The Sevan Podcast - #512 - The Games Are Changing & Lazar Dukic

Episode Date: July 30, 2022

00:00 Programming Speculating & Adrian Bozman 59:00 Lazar Dukic & Brian Friend Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Sign up for our email: --------------------...----- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. I was like, fuck it. This will be good. Bam. We're live. I like the Topo Chico and the Minidagua.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Yeah, that's good. Fire. Canto sewer of the sparkling waters. fire. Kanto sewer of the sparkling waters. Comes from a dirty well in Baja from Baja, California. Minidagua.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I don't know if that's true. I'm sitting on a Bosu ball right now. That's what she said. Is it now 8.30? What the fuck are we doing here? Okay, 5.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. JR, Howell. Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Taylor, the thumb self. Matthew Stusa. And me, the CEO. This is our, is this our third programming show? Tres. Third programming show. And this one's going to be a little more broad than just programming. I guess if it's in the programming,
Starting point is 00:01:30 we'll be talking about programmers, uh, about Adrian Bosman today. We'll be talking about people who judge programming, a little movement around in the judging, basically just all this shit I stole from Lauren Khalil's interview with, uh, Adrian.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Did you guys see that? Yeah, it's great. Let's just, let's switch it up a little bit and we'll just recap it this is what you heard of that news from someone with ovaries now you're going to hear it from someone with testicles who stole it from the person with ovaries variety hey yeah uh we know some stuff um do you guys want me to go over some of the stuff we know and then you guys tell me what i'm missing or do you guys want to talk about what we know about the 2022 crossfit games the test to crown the fittest man and woman on the planet and some other shit adaptive and kids and teams you go first okay uh we know know that the programmer who this is his first year programming, Adrian Bosman, but also one of the most senior people working at CrossFit Inc. today in terms of his longevity and knowledge and culture, which is that that part's really important, is Adrian Bosman. And we know he is on the ground now in Madison.
Starting point is 00:02:41 We've seen him already start doing interviews from there. There he is. Yep. We know that there's going to be bikes for the teams and that that has been confirmed and that in his interview with Lauren Khalil, he said that he could not confirm or deny that individuals will be doing them. Okay. So I'll stop there. They're doing them, right? Individuals are doing it. They're not going to go through the trouble of getting all these bikes and then not have the individuals do it, right? Yeah, for sure. Do you think they're going to be, so that means you think that they're not going to road bike at all? No, no. I think they are going to bike. That's what I'm saying. Sorry. I think the
Starting point is 00:03:18 individuals are going to bike. They're going to unicycle. These look like mountain bikes. So do you think they're going to have two different types of bicycles? Or do you think this is the only actual bike they'll be using? I think this is it. That's the bike. The only bike. That's it. And and I and I think that I think that just because they're mountain bikes, I don't think that that means it's not going to be on the road. that that means it's not going to be on the road. Yeah, I think unless they brought back something like a cyclocross, it would be tough to go out to any trail that is going to be wide enough to let people pass.
Starting point is 00:03:55 And if they are going to do teams, I'm guessing it has to be a significant ride, meaning 20 minutes or more. I'd be interested to see what a relay would look like on the bikes. I also think, you know, you want 20 and they had the, uh, the sprint legless with the bicycle. So I wouldn't be surprised if we saw something like that this year with the, with the mountain bikes. Not necessarily. You nailed it.
Starting point is 00:04:25 You're right. I'm a fucking idiot. I was picturing them riding in a pack together. They would never allow them to do that. That would be just pure. That would be madness. You're right. It is a relay.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Yeah. For, for unless they had a four seater bike, four people in their own little four group of, of bikers trying to yeah they would fuck each other up did you see that did you see the bike on the um that will brandstetter made for the games on the on the seven podcast instagram no have you seen that this is actually a brilliant idea this actually this actually could work wow i thought that was completely absurd but after listening to
Starting point is 00:05:06 taylor speak i'm thinking that i'm thinking that it might not be so absurd he had to mute it he had to mute it so she didn't hear any f-bombs well she could still hear what about that what about that thing right there yeah they're gonna pedal with their feet but they're not gonna pedal they're gonna like stick their feet through the floorboard and propel themselves on the floor fred flintstone style it's like like the flintstones okay uh what do you think uh jr i think i think taylor nailed it it's a relay right they're not gonna let these knuckleheads they're not gonna have these knuckleheads riding in like a pack together of four unless they want people to have accidents unless that's the thing this year's the the blooper reel no i agree
Starting point is 00:05:51 100 i think if they ever try to do anything tandem it would be like real water rowing i really i really don't think i really don't think that get back kid i really don't know that they'll ever even do that like on the water rowing with four people i mean they could but i think that there's a way better chance of that than them doing anything on a tandem bike i think relay is for sure what's gonna happen all right real quick you mentioned that the tandem rowing or the in-water rowing. I always thought it would be cool if, and I'm sure that this is out with Dave not programming, but if they did a Bud style inflatable boat small event where the teams had to carry a boat and paddle a boat and carry it on their heads and just crush them. That would be fucking amazing. Yeah, that would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:06:44 I could see it still happening although we'll get to that in a minute okay so breaking news here you heard it first we have insight we've talked to the right people the bike event is a relay there you go now um adrian also said this and and i and i maybe it was just me who misunderstood but when they said that there was an event that everyone was going to do, I was conflating that. I was thinking that event would be with some sort of new piece of equipment. But after hearing Adrian talk today, it's not definitive, but I think that's two different events. Because he said, hey, there is an event that everyone's going to do.
Starting point is 00:07:17 But there's also an event where the masters get to touch the new equipment. And the way he said it today made me think, oh, shit, these are two different events. to touch the new equipment and the way he said it today made me think oh shit these are two different events yeah i don't think the event that everyone's going to be able to do is is the event with new equipment because in the show with coffee pods and wads peter he mentioned that everyone would be able to do that workout like that even peter at home would potentially be able to do that workout oh right well after they go to rogue and buy the equipment. Maybe. Go buy the pig. Yeah, after they buy the yo-yo. You can't buy a pig.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I actually reached out to Rogue and they told me to go fuck myself. Yeah, they said you can't afford the shipping. We know that Saturday is the big lift day. He reconfirmed that, it sounds like, on Lauren Khalil's podcast. They're going to lift something big, but I would not be surprised if it's not a barbell. What would it be? I think they're making such a big deal out of that. And he even said, oh, did you guys see that video?
Starting point is 00:08:17 Did you watch it? Cool. That's cool. Like, almost just like a... Oh, trying to throw us off the set? We've done a platform lift the past two years. Hey, dude, Adrian loves strongmanship. Are we really going to do that again? I mean, can't you see something like...
Starting point is 00:08:34 Think about what they did at Rogue. That was a really big fan favorite. Yes, yes. When they did 50 loads. So what if they get a 150, a 200, a 250, a 300-pound sandbag, and all those pedestals that would look sick in the Coliseum? That's the event that's going to cut athletes too. If they did like a, in the past, snatch speed ladder, clean speed ladder, clean and jerk speed ladder, what if they did a stone load speed ladder?
Starting point is 00:09:04 I like it. And I adrian loves strong man stuff yep that's what i was thinking too gabe from paper street coffee discount code seven ten percent off if you guys can pull up the rogue site they have rubber coated atlas stones that you can purchase so it's a it's a cast like it's like a concrete stone but then covering it is like a case of rubber so they're not d balls they're they're more formed like a deep like a yeah but they're just more no shit so you think so you think this is the new equipment that they're touching? Oh, or that log.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I think the big lift is, I think the big lift is still a barbell. I just think it's something that we haven't seen in a while. Thruster ladder. Maybe. No, I think I really, I,
Starting point is 00:10:00 I would not be surprised if we saw the overhead squat come back. Gosh, that was, that's a cool event. Max overhead squat? Yeah, and they've done it once at 2014 games, and it's been seven, eight years since that's been done, and then they've done the total twice.
Starting point is 00:10:18 How about this? I think Pip Malone tied Annie Thor's daughter for the win in that workout. Am I right? No. Maybe A right? No. Maybe Akinwale. Damn. I thought I was going to show off there. I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't know what I'm talking about. I know Rich and Matt went back and forth.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Rich and Hackenbrook. What did you say? Tommy Hackenbrook. What did you say, JR? I think Cara might have won that. 2014. Maybe you're right. Let's see um go back to those stones this is totally off subject why would i why would i buy 150 pound that and not a 150 pound d ball they're so similar and yet the d ball is so much more forgiving well if you're training for strong
Starting point is 00:11:06 man you don't ever use a d-ball you use an atlas stone so that would make sense and i guess maybe it would be softer on whatever surface you're lifting it on or like maybe on your arms because those concrete stones beat up their forearms so yeah interesting okay look they got a 450 pound one holy fuck you hate yourself if you buy that that's crazy 1200 well spent hey at that point that thing's kind of like an art piece yeah it's just chilling there it's like maybe you could put like couches around it make it just a centerpiece of like a living room or something. Taylor, what's the dumbest piece of equipment you ever bought? I've never bought.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I don't have any dumb stuff. I don't have enough money to buy anything dumb. Exactly. I bought a handstand ramp from Titan, which is. This hooker when I was in Thailand is the thumb. Okay, well, that's not exactly what i meant uh taylor but thank you um jr what's the dumbest thing you bought i mean when i use it probably a versa climber
Starting point is 00:12:15 oh dude i love that thing though it's so cool so you have it really isn't that why i thought those were like you know, fantastic metabolic conditioning tools. They are. I think it's the hardest machine you can do, but it's just miserable after like five minutes. He's also got a concept one rower. It's from like the fucking 50s. Wow. Is that really what it's called? The concept one? No. Oh, because he has an old concept, too, and he won't buy a new one. It's like it's like the wooden handle with the open fan it's no fucking prototype hey what do you mean after five minutes after 30
Starting point is 00:12:52 seconds that thing is heinous it's nasty uh and then uh so so for me the dumbest piece of equipment i bought is i bought i bought like 130 pound throw dummy oh wow that's fucking cool but it's it was stupid it was it's like how much did it cost i don't remember too much i want to bring back rescue randy it was like probably 300 bucks for the doll and and 800 bucks for shipping it was fucking idiot and i never used it i never it was just too too much for me i was like too much of a pussy so what's the dumbest piece of equipment you bought probably the atlas stone molds and i made a bunch of them and i misjudged the weight so it started out like 115 and went up and then realized that nobody in the gym could actually lift that oh shit use the ones like every four
Starting point is 00:13:39 arms every good every good crossfit gym owner has got has got a set of those yeah now they're just rolled to the back corner of the oh we need these oh so you still have the stones yeah we've sold we sold some of them during the pandemic because people were buying whatever the hell gym equipment wise so we sold a couple of them but now we have the huge one just sitting there still oh i should have thought about that too someone's saying uh it was a sex doll i should that would have been more uh oh that's a great question was it male or female uh mine was a gender fluid my dummy mine mine mine was just it looked more like a girl though it definitely no cock and no titties but but i think it was gender fluid no no cock and no titties yeah wow uh okay waste of money for sure um saturday's big lift day uh we we thinking let's not be uh naive and think it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:14:35 a barbell coaches and athletes will reevaluate after this oh okay so here's something he said yeah that's pretty adrian adrian said coaches and athletes i'm gonna need you to look up a word here for me uh susan a second coaches and athletes will re-evaluate after this game on what they put as a primacy or what they put primacy on coaches and athletes will re-evaluate after this games on what they put primacy on but the word is primacy and And I'm like, wow, okay, okay. I mean, that's like, that's a strong statement. Very strong. That's very strong. So let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:15:14 What do you think they put primacy on now? Like in the broadest sense, conditioning and strength? I would say strength, probably a base of strength first. Yeah, external load strength. Yeah, okay. That's a good distinction. External weightlifting strength. As opposed to?
