The Sevan Podcast - #504 - Haley Adams & Ben Smith

Episode Date: July 26, 2022

Haley Adams was the fittest woman in the United States in 2021, finishing 5th at the CrossFit Games. While she is young, she will be competing for the 7th times at the CrossFit Games in 2022. In her y...ears in the individual women's field, she has never finished lower than 6th. She has proved herself to be one of the most consistently dominant competitors in CrossFit and is looking to make a run for the podium that she has been narrowly missing. Ben Smith is the 2015 CrossFit Games champion. He is also the owner of CrossFit Krypton, and trains with Laura Horvath & Dani Speegle. He is an ambassador of the Sport of CrossFit and also the methodology. He embodies the CrossFit message and lifestyle. 00:00 Haley Adams 49:00 Ben Smith Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - TH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Yeah. Bam, we're live. Brian, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Okay. Welcome. Great timing. I found this Polaroid today. I got this whole box of Polaroids that I took like the last like month that Haley was pregnant. And I found this polaroid today this is uh six days before this is six days before avi was born and it's hayley doing 135 pound uh front squat kind of cool right i don't even know if i can do that right now so that's his secret i. I guess. Oh, you know, it's funny. I showed that to Haley today, and she looked right at Avi, and she goes, and that's why you're so strong.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Yep. What do you say? Well, I know it's not from dad. They think I'm – I've just told them that hey um i'm your grandfather don't be don't be confused a real dad is much stronger than me brian are you collecting these have you gotten these i have them yeah i only keep one on my desk though which one the original yeah colton i gotta get colton up in the front i gotta get colton up in the front the others are over there somewhere i was gonna tell you i had matt torres on this morning but you were on for a second too yeah he was there right uh he was cool i liked him
Starting point is 00:01:56 i like him to spend a bunch of time with torres at uh semifinals this year. I was kind of freaking out because I watched Tommy and Sean and I watched Switzer and I watched Lauren Khalil. Dude, they
Starting point is 00:02:18 had picked that bone. They had picked that chicken. They had picked all the feathers off that chicken. Hello? There was nothing left. There was nothing left there was nothing left hi what's up hailey hello can you hear us yeah i can hear you she says hello to try to test if we can hear her seven just continues with the chicken story testing one two we had uh we had matt torres on this morning hailey and like everyone and their mother had already like cross-examined him about phil toon and daniel brandon so i was just kind of like oh fuck what am i going to talk to
Starting point is 00:02:48 him about but he was dope he was he was awesome oh that's good and then i watched your interview this morning with uh or uh this afternoon with lauren khalil from like i don't know a month or two ago three months nine days ago yeah the morning chalk up girl yeah and i was like oh fuck hayley doesn't talk yeah i do i know but then i quickly went over to our podcast and we talked for like two hours and 40 minutes but like lauren khalil had to like pull teeth to get you to talk some questions are just like hard you know it's like you feel like you're just repeating the same thing. You're like saying the same words. So it's like, I don't know. Do you have a boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Why? Some questions are hard and I'm tired. Well, I'll tell you why, because those cats are taking up way too much of your fucking time as concerned. As you start starting to turn a little bit weird, like a cat lady,'s in your refrigerator he's like around you while you're cooking i'm like hey if she had a boyfriend he would put a fucking he'd put a stop to that shit oh you got a boyfriend that is awesome congratulations or girlfriend or whatever you have you have you have a you have an intimate relationship with someone you have a uh a mate that you're in courtship useful courtship my face turning red no no we're good oh god gross um you've always been a mayhem athlete
Starting point is 00:04:18 always no take that back uh i when i lived in North Carolina, I followed, uh, actually Brute's drink for a while. Um, I, yeah, Matt and I go way back actually in like 2017, 2018. I knew him then. So he was just a young buck and you know what? I, I finally, I, um, I realized today about you. You're not a, you're like a hardcore veteran. Now you've crossed over for so long. I kind of wanted to keep you in this like camp of just with the newbies, but you're like so far from a newbie. Yeah. It's my seventh year. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah. Tell me about it. Absolutely nuts. Are you enjoying it? Yeah, I really do like, but, but um i've done you wrong some days are like really hard and like you give up a lot but i wouldn't want to do anything else other than being an athlete i'm very thankful for it what's going on with your camera right now what's this what's this i like it it's very unique you see these like three yellow things on top and the green thing don't touch it don't like a plant or something it's nice it's it's nice it's popped up on my sunflower oh it's very cool i didn't see that it was on it
Starting point is 00:05:32 so tell me about that um how convenient that you were with brute strength and when you were at brute strength they didn't have the camp in florida that's new. You were, were you at their camp facility? Um, we were in Utah. Um, I spent a few weeks out there actually training. Um, but yeah, it was when I was a teenager. So I was with them for two years, I think. And then, um, and how did you end up there? How did you pick those guys? Um, I think it was, uh, honestly, I'm'm not sure i almost said power monkey but that was someone else but they were they were in utah but might have been broke actually were you living still living in north carolina at that time i think it might have been broken meaning you met
Starting point is 00:06:20 her you were friends with her and she's like hey you should come check out brute strength and you went over there and started doing their programming yeah honestly it's been like five six years so i don't really remember but i'm pretty sure it was bro and and then how did you transition to mayhem um so after the 2018 teenager games i was like uh i don't think i can make it as individual so they had reached out um and asked if i wanted to be on the second team and um i was like sure because i'm not going to make it as individual so i honestly never would have come to cookville if it wasn't to be on a team so it was kind of cool how it worked out you're with that like so this was between 2018 and 2019 yeah so a lot of things changed about the qualifying process when you moved there you were intending to go on a team
Starting point is 00:07:13 but as that qualifying process was like unfolding did you reconsider and say well that's a lot of people like maybe i could make it yeah because i think it originally said that you had to like win a sanctional so i'm ahead like, no way I can do that. But then like once the backfill started, then it may become like a little bit more realistic. So then like in February, I ended up qualifying for the open, but I did kind of change my mind a little bit and Rich was like,
Starting point is 00:07:36 totally fine with it. So yeah, I was going to say, you've always done pretty well on the open, open style format. Yeah. So I, I qualified through the open.
Starting point is 00:07:46 He was like, you just be our alternate. And they switched out independence. So you didn't go as a team that year. You actually went as an individual. I was out of the team division then. Team, team. Sorry, team. Yeah, she ended up going as an individual in 2019.
Starting point is 00:08:02 And you've never gone as team. I did like one competition at Guadalupe. That was it. But never this past January. Yeah. Not a team gal. But you were going to be a team gal.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Yeah. But that's because I thought only chance to make it. And what did you do? I'm actually surprised. I'm actually surprised that you didn't think you could make it after 2018. Oh. Because when I first met you, you probably have no idea.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I dropped into your gym in College Hill. You and Brittany were training for the 2017 regionals. I don't remember, but. No, but I'll tell you because this is how I remember you. What state is that, Brian? College Hill. It's in North Carolina. It's in, I think, the because this is how I remember you. What state is that, Brian? College Hill. It's in North Carolina. It's in, I think, the northwest part of the state.
Starting point is 00:08:52 And I was on a road trip, and I saw that you guys were training. You posted something on Instagram. It was a Sunday, and I was like, oh, they're actually open. Maybe I'll drop in, and they'll let me do a little workout because I wanted just to move. And so they were there. I dropped in. You guys were doing a workout that I could not do. It was a ring muscle-up overhead squat workout for regionals that year.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Workout. I did a little MRF training outside with my vest, and then we were watching Cody Mooney compete up at the East Regional. I think he was friends with you guys. And one of your coaches, this was the first year you made regionals, but you were still only 16 years old. And one of your, I think it was either Brittany's mom or the coach that was there said something like,
Starting point is 00:09:29 because you were getting kind of intense watching it. And they're like, remember Haley, it's only your first year. You're going there for fun and experience, whatever. And then we ended up leaving and you and I were walking out to the parking lot together and you just stopped short right in front of me and turned and pointed at me and said, just so you know, I'm not going there for fun.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I'm going there to win. And I'm like, damn. And I'm thinking to myself, I'm like, that's not like she's 16 year old girl and she doesn't know me. I'm just some guy that just dropped in a gym and it was important enough for you to tell me that. Like I would never even think of saying something like crossfit where like if the crossfit games are supposed to be i was like oh my gosh like just total fail girl so as cringy as it was i definitely believe i did say something
Starting point is 00:10:19 like that but now i would never say something like that oh well it's giving me a good like like a perception of your like the fierce mentality that you have that you're you don't go out there just to just do it you know you're going out there to try to win every time you could take the right not just for fun you're not a team girl no i'm sports either growing up you're what say it again i didn't really like team sports either growing up i don't know because it again. I didn't really like team sports either growing up. I don't know. Because why? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I just like being responsible for myself. If I do bad, it's on me. You know, I don't have to worry about letting someone else down. And two cats
Starting point is 00:10:57 and a potential mate that's lingering. My God. Hey, I think I may have heard him in the video when you were eating and they were in a day in a life and you the cameraman was there talking to you but then there was someone off camera who said something with it no no it couldn't possibly have been a friend or a training
Starting point is 00:11:17 partner yeah or just somebody else working on the documentary and it wasn't post malone or machine gun kelly personally not no no okay um seven years in um uh uh mr olsen sub on some cash to send hayley a ceo shirt absolutely five burpees for misspelling of name how do you spell your name my name h-a name? H-A-L-E-Y? It's right there on the screen. I know. All the time. He donated money.
Starting point is 00:11:51 It's fine. It's fine. You can spell it however you want, Mr. Hopefully, if he's correct, he still spells her last name with only one S, though. Haley Adam. Adam. Is your seven years in, are you having some um body comp uh uh significant changes um you said that you've changed your you've committed i mean you put in so much work in the complex you you did 200 pounds this year you put in so much work to change your training
Starting point is 00:12:20 and your eating and i think in this most recent video i think i'm seeing like some some traps like show up on the scene yeah i mean i think if you look at a 16 year old body compared to the 21 year old body it's like you're matured now like kind of grow into a woman and you do your body transform so you're only 21 yeah yeah wow that's surprising it's just crazy seven years seven years yeah that's what I think I still remember Carson like it was yesterday Tommy's ghost dies so fast do you
Starting point is 00:12:56 any signs of burnout no there are like hard days but I still love what I do and I'm healthy. Tell me about Tasia. Who is that in your life? Tasia is my best friend here.
