The Sevan Podcast - #485 - Jorge Ventura

Episode Date: July 11, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. What dog? What dog is okay, Shane? What dog?
Starting point is 00:00:35 What dog? Elise. Elise. Elise. Elise. Car. Car. Good evening.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Hope everyone had a great day. Zachary Kadat's daily CrossFit tip. Bam, I'm early. Woo! This is going to be a good one. This is going to be a good one. Let's see. Let's start with...
Starting point is 00:00:57 Let's start with... Let's start with this one. Right here. Ready? let's start with this one right here ready and action join me now from southern california field reporter for the daily caller jorge ventura so joining me now for more someone who covers the border for us jorge ventura with the daily caller you also live in washington d.C. Report from the border. These marijuana girls are either connected to Mexican cartels or high-level criminal organizations that also use human trafficking
Starting point is 00:01:32 as they use workers to work these girls. Hey, what's up, guys? I am live from the Taz zone here. What do we want? Justice! What do we want? Yeah! Hey, everyone, we just crossed the Rio Grande into an island with a group of migrants.
Starting point is 00:01:50 We actually almost got swept away with the migrants. This woman was left behind. Right now, we're still trying to get an exact timeline from Texas DPS. And right now, parents have more questions than answers on what happened on the 24th. Reporting on another night's arrives in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Bam! Wow! Wow! It's good. It's good.
Starting point is 00:02:17 It's good. Jorge Ventura coming on just a minute here. You guys originally met Jorge a couple shows shows back he works the border he works all the gnarly spots if if something's going on there he works that spot uh and when we first had him on the show he was working the border and he reported something on his oh yeah i can't wait i'm gonna open with this he reported something on his – oh, yeah, I can't wait. I'm going to open with this. He reported that in the last six months, 3.5 million people have crossed the border illegally.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I wonder how many have crossed illegally. 3.5 million that's one percent of the united states population and i'm going to contextualize that even more uh soon uh yeah he uh he's dick you're definitely not talking to me you must be talking to Zachary and that's no that's not nice please don't talk like that about uh to Zachary it's not cool at all uh he's back at the border
Starting point is 00:03:34 he's back at the border he's been everywhere man uh when we had him on the show he gave us a uh detailed uh description of the night uh Rittenhouse was attacked by those three dudes and shot them all. And he gave us his perspective on it and what he was doing there. Yeah, exactly. That's exactly what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:03:57 He's one of the few actual journalists these days because what's fascinating to me, and I wanted to wait until he was on to do this, but why isn't the left using him? He's like verite journalism. He's pointing the camera at shit. He's pointing the camera at shit, and he's collecting it. I mean, Jorge, are you gay? Absolutely not. Okay, so. Nothing wrong with that, but, you know, we don't play on that team.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I'm just seeing what box you check i don't know why the left media doesn't get this guy because he's brown and he checks that box and his parents are immigrants he checks that box uh he's hard working he checks that box and he tells the truth he's just at the border pointing the camera and and the only thing that we have to question are his eyes so if he says he sees 400 people we kind of have to take his word for it he's giving us some estimates but we're good critical thinkers and we can decide uh when when he's making estimates and not uh have you been hired by hi by the way man how are we doing man and it's it's it's um have you has anyone on the left tried to uh because last time whenever i talked to you or
Starting point is 00:05:03 i've talked to you in the past you're always working with like media that's supposedly right and i'm always surprised that like cnn or cbs or someone like that hasn't scooped you up yet no so the only time um the only time even cnn has reached out to me is when i got arrested in 2020 covering uh the riots in Louisville. I was mistaken for a rioter. So CNN actually interviewed us and they had our back. It's kind of like an unwritten rule in journalism. When a journalist gets arrested, everyone has their back. So that's the only time they had my back. Telemundo has actually had me on one or two times over the stuff at the border with the migrants.
Starting point is 00:05:49 But that's actually something that I still think about this to this day that like you know i covered the riots all 2020 in cnn msnbc cbs news abc news and that not one of them contacted me to just talk about you know what we saw on the ground and stuff and you check their boxes for them and this brings up my point and for anyone anyone who's listening who is like me and a super liberal, you should know this. The libs don't really care about black and brown and gay. They only care about people who have the same agenda as them. If they really cared about someone based on the color of their skin or whose genitalia they like they would be hiring all sorts of people but they don't and so it's weird how they can just be caught in that lie so easily and really quick really quick what you're saying right now and we're seeing a perfect example of that with myra floors right mexican women wins
Starting point is 00:06:44 a republican seat she's a great story, you know, the underdog of an immigrant, of a woman standing up and rising up into politics. And guess what happens one week later, New York Times, the rise of the far right Latina. I mean, you can't even write this. I mean, this is parody to me at this point. I mean, you can't even make it up anymore. Tell me, tell me for us knuckleheads, why don't you like that headline? Tell us that headline one more time and tell me why you don't like it the the headline i believe it was uh the rise of the far right uh latina and the funny thing about it is myra myra is is if if you if first of all she's just like a normal hispanic
Starting point is 00:07:22 woman with the normal family traditional values values, all that good stuff. But, you know, if you talk to her about immigration, it's not like she's like a hardliner on immigration. It's not like she's like deport every illegal and I want this. I mean, she wants strong borders, but she supports legal immigration. I mean, if you actually speak to some Republicans, she's not even strong enough yet. But according to New York Times, she's far right. And she just has a normal Catholic tradition of use. If New York Times thinks Myra's far right, I mean, their mind will explode if they just drove over South Texas in McAllen, Del Rio, and they meet all these Hispanics with like regular views on just like life and stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:00 I mean, I don't know. It's nothing too crazy. What did you think about Nancyancy pelosi shoving her daughter um well to be honest man i when i first saw it i didn't know if it was like a shove shove because you know sometimes the media goes a little crazy with these clips but it looked like it kind of looked it kind of did look like a shovel so i was like oh dang and then my she looked down at her first jorge she looked down she saw it was a little kid and then she pushed with her arm she looked down at her yeah, Jorge. She looked down. She saw it was a little kid. And then she pushed with her arm. She looked down at her.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Yeah. So after I saw it a few times, I said, oh, damn, that was a shove. What I was actually more surprised was, you know what? I don't think my reforce would even she's not she's not going to say anything. But she actually came out, tweeted it out and like level the criticism. And I was like, wow. What do you mean she leveled the criticism? What do you mean by that? Well, because, you know, I was actually expecting her not like, and I was like, wow. What do you mean she leveled the criticism? What do you mean by that?
Starting point is 00:08:46 Well, because I was actually expecting her not – because that clip went viral, and I was like, you know what? I don't think she would say anything. I don't think she will respond and create news. I was completely wrong. She quote-tuted the video and was like, hey, my daughter handled that with grace in one of our biggest moments. So that kind of created this cold kind
Starting point is 00:09:05 of media storm with that with that whole thing but uh we just we just interviewed myra i think like less than two weeks ago in uh in mcallen texas so we're in the heart of south texas and her community and i'm telling you right now the political organizing in south texas what the gop is doing all the gop outside south texas needs to go over there and do like a fucking case study because i'm over there i'm meeting 16 year olds already registered with the hildago county gop i'm meeting college kids already registered with their county gop and it's all hispanics i mean it's it's all latinos it's all mexican you know majority mexicans um down there who are organizing um getting the votes, registering people.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I mean, McAllen last year just voted in their very first Republican mayor. His name is Javier Villalobos. One year later, they get Mara Flores in there. They also got Cassie Garcia coming up. If you guys haven't heard of Cassie Garcia, she's another Republican woman in South Texas. Monica de la Cruz has been getting a lot of momentum. I believe Monica and Cassie were in that hit piece by the New York Times, actually. So that's a good thing. That means they're on the radar,
Starting point is 00:10:08 and that means that the other side is very fearful of normal Hispanic women having regular conservative views, I guess. Wow, and I'm looking at Cassie Garcia's Instagram account, Republican nominee for Congress, pointing to Donaldald j trump i am very very fascinated on what's happening in south texas with all these hispanics all of a sudden leaving the democratic party and i don't know like i said if i'm the gop i go down there and do a goddamn case it it it gives me it gives me hope it gives me it gives me hope. It gives me hope.
Starting point is 00:10:46 This is going to sound crazy, but the white man's voice has been completely, if you want to go look at people's color, has been completely silenced in this country. The one white man that can still talk is, and I mean this and I apologize to my commander in chief, is semi-retarded. His name is Joe Biden. to my commander in chief is semi-retarded. His name is Joe Biden. And so it's going to take people from a wide variety of ethnicities now and races to step up, to step up. What do you think about this, Jorge?
Starting point is 00:11:17 It took me 10 years. It took me my whole entire 40s to realize this. I'm not a God person and I'm not a gun person at all don't like guns don't believe in god i need those people they're a utility to society they are they serve an enormous function i want to live in an all mormon neighborhood i want to live in a neighborhood with all christians right i want to live with people who like guns so that when when they shut down our park over some bullshit like covid that those guys can go down there and be like hey it's like you know what i mean like there's some balance in power i need those people
Starting point is 00:11:58 how come how come um i were you ever like that were you ever were you ever on the left did you ever have the disease that i had where you were anti-gun and sort of i used to be anti-god now i'm not now i'm pro-god i used to be anti-gun now i'm like yeah motherfuckers people need to have that shit no we're gonna end up like australia australians are always telling me like i can't why can't you see that it's killing kids? It's I do see that it's killing kids. I just we need balance. I already saw what happens when things get out of power. We can't we can't risk it.
