The Sevan Podcast - #489 - Rebecca Fuselier

Episode Date: July 13, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Sound like there's mucus in there. First time I've talked this morning.
Starting point is 00:00:37 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Coming in hot this morning. Coming in hot. So many new listeners to the show. Numbers are exploding. You have to know something if you're a new listener. I don't do this show for the reasons you think I do this show. And the reason I can do so many shows and be a fucking just a three-man, four-man crew,
Starting point is 00:01:03 the reason why I can do all this is because I have endless energy because I fucking keep it real. That's the only way I can do all this. There's no other fucking way. You don't want to hear about the fact that I like definitions of words and I bring it up in the middle of doing interviews with other people. This show is not for you. There's no script to this show. There's just notes. And there's me just trying to go as deep as I fucking can with people. What does that mean, Sevan? That means I want to know where you came from before you were born and where you're going to go when you die. And every single one of my questions, whether it's
Starting point is 00:01:39 about cock and balls, Buddhism, what is the molecular makeup of a compound. It all goes pointing one way. And I just told you where. You may not see it, but if you listen to the show long enough, you know that's what I'm doing. That's all I'm doing. I'm fishing for souls. Trying to mingle, mingle the deepest possible way with my guests. Thank you, Mr. Wayne. I know sometimes it can be vicious. And I apologize. I don't want to hurt anyone.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I don't want to alienate anyone. But not at the expense, not even close to the top of my priority just to go deeper and save the people who want to be saved like myself, who want to have a rich, joyful life. What's up, Sousa? Hey, what's going on? Oh, shit. I can't hear you. What's going on? Oh, wait. Can you hear me now? Yeah. The other day, I want to say something about Freya Moosberger one more time. She was on Catch Your Podcast, the Clydesdale podcast, and she said something about the reason – if she were ever on my show, she would say something.
Starting point is 00:02:55 And I said something misogynist. If I massaged her or said something inappropriate, she would stand up for herself or stand up for other people i talked about and i want you to know freya that if you came on my show and you babbled any of that racist shit where you hate black people or you babbled any of that shit where you hate jews i'd stay i'd stand up for them too even though i'm not jewish or black i'd stand up for them too swear man if you come on my show and start babbling that stuff. You see what I did there, Freya? You said that if I said something misogynistic, and you never gave an example, and the implication is, oh, misogynistic, strongly prejudiced against women. Why can't I be strongly prejudiced for women? What's that word?
Starting point is 00:03:38 That's what I am. I'm strongly prejudiced for women. The reason why you have it confused is because guess what you think about women? Guess what you think about women? And I know you're a young lady and I know you're confused and it's okay. But what you do there is when you say something like that, you leave the implication through your ambiguity that there might be something misogynistic about me. Implication through your ambiguity that there might be something misogynistic about me just like through my ambiguity I made the implication that you're a fuck you hate black people and you hate jews It's fucking not cool Don't fucking do it grow the fuck up And I like you too, I think you're cool and and it doesn't hurt my feelings that
Starting point is 00:04:27 you don't want to come on here i don't know if i'd want to come on here either whoo shower was intense because like the monologue builds up in the shower and i'm like am i gonna be able to get all this out remember this i love your monologues thank you appreciate it always exciting where is rebecca did i did i send her a fusli a yeah fusli a yeah yeah yeah you sent it okay cool let me i wonder if she knows we're doing a show sometimes people get that shit all messed up maybe she heard my rant and she's like, fuck that. I ain't going on there.
Starting point is 00:05:07 She's like right about to sign in. Typical woke, subjective comments with no context or understanding of who or what they're speaking about. I know. And like 20 people DM me and were like, holy shit. Like this chick's clearly never seen the show. Never seen the show. And she's just going off of, like, talking points. Oh, there she is.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Boom. There she is. Welcome. Hey. What up, girl? Hey, Rebecca. What's up? Good.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Not much. I saw someone sent me an Instagram this morning, Rebecca, and it made me think of you. I was like, oh, I bet you Rebecca wished she and it made me think of you. I was like, oh, I bet you Rebecca wish she would have made this. Can you play that, Mr. Sousa? Yeah, which one are we looking at? The one where the person does all of the. Oh, yeah, yeah. Give me a second.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I sat on my couch last night for an hour and scrolled through your Instagram. Damn, you're creative. I try to... You know I don't follow many meme accounts or anything because I'm scared of like I don't want to steal anyone's content. I try to make it all original. And they're just
Starting point is 00:06:17 magical thoughts that come up in my brain. So I try to put it all into a Reels. You've kind of trained yourself to think like that now like yeah like when you're just cruising it's like it's like your art yeah i mean it's actually it's all just it's all fun for me but i definitely i try to make it all original all real and just some the everyday thoughts everybody has that no one actually wants to say and it's fun for you but you take it serious like I heard you talking about like how I, I'm not going to,
Starting point is 00:06:47 you're memorizing the songs and the lyrics. You want it to look good. You don't want it to be ass. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It's like, I mean, I feel like that's with kind of everything I do. I'm, I never want to put like crappy content out there. I want it to be quality and yeah, I take, I take even making the videos. If I'm going to do it, I want it to look good. So. Well well i keep always trying to use this okay let's watch this this is have you seen this yet so this is this is in light of the fact that um you know all these people are popping and like
Starting point is 00:07:17 all the excuses people give so someone sent me this morning i don't know who this girl is but i i just like the and you know how do you ever play video games no i'm not a big video game person yeah but oh i bet i know where this is going though but you know how like the characters drop in and then they just kind of like do that yeah they bow okay okay watch this thing is great so this is with so many crossfitters popping it's only matter of time before a video game emerges so pick your character now oh lord here we go here we go the tainted meat So pick your character now. Oh, Lord. Here we go. Here we go. The tainted meat. Inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Inappropriate. inappropriate inappropriate how is she okay that's good susan how is she dropping in like that you no no i at least i didn't i mean i wasn't near the podium but i don't think they test the teenagers you're in texas and your mom and dad are still married uh they recently actually got separated how what what kind of question is that we're already jumping into it well the reason why i asked because i see i saw you uh in best buy with your dad and then i went through your whole instagram account so i feel like i know you and i saw you oh my gosh you found the old vlogs yeah yeah oh lord hey i saw that video you made i made i saw the the bullying video you made it when you were 13 also
Starting point is 00:09:09 have you seen that one yeah you remember making that that that one's hard to find that one you got to scroll like this way on youtube not 13. What was I doing? Oh Lord. No, but I know I made some pretty strange content back then. You're 13 years old. You just talk about bullying. You talk about how, um, you were,
Starting point is 00:09:33 you, uh, and it's, it's your, uh, advice to people who are bullied is brilliant. Basically. So I forget someone said something about you and bullied you and your best
Starting point is 00:09:41 friend was there and she punched the guy in the face. And then you say at the end, if you are bullied, um, just tell your best friend so they can punch him in the face, or you can call me and you gave out your Instagram handle. It's on YouTube, but you say, um, only if you're 14 or younger, I thought that was, that was smart. You don't remember that? I don't, I don't know any of that. Yeah. I'll have to look that up. You can send me the link to one of my old videos. I mean, I don't doubt that I did something like that. I was probably doing something weird.
Starting point is 00:10:21 What's crazy is it's not even on your channel. I mean, I had to read, I had to like type in your name into YouTube. That's like 25 minutes of assault bike riding and just scrolling to the left searching for videos of you. Awesome. Oh, she froze. I know. I saw her. I know.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I saw her internet connection. It's a little rough. Is that why she wears two different – oh oh you can see how good or bad her her internet connection is no but usually when they come on and it's a little fuzzy and it starts chopping like almost immediately that's usually the tell sign that it might have some trouble did i know you were going to be on the show today nope neither did i oh that's awesome well thank you it's always nice seeing your face oh there she there she is. Okay. You're back. Is that me? That's losing connection? Okay. I'm moving. Yeah. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I'm moving into the office. Maybe that would be better. Isn't it – so isn't it – how old are you, Rebecca? All right. I'm 22. 22. I always – when I watch – do you watch any sports? I always, when I watch, do you watch any sports? Yeah. Yeah, actually, I'm into the weirdest sports too. Coach and I watch some of the weirdest sports.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Tell me. Well, football season is always a blast. I watch football with my dad. And we're originally from Louisiana, so I'm big Saints fans. And my parents went to LSU. that we watch a lot of football this season i recently got into mavs so maybe i'll start a basketball career even though i'm super short how tall are you and then most recently we've been watching. How tall am I? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I'm five, two. All right. I'm taller than you. And then, um, and then the most recent sport coach and I have got into is disc golf. So I'm going to go take them into disc golf. Has anybody played disc golf? I played, there's a right across the street from my house. There's a huge field and the neighbors have put a bunch of those bass,
Starting point is 00:12:31 big steel baskets in there. And I bought them and I went and played for like 10 minutes. And then it was like, I don't know. Yeah. Well, I've never played, but I'm definitely going to trash talk some people and I'm going to say, I'm going to beat them.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Cause that's just how we roll. Yeah. When I, when I watch watch sports like when i watch sports i'm always like looking at like i watch the ufc a lot and like i'm looking at the guy putting the vaseline on the on the guy's face and i'm like that guy's a person and like he has a mom who probably like has cancer and a sister who's pregnant and then that guy over there and i started like spinning these narratives that like i mean mean, they're absolutely false, but I start just thinking about all these people come to do this event, but they have these really complex lives that they have to put aside to get this shit done.
Starting point is 00:13:14 And it always trips me out. I mean, it's always better when there's a good storyline with, at the same time, like you got to respect some of those professional athletes with that kind of thing. And that's what's been a big motivating factor. Yeah. Like they may have a, they may even have, they may have COVID.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Am I cutting in and out? Yeah, it's fucking horrible, but you're so cool. It's okay. And you have so much energy. It's fine. Killer story. Yeah. Killer story. It it's like yeah okay i'm gonna keep it clean we're gonna i need to slow down i came in really hot this morning no hey savannah i we watch your podcast all the time and it's the realest podcast out there the
Starting point is 00:14:00 only one i watch okay fuck it how many athletes at the games do you think are competing with the venereal disease? No, I'm joking. I'm joking. I'm joking. I'm joking. I don't really care. I'm just – but thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Anytime you get weirded out, my question is pretend you're frozen again and then let's move on. Rebecca. But in regards to sports, I haven't done't i have i haven't done anything you know i haven't done anything else besides gymnastics and crossfit so i love how people think i'm so interesting when i don't think i'm that interesting at all um i'll tell you why you're interesting then i'll tell you why you're so fucking cool you're too busy making yourself a better person to know why you're interesting and that's um you uh when we were we were uh doing the show uh a show on the games i can't remember and taylor self was on
Starting point is 00:14:52 and he threw a uh a rock at you you know like we're these cool guys and you're just a tiktok girl and we're just poo-pooing you and then um you made a tiktok do you do you have it uh uh matt you made a tiktok in response to it which was just fucking hilarious i'm still high on emotions after semis she just makes ridiculous reels that's that's taylor doing top end uh sports commentary that you can't get anywhere and and instead of did he send you a link to come on the show? Yes. Okay. So it was like 1030 at night, our time.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I had just gotten back to my house and he goes, here's, here's a link. Hop on and talk trash with us. And I'll go, okay. Okay. I go, okay. What time? He goes now. I was like, this doesn't seem legit.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yes. A random guys from instagram please turn your camera on and sign it anyway so many people when when that happens um don't lean into it and you leaned into it the thing that the the the the thing that a lot of people do is they'll get offended or they'll push away or they'll talk shit back. And instead you leaned into it and you embraced it. And that takes some fucking incredible character and confidence and sort of a deeper understanding of how humanity and how we work as human beings. It's like the boys and girls that chase each other around in kindergarten on the ground and the playground trying to hit each other, they know that they like each other, but people from the outside don't know it. So here we are taunting you, but really it's because we like you or else we wouldn't even be fucking talking about you. Yeah, and I think the craziest thing is in the past, I don't think I would have done that.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I would have gotten more offended and probably just gotten a little scared and downed myself a little bit. But I'm just so confident in what I do, and I just love what I do. And I kind of say, if you don't like what I do, then hit the unf that like a moment where you had to talk with yourself and like, okay, I'm ditching this story that I tell myself about not being confident is going to go away. I'm throwing this in the trash. slowly built me back up to being confident and being proud to be a little competitor. And I've always been, I've always been extremely competitive, but I think my, my gymnastics career in the past totally put me down on I'll never be successful. And I've definitely had to work on my mental game just as much as any type of gaining physical strength. So it's been a, it's been a climb all the way back up to here.