Starting point is 00:13:17 We started as training partners. I was training with the team in 2019. We trained together every day. And then when she stopped competing, she was still there for me every day. And I didn't really have someone in that role of like, obviously Rich is like my coach, but I needed someone that was like there for me, you know, to, you know, carry your bags and give you food. So when I made the 2020 games, I was like, Tasia, do you want to go with me?
Starting point is 00:13:47 And we just kind of went from there. And so she's honestly the biggest blessing in my life. And she's amazing. Do you see her every day? Yeah, most days. And she even works out with you? Mm-hmm. She's still really fit.
Starting point is 00:14:06 She didn't have to scale. But I scale the workouts just to, like, keep up with me or give me company. So is she – describe her more to you. Is she, like, an emotional support for you, mental? What does she do for you? She's everything. for you uh mental is she like what does she do for you she's everything she's who i go to if i'm having a bad day or just basically anything or something funny anything she's my best friend yeah that's awesome and she's okay with you being friends with mal o'brien
Starting point is 00:14:36 yeah she loves her friends are you kidding oh she might be jealous you never know no okay she's There's room. Maybe you're not a team girl. Maybe Teja's not a share friend girl. Oh my gosh. Is she going to come to the games with you again this year? Yeah. Do you think she has a good read on when it's appropriate to say nothing to you?
Starting point is 00:15:01 Oh yeah. Yeah, she knows like after um after last year wasn't after the clean surprisingly i think it might have been after the deadlift and set push-up workout i just kind of like sat there and just had this like look on my face and we didn't say anything for about 30 minutes right now. Yeah, it was a tough last day for you. Yeah, it was. At where? The games last year.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Oh. And your last competition has been amazing. Semi-final? Strength and depth, yeah. Strength and depth? Syndicate crown. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I said.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Syndicate depth. Syndicate depth. You killed it. Thank you. yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what i said significant significant depth significant significant depth uh you killed it thank you yeah you're stoked right that's how you want to go into the games right yeah i mean i was super pumped i technically never won a competition so she got robbed by the uh the tia clause the year before. Not really, but... Well, you know. She couldn't go to where she was supposed to compete, so she had to go somewhere, and you got the short straw, and she came to yours.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Well, I feel worse for the first six, but yeah. Everyone got the short straw. Haley, when we... I can't remember where I heard Rich say it. I don't know if it was on this podcast or or somewhere else but when we were talking about your training i and i'm paraphrasing i think he said that he wanted to see you um do less metabolic conditioning and more strength training and that you were stubborn in your ways. I think that's what he said.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Is he, is he, is he, but he's your coach, right? The reason why I bring this up is because, and aren't you supposed to just, um, uh, bend the knee and like, be like, okay, my coach knows best. Yeah, but I'm a little bit psycho. So sometimes I, so I don't do certain things, but this off season, I was definitely a lot better about it.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And then as game training starts, like it's kind of hard not to. So, cause you're just trying to be really fit. And I did better this year. Yeah. Congratulations. You, I mean,
Starting point is 00:17:23 you physically look stronger. Are you heavier than you were last year um i don't weigh myself anymore wow good on you how long ago did you stop doing that um last year cool so no one knows uh trifecta since 2017 what'd you sayifecta since 2017. What did you say? Trifecta since 2017. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:51 That's crazy. And basically, and your go-to meal now is venison. I love venison. It's so good. I have it every day for lunch. And for us California people, that's deer, right? Mm-hmm. Why don't they just call it deer?
Starting point is 00:18:05 I don't know. I don't make the rules. Just venison. Venison. And how't they just call it deer? I don't know. I don't make the rules. Just venison. And how did you get – why them? Tell me why them. Like I just eat – I just go to the grocery store and get food, but should I be doing trifecta too? Well, I hate cooking, and especially I hate cooking meat. So it was the biggest lifesaver.
Starting point is 00:18:22 I just come home, heat it up in the microwave. And they just send you a box full of ice and dry ice and you just open that shit up and get to get get to town ah they send it every friday i love it like i actually eat it every day for every meal i saw you were i'm using uh plastic utensils and you were microwaving um oatmeal in plastic bowl. I don't approve. Why? I don't know. Because I'm old. What about some glass bowls and some steel utensils?
Starting point is 00:18:55 I like what I like. I know, but I just feel like a plastic, you put it in the microwave and you heat it up and like some shit might be coming off there. Like off-gassing or like you're getting, something in your body that's like not good. You know, I'm sure the air that we breathe is worse. All right. You win. She's not worried about the plastic in the microwave. Yeah. Hey, one thing we have in common is I actually was sponsored by trifecta for a little bit. Really? Yeah. I was helping them out with some stuff with some firefighters that I do in some other, uh, corporate, uh, businesses that I worked for for a little bit. So I got free trifecta for a while.
Starting point is 00:19:28 It was awesome. It's so helpful. It was. I was I was yoked then. It was great. You were? Yeah. You still are kind of yoked.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Thanks. It's just the shirt. I buy them a size smaller. So you just they just they just they just know what you want. They just know like someone comes out and does a body comp on you or like, hey, this is what I work out. How do they know what to send you? How do you know how much to eat? How do you figure all that out?
Starting point is 00:19:50 You just place an order. So they don't, they're not like, hey, Haley, we think you should eat this much. Here's, okay. No. And who is your nutritionist? I work with M2. I've worked with them for a while. Yeah, I basically know kind of what I'm doing now,
Starting point is 00:20:11 but it's nice to have someone check in every once in a while. How's the barn these days? Is it filling up with people? Actually, a lot of people are at the athlete facility, but I'm still eye-hard at the barn. What's the athlete that's up and running though yeah uh where you you probably see the videos and stuff of um people that may i'm working out there but yeah it's up and running now what is the athlete facility? I don't know what that is. So it's like attached to Mayhem and has AC. And it's really nice. That's a plus.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Yeah. I might have a photo. No. This on Mayhem athletes. So now there's three gyms now. There's the affiliate. There's the athlete facility. And there's the gyms now. There's the affiliate, there's the athlete facility, and there's the barn?
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah, so there's the gym, the athlete facility, and the barn, yeah. And why are people moving to the athlete facility? Is it because the barn's too hot? I'm not sure. I think it's just personal preference. I really love the barn. I feel safe there. I'm comfortable.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I just, yeah, I love the vibes there i like it and who else is there is gee there at the barn yeah um there's a ton of there are a ton of athletes in cookville right now yeah like today it was just me so ellie and yeah and then everyone else was at the facility. And Tasia. Tasia was there this afternoon. When all these games athletes come into town, where do they all stay? I think they stay in a hotel. It's interesting because I don't know if you know this,
Starting point is 00:22:00 but there's like, they've come from Australia, from South Africa, from all over Europe, all the name athletes. And they've been there for like a week or two some of them already yeah i saw an australian team there um this past weekend um and lazar is there so and so these are people who are doing the mayhem programming and when they go to the the games, they reach out and they say, hey, can we come early and prep? Is it pretty informal or is it formal? I definitely think that they reach out to someone that's over the program and make sure and ask and get everything set up. So at least I think so. And you're in the best shape you've ever been in your life right now.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Yeah, I think so it's it's all systems go it's what it's all systems go you seem so confident in the um what's the video called strength and depth depth and strength syndicate syndicate syndicate and the syndicate video you just seem so confident yeah i mean i tried to have more confidence in myself this year so and and when you say you've been doing more um strength training can you tell us what that looks like i feel like i squat all the time i think my legs just are always tired um yeah just more brute strength accessory work and the girls um andrea and uh taylor like fuck you don't train with me strong or like i won't train with me i want to chase you down
Starting point is 00:23:36 i mean i cannot if we're doing one or a back second i'll chase them down oh my god i think andrea squatted like 340 the other day i was like holy crap i wonder what how old is she she's 10 years older than you right 32 yeah 11 years i wonder what she squatted when she was 21 i don't know it's a good question she's so fit too she's not just wrong i'm like i'm glad she's not an individual because she would i mean she's so fit too she's not just wrong i'm like i'm glad she's not an individual because she would i mean she's already gotten top 10 as individual she would do some damage yeah you've always been impressed by them right brian both of them yeah but we talked about it on the team show i mean i think andrea's skill set overall translates better to an individual
Starting point is 00:24:19 composite competition than taylor's and taylor's's almost the perfect team athlete. Yeah. So fit. Who's going to watch the cats when you're at the games? My mom's going to take them home to Carolina with their cats and then people will watch them there. What about your
Starting point is 00:24:40 fat cat? What are you going to do about that? What do you mean? Not the black one, but the other one? What am I going to do with him? How are you gonna do about that what do you mean what not the black one but the other one the one that like i'm gonna do with him like what are you gonna how are you gonna get him to like is he gonna get a membership at mayhem oh he is off the carbs off the couch off the couch he's living his life he's fun your parents aren't coming coming to Madison this year? Oh, no, they are. My mom's so nice and she's going to drive up, take me to the airport, and then take me back home to North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:25:12 I met your parents in 2019 right before you won Rookie of the Year. I think they were down in the front with Chris and Heidi. They introduced me to them. They may have had some tears in their eyes. Probably.
