The Sevan Podcast - #510 - Dallin Pepper / James Sprague & Justin Cotler

Episode Date: July 29, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Fuck, you guys missed the best part already. We're just tearing James up.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Hey, you already get to crop on Dallin for him being late. He's not. He's not. We started early. We told him we wanted to get you for a few minutes beforehand. You want to get me alone? Yeah. So you could tell us all the secrets we need to know about him before next week.
Starting point is 00:00:50 That's the thing I was just telling him. I was like, dude, I want to like talk some crap about you, but you're too perfect. I have nothing to say. Where are you? You're not at home. I am at home. This is my mom's house in Snoqualmie, Washington. Um, so it's, it's still kind of home because you know, this is where I grew up. It's
Starting point is 00:01:11 obviously not Florida, but just came here to see some family, hang out for a bit. Um, kind of just let my mind rest after can West and, uh, get ready to go, uh, for the demo team. Oh, you're on the demo team. I am doing the demo team. How long ago did you get the invite for that? Um, so actually it was, it was my manager, Benji, who the whole opportunity possible right after the LCQ got done, he started reaching out to people and was just like, is this a possible opportunity? And right after LCTQ got done, I think it came to life about a week after. So beginning of July. You know, I think that maybe you're only the second person.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I could be wrong. You could be only the second person in the history of the demo team who hasn't already gone to the games. I could be wrong about that. Brian's like, oh shit. That might be the first one right there, Scud. Scud might be the only one. But Chloe Wilson also.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Oh, okay. So in years past, I think you had to have been to the games. I think Scud's may have been the first. Maybe she cracked the seal. Did it matter if it was a team or individual? I'm not sure. I think it was individual. Christine Kohlenbrenner was on it last year. Tola was on it.
Starting point is 00:02:30 And was that the year Scott? Okay, so maybe last year it broke. But it's relatively new. And none of these cats have been to the games, right? Mitchell Stevenson has. Royce Dunn had, but he's not going to make it. And Fee has. Who replaced Royce?
Starting point is 00:02:45 Unannounced. Oh, okay. I don't know if I'm allowed to say it, but I feel like I am. It's another strong dude. Let's see if you all can guess. Well, I was thinking, you know, it's Dallin Pepper. He tested positive for COVID,
Starting point is 00:02:58 so they're throwing him on the demo team. Done withdrawals from the games to take up a new stance. Attaboy. Tyler Christopher. Nope. take up a new stance. Attaboy. Tyler Christopher. Nope. I don't know if he would do it. I did notice the three guys that they had selected originally, Mitchell, James,
Starting point is 00:03:13 and Royce, they were a really good complement in terms of the different skill sets they had. They would have someone who was going to be a good test for maybe a top 10 performance in almost any workout. I know who it is, James. know okay i know who it is too let's see you go first it's raleigh yeah yeah good guess yeah that was good yeah did he well he kind of gave it away on a story today he's like getting the body ready so he's yeah so he's he's coming out and uh i think
Starting point is 00:03:43 i'm gonna be the last one there. Me and Mitch get there tomorrow night. We start on Saturday morning. Can you pull up the demo team? Again, I have a question for Dallin about the demo team. Dallin, of these guys on here, who's the fittest? Is it the Raleigh guy? Is it James Sprague?
Starting point is 00:04:04 Or is it Mitchell Peterson? is it the raleigh guy is it james sprague or is it the some the um um mitchell mitchell peterson stevenson come on yeah stevenson i would definitely go with james yeah just checking would you have gone with james if royce was still on the team royce was 15th at the games last year oh it doesn't matter down's always gonna pick his bed buddy i don't know i might have have picked Royce. My bed buddy. Whoa, I beat him in the LCQ, bro. Dude, how crazy is that? I mean, Royce won the semifinal last year.
Starting point is 00:04:34 He was 15th at the Games, the fittest guy from Oceania at the Games last year, and he didn't make it this year. It's just because all these youngsters are kicking him out. No, it's just because Ricky came back, and the other guys made it. I mean, Jay and Baden both made it back. There's just four guys that are top 20 potential in only three spots. Dallin, are you in – where are you? I'm in Madison. You made it.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Okay. And when did you get there? Like 12 noon today. Awesome. And who did you roll with? Corrine and Danielle and Cash. Oh, so as a team. Who's Cash?
Starting point is 00:05:09 Her dog. Danielle's dog. Oh, shit. He took a big old shit right in the middle of the airport. No way. Who cleaned it? Right in front of the security. Good job, Cash. who cleaned it daniel daniel brandon brought her fucking dog to the games yeah cash rolls with the team that's got to be a new level of distraction i love that no no it's
Starting point is 00:05:37 an advantage because everyone else had to leave their dogs home i'm three in the morning her dog has to take a dump she has a big event at six in the morning she has to get up and walk it downstairs to the lobby therapy puppy there's designated people for that no shit god danielle's balling it's the ddd the designated dog dad so your wife the shitting the publicly shitting dog uh and danielle and and how does that how does she bring her dog that does it have like a um one of those vests that says like i my my owner's crazy i'm here to help her no vest no no vest no i mean he just sat on her lap the whole time and then he he went to the bathroom in like the pet rest area and then like 30 seconds when we walked out danielle was like oh he's definitely gonna poop right here and sure enough 10 seconds later he
Starting point is 00:06:32 just stopped and went right there yeah girl my wife's good at like that too she could spot like anything that has to poop in her area like even if i'm standing around she'd be like you should go to the bathroom like fuck how'd she know danielle just knew she saw that dog doing the onesie twosie little pucker um how how big's the dog it's not very big i'm tripping like you used to have to wear a button-up shirt and pants to get on an airplane now any fucking tom dick she probably was wearing like sports bra thongs and a bikini bottom and had a fucking dog huh it? It takes a shit. I mean, anyone can do anything now. If you have pink hair, you can do anything.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Good point. Hers is a little too long, though. I mean, I like it, but it's not like your traditional thing. Oh, look, Daniel Brandon, his butt puckered. Yep, she saw it. Wow. These are my new CEO wristbands, and they're so fucking big that I start. This is a tradition.
Starting point is 00:07:37 This is like. You wear them on your shins? Yeah. They're like neat. I could pull them up over my calves. They'll keep you extra warm. Isn't that why you wear them? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And I just started sweating. Savan, you've been putting in work in the gym. I've been watching your videos, man. Thanks. Yeah, I'm proud of you. I'm trying. Thank you. How old are you?
Starting point is 00:07:57 I'm 20. God, 20-year-old's proud of me. James, he said it. He said it's time to beat for 20 legless rope climbs, and were he was wondering if you could beat it really oh my gosh what was it like was it emom just 20 just 20 just 20 legless rope climbs as fast as i can emom it the video is coming out with every minute on the minute no but that but that was actually kind of the goal at the beginning, and they actually weren't legless, to be honest. Oh, no. That's a great standard.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Dallin, when you – so you get to the games. Will there be anything that you do that's just totally different? Like you'll put your phone down and turn it off, or there's certain people you won't talk to or you won't your your wife and you will not i don't know whatever like traditions you guys have first thing in the morning like is there anything you're good like anything like you're cutting out this week like bye not this no i'll probably keep it as normal as i can just stick to a routine as much as as much as you can while you're at the games uh i'll stay pretty consistent with that and then just being around the people that will be staying in the airbnb matt and dom
Starting point is 00:09:12 and micah and olivia all from brute they'll be here just keep things light and i've noticed i compete better when things are light and i'm sticking to my regular routine. How many competitions has your wife been to with you? West Coast, Waterpalooza, and the MAC. So three. And do you think that as these competitions go, she's getting more attuned to like what you need or don't need? Yeah. The first one was definitely like a challenge just because I don't talk. Like I just stop talking, um,
Starting point is 00:09:45 as soon as the competition starts and she wasn't fully ready for that and like what that would mean. Yeah. Um, but now we've grown both together and as individuals and we understand like what the process is throughout a competition. And she takes every minute just as serious as I did. Um,
Starting point is 00:10:02 and, uh, did you get, did you get a, uh, are you mad at me? Like the first time, like at the competition, like when you stopped talking, did you get, are you mad at me? Yeah. She's like, what's wrong? I'm like, I'm just focused, like just thinking about my events and you should be like, I have no idea. I'm thinking I want to go home.
Starting point is 00:10:29 James, you will be there. How often did you guys, so I didn't realize this, but it looks like the way things are set up, that the boys don't train together and the girls don't train together, that they pair you guys up. No, not necessarily. Tell me, Dallin. Usually, because the Brute HQ is a little bit of a smaller gym, we'd have one group go in at 9 and one group go in at 10, 30, 11,
Starting point is 00:10:50 just so it was split up. So one of us would be warming up while they're doing the big conditioning piece that takes up the whole gym. And what is it? It was usually like Emma and Phil and then James and I. So they did pair you up by sex it was emma and phil and then you and james who's the girl i don't know i was gonna let you guys decide it was the oldest but yeah now it's been emma and olivia sulik go in at nine and then danielle and
Starting point is 00:11:20 i will go in at 11. so so you and james have done a lot of training together yeah unfortunately james if you're when you're there um do you suspect that you'll talk to him like if he has if let's say let's say it's a great event he takes first place will you walk by him and be like good job or don't let this go to your head asshole or if he has a shitty event will you come by and be like hey dude just remember i love, God, you're fucking up our reputation as the dynamic. Will there be – or will you just feel it out? Like is there any – do you have – I mean he's going to need – it's a long emotional day. Very much is.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Right? Yeah. Do you have any lines you're working on to like step on his balls or tickle his balls, anything? Are you even allowed to talk to him? They sent me an email today. It's like don't talk to your training partners. So I was like, how am I supposed to do that? today. It's like, don't talk to your training partners. So I was like, how am I supposed to do that?
