The Sevan Podcast - #492 - Dalton Rosta

Episode Date: July 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. You already worked out? The shiz?
Starting point is 00:00:36 The shiz? I've never seen the shiz on here. The shiz. Good morning. Good morning. Oh, it's funny. I thought you were smoking. And now when I click on it and you pop up on the screen, you're a little bit bigger.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I see you're not smoking. You're in a slippy, slippy. I was just reading this. We have Dalton Rost on this morning. Undefeated Bellator fighter. Maybe we could pop up his sure dog stats and give him a quick peek before he pops on. Not getting notifications for this one for some reason you know what's funny is it says no one's watching too but i can see a bunch of people watching obviously someone's watching you're in the comments maybe something's not right maybe this isn't is this is this on youtube now are you guys watching on YouTube? Yeah, it says the comments are coming from YouTube. Good morning, Mr. Bellinghausen from Vindicate. You like my shirt?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Booyah. Dalton Rosta, six wins, zero losses. Guy's been on the show before. Great story. Nothing has been left to chance. Dalton earned everything that he's gotten in life what's up dude what's up guys how's it going good i was just uh um you know doing my morning routine going through the dms this dude sends me this video it's like
Starting point is 00:02:03 three minutes long and usually i just pass on that shit but it's a guy in a lab coat black dude and uh in a river and i click on it i'm curious and he's a scientist studying uh the effects of chemical fertilizers in this river that's by my house and uh it because i live in california the Salinas Valley, like where they grow all sorts of like, it's, I think 50% of the U S agriculture is grown like in my hood, like within a couple hundred miles of me. So he's, he's, he's studying the frogs in there and the dude frogs are becoming girl frogs because of all the chemical fertilizers. So I was like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:02:43 So I quickly went into my, uh and my wife's asleep in there, and I put my hands on her big old fucking gigantic CrossFit ass, and she's just laying there. And I felt a physiological change in my body and my emotion and a little movement down there, and I'm like, okay. I haven't had too many strawberries near that river i'm still good i was like fuck just don't go swimming in it damn dude it's crazy they showed they showed these toads that grew up in that river that were born that were dudes but
Starting point is 00:03:17 that are that have uh eggs that's insane i know strawberries oh god we live in some trippy times dude i know bro i know crazy uh congratulations on the new contract thank you man i appreciate it is it um is it a stress relief so you signed for four fights in 18 months yeah yeah where'd you find that at did i tell you that no i just been watching every like last night i just watched like four hours of dalton rosta interviews i searched the internets oh yeah so yeah four four uh fights 18 months um it's like has championship language so there's a potential for a championship fight in the contract, you know, win three fights. I'm assuming the fourth would be that.
Starting point is 00:04:10 But at that point we'd probably renegotiate for another contract. But yeah, making more money, fighting guys all in the top 10. I mean, unless they can't get somebody to fight me, you know, they were struggling before but now they they finally got romero caught and uh accepting we're a week out and he still hasn't pulled out so uh we'll see going forward um you're ranked number eight right now yep and he's ranked number seven. And that's an 185-pound class. Yes, sir. And you're both undefeated. Yes, both six and up. And I heard you talking about his record the other day.
Starting point is 00:04:53 He took a slightly different path than you did. Yeah. Or not his record, but his opponent's. Yeah, I mean, that's part of his record, too. But, yeah, his strength of schedule, not like mine is. There's two big differences with my record and his record. One, we both wrestled in college, but he decided to go straight from college wrestling to the pros. They approved it because of his level of wrestling, his pedigree.
Starting point is 00:05:22 They approved it because of his level of wrestling, his pedigree. I chose to wrestle or fight as an amateur, and I fought seven amateur MMA fights and eight amateur boxing matches. So I got plenty of fighting experience, not just the wrestling experience. I did a bunch of jiu-jitsu matches, other stuff. So experiences there on the amateur end of that. On top of that, in my pros, we had the same amount of pro fights, but I have the amateur experience, like I said. And in my pro fights, I took up steps in competition a lot earlier than he did.
Starting point is 00:05:53 You know what I mean? My third fight was against 5-1 or 6-1 Tidewater, you know, a very good striker. The fight right after that, Tony Johnson, 9 and two uh and ten and one is professional boxer uh last fight you know which i think was the the least skilled fighter out of my past three i think ty gorder and tony johnson were much better than dwayne johnson but dwayne johnson's still you know a good striker a tough opponent uh six and two record where if you look at his opponents it's like and i kid you not if you go look at typology sharedog has got it's like he was climbing a set of stairs because he was
Starting point is 00:06:31 doing his first fight was against a debut guy zero and zero uh second fight was against a guy that was one and one third fight two and two fourth fight three and three and then his fifth fight he took a step up a competition against a guy named Justin Sumter, who was seven and three. But the guy had absolutely no grappling or whatever. He was purely a striker and no takedown defense, no wrestling, no grappling. So it was a favorable matchup in that aspect for him. And then his last fight, he regressed. He went from a seven and three guy back to a five six and one yeah that's crazy when i heard you say that in an interview i was like holy shit yeah five six and one and the dude hasn't fought and i i rechecked it was 13 years he hadn't fought
Starting point is 00:07:16 since 2009 that's bizarre isn't it yeah so 13 why is Bellator making those kind of fights? So, you know, it's a development. He was on a developmental contract, and I was at first for my first three fights. And it's to get you experience. And each fight is supposed to be a step up in competition to gradually build you. But, like, he, you know, just kept running with it. You know what I mean? He didn't. It seems like he didn't want to step up in competition with me i was asking for to get out of my developmental contract after my first fight
Starting point is 00:07:51 you know uh my first fight i fought a guy that was one and one uh second fight i fought a guy that was uh two and oh and then my third fight i fought a guy that was i one and one or two and one again but my my original opponent was four and oh and I was 2-0 at the time. My original opponent was 4-0, and he backed out. And then they went through like three or four different opponent changes for that fight. And Mark Gardner, who was 1-1 or 2-1, whatever his record was, I forget, ended up being the only one that signed on the dotted line. So I couldn't help that.
Starting point is 00:08:24 But, I mean, if you look at, like I said, the strength of schedule of my opponents and his completely different, you know what I mean? They, he never took the step from the competition. It seems like he really milked his developmental deal. You know what I mean? And, uh, this, that last one was just kind of, I mean, that was kind of bad 13 years. Where's he train? Where does this guy train?
Starting point is 00:08:47 American Kickboxing Academy. It's a very good gym. It's in Florida. It's one of the top gyms in the country as well. They have great fighters there, great coaches. But even with him being at a gym like that, you haven't seen his game evolve much. You haven't seen his striking get too much better.
Starting point is 00:09:05 He's still off balance. He's green. Don't get me wrong. This is MMA. Anybody can land a lucky punch or anything, but his striking hasn't evolved. Is he a big dude? Is he big for 185? I don't believe so.
Starting point is 00:09:20 I think he's listed at 5'10". He might be 5' 10 but i he doesn't look like it to me he may be 5 8 5 9 and i've seen a couple or a couple of my teammates fought on the same show as him they said he's small so uh i watch interviews on him too you know i do my research on my opponents i watch interviews watch what they're saying now watch their fights uh he has wrestling film that i was watching and stuff too i was doing every bit of research i could and uh he he was saying like in his interviews that he doesn't cut much weight like he first he was saying he walked around at like 205 210 and then he was saying like oh yeah i'm small i don't i don't really cut any weight at all for for 185 and it's
Starting point is 00:10:05 like so there's like mixed you know uh mixed responses there so i don't really know but i mean just from the looks of it you know he doesn't look very big you know and uh he's he's probably athletic but not not very big uh andrew um go work out just quit being a pussy go work out you can stare at dalton you can stay you can stare at dalton later just go get fucking get it i already grabbed a handful of ass this morning that was my workout uh when you when you sign the contract for for these is it kind is it a trip is it like signed the contract for for these is it kind is it a trip is it like what do you mean part of it is like you're stoked okay i got four fights but another part is stressful it's like when i see my podcast schedule i hate to compare talking to people to fucking mashing other men but when i
Starting point is 00:10:58 see my podcast schedule and it's full for the next two weeks like part of me is like yeah this is cool and another part of me is like oh shit i gotta learn stuff about all these motherfuckers before they come on the show so like you have four fights it's part of you like ecstatic but another part of you is like it's a commitment it's like you see you see your work laid out ahead of you no not so much because it's not like my opponents are line lined up like all right you got this guy the first fight and this guy's second and this one third fourth etc uh it's more it's a fight at a time really you're signed for a four fight contract but there's no i mean it's 16 or it's 18 months but they can give extensions if you get injured you know what i mean so like if i got injured and i was out for six months obviously they wouldn't
Starting point is 00:11:41 be able to fulfill their 18 month contract so they would give me an extension at that point so in in regards to time it could be you know manipulated a little bit and as for opponents you know they can change on the fly you know i if you win your next three though i i mean you just look at the math and and your fourth fight you will be fighting for the title i mean it'll be it'll be hard hard. Not the hype around you will be insane. You're kind of in control of your own destiny. You could see the path to the title already right now, right? Yeah, for sure. And, uh, you know, three more fights, that's plenty more experience for me, uh, to, and a lot more time, obviously to become more skilled, uh, and more experienced in the cage. And, uh, yeah, so hopefully, hopefully the fourth fight is for a title.
Starting point is 00:12:30 How did you get this thing? That's from sparring. Oh, wait, it's on this one. That's from sparring. I sparred twice this week, Tuesday and Thursday. I don't know which day it happened. But, you know, over the course of camp you chant you spar two to three times a week you know for eight weeks you're bound to get a blackout here
Starting point is 00:12:51 and there you know to me so that's just some dude just that's that's not like it that's someone punched you that's from stand-up that's not like on the ground someone put a knee on your face or something or maybe it wouldn't be a knee on my face but it could be from the ground you know if we're on the ground and get you a punch on the ground or if we clashed heads or you know i caught an elbow or like whenever i shot on him i hit my knee off there's several different scenarios where it could have happened i don't know exactly when it happened i didn't feel it you know i mean but obviously it was uh you know a good enough hit or bump whatever the hell it was to you know, a good enough hit or bump, whatever the hell it was to, you know, give me a little bit of a shiner. So, uh, so what Dalton is saying is seven on schedule is harder than his. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Mine's much harder. It seems like it, you have to talk to people all day long. I get tired after 30 minutes. Oh God, I fucking hate it. How is, how, how am I in this thing that I love doing that? I fucking hate talking to strangers? Bellator 283. How do people watch Bellator? Is that Showtime?