Starting point is 00:25:27 But I didn't, they didn't strike me as the people that would miss you competing at the games. No, no, they definitely would not. In one, in one of the videos,
Starting point is 00:25:35 it showed that from doing cleans on your collarbone, you had like, you'd been attacked by a vampire. One over here. No. Another one over here no another one over here it was i don't know i can't get rid of it uh how how does that affect your training at all like it's like if you had a hand tear and you were doing deadlifts and it was bad enough you know you can't do you can't do train the next day or whatever would is it something that could
Starting point is 00:26:02 fuck you up like slow you down say i can't train but there was one day it was hurting so bad that like every time it landed on it i wasn't crying but you know when something hurts so bad that your eyes are just like filling with water it was like that and i was okay i need to like do something with this today so i just like put a knee sleeve over it doesn't say you should probably like bust out like a little uh attachment or something there and get a product behind that and just endorse it million dollar idea the little hayley adams pad a little crash pad is that new for this year has that always been happening to you i've had the one on the left for like forever but the one on the right is new but the one on the left is kind of like alice all honestly
Starting point is 00:26:46 so it doesn't hurt as bad but the right one since it's new hurts so bad who who was it was it sydney sydney mccullish someone we were interviewing had broken either their collarbone or their top rib or something and they didn't know have you ever broke that thing, Haley? I hope I haven't. Yeah, yeah. She finished competing that season with it. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Wow. It wouldn't surprise me if it did, though. Haley, I got a question for you. At the ranch at the last event, obviously, you ripped your hands really badly, and so did, I think, Brooke also. And I noticed that Tia and Matt did not rip their hands at all. And I was like, in my mind, I'm wondering to myself is like, are they just, you know, they're, they're, they're winning everything. Are they also just better at hand care? And is there,
Starting point is 00:27:38 you know, is that something you went back home and like talk to Rich about, or, or tried to make sure that that doesn't happen again no i mean i think it's just kind of like overload of everything that we've done i mean just like how some people are more sensitive to other things i think maybe my hands are just are done for and unfortunately ripped um but i do try to like shave my calluses down and stuff but i think it was just overload of volume that caused it so how's the team look this year who from the videos they look savage and unbeatable and sam what i say team but you know there are three oh sorry teams no no never mind team how's the team i mean no the team is what's it is um rich said that that's the best team he's ever been on.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Does it look like it when you're watching them out of the corner of your eye? Yeah, I mean, they're all super fit. Like I said about Andrea, like, holy crap. I mean, same with Taylor, same with Sam, obviously Rich. And they work really well together. They look super smooth on the worm. I mean, I think they're super solid. Anyone have a chance against them i don't really know
Starting point is 00:28:48 much about how team stuff is going so i mean they're definitely not gonna i don't know but it's good it would take a herculean effort to take them down this year i think but they're but the team division is very very good there are some really good teams besides them um but yeah they're super fit do the three teams do they work out together at all or is it primarily just like on their own um i know they worked out all together uh this last weekend but um i think usually just with that one schedule it's a little mixed up. Yeah, it can be tough to get 12 people at the same time. All our jobs and whatever. You're getting a third cat after the games this year?
Starting point is 00:29:30 You make podium, you're going to treat yourself to a new cat? Like, you know what? Fuck it. I deserve it. I want a dog. A dog? Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I'm sensing you're like a dachshund. You want a dachshund. I would love an Australian shepherd, but I think I'm going to go. Wow. A lab. Wow. Big,
Starting point is 00:29:49 big dog. You can never go wrong with the lab. So. Wow. So you're a cat in dog person. Yes. Only because like, I can't take care of a dog yet or I wasn't ready.
Starting point is 00:30:01 You know, very mature decision. Yeah. How does your how does your friend feel about the cat in the refrigerator what friend just I don't know your whatever friend just any of your friends how do your friends feel for just your mystery friend how does your mystery friend feel about the cat in the fridge is this any friend yeah just any friend yeah I mean it's my house your boyfriend how does your boyfriend feel about the cat in the refrigerator?
Starting point is 00:30:27 The counters. He's fine with it. If your mom was visiting, were you allowed to have cats on the counters as a kid? Yeah, she's a bigger cat person than me. Wow. Yeah. Sorry, I'm judging you.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Yeah, totally. It's fucked up. One time, my cousin had her cat in the freezer. On purpose? She just couldn't let it go. I saw a TikTok. Your cousin's cat died. Wait, sorry, Haley. Say that again.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Sorry, Haley. Say it. Yeah. His cat jumped in the fire fire and he put it in there and it died oh my goodness you go to jail for that yeah
Starting point is 00:31:12 can you imagine you can't find your cat um uh so Susan sorry Haley I know this is your interview you had a relative who loved their cat so much that they stored it in the fridge after it died in the fridge after it died? Oh.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And the freezer, wow, that is fucked up. Yeah, especially when you're watching their current animals and they don't tell you. Oh. And you just open it. You found it there? It wasn't like it was there on accident. It was preserved. That's really sad. Well, it was already gone.
Starting point is 00:31:44 I know. It was already gone. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah, shit gets weird sometimes. It gets weird some morbid like can you just get it stuffed or something well at first i forgot that when you said the cat in the refrigerator that's where my mind went but then i remember as you i watched the video it was going in there and calling out and i was like oh he he means the alive cat so that's what reminded me of that story i'm used to the other hey what happened to that relative did they are they addicted to meth or anything now? I'll have to tell you later.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Oh, I knew it. Yeah, it's a good story. Anthony would like to know, when Rich retires this year, are you the leader of the barn? I apologize. He's making the presupposition that you are not the current leader.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I apologize for that. It's his house. Uh-oh. Did you's his house oh you hear that is that a cat hey i wonder why your connection's all fucked up why do you think her connection's fucked up because her picture is perfect uh not that bad i think it's just a little lag the audio that yeah maybe what's happening i don't know if i should answer this don't answer it okay unless they're calling for hayley don't answer it i can't tell who is it if you if you uh it's a it's a guy from england sometimes it's robots uh if you have a question for hayley you can go ahead and call in if you want to know like who she's dating or anything like that feel free to call in um i love i love my life is like
Starting point is 00:33:11 that side of my life is so private i love it is it is and that's good yeah keep it that way and you really what susan what wait oh sorry i just wanted to be on her side she ran away from me i want to plooze that one time and i made it weird and now I'm going to be at the games and I'm just trying to get some reputar if you will. Are you coming to the games, Sousa? Yeah. I'm staying with you. Why are you keeping that side of your life private? Because I want to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Okay, hold on. That's good. Mr. Weeks, you're live on the air. How can I help you? Yeah, I'd like to ask Siobhan about the kids program. Wrong show. Please call back later. Can you call back tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:33:56 This is the adult program. I'm sorry. No, he just talked about the kids program. No, I didn't. This morning I talked with Matt Torres. I think about the kids program. No, I didn't. This morning I talked with Matt Torres, I think, about the kids program. Is that your real voice? Yeah. You always got to be careful. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:34:19 That was scary. Yeah. I warned you. Sousa doesn't like letting the callers call in. No, that's scary. Savan just feels too bad to hang up right away. So he kind of lets it linger a little bit.
Starting point is 00:34:33 It's squirrely sometimes. This one's going to be much better. Samuel, how can I help you? You're on with Haley Adams. I'm also here to talk about the kids program. Oh, shit. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:34:51 Is this a joke? The show is crazy. The show is crazy. I'm scared. Doesn't it make your palms sweaty? The last time we did it, I was like, I was on edge. Anyone's staying with you now?
Starting point is 00:35:05 Doesn't Andrea stay with you when she's in town or something yeah and i had a roommate um but she just moved she just moved she just moved from where she moved home oh okay oh like done so you're solo now wow uh is keller is keller a male name or a girl's name? Keller. It could be both. It's a male's name. Okay, Mr. Keller. Hi.
Starting point is 00:35:30 How can I help you? Okay. My question is for Hayley. Good. It's not about a kid's program, is it? Don't be scared. He'll hang up quick. He'll defend your honor.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Hayley. What is your favorite game event that you've done Atlanta that's a really hard question actually maybe one from that year it was a
Starting point is 00:36:02 1500 meter row and then five rounds of 10 bar muscle-ups and I think seven push jerks. It was the first event of the 2020 games. And that's the first one that comes to mind. But I really liked that one. It was fun. And it was just like dead silent out there. The vibes were like, you can never match that again. It was just a really cool experience. It's cool that you mentioned, it's cool that you mentioned the environment or the scene too, as opposed to just the movement. It was like dead silent and there were just a few people around and I was
Starting point is 00:36:35 like, Oh, we're doing this. Keller. We're going to give you two questions. Would you have a second question? Oh, you are so kind.
Starting point is 00:36:44 No, I just can't. I'm You are so kind, Siobhan. You must be on something tonight. No, I just can't. I'm just can't get. I can't. The interview, I started sweating because the interview was going so slow, so I needed help. I opened up the phone lines.
Starting point is 00:36:55 All right. Question number two, Haley. This is going to be out of left field. Nothing cross-related. Oh, good. If you could have dinner with three people that are alive, who would it be? Billie Eilish.
Starting point is 00:37:15 And who is the second person you broke up? Post Malone. Okay. Post Malone. I feel like I need to find one that's a singer, but I don't know. I listen to music so much. I just love singers. So maybe Machine Gun Kelly.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Hey, I'm going to choose for her. She doesn't know what she's talking about. She wants to have dinner with the founder of TikTok. No. And who's the guy? Who's the Apple guy? Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Oh, yeah. They're alive. Okay. And she'll bring Rich as a chaperone. That's who she really wants. Tech CEOs. Hey, she loves TikTok and she's always on her iphone and she just wants to say thank you to those two people no oh okay i'm wrong do you do a lot of tiktoks um i don't have
Starting point is 00:38:15 anymore i just like watching it now it just makes my day it all right i guess but the best thing are on there so that's true now it's all recycled content on instagram after it's already been on tiktok that's how it works now this uh meme and it said um people that won't download tiktok think they have a phd in maturity that is me i think i'm too good for tiktok well that's unfortunate i know i know it's a total it just really just shows that i'm fucking old and tired that's all oh this is going to be fun this is from canada this is from canada the only show where we let you talk to the athletes welcome to the sebon podcast hello oh wait no sorry hold We try it. We try to let you talk to the,
Starting point is 00:39:07 from Canada. Hi, Jim. Do you want Haley to come set you free? Break you out of your country? Yeah, that'd be fantastic. Okay. Just wait by the border. She'll be by. How can I help you? I got a question for you. Okay. It is related to injury in the sport and competition. And I kind of compare it to, say, MMA fighters. You know, every fighter going into the camp, there's always going to be some type of injury, whether there's a significant magnitude or something small.