Starting point is 00:15:35 Gymnastic strength. Okay. The primacy, the fact of being primary, well, no shit. The fact of being, here's what we want – preeminent or more important. Okay. I mean that's – and on top of that, I want to say this, and this made me think of something that JR said. I don't know if you were giving advice to Adrianrian but the one thing you said is is like hey the best thing for adrian i think i'm correct me i'm okay being corrected here jr is um
Starting point is 00:16:11 i don't think the one thing adrian shouldn't do is try to be dave he should be himself but adrian said this i'm not dave and some people want me to be dave i think that's the opposite of what oh and then i wrote i think that's the opposite of what, oh, and then I wrote, I think that's the opposite of what JR said. JR, you agree with Adrian. Adrian's saying, I'm not Dave and some people want me to be Dave. And your advice to Adrian, I think, or maybe it wasn't advice,
Starting point is 00:16:33 was, hey, he should be himself. Like, don't try to be Dave. Was that you who said that in one of the shows? No, it wasn't me that said anything. Oh, all right. Well, I fucked that up. I thought you said, oh, here it is. I thought the exact thing you said
Starting point is 00:16:43 is the one thing Bo boss shouldn't do is try to be Dave. No. Yeah. I think that he's obviously really sure and confident of himself, but I think that he will program the first year without training wheels, without worrying about taking risks. And he will put his stamp on his style this year. I want everyone to know JR has the finest computer and the finest microphones
Starting point is 00:17:07 and the ability to have the finest audio and yet not the ability to set it up. We were missing a part. I tried to help him earlier. It'll be squared away soon. Hey, can you just have it in there so you look cool? Yeah, I was going to suggest that. Just have it up.
Starting point is 00:17:24 It'll be fixed next time. You got to hold it like, yes, thank you. Um, do you have any thoughts on that? Taylor on, on,
Starting point is 00:17:32 on any thoughts on, um, people who are going to try to compare him to Dave? I mean, I don't blame him. I'm not hating on those people who do it, but do you have any thoughts on it? I,
Starting point is 00:17:42 I think his, I think the result of the games and how people perceive the games there will always be a comparison between how well he pulls it off and the perception and that people have on how well davis pulled it off so i think that comparison is inevitable i think in terms of programming he should for sure i mean it's human nature to bias towards your own, you know, tendencies. So I, and of course he's got a team of people that's keeping him from doing that in a stupid way, but it will look different. And I think it should look different.
Starting point is 00:18:16 And he does. Yeah. Just like he says, I think the people that want him to be Dave or want it to stay just like Dave, you know, it's just not how the world works. It's going to look different, but that doesn't mean it's going to be bad. Right. And I think it's interesting that he, I just wanted to go back to that statement about coaches and athletes reevaluating what they put primacy on or something along those lines. I think it's, you look in the history of human needs or the hierarchy of human needs and being able to move your body in space probably comes first before being able to move an external load around your
Starting point is 00:18:52 body. Um, and that's interesting that a lot of athletes and coaches don't train that way where the primary thing that they focus on is being able to move your body through space rather than moving an external load around your body that's interesting um can we see the pyramid uh wow ricardo montalban dang oh shit homeboy you're not getting a dime for that jr you're not gonna fucking diamond oh pmi premium services i i promise you I will give JR $20 worth of coaching to help him set up. I will give him a discount. Holy fuck. Dude, as soon as it comes out, my setup is 100%.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Right now, I just don't have a USB-C to USB converter for my life. Wow. He had that written down. I saw him read off of some notes. He's like USB-C. You know that Amazon link. He's good. down. I saw him like read off of some notes. He's like USB. He's good. Yeah, that was good. OK. Thank you. PMI Premium Services. So but but it is it's a really strong state. It is a really strong statement it's the first thing that it's the first i don't think we've seen any signature any any signature anything this strong up until this point not in the open not in the quarterfinals not the semi i think i think i think a couple
Starting point is 00:20:16 quotes on chase's podcast previewing the last chance qualifier saying things like do i know where the crossfit athlete is strong yes do i know where the CrossFit athlete is strong? Yes. Do I know where they're probably less diligent? Yes. And they'll have to contend with that this year at the games, and there will be some bruised egos along the way. Yeah, that's pretty strong. I think it's strong. I think it's a clue to this bigger picture.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Oh, and this guy, yeah, you guys need to get into a fucking bidding war. Get them premium services. He emptied my set. Fuck that guy. Luis Lemos. Also on Fantasy Island with Ricardo Montalban. You guys are the best. I seriously mean it.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Thank you. It's fucking way cool, you guys. That's related to this, right? But now he's there at the games right he's landed and he's he's like this is some pretty cocksure shit like hey everything this is like everything has changed primacy the preeminent thing that people train after this games is going to need to be re-evaluated yeah i mean talk about like changing the game or you know opening doors to what's really possible in the future if we get programming like some people think we're going to get if he's
Starting point is 00:21:33 going to come out and say hey the way you've all been training the last however many years is wrong and this is the way you need to be training this is what you need to be focusing on not wrong but maybe a missing missing he's going to expose a hole i think so yeah well i think you look at the way the wrong though jr right sorry taylor not wrong just like hey you haven't been swimming yeah not wrong at all that's what i was i was going to elaborate on as you look at the way the games have been programmed for the past you know five years and there's only so much evolution you can go in one direction and he's upholding the unknown and unknowable by potentially introducing a new direction that athletes, again, aren't as diligent in.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And I think that's great, and it's what's needed for the sport to evolve. And it makes us all excited, right? The haters are like, I can't wait to tear this fucker up. And the fans are like, oh, this is going to be great. I can't wait to see these fuckers fall on their face. Mr. Olsen, you were the man some money for the best coverage of the games i uh someone asked us uh uh uh another a group of uh reporters that runs a um a uh reporting of the crossfit games another uh i don't know what you call it
Starting point is 00:22:41 media another media team asked susan today so what should we write about you guys is what you're going to do for the games and just tell them we're going to do the best coverage that's out there for the games all the good shit's going to be right here uh and thank you that's crazy generous okay um and and if we're not going to beat around the bush it's it's gymnastics right he's going to i think you guys said it in the other show he's going to our weightlifters are as close to the world's best weightlifters as maybe they're going to get in the big chunks now it's going to move more slowly our our what our what's the other one uh our metabolic capacity our running or swimming those things we've been working on for years we're getting closer to those type of modalities and And now it's time for us to get closer to gymnasts, Olympic gymnasts who were
Starting point is 00:23:28 really far from, right? Yeah. Like this quote in the morning chalk up really goes along with one of the other quotes from that interview with Chase, which was if I had advice for any aspiring games athlete or their coach, so this is him talking to both. Again, I would look at the domain where the gap between the best in the world in that specific field and the best of the world in CrossFit, look for the, look for the domain where there's the biggest gap. That's where you should be focusing. And this is right along those lines. So he's restating it again. And you go back to them. It's pretty obvious. I think, yeah. i think yeah gymnastics you have we have three core domains in crossfit mwg weightlifting like you said we're very close to the top monostructural
Starting point is 00:24:12 again we're pretty close to the top in gymnastics it's just not even close i mean we have we have people at the semi-final level still failing legless rope climbs for 10 reps in a 10 minute time domain yeah that is an enormous fucking gap that's bad has there been a shift like this before like like i know there hasn't been a claim like this but have we seen in the past where something's been introduced that has fundamentally shifted and what do you like which ones stick out in your guys's mind like pegboard there was the dumbbell regional one year things got super heavy one year i don't think anything is yeah there may have been some trends for like a year like at a regionals or games but i think dave always brought it back and switched it up like there was a year you know
Starting point is 00:25:02 maybe the repeat year of the 21 15 9 deadlift jump. And I think you had like the row pistol hang power clean at two 25, like almost everything at that regional was high power output, pretty heavy. And then the next year it didn't look like that anymore. Is it my turn? Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. No, no, no, no, no, no. You guys are great. I tuned out because someone just sent me something I want to show you guys, and I was just texting back with Kat Shear to make sure it was okay that I show it. This is going to crack you up. This is off-subject, but I think you guys are all going to love it. This is from Kat Shear of the Clydesdale podcast.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Am I pronouncing her last name right? I guess we'll find out in a minute. She should let us know. Look at this. Look at this. I'm going to show you some people, and you tell me which CrossFit Games I don't know if you can say they're
Starting point is 00:25:59 CrossFit Games athletes. You tell me which athletes these are. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is, this is crazy. I can't even fucking believe this. I'm nervous.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Okay, here we go. Oh shit. James Sprague and Tudor Magda. Wow. Pre-puberty. Tudor Magda
Starting point is 00:26:19 and James Sprague and we're in the team boys 14, 15 year old division. Oh. Testosterone is a great thing can you hear can you hear can you hear them what they're saying someone what no I get there the 14 15 year old division yeah and then and then someone said who's better whoa was James just busting a move right there what do you just do with this Yeah, and then someone said, who's better?
