The Sevan Podcast - #482 - Live Call in Show | ft. Hunter McIntyre

Episode Date: July 9, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. I forgot to send Hunter the link. My fault.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Shit. Now he got it. Done. Hi. Good morning. Live call and show featuring Hunter McIntyre. Uh-oh. Oh, there we go. I better go over here and make sure YouTube's working right.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Good morning, guys. I'm tripping on this one particular incident that happened yesterday. Oh, yeah, I knew it. it i knew it i had monetization turned off i have to be making coin off this oh and same with this one there was one particular incident yesterday that um that was uh quite remarkable i feel like it was a monumental moment for the podcast a defining moment for the podcast it was when the great Heidi mentioned
Starting point is 00:01:35 the lady who runs the fake Savon podcast Instagram account she mentioned that she wished Ellie would come clean the girl from mayhem and the girl from mayhem ellie just bam right there in the comments goes here i am what you got i'll talk to you anytime you want and she didn't let it just drop at that either she i mean she was like anyway i thought it was fascinating that here we are on this platform there is this community there are these people heidi gabe richard margarine dick butter
Starting point is 00:02:12 alissa larson alissa car redow bruce wayne there's these people who are just like always on right and they're the crew, the posse. Wow. Oh, shit. Your audio is fucked. And you're in the bathroom. Are you in the toilet? That's the worst audio I've ever had from a guest. I put it on you. Hey, you know what's going on is I think it's the worst audio i've ever had from a guest would you say this is all your fault or my fault i'd put it on you hey you know what's going on is i think it's the mic maybe the microphone on your computer is the one in use go did you see a settings maybe go to settings and then there'll be a tab that says audio and then um for microphone use the drop down menu pardon me yeah that's what i'm saying say something now oh you're good
Starting point is 00:03:09 fuck that was legendary dude i imagine that these kind of levels of miscommunication happen in like fighter jets and shit and it's like life or death and that's the kind of feeling that i had going on things were tingling yeah because you take the show seriously that's what i'm saying dude that's why i dressed up i've been i kind of checked in on your show since i've been gone and i'm not gonna lie you got some half-ass guests they don't personal trainers showing up and like you know like old like goodwill lulu lemon outfits that they borrowed and your boy shows up primed my show is peaking please don't put down my guests I'm just saying they don't care you remember back in the day when people got on flights and they like dressed up really nicely and like it was like a short yeah no one
Starting point is 00:03:56 would have ever been on shorts on an airplane exactly and that's what's happening in the industry yeah I mean this this right here is a $1,000 fur jacket. There was like 75 minks killed to make this jacket. Can you back up a little bit? Can I see it? You see this patch right here? That's a gang patch. That looks like a cotton quilt.
Starting point is 00:04:19 That doesn't look like mink to me. Well, dude, you don't have that kind of high-end screen where you can see all them little furs. Are kidding me i have the seven thousand dollar screen from apple the one that no one has that's cheap shit right there i'm beyond that i might have to put on my fancy glasses for the show today and my wristbands you know because you start to sweat when you start to get excited i do wristbands you know because you start to sweat when you start to get excited i do uh hunter um we had a guy on yesterday uh who popped for steroids at the crossfit games and you're a good dude uh not steroids something else dw f1 51617 and that a real thing i it's it's a bunch of numbers and i don't know i threw the piece
Starting point is 00:05:06 of paper away it's gw51018 i honestly don't know but he popped and then they said and then basically he said he he made a post on his instagram that said yeah i was in a dark place i was feeling insecure is the only thing you know i mean he owned it he owned up to it you know and um and then at and then at the event he he beat he beat patrick velner in event number one and event number two he ended up taking fifth in the in the in the semi-finals that's the event before you go to the crossfit games but but he did win a couple events there and kicked ass anyway he came on the show and he came clean and while while he was coming clean this isn't like a this isn't like one of those confession
Starting point is 00:05:46 boxes though in the in the roman catholic church like i don't give a shit you don't give a shit about what confessing you're an asshat you're a fucking cheater and and it now you're getting some some attention on morning chalk up and on the savan show like cheaters are still cheater it's kind of like you know they made this whole movie about the guy from wolf of wall street that dude's a fucking scumbag he stole money from people and then all of a sudden to get out of being in more trouble he ratted out all of his friends so that he could get a lesser sentence for himself this guy i don't know who the fuck he is but but he's a piece of shit. There's people out there that work their asses off, me included. And, you know, dude, the whole sport, there's so many sports.
Starting point is 00:06:33 It's not specific to CrossFit, but there's just so many losers out there. I'm reading right now about another book about Lance Armstrong and the whole operations they did. You know, Greg LeMond, probably the greatest cyclist in American history outside of Lance Armstrong, he basically admitted that he had to pull out of cycling. Your mom? Oh. No, no, my mom was a babe at the time, and she would be a reason.
Starting point is 00:06:59 All right, all right. But he had to pull out of cycling because the amount of drugs that were so substantial, you could no longer be a participant. So I don't know, man. Whoever this dude is, he's a fucking dick. And so many other losers keep on getting popped for it right now too. I know these people at Coda CrossFit in Colorado, and they're partnering CrossFit out of Oklahoma. They're partnering CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:07:25 One of their business partners beat them going in so they couldn't make it. And they got popped for, not the people in Colorado, my friends, the people out of Oklahoma who have a partner in CrossFit with them, their business partners, they got popped for steroids.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And these are business fucking partners and you're cheating your own fucking friends. I'm like, what kind of douchebag must you be? They got popped for steroids. These are business fucking partners and you're cheating your own fucking friends. I'm like, what kind of douchebag must you be? I mean, you're not even going to make it to the podium in the CrossFit Games. You are basically like a junior varsity volleyball player, like doing some like sandball tournament and you're popping pads. The fuck's wrong with you people? Did I wake somebody up?
Starting point is 00:08:05 Yeah. Fucking, oh, these comments, these comments, like, listen, look at the comments, because they know me. Sevan looks so down. Poor Seve. This is Hunter's last appearance. This is Hunter's last appearance. Why? Because you believe in the underdog taking steroids? This is an amazing comparison.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You're so right. God, you're a dickhead, dude. I mean, listen. Sorry, sorry. I shouldn't. I'm going to say, look at me. Look at what I did. I'm upset that you have a different opinion than me,
Starting point is 00:08:42 and instead of going toe-to-toe with you with opinions, I just attacked your character. It's unnecessary, Savant. Don't upset that you're, you have a different opinion than me. And instead of like going toe to toe with you with opinions, I just attack your character. It's, it's unnecessary. Savant. Don't do that to Hunter. It's unnecessary. Well,
Starting point is 00:08:51 I'm just confused. Do you believe in the storyline of an underdog that cheats to take somebody like Patrick Felner down and you have a relationship with Patrick Felner. I have a relationship with Patrick Felner. I know the person he's a standup person. He shows up, he competes. And now there's some douchebag that's now getting attention right now for cheating and then all of a sudden admitting to cheating. Oh, I was depressed. I had to take steroids so I put some numbers next to it that's whatever the fuck you put in your system i don't give a shit you're a piece of fucking dirt dude you're a personal trainer that showed up to some competition expect to be a fucking contender next
Starting point is 00:09:34 to the real big dogs fuck you bro uh when when when when does he what do you let me let me ask you some questions some leading questions hunter go ā€“ let me ask you some questions, some leading questions, Hunter. Go ahead. Let me try to manipulate you. come clean and instead started suing people versus a guy versus a guy who gets caught and comes clean even before the body even before crossfit or announces it they said come out with your hands up and he came out with his hands up as opposed to the guy who comes out of the bank shooting and starts hurting people you don't have a distinction between those two people no not at all.
Starting point is 00:10:25 It's like me killing somebody and then all of a sudden, instead of getting in a car and driving away from the cops, turning myself in. Who's the better fucking guy? You still killed somebody. Oh, what a saint. He turned himself in. It's just like this dude who shot up everybody in Highland Park. Like he's just because he didn't make himself worse by getting in a shootout with the cops. Like, what the fuck, man? You're still a cheating piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And Lance Armstrong just had more resources to be a better cheater than this dude did. Hallelujah. He was fucking broke and his situation didn't work out. So he turned himself in early. I don't know him. He probably knew the writing was on the wall that he would probably get tested within a certain period of time and you know i'm glad that all these people are getting caught no he did he got he got tested and he popped he got tested and he popped they sent him a letter they said hey um we've we've uh your your urine sample has um a banned substance in it he came out popped and then he came out yes oh so he fucking got caught this dude's a fucking piece of shit there's no way
Starting point is 00:11:34 to support this piece of shit i mean hunter hunter do anything there's no toilet that this dude's deserve to live in he's bottom of the barrel type shit this is one of those toilets you go to in the park that doesn't even have water you just sit in a fucking pool of other shit until they suck it out of there that's how shitty this person is no one no one is suggesting i think no one is suggesting that what he did is right so what are we suggesting but the vast majority well yesterday in the show i made i made it very clear that I think people who attack someone who's down are pieces of shit. Oh, not me. I do.
