The Sevan Podcast - #493 - HillerFit Review Show | NoBull, Mal or Laura, Drugs, and more

Episode Date: July 18, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Hey, we're right on. Hey. I hear your AC on.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Oh, it's a fan. Oh. AC in the garage, huh? You know, you ball, you ball. We all try to be just like you with a half pipe with a half pipe in our driveway is it is it is it hot there uh no it's humid very humid it's probably like 85 and humid as shit hey i wonder when you're gonna start sound dude putting like sound stuff in your garage sound like sound foam like you could see some like
Starting point is 00:01:06 right i see that see the couch right there see back over there there's some sound foam stuck to the wall if you like could see all around this room there's like sound foam everywhere so that my voice doesn't sound as uh tin canny i wonder when you're gonna go weren't you telling me once you had different cameras can we check the different cameras out and just see see what all the sound foam looks like? Oh, yeah. Maybe we can do that. Let me see. That would be wild. You're about to blow everybody's mind. I'll try.
Starting point is 00:01:32 How about this camera? Oh, sound foam. Just like stuck on the wall over there. What does that do? I guess it just makes my voice sound deeper so it doesn't sound like I'm in the shitter doesn't sound like my voice Susan where are you
Starting point is 00:01:50 Yosemite that's cool that is really cool where exactly are you in Yosemite at Rush Creek Lodge oh that's more over there too you can see the uh the uh soundcaster is this a first everyone's seeing different angles of you first on the hiller fit review show
Starting point is 00:02:14 hey sorry we didn't schedule this show i can't believe you're watching we fucked this all up i was entirely shocked to not see a comment in there. Maybe a little self-conscious. Like, oh, shit. Yeah, we didn't schedule until 10 minutes ago. Yeah, I think, Kenneth, you put the notifications are jacked. No, that was on us. Yeah, that was on us. 15 minutes ago, the show came up.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Should we see how many people we can get on here Sunday morning? Suze is here from Yosemite. All the way from Yosemite. Check this out. All the way from Y all the way here small paper cup with a small plastic lid hey you guys like my outfit oh yes you look like one of those 70s workout girls the call on me video i'm going roller skating later i like the colton burton shirt how could anyone how could anyone think i have any issues with the fucking gay community have you seen the way i fucking dress i will take a fuck i just want someone to want to bang me people think you've had issues yeah just idiots you don't listen to the show.
Starting point is 00:03:25 That's exactly what I was going to say. It's only if you actually don't listen to the show that you would think you're listening. I need to take a picture of myself holding someone else's cock and just anytime anyone says anything to me, I point to it. You're free. You're free. I'm free, man. Hey, you can get this Colton Merton shirt on the Vindicate website, I believe. It's the same place you can get no rep.
Starting point is 00:03:46 You used to be able to get no rep. Quality shirts. They're called quality shirts. It's a place you can get whatever Hiller's not being sued for and think of any of his stuff. And you can get CEO shirts and TDC CEO shirts. and tdc ceo shirts and if you are wearing um anything any shirt from the sebon podcast um which would be the ceo shirt or uh any of those other shirts um not these shirts but you should wear these shirts you should buy those shirts but if you're wearing any of the sebon podcast shirts at the games on sunday you take a picture and you put it on your instagram and you tag it excuse me um you will uh you you could win an echo bike we're giving away echo bike on
Starting point is 00:04:30 and gabe just did that by the way that this isn't like we didn't like plan this isn't this is there's no plan it's just all of a sudden gabe's like hey i'm by echo pike so you can give it away and then we're like fuck all right dude that's how that went down huh yeah everything is just everything's like that like this show i called you last night or yesterday morning i'm like hey will you come on with me yeah sure well if you wear a no rep shirt on friday i'm gonna give you my car so see this this could be yours come on down hey He's not guaranteeing the giveaway of the car, but there might be a car giveaway. There might be a car giveaway. I'm not saying it's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I did a video where I said, hey, best comment in response to one of my first videos with Alexis gets one of these guys. It's just like a heart rate monitor. And the guy who won never reached out to me. So I guess I can give away this heart rate monitor. Oh, yeah. Give away his heart rate monitor. That's yeah, give away his heart rate monitor. That's good. This thing's sweet.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I love these things. I got, like, a bunch of them to give away for random reasons. Is that one that goes across your titties? Yes. And then you can sync it to your Concept2? It's actually really cool. If you sit down on the assault bike, it picks it up right away. Just like it's always broadcasting, the assault bike picks it up. I should send you one, and then you can do your heart down on the assault bike it picks it up right away just like it's always broadcasting the assault bike picks it up i should send you one and then you can do
Starting point is 00:05:47 your heart rate on the assault bike yeah or send me a link i'll buy one do they sell those on amazon they do it's the my zone heart rate monitor i believe it's the same one that annie thor's daughter and the reiki of it crew use and they have a video promoting it it integrates into lotify they're very cool it's something that I wanted to do with the affiliate because in a way, it gets Orange Theory-esque, but on your Wattify icon, it shows you where your heart rate is. If you're really high up there, your
Starting point is 00:06:13 icon goes red. If you're sitting a little bit lower, it's orange. It's cool because as a coach, say as soon as he's running the class, if you had a projector, you could look over and you could see how everyone's doing at that moment in relation to what the MyZone says. Some dude, the guy who started TumbleTrack Fitness, he also has a heart rate monitor company. And he sent me three watches and you can put them on.
Starting point is 00:06:37 They're not even watches. They're just heart rate monitors. They go on. You can put them on your wrist or on your leg. You can put them anywhere on your body. And I put them on my boys, and then they can play. Yeah, something like that. And they can play.
Starting point is 00:06:50 And then, yeah, except this one doesn't go on their chest. It can just go on their calf. And they play, and I can watch their heart rates on my TV set. It is pretty cool. But it's a pain in the ass putting it all on them and setting it all up. It, like, takes, like, two minutes. on them and setting it all up. It takes like two minutes.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Did Annie and the crew do a tick talk dance with the monitor? I'm not sure. Next person to buy a Hiller shirt on Vindicate gets Hiller's car. Go. But only if the AK-47s are in there with it. Right. Mr. Francis, you should hit the curse. You want to know something wild that happened the other day please so alexis and i went to the city for her birthday and i hate
Starting point is 00:07:33 going to the city because i just feel like we're not going to make it out alive um we're driving back it's maybe what city what city chicago okay we driving back. It's like nine o'clock and she points this out because she knows all this is the same I do, but there's a police car. We're driving a couple of lanes over from it and up behind it pulls a Jeep Wrangler and it's tailing it. It's like this close. Really weird to see. And Alexis goes, that's really odd.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Her mom goes, that's an undercover Wrangler. And we're like, there's no such thing as an undercover Jeep Wrangler. And then around it comes like my car, just like it exactly. A copy copy. And they just start fucking with this cop car. There's these two cars, like car cop car, turn this lights off and it goes off the road. And it was these cars are very often stolen over here. So it'd be somebody who had stolen my car and they're just fucking with the cops in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:08:22 That's not firsthand. It was weird. That's very situationally aware of Alexis to see that. Well, she went through the trauma of my car and now she just has an eye for it.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Just didn't even notice tailgating. I didn't think tailgating was anything. I didn't think tailgating... Oh, fuck't think tailgating oh fuck i know this is this is just giving fodder what i shouldn't say this what are you gonna tailgate a cop car like that you're just no i just didn't think women noticed tailgating i didn't think women noticed tailgating i didn't think they noticed anything that happened really on the road like that how can you say that i just because just anecdotally from the women i've been around i
Starting point is 00:09:05 mean a lot of men don't know to either notice either i just don't think um when i think of the two sexes i think of women not being as situationally aware typically she wouldn't be but i'm not kidding it was this close like if the cop would have hit the brake even a little bit it would have the car would have hit it. It was so close. It was so weird to see. And it's all, it looks like grand theft auto to me. Like, Hey, you're going to mess with the cops. And then the game will restart and you do it again. When you tell people that you, I do this too.
Starting point is 00:09:37 When you tell people that you've been with Alexis for like six or seven years, but, but, but you didn't start boning her until like three or four years ago so it's kind of weird like when people ask how long you've been how long you've been with her you're like six or seven years i'll tell people like how long you've been with your wife i'll be like 24 years we haven't been together that long my god you're so shallow like what's my what the girls are so shallow they think that the relationship started when you put a date on it, when you put your penis in them. Oh, that's when you think it started. That's when they think it started.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I told my wife it started when I saw you. Just because I didn't bone you for five years doesn't mean it's like those five years don't count. Yeah, you still count. I noticed that from one of your videos. I think you have this similar situation. You think you've been with her six or seven years. She tells people three or four years. You're like, yo, when I saw you think you've been with her six or seven years she tells people three or four years you're like yo when i saw you you were mine correct yeah 2015 i'd say 2018 she
Starting point is 00:10:29 says it's just like what did you name that movie that you made five years to fornication five years i didn't make it i just wrote i was gonna name the video that but i don't know how many people would have understood that's i would you know what's weird is so last night i was making sure i saw all your videos and i can't believe i missed that one that one's from six or seven days ago the birthday tribute the the weirdest thing about doing these with you is that i'm very like one or two days at a time and i have no idea what we're going to talk about right i i made that video but that was so six days ago. Yeah, yeah. It's crazy, your turnout. Did you see the amazing video CrossFit Games put out two days ago? It's a tribute to all of the wide variety of ethnic athletes participating
Starting point is 00:11:18 and races participating in the 2022 CrossFit Games. I saw the Mayhem video they put out. Oh, there is no such video. I made it up. Oh, that's why I missed it. Yeah, I was looking at this year's lineup and I'm like, man, they did a horrible job of being equitably racist this year.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Horrible. Sebon is more athletic than I expected him to. I'm gonna have to make some videos of like me doing some stuff like playing Frisbee and shit. That's what you told me once. You're like, you should see me throw a Frisbee. No one does it quite like me.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I'm like, get Brian out there. Yeah, that's true. You could throw a great Frisbee. You should also do your, uh, email and burpee workout.
Starting point is 00:12:01 I think people will be impressed with your, your burpee speed. Didn't, didn't I do like six months ago, 50 burpees in a minute and 58 or something like that. I did some on your birthday. How are you from doing all those snatches? I was really beat up.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Not like, um, it was, and I'm really inflamed. I forgot, I forgot just everywhere. Didn't you say that you were worried about him? Of course. You're kind of his coach.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I would say that you're kind of seven's coach. Right. When I do that, uh, Hobart threw out the thing. I was like, seven, just be careful of your back,
Starting point is 00:12:38 please. How did that whole thing transpire again? Cause I haven't been able to watch the master show yet. And I think that it first happened on there right where you told somebody's brought up kerstetter someone a friend of mine came over uh what was the first video i there was a video i made oh yeah yeah yeah so so there was that and someone just came over to my house while i was riding the assault bike and said hey you should do the 2k row i'm like no dude i'm riding the assault bike i'm chilling and then you can see in the video i walk over i pull down the assault bike and said, Hey, you should do the 2k row. I'm like, no dude, I'm riding the assault bike. I'm chilling. And then you can see in the video, I walk over,
Starting point is 00:13:07 I pull down the rower and I row. And I was kind of, I was not happy. And then, and then, uh, but, but, but I just felt the peer pressure. And then, uh, and then I was at the beach and the same person contacted me and said, Hey, where are you? I at the beach and they came over and they filmed and it's aspiring just a young aspiring filmmaker doing it and then the other day the other day i was uh they must have seen the show where hobart mentioned the kerstetter workout and they just showed up at my they had asked me earlier when will you be home today i said around 1 30 between 1 30 and 3 30 and they go i might come over and then fucking lo and behold this person just rolls on in holding the camera i'm like i'm just ready set go yeah and you know what i really i really it's i'm so out of the loop i didn't even warm up with i should have warmed up with some pvc and some overhead squats
Starting point is 00:14:02 you didn't warm up at all i was warm i was pouring sweat i rode the assault bike but yesterday yesterday i set the interval timer for 10 minutes and i did um 5 45 pound overhead squats on the minute for 10 minutes and the first five rounds i couldn't even find the fucking position you know what i mean like i kept coming forward and then finally the last five rounds i'm'm like, okay, I found the position. Well, it's been how long since you've been overhead? 10 years. Well, not,
Starting point is 00:14:29 I mean, you're not fucking kidding. It's been 10 years. Yeah. Cause I'm 50. I was kind of kidding. Yeah. No,
Starting point is 00:14:35 it's been a decade since this guy's put a bar over his head, but you, Oh my God, dude. But I'm told you I'm a dumbbell snatch. But you're back. You're back into it. You're back into the fold. Kinda. I don't know i am gonna i did do i did do some legless rope climbs yesterday
Starting point is 00:14:51 not a lot i did like five i did one on uh and then i practiced those overhead squats with 45 pound bar i don't want to get caught like i don't want to get caught like that again get some motherfucking knucklehead says to do a workout And this dude comes over and tries to film me. I, and you start like working on, thank God I don't have a GHD. You should start following me. Oh,
Starting point is 00:15:13 I guess maybe. And I need to work on my, I need to figure out double unders again. I bet you, I forgot how to do those. Careful with that because all you are 50. And every time I've seen anybody reintroduced double unders, get after it,
Starting point is 00:15:24 they end up blowing something out down there. Oh, like their Achilles? You're not that old, but I've seen it before. Usually they're approaching or over 60. Oh, man. I think my mom does double unders, and she's in her 70s. She's closer to 80 than 70. Yeah, your mom's fit.