Starting point is 00:13:51 Yes, it's on Showtime. So mine, however, mine will be the featured prelim fights. That means like the prelim main event, the fight right before the main card. That'll be on YouTube Live. Oh, awesome. Yeah, so that'll be on youtube live oh awesome yeah so that'll be free for everybody to watch and uh show time i think you need to have subscription for so so you just go to youtube type in bellator and then on youtube click on their channel and it'll be there yeah specifically bellator 283 but if you just type in bellator on the youtube
Starting point is 00:14:20 search bar it's going to show up at the top it It'll be like Bellator 283 monster prelims. And then you click on it and you can start watching. And where is the fight? It's in Tacoma, Seattle. Oh, shit. You got it. You got it. When do you leave?
Starting point is 00:14:36 I leave Monday morning. My flight leaves at like 7.55 a.m. So I'm going to be leaving from my house at 5.30, 6 o'clock. And you're in Florida. Yes, I am in Coconut Creek. So I'll be leaving Fort Lauderdale, have a layover in L.A., and then heading up to Seattle from there. So I'm going to be traveling all day. And then you, so you're going into zombie land, fentanyl land, and you fight on Friday, which is five days away. Yes. So tomorrow you
Starting point is 00:15:11 start kind of working on your weight. You start the journey into the weight cut too, right? A little, a little more strict, like the next level of it. I mean, be honest with you. My weight has come down a lot during this camp and i honestly didn't mean for it to you know there's been days where i've actually even been up in my calories and i keep losing weight dude i mean i'm like 192 pounds right now 193 no shit yeah it's lighter than usual but you know i'm gonna try and actually gain like another pound or two uh before fight week but you know i'm kind of playing with the idea of just like staying here that way i don't have to cut as much but same
Starting point is 00:15:50 time i want to be bigger but then on the opposite end of it if i stay lighter you know i'll be quicker that that couple extra pounds actually does make a difference you know tenths of a second uh and in this game you know tenths of a second there's like inches they they add up you know what i mean is it is it a good life um you're living right now dalton oh yeah it's wonderful man uh you know i couldn't i couldn't ask for uh to be in a better position you know i mean i from training to just mean, training with the best in the world. I just, you just had my picture pulled up. That was with, uh, Johnny Ebelin.
Starting point is 00:16:29 He's a current Bellator champ in my weight class. Uh, he's my teammate that we spar all the time. He's one of the people that helped me get ready for this fight. Motherfucker looks old as shit. It looks like, does he come in there with a Walker? How old is that guy? He's 30 years old. He looks like he could be my twin. He a walker? How old is that guy? He's 30 years old. He looks like he could be my twin.
Starting point is 00:16:47 He doesn't look that old. He's 30 years old. Hey, you should not stand next to Dalton. I'm just busting on him. Yeah, so it is a good life. And when I say good, it's interesting. Your life is hard the way you like it to be hard. But it's hard.
Starting point is 00:17:08 It's an enjoyable work. You know what I mean? It's not hard where like, so life's going to be hard whether you want it to be or not. It's going to be hard because you're going to be in a position where you don't want to be. Or it's going to be hard because you're forcing yourself to make it hard so you could be in a better position later so um you know you got to choose your heart you know what i mean i hear you but but you're a different breed you're the kind of guy where you and your uh what was your what was your girlfriend's name again gina gina you and gina will be walking somewhere and see a flight of stairs that that's goes up six stories and
Starting point is 00:17:46 you'll look at her and be like you want to race and you guys will race to the top trust me I do not if I could do that if we're not with you no me and Gina are going out somewhere and there's a set of stairs she's taking the stairs I'm taking the dead I'm too exhausted all right all right is that what you mean oh Oh, oh shit. What happened? Oh, there it is. Okay. Um, okay. It's funny. My mom was like, you're always trying to put words into people's mouth and make people seem like in a way that they're not. And I was just doing that to you. I just pictured you as the guy who would always just like, no matter what, like, like you're comfortable working hard. Yeah. That's where you're most happy.
Starting point is 00:18:21 There's a time and place for it for me. You know what I mean? I work hard. I put all my energy in that practice. You know, if I'm using my energy elsewhere, you know, I feel like I'm wasting, you know, this point in my life where I can be dedicating all my energy and all my time towards training. If I'm using it elsewhere, you know, I see it as a disadvantage to myself. So even something as simple as that, you know, and I'm not like if we're doing it for fun or something, sure, but it's not going to be something I do all the time. You know what I mean? I might look at the stairs and be like, you know, I have practice in two hours, you know, I'm going to chill out, you know, I'm going to take the, uh, I'd rather put the work in at practice and do all the, you know, correct things outside of practice, resting, recovery, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:19:11 How old are you? I'm 26. 26. Uh, do you think you'll get these four fights in 18 months? Like, is that, is that, is that, I mean, that seems like a pretty, that's a, it's aggressive, right? Yeah, no, I, I, I, I prefer that, you know, honestly, I would rather get four fights in a year, but, uh, we're moving in the right direction. So my first contract was five fights in 20 something months. And then my second contract was like four fights in 20 months. And now it's four fights in,
Starting point is 00:19:44 and even though I haven't had four fights each time you know I renegotiated before they were over uh now it's four fights 18 months so it seems we're moving in the right direction I want to be like more active and I've had six months off in this since my last fight but I think partially that was due to the fact that renegotiated my contract so I was no longer on a you know uh timeotiated my contract. So I was no longer on a, you know, uh, time restraint for my contract. So since I didn't renegotiate and signed a new one, my new one doesn't start until my first fight on my new one. So, uh, when I stepped in the cage on Friday, that's when my new contract starts. So I have 18 months from then to get four fights,
Starting point is 00:20:24 you know, on both ends yeah do they like you do the people there like you do the bellator guys like you are that like when they talk about you behind your back they're like oh dalton's cool oh he's easy to work with oh people watch the show when he's on oh he does a lot of good press yeah i mean some some of the uh some of the media guys and stuff like make it known to me that they like me and they talk highly of me. I see it on social media. But I mean, as for everybody in Bellator, I can't speak for that. I don't know what they say behind my back.
Starting point is 00:20:55 So I don't know. But I know some of the people who have gone out of their way to tell me that I'm doing well and they love what I'm doing and how well I handle the press and the spotlight and everything else. And I'd see the tweets from some of the PR team and the media team and other stuff. So, um, you know, it definitely, definitely some people at least, you know, but I can't speak for everybody. There's this, there's this, um, saying you'll be in high school and you know're a sophomore, junior in high school, and someone will be like, I can't wait to get out of high school. I'm so sick of this. High school is such a popularity contest. And when someone needs to pull them aside right there and put their arm around and whisper into their ear, it only gets crazier as you get older. Life just becomes one giant popularity contest it really is becomes about what value you add wherever you go who likes you if you're easy to work with if you're not easy to
Starting point is 00:21:51 work with if you have integrity if you don't have integrity you know if you're honest if you're not honest i mean life life ends up becoming a popularity contest no one no one wants to work with a douchebag and networking is an important skill that you have to learn earlier on. You know, if you, if you just choose to be, you know, like essentially the loner, the guy that didn't really person, I should say, I didn't talk to anybody in high school and you choose to continue to go that route. You know, I'm just going to go to work. I'm going to put my nose down and do my work, not talk to anybody. You're not going to get any further. Yeah, you're going to be completing your work. And you might get a raise or you might get a better job or a better promotion or something. But at the end of the day, you're not making new connections. You're not networking. You're not expanding, you know, your own network. So you, you're not going to have the opportunities that somebody that does all of that does. Right. Um, and at the end of the day, like you said, it is a popularity contest,
Starting point is 00:22:54 essentially, whether you're, you're in sports or whether you're in a nine to five job or whatever, you know, if your manager likes you, you know, they like your attitude. They, they like how, uh, how well you work with your teammates or your coworkers, uh, how personable you are, you know, and how hard you work, you know, then you're more, uh, you have a better chance of getting a promotion. You have a better chance of getting a raise. You have a better chance of getting a better job or a different job offers or meeting somebody that can provide one of those opportunities for you. You know what I mean? And like I said, it doesn't just apply to sports. I'm speaking from the business realm of things or a nine to five job, which I mean,
Starting point is 00:23:40 most people don't want at the end of the day, but sometimes you got to go through a nine to five to get to where you want to be. You, you, you walk into some, someone's house and they have kids or a wife there. You, you would be very, and you're going to have a long relationship with this person. You'd be smart to go over and, uh, and, and, or, or a husband, you'd be smart to go over and say hi to this, the spouse, the and always and always respect their kids even just simple things like that you know what i mean if you went over to the president of uh bellator's house and he's got kids playing in the other room and you're walking by and you walk in say hey guys what's up and maybe like oh i had that football as a kid or something just anything that's just sincere and
Starting point is 00:24:20 check in those things go a fucking long way those things go a long way that can can you look that way how is that thing staying in your ear uh so is that these air these are the airpod pros they have like the three different sizes yeah for the uh the like little earbuds things yeah and um i think i had to put i i don't remember which size i put in but i had to play with all three you know what i mean i put them in i was like shaking my head i did a workout with a couple of them you know to see which one that stayed in the best but yeah this one is is giving me trouble still you know it stays but uh not as well as i'd like it there was a it looks like it's just floating there it kind of looks like it's in your ear yeah it's not you know i mean you know how this this part this little white part is supposed to be like sitting here yes right
Starting point is 00:25:15 against your face yeah it's not at all and it's like not in my ear you know i mean i had this there's this company knock down llc it's abud company. They reached out to me and asked me to like, they'll send you a mold. These are, you know, earphones that you get to make, like custom make to fit your ear. Like you squeeze it and then shove it in and it opens up? Yeah. And then you like keep pushing it against your ear to make sure it gets like all the crevices and everything. Yeah. Whenever they get this mold back, they can individually create a earbud that fits your ear no matter like what.