Starting point is 00:12:35 No, I actually completely relate to you. I wasn't ever a big political guy when I was younger, but I was the listen to listen to like real gangster rap. I was like anti-family kind of same thing, antigod anti-religion just anything right all and all that stuff and then as you obviously get older you realize like you don't have to be crazy about god you don't have to believe in god but those people kind of hold this society right because they actually have a moral code you might have a code yes a moral code but a lot of people who don't believe in god you know a lot of my friends like it's like like 50, 50, right? You meet folks that do. And other folks are like, you know what? I don't care. Like, I don't care if I have kids. I'm, you know, Yolo, we all, we only live once.
Starting point is 00:13:11 You, you, you can't have that. You got to have the, uh, like you said, the balance. We need the, we, we need the guns. The, the, the thing about me is people outside of us don't understand the whole gun thing. And the reason why, and this always happens is anytime there's a mass shooting, I get contacted by like 50 different journalists from like Ireland, England, New Zealand. And they're fascinated. They just don't,
Starting point is 00:13:34 they just don't get it. And it's like, if we didn't have guns, we would be like you guys. I mean, I mean, when you say that they get so defensive, they don't realize how,
Starting point is 00:13:43 how like now, and now people like are starting to DM me from the Netherlands and Denmark and stuff, and they're starting to realize, oh, shit. Here's a great example that I gave someone today. The highest COVID rates in the history of this fucking whatever you want to call it are happening right now in Australia. How can that be? You spent the two years with the strictest rules. You made a mistake, an enormous mistake, and now you're paying for it with the widest spread of COVID ever. That didn't happen in our country. Why didn't that happen in
Starting point is 00:14:11 our country? Because we have certain freedoms that they can't take away from us. And why is that? You could say it's because we have guns. Right? You following that logic? No, I'm 100%. These guys, I guys i mean think about this if it wasn't for the guns they would already kind of step on our faces but they they try to you know because we have guns you have to do it with the illusion um i always say like we don't even live in a democracy we live in like a like a like a corporatocracy right yeah well said one of the interesting things i was listening to um uh to an interview with alex jones in immortal technique this was like years ago.
Starting point is 00:14:45 And Immortal Technique, you know, was making the case for no guns and was saying, oh, well, you know, the government doesn't need to like send in a tank to destroy you. They could just, you know, turn your power off. It's a great point. But look at Sri Lanka right now. They shut their power off.
Starting point is 00:15:01 They shut the fuel off. No one there is armed. If they were armed, I guarantee you the government wouldn't do that but now the masses in sri lanka actually woke up and now they're like they're like chasing the president out of his palace they're like swimming in his pool they're taking selfies in his office they got this guy like jumping on a cruise ship to get out of sri lanka so um i you know just pay attention around the world i i you know about you know one thing that i do is i always read news news around the world and I'm always fascinated in a and I have to say, man, if it wasn't for us being armed, the government would be fucking us like crazy. I mean, they already do. But it seems like thing in our country, is the story of Jose Alba in New York.
Starting point is 00:15:48 He's the bodega worker where he had this tall black guy was like attacking him. I mean, I think he was about to kill him if he would have. He would have had his way. Jose grabs a knife and defends himself and stabs this guy. This guy dies. The DA charged Jose with murder um so that's a case that that's been pretty popular yep it's right there um that that right there is is highly disappointing because we're getting to a point in our country where we say okay the da's are gonna let the let
Starting point is 00:16:17 the criminals out um we're not gonna give them lengthy sentences but if they attack you now you can't defend yourself because we'll throw you in prison i mean what are we supposed to do with our society is that gonna stick is that guy gonna be in trouble keep this tab open really quick bro and i want you to look at another story really quick because this is really important okay yep 17s in philadelphia just killed a 72-year-old man with, I think it was like a traffic cone. Think about this. Seventeens gathered up on a 17-year-old man in the middle, I think it was like three in the morning, and killed him with a traffic cone. So I think about these two stories, right? I think about this old guy, three in the morning, he's walking home and these kids beat the crap i mean they beat him to death literally right if he would have defended
Starting point is 00:17:10 himself would he would have gone to prison like what do you do man like is it i mean i guess you defend yourself and go to prison instead of just you know just die i mean what are we supposed i mean that's philadelphia new york city i mean it, this is why we need guns. I mean, I don't know how else to say it. I really feel- By the way, these are all liberal cities. By the way, this just happened. These two stories are like a week old. This is not like three years ago.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Both these stories are a week old. Let's not say a group of deranged teenagers. What does that mean, deranged? Look how they're laughing, man. There's something- When I watch this video, there's something deeper rooted in evil where there's something broken in American society
Starting point is 00:17:50 where this is happening. I mean, dude, I don't know about those kids. I'm raised with, like, old school Hispanic parents. My mom would murder me if I was out at three in the morning, dude. Just for being out. Just for being out. I don't have to be doing that. to wait they're fighting
Starting point is 00:18:05 sorry to interrupt you they're fighting he he got arrested for stabbing this dude dude for literally defending himself dude wow is that lady attacking him too i think so dude i mean this is insane i mean this is insane what's happening in america man those two two stories right there have really stood out to me this past week. I mean, they come out because we're talking about the issue of self-defense. And look how one guy defends himself. They throw him in jail. The other guy doesn't even defend himself because he's outnumbered.
Starting point is 00:18:37 And they just brutally kill him. Those 17s haven't even been killed. Someone's grandfather. Someone's dad. Someone's brother. That's insane to me. That guy should have died from COVID anyway. Everyone over 70 is supposed to die from COVID. Bad joke. Jorge, we're going to make a big jump here.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Shit. In my book, he's the foremost expert on what's going on at the border in terms of having outside of maybe border patrol agents of having eyes on the ground there. And he reported and I want to check this number to make sure it's correct with you that in the last six months, three point five million illegal immigrants have crossed the border from Mexico into the United States. Is that number accurate? accurate the the the 3.5 million is is the total of um since kamala and joe biden have been in office which is an insane the crazy thing about the 3.5 million is that's the migrants that border border patrol agents encounter they're thinking that they're thinking that we're we have another million this is the scariest the gotaways because these people turn themselves in the gotaways, because these people turn themselves in. The gotaways are have already committed crimes in the U.S. are either drug smugglers, cartel members.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Most of the gotaways are single men, you know, and they're in the country undetected. The other crazy stat, too, since Joe Biden, I mean, I think just as fiscal year, Border Patrol has encountered 50 men on the terrorist watch list. Border Patrol has encountered 50 men on the terrorist watch list. I mean, 50. I think they combined all the terrorists that they encountered on the border when Trump was in office, and I think it was like three. I think it was something very – I mean, basically just one fiscal year Joe Biden is doing some insane stuff at the border. I want to show you something. Do you think that that number is right then in the last two years? Do you think it's safe to say 4.5 million? Oh, absolutely. Okay. I want to show you something
Starting point is 00:20:29 really crazy here. That 4.5 might even be conservative. That's a scary thing. Hey, well, let's do something crazy here. Let's say they only catch half the people, which I think is fair, but let's just say that and say we're crazy. So that would be seven million people in the last two years have come in and by catch sorry i don't mean catch they're not catching anyone make contact with that would mean that there's only 15 states in the united states that have more people that's but but but i want to read to you the states let's say it is just 3.5 million connecticut utah nevada iowa arkansas mississippi kansas new mexico nebraska idaho west virginia hawaii new hampshire maine montana rhode island delaware south dakota north dakota alaska vermont and wyoming all of those states have less people
Starting point is 00:21:18 or the same amount as illegal immigrants have come into this country and had contact with border patrol dude that now when you do when you have it in person the numbers this is insane i just saw puerto rico puerto rico only has 3.1 mil population we we literally just let in puerto rico i mean we might have what are we doing it is it's it's it's fascinating this is fascinating with these numbers the one thing that i've always tried to tell people i'm like no other country in the world is doing this with with illegal immigration why do we have to be the first why do we have to be the first like test dummies on something that no one else has done i mean unbelievable man is done i mean unbelievable man when we don't when we don't contextualize stuff we never know the numbers mean nothing to us right if you don't contextualize the numbers don't mean shit i want
Starting point is 00:22:13 to read to you the countries some of the countries on the planet that have less people than we let in uruguay mongolia jamaica armenia I'm just going through Lithuania, Bosnia, Latvia, Estonia, Cyprus. This is Luxembourg. We got more people than Fiji, dude. Samoa, Tonga. Holy shit. That's contextualizing stuff so important
Starting point is 00:22:46 unbelievable man it's unbelievable how does that uh let me add this to it one of the things go ahead go ahead I won't forget I don't want to rub it but the kind of reason I wanted to come on is just because the night the last I would say month and a half have been an insane experience from the border for me.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Because I flew to Texas May 18th, 17th, and it was only for Title 42. So just a kind of reminder for the audience. Please explain that to us. Yes, please. Title 42 was a policy that Trump put in during the pandemic. It was called like a Corona virus emergency policy. And what Title 42 gave is it gave the power to the Trump administration where if a migrant crosses illegally because it's the pandemic, you could immediately deport them either back to Mexico or back to their home country. Oh, so we treated them like the Australians treat their own citizens. Got it. OK. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 00:23:49 So we had Title 42. So I originally went to Texas to cover what we expected to be the end of that policy. Like Biden, Biden wanted to end it. The only thing that was holding in limbo was a federal judge that Trump appointed actually in Louisiana said, wait a minute. Let me let me let me take a look at this before before I even give you guys the power. So one quick question, Jorge, but they weren't enforcing it for the last two years, right? That's how those three point five million got in. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I mean, they're they're enforcing it, but like very, very, very little because because you got to because the thing is, Biden is in this weird situation right now where if he views his Title 42, his own voter base attacks him saying, why are you using a Trump-era policy in deporting migrants? This is inhumane. And then on the other side, the right just doesn't think he even views it enough. So he'll never make the right happy. So he's in his weird, weird spot with Title 42. So we go to Texas to cover. We presume is the end of that.