Starting point is 00:15:43 You probably haven't seen the video i put out on you versus me versus kerstetter have you dude i did see that i got you yeah it's crazy just by a bit you know what's crazy her she's fucking crazy kerstetter how about how you lift up to 75 pounds so so you start the workout and my wife and i are watching it i took it from my phone and put put it up on my tv because um and you lift up my wife and i both started laughing like we didn't even talk when we saw you lift up to 75 pounds we started laughing why you didn't because you didn't have to snatch the 70 you didn't have to do nothing you picked the 75 pounds up like i picked up like a gallon of water i was like oh shit
Starting point is 00:16:25 randy you ever do the workout randy at 75 or 75 maybe when i was in my 30s suzy you've done randy right yeah it was was it 2013 regional event one um it's one of those workouts you just kind of blow through it. I want to see Kerstetter do it. You said you felt like that when you saw me do it. I want to know at what point the weight started to look heavy for her because I got 84. I know-wrapped myself a couple of times. So technically I beat her by two.
Starting point is 00:16:58 And it means that she went the exact same pace with weights that for me would have been equivalent to 185 on that last bar and there's not a there's i don't know if there's a single person on the planet maderos froning in his prime frazier in his prime who could have gotten that many reps on what do you mean froning is in his prime dickhead all right froning right now you know froning froning should go do the curse setter challenge but do you think that he suza could do 50 repetitions at 185 at the end of that workout or 175 even? No, there's not enough time. Chance in fuck.
Starting point is 00:17:29 There's no way. To give people kind of context, so Hiller did that exact workout with men weight, and the final weight was 245. Not in the video you're going to see but in previous he talks about it so i did 125 and i got seven reps he did 245 and he got nine reps and you know what else is crazy when i watch you do the workout you're supposed to wait a minute after the last uh 105 i don't i was watching i'm like i don't remember waiting a minute i remember just being like fuck all i got i think i cheated and i got i got seven and and at one point you you know rep yourself and my fucking wife she has no heart sometimes she goes if that didn't count none of yours counted i'm like damn i only got 37 can't you just look the other way my first thought is you spent enough
Starting point is 00:18:27 time talking to the camera that that would be your one minute rest time oh man that was a good video though it was awesome i tried to set mine up in a way where it's like how to legitimately submit an online qualifying video and i was talking through it the whole time it's like yeah it's good one because the bar is for a little bit of food for thought for anyone who would watch it i don't want to do i don't want to turn into um yeah okay i'm not even gonna go there okay uh you keep on backing off what do you see you're getting soft yeah i am i'm definitely getting i'm having a uh i was feeling very nice this morning. I can make you angry. You want me to make you angry?
Starting point is 00:19:07 Sure. I got something for you. You liked the Joe. Holy cow, did you drink it? It's not open yet. What is that filth? That thing has 63 grams of sugar. It sure does.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Hey, I bet you won't even be able to find that in my neighborhood. Where did you find it then? They just wouldn't sell that where i live you have to go to oakland where you're traveling yeah yeah you would get this well no you live by chicago you live by one of the worst cities in the fucking planet um i i live in heaven whenever i go to the grocery store i got i got this two months ago all right and it's been sitting in the fridge and it just had kind of something where if there was like something a time in which i wanted to like treat myself not necessarily treat myself but try something wild this was it and then i saw it on your story the other day and i got a show seven i got one of these hey if you if you do do you have a glucose monitor?
Starting point is 00:20:06 Jesus Christ. Oh, no. It would be fantastic. Is that coffee? Is that carbonated? Or what was that? Yeah, what is in there? What's all in that? I don't know. It just says nitro. Let's just taste it. I want to watch your eyes.
Starting point is 00:20:21 See what your eyebrows do. Do you have sunglasses? It tastes really good. It's too sweet? It's not that it's too sweet. It's flat. Oh, oh, oh. I don't know why it's... You know what they're trying to do?
Starting point is 00:20:36 They're trying to turn it into, like, if you were to get a beer off a tap, and it tastes kind of flat. Yeah, it's... I don't really like beer either, so maybe that's what it is. That's the nitro thing. Does it taste like coffee?
Starting point is 00:20:47 No. It just tastes like someone... You know what what tastes like someone could have put coffee in it it's kind of diluting the fizz so it's not very fizzy it's not good i couldn't drink this whole thing seriously i do it sarcastically 63 grams of sugar really bad that's That's crazy. Hey, you liked the Rogan podcast with Matt. You said you liked it in one of your videos this week. I probably watched it three times. Okay, and I've only watched it once. Not watched, but listened to. Yeah, I only listened to it once.
Starting point is 00:21:20 But I didn't like it at all. What did you not like? Matt didn't seem relaxed. The conversation wasn't flowing and I didn't like the way CrossFit was portrayed. That was the biggest criticism of it. If I recall, I actually had a handful of people that I know close and were talking to me
Starting point is 00:21:38 about the fact that he kind of talked down upon CrossFit and the coaching and walking into a gym and everyone's running around like a chick with their head cut off. So I could see that. But did you like it maybe maybe I'm maybe I'm just too like uh too much to it I was looking for something do you watch Rogan no just the little clips that I used to watch on it why do you not watch him I don't have to be if he was a guest on my show I'd watch him I watch your shit. You're a guest on my show. I watched Susan's shit. Cause he's a guest on my show.
Starting point is 00:22:08 I watched my shit. Cause I'm a guest on my show. But if you're not a guest on my show, then I don't watch shit. Cause I don't only have so much time. So you don't watch any of the stuff with the fighters. No, you're into that.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I am. All right. Um, because I typically, I'm a sucker for content in which I like the people that are on the show. I watched the one with Matt because I did, because I had the podcast with Matt. Understood.
Starting point is 00:22:30 So the only way you'll ever watch more Rogan is if Rogan's on the show. And that's where, or if I had, let me rephrase it. I've also had, like I had Joe, uh, Salinger,
Starting point is 00:22:40 Joel Salinger, the godfather of homestead farming on the show and he was on uh rogan so i watched that rogan episode salinger okay so you've watched a couple they're long they're so long yeah don't avoid the question why did you like it you felt like he was giving good information you wanted to go out and get some beta alanine you like the way his hair looked his voice was soothing to you you thought it was just cool that someone from the crossfit community made it big time give me some hello the best the best way that i could put it is and i brought this up before frazier you don't hear him talk very much about
Starting point is 00:23:14 what he was doing while he was doing it because he didn't want to give away any of his trade secrets and when i listen to things i look for i call them gold nuggets to pull out and kind of like store in the back of my brain to pull out and throw into whatever I need to throw them into something. And I felt as if I was watching that and maybe I pulled out more from that three hours than I have from other podcasts. So there's certain podcasts I'll turn on,
Starting point is 00:23:36 I'm like, that was a complete waste of an hour or two. And that one, after three hours, it was worthwhile. And that makes sense because I was looking for certain stuff that I didn't get you never was looking for certain stuff that i didn't get and you were looking for certain stuff that you did get and that makes total sense what were you looking for i just looking for stuff to just jerk off the community to let people know that the affiliates have the cure for the world's most vexing problem and that everyone should get
Starting point is 00:23:58 in there and you know i just i just something to to unify the community around, get it excited, invigorated, something that affiliates would feel proud of to share. Yeah. I mean, I think with Rogan. Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, no, you go ahead. You go ahead.
Starting point is 00:24:13 No, I was just going to say with Rogan. I mean, he's always so close to talking about CrossFit and the methodology. And I think the stuff that he always has on there, like is CrossFit all the time, but we've just never heard anybody from the CrossFit community go in there and talk. So everybody was like, well, I shouldn't say everybody, myself was so pumped to be like, yes, this is our chance. He's going to expose Rogan to CrossFit. We're going to get all these people in here. It's going to get a crazy amount of attention to the community and to the space. And then it was a total flop. You ever like got a firework back in the day and you go to light it, everybody's all frayed and you're like running around and you light it. Everybody runs away
Starting point is 00:24:41 and then it just goes and then it just does nothing and you're like oh that's kind of what it was for me but but but but i'll take responsibility because it was what i was looking for if i was looking for what you were looking for maybe i would have been it's like going to the amusement park and i want to ride a certain ride and i get there and it's closed right and you're like what do i care i came here for the chicks in the in the in the in the um popcorn so you're stoked so that's that's i guess that makes sense so it's not that it's not that matt did a bad job it's just he was fine he didn't do he didn't do what i wanted i like that he brought up the peds
Starting point is 00:25:16 and that lawyer that i heard from another from another source son of a bitch so i found i found the chicks at the amusement park that's what i found found. That's why I didn't. Hey, didn't I ask Joyelle if anyone called him? You did. And he said no. But I don't think he had enough time. He didn't have enough Instagram followers. My biggest speculation is that everyone's just doing it because they've seen that it worked before, not because this lawyer's doing their job anymore.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Everyone's like, oh, it worked for those people back in 2018. I'm going to try. And then I brought up a handful of times now that Toby Johnson guy said it and then came out saying that he was full of shit later after his B sample was tested and after his affiliate said that they were going to test all of his supplements for him. And that's cost tens of thousands of dollars. He's like, wait a minute a minute guys don't do that i lied you're a good dude hillar thanks goodish thanks thanks i have been told i have been told that t and matt are not friends have you been oh that's fucking wild you you speculated that in the video
Starting point is 00:26:24 and i have been told that by very credible, by many several credible sources that they parted ways on not a good term. No. Yes. This makes me feel so good. I got to go tell Alexis that she's the one who sparked that whole thing. We're watching that finish documentary, and they're like, she goes, when's the last time we saw them together?
