The Sevan Podcast - #496 - Idris Redzovic

Episode Date: July 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:55 Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. You got the memo to wear this shirt. You the man. Boss. What's up, Caleb? Idris, what's up, brother? Bam, we're live. You got the memo to wear the shirt. You the man. Boss. Idris, what's up, brother?
Starting point is 00:01:07 Bam, we're live. Oh, we're live right away off the bat. Just like when you got four handsome dudes like this, you just go live big time. You just go hard. Not good life. I'm in my kid's bedroom. Yeah, I love it. You have five kids, Idris?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Five kids. I have them in the next room. I told them, you better shut up. Hey, they're welcome to come on. I have three little boys. I love kids. Kids are the best. That's the whole point of being alive is making a safe place on planet Earth for kids to grow up and be strong men like you, dude. I agree. I'm trying to convince my wife to have another one hi uh i i saw a picture of your family and um do you have that uh mr suza or caleb um i was trying to figure out if that one lady is your wife or your daughter she looks so young it's it's a picture with you and the family you're holding a baby and there's
Starting point is 00:02:00 a cityscape in the background do you have that that picture, Caleb? Do you see it? Maybe it's one of the links. Awesome. Hey, you still have your headphones around your neck, Ceylon. Oh, thank you. My old man headphones. God, you're a good dude, Sousa. Saving my reputation. I don't even got headphones.
Starting point is 00:02:18 I'm professional. No, you're good. You got Ds. You got Ds. You got skills. So is the lady who's the tallest in there, is that your wife or is that your oldest kid? No, that's my wife. Dang, look at you.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Look at you. Look at you. And where is that? What city is that? I'm from Chicago. And that's Chicago in the background? Yeah. That's the other side of Chicago.
Starting point is 00:02:44 That's not the downtown side. That's the opposite side of Chicago. This is, that's not the downtown side. That's the opposite side. Okay. And I'm going to ask you a really dumb question here, but I'm from California. So you got to give me, what Lake is that right there? Lake Michigan. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:54 So we got fresh water. Not like you guys. Yes. Yes. Constant drought. And, and, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:01 in your, in your, in your daughter and your wife are dressed like that. Cause you're Muslim. Yeah. Muslim. And I, and I, are dressed like that because you're Muslim Yeah, Muslim And I see this Whoever among you sees an evil action Let him change it with his hand by taking action
Starting point is 00:03:13 If he cannot, then with his tongue by speaking out If he cannot, then his heart by hating it and feeling it That it is wrong Exactly Because of my faith and years of training Jiu Jitsu Is why I stepped in uh so no one gets hurt i'm sorry i interrupted you what did you say so well prophet muhammad is one of the hadiths that's what he said if you know if you see if you see evil action as a man step in and stop
Starting point is 00:03:37 it with your hand and if you can't stop it with your hand then physically say something with your tongue what does that mean you know sometimes i used to be a club promoter back in the day. And sometimes just yelling, the cops are coming or, or stuff like this will stop fights and break stuff up. Or, you know, some, some people might run. And if you can't do either, because you don't, you know, you're older or whatever the case is, at least hate it with your heart. Know that it's wrong, you know? And when you were born, you were born Muslim? Yes born muslim yes you could say that but i really until i was like 20 years old i didn't really start really getting into it because i was raised in chicago and i was like maybe christianity maybe catholism i don't know you
Starting point is 00:04:16 know i was just like there's a god and then i started getting as i started getting older i started you know started realizing like man, I'm going to die. I started searching. I didn't want to inherit my religion. Most people inherit their religion from their family or their father. If America got conquered by Buddhists, 200 years ago, we might have been Buddhists. You can't inherit your religion. You have to search it out.
Starting point is 00:04:44 So you got it. You got you can't inherit your religion. You have to search it out. You know, what attracted you to to to to being Muslim over Catholicism or being a Christian? What attracted you to the oneness of God, you know, believing in God alone? Don't you know, worshiping the creator, not his creation. Like we love Jesus, for example. But Jesus was a man. He never claimed to be a God. Even when they asked him, hey, Israel, what's the most important? I mean, they asked Jesus, what's the most important commandment of the month? He said, hear, O Israel, your Lord, my Lord is one.
Starting point is 00:05:17 So every prophet before Jesus, they all pointed one God. Even Jesus prayed like the muslims you know and for me what really hit me to like to you know nail it down was uh when i found out abram had two sons ishmael and isaac uh-huh so one son went to the left for example being uh um being jesus with moses and jesus and all them and one someone to the it doesn't matter what left or right, but one son went to the other side, and he built up the first house of worship, which you see the Mecca. And he preached God. The other one preached God. Muhammad came as a final messenger to put all the pieces together. And, and Jesus are actually cousins from the same grandfather, Abraham. And, uh, when I started hearing more of the story and, and, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:10 like I believe God loves both of his kids, you know, I mean, Abraham, I'm sorry, Abraham loves both of his kids. So the first kid that was supposed to get crucified was, uh, was, uh, from his second, from, from his second wife. And when he passed that ultimate test, when he was supposed to kill the kid, God gave him a sheep. And when he passed that ultimate test, God said, I have good news. Your wife that was old, that couldn't have a kid, she's also going to have a kid and all prophethood is going to come from your bloodline, get circumcised. And Muslims, you know, we still follow all those traditions. And it's the most important thing is the oneness of God. Worship God, not his creation. People worship money, women, cars, everything, but God, you know, and you can say worshiping Jesus, Jesus never claimed to be worship. Even
Starting point is 00:06:55 the word Christianity, uh, didn't, uh, Jesus never heard of the word Christianity. It came like three or 400 years after he went. So all those little things, you know, it's a very beautiful religion. If you want more information on that, my cousin has like a big podcast or TV show with millions of followers. It's called and the Dean D-E-A-N. Yeah. And Muslims are very, you know, we're conservative. People don't realize, like, how beautiful religion and structure it has. You know, it gives you guidance. You know, what kind of God would he be if he didn't give you structure and how to make it to him? And a lot of people, we are living life blindly.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Don't listen to the media crap that they you know they miss they lie about islam so much i don't know if you guys know who khabib is um there's a great picture there's a great picture of the two of you on your on your instagram i found oh uh khabib yeah yeah i met him a few times i met him before he made big and i made it after so khabib is another role model of mine but he's also like an example of islam being good character being a good person uh don't hey did you learn all that from reading the the quran uh sorry to interrupt about the relationship between um jesus and uh muhammad i i had no i had no idea they were related yeah so that's what us muslims are telling you we say this
Starting point is 00:08:22 is the way i put it in a nutshell if you looked at all the religions and there were six ways, six videos, let's say it was a movie and all six series, six series to find out the ending. Christianity being series video number five or like the movie plot, the six is Prophet Muhammad completing God's mission to us and uh a lot of stuff is misunderstood in my cousin the mormons are they number seven didn't they have some dude come yeah yeah i heard about the mormon didn't they have joseph smith come like a hundred years ago or something yeah that that's see that's the thing about islam it said the shahada is very simple it says uh it means worship uh worship only god's only one worship god alone and muhammad is the final messenger so when when we we don't get baptized or anything so by muhammad being the seal of the prophethood you're basically saying that you believe in jesus
Starting point is 00:09:19 moses abraham noah all the prophets if any man comes man comes after Muhammad claiming to be a god or a messenger or anything, we know it's false. Even if you were to levitate and do magic tricks, it's false. Because God says, I've completed my journey. Even in the Quran, the first page, it says, your religion is Islam. It's the only book that actually tells you, and if you practice it, you are to be a Muslim. A Muslim is a very simple word. You can't just claim to be Muslim. practice it you are to be a muslim a muslim is a very simple word like you can't just claim to be muslim you have to try to be a muslim muslim is someone that's you have to submit to god's will you know so it's a very very deep religion the more you look at it
Starting point is 00:09:57 you know i'm not an expert by any means you know i might mess but you're passionate about it you sure are passionate about it i think i think it gives me some kind of, because I could die any minute. My dad died when I was a kid. Yeah. You were two when your dad passed. No, I was seven when my dad went to the hospital. And then he died while he was in the hospital. And I had to have a kid growing up in Chicago on the streets.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Where were you born? What country were you born in? I was born in Bosnia, but I came here when I was like two years old. And did you speak, is Arabic your first language? No, I speak, I'm Bosnian, I'm European. Oh, I thought I heard you speaking Arabic just now. Oh, because every Muslim learns, you learn Arabic because that's what unifies us. So if I, anywhere I go in the world, if I go to Mexico, the biggest Muslim population is Indonesian.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I don't know how to speak Indonesian or whatever it is called. When we enter a mosque, we all have a unified language that brings us together. I don't speak it perfectly. I don't speak it. I can't carry a conversation, but I know some of the surahs or the greetings
Starting point is 00:10:59 unifies us. I can greet another Muslim even though he's from another country and we understand a little bit, you know, Habibi. Habibi. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Yeah. My it's, it's, that means my love, right? Habibi. Habibi. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I think that means my love. I think, I think, yeah. Look at you. I'm a, I'm a Armenian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And my parents are, and my dad was born in Lebanon. So he, you know, he speaks Arabic fluently. So when I grew up, I was – Is your dad Muslim? No, he's not. But he – Armenians – you know Armenians are the first Christian nation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:36 It's the first nation to accept Christianity as its national religion on the planet, which is kind of – the it's in that spot where it's surrounded by countries that are muslim yeah and but if you see if muslims were there they could have took them out but we're forbidden to tear down a church uh any place of worship and you know that goes to show you islam is not about creating evil or all this like like 99 percent of islam is peace and forgiving everything and there's a pinnacle like one percent to protect yourself if someone were to attack you or do something don't transgress like i'll give you like you know a lot of people are telling me when i got to this guy down i should have hit him i should have punched him i should have done that but there's a hadith that says uh one guy they caught they captured a prisoner
Starting point is 00:12:21 and when they caught this prisoner this guy caught him in the battlefield. And he's holding him. He's locked up. And the guy ends up spitting in his face, the spits in the Muslim guy's face. And he says right there, he could have easily killed him, stabbed him, did something. But he said that would have killed him out of ego. I didn't have to. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:12:43 Yeah. Yep. And it's about controlling your ego we deal with ego all the time one thing i tell my students i have a shirt that's made be humble seek knowledge and train jujitsu and a lot of a lot of us are walking around big-headed we think we're get a little bit of stardom or whatever it is and man calm down you're nobody man there's eight billion people there's people died before you that were bigger just keep seeking knowledge get better improve yourself calm down you're
Starting point is 00:13:11 nobody that's a good shirt too that's a good one calm down yeah calm and i like the back on the you're nobody you know you're not that important yeah uh you you you are going to the 7-eleven to get your kids slurpees i don't approve idris you should not be feeding your kids sugar but that's a different show i agree 100 percent but they went to jiu-jitsu class and it was a treat yeah it's a treat they were there with me all day for like five six hours not all day and and i and i do respect that my kids uh my kids do not go to uh school they're homeschooled and they spend their days skateboarding doing jujitsu and playing tennis and surfing just non-stop yeah and man we tried we tried we tried homeschooling but my wife went crazy my kids didn't
Starting point is 00:13:57 listen yeah yeah yeah you can't leave them too no one can be with the kids for more than an hour alone or one of the kids will die like i always hour with you guys i always tell like then we trade off i always tell my wife whenever she comes in the room and like does something with the kids i'm like oh you don't even know you just saved some kid's life she's like what uh man you have three boys and two girls four boys one girl yeah man my's older. Boys are a handful. Yeah, you know. I heard they're hard in the beginning and easier in the future. And the girls are easy right now and harder as they get to puberty.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Even, yeah, I've heard that too. Even the best boys, you leave them alone. Like, you come back, like, they took the refrigerator apart. Oh, man. You're just like, what did you do that for? Like, why not? you're just like what did you do that for like why not you're like what you can't make the stuff up man no no they're they are they're basically monkeys um so you're going to the store to pick up you're going to a 7-eleven to to get slurpees and could you give me the details of that like where you park when you notice stuff are you on the phone can you just walk me through the story?
