The Sevan Podcast - #511 - UFC 277 Pena vs. Nunez 2 | Justin Nunley & Darian Weeks

Episode Date: July 29, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Bruce, good morning. Vindicate.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Oh, shit. I forgot my coffee. I just want to go take a sip first thing. See if my wife can bring it to me. Eric, Heidi, Amanda, Travis, Jody. Good morning. Kenneth, the lab, Brandon, Waddell, Waddle, Brandon, Waddle, Heidi. I'm halfway through last night's episode.
Starting point is 00:01:06 What did we have last night? Oh, Spragues and Dallin and Justin Kotler. Hello. Damn. Yo. Hey. Justin pulled a meet this morning, huh? Why?
Starting point is 00:01:24 What did he say? He said he can't come did he he'll be here is that what he said on the hey are we really I can't do this morning no he's joking he's joking oh okay
Starting point is 00:01:37 I knew it I knew it ah I knew it I knew it I knew it I just wanted to see I thought he pulled a me this morning. I just wanted to see if Darian was going to talk shit. I was just about to say we don't need him. Let's go. Oh, gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yeah, let's do it. Let's party. Let's fuck around here. Man, yeah, I had the MRI this morning. I hate MRIs. They make my brain feel cloudy. Dude, all that clicking and popping. Yeah, it's horrible. That's what it sounds like when I get out of bed now or when I'm fucking.
Starting point is 00:02:21 That's your bed. That's my back it's spinal um what position are you doing maybe let me give you some advices what position are you there you go is you are you stretching before you got to stretch no man i stopped stretching when i stopped i stopped doing karate man how old are you justin you should never be on top anymore buddy you've You deserve to just always be. Yeah, man. No, hell no. I'm not on top. I ain't doing the damn work.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I'm the bread winner. After 35, you just lay on your back a lot. That's true for. Hopefully Crystal's not watching. Darian, you got a fight scheduled with the kickboxing world champion what are you doing getting MRIs kickboxing world champion oh you have to
Starting point is 00:03:13 every six months or seven months you have to get them for the UFC it's just pre-medical stuff before the fight and don't you live like in the middle of nowhere? You probably have to go like a thousand miles to get somewhere where there's
Starting point is 00:03:29 that kind of technology. Don't you? Uh, not quite a thousand, but yeah, right now I'm up here in New Mexico anyway. So I'm, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:37 it was just down the street for me this time. You're at a training camp. Yep. Yeah. Is that, um, cowboy training camp? Jackson wink oh dang jackson wink wow you got right into it oh yeah no no hesitation over here oh when is your uh when's your fight september 3rd in paddy wow that's coming Wow. That's coming quick.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yeah. That's coming quick. So soon as you find out you have a fight, your whole schedule changes. You just uplift your life and get straight to camp. And get out of there. Yeah. That's partly why I went into barbering business for my own self. So that way I had that mobility.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I didn't have to you know tell people a week prior oh hey i'm going no i just was like yep gotta go you know so of course my mouse stopped working holy shit what a fucking nightmare dude get your shit together this ain't no dress rehearsal it is not it's say that again we gave you an hour to get ready here yeah i know that was really nice of you guys to push the show an hour to get your shit together savann give me an extra hour to get ready hold on hold on yes i want to address something from last friday you want to undress something we can take it off. Let's see what you're working with. Have y'all heard of abbing?
Starting point is 00:05:07 Anyways, hold on. We'll get into that in a minute. How do you say your name? Because you told me that I didn't say it right. It's Savon. That's how I've been saying it. You say Savon. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Oh, so you're French. Savon. Was it a french name or italian it's it's a lake in armenia huh oh okay how you say it again savan savan savan thank you savan all right so i'm still gonna fuck it up but hey so at least you've told me now i'm still probably gonna say seven you know what my my my closest friends and you to fuck it up. At least you've told me now. I'm still probably going to say seven. You know what? My closest friends and you guys fuck it up. What the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 00:05:52 Oh, shit. What is going on today? Are you trying to hypnotize us? I don't know what's going on. Bro, come on. Hey, your hair looks good today, Darian. Thank you. Oh, Darian.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Trying a new style here. Your hair looks good today, Darian. Thank you. Oh, Darian. Trying a new style here. Your hair looks good too, Savon. Cedric Dumbe. Is this a French guy? Yep, he is French. He was born in Cameroon or something, but I think he's French. And is he hard? That's a personal question.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I don't know his current status status right now i mean i'm not that close to him but i mean is he a tough opponent i mean i probably think striking wise but he probably can't wrestle as well as i can so he's gonna get probably smushed on the ground darren you're saying you could beat his ass i'm saying i can beat the shit out of him let's go let's go um and i definitely i mean i'm definitely i'm not the guy that like when i go against a stand-up fighter i'm not a guy to you know shy away from stand-up i'll i'll fucking trade hands with you all fucking day you know um but for one or two times per round i'll probably put you on your neck as well just to make sure you know who who's in charge here hey dan can i ask you a question i've asked i've asked another uh a couple other professional fighters for sure when you get
Starting point is 00:07:19 in the ring and in the bell rings where does your mindset go? My mindset goes, I mean, the first thing I do is run straight over to my opponent. I don't like to do the slowly coming in and dancing. I'll run straight over to him, and my mindset goes, it blurs out everybody and just focuses on that person. But, like, what is your, like, in your head, what do you, like, when the bell rings, what is your like in your head what do you like when the bell rings what is your goal in that moment go hit him first hit him i need to hit him one time and then after that after that it's all reactionary i mean we've trained so much that i mean after you get into that initial reaction it's just okay yeah he'll hit me back
Starting point is 00:08:06 I'll move I'll get underneath I'll attack a little forward you know it's just reactionary well my first mindset is to hit him and to get hit by him I like to feel what they have you know I want to get kicked or punched you know I mean and maybe catch a block and so i can feel the power that they you know possess and then i'll move on from there then who's hit you the hardest where they hit you and he was like damn i will say his punches weren't hard but barbarina caught me with an elbow against the fence and i my mind immediately went to don't fucking let him do that again like ah he rang my he rang my bell like when you pull a girl's hair and she's like don't do that again yeah do more of that i've never had a chick tell me not to do that again dude i've had him
Starting point is 00:09:00 tell me do it harder and i'm like if i if I do any harder, you're going to walk out of here bald. You're going to look like you got alopecia. Jada. Oh, shit. Hey, did you see Will? Will spoke up. Did you see that? Oh, I did. Yeah, he basically spoke up.
Starting point is 00:09:16 He said that wasn't fucking. He released an announcement, I think, today on his social media basically saying that was fucked up. I shouldn't have done that. Why did it take him this long to say that? Everybody knew that was fucked up when he did it. I know. It was fucked up. I shouldn't have done that. Why did it take him this long to say that? Everybody knew that was fucked up when he did it. I know it was fucked up. I don't know. I don't think he goes into that.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Did you? Especially for the chick he did it for. I mean, I will say Jada's done nothing but bash the dog shit out of him. And this is the girl that you're going to slap this guy in front of all America for? No. A little dude, too. Kind of like, I don't want to hit dog in Chris Rock, but he's like, you know, like when you have small dogs, you can't hit them.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Like, if you got a great Dane, you could fucking hit him. But you can't hit a chihuahua. You cannot. It's not cool. Just a public service announcement. You shouldn't hit any dog, okay? Well, you know what i mean like i know like i know like your dane's on your bed and you slap him on the ass you're like
Starting point is 00:10:09 hey fuck tight fuck yeah like get the fuck off the bed you can't do that to a chihuahua you got to pick him up and set him down gently if you slap him like that he'll break 100 yeah no yeah but i will say yeah chris rock is a man for You know, he took a slap and he kept moving. I want to know what was in Chris Rock's mind right after it. And he was like, when he paused and he said, oh, I could. And then he stopped. Yeah. You know what he thought
Starting point is 00:10:36 Darian just told us. I can't let that happen again. No, the shit that, dude, I'm telling you, the shit that he knows. You know what I'm saying? Like, there's a lot... Dude, there's a lot of stuff floating around about Hollywood right now and a list of names that looks like it may be fixing to go public. And if it does, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Like Epstein shit? Oh, yummy. I'll send you a link. All right, thank you. And you know how I'll send you a link type things are. I don't know if any of it's true, but I'm telling you, some of the names that were mentioned, I was like, wow. I think I seen that about a few months ago.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Yeah, it was names I wouldn't think were on there. Would you like a little boy, a little girl, or a cup of blood? Or for 1795, three easy payments. You can have all. They're so crazy. They're sick. They're fucked in the head,
Starting point is 00:11:32 man. Anybody that messes with the kid, there's a special place in hell. And I hope you find it fast. Me too. Amen. Amen, brother.