Starting point is 00:25:53 So it won't fall out. Yeah. So long story short, they reached out to me like, hey, would you be interested in doing this for some posts or if you like it? I'm like, sure. So I thought it was a great idea a great idea i was excited about it you know i uh they sent it i had the first mold i couldn't get the fucking stay in you know so i reached out to him was like i can't get it to fucking stay in and then it hardened it's like what should i do and then they told me uh they gave me some steps to
Starting point is 00:26:22 go through i tried it again i was able to get them, but I really had to like shove them in my ear to get them to stay. And then I had to like hold it against my ear. Whereas in like the video that they send you, they give you a little QR code to scan. It brings up a video, show you how to do it. I'd like hold the molds on the outside of my ears like this so they would stay. So it hardened like that so they could actually get like the full mold mold of my ear before it fell out and then they didn't have nothing yeah so i told them that and they're like all right that's good feedback because in the video with the guy that was doing in the video he didn't hold him he just like stuck it in and then he
Starting point is 00:27:00 pressed against the ear and it just stayed and he was like just leave it for three to four minutes or until it hardens and then pull it out. I had to hold them because if I didn't hold them, it just fell out. Right. Long story short, I sent him a picture that like, that should be good. Send it back to him. They're like, they, a week went by. They're like, Oh my God, we have some bad news. We weren't able to digitally like recreate your ear canal.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Your cauliflower ear was like worse than what we, what we thought. Yeah. So it didn't work but they said let's let's give it another one more try yeah and out another mold i told them to wait until after my fight because by the time they send it here and i send the mold back you know they'll send it here and i'll be waiting here for me while i'm at my fight so i told them let's just try it again after my fight so i'm hoping it works again it's a cool idea you know great idea yeah great idea especially for people like me and if it works it'd be fucking wonderful you know what i mean and uh i'm hoping it does you know so we're gonna give it another try after my fight but it was just funny because they were like yeah we thought your your cauliflower is worse than we thought these are custom made you know
Starting point is 00:28:02 what i mean molds to your ear and it was like it still wouldn't stay in so those look unreal the way they're hanging there it looks funny yeah i mean it's pretty i mean it looks cool too but but it's i'm like how is that one staying in yeah i'm more of a the the beats you know the i have a pair of studio beats but they they keep breaking you know and are you sweating them are you sweating them to death yeah yeah i mean i i wear them when i'm working out and running and stuff like that, but they like the, the battery or something on them keeps, keeps breaking or dying. And it's like, I'll go to turn it on and the little power button will be like blinking red and then it'll blink with the four blue or white lights.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Like it's fully charged and it'll blink like that four times and then it'll just go back to red and won't turn on so i struggle to get those ones you i've had three pair of the pros and because of this there's they're so poor at connecting that's the knockdown right there that's the ones that they sent me those are custom fit i mean they look cool yeah they do look cool those look really cool do you have trouble with those connecting right there to your phone like it like it takes three or four or five tries yeah no no i know but um yeah i i prefer the the studio headphones but like i said they just i can't kick box with them on anytime i do a spinning kick boom they fly off
Starting point is 00:29:20 you know and then on top of that like i said the the battery battery keeps breaking so and those are expensive fucking headphones i spent 300 400 bucks on them you know crazy yep yep then they broke and then i can't fucking get them fixed anywhere so keep your receipt when you when you made your debut um did i see this right your your first pro fight you got paid four thousand dollars is that right i ended up getting paid eight thousand but i was only guaranteed four so i got four to show and four to win and uh so i'm assuming how do you live off of that so don't you have to give i mean like so if i pay a guy to teach my kids jujitsu he charges anywhere from 60 to 100 an hour yeah and so if you're in the gym with a guy let's let's say like like is your training cost you 500 a day because you're in
Starting point is 00:30:13 their training which is non-stop with pros like how the fuck did how do any of these guys make money even when i hear a guy got a 50 000 bonus i'm, like, so what if, if his, if his rent at his house is $2,500 a month and he has to pay, that's just gone right there. You know what I mean? Yeah. I, um, I was fortunate enough to, you know, have coaches back where I'm from. They, they invested a lot of time in me and they seen that I had potential and they believed in me, like right from the get go, they're like, you know like i think you can make it big and i think you could be champ one day like dead serious is like i don't say this about anybody and they're like i know you're struggling you don't have the money and all this other stuff and plus i had to
Starting point is 00:30:59 drive like commute to these gyms they're like you know someone cut me a deal some of them i mean some of them didn't make me pay at all i was only coming like once or twice a week and then go into a boxing gym somewhere else or another jiu-jitsu gym somewhere else so some of them wouldn't make me pay for example the mat factory at the time uh isaac really wouldn't make me pay uh armazzoni jiu-jitsu academy lou armazzoni my other jiu-jitsu coach back there wouldn't make me pay you know what i mean? And whenever I was in college and I was broke and I was only – and then whenever I turned pro and I was only making four and four, so eight my first fight and I didn't fight again for another 10 months,
Starting point is 00:31:34 they didn't make me pet. But also on top of that, I had sponsors that were helping me out. Like for my first fight – my first fight, honestly don't i don't think i did that well with sponsors i only made like three grand sponsors or something and it was mostly like scooter king from uh newcastle vita europoli and uh uh they also own sky king fireworks and they but bellator was like scooter king like really like scooters like like like little like at a casino no like at a casino you know like uh like theers, like little Honda scooters? Like at a casino. No, like at a casino, you know, like the handicap scooters and stuff that people use. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:32:08 The OB scooters. The OB scooters. Yeah. People use those a lot at casinos. They're in the Ruris Casino in Pittsburgh. They have several casinos across the country. Disneyland. Disneyland's got a million of those.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Yeah. I've even seen them. I've seen them down in Florida at the casinos down here in florida so i mean they're pretty big but i wanted they wanted to do this sky king the fireworks the sky king's a firework uh place in pennsylvania they're all throughout the country too yeah um and they want to do a sponsor with that and they could have gave more money but um they bellator didn't allow so yeah yeah those are oh bellator wouldn't allow them to be your sponsor they wouldn't allow the the sky king the firework sponsor so he owns scooter king and sky king and he did why is that because fireworks aren't legal in every state uh i'm not sure i'm
Starting point is 00:33:02 honestly not sure it's just in bellator's like code. Like for example, they're there, they just restructured their sponsors and they don't allow investors anymore. Investment sponsors. So another one of my sponsors isn't going to be on my, uh, what, what does that, what does that mean? An investment sponsor? Yeah. So like real estate, I mean, so I have like a real estate investment sponsor, but if you're a real estate and you're not an investor, it makes it's the rules are weird. You know,
Starting point is 00:33:29 if you market yourself as an investor instead of just like a real estate, like company, like they, you can't like be a sponsor for Bellator. I don't know what the reasoning is, but avid, like a damn adventures. He was one of my sponsors for four fights,
Starting point is 00:33:44 three fights straight, you know? And then this fight, they're like, Hey like hey they denied the sponsors i had to let them know and i'm like it sucks man but uh you know that's their rules you know they just restructured it after my last fight who owns bellator who owns bellator viacom ah yeah so liberals Yeah. So liberals. They're going to get theirs. You're going to get yours. Just stand by and watch people. You think it's OK to publicly hate people? You watch what happens to you. Man, I just saw. I was going to say something you like. You like LeBron James, don't you?
