The Sevan Podcast - #505 - Athlete Strengths & Weaknesses | 2022 CrossFit Games Insider

Episode Date: July 26, 2022

John Young and Brian Friend join the show to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the entire individual CrossFit Games field. The full lists are available on our instagram. Welcome to this episode... of the Sevan Podcast! Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:55 Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. And Brian, bam, we're live. Did we send Brian a link? Yeah. We did, okay. It was on the same text the same text. Good morning, John. Good morning. You know, do you live in Kalamazoo, Michigan? I do not.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Oh, you're so lucky. Sousa, could you bring up that article? For those of you who don't know what woke is, I'm going to explain to you um i want to explain to you what equity is um equity is when everyone um can do whatever the fuck they um want within the rules of uh big daddy so uh the only place in the world that equity exists is in prison and when you try to enforce it on society weird shit like this happens this is a city run by a liberal mayor um They have decriminalized peeing and shitting and littering. And if you want to know what racism looks like, they've done this in the name of equity, meaning they think that someone can't follow those rules. Those rules. I think that they think that since they feel bad for Armenians because Armenians are such savages and pigs and dirtbags that they think that Armenians can't use the toilet to shit and pee and that they must litter. uh this is um and guess guess what if the mayor is a democrat or a republican you go ahead and guess and and the winner gets five million dollars john hi welcome to the show it's been a while the return of john young three incredible shows i bet
Starting point is 00:02:41 you they're going to be three of our biggest shows of the year. Sponsors, if anyone knows anyone at First Form, it is not a woke company. I need them as a sponsor going into the games. You guys are all tuned in to the most funnest, the most excitingest, and the most detailed, most up-to-date, fastest reporting on the CrossFit Games this year sprinkled in with the funniest shit too and some news. So tell the guy who owns First Form or someone over there, I heard that company's not woke and that they should get on the bandwagon. I'm thinking like $20,000 to $50,000, something for like just sponsor all 100 shows we'll do in the next 72 hours that's a deal teddy williams yes he is back uh we show brian friend on here in a second um this is cool shit you got john are we getting into it already i mean i guess
Starting point is 00:03:43 maybe we should i could ask you some questions. Okay, let me ask you this question real quick before we get into it. All right. What – I have good enough form to do a snatch. What other accessory work – what other things should I be doing weekly if I want to just work on my snatch? What are some other movements? Snatch balances. Can you show me one of those um so what what's a snatch balance what about overhead squats also great but you can snatch balance into your overhead squat is that where you're like you're
Starting point is 00:04:19 in a hang oh is that one of the bars like this and you just drop to the bottom? Yes, sir. Oh, yeah, show me. Oh, it is. Okay. You're pulling one up, Sousa? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's our good friend, too, here. Mr.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Oh, okay, yeah. It's beautiful. Look at him. Boom. Okay. The more you snatch bounce, the more you will snatch. It's like clockwork. Snatch bounce.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Do you do those, Brian? I have in the past. All right. So he doesn't do them. How often do you do those, John? I mean, I don't need to work on snatch a lot, so not very much. Damn. I did when I was trying to be good at snatch.
Starting point is 00:05:04 And now you're good and you've moved on check that box pretty pretty much yeah you should you should be able to snatch balance more than you can snatch so if you can't then it's a deficiency oh that's cool uh what can you um snatch what's your max snatch 285 and what's your max snatch balance 315. And how did you get it up there? Did you take it off the rack? Yep. Damn. Damn, damn, damn.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Is that scary? No. You do it enough, you don't get scared anymore. If you look at Hayley Adams' weaknesses, is it scary? No, it's the same weakness she's had for five years. So we had her on yesterday. You should have asked her that question. I just kind of did. I want to make sure she comes back. I'm soft. You know, we had her on yesterday and I, when I went back and looked at the research, you and I interviewed her together for two hours and 40 minutes we had her on.
Starting point is 00:06:09 That was my very first time on the Sevon podcast. Yeah, that was crazy because yesterday we only had her on for 30 or 44 minutes, and I was like sweating. I was like, wow, we had her on for 240 that's awesome Bergen warm up will help I know I should know all that I used to do all that shit got an assault bike and everything got all fucked up Brian hi good morning
Starting point is 00:06:35 good morning are you trying to out snatch Brian after he beat you on the echo bike no I'm just did I beat you on the echo bike he only did the assault bike and I was all the i beat him on the echo bike he only did that he did the uh assault bike and i was john you're all the stuff you sent me about that was so confusing oh we can talk about it later what did you so which one is what do you think about the echo bike which one gets calories faster if you're sprinting an assault bike is faster but if you're
Starting point is 00:07:02 just trying to hold numbers like hold paces as you would in a five minute interval yeah an echo an echo bike is easier an echo bike is easier to hold 70 rpms than an assault bike good but if you're just trying to get 30 cows as fast as possible an assault bike is much easier right because you rev it up to high rMs and those calories just start flopping over. And the better you are at that, it goes to the extreme. So if you can hit 120 RPMs on the assault bike, it's even more advantageous than it would for somebody who can only do 110. Oh, I wonder if that's why the first time I got 80. Because the first time I did it, I revved it up in the very beginning up to 90 and the second time i didn't fuck with that i was like that again i wasn't gonna go there yeah i'm not
Starting point is 00:07:49 doing that again it's painful you ever ride the assault bike brian yeah yeah but it's been a while um and i just uh you don't have one at your gym no we used to have them we traded them all out for echoes bike echo bikes a few years back. How come? Were the assault bikes breaking? It was like the year before I started coaching at full-time, so I'm not really sure. But they have said the durability of the Echo Bike for the gym setting
Starting point is 00:08:17 seems to be better. Yeah, I've heard that too. The Echo Bike's much more durable than the assault bike. We've talked about that, Savan. If you have one in your garage and you're the only person using it, I don't think it's going to matter so much. But if you have 10 classes a day coming through there and people are just using it, using it, using it,
Starting point is 00:08:31 I think that the echo bike will hold up better over time. The longevity? Yeah, for sure. We're always doing stuff with the assault bikes, trying to tighten them up and everything. Do you have the pro version at your gym, Matt? No, no, no. I just have the classic assault bike. you have the pro version at your gym matt no no no i just have the classic assault bike i have the pro version it's a fucking tank but i would think anything with the chain is going to need more maintenance than something with a belt yeah and just like brian was saying
Starting point is 00:08:55 just the use out of it like out of one class when we do assault bike i got nine classes going and all of those bikes are going all day like the use out of it is just tenfold more hundredfold more than it would ever be at someone's home gym phil just gave the biggest reason ever not to use the um echo bike echo bike is stronger in games named the echo bike as the official bike yeah that means someone paid to have that philly b thank you phil get your salt bike now for the best bike in the business i think they are better for workouts just because you're not sprinting when you're working out you're trying to hold rpms i like it when you say that brian starts to twitch a little bit he doesn't like that he is anything that would have john you think i would have got less calories on the salt bike than i did on the echo bike
Starting point is 00:09:39 i do yeah i think for you yes i think for me no does that mean someone actually beat me but i didn't beat you but it gives me like my ego a place to hide like well maybe it would it may there is some evidence that i did it's a terrible you beat me by a significant amount you did 87 and 91 on the machine that's harder to get calories on that i did 85 and 80 well you know no i did 80 and 70 i thought you did 87 and 91 you know that was that was that was a hillar yeah that was hillar oh well you know the best thing about it is a bunch of people have started doing it around the world the community and that was that was pretty cool that is cool that's the best part of those challenges,
Starting point is 00:10:25 especially the snatch one with Savon and Olivia Kirsten. That was cool. If you're doing workouts that Brian and I do, you set the bar really low. There's been some impressive scores, but there's also been some scores pretty close to ours. I thoroughly enjoy when Brian and John fight. We'll see if we can get some of those, Heidi, today.
Starting point is 00:10:45 They're going to get feisty. John, can you give us an overview of what you've done, what you and Brian have compiled here? Sure. So I don't know if we're pulling up the spreadsheet or we're just talking about it, but I basically went through every athlete in the games field, the individual field,
Starting point is 00:11:05 and I tried to find a pattern in their workouts and what is a strength for them and what is a weakness for them, and I did that for every athlete. And I went through Dubai, Rogue, Waterpalooza, and then every semifinal, and then the 2021 games. That was probably the biggest one. So every major competition in the last whole year went through and see if I could find a pattern and then outlined a weakness
Starting point is 00:11:38 and a strength for every athlete. And I even did it for people like Tia and Justin. I know they don't really have a lot of weaknesses, but they're weak is that compared to the rest of them right but where it comes in where it's really neat is you'll see people like in the 20s and 30s of the power ranking that uh that brian's made and like they have this weird strength uh which i'm sure we'll get into but like where they're just better than everybody in the whole world. And it's so, I don't know. It's so random, but it's true.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Let's pick an athlete and give me a little bit more detail of how you did that. So Susie, you should have the. Yeah, I just saw it come through here. The first one I sent you is John's. And then we'll talk about the other one i sent you in a minute okay so the strength and weakness games indie is what i want to bring up yes yeah okay are we starting in any particular tab uh just my minute man do not go to my predictions because that's for a later show yeah don't reveal those go ahead and drop us a tip and i'll show you guys john's predictions highest bidder we had so can we just take someone
Starting point is 00:12:51 like um uh jacqueline dolstrom and tell and tell me how like how you looked at her like you would take her and sort of walk me through the process and is this a lot of work what you did sounds insane um i mean it took a little bit of time yeah uh so jacqueline dalstrom i have her strength is high volume gymnastics and her weakness is machines and then if you go to the red and black red and red and green column it'll show uh evidence of this so for high volume gymnastics the ring muscle-up thruster workout in dubai it was uh 10 2 4 6 8 10 ring muscle-ups and thrusters and she beat everybody in that whole field in that in that workout and then rogue the thruster echo sprint workout. I don't know if you remember that one, but it was thrusters with 115 and then 30 cows in the echo bike and then 20 thrusters again. Maybe it's 40 cows in the echo bike, but it was like 20, 30, 20. And she was almost dead last.
Starting point is 00:13:57 So she is not great when it comes to machines. And she is very, very good when it comes to gymnastics. and she is very, very good when it comes to gymnastics. Okay. So, so something that's just been revealed to me here by you saying that. So these are relative, these aren't relative to actual times, their strengths and weaknesses, they're relative to everyone else who's in the field, which means that in order for this data to be fun to play with, you had to pick competitions where you and brian believed there was relatively relatively the same level of competition yes yeah and i placed higher value on like if uh games finishes or rogue finishes because the field is what a games field would most likely represent okay um but i can't tell you i can't tell you i win uh win muscle-ups events in all my local competitions and in my garage.