Starting point is 00:24:49 During my time, I'm in like Mexico. We're like traveling with huge migrant groups in the water, like crossing illegally into Texas. Like we're following these groups. This is since May. This is when you went back in May. Exactly. And the reason why this is also important that I wanted to highlight is the reason why we spent so much time on the Mexican side this time is because Governor Greg Abbott of Texas, he made four agreements with four different Mexican state governors back in April. Those agreements were very strict. He said, if you don't stop the flow of drugs and illegal crossings,
Starting point is 00:25:26 and illegal crossings, we're going to basically put in place a 100% vehicle commercial inspection after those trucks leave the port of entry, which Mexico hates because it just creates long lines. It's a headache for Mexico, right? So the governors agree. Isn't that crazy? That's the only leverage Greg Abbott has. Hey, you let too many of these motherfuckers to the border. We're going to cause a traffic jam in your country. It's like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Anyway, go on and he and i saw you when you interviewed him and you questioned him on this by the way and it was a great question you he avoided the question but the best he could give you is he blamed biden and he blamed the president of mexico yeah exactly so the the reason what we've been trying to be kind of uh we've been pressing abbas because he's been touting the agreements with the mex Mexican government as a complete success while we literally go to the Mexican side and literally cross with
Starting point is 00:26:11 the migrants. We're talking about hundreds. What we learned through our sources in Mexico is the cartel in Pedas Negras, which is across Eagle Pass, is actually the state police there. They facilitate and guide the migrants to cross illegally through Pedas Negras. So they facilitate and guide the migrants to cross illegally through Pedas Negras.
Starting point is 00:26:27 It's all done- State police. Through the state police. So we've been attacking Abbott and saying, what are you going to do to hold these governors accountable for not following your own agreement that you made with them? But that's kind of another point
Starting point is 00:26:41 in this kind of whole thing I just want to mention real quick. Let me clarify this. You're saying that as they approach the border, let's just make up an arbitrary number, 50 miles away, as they enter this state of Mexico that's called Pedras? Pedras Negras. Pedras Negras. border and they cross into that that state of mexico those police help them then to the u.s american uh to the u.s mexico border like make sure they have water and shit like that what they do is they'll lightly guide them but the main thing they do is they don't arrest them
Starting point is 00:27:15 so let me just explain this for the audience because i think a lot of people might be confused what i'm what i'm what i'm going here with this is a little brightness over here is um when I'm going here with this is a little brightness over here is, so a lot of these migrants, when they're in, when they're in Guatemala, they'll then cross over illegally into Mexico. The first town they hit is called Tapachula, Mexico. A migrant from, from Tapachula cannot travel outside of Mexico because it's considered illegal. Like they're literally an illegal inside,
Starting point is 00:27:46 inside, inside Mexico. But what the Mexican officials do in Tapachula is they get so overwhelmed with so much migrants coming. And also I think, I mean, they also do this on purpose is, is what they'll do is they'll give these migrants 30-day humanitarian visas, meaning they give these migrants a pass to legally travel through Mexico to cross into the United States illegally.
Starting point is 00:28:13 So they give them basically a 30-day pass to cross in. So this all really begins, guys, in Tapachula. So they all get there. And legally, they're not even allowed to leave. They can't they can't go past that but the mexican officials give them humanitarian visas with these visas they're allowed to legally travel and get to the border look at that fucking journey dude yeah so what they'll do is now it's all different with some of them but what some of them do is they'll go from
Starting point is 00:28:41 top of chula they'll get to me City. From Mexico City, they'll get to Monterrey. From Monterrey, they'll get to the state called Coahuila. That's where you'll find me, and we'll be in Pedas Negras. Exactly. Yep. You'll find us, and normally right now,
Starting point is 00:29:00 we've been reporting in Coahuila, because that's where they'll reach from Coahuila, then they'll get to Pedas Negras, which is the crossing point into Eagle Pass. It's pretty insane. Am I close? Yeah. Is it south of Hidalgo? What about Nuevo Laredo?
Starting point is 00:29:16 I mean, they're all major crossing points. It's just that we've been concentrating on Pedas Negras because of just the amount that are coming through. It's insane, man. They're coming by the hundreds, hundreds every single day and night. Mexican officials are letting them pass through. Basically, man, with the agreement with Abbott, when those migrants even get to Coahuila, they can't even enter the state of Coahuila. But they somehow magically always find a way, right?
Starting point is 00:29:41 I mean, the Mexican officials are not arresting them, obviously. Or they're not, I mean, they're not stopping them fully they're letting them into cuila and then from there they'll make it into pedas negra so jorge have you thought about going down there to the guatemala border and doing a documentary where you travel do the whole fucking trip with them and see what oh yeah yeah we're we're we're in talks right now what we have done is we got that would be crazy crazy, man. Yeah, we got about 35 miles into Mexico in Allendas and then followed them 35 miles into Eagle Pass. So think about this, bro.
Starting point is 00:30:14 We're down there for- By the way, I saw you almost drowned. I saw you- I want to hear the details of that story. I saw your shirt was wet up to your fucking neck. I was like, what is this guy doing? Yeah, so really quick. so when these when these migrants cross they jump in the in the rio grande river um so if you if you're there guys if you're looking at the rio grande river i mean from outside it looks like a normal river that river i don't know what it is has some
Starting point is 00:30:40 crazy bitching currents in there i mean you put you put your body in there, and it will sweep you. Before I jumped in that river, about three weeks before I got there, I don't know if you guys remember that story. It was a Texas National Guardsman. He drowned in that river. Oh, I didn't hear that. Wow. Yeah, a Texas National Guardsman drowned in that river
Starting point is 00:31:00 attempting to save two migrants that were being swept away a couple days later we find out that the two migrants that were being swept away they were actually running drugs in the u.s so there you go um but that that river right there guys it's very very strong the currents uh take you so what we did is um hey and they'll get and that guy will get no credit for that people will look at you all day and say that the cops didn't go in but this guy would jumped into to save uh two people drowning in nothing hey anyone who's bitching about you of all day should find that guy's family who died and fucking donate a hundred bucks put your money where your mouth is support the cops who are doing what you want no i i agree um but no you were right man i jumped
Starting point is 00:31:46 in the one thing that i like to do as a like i think it's important from a journalist perspective is instead of just filming people crossing the river put yourself in that experience so you could tell that story so we put ourself in the river with them and you know it was insane and it was you know putting your body to the test. And we like Don Lemon, like Don Lemon does. Right. He puts himself into white. He he wanted to feel the white homosexual experience. So he married a white dude. That was really cool of him. But no, it's it's been. But I think when the audience sees that video, it's it's been pretty powerful to see, you know, the amount of people crossing in there, women, children, babies, you know, crossing in there. I saw one mom carrying her baby. The other arm had, like, baby formula going through the Rio Grande River.
Starting point is 00:32:33 But we saw migrants being swept out of there day and night. We saw folks almost drowned. If it wasn't for a Border Patrol agent in their boats, I mean, migrants could have drowned. We spoke to – his name is Frank Bowles. He's the deputy counsel of Maverick County and Eagle Pass. He told me they're pulling between one to two dead bodies per day out of the Rio Grande. Wow, wow. That's only the bodies that –
Starting point is 00:32:59 And this isn't murder. This is drowning women, kids, children, men, the whole – Yep, just crossing in the United States illegally being – I'm telling you, when you're there, guys, you look at the river. You're like, oh, this is nothing. I could swim across this. You jump in there. And those currents under that water have a different thing to say. Those you were scared for your life. What happened? What how did you how did you get water up to your neck? Oh, I mean, it's just a swing swing it swings you around so i got swung um and then i made it to the middle island that's where we were we then took the video
Starting point is 00:33:29 um and i just jumped in that water about uh two weeks ago i just jumped in there again um we were in there with some with the obviously with migrants crossing in again but the crazy thing man is you know we doing that. Like that was our original reporting, right? And then May 23rd comes, which Greg Abbott visits the border. And that's the first time I actually got to press Greg Abbott. The last video you just saw is my second time. But my first time I pressed him at a press conference regarding the agreements with the Mexican state governors. That's May 23rd.