Starting point is 00:12:08 I miss my boy. I haven't seen him in a month. Yeah, if James says anything, he should leave the workout. They said they recommend us not talk to our training partners once we get there or anyone we associate with and cross it, which I understand. I don't. Explain that to me. Explain it to me. It's because we could ruin the test if we tell them anything.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Even if you said to him, don't worry about that. You got the next one. It could be an unintended implication. Sorry. Go ahead, James. Good point, though, Brian. Go ahead, James. I think that, like Dallin said, I respect that he's quieter and wants to be in his zone and i don't want to distract anyone there so you know if he i'll i'll wink at him when i'm uh briefing workouts and and make sure that uh i'll send him a smile and um if he needs if he needs anything from me he'll he'll come up to me but i'll leave him alone yeah and i i didn't even think of what brian said that that's got to be the real reason they don't
Starting point is 00:13:05 want you to be like if he says if you say hey dude what's up and he says to you hey what's up and you're like my arms are fucking sore then he's like ah ah exactly yeah it's like it's like things you don't even mean to say could could unintentionally uh give a hint or whatever and you know we don't want to be doing that and honestly it's like it can be hard it could be if you're on the demo team you know you know all this stuff that's going on you're exposed to all these things and trying to keep track of what you know and what they know and the timing yeah yeah because we don't even know when things are released um they said we're barely gonna have time to watch events so i might be screaming for down through my phone for some of these and um i'm gonna try and be in the stands as much as possible and um
Starting point is 00:13:46 but i i really don't know what i got myself into i'm just gonna try and smile through it and have a good attitude have you talked to anyone who's been on a demo team before yet yes uh so i talked to scuds has been texting us a lot and she just said to expect to be on call basically the whole day and um basically that we're kind of just rag dolls and they throw us around however they want it's really hardcore it's cool you'll have a blast because you will build a crazy camaraderie but like you'll be in a room right next to where the event's going and you'll just be on call and you won't get to see shit but but but you will also do some fucking crazy fun shit they'll drag you around to some
Starting point is 00:14:25 fun spots totally i really hope that um i get to touch test as much as possible and get like almost a game's experience in and i think that you know like i i'm going in fully expecting to be crushed and and go through a full series of tests and give it my best because i want to try and give give an accurate read for what the tests are going to look like for them. So I've been keeping the body as fit as I can. Dallin, I'm trying to think if there's, I mean, I mean you're really making a big split. I'm trying to think of what male rookies have come in. I mean,
Starting point is 00:14:59 there's a lot of noise there. Say it again. I think he is like he and george sterner and uh was nick paladino individual or no oh no but there was a lot of noise around nick but i can't remember i don't even remember i guess there was a lot of noise around gee but it seems like just and maybe it's just because social media has gotten louder and more and more people have voices or maybe it's just because i'm more interested in the sport than ever but man there's a lot of noise around you do you you, do you feel any pressure from that? Do you like it?
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah. I mean, pressure is a privilege. If you've earned that right to feel that, or at least know it's there. I don't really feel it from the outside. It's more of the pressure I put on myself, but I know it's there. And I know that people have, if you want to call them expectations, like people think different things, but I'm not really letting that affect how i feel or think my dad said you're gonna top five at the games today down
Starting point is 00:15:50 bring it on sorry i hit a button say that again what did you just say james i just hit a button and started fucking playing some audio somewhere say that again i just said my dad believes in down a lot he's gonna get in my dad said he's gonna get top five today and i said hell yeah he's he's pretending like it's you james he lives vicariously through my friends because i'm not good enough to make it yes thank you thank you thank you thank you appreciate it i love the shirt too it's for for foreshadowing so i mean you're coming out to do behind the scenes again yes yes i'll be there are you for real gonna be there no fuck oh they don't they were they already they are they have the place surrounded with pictures of me if you see this guy call the police i thought that picture of you glassman and dave was from today like playing the games i was like oh this is gonna be hype
Starting point is 00:16:39 it is from today is it yeah it's from Oh, I thought you were in Madison in that. No, no, no. That was from today. That was... Is that CrossFit HQ or the old one? Yeah, that's at CrossFit HQ, the old one. Yep. Oh, dope.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Heck yeah. You look really small next to them. I do. I look like a little bite size. How tall do I look there? Like four, six? You look like Colton Mertensite. Someone messaged me today that Sousa Photoshopped these people into this picture. Oh, my gosh. bite size how tall do i look they're like four six you're like cold mertensite i'm gonna message
Starting point is 00:17:05 me today that suza photoshopped all these people into this picture oh my gosh i look photoshopped in there bro the tv is bigger than you um dylan when when were you where were you when the um phil toon news broke were you were you near him at all like physically near him he just started throwing up no i was at my apartment we were like in between sessions when i when he had posted on instagram i don't know if you know this feeling but like a feeling like um like you stole a pack of gum from the store and your dad walks in your room he goes i know you stole that pack of gum and all of a sudden you feel like sick to your you know you feel like oh you feel the whole world's gonna fall apart um did you did it feel like that when that happened at all was there any yeah i mean it was
Starting point is 00:17:53 a bit of a shock all the way through naples and everyone involved um it's not really the news we expected just on a regular training day it was a weird day does but but does it hurt like do you feel it um physically did you feel it like like like it made you sick or are you like nope it's too it's different it's different a little different like i i would say i felt it physically um but maybe not quite that i know what feeling you're trying to describe but i don't know yeah quite the same like if one of your friends got arrested for a dui you kind of like want to throw up like when you're in high school you're like oh fuck yeah even though it's i mean it's bad but it's not like like no no one's dying i mean like like i'd rather be caught for steroids than being molested you know what i mean like i'd want to be on a thousand times for steroids um how do you know
Starting point is 00:18:45 do where were you james when it happened uh i was at my gym training and here in washington before the can west games and how do you guys find out um just looking at phil's story is that how you found out too down yeah and then um right after like i had been i was texting matt a little bit so yeah do you guys immediately call each other and be like what the fuck yeah yeah it sucked man i i hate to see that happen to anyone especially someone we've been tight with um have you guys had a chance to talk with him yeah i've talked with him a bit i i texted him just the other day um and like he understands i'm completely focused on the games right now so um trying not to let that distract me from what i'm doing and uh yeah i'm i'm focused on the task at hand at the moment so go ahead james he kind of
Starting point is 00:19:43 want he's kind of treats us like an older brother. Like he wants to see us do well. He told, told me, learn from that, learn from that mistake and don't want to happen. And, um, just wants what's best for us. So he's obviously still cares about us a lot. And, you know, we, we spent a lot of good time together. So I think that that relationship is, is still good.
Starting point is 00:20:04 That's good to hear. Do, do you, um. Do you guys call Matt? Does anyone give Matt Torres a pep talk? Since you're kind of on the outside, they're all still in the game, James, and you're on the outside. Do you call Matt or do you have to take any leadership role from the outside and be like, hey, guys, don't fucking worry about it. Keep your head down or anything like that?
Starting point is 00:20:22 and be like, hey, guys, don't fucking worry about it. Keep your head down or anything like that? You know, I just try and bring a jokey energy into the gym and keep it light in the gym. And I hope that that can transmit to people taking things a little less serious. Sometimes because I think all of us as high-level athletes sometimes get in our head about things that don't matter and sometimes think that one bad day equals a bad year or can add up to um just things that they're not so i just try and take one day at a time bring in fun energy and and um make sure everyone's smiling in
Starting point is 00:20:56 the gym and enjoying themselves because that's what it's all about just just enjoy what you're doing and you're gonna do better uh remember when... First of all, don't call me Seve. Don't ever fucking call me that. Remember when Seve thought he'd beat the 65-plus females at the game? I'm going to fuck them up this year. Go fuck yourself, Gregory. I'll fucking mash them. Dallin, did you win the games?
Starting point is 00:21:18 Oh, Ricardo Montalban. This is for the shirt and the post with Dave and Glassman. Thank you. Wow. So I do three podcasts a day. That guy gives me $20 a day. That's $60. I'm fucking set for life.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Dallin, did you win the CrossFit Games as a young man? Yes. Yeah. And how many? Brian. This is hilarious. And how many times did you win it more than once? I won it three times.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Fuck. And is that how many times did you win it more than once? I won it three times. Fuck. And is that how many times you went? Yeah. For each CrossFit Games gold medal he has, he's allowed to have another wife. Oh, that's awesome. Oh, he didn't like that, James. That made him uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Do you have a trivia question? Yes, please, please. I'm fairly confident in this, that there are only two people who are undefeated in their CrossFit Games careers, and Dallin's one of them. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Of how many years? Every time they've gone to the Games, they've won it. Oh, it's that 65-year-old lady. I have another guy, too. His name is Kevin Coaster. Oh, but I don't know. How many has he won? Three.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Three? Okay. Kevin Coaster, Susan Clark, Dallin Pepper. If it's only one, I don't know if I'd count that. This has to be at least two. Dallin, what's that feel like to win those? So Dallin, what's that feel like to win those? You know, one thing I noticed and I'm really I'm stoked I learned this at such a young age is like nothing changes when you reach a goal like that. Like you like the ceremony, like you finish last workout, you know, you've won and then you realize nothing's changed at all.
Starting point is 00:23:02 And like you're already thinking about the next goal like what can i do next what can i get do better for next year and that type of thing so understanding like you have to find enjoyment and fulfillment in the process of reaching that goal because nothing's going to change once you do reach that goal um it's just on to the next one is it almost even a letdown, like even a little depressing? No. You just think back to all the time and energy and sacrifice and work that it took to get there, and it's an incredible feeling. I guess the way I worded that would make it seem like a letdown, but that's not at all.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I mean, it's an incredible feeling when you set your eyes on that all year all year long and you are able to reach it and and how how were the victories solid like were they did they ever come down to the last event on all three years wow i i wonder i wonder if people covered that shit more, if there'd even be more hype. I wonder if that would be even better for the CrossFit Games to invest more media there just to build even more hype as these dudes cross over. I mean, the teens division really is the future. I remember I was still one of the earlier teens and it was like, this is the future of the sport. This is the future of the sport. And the future of the sport and we've slowly seen that uh come to come to life who are who are some of the people so emma carrie emma lawson
Starting point is 00:24:33 mal gee angelos with mayhem um gee was a team too huh tutor tutor yeah whole page Tudor, Cole, Page. Did you ever compete against him? No. Rebecca Fuseli. Oh. He was too old? He was too old? He was old?
