The Sevan Podcast - #503 - Matt Torres & Adrian Bozman | 2022 CrossFit Games Insider

Episode Date: July 25, 2022

Matt Torres is the head coach at the Brute Strength camp in Naples, Florida. He will be coaching Danielle Brandon & Dallin Pepper at the 2022 CrossFit Games. Adrian Bozman is the Director of Competit...ion for the CrossFit Games. This will be the first CrossFit Games programmed by Bozman, although he has been on the team collaborating with Dave Castro almost since the inception of the Sport of CrossFit. Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Over already. Bam, we're live. And no one will never know.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Good morning, Chase, Beastmaster, Tyler. Good morning. Yash, yash, yash. Kenneth, Corey, Elise, Patrick. It's like romper room here. Elise, Elisa Schultz. Elisa schultz elisa schultz where's elisa raddow that's the name is it elisa or elisa i don't know cool no one ever corrects me elisa is it is it elisa you're just being nice you know it's elisa i don't know no i probably got it wrong remember
Starting point is 00:00:59 last time when i said it was denise and it was dense after 40. denise and it was dense after 40. What the fuck do I know? In a few minutes, we are going to have on Matt Torres from Brute Strength Training Camp down in Florida. I watched
Starting point is 00:01:16 a podcast with him and Clydesdale, Mr. Switzer. I watched a podcast with Tommy and Sean that he was on. And I watched fuck, the one with the great Khaleesi, who's just completely run ahead. I should have never had her on the show.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Fuck that. I'm going to take full credit for how she just completely just ran away. Hi. Oh, catch up. This fucking guy, the bone has been picked clean. There's nothing left of Matt Torres. Man, Tommy and Sean hit him hard. The Khaleesi hit him hard.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And Mr. Switzer hit him hard. They covered all the bases. There's nothing left to ask them. So I think we're going to do 45 minutes of just silence. Yeah, we're just going to stare at him. He's a chicken with no feathers, Matt Torres. Holy shit, Matt. Hey, good morning.
Starting point is 00:02:09 What's up, man? Good morning. It's 7 o'clock over there, huh? Yeah, you're like the good-looking version of Matt Souza. Look at you. It's about time we give the people what they want. Finally, you know what I mean? I didn't know it was grow a beard and shave your head day.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Shit. I thought we just always have beards yes those of us with uh a slightly higher t count than your average female you know when you know when you shave your beard and everyone looks at you funny for a week knock i'll let that happen it hasn't happened to me in a while hey when you get older and you grow a beard like this you put on like 20 years like i really do look like a 20 a 30 year old i gotta come up i gotta come up close to the camera to take can you come oh yeah i didn't realize you got that the the angular chin hairs too well my wife my wife bought me one of those ball hair ones and instead of using it on my balls a shaver for for Father's Day, I just use it on my face. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:03:08 It's called the – it's the one the UFC is always advertising. Mo, what was it? Manscape. Yeah, Manscape. Yeah. Wow, it's awesome for your face. I still don't want to use it on my balls. I'm scared.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I just take a big – I think when it gets so big that I can grab a handful of pubes, I just take the scissors and kind of like – Oh, you little gun guy. The scissors don't even get close to my balls and I get scared. You know what I mean? I mean there's like – I can see space between them, but it's still like they don't belong down there. You're living life dangerously. I am. No, you're living life dangerously.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I tried to tell Matt O'Keefe that Danielle Brandon isn't – she's just fire. And he's like, well, she's a great person. I have no problem with the gift of fire that Prometheus brought us, but she is fucking fire. Yeah. You know what? I think everyone from the outside thinks that way, but it's really not like that, honestly. Let me tell you something. She likes to think you're on the inside. let me tell you something when when uh i like the interview of dallin pepper when he says
Starting point is 00:04:09 man he's fucking awesome you know what fascinating down pepper says in this last interview i watched him by the way the reason why i called you a chicken is with no feathers is you've been picked clean tommy and sean had their way with you fucking the calise fucking had her way with you mr switzer had his way with you i mean you went you just like fuck it i'm going for it three podcasts you who are you talking about me yeah mr torres you yeah i didn't recognize any of those names what oh you went on you went on three you went on three podcasts and they and and and they were all amazing podcasts i mean they asked you everything yeah tommy and uh sean were like all right we're only gonna ask you one question about phil
Starting point is 00:04:50 i was like yeah man cool i got a quick answer for that one and then the first like 20 minutes of it was loosely based around phil and steroids yeah i was impressed everyone went in on you pretty hard i like how lauren does it just with a big smile. Yeah. Yeah. Sneaky. Damn. She's good.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Uh, I, I think Daniel Brandon is fire. I think she's a unique character. I don't think the sport, I don't think there's another one like her in the sport. You, I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:19 she, this is a wholesome, Oh, let's cheer on our competitors. She fucking won an event, flipped the crowd off and everyone stood on their feet and cheered her on. I mean, and it proved we are not all created equal and that's proof of it.
Starting point is 00:05:32 We all play by different rules. Anyone who says the word, it's not fair. Go fuck yourself. Like, what are you? Like, of course it's not fair.
Starting point is 00:05:40 What, which event was that? Do you remember what number one? One where she looked hot. If you watch the documentary, they showed a one-second clip of her stepping up onto the finish line. They didn't show the fingers?
Starting point is 00:05:55 The double bird? She built a brand off that. I thought it was a missed opportunity, especially since they spent some time in the intro talking about the COVID test and how that affected her, but they never kind of came back to that. I haven't seen it. It's gangster, right?
Starting point is 00:06:11 It's like, it's, it's, it's like the beloved gangster. She's a beloved gangster. She's, you know, I think that was just like the, up until that point, just everything, just the way things were being handled in the back. When I was back there with Emma, you can kind of... I mean, she wasn't back there with any athletes, but then
Starting point is 00:06:31 the way everything was being handled, it's like you're handling me like this, but you have all these fans squeezing and touching and high-fiving the athletes the whole time. It's like, this doesn't even make sense. I think it was just like a little like water boiling over you know after a little bit of time matt and she pulled
Starting point is 00:06:49 it off it was natural sorry go ahead brian last year at the games how many elite individual athletes did you have uh last year was just emma and this year um this year is uh dal and daniel do you envision yourself taking the lead with both of them, or will you split that up? I know you've got some other coaches on your staff. Yeah, so I'm definitely going to be taking the lead on both of them. Our assistant coach, Coach Tom, is going to be helping as well. You know, Dom is the behind-the-scenes guy.
Starting point is 00:07:22 He does a lot of work. You know, he's our weightlifting guy as well here in Naples. And so it's super helpful. The way he chats with them. He's like the best friend coach. And I'm kind of guess, I'll say like more like the head coach. The what you need to hear coach. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:39 No, I just, I remember you telling me some stuff when we've had a chance to talk about, you know, just how, how important it can be, especially for younger athletes, what you say to them, when you say it, how it's delivered. And I didn't know if the burden would be, you know, to do it for one person is one thing to do it for two people is obviously a little different. So I didn't know if that was something you were going to share this year or not. Yeah. Honestly, it's easy. It's easier having a male female. It's, you know, when I was going through the teen ranks, at one point in time I had Dallin, James, and Tudor. And then there was another guy that. You had Tudor Magda?
Starting point is 00:08:21 Yeah, because Tudor and James had trained together basically their entire careers until about, I don't't know six months ago yep and when you moved he didn't make the move with you now him him or cole um they it happens yeah it happens that's right cole grease saber that's the dude i always think is a girl who's the girl version of him there's a cole grease saber and uh christine colon branders yeah yeah yeah i want to see them in the same room i think it's actually a person from i mean i don't know how how matt necessarily feels about it but i thought i thought it was kind of cool that they all kind of went their own way those three um you know it's uh they're all they've all now reached a point in their career where they're getting pretty serious all of them have
Starting point is 00:09:02 a lot of potential and uh you know i i think it's kind of a cool uh kind of playing out of this you know all people are talking about these camps right and so these people were kind of in a camp of their own even though they didn't all live together necessarily where they were all following you for a while and then they got to this point where they're all making this step into the elite stage and they've all kind of decided to take their own path so it'll be cool to see how that plays out for each one of them it's very natural it's just that's how it goes you know i'm buying it i'm buying it no one loses tutors and is happy about it what what um so while that's so so while while matt was poaching um matt was only able to poach um
Starting point is 00:09:48 um matt was only able to poach um mal o'brien because uh because uh wait there was there's a great there was gonna be a great line there let's oh james townsend took his eyes off mal to poach tutor and while he took his eyes off of mal fucking matt came in and took it got her from the dog pound holy shit there you go that's how that worked that's how that worked put that on the front page you gotta you gotta edit that part out and then reinsert it like 30 seconds earlier so it doesn't i don't look like a stubborn stuttering ninny so two man tutor i'm kind of so the two athletes that i'm really high on there were there were three athletes i wanted to get on their train for colton i wanted to get on the colt god and james break too there's so many athletes i want to get on their the bandwagon as soon as you said two i knew you were full of shit i know yeah because i i just
Starting point is 00:10:27 really like i like colton i'm just pumped on down i like to make fun of athletes and then if they can take it then just go all in on him he still left his his old pair of nanos on the travis mayor train he thinks he's still riding that too yes yes thank you what's the deal with what's the deal with tutor how how did you how did you guys part ways was it amicable or was it i i've heard you mentioned a couple interviews that you went to florida and he just didn't want to come there was it just a destination thing or did you guys he was ready to move on from you you know i think it was a handful of things uh i wouldn't want to lose him he's a stud yeah i'm honest he's a great guy he's going to have a lot of like home run shots this year
Starting point is 00:11:08 at the games where I mean you guys seen him sprint on his hands and his ring muscle like his gymnastics is you know incredible and then you mix that in with the strength that he's gained it's going to be some I don't think we've seen enough sprinting on hands events though I want to see that tested
Starting point is 00:11:24 in some other way Ryan don't think we've seen enough sprinting on hands events, though. I want to see that tested in some other way. Yeah, right. Ryan, don't be a hater. Ryan's over it. You know, here's the thing with Tudor. When it came down to everyone moving here, his family is in Washington. He's a family guy. He's a super smart dude.
Starting point is 00:11:41 So I think he's like an engineering major in solar school. He had to be there for a required amount of time. And then the last little piece is, you know, just him growing as an athlete and exploring on his own to see if there's another route that would be more beneficial to him, I suppose. And so, you know, him and him and Townsend have a lot of the same, you the same spiritual beliefs. And I guess it was just a good fit for him. It was a good choice. Like any of us, when we're growing up and 17 years old,
Starting point is 00:12:13 we're going to make decisions that we feel like is most necessary. And every time I see Tudor, it's nothing but love. But Townsend's in Pittsburgh, right? And Tudor moved to Pittsburgh. but love. But Townsend's in Pittsburgh, right? And Tudor moved to Pittsburgh. I don't know. I think Iowa. Yeah, I think he's in Iowa.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I don't think he's gone anywhere. Not Washington, but he's not in Washington. That's a very appealing destination compared to Naples, Florida. Yeah. This is my first time watching these clips right here. So I'm going to scratch off the reason you gave is that he's a family person in Washington. If he's in Iowa and I'm just going to go with, he's a super, well,
Starting point is 00:12:50 I asked Townsend one time if he's a Christian, he said no, but I think he has Christian values. And so I never like it when anyone asked me that question, because usually they're, whatever I say, it's going to be something to either satisfy or not satisfy your reason for asking. It's not going to have anything to do with what I actually think that means.
