The Sevan Podcast - #483 - Top 10 CrossFit Games Events of All Time

Episode Date: July 9, 2022

JR Howell & Taylor Self join the show to give their list of the Top 10 Best Programmed CrossFit Games Events of All Time. Sign up for our email: ------------------------...- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - CODE: SEVAN for a FREE consultation - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code  Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. YouTube made me take, because CrossFit Games reported me. Bam, we're live. Taylor Self from Self Made Programming.
Starting point is 00:00:40 JR Howell from CrossFit Crash. Great gym. I'm seeing more and more of your gym and videos by the way jr congratulations that place is dope shout out to rick jones is that the guy who set it up video uh that's the videographer for the gym oh oh man it's cool uh that basketball game i was watching some of the hopper stuff before he was on that basketball thing can you beat hopper at that basketball game taylor at basketball yeah oh in the in the crash pad yeah probably he sucks at sports oh okay uh and uh matt souza from crossfit livermore executive producer of the
Starting point is 00:01:13 podcast all around good dude well thank you librarian that was nice librarian oh yeah i guess you're right it's also you sorry good no you go ahead i was gonna say it's gonna be also me sweating the whole time because i brought up all those videos that we talked about before now we're not using any of them and my palms are already getting sweaty as i'm trying bring them bring them up just try just try okay we were debating before we came on today guys of how much of these um we have so basically what we're going to do, what we have today, and I'm pretty pumped, is J.R. has given his 10 best CrossFit Games workouts in the 15 years that CrossFit Games have been going on. So from 2007 to 2021. And Taylor has also given us his 10 best what he thinks are the 10 best workouts. We're going to find out what criteria they used in just a minute.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Um, one of the things that I was thinking about before we started the show, uh, earlier today, uh, in, in Jr and Taylor and I were talking about it. These were all done by one man,
Starting point is 00:02:17 correct? They all have the same author, this programming, creme de la Dave, and not the kind of cream that you like typically and and i'll take a dollop of cream and uh the venues that they were at are are not your traditional venues where most of the world does uh accepts programming which would be either in their garage or at an affiliate or at some sort of box gym, a place. These are these venues that Dave's been programming at have what some people think probably made his job.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Probably a lot of people think made his job easier, but actually I'm guessing it made his job harder. And we'll find out because there were so many options and there's such an it would be so easy to get out of control. and there's such an, uh, it would be so easy to get out of control. So we have a, you, we have a unique venue for these, uh, this type of programming and we have a pretty large budget. And I was thinking that maybe it's the largest budget that any programmers have, but I don't know who knows what those guys in Dubai are made of like, um, oil and cash, uh, what kind of resources they have. I mean, they did an event in a snowstorm in the desert. So it is unique, and he is unique in the sense that he's been around CrossFit almost forever, the programmer, and he comes from a background. He was a SEAL Team 6 operator, and we're talking about Dave Castro.
Starting point is 00:03:49 So fitness was always paramount to his survival at the foundation or at the, one of the cornerstones of his job was a fitness, meaning that your life and those of those around you depended on how fit you are. So he takes fitness extremely seriously. So we, we, is there anything else you guys want to say about the programmer or, or the situation, the conditions? Is there anything else you guys want to say about the programmer or the situation, the conditions? Well, I mean, it was really, really fucking hard to pick just 10 workouts. I think part of that is due to it's been around for over 10 years. The other part is that the guy who was writing them wrote a lot of really good workouts. Would you say that there was a bias towards the more recent years?
Starting point is 00:04:26 One, because maybe you guys were more emotionally attached to them. They're fresher in your memory or maybe just Dave got better. J.R.? No, I actually made it a point to start with the first year and some of the criteria that we'll go over. One of the biggest criteria for me was like the ripple effect. So what effect did this event have on future events and on years to come? So that was like a big criteria for me. Give me one just small example of that, of the ripple effect.
Starting point is 00:04:52 How, how, how, how would I recognize that as a layman? Like the first time you saw legless rope climbs programmed at the CrossFit games. And then after that, what did we see the following year, 2014 regionals legless event, the same one they repeated this year. And then also that movement paves the way for more intricate levels of climbing peg, all the pegboard workouts. They wouldn't have ever happened if legless wasn't introduced first. And when you say intricate, um, intricacies in the rope climb, you mean like the diameter of the rope was changed that they cut off the bottom, you know, eight feet or whatever of the rope, so you couldn't get, or, you know, six feet of the rope, so you couldn't get your feet on it, you had to jump. You mean they had the part where
Starting point is 00:05:30 they started marking where, how far down you had to go before you could let go, shit like that? Right. Like they, you know, they introduced the cut rope, and then that showed up at regionals where you can climb halfway legless, and then you can start using your legs. But all those iterations happened from the traditional rope climb. And then after that, when legless started, there were regionals finales that included legless and they were always showed up. And a lot of those workouts are ones that still hold up. If a workout holds up from 2013 or 14 as still being a legitimate test today, I would say it's one of the best games events ever. Say that last sentence again. If what showed up today. So for instance, legless in 2000, um, in 2014, right. If I'm sorry, 13, if that workout were
Starting point is 00:06:19 programmed at the CrossFit games this year, 27 thrusters for legless, 21 thrusters, four legless, 21 thrusters, three legless, 15 thrusters, two legless, nine thrusters, one legless for time, it would still hold up as a legitimate test today. 72 thrusters, 10 legless, and they would be flying. They would be going fast. People would blow up still. There would be separation. It would still hold up as a great test.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Taylor, so we'll keep opening doors. Tell me this, what wouldn't hold up today? I think an example of something that's on my list is like 2010 Amanda 975 ring muscle-up squat snatch. It's, I mean, gosh, if you go back and watch the video from 2010 and then you watch the video from 2017, it's one, the increase in volume
Starting point is 00:07:06 is crazy and the speed at which they do their muscle ups and the snatches but also just how much better everybody's moving i mean in 2010 it got a little ugly um it was fucking cool but so nine so great games work out in 2010 not good for 2022 maybe we'll just gift wrap it and hand it off to the affiliates you can have this one do this do this as your day one workout uh and and and how and how and how about the venues uh any any place we have a row the three venues we have well four venues we have i guess are aromas, Carson, Madison. And then we had that year where it was offsite, which was basically just a giant field and a swimming pool. So let's just say the three venues, Madison, Aromas and Carson.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Any venues that you guys found found preferential or that you felt swayed it so the workouts were better there? I think the ranch allowed for a unique twist on some of the programming in a really cool way aside from that i think madison and aromas were pretty similar with the exception of maybe the proximity of aromas to a beach um but aside from that pretty similar i mean in wisconsin they have the lake and that's different than an ocean swim you don't't have the beach, but you're swimming. So you like, basically I'm hearing you like them all, all of them. Yeah. Yeah. All the venues. JR. Yeah. And in my top 10, the majority of them come from the StubHub center. Majority of them come from Carson, the days in Carson.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Okay. Uh, and, and finally, um, one of the things that I would hear most consistently throughout the years when, when workouts would come up or when people would suggest workouts to Dave, he would say, hey, I don't want to do gimmicks. And like something that would be a true spectacle would be to do, let's say, a 50-foot rope climb, right? And you really can't have – you can't allow anyone to fall off of it. It can't be like – it probably can't be legless. It probably can't be more than one ascent and one descent. But do you guys agree with that? Like, I'd like to see that, and I'm guessing if I would have proposed that to Dave, he would have been like, it's a gimmick.
Starting point is 00:09:13 And it is a gimmick because it's for a stunt, but it would be fun to see them up that high, you know? Did you feel – do you guys feel me on this, and what are your opinions on that? Do you think it's good that he stayed away from gimmicks? Do you think he stayed away from gimmicks? I think a lot of people would argue that walking on your hands alone is gimmicky and doing it on top of and around things is even more gimmicky. things that I would consider gimmicky. The one thing I've always wondered about is like a speed rock climbing wall where they have, you know, you see people doing speed bouldering events where they have 10 lanes that are the same exact course. That would kind of be the next evolution in climbing, but I wonder how gimmicky they think that is. It would be a cool event, but.
Starting point is 00:10:00 One thing that I think is that, that Dave did a great job of was he always tied the workouts and the events back to the methodology. And so a lot of the times when you think it's new, he's actually reaching further back into main site workouts from early 2000s, where there are specific things in there that said, if you don't have access to a high enough ceiling for a rope, use a pegboard. There was also a lot of workouts. And I think there was even an article written by Glassman that said dumbbells are a more efficient tool for strength gaining. So then you go all the way back to the dumbbells when that one regional, when he took out the barbell completely. So a lot of his like new stuff is actually recycled old methodology. Yeah. And you know, I think back to things like the softball toss and the med ball GHD toss for distance. And a lot of people said those were gimmicky. A lot of people said it wasn't fitness. A lot of people said even more so than something like swimming really benefited more so where you're from culturally and whether or not you ever threw anything. methodology what is in the pyramid it is not weightlifting it is weightlifting and throwing says that specifically today to maybe to a fault tried to stay that true to its roots
Starting point is 00:11:13 i think the softball throw was a glassman interjection along with the lsit if i recall correctly i remember hearing from some show show that Dave was on himself verbatim saying Glassman made him do the throw. And he was a little nervous about it because he knew some athletes would make it look really fucking bad. And they managed to do that. A few might have. I remember that too. Actually, I do remember that being something he said too. actually i do remember that being something he said too jr did you find the are you saying that the handstand walk what is gimmicky when it when it's up and over and around and no i love it okay
Starting point is 00:11:53 you love it okay i think it's awesome but i think outsiders looking in or maybe just casual viewers of the sport that only watch the crossfit games at the games level only will see stuff like that and think it's just a parlor trick. Yeah, I think James Fitzgerald didn't like it. I think I remember filming him one year in Carson as a Masters athlete, and he was pretty disappointed to see it. He didn't think it was a good test of fitness. I love handstand walking.
Starting point is 00:12:19 The one thing I think looked like to a spectator standpoint that looks gimmicky is like that previous comment, the freanding handstand push-ups from last year were a little visually not so appealing there was a super busy you know a lot of lines and is this is this the guy who won is this spencer spencer did spencer win the uh soft ultra yeah you know watching him he's i think he look at that what's he doing is that a pirouette was that that ballet? No, it's called a crow hop, yeah. If you watch him on the 2012 Pendleton obstacle course, I think he is probably the best athlete that's ever competed at the Games, just pure athlete personally.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Spencer. Yeah. I mean, watch him throw that ball. I mean, he won that event. He, uh, I think he won 2012 ops, of course,
Starting point is 00:13:08 at Pendleton. He just flew through that. It was fucking crazy. Watching that. Was, was, do you, um,
Starting point is 00:13:13 was Spencer a hard worker? Uh, I mean, could he push harder? I know his dad way better than I know him. And I would have a hard time believing he was not a hard worker. Well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:13:23 he definitely comes from some good pedigree. I know. I don't know. I don't know anything about Spencer's training. I just wonder why. I mean him and I would have a hard time believing he was not a hard worker well yeah he definitely comes from some good pedigree I know I don't know I don't know anything about Spencer's training I just wonder why I mean and he was a good games athlete I'm just wondering why he didn't go further um if he was that great of an athlete maybe if it just was Taylor Stash is a gimmick he had he had a couple he had at least one top 10 year, I think in 2017 or 18, he went team. And then at that point he was having some kids. Um, I do, I have heard stories about him training at Appalachian state as he was on the baseball team and him and his dad making him do like handstand pushups in the bathroom because they wouldn't let him do it in the gym.
Starting point is 00:13:58 So he would go into the bathroom for his workouts and do handstand pushups. Damn. workouts and do insane push-ups damn his uh his his dad's uh business card is him tackling who's that super famous running back he used to be on the rams yeah the rams running back i forget his name the guy who wore he wore glasses here's dickerson yes yes and he was fucking spearing him yeah yeah, his business card is him drilling Eric Dickerson in his Rams uniform. It's pretty gnarly. He was an 80s walk-on
Starting point is 00:14:32 linebacker in the NFL, if that tells you anything about him. And his dad's on the L1 team. Is his dad a Flowmaster? No, he's not a Flowmaster, but he's a level 4 on the L1 team. And he owns CrossFit?lotte wow okay uh so uh the programming what do you want to tell us about this before we dig into the programming one more thing so we've talked about where we've talked
Starting point is 00:14:57 about who uh what is the goal has the goal always been the same for this programming and what is that goal i would say yes the goal has always been to find the fittest on earth and i would say that these lists me and taylor are not saying that if you took our list of 10 alone that it would make the perfect CrossFit games. Far from that. We are choosing events that we like based on different criteria. One of them being, we just love them and they're our list. We love how they look. We love how they were programmed. We love the movement combinations. Other criteria may be, what were their implications during the event? So after that event happened, did that
Starting point is 00:15:47 start someone's downward spiral in the competition? Did it cause someone's uphill trajectory to where they eventually won the competition? Did they create iconic moments that you'll just always remember? You know, like at the end of events, someone's celebration or someone's emotional collapse at the end of an event. And then what I mentioned earlier, the ripple effect. So you take a workout from 2008 or 2009. Are we still kind of seeing that footprint in 2019, 20 and 21? So many years later. Other than that, I would say the flow and show.
Starting point is 00:16:27 so many years later. Other than that, I would say the flow and show. So essentially the spectacle of the event itself, that visually it just looked amazing. And that's why we think it's one of the best events. I think another one final metric would be the efficacy. Does the workout do what it's intended to do? Or do the athletes just totally blow it out of the water because there is a rare occasion where the athletes quote unquote break the workout i think 2021 the interval workout at the games with the uh yoke and the ghd med ball sit-ups was a pretty i remember yeah it was it what do you mean broke it like there's a 13-way tie no like the athletes are intended to take four intervals and they almost finish it in one interval oh oh okay okay okay okay just bad testing okay we in in that year wasn't that the year that they also changed the run the distance of the run in the clean
Starting point is 00:17:17 ladder yeah yes and i and i'm trying to think um there was another year something weird happened. I'm trying to think of what would – is there a workout that's the worst workout ever in all of CrossFit games that just stands out like, oh, fuck, not that one? Double banger. There's one that's – Oh, yeah. That's bad. You're're right all the ones with the hammers i actually can't believe they brought that back twice maybe the row yeah the row steak steak from 2009 didn't someone's hand get busted on that you didn't know where they had the hammer
Starting point is 00:17:57 right kelly gordon car gordon sarah gordon becky gordon julie gordon what the fuck was that chick's name she's on that one team some gordon she went to the hot that chick went to the hospital yeah and came back and then the sand was like suppose like some guys were hitting it was going straight through and yeah that one was bad but the banger was atrocious does anyone like the banger that's the one where the green hammer right you stand with the with the, yeah. Both years, I didn't really like that workout. The first year was that sprint, and then they had the athletes that kind of hook and drag, so it kind of threw out the test altogether. And then the year before that, didn't they do something with the rope?
