The Sevan Podcast - #484 - HillerFit Review

Episode Date: July 10, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I probably am a better podcaster than you are. It's only one way. It says I have one bar.
Starting point is 00:00:38 The crazy thing is, is I am. I go to my network. I do. I'm all choppy. am i go to my terrible i do i'm all choppy uh-huh um i go to my network preferences and i'm connected okay how's that about the same you sound i'm not on wi-fi oh you're hardwired into the computer yeah i'm hardwired like i am in your you know there i'm better you're you There, I'm better. You're not. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:01:07 You're the same. Good morning. Have you watched the CrossFit Games documentary? I have not. Have you? I've seen the first half. I put a story up yesterday, and I got mixed opinions on it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I did see, I watched some show that, oh, I like your mic up there, like a red rocket. Yeah, right? I thought you liked that. I watched something that CrossFit Games put out yesterday with Sean Woodland where they talk about rookies and stuff. Okay. And in there, he gives the movie a plug. He says it's a really, really, really good movie. Sean Woodland says that? Well, he oh okay well i kind of want i want to trust him on it but like i i just don't trust anything that comes out of hq like zero any intention of watching it
Starting point is 00:01:58 yeah are you going to watch it i was going to watch it last night so that we could like talk about it right now. And I want to see it. Oh, so you're saying you're saying let's save it. Maybe. OK, I'll watch it. We can do a whole video on it. And then I'll watch it and we'll milk that for some. I mean, we'll do some deep dive solid content around an unboxing, if you will.
Starting point is 00:02:21 You know, we should do. We should have it in the background and just mute it and then talk about it. Anyone can watch along. Oh, what is the live commentary? You know what we should do? We should have it in the background and just mute it and then talk about it. Anyone can watch along. What is this? The live commentary. Fitness Freak is going live right now for their finals. I'm torn. What's that? I just saw that, too.
Starting point is 00:02:33 It's on Morning Chalk Up. I saw that they were live. Yeah, I think the only way I saw it was through the Morning Chalk Up. I'm unfamiliar with it. Well, it looks weird. There's chicks swinging around on two ropes right now so it's it's a um it's a show can you can you just play like four seconds of it so i can see it yeah do dare or just for so morning chocolate is streaming is streaming like ninja warrior stuff now
Starting point is 00:03:01 yeah this is something else what is going on it looks like that dude's being hot that dude on the right looks like he's hanging oh no he's just bent over come on so oh this is some sort of dance collective team okay it's a nike dance okay okay fuck this thing i don't like the lighting either okay um you go over there michael and and uh and pull out your floppy dog and have your way. It says a lot, Michael, if you're torn. Corbin Bowman's here. I kind of blew my load on Dave Eubanks already.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Andrew Hiller made a video that says, who is Dave Eubanks? I think this guy, I think in some of other um rants I went off on about him I said he was the head of judging I think he's the head of scoring um I'm not sure what the exact um or the boundaries are on that I think Adrian used to be the head judge and now he moved up into like head programmer and I thought that maybe dave eubanks moved positions also but but i'm hearing he didn't but either way either way the head judge then he was uh uh oh uh i think the judges i think the judges are i think the judges are uh uh i think chuck carswell is one of the judges and i think todd widman is one of the judges head judges because there's different
Starting point is 00:04:23 there's like the adaptive and the masters and the teams and then the individual i want to say chuck is like the king dick like the the one that's head of individuals the one that matters all right his title is king dick not head judge but you it's it's interchangeable that's right but this guy dave eubanks is inanks is in some position where he goes on the morning chalk up and talks about game stuff aside the great Adrian Bosman. And here's the thing. Here we go. Round two. It's just – his thinking is such a mess.
Starting point is 00:05:00 His thinking is such a mess. I just want to pull up this one thing, and then this is indicative of everything he posts on his – he's a mess i i just want to pull up this one thing and then this is indicative of everything he posts on his he's a he's a hot mess he's extremely emotional he's extremely woke savvy what's woke mean woke means when you lean on the side when you lean on the side of uh a good way to think about it you lean on the side of zero personal accountability and zero responsibility that that that would be like a super that's the 200 000 foot view you think that you should be taking care of everyone and telling everyone how to think and what to do you believe in really really really big government daddy government you're pro blm even though it's caused the increase in homicides of black men melanated
Starting point is 00:05:40 men by 34 percent you uh you believe you're you're for full for you were for forced injections across the entire planet even though they weren't working and you continue to push that you think it's okay to mask little kids those are all that's just those are all um that's not what woke is but some those are some of the um uh symptoms of being woke not being able to think clearly you're okay doing more harm than good in order to push your agenda forward. You don't value human life. You don't trust human beings. You don't believe in them. You believe in word fuckery. And that's what I'm going to get into here. And then I'm kind of going to leave Dave alone. Here's my concern. You have people coming
Starting point is 00:06:20 from the mayhem empire and I don't really care but bear with me i'm pretending to be a journalist you have people coming from the mayhem empire i don't know how many are going to the games 50 100 we have a guy who's super charismatic who's super open with his life who stands on his dad's porch with his dad and shoots bow and arrows and guns he's adopted three or four kids and he's openly believes in god and this guy who's the head of scoring is openly against god hates god and hates people who believe in god he's open somewhere how do you know that it's on there buddy it's on you go to his facebook page and look at it yeah go to his go to his facebook page and look at it it's uh carry on yes uh okay i'll tell you i'll tell you uh you want to see uh go and bring up the gun one real quick and and then and then
Starting point is 00:07:13 we'll do the chicken one did you notice that i uh didn't put any of the facebook stuff on my video so so my my thought is this if you if you're supposed to be non-bi if let's say you did think all of that stuff and i'm okay like go ahead think what you want um okay look at this so this is a whole argument of things so i'll give you an example it says james manfield died is killed uh with her car runs into the rear of a tractor trailer since then all trailers have dot bars on the rear to keep cars from going under them what he's saying is that someone died 1967 from hitting the back of a truck and they made changes and since then um uh they implemented these changes to stop people running into the back of truck trailers what's funny is he left
Starting point is 00:07:56 out whether that was effective or not there's no talk about whether that's effective or not right hey just so you know they've been circumcising men for a hundred years in this country to stop them from being over sexualized and guess what it's the exact opposite is happening we have a whole generation that's addicted to porn and you probably push genital mutilation too right i mean that just shows how flawed his thinking is there's no talk of whether it was effective to put these dots on the bumpers of trucks and yet he uses that as an example of something that was done right away i mean it's it's completely easy so he goes down here on the bottom and he's trying to draw a comparison to that that uh 1.5 million people have died since 1968 from guns and the only way we can solve it apparently is through thought and prayers.