Starting point is 00:26:43 Like, I don't know. And I watched all the semi-finals and you never see them together and they're there like there's the t-cam there's the mac cam it's never like oh look at they're talking to one another it's yeah i don't know if i don't know if this is true but when dave announced tf2 me as the fittest person in the history of crossfit or something like that at the games last year i heard that that that also caused some friction oh he doesn't like that that well that's what i heard you think he can come back and win no no no no no yeah that's your thing you don't think anybody can take time he doesn't he doesn't need he doesn't need to i um uh why why why why because that girl's gonna be that girl's so so you said something really interesting about
Starting point is 00:27:30 mal o'brien that i that i kind of like i do think that mal o'brien is the only person who can beat tia i don't think mal o'brien will take second place it's kind of a weird it's a weird thing okay fill me in what do you got i don't know if i know how to explain it but she has the capability she is the but she is right now the most impressive thing we've seen on outside of you you follow ben smith right you've been listening to his stuff did you see the one he put out recently about the about the roids about laura horvath no no no i must have missed it what do you say he thinks that she's on another planet of fitness right now he thinks that uh
Starting point is 00:28:12 people are putting out it almost seemed as if he was talking directly about my stuff which if he was i wanted to say that it was from me but hey do you ever do you ever say to alexis while you guys are making sweet love, say my name? Say my name. Yeah, do you? Just tell us. Every single time. I fucking do it.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Every single time. I know it. Nothing works if the name isn't said. You just want your name said so fucking bad. And guess what I'm going to do? I'm going to get you that. I'm going to find someone you really look up to, and I'm going to have them just make a recording of them going. Cameo? You're going to do a'm going to get you that i'm going to find someone you really look up to and i'm going to have them just say you make a recording of them going cameo yes yes any way you can get greg glassman to say my name okay okay
Starting point is 00:28:52 all right just send me a little voice so laura horvat laura horvat oh uh just well and then he put up a video the following day it looked like a story maybe it was a real but it was a what looked like a running workout and she's hundreds of yards in front of him it was just a good tie together after that saying she's in incredible shape beating down the former fittest man in the world he says that even on his best workouts where he has no reason to be losing she's still beating them even if they're like like comparably her worst workouts. So it'll be interesting to see how she performs at the games. They kept on saying the fact that Tia scored the most points ever last year.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And then in second place, Laura, if there were no Tia would have scored the most points ever in the history of the CrossFit Games. I haven't then gone back to see the number of events. Cause I know that they did 15 events last year and every other year, I would also speculate that they have done less events. So I don't think that it's an accurate stat. Say that again. Tia had the most points ever, but if Tia wasn't there, Laura would have held that record.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Something ridiculous, like 1,440 points out of a possible 1,500 points Tia scored. And then Laura was like 11,190-ish. And I don't have the leaderboards pulled up. But if that 1,190 would have been the most points ever scored for a female at the CrossFit Games. And if Tia weren't there, she would hold that record. But I also think that there were more events than typical,
Starting point is 00:30:20 which would skew everything. So it was a weird thing for them to be saying. And I haven't double-checked that yet. Horvat has – and they also have proximity bias right because they train also true correct yeah and the fact that you said they are training with dandy spiegel and it'll propel her into the next dimension and uh and they were talking about a running workout and and she is probably one of the best runners out there in the field correct apparently she's a very good swimmer now wow and uh it'll just be interesting to see that's all yeah i mean so if you were if at this point after listening to that if you had to ask me whether or not i thought mal or
Starting point is 00:31:00 laura had a better chance, I would probably say Laura. To beat her. I think Laura has a better chance of taking second place. This year, yes. And then it's kind of what you were saying. You think Mal has the best chance to do it, but not this year. I guess maybe that's what I'm saying. I don't know exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Just when I look at the podium, I just don't see Mal O'Brien in second place. But when I think of someone who can beat Tia, the only person I can think of is Mal. She just seems to have everything. When you say her name, no holes pop up in her game in my head. She's good. I got nothing. I think this is fueling Tia. I think she's going to come out angry this year because of all everybody saying she's going to be dethroned and the whole thing. angry this year because of all everybody's saying she's going to be dethroned and the whole thing uh hillary spark quite a quite a speculation because people from even at my gym were saying
Starting point is 00:31:49 wait tia has five right this would be six so if matt took mal to try to stop her then that way they're tied she doesn't get six and become the fittest person on earth he puts a stop to it and we all know that unless matt were to come out of retirement which he's not his best next thing to get is to the really really good up-and-coming female star train her underneath his wing and then go attack at the games to try to stop tia it would be not it would be nuts if if if mal does beat tia ever that would be weird nuts it'd be the greatest thing for the sport of crossfit if she beat her this year. The sport of CrossFit. I'm sleeping on Hayley Adams. She can't win.
Starting point is 00:32:32 She's not strong enough. Until she shows me that she can back squat 300 plus pounds, she won't be able to beat Tia Toomey. Wow. And then Tia Toomey. I think Tia's best squat is like 350. So it's impossible because it's just like she's not strong enough. If Tia's going to score 1,440 points out of 1,500 points in the CrossFit games, Hayley Adams has no shot because she's going to finish almost on a weightlifting event alone
Starting point is 00:32:59 that many points behind Tia. And then she'd have to win every other event. Sad. She's been lifting weights. She's been lifting weights. She's been lifting weights. It's like, not really. I love Hayley Adams. Hayley Adams is the shit, but she's not going to beat Tia Toomey.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I think this is supposed to say Katrin is going to beat Tia. Katrin's out. O-O-U-T. I would like to also add, I would also like to add Ben Bergeron's the only coach to have a man and a woman champ in the same year, making him the greatest coach.
Starting point is 00:33:33 That doesn't count as Ben Bergeron's athlete. Making him the greatest coach who was ever in the space. Unless, unless you would also like to say that Shane Orr was coaching Matt. Cause there are rumors of that also that once that, um, Fraser and Tia started working together, that Matt, uh, followed Shane's programming. So you could say Shane or is almost as good as Ben Bergeron,
Starting point is 00:33:57 but Ben Bergeron was working with a less refined Matt Fraser at the time. So I'll give Matt the Ben Bergeron, the slight nudge is the greatest coach in this history of the space. Sousa, who's more of Matt Fraser's coach in his history, Shane or Ben Bergeron? I'm going to have to go Shane a hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Like I think that with the, I think that with the Ben, Ben Bergeron thing, he was the, it was a flavor of the time. And I think Ben gave Matt what he needed, which was a little bit more of a mental strategy on how to compete and to staying focused and in his lane. And then once Matt extracted that,
Starting point is 00:34:31 he was gone. He saw freaking Frazier doing Godzilla. You know, that workout Godzilla. Stefan should do that workout next. Oh, thanks. Did you know that workout? No. It's got a 365 back squat in it. It's like one leg.
Starting point is 00:34:43 It's got a 365 back squat in it. The parallette one leg. It's got a 365 back squat in it, the parallel handstand pushups, the 225 snatches. Yeah. I remember watching that. It's like King Kong, but with different movements. Same wrestling. Three rounds. So he sees Matt Frazier doing Godzilla. It was one of the first free.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Wait, what? Wasn't it one of the first videos that Frazier had? Like as he was up and coming? Because he had been around for a while. i remember watching him in the 2013 regional and i think he was like sixth or fifth or something and then i saw that video come out um and then i also saw him do he was in a set of jerk blocks and he put his hands on it and his feet were up and he did a swing and he did a front flip and re-caught himself in jerk boxes have you seen that video you know what i'm talking about i haven't seen it but i know the
Starting point is 00:35:28 movie i've seen it before so i saw him do godzilla then i saw him do that and i was like this dude and then he snatched 315 with shoes untied yeah remember that video i've seen that with all those like janky plates. Oh, yeah. Yeah, like every 10 in the building. But when I saw that, I was like, okay, this guy is going to be serious. I think he's going to be the next CrossFit Games champion. But at that time, I was kind of taking the Rudy, I forget his last name, Nielsen from Outlaw Way, where he said,
Starting point is 00:36:00 whatever male could snatch the most weight is most likely to be a cross champion because the snatch is kind of all-encompassing. I don't think that's true anymore, but it was back then. No, because then Griffin Rowley or Anthony Davis would be winning the games. Right, exactly. I don't think it's true now. But back then, you remember how the snatch technique, it wasn't nearly. If you go watch the 2009 women's event the ranch and watch the regional from 2015 where they had that snatch ladder i think the heaviest snatch at that was
Starting point is 00:36:33 won by kristin clever at like 145 pounds or 135 pounds she snatched in 2009 um and then uh oh it was clever it was it maybe not been hurt but anyways the heaviest statue there was the starting barbell at the regional in that event that's how things have changed oh how things have changed 2009 statue there's this
Starting point is 00:37:04 there's this, there's this, um, Oh, there's this, there's this, there's this video of, um, I don't know. I don't even know what that means. I like Darren Hunsaker. He's funny. I think he's the most winningest coach. Oh yes. Yes, that's true. I apologize. You're right. Darren Hunsucker is more rich froning's coach than ben bergeron was matt frazier's coach uh froney does whatever the fuck
Starting point is 00:37:34 he wants but but hun but hunsucker i i can tell you truth i bet you hunsucker played a huge part in um uh froning mental game too because they were so close and he knew how to keep Rich like it did seem true yes it wasn't traditional mental coaching I'll tell you that it was the pizza making him throw out it was the Hunsucker way just the beat down but
Starting point is 00:37:56 but Hunsucker didn't have a chick he just had Rich he just had a dude and that's what separates Ben he knows both sexes he knows V and cockens okay have we seen these shirts so last year the shirts here we go last year the shirts from noble were 38 and 44 and this year they're 65 is there a difference in the shirt is that is it is it a shirt that's 20 better is like the is it lined with gold or silver or it's got a fancy tag or do we know anything about the quality of the shirts does it go up 20 bucks i put up a picture of it no or do you have one here what
Starting point is 00:38:36 are we pulling up what's so weird about this story is they didn't even try to hide it so a few weeks ago um before the crossfit games documentary came out they had us they were selling the crossfit games documentary as pre-order for 14 let's say and then a week before it came out they dropped the price to like 10 basically they fucked everyone and slapped everyone in the face who bought the movie at full price you follow me on this so you you're a loyal fan you buy the movie at full price price and then a few days before it comes out they lower the price and it's just like it shows no integrity no there's no connection it's no people it's just it is the epitome of corporate greed and i hate that word
Starting point is 00:39:14 because i love just people making shit loads of money but it's just it's idiocy now these guys announce in a big hubbleoo that they're giving 20 dollars to every athlete 20 dollars from every shirt sale to the athletes right but the exact price of the shirt went up 20 bucks so they're not i mean didn't did anyone think this through two is more expensive to print than one so the 2022 game shirts are more expensive than the two that ah i, I knew it. That makes sense. Two, two, two. What is more expensive? He's making a joke. He's, he's, he's just saying that it's gone up in $20 because using three twos, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:52 just printing the date is more expensive. Um, this makes no sense. And the poor guy. Reebok would sell everything for $60 and they didn't give the athletes anything. I don't remember buying a 60 dollar reebok t-shirt what i remember is reebok always being 40 off yes that's what i remember too actually hey and who cares like i i don't i don't i i like you can say that but who cares i don't get what that has to do with this i um this guy todd uh melanie he's the chief marketing officer of noble by chief
Starting point is 00:40:28 marketing officer a marketing officer when they use that title that's someone who's trying to sell you stuff you don't need first of all that's like noted yeah so when um if you really if you really are a successful business person what you do is you just add value to shit and the consumer sees it and gets it that's it you just add value so you would make it you make a commercial showing why this shirt's better than last year or why this is such a good shirt and then you let people decide you don't try to uh use some sort of uh manipulation you don't try to market it i i i don't try to market it. I don't... There was a bunch of shit. Did you watch... You did watch that interview with him and Lauren Khalil.
Starting point is 00:41:10 You talk about it in your video. Poor guy. Why did you like him? You kept saying you like him and you're sorry that he has to be the target. What did you like about him? Who's your favorite person in the world, Sevan? Who do you love more than anybody?
Starting point is 00:41:26 Like your wife? I was going to say my wife. I was going to say, imagine like your wife or your kids are the one. Imagine you have these opinions of this shirt. And you're like, they're just trying to screw everybody over these motherfuckers. Noble.
