The Sevan Podcast - #500 - Jay Nera

Episode Date: July 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Good morning. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I want to show, I want to start the show with something that I found really interesting. Matt Walsh. Did you see I got my Instagram account back? Yeah. Was it actually showing anything? Yeah, I'm good. I'm up. I'm running. Blue checked up and everything, huh? anything yeah it's we're i'm good i'm up i'm running checked up and everything huh yeah it's crazy there is a god i never once know how did you do it savvy how did
Starting point is 00:01:17 you do it teach us your ways how did you do it how did you get your account back you were kicked off and you got your account back hey you know what i'm gonna do you know i'm seriously thinking of doing i'm seriously thinking about hey good morning bruce good morning jody geez louise kenneth dunlap sima fezzoli ai ai sima good morning kevin smith yawn finkenberg jews in the House. Alan Kestenbaum, another Jew in the House. Craig White. Jay Nera, my boy. Craig White. Layla Steele, what's up? Olivia Houston, good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:57 C. Beaver, good morning. I was thinking about handing off my account. So now I've been messing with my Sevan Rinsta. I was thinking about taking my Sevan Matosian account with the blue checkmark because I don't want to lose that because that's how I troll people to get them to come on the podcast. So I was thinking about like stop – I'm going to stop posting on that except like have someone who's like just like a social media whore do it. You know what I mean oh caleb did
Starting point is 00:02:25 you see another oh yeah and then you hey jay what's up dude what's going on how are you i'm good good how are you good morning good uh caleb jay jay uh jay caleb what's up man nice to meet you jay hey jay last night my account came back. Just randomly? Yeah. I mean, I was doing what you told me to do. I was just doing the, you know, sending in requests. The crazy part is, is I would go to the help center, right? And it would say, was your account deleted for the wrong reasons? I would say yes.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Then I would fill out the form. And then whenever I would hit okay, every single time from the first time, it would say, please try again later. This feature is busted. And then I would try again two seconds later and it would say hey stop spamming us and i'm like dude like how did you know if the first time it wasn't working and then i try again then that means the first one got there because now you're saying it's like it's like if i went to slap you on the head and missed and then i went to try to slap you on the head again and you're like hey stop hitting me on the head like motherfucker i didn't hit you the first time i tried to well it's great that you got it back that's awesome i know i was thinking
Starting point is 00:03:34 i'm going to hand off that account to like just like some social media just like you know sell out like someone who says jane era 3.0 change that right away. That's my hacked account. Hacked account. That's the hacked account. That's a disgusting. What should I change? Follow that. If you want someone trying to sell you crypto now.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Okay. So I should change it to J. Jay Neasy. And E E Z Y. Two one zero zero. Two one zero zero. So that's been up since the last time you were on. Jane Easy 2100.
Starting point is 00:04:07 That's, that's, uh, no, no, I'm saying the other one, that other name must've been in there since the last time I had you on. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Cause the last time you had me on this, this account, which has been my main account was probably gone at that point. Yeah. I've had trouble, a lot of trouble with this account. They're constantly attacking this account But it's my main one
Starting point is 00:04:26 Hey I want to come in super Oh so what do you think about that I just let someone run my social media account With the blue check mark Because someone goes hey One of my friends goes hey now that you're doing your new This is before I got my account back last night
Starting point is 00:04:41 Someone's like hey are you going to do anything different on your new account And I go no why And they go so you don't get kicked off again's like, hey, are you going to do anything different on your new account? And I go, no, why? And they go, so you don't get kicked off again. I'm like, I don't know how to do anything different. I can't – like I can't – anytime I see something that says like this person took the injection and died, I'm going to post it. You know what I mean? I can't – because that's what I do. So I'm thinking maybe I should take my hands off the blue checkmark and only live in the DMs there and let someone else do all my posting there because that's my account that I need to like text people like you. And then you see the blue checkmark pop up in your inbox and you're like, OK, I'll fuck with this dude.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yeah. Like that strategy or you think that I'm kind of selling out? I mean, I don't care if I am selling out a little bit like I need. I don't want to lose that account. I'm kind of selling out. I mean, I don't care if I am selling out a little bit. Like, I don't want to lose that account. Although I didn't even care when I lost it. I was more, when I lost it, I was like, okay, no big deal. But I didn't even say no big deal.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I had no thoughts about it. But when I got it back last night, fucking red panty night, I was pumped. Yeah. I told my wife, time to celebrate. It's not selling out if you're maintaining the purpose of having the account. Right? Right, right. to celebrate it's not selling out if you're maintaining the purpose of having the account right right right so i mean if you if you don't do anything or say anything that is on your mind completely then you can't even use the account the way you authentically want it to so it makes no sense but one one thing that i've noticed and i notice it when i'm speaking with people is
Starting point is 00:06:01 because of because you can't say certain things Like if I start saying the word vaccine a lot, then all of a sudden my account starts getting shadow banned. And I've noticed now, whenever I say, whenever I want to talk about that, like even as giving a speech yesterday and I started talking about the jab with people, like I do it,
Starting point is 00:06:22 like this is a habit. Now this is a reflex doing quotations with my fingers and saying the jab or the you know what it's like my brain has self-censored itself to not even say the word vaccine you know what i mean and it's yeah it's very weird how that that habit forms uh it works like they're effective on shutting us up like that so i want to see i'm going to watch um caleb oh yep look look we already got uh we already got a monetization ding for that what's that so i just went to youtube to see because you said that word four times the v word vaccine injection monoclonal antibodies, MRNA gene therapy. Uh, we,
Starting point is 00:07:07 we are monetization thing has already been dinged. Like on my YouTube channel, they already say, Hey, we're limiting your access, but you know what I can do even before the show's over, they got a review button here. And I just hit review. This happens every show. Cause I talk about it every show, no matter what, like we'll be talking about football and I'll throw in a vaccine comment. And then I just hit review hit review and then they basically what it does is when you say those words like that it sets off some trigger and then basically they say hey we're not going to let um people a lot of people advertise on your video we've reduced the number of people who can advertise in your video and then they got a little button here that says you can
Starting point is 00:07:41 request a review and i request the review and it always clears okay did you see that caleb did you see how it did you can you see that yeah i just i already hit the review add suitability and i'll read it to you that this video is being reviewed to determine whether it's suitable for most advertisers okay oh so are we are we on right now yeah yeah we're live we're live oh. I always wonder how fast it catches that. Like if I said cunt, it doesn't catch it as fast. But if you say that other word, vaccine, it catches it so quick. What about F-bombs? Yeah, it catches those, but not as quick as the word vaccine.
Starting point is 00:08:18 If you say fuck, it catches it. But you can always ask for a review. Okay. Yeah. And I say all sorts of racial slurs on here in context, like just talking about them and about how – and I go into – anyway. It doesn't catch those. It doesn't care if you do those. You said you wanted to come in hot?
