The Sevan Podcast - #509 - Kara Saunders

Episode Date: July 28, 2022

One of the OGs of the Sport of Fitness, Kara Saunders, joins the show. She has been a CrossFit Games competitor for 10 years, and after an amazing performance at the Torian Pro she is looking to make ...a splash this year.  Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. When I think of Noble, I see their logo. I think of the Twin Towers burning down.
Starting point is 00:00:40 And I think of them as a fascist, hateful organization that's just a tool of the man, a complete sellout brand to the fullest, 100%. I think their original story is they came up with the name and then they came up with the product. And they're just fucking sellouts. They're against – they don't want – they're okay with men and women's sports. Call me old school, but I think women should be, I think women and men should be separate. They should compete over here. And there could be something like we could do a different event where we compete together. Hi, hi, hi, Cara.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Hey, how's it going? Welcome. Good morning. Thank you. We deserve better. We deserve better. Dude. Hey, Cara, do you not do podcasts normally is it how i i was like i look around for interviews with you and like man you're you're it's it's tough i think you're like have the third biggest following or fourth biggest following out
Starting point is 00:01:39 of active female crossfitters and yet um and then i've talked to other podcasters and they're like how the fuck do you get her i'm a bit picky i uh i yeah i um i am a little bit picky i'm just precious with my time so i'm like look you're easy because of like being there done that i know it's good so and then others usually the only way in is if they sort of know someone or someone's recommended them and then i'm like okay sweet i trust but um it's like giving maddie a handy in the past they're i'm just like i don't know i think not all podcasters like intentions are kind of the same and i'm like yeah i don't know i'm just like a bit funny. So I'm not a no. I'm not a no, but. You're in America.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I'm in America. Yeah, I'm in Tennessee for the last day today. Yeah, you're at the Mayhem Empire. I am, yep. In the Airbnb right now. Yeah. Is it fun? I heard Patrick Clark say something to you that like,
Starting point is 00:02:39 I don't know if this number could possibly be true, but like 20% of the games athletes are now. Is it really like that is it like walking around and you're like oh there's the there's that team there's that dude there's that girl yeah there's people everywhere there's athletes everywhere it's like i didn't even realize how many there actually were and um yeah heaps of individual athletes heaps of team athletes like they're obviously just doing it right and people want to be there so it's been it's been a really good time epic prep uh what what's the um what's the protocol i'm an athlete you're an athlete but i but you know i want to come take a picture of you can i just come over and be like
Starting point is 00:03:15 hey like uh look i i think everyone's got everyone's got their own protocol i think um it depends how approachable you are i'm pretty like when I'm over here I'm a lot more relaxed because I don't have like my normal life stuff to do like we are here to train hang out with my daughter we come back to the Airbnb and eat and chill like I don't have to like I don't have to like do all of the normal life logistics so I'm like so much more chill so I'm happy to like stop and take a photo someone gets me, obviously if I'm in the middle of a workout or something, like that's a pain in the ass. But most people are pretty good.
Starting point is 00:03:49 And I think the people in Mayhem are so used to it because there's always athletes there. So like their members and everything are like super respectful. They're really chill. But, yeah, I think every athlete's a little bit different. Some might not like it and kind of want to stay in their bubble a little bit and they might separate themselves in another area or whatever. for me i'm kind of like yeah yeah it doesn't bother me do you have a training buddy there yet already we kind of i've been training a little bit
Starting point is 00:04:13 with everyone so i definitely have found we kind of got loosely split into kind of some groups for the sake of like the times that we were in spaces just to not have every one in one space like all crowded at the same time but I ended up um kind of just at times naturally training with like some of the boys like some of the like other international boys and a couple of the girls like Victoria she's really cool and we just kind of like where's she from where's Victoria from um um brazil i think um yeah so she's really cool and it's just like if it sort of works out that the one thing that's actually been really good is heaps of different athletes and i think um but there's been like a pretty good vibe like
Starting point is 00:04:56 it's kind of like hey you know you know say we're doing something with like a piece of equipment that there's only one of like a pig or something like that we'll be like hey you know sure are you doing that do you want to go one-to-one each other's rest and we're super chill to do that I think like there has to be a certain dynamic with athletes like some are good about it and some like obviously don't want to be around anyone like pre-competition but for me I mean I'm old dog I've been around 10 years it's not going to change anything now if someone sees what I can or can't do like they know my tricks um and so i just like do me and yeah it's been pretty good and the boys are good value and um whoa the boys are good value what's that mean oh like they're good to train around so it's like yeah we've got like baden
Starting point is 00:05:36 came from australia in the last couple of days and then um there's like lazar and oldest and like people i haven't really trained with before. And yeah, they're pretty cool. They're like, oh, we'll wait, do a workout with you. I'm like, okay, cool. But yeah, I'm like, look, I'm used to training in the front yard often with no music because I need to hear my daughter running underneath me. You know, like it's not glamorous. So like, I just, I don't really care.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I'll roll with whatever's there. I just get the work done. I'm not asking you if you care, but I want you to be honest with me. All right. Always. How much has your training suffered now that you're running a nanny shop and a super high-end athlete shop in the same fucking hundred square feet? It's chaos. It's chaos. Yeah, look, there's times where it does suffer. And then in the other sense, it's almost better because I'm a little bit, I appreciate and
Starting point is 00:06:36 take advantage of the good time when I have the good time, when I can do something. So I think the quality that I'll put in to those other times might be a little bit better um because I appreciate it I know how hectic it can be so say for instance like if um Maddie's home from work or whatever and I've got his help whatever and I know I'll like be all in um there's definitely times where like the hardest part has been like I might miss a session you know I might have to miss a piece because. Yeah, that's hardcore, man. Yeah. That's mentally must be like you have to like for people.
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's not just like you missed a session. Like I know I'm assuming that it's like I'm going to do this. And then it's like singularly focused. And then I'm not going to do this. I'm going to do this over here. Like you're going to train to win the CrossFit Games. Then all of a sudden you're gonna do this over here like you're gonna train to win the crossfit games then all of a sudden you're gonna be over here changing diapers and tending to a sick child or a hurt toe it's like that's fucking that's a gnarly shift i think emotionally
Starting point is 00:07:35 it can it can be i'm like can be sorry it can be sorry it can yeah i'm like very i'm pretty much a realist like i i think in the early days when I say when she was really little and I didn't really like know as much, it was a little bit harder, but like, she's just turned three. Like, I know how it goes now. I know shit goes down. I know it gets flipped upside down and you don't know when that's going to happen. So the one thing I always tell myself is I'm like stressing about not training will do more damage than not training so like the stress
Starting point is 00:08:06 overall like systemically is just like chronic and like no good so um I just try not to make a deal of it I'll put in a little bit more next time or whatever like it's not ideal um you know there's some little things that are kind of hard for instance like I would you know one thing that I'm not like super prepared on is like I have to run a lot more on like my air runner at home because I'm at home with my daughter I can't like leave her inside and just go for a run you know outside you know I'm not going to drag her to the track or whatever so like my conditioning say to like outdoor running versus like running on an air and I get the work done, sure, but it's a little bit different. So like, there's just some sacrifices like that. But I'm like, I'm just doing the best I can with what I have. And the reality is I made a choice. Like I wanted to have a kid. I did. It comes with some changes. I just own them and do the best I can with what I have. But I also want to parent a
Starting point is 00:09:02 certain way. And I'm just not willing to compromise on that so um that's my like on the list of priorities like that's at the top and so I always just come back to that I'm like look she's just more of a priority like um and the you know competition just had to kind of go down a notch like that's just that's just the pecking order now in our house now um so yeah it can definitely be a little bit frustrating at times and you definitely yeah I miss training sessions or like I remember going into the gym one day and just like you had this whole plan to get stuff done I packed like the bag for Scotty like I had to go into the local gym because I needed like a rope climb um and it was like raining at home or something
Starting point is 00:09:40 we went in I pack all the snacks and all the stuff to keep her going, whatever. And she has a meltdown and she's like, I'm looking at this kid and I'm like, this kid just like fully like needs her mom right now. Like something's going on. Like she needs a hug. She needs to like not sit here and deal with my shit for a minute. And I'm like, do you want a smoothie? Like you want to go get a smoothie? You want to just bin this? And she's like, yes. You know, like she's just having, she's just emotional. I just emotional i'm like all right pack the shit up we'll go down to the beach we'll get a smoothie and we'll sit there that's impressive yeah like and you know like that just that just happens sometimes and yeah it's not ideal but i i wouldn't have it any other way like i chose to have it this way so it's like people who get a dog and then your dog chews your shoes and then you're pissed off and
Starting point is 00:10:23 it's like hey dude that's what dogs do 100 if you get a new and then your dog chews your shoes and then you're pissed off. And it's like, hey, dude, that's what dogs do. 100%. If you get a new dog, you are going to lose a pair of shoes. That's part of the deal. Yeah. And so don't be an idiot and argue with reality. And then another thing you said is powerful and there is, especially for people who have parents, they all heard it. You want to parent a certain way and you're uncompromising about it.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Yeah. And, man, I wish there were more parents like that. Yeah. about it it's gonna be yeah and man i wish there were more parents like that yeah yeah i definitely think like everyone's obviously got their own sort of like goals and definitions of how they want to parent i don't think there's one that's necessarily more right than the other like depends on how i do it up and yeah some opinions i mean i have i have some but i also am pretty like compassionate to like people's different situations but um and um, and I, but, um, I, yeah, I have the idea of like how I want to parent. Um,
