'll address that at the time and let the child come through. And if not, you know, there's other ways that you can mitigate and manage that. One is to not ejaculate. As long as you can still circulate the energy, you can still have orgasms without ejaculating.
Starting point is 01:32:39 It's not that difficult. I agree. And, yeah, once you do that, then you're free reign. You don't need to worry about that stuff you know and you can control most men don't know that was something i learned pretty early on that you could just have as many orgasms as you want without ejaculating you do you think most men know that no no or it's an impossible task i mean even if you get to it like the train needs to lead that's leave the station when you know you're to, you can get to a point very close where you can have like, if your normal orgasm is 10
Starting point is 01:33:09 out of 10, you can reach an eight out of 10 and then you just relax back and you let the energy go into your body. You don't ejaculate, you give yourself five minutes, you go again. Yeah. Yeah. Trina wants to know, boy, that one really lit up. What about pre-cum? Well, I guess that's the thing. Like if they get pregnant, they get pregnant. He's willing to roll the dice. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's not a high percentage of that.
Starting point is 01:33:31 That would happen. It also depends on the time of the month. You know, a woman goes through periods where she's in a high ovulation state as well, based on the cycle. Like men know your woman's cycle, you know, it goes through a different, it's different through a four week period. Know her cycle. Her moods will be different. It's like the four seasons, you know, winter, a different it's different through a four-week period know her cycle her moods will be different it's like the four seasons you know winter autumn summer and spring she'll want to speak differently she'll want different type of attention she'll
Starting point is 01:33:52 want different food her hormones will be different she'll want to make love more sometimes other times she'll be more internal know your woman's cycle you know and then with that sort of stuff it's like make love more often during times where she's less likely to be able to get pregnant. There's apps that track this stuff now. But men should get in touch with women in their cycles and sit down and go through it together. My partner have schooled me on it. And now I know it's like, okay, she's coming up to a period. I need to leave her alone and be a little bit more tender and a bit softer with her.
Starting point is 01:34:20 You know, after that, then she's going to want to be more out there and want to tear me apart on the bedroom so it's like you know it's if you got to know that kind of stuff to be educated the more awareness that we have around these things for women you know the greater partners that we can be the better lovers we can be the better men we can be because they're sensitive creatures and we need to be sensitive towards what they need do you you know this guy, Elliot? Hulse? Yeah. Yeah. Are you friends with him? I'm not friends with him. No, I know his work. So I do enjoy a lot of the stuff that he talks about. We're quite similar. I hadn't actually, I actually hadn't heard of him until about two months ago. And I was talking to a good friend of mine. He goes, and we were talking about
Starting point is 01:35:03 subversion, the communist agenda of Marxism and everything else. And he goes, dude, you sound like Elliot Holtz. And I'm like, who's that? And we talk about a lot of the same things. I had him on my show. Seriously, I think I'm going to have all three of us. I'm going to do a show with all three of us. You guys will.
Starting point is 01:35:19 He's so fun. He's just like you. He's a gentleman of the highest order. He means so well. He's so loving he but i mean he he's a fucking lion and he's got a big tongue he'll lick you with and you'll like it and you just better hope it's just only his tongue he licks you with because if he pulls those claws out yeah man yeah i mean i'd love to do a podcast with him i really we have a similar message i
Starting point is 01:35:42 really resonate with him i love what he stands for you um, yeah, like I'd love to do a podcast, the three of us would be super interesting. Um, how, how are you on time? Are you good? Yeah, I've got about five minutes or so, five to 10 minutes. Okay. Um, in one of these podcasts, you say something about having an extraterrestrial experience in new zealand yeah yeah i've had a few a few um could you tell me about that yeah so what first what's extraterrestrial mean first of all i didn't even know i'm not even sure i know the definition of that word they'd just be beings that are not human that's the way that i would define it i don't know where they're from but they appeared to me and i could feel myself being pulled out of my body up through the building that i was in
Starting point is 01:36:30 and out onto a ship and there was a green-skinned being with like a black bob haircut and big black eyes a little silver being that was like you know the size of like my water bottle here like can you see that there yeah and um there were these two feline beings like they were humanoid felines right but like human standing about five foot ten you know that sort of thing very powerful and they were throwing sand onto a table and was vibrating into these complex geometric shapes and i was like what are these what does this mean and she said you'll know when the time's right. And then she got a light and she started flashing a light in my eyes. And she said, this is upgrading your DNA.
