The Sevan Podcast - #476 - Jayson Hopper & Danielle Brandon

Episode Date: July 4, 2022

00:00 Jayson Hopper 47:53 Danielle Brandon Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - CODE: SEVAN for a FREE consultation - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. He did? Awesome. So this is, Kenneth, this is what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:00:35 This is what it looks like. So I wake up every morning at 6 a.m. exactly. My alarm is set really, really low. I usually wake up at 5 56 anyway, but it's, then I lay there for four minutes and do energy body, try to catch myself like before my eyes open or anything. Then finally at six, when the alarm goes off, I roll over, I turn it off, check on my kids. I turn on the coffee machine. I opened the blinds. I open up my computer and, and turn on my printer and I start getting uh my notes ready to print i send all my
Starting point is 00:01:07 notes over to will branstetter uh matt souza and caleb just in case one of them is going to come on with me then i um start drinking some coffee and then i uh and while i'm doing that i'm trying to go through and answer as many dms as I can just really quickly or at least reading them because people send me a lot of good stuff for my live call-in show. So that's when I get like a few minutes of that done. Then I shower. And then here's where it gets tricky because usually here I'm like – now it's about 15 minutes to – 20 minutes before the show starts. So I get out of the shower like at 6.40. minutes to both uh 20 minutes before the show starts so i get out of the shower like at 6 40 and the things i have to do now is i have to send a link to the guests i have to ideally
Starting point is 00:01:51 if i haven't taken a shit yet that's when it's like pressure shit time because i like to shit before i um podcast which is never a problem except on mondays because i i it's been over two years that i've been fasting. I don't eat on Sundays. Um, and, uh, and so my shit just, I just have to be more patient. I have to do more deep breathing than I usually get like a pebble or two. And then I start and then, Oh, then I come over here and I open, I, at about 10 minutes before the show starts, I come in my office, I set my coffee down. I set my notes down. I say a few words to suza and then i um now i'm getting really close and i'm starting to get anxious oh and when i'm in the shower i'm
Starting point is 00:02:32 usually thinking of new questions and that starts stressing me out a little bit because i'm like am i now am i going to forget the questions before i can go over and write them down again um at that point i start coming up with like some like some shit that i'm not even sure if i can ask like i've done a lot of talk about guys edging before like events like not ejaculating like we had darian weeks on from the ufc he said he doesn't ejaculate three weeks before the event we've had a lot of guests talk about that we had jaguar hard on recently and i was thinking this morning in the showers like oh shit i've never asked a woman if they refrain from orgasming before events. And then I was like, do I have the balls to ask Daniel Brandon that?
Starting point is 00:03:12 So it's like this whole – all that shit's going on. And then there's all these nuances too, right? I want to come into my office and open the door so fresh air can come in. But then I'm like, what if it gets too cold during the show and ruins the show for me? And there's just like all these tiny, but it's the same thing. It's like this, it's like Groundhog Day. And then I usually don't like to start,
Starting point is 00:03:36 I usually like to see the guests like pop up in our waiting room first. And then I like to go live with them right at the same time so that I don't say anything to them and you guys see the whole thing unfold and then i kind of have this rule don't do any small talk so like the things small talk today would be um oh congratulations uh jason you made it to the games happy fourth of july shit like that and like the goal is like not to do that and then jason would pop on.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I'd say I'd then I would be looking over here for the little red light to go on and I'd go, bam, we're live. And I go, hey, Jason. Solid breakdown. Yeah. And I occasionally like if I'm walking to my office and I saw that there was like I have to walk by a little bit of lawn in my backyard and shit that can happen that can really throw me off as if I saw a dog poop out there. Cause then I'd have to run, I'd have to go run and get a poop bag and pick that up. That's not very often, but like it does happen. And cause I'm pretty fastidious. I don't like any poop or a thistle on the property, anything with thorns. Cause I want my, everyone to be able to run around barefoot. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:46 I'm trying to think of some other things. I my dog too so after i come in my dog will wake up follow me in here when i the first time i come in to drop my notes off and set my coffee down then when i go back out i watch and she if i see her take a piss which is almost always then i reward her with some food and then i and then i kiss my wife always before the show, even when she's sleeping. Like this morning I pulled the hair off her face and kissed her. It's kind of like when I get on an airplane, I always touch the side of the airplane and say, I love you. As I get, as I walk through the airplane, like, you know, the, you know, like right when you walk in through, like you're outside, I touched the outside of the plane and said, I love you.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Wait, really? Yeah, really. Oh, that's so weird. I look at the, I look at the bolt at the outside of the plane and said, I love you. Wait, really? Yeah, really. Oh, that's so weird. I look at the bolt at the outside of the plane. Like as you board the plane from the terminal hall. The bolts, like the rivets around the door. Around the door. Yeah, and I think, wow, at some point very shortly here, those are going to be outside very high in the air.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I hope they hold up. I know it does sound like I'm superstitious, right? I don't know if that's right. And if my sons happen to be awake and my wife happens to be awake, which happens some mornings, at least once a week, they'll say, I'll say to them, bye. And my sons will always say, don't say bye. And so there's this other thing going on right now, too. I don't know if you guys have an echo, but when the show's over, I always take off my headset and I turn on my external speakers. And then I talk with Sousa, we do a debrief or we laugh, we make fun
Starting point is 00:06:14 of the guests or some shit. And, and, uh, so then whenever I come back, my shit's not set up right. So then I always have to come in here, switch the audio to my headset. I turn it on and Sousa will say something and I won't hear it. And I'll be like, Oh, hold on, hold on. And then I always have to come in here, switch the audio to my headset. I turn it on and Susan will say something and I won't hear it. And I'll be like, Oh, hold on, hold on. And then I'll put it on and be like, what'd you say? And that's a, someone looks like Boz's dad. Oh, that's good. Someone told me yesterday. I look like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Someone told me yesterday. I look like, um, Josh Bridges. I think maybe it's the, uh, goatee stash for sure for sure it's not the nose good look thank you um it's funny so for like three days i had been texting danielle brandon asking her to come on the show and i wasn't getting a response and you know being the confident man that i am i immediately thought oh my, she hates me on the outs. And then last night she goes, I don't know what time it was, 10 o'clock, 9 o'clock. Yes, a little bit later.
Starting point is 00:07:14 And she goes, OK, tomorrow. That's how it rolls with her. You know how you know you're a baller is when I'm just like, OK, cool. Cut Jason's interview short by 45 minutes and bring her on like we got time yeah yeah yeah yeah speaking of which jason should be here any moment uh he did he did we have been in contact he just said he'd give me one second so i don't know if something's up with his computer, but he was testing his computer prior. I'm kind of excited that he has a computer.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Didn't he have one in the past or no? I don't know. I don't know. But most, I just feel like most of these cats are phone dudes. Yeah. There we go. There you go.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Oh my goodness. Oh, will you fix his name to his Instagram handle? I sure will. Thank you. Hey dude. What's up? Oh my goodness
Starting point is 00:08:06 it's been a minute is that vodka is that titos and soda water it's gonna go early uh so so you put ice in your water and you put ice in your water we live right now yeah oh sick yeah of course i, is it, um, is that your first drink that you've had this morning? No, I got, uh, had a glass of milk, a cup of coffee. Oh, I like it. I like it. Yeah. I totally, uh, indulge in multiple drinks too. You know what I mean? Like I have no problem having a coffee, a water, a milk, like all three
Starting point is 00:08:45 just out whatever i want like there's no i don't have any rules on that my people be looking at me like just go straight to a coffee a milk and a glass of wine please people be like what the fuck i'm like what i mean what there's rules to this shit water water is the first drink um like right when you get out of bed make your glass of water then you get the coffee brewing kind of wake you up the milk is for the breakfast so that's the order i used to at your age i drank a lot so when i was done i would usually like drink like a 12 pack of natty ice or something before i went to bed and then what first thing I would do when I'd wake up is just pour in a pint of water. I would just pour it in, though.
Starting point is 00:09:29 You know what I mean? Like just like just drink it just nonstop. OK, check. That's off the list. I'm now hydrating. That's kind of how I am without that with water, without the maddy. Yes. Hey, and it's nice to see you drinking out of cups
Starting point is 00:09:48 too because in all the videos you see athletes everyone's drinking out of bottles yeah i normally take a bottle when i'm like outside like my house yeah i mean i saw in the um i saw in the uh video your semi-final video taylor had to come over and slap you around because you were fucking with this girl's bottle what in the semi-finals video you had you probably don't remember it was a couple months ago but there's a semi-finals video and you see a water bottle on a jerk box and you see like is this mine and taylor comes over all alpha and shit and puffy chest is like you better quarter final yeah yeah quarter final thank you yeah grabbed you by your ear and was like listen motherfucker yeah i remember that
Starting point is 00:10:31 was funny um there was it was the noble the noble um yeti cup yeti bottle i heard if you drink out of noble uh um cups that lowers your t count dude i just lost mine so your tea count my bottle i got one i got one from the semifinal so i'm good though dude those are the best though the the yeti bottles with the little handle at the top my wife has one of those like the fucking gallon my wife has like the gallon size like the 78 one it's ridiculous i don't know i don't have that one but the size yeah um this is what this is a room in your house this is kind of like i live in a loft so everything's pretty open yeah it's narrow can you touch both sides of the wall like this go like this for me are you touching both sides no not uh three. Your camera, that perspective looks good, though.
Starting point is 00:11:26 You got like the hallway going down behind you and stuff. Is that a new computer? No. Yeah, I moved in October of last year. I think we've done at least one podcast from this house. Yeah, I was in my bedroom that time. Remember that one? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I do. It was the one Danielle and I did. Yeah. I have her coming on at 645, but I'm going to push you off so you guys don't think you're like fire and water. You're really going to push me off? Yeah. Do you want to stay on? Yeah, I'll stay on.