Starting point is 00:13:10 So you think I should take that off my list of questions? Sounds like he's into Scientology to me. Matt, are you a Christian? Yeah, you know, I would probably say that's kind of like my moral compass. You know, am I practicing as much as I should be? No, but. That's that,
Starting point is 00:13:28 that satisfied me. I, I take offense to that, Brian, that, that, that answer satisfies me. The one Torres just gave me.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I'm satisfied. He's a very eloquent man. I'm here. I'm here just to warm your heart. It's 7am over there. Thank you. Good dude. You use this line that about transparency with your athletes and it reminds me of this line that ben bergeron uses a lot and i
Starting point is 00:13:53 think it's super duper potent and i don't know who came up with it originally but um we can we move at the speed of trust and and relationships are like that that's why like when you meet a girl and you're both on mdma fucking that that shit fucking you do 10 years right everyone's walls are broken down next year 10 years and two hours yeah 10 you get to two minutes just one light show and you're in yeah um are those interchangeable um this i I need trust and transparency. Are these? Trust and transparency? I think transparency leads to trust.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Because everyone's on the same page. Everyone sees everyone's cards. Whenever I make a decision for the team, everyone's on the same page of knowing why. And typically my my decision is what's best suited for the team. So if I take that approach with things and usually everyone's on board, not always, but typically. So transparency, almost like as a noun leads to the verb trust. I think so. A piece, you know, little pieces of it. You like that, huh, Matt? Matt, I wouldn't it you like that huh matt that matt i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:15:06 tell you i thought about saying that i'm like i'm gonna fuck this up that is way too smart what i just said but i tried anyway um and so that brings me to phil like like i i'm not his coach but like i had joyelle on and like for me, the greatest gift I can give someone is allow them to be honest. And there's only one or two things I would never want anyone to be – if they were honest with me, I would judge the fuck out of them. There's only one thing I can think of. Other than that, I don't care that Joyelle did drugs. I care the fact that he could come forward with it and be like, hey, I did them. And he's free. I think putting human beings in a position where they have to lie is despicable. I think it's worse he is in his life right um do you even care if he on the shows that i've watched
Starting point is 00:16:07 you on it seems like you believe him but but you don't know i don't i don't feel like you 100% say that so i'm thinking are you more like hey i don't care um i don't care whether you're not i'm his coach and i'm to stand by him no matter what. Not really, honestly. I do care. I do care. You know, I'm not, you know, I take people for what they say. You know, there's not, I know how hard Phil is working.
Starting point is 00:16:39 And you know what's funny is I was just watching the Miles to Madison with Ricky Gerrard. is I was just watching the miles to Madison with Ricky Gerard. And it was the very, it was the opening line of the, of the miles to Madison doc, you know, current episode. And it's like, you know, did you do it? No, I did it. And it's like, I don't, I can't, I can't, I can't spend an energy trying to figure out the whys behind what supplement was taken, what supplement was not taken. That's not where I'm spending a lot of my time as a coach to even be in there. I have no control of it. So when he called me and he was telling me, and I was like, son of a bitch. We're here now. And it's like, what can I do at this point?
Starting point is 00:17:28 I don't know, comfort him? Trying to help fill in the gaps that were maybe possible? See, when I hear you say that, I think you don't care. I think you're more like me. That's how I feel too. I want to help them. I want to help Joyelle or Phil through it. I don't care whether they did it or not.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I want to help them. But telling the truth is the only way out of something like this i mean for yourself yeah and here's the thing is like over and over and over again within you know those three days where where we found out he's like dude i don't this isn't i didn't and when i'm hearing it i'm not gonna i'm not gonna start to question like i don't know if that's the right time to be like well are you lying to me right now you know is is this right i don't know if that is either i agree with you yeah you know uh and so from pretty much from that point moving forward it's like and this it's a super tough conversation it's like what do you
Starting point is 00:18:19 tell someone that just got everything stripped away uh and we don't know we don't know what this uh you know what the punishment's going to be. But typically, it's a longer one. Like, what do you tell someone? It's like, hey, you know, the next, how's it going? Go get a job at Starbucks. Your CrossFit path is over. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:36 It's like, I don't know. Sometimes I don't know what to say in those scenarios. But I'm here just to listen to people. And that's kind of where my role was within this realm with Phil. And it's like, you know what I can control? The fact that I got to go back into the gym in the next like hour or so and coach these two athletes that are going to the games. It's like, that's where I- Daniel Brandon and Dallin Pepper. Exactly. Exactly. And, you know, I understand how important communication is at that time.
Starting point is 00:19:07 So let Phil know, like, dude, I care for you. But I really don't have, like, my hands are tied in this scenario with you. It's like, you know, we're figuring this out together. And I can't even sit here. I just want to come up for a few minutes and say hi to you. Yeah, man. Hey, I'll see you. What day are you going into? I'll be there Sunday Hey, I'll see you. What day are you going into?
Starting point is 00:19:26 I'll be there Sunday, so I'll see you. Sunday. All right. Yeah, I'll see you Sunday. All right. Later, man. Later, dude. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 00:19:33 But yeah, when I'm looking at the email that CrossFit sends him, I'm like, I can't even tell you what any of this stuff is. It looks like Chinese to me. So I'm going to try to sift through this so so basically he he you have three you have three you have three more but for the sake of this the spirit of the story is right you have three cars on the racetrack one of them crashed you ran over he's alive he's out of the car he's in good hands i'll get back to you the other two cars need tending to yeah yeah i would say fair i would say i would say that's pretty that's pretty you're not going to give you you only have so much
Starting point is 00:20:18 processing power and it's like phil you're safe right now you have family you have a wife i i need to get these guys through the games. And then this thing will then all have to – once they're like on their – Dallin and Danielle are splitting their massive amounts of money. They win at the games. You'll come over and be like, okay, Phil, let's do this process. Yeah, and, you know, Phil would want the same thing if he was in their shoes and anyone else is in that scenario. I agree. same thing if he was in their shoes and anyone else's and that's yeah i agree uh it's um
Starting point is 00:20:47 yeah he i really i really liked him i i had him on the um show last year um i do i do think the question i do think that the interviews that were done all the interviews that were done around him or with you were fucking amazing like no one pulled any punches they were super respectful i think it was tommy and sean who also asked about his power lifting background and about how his girlfriend got so strong and like it's it's um you know we have we have california hormones as a sponsor and so in a in a second here i'm probably going to put up a video of me squat clean and one 35 and everyone's going to think I'm juicing,
Starting point is 00:21:27 but I'm not, but, but, but I, I understand the, I understand the desire to want to. Those are all the guys that are going to, all the guys and girls are going to be thinking that are going to be the
Starting point is 00:21:38 ones that are about your age and don't CrossFit. Yes. Check this guy out. Oh, it's not that creatine she um um so you're are you trying to tell me that danielle brandon is um the buddha and sleeps on a um hardwood floor and uh and i have mistaken her as uh the guy from one of those motorcycle shows that puts together more like she's more buddha than she is um uh the drummer on the muppets monster yeah i know that is i i can visualize the person it's just like a wild one just like yeah yeah yeah yeah i see her more like as the drummer on the muppets not a lot not like if they're buddhas
Starting point is 00:22:30 over here and the drummer's here she and this is the middle she's like over here and you're trying to tell me no if i got to know her she'd be more over here yeah i think about it more like this i think she still has like if you dug through a room as a kid like she'd have a pack of cigarettes still there to answer no she she's not that drummer i do like that drummer a lot i like his attitude she's not she's she's not that drummer uh everyone everyone has their own like kind of like personality right i i think back at this um and you might you might have been the one shooting it i think back at one of the documentaries of Carson. And it was when Tia, it was when she was like before Tia, like a different version of Tia.
Starting point is 00:23:18 And the Tia that I was witnessing at this time, I was like, I don't know, 2014 or 15, something like that. I don't know. Was one that was very unsure of herself. It was one that didn't see herself within the realm of like at, at that time, it was like Katrin and whomever was doing really, really good. And then the next year, it was a little less version. And then the next year, I think she won. And now, the Tia that we see today
Starting point is 00:23:39 is this one that just holds herself to this high standard, is very extreme focused. And what people don't understand is Danielle's kind of relatively new to being at the CrossFit Games. 2019, I believe, was her first year. 2020, she was on demo team. 2020, 2021 was her like her sophomore year. And so we're seeing these stages of danielle brandon
Starting point is 00:24:07 the same way we see these stages of any other athlete and i believe this year at 20 you know 2022 we're gonna see that next like transcendent like level of danielle where you know i think people are gonna be like surprised to see that she's just a normal girl. I was about to say normal dude, but she's just a normal person. You know, it's like the circumstances that she was put in last season and the growth area that she was currently in at that time kind of showed us like in a very like microscopic form. Think about it like the most pressure in the world for one entire week. It's like everyone's put underneath a microscope and her pressure was even more intensified with the circumstances that she was given. And that's just what we happen to see. But honestly, like throughout the year, it's, I mean, I didn't know her at that
Starting point is 00:25:04 point last year, but I would assume that it was just a normal person training, it's, I mean, I didn't know her at that point last year, but I would assume that it was just, just a normal person training, you know, like the colors and the tattoos and whatnot, you know, whatever it may be. But I know that this year, I don't know if people would be surprised and I hope it doesn't take away from like the brand that she's built, but I feel like it'll be, you know, just a better version of her than it was last year and people want like well i can't speak for people me i want more of her and so the demand on her is great too and she's given it to us there's athlete she's been
Starting point is 00:25:39 so vulnerable how i mean the truth is it's a blessing in disguise that she was the COVID queen at the games. I mean, what a – she'll never forget that. No one will ever forget it. She handled it well. She flipped off the crowd with a smile. She made great friends with that doctor, Katina Thornton. I mean, she won everyone's heart. I mean, she's the bad girl that won everyone's hearts.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Like, let's say you didn't like her going into that. Now all of a sudden you're like, you feel sympathy for her. Yeah. You know, it's funny. She killed it. She murdered it. What's funny about like when someone's given that, um, you know, that stereotype, the bad girl, it's kind of like, they don't see themselves that way.