Starting point is 00:34:04 The very next day is may 24th that day me and another reporter a friend julio rosas we had uh to pay that's like let's just start reporting from the mexican side like a regular day we're doing our thing we're doing our thing we then hear news of a border patrol agent chasing an illegal alien, and the illegal alien crashed his car. And then from there, he jumped in a school and started shooting. So we're like, what? That doesn't make any sense. We get back to the U.S. side, which is Eagle Pass.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I get a call. I don't want to say his name because he's a TV reporter, but I get a call from a TV reporter. He says, get your ass to fucking Uvalde. Get your ass to Uvalde now. And I'm like, okay. So I tell my friend
Starting point is 00:34:58 Hulam, hey man, we got to get this shooting, whatever. So we drive one hour and we arrive in Uvalde around 4 p.m we arrive in uvalde the same time the fbi did and all of a sudden we went from covering the border to all of a sudden we are now one of the first reporters on the scene of a national i mean it turned out obviously international but national news story. And I mean, just like that. So that was that was an insane adjustment that we had to do last month.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And yeah, I mean, it's something that I mean, obviously, it's never happened. And that's when CNN and CBS and ABC contacted you and said, thank you for being there. Can we use your services? That's no, not yet. Not yet. So funny that these ass clowns don't want the real story is that really what's going on they don't want the real story they don't i mean i saw you press greg abbott i'm sure they would have liked that but is there is the truth the fact that you're saying stuff like
Starting point is 00:35:56 hey 3.5 million people have come to the border in the last two years like i just i think i think for them they um i don't know if it's because I'm associated with the Daily Call. I mean, I have I have our we have a colleague at the Daily Caller, Shelby Tucker. She's a White House correspondent. She's already been on Brian Stelzer two times to talk about White House stuff. But they to this day, I don't know what it is, man. I don't know if they don't. It seems like they don't want to really hammer the immigration issue at all. Now, they did like the first week of the border crisis, which was last year in March. ABC, CNN, I mean, all of them covered it for like seven days.
Starting point is 00:36:31 And then after that, they dropped it. Now, if you turn on CNN, I mean, they're hammering Biden on inflation, which everyone is. It's just inflation is too big to, you know, you can't avoid it now. But on immigration, it seems like they don't want to touch it. You know, you can't avoid it now. But on immigration, it seems like they don't want to touch it. You would have thought that they would have hammered him after the 53 migrants were found dead in the in the truck in San Antonio. But even after that, they've taken it easy on this guy. I got to send you this article, bro, because it's hilarious. But the New York Times just put out an article today that by they're basically saying that biden is just way too old they're saying that
Starting point is 00:37:06 his aides are um basically biden doesn't work on the weekends he doesn't work on um the weeknights his aides worry everyone's turned on him everyone's turned on everyone has turned on him so um but the only thing is they don't hammer the immigration one like they'll do the inflation they'll do economy cnn like jake tapper hammer them after the afghanistan pullout a lot of them did after afghanistan pullout but the immigration one is like i don't know what it is but they they won't touch it this is what scares me not scares me sets off a red light bulb and this is what anyone anyone who's who wants the current government out should be definitely watch this.
Starting point is 00:37:45 We don't want Biden out. Let's let him. We want him to run again. Please run again. And here's why. Look at this. We've known this. This is Lexit.
Starting point is 00:37:58 You know this website, right? This Instagram account, right? These are Mexicans who are leaving the Democratic Party. That's what Lexit means. Is that correct? Am i representing that correctly the latino exit from the democrat party we're the largest conservative latino movement in america but but i feel like they're being played because they post this and we've known this for years and here it is and it's hunter biden arguing with a prostitute. Sorry, one of my Mexican friends.
Starting point is 00:38:33 It's Hunter Biden arguing with a prostitute about the weight of his crack. And it's like, hey, man, these videos of him and smoking crack and with prostitutes and fucking his brother's wife and all that should have been around forever. But now these guys are showing it and i feel like what they're i i for all we know the democratic party is sending that stuff to people right to help push biden out now right because they know that they have a horse that can't win the race do you ever feel like that like we're being played i don't know if we're being well we're definitely we're being played with biden but not like i don't see it the way you see it there now this is what i do see it though yeah and i started to connect the dots and i might have i might be late to the party but it makes more sense now so a couple articles came up i don't know if you could
Starting point is 00:39:15 even find them that'd be interesting if you can there's one by the hill and it's democrats frustrated over power powerlessness biden something along those words you should pop up it's it's Democrats frustrated over powerlessness Biden. Something along those words. It should pop up. It's the hill. It says Democrats frustrated over Biden powerlessness, right? So you have that one. It's an article basically saying how Democrats are now frustrated with Biden
Starting point is 00:39:40 because he has it. Oh, beautiful. There it is. Yep. Frustrated Democrats express alarm over Biden's powerlessness. So this article just came out by the Hill on the 6th of July, and it's basically Democrats speaking with each other saying, hey, so we have inflation, we have all these issues. And just to top it off, we just lost Roe v. Wade and our president is doing
Starting point is 00:40:08 nothing. So the Democrats are now turning on Biden because, I mean, he's losing on every issue, especially economics. I mean, we don't have to even get to the other ones, just economically, right? Supply chain inflation, all that good stuff. But now you have Democrats turning on Biden because he's not protecting Roe v. Wade. So I see that. I go, this is interesting. And if you could pull this up too, bro, this one I think we'll find pretty easy is Gavin Newsom spends $100,000 in Florida as an ad saying, hey, Floridians, come to California, blah, blah, blah. It's freedom, Roe v. Wade, whatever.
Starting point is 00:40:44 You can get an abortion, whatever you want, whatever. So I look at these two. They're not related. I don't want people to think they're related. They're not related. But to me, it's fascinating because I look at these two and I go, wait a minute. Now it's happening. Now the Democrats are going to do is they're going to convince Biden or somehow to not run.
Starting point is 00:41:05 They see the writing on the wall. They see the L. They see the repeat of Trump. They go, maybe we could get a sexy face like the governor of California, Gavin Newsom. He's a little sexy with his haircut. He speaks well. He has national recognition. Liberals love Gavin Newsom.
Starting point is 00:41:23 And Gavin Newsom has a war chest of money with no challenger in California. The man is bored out of his goddamn mind because he knows no matter how much power and corruption he runs down California, liberals love corruption in this state, though. Keep him in office. Gavin Newsom, if I was a betting man, ifgas could do this i'm gonna go check if i could do this with vegas i've got i have gavin newsom running in 2024 wow nominee wow i don't i no longer see uh biden running because i could already see the writing on the wall you could already see it with the articles saying democrats are mad over biden you turn on cnn you turn on
Starting point is 00:42:01 cnn they're hammering b Biden on inflation every now and then. I could already see it, dude. They're not going to want to run Biden. I mean, dude, think about this. Dude, if you could pull up the article that came out today with New York Times. Damn it. Isn't isn't Gavin Newsom's ex-wife with like Jeff Bezos or Donald Trump Jr. or something like that? No, it's Donald Trump Jr.'s current wife was Gavin Newsom's previous wife. It's all fucked, man. Dude, I got to get her on the podcast. I want to hear about that. She's playing both teams.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Here, bro, pull this one up because this is on the podcast. That's how we started the podcast, talking about playing both teams. This is a New york times headline headline at 79 biden is testing the boundaries of age and the presidency all this is starting to make sense dude the establishment media is already lining it up saying dude we can't win with this guy he's way too old too many gaps it's not looking pretty so you i'm looking at all these articles i i don't think the democrats want biden in 2024 and they've been showing us in the media we've been watching for the last two years his verbal fuck-ups and they're finally just because i have friends who only watch
Starting point is 00:43:17 liberal media and they're like what are you talking about biden's fine but now they're letting some of this stuff leak that's on new york times bro this bro. This is not Breitbart. This is not Fox. Yeah. And I read the article today. I loved it. It's my favorite one. His aides are scared for him. They freak out every time he gaffes.
Starting point is 00:43:35 They think he's going to trip over wires because he can't walk. He shuffles, they say. He doesn't work the weekends. He doesn't work work nights. I mean, dude, what a great gig the president of the United States is. You have weekends off? Shit. What do you think about his wife letting him continue while he's a mess like that?
Starting point is 00:43:54 Oh, I think she loves it. I think she's just soaking up all the power. I mean, I think she cringes here now and then, obviously, but she is soaking it up. I mean, am I crazy here to think this guy's not not gonna be the guy for no no no no you're 100 right they got to get him out they they're they have no chance um like they they have they have no chance i want i want to go back i want to ask you something about the border in terms of a political topic is the border our most dangerous like people are worried about roe versus way guns the pandemic the economy how Where would you rank this thing
Starting point is 00:44:26 that's happening at the border? Because there's something you reported that really, really stood out at me. You said, I've never seen so many men crossing the border. There's nothing more dangerous to me in a society than men who are 16 to 35 who don't have something to do those idle hands and we see it in all the liberal cities and all the ghettos those well we saw those idle hands kill a man in the beginning of the show here right exactly we saw them kill that old man those are those are young men and women with idle hands how how where would you rank this border thing i mean you saw it is it scary do you ever go like have nightmares at night be like what the fuck that's a that's a fantastic fantastic question uh the way i'll answer and before i answer it is um in 2016 when when trump was running and steve bannon became one of his like um kind of campaign
Starting point is 00:45:16 insider guys who really coached up i watched this in a bannon interview he says hey trump right now the border is in terms of issues. It's at a five and a six. Put the border at one and we work backwards because the border is tied to all the issues. He goes, you know, so the issue of the border, if the only reason. Will you explain that? I get what you mean. Will you explain that?
Starting point is 00:45:43 How is it tied to the issues? So this is the way that I'll explain it. Now, that was in 2016. And 2022, as of right now, if you want me to rank the issues, I'll put the economy at one. If I could put a tie, it's the border, but the border is right under, but the border connects to the economy anyway. So this is the way the border connects to a lot of different issues in one. The first issue I would hit, it's really easy. It's just national security, right?