Starting point is 00:12:04 You don't scare me. I have some pretty hardcore questions. I have some pretty hardcore questions for her. It's good. What questions? Man, hers are gnarly. Yeah, we threw a few there. Give me the most gnarly one.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Well, I have a lot of questions about what it takes to court her. You know what I mean? Like how do you go on – in the most gentle way I could say it, how do you go on a date with her? If she allows you to. Yeah. I think you almost got to be a dick. To her. Yo, for sure.
Starting point is 00:12:39 For sure. Hey, that's like the harshest thing Jason Hopper has ever said right there. Afterwards, he's going to call up. He's going to call the church he used to work at and be like, is that okay? Jason, if you go to the bathroom and you only have to pee, but you want to get some Instagram work done, will you lower your pants and sit down? Dude, half the time I go to the bathroom, I sit down no matter what. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Just need the break. I think you either have to be super alpha to do that, like you just don't give a fuck, or you've started taking beta blockers. I'm going to go with your super alpha. I sit on a toilet for like an extremely long time, like probably a 15-minute average. My wife does that too it drives me crazy if i look for my wife i go to the bathroom that's the first place i go to look for i'll swear i was at a wedding on saturday and it was like i was around so many people for like the entire day and i was like dude i need I need a break. And I sat on the toilet for 20 minutes at the wedding. I just need to like, get away and like sit. It's my safe place. Are you, do you, do you stress a little bit at, um, at events? I get nervous. I don't mean because of the events. I
Starting point is 00:14:00 mean the people. Oh no, not really not really no but the wedding what but you did need a break at the wedding well i mean at any event i'm not really like socially being talkative i'm kind of like there for work and business right i'm like no one talked to me and people understand that vibe i um a wedding it's like uh like most of the time I'm always answering questions about CrossFit. They're like, when's your next competition? Next person comes up to me. When's your next competition is like constantly, okay, I'm going to the bathroom. And do you try to, do you try to quickly ask them a question so you don't have to talk and they'll just talk? Uh, yeah. Like I know, like if it's a person i haven't seen in like six months and i know what
Starting point is 00:14:47 they're gonna ask and it's like dude i like try to talk about them like dude tell me about you do you you and then i'm going to bathroom after i went i went to this i went to this event this weekend it's probably like it's the first time i've been anywhere in a crossfit type space in a um in in years definitely since i started the podcast i went to that street parking event and i i didn't expect it basically i went there and people were like hey can you sign my shirt hey it was just basically just people wanted to talk to me the whole fucking time and i didn't expect that and i was with my kids and i was like very quickly overwhelmed and finally my
Starting point is 00:15:25 like after like being there 20 minutes and kind of being bombarded my and I was I wanted to be nice I was just overwhelmed had nothing to do with them I just couldn't handle it my wife says to the people where are you from I was like oh fuck that's what I'm gonna do get some questions going yeah I'm asking you fucking questions the slowdown and slowdown. I don't fucking want to answer any of these questions. I don't know. Stop. Dude, the worst is when they try to have a conversation with you, but they really don't understand what you do.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Like when you asked Eddie Ift if he's a comedian? Oh, that hurt. That hurt. I wasn't cool, dude. That hurt. You remember that? I just fucking watched it last night. Seriously? Yeah, remember that i just fucking watched it last night seriously yeah yeah yeah i watched it last night that was a year ago yeah six well i saw it
Starting point is 00:16:13 published six months ago on youtube okay go ahead so tell me when people don't know what you do give me an example like i know i i work out for a living but they don't know like what crossfit is yeah ask questions like like how much you bench like that. They think I make a career off benching and like squatting and like that kind of stuff. Yeah. I'm just like, no, like I kind of do some running, some rowing, swimming. Hey, it's so hard.
Starting point is 00:16:40 The hardest conversation is trying to explain what I do for a living to someone who has no concept of what CrossFit is. Yeah. I never thought of this before, but what if you just said it's racing? I race. Exercise racing. You don't understand. They're going to ask questions about that. Like, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:00 You want to explain it in a way that leaves no questions asked. That they're just like, okay, nod your head and move on from the conversation. At this point, do you have a script? Do you have your go-to because you know someone's going to ask it? Are you just like, okay, hold on. It depends on the level of their knowledge of the sport. So it's like they are friends, so they have a better idea of what I do. But if it's like a family member friends so they have like a better idea of what i do but if it's like
Starting point is 00:17:25 a family member who like i'm really close with they're like older and they have like no idea and it's kind of like yeah do some running some jumping some some of that kind of stuff i like it if they're older if they're older they're like yeah like how old my uncle my uncle how old your uncle 50 60 years old damn it hey he's like like the kind of guy where you're you would never use the word airdrop like if you took a picture he's like can i have that you're like yeah hold on i'll go print it out you're never like hey let's airdrop yeah exactly oh fuck yeah hey it'll be cool if you get like um people over to HWPO and have them cut you just like a 30-second little bumper on what you do with like Roy McCurden narrating in the background. And then people go, you just hit the button, and you just play it for them, and then that way you got your script all set up.
Starting point is 00:18:16 This is Jason Hopper in his normal habitat. No, see Jason jump. See Jason lift. I need to do that. That's a good idea good idea yeah just a little breakdown you know hey was that blasphemy that he said roy mccernan's name and hwpo in the same sentence i need i need to get these comments on normally when i was on these podcasts i don't have the comments on you don't want them on or off no you know you don't need them on what are you talking about i need to respond oh this guy just said is jason are you gay can i sign up for your fans only page this one person said he is an alpha his coffee says his damn that's good yeah you read the comments maybe we'll have you work on the show dude i got i got
Starting point is 00:19:03 i got this coffee mug from my wedding it was like we both got his and hers dude come on man come on i didn't know you were a pronoun guy that's cool i'm gonna check that out on your instagram profile i didn't know that that's cool it's interesting i don't know if it's cool it's interesting dude it's noteworthy I don't even know what pronouns are. Leave me alone. 315 to 337. What? Your bench went up from 315 to 337.
Starting point is 00:19:42 It's huge. 315 to 337. Where'd you get the 315 number? You you said it Frank came out of your pie hole when in some video I watched last night quarter finals or semi finals or full finals holy shit I did bench 337 my previous PR was 315 yeah I hit 315 when I
Starting point is 00:20:01 played football yeah it's crazy yeah I didn't know I could do 337. I was pretty shocked. Why do you think it went up 40? No, no, no, no, no. 15 plus 7, 22 pounds without focusing on bench press. Grown man strength. Yeah, grown man strength.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Do you bench a lot? a lot getting that daddy strength dude i got a dog i got a dog now oh i thought that we're gonna have some breaking news out here when you said dog i thought you said daughter contraception jason what are you using contraception what's that you mean that's like stuff to stop the sperm from getting to the egg a goalie yeah yeah she's on birth control oh oh you gotta get her off that shit didn't you see that we're trying we're trying to um learn how she like cycles off that kind of yeah yeah religious people that's like part of like aren't you catholic go to the catholic church that's like one of the things they teach the women there how to time your ovulation yeah we're gonna do that
Starting point is 00:21:03 but we're not catholic so we don't we don't do that with them she she has to take take her temperature every day and write it down and then if there's a fluctuation and actually i shouldn't i shouldn't give her advice she'd get pregnant if i give her advice we have some we have so many friends that kind of like did this and they messed up and now they're like parents so it's kind of like right here right here baby right here i hear i hear way more like failures and success stories and that so we'll find out it's actually a trick by the women that's how you have a kid so you should be in charge of uh taking the pictures hey has your body composition what's your body composition how has that changed since you did football um smaller waist bigger waist bigger shoulders
Starting point is 00:21:50 smaller shoulders i think i'm um the same it'd have like three percent four percent body fat so it's kind of hard to lose fat i think i'm really i've been doing a lot of uh upper body stuff since um I played football. So I think people would say, like, I got broader shoulders. So I don't really see that, though. How much do you weigh right now? 220. I weighed 220 when I played ball, too.
Starting point is 00:22:19 So, dude, I can't lose weight to save my life, dude. Do you want to? Not – maybe, like, 215 would be fun but you're so lean you're so lean yeah exactly i can't like i can't i can't get there yeah i'm like where would the five pounds go you you um you don't look big though you know what i mean five percent body fat people are saying three three is kind of abnormal five to six hubby oh god look at hillar bullying you from now he's gonna make a video about you about how you lied about your body fat jason hopper can't say shit yeah body fat is it's it's dude it's in it's under it body fat is. Dude, it's under.