Starting point is 00:11:10 I want to be super present with my kid. Cause I think if you don't pay attention in the early days, they end up a prick later and you can't fix that because that's all they've known. Like you can't, they can't, you can't go to them at 12 and be like, Hey, why are you being a bitch? Like, why are you so, why don't you want to talk to me? Why, you know, why do you have all these issues? Like, Oh, I didn't pay attention when it really counted like for the things that were
Starting point is 00:11:31 there, big things when they were small, like it might seem small, but it's big for them. And so I, I think I've got to build that foundation from early to like essentially contribute a pretty good human being to the world. And I take that pretty seriously. Plus like super fun, like a lover, she's my little bestie. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:11:48 there was a picture of you I'm looking for. It's fucking incredible. It was posted recently and you're standing with a bar over your head. Oh, it might've been on mayhem in like, I was doing like, yes, yes, yes, yes yes yes my god you look
Starting point is 00:12:08 so beautiful it's fucking nuts oh thanks but huh but but but are you crooked am i crooked what do you mean uh see your torso yeah i don't know if that's look it's very likely that i'm like that's how i look when my back hurts but worse in the mirror i look up in the mirror my torso is not sitting on my head i'm like damn is that like that's the one of the most beautiful bodies i've ever seen but is it crooked like is she wounded look i don't know i'm not wounded but i um i mean we're all a little bit wounded i'm 32 and i've got 10 years of like crossed it under my belt. So I'm a little bit wounded, but, um, yeah, I, I could very likely be, I don't know if it's like, look at your abs, how they kind of go off like this. Yeah. So I definitely have had like, I guess more of a
Starting point is 00:12:57 history of like, if I have any issues, it's definitely like twisting stuff, like with my hips, especially after I had my daughter daughter like stuff just moves um but uh yeah and i definitely kind of end up one-sided post travel who knows but like look i'm i'm still like marching along twisted or not will you um will you share you're gonna share your shirt money um with the athletes but but not tia right she got enough money right yeah well i mean yeah like i i mean i think it's only fair because she's already got her own jersey and will get her own contribution that um the goal was i was like look i thought there's only you're gonna segregate your your your sexist racist no no white girls can't get the money yeah clearly i'm just a really
Starting point is 00:13:39 privileged class i'm just a sore loser right um i uh i just figured i'm like look if you if i divvied it up say between like all of the australians we're gonna get like we're lucky to get a coffee each right but um yeah i'm like i'll divvy it up in my class of anyone who didn't get a jersey and she was obviously the only other one that got a jersey so um she's more than welcome to do the same thing but um that's on her that's like her decision but um yeah that's how i'm gonna do it i don't know what that'll look like i don't know what like their order what their quantities are what they're ordering or anything like that or what that money will look like but i'm like look if it buys a couple of beers at the end of it all pays for a little bit of something then whatever yeah i um i i i'm trying to i noticed you were extremely, especially for you, my perception, the little box that I keep Cara Saunders in and don't let you get out of my impression of you is you were extremely humble and loving towards her and generous with your person at the um torian pro nice at the at the end yeah i think of you as
Starting point is 00:14:49 more as a fierce uh you i i do see you as a very fierce competitor but the end i hadn't seen that side of you before oh like them like the mom oh like the mom side or with tia no with tia just the respect yeah yeah just the respect, just the utmost respect that you gave her. Yeah. Look, I think I do have respect for everything that she's achieved and I think you'd be pretty crazy not to, um, like she's done something that like everybody, no one else has done in our sport. No other female has done. Right. So, or dude, or dude, or dude, that's right at this point. So you would be crazy to not like you pay respect where respect is due um and so yeah for sure and i mean there's always that like
Starting point is 00:15:31 like-mindedness right like whether um you know people always i say like oh what athletes are friends with who and blah blah blah and like all of that aside we all have one thing in common like we do the same thing and we understand the work it takes to be there and so like better than anyone i understand how hard she's obviously worked right like and i can totally value that i know what it takes and then to to be like achieving high high like and plus like it doesn't hurt to just be a nice person like it just i don't know there's there's enough like shit in the world like you've gotten soft you had a kid and you got soft i did i tell many all the time i'm like i'm like you may
Starting point is 00:16:10 be soft man i was like independent woman and now i'm like all dependent and like chill giving away money yeah legit although i said this i'm like i was definitely like so much more like hot-headed in my younger days like i grew up an only child for a long time, very independent, like, just always did my own thing. I hate help, you know, I hate being helped, all that kind of stuff. I just, like, love doing stuff for myself and really, really fierce. And, like, there's definitely still an element of that. But over time, if you kind of, like, lose control of it,
Starting point is 00:16:43 it kind of would just make you like cranky and I'm like man I had like a couple of things happen in life that were hard and I'm like I don't want to get around the world being cranky I'm like it just feels like shit you know like I don't want to it's not like really doing anything for me and honestly it's just like yeah my life's pretty good like there's just no reason to like kind of be hot-headed or crazy I'm like I really enjoy my life like we've it takes someone's energy to like be in that mindset and to be that way towards people it just it's so much of an energy drain as opposed to just going with the flow and and being more giving yeah yeah totally it is I think a lot of it just come from like you know I don't know
Starting point is 00:17:18 bloody past family trauma or whatever and it's just shit that you have to work through. And I think, I literally think like, oh, Paul, stop it. I'm still badass, man. I still got some, I got a little bit left, but I think having my daughter, like when you have a kid, you like really look at yourself in the mirror. I found, I don't know. I don't know if that's like just a mom thing or some people, but I found like, I was like, man, I don't want to pass my shit onto my kid oh i think that all that my wife and i talk about that all the time yeah even if you have to be a little fake like like stay in control don't pass your shit onto your kid yeah i'm like like i definitely you know i i feel like i caught the brunt of that from my parents like i don't have a good relationship with my parents and i i'm man, I don't want to do that to her. Cause it feels crappy. And, um, so I was like, I kind of
Starting point is 00:18:08 need to sort my stuff out. Like, and I went through a phase where I think she might've been like one or two. It was really tough because I was like doing all the, I was doing the work, right? Like the internal work, like working on me and going like, I don't want to, like, who do I want to be? Like, who do I want her to see? Because they don't listen to anything you say they just copy you they copy everything that you do and I'm like it I can tell her whatever but it's all going to come down to like how Maddie and I interact with each other that's how she's going to interact in a relationship one day how we talk to each other how we talk to other people everything hey man how you talk to your parents too yeah that's the tricky that's the tricky part right you got some beef with your parents and like you better squash that shit or your fucking kid's gonna turn 30 and
Starting point is 00:18:48 bring that shit right back like a mirror yes yes hey like a simple thing just to make it practical like if i if i go in my car and i'm leaving the house and i didn't kiss my wife goodbye and even if i'm in a hurry and it's not a big deal i go back in hug her squeeze her butt kiss her tell her fucking i love her to death ask her if there's anything she needs the whole thing is fake as shit but i want but i want my kids to see and it starts to feel real as you go through the motions obviously by the end and we laugh and we giggle and um but i do i do that for my kids yeah yeah 100 we do yeah it We do the same thing. Yeah, it's like, man, like, or if I fight, like, the thing I always say, we got to make up in front of them. We're teaching them how to fight. I have to come to you and say, I'm sorry I raised my voice to you.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Completely inappropriate. What a joke that I lost control because you left the fridge open. Yeah, 100%. Right? You got to be like, even if I don't, even if I'm, like, fucking hating myself, I'm not even humble enough to say it. I'm sorry. You know for them yeah for them and then in saying that too you like we talk about a lot we're like you can't not fight either because you don't want to like shelter them from the world like look no i want them to know how to fight too all my friends who they don't fight with their wives or their girlfriends their shit's fucked yeah you have to know have to know how to fight. Yeah. You just like get it out. And then it's
Starting point is 00:20:08 like how you recover and how they see it recover. And like, like I said, then they copy that. Like that's all they know. They just, they watch and they copy like the good and the bad. So you just have to like tread like, plus it's like, I don't know if you say like, it's kind of fake to like, come back and, you know, do that little routine. It's not fake. It's just forced the energy wise. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I still love her and I'm glad I did it, but it's, but I, but I, but I'm doing it for ulterior motives, but then it starts to feel real. Like, you know, once I, I do it, but yeah, you're right. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And they just, yeah, they, they just copy.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I'm like, honestly, there's just, I don't know. I take parenting pretty seriously, not in like a stress series kind of way, but I'm like honestly there's just i don't know i i take parenting pretty seriously not in like a stress serious kind of way but i'm like i made this human like i i don't want to put a shit person out in the world and be like i'm responsible for that it's our only legacy man it's our only legacy yeah and plus you get to like make like have cool people to hang out with and look after you when you're old. Yes. PMI premium services, Ricardo Montalban,
Starting point is 00:21:11 the most generous person we ever have always in the chat. Well, maybe there's the Olson dad too and Sarah Cox, but this guy's dope. Tell Cara that she's my favorite, favorite female athlete. I refuse to. This means you're a good parent from wad zombie um i are are um our mutual uh well i maybe he's your friend but i admire him uh mr uh royce dunn he cannot come to the country because um he refused the injection um i mean fuck i admire him for i want
Starting point is 00:21:51 to fucking move the whole crossfit games to australia because of that yeah like fuck you guys and he wrote on there and his instagram post post which i don't agree with is that he made the choice he didn't make the fucking choice all the other idiots made the choice. He didn't make the fucking choice. All the other idiots made the choice. He didn't do shit. He doesn't deserve to be punished at all. He didn't do nothing. Yeah. I had a little bit of a read through like some of the comments. I was talking to Royce.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Like I love Royce. He's a good dude. I like talk to him like fairly often. And I was like, oh, sorry. It happened, man. Like it's shit. It's really nothing short of shit. Like it's really.
