The Sevan Podcast - #499 - 2022 CrossFit Games Events | First Look ft. Taylor Self & J.R. Howell

Episode Date: July 23, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. You're a fucking traitor. You went on the Coffee Wads and Pods podcast? Yeah, he just had me on Monday.
Starting point is 00:00:35 We just shot. You're a fucking traitor. Shut up. Only an hour? No. I hope you were there brushing up on your fucking skills. Bam, we're live. Perfect. Hey, Peter, we're live. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Hey, Peter, don't get carried away. See these people? Stay away from them. Lose their phone number. I should have worn mine. Hey, so before this podcast started, J.R. Howell in the crash shirt, I was like, hey, I'm going to work out. What should I listen to? He told me to go over to Coffee Wads and Pods and listen to Peter's podcast with Adrian.
Starting point is 00:01:07 You guys who think you're games fans and haven't listened to that podcast are not games fans. I'm telling you, that is an amazing podcast. It has like 125 views. It's the best stuff I've heard about the crossfit games uh by far and i would never if adrian came on my show i would jerk him off and be afraid to ask 50 of those questions i'm telling you are you working out or no i was working out it was check out i was doing power cleans with 115 115 uh but uh but man i'm just that guy killed it that in jr you weren't joking that wasn't a waste of my time. That's dense. Peter hits him with question after question after question.
Starting point is 00:01:48 He doesn't let Adrian hide. I can't help – I don't know how many times you guys are going to hear this during the game season. There is and has never been any better promotion for the CrossFit Games ever than the behind the scenes and the documentaries. By far. And I don't know. I want to tell you that the behind the scenes were by far a greater promotion, but I just can't. When we first went to Netflix with the film that I produced and Heber and Mars made, that was a fucking massive game changer.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Because Netflix is truly international. And although Apple is truly international, iTunes is still a bit niche. But when we went to Netflix, that exploded. But there will never, the thing is this, there will never be another person who can do the behind the scenes like me, not even close. I say that with all humility.
Starting point is 00:02:35 And it is a, it shows you, if anyone's listening who's invested money into the purchase of CrossFit, what I do, what I brought to the games by far is mind boggling. And what I continue to bring to the games by far is is mind-boggling and what i continue to bring to the games and i'm going to tie that into the coffee wads and pods thing but the the most minutes watch of any games video in the history of the games i think minutes watch not views minutes watch was the behind the scenes series and uh um and there's a reason for that and
Starting point is 00:03:02 and the only the only thing that i would contest that adrian said in that podcast is he said that crossfit games is more transparent and open than ever and i will say this that behind the scenes what made the crossfit games more transparent than anything you guys could do or currently do and not only that it made enough noise that anything you guys were fucking up on you could just push that up to the front and it would cancel it out. Does that make sense? Trump was a master of that shit.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Squeeze chick's ass over here, get in trouble, okay, throw some, do something else over here. Get your mind off of it. That behind the scenes was a, and the current people in play who don't take advantage of that, who don't just swallow their ego
Starting point is 00:03:43 and be like, we're going to use the shit out of Sevan to bring it. You're making a mistake. You can't afford me anyway now, and I'm too big time, but I'm just saying. I'm just saying. I also want to say that I think we are the only media outlet that continues to promote the L1 with, I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:01 red shirts, godsend. You guys are the shit. Straight call to action in the newsletter. Yes, everyone. You have to take your L1. Okay, I want to start talks about cuts. What's this? Oh, I'll bring that up later about something Brian Friend posted.
Starting point is 00:04:20 I want to play. Hopefully, the Coffee Wads and Pods guys won't be too upset. I want to start this at 28-28 from the Coffee Wads and Pods with Adrian Bosman. By the way, this podcast will be about the CrossFit Games program. We will give you the greatest insights you can find anywhere except for maybe this podcast. Okay. This is Peter's episode 234. Listen to this, please. What can we do to negate it next time i guess oh absolutely i mean like you can't be invested in something i guess you can but i'm
Starting point is 00:04:55 not uh you can't be invested in something for like 15 years that's a niche thing that you kind of dedicate your whole life to and then just be like i don't really care that much okay pause he just described me for everyone in the world who wonders what the fuck's going on and i would argue that besides greg glassman no one has dedicated more of their life to cross in the last 15 years i never took a day off not christmas not thanksgiving not when someone died not when someone was born nothing same with my wife day my kids were born she was still working all of them home birth them and adrian bosman just said it right there so if you're ever figuring out what the fuck is seven doing it's because i've given my life to it for 15 years and i'm just rolling okay uh 3204 now the show starts at 508 uh i hope you guys have all gone to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:05:42 and everything this is when the smart programming shit stops and I take my dick out of my mouth and let Taylor and JR talk a little bit. Okay. And action. But on the other end of that, let's talk programming specifically because I'm rambling a little bit. Start over. Programming. We got an echo. Is that you, Taylor, when you came in, the echo started?
Starting point is 00:06:00 You have your YouTube open or anything? No, I don't. How do I fix that? Okay. Let me try to mute my mic. Let's see if that changes it. Okay. And people take them as if they are.
Starting point is 00:06:13 And I think that that's not necessary. But on the other end of that, let's talk programming specifically because I'm rambling a little bit. But programming specifically, there's always going to be people that have strong opinions. And that's great, in my opinion, because it means that like so many other sports, people are invested enough to care. And at the end of the day, I think there's many bad ways to program, but most of them are not as dire as people make it out to be. And most of it does not revolve around their particular preference that they're usually so fired up about um there's a pretty broad strike zone for programming to be appropriate pause so we've we've told you the whole thing you're looking at four people who've dedicated their fucking lives to crossfit we've established that possibly the finest crossfit gym on the eastern seaboard is uh crash crossfit we
Starting point is 00:07:06 have a guy who's fucking uh rehabbed himself out of fucking going to jail and uh robbing banks taylor self through crossfit uh matt susan probably has a little bit of a similar story uh and uh and runs an affiliate in livermore california and has been one of the most outspoken um and uh successful uh affiliate owners in the world and then there's me and and then been one of the most outspoken and successful affiliate owners in the world. And then there's me. And then on top of that, so you know why we're obsessed with it and what we're doing. And so you know our invested interests and our bias and et cetera. And then on top of that, Adrian Bosman has given us carte blanche.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Is that a word? Carte blanche? That means like we can unabashed blessing to talk about programming. He accepts it. He understands it. He's at the top of the food chain. He's at the mountain. He says, throw the stones, throw the cotton balls, throw the accolades.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Let's do it. He appreciates it. Bam, we're live. Great job. I don't think I've ever done two in a row. Bam, we're live. Great job. I don't think I've ever done two in a row.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Guys, what makes you think that we can get some insight into carte blanche, freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best? What makes you, JR, think that we can have some insight already into knowing what the program is going to be for the 2022 CrossFit Games, finding the fittest human being on the planet, man and woman? Yeah, I mean, I think there's a lot of things, actually, to this point we can look to. Some of them invoke a little bit more speculation than others, but a little different from Dave. One thing Boz has done since, what, January, is he's been really accessible. That's not something we were really used to with Dave.
Starting point is 00:08:41 We were used to waiting for hints through his Instagram page, through his notepad that he was doodling on through maybe a random picture here and there, but Boz has given you some access. He's given you a lot of access. Give me examples. What do you mean? So, so you, and he mentions that he thinks he's doing it. He, I mean, he doesn't, he's not bragging, but he said he thinks they're doing a good job more than, more than ever. Yeah. So, you know, if we stay on this podcast specifically, you know, I think it's at one hour and 10 seconds in, you know, he gives us some insight there. You know, he's, he says some things about the programming or maybe about the way he feels about the direction of the sport and what athletes should be focusing on that we wouldn't have gotten
Starting point is 00:09:20 any other time. And that's live to the public to consume. I don't know if a lot of people have, have but it's out there the one he did leading up to the last chance qualifier with chase ingram on the crossfit podcast again more things in there we can point to and look and say ah that gives us some insight to maybe the direction he's trying to push the athletes in the sport as a whole uh taylor same question you what makes you think that we have some enough information? Well, let me. So. So. Sorry, Taylor. So, Jerry, you do think we have enough information to start picking away at this thing? Absolutely. OK, Taylor, what makes you think that we have enough information to start putting this thing together, this puzzle together and making some good, solid guesses? I agree with the same thing J.R. said. I also think, you know, he has he's put himself out there on the Very Not Random podcast that he has with Pat Sherwood, and there are like 67 episodes or so, and I think they started doing that maybe two years ago max.