Starting point is 00:23:06 It's definitely. I'm 100% certain it's under seven. I've been tested. Not nine, dude. Not nine. Not eight either. Jason Parker's like 10, fat boy. 13, bro.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Taylor, I will bet you money that it's lower than 13. Hey, I'll bet you it's lower than 13, too. And the bet is you can't make a video for a week. Oh, fuck. He would fucking explode. Talk about edging. That would be edging for Hiller. Make a video, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Edging. edging is um how has um since taylor has uh had his minor setback how has he changed speaking of edging how has taylor changed since he's had that minor setback is it is it is it different being around him is he more uptight is he angrier uh no he's pretty he's been handling really good um. I think he's been killing time with his new programming. So staying busy, just kind of finding those things that fill his CrossFit void. Do you think he's bossy? Dude, he hates people, bro. Is that what it is? Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:24 He'll be like, dude, I don't like people. I'm like, is okay we tell you he'll be like dude i don't like people i'm like bro we don't like you he he's he's i as i build a relationship with him um he's really bossy it's always like oh we're doing a podcast wednesday and friday at 5 30 i'll see you then or i need this right and i'm just like yo yo yo i mean he's alpha as a motherfucker he really is he just sent me a text message um yeah let's see it let's hear i mean 10 30 take my id off your youtube in the in the quarter in the quarterfinals video that we like he showed his id oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that was dude that was quarter that was months ago dude he's gonna text me at 10 30 and say hey my id off your youtube i didn't respond because i was sleeping and then literally
Starting point is 00:25:11 four minutes later he emphasizes the message i'm like dude hey i say it's because i said nobody nobody's watching that video anymore you send him a text message last night i go last night i go hey dipshit your fucking ids on fucking the quarterfinals video adjacent quarterfinal video i go i'm no fucking master criminal but that can't be good you scared him to death man hey so i was thinking about it how how fucked up it is to try to fix that because there's no way you want to pull it down but you know what you could do you could
Starting point is 00:25:47 no no no no Hopper needs to make a coin off that there is a tool inside of YouTube where you could clip that it's just one second you could clip it if you gave a shit looks like he does not
Starting point is 00:26:04 he was like you're giving him instructions if you gave a shit. Looks like he does not. He was like, he's like, you're giving him instructions and he's like reading other texts. He's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Clip it.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I was like, no problem. I'm reading the comments. I'm trying to stay up to date. They're still on my body fat. I really piss some people off with that. You're, um,
Starting point is 00:26:21 you're going to the games. Yeah, dude. You're too. It's dope. Are you going to the games. Yeah, dude. You too. It's dope. Are you going to the games? No. Come on, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Dude, I actually watched the documentary you made from however long ago. Every Second Counts? I don't know. I was watching something across the line. Oh, with OPT, John Wellborn? The one where they got you dirty at the ranch? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:26:49 It really had a lasting impact on you. I was at JR's house, and he had it on the background, and I was like, dude, that's Savant. It was in your prime. Oh, no. Oh, no. oh no oh no yeah my my bench is my bench has not gone up uh 22 pounds i've been fucking around with the bench again uh lately and it has it has uh it's gone backwards what were you guys doing in vermont this last time yeah why why why have dallen pepper up
Starting point is 00:27:29 there i appreciate i think you shouldn't have them up there and head fuck them i know you guys are just trying to head fuck them it was just healthy competition kind of get the the racing mode you know the just get ready um because i who? I train alone, you know. So it's like I need that just a weekend or two to go up there and like be in race mode and have healthy competition. Why can't you be in race mode with Mal? Doesn't she live up there? Well, it's kind of different because we do like different workouts, like different weights. I mean, she's going to crush me in most of the stuff because the weight variations are a little bit different.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Because she has a haircut? What? Because she has a haircut? Sure. Plus, she beats me on most things, so it's pretty hard. It was you, Dallin Pepper, Daniel Brandon, and Mal O'Brien. Yeah. No, just you guys. Yeah. Um, what's interesting is that I saw, I remember, um, when I had you and Daniel Brandon on last about nine months ago, she said, Hey, I'll be coming up there and training too. And you said,
Starting point is 00:28:42 yeah, I know. And she goes, no, you didn didn't know that and you guys have a little back and forth and you're like a hundred percent new so so even back then she knew but was that her first trip up there to vermont yeah i think so she had been i think she'd been planning on going up there like for a whole year now but i don't think she i think she was dealing with some back issues that kind of like didn't she didn't want to go up there being like unhealthy and then what was it like what was it like between you and dallin up there that was good man um we went head to head i'm like i don't i don't have too much like um history competing against them so we only did water polo together so i went up there thinking like, all right, this could like really F up like going into the games.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Like if he smashes me in every single workout, then that's not going to put me in a not good of a headspace going into the, you know, Madison. Um, so I was kind of like hesitant at first, but then, um, just talking to like o'keefe and matt just like hey this is a great idea matt did this a couple times um when he was you know training for the games and just it's healthy we can like if he crushes me in every single workout then we know what we need to work on going into madison and if i beat him in every single workout then i have a bunch of confidence going to madison so it's kind of a win-win situation if you look at it in that perspective.
Starting point is 00:30:06 So did he bring Matt Torres up there? No, he came alone. We came with Danielle and his wife. Oh, but Daniel, but, but Danielle came from Vegas. She, and she came with Justin Kotler too. No, she was in Miami, not Miami. Naples. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I think she was staying there for a while in florida yeah on instagram yeah so uh what was she doing there training with uh brute strength so she oh i'm so confused i'm so i'm so she's just doing a little circuit little training circuit so she trains with but she was at torres's place and then she came up with dallin to train yeah up there did you did she do any work did she or you told to do some workouts that you're like no i'm not doing that i mean i'm i couldn't say no because that was my programming but right she could I don't think she she said no to a couple things but most of the time it was we all did it and that's it and Matt's deciding the workouts for you guys up there it's like when you get there you arrive for your training session he's like all right guys here's what we're gonna do we're gonna start with this and this or do you
Starting point is 00:31:18 get it ahead of time do you like see no it's it's before the day starts so we'll go to the gym and we'll kind of think about what we want to do and go from there. Okay. I also have a question too. Like when you guys get together and train like that, so in this case, it's you and Dallin. Like, is there a time limit on that? Like, is there like two or three days and then both you guys are kind of like, all right, we're at the, you know, the edge of competing against each other for this weekend. Or do you get sick of it?
Starting point is 00:31:43 I'm like, how does that work? of competing against each other for this weekend or do you get sick of them like how does that work um they did a really good job at um like limiting how many times we went head to head so we did a lot of workouts where we would like i go you go type thing um we did a lot of workouts where i would go with now he would go with daniel and then there was like think, 12 work or that's probably like 12. We did like 12 total things. It was probably six like competition races between me and him. Over the course of how many days? Over the weekend?
Starting point is 00:32:14 Three. Three days? Probably a little bit more than six, maybe like six to eight. I don't really know. Damn, that's intense. Yeah. How'd you do? Were you happy?
Starting point is 00:32:22 How'd you come out of there? All fucked up or like, God, that guy's a bitch. I rule. We were really even, we actually kept score. Um, and we, we tied. So, um, it was good. It was a good weekend. There were some workouts that I beat him in. There was some workouts he beat me in most of the time. It was like dead. Even though the, you go, the, you go, I go, um,
Starting point is 00:32:42 our splits were pretty much dead even. Then there was a few races where I edged him out, and there was a few races that he edged me out. It was good. Someone said, oh, wait, where is it? Did you ever see Mal pee against the fence or anything standing? This says, Mal is so alpha she stands when she pees. Did you ever see her?
Starting point is 00:33:03 No, I didn't see that. Okay, all right mal is a bro though for sure she is bro oh that's cool she's a she's fun to hang around for sure will you ask her to ask matt if she can come on the podcast she's gonna say no dude doesn't like this stuff can you ask her from me though maybe just leave seven's name out of it yeah just for me and just try that angle maybe no one likes this stuff no one likes this stuff i'll take a picture of y'all right now and uh go ahead get my good side i've bugged her in her dms a few times i bugged herged her. I think she's 18 now, and her DMs are on. Oh, it's switched over?
Starting point is 00:33:46 You can message her now? Yeah, I think you can message her. I don't think you can message Emma Lawson. Can you message Emma Lawson? No, you have to talk to her in the comments. Really? For the whole world to see. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:34:00 What? Why is that? Because I think she's 17, and she hasn't turned turned off or her parents have told her to turn them off. A lot of young people have that where you can't – if you're an athlete and you're under 18. I can't think of any athlete I've been able to DM who's 17. Yeah, no, usually. Like during the quarterfinals when she won, I was trying to get her on the show, and I sent her – I think what happened actually is i sent her in her comments i said hey we'd love to have you on and then i think maybe she dm'd me back and said hey i'd love to come on and then her
Starting point is 00:34:31 agent texted me and said no she's not coming on she needs to stay focused on the on the competition i said but she said yes. He goes, yeah, but no. We got a yes. I am crazy impressed by her. I'm crazy impressed by her. So are you, right? Very impressed. Why do you put ice in your coffee? We're talking about...
Starting point is 00:35:01 Ice is not coffee. Why do you put ice in your water? Because I like ice. It makes it cold. I know, but isn't it – doesn't it flow easier into your mouth without ice? It's easier to drink? No. You can take bigger gulps.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Make your lips smaller. Oh, I'm glad you made your lips like that. That reminds me. Have you ever thought about an OnlyFans page? like that that reminds me have you ever thought about a only fans page how much how much how much money can i make i bet you at least five thousand a month you're lying no i don't i don't really know what uh only fans is i just know like people post videos and it's like very inappropriate so So I have, I have the inappropriate. I have three friends, two girls and a dude who are on only fans.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And the girls never give me the details. I just know they're on it. And they kind of like, well brag to me a little bit of how much money they make. They'll be like, Hey, I'm a top one percenter or whatever. The guy has been giving me all sorts of details.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Let's see. And basically the guy told me that he um that it's all gay dudes for starters and he's a straight dude well he tells me he's straight but basically there's a menu you have a menu so the other day he was telling me like so for um there's a menu of things people can choose from so for like five dollars and 75 cents um he'll do the splits naked it's crazy right a menu so what would i be able to do i don't know i say fuck i don't know i don't know your special skill set naked but um so do i have to be naked but the other day he showed i know i don't even maybe not maybe not maybe you just made i don't know maybe you and he sells his underwear for 250 a pop this one person said
Starting point is 00:36:53 i could wear my leggings and show my feet and earn 5k wow i believe it wow really yeah the average earning is 180 a month there it's it's a it's a there. It's a weird scene, I guess, back there. I don't have an account or anything, but it's all dudes. Whether it's dudes for girls or dudes for dudes, there's no girls. This person says naked snatches. Yeah, I'm sure. Yeah, I'm serious. They would. Anyway, I don't I don't want to I don't want to plant bad ideas into your head, but it is out there in the world. It's always an option if I lose some sponsors.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Backup plan. And I wonder if you would. I wonder if there's any Nike athletes who have an OnlyFans page. I'll get Bella Thorne. One million in her first 24 hours they call her an actress singer google that girl's name let's see what let's see if it just pops up just tons of porn shit they call her an actress singer that's awesome a performer jason in that in that video um when you're in is jr is jr's name jared james james holy call him james he gets pissed dude is that um oh man is that the coach that
Starting point is 00:38:15 you used to have before matt dude what is this wait wait a second how many followers does she have how many followers does she have 25 million many followers does she have? 25 million. Oh, she's an entrepreneur. She's not an actress singer. Shit. Something. Close your eyes, Jason. Close your eyes. A million dollars in 24 hours on OnlyFans. Yeah, I think she's more of a porn star.