Starting point is 00:11:41 That's what mine. I'll arrange the meeting. Darian, when you go to, when you go to fight and you come back to the barbershop where all your fucking clients be just all scraggly looking and shit like they haven't had a haircut. Because you're at training camp and then you go fight. Because you're kind of a weekly barber. That's like you hook people up. You're like for people who want to look good.
Starting point is 00:12:05 That is true, yeah. I do have my brother working in there with me right now, so he does catch most of the people who come in. Who's better at cutting hair, you or him? It's me. I taught him. I've been cutting hair actually since I was like 15. Dang.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Since that first stint you did in prison. Yeah, that first stint. You know what I mean? I started out as the barber, you know? But, yeah, so, I mean, and my clientele kind of understand, you know, they know what I'm trying to achieve here, especially coming from a small town. Everybody's on board.
Starting point is 00:12:44 So, you know, they don't mind looking a little crazy for a few weeks until I can come back and square them around. So, which thankfully that's the case. You know, I don't, I don't have assholes as clients who are like, oh, he's not here. Well, I'm done coming to this barbershop, you know, like, oh, okay. Yeah. I'm trying to achieve something in my life, my life buddy you know my goal in life is not to just sit here and wait for you to cut your hair and be kind of stupid for somebody to talk shit to a professional fighter too yeah oh yeah i guess i guess in that sense too so but yeah so it goes it goes relatively smoothly um i try to inform a lot of my clients before i leave like hey after hey, after this week, I'm going to be gone.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Come get your last haircut for a few weeks, and then I'll come back and clean you up. And they kind of make it in, so it's cool. It's a good gig to have in this profession. Justin has been busy on Instagram recycling his best shit i mean posting new content i ain't reposted anything i don't repost that's my that's better than black people man fuck i fucked it up already listen did you did you... God darn it, that's a grit. We even gave you the power. I know, I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Okay, can you see? Okay, here we go. Something white people cook better than black people. Meth. Listen, did you know that Dora the Explorer's real name is Dora Marquez? So when you see that, when you see that, how long does it take you to come up with that line, meth? No time. No time.
Starting point is 00:14:30 No time. Because that's about the only thing white people can cook better. We season meth better than black people, period. Anything else, they got us locked down on it. That's fucking hilarious. else they got they got us locked down on it that's fucking hilarious and it's such a good joke too right because it's going down this kind of like there's some people who are listening to it who might be like trying to take it seriously or something dude fuck those people yeah and then all of a sudden you're like math what i've learned is the funniest punchlines are the most simple.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Yeah. The more simple you can keep it, the better off you are. I've got another I've got another video that's very similar to that. And I have been advised by my manager. Do not post it. Oh, funny. It's funny as shit, man. Oh, maybe another video that says name something.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Am I going to get in trouble over this? Well, we could premiere it next week too if you want we just premiere it right on here no so they he said name something that white people can do that black people can't do i said swim and that's that's bad yeah dude you know how people get their feelings yeah who's who says it who is it a black guy or white guy who says it black guy yeah perfect yeah you got cover you're good yeah you're good no i'm the one that says swim i know i know oh yeah i don't think i just need to get one of my black friends to deliver the punchline with me standing there oh hey have you ever seen that
Starting point is 00:16:09 skit where Bill Dawes is on stage with two black guys and he's fighting with one of the guys and anything that he wants to say that might be misconstrued is racist he turns to his black friend and his black friend says it have you ever seen that skit
Starting point is 00:16:23 I have I'm gonna send it to you guys afterwards it's fucking so it's it's so cool along those lines yeah along those lines yeah the the saturday not live the weekend update where the black guy writes the jokes for the white oh. And the white guy writes jokes for the black guy. And they never see the joke until it's time to read it. And I'm telling you, they, they fuck with each other hard. It is savage.
Starting point is 00:16:52 It's savage. It's sold over it, man. Oh yeah. I got it. I got to look it up then. I haven't seen that. It's savage.
Starting point is 00:17:00 You've got to understand it from a perspective that the black guy wrote the joke for the white guy when you realize that you're like this is funny because you tell most of the time the white guy does not want to say what's there he's like no
Starting point is 00:17:15 that's pretty good play the babbing video that's like my most viral this week is it on here on Instagram? almost 7 million on TikTok oh shit really hold on It's like my most viral this week. Is it on here on Instagram? Almost 7 million on TikTok. Yeah, it's on Instagram. Oh, shit. Really?
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah. Hold on. Let me see. That or no. Dude, if you like savage moments, do the McDonald's. I'll tell you which one it is. Go down. You need to do the McDonald's one.
Starting point is 00:17:40 That's what you need. Oh, the one with the plum is crazy. Right there. Right there. This? This chick. Yeah you need. Oh, the one with the plum is crazy. Right there. This? Yeah, man. Oh, yeah. This plum one's nuts, too. This plum one's crazy. Oh, the plum one is crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yeah, dude. Okay, here we go. Straight up. F*** you if you order the fish fillet at McDonald's. Can I get a fish fillet at McDonald's. That was f***ing Can I get a fish fillet, please? No, just
Starting point is 00:18:09 a sandwich. I just want a sandwich. That'll be it. You like random facts? Yeah. Listen, did you know that McDonald's once invented bubblegum-flavored broccoli? Yeah, that's f***ing disgusting. Now you do. Straight up. F*** you if you disgusting. Now you do. Straight up. Hey, I have so many questions. So that's real.
Starting point is 00:18:30 That's real. You went up to that window and just hit and just hit that off like that. Yeah. Yeah. That dude didn't know who I was. A lot of people are saying that it's a woman because he I don't think he's really fully hit puberty yet. Yeah. So it sounds like a woman on speaker, right? And yeah, he didn't have a clue who I was. I hit the random fact when we finished the video and I said, do you know who I am? And he was like, no. I said, okay, here's my username.
Starting point is 00:18:58 You're going to be on TikTok here in about 30 minutes. Oh, awesome. Yeah. Hey, how about this chick? Is that shit real like what's the whole story with her and fucking chick-fil-a or whatever the fuck it's called a mental breakdown it's called mental instability she's uh i think she's crazy justin's capitalizing on maybe on broken fish fillet people she works at mcdonald's probably no she doesn't the rest of
Starting point is 00:19:26 her video she is saying she's like uh stop ordering the fish fillet at mcdonald's i've never had one but that shit looks rank like she's basing it off like it's called mental it's called yeah crazy it's what it's called you know she's great and bad okay shit um is there there's only one one name on here that caught my eye on the early prelim it's this guy nicolay nega moraine new it's like yeah be careful with that name dog yeah yeah oh yeah sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry you might want to get darian to pronounce that one from now on. Okay. The reason why is that's like, that's, that's like a takeoff on Khabib's name,
Starting point is 00:20:09 but he doesn't, but he, Justin, you asshole. Okay. Fuck this guy. I hope he gets knocked the fuck out. Rogan's hoping that he doesn't have to say that name a whole lot at this point.