Starting point is 00:10:14 So you can assume at least 30 of those are within the last 12 months, maybe more. And while the majority of them have nothing to do with games programming, the more you know about a person and the more you hear them talk about CrossFit, what he prefers, how he programs, just the way he thinks. Movements he goes back to, time domains he goes back to, rep schemes he goes back to. You know, like JR is going to talk about in a little bit, his background in sport. All those things are add to the pile to grab from in terms of accurate speculation so so these are the these are the two things i hear uh insight uh into his character where he
Starting point is 00:10:52 comes from his past and uh what he's talked about what he's leaked either uh intentionally or inadvertently and then we have this um i mean you sent us a shitload of notes jr but we have this thing can you pull up this schedule i have not looked at this um does this already does something this is um insignificant as the schedule just start getting your brains working yeah of course because you know you see 11 testing windows but that doesn't mean that's 11 scored workouts by any stretch of the imagination. You know, we see a one hour window for individuals and teams, and already people are thinking about what that could possibly be. On that podcast, he alludes to something that
Starting point is 00:11:36 every competitor will do at the games, age groups, individuals, and teams, which is awesome. And it's something to get you thinking about what could be that all-encompassing that it would be appropriate for a 50 year old or for a 15 year old uh i i think that's actually it could you pull that up real quick matt i think that's at 58 30 yep which what jr just said um and in jr it's more than a lewd right i mean he states it yeah he says adrian bosman says on this podcast you guys are about to hear this uh coffee wads and pods with peter he says that every single athlete at the crossfit games is going to do the same workout this and this is tantalizing i i mean you got to give it to boss this is i mean before you hit play do you like this taylor everyone's
Starting point is 00:12:23 going to do the same thing i i do and i'm very excited interested to see how they do it i think i have an idea of how but i could be wrong it'll be a letdown if it's 50 burpees for time right it or no yeah it's not gonna be the yo course because when he when he talks about this and i guess we can get into that in a second but when he just play the clip and we can talk about it after okay taylor self giving orders 8th of august or whatever is there something that you're thinking of specifically that would make you think that was a success well yeah i mean there's a lot of different domains there um you know every time you're staring down a big event like this with a lot of moving pieces it's and not because you doubt yourself but you're like yeah can we do it at all like there's a lot oh i screwed this up anyway of course i have faith in the team that we can
Starting point is 00:13:14 but you know you just have those moments where you're like man can we do it okay pause it just for a second i want to say this this podcast is full of this. Adrian giving you insights into the magnitude of the event. And yet he says it with such humility and yet maintains his dignity and strength. You believe he's pulling it off, but you also know this is no fucking joke. OK, OK, go ahead. I mean, and just to put it in context that the Super Bowl is just the same fucking thing every year the only fucking complex thing about the super bowl is the fucking party that they do in the center at halftime or jan jackson pulls out her titty or something that's it this thing is this thing is a mess every this thing is a fucking jigsaw puzzle every year and this year adrian had to put it together okay go ahead will be the win um but i think to me what's really important and i said this um i think it was to
Starting point is 00:14:07 sean and tommy recently okay cut that part out it's really important to me that you know the games obviously it's the transitional year um it's got to be what people expect it to be it's got to be this epic complete test and it's got to be big and it's got to showcase the athletes and it's got to stretch the athletes and it's got to frustrate some of the athletes. And it's got to be all of these things. And it's got to be inspirational to the community. And it's got to give people something to rally around. And it's got to inspire people to get back in the gym and say, hey, you know what? I could take my own fitness a little bit further and I could be a little bit more- Man, I really screwed this up. I really
Starting point is 00:14:47 thought it was at 5830. Sorry, Jer. This is awesome. Yeah. I feel it's really important on a personal level to reflect all of that because that's what I believe the game's to be. It's this big festival from this niche community that believes in this thing enough to be interested in all aspects of it. And yeah, again, I'm rambling. I don't know how articulate I'm being, but it is important to me to carry that torch. You're not rambling. Okay. Something's not right here. Oh, i see what's going on did it start too late no this isn't the right something's wrong see how it ends at 103 55 that's not the one i was watching is something's not right because it didn't it also didn't play the clip at at um
Starting point is 00:15:38 one minute and 10 seconds that jr was talking about right jr something's wrong with this clip yeah because there was no 110 10. That's interesting. This is not the YouTube video that I just watched while I was working out. Is there another? No, it's off the page. You watched it on Spotify. I think is what we pulled the timestamps from. And that one goes to one Oh seven Oh eight.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah. Yeah. We did. So there's probably some ads or something in there. Either ads or did he cut out the part where he didn't have to check on his kids or something during this? Yeah. Oh. So maybe the first time it went up versus.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Oh. Because this is it. I mean. Yeah, but you know, something we can talk about while we while we try to figure out the links and everything. That quote there may be more valuable than anything because it gives everyone reassurance that this guy gets it. He gets it. He knows that he needs to stay true to the methodology. He needs to stay true to the history and he needs to make sure that it's inspirational for people to take into their gyms and be inspired by for the next year. And I think that's really, really important. All those things. He also mentions at the start of the podcast, Peter asked him about kind of some nervousness or maybe nervousness for lack of a better term,
Starting point is 00:16:52 um, about carrying the torch or taking the torch from Dave. Um, and he shows a lot of confidence in a way that I appreciated at the start of the show, because he says, you know, you look back at my track record, every way that I've been involved with the company of crossfit and i don't think there's anyone better suited to pick up after dave and i would agree with that wholeheartedly the little interaction that i've had with him um man he's a he's a great guy one but the resume is quite extensive it is uh he he in uh in in the beginning the first 40 minutes man that's really weird i'm looking at my version too it's so weird that it's different um he does uh with with a lot of humility he addresses every single um
Starting point is 00:17:38 he he uh he addresses every single criticism i mean, Peter does not let him off the hook. If you want to hear all the criticisms, like just one by one. And at some point, Adrian says, Hey, this is the first time I've, uh, addressed these things publicly. I mean, you could see Adrian's, he's not caught off guard, but, um, his honesty is, uh, next level. And in the podcast with chase too, I think they were talking about the burpee standards in the open and, and, and Boz made a comment a, you know, he described the burpee standards one way and Chase goes, you mean multiple? Like multiple standards? And Boz goes, all right, fair enough. So he is acknowledging some of the stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:28 He also says this line in the podcast, if you're afraid of controversy, then CrossFit is not the place for you to work. And you have to remember that this company was born on controversy about a low-carbohydrate diet and squatting below parallel. And I know a lot of you weren't around in 2006, 2007, but it was crazy. There were actually death threats towards towards greg for the for that kind of shit um quick question for you by the way i had my notes here do we have any are they doing covid testing this year are they doing any of that dumb shit the judges and the volunteers are not i know that so i would assume the athletes are not okay good so we don't have to worry about people running in their own lane or any of that stuff hope not no every time every time i hear oh this person has covet i'm like what who the fuck is getting tested anymore i'll still be
Starting point is 00:19:12 wearing my mask so good well that's because it's a that's because we're selling masks hey you know joe rogan was selling rogan masks on his in his merch store i think i did not defend him on this and he would like still push back and i was like maybe he just licenses that name to a certain company they just turned it into a commodity and you were like no he's still in charge of what his name gets put on so he didn't even know that he was selling it if you went into a sex shop and there was the um sebon dildo and you were like dude what are you doing and it said for men's only on it it'd be like fuck what do i know it's why i licensed that shit out what do i know they get the seven one's vagina too
Starting point is 00:19:48 the seven's butt pussy i just i just can't i just but for a price i would for a price not i would do that cheaper than i would do make the behind the scenes just i'm just cutting deals behind your back yes um when you guys laid this out, these events, how do you guys want to, how do you guys want to address this? Do you want to go through each, each day and talk about what you guys think might happen on those days? No, because I think that's, that's entirely speculation. I think we need to use some of, I need to, I think we need to use some more of what we were given. So if we can, if we can listen to those three clips, first one being at 1940 from the podcast he did with chase and that's on the podcast app, not on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:20:29 That's what I based it off of. On Spotify? No, this is from the podcast app. Yeah, yeah. Apple podcast. Oh. Because I think there are things here we can take and really run with as we start to think about what could possibly come out. Hey, does that make, does that make JR seem, seem older than me that I'm like on Spotify is like, no, the podcast app that makes them older than me, right? Taylor,
Starting point is 00:20:55 like less technologically savvy. How old are you? I'm 50. Damn. I guess not. You're standing by your boy Joe. That's not fair. You guys train together. Are there any clues while Sousa finds this? Are there any clues about the equipment that might be coming out from Rogue this year that no one's ever seen before? Besides the fact that it is coming because he did mention that in one of the podcasts. And then he said the Masters athletes would also get to handle it right he didn't say it was coming from rogue
Starting point is 00:21:27 i do i do not believe good point good point um aside from that the the hints are not it's speculation what the equipment's going to be i have i have some guesses and we'll see let's hear him okay i think i think the main guest that I have is, you know, I was listening to one of the very Not Random podcasts, and he was talking about his sport background. And he mentioned rock climbing. And we see the O course. And he also talks about things that he's wanted to do for a few years, but they haven't had a chance to do. for a few years but they haven't had a chance to do and i feel strongly that there's a potential for uh a rock climbing course to be involved in the obstacle course like a wall uh the same course wall set up for everyone like they would at a speed climbing event in the world of of climbing