Starting point is 00:24:55 Yeah, he was. So when I was 15, my first year, he was 17, and that was his last year. And he was in a separate division. But you did compete against Tudor? Yes. And you put it to him? And you put it to him twice and where did james show where did james show up did he do the the peewee league i did do the peewee league twice i uh yeah i missed it the the middle year because i had cranky knees
Starting point is 00:25:19 and uh and i finished fourth i finished fourth the first year and I was super pissed off with that. I thought my life was over after that. And I was so mad. It was. It was. I was so mad. I was like, why? Why?
Starting point is 00:25:31 I look back at that. I'm like, why did I let myself think that way? And, you know, it was like I took CrossFit way too seriously. I thought everything revolved around a placing at that age. And it doesn't. And so I missed the middle year, year went out 2019 had some fun again after knee surgery after i was told i'd never squat again and then now i'm here who's taller out of you guys james for sure the joke in the gym is that i'm six foot nine how tall are you six three
Starting point is 00:25:59 i'm six two wow i'll take another. How tall are you, Dallin? Six foot. There's this thing that I always think about you young guys and gals that between even these events, even between the Open and the games, you might get several percent better. Do you guys actually feel that? Or is it since you're living that you don't, or is it bullshit? You guys know it's,
Starting point is 00:26:32 it does. You guys don't really get better that much faster, especially you, James. I mean, you, I feel like you just kind of exploded. Thanks brother.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yeah. Yeah. I think that, not enough to make it to where Dallin is, but you still, Hey, all I care about, I was telling down for enough to make it to where Dallin is, but you still need to go. Hey, all I care about, I was telling Dallin before the LCQ, I was like, I just need to beat Dallin's LCQ last year because then I can come up and potentially have a better year next year
Starting point is 00:26:55 because he's come so far since last year too. I mean, look at this guy. He went from bubble to confidently making it with no issues. I believe that if I train just like I did this year, that the same thing can happen to me. D that one's always been one step ahead of me and i it's always my goal to to catch him how old are you james i'm 20 let's count how many times savannah asked how old i am on this podcast you're how old uh still um uh um what were you gonna say you were gonna say something about it yes he believes he has an extra wife also i do um with us getting better i think that the age we are and like our
Starting point is 00:27:36 training age and how long we've been doing it all of that comes into play but i think we are able to get better exponentially compared to a lot of the field. And with the resources we have when it comes to coaching, we're training full-time with our coaches where a lot of people, when they were our age, never had that opportunity, and I think that plays a huge role in that. Are you rested and healed and ready? 100%. 100%. 100%.
Starting point is 00:28:05 There we go. Throwback Games Workout 2016, 100%. That's my go-to saying and now Dallin says it all the time. You probably crushed that workout actually, James. What is it? A bunch of box jump overs and sandbag cleans.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Oh yeah, that's a fun one. Sprinty workout. Dallin, are there any things that you're consciously aware of that will be either either the same or different competing in the individual field relative to teens um the field is deeper i think in the teenage division there's kind of like three or four separate groupings of athletes um and like they kind of stay together in all of the workouts. And then maybe the bottom half mixes a little more. And I think the men's field, especially this year,
Starting point is 00:28:52 and just in general with the individual is deeper. You have to every second and every point matters. You have to fight for every point. And the weekend is just a little bit longer, a couple more events. And I'm aware of that and ready. All the years that you did teenagers, there was never like a day off. It was always just straight through three days. 2018 we did.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Oh, the age groups did have a day off that year? Okay, so you got a little experience with that. Yeah. I think it's always like kind of awkward. Like you're in a competition mindset, you know, and you have that first day and like the engines are revving and then it's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:29:28 now I got to back off for a day. What do I do? So it's good that you've had the first event jitters all over again, Friday morning. When, whenever we watch these events, whether it's the semifinals or the games, there's always a few events you see where there's a last minute pass that didn't need to happen meaning meaning there's a sprint and one guy just takes
Starting point is 00:29:49 his foot off the gas just a little too early like looks around to the left or or just gets kind of lackadaisical and they get passed or bulldozed by coal state yes everything i was thinking of the maderos uh on event two at the 2020 games, but then you brought that up. I didn't realize that happened to me. It did happen to you? Oh, multiple times. He also did it to George's turner at the game.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Oh, my gosh. End of the ruck run. Cole's notorious for stealing hearts. Points. Is that something? How are you going to stop that from happening james wait me oh this year or i was gonna ask dylan but since you're the one who fucked it up a couple times uh yeah man how do you how are you going to stop it always trips me out when i see that at that high level i think that uh you need to take into account in training that like
Starting point is 00:30:42 for your last minute in an am rap or your last minute in a workout, like it needs to be the hardest minute. You need to close. Like closing is a huge part in any sport. In a fourth quarter of a football game, in the ninth inning of a baseball game, can you close? Same thing in CrossFit. Are you going to be able to close? I obviously haven't been able to. But it's a mental error, right?
Starting point is 00:31:03 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And it's the West Coast one. I was, that was all I had. I, I went out way too hot. I was an idiot. Dude. I mean, that was a brutal event. You still got second place in the event. Yeah. Oh, for sure. For sure. I appreciate it. But it's a little, but I think what I, what I hear you saying is it's not like, it's not something that happens and you can prepare for that. You can be practical in the approach in your training to make sure that that's not a foreign idea,
Starting point is 00:31:28 but you're actually putting it into practice. Maybe not every single workout. Every workout has a different purpose, but there are times that the intent is make sure I finish well here. Yep, exactly. Dallin, I'm part of the Pepper Cheer Squad Front Row Coliseum. Oh, that's awesome. Oh, yeah, that's right. You told me that, Susie Telly.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Look forward to meeting Corinne, too. $50 for Seve, Seve, Seve, Seve seve okay you can call me seve for a spot because we'd be is this is this the most you've ever made on a podcast or are we yes i'm having you guys on tomorrow morning first thing i mean dylan has that ever happened to you? And do you have a plan? Has Torres talked to you about it? I mean, it actually, the most obvious place we saw it this year, just the most ridiculous point thing we saw this year, we saw Brookwell's Kelly Clark and Rebecca. I'm in these text threads or I hang out with these games dorks and they'll show me stuff where if one person you don't even think of would have done something different, it will shift the fucking whole leaderboard and people will be falling in and out of places. And I'm like, I'm like, man, if the athletes could see this. Yeah. It shoves everything around. And just are you because I heard you say every point counts.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Is it that is that like you're ready? yeah i mean don't be soft from the beginning i mean that points in event one are just as important at the end and no matter where you're falling on the leaderboard each one spot is still just as valuable no matter where it is on the leaderboard in each workout who who will be your wingman at the games um there's i know there's matt torres and dom but there's are there just are there two athletes from your camp who are yeah just danielle and i and then matt and dom will have the coaches passes and then cooper will be anywhere and everywhere helping us so is cooper your agent also okay oh well that works out nicely who's benji when you guys mention a guy named benji oh oh i heard a benji okay he's a man benji's the man
Starting point is 00:33:34 is cooper the man they're both the man the man benji's a man whoa um how um has daniel brandon been a distraction tell me tell me the truth you had dom and torres to yourself and now you're sharing them with pinky pinky um no honestly like we both said like other day, the last few weeks of training and games prep has been more fun than I've ever had training. Because I'm gone. The intensity is, I mean, having a female competitor that you're training with. No offense, James, but like there's no direct comparison. You're able to push each other when you need to. And there's no like she'll smash me in a workout and it's like okay i just need to
Starting point is 00:34:27 get better at that and like i can learn from the approach she took or different techniques and same thing the other way have you felt any of um danielle's uh directness fuck it have you felt any of danielle's wrath like you know like you taught you moved her bar or you moved her chalk or like you were in her line like you were standing too close to her when you're rowing i know she has like the covid rules are really serious to her she has like the six foot six foot thing while she's rowing yeah have you had any have you been talked to at all hey don't stand there don't don't any of No, I feel like I'm aware enough of, and I,
Starting point is 00:35:06 I'm picky enough as well. Like, I don't like people standing in front of me while I'm working out. I'm aware of what people want and don't want in the middle of their workouts and during their training. So have you talked to her? Have you had to talk to her? Like when she came,
Starting point is 00:35:19 we like, uh, Danielle, come here. I want to show you something. And then take it back and be like, yo, bitch.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Like, like seriously, this ain't a fucking come here. I want to show you something. And then take it back and be like, yo, bitch. Get out of my way. Seriously, this ain't a fucking joke here. Don't bring your fucking three-ring fucking toastbakers or circus to this fucking place. No, it's been pretty chill. Oh, okay. So it's just chill. It's just like, it's just chill. And on the flip side, maybe it's good. It's like, you know, when a new kid comes to your second grade class, it's like, cool, bring some energy from it.
Starting point is 00:35:48 They're like from Taiwan or something, and you're like, okay, this is cool. We'll check out what he got for lunch and take that shit. Jacqueline Robertson, one advance on all the work next week is going to be for you guys. I don't understand that, but… She's flexing in that photo. Thank you. Dang, they're making the PMI guy look bad, Ricardo Montalban. So it's added energy.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Stefan's a sucker for the home run. He doesn't value consistency. Ah, I know. So it's brought energy to the place, having her there. Yeah, it's been more fun. Legitimately. Danielle's an awesome person to hang out around and train with
Starting point is 00:36:29 and keeps things light in her own way just like James does. I've used that as a tool as well. I tend to take myself too seriously a lot of the time, and that's something I've worked on this year. Danielle and James have both helped with that, and it's like we're laughing right before a workout starts but as soon as the workout's on like we're learning and trying to become the best so does corinne have a job or go to school uh she's in school full-time and then she's also a nutrition coach and then she's she gets credit
Starting point is 00:37:02 for like 51 of whatever shows up on the floor with how much she helps me. Oh, that's awesome. So you have two different lives. Yeah. She's not in there like trying to be friends with Danielle or some shit. No, they're sitting outside right now listening. They're homies. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:37:20 That's a fuck up. That's a fuck up. You should have never let that happen. She's at the gym with us all day. Oh. Corinne is? Yeah. This was a fuck up. That's a fuck up. You should have never let that happen. She's at the gym with us all day. Oh. Corinne is? Yeah. This was a year ago.