Starting point is 00:20:24 The two guys here that pop out on me on the preliminary card are Drew Dober. Savant said, fuck that bout. We're not talking about that. Drew Dober and this guy, Rafael Alves. I have crazy respect for Drew Dober. Tough as fuck. Hard guys. I think he was the one that beat that Terrence
Starting point is 00:20:52 McKinney guy, didn't he? I know he's had some big wins. What did you say? He's fought some tough dudes. Yeah, he beat Terrence McKinney. It was their up-and-comer 155-er and i guess he just underestimated drew dauber and he ended up knocking him out um have you a guy i know has sparred with
Starting point is 00:21:18 him and said that he's he's he's a goofy dude that he's like he's he's he doesn't come across as a fighter at all do you know him i don't know him but he does seem um i've seen some of his social media and he does seem that way he seems like a a light-hearted guy and everything and i mean like a sam alves like justin's friend sam alvey yeah i think i think most fighters are though i think when you try to act like too tough of a guy i mean and no one's really gonna take you serious i don't see i don't i don't understand like after knowing sam i don't i don't understand how he fights he is such a like a a loving and a caring guy literally i feel like most fucking darian cuts hair dude i've gotten so comfortable with darian i just talk shit to him on a weekly basis and call him everything else yeah i'm like
Starting point is 00:22:13 darian's such a bitch you know like what i'm dumb a thousand miles will make you brave with that time uh but yeah i think it's just because, I mean, we put so much effort into practice. And, I mean, we get so comfortable with the sport being in it that, I mean, there's not real big space to act hard anymore. You know, that's that guy you see on the street that acts hard that, you know, you just got out of the bar. And, you know, his life's going to shit and he just wants to fight somebody. Dude, that dude, that's the type of dude, all you got to do is just punch him one time as hard as you can.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Literally. He don't want that smoke. I feel like, but Drew Dauber, I mean, he seems like an extreme athlete. I'm surprised he's not at least higher up on the prelim card. I'm going to pick him in this. Do you guys have any thoughts on this? I like Drew
Starting point is 00:23:14 in this too. I'm going to go Drew. I'm not 100% sure who the other guy is. Me neither. He looks like the werewolf. He does. Click on him on the scene. I don't think it didn't get you. Why is that shit so small?
Starting point is 00:23:30 Zoom, zoom. You got zoom over here? I don't know. Where's your backhand people at? Yeah. Oh yeah, he looks like Wolverine. Yeah, and his ears look like he's a bat. Maybe he's a vampire.
Starting point is 00:23:45 He's ugly as fuck. He might be a vampire. He might be a bat. And the other fight that I really recommend everyone watch. I'm taking Drew, by the way. Okay. You asked Darren, but you didn't ask me. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:23:59 That's fine. And this is going to be a good fight. Alex Morono and Matthew Semew semelsberger i've been trying i've been texting with matthew a lot i gotta get him on the show that guy's a savage a savage a yeah he's gonna get his ass knocked out alex no when that fight tell him i said it all right i like alex despite the truth i'm not gonna lie um but i will say mat, Matthew is a savage. He reminds me, and no disrespect to him, like that fucking, I don't know, that trailer park guy who's just fucking mean as shit and will just fuck you up for no reason. I mean, he just, yeah. Dude, this fight between him and A.J. Fletcher, his last fight, that guy, A.J. Fletcher, is tough as shit.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And that's like a world class athlete. That's like a gifted human being. And yeah, that was gnarly. That was a gnarly fight. Yeah, I'm I'm going with Semmelberger. You're going with Alex in that. No, I'm going to go with Alex. All right. I'm not. I'm going, Matthew. All right. What? I'm trying to pronounce with Alex. All right. I'm not. I'm going Matthew. All right. What? I'm trying to pronounce the name.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Yeah. He switched on you. He switched on you. Yeah. Okay. I'm just baiting you. I've been known as a really good baiter. Some people call me the master of baiting. I do.
Starting point is 00:25:20 I do. This fight down here was canceled even before it started. Yeah, that was one I really wanted to see too. Only because I haven't seen Paul Acosta fight in such a long time, it seems like. Izzy was the last fight we've seen him fight in, right? I think he would kill Luke. I think he would kill Luke. Well, I think Luke Rockhold no longer has a chin
Starting point is 00:25:46 I mean he's been out Multiple times And I mean in horrible fashion Did you see the one where he got knocked out by Yoel Romero And Yoel Romero kisses him I don't remember that Yeah he after he knocked him out Um
Starting point is 00:26:01 They're picking him up off the ground and after that And Yoel Rom mirror goes right over to him and you know i love you boy and kiss oh man you got kissed but you cold romero luke rockhold kiss yeah that'll pop up probably oh shit yeah oh shit and you can tell luke rockhold still doesn't know quite where he is he's just like it might be on the lips i want to tell you if you if you're squeamish of heart now is your time to take a bathroom break i don't know who's better looking i don't know Romero or Luke Rockhold. But man. Romero trying to shot Rockhold. He was trying
Starting point is 00:26:50 to kiss him on the mouth, bro. He was trying to kiss him on the lips. How are you going to knock somebody out and then go kiss them on the mouth? That is literal insult to injury. Yeah, I love you, son.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Come here. Give dad a kiss. Come here, boy. Come here, boy. And then I want to just go straight to the top. No, no, no. Don't go straight to the top. No?
Starting point is 00:27:16 No, man. We got to talk about one fight that I'm excited about. Okay. Which one? What was that? Derek Lewis, man. Yeah, me too. Derek has turned into one of my favorite fighters.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Of course, yes. That dude is funny as shit. He is a punchline every time. I mean, every single time. I mean, he just thinks of these things. I keep waiting to get let down, right? Like, he's either going to be punch drunk or, like, he's just not going to deliver any good punchlines, and he always does.
Starting point is 00:27:45 That dude is funny. Always. And he says them so calmly. That's the thing that makes him hilarious. My balls are hot. Oh, that one was amazing. That was early in his career. That was early in his career.
Starting point is 00:28:01 He threw the cup to the freaking fan. Yeah. Yeah. And the dude, did the fan take a shoeie out of the cup to the freaking fan yeah yeah the dude did the fan take a shooie out of the cup i don't know that's nasty as hell that's how and how about his instagram yeah he has he's one of the funniest guys on instagram have you seen this video going around this video is fucking nuts first of all, do you know what this... What is that lady holding right there? It looks like a fucking pipe.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Yes. It looks like a breaker bar for working on cars. Okay. She bent it. She bent it over the woman's head. It's got to be plastic. Look at this. Take that, Tanya.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Oh, my gosh. Go back to your trailer. Hey, I think it's gotta be plastic look at this take that Tanya oh my gosh go back to your trailer hey I think it's something aluminum and look at the dude just snatch it right out of her hand hey and look at the hey that's in the spot in your head where it kills you right that's the spot that kills you right yeah at least knocks you out I gotta give props to the old lady
Starting point is 00:29:02 holy shit look at the people laughing dude I bet Aunt Faye didn't go back around that woman for a while. Oh my gosh. Barbara just hit the ground so hard. That was that guy's mom.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Oh my god. Oh my god. He's going to grab his head like a yeti. That's Derek Lewis's account. My goodness. My goodness. This is not going to be an easy fight, I don't think, for Derek Lewis. This guy he's fighting is 15-1,
Starting point is 00:29:36 and he looks like he went to the same school of training as Dolph Lundgren. But as Darian would say about some fighters, something's not right here. There's a goofball factor for sure of this guy. Look at that. Yeah, wait. He's not even in the fucking squares. What is he doing right here? He's fucking around. He has to be. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Hey, this is a big man. Did you see the face off? He's bigger than Mr. Lewis. Oh, I did not. how much bigger like what he's like he's uh just like maybe an inch taller and he's just a little bit broader and that dude looks like a like a middle school gym coach oh god i hope you're right this guy's such a savage i hope you're right he does i. I don't understand. Look, look, right there. All the way at the top. He looks like a middle school gym coach.