Starting point is 00:18:35 Was it a heavy double under rope with it in 2012? The double banger was just regular double unders, I think. It was just regular double unders. Yeah, but the banger was at different levels. It was like eye level. One was on the ground. One was high. It hit this way, and then, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Nicole Gordon, thank you. Thank you. I wasn't a big – to be honest, I like the visual of assault banger, the 30-cal sprint into the hammer, and I think kind of like Dave said in his interview, it's you can't always predict the fuckery that an athlete's gonna pull i mean you're like two or three guys did that the rest of them didn't and those two or three guys proved to be kind of irrelevant in the competition but
Starting point is 00:19:14 i thought it looked cool i didn't personally like atalanta as a final because i thought a lot of people just pulled back and there was not really any intensity under the test yeah wish you're gonna get his fifth right it's like what workout what workout at atlanta the hundred and yeah the hundred hand push-ups 200 pistols 300 pull-ups starts and ends with a mile the twist on murph oh is and is that what they did at the ranch when there was only five athletes and in a fraser and well fraser and tia did that together right that was pretty cool yeah that was a cool moment but i almost don't like the fact that it was under such a low amount of intensity that they're able to just pull back and be like fuck it we'll finish together you know that either says they're so good or i just would have preferred a different workout that made them
Starting point is 00:20:03 struggle a little maybe a little bit of both maybe a little bit of both. Maybe a little bit of both. My, I'll tell you, I'm going to tell you this, this isn't at the games, but all my favorite workouts and all of CrossFit games history probably come from one place. And that place is at a regional and the regional was Del Mar. And the reason why is because the venue, the crowd and the lighting, and I'm so biased biased the lighting was unbelievable it was basically a giant fucking open stadium but it had a roof but it was all skylights and then both ends were
Starting point is 00:20:33 open it was it was a horse place where you do people do horse tricks and there were some stuff they would do in there but and my favorite part was when kenny leverage and josh bridges were coming down towards us and they have their shirts off and they're doing snatches with i don't know what it was 70 or 100 pound dumbbells and you could just see their arms and their neck and everything every time it was dope yeah that was the original hundreds that it was okay well it was the second hundreds there was a hundreds really early on with like double unders and um like i think overhead squats or something yeah yeah that one was that one was wall balls um pistols snatches and chest of our pull-ups and just the way the athletes had to walk out by everyone and everyone's kind it was it was
Starting point is 00:21:19 intense and then and then and then the other one i like for for visual oh here we are this is the ham this is 2009 yeah that looks so terrible look at how they're holding that yeah oh my goodness look at the judge just super close but yeah this is getting low see how low hers is relative to like some of the spots like someone was saying was actually uh softer yeah that was hairball and and then and then in carson one year i don't remember what year it was but there was a workout where they were flipping i guess they're called pigs there were those big green steel things without the shots we were getting from jason kalipa flipping that thing i mean his arms look like they were going to explode those are those are the two that stand out uh for me but but for totally different
Starting point is 00:22:06 reasons i didn't give it i didn't i not not for the programming but just for the uh my i guess just the spectacle okay uh i have two lists here we'll start with uh taylor do you guys intersect at all were there any uh you guys pick the um yeah when we both send each other our rough drafts i think we had four or five events that overlapped and we made the unanimous decision to we also had five or six honorable mentions. And so we were just like, all right, for for an event that both of us have, I'll plug in one of my honorable mentions and vice versa so that we weren't just talking about the same workout twice okay uh let's go through these um i'll keep i'll keep us moving but at any time you want to slow down and really hammer something out and talk about it let me know uh this is taylor's list the workout this is oh why don't we go backwards we're gonna start with 10 we're gonna start with 10 and we're gonna go jr's 10th or my 10th and jr's 10th and then 9 and 9 and 8 okay okay i'm done with that. That sounds good.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I'm trying to see if I have J okay. This is going to get a little squirrely here with the page. Uh, JR's 10 is the sand sandbag sprint from 2009. Uh, I was at the top of that Hill and that was brutal. I don't think anyone knew. Well,
Starting point is 00:23:21 probably Dave knew, but none of us as spectators knew. Uh, I'll just throw this in there. The reason why I think this was the greatest event in CrossFit Games history, and I can't ever remember it being done ever again, is the fact that you could touch the athletes. What do I mean by that? We were, it was like the fucking Tour de france they had to run up between
Starting point is 00:23:47 us we could you could touch them no one would have probably said anything to you you could be they they it was so narrow and so steep yeah right there and it this there was a feeling here as they were running by you that i've never felt at any other event. And I have insane access. I've had insane access. And, and, and, and, and all the fans had at least as good of access as me.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And this was something special. That's fucking cool. Yeah. This was something special. Yeah. Look at all those people. I want to say there was like 2,400 people there. This is the 2009 games.
Starting point is 00:24:22 They're probably 2,400 people there. First year, 2007, the games were probably like 60 to a hundred people in 2008. I think there were maybe, you know, 2400 people there this is the 2009 games they're probably 2400 people there first year 2007 the games were probably like 60 to 100 people in 2008 i think there were maybe you know 1500 and then this year they were probably close to 3000 yeah and they started down there yeah so if you look behind these guys they started on the cement there and that's the barn. And then they would come up, up the hill. Uh, why did you, yeah. Pat Sherwood.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Yeah. Crazy. Well, Oh, is that Ben Smith too? Yep. In the white t-shirt? Right there.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Yep. Right there. Right there. Um, why did, uh, JR, how,
Starting point is 00:25:03 why did you pick, uh, this event? Yeah. So there's a lot of reasons I picked this one. First of all, I knew that I really wanted to choose one from the early years that some people may not remember. They might not remember like the carnage that it left behind. But part of what I think makes a good event is sometimes just the simplicity of it. Dave was always really good about that.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And there's nothing more simple than just adding some weight to your body and running up a hill as fast as you can. Like the winning times were right around one minute. So there's plenty of time for that lactic to set in and you just to have to deal with it for like the last, I don't know, 20 or 30 feet, the worst part of the climb. I think Ben still says to this day, that might be the most uncomfortable event he's ever done in his career. What was the weight? It was two 35 pound bags for the males and one 35 pound bag for the females. And do you think that was appropriate? Did you, do you like that? Why not make it one 70 pound bag for the men? Do you like it that it's two different bags? They got to juggle. Yeah, I think it was cool because you saw people carrying them in different ways, which I thought was really cool too. It's just one small little instance of adaptability. And, you know, nowadays people would people would figure something out in the warm up room and not let anyone else see it. But you were probably out there just watching like the rest of the spectators and you saw someone do it in an effective way. And then as the heats went on, people got a little bit better at it i saw um uh there's there's only two workouts that
Starting point is 00:26:25 stand out in my mind where i actually saw athletes like like you literally witnessed their bodies break down like you see people fail the rope climb and you see them fail but you still don't know exactly what's going on you have to just assume it's it's arm fatigue but there's one time i want to say was it freddie camacho's gym and i saw jeremy t I saw Jeremy Thiel and Jason Kalipa do 10 burpees, 10 thrusters at 135, three rounds, and they raced. And as they came to their last five burpees each, something happened to their hips. Both of them, it just almost stopped, and when they would bring their legs forward, it was almost like they were doing the splits. They couldn't do burpees anymore. Their legs had filled up with so much blood, they couldn't even close their hip and then and their legs wouldn't come up all the way it was like you saw
Starting point is 00:27:08 the body breaking down that same thing happened on this hill sprint there would be a dude winning like a big name you know and 15 feet from the stop top his legs stopped working it's not even that he gave up you literally saw his legs just stop working like he's like looking down at him you're looking at him and then miko squeezes by or spieler squeeze like goes in between two guys and bumps them if you if you can find the spot i think spieler runs in between two giants uh whose legs just stopped working it was a it was a trip not because they're breathing heavy but there's actually some sort of muscular like, hey, it can't. It cannot. And what's weird is you don't normally get to see that like in a body weight type of movement, although they were carrying the bags.
Starting point is 00:27:56 But when someone can't do a snatch anymore, it's because it's 185 and they got to take a rest. Yeah, it's so cool too. Body's breaking down. you know, they got to take a rest. Yeah. It's so cool too. Because people like, I mean, Ben Bergeron, when he does his camp every year, they go to this famous hill that he runs and he does like intervals of this type run with his sand hill to sand dune.
Starting point is 00:28:18 It's like, I can't remember the exact name. The comments will know, they'll go out there and they'll go a quarter of the way up and then walk down. And then they'll go half the way up and then walk down. It's a lot of mental training, but it has to stem from this. I mean, Rogue built a hill in the outfield. And you know, there's everyone. No one has an original idea. And you know, at the end of the day, we're all just kind of emulating others that we've seen.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I mean, Dave Reed did this with a longer course, with a feed, with a corn sack at the games in 2020. It's still- Where did they go? At the ranch? Right. Okay. I don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And not nearly as dramatic because it was just one probably group, and then also you didn't have the crowd there. I mean the crowd was nuts. It was – Super cool. Yeah, it was weird. Anything else you want to say about this one? No. Oh, it was Miko that split these guys.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Oh, is it? Yeah, I found the clip real quick. Okay, you da man. Let's see it. I'm sure I shot this too. So I should be able to use this, right? Yeah. You own this, right? That is actually from my camera. I was up at the top. Okay. Let's see. And that might be Carrie and that might be Carrie Peterson's camera or Hollis Malloy's. There were only three of us there. I think filming maybe, maybe my, maybe my wife. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:42 So that's Jeremy Teal to to write oh my god i can't believe i'm forgetting all these guys names okay let's see it and look nico's got both bags in one hand yep and they all start to break down and fall apart and he sneaks right on in pass both right at the end look at this guy look at that pain face right there nuts nuts, nuts. Man, Miko is something special. And that was JR's number 10, and we will go to Taylor's number 10. Soccer Chipper 2015.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Oh, and by the way, and the winner of this sandbag sprint, it says SS and AT, Annie Thor's daughter and? Sveinborg Sveinbjörgson. Oh, shit. So it was the guy she came out with. Which is really cool. They're both sitting next to each other, like, kind of scoffing it off like everyone else was being soft. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yeah, those two were cut from a different cloth that year they showed up. Okay. Those two were cut from a different cloth that year they showed up. Okay. And this one, the Soccer Chipper 2015, it's Taylor's number 10 and all-time best CrossFit Games events. And the winners were Elizabeth Akinwale and Ben Smith, superstars of the day. Did you guys watch Ben Smith's steroid thing video that he just came out with? Oh, he just came out with it today.
Starting point is 00:31:03 It's pretty good. That guy he does the podcast with is pretty good, too. I don't know who that is. Do you know who it is? I don't like him that much. No offense. Oh, no. He was great on today's show. I thought he was so good.
Starting point is 00:31:17 On the last couple shows, he was... Like, when they did the programming show, he just... Never mind. Anyways. We'll rip you up later dude but but you were great today you're great uh soccer chipper uh a hundred foot pig flip the men used 560 pounds and the women used 395 pounds my goodness uh four legless rope climbs and then 100 foot handstand walk what are these letters next to him wgg uh so that's just me designating it's a
Starting point is 00:31:45 triplet weightlifting gymnastics gymnastics um well it's a chipper but it's also consists of three movements interestingly enough a lot of the workouts that i picked are triplets with a weightlifting and gymnastics and a monostructural modality paired it's just classic crossfit i mean i love this so much it's the reintroduction of the pig after using it for the first time and kind of the main thing to note is this is in 2015 where dave says kind of behind the scenes i think matt just lost the games i believe this is at that point in time where matt blows up on the pig um can't do the legless rope climbs and ben smith wins is that in the behind the scenes he says that i think so yeah that was the momentum shift right there damn that was some good shit
Starting point is 00:32:32 behind the scenes man if that could just come around again yeah i mean but the spectacle of this workout too just watching them flip a pig 100 feet go straight to the rope 100 feet down again on the handstand walk, just really fucking cool. Is this the one that he showed the picture of earlier with Jason flipping the pig? That's the year and the one I was referencing that was great for photography? No. No, that's the bird and run. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Where did this take place, Taylor? This took place in Carson in a soccer stadium. Oh. So is that thing that Jason was flipping earlier? Is that also called a pig? Yes, but it was the first iteration and they didn't have it covered. This is just a cover over it.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah. The evolution of, so is there that metal contraption is inside of that cover to some degree. I mean, I guess no one will ever know unless you own one and want to fucking cut it up. Oh man. I always, I guess no one will ever know unless you own one and want to fucking cut it up. Oh, man. I always wondered what was in those. So those are 560 pounds.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Yeah, you can load them. I believe it's like a Velcro type vinyl cover. You can unstrap and change the loading. So as you lift that, it's 560 pounds, but it gets lighter. Each little bit you raise, it gets lighter. It's leverage. It's like flipping a tire. There were some guys that were very athletic and natural with this movement and others that fucking crushed it. I remember you remember hearing guys say it was like a one rep max bench press. If you've ever flipped a tire before, you're thinking, well, it shouldn't be. Who wins this workout if you do it this year at the games from the men and the women wow uh you would think for uh pat donor i would i would potentially think he's great at legless rope climbs he won the pig flip event at wadapalooza and he did if he didn't win he came
Starting point is 00:34:19 really close to winning the pig flip muscle-up workout in 2021 um and then that's a handstand walk and he's good at handstand walking i believe he won the deadlift freestanding handstand push-up event that year as well 2021 and we'll just do that workout last year with the pig flip and we'll just give it to tia maybe not tia because she's not so great at dense handstand walking that's like the one thing if there was ever a hole Tia had, it's handstand walking in big chunks comparatively to the field. Ladies and gentlemen, you may not remember this, but early in mine and Taylor's relationship back in the day
Starting point is 00:34:57 when Dave Castro ran the games, I had made the introduction between Taylor Self and Dave Castro, and Taylor had found his way out to Aromas, California, in Steinbeck country, where the largest agricultural center of the globe, maybe. And Taylor found his way out there, a young man from, I don't know, Georgia, South Carolina, wherever the fuck he's from. And he gets out there onto the ranch, and Dave puts him to the test, to the puts him to the test and he says Taylor you're here to test workouts and Taylor says yes I am sir tells Taylor go flip that pig you want to take over from here Taylor and Taylor what happened do you want me to do you want me to I'll tell the way I see it I think it was the pig was set up in a really
Starting point is 00:35:43 well we can how heavy was it how in a really well, we can. How heavy was it? How heavy was the pig? Can we see the pig again? It wasn't the weight. But when we get to this 2020 workout where they have these turf little strips, we were flipping the pig on a turf strip. And right next to that turf strip was dirt. And I stepped off the turf strip and slipped and got crushed. And how high up was the pig? did you have it this high up it was probably that exactly that high up i took this where you flip it up and you take a step with that next back leg and i stepped i mean we were on fucking three feet wide of turf it was retarded at which point taylor found himself underneath the pig and allison scuds came over with a mac a margarita in one hand and the other.
Starting point is 00:36:28 To note though, I did take second to Pat on the pig flip event at waterpalooza. All right. Noted. And that was this last year. Yeah. Okay. Good job. Okay. Anything else we want to say about Taylor's number 10 soccer chipper, 2015 winners, Elizabeth Ockenwale and Ben Smith? No surprise they won it. That means it was an event won or lost if you were strong, right? You had to have strength and you had to have the skill.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Elizabeth Akinwale is an amazing handstand walker, and I think she's athletic enough to get through the pig and the legless. Workout number nine on J.R jr howell's list squat clean pyramid from 2016 the winners are carl webb alex anderson and carl webb wow wow these are some names wow car has been around forever one of the anderson brothers shot a dude no one of the anderson brothers did he shoot a dude something happened with one of the anderson brothers one of the anderson brothers got in a gunfight a guy tried to shoot him i was just reading about it it was about it was two years ago was it z.a anderson i don't know but he was
Starting point is 00:37:41 at some it was a it was a nascar driver he was a nascar driver shot at him i think he was at a nascar driver's ex-wife's house oh someone's gonna have to look it up this sounds like some kentucky shit right here he was at some race car professional race car drivers uh uh ex-wife's house and the ex-husband came over and he's there he's the race professional race car driver nascar and uh when he entered the house i think he pulled a gun on on one of the anderson brothers and i think that he had to cap him drinking mountain dew code red and smoking marlboro's probably i think he capped him i think he killed him i know it is crazy do you see it do you see it i want to make sure uh tell me about the, JR, tell me, I don't remember this squat clean pyramid.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Can you, what did it look like? Yeah, so the workout was ascending loads for time, 10-8-6-4-2. And where was it? Tell me the venue. This was at Carson. In the tennis stadium? Correct. Okay. I don't know if we wanted to share this story still or move on.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Holy shit. The guy was sponsored by Zaxby's. Police in Georgia say former NASCAR driver John West Townley was shot to death in a dispute that involved a hatchet. Oh, yeah, yeah. I think he came at him with a hatchet. Yeah. It's nuts. Estranged wife and another man.
Starting point is 00:38:58 What does estranged wife mean? Why does it have to use a word like estranged? Was he strange? I heard there's a toothbrush now. mean? Why does it have to use a word like estranged? Was she strange? I heard there's a toothbrush now that's also a water pick. Yeah, right there. 31-year-old Townley who raced eight seasons had the weapon at some point
Starting point is 00:39:16 before he was fatally wounded by Zachary Anderson. Man. Anyway. All right. It's got clean pyramid. Don't fucking ask our driver's wife. Is that the guy? Oh, but that's not the guy in this workout.