Starting point is 00:34:28 I like him as an athlete. And he's not a good human being. He's not a good role model. Not necessarily. I don't want to say he's a bad human being. He might be good in his community and everything. He's horrible to his community. Would you say his community is black people? No, no. But I'm saying like. he's horrible to his community what would you say his community is black people no no not but i'm saying like um it's horrible to them like he built a school
Starting point is 00:34:50 you know yeah okay and um yeah you know he he leads by example like with his family like he doesn't cheat on his wife he's been with her for uh like high school and he never gets in trouble or anything like that so all that's commendable that's very respectable yeah so i think he's a great person in those ways but some of the stuff he stands for and some of the opinions i see him uh state and make on social media or in the media period where it's just like he supports the victim mindset he's yeah yeah and i'm like i'm like man it's weird to me you made it you worked hard you made it, you worked hard, you made it like, yeah, put that message out there. Yeah. Other people need to hear that. And other people don't need to hear like a billionaire and the best basketball player ever to like be playing the victim mindset. You know,
Starting point is 00:35:36 they need to hear you like saying like, you can make it no matter where you come from, no matter what your upbringing is, no matter what your situation you you're or your environment, you you can make it out as long as you put your mind to it, you know, and you're you're dedicated, you're committed. You stay out of trouble like I did. I was never in any trouble. You can never find anything on the internet and the media that I was in trouble as long as you do everything like I did. You can make it. You know what I mean? You don't have to be a freak athlete. You know, you can make it in business. You can make it, you could go to college. You know what I mean? Study your ass off in school, in high school,
Starting point is 00:36:15 you know, get a tutor. You know what I mean? If you can't afford a tutor, like there's YouTube videos, there's plenty of outlets that you can go to. You know what I mean? You just got to dedicate yourself. And I think if he uses his platform and his stage to present that type of information rather than uninformed political campaigns, you know what I mean? Where a lot of times, a lot of the political stuff that he's saying i don't even think he researches beforehand i think he sees a tweet or something or a facebook status and you know or a meme that has there's a lack of humanity to him too a lack of empathy and humanity to people's struggles but i appreciate the good things you say about him about making the school not cheating on his wife those are i mean we need role models like that being a good dad i mean shit all that's important yeah it's very important but like i said there's uh nobody's perfect you know what i mean i like as a basketball
Starting point is 00:37:14 player i like what he did in in uh for his community and for like as a role model in those senses that i stated but there's obviously a lot of things i disagree with but i'm not going to hate somebody just because i disagree with some of the things that they, you know, stand for, you know what I mean? We can disagree and I can still find him to be a great athlete and still be a good role model in a lot of, you know, a lot of ways. Well said, well said Dalton for president. Uh, it. You have some kind of like really cliche things going on in your life, like just textbook, like life was hard and you overcame. great people like that right like i was just looking yesterday 13 of the billionaires in the united states are you are immigrants that is fucking nuts the richest man in the world a fucking immigrant elon musk to this country you had this you had a very challenging landscape to
Starting point is 00:38:20 navigate as a kid and now you're succeeding but i like this other thing too never you've never smoked or drank it's like it's it's like a psa as cheese dick and as fucking lame as it sounds it is like this is it people like great people don't drink and smoke yeah i mean they don't fuck around like that sorry go ahead i used to i used to get shit growing up for that all the time. Like in college, they're like, Oh, you don't know how to fun, know how to have fun girls, you know, making fun of me, people saying I'm lame, whatever. But I'm like, okay, you say that now, you know, what I see now, what I think is, you know, stupid is you waking up the next morning, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:01 parked at a red light in a car with four of your friends and you opening the door and puking all over the road and then shutting in and continue to drive or, you know, having to explain to your boyfriend or your friends about the bad decision you made because you were intoxicated. wrong and or going home with somebody and regretting it uh getting in fights as a guy you know getting freaking beer balls you know and uh trying to fight the toughest guy in the bar and ended up in a hospital you know what i mean it's like there's there's so many all byproducts of drinking yeah on top of that you know i did my research in high school so we had writing classes and english classes and all this other stuff in college just like i research in high school. So we had writing classes and English classes and all this other stuff in college, just like we did in high school. And I remember for one of the projects, we had to write like a 20-page paper or a 50-page paper, one of the two, on a topic that they provide. So we had a list of things that we got to choose from. And then you pick the number out of a hat, and that's which number you got to choose. And by the time we got to my turn, I think I was like second or third. And I had all these options on the page. And what I chose was like drugs and alcohol. all this other stuff, but why not use this time that I'm going to be spending on putting in work
Starting point is 00:40:25 and writing this paper to learn and educate myself and inform myself on something further, which I already have a good grasp about, but use this as an opportunity to educate myself on something that I'm very passionate about, meaning that I don't want to do drugs or alcohol or anything like that. So I'm going to take it as an advantage to, you know, continue my education on it. And I learned plenty of things about alcohol, plenty of things about drugs that like the effects on your body, the effects on sports performance, the long term effects, short term effects. Like, for example, like whenever it comes to sports, like how alcohol affects your HRV, your heart rate to variance your, your, uh, rest and heart rate, your respiratory rate,
Starting point is 00:41:10 just your recovery in general, uh, your testosterone levels, your, uh, glycogen resynthesis, your protein synthesis, your like everything from the things that make you a man and support your athletic performance. like it just runs everything to shit and then it takes your body four to seven days to recover from that you know what i mean just from the short-term effects and then come four to seven days later especially in college you know people are drinking thursday night friday night saturday and sometimes on sunday that's drinking four days out of the week I drink every night in college for probably four years, every night and not a little bit like, like, and that's what a lot of people do.
Starting point is 00:41:48 So by the time let's, let's say you're only drinking Friday, Saturday, Sunday. So you're done. You're done Sunday night. You're resting, you're resting your body from alcohol Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. There's four days. Your body's on the low end of possibility of recover recovery and boom you're shocking your system again you're getting all the negative side you're truly never recovering from it you know what i mean it's it's affecting your performance in the gym perfect is probably affecting your sex
Starting point is 00:42:17 life believe it or not it's uh and you're wasting your youth that's the that like i don't know if you ever look back and you're like damn i wonder i maybe i should have maybe i missed out on life and i should have been drinking and just banging tons of hoes or because i look back at life and be like man i wish i would have never smoked a cigarette only because like i think of just how fucked up it what like what's the damage i did to my lungs how much better could i have been if I never smoked a cigarette? Like you always have the option to drink. I don't have the option to undrink. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Unsmoke. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's not just cigarettes though. Anything you smoke, it's heating up. It's heating up your lungs. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:59 Your lungs aren't supposed to be heated up above your. Oh, they're not. Hold on. Let me write that down. Don't heat up your lungs. Don your oh they're not hold on let me write that down don't heat up your lungs don't they're not they're not supposed to be heated up exponentially above your your core body temperature so like if you're going in a sauna yeah i mean that that's about the that that's how much your your lungs can handle essentially you know you know that feeling you get through your nose when you're on you're breathing in and it burns. Yeah, you start breathing like this because it's burning your nostrils.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yeah. Yeah. And that's a way to see or to feel that you're, you know, you're starting to get too much heat in your lungs. You know what I mean? Yeah. And that can be heat sickness, heat illness, you know, heat exhaustion, whatever. You know, not only does it affect your your brain your your heart your everything but it affects your lungs you know what i mean there's
Starting point is 00:43:50 heat exposure is good for you but whenever heat exposure is exposed directly to your lungs and your lungs only regardless of what it is i have i see you have vaping pulled up, whether it's vaping, whether it's cigarettes, whether it's weed, if you're heating up and ingesting smoke, that's, and it's heating up your lungs, it's causing damage to your lungs. I've taken a thousand bong rips that burnt my, that I felt like burnt my lungs of the 3 million bong rips I took. I feel like a thousand of them fucked my lungs up. I wish I'd never done any of that shit.
Starting point is 00:44:24 A lot of the time the damage is irreversible too you know i mean some of it's reversible i'm just being honest i know i know i know i can take it and uh i can take it yeah i mean even if you're like a piece of even if you were to light a piece of paper up a piece of paper yes smoke the paper inhale the smoke from the paper the smoke that you're inhaling you're inhaling it directly into your lungs and that's where it differs from like a sauna or anything else you're literally just it's the purposes go directly to your lungs and then back out you're you're um don't burn shit and inhale the fumes it's pretty solid advice yeah pretty solid yeah
Starting point is 00:45:04 so i had someone tell me one time that hey nothing you put in your body is good for you It's pretty solid advice. Yeah. Pretty solid. Yeah. So I had someone tell me one time that, Hey, nothing you put in your body is good for you. All you can do is mitigate the damage it does. So even if you eat broccoli, it's work for your body or a piece of steak or whatever, your body has to digest it.
Starting point is 00:45:19 It has to work to make it, to break it down. And there's going to be a byproduct. So put in the cleanest shit in your body so that it's fucking, it does the least damage. You have to think of it like that. Not this is healthy for you and this is unhealthy for you. It's all kind of unhealthy, but there's spectrums of it.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And I kind of like that because we have to consume some shit, right? We need some, some fuel, but every time you drive your car, you put a little wear and tear on that engine. Every time you put a tank of gas on there, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:42 a few less miles, you're going to get out of it. That's for sure. And you have to, you know, do few less miles you're going to get out of it. That's for sure. And you have to, you know, do maintenance on your car just so you have to do maintenance on your body as well. You know, oil changes. Same thing with your body. Obviously, you're not putting oil in your body. I mean, it's, you know, an analogy.
Starting point is 00:45:57 But at the end of the day, you got to take care of your body. I always tell my friends like this. One of my friends, I'm not going to say his name, but it's huge in the car. I know Mark. He's a good dude. He know mark he's a good dude you can say he don't care he don't care mark we'll say his alias is mark but mark loves his car puts thousands of dollars in the car buying new rims buying uh you know uh side skirts the spoiler the stereo uh the lovers the stereo or stereo, you know, the, the front bumper, the, the splitter, the rear diffuser, the exhaust system, everything, putting some stuff under his hood, supercharger, all this stuff. Long story short, he's putting thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars into his car. But then it's like, Hey, do you want to go do you want to go get him? Or you ask him when's the last time you got a massage? Or do you want to go do you want to go get them or you ask them when's the last time you got a massage or do you want to go do cryotherapy?
Starting point is 00:46:48 Cryotherapy is, you know, 40 bucks massage, 100 bucks, you know, for 60 minutes, 90 minutes, whatever. That's that's too expensive. 100 bucks is too expensive to get a massage done. But you can put about five thousand dollars into your car. That's depreciating as we speak. thousand dollars into your car that's depreciating as we speak and it's only causing problems because that now when you go through the car wash all that shit added accessories you put on get all fucked up yeah modifying your car is a fucking slippery slope no it's i mean it's cool don't get me wrong it's it's cool at the end of the day it makes it look better you know visually
Starting point is 00:47:20 aesthetically and then on top of that you know it could perform better you know you're doing air intakes you're doing you know you're you're you put a supercharger on it maybe you're uh getting a tune done on it you know you're getting the exhaust done everything you can to add some power to it and yeah at the end of the day it might sound better it might be a little bit faster but i mean we we have speed limits anyways we're probably gonna get pulled over i've been pulled over several times, you know, for speeding. And that stops when you get old, by the way, I don't get pulled over anymore. I never get pulled over. Wait till you get some grades.
Starting point is 00:47:53 It's awesome. I've got pulled over probably 10 times in my life and I've probably gotten five tickets and I still haven't stopped. That's not bad. I used to get pulled over like every day as a kid. So that's not bad. 10 times isn't bad. Yeah. But, uh, and I've gotten probably five tickets total and I've never stopped. I mean, I think I've gotten a little bit better with it. You know, is that your thing? Is that your addiction? Yeah. I like, I like driving fast.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I mean, I just like doing things that are a rush. You know what I mean? Obviously I like fighting. fast i mean i just like doing things that are a rush you know what i mean obviously i like fighting i like roller coasters i like uh driving fast you know i like uh like gun games video games like shooting guns in real life you know i having sex in public places no i haven't done that i haven't done that uh but long story short i like doing things for a thrill. So, I mean, something else I would like to do is probably like go skydiving, you know, at some point. Not me. I would like to, you know what I mean? Yeah. Just for the thrill of it.
