The Sevan Podcast - #475 - HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: July 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Bam. We're live. You know, I knew you'd be wearing that shirt. I knew it. Happy. Is it today the 4th? Nope. I want to believe it's tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:00:40 It is. You believe what you want. Suze, are you hanging out today you're staying with us i think so hey good hey i watched a bunch of your videos i'm prepared perfect i watched a couple too oh shit i printed out the wrong notes oh yeah yay show is not live anymore turns it off with the god it's okay i got back right onto the casting couch i just hey hey come on hillary's couch hillary on one of your shows you were like this isn't going to be like one of those shows where they talk about how good people are or what place they
Starting point is 00:01:21 took i'm going to go deeper was that a dig it was that go deeper. Was that a dig at my show? Absolutely not a dig at your show. Because I want to say that on your show, you do go deeper. It's the deepest show on the internet, Sevan. Thank you. In all facets of depth. Do you want to start with the liver king? Oh, we're talking liver king?
Starting point is 00:01:44 Do you want to talk a little bit about liver king? I have two things I want to bring up that are non-Hiller fit, but they are Hiller fit. Let's go liver king. Okay. Could you pull up Mark Bell's Instagram? Thank you. Why are people obsessed with the liver king and steroids? Because he's claimed that he's natural and he's clearly not
Starting point is 00:02:07 natural well people people have asked seven i have a question for you yeah yeah you know him from a previous life no i no i don't know uh what do you mean a previous life before i did crossfit i just know him from the last couple years he's He's an Instagram friend and I text with him. I mean, I like the guy. I would like to think that we're in the courtship phases of a friendship, I would say. A couple of years of... I know he's been on your show before. Is he going to come after me and hunt me if I say some shit?
Starting point is 00:02:39 No, I don't think he cares. Okay. I watched that show with Hitler and he's come to the freaking spear, and he's like, this is what primals do. It kills me. Oh, I didn't even see him at the UFC last night. I think it's on his Instagram. Liver King was negative on his story.
Starting point is 00:02:58 So I don't – the guys that I have known who have done steroids look nothing like him. What do they look like? They just look like just big, giant dudes. I mean the guys who have told me that they've done it. You know what I mean? They don't look all shredded like him. So I'm not saying that he doesn't – but all those bodybuilders that do steroids, I guess, look like him. But all those bodybuilders that do steroids, I guess, look like him.
Starting point is 00:03:41 But before I go there, what's the – what is the fascination with him and steroids because they think that he's implying that if you train like him and take the ancestral supplements that you'll look like him? How often does he promote his supplements, or are just links i never see him promote oh i never see him promote it i don't think he does and honestly when he does a lot of times he says go to your local butcher and get get the organ straight from the source and if you can't this is a second option and i've only seen that a couple of times well let's just make it even bad about him let's say that's just a tactic that's just a strategy a psychological strategy there's two there's two avenues to take on this and number one is either he's natural and he's correct and doing everything that he says get got him to where he's gotten or two he's completely full of shit and he's selling his stuff so there's two routes to take let's say i want to look like the liver king i
Starting point is 00:04:25 either oh nice shirt hiller nice shirt we talked about this already all right all right yeah nobody i was wore that same shirt too i that would have been awesome okay so either he's not juiced up or so the roots are he's you either are going to the butcher, buying the liver, and doing the whole liver king deal, and you're pulling the sled with 35 pounds of chains on your neck, and you're like, I'm training like the ancestors would. And you're in belief, and he is promoting something that is truthful, or B, it's all bullshit, and he's selling his supplements. And that's really, in my head, the only two ways to look at it. Right. And you think that he is truthful, and that's cool. my head the only two ways to look at it right and you think that he is truthful and that's cool i i i'm truthful i don't um i mean if you would put a gun to my head and be like hey is he juiced or isn't he juiced i'd go with he's juiced okay i go with juice you got
Starting point is 00:05:21 you got me yeah you got me but what is it you got me but but but but but i don't hold my opinion i mean i know i know joe rogan is on steroids i know that well or he's on something i don't even know i don't even know what i'm talking about i know he's on something i believe it's trt and i think he's planning to do hgh yeah something something's wrong with his skin and his blood pressure and the shape of his body it's not like my like my brain looks at it and is like, hey, that's not normal. That's not like – I'm not looking at it. And Mark Bell is definitely – He's also on TRT, yes.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I think he's open and he doesn't – my brain looks at him and doesn't – there's like some – a Southern California like I guess like plasticity component to it. Like I don't know what it is but my brain is like wait a second i have to when i look at these guys i have my i have to do some um well mark bell also used to be like 300 pound bodybuilder big right yeah and the reason he might look a little different is because now he's just on the hormone replacement therapy and he's smaller so he might have an odd appearance being that much smaller he's like two-thirds the size he was uh yeah it's it's not that it's odd it's just it doesn't register um there you go liver king right next to him good comparison oh that's awesome that
Starting point is 00:06:38 he went to the ranch with him liver king's abs are fake he did mention as a kid doing thousands of reps on the ab wheel my personal assessment after touching them hey now is that they are not fake but they are unreal you've you've touched his abs i have not i just read i just read um i just read mark bell talking about it oh okay oh sorry i can't read that's too small on my screen what a weird thing to say that someone's abs are fake i I think those are real abs. Can you get ab implants? Would that be the only other thing implied? Everybody used to say that Schwarzenegger had calf implants,
Starting point is 00:07:15 which when you hear stuff like that, it's always in my head, a compliment to that person, especially when clearly those aren't fake. Hey, Mark, that is not the way I would have touched his abs. No. You would have rubbed something on him, right?
Starting point is 00:07:30 Dude, I would have spit on my hand first and used these two fingers. I really like both those guys. It's really cool seeing both of them in the same shot. Yeah, they're cool. I just don't get why anyone can't. It's so bizarre to me. Or when people say it's not ancestral to fly in a G5, it absolutely is ancestral to fly in a G5.
Starting point is 00:07:56 What the fuck are you talking about? All right, give me more. Give me more. I want to hear about it. I want to play the whole thing for you up at the top play that last clip that he but oh shit so mark bell is wait oh yeah he was hanging out yeah yeah he was he was hanging out man they were down there there's clips on their boat and stuff like that he had a bunch of stuff with him he spent time with them oh listen listen to what mark bell says this guy liver king is for real he's a hell of an
Starting point is 00:08:26 entrepreneur excuse me entrepreneur entrepreneur he's a hell he's he he has a hell of a lot of manure he's approaching nine figures so seven figures is a million eight figures is 10 million nine figures is 100 million when i got the text message from fuck i can't remember the guy's name right now he was rose's right hand man he used to work out in eric rose's gym with him jason wood jason king jason do you remember who that guy is jason kid no idea jason kids are point guard for the nets i don't suze i sent you a link of the liver king i'm showing the type of steroids he takes anyway he said 210 on that video in my dms he goes hey i'm friends with a guy who will write greg a check um today for 10 figures to buy
Starting point is 00:09:21 crossfit this is not a joke. And he was referencing Eric Rose. Fuck, what the fuck is that guy's name? Why can't I remember your name? He's a nice guy too. Apparently all the money in the world can't buy it. He used to sell chips. He used to sell chips for Whole Foods or two Whole Foods. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:09:38 He still works at CrossFit. He works for Justin. Anyway, so this guy's worth – according to Mark Bell, this guy is like somewhere between $10 and $99 million, his revenue. And someday he'll be a billionaire, so I think there's a lot to be learned from this man from that perspective and many others so when i read that what mark bell is doing is is like hey i met him i like him but i don't believe that he's not on steroids that's what mark's saying right i met him i like him i like his business acumen i don't know what that word means did you just summarize this massive writing right here so i think there's a lot to be learned from this man from the perspective of many others from what i've seen his wife doesn't need to be rescued or his children rad and striker me and my brother got to check out liver lake house and liver king ranch which is over 500 acres this is a high
Starting point is 00:10:29 energy positive guy that loves to have fun we went on his boat shot a bunch of amazing guns and i even broke one of them one of many of his razors in a mud pit we also ate together lifted together his physique is beyond impressive so there's a lot of steroid allegations i asked his i asked his i asked his very direct about any and all performance enhancers he said he definitely that he doesn't and has never he was 175 in college and is now 190 195 he's 45 years old even though that's not a huge guy when you're five seven that's really amazing i can't believe he's five seven i know a five five guy when i see one i don't think so in fact i've been single digit
Starting point is 00:11:05 uh blah blah blah blah i i just like him every interaction i've had with him has been positive and upbeat and i don't care i don't understand what the obsession is with i guess well it doesn't matter it just depends on kind of the the effects it would have on the people i know rather closely an individual who goes to the butcher weekly to buy bones and marrow and just keeps them in the fridge and it's because this individual wants to do what the liver king is doing appear like the liver king appears and it's is it disingenuous i don't know was there a downside to it i know it's just monetary he could possibly be wasting money but if it's not affecting him that way then whatever it's like an alcoholic simon or a heroin addict
Starting point is 00:11:50 why do they do it because they want something out they want to chase the high so is it affecting them are they living on the streets i guess oh yeah side effects there might be worse chasing so is there anything you see on him when you see him sitting right there that you're like, yeah, that steroid, like the color of his skin or his forehead development or any of those veins or. He has extremely underdeveloped legs, which is interesting to me. Considering the fact that he does kind of CrossFit as functional training and it's just the ab development and the shoulder development doesn't really make sense in relation to the leg development, but looking at them, it's hard to tell when you just look at somebody to say, Hey, that indicates that they're on steroids. Like there was a certain CrossFit athlete that a bunch of people had sent me information. It's like,
Starting point is 00:12:38 look at this person's acne, but that doesn't mean that they're on steroids. It may be how many people do you know that just have acne? Like, well, it's on their back. Yeah. I know a bunch of people who have acne on their back. It doesn't mean anything.'re on steroids. It may be. How many people do you know that just have acne? Well, it's on their back. Yeah. I know a bunch of people who have acne on their back. It doesn't mean anything. I don't have any now, but I've had some before. Yeah. And also this person happened to be younger.
Starting point is 00:12:54 So whatever. And I've never knowingly taken droids, by the way. Never knowingly. Yeah. Everyone tainted your supplements. That's why your arms look the way they look. The handful of pills. Something's tainted. Handful of pills your arms look the way they look the handful of pills something's tainted handful of pills wait a minute i got something the thing that i usually look for is the timeline of things so you said that he was 175 in college and i was 191 as a 40 year old man
Starting point is 00:13:18 i mean is that weight that lean mass increase something that's expected and capable to be done it's hard to believe that he put on about 20 pounds of lean mass into his 40s that it's just something and then also if you go look at his profile there's nothing prior to maybe one year ago maybe two years ago on any of his social media which is another indicator you look at the timeline of their life that's the things that i like to look for rather than the side effect profile if i could squat what annie thor's daughter could squat and clean and do all that i would fucking make her look like like like she doesn't work out her her lower her lower body doesn't look like she's ever squatted in her fucking life she got a narrow skinny ab no fucking quad development, no fucking calf development. And all she she's just a fucking set of the Batman abs.
Starting point is 00:14:13 By the way, I think I got a roast session. I know it's not a roast session. I find her body extremely beautiful and perfect. But I'm just saying in relationship, you're saying his legs are underdeveloped. Here we have one of the most fittest women in the world, and her legs are as smooth as fucking – as porcelain. Yash has a pretty good comment there. He may be holding his body fat well, which is something that some people do. So you're starting to think he's not juiced.
Starting point is 00:14:38 No, I'm not. You have not. No, no, no. I'm just playing devil's advocate because i think it's the only way to play any situation but i still don't think that he's natural i just don't think that it does him any service in his life to say that he's using anything okay so he's trying to sell supplements there's an implication there's an implication that her that her yeah god annie's body's amazing yeah i just want to bring that to show that real quick her legs aren't as small as you say either i don't think not small they're just not developed they're not they're not there's not like bumps on them and
Starting point is 00:15:15 shit well other than that one female that we know in the crossfit space not many females legs look defined like male legs would you agree um yeah not not yeah yeah not not as much and that and that and hers are more defined than any male's legs i've ever seen really i i think someone told me that she she doesn't want we're not allowed to talk about her she has a rule unless we ask her first when i kind of never we could talk about i kind of never want to talk about her again because she said that you know seth seth stovall on crossfit mayhem justice he's got very nice leg development i knew before he blocked me on instagram hey his some dude blocked you you like like that girl that we separated from her like the other stuff the quads and the hamstrings and the like i've never seen that on a dude unless he's like
Starting point is 00:16:15 unless he's like walking through the desert and hasn't eaten in 30 days do you know what i believe it's a myostat deficiency i knew an individual in high school who had a legitimate i believe that's the terminology i'm about 70 sure myostatin deficiency which is the regulatory hormone which keeps you from growing too quick yeah if i were to look at her and if i were to believe that she's natural the only way that would be you don't think that chick's natural the chick we're not supposed to talk about? I didn't say that. I said that she... You said if you were to believe, she's natural. I have met somebody who had something which would lead me to believe that that is also what she's got going on.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Oh, and that she's not juicing. Correct. That would be likely... Oh, I mean, in my realm, which is narrow, I would assume, compared to some people, that's the route that I would have to believe it from. Sir, your car has been overheating regularly this summer because your myostatin is not working properly and not sending – it's not operating and sending coolant to the rest of your car. Oh, okay. Myostatin. I just saw a thermometer. Not up anyone's ass, just in a car somewhere.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Okay. Can you play a little bit of that clip? want to i want to watch hillar's face when the one that i was just on uh that's no it's the very top it's the very top i think it's the most recent clip yeah right there yeah yeah we made a pretty interesting statement on his show have you seen the blood that eats the just the raw that That's a guy. It just looks ridiculous. He's got a plate of hearts. He's got an ass filled with steroids is what he's got. What do you think of that comment?