Starting point is 00:39:31 This was his brother, Alexander. This was his brother. Zach made the games in 2013, I believe. Oh, okay. My ex-wives. Pull that comment up. What? What do you want? That comment, dude. Yash Kami's comment. that comment dude yes
Starting point is 00:39:47 yes cunt killed my ex-wife's lover i can't even i can't even do that family tree i don't even understand that that's bad we're talking about a dead guy come on i know be cool i know let me cool jr the squat clean pyramid is the workout that made me start crass fit zachary cadets crass fit crass fit yeah so the workout is 10 8 6 4 2 of ascending weights of squat clean so 30 squat cleans at regionals this year they did the same thing with snatches so this was kind of the you, the progression through the season of that, which was cool. But I know I'm really hard on using absolute strength or strength workouts under zero fatigue, essentially strength with no fitness involved. I'm usually really critical about where those
Starting point is 00:40:40 workouts are placed and if they're placed anywhere, but the games, do they affect the leaderboard too much? And do they swing the leaderboard too much for just being brutishly strong? This was the first time that I saw strength being expressed the way that I feel like really shows who's the strongest by CrossFit's definition. So moving really heavy loads fast under fatigue. Usually in events like this, the strongest person, like one rep max strength didn't win. This event also paved the way for workouts like all the sprint ladders. So like the snatch sprint ladder, the clean sprint ladder, the clean and jerk sprint ladder. This was the first one where we saw strength being expressed in this way which is really cool and can you just look at what it's right after holy
Starting point is 00:41:32 fuck what a day like that day is i think still maybe the hardest day ever in crossfit games history i mean and taylor's saying marathon row maybe the ones with the marathon row was worse, but those three workouts are heinous back to back. Yeah. Murph squawking pyramid and double DT. Get fucked. Hey, will you go back to that video real quick? There's an athlete's name we saw on there that had insane promise. Speaking about people who were incredible athletes this lady are you talking about brooke no no this lady was amazing she was a laurel he's talking about um about brooks no no the girl that wore the sunglasses in the jean shorts right nope nope uh it was to uh go back you she was in fifth place for a second wherever you were to tanela tanela reed Well, she did well in 2017 too. She was going to be, she could have been like the Laura Horvath of her day.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I mean, she, what happened to her? She was getting good. She did awesome the next year. Cause you know, she won the sprint O course and she was, she did really well the following year. Yeah. She was a real athlete. She was a real athlete.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Uh, when you, you know, I think I interviewed her once and she said, she just, she grew up in a tree basically. i think that's her and i think maybe she had like six brothers or some it's some story like that six brothers and her and she lived in a tree i mean by tree i mean she just played in a tree her whole life um what uh i bet you she got pregnant that's not gonna be let's just go with that i think she did it's not a family that's what happens to girls that's what happens to them. They get pregnant. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:08 That's not my fault, but it does happen. Anything you want to say about this workout, Taylor? You like it? Oh, one more thing before you go, Taylor. When you talk about the evolution and you're saying this is the first time, I liked all that. This is the first time we saw kind of heavy lifting um expressed quickly and it wasn't the strongest person who won as opposed to kind of parceling it parsing it out in the 2008 or 9 games we saw them do that long run and then we saw and then we saw a deadlift ladder where whoever finished last went first
Starting point is 00:43:47 and that was kind of like the uh poor man's attempt at what more this was this was a more super high skilled version of that right all the pieces it finally but wouldn't you say that's the distance cousin of that jr am i understanding what you're saying no yeah actually yeah i actually love that parallel they're vastly different tests then they redid that one at the games when they took them back, you know, where they did a longer trail run and they did a heavier deadlift ladder. The only thing I would say about that one is I think that one probably to an extent still just kind of favors the most enduring and then also the most strong right not really giving value to the person that's well-rounded at both i agree i agree it's kind of the distance
Starting point is 00:44:34 cousin of it because you kind of tried to fatigue them with the run but at the end of the day they all get a pretty enough rest and the strongest guy still wins that event i mean it's a strong parallel though because you have at least in 2016 last place on the run got first place on the deadlift. So if you're thinking most of the field follows that trend, then the person that's right in the middle is getting the best. Well, I guess not. So wouldn't you say though, like that year, I think Sam took last dancer, but he took last knowing he could still win.
Starting point is 00:45:00 So if it was, if it really held up, wouldn't you think that it would, it would hurt that person or does that just mean they're that much of a specialist no you're you're right i think you're right too and that year i don't remember who um i forget the guy's name he's a black guy he was last on the run and he and he cleared the whole fucking thing all and no one thought anyone would do it and he went all the way to 500 pounds in 2009 can't remember his name I only made fucking a half dozen videos on him I have my memories waning
Starting point is 00:45:32 okay number 9 anything else you want to say about this number 9 from Taylor Self 2007 how old were you there this was how old were you there this was how old were you taylor in 2007 i was 12 when taylor was 12 years old there was a workout at the ranch the very first crossfit games
Starting point is 00:45:55 taylor has that as number nine on his list this is called reload take on hopper style crossfit wad well you see oh you got it wrong this is 2007 reload is the name of the event and it's the 2020 version of the 2007 workout okay my bad my bad so i was gonna say the winners were tia toomey and matt fraser yeah you you caught yourself i i should have put 2020 in parentheses but this workout then was five rounds for time of chest to bar pull-ups and 135 shoulder to overheads or pull-ups and 135 shoulder to overheads, but the same exact format. And so this is kind of what me and JR were talking about at the beginning of the show where – You forgot the row, though. There's a buy-in on the row, right?
Starting point is 00:46:39 Yeah, 1,500-meter row buy-in. Okay. And then five rounds of this workout, 10 bar muscle ups, seven shoulder to overhead, 235 for the guys, 145 for the ladies. And it's a great evolution of that first day workout from 2007, which they titled hopper style CrossFit WOD. I think they actually pulled that from the hopper and this was one of three workouts. And what was the original workout the original workout was a 1500 meter row pull-ups and 135 shoulder to overheads for the men yes and 95 for the ladies so they added 100 pounds for the men and made them bar
Starting point is 00:47:22 muscle-ups did anyone do this did anyone do this workout unbroken matt and tia both came close to unbroken and failed both of them their last overhead on the last round and had to reclean it and then jerk it right and i think how about today does it get can it get um can are there people in the field who can do this faster what year was this 2020 2020? 2020. With the exception of Justin retesting and maybe going a little faster, there's no one who's blowing the doors off this workout like they would the 2007 version. So this for sure holds up today.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Crazy. And I think an important thing to know from this workout, at least that I noted, was when Matt finished this, and then 10 seconds later,in walks across the finish line um on the first workout in aromas in 2020 it was pretty you're like holy shit who's that you know you expect matt at least in that format to just fucking clap everyone and this kid walks across the finish line 10 seconds later open some eyes yeah uh who took second in the women do you know wasn't it wasn't hayley adams and maybe it was i can't remember either hayley or brook wells oh i want to get hayley adams on the show did i send you that susan
Starting point is 00:48:37 okay yeah here's him failing his next rep oh so hold on take a second look at those turf strips go back okay well we're now gonna look and see the turf strips that oh wow okay they had those in one long line and we were flipping the pig on that i'm guessing to keep the dust from smacking in your eye and lo and behold you step off of that and you're fucked hey who is is that chris hinshaw over there leaning up against the uh that's not him over there right on by the g on grounds i believe that's harry paley standing uh yeah wow oh that's the guy that went up to hwpo yep harry paley poly pale paley i don't know i don't know how to pronounce it harry paley he's a good dude when i went in and did the thing with uh ben a while back i got he got stuck driving me everywhere because i was the only person that didn't have a car from out of
Starting point is 00:49:35 state oh that is cool yeah he's a good dude drove me around took me to whole foods we had some lunches together it's cool can we have him on the podcast yeah i already have his number perfect uh wait till he's asleep and then text him yeah uh anything anything you want to say about this workout jr yeah i do it's actually really really cool that taylor picked this because there have been a lot of there's been some repeats like Murph. There have been some like reload type versions of workouts like this one. This is the only one that's been done three times. The original version of this workout was repeated in 2013, just so people could see how much faster everyone would go. And then Dave liked the combo so much that he reloaded it for a third time,
Starting point is 00:50:22 which I think is awesome because it's never happened before with any other event. I love it we're happy that it's bar muscle ups and not uh ring muscle ups yeah they were on the bar for for the previous two so yeah and i do want to point out something really small me and taylor talk about this all the time a lot of people oh i thought you were gonna say something else else. Sorry. Go ahead. I was waiting to go ahead. Sorry. Distracted for a second. Sometimes we, well, most times we think the female loading is too light. And we, we pointed out all the time in workouts, how females tend to go faster with a 35 pound dumbbell versus a hundred pound dumbbell or 95 pounds versus 135. Everyone
Starting point is 00:51:05 saw this workout, including myself and thought, what was Dave thinking? Why did he make it 145? But that just shows how much Dave is obsessed with his craft and how much he tested this workout. Because when you look at what happened to Tia at 145, the exact same thing that happened to Matt, they both failed their last jerk. It was almost like it was nuts. So everyone was thinking that the females would just go faster and that wasn't the case. He knew to make the weight a little bit lighter. Why? What would the presumed weight be for the women if the men were 235? Well, typically you see 225, 155. So you have to think if it was 235, you might see 160, which is a pretty big difference. But I guess it was something about the volume of upper body push
Starting point is 00:51:56 and pull with that high level of a skill that he saw something in testing that made him think that he needed to lower the weight just a little. And I mean, that's just him being good at what he does. Were you around long enough, Taylor, to get any observations or give any criticism or insight into the testing you saw going on? I was around long enough, but I also didn't feel like I was, you know, I got hurt on the first day. So it wasn't like I was testing a lot of workouts, but I saw them being done and I had my own thoughts on them.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Not the thoughts on the workouts, but the thoughts on the process no i had my own i thought the process was great i just you know had my own thoughts on workouts but when you're not testing them you don't get asked for your thoughts how does how okay uh it was hard to sit there and watch other people work out for three days fair enough you need to get you need to get at it you're ready now to get at it I'm getting at it alright good is he getting at it
Starting point is 00:52:56 JR he is confirmed getting at it number eight all time best workouts at the crossfit games on jr howell's lift the final one two three from 2011 and the winners i don't even know how someone helped me here. Rich Froning, Ben Smith and BB. Who's BB?
Starting point is 00:53:28 Uh, that's, uh, Chris Spieler won the last one that year. And then wait, wait, wait, wait,
Starting point is 00:53:34 wait, wait, wait, wait, Rich Froning, Ben Smith and Chris Spieler had a three-way tie. No. So no.
Starting point is 00:53:39 So this workout was one of the, was the first time that the athletes were briefed on the floor and this is like a really big deal to me because one of the main staples of crossfit being unknown and unknowable this is going to pave the way for other events that are also on my list but it's not happened very many times they were out there on the floor dave briefs the workout three rounds for time 21 hand release push-ups get open over the wall 21 overhead squats three two one yeah and everyone just kind of looks around and they start the workout no one knew how many workouts there were no one knew if there was something after no one knew if they were gonna have to do it again you had to sell out and rich sold out on this
Starting point is 00:54:22 and he ends up winning the first workout, is smashed. They essentially rest a couple minutes. They get briefed on another workout. They have to do it. They get briefed. They have to do the last workout, which has the rope climb, the infamous rope climb, which kind of paved the way to the rest of his career. So I just think when you look at the unknown and unknowable element, it hasn't happened very many times. In 2014, they were sequestered. They didn't know what the workout was. They came out. It was the thick and quick with the double grace afterwards.
Starting point is 00:54:55 This year, same thing. They didn't know what was coming. And then one more time when they did chaos in 2018, they didn't know the event until they did the event. And I just think that in history, I mean, if Dave doesn't write the workout this way, does Rich win the games that year? For sure. And then the rest of his career may not even pan out this way. So the ripple effect of this workout is crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Not only on Rich's career, but on how events are done moving forward. Yeah, because one would argue that Dave couldn't do something like this as the sport grew. That you couldn't just tell the TV people, well, what's going to happen is you're going to cut to me and I'm going to tell them what to do. And then three, two, one, go. They're going to start. Like you would think that this kind of event wouldn't be possible in 2019 or 2020. Let me just let people get caught up here for a second. Is this BB Chris Spieler?
Starting point is 00:55:51 Yeah, it's just a typo. Oh, okay. I sent another list with full names. I guess you didn't see that one. Oh, okay. I didn't see that one. Sorry. Okay, so JR's – how many points was that worth?
Starting point is 00:56:03 Was that worth 300 points? Yeah, they gave 100 for each one. Taylor, you're going to let him get away with calling this one? He doesn't, too. I have two. I have two. All right, all right. This is the 2011 games.
Starting point is 00:56:17 This was the year J.R. is referring to that Rich Froning looked like he was going to win the CrossFit Games. And in that third, the final event was three workouts. And in that third workout, there was a rope climb. And we all saw Rich fall from the top of the rope. And I think he hurt himself, maybe even broke his ankle. Something bad happened to him. Yeah, and that's 2010, Sevan. 2010.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Oh, is that a typo? It's probably a typo on my part. It's 2010 because he wins 11, 12, 13, 14. Okay. And Graham Holmberg ends up winning the CrossFit Games. Yep. it's probably a typo on my part it's okay because he wins 11 12 13 14 okay and uh and graham holmberg ends up winning the crossfit games and that sucks to say it like that because graham holmberg did win the crossfit games but i i say go on to win the crossfit games because people remember his victory as being uh rich and then and then the next year i want to say rich came
Starting point is 00:57:00 out and completely dominated the rope climb yeah there was a rope climb clean and jerk workout and he destroyed it and look at that the stands aren't even full no final day too right in front plenty of room crazy if you would have asked me where the stand's always full i would say yeah i mean it was nuts in there do you remember the year people got like trampled running there they opened the door and like i think they went to sign seating after that didn't they because yeah yeah they never allowed that again oh yeah it was crazy you could just go up and lay stuff down and that those were your seats like it didn't matter and and who were the women who won this event one two three uh kristin clever kristin clever and then annie wow so we start to see her rise and then she wins the next year
Starting point is 00:57:45 wow is that did kristin clever win the games that year uh yes she's in my house uh like last weekend yeah with her girlfriend a couple days ago uh watching the ufc fights they brought a bottle of tequila it was crazy nice yeah yeah i wasn't hung over but a bottle of tequila. It was crazy. Nice. Yeah, yeah. I wasn't hungover, but a lot of people were. I only had three glasses. You know what's crazy about that event, too, is I remember, I think it was in a behind-the-scenes thing, maybe, where they did the temperature on the blacktop, and it was like 120-something degrees. And you could see in the videos, there's a couple of athletes trying to get close to the wall to do their push-ups because it was burning their hands. to get close to the wall to do their push-ups because it was burning their hands uh more information from the behind the scenes and i believe the temperature was 131 and the guy used a temperature gun yeah that's right uh the good old days uh an incredible venue uh one of the interesting things about this venue is i know there was talk dave said that at some point he
Starting point is 00:58:44 would like to go back there i wonder now that he's not in charge of the cross things about this venue is I know there was talk. Dave said that at some point he would like to go back there. I wonder now that he's not in charge of the CrossFit games. If they ever will go back there. I've also heard Dave say that he really wanted to do 20 games and call it. And, uh, so yeah, it's,
Starting point is 00:58:58 it's, it's, it's interesting. Okay. Texting a friend. I'm doing a podcast. Can you guys hear where my phone rings do you hear that it goes yep sometimes you hear the d okay okay all right uh anything you want to say about this do you approve of this choice uh taylor i love it in fact not the next but the one after that on my list is a similar take on this event uh Anything else you want to say before we move on to Taylor's number eight?
Starting point is 00:59:27 Good. Taylor's number eight. Taylor Self's number eight. Okay, here it is. Ranch Mini Chipper, 2016. Annie Coors' daughter, Brent Fikowski. Is that Brent's rookie year? 2016, I think, was his rookie year.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Yes. Wow. Why are we shaking your head, JR? I was just thinking about the hill sprint and how this comes up again. This is Ranch Mini Chipper 2016. Where did this take place? What was the venue? Aromas, the ranch.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Oh, this is the year they flew back. Yep. This was the third event. They did the trail run again, the deadlift ladder again, and then this was their last workout of that day. Nasty. They took a jet from Carson to Aromas in the morning and flew back that night. There were no spectators there.
Starting point is 01:00:28 What do you like about this? Why did you pick this as number eight? This is actually the first CrossFit workout I ever saw. I believe that this was aired on CBS, and I remember turning the TV on and watching these guys do this and thinking, holy fuck, that's crazy. So that's one reason. The other reason is, again, just an amazing triplet of weightlifting, gymnastics with a GHD sit-up, but also involving the 30-pound med ball sit-up
Starting point is 01:00:55 and then taking the med ball with you up that hill after 50 wall balls and 30 GHDs is just gnarly. And the spectacle of it on tv watching this workout was super cool any surprise that it was annie and brent who won it no surprise at all what place did annie take that year we know no uh brent pikowski do you know what place you took standby oh what do you think about this you like this picture yeah i love it man it's kind of it's uh how many years later that any wins that sandbag hill sprint and then wins a workout
Starting point is 01:01:34 with a weighted hill run which is super cool just kind of shows you people are good at certain things and no matter how much you train them or don't train them, they're still going to be good at them. And that's eight or nine years after. So cool. And I think this is the first time the heavy wall ball was ever introduced, which was kind of cool to see in CrossFit Games competition. What was the wall ball weight, 30? 30 for guys, 20 for ladies. And the first and last time they've done a med ball at GHD sit-up with that weight,
Starting point is 01:02:03 which may be due time for them to bring that back a med ball sit up is a little bit different when you when you're throwing the 30 around as a guy and and sorry and those were 30 pounds also oh yeah you took the same medicine ball throughout the whole workout so you did 50 wall balls with it you took it to your ght you did 25 ght sit ups with the 30 pounder as a-pounder as a lady, and then you took your medicine ball with you up the hill. Wow. Oh, Fraser was there. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Yeah. Ranked up fourth that year in his rookie year. Crazy. Yeah. And won that workout. And won maybe two more. I think he won the D-ball. 100% was the name of the workout.