Starting point is 01:37:10 You'll know what to do with this when the time comes, but you need this in order to help the planet along those lines. Were you scared at all? No, I wasn't scared. I wasn't scared. And then I went back, they took me back down, put me into bed and whatever anyway a couple of weeks later I was catching up with a friend of mine and I was telling him about this dream and I had the symbols there with it and the symbols you drew them out on paper yeah and I was describing them to him and he'd been drawing on tabletop sand images that were the same as what I was seeing because it's a form of Arabic magic to contact higher beings. And I didn't know that at the time.
Starting point is 01:37:51 And so we were drawing the same symbols in sand that I saw on the tabletops that he was drawing as well. And he said he was just channeling them and just doing it on these tabletops out of nowhere. And it was around the same time. So that was one of the experiences. When you're there and that happens do you and you see that are you like oh fuck yeah like are you pumped or do you stay super calm are you like like this is fucking great to connect this dot yeah like i'm at that time i was like whoa that's wild's wild. But on the other side of it, I was like, now I look at it, I go, well,
Starting point is 01:38:27 you know, that's synchronistic. And I like that experience needed to happen. So it's like those experiences when we have those, you know, I think, well, you know, whether I'm projecting my own consciousness onto it or whether I'm making that up, it doesn't matter. That was real for me and no one can take that away from me. Uh, did you, have you had any more besides that interactions uh yeah i've had a few um probably about four or five more i had one where i was being scratched on the back by
Starting point is 01:38:52 a massive reptilian kind of one and then my ex like hurt or gentle a gentle caress no it was like a scratch it was like a giant claw the claw was the size of my back. And it went bam like this and scratched so much so that I jumped out of bed that I nearly landed on my feet and I was sleeping on the floor at the time. And it like launched me up. And then my ex-girlfriend came over. This was a few days after. She came over like, I think three days after or something like that. And anyway, she was like, what's going on with your back? And I had a massive scratch down my back next to my spine that I can't reach that and do that. So that was there at the time.
Starting point is 01:39:30 So it's been a pretty wild ride with that kind of stuff. I haven't had anything drop in for a little while. But I think, you know, they're just beings from other dimensions. You do ayahuasca, you can meet them or mushrooms, you'll meet them or whatever, you know. So it's not this sort of crazy, overly special special experience it's just what i needed for my own evolution i'm trying to remember the doctor's name she she was on the show um court courtney hunt she's a uh gynecologist who's turned um sort of uh junkie physicist in quantum quantum physics and quantum computing just love her right and when i was talking to her basically she was explaining to
Starting point is 01:40:16 me that we can only see you know a small percentage of the light spectrum yeah like 0.02 i think it is and i was like so you're telling me that there's a there's there could be shit in the other fucking spectrums of light that are just fucking everywhere around us that are sentient beings she's like could be yeah like we can't see 99.8 of the fucking shit around us because we're not able to see that that that those light spectrums she's like yep it's just like a radio you know, you tune into a certain radio station, you'll hear jazz. If you tune into something else, you'll hear rock music. You know, it's probably just like that. It's just frequency.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Right. And, and, and, and no one in their right mind breaks open the radio and is like, Hey, where's that orchestra? Yeah, exactly. You know, it's like trying to get in the TV and seeing the actors. Right. Even though that's what all, all, that's what so many of our colleagues and human peers are doing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:08 They believe that. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. It's crazy, man. We'd have to do a whole podcast just around that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Um, all right. All right. Hey, I really appreciate your time. I got three pages of notes. I knew I was going to have trouble staying like in, in certain funnelsnels because I was going to be just so stimulated and excited by everything you're saying. Thanks for your time. Jaguar, you are a fantastic man. Thank you for everything you're contributing to planet Earth. You're dope. Thank you, Daba.