Starting point is 00:26:21 You know, like the, uh, you know, like the, the like the the bat you know the batman joker it's like who's really the the one doing the saving is it joker doing the saving or is it batman doing the saving it's like you know everyone could paint her as like the potential joker of crossfit um you know the uh but through their eyes it's like like, am I? This is literally just like, this is the version of me right now. That's something that I would question is kind of like that parallel to the Batman Joker thing. Does she not like it? Does she not like being the bad girl? Because I'm sensing like, as you guys maybe have talked about this before, maybe she doesn't really like that, that image of
Starting point is 00:27:05 herself. We haven't really spoken about that. Uh, I would just, I would assume that she just wants to be looked at like an athlete, you know, just out there competing. What she, what I believe she really wants is to be on that podium. It really does. And here's the other thing is, and this is just the way I think I could care less. You know, if someone looks at me as the most evil person in CrossFit, if I'm on that podium, whatever. If someone looks at me as like, you know, the happy go lucky, whatever CrossFitter, and I'm at that podium, whatever, you know, at the end of the day, it mattered. Two things I think matter.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Number one is being on that podium. Number two is making a living out of crossfitting. I guess the only reason why it matters in your, in your situation, well, at least from the outside, it looks like it would is how she's going to get along with the other athletes and no one would have. I mean, I had, um, this blonde girl on, I can't remember. She was, she was an underdogs athlete. No, not Gazan.
Starting point is 00:28:07 The girl who didn't make it. Annika. Annika. I had Annika Greer on, and she came out hard with a story about – nothing bad about Danielle, but just about how it's a bumpy – it was a bumpy entry. And she told a story about when you first meet Danielle. Basically, I think she was – Danielle's the alpha in the gym is the way she painted it and and then and then we see what's going on with her um whatever happened over there at underdogs was obviously well you i'm going to make the assumption comfortably make the assumption that it was serious because you don't have an
Starting point is 00:28:36 athlete and a coach separate three weeks before the biggest day of the year so whatever happened there was serious and so now you're bringing her in to an environment where there's like one of the most wholesome dudes well who presents himself as one of the most wholesome dudes in in the sport uh down down pepper i mean he looks like he just like someone made him out of snow and put him on the fucking team um so that's true so uh so in, you know, it's just more intrigue for those of us watching from the outside. Oh shit. Down peppers, a white piece of,
Starting point is 00:29:10 you know, a stack of brand new paper. And Danielle's just a fucking flamethrowers is down. I'm going to catch on fire. You know what, man? You know, from the outside,
Starting point is 00:29:18 it looks like that. And I, and I like both those guys. No one should take that. Like O'Keefe thought I would, when I call her fire, I'm saying something bad. I'm not saying something bad.
Starting point is 00:29:24 It's all good for her. Yeah. Yeah. It's all good for her yeah yeah it's all good for her but it's a lot of power to wield when you're her you know you know when uh i'm gonna buy some i bought some toe spacers i mean this bitch got power yeah dude o'keefe o'keefe said he bought toe spacers because of her hey she converts on the show she converts yeah yeah she got conversion power yeah think about think about it like this when you're growing up watching michael jordan Hey, she converts. Last night on the show. She converts. Yeah. Yeah, she got conversion power. Yeah. Think about it like this. When you're growing up watching Michael Jordan play, and I know how tricky this is going to be because Michael Jordan's really good,
Starting point is 00:29:53 but we didn't get the inside, you know, behind-the-scenes view of Michael Jordan at practice. What we saw of Michael Jordan was game day winning. Okay. The day and age that we're in right now, if we got Michael Jordan now, we would see the behind the scenes and everyone would paint Michael Jordan as this like evil figure, but the dude just wants to win. Right. And it's just the passion that he brought with him. And I think it's the same type of scenario that we're seeing right now. we're seeing her passion and drive and want to win and because CrossFit is this like again you know you finish and you go like cheer on your competitors
Starting point is 00:30:34 and like you pick them up when they're tired and it's like you pat them on the butt you know I think I could care less to see that stuff you know but that's just a comment that happens to be, you know what I mean? Like, and I, I look, and I've said this in other podcasts before. There's, there's two, there's two reasons why, or excuse me. The only reason why you would want to go cheer someone on is if you know, it'll get in their head, go do it. Okay. The other, if, if you're not going to do that, go start your recovery. Go get your mindset for the next event. That's it. You know, I could care less if someone finishes or doesn't finish like, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:13 As a sport grew, it felt more superficial, too, by the way. Not to cut you off the map, but like the cheer. Yeah. Sport got bigger in the athlete town pool got more when you saw him go out like in 2012 or 2011. Everybody was like, oh, this is our community. This is what we do in 2022. You're like, get the hell out of there go start your recovery yeah like they want to get the blip of the the commentators being like oh what a great sport this person is gonna cheer on their fellow competitor it's like i believe it when no i believe it when noah does it
Starting point is 00:31:41 there's like cole sager is probably genuine about it too, maybe. Hey, I think the older you get, go do it. We're not really into that stuff. If you want to be, you're right, Matt. If it's part of the brand, go do it. You know what's funny? All right, this is like side comment. This was last year. Dallin, you know, every year we always joke around.
Starting point is 00:32:04 We're like i could see dallin doing it too i could see dallin doing it too fuck no i could doubt doubt dall and i are always joking around we're like what veterans are gonna retire this year like which veterans are just like sick of it all in one what else no so this is what i was saying i was like it was during uh triple g i go which veteran is sick of sprinting chippers, right? Because typically in the past, when you think of a chipper, you go, okay, I got to pace it out here correctly. And then I got to pace it out there correctly.
Starting point is 00:32:33 And then I'll get back to you. And then I, then I go and it's like, no, it's a different day and age of, of fitness thing. Now, three, two, one, go chipper sprint 15 minutes later, die. Three, two, one, go chipper sprint. Fifteen minutes later, die. It's like, you know, what veterans are tired of that or are not prepared or ready to do that? Because I'll tell you right now, there's a lot of veterans out there that are just kind of holding on. And there's a lot of teenagers out there that are willing to suffer and push. And, you know, and there's different opportunities for these teams that are coming up through the ranks. And it's like, I don't think people thoroughly realize how much the
Starting point is 00:33:10 game has changed. Uh, and these vets got to jump on board and be willing to push whichever ounce of energy they got. There's no transitions anymore. We did a whole, we did a show on that. And I proposed that I'm glad you're bringing this up. We, I didn't get enough love by proposing this idea, but I talked about the evolution of Fran, but there's not even transitions anymore. It's you come off the rings and go to your hands and knees and then do you start doing the bar facing burpees? There's not, there's no, it's just, it's becoming one fluid movement in B this, this word transitions isn't even doing it justice anymore. It just um it's like when you drive and you like you know sometimes you switch three lanes and and like you're with a dork and they're like they switch one at a time like i just i just go slow let everyone know i'm here i come i'm flowing yeah i i agree well here's fast lane five lanes over exit fuck you dude when. Dude, when my athlete's breaking a workout, I tell them, I go, you're breaking because your transition is going to be fast. Right? So if they're splitting up 15 ring muscle-ups, whatever, eight, seven, when they drop down, they know that they're resting for the ring muscle-up, but they're also resting for transition as well.
Starting point is 00:34:22 So when they jump up to finish seven, it's right on to the next movement they're not you know finishing seven grabbing the chalk breathing you know getting rid of it and then going to the next movement so it's a much deeper thought than it is you know you know who is keeping up with the times is mr velner yeah i've really been watching he he's bad metaphor for him but but he's a fish he just flows in the water but i mean not really not really you will you will um you you'll you'll go to the games um and it'll be it'll be you and you and Dom and Dallin and Ms. Brandon, Danielle. And I know a lot of people have asked you if, if she, when she comes back, if she'll be on the brute team,
Starting point is 00:35:14 it seems almost a little too early to decide that. Right. I mean, yeah. Whatever she says now could obviously change. Yeah. I there's, there's so much more room for growth with daniel um wow so you look so you believe oh my goodness i the daniel that i see right now and the daniel and i've i've been telling i've been watching game film from last year's uh from last year's games it is two completely different like humans that are standing in front of me at this time.
Starting point is 00:35:48 And so I believe that we'll see an even better version of Danielle, but there's so much more left in the tank. There's so much in a lot of different aspects that I'm super excited. And it's like, who wouldn't want to coach Danielle Brandon when you see something like that but you know as far as same with Tudor who wouldn't want to coach Tudor Magda yeah yeah it's so that break your heart did that sorry I know you want to tell me how great Danielle is did that break your heart when Tudor left you know at Tudor Tudor always had a special
Starting point is 00:36:22 place uh you know, with me. I've sold some nice motorcycles and I still think about them. Yeah. You know, I always with Tudor, I'm always like, man, I just hope everything's good. You know, with crashes on the bike. With other athletes, I'm not as like, whatever, like I do well, don't do well. I'm not really thinking about it. But with Tudor, I'm like, man, I just hope you do well. I'm like, like, whatever, like do well, don't do well. I'm not really thinking about it. But with Tudor, I'm like, man, I just hope you do well.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I'm like, Tudor, do well enough. Don't be down. Just do well enough. Like just run. Yes. Okay. I don't want you to crash. I hope it breaks down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:56 It just tips over and gets dented. That's all. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Did you have games aspirations yourself, Mr. Torres? No. Yeah. Yeah. Did you have games aspirations yourself, Mr. Torres? No, I mean, I knew, I knew what, what it took in the moment. I knew what it took the moment I hit that realization. I was like,
Starting point is 00:37:13 I have to go make some money. I don't really have time to be doing this. Do you have kids? Nope. No. How old are you? 34. Oh, that's what, how old were you when you found CrossFit? 19, 20, no, 22, college. And you were playing division one football? Were you the kicker? you asshole i wish dude i wish i was the kicker they had the best life they would they would come on the field kick a couple balls for about 10-15 minutes then go hang out and just like play with each other that's my podcast i just kick some dudes on in the balls they come on and then go play with my kids the rest of the day yeah uh no i was a wide receiver. Oh, damn. Oh, wow. Wow. Do you ever run with Danielle? You know, considering what her current mile time is right now and the progressions that we have her on, I have to pick and choose.
Starting point is 00:38:18 So I'll pick like 200 meters to run with them or 100 meters to finish with them. So usually when I'm running with them, I'm usually coaching them and running with them at the same time. But I mean, I say that and it's maybe between like 150 meters or like 200 meters at a time before my heart starts to realize what's going on. Do you, do you like watching people move? Oh yeah. I mean, I just like, naturally I always want to correct things, you know, like naturally, like I'm, I want to figure out like the wise, but I'm like, I question everything. So if I'm, if I'm watching people move, like as soon as I think, you know, I ran, I ran the open four in high school and then almost in college.
