The Sevan Podcast - #488 - Master's Division: Everything You Need To Know ft. James Hobart and Brian Friend

Episode Date: July 13, 2022

James Hobart & Brian Friend join the show to talk through the master's competition at the Games. Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - CODE: SEVAN for a FREE consultation - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids ea Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Tonight's show, because there's only 13. I mean, there's only 10. Bam, we're live with James Hobart.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Back. And the rest of us are insignificant. Tonight, James is here. I'll shut up. Not at all. James, I haven't talked to you in forever. We haven't. Not on this venue.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Yeah, not even really on the phone much either. No, you've been dodging me a little bit. I've been dodging you. Yeah. And you got double sweatpants on tonight. Got the vest pulled up. He's in 2k training mode it's it's because it's the master show he's been looking forward to this all year i um i did the uh ken i did the carb rant at the end of the jalen turner um podcast uh feel free to check it out maybe someone will make a clip and it'll go to youtube
Starting point is 00:01:24 or to reels i thought it was pretty good i thought it was pretty good oh i forgot about the comments they're gnarly now dude forgot about the peanut gallery hey do you think this show takes a while to get off the ground like like it's been going a minute yet we haven't said anything we're not like oh so and so from the master's division died like we haven't like we're a minute yet and we haven't said anything we're not like oh so and so from the masters division died like we haven't like we're a minute in and nothing significant has been said slow roll it baby i just hate podcasts that start slow and i just realized oh shit sometimes we don't say shit for like 20 minutes well i remember what you used to do yeah sometimes you come on and the first thing you do is start talking about a very not slow topic oh Oh, good. Okay, good. That's what I was going to say, too. It ebbs and flows.
Starting point is 00:02:07 But I heard you were going to be, you were going to be, have your kid gloves on tonight, so. Kid gloves? I chopped my hands off, tied my dick in a knot. I'm fucking, I'm neutered. There it is.
Starting point is 00:02:18 I'm in love. I'm just, I see you and I started swooning. I was talking to my mom about your show and the general vulgarity. Is that a word? Yeah, I think that works. Crassness. I was talking to my mom about your show and the general vulgarity. Is that a word? Yeah, I think that works. Crassness. Crassness.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Hey, there was a girl named Freya Mooseburger who is on the Clydesdale podcast with Kat Schreier the other day. And Kat said, have you been on the Sevan podcast? And she said no. And she said, would you go on it and the chick says no and kat thought it was because like maybe the chick was going to be intimidated or something and she said oh why not and the chick just opened up with uh well if he said anything inappropriate to me or anything misogynistic i would not laugh it off i would stand would stand up for myself or for anyone else. And then they switched subjects with the implication that I was inappropriate, check, and misogynistic. But you can't – that does not work. Misogynistic does not work for me. I looked up that word.
Starting point is 00:03:16 It's not – I'm not that. Have you invited her on? No. I wasn't sure whether to – you know when someone says something dumb about you, you're not sure whether to embrace them or to fucking declare holy war. Yeah. But when I see when I see Hobart's eyes looking at me, it makes me want to embrace them. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I would embrace. You soften me. Yeah. You're like you're like lube. You're like lotion on my skin. I like that. I don't make you hard. This is Hobart.
Starting point is 00:03:46 That's your son being crass. Let's let's. And I don't want to take any blame for that show. Bart James. Why? Why? Why do people compete in Masters? Is it just this urge to compete?
Starting point is 00:04:02 Why are they doing it? Is it to win? Is it to when I was younger, I used to kind of make fun of it and now that i'm getting older someone when i was younger when i was 30 i made fun of masters and someone said to me hey dude nothing changes as you get older you just get older maybe your body hurts a little more but but those people who want to compete when they're younger still want to compete when they're older you act like there's this going to be this big change and i'm like yeah don't you just like relax and they're like no same person just in a fucking older body older car no yeah i totally agree
Starting point is 00:04:33 that was one of the interesting things um when i competed in the master's division last year and that was my first foray into into the master's competition is like a lot of the people there too are like pretty accomplished in other areas of their life. Like I don't think they were like sandbaggers growing up and making their way through their life. So they're hyper competitive people, especially the 35, 39 division, but all the way up to the top. I don't think anyone really works that hard to get that far. And then just, I'm sure there's a couple,
Starting point is 00:05:02 but the majority of people there don't just go there just to show up. They're not just going there to feel the company they actually want to win it's a bit and it's still i think at all levels it's still a pretty big time commitment comparatively right like i'm sure to be a 65 plus year old games athlete you know you're the amount of time you're putting in is not like a 20 year old games athlete, but compared to your other 65 year old CrossFitters, it's probably a shitload of time. Oh, that is interesting because your average 65 year old CrossFitter at your regular affiliate is spending way more time exercising than just your average
Starting point is 00:05:38 65 year older. Oh my God. Yeah. I would have to, my mom asked me, she asked me once, she goes, how fit do you think I am compared to, you know, the average 55 or 60 year old? And I was like, you're basically like a Kryptonian, you know, almost a different species.
Starting point is 00:05:55 You're not even comparable. I think, um, I knew I wasn't gonna be able to wear this jacket too hot, too hot. I'm getting sweaty just washing you my door's open i thought it was gonna be cold i'm in shorts um i think maybe brian has this stat but i think i was looking at the the 65 plus year old women because all of the masters had to do a legless rope climb in their final stage of qualification and i think of the 30 women 65 65 plus, who did this, the legless rope climb workout, I think only eight of them or something like that, eight or seven of them couldn't do a legless rope climb. Wow. Like I know 30, 65 plus. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Right. I think that's pretty accurate. That shit's not safe. Does CrossFit have insurance to cover that? That's fucking crazy irresponsible you put them up on a rope it's a short rope right it's a four-foot rope they just you start from the seated position and you only go yeah they haven't laid down they just pull it's actually just a pull to stand no man they're they're doing a legless rope climb at 60 like can we see a video of that i want to see a video of that i want to see a video of that it would probably take a little while to dig one up and hey and you know what else what's
Starting point is 00:07:09 amazing about this and i'm always reminded by this and the the homework that brian gave us um the article chad schroeder wrote for the uh morning chalk up there's always that one lady in there that i always forget about that i gotta get on the show let me see if i can find the uh she's been to the crossfit games 12 times in that man yeah this is amazing um i wrote an article about her actually in the south china morning post i think two summers ago uh because it's unprecedented i just had a chance to go down to dallas uh for one of the competitions that chase ingram was hosting their master's only competition, 35 to 65 plus, and, you know, talked to a bunch of the different athletes in a variety of different divisions there. And it's tough to, you know, from a lifestyle perspective and just, you know, as the body ages, like you need that recovery. So for her to
Starting point is 00:08:00 continuously do that for 12 years and his article goes into detail about how difficult it is to qualify in the back end of every age group. So when you're 35, 36, your chances are really good. When you're 38, 39, not so good. And that's the same at every stage across, but she's made it for five, you know, 12 consecutive years, which means twice she's been at the back end of an age group and still made it. You met her there. She was at Chase was at chase's comp no no i have met her before and talked to her super nice woman she's she knows that i've written about her before so she and i have had some nice conversations is she weird is she out there is she an eccentric 12 12 games is eccentric get her on the show find out yeah i love an eccentric person on the show um brian i think dropped something in there that you guys may have not caught um were you were
Starting point is 00:08:46 you dropping that fact that was in the article also that chad schroeder mentioned that the people who go to the games in general are on the lower end of their yeah you just mentioned that okay and especially this year when there's less spots available unless you're in the teenage division division then it's inverse it's the opposite yeah proteins uh the difference between um we don't we don't have anyone here that old who's competing i guess i'm the oldest person here but the difference in the masters is dramatic a 35 year old in the masters is someone who could still qualify for the games that probably doesn't have the endurance to last the week and the person who's 65 is old an old horse getting close walking towards the glue factory and dropping in on an event i don't i don't know if that's the case especially on the women's side oh right yes that's me um brian will have to fact check me on this one but i think that the women play harder longer
Starting point is 00:09:47 there yes that's such a nice way to say it yes that's a good t-shirt women we play harder and longer yeah and the individual side of things that's definitely true as we've seen people like becca voight-miller and jen ryan qualify for semifinals into their 40s. And we've seen Sam Briggs come very close to qualifying for the CrossFit Games at 40. And we've seen probably around 10 to 12 Masters women, meaning they're between 35 and 39. Sam Briggs, I think, is the oldest one to have done it last year, that have actually made the Games. Whereas on the men's side, if I'm not mistaken, the only person who's been able to do that over 35 years old was Jason Smith when he's coming out of Africa. Finally, someone has caught up to him this year, but he was able to do that over 35 years old was jason smith when you know he's coming out of africa finally someone has caught up to him this year but he was able to
Starting point is 00:10:28 do it a couple times i think and if you don't know what that means uh you came out of africa go look at the semi-final standings um it's not only on it's not only on the tail end it's on the head it's on the head also they're the women are coming in earlier and they're going out later. And sometimes we like to like not give it maybe the credit it deserves or we like to argue it's because the women's division isn't as developed as the men's. But historically, if you look at it, it's always been like that. It's weird that it's on both ends. Even when the men could come in early, they couldn't compete with the older men. But the younger woman can.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I mean the youngest woman ever to be at the CrossFit Games was 15, right? In 2008 or 2009, what was that girl's name? To compete at the CrossFit Games as an individual? Yeah. I can't remember. I'm sorry. 15-year-old girl. You know, come on, Hobart.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I know you're – I don't. Yeah. I'm like, points of one. Ryan doesn't know anything. Damn. Did you say 2008? It's 2008 or 2009.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Oh, she was definitely there this year. Okay. Keep scrolling down. Keep going. Libby, Rebecca. Wow, look at these names. Rebecca, boy. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Candace Hamilton. I'll know it when I see it. Miranda Oldroyd. Amy Summers. No. Was it that? Was it that? Crystal McReynolds. Remember her? No, I didn't. I didn'td. Amy Summers. No. Was it that? Crystal McReynolds. Remember her?
Starting point is 00:11:47 No, I didn't see her name. Was it Calista Pappas? Yes. Wow. So you read it in the comments. No, no. I saw her name. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Wow. Good job. Oh, right there. I'm on it. Yeah. The comments, it's almost as if the people in the comments are watching a different show from reading those comments. They're on their own ballgame there. They're on their own program. The comments, it's almost as if the people in the comments are watching a different show from reading those comments.