Starting point is 00:14:48 That's like... Right. Okay. John doesn't care. No, I don't care. But the 10-legless rope climb event. I skewed everything because the hardest upper body pulling movement there is, is a, is a legless rope climb,
Starting point is 00:15:12 unless you didn't talk about strict, like a strict ring muscle up maybe. But that was so big on the women's field. Like it was such a huge differentiator that there is a huge amount of like little gymnastic girls that made the games this year. such a huge differentiator that there is a huge amount of like little gymnastic girls that made the games this year, like more than usual. So Susie,
Starting point is 00:15:32 if you just, if you pull up that other document that I sent you. So while John was doing this, I was taking the stuff that we talked about a few weeks ago, which was there the results from this year, from the 10 workouts I did this year of which they all did these workouts. And that was one of the, one of the workouts. And I made sort of, I think what I would call is like a heat map. Um, so I saw like where they were best, where they were worst. And then I looked at the, and then I categorized it the same way that John
Starting point is 00:15:59 did. So I was trying to see, okay, this person's three best workouts were on these. Was there a commonality amongst these three workouts? And obviously it's relative to only, okay, this person's three best workouts were on these. Was there a commonality amongst these three workouts? And obviously it's relative to only these 40 people in the field. And then I was trying to see when there were similarities between what John found from major competitions, like the games in Rogue and Dubai and Guadalupalooza, and what I found from mostly online competitions in the Open, the quarterfinals, the semifinals. And then I would say like you know
Starting point is 00:16:25 okay that's a really strong that's really strong evidence that jack and allstrom is great when there's high volume upper body pulling but the thing that started to jump out and this is i think what john is saying is that there were somewhere between 10 and 15 women in the field that that was the thing they excelled at was high high you know upper body pulling and and then you say like you know john referred to these as little little gymnastics girls is bailey rail a little is bailey rail one of those little gymnastics girls is she does she i mean she's pretty lean man have you seen her yeah yeah yeah she's like a paper airplane totally so the thing you know so so one of the things that's uh like the idea behind doing something like this would be that we could identify you know someone uh when a workout comes out that might feature a high volume
Starting point is 00:17:15 volume pulling at the game that we might say okay well that's something that we would expect jack and dalstrom to do well at but if this particular field is also really just deep in that volume of movement, now it's like, okay, she's, she is good at those things, but just because she was great in that at strength and depth where maybe there were only three or five women that were good at this particular movement or style of, of workout. Now there's 15 to 20 women that might be good at this thing. Uh, because in, you know, there's probably 10 to 10 to 12 that like excel in this. And that's not counting someone like Tia who's excelling at almost everything. You know, there's probably 10 to 12 that excel in this, and that's not counting someone like Tia, who's excelling at almost everything.
Starting point is 00:17:48 There's just always five women at the top, pretty much, that are going to be in the mix. What do these color codes mean here? Green means? Mostly it's the top five to seven, depending on. Yeah, top five to seven. Yellow is like. yeah top five to seven uh yellows like but it's not necessarily exact with the um with the numbers so i didn't want someone who is like like towards the bottom you see there's more
Starting point is 00:18:14 yellow instead of green so they're not really having top 10 finishes but i would still say that that's their relative strength against this field so like page cements as there's got you know three or four yellow tabs she didn't have anything in the top 10. Well, she had one 10th place finish in the rope climb. So she was, these were the things she was best at, but I didn't, you know, they weren't top five finishes. So I didn't put a green there, but yellow. So like green's the best yellow is the next then orange and then red. And similarly at the top, you don't see a lot of red,
Starting point is 00:18:38 but you'd see some orange. So even where those women are not as good, their finishes are still in the low twenties instead instead of in the high 30s or whatever. It's crazy. I was going to say something. So the people down the greens down at the bottom are like they must be have some be some sort of specialist. But when I think of Carolyn Prevost, I don't think of her as a specialist at all. I think of her as like just extremely well-rounded. Oh, no. Have you seen her dead a specialist at all. I think of her as just extremely well-rounded. Oh, no. Have you seen her deadlift? She's amazing at deadlift. Carolyn Prevo is like the greatest deadlifter in the CrossFit history.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Yeah, yes. And she's probably amazing at burpees, too. She's good enough at burpees that it didn't matter in that workout. I think the fact that she did that well in that workout i think the fact that well in this workout is that the deadlift was more critical when you say deadlift means she's strong at it or she's good at cycling it both both but specifically cycling it though so like austin maliolo did 52 reps in the 3 15 3 15 for 52 reps at the Rogue. How much can you deadlift 315
Starting point is 00:19:48 in two minutes? Okay. 52. Beat everybody. Beat all the strong men and everybody was like, how is this little guy just doing this? Because he could do it and nobody else could because his arms are longer than LeBron James. Okay. 52. Carolyn Prevo
Starting point is 00:20:03 did 67. Wowez in two minutes 225 for 67 in two minutes holy smokes i don't think me and brian combined could do 67 reps 225 yeah that's like a jack so that's that's one every uh other second one every two that's faster than one every two seconds wow so she doesn't put the but does she not put the bar down in that 1.8 seconds does she put the bar down in that in that um i'm sure there's a video somewhere that you i know i'm i'm searching for it see if we can find it. Wow. So if something like that comes up at the game, she's going to handle the business. So if Deadlift is in the games, she will be top three.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And when we go back to my spreadsheet, if they have a little purple outline, that means they are one of the best in the world at this particular movement. And when I said people down at the bottom, how they have this weird specialty that just sticks out, Carolyn Brevo fits that category. That order that you had them in there, Brian, that was your spreadsheet. The one, the previous one was mine. This one is John's.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah. What, what is that order that you have them in there? That's the order of how they would have scored against each other on these 10 workouts that we did a few weeks ago. Okay. How do you want to approach this? Do you want to approach this by looking at athletes or by looking at movements or looking at workouts? Up to you. I have a third document that I just am sharing with Susan now that shows by movement. Let's party a little bit. Let's just go straight to Tia and let's just talk about fucking how great she is. Let's talk about as we go through and we look at her strengths and weaknesses. When we look at her weaknesses, how close is anybody? Is Austin Maliolo close to her i like how it's a strong suit everything here weak suit it's just blacked out yeah
Starting point is 00:22:16 well she had nothing worse than a fourth place finish on these workouts and i think that's kind of insane. And these are the 10 workouts from our other show. These are the 10 workouts that everyone has done. Who's who's going to the games this year, men and women, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:36 These are the quarterfinals workouts that like she wasn't preparing for and was probably doing just randomly on a day of training. And she still was, but it was fourth or better on every single one of them. It's, it's crazy. I, and I'll put this in perspective, like Tia didn't care about any of these workouts. And she still was fourth or better on every single one of them. It's crazy. And I'll put this in perspective. Tia didn't care about any of these workouts.
Starting point is 00:22:52 It didn't mean anything to her. It's just something she has to do. I guarantee Mal O'Brien, these workouts meant way more to her than Tia, and she still beat her by 200 points. And workouts that suit Mal, that are really good for her yeah when look what um what hayley was saying last night when amanda asked her that question is like it's not lost on the athletes how how good and insanely good tia is at this point now when you i think you asked her seven how do you beat tia no no a caller asked that a caller asked a caller asked that she said you tell me i yeah amanda harry asked that it's so
Starting point is 00:23:34 true and is mal o'brien in a similar suit she seems to be uh quite the standout also i mean if you look at if you look at this data there no one, no one can take second place from her. Right. But, but keep in mind what John just said, you know, when, when, from when John's studies, what he really noticed is Mal thrives on workouts where there's a high volume of transitions and the open and the quarterfinals workouts. There's a lot, there are a lot of things like that because you have a limited space where you can do the workouts. So these are you know she is proving to be very good at most things you know even young and early in her career but in particular this in the gym moving between implements over and over again is something that she's just amazing at uh tori has talked to us about that that that basically the the and i'm paraphrasing him
Starting point is 00:24:27 that the newer athletes aren't using the transitions to rest or to take breaks but they are resting when they need to be in strategic points but they're not letting the transitions dictate those rests with water shirt off chalking up shit like that did you hear that john what do you think about that can you say it again it's okay uh basically because it kind of needs to be repeated because it's something we've talked about before i think brian and i've talked about it before that basically these newer athletes and the athletes who are staying at the top aren't letting um resting time be dictated to them they're not and in the past transitions
Starting point is 00:25:04 were where people would rest even if it was for half a second one second chalk up drink water take your shirt off and that the newer athletes are resting when they need to let's say you're going to do 20 muscle-ups they might rest at seven or something and then go to 13 but in between that those 13 muscle-ups and that farmer's carry they're not taking a rest the transitions they're not letting transitions dictate them they've taken the the strategy and the tactics of winning to another level. They're not letting the movements. And then Brian just said, Mal O'Brien is like, she, she flourishes, uh, in, in, um, in move in, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:34 workouts where there's a lot of transitions mean, meaning she's killing it there. Yeah. I don't, I don't know if it's strategy though. I think that, I think we're just getting fitter as a whole, as a whole. If you look at like, you could take Katrin in 2015, 2016, she was always a very fast mover and like that. I mean, that's a skill in its own, just being a fast mover from object to object and starting quickly. And like somebody like Katrin was always really good at that.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Somebody like Sarah was not good at that. She wasn't a fast mover. And that's kind of a hard thing to quantify because you kind of just see it. But I think there's something else that's that's happening also. And we've talked about this on some recent episodes in a little less detail or more broadly is that the athletes are figuring out how to make more and more movements aerobic. And I first was like clued into this when they started doing the whoop heart rate monitors and showing that on Rich Froning's workouts. And we've even pulled some up and showed before where he'll start doing toes to bar and his heart rate will start going down. And I've personally have experimented with the fact that if I just finish a set of thrusters and my heart rate's elevated, but then if I go stand there and I think I can't, I can't jump on the pull-up bar to do the toes to bar yet because my heart rate's so high.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Actually, if I jump up there, the toes to bar allows a rhythm. I've figured out how to breathe in the rhythm of the toes to bar as long as my midline can hang on. I think my heart rate actually might be dropping as well doing the toes to bar as long as my midline can hang on my i think my heart rate actually might be dropping as well doing the toes bar as opposed to standing there waiting and when athletes like like mal are coming up and and people are you know teaching her or coaching her through how to make more and more of these movements stuff that she can breathe through it's actually better off for her to just start that next set than to stand there and wait for the heart rate to come back down. Who has, which athlete has the, um, the least balance? Does that question work? Meaning, meaning they, they're, they're on the most extremes. Uh, there's actually a lot, but I think john will probably be able to pick out one or two do you want to like uh like good athletes or athletes that are just kind of either anyone
Starting point is 00:27:52 there i mean at this point if you're if as long as you're not from oh careful sebi okay as long as you're not from south america or asia you're good so so i mean hey roman roman's from asia so all right fine roman he's he's pretty good i would probably say guillermo wow because and only because he and the reason why i say him is because he's one of the top athletes so the extreme sticks out a little bit more um as far as the men go we can get on the women and talk about them too. Because Guillermo, it's almost an automatic win. You know what I mean? If it's a strength event, he's going to win.