Starting point is 00:22:19 or professional climbing where they have uh an artificial wall set up with handholds that's the same exact course in each lane i don't i think i don't think so dude maybe not here here's why just for a safety a safety aspect it's both it's the same safety as climbing up a fucking cargo net i know i would be surprised if we ever saw that again i wouldn't no you don't think we'll see swimming again because athletes swallow the water and shit themselves uh i i i hear you and it's a it's a great comeback i just think oh versaclimber yeah okay i could see that madison perkins i could see versaclimber we've never seen the versaclimber at the crossfit games right no no no and i would argue that it's no it's no more boring to watch than any of the other monostructural machines i don't see that coming i i i see your argument but i don't think
Starting point is 00:23:15 they're going to versaclimber uh but but you but but you do think that they would do i mean the wall would have to be high well look at the just look at the visual of it would you rather watch people fake climb or you have the ability to construct oh dude i'm all for letting them i would build a fucking i would have a 50 foot rope that you swing over to a wall over an alligator pit down a wall 50 foot wall but i'm just saying they don't even do fran at the l1s anymore i know i know for a fact that an artificial rock climbing wall is in the forefront of the minds of some of the people that have been programming and around the programming of the games for a very long time and so i i just i i think it's i think we'll see it in the yo course interesting yeah since we're on this topic right now before we get those quotes pulled up i think
Starting point is 00:24:00 there's a higher likelihood of seeing a pegboard without plexi for your feet to climb legless before we see climbing on little pieces of rock climbing wall. Hey, didn't they have that at the 2020 games? Wasn't the pegboard just holes in a pole? No. No, it was plexi. It's only been plexi. Oh, so I think you're so oh i think you're right i think you're right i think i saw prototypes god i'm gonna burn in hell for this i think i saw prototypes of logs
Starting point is 00:24:34 with holes drilled into them that were one time use only meaning by one time i mean like one season because basically they're they would the holes because they're just all made of wood. Basically imagine a log with holes in it, and you just climb it with pegs. I think I saw that. You're not allowed to use your feet because you could still use your feet on a log. You would just grip it on the side. Right. It would be different. Or they make a standard.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I was almost not for sure they were going to use that. I wonder what happened. And where did you see that? Interesting. I'm pretty sure I saw that at the ranch. Did you not sign along those same lines? I don't remember. They can have whatever they can come after me now. Oh, look, it's 420. Perfect. So along those same lines, since we're talking about upper body pulling. Yeah. You asked, what have we been given other than a lot of podcasts, some teasers in that way. We can talk about maybe an Instagram post he made on his story within the last six months, but we also need to always look at main site. And now I probably don't want to speak into this, but I looked at every single day since I was 22 to just see if it was coming up a little bit more
Starting point is 00:25:42 often than others or a little bit more often than it normally does. And I saw a few things that jumped out at me. One of them was that legless rope climbs from a seated position was programmed twice. One time it was to 15 feet, one time it was to 10 feet and saying that you needed to maintain an L position, but they, you know, they do stuff like that. Also strict pull-ups were programmed 10 times and weighted strict pull ups were programmed six of those 10 times. And a six times weighted strict pull up to come up in seven months of programming is something I think you need to pay attention to. think that when Boz talks about some of the CrossFit nerds out there that know their history, being excited that they're going to almost get some nostalgia. Remember when they still have the skills at that time,
Starting point is 00:26:34 100-inch, a weight, a lot of slow, softball costs, an L-sit hold, a handstand walk for max distance, and a farmer's carry for max distance skills one right i don't think that stuff is super relevant but i do think that a weighted strict pull-up and something on the parallettes whether it be an l-sit or what i think is definitely coming is that l-sit press the handstand or or for reps so you start in an l-sit you press into a handstand the judge gives you a good call you lower into an l-sit you show control that's one rep i think that boz is really going to push the envelope of strength but in the domain that most crossfitters are way behind the best in the world and that's gymnastics before any other type of external load it's it's so
Starting point is 00:27:24 interesting to to talk about that because you look at weightlifting and then you look at endurance sports and how narrow the gap is between the best in CrossFit and the best in those sports. And then you look at gymnastics and Olympic gymnasts and the best in CrossFit, and the gap is fucking huge. Massive. Yeah, we got to play that quote at 24. Wow.
Starting point is 00:27:43 We got to play that quote at 2040. got to play that um you know play talks about that do you want me to start at 2040 on chase's podcast yeah we can play that one first since we're talking about the domains that's really insightful but to be fair when you're talking about all these this strict pulling is these exercises and modalities of training are what rock climbers and gymnasts use to train so i don't think it's and a little insight i i'm pretty sure when i met adrian in 2006 or 2007 he either was currently enrolled or had been enrolled in or or maybe he was even an instructor but but he did some sort of circus training he was in a school for circus acrobatics and uh all of this is like tying in nicely with it i want to bring up a comment real quick and
Starting point is 00:28:32 and argue this point this person madison perkins says that's super high skill with the press to hansen and i would argue that rather than a skill it's a strength it's a strength component and body control um so skill maybe oh i don't know taylor you can use that argument everywhere then can't yeah but it's like calling snatch a skill yes it's a high skilled weightlifting movement but you have to be strong to snatch well and you have to be very strong to press the handstand just in different parts of your body that's why beat me by 43 reps okay 44 reps who's counting with what their heroes are doing in the sport yeah i think there are domains that we can look at as crossfitters and say hey the margin between the best in the world in this domain and us as
Starting point is 00:29:21 generalists is much closer than in others and that should give you a clue as to where maybe you need to be expanding wow wow uh that's episode 57 whoops i should have started with this we got to give credit to those guys that's episode 57 of last chance workout preview with adrian bosman that's the CrossFit Games podcast. That was published on... It was late June, I believe. Late June. Because it was before the Last Chance Workouts actually came out, and they released it.
Starting point is 00:29:57 They released it after the fact. Wow. Hey, how... So let me ask you guys this. Taylor, how... planned out was that statement? I think it was very intentional. I think a lot of what Boz does is really intentional.
Starting point is 00:30:23 And he describes the intentionality, at least with how he approaches programming in that same podcast. He talks about how intentional he is with time domains and time caps. And I loved when he talked about that, especially with regards to the row handstand walk workout, making the workout intense with the time cap. And so when he describes and he uses words like intentionality and when he describes, you know, kind of his thought process and something like that, I think it's pretty obvious that he's calculated and you know that a press to hand what about a press to hand from the floor yeah he would i mean that would be a serious that's a serious
Starting point is 00:30:56 ode to greg glassman by the way that was his thing i mean he was always saying the press to handstand and it would embarrass a lot of athletes yes and i think we need to play that quote at 1940 um to go along with this but what you have to think about crazy nod to greg yeah and i think just the press to handstand in general because if you pull up the handstand article that he wrote in 2006 he goes on and on and on about being upside down and being on your hands, especially when you're doing a press to handstand is a limitation by strength alone. It is a strength movement. And those who are lacking strength, they're not going to be able to do it. The only thing I would
Starting point is 00:31:34 say about pushing from the floor is it's hard to tell if people are pushing through their feet or if they're just going from almost a dead stop position. If you start in an L-sit, there is no faking that. You just have to get to an inversion. Boz had a video of him doing an L-sit press to handstand randomly on his Instagram story, if I'm not mistaken, within the last six months. And he rarely posts any training videos. He also talks about the podcast that you did with him in 2018. He says that Dave would have him do that at the seminars almost as like a parlor trick, but to demonstrate how the domain and strength
Starting point is 00:32:13 can be expressed in different ways. And they could introduce it as a 50-point workout just as warning shots for 2023. I mean, I don't think they're going to do it in terms of a make or break. Justin Medeiros can't do one. And so he's not the CrossFit Games champion. Yeah, I think it would make probably more sense if they said max unbroken L-sit press to handstand as like a scored event or L-sit press to handstand
Starting point is 00:32:41 and hold for max time. We've seen him do an L-sit hold for max time. So that would just be like a progression 11 years later. Wow. A lot of these people in the comments are – it would embarrass a lot of athletes. Press to handstand from the floor and from the parallettes. And what does he say, Taylor? What does he say on that podcast?
Starting point is 00:32:59 He says egos are going to be bruised. Yep. And when you hear something like that – Adrian says that? He says that. And when you hear adrian says that he says that and when you and when you're nervous as an athlete when you some shit like that and when you hear stuff like that and you hear him say things like i know where the crossfit athlete is strong and i also know where they're less diligent you have to think that screams gymnastics. We are farthest behind. We do things that five and six year olds do in gymnastics,
Starting point is 00:33:28 but yet rowing times and weightlifting loads are close to what the best in the world do. I think he doesn't, I don't, I think he says, I know where the CrossFit athletes are strong and I know where they're not so strong. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:40 My five year olds and seven year old can sit on the ground in the straddle, put their hands between their legs, and push to a handstand. It's not pretty, but they can do it. Can we play that? It's at 1940. I think it's at 1940. Yeah. Wow, this is good. This show's already way better than I thought it was. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:33:59 These timestamps have me sweating, though. You get like the 15 or the 30 back, and it's a little tough. So we're starting at five seconds out. Here we go. One individual. I mean, out of fairness, if nothing else. Yeah. But I'll tell you that, I mean, sneak peek at the games.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Like, am I aware of where the CrossFit Games athlete is strong and maybe less diligent today? Yes. And is that going to be something that athletes are going to have to contend with when they get to that stage of competition? Absolutely. And are there going to be some athletes that maybe have a little bit of a bruise to the old ego because of that at some point? Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:39 And that's part of the games. Holy shit. That's so awesome if listen if you don't think he's talking about catching people with their pants down on that kind of stuff you're not paying attention hey is that on youtube also that podcast i i couldn't find it on youtube it might i don't think it is what episode was that i i'm curious how many people are watching this. It's crazy that there's these gems in there. Episode 57. Yeah, episode 57.