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yeah. Ready? I just saw this. Caleb, can you go to Matt in hot? Yeah. Ready? All right. I just saw this. Caleb, can you go to Matt Walsh's account and go to the second video? It's the first video he doesn't have pinned. Here's the thing I'm struggling with. I struggle when people conflate stuff or when they leave stuff ambiguous. So PragerU recently posted something this morning where they say hey if
Starting point is 00:09:05 you say something and the woke crowd comes after you don't apologize and the example that they use is um uh i'll get to that but they don't know not that one sorry yes that has been arrested and the reason why they say that they never tell you why you shouldn't apologize and i and i'm going to circle back to that and explain why you shouldn't apologize. But this is another one of those things. I like this guy, Matt Walsh. But in this video, what he's doing is he's trying to draw a connection between what I think is gay people and pedophiles. And I don't think there's any connection there at all. And I think – I don't think it's a nice thing to do. Now, I don't like this LGBTQT plus thing that's forming.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I don't like it because it's lumping up lesbians and gay people with transgender people, and these are totally different issues. One is sexual preference. One's mental disorder. So I don't know why they have to be clumped together. One's about who you think you are. And the other one's about whose genitalia you want to touch. I mean, they're not even in the same ballpark. But I want to know what you think about this. Will you play this, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:10:22 A Michigan public school employee who staunchly advocated for LGBT curricula to his district school board has been arrested as part of a police sting operation targeting local pedophiles. I'm a resident townie, taxpayer, vaccinated and functioning graduate of this high school, class of 1999, proud member of the LGBTQIA community, and an employee of Mount Pleasant Public Schools. 41-year-old Eric Roman, an employee of Mount Pleasant, Michigan's public school system, was arrested as part of an Isabella County Sheriff's Office sting operation that also saw two more alleged child predators put behind bars. All three were arrested for using a computer to commit a crime and accosting a minor for immoral purposes police alleged the three communicated over various social media apps with decoys posing as children the three are accused of going to a location to have sex with a child where they were arrested the report goes on to a michigan public by the way i am very glad at the end he didn't just leave
Starting point is 00:11:19 it as immoral he told us that they went to a location to have sex with a child by sex i mean i assume i mean i assume they mean some sort of like um penetration or oral sex or something like that but i think it's important that people be very clear about what they're saying but do you see the tie there that they're trying to tie this the or you don't think so you think that's fine like i don't i don't i don't like this i i don't want to alienate gay people and just i don't want this movement that gay people are pedophiles i hate i know i know a few people who um i'm not i'm not like i'll admit i'm not friends with any explicitly like flamboyant gay people i mean like maybe the closest one would be my cousin who's like sheldon from the big bang theory and like we didn't know he was gay until he was like 27 years old like he's just a
Starting point is 00:12:14 normal quiet guy he's not flamboyant at all but his husband is uh is a little bit more out there but i don't know any super flamboyant um homosexuals but the ones that i do know they look at this that community and they roll their eyes like yeah me too they don't know like putting the rainbow flag to them means one thing but they don't they don't want to express it at all they don't want to be a part of it because it is associated with so much illogical and irrational belief now. It's tied into this whole postmodernist movement, right? And it is just a completely attacking reason.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I look at Matt Walsh, like, what is a woman? Cool documentary. I've heard people say, oh, it's great, it's awesome. And I watched a lot of it. And to be honest, I'm insulted that that exists. You mean that the movie even has to exist? Yeah. I'm insulted by it. Like, this is my species.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Like, this is humanity right now. Like, am I going to make a documentary that says two plus two is four? Yeah. And have to like explain it like, oh, oh well if one plus one equals two yeah well then one plus one plus one plus one must equal oh wow i got you see these guys are idiots oh i'm so smart logic like that is what that video looks like to me it doesn't like when he's it's just it feels like more like a stand-up routine like it should be comedy. It is. It's very comical. Like, especially when he talks to the kind of in a sad way that there's,
Starting point is 00:13:49 that there's people who refuse to acknowledge the definition of words. Yeah. He taught, he talked about the people wanting to remove limbs. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And that one doctor who does the sex changes is like, Oh, those people are quacks.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Okay. Like I almost, I actually, I actually, like oh those people are quacks it's like oh okay like i i almost i actually i actually it took me three attempts to watch that because i felt i've only seen the clips yeah i've only seen the clips that is so going to back what you're saying which i think what you're referencing is i haven't seen this but i heard about it that it's illegal to have limbs removed you can't go into a doctor and be like hey this arm isn't mine and ask him to take it off. That's illegal. But you can say that penis isn't mine and have that removed.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And it's like, what the fuck? Yeah, he wasn't even talking about the legality of it. He was just asking the doctor what they thought of those people. Right. And then the doctor couldn't draw the couldn't bring the two together to see how they are comparable. It's like, oh, well, those people are those see how they are comparable it's like oh well those people are those people are quacks it's like okay you know like both are out of touch with reality and want something from their body removed but they just couldn't make it they just
Starting point is 00:14:56 couldn't make the bridge i i heard this other example before also that um are, you're an anorexic. You don't think you're skinny enough. You go to the doctor and you ask him to give you a gastric bypass and liposuction. And he looks at you like, dude, you have a disorder and you're asking us to participate in this disorder. Let's talk through this and maybe get you some rearrange your thoughts and your perceptions and get you some help and that's how most disorders are treated right they're not like hey let's exacerbate it you don't go to the doctor and be like hey i need heroin and he shoots you up but that is what's happening with people and their sex they're going in there with a disorder instead of the establishment talking to you about it and
Starting point is 00:15:44 viewing it as a mental disorder or or something that maybe needs to be talked through or worked on. They're they're they're they're docents that take you deeper into your insanity. So in Canada. And that's where you are, right? You're in Canada. I'm I'm in China. So there's some very interesting things here. you're in canada i'm i'm in china so there's some very interesting things here a few years ago there's a few bills there's a few pills bills that have been passed which just really mess a lot of
Starting point is 00:16:11 things up so there's one bill i believe it's c89 and what it does is it was meant to protect religious like freedoms choice for religion kind of thing and it had to do with children and parents and what it is is if the the child does not feel supported by the parent okay so let's say a child says i want to convert to islam or whatever and the parent doesn't support it then there's means for the state to step in and say you don't deserve to be a parent you're a bad parent this is online with like child abuse kindness so they could take the child away but the wording in this document is so wide open that it actually ends up being if a child says they identify as um like if it's a boy and he says he identifies as a girl or whatever and the parent
Starting point is 00:16:58 doesn't want to participate in that like imagine if one of your sons was like i want you to call me linda and you're like kate don't be ridiculous you know what i mean uh avi right like don't be don't be ridiculous dude like come on you're a dude you know then he could go to his teacher and then his teacher might file something and then you're gonna get a visit from child services and something's going to happen there. So that's it. Wow. Yeah. There's a, there are a few cases in this country where children have wanted sex changes at young ages,
Starting point is 00:17:35 like 13, 14, 15, and they got it. So there's one, I can't remember his name right now. He tours around the country. He had like a 12 or 13 year old child who had a sex is he pissed is he pissed so listen to the story so he had a child who had a sex
Starting point is 00:17:51 change and uh he obviously didn't want it to happen but his ex-wife supported it and so the child went ahead and got it a couple years later child depression suicide debt yeah so now the death death yeah so now the father tours around trying to uh you know build awareness about this wait a sec let me see if i understand this it's a couple they're not married their kid wants a sex change the dad's like no the mom's yes the kid gets the sex change at a young age and now the kid's dead yep suicide holy shit yeah i mean like even the sex the sex change at a young age and now the kid's dead yep suicide holy shit yeah i mean like even the sex the sex change stat is extremely high i i i'd be lying if i said i knew what it was but i want to say 70 or 80 it's so obvious there'll be no happiness there it's it's
Starting point is 00:18:37 so obvious that there will be no happiness there it's so obvious which goes to the it's like thinking you're gonna buy a car and get happy, but dumber. Yeah, which goes again to treating them, right? Treating them as a dysphoria, as a mental disorder, trying to get around self-esteem issues or whatever it is. There's also more going on that they're trying to push right now in Canada, which is if you are a doctor, you cannot try to, I can't think of the term right now, sorry. Dissuade?
Starting point is 00:19:15 Yeah, you can't, what is the word? This is bothering me. I'm usually very good. I usually have a very good vocabulary. We have over an hour left. Take your time. But if you have a child, you can't, you can't go to a doctor and the doctor can't try to treat them like
Starting point is 00:19:34 conversion therapy. They can't try to treat them against it. Like I can't say, okay, let's sit down. Why do you think you're a woman and try to convince you that you are actually a male because you have a penis and you're, you know what I mean? You were born with a penis, like, hello. You can't do that. These doctors can lose their licenses, get fined, or even go to jail for six months. So what happens is if a child goes in and they're feeling this way, they can go see a doctor, have a few 30 minute sessions, and then get a sex change prescribed. And this is before the ages where you could vote, you could drink, you can drive, right? Before those ages, a child can do this with a few sessions.
Starting point is 00:20:10 So it's weird because that's such a weird, you know, unbalanced assessment that is happening for the child. They're actually being pushed towards one versus the other. So this is going to be a scary thing to see because I'm frightened as a parent. I couldn't imagine all the propaganda and everything that's going to be happening in public schools. He's starting school in September, junior kindergarten. And this has been something that I have been very curious about.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I've kind of been on the fence between homeschooling and uh and sending them to a public school so i picked a very good school so and i got in so i'm very happy but i'm definitely going to be keeping my ear to the ground on this one for the next i would pick either a crazy fucking wackadoodle religious school or i just keep your kid at home yeah i just keep your kid and i'm not religious at all but those people those are the you need your kid being taught joe you need your kid in a place where there's a moral code which is something that they just pick up from us as parents and how we treat other people or where the school's like shoving one down your throat you i mean that you have um
Starting point is 00:21:22 there has to be a hedge against the insanity right now there has there there has to be a hedge against the insanity right now. There has to be a – I don't want my kids exploring things. I don't want my kids getting tattoos when they're 16. I don't want my kids getting tattoos ever, but if my kid gets a tattoo at 47, you know, you know, let's say my kid becomes, uh, turns into a Navy seal and he wants to get a Trident to commemorate it. Good on you. I do not. I think the, this, this changing your sex thing is like a fucking tattoo. I don't, how old are you, Jay? 39. Maybe you remember, do you remember when like no one had tattoos except for like you had to, like you had to be in a gang or some shit?