Starting point is 00:12:07 They're on their own ballgame there. Like Heidi's mom is a cheeseburger, like that one. What is that even about? That's devastating. How close to pop is this? That's crazy. How old was she? Was she really 15? No.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I think she was 15. Well, let's find out. think she was 15 well let's find out um this year uh for the first time or i don't know if it's the first time but but the but the pack going to the games as brian mentioned has gone from 20 to 10 why is that and do we like that it has happened before they were you know they dropped it down and then they raised it back up and this year they've dropped it back down to 10 in every division. My point of view on this is that I think that there can be a tapered system for game spots and semifinal spots potentially in each division, and I think this makes a lot of sense based on two other precedents that CrossFit has established.
Starting point is 00:13:01 One is that the payouts for Masters divisions are not uniform. So, for example, the 35 to 39 division has the opportunity to make more money than the rest of the divisions. CrossFit has established. One is that the payouts for Masters divisions are not uniform. So for example, the 35 to 39 division has opportunity to make more money than the rest of the divisions. And additionally, in the adaptive side of things, they've had basically said to the adaptive community, once you meet a certain threshold in terms of participation, then you can have an actual live competition at the games in Madison. Whereas this year, there's still a majority of adaptive divisions who's actually have already crowned CrossFit Games champions via the online semifinals format. And so I think that when you look at something like the quarterfinals for Masters and you see 1,200 to 1,300 men that have signed up in the
Starting point is 00:13:41 35 to 39 division, and you see 120 men that have signed up in the 35 to 39 division and you see 120 men that have signed up in the 60 plus division you know that's you know 10 and yet they're both getting 30 spots at semifinals and they're both getting 10 spots at the games so i think that that's probably something that they could look at and especially if you look at the masters division james will know this really well because it is his division 35 to 39 on either the men or women's side if you go down to 20 or 30 there's some very very fit and potentially relevant uh athletes that if inserted into the game's roster would it be fun to watch would enhance the level of competition uh within the division um and i just think that those divisions are deep enough have enough registrants and enough potential that uh there's no reason that they should
Starting point is 00:14:25 only have 10 spots. I know anyone will say like, you know, it's going to be like a financial response. Oh, well, you know, if we bring extra 10 in every division, then there's this much extra money that we have to spend and they don't get as much coverage anyway and whatever, whatever. But I don't think that's a good excuse. I think that there could be a little bit more thought put into it and have a tapered system where you get 20 or 30 in the 35 to 39, 20 in the 40 to 54. I definitely think there should be 20 in all the teenage divisions. In the men's, in the boys' teenage divisions this year, 14 to 15, there's zero 14-year-olds. 16 to 17, there's one 16-year-old. He's the guy who won 14 to 15 last year. And there's just not an opportunity for them to go to the games and the younger half of the division and,
Starting point is 00:15:06 you know, grind their teeth a little bit and then age up and have that experience to carry in, in year two. And if that's supposed to be like the feeder system, then I don't know why they, you know, they would reduce that division to 10.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Brian, are you suggesting that they make a, maybe a 14 year old division, a 15 year old division, like have four divisions. If they want to only have 10, that's one way to do it. The other way is to open it back up to 20. You don't think then that would just make it so then there's one 14-year-old and 19 15-year-olds? No, usually there's about 25% that can get in that way.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Okay. And that, how many classes are there in the masters? 35 to 65 plus and one for each men and women all the way up. And then the four teenage divisions. So 18. So they each get nine. Yeah, they each get nine. And and Brian, what you in that number that you gave 120 for the men. Is that was that accurate or is that just hypothetical no 60 plus
Starting point is 00:16:07 men's quarterfinals i think there were between 105 and 115 registrants i was just using around numbers of 1200 and 120 but okay i think it's more than 1200 and slightly less than 120 in those two divisions so in a perfect world what you, what you were explaining also about the adaptive classes, if let's say 2000 people signed up, men signed up who are 70 to 75, they might open another age division. And the same thing is true with the adaptive class. If 2000 people signed up with only one arm, maybe they would open a one arm division. They're just waiting to make it so that there's enough people to get the ball ball moving forward is that okay and crossfit's clear about that i mean it makes sense in the case of the adaptive divisions that's the reasoning that i've heard james if you know something
Starting point is 00:16:53 differently that it's uh based on registration that they've decided that there's up i think it's upper extremity lower just extremity neuromuscular i think those are the three last year they may have added one this year for the live um and, and then the other ones I just said, didn't have enough participation yet to warrant spots at the games in the live competition. And, but you know, but that same logic is not being carried over to the master's cup
Starting point is 00:17:17 conversation. People need to advocate harder. They're usually the loudest. They're usually the loudest they're usually the loudest i like this i i wasn't i wasn't poo-pooing any of this i think this is great i think nine classes for men nine classes for women is is outstanding and i think having to i think fluctuating back and forth and crossfit filling it out what's better 10 what's better 20 i think it's great but why does it have to be the same for every division 35 through 65 and that's and then you're right maybe it doesn't either that's great that's a great point that's a great point you mean so like how different different uh continents get different
Starting point is 00:17:52 a number of people with the different ages it should also apply to them sure i mean that's another good example of you know crossfit uses open registration at this time period to determine game spots but they're not using registration to determine masters allotment of of spots of the games those guys are pretty vocal the masters people are pretty vocal yeah but i don't i don't think the the younger side under 40 is is necessarily there yet because it's a little bit newer right do you think that they're doing one heat to bring because then you'd have more eyeballs on it if they each have one heat and then if you were going to watch let's let's say you were going to watch three heats of masters, you're going to catch like maybe a men's and a women's and a men's and a women's or
Starting point is 00:18:30 something like that. So then that way, hopefully by giving them more airtime, so to speak, that would actually cultivate having more people signing up and then eventually opening more slots as the demand comes. Do you think that's part of the strategy? I hope that's, I hope that's the long-term goal. I think also, whether this is an excuse or not, I think logistically it allows them to do more. Like last year, the only event we had that was I think over 20 minutes was the run. And they basically had not all of the age groups, but pretty close to like big chunks of the age groups all going together and i remember because i very handedly got beat by a bunch of 16 year old girls in the four and a half mile run yes and some there was some older guy who ran past me and i looked at him like
Starting point is 00:19:17 probably panicked and he goes he goes don't worry i'm not in your age division oh that's like thank god man um i think logistically hopefully it allows them to do um add more variance to the events personally i always wanted there and i don't know if this would ever be successful i always wanted the age group athletes to have their own separate games you know i think they could get to a point where they would have that opportunity and again just because i think you're going to see that 35 and 39 division not not that we weren't tested well last year, but I think, and even maybe the age division up, there were athletes there talking about how they just didn't feel they could have done more, you know, like they wanted to do more. So to be able to expand the test and maybe having, I don't know, their own games or more time, I thought the fact that they separated the masters and led them to two days earlier than the individual competition was awesome last year.
Starting point is 00:20:10 For that reason, because it gave them more to do as they tested them out throughout the weekend. But that's what I'm hoping happens. I got a question. It's going to stunt stunt Brian. Ready? Impossible.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Which masters athlete has the most Instagram followers? Ooh. Guy or girl. Guy or girl. You're confident you know that answer? Me? I'm confident I know it. I'm asking if you're confident you know the answer.
Starting point is 00:20:40 No, hell no. I want to know. I think it's China Cho. Is she Masters athlete? She's competed in Masters? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I really like that guess. That's a great guess. What about – yeah. Are you talking about this current year's competition? Yeah. Wow, that's a great guess. How many she got? And I only ask that – well, not only. I ask that because it it's a core that's the only thing that matters well yeah it is the only thing that
Starting point is 00:21:09 matters when you're talking about them having their own event uh that's sam dancer has a lot oh china she's got i'll bring it up so you guys could see i think i think that was the guess i think that was a good guess impressive how many does she have 253 250 000 sam dancer is 181 wow hell yeah china's killing it and so at the end of the day it's eyeballs and money that have to that make this thing uh go forward it is though probably another thing that's interesting is that the masters clearly make more money at their day jobs than the individuals so that would be a cool breakdown income by age group yeah yeah i'd be living at home versus not living at home i'd be curious to see that it was i felt like when i was we were getting the master's briefs i was listening to some of the masters around me talking all they talked about was like retiring and their house
Starting point is 00:22:03 in hawaii and their house in tahoe and how they just sold a business and i'm like well of course you're competing at the games you know like what else you got to do it's a good life retired uh this is the first year the masters had a semi-final ever and and is that a good thing? Does that mean it's growing? Personally, I like the extra phase of qualification. Again, I think for the 35-39 divisions, I would have liked to see more people go through because you're seeing more recent individual games athletes pop into that master's field. Like Frederic Agidius i think was
Starting point is 00:22:45 uh 11 11 12 paul trombley 14 paul trombley maliolo um a lot of people in there so i think that would allow them to bring more to the uh and rich is going to compete Masters next year. Hurting his heart. And Brian Friend is going to. Maybe that's true. I can't wait until that gets clipped and that's on Instagram tomorrow. Another interesting fact in this article that Chad Schroeder wrote is that, and I'm not sure, the first part was so dense with stats and numbers in that chart. I'm not sure I was able to comprehend it all. Oh, Kat Schreier.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Sam Briggs, 6'2". She's not a Masters this year. She's 40, right? And so she finished 6th, 7th? Yes, 7th. Hey, is her 2K faster than yours yours is that why you rode the 2k her 2k is definitely faster than she lapped me she lapped me on the 2k she left you do you think do you think sam could beat you doing a one-arm 2k and you got to use both both no i don't think so thank you brian uh 80 percent of uh eligible eligible masters
Starting point is 00:24:10 athletes went to the semifinals last year and only 51 this year i know so uh how how come how come what how come how come the participation has dropped so much this year. In terms of – Did I understand that right? I thought open participation for age groups went up this year. And I just said something that doesn't make sense too. First year – this is the first year the Masters had a semifinal, and yet I'm also suggesting that 80% of eligible Masters athletes went to semifinals last year and only 51% this year.