Starting point is 00:46:10 Every country in the world knows who's coming in. They know the records. We could verify all that stuff. So first of all, we're the only country who's letting in this massive illegal immigration. So now it's a national security issue because we're literally letting in rapists, pedophiles, those type of folks who've already committed those crimes in the u.s and they're coming back in so it's a national security why do you say that what do you mean why do you say
Starting point is 00:46:35 that we're letting in rapists and pedophiles and murderers just because those are the odds if you let in 3.5 million people you're gonna some of them are gonna be that well yes and if you guys follow um he's my good friend is bill malusian of fox news he put he got he has sources that and he's able to post all the arrest records of and you should see the amount of ms-13 18th street cartel guys that they catch at the border who've already committed crimes in the u.s a lot of them actually have been sex crimes that they've been deported for that's why they're coming back again so first do you have any numbers on that do you have any idea what the is it like thousands i think it's it's it's high up there i i i don't want to say anything because it's not you know i want to give you guys something accurate but um but here let me give let
Starting point is 00:47:18 me do this break so so we have national security like i just said, under this fiscal year, Border Patrol has already apprehended 50 men on the terrorist watch list. So national security, we know that crime, people we don't know. That's one. The number two issue, we moved to actually big corporations. So one of my favorite interviews ever is back in 2015, these Democrat socialists are interviewing Bernie Sanders. And they say, hey, Bernie, how come you don't support an open border? Even Bernie knew this, but he has to change his tune now. But Bernie knew this. Bernie goes, what do you mean? He says, if I support an open border, it hurts American workers and wages because corporations love a massive pool of
Starting point is 00:48:04 employees, low skilled, low wage employees that they could just pay under the table or they could screw over and they could screw over American wages and workers. And there's no set. There's no company. Corporations are not incentivized to raise wages for American workers. If you guys look at the American wages in this country hasn't risen in 19 since like 1970s, like no wonder people are more broker than ever.
Starting point is 00:48:25 And we don't even have any stay-at-home moms. That's another topic. But corporations love an open border. Don't ever believe that there's Republicans that don't love an open border. Oh, establishment Republicans love an open border. What are you talking about? So Bernie called this, he said that's a Koch brothers conspiracy saying that if you support open borders, you're actually hurting American wages. And for corporations, they're like, oh, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Oh, I could just keep hiring Jose's off the street. I don't have to hire Bradley or whatever. Fuck them. Oh, and I don't have to give them health care benefits. Oh, fuck yeah. Sign me up. So you have national security. You have corporations.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And another third issue gets down, really is one of the most important now and it's really impacting the white working class you don't hear you're never going to hear this in mainstream media because any issue that impacts white working class is never going to talk about news is fentanyl i mean the amount of fentanyl coming in is you can't even uh you can't even imagine it there's already been enough fentanyel seeds you could kill every american in the country um for i love when americans say well i don't live next to the southern border i don't care the number one state impacted by fennel nowhere near the border it's ohio the the working white working class communities in Ohio are getting so badly riddled by fentanyl. It's unimaginable.
Starting point is 00:49:48 I want to play a little bit of this. Let me, this is, I want to play a little bit of this. This is, uh, on the Donlon report. Um,
Starting point is 00:49:55 uh, this is, uh, Jose Ventura on the Donlon report. I want you guys to see this. This is just, uh, 15 weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:50:03 three months ago. Here we go. Get you Jorge while we have you on some of your fentanyl reporting, because I know you recently talked with a mother who had lost a son to fentanyl. It was a pill he took after an injury that was laced with fentanyl. Here's a little of your interview. He had the best smile. He was always there for his friends. He was always there for his friends.
Starting point is 00:50:26 He was always there for us. This is something, Jorge, we've been following closely. How did he get the pill? Did you find out? Listen carefully. The reporter just asked Jorge, how did this young man get the pill? Here we go. Yeah, so 22-year-old Jordan Erickson from Palmdale, California, how did this young man get the pill? Here we go.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Yeah. So 22 year old Jordan Erickson from Palmdale, California was working out at his local gym. And during one of his workouts, he actually ended up popping his knee. And right there, one of the locals in the gym ran up to Jordan and said, Hey, I have an Oxycontin. It's a painkiller. Take this and they'll help your pain immediately. Unfortunately, Jordan did take that pill. And that pill did end up being a counterfeit Lace of Fentanyl. Jordan was actually discovered by his mother the next day, 24 hours later, dead from that pill. So this is a trend that we're seeing across the United States. Do you guys see the 10 or 15 million downloads this podcast has had or wherever we're at? All of you guys have been to the gym. This could have been fucking any of you.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And what Jorge is saying is this shit's pouring across the fucking border. This is what he was referring to when he when Banyan told Trump, if you fix the border, even though it's only number five or six issue, the issues above it will fix and the issues below will fix. He's looking at the cause. Not he's not trying to fix the symptoms. He's trying to fix the cause. Not only to mention, I'm guessing where he's going to get there. They're not covid testing any of these people who are coming across the border or aids testing them or whatever the fuck testing sorry go ahead or this is an incredible story this is really sad this this is the fucking tylenol for
Starting point is 00:51:53 all he knew i mean i'm being a little cavalier but wow and he died and i've been speaking with parents now it's a common thing if you guys ever have a chance to look it up after you listen to the show there's a common thing of teens in america dying off these pills like crazy because a lot of these teens they think they're taking a vicodin they think they're taking ecstasy they think they're taking a molly they think they're going to a rave and they're going to roll and it's going to be a great jolly time and they're getting sold counterfeit pills and are dying at record levels i've uh there's a bunch of stories out on these teens all over the country um buying them one of the common ones is through snapchat you know i mean i'm i'm 27 i'm not like a not crazy old but i you know i've used snapchat back in the day but i didn't know i didn't even know that teens were
Starting point is 00:52:41 still using that app like that but apparently they're buying drugs like through that. And the thing is that when you buy one of these, these drugs, it's, I mean, it's easy to hide from the parents because it has no odor. It's not like weed and it's very small. You could really confiscate it in anything.
Starting point is 00:52:56 So these teens all over America are dying off this one time. And look, I was in high school. I partied. I took a whole bunch of stuff. I had, you know, but me too. Me too. I didn't do it in high school, but in college, I was in high school. I partied. I took a whole bunch of stuff. I had, you know, but- Me too. Me too.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I didn't do it in high school, but in college. I was a late bloomer. We're in a time, guys, with where the border is and the amount of this stuff being flooded, you can't even risk it. You can't even do the one, like the one time thing is it's done, dude. You can't even risk it. I mean, this stuff, I mean, they literally nicknamed it the pill that kills because it just takes one time. It's quick.
Starting point is 00:53:30 And it's a phenomenon. And it's, I mean, just like a couple months ago, it was like a bunch of soldiers. I think it was like West Point were like partying in Florida. It was like seven of them. And they overdosed on, I mean, it's all over. You know, I was just at a party like, you know, I think it was like three or four months ago in Phoenix for a political conference. And we go to this after party and someone comes up to me like, hey, Jorge, you want to do some blow with us? I was like, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I mean – no, no. I mean I'm not even that guy, but it's like, dude, I'm not even – I mean no, you can't trust any of that stuff right now. You cannot trust anything right now. Hey, what an excuse not to do it. I did a little math, by the way, just now. I want to give you guys, these are just really rough numbers. But let's say 4 million people came across the border and 2 million of them were male. According to what I looked up on Google, 1% to 5% of all males that you see are pedophiles.
Starting point is 00:54:23 So let's say that that's true. Let's say, bear with me here, it's rough math. That means that 2,000 to 10,000 pedophiles cross the border and that means that every state in the country gets 50 to 200 pedophiles. That's like low
Starting point is 00:54:38 estimate, like just fucking diner napkin math. It's nuts. It's fucking kind of nuts and that's what's been shocking to me on this on these previous border trips that i i just done is the amount of single men that i'm yeah i don't like this story i don't like this part yeah go on is alarming because the thing is i we always see men cross it's not like nothing crazy but at least last year the men would attempt to at least, you know, some come in families and some come in, you know, the Colts, fake families.
Starting point is 00:55:10 You know, we know about the fake families, men picking up these migrant children, acting like they're the dad when they're not the dad. But this time, they're coming in by the hundreds without families. They're, like, so brazen with it. And I saw this in Yuma, and I saw this in yuma and i saw this in eagle pass hundreds hundreds of men in yuma i'm seeing hundreds of men coming from india a lot of men from india brazil peru cuba i mean single men so tell me that journey tell me the journey from india what what what is going on there that's the just the way into the united states now is through
Starting point is 00:55:46 mexico like the whole world just knows that yeah i mean so it's different for every country so one of the ones that i found fascinating is the cubans so obviously cubans are on the island right so a cuban can't take a flight from cuba to mexico because the president of me Mexico doesn't give visas to Cubans, but Nicaragua and Cuba are best friends. Both of their presidents love each other. Administrations are very close. Nicaragua and Cuba have always been cool. So what the Cubans do, look at the map, this is beautiful, is they'll take a flight from Cuba to Nicaragua because they have visa there. Well, they actually don't need no visa. Cubans are allowed to travel to Nicaragua without an issue. So Cubans fly to Nicaragua.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Now, this is the other amazing thing that I've learned talking to these Cubans. Because Cubans, the Cuban officials in the airports, because they know any Cuban buying a flight to Nicaragua is not coming back, to buy a ticket to nicaragua is like about six thousand dollars wow they know that cuban ain't coming back there ain't no cuban vacationing in nicaragua let's just let's just say that it is from nicaragua the cubans will begin their journey now when you speak to some of these people coming from europe like jordan jordan russia india like greater parts not, not all over the world.