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah. I remember the, uh, like now everyone has one. I remember a point where I'd see someone with tribal tattoos and I go talk to him and he'd be talking about his trip to Malaysia, New Zealand. Right. You know what I mean? New Zealand you know what I mean so it's like he got these tattoos like authentically like out there and then now it's
Starting point is 00:22:28 like a accessorized kind of you know worldliness yeah it's just and I just man so going back to this video do you think do you have an issue with that or do you think that it's just a fucking all out
Starting point is 00:22:44 with Matt Walsh's video or do you think hey it's just a fucking all out with matt walsh's video or do you think hey we're beyond that shit it's just an all-out fight now i think it's always been a philosophical war uh that video the thing that stood out to me in that video was he had to highlight that he was vaccinated which i found weird yeah yeah. Yeah. I like that. Like, yeah, that's some kind of identity marker. And then he seemed proud that he was a functioning adult. Wow. Like if you have to mention that you're like functioning, that that's weird to me.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah. I assume that people are functioning. But what about the tie with him being gay or being proponent? Why not just reported as, Hey, this dude is a pedophileophile why make the connection that he's part of the lgbq community that's the part that's the part that's the part i need clarity on because i don't want i i don't what what we're going to do there is we're going to alienate people i think who are gay we're going to alienate people who want to be intimate with the same genitalia that
Starting point is 00:23:45 they have if we start lumping them up with pedophiles yeah but everything has to do with labels today every everything needs to be labeled so that people can be properly polarized right right this isn't uh by matt walsh so you think matt walsh is part of that unconsciously i think it's a paradigm that we've all fallen into yeah we've been indoctrinated to think in terms of pro and anti that that's how we think like is that just simple duality is that just like going back to just fucking buddhism 101 is it just duality well i think what we're doing is i'm either happy or i'm sad like i'm forced to choose yeah but what we're doing is we're constantly
Starting point is 00:24:33 yeah you're being forced to choose and you're being forced to box people in a way that doesn't recognize similarities right there's always like we're all humans so there's one thing in common but we're always eliminating that we're all born from women yeah yeah and women being you know having vaginas but we oh but here's one here's a fucked up one i really really want to make kids safe that guy not so much i don't want anything from kids that guy wants something from kids i want something for kids so that that that that that's a distinction that's fucking and maybe that you know that's
Starting point is 00:25:26 the one thing i have zero tolerance for there's so many things i have tolerance for i have zero tolerance for pedophiles like zero i don't think there should be any yeah the the victim is the most innocent right you can't get more innocent than a child. I mean that's your purpose to protect them as an older human. Sorry, I interrupted. Did you lose your train of thought after I interrupted you? Yeah, I've been losing my train of thought this whole time due to interruptions. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, Jay. sorry i'll behave i'll behave uh can you pull up the prager you caleb the um i want to i want to show you i want to show you this one too this one um my question is why why do people um do people know why it's important not to
Starting point is 00:26:22 apologize to the woke mob? Oh. You didn't send me your notes. Oh, I didn't send you my notes? I don't think so. Let me see here. Will you go to PragerU, their Instagram account? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Oh, you're right. I didn't send them. I didn't send them. There we go. Bam. You got it. You go to the PragerU account. You'll see this guy says he shows the – you've seen what Tom Hanks is getting a lot of notoriety. I mean, sorry, his son.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Have you seen that? No, I haven't. Let me see. Keep scrolling down. Let me see. Oh, there it is. Chet Hanks asked to apologize. Check this out. Any marginalized communities you want to apologize to? I don't know. Maybe the Pato community? No.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I don't feel like I've truly done anything offensive. You don't see it as cultural appropriation. You see it as like a celebration of culture. And then it's like social justice warriors can like go kick rocks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No comment. Got it.
Starting point is 00:27:43 No, I mean, I 100% agree. Social justice warriors can kick rocks. Who knew Tom Hanks' son was so based? This is exactly how you should respond when the woke mob comes after you demanding an apology when you've done nothing wrong. Hold your ground. Don't apologize. And I love it. Are there any marginalized?
Starting point is 00:28:03 Why do you think it's important not to apologize? Or do you agree with that, that you shouldn't apologize? Here's a simple question. Do you agree with living with integrity? Honesty, yes. And would a fake apology mean anything to you? It gets me out of the discomfort of hurting someone else's feelings. It hurts my feelings to live in authentically.
Starting point is 00:28:27 It hurts my feelings to be forced to do something that I don't want to do. It hurts my feelings to be coerced and not, you know, if you want me to do something, you have to persuade me. You have to appeal to my reason, right? You have to make me do it voluntarily. If you want me to do something and you have to compel me to do it because you're threatening, you know, which is coercion, you're compelling me to do something out of, you know, a threat of taking things away from me, of hurting my life, of attacking people I love, something like that. How could you expect to get an authentic, like,
Starting point is 00:29:01 imagine, imagine you wanted to get, you're in a fight with your wife and she pulled a gun to your head and said, tell me you love me. I love you. Like, that's not love. You know what I mean? And that's what that is. So to me, it's no frigging way. Like, it doesn't benefit anybody. It's just participating in the fantasy. participating in the fantasy. Everything is an illusion that people are participating in. It doesn't matter. Like some of the illusion people recognize. So one of my friends in the military, I was asking him a question. We were at a lot of meetings that happen around the country. And one of the questions that I posed was, I was like, look at Afghanistan. Why are they so hard to conquer?
Starting point is 00:29:46 What do they do? What's great about them? And his response was, they don't live in an illusion. I was like, what do you mean? He's like, we live in this illusion that someone is always going to save us. Someone is, there's always going to be running water. There's always going to be electricity. There's always going to be running water. There's always going to be electricity. There's always going to be food on the shelves.
Starting point is 00:30:07 If someone tries to break into your home, there are always going to be people who show up to help you. They might be a little bit later, but the cops will show up. This is an illusion. And there's more illusions that we participate. That's an illusion that we subconsciously participate in. And then there's illusions that we do not mean to part there we we know we participate in um some people forcibly and some people just kind of like
Starting point is 00:30:33 automatically and that's like playing these gender identity games playing with these social justice warriors like i just mentioned how i censor myself in my words from using social media a lot that now like the vocabulary that I use like the words I select are changed right that's me participating in the illusion so that I can keep my social media accounts right right and that is not authentic and that is a form of control and it works in many ways. So to apologize is to participate in the illusion and you're perpetuating the problem by doing that. And that is the biggest thing. Like I've been, uh, so my position now, I actually started like a, a small website brand type thing and fymm is fuck you make me fuck you make me and people think that that's some kind of aggressive term it's like how am i aggressive for defending my
Starting point is 00:31:36 boundaries only a sociopathic narcissist would tell a person who is saying, don't treat me poorly. Don't try to take advantage of me. Don't force and coerce me. Only a person who is narcissistic and like a tyrant would try to stop people from defending their boundaries. How is it aggressive to stop someone from being an aggressor towards you. So you have things like, you have things like, live and let live. Don't tread on me. Just leave me alone. Let me live my life. No victim, no crime. These things all make sense. The golden rule, right? And for some reason that that's gone. We don't have that in society anymore. And that's why I made this. I'm trying to start this movement within Canada because masculinity is gone. Assertiveness is considered terrorism to some people. Sorry if that word flags something on this video, but at the end of the day, it's like, man, fuck you. Like you want me to close my businesses. You want
Starting point is 00:32:42 me to isolate. And I don't even have a symptom because of some faulty test fuck you i want to live my life you want to tell my kid to stay home because he coughed he got negative tests but he coughed so you want to keep him home for 14 days because i didn't give him the jab right so he's gonna miss daycare for two weeks fuck you make me you know what i mean it's like there's certain things i like rights that we can defend and that's kind of something that i want to get moving on i want people to understand that you need to individuate you need to deviate from this herd stopping a polite canadian stop tolerating intolerance like We are tolerating people attacking us. Would you tolerate me if I was punching you in the face? No. You wouldn't. You'd be busting out. I saw
Starting point is 00:33:33 you had Tony Blauer on here. So you'd be like, boom. You'd be spearing me, poking me in the eyes. You'd be like, no, man, he hit me. I didn't attack Jay. I was defending myself. And everyone would be like, that makes sense. But that concept, when it comes to our rights, around the world seems to kind of dipped into this gray area where so many people think that it's crazy to defend your rights. I mean, they made it sound like freedom lovers are terrorists in Canada from the trucker convoy. Right. They're doing that here in the United States too. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:12 It makes no sense how people have accepted this perversion of concepts. And that's something that I really want to get out there is the perversion of the law, the perversion of the government, the perversion of the government, how none of it makes sense anymore. And because we've all participated in the illusion, we've perpetuated the erosion of these concepts, the erosion of our rights and freedoms, the erosions of what we consider logical and reasonable. When Orwell said two plus two equals five, you know, and they accepted it. It's like we are like the second we say, you know, a man, a person with a penis is a woman. We are accepting two plus two equals five.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Correct. And we are compelling in Canada anyway. We are compelling people to have to speak this way. That's how Jordan Peterson came to light. He was saying, if a man wants to be called a she or he, if I respect the person, sure, I'll do it. But you can't force me to do it. That's diving in on our free speech. That's crushing it. So that's all in on our free speech it's crushing it
Starting point is 00:35:25 so that that's all he was trying to get at and that it got accepted so then they just pushed the envelope a little bit more and a little bit the whole give an inch take a mile kind of thing and that's that's canada right now like it is it makes no sense what is going on in this country and that people so much of the population cannot tell that we are under a dictatorship at the moment. It's frightening. He speaks just like a dictator. He doesn't answer questions. Neither does Krista Freeland, the Minister of Finance.