Starting point is 00:48:54 And, I mean, that's the type of person I am. You know, I don't like doing the same thing every day. I don't like living a boring mediocre life you know i would like to do things like you know drive fast some adrenaline rush you know what i mean yeah fast skydive roller coasters jet ski motorcycle all that other stuff you know what i mean there's you have a motorcycle do you own i do i do i just bought one recently i own a harley. Oh, do you love it? Yes, I love it a lot. No helmet law in Florida, huh?
Starting point is 00:49:32 No, I mean, I still have my Pennsylvania license because I split time. But there's not a helmet law once you have your license in PA. But you have to wear it when you have a permit. Right now, I have my permit. I'm getting my license right after my, yep, there it is. I'm getting my license. Oh, that's it is getting my life oh that's a nice helmet i like wearing a helmet yeah i look like a halo character yeah it's cool that's a nice helmet yeah you can see uh cody garbrandt's comment over here cool moped
Starting point is 00:49:56 i don't know what kind of bike he has but you know he has a big bike so does he train there with you no he's he he was at team alpha male and now he's in oh that's right at extreme couture in uh vegas we're around from the same area he's from ohio i'm from pa so we know each other through mutual friends and stuff there um but yeah so i uh that's my first bike my dad actually passed away from a motorcycle accident he got hit by a drunk driver and a lot of people were like you know oh that's a bad idea you shouldn't have did that that that's a lesson your dad dying was a lesson my dad knew the risk when he got a bike you know what i mean but he still got a bike you know he loved doing it you know and at the end of the day i'm sure he doesn't
Starting point is 00:50:45 regret it he didn't regret it one bit you know when he was in the hospital after he got hit and he didn't even die from a motorcycle accident he died with complications complications from surgery but i'm sure when he was in the hospital i know that's a crazy story too he gets hit and he's alive for two weeks and then passes after two weeks that That's, that's, that's a tough story. Yeah. He got like septus sepsis and like his organs started failing and stuff. And like after one of his surgeries, I was in there the day before his last surgery and he was completely fine. You know, like no brain damage, just broken bones in his lower body from like the fall that he took. He got like launched off his motorcycle, but you know,
Starting point is 00:51:23 no brain injuries, no internal bleeding, nothing. and towards the end of my dad's life he wasn't as healthy as he was i mean my dad used to be a big jack dude and he used to like super into lifting super into fitness everything in the fighting all that but towards the end of his life you know i think he got a kind of uh content and let himself go a little bit so he wasn't the healthiest you know don't get don't get me wrong he wasn't unhealthy like super unhealthy but he wasn't the healthiest, you know. Don't get me wrong. He wasn't, like, super unhealthy, but he wasn't, like, he wasn't, you know, he wasn't obese or anything like that. Or I wouldn't even push it to say that he was greatly overweight.
Starting point is 00:51:56 You know what I mean? He just had a little bit of a belly. He still had, like, you know, big arms and shit. But he didn't take care of himself as greatly as he did before that. And I think that played a part in like how his surgeries and everything went in recovery from it so i mean who knows i'm not a doctor there could have been complications everything on their end but i'm not sitting here to point the finger at anybody you know uh and i bet you i bet you i hope i know you
Starting point is 00:52:21 for a long time i bet you when you have kids, you get rid of that bike. No, I don't think so. All right. I don't think so. My dad had six. My dad had six. I know, but you're different. It's 7.52 a.m. on July 16, 2022.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Dalton and Savon have just made a bet for $12 million. I bet he'll get rid of his bike. $12 million. Well, you know, something. We got to put something on the line. it's a lot of money man but i don't see myself getting rid of it man and like i said he had six kids he got it after he got it after the fact you know i mean he knew all the risks and your dad was a gangster you're not a gangster you're a professional athlete he knew the risk man and he wrote it for five or six years before he before he got in his accident so um and 100 not his fault got hit by a drunk driver yeah pulling out of uh he was on his way
Starting point is 00:53:12 back from work too middle of the day five o'clock you know and uh and you don't get millions of dollars from that from the guy's insurance no dude didn't have insurance. Of course. So, and his, his like, uh, exact, I forget exactly what the details were. I don't know. So I don't know if he had a suspended license and he didn't have insurance, obviously, because he didn't have, he had to suspend the license. You can't get insurance on a car if you have, you know, suspend a license. Uh, but I don't know if like the registration was like, I forget all the details of it, but I remember he was, uh, pulling out of a bar, you know, is that dude in jail?
Starting point is 00:53:52 Surprisingly not, man. That was the, you know, the most frustrating thing about the entire thing. Like after my dad passes, dude, didn't get any jail time or anything. I went to court, you know, he didn't have to pay anything. It was just like the whole like fucked up situation but i mean i'm not gonna wish anything bad on that guy i'm sure i'm i'm sure at the end of the day it really was you know an accident you know obviously he was doing things wrong they shouldn't have been doing in the moment but he didn't mean to hit anybody you know what i mean and uh and my dad didn't die from the motorcycle accident he died
Starting point is 00:54:26 from the complications of surgery and everything so yeah damn you have a good head on your shoulders got you got to man you should fuck with that dude you should send him a letter hey dude you killed my dad i hope you're doing good shit with your life bro listen when when i i right after all that happened my dad passed away i was so angry from this man i knew the dude's name i knew where he lived like he was from sharpsville pennsylvania i i was seriously thinking about like going there man like yeah like it got bad like i i was seriously like i was so angry for the longest time you know and like every single morning i wake up and i was like just telling myself don't ruin your life yeah ruin your life because if i would have went there and you know said something to this dude and
Starting point is 00:55:17 ended up getting a fight i don't know if i would have been able to stop myself you know what i mean because i was so emotional after my dad passed and it's just like i'm glad on the day i didn't and i'm glad i was able to like get over it yeah i mean but because if i didn't counseling for that did you get counseling for that no it's something i dealt with on my own you know what i mean and it was there were some issues i had from it for a long time like uh you know in my post personal and social life that I was having problems with, there was consequences of that. And I probably shouldn't have that anger. You mean boiling in just like leaking out all over the place. I probably should have got counseling, probably should have got therapy,
Starting point is 00:55:55 you know, affected friendships, relationships, other stuff like that. So was there a moment that it, that it, that it, that it lifted from you? Like you were in training or you were crying or was there a moment that it that it that it that it lifted from you like you were in training or you were crying or was there a moment that you actually felt that like. Like like acceptance of the situation, like a split second or. No, I think just over time, you know, gradually over time, honestly, you know, doesn't make it any easier. Sometimes I think about it, still get emotional. Yeah, it's like a switch you know what i mean but yeah that the anger from it you know dissipating i think with maturity as like time passed and i mellowed out a little bit you know i was i was aggressive when i was younger you know i was with my upbringing my dad was an aggressive guy you know um how i was raised, where I was raised, my environment.
Starting point is 00:56:46 I constantly had to fight all the time growing up, like as a kid, you know, I was a white kid in a primarily black neighborhood and I got picked on a lot. And more and more and more textbook shit, right? It's all just so textbook. No drinking, no, no smoking, lots of fighting. I mean, you basically at 12 years old you ran away i mean you came to visit your dad never went back yes sir get getting out of that hey when you share this stuff uh you you you you came on this podcast and we talked about it a lot but you were recently on
Starting point is 00:57:20 the grindcast with your homeboy yep simon there he is um when you share that why why do you give so much yourself why do you share so much i've interviewed fucking 40 fighters and five of you give of yourself the other 35 either they don't know how or or you can't get real with them. Why do you do it? Any reason? I mean, I'm comfortable with it now. You know what I mean? They're like back then, I mean, five years ago, I wouldn't have shared any of this information. I'm so embarrassed of it. You know what I mean? But there's, there's a lot of people I feel like in some that are watching, you never know who the video is going to reach. And that some people watching at the end of the day, you know, maybe in the same position, maybe in worse, you know, maybe
Starting point is 00:58:08 in a little bit better, but still in a shitty position. I mean, at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if they're in a shitty position, it's similar to yours. Maybe they need to hear your story. You know what I mean? So it's like, okay, yeah, like, he came from the shitty position in life. And he, you know, he made better for himself you know i'm not where i i i want to be yet i still have goals and everything i've i'm accomplished but i'm i'm definitely well on my way you know i mean and i'm in a great spot financially um you know i'm doing well for myself and emotionally right yeah i'm i'm much more mature um you know everything's everything's a lot better now and i mean if it changes i know there's a lot of people changing one life doesn't mean anything
Starting point is 00:58:51 it's not worth it look if even if it changes one person's life you know and then you never know down the road and they might come up to you and be like hey i just want to let you know like you helped me and i'm like how they're like They're like, yeah, I heard you talk. I seen, maybe I seen you when you were visiting Newcastle and you gave me a little motivational speech and you told me your story and you motivated me or whatever. You never know who's going to affect at the end of the day. And I mean, uh, I think it's a little one. I think some fighters may be embarrassed of it still. I was embarrassed of it back then. I'm not anymore. You know what I mean? Uh, I mean, it's the truth. There's no point in hiding it. And two, you know, I have confidence
Starting point is 00:59:31 in myself and everything that I'm not going to be embarrassed by that anymore. And if it can help somebody at the end of the day that might have been in my position or worse or a similar situation, like I said before, you know, I's, I think it would be selfish not to, you know, share that story and show that you're able to make it out no matter what you went through. You know what I mean? There's this, uh, there's this dude, I know he's in his seventies. One of the smartest dudes I know, he's still handsome at 70, cool, charming, I know he's still handsome at 70 cool charming so many skills an entertainer he can sing he can dance he can he's so fucking cool he knows so much and he went to jail doing some shit some gambling illegal gambling shit with the mob and someone had to take the fall and he took the fall
Starting point is 01:00:20 for them this is in Vegas and this is like 30 years ago and it fucked him up and he's like embarrassed about it and he shouldn't be embarrassed about it he should be like coming out and like writing a book about it and talking about it and it's it's it's so crazy how that shit lingers right like for me and for all the listeners out there i think hearing your story is cool as shit and we think you're cool as shit for it but it's interesting how people we were talking about this yesterday it's interesting how people internalize shit that they might think is embarrassing that other people actually think is cool. Right. So like if I'm a dad and I have a daughter, I'm like, I want her to date Dalton, you know, or if I have kids, I'm like, man,
Starting point is 01:00:58 I want them to go to the same academy as Dalton. I want them to get some of that mojo. But for you, like you had to come around to, to seeing it was your gift and not your something to be ashamed of. It's a trip. Yeah, for sure. And like, even when I first started off with MMA, it's same thing. Like I, like you said, I only made 4,000 guaranteed, you know, I could have showed up and lost and walk away with 4,000. I ended up walking away with 8,000 plus two or 3,000 in sponsors. Thank the scooter King. And you know, I, I'm, I lived off that for the next 10 months because i didn't fight for another 10 months after that so um you know people don't realize that i heard you say that in an interview i'm not getting paid for the fight i'm getting
Starting point is 01:01:38 paid that money is to is like back pay for all the fucking training training i did and i did it for years as an amateur before i finally got paid it's like like people were like oh you must be nice to get paid this and this is a lump sum it's like one they don't even know how much i'm getting paid because back then i was still getting i mean in that first year i got paid a lot less than the average income you know for the average american and way less it It's like below poverty line. You were making like, like a dollar an hour when you figure it out. And like you,
Starting point is 01:02:10 you'd be imagined or you'd be amazed at like the ignorance of people, like the statements that they would make to me, uh, about like, it must be nice doing this or that, or getting paid this. And it's like, bro, you have no idea what I'm making. I have to pay taxes out of my pocket, pay for my own insurance. I have to like pay for my 401k, my own 401k. If I want one, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:36 I have to make my own investments for my retirement, everything. And all that's coming out of your paycheck and you're still getting paid more at the end of the day than me. You know what I mean? And you're guaranteed a paycheck at the end of the week as long as you don't get fired. You get paid every two weeks. I get paid once, twice a year. And I have to live on that. I have to do a lot of budgeting. Like I said, I have to have all those expenses where it comes out of your company provides all that for you. They provide the 401k, the insurance, death benefit, all this other stuff. And you're still getting paid every two weeks or every week. Some people, um, Hey dude, how about the, how about the companies? People don't even realize you drink a $5 cup of coffee every day at work and that's 300 days a year. And you just
Starting point is 01:03:19 say 1500 bucks. No one's doing that shit for you like you got nothing you are an independent like contractor everything yes sir everything and uh yeah it's nuts fighters it's it's it looks like a really tough road to hoe same with gym owners gym owners too i don't know how they do it another tough road to hoe yeah everyone just thinks oh you have a thousand you have a thousand customers that pay you, you know, $20 a month to make 20,000 a month. Well, fuck it. The rent there is fucking 5,000. The toilet paper is another 200.