Starting point is 00:08:47 That's just shitting on religious people. That's facetious sarcasm, and it goes on and on. You can go over to his Facebook page and look at this fucking batshit crazy fucked up thinking. I mean it is bizarre. 1982, seven people die when Tylenol packaging was tampered with since then it takes a phd channel locks and sharp objects to get into bottle of pills well are you saying did that stop people from dying from pills we had over 150 000 people die from fentanyl last year i mean he's just it's just such flawed thinking we don't but anyways let me go back to this thing about let me bring
Starting point is 00:09:22 up the chicken and the egg thing here real quick too. I appreciate you, Hiller, being an outstanding journalist and leading me to this. You're a good dude. Yeah. This is something a little much, but you keep going. Have your show, right? Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Dave Maga Eubanks. Yeah. Here we go. Did you know why some vegetarians eat eggs, though they refuse to eat chicken? So all of a sudden, this vegetarians are his authority. They're his highest authority vegetarians. You must have watched the Game Changers. Because they understand that an egg is not a chicken.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Oh, shit, Dave. Thank you. Thank you, Dave. Thank you. Thank you, Dave. Vegetarians understand. This is true in the same way that a cluster of cells growing in a uterus is not a person. Oh, I get it. An unfertilized chicken egg is the same as a baby that's 36 weeks in the third trimester in a woman's stomach and it's okay for vegetarians to eat them got it this is the guy who's the head of scoring at crossfit
Starting point is 00:10:35 he thinks it's okay to eat babies if you're vegetarian i know that's not what he's saying you're saying he's a cannibal i mean this is just emotional i get emotional i get emotional i don't fucking run to my facebook and fucking post it this is i mean this is okay so if i'm at the mayhem empire if i'm following mayhem programming i switch it i quickly go to hWPO and order their shirts and put that on because I don't want this guy to know that I'd send money to a guy who shoots guns from his deck, adopts children instead of aborts them, and prays to God. I mean Rich is fucked. If you're the Mayhem Empire, you're fucked. You are. You are in big trouble.
Starting point is 00:11:24 This guy Dave Eubanksanks is gonna let you know you think you think he's sitting over there looking at them like fuck those guys and their guns i have what you're saying i have no idea i mean do i think that yeah if i had to bet money yeah i would think that but and he thinks they're dumb hicks and just it's all it's all the fucking he's from northern cal he's up in northern california in in um in you know your neighbors are 100 percent white, but everyone has got a BLM sign in their fucking car. And I'm from up there too. And so I know – I used to think like that. I understand the flawed thinking.
Starting point is 00:11:57 I don't think that – I'm sure he's like, oh my god, no, I love Rich. I'm totally open. And he's hugging a tree and doing all the stunts that they do. But I'm really just being more facetious and dramatic like do i really think all of this stuff no not even in the slightest but i'm just pointing out the dipshittery if let's say this guy was pro trump buh-bye yeah buh motherfucking bye. If you took all those points of view and then just flipped them to the other side, it would not have been so well. If you're Bernie Sanders and you believe in free drugs for the homeless, you're good to go. Here's the amazing thing too.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Check this out. He works for a company that has the cure to COVID, and yet that company hasn't said it once. Yeah, but they lack the loudspeaker. But they have a CEO. Do they? They have Dave Castro. They have Gary Gaines. He works for a company that has the ability to do something positive and save lives, and instead they got people at the top worried about shit like this.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And no one from the top is up there like, oh my god, if you just stop eating refined carbs and added sugars you're 100 safe from this kobe shit they can't they haven't even said that yet have you heard of semaglutide no but it sounds like something that's part of my uh um the the makes the viscosity of my semen like their sperm semaglutide in there and water h2o that's a big thing in a weight loss oh semaglutide no oh no yeah you and i were kind of talking about this huh yeah it just makes you not hungry actually makes you feel like you want to die if you eat too much so it makes you not want to eat too much well i think dave eubanks might have a really nice body he doesn't need any semaglutide. Will it help him with his thinking? You brought up that CrossFit is the cure to COVID,
Starting point is 00:13:49 and I was like, you know, I've been listening to this stuff and how it's a miraculous miracle drug and how everyone's jumping on it. I'm trying to steer the conversation away from, Dave Eubanks, we're going to kill you, but keep going. I cannot believe you. You like the fuse. You like the fuse. See, I think Hillar's gone woke he's not taking personal responsibility and accountability for me he's
Starting point is 00:14:11 got soft do you remember the point of the video that i made was that it's probably making people uncomfortable and i think that you're seconding that but like just you're you're hammering the rich might be stupid uncomfortable when he goes to the games. And he might not be just uncomfortable knowing that he's scoring over there. No, Rich doesn't care. You're saying he's bringing the artillery there just in case. He knows he's going to win no matter what. Rich Sr. is coming with a bow just in case. I'm thinking, and I don't know, I haven't spoken to Rich,
Starting point is 00:14:41 but if I'm Rich, I'm proud of all that shit. I'm like, yeah, I adopted kids. Yeah, I pray to God. Yeah, I shoot guns from the deck. I mean, I think he is a little bit. Yeah. Of course. I'm proud that he does that. I'm not backing off. Yeah. Yeah. Don't
Starting point is 00:14:55 back off. I'm just talking about what I know. I don't know any about that shit. That's your world. Let's talk about Joyal. Okay. You talked about him a lot yesterday with Hunter. Hunter didn't seem to very much agree with our opinion, which is that you need to appreciate the fact that he's taking a different – I don't think he understands that everybody in CrossFit, when they pop,
Starting point is 00:15:19 they also seem to also lie about the fact that, oh, it's a contaminated supplement. And then I tried to second that with the one video I made, which was the CrossFit CrossFitter and Mitz PED usage after the B sample had also proven that it wasn't going to set him free. Right. I do see Hunter's point though, don't you? Oh, I also see Hunter's point.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He still cheated. Like of course. And obviously it helped every year he finishes finishes in the teens at the highest level, and then he finishes fifth, and he won the first two events. So they obviously worked.