Starting point is 00:36:01 They don't answer any questions. It's like, he's a scary dude. What color is your tie? Justin, he could be wearing a black tie. It's like, what color is your tie Justin? And he's like, this tie was made by fantastic Canadians and it was shipped by Canadians and sewn by Canadians. It's a beautiful tie. And I just like to say, when we look at this tie, it brings Canada together. Wasn't he just reelected too? Yeah. So. What's going on up there? Why is it like that? Why? Why are why are I had a friend who's a very wealthy Canadian and he said that if he if there's if there's any display of his money, people start hating him right away.
Starting point is 00:36:43 If there's any display of his money, people start hating him right away. He has to be very careful that the tall poppy syndrome is alive and strong there. Are you familiar with the tall poppy syndrome? No, I've never heard that before. Basically, it's really big in socialist countries. When I first met Miko Salo, I think maybe I learned it from him. It's basically like these are cultures where no one should no one should want to achieve anything for themselves it's it's uh tall poppy syndrome occurs when a person's success causes them to be attacked resented or criticized cut and then
Starting point is 00:37:16 they're cut down and devalued and so you're supposed to be it's it's um all for one and one for all missing the point that you know we need we need people like Bezos who want to fucking circle Mars. We need people to push out there. But Canada has that big time, right? I've never experienced it. Okay, okay, okay. So I can't really say, but you don't see a lot of flashy people out here. You don't see a lot of flashy people out here.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Like you do see, like I did drive by a nice Ferrari today, but you don't see a lot of people being extremely flashy like I would in Miami, for example. What do you think the tolerance for him is there? I think I know what it is in the United States. Do you have any thoughts on why it's like that in Canada? Sorry, the tolerance for Trudeau? Yeah, Trudeau and those behaviors the big daddy government government like basically telling you like hey this is what
Starting point is 00:38:10 you should eat this is how many times a day you should brush your teeth these are the injections you should take these are the words you should use this country is I said, this is a philosophical war. Earlier I said philosophy is where it is. Canada is extremely bought into all socialist ideologies. I've never heard the concept of the tall poppy, but that is something that I could see definitely being possible. Not necessarily attacked, but looked down upon. We're going to always look at people who are affluent as successful but then there's that point where
Starting point is 00:38:51 is it uh is there too much is it too much does it make you look like a bad person does it make you look like you take advantage of other people whatever because having lots of money means you took advantage of other people it couldn't possibly mean that you created a product or service that people voluntarily purchased and they sought value in and it was a win-win situation because you were happy to sell it and they were happy to buy it that couldn't possibly be the idea um although i will say in ottawa a lot of the people who do have a lot of money are people who get government contracts, right? Like the majority of business in Ottawa is government contracts. And that has a lot to do with like handshakes behind doors, no matter what people say. Uh,
Starting point is 00:39:36 I've experienced it with my app. Uh, second, I got vocal, we got shut out of some things. we got shut out of some things so so yeah but it is a philosophical war and canada is extremely extremely far to the left high authoritarian high collectivist ideologies i went door to door and keep in mind i'm in the belly of the beast so during the federal campaign, I ran for the People's Party of Canada as a for a member of parliament, and I went door to door. There are so many people who want to force people to do things there to their bodies. There are so many people who are okay with forcing my four-year-old child to have to get medical procedures done. Crazy. There are people who are okay with having to close your business and not having a choice. There are people who are okay with being forced to stay home even if you have no symptoms.
Starting point is 00:40:39 And they are full aware that the test is completely faulty and makes no sense and the high cycle threshold and all those things. But people are okay with that. My own family, like I usually don't like to draw too much personal stuff into conversations, but my own family, I haven't been invited to Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, all those things. Okay. Because people who didn't have a certain medical procedure, you know, shouldn't mix. They shouldn't people who didn't have a certain medical procedure, you know, shouldn't mix. They shouldn't mix. They're infected. They're dirty people. Yeah. So I didn't go to any of those this summer, like a few weeks ago, my sister was in town and
Starting point is 00:41:15 there was a barbecue at a family member's house. And my grandmother was telling my sister and I to go. And we were both like, I don't know if I'm invited. I don't know if this is just my grandmother trying to get everyone together or if we actually are invited. And my sister sent a text message to this family member say, Hey, like, are we actually invited? And there's just no response. And then my grandmother eventually just called and said, no, just get over here. Come now. So my, my sister goes, but I'm like, I can't go. I can't participate in this. I can't, I can't play in this illusion. Like, not only is it just extremely fake to me, it's just, I'm helping it. I'm perpetuating it because
Starting point is 00:41:56 what's going to happen. Which part? Cause then they would assume you were vaccinated. No, it's we go there, right? Because, like the government mandates and all that crap are lifted. The government isn't saying anything about the jab and unjabbed mixing. So, oh, the government and the TV say it's OK to mix. So let's go mix. So I go there and I'm going to pretend like I haven't been ostracized from the family for a year. Right. Right. We're all going to be happy. We're going to be pleasant. Oh, how's work? How's this? What are you doing here? What are you doing with this and that? How's Bo? How's your son? Blah, blah, blah. Right. Right. We're all going to be happy. We're going to be pleasant. Oh, how's work? How's this? What are you doing here? What are you doing with this and that? How's Bo? How's your son? Blah, blah, blah. Right. Yeah. But I know that at any second, if the TV comes on and there's an emergency warning that says people have to stop mixing and everyone must put a mask on their face, even while they're in the home with strangers, because Justin Trude says so, or our health experts say so, then I'm going to sit there and be like. Why do you think they believe those people?
Starting point is 00:42:55 What do you think it is about people that makes them want to believe those people? Why can't they think for themselves? Why can't they be like, wait a second, I don't know anyone who's died of COVID or wait a second. why are only obese people dying? Or why is it that 96% of the people who've died have four or more comorbidities and 4% we don't have data on? I think at this point, it's like the ego and cognitive dissonance of admitting that they were wrong. Like at the beginning, at the beginning, there's that there's like this huge group of people and this huge group of ignorant people. And like Nessian, like ignorance and Nessian are both words that mean to not know.
Starting point is 00:43:32 But Nessian comes out of innocence. It's like, I just don't know because I haven't been exposed to that information. I haven't looked at it. But now that you tell me, I'll go look it up and I'll learn and I'll start thinking for myself. Ignorance comes out of arrogance, right? It's like, oh yeah, I know. So I'm not going to look this up. I'm right.
Starting point is 00:43:49 You're wrong. I've made up my mind. It doesn't matter what stats, what science you show me. This is just how it is. So that's how it was at the beginning. And I have a lot of empathy and compassion for all the people who are inescient and innocently trusted all of these experts and the politicians on TV. But there comes that point where so much information has been out there
Starting point is 00:44:12 that if you follow things like Occam's razor, like the simplest explanation, it's like these people are lying to us. There comes that point where people have to realize that they are being lied to. And with so much information, the Pfizer data dumps and the data on all the people getting hurt and how it doesn't stop transmission at all. So they have to acknowledge that they were lied to because. But Jay, they're not even being lied to. The CDC website said 94 percent of the people who died had four or more comorbidities and 6% there was no data on. And then – so anyone with a brain should be able to do a risk assessment analysis on there, anybody. I do realize – and so when the CDC does a risk analysis of that, they're like, hey, we all have to get vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Okay, I'm sorry. I have to interrupt for a second. Please, yes. I have to interrupt for a second. Please, yes. I have to interrupt for a second. Have you ever been listening to a friend talk about a topic that might be a little bit complicated or there might be too much information
Starting point is 00:45:13 that you lose a step and you're not following along? Yes, yes. And then by the time they get to the conclusion, which is the most important part, you just kind of nod your head and agree. Yes, yes, yes. That, because the majority of people
Starting point is 00:45:25 don't look on the cdc or whatever and and the people that they're listening to are the doctors the experts and they're experts at the media props up because the people who are saying otherwise the people who would you know create a debate those people are being shut up censored canceled they're not even shown there they're not even in the environment of information. Right. So these people are just following this math equation, not understanding the steps. And then they see, oh, but so get the jab. Okay, cool. I'll go get the jab. Right. Or a lot, big proportion of them just, I wanted to keep my job. A lot, big proportion of them. Just, I wanted to keep my job.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of people in my DM saying that. A lot of people. It's amazing how many people are DMing me now saying, hey, something's wrong with me. I'm like, hey, can you tell me why you got it? And they said my job. It's almost all, it's almost everyone. Or they wanted to travel.