Starting point is 00:22:23 But like he's good obviously he my personal thing is i think everyone has a right to their choice like i think it's not it's no one else's business in so many other ways i think you do you man um but it's the people who got the injection who made the choice well they chose he's saying he made the choice not to get it it seems like word fuckery to me to say like well i'm choosing right now not to fucking um stab myself with a knife i'm no i'm not i'm just not doing it yeah yeah it's um yeah it's a tricky situation i mean i kind of like through this whole time i've stayed pretty away from any like through all the that talk I guess like any jab talk any stuff I'm like it's I feel like it when I engage in like the conversation especially on
Starting point is 00:23:12 socials right um if I engage in the conversation too much or get into it too much you just open the door for anyone who like you never have a conversation with and who you don't give a shit about their opinion to come straight in and start like, but man, I 100% stand by Royce and his decision and what he feels like all power to him. Man, I wish more people like had the backbone that he does to stand by his decision and do what's right for him and his family. And I know that he feels like really good and comfortable in it. Like it's yes, he didn't really make, he had to make a choice,
Starting point is 00:23:49 but really wasn't kind of given a choice. It was, he just had to, he, he got, he was punished for having an opinion essentially. Right. For having, for having an opinion or a view, which I, I think, I don't know, opinion, we're not allowed opinions or views anymore. Right. That's not existent. That's illegal now. Yeah, that's not legal.
Starting point is 00:24:10 We're like Maddie. Yeah, Maddie and I talk about it a lot. Like one thing we've always done really well in our relationship is like we can have like a super differing opinion. It doesn't happen often. There'll be like a handful of things where we're like, you know, where we'll differ and we'll talk about it and we'll like say our views and then we'll be like oh man like i just don't think i want to see your side he's
Starting point is 00:24:29 like yeah i just disagree with you and we're like okay cool man but let's just move on like you feel like that i feel like this it's not really affecting our day-to-day like there's nothing huge for the major things we're on the same page but we're like it's cool like that's what an opinion is but these days everyone just wants to hear their words out of somebody else's mouth and that's just not how the world works like you know you the yeah so i i literally like a while back i just like took a step back i'm like i'm not getting involved with it i'm not having conversations with people who like don't even want to entertain or hear anything i have to say oh what's the point i'll talk about it maddie and i'll have a whinge and talk about it in our bubble and then move on
Starting point is 00:25:08 but um because it got super heated in australia for a long time it was like everything was like super crazy so yeah people don't like being forcing um being forced to take drugs and drugs being forced on their kids some people don't like that so much some people don't yeah and then the divide it's weird right yes but the divide between what was even crazier is like just the divide between friends and family members and everything just for having a different view instead of being like okay you do you man and what you need to do for your family in your workplace and whatever else you need to do or that you want to do and then i'm gonna do over here what's right for me and
Starting point is 00:25:43 my family and blah blah blah and just leaving it at that people are like losing friends of like you know 20 years and like it's just hectic and I'm like whatever it's good I like I think that kind of those kind of attitudes like come through and it just kind of like clears the trash out for you makes it super easy tidy up your life a little bit have some good stuff around you and charge on i'm very curious how you got into this country but i'm going to wait until our next podcast to ask you um how how how is uh how is maddie he's good he's uh living the look he's he's got it a little bit tough right now i'm not gonna lie i'm like dude with like we're in the thick of it. Maddie's her husband, by the way. He was the baby batter donor that made the baby. That's that guy. That made me soft.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Yeah, he ruined cars. He is in full like daddy daycare mode hard. Like he's the primary right now. If anyone is responsible for our daughter, that's him right now. And he does a gnarly job at that he's always epic like that we're full like co-parents all the way even in everything we do anyway but right now he's kind of it's like if something's really wrong he's like if she's not sleeping he's the one that goes into her bed you know it's not me right now i've got
Starting point is 00:26:58 the free pass um if i'm training in the gym and she's being wild and running around trying to get under people's barbells like he's the guy that has to stop and go get her. Like, um, so it's not the most fun for him right now. He's doing really well. Like he's not complaining. Don't get me wrong. But, um, I can see, I'm like, oh, it's not like the most fun. Like it's not a holiday for him here.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Like he's kind of working and then making sure that, you know, I'm good and sorted and helping me out. Like he wears a thousand hats that man, I swear there's nothing you can't do. Oh, you should walk by him later today and be like, man, you're so lucky. He's going to be like,
Starting point is 00:27:30 why he's all because you're getting to practice selflessness. I'm giving you this opportunity. Fuck Maddie. I treat you so good. I give you a chance to be enlightened right now. To raise up. Yeah. To just be like,
Starting point is 00:27:44 I am selfless. Daniel Brandon has been in the spotlight recently for a shift in coaches. I know that you went through something in a time that was equally as hard probably, but there wasn't the spotlight on it because social media and just the sport wasn't where it was at and CrossFit wasn't where it was at. And now it's like really like there's just this floodlight that can just go anywhere um that that when you switch coaches you had a long time coach that everyone just pictured you always at the games with and then he wasn't your coach um did that did that happen
Starting point is 00:28:21 close to the games yeah super close i think it would have been maybe like a month or two. It might've been like just after the, like the semifinals or something like that, I think. Which would have been the regionals back then. Okay. Yep. The regionals back then. And then, um, yeah, that kind of like all ended and obviously he'd been my coach since the start. I think maybe it didn't get as much spotlight either. Cause he wasn't like a famous coach, right? Like it wasn it wasn't like no I didn't have other athletes or anything like that um and uh but but your but your relationship was similar to his and Kotler's in the sense that man it was it was perceived from the outside as a very special relationship I mean like you guys were like a team like when I would see you guys, I mean, it was cool. Yeah, we definitely did have that. And I think that that relationship 100% like served its
Starting point is 00:29:09 purpose. I'm forever grateful for the time and dedication that he gave to me and the role that he kind of stepped up to because he was just an affiliate owner, right? Like he learned how to coach and be there for me and something that he had never done before and taught me things that I still take into competition to this day. unfortunately back then you know that year and everything was super crazy for me and then in on a personal front there were some like conflicts there and like some choices that I made in my life and that didn't align with him either and then we kind of like I was like look I I can't be in this like negative I hate I hate to throw the word around but kind of toxic situation right and I was like it's just no good for me um like this has kind of
Starting point is 00:29:51 done its thing and we just parted ways and um yeah I was kind of like out of my I was gym hopping leading up to flying to the US I reached out to Dan Bailey and was like oh can you write some workouts for me like just put anything together because I'm like I have no idea how to do this prep thing on my own. Um, I don't know how to taper or anything like I kind of know, but I've never had to actually be the one, you know, with the pen to paper. And, um, so he just threw some random stuff and we were just winging it. Um, and yeah, it kind of paid off in the sense that you had a good games. Yeah. But I think for me, like I felt Maddie was there with you. You, you were a good games yeah but i think for me like i felt and maddie was there with you you you were a different person that year you were kind of like on the love cloud like you
Starting point is 00:30:30 were like floating around and shit i totally was and i think i felt like liberated like i was free like i i think for me um the relationship that i had like with brian as a coach like this is my like later on analysis right is um like I had a really bad relationship with my dad. Like I haven't seen my dad in, I don't know, over 10 years or something like that. I get a text message once a year. But I, and I think like for me, he kind of filled that void a little bit of like a father figure and was really
Starting point is 00:31:00 like carrying me through so many aspects of my personal and professional life and was always there. And it definitely like carrying me through so many aspects of my personal and professional life and was always there and it it definitely like helped me a lot and then I kind of got to a point where I was like oh I kind of feel a little bit like suffocated and a little bit controlled and I I just hit this point where like how old would I have been maybe like 26 or 27 and I was like I I then I'd gotten together with Maddie and I was like, hey man, like I just want to like be my own woman, you know, like I wanted to be set free and I broke away. I just felt so liberated. I was like, no one can tell me what to do.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I'm making my own decisions. I was like, I don't care if I make all the wrong ones. I just want them to be mine. Like I'm kind of stubborn like that too, I guess like that whole like independent, I'd lost that independence that I had when I was a kid. And that's like my strong point and um so then to like move away I just felt so like yet like I just the power was like it was put back to me and I think that's a huge and then obviously so different than what