Starting point is 00:15:51 There's just eventually, if you take the I'm mad at you, I hate you route, you have to come back to – it always ends in forgiveness as you get closer to your death. So do you want to take the full course or do you want to just go straight to forgiveness? Not might be the right word, but there's a high road here. There's a way to like, he set himself free by admitting it. We should set ourself free by accepting it. If we hate him and we're angry with him, then we have to carry that with us. Well, he set himself free. Why would we now carry that hate and that anger around with us? I'm not
Starting point is 00:16:24 glorifying him. I don't think anger around with us i'm not glorifying him i don't think i don't think we're glorifying him or some other people make the presupposition that now he's getting more attention than ever well i don't i don't know if he wants that attention good let's say it again he might never get any attention ever again because of that though yeah it's just like the peak and then it's like a stock that just drops off the base of the earth it's like dogecoin the drops off the face of the earth. It's like Dogecoin. The only people that really have skin in the game are the people that he competed with at that day at that time.
Starting point is 00:16:51 That didn't – that spots got messed up, right? Have we heard from anyone other than Delner? Well, you know who – I've been chatting with Austin Spencer, and I've been texting with him. But – Is he pissed or is he like, uh, he, he,
Starting point is 00:17:06 I don't think he's pissed at all, but I don't know. But basically before I answer any questions, he basically says he doesn't want to talk about it quite yet. And I understand why he wants to make sure he's still waiting to see what happens to him. You know, I think he just wants to make sure that he gets to go to the games or
Starting point is 00:17:21 doesn't get to go to the games. He just wants to know for sure. And then once he knows that, then I think he'll talk. He think he'll talk he's a cool he's a cool dude once i saw his picture i started having all these memories of uh hanging with him in albany he's a quiet bones he's got big bones he's a he's he's he's built different he's like rhino material yeah yeah he's got the big beard right and the his wrists look like the size of my ankles yeah and just all his features look like they're thicker than than your average human beings his penis is like his penis is like a tuna can
Starting point is 00:17:55 a tuna can have you seen a tuna you know they're like this right i don't think i don't think that's something that you want i had a friend who's a professional athlete tell me one time his penis was a tuna count and i was like wow no it's not i don't think it is i don't you can't do very much with that it's like a it's like a plug it's like it's like the thing you put in the bathtub to stop the water that's no good for anything it's like something you trip over oh yeah it's like oh jesus so yeah hunter um i understand where he was coming from for sure but then did you touch the part in there where he's talking about his buddy and dhea and he was trying to defend him
Starting point is 00:18:36 a little bit yeah it's different it's different it's like there's not crossfitters over there trying to say that they're taking over-the-counter supplements. And there was one last year that actually took DHEA. I think she was on the Move Fast Lift Heavy team with Chris Harris. And it was legit DHEA, the exact same thing. And I was like, wait a minute, Hunter. Do your research before you defend your buddy. Hey, is that – what is DHEA? Is it significant in helping someone? Like if
Starting point is 00:19:07 I took it, like, would you, would I be all of a sudden be like, my grace time is now sub 10 minutes on a very, very basic level. I do think that what he was saying was true was that it's not like a peptide or a hormone where it's going to have clear advantages, but it's supposed to promote a healthier testosterone level, especially females so it would be like if i bought 12 drinks for a girl at ten dollars a pop and spent a hundred and spent 120 dollars on her and bought myself 10 drinks at 120 dollars a pop and spent 240 dollars and then someone accused me of sleeping with a prostitute and i said no and no. And they said, but you did spend $240. It's like that.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I would say a better correlation to this would be. You can't cancel me. You can't cancel me. Fuck you. Go ahead. Sorry. Sorry, Andrew. Go.
Starting point is 00:19:57 A better correlation would be like you're buying all of these drinks, hoping she's going to come home with you. And then she doesn't. And you're pissed. That's how. I got bunk peds that's about how well i think dhea works that doesn't make it any more legal but thank you you can buy it like a vitamin shop or a gnc isn't going to work as well as something that you'll get from a doctor or an underground doctor can you get dhea at uh at uh Or an underground doctor.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Can you get DHEA at, at, at, at, yeah, you can get on Amazon. Oh, okay. Christine,
Starting point is 00:20:29 I have no, my, no, my grace time is probably 30 minutes, one rep. I haven't done grace in fucking 10 years. I know, but I'm glad you caught that joke.
Starting point is 00:20:36 10 minutes. Is that the next one? You're doing grace next. You did the 2k row. Now you're doing grace. I did do a 20 squat cleans the other day with one 35. I hadn't done any squat cleans with 135 in probably, again, 10 years. But I just wanted to take it out for a test run.