Starting point is 00:17:47 But I think sports is just, I talk sports with everyone. If you want to like relate to me and for how I relate to people, it's just talking through athletics. I feel like that's how my brain works best. And that's how I encourage people to be who they are and everything and own who they are. It's just, I translate it through sports, but then I try to put it in something like a real is like very generalized. So people kind of get that the right message. So I hope I do that well for, for people. Your reels make you crazy approachable because they're, they're, they're
Starting point is 00:18:23 funny in every single one one you're kind of putting yourself out there like whether wherever you're making fun of you're also always making fun of yourself like you're always a little bit out of your comfort zone you're like okay this is a little weird yeah and when everybody can relate to it those are those are the best ones the one i posted last night it actually might be my my favorite one of all time so far. Is that like the earthquake one? You're running from the – yeah, yeah, it's funny. Your first day in CrossFit? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:51 And it'll make the ugliest faces too. It's going to make you better. Oh, it's so good. Hey, Scott. Thank you, guys. Going back to the gymnastics thing, you were on the Clydesdale podcast. I watched that yesterday. And Scott Switzer was interviewing you.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And he said he found on a blog somewhere that story about your gymnastics. And so as I dug through your – and I thought that was very interesting. And basically your goal – he talks about this and you talk about your goal is to let the world know that, hey, man, hard work. I mean, maybe you stole this from that. Hard work basically pays off and that if you work hard, you should believe in yourself that the outcome is going to be positive. And you want to share that with people. You want to be the living role model of that, the living example. What could have happened in gymnastics?
Starting point is 00:19:43 You started gymnastics at three. the living example what could have happened in gymnastics you started gymnastics at three um and another fascinating thing in your entire instagram account there's i could only find one video of you doing gymnastics which screams volume that you're like fuck you to those 10 years right could you play could you play that video uh suza what what so and you guys are just already asking me to get all fired up like right we're 20 minutes in and i'm just gonna start going off the wagon with gymnastics that's the easiest way to get me all pour yourself a drink look how good you are here how how old are you here maybe 11 oh my gosh how the hell is does that how are you not confident if you can do all that yeah it's
Starting point is 00:20:26 incredible the sport is so political what does that if you don't if you don't got the look and if you don't got the right connections and if you there's just it's very picky choosy and i had i we actually moved from louisiana up to texas to have more gymnastics and sports opportunities for our family. And just as I got further and further into the sport, like I started losing confidence because I had coaches that just constantly beat me down and talk me down. And it just got to the point where my body, it took a toll on my body. I mean, you hear that if you've ever been in the, near the sport of gymnastics, it's like horror stories with nine-year-olds getting back surgeries and all this ridiculous. It's all, it's so ridiculous and so not needed in my, it started taking a toll on my body.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I started not being able to, I, I know this is so not in my personality, like having high anxiety, not being able to walk in the gym without like shaking. And it was just to that point where I was like, and I, it goes, I, what I'm most proud of is it goes back to like my big picture today. Like everybody's meant for some, everybody's here for a reason. I knew at that point gymnastics was not my purpose. I didn't want to do it in college. I knew there was something bigger waiting out there. I ended that chapter and eventually found where I'm supposed to be, which is definitely here. What would your coaches say?
Starting point is 00:22:03 I'll tell you this story. is one of the most like painful stories to um relive as you know the head of the usa gymnastics which now now they're not is uh like marta caroli and bella caroli how we they did you ever hear of all the shit that went down with the girls getting fondled i'm already cussing with all the girls all the inappropriate yeah so i've that shit's crazy yeah so i've trained at that training camp not to i didn't go through any of that like i've much like huge respect for all those athletes that went through all that but even like being put right dead straight in front of marta caroli and she just
Starting point is 00:22:41 straight up tells you you don't have the look and you'll never this isn't for you it's just like just like your dreams just what do you mean like the look like your hair is the wrong color you're too short your nose is too big well your nose is probably you're not pretty you're not cute really you don't have the right body type wow you have a birth mark in the wrong spot i've heard those stories too. Would they be that clear? Would they be that clear about it? I mean, they tell you straight to your face. But would they actually point out the things that weren't good about like,
Starting point is 00:23:17 hey, you don't look good because your shoulders are too. Yeah. And then there's a lot of, I had a lot of teammates that went through like a body image issues of like being too big, too big for a gymn a gymnast gymnasts are supposed to be small and let me are you too big for a gymnast like would you be too big five two is five two no no i didn't i didn't deal with any of that i had lots of teammates that dealt that that was actually yeah i'm definitely gymnast size um let me play devil's advocate here for a second let's say you're 10 years in oh yeah she looks nice let's say you're 10 years in and and and and they know what what should they say to you
Starting point is 00:23:55 if they know if they know you're you got like the the look or or if you did let's say you didn't have let's say you didn't hmm i i get like so so i just want to be clear the problem is is that they're judging people on their looks instead of their talent is that what you're saying that that's that's most of it and and like you pulled up in a blue a blue mazda miata instead of a red and you're out. I would say that's like half of it. The other half is I hate the old school coaching style. I hate it. I did not want to be. I'm a full time coach and personal trainer here.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I never wanted to be a coach after all that. I used to hate my coaches. I used to fear my coaches. You can ask my coach, Matt, right here. When I first started CrossFit, I was always like scared. And I was like, I don't like you. I don't want to be around you. But just because I always felt like you're supposed to fear your coaches. And for someone, I've explained it in the past, like for someone like me, I'm already intrinsically motivated. I don't need someone to be cussing at my face. I don't need someone to be beating me down to push me harder. I'm already doing that in my head. Right. Right. I need that good feedback, actual good cues that make me think about what
Starting point is 00:25:13 I'm supposed to be doing. Not just being like, why are you doing that? Yeah. Positive reinforcement. Yeah. Right. Right. And there are some athletes that work the other way of just like, maybe that getting them fired up and getting them a little bit. Yeah, just just fired up helps push them a little bit harder. But it was just like, oh, you're you're or the injuries to you're hurting. Just go sit down. Like, don't don't ask me what's hurting. It's just it's just a very negative atmosphere that it took a while to come out of that after it took many years for me to like break that in my in my brain and now look at us now we're just making ridiculous
Starting point is 00:25:52 reels about coaching when when your parents move so that you can stay in a athletic program so you so the whole family moves so you Rebecca can further do you feel that pressure I put some of it on my sister too she was a gymnast too yeah do you guys feel that pressure yes I did at um I think we moved up here when I was nine wow that sport makes you grow up so fast or in sports just in general you just get more discipline your parents think they're helping you and they are helping you but there's also this pressure that probably a nine-year-old shouldn't feel that the whole family moves so that you can do something oh to this day I mean there were other things there's definitely like more opportunities that appear than in Louisiana
Starting point is 00:26:38 but I remember feeling a little bit of that pressure. But to this day, I'll tell them, like, thank you. You're crazy, but thank you. They were all in on you guys, obviously. They loved you, wanted to support you and give you the best platform and atmosphere possible. Is that – are all those – are those – there's four of you, right? I have three siblings, yep. Are you all related? Are you guys all from the same sperm and egg donors?
Starting point is 00:27:11 Yeah, what a crew, man. You guys all look so different to me. Really? Yeah, what a crew. You never heard that? People are always like, oh, you guys look exactly alike? I feel it goes both ways. Some people are like, oh, I can totally tell you guys are sisters. And then what are you? What, what are, what is your makeup? Do you have Asian in you? What are you?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Yeah. My dad is half Japanese. His mom is full Japanese. So we're a quarter. And then what's his other half? Uh, just full American. And then, uh, and then how about your mom? uh just full American and and then uh and then how about your mom uh I we don't know as much on my mom's side there's definitely some Irish in there and then just other there's nothing big like really notable on that side were your parents in the military no what were they doing how did they end up in Louisiana uh my whole they my whole family's in louisiana and then they met when um in at lsu oh okay and like when you say your whole family aunts uncles the whole yeah everyone's in
Starting point is 00:28:14 louisiana we just we're we're the ones that voyaged to texas um was there was there anything um good about gymnastics like you started when you were three. Do you remember anything in the early years about it being fun or did it get just super competitive right away? I've always been super, super competitive. Um, and I put a lot of pressure on myself. I, if I do something, I want to be the best at it. So I, I say the only good thing that, uh, that came from gymnastics is I'm super disciplined.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Yeah, I'm super, super – I'm always on my routine. I'm to the point where I'm crazy. If I fall off my routine, I'll go insane and not like it. But those are the aspects that I'll take from that sport. But other than that, no. Frank wants to ask you, thanks for sharing your story. that I'll take from that sport. But other than that, nah. Franco wants to ask you, thanks for sharing your story.
Starting point is 00:29:10 My daughter is three and starting in gymnastics. What advice would you give her? People always ask if I had kids, would I ever put them in gymnastics? And I go, yeah, it's a great sport. You get super strong. You learn that discipline and you learn body control and body awareness that translates nicely
Starting point is 00:29:23 into all these other sports. If you plan to be competitive in it, just keep constantly assessing yourself, asking yourself why you're doing it. Because I got to a point where when I asked myself why I did it, I couldn't answer it. So I said I shouldn't be here. Then I moved. I'm thinking about Forrest Gump about how he just ran and he didn't know why
Starting point is 00:29:49 and it's kind of oh you're welcome Jess thanks for making it that's crazy that's like one of the first things I saw this morning someone I think Will had thrown it in our text thread tell me why you have to know why Someone, I think Will had thrown it in our text thread.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Tell me why you have to know your why. Why do you have to know that? It's a whole driving factor, I think, of everything that you do. So before we know our why when we're that age, we're doing it to, I guess, please our parents. I would say your parents are your parents for a reason. They've lived longer and they're guiding you down the right track. But at some point, and I think the more like I had mentioned, like even at the beginning of this podcast that my parents are like very, very recently separated and you start learning that everybody's just human at that point.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Yeah, yeah. And but they're trying to guide you down the right path. separated and you start learning that everybody's just human at that point yeah yeah and but but they're trying to guide you down the right path my I thank my parents all all the time for all the the sacrifice that they've uh given all all four of us through all of our sports and all of our education but at the same time they've also been very free reign of like if you want to go do something go do it and I'm very thankful for that. But in the end, everybody's human. Everybody's making mistakes, and I always say whatever you do, whether it be falling on your face or whether you succeed at what you're doing, you own it. But I think at a young age, at least the way I see with my kids and when I think of my relationship with my mom and my dad, we want to see them smile.