Starting point is 00:31:58 um Danielle's going through but but it was interesting yeah because I think her coach was the one who, the, the, the way I'm understanding the story, it was her coach. It was like, okay, I've had enough and we need to, we need space. We need to part ways. Yeah. I don't know anything about it. I mean, like, I'm in like my little Australia bubble, right? Like I don't really know too much of like,
Starting point is 00:32:19 I was just imagining what it was like a month before the games to have such a dramatic shift. But for you, it sounds like, and it sounds like maybe she before the games to have such a dramatic shift but for you it sounds like and it sounds like maybe she's finding that place too well one it sounds like she's going to process she's she's pushed it down and she's going to process it after the games um and probably i'm guessing that's what her coach and her new coach and all those people are going to do too because they have to tend to the present moment but for you it was a um like taking a colossal shit like yeah you were you were freed from something yeah it was it was a it was a real release and i think like that for me i think the best thing i did was not try and find a replacement like a new coach because well but maddie is kind
Starting point is 00:32:57 of a rebound though right well like kind but he doesn't coach me right he just stand there like he just like he just stands there and looks hot yeah just keep me company like get me some coffee like just hang out and keep the keep the good vibes rolling like and that's what you need in between events like you need someone to kind of just but you don't want to be on i'd like to do some thrusters with you after the event just kind of like writes on a sheet of paper and slips it slides it over motivation we would totally do something like that. But yeah, like, so I think if you, for me personally, I like, look, Danielle's like totally different person.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Like I don't know her too well, to be honest. I don't think I've ever had many conversations there, but everyone's really different. But yeah, if I think if I had have tried to like go and find a replacement, like a proper coach and someone to go, Hey, do this and do that. That would have been too much. Cause that's a really difficult adjustment. And like, yeah like you didn't have a coach at the games that's right you went there with your new dude your boy toy yeah damn yeah that's hardcore but the funny thing
Starting point is 00:33:55 is too because i had no like everything changed i had like no expectations i was like oh man i fucked this year i'm like it's all i'm like who knows what's gonna happen now i don't know if i've trained enough in this last two months like so and so I had zero expectation and I was like well I at least trained for 12 months so I may as well just go and give it a nudge and I just like was super chill about it because I thought I'd fucked it like I was like I'm pretty sure it's done like and then like that no stress and just like showing up one workout at a time and doing whatever I had going I don't know if I've done the right things or not because no one was there guiding me was actually one of the best things to happen so um yeah it was really good for me and definitely like a really good
Starting point is 00:34:34 evolution for me like in my adult life like moving forward to kind of regain myself and like start doing things a little bit more on my accord rather than sort of like under under someone else like you just get to an age where like i just think that doesn't work anymore like and that's and that's why i even so then i had a coach um nick at brute who was awesome like couldn't say a bad thing about the guy he helped me through years that's nick fowler nick fowler yeah and um he was awesome and then i i, I kind of hit another, I'm like, I'm like a Phoenix man. Like, I'm just like, I need to like keep leveling up and rebirthing or something, but rising from the ashes, I need to keep rising. It's like my like life's thing.
Starting point is 00:35:15 But, um, and I got to a point again where I was like, I'd had Scotty and everything. And I was like, man, like, I'm, I'm going to miss training sessions at times. Stuff's going to get crazy. I'm like, I just don't want to be accountable to anyone. I just want to do whatever I can do. And I don't want to feel guilty because someone's like been there and, you know, put their chips in my basket and they're like writing a program for me. I'm like, I just want to like follow a good program, show up as best I can show up. And it's on me.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Like, it's just mine. I don't have to worry about anyone else. I don't have to get the guilt or like, you know, there's no expectations. I'll just do whatever works for me and my family and it's like within our household and it's good. So, yeah, I think and obviously like it's super different for everyone. Like you look at Tia and it's like a totally different situation, you know, like Shane, you know, helps her out so much
Starting point is 00:36:00 and kind of like carries that and guides that and, you know, they've got that working relationship that's like really good and that wouldn't work for the next person so so you think yeah yeah so i think from the outside i'm not in the bubble so i don't know but um but yeah that so so it looks like but every athlete i mean there's what 40 athletes or something or 30 athletes i don't know i should by now, but however many are on each side and I'm sure everyone's pretty different. Elise Carr-Ridau wants to give you $5 to have you buy a coffee, but she knows that I won't give you the money. I can't drink too much coffee. It makes me crazy, but thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:38 So, so you choose, so you chose Mayhem programming because that suits you. You get the programming, you go home and you, and you and the family find a way for you to get it done. No guilt, no pressure. Yeah. No emotional attachment. Well, I'm sure you put pressure on yourself, but besides that. To a degree, like you need an element to do well, there's a healthy amount of pressure and then it can get out of control. But I, yeah, Maddie was actually signed up and doing the workouts and he's like look I think you're
Starting point is 00:37:08 just gonna at this point in your career like it's hard enough to show up every day with a kid and he's like I think it's got a lot of your weaknesses but it's also really fun and I'm like just hit that point where I'm like I kind of need it to be a good time I need it the pain to be enjoyable otherwise it's really hard to show up every day twice a day with a kid and all the other stuff. So I just trialed it privately. Like I was just doing it in the garage. I was like, I'll feel it out. And then, yeah, I jumped on a call with Rich one day for something.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And I was like, hey, man, I'm doing your programming. And like they didn't know. I was like, I'm still doing this. I'm like, I wanted no emotional attachment to it. I'm not paying for it. I'm stealing it. I'm on Maddie's handle. Yeah, I'm, I wanted no emotional attachment. I'm not paying for it. I'm stealing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:48 I'm legit logged into Maddie's. And then, yeah, I was going to say something on that. I totally forgot it. But yeah, pretty much. And yeah, it was like a good time. That was the thing. I was like, and a program that was like in a week in advance. So I could like, if I looked at my week and I was like, okay, I've got all this like crazy stuff. I could shuffle things around. If something went down
Starting point is 00:38:08 and instead of an hour, I had 20 minutes, I could pull something from another day. So I was just trying to take stress off my plate a little bit. And like even having a coach that was in the US was like becoming a bit tricky, like just trying to coordinate the different time zones and stuff like that. So I'm like, look, they put the effort into their paid clients through an app. Like they have to show up and have it all there in advance with warmups and everything. So I'm like, sweet, it's easy. I can just go in. There's like 5 million different tracks that I could move around if I felt like I needed more running or more lifting or whatever it is. Um, and it was just easy and I could just like hustle on my own privately. So
Starting point is 00:38:42 yeah, it's worked out really well. Um, how really well how how did um how did Maddie hit on you oh or did he or did you hit on him how did how did do you know what process do you know what is actually uh is actually an interesting story so Maddie and I were both previously married so years years ago we both got married really early so Maddie was in the army and got married really early I got married really young too and were you married when I met you probably I got married I think I did one crossfit so people got confused about my names I did one crossfit games under my maiden name so 2012 and I got married what which was what uh gordon oh shit yeah i know
Starting point is 00:39:26 i did know that i'd forgotten that wow okay yeah and then i got married at the end of 2012 so i was like 22 maybe i just turned 23 and um i yeah so we're pretty young right um we met when i was like really young and yeah nice dude we got to a point where i was like we're just not the right people for each other there's no like kind of qualms whatever so Maddie and I had actually been coaching in the same gym like he'd been in the gym for years and we're all kind of just in friendship circles he had actually just like ended a relationship with his partner as well with his wife and we it was like this weird like perfect storm and we had like met up one day and we're like we ended up in the gym at the same time and no one else is there and we're chatting like oh how's life
Starting point is 00:40:10 going man like what's going on and then he's like oh you know I'm in this place you know we've kind of split or whatever is happening and I'm like dude same like crazy like I'd gone on this trip and I'd realized that like me and my husband were like just not right and it just what you know I'd come back and had that conversation with him. And, um, and we're like, Oh, that's weird. We were talking about it. And then I just remember this kind of like, I remember this like feeling, cause we'd been friends for years and I'd never like thought anything cause it wasn't an option.