Starting point is 00:17:52 First of all, I just want to say I think he's incredible. I think that I couldn't be more grateful that he's talking about me. Joe Rogan said, this guy, this guy, this guy, this guy that I hold in the absolute highest regard, irrespective of the lies he's painting in. Look at how happy I am. You know, look at how many people that have never heard of me. This is, you know, one of the greatest feelings. I also just do want to say, I think that him saying that is dangerous. I want to set the record straight. I would love the opportunity to talk to him face-to-face
Starting point is 00:18:30 to really get deep into the nine ancestral tenets. When I sit back with you, I'm just going to face it head-on. I don't touch this stuff. I've never done this stuff. I'm not going to do this stuff. What's this? What stuff?
Starting point is 00:18:41 The asshole steroids that he talks about. You've never taken steroids? Never taken steroids. I've never taken steroids. Never taken steroids. I've never done PEDs other than prioritize, execute. Yeah. Yeah, Hiller. The other day, somebody said something about growth hormone. Somebody said something about insulin.
Starting point is 00:18:54 But listen. But listen. Could you pause a second? We have a whole world of people right now who are justifying killing fetuses. And so anything's possible. Anything's possible. Are we done listening to it? I was into that.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah. Oh, yeah. Sorry, go ahead. Yes, sorry. What about designer drugs that nobody can fucking detect? Yeah, what about that, Liver King? And there's all these peptides, too. Joe Rogan made a pretty...
Starting point is 00:19:22 That's it. All right. I love his gratitude towards joe rogan talking about him yeah every time i see anybody saying anything about me on the internet i'm like yes oh yeah i just saw your your reddit video is fucking awesome i i'm just like holy shit i've got reddit threads on me yeah yeah fuck you're so lucky so so when when liver king is talking about i'm just happy that they're chatting about me i feel the same way chelsea says no steroids just sarms i think but he said no peds right basically that's full of steroids but then he said he's never taken any peds either sarms or peds or
Starting point is 00:20:06 and peptides or peds and all that growth hormone he mentioned yeah i wonder what sarah cox would think should we get should we get her on the show she won't cut she won't come photo friend photo friend and ask hey oh this is the girl's name we that we can't say right here i said so we won't say it you can't i just i just can't i just can't i don't want to be in the new york times again for harassing someone with a vagina you know what you know building off what we just said i'll be in the new york times vicky caruso yeah yeah okay so now that we've said her name i already said that i believe that she could be natural so fuck it let's can we
Starting point is 00:20:45 can we look at her instagram guys don't look at this is just for hillar and i to look to um talk about the her legs versus uh annie's legs versus liver king's legs you guys don't look at this because she doesn't want anyone looking at her instagram unless they ask where did you read this why is this a thing someone sent me someone sent me like a video or something where she's like, I don't want anyone talking about me unless they ask me. Okay, look at it. Well, then don't put your pictures on the internet for the world to see. Okay, now can you pause that?
Starting point is 00:21:14 What is that hanging out of her shorts? That is part of her upper hamstring. Okay. Like some good old-fashioned hammy. That is awesome. You've seen a dude who has that? A guy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I don't want to say his name, but I knew him in high school and the dude would touch a weight and he would blow up. Fuck. I wish I had a deficiency, whatever that deficiency. Does it shorten your life at all? There's a SARM that'll do that for you. It'll inhibit your body's ability to slow down your muscle growth have you ever had anyone put their finger in your ass hillary uh yeah actually yeah
Starting point is 00:21:52 it was all right a little oil check a little well it was one of those where it's like you don't know what's gonna happen and then it's like am i that kind of guy and it's like no i don't think so a few years ago i had a dude that kind of guy a few years ago i had a dude put his finger in my ass and um then dude yeah was it a doctor was it yeah yeah i mean he said he was it was he said he was i wasn't like i he said he was a doctor is that a hospital yes it was like john sins also says he's a doctor sometimes it's not even a real hospital it's like one of those places that's just like a you you know where you drive pull off to the side road it's like a just a bunch of it's like an offshoot of a hospital maybe it's like the mcdonald's of prostate checks it's like a drive
Starting point is 00:22:32 through and then after he's done putting his fingers in my ass he sends me a note saying that he didn't there's something in there he felt that he thinks he needs another dude's opinion on and so i had to go to another dude and he stuck his finger in my ass i'm assuming this is another doctor and i don't know where there is or they're just like this is great you got to try this guy out and they told me that whatever they felt wasn't round perfectly round but it was fine it was normal it's irregular which is entirely justifiable from what i assume you were going there for. Oh, so I can't.
Starting point is 00:23:06 So I can't. So then now I just when I when I was going to when I saw Ricky was taking those SARMs, I looked up the side effects. No, no. As I was checking out to buy them, the side effects said it could fuck with your prostate. And that's that thing that those two random dudes I told you about when they had their finger in my ass for touching your prostate. Yeah. And they were random dudes i told you about when they had their finger in my ass for touching your prostate yeah and they were random dudes i wasn't like i didn't like see a lineup of people and was like uh you with the small hands you with the big tits like i didn't even get to choose i just walk in
Starting point is 00:23:34 and there's a small hands and nice smile what yeah you know what's interesting is the websites that you could possibly be looking into there are a handful which will tell you that it's beneficiary for your prostate as well no shit like there's if you were to overdo the exogenous testosterone there's a whole bunch of deleterious effects to your towards your prostate but if you were to take the red 140 it's supposed to offset those and there's studies going both ways yeah go back to that site again i'm not saying that either just got to make that making that clear load just saying that no one knows what the fuck is going on with this arms so okay but there is one that will give you the myostatin inhibitors let's just watch our squat to the bottom since we're here just for purely uh pleasure let's let's indulge in this god that is awesome. That's so cool.
Starting point is 00:24:27 What is that, 500 pounds? Yes, yes. It looks like 255. Man, she's a special human being. I have so many nice things to say about her, but I don't want to say them. 260. Would you rather touch her stuff or liver king stuff are you talking about legs yeah like like from like from her weight belt down would you rather like run like mark bell touched uh liver king's abs or would you rather like run your hands on on that liver liver liver king's abs exactly the way that you describe it too i'd
Starting point is 00:25:09 liver king's abs yeah it that is just remarkable i've never felt abs like that they just look they look harder than any abs i've ever seen like i touch mine i'm saying they're kind of pudgy kind of soft i've always been like i'm sure you've had a little bit of stuff on you look at bodies you love bodies like god wouldn't it be cool if i had that on me and then you work towards that it's like that male i stop it just damn i wish i had that that's as far as it goes hey dude i seriously have a my thought if i ever want to get in better shape my thought my first go-to thought is starve yourself that's an unhealthy pattern no it's not a healthy pattern i'd like to have vicky's legs i'll just stop eating for a month that would
Starting point is 00:25:51 be right that'll build up the muscle required to make it look like that i i'm a broken man i'm a broken man okay so okay so we so we've explored You, you, your feelings about the liver King are like good, good on you, but I not buying it. He's got one to 2 million followers on Instagram, tick tock, and he's living his best life. He's super,
Starting point is 00:26:17 I don't know. He's not doing anything harmful other than telling people to buy liver. If anything is supporting your local butcher, right? And it's true at which rate there's i there's totally in the spectrum of people doing wrong he's not up there with the worst of them right good job on the salt bike this morning those were good numbers thanks i remember workouts someone came to my house uh yesterday a friend of mine and said hey i want to see you row a 2000
Starting point is 00:26:45 wait that was on the show yesterday somebody told you to do that yeah and then someone another friend of mine came to my house and was like hey i want you to row a 2000 i haven't rowed a 2000 since my since i've been in my 30s i'm 50 now 50 50 how'd you do i he got me to do so first i was like there's no fucking way my eyes were burning i just come home from miranda's fitness fest street parkings fitness festival which was fucking crazy did you work out no i didn't i just stood there and was like this thing is huge the people there was at the ranch people were cool shit you know who came to my house last night to watch the ufc fights greg westman no kristin clever and her girlfriend oh that's cool oh cool oh it was so cool on a scale from zero to greg lastman it's like an eight dude kristin's body looks fucking nicer
Starting point is 00:27:35 than it did than when she competed her body's crazy she was wearing a uh a tank top she was all fucking and she looked like she may have gotten taller when's the last year she competed like 13 i think so yeah so she said she was decade across under her belt makes sense say that again she's had an extra decade across it under her belt yeah makes sense yeah and uh and she was all tan and shit and she told me that in 2013 like the day before the game the, the games briefing, the Sunday, the games briefing was on Monday. That Sunday she was playing basketball and she hurt herself. Oh, fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And she says it was so fucking stupid. She said she shouldn't have done that. She shouldn't have been playing basketball. She said she was just too cavalier about it. Yeah. Outside sports are dangerous as shit. Okay. Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:23 So, so liver King, you should regularly do them not randomly do them hiller hiller likes how rich liver king is and likes that he's living a happy fulfilled life but uh or ain't not but and he um knows not only thinks he's doing steroids knows which ones he is doing i want i don't think that i said that precisely but i wouldn't be surprised right okay wouldn't be surprised if again like you said gun to my head obviously come on yeah get that gun out of here but if you don't put a gun to my head i say he's definitely not on him there's no fucking way i just don't understand the difference why because you like him so much that you want to believe yeah i guess
Starting point is 00:29:06 it's santa claus real seven you tell you tell me no no kids he's not real i wonder if it's part of his shtick like the whole you know facade around this his liver king and the steroids like if he just came out and was like yeah i took him a while back and i stopped everybody like oh and they'd kind of like go find the next thing to yell about. That's the thing. Well, we live with – I remember being a little kid and finding out that they announced that like Milli Vanilli, it was a singing group, Hiller and Suze. I don't know if you guys remember them. And I was a little kid and they – so they came out that they weren't really singing, that they were lip singing and it was someone else singing.
Starting point is 00:29:44 And everyone just stopped listening to them and they pulled them off the radio and i remember thinking holy fuck i live with idiots why why would you care who's singing it if you like the song it's like let's say someone's just sucking your cock so fucking good and then and it's going on for 10 years and then you find out it's a dude you're telling me that you could last 10 years and it was that good i'm well you know what i mean it's multiple times great question great great great distinction like 6 000 blow jobs and then you find out to do and then instead of instead of like coming to terms with i guess i really like a fucking blow job from dudes you fucking all of a sudden hate the blowjob it's fucking bad shit crazy to me
Starting point is 00:30:26 millie vanillie who gives a fuck who sung it you danced to it at your eighth grade dance and loved it and kissed a girl we kissed girls i'd like to say i'm not not tongue but just like i'm not gonna say that have you seen yes men with jim carrey no there's that scene where like that old woman wants to thank him for hanging up the portraits in our house and she gives him a blow job without the dentures in and he's all about it but he didn't want but the whole thing is like you have to say yes to everything and he says no at first and then he says yes and it's the best thing that ever happened it's exactly what you're talking about so he was just embracing it he was like okay i'm into that yeah why i don't get why i don't get why it would matter to i just realized that point holy fuck i'm seriously we live with morons
Starting point is 00:31:12 i think that sometimes yeah fair you're very tempered and uh even keeled i think that I have extremes. You do. And it keeps me in the middle. So if I go really far here and then I go really far there. You're so extreme, you're neutral. Exactly. I'm Andrew Hiller. I'm very extreme, which keeps me right in the middle.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I'm extreme in being in the middle. I try my best not to hang out in the middle. Don't hang out in the middle. Hang out on the extremes and the averages. Fringe minority. But we like the liver king, right? We're okay with him. We're impressed.
Starting point is 00:31:49 The liver king is the fucking liver king. He's so cool. Okay, in our book. Okay. Yeah. My guy. Did the barbarian because of him. Did you think it was cool that Israel – did you watch the fights last night?
Starting point is 00:32:00 I watched the pre – I watched a whole bunch of stuff talking about his steroid abuse. Oh, yeah. i watched the pre i watched a whole bunch of stuff talking about his steroid abuse oh yeah he came out as as a wwf character called the undertaker who have no fucking idea who that is and everyone was like so excited about it and i thought it was completely actually i didn't really have an opinion but you know what's ridiculous what wwfs and e is huge and it's all fake and everyone knows it's fake. Yeah. You know, that's it on, you don't know anything about it. I used to watch it as a kid.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I saw, I went to WrestleMania one. Well, maybe that's the appeal. And then there's video games and stuff off of it. But yeah, we are Kurt. We do most of our talking about a sport where everything is legitimate,
Starting point is 00:32:42 awesome. And we're trying to make it as legitimate as possible. And they're struggling to like rub two pennies together and then you have this thing with these two dudes who are literally putting on a spectacle and everyone knows it's fake and they can't like throw enough money at these people it's kind of wwe i think of it as kind of like cirque du soleil but but with like a lot of falling down yeah they have a great storyline that's what people want to follow is a great story. So that's what I was saying.
Starting point is 00:33:09 California hormones are going to be the next big thing because everyone knows that they're doing whatever they're doing. It's going to be a spectacle, a show, and it's going to be the next big thing. We're going to make an awesome story around. Go to The code is SEVON and you will get a free blood work and a free doctor consultation.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And I don't think a random dude will put his fingers in your ass. Say that again? I don't know who this Sarah Cox is, but I think I do more for pumping up California hormones than you do. Yes, you do. Definitely. Sarah, send Hiller $5 to us. You did your first live broadcast. I did.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I was talking to Susan before you jumped on, and that was nerve-wracking. Well, the second the camera turns on, it's fine. And it's just like you're hanging out like we're hanging out right now. But the hard part was listening to what was being said by the people who were with me, which were Travis and Natalie, and operating the screen oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so suza is the fucking man for operating the screen even like putting that little banner down there the ca hormones like that that's not an easy task you gotta like leave the chat go to the other thing plug the button click it you can't even you can't even really look at the chat if you're going to be present for the show oh It's weird. It's so hard.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Yeah, you can't because you'll just kind of get sucked into it. Don't worry about me. I'm looking. So, Hiller, there's different reasons. So we don't think Vicky Caruso is on drugs. We suspect if someone put a gun to our head that we would choose that the liver king might be on juice to the gills. Hey, does someone else know if he's juicing? Like could you juice in a vacuum?