Starting point is 00:24:42 So those two don't – somewhere i have my facts wrong somewhere i'm spreading misinformation do you know what i'm trying to say anyone i think either they just lumped he just called it as the agoq just the qualifier in general i think so that means past the open i don't think they he specified between um semi-final quarterfinal okay well let me rephrase it did we have a decline in participation this year well maybe but this actually addresses someone else in the comments who is i think i'm missing something about this stage of the season also is the number of participate participants for each master's division in the age group online qualifiers in the past was capped at 200. Now this quarterfinal stage of competition for the master's
Starting point is 00:25:26 divisions is 10% of the open registrants. So the quarterfinal registrants that we talked about earlier, the 1200 plus in the 35 to 39 means that there were 10 times that many in that division that were competing. And then the same thing for the, you know, whereas the total number of participants in the men's 60 plus was basically equivalent to the master's quarterfinal participants for 35 to 39 at 1200 okay that makes sense so what to this to this statistic out of the 200 top 200 a higher percentage would participate in the top 1200 right which makes that does make sense. And that, that doesn't mean necessarily there were more last year, even though it was a smaller percentage, there still, still were probably more, more participants, but a lower percentage because so many more people were
Starting point is 00:26:14 eligible to come to participate. If, um, if I wanted to get into watching the masters this year, what's the division to watch? Is it the men 35-39? Is it the women 35-39? I think in terms of the highest level of competition and the most people at that level that have the chance to win, it's the men 35-39. Or maybe you go over to where Rebecca Voigt is. She's making her 14th game's appearance the most in history, and she's in the 40- 44 women you can see there's a there's at least a half a dozen divisions that i would say are definitely
Starting point is 00:26:50 worth watching and probably more than that but if you're asking for only one you're looking at men's 35 to 39 just between sam dancer roy gamboa craig kenny janice papadopoulos and julian serna you're gonna see a bunch of incredible stuff. And the other five guys I don't know as well. I remember Papadopoulos competed, or he did the age group qualifier last year. Why didn't he compete in Masters? How old does it say that he is? I thought he competed in Masters.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I could be wrong. Oh, no, maybe he didn't. He qualified for the strength and depth semifinal this year as an individual, and he decided to pursue Masters instead, and he took second place in the semifinal behind Sam Dancer. So he probably feels like he has a pretty good chance at the podium. Sorry to swerve into this lane, but are these guys tested? Not yet.
Starting point is 00:27:41 They will be tested. Some of them at least will be tested at the games, but I don't think, James, you can correct me tested at the games, but I don't think James, you can correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think there's been any testing, at least like in competition. Maybe some of these guys are on the testing list that get randomly tested out of competition. Yeah. And that, I don't know unless they are,
Starting point is 00:27:55 I still get those testing list emails. I'd be flattered if someone looked at me and said, Hey, I bet you're on steroids. Cause I'm still just a skinny dweeb. But I still get those. i still get those emails but it's definitely possible some of these guys are on that on that list especially i would say any athlete who's competed as at the games before as either a masters or an individual um but yeah they'll probably be tested um at the games i'm trying to remember how far down they tested last year. I think they tested down to fourth or fifth for 35 to 39. I'm not 100%
Starting point is 00:28:29 sure on that. So don't get mad at me comments. You can get mad at me comments. I don't care. None of these, like this whole list of slew of people we're seeing pop in teams and individuals. Nothing like that in Masters. No one's popped over there. No, that's not true at all. Oh, they have popped. Some Masters have popped. No, not this year. They haven't been testing this year. Historically, there are a lot more drug failures in Masters divisions than anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Wow, this is a new one. Look at this. Roidvart. this roidbart hey um yeah do they get do they get some sort of exemption as a master like can you be on some sort of like uh testosterone replacement therapy or anything like that as a master's can you be on anything different different list no you still got to be just a normal human i mean you could probably get a waiver if you're really jacking your metamucil servings up to through the roof maybe right exemption no i don't think you can have an exemption for any um testosterone replacement therapy but brian if i if i wanted to watch a lynn napman 60 to 64 this is actually an amazing division yeah compete in the 2022 CrossFit Games can I watch this uh yeah I mean I can buy a ticket
Starting point is 00:29:49 and go watch it right I don't know what level of coverage I have for the Masters um this year um I would you know I hope I would hope so like these people are definitely worth watching in my opinion but I don't know I don don't know. Pull up this list. Why do you say that this is an amazing list and going to be an amazing competition? There are several women in this competition who are quite good. First of all, there's a woman who won the division, Shelley Chappell, who I don't have a ton of familiarity with, but she won this thing basically going away. However, the girl behind her, Pat McGill, out of Canada, has competed at the Games before.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Dude, that lady has my build, 5'5", 160. She's a two-time podium finisher. Debbie Downing has been to the Games before. Mary Beth Perdomedos is a Masters champion. Lynn Natman, obviously, will be talked about already. Pauline Siasia, who finished 10th in that division, has podiumed at the Games. So even though it's only 10 women competing there,
Starting point is 00:30:51 there's at least five of them that I know from their competition history at the Games already that are quite impressive. And then this new woman, Shelley, who seems to be the one to beat. She won that division by 64 points in the semifinal. And how old is Lynn? What age is she coming into
Starting point is 00:31:09 this division at? 62. There's no way Shelly is. How old does she say she is? Shelly Sheffield, 62 also. Crazy. Damn. That's what health and fitness will do yep let's look at other pictures of her let's look at other pictures of her crazy damn i mean most people that that is like have trouble just lunging with no weight
Starting point is 00:31:39 due to like stability and sedentary you know right and she's over let me look at that and you're saying oh and you're saying most yeah yeah like 98 99.8 percent probably higher than that yeah victor says she's taller than me thanks victor oh hey i'm gonna update my crossfit games profile uh to make me like five nine just to really confuse oh she has like an old picture with the liver liver king it looks like where or someone has a picture shelly chapel has a picture or there's a picture of like old school liver king on there where how far down are you i can't wait to see what hobart's talking about i can't wait there's like a oh shit oh shit it's not her i don't know who the oh oh that is him that's liver queen that's liver queen and king dude
Starting point is 00:32:35 what a fine uh let me introduce brian so this is a shelly chappelle chappelle chapel shelly chapel uh a 60 to 64 year old-old athlete's Instagram account. Brian was saying she's the lady to beat in this division this year to become the fittest in the world. Based on her semifinal performance. But, I mean, Meredith Beth Perjamas is amazing, and she's always in contention. Let me introduce Brian and Barbara, owners and founders and creators of Ancestral Supplements. Concerned customers always want to know. Original author you know what's interesting is like look for liver brian yeah his name is brian brian johnson yeah he ate that dude um look at the like look at his body
Starting point is 00:33:17 his last name was johnson yeah he's so lucky it's almost like the the starting of the liver king like he's small for liver king there in that photo. Well, he's just, I don't know. He looks the same size. He's like liver Duke right here. He's just older now. And his skin's more leathery. This is what a great find, Hobart.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Yeah, that really was. 255 weeks ago, this photo was taken. And he brought me on here for a reason. That's over five years. Wow. Yes, please call me James Johnson. Oh, Bruce Wayne's in the house. Did Liver King pop for PEDs?
Starting point is 00:33:55 No, absolutely not. So, Brian, so we don't know if we can watch this division. I think that you'll definitely be able to watch most of it and i'm hopeful that they'll have coverage for all of it do you think that do you think suza could find coverage from last year if he went on like if he started googling around on youtube yeah i already found it actually when i was looking for the legless rope climb from that division and there's yeah also there is a brief amount of coverage on your instagram live i think that was the last day you worked at the games right hey by the way that was the best coverage that they had had that was that was intimate no no it was just specs moving around on green
Starting point is 00:34:35 hazy did you get fired for filming you hobart no but i appreciate that yeah did you know no i think i did know that that was that was also that was he got fired even when supposedly my friend dave castro was the head of the games and i didn't even have enough pull to save brian look how that you you might you might think that i had brian fired on purpose so he could work for me the rest of the week if you were a conspiracy theorist if you were he pointed his phone at hobart and got fired you know what it ended up being and hobart looked like you like just like a speck going across the screen brian you've broken the rules shitty internet oh my god someone just wrote in the comments
Starting point is 00:35:16 the only roids hobart has ever had are hemorrhoids true hashtag truth wow True. Hashtag truth. Wow. Nick alligator. Yeah, he's got some devastating. Hey, Nick, you go both ways. I know you do. I see you looking at me in that picture. That's a sassy photo. Ooh, he's sassy. What about what, what about Becca boy? Oh, look at Cheryl bros too. She's competing. She's 50. Susan, Susan, I think it's better to look at the uh semi-finals leaderboards where you can actually see the standings that they had if you go to where it says games semi-finals and it's short by age group thank you take control of the show brian this shows that well then in the other one they're not there they're only in the order that
Starting point is 00:36:00 they've where it says lcqs usually do the drop down menu age you get yeah because uh then if we go to the women's 40 to 44 division which is what i'm talking about now then we can actually see who the top finishers were there and you can see the points gap so like this woman kelly frio is unbelievable i saw her just decimate a master's competition at strength and depth during sanctionals one year um how old is she? She's towards the end of this division. She's 44, the oldest you can be, and she's still won by over 50 points. Where are these people coming from?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Was she in the CrossFit Games as an individual? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, she's done, I think, three times. Oh, wow. Three times games. She's, I think, worst. Yeah, first, second, and second. Her finish at the Games, 2018, 19, 21.
Starting point is 00:36:45 So the 20, there was no master. So the last three seasons in this division, as she's continued to get older, she's continued to get better, second, second, and first. And now she's a favorite coming in again. Are you shocked when you see people, or are there any people who are in the men's and women's 35 to 39 category who were not individuals at the games?
Starting point is 00:37:05 Yeah. There are? And is that shocking? No. Like, I would think it would just be filled up with people like Hobart, people who have already been at the games. How can that not be? What happens to the games athletes? They get too tired? They get burnt out? How is it filled with people who've never been to the games how is a 50 year old person who's never been
Starting point is 00:37:28 an individual in the games now make it into the masters competition well that's a totally different question than the 35 to 39 the 50 is like we're just they're just not you know they're not there's a ton of different potential answers for 50 okay well give me 30 let's start with 35 to 39 do you have a thought james i don't on that one i think i think it's happening where are they coming from where were they training and why weren't they individuals and how are they beating guys who've been in the sport for 10 years and who were individuals yeah because i think there are some of them who are just probably starting to train in their maybe later 20s earlier 30s and they're really fit athletes and now acclimating and training well in CrossFit. I think there are a lot of individual athletes
Starting point is 00:38:09 who competed previously in the games, turn, you know, aged up into the 35 and just aren't competing in Masters. Yeah. So, you know, just to give you an example, there's this guy who's placed ninth that I've never seen his name before. His name is Brett Stanhope in the 35 to 39.