Starting point is 00:41:36 And then they put your kid on the stand. They're like, Hey, we just want to make everything great. You'd have a hard time being like, Oh, do it. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And I have this, I have this i have this soft spot for people who love crossfit they beat like they almost appear blind everything else like we're just trying to do this for everybody so he's sitting there he goes this is so cool i would do one for every single athlete if i could and it's like oh no no not you todd not you okay yeah what i wanted to hear him say is is is like, fuck you. It's our company. We'll make the shirts that we want to make. And we chose Sam dancer and, uh, and, and, and because he works here and that's some
Starting point is 00:42:12 home cooking, even though we know we're only going to sell two of those shirts. And we chose Danielle branding. Cause we know all you fucking idiots will go buy these shirts. And, and, and that's what I wanted him to say. I just want to be like, cause this bitch is hard. And cause we're doing home cooking for Sam. And instead instead it's nothing like that it's fucking 10 minutes of just babbling and what's crazy and fucking kudos to lauren calillo she kept trying to pin him down but he didn't want to be pinned down and he said some really fucked up shit if i was bill henniger
Starting point is 00:42:38 i'd go over there and i'd buy that company and then fucking flush it down the toilet what's the fucked up shit that he said he said at one point he said something like um i i thought i copied and pasted the quote uh oh this is what at one point he said this mr todd said this crossfit record crossfit requires brands to grow fuck off and for athletes to get recognition fuck off and we are the first brand to do this. Fuck off. It's just all lies. You're the first brand to do this. Dude, do you understand what Bill Henninger has done for this sport,
Starting point is 00:43:16 that he's pumped millions and millions on handshakes into the sport? It's nuts. It's just clueless pompousness basically he's on there trying to sell shit instead of just on there trying to be honest he wasn't prepped he reminds me of that chick at wadapalooza who went on for the dei council just with their fucking thumb in her mouth and the whole time all you hear is sucking sounds that's why that's all i heard when that dude talked todd talked with a thumb in the mouth i mean it was just it was pointless it wasted my time the only thing that i got from
Starting point is 00:43:51 that video was like oh lauren khalil is not going to let this guy off the hook the khalisi is going to keep pushing him she's going to smile how'd you like what i said at the end there that it's not noble's fault but it's crossfit's fault. Explain that to me. Yeah, elaborate. You're CrossFit, right? They let the Fox into the henhouse. They opened the door. You've got no sponsor for the games, right? You no longer have Reebok.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Everyone's like, oh, Nike's going to come in. Maybe it's going to be the Rogue CrossFit Games. And then Noble comes in. Noble's a company that started not all that long ago. I don't know. Do they have a bunch of money? I don't know. They don't have as much money as Reebok.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Likely they don't have as much money as Nike or Rode. Well, they recently got $500 million. Who? They recently got $500 million. Who did? Noble. Noble got $500 million in investments like a year ago. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:44:37 Yeah, they had to meet up with production. Because like anytime you get a major sponsor like that, they're a smaller company. You're telling me that company got a half a billion dollars? I don't believe that. All right, I'll look it up. Susan, pull it up. Okay, go ahead. I'm pulling it up.
Starting point is 00:44:50 All right, so you're CrossFit. You're looking for the next title sponsor of the CrossFit Games. And what better could you do for public relations other than to bring in a company that was born in CrossFit, that being Noble, to now be the title sponsor? You're asked for $2.5 or $3 million in prize money. You ask for them to pay for Madison so that you can have your event there and whatever else CrossFit might have been asking for to have the title sponsorship. And then you hear the entire clamoring of the crowd in the world saying,
Starting point is 00:45:17 give the athletes money, give the athletes money. And Noble's like, fuck you, we can't give the athletes any money. And CrossFit's like, well, just charge more money for the T-shirts. And Noble's like well just charge more dollar more money for the t-shirts and noble goes okay we can charge more money for the t-shirts as long as we don't have to take it out of our pockets hey i'm totally cool with that too if they say that i'm totally cool if you say that hey it's just like this i want to say this too lauren khalil or someone on that interview i don't know if it's you or someone said hey what about pulling the money what about pulling the money and i want to be like yeah all you whiny fucking athletes who complain why don't why don't you guys all support each other why don't all 40 of you 40 of you sign
Starting point is 00:45:53 a petition saying you want to pull the money 500 million oh wait hey you want to hear something funny i'm gonna paraphrase this but we went i went over to nike with greg and he all but told them to fuck off he doesn't need their help he's like that he's like and that was that was uh not too long ago that was it can't even be more than two years ago why would he do that i don't know because it's how he is he's the girl that plays hard to get I don't know. Because it's how he is. He's the girl that plays hard to get. He don't give a fuck. Did you see the evaluation?
Starting point is 00:46:34 Did it pull up? It did, but everything else you said cut out. Yeah, my internet's going to no-no. Yeah, he's not willing to. If Greg would smell even a little tiny bit of selling out uh he he he he would have an adverse reaction and just vomit and that's probably we were there and they you know they probably flexed on him a little bit and i can't even remember i don't know what he picked up but i just remember going holy fuck this is not how courtship process should go i I mean, the whole time was just like – I mean, I get it.
Starting point is 00:47:11 He's the toughest dude in the weight class, and he didn't want anyone – like no one's going to talk shit to him. So that didn't turn out so good. What do you mean? How could it have been worse than saying no? Well, you're right. good and that didn't what do you mean how could it have been worse than saying no well give us more give us more yeah yeah i can't i would have to i would have to sit down and think about it and replay it i just remember we were on we went there we were on campus they wanted to give us a tour greg hates all that kind of shit like he doesn't want to see like their museum of historical shoes he could give two fucks about the jordans that you know the first jordans ever made or worn any of that shit and
Starting point is 00:47:50 then they so they try to do that to us and that starts off on a bad foot and then and then they take us to their gym and they have like shake plates and shit and that gets a little weird and and then and then it's just basically like it just yeah yeah, he can be a porcupine. And he's not going to bend the knee. You know what I mean? I'm surprised that people didn't do their research there and learned more about Greg and what he likes and doesn't like before they came into the company. Oh, they don't care either. They're a corporate juggernaut.
Starting point is 00:48:22 They're not – there's no one there who cares. That's the thing that's going on with CrossFit too or Noble. There's no one there. They think – there's no one there that cares that has any power. So you would have never raised the price of that movie if someone cared. You would never have done this shirt thing and been dishonest if someone cared, cared beyond getting their paycheck. There's no one with ownership there. That's not cared cared beyond getting their paycheck like there's no one there's no one with ownership there that's not a dig at like the individuals but there's no
Starting point is 00:48:49 one and that and and uh that's the one good thing about that they brought dave back i know two people who do take complete ownership and it would be uh dave and nicole uh i'm sure adrian does curtis bowler there are people there who will take ownership who will walk around crossfit inc like they own the place you know i mean like if they're walking down the hallway and there's trash these are the motherfuckers that will pick it up you know if they see dishes in the sink like in the cafeteria they would be the one to like clean it they take ownership but there's no one there's when you when you when that's missing you see it right away you see just uh and it always ends up going downstream and hurting the consumer why isn't there a fraser and a froning shirt i could understand maybe they can't legally
Starting point is 00:49:29 make a fraser shirt but i'm not sure what fraser had to sign i think they can probably use his name in perpetuity uh but um why wouldn't if i was in there i would i would go in and just buy a froning shirt like it didn't even and and a Froning shirt. And a Fraser shirt. Those are the shirts I would want. Aren't they exclusive with Nike and Reebok, though? Not if they're affiliated with the game. They have a Vellner shirt. Once you sign up for the games, there's something you have to sign up to compete there that we can use your likeness and image.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Even on our fans only, only fans you know what i mean i mean like crossfit can do what they want you know what noble should have done for noble should have sold all those jerseys and said and not put a limit on it and then just said hey for the first hundred that are sold for each athlete we're going to give them 20 bucks because we don't want to raise the price so we're just going to meet you halfway we'll take the loss on the first 100 shirts everything after that we'll use to recoup our cross that'd be interesting i did i i did i did i have not seen the movie yet i do want to see the movie because it's a friend of mine that made it so i do want to see it i just haven't had a chance hey um but why why not why not a fronting and fraser shirt do you guys have any ideas is it
Starting point is 00:50:47 for legal reasons or i heard they reached out to greg lastman i heard they reached out to greg lastman he doesn't give a fuck about the history of things like he doesn't want to see the first air jordans so it's all about the other no i don't know um it's stupid that they didn't because everybody would buy one. Oh, my God, a Froning jersey? But they've got Mayhem jerseys, right? But you're saying it's different. Isn't it a team name?
Starting point is 00:51:13 Yeah, it might only be a team name that they could use. I'm wondering how much further I want to go down this Noble shoot. I have nothing nice to say about them. What was it that I wanted to bring up about that? Oh, the fact that the only athletes that are featured are the ones who likely don't need help in the first place. Does that make sense? Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Yes. Tia can sell her shirt just fine. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Like they don't need help getting to the games. They've had a sponsor get into the games. And I made the video on Brooke Wells and her like mattress company company like she just like picks up random mattress companies because she's the
Starting point is 00:51:48 sleep queen remember she doesn't need a shirt to help pay her way to the game she's got the the mattress company helping her out we would suppose i don't know that for sure but you would think so right god the sleep queen colton mertens brooke well who's his sponsor colton mertens works with swolverine i believe hey colton mertens should get like uh um what's that antiseptic you put on your hands uh per cell per cell what is that i have to shoot peroxide stuff you squeeze like they have all the covid scared people put it on their hands what is that shit oh i don't know and what do you know what i'm talking about? Susan antiseptic. Like they give you like your hand sanitizer,
Starting point is 00:52:28 but I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Colton Merton should have a hand sanitizer response. Right. I think. Why? Cause he works with pigs.
Starting point is 00:52:36 I just think it would be cool. Like you just show it like it would be, I could just see the commercial Purell. Thank you. Thank you. Purell. I thought it was funny. That's for my sponsorship. I thought it was funny that, um, uh, yeah, that would be cool too.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Yesterday I was hanging out with George. Today's the hot dog. Like he points at it. I was like, who the hell is George? Oh, um, they, uh, so, so the, I wonder how the shirts are going to sell uh if you they don't have a colton merton shirt if you want a colton merton shirt go to uh vindicate it is a pig snout and it says colton merton's here and i'm sure travis is fucking giving them all the money or a huge chunk of it whatever travis doesn't need to do blow to stay up all night to make the shirts okay we talked about that we talked about mr todd melanie i went to his instagram account too and uh i mean i i could just i don't know if i want to go down the whole outwad thing and about
Starting point is 00:53:40 how they're supporting people who want men and women's sports i mean they hate they support people who hate women this company supports an organization that hates women you're telling me noble hits women i i don't know i'm not telling you that i'm telling you that they support a company that hates women that outwad wants to allow men out outwad to that that company wants to men to be able to compete against women in women's sports. They're okay with Matt Fraser fucking shoving a tampon up his ass and competing against Tia. And it's not – I think that's – You're telling me out loud it's women.
Starting point is 00:54:18 It's batshit crazy. Their behavior shows that. You can't allow men to compete in women's sports. And Noble supports the shit out of those guys. I think they're even trying to raise money for him. This this guy. OK, pull up that guy's Instagram account. This Todd Melanie guy.
Starting point is 00:54:36 This guy has not Todd. This guy has something a line in his Instagram account. First of all, you called him a man. And I don't think you can do that, Hill because he um he doesn't have his pronouns on there you should have used you should have deferred to a they do you have your pronouns on your your deleted instagram count no no all right well i don't know what to call you either then you don't but anyway he had he has something on there that says he believes in hard work. It's like, dude, you're in bed with the victocracy.