Starting point is 00:38:42 That's intense. Well, Jason, I can't say you're gonna make a million dollars in the first 24 hours but oh well you never know i'll let you know how it goes so so in that video you please that would be awesome um you'd probably get a morning chalk up article about you if you did that dude i'm posting my feet tonight charge Charge $5 a month, get 1,000 weirdos. What video were you watching? In one of those videos, quarterfinals, semifinals, one of those videos I was watching last night, someone asks you a question about who's your coach. And you say, Matt's my coach.
Starting point is 00:39:23 And they go, what about your old coach? And they said, you said, well, I asked my old coach, um, Hey, what would you do in my position? And your old coach gave the blessing to go train with Matt. Is that, is that Jr? No, that's Jared. Okay. Okay. Someone different. Okay. I wasn't sure. And then, and then all the training we see in those videos is that Jr's gym. And then all the training we see in those videos is at JR's gym. Yep. Including that basketball game? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Man, that's a nice. He has a big gym. That's a really nice gym. Yeah, it's like best in the south, dude. Yeah, you look like you're in a professional training center. I really honestly think CrossFit Nashville, I think they call it uh-huh crash are probably the top like in the south i'm not like kidding like i've never seen a gym that looks like it has and just even just the people in there who i saw training uh just in the picture it looks uh holy cow crossfit i think they call it i think it's east nashville
Starting point is 00:40:25 that's where tia works out it's it's a super nice gym too it's it's bigger than crash and it's got like all the same stuff so yeah dude it's that's sweet is there grass there yeah like our turf wow wow wow wow um and also also that video, I see you using an iPhone charger. It really disappointed me to see this, and you're using one of those – I don't even have them anymore. It's like a low-voltage plug. It's the little square one. You know they don't even make those anymore. Okay. okay what's your point what's your point savon my point is is that you're you're you're at someone's house and you need juice and i see you unrolling your charger and plugging it in but the fucking chart like if you're gonna like that charger like will increase your but your your phone like it's like one percent every 15 minutes they sell chargers they don't even make that anymore they have chargers now where you can plug it in and charge your iPhone like 1% a minute.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I'm just disappointed in your technological – The bigger the block, the faster it charges. You're lying. I didn't know that either. That's not a thing, dude. Dude. Are you serious? That is not a thing.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Well, I don't know if the size is just a correlate, but if you look, that's like a nine watt charger. They don't even make those anymore. Show me your little. Yeah, that's a joke. That's a joke. That means you have a huge dick if you use that. I guess it doesn't mean that.
Starting point is 00:41:57 I mean, that thing, that thing is a joke, Jason. Come on, dude. They don't make those anymore. That's done. That's so, that's 2000. Yeah, they're like slightly bigger now, 19 yeah yeah yeah and they're like 16 i think the smallest it makes like a 16 watt charger hey what iphone do you have what iphone do you have iphone 11 who's who's more frugal you or matt uh me you wow oh i gotta turn this lamp back on there it is um look at that lighting stage
Starting point is 00:42:32 lighting he's he's pretty he's pretty cheap um i uh he's not even frugal he's just i went up there i went up there tell me we were playing and we bet a lot. And, dude, he was like. You should bet with him. He lost a bet. It was a shooting. Dude, he let me shoot his gun. And we did one to two. Did he charge you for each shot you pulled the trigger?
Starting point is 00:42:57 He's like, well, that lowers life expectancy of the gun by one day. And that bullet was 87 cents. He said I couldn't hit a target. We bet on every single shot there was 10 shots and i mean the the freaking target was this big but i was shooting at 22 that's pretty much what you're gonna have to do on only fans you just that's it just pretend like you're holding a dick imaginary day yeah so we did we did um um one to two odds and so every time i missed i paid i think five dollars every time i hit i hit i got 10 and i ended up making um 25 bucks i think from him but he was like so mad so mad that he lost 25 bucks that he brought up
Starting point is 00:43:47 a time he beat me in something like a year ago when we first met he's like that's worth at least 18 when i beat you there like matt is alpha dude like matt is alpha like it's he'll like he'll like hold that shit over your head until like it happens. So he like, I remember I bet him a hundred bucks. I've been stupid a year ago. I don't even, I couldn't even remember what it was, dude. And he was like, this happened this time, this date, you owe me a hundred bucks right now. And he literally was like, he wasn't talking to me until I paid him a hundred bucks. So actually he took a hundred bucks.
Starting point is 00:44:25 So were you like, Hey dude, that's two months rent in Georgia where I live? Yeah. He was like, bro, yeah, ridiculous. So he does that kind of stuff. I was pretty pissed. And Jake Marconi is the one that brought it up. Jake Marconi, innocent dude in the corner was like, hey, Matt, remember that time you beat him three years ago matt was like oh
Starting point is 00:44:47 yeah because matt can't remember a lot of things because it's like he has a very bad memory um so jake reminds him of everything good dude jake jake jake jake knows who butters his bread um yeah i was pretty pissed uh in that video also um after in between quarter final workouts on day one you guys went over to jr's house yeah and uh taylor jumped in the pool and you didn't jump in the pool any reason for that i didn't i was on camera no no you didn't get in the pool taylor got in the pool and you just laid on the um on the like lawn oh yeah yeah because it was freezing oh it was oh the pool was freezing wouldn't that have been good for you it was freezing dude dude yeah it would have been good but dude i no i don't like cold i don't like cold water you don't have that commitment
Starting point is 00:45:45 i don't have that commitment what is your um what is your relationship with jr um he's like an older brother what go ahead um older brother um as far as like fitness goes he's like my day-to-day kind of guy um even though he doesn't work out with me anymore um he's probably watching this um he works out with other people but not me so it kind of pisses me off so he'll like dude after i won semi-final or came second my bad i did not win the semifinal um after i came in second he was like dude i'm committed to you like dude i'm every workout i'm yours i'm your like punching bag until madison oh awesome you just done like one workout sent
Starting point is 00:46:39 with since then with me um so like stuff like. Do you think it's cause he's competitive against you? No, he just, no, he, he did. He's busy. He's busy. So he has like, he's got two crazy, and he's got a lot of stuff going on, but I'm kidding. But he, he has, um, given me a lot of this time that, I mean, I don't deserve, but, but he is always busy, and it's hard as hell to get him to work out. But he did say he was willing to be my human punching bag, but he hasn't lived up to those standards. He has not.
Starting point is 00:47:20 No, not at all. no no no no not at all um this guy uh vindicate where you can get your ceo shirts um uh he wants to know why is jr mad all the time he has a rfb bro resting bitch no resting face bitch. RFB. Resting face bitch. RBF. RBF. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like the way you do it. He doesn't talk very much. No, it's kind of cool, right?
Starting point is 00:47:59 We walk past each other. He just went on vacation for two weeks. They haven't seen him. Didn't text him very much we just walked past each other in the gym like expected him to say hey like doesn't doesn't even acknowledge my presence there it's just kind of like you haven't seen him in two weeks yeah if you don't say if you don't say hi to him first, he won't say hi to you? No, dude. Dude.
Starting point is 00:48:26 If I don't say hey to him, he will – I'll be in the gym like for eight hours, and if I don't say hey to him, he will not like say anything. Crazy, dude. It's crazy. He'll walk right past me a million times I bet you Danielle does that to people in the gym I bet you Danielle
Starting point is 00:48:51 won't say hi to you the new girl working out it's like gotta go make eye contact you know what else he does that's crazy what he calls you he'll talk on the phone with you and he won't say goodbye he'll just hang up oh I like that i like that i like that pisses me off dude like i'm like all right see you later
Starting point is 00:49:09 yeah that's so hard god i have friends like that tell me get better there was there was there was about a week where he would like pause and be like okay Jason goodbye have a nice day that only lasted for like six days just to fuck with you he went back to his old ways no I think he was honestly trying
Starting point is 00:49:34 Daniel do you care if Jason's on here I was planning on kicking him off but he begged to stay oh yeah I don't care okay he's gone I'm just shit talking how was Vermont? It was good. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:49:50 It was a lot. We had a lot of fitness and a good time. Played a lot of Codenames, but... What's that mean, Codenames? Is that a game? Yeah. A card game? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I didn't like it i thought that just the the little bit that i know matt i thought it was just a whole strategy to bring fucking you and dallin up there and just fucking scramble your try to scramble your brains i didn't like it i didn't like it at all hated it see here's here's a funny story so i kind of thought it was like that maybe a little bit until because the third day right now's a fucking unit like she can handle so much volume it's insane like she's a machine she just keeps going and i was like dang like they do a lot but by sunday we were all trashed, and I knew it wasn't like that. It was also dead. Well, Jason coughed when you were saying the best part, say that last thing again.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Jason was also dead and wrecked and tired. So there was no way it was just me and Dallin. It was all three of us. Yeah. And Jason clearly doesn't. Yeah. And he's not used to that either. Cause he's not up there. She lives all three of us. Yeah, and Jason clearly doesn't. Yeah, and he's not used to that either because he's not up there. She lives up there, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Yeah. A lot for sure. We were talking about an OnlyFans page and we were saying that Jason could make probably like $5,000 a month just taking pictures of his feet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Probably. She's a believer. Oh, there's an exclusive. Wow. Wow. Those are nice. Maybe more like two. Maybe they're like two grand, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Those are two grand. Jason, are you using the Daniel Brandon toe spacers? Those things are spaced out. Yeah, I do. Use my code, Hopper. God, the last time on this show, she had you bent over. You're coming in hot, Jason, just beating Danielle up. He's warmed up. In Vermont, she told me next time I'm on the Savant podcast, I need to be
Starting point is 00:52:06 more myself. Good advice. Now we get your feet up there. This is the most talkative you've ever been. Maybe reel it back in. I'm sorry. I got bronchitis. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:52:21 Yeah, 100%. Still? Yeah, still. Have you talked to Dallin? Does he have it? No. Yeah. Anyways, I'm trying to be myself. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:52:32 So when you were up there training, you were sick? Yeah. And what's the etiquette on that? Are the other athletes like, fuck you, dude. No, no, no. This is how it went down. He was coughing all crazy. And he's like's like yeah i've had bronchitis and we were all like yeah he's like yeah and we were like all right it's not it's not contagious that's what i told everybody well what can you
Starting point is 00:52:59 pull up how do you know can you pull up bronchitis suza how do you know um it's up bronchitis, Sousa? How do you know it's bronchitis? Did you have to work out a mask for the safety of the others? That's worse than it was in Vermont, too. Does it taste – what color are your loogies? Yellow and green. Okay. And does it have that funny taste, like that really fun, cool taste? What color are your loogies? Yellow and green. Oh, so okay. And does it have that funny taste? Like that really fun, cool taste?