Starting point is 00:12:12 What do you mean? So you're saying at the crucifix of Jesus, you had to come with a fucking bucket full of tomatoes and just started throwing them at this motherfucker. Listen, there's a million different ā€“ He's already on the cross.'s got nails on a different storylines that you guys can have to make this action that i'm taking right now look bad and if you decide to bring in jesus into this yeah sure you can make me look bad anyone anyone anyone let okay let me uh guy robs a first of all i don't i don't think doing peds in the relative big picture scheme of things is that big of a deal.
Starting point is 00:12:48 But I do see what you're saying. You've given your whole life to a sport, and all of a sudden, some guy beats you because he's on drugs. He gets caught, and he comes clean right away. By comes clean right away, he doesn't say, hey, the only, like, your girlfriend. I ate horse meat. I took a load of hunter semen boyfriend a blow job yeah yeah i got his peds in my mouth yeah oh i have tainted supplements i have
Starting point is 00:13:13 i have tainted baby batter yeah he could have said he you don't you don't like so so now he's down on one he's down on he's down on one knee. He's tapped, right? He tapped. Yeah. He tapped. Yeah. And you think that there's a reason to continue to drag him through the mud? 100%, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Fucking down to the back of the truck. I don't think you mean that. Dude, here. Let me explain something to you because you've never been in this position before, so I really need to break it down. So you think I should be mad at podcasters who you who are using adderall no not at all this has nothing to do with that podcasting doesn't have any kind of measure metric where it's actually on the floor it's just something where you're you know these athletes right here are working their asses off and they have very limited times where they
Starting point is 00:13:59 get to be in such an experience to earn a spot then then earn a spot to the crossfit games and if you're competing on a level playing field which is this and you're always bitching and moaning about guys and girls getting into the same sport so let's just level this out if you're taking hormone replacement therapy or any kind of enhancement you take yourself from being a man to a superman so if you're gonna fucking get upset with men and going to compete against women that's the same exact playing field dude you have to understand if you are taking things that make you unnaturally no one's justifying the cheating i'm with you 100 no one's saying that you should that it's okay to cheat okay so now hear me out i didn't finish these limited opportunities that we have in our
Starting point is 00:14:39 life to show up at our personal best if it's robbed by people who show up who are cheating it's one of those things where you don't get that back. Right. Patrick Fallon, or this may be his last year. Let's say that. And he went through and he lost his say, uh, he didn't get to win because he lost, got beat twice by this guy who was cheating. There's only very limited amount of experiences in the athletic realm in your lifetime. Not all of us are like Tom Brady, who are going to make it to 65 playing football. This is a really rare, rare space of time. And it's one of those kinds of things where it's sad to see people cheating and taking that away. And CrossFit's just so rampant with this shit. And their excuses are so, so fucking massive.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Like just because one guy decided to show up to the table and say hey you know what i got caught and i really got caught it it doesn't make him a better person i want to make sure that all of you listening to this that are probably going to the gym right now and thinking you're going to make it to the crossfit games but don't really know how to get there and going to take to get there i'll find you and i'll get you and i'll fuck you up on Savant's show Iami Mitchell, you can't make excuses for a cheater, no one's making excuses I agree with her, if he was a good guy he shouldn't have competed, okay
Starting point is 00:15:53 he got cotton fessed up, okay yep, this is very succinct doesn't make him a good person I uh okay, I agree with that but what's this mean drag his ass my point is this he's already down doesn't matter why why walk by and spit on him why go out of your way why go over to his instagram account and because he's down dude stone stoning in the streets was a thing
Starting point is 00:16:21 back in the day so the people in the community really knew the gravity of the punishment. Here was my argument, Hunter. Here was my argument. Would you rather have a son or a daughter who got caught for doing PEDs and came out clean? Sorry, sorry. Who got caught for doing PEDs, yeah, and came clean with the story. sorry sorry we got caught for doing peds yeah and came clean with the story or would you rather have someone your son or daughter be someone who trolls people who did that on their internet account and talk shit about talk shit about them be like you're a piece of
Starting point is 00:16:56 shit you should die i would rather have this guy as my son than a fucking maggot or a hyena or a vulture who preys on people who are down this isn't this isn't praying dude i didn't even you brought this subject up whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this isn't praying i didn't wake up today and put this jacket on say i'm gonna tear this dude a new asshole but if you bring it up i'm gonna share my opinion on the matter i i agree i i and i i'm with you i'm with you i'm with you i think that it's it's a um to attack people who are wounded and who are down is is is is bad is in bad taste i'm not getting up out of my chair for this guy i'm fucking comfortable but if you're gonna wake me up and we're gonna have a podcast at seven in the
Starting point is 00:17:38 morning you're gonna ask me in my opinion i'm hopped up i didn't ask you i didn't ask you at all you did fucking too you brought it up i've never asked you listen i'll dropped i didn't ask you i didn't ask you at all you did fucking too you brought it up i've never asked you listen i'll drop it i've never asked anyone i'll drop it it's not my thing there's no benefit for dragging someone all it does is hurt the person who's dragging them i know thank you mr brandstetter i i i i'm glad you came on here you these are all this is this is a passionate articulate concise um uh uh logical uh oh oh my phone might be off hold on give me a second uh yes connect it to the smartphone it's now connected oh people are calling i did post on my thing and said people should come on and do it all. If you drag oil, blah, blah, blah, tainted supplements, future.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Hold on, buddy. I re-upped my phone today. I bought more minutes. Sometimes the data bill is going over the top. No, I updated my iPhone fucking software. Don't fucking trust Apple, man. I never do the updates iphone 17 coming up soon let's go roadcaster pro uh no you i you bring up some very good
Starting point is 00:18:55 points on exact on on we needed to hear this i needed to hear this this is all good this is all good i just don't no no you can't you can't call You can't call Joe. You can't. You got to stop. Hello. Guy from Britain. I don't think anybody's calling, brother. They are. I don't think anybody wants this heat. They do. Nobody wants this guy. Oh, no, I'm sure. Let me. Would you like to pair a smartphone, tablet or computer? Yes. Rodecaster Pro is now discoverable. Dude, you know you know what on these nice tight thighs of mine i think i got a little bit of poison ivy i got the itch baby i got the itch it's good for you to come on here because yesterday i we need to hear he had a bunch of support in this fucker well i do so i do support him but i well more than i do more than i more than i support him i don't support people
Starting point is 00:19:46 going after him he's he's already paid the price but he's paid any fucking price but i'm no fucking athlete what do i know is is country bumpkin crossfit and he's going to keep on personal training people and no one's going to give a shit but the people that he robbed the opportunity from are going to remember that day forever. And I would just sit there with a fucking, like a blunt piece of steel. And I would just sharpen that thing day after day until I encountered that guy next. And I'd prison ship them real quick,
Starting point is 00:20:13 pop, pop two in the ribs, then slow bleed out. No, you would not. A hundred percent, dude, you can't cheat the game,
Starting point is 00:20:19 dude. I feel bad for anybody who competed against this guy. But you know what? You should be inspired that you put the beat down on a dude who's still cheating that pussy. Where's the free, where's the forgiveness in your heart? There's no forgiveness.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Listen, I'm just saying, okay, let's go, let's go to like a really, really extenuating circumstance here. Ted Bundy killed a fuck ton of people, tons of people.