Starting point is 00:46:20 It's actually really sad. I know of many people in their late 20s in just this city alone who uh had strokes and heart attacks like there's a there's a 27 year old drummer he's uh one of my friends he's a tattoo artist and he he gave tattoos to this person's roommate and uh he's a drummer and he just started putting out all these messages like i can no longer play the drums this and the other because he got a pacemaker put in oh shit 27 years old pacemaker and like apparently when you're playing the drums because it's so fast the electrical signals or something you can't he can't play the drums anymore and that was like his life i was just
Starting point is 00:47:02 like wow like that and that and that's from some sort of myocarditis or some shit that he got from getting the yeah yeah just just absolutely terrible so so there's that like i do have compassion and empathy for the messian people but then there's the air the the ignorant people and those people who are ignorant especially all of the doctors so i talked to a lot of doctors and a lot of them were very arrogant and now there's no going back because not only were they wrong it's like hey you might be responsible for really hurting some people possibly even killing some people you might have led some lamb to the slaughter. That's why I don't know if you look at my posts, I use a concept called the Judas goat quite often. Have you ever heard me talk about that?
Starting point is 00:47:50 Yeah, please, but share it here, please. So the Judas goat. So in slaughterhouses, when they deliver all of these lamb, all of these sheep to the slaughterhouse, it's not like they slaughter them right outside the truck. It's a whole facility. And they have to take all of these sheep and bring them to the area where they're going to get slaughtered. Now, these sheep are very scared.
Starting point is 00:48:11 They don't even want to get out of the truck. It's a new territory, a new environment. Natural instincts kick in, like stay where there's shelter, where there's a roof, you know, don't run out. You don't know what's out there. So they can't, if they try to like pile them all into like wheelbarrows or something, or drag them one at a time, there's going to be a lot of resistance. It's going to cause a lot of cost, a lot of time and energy. So to save that, they're like, Hey, we can train a big male goat, you know, to walk up there, show himself and then walk through the facility and guide them to where they're going to get slaughtered.
Starting point is 00:48:50 So this big goat walks up, he's confident, and he's relaxed. He's calm, which shows that there's nothing to worry about. Hey guys, it's safe here. There's nothing to worry about. Come on, check this new place out. And they follow him. They go through the facility around. They're getting the nice tour.
Starting point is 00:49:11 And then they get to this one room, back doors close, Judas doesn't get slaughtered, he just gets pushed to the side for the next shipment to come in. His life is spared. to all of these doctors telling them not to talk too much about possible you know adverse effects or anything that isn't pro jab in uh to their people to their patients and this went this is province wide and uh and they most of the doctors just participated in that yeah they they but the thing is a lot of doctors just didn't even look it up. They just went with medical consensus of what these, you know, bodies were saying, you know, and they're saying, oh, this person is a conspiracy theorist. So don't listen to them. It's 95 percent effective. What?
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah. A friend of mine works closely with OSHA. He works at a company, Home Occupational Safety and Health Administration for the United States government. And he was in charge of the health and safety for 800 employees at his company. And he showed me a fucking letter that came from OSHA. That's our government, to not report any adverse events that any of your employees might get from taking the vaccine that came from our fucking government. And he showed me that I was like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:50:30 And what's crazy. It's a coverup, but it's not even, it's there's no coverup for the coverup. It's not like, Hey, Jay, don't tell anyone this.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Just like, Hey, here. And you know, what's crazy about that? Knowing that that happened. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Even when you look at the vares yeah yeah there were more there were more adverse events sorry more deaths in like i think it was in the last 20 years over six months of the introduction yes yes now it's in the history of all vaccines worldwide there's been more in the last six months and and i i know you know this but the irony is is before this vaccine was released harvard had released a study that only one in ten adverse reactions were being reported because doctors weren't paid for their time to report those so even though legally people had to report them they had done a study saying that they were underreported by 90 percent now those same people who said it was unreported well it's being over reported it's not it's not
Starting point is 00:51:25 actually a good system it's like wait what what and and by the way you you if you misreport something to bears and they catch you you're in big trouble yeah you're in big fucking trouble uh craig white just posted something about a young lady who died and his cause of death revealed after popular recording engineer olivia kwan died suddenly at age 25 you know do you know this story no uh wow caleb you are fast olivia died from natural causes of brain bleed on the afternoon of july 1st she was home and way i wonder if this is a uh this is a canadian story what's the percentage of canadians, she's got the mask on. Here's, does it say anything about her being vaccinated? Here's the, here's the reason why I don't think anyone should, you should apologize when you do something that's right. So like what
Starting point is 00:52:17 Joe Rogan did, when you apologize, what you're really doing is you're telling the world that everyone was correct in being offended. And so you worded it very intelligently. You said your apology perpetuates the illusion. And that's what it does. You're basically – when you apologize for something, like if you apologize for using the wrong pronoun for someone, what you're doing is you're supporting their delusion. You're participating and i've been talking a lot on my show about if i ask you jay what does bigfoot have fur or hair and you answer that question i've sucked you into my illusion when you should be like what are you talking about there is no bigfoot who would win in a fight superman or batman well they're not
Starting point is 00:53:02 real seven we can make whoever we want one. That's the thing. Which gender are you, Jay? And really smart people are answering that. I'm a male. Why? You don't have to participate in the delusion. You cannot have a gender. And people poo-poo it, and you called it a – there's a philosophical war.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I think it's a war of words i don't think people realize we're in sorcery land like that dungeons and dragons shit that's real people are using words and just fucking you like that word science i 99 percent of people don't know what that word means 99.9 and uh it's but they use it like they do they use it as a shield you You're not following the science. That's why on my website, I put a little section called values. In the values, the first thing I wrote was reality. Oh, I like that. It seems weird to have to write that.
Starting point is 00:54:07 weird to have to write that but i was like no like the only thing any human has in common with another human is reality like if we don't if we don't agree on reality then this conversation might not even be happening right right not agreeing in reality is like the second you don't agree that reality exists that it is that this is real between you and I right now, the second it's nihilism. It ultimately sets you on a trajectory that can only end at nihilism. And it seems like, oh, Jay's talking like black and white absolutes, but it's like, no, I'm sorry. The second you question whether reality is real or not, we can just say, is this conversation happening? Well, why don't you jump off a 12-story building and see if you can fly if you're doubting reality right right so reality to me is the number one even if even if let's say we even if we if we
Starting point is 00:54:57 don't let's say uh nihilism the rejection of all religious and moral principles and the belief that life is meaningless okay well that last part is moral principles and the belief that life is meaningless. Okay, well, that last part is really fucked up. The point of life is meaningless. But even if we decide we can't agree on what reality is or that there is a reality, for sake of existence, we could agree on some premises and just be aware that they're not necessarily real. So I'll give you an example. Red means stop and green means go. And even though these aren't real, we're going to agree on them so we don't crash into each other. We're going to agree that the word woman refers to stuff that – biology and stuff that can be in the outside world not stuff trapped in between your heads i i think that the biggest problem is is that people conflate their thoughts with reality
Starting point is 00:55:50 so yeah yes and they don't even know they're doing it and i don't know how to pull people out of that space i know i have a lot of really i know really a lot of really smart people and loved ones they can't they can't even take a step back and do that. One thing that makes you, it will make you seem annoying to a lot of people, but intelligent people will appreciate it is when you define your terms. Yes. In a conversation. They have to be. Like, like even like that thing on nihilism, like part of me wanted to interrupt you. Yeah. And it's like, because it's not just the key thing. It didn't doesn't really have to do with like religion is like that definition. It's like, you don't really have to think of it with with religion. It's just so many people have conflated that not believing in God means nihilism. That's a conflation, because you can have objective philosophy,
Starting point is 00:56:46 you can have objective morality, and it's not just necessarily meaningless, it's obliteration. Like annihilate, think of the word to annihilate, to absolutely destroy something. So nihilism is like, it's the opposite. It's the destruction of everything you know, which, which creates meaningless, right? Meaninglessness. So when we are having a conversation and the example that is the most easiest that everyone can relate to would be the word equality, quality or freedoms. Like so many people have conversations where they talk about equality and
Starting point is 00:57:25 freedom and they mean completely different things. Like when I hear a person, a leftist, like a very liberal person talking about how they value freedom while at the same time saying, you can't go into this store because you didn't get the jab. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:42 It's like, Whoa, Whoa. What just happened here? Like my, my brain hurts right now i can't understand it right or when people talk about equality but an asian person at an ivy league school has to or whatever at law school has to score you know 200 points more on the lsat than a black person for equality.