Starting point is 00:20:50 How did it go? It was fine. I mean, I did them really, really slow. And I was doing a salt bike in between the reps. But I'm not sore. I'm chill. And I didn't go overhead with it, though. I think you should do grace this week.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yeah, right. Come on. How long did the 20 squat cleans take you with the bike? go overhead with it though i think you should do grace this week yeah right come on how long did the 20 squatkins take you with the bike what were you doing 40 minutes so what do you think grace would take you i don't know i i i don't know i bet you i bet you could do it in 10 minutes or less for sure i just game it three a minute exactly do one every 20 seconds uh who's no no no no no no toby johnson who's toby johnson toby johnson's the guy from coda crossfit who was i think he was on the united team they had a couple of teams at that and i know a handful of individuals on the other team because they used to be in the Chicagoland area and Toby Johnson has affiliation I think that's who Hunter was talking about has affiliation with somebody in Oklahoma or Ohio as well so he kind of like screwed his business
Starting point is 00:21:56 partners in a way don't quote me on that but I think that's the tie-in that he was trying to make and Toby Johnson popped on the drug test along with jalen franklin and claimed it was a contaminated supplement and then after the b sample came back said that it was no longer a contaminated supplement okay so he came clean too he came clean after two times removed where joyelle came clean after one time removed and what seemed like a couple of hours so what i was trying to say was that it took him a couple of steps to Joel did it right away. And the only thing next would be someone to come clean without having popped
Starting point is 00:22:32 positive. Why are these guys getting caught? Because they're stupid. Is that really why? If you, if you were to take something right now and i said it would make you do grace in two minutes you'd be like oh of course i'm gonna do that andrew didn't think i could do it in 10 minutes and i told you that if you were taking a drug test in a month and they wouldn't
Starting point is 00:22:54 be able to check it as long as it cleared out of your system yep i'm game but let's just say that i'm not a doctor and i haven't researched this this substance long enough and it actually takes a month and a half or two. They're going to find metabolites of that in your urine. Okay. So that's what you mean by stupid. They haven't done their research, but like everything's happening.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Everything's happening. Right. Everything that they've read is incorrect because all of the studies on the substance they're popping for were shut down because it was giving rats cancer. They gave rats cancer and they're like fuck this why would we do any more studies on this and then like the clearance time isn't accurate so they think that it's going to be in there for a month maybe a month and a half so when you hear jalen
Starting point is 00:23:34 franklin say i stopped taking it in march it shouldn't have been in there it shouldn't have been in there with what he read but in all reality it's going to be in there for three, four, maybe five months. They don't fucking know. If you're over at a girl's house while her boyfriend's gone and you're doing it with her and her boyfriend comes home 30 minutes earlier than you thought and you get caught, it's not that you're stupid. But if you're banging her and you last 90 minutes instead of 60 minutes, so you're there 30 minutes too long and he comes home and catches you, then you're stupid. It's your fault. What you're saying is, is that the latter happened to them. I'm just trying to understand it in my world. You're saying that, that these people just judged the time wrong,
Starting point is 00:24:17 that they could have gotten away with it, but they fucked it all up and the boyfriend came home and caught them. I would say that in your example he should have stopped like he's like all right i've never lasted this long before i gotta cut this off and he knew better he knew better in that case these people don't know better he's like well maybe he was done and he was in the kitchen eating something i don't want to give credit for fucking for 90 minutes but either way he was hanging out making a sandwich he should have he should have eaten out okay so and in terms of everything else that people may or may not be
Starting point is 00:24:50 taking either it's undetectable in my opinion or they do something like do you know the testosterone esters there's a suspension there's a propionate there's an enthate cypionate and then there's even longer straight uh uh types of esters on the testosterone so if you were to take a testosterone suspension it'd be out of your system in four days max so you can take it right now you can take a drug test in a couple of days gotten all juiced up and as long as you hadn't taken it in four days you're good to go can i get that stuff at amazon that stuff you can't get off amazon can i get it on the internet uh in places you probably could find it, yeah. Where else would you get it?
Starting point is 00:25:28 A doctor. Oh. Amazing. A hormone clinic. California hormones. I'll take the Pfizer booster and five grams of the testosterone. Suspension. Why are you doing that?
Starting point is 00:25:40 Well, because I want to go to Canada and compete and not get caught. Decanowate. That's right. That's the longest ester of testosterone. That's got like a six-month clearance time. Hey, do you need a vaccine to go to Denmark? Someone asked me that in my comments today. I don't even know what the rules are.
Starting point is 00:25:54 I don't think there's any regulation on it anymore. I was looking it up because I'm going to do some international travel later in the fall, and there's no vaccine requirement. If you go to, you're going there in the fall to there's no vaccine requirement if you go to you're going there in the fall to denmark not to denmark no oh uh if you uh go to sign up for your free blood work get your doctor's consultation use the password sevan i'll say it once i'll say it again i feel like i do more advertising for them than you do i'm sure you do.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Every time I'm on your show, it's like, oh, hey, Hiller Talk. Hey, and there it is. You're welcome. California hormones. I wore my Hiller Fit shirt, my no rep shirt yesterday. Where'd you wear it? Two hours and 48 minutes on that programming show with fucking J.R. and Taylor. So I haven't listened to that yet.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I was watching the Crossfit documentary how did that go uh that was good did ketrin block me somebody sent me something this morning and i couldn't see who it was from and i guess ketrin blocks everybody who's been on this show shut the fuck up she hasn't blocked me i don't she hasn't blocked me no i'm not blocked i just checked she doesn't care hey, it doesn't matter. Yeah, the show's – I mean, the show was long, dude. Yeah, it was. But the numbers are killing it.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Yeah, it was good. I thought it was good. There was a lot of great information. It was actually a really nice trip down a game's memory lane. That's what actually happened. I think I heard – Long revenue. It was either Taylor or JR. They're taylor or jr they were
Starting point is 00:27:26 excited about it i gotta watch it that'll be something i do while i work out today taylor told me that uh the show was gonna kill it and i was like yeah right fucking five people give a fuck about programming but he's right it's going there a lot of people a lot of people seven we need to educate you i'm learning about deconate and premenstruate and stuff decanoate decanoate uh you suspect andrew hiller suspects there are a ton of other athletes that are taking a ton of stuff i didn't say a ton i just said certain things that are undetectable you know oh can you give me an example i can parlay this into the ben smith podcast that i listened to yesterday yeah i started listening to hey i like his co-host taylor said he didn't
Starting point is 00:28:09 like him i like him oh he's doing good now yeah he's doing much better what's the dude's name fuck i don't know he was great i listened to that show too that was actually a really good show and i hate steroid talk but go on talk to me about steroids it wasn't like very much steroid talk though that was just a title and you know what people are doing the clickbait thing i have made a difference everybody's clickbaiting it's pretty funny it's like peds and then all of a sudden everyone clicks on the ben smith show uh hey you really want to click rate bait right titties you know my video for tomorrow just says titties titt Titties, good. I actually titled one this week. It just says clickbait right there.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I saw it. It's so good. Oliver King in a chicken and bikini. In there, Ben Smith said that he believes that there's things that are undetectable as well. The way that he verbalized it was that the chemists are ahead of the drug testers, which is another way of saying they're undetectable. chemists are ahead of the drug testers which is another way of saying they're undetectable uh jim lubin lubinsky lubinsky the guy who did the uh 365 murphs hillary needs to start charging for a consultation for people looking hey that guy he pays 200 an hour to talk to dude knows his shit can you tell me what you were doing right there? Well, what is this?