Starting point is 01:02:42 It was like Bob Chimpo over in D-ball. I think he may have won one more i think he went through that 100 and the rope the rope chipper uh scroll scroll down let me see let me look at sixth place scott wow so we would have had scott this year if he wouldn't have hurt himself probably we have b orvin carl goodman sen we have brent fukowski we have cole sager we don't have matt fraser we do have patrick velner and uh we don't have ben smith but he's still making shots at alex vigno travis mayor uh alex anderson wow marcus philly josh bridges look at this group no also in st
Starting point is 01:03:17 mcquad still on the hunt crazy crazy crazy crazy. All right, number seven on J.R. Howell's, the push pool from 2014. Is that a final event? No, that was a nighttime event in the soccer stadium, though. The winners were Josh Bridges, probably one of the most iconic finishes, and it's either him or Rich Froning. Those are the two biggest that stand out for me, Josh Bridges, probably one of the most iconic finishes in, it's either him or Rich Froning. Those are the two biggest that stand out for me. Some of the antics they've done and celebrations they've had when they win.
Starting point is 01:03:55 And who's ML? The great Michelle Latone. Oh, wow. Okay. Here's that crowd you remember at 7. Yeah, yeah, there it is. Can we see Josh Bridges' celebration here? Is there a... Yeah, I'll bring it up, but you could probably see Matt Souza right there.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Oh, you were there, Matt? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's awesome. That is awesome. Why did you pick this, JR? This is the all-time seventh best crossfit games workout uh in the history of the crossfit games jara howell picks it puts the number seven push pool from 2014 yeah you know aside from the high level of it i mean this is the kind of workout that you saw a lot of people kind of fall apart on with the strict deficit handstand pushup. This was also a workout that had ascending
Starting point is 01:04:49 reps, which was pretty cool. The reps went up on the deficit as the deficit went up, which is like, fuck you and fuck you, which is really a kind of rep scheme that I think Dave has only used once, once otherwise. And that's in another workout in my top 10 where the weight goes up as the reps go up. Normally you see the reps go up, the weight go down, or you see, you know, you know, vice versa. The sled weight also increases as they go. So the reps go up as the deficit goes up and the sled gets heavier and heavier so just and it's just classic push and pull it's just not a way you would normally train
Starting point is 01:05:30 it in a gym which is just awesome and look look how after he wins rich still hunts him down like a predator look at him squat and gives him the love like just like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's so great it's and they got the coordinated color shorts they they actually obviously had a little phone call before and they're like hey wear your red shorts so good yeah josh had an explosion man he would explode sometimes out there right just fucking explode was there is there anyone else that raged as hard as him when they would win i don't know i don't think so because some of his regionals ones like the year he grew his hair out and he like got a rep at the 265 on that snatch ladder like he 2016 yeah 2016
Starting point is 01:06:18 the year he missed right no that was no he made it in 2016 and yeah he raged hard yeah taylor how much better or how much worse is a push-pull event like this than the shit we saw this year and sorry i can't i can't quit picking this is it but this thing this torque tank thing how much better oh what's better the torque tank or this push-pull shit? This is, I mean, the visual of pulling a sled with the rope and everybody's on the same line and you just see the sled. One, two, one. That's so fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:06:55 And just watch the guy, the different ways they pull it. I mean, Josh is, you know, a smaller guy. And just to watch him throw his whole body into it, his other guys are just kind of hand over hand is yeah unreal such a cool spectacle and the torque is i want one i want him to send me one but it looks not if you work on this show yeah yeah savage hey um and fikowski's incredible at the push at the push pull sled right he can do both i want to say that i've seen a pull sled like yes so there was a workout called the rope chipper
Starting point is 01:07:33 that almost made my top 10 and it was basically all the machines it was rowing skiing and assault bike and in between they had the heavy zeus pro rope and then at the very end they had a long hand over hand and brent kind of came out of nowhere everyone was struggling hand over hand and brent was just taking these huge pulls and ends up beating everybody at the end it's all hand over hand bend over pull with the hips hand over yeah i think i remember that he was a savage ripping it yeah he was a savage i remember that okay so this event also is what kind of it it's when rich takes over the lead so that night he takes over the lead and the next day he doesn't relinquish the lead to win and yeah and the final the final event from 2014 is an honorable mention for me just a fucking sick two back-to-back events with thick and quick right
Starting point is 01:08:23 into double grace which was another event that they announced on the floor they do thick and quick uh four rope climbs three overhead squats 245 and then announces double grace and you have the iconic rich froning finish drop the bar behind him walk across the finish line and seal the victory in the stealing of the chalk oh man legendary yeah taking the chalk i remember that's your shot savon that's your shot yeah yeah yeah i was sitting behind their own thing and i remember seeing it knowing that that was the moment it was there was some second coming fucking religious overtones there that was some crazy shit being in there how'd you capture that shot was it just by
Starting point is 01:09:03 chance or were you just following the you were just following rich i didn't see anyone else in the stadium i only saw i only had eyes for rich yeah awesome oh shit okay uh number uh seven on taylor self's um all-time best workouts at the crossfit games program by the dave castro all of them uh number seven uh the 2012 final uh it's elizabeth cut to 17 won by deborah carson and uh rich froney ben isabel cut to 12 and then fran which is kind of that similar to the 2011 final style where they finished with the three back-to-back events and just so fucking cool that they do one girl, then another girl,
Starting point is 01:09:49 then another girl. Oh, I see. I read it wrong. Okay. So it went from Elizabeth and then they cut some of the losers. Then it went to Isabel. Then they cut some of the losers and then it went to Fran.
Starting point is 01:09:59 And this is the final workout. Yeah. In the tennis stadium at night. Yeah. Sunday. Okay. And the crazy thing about that is they're doing this event and all the other competitors are in another spot in the middle
Starting point is 01:10:10 of the stub hub center just kind of or in the middle of the tennis stadium just off to the side watching this heat go then the next heat goes and they're all just kind of watching uh crazy and and did is that the year who did Camille win the CrossFit Games that year? No. Camille won 2014. Who won this year? Annie. 2012, 2013, Annie.
Starting point is 01:10:32 2014, Camille. 2015, 16, Cashin. So the names of these winners too, Isabel, Annie Thor's daughter, Rich Froning, and Fran, the final one, Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet, and Scott Panjik. In that year, I think that they went swimming at Manhattan beach. They went swimming in the ocean somewhere. And I remember Deborah Carson did not want to go in the water and Dave walked out into the water with her.
Starting point is 01:10:58 And I remember thinking how fucking inappropriate that was, that the, that the director of the fucking crossfit games was giving preferential treatment and helping this girl psychologically out there into the water and in hindsight i think it was brilliant i'm so glad he did it did it speaks volumes of the sport and where it came from but at the time i was like man this this is fucking stupid like let her fucking quit she didn't want to get in the water. Let her quit.
Starting point is 01:11:26 But if it wasn't for him, I don't know if it was that year, but one of the years, she would have tapped. She was done. She was crying. She was crying. I remember because I came up to her
Starting point is 01:11:37 with holding my camera and she basically told me, get the fuck away. What do you think, JR? You like this? Yeah, this is awesome and i wish that if they were going to cut the field this is how they would do it that they would do it on the last day and it's been it's been a long time since they've done this kind of format and i know the show is just bigger and it would maybe be a little bit harder logistically to go tap someone on the
Starting point is 01:12:04 shoulder or announce the people and say if you your name was called, you can exit the field. But that would just be really cool. Or the Coliseum floor. It would just be really cool to cut people in this fashion. I think you would see people empty the tank like you normally don't see them do anymore. I know this is a little unfair. It's a lot unfair. But these Fran times times can we see these
Starting point is 01:12:27 fran times how much break did they get in between these workouts uh it was one heat one of the men go heat two or sorry heat one heat two heat three then cut heat one heat two heat three then cut so they had rest okay because the it's interesting that i had we had scott on the show and we asked him you know i sort of had that thing going with hillar that debate on whether half if you could if half the games athletes this year who take the floor if you make fran the first workout do half of them finish it men and women under 215 and i don't think half of them do but what's interesting is we asked scott that and i think scott agreed with him that he thinks a little more than half would he said look yeah and he won fran
Starting point is 01:13:10 that year so we asked a guy who's fucking good at fran he got 241 at the end of the game literally the last workout at the cross yeah yeah so it's not let's see how the women did let's see how the women go ahead uh to mention the rest thing like how much time between each event you have to look at the context of the workout so fran is a two and a half minute workout so he one goes two and a half minutes he two goes two and a half minutes he three goes and then isabel same thing a minute and a half two minutes um same thing with elizabeth look how close the women are so later talena fortunato just had twins she birthed them at home in florida good job congratulations girl camille and talena fortunato beat everyone at the games in france they beat all the men too crazy okay uh anything else you want to say about this taylor before we move over to number six the number six the domination of rich say that again well remember this team yeah rich which
Starting point is 01:14:12 was already uh had had the game sealed up completely this would have been his second year winning it in a row so he could have just coasted and i think he went out and did isabel that first workout unbroken or like 28 in a row and then stopped and just absolutely crushed it and then the second event in elizabeth he did all of it unbroken because it was a power clean not a squat clean like the original workout and i just remember him just ripping on the bar and smashing it like he could have just totally coasted and mailed it in and still would have completely won it and that basically solidified in my mind like okay this dude's gonna be here for a long time and he isn't going anywhere and it's also the i was gonna say the dichotomy between all of the other athletes moving and then watching rich is
Starting point is 01:14:49 really highlighted on the ring dip it's fucking crazy his ring dips are just so pretty so he it's yeah it's crazy it's crazy how you do anything is how you do everything third's a charm i didn't even need jr's help on that i killed that right you got it thank you thank you uh going over to number uh six um all-time best crossfit games workout by jr howell it's called the happy star it's from 2020 uh that means it happened in what venue at the ranch with a smaller field five athletes in each. And the winners were Matt Fraser and Tia Toomey. What was Happy Star?
Starting point is 01:15:30 What was the workout? Yeah, so Happy Star was four rounds for time, somewhere between a 200 and a 300-meter hill run. There we go. And like I said in my number seven, these are the two workouts that I can remember that followed along with that, the level of movement or the level of difficulty increases as the reps increase and not vice versa. So they do five burpees, essentially a burpee get over. They had a little beam that they put up on the rig and it was a burpee when they get to use their hands to put it on the rig to get over. So it was a burpee get over at like 30 inches. A lot of thrusters at various weights.
Starting point is 01:16:08 And the weight went up every single round and the reps went up every round. And every time they went on a run, like one round, they would run to the right up the hill around. And they ran straight. Then they would run to the left a little more than they would run to the left hard and ended up making a star. And I just thought it was like this is super classic crossfit but this ascending rep scheme with the heavier loading at the end is like awesome me and go ahead i was gonna say me and jason did a workout together uh this past year that was just like this but instead of the burpees over the wall it was burpee bar muscle-ups pretty nasty and and what's the exact same workout yeah what's interesting about these workouts at the ranch
Starting point is 01:16:49 as i recall when they would do these runs is everyone didn't take the same path well they yeah they would be off just by a few feet some people would hit holes in the ground some people wouldn't some people go around the bush this way, around the bush that way. These were things that were unique to this venue that we don't have at other venues. That type of creativity is not even opened up. I've never even up it might get so chaotic as people all get offset that you would have a little bit of people running into each other but with five athletes you can see right here that even as they're kind of taking different lanes there's still plenty of room and space so it's kind of unique to that many people too which is cool uh if you go to paper street coffee i don't know what the email address is or what the website address is.
Starting point is 01:17:45 And you use seven as the code, you get 10% off the coffee. You want to get blood work done and find out how much testosterone your balls are making. You can go to CA, put in the code seven and you will get free blood work, free doctor's consultation. And then you can begin the process of entering the california or no the california yeah hormone
Starting point is 01:18:06 games coming soon 2023 t elliot field now that we know seven's two k row can we get a one rep max back squat what's back squat is that when you put the bar in the back 95 fuck i feel like i have to do it he's he he's got he he gave paid me 20 bucks and a and a and a uh it's a picture of a hammerhead shark maybe i have to start an only fans page where people pay me like to do max lifts and shit now we're talking now we're talking dude you did that 2k row barefoot do you know how many people would have paid for that what do you mean oh yeah good point just get a good camera angle on it uh okay um anything else you want to say about this event the the the happy star no i would just say this is like simple and elegant this is one of those
Starting point is 01:19:03 workouts that's probably the least sexy on either of our list, but it's just really, really super classic CrossFit. And you see the two best that have probably ever done it finishing first on it and it not being close. I just think you'll remember this one on like the third load. They're both just doing whatever they need to do to make sure they stay ahead and then, you know, finishing it at the end. And the distinguishing quality between this and the one you said before also is that the, the, the, everything was getting harder,
Starting point is 01:19:31 more reps, more weight, more reps, heavier weight, more burpees. And the implications of that is not only are you tired and it requires maybe a different kind of pacing, but it's a complete and total head fuck.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Yeah. Very, very mental. And Matt and T are the only one in that workout where you watch them and they're pushing the pace on the run. They're increasing their pace on the run as the workout goes and gets harder and it's just domination. Number six from Taylor Self,
Starting point is 01:19:58 all-time best CrossFit Games workouts 2020, swim and stuff. He has on number six, swim and stuff. Sw on number six swimming stuff swim the letter n stuff swim and stuff 2020 sam quant to you to me why did sam quant win this i mean if when you watch the event i think sam quant won the event because he had the biggest balls on the air bike at least when you watch them all on the assault bike he is fucking crushing it and he falls off a bit as the workout goes but the first couple of rounds where he went so hard and he made so much time on the bike he just matt matt wasn't able to kind of
Starting point is 01:20:37 reel that back in what is a slam ball i know what a slam ball is in an affiliate and i know what a slam ball is in my garage but what's a slam ball at the know what a slam ball is in an affiliate and I know what a slam ball is in my garage, but what's a slam ball at the CrossFit Games? Same exact things, just with the 60 pounder. But do you have to catch it? No, you don't have to catch it at the bottom. A lot of guys were going touch and go where they just touch the floor. It's kind of like a ground overhead with the D ball. There's no standard for how fast you push the ball down. The standard is that you reach extension overhead and the ball touches the
Starting point is 01:21:06 floor at the bottom of the rep. So it's essentially a ground to overhead with the ball, which I fucking love. It's such, it is a, it's like a burpee pull up or a clean and jerk. It's, it's a movement that has such,
Starting point is 01:21:18 you know, the link, the line of action, the ball starts on the ground, it finishes overhead. It takes your whole fucking body to do it. And it hurts. They're awesome.
Starting point is 01:21:31 I don't remember what year it was, it was the 2008 or 2009 and crossfit was doing a demo of a gymnastic certification and adrian bosman that was there and allison bishop was there i believe in a variety of other people that you the names you might know and so this was a free gymnastic cert and a bunch of people who worked at CrossFit HQ went to go take it just to like, see if like, Hey, do we want to bring this gymnastic cert on board? And I had just ordered a 40 pound slam ball. And at the time people didn't use heavy slam balls like that. Really? All the slam balls were like 20 pounds, 16 pounds, 30 pounds. And I brought this 40 pound slam ball there. And at the break, I brought it out and we all fucking just had at it you know what i mean for 30 minutes slam balls and i think there were
Starting point is 01:22:09 some stairs there we did some stair sprints and stuff and i remember i got in trouble i think i got a call from either dave or nicole who was in charge of the seminars at the time and told me i was never allowed to uh do that again organize workouts at the break or or bring a do stupid shit like bring a 40 pound slam ball to the, I fucking love that because, because we were crushed. We were fucking absolutely crushed. That's one of the one movements right now that I can do under infinite intensity. And I've been doing a lot of them. Slam balls. Yeah. Why it's easy on your knee.
Starting point is 01:22:41 It's a hinging motion. It's a light object. Like I'm doing it with a 50 for the most part. So it's, you know, the total load on your body is 50 pounds. It's really light. And it's just so, it's so total body. It's great. But, but, but it is, but it's just, is it eccentric and not concentric, right?