Starting point is 00:39:51 I'm sure all the CrossFit athletes going into the game see something similar to that. The question is, how do you manage injuries going forward into the game? I always want to ask that too, but I feel bad asking that. I'm glad you asked it. I've actually been super fortunate in my career to not really have any injuries. The only thing that's ever happened was that gnarly ankle roll. But I think getting close to the games, it's like you're not going to get any fitter. So just taking care of yourself and being smart with your training and making sure you don't have any injuries from overuse.
Starting point is 00:40:23 And that's just kind of what – stop. That's just kind of what I've – it's worked for me. Yeah, I don't think that – I don't think Haley's prickly, but Savon is baffled by Haley. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And doesn't know how to proceed. It's fun to watch. I'm definitely baffled.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Baffled. Why? It's just – it's a trippy cadence of, of discussion. Oh God. It's the guy who wants to talk about the kids program. Harry, somebody DM'd me this for you here. So apparently there is a product. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Oh, that's Becca Voigt. That's the lift collar, I think. The lift collar, yeah. I like it. For $100,000, she will wear that at the games. Could you wear that at the games? I was wondering if I could. Brand on it.
Starting point is 00:41:21 And I don't know if it counts as added clothing. I don't know. It would reduce your front squat by a few pounds or a pound i wonder how heavy that thing is a half you think it would reduce it i don't know because well however much it weighs half a pound oh i see what you're getting out there like cloths how many how's that company doing go up to the top i want to see i have no idea lift collar hey do any of the companies that sponsor you um you have equity in i don't oh yeah this guys guys lift call dear lift caller reach out to hayley and give her half your fucking company
Starting point is 00:41:59 and she will wear this and you guys will fucking sell. I don't even know how much she converts. Yeah. She can, she's a converter. Save my neck. Yeah. And yeah, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:42:11 I mean, you'll save her neck. Broken deals. That's it. Call her. Save me. Save me. Hello.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Hi. Oh, I didn't know the girls listened to the show. Please proceed. Perfect. Oh, well, my husband listens to the show, but I'm listening to right now. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah. No, that's okay. I do listen in the background sometimes. It's pretty fun. Okay, good. I had a question for Haley. I was wondering if you are still in school at all. And if you are, like, are you, um like what's your progress like um has it
Starting point is 00:42:47 kind of slowed since the games training and everything or just being a full-time athlete like what's that kind of like for you no so I decided that I wanted to take the semesters off like during games training um but actually looking to sign up for classes in the fall because I like going in person and it's so hard to go in person like obviously during games training and people make this wasn't a priority um but I have made some progress I want to be a dental hygienist so um obviously I want to do dental hygiene school until after down the crossfit so there's no need to like rush on my credits right now. So I'm just kind of like slowly. And it passes here and there. So.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Yeah. I was wondering about that. Cause I remember you saying that, but I didn't know if like you kind of going into something else or if that was show your plan, but that's cool. Can you believe she's 21? Um,
Starting point is 00:43:42 I mean, kind of, she's, she started when she was 17. She's been in it for a few years so i mean but yeah she's i i don't know yeah i guess i can believe that it's got to be it's got to be before she was 17 i'm going to do the math so she's 21 minus 7 would mean she's like 14 or 15 spot on yeah crazy yeah you think she do you think she smokes the jewel if you had to guess if hayley had to smoke the jewel does she smoke the jewel i i don't think so whatsoever she watches tiktok i think they go hand in hand yeah i'm a high school teacher so i see a lot of that and
Starting point is 00:44:21 she's definitely not one of those yeah no thank No, thank you. Oh, do you see people smoking the jewel in class? Like trying to take a hit off it in class? Um, no, but like sometimes I walk past the bathroom and it smells like strawberries and I don't think it's like, yeah, like,
Starting point is 00:44:35 uh, you know, Twizzlers. They're not in there. Yeah. Or they, they come back after 20 minutes and they're, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:42 acting a little funky. So kids. Yeah. That's funny. Kids. Yeah. All right. Well, maybe you should introduce them to Haley Adams. Show them some old Haley Adams videos and be like,
Starting point is 00:44:52 you could be this girl. Yeah. Like, what are you doing with your life right now? You're 16. Look what she was doing. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks though. We love the show. You don't, your boyfriend does, or your husband does. Don't lie to me. Well, I, I, I, though. We love the show. You don't. Your boyfriend does or your husband does. Don't lie to me.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Well, I actually do. You're here for Hayley Adams. I can see how many people are watching. We never have this many people watch. I know you're here for Hayley. Yeah, but my husband's actually DM'd you a couple times. He loves that you're so active and responding. So that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Cool. Tell your husband I love him. Yes, he loves you too okay have a good one bye we are lucky to have on the phone right now how many people are watching i can see 650 amanda harry we have yes that is you have super crossfit games reporter i do have a youtube channel and i am a reporter i wanted to ask hailey what the field has to do to beat tia um when you find out no hit her with a fucking bat?
Starting point is 00:46:05 Literally, it's crazy how good she is. I don't even really know the answer to that question. It would be better than her, I guess. It's crazy. What do you think, Amanda? I think it's going to be a group effort.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I don't think it's going to be one athlete that can take Kelly down, take Tia down. I think it's going to be a group effort i don't think it's going to be one athlete that can take hale not take kelly down um take tia down i think it's going to have to be everybody trying to chip away and just get ahead of her and push her down to the second third fourth place finishes because right now she's finishing first in every event and there's just no way to beat her then a team effort like someone hold her down in the back while the rest of the girls go like in a run someone just take one for the team and push her she's insanely good it's crazy maybe these 15 rookies can help make a difference you know
Starting point is 00:47:00 maybe they have specialties we don't know about. Maybe. I think they're going to get exposed this year. Amanda, you think Haley's going to be on the podium this year? I think there's a chance. I hope she is. I think she's definitely top five and could push for a top three finish. Maybe she beats Tia. Yes, I agree. Maybe she does.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Thank you, Amanda. Bye-bye. Haley, thanks for coming on I hope it was fun you said it wasn't very good I said what? you said the interview was I don't remember but you said something
Starting point is 00:47:37 I was going slow no no no I was baffled it was me they were teasing me because I don't know how to handle you because you're such a unique character why has nothing to i don't know the way your mom raised you because you're cooler than me because you're more chill why is it why am i unique how the tables have turned yes i can't i can't answer that it It's my show. I ask the questions. Is it easy?
Starting point is 00:48:06 Say it again. Is it easy question? I just think that you're just a unique character. I think when we interact, you travel at a different cadence than I do. Slower or faster? Probably slower. I'm a little more hyperactive than you. like i'm all hopped up on coffee and you're on the beam yeah that's fair yeah but we did have a we did i really am happy you came on
Starting point is 00:48:35 i think this is an amazing podcast i had fun good that's all that matters to me yeah i'll do it again i'm gonna bug you at the games anyway i'm gonna i'm gonna bug you yeah i know and i'll call brian afterwards and matt be like dude did you hear that she said she'll come on don't think i won't all right thank you bye thank you do you have any advice for me do you have any words do you have any advice for me i told you that i think you should use glassware um tell us who your boyfriend is and keep your cat out of the fridge. Do you have any advice for me? I think you should get a cat.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I'm going to get Ben Smith instead. Put it on the Instagram. Someone's getting a cat. I'm getting Ben Smith instead. Okay, thank you for the advice. I'll tell my wife. See what happens. Alright Smith instead. Okay. Thank you for the advice. I'll tell my wife. See what happens. Good.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Thanks. All right, dear. Bye. Bye. Mr. Smith. How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:49:37 Good. Hey, how are you? I'm doing well. Dude, you're 15. My time. It's a little late for me,
Starting point is 00:49:44 but I'm good. Oh, you're a, yeah. Thanks for doing this. And it you're – It's 11.15 my time. It's a little late for me, but I'm good. Oh. You're – yeah, thanks for doing this. And it was short notice. I apologize. Thanks for coming on. Yeah, no problem. Do you know Brian? Brian Ben?
Starting point is 00:49:53 Ben Brian? Yeah, I've seen you around. Okay. And Matt Sousa is the guy with the 7 on his shirt. Got it. Branded. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Still – Ben, how old are you? 32. It was crazy talking to Hayley Adams. I can't believe she's 21 years old, seven years. That's crazy. I remember she came to Krypton once when she was a teenager, maybe like 15 or something like that. She was just winning all the competitions. But, yeah, she's been doing this for a while already you also went to your first games at 19 years old
Starting point is 00:50:30 right yeah yep the 2009 i was i had just turned 19 uh so i was like i qualified when i was 18 and i was 19 at the games yeah so a bit more or less well it was different very different landscape yeah she was she was competing like you know at age 14 15 or they didn't have that division when i was when i was that age way back in my day sean just sean sean sean shows we act thank you sean jism are you having been on since you can't get laura to come back uh god is it that obvious sorry ben we're just using you damn i figured but it's okay so it's a running joke we actually had an amazing time with her but uh i don't know that was the best that was the best
Starting point is 00:51:20 podcast ever it is i think so thank you yeah she was amazing uh when um when you when hayley's on here and she says her she her complex was 200 pounds right and she's frustrated i mean and she's happy and that was like amazing for her but the girl next to her is doing 245 or whatever whoever that was um if you were her coach and she's 21 years old but she's also a seven-year veteran what's the what's the plan does she seven-year veteran who's already finished in the top six three times at the crossfit games as an individual despite not having top bench crazy that's it's rough yeah it's hard's, uh, it's one of those things. It's like, it just takes time to develop. It's not like you're going to have it overnight. It's not
Starting point is 00:52:09 going to happen in a year. You know, it's just like, it's one of those things that you just got to be dedicated to for, for a long time. And I think a lot of different athletes have experiences like that with different movements, with different, you know, whatever they might be, but, uh, you try to, you try to cover up those band-aids or with band-aids during the competitions as much as you can, you know, and, and just, you know, maybe play to your strengths a little bit better. Um, I, I meant to ask her what her back squat was when she was 16, but, um, not, not only, not only is that, um, her whole, I guess you could say, but, but everyone, everyone talks about it.