Starting point is 00:29:29 The phone is – the live call-in phone is blocking – Oh, we got a live call-in number. Thank you, Jim, by the way. The live call-in phone is blocking the writing, so I couldn't see it. If I do a couple of those, it'll pay for half of what I paid to learn about all of it. pay for half of what I paid to learn about all of it. Is there anything you can show us on the internet that Susie can go to that you can show us that people can take that, that you, that you wouldn't get caught for,
Starting point is 00:29:54 but would help you tremendously would give me a third lung. Yeah. You want to give me two seconds? You got something to talk about while I search? Of course. There we go. You fucking no rep the guy at costco pretty funny right that was crazy i was kind of that was like one of the more intimate stories um you've shared first of all the people who stole your car tinted your front window that's
Starting point is 00:30:23 exactly what i was going to ask. I had that down too. I was like, what the fuck? Yeah, they did. Did they upgrade anything else? They upgraded it for me. That's what I tried to say. I got the car back.
Starting point is 00:30:34 It was all fucked up, but they did try to upgrade it. You know why they do this, Evan? You know why they do this? So you can't see them? There are separate gangs in the Chicagoland area, all of which steal my exact type of car. It's just like a hot car for them to take. That's Chargers and Challengers. They pimp the fuck out of the windshield so that when they're driving around in the neighborhoods they drive around in,
Starting point is 00:30:55 they don't know whether or not it's one of their gang or one of another member's gang. So then they can get right up next to them. They're not going to shoot the car because there might be one of their own guys in it i've been i was told this by a couple of cops i have a couple of sources saying this is why they do it and the other reason is so that when they're driving around in the city cameras can't see them is it a good is it a good tint job it's decent there's one spot on the passenger window that isn't the best so wow it's actually dark in there at night it's ridiculously dark my dad my dad can't drive in it because he can't see as well as i can he's like you gotta take these off i can't see and then we're driving in his car he
Starting point is 00:31:38 helps hit a curb i'm like you can't i'm surprised you haven't been pulled over by the cops for that is that yeah it is and i think i have one get out of jail free card saying they gave it to me like this. I'll take it off. I promise. And you know what? I've got a state police plates on my car and I try to ward off anyone who might take it in the future.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And I think that cops also might not pull me over as a result. How did you have state police? Yeah. What does that mean? Like frames? Yeah. No, I got a, it's like a a heritage thing it's like in support of the police oh yeah you know what i used to hold sorry daniel one second you know i i would always go to the police station in berkeley and give like 50 to the cop fund to get the sticker yeah daniel what's up brother
Starting point is 00:32:21 tell me what tell me what a dick killer is Daniel, what's up, brother? Tell me what a dick killer is. You're such a dickhead, brother. Thank you. Thank you. What? What?
Starting point is 00:32:38 Yeah, I'm actually glad you guys picked me up on the call. I'm actually a sports physician who's done a lot of research on a lot of these compounds over the past, you know, 10 years of my life or so. You're what kind of physician? A sports physician. Okay. So I, yeah, yeah. My main training was in neurology, but I studied a lot of neuromuscular disorders and developed drugs for different neuromuscular disorders. And it happens to be that a lot of drugs that we've developed have also been obviously used um as performance enhancing drugs um by various athletes in different fields yeah uh folistatin myostatin inhibitors yk11 that is a myostatin inhibitor YK11 that's the one right yeah it's more of
Starting point is 00:33:28 it's more of an it definitely targets the androgen receptor but myostatin also myostatin in and of itself isn't targeted directly but it's targeted through the androgen receptor so it works a little bit differently than just a straightforward myostatin inhibitors that are being studied now.
Starting point is 00:33:50 But yeah, a lot of these drugs in general— Dr., is it true that woke people have less testosterone than— Is that the problem? They're taking—they're not taking—they're taking some testosterone inhibitor? Is that what what happens to their thought process well i um i actually don't know okay i actually don't know yeah yeah i wouldn't be surprised but i don't know all right all right all right yes yeah hey what can what can i take that's um but that will still allow me to compete in the master's category but will make me stronger than other old dudes?
Starting point is 00:34:29 So, all right. So just being – But I don't want to get caught. I don't want to get caught. Just being transparent with you guys, like the reality is that to test all these metabolites, in general, having close friends who sit on WADA and who work in the pharmaceutical industry with myself and work closely with WADA to come up with testing methods to find these drugs in athletes. The challenge is that to run these panels, number one, you need a decent amount of blood. So you wouldn't be able to take enough blood to run all the panels. So the reality is that you're not going to be testing every athlete for all the metabolites.
Starting point is 00:35:12 You basically test for the big-ticket items and the most commonly used substances. So what ends up happening is that you have a lot of athletes who will use various different compounds, not just the standard steroids like testosterone or things like SARMs or CIRMs. They'll use, for instance, a variety of different peptides that will give them an advantage. They'll use different peptides that stimulate growth hormone in different fashions, not ones that are very commonly used.
Starting point is 00:35:45 CJC-192? Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. CJC-1295-BAC, you know, growth hormone releasing peptide six or three. They'll use other things that just simply are just not going to be tested. Now, do they add a significant advantage? Well, you know, I coach a lot of nationally and internationally ranked athletes in different spaces. And I'm not going to mention the sports on this call.