Starting point is 00:20:43 He never admitted to the fact that he fully killed these people. You're telling me that this dude deserves his day in Jesus's sunshine if he said, oh, well, actually, guys, I did kill all these people. And everyone's like, forgive him, forgive him, forgive him, forgive him, forgive him. He can't clean. Fuck him. forgive him forgive him he he can't clean fuck him that guy burned he got fucking cooked in electric chair i think or lethal injection whatever it was but no i'm just telling you man i'm glad that these people are coming out in the public and getting a little bit of chew down okay ready i posted this yesterday this is gonna really light you up ready yeah let's see this mean things to you and then i start to imagine even one step further what if i was those
Starting point is 00:21:32 people's father i would rather have you than someone spitting on a man when he's down i would rather have joyelle any fucking day of the week. As my son. I'll take a thousand Joyels. Before I'll take ten thousand of these guys. Who will spit on. None of those people's parents are proud of them. All of those people's parents are embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Because. A true warrior. A true man. Wants to tussle with. The biggest monsters. Not a wounded soldier on the field. And I see people... That's it. That's it. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:22:14 He says people come over to his DMs and just say the harshest shit to him. What do you expect? I'm not arguing that. I know there's a lot of scumbags out there. You do the crime, you do the time, baby. Yeah, but everything you're saying is valid too. I'm not arguing with anything you're saying. You are a competitor in that space.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Like, basically, I would be pissed if someone had a podcast that competed with my podcast and every morning they came over and fucking clipped my fucking internet. And my show was 10 minutes late and I had to go out there. Like, I get it. That's a dirty game, but I like that stuff. I'd be pissed. I hear you. Listen, I'm not trying to cast haterade on this specific person.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I don't even really know his name. I don't know his name. Too late. I have never even mentioned his name once in this podcast. It's kind of a blanket statement. You cheat. Fucking, you're going to get cooked. And people love it that you come on here and just fucking slap me around.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I give the people what they want. I never specifically said that you were a bad person either. Not specifically? No. No, man. Who put this thing together? Me. Myself. Who do I trust? Me. these are guys got a good point and like you back in the day if you were playing in a good old
Starting point is 00:23:40 country bumpkin cowboy uh some cowboy deck dealing, some poker, and you got caught and you dropped some aces that you had up your sleeves, they would just shoot you on the spot. Nowadays, everybody gets to be coddled and will comb your hair and give you a kiss after you got caught cheating. I believe in the old days of just gun them down. I'm with you. Listen, so the main reason why i brought this up is for is is uh not so that um i could grab my ankles and hunter could fucking have a
Starting point is 00:24:12 cold one this morning but um there's someone wrote in the comments here i'm trying not to see it as a double standard but the way you talk about people from hq seems like a paradox when it comes to your support of this athlete as a son for you to forgive and a wounded warrior example uh this guy is down and out he's admitted his fucking problems and i'm just saying that people who go over and spit on him and be like you're a piece of shit after he's already like hey i know i'm a piece of shit i really fucked up and i regret it and you have to come over and fucking spit on him that's bad when i talk about catcher and that's not what i'm doing she took from the largest publication in the fucking world the new york fucking times
Starting point is 00:24:45 from her platform of 1.6 million followers she wrote a bunch of lies about me and i just tell the story i'm not even talking shit about her this is katherine the fact that she's a woke fucking joke is not me talking shit about her it's a fact and i back it up with facts what if i were to if i were to come on here and be she's you don't know that story it's a whole nother story the fact that i fucking went after bob e Eubanks or Dave Eubanks i'm pointing out the facts i'm just pointing out the facts just like hunter pointed out the facts this motherfucker cheated and he took shit away from someone else don't try to compare the two catch him was never down on one knee i was actually down on one knee i was fucking wounded and she went out of her way to try to
Starting point is 00:25:41 espalme me but i mean i i'm what what happened you don't know that story give me a told me abbreviated paraphrase you remember back in the day when you didn't want to read a book there was that uh that website you go to and they would just paraphrase every chapter what was that called it's like sparkly notes it's fucking great i never read a book in my entire high school career here's some guy named duber fucking agree he only admitted because he got caught though yeah so what i don't get what i don't get the point of that with what do you think do you think that this guy do you think that this dude that you want to be your son instead of me which i know that's. Do you think, based on your brief period of time of hanging out with this dude, that he would have come clean if he didn't get caught?
Starting point is 00:26:30 How about that? Of course fucking not. Well, then he's a cocksucker. Fuck him, dude. What the hell? It's not even the point. It's not even the point. What?
Starting point is 00:26:39 Those are emotional ā€“ you're trying to change the subject. You're making emotional ā€“ these are ā€“ I don't know if you are. That's a subject change, and those are emotional pleas. You're talking about this person's moral fiber. You are celebrating his moral fiber. You are celebrating this man's moral fiber. Hey, there's a lot of other ā€“ You're celebrating this man's moral fiber, and you just admitted to me that you do not think that he would actually come clean.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I'm not celebrating. He would have glided straight into the CrossFit Games and then danced his way all the way to the top and probably kept on pumping whatever he pumped into his system all throughout the CrossFit Games. That was very well said, what you said. And thank you for bringing that up. It's not that I'm celebrating at all his moral fiber. What I'm doing is I'm passing judgment on those who spit on a wounded man regardless of spitting on a wounded i know i know i'm not saying you are i'm not saying you are
Starting point is 00:27:32 i'm not saying you are listen it is i'm not saying you are by the way i'm just that was my premise of the whole thing to specifically go after this person and just i agree with you he's a piece of shit cheater right that there we go that those are the facts he's a piece of shit cheater right that's that those are the facts he's a piece of shit cheater what i'm saying now is that people shouldn't come out of their way and put their cigarettes out on his back listen people pick another hobby how about that but he's still a cheater i agree i'm not saying he agrees he agrees with. He's disgusted with his behavior. He agrees with you. All right. All right. He agrees with you.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I'll leave it. I'm putting away my guns. He agrees with you. Putting away my guns. You know why they buried Liberace face down? Have you seen the Liberace movie? So his friends could come by and have a cold one. Nice.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I haven't heard that joke since the 6th grade. That just popped in my head. Well, the Liberace movie with Matt Damon is super creepy. My brother suggested to me, he said, you're going to really like this. And it was like, whoa, this is heavy. I didn't even know about this guy. I'll check it out. Sevan, should people not kick him while he's down because it hurts his feelings? No.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Fuck him. You shouldn't do it hurts his feelings No fuck him You shouldn't do it because it's bad for yourself Don't worry about him Not in the slightest Not in the slightest Well listen I'm not gonna lie I got really revved up over that
Starting point is 00:29:00 What are we gonna talk about now What's like a softer subject We can both just go through cheaters now the giant could you tell me what katrin did to you because i just i want to personally hear this and we don't have to get deep oh we can but i'll just i'll just tell you really quick because these fucking uh this crew of beautiful people have heard the story a million times. The New York Times wrote an article being very ambiguous about a interview I did with Stacey Tovar. In that interview I did with Stacey Tovar, I asked her about what kind of birth control she was on. And the New York Times painted it like I was being really sleazy to her. And what's
Starting point is 00:29:41 interesting is I had never gone back and read that article. All right. Sorry. I'd never gone back and listened to that podcast I did with her that the New York times was referencing. And recently Andrew Hiller played a clip from that podcast. I wish I could play it for you right now. What was the core of asking that question? Just out of curiosity. You mean like, why did I ask it? Yeah yeah was it like tied into another conversation like hey does hormones get really affected weird well well you'll like this so she she's kind of taken aback right when i ask it like you could tell it made her uncomfortable like and then she said then this light went off and she shifted gears and she said actually and she was retired
Starting point is 00:30:23 by the way when i was interviewing her she was actually a bunch of girls who were at the crossfit games told me that they were on the same birth control as me she was taking the pill and and she says what what what exact birth control she was on she uses the medical term for it or the or the name right and she says and when they got off that pill they all got stronger and their performances skyrocketed. It's a beautiful moment. It's a fucking beautiful moment in fucking women's knowledge, women's rights, information that's super important to women and games athletes. So what did you get? She she she got. Well, they left this.
Starting point is 00:31:01 And I can't. Well, they left this ā€“ I can't ā€“ the New York Times basically said something like, I can't believe Sevan Matosi, one of Greg's generals. That's what they said. I'm not one of Greg's generals. I'm a chief marketing officer, the executive media director of the fastest-growing company that's ever been on the planet, from 300 gyms to 15,000 gyms on seven continents in 162 countries. I have no peer. thank you yeah and and um instead of like saying that and then saying that and it was a fabulous moment because then more sevan broached a topic that was extremely sensitive that a lot of people are afraid to and now women can hear stacy tovar's experience with this birth control and they can get off it
Starting point is 00:31:42 so their performance can it could have been spun like that instead it was left in this really ambiguous nature none of that was went into it was just like stevan uh um uh fancies himself in asking tantalizing questions and inappropriate questions about women's birth control something like that about women's vaginas didn't even say birth control it's just like something like that and when i went back and heard i'm like holy fuck i'm so kind and respectful so what was so so katrin david's daughter reposted that on her fucking instagram this is a woman who i've gone completely out of my way to glorify do you know why she would do that she's a fucktard and i mean that in the most scientific way she's a woke retard she was jumping on the bandwagon of fucking wokeness the same people who thought that it was okay to attack police just because of because police hurt
Starting point is 00:32:33 black people and now two years later a black on black homicides are up 34 because the police aren't engaging in those neighborhoods they refuse to acknowledge that instead of catcher and saying oh my god that was fabulous what Savant did. I should come to his defense. He spent the last five years of his fucking career helping me, promoting me, making videos of me, making me fucking look great. He's so kind to me. He goes out of his way to help me. He's been the nicest fucking guy in this space to me.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Instead of saying all that, she took what new york times says and just fucking ran with it and just posted she probably doesn't even remember posting it when did this happen two years ago then i basically got fired that was the fucking nail in the coffin that got me fired from my job at crossfit inc now trust me like i don't care like in the big picture of things i don't care people like oh he's an angry bitter man or he's complaining this is just the story and i love the story i fucking it's my story i can tell as many times as i want the time i went to the drive-ins with hunter and he tried to fucking touch my penis and i said no i'm telling you that story to brag that hunter finds me attractive well that's and i'm telling you this catcher story because i think
Starting point is 00:33:45 it's fucking a cool story to tell and then rosa and then and then there's a whole cascade pieces of evidence that have come back to me that that's basically was the nail in the coffin even when rosa came on board and he saw that article from the new york times because he's a fucking moron of the highest level two and i mean that in the clinical sense he is a moron like like not an intelligent kind helpful thoughtful person at all yeah and this is a fucking bat swinging day dude we are hitting some dingers and uh and so and so he and a liar to the community he he claimed ownership of uh of crossfit inc when. when he's not the sole owner, maybe only 2%. I mean, they won't even tell the affiliates. Everybody knows that, though.