Starting point is 00:55:10 You're in bed with the victim mindset. You're in bed with the blame other people. You're in bed with the softening of this right here. Brand builder. First of all. Wait, hold on. I'm sorry. This thing's a little slower.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Brand builder that believes in culture content, hard work, and no excuses. I don't even – brand builder. Like Bob the? Just reeks of insincerity. Hey, I think Noble – I don't know this for a a fact but i think the name of the company was around noble before they had a product the way i heard the story is they thought oh this is a
Starting point is 00:55:49 really cool name for a company noble and then they started fucking um adding products i don't know if that's true they picked it up from the butcher shop or the mattress company before they decided to send me a cease and desist about using no rep those are the ugliest shoes i've ever seen there's one that say new england on them that that's going to be your reel from this it's just that that's pretty bad those are the ugliest shoes i've ever seen but you don't have an instagram account so and they i have seen shoes of theirs that i'm like wow those are beautiful shoes but but uh the one pair that someone got me one time they those do not fit real feet if you have a foot if you have a foot of them if you have if you're a man those don't fit your feet
Starting point is 00:56:30 nobles do you own nobles hillar yeah are you tight on your feet how do they how do your toes feel after my feet have completely blown out the sides of them they end up feeling pretty comfortable because they have no structure to them it's like a piece of it's like a bottom of course like a shoe needs a bottom and then there's just some sort of encapsulation of your foot and that just blows out there's nothing keeping the shoe together it's the worst shoe on the face of the planet for 140 dollars someone here said 220 in the comments weightlifting shoes are up there too they've got a pair of weightlifting shoes yeah yeah lifters i wonder how the athletes feel about them supporting isn't tia one t and brooke and
Starting point is 00:57:17 justin madaris there i think they're all noble ethics i wonder how they feel about Noble supporting companies that want to enforce the rule that men can compete against women in women's sports. I mean have you ever seen – have you seen the UFC fights where the dude is beating the woman? I have not seen that at all. You will want to vomit. You will want to vomit. It is so bad. Why is there a man fighting a woman? Because –
Starting point is 00:57:44 Is the man transitioning? I don't know. Who knows? Who knows? Who knows? How do you know? They're like, because they,
Starting point is 00:57:52 because they, you go to the person's website and they tell you that I used to be a man. And I, who knows? I don't even know what I used to be means. This is probably a good transition into the whole performance enhancing drug section. But when that happens,
Starting point is 00:58:04 it's like a one year process from what i know that you need to have like every quarter you have to have your blood levels checked and have a testosterone level at a certain point and then that recently changed for the olympic committee and i think you talked about this actually right at the age of 12 or 13 you had to have your mind made up and have to have been a fully fledged female to be able to compete against the females in the olympics is it you who brought that up or was that on yeah yeah we talked about that basically well i don't know if it was the olympics but it was some official body that governed swimming in australia and they said no more no more men in women's swimming unless you started the transition before you hit puberty, before 12 years old.
Starting point is 00:58:48 What kind of a freaking person can make that decision at the age of 12? Yeah, exactly. Oh, my gosh. The decisions I made at 13, not good long-term decisions at all. I was huge at 13. I loved video games. You were? You were fatty?
Starting point is 00:59:04 You didn't know that? No no oh i i weigh less now than i did when i was 12 no do you have photos because it looks like you're in a fat i have like look at all this extra skin i've never shown you this wow what yeah hey how did you lose all that weight did you have it eating did you ever end up with the eating disorder i got into wrestling so yes oh right it's like you run around with a garbage bag on and you just don't eat and then you binge eat so everyone it's a joke like people say wrestlers are just walking eating disorders hey hillar after i don't know i mean you probably told me this a thousand times but i just kind of figured it out this last week so basically what happened is your elbow started hurting and that's how you started transitioning to making videos i thought you were gonna say a female that's how you were
Starting point is 00:59:50 like you were spending all this time working out and like you had all these goals to be a games athlete and then like the the elbow was like it starts was really bothering you and you're and you're like fuck i'm gonna go all in with videos i can pretty confidently say that the two to four hours i would spend working out a day ended up being four to six hours a day of making videos that's interesting and it was all around because of the elbow the elbow kind of pushed you into video making you're like something else well i'd wake up in the morning go work out and it'd be like all right i gotta do some sort of a front squat and i'd have to spend 30 minutes warping up to be able to get my elbow into a
Starting point is 01:00:22 position where i could front rack a barbell and i I just started to dread it. It's like, oh my God, this hurts like such a, I don't want to do these thrusters. I don't want to do these front squats. I don't want to do anything because it hurts so bad. And it's like, I used to be so good at this. And now it's something that you completely lost. And he's like, all right, I'm going to get up at five 30 in the morning to do something that I hate doing every day. And yeah, it slowly turned into doing less and less of it and doing more and more of this and trying to find a balance at this point and by balance i mean as many videos as possible and work out where i can i worked out before this what'd you do i did 10 minute run 10 minute ski 10 minute bike erg oh wow you're wow. So I got like, it wasn't anything crazy.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Andrew, Andrew Hiller, endurance athlete. That's me. Some days on my program, I always write in, like, do something either you've missed or something that kind of sweat conditioning. What do you think about there not being a car Saunders shirt? All the other people I could kind of say, like off i but well there should be car uh based on what he came out of that dude's mouth todd's mouth there should have been a car sir shirt a travis shirt and a bjorgvin carl goodmanson oh there's no bkg shirt either you're kidding and there's a panchic shirt um which panchic is that for do we know uh no did they clarify i know scott asked that on the page so if you go to
Starting point is 01:01:47 the instagram profile and you pull up the the thing where they're like hey we're giving everyone 20 bucks that he's like which one is this for maybe they just saw like a low-hanging fruit opportunity it's like we're going to choose panchic because it covers multiple athletes i really like bailey rail this is gonna come out wrong how the fuck did they choose her she's a noble athlete she's a noble athlete yeah I really like Bailey Rayl. This is going to come out wrong. How the fuck did they choose her? She's a noble athlete. She's a noble athlete, yeah. And who is O'Connell?
Starting point is 01:02:13 Aramo. Aramo. Oh, shit. It's sold out, too. How are these sold out? How does it sell out? Oh, you can't even buy them. Wow. Wow. Look.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Wow. Men's and women's. Support your favorite athlete to a point. Yeah. Hey, Travis, are you sold out? I don't think you're sold out, are you? Wait a second. Go to the Tia shirt.
Starting point is 01:02:42 I bet you it's at the top. I bet you it's at the top. I bet you it's at the top. It's the first one. It's got to be, right? No, no, no. The first one's actually Madeira's. Where's Toomey? Right here, second row. I don't see her. Is she sold out?
Starting point is 01:02:58 No, they're still available. So that makes me think they made more for her. Yeah, something. Hey, there's not a Craig Ritchie shirt. So that makes me think they made more for her. Yeah. Something. Hey, where there's not a Craig Ritchie shirt. Actually.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Actually. Yes. There is a Craig Ritchie shirt. Oh, okay. Uh, I don't know if you guys, pardon me.
Starting point is 01:03:18 There's not, there's not, I'm kidding. Susan. Um, the, that, that,
Starting point is 01:03:24 that video in summation, that video that Todd was on, he seemed completely, prepared and it seemed like avoidance and it seemed like damage control when you go on and when you go on and you're going to talk, just, just be, um, sincere and honest and answer that if there, if there are yes or no questions, answer yes or no. Don't spend time trying to avoid the truth. Um, like when Lauren first comes on, she gives you an excuse of why you couldn't pay the athletes last year. And she says to you, oh yeah, you just didn't have enough time last year.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Well, it's like you sold shirts, but you didn't have enough time to cut the checks for the athletes. I mean, it's just. Right. That was the most fucked up part of all of it. We didn't have time to up charge 27 like we can figure it out just say no we did and then later on he does say hey it wasn't economically feasible but even that why not just say hey man we're fucking just we're bootstrapping this shit together it may look like
Starting point is 01:04:17 we have 500 million fucking dollars but we're fucking trying to launch an international clothing company we're doing everything we fucking can i i make enough money so that i can raise my family and i'm trying to do the same for the athletes give me a few fucking years get off my fucking back these are some quality shit or just like just i actually really like the shirts but i don't like them for 65 dollars i i hate i can't wear them i can't wear them because they'll just hang on my gun you have to have a perfect body to you have to be built like you or Suzu
Starting point is 01:04:50 a normal man like me can't wear one of those shirts you're telling me the Lululemon games 2024 is a good one completely out for me no Lululemon I will look like a fuck I'll look like that guy that sells tires you know what's his name?
Starting point is 01:05:05 Michelin Man? Yes. Yes. I'll look like the Michelin Man if I put on a noble shirt or anything, Lululemon. Interesting. Because it's not fitted for you? I need like a rigid t-shirt, like the kind Life is Rx sells, that it hangs on my broad, dope-ass shoulders. But then, because it's such thin shit material material come in and suck to my fucking rolls.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Have you ever worn like a dress shirt that's made for the normal population? Oh. And it's like, yeah, it's like a fucking tent. It's like a tent. You're telling me that you need something in between that and Lululemon for your body.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Well, I got big ass titties and big ass shoulders. And so they'll keep every liver King. Yes, exactly. I'm built like the liver King. As long as it doesn't like, as long as it's not like this really. Yeah. Rigidity. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Yeah. Like your, like your penis, Kenneth half staff. It needs to be. Yeah. Good work. Yes. Thank you. I don't, I don't need,'t need no sean that is not true you know what i thought about doing with that noble video and lauren
Starting point is 01:06:12 i can confuse someone that i have a nice body if they're not paying attention sorry go ahead what about lauren if the shirt doesn't betray me the shirt doesn't betray me, the shirt can't betray me. He's got a couple of magic tricks up his sleeve. I trusted you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I look yoked when I'm wearing armor. All right, Thor. All right, Thor. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:06:36 What were you going to say, Suda? I almost did it. I was going to make the video, and I almost said something to Hillary like a couple of days ago. But in my mind, I thought I was going to have enough time to make it where I was going to screen record that video and then green screen me over the noble CMO. So it looks like she's talking to me and I'm the noble CMO, but then answer the questions exactly how you were saying them. So here's the noble from the CMO and here's the truth. Go ahead and watch the video. Oh, I should do that. That would be a great thing to do and kind of apply for the job like hey todd i'm
Starting point is 01:07:06 i will promote you to ceo and this i'm going to show you how you really fucking this is how you do it hey i lost my presence you need i lost my instant so you know i used to wake up in the morning and the first thing i do like make coffee and immediately start trying to get through my DMS. And this morning I woke up, I have no Instagram account. I went outside, fucking water the lawn, drank my coffee, fucking shush,
Starting point is 01:07:36 sent some nudes over to Hiller, text some nudes to Hiller. I mean, it was fucking, you say you don't get 15 minutes of your life back. Well, it's, it's like, it's like my fucking asshole neighbor moved away. I don't have an asshole neighbor, but that's what it's like. Like, I don't get 15 minutes of your life back well it's it's like it's like my fucking asshole neighbor moved away i don't have an asshole neighbor but that's what it's like like
Starting point is 01:07:48 i don't it was so weird it's so it's it was so nice like just like not having the 500 dms to try to get through not that not that i'm like against social media i love social media i'm not like oh it's so nice to be outside and bond with nature. I just did different shit. It was cool. Is that ever coming back? I don't think when Instagram says they suspend your account that it ever comes back. Oh,
Starting point is 01:08:14 I don't know if that one is. Yeah. It's like you blew it. It's like, it's like, it's like, uh, if you're a girlfriend before Alexis is like,
Starting point is 01:08:23 is Andrew ever coming back? No. You're saying that they have, that they're onto're saying that they're on to the next one. Instagram's on to the next one. Yeah. I don't even know what I posted. I don't even know what I posted that. Everything.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Everything. Right. What do you mean you don't know? Oh, my God. I mean, like, I don't know. I don't know exactly. Okay. Oh, is like i don't know i i don't know exactly okay like oh is that yours is that her life yeah that's her yeah she usually listens in you really like doing some stuff you did 200 muscle-ups for time i did did that injure you
Starting point is 01:08:57 maybe that's why my elbow is all fucked up that's what it says the next day that they how long did that take you 38 minutes and something seconds i gotta look it up it was just under 40 how'd you break it up all sets of three all sets of three i had a whiteboard and i would just go over and swipe off the threes from the opening set correct yeah just threes to 200 i remember i had people coming over to work out i really thought i could do it under a half hour. And by the time they'd be here, I'd be done. And they came over and I had, I don't know, like 40 or 50 left. And I was dying.