Starting point is 00:38:28 It's an incredible, impressive performance. He finished one spot ahead of Craig Kenny, two spots ahead of Frederick Gideas. Well, this is his first year of eligibility, and his best ever open finish was 599th in the world in 2019. And then last year, he qualified for individual quarterfinals in North America. And as the oldest, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:48 as a 34 year old and he plays 271st, which is pretty good actually. So, you know, he has been doing the open at least since 2014. He's got a lot of years of training under his belt. He was, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:59 never good enough to make the regionals when it was, you know, a lot harder. Brett Stanhope, Susan, number nine, Brett Stanhope. Thank you. You know, but this, number nine, Brett Stanhope. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:06 You know, but this year he aged up into that division and he didn't actually do very well in the open at all, 228th, but then an online qualifier, 17th. So you're trying to look at a guy like maybe he wasn't, you know, he was saying, well, this might be my best year. My first year as a 35 to 39, and maybe he's been tailoring his training for two seasons to make sure that he would have the best chance to make it this year. And he barely got it. You know, so that like, that's a possibility that someone who's 33, 34 realizes never going to make
Starting point is 00:39:34 it as an individual, but that first year at 35 might be my best chance. And if enough of those people are that invested in making that their best chance to make a run at it, a couple of them will probably get through. What would that look like? look like hypothetically you're 32 years old you just get out of the plane in the nfl for four years you're an amazing fucking athlete you can do everything but you can't handstand walk you can't snatch and you can't do double unders and so you have to start working on those things for the next three years to get to that high level by the time you're 30 now you're uh 35 because you've been working on it from 32 to 35 and then you make it into the uh into the masters i mean is that what it looks like you're
Starting point is 00:40:11 just an amazing athlete but you have some super duper glaring holes or you're just a guy like this that's you know very fit and been doing it for nearly a decade that decided to go all in for one shot and he made he has been doing it a decade well and his games profile it says his first open was 2014 i'm not 100 sure always that the game's website is accurate but i think it's getting better and he may have been in the military or a hockey player or whatever we have no fucking idea it was keeping him from become being a uh a hardcore crossfitter yeah but you have another example of a guy in this division his name is brian wong and he's been competing for a long time as well first open listed is 200 in 2015 he's actually finished 81st and 91st worldwide in the open before
Starting point is 00:40:55 and he's a three-time regional competitor he's competed in the central regional back in 2016 through 18 oh you know never finishing better than 16th, but he's been 16th in a regional. He's very, very good. Hey, something's not right here. Sorry, Hobart. Do you have to use the bathroom while I talk about this part? How the fuck is that a Wong? Okay. No Wong can grow a beard like that.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Okay. Can I see that guy's Instagram account? Yeah, I got it. I want to see that. And last year, he was 145th in quarterfinals, which is, you know, just very, very fine margins away from making a semifinal. So even though he's never made the games there, you know, his resume adds up to the fact that he could have had a potential this year. And not only to make it very well, finishing third. Yeah, definitely. They spelled his name name wrong something's not making sense here
Starting point is 00:41:48 um why didn't hobart why didn't hobart um your oh damn jeffrey you're getting fucking spellchecked by fucking by fucking the boss screenshot that jeffrey that's cool uh it's the only time rich is ever going to talk to you post it uh what happened to brian what happened to james hobart this year when we had him on early in the year he did say he was going to be going uh to um masters uh 35 to 39 he i mean he did make it seem like he was going for sure and now he's yeah and now he's sitting here with us what do you think i thought i i thought he was going for sure. And now he's, yeah. And now he's sitting here with us. What do you think happened? I thought, I didn't,
Starting point is 00:42:29 I thought he was kind of taking this year off and really investing a lot in the cap programming, but we should ask him. Oh, thanks Brian. I appreciate that. Hobart, what happened? You did,
Starting point is 00:42:35 is it your training or did that division get too hard or both? I think it's both this year. Yeah. I think that underprepared definitely didn't train to compete um in the semi-final quarterfinal process and the game so yeah i think he called up janice papadopoulos he's like yo you're going masters individuals like masters and he said yeah i'm out man but seriously james you you we had talked to you and you were having, um, uh, visions of grandeur of winning that division this year. Yeah, I really, um, yeah, I love competing. I really
Starting point is 00:43:11 wanted to compete and I hate this. I hate this excuse cause I don't think it does justice to all the competitors who beat me and made it. Um, it just, as the rest of the year wore on, it really wasn't training was not my focus, um, for whatever reason. And that's just kind of how it shook out. And then also the, the level of competitors in the division has gone up is only going to go up. The qualifying process is clearly harder to go from a field of 20 down to 10. Um, so I think, I think all of those things. So, so you, you're saying that your desire didn't match your training. You're saying you could have trained significantly harder and better.
Starting point is 00:43:48 100%. I don't think that's arrogant at all. I don't think it's a dig at the athletes. Everyone knows it's hard. These things, Wayne, this isn't like fighting. It's not like you lost a fight on fight night. I don't think it's rude. I think I realized over this last year, like I love CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I love competing. I'm grateful for what the sport's given to me. And there's a lot of masters divisions left. So it's like, I don't see this as like my, my, my, my horizon, like my view of the horizon has definitely changed in the sense is like, I don't, I used to see it as if I don't compete this year, I'll never compete again. And I don't feel that way anymore. Um, which is cool. This actually is a good, uh, you know, the, cause seven is off often asked the question about the ability for individual athletes to, you know, compete hard, take time away and come back and
Starting point is 00:44:39 compete hard and be relevant again. And while I would acknowledge that that's up for debate in an individual or elite category in the master's division, that's common practice for a lot of athletes where you'll see them compete 40, 41, 42, 43, 44. They're nowhere to be found. 45, boom, they're back on the scene. And are they licking their wounds then you think? Well, it's probably a combination of just the, you know, it's a, it's like, it know, it's difficult. Like these divisions are competitive. These athletes are very, very good. And, you know, it's kind of a long season. Probably also just has to do with lifestyle things, depending on kids, jobs, whatever else.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And then lastly is how difficult it is to qualify for those divisions for 99% of people if they're in the last two years of the age division. And I think, as, as masters, especially in the later age divisions, like being healthy is a huge part of it. Like if you stay healthy the whole year, your chance, obviously your chances go up significantly, but I've talked to, like Brian said, a handful of athletes who are like, Hey, training was going great, got injured, taking the next year off. And then they come back up entire year later and then make it again. I think that's way different than we see at like the elite men and women level just pushing through injury just fighting with it dealing with it whatever or just being you know looking at the
Starting point is 00:45:53 timeline of it as you know hey it's okay to take a year off and make it better and then come back rather than like try to just keep pushing and making it worse do you think there's anyone who takes – do the winners of these divisions – let me go a step further. Let me take this back a second. When you competed, one of the things that you said to us was there was a different kind of camaraderie amongst you guys. Is that because the level of competition isn't taken as serious? Or is it because there's fewer of you?
Starting point is 00:46:25 I still felt like when we went out onto the field, Is that because the level of competition isn't taken as serious or is it because there's fewer of you or. I still felt like when we went out onto the field, it was very serious. I think what changed, at least for me in the warmup area, there's still like some, like, I don't know, kind of like looking out of the corner of your eye of people, you know, like everyone is still competitive who's there, but it's like our life doesn't depend on it, you know, or like, and I shouldn't, you know, even the individual athletes, like these guys are doesn't depend on it, you know, or like, and I shouldn't, you know, even the individual athletes, like these guys are trying to make a career, you know, out of
Starting point is 00:46:49 competing in CrossFit. And, you know, it's like, I've lived that life and my career is in something totally different than competing. So I think that takes a lot of the edge off. And a lot of people there are like that. But I think when you step onto that floor, it's like, people are still super competitive. Like no one out there wants to lose and no one out there is just like, well, you know, I bought a Porsche last week so I can just mail this workout in. Like, no, they're super competitive people. But the fact that it's like not the end of the world or their life doesn't change if they don't win or lose.
Starting point is 00:47:18 They're not going to lose their Nova Labs protein contract, win or lose. Yeah. I mean, that's my take of it maybe different masters out there have a have a different take of it so uh brian do you have a favorite division you're that you're gonna watch this year or are you gonna watch them all what does someone do if they want to watch this and they can you can't watch them all what what do you suggest? What are the top groups? Well, the one nice thing about the fact that there's only 10 athletes is that there's only one heat per division.
Starting point is 00:47:51 So if there's a particular division that you want to watch, the hope is that there will be some coverage of it. The hard thing is that if you're at the games, a lot of the things are going on at the same time. And I'm not sure exactly what the schedule will look like this year, but there's usually some overlap where, you know, there'll be team events going on out on North Park, and then they have something going on in the Coliseum for the Masters or the other way around. And so it's very difficult if you're there to split your attention. At home, you know, you could potentially have two screens going and stream both events.
Starting point is 00:48:24 But also if you have, you know, a division that you really like, you can probably just kind of scroll through. Ideally, CrossFit would make a little drop down menu that says like, you know, event three for the masters. And it has a breakdown by division. And is it sex and sex? Thank you. Thank you. I didn't want to get it wrong. Well done, Brian.
Starting point is 00:48:43 You never know. Is that the first time you've said that word? No, no, no. I almost said gender, which is a completely different thing. Have you on this show? Stuff on where you're going, way off track. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You might have put the vest back on, and I don't know. So you don't have a favorite division.
Starting point is 00:48:59 You can't give us like, hey, guys, this is the division to watch. Like, you want to get into some master shit. You want to see some trippy shit. This guys, this is the division to watch. Like you want to get into some master shit. You want to see some trippy shit. This guy right here is the guy to watch. Uh, no, there are several. It's,
Starting point is 00:49:11 it's really, it's, it's honestly, it's hard for me to pick one out on the women's divisions. I would pick the oldest and the youngest. I, I would probably pick the oldest because I think it would be the, have the most like wow factor now.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Because if you watch the 35 to 39 division, and I do like the fact that it's only one heat, but if you watch the 35 to 39 division, it's going to slowly creep in, and I could just switch the channel and watch the real guys get at it. But if you watch the fucking old ladies go at it, you're going to see some shit that you're going to be like, oh, fuck, I don't know if I can do that. Yeah, for the women, I would probably say the 60 to 64 on the older end of things is probably the one to watch. We already talked about that one.