Starting point is 00:34:31 You'd have to be stupid to think that this person who owns an affiliate. There's a lot of stupid. I mean, he's stupid. He could have easily just gone back. He could have called Stacey Tovar, the girl I did the interview with, and said, Is someone ever weird to you or trip you out? And she would have been like, No, he's been to my house fucking twice. He's friends with my husband.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I've been on the podcast four fucking times. What? I'll explain this simply to people who don't understand this. Everyone thinks that Elon Musk is buying Twitter right now. Elon Musk acquired a bunch of money from other people as just being the spearhead to buy Twitter. That's the same exact thing that Eric Rosa did with CrossFit. You guys would have to be stupid to think that people just have this money
Starting point is 00:35:06 sitting in a bank account waiting to easily throw at all these endeavors. It just doesn't happen that way. And I'm not kicking Katrin when she's down. This fucking woke joke was kicking me while I was fucking in a tumultuous time in my life. Are you talking about the girl that didn't qualify for the CrossFit games? Yeah. When Greg put Floor 19, she posted, I'm out.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And so now I think it's funny. You're right. And I'd have cracked some jokes like, now she's out. You're right. You're right. Oh, digger. Get her. Get her.
Starting point is 00:35:36 But I love it. This is the whole thing of why I have a podcast is to tell these. Yeah, thank you. It's the whole reason I have this podcast to tell these stories. Well, I think ā€“ You know what, Dick Butter? I'm going to tell a two-hour version of this story sometimes. I did it on my Instagram.
Starting point is 00:35:50 It was fucking amazing. I did a two-week version of this story. How about the fucking shitbird who wrote the article for the New York Times? That fucking cunt. Well, dude, people just love to write sensational-type shit. I mean I really think remember how all that stuff that happened that kyle rittenhouse this is going to really open up a can of worms and people but you mean you mean you mean you mean the guy that got out of jail um that night for um
Starting point is 00:36:17 sodomizing a handful of boys between the ages of 7 and 13 who was walking around screaming you fucking i don't know the worst the worst racial slur you can say okay when they get in trouble white guy and he fucking attacked kyle rittenhouse and kyle rittenhouse killed him i mean that that night but i'm just saying the media the things that they wrote about that ā€“ Fucking Rittenhouse is a hero. Before getting the details right, I mean that's a huge lawsuit that should have been acted on. I don't think he's pursuing anything. Oh, he's suing the fuck out of them. How about this?
Starting point is 00:36:55 I saw a poll the other day that 65% of Americans think that the fucking ā€“ that the Supreme Court made abortion illegal. That's another thing that fucking guy Dave Eubanks wrote. Is that the guy who wrote about you? No, it's just the head judge of the CrossFit Games has lost his mind. He's gone off the deep end. Is that the guy with all the tats? No, no, no, that dude's cool as shit, Adrian Bosman. He now does the programming for the games.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Who's the head judge? I think it's this guy Dave Eubanks just got promoted to head judge. What's going to happen with Dave Castro? I didn't really watch your episode. What's the role that he plays now? Going around and kissing babies at affiliates. That's dope. That's a good job.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. And isn't it amazing? Rory Marlow. Also, Savant ironically had the same birth control with katrin's best friend annie and it was another great interview just a few weeks ago i had annie on and we talked about birth control and she was happy to talk about it it's an important subject to talk about it's a very important subject to talk about
Starting point is 00:38:00 hey do you know how happy i am that you're on the show with me this morning i am too dude sorry my phone went off and um i thought that i had forgot appointments never forget that people actually believe one way oh dude that was so funny we used to get yelled at in boulder still the worst city in the united states standby one second standby one second hunter i want to hear that thought of yours uh uh hello miss cabinets hi the cabinet gal yes hi uh hey how are you i'm wait i'm how could i be any better with looking at hunter i'm smarter for standing at that outfit yeah i know he's fucking cool as shit
Starting point is 00:38:43 those glasses i don't know if you can top those savannah i can i can i can read the glasses I'm smarter for staring at that outfit. Yeah, I know. He's fucking cool as shit. Those glasses. I don't know if you can top those, Tavon. I can. I can. These are reading glasses. All right. Prescription. How can I?
Starting point is 00:38:54 Is Sousa with you today? Is Sousa with you today? He's not. He's, I think he's like, he's, he, I think whatever the special forces is for the Air Force, he has a contract with them. And I think he's like, he trains their kids or something. He's got, so he's a big,
Starting point is 00:39:07 we need to, we need to do a poll. The poll needs to be, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:39:15 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:39:15 no, no, good poll for the, for the chat group. Those polls are good. All right. We need a poll. What is the funniest story?
Starting point is 00:39:25 Your, your, uh, deuce in the van. Yeah, that's a good one. Or the crabs in the Altoids. Man,
Starting point is 00:39:32 man, man, man. That one was good too. I don't know these stories. Have you ever had crabs Hunter? No, I don't even know how people get crabs.
Starting point is 00:39:41 You fuck someone else. Your push up against the against i get the act but i've never even encountered in my 33 years on this planet anybody who's had crabs i feel like it's just one of these things that the health you know teachers used to talk about to us i had craps freaked out i had craps but you were sexual intercourse or just the fact that you were homeless around dirty people i was actually living indoors at the time. I mean, who knows? I could have been over at your house sitting on your bed in college smoke and taking a bong rip and some crabs from your bed jumped on my bed.
Starting point is 00:40:11 But they do eat the pubic hair, and then they sit in the follicle where they lay eggs. And so they're sitting in your little follicle like this, and when you can scratch them out and throw them in an Altoids container and look at them, and they're little crabs with pinchers. That's gross. Oh, come on. It's not gross. Come on.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Have you ever heard of scabies? It's funny. Yeah, I never had scabies. My friend got scabies when we were working at the GAY bar. You worked at a gay bar? I didn't know that. Oh, yeah. Did you make coin?
Starting point is 00:40:41 Crazy money. Best time of my entire life. Did you ever take a picture of your butthole for a guy and give it sell it to him or give him your did you ever take your underwear off in the back and give it to him cameras weren't that good back then dude we had like blackberries and flip phones um but it was the greatest time of my entire life i i really just could not have been any happier had so much fun my best friend and i started working there because we had no money. We couldn't get hired at restaurants. We couldn't get hired anywhere. Nobody wanted to hire two young guys in Providence. They just were like, what are you going to do for
Starting point is 00:41:13 us? And we're both jacked looking wrestlers. And we're like, dude, let's go to the gay bars. And we got paid paper and I got wasted all the time for free, which is like the ultimate dream. One, you get paid and two, you get to drink for free. And it's like, there's no straight bar. That's just going to be like shoveling drinks in my mouth. If I work there, they'd be like, shut the fuck up and go wash dishes, butthead. What if your son, what if your son Hunter got caught for doing steroids? Would you have compassion for him?
Starting point is 00:41:41 No, I'd wreck that dude. I'd wreck him because he needs to learn a lesson. Just like my dad wrecked me when I did stupid things. You know, I got in a lot of trouble when I was younger. I never did steroids and got in trouble for that with my dad. But like when I would get arrested and do stupid shit, like there was consequences. Like that's the world that we live in. You cannot not have consequences related to bad actions. And that's the world that we're in these days. Everybody gets to get away with just doing stupid actions. And that's the world that we're in these days. Everybody gets to get away with just doing stupid shit.
Starting point is 00:42:07 And it's just like a pat on the back society. You're a good dude. I like that. I like that. Miss Jodi, we're about to talk about grocery aisles. Is there anything else I can help you with? I do. I can't do the poll.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I don't know that. I don't do YouTube like that. But when those guys come on, I'll bring it up to them. All right. I was wondering, uh, what Hunter's favorite beach in Rhode Island was. Oh,
Starting point is 00:42:29 uh, it's called rejects beach next to the gooseberry beach. And, um, and Newport beach beach. Oh, you're in the Newport. You,
Starting point is 00:42:37 you like the Newport area. No, I was always in Westerly and the Squamica. Uh, you're too far South. I'm a really big fan. Yeah. Go to Narragansett and then
Starting point is 00:42:45 go down towards um yeah narragansett is great yeah i love narragansett so the the beach is in between um narragansett beach and uh i guess it's like old eastward and stuff like that there's this like rock all these rocks and stuff that go into some really nice sandy coves you can go fishing in best part of rhode island don't share that yeah that is a really nice area yeah and then we just lost 50 viewers enough of this nonsense bye-bye okay okay so so sorry uh always nice to hear from miss miss jody the cabinet lady uh so so this this was a real thing in california no this existed in boulder that's where i first learned about this never forget that people actually believe one-way grocery aisles would save lives whole foods boulder yeah we used to get screamed at um for going we would go underneath the tape
Starting point is 00:43:36 that would try to keep you directionally because i was like you're telling me i have to walk a football field this direction just to come back and grab one piece of food. That's like five feet away from me behind a piece of tape. I was like, not playing by these rules. And we used to even like people were coming in. This is the beginning of COVID. They would have like full blown Everest jackets on. I'm talking about really thick down jackets over the top with goggles on and rubber gloves over the top of their jackets with tape around them and it this was where do you think people get their information from that they thought that that that was necessary where any person that wrote about you and that uh you know that uh hormone-based therapy abuse therapy that you put on women they got it from katrin's daughter
Starting point is 00:44:21 exactly did it was her fault it's it's it's amazing to me the um you went to college for eight years not you a rhetorical you and you're so stupid still that you think that this you don't realize that you were brainwashed instead of educated it's fucking crazy well that's a big can of worms you don't want to open that one don't do it that's why i dropped out of college i just recognized i was like a second. I can just buy the books about what I want to learn on. And I just keep on buying books. And I just keep on learning the subject specifically that I want to be informed on. But then all of a sudden there's that creepy kind of like, you know, there's that creepy twilight zone type thought where if all of a sudden you're like, wait a
Starting point is 00:45:03 second, if people can manipulate the news, why wouldn't they manipulate this book? And all of a sudden, is everything manipulated? Who can you trust? Nobody. Exactly. That's why I live in the woods. Someone sent this to me yesterday. Can you see this?