Starting point is 01:23:02 No, it's concentric and not eccentric. Right, sorry. So it's just concentric and not eccentric. But you pair it with a skier and then you have a concentric, right? No, it's concentric and not eccentric. Right, sorry. So it's just concentric and not eccentric. But you pair it with a ski erg and then you have a concentric and eccentric. All right, fine. You win. Yeah, and this is the really cool thing about that movement. So if you took a dumbbell and you locked your hands around the dumbbell and you did the same movement and you dropped it, the dumbbell would bounce around everywhere.
Starting point is 01:23:24 But how awesome would that be to be able to do that with an implement? and you did the same movement and you dropped it, the dumbbell would bounce around everywhere. But how awesome would that be to be able to do that with an implement? Even a barbell, if you do singles, it takes that time to reset. With this movement, and I'll be the first to admit, when this workout came out, I thought the ball sames were so dumb. I thought there weren't enough GHD sit-ups. And the workout was executed. And what was so cool about it was on the front, on, on the first and third rounds, no one could hold on to the ball because they were wet, but then you went
Starting point is 01:23:54 in reverse order on two and four. So you started with the ball by that time they were dried off and you saw people going touch and go. So the movement really is pretty versatile. And everyone says from the games that year that that workout put them in the most discomfort, that that one hurt the most of all. And this is why, and this is why I love it so much. They finally introduce a machine combined with the swim. And I think a lot of people are so good at taking a nice, easy trot, jumping in the water and swimming or the 2020 game, 2010 games when they did the bar muscle up pool, uh, you know, a couple of muscle ups, a 50 meter swim, not that much discomfort when you take an assault bike and
Starting point is 01:24:36 you think of what that does to your body. And then you put people who are not that comfortable in the water where you have to hold your breath after sprinting on the assault bike oh my god i fucking love this workout it is it just screams if you're not really comfortable in the water this is a bunch of fuck you up so much i think this was the last year i did any filming for the crossfit games because i remember i was there when they demo i did wasn't at the games that year i was probably fired or wasn't allowed to go or something. But I filmed the demo for this. And I remember it was Allison Scudds and then two other CrossFitters. I think Kara Hipskin was one who still works there who are both really good swimmers.
Starting point is 01:25:17 And it was really cool watching them test it. All right. I'd forgotten all of that. Thanks for bringing back those memories. All right. I'd forgotten all of that. Thanks for bringing back those memories. Number five on JR's list of all-time best CrossFit workouts, Chaos from 2018. The winners, Patrick Vellner and Katie. Katrin. Katrin. Katrin, David's daughter, and Patrick Vellner. What is chaos from 2018?
Starting point is 01:25:49 So chaos was one of these other times, one of the few times where we really got to see unknown and unknowable. Dave writes about it a lot in his book when he talks about constructing the 2018 CrossFit Games and how he'd had that idea for a while to find a way to not tell the athletes what they were doing until they immediately got on the floor. And not only not telling them exactly, but telling them movement to movement, what they had to do. So the athletes walk out on the floor, they see skiers, they see a rig, they see a dumbbell,
Starting point is 01:26:17 they see a box and they see something that looks like some sort of sled. So in your head, you're trying to think what you could be doing. And I've mentioned this before. In very few instances, do you see back-to-back movement redundancies that Dave has ever programmed? What venue is this? This is 2018. Okay. So it's like programming wall balls and squat snatches in the same workout, programming wall balls and squat snatches in the same workout, just two squats back to back, just because. Well, when I see this workout and I see the single arm overhead squats into the pistols, at first you think to yourself, well, you could have just done more of one or less of the other and you still would have made the box jump overs hard. But from a really, really detailed programming standpoint, I realize now how smart it was.
Starting point is 01:27:05 Because if you're one of the best in the world and you go out there and you start skiing and then you see this line, you say, OK, I'm probably gonna have to do burpees. And then you see that dumbbell and they tell you to overhead squat it. The last thing you're thinking in your mind that you're about to do is another squat. So just to add to the chaos of trying to maybe predict what's coming next remember they didn't even know what reps they were doing they had no idea how many they were doing it was it was just really cool because they pulled it off they said some athletes had to have judges that spoke their native language because they didn't speak english as a primary language and yet they still did it and it was just a really awesome show and again it's a it's one of
Starting point is 01:27:45 the other instances of true unknown and unknowable so if you were in second place you got to see the person ahead of you do this stuff you're watching other competitors as you go i think the other thing to note is look at the female rep scheme 30 cal 25 burpees 40 single arm squats, 45 single leg squats. So it's just chaos. It's cool. Wait, so the women did more single leg squats. And they did less single arm overhead squats. Wow. Has that ever happened in the CrossFit games where the women do something more than the men?
Starting point is 01:28:20 And vice versa? Not in this way. Wow. Wow. Okay. That was the worst CrossFit Games in the history for me. It was the year when everything was kind of overshadowed by all that bullshit. Yeah. Yeah, I had to fire all my staff, over 100 people.
Starting point is 01:28:40 And then I was told I couldn't do the behind the scenes. And I basically just sat on a couch. I think I went to the venue like twice for 10 minutes each. Man, that was fucking brutal. I thought I was going to be doing the behind the scenes for the next 100 years. I thought I'd be like 90 years old doing behind the scenes like in a wheelchair, like with like an IV. I seriously did. I seriously did.
Starting point is 01:29:04 I was like i'm not doing this forever this is dope uh number five um on the all-time best cross the games workouts from taylor self is the split triplet from 2019 take on the track triplet matt fraser and tia toomey yeah Yeah, I love this workout. Again, kind of like what JR talked about early on in the show, it's the unknown and unknowable. And the hang dumbbell split snatches and the hang dumbbell clean and jerks, I thought were awesome.
Starting point is 01:29:37 They were just so fucking cool. And it's a take on, to a degree, that workout from 2012, I believe, was three rounds for time they did eight alternating leg split snatches with the barbell and then seven bar muscle ups in a 400 meter run so you have you know the evolution of the pull they go from the bar muscle up to the pegboard um instead of the run they have the hundred double unders and then they take uh these alternating dumbbell hang split snatches where not only do you have to alter why are they called split snatches taylor why can't you just be a hang snatch because they were forced to split their legs on each rep and when they alternated hands
Starting point is 01:30:14 if you're like the josh everett thing like the job like yes yeah no shit yeah it was so fucking cool watching them do this and then when you switch when you force that how did they enforce that was that hard to judge no it was actually a pretty simple thing to judge yeah you either split or they don't um that's the second time they did a split snatch in the games too 2012 they did the split snatch but that was with a barbell yeah and they made them alternate legs that time as well so when they're doing this workout anyone do all 10 uh hang split snatches and then just go into 10 uh clean and jerks and not put the barbell down? Matt, dumbbell.
Starting point is 01:30:47 Matt, for a majority of the workout, did 10 into 10. Noah was doing 10, put the dumbbell down, rest a little bit, 10. Matt also had a fucking handful of no reps on the dumbbell, which I remember. Because it's confusing him. You know, he's alternating hands. You have to switch the lead leg. It was fucking cool. It was cool.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Oh, you did have to do that? You had to switch lead leg and switch so every time you went with the right arm your left leg had to be in front every time you snatch with the left arm your right leg had to be in front jr do you think are you surprised that dave did that because it could lead to a clusterfuck with the judging because i know that that was always something of his concern like you know like with push-ups or squats they were always like trying to figure out new ways to make sure that they're judging everything correctly. Well, I think the standard on that was that both feet had to show movement and then both feet had to return to the starting position before you brought the dumbbell down. So as a judge, if
Starting point is 01:31:34 you're looking at feet and then you're looking up, you're really not ever having to look at anything but feet. So making sure that they correct at the top was really the only thing they had to look at. It's really funny that you talk about this in the track triplet on the behind the scenes that Sevan does that year for that workout. This is something I never knew they did. I would love to hear like Hiller's take on it, but your judge would go find you for the following event and say, let's go do your briefing. And there's a clip that shows a couple athletes demonstrating their rep on the floor in front of their judge for that next heat. And the judge saying, okay, yeah, that looks good. As long as you do that on the floor, we're good to go. Like, imagine if they could do that now, if they could have the judge for
Starting point is 01:32:24 the following heat, if they rotated heat to heat, they could have the judge for the following heat if they rotated heat to heat what year was that judges in the warm-up area 2012 and they had them they had that judge have their athlete showed demonstrate their movement so that they could tell them no that's not going to be a good rep or yes that's going to be a good rep on the floor and and the other thing you have to know is that these are the best athletes in the world performing this, and so you don't have to worry about thousands of people on video fucking up a shuttle run.
Starting point is 01:32:52 It's simple. You're either split snatching the dumbbell or you're not, and you're going to get a fucking hard no rep at the games. The judges at the games are flows. They're level fours. You're not squeaking shit past them except for maybe potentially this um i think what he's referring to is noah was reaching back with his rear leg and not really reaching with the front leg so he wasn't really showing much front foot right um but he was
Starting point is 01:33:17 executing a split and so maybe that's the new one did noah and matt have a beef i'm trying to remember was there tension there? It seems like, yeah, I don't know. Yeah. There was that little Rocky point for Noah. Remember when there was like, he's like,
Starting point is 01:33:32 I always mean. Yeah. I always love Noah. I think there was a, I think there was a situation where he, he said something about rich coming off the floor and saying, now it's your turn. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:43 And, and he patted spieler on the head and called him spieley yes and i remember i remember heber and mars heber and mars and a lot of the other videographers were really fucking the the media team were really pissed i thought it was awesome i thought it was awesome i think we talked about that in the behind the scenes too someone did that to me i'd punch them in the nuts dude like all you gotta do is no it didn't mean anything rude by it he's cool as shit that's like yeah that's the thing do you guys remember the commentary in this event by any chance i think it was josh everett no it was a funny point because
Starting point is 01:34:17 i don't know if he didn't have the notes in front of him or what have you but he didn't realize that it switched from snatch to clean and jerk so So he kept making the comment like, wow, those athletes are going unbroken, but you could see partly through towards the end as they fatigue, they are changing their technique. Oh, yeah, awesome. No, he doesn't have to be wet. He goes, oh, look, yeah, it seems like to be the real trend. Everybody's changing it with a little pause at the shoulder.
Starting point is 01:34:43 And I was like, and then you could see uh sean willard trying to like backpedal for him and and kept like saying the workout out loud but josh wasn't catching the cue it was hilarious the shit i remember i mean it was it's obviously it's obviously programmed like that for that reason right yeah just to push you to fatigue and that's some old school shit right and josh josh was probably did fucking 100 l1s and so he probably was just going on autopilot and yeah yeah exactly that's what i think that was funny uh number four on uh jr's all-time best crossfit games workouts of all time a 21 15 9 complex does this workout not have a name that That's the name of it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:31 It's from 2014, and the winners are Rich Froning and Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet. What's this workout? Yeah, so this is – can we watch this whole thing or no? No, but it's kind of a cool visual. Was this one of the first times that they started to lay out the floor like this? No, no, no. I think Eric Diaz made these graphics. I remember we had hired. This was the head graphics guy from UFC, and we brought him over to the media department.
Starting point is 01:35:56 Shout out to Eric Diaz, one of my favorite guys I ever worked with. He still works there. Super talented. Boom. Love this one. Chase Ingram. Bill Grundlerler get with the programming okay uh 21 15 9 complex okay what was the workout go ahead uh mr howell yeah so the workout kind of follows that 21 15 9 classic rep scheme but it's broken up into three different barbell movements adding up to 21 three different pulling movements adding up to 21
Starting point is 01:36:26 and then the next round is adding up to 15 and the next round is adding up to nine so numbers wise it may be one of the coolest rep schemes for any crossfit games workout oh wow no wonder you're not saying what it is deadlifts clean snatches pull-ups chest to bar six wow okay yeah so and basically it's easy even though it looks like a shit storm when you look at the numbers it was easy to follow because they were just marching across the field right yeah it's really it's really easy once it starts to know that it's okay it's eight seven six eight seven six then they move and then it's six five four six five four then they move again and then it's four three two four three two and this workout is pretty iconic because and actually chase gave me this info because i couldn't remember
Starting point is 01:37:13 off the top of my head i don't want to say anything wrong this was the first time since 2010 amanda where rich was not in the final heat at the crossFit Games. Oh, wow. Right. So he won this workout from event three. And it was the first time that you saw Rich probably reach the most upper ends of his capacity and not look left and right. He knew he couldn't look left and right because there was a whole nother heat of faster athletes coming.
Starting point is 01:37:38 In the last, and I sent a clip of it, in the last round of 4-3-2, he does four pull-ups drops off, does three kipping chest of bars. So not butterflies. And then goes into his two bar muscle ups and like barely gets them. It's probably the scroll down to the bottom a little bit, Susan. I want to see, I want to see those reps as he's talking about it. It's probably the only time in CrossFit competition that you saw him reach the limits of his capacity. Cause usually he could just go 90% to everyone's 100 and still beat them.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Did he win this by a lot over the first heat? Was it close? Do we know? His time... Let's see. By the way, if you want to see some really neat stuff, if this is the right year, I remember, there's footage of him in the back when he's when he's not in first place. He's not in the final heat. And it's from the behind the scenes that year.
Starting point is 01:38:32 And it's Rich is back there with Darren Hunsucker, his cousin and like a handful of other guys. Maybe Josh is back there. And everyone was fucking with Rich and especially Rich's cousin. And you want to see a fucking champion, how Rich took it. Rich is like, and you can tell he's butthurt, but he's having so much fun still. Like even when he's frustrated, he was having fun and he, and he was letting everyone goof on him. And, uh, it was, it was pretty awesome. It's a pretty awesome moment back there.
Starting point is 01:39:03 He even calls me over. Like he knows that I'm, I'm filming from afar and he calls me over and he goes, what? You know what I mean? Like, okay. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:39:11 Like I, like I'm too scared to go over and talk to him cause he's fucking not doing well, but he's like, all right, get over here. Yeah. What do you want?
Starting point is 01:39:18 What do you need? Yeah. Uh, uh, Mr. Olson, I believe this workout was already on our list uh and this was number seven on my list number seven on uh taylor self's list
Starting point is 01:39:32 a great moment and do you have that one on there jr does that make it because not only because of the workout but in the beginning you were talking about some of the criteria you were talking about being sort of an iconic um moment Do you like that? Because do you like this workout in this moment because also of what Rich, how Rich handled it, what he had to do? Yeah, I kind of like it the most because of how, how, how he really needed it. Like he had to win that to, if he wanted to win the games, you know, he did the triple three and then he did one of those sprint events and none of them were good. And so he kind of knew going into this workout
Starting point is 01:40:10 that if he was even going to be in the final heat on the last day, he had to win it. So it just kind of showed you he did what had to be done, which was really cool to see. Also too, like if you look at what's happened since this workout, DT remember had never been programmed. So if you think of DT as a barbell complex workout, you're right.
Starting point is 01:40:32 But it wasn't programmed at the game until after this. They did heavy DT, then double DT. Also, what do we do this year for strength? A barbell complex. This was the first time you saw a barbell complex ever in CrossFit Games competition, which is really cool, too. What's the definition of a barbell complex? Where you kind of saw like movements that could be done back to back to back so the deadlift right into the clean right into okay like okay it was a complex because it was a barbell complex of movements and then also a hanging complex which taylor may remember but i can't see that coming up again um since which would be really cool. If they did something like you had to do five rounds of six chest to bar,
Starting point is 01:41:10 five toes to bar, four bar muscle-ups, and you had to do it unbroken or else you didn't get credit for it. The only thing similar is the 2021 muscle-up ladder where they did 12 ring, 12 bar, 12 bar type ring, but it's not necessarily complex. They just switched hanging movements in the middle of the workout. ladder where they did 12 ring 12 bar 12 bar type ring but it's not necessarily complex they just switched hanging movements in the middle of the workout i want to just clarify here something here for mr olsen he's saying fran isabel grace 2012 he's he's already elizabeth referencing this
Starting point is 01:41:36 okay okay okay so they're on the same he just he's uh olsen's got his dude his girl he's got too many girls on his mind yeah well it wasn't an isabel elizabeth no it was elizabeth and then also too i think uh they're referencing here where it says hobart in a behind the scenes there was i think rich told them as him and james were in passing and that's when they were working out together he was like hey go faster than you think you like you can just just go all out the's faster than you think it's going to be. And those were his parting words as Rich headed onto the floor to crush the floor. I actually texted Hobart asking him what he thought of my list.
Starting point is 01:42:14 He said, stuck it. No, it was just a funny. I said, I need your take. He said, okay. I said, best CrossFit games against of all time. And I sent him mine. And I just need, tell me if you think mine are stupid. And he sent me his list and it was a good conversation.