Starting point is 00:34:52 Liver queen? Yeah. First of all, you can't do anything in a vacuum. It's extremely uncomfortable. Okay, understood. That was a joke. I made another video. What are you getting at right now? Like does someone know?
Starting point is 00:35:03 Like if he's worth $90 million, he has a doctor. He's not just like... Correct. There's a doctor who knows. His wife would likely know. His kids may know. At which rate, does it really benefit anybody to out him?
Starting point is 00:35:23 Not his wife and his kids. Definitely not. not his wife and his kids definitely not um i mean his doctor it's illegal i want to say so but but the say that again isn't it illegal for his doctor to out him he can't like give away his medical information oh yeah that's but that's so 2010 it doesn't matter anymore now you just go to mcdonald's wait a's pull up that comment from renee that's offensive uh yeah that's offensive renee damn that's bullshit i like when people say that i look like i'm using things because it's like a compliment i posted the power clean and somebody was like suze is on CA hormones. Fuck yeah, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I'll pull up the one from Sean now. There you go. That's more like it. I am not Natty. Ask your mom, Sean, if I'm Natty. Has anyone ever asked to touch your ab, Siller? Yeah, but it was high school. That's still cool.
Starting point is 00:36:27 High school, college. Back then, I was a little leaner. No one's ever asked to touch my abs. Is that what I mean? We can make it a thing. No, let's not. Are you going to a street party today? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:43 If you guys are there, please ask to touch devon's abs no here's the even even when i hug people i have to be like i have to have like a moment of zen i'm like no no i let them i hug i give i try to give good hugs but i'm like i'm like don't worry they felt worse bodies or something like i give my i have some mantra like because i they're going to hug me and think they're hugging a can of Play-Doh. You know that guy, Lewis Howes, you don't like? Oh, Jesus. What do your abs look like?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Like Rich Froning's? Can I see? That's behind the paywall. Hey, I wish you guys... I'm farting like a champ right now. I wish you guys were in this room. God, it smells incredible. It smells incredible. I'm farting like a champ right now. I wish you guys were in this room. God, it smells incredible. It smells incredible. I am fasting today.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Lewis House hugs his podcast guest for a full 10 seconds before they go on set. He does? Yeah, and I forget... He didn't hug Greg for 10 seconds before he went on. I was there when Greg went on. Oh, you didn't hug him for 10 seconds? No, we went to his apartment and went to a back little room and Greg went on oh you know for 10 seconds no we went to
Starting point is 00:37:45 his apartment and went to a back little room and greg was on the show are you sure that will lose louis house yeah it's the fucking woke dude who like wants guys to talk about their feelings and shit and like he's he was like molested as a kid and stuff and that's his whole shtick him and greg ever did that ever go up i'm sure i thought i've watched everything that greg has been on you're trying to tell me there's a there's a podcast host that hugs his guest for 10 seconds before every show and savon shows up late to every show how are you gonna take over the world with that my my my dog was dude was acting like he was gonna throw up in the in the living room before as i was rushing to come out here and I was like stop for about 30 seconds. Well, Lewis
Starting point is 00:38:27 hugs his guest for 10 seconds. I stared at my dog for 30 seconds to assess if he was going to throw up. I don't want to hear your excuses. No, eat fruit. Just be smart. I just want people to be smart. Don't sit there and eat six pounds of grapes after you fucking had chocolate ice cream
Starting point is 00:38:43 thinking the grapes are helping you. This group, crossfit shoe fly is that that's a gym yes and they had a team they had a team and one of the it was it was a it didn't seem like very much of a team after the fact because the three people kind of turned on the dude who popped that intro in my video which i believe one of the athletes and i kept on i think it's shayla i kept on saying sheila or shaylin but i i don't know once i get a name in my head and i associate that name with that person it's very hard for me to switch it but i have been saying it wrong but i believe she posted the video of the three of them basically saying we do not condone cheating and everyone's like it looks like a hostage situation but and it was just very weird but i i do guess i understand because before
Starting point is 00:39:35 franklin went on the podcast with the clibesdale he didn't say anything to him and i'm gonna jump on this podcast and then and then they're all like what the fuck is he doing so a dude on their team tested positive and then without talking to his team he went on another podcast the way that i heard it is he didn't know he had tested positive he was going somewhere for father's day and then on the way there his teammates had informed him that they had gotten an email saying that he had tested positive and then there was no communication between him and the team until after the podcast oh shit that's that's how i remember it your wife calls you and tells you that she she found out you're cheating on her you don't talk to her for 24 hours but then she sees you
Starting point is 00:40:22 on a podcast talking about it yeah so i guess i'd be pretty pissed too i want you guys to know over at shoefly and jaylen like like seriously anyone who cares beyond just the fact of talking about it and having fun is a fuck nut like who cares just have fun stop making hostage videos that video you guys made was so fucking weird just make fun of yourself i'm trying to find that video just Just make a video where you're going into your car. Shoot, flight, don't bother me. Yeah. Make a video where you go into your car and your camera pans over on accident
Starting point is 00:40:54 and shows just a bag full of needles on your passenger seat. No cool people care. No cool people care. I would agree. I actually didn't even want to talk about it so i'm like oh my god here we go more tan supplements and then i made three videos on it because everybody cares and i'd be stupid to not talk about the thing that everyone cares about well it's important you make the videos because because it's important but by no one cares i mean
Starting point is 00:41:17 sorry that's not that's absolutely not a dick i like the fact that hillary makes the videos you guys have to be extracted from the games. But like, besides that, just have fun. Just be like, ah, I got caught. That's not really my dick. That's a sock in my pants.
Starting point is 00:41:29 All right. Like, like it's okay. Like it's like, it's still good. Hiller makes the videos. It's still good that, um,
Starting point is 00:41:35 like you had a good dialogue with this guy. Oh yeah. Yeah. Leave that up. Um, you had a good dialogue with this guy in your comments. He was cool. Jalen.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Yeah. Oh yeah. He was like, yeah oh yeah he was like you show that he's like i didn't cheat i'm not a i'm not a thief i'm like hey man that's that's good i'm glad you gave the money back and he goes yep i'm just gonna serve my time hey do you know that song where it's like um what's the name that you guys know it it's old it's like 10 years old and it was a guy he's like against a board and it's like painting on him and he's thinking he's singing a song about fighting with his girlfriend and she leaves him and it's like is it by gautier yes yes you're so great hillary yes yes yes yes these people don't even look real to me look at this guy's beard is so fucking perfect
Starting point is 00:42:22 i feel like they're gonna this should be like stop a stop pedophilia commercial or keep your keep your laws off women's bodies commercial like what the fuck is this this is amazing apologizing for racism commercial i want to see the video of them organizing this video i want to know what they're reading from okay you stand here Off the screen it's just someone with Like an AK-47 standing there It's like alright It reminds me of the CrossFit gyms
Starting point is 00:42:53 That had to do the We do not condone Greg Glassman's comments Oh Wait oh these are those kind of people Yeah Everybody had to fucking do it You know what I see? I see somebody.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I condone Greg's comments. Floyd 19 motherfucker. We all know that you condone them. Actually, we might not. And I don't mourn George Floyd's death. Can you look up the definition of mourn? I don't mourn George Floyd's death. Not even a tiny bit.
Starting point is 00:43:23 I never was like, oh my my god i'm so sad that he's gone never you fucking dipshits i would now i'm not gonna say it i hope that no one ever on fucking high on drugs fucking runs over one of your fucking kids oh okay okay i hope the same thing yeah i i hope nothing bad ever happens to you so you can live in your fucking fairy tale little fucking world fucking cunts and i and i mean that with love and peace and hope that one day you won't be a cunt i i have faith i always try to put my head into the situation to understand what everybody's thinking that is so upset about said situation yeah they're scared they're scared what are we not going to play that
Starting point is 00:44:17 we're doing the whole mourn thing oh feel or show a deep regret um Typically by... No, I didn't have that. I didn't have that. You know what? Maybe for his mom. I mourn for his mom, but not for fucking him. Or his sister. Or his kids. Or the bitch that he put the fucking gun to her stomach. Or poor fucking David Chauvin, the cop that fucking had to roll up on him and have his whole fucking life turned upside down.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I mourn for that guy. Wasn't that guy kind of a douche didn't he have like this bad cop record of doing a lot of other stuff like that he did i mean supposedly he did can't have two bad guys and vote for one bad guy they both seem like seven would you be willing to admit that in relation to the george floyd thing you don't know him and everything you've ever read has come from somebody else who might have an agenda. Yes. Yes. And at which rate I don't give a shit either way because I don't if I knew him and I knew like, let's say I lived with a guy and something happened, I could make my own opinion. But everything I've ever heard comes from either like you talking about it or some news station talking about it and it's very hard for me to understand what could be going on because i don't have the introspective into that i i did see this i'll tell you this i watched the videos
Starting point is 00:45:36 of his previous last three arrests in all three of his previous last three arrests before the one where he died he yelled i can't i can't breathe i can't breathe yes and in the third and in the second in all three arrests he swallowed the fentanyl he had in the second arrest the report states and i didn't see a video of this i spent the report states the the doctor pulled george floyd aside and said hey dude you're lucky you didn't have cardiac arrest from eating this fentanyl. I was also told, and I don't know this for a fact, that the jury was not allowed to see any of that stuff from the previous arrest. I also saw the video where George Floyd's in the back of the car screaming, I can't breathe, I can't breathe. And David Chauvin and the other cop, I don't know why they did this. They took him out of the car to help him because they felt bad
Starting point is 00:46:24 because he said he couldn't breathe. At which point he started banging his head on the ground, which is at which point David Chauvin put his knee on his neck to hold his head to protect him from his head banging on the ground. That's what I saw. That's the video I saw. What if he had asthma? Right. All sorts of shit. What if he could never breathe because he's never exercised?
Starting point is 00:46:46 So it's like that guy who stuck his fingers in my ass was trying to check to see if I had something wrong with my prostate. And what if he would have misdiagnosed me and it led to me doing some sort of treatment that killed me? I mean I can't – I don't think he did that on purpose. I mean I can't – I don't think he did that on purpose. So did you see the comparison, the simile, the metaphor I'm drawing to Mr. Floyd? But you're right. I like what you said. What I imagined there was somebody with a camera. Are you saying shut the fuck up and stop making opinions on other stuff and just go play with your kids?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Absolutely not because it's exactly the same thing I do. I just trying to you know have the conversation for that's it yeah yeah don't take it personal sevan it's not about you how mad you are i got you i got you good what i imagine there you have your finger in my ass hillary i'm there with my cell phone and i'm recording you with your fingers up your butt saying sevan's cheating on his wife with this doctor and then the whole world now there's's two different people saying things about it. Haley. Haley, I would never do this. Yeah, Haley, your husband lets dudes stick his dick.
Starting point is 00:47:53 In your YouTube video, you spelled CrossFit with a lowercase f. No, I didn't. That's going to be a problem. Let's go look. I did. I did. I did. Guilty mother.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Try to fucking film me. Talking about fingers in my ass. How about that? I capitalized the D in dirty for no reason whatsoever. Can you pull up Hiller's YouTube page, Susan? I've gotten shit my entire life for
Starting point is 00:48:23 not using the correct english and i don't give a shit did you do that on purpose absolutely not is that is that your where do you see the lowercase f i saw it somewhere what i did do on purpose is i put matt with two t's and i knew that would drive people nuts that was like i was really trying to drive people in to help the algorithm like you know there's one t and matt oh for when you're talking about fraser correct on the gw video that was from the last week though i really like one more that's how i know i don't care anymore because i'm happy to see it with a lowercase f i won't click that one there we go right there middle two t's i know i know it's one t i did that on purpose and you got matt fraser and contaminated supplements in the same thing that's real
Starting point is 00:49:12 solid clickbait craig richie ain't got nothing on you and then it actually pans right to it there which is good too because it's like hey there he is he's not fucking around with me yeah thanks youtube i got a good preview on that one good preview that Clydesdale podcast with that dude um Jalen who is I thought came across really nice do you think that's their highest rated podcast ever oh you did you hit 16,000 did you hit 16,000 I'm damn close no I'm gonna wait and then I'm gonna unsubscribe so you go back to 15.9 yeah yeah yeah. I like it. I like it. I'm at 15951. Oh, my goodness. 49 away.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Mm-hmm. If you drop anything as you ascend to the top, don't worry. We'll pick it up for you. Got you. We'll be right behind you. We're racing to 100,000, right? Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:01 How can we check to see if that was Clydesdale's biggest podcast? Type in Clydesdale and then sort by most popular now thank you you're fucking genius oh look I want you to look at this podcast real quick it's fascinating to me the color scheme Scott is red the girl is white and the guy is black like something was wrong with the lighting Scott looked like he'd like painted war paint on his face. Like he was doing red face. Did you see that? What are you talking about? When you go to the,
Starting point is 00:50:28 when you go to the podcast with Jalen on it, something was wrong with Scott's lighting or something. Oh, are you talking about a different episode? No, no, no. The one with the dude on it who took the handful of pills.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Oh, he was shooting it in a down angle with backlighting. It's just not a good position. Oh, you're talking about Scott the... Okay. The interviewer. The interviewer. Correct.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Yeah. It was weird. I don't know what was going on. It's hard to tell. You did notice that too? It's just free feedback for Scott. Just free feedback for Scott. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Their most popular video is Daniel Brandon brandon by the way oh wait were they live right now are those guys live right now see if they're live right now they are live right now oh let's see let's just pop it for seven seconds yeah don't know no more than seven okay let's see what's going on here at clydesdale meet oh fucking god that guy's about to get a finger in his ass what'd you say hilly that's not jeff adler there he is oh scott's not red today oh and that chick has her hair down amy wait they have they're sponsored by the supplement company c4 the fuck i take the shit out of that stuff send me a fucking case we should be sponsored by blue rhino is that an erection pill it's like a gas station erection pill it sounded like an erection pill i didn't even know so see
Starting point is 00:51:52 jason cf media is in the comments um will you make a comment over there suza great show guys or something yeah but i'm on my page i won't be on nice to see you nice to see your hair down amy something renee my most popular video is crossfit and steroids seven likes it so much I'll put him on my page. I won't be on. Nice to see your hair down, Amy. Something. Rene, my most popular video is CrossFit and steroids. Sivan likes it so much. He's in the first 10 seconds of that video. Yeah, I love it. Nice to see your hair down.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Oh, good job, Sousa. Good job. Fuck. That's awesome. Okay, let's see. Because it's mine. It's not even the back. It's just me. Okay, let's see there's not even the pocket. It's just me.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Okay, let's see there. She laughs. Yeah, she's like JR. She's like JR. She only gets two smiles per show. And she just used one of them up. Got one. Hey, and Carolyn's not going to let Adler say a fucking word.