Starting point is 00:31:24 with my kids and when I think of my relationship with my mom and my dad, we want to see them smile. So you're in gymnastics and you do, you do your first, you know, I don't know, cartwheel at three or four and you look over and your parents are smiling and you're like, I like that. Yeah. I mean, you're like, I like that. And then, and then you just pursue down that path with your head down and never ask why you're doing it. I think that that is kind of how it, how it rolls, but that's when you start, you start growing up and being able to create like those own thoughts in your head. And you start asking yourself like, well, I was literally at the point of like, what, why, why am I here? What, what am I going to do with this? And then I was to the point where I,
Starting point is 00:32:01 I love, there was a point where I loved it. And I got to I was going into my third year, level 10. And if you know, well, here's my story on that. And so in the here's, I don't know if you guys know a whole bunch about the routes you can take in gymnastics, there's the more like the elite route, which is like the professional Olympic route, which is you go compete internationally. The other route that most gymnasts take is collegiate. Just like any college sport, you'll go to your school and you'll compete for your college. Well, I wanted, so if I was like, I'm going to be in the sport as long as I am, I'm going to go the elite route. I want to make
Starting point is 00:32:39 the Olympics. I want to go big. And when your coach says you're not meant for that it's real it's heartbreaking so and then I was at that point I was 12 and 13 years old I was like I don't want to be a level 10 for the next five years of my life and then go compete four years in college of the same things so I was like there's there's something more out there I just want to tell you I love your connection right now yeah it's so good it's so good. So good. I'm fired up. I started getting like, man, this is going to be a fucked up show. And your responses are super mature too for your age.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Oh, let's not get carried away. Let's not get fucking carried away. How do you pronounce your last name? How do you pronounce your last name? Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. The first year at um when we started getting some show time on through CrossFit it was Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Uh in 2017
Starting point is 00:33:38 you made the black page could you pull that that video up, Mr. Sousa? Do you remember this? You were doing handstands on dumbbells. And what was your reaction to this? I was so scared about what you just said, the black page. Oh, that's what we call back in the day when you were allowed to use words like that, like black. That's what we called the main page because the logo was was black we call it the black page oh really i had to call it i always called it uh main site maybe that too we called it that too but we had so many instant
Starting point is 00:34:15 feel like that video gets reposted like almost every year it's very interesting do you remember this getting posted in uh of 2017? Was this your first real attention from CrossFit? Yeah. Yeah. I think I was pretty still. Actually, no, no, no. Second, second. The first one was just leading up to the games when I qualified in 2016. And then I used to make a ton of these little handstand trick videos. I love to be upside down on my hands. And then they announced that they were, that was the first year with the dumbbells. And I was like, Ooh, this is what they're going to do with the dumbbells.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I was making jokes back then too. When, when you, um, for you, you started CrossFit, um, at 13. And we'll get back to that in a second. So you start CrossFit at 13 and, um, has puberty started at 13? Does puberty start at 13? Like, yeah, no. Um, I will tell you this when I stopped gymnastics and I just stopped training 36 hours a week, my body completely changed. Yeah. That's what, so here's the thing. Here's where I'm going with that for everyone who does CrossFit, their body composition changes, but there's this group of athletes that now we're seeing that start and we watch their bodies go
Starting point is 00:35:36 through these fucking crazy dramatic changes. Right. And it's, it's this group of boys and girls that we're watching who are doing it from 14 to 25. And somewhere in there, like you just look at Mal O'Brien's body, right? We've watched it just completely change. And I'm just wondering how much, like I'm wondering, I guess you only know you, but I always wonder what if I would have pushed my body that hard when it was going through a hormonal change, like when it was going through puberty? And I didn't go through puberty till late. But I wonder how that would have affected me.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I wonder if your body is like, OK, you get you. We're going to double down on all your hormones, all the good shit you get, too, because we see how hard you're working. We want to adapt and we want to prepare you for life. We like your body's like, hey, oh, shit. Rebecca's going to drive this shit hard for the next 20 years we need to fucking double down i'm with i'm i'm with you on that i think there's but how would we know i mean how how because you only know you but did you have any like weird explosive like things happen to your body or where you were your you talked to your peers in your puberty or your, your changes were different than, than your peers? No. And I wouldn't say I was around a whole lot of people my age when I started the transition
Starting point is 00:36:55 from gymnastics into CrossFit because you know, the CrossFit community, most of the majority is it's much, I mean, I was the baby of the gym when I started and everything. But I would – I really believe – I'm right there with you. There's something to be said about it's building a foundation when you're that young. And I think it's something your body kind of carries as it gets older. Like obviously if you completely change your lifestyle and your habits and just start eating like trash and later i mean there are studies that super duper obese kids whose hormones are fucked never go through puberty like their whole their whole they're like like if you're if you're a 300 pound nine-year-old there's studies that showed like if i don't know about women but if you're a boy you will have some
Starting point is 00:37:40 real serious issues yeah and so and so yeah so they must go and your your your genitalia won't even grow grow normal and so i'm guessing it's got to be the opposite way for someone like you who's in the gym 12 hours a day so you want to hear something really this is a conversation i definitely didn't think i'd be having with my fellow two male peers on this podcast and then there's two fellas in the room right now with me. We need people to complain now, and then in five years, they'll be like, oh, my God, that was so good of Rebecca to share that. So in gymnastics, your training, I was up to 36 hours in training. That's the highest training hours I've ever had.
Starting point is 00:38:21 A week? A week, 36 hours a week. So we do multiple practices a day and they'd be anywhere stretching from anywhere from three to five hour sessions. Um, and your body is so there's something going on with, with your hormones. It slows down your growth hormones so much that, um, a lot of my teammates, so I didn't, I didn't even hit like, a lot of my teammates. So I didn't, I didn't even hit like, have like my period in gymnastics because my body didn't develop that fast. And I've heard of stories of gymnasts training that hard to where they have to go to their doctors when they're 14 and 15 and haven't had it yet because their body is so stunted and underdeveloped from training that many hours
Starting point is 00:39:06 wow look at this she's she when i quit gymnastics i grew four inches and did actually start puberty yeah yep wow sorry go ahead sorry sorry go ahead no but that's like the the total opposite end of the spectrum of you were just talking about is like when your body is like underworked or overworked like it's it's not functioning the way it should be right yeah i saw this uh we had jeremy kinnick on this is a um a little off subject but to help people understand the the opposite of rebecca and you can still have a great kid jeremy said that as a parent people ask me all the time what should i do how should i get my kids started what should i do what's the success why did your boys end up the way they did but jeremy wrote on his instagram that if between the age of your kid
Starting point is 00:39:54 being born and being six years old if you can keep them outside during their waking hours 80 percent of the time you've done it that's all you have to do as a parent and i thought that was fucking brilliant because when my kids are outside they're flourishing i don't have to do anything you know what i mean like if i just go to like a coffee shop that's on the beach and i'm just drinking a coffee and they're outside for two hours they're flourishing they're running they're jumping they're swimming they're climbing trees they're they're in the sun like you don't have they don't need to be in an elite gymnastics program if you just have them outside 80 of the time kids just flourish outside they fuck around they catch beetles they run they jump they play with other kids they fight and all these
Starting point is 00:40:36 people want to go ahead i love this conversation because i'm such an old soul at heart and i'm like i'm matt always my coach always describes me as the get off my lawn person you're not if you're not doing this right then get out my way don't do that i'm such a rule follower and i'm definitely one we're like yeah get outside connect with nature because that's how we developed as humans so what's your birthday when is it yeah march night it's in march march 19th and i'm a 2000 baby you're a pisces i'm a pisces i'm march your birthday i'm march 16th oh we have lots of march birthdays i think i think people this is gonna really piss some people off. I think only the only old souls are Pisces. I wouldn't know that much about horoscopes.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Me neither. I don't either. I just like to say it. I just like to say it. I just like to say really controversial stuff. Yeah. So, so your theory is the opposite. What, what you're saying anecdotally is the opposite of my theory. You're saying you push so hard that the shit got stunted. I was suggesting you push so hard in your body. Like, you know, the whole thing Greg Glassman would say, your body, you know, you do the 400 meter sprint and as hard as you can rest two minutes, do it again. And the next day while you're sleeping that night, your body has to talk with itself and it goes through some pretty hardcore adaptation because it doesn't want to be caught off guard again. Right. There's a sweet spot. Easy. There's a sweet spot because I would there's there's a sweet spot because i
Starting point is 00:42:05 would say the training that i'm doing right now for the game is pretty crazy but it's not to the point where my body is broken down and my spirit is broken down it to where my it doesn't function anymore what i'm doing right now is crazy and i'm sore super sore today um, a little beat up in that way, but it's still, my body's like getting stronger because of it. Um, Dick, maybe we should start a playlist on, um, uh, on YouTube. It's called like menses. I actually think that's one of the more better things that we add a benefit for because nobody talks about it ever. So if you're a woman competing or this gentleman that was asking about like his kid or a daughter or something like that coming in this is going to be the only spot that you would get all that
Starting point is 00:42:51 information so the fact that people shy away from that or want to close it down or like hide it or think that it's inappropriate is almost just seems like why like it doesn't it's not it's going to be beneficial to other women and at least in my opinion as a male so you know what do i know the one thing you don't want to podcast out there I know? The one thing you don't want to fuck with – The realest podcast out there. Yes, thank you. The one thing you don't want to fuck with is a kid's hormones. That's why you don't feed them sugar, and that's why you don't have – now we know do gymnastics 36 hours a week.
Starting point is 00:43:18 That's intense. Oh, I'm such a bad promoter for that sport now. I just had such a bad experience. I just hate on it now. even want to deal with it. And that's sad because they should be injecting leadership positivity towards you. So that way you feel empowered and understanding your different moods, not just like that one fucking lady that just decided to tell you you're not good looking enough to compete. That's so selfish because she's only worried about her acclimates in there. She's only worried about her reputation and having champions. She's not thinking about the longevity of the people that are in front of her. And therefore she is a terrible coach and should not be in that position whatsoever but like you said it's political so that's probably why she's there right right and she's got a hundred examples of gold medals and so she can
Starting point is 00:44:15 always lean on that yeah the carnage is is irrelevant to her she is um one does does matt mccraney is that your coach does does matt m-hmm. Does Matt McCraney – how long have you guys been together? How long has he been coaching you? Since 2013. Okay, so he's known you forever. There must have been some delicate times where he's accidentally put you in your shell. I mean, right. Where you've,
Starting point is 00:44:45 where you've retracted when he didn't maybe mean to like, like, like he had gave, I gave you a hard talk or something like that. And you were attracted and there was a learning curve, a learning curve for him. No, I wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:44:57 It was, it's so the sport of CrossFit is very different from any like professionalized or other like sport that's been around for a long time. Right. It didn't start as he's just he's the reason I wanted to become a coach because he listened. He like listened and saw that I was like not connecting with certain things of just like that's that's what we do in here as coaches is we read our athletes and some people respond differently to this. Some people respond differently to that. And overall, we're just trying, we're trying to do what's best for each,
Starting point is 00:45:32 for everyone in there. And I don't think there was ever a time that I felt like I was being attacked or put down. So I think he's, like I said, he's the reason I wanted to become a coach because he found, he taught me that not coaches aren't, aren't bad. Coaches are there to help you. You just got to get with the right ones. He does a lot of, he does a lot of tick talk with you. Guilty. I make them do those. Um, can you play that one that one um where they have their hands in front of them yeah this thing you do with your head in here is so good can you play a little bit of this
Starting point is 00:46:10 or oh oh no oh there's this thing you do with your head where you're like i can't even do it you do that thing with your head where you move it side to side but it's like yeah how do you have that maybe i'm Maybe I'm more athletic than I thought I was. Definitely more. I can go forward and backward. I can't go. How does your neck move like that? I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:46:34 That was a great video. Where did that song come from? Why did everyone start making that? I have no idea. I have no idea. TikTok. Yours was one of the better ones. There were some pretty bad ones out
Starting point is 00:46:45 there the good thing is is even the bad ones were pretty good yeah anything synchronized looks good oh yeah yeah yeah wow good point it's true and if you screw up the synchronization you fucked up the whole thing kind of yeah it's it's ruined it's like hey start over do that it's either it's either it's gold or it's complete trash you gotta do it right yeah he's good um and so he he's he's he's he he's read you right is what you're saying yeah but does he ever give you a hard talk is has he ever said like at these semi-finals like i mean you were in the the closest fucking semi-final that there could possibly be there was was never a time where he was like, yo, bitch, you gotta work! Did he ever give you one of those?