Starting point is 00:35:10 And I think it's the perfect place for programming to go, too, to just put that out there. I mean, it's just for testing as well. We just haven't tested gymnastic strength to the degree that we've tested barbell strength and and weightlifting strength yeah it doesn't look like it's on youtube i i think um uh jr and taylor also sent over a link of adrian doing the press to handstand on youtube can we see that yeah and that's from like 2000 that's from 2016 nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts but i mean there are videos of of of camille in 2014 doing like scaling options of how you achieve a press to handstand in 2014 there's videos of sean lynn and dave duranti doing them at hq teaching people how to do those years ago, like 2014, 2013.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Greg did bring some Olympic gold medalist, at least one Olympic gold medalist to the gym. And we filmed a ton of stuff with them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he does a straddle, you know, he does a straddle, which you don't have to do. You could just, you could just use a kip and get up really ugly, yeah. And he does a straddle. He does a straddle, which you don't have to do. You could just use a kip and get up really ugly. Hey, this is totally off subject here real quick.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Also in the podcast with Peter, he said something about people not missing a front man, or he doesn't necessarily think of himself as a front man, or he's not going to be the front man. I think the sport needs a front man. I prefer a front man. I also come, my favorite sport is the UFC. I like Joe Rogan. I liked, I liked the fact that there's, even if I don't like the people in the front, I like having people in the front. I like having Dana White there. I like having this regular cast of characters. It's kind of like, um, I saw a clip yesterday of that show, one of those talent shows. And they have a guy backstage who brings the people out. He's this really buff black dude. He does the deodorant commercials.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I can't remember his name. Terry Crews. Yes, yes. Like, yeah, it needs that. That's the best part of the show when you see him. That's like the best part of the clip besides the talent. And I thinkrian would make an amazing front man and i think he represents the uh the brand well yeah so while we're on this topic
Starting point is 00:37:31 i think it's a good time to bring up 100 words of world-class fitness because we can get this too and see jr hold on one second buddy you're you're uh you're breaking up bad how do you want you to bring up 100 words of fitness. And the episode 57 actually is on YouTube. It's like hidden under this CrossFit podcast handle. It's kind of weird, but it is on YouTube. Okay. I couldn't find it.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Okay, go ahead. What were you going to say, JR? Bring up world-class fitness in 100 words, that picture. We need to read that again. JR, bring up world-class fitness and a hundred words, that picture. We need to read that again. And this is one of the most old school things you can possibly read. And if you skip the first paragraph, although I'd agree, it's the most important part of the methodology. We start working our way through that paragraph. Everyone already does this. They deadlift, they clean, they squat, they press, they clean and jerk, they snack. Similarly, similarly. So not less than, not less often, similarly, master the basics of gymnastics, pull-ups, dips, rope climbs, push-ups, sit-ups, stop. So up to that point, we've been doing that
Starting point is 00:38:36 for years. What have we not done yet in a competition or what are we not mastering? Presses to handstands, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Now I would argue that I know years ago there was videos of Rich and Dan being taught how to do backflips and people wondering if it would ever come out. I would say that splits and flips, although great to train to make you more well-rounded and to get one of the 10 general skills to get those all up to par, probably not going to be something that's testable. However, doing presses to handstand and doing pirouettes on your hands, we saw a semifinal do that this year. They had a short handstand walk, but they had to pirouette around a pylon and it had to be unbroken. So this kind of stuff could absolutely be pushed.
Starting point is 00:39:23 So this kind of stuff could absolutely be pushed. And there's also another Glassman quote that kind of ties into transitioning some of this programming into a domain where athletes have high deficiencies. And it's, quote, there is more benefit to your fitness, more likelihood of you surviving game admission life if you go headlong into the pursuit of your deficiencies, then there is spending additional time on your strengths. And so I think just it's riddled all over the old literature. I'm looking to see. I'm at this CrossFit Games podcast playlist. I'm just curious. I see CrossFit Mayhem.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I see the programming to CrossFit. Oh, okay okay it's eight hours ago has 40 views 40 views and this is the guy who programmed the games and people act like they care what's going on it's nuts that's crazy hey wow uh these athletes need some better coaches because 40 views ain't enough. Maybe it's 40 because it's actually all one side of the leaderboard. Okay, let me ask you guys before I make some – I'm being pretty presumptuous. It's Chase watching it every time. Right. Yeah, it was Chase reviewing it 38 times and then JR and Taylor watching it. Is that important that everyone watched that how would you on on the importance of uh one to ten if you're across the games
Starting point is 00:40:51 athlete how important is it that you hear adrian bosman a friend of mine and i've said this on the podcast a fucking hundred times my friend travis bajan who's a professional arm wrestler and whose son is the best division two quarterback who's ever lived. And he has currently has a son in high school is the best high school quarterback who ever lived. He said, when you arm wrestle, there's two people you have to beat. And in sports,
Starting point is 00:41:11 there's always one extra person you have to beat. It's the person across the table from you and the referee. You have to be both of them. So this, I would think that this is the most, just as important as training to see this. That's my, that's my thoughts.
Starting point is 00:41:24 You look at all the best in every sport and they watch tape. They watch so much tape. They review their opponent, um, the best. I mean, they, and they talk about doing that almost more than training. It's just obsessing over technique, film, tape, studying plays, routes, all those things. And this is the equivalent for CrossFit is you have to know who is writing the test. You have to know the history of the test. And if you don't know the history of tests and the background of the people writing the tests, and if you aren't planning to fight your rep or your judge as much as you are the guy next to you in the lane next to you, then you're fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:42:03 You're not doing your due diligence. I guess you could say another thousand people ten thousand i don't know maybe maybe you should load people watch it on spotify or itunes i would fucking watch the video if i was an athlete so i could see the nuances and twitches and uh adrian's face what what what he might be giving up jr your thoughts on this yeah i mean i don't think it's the athlete's responsibility, but absolutely the athlete's camp. I mean, there should be coaches that are listening to stuff like this. I mean, he, he talks about all of those last chance qualifier workouts and why he programmed them the way that he did. You need to know things like that. You need to know when
Starting point is 00:42:39 boss says things like the reason why I programmed this workout is two minutes on and then a rest in two minutes on is you cannot pace. Anyone could pace the thrusters and get a great score. This is a workout where I'm not giving you that option. He says the exact same thing on the 2K row into the handstand wall. Anyone can pace the 2K and walk on their hands for five minutes. I don't want to give anyone that option. I want you to have to row uncomfortably. So if that's any indication with what might be coming, I think you can expect at least a few tests. And Dave would always do this where the paces go there. There is no pace. And if you try to let up a little bit, you're going to, you're going to lose. I think the, I think one of the hardest workouts I've ever done was driven by the time
Starting point is 00:43:25 cap. And it was a workout from Jr's first crucible in 2020. And I think only two people beat the time gap. Uh, I, we have, it's, it's the entire video on the,
Starting point is 00:43:39 um, on YouTube. It's a video. Yeah. It's the entire video. Interesting. But, but in your defense,
Starting point is 00:43:47 but it does look like it's going to start off and it's just going to be audio, but I scrolled up a little bit and it's not. And I, and I don't think a lot of coaches or a lot of camps are, I mean, I mean, who's to know,
Starting point is 00:44:00 I guess truly, but it doesn't seem like they are doing their due diligence on the history of this stuff. And that's why I love Scott's approach so much. He talks about Who? Scott Panchik. Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:11 I mean, he's a huge proponent of that and keeping an eye and staying true to the methodology and the roots because that's where the test comes from. And I think a lot of these camps and a lot of these programs try to get too cute and try to do too much of their own stuff and try to reinvent the wheel and they get lost um they get too far away from the methodology you brought up something very good it was funny i was going to push back on something jr said earlier i made a note but i don't think i need to push back on it because you you stitched our two thoughts together first i want to i'm not sure what will is saying but um he will brands that are saying they have never posted about that youtube channel they only post links to the audio yeah it's interesting well this is hard to find it is you gotta really really really it's almost like they don't want you to see it i will comment i'm mad at will
Starting point is 00:44:54 take his shit down okay fine will's gone uh um so what what what um when when jr was talking about the connection between the crossfit games and main site, I thought he was saying that maybe that there was some sort of main brain that or that the two talk that the guy who does the programming on main site actually does talk to Adrian. And in all my years there, the communication between the fucking guy who's a fuck who's fucking brilliant, the guy who does the programming for the main site is on a whole nother level he's one of the longest employees in the history of crossfit and and if you ask me if he does the program for main site he will he'll even deny it to me but i know he does it but because he used to work for me but he's like no because he believes in the secrecy of it it's just pukey who does it and he's been around forever he knows the crossfit journal better than just about anyone besides mike workington blah blah blah and he is very
Starting point is 00:45:50 he is part of that um click that unspoken kind of illuminati that's in the background at crossfit that adrian is in like he has adrian's number they could text they could talk they're very close but yet probably not close at all but they but they know they both know. And I think Taylor tied that up because what he said is they're true to the methodology. Those are two old school cats. Adrian Bosman is old school is all get out. And so is this guy who does the programming for the main site. But in all the years I was there, I you know, there would be very few times that I remember that Dave would be like, okay, it's two weeks before the games program, this games workout. And then people will look back and like,
Starting point is 00:46:30 Oh my God, that's a games workout. Like I can remember that being talked about, but I don't ever remember it actually happening. Well, they did that. Well, they did that the day before first cut.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Okay. They do. Okay. Something like that. But yeah, that's, but yeah, that's one day before.