Starting point is 01:42:31 I love James. He's a good dude. I think he's coming on the show Tuesday that I'm doing with Brian Friend. I can't remember if it's about teams or masters. Oh, sweet. Number, unfortunately, we're really going to ramp up the games coverage here guys you are going to be we are going you're going to see something that you've never seen come out of this podcast in the next month it is going to be nuts did you do you know uh who we got to help us
Starting point is 01:42:55 at uh with games commentary this year guys and i'm excited you're looking at three of the guys who are definitely going to be a big part of it um but i spoke to Sonny Webster, the 2016 Olympian, and he'll be coming on with us to talk any barbell stuff we get. He was super pumped. That's cool. Yeah, I'm excited that we get to work with him. Okay, number four on Taylor Self's all-time greatest CrossFit Games workouts. CrossFit Games first games were in 2007.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Now we're in 2022. They've combed through all the events, and these are their top ten. They said it wasn't easy. We're number four med ball handstand push-up 2012 it's intro of the d-ball and return of the parallel handstand push-up bear plates albert dominic larouche yeah i always liked him because it rhymed with douche and uh annie thor's daughter i was a young man back then i was just i was immature i was i was i was 40 i was immature yeah this workout was so fucking cool okay tell me talk to me talk to me i don't like i don't like um oh parallette handstand push-ups okay i don't like i don't like ring handstand push-ups no those are don't like ring handstand pushups.
Starting point is 01:44:05 No, those are stupid. Because everyone looks like they're a giraffe that was just born. They're fucking dumb. But anyways, the parallette handstand pushup, I actually thought this was the introduction of the parallette handstand pushup, and Jared corrected me. There was an AMRAP in 2009 with GHD kettlebell swing and handstand pushups. They were parallette.
Starting point is 01:44:24 I think it was 2008. i think it was too yeah i think it was 2008 i think it was 2008 okay okay um the interesting thing to note is i have bare plates here is these athletes were lowering their heads onto just two competition plates stacked on one another with no soft surface you have the metal disc in the center of the plate your fucking head down to i just thought that was so sad yeah apparently he was his head was bleeding afterward um whose whose was dealer dealers i think yeah wow that one i remember thinking like that was smart yeah so one it's uh you know it's a crazy cool couplet of you do your medicine ball cleans what they call the medicine ball at the time is actually the the first iteration of the d ball then you
Starting point is 01:45:10 carry that medicine ball 100 feet to your parallettes you do your parallette handstand push-ups carry it back you do your cleans carry it back handstand push-ups um jr actually had a workout just very similar to this in his in his most recent crucible event and i believe it was eight parallette handstand push-ups and 16 squats with 150 bag and you just had to carry in between and just a really fucking cool style of event and and a great variation of the handstand push-up my my favorite variation to full depth but at the time i think the two plates were appropriate how was the 10 minute time cap for this a lot of people made the cap a lot of people hit the cap meaning didn't make it is that
Starting point is 01:45:52 what that means hit the cap didn't make it yeah hit the cap is didn't make it and uh i'm trying so 150 pounds and were people able to carry this med ball the 100 foot without putting it down yeah the carry wasn't an issue i think you saw the issue when people were just fucking trying to manhandle the thing and there was no technique and it looked like a several people had just never touched anything like this um it was cool to watch what happened to um uh larouche he's he's he's kind of out of the scene i think we see him in the open was he him in the open? Wasn't he a full-time police officer? I thought that was Alex Vigneault. I get all my Canadians.
Starting point is 01:46:29 Vigneault is a police officer. Yeah, he is. Don't know what happened to him. Man, JR has an unbelievable memory. I can't even remember where I left my keys. I understand. He's Jacqueline Robinson. He's a jacqueline robinson uh he's a police officer 2014 triple three rich walked hey matthew sacrilege 50 burpees disgusting that was
Starting point is 01:46:55 that was on hobart's list interestingly hey let me tell you something you want to see a young man with a broken heart when i saw him walking, like you knew something was wrong. It wasn't, he wasn't walking because he was tired. It was like, you saw that car walking and you knew it had a flat tire or something or a fucking blown piston or something was wrong. Fuck, that was fucked up. I think that was the year. I think that worked out. What was that?
Starting point is 01:47:19 Was that the triple? Yeah, triple threes. That was the year Lucas Parker and Jason Kaliba, like as they crossed the finish line, they were peeing their pants i think i filmed both of that they're just like like what's up they're like we're peeing i'm like why and they're like we don't know all right i pissed my pants once on a run and i was trying to i was on a really long run and i was had to pee really bad these dudes were laying down and jason behind the scenes jason's like i just can't stop i've lost bladder control that's you've never worked out so hard you lost bladder control oh we had a guy at our gym do a do the dumbbell snatch burpee box jump over open workout and did that pissed his pants in the gym he's like
Starting point is 01:47:56 my best friend too i was like that's fucking gross dude i'm not gonna say his name for his for his own sake uh anything you want to say about this one oh yeah yeah yeah oh look at that chick man down yep yep we were chopping like flies out there go back a little bit more go back a little bit more I remember all this
Starting point is 01:48:17 oh look there's Danny Horan go back this chick's legs just stopped working who is that is that Christy Phillips who is that press play that Christy Phillips? Who is that? Press play. Press play. That's my old coach. That chick? That's not Christy Phillips.
Starting point is 01:48:29 So we're looking at the woman all the way to the right in the middle of the screen. And down she goes. Oh, shit. Sniper got her. I bet she pulled a hammy. I bet she pulled a hammy. It looked like they just lost. It looked like they just lost.
Starting point is 01:48:51 The struggle on Rich's face as he comes through this finish line here. I mean, look at Rich. He's such a bad runner, no offense. I'm going to tell you guys this story. You're going to go to hell for saying that, Taylor. There was this event one year, and it was a team team event and they had to carry something on their shoulder with like kettlebell swinging oh and it was so fucked up and so fucking dangerous this was at carson and someone on the media team and i swear to god if i can find it i will play
Starting point is 01:49:20 that shit someone on the someone on the media team made a video of it of all of the it's the greatest fail video you've ever seen it's so crazy i want to say sam dancer has did something crazy in there didn't one dude walk it all the way i just can't i can't remember but the fails when those kettlebells start swinging and what you see people's backs and heads and shit start doing holy fuck and we never aired it like we weren't allowed to air it like it would but it was amazing please someone on the media team now or someone please reach out to me and send that shit to me i must have it on a hard drive somewhere i just don't know how to search for it do you guys know which event i'm 2012 team event yep called yolk god it was
Starting point is 01:50:11 so fucking great she got ko'd by a ghost yeah something okay what event are we talking about uh uh uh do we want to say anything else about dominic larouche and annie thor's daughter winning this uh this three rounds for time? Four, but no. Oh, three. You're right.
Starting point is 01:50:28 You're right. Three. Okay. Uh, number. Oh man, this is fucking getting complicated. Three. Jr.
Starting point is 01:50:38 Number three, number three, Jr. Strong man's fear. Oh, this was a great workout. Sick. Yes. This was a great workout sick yes this was a crazy workout i remember that people were tripping this was one of those that on the list this one was nuts this was like
Starting point is 01:50:57 i maybe thought david gone too far oh yeah yeah yeah oh holy shit it's a fucking wow that looks like a shit joe like tommy hackenbrook that thing's gonna take wait is that the video that's the fail video no possibly be yeah because that thing was buried we got in so much trouble for making that there's a couple of them were like this guy's right about to fall and then the video like cut oh he dropped that one and they never censored they never censored they never censored shit when we were there but this this we had taken it too far that's just gonna take legs out holy fuck look at the stands are full so people watch this shit show live oh dude it was amazing it was almost it was yeah okay uh number three on jr's all-time best, Strongman's Fear 2017.
Starting point is 01:51:49 Who is KD again? Katrin David's daughter. Oh, yes, Katrin David's daughter. And BF, Bjorgman Carl Fugmanson? Brent Fikowski. Brent Fikowski. There were some dudes out there who weren't sure if they were going to pick up the farmer carry, right? Yeah, there were some people struggling with it.
Starting point is 01:52:10 So tell me about this workout, JR, and why you picked it, but tell me about how crazy heavy this shit was. Yeah, so I mean what was really interesting about it is you could have put all these strongman elements were really with anything else body weight. I mean, I think you could have put it with rope climbs. I think you could have put it with anything, but the handstand walk with it, doing the farmer's carries, pulling your shoulders down, doing the yoke, it's taxing your midline, doing the sled. It's just getting you out of breath. This combination with the handstand walk like was, was just so awesome from a programming standpoint.
Starting point is 01:52:47 And what I think is a little bit lost in it, the athletes got to pick their own journey. So they got to decide the way they wanted to attack it. And it was so cool. You had that photo finish at the end with Matt diving into the pylon and Brent. And it was Matt dragging the sled and it was Brent carrying the yoke so they were at the final carry and they're both carrying different implements which is just made everything even more cool so they had to they had to carry something I don't know halfway down the field and then they had to handstand walk two 30 foot quadrants so 60 feet back to get the next thing
Starting point is 01:53:21 carry the next piece down handstand walk to carry it again this is like a classic strongman medley type event but dave was like one set of running back to the thing getting it just make them walk on their hands back to it and get it so cool it's so cool i think it's probably the best named crossfit event ever and the logs in each hand you had to pick up 200 pounds yeah was it 200 pounds in each hand yeah Yeah. Like you see people doing 200 pounds. So that's 400 pounds right there? They can do that. But the fact that it's long like that makes it so much easier, so much harder.
Starting point is 01:53:53 No, those aren't 200 pounds each. That's 50 pounds on the front end, 50 pounds on the back end and the log itself. Oh, shit. Yeah. Okay. So that is 400 pounds that dude's carrying. Yep. Yeah, because I remember that is 400 pounds that dude's carrying. Yep. Yeah, because I remember when they were – that was crazy.
Starting point is 01:54:10 And they carried – you just look how they're shaped. So if you remember any of the kettlebell deadlift events where they moved the kettlebells, same way. The kettlebells are just banging against your legs. So that's a little bit easier than carrying the kettlebells like that. I also think the cool thing about this is it's like almost a take on roaming diane with the strongman implements you have these posterior driven core dominant weightlifting movements mixed with the handstand walk it's it's just it's a very twisted take on a workout like that pick your poison yeah i remember being there at the camera in matt's face when he dove across the finish line.
Starting point is 01:54:46 The good old days. Strong man. Number three. Anything else you want to say on that, JR? I'm starting to move fast because I'm starting to look at the time. I'm like, holy shit. I should be drinking already. Just kidding.
Starting point is 01:55:01 Just kidding. Ish. Kind of. Kind of. Number three on Taylor Self's all-time greatest CrossFit Games workouts, Pedal to the Metal 1 and 2 from 2015. This was the intro of the pegboard. Man, there's a lot of letters here. Who won this?
Starting point is 01:55:20 Event 1, or Pedal to the Metal 1, Spencerendel and margo alvarez pedal to the metal two spencer hendel and katherine david's daughter gotcha sorry you had it on here i just wasn't reading right uh tell us about this one uh taylor just a sick medley of back-to-back events one you have the intro of the pegboard and i remember when people are climbing it the announcer saying you know i venture to say most of these athletes have never touched this thing and when you look back this was the first year cash from one and she actually could not complete a single pegboard um and we've talked about that on the show as you can't believe you can crown her the fittest on earth where she had a piece and implement in an event where she couldn't even do it um that's one hey and i want to say something uh if if dave did say
Starting point is 01:56:07 that if rich would have won the crossfit games that year and he didn't climb the rope he wasn't going to let him win he was going to give it to graham anyway he said there's no fucking way we're fucking if this fucking dude can't get to the top i don't care if he won by points we're not letting him be the games champ wow and i don't even think they knew that like he was just going to call an audible on that i don't think there was a minimum work requirement i think he's just like fuck that yeah i don't think there was a minimal work requirement this year either because you see it happen to katrin uh and it's interesting to note she doesn't complete a pegboard in pedal to the metal one and then goes ahead and wins pedal to the metal two which is such again such a contrast to the men's side where
Starting point is 01:56:45 spencer handle just destroys every one of the pegboard kills the machines and then is easily nah not easily but close to the best mover on the dumbbell squat snatches and kills the first one and then goes back and wins the next one as well which is kind of crazy um just to show you how the crossfit games are truly amazing and people say the dumbest shit about them and it really pisses me off but mostly around all the cheating stuff about like crossfit protecting its athletes and this and that and there's so much work put into it that it would never be allowed to be tainted like that but this event i want to give bill henniger at rogue and katie henniger over there crazy credit because they built these fucking plexiglass pegboards that i had never seen before and they brought
Starting point is 01:57:33 these things out onto the field and there was this lady who you this asian lady i can't fucking remember her name dave did one yeah and she yeah and she and she and they built this thing at night and dave goes to her she was like dave's like creative assistant she was probably the creative director for the crossfit games at the time fuck i can't remember her name someone tell me her name i know i know chase knows it and he she worked for crossfit inc i mean i knew her well and dave goes i want these covered it's this big fucking rig with all of these climbing boards on it. She goes, what do you mean you want it covered? He goes, I want a giant sheet over this so no one can see it when they come in here in the morning.
Starting point is 01:58:12 She's like, what? He's like, yeah, I want it covered with the biggest sheet ever, and then I want to pull it off and show the world it. And they did. That night she came. So Bill builds this fucking crazy thing. And then she gets it covered. Like we're just at the CrossFit Games. The event's going to go off in 12 hours.
Starting point is 01:58:31 So she makes some sort of cloth. I don't know what the fuck the thing was. Suzanne Dye. Thank you, Adam. Man. Yeah. She was a remarkable human being. Good guess with Karyana Athens. She probably did some crazy shit too helping out. She was a remarkable uh human being good guess with kakariana um athens she probably
Starting point is 01:58:46 did some crazy shit too helping out she was pretty remarkable but these people would just get shit done they'd be like i want that covered it wasn't impossible to cover it this thing was 20 feet high and 75 feet long and 20 feet wide you can't cover it but she did it and then he went out there and pulled it off and climbed up and the whole crowd went fucking crazy. And you know what's crazy too? So he does that, and 99% of the people are like, that's really cool that Dave did that. And there's 1% of the people are like, he's a fucking asshole. He's making it about himself.
Starting point is 01:59:16 It's like, go fuck yourself. We had fun watching the old man seal do that. Just stop. He wasn't making it about himself. Okay. The other thing to note about the workout yeah sorry take it away no no no no no no no go i'm done just the elegance again of the programming of dave's programming the workout starts with pedal to the metal one and you have a very high skill gymnastics pull two minor structural elements and then a very high skill weightlifting gym, or weightlifting
Starting point is 01:59:46 implement, and you've got a lower body push. So an upper body pull, lower body push. Still the pull in there a little bit with the dumbbell snatch, but for all intents and purposes, it's a squat. Then you go to pedal to the metal too. You've got a very high skill gymnastics press, monostructural, monostructural, and then a very, very heavy weightlifting lower body pull. So just a couple of- That's the kettlebell deadlifts. Yep. Define monostructural for me.
Starting point is 02:00:11 It's a cyclical and repetitive movement. So think a double under running, rowing, biking, something that's the same modality and it's cyclical and repetitive. Is snatch a monostructural movement snatch would be weightlifting weight lifting weightlifting is moving an external load around the body in gymnastics what about a heavy jump rope what about a 60 pound jump rope is that weightlifting or is that monostructural what's the heaviest jump rope they make do they they make a 12 pound jump rope? They make one that's so heavy. If it sweeps around and hits you, it fucking takes you down.
Starting point is 02:00:50 We should get that. I want to get one. It's like a log in between just a chain. I guess you could do with the chain, like some sort of, uh, that would be so fucking dumb. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:01 Listen, listen, asshole. You think I'm fucking asking these fucking questions for myself you jackass you should take the level one i like you mlk you know i'm just busting your uh i'm gonna what's your wife's phone number by the way i have that already too but i'm gonna pretend like i don't michael michael burns that's a good dude he's a good dude. He's a good guy. Dick Wad. Okay. All right. Sorry. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. It's loyalty to a fault. Yes. Okay. Let me see. We did number four. Anything you want to say about this or jr you want to be like dude okay i was going to tolerate some of taylor's bad picks but at
Starting point is 02:01:49 number four that you mean you want to tear taylor do you want to tear taylor up at all or no this was awesome i had this on my list too and i was like we we got to make sure we have this in there so that was perfect we missed we missed one thing this was also where matt lost the games to ben it was the final event lost the games to Ben. It was the final event. He was down eight points. Oh, shit. Yeah, his final event, down eight points, and then he fucking blows up on the parallel handstand push-ups. Ben takes the lead and wins the games.