Starting point is 00:15:06 So I park right in front of the 7-Eleven. And as I'm getting in, you know, I saw the camera. And this is nighttime? Like 10 o'clock, I think. Okay. And as I'm getting Slurpees, you know, they don't have straws. So I'm walking around like, hey, man, where are the straws at? You know, oh, we don't have straws so i'm walking around like hey man you where the straws at you know oh we don't have any whatever the case is and lady came in complaining about a guy causing havoc in the parking lot so as i'm there and you just overhear that yeah you're
Starting point is 00:15:38 there like i'm next to the lady right okay and i look out like the part of me my wife and is she belligerent and drunk i know it's nine nine at 10 or she just a normal person. She seems a little off. She seems a little off herself. But I was looking outside and her girl was acting crazy. And I didn't know if the two knew each other, if the guy knew the girls. And they pretended like hit each other with a car. And she just kept, and I told the girl like, hey man, just get in the car and leave.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And she snapped at me. I was like, man, I'm going to mind my business. So I'm standing inside. My kids are in the car. I'm trying to get the straws. She gets inside. And now she gets like trying to get pepper spray or something. They didn't sell it to her.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I don't know if they had any. She gets a windshield wiping fluid that's right in front of the store. And she tosses it on top of my car. And she tries to open it up. I'm like, get off my car. You're going to damage my car. And then I on top of my car and she tries to open it up i'm gonna get off my car you're gonna damage my car and then i took her off my car wait why did she attack your car with your crackhead behavior crackhead i don't know man i think she was trying to open up the bottle and throw it in the guy's face okay okay okay your car took a hit yeah okay so i took her off she goes
Starting point is 00:16:43 and now as this is happening i can't exit because they're going in and out. I felt safe for my kids in the car. I'm not going to pull out. They're going to hit my car. And I called the cops. So I called 911. I'm like, hey, man, I got this guy. You know, these girls and these guys are causing problems.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I don't know. I keep talking with my hands, but they're causing problems. No, it's fine. I like it. I like it. You're a man. You're a man of hands. It's animated. It's good. And they keep, they i'm telling the cops hey man this this is happening
Starting point is 00:17:09 the operator and he overhears me talking he's like what are you calling the cops i'm like no i'm talking to my mom so i told the guy i'm talking to my mom and then they they we hang up and i'm hanging there and they're exiting you know and i I'm ending my business and the girls exit one more time. So I'm like, OK, I'm like, wait here. I don't know if they're exit the 7-Eleven. They come out of the 7-Eleven. They come out and they come back in. They come back in.
Starting point is 00:17:34 So the guy runs up to me and he's like, what's up, man? He's like, you know, he starts saying some stuff. He's like, what are you rushing? No, man. You know, it's a call. And he starts to like flex like try to like um he does like one of those like trying to yeah posturing on you and shit and then i in my training i tell guys i take a step back and put my hands up and i don't remember
Starting point is 00:17:54 even saying too much i just looked at him in the face and made sure he knew that i was looking at him and i was like man everything's good or i forgot exactly what i said but i had my hands up so then he walks into 7-eleven and i'm standing in front and I'm like, okay, the cops are going to come any minute. I called them. I was like, maybe I could tell them what happened. And, um, he's arguing with the staff, but I don't know what they're arguing about. You know, I find out later that he got kicked out and he stole something and they
Starting point is 00:18:21 wanted to kick him out of the store again, but I didn't know that. And so I read a news report and then um as he probably hangs out there and steals from there all the time i watched like maybe like 10 10 of the news reports about the incident and it sounds like like that was his spot to like like he just robbed that place yeah on a regular basis i don't think he was homeless i was thinking he was work i think he works but he just gets drunk and wasted and stuff so he goes back and forth with them and then i see him do like a fake swing at the guy and i didn't do nothing and in my head i was like maybe i should grab him and calm him down before he does anything but i didn't do nothing i kept my i kept my distance he did an overhand big right over the over the guy. I see him connect with a fist.
Starting point is 00:19:05 This is the employee at 7-Eleven? No, the guy, Chris, hits the employee in the head, hits the 7-Eleven employee. When I saw him hit the 7-Eleven employee in the head with an overhand right. And was the employee a woman or a man? He was a man and it was another girl working by the register. Okay. He had long hair. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:25 And he was 19 years old. He's a kid. And when I saw him hit the 7-Eleven employee, hit him in the head, something, I just like, I didn't even think. I just ran in and grabbed the guy. I took him, tackled him to the ground,
Starting point is 00:19:41 flattened him out. And then I started to wrap him up and i put him in a position called the gift wrap and artist twisting arm control whatever you want to call it and you're so mellow when you do it too the whole thing is it's crazy how mellow you are super calm yeah yeah that's that's the gift wrap right there? Yeah. Technically, I did a variation with the arm stuck inside where a lot of jiu-jitsu guys were surprised. So technically, it's- And you have your foot in there so he can't back his elbow up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:13 It might not be the best position against a trained opponent, but I figured when I put him in to protect myself from not reaching for anything, he can't bite me. It was really hard. If I put you in, you can't, like, you're stuck. And then I took out my cell phone and my keys, and I started to, like, lock the, because my kids were recording. Oh, they got out of the car? No, they didn't get out of the car.
Starting point is 00:20:38 They went in the front seat moving around, and I guess the alarm went off. My daughter has a cell phone, and you know what's so funny she told me yesterday your kids cry did your kids cry like your boys no it was only my daughter and my my my my older son so they were yeah they they were like uh they didn't know exactly what was happening but they started they called my wife they were talking And so, sorry, what were you going to say? You were going to say something.
Starting point is 00:21:06 So you got him here like this. And what made you think to turn on your recording, to turn on your FaceTime? Not your FaceTime, your Facebook. You know, that's a good question. You know, it was, I taught this move for over 20, you know, not 20 years, but I taught this move for a long time. And I always tell people like, this is such a good move. 20 you know not 20 years but i taught this move for a long time and i always tell people like this is such a good move you could pull out your cell phone and call the cops or you know record make
Starting point is 00:21:29 sure and i've been saying it for such a long time that it popped in my head man what if you know george floyd happened they try to say i killed them right what if he has a heart like like what if he's on fentanyl right there yeah he had a heart attack? What if he, right before you grabbed him, he got scared and ate his fentanyl? Yeah. It's, so many things were going in my head. Other people. What if he had a gun in his pocket and while you're laying on top of him, his gun went off and killed him? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Anything. Anything could happen. Yeah. Like, the thing about it is other people recording me and taking pictures. could happen yeah like the thing about is other people recording me and taking pictures and you don't realize how many people are walking up to the door like just recording me and taking pictures and and the employees are snapchatting me or something so i wanted to protect myself yeah um you know you know because people could cut up stuff i don't know what's going to happen the cops might storm in grab me and i was even thinking of deleting the video myself when the whole thing was going on.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah, the cops could have come in and shot you. Yeah, I don't know what – I live in Chicago. They totally could have. Hey, dude, George Floyd was in the back of the car. First of all, I watched all the videos. First of all, when they pulled him over, he reached for his glove box 20 times when they told him not to. They told him to keep his hands on the stereo 20 times, and he didn't. If they would have shot him in the car, I would have been like, yeah, they told him not to fucking move, and he kept flinching.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Then he's in the fucking back of the cop car screaming, I can't breathe, and they take him out. But no one ever shows that video. Yeah, see, I made a mistake. I said something to Fox sports uh fox not sports one of the fox and friends yeah and i said if cops did what i did george floyd would have never but i you know thinking back at i made a mistake saying that i meant to try to say like cops need better training it's nothing to do with you know i don't think the cops killed him so that was a kind of a i don't think the cops killed him either yeah it was i know that's not a popular opinion no but that was the third time he had swallowed
Starting point is 00:23:28 his fentanyl and they had told him it was go ahead go ahead okay let me let me correct that that cop could have not put too much pressure on the knee that cop was a little crazy but i don't think you know maybe that cop added a little bit to it it's a very very uh touchy subject you know yeah you know very touchy very, very touchy subject, you know? Yeah. Very touchy. It's very touchy. I don't want to say too much, but maybe the cop having a knee too long on his neck.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Right. I talked to a lot of cops. That's not part of training. And there was two other cops holding his feet. I think they should have let him sit down. Hey, Adriz. Don't breathe. They should have let him up.
Starting point is 00:24:04 They should have let him up. Adriz. So when he was screaming i can't breathe you can see the video they take him out of the car and they call an ambulance for him this is the third time he's been arrested where he ate fentanyl where he said he couldn't breathe and the last time he was there the doctor wrote in a wrote down if this man keeps swallowing his fentanyl he's gonna have cardiac arrest, when he was on the ground, George started banging his head on the concrete and hurting himself. And that's why the cop put his knee on his head to try to protect him. But it's just nuts. It's nuts. I'm not arguing with you.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I just want to paint the full picture because you never get it anywhere. You never. The thing is, I don't know the whole truth, so I don't want to. Right. Right. Neither do I. Yeah, we'll leave that subject. Yeah, but the ability to control the pressure, because even in your video, too, when you have him, you keep saying all the time, like when he was calm, you're like, hey, I'm going to let this up. I'll make you more comfortable here. Yeah, you did. The second he would scroll, you had so much control of the fight that you could just slowly cinch him back down until he was like, okay, okay. And then you'd say, all right, if you calm down, I'll let that back up.