Starting point is 00:52:42 If you have any questions, I'll take them. Jeffrey, shut it, boy. Why does it look like she's like this and he's down here yeah guys i made the games that girl's alpha is a motherfucker i had her on the show people love her people love her she's like go go ahead use the restroom yeah yeah yeah jeff i got this she's going You know, in bodybuilding photos where you're trying to make one person appear like she's just in front of him. She responded back. Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Don't get us canceled, Susie. You passed the seven second mark. Yeah, but I don't think they're going to copyright. I don't know how I'm going to drill this into your head. I'm 50. I'm 50, Hiller. I don't understand. It's like popular songs or any music
Starting point is 00:53:29 that might have a freaking stamp on it or movies. But Clydesdale's fair game, steal all their shit I want. The Clydesdale is probably okay, and CrossFit Games are going to get a notification. And then the CrossFit Games hates you, so they're going to take it down. Like, hey, this guy used some of your fucking media.
Starting point is 00:53:47 And then they're going to come after you because they want you in the dirt. What was their most popular video? Oh, somebody told them that we were live streaming them right now. We don't have our own content. We steal yours. Just reacting to other live podcasts. Let me see their most popular video. I want to see if it's the roy one i'm ready to do a roy daniel brandon daniel brandon daniel brandon was the most popular we're gonna see number two
Starting point is 00:54:13 let me sort it here so hot chicks and roids sums it up let's see i mean she's more than a hot chick but the hotness is like a good part of it like if she had done that video with a bag on her head it would it wouldn't have 1.6k views okay might it's like a title depending on where the hole was placed on the bag that's uh it's not mine she well she needs to breathe don't be an asshole paper bags are right i mean they are uh i don't okay so the steroid one's not even uh it's not on there okay all right interesting oh daniel brand's got a few a few in the in that are high ranked on there i'm texting danielle right now
Starting point is 00:54:59 and asking if she'll come on my show yeah did you see uh did you see uh the the girl that i did a video on amanda harry yes what do you think about her i i had heard about her i'd heard about someone independent filming when dave was speaking um oh you probably told me suza yeah there was someone independent there filming and then and then i had never heard of her again and then i saw her um i don't i don't know what i think yet what do you think i think she's just trying i think she's just trying to i think she's she's um when i look at her work i see someone who is trying she's trying to get reps in she's going for it yeah she's doing
Starting point is 00:55:45 good that's that's all i noticed too and she's pretty good she's just so fluent when she speaks yeah why can't i find the jaylen franklin thing on their page did they take it down no breaking news it's got 1.1 thousand savannah will appreciate this when i was chatting with amanda for a while after the uh cash meeting and a while back i remembered i'd come on i saw her because something on dabble was reposted because she's like a news anchor like an actual news anchor she goes out to spots and some homeless dude like attacked her during one of her things yeah she's like doing and you could seem kind of creeping and she's doing one of these and then he's like like comes in and goes like mess with her and she's like doing and you could seem kind of creeping and she's doing one of these and then he's like ah like comes in and goes to like mess with her and she's like ah and then
Starting point is 00:56:27 they have to like push him off and i asked her about that and she says they go out there now with security every time and it's almost like the news thing because she was saying and another one of my members is a camera guy for channel seven news as well too and he said it is not uncommon especially in these last two years that you roll up up, San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond, those areas, and they'll freaking just come steal all your camera equipment right then and there. Yeah, I believe it. Just jack you right there and be like, later. And then the news van is like, okay, we're headed back to studio. We got our stuff stolen.
Starting point is 00:56:56 So once that happened a couple of times, they were like, all right, we have to put a security personnel with you. How we used to think of South America is now here. It's called san francisco crazy yeah is it dangerous in south america i mean i don't know i mean san francisco it's dangerous i'm just saying i mean there's places in south america that it's very dangerous but like you know if like if you drive through tijuana and you park your car and get a burrito your fucking cars you know there's a good chance your car won't be there when you get out what's the point of having a car then how are you gonna do anything car swap because everyone you just think most people in san francisco have little things that they plug on their window that
Starting point is 00:57:35 that'll say the car is empty please do not break my windows no joke if you leave like 20 cents in your cup holder and it's visible and you and you're gone for three four minutes especially if you're parking the tenderloin or right off of market street cold oh tenderloin your toes it's broken and it is right there still on hey dude chicago is no different don't act like it is yeah i won't go to chicago and i live 20 minutes away yeah chicago's fucked yesterday alexis and i were like looking for something to do and hey hey, you want to go to Chicago? But absolutely not. I will not go to Chicago. Right around here, I have a 0.01% chance of getting hurt or killed or having something stolen in Chicago. The odds go up a hundredfold.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I'm not going there. Jalen said something about Curtis Bowler not – or wanting better communications with CrossFit around the, the Roy testing. I've always from the athletes. The one thing that I've heard is that Curtis Bowler, super duper, duper available. The Roy guy,
Starting point is 00:58:35 this, the, the drug guy, isn't that him? So what do you hear then when you hear that athlete saying that when you know what, you know, I just think,
Starting point is 00:58:42 Oh, he didn't do the research himself. He didn't even try. Yeah. he didn't even try to contact well you want someone else to do the work for him hey make sure you know hey let us know exactly what we can take for the rest of time uh yeah what uh okay yeah kenya clark doesn't't think Chicago's bad and cam is right. No chance in Chicago. That's exactly where it went. Chicago. When my car got stolen, I tell you this, they found it with a couple of AK 47s in it when they recovered it.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Fucking you can't make that shit up. That's crazy. The worst part of it is they took it out of my driveway and I'm like, okay, so the people where they found a couple of AK 47s were just like in my driveway stealing my car at some point. Oh damn. Yeah yeah i'm glad i didn't walk out on that yeah exactly hey guys get away from my car yeah what what happened with ryan jevning so so i want just to tell you guys real quick for those of you who didn't see the video this guy called into the show um who used to who used to help us out with the show ryan jevney and he called in one
Starting point is 00:59:45 time to a live calling show and he basically said hey um you know there's i'm paraphrasing but um there's a lot of negativity around um the videos hillar makes and you make and and one of my friends doesn't really want me hanging out with you and hillar anymore because you guys are negative and he goes and i'm basically concerned for you and hillar that i think eventually um your fan base because you are so negative is going to turn on you or something like that he he did say something really fucking weird when he called in he said his mom used to call him an idiot i think and that so when hillar says the word idiot it triggers. I was tripping when he said that. I should have dug in and done a whole podcast on that. Yeah, I'd be like, wait, hold on.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Let's hang up. It seems a little weird to call into a show and bring up your childhood and then try to blame us for being negative because your mom calling you an idiot. But it was weird. But then three days later, he's the one that actually – my mommy said I can't hang out with you guys anymore. He's the one – did you see Heidi's newest video about the E. coli in the water? Yeah, that was pretty good. She's getting out of control.
Starting point is 01:00:54 That was good. Then he fucking was the one who ended up attacking Hiller. So he predicted – he's like Nostradamus. He predicted someone was gonna attack hillar and then three days later he attacked hillar it's like seeing a wallet on the counter being like hey you shouldn't leave that there someone's gonna steal some money out of it i told you i told you I told you.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Hate to say it, I told you so. I warned you. That's true. It's funny. It was the whole thing. Did you guys make up? Are you guys good? Yeah, what happened with that?
Starting point is 01:01:34 You are? Yeah. As soon as I put up the video on him, we chatted on the phone for a little bit. He gave me a little bit of perspective as to why he might have been doing that. And then all I said is, this is something that you should have tried to have done before you made a bunch of stories coming after me. I honestly thought it was just because, cause like you could see the, so if I was in the media space and I was trying to hack to get my attention,
Starting point is 01:01:57 number one, I would call into this show because Tavon will chat, give you some air time. You could talk about stuff. Number two, I would attack you because then you'll make a video. Oh, if you wanted attention. I'm right to the rise to the top, baby.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Yeah. And then if you followed that up with like a month of hard work and just loaded a bunch of content into your Instagram. So then that way, as the traffic went there, there was a library for them to go after. Did he gain followers? I hope he did. I don't know. I don't know what he was at before. So it would be pointless to we could check but um training think tank made a video and it's called holy no reps batman
Starting point is 01:02:32 yeah was that the wall ball video uh uh could you pull up their their engineer now this this i've talked about hillar about this but with Hiller about this before this in and Sousa also, this is what people should be doing. Don't just lean into it. They're just leaning into it. Who's who's Instagram? I'm pulling up. Sorry. YouTube training.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Think tank. Yeah. I think it might be easier to lean into it when I'm friendly with you because I am a big fan of training. Think tank. And well, have I ever come after any of their athletes yeah actually and then I reposted her as soon as she did the right thing on my Instagram that's my most popular Instagram post of all time her name's Anna she was doing muscle-ups at Granite Games I had an individual at the Granite Games send me a video go look at this person doing muscle-ups I didn't know who the athlete was and then of course like people sent the video to her found out who the athlete was and then two months later she's like
Starting point is 01:03:28 hey guys i'm trying to get better thank you andrew hiller so i made a little reel about it and it did well and that's all i'm trying to but she comes from training think tank is what i'm saying so it's no surprise yeah okay i like it look at look so they got one Sevant. I called that dude out for not predicting Justin Medeiros is going to win. And instead of fighting, they lean into it. Hiller's fucking around calling people out on cheating and no reps, and they lean into it. And this is a big fucking account. They get great views.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Hiller, Castro, no reps, clickbait titles. That one right in the middle that one is that's an awesome talk they have about like what they can do to change the next season i wanted to make a video on it but i couldn't i couldn't clip it up enough because there's just so much good to it you should just listen to the whole thing look how nice uh sarah sigman's daughter's legs look um in the in the definition her quads next to it if only that carried over to the Last Chance Qualifier. Oh, man. Damn.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Damn. I need to have her on, too. I should DM her, too. Chelsea, I have watched that Jason CF Media video. It was awesome. Which one? Which one? So apparently he's a DC Comics fan,
Starting point is 01:04:42 and he kind of combined everything in the world of the comic book into like myself as Batman. And then who is, who did he say you were? He said you were somebody I, were you commissioner Gordon or is that, that was Dave Castro was commissioner Gordon. You had a, I don't remember what it was. Maybe he was, uh, maybe harvey dead i am not a dc character i'm insulted and then we don't talk about on this show damn it i hope jason's watching maybe he will tell us who you were or somebody can tell us i want to know now but yeah and then all the villains were the athletes so like the riddler the joker and the biggest thing that jason said in that video is that why would i talk about someone who's purse snatching when i could talk about the riddler the joker and the biggest thing that jason said in that video is that why would i talk about
Starting point is 01:05:25 someone who's purse snatching when i could talk about the riddler not touching their chest to the ground so and i agree like i put a video of danny spiegel not doing burpees because everyone's going to see that and then hopefully there's a trickle down effect and then everybody in the affiliates and everyone understands like yep that shouldn't count that doesn't count why would i come after somebody who's in their affiliate who who's just maybe getting a workout in, who knows if it's a qualifier workout or not? It was a good video. It was really well done.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Approved by Andrew Hiller, Jason CF Media Video. Someone needs to get, I need to see that clip. That's fucking hilarious. Funny, when Talking Elite Fitness was interviewing Paulson and Ariel, and they asked what they've been doing since qualifying. Paulson said, coming from this from Sebon's show. Hey Sebon, you're Alfred by the way.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Yash has seen it. Thank you, Yash. The fucking, I'm your butler? But also guidance. There's a good relationship there. Fuck dad, I wash his underwear. You were the pushback guy. Are you kidding? Alfred doesn't wash his underwear.
Starting point is 01:06:29 The fuck he doesn't. He does fucking everything. When you're fucking, when you eat burritos and beans and cheese and that shit before you go out fucking busting criminals and you come back and you got sharts all over your fucking bat suit. Who do you think? Oh, I at least cleaned the bat suit. No one else even knows bat suit who do you think oh i at least clean the bat suit no one else even knows bat suit exists i'm in there fucking scrubbing hiller's ass stains out of the bat suit fuck you that's how i got covid cleaning fucking his face mask motherfucker
Starting point is 01:06:56 i think he was going for the mentor butler thing batman is the one who really killed george floyd now you know fine i told everyone full circle way to close it up there yeah that was good attaboy now you guys know the truth i am tripping on augustine raquel may's fucking video all right let's hear it why how are you so fucking nice let me tell you something you always say say I'm nice. Every single time. You say I'm nice and then the entire world says that I'm an asshole. How does that work? You, you.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Will you pull that fucking video up? If I understand this fucking correctly, the guy who's farthest from the camera, that's his submission video? Are you completely Augustine I don't know you I want to apologize in full But if I understood that video right You are fucking batshit Fucking crazy dude
Starting point is 01:07:55 You need to get YouTube premium Sousa It gets rid of the ads Dude It's Sousa It's Matthew Sousa Berg. It's Matthew Sousa Berg, frugal as a motherfucker. You just called me Sousa Berg.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Yeah, it's your Jewish roots. His mom's Jewish. Jewish roots. Sousa Berg. What is the Berg there? Is that like a Justin Berg? I don't get it. Jewish people don't waste money on that shit.