Starting point is 00:30:32 He does. 15-1. I'm not sure how many fights actually in the UFC. I think the last time we saw Derek Lewis fight in Houston, he may have lost. To who? To Tui Vassa. Oh, yeah, that was nuts. But they still interviewed him at the end of the fight. They did.
Starting point is 00:30:56 It was a quick – Joe hit the winner with a quick interview and then went straight to Derek. They know where their money's at. Yeah. went straight to Derek. They know where their money's at. Yeah. And yeah, he man, that was actually a good fight until he
Starting point is 00:31:09 caught that elbow to the mouth. I mean, it was still a good fight up until that point. Tui Vassa took some shots that have KO'd 30 men before him. Tui Vassa fights on the card I fight and he fights Serial Gone. That's going to be nuts. Yeah. I was like, oh, okay. That's going to be nuts. Yeah. I was like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:31:26 That's what I thought. That's going to be nuts. Yeah, it's going to be super crazy. Hey, I think he's going to pressure Gon in a way that Francis didn't. I think Gon's going to be interesting. And also, like, he's unpredictable striking-wise. I feel like that's why Derek Lewis had so much trouble with him. It's just because Tui Vassa throws to the wind
Starting point is 00:31:46 even if you're catching him and busting his lips up, he just keeps slinging him. And then what happens? Whoever wins that fights for the belt? I'm guessing, but if Cyril Ghosn wins, I mean, they're really going to make him fight for the belt again? I mean, they've just seen how that fight went.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Yeah, that's true. And is Francis Nogano to make him fight for the belt again. I mean, they've just seen how that fight went. Yeah, that's true. And is Francis Ngannou still going to fight for the UFC? Great question. Great question. That's one for Justin. That's one for the comic. Justin, is Ngannou still in the UFC? What the fuck is going on over there?
Starting point is 00:32:18 I don't know. Okay, so I'm going to pick Derek Lewis just because i just have to and i just love him most likable fighter besides mr weeks he's got to be a fan favorite yeah well fuck you guys i'm going the other way i was sergey why are you such a heel today hey this retires derrick he loses, by the way. If Derek loses, he's done. Yep, he's going to quit.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Yep, he's going to quit right there. Yep. No. He's trying to buy the UFC. Derek Lewis did. He wants to purchase the UFC. That fool ain't got the money to buy the UFC. At all.
Starting point is 00:33:01 You know what? He would be good for color commentary during the fights. That would be funny. color commentary during the fights. That would be funny. I think so, too. I think they should have him not as one of the three, but somebody on the side that gives their opinion about the fight. Get Cormier out of there and put Derek Lewis in there. I don't like Cormier either, so I'm all right with that. Cormier used to be great.
Starting point is 00:33:20 What happened to him? He used to be great. He's like the Joe Buck. Dude, he's like the Joe Buck of UFC. Yeah, I know. I'm not a fan of Daniel Cormier.
Starting point is 00:33:32 You think he's too full of himself, Darian? Yeah. And you know what? On my freaking debut, this motherfucker, one of the guys was trying to shout out, I have a freaking barbershop called the Weekly Barber. He immediately cuts in and was like, oh, yeah, I own a chain of barbershops as well. And then gives his little thing.
Starting point is 00:33:54 What a douche. Yeah. The guy even was like, it was an anic. He was like, well, I was just trying to shout him out. And you kind of, you know, stepped on his toes. He's like, well, if there's money to be made, I'm going to go ahead and try to make it. What a douche. Have you met him and sat around and talked to him?
Starting point is 00:34:13 Not sat around and talked to him. I met him. Well, I had a pre-fight interview with him. Is he a douchebag when the cameras are off? I mean, I don't know i mean he's not he seems just like a normal guy but i just i'm not a fan of him because i'm a fan of john jones and me and john me and john jones say fuck you daniel cormier yeah hey so you you have a lot of forgiveness for john jones like how do you as a john jones fan how do – all the crazy shit that happens in his life, how do you – where do you put that?
Starting point is 00:34:51 I mean, now as a person, I probably don't have the right to judge. Many don't, but they do anyway. Right, of course. Whatever's going on in his personal life, I mean, that's, that's neither here or there. I mean, that's stuff that he has to deal with. But I mean, I'm a fan of him as one of the most athletic human beings in the world.
Starting point is 00:35:13 You know, he came into the sport of the UFC and he dominated it. And he did exactly what fans love to see. Whatever happens on, it just so sucks that when you're, when you are that famous your personal life gets amplified by 10 by everybody who watches it so and i mean he ain't done the best in his you know personal life but fuck everybody fucks up just you don't get to see most of people's
Starting point is 00:35:38 fuck-ups because they're not famous and no one cares about them you know right it's not he lives in vegas he's rich let's put other super rich tall extraordinarily handsome men in vegas and and see if they if they get arrested at least once a year yeah and see what happens to them the fact was trying to spend you know five thousand dollars at a strip club i mean that's a little extreme but i mean i just think that keeps the economy going don't be a mean i just think that keeps the economy going don't be a hater darian that keeps the economy going i'd rather he spent five thousand at a strip club than we give it to nancy pelosi so she can put up uh flags at all the elementary schools okay uh derrick lewis is switching training camps he switched training camps for this fight does that concern anyone and
Starting point is 00:36:25 and darren why does anyone switch training camps personally i i i agree with that just because his training with switching you think it's good to switch it up well just for him because his training camp so far has only trained him off his one punch power they all ride on oh derrick lewis can hit somebody at any point in time of the fight and put him asleep so his cardio has been shit like his he is a he is an athletic heavyweight this man could kick someone in the head yeah one in the head yeah his uh and his flying knees sick yeah i would be abusing all of his attributes for fighting, and they only rely on, oh, well, just know if you can get a good solid hit on him, you can put him to sleep. And you can tell, like, his cardio's been crap.
Starting point is 00:37:14 He's not been able to last in fights. I mean, before he got knocked out by Tui Vassa, he was gassed. Laying up against the fence is why he got knocked. So I agree with this. I feel like, you you know it'll be hopefully we'll see if it's a better fit for him um what do you think about could he ever go down to light heavyweight do you think he can make 205 no do you see that man yeah but he got he got a gut on him he's got a a belly you know who i was surprised speaking to Danny Cormier. I was surprised that he ever did 205 too.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Cause he has a belly as well. He's really fat. He still looks fat when he weighs. I'm like, this man's 205. Where'd he lose it from his legs? Like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:37:58 If I was his family, I would be concerned about his health. Danny Cormier. Yeah. I mean, he's, he's obese. Yeah, he's pretty heavy. He probably weighs like 290 now. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Okay. Darian has Sergey, Derek Lewis, switching training camps, and Darian doesn't have a problem with that. He thinks it might even be a good thing, and Mr. Nunley just likes Derek's Instagram account. And that's how he chooses. I'm always picking the funny black guy. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Anytime. Racist. I love I'm telling you, I love him. Interesting. You ask him this because it's almost like you don't remember Darian saying last week that if you look around and you you've been at a gym for the longest you might need to find a new gym yeah so wait what did he say oh yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:38:53 yeah yeah okay because we were look that was with Jordan Levitt good good oh yeah bring that topic back up so what do you think about that one that was uh I'm gonna say something stupid I want you to because someone's like like, how'd the fight go? I go, it was great. Jordan was in the fight the whole time.