Starting point is 00:28:30 He's that much above everybody else. John, the last initial in his name is an E. Okay, Brian. Well, you have access to the document too. Guillermo. What do you mean? There is an E. He keeps calling Guillermo. Oh, Guill E. He's called Guillermo.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Oh, Guillerme. He's called Guy. Guy. Malheros. At least he's got a vowel in there. A quesadilla. But when a guy can finish in the top 10, and he's exciting like Guy is,
Starting point is 00:29:02 his extremes stick out a little bit more. Is there another athlete where they're guaranteed to win besides uh tia where you could say that about them like maybe guaranteed to win well but if it's going to be a snatch he's going to win it i don't know if you can say that about any of the other 80 athletes anybody in purple it's a guarantee just about okay okay wow roman's that good at machines yeah john tell him how good he is wait hold on sorry so we'll come back to that we'll come back to that i want to keep you on gee i want to keep you on gee i'm so sorry this is really fucking getting cool okay yana koski is the swimmer wow hopper has a guaranteed tuda has a wow colton
Starting point is 00:29:45 i can't believe you didn't start with colton okay let's let's finish up with gee okay so gee's that good at um is gee that bad at long distance you're saying if something goes over 20 minutes um he he's finishing in the in the bottom 10 I'm saying he finishes lower than 20th. Okay. I think one of the big questions for Guy this year is how much better has he gotten in that time domain? And that's going to be the difference between if he's able to improve on the seventh place finish
Starting point is 00:30:16 from last year or not. Because he's still going to hit the home runs. Wow. I'm starting to really like this document. This is cool. How about, does it get – John and Brian, if I say a 25-minute, does that start pushing him down even further or does he have a threshold at 20 minutes that it doesn't get worse for him? I would say after 20 minutes, he is what he is because once it's aerobic, everybody falls into place. After 20 minutes, you're going to be, you hold whatever you can hold 20 minutes for an hour. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:49 And this is where the, you know, the thing that you were talking about, you know, being great at a ring muscle-ups in your local competition comes into play. He won the hour-long workout at Copa Sur. In Brazil, yeah. Yeah, at the semifinal, at the South American semifinal. So that's obviously great you can't do any better than winning the event but if that same event shows up at the games are we expecting him to win it no no the time he put up in brazil would have been 28th of the games which is consistent with his 27th from that longer event wait how do you how do you know that oh i mean i just threw that out there guys made that up yeah no i was i'm just saying if we did the same event he would come in my place like
Starting point is 00:31:31 28th is all is all i was saying i didn't even know i didn't even look at the 27th over there so that we're just trusting the science over here okay so so that's what we need to look at for g day one is going to be huge a huge data point for us um eventually there's always not a bad swimmer he's not a bad swimmer so if the if there's an endurance swimming event he he will do better than he would if there was like a running event um okay let's go let's go let's look at roman's uh purple uh for those of you who weren't following and i know this is a lot i'm just starting to understand it but purple basically means these people are so fucking good at these uh movements um this domain that they're they're almost guaranteed a first
Starting point is 00:32:16 place and now it comes up at the games which is kind of crazy to say about the games right that you can go there and have something that you're gonna win that's why it's in purple but i did not you had to be lower than the top five because the top five people like velner and fukowski and maderos will all probably win a handful of events just because they're that fit so i i did not outline anybody in purple because then it would just be the whole top five. You know what I mean? Right. Well, it is interesting with Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Did he have the fewest first place finishes of any games winner in the history of the games? No. He tied. With who? Matthew Fraser. Wow. Okay. Matt Fraser, 2016.
Starting point is 00:33:00 One first place, seven second place finishes. Yeah. If you want to add up the seconds though he didn't tie so okay and and was that matt's first year winning the games second first and that was justin's first okay so so so that'll be fun to watch what justin does the next year just for reference for anyone the next year fraser won four events at the games and the year after that he only won two so you don't have to win a ton of events necessarily to win the Games. But what Justin did last year that Fraser also did is he had very, very few finishes outside the top ten.
Starting point is 00:33:34 So Fraser went 2-16, 4-17, 2-18. 1-14, 1-15, 1-16, 4-17, 2-18, 6-19. That was the cuts. It was getting easier and easier to win against a smaller and smaller field. 14 in 2020. Wow. He won 14 events? Four in stage one.
Starting point is 00:34:00 All the CrossFit ones, not the specialty ones. And 10 of the 12, think at the ranch i was thinking i was thinking about this uh whenever crossfit's 40 years from now in the year 2060 it's going to be like a wilt chamberlain record that can never be broken because it will never be like that ever again what do you mean monkey pox your name? That's crazy. Listen to Tia. She started in 2016. First year, she had two.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Next year, she had two. 2018, she had two. 2019, five. Fraser had six that year. 2020, she had 13 to Fraser's, what did I say, 14? And then last year, in a much more standard games field, obviously there were still some cuts, she had nine. The nine she had last year, that's the most impressive number
Starting point is 00:34:56 that anyone's ever had, in my opinion. Yeah, I agree. It was a full slate of games with a full field. I know they cut down to 20. And she did win 11, 12, 13, and 15, so she was winning the back half workouts against a smaller field, but I don't think anyone that got cut was going to beat her
Starting point is 00:35:12 in those anyways. That's more of a testament to the fact that she's basically just getting better as the weekend goes on, like Rich used to do back in the early 2010s. I do think, though... The first year, Tia... Sorry, John, real quick. The first year, 2016, was T think the first year t sorry john real quick the first year 2016 was tia's first year and and and that was um oh sorry no that was 2015 was her first year she didn't have any wins
Starting point is 00:35:35 that year and so to put this in perspective 2016 was hayley adams first year but she was a teen damn it's crazy that hayley's only 21 it's just tripping on that yesterday seven she's gonna be a seven-year veteran this year yeah it's crazy do you guys think of her as a kid or do you think of her as a veteran or kind of both yeah yeah kind of both it's like many people just forget about her, but she's still really, really young. Yeah, and she's got some salty veteran confidence, too. She doesn't act like a kid. Mal will be like that in five years, too, though. In five years, Mal is going to be 22, 23.
Starting point is 00:36:19 It's tough. This conversation has basically been sparked by the title of the documentary from last year of Next Gen because that's tough to say. Like, what is the next gen? It's pretty obvious to say Mal O'Brien and Emma Carey are the next gen because they're 18 years old and they've got one year of experience at the games. And now Mal's about to have two. But when you have someone like Saxon Panchik, who is in his mid-20s and is already coming to his fifth games, and you're comparing him to someone like Lazar Djukic, who's the same age coming into his second games,
Starting point is 00:36:48 which one of those is next-gen? Or either of them or none of them? Does Ricky count as next-gen? He's only in his second games. So it's tough to say if you're talking about age or experience or both. There's a lot of gray area about what is a what is a veteran compared to what's a and and then you have people like kerstetter uh is she the next next gen yeah good point like where where does she where does she go is she going to the she's not going to the games
Starting point is 00:37:17 right she's doing the team not not this year and then next year next year she's going to next year she's going to man that's i haven't ever said she was going to yeah i think i definitely think she's going to qualify okay let's go let's go let's go back over to the boys again and go through those purple i really like doing that that's cool okay so we have geese super strong um but but what we need what we're concerned about is is anything over 20 minutes uh roman the machines um what does that mean exactly what what if it's a machine and something he's what's he not good at there is not a machine that he is not either one or two in the whole entire field but i mean what other uh domain what other movements is he not good at he's not good at the snatch
Starting point is 00:38:02 and that's that's really the only thing. It used to be strength in general, but he put on like 30 pounds. He weighs like 220 now. In Dubai, people like Lazar and Ricky, they ask him about Roman. They're like, oh, Roman is huge. He looks like a middle linebacker in person. So if someone like adrian sees this and that somehow gets into his brain that and let's say just accidentally he could put an echo bike
Starting point is 00:38:32 snatch workout and now we have something really balanced if the bike snatch workout is cycling the snatch he's going to be fine if it's a snatch ladder ending at like a 285 plus, he might not finish it. Right. So it would be a snatch ladder with a bike at the end. If he can't get to the bike, he's fucked. Yeah. Oh, man, that would be a crazy. Dude, John, that would be a crazy twist on a workout, like a snatch ladder plus 10 cal bike or 20 cal bike at the end.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Oh, I think you have to make it 30. I think you have to make it hurt a little bit. 20 cal is done. What he meant to say, Brian, is I have to argue with you no no he's right there should be a high number but i'm just coming up with this idea that would be that would be great next evolution of the of a snatch or clean and jerk ladder or something like that might be where then there's like a cash out on a machine or something at the end of the workout and and maybe skier because it's because of the direction of the pool who have you been listening to seven i don't know i've been doing i mean i've just been
Starting point is 00:39:30 getting slightly smarter like in that was good that was good thank you thank you look at look at roman's 1k row on the green okay 248 my 2k my 2k row was 749 the other day. Holy shit. Now, put that in perspective. When you row and you see the 500-meter pace for everybody, he's holding a 124. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, for me, that's a really slow 500. That's like, hey, I'm TikTok-ing.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Wow. Nobody else in the world can do – well, in the CrossFit world can do this. Yeah, that's savage. The closest person is Hopper. What about, how does that translate into other stuff? Because we did see Ricky put it to him in Dubai, and I think that was a skier run event. You're right, but look at Ricky. He's got purple on his
Starting point is 00:40:25 name too all right all right all right we'll get down we'll get to ricky soon um uh ricky gerard oh there we are right there long and dirt especially running versus ricky ricky so i i ricky is probably the best runner in in in, in all of CrossFit. I don't think maybe not in a sprint, but in a distance, no, no distance running. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Distance running. Even out of the women too. Even as. Okay. Yeah. So, so day one is going to be important for Ricky too. I mean, theoretically,
Starting point is 00:41:02 you're assuming that there's a long event on day one. Well, we talked to Boz yesterday, so yeah yeah right we did it just still being cut out he said the first three events and they just couldn't get it out out into the public cut out the windows are huge for uh the two of the windows are massive for day one right yes but it could be it could be a massive window because it's a 15-minute workout and they're running heats of 10. And so they have eight heats plus the teams are doing 12 heats of 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:41:35 That adds up, that's three hours, not including transitions. Or it could be a massive start and a two-hour event for all the men and women at once, followed by the teams going for, you know, two hour workout or whatever. So Ricky and gear flip-flopped.
Starting point is 00:41:51 They are, but I mean, Ricky's been working on it, but they are. Yes. We have a five, we have a five hour window when we start the CrossFit games on August 3rd. And then I don't know what we're going to do in one hour in the middle of the day.
Starting point is 00:42:05 With both of them, too. That's going to be like the broad jump. And in case people are curious, Ricky's 5K was 1730-something. So you can do the math on that. And 5K is three miles? Yeah, 3.1. Okay, so that's under a six-minute pace. No.
Starting point is 00:42:26 It's like a 615 pace. Oh, no, no. You're right six-minute pace. No. It's like a 6.15 pace. Oh, no, no, you're right, you're right. Yeah, never mind, I'm sorry. Crazy. 5.50? Yeah, crazy. Insane. All right, let's go back to that list.
Starting point is 00:42:42 I like it that Ricky and Gear flip-flflop this is cool uh yana koski swimming and so something to know we know all of that other shit's going to be in the games we don't know 100 of swimming is going to be in there right i would be surprised if it wasn't yeah me too i would be surprised too but this also has this is actually a pretty good men's field for swimming there's a guy there's uh guillaume briant from france is a very very good swimmer lazar is a good swimmer the longer the swim is i think it's harder for people to keep up with yona but if it's a interval style swimming or a little bit of a shorter swim there's some uh yeah some other good swimmers here. And length comes into play much more when it's a shorter swim. So like somebody like Hopper will do better in something like that,
Starting point is 00:43:30 or you can just kind of be explosive. Uh, I mean, Fikowski would probably win an interval. You, would you think, you think Fikowski would be Koski in an interval? Dude,
Starting point is 00:43:38 I wish I would have loved to have seen Fikowski do swim and stuff. Workup. I, I know. Yeah. Like I, I, love to have seen zbikowski do swim and stuff work out i i know yeah like i i kind of am hopeful that they're doing a workout similar to that because we only got to see such a small number of athletes do it in 2020 and then i mean and i was sitting there like man especially on the women's side where there's probably even a little bit more depth in terms of swimmers like to see someone
Starting point is 00:44:01 like amanda barnhart do that against tia i think would have been cool so maybe boz thought the same and he'll bring back something similar to that where you're in the pool plus some other objects and then you know coming back or whatever was swimming stuff the ghd d ball uh slam when you could visually see tia pass people up in the pool if you could just see that across a line of like 20 people why would fukowski be good at that he's good at the ghd he's a swimmer so you can make up a lot of time on the bike and the on the other side of the pool uh so he might and then he could probably hit the bike pretty hard get in the water and still swim as fast as most of the guys uh that it might negate the the ghd speed same reason quant was good at it just Fikowski is better than Quant.