Starting point is 01:08:22 They own YouTube. He owns YouTube. Hey, he's five steps ahead of you hillary he's got stock in youtube you think he's fucking losing money when he watches those videos he's making money he's but those ads he's making that's right spent that premium money on this white man telling the jew how to fucking what to subscribe to i have an entire another video to make on rachel may but but But please tell me this is fucking nuts. First of all, I know you tell you so gently tell him, hey, turn this.
Starting point is 01:08:53 I'll give you some pointers. I don't use portrait mode. Use panorama mode. But, dude, there's the majority of the screen is empty below him and above him. So you can't see his reps. He's doing reps next to a guy who has the lowest fucking squats in the world. That's a huge mistake too.
Starting point is 01:09:09 And then he's the furthest guy away. This is satire. If this is your submission video, this is sad. This has got to be satire. All right. You want to do like the Sony Ericsson reference? Wild zombie.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Yes. Yeah. I have since spoken to Raquel May. He reached out to me and he sent me his actual submission video. Oh, okay. Okay. This was not the video that he sent to CrossFit. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Raquel May, I strike all that from the record then. This is interesting because why would this be the one that he then linked to his YouTube or to his Instagram profile for the world to see? Just so you know, CrossFit, fuck you guys. Here's my video for the world to see. And this is the one that everybody can see.
Starting point is 01:09:50 And I also think that it says Augustin Raquel may on the YouTube profile. And then the one that he sent me was from somebody else. It's much closer. It's from the other angle. So if this one shot here, it's shot from the other, um, I'm looking position that would be acceptable. Like over this one shot here, it's shot from the other looking position. That would be acceptable.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Like over there by the stairs, like over there by the stairs. Correct. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Still like that 45 degree angle. So it's properly placed. It just, it was interesting that this is because when you're watching it and I bring this up, the guy in the pink, which is Nicholas, but Artie, he is the one showing his weights. You don't see Raquel May's weights. So I knew there was something up, and I kind of was under the assumption this was the wrong video. It was just weird that this is the one he made public. Did he give you an explanation?
Starting point is 01:10:33 I have to really dive into those messages. There's a handful of them I've been trying to keep up. I'm going to be doing that as I make the video for today. It's for today. It's what's on the docket. It's on the docket. It's on the docket. Sousa Steen. Thank you, Jeff. Jeffrey. Sousa Steen. Is he like Sousa Steen
Starting point is 01:10:50 better than Sousa Berg? What I can tell you is that the squats, the theme of the video is going to be that the squats in the video that he sent me, I don't think look as good as the squats in this video, which is why I think that's the one that he made public. I also have his 21.3 video which he won that workout 21.3 which was the
Starting point is 01:11:11 one that preceded the heavy complex in the open last year with a whole bunch of thrusters in it in the front squats and the squats do look different uh dear crossfit athletes who submit videos do not do videos do not do squats next to a guy that is asked to grass when your shit is suspect he just makes you look if you're not sure if you're squatting below parallel do your squats next to a danny spiegel and just try to get lower than her she will make you look good that fucking guy with the fucking the pink pants on so tight you can see his cock and balls don't do them next to him unlike brian i don't know a whole bunch of the athletes he does so i'm watching this and i was watching i go what the hell is wrong with this video because i thought it was but
Starting point is 01:12:01 arte that whole time yeah i watched him i all right this guy looks great it may be a little bit of he's missing the extension of his elbows but that's not what the clip from the the the response he said he was liking squat depth like there's no lack of squat depth what's going on here holy shit but then i kept waiting for you in the video to say you said in the video you're like i i you know i struggle with recognizing people's faces but like i do recognize his pink pants and i wanted i so wanted to be like and the fact that i can see his helmet through his fucking through his i recognize that anywhere yeah but you didn't i was disappointed my my favorite part about that is what you always show these videos that are their submission videos that should be the most best done video they can because it's for their continuation onto the games and
Starting point is 01:12:44 then it's dog shit like this and then you show and here's what it looks like on their instagram and perfectly manicured and it's like everything's done and it's clearly been like edited to the lightings all right you're like huh yeah that does seem weird you can see like you can see that that new vein that just popped into their like lower back it's crazy holy shit a lower back vein i didn't know that was there well it's because it's it's because it's 480p or whatever 4008 and 4000p workouts mission time dust off the old sony erickson hillary did you know that there's a new crossfit games documentary yeah did brian chat about that he was hating on it and then he unhated on it yeah i
Starting point is 01:13:24 think they contacted him the director contacted him and then gave him the warm fuzzy so he unhated on it kind of like kind of like maybe what mark bell like did right like i i wouldn't say he was hating on the liver king but once you meet him everything changes yeah so what's the idea behind the documentary? Sorry, Susan. No, no, go ahead. So the documentary was $14.99 pre-order. Okay. And then five days before, a couple days ago, I guess the movie's coming out in a couple days, a couple days ago, they lowered the price to $9.99. So all the people who bought it for $14.99 were like the early adopters,
Starting point is 01:14:03 the fans, the people who wanted to support crossfit who were so excited they couldn't wait i mean pre-ordering is the dumbest thing in the world i've done it before don't get me wrong but it's got to be the dumbest thing in the world to do because it's a digital pre-order you're not going to get it any faster than anyone else it's not like pre-ordering a shirt so you can get the first run it's just pre-ordering a digital but then crossfit lowers the price of the movie to 9.99 five days before which is kind of like a fuck you to the whole fan base who like paid early to this corporation that's a berkshire corporation and when i worked there they tried to do that what
Starting point is 01:14:37 gravitas was like hey we're gonna lower the price of the movie um when i used to make those docs produce those docs that heber and marzen directed they would say hey we're going to lower the price of the movie right before it comes out to sell more i'm like no you're not and i would always be like they'd be like why i'm like it shows no integrity no loyalty to your base but they fucking did that this year are they going to bump it back up when they release it who the fuck no you know what they're going to do next you know what their next playbook is in a month package it with last year's movie and sell it for $4.99. And they will just keep doing that. But the thing is, you couldn't even wait a week before you lowered the price.
Starting point is 01:15:14 You basically told everyone who bought the movie for $14.99, you're a fucking piece of shit and a joke and we schooled you. That would never happen to Suse Steen. Hell no. Suseberg. Suseberg, yeah. joke and we schooled you that would never happen to suzestein hell no suzaberg suzaberg yeah you punish your most loyal and first adopter fan base you have the people that are that stoked that they're going to pre-order it so that way when it clicks they're already in front of their tv with their popcorn and they go they don't have to pay for anything they give you in your initial dollars so you can start to see some return and the first thing you do is wait till they're about to view it
Starting point is 01:15:44 and screw them over and drop the price yeah like no it's the opposite if you really start to see some return. And the first thing you do is wait till they're about to view it and screw them over and drop the price. Like, no, it's the opposite. If you really want to do it, you make the very early pre-sale the cheapest one because it's just a flash sale. They just know that- That's what I want to ask you. Do you think it's no integrity or no leadership?
Starting point is 01:15:58 They're fucking retarded. They're so stupid. Yes. Well, the people are stupid too, right? Because like a lot of people aren't even going to notice that seven you're going to watch this movie let's say it cost $19.99 when they release it yeah why don't they make it $14.99 for the month leading up to it saying hey yes get it for five dollars early five dollars off if you buy it early and pre-order it i've never understood that in
Starting point is 01:16:21 general because it's not just crossfit that's doing that like if you were going to xfinity and you wanted to get top gun which is just in theaters, and you wanted to preorder Top Gun, it's $30. And you could preorder it for $30 or you can buy it when it comes out for $30. I've never understood preordering in general. There has to be something that I don't know. Especially for a digital asset that's going to be available instantaneously. Yes, that's what I was going to say. It's at least on Friday at midnight.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Get it Friday at midnight. available instantaneously yes that's what i was gonna say because you have a physical thing friday yeah if you want to be the first if you're if you're on if you want to be the first guy that bangs your girlfriend you don't want to be the 30th guy so there are times when pre getting their first is good well it's like you're the first dude that spends all the money take it out of the date doing all the stuff you know yeah but not a digital asset and then the other dude just shows up and walks in at midnight and you're like, wait a minute, you didn't pay for shit. What's happening here? You got her drunk and some other dude takes her home. There's zero benefit to the consumer at that point.
Starting point is 01:17:12 So even if it was like a prostitute or something and it's like, hey, here's $100. I'll be there Friday at whatever. And you're saying that she's going to be there, you're going to be there. It's going to be there no matter what. Right, right. Bring $100 with you. I appreciate you stooping to our level and using a metaphor that I can understand. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 01:17:31 What it is is it shows completely where they're focused at. It's not about bringing value to the audience. It's 100% just about how many dollars they could extract from the audience. And that pisses people off because they realize it. You're not trying to say, hey hey thank you to our most loyal fans you guys get it for five bucks and everybody else who waited till the day before because you were on the fence fuck you you're gonna pay 15 no you did the opposite and it just shows it just shows where your interests are i can't believe they changed the price and made it cheaper after it was more expensive yeah you think they got a refund seven
Starting point is 01:18:02 comes in no way they got a refund. They definitely did not get a refund. I just remember them trying to do that a couple years in a row and me shooting it down and being like, It makes no sense. And no one would defend it either. No one's like, no, no, it's not dishonest or it doesn't show until they're like, okay. We have an abrupt effect that it's going to be the exact same movie
Starting point is 01:18:20 we've seen in the past five years anyway. Has anyone seen it? Have you guys seen it? No. I'll watch it at some point. The preview is beautiful. Yeah, it looks like every other preview I've ever seen. Even to the point where Sean Woodland tells you that you can't do it if you have a full-time job anymore.
Starting point is 01:18:39 But they say that every single year. Oh boy, now he's just getting into it. And you know what what and then there's still people there who have jobs that are full-time who are there like and who beat the daughter to get there yeah who yeah that the girl who took fifth what was what was her freaking name i don't know i suck brian what was her name brian my favorite my favorite part is is that um tia toomey's having to in the first 30 seconds justify that she trains as hard as other professional athletes that part is weird they should cut that part
Starting point is 01:19:11 makes her look bad yeah i always try to imagine they're talking to someone who's never watched crossfit before yeah that's fair or maybe somebody who doesn't know quit as much as you do that's fair you're a good dude i try to sit in the middle remember when when you made when you made the video on ryan jevnin did you catch that part about his mom when he said my mom called me an idiot i felt yes i did and in my 20 minute video people don't realize how how careful i am these things. I didn't want everything to get lost in my 20 minute video with me seeing that I was attacking him on a personal level. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:50 I was more or less just like, Hey, you made this shit about me on the internet. And then it's like, here's this clip from triple X, one of my favorite movies for no reason. And I tried to make it fun and get the message across. It's like,
Starting point is 01:20:00 I don't know why you're doing this. And then all of a sudden, if I come after him on a personal level, I think that they think that i'm feeling attacked personally as well so you thought about saying something about his mom about that because it is i cut it out yeah it was there i got rid of oh you you did have it in originally uh-huh it was like maybe a 30 second thing where he's talking about it and then i sat there and i was like well that makes a lot of sense and then yeah yeah that doesn't need to be in there so i just cut it out so if i told you my first girlfriend cheated on me with the uh 35 times and now i'm married to you and i have trust issues you know why i mean i mean there's no one there's no one gnarlier
Starting point is 01:20:41 there's no one you want to be called an idiot less by than your mom. Seriously. I always wonder what that looks like, too. Say it again. What does that look like to be called an idiot by your mom? What did you do? What did you do? Ate her eggs or something and fucking spilled something on the ground.
Starting point is 01:21:08 It's like, hey, take that stuff out of the freezer so that when I get home, I can it and it's like you didn't take the chicken out of the freezer we're gonna starve you idiot yeah you yeah yeah yeah i mean i just i'm not saying it's good or bad i'm just saying i wouldn't have i wouldn't have admitted that i wouldn't have come like on my i wouldn't have admitted that and then said that blame after as soon as i heard myself say my mom called me an idiot and i would be like oh shit i'm not mad at hiller okay bye guys i got you i just i just figured it out yeah i just figured it out thank you and i would fucking just go like go talk to my mom like you know that she wasn't cool yeah i think very often you talk about the fact that you can see the whole picture seven yeah you're like awake if you will yeah thank you thank you and and i think uh that's
Starting point is 01:21:45 something that maybe you're talking about here as well so all of a sudden he's angry why is he angry well he even realizes but is he willing to connect the dots between those two i'm not mad at hillar there's something why didn't you connect him for him why were you why did you let absolve him of of of that uh account that i mean because that's some pretty cheap easy psychology could have been like go ahead and go ahead and roll through my comment section and you'll see why okay they're they're all pretty uh on that video that they receive the video well they understand what's going on they see that i wasn't trying to come after him they see that it was just like hey what the fuck is wrong i thought you were very nice to him i thought yeah i thought you were
Starting point is 01:22:23 very nice to him did you know he used to help out with the podcast when you made that video i picked up on that and the call-in that he did yeah i picked up i don't know like to what extent he did but i did a lot he was great he was a lot but he was i think he got married he bought a house and he wants to go to the crossfit games and he had a job and it was just something had to go and it was strong as fuck i think his best snatch was like 295 he did yeah he's super strong he's he's fit he's fit like he's one of the people that when we've like talked to that have helped out isn't it funny too that a lot of people that have helped out been like my aspirations i go to the games like in the early days but um he was one of the people that you looked at you're like oh actually you you probably
Starting point is 01:23:03 have a shot at competing at a high level. Or he was on a team, right? Yeah, I don't know where he finished, but I know they competed at a semifinal. And he was always a nice dude. Like when I had interaction with him, he was cool. For all the people listening out there who want to go to the CrossFit Games as an individual. Don't do YouTube.