Starting point is 00:49:50 But 55 to 59 is pretty good, too. There's a few athletes in there. Joanne McCullough dominated the semifinals, but also Linda Alston and Laurie Machisnik have a ton of experience in the Masters divisions. And there's this pretty cool woman who's in the women's 65 plus pia gund she's only she's been to the games four times she's finished fourth or fifth every time and she was a winner of the semi-final this year so it could be a breakthrough for her after and in her fifth time as a master's athlete um and she's the oldest in that category
Starting point is 00:50:18 right 60 at 64 no she's in the 65 plus now. Oh, okay. 67. That's the division you go off. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, who is the old 72? Wow.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Who is the oldest person at the games this year, Brian? That woman, the 72 year old, who was it? And I think she's the second oldest ever to compete at the games. I think that was in Chad's article as well. You think marijuana is her secret? What was that, James?
Starting point is 00:50:49 Was it Jacinto was the oldest? It was in there. He definitely addressed it. You mean the oldest of all? I'm talking about the oldest this year, not the oldest of all time. Yeah, but I think she's also the second oldest of all time. Yeah, Jacinto Bonilla 73 in 2012. oldest of all time yeah but i think she's also the second oldest of all time yeah vanilla uh 73 in 2012 wow so he's he's 83 now he just posted um
Starting point is 00:51:17 i still think he goes to crossfit um black box no i think he goes to south brooklyn now david osario's gym i think um because i i think he was recently celebrating a birthday i just saw a post about him yeah 83 he looks amazing for i don't know maybe he looks like what 83 is supposed to look like but if i look like his 83 when i'm 53 i'll be really happy i did try to get him on the podcast is david osario the one that does the Ice showers cold showers every morning with Boz They did that for a while I don't know if they still do it I was tempted to ask Adrian about that on a press conference
Starting point is 00:51:53 But it seemed too serious No you should ask him Do the I have a couple questions here Which country dominates the mass He might tell me I'm being too pedantic. Ouch. Uh,
Starting point is 00:52:07 wait. Oh man. Oh man. We're healing wounds. We're healing. We're here. Uh, um,
Starting point is 00:52:15 what, what, what, what, what country is dominating the masters, Brian? USA. There's a lot of diversity across all of them, but there's by far a huge percentage of,
Starting point is 00:52:24 of United States. And you can especially see that when they do things like the opening ceremonies, you know, and you see that obviously they have the most individual athletes. But but it's a dominating group compared to everyone else. And that's because of the Masters divisions. Did I see a Russian flag up there? No. If anything, it would be a white square. OK, I thought I saw a Russian flag.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Which one? Scroll down. Scroll. Keep going. No, that's the end of it there. That's the end. We talked about who is the oldest. We had Terry at 72. Who's the oldest athlete here who has also competed as an individual in the games?
Starting point is 00:53:04 Probably going to be, for the women the games? Probably going to be for the women. It's probably going to be in the 40-44 division. Oh no, I saw Cheryl Rose. I think she's in the 50-year-old division. Oh yeah, she was second in the 50-54 behind a woman that I think is a rookie at
Starting point is 00:53:19 the games. That could be a fun one to watch. So this is a perfect example. A 50-year-old named Tia Gebbe who won the semifinal. she's been doing open for a long time but she's got no games experience uh she did do the individual what what tell us she did the individual quarter finals this year in north america at 50 years old and finished 508th. Wow. Out of how many? A thousand. Probably 3,000. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:53 That is crazy. And Cheryl Brost is an absolute savage as a competitor. And they were actually pretty close. So if you want to see it, probably going to be a great competition between the two of them. Oh, Julie Ackerman made it again. So that's the oldest one we know of.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Let's see. Go up one more age. I want to see if Hobart or I or Brian, do you recognize any names here, Sousa? Men or women? Women. Let's just go up to 55. I know a bunch of these women.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I don't think they ever competed as individuals in the game. I don't recognize any of these. Do you recognize any of these names, Obert? I don't. Okay, let's check the names. I feel like Amy Simpson is a name that I know, but that's probably because I saw the word Simpson, and I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Okay. Never been to the games before. Great name for a gym. What was it? Do More CrossFit. Do More CrossFit. Great name for a gym. What was it?
Starting point is 00:54:44 Do more CrossFit. Let's go to the men. I think you meant a monster energy drink. Oh, yes. Brian's on fire tonight. Susan, can we see the men? I think Siobhan mistook the flag for the Netherlands as the Russian flag. Hey, that is very possible. Let's see the men 50 to 55, please.
Starting point is 00:55:07 50 to 54. Men 50 to 54. Let's see if we recognize any of these guys. Actually, I haven't done this statistic, but I would be willing to bet that combined one through 10, this has the least games experience of any division 40 plus. This division right here. I don here is a lot of these names uh go down in age division it's definitely not going to be older than this i don't think
Starting point is 00:55:37 jason grubb a lot of people have been telling me to get him on the podcast this guy Jason Grubb well he's yeah he's an animal yeah you've had a lot of requests for him hey seven there's a there is a Russian flag in this division you see it yeah it's right here Jason Grubb yeah he's uh never finished off the podium at the games and he's won it the last two times he's competed yeah but Uri Hansen he's uh he's on seminar staff he owns crossfit um crossfit billings up in montana this will be this will be a fun division actually keep going down i want to see if there's anyone else i recognize in this division and mike dudivore was a local affiliate owner in um northeast mike kern is placed second yeah my master's divisions twice and obviously this guy from russia well vlad liashkovic won this category by 50 points in
Starting point is 00:56:35 the semi-finals um but no previous games experience well and when we see these guys on this list does that mean that they're coming like are these all people who've signed the paperwork? I'll see you there. See you in Madison. Paid their dues. Not necessarily, but if you go to the games site. Okay. Before we do that, I want to go down.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Yes. Before we do this, I want to go switch. I want to go down one more. I want to see when we finally see a man we recognize who competed as an individual. Go ahead and go to 40 to 44. and you see a man we recognize who competed as an individual. Go ahead and go to 40 to 44. Man, I still don't see one.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I'll tell you what. This guy, Michael Laveriere. I think Uri Hansen competed as an individual. Okay, let me check. Check. He just said he's going to check. He just said he's going to check. You can't tell him to check when he said he's going to check. He did.
Starting point is 00:57:24 What's the result? 2013. 2012, Uri Hansen, 44th place at the CrossFit Games. He was three spots behind Brandon Swan. Oh, he was second to last place. There you go. And this guy's the 45th. Okay, so this is the oldest guy. That we know of. That we know of. I think he's the police. Okay. So this is the oldest guy.
Starting point is 00:57:45 That we know of. That we know of. I think he's probably right. Very nice, James. And the woman was Cheryl Brost. When was the last time Cheryl did that? Cheryl Brost, three-time games competitor. Best place finish was in 2011 where she was seventh
Starting point is 00:58:07 and the last time she competed was also 2012 when she was 15 that's kind of cool so both Cheryl Brose and Yuri Hansen competed in 2012 and there are the oldest respective that we're aware of that competed as a masters and and the women's side individually there are two athletes who made their games debut in 2012 who are still competing now in individuals, Carlos Sanders and Thierry Helgedag. Wow. Oh, yeah. I just saw that pop up somewhere.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Wow. That's good stuff. Can we talk about the kids for a second? Yeah. We're not doing a kid's show, right? No, no. This is age groups. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Did Olivia Kerstetter make the right decision? I was reading in Schroeder's piece on the morning show that she may be – as an individual woman, she's one of the strongest women on the field, and yet here she is competing with the teenagers. I think that she definitely made the right decision because it's a decision that she made. And I think it's important that her and the people close to her had that conversation and did what they felt was best, regardless of if she could have made it as an individual or not, if they felt this was the right decision, I'm fully supportive of that. Hobart, do you have a less politically correct response? Like, fuck that. She's just going down there to bully the kids.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Yeah. Why not? A win's a win, baby. A win's a win a win i just i don't think for her right like looking at her talent her strength and clearly how committed she is to it like what is another year in the teen division doesn't hurt her it only helps her yeah right lots of experience and everything you know but but but well what suza said lots of experience but it would be experience that she got on the big stage if she went as an individual she could go there not put a lot of pressure on herself feel it out because maybe like maybe she doesn't want to maybe she doesn't want to do that well clearly no i mean like ever like maybe she just like she gets this last like just crushes these guys, these young ladies.
Starting point is 01:00:05 She still has one more year of eligibility after this. No shit. She's only 16. Yeah. The first year that she was eligible to compete as a teenager was 2020 when there wasn't a games for them. Last year she won it. And this year she'll most likely win it. The only person who has, I think, a chance is Trista Smith, but I want to give her a big chance.
Starting point is 01:00:26 So let me see. Open Olivia's again. Let me see how old she is. 16. Wow. So we could see her again in the teen division. Okay. So she is really young.
Starting point is 01:00:36 So this does make perfect sense. She's too young. I think Emily Rolfe's sister is in this division. Haley. I think Emily Rolfe's sister is in this division. Haley? I think so. Who's the 17-year-old in this division? Who is 17? Well, there's more than one.
Starting point is 01:00:54 But the girls that finished third and fourth in the qualifier, Yaja and Sophia Shaft, they are also pretty good. They're both 17. There's actually a lot of 17-year-olds in this division. Yeah, yeah. Majority of them will probably be 17. Yeah. Yeah, they are. 17, 17, 16, 17, 17,
Starting point is 01:01:18 16, 17, 17. It might actually be a 6-4 split. It's a lot more divided than the men's side where it's 9-1. Tomorrow we're having Rebecca Fuselier on the show. And one of the things I really want to get into with her is when they go to these teams, are they really pumped up? Are they as excited to be at the CrossFit Games as the individuals? I'm guessing the answer is yes, right?
Starting point is 01:01:46 They're pumped out of their mind. can't even believe it right they know they're going to the competition to be crowned the fittest teenager alive and so and so that that's another reason why why would they go do individual when when they can get that same high from competing in their class. Yeah, for sure. Being on the competition for it all. And even if it's just the smaller group there, that's friends and family and everything else, I mean, you're still going to get that same drive and everything,
Starting point is 01:02:14 and they're going to get the experience. And a lot of them have a long future ahead of them too. They'll be a curse header and everything else. Do they test these? Savan. Yeah. Online semifinal workout four. are you reading someone's comment no i want you to i want you to do this workout with the 16 year old girl's weight okay and no this is
Starting point is 01:02:36 this is workout three sorry this it's 10 snatches at 75 10 hold on hold on hold on hold on 10 snatches at 75 10 you rest a minute after that with a dumb dumbbell right alternating hand dumbbell no no barbell oh okay then you rest a minute then you're going to do 10 snatches at 95 pounds you know 115s is one rep max right and then you rest a minute and then you do 10 snatches at one Oh five. And then you rest a minute. Um, and then in the remaining time you, this is all on a 10 minute clock. And the remaining time you do as many snatches at one 25 as possible. And I want to see if you can be the weights, the weights go up 20 pounds, 10 pounds, 20
Starting point is 01:03:23 pounds. Uh, sorry. 20 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds? Sorry, 20 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds, yeah. So does the one-minute rest count as part of the 10 minutes? Yes. Three minutes of rest. Unless I'm mistaken, Olivia's score in this workout was 80 reps, which means she did 50 snatches at 125. In what time frame?