Starting point is 00:52:45 The same way people might talk about Laura and her handstand pushups. You have these superstar athletes who are just exposed with these holes. Can she put on – like could we be looking at a girl who at 24 would have a 260-pound back squat? Not a 260-pound back squat, but put 40 pounds on that complex so that she gets up to – Yeah, I don't know. Is that realistic? Or would you tell her, hey, fucking you're never going to win. You're never going to get strong.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I mean, I'm not going to say that. I wouldn't say that to anybody. It's like I'm not the most gifted, and I won the games physically. It's like there's just it could happen you just keep working on your weaknesses i mean i don't know what else you can say to that but it's it's a it's a hard gap to fill that's for sure it's actually something i've been thinking about a lot because i've been watching some of the uh crossfit games coverage from last year in preparation for this year's games there was an event it was i think it was the um rope climb ski hussevel bag carry and laura was basically crushing everyone
Starting point is 00:53:49 and chasing him was talking about you know in the case of laura like yeah she has this one hole of whatever difficult version of handstand push-ups that she's not great at but outside of a competition that like like rogue that one year that demanded a minimum work requirement, she couldn't do it. So it eliminated from the competition. She can take a bullet on a strict handstand pushup workout. If she's so good at everything else and still obviously finished second at the games twice, but I don't think strength falls into that category.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Like that's something you still are going to need to consistently work at over time. Yeah. It's one of the genetic things. It's hard, you know, like you either have it or you don't in a sense, it's kind of like speed, you you know all the games champions have been strong
Starting point is 00:54:28 yeah i mean crossfit likes to do the events where you just got to move weight you just got to move things a to b you gotta you gotta be able to use your body weight but you also have to carry heavy objects lift heavy it's just like it's kind of it's not skewed that way but it it be, uh, it seems to be definitely a little bit favored towards the, towards the strength side at the games. Um, were you, how old were you when you started to get strong? Yeah. Um, depends on what you classify as strong. Just for your age and for your size. Were you always strong when you came into CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:55:02 Were you, were you already pretty strong? your age and for your size were you always strong when you came into CrossFit were you were you already pretty strong I would say I would say I was pretty strong for my size for sure but it just kind of like had slowly built over the time as I as my technique got better I was I was very raw uh as a lifter when I when I first started and I mean I did like I watched Josh uh uh Josh Everett and I split snatched and split cleaned you know when i started doing crossfit so it's like so it's seven yeah i'm still doing it he's carrying it on i missed that but yeah no that's how i started you didn't miss anything i'll have to go back and search that one when was the first how old were you if you remember but the first time you back squatted like over 300 like 305 or 315 so like even when i first started squatting like i could squat well
Starting point is 00:55:46 like it wasn't like i had weak legs or anything um 315 maybe i mean i think i could do that in high school for sure but oh wow okay so you were strong i knew it yeah like that yeah well but i mean i used to coach high school football players and there were guys squatting 500 600 pounds like it's all yeah for sure i mean i was 165 pounds in high school to 175 pounds so it wasn't like i was a big kid at all i was a quarter and it was a quarter squat let's not lie it was it was close i mean the i mean the conventional wisdom or the truth would be that like hayley's so young and she may have not even reached her strength building years, right? I mean, she's 21.
Starting point is 00:56:29 She might end up, I mean, in eight years, you might be looking at one of the strongest athletes in the field, right? Depends on what she dedicates her time to. I wouldn't put it past her. That's for sure. Okay. So it's not genetic. She's not. So she's not. It's not. God hasn't said this one's going sure. Okay. So it's not genetic. She's not. She's early thirties. Yeah. So she's not,
Starting point is 00:56:45 it's not, God hasn't said this one's going to be weak. She can, she can, there can be a training program that, that makes her strong. I mean, I would think so.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Sure. Yeah. And how much weight would you really have to add? And Brian, you probably know this better, but like how much weight would you really actually have to add to these lifts just to get herself in contention to where the holes aren't that big to where it damages damages her that much over the weekend that's the that's the question just what
Starting point is 00:57:12 top five right right exactly yeah so it's like you know is the strength really holding her back that much to where she should like wipe the board clean and just focus on that well five percent stronger and is she in second place? Right. On the podium. Yeah. And how hard would it take to gain 5%? You know, that's the question. We'll see because, uh, there's a new games programmer now and everything could possibly change a little bit. It's very true. Hmm. Yeah. Like for some, for an athlete like that,
Starting point is 00:57:43 it does come down to the programming. I mean, at some point, you know, so. I think what's, you know, what's cool when I look, like, these last three years have obviously been so crazy, but she's proven consistency across a variety of different styles of games. And obviously there's been some heavy implements in the way. And despite that, when there were cuts, and despite that, when there was a drastic cut, and then despite last year where there was, you know, most athletes got to do most workouts, she's still finding a way to be up there towards the top at a very young age with a clear,
Starting point is 00:58:11 you know, disadvantage in the strength relative to the rest of the field. But she's not the first one to do that. Julie Foucher wasn't that much different. You know, she couldn't move the top end strength, but she had that capacity. And Chris Hinshaw talked about it, to do her 80, 85, 90% and hang with the girls that were doing their 70, 75, 80%. She could just move that, that moderate heavy weight really, really well. Ben, did I hear you say recently you're the fittest going into the season this year that you're the fittest you've ever been? Your benchmarks and everything were, um, this can be, I'm just going to fucking tear in here.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Um, when you look at the field now are you like then fuck these guys everyone must be juicing i'm the fittest i've ever been i won the fucking crossfit games what the fuck is going on well we know 13 of them were so yeah right i mean does it does it does it does it creep into your uh psyche do you have an opinion on it do i have an opinion i heard you don't like talking about that stuff. I don't. I don't. I don't.
Starting point is 00:59:07 But when I tie it up with the fact of you being the fittest you've been, I think, well, what the fuck is going on? Basically, I've been hanging out with Andrew Hiller, and he's fucking scrambled my brain. I just thought this was the cleanest sport ever and that no one did anything. And then he's slowly creeping in like fucking a spider into my ear like yeah i mean look it's easy it's really easy to say oh this guy's on something this guy's on something i i don't i don't know um i know me and that's about it so like i can't if i dwell on it i compete poorly it's like and i train and i it frustrates me when i'm training it frustrates me day to day you know like yeah for sure so i try not to dwell on
Starting point is 00:59:51 on it as much as i can but there's definitely times where i'm like all right well i don't know it seems a little suspect or whatever but i've been saying that's about it yeah i mean the other thing is i've been saying it uh you know the back half of this year is there are guys that will show up to the games this year fitter than they were last year. And they'll do worse, though their overall finish will be worse at the games. I just think that the field is moving forward. The field's getting so much better, you know, and it really does come down to the little things, especially on the guy side, you know. So, yeah, I totally agree. The field's like just it seems like has just kind of skyrocketed forward.
Starting point is 01:00:27 And what do you mean, especially on the guys' side? Like I feel like you're getting similar women finishing at the top, right, kind of right now, whereas the guys maybe there's a little bit more separation – or there's a little less um there's more people that could finish in the top five let's say for the guys than for the girls the boys are definitely in some so well even the girls there is some sort of like changing of the guard right some transitioning i mean you had um katrin didn't make it to the game sarah didn't make it to the games uh and he's going teams kristin retired carries out of the picture. Yeah. So Jamie Simmons. And this year you, you, you still have strong games aspirations. You were given it your all this year.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Yeah, no, I was. I mean, there's obviously things in my life that, you know, I have a family now and it's like I run the gym and I have online programming. It's like, there's other things that take up my time and effort as well. So I'm trying to balance them best as I can as a human. And it's like, it's not the easiest thing to be, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:28 dedicating all of your time in the gym to games training when you have all of these other things that you're also doing too. So I'm just trying to do my best at, at all of those things. And, uh, you know, I'm okay with how things shake out.
Starting point is 01:01:38 I'll give it my best effort and kind of see where I fall. I still enjoy playing the game. And meaning, you mean the open, the quarterfinals? Yeah, doing the open. Yeah, seeing where you fall. Like, look, if you could do the open and you qualify for the quarters and then you do the quarters and you qualify for the semifinals, why wouldn't you go? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:54 You know, so. Tell me about the podcast. How long have you been doing it and why are you doing it? I mean, it's been on and off. We're both pretty busy. But, yeah, I mean, JB and I've been Jamie JB. Uh, he's just, he's a good friend of mine. Um, you know, he's been kind of, you know, my right hand man for a long time. We, we hang out, we talk, have good conversations and we're like, Hey, let's start. We always talk about the, uh, uh, a lot of the things that have to do with like CrossFit and their correlation
Starting point is 01:02:26 to, you know, a faith or something like Christianity. Uh, and we have a lot of good conversations and, um, sometimes they're interesting. Sometimes they're not, but, uh, I think they are. Um, but yeah, we're just kind of having fun, having some conversations, learning how to talk. Uh, it's, it's weird talking online, having people be able to comment that you can't talk back to them or, or say anything. And I don't know, it's kind of like a little experiment too. And how have you guys had that idea for a long time before you launched it? Um, yeah, I mean, it's a little bit of both. We talked about it for a while,
Starting point is 01:02:59 but we never pulled the trigger. How long, how long, uh, how often do you do it? We don't have like a set schedule either because it's like, you know, he's out of town. I was out of town last week. He was out of town this week. It's just hard to make our schedules work unless we do like a Zoom call or something. But it's just not the same on the Zoom call as it is in person. Tell me about it. It's a weird balance.
Starting point is 01:03:19 I hate being in person with someone. I hate it. It's a weird balance with the with the podcasting thing you know obviously there's these uh formulas and algorithms where like you pump out content and then you get more like notoriety or you know get seen more you pop up on people's things but if the if the sacrifice of that is quality then is it you know is it is it worth it so yeah i kind of like you know that you guys are a little bit more random and when it pops up you know that's a good time and it's like oh man i've been waiting to hear from ben for two weeks
Starting point is 01:03:48 and now here he is yeah sure we kind of and i i think one of the big reasons we started it was we saw like the whole crossfit space kind of just trending in a different direction than it kind of started with i think you guys all see it too you guys been around for a while so i don't think people know what CrossFit is anymore. I want to dig into that here. Hey, Ben, my wife, she just called in. I'm the husband. Well, then talk to me, Ryan.