Starting point is 01:23:23 You are not going to the games. You have no fucking chance. Peace and love. Tim Paulson wrote a six. Hey, I want to say Colton Mertens is in the chat and he'd throw up a big middle finger to you for making that because he's listening. He's there.
Starting point is 01:23:41 I agree. I got you, Colton. You are correct. You are correct. You are correct. Again. 6.33, Tim Paulson rowing. Holy fucking shit.
Starting point is 01:23:51 It's insane. I keep on throwing that guy. I got to make a video on Tim Paulson. He's awesome. About what? About how awesome he is. Yeah, it's ridiculous. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:24:02 I didn't realize that until I watched the video. Not a lot i don't i don't i just i just i just got on kind of the when i saw last chance qualifier i just kind of made tim paulson uh and tyler christopher all my guys i just really like i thought they were gonna do it and uh but when i saw that video that you posted and you were talking about 630 his row at 633 and then going to the handstand walk i really started to appreciate what a savage he was i was like because i just like i told you i just rode 2000 i got a 749 now granted i hadn't done it in 10 or 11 years but i was fucking hurt i was hurt i was hurt very similar to the assault bike who was the first person i heard talking about this
Starting point is 01:24:41 i like to give people credit when i hear things that what's your fastest six six six thirty six wow and i would not be able to no i would not be able to operate on my hands the way he was i think that was wadapalooza qualifier 2018 and somebody to do a 1k somebody to do a 2k and somebody to do a 3k i was on a team with street horner that year your buddy yeah street street gotta get you on the show buddy i got a lot of questions for you yeah so i did that row couldn't move like that no way so i watched that it was like that little oh well that's what you gotta do and the the the dream has faded you got you got no fucking shot dude you mean when you see people like him correct hey this is what you got to do now how did you know colton was in the chat i earlier he popped out on you oh oops susan susan's right i was
Starting point is 01:25:34 trying to mess with someone i put him up there too when he said ha highlighted his comment damn i pay attention to the chat that's all uh did you think tim paulson's gonna finish top 10 i know i know you don't like to talk about this fourth grade stuff hillar i thought that after the first day that the people in the top two yonakoski and who is the other one in the top two um fuck there's two of them up there but i thought tim paulson was out but then he won and took second on the third and fourth events and it's no shock that he did that in hindsight but if you were to have asked me after the first day i would have said no way but if you were to have watched my video i would say he had a good chance because he's a bigger athlete and i thought that the bigger athletes totally had an
Starting point is 01:26:19 advantage over the course of the weekend right um do his arms he calls himself t-rex because he has short arms but his arms don't look short to me but they but they are is that why he calls himself t-rex i didn't know that i think so he's good at handstand push-ups and handstand walks and usually that's a short arm movement let's see i don't look that short yeah they don't look that short hey is there any way to get kicked off of reddit is reddit just to is are there any rules there there's a moderate there's a moderator i believe and are you allowed to say the vaccine is dangerous on um be careful someone i'm always quiet understood understood uh is it are you allowed to say like the vaccine is dangerous um if you on reddit or is it like next door you get
Starting point is 01:27:01 kicked off if you say that i've honestly been on reddit three times once about two months ago when a buddy sent me like the original hey look at you're on reddit once the second time the other night and then the third time when i was grabbing everybody's responses to make my video and there was probably a time in there where i was getting a couple of emails just i was responding from my phone on a couple of them. It's just something else, man. You love Reddit, right? Oh, yeah. When's the last time you were on Reddit, Sevan?
Starting point is 01:27:33 Fucking 10 years ago. No. Whenever I got fired, someone sent me a link to a Reddit thread, and I went there, and it was 150 comments saying that I was a fucking pedophile. I'm like like holy fuck thank you catrin 150 i mean there was one in there that said i was pedophile but there was nothing nice in there there was just all right all right let me parallel a conversation from earlier as you were talking about george floyd yeah how well do you know george floyd uh not very well not how well
Starting point is 01:28:01 do these people in reddit i watched one of his porn. As soon as I heard his name, I put him on PornTube, and I watched one of his porns. Or two of them. He's on Pornhub? I did not ejaculate. Yeah. I did not ejaculate or touch myself to those videos. It was strictly research. As I recall, he has a huge cock, but it's one of those ones that doesn't really get hard all the way.
Starting point is 01:28:21 But it's big. It's a honker. It probably has to do with the drug use maybe it's a show it's a show or not a grower it's like a it's like a eight eight inch just like flaccid oh yeah thumper it's a it's a it's like one of those rubber hammers you use to hit wood but you don't want to damage the wood with it you know what i mean it's like one of those it's for her pleasure because it doesn't damage things you're in home depot and you want to buy it but you're like i don't really have a use for a hammer that doesn't
Starting point is 01:28:48 really hammer but fuck this thing's cool it's like a soft hammer floppy dog hammer you're talking about george floyd right the one that he's on porn hub and this is the one they talk about yeah yeah yeah the one that yeah yeah you didn't know he's on porn hub or whatever absolutely not pull up so to pull that up no do not pull that up in your free time go ahead yeah yeah he's on there you'll leak oh my hey dude if you dig into all the george look him spend two hours and watch all the video footage there is, all the police cam footage, everything there is of him, you will be like, Is there police cam footage of you? No, nowhere.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Well, not that I know of. But there's, there's, I've been arrested four times, but I think it was before there was police. I don't think any of that. That was before cops carried cameras on them. I was thinking about this the other day. It's a slippery slope and it's a dangerous thought.
Starting point is 01:29:48 But if you if you would you rather be in a world with people with this thought or with this thought? So who do you think is a better thinker that helps the world better? And it's just. What's Floyd's only fans it just happened uh big floyd big floyd you found it is it is it big for you yeah careful with the share button i'm not sharing anything so so you so you went on reddit and you made a video which is basically uh and it's a fun video. I was nervous, but you come across very calm. It's very calm.
Starting point is 01:30:29 It's one of my worst videos ever, which means it's good. People don't like to dive into that stuff. I was hoping they would. The negativity about you. Correct. But it's all just silly stuff. It's like really bad name-calling in there. No one has anything for you
Starting point is 01:30:45 self fellatio it was the one that i kind of got they like to use that on reddit this isn't going to come across well but it was like you were beating up a room full of midgets little people yeah they were just it just there was just nothing in there for you i just felt like it's like going into a home for disabled adults and like um being like i'm gonna offer anyone a million dollars who can build beat me in a multiplication and addition competition they're like ah six times what and you're the same way where i go into there and i realize that they may not have very much good to say about me so i don't take it all that personally ever i just whooped ass in there i understand that you don't like reddit for certain reasons and you're saying that you agree with me so i would like to also not take that to like yeah fuck those people
Starting point is 01:31:37 but i still do like right i still do like the words you're saying though it's good because i i agree you're not proud of yourself that you went into a room and just beat up fucking 60 fucking midgets dwarfs you know what i really wanted to happen i wanted to make the video and i wanted somebody to stick their head out in my comment section say hey it's me that's my username and no one did it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah why is your username junior underscore god i hate an underscore god i hate an underscore. God, I hate an underscore. It triggers me. Some people don't like racial epithets. I don't like underscores.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Why are you Junior past one, two? And numbers. Why numbers? When I created the account. It was a burner account. That's why I said Hiller here in every single one of them. Hiller here. Just so you know, it's Hiller here.
Starting point is 01:32:21 And then on my phone, I created a separate one. I don't know why they're different. I don't know the login for either one of them they're just what's logged in to the computer and to the phone they're different the app on the phone but why why an underscore who who's like oh i got this killer fucking name and there's gonna be an underscore in it like this fucking chick from spain her fucking instagram starts with an underscore like you failed the fucking iq test right there no i'm just taking what the fuck i don't want to see an underscore and then the people who use numbers well you don't understand because you didn't play sports in high school these are their favorite jersey numbers go fuck yourself oh i'm in big trouble with my wife yeah yeah well maybe we don't all have unique names like
Starting point is 01:33:10 savon matosian savon if you got if you got freaking matt susan there's like 500 uh kenneth is kenneth is right too this is this is and this is the sad part seven your generation is the one that i know it's it's you're totally right what is what does that mean it's just a way to differentiate certain words right if you're fitty no what's what no just no one why do you there's nothing on the keyboard that ever makes me like underscore doesn't stick in my brain there's nothing there's nothing tantalizing there i don't want to remember it i don't want to say it i want to i don't want to be like oh hey oh what's your what's Instagram? And someone's like underscore S underscore E capital V A N underscore capital M. No.
Starting point is 01:33:53 How about just at Sevan Matosi? How do you feel about the word hashtag? The word? Or the idea of it, what it stands for. Yeah, I kind of – I like it now. I used to not like it i used to it used to be one of my trigger words before but before i was a social media fucking guru so you're saying it's going to grow on you this underscore thing that's the potential to grow
Starting point is 01:34:13 on you no it doesn't lead to anything oh i see what you did there you fucked me up it's like it to me when you were 40 you never liked the man's fingers in your ass now you're 50 and you love it uh-huh you just tricked me you drink my next prostate yes yes oh yeah so no numbers number hey uh make sure you use the right numbers but but a hashtag a hashtag is a functional functional piece of equipment for searching underscores just like there's nothing in my brain that sticks to an underscore. I don't want to, I don't want to underscore nothing.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Why not a hyphen? Cause that just minus seven minus Matosian. That makes no sense. The implications are going to take away your last name. Absolutely not. I just tried to change mine with an underscore. It was taken. I,
Starting point is 01:35:04 my, my last post has 13 13 likes someone called me and they're like dude your posts are so fucking bad i'm like why i'm like you have to like title it with something that says uh crossfit steals money from you so people will watch it no one's gonna watch your shit It's a fucking little picture of you on your fucking wannabe podcast. I'm like, all right, all right. Which one are you talking about? My most recent one where I'm fucking banging CrossFit for fucking stealing money from people.
Starting point is 01:35:36 Are you talking about it on Instagram? Yeah. My Instagram is a joke. When did you make that? I haven't seen that yet. I clipped it yesterday. Got it. I'm going to Miranda's that? I haven't seen that yet. I clipped it yesterday. Got it. I'm going to Miranda's street parking thing today.
Starting point is 01:35:48 Say that again. I'm reading the thing about Taylor and Hiller. Small legs, bell deadlifts, feet touching. Is it in the comments? Yeah, it's Yash. Yana Koski. I DMed him and asked him to come on the podcast. We'll see if we can drag him on here.
Starting point is 01:36:06 He's a good dude. Today? No, no, no, no. Yeah, he needs his own show. He's his own show kind of guy. Yeah, he doesn't have to share with you and Sousa. Absolutely not. Maybe just Sousa, not me.
Starting point is 01:36:23 I love talking with the athletes, though. Someone tell me why the protein costs as much i guess you know it's wild the cost of creatine that's expensive now creatine used to be dirt cheap it lasts forever though right um it lasts a long time yes i don't know if it lasts as long as your tub of protein we've had about 10 years or something yeah hey type in create best creatine and then i want to show you the bag i got i want to see what hillary says about it and i it's just a bag full of pills i guess yeah i got i would dick stamped on them i um i uh i got i literally did get this bag of creatine and arginine like a year ago no no, no. It just – oh, there it is down at the bottom.
Starting point is 01:37:06 I see a picture of it. See Best Creatine Supplements for 2022? And it's a picture of a red guy. Yeah, that. That's the one. That bulk supplements. I've only heard good things about their products. Yeah, and it's so much fucking creatine.
Starting point is 01:37:23 I'm telling you I've had the bag for 10 years you don't take it regularly enough for it to go away hey I threw away half of it so I poured it into a glass jar and I threw the other half away to a space in your house what yeah yeah because I used to be rich
Starting point is 01:37:37 you just didn't give a fuck just throw away that cretin like it don't matter yeah now it's worth twice as much as when you bought it you should have fucking kept that and sold it now he's getting it off the floor just how much is that bag of creatine right there the bulk supplement yeah yeah probably about 50 bucks now when it was about 25 20 i need to ask you something i don't so when i take when i take creatine and arginine i just take a teaspoon and i just dip the tip of it in there uh-huh and then just the tip uh of course okay and then i you know you want to be careful and then i bang yes and then i bang it into a cup and then i put a little water in there and i shoot it down it's disgusting
Starting point is 01:38:16 here's what is wrong with you just drink it like a normal human what i mean drink it like a normal human like put it put it into a shake or something and drink it. Like it, you don't need to take it like a shot. But how much do you take? How much should I take? I think I've taken five grams every day since I was like 16 years old. And how much is five? What's five grams look like? Will you type in five grams of creatine?
Starting point is 01:38:38 I want to see an image of that. It's a, it's literally like, it's barely anything. It's like a penny. Right. I hope that when you look at it, you're like, holy shit, I've taken way too much creatine. No, no.
Starting point is 01:38:48 A spoonful would fucking kill you. If I took a spoonful of my creatine, I'd fucking explode. It's like a teaspoon or smaller. Way smaller than a teaspoon. I take like one-tenth of a teaspoon. It's like a teaspoon. Oh, it is? No wonder mine lasts forever.
Starting point is 01:39:02 There we go. Yeah, it's going to fill up the bottom of that spoon,'m sure wait a minute this is in a video go to that youtube video where it says how to measure five grams of creatine hey what do you think killer can we play that video it's 34 seconds can we play that what's your professional where where hold on if i say the one that says how to measure that one yeah you can play that okay let's do it let's play this okay hold on if i say the one that says how to make that one yeah you can play that okay let's do it yes like this okay hold on let me switch over we'll end the show with some something some valuable advice hey should girls take creatine i don't know my wife take really yes let my wife anybody with any sort of athletic endeavor should be taking creatine my wife's not going to get on peds like me it's not a fucking pED. I mean, do we want volume?