Starting point is 00:36:17 But with that being said, a lot of athletes do use it. A lot of those athletes end up getting tested fairly often, especially if they're on the USADA list. And a lot of them don't pop. But the advantage is not that significant. But when you're at the highest levels, that 1% to 3%, in sort of peak capacity, whether it's strength or
Starting point is 00:36:49 fitness capacity, you know, obviously makes a, makes a big difference between, you know, first and 20, right? So, you know, the margins are so small in that space. So, so there is an advantage definitely. Um, but it's not as significant as you would think, um, for athletes at the top level, because you are seeing athletes who are not on these substances, obviously outperform athletes who are. So the question is,
Starting point is 00:37:16 how do you know, how do you know that, that they're, uh, that they're not, what if you're like killer and you just think everyone's guilty? I also don't think everyone's guilty. Oh, sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to mischaracterize you. I apologize. It's all right. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:37:30 It's all right. I'm curious. Yeah, I mean, I think it's just very difficult. And I mean, it's very difficult to get a true answer because everybody would basically have to participate in an actual trial or study where you would test for all these metabolites at a certain frequency where there would be no way for them to beat the test and you would test for all of them what about what about urine i don't what about just when you just see tests that are just urine are you just like well that's fucking pointless um yeah i mean the same thing goes like with urine even with the metabolites like with the most of these drugs are metabolized and processed and obviously excreted through the the kidneys um
Starting point is 00:38:21 like these tests are very sensitive these things are going going to come up. Like it's, it's very unlikely. It's very, it's a very unlikely situation to have somebody take a common substance. Let's say like a carterine that you guys were mentioning, or an osterine, which, you know, I don't even know if I would even bother taking osterine if I were a competitive crossfitter or a competitive athlete um i don't think it does that much of a difference it doesn't make that much of a difference but even looking at the other compounds like these things um by the time you come off of the drug if you're really looking to beat the test right let's say you take
Starting point is 00:39:01 them out in january and your competition you start cycling on in january and you're done with your cycle at the end of march and your competition is let's say in october most of these drugs like with if they use a very highly sensitive test they're going to they're going they're going to you're going to test positive six months later. I mean, I've had an athlete just to give you an example. Hiller's calling bullshit on you. Hiller doesn't think that's true. He's making weird faces.
Starting point is 00:39:34 He's probably got a couple of compounds in mind. Yeah, so there are some compounds that you won't test positive for, for sure. I mean, if you were on most of, if you're on the non like an anivar or something or you'd be you'd be good to go exactly if you were on anivar if you were on proviron um if you were doing or which is nandrolone or if you're doing uh uh if you're on the any of the unveganates or
Starting point is 00:40:06 deconates if you're on equipoise for sure because equipoise you will pop nine months later um i've actually had athletes who have popped with equipoise nine months later hey you can't give them something that stops them from popping you can't give them something like you can't take stuff that normally people would pop for and then give them something and make it so it masks it or hides it? No, what you do is you – Oil change? What you do is you bribe the weightlifting committees, and then you give them a false urine test. Wow, okay.
Starting point is 00:40:42 But there's no other way to get it off. Do you think that happens also? Urine test. Wow. Okay. And do you think that happens also? That's actually, according to the reporting, several reports that came out with the, you know, in general, with the IWF, the International Weightlifting Federation, that's a lot of what happened. A lot of the senior officials there were, according to the reports, the allegations are that they were bribed and then athletes were able to submit other people's tests.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Wow. you know, obviously were hitting monumental records, but they weren't popping. And then later on, with other athletes, you know, other athletes, they simply just didn't even test the urine samples that they took. And then when they went back and tested them later, they obviously removed those metals from the athletes, you know, later on when they actually tested their real samples instead of somebody else's samples. So, you know, later on when they actually tested their real samples instead of somebody else's samples. So, you know, and that's all stuff. That's why, obviously, Olympic weightlifting in general, you know, I don't know all the
Starting point is 00:41:54 details of the investigations, but that's why in general they've had a lot of issues with potentially being removed from the Olympics because of this type of, um, issue existing within the sport and not being completely addressed. What ethnicity are you? Um, Cuban. Oh,
Starting point is 00:42:13 okay. At first I thought maybe you were a Pakistani guy or an Indian guy, but you're a Cuban guy. No, no. I'm Cuban. Yeah. Okay. Cuban. no no yeah okay Hiller's gonna show me something I can take that will make it so I'm fitter
Starting point is 00:42:30 than Sousa in six months and I want you to that I won't get caught taking when because Sousa has strict testing policies at his gym yeah but interestingly enough you can take all can I take this GW0742 oh well it's not a new song, but it's just.
Starting point is 00:42:46 I would stay away from that one because that's sort of a different variation of cartering that was made. Side effects. Go to the side effects. I have a huge, huge, huge penis. It's okay if it like a few inches fall off. Right. huge huge penis it's okay if it like it's a few inches fall off right well that there you go specific substance does not have an impact on oh i don't need my ventricles like hormones in general okay and this one fucks with my ventricles i my ventricles are pristine i don't want anything
Starting point is 00:43:18 weird happening yeah a lot of people have had heart issues. Some people have had reported heart issues with 0742. Doctor, what's safer, to take the Pfizer booster or to take GW0742? Well, I will actually, so I'll put it this way. He knows it's a serious question. He knows. I'll give you guys an honest response, okay? Please. You know, in my role, I develop pharmaceutical drugs,
Starting point is 00:43:53 and I've worked for companies and have colleagues who work for companies who have obviously investigated and developed the vaccines. All right? This type of vaccine technology that's used. And I know you're using the word vaccine very liberally. Go on. Like it obviously is a type of drug delivery mechanism that we use for more advanced drugs that are used for very, for more advanced drugs that are used for very um they're used for diseases with very severe outcomes meaning they're used for cancers they're used as immunomoduling therapy for very severe
Starting point is 00:44:35 diseases so when you alter the immune system in this fashion like the persistence of that alteration may last a very long time in the body. So it's, so these side effects, like in order to really study these vaccines in general, these vaccines take, you know, they, they take quite a bit of time to study because you can't just make it in a week. You can't just make it in two months. Yeah. So in general, like I'm a big proponent of like there just wasn't enough time. So that's why you're seeing that. The largest VAERS report in the history of all of reporting, more than all other vaccines combined.