Starting point is 00:26:49 Whoa, was James just busting a move right there? What did he just do with his hips and his hands right there? What's James doing? He struck a pose. He struck a pose. James looks like he could be a female with a really short haircut. He was 14. Look at him. God, he's a cute little girl like god he's pretty with their hair dyed black man
Starting point is 00:27:12 holy cow if you're 14 or 15 wow that is amazing thank you cat pod sale podcast incredible wow it is hilarious how many athletes went and posted videos of them doing parallette l sit to press the handstand videos noah ricky you'll fuck jared jared kept account angelo who else yeah none of them tagged, fuckers. I think someone sent me James, Christian Harris. Yeah, there were a lot, which is also really cool to speak to. I mean, we didn't get to see videos of them failing over and over if there were if there was that content but the fact that people look around and don't want to feel like they're behind or being left out and that they'll maybe try a skill like that for the first time and within a day can do multiple reps is so yeah
Starting point is 00:28:17 it may even give more legitimacy to the fact that if they brought something like this out legitimacy to the fact that if they brought something like this out, Boz is like, no guys, like people are very capable of stuff like this. I agree. I didn't just, I didn't just flex for JR. I was scratching my armpit. Now I'm flexing. So, so most of the names you're going to hear today, by the way, it's a very impressive crew of people they have working on the games what the names i heard uh coming out of uh adrian's mouth and these are people who've been there a long time so we'll keep moving uh with some of the
Starting point is 00:28:51 my notes here chuck carswell is now the head judge for individuals that's the first time i've heard that chuck carswell is replacing adrian bosman as the head judge he he is now the official no rep guy no rep he's the shit chuck's uh my boss is really close with chuck they played on the dolphins together chuck is a very very special human being i don't i've never heard anyone say anything bad about him but on top of that um but but he's not like some pushover over overly the top nice guy he's um did you know him jr you know chuck carswell well yeah i met him at the games last year uh great dude uh taught a thousand fucking l1s who knows uh he's a flow master and uh and for those who don't know flow master that means you're you're of all the l1s you're at the top of the heap you make sure that the l1 is rolling uh properly they're special human beings they
Starting point is 00:29:49 basically carry the dna of crossfit in them uh and he used to be the head judge for the teams i'm guessing that being the head judge for individuals has got to be easier than teams team seems like must be just a shit show and then um todd widman will uh take i think todd used to do age qualifiers but now todd's uh coming up to teams todd widman uh he's i think he's also the guy i by the way so many of you've been asking me how to get that manual for crossfit kids i don't know how to get that people have been sending me one and that's not the one i'm talking about there's one that has a training plan that's just like the most detailed incredible training plan i'll look for it i'll look for it and i'll ask around i'll email or text nicole carroll and ask her how i can direct people to it
Starting point is 00:30:34 and then it sounds like um eric press and eric o'connor two other like superstars eric o'connor might be the most tenured l1 staff in crossFit history, meaning he's taught more L1s than anyone in the history of CrossFit. And they're going to be doing the age group. And Preston has just been around forever. And I believe Preston also runs the CrossFit training Instagram. I think that's correct. I could be wrong. And then Kevin Ogar will be doing the adaptive division.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Everyone knows who that is. Been around forever. A great dude. I produced a movie about him. Fantastic gentleman. Had him on this podcast and the CrossFit podcast. I think this podcast. I'm trying to get him on again in the next few days here.
Starting point is 00:31:18 He's running the adaptive division along with some guy that I never heard of. Zerkumbach. Zerkin something. Don't know who that is uh and um so oh and and then okay we'll get to we'll get to that so those are the teams who are judging i found that interesting i got that also from uh the lauren khalil podcast uh that had patrick clark on it also um Also Adrian, Adrian talked about programming a first pass and then asking him and then showing it to his team. I don't know if I believe that, but, but, but he give it to him. Okay. Believe what? Believe what?
Starting point is 00:31:59 I don't know what that means. Do, do a first pass and then give it to his team. I, how else what are you doing i mean it's not but you're right that's not that i don't believe him i just don't know how significant that is this is his fucking creation we'll get to it we'll hold hold that thought um adrian said uh justin helps a little bit but if i interpret his tone and what he said i'm gonna think that adrian um that was just a politically correct answer. I'm guessing that Justin helps. Politics.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Yeah, zero on the programming unless it's something that has to do with… Like logistics of the broadcast or something. Yes, yes, yes, something like that. Are they going to afford it, whatever? Yes. There is a guy that no one ever talks about. There is a guy that no one ever talks about. And whenever we would do the testing, it would be Dave and it would be Adrian.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And then there was always – and then I would do the filming, and then there would be one other guy there always. And this guy's name was Lucas Zepeda. I met him last year. You did, yeah. And he's always there. And he has this book that and it's it's just it's a journal and in that journal is where all the fucking data about the workouts when they're tested are written down the split times who did it notes it's everything and it's this thing's crazy and i'll be like dude do you fucking lock that thing in a safe and i think nope just throw it on my bed i'm like man and uh
Starting point is 00:33:25 this dude and this dude's very quiet he he makes jr look like a chatterbox he's a cool cat he does so cool so chill is this him yeah yeah there he is there he is he flies under the radar yeah he's like a stealth fighter pilot yes that interestingly enough that's that's one of the guys that's like oh shit i just uncovered somebody here yeah so um so i don't know what role i'm guessing that lucas cepeda is sort of the new adrian bosman now in terms of programming of the new adrian bosman now in terms of programming yeah just there's a point where as they're at the testing thing there's i mean dave and adrian would just be basically sitting next to each other the whole time and just like they make grunting sounds at each other and look at each other as people go up and down the ropes and like and like do cleans and then they'll look
Starting point is 00:34:21 at each other and they're like okay stop get out of here well you know taylor um yeah you experienced it firsthand and so so you saw that who was there when you were there was it hit was it lucas lucas cepeda adrian bosman todd widman oh todd is there yeah justin stopped in for a day wow berg um is that classified did i no no no i don't know no it's not classified fuck it was it was todd and boz were there lucas was like seemed to seem to me to be dave's right hand man to a degree yeah Yeah. I mean, he does... Yeah. Taylor's praying for this gymnastics change because he's so weak. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Wow. Huh? Do you know who that is? No, do you know who that is? Look at his biceps. Looks like one of those fake porn commenters. His arm one of those fake porn commenters. His arm doesn't look fake.
Starting point is 00:35:29 That nine bucks is real. I wonder what his snack is. Nine bucks is real. Wipe your fucking ass with that money. Keep your eye on that guy keep your eye keep your eye on lucas and if anyone can get lucas drunk at the bar and get the journal i get it um there was this one issue that lauren was kept pushing and i don't know if she was trying to be funny or cute but i don't but i don't think it has any real relevance she said that i the demo team has picked on their skill set um based on the fact of what needs to be tested and the demo team has picked on their skill set um based on
Starting point is 00:36:05 the fact of what needs to be tested and the fact that they picked royce and that they replaced him with raleigh does that mean that there's going to be super something super heavy that needs to be tested and i don't think it works like that i think it's more like all those people are basically picked for their character so character is definitely important but skill set for sure comes into play oh they all but they all have the skill enough skill set i mean look at that dude with the bandana on who the fuck is that if that guy can go that you know it's carolinson yeah mitchell peterson very good oh he's a long time long time regional athlete sean jazwiak
Starting point is 00:36:40 hoes we act how's we act jazzy josey jazzy we act hood sean thank you Joswiak, Joswiak, Joswiak, Joswiak, Joswiak, Sean. Thank you. And I'll give you a final. You take a stab at it, Mr. J.R. Who is that? That guy's name. Joswak. Cockwack. yas whack cock whack damn I wish I had said that
Starting point is 00:37:10 send me that $9.99 and the winner it might be like it might be like it might that might make the ZW might make a K like
Starting point is 00:37:20 like no no you're going too far like Jokak Jokak Jokak Jokak like like no no shit you're you're going too far like joe joe cack joe cack joe cack sean joe cack sean joe cack uh so so so you do you do lean on the side of um of what lauren cleo saying you think that there is some picking based on their skill set i don't think it's you need to read into it too much there's something heavy at the games every year. Like, oh, fucking shocker.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Shocker, we're going to lift. But I do think that those athletes, you have to look at it this way. Those athletes, none of them made it to the games and they all didn't make it to the games for a reason. They had a hole somewhere. And so I'm sure that when they're selecting those athletes, they take into account what they're really good at and when they're selecting those athletes they take into account
Starting point is 00:38:05 what they're really good at and what they're not great at give us a flex JR shut up we don't want to keep him from coming on the show it's just like JR's just sitting on stage
Starting point is 00:38:22 and people just throw shit at him yeah It's just like JR's just sitting on stage and people just throw shit at him. Throwing roses. Yeah, throwing roses. Mad props for the yokedness. I did hear that Roy showed up at the airport with an exemption COVID test. His BLM
Starting point is 00:38:40 fees were paid up. His LGBTQ payments were all up to date. And he still wasn't allowed in so i don't know oh he didn't have the injection that's causing an increase in sudden deaths across the planet ah he didn't have that okay so royce didn't get to come he's a stand-up guy i'm i like him for that did you ask laura about that so on i i i text uh uh royce and i said hey um how'd you get in last year she also asked him the same thing she was very thorough man she's good and he said last year you didn't need it they didn't have it quite in place yet you just needed like a covid test you know i want
Starting point is 00:39:16 to say he got a wow he got a pcr test but for this time and he got some other what do you uh um saris what's a blood test serum serum were you nursed serum test s-e-r-u-m is that a word he said he got that test too and that and you know he had covid so he's got the fucking antibodies it's insane that he's not allowed in this country anthony for anthony this isn't um only fans uh We'll refund you your $2, but thank you. It's going to cost a lot more than $2, bro. Come on. Was it a semen test? No, not a semen.