Starting point is 01:03:51 The electricity is another thousand dollars. I mean, that shit just vanishes. Yeah. And then the same thing with them. It's like when they first start out, they're not making any money for probably the first couple of years. You know what I mean? They're just getting by.
Starting point is 01:04:02 They're just scratching by. And it's just with the. Yeah. Living in the changing room, right? Living in the changing room. It's just with the outlook and the hope that, you know, one day it's going to pay off two, three years from now, maybe even five, you know, I'll start making an income and, you know, I'll be doing well for myself, you know, and I won't have to work as much. And it's like, that's what people don't see. It's the risk that you take. There's a lot of risk with business. There's a lot of risk with what I did. I could have, like I said, went there and made 4,000, you know, and I left a job where
Starting point is 01:04:31 I could have made six figures in my first year at Northwestern Mutual as a financial advisor to go make four grand guaranteed in my first fight. And then let's say- That's where the fork in the road was? You were going to go Northwestern Mutual and be an insurance agent? Yeah. Yeah. Financial advisor. Yeah. Or that you graduated in college with the three eight and you got a degree in finance. Yep. And it's like people called me crazy. And to me, I was investing in myself. You know, I was betting on myself. It was a risk. And that's what I'm saying. There's a lot of people that don't want to take that risk because they're like, all right, the financial stability of this job. I'm already here. I have the job. Why the hell would I leave to get paid a guaranteed $4,000?
Starting point is 01:05:07 And let's say I lost that first fight and I only got paid $4,000. Let's say 10 months later, I fought again and I lost again. And then I only got paid $4,000 again. There's $8,000 in my first year when I could have made $100,000 at Northwest Mutual. And maybe now Bellator cut me. And then maybe now that- Yes. Now you're making $200 fighting in a bar. Yeah. Now maybe since I didn't, or I left Northwestern Mutual, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:05:32 And I haven't worked in a year. Nobody's going to take a bet on me. I'm not going to get an interview. You know, now I'm stuck. You know, that's the risk that people pay for, you know, going out and trying to achieve something like this on their own. And when it goes to business, you know, you put yourself in debt on top of that. There's products you have to buy. You have to pay rent. You have to pay your employees, all this other stuff. And that's why people will complain at the end of the day saying like,
Starting point is 01:05:57 oh, these business owners, they're not paying the employees enough. At the end of the day, there's a profit margin. Most of them are high in CEOs or CFOs that are requiring a profit margin that needs to be met. You know what I mean? At the end of the day, people need to know how the supply chain works and how business works in order to keep the economy going. And at the end of the day, the people who made this business and took the risk, the financial risk and didn't have anything for 10 years straight before they finally started making an income, you know, it's, they get to choose what they're making at the end of the day. And, uh, the person that's working
Starting point is 01:06:33 with them for them with no degree, uh, you know, no work ethic, trust me, they're not deserving of half of what that person's getting when they're not putting any of the work in, they didn't take the risk and they don't have the work ethic or the education or anything else for it. And it's like to sit there and argue that they do. It's simple minded and it's, you know, it's blasphemous at the end of the day. You can't, I can't believe that people can actually wrap their heads around that and actually believe that that's fair because it's not.
Starting point is 01:07:04 It's interesting taking risk, right? Yeah. And no, barely anybody does it. You know what I mean? It's sometimes people take the risk and it doesn't pay off and they end up back at a nine to five, you know, and they, they might end up in a shitty, shittier position than when they started. Some people take the risk and it pays off, you know, and that's the scary part about it. Why people don't want people take the risk and it pays off, you know, and that's the scary part
Starting point is 01:07:25 about it. Why people don't want to take the risk because. Will you pull up the no plan B shirt? That's so funny. That's so funny. You say that because I, there is a line in an interview Dalton did recently. He said, plan B is a plan B is for losers. And I've been explaining to people, it just hit me like a couple months ago. I don't need any motivation because I have no plan B is for losers. And I've been explaining to people, it just hit me like a couple months ago. I don't need any motivation because I have no plan B. I don't need to listen to Goggins or Jocko Willick or Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan or anyone motivate me because there's, I haven't, I'm going to send you one of these. I have no fucking plan B zero. It's just fucking, but you know what? Also Dalton, it sounds like you believe
Starting point is 01:08:07 in yourself. For me, I feel like I'm just kind of dumb, like, like a, like a Labrador chasing a tennis ball. You know what I mean? Like, like, I might think that if you thought that you wouldn't be doing what you're doing. Well, I guess dumb's maybe not the right word. Maybe there's a better word for it, but I'm not, I don't tell myself store. only tell them i don't i don't i don't have what ifs like when i'm riding a bike i'm not the kid who looks at the poles i have to ride through i've always known just look right in the center and get through those poles you know what i mean you're like when you ride through a narrow spot in a bike if you look at the wrong thing you'll fucking it. Like I'm just focused on what I need to do. I'm not like, oh shit, what if this happens?
Starting point is 01:08:48 Oh shit, what if this happens? So I feel like I can't take credit for like that. I've just taken risk my whole life, but it doesn't feel like a risk to me. It just feels like I'm focused, like a dog looking at a tennis ball. Do you know what i mean yeah where i i feel like me i'm always thinking about the what ifs because i'm like i'm preparing for them me it's like all right what if this happens yeah then this then i'm going to do this if this happens then i'm gonna do this like and uh like i do that for my fights like
Starting point is 01:09:23 it's not about like a uh a plan b in the actual fight like second by second you mean like a chess match no i definitely no i definitely do it in the fight like i'm uh reacting and analyzing during the fight but before the fight when i'm visualizing i'm always thinking if this happens then you got to do this if this happens then you got to do this i'm always prepared for adversity. I'm always prepared for the worst and expecting the worst and preparing for the best. You know what I mean? Oh, I guess I do do that. Yeah. And it's always like, if this happens, then I have to do this. It's not like I'm not going into the fight and I'm thinking like, all right, fuck it. Let's just fight and let's hope for the best. I'm like, all right, I need to think about this. If I take a bad shot, what am I going to do? Am I going to go, what am I going to do? If I get put in this submission, what am I going to do? If I get in this position, am I going to get the TKO or am I going to go for a submission? I'm always, you know, the worst and the best. I'm thinking focused on winning and this is my only plan at the end of the day, but I'm, I'm analyzing beforehand and visualizing everything that could possibly go wrong and preparing myself for it.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Yeah. The best example I can think of in my life is when I got fired, I immediately came home and asked my wife, I was like, hey, because I didn't want to lose this house that I'm in, right? I have this dope fucking house. It would be so hard to ever get a house this nice again. I don't want to lose any. I own a bunch of homes. I don't want to lose any of them because I want to give them to my kids. And I go to my wife.
Starting point is 01:11:15 I said, hey, if shit gets weird, are you cool just moving into a van and renting out our house? And my wife said, yeah. a van and renting out our house and my wife said yeah and that kind of put like that let me that took so much fucking pressure off me to then just get back on track uh-huh do you know what i mean like like like she she gave the family like uh okay like like uh i get i guess oh shit fucking up the shirt i guess i did have a plan b but it's but it's kind of just like that's not a plan b that's a okay help me that's yeah that's that's a what it That's not a plan B. That's a what if. Okay, help me out. Yeah, that's a what if. That's not a plan B. You're not completely changing your plan.