Starting point is 01:03:51 That 10 minutes. Go to women. Turn that to women 16 to 17. I don't even understand the fucking workout. Barely. You're struggling. Here it is right here. I don't.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Look at this workout. 10 snatches. Rest one minute. 10 snatches. Rest one minute. 10 snatches. Rest one minute. Then ases, rest one minute, 10 snatches, rest one minute, then as many snatches as you could get with the remaining time of your 10 minutes. Yeah, but what is the remaining time? Whatever, however long it takes.
Starting point is 01:04:13 So if each one of these takes you 30 seconds, like let's just say for the easy math or a minute, it'd be two minutes, four minutes, six minutes. You'd have four minutes at your max effort, snatch at 125. And how many did she get 50 she got 80 total reps so that means she got but 50 at one 10 snatches at 75 pounds took her 12 seconds i want to hey i want to if i'll do that and i just want to work up to a one rep max 120 or 125 i'm only bringing that up to put in context for Sevan that she probably had closer to six minutes to do those 50 reps than four minutes. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Settle in. Either way, you have no chance. I'm going to do that tomorrow. Are you serious? What did the worst girl get? That's fair. That's a good question. She got the worst girl.
Starting point is 01:05:01 The worst of 30 or the worst of the 10 that made the games? The worst of the 10. 30 or the worst of the 10 that made the games though the worst of the uh but 30 the worst 42 reps why can't i do something the 65 year old plus women do because they can legless rope climb all right right okay i will i will someone exclusive newsletter content exclusive newsletter content oh i will try this tomorrow this is not going to be pretty though i haven't don't hurt your back please yeah we got a big i'll coach you stream me in you'll facetime me oh definitely james i was disappointed you didn't comment on my snatching today.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Maybe you haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen it yet. Okay. I'll check. I hadn't been able to snatch for a couple months. It felt good to do it. I'll definitely go look. What about – we haven't talked about the boys' team division.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Why don't we talk about the boys' team division? There's just nothing impressive down there? They just make us feel bad because they're 16 and doing 3.30. Let me tell you something. I would like to talk about the boys' 16 and 17 for a minute because I actually know the guy. Well, let's say men. I got in trouble. I'm not allowed to say boy anymore.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Let's say men. This is just what it's listed as on the game site. So anyone that has triggers to that word can take it up with the CrossFit okay fine boy it is i i will say this i was trying to write something about a former teenage uh athlete the other day and i couldn't and i kept like i i was trying to write he was the best boy in the teenage division and it didn't sound right so i i do empathize with her in that regard anyway in this uh the boys' 16- to 17-year-old division, the top qualifier is a guy named Caleb McClure. He's 17 years old this year, and he trains at a gym in central Illinois.
Starting point is 01:06:54 And last year, I took two athletes that I coach down to Springfield, Illinois, to do a competition. It was a pretty good competition. I think the better one of those guys got either fourth or fifth. And this guy, Caleb McClure, at 16 years old, beat him. Your clients, your two clients you took down there,
Starting point is 01:07:11 grown men. Yeah, yeah. This guy beat them both. He was competing with the men. I think he got fourth. There were some pretty good competitors there, but if you didn't know he was 16, you would never have guessed it. And I remember the first year in Madison. in mad he's a big dude he's got some dallin pepper numbers six feet tall 193 193 and i remember the first year in
Starting point is 01:07:32 madison 2017 i was walking walking around and the boys 16 17 year old division walked by me and i was like oh my gosh like these guys are freaking animals they are monsters what james is saying is not any stretch of the imagination. Like they are so freaking good and so impressive physically. It's, I think it's worth watching. Uh, how about this guy,
Starting point is 01:07:53 RJ Mestre? I saw a picture from the 14 to 15 year old division. Um, he, he would, uh, um, Chad Schroeder was saying that he's notable and worth watching.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Um, I saw a picture of him and he and he looks like he's eight. There's a big difference between the 14th and 15th. That is not what he looks like in that little avatar. Yeah. I'm finding it. But basically why Chad's singling him out here is because he won by almost 100 points in his semifinal, and he was fifth place the year before at the younger age division.
Starting point is 01:08:27 And we've already mentioned that no 14-year-olds have even managed to qualify this year. So for him to take fifth, like every year at that, you know, that idea that you have actually of having four divisions with 10 each, 14, 15, 16, 17. Actually, the more that I think about that, the more that I like that. But anyway, that's why Chad thinks that he'll do really well. Yeah, I like it too. This is a cool division from the country perspective also. You have four from the U.S., but then you have six other separate countries represented.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Paraguay, Mexico, Israel, Brazil, South Africa, and Jordan. What country is this? Is he from? Who? This guy, this kid. What country is this? Is he from? Who? This guy. This kid. What's his name? RJ.
Starting point is 01:09:09 USA. USA. Click on that picture with that guy with his arm on his shoulder again. I'm not a big fan of the asymmetrical haircuts. I like symmetry. I like symmetry. I just want to let you guys know that. I'm glad that's why we zoomed in on that picture.
Starting point is 01:09:27 It triggers me a little bit. It triggers me. He should dye his hair blue. Does Hobart have a CEO shirt? I thought you were going to highlight the shirt that the younger man in this picture is wearing. That's what I thought, too. I was like, oh, it's another Mayhem guy. I see those shirts everywhere.
Starting point is 01:09:43 That is Mayhem? Yeah. They have a bunch of them, right? Serve, pray. Who's selling those? I see those shirts everywhere. That is mayhem? Yeah. They have a bunch of them, right? Serve, pray, compete. Okay, I see them everywhere. Yeah. He's saying he's praying or he's telling me to pray?
Starting point is 01:09:58 I'm going to buy you one at the games. Thank you. Why is there a period after that? Is that a sentence? Pray. It's declarative. Oh, okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Period. Hobart was – that was when Hobart was on – had insider knowledge when that shirt was developed, when he was on the inside. Him and Rich were tight. That was actually my idea. It was? No. Hey, hey, James. Are there keys? Does the barn lock
Starting point is 01:10:26 which one i don't know i've never been the new the new fancy barn or like the old the old um doesn't it lock when you got shotgun the new fancy barn the one that the one that i just picture hayley just fucking destroying gi and metcon workouts in it's uh it's um it's a retina scan so it doesn't it doesn't lock no no you never had a key to the barn you didn't need one no okay how about a did you need a scanner card was there anything like that high tech like that no yeah that's that's some alpha shit right there okay let's do this shirt this will be the seven podcast shirt pray it's good oh my goodness
Starting point is 01:11:13 only 10 years until trice froning is winning the teen divisions only 10 that would be now that would be cool yeah that would be cool if rich's son came up and just started just destroying shit yeah and like rich is like still winning the 65 plus that won't be in 10 years that won't be in 10 he'll be 40 45 46 perfect yeah uh i don't know i'm not even sure how to this is why we miss hobart he just plays it i don't know. I'm not even sure how to. This is why we miss Hobart. He just plays in. I don't understand. What's the most notable foreign master out of the United States of America? That's a good question. That is tough. I would say that a couple of the women we already talked about fall into that category, particularly Lynn Nat natman who's from australia and um why am i blanking on her
Starting point is 01:12:10 name um just make a name up no one's listening no no pia gunda i already mentioned who's from sweden and kelly frio who's from the uk on the women's side those are probably three really big ones there is also uh a canadian woman susan clark but she's not competing this year she's undefeated in her lifetime career at the masters i think five for five now she does the year on year off thing right uh yeah i think so doesn't she do something like that something like that yeah weren't we supposed to have bill grunler for the master show and hobart for the team show did i fuck this up i thought it was just show. I didn't know we were doing a breakdown of it. No, we're doing a team show too, aren't we, Brian?
Starting point is 01:12:49 Yeah, next week. Do we have a guest for that? I don't know. James Hobart. Hobart? Do you know about teams, Hobart? I was supposed to. I know one of them I wanted to bring Grunler on.
Starting point is 01:13:00 No, bring me. I'm not biased either. Mayhem's going to win it all, but I would be a straight shooter. Bill, are you listening? You want us to send you a link? Don't send him a link, man. I do want to integrate Gretel and Mark. It's like 7 p.m. while you're there. He's asleep. He's been asleep for two hours.
Starting point is 01:13:21 He goes to sleep at 540. He shut down CrossFit, San Luis Obispo, and he went to sleep at 540 he shut down CrossFit San Luis Obispo and he went to sleep oh god oh Jesus Nick oh Jesus Nick's out of control in the uh too far Nick too far
Starting point is 01:13:38 too far reel it in buddy reel it in um well I'm excited i don't i don't know i don't know what else to say about the masters anything else you want to bring up brian do we want to look at the the 35 to 39 just to make um i think i think that it's it's some i think it's probably the most fun division to talk about like who could potentially win it i think that that China Cho is kind of a clear favorite on the women's 35 to 39.
Starting point is 01:14:10 If this is a division that's interesting to you for the men, it's worth knowing that Sam Dancer has been telling people for a majority of this year that his sole focus this year is to win this division. So far, I think he's perfect through every stage of competition. But that doesn't guarantee that he's going to win it I think Roy Gamboa is as real a threat as anyone here I mean he's got a lot more experience at the games he's been competing at a high level from like all the way up until last year where he was still competing at the games as an individual and so to your comment seven about
Starting point is 01:14:42 that ability to take some time off and come back and really throw it on and be in contention. Now we have Roy, who's pretty much been consistently in the game, and Sam, who was not for a couple of seasons and now has really, really recommitted himself to doing that. And I think those are probably the top two guys here. Not to say that there's not some others that could sneak in there. Was Gamboa in the games last year as an individual? Yeah, he was 34th. he's so fit so so sam doesn't really have a chance
Starting point is 01:15:11 sam definitely has a chance this i'm i think this is the most committed he's ever been to trying to actually win at the crossfit games um just in terms of his lifestyle is he healthy is he healthy yeah i yeah i mean i don't think he'll be did you watch him snatch 245 pounds like a toy no i think it was actually featured on the crossfit game yeah you gotta you gotta send that video from everything recently i think craig kenny could be really dangerous if he's healthy because he also craig has always excelled at like if they do a swim or like a long run and that's something they typically only tested the games and um i feel like that's an insult what you're saying that's a passive aggressive
Starting point is 01:15:50 insult it's not a passive aggressive insult it's the fact that they test those things at the games and he's already really fit gonna do well elsewhere and i think athletes who can be fit in mixed modality workouts and then they have those outstanding run and swims craig kenny getting the last spot in this division is not what roy gamboa janice papadopoulos or sam dancer wanted to see craig has actually outperformed all of them in his career at the crossfit games he placed 11th and 27th the two years he's been there which is you know roy's been to more games but his best finish ever is only 23rd, which is more than twice as bad as Craig's best ever. So James is right that Craig has some potential to do really well in that style of programming.