Starting point is 01:39:45 Sure. Yeah. That way Hillary can make fun of him. Oh, shit. Quality. My crack's poop. Holy fuck. See?
Starting point is 01:40:04 Told you. Holy fuck. Big ol' heaping scoop, baby. Holy fuck. She's going gonna throw it on a scale too don't question my eyeball skills that's how much I take right there that's what's stuck on the spoon I'm not shitting you no wonder I'm fucking weak as a bird hey
Starting point is 01:40:22 if you give me all the four seconds I'm gonna go grab my food scale really quick yeah yeah yeah yeah do it do it all right hey look up how much arginine you should take wow holy shit no wonder into that shit i don't think that shit works yeah well see that's why i said a big spoonful because that's i like measured one time i bought creatine and it had the scooper inside of it you know like a pre-measured one and then i just poured it onto a spoon it was relatively the same but i mean spoon size you know all that could get weird okay um what do you say how to take what arginine how much arginine you should take i wonder if that's five grams too that's crazy that was a fuck i would i still can't do it now
Starting point is 01:40:59 that it said it i would maybe i'll take a little bit more, but fuck. Hey, I was totally the dude at the party too. Like if someone laid out like 10 lines of Coke, I'd do like half a line. And everyone would be looking at me like, you know, like I was a fucking idiot. We got to make it last. There's no fucking way I'm doing a whole line, let alone three lines. Fucking blow a gasket. I large any between six and a maximum of 30 grams per day okay no wonder okay well a daily dose is normally divided into three smaller doses
Starting point is 01:41:33 per day that won't exceed the maximum dosage do not take more than the maximum dosage hey you would have a hard arginine you'd have a fucking i i you'd have a heart attack if you took 30 grams. Yeah. I've never really taken much supplements. I do protein. I just have a run-of-the-mill whey protein that I take. That's a nice shirt. Look how good it fits him.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Yeah. All right. What did I miss? A dude showed up to my house yesterday, and he was wearing the CEO shirt. He goes, this is my favorite shirt. I'm like, thanks. He goes, not because of what He goes, this is my favorite shirt. I'm like, thanks. He goes,
Starting point is 01:42:05 not because of what it says, because how it fits. I was like, Oh, it does fit. Great. Whatever. Take what we can get.
Starting point is 01:42:10 Be the CEO of your life. If you don't have a CEO shirt, what really do you have control over? Buy your CEO shirt today and take control of your life. Oh, I like that. You think Creedson's good. You should put it on a CEO shirt.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Sevan Argenine and Citrulline will keep your cock healthy. Yeah. Well, I like that. You think creatine is good? You should put it on a CEO shirt. Sevan, arginine and citrulline will keep your cock healthy. Yeah, well, I don't know. That's fucking right. Spoonful, right? Yeah. No shit. Your boy grew up in the hood. Hey, this is science, guys.
Starting point is 01:42:38 This is it. This is it. Snort that. Snort that. Snort that. It was exactly the spoon, wasn't it? Snort it, yeah. Oh, man. You guys. Oh, great. Someone's going to screenshot that. Snort that. It was exactly the – It was the spoon, wasn't it? Snort it, yeah. Oh, man. You guys – oh, great. Someone's going to screenshot that.
Starting point is 01:42:49 Performance and anti-drugs. Yeah, the creatine went right into the bloodstream through the nose. Wow. I'm just going to put this over here for now. But yeah, it's pretty amazing. Hey, do you take arginine, Hiller? I do. um hillar i do so he he just looked it up while you were gone and was saying to take six grams of that two two minimum of six grams a day and to split it over three three taking so two grams two grams two grams i i take so little i do you see this little tiny i take like that much
Starting point is 01:43:18 seriously that's just like a little piece of an eraser. This is an eraser I was fiddling with. Do you know about beta alanine? I heard that on the – I did that podcast with Fraser. He mentioned that it gives him a third lung and that's all I know. Do you know what else is supposed to give you a third lung? EPO. Do you know what else? Because you're right. GW-501516 no shit any website where you look up the
Starting point is 01:43:49 like benefits of gw third lung also beta alanine 3.2 is the dose like you'll find in any single one of these uh compounds like this is my pre-workout i use that and let me see which one you use which one do you use i've been using this since i was 16 as well oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i when i was a kid that shit's been around forever when i was a kid i think i tried a jar of that yeah it actually gets worse and worse every three years when they remake the formula and i'm always trying to find like the older formulas because it really hit harder it makes you go to the bathroom right away which i love that it's like and then you're empty and you're ready to work out but when that guy stuck his fingers
Starting point is 01:44:27 in my ass that is the that's the one thing that stuck with me it felt like i had to take a shit i didn't but it just feels like that and that's why i was like how does anyone do anal but anyway so so carlo said itchy face right yeah that's the only thing he gets when he takes beta and that's because that's the only thing it does until you take 200 times the amount of the clinic like the dose in these freaking pre-workouts say that again 200 times the amount you're supposed to take to get the third lung sort of sensation and i'm not telling anybody out there to go out there and like down the entire thing of beta it's it's don't do that it's ridiculous to say that's going to give you a third lung and everybody went out and bought it as soon as they heard him saying that
Starting point is 01:45:15 how much beta alanine should i take for results i can send you a video on this actually one second hey how would you take fucking 200 grams of that shit In water it's fine It's freaking soluble Dude that would be 20 That would be 40 fucking 200 grams would be 40 fucking teaspoons
Starting point is 01:45:41 If it weighs the same amount As It's like a coffee cup full of freaking the creatine the critter yeah if that shit weighs the same amount as a critter it would be it would be 40 40 there's a there's a scientific study done on this saying that you need to take way the fuck more than 3.2 grams which is what you're going to find in every single dietary supplement uh sports supplement i don't know if i'll're going to find in every single dietary supplement uh sports supplement i don't know if i'll be able to find it as quick as i need to but i'll find it later
Starting point is 01:46:11 i'll put it i would i would not take viagra i take beta-aluminum like half i like the itchy stuff that's good yeah as i say half the time all of a sudden when i'm finished working out then my ears and my head gets like it's like after the fact so i don't actually know if it like does anything alexis will take it and she's always if the workout isn't like good enough she'll go i didn't work off the beta i'm still itchy that oh my gosh so what i'm telling you is you gotta work harder what's the protocol on that are you allowed to tell people tell on the internet what what supplements other people are doing can i tell yeah or are you allowed to like prescribe them to people no like you just told us what alexa takes i'm just wondering what the protocol is on that i i mean
Starting point is 01:46:54 sure it's beta i mean you can get it it's fine it's not like it's a banned supplement everybody can take it all right just check vasodilators don't forget electrolytes to add some salt to your pre-workout yeah yeah wild zombie wants's talk about the cover pick where did that come from you didn't get that did you i think that's from a college wrestling will branstetter got it yeah i think that's my college wrestling picture will has access to all of your computers everyone who's listening will has access to your computers oh yeah people come in and download hey we were taking these before what oh yeah you mean is that is that raw wolf's company i think it is people swear by this
Starting point is 01:47:36 shit oh i was looking at liquid ivy and i called that gatorade this lmnt stuff to type in that type in raw wolf's name next to it everyone I know oh it's disgusting Hillary get that Pepsi product out of here everyone I know they have a Habanero one I just can't even fucking believe how brilliant that is
Starting point is 01:47:57 I really want to taste this shit is it his company? oh developed by Rob Wolf yeah yeah yeah look it is Rob Wolf god I hope he's rich i hope that he fucking got rich off that can i see that go down great supplement extra yeah yeah i've never heard it that one down there drink lmt i've never heard anyone say anything bad about this no me either i know people who don't like rob wolf and fucking
Starting point is 01:48:24 say that this is the greatest supplement ever. They should be a sponsor of the show. What is it? Salt, I think. Yeah. Flavored salt. Just flavored salt. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:33 I'm on board with flavored salt. Right there. It's 1,000 milligrams of sodium, 200 of potassium, and then 60 milligrams of magnesium. And go to their website real quick. I want to see if they have a habanero one, if this is the same shit people are telling me about hey i would put this in alcohol i would mix this with fucking alcohol sparkling water and uh great idea i think you'd be sparkling water and fucking booze you really hit the jackpot with this one this is a genius product look at this back for a good time and it's actually good okay potassium sodium and magnesium see the flavor go to the flavors
Starting point is 01:49:10 do you know what causes cramping no it's a deficiency in either one of those two things and dehydration so this is like the perfect product oh there isn't habanero mango there's mango chili i've had a couple of them um we got a bag of them from one of my buddies who they sent him a ton of it and then when he moved back to tennessee like he gave us the bag of it and i drank the orange one it's pretty good hey what did you say causes cramping hill or say that again if you have a deficient so have you ever heard like eat a banana if you have a cramp yeah you've heard that it's because like sometimes you'll be low in potassium and sometimes you're low in salt and i saw in here somewhere that bruce wayne says that
Starting point is 01:49:52 he takes salt before he works out and salt potassium there's a pump in your muscle so let's say you're doing a workout with a bunch of squats your quads have to fire over and over and over again they contract they relax they contract they relax It's like a sponge. You squeeze the sponge, water goes out, you open the sponge, water comes in. Your muscles work kind of the same way, filtering the water in and out, relaxing, contracting. There's a pump system in there that works. And potassium, I believe the potassium throws it out and the salt throws it in. And there needs to be a balance. And if there's an imbalance, it causes the muscle to cramp. The sponge like doesn't fire, if you will.
Starting point is 01:50:27 So this is an awesome supplement. Wow. How about pickle juice? I always heard pickle juice that has just shitloads of sodium. That would be the salt. Yeah, that's where that comes from. So this, it's just cool. I mean, good for him because it's cheap, I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Oh, here it's here, Alan. It's lemon habanero it's out of season out of season uh that's smart if he does that and cycles and seasons of flavors that's good he cycles like the liver king um cycles his salt cycles his salts oh man so what did we learn today the liver king is worth a shitload of money check um check check rachel may's video don't judge him for it it's not the one he submitted i'm gonna make another one on that and um uh cramping is caused by uh not uh adequate not adequate supply of sodium and potassium ratio that makes the pump work. Yep.
Starting point is 01:51:28 What else? Freddie Camacho. We didn't talk about him at all. Did you want to? I mean, I got, I got notes on it. I like Freddie.
Starting point is 01:51:36 He's a good dude. Freddie Camacho seems like a great dude. He banks China show. China shows a good dude. She banks Freddie Camacho. We talked about the fact that I don't like talking at a third grade level about CrossFit. Yeah, that really pissed me off. Hey, did you talk to Freddy Camacho on the phone?
Starting point is 01:51:53 No, I did not. He friended me on Facebook, and I saw him on there. That's where I saw the initial post. I try not to talk to anybody before I do any of these things. So the video that Jason C.F. Media made on me, I clicked on it and I'm like, oh, cool. Oh, fuck, what is this all about? I want to give people that sensation, whether it be for the good or the bad
Starting point is 01:52:12 of whatever the video holds. So it was cool to have that. Is he still making good stuff? Has he made any good stuff? Does he make good stuff? Most of his stuff is pretty good. It's on the reserved side, but it's still good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I. It's on the reserved side, but it's still good. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:25 I love his deliveries on the reserve side. Man, there's some people who are too reserved. There's a couple people I've been watching lately to just try to get because there was so little shit on the last chance qualifier. Man, there's some bad shit in the space. You feel like you just wasted 10 minutes of your time? I don't even make it 10 minutes. They're just not saying fucking anything.
Starting point is 01:52:43 They're so fucking wishy-washy. Oh, man. I don't even make it 10 minutes. They're just not saying fucking anything. They're so fucking wishy-washy. Oh, man. I'm wondering who's watching it and what they're getting. No, I don't want to say their names because it's – but I want to let people make their own decision. But I wonder – I really do want to know the people who watch that what they think they're getting from that. They're not getting any strong opinions. They're not getting any facts. They're not getting – it's just like if I were to tell you today is a day.
Starting point is 01:53:12 You're like, uh-huh. It's just similar to yesterday. And there's weather outside. One of the first things that I ever clipped from you was that exact sort of statement. What? That when people say things, they say it as if they look outside, oh, it's raining. Let's talk about the fact that it's raining.
Starting point is 01:53:28 God, that's so fucking annoying. How about you talk about something about the rain? Anything. Anything. How about where? How much? The temperature outside? Whether your grass is getting watered.
Starting point is 01:53:37 Is it going to rain this time of year? Is it going to rain next year? How about you give me your opinion? Give me something. I think the reason why people stay ambiguous a lot of times is because then they can't be held down to their opinion opinion later you know like if you never really had a firm opinion on anything nobody could ever point at you and be like you said this one time because you could be like no i didn't say anything i think we just define clickbait here it is i think i
Starting point is 01:53:56 think we just define clickbait if your title is the is the strongest thing in your entire video and your video doesn't say something stronger than your video or as strong than it's cookbait and that's the thing um uh is this rich a lot yeah you know what i mean like rich froning's last year competing and then there's fucking no there's nothing about him yeah it's it's like it's like rich for you're talking they you never mention whether he's going to continue competing or not it's just talking about the history of his competing right and the whole time you're like well when are we going to get to the part whether it's his last year yeah no that was only in the title we already gave you
Starting point is 01:54:31 that my favorite is did this really happen to us no huh bruce wayne the definition of quick quick base nate edwardson i agree everything is from the side craig ritchie, I agree. I'll say the names. I'm going to fuck. I don't care. Clearly, people think so. Clearly, people still watch their stuff. It's not like I'm hurting their freaking reputation. Oh, their videos are so popular.