Starting point is 01:09:33 It was really hard. Do you think you injured yourself doing that? That's how you hurt your elbow? Are you joking? It's crossed my mind. It's not like a definite, but it's totally crossed my mind. Because how many people have done that and like what would you think they repeated it the repetition
Starting point is 01:09:49 of doing that would do to your elbows your shoulders whatever yeah what's the proximity you noticing your injury a couple months later okay so it's hard to say yeah jeff jeff and i used to have some good back and forth, maybe once a month, late night. Wrestling in the DMS. Yep. Wrestling,
Starting point is 01:10:11 wrestling, wrestling. Hey, you know, I'm curious how I'm going to be able to get guests now without that blue check Mark. I was actually, that was the first thing I, when you had said that,
Starting point is 01:10:20 that was the first thing that I thought of. I was like, are you nervous? No, no, you got to have the liver King back on. I was trying to talk about that. Cause I just watched that of yours. I finally got through it's three hours long. Someone, someone posted on YouTube the nicest thing they could ever said to me. It said I've watched every liver King video. I came across this one. I wasn't going to watch it.
Starting point is 01:10:45 I watched it. It's the best interview he's ever done. And I took a screenshot of that two days ago and I send it to Brian. That's the liver King, Brian Johnson. And I said, I'm not surprised motherfucker stealing that from nice. And I said,
Starting point is 01:10:58 I'd love to have you back on. And he said, of course I just turned down full send podcast, but I will be coming on to yours again. Something like that. Wait, he went on Full Send Podcast, I thought. He went on Implosive. The Jake Paul one.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Okay, okay, you're right, you're right, you're right. That was what they did in Vegas. And think, you get to come on here once a week, Hiller, and you just fucking take it for granted. No, sure. I was going to say, I don you just fucking take it for granted. No, sure. Not fucking. I was going to say, I don't think he takes it for granted. Have your girlfriend in the comments.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Do you have your girlfriend in the fucking comments? Do you have your mom in the comments? Asshole. You can't be in there when you can't be in there. Oh, man. Is it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Your wife's in there sometimes too. Come on. I wish that that was a joke. No, my wife's never been in the comments, but that's, my gosh. Yeah. Your wife's in there sometimes, too? Come on. I wish that that was a joke. No, my wife's never been in the comments, but that's a good one. She's never. Are you sure? She's never. The other day you had Hunter on.
Starting point is 01:11:52 He's like, everyone's taking this. Everyone's showing up in their gym sweaty apparel. And I'm like, you know what? I'm just not going to wear anything. I was hoping you would bring that up. All right, Hunter. Are you wearing your freaking crazy-ass glasses and super shirts? I'll wear no shirts.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I wanted to bring a jar of Vaseline on that said, before I talked about Todd today as a prop, I wanted to. Like my prop. This is my prop. What is it? Oh, yes, I did like it. That terrible can of Pepsi. How did you find laura gonzalez so so if you go hillar made this video i suspect it's not going to do as good as his other videos but if but i do think everyone should go watch this one um this is a girl who's basically just attacking
Starting point is 01:12:38 all of these i don't want to say absurd but but inspirational challenges like the 200 muscle-ups. But one of the things, she did 1,000 GHDs. Whoa. Right? And what's even crazier, she did a buildup to it. And Hiller shows you. She did 700, then 800, then 900, then 1,000. Because if you just go into 1,000, you're probably not coming out alive.
Starting point is 01:13:05 Like you said, you're happy you don't have a GHD. Yeah. You could kill yourself. You're not, you're not joking. My first encounter in a CrossFit gym, I walked in, the owner was getting back from the hospital. And I was like, what happened, man? He goes, I was doing a bunch of GHD setups. He pulls his shirt up and it looks like just this mess of a stomach. And then he goes, this is what I looked like last week. it just shredded like you hit those abs and now you look like this like don't don't do it that's the ghd setups hey does he ever get does he ever get back to normal or oh he did uh it never looked the same didn't it never looked like it did i think i think it kind of put him out of fitness to an extent. He never like really got the kickback again.
Starting point is 01:13:46 So does it really do what you say in the video? In the video, you said that basically it compromises the musculature of the stomach so much that basically you're fucking some of your shit on the other side of the muscular wall fucking seeps out. That's just rhabdo. Yeah, it completely just eats away at the muscle. It's just a degeneration of the muscle fibers and it's loads it out. You've ever had a rhabdo yeah it completely just eats away at the muscle it's just a degeneration of the muscle fibers and it bloats it out you've ever had a rhabdo if i don't know i don't have you ever seen anybody who's had a rhabdo i'm sure suza has like this when your arms are stuck it's usually from pull-ups that's where i've seen it i've seen a couple of other instances where they get in their
Starting point is 01:14:21 biceps from having done pull-ups for the first time in a while, and they go do 100 banded pull-ups. It's like you shouldn't have used the band. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of people pathway here shouldn't be doing any first come back. Once those muscles break down from rhabdo, they'll never come back. That's really true? I know another person who got rhabdo in their biceps, and whenever they do a higher repetition pulling workout, their biceps blow up immediately.
Starting point is 01:14:47 I also know people, one of the most interesting, I know a person who did a pro hormone in high school. Everybody was doing pro hormones in high school, taking pills. I've always said I'm afraid of this shit, so I stayed away from it. Then I've seen the guy recently, he goes, yeah, whenever I do bench presses, my chest cramps immediately. It's like they would do the pro hormone they do do this huge bench press set and then they got like a 400 pound bench press in high school so it's always like oh that's very cool but now they're cramping and paying the price as a 25 30 year old what's a
Starting point is 01:15:19 pro hormone as opposed to like an amateur hormone or? Yeah, exactly. No, when your body, when your body, when it goes through the liver, it turns into certain supplements. So this was something that turned into an anadrol. I think it was called, what was it called? Halodrol, halo something. I can't remember the name of it. Andromass? It was Andromass. So you can bring it up.
Starting point is 01:15:46 It's like this green bottle. It looks like it came out of the Hulk laboratory plant. It's called Andromass. And it just turns into something when you take it. It's very hepatoxic. It's super dangerous. Hepatoxic? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Dre Strom did 1,000 down at Mayhem in under an hour. Did he get rhabdo? No, but I remember he did that, and then I did a workout right next to him at Regionals that year. I was like, I don't stand a fucking chance. Pro hormones were bomb. 1 AD, 4 AD. Let's see if we can find Andromass. There is a great comeback to this, Darren.
Starting point is 01:16:24 An amazing comeback to this darren an amazing comeback to this line seven seven has rabdo and his wiener but i i just can't i just for some reason it won't come out i guess hillar's right i'm i'm getting soft but there's an amazing comeback what is wrong with you today this is the third time you've backed off it's weird is it you're worried about getting your youtube channel shut down after your instagram gets shut down or what yeah maybe i'm damaged it's it's hurting more than i thought you you you use the term a funsy video excuse me when you made that when you made the tml video at the very end you say and don't anyone get upset this is just a funsy video. I was disgusted by that. I almost never had you on again.
Starting point is 01:17:07 I'm like, man, Hiller must be on his estrogen again. A funsy video. You sound like the guy from the Make Wads Great Again who says, I'm on here with my bestie. Oh, fuck. This is just for funsies. That's probably what I said, right? This is just for funsies.
Starting point is 01:17:23 This is all for funsies. We know that Mal is not going to beat Tia i think it was i felt i felt my t-count drop when i watch your videos by the end i have like my shirt off and i'm pounding my chest and when you said that i just felt fucking all right no never use the word that i felt my i didn't even want to say it right there because i was going to piss you off i'm'm not saying it ever again. Fonzie. You'd ever... Flora Gonzalez, she's going for the world record of wall balls done in a day. I know that's nuts.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Good job changing the subject. Yeah, that's nuts. You know, you backed off of that. I wanted to get into it a little bit more. How many is she going to do? How many is she going to do, you think? We don't have that yet, but she has asked me to help train her leading up to it a little bit. So I got to get back into my DMs and see what she wanted more about that. And actually, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:18:10 I want to ask her if she wants to live stream it or something, because I think that'd be pretty cool. Live stream or 24 hours of wall balls. I met her through a photographer buddy of mine. He goes, hey, you got to check this. It was after I had done the 200 muscle ups for time. Check this chick out. She does like hundreds of thousands of thrusters and burpee box jump overs and shit like that. So she's just very cool.
Starting point is 01:18:30 And she competed at the semifinals this year. She's very fit. All I saw is when you referenced that photographer and you showed his account, all I saw is that he had 54,000 followers. And I have like 10 now. That's the only part and and and this uh and what what was his name the photographer fury photography fury photography why and and the other thing that i was really curious about this story is she trains in venezuela didn't venezuela have the largest population um transitory population in the history of the planet? Like, didn't more people leave Venezuela
Starting point is 01:19:08 in the last five years than have ever moved anywhere? Like, except for maybe like World War II or some shit? It's funny you say that because I think she's in Miami now. Oh, shit. She's 360. I don't know all that much about it. I don't know her that well.
Starting point is 01:19:22 I've talked to her just that much. It's like, hey, can you send me that screen grab of the greatest book of world records email? She goes, yeah, sure. I also wonder if she, I know her last name is Gonzalez, but I also wonder if she's a Jew. Because Steph Cohen is born in Venezuela. And, but she's, she's Jewish. Does she still live there? No, Steph Cohen lives, I don't know where she lives now.
Starting point is 01:19:42 She probably lives in Miami too. With her G-Wagon and her fucking all puffy lips and fat new titties. But this chick, because Jewish people don't fuck around. They go for world records. Steph Cohen got like 25. I was just wondering that. She has 25 world records? I think so.
Starting point is 01:20:01 You're saying it's a Venezuelan thing? No, I'm saying it's a jew thing jews get get shit done but there's a lot of jew there were a lot of jew more than six million refugees asylum seekers and migrants from venezuela have left the country seeking food work and better life latin america latin america's largest what was it latin america's largest migration of humans ever is Is that what it is? Yeah. I didn't hear any of that. He's here, but he's not here. Hey, Noble, if you want to get behind something,
Starting point is 01:20:37 instead of getting behind putting men in women's sports and beating the fuck out of women, men beating women, hitting women, maybe you should get behind helping these people. That would be cool. That would be cool. It's fucked up, man.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Six million people. That's a lot of movers. Isn't that the size of the country? Maybe. Maybe. I'm going to guess that you didn't watch my one hour videos no the interviews correct no what do you want to talk about them tell me tell me what i'll pretend like i watched it i had two on there the first one was with lisa who was the athlete from south america
Starting point is 01:21:22 south africa oh she's the one where they got the name off that the name fucked up on the drug test, right? No, this is the individual who went through the entire debacle. That was the drug testing, uh, the,
Starting point is 01:21:34 uh, them acquiring her sample and her signing up to like verify that it was her, the correct athlete was all fucked up. And in many other instances across various other sports that's caused for the sample to just be thrown out altogether and rather than do that crossfit just like we don't care if it doesn't really have your correct signature here we don't care if it isn't the correct sample it says that they use the male sample number three not the female sample number two which would have yeah we're going to four-year ban you.
Starting point is 01:22:08 So that was an hour-long talk with her and her husband, who was on that team as well, about how they were giving them beer and whatnot before their drug test and how the other athletes weren't even in close proximity, and they tested them a month later. Hey, since you did that story, are people sending you all sorts of crazy shit now? By that, I mean. When I cruise through the.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Yeah. Yeah. What do you mean? People are like sending me shit like, hey, I know this person is doing drugs. Hey, this person is now competing this weekend in an event. And I know that they know. I know. Did you do the same person reach out to you?
Starting point is 01:22:42 I don't know. But hey, no, no, no. Did somebody reach out to you saying that? Because somebody reached out to me saying that. Cannot confirm or deny. No, I have access to your account. Or yours. What are we supposed to do with all that?