Starting point is 01:16:31 How about Carly? How about you, DeHitt? Not to mention that the year that he did that was 2014, which is quite a while ago. And my perspective of all the things Adrian Bosman has said this year is that don't be surprised if there's some throwbacks to some old school style programming. When I think of Sam Dancer,
Starting point is 01:16:48 I think of a wounded lion. How is what I said like a backhanded compliment? Or a rhino with a broken horn. Damn. He's a rhino with like like his his his his
Starting point is 01:17:07 his proboscis has been broken he's he's you think go back to him in that thong you think his horn's broken no one wants to break their horn off in something i'll tell you this that guy is a huge huge fan of the reverse hyper, by the way. Clearly. Clearly. I don't know why he's wearing so much when he does it. What about Carleen Matthews? She's got some games experience. She's hardcore. Savage. Yeah, she doesn't fool around.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Why can't she put it to Chyna Cho? Did she ever beat Chyna Cho at the games in her ranking? Did Chyna always finish ahead of her? She finished nearly 200 points behind her in the semifinals. I mean, I haven't seen her compete in a ranking i mean china always finish ahead of her she finished nearly 200 points behind her in the semifinals i mean i haven't seen her compete in a while but that's a staggering amount to make up yeah and that's when you have 30 athletes in the field they're close to it there's only 10 athletes in the field the points gaps are going to be extreme
Starting point is 01:17:59 and if china's taking i mean you know i just think it's going to be hard to beat her. Is this the first year China's competing as a Masters athlete? If there was someone in this field who could challenge to beat her, I would choose Amelia Lepinen. Who also competed as an individual at the Games last year. It's Danikowski's girlfriend. Oh, no shit. And is she from the country? Is Hapalapin Napanapin from that country?
Starting point is 01:18:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, look it. She just has the last half of his last name. I was just about to say how cool it was to see in the 35 to 39 women, because the men is not like this this year, the representation from different countries. And then Savan hits us with that nice Hapalapin Napanin. This ugly American.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Yeah, that's actually cool the third place qualifier in this division is from Iran I doubt there have been very many competitors in any division from Iran at the games Sonny Webster will be joining us during the
Starting point is 01:18:58 games and then we'll do a long form podcast with him after the games let me see the Iranian, the Iranian lady, Miriam Zangba. Has she been to the, has she been to the games before? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:19:14 What's, what's the CrossFit gym in Iran? Is it in Tehran and the Capitol? What do they got? Like one gym? No, there's probably, Oh,
Starting point is 01:19:21 she is. This is cool. 2021. She was the 19th fittest firefighter 2022 she was the third fittest firefighter 2021 she was also the 36th fittest school teacher so she's school teacher and firefighter yeah isn't that crazy that's cool um this in the ugly american in me thinks that there aren't any female firefighters in Iran. And, of course, I don't know shit. And there she is. And she was the fittest.
Starting point is 01:19:50 What did she rank in the world? Third fittest firefighter this year. Third? Mm-hmm. Wow. So are any of those other girls in her – did the other two girls, are they going to the games, the first and second fittest firefighters in the world? I'm not sure. I don't know. i actually don't know where to look up the results for the occupational games they're just listed on her profile
Starting point is 01:20:10 crazy she's gonna overheat with that thing on her head i think she's used to it i think she's pretty used to it man. How did she get this far? Well acclimated. That's a nice gym, too. Yeah, there's good movement quality also. No bats in the comments. Hey, I haven't seen a bat in so 2021. I haven't seen a bat in forever.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Really? I posted a picture of my Frisbee hanging on the side of the disc golf basket, and everyone was saying, bat, bat, bat. Oh, hey, I couldn't even figure out how that was hanging there. Dude, that was crazy. It went through the chains, and it looked like it was going to stop on top of the thing and just sit there, and then it just rolled over, and it just hung on the outside of it. But how did it hang?
Starting point is 01:21:00 A Frisbee's flat on it. No, there are nubs, And then there's the brim. And so the brim of it just caught on the nubs on the side of the basket. And it was just hanging there. Oh, the basket has nubs. Yeah. And the Frisbee has a rim. So the momentum was stopped so much by the chains that it looked like it was just going to sit there.
Starting point is 01:21:19 And then it slowly ripped over the edge. It was going to fall out. And it didn't. It got caught on the little elevated parts on the basket there's always one there's always one guy and people are sending me bad signals i took a screenshot of myself doing wall balls from the workout witten that it wasn't even you know there's no way to know if it was the bottom of the rep or not i got literally a hundred messages saying no rep no rep no rep hiller which i think that that's the problem is that it's become so excessive and so ridiculous
Starting point is 01:21:45 that it's strange what its original intent was. I got that. I don't think you're allowed to say, I don't think you're allowed to say nubs, by the way. I don't think that, I think that word's been, that's what they're called. If you're in a playing disc golf course, they say, uh, you got nubbed nubs and nubs and taints, Corey Leonard. How often have you been nubbed Brian? It's happened a couple times. Taken a good nubbing before. Happens to everyone out there. And to answer Barney Roberts,
Starting point is 01:22:11 except for my probably clean and jerk, they're pretty close benchmark stats right now. Oh, right here? I'm going to give you guys a chance if you want to call in and... And my stroke press sucks right now, too. Sorry. What does that mean? Yeah, that's what what i want to know what does that mean what's that number look like i don't know body weight maybe what do you think sam dancer's whatever he wants man
Starting point is 01:22:35 i think it's cool that he kind of called me he didn't quite call a shot but he kind of called a shot i think that's cool well we, we're going to find out, right? Yeah. I mean, he made it this far, which is impressive. You said you were going to win. You're not even there. I didn't even get considered for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:54 You're not even on the field. How much are you weighing right now, Hobart? I was 188 when I stepped on the scale this morning. That's still a great strict press. One of my coaches just strict press 230 yesterday. People who can strict press a lot of weight, that's so cool. A double.
Starting point is 01:23:12 I trained with a buddy who was a former powerlifter and then started competing in CrossFit, and I saw him strict press 315, and it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Wow. I want to highlight a few things that we talked about here, things that if you are going to watch the Masters this year or if you have zero fucking interest, still things that are just crazy impressive. You should find some footage of Lynn Natman at some point.
Starting point is 01:23:34 She's 60 to 64. This will be her 12th consecutive CrossFit Games. I'm definitely going to – I definitely would love to have her on the show. I'm definitely going to try to find her and watch her throughout the week. The times when I have been on the field and watched the Masters women compete, it is always this thing that's just going on in my head. Shit, I can't do that. Can I do that?
Starting point is 01:23:55 And it's remarkable. Another person you have to pay attention to this year is Rebecca Voigt. She competed 10 times as an individual. And then this is her 14th Games. And she's in the 40 to 44. And she's a remarkable person. She won the Spirit of the Games Award. And as much as she may have not been popular with the fans,
Starting point is 01:24:16 she was extremely popular with the athletes and with the staff at the CrossFit Games. Everyone always loved her. You should watch the 16-year-old division. You should watch the 16 year old division. You should watch Olivia Kerstetter. You probably want to get on as much as I was picking on her for not doing individually. You want to get on that bandwagon. Now, when she does come individual, you will appreciate her so much more if you watch her for the next two years as she does the teens division. And then of course there's Sam Dan sam dancer who is an incredibly just lovely person
Starting point is 01:24:47 if you get a chance to ever meet sam dancer you have to go up and say hi to him he is not you will not meet very many people in the world like him he is like a fucking chinchilla he is so soft and furry and yummy and um uh you just just go up don't don't don't do not hesitate and i think he's the part owner of strong coffee yeah and so he'll probably be over in that booth at the games and you have you have to you have to meet him uh if you make one stop and go over and just smile at him shake his hand like just get some of that mojo. Can I add one to your list? Please, please, please. There's a guy in the 60 to 64 division named Will Powell, and he will be competing to try to win his fifth Masters title,
Starting point is 01:25:33 which would tie him for the all-time record with Susan Clark for Masters Championships. Guys, this will be his ninth time, I believe, competing in the Masters divisions, which is, you know, I think that might be the most of any male athletes who've done it. And he's absolutely incredible to watch. Can you pull up that class? Sorry, Sousa.
Starting point is 01:25:53 What class was that for the men? I want to make sure. He's in the 60 to 64 now. And he also says he just doesn't look 60 years old. He was not the top qualifier. So it should be a competitive division. Oh, shit. He looks like James fucking Bond.
Starting point is 01:26:09 What is he? What's his ethnicity? He doesn't look like a William Powell. He looks like a Jose Garcia. Oh, is that Chris Hinshaw 30 years ago next to him? What the fuck is that? It's fucking mean. Chris Hinshaw had a kid.
Starting point is 01:26:30 is that it's funny to me and chris hinshaw had a kid uh um so okay i recognize this guy i recognize this guy he's won five games brian he's going for his fifth he's won four he had one point one three in a row wow okay uh and and the thing you should know is in this division we talked about this at the very beginning of the show the the younger guys win, period. Meaning if you're in the 35 to 39, the 35-year-old wins. If you're in the 60 to 64, the 60-year-old wins. So when you're rooting for someone who's on the tail end of those weight classes, they have a significant disadvantage. They have a significant disadvantage. The same way that a 14-year-old has a significant disadvantage over a 15-year-old, disadvantage over a 15-year-old, the same thing starts happening as you get older.