Starting point is 00:45:18 That's why we're seeing that? Yeah, and you're seeing a lot of adverse effects and a lot of them can't properly be evaluated and you know i don't want to make any ali there's things i just i would have to tell you privately off of this call that i'm not comfortable that's enough for me i get it man i get it but i just think in general you have to be did you get did you get did you get the shot doctor so i, I got a, uh, one of the European shots, which use the traditional method. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:49 So you got a real vaccine. You got a damaged, uh, virus. Um, based on the definition of what a vaccine is, you actually got a vaccine. You didn't have the gene therapy.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Yes, that's correct. And having worked in gene therapy, I didn't feel comfortable with getting the gene therapy. And the only reason I got it was because I was forced to get it as a leader. Don't lie to me, doctor. You've been doing so good. You've been doing so good.
Starting point is 00:46:16 No one held you down. Rape is forced, doctor. No, no, nobody held me down. But I did sit on a COVID task force. Oh, I thought you were going to say I didn't get raped, but I did sit on a giant cock. But okay, sorry. Okay. You did work on a COVID task force.
Starting point is 00:46:34 All right. I appreciate you. I appreciate you. I can't tell you how tickled I am that you called into the show. Andrew thinks the world of me. And the fact that you called into the show, now his andrew thinks the world of me um and the fact that uh you called into the show now his head's gonna fucking explode he's he's probably when he bones his girl next he's gonna call out my name it is strong it's real isn't it yeah he can't he's his girlfriend's
Starting point is 00:46:57 gonna be like that wasn't even a real doctor he's just having his friends call into him whatever some chick he fucks. Yeah, that's also true. All right. I'll give you an example. For instance, you guys spoke about Carterine earlier, right? Or 0742, which is another variation of that with
Starting point is 00:47:17 cardiovascular risk. But I think in general, drugs work very similar, Carter, being like SR9009 that have been proven to be very effective. And, you know, they thought that would be the cure for obesity and the cure for, because it would basically, they called it exercise in a bottle when it came out of the Harvard research labs.
Starting point is 00:47:47 But the challenge with those drugs is that they've yet been able to dial in the half-life issue of these medications. Because with SR-9009, the half-life is two to four hours. So, you know, it's not a drug people want to take because they have to administer it, you know, several times a day. Right. So I think in general, They should just put it in a jewel. Yeah. That was good. That was good. That's a good one. Yeah. I think in general, like there's a lot of effective things out there that people take.
Starting point is 00:48:23 They take them often, you know, um, depending on the type of fitness you're looking to acquire, um, or competitive edge, they may, you may pop for them,
Starting point is 00:48:35 but they may not have been the right drug of choice. If you were actually looking to get an edge in a particular area. So like for peak aerobic capacity, I would not, if I were somebody who was dabbling in this space, I would definitely not be taking very aggressive or very strong, you know, SARMs in general. I wouldn't be taking like an S23. I wouldn't take a YK11. You wouldn't take Tremblone? I definitely would not take Tremblone unless you're becoming hypoglycemic.
Starting point is 00:49:09 What about tainted? What about tainted? What about tainted stuff? What about people? That does happen. How can that happen? Like you're never going to find semen in my butt. It can't be like, Oh, I never, they never they're never there's it's just never gonna be there you know what i mean doctor how is it that this fucking guy joy al um it took one substance but it's denying that the other substance was in there it's like i would not like you're not gonna find a handful of someone's pubes on my ass and semen like that. Never. You get what I'm saying? Like I know what goes on back there.
Starting point is 00:49:47 You're going to fragments of toilet paper and poop. That's it. Yeah. So I, I'll share this with you. Number one, I'm adamant about it. The,
Starting point is 00:49:56 the, the tainted shit is just weird. I just, I'm struggling, but I want to believe Ellie over at the, at the mayhem empire. I really want to believe her. I do believe her.
Starting point is 00:50:04 It's difficult to know that because, number one, you don't know the level to which the person pops. So, if the person was actively on a substance, like, certain drug levels would reach a certain level within the body, and then
Starting point is 00:50:20 you would have to conduct a test at that time and then understand, okay, they're actively on this substance at a like therapeutic dose, right? That's how you test the, you know, the, the, that therapeutic window that's going to have an effect on the body physiology, right? Right. And we use pharmacokinetic analysis. That's the name of that field that we use in order to identify that. So what ends up happening is that in the supplement industry, and I know this because I have friends who own companies in the industry
Starting point is 00:50:53 and they manufacture their products at a variety of different supplement makers throughout the country. And what they do sometimes in some places that don't actually test their compounds, they will paint their compounds with a variety of different lower cost substances. For instance, like some farms, like osterine would be a very low cost, you know, a powder that you can add to your supplement
Starting point is 00:51:26 that would help to enhance the effects of the supplement. So the supplement is even cheating. I'm selling you whey, I'm selling you creatine, but I put some osterine in it so that people start saying my creatine is the best? Yeah, but you wouldn't use creatine, but some of that actually has been found to happen because there have been at there have been athletes that have sent supplements directly from the supplement manufacturer to a testing facility and the testing facility tested
Starting point is 00:52:00 positive i'm struggling to believe that i'm so so struggling. Wow. But hold on, Siobhan. Hold on. That's not the whole story. It's not the whole story, okay? Sweet. So this is a very small, because I don't like to paint the whole, you don't want to paint the whole marketplace with a picture of a few bad, you know, a few companies who are doing this, right? So some companies may do this, but the overwhelming majority of companies should be at a nutraceutical facility. And in these manufacturing facilities, they should be periodically testing and they have to meet certain quality requirements for the purity of the substances that are included in their supplements. substances that are included in their supplements.