Starting point is 00:37:29 That's crazy, man. Yeah. Mini putt-putt, baby. God, that is crazy. I lost that shirt. It was a good shirt. Oh, the one with the Twin Towers burning on it? That's what the U is in Noble.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Did you know that? That's the Twin Towers. Oh, no u is in noble did you know that that's the twin tower oh no yeah i didn't know that dalin dalin couldn't get his uh his name on a shirt to be sold this year he wasn't cool enough no i voted i voted for him 10 times i was sad um tell me about emma carrie i really wanted to um i wanted to like get on the the emma bandwagon like i wanted like and then she what happened to her she's amazing yeah she's yeah she's the best and she's just a kid she's just a little kid too right like you guys how old is she she's 18 she's matured so much in the last seven months that we've been there we'll have these car nights a couple times
Starting point is 00:38:22 a week and watch tv shows and every week i feel like she comes up with some new mature thing to say and it's awesome she could she can't even she can't even go to oh no last year she couldn't even go to r-rated movie oh yeah oh we don't think that's the most thing anyway but she's the only pg-13 um is she what happened she heard her back at wadapalooza or going into wadapalooza and then we haven't seen her since or she heard it at dubai okay and yeah i mean she's just been rehabbing it she made the best effort she could to get it ready for the season and she made the smart decision to pull out for this year and then she's it's allowed her to work on the things that she needed to work on. Um, even though it was a back injury, she can do everything that was a weakness and
Starting point is 00:39:10 she's improved a ton in those areas. And it's kind of scary to see how much better she's gotten in a lot of areas. I have an unpopular opinion that a young athlete going through this is one of the best things that can happen because it happened to me and it taught me so much about listening to my body and, and being smarter and training. And, um, I think that you can use that the rest of your career to know when little things come up, how to approach it better and how to have a better mindset through it. So, you know what, as much as it sucks in the moment, I've been,
Starting point is 00:39:39 I've been like just telling her like, Hey, this is, this is going to be a blessing in disguise in the future. God, you know, James, you are going to be a superstar in the sport regardless of how you do, man. Thanks, brother. Yeah, you're a good dude. You're going to have to win three times. You have to get three games victories out of you.
Starting point is 00:40:04 You have to get three, three games, victories out of you. Brian has told me and convinced me that this is the hardest field in the history. Maybe of the sport, the men's field, the men's field, or at least definitely worth talking about. There's like, there's a like a real argument there. And then this is your rookie year coming into it. What, where do you set your goals? My goal is top 10. Top 10.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Yep. And why not set your goal to be on the podium or top 5 or top 20? How do you choose your goal? Choose something that's extremely difficult but realistic and with where I know I'm at. Brian, does he have any holes? Like, like, like, like you're like, oh shit. If this comes up, Dallin's fucked. Well, at this point in the season,
Starting point is 00:40:56 the only way that those questions are relevant is relative to the field he's competing against. So, you know, you can enter him into most competitions anywhere and the answer to that's going to be no, but this is the most difficult competition on earth and things that he's really good at still might yield finishes in the mid teens because that's how good this field is. But we've seen, we've seen what he can do.
Starting point is 00:41:17 And I think we've had enough touch points with down in the last year. And also, you know, he has for a rookie in the elite division he does have a lot of experience to draw on and that's another thing excuse me that's that's another area where you could say that an athlete could have a whole durability recoverability process between events and i think that the like stuff that's not measured on the field is areas that he has an advantage over a lot of people uh that have have only maybe one or two years' experience at the Games, where he actually has three, plus he's done a lot of Palooza. He's had competitive semifinals runs twice.
Starting point is 00:41:51 He's competed in the LCQ, and he knows that he can hang with these guys. And besides Fikowski, if he gets on the podium, he'll be the biggest guy in the history of the sport to get on the podium, right? I mean, besides going back, who? Hogeberg? Probably about the same size. He edged out for Kowski on a tiebreak in 2018. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Do you know how big Hogeberg is, anyone? I bet he's very similar size to Dillon, about 6'4", probably 210. Did you think about that when you stepped into this sport? I bet it's very similar size to down about six foot, probably two 10. Um, did you think about that when you, when you stepped into this sport? Me about being tall. Yeah. Just to be your dad,
Starting point is 00:42:31 not only tall, you're a fucking truck. No, I mean, it has advantages and disadvantages just like anyone else's body type. And you probably think you're small cause you work out next to James. Yeah. I don't think it makes me feel short,
Starting point is 00:42:44 but down. Are you, I mean, I feel like you're a pretty similar size to Vellner, actually. Yeah, Vellner's not that much smaller. That's what I was going to say. He's like an inch smaller, 10 pounds lighter. Yeah. Craig has $100 on Pepper to beat Flopper. Oh, Jesus. I can't believe I said that out loud.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Let me reread that. Craig has $100 on Pepper to beat Hopper. You got a typo in this fucking thing. Dude, that's a good typo, I feel like. Oh, God. I think it's a really good typo. Can he do it? Who's Craig?
Starting point is 00:43:15 I'll just assume it's... Oh, is it like the... Is that the dude sitting under? This might be between her legs. Okay, well, let's go. James, you crushed it at Canwest. it was fun watching you compete thank you was it hard to decide to do that uh no no i didn't want to end on the lcq i need to end in person and um it was a really fun competition really well put together great people um super fun events i mean matt fraser and jake marconi
Starting point is 00:43:43 programmed them super well um it was super fun to go out there because the events weren't necessarily there was like one event in my wheelhouse and the rest could have gone anyway um and so it was fun to go out there and see like hey i can hang in events that maybe i'm not as like well picked for and um had some really good confidence boost there mitchell Mitchell Stevenson competed there as well. Yeah, he's a stud. I love that dude. Was that the first time you'd spent much time with him or have you guys crossed paths before?
Starting point is 00:44:12 First time I've ever met him and he actually doesn't live too far from me here in Washington. I was like, man, why have we not hung out? He's such a quality dude. I'm so excited to hang out with him on demo team. Yeah, I think he also he's also has like similarly um morals and high you know yeah standard of living as you guys for sure wow you what you have more you have high morals james uh sometimes usually on usually on tuesdays you have an high standard
Starting point is 00:44:39 of you drink clean water oh man i just had this i just had this hawaiian volcanic water i don't know where it came from but like it was in my fridge and i was like holy heck that's good uh i appreciate you guys coming on i have a one bit of i have no advice for you down you're fucking special human being thank you i have one question for you real quick so long okay let me just give my piece of advice to james here and then james if at any time you want to get off that fucking demo team just tell me to send you a link and we'll start live streaming with you and they'll kick your ass out of there and then you can work the rest of the week for me so you're saying you want me to like expose workouts to you and like no it doesn't have to be exposed to workout just maybe
Starting point is 00:45:17 the girl's changing or something oh my gosh i love it okay okay go ahead yes that's what uh all all brian had to do was point the camera at james hobart from 300 yards away and he got kicked out of the working for the games last year true story okay go ahead mr pepper i feel like uh this podcast went much better than our last one and we can keep practicing if you'd like oh i can't believe that was 45 minutes actually you're a good dude. I'll be bugging you. I will be bugging you throughout the week. Um, Dallin never feel pressure to respond. I know you guys are busy, but I got a show to run and I got to try to get famous faces like you want it to pay the bill. So if you can come on, if not low stress. All right,
Starting point is 00:45:58 brother. Thank you guys. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you guys so much. Thank you. Have a good one. See ya. I'm kicking james off bam hey what's up i'm so happy it's someone that's uh you know within 20 years of his age uh is this this uh let me know if this music's bothering you i'm sitting at a starbucks and uh and uh waiting for my daughter's gymnastics uh to end and i don't know if his music's bothering you. I'm sitting at a Starbucks and waiting for my daughter's gymnastics to end. And I don't know if this is going to annoy you. If it is, I'll try to find a new spot. It's okay. What are our options?
Starting point is 00:46:35 Do you have another spot? I could try to find another spot inside. Okay, fuck it. Let's just do it. Don't even trip. You want to roll with it? Yeah. And I'm blurry. Why am I blurry blurry i'm not a blurry cat i'm a good dude i gave you some nice some nice scenery in the background though you got the
Starting point is 00:46:54 palm trees and shit i know where are you i am uh literally on off the off the 215 and decatur here you can see the expressways back there. In Vegas? Yeah, I'm like five minutes away from my daughter's gymnastics school. Yep. Great. And how many kids again do you have, Justin?
Starting point is 00:47:17 Two. I got a five-year-old and a two-year-old. Wow. God, you're a busy man. And my five-year-old is, my two-year-old, we don't know yet, but he seems like he's following in my five-year-old's footsteps. But she is, she's a phenom. She is.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Oh, my God. She is astounding. Yeah, it's incredible. And you have like balance beams and trampolines and all that shit. She's five years old. She's already a level three. She was the youngest. She finished third in the state level two,
Starting point is 00:47:51 two years younger than any, than any level two in Nevada, gymnastics States. She's a prodigy rock climber. She's, she was just, I don't know. She's a freak,
Starting point is 00:48:03 bro. She's absolutely incredible. This is a V5. I don't know if you understand that but i don't but i know how hard that is to do that that's crazy v5 at five years old uh so um yeah it's amazing i heard there's gonna be a at the california hormone games there's gonna be a she's gonna go head-to-head with avi in a couple events nice there yeah yeah it's pretty it's pretty freaking awesome have you had her tested justin for peds uh dude she's uh she's i'll tell you what she's powered by cookie girl bro powered by cookie um having having uh kids really puts everything in uh perspective right uh it's i mean it's you know yeah i it there's no way to really describe it right i mean yeah
Starting point is 00:48:56 you know i i don't know man i i just i'm obsessed i probably have like a like an unhealthy obsession i think with with especially with my daughter well yeah i just i love them so much in there so you like watching people move too and you have a tremendous mover who's like just learning every single day and you can just be obsessed with watching them i totally get it it's exciting and and you know they're they're super cool and you know but yeah but right now it's tough because I'm, when I get around this time of year and I'm so like one track mind with the games and my wife is ready to kill me. She's like, yesterday I was like, you just need to get on a plane and go to Madison. Like your head's already there. She's like, you know, I'll see you when you get back.