Starting point is 00:44:47 This guy, what was his name? Guillermo Brant? I think someone sent me a DM saying he was on the national swim team. So he's like really good. Yeah, he's a very good swimmer. I would in almost any swimming event, I'm expecting him to have a worst to top five.
Starting point is 00:45:09 And Janikowski looks like to be the opposite of our friend Mr. Vellner. He's great at swimming but not so good at heavy lifting. I don't know if that's opposite, but sure. I mean, I think Vellner's pretty damn strong. I think he's overlooked he's he's he's top 10 right top eight top seven yeah he's he's strong enough but he's not gonna win well basically what you're saying here savine is there there are a lot of athletes who excel at the long stuff and they struggle at the heavy stuff or the other way around and but if you look at the you
Starting point is 00:45:41 know at the top of the of the leader, the people that are winning regularly, they're good at both. Okay. So who would you write? Who would you pick as the opposite of Yonikoski? Who's, who's, who's not so good at swimming? Uh, Colton. Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:59 I can't believe you came up with that name. So I only know two athletes, Vellner and Colton. So I always try to stick them in somewhere i like how you put anatomy as his weakness oh what's going on with that oh shit we're canceled we're gonna get fucking canceled i did not mean that in any type of personal way you didn't it doesn't matter what you meant it It's 2022. That's true, though. That dick slice does slow him down a little bit. Right. Nice save, Susan.
Starting point is 00:46:28 There's a lot between the legs to slow him down. If you go look at the semifinal, Colton was in first place going into the legless rope climb event. And I felt so bad for him. Hey, he should have won that. He doesn't even have any legs. Oh. As slow as he was in that legless rope climb event there's no way he could have gone faster and it's just it's it's a pain but look look at alissa's a good christian she spells jesus with the g and then she gets a pass
Starting point is 00:47:00 jesus jesus john okay we'll get down to that we'll have to punish john for that like running swimming uh bike sprinting all of that is just because he's small yeah his anatomy his anatomy and that's where he's weak he's weak at everything that because he is small and it's and it's more more or less i'm not sure how we characterize it for um brent in this chart but it's more or less, I'm not sure how we characterize it for Brent in this chart, but it's similar. Yeah, he also wrote anatomy. Yeah, go up to Brent Fikowski. I put the same thing. But it's like the opposite kind of anatomy.
Starting point is 00:47:33 He has a small dick. You're saying Fikowski has a small dick. Doesn't translate well to high volume pull-ups, apparently. But he just has it in parentheses there. That was the whole thing on the other one. Yeah, we'll get to this. We're not done with John. We was the whole thing on the other one. Yeah. We'll get to this. We're not done with John.
Starting point is 00:47:46 We might have to, we might have to find someone else for those two shows. We have John scheduled for later this week. Yeah. Colton's popping up in the comment section. I'm going to have to go over to Reddit and see how, how they tolerate this shit from John, what the vote is over there.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Uh, Mr. Hopper. Um, so, uh, let me just ask you this before we go into Jason's thing. Do you think Jason's going to finish better this year than last year at the CrossFit games?
Starting point is 00:48:12 John? Uh, yeah. Brian? Definitely. So the orange, the orange, uh, I kind of tiered them with the colors and the orange is anybody that I think could make the top 10. They all have the ability to be in the top 10. I don't see an orange.
Starting point is 00:48:31 That's a yellow. Okay. Okay. So, okay. So, okay. So those top 13,
Starting point is 00:48:38 any one of those can be in the top 10. You think? Yeah. And he's omitting Vino who was eighth last year and he's omitting uh dylan pepper and or no olsen who was 10th and dylan pepper who a lot of guys have a high outlook on yeah what is dylan pepper's weakness sorry we're off track here is it his just his age the fact this is his first games he's going to be surprised by some shit or is it his skill level no i mean i just anything with high volume gymnastics he's not he's not winning those
Starting point is 00:49:05 workouts he's not necessarily bad at them he's actually very well rounded but that is where he was the weakest was high volume gymnastics what does it say in the red susa because i can say the workouts once i see it in the red oh excuse me for dallin it's a 20th the handstand walk shuttle run sprints yeah so he's not he's not a great handstand walker and i remember when you had danielle brandon on she was like i'm not i'm not gonna put down on blast for what he sucks at right he's not a great handstand walker john's got no problem blasting him well that the good news is it sounds like they're doing their training sessions together and i don't i don't know how long it takes to improve your handstand walk,
Starting point is 00:49:47 but if they continue and she stays down there, maybe he'll get some skills from her. Maybe. I'm not sure how easy it is to improve that. I mean, Tia trained with Fraser for an entire year. Fraser's a beast on his hands. And even after doing that, she wasn't necessarily catching up to the field. You say that, but she was fourth in the handstand walk in the uh in 2021 yeah i know but i feel like last year of all the handstand walking events that have been tested it was like shoulder endurance more than handstand walking that was being tested
Starting point is 00:50:17 because it was long and very challenging plus execution there were a lot of people that just screwed up by going too early i'm seeing a copy and paste here with roman and jason how can roman be guaranteed a first on machines and jason anything jason hopper with a y anything with machines especially high power output because i don't really know who would win out of them too i think roman would but hopper is right there with him and notice i put long endurance next to roman too so the longer the longer the workout goes the more advanced he would win over hopper but it would be is it would be a really really fun if it ends up having a workout that's machine dependent and they're in the same heat it's like i'm basically praying that that happens yeah because those two are head and heels above everybody else and it's not close wow what um what the the obvious is um mass makes people good at machines
Starting point is 00:51:14 but what are the other things what are like the nuances first of all i'd say they're head and shoulders above head and heels a little extreme okay stream okay what makes these guys so much pain ability to suffer athleticism is there any athleticism in the in the um uh machines just ability to transfer power to the machine. I mean, size does play a huge role, but you, it's something that you train like power output is trained. You can get better at power output by just training it. And they are better than everybody else at it. Brian,
Starting point is 00:51:58 I noticed you muted yourself and you were looking up. Are your neighbors fucking up there? Like you were like, I know I live on the top floor. They're doing some work on the roof. Oh yeah all right uh brian brian what do you why do you think that they're so good uh i mean they both have they both have they're both some of the bigger athletes in the field they both have a super high uh volume of fitness anyway and they have a high pain tolerance and you have to have all three of those
Starting point is 00:52:26 things. If you're going to be the best in the world at that, at the power output on the machines. So, you know, and that's what was, I say that, but like I was,
Starting point is 00:52:34 I'll be, I'm really curious. I do hope that there's a workout that's of a, like a kind of a shorter time domain that, that has high volume or power output being the kind of the critical factor because i was so so blown away by what mal did on the echo bike at the granite games and i want to see if she can be if she's actually found a way she's very small she's a small athlete relative to the field she's below average size and i and if she's found a way at that size to be in the top of the field in like a five-minute or less workout that's machine dependent, that is going to kind of – I'm going to have to reframe the way I think about that.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Tell us what she did. I don't know why you're blown away with that. It's 70 cals. That's an endurance thing. It's not transferring explosive power. I think people misconstrue this. No, no. So I wouldn't have been surprised in that workout if she'd been able to maintain a pace against some of the, the bigger athletes in that field, like Emily Rolfe, for example,
Starting point is 00:53:35 who's also fairly good in a, in an endurance style event, but she was basically blowing them away. I mean, it was like 20% better on that portion of the workout than some of those women who got there before her and she left before them. That's what surprised me about it. So I'm curious to see if there's a five minute workout that's heavy on the echo bike. If she'll also be dominant this year, where last year was her biggest weakness. That's fair. We need another, basically need to know you want another data point. Yeah. And I, Yeah, and that is the one. We try to do the best we can with this, but some of these athletes, we just don't have a ton of data. And you also know where she trains, so it's no surprise that they're fucking banging the machines. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Oh, high-volume pooling so so if if the workout were um skier uh rope climbs yeah uh the the that's what that's like oh shit you got something really good for jason maybe not something not so good oh yes yes he'd be good on the machines the the pulling yeah yeah okay so well that's all that this is we had a workout like this last year more or or less. It was the rope climb, skier, who's the whole bad carry. It had been five. Oh. And Chase, I was watching this event. He had to be escorted off the field, right?
Starting point is 00:54:51 But I will say, yes, he did. I think that was just an execution error. He came out way too hot on that one. You call it what you want, John. It's a perfect example. Yeah. But it was a great workout because you know you could fall into a trap in any one of the three areas potentially but at least that's what i
Starting point is 00:55:10 thought initially that bag basically was irrelevant for for most athletes i was watching the workout back and i thought and i wonder if dave would have thought this also watching it that relative to other two movements he might have had them do like a little bit further distance uh with the, maybe like do it down, back down in each of the segments that they were advancing it because they, most of the guys and the women would just pick it up and kind of like not even need to get a really good grip on it and just like muscle it across the way for five to seven seconds. And then they'd just be back on the rope climbs and the skier. And so that workout, you could actually make up like it for some of the best best athletes it was coming down to the ski where you can make up the difference
Starting point is 00:55:49 uh it was kind of cool to watch him implode like that i mean it would have been cooler to see him win that's exactly why i think that uh he'll do a lot better this year i don't think you're to see him have workouts where that happens during this time around. Yeah, I love, like Fraser said this, and I think it's so true. He's like, you got 19th and you were the biggest idiot in the whole competition. As far as how you executed your workouts. God, I hope he's 19th. But we will see some people implode.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Maybe it's Dallin's year. Dallin's pretty calm and collected when he's in competition. Yeah, I think Dallin's in the top tier of men in terms of execution of workouts already. What's the highest anyone's ever finished as a rookie at the CrossFit Games? Second. Who is that? Rich and Matt.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Wow, both of them. Antia. Antia, yeah. Oh, I thought we were just talking about men. Laura. Laura, her rookie year, Laura Horvath? Mm-hmm. So, yeah, it's – and, I mean, look,
Starting point is 00:57:03 Vellner and Fikowski weren't too far behind. Like, there are rookies that can have top five. And Sarah was in first to the last event her rookie year. Yeah. So, you know, because for some of these athletes, I wouldn't – this is not the case for a rich Matt Tia. But for, you know, Fikowski, this is a good example. Like, the qualifying process was so hard for him because of the anatomy
Starting point is 00:57:26 and the nature of the in-the-gym style workouts that were at regionals. Once he got to the games, he was able to express the full breadth of what he really excels at, and so you see him rise up to the top. And every year that there's been a more traditional games format, he's right up there at the top. Sarah was in first place going to the final event what year was that 2015 she kept failing the handstand the parallel yeah i remember thinking that when i was doing the behind the scenes that year that she was going to be the next rich froning i was like
Starting point is 00:57:56 i know shit you said it like 18 times in the behind the scenes yeah everybody he said everybody should be scared of sarah huh he said it to everybody man oh man uh tutor magda the lowest guy that uh the first guy that we've uh talked to who's in the red that means they're gonna shit the bed at the games i'm so excited i think we got confirmation this morning that we are going to have tutor magda on the show on thursday sorry on friday on friday after uh day after uh event uh one two and three after the first day of the crossfit games thursday thursday it is thursday yeah because they'll go wednesday is gonna start and then okay okay sorry so it is thursday yeah yeah so i'm so excited uh that we're gonna have him on so don't anyone say anything too mean about him.
Starting point is 00:58:46 By the way, there's no – Oh, cool. Did you guys confirm with Adrian there's only three events on day one? No, he didn't give us anything. We got nothing out of him. I know, but I just – if I had said there could be more than three events on day one, you'd say, oh, no, we talked to Adrian. Oh, well, we would have said that too anyway.