Starting point is 00:46:43 So I guess, but I also, but I also don't remember Dave saying, hey, there's going to be an LSIT in the games this year. There was never anything that overt. But the methodology is so, I don't want to say poignant, that two people who really grasp it would end up at the same place. Yeah, that's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:47:01 It's just the same elements, right? So it's just even though it's coming up on main set, you have a year's worth. And then if you're going to try to pack that into 13 or 15 events and you want it to stem from the same tree, that same trunk, it's going to have a likeness. So if you're paying attention to that,
Starting point is 00:47:14 that programming is almost more so just reminding you to stay true to the methodology more so than it is 100% foreshadowing exact events. But there was the 60 clean and jerks for time that popped up slightly before the games. And then they have the surprise event with Double Grace. Yeah, and there's been other stuff too. The back to L set for sure you can find on main site
Starting point is 00:47:33 prior to that event being tested in the games. I think Greg may have demanded that that year. And the softball throw. I think there's a couple years where Greg intervened. It was the softball throw that was demanded. And that was ugly. And I'm not sure I love that, and the softball throw. I think there's a couple years. It was a softball throw that was demanded, and that was ugly. And I don't, I'm not sure I love that, but. Yeah, well, you know, this is like a great time to talk about this.
Starting point is 00:47:51 It's a little tangent, but, you know, you have weightlifting and throwing in the same block of the pyramid, right? And they tried that a couple years. They did a GHD toss, and they did the softball throw. We talk about Rogue and what they had access to. Well, what did they do at the Rogue Invitational in between some of the CrossFit events? They did the strongman events. Rogue makes a bag that's like a Highlands game strongman type thing where it's got a handle and you can load it to whatever you want and they throw it for height. So they
Starting point is 00:48:18 throw it up and over something. You could easily do that in a rounds for time workout and if you're not strong enough or don't have the quarter extremity power to get that apparatus up and over something then you just can't do it and did something and that would be a that would just be a way to get throwing back in the mix as something that's almost as much quarter extremity as you can possibly get they they did something very similar to that, just without the target at strength and depth 2019, where they made the sandbag clean or over the shoulder, a throw. And I liked that. And that was actually something I had an idea.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Sevan mentioned, you know, programming for an MMA fighter. And I thought of the sandbag clean or over the shoulder is probably one of the best movements you could possibly train. And that, that just popped into my mind um that i have my kids do that i have my kids start with a three pound uh d ball and work up to a 14 pound d ball you gotta start making them throw each other yeah well they do that too but but but do you do that in your gym uh jr do you train your athletes to hold the ball and throw it over their head open their hip throw it over their head uh no we don, throw it over their head? No, we don't do that too often.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I know a lot of people will do like med ball throws as like warm-ups over the head, but it's the same idea. It's just like doing a kettlebell swing essentially. It's just very similar movement. And half your ding-dongs in a gym I guess would like – you're supposed to throw it back, but they'd throw it like sideways and fucking kill grandma. Yeah, they'd bust a light. I'll tell you that. it like sideways and feel fucking kill grandma yeah they bust the light i'll tell you that hey i didn't this is a this is a huge this is a huge uh sidestep uh beyond the whiteboard posted the other day would you rather program in a would you rather work out in a fully loaded home gym
Starting point is 00:49:56 or in an affiliate and and i didn't like that question yeah fuck that question yeah i didn't like that question at all it they're they're not comparable they're i really really did not like that question and i think it's divisive people always talk about andrew hiller being divisive i don't think i think that is kind of the worst kind of divisiveness anyway i i digress that thing that adrian said about the gap between professional gymnasts and gymnasts or and crossfitters versus professional weightlifters and crossfitters professional track and field athletes and crossfit whatever the the domains uh that was that's very glassman-esque very profound right he says yeah yeah i hope i'm not
Starting point is 00:50:37 gonna i hope that's not sacrilege i said that but that is very very glassman-esque he he also in those podcasts and in the very not random podcast especially he uses the words economy and utility so much um and so you know a couple things he loves doing a lot with a little which with strict gymnastics you do and he loves movements that can be applied to a lot of things utility um and those are glassman words from the old days that means hey i wouldn't be surprised if adrian's been brushing up on his uh just watching just shitloads of glassman videos hey hey uh susan will you pull up 23 25 on that podcast that's the last the last uh timestamp 23 25 um because you know he also, and he said this on a couple platforms.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Dave has talked about it before, where you don't need to make the test so crazy and so sexy that you think it's going to give everyone a show. The athletes will make it a show by their performance. Their compelling performance. And so he uses a mile run, for example. He says the mile run on paper is the most boring thing in the world. But when you watch people race the last 200 meters, it's the most exciting thing to watch. Yep. But on the other end of that, I'm a staunch believer that there are certain tests that don't have to have a lot of fanfare around them.
Starting point is 00:52:05 And they're always going to be spectacular because the athletes performances in them is going to be so compelling. And you know, like a mile race is one of those things. The mile race is not compelling because you're concerned as to whether or not the athletes can finish the event. There's no question that they're all going to make the distance. That's a no-brainer but who can do it in a in an absolutely inhuman time that's what's compelling about it and so i think when people look at certain things on paper sometimes you have to reserve judgment because yeah maybe it isn't the thing that blows your your doors off in the way that it's presented on paper but when you see the athletes throw themselves at it the performance is the real story.
Starting point is 00:52:49 I think, and I think that might, and I think that might be the one that everyone does that kind of workout where they, the mile, the mile. I don't think it's just, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Continue. So those are the types of workouts. That's what we might see in the one in the one that's for everyone. Yeah. Give me give me something. Give me something, guys. What do you guys think? Give me something on this. This one's so yummy.
Starting point is 00:53:30 And initially I thought it was obstacle course that everyone does. But the more I think about it, the less I think that is the likely culprit. Why? Why? You're talking about because either the 14 year olds or the 65 year old. No, no. Those are the people we're worried about, right? No, it's because of the clues he gives away to, to Peter specifically. He talks about everyone being able to do the workout and Peter, Peter goes, Oh, you mean like me at home? And he goes, well, well, yeah, that too. You could, you could. And Peter goes, I couldn't do it. And he's like, no, you probably could. And so I think that just that wording, um, verbiage coming from him. I don't think, I don't think it's the old course.
Starting point is 00:54:08 I don't think it's pushups. I think CrossFit avoids pushups because of judging. Yeah. So we know that that course through Madison, where it says that there's going to be workout equipment of some kind, we know that course is a 5k. Will you pull that map up? You know, that course is a 5k and I would say, and I would say boss, boss all the time on the very nut random podcast. We'll talk about how, you know, how do you get your members to skip the 5k run day? Or how do you convince people that they need to do a 5k run?
Starting point is 00:54:38 Or what's the most skip? What's the most skip day on main site is go run a 5k. Well, it's this course is 5k. And just because it says that there's equipment there, it doesn't mean there's a rig and there's barbells and there's dumbbell thrusters. Think more simply, is it a, is it a, is it a 5k run 10k bike for time? Is it, is it, um, you know, is it something like Jerry, the hero workout? That's one mile run to K row one mile run. You know, is it something it don't think about it being super sexy on a workout like that. Um, uh, can you zoom in a little bit, JR?
Starting point is 00:55:16 You pulled this map here. I think that was posted. Yeah. I saw it, found it online. And what are the, the green is the starting point and the red is the ending point? Or a turnaround point. Okay, good. And what do these numbers signify, this one and this two?
Starting point is 00:55:36 That's a great question. Is that where the equipment would be? That would be my guess. I think there's only equipment staged at one spot, but I could be wrong. Someone in the comments will know. I know Morning Chalk put an article out about it where they may have answered some of that part. This piece of land that they're running on that goes over the water, is that for vehicles or is that specifically for humans? Will they be shutting down the street?