Starting point is 00:39:00 So when I ran the what, say that again, you ran what? The open 400. Okay. What does that mean? Open? Just no, no hurdles. Uh, it means, uh, it's basically you versus everyone. It's, it's not a relay. It's not a relay race is basically what it is. Um, and so when I'm watching them run, I'm thinking back from when I was running and what my coaches were telling me. Uh, and so there's points in time when they're doing, you know, repeat sixes or repeat eights or, you know, repeat miles that I know where I can help them out. And so that's basically what I'm doing in there. It's not, you know, if I see something, I'm going to let them know. You know, if it's if they need to use more arms and their final kick, if it's, you know, they got to be running taller, whatever the case may be.
Starting point is 00:39:46 If they need to be striking underneath their hips, if they need to be pulling, you know, pushing their knees up a little bit higher. If they need to be pulling back on, you know, more like glute and hamstring activation and less like quad when they're running. That's what I'm there for. Is Danielle still living with Dallin? No, she's with, so james james is up in washington and so she was kicking it over at his place oh that's nice okay that's why he's gone okay that's nice because that's what i had heard i heard she was moving in i think we had fee on and she said she had a room at down's place and then i heard that she was moving in there and i was like oh man that could get crazy and down's married right yeah that's a lot of people that's a that's like having two bulls in one house is uh um do you sense um does does she
Starting point is 00:40:37 come in a little timid and then and then and slowly like a peacock one day you're just like oh shit there it is you mean like uh like like uh like the first like week or two like as we're trying to figure each other out yeah like she comes in and she doesn't care which pull-up bar she uses and then all of a sudden one day she's got her shit by the pull-up bar and you go to use it she's like she looks at you like like when like just like crossing because you yeah you I think. And you're like, okay, I'm good. I'll go over here. I don't share a chalk bucket. You know, did you know that? I went, honestly, I wish just for the narrative.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I wish it was like that, but it's really not. Oh, you know, she's super, super mindful. You know what she does? She'll do that with me. But she's very respectful with with the athletes and she does she does in a very respectful way here's an example so we're gonna have this interview in a year i can't wait you're gonna be like damn yeah right you're gonna say i saw her lift up her leg and fucking pee in there it's like you know you know
Starting point is 00:41:38 what this is how it's like uh you know when when first, when you first work with someone, everyone is just very respectful in a very kind, kind way. And then as you get to know them, like your family members, they're not going to try to sugar coat anything. They're going to be like, you should with the door closed and then all of a sudden it's open. Bring me some toilet paper. Yeah. But that, but that's, that is so natural. It doesn't just happen. Like she didn't, she didn't just walk in and do that.
Starting point is 00:42:06 And so all of the athletes have their own way of going about doing that now. Here's an example of what happened two or three days ago. We're doing this workout. It was 10 rounds for time. She had a 350-meter row with the weight vest uh 10 burpees with the weight vest and then 10 chest of our pull-ups weight vest right the whole thing weight vested and uh corinne corinne comes over or corinne was doing a workout and i was like just curious what corinne was doing and so danielle's rowing right here i'm having a conversation with corinne and i think they're
Starting point is 00:42:41 at like round seven and danielle i could i could tell that she was like get the fuck away from me uh because we're having a conversation it's like she's like mid-workout kind of like dying on the inside and she's smart she has this biggest smile on her face in the kindest possible way she could say it she was like don't have a conversation around me and i don't think she's maybe she was like can you not have a conversation around me and she's like mid row weight that's like breathing hard and then afterwards she you know she texted me she's like i'm so sorry you know i didn't mean like no disrespect behind it i'm like seriously you gave me the biggest smile in the world and asked me in the kindest possible way to get the fuck out of here i was like yeah
Starting point is 00:43:25 like don't apologize to me you're the one going to the games i'm just having this dumb ass conversation with corinne uh you know just kind of filling my brain with whatever combo that we're having at that time you know tell me to shoot like care. You know, you're the important one. I'm just here trying to, you know, cause chaos. When I ran the media team at CrossFit Inc. and I had 100 employees, and I was the greatest executive media director to ever walk planet Earth. Subtle.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I didn't give a fuck if people were rude to me. All I wanted was you to work. I didn't give a, if people were rude to me. All I wanted was you to work. I didn't give a – at the end of the day, you shit golden eggs and I facilitated it. And you could talk all this shit. And I worked with assholes. Filmmakers suck. They're fucking walking, fucking menstruating vaginas. All of them.
Starting point is 00:44:23 All you motherfuckers. But at the end of the day, it didn't matter't matter people were like why don't you fire him i like because he's making me rich i mean i mean famous i mean happy no but but but even more humbly than that to be honest i i'm being a cavalier but um i brought the best out of them and in some time in their life they're going to realize that and that's all I care. I was inspired by them and they were great. The people who worked at CrossFit and that's what you have. You have great people.
Starting point is 00:44:52 And what do you care? If it's hurting her to be a bitch, then you say something. If it's not, if it's part of her process, then you're there to facilitate it. Right. I mean, at least that's the way I felt with the artists and their artists right hey look it took me a long time to understand dallin and what makes him tick and what pushes him and what motivates him and what you know take pulls him down uh it took me a long time to figure that out as well it's like there's certain things that i can do with dallin that i can't do with james that i can do with emallin that I can't do with James that I can do with Emma that I can't do like with all these athletes, just part of the process, you know, I'm not, there's, you know, and I think to your point, if we're at work, the job is to get as much great
Starting point is 00:45:35 work done as possible. The job is not to come in and be your best friend. You know, I'm not here to sugarcoat things. If that's how I if that's how I'm going to communicate things with you, that's how it'll be done. If you're just a straightforward person where it's just like, just tell me what to do. I'll just get it done. And that's how Phil was. He's like, dude, just tell me what to do. I'll get it done.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Whatever type of pain, discomfort, annoyance, whatever it is, I'll get it done. And Dallin's the same way. With Dana, we're slowly trying to figure that out. I really appreciate you coming on. It sucks that we didn't get to talk about Emma Carey. I really want to get on the Emma Carey train. Please get her healthy as a fan. I really, that's like, we got Emma Carey, uh, Emma Lawson, Mal O'Brien.
Starting point is 00:46:20 We got this young posse girls. Uh, please tell her I said, hi, I have your phone number. All my guests, but one allow me to text them. Laura Horvat. If I text her, she says, who is this? So I still, even though I have her number, I still try to only talk to her in the DMs. Is it okay that I text you? Yeah, man. You know, it's funny. It's like up until recently, I never did that. I would always just like not save numbers, but yeah, all good in the hood. All right. I'll probably bug you during the games. Um, like I'm never,
Starting point is 00:46:51 you never feel like you have to respond. I have, um, I understand everyone's busiest shit, but I'm sure during the games we'll be trying to get you on. Um, so yeah. Yeah, man. That's that brother. Thanks for coming on. I've uttered your name a thousand times. I think mostly positive. Great to finally meet you.
Starting point is 00:47:08 You're a great dude. Yeah, you as well. You too, man. I look forward to seeing you guys here in the week. Yes, sir. Thanks, man. Thanks, brother. Appreciate your time.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Ciao. See you guys. There was a lot there. I felt like we could have for sure for sure full interview next time dude tommy and sean did such a good job lauren khalil did such a good job switzer did switzer switzer did such a good job there was but i all right yeah i um i almost i'm glad part of me is like when i was watching last night i was getting kind of depressed i was like yeah i had my gosh i know i just had a bunch of questions about like the Phil situation, too.
Starting point is 00:47:45 But I did not want to I did not do the extensive research that you did. So I did not want to ask the same questions I already asked. So I just refrained from it. We'll get one next time. But I do think we uncovered some stuff. We know that he does. We don't know that he does care. We know that he does care. And we know that it's just too much to fucking process. know that he does care and uh we know that it's just too much to fucking process um you know i mean not on this it's like your wife's giving birth and you find out one of your best friends has been in a car accident i mean it's not right it's tough adrian he's meeting he might be trying to go there he is that's a lot that's a lot man when your wife is pregnant and your friend got in a car accident i just stepped into that but i don't know who's uh who's going lot that's a lot man when your wife is pregnant and your friend got in a car accident
Starting point is 00:48:25 i don't know who's uh who's going through that but geez that's that's a lot going on we were we were talking to matt torres and just like managing one one of your athletes um testing positive for uh banned substance while you have two other athletes who are going and just but but he but you know he said basically like the metaphor we used adrian was um you're a you have two other athletes who are going and just, but, but he, but you know, he said basically like the metaphor we used Adrian was you're a, you have three cars racing around the racetrack. One of them gets in a car accident. You run over, you make sure the driver's not dead or, or if he is dead, you card him off the field, whatever the fuck,
Starting point is 00:48:58 but you basically get him off the field. And then when the race is over, then you come back to that guy. So I, I, I think that's basically what we're seeing with matt torres i think um maybe he's a little uh my words not his shell shock and but he had but he knows he has to focus on uh danielle and dallent right i can only imagine that i mean how stressful that's got to be is yeah i ran into like having all your friends fired from your from your job but then you have to go on and put on the biggest event in the history of the sport. That's a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:30 You know, it's funny. I ran into Shane Orr in the coffee shop just yesterday, actually, which was kind of funny. What city? Nashville. Okay. They live, you know, not too far from me. So every once in a while, I will see them around town. But it's funny because Tia is pretty calm and cool i mean she always is but god shane looks like he's just
Starting point is 00:49:52 stressed to the gills is that is that where you slipped him on a napkin all the workouts ahead of time the old coffee shop exchange yeah no actually that's something I I'm very cognizant of. And I, I, you know, I go to CrossFit East Nashville down the road and that's where the proven crew has, uh, you know, they do a lot of work out of there. And this time of year, I mean, I haven't been in there in months and part of that is to maintain a professional distance. So I don't want anybody to think that there's any sort of, you know, weirdness going on there. Yeah, exactly. Tia, can you test these 12 workouts for me? Yeah, exactly. No, I mean, if anybody thinks that, that they got there by anything other than their own hard work, that's a real shame. So
Starting point is 00:50:34 I've never heard that. I've, I've never ever heard that by the way. Absolutely. And that's why I'm trying to keep it that way. Oh, right. Okay. But you gotta, you gotta be aware of, you know, where you are and what you're doing. But the secrecy really is that crazy oh right okay but you gotta you gotta be aware of you know where you are and what you're doing but the secrecy really is that crazy right like even if you let's say you were somewhere and you wrote something on your hand even as benign as like 135 you i mean i've seen from the time i've spent around you like that has to be cleaned out like you guys are basically have to go into one of those rooms that blows all the shit off you before you go out like people no no one can know shit people think it's funny but i have a privacy guard on my phone that if you look at it from anything other than like you know straight on it'll totally blank everything out and when i have normal friends or whatever and they're hey let me see something on your phone
Starting point is 00:51:19 and they're like what is this thing like never mind don't worry about it but normal friends some of your normal friends i have a few of those yeah he just alienated all of us if you're a crossfitter you're not normal true and they should be happy about that who wants to be normal come on man come on seven you've been you've been out in the real world lately you want to is that who you want to be no thank you i did i did go out a couple times. Adrian, do you remember at the CrossFit – No, I blank it all out. Do you remember when – I think it was Matt Fraser versus Rich Froning at the ranch. I think maybe Ben Smith was there too.