Starting point is 00:40:37 And we'd had this conversation. Wow. It's amazing. Girls are like that. Yeah. Like I, yeah. Like you can, like you get a 22 a 22 year old boy can't shut that off well i can now at 50 but like you you just like i'm not even going to
Starting point is 00:40:52 look at you like that because it's not an option yeah see like i just did it like i was just closed off and then all of a sudden when i was like oh it's kind of done it's like tough times but um i was still young enough to be kind of naive about it all and then I remember like us having that conversation and then having this moment where I was all of a sudden like oh I was like I had this like oh I was like half happy like and I was like oh I'm like kind of attracted to I'm like oh this is weird I'm like we've been friends and I had like nothing like like I just had never thought about it because it wasn't an option and then yeah I don't even remember like what have I think like I just had never thought about it. Cause it wasn't an option. And then, yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:25 I don't even remember like what have I think like, yeah, we might've dudes, you know what? Do a dudes are dudes are like, I can fuck them all. They're all an option. You're all,
Starting point is 00:41:36 I'm going to get a rope and get all of you. That's how dudes are. I could get, I could get all of you in one bucket and run away. Put you all like, catch you like Polly. I literally had this conversation with him because i was like i was like hey man like we're kind of like just like we like this happened close like this was like really close yeah so cute we um it had happened really close and i was like and then it was super weird
Starting point is 00:42:04 because it was so close I remember kind of thinking that and saying to him like hey man like you know we've kind of like just gotten out of marriages or whatever like just gotten out of this like long-term relationship like kind of are you sure you want to like try this thing like you can kind of go out and like you've been married for a really long time for like a whole 20s and same you know and but I don't know it was just like when you find your person you find your person it was like i don't need to like mess around it was like oh we just we just didn't know and it wasn't an option and then all of a
Starting point is 00:42:34 sudden it was an option and then we saw it does that make sense like it's like all of us one of you could have been really scared been scared by that too but instead when i saw you guys at the games it was it was intense between you not intense in a in a bad way in a good way yeah like it was it was obvious you guys were like like you were giving him more i've never seen an athlete giving their fucking dude or their girl more attention than the fucking event and i've never seen it it was like you were excited to get off the floor to see him i I was like, what the fuck is going on here? Yeah, legit. I think, yeah, I definitely think, and we, I mean, our personalities too is like we don't muck around. Like we move fast.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Like we got together then. I think we were at the games like 2017. We were pregnant 28, married 2018, pregnant 2018, baby, house. Like we just, I don't know. It's just like when you know like this like little glow light came around him and I was like oh hey that's baby daddy let's go like that's just it just it just yeah that's how it played out and I'm like so it was fast I'm like yeah you would think like on paper you'd be like look take some time to come out of a long relationship
Starting point is 00:43:40 but like I don't know if it's just if it's just right and it works it works and you just roll with it and does his family like you do his parents like you yeah yeah yeah they're awesome i love his family yeah that's cool yeah i mean because you're because you're a character not in a bad way but i mean you're unique you're you're a fucking warrior you're a champion so is his family yeah okay i mean not everyone not everyone wants to be around not everyone you know some people don't want to be around champions some people don't want to be around champions. Some people don't want to be around warriors. No, they're all – so Matty grew up, like, in the bush, like in the country here, and his family is, like, sassy as,
Starting point is 00:44:14 like, super strong, hardworking. They love a good time. Like, they're totally my people. So, yeah, I think we're just – we're very, very similar and just, like, fit in, like, super well.'re just we're very, very similar and just like fit in like super well. So that's you right there. Yes. I don't even recognize you right there. Is that before or after the baby? Before. Before. OK. You guys change after you have a baby. You guys start looking different.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah, we get old and gray and. No, no, no. You guys start to look more angelic. You start to look more angelic. I really like this. I like Annie Thor's daughter, Mom. Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah. There's something about her that you guys get like your wings. It's like you turn into angels, all of you.
Starting point is 00:45:00 I definitely think you come into your own. Look, I think you can go both ways. So I think obviously sometimes parenting can crush a soul for some people and there's like different environments that can do that. But if everything's sort of right around it, it definitely, I feel like I came into my own. I was like, oh, that's who I am. That's what I like.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I'm happy to own that, you know. Like I think so you get this kind of like confidence. You definitely like lose some of the fucks that you had to give because like, there's just no time for it. You got time for that shit now. There's no time for it. Like, don't care. We're just doing this thing.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And yeah, definitely like a lot more like content. And then even like in our relationship, it was so much more like contentious. Like, I mean, once someone sees you like push a baby out, like there's no going back. Right. You were there at the business end, like this is me and you forever. Yeah. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:45:51 When I saw your interview with the Morning Chalk Up, this is going to be harsh. I apologize in advance. Go for it. When I saw your interview with the Morning Chalk Up, I was surprised. I really like Lauren Khalil, but I but I, but I hated the interview. I hated the topic. I wanted you to come on there and be like, I don't give a fuck if they give me a Jersey or not.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Like, I like fuck them. They're fucking, they're, they're goofballs anyway. Like, what do I give a fuck? Like I wanted to see like a movement start around you or just every, like you made your own Jersey, like fuck those guys. guys like and not because they didn't give you a jersey like it's their business they can do whatever the fuck they want i fully support that like do whatever the fuck you want to do home cooking you want to just do fucking um transgender people or just gay people or you want to support um men being in women's sports you do you but which i which they do by the way and that's that's why like part of but which I, which they do by the way. And that's,
Starting point is 00:46:45 that's why like part of the reason why I think they're fucking vile that they're, they're okay with men and women's sports. But did you think about going the opposite way with that? Like I'm pushing my own agenda here, by the way, I apologize. I don't want to get any of that smut on you. You're such a good person, but I was just surprised that you wouldn't be like, fuck off. Like I don't want a jersey from you. Yeah, no, honestly, that was a huge part of it. And I was like, I said to Maddie after they were like, Oh, you know, we put the vote out and people have like, give me a jersey.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I'm like, I still don't even know if that's like true. If it's just like a pity jersey, you know what I mean? Like, so I don't know. if that's like true or if it's just like a pity jersey you know what i mean like so i i'm like i don't know so because i said meaning you you've how are you notified you're gonna there's gonna be a jersey so it was just because obviously people kicked up a fuss about it and then they put a vote they put the vote up on instagram and then i got an email like hey the people have voted like you've been chosen we're gonna make a jersey with your name on it um and I think do you know what I think where I was coming did they contact you directly or you see it the same way we see it so I saw it um how you saw it
Starting point is 00:47:54 first and then I got an email afterwards I'm pretty sure um so yeah because I think Maddie was like oh hey you got a jersey I'm like oh cool but like I don't know it doesn't it doesn't feel the same to get like one later yeah but I think where I was coming from is like I don't really care I don't think the jerseys are even about the athlete like I don't give a fuck about like my ego or anything like I just don't really have one in that regard but what pissed me off was that it didn't make sense and I kind of was like looking at everyone. And I'm like, I've been around in competitions and stuff where it's just a popularity contest of like,
Starting point is 00:48:31 who likes who or blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, you talk about trying to make this sport professional and all that kind of stuff. And then you go and pull shit like that. And I'm like, I'm just at that point now where I'm like- But you should have won the popularity contest too. I mean, I'm okay with them doing it by instagram followers because they have to make money right and you're at the top of the heap there so like
Starting point is 00:48:49 fuck let's fucking make some cash off car saunders back and this is what i said to them because i did email them directly i emailed crossfit games directly because i commented on instagram they said shoot us an email so i sent him an email straight away i said look there's a couple of reasons why this is not right and i'm gonna say it'm not going to sit around and whinge and not say anything. And it's not about me having a jersey, like, although I think I'm totally worthy, 100%. I'm like, 10 years, done cool stuff. Like, I'm like, if I'm not.