Starting point is 01:22:55 I feel horrible for the – to be honest with you, that – when we were talking about Julia Cota from South America, and she's completely innocent. She didn't do shit and blah, blah, blah. But we mentioned her name in that. I felt horrible. And now all these people are sending me shit, and I'm like, I kind of don't want to know any of this. I don't want to know any speculation. It's the weirdest thing about going live. It was the thing that I was,
Starting point is 01:23:25 someone in here brought up, like, I remember when he was sweating on the first show and I go, what am I going to say? What am I going to say? What am I going to say? Am I going to say something I'm going to regret for the rest of my life? And it's gotten more comfortable because it really doesn't matter what I
Starting point is 01:23:36 say. But what you just said, there is, you don't want to hurt anyone. Yeah. Yeah. You don't want to like fuck up so bad and like ruin someone's reputation or your own.
Starting point is 01:23:44 And it's, we'll never be able to fix what we did to Julia. Do you know why? Because people are going to see that video and never go back and hear the correction. And then those people are going to tell a hundred people and it's just fucked up. It's so fucked up. Yep. Um, by the way, she a hundred percent looks like she's, uh, she's just like doing it. She's, she looks like a great athlete. And it's really fucked up that anybody would have even accused her of doing anything. Yeah, yeah. How dare you, Savan?
Starting point is 01:24:13 I didn't even know what she looked like. Yeah. Wait, wait. And wasn't it Brian who said something? He said he couldn't confirm or deny. It was like alluding to the fact. It was on my show, and I should have put a stop to it right there. I should have been like, well, hey, there's no –
Starting point is 01:24:26 we're not going to talk about people unless there's absolute proof. You'll live and you'll learn. Yeah, I'll for her back. You'll never do it. Oh, fuck. Yeah, it's not good either. Hey, it's exactly what I complain about. It's exactly why the NSCA was sued by CrossFit, and it went into outside –
Starting point is 01:24:43 because they made up that story about affiliates injuring people. But the problem was, is you can never get it back because that's like the most cited article in fitness history in the last 20 years or something. And it's like, Oh fuck. Yeah. It's something crazy like that.
Starting point is 01:24:56 And if you want to talk about me getting soft, you can talk about the Phil tune fails, a drug test video. Oh yeah. Have you talked to Phil? Yeah. I reached out and i said i hope everything was going all right and phil a big big phil toon fan as everybody knows uh he's a good guy and i think you brought up at some point like i saw that that had happened and i was like fuck now i gotta
Starting point is 01:25:19 cover this and now i gotta look into it a little bit and as i was looking into it i go everything points to the fact that it doesn't look too good for phil uh did you suspect he i never heard you even in private calls ever mentioned his name but did you suspect he was on something all along as far as my speculation goes with other athletes i try to keep that kind of close yeah i mean the only natty or not that i've ever made was the one with justin maderos and of course i ended up saying that he was natural. And I have my speculations of people, but I keep those pretty close. Like you said about this athlete that was brought up on your show.
Starting point is 01:25:54 What was her name again? Julia Cota from South America. I never wanted to be in a situation where it could irreparably damage their reputation off of my back so i keep those pretty close but when it came out it's like of course now it's clear as day and he put up those stories so i reached out to dr d who i had met through this show and through our conversation it kind of put him into a bit of a hole so yeah i reached out and i'm like hey i hope everything's going good and then he said we're doing okay over here man thanks for reaching out that's what phil said And he said, we're doing okay over here, man.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Thanks for reaching out. That's what Phil said. Correct, yeah. Yeah. Do you personally, when you, oh, that's the girl, yeah. And we reposted that thing from Curtis Bowler that said, hey, you're good to go. You passed your drug test. Before and after you got suspended from Instagram. That was before. Yeah. didn't you passed your drug test before and after you got suspended from instagram that was uh before before yeah you gotta keep bringing it up i actually think that's on the sevan podcast
Starting point is 01:26:52 instagram which i don't run um when when when you would are there athletes that you suspect that are on stuff now that you've never talked about in the games? Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Okay. And those athletes, do you personally, do you hold any, do you hold that against them? Do you have any like emotion, like anger towards them or think it's cool or do you on either side? I was on a call with somebody the other day about how I don't give away information that could get back to them. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 01:27:27 Like if you have a source, you don't want to get back to them. Like if you're the, like, let's say that you were cheating on your wife and you only told me. Right. And then somehow it got back to you and you know, you only told me,
Starting point is 01:27:37 but it got back to you. You'd be like, he'll have told everybody. And now, you know, right. I want to know what it is that these people are doing because clearly they're not getting caught so i just want to know i don't hold anything against them i do think
Starting point is 01:27:53 that's it does that answer your question kind of but um it's like um i think justin maderos is natural but let's say he was doing something it'd be super cool if he's just like hey man this is what i do right right and i and i just i would just like sit in it okay thanks for letting me know thank you for trusting me i can move forward and make better content for the world now because now i know what the fuck's going on but if there's someone out there doing something they're not going to do that because if i start talking about that stuff, it'll expose their secrets. And that's where I live. I get athletes are talking the clean one, recalling for more of the field, the clean one, the clean one, recall,
Starting point is 01:28:36 recalling for more of the field to be tested. Athletes are meaning athletes want more testing. I guess what I mean by this is you, the, what I can't tell you is that you don't, you don't like or dislike Phil tune anymore. It doesn't, you don't want it to affect your, yeah. Like I don't want it to affect,
Starting point is 01:28:54 even if my wife cheated on me, I don't want it to affect our, I don't know if this is going to be a good analogy. Yeah. I don't know if this one's going to be a good analogy. If Alexis cheated on me, it's like, all right, what the fuck? Yeah, but that's the emotional response. I'm just saying like – I didn't have that at all with Phil Toon.
Starting point is 01:29:16 What the fuck? It was like, oh, man, here we go. How do we cover this? I'm not interested in like not being his friend anymore. I'm interested – I'm actually more interested in being his friend now because everyone – that's like the root most taken. Like someone does something you don't like and you leave it. I want to – for me, the story just got interesting. I'm not –
Starting point is 01:29:38 I want to know everything there is to know about the situation. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, and I want to stay people's friend like the only thing i can think of right now is is there was this it's uh there i've had a shitload of these um but this is probably the safest one to tell i came home one day and three of my housemates are in my bedroom smoking weed in college you know like in my drawer smoking my weed okay and like the the natural reaction what everyone would do is get angry or not be their friends anymore and i and i and i saw that window open up and i'm like no i'm not going to choose that one i'll choose a different window i choose hey i'm about to go
Starting point is 01:30:16 to the store and get some beer you guys want anything and just act cool just act cool yeah and just act cool then maybe later just be like hey you guys got to replace the weed just take the like not the oh fuck you've been caught like i don't got to take that path i don't i don't got to take the path of like i hate phil toon or i i want to take the path of like oh shit what'd you take how'd you take it can i take some do you feel bad for cheating were you cheating like fuck taking the normal route now i get it and and i want to say that it's the same like if i found out my wife was cheating on me like i don't want to just um that's where everyone ends the relationship you
Starting point is 01:30:55 really want to know why maybe i'm not interested i want to see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow i'm not interested in like oh there's a rainbow and pull out my phone and take a picture of it. I want to see more. I want to know more. I want to go down the path that, uh, that everyone else avoids because it's not the right thing to do or because their ego got hurt or they, you know, they were compromised. And I'm just wondering like how you feel about that. Like as a sort of, as you fancy yourself and everyone fancies you as, as the steroid expert, I'm wondering how you are like emotionally with it all or judgmentally wise. Number one,
Starting point is 01:31:31 Bruce, Bruce, like I could see you telling Phil, Phil, you took the wrong shit. You got caught. You fucking idiot. You should ask me first.
Starting point is 01:31:37 I mean, you know what I mean? Like Bruce is, Bruce is right. Alexis wears the pants. And my second thing that I want to do to piggyback off of everything you said right there is, have you ever watched Jersey Shore? No, that was the it was in a non TV phase. That was like with Pukie. And so that was it. Yeah, that was like the Kardashians, right? That was a reality show.
Starting point is 01:32:05 guido people living in Jersey, New Jersey, and they would go out to the clubs and the t-shirt time and the gym tan laundry stuff. And I remember watching that show and it was entertaining because somebody would cheat on somebody. Let's say there's, there's these two people, the female would cheat on the male and the male would get all up in arms and like fight, like right away, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight. And it was just like, that's your off the cuff reaction. Like it's good for TV, but do you really want to be that way as a person is that what you're saying like you you want to see like all right what is it why did you do this what did like is it possibly something that i did that made you do this or are you a piece of shit and i just want to know what's going on here not immediately just fight the dude that you're cheating on me with but that's what happens and that's what a lot
Starting point is 01:32:42 when i see stuff in the comment section where everyone's like saying things about phil like you don't really know what's going on you might want to be careful with the way that you're going about things you're saying yeah you have no idea you don't know what's going on right even like that's why i was trying to be careful with the way that i got to cover this all i can do is say things and possibly have help with the doctor that i brought on to help me address the situation with what we know and what he knows. I just want to make sure that I was doing it in a right way where I wasn't making it worse and worse and worse without pointing out the, what could be obvious or at least obvious via the doc.
Starting point is 01:33:20 I want to get someone so fucking juiced out of their mind and like everyone knows they're juicing and like they they're so they have those you know right they're just bodybuilders and they competed to crossfit games and they're so fucking like they're they're as this guy runs by justin madaris he picks justin up and carries that's how much fucking better he is than justin and everyone knows he's juicing out of his mind he's got like fucking like veins everywhere and spider veins but but he but somehow we just keep getting him to avoid getting caught and then and then at the end after he's up there holding his check he rips his check in half and he says documentary release tomorrow just show it's just a whole movie of how we juiced him to the gills and he won the CrossFit Games and was never caught.
Starting point is 01:34:09 You're talking to Icarus right here. Icarus was cool. Icarus was cool. I was scared for the guy, though. I was scared for the guy like he was going to get killed or something. You thought he was going to get killed? Yeah, by Putin. I just like the idea of coming out clean at the end.
Starting point is 01:34:26 What if Phil Toon would have – maybe that was his plan all along. Maybe he had a steroid sponsor or some sort of sponsor that was going to pay him a million bucks, and it's like, hey, what we're going to do is you're going to give the money back after you win the games, and then we're going to release this and show this to show people how good our product is. Our product is so good that as you ran across the finish line, you picked up Justin and put him under your arm and ran with him. How much money would somebody need to pay you to be the one to get all your stuff set on? Well, I'm too nothing. I just know I wouldn't do it.
Starting point is 01:34:56 I'm scared. I don't want anything weird to happen to my cock and balls or my prostate. Yeah, that's the scary part. Yeah. I really like I really like the big thing about it is you don't know what's going to happen to you if you do it that's the thing that you hear all these body builders talk about if you have some sort of issue that is going to happen down the road it just happens sooner or worse i read this book there's this book i read um in my 20s it's called black
Starting point is 01:35:22 like me black like me and it's about a reporter who basically turned it's a white guy who turns himself black because he wants to know what it's like to be black and basically it's a fucking cool book it's called black like me it's a fucking awesome book and he ends up he kills himself he ends up dying because he gives he gives himself cancer yeah that's him right there yeah how does he how himself cancer? Because of what he has to go through to make his skin black. What does he do? I forget. I fucking read the book 30 years ago.
Starting point is 01:35:50 Does he take melanotan? I don't know if they had melanotan then, but he does something, and he basically turns himself black, and he fucking ends up dying after the book came out. Great book, Black Like Me. Okay. It's an injectable substance that'll just make you your melanin go to like 10x it changes the color of your skin oh you didn't make that up what is it called melanotan
Starting point is 01:36:12 oh does it cause cancer it's a peptide and i think that anything that you could inject into yourself that changes like the structure or like the your body could possibly give you cancer. So it could be interesting. You just want to pick that up. So when you're watching the Rogan podcast, you pick up on things. If I were reading that book, I would have left with this guy took Milano.