Starting point is 01:27:14 And so this woman – oh, yeah. I mean I don't even know this lady, but I'm going to watch her too. What was her name? Terry Carey? Carey Terry? Doesn't matter. Forward, backward. She's happy to be just mentioned. She's happy to be alive.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Are you sure? Question? Women. She's happy to be alive. What age are you questioning? Women. The women, the oldest category. She's 72. Oh. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, this lady has to be watched too. Terry Carey.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Oh, no. She's 66. It's the one right above her, Dinkoff, from the Netherlands. Oh, wow. Sorry. It's a joke, Dinkoff. Yeah, how do you pronounce it? Dink, Dink. You you forgot an end there i don't see an end i just see dick off with a silent h okay how do you pronounce your first name here's the thing you have to
Starting point is 01:27:55 realize when you see this you've never in your life seen someone 72 do what she's going to do with the games never I don't know this is like watching a fucking blue whale breach I'm not fucking joking if you are at the CrossFit games and you bought paid for a ticket and you don't go watch joke dick off compete from the Netherlands
Starting point is 01:28:20 in the what's your age group 65 plus 65 plus you're missing out why'd you buy a ticket why'd you go there do you want to see a blue whale fucking breach so can you go to the um look at look at there's her name crossfitter joke she did um she was one of the 22 who was able to do legless rope climbs just think about that all you people in your 30s out there who can't do a legless rope. You will never see. You will go to the CrossFit Games this year.
Starting point is 01:28:48 I promise you. And you will see the final. You will see the final event when Justin Medeiros beats Colton Mertens for first place. Colton takes second. And that won't be as exciting to you as watching this lady joke. Compete. I'm serious. You believe me, Hobart?
Starting point is 01:29:06 Yes. I'm on board, man. You don't have to twist my arm. You're going to see her pick up two fucking 50-pound kettlebells and fucking walk across the field or some shit and knock out 10 strict pull-ups, and your brain is going to fucking explode. And you will never see it again the rest of your life,
Starting point is 01:29:20 a 72-year-old woman do the shit she's going to do there. She's going to do it with a smile on her face. I'm serious'm serious everyone should go to where find that at the venue when you're there and go see that it's it's it's like some guinness book of worlds regular ripley's believe it or not shit it's like some halloween shit and her name i think you get to chant in the crowd joke dick off joke dick off and it'll be great seven i gotta i gotta just have you take a look at one thing before we please please please yes but james go what were you gonna say no just have you take a look at one thing before we go. Please, please, please, yes. But James, what were you going to say, James? No, no, let's take a look.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Susan. I'm not joking. I am not joking. Will someone tell you guys? Do you guys know I'm not joking? I think it's a play on words. Yeah. Maybe he's thinking of the name.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Oh, okay, okay. So, yeah, I'm not joking. Okay. Go back to the 60-64 men, Sousa. And if you can, click on Gus Vandervoort, who is not from the Netherlands, but from the USA.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Yeah, it's soul. It'll be soul-nourishing, Mr. Halpern. Thank you. 60-64 men. 60-64 men. Gus Vandervoort. Click on his name and then click on view profile. I just need to get Savan's reaction to this.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Mr. Grubb, standby. Oh, right. Standby. Oh, Mr. Grubb's online? No, no, scroll back up. Savan, how often have you seen a body that looks like this competing at the CrossFit Games? That's what my body looks like. That's what I look like right there.
Starting point is 01:30:45 That's me. He's got some ab definition. He's a brick shithouse. Yeah, what's his – yeah, he's – This is a pretty unique body type to qualify for the Games. Agreed. This is a brick shithouse. This is exactly what I look like for all you girls out there wondering.
Starting point is 01:31:03 You don't look like that, man. Take your shirt off. And Jeffrey Birchfield. I know you've been wondering too just close your eyes and think about me buddy that's what it pop the top and wait there's someone else i gotta say i definitely know who thinks about me with their eyes closed nick nick this guy nick there i am buddy that's me with my shirt off take it in take it in yeah look at look at this guy over here firming can't take his eyes off him off of Gus yeah
Starting point is 01:31:27 I didn't realize we had someone on the line he's a man okay Mr. Grubb Brian friend is always courteous and doesn't want to bother athletes also doesn't want you waiting how can I help you guys I don't know everyone in the chat just told me to call in and as far as
Starting point is 01:31:44 as far as calling in far as um calling in thanks for taking the call and i appreciate you guys appreciate you guys giving masters um some facetime um some airtime because it's you know we take the backseat in a lot of ways and uh it's just great to see this it's great to have you guys talking about us we all dig it we all like it we appreciate the coverage appreciate the conversation and um for me i can't wait to go back and and try to get on that podium again this mr grubb is so fucking square watch this mr grubb you you have placemats don't you you use placemats don't you at your house i you know i do not i do not fuck you you do too i know your type you have fucking glasses and you have and you you only have button-up shirts and you use placemats.
Starting point is 01:32:29 My mom would love you. How fucking old are you? Grub will hammer you into the ground like a tent stake, man. You leave him alone. Mr. Grub uses fucking placemats. I can tell. I know this guy. He's got a cabinet in his house with glass doors and glass cups in there that never get used and shit.
Starting point is 01:32:47 He vacuums twice when it's not necessary. No one's been to his house in a week and he still vacuums. You're describing my mom too. This guy's so perfect. Hey, do you own an iron, Mr. Grubb? I do not own an iron. You have an iron, an ironing board, and placemats, and I don't appreciate you lying. Your honor, the witness is being hostile. I don't appreciate you lying. Your honor,
Starting point is 01:33:05 the witness is being hostile. I don't wear any clothes, but workout clothes. There's no need ever. Oh God. Uh, where are you calling from? Um,
Starting point is 01:33:14 calling from basically Denver, Colorado. Well, thank you for calling in. How old are you? 46. Damn. Not even a master's.
Starting point is 01:33:24 Uh, how'd you, how long have you been doing CrossFit? How long have've been doing crossfit how long you've been doing crossfit um about eight years i started at 38 yeah um pretty thick and chubby and uh and yeah it's been a good run um pull up his instagram yeah let's judge his ass uh um did you so you started 38 okay that's so that's four years after i started and and was it too like i feel like i started just at an eight when i was 38 was when i started like needing to warm up when i was 34 and i started i didn't need to warm so
Starting point is 01:33:58 when you started like that's getting up there 38 like you're starting to like warm up almost be sweating before you work out right oh this is him i started in the gym this is jason grubb yeah it's me oh fuck how he would hammer me into the ground like a tent stake my phone says his name is timothy i know i know what the fuck i show some respect savvy i take everything back I said. You have a huge dick. I apologize. That's what I meant to say. He's got a great lockout on that muscle. Two-time champ. Wow. Well, thank you for calling.
Starting point is 01:34:34 I got to get you on the show. We're going to have for a full-length podcast and get your background. I have your phone number now. Maybe I can text you and bug you throughout the week and we can grab you and get and get some of your um insight into what's going on that'd be great brother i'd appreciate it dude you made the show thank you we were stuck with hobart like some old athlete throwback athlete now we got a real one thank you it's rough rough rough we're in a recession so poorly last year so poorly anyway thanks guys all right thank you thanks
Starting point is 01:35:07 jason talk to you later oh god i'm a jackass you guys knew the whole time he called in and yes and you started running your mouth i'm like this guy's a stud man i was thinking if he was like on camera there's no chance you'd be saying this i actually i actually if he was in my room i wouldn't be saying that i'd be like hiding i actually think he was the guy who passed me and said don't worry i'm not in your age group oh no shit i think it was believable alpha move well we tested him he's got a great sense of humor i just his voice is so proper i was just started like having delusions did someone uh sevan is slipping let me tell you you don't even know my day has been crazy what a dick savon i know i china thanks martin luther every time i see this guy i think it's
Starting point is 01:35:53 martin luther king mlk because that's what mlk that's what the streets called in where i grew up mlk oh shit put my foot in my mouth good times i know i'm yeah i just didn't i just didn't i didn't connect the dots i'm too busy making up uh metaphors in my head to know who anyway it was just funny because you literally described my mom i thought it was your mom shit we never used vacuum lines in the carpet nothing on the counter ever ironing board a room with an ironing board yeah yeah yeah i just like the fact that savon talks to someone on the phone whose first word out of his mouth isn't anything to do with genitalia and savon's like this guy must be a square oh i hope my mom didn't hear any of that it didn't that wasn't good i have to take the
Starting point is 01:36:47 trash out today my wife just texted me hey so i'm on this thread with like 15 guys all guys that who who come in and out of this show uh and it's called our semi-finals thread and it's like where everyone's just dumping just intel like you know just where we all feed each other information you're not on that hobart sorry and keep me off of it please highway you must be kept off of it um and uh it used to be i forget what the picture used to be but i noticed today someone switched it to fucking phil toon and he looks so sexy and good in it it's. But I kind of want someone to put an RIP in the corner. Like a rest in peace. I just feel so bad for him. And people are like,
Starting point is 01:37:32 don't feel bad for him. Why? I can feel bad for a guy even when they did something bad. I can feel bad for a drunk driver who totaled his Lambo. Sucks. It does suck. You want to say anything about cheaters, Hobart? No. All right.
Starting point is 01:37:48 Yeah, I don't blame you. I think it's good not to say anything. All right. Brian, anything else? So let's watch that guy too, Mr. Grubb. We definitely – he's a two-time champ. Everyone loves a winner. That's going to be a really competitive division.
Starting point is 01:38:05 Really competitive division. Yeah, the 45. That's going to be a really competitive division. Really competitive division. Yeah, the 45-49 is going to be awesome. Hey, what place does Spencer get, Austin Spencer? 30th around there probably. Wow, that's good. 30th? Yeah, totally humble. Wow, that's good. Yeah, totally humble. Man, he was humble.
Starting point is 01:38:27 He just came in and I just thought it was some random dude calling and I just thought I'll try some of my new material on him. Fuck that all up. Jeez, man. Jackass. Awesome. I'm going to have to ride the assault bike tonight for that. Are we done, so?
Starting point is 01:38:43 I think so. Anything else you want to talk about? I'm on East have to ride the assault bike tonight for that. Are we done, so? I think so. What are you doing? Anything else you want to talk about? I'm on East Coast time this week. Just wanted to say goodnight to Heidi before we go. Oh. Right. Dang.
Starting point is 01:38:54 All right, guys. Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m., Rebecca Fuselier. I got a ton of questions to ask her. She's going to be fun. She is really fucking cool. She got a ton of energy. I bet you I'll accidentally interrupt her a thousand times. She likes to talk. I like to talk. It's going to be a good time. Brian, will you be here for that show?
Starting point is 01:39:10 Not especially in the morning. You suck. Okay. I will talk to you guys tomorrow. Hobart, thanks for coming on. You the man. I hope I behaved. It was great. Nice.

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