Starting point is 00:49:40 So yeah, it's an interesting, it's always an interesting time of year. And who are your athletes you're going to madison with this year oh we got ricky and we got uh alex kazan and then underdogs hat we have some more but me specifically i'm i'm focused on on those two and uh who and which one will you be the coach of their both of them or just one of them? Yeah. And I'll have help. Obviously I'll have help from, from Kiefer. Kiefer will help me. And, and, uh, uh, and then, and then Benny's coming. So Benny will be there as well, um, for Ricky. So we'll have a crew in the back and then Tommy is coaching, um, the, the, uh, the team that we have there. He's coaching the Russian team.
Starting point is 00:50:26 And so Tommy is always great to have back there also. So Tommy will help out. It's a family affair. We've got a bunch of people there. I actually wanted to ask you about what it's been like having that team in town. It's been super cool. I mean, listen, the language barrier is they have one athlete who speaks uh relatively decent english so basically tommy communicates through her and and um you know
Starting point is 00:50:55 but they they've been i mean they've been working their asses off you know and they're very impressive do you know what you know what are you talking about sorry catch, catch me up here. Sorry, guys, I'm lost. Who are we talking about? So we have a team, underdogs, Tommy Hackenbrook, coaches a team. They won the Far East. They are a Russian team. Oh, okay. They won the Far East. They actually, I think they won every event,
Starting point is 00:51:17 came in second on one event, and set a world record in the thruster rope climb. Is that correct, Brian Friend? I don't know about the last one, but I believe it. Yeah. They were very impressive. They did. And they're, they're very, very good. And I'm stoked to see them. I think, I think that, I think they can do well. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:39 and Tommy is amazing and watching him kind of, you know, get really excited again about about coaching teams that that's been very cool to watch he's been in the gym just about every day and you know i think people forget how how good tommy hackenbrook is at everything so just i'm just trying the little i know about is it one of their guys or girls that speaks English? The girl, Senya. Okay. Is the other one Alexandra? They have an Alexandra.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Yeah. They have an Alexandra. She's done some pretty – from what I know about them, I perceive her to be the best as an individual. She is, and she didn't even compete at semis. She had an injury. So Senya stepped in. So they did all of that without Alexandra.
Starting point is 00:52:31 So I think Tommy's still making that decision with them as to who's going to be the final four because they have six here. They have all six here. So I think he's deciding on what the best route to go is. I've told you about these guys before. It's the Kolesnikov team. And I call them like the mayhem of Russia. Like it's an, it's a, it's a compound basically where the best athletes in Russia go to train. They have masters athletes, they're individuals in this team. Isn't that a gun?
Starting point is 00:53:03 I believe it is a gun. Yeah. Yeah, I approve. I approve. Justin, Alex Gazan, Ricky Garrard, no stranger to controversy. Ricky, incredible comeback. Great story. I think, I mean, I'm a huge fan of both of them. You had obviously Danielle Brandon there. She leaves.
Starting point is 00:53:32 It's a big hubble loo because it may have not been a big deal if it was, you know, six months ago, but it's just prior to the games. I have two questions. Maybe we can't answer the first one. I have two questions. Maybe we can't answer the first one. The first question is, because we're so intimate as a sport, is this unique to CrossFit? Like if this were just like a NBA player, would it not be? Is our community more intimate? Is it more nosy? Is there more information? Would it not be as, I mean, it feels really dramatic to me. It is dramatic. It's made a lot of noise. I mean, go ahead. It is dramatic. I don't think there's any question. I think in any sport, it would be dramatic when you've got someone who's that talented and that high profile who, you know, who's no longer with a team, essentially. You know, and in our case, who's no longer with our camp. you know so yeah i don't think there's any question that it's dramatic and
Starting point is 00:54:29 and i i think rightly so you know um and so close to the to get to the to the big event yeah it's kind of unprecedented obviously um and uh you know it's not an ideal situation and i'm you know and i i'm sure i'm sure sure Danielle would say the same thing. But we are where we are, and obviously we wish her the best. And I'm sure she – listen, she's a beast, man. She's going to do great. She's an incredibly talented athlete, and I'm sure no matter where she ends up or what she does, she's going to be an extremely successful athlete.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I will always stand by the fact, unless I eventually coach someone who's more naturally gifted, she's the most naturally gifted athlete I've ever coached, without question. You know, it's just new things happening. And when you go there, is there a plan or have you guys talked already or will you talk to her there to sort of settle any weirdness? Do you know what I mean? Like let's say like I went to a wedding and my ex-wife was there and I'm with my new wife. You know what I mean? It's like is there any like, hey, is there any plan or – I mean because your relationship was so intimate, right? I mean, you were spending. Yeah, no, honestly, our relationship, Savannah, I mean, if we're being honest, like my relationship with Danielle for the most part was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:55:57 My athlete, the athlete coach relationship between Danielle and I was always very strong. me, Danielle and I was always very strong, um, right, right up to the last minute, you know, and, uh, you know, I feel like, um, you know, I, I, I cared very deeply about Danielle, uh, and I want to see the best for her. Um, you know, for, for us, it was ultimately a culture clash and we decided that, you know, that, that for our culture, what we're trying to build, it just wasn't, it wasn't working out and it was a move that we had to make. And I know it was a sudden move, but I think it had to be done. And I'm, I'm resolute in my decision. I'm unwavering in it. And,
Starting point is 00:56:40 but that being said, I don't want her to do badly i mean of course not of course not i feel that from you too i of course not no i mean i mean listen the strides that we made you know i mean if you look at at what happened at west coast classic last year you look at the games kind of the up and down and then you look at it at how solidly she performed at, you know, it was nearly flawless performance at the MAC. 4.56, 4.56. I mean, she's good enough in my opinion, you know, this year to finish top five. I haven't changed that opinion and it wouldn't surprise me.
Starting point is 00:57:18 And I really do hope that, you know, we can see each other and, you know, and things will be amicable. I hope that, I hope that, you know, we can, we can see each other and, and, you know, and, and things will be amicable. I hope that, I hope that, you know, um, because at the end of the day, like I said, I, I, uh, you know, there was really nothing that ever happened between her and I that, that, you know, was like, oh shit, you know, we're not, we're not cool enough, you know? Gotcha. Yeah. So, I mean, you know, i mean you know there's obviously i i think for us right now like our focus is is is alex and ricky and her focus should be the games and you know i know a lot of people are like what happened what happened and a lot of people want to know
Starting point is 00:57:58 the details and i just don't think right now is the time to discuss you know on our end it's just not the right time it's not a good time you know so yeah do you have you um have you have you processed it emotionally i asked her the same thing um i asked matt torres the same thing about phil toon and because it is so close to game day and i got the impression from both of them that it was like i was like have you had have you cried a lot about it and she goes basically danielle said not yet it's like something like i feel like both of them matt torres had to kick the phil toon thing down the road and and i feel like danielle had to kick that down the road and because now is not the time to kind of process it let the games finish and then fucking grab a pillow and scream yeah i i i i think that i've i I'll be honest with you it's been really hard for me
Starting point is 00:58:46 I've had a very difficult time you know this is not at all what I expected or how I expected this to go I thought I would coach Danielle for her entire career and I thought that we'd win the CrossFit Games together. I thought I'd die doing the behind the scenes I thought at 87
Starting point is 00:59:02 I'd have a heart attack in a wheelchair doing the behind the scenes at the CrossFit Games. Right. I mean, if we're being honest about it, that's what I thought. But at the end of the day, man, like, like here's the deal. There's not that one person is not, is not bigger than, than, than the brand or what we're trying to do. And it just, I want it to be bigger than the brand. I know, I know it's hard. It ended up being a situation that, you know, we are where we are. And so, yeah, it's been hard for me. I've had a hard time and, and, uh, I'm sure I will continue to, um, you know, there's been some things since, since it happened that, that I haven't been extremely, uh, you know, I wasn't extremely happy with the whole group podcast for being honest, but it is what it is that people uh will will
Starting point is 00:59:47 i think they have to deal with things in certain ways and and i you know i was i was hurt and disappointed with some of the things that were said on there and and uh you know but but like i said right right now is not the time to to respond or or you know really go kind of dive into the minutiae of of what happened it's not fair to the tar athletes and it's certainly not fair to dan young right now that that's the way i feel about it i couldn't agree more um sebon is a half cooked cookie today soft and gooey come come eat me come eat me um well what what what are we seeing in um in in uh miss uh gazan uh is this is she a new breed is does she have a peer um have we seen her before in the sport
Starting point is 01:00:38 is she something um unique i i feel like that there's something she put 35 pounds on her back squat she got a 248 bench press just and she's not even a fucking bench presser what are we looking at here she has a kind of a dirt twirler vibe to her like i don't give a shit like you know like like a hippie vibe yet totally like like she's been through a lot already and she's just like a, just a great mindset. I'm married already. Yeah. Are you tripping on, are you tripping on her? I'm tripping on her a little bit. I am. What is this? I didn't, I, I, I knew, listen, when I, when we started together, I, there were things right. There were, you see things as a coach, you see the ability to be able to do things that are hard,
Starting point is 01:01:25 that generally take people years and years and years to be able to master. Um, and she was, she was already naturally gifted at those things. Right. And, and, and now you're starting to see her lifting coming along her, her strength that, you know, know um she has home runs right now at the games that's very important it's very important to have home runs at the games um and i think you'll see a very up and down games for her this year for being honest there'll be some events that are probably going to be a wake-up call where she's like holy shit and then there's going to be some events that we're going to look at and she's going to be licking her lips like she was to Legolas. You know what I mean? There'll be some things that she'll look at and be like,
Starting point is 01:02:11 I can sink my teeth into that. I know for her, putting a number like where is she going to finish? I know she's not looking at it like that. I think there's no substitute for experience. She's 20 years old. She's going to go there. She's going to soak it up that. I think there's no substitute for experience. She's 20 years old. She's going to go there. She's going to soak it up. And when, and I honestly believe with her trajectory that the next two years are where you're going to see the biggest growth. I think after the games we'll sit down and honestly, man, like I think she's going to ultimately have to make a decision. And I think most athletes that, that, that are she's going to ultimately have to make a decision. And I think most athletes that are this good this early have to make a decision. And the decision is, what do I want to be in this sport? Do I want to go for top five?