Starting point is 01:41:41 And I will, in the next few months, uh, arrange it. So our paths cross again and, and, and hopefully you'll accept my invitation. Yeah. I'd love to. Yeah. If you want to do one with Elliot, that'd be great. Or any other interesting person that we can get on and do another one or we'll do one just you and I, man, I really enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:41:57 Thank you for the platform. You're an awesome host, man. Great questions and loved how many different directions we took this in. I didn't, we didn't even scratch the surface of some of the stuff I could go into around physics and words and vibration and healing, which I'd love to do another one with you and mindset, which would be, which would be awesome,
Starting point is 01:42:12 man. Okay. Awesome. Beautiful. All right, my man. Bam. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:42:18 Much love to you. Have a beautiful day. Ciao. See you later. And there we go. Thanks. jaguar and seven as always thank you man yeah going to have to go back and watch this from the beginning i we should have started with this phone from the beginning we had some audio issues throughout what a cool dude wow uh you know this instagram account there's a guy um there's this guy he basically writes these um software programs i guess he writes these programs
Starting point is 01:42:54 and they track investments made by politicians i'm trying to remember his name he's got like 100 000 followers maybe on instagram it's's a fantastic, fantastic Instagram account. So he'll show you like what committees Nancy Pelosi's on and what she's investing in. And then he shows and this is how it climbed and changed. And he does that with everyone, Republicans, Democrats and everyone. Like some guy will be on like some committee for the national transportation association or national transportation agency in the United States. And you'll notice like all of a sudden he's investing in a company that makes road signs. And then a month later, that agency will say, oh, there it is. Thank you. Quiver Quant. And then a month later, that agency will order 12 million stop signs, you know, and it fucking skyrockets the uh the stock and and that politician makes all this money i'm trying to get that dude on the podcast and he responded to me i'm saying hey you know basically what the fuck would your would your group of people have an
Starting point is 01:43:58 interest in listening to me they're just all fitness fitness people i'm like oh man oh man i know the mustache is crazy you know what i did i shaved no one said has said anything yet but i shaved my beard off and i just left this thing it's kind of hard to tell no plan b holy cow that last chance qualifier show has 13 386 uh views you're gonna see it over here nuts i just don't think that show is as interesting as this show i just don't i mean i have i have fun with that show i like hanging out with taylor JR and Brian and Sousa. And I like hanging with Hiller a lot. I actually talked to him on the phone today for like 47 minutes.
Starting point is 01:44:52 I couldn't believe it. But these are the shows I like. Tomorrow I'm having Jeremy Kinnick on. You guys know who that is? He is a former CrossFit Games athlete. His brother and one of his brother's business partner, I think, owned Beyond the Whiteboard. Maybe Jeremy's part owner too.
Starting point is 01:45:15 I don't know. But Jeremy I'm having on because he homeschools his kids. And I think that is so badass. And he has an Instagram account all about homeschooling kids. What would you do? What would you do if your kids... One of your kids was like a sophomore in high school and they started getting into doing drugs. I was talking to my wife about that the other day.
Starting point is 01:45:43 Like if they were going to the public school which my kids won't but i i think i just scoop you up and like you know like if you're doing anything bad or something i don't like i just scoop you up and rent a cabin out in the middle of iowa for three hundred dollars a month and we just stay out there for a year until you unfuck yourself to whatever your reality was changes i would do that for my kids dan murphy you were stimulated by the show? Anyone ever seen stars suddenly start swaying in many directions and speeds? And then I have witnessed this, and no, I wasn't seeing things other than seeing it too. The other stars stayed normal.
Starting point is 01:46:35 I'm not sure. Maybe they started swaying when you were writing that. Square as fuck jaw after that shave. Well, thank you. I think that's good. There's a few hardcore Sevan podcasters. I'm not sure. What's that mean?