Starting point is 00:47:27 When I dropped that, hey, say hi. Hi, Matt. What's up, brother? Good job, dude. Hey, Matt. Congratulations, dude. You guys are killing it. Yeah, there he is. Is that your dog? That's a water dog? That's yours? That's Matt's dog. Oh, it's dope. Yeah, he's a German wire
Starting point is 00:47:44 hair pointer, so he loves to swim. Uh, but, but, uh, yeah, the only time is when I dropped that freaking bar at the end. Yeah. Oh, in the, uh, in the, in the lunges. Yeah. And does he yell at you from there? Uh, everybody's yelling me at that point and I'm yelling at me too. So, uh, there he's definitely, we just know each other so well that if I would, I did tell this story earlier because we've been doing a little bit more, uh, media for like some extra vlogs and everything on my YouTube page. But I think the only time he's gotten mad at me is when I,
Starting point is 00:48:23 when I didn't do an open workout. Right. I totally did not listen. And then I was like, I'm going to go on broken. And that actually happened this year. And he got mad at me. And what's that look like?
Starting point is 00:48:38 We still argue to this day of who had the right answer of, I think I, I went the fastest I could have. And he was like, no, I guess we'll never know. Does he have kids? Uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Does he own the gym? Yeah. And when you came in, does he, when you come in, you're just a 13 year old, you're just a little girl, but you're crazy capable. You come in, you're just a 13 year old, you're just a little girl, but you're, but you're crazy capable. Yeah, I think there's been, and really, you know what? I tell a lot of people this, I like don't even like halfway joke about this is I don't think I'm the most naturally, I've always been an athlete. So I, oh, and I've come from a sport where you like have, you learn all body control and I, I, I have all that, but I've had to work for everything that I've come from a sport where you learn all body control. And I have all that. But I've had to work for everything that I've had.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I'm not naturally gifted in so many ways. So I think there have been a lot of athletes that walk through this door. And they're naturally gifted like that. But if you don't have it up here and if you don't want to do, especially something like CrossFit, which is just putting yourself in the pain cave, you have to want to do that. So I think after a couple years of, not even a couple years, like a year and a half of being in the sport i was like i want this i want to do this if i'm gonna if i'm gonna work train this hard in here it's something's gonna come out of it
Starting point is 00:49:55 and i was i like to compete so i think he he finally saw that and we put in a i mean obviously we put in a lot of time and effort and everything. How did you, your mom took you to the gym? She was already CrossFitting. For like two years before me. And do you know how she found it? Yeah, she has a good story, a good CrossFit story that I'm sure a lot of even moms can relate to. You're just people. She said she was raising four kids, right?
Starting point is 00:50:24 And we're all like two years apart so she's been that was her her job forever and she told she tells everyone she was like one day i was making the bed i was making putting the sheets on the bed and i had trouble lifting the mattress and i still have trouble lifting the mattress she, she was. Careful, careful. It's my show. He was going to take a shot. I almost did. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Put that editor on. She was, she, she was an athlete before having kids and she always went to the gym. So she didn't like the feeling of being weak so she started looking for fitness to do around the city and she started in boot camps you know those park boot camps that you go out to yeah she's like nope not for me and then matt had just opened up his gym so she's been at bolt we've been all been at bolt what do you think she didn't what do you think she didn't like about the um about the boot camp isn't it boot camps are cool aren't they they're just crossfit outside i my mom's kind of hardcore she drag races and everything so i think it was too slow for her
Starting point is 00:51:38 like drag races just like like on the street like she'll look over like like like really drag races uh she has uh she races challengers wow a dodge challenger and you're like like with the the hole in the hood with the engine sticking out well some of them have that yeah she goes back so i think it was just probably too slow for her so what did your mom do in the military or no no she wasn't the military she went to lsu what did she study there uh respiratory therapy oh did she get free what is she and is she still a respiratory therapist she i think she's still registered but she she hasn't worked in the hospital oh what did what did your mom say about covid what was her stance on that? Just no, no.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Actually, the family was a little bit just split on that. So she didn't want to play the COVID game? No. Okay, I'll leave it at that. But note people, she's a respiratory person, a smart respiratory person. She didn't play the COVID game. Notice. Notice. And she believes in personal responsibility and accountability, and she trains with Matt McCraney at CrossFit. Bolt. Bolt.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Yeah, we're definitely on team get yourself healthy. Get yourself good. Personal responsibility. Get yourself some shoes that match and fucking get yourself healthy. No, I'm not. I missed that mark, but.
Starting point is 00:53:08 No one's perfect. So she goes for two years. And why does it take you? And it is Matt, her coach. She's coming to Bolt. That's her joint. Why does it take you two years? So you're 11 at the time.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Do you ever go in with her and just hang out? I think I watched her do a competition, but I was still in gymnastics at that point. Man, your mom's hardcore. Yeah, I think she did a competition. That's the first place I saw it. And then I walked in the gym like one time after that. But when I was in gymnastics, I didn't even have like have like the i mean you don't have a life outside of gymnastics so you're not doing anything else so i ended that my gymnastics career and like i was homeschooled sitting down not doing much after that point because i went from training full time to doing nothing and she goes nope you got to come to the gym now you're not sitting down and doing nothing anymore and did you was
Starting point is 00:54:05 there kicking and screaming did you resist I knew I I tried to work out on my own as like a 13 year old and I was like oh I'll go to the park I'll run I'll do whatever I I think about doing but uh I work best with structure and I was like no I don't it was scared I didn't want to go I was like no I don't want to go I'll just go I'll work out later and I was like, no, I don't, I was scared. I didn't want to go. I was like, no, I don't want to go. I'm I'll just go. I'll work out later. And she was like, nope, you're coming to this workout. And it was a hero workout too. So I'm, I'm pretty proud that my first, uh, workout was one of the, uh, it was a nasty hero workout. Do you remember which one it was? We do. Uh, it was a, a nine 11 hero workout11 hero workout um and i think it i think there's plenty out there but it was just a big old chipper cool and that was it well you're you did one and you were in
Starting point is 00:54:53 yeah totally bought in after that i was one of rebecca's judges at the fitness experience great movement and very easy to judge i think that's the best compliment you can get as a CrossFitter. Be a good mover. 2022, the year of judging the judges. Maybe he's a shitty judge. Oh.
Starting point is 00:55:17 No, Jeffrey's holding it down. Alright, just checking. He's part of the Joss Bridges crew. So you get in there at 13, and this is going back to where I was headed before. When do you think that – and you're just in there for fitness, and your mom drug you in there. When do you think – when did you think, oh, I might want to compete as this? I might want to compete in this? And did you come up – who came up with that idea? You or Mr.
Starting point is 00:55:52 McCraney? I don't know how I got to my first CrossFit competition. I remember it. I was probably asking to, someone probably mentioned it to me and it was just like a little local teenage kiddie competition that a gym was putting on. And I was like, Oh yeah, definitely sign me up for that. Cause I'm, I'm so used to competing at that point. And then when I really, I did a few local teenage competitions that they had set up.
Starting point is 00:56:15 And then in 2015 is when they announced the teenage division of the game. So that's when I was all in on my competitive side. I've trained, I've trained the audience so well. I'm embarrassed at how well they're trained. Sevan, you're bobbing your head forward and back. Looks so natural. Not your first time. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Jim, if you go to my OnlyFans page, I'll make you a video for $50. Oh, pump that up. $100? I'm new. only fans page i'll make you a video for uh fifty dollars in the middle i say a hundred dollars i'm new i'm new to the game i'm new i don't know i don't know how that works so so you do your first comp do you remember how you did i got second to sydney sullivan irish girl no do you she's the first champ of the teenage division oh no i don't i don't know that i don't know that way back in 2015 i was a big journalist there for crossfit i was rich and making tons of money i poo-pooed the teens i was too good the teens and masters will not i will not even address them uh so your first comp, you took second.
Starting point is 00:57:27 So that kind of feels good, right? You're like, oh, the only person here who can beat me is the champ. I mean, I was like, I might have something going right here. And did anyone... He definitely has a different Instagram handle now though. Yeah, this is old and there's only three photos. Look at that. The 2015.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Did anyone at that time tell you – did you ever have any flashbacks from gymnastics where anyone's like, hey, man, you're too small? Hey, you're not strong enough. Yes. You did get that a little bit. People be telling me that this year. Right, Right. Probably, probably when we get off the show, probably when we get off the show with you, I'll have Brian on and me and him, we'll talk about how you're too small.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I mean, I mean, I'm, I'm small. I'm definitely, I think I'm the smallest one out there. I I'm weak. The last time I popped in on the show, uh, we talked about it a little bit and James Townsend was on and we talked about if I'm trying to gain weight. And I've always been trying to put on a little bit of weight. My body is big for what it is right now. And I'm still I'm trying to break the 130 mark. I weigh 125. I can't get past this. What's the most you've ever weighed?
Starting point is 00:58:36 I think I've gotten I think I broke 130 before, but I was a little bit like I wasn't lean at all. And I think maybe i've touched 130 yeah 125 is light yeah i'm small um but but you're but you're still strong as shit that's what i wish i could get five pounds on me so we can see where else that would go I wish I could get five pounds on me so we can see where else that would go. You did your cleans 221? Your power clean? Yeah, my squat clean. Or is that squat clean?
Starting point is 00:59:13 Not far off. And your bench was 162? Yeah, 161 or 162. I can't bench. I think that's pretty damn good, man. It's crazy. You bench more than Siob pretty damn good man that's it's crazy you bench more than savannah and i yeah that's crazy and and then what was the third lift the overhead squat all right and what did you do there 211 yeah that's nuts mobility man all about movement that's that's absolutely nuts yeah so i i there's that's a big goal of mine is
Starting point is 00:59:48 to be able to put on a little bit more weight but i i think it's been in the last couple years that i finally just own the fact that i'm smaller i'm like hey i'll be that teeny tiny girl that goes out and lifts all the big barbells eventually like it is gonna stop me there will be points at the games this year where i'll probably walk up to a bar that I can't lift because there's always situations like that but I'm gonna go out there and own the gymnastic side of it lift do what I can and all the strength but I we're definitely getting stronger I've had big improvements just in this past year from last season to to this season that I'm really proud of and I know if I can keep getting stronger with on the barbells and any type of weight my gymnastics just follows it so it's going to be pretty epic once that i'm just waiting like my
Starting point is 01:00:31 body's developing much much slower and i know this is the first of many years my my peak is way later uh and your body you got a good body right it's all proportion right like you have you're like you're you're all normal you You're just, you're normal. I feel like my arms are long. Like your levers and shit. Like when you squat and you overhead squat, you can get in all the good positions. That sounds weird, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Now we're CrossFitters. Nothing's weird. So then you finally, when you, the first time you go to the crossfit games you go as a teen and what year is that 16 yeah 2016 and was that the goal to go to the crossfit games i missed it slightly in 2015 i think i missed it by four spots okay so you had wanted to go then and how old were you in 2015 when you wanted to go? Was that 14? I was, I, my birthday's during the open. Yeah. Yeah. My birthday's during the open. So I must've just turned 15 in 2015. Hey, when you're 14 and 15 and you're at the CrossFit games,
Starting point is 01:01:39 I don't remember, did your parents get to walk around with you? They got to check in and i think it was just no i just oh actually maybe my mom was with me i think you could have a parent or guardian with you yeah you kind of have to yeah the baby's out there oh oh this is interesting yeah they do a good job of protecting the younger athletes out there because even we're like i remember now that i think about it in the teenage division where they are like almost basically almost holding hands with your competitors we're like single filed they're like your shirt has to be on to and from locations just because they're taking all precautions i mean you can't be like in the in the in the sports bra and that shit is that
Starting point is 01:02:22 what yeah they didn't they didn't let you walk yeah they didn't walk let you walk around without your uh you needed your shirt on and you had to be single filed in the line and everything i i remember being in meetings at crossfit when they were talking about the teens clothing i was like fuck put them in a fucking sheet cover them yeah they gave us um they gave us like some extra long biker shorts that I wasn't a fan of. Good. Yeah. I wish they would have fucking given you two pairs. Because at that point, it's their responsibility for the attire.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Yeah. They're going to provide the attire. Yeah, it's got to be appropriate. Hey, in gymnastics, do your parents get to – do your parents stay close to you? In gymnastics? Yeah, like at competitions and stuff are your is it or were those same precautions taken no you're you're around you're with your teammates your coaches okay it's different you did a dave castro muscle-up challenge tell me about that i don't
Starting point is 01:03:15 even i don't remember that my best friend my training partner made me hit this dave castro challenge that he put out there it was like one of the age group online qualifier workouts from one year. And it was pure gymnastics. I think it was like three rounds of so many toes to bar, maybe it was like 18 toes to bar and then nine bar muscle ups. But it was just three rounds of that. And he said whoever could do it unbroken without coming off the bar the three rounds gripless like without hand protection on he'd give an air runner that's right or an assault runner yeah the good thing is i don't do muscle-ups with grips on i don't like to so and you want that built up there was a lot of i did the thing unbroken with to the all the movement standards but there was arguments that i rested on top of the bar too long,
Starting point is 01:04:06 but I never rested. I was always in full extension. I want to point that out there. I follow standards. Like I hit standards all the time. Don't, don't test me. And did you win it? Yeah. Wow. Those are expensive. Yeah, they are. Yeah. That was, that's a cool moment. That's a cool memory. Yeah, I wasn't going to do it. My teammate made me hit that challenge.