Starting point is 00:45:20 Two girls playing volleyball. Yeah, this, I want you to rank this on a one to 10 of being impressed about their athletic performance here. Okay? 10 being the highest, one being lowest. Okay. Okay. I see a ball going over the net. A bump. Another bump.
Starting point is 00:45:43 A jump up. A spike. Close to working as well. Hughes gets it over. Great defense from USA. This is nuts. Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:46:01 Clean it up here. This will be a real chance, If they don't find the point. Are you a heart rate guy? What do you think? Oh, what do you think that chick's heart rate's at right there? So I'll tell you a funny story. That's it.
Starting point is 00:46:17 What do you want? One through 10 first. I'm going to say above eight into the nines. It's savage, right? Yeah. So savage. working. It's savage, right? Yeah. Get it over. So savage.
Starting point is 00:46:28 My friend, Jason, I'm going to his wedding, um, next week. And Jason, I became Jason Kalipa. Nope.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Uh, Jason, Jason, Jason, Jason, uh, Jason Kahn, he and I became friends years ago because he would run up and
Starting point is 00:46:45 down the mountain that I live on. We were like, I was like, nobody runs up and down this mountain. So we, I started talking to him on the side of the road. Next thing you know, we had a lot in common. He's from New York, blah, blah, blah. We're out living in Malibu. He was working with the Pepperdine lacrosse team as the head coach. He brought me on as like the assistant coach, strength conditioning coach. And I had had these guys young strapping lads that wanted to be there to play lacrosse it was club but still like you know even club sports you want to be competitive biggest pussies on the planet we would go train an example of their pussiness well this is what i'm going to tell you about so first day they show up i'm talking about
Starting point is 00:47:21 kids with rolexes on mercedes keys bmw keys these kids are 18 19 20 years old first day there's this kid that comes up to me he tells me he's from dubai he's like i'm a seven-time black belt champion i don't need to do physical training and i was like and he's the size of this camp he's just a tiny little boy and i was like all right pal well i'm super is he a brown boy does he look like an arab he's he's from dubai is he brown with like a like like a mustache that barely comes in okay yep and i'm like okay that's cool well why don't you just come to the first workout and then if you're so good and you're like a blow my mind you don't have to come to practice anymore at least physical practice the three tests that i put these kids through was one minute max kettlebell swings with a 50 pound kettlebell, one minute max pushups, and then a one mile run on the beach for time.
Starting point is 00:48:12 No, there's rest in between these things. Now, most people who do CrossFit would look at all these tests and be like, no big deal. It's like kettlebell swings, pushups, one mile run, like piece of cake. Easy day. This dude could not finish the pushups and was throwing up before the run. Now that's just one person. The rest of the team would come and train with me. And it kept on dwindling down week after week. And I would have them do sled pushes. I'd have them do, you know, burpees, lunges, you know, sand shuttle sprints. They would be throwing up
Starting point is 00:48:42 within minutes of practice. I don't't know i've never seen it to this day it was almost like as if a button was pressed in these people and it like made them like epicac but epicac you don't remember what epicac is if you like if your kid drinks poison you make them drink epicac they start throwing up immediately i would never make my kid or any kid drink epicac meanwhile while we're doing this practice which doesn't even align with the word practice it was so bad the fucking the the volleyball team for pepperdine the girls were there and these girls are running miles up and down the beach doing hundreds of crunches hundreds of calisthenics gorgeous girls just amazon just Amazonian women. And they blew my mind. And I'm sitting there. I'm like, guys, look at these girls. They are dominating you, absolutely dominating you.
Starting point is 00:49:33 And you are supposed to be like a rough and tough tumble lacrosse team of Pepperdine. Like you can't even do 10% of their workout. I grew to respect the women's volleyball sport so much during those months of teaching these kids how to practice. Like I've never been so blown away by any work ethic and a female like sport team is the, the Pepperdine lacrosse girls. I mean, sorry, Pepperdine volleyball girls. For those of you who don't know Pepperdine is this college that literally sits right on the fucking pacific ocean and it has a lawn that's probably the size of fucking 20 football fields that sits on the fucking edge of the north american fucking continent it is a ridiculous location with
Starting point is 00:50:18 ridiculous wealth it's pretty special but you can get a full ride there if you're good at volleyball so get your shit together ladies yeah i bet you their volleyball team i bet you those games are pretty uh wild yeah but they're stellar stellar athletes i mean some of these girls were bigger than i was it was just incredible like i just was like i didn't even men's lacrosse team at pepperdine pussies volleyball team two thumbs up superheroes hunter biden has spoken yeah like i have never been more impressed by female athletes in my entire life i don't know who the fuck is dick butter marshall come on man he's a fucking og i had to actually turn
Starting point is 00:51:01 off the comments because these people were going, Ask Hunter about Joe Donnelly. Who's that? I don't have no idea. Oh, Joe Donnelly, that guy. He's just some big steroid freak that was claiming on the internet that he was doing things that were not humanly possible. He was like, $10,000, nobody could ever match me, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Dude, look at this guy, muscle and fitness girl.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Wait, wait, first of all, did you school him? Did you school Joe Donnelly? Close that subject. I totally schooled Joe Donnelly. I told him, I was like, dude, I'll bring $10,000 cash to your front door right now. There's no way that you can match me. This guy right here is trying to bring up something that is so insignificant that it's childish
Starting point is 00:51:45 this thing about ocrd he or is it because yeah one of my friends we were on the world championship team for and we won world champ you gave one of your friends a pass for getting juiced up do you know what dhea is fish oil it's yeah it's basically like a joint therapy thing and it's a banned substance and it looks just like fish oil pills there's no benefit from it whatsoever and i was you're just human you're just disappointed my friend and i told him i was like dude like that's on you for eating shit that you didn't know about but like it wasn't one of these even hunter's heart even hunter has a wee little heart i I do have a small heart, but it's not a performance enhancer like these peptides that these people are
Starting point is 00:52:29 taking. Like, you know, no one in CrossFit is getting caught for taking like too much vitamin C or joint medication. It's true, true, true,
Starting point is 00:52:37 true performance enhancers. I want to show you guys a video. Last week I was in Malibu. I was at Hunter's house. We were Last week I was in Malibu. I was at Hunter's house. We were painting and I was up on the ladder. And this security camera caught this. I was up on the ladder and Hunter was down below doing some work. He was like telling me like, hey, paint that part red, paint that part green.
Starting point is 00:52:58 And we were fucking working so well together. And then this happened. And it's these moments that it's just it's so special knowing you so there's hunter with the red hat on and holy crap that's awesome and we just took a moment we just took a moment like i knew hunter had had jeopardized but also saved my life instead of chicken with his guy I don't know if it's guy friends. Hunter, come on. You know that's me and you. You're in the red hat, and I'm the dude on top.
Starting point is 00:53:29 And I'm going to show you guys that one more time. I was up on this ladder. I'm doing some basically charity work for Hunter because he's afraid of heights, and he wanted me to paint some molding around his ceiling. And here he is. He bumps the ladder. Boom. I'll never forget that.