Starting point is 01:54:57 They're killing it. Craig put out one recently that was actually decent, I think. All of his stuff used to be good, and then they weren't good for a long time it's an interesting balance of his recent video what they're trying to do is it like is the video about them like is it like a vlog or like they're documenting them are they trying to make it about the athlete they're with are they trying to bring some sort of value to their audience and like without kind of defining which one you're going to do and then sticking to it for that one video it's hard i think it just gets lost a lot of times you know i watched the craig richie video on mel training in frazier's
Starting point is 01:55:29 garage yeah i saw some of that one it's good if you're curious about like what goes on there what it looks like what they might be doing day to day but i guess i didn't i did i learn something sure that's what it looks like i guess it's the same reason i watch a mayhem video though i guess i just have a bias towards liking mayhem so i can't i don't there's no fault in that one is what i'm saying yeah but at least with the mayhem you know exactly what you're getting which is just basically them documenting what they're doing i never i have never seen clickbait over there no their video is basically like hayley does you know morning morning session and then you
Starting point is 01:56:05 watch the video and it's just her working out through all her sessions they do a day in the life of me it's just the day in the life of gee how about this one it says only tia toomey has this i've not seen any other crossfit athlete with one ever clickbait clickbait i'm on craig richie's channel right now unless unless unless somewhere in there she pulls up her shirt and she got three tits I mean that's what I mean what you show us has to be more better it can't be like
Starting point is 01:56:35 she has a pink pink pair of Metcons sorry your title was bigger than what you revealed it uh like it better be fucking good shane orr has a 13 inch cock wow okay yep no probably none of the other athletes do have that coach coach and mate like like fucking nuts like cock strong coach he is yeah i think they have themselves pigeonholed to the point where that's not something that they would talk about for sure yeah and i don't think it didn't put that on her
Starting point is 01:57:09 post on hers did she did tia do that is that clickbait proven used or no someone else yeah here's the thing too if you go to their accounts and and fucking kudos to them i mean i'm not hating for this but i feel like there's almost like a cadence you can see. Matt, Matt, Dave, Tia, then a couple of them, and then back around, Rosa, Dave. Like, they know the people to put in the picture and what to do to make it so people are over there clicking on the shit. Yeah. I see that for sure. I'm looking at it right now.
Starting point is 01:57:43 I agree. Yeah, there's just a pattern to what they're doing, and they cracked the code, and he bought a house in Asana and new tits for his chick. He's stoked. It's a damn Lowe's toolbox. Yeah, Jeffrey Watkins let us in here and said it was just a Lowe's toolbox. Oh, fuck me. See, at that point, that's the part that pisses me off like okay so you're getting ahead but you're lying piece of shit you're manipulative but i guess people don't care they keep watching the videos you put the video on pre-sale after the pre-sale he's got
Starting point is 01:58:17 a video with 1.4 million views and it's training a matt frazier's garage from two years ago and if i recall that's also about the time where I would like watch and take something away from his videos. And then there's one rich. Hey, is it really training in Matt Frazier's garage or is it training? It is a picture of Matt Frazier's garage in his garage. No,
Starting point is 01:58:35 he actually goes there, which is probably why it got such good traction. And this one with Froning got 650,000 full day of training. Here's another one, 530, 000 ultimate barn gym now he was great two to three years ago yeah when he first went to those places when he was doing all that stuff yeah and it was cool because it was a real fan fan perspective because he was like oh my gosh we're at rich froning's barn like this is crazy how about the one where he says he has
Starting point is 01:59:01 mental health issues how many views did that get? Is there one of those? Yeah. I didn't see that one. I think I'm going to get some lat implants. That would be sick. Bruce, no feedback from TDC. In which poll? Wait, why do you need lat implants?
Starting point is 01:59:15 Why don't you just do some pull-ups? I don't. Yeah, good idea. I saw Dave yesterday. I went to the ranch yesterday. Did he say anything about Hiller? No. No.
Starting point is 01:59:27 But it was very superficial talk. There were so many fucking people there. Yeah, it looked crazy. That street parking thing had, I don't know, 500 or 1,000 people at it. It was fucking completely packed. It reminded me of the 2008 CrossFit Games. Yeah, it's cool. Everyone's just working out there all day.
Starting point is 01:59:42 That's what's crazy about these communities. It's people fly from all over the world to come there and just work out with people that they used to work out with online. Was that streaming anywhere? Was there any sort of footage? They were live. They were live, like street parking. If you go to their Instagram and you guys should follow street parking Instagram. They were live like a ton of times throughout the day, kind of showing what the different events they had going on and just what the crowd looked like and stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:00:06 So I'd go to the Amnesty. If you're a parent too, you know what's cool about these events? You can just, it's at Dave's Ranch. You can just go there and just let your kids go. Yeah, they have like a slip and slide. They had a bunch of kids games. Kids were out. There's no fucked up people there. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 02:00:20 Everyone's accountable. Everyone's accountable. What about the snakes and the cougars yeah the mountain lions I don't think they'll come down because there's too many of us there but that is a serious issue there's a lot of people camping there and they're fucking nuts
Starting point is 02:00:34 but let them run loose anyway they can defend themselves against the wildlife but not the people Sevan when are we going to do a Sevan podcast get-together? Interesting. I think someone was talking about maybe doing that at the games.
Starting point is 02:00:50 Yeah, you'd have to be there, though. Just you on a computer screen. That's the ultimate clickbait. Wow, look at this. Wow, this is awesome. It's weird to see another Watkins. Jason Watkins. Just weird to see another Watkins. Let me ask. Jason Watkins. Just weird to see another Watkins.
Starting point is 02:01:07 Are you black? I think the term is melanated. Don't get yourself canceled, Mr. Watkins. Jeffrey Watkins. I'm a fan. Jeffrey, I'm just curious. Is your skin? No, sir.
Starting point is 02:01:18 I'm a white guy. Okay. Okay. Well, okay. What? What? What? What?
Starting point is 02:01:21 What? What? I just like this in the comments. They're trying to, yeah. It's a battle of the Watkins happening right now. wonder if you've seen the matrix i know seven but i have seen it like that have you seen all three of them no i just saw the first i tried to i saw the first one i tried to watch the second one i'm like go fuck yourself i'm not you're gonna be like that guy in the background you'll just be on a tv screen of the games that'll be you oh yeah get together and you'll just be on a TV screen of the games. That'll be you. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:45 Get together. And you'll just be like on us. 80 inch TV. Just sitting there. Hey guys, I'm here. Everyone's gonna be standing around the TV. Like motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:01:56 It was hard for me to go to this street parking event. It was really hard to get out of my loop. Because you wouldn't be, you couldn't walk around or what? I don't want it. I don't want to go to, I know. I just don't want to get out of my loop. Like, I be you couldn't walk around or what i don't want it i don't want to go to i know i just want to get out of my loop like i don't want to i don't want to like get out of right yeah i don't want to get out of my routine like even my wife said hey do you want to push our fasting day tomorrow so we can eat at the street parking event today i'm like no fuck the loop i am staying in my fucking routine always. You know, is that why?
Starting point is 02:02:32 You know, I always make the claim that, hey, I would love to go judge these things, but I can't do it monetarily, which is truthful. I can't because I can't leave my job and my loop. I can't do that. I mean, I can't take the time out of my life to do it. So I try to make the point that I'm never criticizing judges to make them not show up or make them leave because i want more for them i think i try to drive that across but all i see is like this guy's never judged in an event and then also in that jason cf media video he very well articulates the point that hey i could have very well had gone to an event and judge but what makes me any different than than anyone else who wanted to go judge to help yeah what if the response was i also don't know anyone um you've never judged a judge
Starting point is 02:03:12 and and i've done that thousands of times what if you responded with that it's so i don't think that you need to know how to i mean i think maybe it might change your perspective some or add not change add to it but why it does it doesn't um that i've never worn a dress but i'm fucking completely qualified to judge how your titties look in them i mean like completely qualified so i i i don't i don't i don't is there a sliding scale or what do you got here no they they all look good in the dress i'm just saying like they it just doesn't make sense to me it doesn't make sense to me that that i can understand if they're like hey you're an asshole maybe if you judge you'd be a little nicer instead of calling people idiots you just call them
Starting point is 02:04:00 hey you shouldn't judge anymore maybe you change your tone but but i i don't think it makes you any more or less qualified in the information you're going to give. Yeah, I don't like that either. I think it's – you're seeing the rep. You're seeing the same thing the judge is, and then you're making the call and making a video about it. So I don't know. It's like this. And this one is really going to piss people off. You're not going to like this, Hiller.
Starting point is 02:04:21 Sorry. But it's like when people tell me all the time, well, abortion be legal what if someone gets raped okay so if you get raped now we justify killing a baby okay like i don't care what your justification is i'm pro-choice by the way but but but i'm not in the business of justifying killing babies whether it was rape or why why why do you say that i would hate that i just because i don't think you like politics and that stuff i don't like to drag you down there but it's always on hey i got an opinion just like everybody you want it oh yeah please all right are you sure yeah are you sure i don't give a shit he's trying to pigeonhole me uh i am pigeonholing you i've had this opinion did you get in trouble
Starting point is 02:05:01 for not knowing who nancy pelosi is no oh darn it okay go i'm the rep follow her hey if you want some good investment advice just follow her index the pelosi is that right i think i know where you're going to that one yep uh my opinion of i'm pro choice which means that you should be able to do whatever you want right i mean me too yes yeah and that goes very much against a lot of the people who i know who are very religious is that also correct like yes if you're super religious to fill your pro-life yeah um i've always thought like what let's say you have you're pregnant and then you're in a very bad place in your life let's say you can't support yourself financially let's say that you're surrounded by
Starting point is 02:05:40 all the drugs and let's say you're in a not so great area and maybe you don't have a husband or someone to help you bring the baby up it sounds like you're gonna have a rapper as a kid let's say there's no end in sight and you're in a bad place mentally it's like i can't bring up a baby in this and that's like you you don't want to have the kid that should be your choice so it makes your choice that's always been the way that i look at it and i know that there's different avenues everywhere people are gonna say well what about this i'm like well fuck you that's what i think i don't and i'm also not a freaking woman so like i don't know like shit yeah i don't think that matters how the fuck does that matter you're not a ref either but you judge reps yeah i knew you're gonna read that you're not listen listen listen, listen. Listen, Linda.
Starting point is 02:06:25 Listening to Sevan. It's not about women's rights or men's rights. It's about human rights. It's about letting people decide what they want to do with their own fucking body. But I don't think you have to justify killing a baby just because you think it's okay for women to kill a baby or a fetus or a zygote or however you guys want to do it. I will be walking around. You don't have to justify it. You can just say shit and just like yeah it's fucked up but you walk around disney world and you see a bunch of people who are overweight what do you think that's an understatement they're fat as fuck but go on what do you think though i think i start to think like
Starting point is 02:07:00 holy fuck they just used five fucking cups to to drink their five diet Cokes in the last hour, and I haven't fucking drank one. And I have to be worried about climate change and being green, and they're using more gas on the fucking airplane. And how come my medical insurance prices have gone up when these people are fucking being complicit and fucking injuring themselves? That's what I think. All right. Well, what I think is – I think we knew what you thought, right? What I think is if I see someone who's extremely overweight, I hope that they at least have the ability to make that choice. Yes. Yes. So like you look at this person, I've got a friend who's
Starting point is 02:07:40 been living a lifelong, like struggle of losing weight. And yet I'll have a conversation with him him what seems like quarterly about what he needs to do and while he's doing this he's also throwing down a bag of skittles and i was like dude stop it stop it stop it then i get frustrated then i like take to the internet and like rage about certain things but it's only because that guy now has the choice to not be doing that thing which is just another choice thing so like if you walk around disney world like i hope that that person knows what they're doing and if not then that sucks this is why we do what we do we want to try to educate everybody about it so if you're pro-choice pro-life it's like hopefully at least you know what you're talking about when you say those things hey that's there's a lot of responsibility that i just want people to take responsibility
Starting point is 02:08:26 hey if you're going to eat 12 bags of skittles a day there with that comes a responsibility that i don't want to put on me if you're a woman and you end up aborting your baby that's a lot of responsibility now on yourself and there is a very good chance it's going to be something in your brain for the rest of your life the same thing The same thing if you smoke nicotine or cigarettes. It's going to stick with you your whole fucking life. And I also don't think that people need to justify what's happening is people are lying to themselves and making up narratives that justify killing a baby.
Starting point is 02:08:57 I think that's a very bad headspace to be in. I don't think you ever want to justify it. I think you and I share the opinion that as long as you are understanding of the consequences and you're not going to make somebody else do something for you because of what you've done, carry on. Right? Thank you, Andrew Hiller. Like if the liver king's taking steroids and he dies at 48 from a heart attack, it's like, well, at least we hope that he knew that was coming i hope i hope that that 99 million dollars he's got was good or let's say he has a heart attack and all of a sudden he has like all these people now needing to help him and he's like oh i don't know why this is
Starting point is 02:09:37 happening then you're pissed you're like what do you mean you didn't know that was going to happen there's always two ways to do everything and i don't think that anybody should be telling most people what to do ever but also if you don't want to be told what to do be ready to not expect their help later right right right right all right there you go there's my two cents worth on your whole thing which you thought i was afraid of i didn't think you were afraid oh you were just waiting for me to open up up thought you didn't know who nancy pelosi was uh seven when are you gonna have a thing to back on soon i'm waiting another month or two i'm super excited about her uh seminar scaled nation that she's been putting on i want her to get a few runs in so that we have more to talk about and i can ask her about it and yeah i want to help push the shit out of that there's
Starting point is 02:10:22 always links to it my newsletter mr hiller thank you for your time of course this one was shorter than last week 10 minutes oh awesome i know we didn't get to all the videos but i think i think we covered a lot of ground i had nine minutes to go i got to be done in nine minutes so this is good what are you doing i gotta go train a client is sunday's at noon is he cute um you might think so yeah

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