Starting point is 00:39:08 And my friend's like, you're a fucking idiot. But I thought he was in it. I'm not going to lie. I thought he was in it until he was out of it. I mean, Paddy Pimlet did a good job of, I mean, he's better. He frustrated Patty the first round. I think Patty was like, what the fuck, man? Patty went loose in that fight, period.
Starting point is 00:39:31 It didn't matter what happened. He was fighting off raw emotion with his friend passing away before the fight. He went loose in that fight, dog. Which I will applaud Patty for that. Like, the thing he used for his platform to announce men speak out, you know what I mean? Make sure you're not going down in depression. I will applaud him for that. That was like, man, that was the best thing I heard yet on a pre-fight interview or a post-fight interview.
Starting point is 00:40:08 That's a great segue real quick the new suicide hotline is 988 it acts as 9-1-1 you could dial 988 and it'll put you in contact with with crisis people hey let's crank call them right now oh my god don No, I'm joking. But, yeah, no. Jordan Leavitt definitely got handled that second round. It was tough. Yeah, and for Patty, it was submission, right? Yeah, he choked him out. And then put his butthole in his face.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Yeah, he teabagged him. Cock and balls. Elise said it was more profound than my balls were hot. No, it was not. That is not true. Elise, Kyle, Red Dow, don't lie. Heidi asked a question a second ago. She asked me what it was.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Did I just go from poor to rich with social media? Look, I'm still poor white trash. You mess with me, you mess with the whole trailer park. Then I'll answer it for him. Heidi, yes. Hey, how about when Derek Lewis fucking knocked out Ronda Rousey's boyfriend and fucking hit him a few extra times before it wasn't necessary I mean it was the ref's fault the ref didn't stop it that was personal though and in the post he knew he was out and the post fight press conference do you guys remember what he said they go hey why'd you fucking
Starting point is 00:41:41 do you think the fight should have been stopped sooner? He's like, nah, that dude hits women. Oh shit, really? It was personal. I didn't realize that. Oh shit. Fuck. So what, he hit like Ronda or something? Ross, you can't protect yourself if you out.
Starting point is 00:41:58 He was asleep. I don't know who he hit, but I don't know who the dude hit what girl he hit but but uh but uh he wasn't like derek wasn't joking and derek hit him like three extra times that were like really fucking hard you know like hammer fist on the dude's face bouncing dribbling his head off the canvas what was the guy's name shit i don't know mrs mrs rousey I don't know, Mrs. Rousey? It was not. God, what's her boyfriend's name?
Starting point is 00:42:31 Just look up Ronda Rousey. I think they may be married now, are they? I'll go to Sherdog first, and I'll look back and look at his fights. I'll tell you what, though, man. That women's division was so freaking – I'm not saying it's bad now by any stretch travis brown is that the guy sorry sorry that the women's division was so entertaining when rousey was on top yeah it was it was. That's back when Ioana was a savage, when Misha Tate could actually beat somebody up. Now she's just a good, now she looks more like a porn star. I don't mean that in a bad way either.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Yeah, and she gets punched a lot in every fight that she's in. Hey, it's truth time. Which one of y'all subscribe to Gold's OnlyFans? You gave me a good recommendation that it was just the same as her Instagram, so I just kept following that. Yeah, she hides a bunch behind the paywall.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Oh, you did end up finding some good stuff? Oh, yeah. He said, oh, yeah, I did. Let me see. Rogan reacts to Lewis's brutal knockout. Yeah, she got elbowed in her freaking her life away. Molly Meatball handed it to her.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Is Molly Meatball a lesbian? I'm not sure. It was she said something in her press conference where she was like i'll fuck you anywhere you want to be fucked and then she's like i mean that sexually as well so wow wow wow she's fucking with her wow yeah oh what i didn't know what she i was like is are you making a pass at her or have you been on her instagram uh i i wonder if i'm gonna get in trouble for showing this here let me see do you care is it him actually hitting the woman or no no okay here we go i'm definitely getting in trouble for showing this. Fuck it, whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:47 My producer's going to yell at me. I've already been warned not to do this, but whatever. I don't think you're allowed to show UFC knockouts or something like that. Why? Because, like, I don't know. You just never see them. It's always still frames. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Here we go. Derek Lewis, Travis Brown. Boom. Oh, Travis Brown. Boom. Oh, sheesh. Bang. Two. Yes. He hit him hard.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Hard those last hits. Damn, tell your neighbors to turn their Wi-Fi back on, dog. Oh, is it that bad? Let's see. Let's see here. Boom. Boom. One, two. Oh, yeah. Those last two
Starting point is 00:45:37 weren't needed. He was sleeping. Is that Mario Yamasaki as well as the ref? Some fat Asian guy. Hey, but they get fat Asian guys turn into Mexican guys. Is that guy still...
Starting point is 00:45:59 I don't ever see Mario in the... Is he still in the... He got fired. He got fired for not stopping fights soon enough. Oh, well, there you go. Yeah. But it's better from a fan standpoint
Starting point is 00:46:14 because I've seen a lot of early stoppages over the past year, man. I prefer an early stoppage, though. Don't you, Justin? Hell no. No. Hell no. I. Hell no. I paid $80 to see somebody get their ass beat.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Don't stop it before somebody's snoring. Yeah. Well, I mean, I agree with – I've seen some early stoppages as well. But, I mean, I've seen some shit that's like, yo, ref, you going to let that man die in there, or are you going to stop it? I've seen some early stoppages as well, but I mean, I've seen some shit that's like, yo ref, you're going to let that man die in there. Or are you going to, you're going to stop?
Starting point is 00:46:50 Yeah. I, I, I've stood up too many times and been like yelling at my TV. Like, I don't know if I should be watching UFC anymore. Like fights that just go too long. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:00 But I mean, the ones that keep me buying man. Damn, Justin, you're a savage. I'm glad, I'm glad you're fighting for our freedoms you're good thank you for your service brother what are you talking about i don't have a job okay fine i'm joking uh here's the here's the question everyone wants to know this is why you guys are watching the show uh it is juliana pena and amanda nunez was the first
Starting point is 00:47:22 fight a fluke and before everyone jumps in there and says, it's a fluke, I want to bring up two fighters that we saw lose and fucking just vanish. Tyron Woodley and Rhonda Rousey, two of the greatest fighters ever. And then all of a sudden they fucking lost once. And they're,
Starting point is 00:47:43 they're just toast. Kim Silva did the same thing. Did he? Okay, that was before my day. Okay, here's the difference in this, okay? There are two differences. One, when Ronda Rousey and Tyron Willey both lost, they took like almost a 10 to a year hiatus to come back and actually fight again um and which that having that much layoff and you're going into the highest level fighting i mean that's that's quite a that's
Starting point is 00:48:13 quite a long layoff to be in there for people who were consistently fighting every three months why why i mean i heard the term ring rust but what is that so what you take 10 months off doesn't that let your brain fucking like reattach to the brainstem? Yeah, but you're not as used to, you know, the level of energy that's in there. You're not as used to the amount of nerves. And I don't care who you are. Like that's the number one thing that fighters have to fight the most when they go out there is the amount of hype and nerves that go through their body when they're about to perform now you can be practicing for 11 you know 10 11
Starting point is 00:48:51 months out of the year but if you ain't never gotten that ring and felt that i mean when you get that adrenaline it takes away all the breath that you have i mean you have to really have cardio after that adrenaline dump that just suffocates you and then you have. I mean, you have to really have cardio after that adrenaline dump that just suffocates you. And then you have to go in there and like, oh, okay, now I have to fight and exhaust myself even more. So I feel like that's a big, a big thing. And also like Amanda Nunes, she lost and now she was ready right then again, like, okay, no, I need a rematch right now. Let's go again. Let's go again. Let's go again.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And I feel like she just got comfortable at the top because she was beating the shit out of people so much that I think that's why Julia Pena won that fight. It's because maybe she wasn't training this hard. She's like, oh, I'm the best in the business. You know, I don't need to. I've been beat. I knocked out Cyborg. You know what I mean? I to, I've been beat. I knocked out cyborg. You know what I mean? I'm,
Starting point is 00:49:45 I'm beat these girls left and right. Dude, her resume is one of the most savage resumes of any fucking fighter. You know, I'm sorry. Go ahead. No, you're good.