Starting point is 00:39:53 No, Christy, no. Yeah, maybe it's that. Thank you. The guy with the dreads. Who's testing his semen? You're getting thorough. I'll be watching. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I want a Royce Dunn jersey. I know that'd be cool. Brought to you by Natural Immunity. Wow. Wow. Adrian did say this. This is a really good sign. They asked him, what's your most favorite part about the job uh
Starting point is 00:40:26 thought it was a cheese dick question but what do i know and then because she got a great answer he said i love the creative freedom and i like thinking big that's a good sign you like that jr yeah he said if i remember correctly we we want to make it as big as we possibly can and we want to be told that it's not possible for this year so that we can wait and maybe do it another year like that's the goal to make it as big as sexy as possible taylor yeah i think that's amazing i mean you get it's so rare. I mean, that's what's most missing in our culture and in society is creativity and people who can think critically and who can have a vision like that. And they're special people. And so that's really cool. It's exciting. And it's good news for the sport. change from creativity to, to gimmicky.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Like, is there, is there a point where it could be, um, you guys turns into, um, uh, I don't know what that show is.
Starting point is 00:41:35 The Ninja show. What's the Ninja show. What Ninja warrior. Yeah. I think, I think CrossFit, the company and the people who work there are hypersensitive to the word gimmicky. And so I don't think it'll go there.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Oh, good. Like the tech CEOs? No, like people like Boz. I think people like – yeah, not them. I think people like Boz and people like Dave and people like Chuck and Todd Widman are used to that old school, you know, people shitting on kipping pull-ups and people shitting on handstand walking. And so they're potentially hypersensitive to gimmicky. I think they are. I think for them, they'll always,
Starting point is 00:42:14 they'll always tie back to the methodology. The core of the programming will always tie back to the methodology, especially people like Boz and Chuck Carswell there. And that's, that's the most important because once it goes gimmicky, I think bigger picture, you lose the link to CrossFit altogether, right? Like the methodology and everything else. So can you do us a favor and go into YouTube and type in virtual shoveling and pull up a video from CrossFit and pull this up and tell me what you guys think. I just sent Brian a link.
Starting point is 00:42:44 You're going to send – do you guys know is his name lazar or laser just fucking go by laser i wanted to go by laser that is sick laser laser jukic yeah i don't know if he's gonna go for that that'd be cool oh i did get the pronunciation on Kat's name. Kat Shear. Kat Shear. Sounds like a musician. Yeah, Grid League is super gimmicky and cringe to watch. Like Burpee Pistols. Virtual show. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:15 Pull this up, dude. This is fucking OG. I thought the Burpee Pistols were cool, but fucking I'm kind of gimmicky. This is CrossFit. My coach sent this to me. I didn't even know this existed. And you know what he said? He's like, yeah, I've only been doing CrossFit since you were six years old.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Oh, that's fine. Let me see if I can keep it up, too. There go my notes, JR. You better have something to push this show through for the next 17 minutes. Don't let us – This will push it through. Cut this shit out. Boom.
Starting point is 00:43:43 This is posted by CrossFit. Yeah. Oh, that'sreg's old gym yeah dude how is that greg in the background i don't know no no that's the mother old dude with hair she's like lifting it over a squat rack virtual shoveling 2022 crossfit games is oh that would be awesome if they did that i hope they do that how crazy would that be how did you remember seeing that wow no my coach sent it to me oh recently yeah today yeah from crossfit 10 years ago you guys were talking about you guys were talking about well someone in the comments mentioned grid and you guys talked about some of the movements that they do and this is maybe a rabbit hole question maybe savon can share
Starting point is 00:44:36 can shed some light back when grid started and tony branched off and he left crossfit and there were movements that maybe he always thought would be cool with the games, like a front uprise or a back uprise on the rings that people would say didn't count, like butterfly muscle-ups and stuff like that. Were there some things that you think maybe Dave wanted to explore in the realm of body weight, but that he never would do it because tony decided to do that stuff in grid wow before you said that last part i was going to be like no i mean tony was really involved in the programming in the sense of relative to anyone else like dave
Starting point is 00:45:24 really worked with tony in a way and he didn't have to but he really worked closely with tony like him and tony like talked and they had shit out they were very different people and they would have it out that that was the first time i realized like you could fight with someone and like it'd be okay like you know i didn't know you could fight with someone still still be their friend. And, uh, they would fight it out a lot. And, um, but, uh, but I think, I think early on Dave wanted to keep, I think Dave is a bit, is a bit of a purist. Um, but I also know that Dave does not, Dave does enjoy being unique.
Starting point is 00:46:02 He, so you kind of got me with that last line. Like if he did, I want to say no, but you're on to something. If there was something that the Grid League did that Dave did like, he's not going to tell you. I know, but I mean he's not going to do it. He does enjoy being original, but he really doesn't like gimmicky. I was leaning towards what you said at first the fuck no because i just look at the movements they do in grid and i'm like ah that is it's it just doesn't look even that fun to watch it looks like
Starting point is 00:46:38 they're spasming around like a like a fish flopped up onto the dock and then yeah david david david nicole and tony were the inner circle and i was on the outside until about a year before tony left i mean they were like they were like the siblings like i was kind of close but i wasn't stupid i mean i was 99 there but i but i wasn't whole i wasn't i wasn't one of the kids i didn't have my adoption paper i didn't have my paperwork like if greg were to call people for advice like i wasn't in that group yet they were close uh caller hi hey what's up what's up thanks for being patient hey i gotta oh you know what i love to hear you talk oh thank you for taylor hey i'm gonna give you my
Starting point is 00:47:25 wife's phone number when we're done here so you can text her okay just tell her yeah sure thank you thank you thank you hey uh jr and taylor speaking of gimmicky i was talking to some people at the gym and do you think this movement would be gimmicky? I have yet to see it in any type of event. It's more for the teams. It'd be like worm, box, step-ups, like all maybe 20 inches or 24 inches. But I feel like that's another variation of the worm that we just haven't seen yet. And is it gimmicky or is it something that could have a part in the CrossFit game? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Great question. First instinct is not gimmicky, but potentially dangerous. Hey. But at the same time, they want the athletes to compete safely, but they're also not trying to put them in a rubber padded room. But I think that can be, I don't know when I say dangerous, I think of the cargo net and like, well, if the, if anything's dangerous, that is, but I like that. That's a cool idea.
Starting point is 00:48:34 A worm box step up as a team. What, what about if, if the event were still in Carson and you had to carry a worm up over the berm, the berm. That'd be awesome. That'd be cool. Coming down those stairs could be hairy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:51 But I mean, it's that, that is the ultimate sign of teamwork. And if you, and if it gets sketchy, you drop the fucking worm. How'd you lose your tooth? Carrying the worm downstairs.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I'm sure they would brief that in, in the workout. If they, if something like that to come up, it's like, look, if you guys are getting sketchy, you put the worm down. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:07 That's interesting. I like that. Yeah. No one's doing that, right? Go ahead, JR. I don't know that they'd ever do it, but they could run a mile for time as a team carrying the worm. Just like a sandbag carry yeah yeah worm run i like that a lot that's cool or jr uh taylor even said in the beginning of the
Starting point is 00:49:31 show i think he said it would be cool i think right out in the first minute or two put a boat over the people's head i love that idea it is so military ibs run fuck. That's what that's down. What's that stand for? IBS run inflatable boat. Small. Oh, really? Yep. It's all shitty. Military bubble boat.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Any other, since we did the programming show last week, anything evolve for you guys, any thoughts, any clues. And, and I, it sounds like tomorrow is going to be a big day.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Adrian said tomorrow is going to be a big day. Are we going to go live tomorrow at some point? Yeah. So he said, he didn't even say that they would have the complete test that everyone will perform. He just said more details about it would be released. So that may lead into even more speculation and not just,
Starting point is 00:50:19 okay, let's evaluate this and see what the best times are going to be or what the best, whatever is going to be. I'm looking at the schedule are you guys both on the draft show tomorrow yep um you know we could do a show at 4 p.m tomorrow oh seven i don't know that i'll be back in time, but I'll jump on if you guys go on. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:47 You're at Oval Bowel Syndrome. What does that stand for? You're at Oval Bowel Syndrome. That's funny. That is funny. What do you research? I text with that girl, Trina. What's her name? Man, she's got a wild sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:51:13 She's got a really good sense of humor. Very good. Okay. We have Lazarus coming on in nine minutes. Is there anything else, any other insights into the programming, anything else you guys want to talk about anyone anyone i'm just i'm very excited and interested to see what that shift in what athletes and coaches put first and emphasizing their training i mean that's just such a bold statement.
Starting point is 00:51:49 And I don't remember hearing anything like that in recent memory from Dave. So it's, we will see. And since you have a self-made training program, I mean, people like you, Mayhem, HWPO, CompTrain, like, I mean, they will have to change their programming based on what we see it's like there was no one did chest to bar pull-ups before it was at the games i do a lot of strict gymnastic stuff already already well it's just good it's really good for your body and strength and that's where a lot of athletes are weak is strict pulling strict pressing can you pull up the pyramid um suza gymnastics is underneath weightlifting that is and yeah and and it's and it's greg glassman's
Starting point is 00:52:36 uh background and adrian has a ton of time around greg glassman and uh if anyone can rock the og shirt it sure as hell is uh adrian so you got nutrition nutrition hot dog eating contest i don't know if that fits. Oh, shit. Yeah, and throwing's in there, too. Don't think Adrian won't do that. Don't think he won't be like, fuck you. I don't care if you guys think it's dumb.