Starting point is 00:51:58 And there was a – In 2016, last year when we flew everybody out there. Or was that an open workout? Are you talking about the open workout? No, it was an open workout. Yeah, Frazier. Were you there for that, Adrian? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:10 And Dave, was that the one that Dave and Rory and I did the workout afterwards? Oh, yes. That was the one where everybody was like, Dave, you got to do it. You got to do it. You got to do it. And he finally was like, okay, fuck it. I'll do it. And, oh, the the guy the t-shirt
Starting point is 00:52:27 manufacturer vindicate said i wants to ask you boz if you want a no rep shirt you know i did see those designs and i did i thought the design was pretty cool not gonna lie um do you remember that there was a leak that year. The open workouts were getting out and we didn't know how. And there was an investigation going around and it was through texts. And it was like to state. Yes. Do you remember that? And they right before the show, I don't know who marched in and fired him.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Was it Curtis Bowler who walked in and fired him? I don't remember. But I just remember that I think it was somebody on the production crew yeah cool dude who wasn't who wasn't forward facing i don't even remember it was to be honest but i don't remember that he was that he was i think he's the head graphics guy not eric diaz i don't know but anyway so and that's how serious it was i'll never forget that like someone marched right into the fucking truck where he was working like hey dude you gotta leave and the show's gonna go on in 30 seconds you're out of here well i i think it's an interesting cultural thing too because i don't know man i feel like this in this day and age there are certain people that i think if they had access to information they'd want to blow it
Starting point is 00:53:43 up and put it out there and i'm like what kind of person is wanting to do that if you're truly a fan of the sport and you're a fan of the culture that's created around it i think that even if you stumbled across something you would keep it to your damn self because you basically are the one telling kids that there's no santa claus if you're out there putting it out and it's like what so for a gotcha why why would you do that why would you ruin the culture of this thing for that? That's what I did on the show. Adrian, that's what I did on this show. Oh, did you?
Starting point is 00:54:11 Yeah. Really? We were live on the air, and someone sent us the URL to the workouts, and we posted them this year for the opening. I think they were already out before then, right? They were already out. Yeah. They were getting posted on social media. But my point is that, Hey, it's the, it's a call. We, uh, we, you know, when we had a testing week
Starting point is 00:54:30 recently, that was a big spiel we gave to the athletes too. It's like, look, there's a culture around this. You guys are part of that culture. If you want to blow that, that's fine. But you're basically persona non grata from here on out. Do you want that? Is it worth it? And, um, you make that decision at the end of the day. Um, But I really do think that that's a cultural thing that we should try to preserve. I mean, the test is, let me start with what the test is not. The test is not, here's a bunch of specific things. Let's see who can train the best for these specific things and then come out on top. That's not what it is. The test is, Hey, who can be prepared for whatever is going to come their way and who is the most well-rounded and who can prove it. And so if you are a fan of that
Starting point is 00:55:12 as an idea, putting something out there as a gotcha, isn't going to be for you. I mean, I don't know. I guess internet cloud is a big thing these days, but, um, uh, people think about it. Think about it. Is that really what you want you really want to be the one that tells tells the kids santa i don't want to tell you i don't want to i don't want to there's a i'll do this distinction i don't want to be the one who tells it one at a time i don't want but you'll be the one on i don't want to be the one i don't want to steal one atm machine i want to crack the code so all the ATM machines on the planet start spitting out cash simultaneously. You'll be the guy on the news show when they come on and they say, we're tracking Santa over Alaska now using NORAD.
Starting point is 00:55:52 You'd be like, that's not real at all. They don't use satellites. It's all a big lie. And then after that, Adrian, I don't know if you recall, but we had to all sign a piece of paper. The NDA? Oh, yeah. It said that we could be fined up to $300,000 if we gave out the open workout. I didn't read it.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Yeah. I think that's one of those things you're not supposed to do, right? Sign things that you don't read. I don't think I signed it. I think it scared the shit out of me. But I think that's probably intent, right? Isn't that the point of a piece of paper like that right but um but also so so that people um know how serious it was i would actually film
Starting point is 00:56:34 that stuff i would be everywhere and yet still no one would tell me the workout i would be fucking there and like everyone knew there but me and i yeah and i would still be dave and adrian be like no we can't tell you guys who work for me Leaf knew the workouts, and he wouldn't tell me. No, I'm not telling you. Leaf's a steel trap. He is a steel trap, right? Yeah. I love that guy.
Starting point is 00:56:53 That's a good friend. Yeah. Yeah. Our – Wait, wait, wait. While you're struggling to think of the next topic. I know the topic. It's just sensitive. Oh, okay. Well, while you're thinking of the way to phrase the next sensitive topic, I love the show that you did with Taylor and Jr. The other day. Oh,
Starting point is 00:57:13 thank you. It was awesome. I was cruising around doing some errands on Saturday and I was listening to that and I was like, oh, this is fun. It's fun to hear everybody speculate. And, um, you know, like that's, that is what i think should be happening at this stage going into the games everybody's got their guesses they have just enough information to kind of make an informed guess you know maybe maybe not like that's the fun of it that's that's exactly the way it should be in my opinion nobody knows but they have an idea and they think they might know yeah and then it's fun to play along yeah to speculate it's the funnest part because then everybody's so sure on like their thing and then the workouts come out and nobody's even
Starting point is 00:57:48 anywhere close and it's something nobody thought of and you're like oh particularly fun for me because you know i know i'm hearing you guys and i'm like oh this is awesome are all the workouts set in stone already adrian not set in stone because it they can't be you know there's some things like when you get on site they're specific to that venue they're specific to some stuff that rogue is you know polishing for us shall we say so you can get close but you can't so there's a new steel implement there's a new steel implement totally okay see the see that we already got something the new implement is live leaked live leaked we're just that's not santa that's just like one of the elves yeah yeah it's still the analogy he walked out of the shop with something stuck on him it's not his
Starting point is 00:58:31 fault um and and it's always been like that right i can't think of a single games um where sure something wasn't changing up until the last minute yeah i can remember this isn't football it's not a field that's the perfect shape and it's the same shit over and over for the last 50 yeah i can remember this isn't football it's not a field that's the perfect shape and it's the same shit over and over for the last 50 years no and it shouldn't be i always used to say i was like hey man to the crossfit games may they ever be dynamic and you know there's there's always things that we can do to be better about trying to communicate things to people that actually have to talk about it like the broadcast team or whatever um but at the end of the day yeah it's going to be dynamic there's going to be things that shift around and you got to try to get it right and
Starting point is 00:59:09 and get it part of that process is right up into the wire you're retesting rethinking asking yourself is this the right thing to do and that's something that i very much learned from dave i mean that was you know right up to go time he's retesting he's thinking about it okay is this the right one he's asking us on the team you know does is the loading right is the time frame right is this what it should be and that's been drilled into me since day one so who's your right hand man who's the new adrian bosman it well there's a few so in what regard are you talking who's the guy like um you were you would be dave's confidant um whooping boy and um brain i mean you would be all three you know what i mean he would use your brain um he would um fight with you and um and and he would confide in you so yeah i mean and i would and i
Starting point is 01:00:00 would see it you know i mean i'm extremely close with dave and there were times when the two of you would be it would be just the three of us. This is the thing people don't get to understand, how thick your skin has to be. You guys, there'd be an athlete working out. You two would be talking. I would be over there. I wouldn't be saying a word,
Starting point is 01:00:14 and Dave would be like, give me an Adrian space. You're too close to us. Fuck you. Quit hovering around here. I was just at your house last night talking to your wife, playing with your kids, motherfucker. Do you have one of those? So, I mean, in different ways for different things.
Starting point is 01:00:29 So if we're talking about, like, judging plans, yes. If we're talking about, like, testing plans, yes. If we're talking scoring, yes. Do you have an assistant? Do you have an assistant? Not really. Damn. There's a job opening set on.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Yeah. Yeah, there you go. How do you feel about data entry? Strong point. there's a job opening set on yeah yeah there you go how do you feel about data entry strong point hey i can't i can't be i can't be trusted i have a podcast i'll fucking i can't be trusted oh man uh i had something else i was going to say there about that what were we talking about we were talking about how fun it was for you guys to speculate we were talking oh there's a sensitive topic that you haven't brought up yet we're going to do that um tell me what's the topic give me a hint no no you said you said oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i got it out here so when when when people get fired from crossfit and they're your friends
Starting point is 01:01:17 or people leave crossfit and you're still on the boat and then they start throwing rocks at the boat you're they're like what you're like what the fuck and i and i had that with andy stump i would consider him a friend he started throwing rocks at the boat and and we're not friends anymore like i mean he's he probably is friends with me i'm not friends with him i'm like dude what the fuck like you know what i mean maybe i'll get over it someday but i'm not over it um okay i think but you were on the boat and i've been throwing rocks at the boat and yeah well and we did get into it a little bit, right? I mean. A little bit.
Starting point is 01:01:48 A little bit. A little bit. You slapped me around a little bit. I don't know if that's accurate, but okay. Behind the scenes. I mean, it's not public, but behind the scenes, you sent me some texts straightening me out a little bit. um is that is that um it but but also on podcast in my defense you've said um hey i understand people i mean you weren't speaking directly to me but hey motherfuckers been doing this 15 years people are going to be passionate about it i mean look i mean i've been fired for two years
Starting point is 01:02:17 and i'm i'm arguably deeper than i've ever been i mean who the fuck ever thought i would do a programming show um i give two shits there's no unity in programming that um but um how did that um were you ever like how are you still friends with me how are you not um like fuck these guys how did you not like build up like when i asked you to come on the show how are you like i mean we've done a lot of stuff together. We've eaten ice cream together. We've ridden bikes together. We've gotten drunk together. I mean, we've done it all. Well, I think that's it. Right. And at the end of the day, that's really important to me is that friendships and relationships as complicated and as messy as they can be, they're always at the bedrock and they're more important than an entity. Um,
Starting point is 01:03:04 full stop. I mean, I think that's just the way that I would hope to conduct my life forever. You're not at night laying in bed with him being like, fuck these guys. I'm fucking taking Sevan out of my contacts and fuck this. They're not helping. Not in so many words. No, not in a never-to-date degree. Okay, I'm on to something.
Starting point is 01:03:23 I'm close. Not that exact phrase. Not close. But, I mean, have I been frustrated? Like, God damn it, Sevan. not in a net never today okay i'm on to something i'm close not that exactly not close but but i mean have i been like frustrated like god damn it savon like you're throwing rocks at this thing yeah but you're discounting the fact that the thing still has almost all of the same people that were there right minus a few and plus a few in places that are way less visible and you know they're not really um contributing to the thing that you're throwing rocks at anyway so no not in that way it's just like man i it's just not making it
Starting point is 01:03:51 easier for the rest of us that are still here and still have to do the work and still uh and hey man it's not your job to make it easier for us either well it's part i'm trying it's part temper tantrum um there i mean there's a component of it being fueled by temper tantrum. Can I get something out of the way really quick? Please. This is non sequitur right here. It doesn't matter. That's what this show is about.