Starting point is 01:36:35 Yeah. Cheater, cheater, cheated. You can't do that. You sit outside like everyone else. There was a, someone, someone you, you covered this story it was so good you didn't even use this in the title of the video which i thought was a trip but you covered a melanotan is a lab-made chemical
Starting point is 01:36:58 similar to a hormone found in the body it was originally made as a drug to help treat certain skin conditions it's also sold over the internet as a supplement. Melanotan is commonly used for skin tanning. That is disgusting. There it is. There's a video you made where a girl – maybe you're going to have to tell my story. I can't remember. But basically someone gets caught.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Someone gets – it's an internet fight. Two people are fighting on the internet and someone makes a explain that story and someone and you find the mech the mexican guy thing that was i was fucking dying that that was her find by the way okay so she who's she she is the athlete on another team from the gym in affiliation with toby johnson okay toby i think it's toby johnson is his name i keep there's so many people who have been popped this year that but i believe toby johnson who is a member of an affiliate they had a couple of teams and he's on this team she's on the other team and everyone is upset with this guy right this toby johnson toby juiced up and fucked up the team.
Starting point is 01:38:05 And the team's like, you dickhead. Correct. Yeah, he had the debilitating knee injury. He took substances to help recover himself for this upcoming season. He got popped for GW501516. Hey, I totally think that too. I totally think Hiller was on steroids too. Is this the Black Panther accusing me?
Starting point is 01:38:23 Yeah. All right. And here's why I think hillary was on steroids because he because he's all because he has a tanning bed i think any i think it's a very strong correlate i don't have a tanning bed i use a tanning bed yeah okay well yes i think but don't let me cut you off continue no no go on tell me about toby then we'll get back to accusing falsely the only person i will falsely accuse on my podcast of doing steroids is andrew all right did i just say i wasn't gonna falsely accuse people god i'm fucking sloppy okay sorry so toby mcguire got all toby mcguire got all juiced up really
Starting point is 01:38:58 quick so uh suza pull up a picture of toby mcguire okay and what what affiliate does toby go to if you could use it please i don't mean that i don't want to sound bossy uh toby toby johnson johnson goes to kota crossfit one of them there's a handle kota crossfits and there's a couple teams that come out of there and he apparently has been blocking everybody's instagram profile from the team and the other team and one of the members had screen recorded a handful of the prs that were happening in the lead up to the season to toby mcguire uh and she posted his prs like look at these prs that he had as a result of taking the performance enhancing drugs and there was a fake profile that was coming after the female athlete oh so she kind of asked for it
Starting point is 01:39:52 she was fucking with them on that she was fucking with them in the stories yeah yeah and somebody was coming after her from a fake profile how do you know it was a fake profile because it had like 60 followers and a thousand other people following the account and then the profile image if you google mexican guy is like fifth row down on the page where you see hey and what was the guy's name she toby made up a name for the guy right well we don't know it's toby but it's something gonzalez right it could have been toby it was like Miguel Gonzalez, and it was an account attacking her. Could have been anybody. And then she Googled Mexican guy, and that was the profile picture.
Starting point is 01:40:36 Is it in the cease and desist video? I want to see if I can find it. Yeah, what was that guy's name? Oh, it's right here. I got it. It is Max Rodriguez 411. Yeah, what was that guy's name? Oh, it's right here.
Starting point is 01:40:42 I got it. It is Max Rodriguez 411. And Max Rodriguez 411's Instagram profile, the picture is Mexican guy from Google. So we know that it's fake. This is just amazing. Look at it. Jewish guy. I don't know if I type in. This is going to be your new new instagram profile so i'm just
Starting point is 01:41:05 jewish guy pick one which one you wanted to be okay so she typed in mexican guy red shirt i'll see him nope nope nope not yet not yet this guy there he is on the left yeah that's incredible so yeah that was the picture and this this profile was coming after the female from the other team trying to expose like his lifts and stuff and saying some pretty harsh things so if you you if there's no way you remember this but during the semi-final shows i was super on board with this team. I know the girl pretty close. She used to live in the area, and I thought that they had a pretty good shot to make it to the games. And this was one of the code across the teams.
Starting point is 01:41:52 And in the event finale, the female was unable to do a handful of bar muscle-ups. And this account was basically like, you ruined it for your team. You're just trying to take it out on this guy. You're a piece of shit. You're blaming it on having diabetes. Oh, yeah he attacked her for having diabetes yeah and in the meanwhile she's got diabetes and recently had all that stuff figured out like it was just it's just a mess hey you know what's weird about mexican guy antarctica guy i don't think i don't think 300 years ago or 400 years ago there was a mexican guy you you know that basically mexicans are native americans who are raped by europeans like three
Starting point is 01:42:34 like the pitbull might be a more legitimate breed than the mexican the pitbull may have been around for i don't know how long the pitbull's been around but i'm just saying like it's just made it's just made it's just more made up shit like to help us categorize stuff like i mean i don't know how i don't know if adam and eve story is true but if they are then we're all fucking made from incest but let's let's say it's not true 500 years ago there were no mexicans there was there was just dudes on boats who came over and fucking raped and pillaged a bunch of people in south america now we call them mexicans and they're the poster children for catholicism the whole fucking thing
Starting point is 01:43:07 is weird i'm off i'm off on a tangent but uh anyway is there any like i so we looked at any other guy let's uh we looked up kenyan guy jewish guy um uh big dick guy big dick guy oh i know what's coming up on this one oh god i'm in trouble i'm in trouble back back go back oh thank you susan geez louise come on buddy come on i just sorry sorry oh you knew that was happening sorry sorry who typed that as me as all my fault that was my fault sorry i did sorry oh no oh no sorry okay sorry you don't say sorry to me say sorry to everyone in the comments hey i didn't know i didn't i just thought it was gonna be a bunch of dudes with the name dick i didn't know i had no idea uh no i thought that the the
Starting point is 01:43:56 black dude sitting on the bed who is that guy died by the way right oh the wood the wood guy the big dude sitting on the bed whoop there goes his youtube channel strike number two i i went to i went to a school i went to like i took a class youtube sent me a link to a class that erased my strike oh really yeah isn't that kind of cool that's very cool yeah so i had a strike and then i had to take a class and i didn't actually even learn anything from the class which is kind of lame i went to a motor two-day motorcycle safety class i thought it was the dumbest class ever and like i've told you guys before i actually was a better motorcycle rider afterwards i was like oh shit i
Starting point is 01:44:39 ride better but i took the youtube uh trademark class and like nothing stuck. I couldn't tell you what I can and can't show. I don't think you're allowed to say that. And number two, it's just like if you were to get a parking ticket or something and you want to get it taken off your record, you go to do something. Or if you get in trouble, go do public service for 50 hours and it goes away. Isn't it weird that we're on the Internet? But I can't show you stuff that's on the internet uh like any any six-year-old kid could type that in big dick guy and and and see that and have access to it but this is on the internet on another website URL, and you can't have it. I mean, it's just more – it's just complete – it's just everything is asinine.
Starting point is 01:45:31 We live in a fucking – just morons. We live in moron central. I would say yes. It's kind of weird. However, everyone is walking around in public, right? And you're not allowed to just strip down naked randomly. True. True. Let's say you're walking around in the middle of downtown Los Angeles and you get completely naked and put your clothes back on right away.
Starting point is 01:45:53 Yeah. I trip on that too. So my neighbors are over there, right? And we have this illusion that there's space between us because of these walls. But if these walls weren't here, let's say just all of a sudden someone snapped their finger and the walls were gone especially i think suza lives like in an apartment complex or a condominium he might even share walls with people so if someone just snapped their finger like literally arms distance away there'd be a guy sitting on his bed naked cutting his toenails six feet away from him but you don't know because
Starting point is 01:46:22 there's a wall between you it's like when you it's like when you're standing in a room with a bunch of people like in an elevator or like in the haunted house at disneyland and everyone's mashed in there and you think wow if everyone was naked in here just like snap your finger it would be it would get really uncomfortable but because there's this thin layer of clothes covering us all we feel safe damn what sort of acid trip did you have to have these thoughts because i've never had thoughts like this just all of a sudden all the walls in the world disappear and you can see everybody's everything and then the entire world breaks down because
Starting point is 01:46:57 everyone knows everything about everybody i'm an artist i'm an artist yeah so we're in disney world everyone's naked imagine that uh no fraser no froning shirt um uh oh i have a note here that uh if there were if there would have been a gay athlete that um noble would have chosen them that what genitalia you're like i'm guessing would have affected their decision i wonder if there are any gay athletes in the games this year. Oh, Carolyn Prevo has a girlfriend. How come she didn't get a shirt? No bull. You're slipping. You got the black guy.
Starting point is 01:47:39 You got Guy. That was good. Oh, if anything, maybe they're not doing what you would assume they would do which makes them better good point i should let them out of my yep i should stop pigeonholing them you're right you say they're slipping but if they were doing that thing it'd make you angry so it's good it's good i like that keeping me on my toes all right i think i have all my notes we've tapped into everything did we ever talk about jason hopper's body fat i think i think we skimmed over that but that was a while ago from last year that was so that was a week and a half ago i that was one of my favorite
Starting point is 01:48:15 videos of yours because it was like a bro video it was like you were just playing like like like that's like a video like you might make about yourself or Alexis or me or like it was cool. Like I took that as like you like that. That was your way of like saying, hey, I like you. Oh, I love Jason Hopper. And I was really expecting to get a whole bunch more like shirtless pictures. Hey, what's my body fit? You tell me. I got one.
Starting point is 01:48:36 I got one person. Hey, what's my body fit? And I told her. And it's like, yeah, that's what I thought. It's pretty. Show us that pic. It was. Yeah. Just let me bring it up real quick. It's got like, yeah, that's what I thought. It's pretty. Show us that pic. It was, she showed.
Starting point is 01:48:45 Yeah. Just let me bring it up real quick. It's got like six or seven of them from different angles. Was she nude? No. Oh, no. Can you guess my body fat?
Starting point is 01:48:56 Stand up. We can barely see you. He's not doing it. The, the, the fuzziness of this made skew my perception of it all. But there is that bodybuilding guy. His name is Greg Doucette.
Starting point is 01:49:11 I brought him up before. And he sits there and he says his laser eyes are the best way to determine body fat. And I was like, okay, I can do a little bit of that. It's not as accurate. Hey, does that guy have to talk like that? Is that his real voice it's a little different when he gets like up and at him for a video so you'll see videos where he's doing podcasts and it's same but less yeah interesting like do you have to
Starting point is 01:49:39 talk like that the way you talk you do you have a different a different sort of way you can speak i could talk like this during the show hey andrew good to have you on good like jason hopper has three percent body fat i can't believe it that wasn't bad i don't it's the first time i've ever i've never broken that voice out i heard it for the first time when you just heard it that was no good i would not listen to you anymore you've got to you've got to call me boys it's like when you're in the womb and your father's speaking thank you andrew hillary it's the sound it's the sound deadening walls close your eyes hillary we just brought the show full circle with those the the the sound deadening walls do you want me to look up any other guys before we go? I feel like I need to redeem myself.
Starting point is 01:50:28 Do you want me to bring up anyone? What do you need to redeem yourself for? Just because I screwed up. Okay, look. Here's a hungry guy. I typed in big dick guy. Yeah. I'll type in small. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to type in
Starting point is 01:50:44 small dick guy no oh shit okay everyone thank you for coming on the show uh shut it down shut it down yeah it's time to go we will see you uh tonight or tomorrow something. We got a bunch of cool shows coming up. Hiller, thanks for making all these videos. Thanks for coming on and letting me do the Hiller Fit review show. Get your Hiller Fit shirts at Vindicate. Get your Hiller programming at Hiller Fit programming. Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 01:51:21 Bye.

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