Starting point is 00:25:05 So to your point, I mean, it's crazy to me that cops aren't required to have at least a blue belt's worth of experience. That was my intention. Because look how much control you have over here. There wouldn't, whether there is, you know, a lot of drugs in a system or whatever, you, you are controlling the position. You're controlling the pressure. There was no way he was going to get out, man. No. He could put a million dollars on the, on line he was yeah no it wasn't gonna happen
Starting point is 00:25:27 brandon waddell the most impressive part is how calm and in control of himself yeah exactly well you're so calm yeah yeah um uh idris you are not only you own uh you do you own with your family um supreme jujitsu in Lincoln Park? So it was me and my cousins. We had three schools. And during COVID, some stuff went down. So we decided to split and go our separate ways. I sold one of my locations and just stayed in Lincoln Park.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And we decided to switch the names of the schools. COVID really messed up our business and a little bit of our family relationship. Because there were some people who knew it was bullshit and there were some people who knew it was real. Yeah. You could say something like that. I don't know. It's not that it's bullshit, but I don't know. It just, I, it's a very touchy subject. And I decided, we decided to be best, you know, we have different point of views with certain things and we just decided to like operate differently. Um,
Starting point is 00:26:30 do, do, uh, do, do Muslims have an opinion on getting the injection? Are they like, fuck the injection? I am not taking that.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I'm not fucking with that. Or it's a 50, 50. I think, uh, it's tough to say, you know, there's nothing in there in the Quran where Muhammad's like,
Starting point is 00:26:44 don't let the government stick a needle in you. The thing is, can you amend that? Can you stick that in there? Page seven. I'm going to just write this in. Yeah. That's, that's a whole different world. But, uh, you know, I, I caught COVID and I just, and then I was like, I'm not going to get vaccinated after I caught COVID. So I felt. And then later the reports came out that, you know, you don't need to take the vaccine if you got COVID. I've been telling people, if you got COVID, just like another. I believe COVID has us, you know. We didn't know nothing in the beginning, so stay safe. But when we started to know more about it, come on, man.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Let's open things up. I mean, I trained, I trained Jiu Jitsu for, you know, how many years I probably got every disease known to man from rolling on those mats, you know? Hey, it would, it was ridiculous. My kids would go to Jiu Jitsu roll around with other kids three days a week, sweat dripping in each other's mouths. And then we would leave and grown men from white belts to black belts. I would see them then afterwards,
Starting point is 00:27:52 put their masks on. And I would think you are fucking bat shit. Crazy. My kid is a walking germ. You have boys, you know what they do everywhere they go. They just drag their hands along every foot and then shove it in their hands nose and mouth and ears and eyes and i'm like well fuck like i can't i can't do anything to stop that yeah that's my kids collect germs for a living
Starting point is 00:28:14 that's what they do yeah yeah okay so we've talked about george floyd we've talked about the vaccine this is good well you want to talk about abortion you want to just get it go all every every hot abortion just touchy one i i i don't believe in abortion to a certain extent like me neither i believe it says if there's a i'm not an expert at it but it's allowed in like the first i think uh if if the woman's life's in danger but just to kill a baby for no reason you're not allowed to from my understanding i gotta do more research on the subject but uh how many brothers and sisters do you have i only have one sister and and um and when you were born in bosnia what was your situation uh like when what would you remember your youth from being born to when you were seven when you left so i was born in bosnia and then i came here was it a rough rough seven years it was no no i was raised in chicago so i came here when
Starting point is 00:29:10 i was like two years old oh two okay sorry but i will visit back and forth it was technically what was it was technically former yugoslavia so yugoslavia split and the war happened and when the war happened uh bosnia serbia croatia they all went separate ways you know part of me kind of wishes that the country never separated we were stronger together but you get an idiot politician in there and you know shake and we know that yeah you know you hate you got the dumbest one of all now in Chicago. I'm going to blame you for that. Wherever Idris goes, the dumb fucks. Everyone's trying to take advantage of Idris. Holy shit, your mayor is a fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Your mayor is batshit crazy, too. Everybody hates her. Everybody hates her. I don't even mean that. I'm not even trying to be mean. She needs help. Yeah. She's off her rocker.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I met her before she became mayor. She came to the mosque trying to get votes. I met her before she became mayor. She came to the mosque trying to get votes. And as I'm talking and I'm there, I talked to one of the guys there that was like, I think her like third in line or something or second. And I try to say, hey, look, you know, I know she's running for mayor. You know, I really believe that you guys can add Jitsu to the police department. He's like, yeah, that's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Here's my number. Let's make it happen. You know, he was really excited about it. And crickets, you know, I text him, he, I'll get back to you. I call him, I'll get back to you. And he never put nothing together. I was actually helping one of my students, Jerry Joyce. He was running for mayor of Chicago against her. And as I was talking, you know, he wanted to, he was going to put the police department or help with jujitsu in the police department, but he ended up not winning. He spent a few million of his own money, dollars to try to become mayor, but he didn't have a chance after like, you know, politics is a very, very, very deceiving, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:08 after I was in that situation trying to help him, you know, I even had a crazy situation when I was trying to help him. I was putting, I was helping put signs outside and I was by my old neighborhood. And as I'm putting a sign, a car pulls up to me and starts like throwing gang signs at me and i'm like man i'm not a gangbanger i'm a neutron i don't i don't gangbang you know i'm like man i'm 30 some years old you know and uh as i'm putting the signs he comes back around and i get in the car and he pulls out a gun on me so when he pulled out the gun he pulls out it's not the first time i had a gun pulled i got robbed at gunpoint i've been chased with guns with guns you know back in the
Starting point is 00:31:49 day but he pulls a gun but this is different now i have kids i didn't when i got guns pulled out of me back in the day i didn't have kids you know you're younger you think you're invincible but when he had pulled out the gun on me then I was just about to have one of my kids, I think it was my fourth kid, like a month later, and everything's going through my head, so I'm like, okay, maybe I'm just gonna, I gun it, so I start, I hit it like two blocks, like a block, two blocks, three blocks, and you know, I thought maybe he was gonna just, you know, go, swerve away like some other guys, or scare you, and out out the neighborhood but this guy jumped out of the car so when he jumped out of the car at the intersection i hit the light and i called the
Starting point is 00:32:30 cops hey man i have a guy with a gun he's behind me he's chasing me you know trying to you know get help and he he just kept on following me i literally i was going on the other side of the road to try to get away from him and he was following me and uh i was going on the other side of the road to try to get away from him. And he was following me. And I was like, where the hell are the cops? It's like 1130 a night. I can't find one cop on main streets anywhere. And I'm cutting it. I'm going fast. And then I get really close to the police station.
Starting point is 00:32:56 And finally, I saw some squad cars. And then as I see the squad car, he makes a right. And I get like two blocks from the police station. I pull up. And they're all waiting for me outside. And you hear like, we have a white SUV being chased by a car, reckless drivers, all of this. They're calling, people are calling the cops on us, you know, and they never caught him. They said, we don't catch him in the next 15 minutes. We're not going to catch him.
Starting point is 00:33:21 In my head, I thought they were going to catch surveillance cameras and they're going to do some investigation but realistic it's a big city they have so much another day yeah just another day in chicago the dude the dude um uh who the 7-eleven incident this chris cat did he end up going to jail uh i think he went to jail for a few hours and they let him out yeah and i thought you know maybe you know he can go to jail for a few hours get sober up he said he had kids i didn't know the guy but when i found out he had a criminal record and all of this and i really do hope the guy changes his life around but i just found out recently i just found out recently i don't know if you saw the article i sent you they caught him with a gun no you no I didn't. Sorry, I thought I went through all of those. Yeah, it was the very first one. It says
Starting point is 00:34:07 guy that went viral gets caught with a gun. Do you guys remember? I forgot the headline. I'm looking right now at our text thread. It's one of the first. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:24 New gun charge filed against man who went viral after me oh shit yeah damn so he has a court date actually today for his bond or something and and you're not but but but no surprise he actually came to the school looking looking for me um to like seek revenge or yeah he said he wanted to fight me wow yeah but i was in california and i don't want to fight him honestly i i'm i'm the i do not want to fight man i'm like i tell people he's now being held without bail by the way oh he is yeah so i like i have situations where you know i could have been in more fights as i got older and you know or people he stole a car so he was put on bail then he stole a car and they got him again and now he's being held without bail yeah wow so it's different i thought
Starting point is 00:35:21 you saw i that's correct I just got that news myself. He's a father of two. Yeah. I really hope he changed that. Cause I don't want him to be, I don't want his kids being raised without no father figure, man. So hopefully he can, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:34 at 30 years old, you know, I was changing my life too, you know? So hopefully this is like a wake up call where he's like, man, what am I doing with my life? You know,
Starting point is 00:35:41 this is done. Like I got to wake up. Did you meet your wife in the mosque? Is that where you met your wife? No, I didn't. I used to, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:50 remember I told you, I didn't really start becoming Muslim until I was like in my twenties. And, uh, I met her at a, at a, like a party event. And,
Starting point is 00:35:58 uh, we started dating and my wife, she started, she got a job at like at a, at a eye clinic. And her, her boss was Muslim. And she started talking to him about Islam, and she started like, oh, yeah, my boyfriend's Muslim.
Starting point is 00:36:14 But I wasn't Muslim. I didn't practice, practice. And I'm still trying to get better now, but she ended up learning about Islam and trying to convert herself. Wow. It wasn't really even trying to convert herself. Wow. It wasn't really even me, you know. Wow. And she became Muslim. And she's like, look, man, you know, I don't want to date you.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Unless you want to marry me, don't waste my time. And I was like, man, she's right. Because I look at life a little bit differently now. I don't believe in dating. Like people date right now. It's like, you you know using up a lot of like when you buy a new car you want to be the only one driving imagine someone said oh yeah this car was loaned out 10 times returned and then they buy this new car it's not a new car anymore right
Starting point is 00:36:54 so when my daughter i'm gonna try to marry her you know it's you know like it's not how would i explain it because you guys gonna i don't want people to twist my words. He's a bad man. He's forcing his daughter to get married. I can't force, like, I'll give you an example. My daughter, when she turns 18,
Starting point is 00:37:11 19, 20, at whatever age she's ready, I'm not going to ever force her to get married. You know, she will try to find her a guy. She'll meet him. She'll talk to him.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And if she likes them and she wants to get marry him so it people put so much weight on marriage that it's okay to get divorced but know that she can know that when she comes home he's in bed with her it's not where like okay i'm gonna go home he goes home and now she's thinking in her head where's my boyfriend and he's at the nightclub you know like if you're gonna marry marry my daughter, be serious with her. Don't like, you know, be with, don't stay with her and then go date someone else. And so, and then she doesn't have to have kids right away. She can date him for a year or two.