Starting point is 00:49:15 So I said, I looked at the names of the people they picked, and I'm like, I just can't, I can't clearly see, like, a criteria. I'm like, you're not going off like past champs. So if they go, oh, we're going to put up Medeiros and to me because or to me or like we're going to put them up because our past champs, you'd be like, okay, yeah, like the crowd, whatever, you do you. Or last year they did the Noble Athletes. I'm like, I don't agree with that either, but it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:49:41 It's the Noble business. They're supporting their athletes, whatever. But I'm like, I'm looking at it and then I'm looking at Instagram followers I'm like I'm trying to connect the dots as to why they chose these people I'm like it doesn't connect and I'm like so all it is is this big ass company with all this money who's put themselves behind what should be a neutral fair competition who's picked their favorites of who they like and they've made it very clear and I'm, that message then sends, the message that that sends to me is that I'm now walking
Starting point is 00:50:08 into a competition where it's not fair. I don't know what's going to go down. How does that now look with, you know, with, how does that look? Ah, it's the Dave Eubanks thing, Bob Eubanks, whatever that guy's name is. There it is again. Like, how does that look now with judging or how we're treated out on the floor?
Starting point is 00:50:23 Like, is this person going to get better treatment? Like, you've just clearly shown, you know, obviously you value your money. It's a business. Totally get it. I never like, and a business is going to make the decisions that they want to make for their business. I'll do the same for mine.
Starting point is 00:50:37 They shouldn't sit on dead stock, for sure. I'd never expect anyone to do that. But now this is a title sponsor of an an event of the crossfit games it's supposed to support all of the athletes equally and we're walking into a field of play that is equal and fair and this is now sent the message that this is not equal and fair because we actually like these people a little bit more and um i was like that's just not cool man because like all i've ever wanted to do was show up and go who's the best here let's just do some crazy shit throw all these events at us and go who's the fittest who's the fastest who's the
Starting point is 00:51:10 strongest who can do all of this stuff that was the person in a in an even fair competition we all wore the same gear we did the same stuff we had the same judging standard and like we're just still lacking that you know and you know what to be honest i was even scared to like say anything at the start because i was like oh man someone's gonna like be out to get me down bloody slip something in my drink and like you know i'm like oh my god i shouldn't even say anything pre-competition out of the pure paranoia that then something's gonna happen to my to my ride um but um yeah no one fucks with the mayhem empire yeah don't worry rich will beat their ass hey um this is this is colton mertens didn't get a shirt and this is a shirt anyone can buy by the way i want to plug shamelessly plug him now this is a dope shirt i own this shirt i bought this shirt
Starting point is 00:51:57 it's from vindicate you want to support colton mertens um that he he works and on a farm with 16 000 pigs if you go to his instagram account you can see he's been working fucking double shifts that he works on a farm with 16,000 pigs. If you go to his Instagram account, you can see he's been working fucking double shifts so he can get the time off to go to the games. And you can, that's a pig snout right there. So yeah, it's cool. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:16 I didn't mean to hijack it. Yeah. So now you're afraid someone's going to, someone's going to slip some GW1501156 into your drink. someone's gonna slip some uh gw 150 1156 into your uh drink it's just some steroid that everyone's been that people have been popping for new supplement yeah new supplement don't don't don't don't kiss uh don't kiss phil toon i love phil toon sorry but you still can't kiss him you You still can't do that. But, yeah, and then the other side of it was like as kind of someone who's like I just, I guess, for the people, right?
Starting point is 00:52:50 I'm just kind of like thinking for the people. I'm like the jerseys are not like it's not even about the money. Like it's totally not about the money. Like me splitting the money with other athletes doesn't do shit. It doesn't fix the problem. It's like for me it just feels like the right thing to do. I'm like I'm not going to sit back and go, oh i got a jersey now i'm going to take all this money and like like because they voted me in this popularity contest like i just i don't like that that's just
Starting point is 00:53:11 not how i roll um and uh in my eyes everyone is like should be equal no one person is more valuable than the other that's just how i do things but the whole point too is like we talk about the community and you know like and then you're charging like it's like a hundred dollars Australian I'm like I'm not gonna ask my grandma to like spend a hundred bucks you know that's three gallons of gas in the United States on the pity jersey yeah on the pity jersey I'm like on the penny jersey but like i'm half like oh it's cool like i also i think families should have the opportunity families and friends like in your local gym or whatever should have the opportunity they genuinely want to help like i've been in gyms where they genuinely feel a part of your journey like they love it they see you training they're in it they're like i want to buy
Starting point is 00:54:00 your shirt i'll spend that hundred dollars on your shirt and i want to wear it and but they weren't even given the opportunity. Like, Colton's, you know, fans who know how hard he works. Baden Brown, like, working a full-time job. Yeah, Baden's cool as shit, too. He's so cool. He's got, like, three Instagram followers. Doesn't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:54:15 He had, like – 17 kids. Yeah, all the kids. He's got more kids than Instagram followers. Yeah, legit. And he works so hard and he's such a good dude. Except for when he's fucking his wife making kids he works hard too he's doing a good job but then i'm and i'm like man he deserves a jersey like he
Starting point is 00:54:34 like do a pre-order man just do a pre-order and go there's a cut off here they'll get sent later and then you can print them i'm like a big company like you can do it you can they can print leader jerseys on the spot they can make it happen and yeah that shit make right right i'm like print some shit and then you're not you're not losing money like you're not you're not losing money at all no one's expecting you to lose money you can still make your money on it yeah and if 10 people want to buy that person's jersey and 10 000 want to buy that one then cool so be it um and then that's really giving back um to the athletes and showing that know, we're actually valued for what we do and for showing up. And so I was like, yeah, I, I definitely like Jersey or no, no Jersey for me.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Like it didn't matter. I was definitely more of the principle. It was just the principle of like, I kind of wanted to be like, Hey, what were you thinking? Like, what were you actually thinking? What was the thought process behind this? it's not right you know there wasn't there wasn't yeah you're too scared to think over there by the way they're too scared they live in a social pressure cooker over there no comment um but yeah look everything's like run by you know socials and whatever like i don't know like there's just too much weight that's the side of it that i don't like right but um but it is what it is it's part of it there's no point fighting back against it too much but yeah that's kind of where i was at with it um but yeah i like it i like it because it gives me 20 20 minutes of shit to talk about on my show you'll have plenty more when someone
Starting point is 00:56:00 puts something in my drink now because i'm like yeah what happened to her whatever uh thank you so much for coming on thanks for having me i don't i don't i don't take it for granted um it's cool having you here in the states um last thing when when after the games do you plan on staying or are you rushing straight home no we're going home maddie uh took off like a month he accessed his like long service leave from work to come over. So we're going to go home on Tuesday. So we fly back into Texas and then we're going to fly out of Texas, like hang there for the day and go home.