Starting point is 00:58:06 That's equity. Yeah. But people, what I'm saying is they don't define their terms. So yes, they do. Yes. Like,
Starting point is 00:58:14 do you value equality? And two people are like, absolutely. And then they'll say this thing like, oh, well, you know, isn't it okay that this person who grew up,
Starting point is 00:58:26 you know, this colored person who grew up, you know isn't it okay that this person who grew up you know this colored person who grew up uh you know has more help than a chinese person who grew up with a tiger mom who forced him to study all day you know it's like because like that's a real thing i think his name was uh michael lee or something is in the states and i want to say stanford but this is this is like 10 20 years ago yes but uh but i looked into it and i remember reading it's like and the not don't don't quote me on the numbers but it was like let's say a white person had to get a thousand an asian person had to get 1100 and a black person had to get 900 and that's all considered the same and people don't realize how policies like this, because people don't have the intelligence to think about it critically.
Starting point is 00:59:10 People don't realize that policies like this actually hurt the person you're trying to help. Yes. Yes. I was going to say, and at the end, at the end of the day, if you look at who the richest people are in this country, it's the Chinese, almost make double as much as the average white person. The average white person makes almost double as much as the average black person. And yet, and yet what I mean, what I mean is let's say we put a policy like that through. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:33 So let's say we put that policy through and there's like 10 Asians, 10 whites, 10 blacks who just graduated law school. And there are only 15 law firms or 15 positions at the highest law firm. So you and me, you and me, Caleb, we own a law firm. And we're like, we're the big dogs. Caleb too? Yeah, yeah. Well, he can be like the vice president or something. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:00:00 But he can be the lit, the Louis lit. Okay, good. But, but he can be the lit, the Lewis lit. But so we're there and everyone wants to work for us. We're the best paying, we're the high road to success. If you and me, if the three of us are looking at all of these candidates, I'm telling you one thing, when I look at all of the black candidates who are in there, I'm going to look at them and be like, well, well these guys only scored probably they probably all scored lower on the l set they probably aren't as good i know that the asian guys had to work twice as hard because they literally made things harder them and they gave all the privileges to the black guys and all these white guys are pretty good so if there's 10 asians what's higher the 10 asians and five of the whites because they're better, because they had to work twice as hard and they didn't get any special privileges. And it backfires on them because all 10 of those black guys could have been, or women, could have been better than everyone else. But because these policies are set in place, it is assumed that they are not as good because the policies were put in place to help them, which assumes that they needed help. Right. Yeah. The same thing happens with female firefighters. I look at female firefighters and I automatically think, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:16 you're not as strong as the weakest male on the team. Right. Right. Because they changed the tests for you. Right. Right. You know, like it's, it's crazy to me right wow and and it this isn't theory this is actually happening right this is the way things have played out in the next last 20 30 last 20 or 30 40 50 years the same thing happens with minimum wages people don't realize that minimum wages hurt the people who need those wages, right?
Starting point is 01:01:49 Like same thing. Three of us own Burger King and we want to hire people who flip burgers and there's three positions or whatever. We can only, there's three positions. Um, and then they hike the minimum wage and now we can only afford two positions,
Starting point is 01:02:04 right? So we can only afford two people before we were hiring three, three people at ten dollars an hour. But now we can only hire two people at 14 or 15 dollars an hour. So we have to get rid of one of them. Well, we're going to get rid of the least competent one out of the three. Now, the chances are that the most competent ones are probably just at this job temporarily because they're going to go off to school somewhere or they have other jobs, right? They're smarter. Or they're going to move up to a managerial position. So those people are likely going to move in that position, will not be there for the person who needs it the most. And that's how higher wages hurt the people you're trying to help and the sooner people realize that pretty much all government intervention does the opposite we're on the right path towards like a proper outlook on society so
Starting point is 01:03:01 i say it's philosophical because then people need to start understanding what freedom and individuality and all of those things really mean. And I don't feel like people do at all. No, they don't. They don't because they have a, a fake benign. They have a fake, what I call fake kindness.
Starting point is 01:03:18 They think that they're trying to be kind to people and, and they don't think any of it out. It's the person who picks the snail up off the sidewalk to save its life and sets it in the bushes where the snail bait is and actually kills it people have no idea what good is they they they it's it's just complete selfishness it's like when you say sorry to someone you don't really mean sorry to them you're that you become the plantation owner and you're saying sorry to acknowledge what did you say again you're apologizing you're apologizing which keeps them trapped in their illusion kayla were you going to say something yeah so i mean at least in my my wife's a firefighter and in uh at least in her department
Starting point is 01:03:55 they didn't change the oh triggered he's triggered jay he's triggered he's triggered i'm just making a singular point i'm just making a singular point in her department they didn't uh she had the same tests as everybody else. She went through the same exact fire academy. She was the only one to make it through, like, first time, no problem. But I understand where you're coming from. I think at least in the military, the same thing. They're starting to change the test just to make it more applicable to get people in and let them stay in kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Obese people or women or women uh caleb yes okay that's what i thought okay and i bet your wife has all of the respect of everyone she works with because of that right and that's the important thing yeah she's the dude she had to sleep with to get the job yeah sure so that's all i had to say there is a link that says um uh uh um uh it's number four from the top how does this work it's from jay's uh instagram account this thing was driving me fucking bat shit crazy can you pull that up caleb uh, Caleb? If you're not watching this on a big screen, this is going to be hard to see this next thing. But you should go to Jay's Instagram account and you should look at this thing. This is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And it's okay. So go ahead. Wait, before you start, Caleb? Do you know how this works, Jay? Yeah, it took me a long time. I watched this numerous times until I kind of could see it. But I don't know if I can explain it without physically touching the pictures. Okay. But basically, well, you might as well play it once so people can see. Okay, go ahead. Yeah, play it. In this cartoon of 13 people, count them.
Starting point is 01:05:49 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen people. I'm going to make one of these people disappear. All I do is move this piece to here and that piece to there. I line them up again and one person's gone. Don't believe me me let's count them look one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve disappeared so where did they go this puzzle is genuinely baffling see if you can figure it out uh but i i said heidi just so you
Starting point is 01:06:20 know um i that i i know uh that was a hard joke to like, oh, my God, Sebi, don't disrespect Mrs. Beaver like that. I know it was hard, but her name is Mrs. Beaver. What are you going to do? OK, how does this work, Jay? OK, so I watched I think I spent probably like 20 or 30 minutes just staring at it and trying to like analyze it. I paused it 50 times last night. I would love to see the number of views you have on this i must have watched this a thousand times last night it's driving me nuts it's actually quite awesome and
Starting point is 01:06:50 the point of the post that the thing that i wrote is something that i really want people to grasp as well but so first like let's look at the like first thing is discovering which one disappeared and it's second row top. Second row from the left, the top, the third person up there. It's missing right now. Yeah, it would be right around there. So the key is really noticing how everyone looks right now. And notice that everyone is a complete human being.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Well, not human being, but you know what I mean. Complete portrait. Eyes, nose, mouth, feet. Look at how tall they all are okay so if you go back to the other one i don't know how we you have to actually play it all the way through that's what's fucking batshit crazy so look at the guy on the left the far left so he's the top of his head is gone yes yes and then look at the guy on the far right bottom his like face is mushed oh and even the second guy on the bottom from the left and his face is mushed yep and then everyone is shorter right so it's hard for me to do without a pen and paper like so that i could show you as i talk
Starting point is 01:08:07 but what's happening is basically when there's 13 of them it's all the it's they're divided up to make incomplete humans okay do you know what i mean you mean when there's oh you know what I mean? You mean when there's, Oh, you mean like, okay, okay, okay. Yes. Yes. Complete pieces that are complete enough for our brains to identify them as complete. Okay. If you think of our computers as pattern recognition tools. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:38 We recognize this, those is all complete. But if you look at them, especially like if you look at them closer you can pull this up on the internet and look at like proper ones and blow them up they're not as they're all incomplete especially what is this is this card called something like the blah blah blah effect uh i think i just i think i just on duck duck go put in something like 12 to 13 person psychology or something like that. And then some person like, like explained it better.