Starting point is 01:04:14 This isn't a fucking Ben show. We are planning on dropping into Krypton on Friday morning at 9 a.m. on our way home from vacation at the Outer Banks of North Carolina. All right, I will see you on Friday then. Ryan. home from vacation at the outer banks all right i will see you on friday then ryan um it's like right ryan do you have one blue plate on and one green plate on you got to get the plates the same color um tell me what you tell me about that let's explore that a little bit um people don't know what crossfit um is anymore like new people you mean coming into the front door like they think they're at a um shooting range and they're at a gun shop
Starting point is 01:04:50 like i mean people people i don't know why people walk into the gym or email the gym and say i want to start crossing like everybody has a different reason and i don't know what it is i don't know what their background is with crossfit and it's like it's our job when they walk in to teach them what this is that they're doing. And I think you can come into a gym and you, you know, you can be at a gym for six months, a year, a year and a half, two years, and not really even know what CrossFit is. You just go in and you get a workout. It seems like you're just kind of like, you know, I'm coming in, I'm doing a fit class. Like I just work out for 20 or 30 minutes. I sweat and I go home and I feel better about myself, but it's like, it's our job as coaches to, to teach those athletes what they should be doing or what they should be trying to achieve when they come into the gym. You know, even if
Starting point is 01:05:33 it's something that they might not want to do, like, uh, they might not want to do, uh, try a handstand pushup or on the wall or something. They might not want to ride the assault bike. They just want to ride the biker or something. And it's like it's our job to expand their, you know, sphere of whatever they know and whatever is comfortable to them and push them a little bit in all of the domains and kind of teach them what they're doing. So, you know, it's a really good way in the podcast, too, to talk to everybody in your gym without talking to everybody in your gym. So we do that a lot, too. Give me the idea of the coach's office came in give me an example of what that looks like um to give me like a prototypical imaginary client that walks in and they're in there for let's say a month and or however long they're
Starting point is 01:06:20 in there before you have the first talk to them and they're like you know we have a nutrition program or hey you know you should actually be doing some auxiliary work or what do you say to them? How do you teach them? So, so a guy walks in and he wants to work out there. Tell me, tell me like this imaginary guy, his life cycle at Krypton. Sure. Ideal life cycle. I mean, it's, there's not really an ideal life cycle because it's different to everybody for, for the reasons that they come in. So I always them you know what they're here for what their goals are
Starting point is 01:06:46 eventually we get there you know we'll do the introduction class uh teach them what the class is like what they kind of should expect um yeah because you don't want to scare them off and they feel like it's scientology on day one talking to the recorder and tell me your 10 dreams which you easily could you know yeah i mean yeah super passionate about it i know i know we're fucking weirdos we gotta like ratchet our shit way down for sure for sure but you just give them a little bit at a time and let them kind of follow the path yeah so tell me sorry slow process no i don't there's not a specific thing i'm not uh uh i don't have a if okay let me ask you this
Starting point is 01:07:25 I'll ask you a specific question if someone's been going to your gym for a year and you haven't talked to them about nutrition you think you're not doing your duty um if they've been at your gym for a year and you haven't shared with them one journal article original Glassman journal article are you not doing your duty like what I could be better
Starting point is 01:07:41 in that regard for sure sorry and I'm not putting you on the stand. I'm just trying to understand what you mean. To me, part of me wants to be like, hey, who gives a fuck if they know what CrossFit is or not? You know he doesn't talk about nutrition. He coaches in that Pizza Planet shirt. Oh, my goodness. That's not right.
Starting point is 01:08:01 It's my Disney shirt. We went to Disney a couple weeks ago. I'm sorry uh rich holton let's talk about disney too um ben seven talk shit to people dude rich ben watches my ben watches every show i make and he's a closet watcher he's in the bathroom telling his wife he's got diarrhea but he's in there watching my show with the door closed airpods on um um is it is it wrong that people don't know what it is i guess it all if the affiliates if you're an affiliate owner and you don't know what it is i guess that
Starting point is 01:08:31 might be kind of messed up i mean it's not wrong it's it's not really wrong like uh it's just it is what it is and i'll try to do my best to because i believe people know what what it is that they're doing they'll be better for it you know if they they know why they're coming in or they have a reason as to or a focus for the day or a goal or something, they're going to be better than they were before they came into your gym. And that's always your goal as an affiliate owner. So I'm just trying to make people better at the gym. And that's why I opened it. I saw CrossFit as like, you know, this thing that was true that stood out above everything else, like outside of everything else in the world when it's all like Instagram is now. CrossFit stood out as, hey, this is a true fitness methodology
Starting point is 01:09:12 that's against the grain, that's different. It's outside the box. It builds toughness. It builds character. But it also gets you fitter than any other human being on the planet. It's like that sounds pretty cool to me. I'm going to go try to compete in these games that they have. And then I found out how much it affects people and changes people's lives and what it does for
Starting point is 01:09:34 their families and their communities. And like the kind of community you can create just around a workout at a gym. And then I opened a gym and it's like, that's just how it's been going for me. So, um, and now I'm starting podcasts because people don't know what it is that they started in the first place. And, uh, I think that there comes a point in every, the life cycle of every business or company or whatever, where they lose track of where they came from and somebody has got to bring them back. So that's kind of what I feel like we're trying to do with the podcast. to bring them back. So that's kind of what I feel like we're trying to do with the podcast. Well said. I see that I'm okay with people having different values or desires from doing CrossFit, right? You come to CrossFit, let's say you just want to get a really nice beach body, and you're 22 years old. Kudos to you. But I also think it's important for those 22-year-olds to hear at the beginning of every class or through some writing, hey, just so you know, we have a cure type 2 diabetes diet challenge coming up,
Starting point is 01:10:27 and it's okay if the 22-year-old pooh-poohs it. They just need to hear it once or twice a week so that one year down the road, when they hear that their great aunt in fucking Texas has type 2 diabetes, they can be like, oh, shit, I think Ben said he had some sort of diet to help that. And then by the time they're 40, right, then their parents are going to start having illnesses, and they'll be like, oh, I've actually been in this program that offers so much more than what I thought, right?
Starting point is 01:10:59 That's why it's okay to come in there and not know and let kind of like the flower blossom, right? Yeah, absolutely. I think that's what makes let kind of like the flower blossom right yeah absolutely i think that's what makes it kind of cool because you can learn from that too right like the values of why you started and why you do it now have completely changed right sure always they're always changing you know and you're always you're always uh you're always growing and changing and it's not like it's easy to point out and say that person's wrong or that person's wrong but nobody understands that everybody's kind of on their own little path.
Starting point is 01:11:25 And sure, there's right and wrong and there's things that you should do and shouldn't do. But, you know, it's better that people are coming to the gym than it is if they don't come to the gym in the end. here is, you know, within a year, should you ask this or what's appropriate timeframe for that is, um, you know, when it comes to coaching, I think that one of the, just as important as being able to instruct the movements or correct the movements is to, uh, read people, you know, and, and you understand that the delivery of that message could be critical. And if you do it at the wrong time, it might not go so well. Great point. For sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:07 So you don't have them talking to a tape recorder on day one. I mean, I definitely feel like if I do an intro, I come off as very energetic and wanting to express as much information to them as possible. But I don't want to, you know, you don't want to like just puke out all the information to them. So you just share what you think that they're interested in. You have to read them. You have to have a conversation and a relationship. And, uh, that's what the community is all about. Cause there's different people that want to know about the, you know, the nutrition part of it. And there's different people that want to know about, uh, how they can improve their movements or how they can be fitter, how they get stronger, whatever it is. And there's
Starting point is 01:12:42 different people that just want to look good naked. It's like get it they're all there for different reasons and it's awesome that they're there but let me show you there there's a little bit more down the rabbit hole you can go you know this this programming um an event that world that worldwide is recognized with no dispute is crowning the fittest human being on the planet. Which is so freaking hard. People don't make it every year to the end. They've already filtered out for the very fittest people in the world. And then all people don't make it.
Starting point is 01:13:18 And it's brutal emotionally, physically. How hard. What kind of pressures on Adrian Bosman? how hard what what kind of pressures on adrian bosman like if you really think about the pressure that's on him to put together these events in four days and it's it's the most critical assholes in the world it's us yeah it's true i mean it's nuts how much is it is it like he can't even he can't even say that again no i feel for him there him. This year, especially with all the changes that they've made so quickly, and I say they, I mean CrossFit, they've just opened themselves up to scrutiny. I mean, it is what it is, especially in today's day and age, everybody has a comment. So with how they did it and how fast they did it and how seemingly haphazardly they did it, they open themselves up so it's it is what it is and everybody should do what they want to do you know comment um but
Starting point is 01:14:11 i think you can if you get the right person in there they can come in and kind of control or tame the fire that is what is crossfit right now um so i think uh i think boz will do a good really good job especially it seems like he's got a team. You know, if I was doing, if I was doing his job, I would, I would have a team and that would, that we would be conversing all the time. It wouldn't be just me, you know, like, like he's doing the same thing. I know it's not just him. He's, he's got a team around him. I think they're going to do a great job. I thought about trying to trap you here, but I'll just admit my own fallacy, I think.
Starting point is 01:14:53 So, you know, I do think that he is consulting with people and using some ideas and inspiration coming up with ultimately the test. But he also has recently talked about how starting with quarterfinals, you know, he's been programming all year long. And when I first looked at the last chance qualifier workouts, I was like, man, these are some pretty cool workouts. This is going to be a good test. And then I did them. And I realized that in workout one, I was doing thrusters and I was pressing overhead. And then workout two, I was walking on my hands. I was pressing overhead and workout three, I was doing cleaning jerks and I was pressing overhead and workout four, I had 200 more wall balls doing
Starting point is 01:15:20 as pressing overhead. And then I was like like how did this get by where all four workouts involve pressing overhead i mean it's a good question speak for adrian please adrian we have anointed no i the last chance qualifier is an interesting one because it's not like the athletes already haven't had a chance to get there and it wasn't like the programming last year and the last chance qualifier wasn't wasn't out there too it was the same way it was like there was like what a three rep max deadlift was 100 burpees for time it was very different stuff it was stuff that you wouldn't see in a typical competition and stuff that you wouldn't see at the games maybe not even in the open like it was just a different
Starting point is 01:15:55 a different competition and i don't know what he's thinking when he's programming for a competition like that so i guess i can't speak on that but um he's probably got something in mind that he's he's trying to test for or separate athletes for something you know i would have to see what ben said right there brian is is um uh those fuckers already had a chance to make him uh to go to the games let him fight alligators i don't care that's how that's how i don't know it might be what he's thinking. Maybe not last year. You know, I was,
Starting point is 01:16:27 you know, people have been speculating. It seems like more and more about the totality of the programming earlier on. Also, especially since we have, you know, very minimal information, but last year they saw the deadlift. Everyone saw the three right max.