Starting point is 01:03:00 Do I want to be somebody who can finish on the podium? Or do I want to be somebody who feels pretty cool about making the games? I go, I finish 10th to 25th. I make a living. I get sponsorships. That's cool. I have a little bit more balance, blah, can, can talk to her about what it means to go all in where, where there is no fucking balance. Like, here's the deal. Like if you want to be the best, you, you eat, sleep, shit, breathe. Everything is I'm fucking making the podium, right? Like that's, that's the way it goes. And we've seen the best in the sport. That's the way it is. Like, you know, they, they live in their parents' basement and they fucking, that's what they do. They wake up and they do a workout. They go to sleep. They get up in the middle of the night. They do a workout. Like, does she want to do that? I don't know. You know, we haven't had that talk yet. It's not,
Starting point is 01:03:56 it's not, it hasn't been that time. You know what I mean? I don't think it would be fair to her to have that discussion yet. What I'm seeing seeing though is i'm seeing somebody who's good enough to have that discussion with and then i think from there how good she can you know how good can she be i don't know we'll see i don't mean to sound like a self-help book but there's a kind of a destiny component with her like like what is she doing in vegas what is she doing running into carrie pierce what is she doing ending up with bethany and danielle what is she doing in Vegas? What is she doing? Running into Carrie Pierce? What is she doing? Ending up with Bethany and Danielle? What is she doing? Ending up under dogs, athletics, like the whole thing after talking to her is like so fortuitous.
Starting point is 01:04:31 It's like the life's bringing, she's, she's stumbling into these things in life and then living up to the expectations of them. Absolutely. You know, and I think she's so wise beyond her years because of the both skin of the shit she's had to deal with in her life. I mean, you had her on. I was crying for half the episode. Yeah, she's mature as shit. I see at each stage a little bit more fire, right? Like after quarterfinals, you saw, you saw the fire where it was like, Holy shit, I finished well or 11th or 12th Brian would know 11th or 12th.
Starting point is 01:05:11 And then, and then it was like, okay, you know, we got her to believe going into granite. And after the event three, she was like, Holy shit, like I'm good enough to do this now. And then, you know, she's training with Ricky and, and, and, uh, you start to see that fire and that competitiveness come out and, you know, it's exciting to me, um, you know, to, to be able to see it. And, um, I just want her to go and experience and we try to execute the plans and whatever happens this year happens. But,
Starting point is 01:05:41 but I think it's going to be this amazing building block moving forward for her and i i'm just so fucking happy for him it's awesome um how is how is ricky's confidence how is he how is he doing i think he's doing great on top of the world it's he's hard he's hard to he's hard to read yeah he's just so laid back and yeah but he's he's got a fire in his belly. He's super motivated. He wants to go prove that he is as good as people thought he was. The games, I think he's going to be able to sink his teeth into it. There's a lot of workouts there that generally fall into his, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:27 into things that he really likes to do. And I'm hoping that we'll see a lot of that. I'm hoping we'll see a lot of running and endurance events, not object, blunt work, and just nastiness. And because he tends to do really well at that stuff. His top end strength is better than it's ever been in his life. He's very, very healthy right now. We were, we were managing a little elbow thing.
Starting point is 01:06:51 And he told me now he feels a hundred percent. He got to Madison a couple of days ago where we're, we're deloading him right now. He's got a, you know, got a weak taper and I think he should be ready to go. What I'm the thing with ricky is managing the nerves you know um we saw that in torian where you know he he almost puked himself out of the event on the first workout you know and uh the good news is i think that that was the the monkey on the back i think it was only three spots that's semiifinals. If he doesn't get to the games, all the trolls
Starting point is 01:07:26 are going to fucking block. I think we're in a situation where Can he leverage that? Does he leverage that? Does he leverage the trolls and the ego? Or does it eat away at him? You know what I mean? No, it definitely doesn't eat away at him.
Starting point is 01:07:41 It eats away at me more than it eats away at him. Yeah, he acts like it doesn't he i mean he's he's cool he's cool as a cucumber oh he is man he's cool as the other side of the pillow that one there's no doubt about it he's fucking and i and and what just what a good dude he came here and i swear he just like fell into the the community like he'd been here forever and and uh you know he stayed with it was cool he stayed with mitch uh carrie's boyfriend and then michelle came and they stayed you know he was there and uh the two of them were there and and and he just hit it off with everybody and i think everyone
Starting point is 01:08:15 is so stoked that he's a part of this part of this group and a part of this family and you know i i also think we might uh his first experience in Vegas sucked. And I think he loved this one. He got locked in a hotel room vomiting. Yeah. So, so I think he's, I think you're going to see him come over here for an extended period of time next season and train for, for four or five months with the crew, which is, which is super exciting.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Maybe a little competition in the middle of there somewhere. I think so. Maybe, you know, maybe two, there might be two companies. Brian, um, did I see that the teams will be riding bikes?
Starting point is 01:08:53 Well, the, the, the CrossFit Games posted something. It looked like, uh, they said, yeah,
Starting point is 01:08:58 teams be ready to ride. And so do you think that that means individuals will be riding also? I don't know. I mean, possibly. That's good for Ricky, right? He's good on the bike, right? That would be phenomenal for Ricky. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:15 He won the bike workout, right? Like easy. He won the cyclocross, yeah. Right. And if it is a bike event, I hope it's only a bike event. That would be great. I don't want to pay for anything else. Just have's only a bike event. That would be great. I don't want to pay for anything else. Just have it be a bike event.
Starting point is 01:09:29 That would be beautiful. But he can do it all, right? He can swim, run, and bike, right? All of them. He's a good swimmer. He's not a great swimmer. As far as the Australians, he can be lower on the totem pole, but he's a very confident swimmer.
Starting point is 01:09:43 He's an incredible runner, and he's phenomenal on the bike. So I'm just saying I would want that to be one event because then I don't want him to make it a run bike. I want the run to be in a bunch of other events, just selfishly. But, yeah, I'm excited for him. I think he can do great. And it's a long weekend with a lot of events and i i think for him there's going to be certain events that he just you know it's going to come out it's going to he's going to
Starting point is 01:10:12 look at it and be like okay like i can just go and fucking go off on that event and try to win it i think there'll be several of those and you know he he definitely i think is a much more well-rounded athlete. And we tested a couple of the events that he did very poorly at. And he did incredibly, so much better. So I'm excited for him. I think he's got to be in the mix, you know, for top 10 for sure. You know, maybe even better than that.
Starting point is 01:10:39 I think he's, you know, the field is phenomenal. But he's going to be right in the mix. Will DeLugos be at the games? No, Matt's not going. He's going to hang here. He's got to babysit. He's going to help my wife babysit. I forgot to ask James if he would – oh, James is going to be on the demo team.
Starting point is 01:11:01 I wonder if that's normal. You don't make the games and you're like, fuck it, I'm not going. Like, I wouldn't go unless I had a job there. Everyone's like, why aren't you going? Because I don't got a fucking job there. I need a job there. I think it's hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:14 I think it's hard. Yeah, for sure. He doesn't, I mean, like, he wants to make it. He wants to be there because he needs it, you know. So, I understand it. It makes perfect sense. He also had a little bit of an injury That he's still rehabbing
Starting point is 01:11:27 He's doing really well He's only got a couple limitations But it's not bad So he's getting back into training now And he's very, very motivated This guy's wondering what you're thinking, Brian I'm just taking it in like the rest of you Yeah, so
Starting point is 01:11:44 But yeah, I know he's very excited for this next season for sure when you see the drug test popping do you ever do you ever worry about your own athletes are you ever like oh shit yeah I think you worry
Starting point is 01:12:03 does it start making you paranoid I don't now I mean we had Ben Bergeron ever like oh shit like yeah i think you worry does it start making you paranoid yeah yeah yeah and i mean we we had ben bergeron he's even a seasoned guy he has all these rules i think in ethics and behaviors expected around his gym and we asked him hey do you have a drug policy and he goes no like like i just expect them not to take drugs but that's gonna change yeah like for all of us yeah you have to uh we've already started talking about implementing something and honesty agreement or, you know, something along those lines. And then also like a list that people are taking so we can make sure that,
Starting point is 01:12:35 you know, everything is kosher and, you know, and then, and then the possibility of even doing some, some drug testing during the year, you know and it would be something that something that we talk about with our athletes. We would talk about it up front before the season, like this is what we're planning. This is to make sure that it's not that we don't trust you. It would be to make sure that supplements that you're taking are clean. Make sure that we're not running into an issue
Starting point is 01:13:00 that you get fucking popped for something over the counter blah blah blah so without question i think it's going to be something now that that everybody has to look into and and um you know at the end of the day there's no question that it has has come to the forefront of the sport and it's something that we all we all need to address and and ultimately you know be very cognizant well it's also like if someone if you're on a team with four people and like one of those dudes pop like my brain automatically goes to and it's i know it's totally wrong but all of them are doing it right and so and so it's kind of for those other people because they didn't do shit yeah yeah and i also think public perception
Starting point is 01:13:41 you know like i think one person pops, it's like, okay. But then all of a sudden it's like two people in the same camp pop or like it happens in successive years. It's like, oh shit. You know what I mean? Like that's, that's not a good thing to have happen. You know? So, so I think, you know, we, we have to be careful.