Starting point is 00:56:33 He's going to go back to work. And then we're hoping if all goes well, he's got another block of time where we might come back for the Rogue Invitational later in the year. Oh, cool. Because I keep missing that. I've kept missing that. I've had a baby and then COVID. You think you're going to be invited well who knows now i would like to if i'm invited i would like to make the effort you seem like maybe you're cut from the same cloth as um one of the owners over there uh miss katie henniger i could do you guys have a relationship
Starting point is 00:57:00 yeah so i've got a lot of respect for her so i did the um i could see you guys totally being friends yeah and she seems kind of like no bs like no bs yeah she um so when she won me over i did the 2020 online rogue invitational um and i had to do it in the middle of the night if you remember because of the time so i'd like feed my daughter put her to bed race down to the gym work out all night come back and parent was gnarly. Wow. And she, like, personally called me and just said, like, hey, you know, like, so proud of you. Thanks so much for being patient with us and having to do it in the middle of the night. And, you know, it was really great to have you part of the competition
Starting point is 00:57:35 and stuff. And, like, took the time to, like, I didn't expect that from someone, you know, out there. And, yeah, that. I mean, arguably the biggest person in the sport. Yeah, that's crazy. One of the most influential people in the sport, yeah. Yeah, yeah and um and then i the way that they ran that competition that's the only time i've had an interaction with the rogue imitation and they did an absolute like impeccable
Starting point is 00:57:54 job and i've spoken highly of it ever since it was a massive highlight of my career to do that purely because of how professional they ran it the people knew how to do their job everyone knew what they were responsible for the competition was fair they just did it right and it was like yeah it was definitely a highlight and they handled it with such grace so i've got nothing bad to say about him at all and yeah katie was awesome i'm thinking of all these um fun knockoff shirts now oh man what if what if there was a a r Ricky Garrard shirt and the two noble, the burning twin towers, we change them to needles? Oh, my God. I love Ricky.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I love it. I mean, I think he could sell a ton of, if he could do that, I think he'd be willing to do that if he could sell, you know, make $3 million in shirts. Mate, yeah, he takes it. He cops it on the chin for sure. Oh, yes. He deserves to. He's the fucking best looking man fucking who's in the United States when he steps in here. dollars in shirts mate yeah he takes it he cops it on the chin for sure oh yes he deserves so well fucking best looking man fucking who's in the united states when he steps in here oh man yeah well um yeah you go you're gonna make those shirts you can be responsible
Starting point is 00:58:57 i'm thinking and i was thinking about the daniel brandon one could be the the two the burning twin towers noble thing could be just her middle fingers. Yeah. Yeah. Two middle fingers. Did you see my Instagram with my daughter doing that yesterday? No, no,
Starting point is 00:59:12 I want to see it. So like I put on there, don't do smart ass things to your husband while you're a three year old is watching. So she's like, I was packing to leave for Wisconsin last night. And I've flipped off Maddie like given it oh i see it it's in her story yes yeah so i flipped him off and gone he was sitting on the lounge and i'm like
Starting point is 00:59:33 hey man you want to pack this and like i've given him the finger next minute scotty's walking around hey dad you want to pack this i give it in the finger i was like oh my god are we bad parents or are we epic i don't even know anymore epic are you gonna pull oh there you go do you want to pack this oh she's so proud of herself look how she looks at her middle finger too she can't even believe she can do that look at her watch how she looks at it here like whoa wow and then looks at you that's the coordination for a little kid to hold the other ones down it's like a skill she i'm impressed i'm impressed but i got it my maddie got a message from my nana going like oh love like please don't do that but also like a laughing face oh so good but yes all right thank you um we'll be rooting
Starting point is 01:00:28 from for you and um tell maddie i said hi and uh thanks for all your time ma'am you're the best slap rich on the ass for me please thank you we'll do it i'll get maddie to do it all right good good perfect thanks bye see if i'm doing whom whom i do in breakfast with this morning Thanks. Bye. Let's see if I'm doing – who am I doing breakfast with this morning? Do you have an interesting perspective on the – as an athlete perspective, losing faith in the title sponsor due to the stunt they pulled with these jerseys? Explain. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:01:05 Should we just say like just by how they go back and forth and they had some jerseys and then how they pick the people then when they got backlash they're like okay we'll vote and then now the vote's here now we have a bunch more and so just kind of that wishy washy as she was putting it it's like now i'm supposed to come in and compete and hope that everything is going to be run fairly and everything else when this is what we saw oh oh right right right and i know and i realize how much influence does the title sponsor have? Will their athletes get the lanes in the shade? Yeah, they get the cold waters and the ice chest. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Everybody else runs out. Maybe I'm naive. I don't think it's like that. But I also brought up the same thing with Eubanks. Like someone was saying, 20% of the athletes who are at the CrossFit Games But I also brought up the same thing. I also brought up the same thing with, um, with you banks, you know, like, like, like someone was saying, 20% of the athletes were at the CrossFit games are at mayhem right now.
Starting point is 01:01:51 And, and yet, and that's a, um, you know, place where kids are adopted, there's guns and they don't believe in injecting drugs into kids. And yet one of the head enforcers at the games is against all that.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Well, maybe not against adopting kids, but it's okay with killing babies. babies it's like it's a little squirrely but i can't know that if it makes you think at least it makes you think it makes you think yeah for sure but if adrian were sitting here he would tell us that the noble has no nothing to do with the way that the event is ran and scored and everything else so it doesn't have influence over it so there is that but but he'd be telling and he'd be telling the truth. Yes. One thing you count on from him. There are a bunch more jerseys in here as I scroll through it though.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Maybe, maybe in their defense too. I'm really okay with it. It's their mom. I'm really okay with if it's your money, do what you want. Like I said, like, like, like CrossFit fires, Dave, like, I don't, I don't think that they have to, I don't think that's their business to tell the world why they fired him and if the affiliates want to get upset about it that's their prerogative because they pay three thousand dollars a month but it's also hq's prerogative to say fuck off i understand both perspectives fully yep and i understand if noble just wants to put out jerseys that they think are going to sell well so that they can make their money back they're not in the business of no no one's in the business of losing money right giving it away but when you are
Starting point is 01:03:09 being asked what to do you should be honest about the decisions that you made and how you made those decisions rather than trying to cover it up with this corporate babble and act like you're doing or raise the raise the price of the shirt 27 say you're giving money to the it's weird and it's a good thing we got people like Vindicate on here who actually put it together and WAD Zombie with the trading cards and stuff like that that are not only giving to the community and to the fans, but also helping out the athletes in ways that they can, and that's really cool. It's
Starting point is 01:03:46 Yes. But Colton's preorder has come to an end, so that's why I had to bring it up through the Instagram and not on the site. Victor, Nancy, Dick. Cara. Thank you. Oh. Oh, you know it's crazy i never think my and you never know what kids are noticing and not noticing the other day when i was wearing i was wearing my ceo shirt
Starting point is 01:04:14 around the house and uh my oldest son said i like the one with the american flag i've never even i didn't even know he knew what the american flag was that's cool yeah it was cool yeah like you never know what sticks i wanted to ask her a question about the mayhem thing i was gonna be like hey does like the the weak links or the lesser athletes do they clean up the equipment like in my mind i imagine this and this probably isn't true at all but like everybody's working out and warming up and then like rich enters the room and everybody kind of stops and like gives him his like does he like walk as he like shuts through and then like if you're using his band to stretch with you just like let go of the band and walk away and he
Starting point is 01:04:49 just slides in and starts i don't i guarantee you ask anyone they say it's not like that and i guarantee you it is but i guarantee you it is like that like when he walks in the gym everyone knows he's rich is the big dog yeah when he was at freaking waterpalooza you have like i don't know 500 people that are all kind of sitting there and Rich rocks in and it's something like the whole event was just like, boom, eyes on Rich, like how he was with the hotel. The way he handles it is crazy.
Starting point is 01:05:14 He's so good and so giving during those times, which is nuts because if you think about how many years he's been doing that for, that at some point you're like, get the fuck away from me. Let me just walk from my hotel to the event without this swarm. But he's such doing that for that at some point you're like get the fuck away from me let me just walk from you know my hotel to the event without this swarm but he's such a good dude i just got a um text from uh peter at coffee wads and pods oh that's all um he's he's doing live episodes during the games that That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Lauren clothes trying to do that too. She, what? Yeah. She really stealing our bit. I like it though. Here's the thing. Here's what we need to do with Peter's.
Starting point is 01:05:56 When Peter goes live, we need to pull his stream onto our, our, yeah. And, and like that, that'll be like, we'll take a potty break. You know what i mean
Starting point is 01:06:05 or we'll make fun of them we'll just talk shit to them what did he say is that english just make here we're either gonna make fun of you the whole time or we're gonna use your content for us to take a break we're gonna take a break now here's some time with mr rogers from coffee wads and pops yeah lauren clill and Dex Hops will be going live immediately following the final heat. At the CrossFit Games? Yep. Oh, and you know what she did really well?