Starting point is 02:02:15 Wait a second. This is the final? This was the final event on Sunday? Ben won the games in the final event in 2015? Well, he was up eight points on matt which is not a lot that's two places and you have two back-to-back workouts that are a hundred points each and so matt beat ben i think matt gained one spot on ben and pedaled to the metal one meaning he had four he had relinquished four points to to matt so it was only a four point discrepancy
Starting point is 02:02:45 and then matt on the second one just blew up on the handstand push-ups and ben ran away with it and that was the last close games ever between men and women right and from there on out we knew it was t and that from then on when you put it like that oh my goodness crazy crazy crazy Crazy, crazy, crazy. All right. Good on you, Ben. You're a boss. I'm glad you got that in there.
Starting point is 02:03:10 Taylor Self. No, sorry. J.R. Howell, number two all-time greatest CrossFit Games workouts. The Legless. 2013. Justin Berg and Ariel Lowen won it. Josh Bridges and Alessandra Pacelli Josh Bridges and Alessandra Pacelli from
Starting point is 02:03:34 right around the neck of the woods where Matt Souza lives and she's out of Diablo CrossFit with one of the greatest affiliate owners next to you of course J.R. Craig Howard tell us about this one the legless oh is this the workout is this the one CrossFit with one of the greatest affiliate owners next to you, of course, J.R., Craig Howard. Tell us about this one, the legless 2000. Oh, is this the workout? Is this the one? J.R., I thought you hated this workout. I thought you hated this workout.
Starting point is 02:03:57 This is the one we were talking about in the beginning that I think like my numbers, really three with Strongman's Fear, three, two, and one still hold up. So it's been, you know, nine years. And I think that when you look at this workout, because it has that extra round of 27, because that has that extra round of four legless, it has 10 legless, 72 thrusters at 95 and 65. I mean, this is, you know, everything kind of stems from Fran. It's like this with a push and a pull. Okay. Let me see this workout. Sorry. I need to see this workout. Can we, can. Tell me what the workout is one time, Jared. I was confused. 27, 21, 15, 9 of thrusters,
Starting point is 02:04:29 4, 3, 2, 1, legless rope climbs. Sorry, I just wrote down the reps teams. Tell me the movements again. Thrusters at 95 and 65, and legless rope climbs, 4, 3, 2, 1. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:04:46 And this is 2013. Okay, go. Sorry. You like this because? Yeah, so this is the first time Legless was programmed at the CrossFit Games or in any level of CrossFit Games competition. You saw the layout on the floor. This is maybe like the first time I really noticed how much
Starting point is 02:05:12 thought went into it. If you go back and you show that picture that was on the screen, there were four ropes, one rope climb per rope for the first round. Then you moved on to your barbell. Then you had another rig with three ropes. Then you moved on two ropes and you moved on one rope. So progressing down the floor, it was so easy to watch. I remember watching this live when I first started CrossFit and watching not Josh Bridges win it because he actually won it from a previous heat, but you had Rich Marcus Hendren and Jordan Troyan like, and watching it, I rewatched it today and still got some chills. So if you show this quick clip, they're all looking at each other, who's going to jump up first, and then they just race.
Starting point is 02:05:52 It's awesome. Wow. Wow. This is crazy. Wow, 2013. And that's the killer cage right there? No, no, no, no, no. No, this is just the rig that they used to hang all these ropes.
Starting point is 02:06:03 They had 10 ropes hanging for each lane. But this wasn't also, they didn't do, this also wasn't the Killer Cage. Is it the same year? No. Killer Cage was 2011, I believe. Wow. It had that spin bike. Remember?
Starting point is 02:06:17 The Watt bike. Yeah. The Watt bike. How did they build this thing? Yeah. It's crazy. This was cool because there was always that big spectacle where you would go into the stadium and there was this. There was the A-frame from the year before.
Starting point is 02:06:29 They had that other rig with the muscle-ups. So there's always kind of a cool spectacle walking into the Coliseum because I don't know if you guys ever went in Carson, but they used to keep it sealed off. Every time, like you couldn't get in there at certain times. No, not me. I could go anywhere. Yeah, you had access the whole time. Me, us peas peasants we're outside trying to like look in but you would get in there and there would just be this rig or
Starting point is 02:06:50 something else in there and it was always so cool because in all the speculation what happened and they would build this shit overnight you'd go there to be fine you would show back up the next day and you'd just be like whoa there's just this massive rig in the middle of a stadium now. Really cool. That's a great – oh, look at Marcus Hendren. Mm-hmm. They come across the line super fast here. And, Taylor, you hadn't even found CrossFit at this point, right? You said you found it in 2016? Yeah, I was still watching late-night Cinemax in 2016.
Starting point is 02:07:19 Oh, Travis Bajent. Skinemax. Look at Bajent right there. Yeah, wow. Yeah, so this event, too, had some big implications in the competition. This movement first coming out, you could just see the look on some of the faces of the competitors. Like Jason got 27th on this workout, Kalipa, and he took a huge fall from the top of the leaderboard after this workout. You only had two women finish the event, only two this year as a 10 minute cap.
Starting point is 02:07:52 So if you remember Alessandra Pacelli, she used a kit the entire time. She kipped her way up the rope and, you know, a technique that most women still use today, all these years later, which is awesome that she was using it that long ago and i would love to see something like this retested for the women especially because i would say at least 30 of the 40 maybe more finish this workout in 2022 if they redid it uh one of the one of the nuances about if you go back and look at that um last shot that matt showed us also in that stadium i mean i really do like the the venue in uh madison but in that tennis stadium in carson there was this really gladiator feeling that we've never had anywhere else
Starting point is 02:08:36 because you see the spectators can all push up against this wall and then and then the athletes are right there and it really does feel like they're in a pit especially when you push up to the wall they're below you and you're watching them and when they come up against the wall they're really close it's like being at like one of those aquariums in the fucking hammerhead comes up against the glass and everyone's kind of like takes a step back it was cool that was a great venue funny there's actually my 2014 games ticket sleeve wow wow suza uh we will sell that to anyone for 12 it's signed by rich froning too by the way is it really you gotta buy it to find out let me see all the Xbox box on e-book. You guys got to forge it. Number two on Taylor
Starting point is 02:09:30 Self's all-time best CrossFit Games workouts, Amanda 45 from 2017. This was the take on the 2010 Amanda. I don't even know who this guy is who won it. Never even of it. Yep. Never even
Starting point is 02:09:47 heard of the name. He's really, really good at body weight gymnastics movements, especially the muscle up. He's a shorter guy. Um, he's all over open workouts that had scream smaller dude. He's super fit. Or was this snatch not heavy enough? It was heavy enough, and I'll tell you why. I think the one thing to note when you look at this workout, it's a couplet, weightlifting and gymnastics. Both movements are the highest, presumably the highest of skill weightlifting movement paired with the highest of skill typical CrossFit gymnastics movement and when you have 13 11 9 7 5 45 reps of each i mean it's essentially fran with muscle ups and squat snatches instead of pull-ups and thrusters and how is this different how is this different than amanda from 2000 uh amanda amanda from 2010 you just remove the 13 and the 11 and that's Amanda from 2010. Same weight, same weight,
Starting point is 02:10:46 same movement. Wow. I wonder if the fastest times on this one were better than the slowest times. I wouldn't be surprised. I think the fastest times on this were right around eight 30, eight 40. Um, unreal. Most of the guys are doing, I don't think anyone went unbroken the entire way on the muscle-ups, and just about everyone did singles on the snatches throughout until the round of seven and five, or at least until the round of five. And just such a cool workout. And interestingly enough, when you're watching the 2017 games, you're watching Matt and Ricky Garrard go back and forth on this workout and thinking holy shit who is this kid from australia and now we know we we very well know who he is this is ricky's first year back right yeah yep yep yep crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy pumped uh what do you think do you like this placement of this, JR? Anything you want to say to the man with a stash, otherwise known as the thumb, the human thumb?
Starting point is 02:11:51 No, it's actually really cool that both of our number twos, and we send each other our list, but not the order of our list. So we just kind of knew what was in our top ten, but not what place they were in. I think it's just really cool that you have all these sexy workouts like pedal to the metal one and two are sexy. And you have some of the other stuff that has really fancy movements like strongman sphere is pretty sexy. Also, these two legless and Amanda 45 are super OG classic CrossFit couplet weightlifting gymnastics, which I think is really cool that it's both number two what about what about the fact that some guy i've never heard of and that no one's ever heard of won this event
Starting point is 02:12:29 does that does that make you think i maybe wasn't programmed good no matt took matt took uh second place in the event jamie green won it for the women i think tia was too um it was it was properly programmed that dakota just has a good skill set. But gosh, you turn that on TV and you see them advancing from rig to rig. Same thing like the legless rope climb. They have a rig with your set of rings for 13, 11, 9, 7, 5. The athletes are advancing each round, and they're doing muscle-ups and squat snatches. It's just such a pretty visual, too.
Starting point is 02:13:05 You're like, holy fuck. The muscle-up is crazy. The snatch is crazy. Mike Haplin, Michael, how many people have won an event? How many men have won an event at the CrossFit Games since 2000? Well, you just have to get the number. Let's say it's eight.
Starting point is 02:13:30 Yeah, so 15 events usually times. No, because some dudes have won, like someone's won like 20 events, right? Several, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I wonder. Mask. Right. Yeah, so if it's any consolation,
Starting point is 02:13:43 and someone's going to roast me in the comments if I get this wrong, Dakota Rager wins this workout in 2017. Wait, say that again. What about 2017? Dakota Rager wins this workout in 2017. In 2018, there's an open workout with a hundred double unders followed by a movement, a hundred double unders, a movement, a hundred double unders, a movement. It has ring muscle ups and and bar muscle-ups in the same workout, and Dakota Razor won the world in that open workout. So if it's any consolation, some people are just that good at bodyweight movements. Yeah, and the other movement was an overhead squat. Overhead squat, dumbbell snatches.
Starting point is 02:14:19 Ring muscle-up, bar muscle-up. Yeah, so very similar. I remember that workout like it was yesterday this is the workout where uh matt waved you out in front of the clock right yep he was like seven what the fuck are you doing i can't see your camera behind your nose wait which workout was this workout this amanda one yeah so this was in this this was in the stadium in Madison? Mm-hmm. I've told this story before, but when Matt came over to me afterwards, he's like, dude, you were blocking the clock. And I said, oh, my God, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 02:14:58 And Dave walks up. I think Matt was still standing right there. He goes, don't say fucking sorry to him. I love Dave. That's so funny. Like, all right. All right. I didn't take it him. I love Dave. That's so funny. Like, all right. All right. I didn't take it back.
Starting point is 02:15:09 I meant it. I'm sorry. I didn't want to block the fuck. Okay, number one from J.R. Howell's all-time greatest CrossFit Games workouts. The CrossFit Games are undeniably the undeniably crowned the fittest human being on the planet. Uh, and anyone who wants to contest that, um, should probably be very careful with their tongue or,
Starting point is 02:15:32 um, or, or just start doing the open, start doing CrossFit, find your local affiliate. Uh, the games have been going on since 2007. We were headed into 2022.
Starting point is 02:15:40 Um, up until this year, all of these workouts were programmed by the Dave, uh, Castro who's been around CrossFit forever. Uh, um, up until this year, all of these workouts were programmed by the Dave, uh, Castro who's been around CrossFit forever. Uh, and, uh, former Navy SEAL, uh, and you, you could say that he, he brought CrossFit to the SEALs. He's one of the people who did that. Um, and, uh, we, it's the last two hours and 15 minutes we've been going through the greatest workouts ever at these events. And we're finally at number one. And J.R. Howell has it as the Burden Run, which is a 2013 workout.
Starting point is 02:16:14 And Jason Kalipa won this. And? Kalina Ladaris. Who? Kalina Ladaris. Don't know her. How can I not know her? I think you would know her if you saw her.
Starting point is 02:16:30 She made the games a few years in a row. Okay. Kalina. How is this? Was this hard to settle as number one? And now I'm excited because we're coming towards the end of the show. I'm so pumped. Was it hard, JR, to narrow it down to this one?
Starting point is 02:16:46 Or did you know? When you built this list, did you go from 10 to 1 or 1 to 10? Neither. I kind of jumped around, but I knew this was my number one. Really? So when the idea for this show came up, it was like, bing, that's the one. For sure. And this is –
Starting point is 02:17:01 And it never wavered? You were never like, eh? Okay. No. No, this to me is what And this is. And it never wavered. You were never like, no, no, no. This to me is what CrossFit is. This is work capacity. This is heavy loads, long distances quickly. They pick up a 100-pound log, and they try to run with it for 600 yards, and then they drag a sled. So it's all grunt work. There's nothing fancy about it. It's just pure work capacity. What's really, really cool about this workout is coming into this year,
Starting point is 02:17:38 everyone was wondering if Jason Kalipa could get his endurance better. Well, he won this workout, and he won the first three of four workouts this year. He won both row workouts. So the 2K row into the half marathon row, then he turns around and wins this one. And everybody like Bill, all the announcers are just like, what has he been doing? And he later comes out and says,
Starting point is 02:18:04 I've been working with a guy named Chris Henshaw. So talking about like what this what this year did, what this workout did for him. You saw Garrett Fisher come on the screen in this workout. Everyone was wondering who he was and everyone was saying, oh, yeah, he's been training with Jason Kalipa and Neil Maddox. They're working with this guy named Chris Henshaw. So this workout, though, it's though, I love grunt work. The competition that Taylor won, I actually named the Belton run. My gym is on Belton drive and the workout was kind of an inspiration for that. It was a one mile run and then a sled push and drag. And then it was a sandbag carry for an 800 meter. And then it was
Starting point is 02:18:44 a flip sled. So I got the next generation flip sled and used it like the sandbag carry for an 800 meter and then it was a flip sled so i i got the next generation flip sled and used it like the pig in this workout so this workout is also the pictures you get from it the shots you get from it here at the end of everyone dragging the sled is just so awesome to me um yeah it was carnage oh my god it's carnage is that froning also down over there on one knee i think garrett fisher actually passed him in in a behind the scenes or maybe a other video he talked about it was pretty cool looking over to my left and seeing rich there and passing him and right at the end of the finish line yeah and i and i like long stuff and this was like this was a 30 minute workout i think the winners finished just under 30 like 29 minutes um it was just really cool to see uh this is brutal
Starting point is 02:19:33 this sucks right here what jason is doing this thing is fucking the last thing you want to pick up and have against your head on your shoulder it's hard it's miserable i remember there was dirt and shit all over Jason. I was, I was standing right next to him when he's carrying that. And I was taking pictures. It was nuts. How heavy was that? We did a bird and run me and JRL workout with the rogue ballistic block. Oh, wow. Yeah, it was a, that was a fun one. It was a partner workout. Me and JRL did. That's not made to be carried, right? That's like,
Starting point is 02:20:04 like you stand on that to like do hand to do pull-ups and stuff right jumping yeah that hard rubber thing yeah and i i had that in in our competition in charlotte we program hey if you drop that on concrete you got to like watch out if that takes a bounce and goes into your toast right your toast yep wow crazy i was to say something else about that. Um, event. Oh yeah. Garrett, Neil Maddox and Jason dominated. You're right. The workouts that year, I think Garrett may have won one of those first three workouts, like a run one where they were running around the stadium. So I think he was, he was the first one to the pig after the two mile run. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:48 Okay. Okay. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Dave was driving in the golf cart and they were chasing him. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 02:20:55 Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Yeah. I think they almost caught the cart. Didn't they? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:02 It was nuts. Yeah. Yeah. I remember I was in the car filming. Yeah. It was nuts. Rich i remember i was in the car filming yeah it was nuts rich was seventh on this event yeah oh yeah i man i have insane photos from that i love a mass start is that jordan troy and wow
Starting point is 02:21:19 idiot easy that's my boy easy two mile run easy he's got like a five minute pace right there faster five minute yeah it's like a fucking three minute mile he's sprinting jeez dude yeah just like this number one pick for my list is 100 biased in my opinion this day at the crossfit games is the best program day at the CrossFit Games ever. So they do the burden run and they do a zigzag sprint, which is like 30 seconds or less. And then that night they do legless. Look at these people on the left stealing rowers. Sorry, JR. I heard what you said. I just see this picture and I'm like, what are they doing? What are they doing?