Starting point is 00:57:08 They all have different, you know, depending on their country. Some of them, like a Russian, could fly directly into Mexico. Like, you know, so they'll do is they'll fly into Mexico City. From Mexico City, they'll make a stop. They'll fly into the Cancun Airport. From the Cancun Airport, they'll fly to Mexicali. From Mexicali, they'll get off their plane. They'll be human smugglers who work with the local buses, charter buses in Mexicali.
Starting point is 00:57:36 They'll pick up the migrants in the charter buses. And they'll drive them to Los Algodones across Yuma, Arizona. And then they'll cross illegally into the united states by the hundreds by the thousands every single day everyone knows the game down there everyone knows the migrants fly into mexicali from mexicali off to a charter bus or to a mexican taxi or just through one of the cartel vehicles and straight to a crossing point or they get held by the cartels and then the cartels will will pick the time for when they cross because the cartels like to pick certain times because when they run drugs,
Starting point is 00:58:10 they need Border Patrol and resources focused on migrants and not the drugs, so they'll pick out times for them. They're like real businessmen. They're leveraging their markets. Okay, we're going to send 1,000 people to cross the border here, and then we'll send the drugs up this way. Exactly. Exactly. And it's real easy. The thing is, under this administration, they're loving it because more migrants want to come because they know that they're getting processed, released inside the United States.
Starting point is 00:58:36 And they almost like they're going to a state of their choosing. A lot of the Cubans, Venezuelans that I meet have family in Florida, so they'll most likely be going to Florida. And the thing is, these migrants, they communicate with the migrants in Florida, so they'll most likely be going to Florida. And the thing is, these migrants, they communicate with the migrants back home and say, hey, I just did the journey. I just crossed illegally, and I'm in the U.S. It's fucking awesome. Why don't you come? And then they come, and more are coming. I expect this thing is last year was already a border crisis.
Starting point is 00:59:03 That's why you've heard that term for a long time now it's that term and the numbers are even worse this year i mean just the month of may just the month of may shattered all department of homeland security records and migrant encounters it was near 240 000 people came in 30 days illegally i mean it's it's incredible stuff and that's we're still not counting gotaways and this is just the month of may just the month of may um it's in it's just insane the thing is i mean mexico has no pressure to stop it biden puts no pressure on mexico governor greg abbott can't get these mexican state governors to do a damn thing it's just the i mean it's a it's a literal mess at the border.
Starting point is 00:59:47 It's a literal, I mean, if you're, and I know people in South Texas could attest to this. If you're out there like 9 p.m., 10 p.m., and let's say you want to go to the gas station, you know, fill up some gas, go get a little snack. There's a chance you go to that gas station and there's migrants dropped off at that gas station waiting for a bus ticket to San Antonio because they've got a ticket to fly out of the airport. They get dropped off in public now. I mean, yeah, I want to ask you about that. So you're telling me there's people coming across the real really quick three point five million. 3.5 million. So to give you an idea of how many people that is, in the state of Texas in 2019, there were 97,000 properties that didn't have someone living in them.
Starting point is 01:00:38 The entire country right now, according to Google, has 16 million vacant properties. So those are people with vacation homes, VRBOs. But it also puts into perspective those 3.5 million people they're all coming up through texas there's there's only homes for them there's nowhere for them to live in that state they gotta go places they get they immediately have to be spread um so your people you reported that people are coming into the country and then get on an airplane that's paid for them and then they go somewhere yeah yeah is that everyone does everyone have that option i don't i i don't know if everyone does but it's happening by i mean the i mean the like is it gonna happen today as we're talking is it happening oh yeah yeah i mean if you're like anytime i'm in mcallen and i fly to the
Starting point is 01:01:15 mcallen airport i fly with illegals in my plane like they have a different line too um when they board a plane than i do like they have a different security checkpoint than i do and they all have these like these yellow folders with with their destinations on them i mean it's all over the country it's it's it's i don't get it i was told that i wouldn't be able to fly without a special international license that my california or a national license that my california license isn't going to be good enough soon and yet you're telling me these people who come across the border who could be using a fake name can get on an airplane what's to stop those people from just fucking hijacking the plane this whole thing is a fucking shit show well if it's not a shit show it exposes all the theatrics of all the other shit that we're doing
Starting point is 01:01:57 the the covid theatrics the um uh terrorist theatrics it's all theatrics political theatrics it's a complete disaster. And every month, I think, I always think, because I thought this last year was, there's no way this could get worse. And it's actually gotten worse and worse. And it gets worse. And then it gets worse.
Starting point is 01:02:18 It got to a point last week on Tuesday, Kinney County in Texas, and then several other counties got together. They held a press conference in Brackettville, Texas, and they literally declared an invasion. We've never seen counties in the United States, because this was all the first time in history, actually declared an invasion. And it was certified by the county judge. I mean, I don't know if you have that. If you want to pull up that article.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me what to look up again. This is great if you just type in kenny county k-i-n-n-e-y kenny county uh invasion you'll see it's all over i mean so we've never even seen actual texas counties this didn't even happen under obama i mean, Texas counties literally got together and declared an invasion because that's how much overrun their counties are with migrants, with chases, with local resources always tied up. We're here today to ask the governor to do more.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Governor Abbott, we're asking you to step up even more than you have. Hey, what was that movie where the Russians invade the United States? They've made it twice. They made it when I was a kid and they made it a few years ago. Like Red Dawn. Yep. Wow, this is crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:38 If you declare an invasion or if the governor declares an invasion and supports you in that, what happens then? People need to realize this. What's going on on the border is literally history. I know it's out on the news every day and there's so much other things that take up our time and inflation
Starting point is 01:04:00 and the economy, but what's going on down there is historic. You've got counties declaring invasion those those counties by the way they support abbott and they're still pissed off on abbott like they they're still like we still want you to do more dude you still look at yeah look at this five hours ago record migrant surge under biden's border policies an invasion driven by cartels at southern border crazy hey if everyone saw this, it would change, right? You're you've kind of seen something now and you can't go back, right?
Starting point is 01:04:32 Like you've, you've seen something that the rest of us can't even believe even if you tell us about it. Absolutely. Cause the thing is, I can even tell you, man, like the way I am right now and all, you know, you just can't fathom it until you see it in you know actual in real life in person and then you go holy crap and the thing is anytime i'm down there and i'm shocked i always i always go and this is only one part of the border that i'm at right now i mean it's
Starting point is 01:04:56 it's insane what's going on and like i said to me it's a top issue because it's connected to so many other issues. The only problem is it's a very difficult issue to communicate to the American vote. I don't think it's that difficult. Maybe the media doesn't do a good job of it in educating. But it's almost like, I don't know, maybe I feel this way, but it's almost like a lot of American voters just don't get the severity of it. Maybe it's establishing media need to do a better job in communicating. But I thought when Bannon coached that to Trump, I mean, Bannon really wrote out the talking points for Trump on immigration. And it was to a T beautiful.
Starting point is 01:05:38 I mean, let's just talk about the political aspect really quick. If you support strong borders, you're obviously going to get the white non non-college educated voter, which you always want as a Republican. So you get that vote. Then you get the Hispanics living on the border. And a lot of Hispanics are already going towards the GOP. So you get this conservative Hispanic vote coming there, especially off the border crisis. A lot of them are moving there. So you get the Hispanic vote. You got white, non-college educated vote with the males.
Starting point is 01:06:08 White women still will probably vote Biden. Then the one base that doesn't talk about how much they love a strong border is the black male vote. Black men overwhelmingly want a strong border because they know how much it is important to protect their wages because a lot of black male voters are competing with these low skill migrant workers for you know a lot of jobs which which are hands-on right so the black men you got them black women i think are just a lot lost cause when it comes to voting they're they vote democrat like 85 it's something insanely high i think black women you don't have to vote i would just throw them away if i'm the gop i'm focused on white uh college uneducated hispanics and that black male vote and i know we're going to pull some conservative asians with us um when you when you when you do strong border but it's just it you know it's just whether can you sorry go ahead
Starting point is 01:07:00 sorry it's just whether can the trumpet gop communicate that to the american voter they did a great job in 2016 because they had bannon. They don't have Bannon anymore. 2020 was different because COVID just threw a wrench in everything. I mean, I don't blame putting the border back during COVID just because it was just threw a wrench in everything. The way people reacted. And I think people voted a lot differently than they would traditionally. But we'll see, you know know how 2024 looks but the gop needs to communicate the border but they need to tie it to fentanyl they need to tie it to american wages they need to tie it to national security and they also need to you know take the left and
Starting point is 01:07:35 right aspect just tied it's a huge i mean it's literally humanitarian crisis you know i know americans think that when they hear the word humanitarian crisis they think oh well that happens in syria or oh that happens in Syria or, oh, that happens in Africa. Well, it's happening literally in our own backyard with black and brown people. I know people love to say, well, I care about black and brown people. Well, who do you think is getting sex trafficked and human traffic and drugs are getting smuggled through? It's black and brown people right now. So, yeah, that's my spiel on that. traffic and drugs are getting smuggled through it's black and brown people right now so yeah have you seen um have you seen this list
Starting point is 01:08:11 of incomes by ethnicity i have not seen it but i do know that asian males out earned whites dude whites are like 50 white men are like 15th on there now. It's like Asian and Pakistani and Indian, and the list is crazy. I'm looking at one right now. It's so funny. Depending on where you get the list, they leave everyone off. They just leave it Asian, white, all races, Hispanic, and black. It's fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 01:08:42 But basically,ians are making double everyone else is creeping at the same rate but not asian men and it's um the level dude i saw thomas so well do a um uh in one of his books i read that thomas so well you know who that is yeah oh absolutely yep yep the old guy from the hoover institute so he basically said the worst thing that could happen to your race is they get involved in politics because as soon as you get involved in politics you think the government's going to help you and all the asian ethnicities they stay out of fucking politics they don't stay they don't go into politics they stay out the indians the pakistanis the asians the japanese the chinese the korea they all stay out
Starting point is 01:09:25 those guys don't fucking get involved in politics and the second a race gets in and then they grow they have personal accountability and personal responsibility to look out for themselves but those that get involved in politics it's always just a fucking steep decline and i was like wow wow if you if you if you are listening to the show and you haven't read or listened to a thomas so well book you have to you have to go to fucking you haven't read or listened to a Thomas Sowell book, you have to. You have to go to fucking Audible. Just pick any one and listen to it. They're great, especially if you like numbers and shit like in relativity.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Go ahead. Even go on YouTube and look at his great discussions. I mean, dude, they're just amazing. And the way he could describe different – I remember I was fascinated with a thing when he was speaking about Asians and Puerto Ricans and how much they earn in the U.S. But it always determines on like – but the Puerto Ricans in New York are a lot different than the Puerto Ricans in Florida. It was just – Yeah, you know what I read about the Puerto Ricans? He said the average Jew in the United States makes twice as much as the average Puerto Rican.