Starting point is 01:16:37 So like, Oh man, they really must want to make sure that people can get to the games because that will be able to deadlift. So, and then there was a fairly heavy deadlift in the last day but i think the other movement was probably more critical yeah so maybe the overhead pressing will come into handy at the games maybe it will and that
Starting point is 01:16:55 else hit the handstand press within within minutes can you do those ben so i've been training those for years thinking they were going to come up at some point of the game, and they never do. And I'm sure, watch, the year or two that I'm not there, they'll show up. They do it every year. Same with the freestanding handstand push-ups, and same with all the other movements.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I saw Noah doing them on Instagram. Oh, yeah? Yeah. Yeah, they're different. I mean, if he wants to find something that's different, they're definitely different. When did you start like thinking, man, yeah,
Starting point is 01:17:26 freestanding handstand pushups, press to handstand. I should really get, you know, at least get some touches on this. I've always tried. I'm just, I haven't developed that strength yet.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Like the press to handstand is so hard. It seems like they'd have to, they'd almost have to telegraph it a little bit. If they're going to, if they're going to put that in the competition and Dave used to telegraph things all the time, you know, and if you were listening to the video of himself doing presta hansen in his garage earlier this season maybe that's it but maybe it'll show up next year not
Starting point is 01:17:51 this year because i think it's it's one of those things that's like it's like strength it takes a long time to develop those gymnasts are seriously strong like it's it's it's an it's a whole nother level of strength like people don't understand how long that strength takes to develop and how much dedication to it. It's like people see people snatch 300 and it's like, it's the same thing. It's they spent years trying to get to that point. So it's like the gymnast,
Starting point is 01:18:13 but the gymnast may be more, that may be more impressive. Someone who can do an iron cross on the rings, you know, like how long they took to, to be able to do that. It's gotta be crazy. Shitloads of negatives.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Yeah. Because the games will be over and and the people that brian rolls with will have scored it three different ways but before the award ceremony is done you know three different scoring and be like well tia still would have won but this would have shaken out like this i mean it like you said, it's always critical, right? But I just, when we had him on today, I think, I don't know who used this metaphor, this simile, but someone's, Adrian said he starts with a big concept first. I said, how do you start? And I think it was maybe Susan said, use the simile, like, hey, it's like when you draw art, like when you start drawing a picture, you put a circle over here and that's the tree and you put a square over here and that's the house yeah but uh yeah you did hear that so how do you think adrian is how would you critique have you listened to any of the other podcasts he's done i listened to the last two but between the time that you uh texted me and now oh okay oh i was fishing i was kayak i was out on my kayak and i was listening to the podcast of those fishing so oh by yourself yeah yeah and you fish in a lake no it's on the uh it's on like a it's like brackish water it's a river what's it called
Starting point is 01:19:37 x-ray it's like um like the i don't even know what the it's just a park down down by near us it connects to the chesapeake Bay and the ocean and everything. And what state is that? Virginia, Chesapeake, Virginia, right on the coast. And so you just go and did you bring home dinner? No, not today. I was unlucky today. Would you throw the fish back if you, um, if you caught one?
Starting point is 01:20:00 Normally I just fish for bass. So it's just, uh, I'll catch a couple every time usually, but I was unlucky today. I got skunked. And you will bring them home? No, I won't. My wife wouldn't want anything to do with that. I wouldn't either. That seems pointless.
Starting point is 01:20:19 Did you hear the one where he was on the British guys, the Peters, the Pods and Wads guy? No, I didn't watch that one. Oh, man. I just think something's happened to him. He's just matured. I'm excited for him, but I'm also like as I'm watching a friend go out for the first time, and it's a performance, right? Sure. It's a curation and a – what's that that called when when um someone who organizes uh tells
Starting point is 01:20:47 dancers how to dance choreographed choreographed yeah sure it's choreography yeah yeah dave was uh dave always loved that part of it i think oh yeah but he was fucking tense as shit oh so nervous that's what people don't ever see he was so nervous his i was out there that's at their dinner a couple times before the announcements just watching him pace back and forth go over the the things that he's gonna say and you know he doesn't come across like that at all when he's on camera so it's just interesting seeing the back the backside and stuff of that and his lips get crazy skinny and perfect. He starts talking like this. I'm like, dude, what the fuck's up?
Starting point is 01:21:27 He's like, nothing, I'm fine. I'm like, dude, something, your lips are doing something. He's like, no, I'm good. Fuck, you look scary. You're scaring me. Will you try to, will you keep pursuing the games? We'll see. I think we'll see what happens this year we'll see what do you mean like if like five of the if like there's a bomber and like
Starting point is 01:21:53 20 athletes die you'll top 20 athletes die you're back in no what do you mean we'll see i just have some plans but i'm not sure what i'm going to do yet. Okay. Like business plans. Sounds like a team. Does it sound like a team? I don't know. I'm not sure yet. Oh, he's going team. I'm not ruling it out. That's what you're saying, Sousa?
Starting point is 01:22:12 Team. Just take a shot in the dark. Yeah, I know. You and fucking broken Pancheck. Scott Pancheck. Wow. There you go. And who are your girls going to be?
Starting point is 01:22:23 That's a great idea. I'm thinking about it, so I'm not announcing anything right now. Did you and Scott do one of the Invitationals together one year? We did the Team Series. We did the Team Series. That's right. Were you guys like Rogue Red or something like that? I don't even remember. But I am on to something with Scott, right? I am on to something like that. I don't, I don't even remember. I think I am onto something with Scott,
Starting point is 01:22:46 right? I am onto something with Scott. No, not with you. No, I haven't talked to Scott. I have his phone number. Do you have his phone number?
Starting point is 01:22:54 Do you want his phone number? No. Yeah, I got it. Then is it strange to see that like all the guys that you used to compete with 2010 to 14, 15 are all going to the Masters and you're still three, four years away from it? Yeah, I don't think I'll ever do the Masters. I think of you in the same... Yeah, it's crazy to think about that.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Yeah, I think about it as your peers. And then you tell us you're 32 and i'm like damn yeah i mean i i was right what is the what's the best age for the for a crossfit athlete seems to be i don't know seems to be mid to late 20s right i think 26 to 28 for majority of them seems to be the best years yeah yeah so you're you're set you sell programming ben yeah i do online programming i've been doing for a while since like 2014. Okay. And what's it called? Uh,
Starting point is 01:23:49 it is called, it's under the umbrella of Krypton athletics. So we call it Krypton athletics, but we have a bunch of different tracks on there. Uh, everything, there's everything like everything I do each day, Laura and I do the same programming. We do that every day and I send that out to everybody.
Starting point is 01:24:01 And then I have different variations of it. And my brother, my brother, uh, Dane helps me with a lot of that too um uh laura who uh how is laura is she she she she lives in in in chesapeake bay she lives in virginia i just want to say chesapeake she lives she comes down and trains with us uh before the games last year and so far this year so it's been a good it's been a good six weeks with her before the games so she's within a few miles of you right now as we speak yes she and and and tomorrow morning she'll come by she'll swing by krypton yeah yeah and
Starting point is 01:24:49 and the train and will you train with her yes wow and so are you her coach uh sure coach training partner whatever you want to call it i don't know what you want to call it and and and tell me the origins of your um friendship how did you how do. How did two people like you meet? Do you meet at the games? She came to Krypton. I think she came through Alec somehow. But she ended up coming to Krypton, and we did Team Series in 2018 together. And it just seemed like things kind of clicked.
Starting point is 01:25:18 We kind of were on the same wavelength with things. And then we didn't talk for a few years years and then I just reached out to her. That seems normal for a relationship for her though. Someone's hoping it's normal. That's good news for us. Yeah. That's the, we're in the,
Starting point is 01:25:35 she's not talking to us for a couple of years period right now, but we're. Okay. So she didn't talk to you for a couple of years and then what happened? I reached out and I just thought she might be interested in working together for the season. So I started sending her programming and she came and trained with us and she kind of naturally went from there. So you poached her from James Townsend.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Who is she training with when you reached out to her? I don't know. I don't think she was training with anybody that's really fucking cool you so you see this young lady you see she's training you know you see her at the crossfit games and you must think oh i have something i can offer her like i i i see her as an athlete and i want to i want you saw her as someone you wanted to work with i'd like to see how my programming uh how how it's expressed through, through this human being. Yeah. I mean, I try to, I see potential in people and she has, I mean, it's crazy how good she
Starting point is 01:26:31 has gotten and how good she can be. So, um, yeah, I, who wouldn't want to work with an athlete like that, you know, or just, or just train with an athlete like that. I wouldn't, you know, I'm not even going to call me her coach or anything i'd say more we just we train together and we talk and try to develop the best strategies to compete and win at the crossfit games um and when she goes and you don't go is it is it hard is it difficult emotionally um or is there a burden last year was great like last year was awesome being being back there and watching her do her thing and she was super focused uh and just seeing that kind of brought back all the memories of me competing back in the day too so it was really cool uh being have you ever gone rock climbing yeah and that's insane she does that right there in like 18 seconds
Starting point is 01:27:24 i failed five times on the first day to even get up to the top. And then the second day I made it in like 45 seconds to the top. So I think the world record people do that in like six or seven seconds. That's near your house. That's in Virginia Beach. Yeah. That's like 20 minutes away. Wow. She still goes all the time. She goes like on rest days, she'll go climb. So I go climb and I'm sore for four days. That's a lot of progress that you made in one day. Did she give you some pointers?