Starting point is 01:13:58 I mean, at the end of the day, it's our, it's our livelihood, you know, it's our, it's our brand, it's our business, it's our community. And we want to make sure that, that, you know we're represented well and that we're taking care of our athletes. And I think part of that is making sure that they're educated and that they and that we give them the resources to make sure that when they test, they test clean. Awesome. You are one minute away from needing to pick your daughter up. I appreciate it. Three. I got three. Three. Three. I got three, yeah. You got two more questions?
Starting point is 01:14:28 Yeah. Do you have anything for him, Brian, Mr. Friend? Oh, man. I'm not even kidding. I've just been listening. It's been – No pressure. No pressure. I appreciate you coming on, Justin, a lot.
Starting point is 01:14:41 I know this is a really intense time. I appreciate you giving us your thoughts on justin a lot i know this is a really intense time uh i appreciate you giving us some your thoughts on on on just all the changes talking to us about ricky talking to us about um alex the cool thing is this i and i said it before that i did feel like the underdogs um athletics team was the uh the montley crew you know like those are the guys who get caught in the airport with like a pocket knife or a gun or something they left in their bag or a pack of cigarettes. Like we find out, we find out like they smoke cigarettes after they train. And, and, and, and I think you've I think in a, in a cool way it's,
Starting point is 01:15:16 it's it's true to your brand. You're, you're, you're, you guys are all tough as shit and it's fun to watch and it's true to your brand. You're, you're, you're, you guys are all tough as shit. And it's fun to watch and it's in regard to what might seem dramatic or bad for you is actually charge the whole environment. And I think there'll be a net positive everywhere. So thank you. I appreciate that. And thanks for coming on and letting us see your face and we'll be, we'll be, we'll be bugging you throughout the games. Please do. It's always a pleasure coming on.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Brian looking forward to giving you a hug. we'll be bugging you throughout the games. Please do. Uh, it's always a pleasure coming on Brian. Looking forward to giving you a hug. And, uh, and please tell, please tell, uh, Gazan and, uh,
Starting point is 01:15:50 and, uh, Ricky that we're huge fans at the seven on podcast. And we'll be rooting them on not as much as Colton Mertens, but say close second. Close. Okay. As close as I know,
Starting point is 01:15:58 I know how much you love Colton. So that means a lot. All right. See you, Justin. Later, bro. I was like, when you bring it back in and I don't notice it right away.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Look at all my screens here. When I had Adrian on, someone in the comments wrote that I was being a bitch to him, that I had eight months to i've been complaining about shit for eight months and then i have mon and i don't ask him any of the hard questions i want to be like hey did you not listen to the fucking podcast i'm trying to fucking save a friendship here you dipshit yeah what are you i i didn't bring it i didn't bring him on so you could fucking get your fucking jollies off on shit we need these people to come back guys go over and watch some other fucking podcast yeah i'm fucking i'm working it i'm working i'm trying to fucking that person needs to go back and watch the first one you did with rich yeah yeah yeah yeah i gave rich i had my hand in rich's pants the whole time and
Starting point is 01:16:53 then and then i mean like if i try to fuck kotler right now i'm never gonna get a second date with them if i try to fucking kiss danielle she's never gonna come back like be cool people be fucking cool patience patience i like tonight's episode that was a that was an interesting balance of guests too because we had the uh james and we had james and dallin and that was really cool they were fun and playful and then we had collar came on the the mode was a little bit more serious, right? I could have asked better questions. You could have fucking written one in the fucking right there, a better question.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Instead of wasting your time typing that shit. Yeah, Phillip. Mr. Rodeau. I like your black and white with a lot of the negative space in the top. It's very nice. You look friendly with the smile. Hat on backwards. When you get the old man hat on with like the extra extra strap either that or you have a fucking tiny head the size of a baseball um there was uh burning twin towers
Starting point is 01:17:56 comment about the there was there was uh oh why why isn't colton coming on the show the thing is with colton you guys have this motherfucker just works yeah and you see it's hard scheduling with him but we're trying like i'm texting him and bugging him and like yeah he's yeah right here dick butter said it right here colin is busy working richard margarine okay here we go you should have asked what he thought about thought it would take oh please oh please no he's just messing around please oh you are joking he's got it thank you yeah i feel like i get to know a lot of these people in the comments of their sense of humor yeah put put arsenic in her oatmeal is how you beat her the fuck i like how collin said basically like next season they'll be implementing some sort of uh what did he refer to it as like an honesty policy or basically like signing off saying that we're going to set the expectation for drug policy enforcement.
Starting point is 01:18:52 And I think that's so smart for them because as they it is a business for them. Right. So you have to protect yourself. And if you have those contracts up front, you don't have to have this weird like is he kicked out of the camp because of this? What happened? It's like, hey, we laid out the expectation. They signed the paper. They knew that when they got busted for this, like is he kicked out of the camp because of this what happened it's like hey we laid out the expectation they signed the paper they knew that when they got busted for this like they were gone sugar training new zealand fifty dollars love your work love your work team love your work team love love your team okay thank you it's a comment it has to be a comment love your work team okay okay thank you uh so you want you guys want to fuck with someone here call in and Love your work. Team. Team. Okay. Thank you. You guys want to fuck with someone here?
Starting point is 01:19:28 Call in and fuck with Brian. He loves getting fucked with. Fuck with Brian. Hey, the Fantasy League show I think is going to be... It's going to be so much fun. Yeah, it's going to be chaos. I think it's going to be good. Do you have the phone turned on i oh yeah i do did you moderator for that show i don't know yeah it's me it's gonna be keep us on track yeah we'll have a minute timer and then i just disappear your screen i didn't see the royce video on the morning chalk up i i
Starting point is 01:20:02 mean i just roll in different, uh, like pick next, pick next, pick and then roll it up. Oh, right, right. So there can't be a lot of dicking around. Danielle still lurking in the chat.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Oh, that's not really her. That's not really her. Is it? It's a fake one. I mean, it's, you never know.
Starting point is 01:20:21 I just picture her using all caps for everything okay fine you guys no one's calling it okay please do explain the equity equality thing let me call velner on soon and i think there'll be some fun stuff that you could do Let me call Velner on. Not yet. Soon. I think there'll be some fun stuff that you could do in Instagram where you guys could vote against people's picks and stuff like this. I don't know how closely related it is to the fantasy exactly, but it'll be kind of a part of it,
Starting point is 01:20:55 and I think there'll be some cool prizes for people that guess who won. Yeah, Tyler and I might be doing something. Yeah, it's Brian versus Tyler. Okay, I didn't know if that was like cemented in. I think the fans can play. Yeah, they get to vote and pick along with either you or him, and then whoever gets as many correct might win. He's basically pulling straight off of his statistical models.
Starting point is 01:21:17 He'll pick just chalk from there, and I'll pick based on more of just a gut just a gut feeling event by event i mean obviously i have a lot of knowledge of the athletes but it won't be they're just dependent uh like specifically on what the data spits out people could play along at home tomorrow morning 8 a.m we change the time of the show uh we'll be i'll have justin nunley on, superstar comedian, Daring Weeks, Welterweight, and UFC. We'll talk about UFC 277. After that show, we will have Amanda Barnhart on. If you don't fucking like this show or me, you can watch a real interviewer, a real journalist at 11 a.m.
Starting point is 01:22:01 at the Morning Chalk of YouTube, the great khalil the khalisi she's prettier than me smarter than me she doesn't interrupt her guests as much as me she's not gonna say anything that would offend your mom oh that person um so so there's that and or or you can watch both but but we'll be doing amanda barnhart at 12 it did break my heart when i see she i was she was scheduled at 11 at morning chalk up uh then at 5 30 no it is live hers is live it's not a premiere it's a live show oh i don't know i think they might be set to premiere okay yeah um and uh 5 30 tomorrow we'll have jr howell Howell, The Great, and Taylor, The Thumb Self. We'll be talking about programming.
Starting point is 01:22:50 We've got a bunch of new information. Maybe some more information will come out tomorrow in regards to the CrossFit Games, things like the bike event. And then at 6.30, it's been way too long. Are you coming on the 6.30 show, Brian? Announce it. Lazar Jukic. Are you sure it's 6 30 i see 6 30 pacific standard time that's 9 30 for you that's right before you go no it should be
Starting point is 01:23:15 8 30 for me but it says 9 30 but it does say what's happening whatever. I'm planning to be there for Lazarus. Oh, that was easy. And then, I mean, guys, it's going to get crazy. Let me tell you about this one show that I'm really excited about. Let me see if I can find it. Is that 7 a.m. on Sunday? Where's the one where I'm going to do a show with? Yeah, it's scheduled there. The 31st.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Is that with Jay Crouch and Rob Forte? That's right. That's the one Lauren Khalil is going to be on also? No. Oh. Well, maybe. We could ask her about that one. There was another one we were going to have her on.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Where is that one? Is that below it? It's not confirmed yet. Oh, okay. Hi, welcome to the show. Hi, Matt. So I actually just, okay. Hi, welcome to the show. Hi, Matt. So I actually just, I'm a huge fan of the show. I love you, Sean.