Starting point is 00:53:15 I'm going to do it. He's not afraid. Corey, hi. What's up? Hi. up hi um so can we not talk about uh triple touches or double touches as the next natural evolution of the bar movement we really haven't seen any kind of advancement since toes to bar chest to bar and bar muscle up so wouldn't double touches or triple touches from the grid league be a good body weight movement to add in what what
Starting point is 00:53:45 is a double touch and a triple touch like a total bar chest to bar or a total bar chest to bar bar muscle up is that the triple i don't think that that has any place in the crossfit space yeah he walked the line of gimmicky there i think if they're looking to evolve an upper body pull, it is volume in legless, volume in pegboards, and strict pulling. Corey, why do you like that? Why do you like that? Just because I think it's visually appealing for the crowd. People are really, if you are watching Grid League, that's one of the most exciting things that you see,
Starting point is 00:54:31 other than doing burpee back tucks and stuff like that, which I think is never going to come to CrossFit. But if we're talking about evolution of gymnastics, I mean, other than strict, any of those movements, what all can you really do more on the bar? So bear with me here. So, okay, here we go. So this is wow okay i see wow wow that's intense that's a that doesn't look that bad they're showing someone doing a toes to bar and a chest to bar like alternating between them i think we go back to what uh you just add a bar muscle up into the end of that i think you i think you have to go back to what jr asked about that and the fact that grid did it first i just don't see i could see i'm okay with that i i could see think about how often it's been programmed in what 20 years and think about how many hero workouts have them, I could see them doing an L pull-up before they do something like that.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah, that's what I would think. The tough thing is how do you judge an L pull-up? Right. Do you judge toe above hip crease or knee above hip crease? But then it's just you can put them in a tuck position, so it would have to be toe above hip crease. Corey, can you do that right there? Sorry go ahead sorry go ahead that could be why they probably never brought back inverted ring handstand push-ups either because it was just wrecked everybody and it was too hard to judge oh god and talk about not visually pleasing
Starting point is 00:55:59 people fucking hated that look like looked like, yeah. Uh, thing was this Corey. Do you, are you, do you, uh, compete in grid league? Uh,
Starting point is 00:56:10 absolutely not. I'm a hardcore intermediate CrossFit. Hardcore. Okay. And where are you out of? East Tennessee. Gotcha. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Well, thanks for calling. Good question. Thank you. Yeah. Always appreciate your show. guys thank you thanks pleasant calls i think i think the evolution in gymnastics pulling is in the rope climb realm the strict pull-up realm or the pegboard realm and then down the road or potentially this year some form of climbing on a wall um i i do think that uh if they that the high if they want to make stuff visually pleasing i think 30 40 i don't know ropes yeah yeah that's
Starting point is 00:56:55 why i think that's why i'm cool i feel in my heart that some form of rock climbing has its place at the games it is so fucking cool to watch in an obstacle course style of event. It's just such a natural human movement. Yeah. So we talked about on the last show, main site programmed seated or L-sit rope climbs one to 15 feet, one to 10 feet in the last couple of months of programming. And while I find it kind of odd to see them like
Starting point is 00:57:25 transitioning and then going to sit down and then to start doing something if they brought back something like skills that's something they could do for like a max two minute where you start in a seated position you climb to 10 feet touch come back down butt touches go right back up and do that and you do that as like a max reps movement, or you could do something that I'm pretty sure Filthy 150 did three years ago, maybe you could kind of think of them as a two for one rope climb. So you climb up to 15 feet, you touch. And then when you descend, you have a tape line that is before you get to the ground. And then once you hit that line, you go right back up. So it's essentially like doing two rope climbs in one without coming to the ground.
Starting point is 00:58:11 You have to stay on the rope. And if you can't rope that long, it doesn't count. So instead of just making the rope higher and higher, which is just kind of gets more and more dangerous, you just have them go up, come down three quarters of the way, go right back up again. Wow. Wow. Wow. Have you ever programmed that? Have either of you ever programmed that in your gyms? I've done them a lot. It's a great way to train legless. And a lot of people you will see in training programs will say, control the descent on a legless rope climb. so you'll go up and then you'll come down the exact same way you won't slide down you won't let go you'll control
Starting point is 00:58:51 all the way to the bottom and it's just continue to load the muscle group on the way down yeah but for for driving the capacity on a legless rope climb doing touch and go legless is there's not a lot that's better than that i don't think dave would have ever put rock climbing in the games although there is a shitload of rock climbing equipment and he was a very accomplished uh rock climber uh taylor jr thanks for coming on fantastic show uh good stuff i'm glad we were able to um piggyback and get an hour's worth of content out of Lauren Khalil's show. Good stuff. We will see you guys soon.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I'll be in touch with you guys in the morning. I'm excited for tomorrow's draft. Sleep well. You want to say bye? Okay. You say bye. Okay. And he says bye.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Oh, he gave us a flex. He was going to flex. Get these studs in here. Drop me out. What's up, guys? Are you at the... You look like you're in one of those rooms where you're interviewed if the police got you. What's that called?
Starting point is 00:59:58 Where are you? I'm in some business room in hotel. Oh, okay. Do you have a roommate? Well, my girlfriend is my roommate. Oh, okay. Oh, you went, do you have a roommate? Well, my girlfriend is my roommate. Oh, okay. Look at you.
Starting point is 01:00:10 You're a good dude coming out. Your girlfriend lives in Paris. Strasbourg, but yeah, France. We were close. Okay. And is this the first year
Starting point is 01:00:18 she's come to see you compete? At the games, yes. Holy cow. Look at you. Wow. Hey, did you tell her that like any minute now you're gonna change into a different person like does she know i i think i'm the same all the time all right all right we had we had dallin on uh yesterday and i was like what was it like the first time you took your wife to an event and he says well I just don't talk so at first she was like is everything okay
Starting point is 01:00:48 he's like uh huh but you're the same guy huh yep I'm the same like maybe I'm a little bit more stressed but I try to like keep it light and just good vibes and yeah um you have lazar
Starting point is 01:01:09 pronounce your name for me lazar lazar uh well however you want but lazar is what they call me so in u.s they usually go laz. Second A is longer. In Serbia, it's like the first one is a bit longer. I'll be honest. I know what's right and wrong, and I still say it wrong. Whatever. It's so much more natural with the flow of the
Starting point is 01:01:38 language. I was listening to the podcast when the guys before me were on, and they said laser, so I rolled with that also so whatever it's easy going and the last name is Jukic yep nice
Starting point is 01:01:54 is Luka Jukic also in Madison no he's home did he think about coming no because there's a lot of competitions in Europe in the offseason, and the main one for him right now will be Madrid. And he's preparing for that.
Starting point is 01:02:14 I will be in my offseason competing in that competition, and that will be his main competition of the year. So it's going to be fun. Where have you been the last three months well two of those three months i was in serbia and then last month i'm here in cookville cookville tennessee and when we spoke to you last you had a pretty um i think it was you you had a pretty austere uhere training condition. The barn you trained in could have some temperatures that get really hot and really cold.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Are you still in that same spot? Yeah, I'm still in my garage gym. So, yeah, I still train there when I'm home and it works for me. And did you know you would come a month before um to train in cookville the whole time is that the plan all year yeah that was the plan uh also when you uh when you're a major athlete if you qualify for uh the cross the games they invite you to come one month early and train the group there so and it's a pretty big international group this year right now it was it's crazy big like there's uh probably at i i think i posted a story a couple of days ago that at one moment there was 11 individual crosses game southley training at
Starting point is 01:03:43 the same time in the bar. But it's not just the number. There's a girl from Africa. Cara came from Australia. You got at least you and Uldis from Europe. Peyton Brown is now here. Peyton Brown, Sanyong Choi. You obviously got from South America.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Victoria. Every continent is covered. Yeah. It's crazy. So it's the European continent, the Asian continent, the South American continent, obviously the North American continent. Australia. And Africa. Africa. And Australia. Holy shit. Every one of them.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Yeah, we have also a team from Australia. They're with all three teams of Mayhem so they've been throwing down last couple of weekends I heard Freedom didn't lose a single event wait wait who didn't
Starting point is 01:04:36 lose a single event? He's saying the three Mayhem teams plus one team from Australia have been doing a little they've been working out together yeah on the weekends they did kind of game simulation two times plus one team from Australia have been doing a little, they've been working out together. Yeah. On the weekends, they did kind of game simulation two times, two weekends in a row. Wow.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Who runs that? Who runs that? Rich. Maybe you've heard of him? But Rich is competing in it, isn't he? Does someone else run it? Like does Rory run it or Ellie run it or Teja run it? No, it's just like
Starting point is 01:05:06 a friendly like they will just like let's come at this new facility make an outlet facility at night and they will just like program and show down with each other all day why
Starting point is 01:05:21 what are the elements that make it that you think that all these people show up a month early what do you think is there is it the equipment the spirit the coaching the why the sightseeing in the area well like hanging out with the cows i can tell you from my experience from last year and this year uh so last year I was training alone, preparing for the games. I was doing like crazy amount of work alone, but mentally I was very, very like on the edge. I cried during some workouts and it was like so painful.