Starting point is 01:09:12 So witchcraft, burn your phones now. But, but, but that's, that's the key is seeing that some of the pieces just come together and then it, it just makes one complete and the other piece that really throws it off is because that that top two pieces is not divided in half which makes it like equally which makes it difficult for our brain to process right right that's that's that's the other thing so if you put the two pictures so i snapshotted two pictures like just using my phone and then i put them using uh like instagram stories i put them side by side so i
Starting point is 01:09:52 could directly look at them and zoom in and stuff and manipulate it and then my brain was able to figure it out that was really fun though i i was mesmermerized by it. I was actually kind of pissed off. It was one of those things where I'm like, I can't until my brain recognizes what's going on. Caleb, can you pull that post back up? You said that he liked what he wrote there. What was your point there? Yeah, tell me.
Starting point is 01:10:19 What is your point here? So technically, they're showing us this backwards. Normally, when you actually do this this it's 12 to 13 but this guy's showing us 13 to 12 and what's really interesting is by showing us 13 like that he's not showing us reality because remember i said they're all incomplete figures right right but it appears like reality to us right so much of what we see in society or our lives throughout our entire lives is an illusion that we accept as reality and one we create for ourselves right to try to make the world seem like it fits like this we we it that picture is not lying to us we're lying to ourselves i would say that we are
Starting point is 01:11:13 lied to at a young age that to be told that that picture is reality and we accept it and it creates a controlling paradigm for the rest of our lives. Well, how about just naming you then? As soon as I name you Jay, I've thrown you into the illusion and now you're going to, your whole life be kind of participating to hold Jay together, even though he's changing every fucking continuously.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Yeah, they're like. Is that where the illusion starts? you're born and they name you and then that's it you're now i don't want to get in like too political too heavy because like i don't want to create division in certain areas but the example that i always like it's the muslims fault no it's the jews but the example that i think of the most is religion yeah um telling a kid that god exists and jesus walked water, he fed 60,000 people with a few dozen fish and a couple loaves of bread kind of thing. If we're talking about reality and reason, what you're doing at an early age is teaching a child that they are malleable,
Starting point is 01:12:30 malleable that reality and reason don't necessarily have to be absolute right so if we create that chink in the armor then all of a sudden like where else might that happen in the rest of life you have just trained the mind to accept unrealistic things like like santa claus yeah exactly and that's something like i've i'm still not sure how to treat that with my son uh i've decided that if he ever asks me a question like if he ever how does a big fat guy fit down a chimney or how does he visit so many houses right i'd be like you know what that's a really good question because how many houses and i'm gonna play with it right right right houses do you think how many children in the world yeah you know and do the math with them and be like hey he can only deliver presents to 18 houses yeah right so that's how i plan to do it is i don't talk about santa claus i don't do it like i don't put it on his gifts or anything but um like he learns it at
Starting point is 01:13:25 daycare and from other people and even from other family members and I don't want to be like that like Grinch kind of person but uh I've decided that any I've just decided I will never lie to my son and I will always guide him to reasonably think about things and come upon his own conclusions and and I think that's what a parent should do. So that is an example, though, of a false paradigm that is put on us, which we accept, which will change how we see the truth, because that picture is not the truth. There are not 13 people there. There are 13 incomplete people there, right? The truth is that it's 12 people. It's a picture of 12 people broken up to make it look like it's 13. Yeah. So if our goal is to seek truth, the first thing that we have to do is acknowledge
Starting point is 01:14:21 the false or the lie that we're currently looking at. You said earlier that there's something that you mentioned, objective morality. Can you give me an example of that? So like everyone talks about, like the thing is people think that without religion, you can't have morality. I've heard that.
Starting point is 01:14:44 And that's, I talk about these paradigms. It's a false alternative. It's a very false alternative to say you can believe in God and have morality, or you cannot believe in God. And then ultimately it's just everyone does what they want. And then it ends up with nihilism. Yeah. And if we want to think about it philosophically, you want to think about reality and reason, reason being logical, logical, you know, seeking answers logically, like a math equation,
Starting point is 01:15:13 looking at all of your steps, making sure there's no contradictions, adding information as it comes in and integrating it with the equation. So meaning wrinkling out any contradictions, canceling out things that now become wrong. That is reasoning. And a lot of people don't understand this simple concept. That's why I had to say it like that.
Starting point is 01:15:32 You have to think of it like a math equation. If you get new information, your conclusion might change. Right. So reality, and it's all based off of reality. So people think that, oh,
Starting point is 01:15:44 well, we can only have morality if we believe in God. So thou shall not kill people. So I say, why shouldn't you kill people? Say, oh, because God said so. Who's God? Because even people in religion, like religious people, different religions are going to differ in their opinion of god even people within the same religion are going to differ in their opinions of what god is right he's a guy with a beard oh he's a woman oh he's a he's the creator without matter and then it's like oh well what came before god or like you know or the what's his name eric the god-eating penguin which is a funny one for people to look up. But the point is that they can't even agree on what God is. So how can they all agree that whatever God says must be the most moral conclusion, right? If there's a, and who is,
Starting point is 01:16:33 who wrote the book and how many books in the Bible are missing, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. There's so many philosophical debates and so many like logical lines to tread in order to get to accept this one conclusion. Philosophically, do not kill people, do not steal. All those things is a floating abstract because there's no foundation to really support it. Just this imaginary, just this imaginary character called God. Based on reality, right? They could say, okay, well, the werewolf says don't kill people too. So do you agree with werewolves?
Starting point is 01:17:04 Right. And like, and this is where like.'s the established belief that god is the creator though sure but who created the creator anyways i don't want to get in i don't want to get into that but the point is that if you want to attack that morality all you have to do is like wipe the feet out of god and since there's no evidence in reality to say like, God must absolutely exist. Then we put that, that morality is all in question. Now I'm not saying I disagree with. So what is, so what's the, what's an example of objective morality then?
Starting point is 01:17:34 So like an objective morality could be simple. So don't kill people can be a universal truth. Like don't kill people. Don't rape people. Don't. So it's not necessarily that it's true we just agree upon it no just let me finish so they are universal because you cannot kill people you cannot kill a person if they want to be killed you cannot steal from a person if they
Starting point is 01:17:59 want you to take it you cannot rape a person who wants to have sex. Like no one's gonna be like, hey, rape me, come rape me, I want it. That's not rape anymore. You can say, hey, come take this from me, here, steal this, steal this. It's not stealing, it's me giving it away, right? So you can't talk about any of those things in that way. It only happens if a person does not want it to happen, in that way. It only happens if a person does not want it to happen. Right? So we can look at it from that regard. And there's things like universally preferable behavior, which is, you know, that sort of thing that can kind of guide people to think of things more objectively. And the reason that a lot of people have a hard time getting into objective moralities because they can't differentiate between preferences and objective truths. So an objective truth is two plus two equals four. A preference is
Starting point is 01:18:54 strawberry ice cream is the best. You and I can't argue about whether or not strawberry ice cream is the best. Sorry, we can argue, but but there's no definitive like there's no absolute answer to that it's not black and white it's preferential right your values my values our tastes all those different things come into play but as far as objectively two plus two equals four well you know there's one answer so that that is the difference and you can base morality off of this now the line and this is sorry i don't know how much time we have but this is we have 10 more minutes but i'm still a little lost on how it's objective the morality can you look say it again you just you can't argue against it but how is me not killing like it's it's it's universal that no person wants to get killed uh okay okay it's universal that no person wants to have their
Starting point is 01:19:56 stuff stolen it's universal no one wants to be raped right right right like that's right like you can't you just can't argue against it it's it's axiomatic in the concept of the term right you're right actually actually and then you take it and you flip the script so you take something that's truth for you and you flip the script and then when you by flip the script i mean you don't want to be killed so therefore you shall not kill and now we have objective morality if if it's something that universally makes sense, it has to be like has to be universal, has to make sense for everyone across the board. Right. There's always there's gonna be some jackass says, oh, I have a fantasy of being raped.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Shut the fuck up. Don't ruin my point. My point is literally that by definition, it's not rape if they want to be raped right right okay good good yeah so that's what i mean if you can't an axiom is something that is an irreducible primary it's something that cannot be reduced any further do you know what i mean yeah kind of like someone saying existence exists or consciousness you are conscious can't be like no i'm not conscious it's like well you had to consciously say that you had to like in order to understand what consciousness means you have to be conscious you know what i mean right or existence