Starting point is 00:53:29 Ew. I'm not swallowing it, dude. I gotta get it out. I know, but it has to pass over your tongue. No, it goes straight up. I just saw you cough and you didn't spit it out. What do you mean you're not swallowing it? Everyone knows you swallow it.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Nothing came up. Ew, he's just bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes which carry air to and from your lungs oh okay so you're fucking you got something else your shit's inflamed but oh you have a viral respiratory infection i'm pretty sure that's contagious yeah no it's not oh no it's not that's all right you know i'm fine yeah down's fine now it's fine everybody's fine danielle i had this um do you remember when i had you and nikki rod on yeah and i and i um and i had asked nikki rod i said hey how do you how do you perform at such a high level and have a girlfriend? He basically said he's had this girlfriend for 12 years.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And I said, well, does she ever jealous or check your text messages or trip or any of that stuff? And he said, hey, dude, if she did, I'd get rid of her. That's not the game. The game is like I'm doing my shit and like getting where you fit in. I'm paraphrasing. And then basically I said, so how do you keep focused on not chasing girls? He goes, dude, I don't chase girls. Fucking look at me.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Like, you know? Yeah. Then I had this guy, Jaguar Heart, on the – I've had these like handful of like – you know, these like pro like masculinity dudes, right? Yeah. And they – She's not buying it. Look at her. And they – their whole thing is like dudes – men should not be focused on chasing women at all.
Starting point is 00:55:09 It should not be something that they do. Alpha men don't do that. What they do is that they have a purpose. Let's say it's like you're a carpenter and you build houses, and the women are attracted to a man with purpose. But the men shouldn't be chasing women i spent my fucking whole 20s chasing women i had the fucking thing all fucked up and ass backwards do you have a preference of a man um we were postulating before you came on we didn't talk about you that much we talked about you last um we were we were that you that the courtship process for you is to be a dick
Starting point is 00:55:46 to you oh my wow i don't want to tell you which one of us said that but he's not wearing a black or blue shirt that's crazy oh my gosh i have the most funny actually story ever yes sure spill the tea get those numbers youtube numbers up danielle for us get to tell that story go ahead blast jason right now yeah please he's got his his cup it's all it's all funny it's all chill so so basically jason thought i had a crush on him let that simmer for a second let's enjoy that let's enjoy that the pause oh let's go ahead and clip it please i heard this and i was like i don't know like i'm dying laughing but also i was like a little like not offended offended is the right word well i was like dang really like so that makes sense that jason was the boy who was
Starting point is 00:56:54 like the meaner i am to the girl in school like the more she'll think i like her like he for sure was that that boy but he doesn't even know how to be mean, does he? He's just a nice guy. He throws a dirt clot at you. He's kind of like... No, he doesn't know how to be mean. I'm a nice guy. I have a very tender heart. He has some fire.
Starting point is 00:57:17 We'll be all joking and he has some fire comebacks. Randomly, though. It's like hit and miss. You're like, whoa. That was funny. That was kind of funny but not all the time has a guy ever has a guy ever broke up with you and like you want to say to him uh you're breaking up with me no no i had a girl say that to me one time no because it always they usually they usually they always come back they always it always well in my case in my case like like a guy will break up with you and like three days later
Starting point is 00:57:54 be like okay i fucked up that was stupid i'm back go ahead treat me like shit more i'm ready yeah i mean i'm here to be abused so there's no there do you, so, so the courtship process with you is. No, I don't think anyone should be mean to anyone, but like, I'll say this. It's funny though. Like men and women, you know, it's always like men should try. And I feel like I always kind of used to think that like, Oh, if the man's not chasing me, if like, he's not doing all the work,
Starting point is 00:58:24 then like, he's not into me, but like a guy wants a girl to try too so so you're as you mature you're kind of seeing you're kind of flipping the script a little bit if you're interested in a guy you'll pursue him a little bit yeah a little bit yeah did your wife pursue you jason or did you pursue her i pursued her yeah that's not the way according to my my uh masculinity guests but i was also i was also a pretty big douchebag in high school that's when we met so dang can you see i can't see that can you see that danielle absolutely damn if we played basketball i just threw a fat alley-oop but he like he had like all his homies with him like it wasn't like just jason like he needed his homies with him to like walk around like a big dog oh damn you know i mean numbers had to have backup for sure what are what are this what do you think the side effects are um danielle of too much attention so you've you've heard like uh you've
Starting point is 00:59:34 heard the thing where you've heard the thing where it's like um fuck that girl won't shut the fuck up she's been hot her whole fucking life and every guy just lets her talk and talk and talk and she's dumb as rock but dudes just let her talk because they just want to fuck her. And there's dudes like that too. I don't mean to say it's just girls, but they're so fucking attractive that everyone around them – and then there's this phenomenon too. There's these famous people, whether they're athletes or celebrities of any kind, and they're so used to just only answering questions that they don't even know how to have a conversation. It's like just – like one time this – one time this this crossfit athlete i said i was talking to who's pretty big crossfit athlete i'm like they wouldn't they would not stop talking about themselves and i'm like hey
Starting point is 01:00:14 have you ever thought about like when you're when you're interacting with the crowd to be asked someone hey how did you get into crossfit what's your fran time and this this athlete said to me no fuck no they only get a short time with me and i need to tell them as much as i can about myself and give them a piece of myself i was like damn whoa really you guys know who it is uh so uh you like the way i use my pronouns so you don't know if it's a boy or a girl? Yeah. Oh, my gosh. That's good. History.
Starting point is 01:00:50 So we've seen – the toes were better, but that cup's good. Jason, can we see the toes one more time? His wife definitely got that. His toes. I would be impressed if he got that. That's three grand. Those are some night crawlers. Those spacers.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Use my code, Hopper. Is your second toe bigger than your big toe? He wants it. He so wants the sponsorship, though. I don't at all. I made so much fun of them at Vermont. You're probably losing. You're missing out on a big sponsor.
Starting point is 01:01:25 My boy, Danielle, my boys, one of my boys toes was like this when he was born, Avi. And we used toes. I would put toe spacers on him at night every night before he went to bed and bam. Really? Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Toe spacers. Yeah. Do you have a coat? What's the name of your toe spacer company? The Toe Spacer. The Toe Spacer. DBE. DBE. toe spacers yeah do you have a coat what's the name of your toe spacer company the toe spacer the toe spacer dve hey do you ask for a little bit of ownership of every company that sponsors you no i never ask do they give what i mean a little bit of ownership her agent ask oh yeah you gotta get ownership of all those companies a little piece yes yes fuck yeah you're daniel brandon oh i also want to propose that you change it from daniel brandon energy to daniel brandon experience oh i think it could be interchangeable okay good because i think that's a little more titillating is that what the e stands for i never knew what the e stands for it's experience the daniel brandon experience oh that's cool i i like that
Starting point is 01:02:30 i like it too i thought it was like your i thought it was like your middle name or something so like we're making some money after my last name do you give me that two bucks no fuck you. It's in the mail. So, Jason, have you noticed that too much attention has changed you, like, for the worse or for the better? No, I'm the same person I was in high school. I thought you said you were a douche in high school.