Starting point is 01:06:01 It was so mentally draining to do it by myself. And then this year, the physical state was the same. I was tired all the time. I was not feeling good, but I was training with... Since I came, I sat with Hailey, Spencer, then Uldis came, Baden. I was training also with Guy we did some training we did some training with Rich also
Starting point is 01:06:29 and with the teams but the physical state was the same but mentally when I see everybody else doing the work I'm like I'm gonna do even more and I'm gonna like try to like keep up with everybody and just have fun and
Starting point is 01:06:49 train like crazy and mentally it was much easier this year because there were so many people around there that are doing the same thing last year was i was alone and it was just not fun. Lazer, what place did you take in the games last year? Ninth. And that's your rookie year? Yeah, I was the best male rookie, but nobody counts that. Incredible. Congratulations. We knew it. Coming into the last day, it was going to be really close
Starting point is 01:07:19 between you and Mel O'Brien to see which of the rookies would finish higher. And you got by a couple of spots. So we knew who you were. She was seventh. I remember watching the last event. I'm like, please, I want to be a rookie of the year. And then she smashed it, you know. When you were at the games last year, so this is fascinating to me.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I'm trying to think if I've seen people cry during CrossFit workouts, you know, just like at affiliates or just like you're working out. I've seen people cry. And there's a pretty famous video of Nicole Carroll crying, a couple of them, from back in the day. I think she's doing Linda and she starts crying. And I think in, what's the other famous word? Nasty Girls, I think she cries. I saw Brickwell's Cole and Catherine during that comp train video. They cried, so yeah. All three of them cried. Yeah, I don't think Cole cried, but he was like screaming or something. But I remember, yeah, like girls were crying. And I've been on the floor at the CrossFit Games
Starting point is 01:08:24 as the final event. I don't think people realize how emotional it is. When you were at the Games last year, did you sense the insane emotional roller coaster? Well, just at the last event, I felt tremendous relief. When it was over? When it was over when it was over like i was watching uh we were like sitting all men except justin justin he was called to be and like announced to be this man on earth and like nine of us were sitting there it was kind of like i wanted to be there but at the same time I'm happy with what I did so it was like
Starting point is 01:09:07 happiness and like disappointment at the same time it was just like emotional really emotional I mean it's an accomplishment in an essence to finish the games definitely
Starting point is 01:09:23 every year there's people that make it there and don't finish. But not throughout. But it is a lot of ups and downs throughout, right? I mean, like after the first day, after the second day, after the third day. I mean, and you had a tremendous showing. Yeah. So for me, like the biggest emotional rollercoaster was probably Saturday on Sunday.
Starting point is 01:09:50 So Saturday, all the cuts were done, I think. Then we had a running event, then we had pegs, then we had lifting. I won the running, then I i placed second which should have been first at the peg and i placed like 16th at the snatch but i did my current pr at that moment which was like i was pretty happy with how i did that day and then the next day started with yoke and I finished 18th out of 20 people I started screaming in the backstage like and Luca was just like calm down calm down there's more to do so yeah just like from happiness to complete anger in a event yeah it's crazy complete anger in uh events yeah it's crazy um do you do you now did you take this year to work on the yoke yes and how do you do that if you train in your go ahead ryan no it's just were
Starting point is 01:10:54 you are you pretty confident was the yoke in that workout and it wasn't uh well i know like my course was strong at that time just my uhsb cycling was not that fast and i tried to keep up with the cycling with everybody else and burpees were were kind of okay and then i just came to the yoke broken from the gsbs that i tried to sprint if i went slower on the gsvs it would it would make five seconds difference but it would made it would made much more sense to go to the yoke with not broken course so yeah it was kind of mix of not having a yoke and trying to run on other people's face. What did you think, Brian? Do you think it was something besides the Oak from what you saw? I mean, I wasn't sure.
Starting point is 01:11:49 It's event 13. They've already gone through a lot of work. And the day before, they did a long running with 90 toes to bar. They did some overhead squats. There's APR to snatch. What he trains for is that his core is as good as can be on the morning of day four. But first year at the Games, you've never done a competition with 13 events that are that difficult against that good of a field. So it could be a variety of things, but still obviously going to be motivating to work on all of them coming out of that.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Well, you asked, Sevan, how do I work on yoke when I don't have it in my garage gym? You asked, Sevan, how do I work on Yoke when I don't have it in my garage gym? So I basically live between France and Serbia. So Anya is living in France, and she has a crazy good box there, CrossFit Nero Strasbourg. And they have everything, all of the equipment. Tell me the name of it again. CrossFit what? CrossFit Nero Strasburg.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Spell it for me. N-E-R-O S-T-R Z. Let's see what happens. No. Without Z. Delete the Z z put the a i wonder if i just crossfit nasty no n e r o narrow yeah i i try but google just wants to
Starting point is 01:13:18 give me crossfit santa cruz these assholes oh okay i see it i see it narrow cross for uh strausberg i got it at least i mean i got their i got their instagram that's them okay yep good people it's interesting that she has such a good box um near her too uh when i visited paris i don't know how long ago on a crossfit trip there were so few crossfit gyms and now i think there's like 900 in france or something crazy like that well france overtook brazil this year for most affiliates so yeah um do you have any good training partners there uh i have people i have like group of guys that train with me and some girls when I'm there. They're not like games level athletes, but they're good athletes.
Starting point is 01:14:11 So they keep me company. I have this young guy, Manu, who is like trying to keep up whenever I'm there. So he gets crushed. Do you speak French? No, I can understand a bit, but I still can't speak. So you guys speak English to each other when you talk?
Starting point is 01:14:35 Where? When you're in France. They speak English? They speak English with me, but Anna is Serbian, so we speak Serbian. Oh, okay. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Of course, her, sure yes but i just meant the people in the gym in the gym uh most of french people don't really speak like great english but enough that you can train with them you when you put something on the board they understand yeah you gonna say something brian no i was just thinking about something okay uh how how has the community been treating you like when you show up to the games or people starting to recognize you people are warm to you you're starting to be like yep that's one of the guys well wherever i go people are always very nice to me but in in that particular box like I came I don't even think I competed competed at the games yet and they were like they knew who I am and they like were just
Starting point is 01:15:36 very nice and I I got a big poster of me from pixel and they put it on the wall well and at the corner where I usually train they put my picture and they called it Lazar's corner wow yeah that's awesome so they've embraced you yeah they're they're awesome and when got to Madison, who have you seen there? Have you seen any of your competitors there? Well, I'm still not in Madison. I'm still in Cookville, but... I'm a great listener, aren't I? When I go, I'll probably...
Starting point is 01:16:15 Oh, okay. So you're in a hotel in Cookville. Hotel in Cookville, yeah. Okay. I didn't even know that. Well, it's not really a hotel. It's suites. So I have kitchen, I have fridge, I have everything I need Well, it's not really a hotel. It's suites. So I have kitchen.
Starting point is 01:16:25 I have fridge. I have everything I need. So it's kind of a small apartment. Okay. And when do you go? Tomorrow morning. And how do you go? Plane.
Starting point is 01:16:38 And who do you go with? Anya Baden, Uldis this michelle her partner uh choi tyler bailey uh i don't know maybe some like all of us probably yeah and why not rich he drives uh no he'll go on sunday since uh their check-in is Monday, I think, for the teams. The individuals check in Sunday and the teams don't have to until Monday. Yeah. And who makes the flight arrangements? Do you guys do that or does Mayhem have someone who does that for you?
Starting point is 01:17:16 Well, we have this awesome girl, Jen. I don't know if she's in charge of a lot of stuff. She covers the media side side in a sense. She's the head of Instagram. And she's also like whatever you need, you go to her and it will be done. Who's that? What's her name? Jennifer Fudejker or something, I think you know i know her yeah uh she's a
Starting point is 01:17:48 employee at mayhem basically she's she's always around their teams and stuff and they're training she's the ceo she's the ceo well i don't want to forget anybody but but there's Jen, Jake, and Rory who take care of a lot of stuff. Since I came, Jake was the most helpful person I ever saw. Whatever I need, text Jake. He'll get it done also. A lot of helpful people here. Yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 01:18:23 And you need that. I mean, it's a foreign land. Yeah, that's crazy. And you need that. I mean, it's a foreign land. Yeah, when I was at the games last year, the thing that struck me the most was how well-treated were Mayhem athletes. They had their physio. They had the food arranged. They had 100 people running around them. So I was like, yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Yeah, media guys. Media people. Yeah, what a team. Will they send a media person with you on the plane? I don't think so. They will drive since they have so much equipment with them. I think they will drive from Cook cookville to madison i think tomorrow um and rich stays in the campground right uh not this year no no oh he's getting soft he got old
Starting point is 01:19:18 he has he has kids now and he needs to like spend some time with them i think and oh he's always had kids he got too many kids how many kids does he got do you see the kids yeah they gotta put the kids away during the month before the the games the guy okay we gotta put the kids away no no uh they're actually very very fun kids and uh when like when you're training they know they need to be a little bit further from you. But other than that, they're great. I made this story with Guy and Trice. Well, Guy took Trice's shoe and threw it out the window of the car while Rich was buying a cage for Lakers birthday.
Starting point is 01:20:05 And Trice was alone with three of us, like me, Spencer and Guy. And Guy started bullying Trice. He threw out the shoe outside the window. Trice started screaming, jumping all over the car. I will tell you to my dad. Oh, he said that? That's awesome. Rich needed to come in and smash the cake on spencer well actually trice
Starting point is 01:20:27 trice told on gee no gee was the bully not spencer spencer is nice guy but trice actually told on gee and rich said like he needs that he needs like older brothers making him like try and get tough that's what rich's whole child is was he's not gonna mind that yeah what what someone had a question about one of the people at mayhem do you remember what that was oh you and i were talking on the phone what was that brian it was me but this isn't the place. Text it to me. You're like, if I see Rich, I'm going to ask him. You're not going to ask him? Let's ask him.
Starting point is 01:21:11 We got Lazar here. Sure, ask him. I don't remember the question. I told Stefan last night, I think it was I don't know if it was on the podcast or off the air afterwards. Off the air. That if I saw Rich, I would at the games and check in before the game started, I wanted to ask him what he thought about you, Guy, and Spencer.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Good question. I think he thinks… Let's rank these guys. Let's rank these guys. I think he thinks I'm a bit crazy.