Starting point is 00:49:55 I was going to say, I hope that this fight lives up to the hop. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that it is going to be slow and boring. Oh, they're both going to be scared of each other? Yeah. Let me tell you some things about them. Juliana Pena is the Ultimate Fighter winner, season 18.
Starting point is 00:50:13 She's the least hit fighter in women's UFC. And I asked you a question about that, Darian. Is that because of her reach or her head movement? Or, you know, I had a fighter on the show, maybe it was even you, and you told me that, like, part of a good defense is punching. You just throw those punches out there to keep the dude away from you. Period, yeah. So what do you think it is with her?
Starting point is 00:50:37 I think it may be her volume, but also I think it may be her grappling as well. I mean, she loves to grapple. You take somebody down and you get on their back, obviously they can't punch you in the face. And you do that for enough rounds because she has most of her wins, I think six out of 12 of her wins came from submission. She's never been dropped. I mean, that's –
Starting point is 00:51:02 Five by submission, three by knockout. Yeah. Three by decision. Would you say that she has the advantage, the striking advantage in reach and speed, but Nunez in strength? Or is that maybe not? I'm not even going to say speed because I feel like Nunez is a mean boxer. I mean, she's she can throw them things. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:51:25 But Pena's got that jab. She does have a good, strong jab. And if you've seen their face-off yesterday or something, she is shredded. Yeah, this is... Yeah, yeah, you mean Amanda. No, I mean Pena. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Yesterday, she was in a dress, and they were facing off, and she was... I mean, look at you mean Amanda. No, I mean Pena. Oh, yeah. Yesterday she was in a dress and they were facing off. And she was, I mean, look at her jawline. She could look like she takes it. Are you fixing to play that face off from yesterday? Because that was some intense. That was an intense couple seconds there. Dude, I'm telling you. And she did.
Starting point is 00:52:04 She climbed up in there looking like a million bucks. Yeah, right there. Up at the top. Yeah, right there. Where's the leather dress? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'm going to actually look for the. Look how lean she looks right there, man.
Starting point is 00:52:16 You can go to UFC page and they have it on there. Oh, okay. I'll go there in one second. While I'm on this slide right here, I also have some thoughts about this. Julianna Pena is still poor as shit. She's a single mom. Like, like that paycheck,
Starting point is 00:52:30 probably. I don't care how much she wanted. She would, let's say in that fight, she got a couple hundred thousand. She, I'm sure she probably spent that already. Just getting her camp back in order.
Starting point is 00:52:38 That dress was probably 10 grand, but this fucking girl is balling. Balling. I mean, she's been at the top of the vision for five years yeah and i always wonder if that makes them soft it does it makes you comfortable just like conor mcgregor i mean he's he's loaded right shit beat out of him the last three times he's been in the ring yeah uh where do you think i should where you think i should go to uh ufc
Starting point is 00:53:04 instagram yeah they just they they literally just posted it like it should be like five posts down and okay yeah uh okay oh can you tell if they're shredded it looks like they're fucking dressed yeah but you can tell her arms are fucking like. But she steps on that stage, man. Piped out. I'm like, oh, shit. This one? Yeah. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Find the video where she walks up on stage. I'm pretty sure it was on the UFC. Yeah, it's. Yeah, right there. That's it. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, what is that?
Starting point is 00:53:44 Look at where Amanda puts her. I wouldn't. I can't. I couldn't let that someone do that to me. When she did, yeah, yeah. Hey, what is that? Look at where Amanda puts her. I wouldn't, I can't, I couldn't let that, someone do that to me. When she did that, I thought, when I first watched this, I thought they was fixing to be like, somebody's fixing to separate them. Yeah. I mean, look how, look how they, where they put their fists next to each other's faces. Do you like that, Darren?
Starting point is 00:53:59 If someone did that to you, do you take a step back or? No, I step closer to their face. I think they do it to. And then that's why I'm not a fighter i they they do it they do it to like throw you off mentally like to get you out of your box to get you upset heated like oh man i i can't believe they did that you know i like when a fighter does that to me and i've had multiple fighters do that I put my fist down and I just get closer to them like what's up yeah
Starting point is 00:54:28 yeah I think she just did it to get a reaction out of her and Pena did not give her any reaction I mean her fist is so close to her face right there Darian do you remember the last non non legal fight you got in
Starting point is 00:54:44 like one on the street last like unsanctioned no i don't i mean maybe when i was like i'll give you this look okay i was i was 22 like justin got a big smile on his face he's like here we go painted him into it let's go dog i was 22 years old and there was this huge ass russian dude at the bar like trying to fight anyone right um and i'm trying to stay clear you know i don't give a fuck about him um and he when we get outside the bar he walks up to the smallest bald shortest little white guy i mean the dude probably weighed a buck 20 wet and he's like chris rock would whoop his ass yes and he's, you want to go?
Starting point is 00:55:45 And all in his face. And so I walked over there calmly. I'm like, hey, man, calm down. You're a big guy. You know, this guy's scared. Look at his face. He's scared. And the guy looks at me.
Starting point is 00:55:55 He's like, yeah, I'm scared. I'm scared. I don't want to fight you. And I'm like, you're cool, man. Like, just go home. You don't need to do this. And then he looks at me and he's like, oh, so you want to fight me. And so I'm like, all right, bet.
Starting point is 00:56:11 And I was thinking like, I am going to fight him. Fuck it. You know what I mean? And this is when my career is kind of getting up there, you know. I'm kind of getting noticed more and more. And I turn and I was just going to just sleep him. I was just going to act like, oh, you know, non i was just gonna just sleep him just i was just gonna act like oh you know nonchalant and just sleep him as soon as i turned quick as i could my wife has his shirt
Starting point is 00:56:32 all balled up in her fist and she's in his face and she's like i will fuck you up you won't fucking touch it and i'm like oh shit and this dude's scared like he's walking backwards and he's like what oh i don't know what's going on you know and she's cussing at him slapping him in his chest and his neck and i'm like what the fuck so this gets me amped up and i'm like yeah let's fight him you know so i started yelling at him and arguing the guy you know leaves or whatever with all his friends and shit and it was just that was the last almost altercation i've gotten in but talk to your wife after that and be like hey don't as much as that that was i appreciate
Starting point is 00:57:14 i respect your energy but like you can't don't do that you put it you put yourself in danger i did i did tell that because i'm like you know the dude could have you, smacked you. And then you would have had to kill him or something. Yeah. And she said, she was like, well, he's messing with our money and we're not going to get you in a fight. She's messing with our money. I said, okay, I see. So that's probably the last altercation other than the fight I told you about the first time I was on where I was in that big brawl and there was 27 versus 6
Starting point is 00:57:48 and we were just getting the shit beat out of us I always just wonder if like so you would throw the first punch oh yeah but I'm gonna throw it and make sure they won't throw a punch like I'm gonna when it's a street fight I'm the dirtiest
Starting point is 00:58:03 motherfucker ever. I'll knee you in the dick as I elbow you in the face and then pick you up and stomp on your neck and make sure that you don't move anymore. You know when you're talking to somebody, if they're too crazy that you can't talk them out of it. If you can't talk them out of it, you might as well go ahead and land the first one. Period. Period. And not only that, you might as well make sure, like, I think of this as a street fight.