Starting point is 01:02:59 It's college, I meant. College. Mature. I'm mature, dude. Has it affected you, Danielle? What? Too much attention? Or not too much attention. The amount of attention
Starting point is 01:03:11 has changed you? I wouldn't say it changed me. I would say it's brought a lot of really good qualities out. I think it can definitely be a negative thing like i've seen that i i like have someone like right in my head who i'm thinking of who got too much attention
Starting point is 01:03:30 and it affected them but um i think i i think i have to be more like aware of my surroundings like if i say something stupid like before i was yeah like just living more above approach yeah i mean i'm already like a very like i i like to like just like blast things and like say a lot um but yeah i mean maybe but like also i like don't i mean yeah i'm like i am who am. And like my real friends know who I am. So like, I really don't care. Like if people want to see me as a certain way on Instagram, I'll like defend myself when necessary. Like, you know, people start coming at me with these ridiculous statements of like who I am, what I am. And they really like only know me through Instagram. You know, I'll try to like shut down some of that, but ultimately like, I don't,
Starting point is 01:04:26 if people want to say stuff about me and like never get to know me or never ask me anything that's on them. And I think. I mean stuff like I've known people who have a lot of money and they go, they go to hotels and they expect the people at the hotels to know who they are. Whereas before, when they didn't have a lot of money, they wouldn't have expected that. And I'm,'s not even a i'm not that's not a dig at them or they expect people um like i i guess i guess no one really in the crossfit space is famous but it it must be a little weird for like brad pitt to go somewhere and then introduce himself as brad right he's like like, hi, I'm Brad. And everyone's like, but at CrossFit events,
Starting point is 01:05:06 it is like that for you guys. I mean, every single person there knows your name. And so the whole interaction thing is just off. It's just off a little bit. But like, I think it's the fans too, because sometimes I'll go somewhere
Starting point is 01:05:23 and like people, which I love i love like i really do love it because i feel like i don't know it's like doing something for them but like they act like we're homies already yeah yeah yeah and i'm like oh whoa like we just skipped like so many stages of friendship just come over and give you a hug and whole foods oh absolutely yeah yeah we're like very touchy which is like it's crazy i'm like so used to it do you get recognized in like normal like just around your house and stuff like that do people recognize who you are yeah even like i went to the pool once and like all my girls were with me and we were like we're just gonna go tan and we showed up and this guy was like all over me and was like and my friends were like oh my gosh like they were like
Starting point is 01:06:11 pushing him off me they were like dude like you can't just like touch her like that whoa coming right oh people like people do with me like but i'm so used to it that sometimes i don't even like realize it like was he drunk like a little a little maybe but i don't think like super drunk jason tell us about a time you were at the pool and a girl came and touched you inappropriately his wife i don't have that story my wife is right beside me they fear her we fear her i'm in the pool today so hopefully you know she can scare some people off danielle i'm justin um what's uh what's he like kotler in in your relationship so he said in one of the videos i saw that the buttery bros made with you um he said uh he's basically saying how much better you were than he's like so fired up about
Starting point is 01:07:12 you and he's just like just loving on you so hard he's just telling you how great you are he's so you can tell he's like a proud father like you know what i mean he's like he lived vicariously through the performance you just had um what is that you're still training there right you're not training at underdogs athletics anymore it's a yeah i am it's a flexible really it's it's it's it's uh it's it's binary fluid. It's gender fluid. Yep. Wow. Let me tell you why. Break it down. I'm good. I get that.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Oh, that's all. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. This breaks my heart. So there's, so there's some drama. Now is not a good time for there to be drama,
Starting point is 01:08:02 right? I would say so. Yeah, everyone has to push that down, and you have to be focused at the games. And after the games, someone's heroin addiction or something can come out. Yeah. Holy shit. Nobody wants the full story. Nobody wants to really ask DB what happens ever. I would like to know. I'm just scared.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Welcome to your platform to tell your side of the story. Listen, if you don't have boundaries, people get too close. That's what happened. True. Yeah, I mean, now I need more boundaries, I guess. I fucking hate boundaries. I hate boundaries. Wait, what type of boundaries?
Starting point is 01:08:42 What do you mean by boundaries? Define that real quick. Big walls. Look it, Tom's uncomfortable too. Look it, move on. I know. wait what type of boundaries what do you mean by boundaries to find to find that real big walls look at tom's tom's uncomfortable too look at move on i know i was going to i was going i was going to until she said no one wants to hear the danielle story i really do want to hear do you want to share you want me to kick jason off so we can be alone with just me you and susan no it's okay this doesn't need to be shared okay oh see i was leaning into it i thought that meant go more and the comments clearly read it as stay away i'm taking the high road right now okay
Starting point is 01:09:13 let me just push just a tiny more is it have anything to do with why bethany's not there also possibly possibly okay okay because because i asked i mentioned bethany to delugos and she he said she wasn't there and then alex gazan mentioned something about um bethany not being there and so oh i mean her boyfriend lives in LA and, you know, she wants to go be with him. And like that was kind of known. So it was like, you know, she wants to live by her now fiance. So she doesn't have a story of, she doesn't have a story of drama. Like her story is not as dramatic as your story. Maybe not as, probably not as dramatic, no. But still, maybe a story of drama. Her story's not as dramatic as your story.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Maybe not as dramatic, no, but still, maybe a story there. Right. Okay. Let's let this sit for a second. Yeah, I like it. I like it. I feel good in this. God, you're savage.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Y'all broke up. I couldn't hear y'all. Oh, we were just wondering if that was an HWPO shirt you were wearing because we haven't seen the letters yet. Can you lean back for us? We're just curious. Nike. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Nike. We could talk. Some of the subjects I have is your WODproofad proof bionic app we could talk about that um because i watched that video you made where you're where you do all the lines and shit are they still sponsors yeah yeah that kind of shit like absolutely bores the fuck out of me until i watch that video of you doing it and that made me want to download the app and do it and actually i was i was in my living room watching like videos on you last night yeah and my wife walked in and she saw and she's like good night and then she saw that and even she got hooked yeah did you guys in the test right there yeah no no i almost did i was too tired um but but i
Starting point is 01:11:20 liked watching your reaction when you got your numbers. Like you're such a fucking competitor. Like 94 wasn't good enough. It's crazy. I want 107. Yeah. It's crazy. How can someone be more flexible than this? Jason Hopper is launching an OnlyFans page. And for $5.75, you can watch him do the splits naked.
Starting point is 01:11:44 And snatch naked. Snatch naked. you can watch him do the splits naked. Snatch naked. Snatch naked. Don't you do the splits? It's actually a naked snatch tutorial. This friend of mine, Danielle, who's a CrossFitter, he corrected me the other day. I thought he was a team competitor, but he's not. He's just a hardcore CrossFitter.
Starting point is 01:12:03 He has an OnlyFans page, and he was telling me how it works. I have two girlfriends who have OnlyFans pages either, they never talk about like what it looks like or what they have to do or anything but the dudes will tell me and he's like he basically it's all due to watch them and there's like a menu he puts up a menu and you can choose shit to have them do like and so like give me an example of something you'll do he goes like for five dollars and 75 cents you can watch me do the splits naked no way wait what i like that's it do you have any friends so you aren't only fans i had a friend who was did she talk to you about what the stuff she had to do these two girls that i who are my friends they swear they don't show their vagina or nipple right they tell me that i mean not that i don't judge them if they do but what don't they just call that like lingerie only fans i don't know i tried i know
Starting point is 01:12:55 i don't ever click that button i'm afraid someone it's like it's gonna in my alarm's gonna go off go ahead in my apartment complex there's this girl uh who lives here and she actually has like an only fans she's like talked to me about it a lot i think she's trying to recruit me she has like this only fans uh tutorial kind of like she helps you like navigate OnlyFans and helps new people like start an OnlyFans and helps you stay private. Oh, that's genius. Oh, that's so good.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Yeah, so you could do it, but like the whole everyone in the CrossFit community wouldn't be passing around pictures of you and shit. Yeah, something. Yeah, she like helps girls do it. She's like a pimp. An OnlyFans pimp. Yeah. But she's like super she's she's very nice and she has a really cute dog she lives here what's her body look like he follows me on instagram oh man so she used to do crossfit and she was so cute like had
Starting point is 01:14:01 and then she started doing hwpo and it just went to shit i mean she just has you know i think she just got a lot of like fake stuff oh yeah enhancement investments is what the only community calls it yes investments living in vegas has have you are you tempted to do any of that stuff like start pumping your face full of stuff and like get a fake butt and giant tits or any of that no i already have that stuff yeah right right i already got the real stuff we were talking about jason this isn't jason this is a safe zone don't judge don't like like when you wince your face and shit it's like hard to be real around you it's hard yeah it was like you're judging us awkward i'm judging did i heard that you peed your pants at the mac is that true daniel me oh yeah yeah yeah yeah on the fourth round of the mac mile i was like on the runner and i was like my whole body
Starting point is 01:15:00 was just like done i had never been so like like you're all girls most girls have like peed on double unders and boxing because like you just get so tired yeah like your body's not worried about like holding that shit in yeah so yeah but on the mac mile i don't i've been so drunk that my body doesn't want to hold that shit in. You're just letting loose. You're done. At the Games one year, I was filming Jason Kalipa after I think it was the Triple Threes or something,
Starting point is 01:15:34 and he's laying on the ground. I think it was Triple Threes. Was it Pendleton? Him and Lucas Parker, I remember filming them separately at events and them being like oh shit and I'm like what they're like I'm fucking peeing my pants right now well it was after the event they were lying on the ground and they just couldn't hold it they're just like yeah I'm just peeing Jason was totally they were both totally relaxed they didn't
Starting point is 01:15:58 give a shit but they were just having a full bowel release yeah I mean I feel like it's it makes sense that that would happen on the triple three i mean on the mac mile it was like a longer one and it was and it happened on like the fourth run and while you were running yeah i mean you're just hey dude that's a fans only thing that's the kind of thing i think you could do on fans only you could run a 400 and p and charge someone 200 bucks to watch that i'm'm guessing. I'm guessing. I mean, not for me. Some gray diaper shorts.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Like, depending on the color, you can see more pee. See, she knows. So here's the thing, too. And if you wore a diaper, then you could sell that diaper for $1,000 full of your pee. Because that's what this guy does. He sells his underwear for $250 a pop. I'm not joking.