Starting point is 00:59:02 We would have said that also. That was in our text thread, yeah. So I'm stoked uh tutor magda max strength handstand uh walking um so this is the guy you think this is the guy that's going to compete with gi uh in the strength in the strength movements um no he's in purple because the handstand walking um he just has two strengths that stuck out and uh I can't like highlight half of the column. So I'm not technological enough for that. So he's in purple because of the handstand walking.
Starting point is 00:59:33 He should be really good at the max out strength stuff, but not, he's not going to compete with Keith. How, how good is his handstand walking? He really is like the best in the field guaranteed. He blew me away in the semifinal, the way he was handstand walking he really is like the best in the field guaranteed uh he blew me away in the semifinal the way he was handstand walking um we don't have a lot of data points for him but i expect if handstand walking like if event eight was just handstand walking he should be in the top three are there any is there who's the second best at handstand walking in the in the field at the games at a man madero's has always done great in the handstand walking but um and saxon's really good
Starting point is 01:00:11 at handstand walking there's not really anybody that's kind of like way better than everybody else there's no danielle brandon okay and who's better out of danielle and tutor danielle she oh she is i i would say danielle is the best handstand walker in all of CrossFit history. I don't know anybody better than her. Brian? I'm not going to dispute that. All right. And Tudor's weakness is machine power output.
Starting point is 01:00:41 And that's not good, right? That's not good for a lot of reasons uh sure like if you're gonna have a weakness that's not the one you want i don't know i would argue uh long endurance would be the one you wouldn't want i mean that i would say just just a sake of a comparison i would say that last year at the games mal o O'Brien's weakness was machine power output, and she placed 7th. How many events at the Games last year had machines in them?
Starting point is 01:01:12 Well, it depends. If you count the rowing in the last event, then I think there were three. They had the Echo Bike Snatch, they had the Ski Rope Climb Hoosaville Carry, and then they had the 600-meter row buy-in before 90 Chesterport Pull-Ups anding but that row that row meant nothing that's it yeah so there were three machines but in the ski the ski was more of just yeah the ski was more of just pacing
Starting point is 01:01:36 though like an actual workout just how it kind of fit i thought that too but when i went back and watched it that's where fukowski was making moves on guys, was on the skier. Yeah, but Fikowski always is good at this. Like, he's fitter. He's one of the fittest people in the world. You could take advantage of that strength and make moves on the skier in that workout. You could take advantage of a strength on a bike, and that could be a deciding factor on the echo bike snatch workout. and that could be a deciding factor on the echo bike snatch workout you could not have rowed fast enough to make up for a deficiency in handstand and in a chest of our pull-ups no but i'm saying you're not going to come in 35th place because you're skiing three seconds slower than
Starting point is 01:02:16 zakowski and i'm saying that you could be in 35th place on the last workout even if you were the best rower in the field so the machine there were three machine workouts but i think that the machines are only relevant in two of them yeah i i'm agreeing with you i'm just saying it's not it doesn't apply to his weakness here we're just pretending to argue for heidi's sake thank you you're a good dude hey i'm thinking more of the i'm thinking more of the fact is just to correlate that the people who win the crossfit games the top five people who are in the top five they're fucking good at the machines yeah i mean i don't disagree with you on there but that's not it's not the end all be all uh colt colton merton's um high rep movement squat strength so give me an example of something he's guaranteed to win at if we see it pop up at the games, this high rep movement. If it's cross-fitty, like a Fran-type workout,
Starting point is 01:03:14 anything that's a cross-fitty in the gym-type workout. John, let me ask you this one. One of my regional workouts we actually talked about earlier this year also. Front squats, strict handstand push-ups, and burpees. Yeah, he would win that all day. Say it again. Front squats, handstand push-ups, and what? Burpees.
Starting point is 01:03:34 It went 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3. Yes, Brian? Yes. This was a regional workout in 2017, 2016? Yeah. 2014, actually. Okay, way back when uh did you just do that recently is that why i popped no i was i went to that was the one year i went to regionals as a fan in navy pier in chicago here and i remember watching that workout that's a brutal
Starting point is 01:03:58 it just stopped people in their tracks i still think it's the i mean it maybe it's just because it's such a bad skill set for me heavy front squats and strict handstand push-ups but i still think that's one of the hardest workouts i've ever seen at regionals and i would love to see that workout at the games like i've been thinking that adrian might throw back to some stuff from from the past and it doesn't necessarily have to be old games events like that would be a i think that would be a very relevant old regional test to bring back in the game setting and we could see just how much better these guys have gotten at something like that and you wouldn't change the weight on the front squad or anything it would just be exactly the same yeah the way i mean it was and you're doing 21 18 15
Starting point is 01:04:34 blah blah blah like it's a lot of reps like they did not need to be heavier that was that's an example of a workout that that colton would win and we've seen colton merton's win workouts similarly to that, especially the year that they had the Rogue Online Invitational. He won, I think, both the first and last workout that year that had basically a barbell cycling gymnastics combo. And the last workout was 21-15-9 overhead squats and deadlifts. Oh, it was just straight barbell?
Starting point is 01:05:01 And he beat everybody by, like, minutes. In a five-minute workout, he was four minutes. It was almost like friendly Fran with Fraser. Just because his cycle was so much faster and he's ridiculously strong. If you look at his green section, he did 365 for 30 on back squat. And I think he's the only guy in the field who can do that. This guy, PMI Premium Services. premium services hey man you are so generous and uh every i apologize for any of the times you've given 20 bucks and i haven't uh mentioned your name but you're always in there and we seriously
Starting point is 01:05:37 appreciate it uh what about something like murph yeah he wouldn't do good in that really i mean look at josh bridges i mean i know josh bridges is a good runner but he's also a smaller he's a smaller athlete i think he'd be middle of the pack just because but but would he win the put would colton win the push-ups uh air squats and pull-ups he'd pass people in that part of the workout i think yeah he would make his move in that part of the workout and i like I think he'd get like 10 to 20. So his running is so poor that even being the best in the field at that, at those three,
Starting point is 01:06:12 he, he, he, he still can't be break top. It's poor. I just think everybody's really good. Oh, you're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:06:22 You're a good dude. You're a good dude. You're a good dude. You're a good dude. You're a good dude. You're a good dude. Let's go down to Will. Fire Department Station 9. Will Morad. Wow, Will Morad. Good on him.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Yeah, so he, if you go back, he he said man is this like the first time we've ever talked about him on the show is just what he's that old guy i can't believe he's still cross-sitting he was he had an 82 point deficit in the last event and uh and then won it and and ended up being fifth i think it was the biggest deficit ever that he overcame and beat james sprague by one point you're saying he was in sixth place by 82. no no no he was like in 10th place okay sorry 10th place they weren't even talking about him as he could possibly come up we nobody even knew he was at the competition and then he just got first and 82 points he's literally like you we actually have to reconsider the way that we evaluate possibilities going
Starting point is 01:07:27 into last event to say like mathematically down to this place is still in it because this was pretty much pushing the limits of what was possible in terms of a comeback. Yeah. Everything hit exactly. Perfect. Down the line. What's the,
Starting point is 01:07:44 what's the S stand for S strict handstand push-ups strict okay so basically and also would you say that putting handstand push-ups as the final event is a sure way to guarantee the biggest move if you had to pick one movement i would really want to be like okay we're gonna really fuck with the leaderboard you make that as the final event and you put it some some crazy number you know i think the heavy ladders have have more movement okay but just because they could actually well they both because of the same reason right they both can stop someone yes and the person we also saw we also saw with legless rope climbs okay yes that's, that's another one, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Like a heavy lift when they have heavy lifts at the end with some competitions. Like if you can't do it, then you can't do it. You're stuck. And the clock just goes up and people just start passing you. Strict handstand push-ups, you can rest long enough and then finish it. You just have to take longer. Legless rope climbs, even more so than strict handstand push-ups-ups though you just have to rest and then you can do it again a heavy lift at the end if you can't do it then you're last place and like there's no you're not magically going
Starting point is 01:08:55 to be able to lift it what is your favorite movement for a final event right single movement yeah like you'd like to see someone cross the finish line well 2022 crossfit games what do you want to see people cross the finish line doing i like the workouts and i think dave's got you know gotten into a pattern of this as the last event uh where there's a like the story tells itself moving across the floor yeah like the fibonacci finale with the overhead walking lunges or the yoke carry that he had with the Niasse or obviously the lunges last year at the games where it's like pretty clear that you can see the leader or the eventual champion maybe making their way to towards that goal I like what do you have a favorite I in those you said I like and maybe I just like them because
Starting point is 01:09:41 I've been trained to like them but uh lunges and yolks they're cool they're cool fun like especially as they come across the field your favorite john i think you're saying that just because that's what we've seen the most like we've seen lunges be the last movement in a lot of different competitions just because it it plays really good to the story yeah and you're wondering the whole time are they going to put it down are they going to put it down are they going to drop it are they going to drop that barbell on the front rack how close is the other person who's going to rest and you can see it so clearly that clear story you could bring back to like the one year 2012 the last workout was fran well fran it's like just chaos on the floor like people are
Starting point is 01:10:19 doing thrusters and pulps as fast as they can and it's like who you know you can't tell and boom and everyone finished and then i don't even think there was a starting line or stopping line to run across just time so the camera was on rich the whole time kyle casper bauer one rich is still doing pull-ups so we're looking at oh my i'm thinking of a different one but you're right you're right scott panchuk one but kyle casper bauer maybe got a second 2009 same thing right 2009 in that chipper at the end i think that that was a fucking complete they had the 45 pound plate overhead lunges for a long time yeah that was as opposed to 2008 where they had the heavy grace and it was chaos on the floor and you didn't know what the end results were so if you want to have a workout where it's like
Starting point is 01:11:03 holy shit everything just happened and we don't know, and we have to go to the math, you know, you could program something like that. But if you want something where it's, you know, easy to tell the story, then yeah, there's probably not much better than a lunch. What would it, what would a heavy grace be if, if, if it, let's say event number 15 is heavy grace, what would the weight be? 225? Because Yeah, I think we have data point for 225. Rich has done it twice. The Wall Street weightlifter just did it. If anybody's familiar with that guy, he's a super strong Mario-looking guy.
Starting point is 01:11:37 He does look like Mario. Yeah, 225 would be the – I mean, and that would be heavy, but I think that's the proper way. Who wins that, Guy or Tudor? Maybe Adler. Oh. Yeah. That would actually be a super fun workout because guys like Medeiros
Starting point is 01:11:55 and Valner. Medeiros would be very good at that workout. Is Colton in the mix there? Yeah. That would actually be a really fun workout for this. It would. Yeah, it would. Yeah. What about the women? what would the women's tax and panchuk would move that well bkg would move
Starting point is 01:12:10 it well like it would be it would be pretty tight i think for the the best women yeah what would the weight be for what would the weight be for the women yeah 155 probably 155 so i think it should, but. So the women are so fucking good. What if we take out the best woman? The woman at the top is so fucking good that we take out the top woman instead of like taking out like the bottom woman. Like who's the who's the who's the bottom? Who's the who's the bottom man in this field? Can we see at the bottom?