Starting point is 01:24:12 I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised. I just heard Amanda Nunes say that. Sorry, I just stole her line. I just finished the Cara Saunders interview, which is really great. How do you guys think her point of view? I know, Matt, you kind of shared your point of view about how she was talking about the noble T-shirt jersey situation. Do you think that is going to affect how athletes interact at the game or do you guys think that's gonna with
Starting point is 01:24:48 crossfit getting so big do you think that there is going to be like maybe a athlete's union that forms in the next like two to three years or a year hmm good question fuck it i hope not i don't think it will yeah brian loves that idea brian do you have it yeah i feel like brian has a few thoughts on this brian i love you you are a brain brian the brain there's i mean i'm like you know you're having a weird hair day though what did you get licked by a cow or something why is your hair off i thought you had curly hair and today you have fucking straight hair what the fuck's going on with your hair today i do photography it was for like a little shoot that we had for a project oh you made brian look like that like a poindexter holy shit all right all right
Starting point is 01:25:34 what was the project how yeah well wait is this for an only fans or what's going on yeah yeah oh you know i mean like no disrespect to anyone that does that, but no. Okay, so you're not managing Brian. Are you talking about a photo that's edited or are you talking about my, like, icon? No, no, we're talking about Brian's, the shoe for Brian. Here's the thing. On one hand, yeah, it's great that Noble is giving athletes money. It's really cool that Cara is sharing the money.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Maybe they should probably just have everyone share all the money. That would actually be the really cool thing to do. That would be the smart thing to do too. All the t-shirt money split it between the fucking 80 individual athletes. And I think that would be the best thing to do. But I do think it's cool what Kara Saunders is doing. And on one hand, good on Noble for sharing the money. The part that's
Starting point is 01:26:28 just weird is the part that we fucked with already that the shirts are $27 more this year or something like that. It goes up a dollar every time you talk about it. Pardon me? It goes up a dollar? Whatever. They're giving $20 to the athletes for each shirt and the price of the shirts went up at least $20. That part's
Starting point is 01:26:44 just kind of fun to just laugh at. Like, okay, guys. No, I definitely thought that was interesting that they made a big deal about giving the athletes money, but at the same time, it did go up $27. I'm curious. Thank you, guys, for your time. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Brian, great answer, buddy. Thanks for contributing. Yeah, he was baffled by the hair comment. I thought you knew the caller, and there was like a photo shoot, but somehow we got our communication. I knew she had misunderstood Savant's humor or pointed joke at me. Oh, you didn't do a photo shoot with her?
Starting point is 01:27:15 I was on the same page as you, Savant, which was like my icon. I was like, wait, we are not talking about the same thing here. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. You know what's interesting how much and brian maybe you have an opinion on this or maybe not but i wonder how much this kind of the athletes deserve more the athletes should be getting paid more like how much does that fall
Starting point is 01:27:35 on their agents you know what i mean because like if you have people like travis from vindicate here who's putting together these t-shirt sales or wad zombie who's doing these trading cards for him and i know that's a small amount of revenue in terms of like the athlete but they seem to be doing almost as much for the athletes they're buying and making their own t-shirts so i wonder if there's any room for the agents to step in the agents are doing it they do a lot of things behind the scenes that don't necessarily get advertised or seen and um you know a big a big part of that like you know nick can initiate that himself and there's no there's not a timing component of it uh there's not like a nego you know there is maybe maybe he's negotiates with athletes about a cut of it i'm not sure exactly but for the agents it's uh there are there are
Starting point is 01:28:23 certain factors in play that are a little bit more complicated and sometimes a little bit more private that not everyone knows about. I think they're doing a tremendous job for the athletes. And I recorded, I think I did a bottom line episode about what I thought about the jersey sales. I felt kind of good about what I said there. There's no question about the intention is good here. And I'll be curious to see what the follow up is. You know, we were talking to Sam Dancer and he said that, you know, Noble has a plan for next year already. So maybe they have a plan A and a plan B based on how this goes this year. And they're already thinking about the next iteration of this.
Starting point is 01:29:05 I'm not involved in that. But at the same time – Yeah, they're going to change. You know what their plan is for next year is to take those two burning buildings that they have as the U and Noble and to turn into two syringes for the next – and then the next year. They're waiting for the next pandemic or whatever for the third year. I'll just say this.
Starting point is 01:29:23 I went to a Supercross race this year for the first time and there were five jerseys for sale. There were like a hundred riders and only five jerseys you could buy. And I go to, if I go to the NBA game, there's, you know, 15 guys on the team,
Starting point is 01:29:36 but there's like six or seven guys who have jerseys in the store, but you can order the other ones. And I don't know how the money works now. They collected it all. And I think that that would have been the nice, like the thing that i would have added is you can order anyone jerseys you want but we can't guarantee it to you in time for the games like you know athletes should make their own jerseys i think noble should be allowed to do stuff like that but not with noble's logo right i just let no i'm fine with noble not choosing like i'm fine. I don't think they owe every athlete a jersey.
Starting point is 01:30:06 I was trying to order a Lynn Napkin jersey. I don't know who that is. Is that an athlete? Masters? Yeah, the only Masters athlete to make it every year. I put it in my survey response. Didn't get enough votes. I put Colton in mine.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Lynn Napkin. Hi, are you going to talk? Lacey, go. Yeah, I kind of want to talk about some team stuff. I'm a big fan of Mayhem, and I was just curious, like with RacyBix, how well they do in more like long-distance events. I'm not as familiar with really their guides and how well they've done with distance events in the past. I know that they put out stuff on the
Starting point is 01:30:48 bike and Mayhem should probably be pretty good at that. But I just didn't know with Reykjavik if that was one of their strengths or weaknesses for this upcoming season. Yeah, no. I think that this Reykjavik team is the best threat to
Starting point is 01:31:04 Mayhem since the Wasatch Brutes in 2018. But I also think this is by far the best Mayhem team that they've ever had. I mean, Sam Cornway is no joke. He's a top 10 threat in the individual field. And adding him onto the team, the way that he's meshed with that, chemistry-wise, the work that he's put in, it'll be really valuable for him. I think in transition to his career,
Starting point is 01:31:27 but it's also going to create a team that I think is basically unstoppable this season, uh, where exactly Reykjavik will, will excel relative to mayhem. Like they'll have some events where they beat them. Um, but this is also a really good team.
Starting point is 01:31:39 You think so? I don't, I don't know. I think they're going to beat them on any event. I think mayhem is going to sweep the whole thing. Like, I think we're pulling this big thing up and they Freedom is going to sweep them in any event. I think Mayhem Freedom is going to sweep the whole thing. I think we're pulling this big thing up and they're just going to come through and just dominate. No, they won't win every event. But where specifically?
Starting point is 01:31:54 Yeah, Reykjavik can definitely threaten them in certain events, but I think consistency will pay off in a probably convincing fashion for Mayhem Freedom. Yeah, I don't think Reykjavik is going to win. I was just curious. I just didn't know a lot about more of their distance stuff. I know semifinals is kind of difficult to test. Some of that like actual real long distance stuff. So I didn't know what their sample size kind of was. How about this? How about this? If Reykjavik does win, does Rich come back? It's a fuck you, I'm not retiring
Starting point is 01:32:25 and go another year? Maybe that's the only thing that can... I don't think there's any way that you... I don't think there's any way that you leave losing. I don't think so either. Did Sevan and Collar talk about Danielle? No, we danced around it. But I like dancing.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Collar, did you hear that part? What do you think what do you think you want to shit on me for that you think i didn't come hard enough with daniel yeah no no with cotler oh no i think it was fine i think you did it was kind of nice to hear his perspective we've heard daniel a couple times and um that's what i was thinking too the fucking hate for him. Like everyone just jumps on her side and the fucking, he gets bashed in the comments.
Starting point is 01:33:09 Yeah, he did. Everyone loves pinky. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I, I mean,
Starting point is 01:33:14 I, I, I love Danielle. I think that she's awesome, but it was nice to kind of hear a little bit of his perspective and see, um, you know, I mean,
Starting point is 01:33:23 he just made a business decision. It's kind of what it sounded like to me, but it was interesting to hear his side of it. All right. Thank you. Yep. Thanks. Bye. Okay, that's going to talk about teams anymore. Okay, he just came back into the question. He just threw headphones on us for a second.
Starting point is 01:33:44 It was like, like okay here we go awesome uh no i didn't pee in the neighbor's cooler i i've seen the bushes just right outside my office thank you for asking it was my kids who peed in the cooler i didn't do that um we were we were talking about noble i think they should be allowed to do whatever they want i'm uh oh the union here's the thing you want a union you you want a union this is what's going to happen if there's a union next year they'll charge another five dollars for that shirt and that five dollars will go to pay for the union dues a union will do nothing i know it's a great idea i know you want to think that it's going to be a great idea but though it's just a another
Starting point is 01:34:22 layer of bureaucracy that's going to take cash from the yeah yeah and i it's it's um i think it just i think it just hurts it just hurts everyone i think brian he's a union guy look at him he just wants to know he just wants to know the stats of the union what's the union's fran time how many years have they been at the games brian do you stay in your lane like you know like um the the sort of the sports analysis is what you talk about you don't talk about like the cost of the shirts or whether there should be unions or, you know, the color, but some of those things and the color of the jerseys,
Starting point is 01:35:08 the color of the jerseys, that word seven. Oh, sorry. Right. Right. The tone, the tone,
Starting point is 01:35:16 the tone, the, the way the light refracts on the jerseys. How's that? There we go. And I, I've done some episodes where i have the bottom line and maybe shared some opinions on here about more broad things and topics um and obviously i mean
Starting point is 01:35:34 i i coach at a gym every day so i'm like i'm very in tune with the you know the other side of the methodology and the lifestyle and the way that it impacts people's lives outside of competition. But most of the stuff that we do on here is generally around the games. Fair. Oh, pigment, yes. An athlete union would absolutely take money from the athletes. Thank you. Perfect. Okay, let's move on.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Don't even need to read the rest of that. In short term, which they would then use to make more money for the athletes in the long term. Oh, that's so cool. This guy wants to pay higher taxes he's looking to get a job guys uh thank you so much brian friend thank you so much mr suza thank you so much um man the shows are on fire you guys are killing it thanks for everyone jumping in try to be less mean in the comments go ahead brian Brian. Are you going to say something? No. No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. You know who I heard is injured?

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