Starting point is 01:04:15 My wife got me this giant ass water bottle, which, you know, thank you. Uh-oh, I like it. I avoid drinking it on camera, but i've already blown the seal here because it's got this stupid little sippy thing on the top and so i'll try to angle it so that you don't see that oh that's nice like a man you know but but it looks like a milk drug but i can't avoid it so from get that lid off drink it lit off that's the cold brand right i don't know uh what's the brand what what is it oh because i just bought a yeti one for my kids but but but the cold one had a nipple on it and i was like oh i should have gotten that one the yeti one's like kind of supposed to be like manly but the nipple
Starting point is 01:04:56 really is better like more convenient practical yeah i don't know. Unscrew it. Jug, swig from it. Alpha isn't convenient. Alpha? Being an alpha? I wouldn't know. Are you over? But are you still in my context? Yes. Am I frustrated sometimes with you?
Starting point is 01:05:22 Sure, but who cares about that, right? At the end of the day that's not the most important thing um do you think that's awfully mature of you do you think it's um it's settling down at all yeah for sure as we go into the games people are more and more stoked about the games like like people wanted to make a big flare up about the drug testing um being so busy this year shall we say and like fair enough that's there's a lot there's a lot going on there uh but it's like less and less those things are being connected to this doomsday oh something happened therefore the whole thing is falling apart that was very much the tone
Starting point is 01:05:56 at the beginning of the season and i understand why but that seems to be subsiding to some degree yeah from my perspective the drug thing really bores me but if you look at the metrics like if you if you go over to morning chalk up and look at their videos their most popular video by far is one that's titled 13 positive drug test or if you look at the stuff that hillary does all the big all the biggest shows are the drug test shows really but man it oh yeah yeah people people love steroid talk it's like, dude, there's dudes that's all on the internet. Like this No Plates and No Dates guy. Millions of subscribers.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Or this Douchette guy. Yeah, these guys are just all steroid talk. And I'm not taking a dig at them, but there's a huge interest uh getting all juiced up yeah you're done steroids adrian no we we always used to joke about it friends and i that like when we hit a little bit of disappointment when you say no no no oh man i mean i think it'd be so fun why why not jack out of your mind and uh but no i some friends and I always used to joke that when we hit a certain age, I don't like 60, 65, we called it the ripped old men club, the ROM club. Just like once you hit that age, just go for it. Like, what are you going to regret it when you're 70?
Starting point is 01:07:14 Probably not. Yeah. Yeah. No, you're good. A mutual friend of ours, Adrian, um, a mutual friend of ours just got, um, on testosterone replacement therapy. Oh yeah. replacement therapy oh yeah he's and he's 78 i'll tell you who he is when we get off the air um and love and life dude yeah well hey the fine line not fine line it's actually really can't stop talking about how
Starting point is 01:07:40 great it is go ahead yeah yeah the bright line for me is when you start talking about sports and sports have rules well then you got to follow those rules. Like those rules think they're dumb, you know, argue to change them. Okay, cool. We can always have that conversation. But at the end of the day, it's like, well, here's what's allowed and here's what's not. And that's the name of the game. So it's pretty cut and dry when it comes to sports, in my opinion, especially sports that are going to test. I, you know, I like the argument of like, well, I just have an open league and just go for it. Yeah. One day, you know, resources being infinite and time and all that that you can dedicate to it.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Sure. Why not? But 2023, it's coming. I'm doing that. California hormone games. But no, on the other end, I will say that I do feel like all jokes aside, I do feel strongly that CrossFit being what it is trying to promote healthy lifestyle, trying to promote a methodology. That's like, Hey, you don't need to be an expert. You can be a regular person. You can train hard and you can reap these benefits and it doesn't take a lot
Starting point is 01:08:37 of extra shit. Um, I think being true to that is appropriate for CrossFit competition at the highest level. So when, when people look at your background in movement and they start using that to try to predict the games, is there validity there? Oh, I think that it's good to have a full circle of investigation. And I think that JR did a great job of that. So that's all I'll say. And how many, I have a question here here i just need to fill in real quick uh um how many events are there at the games this year can't tell you that 13 i need to i need to
Starting point is 01:09:13 know how many i'm gonna change my shirt um for every event i want to put a clean shirt on for every event can you just tell me at night that's all you need okay okay and and uh how many days is the game look at the schedule you get the schedule i saw i saw susan blasted up there wait hold on matt that was the best part of that podcast was when you put up that photo of me or the the photo that the photo i was at the national quilting museum with my mom and and that's what that picture was it was it was i thought they would know it right away it was like this avant-garde quilt that is hanging in the paducah quilting museum oh yeah it looked like a placenta they all started speculating everybody leaned in was like
Starting point is 01:09:58 wait what is this it's like years that was a fine moment but um yeah no no hints in that one just thank you for that love love of the quilt the the hints the hints that you have put out or some of the facts that we do know is that it's four days long thursday no sorry wednesday wednesday friday saturday sunday for indies and teams yeah and then age groupers are th, Friday, Saturday. Who cares? Adaptive athletes as well. And then – I do seven. I care. Thank you, Adrian. Did we get Ogar scheduled?
Starting point is 01:10:33 No. Oh. I'm going to send you a text. We have to push him a little bit. We reached out to him. We reached out to him. Okay. I just sent you a text.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Ogar. Let's bug him. And we know what the time... He'll be at the games. Yes, that's why we're having him on. We're only having games people on for a little bit. And we know the time windows for the events. Yep.
Starting point is 01:11:02 And we know that on Saturday, there will be some sort of lifting event did you guys see that promo like did you really i've watched it so many times i love it i love it so much it was good michael dalton crushed it the direction i gave him and haynes was hey i want you guys to watch like every grave digger monster truck highlight and then just do that that's what i that's what i want yeah very well done i even have i even have a favorite cut lifts lifts yeah yeah the cut from annie from the close-up to wide when she's at the bottom of the uh snatch yeah it's great yeah um so so those are what else what were you going to reveal saturday man who who doesn't love that yeah i love that and what were you going to reveal saturday man who who doesn't love that
Starting point is 01:11:45 yeah i love that and what were you going to reveal what did you bring to reveal on the show today to help my ratings i love this band the melvins i've loved them for decades and uh coming will they be playing will they be playing at the games no i wish although there was a band uh this band called the zigzags also rule and i bought a bunch of their merch i put it up on my stories this is like six seven months ago and i i don't know who from the band reached out to me and said hey that's really cool we all run and we're interested in starting crossfit and i was like dude let me know how i can help and then i never really the zigzags yeah can you pull them up? I can only imagine what they look like.
Starting point is 01:12:25 And in my mind, the fantasy in my mind was like, oh, man, maybe they could play the games. But it never happened. Will there be a big beginning this year, 3-2-1? Will there be planes? Oh, yeah. Yeah, there'll be all the stuff that you can expect. That's awesome. That you've come to expect.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Yeah, that's awesome. Mm-hmm. stuff that you can expect that's awesome come to expect yeah that's awesome are you when you um when you program the games this year zigzags check them out everybody is there a how do you be they'll never take us alive it's top to bottom great album anyway they'll never take us alive where It's a top-to-bottom great album. They'll never take us alive. Where do you begin when you program the games? Do you do the number of workouts? No, concepts. I start with concepts.
Starting point is 01:13:15 What's that mean? Like big picture, okay, here's something that would be really cool, but I don't know how it's going to fit into a workout yet. Or here's a piece of equipment that I have spied somewhere else in some other application that would be awesome, but I don't know how to make it work. Like that thing that Matt Fraser does where you go like this, you spin the thing. You're like, that looks cool. Or like a shake weight, like a shake weight. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. But no, I start with those big, I start with big concepts like that.
Starting point is 01:13:44 And I like literally sticky notes, like, exactly. Yeah. But no, I start with those big, I start with big concepts like that. And I like, literally sticky notes, like, you know, really broad sketch, put the sticky notes somewhere. After you have a collection of those, then you start pairing a couple of them together. You're like, oh, these two things would go together really well. Or, oh, this is a concept that, you know, it doesn't make sense with anything else. It's got to be on it. It's kind of putting them around what could be a couple of days of competition and then start refining it. It's like this. It's a cheese. Do you have a room dedicated to it? Yeah. I converted my garage. I mean, you guys can see it.
Starting point is 01:14:21 I converted my garage into my office at the beginning of the year. I have a giant whiteboard on the wall here that you guys can't see um and like a bunch of cool game so yeah physically it's it helps to get up and like walk around and like move stuff around in the garage and write it up on the whiteboard and erase it and do it again and like the way my process is it's not going to be like sit down in front of the computer and just hack it out i think that if you did that it'd be a pretty boring games and nobody wants that so so you do most of your programming you do most of it standing uh it's a mix it's a mix but like i'd say that most of the ideas come when i'm not
Starting point is 01:15:03 sitting at a desk that's for sure um man i'll tell you where i've had some of the best ideas is riding my motorcycle because your head is kind of clear from other distractions and uh yeah had some really good ideas that way but i i watched a movie years and years ago i don't remember what it was but in there was a scene where this guy who's like he was like a bank robber or something like that. And he was forging signatures. And the way that he would forge signatures is he would start with this big, basic shape of signature that he wanted to forge, smaller and a little bit smaller. And he did that a thousand times until he could get the signature right and you know passes whoever he wanted to and that i feel like it's kind of the same process like start big and then you start whittling it down until you're like aha yes that's it
Starting point is 01:15:54 it's so closely related to art too because as being a freelance illustration like major way back in the day freelance illustration artist is like you always start with the big shapes you just block in your big shapes and then once it starts to take some form then you come in with all the details and you start to put in the highlights and do all that stuff so it's really cool how closely programming relates to art in that matter catch me if you can is that the movie uh adrian um it for for most of the games uh there were no rules oh you're breaking up sorry i think his internet's lag i think that's what happened uh adrian it's better now me it is oh no bummer i i don't know what's going on the last week my internet has not been great
Starting point is 01:16:48 there you go it's coming in now though um adrian uh for most of the games that i remember dave made the workouts but there were some workouts where he was told from the top from greg hey this has to be in there. Has anyone told you that you have to do this workout or are they all yours? And by all yours, I know people help you or you take input. But I mean, like, are they your – at the end of the day, are they yours? Yes. Fine.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Don't answer. Sorry. That broke up a lot a lot so i'm gonna infer what you asked oh were you forced to do any workouts sorry man i think the lag is no did eric rosa call you and say hey you have to put fran in this year not for to do any workouts oh man this is tough sorry guys i don't know what's going on with my internet should i try to leave and come back what's the deal no fuck it it's our show who gives a shit people just like looking at you they don't think it's a lag on on his i hate to say but you're just a pretty face adrian you're the daniel brandon of of dudes boy boy if that's the case we're all in trouble we are in trouble okay you went on this guy peter's podcast of coffee wads and pods pods pods and wads have him turn his camera off
Starting point is 01:18:17 don't tell me what to do trey turn his camera off i want to look at him fuck that no quitter yeah trey more stable again what does this mean boz with the mickey d wi-fi mickey like mcdonald's it'll fix itself it'll fix itself we just push through i actually ride it off the gas station around the corner from my house no that's not true you're not on their wi-fi are you we're gonna use this as clickbait and say he said an event but it just cut out guys we had the event hey just just spit on your router that's what i do when when things get a little sticky a little rough oh shit i saw my mom okay comments i need to chill
Starting point is 01:19:05 couple questions this is a family show go adrian go what questions did you have a question adrian or you know nobody told me what no i'm saying i want to rest it put out there no nobody told me what to do with the programming and um it was very clear about that like when it all went down with dave i mean if people were going to start to be bossing me around like that like i wouldn't have stuck around there's no way so uh yeah it was me um oh awesome do i get to split that dollar1.79? Yeah, I'll give it to you when I'm at the games. I'll give you your cut. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Next question about Peter? That was an incredible podcast. Oh, thanks. You were really open. I don't know. It was pretty flat. Oh, thanks. I mean, you were, you were really open. I don't know. It was pretty flat. Oh,
Starting point is 01:20:08 I don't know. Yeah. He's easy to talk to. You're the most serious I've seen you and the most vulnerable. I know there's a little bit of a contradiction there, but I, I mean, you never fooled around as much as me,
Starting point is 01:20:20 but there was a component of, um, we, when we got together, there were, we, we were, we would be a little bit giddy together. And now I don't see that side of you.