Starting point is 01:46:58 Like listeners? Oh, you mean like you, Bruce? You are fucking hardcore. All right. 8.14 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Great guest. I apologize for the audio issues we had early on the show. We have so many exciting things coming up in the show. I'm excited to share with you some things that are going to happen in the next 60 days that are going to be really, really, really cool.
Starting point is 01:47:24 I think we're going to have a little bit of growth on our end. I promise you that we will have at least two or three guests from the CrossFit space that you will be tickled by. Well, I shouldn't say I promise, but I'm doing my darndest to get it. And I think we're going to start trying to get some regular shows going and possibly some shows that don't – that I don't even have to man. So introduce some new characters. I think of the shows kind of like Sesame Street. And Sousa's like Big Bird. And Brian's Snuffleupagus.
Starting point is 01:48:06 And Angelo is like... I don't know who the characters are anymore. Bert. And Taylor's Ernie. And I just think of this as just Sesame Street. Although maybe I should... Sesame Street gone so damn woke. Maybe I should come up with a different uh simile
Starting point is 01:48:25 I have to admit I watch as much for Bruce as I do Sevan I know hey half the time I look over at the comments I I'm like, these fucking guys aren't even watching the show. They're just jerking off on each other. Well, I'm glad that I provide a spot for you guys to fool around with each other. All right. Great show. Jeremy Kinnick tomorrow. Man, the calendar is just loaded.
Starting point is 01:49:04 Our King Dick here, the man uh got i think got deployed i'm so fucking bummed and i hope i wish and hope the best for him and i hope once he gets settled there um he can still come on the show all the time caleb deployed oh no he deploys on the 4th of July. Wow. What a day to deploy. Okay. So Jeremy Kinnick tomorrow. Then on Friday morning, we have Justin Nunley and Darian Weeks for the UFC show. Then on Saturday morning, we have Steve Mowry, who's been on the show before. He's the undefeated Bellator heavyweight.
Starting point is 01:49:41 I think he's 10-0, 11-0. He just got a new fight. Then on Sunday, we don't have anybody. Oh, on Monday, I think he's 10-0, 11-0. He just got a new fight. Then on Sunday, we don't have anybody. Oh, on Monday, I'm trying to get Jason Hopper. It looks like we have him at 11 a.m. That would be really cool. That's kind of a fucked up time to have him, though. On the 5th, we have Tony Blauer. On the 6th sixth we have tamer katan he's a comedian and i think that's as far as we have it scheduled oh and it looks like we're gonna get amy west
Starting point is 01:50:15 uh i think amy graduated from nyc film school and maybe she went to harvard medical school and she's on the dei council at crossfit hardcore crossfitter uh and i i had a blast interviewing her on the crossfit podcast oh we have ufc fighter coming up jaylen turner all sorts of cool people showing up all right oh fine no the no the the female comedian the britney schmitzberger schmitz schmitzstein she's like uh she's tapped like four times she's had to reschedule tony blower is not a female comedian it's just an air force deployment oh good
Starting point is 01:51:10 just an air force deployment oh good yeah she dropped off i mean sausage fest lately thanks oh and you know who else i have to get back on i have to get athena back on athena perez basically what i'm doing with athena is i'm just waiting for her to do a few more of her seminars and then we will uh we'll get her on i want i want to she Her seminar is still in beta, and I'm very curious how that thing is going to play out. It's pretty fucking dope what she's doing. It's a great, great contribution, great menu item in the CrossFit ecosystem. All right, guys. No more comedian stuff on. I know, right?
Starting point is 01:51:40 I'm going to keep trying, but, man, it's a mess every time they come on. But I'll keep trying. Justin Nunley, the guy who's doing the UFC show with me on Friday he's a comedian TikTok comedian you know 5 million or whatever followers he has he's funny as shit but you're right the other dudes who do the other dudes have all
Starting point is 01:51:58 sucked douche alright guys love you time to go play with the kids put them to bed see you guys uh tomorrow thank you I am your comedian thank you peace oh really Tyler Fisher
Starting point is 01:52:14 Trina really okay I'll do it I'll do it I'll try I get him awesome

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