Starting point is 01:12:43 It's oh, well, I don't know if this is just a grouping. I can tell you from when we, when I did the, uh, composite rankings that we were looking at earlier, uh, Austin Spencer was top from the 10 workouts they've done this year. I mean, all the dudes would probably finish within the time cap 225 grace whatever it is but but if you make if you make that grace 165 for the women some women don't finish it right in this field i think that uh they know they'd all still finish yeah it's not only be like there'd probably be like two to three women that would be you know maybe significantly behind but it's everybody's capable though what's funny is hayley would be good at that workout and she's not even that strong
Starting point is 01:13:31 hey it would be cool to see them do 155 the women do that grace at 155 just to compare it to um 2008 yeah oh that would be cool fuck can you if Tia had a faster time on that than Jason did back then? Do we know Jason's time? It was squat cleaning. Yeah, I was going to say they could squat clean it. And they could kind of thruster it too. Oh, I think Tia could beat Jason on that. I don't.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Tia's a monster. I think so too. Do we know Jason's time by any chance? Anyone know it? We do. Give me a second. Dang. Okay, let's cruise over to the women.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Damn, this show is dragging ass. Sorry, guys. Sorry. Hey, in a couple minutes here too, Sivan, did you get the stuff that I shared there with you? Because I have to run. I'm sure some of you guys heard my GPS to Fire Station 9 when I was checking how long it will take me to get there. Just a heads up, I have to jump off and tim it um so does uh what did you did you send me these this this sheet yeah i forwarded you all the emails that um brian and john sent me so you
Starting point is 01:14:34 should have access to all these spreadsheets we're fucked sorry guys ryan control is sorry guys we could always just end it when suzya leaves. And then do you want to come back and do the women? Do you want to come back and do the women? What do you mean? We haven't done the women. But we haven't done the women. But we haven't done the women in terms of their strength. Let's go over and look at the women real quick.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Jason's time was 246. She's not beating that. I think she is. She's not beating that. I don't put anything past her uh which sheet is that suza the aggregated aggregated strengths and weaknesses the no this would be is it john's or brian's it's john's it's strength and weaknesses and then in parentheses is games indie that was the one that we had up before. Okay, I see it. Yeah, so if you go to the
Starting point is 01:15:27 men's and women's tab at the bottom, just don't go to their predictions. If you want to, we can go through everybody that's in the purple because that's probably the most significant thing to talk about. Yeah, let's do that. I'm going to share my sheet and see if I can push.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Is that me? Yeah, that's me. Okay. Go up to the top, Stefan, and change the zoom from 100 to 125. 100 to 125. This podcast is guiding Stefan through. I know. I'm sorry, guys. I apologize.
Starting point is 01:15:59 You're good. You're good. Anyhow, awesome. Amanda Barnhart, soon to be on the show. Daniel Brandon, soon to be on the show. Carl Sanders, soon to be on the show. Daniel Brandon, soon to be on the show. Carl Sanders, soon to be on the show. This is exciting.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Amanda Barnhart, so has she ever won an event at the CrossFit Games? Event nine. Last year? Yeah, the bike sprint and the power snatch, 21-15-9. She has won three events at the Games. That was the one she won last year. The bar muscle-up sled event she won In 2019 Yep
Starting point is 01:16:30 And then you want to see if I can do the last one? I thought you would get this one Because it was actually the first one that came to my mind Really? Oh, Chaos No, Clean Engine No, no Oh, yeah, the very first one
Starting point is 01:16:43 That was her first one Chaos, she made a big move Yeah, yeah, yeah, the very first one. That was her first one. Yeah, she made a big move, but she didn't catch the leaders on whatever that slug drag was. That's a great video for the fans if they want to look it up. What year was it, Brian? 2017? Which? Clean and jerk. Oh, the clean and jerk speedlander was 2018.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Also, chaos was 2018. So when you have max power output output that's your way of combining she's good at machines and uh lifting heavy shit yeah and i'm also talking about moving odd implements like it'll just say it'll say high pop machines next to it if it's just machines it's kind of like once i have high volume gymnastics on somebody they've shown that they are good at a lot of different gymnastics it's not just pulling she's good at you have it she's good at the power snatch and uh the echo bike uh and um she's ass at long runs and she's ass at long runs stefan do you know the name sarah Dunsmore no I like it she has I was just looking at my sheet or she had
Starting point is 01:17:48 two event wins at the 2009 CrossFit games but I'm not really familiar with her oh shit which events did she win the run and the sledge row Sarah Dunsmore so shout out to Sarah Dunsmore yeah that's a fucking crazy games talk about dirty uh Daniel um daniel brandon um handstand walking hey so if you're gonna have a strength is that the is that really not the strength you want
Starting point is 01:18:14 it's kind of like actually seven stay tuned on that coming up i think tomorrow if not tomorrow the next day i have an article coming out from morning Morning Chalk Up that David Arsenault was an inspirer for this one, talking about specifically handstand walking's relevance at the CrossFit Games. Okay. Who's David Arsenault? Guy I met on Instagram who sent me a couple. He and I wrote the Sarah Sigmundsdottir article that came out last week about how good she's been in her career when she's healthy. And then he had an idea on the handstand walking that I was really impressed with.
Starting point is 01:18:46 So I doctored it up to fit the morning chalk ups kind of framework and we should have it coming out this week. David Arsenault. Today's your lucky day, July 26, eight 18 Pacific standard time AM. And you were mentioned on the seven podcast from here. Your life only gets worse.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Well, that's cool. Can you give us a preview? Like what, what would you rather be good at at the crossfit games handstand walking or swimming like does this we actually compare those two directly in the article okay because it it will tell me this is it that is it niche yeah i would say yes i don't even know what that word means there's an i'll give you this example he i he wrote a lot about it and i had to kind of pick pick and choose what i thought were Yeah, I would say, yeah. I don't even know what that word means. I'll give you this example.
Starting point is 01:19:30 He wrote a lot about it, and I had to kind of pick and choose what I thought were the two. I told you, David, it's downhill. You came on as a superstar, and Brian's already saying you fucking a blabbermouth. Go on. No, I'm saying that he had a great depth of information, and I tried to make it more concise and digestible for everyone who might want to read it. All right, all right. I misunderstood. make it more concise and digestible for everyone who might want to read it all right all right i misunderstood but one of the examples he gave was from the handstand walking event in 2020 where brooke wells won that event against the the five women there of which were katrin david zutter and carrie pierce hayley adams and tia clare toomey tia got last in that workout and you would expect
Starting point is 01:20:00 that because those other four women are some of the four best in the field why do what skill set is it that made brooke wells win that handstand walk against katrin or carrie or hayley anatomy what was she better at speed she was she wasn't was she stronger no did she have a better midline but she's she's moved faster just better at walking on her hands like that's i don't know how to quantify it in any other way. That was the point of that example. What other movements does he compare it to besides swimming? We did swimming and deadlifting.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Oh, interesting. The reason why it's interesting with deadlifting is, and maybe you could say with hands, I don't know what the correlates are to handstand walking and swimming, but the deadlift is the first movement for so many of our movements, right? A pull from the floor. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. The pull from the floor. So you pick something that these that's kind of an outlier to compare it to. And then something that's sort of like super foundational. And all three of those things are regularly tested at the CrossFit games. I think that they've been tested.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Like since we started, we did from 2011 on, and I think that they were tested like 10, 11, and 12 times over that 11-year stretch. Since swimming came on, has it ever not been tested? No. Since handstand walks showed up, have they ever not been tested? I can't remember. I think it's been every year, and I think that the deadlift was kind of weird where there was like one year there were two deadlift tests or something like that. But every year something's been pulled off the ground.
Starting point is 01:21:31 A barbell's been pulled off the ground. Yeah. Yeah, crazy. I'd be curious to see what that looks like too. How many events, what happens more? What was the event we were talking about whether it's it's 50 the movement that's in machines machines are in like 15 of the workouts at the games roughly i'm just doing the math roughly 15 to 20 i wonder how what the percentage was last year but remember we talked about that one year where all the machines showed up in one workout the
Starting point is 01:22:02 rope chipper and it didn't even then they almost didn't even matter because it was just how fast you could pull the rope across the floor the sled across the floor at the long rope and i wonder who was the best of the machine still one but yeah yeah but the guy who was in first after all the machine workout like last but she would have probably been last and who is that who is that joshges. It's kind of funny how it worked opposite like that, but still worked out. I wonder how many events where there's pulling off the ground on average in the games. A barbell off the ground. It doesn't have to be a barbell because the Hustafeld bag, you have to pick it up from the ground before you carry it. Is that pulling from the ground?
Starting point is 01:22:42 Yeah, I think it is. The pig. have to pick it up from the ground before you carry it is that right from the ground yeah yeah yeah i think it is but it's basically an insignificant component pig yeah the pig but these are but they're not necessarily the critical component of the workout like the pig flip yeah if you get stuck on it it was a problem but there were 48 muscle-ups in the middle of that workout that's where it was won or lost same thing with the hussovel bag so you're probably pulling things from the ground quite often but is it a critical component of the workout not as often i'd also argue it's the fastest way to injure yourself through overtraining as opposed to swimming handstand walks or machines pulling shit off the ground don't do it uh don't do it you what you disagree john i don't disagree oh yeah yeah i do disagree with don't do
Starting point is 01:23:27 it i think no no i know i know i know that was do it safely i said something really smart and then fucked it up it's pretty normal for me um uh what she's shitty at is uh miss brandon she's good on her hands she's good upside down But the skier The GHD And the run Well so just long endurance in general And again But the sprint she's good at right
Starting point is 01:23:54 She's good at a sprint right Yeah But yes she's bad at long endurance So The details of that workout He's just included in there as an example of a long endurance workout that she didn't do well at in recent competition okay and that was the rogue event she took 19th and so how did she do last year in the uh toes to bar uh run event
Starting point is 01:24:15 did she shit the bed on that no i think she actually did uh fairly decent on it i will tell you one middle of the i think she was in the middle of that they were only at the middle of the pack there were only 30 athletes left at that point daniel brandon doesn't have any gaping holes huh there's no no she's pretty well rounded but like her weakest point would would be that and that's you know and that was the assignment assignment we were going for that's hysterically terrible that they're the weakest anything else i didn't hear anything brian said did you john yeah so what he was saying was uh your their weakness compared relative to everything else for instance tia is not bad
Starting point is 01:24:59 at the machines but if that's the thing she's the weakest at compared to, to the field. In the total bar run event, she got 14th. So right in the middle, 14. Yeah. If you, if you are a,
Starting point is 01:25:14 if you are, if you are a games athlete, do you want to be in Laura Horvath position a second alone in second place, but with fucking a major hole a hayley adams top five um with 10 years left in your career but a major hole or a uh a collegiate athlete who uh probably has i don't know how old she is let's say five years left in her career but with no holes who are you talking about i'm just comparing danielle Brandon to Haley Adams and Laura Horvath. Like, what do we see in the next five years from them?
Starting point is 01:25:52 I mean, that's hard to say because Haley and Laura are fitter than Danielle Brandon. Haley and Laura is interesting because their holes. They're alone, right? There's no one else like them. They're alone in that kind of category superstars with holes no no i would say gabby mcgow is in a similar category with legless rope climb serious yeah it's like that it's like if you see a rope climb legless rope climbing gabby mcgow it's like that's gonna if there's a if there's a workout at the games this year that's dependent on the Legos rope climb, I would be confident saying it'll be her worst finish.