Starting point is 00:37:55 They can say, look, if we work out in a year or two, then have kids. My mom only knew my dad for like, I think a couple of weeks and they got married. It's very, it was very common back in the day. You don't know somebody for years to get married. Now people know each other for five years and they finally get married. They make a wedding such a big deal where you have to put all this money. And you know somebody for a little bit, you're ready to get married. And if it doesn't work out, then get divorced. The whole process of marriage and divorce is so complicated that people are scared to get married and stay committed. You should get committed.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Give that person the respect they deserve. You grow the love as you're married. Does that make sense? Yeah. I've got to fall in love with that person. You're not going to know that. Man, you're going to wait till you're 35 to get married. And you know how hard it is to have kids at 35 compared to when you're 21, 22, 23. So don't make the process so complicated. I'll give you one story. My sister was dating a guy
Starting point is 00:38:56 behind my back for a couple of years. And then I find out, I'm like, what's up with this guy? What's his intention? And we had a sit-down with the guy. And I come have a sit-down with him with my cousins. And we're like, what's up, man? Oh, he's like, look, man. This is in the United States of America? Yeah. I like how you say your sister was dating behind your back.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah. That's what I caught that day. Damn, your family's hardcore. Okay, go on. So she's dating him. We weren't too religious either. We were trying. But I can't be like, hey,'s dating him you know we weren't too religious either like we were you know trying but i'm not i can't be like hey stop dating and she because she could still do it behind my back
Starting point is 00:39:30 i can't touch my i can't hit my sister right we're not right for a bit so i have a sit down with the guy at starbucks i'm like what's your intention he's like look let me just finish this school he was already like a police officer and let me finish this school and i'll get married and i'm like okay we'll give you another few months. Because what else is there to know? You know her for two years. You say you like her. A few months goes by, I need more time.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I told my sister, you got to break up with him. He has no intention to get married. And my sister's like crying and all this. And she's going to, oh, man, nobody wants me. And she tried talking to a few more guys, and I told them no, no. And then she found one guy, and she's like, I'm like, look, hey, I don't know if you want this guy because I told her, like, you know, he's older than you.
Starting point is 00:40:17 He's like 10 years older than you. Are you sure? Yes, man, I really like this guy. And I'm like, okay, go ahead, get married. And she thought she was never gonna have kids you know because she had some uh health issues and uh long story short she has three kids now wow right and she's you know she's just she has three kids and the guy that uh she was dating i think he's still not married the first guy so imagine that first guy that you thought you loved and everything
Starting point is 00:40:46 10 years later he's still not married so you you you dodged a bullet there right a man sometimes see we we think logical and we love women like women actually have in islam more rights than most american women got in the last 50 years. Explain that to me. Explain that to me. Give me an example of that. I'll give you an example. Muslim women were allowed to seek knowledge from the day Islam started.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Right? It says, read, seek knowledge. One of the first colleges built was from a Muslim lady in Morocco, like hundreds or whatever, thousands of years ago now, or hundreds of years ago. And now you look at like my wife, for example, like my, if we both work, my wife, if she has a job, any dollar she makes, it's her money. She does not have to give me a penny. She could spend it on whatever she likes. My job as a man is to provide and pay for all the bills. Even to the point where in Islam, she's not obligated to cook for me. She's not obligated. I have to, she doesn't have to cook, clean anything. If she does cook or clean because
Starting point is 00:41:58 she loves me, it's a charity act. Does that make sense? But I can't come home and say, hey, look, woman, where's my food? Why is the house not clean? I'm not allowed to say that. Cultural Muslims might say, oh, yeah, no, in Islam, it's very clear. No, she's your woman. You're allowed to sleep with her. And she's okay. But other than that, you have to take care of her like a queen. You know, you can't, like, force her to cook and clean for you. And a lot of people don't realize that. And so when women start to learn about Islam, they're like, wait, Islam is beautiful. You know, like a lot of women accept Islam, and it's not even because of a – the number one people that are accepting Islam are women.
Starting point is 00:42:42 the number one people that are accepting Islam are women. And the rights, the not cooking, the cleaning, you know, that simple thing of seeking education. There was one of the prophet, I'm trying to think right now, because I wasn't thinking of having like a religious talk. Me neither. But the fact that women are allowed to seek knowledge, and I told you, like, if my wife makes any money, she can donate it, charity.
Starting point is 00:43:09 She's not obligated to give me anything. And that's beautiful. You know, like, how do you not see that women have rights in Islam? Yeah, they should cover up. Like, a woman should cover up her head and her body because that's for her family to see or her husband. But a lot of women now, you know, dress differently. And it's a slippery slope when you start to dress like that, you know, like, and if someone does dress like that, it's their business, but you can't, you can't, you're not even allowed to force your lady to dress like that.
Starting point is 00:43:39 You know? I mean, like you can't force your woman to get covered. Does that make sense? Right. Right. Right. Right. Man, we live we live in such a trippy world. It's it's it's crazy that you live in Chicago and it's something that people don't understand about the United States of America. Like I'll have these discussions with someone who lives like in the Netherlands or in Denmark in denmark or in switzerland or whatever or even australia australia has a huge land mass but they have so few people and they don't understand like the way you're talking and the way you live your life is like might as well be on the moon compared to how like my neighbors live their life they don't realize how big this country is and the huge, vast variety of fucking cultures and mindsets.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And they don't – and like when people say that this thing is – we're not inclusive or a racist country, and they're speaking from the outside, they have no fucking idea how much we've fucking brought together. It's like someone – they have a pot full of water and they call it soup we have a pot full of water with 75 vegetables in it and 35 different animal meats like you don't even we're not even talking you don't even know what soup is like you need to shut the fuck up over there and and you don't know go ahead sorry you know so funny i went to florida right so i go to florida i'm in i'm in in, uh, and, uh, what was it? I was in, I'm in Florida, right? And my aunt lives there. And as I'm there, I see a, and by the way, I want to say one thing before you say that I would love to have you as a fucking
Starting point is 00:45:12 neighbor. You, so, so that at the end of the day, I'm so sorry to know at the end of the day, that's what matters. I have three boys. If I could pick a man and a woman and their kids to live next door to me, I would pick injuries. Why would I pick him? Because he works hard. He's an educator. He has a wife who works hard and he has kids and we have the same values. That's all. And I know that if he saw someone come to my house, he would tell me, he would call me, Hey, do there someone at your house? Or if I saw someone come to his house, my fruit tree had too many apricotsots i would carry a bag to his house if his tree had too many avocados he'd carry a bag to my house this the like i don't care about any of the other stuff yeah it's about
Starting point is 00:45:53 it's about i want this man as my neighbor and i'm not even a religious man but you see the moral code this guy has we have a lot of humans with a moral code could be one of the most moral codes in mma and everyone loves them yeah it's because of islam but i'll give you an example i went to sorry florida yep and as i'm in florida i saw a confederate flag and i was like i was younger like man what's what's what's with this and he's like yeah he explained it to me and i'm like he's he sees that he's a muslim right so I'm talking like, yeah, I'm Chicago Muslim. All you Muslims, why is your Muslims don't let your women drive vehicles?
Starting point is 00:46:31 I'm like, what? Like, what is he talking about? And in my head, I had ideas because I think one city, I think one town, a Muslim town, didn't allow women to drive cars, but that had nothing to do with Islam. That was a cultural thing from that region, don't mix cultural religion and hey the same the same thing when people talk about black people they they make this cart this statement about all black people
Starting point is 00:46:56 and then you i asked them have you ever been to africa they're like no i'm like well everyone there is black and there's none of that there's none of those behaviors there so it's so same thing yeah i hear you so to go with that as we're talking my wife pulls up to pick me up like she was down the block like literally after he said that like 30 seconds later i was like down the block she pulls up to pick me up so we can leave because i told her i'll walk a little bit i want to see and she picks me up and that goes to show you a lot of people. See, you're a product of your environment, right? So depending on what you live, if you live in a little bubble, you're only going to be able to understand that you are the five friends you hang out with. Because I'm a Jitsu instructor and because I'm always being a kid, I never had a father. I always, always ask a lot of questions and i do privates
Starting point is 00:47:45 with millionaires and i ask questions i try to figure out all the cultures and and you grow from this but if you like they said the kids on the west and south side i kind of feel sorry for them in chicago so chicago is kind of segregated and they put a lot of these they not kind of segregated it is it is it is so they put all the the like the black kids in the west or south side. And it's kind of sad because one of my students, you know, he's a he's a dean and he's like some of these kids never left the neighborhood in 10, 15 years. So when they look at downtown, they never been there. They never were able to experience life outside of that little bubble. Yeah. So it's it's it's sad that we can't as as america we send 60 billion dollars to ukraine why don't we invest in these communities and i went to los angeles and they got the skid roll
Starting point is 00:48:31 like you got vets in america that you know why don't we do something for them but we're we're sending so much money billions out and politicians when we have our own Americans that we should try to help out and move around. Because these kids, I know it is hard not to have a father, right? So these kids, some of them grow up. It's not their fault that they grow up and now their father is in prison, their mom is something, and now they're growing up on their grandmother's couch. Those kids need education. And they can be better than me. Maybe if they had the right education, I say, sometimes I'm lucky that I'm here in Chicago, but there's people that I'm probably more qualified in other countries that will do a better job than me,
Starting point is 00:49:13 but they don't have the opportunity I had. You know, you have people that are, you know, people are saying, I can't make it in America. I'm like, do you understand that the fact that we walk on American soil, we hit the lottery ticket. I don't need to buy a lottery ticket to make it out. I have opportunity here. There is jobs. You might get jobs that you might not particularly like at the moment, but it's a job and work your way up the ladder. Don't just, I want to start at $50 an hour. Calm down. I have a theory on why you think the way you think. I have a theory on why you think the way you think. Because I'm an immigrant.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Well, that too for sure. Great moral compass. You spend every day making yourself better and you work with people who want to make themselves better. So you run a business where people come and they have to work on themselves. where people come and they have to work on themselves there's nothing you can do for them that they you teach them how to be accountable you empower people for a living i try my best that's so different than the rest of the world the rest of the world walks around the entire the entire left walks around with their hand out like this they want to know they want to know they like like most people would have just hidden their most people wouldn't even have called the cops you
Starting point is 00:50:29 know that most people if they saw what happened in 7-eleven they would have jumped in their car and drove away you called the cops you helped and you stayed you secured the situation you i mean that that it's so we don't live in a world where people – and they don't realize that. They think – people spend their days hurting themselves, shoving their face with junk food instead of going to a jiu-jitsu skill and giving themselves a skill that makes themselves more valuable to other human beings. My boss one time told me your only value on planet Earth is your value to other human beings, and that's you. You're at the, you're at the apex of that. Your value to,
Starting point is 00:51:09 when you walk into a room, whether anyone knows it or not, your value is like massive because all of a sudden there's a, there's a component of safety with Idris, not there. It's not there. Yeah. And you prove that it's so nuts. And,
Starting point is 00:51:22 and, and you know what? And you'll, and you may never be rewarded for that you may you may be uh one of the greatest gifts to humanity men men like you and you'll never be rewarded for that they'll just be people complaining yeah i want to thank you and i guarantee you all the people who follow follow and listen to this podcast want to thank you we love people like you especially in on behalf of all mothers and fathers out there who have kids you know um for let's say that let's
Starting point is 00:51:48 say in that 7-eleven there would have been a mom in there with her three little kids she could duck out to safety while you handled handled uh you know the guy who's intoxicated yeah it's fucking cool man yeah cool as shit i i didn't think i I just acted off instinct. Yeah. I don't know. And this is not the first time. I even remember one time when I was a kid, this kid got cut. I was at a park. And I didn't know at the time. I was really young.