Starting point is 01:21:19 exists to even just think it well you you must exist for existence to exist. So we can't argue these types of things because they are axiomatic. You can't in, in order to even discuss it, you have to accept it. What, what about this? Um, I, I, so I like everything you say, I'm following you. I've no pushback there. I've in the last, you know, 10 years of my life. So, so the, you know, the first 40 years of my life, I'm like, man, these God people have it so wrong. They have it so wrong. And I would kind of like push back against it. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:21:53 I don't think so. I'll tell you one thing. America, Canada, but particularly America, like we're all hoping America. America is the bastion of freedom in the world and it's all it's pretty bad it's not even that free and like it's very far from but it's it's the most we got right now and what is going to save america is christianity okay yeah that's where i'm going now i'm like holy fuck we need these motherfuckers i i'm against guns and i'm against christians and i'm like oh fuck in the last 10 years something has happened to me we're like we need these people
Starting point is 01:22:29 we we really fucking need these people and and we have to stop like even if we don't agree with them we need them they're they're like i'm bees i fucking don't like a bee but when they're in the section of my yard i'm like all right i won't go in that section i need you yeah so i want to say like a couple things about christianity one is out of all the big religions christianity is the best one in my opinion uh as far as like for america goes because it is the most inclusive it's the most welcoming right it doesn't it doesn't call people infidels or anything like that it's the most welcoming a stranger to the church can walk into the church and they will be welcomed with open arms in 99.9% of the churches across North America. The other thing is that, like, I talk about truth and I talk about objective morality,
Starting point is 01:23:19 but you can have a rational conclusion, a reasonable conclusion, like a correct conclusion, but the math equation was done incorrectly. You can have a rational thought or a rational conclusion come about irrationally. Okay. I like this. How many times were we in school? I always like to talk about math equations where you show the teacher the correct answer and you know, it's the correct answer, but you can't show your work. Yep. Yep. So you didn't do it the way that the teacher wanted it done, but you figured it out and you got the answer. Right. Right. A way to think of
Starting point is 01:23:53 it might be like, I'm going to go to my neighbor's house. That's only a thousand feet this way, but I take the 12,000 mile route and go the wrong way around the earth. Eventually I get to the, I get to his house, even though it takes me 12 years and I could have just walked out my door over to his house yeah and if ultimately it's like don't kill people don't steal from people and don't rape people yeah cool man cool because the way we have to think about this is i talk about the need for philosophy but the majority of people don't have the cognitive capacity or the intellect both energy wise and and some people both like just the capacity to actually participate in it like some people like the average iqs are going down right so so not everyone is intelligent enough to really participate in these kind of open discussions so it is easier to just say right god says don't kill people cool we're still living in
Starting point is 01:24:47 the same society right right and tradition traditional values are like what the country was founded on and the more people cling to those the less they can be shaken by all this like demoralization that's happening all over the world all all over Western societies. So because I don't think the majority of people have the energy, the desire, the willingness, because there's also like the, the like, yeah, there's also that willingness, that ambition to just want to, you know, take the adventure of thinking more. Man, you explained that so good. I've been like, I've been the last two months. I've been trying to think of exactly how I want to word that you explain that so good i've been like i've been the last two months i've been trying to think of exactly how i want to word that you explain that so good about getting to the same
Starting point is 01:25:32 conclusion in different different routes like if at the end we have food production like that's good yeah and people will argue about this and then that causes division and it's like guys there's a much bigger problem at hand right now yes yes if we want to sit here and argue about whether or not i believe in a creator well we're gonna have a lot of conversations because like i don't believe i think there's a lot of holes in evolution as well so it's a very exciting conversation i i'm i'm a person who's happy to say, I don't know, and let's explore everything. Right. I have to have all of my current positions and current opinions, conclusions based off of evidence, based off of reality and reasoning. Um, and we should be spending our, like, we need to be spending our time on defending our freedoms right now, ultimately. So, uh, this
Starting point is 01:26:23 guy wrote to me and I want to, I want to read this comment alongside. He said, one thing that really hit home with me, a comment you've probably not given a second thought on. You said, I'm not a God man. I'm not a gun man. But the older I got, the more I realized how important those people are. When you're saying those words, it struck really hard. It hit a chord with me. I've been an atheist from day one, struggled with my own grasp on it all through my 20s And now my thirties are coming to an end. I have two young kids. I found myself drawn to protecting those God people. That's in quotes for the longest time. I almost resented them. Pity, secret jealousy. I think my inability to believe in a God probably left me envious.
Starting point is 01:26:59 The structure and the discipline it gives those people is completely fucking lacking in people these days. I'm obsessed with the likes of Goggins, Haynes, Froning, Rogan, Ant Middleton, Jocko, men with strong backs and strong mindsets. Discipline has become a staple in my life, and I have everything to gain from taking a leaf out of men and women who I respect. Your comment was so good to hear. I'd been thinking on those lines recently and didn't know how to articulate it out loud. I didn't know how to articulate it out loud. I didn't know how to articulate it either. Thank you for Jay. Jay Neasy 2100 for, for, for sharing it like that.
Starting point is 01:27:33 That's something I'm going to keep bringing up with my guests and hear other people's takes on it. I mean, it's we have, we have bigger fish to fry. Those of us who can get on the same page need to get on the same page. And that page is freedom. Yeah. And that's why I mentioned the problem with the labels and the boxes, because normally if someone comes like so many people would agree with me on a hundred percent of the things I say,
Starting point is 01:28:00 like when I give speeches or rallies or whatever, and they talk about God, this and God, that. And I know that if I say, you when I give speeches or rallies or whatever, and they talk about God, this and God, that. And I know that if I say, you know, if I don't believe in God saving us or anything like that, I don't think like that, then I know that I'm going to lose that person as a person who supports what I want to do in the movement. Right. You don't want to alienate them. supports what i want to do as in the movement right you don't want to alienate them or or be alienated by them yeah right right so so it's like it's weird because like no no we're still on the same page this isn't this is a box that you want to put me in right that isn't necessarily doesn't necessarily mean i think everything you think i think everything you think i think
Starting point is 01:28:44 you know what i mean? Like I just said, like I'm going to acknowledge that there are so many holes in evolution in the theory of evolution. There's so many frigging holes in it that it's hard to support that, but it doesn't mean I support, you know, a God entity that exists, you know, doesn't have matter, like a massless entity kind of thing right so but i'm happy to have conversations about it and i can entertain ideas without accepting them so and i'm perfectly comfortable saying i don't know and that's how we have conversations and the second
Starting point is 01:29:18 we label people one way or another in our mind which is something we instinctively do for survival like tribalism is a thing that is necessary was necessary for survival the second we we do those things we actually lose out on important conversations uh greg glassman once said to me uh the only debate you should bring a gun to is the freedom of speech debate and if you lose it uh shoot the guy. And I was like, wow, like I get it. And I tie that to the fact that, yeah, like we should be able to talk. There should be room for all of us to have our thoughts, to discuss these things. And in talking with people like you, it's fully obvious that you're capable to say you don't know.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Because those are the only people who can go everywhere in their brain. The people who can say they don their brain the people who can say they don't know jay thank you yeah great to be on man yeah i i really really appreciate it that was a fuck that 90 minutes just blew by you're you're you're a great contributor to uh to thought and um i think uh it'd be great to have you back on after the crossfit games are over there was something you brought up that i really think we need to drive home and it is why is it so important that the um united states well how did the united states get at this at the forefront of this and why is it so important that it succeeds so we'll pick up there when we maybe if i can have you back on in a month or two absolutely Absolutely. I'd love to. Let me read something quickly.
Starting point is 01:30:45 I actually wanted to read it at the beginning. Please try to get people in the mood. Please. This is just off my website. No one is coming to save you. Fuck apathy. Fuck willful ignorance. Fuck cowardice.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Fuck conformity. Fuck blind obedience to authority. You are an individual. Act like it. Act like an individual. Trust your own mind. Deviate from the herd like it dang uh leila steel just a quick thank you stefan for having jay on to share his views and concerns up here in china this is the only way we can help and inform more people we have to keep bringing awareness i know thank you i know sometimes i feel bad because i know some of you just want to vomit it every time i bring this shit up but it is really the only reason why i do the
Starting point is 01:31:58 show is to pursue the truth um and uh thank you layla for your support. And, um, I'll be using that $10 to buy a tank, a one gallon of gas, not a tank of gas, one, one 15th of a gallon of the tank of gas. Jay, thanks for coming on brother. And, uh, I'll talk to you soon. Thank you. Bye-bye. Woo. How about in the beginning when he had to slap me around a little bit for interrupting him. Bruce Wayne, love you too, brother. I will see you guys soon. I'm going to take my kids to tennis. I'm going to plop in front of the TV. I'm going to watch Patty Pimblitt versus Jordan Leavitt. Let's all root for Jordan.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Whether he wins or loses, let's send Jordan a lot of love over on his Instagram. Mr. Beaver, thank you for joining us. Thanks for straightening us out about how that women in the fire service have to perform at the same level as men, at least where your wife went. And we will talk to you guys very, very, very, very, very, very, oh, maybe we'll do Hiller fit tomorrow morning. Hiller fit review. I got it. I'll call Andrew now.
Starting point is 01:33:04 Okay, guys. Ciao.

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