Starting point is 01:26:27 I don't think she's as bad as Laura is in certain stand push-ups, though. Even if there's deficit in there. No, I'm not saying that either. I'm just saying she's another woman that's in the same tier of Haley and Laura competing for a podium spot that does have a weakness that sticks out relative to um everything else jr howell she was impressive in the mac if you consider that well that's with a semi-final field and not a games field so it's sim like i remember and yeah and john and john's kind of uh intro here he had said he was focusing on major competitions and then i you know in the
Starting point is 01:27:04 counter to that as i was working focusing more on the minor or the open quarter finals these types of workouts so we're trying to see a balance across all of those things and so yeah the semi some of the semi-final workouts did get maybe a little bit looked over in that study but like we talked about with gee the you know like his result on that running swimming workout in Brazil is not going to show up on this as a strength because we know that relative to that field his performance can be very different than relative to a games field word Christy Arama O'Connell long endurance versus max power output machines is she the smallest athlete uh in the she's not she's a smaller athlete oh in the top 10 maybe yeah i mean hayley hayley's pretty darn
Starting point is 01:27:53 small but hayley's taller than her um and the other thing is hayley looks hayley's looking strong man she's got some like traps going and her back looked a little bit bigger i think she's taking 10 grams of cretin cretin the other thing to jr's point is this is like this is a study based on what we've seen but there's definitely the opportunity for someone to show up this year and and prove that that trend is going to be different for them going forward and we're hopeful that we're hoping to see that in some cases like fraser would have a weakness of legless rope climbs after 2015. And then there's another weakness.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Yeah, very good point. And we saw someone like Alex Gavan post on her Instagram the other day. What's her name? What did I say? Gavan? It's one of the letters at the end of the alphabet. Alex Gavan.
Starting point is 01:28:48 She put 35 pounds on her fucking back squat. PR. I mean, this is this is the thing with young kids, but Laura's issue has been around forever. Laura, go ahead john we haven't um seen her get crushed though the way she did originally in 2019 rogue invitational either 2019 or 2020 i don't know which one but she couldn't do one rep every workout since it's not it's been a weakness and it's been her worst place finish but she's been able to get through every single workout and it hasn't been that like huge she can't even do it like we saw hayley just standing on the floor last year that's bad right yeah yeah okay but we haven't seen strict deficits either like that hasn't popped up in very many competitions so i kind of hope we get that because we just haven't seen it very much
Starting point is 01:29:42 hey what we should put a list of 10 10 most devastating standing on the floors like katrin david's daughter in front of the pegboard laura horvat well that's that's the example i was going to bring up is you know in that in that rogue invitational john's talking about they had a minimum work work requirement and laura couldn't meet it because she couldn't do that movement and so she was eliminated from the competition she was able to continue competing if she wanted but she she like, they just moved her to, I think her and Margo Alvarez might've both had that happen to them. And they were just 19th and 20th for the rest of the competition. And then we see a workout at the games, like the pegboard that year,
Starting point is 01:30:14 there was no minimum work requirement. So you could try as many times as you want or not. And you could just advance in the competition. And in that case, the games that you're right, just standing around under the pegboard and she won the games. Yeah. She was awarded four points for it yeah and sarah is sarah kept trying and
Starting point is 01:30:32 tired herself out for the second though the last event and catherine was like super rested for that event because she just stopped the genius of ed bergeron why he's the greatest coach who ever lived well no no this is exactly right. You need to be aware as a programmer of what's your intent with having or not having a minimum work requirement. And then there's a second theory caveat to that is, is there also a minimum effort required? If there's no minimum work requirement, you're just allowed to take the workout off and say, I'm just going to not do this one. It's probably going to devastate me for everything else. I'll take zero points and I'm going to crush the next three. Is that allowed or is that not in the spirit of competition? I don't know. Fuck the spirit. I think I don't know if the spirit of competition matters on in the finals.
Starting point is 01:31:26 it's the same as a scoring or whatever like when you're making the competition those are things that you need to think about because personally i don't want to see someone ever win the games again that can't do or is not going to try and then whatever the implement is okay i have another idea for you for a show for for some stats so so so that one is like a show top 10 best like we're you know best standing around getting your just your ass kicked um looking like a goofball uh the other one is is i wonder how the crossfit games champions would look if we took off the best performance and worst performance of every athlete on the podium and looked at the games if those athletes would still be at the top of the podium, one, two, three. Help them get to work. I bet they would.
Starting point is 01:32:10 I don't – I mean, I think you're right, too. I think you're right. And that's a testament to those athletes. It would be interesting. I mean, I'm just thinking. How many points did Vellner lose by last year? 84. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:32:24 We did this already. He would have still lost by 20 points. If he took off the first and best? Well, they both would have dropped the first place, so it would have been a wash. And then he gave away 76 points to Justin on the swim, so he would drop that one. Well, no, to Justin's worst workout, which was, I think, a swim. So, you know, he would drop that one. Well, no, to Justin's worst workout, which was, I think, a 15.
Starting point is 01:32:49 So, yeah, it wouldn't change any. Sevan, did you see the kid on Joe Rogan that's a world champion, JJ, and only eats pizza and pasta? Yeah, kids can just do amazing shit. There's like 21-year-olds and the 23-year-olds in the NFL who live off of gummy bears and Coca-Cola. There are other years that might have made a difference, though. I've seen a world champion arm wrestler just live off of gummy bears and Coca-Cola. There are, I see a world champion. I've made a difference though.
Starting point is 01:33:06 I've seen a world champion arm wrestler just live off of diet Cokes. It's, um, but, uh, let's talk to them in 20 or 30 years and see what they're doing. Let's look at that kid's dad. How about that?
Starting point is 01:33:18 I think it would make a difference in the podium at some years, but I don't think it, I mean the champion, I don't think so. I mean, maybe, maybe 2017 Tia and cara points yeah possibly that i mean yeah you're going to be looking at the closer margins of victory right so you're going to probably look at like ben smith versus fraser in 2015 and of course there's going to be some tight third and fourth races that we can't like perfectly recall um uh so let's finish up with man in 2014
Starting point is 01:33:47 they were close let's look at uh christy arama o'connell long endurance she doesn't want to see oh so swim kayak so swimming's good for her uh long distance run is good for her right she did good in the toes to bar uh run last year but what she doesn't want to see is the machine she doesn't want to see a machine or a power snatch something where it takes mass to specifically sprinting and you wanted to ask about op or who is the same like or the extremes yeah she was one of the most extreme people every time a high power output machine workout where it's a sprint was involved, she was always one of the last people. And then anytime it's long distance, anything, running, swimming, anything super aerobic, she is always right there with Tia. It's always Tia winning and then her second because you can't out sprint Tia at the end.
Starting point is 01:34:43 But she's always like right there with her every single year. And then tia out sprints her on the like with 100 meters left but with the machines she's always one of the last people i like she correlated so hard in the extremes whenever i was looking at this i mean she's a she's a top 10 she might have the worst finish of someone that's in Brian's top 10, right? A 33rd? Possibly, depending on a few other things we've already mentioned. And the antithesis to her is probably Danny Spiegel in this field, who's got the potential to win certain events and to take bottom 10s in other events.
Starting point is 01:35:22 That would be the opposite to the ones that Christy does well. Emily is the same as Christy. Emily Rolfe? Yeah. Let's do Danny, and then we'll get to Emily. Danny Spiegel, max out strength. So is she Gi? Is she Gi?
Starting point is 01:35:41 Is she Colton Mertens? Is she? Who's your male counterpart? She's not Gi because there's Tia. Tia makes her not Gi. Okay. Because I think Tia can beat her in some lifting events
Starting point is 01:35:57 and Gi is basically unbeatable as we have seen. From what we have seen, Gi has been unbeatable in max out events does she beat Amanda Barnhart in all the strength events I think she beats Amanda in most of them yeah I think she'll be top three
Starting point is 01:36:14 in any strength event there is if it's just max out and should and probably win I'd say if there's a, if there's a lifting event, so pure lifting event, she'll be in the top five.
Starting point is 01:36:33 I'm just going up here. I know she's not in purple. I mean, who else do you have though? Like there there's Tia, Laura, her, and then a colon brander.
Starting point is 01:36:43 And then I don't know who else is there. I don't, I don't think Barnhart is as strong as those four. Yeah, no, I would, I would, Kara,
Starting point is 01:36:53 we'll see. No, no. And a one rep max. No, you're probably right. Yeah. She's,
Starting point is 01:36:59 that's what I'm saying. I think she's probably top five. And, but her long endurance game is, is, is pretty poor how poor is it it's pretty poor it's it's pretty rough i don't know this isn't so bad run echo bike burpee sled push at the granite games 12th well here's the thing she has every uh competition that's been as long as the games she hasn't finished so there's not a lot of data points for her.
Starting point is 01:37:28 And the granite games, she got 12th and this isn't a semifinal. So you have to think if she's getting 12th in a semifinal field, that's more like 30th in a games field. I just saw an amazing text come in from a five-time world's champion and if we're being honest her uh her weakness is really just durability who spiegel's yeah uh oh so the meaning meaning you have concerns she could she's uh could get beat up at the games and not finish why is that is she old or it's just it's
Starting point is 01:38:06 because of her bought her anatomy is it an anatomy issue no i don't think so i think she's just delicate she's fragile she's delicate she just has trouble with getting hurt in competitions she's like a formula one race car if it hits a pot it goes fast but if it hits a pothole it's done i don't really think of danny spiegel as a formula one race car help me hits a pot it goes fast but if it hits a pothole it's done i don't really think if danny spiegel is a formula one race car help me out here with my metaphor mr young what would you say monster truck oh i mean yeah monster truck sounds good very powerful but needs a lot of maintenance yeah yeah axle snap on that thing yeah all right um does she finish top 10 at the Yeah. All right. Does she finish top 10 at the games?
Starting point is 01:38:48 No. Does she win an event? Possibly. I don't think so. The right event shows up early in the weekend. She could definitely win it. Okay, tell me. Tell me what event.
Starting point is 01:39:00 It's top 30 people. Make the perfect event for her. I want to hear it. Max snatch. Make the perfect event for her. I want to hear it. Max snatch. Or max snatch combined with like a heavy snatch combined with a handstand walk like we saw at Guadalupe Luzza that one year. Yeah, but she could snatch 220, and nobody else can do that.
Starting point is 01:39:16 She's good on her hands too, and so is Brooke Wells. Colin Brander might be able to. There are a lot of women that are good on their hands. If it's just dependent on being good on your hands, you're not going to beat Danielle Branden. but if there's another implement in there there are some women that can challenge her in those workouts and dan is one of them especially if there's a barbell associated with it all right uh emily rolf uh and then and then we only have one more in the purple oh nope nope not not true. Not, not true. Uh, Emily Rolfe, uh,
Starting point is 01:39:45 long, long, long endurance. Uh, where did we, we saw her kill. Did she pass the toes to bar running? The,
Starting point is 01:39:52 uh, running workout from last year is probably the, it was the broadcast coverage is really good of this event. And we could clearly see her making moves throughout that workout to pick off sam briggs and then to hold off tia uh and it was like chris and holty yeah but it was holta uh her briggs and tia were all together no she just took off there ended up being two at the end and i think it was her and christy they were the top two you basically saw sam briggs form breakdown it was it would be a great uh analysis for chris hinshaw she was just running nice and smooth and then all of a sudden she
Starting point is 01:40:30 started doing this i was thinking about chris a lot while watching that workout actually because they had the camera on the truck and you could see the way that they were they had spread themselves out it was like hayley christy uh tia christian hayley ralph hayley there she was up she was like third or fourth and then i think she got third in that workout and then uh breaks she got like breaks was there i'm saying she was there in the group yeah she was in front of them at that point and you and i was actually watching to see who was relaxed and what part of their bodies were compared to who was a little bit more tense and i was thinking thinking that chris would have probably really liked that one. And her weakness, Emily Rolfe, is?