Starting point is 01:21:42 I think he thinks I'm a bit like hayley so uh meaning meaning you're really focused on your metabolic conditioning no i think i i always like need to do more more more okay and whenever I add this, he's like, no, Haley. So I when I talk to Fahundo or Jake, which are the Mayhem coaches, whenever they tell me something, I will like, maybe I will still change it. But when Rich says something,
Starting point is 01:22:19 I don't change it. Give us an example of something you would change. Today, we did a ladder of clean and jerks. And we had a couple of them with five bar muscle-ups before. So, like, a couple of ladders, five bar muscle-ups, five barbells. And I wanted to do 15 bar muscle-ups. So, instead of five and jake came and i'm like jake
Starting point is 01:22:49 can i do 15 he's like no but you can go for 10 then rich comes i'm like rich can i go for 10 bar muscle ups no you have games don't trip your hands like you will not get better at bar muscle. Let's do five. Like I'll do five. So you're a good student. Yeah. I try to be. What is the etiquette on sharing what you see there? I don't know. If you ask, I will answer, I think. No no no oh but no but what i guess what i mean is is there a secrecy no but maybe secrecy or are there any former formal rules on what you can and
Starting point is 01:23:42 can't say or is it like hey if you if you start doing some dumb shit on your social media here you they just kick you out and like everyone just kind of has to get in where they fit in i don't think so like uh you're supposed to be you and so i think uh if you're just doing you and they accept it you're good I was at the Cuckoo before before Rogue and I was here for kind of a trial period to see if I fit with
Starting point is 01:24:16 people and if people will like me and if I'm normal so yeah we went from there they saw me they work they trained with me and just like we continue from there let me give you an example let me give you a good example you're working out you're working out uh during quarterfinals
Starting point is 01:24:40 and you see someone score or uh um it's a virtual competition and you see someone's score or it's a virtual competition and you see someone's score and you share that score with other competitors, would that be considered not cool? Let's say he's score. He's score or let's say one of the girls score. Like I usually only share stuff with my brother and nobody else. Yeah. I think that's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Yeah. All right. All right. All right. Like I don't want to tell anybody else. stuff with my brother and nobody else so yeah i think that's cool yeah yeah all right all right all right like i don't want to tell anybody else i don't think you should yeah that's the thing and i'm wondering if there's like rules like that like hey like if if you're there and you see hayley score and then you're like sharing that with like people she's competing against in europe that'd be some fucked up shit right no right right right there's like there's a code of ethics but it's unspoken it's unspoken no one's ever told you not to do it no nobody told me i don't share hayley's score with i don't know who's competing with her in europe right like i know the girls but i can't like get anyone in mind but i will not like i'm not in better relationship with any other girl than i'm like
Starting point is 01:25:47 with hayley so i'm like no point of like yeah it was just the exam it was just the example ah look at ken yes ken ken savon has gone fishing this evening are you familiar with that term fishing well? Well, like in real sense? No, no, not in real. No, not in real. It's like when you're fishing for information. You know, you throw a line. Yeah, you're fishing, fishing for information.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Send some reactions. Go ahead, Brian. Your worst finish last year was in the sprint. Is that something that you look at after the games and think, I need to improve my speed and agility, or is that a skill that's too hard
Starting point is 01:26:36 to improve enough to make a difference? Before you answer that, can you tell us specifically the sprint you're talking about, the 550-meter run? Yeah, 550-yard dash. And what place did he get, Brian? 30.
Starting point is 01:26:51 That's bad, right? That's very bad for me. Okay. Proceed. I was done. No, no, no. Lazar, you answer the question now. He's asking you, can you fix that or are you fucked? Are you just forever going to run like an elephant? Well, immediately when the CrossFit Games were over,
Starting point is 01:27:14 I found an athletic coach in Serbia near me. So I live in Temere, which is a small village in Serbia. And the closest, biggest city is novi sad it's like 15 kilometers away from me and there's a nice track there and there's a this professor of he's actually professor of athletics athleticism or whatever in faculty of sport and physical education in in serbia in navisada and i told him like who i am what i do and i asked if if i can train with with him for like personal training sessions and we started i think september last year and we trained two sessions every week until three weeks ago wow and i was training with you remember that story
Starting point is 01:28:20 with when fraser told that he was getting beat by 15? High school kid. Yep, I experienced the same thing. The kid actually forgot his shoes. He was running in, like, I can't say the name of the brand, but he was running in, like, some basketball shoes. And he was beating me by five five seconds on a 300 meter run what what what are these kids and uh yep it was not fun but it's i think it paid off we did a lot
Starting point is 01:28:58 of like agility drills hurdles sprinting uh we went for a like long like long sprinting intervals like a 200 300 400 500 and we built really good speed so like my time was 124 i think or 122 at 122 yeah 122 and ghi's time was 115 correct i ran that same thing 140 so yeah at least i'll be top 10 so if that comes back damn damn good job dude hey what did the go ahead brian go ahead in the year before did, did you spend a lot of time running? It just wasn't that specific kind of running? Yeah, I was spending all of my time running longer distances. And I'm assuming you still do some long distance, but... Not that much anymore.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Like, probably, I spent most of the off-season only training sprints. So like when semifinals came around, like after quarterfinals, I started implementing running once a week and then like continued with sprinting. What did the coach think when he met you what did he think about your athleticism who's this guy he's too slow he's too big to do this yeah did he try to talk you out of it or was he like hey what are you doing or like hey you need to lose no i found or like stop lifting weights was he what did he say we're just confused like he needed to to see what we are doing so like i took my phone because in serbia crossfit is not that popular and for somebody who's in atlantics his whole life he didn't really know anything about crossfit so i'm like this is crossing games this is what i do this
Starting point is 01:31:02 is like 15 events i need to run maybe in in the third event, maybe in the fourth, maybe in the last event. So, like, I will be ruined maybe before the sprint. So, like, we need to, like, work even. Like, I will do heavy squats on foam and I will kill my legs and I will come down sprinting. So, if I'm slow, you know what's happening. so if i'm slow you know what's happening so when you cut six seven eight eight seconds off of your 550 meter time um do you look like a totally different runner like when you look at the video side by side is it totally different your cadence
Starting point is 01:31:39 oh okay okay i mean that's insane he he said, like, I'm running on my heels, which is good for longer kind of runs. But for the sprinting, you need to be a little bit more on your toes. So we needed to, like, we tried that also. And, like, he was always, like, he always reminding me of keep your face, lose illusions when you run. So don't be very angry or whatever. Tense. Have a stance.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Yeah. I think that applies to a lot of other things, rowing and biking. Yep. When I rowed with my past coach we had a like rowing 2k trial time and we had a rowing coach with us and he was like telling me during that trial like don't make a grimace out of your face because you will get slower like it will go down to your body so just like keep your face loose first and then
Starting point is 01:32:46 everything else seven did it recently i did a what 2k row recently yeah i got a seven i got a 749 thank you I saw some assault bike also like 50 calories in what 5 minutes I don't know oh man this is just a workout that I programmed for my gym and I just I know Sevan we have the
Starting point is 01:33:18 echo bike I know Sevan uses the assault bike all the time so I posted it and I said who thinks Sevan can match my score on an assault bike and then now everyone's doing it every day more people are doing it and tagging us and it's awesome i didn't i got 80 i got 80 calories and 70 calories just not that that's anything to brag about but 50 come on come on how much time in five minutes 80 calories that's like 15 around 15 in a minute i think it's 16 yeah i'm 16 a minute solid thank you better than my row you think that's better than my row more impressive than my row kind of
Starting point is 01:33:57 same yeah okay good okay good so i balance i balance pounds. What are you laughing at, Sousa? Lazer. Lazer. Lazer. Lazer. Lazer. Lazer. Lazer Jukic.
Starting point is 01:34:18 I know you're past your bedtime, and I appreciate you doing this. I know you stayed up a little bit late tonight. We are good. We are good. We will be rooting you on do you have anything else Brian before we let him go to his sweet dreams no man looking forward to seeing you I actually wanted to ask something
Starting point is 01:34:32 to Sema so after every competition you called me on a podcast and you didn't call me after the semi finals me and Anya were talking were you angry with me or something no fuck no i love you to death no good great question no i just i'm overwhelmed dude you bugged the shit out of me i'm even starting to use a whatsapp a little bit more so i look there
Starting point is 01:34:58 do you know what it is i'm overwhelmed and so you and I communicate on WhatsApp, right? Yep. And so that's what it is. I just don't look at, okay, I'm going to text you right now. I love you. Tell, how do you spell Anya? A N J A.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Yep. Tell Anya. Spelling is better than his pronunciation. Okay. For me, it's the other way around. Oh, he said her name perfectly though
Starting point is 01:35:26 i think he's just giving you a hard time uh you and your brother are always welcome man you're easy as shit thank you yeah i've listened to the hailey one oh that was fun listen listen 500 shows i'm bound to have one bad one come on hey and thank god i mean she could have been like i'm never going to go on that show again. She was nice enough to say at the end, I'll do it again. I was like, oh. I just wasn't myself that day.
Starting point is 01:35:52 I saw her yesterday. Two days ago when you did that, that was weird. She said that or you said that? I said. Oh, thanks. Please don't pour gasoline on the fire. Sousa, stop laughing. I got to redeem myself. I'm going to drink next time I have her on the show.
Starting point is 01:36:17 I was distracted that night also. Maybe take the cats out of it. Thank you. Someone goes, you need to shut up and let brian talk i was like i know i know yeah all right brother thank you so much for coming on thank you for calling me i'm gonna bug you extra now so that you know that i love you and i don't hate you perfect thank you see you sunday hillar's right i shit the bed
Starting point is 01:36:45 i told you that people i spoke to liked it they liked seeing you uncomfortable well that's good i mean i don't mind that i like you uncomfortable yeah i don't know if you're uncomfortable you didn't deny it i was very uncomfortable i was very uncomfortable like like weird uncomfortable. Like I don't even know why I was uncomfortable. Still uncomfortable. It made me uncomfortable. Were you wearing the 12-inch wrist sleeves?