Starting point is 01:11:48 You know what I mean? Your plan is still – But I know where the fire extinguisher is. If shit fucking gets weird, I'm going to run over, grab that thing, and fucking – Yeah, it's just you know there's different streets to one destination. Right. I guess the plan is still to keep the houses. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:01 If your destination is here, the fastest way there is a straight line. You know what I mean? But you can take the right, you can take a right and then take a left and take another left to get to that straight line. Or you can take a left and then a right and then another right, or you can fucking take an angle where you can cut through for a fucking shortcut. I mean, there's different ways to get to your destination. You can get there by train, you can get there by plane, you can get there by fucking car, by boat, whatever. I mean, these are all analogies, obviously, but at the end of the day, it's the same way with your dream and your goal at the end of the day in real life. There's different ways to get there. So if you get sidetracked or you get a bump in the
Starting point is 01:12:41 road and you get a flat tire, you got to fix that you got to be prepared for that you got to have your fix a flat or you have to have a fucking tow truck on fucking standby or you know your your triple a or your insurance whatever you you you still are planning to get to your destination right but you have uh things in place to help you get there have you if you have any adversity you know what i mean so it's not a plan b at all it's just your insurances and do you do you do you love what you do you do i love it man listen i wouldn't be going to the gym and getting black eyes and getting cauliflower i mean this trust me this shit ain't fucking pretty. You know what I mean? This ain't, this ain't winning me over any ladies or anything at the end of the day. You know, it didn't win me over Gina. Uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:13:32 the busted up teeth, I've chipped teeth and everything. You know, I get scratches on my face. I get cuts, black eyes. I got scar tissue all over the place. You know, it's, it's at the end of the day, I'm not doing this for, you know, the, I'm not doing this for the money. You know what I mean? I'm doing this for both the, the legacy and the glory of it for myself or the love of it. You know what I mean? I love it. At the end of the day, at the end of the day, I don't love it just enough to, you know yeah i love it at the end of the day at the end of the day i don't love it just enough to you know just go in there and have fun you know i i am also doing it for glory and legacy where i'm going into practice and i'm like all right today's gonna fucking suck i might be tired
Starting point is 01:14:15 you know i might just want to quit halfway through the fucking round if i'm getting my ass beat but i'm not going to i'm just gonna fucking push through it because that's what champions are going to do and that's what's going to get me to my goal at the end of the fucking day. You know, I might go into a wrestling practice where it might be brutal. It might fucking suck. You know, I might be getting my ass kicked. I might feel like shit that day, you know, might've slept like shit. I might've ate like shit the day before I might be sick. I don't know, whatever it is, I'm going to go in there and push through it no matter what, because I know what my goal is at the end of the day. And if I don't do that, I'm not going to get there. And that's what I'm saying. These,
Starting point is 01:14:48 these, what I'm talking about, these references I'm making are all bumps in the road, you know, me going into practice and feeling like shit and not having the best gas tank or being fatigued that that's a flat tire that I got to fix, you know? Yeah. Yeah. being fatigued that that's a flat tire that i gotta fix you know yeah yeah me me going into practice sick you know what i mean or maybe i have a stomach bug or or whatever whatever it is you know i'm not feeling the greatest you know i made a wrong turn you know i gotta get back on on the correct road to my destination it's uh it's all at the end of the day that's what it is to me and it's not a plan b you know those are adversity that's adversity and you're preparing for it i have a bad i have a bad podcast but i but fuck it you move on to the next one and i know i did
Starting point is 01:15:39 my best i know i pushed through yeah and i, everybody has a bad debt. You know what I mean? I enjoy your podcast, but, uh, you know, what you think might be a bad podcast might be good to somebody else. Right. Right. Right. And that's always weird too. That's always weird too. Right. So you, you, you might feel like shit in the same sense going to practice one day, but maybe the coaches saw something out of you that they didn't see before right you know what i mean so it's all relative you graduated high school with a 4.7 did you was that hard and have you learned to leverage your ego against yourself do you know what i mean by that like not let your ego get out of control but leverage it like play it against itself to force you to do better i'm going to try to think of an example well tell me why did you get a 4.7 okay so i like to like like when you want to prove something to someone let's say someone
Starting point is 01:16:39 says something about you and you know it doesn't really bother you but you still use that to kind of manipulate yourself it's almost like having an out-of-body experience like you you it doesn't really bother you but you want to take it and leverage your ego with it like kind of like fuck with yourself almost like you're a split personality person i do that a lot i feel like leverage my ego against myself like to make myself do stuff i don't want to do yes i mean if you want to be completely honest with you like like my freshman year, eighth grade year, seventh grade year and high school and junior high,
Starting point is 01:17:09 I like was getting a B's and C's, you know what I mean? Like just pass it. I'm like, all right, I just pass. Fuck it. You know,
Starting point is 01:17:16 like I don't care about school. You know, I want to go to college, play football. I want to go to college to wrestle. I want to become, I want to go to NFL or go to UFC or professional fighter. You know know what i mean that's the end of the day that's what i want to do so you give a fuck about school you know what i mean but i knew i was capable if i put in
Starting point is 01:17:30 the work i could do whatever the hell i set my mind to and my dad knew that so my dad's seen these report cards instead of like you know punishing me or anything like some other people some other parents might do their kids he like offered me incentive and you know like i said i i grew up poor my dad didn't have much enough or much money so like he was like if you get all a's every nine weeks i'll give you 100 bucks you get always in all b's i'll give you 50 and it's like at the time i didn't think much i was like i was like all right a hundred dollars a lot you know every nine weeks and then but now that I'm thinking, I'm like, my dad really didn't have $100 to just give out. You know what I mean? But at the time, I'm like, incentive wise, I'm thinking, okay, he's giving me $100 to make all A's.
Starting point is 01:18:15 All right, yeah, I'm going to do my homework now. I'll study a little bit for my exam. I'll get all A's. And that's exactly what I did. And that was exactly what I did. And that was an incentive at first. And then eventually that taught me that not only are you getting like a monetary reward for it, but you're also being rewarded on your report card. You're getting recognition in the paper. You are getting scholarships from colleges. There's a whole lot of rewards that you're getting from it just because you decided to fucking put in the
Starting point is 01:18:45 work you know i mean and looking back on it now on a set of things like that didn't have a hundred dollars to give away right somehow he was like finding it in him to give me a hundred dollars every nine weeks in order to get straight A's that's because he wanted me to do better you know what i mean and just like now that i'm thinking about it now you know that that motivates me when i do better in whatever else i'm doing if I'm having a bad day or I'm feeling like, you know, I'm not pushing hard enough or whatever, uh, you know, that, and in that aspect that he went out of his way, did something that he was almost unable to do completely just to better me, you know? And at the end of the day, um, like I said, it's like not just that monetary me, you know? And at the end of the day, like I said,
Starting point is 01:19:25 it's like not just that monetary reward, but knowing that he was almost unable to give the $100 and he still did just to help me get better. Plus all of the incentives with, you know, the recognition from the paper and the scholarships and then not having to sit out of football games and everything from bad report cards and then take that much more effort, if we're being honest like all at the end of the day all i
Starting point is 01:19:48 had to do was apply myself and to see all of the rewards that came from it you know really yeah do better in the future with everything else you know and uh sooner or later honestly he probably wouldn't even have to give me a hundred dollars every nine weeks i just wanted to get a's i was the the feeling of self-accomplishment like our yes i'm getting my straight a's out of 4.0 above a 4.0 once i got into the honors classes and everything it's like the feeling it gave me of accomplishment without the money without the recognition and everything just myself you know without all the exterior and external stuff, it felt phenomenal. You know what I mean? And then all of the external stuff just added on top of it.
Starting point is 01:20:31 So I think that it was great for me. And I think with everything else in my life, football, sports, it helped me apply in that aspect as well. Confidence just rolling down the hill, get a few A's, start believing in yourself, get more A's, start doing better at football, start just, yeah, it's good. Yeah. And, um, did everyone at school know, were you the smarty pants? Did everyone at school know that's the, that's the 4.0 kid? No, no. They, everybody thought I was a jock. Everybody thought I was stupid. And then whenever they see my report card, they were all super surprised. You know what I what i mean and like you kind of like that
Starting point is 01:21:09 that's kind of fun too right yeah like a magic trick you know especially when people were condescending and yeah like all the time they had that like type of attitude you know and then like you know you don't say anything about it but then i go on report card day everybody's like asking like oh what'd you get what's your gpa it, but then I go on report card day, everybody's like asking like, Oh, what'd you get? What's your GPA? Blah, blah, blah. And then whenever the person that was always condescending or always had an attitude towards you or always tried talking down on you or belittling you, you know, they asked you, Hey, what'd you get?