Starting point is 00:52:19 And I go run and help and put my hand on a cut wound. The guy had a cut. And I tried to cover his hand so he stopped bleeding. And my cousin snapped at me because I didn't know about diseases and AIDS and all this stuff. Right. I just saw something. I saw someone in pain and hurt. And I try to stop it with like,
Starting point is 00:52:34 like pressure. And, and then I found out, okay, there's AIDS and all this other stuff, but I'm young, right. 10,
Starting point is 00:52:40 11, 12 years old. Right. And, uh, I don't know. It's something always as growing up, you know, like grown up you know like
Starting point is 00:52:45 help you know and and is it not the first time that that i've done something like this i like i like the guy you caught in 2019 robbing your car and you let him go yeah i've done that i my sister uh someone robbed uh stole my sister's camera out of her car in Berkeley, California. And I just jumped on my bike and I started doing laps around the neighborhood. And I caught the fucking dude. I caught this guy in my car. And I let him go too, but he had to listen to me talk for a little bit. No, I called the cops.
Starting point is 00:53:18 The cops came. But he told me he was 17 at the time. I found out he was 18 later. But I wanted to make it to this place that 17 at the time I found out he was 18 later but uh I wanted to make it to this place that closed at three o'clock to get food so I didn't want to like get caught where all these people were I literally made it one minute before it turned three o'clock to be able to eat oh man I'm a big guy you know the interesting thing between both those the people that you had subdued as you were like helping not only, you know, the situation, but everybody around you is you wanted a positive change for them.
Starting point is 00:53:47 So not only were you helping the situation, everything else, but you were actually helping the person who is doing the harm to everybody else. And that's such a unique perspective. After I caught him, I tried to get him to do jujitsu. He kept on promising that he'll come. He never came in. I had to sit down with his father and a community leader. And I became friends with him on Instagram. And I noticed that the videos he had with other cars, he deleted those videos.
Starting point is 00:54:13 So I don't know if he shifted a little bit. And I told him, like, when I had to sit down with him, I'm like, I lifted my waist. I was like, you see this gun? And I showed him a gun, you know. I'm like, imagine if it was an old lady or someone else they could have shot you in their car you know i'm not saying it would have been right or wrong but people carry guns yeah is it worth getting in a car and getting shot is it worth getting in a car and you know having someone get a heart attack don't ruin your life you're young you're 18 years
Starting point is 00:54:42 old wake the hell up, man. Small part of me, after everything happened, when I had my knee on belly, I wish I maybe could have smacked him once or twice in the ears to make his ears ring, just to put some fear in him. And I didn't because I felt like I didn't. I don't like hitting people, man. I've been in so many fights, and I never had to hurt somebody. I've literally gotten in fights, and I just, like... The worst I ever did to somebody in a real fight was
Starting point is 00:55:07 I choked them to sleep. When I stopped some fights. I don't know if I had a story when I was 16 years old or 17 at Walgreens. As I'm in Walgreens, I'm at the head register ringing people up
Starting point is 00:55:23 in a person in the front. You were working there. I was working at Walgreens. As I'm working at Walgreens. I'm at the head register ringing people up in a person in the front. You were working there. I was working at Walgreens. So as I'm working at Walgreens, a lady screams, the register, the cash register, and I see someone reaching
Starting point is 00:55:33 and grabbing money at the register. As they're reaching, grabbing money at the register, I'm looking and then they run right past me. So I jump out. I jump out.
Starting point is 00:55:43 There's like, where you put the groceries, the bags. I step up and hop over and i start running towards the door and i stop for a second and my managers my manager behind me is like go grab them grab them so i run out the store i'm like 17 years old probably and then i run and i run in an angle i also play football at the time i grab the person slam them against the wall and as i slam them and time I grabbed the person, slammed him against the wall And as I slammed him and I'm holding the person tight I also did Jiu Jitsu at the time
Starting point is 00:56:09 Like two years in I unleveled the jacket and everything And it was a woman I felt so like Oh wow It was a lady You know, I don't know I thought it was a dude, right?
Starting point is 00:56:19 So the lady Crackhead, crackhead I don't know what I grabbed the person and I was like Oh my gosh, what am I doing here? I felt so guilty and she had like 60 bucks in her hand or 80 bucks or whatever and we walk her back to walgreens and then uh that's it you know like when you tackled it did she make a sound i don't remember man it was so sorry i know you're trying to show compassion. Here I am. This is,
Starting point is 00:56:46 this is, you know, I think if people train more jujitsu, they, they can control the level of harm they put on people. Like there's a thermostat. Yeah. Yeah. For me being jujitsu and knowing and being in fights and all this,
Starting point is 00:57:01 you can literally hurt somebody without throwing strikes yeah and it's such a peaceful way to to control a situation and uh man it changed my life and in keeping me humble and check not you know trying to eat better always you know stuff like this you know idris my uh my son the other day um he does jujitsu over at garth taylor jujitsu and so um there was a i told him if uh any in in any white belts he submits he gets a quarter any gray belt he get a dollar quarter you're that's cheap come on i know i know i'm old i'm old come on a dollar my kids get paid to go to jiu-jitsu i didn't tell him about submission maybe i should do that so so he's going against this girl and she's a gray belt and,
Starting point is 00:57:45 and I see, I, she arm bars him and I, and I, and he's seven. I call him over. I'm like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:57:50 he goes, what? I'm like, what the fuck is going on over there? He goes, dude. And I go, what?
Starting point is 00:57:53 He goes, you gotta, the only way they get better is if you let them do that. And I was so proud of him. You know what I mean? Like I'm like, so you can be, I go,
Starting point is 00:58:03 so you can beat her. He goes so easy. He goes so easy. And I was like, I was so proud of him you know what i mean like i'm like so you can be i go so you can beat her he goes so easy he goes so easy and i was like i was so proud of him yeah yeah yeah because he knows you know he's been doing jujitsu for four to seven days a week for three years doesn't miss that shit that's awesome yeah and that's the secret what do you how do you get him to do it that much because my kids are opposite hey so so you know what's interesting, Idris? So I took him at three years old, I took him to the jiu-jitsu center. And the instructor's like, hey, we only work with four-year-olds. And I was like, hey, man, my kid's a fucking prodigy.
Starting point is 00:58:36 And he goes, okay. And so I put my kid out on there, and my kid cried like a fucking baby. So I was like, okay, my kid's not a prodigy. So I took him back home, right? I come back a year later. You know what I mean? I thought my kid was great. He wasn't great. He's just a regular kid. So I took him back a year later and he's four and he tells me, he goes, Hey man, I don't want to touch any of those guys out there. And then, and he goes, and I don't want them touching me. He's four and tells me this. And I go, Hey dude, I don't blame you. I
Starting point is 00:59:00 wouldn't want any of those fucking guys touching me. And I, and you don't have to touch anyone out there. So the first three months, three days a week, he would only do the warm up. And while the other kids wrestled with other kids, he used a med ball. You know what I mean? So he would only train with like a med ball or a dummy. Then the instructor, Garth Taylor, came over. I think Garth is the first American ever to go to Brazil. This is maybe 20, 30 years ago. And when the black, he won the black belt, a super heavyweight title.
Starting point is 00:59:30 And I think he won it in all three belts as the years went on. Yeah. I think he won it maybe in purple, brown and black, but big guy, giant man. And Garth comes over to him and sits down next to him and he goes, Hey Avi. And Avi goes, what? He goes, you know, Batman does jujitsu. And Avi goes, to him and he goes hey avi and avi goes what he goes uh you know batman does jujitsu and i'll be goes what and he goes yeah and always like and he got up and that was it and hey i never even told him what jujitsu was for i think he did it for like over a year and
Starting point is 00:59:57 a half before he was finally like then he one day he was walking by the tv and i was watching ufc and he goes hey those guys are doing jujitsu like he like i don't know what he thought up until that point if he thought it was dancing or yeah he had no i never told him hey this is a martial art i never nothing but the first three months dude were brutal because it was a 30 minute drive there in the hour drive home in traffic three days a week and this this fucking kid wouldn't do it so i would make him just sit on the mat i'd be like hey you don't have to do it but make him just sit on the mat. I'd be like, hey, you don't have to do it, but you got to sit on the mat. And then, yeah, there he is right there. He's the little guy with the man bun.
Starting point is 01:00:30 With the black gi. Yeah. That's all he gets. Look at him. Yeah. So you should watch him move. It's awesome. Hey, you going to send your kids to school, Idris?
Starting point is 01:00:40 So my kids, they were getting homeschooled. Oh, you're the man. No, so they were. Theychooled and then you're the man. No. So they were, they were, my wife couldn't do it. So we've got them in a, like a private school, Islamic school. The class size are like, like eight people. Okay. Very small classes is a private school. Yeah. And then I got them going there. I don't got them. They're not in public school. They're not being indoctrinated.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Yeah. I don't, I don't like some of the stuff that they, like I i said you're a product of your environment and growing up as a kid you know in chicago you you hear this stuff and you don't even know why you believe in half the stuff until you get older and you start questioning it and i see that there's different ways of life out there like in like if you lived in florida or if you lived in China or somewhere else, you'll realize, wait a second, there's a quote that I learned and I keep preaching it. Information is only as good as the source of the information. Man, that quote changed my life. Information is only as good as the source of information. So people are getting information and stuff from people that are not qualified to give you information.