Starting point is 01:04:33 So your mom drags you to the gym. You enter a competition. You take second to the chick who's good. Then you end up at the CrossFit Games. You try to go to the CrossFit Games one year through the Open, and you want to go, and you fail next year you make it and at any point how far are you starting to look further ahead and you're like oh i'm this i'm i'm this is i'm a crossfit games athlete now like did you start to like him like i was a gymnast or do you even see yourself as a crossfit games athlete now i think this year it's still like like I'm
Starting point is 01:05:06 I'm starting to own that a little bit more because the whole moment is surreal and to be honest like last time on the show you asked me like were you expecting to make it this year and every year we start I feel like that percentage of making it for me gets a little bit bigger a little bit bigger and there was a small percentage this year that I'd make it. I knew everything had to go right, uh, to be able to make it there. And I did it. I did. I executed all the workouts exactly how I wanted to. And the cards fell the way they, they did for me to make it. And I'm super excited about that. So yes, I'm owning it. I worked super hard. I worked my butt off for this. But I think what the crazy thing about my story is coming out of the teenage division, you're in kind of an awkward time, right? You're supposed
Starting point is 01:05:52 to go to college. Typically, the traditional route is you're graduating high school, you're going to college, and then a lot of the teenagers fall off because you don't have as much time to invest in CrossFit. So I did a little bit of schooling through community college. The big universities was not my scene. I knew that wasn't going to be my scene, but I knew right from the beginning, I was like, this is where I'm going to be. I want to be a coach that I was already coaching. I want to be a coach. I want to inspire people through fitness because this completely changed my life. And at the same time, I'm going to be a professional athlete in this sport. Wow.
Starting point is 01:06:30 So, and when I, when my brain wants something, it goes and gets it. I don't let up on any of that. So that's, I'm fully invested in on all of this. I'm a workhorse and I'm proud of it. in on all of this i'm a workhorse and i'm proud of it i think you told scott um switzer you said to him i'm gonna the goal is to take 10th and then you pause and smile but it could be i could have a little surprise for you or something like that you alluded to the fact that like hey that yeah the interview before the semifinals yeah i yeah i wrote on our goal board here. I was like top 10 in semifinals this year. And I go, but I think there might be more. Yeah. Are you dyslexic? You're not?
Starting point is 01:07:14 Not that I know of. There's probably. People are like, whoa, Sevan. I know. In that, I thought in that video that I saw of you when you were 13 years old, I wonder if that's even you. I don't know whatever video you brought up. I thought I thought you said that you got bullied because you were dyslexic. Were you in some other video?
Starting point is 01:07:39 It looked like just a young version of you, like really young version of you. No, not that I know of. I mean, there's probably something messed up up here. I'm just, I don't know. I think, I think you even saying there, it's your first YouTube video ever. Oh God. Then it's probably all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:01 I, I would assume there's something wrong with me at that point. Some of those old blogs, man, I've gone back on those and those are weird. The ones I saw are good. You're funny. You're good. You're good. You're free. Yeah. You're it's cool. I'm an introvert. I like my alone time. Uh, yeah, I do. Well, I love my alone time too. More Pisces. I'm not even an astrology guy. More Pisces. Yeah. Uh, alone time I do. Well, I love my alone time to more Pisces. I'm not even an astrology guy. More Pisces. Yeah. Alone time is important. You mentioned in one of the videos, you have a boyfriend who's in the Air Force. Do you still have a boyfriend who's in the Air Force?
Starting point is 01:08:40 Too real. Too real. Okay. It's going to blow people's mind. I already posted it on my Instagram before, but if you haven't done it, you're digging. Matt and I have been together for five years.
Starting point is 01:08:54 My coach. Your coach. Holy shit. Oh, that's not good math. That would mean you were 17. Oh, Nelly.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Did that, did that, did that freak your parents out? Nah, they knew Matt beforehand. Wow. So you went from hating coaches to dating coaches. What kind of freaking story is this?
Starting point is 01:09:23 Hating coaches, dating coaches. Um, what are, what are the challenges of that? A lot of just trusting each other and not giving a single fuck about what anyone else thinks. Right. Ben Bergeron has this thing, things grow at the speed of trust. And it's a really powerful line when you start to look at it.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Things grow at the speed of trust. Right? And that's the component you said that's like the most important part of your relationship. It sounded like trust. Yeah. There's so many, especially in that something, a situation like that, there's so many outside opinions and trust me for the first couple of years. I mean, I was, I just, I'm so confident in who I am these days that I'm confident if I put, if I purposefully put myself in a situation, that's not good. I can get myself out of it. So confident if I put, if I purposefully put myself in a situation,
Starting point is 01:10:25 that's not good. I can get myself out of it. So, and I just, I know him and everything that he stands for. And I love every bit of it. Are there, does he have any other athletes?
Starting point is 01:10:41 We have a group of competitors here. We have a good group of quarter finalists here and then some athletes that could if they put the time in they could get close to semifinals man that that is uh that that's that's really intense that's the thing that's the thing about it it's really intense he's your he's your coach he's someone you spend a shitload of time around, and yet you're pursuing something. You kind of have put yourself – it's interesting. You could say you kind of put yourself back into that gymnastic situation. In what ways? Your parents – there's just a lot um there's just a shitload of
Starting point is 01:11:27 pressure on you yeah but i've done everything in this sport for me like i've been in control the whole time yeah yeah there was no like even you know as uh the when you're kind of growing up in sports too your your parents like to be your coaches too. Right. You know, that kind of – I've been yelled at by many coaches. Shut the fuck up. Yeah, and it was kind of like that.
Starting point is 01:11:53 I was like, I want full control over this sport. Yeah. Do you find relationships challenging or are they easy? It's easy if you're real yeah and if you know what you want i mean i like i said i was like if i don't like something i'm really quick to say it straight to your face that hey i don't like this piece of mouth yeah but it's it's when i i truly believe this it's it's when you're not confident in who you are and you try to start pretending to be someone else that lies and fibs and everything come up that just taint everything and then things don't work so if you're 100 real you own everything you do and then just be honest about everything then it's there can you
Starting point is 01:12:46 get this is a fucked up kind of question but can you think of anything what you mean by owning up to what you owning up any examples pop in your head i can't think of any either if someone asked me that that's why i said it's a fucked up question but it's so good for people to hear examples because so many people think that they're owning shit but they're not um just it can go from anything from like literally missing a rep and not blaming it on some outside scenario just oh i owned it i missed the rep i didn't hit the standard well it's something like that or also being proud of the fact that hey i just made the the crossfit games i can own that and be proud of that a little bit more. And if it comes to something like a relationship,
Starting point is 01:13:30 if you did something that the other is not going to approve of or maybe start a little quarrel over, hey, I did this. Oops, my bad. Let's get past it. Anything like that. I mean, I think that's why the beauty of it being a little bit generalized, if you can implement it in everything that you're doing. I mean, it just, I I'm I'm for, for me, I'm, I'm an open book. I,
Starting point is 01:13:54 I feel like I put so much effort into everything I do. I'm exhausted at any other point that I don't want to hang on to regrets, any secrets, any stuff like that. So if you want to be a part of it, awesome. If not, then… Lines a waste of energy, for sure. Oh, gosh. By the way, I saw a bunch of videos where you were coaching.
Starting point is 01:14:18 You are a great coach. Thank you. That means a lot. Yeah, you're crazy present. I saw videos. i watch videos on your youtube of you coaching a lady one-on-one i also watch you uh managing a huge class it's cool are you popular coach do you like people like coming to your class are you fun um i i try to keep it as fun as possible but at the same time i'm really
Starting point is 01:14:41 invested on making these athletes as great as they could possibly be. So I think I'm I try to stay very engaged with everyone and realize it comes back to like reading the room of like, hey, we need to keep this fun, because that's when the athletes are gonna put their, their heart and soul into all this. But also, I love coaching anything from I do coach anything from fundamentals, beginners, athletes, introducing them to all the movements and then making sure they're starting off on a good foot. And then some of my favorite things to coach are high-level skills. So I love to do all of it. What if next year you decide you're ready to go to, let's say um a different coach is that have you ever thought about that like oh shit but this is my boyfriend that won't happen
Starting point is 01:15:32 oh shit we're referring to this question here she scared me i almost yeah yeah well it's so funny because franca franca said at the same time that i was, he, I, I was, I was thinking, how am I going to ask her that? And then I saw, easy question, easy question. If, um, I believe so, so much in the magic, in the connection and the emotional investment that Matt and I have in my training career, as well as our relationship, that it's going to explode soon. Like, I totally feel that in my heart. Then what's going to explode.. Like, I totally feel that in my heart. Then what's going to explode?
Starting point is 01:16:06 Like, just everything's working. Yeah, yeah, right. We communicate so well with each other on both the relationship side and the training side that it's – almost like I do everything for me, and that like always been how I am as as an individual competitor but really like you know my it's my super mario power-up something like that yeah Matt asked me to go do something and I'm like okay I'm gonna go do that I'm gonna go I'm gonna go get that like because we're a team. I've always been that strong individual competitor. But I also, I'm so connected with my team, my people. I'm like, if I'm going to the games, we're going to the games.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Oh, yeah. Yeah. In your interviews, it's never I. It's always we. It don't work if it's just one of us. Yeah, it's never I. It's always we. It don't work if it's just one of us. Yeah, it's always we. Damn, I should have known you were banging the coach when you were saying that. Damn.