Starting point is 01:37:12 No. No. But I was just – I just couldn't get into a groove with her. I wanted to get into a conversation with her, and we just weren't conversating. It was like I was just asking questions. I just couldn't figure out how to lure her into a conversation. She got going towards the end. Yeah, with eight seconds left, she's like, so why do you think it's uncomfortable?
Starting point is 01:37:35 I was like, oh, fuck. I talked to this chick's husband today in my DMs. Thanks for all your hard work, guys. No problem. Elise Carr-Ridau. chick's uh husband today in my dms thanks for all your hard work guys no problem elise car redow redow she made a reel of the rant that i did thank you for that oh yeah she yeah look at these seven you know where i was today oh yeah yeah tell me tell me how did that go oh yeah pull up brian's instagram how'd how'd that go it was it was amazing uh i think that uh christopher veth is like i could go i told him
Starting point is 01:38:11 this today we sat down for like a half hour coffee i think we just leave six hours later it's just like one of the easiest guys for me to talk to that i've ever met he's cool and we worked out a little bit. I'm surprised to hear that kind of though. Cause neither of you are chatterboxes. Yeah. Yeah. Just, uh, these,
Starting point is 01:38:28 so these are the women that, uh, on the gym there, they invited me down and look at that. So when you see that shirt, she's wearing a tag doing it. Oh shit. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:38:36 What's her name? Um, Rachel's on the left. I'm like, I feel bad. I cannot remember. Rachel was the one who reached out to me on Instagram. She'd talked with John Singleton and, uh and said they were working out at one today.
Starting point is 01:38:49 So I. Goose Island CrossFit. They own the gym together. Not 100 percent sure of that. OK. I like that girl shorts on the right. Are those camo? I think so.
Starting point is 01:38:59 Love her shirt. OK. So you went to Goose Island. And what city state is that in that's in illinois yeah it's like 30 minutes south of where i live in the city and there were five games athletes uh training there so we jumped in with them okay let's the guy with the coffee shirt on that that's the filmmaker that's yorgos kerevis two-time games athlete from greece oh okay fuck that up the guy next to him in the white shirt is uh john singleton correct okay he's like the um infamous coach from like wait he's been around forever
Starting point is 01:39:29 super knowledgeable he used to train uh sarah sigman's daughter in 1854 yeah the guy in the red moritz fiebig games rookie from germ. No shit. On team? No. He qualified out of lowlands. He won the last event to get in. Good job, Moritz. Actually, Luka Djokic was missed out because of what Moritz did on that workout. Asshole, Moritz.
Starting point is 01:39:57 Immediately take it back. Super nice guy, by the way. Had a nice conversation with him today as well. Guy next to him, is that guy missing an arm? Is that an adaptive athlete? What's up with his left okay then that's brian friend he uh um he comes on the seven podcast uh uh laura horvath's brother christoph there with no shirt on yeah yeah down down in the front row on the right is girl i coach for my gym that I took with me. No shit.
Starting point is 01:40:27 Mm-hmm. She didn't cramp your style? No. Somebody to beat. She doesn't... Actually, we tied for last. She doesn't work on Friday afternoons. I knew she had the afternoon off.
Starting point is 01:40:41 I got this invite last minute. I asked her if she had four hours free She goes, for what? I said, just pack the workout And she did, and I surprised her with that I can't believe you You seem more like a solo guy Like, I'm not letting anyone come fuck my shit up She's probably, you know, a couple years in the CrossFit
Starting point is 01:40:57 She's already better than me She wants to do some competition and stuff So I thought it'd be cool for her to see What the flow of a training block is for the, you know, best athletes in the world. And, and that's all we were talking about on the way home.
Starting point is 01:41:12 I mean, they spent 30 or 40 minutes warming up and you know, she thinks a 10 minute warmup is a long warmup. She low maintenance. She was easy. Didn't like, yeah, she's,
Starting point is 01:41:22 she didn't touch your Frisbees in the car or anything no no no she's she's great when i was talking to christophe and john she's just warming up and watching and taking it all in talking to the owners so yeah yeah that's a cool experience girl in the green is a gabriella magawa she doesn't do podcasts uh prior to the games week for the games because uh she's stuck up. I mean, she's focused. She's trying to win them. She looks really good right there, by the way. That lady next to her,
Starting point is 01:41:53 the Thurahelga's daughter-looking chick is something Sulik. Solvig Sigurd, our daughter. Oh, that is a daughter. A Solvig Sigurd's daughter. Daughter of our daughter. Wow, it's weird that the daughters have such good daughters to train with and yet they don't train when i see them like just out
Starting point is 01:42:10 in the wild it's like it's like a fish that jumped into the wrong stream or something you know what i mean like she's in brackish water but she's a saltwater fish it's like yo you better turn back i lined up for the uh we did like an am rep of clemen cleaning jerks and i loaded the bar to the same weight as them and she was giving me a hard time she's like you're doing the same weight as us like you were you able to do it yeah i got i got less reps than them but i did it wow good job what was the weight uh 155 okay um the girl in the uh gray oh they're all wearing the same shoes uh just local girl shoes that's jacqueline dahlstrom no shit okay that's jacqueline dahlstrom second from the left on the bottom all gray yeah wow
Starting point is 01:43:01 and the girl on the end is she looks great everyone looks fucking great um who's who's on the far left her name is maria she's with yorgos the guy in the black shirt above her okay they're partners all right and you that's cool did you who whose um idea was it to take that picture john singleton wow good job john killing it and did you was it awkward at first you're like i was thinking about it that when you were talking to lazar is that like you know i obviously it was cool i'm sure it was cool for katherine to be there and what but we didn't take our phones out we didn't take pictures or videos or anything but john was like yeah yeah let's get a photo before you go oh so so they went to take the photo and you guys weren't standing out and then they waved you in
Starting point is 01:43:45 you knew all along you were supposed to be that's the way i would think it would be no no everyone knew it was it was fine everyone was good happy about it are there more go ahead that's it there's one picture of john's phone he he posted and tagged everybody wow can you go to the next picture like what's if you next slide or pull out and let's just look at his whole instagram for a second let's see this all right that's it that's a cool name for the um oh oh that's on brian's okay that's on brian's okay uh that's a oh wait where was that picture oh that was in your story story yeah okay yeah he put it in his story i just reposted it how did you see anything that you were like oh shit gabrielle is gonna is ready i mean they're in
Starting point is 01:44:33 a taper last year when i went up there was like three days earlier in this week and it was a full training day and it totally obliterated me and this was uh you know they were there for we were there for two hours but the first hour was mostly a warming up it was just like an hour of work and uh not if like personally it wasn't much different than a normal training day for me but i know they're also coming came back in the evening to do another session um i noticed in your in your bio there you had um uh before we look at his 20 rep back squat 215 by the way that's insane let's look at his 20 rep back squat, 215. By the way, that's insane. Let's look at his bio. Brian, let's move the Real Sebon podcast up to the top, above your name even. So have it say the Real Sebon podcast, then Brian Friend.
Starting point is 01:45:15 Sebon podcast personality, Brian Friend. I can't even see. I think it's fine. It's totally fine. Jim, shout out. I'm so cool. I have no ego. I'm so humble and chill.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Brian, you can do whatever you want to do, buddy. It's cool. It's easy. It's all good. It's all good. All right. I got a show tomorrow. Oh, my favorite show tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:45:37 Live call-in show. I love waking up to a live call-in show. It's just me and Sousa. No pressure. I just talk about how fucking racist everyone is and how much better i am than everyone it's fucking dope we should do a check-in with my uh jerry news comments maybe at the end of the life yes oh let's start the show with that tomorrow let's start the show with that tomorrow might get to a thousand by then my instagram account has been suspended for the second time in one month.
Starting point is 01:46:07 I don't know what the heck is going on. Oh. Racist. Racist. I love dating. Okay. Brian, thank you for coming on. I will see you tomorrow night at 5 p.m.
Starting point is 01:46:17 Are you excited about the draft show? 5 p.m. What? Are you excited about the draft show tomorrow? It's 5 p.m. Our time. Our time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:26 Caller, I want to go play with my kids. What could you possibly need? Is this a show about the kid programming? Oh, yes, it is. How can I help you? How many kids do you have? Just one. Just one. Just yell at them.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Yell at them and chase them around the house. Does that work? Yes. Hey, what do you live next door to Colton? Yeah, yeah. I can tell. What state are you calling from? Alabama.
Starting point is 01:47:04 Damn, you're good. That's how cool I want to be. When I see as cool as you sound, that's how cool it is. When I see Brian has my name, The Real Stuff on podcast below Morning Chalk Up, I want to sound as cool as you. Just like, Brian. Yeah, we need to get that bumped up above the Morning Chalk Up. It does sound like Dick Martin. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:47:22 I just want to be like, Brian, you know, I think your bio could use some adjustments. There you go. What's up? You CrossFit? I finally heard what you said. Maybe I'll change it. You CrossFit? What a guy.
Starting point is 01:47:43 No, I don't. What are you doing? I don't. What are you doing? What are you listening to the show for? I just enjoy watching your show. I love watching CrossFit. What can I do to make it better so I get more people who don't CrossFit? I want more people like you. Do you think I need more nudity or what?
Starting point is 01:47:57 What should I do? I don't know. You do a pretty good job. I don't really know what you could do better. All right. Fuck. All right, dude. Well, what's your name? Richard. Oh, it is Dick.
Starting point is 01:48:12 No, it is. Yeah. Richard, I think you have healing properties. You called and I just felt like my whole ecosystem just turned it down a notch. You're a cool dude. Yeah. I think it was the last time I called. Oh, it down a notch. You're a cool dude. Yeah. I think it was the last time I called. Oh, good. All right, everybody. I love you. Richard got the last
Starting point is 01:48:35 word. I'll talk to you later, Richard. Wake up 7 a.m. tomorrow morning. Give me a call. Everyone else, good night. Brian, wave goodbye. Sousa, wave goodbye.

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