Starting point is 01:21:35 Oh, blah. And I show them, they're like, how the hell? Their reaction was always the best. How the hell did you get a 4.5? How the hell did you get a 4.7? And I got a 3.4. How'd you get an A in this class? How'd you get a 4.7 and i got a 3.4 how'd you get an a in this class how'd you get a 99 in this class now they got a 89 yeah yeah it's like you know this this
Starting point is 01:21:51 is what's going on but i don't rub it in your face every day like you rubbed it in on me right i mean but if i choose to rub it in now you know then i'm i'm the one with the ego i'm the one that's fooling myself i'm the one that's fooling myself. I'm the one that's arrogant and cocky and all this other stuff. But you were never any of that when you were rubbing it in every day. You know what I mean? So it's all about, it's all about perception at the end of the day. You know what I mean? People label people, cocky, arrogant, uh, overconfident, whatever they want based on how they're feeling. You know what I mean? Where I feel like if they, if those people were also confident,
Starting point is 01:22:26 they wouldn't be labeling another confident person arrogant or cocky or any of that. But if that person's insecure, if that person's insecure and then somebody else is confident, then they're quick. Or if they have a reason to call that person cocky or arrogant because they are better in one aspect in this
Starting point is 01:22:45 turn in this uh scenario grades you know they're quick to like all right you're coffee you're arrogant but it's like oh that's not what it was before you seen my report card right you know i mean before you see my report card you thought you were getting better grades than me i wasn't coffee or arrogant i was always attracted to people my whole life who other people thought were arrogant and i was like i don't i don't see i just don't see the arrogance i think of arrogance is kind of like being mean i don't but there's a total like one of my the one of the most uh confident people i ever met was this uh arm wrestler travis bajan arm wrestled all over the world and he so believed in himself he so believed in himself and even after he lost if he would lose he'd be confident
Starting point is 01:23:26 just at the table he'd like bow to the person you know what i mean and he was just so fucking confident and people would be like he's arrogant i don't like him i'm like i just don't see it i think it's not arrogant said that aura that yeah people give off like before when you walk in even connor and connor's earlier people be like he's arrogant i'm like yeah i don't see it yeah he's confident yeah people expect people expect athletes to go in and tell people that they're gonna lose yeah they have a chance at losing it's like one that's not the right mindset yeah two no athlete that's actually competitive in their right mind is going to say that right three three a lot of the time they're not even saying anything it's just their aura about them they walk in a room it's when you walk in a room before you say anything the body
Starting point is 01:24:14 language your your attitude the way you carry yeah yeah it gives off an aura it gives off a statement you know what i mean it's people a lot of the time will take that aura because it makes them feel insecure or inferior. You come in like a rooster and all the other roosters are like, oh, fuck. Yeah. And you walk in and then all of a sudden they feel insecure. They're quick to label you cocky or arrogant. When you're not, they're just insecure. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:24:41 And they finally found out in that moment that they were. And I mean, there's obviously scenarios where this isn't true and somebody is cocky or somebody is arrogant but a lot of the time you see people labeling based off of how they feel yeah and that that's honest to god's truth and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah of course it's textbook it's like psychology 101 right yeah you have one finger you but four pointed back at me right yeah it's uh something that people don't talk about enough and therapists and psychologists and everybody don't talk about enough but it's well known in the psychology uh department you know what i mean but they they doesn't talk about enough projection uh uh we're uh thank you i've taken so much your time i want to i want to i know i know the the
Starting point is 01:25:27 audience is really going to love this next subject so i just want to touch on it really quick this is really fucking cool in one of the interviews i um watched you recently uh you said that it's it's not unheard of for you to lose 10 pounds in one hour like you can that's how much water weight a man of your size and your ability and your fucking metabolic capacity just how hot you run your engine can lose and you also mentioned um uh in fight camp uh limiting yourself to 2200 calories a day for fight camp and and you and you kind of estimated that that would be training in an 800 calorie a day deficit. Is all of that accurate?
Starting point is 01:26:12 Yeah, well, I would say I'm probably, that'd probably be at a thousand calorie deficit. And I've been trying to get at least 2000 calories a day, but saying under 300. So like the average. Under 3000? No, under 2300. Oh. So what my goal is on average is to be at 2200. But some days, you know, I'll be at 2100, even 2000, you know, and I'm not hungry. And I'm like, all right, you know, I'm not going to stuff myself.
Starting point is 01:26:37 And I'm not going to add extra food if I don't have to, you know, I'm about to go to sleep soon. I don't want to fucking with my sleep, you know. about to go to sleep soon. I don't want to fuck with my sleep, you know? And so there's, there's obviously, you know, uh, times that I don't do the 2,200 exactly. Or there's a days where like, I'll be at like 2150 and, or even 2,200 right on a dot and I'm hungry or I'm feeling drained or something. And I'm like, I have a hard training the next day. I'm like, all right, I'm going to up my calories a little bit, but still try to keep it in a deficit, you know, even if it's a 200 calorie deficit, you know, whatever, as long as I'm at least maintaining the weight where I'm at. And yes, I mean, this this camp,
Starting point is 01:27:17 it's been the same. But I have, like I said, the weights been dropping like crazy, Uh, I have, like I said, the, the weight's been dropping like crazy, like more than it usually is. And I think that's just a, you know, indicator that like my training has been a little bit different. I I've been training. I mean, I always train as hard as I can, but I, I hit, I feel like I hit a new gear. Wow. Yeah. I feel like I hit a, hit a new gear and that I didn't have before. Will that show in pressure that you put on the guy? Where will we see that in the fight? If you have to tap into that new gear, where will we see that? So I think if it makes it to the third round, I think that's where you're going to see it. I mean, that new gear, I feel like it's going to be the endurance and the cardio whenever i am
Starting point is 01:28:05 tired you know because no matter what we're going to get every fighter is going to get tired during a fight it's just whether they can push through it or not so i think in the third round where we start fading normally i think you're going to definitely be able to see the difference between our cardio and our ability to still produce power and strength and speed at that point in the fight. And, um, I mean, I don't think it's going to get that far. Don't get me wrong. Like I said, he's a great wrestler. Um, he's six and L obviously he uses it well during his fights, but his, his, his level of competition has not been as good. And, uh, his striking is still very green. It's still very new and inexperienced
Starting point is 01:28:45 on his feet. So I don't think he's going to push me to that point. I don't think it's going to make it to the third round. I believe I'm going to finish him at the end of the first round. You know, that's my goal. If it makes it a second, you know, I, I still want the finish. If it makes it a third, I still want the finish, you know, at the end of the day, a finish is what I want. It's not what I need. It's what I want. But I want it in the first round. But I don't think he's he's going to push me to that point. I think I will finish him before then. But if he does, if I'm ready for a war, you know, it's like I said before, expect the worst and hope for the best. You know, I'm expecting a war. And if if he if he's ready for a war and he can push me to that point let's go you know
Starting point is 01:29:26 what i mean it's it's like uh the like the spartans used to say come back with your shield or on it you know and that's how i'm going into this fight bellator 283 that's this friday the next time it's thursday night everyone should go to sleep excited because when you wake up the next day, it's going to be Friday. You're going to go over to YouTube and you're going to put on the Bellator channel and you're going to be like, holy shit, I know this guy from the Sebon podcast. And we're all going to cheer him on Dalton Rasta, 185 pounds, six and up. Brother, you're always so generous with your time, your honesty, your sincerity. And just let me it's it's it's cool as fuck to hang with you, dude.
Starting point is 01:30:07 Yeah, thank you, man. I hope I didn't bore anybody to death with how long we were. Not me. It blew by. I would still talk to you another hour. I'm taking my kids to tennis. Yeah, I – Don't forget about that $12 million bet, motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:30:21 I'm not. I don't know if I'm ever going to have $12 million. Yes, you are. Yes, have 12 million dollars yes you are yes you are yes you are and you're gonna get rid of that motorcycle be like you'll be holding your twins that gina gives you you'll be like how did you know seven by then i'll be like 75 and shit you give me probably like a two dollar bill and i'll be excited i'm telling you bro i don't think i'm getting rid of that uh motorcycle bro. I don't think so. No, it's a good bet. It's a good bet. Maybe I'll just get a bigger one.
Starting point is 01:30:47 Oh, it's a good bet. All right, brother. Jody Lynn says, not boring. All right, dude. Thank you, Jody. I will see you soon. And I'm going to text you and get your address. I want to send you some shirts.
Starting point is 01:30:59 And if you don't like them, you can give them to someone. Gina can wear them as a night shirt. Awesome. Thank you, man. I mean, if that no plan B is one of them for sure gonna like it yep awesome all right later brother thank you bro i appreciate it yep whoo we're lucky damn we're lucky love that guy so cool and they come on here and just let it all hang out oh shit i'm late 8 31 tennis starts at 9 20 minutes away i'll be rushed i'll just take it out on my kid
Starting point is 01:31:32 uh i don't think uh i have a podcast tonight i can't show you who's uh working the back end because it's top secret um Fucking nothing for you. Let me see. I'm going to pull up the calendar. Oh, yeah. So wait. Oh, yeah. Oh, Sunday.
Starting point is 01:31:53 It's not on the calendar yet. But Sunday morning, tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., we're going to have Andrew Hiller back on for the Hiller Fit Review Show, 7 a.m. Sunday. It's really cool. I keep waiting for Andrew to become too big time and not do that show anymore. But this week he said he'll do it again. So that'll be exciting. Tons of fun stuff to talk about. We'll talk about the cost of noble shirts.
Starting point is 01:32:14 And I don't know if there's any more steroid stuff to talk about. But we'll open up the phone lines. You guys can call in and talk to the Batman yourself. And that's all I got for you. I think Oh, oh oh shit wait no okay oh we got matt torres on the schedule holy shit that's not to monday that's the following monday that's the guy over at um in florida at the
Starting point is 01:32:41 uh brute brute strength oh thank you nodding back there mystery mystery person a brute In Florida at the Brute Strength. Oh, thank you. Nodding back there, mystery person. A Brute Strength. That's where Daniel Brandon went. That's where Dallin and James Sprague and Emma Carey and others are. Fee Sagafi. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:33:00 We got Hayley Adams on that day too. Holy shit, the schedule is really filling up over here. Oh my goodness, look at this. One more thing. On July 27th, we have an affiliate owner coming on. I made these comments to HQ about there's affiliate owners who've put it all on the fucking line in the middle of the fucking country like Iowa and probably in the middle of other countries who put it all on the line to run a crossfit gym all on the line they have kids but they don't they've put it all on the line their gym has to succeed they have no plan b and this guy reaches out to me and he said hey i'm one of those gyms i've had a gym for like eight or nine
Starting point is 01:33:39 or ten or eleven years i'm in the middle of iowa and we've spent every cent we have to make this work and it's chris tile i think that's his name and we've spent every cent we have to make this work and it's chris tile i think that's his name and we have him scheduled for july 27th wow we're getting bold that's in the middle of games week and we're fucking with affiliates that's going to be a great show i'm really pumped car saunders coming on uh james sprague and dallin wow tons of people we got Dale Saran coming back on. Tuesday, we have another big show in the morning with Brian Friend. And I think it's J.R. Howell.
Starting point is 01:34:11 I can't see. It's cut off. Can you see that? Anyway. Okay, guys. Love you. See you guys tomorrow if we don't do another live call-in show tonight. Bye-bye.

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