Starting point is 01:17:12 I noticed all the we's. There were so many we's. There were so many we's. I was like, this girl is a fucking team player. How much time we got left on this? a fucking team player how much time we got left on this uh um yeah that's how i i i i know the feeling you're you really you're really in in trusting the process you're like you're in the process you're trusting the process and ultimately everything that we do i do it for our team and our team is me matt and the storm center the bolt storm center
Starting point is 01:17:46 oh shit another clue your relationship with the fucking dog there's so many fucking clues and just now when you told me that dog was his i was like that's fucking i like i little red flag went off i'm like that's weird i mean she like that dog when she does the tiktok chick and that dude gets too close to her the dog attacks attacks him. I saw that a few times. How is that dog his? This is all coming together. I'm seeing it. I think I spend more time with Blitz because he's always in the gym with me.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Yeah. When I imagined all of this coming out years ago, I always thought, man, this is going to be a shit show. But this is kind of fun how it's like a puzzle piece now for everyone to figure out yeah it's cool that was a good thing that that i get analogy when you said that you're like okay let's put the puzzle pieces together here there's there's we and there's the dog i'm sure i'm gonna see from from all the footage i saw i'll start seeing it and all the tick he's such a cooperative tick tocker and you guys are synced together in your movements there's so there were so many clues there were so many at all you know what i and i i love everything about how our story
Starting point is 01:18:58 as our relationship has come about too because i we're not flashy about anything. We're just not flashy people. We're very simple people. And I'm never going to be that person that's going up and like bragging about my relationship and this and everything. But at the same time, I hope people, when they start understanding how, how strong it is, they, they see how connected we are with, with each other and how it's, how it's come about has been really special to me. Like it's done, we've done a good job of staying in our own lanes just because it's, it's, it's something very unique and a lot of people won't agree with it, but it's something I'm proud of. Yeah, that's awesome. Uh, you seem, uh, yeah, it's cool. Uh, and, uh, when I think of all the things I'm most proud of in my life, I think the thing that I'm most proud of, my greatest accomplishment is my relationship with my wife.
Starting point is 01:19:50 It really is. It's crazy. I've been with her so fucking long, over 20 years, and it's like – I think relationships are hard, but not in a bad way hard. Like all the good shit in life is hard. Packing the car to go to the beach is fucking hard. But when you get there, it's dope. all the good shit in life is hard. You know, packing the car to go to the beach is fucking hard. Yeah. But when you get there, it's dope.
Starting point is 01:20:08 If you, if, if you're just like any, anything to see, this is me relating life to fitness and everything. I totally speak crossfit and fitness, but if you're not pushing yourself to where you're uncomfortable, there's going to be,
Starting point is 01:20:19 there's going to be hard moments just like in a workout. But if you're not pushing yourself to there, you're never, you're never going to grow. A relationship is the same way. You got to hit those bumps to start getting better yeah so in in one of the comments you said one of the interviews you said something about and i don't know if you maybe you were just joking but you said as you get older become a little more obsessed and you feel like you're getting a little more crazy what do you mean by crazy
Starting point is 01:20:41 like in a good good way crazy or in a do you remember saying that? Like in a good way crazy? Do you remember saying that? I don't remember which one I was. I remember saying that. I don't know where it was from. But yes, I am getting more obsessed and more addicted. When you get this little ounce of success like we did this year, I'm like, oh, dang, it's just an extra little motive motivator and being like, I want that feeling again. I'm I'm obsessed with the process. And it's the training, even training right now is like harder and harder. But you're thinking about those little those moments that you're shooting for and you become obsessed with the work that goes into it because you want to feel those those highs yeah it's like when i had a lauren khalil on the show the the great khalisi i was like i'm like i'm gonna get i'm
Starting point is 01:21:32 gonna get i'm gonna take over i'm gonna you're gonna get every single person in the crossfit reporting world on my show you probably it's a it's a little bit of a stretch but for me it was real i think we watched most of that one the great calise the great calise what does this mean seven fuck you're a menace i keep looking at this i kind of like that term i like that a menace we have a new shirt coming menace are you is any part of you scared about going to the crossfit games this year what's the definition of scared can you look up scared for me sorry susan let me see i'm
Starting point is 01:22:11 using words i don't even know the fucking meaning of it i think there there is a part of me i wouldn't oh wait hold on hold on wait one second sorry one second sorry one i um sorry uh taylor you're live on you're live on the show with uh rebecca fuse fuse fuse lia wow am i really that's i didn't even know you're alive right now of course not you only give a fuck about the shows you're on oh that's so funny hey dude she's dating, dude, she's dating her coach, dude. She's dating her coach. Wow, just like Tia and Shane. Is that what we can expect? Wow, I love it.
Starting point is 01:22:51 That's a great spin. I love it. I'll take that one. I'm in Lidl right now shopping. I was just going to ask you what you thought about Noble sending Taylor a cease and desist order. Oh, I didn't even know about that okay i'll call you back that made my stomach getting a knot okay i'll call you back about that
Starting point is 01:23:10 okay okay bye in regard oh i'm gonna have to news breaks here baby news break don't you guys ever forget it Forget it. What were we talking about? Oh, I don't know. I don't know. Fuck's nervous now. Well, they're so stupid to fuck with him. They're so stupid to fuck them. It's like cornering a cat.
Starting point is 01:23:34 They should just leave him alone. Someone should have just called them nicely. You don't race them. Yeah. You don't do that. That's funny. Okay. It's fear. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:45 It's fear. Yeah. So do you have any fear? Is there any like going? Kind of like you want to run in the opposite direction, like when you have to do public speaking or no, it's not like that. No, no, not like that. I think there's a good, a healthy amount of just like anxiousness to get out there. And the only scary part is knowing and I think every
Starting point is 01:24:06 athlete, besides athletes that have maybe been there for for a very, very long time is like, you know, you're gonna get to a situation, especially it being my rookie year, especially me, being that knowing that I'm going to get stronger. And I'm one of the smaller athletes out there, I know there's going to get to a spot where I'm going to have to, I'm going to have to figure something out. They're going to throw something out that I don't know how to do that. I'm going to have to probably try and fail a few times. And that's the only like intimidating spot, but I've definitely over the years, like in the past, when I got scared of something, I definitely backed away from it. I definitely walk into that now. And I think you have to have that mindset, even going into something like semifinals. That's the only, that's the only way you're
Starting point is 01:24:48 going to survive and get to the top right there is when you're in like that last event, when I was in a foot race with two of the girls besides me, I was like, Oh, this is like a, like I'm going to war. Yeah. Like you have to have that mindset. And I think over the years, I've definitely developed that a little bit stronger. I'm excited yes there's a healthy amount of anxiousness in there but I'm ready to test myself so you went from so you were cautious as a child and now you're less cautious yeah I was definitely I super timid like don't like I don't want to talk to anyone I'd rather just sit in the corner over here. Very timid.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Yeah, that's interesting. I wonder what changed. CrossFit gave me confidence. That's awesome. It is a – when you see someone like Hayley Adams, who is a superstar, who we all are just like blown away. And, you know, you just can't even believe her, her skills and her abilities. And then you see her on the floor at the CrossFit Games and she stopped by a bar. Do you remember that? I think it was like some sort of clean ladder and run.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Right. And then you see she stopped and she just has to stand there and watch the rest of the heat compete. As a fan, at least for me, I'm not even judging her that she can't lift the bar. I'm more interested in how she's going to handle it. So I start studying her face and her body language and how she looks at the other competitors. And I start thinking about – and then the next event I'm seeing, like, is she going to use that to come out stronger? It's a trip but i guess when you're out there on the floor you're you're more thinking you feel the pressure of just not being able to do it yeah yeah and you got all eyes on you and you feel it and it's the thing everyone's talking about because you're now the show what you can't do yeah and then but if there's
Starting point is 01:26:42 a bar in front of you that you can physically not lift at that moment, you, that's something you can't control. You can't control that bar floating to your shoulders. But what you can control, like you said, is how you're holding yourself out there, how you're looking around to the other competitors, just how you carry yourself. So I think it being my rookie year going into the games, that's a big like goal of mine is like, no matter what situation I get in, whether I'm doing awesome or whether I'm getting my butt kicked, I want to carry myself well out there because I know there's going to be a big learning year. I'm, I'm super excited to test myself. I'm, I feel really, really good going into it, but there,
Starting point is 01:27:30 there's going to be that moment. If there's, there's possibly 15 events. There'll be a lot of stuff. You can't control. Yeah. A lot. Have you ever been in the position that coach McCraney was in at the
Starting point is 01:27:44 semifinals where you, you, you are coaching an athlete who is pushing the outer limits of their capabilities and shooting for a lifetime goal? Have you ever been in his situation? I'm in the gym right now. I've never coached competitors. I've worked with competitors, but everything is basically in the gym. I'm very serious when it comes to training my athletes. If my athletes tell me, hey, I want to muscle up, I'm like, I promise I'll get you there. You're with me now. I'm pretty relentless on that end too he um the stress i can only imagine the stress he feels when you're out on the floor it must be fucking nuts he must be like shitting diamonds he he's described it he said i think i did more my he's like i think my heart rate was higher than yours on the floor it's possible he probably wants to throw up i I asked because it is obviously a super duper intense relationship. And obviously he's given it his all. But I just sort of think of it. The only thing I can think of is, is watching my kids like go out into a jujitsu tournament. And you don't realize that it's how weird it's going to be until you let go of their hand and they walk out there. And then all of a sudden you want to vomit. You just can't. Right. And I don't even know why it's like this is gonna be over in 10 seconds but but something is fucked up i think you know what we work really well um this is how how we work really well together is i put all the pressure on me whatever i do out it's my job to do well out on the floor but he does the same thing on his his end he goes it's my job to tell her the right plan floor. But he does the same thing on his end. He goes, it's my job to
Starting point is 01:29:26 tell her the right plan. And we're putting all the pressure on ourselves to make the other proud. So it works both ways. It's not like you didn't do this or you didn't do this. It's never like that. Like if I, if I mess something up, it's on me. Yeah, that's cool. I'm so excited for you what what an incredible uh uh journey you're on how fun um it's so much fun and it's so intense i love intense shit i mean i feel i feel like it's a good balance of like i'm i'm doing a good job of keeping it fun and living in the moment but i'll never let myself slide on anything every every ounce of effort is in training right now it's it's everything are all your gymnastics injuries gone the only um big one i had from gymnastics is you see how i wear that elbow sleeve i didn't notice i um i yeah i recently i've been trying to
Starting point is 01:30:18 strengthen it up and everything but my elbows are jacked up and you can tell they're just from they're like really high they were really hyper extended coming out of gymnastics and they're like got this bow in them to where i have when i have things overhead it almost looks like i'm not locked out but it's just bowed a different way so i got big um overuse injuries in gymnastics so those sleeves are sometimes a little helpful but that's the only big thing i had from gymnastics that maybe follows me around a little bit when you snatch does it get in your head no no not so much i mean there's there's parts where it's like has bad days where it's a little bit sore but i don't i try to get that out of my head you don't have time
Starting point is 01:31:05 to think about that on a snatch does it feel unstable like does it feel stable when you have something up overhead it's just painful or does it also feel like that your elbow isn't unstable it's unstable we do so much strength and rehab on it uh catch here isn't it hard not falling in love with some of your guests you'll be picking rebecca to win yeah she's one two she's the games champ for sure for sure games champ yeah damn gymnastics sorry yeah yeah she she really fucking she really fucked gymnastics yeah uh that's so bad talk about that you would absolutely be a great wwe um person and i don't think size matters for that because they have little dudes out there too and and big dudes and i think that there's uh yeah i think that's my post crossfit career what about what about martial
Starting point is 01:31:57 arts have you ever thought about dabbling in that the there what i almost got into just high school wrestling but i haven't done i never got i gymnastics limited me so much i definitely would have been in something like that um if i put more time towards it uh are you comfortable touching people like that like are you a hugger like are you comfortable physically with people i'm not a hug, but I don't mind beating up on some people. Right. All right. All right. Fine.