Starting point is 00:58:28 I'm going to make sure that I put you in the worst possible position because it's life or death. You don't know if that person is going to try to attack you. You don't know if they have a knife or they want to pick up a rock. That's what I always say about cops, too. That's my sympathy for cops. Don't fucking engage them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Because they have to get home to their families. Put your hands on the fucking steering wheel, be chill, take your ticket, and leave. If they violate your civil rights, let them do it and then get paid, dog. Yeah, deal with that shit later. Because there are shitty cops out there. I tell you what, if they violate mine, daddy getting paid. dog. Yeah, deal with that shit later. Because there are shitty cops out there. I tell you what, if they violate mine,
Starting point is 00:59:06 daddy getting paid. And yeah, it's just when you're dealing with another human being in a high-stress situation, you can't afford to be vulnerable. That's the worst. I've seen people die like that all the time.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Oh, they didn't think it was going to be as drastic and well now they can't walk ever again you know what i mean so um amanda won her uh her first ufc title at ufc 200 that's 77 ufcs ago um she she holds two titles they're fighting for the 135 title. Yeah. That is the bantamweight title. And when Nunes said to her, or one of the reports, someone asked her, Nunes said to her, basically, yo, bitch, after I beat you at 135, you should come up to 145 and try me. And Juliana Pena pushed back and said, no, all the best fights are at 135.
Starting point is 01:00:06 But what do you think about that? Let's say Pena does win. Why not put on 10 pounds and go up there and fucking take her second belt from her? Maybe it's harder to, I mean, it'll probably be harder for Pena to move putting weight on, you know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Amanda Nunes is going to move just like she always has, and then she's just going to be able to hit a shit she had her kid in 2018 right and she's had she's had a lot of fight scenes how much do you think that affects the female fighters after they have a child honestly i don't know. We're going to get more in trouble weighing in on this than any racist shit or sexist shit or anything we've ever said on the show. How dare you? You don't know shit, Darian, about being pregnant. I mean, it does make you wonder, do they lose a step?
Starting point is 01:00:59 Yeah, I don't know. I felt like if I did, I would. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I felt like if I did, I would. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Some of these chicks get – I know in the CrossFit community, the lady who took second place as the second fittest woman in the world, she had a kid and came back. And they got another chick who's a top ten chick. They're not getting punched in the face, but, man, their power output is fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Crazy. Yeah. I watch that all the time. Oh, my gosh, damn. And these women – a bunch of these women have had babies it's it's crazy how you know what it might give you i ain't never thought about it like this so a hormonal spike no man it may give them a mindset like i'm a bad bitch i done i done went through childbirth i can do anything i ain't even scared of this chick i pushed a bowling ball out of my vagina yeah maybe maybe that that's going through that pain as bad as they say it is maybe like
Starting point is 01:01:46 getting punched fuck let's go nunez said she had a bad knee uh in her last training camp building up to the fight she uses that as one of the reasons maybe why she lost um she uh she also is in a new training camp she left american top, so this will be the first time where she's out on her own. Amanda Nunes, how do you think? Are those just excuses or do you think that these things are better? I mean, her space doesn't look impressive to me. I mean, she says it inspires her, but it's basically just a small roll-up garage. And I'm like, man, I don't know if I'd want to train by myself. but it's basically just a small roll-up garage and i'm like man i don't know if i'd want to train by myself yeah maybe that's where she started though maybe she's trying to go back to basics where it's like get that animal back in her you know that dog but uh for bjpn it did it didn't oh going off by himself yeah toward the end of his career didn't work at all and you know colby did the same thing right covington did the same thing, right?
Starting point is 01:02:45 Covington did the same thing. Broke away, started his own little camp. Yeah, Colby Covington did, but Colby Covington did good against George Mazdal, I guess. I don't know. I mean, I would want, for me being a champion, I would want to have those extra bodies to train with. You know what I'm saying? Those people who are athletic, you know, those people who are, and maybe she still does, but I would like to, I'd love to have that. You know, it's different when you, if you're training on your own and you don't really get someone to wrestle with or somebody to, you know, spar with you so you can feel, you know, it feel if what you're doing is working.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I wonder why so many people are just trading camps, huh? Just, hey, we're getting out of here. So Brandon Moreno, same thing. Oh, let's pick real quick. Juliana Pena or Amanda Nunes? I'm going to pick Juliana Pena because I want her to win and then fight uh shevchenko i'm going nunez all day okay what do you got justin that's a tough one pena what yeah i know what is this day today you guys i'm telling you i just don't i don't even think it was a fluke did he just put us in his
Starting point is 01:04:03 lap i'll put you in the lap. He stuck us in his pants. He just slipped his phone in his pants. It's like, sniff this, boys. Where is this at? Okay, I found it. Okay, so Justin and I picked Juliana. You guys are just hating on me today.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Did I pick against you on every fight? Every fight. Both of you have. Oh, really? Yeah. You baited me. Hold on. Me and Savant had the same exact picks? Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Yeah. No. I can't do that because that's going to be the last one we pick, right? No, no. We're going to pick. I'm going to say that we're going to do two more fights here real quick. Okay. Magomed Ankelev versus Anthony Smith.
Starting point is 01:04:50 I think this one retires Mr. Smith. Could you pronounce that first name again? No, I'm good. I'm good. Thank you. I need to hear it one more time. How did you say that? Magomed.
Starting point is 01:04:59 He's a transformer, the newest transformer in the series. That guy's 17-1. I saw him in the face-off against Anthony Smith. It's bad news. Yeah, I thought Anthony Smith would have been retired. He's 36-16. That's a lot of fights. Oh, did you see him versus Glover Teixeira?
Starting point is 01:05:20 Remember I brought that up last time? He got his teeth knocked out. And then they had to pick him up mid-fight. And his corner got yelled at for not throwing in the towel. Do you remember that? There was all sorts of negative press about his corner. Listen, this dude hangs out with
Starting point is 01:05:35 a guy. This dude is hanging out. Is that a perfume shop or an alcohol shop? Are they into Bath and Body Works? I don't know. But the guy has one eye, so I'm picking this dude. Yeah, the dude does have one. This dude's hanging out. He's hanging out around all
Starting point is 01:05:51 the lavenders. You pick who you want, dude. Anthony's... I like Anthony, but his career is officially over. You're wrong. Okay. Second round knockout, dog linehart yeah oh man i'm gonna get you on this one man that's i don't know if that's gonna happen that guy that he's facing is a bad man
Starting point is 01:06:15 a bad man i know more than you like a future champ bad man right darian like yeah future champ bad man you're sitting by a lamp hey and you know what i have that lamp in my house too that's like something his mom gave him that thing has been that is not that's like he took that when he moved out of the house or something i don't even know why my eye focused to the lamp but i was just like lamp boy over here hey how soft do you think darian is? Let me ask some questions. Darian, do you use placemats at your house? Your placemats? No, what? Okay, good. Coasters.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Yes! Hey, Heidi, you know how you know fucking Justin's rich? Because he does use coasters and placemats. He didn't six months ago, but this motherfucker got all that shit now. All the weird shit. The best coaster that I have is the bottom of a 105 millimeter shell.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Oh, that's pretty dope. Yeah, that is dope. I'll send you one. Okay. I got you. And finally, hey, when he comes and gets his haircut from you in 2029, he's going to bring the coaster with him. This guy is no fucking joke.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Neither of these guys are. I think these are the two of the best fighters we're going to see fight. Brandon Moreno and Kai Kai France. Go ahead, Justin. How many white boys' hair do you cut? Oh, a lot. I cut white boys, Mexicans cut oh a lot i cut white boys mexicans blacks um you know the majority the majority of my clientele are actually mexican you know ever
Starting point is 01:07:53 ever black barber that i've ever went to man they try to line me up look i've got an impeccable hairline they don't need to line up right here yeah man i'm, I don't need that dog. Like look at this hairline. Yeah. You can't mess with this. Dude, your hair is nuts. You have God damn. That's a lot of hair. Hey, the three of us have a lot of hair. Yeah, we really do. We, we, we really, we really are, are rocking it for men's hair. We represent. There are no bald men on this podcast.