Starting point is 00:53:48 That's an incredible catch. It is right. Truly is. Oh, that hurts. That hurts. That hurts. That's probably one of the meanest things anyone's ever said to me. Said that you're a spinner. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:01 That's low. That's low. That's. Yeah. Hunter, have you ever sold your underwear speaking of um have i sold my underwear no yeah have you we've been having a lot of conversations about like the dark web and how much money you can make off of it now and if it's just like one of those kind of things where you can sit here and just throw stones at people for making the money or you just join the party and start making the money something's playing on my computer can you hear some sound no well i i've picked up a friend who has a fan only fans page it's a guy
Starting point is 00:54:40 and he sells his underwear last time and not about the guy okay no we talked about the girl but who's the guy he's the he and he sells um he sells his underwear at 250 a pop and you said you used to work at a gay bar so i was wondering if um dude if all of these things existed back in the day when i was working this gay bar it probably worth be like five to ten million dollars we we sold shots like we weren't there for the money we were there because we needed a little bit we were there for the cock and you know dude there was more chicks at this gay bar than i've ever been with in my entire life it i know that was that was the whole thing at the all the gay parties i used to go to in the city too like the gay pride parade and the uh erotic exotic ball
Starting point is 00:55:21 the beaver there was out of control if you straight guys haven't figured that out yet like yeah just jokes on you yeah man and and they're free around gay guys that was the whole thing gay guys are free so everyone just fucking clothes or it's what a great thing okay hey you wanted to get it you you've been like let's be honest you're you're you you won the high rock uh championship for the 37th time and and you're looking, you're looking, and you've been searching. And I found this for you. I think this is something you should throw on your bucket list. I saw this video. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:55:57 It's insane. And I love the ā€“ let me ā€“ this is the highest anyone has ever jumped on a pogo stick, 12 feet. love the let me read that this is the highest anyone has ever jumped on a pogo stick 12 feet in 2021 i jumped 11 feet 8 inches on my pogo stick and never imagined that it was possible until this day and now now he claims that all sorts of people are going to break this record like it's like some sort of like it's the four minute mile on pogo sticking i don't think anybody's really going to come after that record because it's a very very very slim amount of people to do this and look at the dexterity you see what he does with the pogo stick right it's something like flossberry fosbury flop shit here we go he does he does a couple spins with it he he's up
Starting point is 00:56:35 and he put yeah look at that he has to do that right right? Yeah, basically to cover. I mean, otherwise you just have to tweak it to the side a little bit. That was fucking crazy. So do you want to hear what I've been up to? Yeah, I'd love to. This is nuts. This is one more time. Go to Hunter McIntyre's Instagram page.
Starting point is 00:57:01 I'd love to. Enhance, enhance. Buzz, I just saw that clip the other day. sent it to me i'd never seen that right there wow i started it dude wow your body's crazy when is this that was a couple days ago you said don't do that with your face you're too cute that's what a true cannonball looks like buddy i'm gonna get to the last picture that's the what is this what is this nonsense is that throwing it down to your house yeah i go up into the woods and just chop down trees so the high rocks came to my house and they're like hey can we film you training and i was like no i don't want to train they're like well what do you want to do and i was just like i'll chop
Starting point is 00:57:57 down some trees for you guys so i just went around the ranch and I just took down some trees. Oh, that's cool. Dude, I love. I was so beastly when I used to drop down trees. You still are beastly. Okay. Okay, here we go. Can you hear the audio? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:22 A little bit, not a lot of it. That's not you, is it's me baby wow you look like tom selleck right there like a juiced up tom selleck baby i am tom selleck okay so what are you doing here i'm finally starting to come over starting to cover some ground the water is salty and the days are long i will prevail is this a sport dude don't you remember i told you i was like i think i'm gonna quit doing all the sports that i've been doing and try to make a pass at the Olympics. And there's one sport that I've been studying a ton. And I've been looking at all the athletes and the metrics. There's a sport called sprint canoeing. No one's qualified in the United States since 2000. And it's very hard to qualify, but it's a very small sport. So I have a chance of doing it.
Starting point is 00:59:03 So it took me a month. You suck at it took me you suck at it but you suck at it dude it's my second time ever doing it if you i will literally pay you a thousand dollars cash if you can balance in this boat within one hour it's impossible dude if my penis were to my penis is so big if it swung just a little to the right or the left that thing would capsize knock the thing over that's my problem yeah yeah it is okay it is so hard because the thing i think it's 16 feet long as you can see and maybe a little less and it weighs 20 pounds and it's made of just thin carbon fiber you can see how low it is in the water it's only about a foot wide it's crazy yeah what lake is that that's not a lake that's a Newport Beach at the Aquatic Center.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Is that a sprint canoe? That's called a sprint canoe, yeah. So that's a C1 sprint canoe. How much is that thing, like $10,000? There's $3,000 to $5,000. Man, that thing looks like it's made out of balsa wood, dude. How do you even get on that thing? Is it, is it hitting the bottom right there? No, no, no, no, no. It's just, it's perfect. I guess it's called the word ballast. Like the way that it's like distributed, it's just so perfectly balanced, but it's one of these kinds
Starting point is 01:00:16 of things where if you just move a millimeter right or left or you're in. So I started working with the, this guy, Jimmy, and he's a four-time olympian in this sport and he he helped me out and like i've only had two lessons and i'm pretty freaking pumped um what did he say is it is it possible it is possible but listen i'm not gonna put any definitions on what words and the likelihood of me getting into this thing is. But you can see these guys are jacked, tanked as men. And they're ripping the water so hard. So imagine doing the ski.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Since you only row on one side, you're also steering it with your weight. With just minor, minor tweaks in your weight. Exactly. So I got in this thing and i finally started paddling it yesterday but i kept on going in circles because i don't know how to steer it yet but it's crazy man oh it'd be awesome to see one of these dudes swing over and drill some other dude well yeah that guy that guy just picked a booger yeah he did you got to get a bug out the cave dude it's not rocket i'm going for it baby i'm all
Starting point is 01:01:27 in i'm all in all these stupid wall ball sports and crossfit out of it dude i'm in the water dude there's a new free willy in the business your voice is sore like an eagle i just i got a text from my wife i think she's catching on to all the shit that we're talking about and she's trying uh she says uh joyale's story might stop someone from doing peds i know it's a brilliant story hunter's just this is this is the angry athlete's perspective and it's valid i understand honey i understand let's not let's not team up on hunter no no she's saying that there's she's trying to give me fodder to let me know that there's value to telling that story, Joelle story, so that other people won't do PEDs. It's a great story. If you're thinking about getting juiced up, you should listen to what he's going through.
Starting point is 01:02:14 It's not doesn't sound fun. It's not worth it. I don't think Hunter is appreciative of him coming out, telling his story so that other people won't do it. Is my guess. listen i'm i'm you know what if his message is don't do it perfect but if his message is hey don't spank me as hard as you want to spank me because i'm asking for forgiveness i'm not buying that. So let me, I'm going to add this to my list. My obsession with Hunter is creepy.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Obsession with Hunter. And the fact that I ask women about what kind of, and men, what kind of birth control they take, that's creepy. And the fact that I think aborting babies at 32 weeks is creepy. Okay. I think you, I can't tell if you have more fans than you have um just my list my list is just creepiness uh the fact that someone in the comments is named fucking metcon 9 after a fucking shoe that's creepy about my show the guy there's a guy named dick butter that's creepy about my show no i'm not gonna watch this guy's show and give him any of my time. Jake Kelly, shut your damn mouth. Hey, I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I'll tell you what comments you can read and don't read. Oh, hey, yeah, this is, thank you, Magnus. Hunter's obsession of Sevan is a bit creepy. Thank you. Thank you. He didn't say creepy. It's a bromance. I know, I know.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I just edited it. I edited it i edited it you're just like the new york times guy just a straight fucking liar oh dude this is a damn good time so yeah i've been getting in this boat i've been putting in the hustle and i go over to europe to paddle with a couple of these real savages in a couple weeks. So this one's going to make you feel ā€“ yeah, I'm excited. Oh, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Say that again. Say that again. Sorry. That's why you're going to Europe? No, no, no. I'm going to Europe for a couple things, but that is a big part of it. So I'm getting all the work in now so that when I get there, I'm not embarrassing to these guys when I get in the water next to them. And then once they see Big Daddy in there, just a tugboat of muscle, steroid-free muscle, they're going to be like, shit, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Oh, shit. I want to get a tattoo. I just realized I've never wanted a tattoo. I want to get a tattoo. You'd maybe just want to get a tattoo. On my penis. Just says tugboat. T T like I'm not circumcised.
Starting point is 01:04:58 So like I can have a T on the, on the foreskin that's over the helmet, like without having to like damage the helmet, the T up there and then U G B O A T. And then the T would be down like damage the helmet the t up there and then u g b o a t and then the t would be down like at the base we're like oh the best part about is if you have just enough foreskin that you put it underneath the underside of the foreskin and then as you pull it back it says tugboat oh like this like when gangbangers pull their lip down they got some wow wow that's some gangster shit that's some gangster shit. That's some gangster shit. Hi. Do you tattoo foreskin? Is that why you're calling?
Starting point is 01:05:30 Yes, it is. Oh, well, thank you. Peter. Oh, Peter. What's up, brother? How are you? Just walking my dog while listening to the podcast. Is that code for something? You're walking your dog? This is perverted. Yeah, it is. All right, cool. Morning, my neighbor.
Starting point is 01:05:47 All right. So since you have Hunter on, we need to get an opinion on a hot take. Okay. So right now, Prankster is not testing to the level that will pop everyone. You're not testing for blood. They test for urine, but only a few times a year. If you enter a competitive CrossFit, you're kind of entering knowing that you're going to be a top athlete.