Starting point is 01:01:44 People are telling you how to do stuff. Who are you to tell me are you qualified? I have a story of my uncle. My uncle, you know, in Islam, when you have a kid, a male or a girl, you're supposed to sacrifice a lamb, right? And you don't have to do it physically yourself. You can pay someone else to do it. But for me, I wanted to sacrifice a lamb. You know, I wanted to feel what it is to be a man.
Starting point is 01:02:09 You know, like the way you build confidence is going through stuff that is uncomfortable. And if you challenge, you challenge yourself and you go through those stuff and it's uncomfortable, you grow from it and you appreciate it. So I went to ask my uncle, like, you know, I'm going to go sacrifice. I want to interrupt real quick. Sorry. Do you hear this, people? He just like every day in his life, he goes to his gym and he does uncomfortable stuff and he puts people in uncomfortable situations and people pay him to put them in uncomfortable situations so they can grow. He's not some fucking bloodthirsty guy who's like, hey, I'm going to go out and pound his chest and kill an animal sacrifice.
Starting point is 01:02:42 It was uncomfortable for him. He didn't want to fucking kill the lamb. He's not interested in fucking going with the knife and slitting it, but he still faced it. He did this because it was uncomfortable. This is like the theme in this guy's life. He wanted to get Slurpees and bring them back to his kids. He doesn't want to wrestle with some fucking scumbag who's drunk. A drug addict?
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah. Okay, sorry. Go on. So the lamb. I just want to wrestle with some fucking scumbag who's drunk. A drug addict. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. Go on. So the lamb. I just want to be clear. Like, this is a guy who keeps pursuing. This is a guy who takes the stairs and not the escalator. Takes responsibility for everybody around him as well.
Starting point is 01:03:15 He's interested in getting the rewards of hard work and putting himself in uncomfortable situations. Okay. Sorry. Lamb. Yeah. So I go to talk to my uncle, my older uncle. And I'm like, hey, man, you know, I'm about to sacrifice this lamb. And he's like, don't do that.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Are you crazy? What's going through your head? Why do you want to just pay someone else to do it? And I'm like, man, when you did it, you know, what happened to my son? What's up, buddy? Hey, do you know Batman does jujitsu? happened to my son what's up buddy hey do you know batman does jujitsu damn that's a good looking boy look at that good looking boy yeah close the door so as i asked after i asked him i'm like hey when you did it what happened why is it so bad he's like i never
Starting point is 01:04:00 did it i never sacrificed a lamb and i'm like so why are you telling me that it's bad to do something if you never did it yeah a lot of people out there telling people not to do something or whatever when and then people go live their life not doing stuff getting information from people that never did that you know like so it's very it's a as i get older i start to realize like man sometimes you should be quiet and not tell too many people what you're doing. I'm starting to realize that more now because other people could talk you out of stuff because you're trying to get to somewhere that they never been. And they might not know. Yes, you're trying to get somewhere they've never been. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:39 So it's very touchy. And I'm starting. I'm still realizing this as I'm getting older right now. There's stuff that I just realized a year ago and i think by putting yourself in these weird situations you're going to grow from it and uh and i sacrificed that lamb and i don't know if you guys ever you guys ever uh like uh it's very interesting like in the slime it tells you sharpen the knife uh very sharp so the lamb doesn't calm the lamb down. You know, you're petting it, making sure it's calm.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Turn the knife, cover the eyes and really quick, you know, slice it so the blood comes out and it's healthy. It's kosher. It's halal. Where other people, they'll eat meat that's like you hit it in the head, the animal dies. It's laying in its own blood dead until someone picks it up and slices the throat it releases a certain chemical in the body yeah yeah it's not healthy for us humans to eat like so what a lot of people don't realize like god gave us everything he gave us the tools on how to eat eat meat the right way how to do stuff but like uh i'll give you example about islam i bought a car right in the car i bought i was so excited to buy the car and like one or two months later i kept on seeing this button
Starting point is 01:05:51 like park and i'm like man what does this mean so i press okay and the car starts to park itself wow i had this car for a while and i didn't know that the car does like a so right you didn't read that owner's manual. So that's the problem. No one reads the owner. So in life, we believe the Quran is the owner's manual and the Hadith, but everyone's living life,
Starting point is 01:06:14 not knowing that what kind of creator would it be? What kind of God would it be if he didn't give us a book on how to get to him, but nobody's searching for that book, that owner's manual. And when it's time, we say it's the Quran and the prophet muhammad's hadiths right hadiths is is uh his life and how he did it and how you should interpret the quran see and that's a whole different subject but that's supposed to show you like like man read the owner's manual your life will be a lot easier in the car, right? Yeah. To go back to that thing about knowing where your information comes, the problem is this,
Starting point is 01:06:48 too. That can be weaponized. So people think that doctors know about health. Doctors don't know shit about health. Zero. Doctors are trained to, not all doctors, but most doctors that are formally trained only know about sickness. And so you could go to a doctor and you could have an infection and you could say to him hey and he gives you antibiotics and you would say to the doctor this is a true story and i say hey you know my dad was in the hospital here for 10 days you finally found out what his infection is you're giving him antibiotics the correct antibiotics is there anything he should do with his diet to change his diet and in order to strengthen he goes no this has nothing to do with his diet to change his diet and in order to strengthen, he goes, no, this has nothing to do with diet. Flash forward 10 years now or 15 years. The number one defense over everything is these cells we have in our body. They're called NK cells, natural killer cells,
Starting point is 01:07:36 and our T cells. They only operate at their highest capacity when you're not eating refined carbohydrates and added sugars. Soon as you eat added sugars and refined carbohydrates, hormones flood the body, insulin, leptin, and those guys can't do their job. That's why people like me who fucking have impeccable fucking health and watch everything that they stick into their mouth, I could get COVID a thousand times. I could drink it. My immune system is savage. I have no fear i walk around barefoot i can touch anything i know because i don't need i don't need anything to fuck with my immune system but doctors don't know this they're because they're taught by pfizer and their medical books on how to deal with sickness but
Starting point is 01:08:20 i'm not a sick person so they don't have information on me. And so it's interesting. It's the same thing with that man that you subdued is a very, very, very dangerous man, but not to a third-degree black belt in jiu-jitsu. Just like COVID is very dangerous if you're obese covid is not dangerous to this five foot five piece of armenian steel it's not i think you'll you'll probably like my cousin my cousin eddie the guy runs a bean show he he's really big on this he's really big he like got a he lives on the farm yeah he grows his own food he does a lot of stuff i love eddie i love eddie if you watch his show he talks he brings out his doctor the nutritionist he tries to learn everything about nutrition you have to empower yourself you have to take jiu-jitsu you have to eat right
Starting point is 01:09:16 you have to kill the lamb yourself yeah these are things you have to empower yourself so i'll give you an example i don't think nothing wrong with doctors. I think doctors are there. They're great for for a lot. You get shot. They're great. If you get hit by a car, they're great. Yes, exactly. You're very we need them. Yes, we do need them. They have changed a lot. But when it comes to like preventing illnesses, you have to do your own research. Yeah. See, a lot of people come to them when it's already too late and they're trying to put Band-Aids on wounds. It's already too late. I tell people with COVID, this should be a wake-up call for everyone that's 20, 30, 40 years old now because there's going to be another COVID in 30 years when we turn 70. And what we do now is going to prevent us being hospitalized when I'm 70.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Right. So if I take care of my body the best I can right now, I'm guilty. I could do better. But if I could if I could take care of my body right now at 37, when the next COVID happens, when I'm 75, my immune system will be strong enough. Not because I was a smoker and I drank alcohol and I did all this stuff. I took care of my body like crap. Now you're like, oh, my God, everyone else. be strong enough not because i was a smoker and i drank alcohol and i did all this stuff i took care of my body like crap now you're like oh my god everyone else man you should have took care of yourself when you were younger yeah you know don't let covid control your life you have we are the author of our book like so we have to take care of ourselves right now and train even if you don't do jujitsujitsu, I still for my
Starting point is 01:10:45 daughter, I'm going to need the guy to become a blue belt probably before he marries my daughter. At least almost a blue belt. You know he can protect her then and handle the situation. It's not just about protecting but him growing as a man.
Starting point is 01:11:01 What kind of man is... Because there's certain challenges when you do jiu-jitsu where it's like it exposes you when you play other sports other sports you can say oh my teammates sucked or this or whatever you can give excuses but when it comes to wrestling or jiu-jitsu it's you on those mats yes it's you you have to there was an article that said one of the best people to hire hire are ex-wrestlers because they have an attitude of go, go, shut up. It's your fault. You can do better. I agree.
Starting point is 01:11:33 If someone's going to marry Mike, because right now, what I do right now in my life and the stuff I do right now, I can change the bloodline of my future generation. A lot of people, they copy paste their father, but you want to be better than your father and whatever your father didn't do. Right. See, I didn't have a father to teach me, but what's it called? I can, the stuff that I do right now and the seeds I plant in my kids' heads right now, hopefully my bloodline is going to become stronger in the future. Right. And I have a certain thing with my kids like i i heard one of the imams say when they're under under the age of like six like like zero to six they're you're you're kind of a slave to them you got to kind of change their diapers you got to wipe them when they go to
Starting point is 01:12:17 the bathroom you still got to help them change their clothes and do all this stuff but my son seven or like seven or eight years old now now they become your slave. So now you got to do this, do that, teach them discipline, make them strong. And then when they become 13 or 14, when they become teenagers, now you guys got to try to become friends. Don't wait. I believe a person, when they're able to have kids, treat them them like a man so if my son get 13 or 14 or 15 can impregnate a girl yeah I gotta talk to him at a level where it's like I gotta treat him like a man stop calling him a kid you know like like stop acting like they're kids yeah wow hey you have semen now act act act accordingly yeah I'm not saying look be responsible society they might, they might not be ready to get married because we're not building them to get married.
Starting point is 01:13:09 But if they were in Africa or somewhere else where at 15, 16, you have semen, they don't know ages, right? Right, right. You can get married now. You can have kids. Yeah, you can make a fucking baby and you act like a fucking baby. Yeah, you can make a fucking baby and you act like a fucking baby. This whole age thing, like, oh, 18, you can do this. 21, you can drink.