Starting point is 01:32:27 I mean, martial arts is so intimate. Just the dudes are like rolling around and it's just crazy intimate. But what I love about your kids do jujitsu, right? Yeah. It's so necessary in life too. And I've said that in the past is like people are like oh you're you're i was like i'm so small and they're like oh you're strong you're strong i'm like no i'm small i was like if i need to defend myself in life too that's that's such a good i mean that's
Starting point is 01:32:56 like a double win if you're doing a sport like that gain yourself you would be great at it. Body awareness, strength, and endurance. I mean, you, you would be like, be amazing at it. So WWE career post CrossFit. Yes, dude, you would be amazing. And I mean, you have personality. That's the thing, right? Yeah. You got to have a storyline with you. You took your L one at 17. Do you have to pee? The show's almost over. Don't worry. No. Okay. I do have, I have oatmeal sitting here. No,
Starting point is 01:33:29 I'm just restless all the time. I have oatmeal sitting, waiting for me. Um, I was projecting about the pain. Um, you, you took your L one at 17.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Yeah. I have to get my, I'm going for my L two. I just got, I have to, I postponed it with the, the games coming up now. You mean with the show?
Starting point is 01:33:44 It was supposed to be today, but the show. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. You're going to love, you're postponed it with the the games coming up now you mean with the show it was supposed to be today but oh yes yeah yeah you're gonna love you're gonna love the l2 you're gonna love the l2 i've only heard good things from it so it's such a great course like for somebody who's actively coaching you're just gonna leave that weekend you're gonna have like so much energy so many new tools in your toolkit like just being around those people the other coaches um just even like the logistics of managing it they have these coaches, um, just even like the logistics of managing it. They have these little tiny, um, you know, tidbits that they always, that they give out to all the coaches. So it's, it's really cool. I'm super excited. We had, we had a coach recently do hers, uh, her level two and she was, she came back all fired up and I was, Ooh,
Starting point is 01:34:19 yeah, they have that magic. Like even if you're feeling a little burnt out or something like that, and especially some of the coaches, I know a lot of you guys listen to. Like even if you're feeling a little burnt out or something like that, and especially some of the coaches, I know a lot of you guys listen to this show. If you're feeling a little burnt out, immediately go take your level two, your love for CrossFit and coaching and being around that staff there is just going to ignite you. You're going to show back up with that next week at your gym and just be
Starting point is 01:34:36 fired up. So I'm pumped for you to take your L2. That's post games. I got to get it. It's been five years. Why'd you take your L1? Oh, I was so, I, I was inspired by how the gym rolls here, how Matt coaches, how it changed my perspective of coaches. Like I told you, I didn't want to be a coach before that. I never saw myself
Starting point is 01:34:59 as being a coach, but I was so inspired here. And I think on the other side of it, I have a really, really good eye for body mechanics. And I can see things like that in my own lifts, like a video, a lot of the stuff that I do in my own lifts and other people's lifts that I just love tweaking and simplifying for folks. And it's that magical moment of when you have someone get their new skill or it clicks inside their head. Like, I love it. So did you see the social body cues from Coach McCraney that he was interested in you and that's what you saw? I don't know how that came about. Oh, yes, you do. That's a different show.
Starting point is 01:35:39 Yes. We've always been connected. And it was 17 too young to take it. I think that's when you can get it. Cause I remember I was like, I was counting down like when I could get it. I was so, I was so ready to just start coaching and we needed coaches at the time in
Starting point is 01:35:58 the gym. And when I, when you're already living at the gym, of course they're like, okay, time to get to work. No part of you was like, this is bullshit. I don't need to take this L1.
Starting point is 01:36:10 I went to the CrossFit Games. I've been doing this for fucking five years. I'm a gymnast. No. No, absolutely not. It's a whole different world. I always say being the coach that I am makes me a better athlete. Being the athlete that I am makes me a better coach.
Starting point is 01:36:24 So there are two different worlds. And when you can learn to blend the two, it's so cool. Do you remember who your instructors were? Do you remember any of them? Kevin Ogar was there. Wow. That's not fair. That's not fair. He stands out.
Starting point is 01:36:39 He's in a wheelchair. Can you remember someone who wasn't in a wheelchair? I'm sorry, Kevin. You cheated. I'm sorry about that. If I rolled around in a wheelchair, people would remember someone who wasn't in a wheelchair? Sorry, Kevin, you cheated. If I rolled around in a wheelchair, people would remember me too. I don't remember any of
Starting point is 01:36:50 any of their names. That was a long time ago. See why this show is so inappropriate? That was not misogynistic. That was just a beating up on my homeboy, Kevin Ogar. Should probably get him on the show. We should get him on the show.
Starting point is 01:37:05 Rebecca, thank you. Thank you, guys. It was fun. I talked about things I did not think I'd talk about. But I knew that's what this podcast is for. Are you in love? So much.
Starting point is 01:37:21 Good. I'm so happy for you. It's the pinnacle of life. Love is like this ray and our life kind of just passes back and forth through it as the longer we can stay in that there's no better feeling yeah um i have your um phone number i'm sorry and don't post it and and possibly um if uh through throughout the uh week week I may text you and ask you if you'd like to come on, please feel free to ignore like my homeboy Anthony Davis ignored me at semifinals and others. I'm just picking on Anthony. But we will bug you throughout the week. If you ever want to come on, we'd love to have you on.
Starting point is 01:38:04 If not, it's not a big deal at all. But we just bug you throughout the week. If you ever want to come on, um, we'd love to have you on. If not, uh, it's, it's not a big deal at all, but we just send links randomly to people. We'd like people to pop on, say hi to us and, and harass. I love it.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Yeah. We'll be watching you all week. And thanks for taking the time to come on the show. You really, thank you so much. Ball of fire. I appreciate it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:18 Thank you guys. And yes, I'll be seeing you guys on some, some future shows. Awesome. All right. Uh, say hi to the coach for me, for Sousa, and we'll talk soon.
Starting point is 01:38:29 Will do. Thanks, guys. Bye. Bye-bye. Bye. Bye. Made fun of Kevin Ogar, talked about menses, dated coaches. Great show.
Starting point is 01:38:49 Yeah. We checked all the uh boxes did you get a little nervous hearing that thing what that taylor said about with hillar yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i didn't like it at all i made me feel dirty maybe you want to go punch someone for hillar like i want to stand up for hillar i was like oh shit i'm i'm like and i can't really his friend now like right when i heard that i was like oh you know i can I'm really his friend now. Right when I heard that, I was like, oh, you know. I can't stand those guys anyway. I think they're – I can't stand – everything they stand for is what rots society, and I just can't stand them. Them and the – and their wristband buddies. I just – they're pathetic.
Starting point is 01:39:27 And the fact that CrossFit had the Spirit of the Games Award and let Noble make the trophy for it, it's all just – it's just sellout grossness. Well, it wasn't that part of Rosa's plan because you remember back when they had the CF aggregate? It was this LLC that was started. There was just a bunch of money dumped into it. And then I think, speculation here, I think that was kind of like one of those deals where some of that money might have went to Noble to help bridge the gap for them
Starting point is 01:39:56 to be able to get that sponsorship so that when sales started to climb, they could continue to meet demand. Do you know anything about that? Oh, sorry. I was, uh, uh, did I lose you? Did I lose you? Just for a second. Cause I was saying, I'm sending track. I think I now I'm starting to pick up on it. Sorry to, sorry to interrupt. I think basically he got a cease and desist for probably some t-shirt he made.
Starting point is 01:40:19 Yeah. And I didn't know that. And I'm guessing that was sent to vindicate. And, but the thing is, is like, it just shows that they, like, all they had to do was call Travis or call Hiller and be like, hey, don't make that shirt. And they would have stopped. And those are just people over there. Those are people that believe. Those are people that did a whole fucking rainbow fucking inclusivity thing they they they i don't know i don't i don't want to do but but that they're they're the oppressor um parading around as the uh savior yeah yeah but they're they're nothing but sellouts what do you think pathetic. I would – please do not – if you watch my show, do not spend a dime with those jerk-offs.
Starting point is 01:41:08 That's not what you want to vote for. That's not where freedom is. That's not where love is. There's other places to spend your money. Check out Rad. The dude who started Rad looks cool as shit. Check him out. Sorry. Go ahead, Sousa. out rad that dude the dude who started rad looks cool shit check him out sorry go ahead go ahead suza do you think that they sent it to like slow him down and we're like he's bringing a bunch of heat on the games they're the major time no i don't think to be honest i
Starting point is 01:41:37 don't think that i i to be honest about the no i'm sure that they're just on autopilot they're just um just like all their rainbow shit and the shit where they're trying to be inclusive and they don't even know what they're doing they they're just following they're not well thought out they're not logical they're not thoughtful they're not caring they just probably were just on autopilot and they saw something that that travis and hiller made and just responded like robots you know what i mean they have a lawyer advising them that's like i'm just going through their process with the due diligence they don't understand what they don't understand the community shit at all how do reebok and noble differ savon uh reebok reebok knew that they were a corporate juggernaut and uh and in a sellout and noble is uh um does not like is trying to lie to you
Starting point is 01:42:23 i don't know i don't. I would need to think about that a little bit differently. But maybe there is no different, Patrick. Maybe there is no difference. Travis, what's up, brother? What's up, guys? No plan B, motherfucker! Right? Yeah. God, you look good. Look at you. I don't have my other...
Starting point is 01:42:38 The other picture, the original picture that I had, you said I looked like I was drinking mimosas on a yacht or something that was that was more like this you know none of this facial hair had longer hair completely gray and i have to wear glasses all the time or i can't see a damn thing i want to i want to give an example we made a shirt that said politically homeless and the guy who owns that trademark reached out to me and said, hey, just so you know, I have that trademark. And I immediately gave him my phone number so we could talk.
Starting point is 01:43:10 I mean, it's just like – I'm not interested in fucking with no one. This is the first time. No, and that's the deal. I posted on Hiller's video today. I was like – the sucky thing is we were not disparaging Noble's name. We'd never have what's the apparel where it was, it's literally a movement to promote the sport and better movement. What did you guys make that? What did you guys make that?
Starting point is 01:43:33 So the, I, I'm trying to be careful on how much I go into. Basically it was, you can't use this because it looks like ours. Yeah. Likeness. Yeah. For likeness, which was you can't use this because it looks like ours. Yeah, likeness. Yeah, for likeness, which does it fall under parody, that type of thing? I don't know. If I had a team of lawyers behind me, I'd fight it. It's almost more fun not to fight it and make a whole video about how he's going to grab his ankles and let them fuck him in the ass because of
Starting point is 01:44:05 their rainbows. We do rainbows and we fuck killer in the ass. I like, like just, just like, just, just like, okay,
Starting point is 01:44:12 I'm so sorry. Like he should make a video saying how sorry he is. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I made a video. I don't think. Should I, should I stand on my desk and pull the letter out?
Starting point is 01:44:24 Where is, where is that? Did he, is it on his end? Did the letter out? Where is that? Did he post something on his Instagram? Yeah, he posted it two hours ago. Can we look at it? The title says, Not Fucking Leaving Noble. Can I see the post? Yeah, what do you want to see? Do you want me to bring up his channel?
Starting point is 01:44:40 Anything that would make me smarter. What about his Instagram? Is there something on his Instagram? Let me check. Yeah. Travis, did the letter come to you or go to him? It came to me. Oh.
Starting point is 01:44:51 Because I own the company. I literally, I got it. It was funny because I was out walking around and I get the pop-up message on my phone when I get emails to that account. And I looked at it and went, huh, that looks really official in the subject line. Here we go. Savon has a team of lawyers he can provide. I do. Oh, I contemplated messaging you yesterday. I'm like, well, we're just going to see what happens. Hey, let me ask this real quick. So if you have inventory, can you give it away free? The only thing the letter said is that, and it literally states in the letter, you must stop selling by the 26th.