Starting point is 01:10:22 But the average age of the Puerto Rican is 25 and the average age of the Jew is 50. Well, of course the fucking 50-year-olds make more money. But the way it's presented is that it has to do with ethnicity and race and they completely leave out the fact that, I mean, when I was 25, I was homeless. Now I'm 50 and I'm rich. It's like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:10:38 Of course. Right, right. I got a question for you to look into your crystal ball. What is a problem that's not being talked about now that we are going to see from this massive influx? Let's say this year it's 3.5 million. Last year it was 1 million. Next year it's 1 million.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Let's say a total of 7 to 10 million immigrants, illegal immigrants, have come into the country. What's something we're going to see that no one's talking about yet that's just are we gonna see what's gonna happen positive or negative i think one of the the thing with with this amount of illegal immigration is i think we're seeing it we're seeing kind of the our culture in america is being kind of broken up and what it means to be like an american is like it's like losing its value like you know like you know when you see like a really don't the immigrants help that isn't it the douchebags who've been here for five generations are the ones who are fucking that up taking shit for granted no i'm not saying that they're that the immigrants are coming obviously there's going to be really good ones who like obviously are going to work hard and
Starting point is 01:11:48 stuff the the thing is is when you have the illegal immigration when you have the rule being broken over and over again think about that mindset if you're if you're a migrant the first thing you do is you're you're already broken a rule but we don't we didn't punish you for it we we process released you and then we at least we we didn't punish you for it. We process released you and then you're now living with your cousins in Florida, Miami. So now your whole mindset is already like, there's no respect for America.
Starting point is 01:12:15 There's no process of going through the citizenship and the battles. And it's almost like when you see a super hot girl and you know she's never banged a guy. She has all this value. Then there's this other. Now you're talking my language. Now you're talking my language. And we see this other chick. She might be equally as hot, but she's had 15 guys that have already slept with her. The value and the respect is just not there.
Starting point is 01:12:39 You know, you might not this other girl. You're taking her dinner. This one, you just might buy her drinks real quick. Right. That's what's happening with with the U. u.s it's the culture's being broken it's almost like our the value of being american in the process these people a lot of them are not going to simulate a lot of them are low skill and i mean to be honest and i've had friends who've told me this who support immigration a lot of these people are very low educated. We're talking about, I mean, can't read type stuff. And we're putting them in this system.
Starting point is 01:13:10 And they come from fucked up, broken homes. And that's why like a lot of them, right? Yeah, it's just, I'm just seeing this whole cultural thing. And then the thing is, it's going to raise the taxes on the middle class. I mean, basically what I'm seeing right now, it's tied to what's going on is the country right now dude it's you being middle class is like we're getting stomped and we're getting crushed and raising a family in america is becoming harder than ever like my dad
Starting point is 01:13:37 was 25 years old had a sixth grade education from el salvador he owned a middle-class home in Downey. My mom could stay home with me and be the stay-at-home mom. And he was, he was a trucker. We lived a great life on one income. That life is gone for people. So we have a system that our own Americans are drowning yet. It's like, we're like, we're literally like the Titanic. We're drowning, but then we want to keep putting more bodies on the Titanic. I just don't like, it's like we're literally like the Titanic. We're drowning, but then we want to keep putting more bodies on the Titanic. For me, I guess I'm seeing it in a way where I'm already
Starting point is 01:14:10 seeing the destruction of the middle class. That's already being broken. I'm 27 years old, and I am nowhere near close owning a home in the state of California. My dad was 25 on his 6th grade education, and he owned a home
Starting point is 01:14:25 i am 27 and i'm like i'm a million million light years away from even owning and you're working your ass off and you're successful and you still can't buy a home exactly that's what i'm saying so it's like i just don't get how bringing on these other people nothing that i have nothing against it i do support legal immigration we need a system i just don't see how we bring in all these people and and we expect this thing's going to magically work and in the case you're saying that people one of the things we're going to see is just a whole cultural shift of people not appreciate if we think it's bad now that people don't appreciate being american it's going to get even worse exactly look i don't want to be all messed up and stuff but like a lot of the
Starting point is 01:15:00 afghan people that came during the whole afghanistan pullout and a lot of them are coming to the southern border i met them they don't look at women the way we look at women they treat women like literally like when when little when when liberal white girls are in america go we're second-class citizens here i'm like you don't know shit these afghan men that are coming literally treat women as second-class citizens and for them it's not weird culturally it might be weird for us but for them it's not to marry a 14 year old female it's not weird for them we're letting those people in our country for that dude if if you were at a bar your friend was like dude i just married a 14 year old chick you'd be like you're a fucking
Starting point is 01:15:39 freak what's your pedophile you're a pedophile and a rapist yeah you probably bash his head in right there. Right. But for them, it's not all the cops. I just don't know how this works. And for I highly encourage the audience, Google Sweden and the Somalis that they're letting in by the thousands. And look at how much their Sweden women are getting raped. They're getting sexually assaulted because Somali. And it's not even just also some eyes. A lot of them from from Middle East. they don't look at women the same and a country like
Starting point is 01:16:09 sweden is one of the more like general neutral countries in the world probably more than us and then they're letting in all these men who don't look at women like they look at women like property like it's i just don't see how this this this works and then one thing i keep saying is you know what the case study is the case study is no one else has fucking done it because they know it's it's a disaster like anytime i post my my my videos or my reporting i always always get these comments from these based japanese guys and they're you know they're tweeting in japan so i always have to do the google translate and they're always making fun of us they're going look at the richest country in the world can't even protect their national security
Starting point is 01:16:49 and they want to tell us what to do the america wants to tell japan what to do and these fools are getting their fucking door front door just ran through every day i mean japan is a hardline on immigration they're laughing at i mean if that's what japan is saying i can only imagine what china and everyone else thinks of us it's i mean with the wall would the wall help or would they just go on tunnel under and it would just create other problems or would the wall help what i hear from border patrols the wall help not one things that what i hear from border patrols like look horny if we put up the wall does it like does it solve immigration no he says but we need the wall because it deters the families from coming in and what they keep
Starting point is 01:17:27 telling me is it just buys us time like we need time to get to the point and like do the apprehension because they could see everything from the cameras it's just that border patrol is so busy how would they get in if there was a wall well if there was i mean if we had like a legit wall they would they would not you would only be i mean in a common sense in a common sense where the only way you could get in is legally through a port of entry which we want so would you be turned more criminal activity well i don't know if more but you would only get through by paying people off if we built a wall you'd have to pay someone you couldn't just cross on your own exactly but with a wall you would make even that harder so as long as it just complicates the process i heard from more
Starting point is 01:18:10 people trying to buy them time that's what they would like uh we we showed you which which states have fewer people than the number of illegal uh immigrants that have come into the country we showed you which countries around the world have less people or the same amount of people as illegal immigrants that have come into this country. And I want to show you one more thing. So how many people come in legally? The body of law governing U.S. immigration policy is called the Immigration and Nationality Act. The Immigration and Nationality Act allows the United States to grant a 675,000 permanent immigrant visas a year. Why the fuck would you vie for one of those? I mean, that's still a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:18:54 I know, I know. It's a shit ton. I agree. I agree. It's a third of 1%. It's massive. It's massive. It's just fascinating to me that people are still coming in legally but it's still it's the the number of illegal should not be enough what if we here let me put this in perspective for someone else too ideally when you work somewhere i remember i worked in a place called drug barn it was like a small costco and when they told us like a third of 1% of our inventory was being stolen, it was like fucking unfathomable to the management. Imagine if the theft in a store was greater than the shit you were selling. So if you made $100,000 a year selling cakes at a place, but $200,000 worth of cakes were being
Starting point is 01:19:41 stolen. That's what's happening at the border. 675,000 people are being let in legally, but 3.5 million, or let's say half that because it's only one year, 1.75 million are coming in illegally. You can't run a business like that. Those numbers don't work. You can't have more shit being stolen than you're selling. Twice as much.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Three times. Four times. And we're the richest, most powerful country in the whole world. And we can't even protect our own border. Dude, Russia has the biggest border in the whole world. They have this massive land mass. I mean, it's just embarrassing that we can't do like the simple, like every country could do this. And then we're the only ones who are incompetent.