Starting point is 01:20:28 It's like you've stepped up your game. But on the other side, not that you ever didn't take anything serious as a heart attack, but I see this, like your thoughtfulness and your precision of words has escalated dramatically, but yet you were so vulnerable on that podcast. Fantastic question, Savan. You're right. I was, and I was concerned about some of the things I said, but I know I had to be honest and straightforward with the CrossFit audience. Integrity is at the utmost of my, I can't hear you. I'm just answering for you.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Oh, you nailed it. Yeah, no, that's, I think that's exactly it. Um, it's been a pretty serious year. Uh, I mean, geez, man, my headspace was not great for the first, you know, couple months of this year for obvious reasons. Um, and so it's been difficult. Uh, I do take it seriously, obviously to, to make this thing what it should be. It's a big showpiece for the CrossFit community, and that's really important to me. So it's got to be right. And I think that we're living in this time of, I don't know what you call it, gotcha-ism, clickbait-ism, infotainment. Everybody wants that juicy nugget.
Starting point is 01:21:42 And so if you're out there just you know freewheeling it everybody's gonna take something and uh spin on it and i'm like i actually saw in one of your comments the other day it's like oh those crossfit hq guys would be more compelling if they showed some personality and i was like good i'm glad you're bored i'm glad that there's enough substance that you're not interested you can go you can go watch the uh 20 second tiktok version and uh and enjoy you know that's fine oh shit hey uh get him jake kelly wants to give you five dollars for comcast upgrade um uh john clark uh says can we get boz rock and a merton shirt at the games and uh clive mcloughlin look at that hair dude boz this dude could be related this could be like one of your irish
Starting point is 01:22:34 distant cousins or something look at this dude but question for boz what if someone did peds that's performance enhancing drugs but stop before taking up competing in CrossFit. They may not test positive, but their previous use potentially got them to that level. Do you think this ever happens? I think it's probably happened. And I say this all the time. Probably athletes that are actively engaging in performance enhancing drugs knowingly that we haven't caught yet sure do i think it's like this gets a lot of the times with the also ran athletes where they're not quite at the level that they can make it to the top and they feel that they
Starting point is 01:23:16 need to do something to get to that next level and i think it's a lack of confidence frankly that's the road that you're going down how How much, uh, how much faith do you have in your own ability to, uh, to get there? Uh, and especially as the sport gets like younger and younger, meaning so many of the top athletes now have come up through the teenage ranks. I think there's less opportunity for somebody to come in with a background that may include performance enhancers and truly make it all the way through. Does happen maybe i don't know um do i think it's a big concern now not particularly uh adrian i what if um what if what if someone got all juiced up like to the fucking gills you know what i mean like a vein that runs like from the tip of their penis up their chest onto their forehead you know what i mean just and and they're getting everyone
Starting point is 01:24:04 yeah just put yes yes performance dancing they're mean just and and they're getting everyone yeah just put yes yes performance dancing they're just fucking and and they're even like show you taking them like on the internet like he's injecting himself with shit and yet he passes all the tests you know what i mean like he's just but and then he and then he wins the crossfit games and he's like says i'm taking drugs and he's and he's fucking like you know like looks metabolically deranged and he's like just you know he's like holding justin madaris in one hand he's like fucking with a good thing is that broccoli but he does he still win even though he doesn't he passed all the tests but he's like admitted to taking stuff and he's holding justin madaris our hands are tied and there's nothing that we could do yeah that's awesome of course what are
Starting point is 01:24:43 you talking about? People forget. I mean, at the end of the day, like it or not, it's our show and we get to do the rules that we think are going to preserve the competition. That's the whole point of having the rules. Sir, you passed the test, but that giant vein from your penis to your forehead, we're not buying that.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Something's a little off. We'll have to put somebody on payroll for the penis inspector. I don't think we have that currently. Oh, please. You guys got tons of penis inspectors. I don't know if they have that currently. Oh, please. You guys got tons of penis inspectors. You got jobs all day now, Savani. Here you go.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Yeah, I'll do it. I'm up there. How's your fitness? My fitness right now is not great. I'm not going to lie. It's been a rough couple of months, very much like head down, focused on planning. And yeah, time has been fleeting for that. So I got to get back on the horse. It's, it's not like terrible, but it's pretty not great as
Starting point is 01:25:39 compared to where it has been in the past. How much are you, are you one 65 right now? has been in the past how much are you are you 165 right now i'm always 165 yeah i hear that but you look so much heavier in person it's crazy it's so crazy damn you're breaking up hey what is the deal with my internet i'm sorry that this sucks so bad so adrian you know what the 65 you know what the 65 you know what the 65 year old women are going to be doing like you have a pretty good idea i programmed it all yeah okay get the fuck off my show and what'd you say number event three was going to be when he was talking about clickbait i so wanted to title the show adrian bosman releases crossfit games workout i thought you were going to do it i
Starting point is 01:26:29 thought we should have done it it would have been awesome i would have taken the heat for that when people started saying clickbait i would have been like that was me guys sorry i want to ask him if he thinks i can beat any of the uh women at the 65 and um older we'll have lots of challenges after the games that's for sure yeah just like focus on both like the 14 year old girls and the 65 year old women just like start just going through and doing all those i wanted to ask him too like how he was feeling coming into it like if he was getting nervous because he's been so close to dave in the games and had such a large role since the since the jump but it's always a little bit different like i sit here as like running the back end and doing my stuff at that time that
Starting point is 01:27:09 you were like hey i'm gonna i'm gonna be at i'm gonna be at greg's like you need to run the show all of a sudden i was like oh shit like you know you just you feel the pressure of it and it's kind of sitting on your shoulders it's so much easier to be kind of in the background of it than it is to run it so i just wonder how he's feeling about that and you can only imagine how much oh you can only imagine how much crazier is for adrian hey are you on your phone now no i'm trying to i'm trying around too i was trying to close down all my background apps and stuff and then i just you know boomer so i just x'd out at the window that we were chatting on jake kelly with that photoshopped bicep says adrian
Starting point is 01:27:45 should just jump on from his phone we're almost done with you adrian i'm just done with you yeah fair enough but i love that i just that was the uh um the question that's the division that i'm sensitive about i'm not going to talk to you guys about i'm out uh i guess i know them all those workouts they're fun they're gonna uh have a good time it'll be great do you think that if are we still laggy or you guys just not talking to me laggy do you think that i could beat those women do you think when i see the 65 and older um uh do you think i could beat all the winner of the 65 and older. Do you think I could beat all the winner of the 65 and older women's CrossFit games? Like in a competition?
Starting point is 01:28:27 No. Oh, I know. Pia Gund is an animal. She, no way, man. And no slight against you,
Starting point is 01:28:36 but I mean, it is a slight against both. It can be both. You can do both. David Johnson, do you intend for age groups to stay at 10 from here on out, or could this change? That could definitely change. And David, you should drop the T in your name.
Starting point is 01:28:54 David Johnson. Not Johnston. No one says it right anyway, so just drop it. Make it easy on everyone. Should I try to call back on my phone? Is is that a good idea was that a good idea no it seems to be working okay now let's look at this guy's name jack off jackson off jackson off jackson mashed off wow i think that's one of those you see what you want to see type situations so yeah this is like a simpsons name i know if you if like i said that like over a speaker a loud speaker would come out of something else thank you for the five dollar wait did adrian just let slip one of the workouts oh yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:29:38 yeah yeah yeah that that's definitely coming for nate edwardson's next video. For our video here. It just cut out. You can hear it correctly. Who's Nate Edwardson? Serious question. Oh, that's just – there's these guys in the CrossFit space who make – he's Pat Vellner's old video guy. But he has a show, him and Wiki and Craig Ritchie, and there's this group of guys that have these shows, and they're cool shows. I mean – actually, I shouldn't lie. I have these shows and they're cool shows. I mean, actually, I shouldn't lie. I don't know if they're cool. They're vloggers.
Starting point is 01:30:10 It's a different format, Tevon. It's a different format. I think it's news without news. But it's just dudes postulating. It's kind of like our programming show, but without the research. Well, I can't. I can't keep up with 90% of the internet these days. It's kind of like our programming show, but without the research.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Well, I can't. Yeah. I can't keep up with 90% of the internet these days. So I don't know what's going on with, I mean, there's just so many channels to ingest. How much, how much of that can you consume? This is going to be the last, this is my last question. Last bit. That's it. You mentioned just now that you, you would just mention just now that you you were just mentioned just now that you were involved in in sort of the idea of the video that was made by um michael dalton
Starting point is 01:30:53 yes i would i would suggest that you also get involved in the crossfit games podcast and that you have them push that to the front. Because I think one of the greatest voices of the CrossFit Games is Chase Ingram. I actually, fuck it. He's the best. I agree. I like Chase a lot. Yeah. And the fact that there's a podcast- And you know what I like about Chase is that he's not afraid to push back a little bit, and that's good. You know what I mean? The athletes, obviously, those guys are awesome. They do amazing things every day, but they make mistakes. And when they make a a mistake i don't think it should be just glossed over in the same way that when we make a mistake i mean nobody lets stuff uh i think it's kind of the same thing where if you're objectively looking at the sport and you're interested in it you want somebody who's going to
Starting point is 01:31:38 call people on like yeah that was the technique this person the race or whatever i think chase does well with that he he straddles the line well i and so he does this podcast and you're on it and i go look and it has 41 views and i'm thinking is that a lot no it's those are like accidental views. Those are bots. Those are bots. And it's such a fucking incredible podcast. And it's all that. Seriously, it looks like that podcast is being sabotaged. Like what? That has to be pushed to the front. It's like one of your greatest pieces of media.