Starting point is 00:56:02 Do we know? Yeah, they are going to be closing down a lot of the streets thank you heidi okay very interesting here and so okay so then speculate with me um uh what do you what do you think that they they have there if there is equipment it's a 5k something like um double unders-and-jerks, light clean-and-jerks, something like that? I don't think we see light. I don't think we see double-unders or light clean-and-jerks. I think JR is probably closer. I think we see some sort of machine.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Oh. But again, I could be wrong. It could be. Yeah, or it could be something even more simple. Run a 5K with a vest, dump dump it run a 5k without the vest and 10k run carry a sandbag yeah i mean this one is one that's also kind of staying true to tradition and the men and women are gonna i'm guessing the men and women will do everyone's gonna do the same thing on this one maybe i mean maybe but i thought we were speculating that this might be the workout that everyone does could be or we're doing both okay okay yeah i'd agree i agree that this is
Starting point is 00:57:18 the work that everyone does so he lives there in madison or she or at least she's familiar with it she says it's a very busy bike and running trail that road okay all right that's good insight yeah so also i mean this is this is maybe just happenstance but you know like it's the cost of one main fair amount that's gonna come but also biking has been on main site three or four times this year. It'll say like bike 3000 meters and then do something else. Bike 2000 meters or something else, stationary bike. And back in the day, if you dig into main site in like 2004, five and six, you would see workouts like bike, bike hard for five minutes,
Starting point is 00:58:00 hold it L sit for as long as possible. Do that for three rounds. So I think maybe the only time they've done that bike in a road course has been in the crit. And I think maybe bringing back a road course bike race would be good. This is kind of a short course for that. So you would think maybe they're going out and back for a 10K and then running a 5K to the finish. That would be really fun to watch, watch people run at the end. But who knows? really fun to watch watch people run at the end but who knows he also talks about a workout that he thinks will be a great predictor in his opinion of the overall finish of the games and that's what
Starting point is 00:58:32 i'm really excited to talk about okay uh do we have a clip of him saying that it's from peter's podcast so tell me if we don't have a time code on that, tell me exactly what's he say, what's he say, set it up. He says that on one with chase too, at the end, he said, he's yeah. I mean, he says, I'm really interested to see if you'll know which one it is. It is on the chase. It is on chase's podcast. It's it's at the end with maybe three minutes to go. But go ahead and tell me, can you explain it? Well, Susan looks for it. He talks about there being a workout that he's very excited to see. And he mentions to Chase that he's excited to hear Chase's guess on which workout that will be once they've been released on a workout that will most closely predict the podium or the best finishers at the games.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Just that workout alone. Kind of what Scott was talking about with that event at the Mac and the last chance workout. It's the best finishers in those workout represent the best on the overall leaderboard. He talks about that. And I'm. So he he's basically letting Chase know, hey, Chase, I made this workout. I think it's going to be indicative of who the winners of the CrossFit Games. When you see the workouts, I want you to guess which one it is.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah. And did he give us any other clues what day it's on? No, no other clues and the way the crossfit games work this year is a little different than how we formerly thought we thought it was just going to be four days in a row but it's not right it's wednesday rest thursday this is for the individuals then get back at it friday saturday sunday that's how it's been in the past that's correct yeah i think it's the same for the teams i think the age groups i think the age groups go uh thursday friday saturday so they get to finish out on the weekend in the coliseum is what he said and in by looking at the schedule it does look like there are going to be three workouts on day one uh two longer time domains with a shorter one in the middle, right? Yeah. And if I had to guess, I mean,
Starting point is 01:00:27 that one in the middle, it main site has posted a hundred meter repeats and 200 meter swimming repeats in the last month. So that's a lot of swimming on main side in general, much less really, really like fast intervals. And they tease the video that's in a link to of the guy doing maybe the pool workout and testing it so could possibly be the swim workout that's this hour long but you would have to think that's like an all-out sprint like a 100 for time i i would wonder what do you guys think about like time chips for that how are they going to judge that for a for a swim sprint yeah just like they do in the olympic like are they going to judge that for a for a swim sprint yeah it's like they do in the Olympic like are they gonna have the technology where when you touch you you get accurate times
Starting point is 01:01:09 that could be that could be a mess I would imagine but I also don't think they'll test swimming in that regard I don't think they'll test us a swim sprint working on a on an actual bike they're going to manufacture a bike wow that's a great point have you heard that before no i have not interesting you know what i did see by the way i did see yesterday on a totally side note i saw uh uh some people who used to work at whoop uh dm me and told me that they were laid off and then so i googled around it looked like they laid off 15 of their workforce that's a fucking huge chunk of their workforce wow yeah that means i have a friend there are they still a sponsor for the crossfit games or no i don't believe so okay so i have a friend you have a
Starting point is 01:02:01 friend that didn't get hired in a whoop interview because she called the company whoop she was calling she was calling and the guy corrected her i think they're just like a fucking girl doesn't even know what our company they better get they're about to be called oops they're gonna have to change from whoops to whoops whoopie whoopie whoopie do you guys use wearables do you guys use any wearables no no time i buy an apple watch i wear it for like two weeks and i'm like why why but the apple watch is good what you do is you buy it and you leave it on your kitchen counter and then anytime you lose your phone you just go over to your watch and it's charging and swipe it up and then hit find my phone and your phone rings and you're like there's my phone that's kind of cool there should be
Starting point is 01:02:49 can there be a is there a way to just to say to yell in your house hey where are you phone and your phone you would think they'd have that where are you phone and then it's like I'm over here it's always listening the thing over here. Fuck. It's always listening.
Starting point is 01:03:06 It's always listening. The thing keeps track of all the COVID deaths on the planet for you. The least it could do is tell you where it's at. All right. Uh, do you have any reason to suspect that the final day will be anything besides, um, uh,
Starting point is 01:03:22 CrossFit workouts, the couplets and triplets that we're used to? I think he'll stay true to history on that. Now, whether or not we'll see multiple scored events back-to-back, like one of Taylor's top tens with Elizabeth and then Isabel and the Fran, I think something like that would be really cool to bring back. He did mention that the teams are going to finish the competition because the window they had for the live broadcast was earlier in the day.
Starting point is 01:03:54 So the individuals will actually finish the games before the teams. And he doesn't say anything about, you know, this being Rich's last year competing on a team, but it'll also be pretty cool to see the teams go at the end wait has that that's never happened before right i don't think so i don't think so and why are they having the teams finish after the individuals what was the explanation because the broadcast time that was given to them was was earlier in the day so they had to make sure the individuals were front and center for that. Wow. And where will it be broadcast?
Starting point is 01:04:27 Did he say, he didn't say on the podcast, but I would assume CBS. And, and does that mean it won't be on YouTube? You'll have to switch. You'll switch from YouTube to CBS. Do they have exclusivity?
Starting point is 01:04:37 Do we know? Good question. Hmm. No, I think many years they did. The networks did have exclusivity, but I don't think last years they did the networks did have exclusivity but i don't think last year they did that was where i first saw crossfit was on cbs in 2016 that's what everyone in the comments are saying that cbs i like where jr was going with that 2012 uh final event style of having
Starting point is 01:05:04 one event two event event, three event, right after one another where we, I believe it was, like you said, Elizabeth, Isabel, and then Fran. It's also important to note that they cut the athletes to 30 on the final day. And that could also be indicative of an event finish like that. And he talks about the nostalgia. It looks like there's room for multiple scored events. So that's a good guess.
Starting point is 01:05:31 In the past, when there had been cuts, big names had been cut. And there were some concerns about that, right? Wasn't Vellner cut in one of the first cuts one year or something? Yeah. Vellner-Krakowski got cut. Early on, on Saturday. I think after the sprint maybe annie or maybe sarah i think it was both of them both of them okay there's no there's no
Starting point is 01:05:55 issues with that this year right no cutting 10 people at the end of saturday is fine right like hey you're done to a degree jr makes a good point um he loves to talk about punishing athletes for not having a skill or or having a large deficiency in some area and when you have those extra 10 people on the leaderboard that could potentially spoil a good athlete's score um because that's just that many more people to interfere with them having a big hole i like that argument at the same time after after three days of competition i think you know wednesday friday saturday i think it's appropriate to cut them to cut the to cut the bottom 10 what about what about even more
Starting point is 01:06:38 why not cut why not cut 20 i think for what jr argues potentially is they don't want they don't want so few athletes that if you have a deficiency in some area or some newly tested element that he talks about, he doesn't want them to not be punished for that. Yeah, so oftentimes, too, on Sunday, you'll get some of the higher skill elements. Last year, we saw the freestanding handstand push-up. In years past, the pegboard would come up on sundays and typically those are movements that if someone has a hole and it's only the top 10 they're just like okay that's fine i'll just take a 10th versus like i'll take a 37th and then drop from the podium yeah parallette handstand push-ups as well fibonacci final pedal to the metal stuff like
Starting point is 01:07:20 that um did brian did brian have something in his instagram about this yeah he had a he had a pretty cool article he put out where he put out how many people like in the bottom uh 20 right yeah still had still had top 10 finishes and he kind of goes through them which is pretty cool he still says he's a proponent of at least cutting on Sunday, but sometimes you do have those outliers that are in the first couple of heats. So he's saying that there's people who on Saturday, when the day was over, we're in the bottom 10, but by Sunday they were in the top at the end of Sunday, they were in the top 10. No, he's saying that on the workouts for Sunday, they turned in top 10 performances, even though they were in the bottom. Yeah were in the bottom yeah i could give a shit about that right like like all i really care about is
Starting point is 01:08:09 does anyone ever climb from the bottom 10 into the top 10 from saturday to sunday that's what i need no no yeah not fuck you then bye-bye then i say i say cut even more i see your logic for why you don't want to cut them before saturday in case're a specialist, but I wasn't able to follow exactly what Taylor was saying about your logic. Like once it comes to Saturday, there's two things we know about Sunday. There's only going to be two or three workouts, right? Yep. Three, three or two, three, four. Potentially multiple scores.
Starting point is 01:08:40 But they will be CrossFit workouts. There's never been a year where they're not, right? There's nothing ever weird pops up there atalanta in 2020 but aside from that that and that was crossfit but it was just a little it was a little out there which one was that what was one mile run with a vest one mile run 100 handstand push-ups two pistol squats 300 pull-ups one mile run okay what was that called atalanta damn uh i i wonder how this is going to rank in terms of toughness for for games it depends on how you define toughness beat up i don't think that's his goal and i don't think that's what he wants to go for and i like that i don't think he wants me neither athletes up but at the same time
Starting point is 01:09:30 you do have to test the psychological tolerance of the athletes but i think you will meaning yeah yeah maybe he just takes that on in a different form you know he's talked about knowing that athletes will be frustrated or embarrassed yes but he's not saying that the athletes will be beaten down yeah but you can also you know you think about testing an athlete's mental resilience you can do that in an event like atalanta but you can also do that in an event like 21 59 echo bike snatch does this athlete have the balls to fuck this workout up uh it is similar to the resilience necessary to push at a threshold for murph um so it's again i would look at the words economy and utility i also like go ahead good i was gonna say i also want to go back to what
Starting point is 01:10:21 talking about that workout he thinks will be a predictor of yeah i found that in the podcast overall pull that up please oh that's good that was good taylor yeah the please was nice that was solid dude geez who the fuck do i work for good job that please would get you like spoiler alert i i won't give away any details but i have a uh there's a test planned at the games this year that i think is describing exactly what you you are somebody who gets a really good score in this particular test i think it's going to be pretty indicative of the way everything shakes out and the seed seed is planted. I'll be curious. When everything is revealed, if you can pick that one out, I'll be happy to pick your brain about that.