Starting point is 01:16:44 That's cheap, but. Oh, okay. Now we're getting somewhere. Who the fuck are these people that buy that? And what do they do with it? Actually, never mind. I don't want to know. Yeah, we don't want to know. Yeah, that's weird.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Look, she put a little accent over your name. What does she mean by drink of choice? Like when I go out? When I'm before the gym? I remember last time it was shots of tequila. Oh, yeah. Shots, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Don't waste no time. I really enjoy Palomas. What's that? I think it's grapefruit and tequila and something else. I could be totally missing that, but I know Palomas are good. Jason hasn't had a drink in 18 months. Wow. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:17:34 I took a sip at something at the wedding I was in the other day. Just a sip? Yeah. I do plan on drinking strawberry daiquiris after the game when I'm in Cancun. Strawberry daiquiris? Bro. Who are'm in Cancun. Strawberry daiquiris? Bro. Who are you going to Cancun with? Alpha.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Who's a strawberry daiquiri? Just the two of you? Yeah, we love tequila. Two days after the game, we're going to Cancun. I'm going to be sitting on the beach eating pizza and drinking strawberry daiquiris. They're good. Have you had Paloma? What?
Starting point is 01:18:04 Have you had it? Yeah, they're good. Yeah, Palomas are good. Anything with tequila. Paloma, dude. Strawberry daiquiri. I didn't take you as a blended strawberry. Did you get whipped cream on it too?
Starting point is 01:18:13 You did. Just go all in. Just fucking whipped cream. I didn't expect this. No whipped cream, but definitely. You didn't expect this to be his drink of choice. No, I wouldn't have said that. I'm not super surprised.
Starting point is 01:18:26 I bet you're like, whiskey neat. You didn't expect this to be his drink of choice. No, I wouldn't have said that. I'm not super surprised. Yeah. I bet you're like, whiskey neat. No way. I'm a big fruity kind of guy. Yeah. Yeah, I can see that. Only fans. Only fans.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Watch. For 500 bucks, you can watch Jason eat a banana. For 1,000, you can watch him eat two bananas. Oh. At the same time. Double bananas. You hit the complex 210. I'm getting off. Oh, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:18:58 I love you. Thank you for coming. Thank you, Jason. Have fun on the lake. Bye. Have fun. I love you thank you for coming Thank you Jason have fun on the lake Bye Have fun So what happened You're not at underdogs anymore He's gone you're gonna be more comfortable Talking about this
Starting point is 01:19:15 I know because it was Jason who was really Holding me back That's uh The timing's bad right Someone's kind of devastated. I am devastated because I have this whole... I have this whole... You are? Okay, good. That makes me feel better.
Starting point is 01:19:32 That's good. Are you going to process it good? Are you going to come out stronger? Is it like... Absolutely. Yeah. In the bigger picture, it's not that big of a deal, right? Who knows?
Starting point is 01:19:50 I don't even know. When you struggle with things, you come from struggle. I mean, you're born from struggle. You come from struggle. I mean, it's you're born from you're born from struggle. You're raised in struggle. You're a survivor. When when this you think that you sabotage yourself, maybe I don't even know what happened. But did you sabotage yourself? Was it too good?
Starting point is 01:20:16 And you're like, this isn't good. I'm fucking this shit up. No, no. And and so. What is the go to when shit hits the fan? Typically I would say my go-to when anything happens or when shit hits the fan is to like lash out, be really aggressive, you know? And, but actually this time around it's um not that yeah which is my choice
Starting point is 01:20:51 yeah which is unfortunate because that you're not lashing out you wish you were lashing out almost i feel like it would you know i feel like uh like trying to navigate the right things to say right now um i feel like yeah in the past i would have lashed out and gotten you know these responses and i feel like i'm not lashing out and still getting the same responses if that makes sense which is unfortunate because i feel like oh yeah yeah i've done that i've done that it's almost not yeah it's almost like not reassuring and i'd almost rather just lash out i um my wife's gonna be i'm gonna get in trouble for saying this next thing tommy i understand it's really uncomfortable trust me i i think danielle's so hot i'm fucking so uncomfortable even talking to her i i totally
Starting point is 01:21:43 understand you can you can turn off the podcast though or you can write in the comments of what an asshole piece of shit i am i'm totally fine and i love it that he like yeah i am upset but i also can say that for myself i yeah i um sometimes like me and my wife like we'll be about to get in a fight and i'm like okay i've seen this uh 35 000 times and i'll be like i'm gonna try something new instead of being like switch it up instead of being like i told you to fucking close the front door i'm gonna try i'm gonna try like uh sweetheart um i know normally i lash out when you um you try when i ask you to close the front door i want to try something new what do you think i can try you're an asshole and i get the same response i'm like shit all right well i you know yeah i you know i'm kind of like and then i'm like was i a dick
Starting point is 01:22:30 was i sarcastic when i said it and i'm just trying like to figure out like did i maybe i needed to catch it two steps earlier right um how about this when i got when when i got fired instead of like drinking that i stopped drinking like when i when bad shit happens got fired instead of like drinking that i stopped drinking like when i when bad shit happens to me i start like trying to get rid of shit and like really fucking get disciplined and structured oh yeah and it like fuels me instead of like causing chaos in my life i'm like all right fuck you i'll throw this couch away and i'll get rid of two more friends and fucking i'll change my phone number now what fuck you and i'm gonna read every morning for an hour when i get up no i yeah yeah no i mean like i don't think it it doesn't affect me like that um but i think this is more a situation where you kind of see who your real ones are
Starting point is 01:23:19 yeah but um but but but um sometimes it's really important also just to forgive people. Like you come home, you come home and your friends like fucking took a hundred dollars out of your wallet and you're like, come on, dude. But you're five years into the friendship and it's like, you know what I mean? It's like, dude, don't do that anymore. I love you. Absolutely. There's times to like, and I think people are quick to ditch their friends, which is kind of dumb. Like we should have low expectations for our friends, right? I mean in a way so that we can keep them. Yeah. I mean like – You want me to call someone and help navigate this, mediate this? Just be a middleman.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Love it. That would take an actual conversation. 210 pounds on the complex. You had never done 210 in training. Um, how, how, how, how do you, um, are you freaking out up there? What's the thing? Are you like, fuck you? I'm going to show the world. What's the internal talk to do a lift you've never done in training? Yeah. Well, so we actually had a bet. Um, if I, because i knew that would be my worst event and it was the first one um there was there was always there was also so many good things like it was the worst event but it was the
Starting point is 01:24:32 first one so i'd get it out of the way wouldn't have to think about it for the rest of the weekend that's nice and like just being an athlete and competing. I haven't been competing forever in CrossFit, but I've been competing for a while as an athlete. And I think I kind of knew I could hit 210. You just know what adrenaline does, especially for lifting. But we had a bet on the line that if i could stay really composed um that i would get something so and it worked yeah and i just stayed really composed and what was the bet um that some of my friends would take five shots with me
Starting point is 01:25:19 wait like five in a row bam bam bam or just like my friends that were in aa three of my friends who were in aa and had their like seven year chip had to take a fucking five shots on me fuck those motherfuckers um but so it was funny actually when i hit it i was like i can't be excited because they were like don't show any emotion so i was like i can't like be too high i can't be too low so i was like very calm obviously why no emotion just to not get too high not get too low because i know right equanimity i mean just for the weekend they even killed yeah yeah because i knew we knew it would be my worst finish yeah fuck you were impressive you were impressive that weekend wow thank, thank you. Yeah, it was fucking, it was so cool.
Starting point is 01:26:08 Yeah, it was cool to watch. Yeah, it really was. And the Buttery Bros piece, they did a really, really, really, really good job with you. They did so good. Yeah, they did a really good job. I was really impressed. Yeah, they made Brooke look amazing too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:23 I shouldn't say made you guys look amazing. It was nice to watch both of you in that like i was like yeah yeah um how about this rebecca girl did you get a chance to talk with her much not really no she's feisty is she i mean her she got she got she yeah i think she's feisty like in a good way feisty i think she's cool feisty like playful feisty yeah playful feisty you're not getting a good vibe from her no I think she's cool feisty. Like playful feisty. Yeah, playful feisty. You're not getting a good vibe from her? No, I don't get any type of vibe. You gave her a big hug.
Starting point is 01:26:50 At the end of the Buttery Bros video, you went over to her and gave her a big hug. Yeah, I mean, I was like, congrats. Like, that's dope. I think that when I see the girls go over and give, like, the good hugs, like, Tia will do that and Annie will do that. And I always feel like that's an alpha move. Like, they're the mom you're the mom oh interesting like dave used to say when i worked with dave when i worked at crossfit he would always call me like i'm proud of you and i knew what he was doing like i'm your dad proud of you proud of you is there different is there different types of hugs out there because Because sometimes I see some of the women, like, especially, like, they'll, like, embrace.
Starting point is 01:27:27 And then some of them will kind of do this, like, ugh. It's like, I have to hug you. Yeah, like, we're on camera, so don't make it weird hug. Yeah, absolutely. Interesting. Usually, I'll just dab someone up. You don't need to hug everyone. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wouldn like i'm just like hug a stranger would you i don't know i was in a street parking event and i and i made sure that anyone who came
Starting point is 01:27:56 up to me and hugged me that i gave him like a fucking good hug i try not to let my pelvis touch your pelvis but i will squeeze chest to chest If you're a man or a woman I will try to really hug you And my newest thing is I'm short And I do this thing where I just hug over people like this And I'm like hey dumbass Stop doing that to tall people
Starting point is 01:28:16 So now I just go under I'm hugging a 6 foot 4 dude And I'm just hold on And try to keep my dick off of his dick And then I'm good Everything else is good And I like it I like hugging dude i'm just just hold on and try to keep my dick off of his dick and then i'm good everything else is good don't touch shorts yeah and i like it i like hugging that's the alpha move i like that just give people like mad uncomfortable hugs yeah really just linger a little too long
Starting point is 01:28:38 what do you know about Bitcoin? I mean... Do you know anything? A lot, yeah. You do? You're a Bitcoin dude? Yeah. Because I saw you tag something Bitcoin. Mm-hmm. I'm into it.
Starting point is 01:28:54 You are? Yeah. So which app do you use? I'm not into it at all. I was just going to get a hack. She had that Mercedes. Yeah, didn't you see it? I saw you tagged Bitcoin or something. She had that Mercedes. Yeah, didn't you see it?