Starting point is 01:06:12 So my opinion is if you're at the top, you have zero reason or right to complain that you're going against enhanced athletes because you knew that going into the sport. What do you think, Hunter? I think what he said, Hunter, because you're that going into the sport. What do you think Hunter? Okay. I think what he said, Hunter, because you're coming in and out,
Starting point is 01:06:26 Peter is basically, he's saying that the, the testing at CrossFit sucks. And so, you know, coming into it, that you're going to be, and when you say sucks,
Starting point is 01:06:34 like someone just told me the other day that we don't test in the CrossFit sport for human growth hormone. Is that, is that like something you mean, Peter? So, you know, when you go into it,
Starting point is 01:06:42 you're going against drugged athletes. Well, I mean, there's always going to be a hole in the system like i could beat my drug tests all the time i mean listen unless you take like a full blood panel and you start to get what they call these blood passports it's very hard to detect at the highest highest level there's always going to be cracks in it but um i mean just to say that being aware that there's people there should make you feel more secure in the fact that you are going to go up against them, that's a bullshit argument. Like, just because you're like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:15 It's just like, hey, man, you're going into war. You should know that you're going to get shot. There's a chance you might get shot. And then when you get shot, you should be like, oh, I was told that I was going to get shot. And you should feel better about it. Like, it's still going to suck and sting just as bad there's no words that are going to dampen the blow of knowing that you're going up against people who are cheating oh i like that that's the whole argument that people use against cops they knew what they were
Starting point is 01:07:38 signing up for no that's traumatic as fuck yes oh so it's not traumatic to be shot at dude i just watched this video of the other day peter are you happy with that answer or do you want us to flog uh i could i could pull out a whip and get a stronger answer from hunter if you want no i'm i'm happy because that's his his take on it you know he's competing against athletes that probably got pop and he got fit. You can't disregard that. But I'm just saying that I know a lot of athletes are going into it now and they know they're going against, you know, both athletes and that's just going to be the scenario until CrossFit fits the test or fixes the test.
Starting point is 01:08:16 And so I just think people need to be aware of what they're getting into if they decide to go into competitive CrossFit. Or any sport or any competitive sports, maybe. Yes. Any competitive sport. Yes any sport, or any competitive sports, maybe. Yes, any competitive sport, yes. Hey, Heidi, Ellie Whipping, you should be behind the paywall. Oh! Dude, I was watching-
Starting point is 01:08:35 Those of you who watched yesterday's show. Okay, thank you, Peter. Okay, thanks, brother. I watched this video. This happened, I think, in May. I thought for sure Peter was European, but he's not European. Okay, sorry, Hunter, go.
Starting point is 01:08:43 This is in May in either Atlanta or Florida. I don't know why I'm messing up the states, but this cop came up to a kid. He has his chest cam on. This is all recorded. It came up to a kid in the mall who was drinking. He had a little satchel, and he had a booze bottle, and the cop's like, yo, come here.
Starting point is 01:08:58 What's that? You got an open container. He's like, are you of age? And he's like, no. And he's like, all right, man, I should arrest you right now. He doesn't arrest the kid. He just takes the booze. He's like, Hey, it's just time for you to like, get your shit together and get out of the mall. So he's walking this kid out of the mall and he's like, Hey, like, I think I can tell that you have like weed on you too.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Like, is there anything else you want to tell me about? Like he was letting this kid go. Is there anything else you want to tell me about that? Um, you know, that I should be aware of that you have illegal substances or firearm or anything? He's like, no. He's like, well, you're admitting to smoking weed. And he's like, yeah, but I'm all done with it now. He's like, okay, well, will you just give it to me? He goes, no, I'm not going to let you search me. And he goes, all right, man, just take off the satchel and give it to me. And he's like, no. And then all of a sudden the kid just runs away and turns around, pulls out of the satchel and a gun and just starts shooting at the cop i mean this cop was so polite and nice to this kid you know underage drinking giving him the time and opportunity to get out all this shit
Starting point is 01:09:53 turns and starts blasting on the cop and i was like man that was the most professionally kind cop i've ever seen in my entire life and i was like i wish when i got in trouble with cops when i was younger that they had that kind of grace with me but no this dude was a fucking like he was just the tip of the spear of kindness when it comes to being a police officer he should be the poster boy for police officers that's it's such a tough job that those guys and the kid get killed yeah he got shot and killed yeah and so you know what's amazing too? So many people, so many fucking people will be like, could come after that cop. But you know what I think too? As much as I feel bad for that kid's parents, I feel bad for that cop.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Of course. It's a very traumatic experience. He doesn't want that part of his story. I'm excited to have dumbass Katrin in my fucking story. I would not be excited to have that I shot some kid who was shooting at me and I killed him in my story. I don't want that. I don't want ā€“ no matter ā€“ under any circumstance, I don't want that I shot some kid in my story, my life story. I don't. But no one gives a fuck about that. No one gives a fuck about that because they're all selfish douchebags not you listeners not the 27 000 of you listening live being a cop is tough well i don't know why it's slipping my brain is it jim jim's the guy who did the uh 100 like 365 murphs yeah yeah yeah jim broowski bro you gotta bring him on here so what's this going on what's going on with this we're talking about cops and now we see boobs I don't know
Starting point is 01:11:26 why she has that nose ring love your body what you give your body will give it you back I just I just have this thing for redheads I just cannot fucking believe this chick's fucking body oh look look you can see her boobs pierced right here do you see that the bar through
Starting point is 01:11:41 through the nipple Instagram is porn for the most one of my friends called me this morning he goes dude instagram is porn that's what he told me too it's hard like it's fucked up i got a belly okay put it on his forehead and her put it on his forehead and she has freckles on her butt. These men do not care. They're here for it. She has a freckly butt. Oh, no. I got a mom butt. I got a foo butt.
Starting point is 01:12:08 I got a belly. Okay. Put it on his butt. His body is fucking insane. Put it on his... People like make... That's a big-ass belly button. That's like a bullet shot. What is that?
Starting point is 01:12:18 Yeah, she's... I don't know, but I think she's had a baby or something. But just her... People don't like cellulite or they claim that. I'm perfectly okay with that butt. Just a big fat. They're here for it. Girls be like, oh no, I got a mom butt.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Okay. Okay. I'll stop perving out. The Metcon 9 is $200. Chill, Sebi. Yo, can we talk about what's going on with the cost of being a human being these days? I'm fucking sick and tired of it. God, you're such a tool.
Starting point is 01:12:53 You don't need to wear shoes, Hunter. You're a Malibu boy. $200 for a pair of sneaks? You don't need them. You don't need them. Dude, go get yourself some Chuck Taylors. Screw Nike. and get your get your work done dude you don't you don't um look at okay okay here i'll help you save money
Starting point is 01:13:12 you ready i'll help you save money nudist colony go yeah here you go uh for all of you who are into gym equipment this is for you this is from uh lucas parker uh this you save money. Man, this guy is weird. I love him. come back to check on it in about a month all right we're coming back to check on our sapling looks like it's doing well maybe five and a half feet tall maybe 10 kilos gonna water it with some nova 3 labs protein powder make sure you get those games link in bio well here you have it folks a fully grown and matured barbell looks to be about 28 29 millimeters in diameter and should weigh about 20 kilos after it's been. How's that? So that's where barbells come from. I'm not going to lie. Seeing that guy without his beard startled me.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Yeah. He almost looked at you. You wonder if like he has cancer anorexia or something without his beard. Like, are you okay? Yeah. Are you okay? No, it's too expensive nowadays. The world's too expensive.
Starting point is 01:14:22 I don't know what the hell is going on. I mean, from the guy that fucking bought the $ hundred thousand dollar truck i mean that's expensive but i wanted to have that expense in my life i just got on the i was flying delta and i'm trying to make a good relationship out of delta but i'm gonna call you the fuck out delta it cost the flight itself was expensive to fly across the country and use the wi-fi was 39 for the oh my god yeah that shit hurts it's just like what there there was 40 there's 54 rows in this plane so it's like there's a lot 39 to use the wi-fi or you could use it for an hour for 12.95 or for 150 bucks you can um buy a year pass.
Starting point is 01:15:06 And you're just like, fuck, these all suck. Well, the year pass is $500. Oh, my goodness, $500. I don't know what's going on, man. Gas, $7. This internet through the roof. Everything. Sandwiches cost $9,000.