Starting point is 01:41:07 Strength. Strength. How bad is it? It's Haley Adams level. Do you remember that John said that Spiegel's 12th place finish in the Endure the Sled workout is equivalent to mid-20s at the Games? Yeah. Of the five women that qualified from granite games that 12th place finish is the second worst
Starting point is 01:41:29 finish any of them had on a single event emily rolf was 22nd on the lift okay okay is she a former triathlete today did i see she's former something swim run something i'm not entirely sure what her endurance background is but she's top three in endurance events that whatever she's doing it's it's working uh she's who are the other two christy uh emily and the top endurance athletes at this year's games will probably be um yeah yeah yeah uh we go down to christine colin brander uh max out strength there could be i'm curious to see if lucy campbell can hang in that conversation this year with running too we'll see i mean if we'll see where is she now i'm with i'm with you on that but you know.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Yeah, I'm just saying she's of the new women in the field. She's the one that I'm like, I wonder if she can push into that group. And that's, I mean, that's why she's, her strength is endurance and swimming, but it's not in purple because we just don't know. She could be, but we don't. She hasn't, we haven't seen her in a games field. She did very well on the row swim run she won it at water blues yeah uh christine colenbrander max out strength are we talking about machine snatches uh cleans overhead squats so and this is a name that people don't know that could be tia in a strength event
Starting point is 01:43:00 possibly like if you look at her barbell complex with the uh is it three cleans two front squats and one jerk is that what they did she was first place in the whole world uh her and spiegel tied for the most in all didn't t also tied didn't they all have 245 yeah i think yeah yes but she and also you if if you were watching last year, the game's coverage prior to the snatch event, she was the woman out there with Tola that was snatching, just like demonstrating what a heavy snatch could look like, basically. And I think she did 215. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Her and Spiegel's snatch is head and shoulders for you, Brian, above everybody else. Because we've seen Tia snatch 200 uh 200 205 probably capable of 210 but like Spiegel and Colin Brander are stronger than her at at a snatch for sure I don't know about a clean and jerk but at a snatch for sure who had a better time in the uh rope event at semi-finals her Gabby Magawa I'll find it she missed uh she either got a no rep or almost got a no rep on the rope climb event so her rope climb event's a little skewed on that one okay she took 14th at the syndicate i don't know what she took worldwide did gabby finish the event she yeah yeah gabby did fine
Starting point is 01:44:20 gabby was 38th out of the 40 women in this workout. And she honestly, she managed it kind of as well as she could have. Christine was 37th. So she's one place better than that. And Christine was like, John was saying was like an inch away from probably being 10th. What was that? What was Colton? He was last place.
Starting point is 01:44:41 Last. Yeah. So you should do 10, just 10 rope climbs for time i bet you might be able to beat his time he was 39th there's 30 i the other day i did five uh legless rope climbs and my fucking whole old body started just cramping up like my chest started cramping it was fucked up in my forearms it was the same thing he was 39th and the guy who was 40th was agustino calame down in brazil and he was getting his gazillion no reps on that work
Starting point is 01:45:05 on that workout okay so so Cole really is at the bottom yeah yeah all right I can guarantee you I hope there's no rope climbs that Agustin Raquelme will not be last at the games yeah what do we do you know what year the rope climb
Starting point is 01:45:21 first showed up at the CrossFit Games the legless rope climb just any the CrossFit Games? The legless rope climb? Just any rope. Sure, yeah, let's do legless. 2013? There were no rope climbs before 2010. I don't think there were any at the ranch years. I can't remember seeing any.
Starting point is 01:45:35 So that would have been the first rope climb, and then the first legless rope climb. It was legless 2013. Legless. The workout legless. Yeah. And has it shown up every year is the rope is the rope ever missed a year i can't remember it not being there i'm not 100 sure on that one um
Starting point is 01:45:57 was the highest rope climb out there in carson out on that on that on that football field on the side did they that was a massive rope climb that year, right? 30 foot or something? The dog sled rope climb workout. Yeah, that was pretty tall. 20 feet has become pretty expected for games. Did they do rope climbs at the ranch in 2020? By for Peter.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Oh, yeah, that's right. Where was the rope? Was it outside? It wasn't at the ranch. It was at the offsite venue. Okay. I was just trying to think of a year that they might not have had him they tested that i was there when they tested that and i think it was jason carroll killed that but he well yeah he's like a mountain biker and he's amazing at upper body pulling stuff
Starting point is 01:46:39 yeah he can and he would jump off the bike like just ride at the rope and jump onto the rope. The transitions were fucking absolutely nuts. I can't think of a better workout for him. For Jason Carroll? Yeah. Is he out of the scene? I think so. He got a job at Starbucks or something?
Starting point is 01:46:57 Okay. Not Starbucks. I don't think he's competing anymore. Christine Kohlenbrander so uh we got her she's strong but she doesn't want to see the ropes although she is um better than colton merton at it uh carolyn privo deadlift what what's her max deadlift um is it listed somewhere i don't know where her max is i just know the 225 for 67 probably close to john's probably i'm not great at deadlift a true i i see it's interesting to see her way down here because i see her as a true athlete
Starting point is 01:47:34 in the field like i just see her as just a when i think of her i think of her as just a great mover and you have um double unders and long endurance but i just picture she's not good at double unders huh no i think brian has a funny story about her and double unders like long endurance, but I just picture she's not good at double unders, huh? No, I think Brian has a funny story about her and double unders. Like she folds, she does one of those things. She folds like that when she doesn't like, you know, that thing, like they fold in the middle. No, but I mean, look, it's, and we've, we talked about it before. There's a, you know, this is a taking the workouts that they've done this year against each other in comparison has its flaws. But at the same time, when you look at the women that come up at the top of those workouts,
Starting point is 01:48:09 they're most of the women that you had expected to be towards the top of the games field. And she didn't finish, with the exception of the deadlift burpee workout where she was third, her next best finish on any of those workouts was 27th. And that's just not going to cut it. You still have to be good at the low barrier jump to stuff and she's not relative to this field basically if she's in any other uh north american semi-final she doesn't go to the games i don't i can't i said we talked i talked about this with a composite power rankings also outside of emma lawson i don't think any of the analysts put any of the women from that competition inside the top 30 in any of their rankings.
Starting point is 01:48:50 Wow. Okay. There were very, very few. But that was known. We knew going in, and I know that Adrian talked about their intent was to have a fair distribution of spots across semifinals. And it might have been on paper from uh the quarterfinal performances but it definitely wasn't in the bottom half of the field you know half of all the backfields for the women and all of the backfields for the men were in that field so it was just yeah it was a relatively easier field based on the data and we'll see if if someone like a page powers or
Starting point is 01:49:21 caroline prevo can have a good performance at the games, Caroline Spencer is our second year going there. But I'm not expecting them to do great at the games. These people in this dark red and this red won't be playing Sunday. Like Sunday, they could play at home. A couple of them will. I mean, there's always going to be a surprise good and a surprise bad. And don't forget that there's probably going to be between one and five withdraws. Yeah, the people in the brown will not be will not be dark dark red and up have a chance yeah you mean this um um yeah they're getting young choy julia cato uh they're
Starting point is 01:50:02 getting cut michelle morand and sahar kaya they're just there for just they're there just because yeah and how about this how about this rebecca fusliay fusliay i i everybody in the dark red has a chance to make it through just it kind of just depends on the events and if they get you know a handful ones. And how they manage the weekend, honestly. I had a great podcast with her, by the way. If anyone hasn't seen this one with Rebecca, you should see it. You should see it. Alex Gazan.
Starting point is 01:50:37 Did she make it to Sunday? I think so. Now you're getting into the realm of the the next shows we're having john okay fine um anything uh fantastic data i loved anything anything else you guys want to add we're an hour and 50 in surprised we made it this long i know that was great 35 minutes ago you i thought you were gonna quit on us no no i made it i made it i'm looking at the it's amazing how many people uh have are on these uh spectrums these outliers there's all these so many great athletes well this is i mean this is i think i was talking about this last night when you asked me you know the ultimately the the reason for doing this is to try to see
Starting point is 01:51:21 where some of the athletes that that won't make an impact on the overall leaderboard could make an impact event to event that will have a contributing effect to how those top five or ten male or female athletes end up sorting themselves out once everything's said and done. Because you haven't pulled up this other document I shared with you yet. It's not that fancy or anything. But if your weakness is upper body pulling or high volume pulling this year, that is bad news for you. Because there are a lot of people in both the men's and women that are really good at high volume pulling because it's been tested this year already.
Starting point is 01:51:58 Because of that, the legless rope climb was such a hard event as far as that goes so if that's your weakness and you're brent fukowski you might take a bigger hit relative to pat velner's weakness which has you know maybe it's swimming but there's only like five good swimmers in the field and 10 average ones so pat could improve and finish like 20th on swimming and brent could improve and still be 30th on high volume pulling because it's a it's a deep field in that regard. And also, it's a little significant because there's way more people, especially in the men's field, that can make a difference on the podium. Like last year, Medeiros had to just stay close to Belner.
Starting point is 01:52:45 This year, there's way more men that could get in the middle of that because just nobody was good enough it was just velner and justin and they were and everybody else was everybody else but roman is going to make a difference in the podium ricky is going to make a difference in the podium like there's a lot more athletes that are capable of that than there was last year which is fun uh when you so when we look at this top five that we didn't mention justin madaris patrick velner brent fikowski bkg saxon uh panchik tia toomey laura horvat mal o'brien gabriella magawa and hayley adams these these people we didn't mention them but they could take away the wins from any of those people outside of maybe Guy. Well, if you're in purple, I think you have a good shot of beating anybody that was in the top five.
Starting point is 01:53:36 But it's still not a shoe-in. It's not a shoe-in, no. It is for some of them. I would say Roman and Hopper on the machines is just as likely as gianna max out of it right yeah i agree with that and if and you know i would say ricky in a running event is just as likely as like like most of these in the purple i think they should win and and and over here on over here i mean i would say is a little like the the difference is tia the difference you could be that you could be the best in the world other than tia
Starting point is 01:54:09 and that's just as impressive as being the best in the world basically but the women don't have a a roman ricky or jason hopper the closest thing would be am. Well, I mean, Daniel Brandon is just as dominant in handstand walking as Guy is in strength. Okay. Christy Aramo is just as dominant in long endurance other than Tia. So, I mean, they have the same people.
Starting point is 01:54:38 It's just Tia can beat any of those people where the men is not the same. All right, guys. Great show. Thank you. Thanks for having me back. Yeah. We dusted you off.
Starting point is 01:54:56 You're in the game. You're in the game. As many people in the comments said, it was too long. This evening, we have Patrick Vellner at 6.30 p.m. Then we have patrick velner at 6 30 p.m then we have uh daniel brandon tomorrow also tomorrow coming uh from the middle of the united states of america from iowa we're having chris tile on he's an affiliate owner out there that's going to be a good conversation then on thursday we have cara saunders on and uh james sprague and dylan pepper in the evening uh and then friday we have our ufc show with justin nunue and Dallin Pepper in the evening and then Friday
Starting point is 01:55:26 we have our UFC show with Justin Nunley and Darian Weeks and then in the evening we have Lazar Jukic I'm sure there are going to be other people added in there I do know that somewhere in there Greg Glassman is coming to Santa Cruz California to give a talk about broken science so that could cause my
Starting point is 01:55:42 schedule to get a little mixed up but I will tell you this. He told me that I could film his up, uh, and that I could start sharing it on the podcast. So I'm excited to get clips from that and, uh, share it with you guys. That's awesome. All right, guys. Uh, I don't know what else to tell you guys. Go to, get your free blood work, use the code, get your free blood work, use the code SEVON, and get your free doctor consult, and you too could be as strong as John Young.

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