Starting point is 01:45:36 I'm like, all right, we're just going to sell off what we got. That's actually kind of cool. I was like, okay, this is kind of nice that they're like okay you got two weeks get rid of your stuff and all right i take back some of the nasty shit i said i take back some of that inhumane shit that's actually pretty humane i apologize no i i literally got it and i i just started to read it like oh fuck where's the dollar signs that was my concern it's like you owe us 50 grand i was like oh shit this is gonna suck and it it right at the end it says you have until the 26 to stop selling so i'm like all right cool um can we show the shirt so people can go buy it and and and help
Starting point is 01:46:20 out yeah they're live right now on the site okay let's go over there hey that is actually really fucking cool of them and i and i wish i would have known that it shows what a jackass i am for speaking out before um i knew the whole story oh that's the shirt yep that r is too close to their shit is that what they're saying the all the lettering is too close to theirs and then the the divided r is too close to theirs oh so it there's their what their symbol looks like the twin towers right right it's the two the u which makes the horns yeah whenever i see their stuff i always think of the trade center collapsing there's a i do i can't help it that's what when i saw that trophy i thought it was like oh
Starting point is 01:47:07 it's your own like you can you can crash a model plane into that and reenact that old thing there's a collapse all right all right this is fun though this is kind of fun this is good it is hillary wanted attention he just he just got it from a sponsor instead of the games yeah there's gonna be a whole lot of no rep shirts at the games i hope they're ready how how do you um so so will you change the font on that shirt i mean that's an awesome shirt i i own three of them we might we'll see there may be another version i had somebody had posted in the chat earlier that said just make one that says bad rep i wonder if you flipped all the letters upside down right oh interesting yeah then it's not the same yeah or what do you spell that spell that do it all backwards perrone we came up with a new one uh the hiller band shirt is out now this was in response
Starting point is 01:48:00 wow in response to this you that's what in response to that that's what the new hiller band shirt is so the story behind this marvel gonna come after him too for that batman shirt it's not batman oh that was point of years yeah all you talk about so now we can't have a guy with pointed ears no it's the it's the it's a spock shirt how dare you confuse spock with that the turnaround time for that is awesome oh hey that jonathan that's actually brilliant yeah like how josh bridges has the beard and mustache there should be a hiller shirt that's just eyebrows yeah i'm writing writing the stone the bat has his chin and then do the eyebrows above it and if you look into the in the eyes it just says in the pupils it says no rep and there's just some eyebrows oh boy that one's free hillar do you know what a content whore
Starting point is 01:48:52 hillar is too is i know the second he saw that letter he just like three he's like three oh good monday tuesday wednesday i got videos he's like fire up the camera baby oh yeah we were we were on the phone quite a bit yesterday like figuring out all right how are we going to handle this what do we do he's like i'm making a video hey hey that's his answer for everything i'm out of milk in my fridge i'm making a video i have gonorrhea i'm making a video well and the funniest like it says it's like it's christmas i'm making a video. Well, it's like, it's like it's Christmas. I'm making a video. The funniest thing he,
Starting point is 01:49:29 so he messages me this morning and he says, I got a video ready. I think I'm getting kind of soft though. I didn't go too hard and I pulled it and I was like, that's not hard. Oh, Hey, Hey,
Starting point is 01:49:41 I will tell you this. The Phil tune thing fucking broke his heart. I talked to him about that. The Phil tune thing broke his heart. I talked to him about that. The Phil Toon thing sucks. Yeah, I talked to him about that, and that motherfucker did get a little soft. I was on the phone with him. He did not – he was processing the call with the doctor. Like, I heard – he was all heart on that call.
Starting point is 01:50:07 I was like, oh, man, that rocked him because he doesn't want to – he loves him heart on that call. I was like, Oh man, he's that rocked him. Cause he don't, he doesn't want to, um, he loves him some Phil tune. And I don't think he, I don't think he judges people. I know, I know he doesn't judge people for using performance enhancing drugs. He obviously doesn't want there to be cheating in the sport. Um, yeah, that one, that one rocked him. Yeah. And the biggest thing with Hiller that I think people are seeing it now and they kind of got it through the live show that we did is he doesn't just spout nonsense. He knows what he's doing and he doesn't tell lies. People just hate what he says. Right.
Starting point is 01:50:38 Because it's honest and there's a delivery to it that people don't like sometimes. I'm addicted. I'm addicted to it. Oh, I don't like sometimes. I'm addicted. I'm addicted. I'm addicted. It sucks. I don't want to be addicted and I'm addicted. Sorry. Go ahead, Travis.
Starting point is 01:50:51 I don't know if you remember. And I think I told him, I don't remember if I told him on that live show or not. I was, when he first came out, I messaged you because he was, you know, you two were kind of having your little spat thing. And I messaged you. I'm like, who the fuck is this guy guy he can't even put a full sentence together he has to drop all his videos up like look at this now hey my relationship with him was the same way with uh um uh kind of rebecca fusli you know we poked fun of her on the show and then she leaned into it and that's basically
Starting point is 01:51:23 what hillar and i did we just um we just leaned it like we started poking at each other a little bit and leaning in and it's not no one throws a punch but you do a little just what happens here it's like putting your hand on an anthill and like two ants get on you and then seven and then a hundred and you're like okay fuck that i ain't doing that game no more you want to you want to blow this up even more you should send hillar a link he's available oh he is okay let's see okay let's see well are you dropping the tamil you just texted me oh yeah yeah yeah please will you drop it to him that'll give me a chance when he comes on i can go pee too and don't just get no rep shirts see that shirt right there that one right there i'm gonna have to reprint by the way awesome oh
Starting point is 01:52:08 dude all the oh i'm so excited i don't want to say what we're doing at the games yet but i'm so excited about the games i am too i'm pumped you and i both won't be there that was so fucked up that i attacked grub last night that was so holy shit i was that was an attack that was fun that was all in fun it was fun but i really but it's i know it wasn't a real attack you're right that's a mischaracterization but the fact that i um didn't know that it was one of the best athletes who are going to be at the games this year and i started just trying to practice my roast routine on him. Yeah. He was so cool though. He was cool.
Starting point is 01:52:49 Thank you, Heidi. How was, how was Rebecca's interview? I got a phone call in the middle of it. So I missed an hour. She's cool. She's cool.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Shit. She's strong. She's alpha. She's alpha as a motherfucker. She is crazy. Cause you look at her and you're like, how's this tiny girl gonna compete yeah she's she and she's gonna be a great uh personality too she's not afraid she's not done
Starting point is 01:53:11 a lot of interviews she's not done a lot of public speaking you can dig through her shit but man she's already like a few times she had to give me the heisman like put her hand you know and then like okay let's take two and uh and i respect that like she she kept me and then she kept me at bay when i got too personal and then slowly let me come back in again it was cool yeah i think she's she's just so used to doing all the stuff on her own because like if you follow her social media she's awesome she's yeah she's literally the only athlete i give a pass on doing like tiktok stupid fucking sing-alongs because she's so good at them and she's vulnerable in them she's it's not just
Starting point is 01:53:46 all about hey look at my tits and ass it's like hey look at me i'm a fucking goofball it's like hard i don't think i i don't think i saw any like stuff like that where she's just like i loved her uh her first day at the gym video this is one of her most recent ones and the camera's just shaking all over like that's pretty damn accurate super creative super creative yeah sean m she's tough as nails you guys in the comments are fucking awesome how how you all teared up here how is the how is the vindicate stuff uh how is it are you overwhelmed with all the shirts i work about 60 hours a week so yeah okay so Okay. So I don't know if a lot of people know I have, I have a full-time job. So I literally get home and do more work.
Starting point is 01:54:34 Yeah. I had my kids help me whenever they can. So I'm divorced. So they're at their mom's half the week. So it's when they're over, they, they helped me fill orders. Oh shit. They helped run the business. Yeah. Wow. How old are they? Um, I have a 19 year old who she's, she's with her mom more and she's, you know, she's older. Um, so she hasn't helped out. Uh, but my, and then I have a 16 and a 13. Awesome. All girls. And your training. Every morning do Hill healers training up at so my day literally goes from 4 20 a.m till 10 30 at night and it's non-stop yeah and non-stop you're training in your garage or you go somewhere um the gym that i go to it's more of an olympic lifting gym but they have a they have fitness
Starting point is 01:55:22 space in it so and it's a 24-hour. There's no classes. It's just open gym. What's it called? Heartland strength. Oh, okay. It's one of those. I get, we have a bunch of those in Santa Cruz too. And there's a fucking, like just some gnarly dudes in there. Yeah. We have a ton of, we have actually one guy who I think he's made the Pan Ams for lifting. He's trying to get to the Olympics. Like insane lifter, just crazy technique. Sometimes you look over and there's a dude dead lifting
Starting point is 01:55:53 and blood's coming out of his nose in that gym. I don't have any of those. Don't have any of those. Nor have I ever done it. Andrew, I'm about to fucking get off here. I got to fucking pee. Where the fuck are you?
Starting point is 01:56:09 Yeah. I didn't, he didn't even respond back in the text at all. So let me see what's going on here. We can't, we can't, there there's always tomorrow. Who do we have on tomorrow?
Starting point is 01:56:19 His, his problem is he has, he always has his notifications turned off. So it's, you only get him when he looks at his phone. Tomorrow we have a guy named Nathaniel Nolan coming on. If you don't know who that is, you might want to check him out on Instagram. He's been walking on all fours.
Starting point is 01:56:34 He hasn't walked upright, I want to say, in nine months or something. He only walks on all fours, and he's getting good at it. He's basically exploring how it's affecting his forearms his hands his posture his whole lifestyle and uh so he he's going to be on that's going to be cool i haven't seen him on any podcast then on friday we have amy west dr amy west on a brilliant woman crossfitter been around in the community forever uh close with the old regime and the new regime it'll be cool to talk to her and just shoot the shit with her then on saturday we have dalton rasta on uh ufc bellator fighter 185 uh i i want to say his girlfriend had uh games aspirations and now is doing some wwe stuff ordered no rep shirt to sweden you demand you demand jimmy hey nick Hey, Nick Matthew got back to us from when you called him last night.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Oh, he did? Yeah, he just said, I saw you try to call me at the end of the podcast. I didn't know you could even call on Instagram. Neither did I. Nick Matthew, you are the first person I've ever tried to call on purpose. Yeah, that was the accident where you hit and you go, oh yes instagram needs a confirm button for that no kidding they do yeah hit it and then confirm call yes not just hit it and then fucking rings i think i think elise in the comments but dialed me once through instagram it went so you're like who the hell's calling me and
Starting point is 01:58:03 i get a message back i didn't mean to call you like yeah it's usually stricken panic when people realize that's happening yeah um so in the grand scheme of things yes things are all good not not not overly worried good and and uh it sounds like they handled it really well i'm saying that you have till the 26 is pretty fucking cool that means that they understand uh they're not trying to fuck you they're just like no you got to step yeah it's basically like hey you can't do this i and that's in in all honesty i'm in i'm in design and advertising full-time so i i was surprised it took as long as it did. Yeah, that's normal business practice.
Starting point is 01:58:46 That's normal business practice. I don't even think of Noble when I see that shirt. Oh, well. Yeah, I mean, if it was rainbow and it said support your local transition, I could see it. Nice floral pattern coming down there. Yeah, but no, not the black and white. All right, Hiller, you're out.
Starting point is 01:59:14 I got to go. Oh, Hiller, you're killing me. We'll do more. There'll be plenty of time. Cool. We have the Hiller Fit and Review this week, and we will definitely get into this fun stuff. Guys, thanks, everyone, this fun stuff. Guys. Thanks everyone for tuning in.
Starting point is 01:59:26 Travis. Thanks for popping in. Go ahead, Travis. You get the last word, brother. The first thing I told Hiller when I got that message was I can't wait for the fucking Hiller fit and review show.
Starting point is 01:59:34 This'll be fun.

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