Starting point is 01:08:26 This is the follicle trifecta. This is going to be a fucking bloodbath. Especially because Brandon Moreno has no quit in him at all. He's a dog. It's a nice plaid jacket. And that man is he I think that man right there may hit harder than anybody in their
Starting point is 01:08:49 division Kai Kai France yes and still maintains his speed still maintains his speed yeah it's is that wait Cody Garbrandt in that division yeah he fucking so he knocked out he fucking Cody Garbrandt's in that division? Yeah, he fucking, so he knocked out, he fucking knocked Cody Garbrandt into fucking off the planet.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Oh my God. He basically knocked him out three times within the fight. Hey, and Brandon Moreno was yelling, no, you're taking my money. I think that's because he wanted to knock Cody out, right? He was yelling what? He was was yelling moreno was yelling no you're taking my money you're taking my money and that's because he wanted to he wanted that fight the big fight with cody right moreno oh yeah yeah this is this is what's so scary about moreno you never the last his last fight you saw him training with Shevchenko and it's like holy fuck like he don't fuck around and now he's with fucking James Krause and that
Starting point is 01:09:51 fucking weirdo fucking Bryce Mitchell yeah the rapper of the whole UFC the guy I guess he's actually decent at rapping as well I don't know i never listened to him but oh so another fighter who's changed training camps moreno but but kraus is legit as fuck right kraus is he's a he's a uh he has a good like um he can get your mindset pretty pretty right you know what i mean um i've seen him talk to his fighters and how he corners his fighters and he uh he keeps his fighters in the fight even when they feel like they may be out of it he had a couple fighters that were losing i think grant dawson was one of them he was losing a fight and he snapped him into it the third round and he ended up knocking the guy out with like six seconds to go. I think he did the same thing like with Timothy Elliott for Elliott's last fight. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:51 You know what I mean? And he's just – and also did the same thing with the new guy, David Onama. Oh, yeah. Yeah. The same thing. So he has a good – he does a good job keeping people's mindset. I got to get David Onam on the show. Yeah, David Onam is a – he's a hell of a fighter.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Have you met him? Yeah, I've sparred with David Onam before. Do you know his story? He's from Nigeria, right? Yeah, he's dark as shit. And he speaks like his English is all fancy and shit. It sounds like he's British. Does it sound like the Queen's English?
Starting point is 01:11:29 Maybe kind of. I mean, I don't know. I didn't really get it. I bet you he's got a crazy story, dude. Oh, I bet he does too. We used to fight on the same cards in Kansas City. And I'll tell you what. When he would win a fight fight it's like he literally flew
Starting point is 01:11:48 out all the nigerians because like they were freaking crowded in there and they would i mean explode when he'd come out and when he went i mean it was crazy i was like damn if if you break up if you break up like uh um race by wealth you got like the first like five on the top are like you know like chinese japanese indian it's like it's like all these in the united states but if you look at wealth by immigrants do you know who the richest immigrants in the united states are who nigerians Nigerians, yeah. Those guys don't, they don't fuck around. There's something culturally significant to them.
Starting point is 01:12:28 They're like, they're here to fucking, they're here. And they're all in the medical field. You would think like, oh, they might be lawyers. No, medical. Medical, all of them.
Starting point is 01:12:36 You know what I mean? No matter what it is. And it's like, it's crazy. This dude, this is a true fucking story. This dude who, from where I used to work over at CrossFit Inc., had a driver, and he was a Nigerian dude.
Starting point is 01:12:49 And he was always telling me all these fucking crazy stories. I'm like, how does this dude have all this money? So as I got to know him, he ended up having like 30 cars, and I ran into him at the coffee shop the other day a few weeks ago. And he's older. He's like – well, he's 55 55 five years older than me and he's like tell me i should start investing in crypto and he opens up like his six different crypto accounts and he's got 500,000 and 189,000 and the other 342,000 and the other i'm like oh fuck holy shit yeah yeah did you you hear about that guy fucking balls who was like it was like seven or
Starting point is 01:13:26 eight years ago he sold his crypto for a box of pizza because it wasn't worth much back then he's like hey if anybody will give me some bitcoin yes oh yeah bitcoin yeah he said if anybody give me a box of pizza i'll give you this 1,500 Bitcoin for this box of pizza. Oh my god. And now he said he gets sick to the stomach just thinking about it. You know what I mean? Hey, those two dudes who started Facebook and then it was stolen, they're called the Winklevoss Brothers. I read a book about them, and then I had the. They're called the Winklevoss Brothers. I read a book about them
Starting point is 01:14:05 and then I had the author on the show and they created Facebook and then Zuckerberg stole it from them and then they ended up getting like a hundred million from Zuckerberg. But they ended up buying 1% of all of Bitcoin when it was $7 a coin.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Oh, man. Well, that's a lot. That's nuts. They bought one percent of it they got more than a hundred a hundred uh hundred million dollars now oh yeah yeah yeah it's i think they're yeah billions man oh okay uh so who do we who do we got here brandon moreno uh switch camps or kai kai France, who trains with Israel and Volkanovski. It's tough, man. It's tough.
Starting point is 01:14:56 This is not easy. I'm gonna go KaiKai. Wow. They were both on The Ultimate Fighter. I forget which season it was, but that season, every single guy in the house was a world champion from their region. Had some sort of world champion belt. Crazy, right?
Starting point is 01:15:17 I'm taking France. Taking France? Yeah. There we go. Thank you, Justin. Now we're on the same team. I didn't want you to feel bad. We can hug it out later.
Starting point is 01:15:30 There we go. I'm going with Moreno. There's too many Mexicans who live around me. They hear me fucking fuck that pickup. I'm going down. I live in California. I'm sticking with the vatos, the cholos. Tell us how you feel.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Hey, okay. I mean, it's definitely going to be an explosive. It'll be the best fight on the card, I feel like. Gentlemen. Say that again? I said just because they're so quick, they're both high-intensity fighters. So, I mean, this will be – this should have been the main event. I ain't even going to lie.
Starting point is 01:16:03 I'm not being like sexist or anything but yeah i agree and and the thing is is they're both so technical um they can take the fight anywhere the ground they can fight there'll be spinning moves there'll be fucking weird shots elbows shoulders it's gonna be a um martial arts academy that that Martial Arts Academy, that fucking fight. Yeah, I can't wait. Tomorrow, guys, 7 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, UFC 277. You should turn your TV on, though, like at 3 p.m. like I do. Warm that fucker up and start watching the prelims. The more you know about UFC, the more you'll enjoy coming on here
Starting point is 01:16:40 and hanging out with Justin, Darian, and myself. Any final words, gentlemen? I want my coaster. I got you. Hey.

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