Starting point is 01:32:19 And it's like almost impossible to find. He's done 60 episodes. And I almost think until then until it's pushed to the front i don't think anyone should go on that podcast it's a waste of your fucking time no no just call chase at home and and and and talk to him because no one's seeing that shit it's it's i mean you guys have so many fucking subscribers anyway i i know you're um uh busy with game stuff but once i heard that you were involved with a little bit of media i just think that that's an incredible that those should
Starting point is 01:32:50 have 10 000 views each instead they have 41 68 152 i mean justin burke was on there had like 100 views i'm like what the fuck is going on yeah um yeah so agreed that. That's my two cents. Let's bump them up. Rakesh Rakesh Manan question for Bob. Hey, when we hit 50, I'll let you know. And then when we hit a hundred views, I'll let you know. Yes. Big milestones. Just don't it's a, it's a brand built. There's podcasts out there that are brand diminishing.
Starting point is 01:33:22 That is not one of them. If you go on that podcast and you're with chase, your brand will get bigger and he'll give give you an opportunity and so but but until they actually publish it in a place it can be seen i say that no one goes on it okay what is your source for feedback to improve the games every year um how will you take feedback from this year to improve uh next year i i can answer that for you, Adrian. Please. Go ahead and email And all advice will be taken seriously. Submit all feedback.
Starting point is 01:33:56 That's so harsh. But that is the running joke was that, oh, you have a programming suggestion? Just email me. I've never gotten any of those by the internet before rakish i appreciate your question but it's such a broad it's so broad no but i mean i'm happy to answer it okay please there's a couple different ways so number one i love putting things to my team and telling them straight up tell me how it's lame tell me how it sucks let's make this thing better.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Like I've done that pretty regularly throughout the season where I'll come to them with a draft of something. Like I see myself as kind of the curator. It's my job to pull the cool stuff together and then put it to the first test, which is our internal team, like my competition team. And their job is to poke holes in it and from different lenses, right? Like, okay, can we score this effectively? Is this gonna play out the way we think it will? Is it gonna look good? Is it gonna be a legitimate test? All these types of things, right? Because if you're doing it in a vacuum,
Starting point is 01:34:55 you're gonna miss some of that. It's too big for any one person to see everything. That's true for most things in life, right? It doesn't mean that you don't have somebody who's at the head of it that is helping to direct it, but it can't be just a singular person. So that team is huge. Um, and then externally, you know, we've started hearing from athletes a lot more than we ever have. And some of that's great. Some of it's, uh, you know, pie in the sky stuff, some of it's, um,. It's hard to say this without sounding overly harsh,
Starting point is 01:35:28 and I don't mean to be, but I think there's a certain truth to anything where somebody that's involved on the outside, they think they know the best way forward and they're going to be really loud about that best way, but they have no idea. And it's great that they have that passion and the belief that that is going to be the thing that really turns the have that passion and the, and the, you know, belief that that is going to be the thing that really turns the corner. But at the end of the day, it's not always the case just because you, um, participate in something doesn't mean that you have any idea of like the best thing for it. What was it? It's like a Henry Ford quote that, um, what did he say? Something like if I left it up to the public, they would have asked me for a faster horse.
Starting point is 01:36:10 Yep. Something like that. You know, that's the quote. They would ask me for a faster horse and carriage. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. I got I got two quick questions for you, Adrian. Number one, with this being the first year with Dave out, have you talked to him about any of the stuff with the games at all? Have you asked him any questions or ran anything by him or has he been left out and the second question is is how are you feeling coming into it you've been so close to the games for since the get-go but now it's kind of you're in charge of everything and it's kind of falling on your shoulders so to speak as far as the events are you feeling a little bit more um nervous coming into this year than years uh prior uh we'll start with the dave thing i haven't talked to dave much about the game specifically it's honestly it's been a little bit weird navigation in that regard because like
Starting point is 01:36:49 like i'd love to bounce things off him but i you know i want to respect his process and his space with it too and like it's just kind of a weird place to be for both of us um i mean i've talked to dave i actually i i want to talk to him soon. Uh, you know, I texted him around the 4th of July when they were doing that street parking event. And I was, it looked like for a time I was going to be able to make it out to that event. And then it was just way too close. There was no way, uh, which that event looked awesome by the way. Super cool. Yeah. But, um, so no, I haven't, I haven't bounced a lot off of him this year it was just a little too strange to to try to do that without i don't know invading his process around it you
Starting point is 01:37:34 know like that's it's got to be hard to be cut out from something that um i mean yeah it's his baby you know um so there's got to be some space there before that that can be done correctly um second question about the like nerves going into the games i actually feel really good right now it's been coming in waves uh like for the last like four months the biggest like most stressful thing was before we had a big uh production meeting in madison where we had some of the key team leads and we do this every year and we we talk through some big pieces and that's like the first time that some of that stuff gets shared out. And that was the first time that I've led that in, in this position. And so it was a bit of a question mark as to, okay, how much detail is enough? How much isn't
Starting point is 01:38:17 is too much? What are people expecting from me? I don't really know. So once that milestone came and went, I felt a lot better about things. And then the second milestone was when we really started digging into testing. Cause you know, I live in my garage and, uh, you think you have some really cool stuff lined up, but it just exists on paper in my head, whatever. Uh, and until you see athletes putting themselves to the test and you get their feedback on it, um, all of a sudden it's very real and so crossing that threshold was really good and uh and like leading into it i feel like we're in a pretty good place we got the key people talking to each other there's lots of good communication happening internally so yeah i'm feeling good um moving into next week yeah
Starting point is 01:38:57 when you were that was a big message to the athletes too at testing week I was like tell me if it's lame it can't be lame you have to let me know like don't you know what I mean we're here it's closed doors it can't suck let me know when you work it I mean it can suck you know what I mean but like not in that way right Right. You get it. Sorry, Sevan. That's okay. For people who didn't grow up in the Greg Glassman culture who are new to CrossFit Inc., I can only imagine the deep, deep depths of struggle that they have coming on board because it almost is impossible to understand what's happening there on and i'd like to add something else and secondly and even more potently the feedback that gets tossed around at hq i don't mean this to be harsh to anyone but 99.9 of the public could never handle what
Starting point is 01:40:06 age the feedback Adrian has received or I've received. I don't know about that. In five, I do in five seconds, the fee there is Adrian comes from a pedigree of some of the most intense feedback being on the L one team that you could ever imagine. These are feedback machines. This is something that's not talked about a lot, but you live in a, when,
Starting point is 01:40:30 how many seminars did you do? A lot. I don't know. Over a hundred, 200, 300, 400. Probably between three and four.
Starting point is 01:40:37 I don't, I don't know. He got harsh feedback on every single one of those. And he gave harsh feedback on every single one of those by harsh. I don't mean rude. I'm super productive. This is a sword that has never stopped sharpening. I'm telling you like people cry.
Starting point is 01:40:55 Yeah. Famous, famous quote by Todd Widman when he was debriefing an intern at the time who went on to be a long-term member of staff. I won't name names, but this person was going into their debrief. Todd was, you know, he has notepad. He's giving them kind of full blast of all the things that needed to be brushed up for next time.
Starting point is 01:41:14 And the person kind of stops Todd and wants to interject and say, okay, well, this is why I did that or whatever. Todd just stops him and says, this works better when I speak and you listen. That's that but yeah i mean that's you know it's it is very feedback rich culture to your point that's always it always has been and it had to have been you know to really make this thing awesome uh yeah you're driving you're driving down the street and there's a truck in front of you, a gravel truck with no mud flaps, gravel uncovered, speeding, and rocks come off and hit your windshield. And you're a normal human being, and you say, fuck that guy. He just cracked my windshield. fucking on the crossfit team and you're a fucking og and you're part of the crossfit illuminati you say it's all my fucking fault because i bought this fucking car with the windshield
Starting point is 01:42:12 it is i mean i don't know it's about don't ruin my story it's about complete it's about complete accountability and personal responsibility a lot lot of that, yes. And so I just – I wanted to take that opportunity, Manon or whatever. Kashish Manon. What was that guy's name? Mashish? Nashish? Dushish?
Starting point is 01:42:34 Hashish. Hashish. Rakesh. Rakesh Manon. Like it's almost funny to talk about feedback because it's so gnarly at crossfit it is uh and hopefully that will never be lost because what it does at the end of the day um you know to use kind of what uh matt torres and ben bergeron have talked about um you grow at the speed of trust we we all want transparency and that's why crossfit is so amazing i mean um okay i was talking to o'keefe last night and's like, can you believe the resiliency of this brand?
Starting point is 01:43:08 Yeah, this brand is gnarly. Hey, man, I'll tell you, I feel like all this talk about brand and whatever else. And this is probably why I'm not, you know, and may never be higher up on the corporate ladder than I am. But I don't understand a lot of that brand discussion. And fine, maybe it's not my place to do so. I don't understand a lot of that brand discussion and fine. Maybe it's not my place to do so, but what I do understand is the strength of culture that we've created. Yeah. Much better word. Well said. Well said. Well,
Starting point is 01:43:34 and that has nothing to do. I mean, that was the old, you know, Greg, you say this all the time. He's like, man, if it all falls apart, we're all going to go get jobs at McDonald's. And then what are we going to be doing on a break? We're going to take some dude outside by the dumpster and be like, here's the air squat. You know, it's the structure that contains it. It's not that it's irrelevant. It's clearly relevant, but it's, it can be secondary in a way. Um, and especially now, I mean, the genie's out of the bottle, right? Like all this stuff is so pervasive. It has changed, fundamentally changed the fitness landscape forever. There's no going back.
Starting point is 01:44:11 And so, yeah, like I, I hope that the flagship still continues to be the thing that it should be. And I'm going to work hard to make sure that that is the case for my, my part. But Hey man, it's, it's in the world. It lives and breathes and does its own thing. And if anybody, if anybody thinks that they can get their arms fully around that and control it, good luck. You know? It's its own entity and it's a vine. It's spreading its way throughout the forest. Adrian. You can hack it back.
Starting point is 01:44:38 You can do what you're going to do. But at the end of the day, it's out there. Key readers of the forest. If they move the games to Australia next year. How did you know? And you can't go there unless you get vaccinated. Are you going to?

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