Starting point is 01:11:09 I'm curious to see. I have a workout. Yeah. Overhead squats, double unders, and bar muscle-ups. No. Yes. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Go ahead. I would look at Boz's favorite one to ten rep scheme potentially uh i would look back at the new girls crossfit released over the past couple of years and i look at a workout like lila which is one of the new girl workouts and it is yeah i've never heard of that bitch that's a good workout 10 to 1 body weight cleaning jerks and muscle ups say it again 10 to 1 body weight cleaning jerks and muscle ups or is it 1 to 10 jr that's 10 to 1 i think muscle ups are first muscle ups first okay yeah yeah yeah i like it i like it yeah gosh and you look at a workout like that and I can't think of anything aside from a trip at like First Cut or something similar, a workout like Lila, 10 to 1 muscle-ups and bodyweight clean and jerks, you have to be very, very fit and very good at CrossFit to do well in a workout like that.
Starting point is 01:12:17 What would be the weight for men? They would probably standardize it the way they did regional Linda. Like an average yeah 195 or a 205 for men and and a 145 or a one probably a 145 or a 140 for females every year there's this um and i think that most of the pundits are wrong but there's this hey it's not heavy enough for the women when you when you look at a workout like lila i don't think you that argument holds much water because the muscle up is is harder for women uh relatively so if you're going to keep the test 10 to 1 and they're doing 55 muscle ups equivalent to the men then
Starting point is 01:12:57 that argument doesn't hold any water and i think that event from 2020 the uh 2007 reload where they have the even lighter weight on the shoulder to overhead is also appropriate there as well because the women row the same distance they do the same amount of bar muscle ups so you think it's going to be a couplet this workout that adrian's talking about it'll be a couplet or a triplet and i also think and he mentions this in another in another podcast he does he uh someone describes him as a fitness minimalist and he talks about how when he programs for his own training he starts with a broad list of things that he would like to touch and he talks about stripping it down to two or three key
Starting point is 01:13:35 elements and he emphasizes two or three key elements um and to me that screams simplicity and couplets and triplets yep yeah our last chance yeah i mean look at the last chance qualifier right three couplets and a triplet essentially and they were and they were and they were so beautiful also because the couplets were so unique from one another um you had a 10 to 1 you had an amrap and then you had two back-to-back uh sprint amraps so to speak but they were just it wasn't like you're doing fran and then elizabeth those couplets are very similar just different movements uh these three couplets were so unique and creative and i think we can expect something like that uh did we touch on
Starting point is 01:14:19 is there anything else we want to touch on in regards to our thoughts about what's going to happen here? Any of the days specifically, we want to talk about the swimming. We want to talk about running. We want to talk about what we think the longest time domain is going to be. We want to talk about whether we think there's going to be something. I mean, I like this. The one, the one thing that I think we've really dug out and that I feel super duper confident about is the gymnastics thing. mean i think yeah something crazy something crazy is coming that is uh i could see the whole game's kind of being built around that piece yeah that being the piece and i think it's going to happen
Starting point is 01:14:57 in day one or two i well day two i think what day do you think is going to happen i think it's gonna happen on friday so he says that saturday night is going to be wild that he's really really looking forward to saturday night and that saturday saturday night is also not the workout that he says he's wanted to do elements of for years and now he finally has got so that may be one that later in the weekend or earlier in the weekend of the saturday night when it's a show and it was always about doing the really fun to watch workouts at night i mean as i recall um in the early years too adrian's not one who's afraid of odd objects either he's not he's not he's not a you know he's not a as much as we might be saying he's
Starting point is 01:15:44 old school and he does think a lot of things by tradition he is not he's not a you know he's not a as much as we might be saying he's old school and he does things a lot of things by tradition he is not afraid of an odd object he as a gymnast he would dabble in the strongman shit no problem i would cringe if they brought back ring handstand push-ups oh yeah i'll fucking do that christine at Yeah, I think like – Ooh. Unanimous. Mainsight had 30 strict for time and 30 rope climbs for time this year along with the seated legless rope climbs in the L-sit position. I think we're way more likely to see him try to bring back strict muscle-ups before ring handstand push-ups.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Yeah, I would agree. Oh, man. Can you imagine? That was a judging nightmare. Yeah. Gosh, but there's something like that every year. Right. Yeah, I think the likelihood of seeing something on the parallettes that's not an L-sit or
Starting point is 01:16:38 a weighted strength test body weight based, like a strict pull up or a strict chin up where you have to use a supernative grip or whatever is a little bit more likely. Yeah. And, but you could also look at something as simply as adding a vest to a workout with a pegboard. I mean,
Starting point is 01:16:55 how often do athletes do pegboards with the vest? How often do they do legless with the vest? Hey, will you type that in? Suza pegboard vest, a weighted vest. i've never even seen anyone do that have you guys might swim with a weighted vest that was wow that wasn't serious oh that was a joke there's a video of my boss
Starting point is 01:17:16 walking across the bottom of a pool in a weight vest and ankle weights it's fucking crazy ankle weights why the fuck was he wearing ankle weights? That's fucking dangerous. Yeah, he was being an idiot, and he almost drowned. It's a hilarious video. It's on YouTube. He did almost drown? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:32 They had to put, like, the fucking leaf scooper, like, in there for him to grab to get up. Oh, shit. Yeah, there's so many things you could hold on to that are heavy. Why attach it to your fucking body? Fuck it. Vested ring handstand push-ups. Yeah, there's so many things you could hold on to that are heavy. Why attach it to your fucking body? Fuck it. Vested ring handstand push-ups. Yeah, another one. Wow, okay.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Here we go. Oh, it's Hefner. And that's exactly what I thought of when I thought of a vested pegboard. Yeah. There he goes. Back to the chalk bucket, Hefner. Hey, and you know what? This might be the solution also.
Starting point is 01:18:04 back to the chalk bucket haven't her hey and you know what this might be the solution also um instead of trying to make a pegboard um so that you can't put your feet up on the side just wear a bit weight vest just wear a weight vest although it's crazy on your core or the rock wall god that would be so cool they're not they're not doing a rock wall dude yeah i think the rock wall moves too far away from does it fitness elements i think it does it's dangerous people do it fast make it on the last day that's comparable to running i would argue so hard i mean i just kind of bucket that with like jujitsu like people like let's do grappling it's like nah that's not about a crit what is that is that a dance that's it like a
Starting point is 01:18:45 crit dance it's the bike race you look at how unique the or or the yeah but that is an element of like biking in it well what what have humans been required to do for thousands of years to survive i mean i could see it up over like a larger wall where they have to really like jump and then kind of muscle themselves up over it but i would be surprised if they actually outfitted it with grips and had them you know climb over they did a rope wall where you grab the rope and you walk up with your feet military style in one of the right but that's so similar i mean what about this all right so what about this look at what's been programmed so far right everyone did the legless event from 2014 which was shuttle runs and legless rope climbs what if he throws back the 2020 games with dave when they
Starting point is 01:19:32 did the bike repeater which is the exact same workout on a bike it's an out and back shuttle bike run one legless rope climb they could do that on the turf on the main field and have ropes hanging and still have heats of 10 going where they go to one end go around like a dummy and then come back as almost like a repeat workout and it would still stick that theme of that legless uh with shuttle run type feel yeah that would be dope i but i like a lot of the suggestions in the um in the chat also a blinded but blinded blindfolded bowling blindfolded blow job leave it dick butter old dick butter uh do you think there's only 11 time slots but we think there's going to be more workouts how many workouts are we guessing i think potentially scores or 14 scores i would say if i had to guess i would say 13
Starting point is 01:20:28 why would he make less why wouldn't if i was doing it i would what's the most they've ever done at the games 15 15 yeah but but yeah i don't know that that's necessary i think 12 tests is enough i think 11 potentially is enough if you have the right test, but I do see there being a workout with two scores. And what's the fewest you could imagine? What's the fewest at any games ever? The initial games was like three events, right? 2007. The total, the hopper, and something else?
Starting point is 01:21:02 And then in 2008, how many were there? Four? Five? 2008 was five events and 2009 was seven. Man, in 2009 was gnarly. Okay. Yeah, what I'm hoping to see is, you know, last year kind of went away a little bit from the longer time domains. You had the super long hour plus time domain. And then other than that, I think maybe there was a low 20s or high teens and everything else was really short, like mostly 12 minutes or less.
Starting point is 01:21:36 So I'm wondering if instead of just doing that one long event on Wednesday and then having everything else be, for the most part, 20 minutes or less, I wonder if we'll flip that a little bit like look how long the day is on saturday they start at 8 a.m and they end at 8 20. jr has a javelin throw at his house jr has a javelin throw i'm sick at it do you really jr yeah yeah the guy that owned the house previously was really big in uh ocr obstacle course racing so he he made one of the spear throws so that he could like run 800 meters on the trail and then come in and try the spear throw. You know who fucking sucks at it? Jason. Yeah. And I was just going to say this.