Starting point is 00:52:45 And when they need those thresholds, those companies you don't have to worry about because they've tested double, triple tested their products, every batch. And that allows them to make that claim that, Hey, we are a net. We produced a supplement at an FDA facility and the supplement is, you know, the supplement has this level of purity for the substances we noted on the label. So, yes, it can happen at times. Is that the overwhelming majority of the cases?
Starting point is 00:53:18 Absolutely not. Absolutely not. It's a very small subset of companies who have been reported. I obviously am not part of any of these panels, but they have been reported when they tested the product independently. The product tested positive for other compounds on top of the ones that were included in their label. So that's not uncommon to see because they you know companies want to get a competitive edge on one another um now i used to i bought a bag of mdma once this is many many many many years ago and i had to make it into pills and i wasn't selling it but i didn't cut it with anything that was expensive i think like i cut it like with flour or something or like just nothing just something that was white in the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Salt and sugar. I just can't imagine going out of your way to cut it with something that costs money. But I guess. Well, if it gives people an advantage, they're going to be more likely to be a repeat customer. Right. You know? There are a couple. Go ahead. right you know there's that there are come go ahead i think what i heard you say right there
Starting point is 00:54:27 is that it has been proven in the past that supplements have been tainted athletes have proven it and then we've also and people don't believe it but the lawyer will say hey look at this case we can use this to say that you're innocent it's totally possible so while it's not happening abundantly it's been proven to have happened so it's believable when people put it out into the world the way they put it out correct yes now i am going to caveat this with this if you're in a sport where you're being actively tested for these compounds for performance enhancing-enhancing drugs, then that excuse is bullshit because you should be buying your supplements
Starting point is 00:55:11 from a company that sends their product to three separate testing labs just in case one of them has bullshit tests or weak quality of tests. and they should be coming back to state that the product has all of those things that it says it has so you may spend a little more money on your supplement uh to make sure that the product that you're using you know has what the label says it has because it's been triple tested at three different labs that are certified um so if you're an athlete you either should do that or eat a clean freaking diet
Starting point is 00:55:53 but there is absolutely no excuse i don't care like you should have yeah yesterday hunter mcintyre said something about the fact that these people are essentially cheating to go play rec leagues uh volleyball and when i hear people like if they're actually taking tainted supplements all of a sudden i think well they're not competing at the level of a patrick velner tia to me they're trying to get to that stage and at which rate they might as well be taking the exact same supplements you would take to go hey i'm gonna go play some volleyball it was a pretty good parallel he tried to draw yesterday they're not taking it seriously enough yeah yeah and i think that if you want to compete at the highest levels of any sport like the level of commitment that you put into your training uh programming
Starting point is 00:56:43 periodizing your training you know and all of the intricacies that go into your training, programming, periodizing your training, you know, and all of the intricacies that go into the training aspects and then your nutrition, then your recovery, everything that goes into every aspect of what you do. Well, when it comes to your nutrition and your supplementation, it should go into that too, you know, and you should be very cautious cautious very much aware and of what you're taking and and where you're getting it from and and even if you need to take it because outside of somebody who wants to be a like a very clean athlete outside of the traditional substances you would take like supplements like creatine and beta alanine
Starting point is 00:57:25 maybe some l-glutamine obviously supplementing protein and a general multivitamin if that because you can probably get most of your vitamins and your nutrition um you don't have to be on anything else hey doctor just sorry real one i have one comment. Dick Butter says no one got fucked up on someone's Molly. Let me tell you, any person who took my ecstasy, they got naked. So fuck off. Second of all, doctor, couldn't you have just asked the doctor who is giving you your vaccine to just shoot it on the floor? One of my friends was a Navy SEAL. And when he went through the the second the first time he went in, when he first went into the military, he took all the shots. But the second time when they wanted to get him, he's like, hey, shoot that on the floor. And the doctor just shot it on the floor.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Couldn't you have just been like, hey, dude, just shoot that on the floor? I could have done that, but I have integrity. And when I – Well, Hiller's wife tells him all the time, just shoot that on the floor. And I think she has integrity too. So let's be careful. Shoot it somewhere else yeah okay hey i i i really really appreciate you calling in i have to go because uh we had a little uh family emergency a dog vomited on the carpet and i
Starting point is 00:58:38 have to run to the store and buy some more resolve to clean it up i just got text from my wife and that's a priority that dog is a monster. But you are by far the best caller we've ever had. I hope you'll stay in touch. Remember, you called on my show. I have a feeling Hiller's going to try to hijack this relationship from me.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Please be my friend too. I'll DM both of you. I love my Cubanos. And I will pass along my contact information. Hell yeah. Just as long as you keep me anonymous and whatever shit you guys talk about. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Thanks for calling in. Sincerely. Good talking to you. You're welcome. Thank you. All right. Take care. That was super informative.
Starting point is 00:59:22 That guy has no fucking clue what he's talking about. I wouldn't say that's entirely true he was good he was great that was cool i'm glad he called thank you dude that show you did the um nicholas joyeux liver king video where you um pull up all the instagram clips is dope you like that yes i fucking love it i wanted that i started screaming at lauren lauren khalil the great khaleesi because i want her to do stuff like that where they just kind of clip in random shit yeah that's the shit that's the that show would take over a show where you're just fucking like talking instead of using clips from movies i mean that's
Starting point is 01:00:05 cool too but using clips from instagram oh my god most of those were from tiktok and i let yeah yeah and i and i like the fact of uh you gave away your method to how you tag them as your favorites and collect them and then later went back oh man the process artistic process however now anyone could do it uh suza thanks for uh being here love you to death uh hillary you man what if you call later on today uh guys sorry i have to call the uh show short uh that will not happen again and we will have hillary i see how it is jr and taylor get freaking 10 hours and i get two hours and 40 minutes i took your whole other back half yes all right guys uh i will see you tomorrow i'm we don't do a show until tomorrow night i can't imagine being away from you guys that long i'll beg suza uh to fit another show in between
Starting point is 01:00:55 now and then talk to you guys later bye

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