Starting point is 01:27:54 No, it's just one of those things you got to try and fail at. So you'll go to the CrossFit Games this year as her coach? Yes. You'll be in the back. When she comes out, you'll be like the back when she comes out you'll be like hey drink this sit here yeah and i'm i'm just there carrying her bag so get ready for your i'll help out five minutes yeah yeah i'm gonna give you anytime you're with her just call i'm gonna send you a link and just call like hey you want to talk to steve on just hand her your phone
Starting point is 01:28:21 i think she'd appreciate it yeah yeah i wouldn't tell you what she would say thank you i know i'm sensitive that would hurt do you know that so she was on the show and on the show she she she basically said the only like she said live hey the only reason why i came on is because you guys bug me so much and then um i told her that i wanted to be the greatest podcast ever podcast host ever. And she said, you have no fucking chance. And then and then like I don't think she said fucking, but she said, you have no chance. And with no smile, you know, you have no chance.
Starting point is 01:28:55 It's like more like Dolph Lundgren in Rocky. And and then about a few months later, I text her and I said, hey, I'd like to have you back on the show again. And she said, how did you this response? How did you get my number? Seems valid to me. Yeah, totally. So now so now, like, just out of respect, I only DM her. You know what I mean? Like I like I I pretend like I don't. It's like the relationship was like it's like dm phone number podcast but that's why you haven't talked to her in a while i've been knocked down two tiers i'm back in the dm and then i lost that account for a little while so i couldn't even like harass her in the dms but i got the account yeah he's back don't worry i don't take it personal i don't see she doesn't
Starting point is 01:29:41 do any podcast right no she's she's super focused yeah good honor good honor uh when we talk to um athletes they say i want to make the podium is laura i want to make the podium or is she i want to win no she wants to win 100 good i mean and that's one of the things you have you got to have that and if you don't if you don't have that i mean you're not gonna you won't have a shot it's the um it's the uh shoot for the stars and land on the moon sure or it's the shoot for the stars land on the star you know right right i mean she's not very shy about it there i mean there even have have been some times recently where she said like very clearly like my goal is to win the cross yeah absolutely
Starting point is 01:30:25 how old is she been uh 25 i believe okay so she's young just coming into the prime years for across yeah right and already has two second place under her belt ben can you see the comments no okay no no no it actually sucks it actually sucks sometimes i'll i'm trying to think who i had on who did i have on jason gets caught up in him jason cleaver gets caught up but who did i have on like a couple weeks ago and they just fucking wouldn't look at me they're just like no you can't i can't do it if i'm trying to have a conversation it's yeah yeah yeah it's tough because they could go and there's all these side conversations in there too it's nuts i just wait till from the corner of my eye i see something like it says cock and balls or something like that and then i'm like what he looks for the color he looks for one
Starting point is 01:31:18 of the colored squares that says someone gave him money yeah yeah i don't think you can say that i don't think you can say colored squares on this show, but what would you call orange and blue? Okay. Right. Oh my gosh. Uh, I appreciate you coming on.
Starting point is 01:31:33 I know it's late. Um, a lot of great insights. A podcast is dope. That guy, JB is cool as shit. Um, yeah,
Starting point is 01:31:40 uh, it's taken us a, um, as kind of, I was always scared to have you on the podcast because whenever I would interview at the crossfit games you'd be so quiet but i was also 18 years old right right right and didn't know how to i didn't even know what my own thoughts were right competing at this crossfit games and everybody around me was you know i was just accosting you with the camera yeah yeah yeah and then you were just asking me random
Starting point is 01:32:03 questions like who's this guy yeah who's this old guy i'm just trying to compete but if i can interview hayley adams i can fucking interview anyone so fucking confidence is sky high over here so except for laura i don't think no i can interview laura too i love her she's got it this is all part of the long two-year courtship I love her and I love her brother Christoph's been he's good practice I'll keep practicing interviewing him until we get Laura back on
Starting point is 01:32:32 did you do a podcast with him he's fucking cool you know what he'll do I don't know if we did a podcast with him but he's been on here I'd say at least a half dozen times he will during events like I don't know which event, Waterpalooza or Dubai or whatever, or the games even last year,
Starting point is 01:32:51 we'll just call because we have his phone number and a bunch of us know him. Brian knows him well. We'll just call him and say, hey, do you want to come on and just give us some insights on what you see? So he'll come on and just shoot the shit with us for 15 or 20 minutes, and he's cool as shit. Yeah, I've always enjoyed talking to him whenever I can.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Yeah. He hates you because you make it to the games, he told me. All right. Thank you and we shall talk soon. We'll be bugging you. Thanks for coming on last minute. Sounds good. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:33:21 All right, tell JB I said what's up. Yeah, good to talk to you guys. All right. Thanks, man. Ciao. See you. Appreciate it. All right, and tell JB I said what's up. Yeah, good to talk to you guys. All right. Thanks, man. Ciao. See you. Appreciate it. And then there were three.
Starting point is 01:33:30 So, Brian, I was excited about the show for tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. That's 11 hours. Yep. The return of John Young. Oh, yeah. John Young. And John Young has – the reason why I'm doing this on the air is because I sent you a text and said, hey, can we talk a little bit after the show? And you said you didn't know.
Starting point is 01:33:51 So I'm like, fuck, I'm afraid. I remember. I'm afraid if I let you go now, you won't talk to me. So I just need five more minutes of your time. Brief me on – who are you looking at? I'll talk to you on or off the air. I'm looking at the comments. Oh.
Starting point is 01:34:02 I'm looking at my voice. Who is he looking at? Tell me just a little bit. Tell me a little bit just about the show tomorrow. John has... I have the four monitors here, and this is on one of them, so if I'm looking to the side, I'm usually just looking things up. Wait, hold on.
Starting point is 01:34:20 Thank you. They didn't put an O in front of that. Oh, that's okay. I like it. Just gangsta. Gangsta, yeah. So he has pulled data. I asked John to help me with some prep for the games last year, and he did a great job.
Starting point is 01:34:41 And I asked him to help me again this year, and he's done a great job and i think that we've collectively done a little bit more uh than we have in the past in terms of assessing the field against itself and the athletes strengths and weaknesses specifically and uh we're just going to come on and talk about kind of what we've found not just you know we you you know you can ask us whatever you want. You can ask us about any specific athlete or the field as a whole, but we've mostly been assessing that to try to see, you know, more. Really, my objective here is personally is to try to learn about the bottom half of the field.
Starting point is 01:35:17 And there's a lot of rookies this year and to see if there are some chances for those people to excel in certain events. Where do you get your data on the rookies? Just from competitions they've done in the past. Okay. But like Waterpalooza's and Dubai's and – Yeah, but some of them are more difficult than that. Artur Semenov, for example, is coming over from Russia and hasn't been to any of those competitions. So it's hard. There's a dude in the game named Artur Semenov, for example, is coming over from Russia and hasn't been to any of those competitions.
Starting point is 01:35:45 So it's, you know, it's, it's hard. There's a dude in the game named Artur Semenov. Yeah. How the fuck do I not know that? One of the 40 individuals, there's a guy named Artur. He got Nassar's backfill spot. Oh, Masters, Masters. No, Nassar.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Oh. He got his backfill spot. Wow. You want to learn about him? Yeah. That's me in the morning okay and so one more thing before you go here so um uh so you would take so if we saw you this kind of stuff we'll be looking at is if there was running in an event this person all usually finished top five if there were handstand push-ups possibly but it might there might be a category maybe you say it were handstand pushups in that event. Possibly, but there might be a category. Maybe you say it's handstand pushups, and it's like there's actually 18 men
Starting point is 01:36:30 in the field that excel at handstand pushups. So it's a bad weakness to have this year, but it's a good, you know, and even if it's a strength, you might not do as well as you would in a typical competition because there just happen to be a lot of specialists in that discipline. And that's just, I'm just pulling a random movement and number out. But that's the type of thing I'm looking for because there might happened to be a lot of specialists in that discipline. And that's just, I just pulling a random movement and number out, but that's the type of thing I'm looking for. Cause there might be a guy who's in the bottom of the field.
Starting point is 01:36:51 That's really good at handstand pushups. And by the bottom, I feel them by the end of the week, you need to finish in the bottom 10, but he might have the chance to excel on a handstand pushing pushup workout. But how well is he really going to do if it just so happens that this year's games field is littered with guys that are great at handstand pushing. But that is the kind of data we'll be talking about tomorrow. How many moves has John looked at?
Starting point is 01:37:12 It wasn't, I guess you could ask him that, but it was, that wasn't necessarily a directive I gave him. I didn't say go find me athletes that are good at this, this, and this. I said, I wanted him to find out what were what were the one or two strengths or the one or two weaknesses for each athlete and the better that the athletes do historically i was more interested in their weaknesses and the like worse or less that they do historically at the games if they have games experience or if they're coming in fresh to the games i'm more interested in what are they the
Starting point is 01:37:42 best at because what i want to know is if the race is close between three or four guys at the top of the men's field and there comes up an event that's a weakness for one of those guys relative to the other three are there athletes still remaining in the field that can middle them and take the points necessary to tighten the gap or whatever yeah that makes sense okay this is good uh which one of you had that plane fly by just now i don't know i hear a tv and i i hear a tv set coming from one of yours and then i heard an airplane fly by on another one of yours we'll do should we do the mute test yeah okay i'll go first what are we doing okay i can't tell i can't tell kind of like i think it's no my air condition you'll probably hear uh
Starting point is 01:38:30 oh yeah it's definitely was brian brian you don't have a window open no it's just weird that i heard an airplane fly by and i've never heard i don't know but i didn't hear it yeah that's probably what it was i can't't believe I never... MLK5240, you should have been having John Young on sooner. Says who? John's coming on three times this week. MLK, book it on your schedule. Who has the massive vein that runs
Starting point is 01:39:01 from the penis to the forehead? Oh, gosh. They found all of those and kicked them out. They found all those guys. Daniel Brandon is in Brian's living room watching TV. I was thinking that, too. I wasn't thinking it was Daniel Brandon, but I feel like someone's in. All right, homies.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Got to train at 7 a.m. Good night. It was a pleasure, as always. We will see you guys. Thank you for tuning in. Fucking incredible show. In 10 hours and 53 minutes, we will be sitting here with the great John.

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