Starting point is 01:22:16 I would fucking kill it on naked and afraid because of that javelin throw. Do you actually own javelins, JR? I mean, he just made spears yeah they're like broomsticks with spikes on the end he left them there for you yeah he left a lot here for me shout out to wayne like in a good way oh yeah dude he's got a race car lawnmower that's awesome it's a race car lawnm. It's like fucking goes like 30 miles an hour. Oh, that's awesome. That sounds dangerous.
Starting point is 01:22:48 I ride it around when I rest between workouts. That's a 12 and a half hour day. And that's with individuals and teams, but that's still a long day. Oh, yeah. And I'm guessing they're going to finish with the teams that day, that Saturday. Oh, who knows? I guess they got the TV thing going. Who knows?
Starting point is 01:23:09 Yeah, and they're like that at dusk kind of event under the lights. And that's the one he's really excited about. He said Saturday is going to be awesome. He said it's going to be really exciting. Any ideas on what the longest event might be? Running another marathon row on the rower anything and any insights into what that might look like are we gonna do you think we're gonna see something in the 40 minutes this year are we looking i mean are we gonna get in the lake so we've got a we've
Starting point is 01:23:34 got a five hour window as the first one on wednesday and then we've got a four and a half hour when uh window on wednesday night and on saturday morning i i think we see something long and i jr made a mention of looking at the background of dave and some of the military themed programming in the past and then we're looking at boss's background and looking at gymnastics and i don't think that we get away truly from some of the military themed programming you know we see the obstacle course coming back i potentially think we see a hero this year because we didn't see i don't did we see one last year or the year prior so we didn't see a hero last year and something that um actually chad brought to my attention i was talking to chad earlier today and he said schroeder schroeder yeah and he said you know
Starting point is 01:24:22 damn you took this show serious digging into the fucking. Pulling a permit out of his house. Yeah, well, I was curious in 2011 how they scored those skills tests because they were 100 points, but they were broken into thirds. They just like 3.3 percent score. And that's how they did it. But what happened was everyone was kind of up in arms this year where there was no repeat in the open, right? There was no repeat. And maybe Boz was saving that because he was going to do a repeat
Starting point is 01:24:52 or a couple repeats at the games. I would love – I mean, I think we'll see – I don't think we'll see Murph brought back because there's been too many iterations of it. There's been two iterations of Murph and then Atalanta, which is a play on Murph, so to speak speak but i do think we see a hero workout um hey what do you think about that chad and the years past if there was a hero workout if there was murph dave would gather everyone together and he'd give him a fucking pep talk you know what i mean he'd pull the 40
Starting point is 01:25:21 men together they'd all be out there and he would say hey man you know whatever he said i don't want to misrepresent him but he'd fucking let him know this is no fucking joke be out there honor your guy you guys are the best people out here give him the pep talk but also remind them of people who sacrificed who came ahead of him and there certain and he could do that 12 years in the navy uh top tier uh operator who who's going to do that if they if they use a hero wad todd whitman comes to mind for me i know he's involved i'm in a big military guy great yeah great one okay yep i'm feeling it good i'm glad they got that covered they needed to be like that i think they need to have someone but also who's to say dave won't be there didn't he do he i think he and one well who knows i don't know i haven't listened to a lot of his
Starting point is 01:26:17 in one of his in one of his reviews i think he said he's not going but you never know yeah and i would imagine if he did like that level of involvement for him to step onto the floor and communicate with athletes like that as a total is probably going to be a big no-go just knowing dave like i feel like he'd just be a shadowy figure if he was there anyways although i have heard rumors he's going to start the games really yeah well i just need my words huh welcome to the 2022 crossfit games three two one go fuck you guys i know no not that part yeah yeah and maybe they'll do that maybe you know and they could always do that maybe they'll bring in a soldier uh you know uh josh has always been a hardcore crossfit loyalist
Starting point is 01:27:02 and he'd love to sell some coffee. I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up there wearing the good dude shirt. That would be cool, actually, if he came out and they did a hero one, hypothetically, and he came out and gave a little pep talk for it. I think that would be cool. Yeah. Liz said that Dave's too hard to do it. Makes sense, Liz. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Yeah, thank you. Makes sense. Makes sense. When will we get our first workout? Has Adrian told us? So Adrian said on the podcast he did on Coffee Pods and WODs that there will be teasers and that they've already discussed when they'll let those leak. And some might say today was one with the return of the O course. Now we know there's going to be some kind of O course, you know, Dave would, Dave would give us some full workouts, but typically it would be pieces of workouts without the full puzzle.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Yeah. I actually have one of the teasers here. If you guys want to see it in exclusive from Adrian Bosman. Oh yeah. I see it. What do you think it is? No, I'm just kidding. This is an old post. I just, it was abstract. I was like good job swim event in the dirty water rainbow oh yes an inclusive event equitable for everyone grab your ankles for time what is adrian's most recent post let's look at
Starting point is 01:28:22 adrian's most recent post let's see what adrian let's look at Adrian's most recent post. Let's see what Adrian, let's look at Adrian's whole entire Instagram. Let's, can we look at his last 10 posts or whatever? Go to his homepage. Got you. Go to his profile page and see what the fuck's going on over there. Some mountains. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Looks like some, some rock climbing, some rock climbing. Yeah. It looks like some hiking. What some rock climbing yeah looks like some hiking what are those oh yeah what are those things on the ground there what are those things on those uh rubber thing what are those collars what are those bowls soup bowls what is that yeah interesting mining for gold
Starting point is 01:28:58 i don't know oh wow good catch yeah they look like tops of thermostats they got looks like some wine coolers those do look like wine coolers and and those are some sort of cup it looks like a cup yeah like the top of a you know like top of a thermos type cup i couldn't help but notice uh the the 68 noble shirts on the left there it's nice i don't i don't recognize oh oh wait is that let me see is that j mac and justin berg in that picture too let me see that yep that's justin adrian damn adrian's hair is flowing j mac i don't recognize anyone else go go up top go up top spieler uh that might be michael dalton he may have been filming i don't know who that is though for oh no that's david woods maybe
Starting point is 01:29:54 that's david that's the guy that maybe that's the guy that fucking negotiated the sale for crossfit that might be him right there that's david woods wow yeah that's the guy that sent me the uh dm that said hey my buddy will buy crossfit for nine or ten figures i'm not i'm not joking it starts with the dm imagine if maybe he what if that guy got three percent of that deal yeah you should have brokered to that if it came in i should have gotten three percent i wonder if i'd be doing this show if I got 3% of that deal. You wouldn't have answered my call. Fuck off. Get out of here.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Sousa. Ford. Then there's this couple buildings. Captionless. Beautiful photo. Great photos. Yeah, this is a waste of time. Okay. Thanks, Taylor. Oh, that hurts. That hurts. Thanks, Taylor. That hurts, Taylor. Oh, this is a waste of time. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Oh, that hurts. That hurts. Thanks, Taylor. That hurts, Taylor. Oh, him rowing. You guys already saw that. So they'll be rowing at the games. Anything else that you guys want to cover that we haven't, any rocks we haven't turned over? Good.
Starting point is 01:31:02 I think normally we were going to do this show every other week. I suspect that is going to change. Don't be surprised if you don't hear from us next Friday, if not sooner. pop-up shows i guess that's what you can call them uh a week from today we do have uh lazar lazar uh jukic on at 6 30 p.m that will be a pretty short show so even if we did have him on at 6 30 i don't think anything would stop uh taylor and jr and susan and i coming on at 5 30 um so stay tuned guys it is about to uh downpour uh. Matt Torres on Monday. Haley Adams on Monday. Patrick Fellner on Tuesday. The return of John Young. Oh, that's exciting.
Starting point is 01:31:53 On the 26th. Oh, man, wait till you guys see what the data is. John Young. And I got a few more athletes in queue that haven't quite made it on the calendar yet that people are going to be stoked about. And then also, just as a reminder, grab your's ceo shirts now or the tceo shirts because we will be at the crossfit games i'll be there we'll be at the paper street booth coffee
Starting point is 01:32:13 the coffee booth and um if you guys take a photo with your shirt on we're giving he's giving away some echo bikes so make sure you guys get your shirts and everything now and we will be down there hanging out at that booth so i think you need to be wearing your shirt on sunday sunday sunday you need to be wearing it's any sebon podcast shirt wear it on sunday take a picture tag it in your instagram i'm not sure what you tag it at we'll be giving you more details and then we'll be giving away an echo bike there's also a chance it might even change we might just give the echo bike to someone who's at the paper street booth i do want to say this about the 27th the 20s i made a statement that there are affiliates out there in the ecosystem that have sold they've used every single dime that they have husbands and wives with
Starting point is 01:32:53 kids who've spent every single dime to make sure that their affiliate succeeds and this guy and they're in the middle of the fucking country like iowa and this guy reaches out to me named chris tile and he said i'm an eight year or an 11 year affiliate. And I'm in the middle of Iowa and my family, including my kids and my wife have done everything we can to keep our affiliate doors open. And he will be on the show Wednesday at 7am. And I encourage you to listen. I think that is going to be a bad-ass show. Okay. Taylor, thanks for coming on. Jer. Thanks for coming on Jare thanks for coming on you guys crushed it today yeah really good
Starting point is 01:33:29 you got someone who could give two shits about the game is more excited than ever it's actually going to be more than just seeing Rich Ronin with his shirt off this year so thank you Souza thank you always bye bye

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