Starting point is 01:13:31 But at 18, you can go kill yourself in a war. It makes no logical sense. Who made these rules up? What politician or what leader came in and started planting seeds? And we're forced to do this stuff, right? So I want to do my best to try to have my kids ready at a certain age to do certain things it might not work out the way i have it planned in my head but i'm going to take my kid to the range like in islam it says you should teach your kids how to swim right teach your kids how to like horseback uh horseback ride swim because
Starting point is 01:14:02 that swimming is hard it's scary teach them how to horseback ride so they because that swimming is hard. It's scary. Teach them how to horseback ride so they can learn how to control a beast. You know? Yeah. Yeah. I like it. Yeah. And then the third one, teach them how to shoot a bow and arrow.
Starting point is 01:14:15 So they can eye and hand coordination. That's what the prophet told us. Teach those three things to your kids when they're young. So when they get older, they have confidence. I can't, I'm going to take my kids to the range and shoot, teach them how to shoot a gun so they can see the power it's like a bow and arrow that you know the power or something you have power but learn how to control it right so it's like i really like khabib is one person that i feel like his father taught him islam and through his actions you can see it pour out of his skin his his uh his is like his his body like it's out of his skin. His body.
Starting point is 01:14:47 It's out of it. The more people get to know him, they just want to listen to him talk. He's so organic and so real. He's a man. He's respectful. He's etiquette. I want to say something harsh. His dad died because his dad was obese.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Yeah. I don't know. I know it's harsh. I love Khabib. But if Khabib's dad would have taken care of his diet, cleaned up his diet, I mean, you could just tell he was obese and hypertensive. I'll check you on that.
Starting point is 01:15:14 You can argue that, right? But one thing that I always got to remember in Islam, Islam says the day that we're going to die is already written on our forehead. It's already prescribed okay you're not gonna run away from death now how you're gonna let's say you're supposed to die at 70 hypothetically right but you could pray to god and god could always change the date he can like alter but what i'm trying to say is this let's say you took care of your life maybe the last 10 years of your life uh you got sick
Starting point is 01:15:47 and you lived a miserable last 10 years but maybe you took care of yourself and you're supposed to die at 70 right and and at 70 you live you died and you're going to sleep so whatever the reason is we believe that god wanted him and there's not there's people that have heart attacks at like certain ages. Okay. Let me ask you this. So you're saying that even if he would have been healthy, maybe he would have been hit by a car that day. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:16:15 When God wants to take your life, it doesn't matter what day. It's already written. Okay. I'm fucking. I'm going out and getting a Slurpee right after this show. No, no, no. Okay. Look, let me check that right now.
Starting point is 01:16:23 So the thing is. I'm going to a brothel. I'm going to get 20 whores, and I'm fucking eating three gallons of ice cream. No, no. There's a catch to that. What did I say? I said if you're supposed to die at 70, you can still catch a disease at 60 and live miserable for 10 years. Oh, okay, okay. You're saying if I go to the whorehouse, I might get gonorrhea,
Starting point is 01:16:46 and then I'll be miserable until I die when I'm 80. Okay, fuck it. Exactly. No, we're not going to the whorehouse. Cancel that. We're going to go play tennis instead. That's what I'm saying. You have all the answers.
Starting point is 01:16:57 You can still – You ever see people that get all this stuff, and they're still alive, and they're in the hospital for 10 years? They're suffering. Yes, yes, yes. It's because their time is not, they're going to suffer 10 years of their life. Yes. But if you took care of yourself, you're going to live to 70, a full, healthy life.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Fun, enriching life. Yeah, enriching. My dad died when he was like 40, 41 or something, right? But he suffered for a few years. He had five brain tumors and they operated and, you know, they didn't go well. And he suffered for a few years in the hospital. He went to the hospital. I was seven.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Yeah. And he was in the hospital until I was 11. So I didn't have a father since I was seven. He was basically like a vegetable in the bed. And he just died in the hospital. Right. Like brain tumors. They can't explain.
Starting point is 01:17:46 How old was he? He was 37, like my age right now when he found out he had brain tumors. Isn't that crazy? Like that enters your brain, right? So now every day you live longer than your dad will be, you'll know. That right there, you understand? You'll know that it'll be right there. You understand the value that when I was like younger, I was just thinking like,
Starting point is 01:18:07 man, like, man, man, what, what happens if I live now as I'm 37, it brings tears to my eyes because it's like, I'm my dad's age right now with kids. And what happens if I got diagnosed with like something,
Starting point is 01:18:20 you know, I'm sorry. No, oh, dude, dude, it's now I'm at that age where it's like, man, I could die any minute. What? Yeah. Going through, you know i'm sorry no oh dude dude it's now i'm at that age where it's like man i could die any minute what my dad was going through you know we can't die we got kids to take care of right
Starting point is 01:18:31 but then again islam checks me because if i'm supposed to die yeah there's nothing that could run away so there's like if i always keep it in my head like if god's gonna take me if there's a thing where like these people are telling me like this God's going to take me, if there's a thing where like these people are telling me like, this guy, Chris is going to come after you. He's going to shoot you up. He's going to do this. He's a known gangbanger. And I'm like, man, I pray that he changes his life for all. But if, if he wants to get me, if God allows him to kill me, I can't control that. Cause God says, if the whole world comes to get you, if I don't allow it, no one's going to touch you. There's so many cases of people like they're supposed to die, but a miracle happens and they don't die.
Starting point is 01:19:12 So, but like they're saying this and look, he got caught with a gun. He has other problems he's worrying about right now. He's not worrying about me anymore. I think God makes it that is, you know, like he's got bigger issues now he has bigger issues to fry you know so but in your head you're still thinking like you always you're quick to assume the worst in the world when you don't realize that there's certain things you can't control until the day you die you're going to be tested don't think that you're going to be a believer and you're going to live a life every person's tested even the riches of the rich people in the world that have everything, they're tested every day.
Starting point is 01:19:47 They have miserable lives. They pop drugs. They do all of this to stay happy. You know, like, man, I sometimes wonder how sometimes people live life without having a guidance and a thing to keep them in check. You know, and I think Islam helped always keeping me on the straight path. We always say, keep me on the straight path. We always say, keep us on the sarata mustaqeen. Keep me on the straight path. Sarata mustaqeen.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Keep us on the sarata. Like, keep us on the straight path. Not the one that angers you or not the one that, you know, hates, you know. Like in Islam, I'll give you a simple example in Islam I wanted to tell you earlier. If I'm driving and you see, like, you see stuff on the road, we're supposed to clear it, clear stuff off the road. If you can clean something off the road so people can have an easy path, take the stuff off the road and you'll get rewarded from God. Always being a good human, always thinking outside. Don't be selfish.
Starting point is 01:20:44 It's always like man what can you do for others give charity hey that that's cool uh two examples of that i'll float my own boat right now when i go to the skate park first thing i do is i walk around the skate park and look for like needles trash anything oh let's see let's see bring them in in. Sorry, buddy. Hey, Dad. No, you're good. How's this one, Idris? This one is... Let's say hi. Hi, buddy.
Starting point is 01:21:12 How you doing? What's your name? What's your name? Who hit you? Mama. People don't realize when you have kids, I think part of having all the kids so close, they have training partners and they bully each other.
Starting point is 01:21:28 So when they get older, you know, they're going to probably love you. I hope they love each other. Say hi to the people. I'm sure they will. What's your name, bud? What's your name? Idrees, I want to just keep you for 30 seconds more. I want to go through.
Starting point is 01:21:43 I want to just show all the different. Here's a picture of you with Khabib. Here's a picture of you with the champ, Juliana Pena. Yeah, she's a friend of mine. One of my friends has a kid with her. One of my friends that's a black belt. We're on the same team. Here's you with Mario Lopez.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Yeah. Here's you with Ben askren yeah crazy uh tony robbins great guy uh fedor we're about the same size i think i could take him if he gets a little older where is this where where did you meet him so uh i was and he came to bellator in chicago and hoist gracie you know hoist gracie is so he's a friend hoist gracie a friend of mine and i text him he's like man i'll get you backstage all access you want to go eat and he got me to the weigh-ins and everything i vip did he speak english at all did he speak english not too much oh damn that. It was kind of weird. That's crazy that you're with him right there.
Starting point is 01:22:48 That's crazy. The vibe there with Fedor, like people don't realize he's probably not good at the moment. But in his prime, people have to judge people on their prime. He was the man. I wish he was. Oh, he's the man. Yeah. Hey, if you have not, just type in this guy's name into YouTube and watch the documentary on him.
Starting point is 01:23:04 It is. It's mind-blowing. Dana? Uncle Dana? Hey, if you have not, just type in this guy's name into YouTube and watch the documentary on him. It is, it's mind-boggling. Dana? Uncle Dana? I met Dana a few times. I got more pictures, but that was a funny one. I was there at the Bulls game, and I saw Dana close to me. I'm on the second and third row. He's like front.
Starting point is 01:23:21 And I go up to him, and I'm like, Dana. And he's like, he looked at me. And I felt like he recognized me because I met him a handful of times in the past. And he said, no, let him in. Let him in. Let him in. You know, he let me in through the front row. And we talked for a little bit and took a picture.
Starting point is 01:23:39 That's awesome. God, I love Dana. God, he's such a fuck. Dude. Yeah, man. That was when I was cornering a guy in the UFC So, it was so funny how I met her I was I was
Starting point is 01:23:52 It was the week after she beat, I think, Ronda Rousey Uh-huh I go to Arizona and I'm cornering one guy Boyan Mohavic from Serbia And we get off And as I'm, like, getting in we get off and i as i'm like getting the elevator she comes out and i'm like it's amanda nunez you know like and uh we got to know each other and her her wife uh is macedonian so her father speaks our language so i was they
Starting point is 01:24:19 were she'll call me over hey let's talk and i i speak we speak the same language man the ufc is such a cultural melting pot r kelly did he have his dick in his pants when you met him r kelly that was with hector lombard if you don't see the hector yes oh shit that is damn hector looks good right there the hector lombard was at my school teaching a seminar so we go downtown and we see r kelly and he let us in and it was kind of creepy a little bit because i was kind of like a little bit all these girls are around him and he had everyone in check like like he the security he asked the security guard he's like i actually attacked the security i can take a picture and the security guard gave me an attitude and then uh r kelly
Starting point is 01:25:01 steps up you know who these guys are he snapped his security and made him take a picture of us. Damn. R. Kelly. Hey, what happened to him? Is he in jail now? He's locked up for life. Maybe I should take that one down. Brian Ortega.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Yeah, that's Brian. I was just with him two weeks ago. I didn't post the picture, but I was at him with Grace University, with Henner. Buffer. It's time. Go over there. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:25:32 Michael Bisbing when he had both eyes. I forgot I had these pictures. Hey, my last question before I let you go. When you rolled with Henner, did you feel good? What was that like is he on another planet or you're both third degree black belts i felt good henner's good you know henner's good he's a different type uh i also felt good it was good role i learned a lot i asked him some questions did you guys go hard do you guys go yeah we went we went hard
Starting point is 01:26:02 you did it was fun i was a little winded at the end. If you see a video of us talking, I was winded. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. I lied. I have one more question. Do you have an assault bike in your gym?