Starting point is 01:15:21 I'm not with it. Oh, there is something I wanted to show you. There is something i wanted to show you there is something i wanted to show you dude look at this i said that and everyone's just like biden biden woke this go woke go broke this is intense yeah my group is wise and logical and loving but shut it okay listen listen listen this is this is this is something i wonder if your truck has this this is so cool look at this you know i can't hear it oh you can oh shit okay okay so this is the new audi to all of the traffic lights so when you're driving and you come up to the new audi is linked to all of the traffic lights and he's telling the story of what that means
Starting point is 01:16:03 the traffic light and it's red. It'll have a countdown for when it's going to turn green. So it'd be like five or no way. And they also have a feature where it tells you if you want to hit every single green light and never get caught, what speed to be at. It'll be like, it'll be like to hit all green lights on this route, travel at 35 miles an hour
Starting point is 01:16:24 and you'll be perfect. How does Audi have access to that? Like, I don't know. They're going to show a picture of it. Watch, watch. Here we go. It will turn green. Check it out.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Seven, six, five, four. That's in Audis. Two, one. Great. There you go. Did you see that shit? Dude, don't believe in this shit. Get yourself an old 1990 Bronco with no tech in it because when the robots come for you,
Starting point is 01:16:52 they're going to take over your simp car. Simp car? Does that mean like pussy car? They're going to take it over, dude, and they're going to fuck your shit up. I'm telling you right now. That's why I'm telling you right now that's why i'm telling you right now if you're getting more integrated in the tech you're getting further further into the weeds on this thing everyone's deep in the weeds right now they're surrounded by all this
Starting point is 01:17:14 sweet tech they're like iphone 13 audi it's so cool and they don't see the bigger picture that robots are going to take over in like five days okay you'll like this so so you want to you like you're more old school i'm just i'm just removing as many opportunities for issue as possible now this this really this this this really trips me out if you're a dude you can't just go up to a random girl and touch her boobs or if you're a girl you can't go up to a random girl and touch her boobs it's it's i it's probably like sexual assault or something right but we all know not to do that like i've never touched anyone's boobs i don't know you you need to be cleared hot right you need to be you need to have like
Starting point is 01:17:57 a note have them sign something right these days yeah okay let's see i'm assuming this monkey's about to get some action what the fuck is going on here how is that appropriate look at that level of entertainment though because it's a fucking monkey with down syndrome it's okay or she's just cool or she's just cool like that she doesn't have boundaries well you see how physical animals get with each other right away but i think as soon as like there there's this level of intelligence um oh nothing with a fucking brain over the size of a walnut can touch my titties without asking is that the logic well
Starting point is 01:18:47 that's the weird thing it's like all of a sudden society creates boundaries around thing i'm not saying it's appropriate to go up and just grab everybody's titties but it's also not like a if you're amongst like people do you know or familiarize with it shouldn't be a world-class felony yeah it's it's amazing isn't it yeah i also think it's crazy that if you get caught being in public that you could be considered a sex offender it's sexual assault i think if you slap a girl on the butt or if a girl slaps you on the butt i wonder if this is going to change because of the amber heard johnny depp case that that sexual assaults may become a little bit more i don't know available to the male acceptable yeah why did he do something bad to her i didn't i didn't no no no i'm talking about
Starting point is 01:19:34 like vice versa like if you are sexually harassed by like a woman and i'm not saying there's a lot of this happening i'm just saying if it was to happen. I've been sexually harassed by a woman. Have you? I can't even tell the story. In a way that really made me feel super uncomfortable, no. But definitely if I had done it to a woman. Yes, that's what I mean. Yeah, like some great, like, yeah, didn't make, well, twice I felt felt uncomfortable but not like like like no no
Starting point is 01:20:06 not traumatic but like holy fuck how am i gonna get out of this certainly would have been appropriate if i had done it it would have been trouble it would have been big trouble i'm trying to think if a dude's if a dude is ever sexually. Harassed you? Dude, I've been fucking. I've had my junk grabbed so many times. And I just am like, okay. Just like bumper cars.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Hey, ever skin to skin on your junk or just like through your jeans and shit? Oh, no. You ever had anyone like reach into your pantalones and tug the boat? You wear skinny jeans for that but dude there's no difference between skinny jeans it's like it might as well be skin on skin dude let me tell you something i have no issue with some dude fucking trying to grab my cock through my pants trying to actually touch it his hand to my cock that's a no-go no i get it i get it i don't want to i don't i don't want to feel you i don't want to know your body temperature all through my penis ah hunter's 98.6 how do you know well because i rested my dick on his hand no thank you your perceived difference is like 1000 miles
Starting point is 01:21:15 theoretically but in truth it's only like one millimeter of blue i have my boundaries. I get it, but that's what I'm trying to say. I have my boundaries. That's what I'm trying to say. I have my boundaries. Hey, yesterday, I was trying, this guy was on the show, right, Joyelle? We were talking about his steroid use, and it was hard for him regardless of how insensitive you are, my friend. How passionate you are about the subject. As an athlete, you have insights that I don't have. That's what I meant to say. And as a man who's committed so much to performance.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Where is he? Shit. Lost him. Okay, in the meantime, let's bring this up. I bet you his battery died or something. You guys are going to fucking love this.
Starting point is 01:22:07 We'll finish the show with this. This is so good. Okay, ready? Here we go. So this is a guy, and he's holding a squirrel. And I think he has to let the squirrel go. His wife is telling him he can't keep this as a pet, right? Look at the camera and say goodbye to Hoss.
Starting point is 01:22:30 She's making him say goodbye to the squirrel. Like a good alpha male. He's petting the squirrel goodbye. Bye, squirrel. Bye. See you later bye squirrel it's his favorite pet
Starting point is 01:22:49 he raised that thing since it was a baby oh my goodness and the family cat runs up there and meets the squirrel bye bye hi hunter hi good to have you on the show buddy my computer died man I was having such a good
Starting point is 01:23:06 time i wasn't looking at the power numbers on my computer show's over anyway fuck it well i had a really good time thank you everyone for tuning in and and i'm sorry if i hurt your your boyfriend's feelings no not at all it was good it's good it's good to get perspective this it can't be just a one-sided show of me preaching from my fucking ivory tower from the three plane brothers empire. My privileged, privileged Armenian life. You're a sweet angel.
Starting point is 01:23:34 And the world knows that. Thank you. All right. Well, I'll be in touch. All right, dude. I'll talk to you soon.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Thanks for coming on. Peace and love. Hunter McIntyre. And for an hour and 20 minutes let's not get greedy uh Dick Butter says eat shit Hunter love you spoken
Starting point is 01:23:53 from Dick Butter show got way better what happened uh how many did you ever uh mmm Uh, how many did you ever, uh, I'm going to leave on a good note, happy note, funny note, sad note. Yesterday I used the example when I was talking about Dave Eubanks and he's, and he's, him being against second, the second amendment. I Second Amendment, I brought up the mayhem empire and how those 50 or 60 or 100 athletes are going to feel at the CrossFit Games knowing that the head judge is completely against, openly against, and militant against their beliefs in the second amendment and it made me also think of the fact that so many people talk about
Starting point is 01:24:45 as a justification for terminating pregnancies they say because the baby would be born into a poor life and i think about the froning kids because they're all adopted and it's just it's so it's such a weird thing to justify terminating kids because of the the life that they would be born into and that it's it's just it's nuts i just can't get my head wrapped around it pro-choice don't get confused i'm pro-choice just like to look at the subject. I just, I just, it's a cool subject. Yes. Get Ellie on. She's wonderful.
Starting point is 01:25:30 I know that was, that was amazing. I love me some Heidi, but, but, but that was amazing that she came on here yesterday. That was a fucking moment in the show's history. That basically shows that we're like, we're a community and that we're hanging out on here. And you never know who's in the, who watching we're fucking 800 people live and the fact that she came on she was so transparent people keep saying that i need a woman on the shows on the game shows like to help with the analysis i'm gonna ask her i'm gonna ask her i dm'd her yesterday i don't have her phone number i dm'd her yesterday and said hey thanks for chiming in on the show. And, oh, Heidi, are you going to? You love it, too.
Starting point is 01:26:07 I know. It was crazy, right? You should write something in the fake stuff on podcast. Make sure you put a note in there. Yesterday, Heidi Kroon got knocked the fuck out. Trying to call Ellie out. How dare you? Man, my arm is hurting.
Starting point is 01:26:22 My arm is hurting. I did squat cleans with 135 yesterday i don't i don't i haven't done that and that's another thing i probably haven't done in 10 years but that rowing thing i did made me just think oh maybe i should start trying some other shit that i don't do anymore either ellie is a good dude what show was that keep missing life uh live shows uh check out yesterday's show with nicholas joyelle man that one was good yeah that that was that was that was an interesting show that was an interesting show my wife didn't like the fact that i was talking about the hand job thing she says when i talk about hand jobs i need to make sure that when i and i refer to uh someone's sex that i say men and not boys and that's that's true men and women. I'm going to start only using those terms
Starting point is 01:27:05 instead of boys and girls. Just because you got to be clear. Okay. I am taking my kids over to Garth Taylor Jiu-Jitsu this morning. Well, they're going to train with Brandon over there. It's a private class.
Starting point is 01:27:23 The three of them do where they do striking, takedowns, ground and pound, the whole fucking thing. It's a, it's a, it's a private class. The three of them do where they do striking takedowns, ground and pound, the whole fucking thing. It's a whole mix of things. It's their MMA class. They do it once a week with this dude. And then afterwards we are going to skateboard over to cat and cloud, super woke, trendy douchebag coffee shop, but it's right there and it's cool. And the employees are nice, but it's a place, you know know where everyone will be masked except us and then uh from there i will uh come home and uh derek will come over and uh he will teach the boy we have a fat skate ramp in the yard and he'll skate with the boys
Starting point is 01:27:58 for an hour and then play guitar and piano with them for an hour and And at that point, I'll be prepping for tonight's show while they're doing that, that I have with J.R. Howell and Taylor Self. And it's a show on programming. Now, what's going to be interesting about tonight's show is programming interests me zero. Zero. Really nothing interests me zero, but for some reason, programming interests me zero. So it'll be interesting to see um how i how i do in in um in today's tonight's show yeah yeah yeah it's california buddy it's california yeah yeah totally totally tons of masks tons of masks all right guys peace and love thanks for coming on hunter thanks for coming on i will see you guys this evening bye

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