Starting point is 01:20:30 We have idiots that run our government, literally mentally ill retards who can't figure this out. You could give them all the money in the world. They have all the resources and they can't figure out this issue. On both sides. They just, they just can't. It this issue on both sides. They just they just care. It's it's amazing. I asked you this. Where would you prioritize this problem at the border?
Starting point is 01:20:53 Let me ask it a different way, too. And this is asking your opinion. Let's say I hate Trump. Is this issue enough to change my mind knowing that he would stop the border problem? Let's say I'm like, well, i don't like the way he treats women i didn't like the way he was shooting three pointers with paper towels when he was in puerto rico i don't like the fact that he started insurrection by the way the insurrection thing by the way i just want to say one thing to everyone who's listening can you imagine the republican party is the party of guns
Starting point is 01:21:20 and you think they did an insurrection on the capitol with no guns does that show you how stupid people are that report that as an insurrection no one showed up at the insurrection without a gun when it's the party of guns i mean it's your your media is lying to you and anyone who thinks it's an insurrection you're lying to yourself and you're batshit crazy no one does an insurrection without guns okay um do you think that this is a big enough issue to where okay i'm gonna put aside all my other problems with trump or or or anyone who's gonna build a border for the wall and i'm gonna leave my party is this is this big enough in your opinion that's a tough one because it it matters where that i hate trump person lives i think for for for now and and this is what i mean by that um if you're that person where you truly do care about like the
Starting point is 01:22:13 people being abused at the border and then i think you see what biden is doing i'm not saying that you'll go like oh my god i love trump but you'll at least be like you know what biden is not is is failing me on this issue which which means a lot humanitarian crisis at the border is that what you're saying that there's a lot of happening people yeah you've had which i haven't i've had a good amount of biden voters actually dm me and tell me hey man like seeing your stuff like i am really disappointed and i had no idea it's like this not saying that they'll love trump and jump on the bag by way right now what i will say is that i hate Trump people, a lot of them were actually living
Starting point is 01:22:48 and were, I mean, they're still there, are South Texas people. But since they now seen the problem, kind of, see under Trump, it's easy to say I hate Trump and like I don't want the wall because everything was kind of chill and it was tame.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Now under Biden, they go, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay. This is what that guy was talking about. So the, I hate Trump's a lot of those people on the border, they did switch off that one issue and they live in, they live in South Texas. So I think it matters. Like, you know, if it's a white liberal in Los Angeles, I don't think they're going to switch no matter what, even if they, if they care about this issue, I think, you know, they're not going to switch. But the Hispanic who lives there, who did hate Trump two years ago, but now has been living through the border, who's like, you know what? Yeah, I'm switching. I voted for Myra. I'm voting GOP now. I think. Yeah. Why don't what why don't the the people who cross the border, let's call the Mexicans. Why don't the Mexicans who cross the border illegally then?
Starting point is 01:23:46 let's call the mexicans why don't the mexicans who cross the border illegally then keep supporting that what do they see once they get here that shifts their perception they're like oh fuck this is fucked i mean it's how they got in what do you mean on the issue of of i mean are you talking about like a migrant crossing illegally right yeah yeah so so so i'll give you an example in the crossfit community in the crossfit community everyone opens you have to take a two-day course right and then you can open a gym anywhere on you have to take a two day course, right? And then you can open a gym anywhere on the planet. You pay a thousand bucks. And when someone pays a 2000 bucks and they open a gym in the community, they're like, yeah, that was great. I love the low barrier to entry. I love it. But the second someone else does it and opens a gym across the
Starting point is 01:24:16 street from there, like that's fucked up. Two days training isn't enough. They shouldn't be next to me. It should cost me. You know what I mean? So I'm getting the impression from you that these Mexicans are coming across the border illegally they're settling their families are settling they're breeding they're establishing themselves they're building homes they're going to school they're getting jobs and now they're like wait a second there's that's enough shut that fucker down so is there a lot of these or am i not understanding the picture right? No, no, no. So a lot of these, particularly in Texas, a lot of these folks have been living there.
Starting point is 01:24:53 What they tell me is, a lot of them is, I didn't cross the border. The border crossed me when the whole Texas and the Mexico thing happened. So they've been living there like for years. I mean, hundreds of years. And they call themselves like Tejanos. You do have, large hispanic communities in south texas mexican communities that are the people that have come in majority have come in legally okay and done the process now some have come in oh and they're being overrun by
Starting point is 01:25:17 the ones who've come in illegally so i mean they i mean the people like particularly like the south texas particularly their their folks have been there for years and years, have come in legally. These are actually like residents, taxpayers. I mean, they've been in their families, have been there for years. Now, there is this other issue where, and I've known this with my own family members, and they live in California, don't live in South Texas, just just just for context where they've crossed illegally in the 90s. But they don't. And then now they're citizens or whatever, but they don't they don't support what they're seeing now. And the reason for that is back in the 90s, illegal crossings were like it just wasn't what it is now. Like people did it, but it wasn't I mean, it just wasn't an issue. It wasn't a crisis. It wasn't like border patrol overwhelmed.
Starting point is 01:26:06 And it wasn't like the drug thing wasn't a thing just quite yet. So back in the, back in like the early nineties, people crossed, but it was not, like I said, it wasn't, it wasn't a crisis. It was very different. It was very manageable. It wasn't what we see now. Now I'm not saying it's okay. So people don't, don't freak out like, oh, it's okay with illegal immigration.
Starting point is 01:26:26 That's just what it is. That's just reality. But now it's a whole different aspect to this issue. But the people in South Texas have been living there for years, years, years. Mexican, I mean, all those counties are like 85% Hispanic, 90 percent Hispanic who are now really shifting to the GOP. And like I said, a lot of those people were the I hate Trump people. I mean, in 2016, Hillary Clinton did great in South Texas. So it's not like this is like a Trump county or like this has been Republican for years.
Starting point is 01:27:00 2016, they went for Clinton. And then, you know, 2020, you started to see the shift to Trump. I'm trying to look to see how many Mexicans or how many people crossed the border in 1990. Oh, that would be a great stat to put up. How many immigrants came to the U.S. in 1990? Record high immigration mark 1990s with 13 million people in the United States, more than a million – oh, in the 90s. Okay, that's legal. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Yeah, it's legal. How many people – how many illegal immigrants? Illegal immigration data analysis. Let's see if this gives it to me. Just to see how – How many immigrants came to the U.S. What was the estimated unauthorized immigrant – Really quick.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Katie has a question here. She says, does Jorge know why there's not a lot of immigration via New Mexico border? Great question, Katie. The reason is because of how bad the desert terrain is in New Mexico, Mexico kind of crossing point. I mean, that whole terrain is just too brutal. So you won't see like the family, you know, stuff like that. Now, you will see illegal crossings, but it's like one or two people, three people. It's not a lot.
Starting point is 01:28:30 I mean, you won't even see that. It's just so brutal, the terrain. Now, what you will see in New Mexico is the drug runners, cartels, those type of individuals run through New Mexico, the desert. A lot of these guys are wearing camouflage. Wow. Run through New Mexico, the desert. A lot of these guys are wearing camouflage. They're also wearing the, they'll put like grass on their feet so it doesn't leave any tracks, stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:28:54 So in New Mexico and Arizona, a lot of Arizona. Now, Arizona gets hit by the drug runners and the family units. But New Mexico, you won't see the family units. You'll see mostly drug runners, single males, guys who already committed crimes. They like to run through those deserts in New Mexico and also in Arizona as well. Like Douglas, Arizona gets hit a lot by those drug runners, gotaways, single males. But yeah, it's just that desert terrain is really, really rough. It's just, I mean, it's like 110 out there and it's just all desert. I mean, it's all desert, which you're not, you know, you don't see that in Texas.
Starting point is 01:29:24 That's why you see the majority of family units in the state of Texas. Jorge, my bladder is about to pop. Is there anything you'd like to finish with? And I appreciate your 90 minutes before I wet my pants. Yes, sir. Follow me on Instagram, Jorge Ventura TV on Instagram. Twitter is Jorge Ventura Media. Follow me, guys, for all the breaking news. I am
Starting point is 01:29:46 taking off to the border once again in a day or two. I really encourage the audience if you can if you guys like what I do or if you guys look at some of the content, please click the link in my bio on my Instagram and please support me any way we can. I mean all the money that is donated literally just goes back to us
Starting point is 01:30:01 being in shitty hotels at the border with three guys, four dudes grinding it out every single day on the front lines going between there and Mexico and eating Whataburger. So help us out if you guys can. Like I said, we go back to Arizona in a day or two. We'll be back in the Yuma section, and we might be back in the Eagle Pass section working more in the Mexican side. But thank you to everyone who listened. I always love doing this one man it's it's super thank you we love having you man i'm so stoked to be in touch with
Starting point is 01:30:29 you again so great all right guys thank you very much uh like we said at the beginning of the podcast someone made in the comment jorge ventura is one of the good guys and i'll see you guys tomorrow tomorrow we have jalen turner uh if you guys don't know who he is he's on a fight fight win streak ufc 155 pound weight class he is a stud

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