Starting point is 01:06:33 I've been going through, I used all these guys to research, and she was getting people on the floor after one of the events. So that's what she's going to fucking do. She's going to have someone down on the floor after one of the events. So that's what she's going to fucking do. She's going to have someone down on the floor. And after the events, those people will be. Competing with me for the interview.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. She'll have someone like Patrick Clark running up with a cell phone and trying to get interviews. So basically, I just got to wear my running shoes and just beat everybody to the interview huh yeah or just wait we will only be interviewing nude athletes nude n-u-d-e after so if you want to see clothed athletes go to morning chalk up and uh peter at coffee wads and. If you want to see naked athletes, bums and boobies and vaginas and penises, you'll come to the 7-1-1.
Starting point is 01:07:29 We need something. We have to keep pushing the bar. That's right. Wouldn't it have been crazy yesterday when I opened the phone line, someone said some crazy shit to Danielle? When you were saying that on the... I don't know what it was. Someone said some crazy shit. She's like, she's like like what you're like well i can't say it because i like crazy i could think of all sorts of crazy shit to say to her it was funny i was listening to that as i
Starting point is 01:07:54 was like finishing up at the gym and i like i was thinking like of all the calls that we've had in the past i was like it could get pretty squirrely quickly especially with her on oh boy i'm going to see um greg glassman speak today i'm jealous yeah i'm pretty i'm pretty pumped about it yeah i wrote down we got a bunch of uh notes here because the schedule as we're leading up to the games is getting nuts so we we so we have um we have james sprague and dallin on at 6.30. Do we have someone at 7.15? We do. They haven't completely confirmed yet, but I'm pretty sure. I don't know if I'm going to say now or if we want to wait.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Let me guess. Is it Ricky Garrard? No. Oh. Is it Justin Medeiros? No. They're on cue. They're on cue.
Starting point is 01:08:42 They'll be on, but not tonight. No. Oh. They're on cue. They're on cue. They'll be on, but not tonight. And then, but it is, but we'll get someone probably. Yeah, most likely.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Okay. And then tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., we have Justin Nunley, TikTok comedian superstar, Darren Weeks. We'll be talking about UFC 277. Then in the middle, oh, shit, in the middle of the day we have amanda barnhart yep okay and then in the evening we have and and she'll probably be solo like like cara saunders was yeah okay and then uh lazar jukic at 6 30 and then probably someone at 7 15 well and I think we're going to be doing a show possibly with JR. Oh. And Taylor as well.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Wow. That'll fit in there. And then at any point in time, I have, like, another five athletes right in the queue as to, like, where we're going to place them. Oh, yeah, we need Jay Crouch. Yeah, so there is – Am I saying his name wrong? Is it Jay Crouch or Jay Crotch? I think it's Jay Crotch. I know. I J Crotch. I know I would love to get some. Well, I would love to get some. Well, I really want to get some. Well, I want to get rich and I want to get a J. I want to get J so bad.
Starting point is 01:09:55 I need I need more like he's a trip. Like I think he's a that dude dude that dude's a stud and we're gonna i think we're gonna see that that dude grow up right in front of us in the next five years who really uh jay jake the guy from uh australia the quiet dude i always make fun of him for being an ass interview he came on with rob forte yeah he's a beast. Yeah. He's fun. Um, yeah, we got to get,
Starting point is 01:10:27 okay. So, so those are, so Rob Forte, Jay Crouch, Rich Froning, Angelo, Ricky Garrard,
Starting point is 01:10:33 Justin Medeiros. Yep. Um, those are ones that we got to get in the queue. Yep. We got a couple of coaches on deck. We also have some prediction shows with Brian and John Young. No. And, um, we were talking with Kotlerler kotler is going to come on this evening potentially
Starting point is 01:10:49 yeah i didn't know if i should or not but okay yeah yeah okay it's looking like tentatively right now we'll have dallin and james 45 minutes and then we'll we'll jump over and we'll talk with a kotler for about 30 minutes or so. Oh, this is a good idea. Okay. This is not a bad idea too. Nice. That's a great idea. The only thing that might get squiggly there is just time zones.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Yeah. Good point. But he might just say scooting. I would get Laura with anyone. Like Laura can come on with fucking Joe Biden. Like Laura can bring whatever the fuck she wants we tried i've i've tried doing stuff and i i could see just come on and just turn her back to the screen the whole time hey that's gonna be our exclusive interview when i get her on the
Starting point is 01:11:38 field i'll just like hold the camera up right to her back she'll fuck you up she'll beat your ass yeah she would but that'd be great content so i think it'd be a win-win for everybody right right hold my camera laura's about to beat my ass yeah okay and then um and then so saturday so saturday's crazy so maybe um we need that on the calendar too so saturday's ufc in the morning am Amanda Barnhart. That's Friday. Friday. So Friday it's UFC, Amanda Barnhart 12. Then at 5 or 5.30, it'll be Taylor Self and J.R. Howell on the programming show. Then directly following that will be Lazar Jukic.
Starting point is 01:12:24 And then Saturday I really just want to do a live call-in show just with the homies, just the regular listeners and um and just talk shit i got so much shit to get off my mind and then oh and then and then and then saturday night we do the draft that's going to be a wild show tyler walken the tyler walken's draft that's going to be some shit draft Draft. We got some cool. That panel of people is going to be really fun. Yeah. I know this morning Chaka already had Chad Schroeder on. I didn't watch it yet. I hope they're teaching him how to talk.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Was he on with Lauren? Yeah, he was on with Lauren. I didn't watch it. I need to watch it. She makes everything good, so it'll be all right. Yeah, he's got a giant brain. It's made for thinking, not so much talking. Chad, he's going to text me.
Starting point is 01:13:08 What's that mean? And then after the draft, too, we got two prediction shows with Brian Sunday and Monday, which will be fun. Oh, and that's with John Young. Yeah. I love watching him and John Young battle. Like when they start, when they start nitpicking and arguing back and forth about stuff, it's,
Starting point is 01:13:29 it's awesome. Brian acts like he's, it's not getting under his skin. It's fucking getting under his skin. That's the best part about it. It's getting under his skin, but I think it's cool because it really gives both of them kind of a chance to show off their knowledge of the athlete and everything else is
Starting point is 01:13:43 they clarify their points or they debate back and forth. And ultimately the audience here wins when they get to listen to that because we just learn a ton more and everything else. But I love watching them argue. Every time I could start to see it, I could start to see when Brian gets a little like, you know, when it like,
Starting point is 01:13:56 he's like trying to play it cool, but you could tell he's getting annoyed. Like John's getting under his skin. It's like, that's the best. Hey, will you pull up the video we did yesterday with daniel brandon on youtube and go to the comments yeah i um
Starting point is 01:14:13 it's it's it's interesting uh there's the there's the it's it's interesting to me how people just jump on danielle's side hopefully i'm gonna mute myself for a sec so it doesn't bring up okay i want i want to find what this one guy wrote and i just i just don't understand how uh I think that the only thing we can know is this from, from the, the little bit that, that I, that I've listened to or the lot of it.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Um, keep going, keep going. I don't see how you could like this. Look at this. I, I I'm John Ross. I don't see how you could cut ties with an athlete like Brandon, even if she's hard to deal with one of the best athletes with the biggest followings.
Starting point is 01:15:09 I don't even get that. I don't even know. I don't see how you could not get the injection the the cdc said you should take it i mean someone stopped and typed that out on youtube right there there's so much crazy shit on here yeah keep going. There was – there's a – I don't think Danielle told more than she wanted to. Damn, you're good, Savon. I'll take that. But Danielle, they canceled that one.
Starting point is 01:15:53 You said she told more. No, she didn't. She told way more than she wanted to. Yeah. Okay. Anyway. She had a call where a coach dumped her. i i i i i'm i'm excited to have kotler on i reached out to him i i just want i just uh in the gentlest way um want it to be
Starting point is 01:16:18 smooth like or at least give them both a chance to make it smooth like like like like no one wants the parents fighting. No one wants their friends fighting. Good morning, Mr. James Townsend. Good morning. Good morning. All right, guys. I will see you this evening.
Starting point is 01:16:40 It's going to be a great show. And I'll try to take some pictures of the event and get some video footage of Greg speaking today. Only coming out in the newsletter if you want to see it. Yeah, you better sign up for the newsletter. That's what I meant to say. And I'm not going to share. Okay, bye.

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