Starting point is 01:26:14 Assault bike? What's that? That's like one of these. You have one of these bikes in your gym? Oh, yeah. I had it at my cousin's school. No, I don't have one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:23 You got to get one of those. All right. I know what you're talking about now. Yeah, you can't let Henner outwind you. You got to, man. Henner, I'm going to tell you one thing. Henner is a machine. Henner is doing stuff for Jiu-Jitsu that I admire.
Starting point is 01:26:38 He doesn't need the money, but he's doing everything possible to create more jobs for Jiu-Jitsu guys and grow the art. His grandfather was one of the people that invented the art him and uh helio and carlos both but he's taking it to another level where he's well spoken and he's wasting all his energy to create more people to come to do jiu-jitsu so every whatever he does he brings more people to to the world of jiu-jitsu does that make sense yeah yeah like his school is hitting like almost 2 000 students that's mind-blowing i don't know if you ever saw it's incredible yeah if you see a school it's like a it's like a resort not a resort but like a hotel
Starting point is 01:27:15 you know and i you know seeing that and talking to him and being able to know him you know he told me some stuff that you know you know other people uh it's just beautiful man it's it's very where are they based out of are they in la torrance california okay yeah wow brother i did a gracie breakdown with him yes i saw it i saw it and then he didn't let you talk anymore i can't say it better than him you know oh yeah he's great um dude thank you for 90 minutes of your time you are a true gentleman it was an honor to meet you uh all the talk about uh islam the quran christianity about islam is yes not accurate you know i you know forgive me look it up yourself i always tell people double check your sources yeah you know i'm not sometimes people you know
Starting point is 01:28:04 like remember information is only as good as the source so if you want to learn about islam don't ask a christian about islam go ask someone that's muslim as trying to practice or is practicing so they can give you and then always triple check your sources like i what i do with my students when i learn a new choke i go in and i know how to do the choke and i'll go ask another black belt he looks at me like crazy i mean how do you do this choke? And he's looking at me like, you seriously don't know this choke? No, I want to hear you say it.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Oh, that's my life, dude. I ask people questions all the time. And people are like, you don't know the answer to that? I'm like, no, I want to hear you say it. I want to hear it again. So what do I hear? That's the story of my life. So I learned one thing. It shows that what I'm doing is right.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Second, he might say some words that he might use that I'm going to steal those words. When I teach class, I'm going to copy those words. And third, it exposes me for a chance to learn something. Like when you get here, just flick your wrist for a second, stay patient for two seconds, and then apply the choke. Don't be quick to apply the choke because sometimes just waiting a second here and there will change your whole game. So that means be humble. Don't think you know everything. Calm your ass down.
Starting point is 01:29:10 You don't know everything. Work harder. Nobody cares. You ever heard of that? And we always get overwhelmed. Like, you know, this whole thing happened with me now. And, you know, people are taking selfies with me. And I'm at the airport.
Starting point is 01:29:23 They upgraded my seats. And, you know, like I'm going to Costco. People are recognizing me. You got a free chicken. Like there's so many things that are happening. And I got to remember, like, Idris, you're no, man, relax, man. There's other people. You're human.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Don't get ahead of yourself. Like even when I was in a situation of controlling the guy, as I was on top, I got to tell myself, I talked to myself, you got this, you're good. Everything's fine. You might not hear me saying it, but I positively reinforced myself in my head.
Starting point is 01:29:53 I tell people, how do you build confidence? Man, go in the mirror and tell yourself, man, I'm gorgeous. I can go in front of my class and tell everyone, I don't care what they think.
Starting point is 01:30:01 I am good looking. If I can't physically say it out of my chest, I went to the Tony Robbins seminar because I wanted to get another, I wanted to, you know, like I told them, Oh, you spent like a thousand dollars. Yes. Because he has certain skillsets. I sat for three, four days. Right. And, and maybe like 90% of it I didn't need, but that half an hour talk here and that 10 minute talk here, that changed my life. So if I'm not willing to spend money to invest in myself or, you know, doing crazy stuff, how do you expect to get change if you don't do something? You got to go towards it.
Starting point is 01:30:36 And Islam says walk towards change. You know, either in life you're going forward or you're going backward. Because even if you stay still, you're going backwards because life is moving forward you know islam says walk towards change let's uh end on that note 90 minutes you demand brother thank you please thank your wife and thank your beautiful children for letting us have their uh amazing father work i got five of them so i gotta go okay awesome brother thank you you have my phone number if there's ever anything i can do for you, hit me up. You ever want to come back on, hit me up. Awesome. You should have my cousin Eddie on.
Starting point is 01:31:07 He's really good. If you want to learn about Islam. Will you send me his Instagram and the text? Awesome, I will. He has like six million followers on Facebook. Yeah, please. Please, please. Take care.
Starting point is 01:31:19 I just got kicked off Instagram. Okay, bye-bye. That was cool. I also have to run. run also thank you for everybody and caleb putting up that poll to start off my day nice and depressing what was the poll it was who would you rather have your neighbor and i was fucking last and then you were talking about the the neighbor thing and i'm thinking my fucking neighbors stole shit out of my car and they have my apple watch upstairs so fuck them and then also too hey we
Starting point is 01:31:45 gotta tell that story we gotta do a live call-in show and tell the story about your apple watch i really gotta run bye guys hey i'm gonna go i'm gonna go and play tennis with my kids soon i'll call you matt okay bye i didn't even see the poll it was like 40 45 you 23 me 15 injuries and like 10 suza like suza would be a great name suza throw down too quick suzo fucking slap someone up if they need it he's gonna hold his neighbors down and get his apple watch back yeah he got it well he got it it's it's interesting he i he'll tell the story better than me but i kind of have this what you and i'm sure you know how how this is especially since you're such a big dude caleb your wife doesn't want you getting in shit at least i think good wives don't so like someone
Starting point is 01:32:36 like throws a rock at your car and you're like hold on baby and you pull over your wife's like no no no no no it's cool and i'm just gonna go over slap this motherfucker around a little bit the wives don't good i don't think good wives want that and uh and um suza's wife doesn't want him going up there slapping that dude around and uh good wife yeah because because then you got to live next to him and then when he's not going to be home she's going to be tripping that they're going to come over and yeah um and no no um suza that has matt is chill but he's got some unchill in him too I'm telling you this motherfucker will snap he got a little bit of
Starting point is 01:33:09 hood rat in him you just saw it a little bit you just saw it at the end a little bit yeah yeah yeah his upbringing was nasty he got some stories he not fucking around can you tell us what country you're in uh no He got some stories. He not fucking around.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Can you tell us what country you're in? No. Not so much. All right. I cannot hear. Not in the United States. How about that? And you're not at home?
Starting point is 01:33:38 No, I'm not. Could you tell us what time it is where you're at even? Or would that tell us too much? It's 6.30 p.m. here.m here okay all right that's interesting all right i'll go look on a map and triangulate on that shit uh uh thanks for coming um can i can i mail you stuff did we establish that yet yeah oh uh yeah i can send you the address. I forgot to do that. And how are you on an American military base? Can you say that? Yeah, in a way, yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:16 All right. Do you have access to a place? Are you working out? Do you have access to a place to get at it? Yeah, definitely. They have a pretty good facility here, so I've been able to train pretty good. Get at it.
Starting point is 01:34:29 And, and, and do you know how long you're going to be, uh, away from home? Uh, yeah, I'll be probably till about,
Starting point is 01:34:36 uh, early next year. So a year, not a, not a whole year. No. Oh, but like,
Starting point is 01:34:41 so around January. Yeah. And is your wife with you? No. No. Where is she? She's back home? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:34:51 So you won't see her until January? Yep. Wow. Wow. Yeah. Do you get paid extra when you deploy? Yeah. Oh, you do?
Starting point is 01:35:02 Yeah, we get tax-free. Yeah. Oh, you do? Yeah, we get tax-free. My IRAs are tax-free. I add a bunch of money to my IRAs, and then all my paychecks are tax-free. Then we get a little bit of extra pay for hazard pay and separation pay and stuff like that. Hey, that tax-free thing, that's awesome. Oh, yeah. That's going to be massive. We'll pay off a lot of debt that's that's yeah that tax-free thing that's awesome oh yeah that's gonna be massive we'll pay off a lot of debt that way for sure and and when you're there do you save money too because you're using less electricity at home uh you're eating their food you're like yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah so like what we put one of our cars in like the garage so the the car back home we're not using that at all there's no i mean we'll do like regular maintenance on it just to make sure it doesn't crash when i get back
Starting point is 01:35:50 but yeah yeah i'm so cheap like that too um in august i'm going to um hang out with sarah cox and her family for two weeks and i'll take my whole family with me and i'm like oh shit that's uh two weeks less of um electricity i'm going to use at my house that's uh two weeks less me and i'm like oh shit that's uh two weeks less of um electricity i'm going to use at my house that's uh two weeks less of and i just think of all i won't be driving around i'll just be sitting at the beach for two weeks i think exactly god i'm so cheap i think of all the food free yes free rides everywhere free booze yeah free home and visit my parents. Oh, all right. Oh. Do I have a show?
Starting point is 01:36:28 What? Today's Thursday? Is there a show tonight? No. Okay. Oh, tomorrow we have Dale Saran on. No idea what we're going to talk about, but it's going to be great. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Well, hey, dude, thanks for coming on. That was a great show. You da man. It was cool listening to him. You da man. Okay. Yeah listening to him. You da man. Okay. Yeah. To tell you the truth, I told Sousa, I was like, hey, let's only talk to this dude for 30 minutes.
Starting point is 01:36:53 And then let's go into a live call-in show. I got so much funny shit to say. And we did Idris for an hour and a half. We learned about Muslims. He's a good talker. I like him. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:37:07 I will see you soon. You're still on the text thread that I'm on. That's fine to text away? Yeah, of course. Okay. All right, dude. Thank you.

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