Starting point is 01:29:09 I saw you tagged Bitcoin or something. Bitcoin lifestyle. So when I finally got my account back, Cooper was like, let's make this funny-ass video about how you're back and stuff. And it just all came together so good in the video. And I fell for it. Yeah, it was a good
Starting point is 01:29:25 it was a good one you're sponsored you're sponsored by rad yes and that dude benji massy yeah is he cool as shit like so cool he's a homie yeah i perused his Instagram yesterday. I'm like, oh, this dude looks cool. He's so funny, too. And he's just so super funny, genuine. Like, really wants the best for me and, like, everyone with Rad, all of his friends. And, like, fucking hilarious, too. Look at him. Like, with this kid? Like, how can you not? Like, look how stoked he
Starting point is 01:30:05 is with his baby and does that play a fact i mean you were a nike athlete and then all of a sudden you're rad does that play a factor of um of uh you're like okay did you meet this guy and you're like okay fuck it i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna take a leap of faith and go with this startup yeah it was like huge because we had actually met after i want to say rogue like he was at rogue and cooper was like yo like let's meet up with the rad guy because we had we had never met him and he's like let's just like meet up with him let's have a talk and he whips out his laptop he i'm not kidding he has a whole ass presentation on like me and like why he wanted me as their athlete oh i'm gonna i'm gonna do next time i want you on the podcast i'm gonna do that i'm
Starting point is 01:30:52 gonna make a whole presentation yeah so it's a whole powerpoint a whole powerpoint and it was like other athletes we want and it was just like picture like all the athletes we want or something and it was like just pictures of me wow hey go back to his instagram is that him with his shirt off oh he oh my gosh he was a fucking unit yeah he has an insane body yeah wow he was on his team what he was on a games team. Yeah, wow. In what year? 2018? 2019. Maybe 2019? Oh, look. Someone wrote those titties.
Starting point is 01:31:32 Oh, my gosh. I saw those titties, too. Look at his tiny little nipples. God, he's got a good body. Oh, and he can eat. Oh, my gosh. He's got a good body oh and he can eat oh my gosh he's got a nice body nice titties he makes shoes and he can eat eats a lot like we were at dinner after back and um there was this market he would get like when like uh back it up at k brew he would get like two sandwiches like two breakfast sandwiches and these bagels are huge and they're thick and then we'd go out to dinner
Starting point is 01:32:13 and he'd get like two meals like two orders huge and thick like he can put food down someone just sent me a text daniel uh dan, Daniel Brandon loves her some Jason Hopper. And then, and then, and then I think it's, it's a sarcasm. Yeah, definitely. It's definitely sarcasm. Oh, so funny. Daniel, um, can, um, I want, I'm doing this on purpose live with, uh, Ken, I'm doing this on purpose live with 600 people watching to ask you this. I need to put you in pressure. Can I have you on again before the games? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:53 Yeah. Okay, cool. All right. I have to take my kids to jiu-jitsu right now. Ooh. Ooh. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. But we're just getting warmed up and I, and I, and I, and I want to talk to you,
Starting point is 01:33:07 but, uh, and the reason why I scheduled you, I already had Hopper scheduled for the whole hour and a half. And then last night when you, when you, so when I didn't hear from you for a couple of days, I thought, Oh, she hates me now. I know. I know. I know. I'm just an insecure twat to ignore me. I'm just telling you my story. I know. And then last night, you're like, let's do it tomorrow. I was like, yes! We're back on, baby. How come Daniel Brandon is so nice and friendly today? I know.
Starting point is 01:33:36 I know. She's so yummy. Yes. How come I'm so nice and friendly today? Dang, Magnus. When am I not? That just back friendly today? Dang, Magnus, when am I not? He's like, when is she? That just backfired on you, Magnus. You are very, somber would be too strong.
Starting point is 01:33:53 You're not somber. Somber would be too strong. You're not somber. What's brooding mean? I would say I feel like I am aware of what I say. Yeah. Yeah, you're present and you're aware. Maybe a little more reserved.
Starting point is 01:34:08 Navigating. But still real as a motherfucker. Yeah, absolutely. I wish I would have drank like one less cup of coffee. I feel like I'm just like, like I'm rushing you. Yeah, I just feel like I'm rushing you. But I have two recommendations for you here, Danielle. Just that might help the situation.
Starting point is 01:34:26 If you enjoy listening to books, I recommend books all the time. So sorry. But this one's called I don't know. I always do it. I feel like I'm on trick. You apologize all the time. I'm a beta. So nice.
Starting point is 01:34:41 He's the nicest dude I've ever worked with. I'm sorry. So this book called Thanks for the Feedback. I'm sorry. Okay. Thanks for the feedback. Thanks for the feedback. Yeah. It was written by two psychologists out of Harvard based off a bunch of studies they did. And I highly recommend listening to this. It'll just give you a ton of perspective on dealing with challenging situations and feedback from others, even when it's mistimed and frankly, unwanted. Oh.
Starting point is 01:35:04 No, I highly recommend it you know it's a good listen to because there's a whole entire um like back and forth uh how they navigate some of these situations yeah cool and then this one here the last one i have for you i was just listening to the um parts of your situation I figured these two might help. This is called Never Split the Difference. It was written by a hostage negotiator from the FBI, a guy named Chris Voss. I also recommend you listen to this one because there's different tonalities in his voice and the way he does inflections, and it wouldn't necessarily pick it up if you read it. But I would definitely listen to these two. I think it'll help give some perspective as you continue to navigate your career in different situations
Starting point is 01:35:47 you might get into wow i'll shoot them to you in a text this is i'm just so nice as we as we get off the phone here i want to tell you the two situations that pop up in my head yeah one i i popped up in my head that maybe someone you train with or in the training environment crossed the boundaries from friend to romantic. That was like my first place I went, but I always go there. You just wanted to go there. Yeah, I just want to. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just regardless. And, and, and, and, and the second thing I think is, is that, um, uh, there's, there's that infamous story. I don't know how true it is. I forget if it's true or not, but there's an infamous story between, um, Matt Fraser
Starting point is 01:36:29 and Ben Bergeron where Ben Bergeron shared a story about Matt and how he made his rowing better. And Matt was pissed off that Ben Bergeron put that in a book because that was Matt's story. And he wanted to put it, you know, he wanted to wait like five or six years down the road and have that be his story that he's selling his book. I'm paraphrasing and so they kind of had it was a miss he it was a miss it was a a miss you from matt frazier's perspective and i'm paraphrasing i don't
Starting point is 01:36:53 know if this is true but um it was a misuse of the relationship meaning i think matt maybe felt took advantage of um because yeah so those are, those are my, as I drive in my car, those are the two I'm going to play with. Well, none of those. So, Oh damn it. No one put their hand on your thigh while you were on the, like assault bike. No. Oh fuck. All right. He's like, Oh damn it. He's like, oh, damn it.
Starting point is 01:37:24 You wanted to be juicy there. Thank you so much. I bugged you last night. Came on this morning. You're the shit. Love you. You guys are. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Think the world of you. That's awesome. Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, thanks for always being so cool to us. And we will talk to you soon. We'll bug you. Uh, very, very, very,
Starting point is 01:37:45 very, very, very, very soon. We'll just start the text now. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:37:52 Right off. Right. As we get off the show. Scheduling it now. Hey, Hey, just a, Hey,
Starting point is 01:37:56 with the multiple wise. All right. Oh, no. Appreciate you guys. Thank you. Bye. Thank you. Bye. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:38:05 Bye. Bye. Dun, dun, dun. I like this kind of subdued version of her. I used to have this one. I used to have this girlfriend. It was in my teens or 20s, and I thought she was so hot when she cried. It was so weird.
Starting point is 01:38:28 She cried once a month for a week straight. Kind of weird, right? Did something happen? Yeah. Yeah, something happened. Oh, okay. Who the fuck knows what happened. Oh, you didn't know what happened?
Starting point is 01:38:40 No, I never knew. Just when she was just really, like a week before her she'd get fucking she'd be just crying the whole fucking week oh okay okay i thought it was something else uh someone just texted me and said buttery bro said danielle was amazing to work with yeah she's cool shit yeah she's cool i almost when you were when we were talking about the stuff with the underdogs i felt bad not in the sense of that we were like discussing it but in the sense of like it would just suck that she's kind of going through something, you know? Yeah, yeah. Like regardless of what the situation is, obviously, we don't know.
Starting point is 01:39:12 But just I was kind of like, oh, like that's always just kind of a bummer. And it's got to feel weird as you continuously make like more and more progress in your career and more stardom. more stardom like there's more people that are buying for you and your attention and wanting to court you and just trying to navigate all that and then find some sort of like person like hey okay you're truly in it just to help me regardless of how the situation changes would be hard to find you know what i mean like we see it in o'keefe and frazier and stuff like that like people kind of have like their one person to help them kind of guide through all the stuff that comes up yeah i i i want to i i i want to see how she's going to leverage this every time something bad happens to me i just i try to lever bad's not even the right word anymore but i try to leverage it but i but when
Starting point is 01:39:57 i was her age i was way more emotional than i am now that kind of can fuck everything up but i'm impressed i think she's doing the right i think she's doing the right thing by not getting dramatic about it you never feel good lashing out never yeah i mean it probably just goes with her maturity in her career and as a person and as an athlete too like she's like oh you can almost see it in real time when she's like i don't really know how much it would benefit me to act emotionally on this you know what i mean yeah you could tell what's going on there what's happening i've been bench pressing my wife told me last night that my tits are getting bigger nice i'm feeling them okay i have to go i'm going later love you susan i'll call you like in 10 or 15
Starting point is 01:40:33 minutes all right happy for everybody bye thanks for doing this with me this morning of course thank you bye

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