Starting point is 02:22:04 Okay. Finally, Taylor Self is going to match the Burden Run with a workout that comes from 2019. Taylor's pick for the best all-time CrossFit Games workout ever. It's called First Cuts from 2019. The winners were Tia Toomey and Matthew Fraser. Why this one? And let me ask you this before you say why this one. Did you know starting in, like when the idea for this show came up,
Starting point is 02:22:33 you're like, yep, I know number one. I think this was both on me and JR's list, and I think this is probably close to bird and run, if not neck and neck for his favorite or best programmed event of all time. So we both had this on our list, and yes, I for sure knew this going in. I thought I've thought since they announced the workout that this is probably the best programmed workout at the CrossFit Games, especially in the context of the year that it was programmed. Another miserable year for me. another miserable year for me across the gas.
Starting point is 02:23:10 The only thing I hate about this workout is there were heats of like 50 fucking people. And so I just wish they would run it back and do this event with, they have 10 people on each sheet and you can really watch the race because it is such a fucking cool workout. So, um, it says first cut, meaning that after this workout, cut people yeah so you had
Starting point is 02:23:27 that year in 2019 they had like 140 some athletes because you had every national champion the top 20 from the open and everyone who won a they weren't called semi-finals then it was called uh sanctional sanctionals yeah they every everyone who would want a sanctional so you got like 140 people there every tom diggin harry's invited to the games hunter mcintyre was there and they're gonna cut the field in half after the first event so after one workout 75 of you goodbye go home um which is it's fucking nuts and to do that you have to have a a classic crossfit workout that is everything true to the methodology and this kind of fits the bill you have monostructural with the run gymnastics with the legless rope climb weightlifting with squat snatch two very
Starting point is 02:24:20 very high skill movements and in a good dose of volume and loading um the 400 meter run times four is a mile of running so you know you're gonna get what the fuck are all those people doing on the field yeah those are that's every fucking athlete that's the competitors and they get a fucking media pass this year yeah holy shit isn't that crazy they invited people from like ghana who won their country and this is when it was still exclusive. Remember? This is before inclusivity with CrossFit. Ah, yes, before inclusivity. When CrossFit was racist. This was exclusive. Yeah, this was their most racist year.
Starting point is 02:24:53 Hey, someone sent me a breakdown of Glassman's last year and the makeup of the athletes at the CrossFit Games versus after he left. I mean, it looks like it went from uh a world event to a fucking kkk rally i mean it's fucking ridiculous it's fucking ridiculous it's so that
Starting point is 02:25:13 these fucking people were so bamboozled anyone who got on the rose the train so i want to make fucking retard and i mean that in the clinical sense I'm not making fun of people who are disabled. I actually mean it in the clinical sense. Okay, go ahead. Sorry. I actually love this, by the way. Even though it's a shit show, I loved it. Those people were cool to meet. Well, that's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 02:25:35 A lot of people say, oh, why would you come and you got cut and you did one workout and you left? Yeah, they got an opportunity to come to the U.S. to do one workout at the CrossFit Games. And the majority of those people that were going to get cut knew that that was going to happen. Hey, they got to come to a country with clean water, motherfuckers. No, I'm joking. Sorry. I didn't realize the second event also had cuts. The name of the event was second cut. That's funny. I love it.
Starting point is 02:26:00 The guys from Armenia never went back. No, no one from Armenia made it. It wasn't that inclusive. Hunter made the first cut, but somehow didn't know the second event also had cuts. The name of the event was second cut. I think Hunter beat... What place did Hunter take this? I want to say someone said he destroyed Fikowski.
Starting point is 02:26:15 No, he did not beat Fikowski in this workout. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Let's go check. Yeah. Yes, yes. Hot bullshit. Sometimes I just know shit, guys. sometimes i just know shit guys sometimes i just know shit destroyed the great brent fukowski no who are you kidding seven if you got a media pass you
Starting point is 02:26:37 still see you know all right fine fuck you you win uh why did why did you pick this i don't know why did you pick this uh 400 meters three legless rope climb seven snatches uh oh we're back to your triplet yeah if you're gonna test if you're gonna cut the field and have one workout it's gotta test the broad range of crossfit movements and modalities 400 meter run times four is a mile of running so that's a good bit of capacity you're gonna have which which let me say which let me say, Fikowski has no business running against Hunter McIntyre. Go on. Who cares? So, 1,600.
Starting point is 02:27:16 Whose care? Whose care? One mile of running, a ton of running. The 12 legless rope climbs, I believe, were to 18 feet or just shy of 20 feet um thank you mike alvin fuck you mike and then a super high skilled and moderately loaded weightlifting movement with the 185 130 snatch for guys and girls and the thing is after three legless rope climbs and a 400 meter run all out and you got a snatch 185 seven times if you're not good at crossfit you're going home hey when they say snatch could you show you could you is this anyway could you clean and jerk it
Starting point is 02:27:55 it was a it was a squat snatch it was a designated squat snatch dang which yeah he didn't beat fikowski in any of the workouts he didn't beat Fikowski in any of the workouts? He didn't beat Fikowski in the two workouts that he got to participate in at the games. He took almost last on second cut because I think the field only had like 75 people there at that point. Yeah. Talk about fucking me spreading more rumors. I should just call my show Rumors. Yeah. I'm an embarrassment to the sport 19th and 17th i would have destroyed
Starting point is 02:28:28 fukowski in a one mile run if i hadn't gotten cut in the crossfit hunter made a fool of himself during his fukowski beef is that how you spell beef like when you're talking about that kind of beef too yeah how do you think i don't think there's any other way to spell beef there's not there's not like how about beefcake still the same oh damn uh who's who we can't have two of the all-time we can't have two what is the best all-time workout yeah we can't have two gentlemen it's 220 we've been on the show for two hours and 28 minutes. Unconclusive results. People deserve one. We can't have North and South Korea. If you could.
Starting point is 02:29:14 We have Florida and California, which is kind of weird. Go ahead. Sorry, Jer. If you could take one workout every year and line everyone up and say, we're going to cut half of you. It would be something like first cut for sure. That's the most for what it was designed for. That's the most balanced, well-programmed workout ever in the CrossFit games.
Starting point is 02:29:34 So you're saying I fucking hated the fact that they ran the games like this, but since they did, they actually did a fucking pretty good job. Dave did a great job with that workout and the second workout. Hey, I think that was the first year that he was actually there was a demand on him to do certain workouts there were a lot of demands on him put that year man i could i could tell you some fucked up shit that happened to him
Starting point is 02:29:57 every year i'll say this to you guys yeah it's not going to be that powerful because if i can't give you an example if i can't give you examples you're not going to be that powerful because if i can't give you an example if i can't give you examples you're not going to really appreciate it but every year um right right as the games would start some pressure would fall upon dave that didn't need to fall upon him there would be something that happens to him from crossfit wise i'm not talking like you know like a death in the family but i'm talking about there would be some huge shift. Something would happen. So I'll give you one idea.
Starting point is 02:30:28 One year at Carson, ESPN had released an article in their magazine taking a shot at CrossFit, making fun of CrossFit, talking shit about CrossFit. And Greg was fucking pissed. So Greg said, fuck them. We're not giving them the live feed. And it was supposed to be on ESPN and greg's saying no live feed now here's dave trying to run this event and now all of a sudden the live feeds if we don't have the live feed with espn all sorts of other shit would unravel sponsors time time demands the whole thing it would open up this whole cascade of shit but it was fucking greg's company so it would always be
Starting point is 02:31:05 something like that would happen where he's just it's there's thousands of moving parts already but although he didn't have to do with hillar there was no hillar back then thousands of moving parts already and uh and then something like that and every year it was like that yeah i mean i mean one year and that one and there were some really bad ones it was crazy it was uh it always seemed from the outside looking in he was swimming upstream because he was basically trying to be there was so much attention on it he was trying to get sniped like like during the games it was so fucked up there was like stuff that could just wait yeah well he was dealing with multiple dichotomies.
Starting point is 02:31:47 He was dealing with the dichotomy between Greg and the CrossFit Games. He was dealing with the dichotomy of ESPN in the CrossFit Games, the dichotomy of sponsors in the CrossFit Games, athletes in the CrossFit Games. Every single one of those events is a performance. He's coming out and putting on a grand performance and shutting it down, building a new one, putting it back up. Like imagine all of that to have to swim upstream against. Like nobody's, you know, showing up and being like, Hey, let's just make that easier.
Starting point is 02:32:13 We're going to communicate and not put a bunch of pile of shit on you while you're still trying to operate this event. I mean, even just getting shit off on time. And I mean, Jerry, you could probably speak with this, like with the events that you put on, just getting it off on time. And I mean, Jerry, you could probably speak with this, like with the events that you put on, just getting it off on time, not trying to sync up live events, not trying to make sure that, Hey, that athlete's belt has a different name on it. You need to go put a piece of electrical tape and tape that up and everything else. And all of that is falling on our shoulders still just trying to get the event off. So, so Eric, I want to explain to you something. So ESPN doesn't need to agree with CrossFit 100% to work with – who cares? I'll just give you one example of why just so you know.
Starting point is 02:32:54 Anyone who's confused – it's like imagine you were having a heart attack, and before you went to the hospital, you wanted to jump in the shower and comb your hair and put on clean clothes. And that took 15 minutes, and you died. That's what the games are to CrossFit. If you give CrossFit any attention, the CrossFit games any attention when anything critical is happening at CrossFit HQ, CrossFit HQ would die. It is nothing. No matter what any of you think, it is nothing when it comes to the essentials of surviving. It's like clean underwear. It's fucking nothing.
Starting point is 02:33:34 It's nothing when it comes to the survival of CrossFit Inc. Doing this big, massive party that's CrossFit and all the eyes in the world are on CrossFit HQ because of this party you're doing that having that's inconsequential to the success and survival of the business. And the people who are airing it put out an article saying something like CrossFit injures people. It's like it's like being away from your daycare. Let's say you have a day you own a daycare and you're away. And while you're away, someone spray paints on the side. Pedophiles work here. And that stays spray painted on the side of your fucking daycare for a fucking week while you're fucking off in the Bahamas.
Starting point is 02:34:19 And you come back and the entire place is shut down. It's literally fucking like that. The games have no bearing on the survival. It is just a shower and clean underwear and combing your hair i know so many so many of you want to fucking deny that the essence of it is the l1 team and them doing seminars and affiliates opening and and that's what generates everything athletes attention movement standards everything breath breeds out of that department Nicole Carroll runs. Everything. And so that's why it matters. When ESPN attacks us while everyone's staring at us,
Starting point is 02:34:54 guess who takes the hit? All the affiliates. So if someone huge were to go on Joe Rogan, huge in the community, and they were to say, my dad's life was saved by fucking CrossFit and my best friend's life was saved by CrossFit while Joe Rogan is trying to talk shit about CrossFit, then probably you could say that two new people would go to every affiliate on the planet. People who were sitting on the fence would be like, fuck, I'm going to go to an affiliate. That's 30,000 fucking new members at fucking $2,000 a year that gets pushed into the ecosystem. And I'm being very conservative. On the other hand, if while the CrossFit Games are going on, CBS, ESPN, Facebook, and everything is fucking exploding, and all eyes and more attention than ever is on CrossFit Inc., and ESPN decides to release CrossFit Hurts People, it's fucked.
Starting point is 02:35:55 It's fucked. It does the opposite. It makes it so the people who are sitting on the fence and thinking about going now don't go. And that's why it matters you're basically you're basically walking outside of your house demanding all of the attention on you and then if you slip and fuck up your whole thing fucking backfired if you would have done nothing and just get rid of the games crossfitting just pushes along and continues to save lives you you have to understand that this thing is a risk. Thank you, Eric. I hear you. And I'm glad you asked because I wanted to say it.
Starting point is 02:36:33 If you hear, I hear you said, well, people are always going to complain about stuff, me complaining about CrossFit. I agree. I agree. But there's so many mom and pop businesses out there that are barely hanging on. You have three kids at home and you have a mom and dad and they put everything into running this fucking affiliate in the middle of fucking Des Moines, Iowa. And it's like, man, you have to, if you're running the ship, you have to take that seriously. And I'm going to stop there because Dave told me not to bash, but okay. I think I explained it pretty well. Sorry. Uh, I apologize. Didn't mean to hijack the show. Mr. Howell, Mr. Self, uh, Souza. Can we agree on one? Oh, and every egomaniac, including myself, shows up to the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 02:37:11 So whether it's Dave, me, Kelly Starrett, every big shot, fucking Craig Howard owns it. Every big shot in the community, J.R. Howell shows up. He thinks he's got the best gym in wherever state he lives in, one of those southern states. Everyone's bringing their egos there to this event too. And I'm not dogging that. I did that too. I'm the coolest cameraman. So it's fucking tense, man.
Starting point is 02:37:35 The coolest RX bar guy shows up. Fucking CrossFit games. They're cool, man. If you have a job there. You want a job there. Okay. games they're cool man if you have a job there you want you want a job there okay uh first cut 2019 was the number one all-time event that um mr taylor self is suggesting oh shoot can we do a poll too late i'm going to bed okay yeah that would have been good next show we'll do it uh
Starting point is 02:37:59 and and jr howell is suggesting the Burden Run. Matt, do you want to do the tiebreaker? Do you want to do the tiebreaker? Burden Run? Yeah, that sounds good. I think in the terms of like games. Oh, you don't know. Shut up. I knew that was coming, dude.
Starting point is 02:38:19 I knew that was coming. He does know. He does know. I'm sorry. Holy shit. He does know. I'm just fucking with you. That was a setup. That was a setup. I know. He does know. I'm sorry. Holy shit. He does know. I'm just fucking with you. That was a setup.
Starting point is 02:38:25 That was a setup. That was a setup. I'm going 2019, though. Just, I mean, the triplet, the running, the high-skill legless rope climb with the heavy high-skill weightlifting movement, especially in the context of a cut for all these beautiful people from all over the world that came to join the CrossFit Games. So I think that is my pick for the number one. That's the only nice thing anyone's ever said about the 2019 games.
Starting point is 02:38:49 What was just said on this show. Yeah. There's gotta be one. That's the one. It is. You agree. That's the one. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:56 All right. Uh, anything we want to, uh, finish with what an incredible show, two hours and 40 minutes made longest ever. What's more incredible is how amazing you guys remember in the early shows when i had to always get up and take a pee oh wow me neither i have a tiny bladder yeah it's got conditioned good job i'm sweating it out i'm
Starting point is 02:39:15 just i peed twice into a gatorade container you guys didn't even know this dude i ate like i ate like 15 apricots like an hour before the show too because my trees are going off. I know my stomach's rumbling. I'm about to do some crazy shit in the toilet. Dude, for whatever reason, apricots really make you shit. I was on this like hiking trip, and I ate a whole bag of dried apricots. We had such a good time. I shit my pants, and I had to bury my underwear in the woods.
Starting point is 02:39:41 Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow, bear. I littered like seven years ago wait maybe like 10 years ago um i ate a whole bag ran through me i i don't know what happened dick i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know what happened i don't know i just just i guess i don't know. I just, just, I guess, I don't know. Uh, tomorrow we will have, um, uh, tomorrow. Oh yeah. It's because they were dried. Yeah. Dried will definitely screw you tomorrow. We have a Andrew, uh, we have nothing in the evening, not Saturday, Sunday, and then Sunday, uh,
Starting point is 02:40:27 we're having Jorge Ventura back on. Uh, he's got some crazy shit going on at the border. He's going to tell us what he saw in Arizona and at the, uh, order with the great country of Mexico. Yeah. Crazy stuff.
Starting point is 02:40:39 He stretched his bladder dick. That's an interesting, okay. That's kind of a funny. Hayden Goodall, my coach showed up today at our gym today in a no rep shirt. That one of the members gifted her so rad. No, what would be so rad if she was gifted a CEO shirt? Any final words, JR, you'd like to say?
Starting point is 02:41:06 No, I mean, this was awesome. Like, listening to guys like Chase and Bill kind of go through their list. I mean, they've done regionals, reprogramming shows, all that kind of stuff. Getting to do one of my own has been awesome. Thank you. Yep. They do have a YouTube channel, Get With The Programming. Absolutely legends. They've been doing it forever, and they know their shit.
Starting point is 02:41:30 Mr. Self, anything you want to close with? No, same sentence as JR. Thank you. Put this on before I go outside. It's pretty cool out there. Matt, Susan, anything you want to say, brother? No, thank you. Yeah, this is a good show. I like how you're suiting up for battle right now. Hey, I didn't even put gel in my hair for this show. That's how much I was disrespecting J.R. and Taylor.
Starting point is 02:41:50 No one even said anything. I was like, I'm just taking a shower. I'm like, fuck this. I'm wasting a casual Friday. I'm wasting $6 worth of gel for these motherfuckers. He's going to go hit a back squat one rep with his sweatpants. Bye-bye.

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